^' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) fe /. v.. W^ % 1.0 1.1 |5o "^^ iini^^ 12.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 u ^ 6" - ► V] V) c^ % > :> /,. o^ /A Hiotographic Sdences Corporation 'i < WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, it IS unspeakably better than no church at all. And, therefore, when the choice 18 between that and none, it is wise and right to encourage the establishment of churches under the control of Catholic priests. For myself I take this latter view. The principle cannot be ^rried out that no church should be encouraged which teaches erron For then we could help none but our own. And the principle involves the absurdity that a little error is more powerful for evil than a great deal of truth for good. ^ Of course public men should act on Christian principles, and if it is wrong for a private Christian to help a Catholic Church, it must be wrong for a corporation to do so. While, tlit-rcfore, I dread the iiifluoiico of tlio Romish Church, and recognize its corruptions in doctrine and worship, I nevertheless belieing an lie wafer les truth lass the i to the >iug and degrading dogmas of the Priests of Jupiter and Venus. During the 25 years that I was a ])rie8t of Rome, almost ev(^ry morning I had to turn into Ood, a wafer made by my servant girl. I was assurevo. iufallil-le I'opes will assure; you, in their infallihh' enevrli- cals, that it >s Mniji icho is the surrst f'lnindnfin/i of '»'»' /mnt'. I will not insult Dr. Hodire liv LrivinLT the names of tlu^ Popes and the docu- raents which proehiini those plain, elear hlasphcmous doetrines, for he kiiowo them yery well. 1m ean^i! ^Varon called his golden calf " The •;reat G(m1 who had brought Israel from Eii-ypt," is Dirctor Hodifo ready to sav that. Aaron was really worshipping the (iod of Heaven, when sncrilieini; to the God-("ilf ? How then can that lenriied man tell us that tin- Romanists wor^hijt (lie true Christ Jesus of the Gospel, when tlu-y wof.-.Jiip their Wufer-Go'l? Jt is true that they i-all that wafer-God yt'S>/.s' ///c Saviour of the world. Hut does the cailinu' <>f that, wafir tlie Saviour of the world, the Gotl-man, chaiii^e the nnturo < T that wafer, and make it really the Sun of God and the Saviour ot the \'.orld? If it is so, we must {^o and adore that new (,iod made by die Priest of Kome in his Uibeiiiacles. Who will do yu''h an act idolatry? Let us tlimi con- fess th 4 that wafer cannot be Christ anil God. But that wafer is the ow/y Christ the liomanists liav( — it is at IiIm feet that they pray day and niuht, throu:.di their " Perpetual adi;ration Societies," it is thr;)ugh tliat wafer-Saviour and God that they otler their prayer.-, to the Father! They [)roclaini every day, from one end to the other of the world, that tlie J(!sus whom they acknowledge to be in Heaven, is no other than the Jesus whom the Priest has created with a piece of bread, and that tlie Ou'ist who is in her tabernacle, is tin; same who is in Heaven. J Jut, again, is the learned man, who is the brightest christian glory of our continent, ready to confess that the wafer-God of liome is really the Son of God, the Saviour of the world, the nial Jesus, at the name of whom eyery knee must bend. Then, again, how can he tell us that Rome really and verily recog- nizes tlie Christ of thii Gosj»el and worships him, when, in fart, she worsh.i{>s nothing but a little idol of bread ? Every page ofthe history of the Church of Rome, these last thousand years, proves that the Christ whom Rome worships is not the Christ of the Gosj.el, and the Gospel she preaches is not the Gospel which Christ has given us. The true Christ was meek and humble and merciful, he rebuked hif.; apostles when they wanted to punish those who n^jected him. He proelahned liberty of coiisclence among men. IJut the Christ of Rome is a bloody monster, who, through his infallible vicar, tlie P(;pe, has 10 approved tlie slaughter of the St. Bartholomew, and covered Europe with rivers of blood and tears. No ! the Christ of Rome, with his hatred of liberty, his constant opposition to every human proi^ress: liis infallible Pope: his Molj Inquisitions : his hatred of the Bible, can not be the true Christ who is worshipped at Princeton Seminary. It is an old false God, smuirgled by tlie Pope from the old Pantheon of Rome, presented to the world und(ir the name of Christ ! No ! the Christ whom I have made, during the twenty-five years, with the help of my servant girl, and with a wafer — the Christ who, through his vicar, the Pope, has made me believe the most monstrous lies, who has persuaded me tnat his body, his blood, his Divinity, could be verily and substantially eaten by me, can not be the Son of the God of truth. He is the father of lies and deceptions ; and the disciples of the true Christ, who raise temples to that spurious Christ of tlie Popes, may be good, honest, sincere Christians, but they are mistaken. They give a helping hand to the greatest enemy of the Gospel ; they build up the Bible-burning church ! they strengthen those who, after having destroyed the Bible, will have no rest till they destroy every vestige of liberty and true Christianity on earth, even if they have to wade to their knees in the blood of the disciples of the Gospel. Tlie Protestants who build up the churches of Rome, give help and strength to the enemy. Rev. Dr. Hodge says of the Church of Rome ; " She proclaims the divine authority of the Scriptures, and lie takes that as his ground for approving those who build