,.>^a. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) r 1.0 I.I 1.'; i;. m 140 M 2.0 1.8 ! 1 1.25 u 16 < 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation ,\ §!• <,1>^ iV :\ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^N-^ L

*lJIJ>-...>-JL.J»-*JL*"^JJ-i^"i;.^ ■ ' i'77 j)i ' t' ^^■tl! NVVp j LJ*» D_AViE§ ) JOSHUA. DAVIB8 r'«i >''<26^ '^ iZ' h uJ^Uk TUESDAY, OCT. 10th, 1876. — o — TERMS AHD CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1.— TERMS CASH, before the delivery of Bills. 2.— SILVER will not be taken in sums over Ton Dollars on any bilJi unless at 3 per cent, discount. 3. — Should any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot in dis- pute to be immediately put up again, and resold, or otherwise at the discre- tion of the Auctioneer. 4. — The highest bidders to bo the buyers,. The purchaser shall pay a deposit of twenty-five per cent, and give his name and place of abode, in default of which, the lot at the discretion of the Auctioneers, to be put up again. Bach and every deposit paid by the respective buyers to be applic- able to all purchases made by the person so buying. 5. — The lots to be taken away with all faults, and eirors of description, at the buyers expense within 24 hours after sale. The purchase money to be absolutely paid before the delivery thereof, in default of which the Auction- eers will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, or damaged, but they Will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 6.— Any allowance claimed for deficiencies to be calculated by the Auc- tioneers in pi'oportion to the purchase money given, and iri no case to bo subr- ject to after sales, and no allowance will be made at all for errors of any de- scription, or for presum i deficiencies after the lots are at once delivered U> the purchaser. LASTLY. — Upon failure of compliance with the above conditions, th« money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, the lot or lota remaining unteleared after the time specified will be resold by public or private sale: anS the deficiency (if any) by such second sale, together with all- charges and ex- penses attending the same, shall be made good by the defaulter or defkulters at this present sale. J. P. DA VIES & Co., Auctioneers. Marks Lots . "~A QUALITY ANP DESCRIPTION. Vcow STABLES lilot stable and garden tools 211 cart 8,1 set cart harti >^rt ' 4 1 sleigh 51 pair carriage horses , 6 1 Bockaway with pole ahd shafts and brakes 7 1 buggy whip 8 1 set double carriage harness 9 1 dark chesnut horse 10 1 gents saddle -. ^ r, r-, i ..if t OF B, C. UATALOQUB. ^BmCT 1X1 i&dys aaddie . -^ > . 12 1 ^ents riding Uridle' 18 1 ladya do do 141 bridle 15 2 extra collars ^ 16 1 doable set wagon barn ess 17 1 lot head stalls and reins 18 1 gents riding saddle 191 do do bridle 201 do do do 21 6 borse covers and 8 surcingles ^2 6 brusbes and 1 comb 23 1 new set borse clotbing complete 24 1 do do do 25-^cbickens ' 26 — ducks 27 — ^geese 28 29 80 81 32 38 85 86 37 38 39 40 41 42 48 44 45 46 47 48 OUTHOUSES: 4 tnbs washboard and bucket 1 iron boiler 2 tin cans and reflector ' 1 step ladder clothes borse and ironing board KnCHEN. cook stove and Pictures Alvarado Ko 7 coiftl scuttle «nd shovel dust pan and bellows sillicatdd (fiirbon filter 6 flat irons and 1 Italian iron 2 trajs and lot utensils 1 wire fite j^ard 2 fire dogs poker and brush 8 chairs 1 large clothes basket 1 tin Zante currants ■'%■■ 1 do pudding raisins 8 boxes Genoa maccaroni 1 tin Muscatel raisins 1 tin com flour 8 jars candled peel, sultana raisins, roc|( candy 2z pota aasd jams on table ^J^I'^...