up the churclies of the Pope. What \vould the good Doctor think and say, were I going to him with a golden cup half lilled with the purest water • but after having put as much arsenic as thei'e is water in the cup, I would tell him ; " please sir, drink ; this is good and refreshing water ? " Would he not repulse me with horror, and justly call me a murderer? Now, what is the Church of Rome doing with the Gospel ? Does she not offer it to the people oythj after she hasmixedit with her poison- ous tradition ? Does not the Church of Rome, in the most a])solute and positive way, say tb.at the Vijltten Gospel (wliicli we call the Scri[>turos), is only a part, an unfhiished fragment (;f the Gospvl ? Can Dr. Hodge ignore that the Council of Ti-ent has put the tradition (which they call the unwritten word of God), on a level with the written gospel ? that the one is of as much divine authority as the other ; that the one has to be received with the same respect as the other ; that to reject the one is to reject tlie other ! and that the Roman F( I I Europe constant [lis IIolj st who is sniui^gled lie world ve years, rist who, iionstrous Divinity, e Soil of and the IS Christ they are ly of the lengthen ; till they ), even if ?s of the »me, give laims the omul for lat would )]deii cup 1 arsenic uk ; this h horror. Does 'rpoison- a]>.solute cull the el ? Can tratlltion with the y as the t as the Q Roman 11 Catliolic is not allowed to drink the waters of life, except when mixed with the deadly poisons, the arsenical preparations of Popery? The learned Theologian ^-'.ys that Home proclaims the divine authority of the Scriptures ; but lie forgets tliat it is only on condition that we receive the holy Scriptures in the light of Romish traditions. For Rome proclaims the divine authority of the Scriptures, but only with the condition that, under that name, we accept the Divine origin and authority of the traditions about purgatory, transubstantiation, indulgences, auricular confession. Immaculate conception, Infallibility of the Poi)e, &c., &c. Does he really accept the meaning which that Churcli attaches to the loord of God — holy Scriptures ? Does he believe that by rejecting the authority of the one, he rejects the authority of the other? Then he is a good Roman Catholic, he is all right when he takes the side of the Priests of Rome and approves the Protestants who spend money in building the Churches of the Pope. But if he rejects, with horror, from his lips, the golden cup which Rome offers her blind slaves, tlien he is wrong. The mistake of Dr. Hodge is very common among the honest and unsuspecting Protestants of the United States. They too easily forget that the Church of Rome very often says one thing and means another quite different. When she speaks of the Holy Scriptures with ati apparent respect, and proclaims their divinity, many think that she means only that blessed word of God, which is contained in the Holy Bible, as they have at Princeton College. But it is not so. When Rome speaks of the word of God, the Holy Scriptures, she means the " Scriptures transmitted through the written and unwritten tradition." She means the Apocrypha, purgatory, celibacy, absolution. Mass, holy water, works of sui)ererogation, worship of IMary, Infalli- bility, &c., &c. SIh! pretends to have the greatest respect for those two things when perfectly imited in one body of d(jctrine. But she does not con- ceal her implacable hatred for the true Scripture, the Jiible, as Dr. Hodge has it in his hands. That L.'arned man seems to ignore tliat the Scripture, tlie Bible, separated from the traditions and the Romish oonuuentiu-'ies, is absolutely declare*! a dangerous, a souUlestroying book by Rome, and the Council of Trent has forbidtlen the i)eoi)le lo read it in tiieir mother tongiie. He also seems to have forgotten that the Bible Society, whose ol)ject is to give the Holy Scriptures unmixed with traditions, notes and comments has been, time after time declared by the Infallible Church of Rome to be an instrument of the Devil to destroy the souls of men. No doubt that the book of the " Index of ^ 12 Rome" is in tlio Library of Princeton. Tlion let him consult the long list of books forbidden for tlieir impiety and immorality; and ho will find that his Bil)le is at the head i»f the list! Lot him consult the pages of the history of France, Italy, Sjjain, Ireland, England, Caiuida, and even the history of tiie United Stales, and he will see that ll^me, as often as she has found her oj»j)ortunity, instead of ])r()claiming the divine authority of the true and inmiixed tScriptures, has burned and destroyed them, as we burn and destroy a viper. Yes, let him open the stores of his memory and vast science, and he will remend)er that, not only Rome has destroyed the true and luide- filed Holy Scriptures every thno, she could do it safely, but she has invariably condemned to death those who have been found guilty of reading the Bilde. The memory of Dr. Ilodije cannot be so bad as to have made him forget that the Madiai of Florence and the 12 noble young men in Spain, who, only yesterday, were condemned to death by the Holy Inquisition, for the unpardonable crime of having the Bible and readiuij it. That great theologian, followirig more the instincts of his kind nature and christian feelings, than the teachings of history, assures us that the Church of Rome '' proclaims the divine authority of the Scriptures ! " Into what strange illusions the host men are sometimes apt to fall ! The Church of