>..J".JW »»,»■»— «^—^,—; ^EmuT >I1OW0 |( candy V. :i-s'' 61 52 63 54 56 56 57 58 59 00 62 68 64 65 CAl'ALOGUB. f "49 TTotTamlTes^arch and mustard mi 14 bots fiavoring extracts "^ 10 do olives and capers 7 do mushroom ketchup, 6 French mustarfl 1 tin Smyrna figa ^ all preserve jars on dresser lot fancy crockery on kitchen table kitchen clock 1 1 knife box and contents and wire cover pestle and mortar 2 stjQ»« jars 5 assd sauce pans 1 churn 1 table 1 lot tinware sieve mill et« 2 tumbler trayt sugar bowl etc 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 88 84 85 86 87 88 89 J)INIlir0ROOM. 80 yds carp^ on^fioEir 1 hearth tag 2 ioe>t stools ; ^ 1 fender set fire irons set fire dogs 1 mahogany exten ion table part China blue and gold tea set 88 piec^ electro plate muffineer 12 Japanese plates 4 carafi;eB 1 glass trait dish on feet, 2 chaste engraved sugar bowls 1 do do butter dish 6 assd salt cellars and 4 spoons 9 cups and saucers gilt and fi!owered 2 China truit dishes 1 electro plate ice pitcher 2 frosted butter dishes 4 Japanese cups and saucers part Clina dinner service 1 plain decanter 8 1042 doi iVory handled dinner knives 8 942 do do do dessert do il m CATALOGUE. •w Marks. iiots QUALITY AND DESCRIPTION. 90 1 11.12 doz table knives 91 3 pint cut and engraved decatitera 9:/;3qt do do do 93 1 do do claret jug 94 1 bread board and knife 96 4 assd jugs 96 pink and gold dessert set 18 pieces 97 1 fancy tea cosey ^ 98 2 paper machie trays ^,j, 99 tray corkscrews and cruriiD brush 100 1 sot table mats 101 6 mahogany leather coverei chairs 102 1 Spanish mahogany table 2 drawers I03]8napkms 104 16 do 105 2 damask table cloths 106 17 napkins 107 16 table cloths 108 7 white damask table cloths 109 2 do do do extra large 110 1 Spanish mahogany side board 111 1 electro plate salver 1121 do do do tea set 4 pieces 1131 do do do toast rack 114 1 massive 6 hole electro plate cruet cut glass and bottles 1 elegant chaste electro plate toddy kettle 1 do do do pickle stand massive electro plate epergne with mirror stand electro plated wine stand 3 Bohemian bottles elegant chaste and engraved cake bauket electro plate soup ladle hH 116 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 sauce ladles table spoons dessert spoons do do plain tea spoons dessert forks table forks 1 set 4 massive electroplate dish covers 1 proof engraving "The Corubal', 1 do do "Beathoftheetag" 1 bronze pillar coal oil lamp 1 gilt do do 2 do 13 dO 20 do 17 do 13 do 12 do 14 do MH llAarks. CATALOGUE. k¥ :e cut glass ettle tand ror stand ,n bottles ket re QUXlTlTY AND DEbClill*TION. •J bronze Htattiiette canclclabrad 2 Bohemiiuj vases Lotp. V6'S 134 135 136 137 138 139 140ll8 do 14|1*8 do 10 cijaste and engraved tulip va!?es 1 gold & bronze mantle clock under ^lasa sliade 10 cut and engraved finger bowls 9 chanipngnes cut and engraved bowl shape 6 'cut and engraved water tumblers do sherry glasses do pony do 142112 ruby hock glasses 143" "' - " 2 windows con«'ing of curtains cornices blinds 144 145 146 147 14 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 DRAWING ROOM. 42 yds carpet on floor 1 elegant ex large steel fender 1 set steel tire irons 1 set fancy fire dogs 1 handsome ajilt frame mantle mirror 3 fancy scent bottles 2 Japanese scent bottles and 2 mats 3 do saucers and fancy ink stand 1 fancv folding ftre screen telescope brush and duster 1 leather covered easy chair and cover 1 do do do do 1 greeu rep do do do 2 foot stools 1 rosewood covered centre table 1 checker board 1 large lynx rug 1 rosewood marble top side table X epergne 3 pair damask curtains 3 cane occasional chairs 1 mahogany corner whatnot 1 set deer horns 1 chintz covered Icung^ 1 sofa pillow 1 leather covered folding chair and tidy 1 walnut serpentine marble top side table 1 Spanish mahogany corner stand 1 set deer horns 1 pair parian vases .PSOVii^^-'^ huiML. OF ': r. !