Rome proclaiming the divine authority of the Scrii)tures ! ! ! yes, by putting the Holy Scriptures in the Index, at the head of the most damnable books which hell has ever ins})ired ! Rome proclaim the divinity of the Scriptures ! ! ! Yes ; by tortur- ing in her dark and lilthy dungeons ; slaughtering on her gibbets ; burning in her antos daje, the Disciples of the dear Saviour who dare to read, love and follow those Holy Scriptures. Rome proclaims the authority of the Holy Scriptures, says Dr. Hodge — yes, says the history of these last thousand years ; yes, answer millions of martyrs, she j)roelaims and acknowledges the Divinity of the Scriptures, just as the Jews acknowledged and proclaimed the Divinity of Christ, by spitting in his face, Hogging him, nailing him on a cross as a criminal, and killing him between two thieves ! There are many deplorable things to be seen among the Protestants of the United States. But one of the most deplorable is the fatal tendency of so many to ignore the great apostacy and the abominations of Rome. In Europe, where Rome is better known, Princi[)al Cun- ningham called the church " the masterpiece of Satan " — and sure she is the masterpi(;ce of Satan. IJut what a yad spectacle we liave under I o ou chi G th th R cir the Ca 13 It the long 111(1 ho will soiiKuIt the (1, Canada, hat, lliine, liming the urned and ce, and lie and unde- it she lias guilty of made him ig ni'iii in the Holy Jihic and his kind ssures U8 y of the ometiraes hority of le Index, ins})ired ! y tortur- gil)bets ; vho dare ainiy the axF, the martyrs, , just as irist, by u-iminal, •testants ;he fatal inations al Ciiu- ure slie e under our eyes on this continent! almost everywhere the Bible bnrnin'^ church of the Poi)e, instead of being sternly opposed by the children of God, is petted^ h(]j)ed, enriched, encouraged, strengthened, praised by the greatest j)an of them. Everv where, with very little exception, tin; Protestants, shutting their eyes to the silent, but rapid proi>-ress of Rome, sleep when the enemy is raising and arming his impregruible citadels, training his innumerable legions and sharpening his sword for the a}»proach and inevitable contest. Hut there will soon be an awakening; and it will be a terrible one. When the Protestants will see the extent of their incredible folly, in so betr;rae in the heir divine Circle. ■es because the mean has to the from yon, vhat is all ^icriptures, Who can gle reason Who will ires, when I it vicious iptures by iutra<^e to the Holy [)turcs by a vicious object of y to sow 15 With her vicious circle as the foundation of her faith, the more Rome will speak of her Holy Scrij)tures, the less the world will believe in them — the louder she will make her proclamation, the surer the world will laugh at the holy scripture, and the more she will damage the cause of Christ. If France, Italy and Spain are peopled with infidels, who, under the name of Roman Catholics, reject Christ and His Gospel, it is due to that proclamation of the holy scriptures found- ed on a lie — an imposture, a vicious circle. It is next to impossible for an intelligent man to accept the Divinity of the Scriptures, when they are presented by a church who has no other reason for her foith than a gross absurdity. If a profound logi- cian like Dr. Hodge considered this fact with attention, he would not have put in the hands of Rome a document which she will use with Buch disastrous effect in the United States. Though there is a great deal of show in the Church of Rome, there is no real faith, even among the priests. The little faith which remains has no more solidity than the building raised on the quick- sand. From the highest to the lowest ranks of Rome, with very few exceptions, infidelity or skepticism is the rule ; very few to-tlay, even among the priests of that apostate church, care anything for the scriptures. They do not ask, " What saith the Lord ?" but they ask, What saith the Pope ? It is not necessary to be so profound a logician as the celebrated Theologian of Princeton, to understand that, " with an infallible Pope," there is no need of an Infallible Bible. It is just because (he scriptures had ceased to be an authority in the Church ot Rome, that it has been found necessary to provide another authority to guide the human intellect— as the holy Bible had ceased to be the oracle, the source of truth among the Roman Catholics, it was a ques- tion of life or death to find or invent a new oracle, a new fountain of truth and life. Yes, it became a necessity to proclaim an infalUhh Pope, the very day that the holy Scriptures had ceased from being an infallible guide. Many have misunderstood the terrible logic which forced the Roman Catholics, almost in spite of themselves, to proclaim the infallibility of the Pope. To every serious thinker, the proclama- tion of the dogma is a most natural, a most logical, fact. These last ten centuries, the Roman Catholic nations have sternly, but in vain, tried to resist the logical consequences of the false and Anti-Christian principles, which their church had accepted as divine truths. The proclamation of the infallibility of the Pope is not only the logical consequences of the rejection of the divine authority of the Scriptures M 16 in the Church of Rome, it is also the last and ultimate efTort of the apostate church to <;et for ever rid of those holy Scriptures, in every page of which she finds her condemnation written. Prom the profound thiid.v 1 ^^ 1^ I'f **i \-« ^; ^ i.*f ■A-rh |p4%-'-^ |»*5.r%i#^Sife