^ ., II Arks. Lots T74 176 176 177 178 179 180 181 QUALITY AND DKSCKIPTiOjT gnnnTmeTEromo "The BicinanveBper? do »* eading Lots, I QUALITY AND DESCRIPTION. 201 'two vol Hoods Poems Whims one do Tasso 202 208 204 205 206 207 208 200 210 211 212 218 214 215 216 217 do Geometry do The Early Dawn do Uprising ot a Great People do Travels in Africa do do Patagonia do The War by Russell do West Indies do Inquire Within do The Little Princess two do Sporting Adventures one do The Slang Dictionary do Mallots Antiquities do Lambs Poets do Goethes Travels two do Mexico in 1827 one do Geography of America do Gcomatry do Autobiograph do Jeffersons^ Manual do Dayies Surveying two do others one do Life of Sir Walter Scott two do Memoirs of Sheridan one do Ch&nd<>a do My Study Windows do Only a Girl do Bowditches Navigator do Davies Surveying three do others one do The Pruit Ghirdner 4o nusks do Family ParsoBfftge do Homers Illlad do Eyes and Ear» do Comedos Frangais do Innocents Abroad by Mark Twmw^ three do Th« Sqoire of Beechwood one de Libigs Agricultare do Uncle Toms Cabin do Travels in Holy Land two do others ■^ r^^T'li^ 8 (JA'IALOGUfc. Marks. Lois | 218 oij« vol Spoi'tiiiaj Bi<)«jjra|tli do The Uillyara do ILt Mujestvs Tower 219 45 do Presloiis map oK ()r('«^on aiRi Wash Ty 220 ten do The Novelists Magazine 22l|8 do Hooles Works 222 two do Btickhart-> travelH in Nubia and S^ria 223 do The Ancient Egyptians 224 three bun, 'aHh TV 269 8 do «' 260 12 pillow and bolster slips 261 11 do do do Sy ria 262 11 Russian towels if^^^H 268 2 10 12 doz damask towols ^^^B 264 6 toilet covers ^^^^B 265 black bear skiu %il!!^IV • 266 2 do -''i»<^K^^^K . .,w^-. 267 1 do ^^^^^H':' '^W 268 \yvx rug .W^^i 269 naarble top rosewood buiteau rc 270 rosewood toilet glass ,i5'"-,. 271 dressing table and hangings ■ : --il'''^^ 272 rosewood recess dressing bureau with glaas f', f ,^ 273 Japanese table 274 walunt wash stand marble top 276 chamber set on same 276 2 pillar candle sticks 277 3 can 6' chairs 278 cane rocker 279 2 window curtains and hangings complete 280 all carpet on floor 281 • towel rack BED ROOM No. 2, ■V - 282 carpat on floor 288 rosewood bedstead . 284 spring mattrass - 286 hair do , 286 2 pillows j^^^^^ft ' 287 2 blankets '■'^^^K^^Kt' 288 7 sheets \^ "P^^HI' 289 20 pillow and .bolster slips 290 6 sheets * . 291 12 towels 292 13 damask towels 293 coQiiterpane and toilet cover 294 elegant rosewood marble top toilet bnrjeau with glass "/ :^^'^-->:„ ^: fl ita IMIMi ''"'•^mrmim mmm \r^'- I 2ifi 296 297 298 299 800 801 802 808 CAtALOOtrB. 804 806 806 307 308 809 810 311 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 828 824 32ci 8 fancy splash catchers rosewood someuo and basin window oartains rosewood marble top wash stand Japanese chamber set ^ tin slop pail mat and case mahogany towel rack I sponge bath ti^ o BKD ROOM ISTo. 8. carpet on floor bear skin rug walnut scroll bedstead straw mattrass pulu do 2 blankets 4 point white^Marseilles counterpane 8 sheets .: ^. .. ^^.^ 24 glass cloths 8ide^:able;and^toilet glass easy chair sponge bath 4 gilt frame pictures aroun J room 2 windows curtains blinds and oornice iron bedstead 2 hair mattrasses blanket 4 p^iut 6 sheets 12 do 12 damask towel 9 huckaback toi _4 check cloths ^^ 326 vellow side tab|| and cover hip bath tender 2 brushes Hho?el and tongii brass bird cafe rosewood marble top wabh stand arm chair SERVANTS ROOM, iron bedstead 2 matrasses l^lankets and pUloin^- tftb^ and chamber crockery «i 827 828 829 88u 331 332 884 83d -^^^ musum .^r-i-'y ■■'"'^'^'Sv. '*''■ ■