^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A ^ ,<^. # /, 1.0 LI 1.25 ■Uteu .L4_ III 1.6 V] <^ /# ^;j V ^ /^ Photographiic Sciences Corporation #' \ ^ \\ '^Vs*', ^ '-^rNN ^?<*/'^^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ?n> CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques Technical and Bibliographic Notaa/Notan tachniqua* at bibliographiquaa Tha Inatituta liaa atu- fe^ec •w ,■ \ -» ^ • > ■ "* , '\ 'i I iJ i Jiix ^v p4i^< < ^^ XV Official Programme ---FOR — CANADA'S GRE /(^ Indus Fair "4 TORONTO, SEPTEMBER 4TH TO 16TH, 1893 The Or«at Exposition of Iji^o Stock, MftnnflftO- tnres. Art, Agrioultural, SoTticultural and If in- oral Product* of tho Dominion, and tho most popular iratborinff of the people during tlio yoar. Attended by over 300,000 Visitors firom all parts of Canada and the United States eadi y^ar. Oeneral Admission S5 Cents Children under 12 Tears 16 Cents Dog- Show and Museum 10 Cents Sxtra ».^»^iue • i HIS EXOELUNCY THE GOVERNOR-QENERAL PATRONS . \ „,g ifoiion jui LIEUT.-QOVERNGR OF ONTARIO OFFICERS PRESIDENT, JNO. J. WITHROW SOLICITOR, W. Q. McWILLIAlVIS 1ST ViOE-PRES., WM. CHRISTIE MANAGER AND 8E0 , H. d. H'LL aND ViOE-PHES., DR. A. SMITH Treasurer, J. P. EDWARDS BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. SMITH W. S. LEE J AS. CROCKER R. J. SCORE W. K. McNAUQHT R. DAVIE8 P. Q. CLOSE W. E. WELLINGTON ALD.B.SAUNDERS QeO= VAIR JOS. DILWORTH ALD. JNO. HALLAM W. B. HAMILTON GEO. BOOTH HON. JOHN DRYDEN R. W. ELLIOT ALD. J. O. ORR ALD. J. K. LESLIE R. J. SCORE, Chairman Special Attractions Committee Maii .Inn Ddimt TnartMvn. To Our Patrons The success which has attended the Toronto Ind- uscrial Exhibition in the past fourteen years and the liberal patronage which it has received from the public throughout the Dominion of Canada and the adjoining territory of the United States, has encour- aged the management to still greater efforts to de- serve the continued approval of the public. The new horse stables and cattle sheds on the most modern plans have been erected this year, and additional accommodation in many respects has !)een provided, and great improvements made. The entries in all departments are far in excess of previous years, and the special features provided will excel in variety and merit those of any former Exhibition. In fact nothing that zeal and genius can devise has been left undone to make the coming Fair the most attractive, instructive, &nd enjoyable yet held under the auspices of the Association. The following programme had to be prepared before all arrangements for the special features, which will be provided, could be completed, and many others of much more importance will be added before the opening day. OONaRBSS OP NATIONS Exhibiting the Natives of Java, South Sea Islands, Dahomey, Lapland, Algeria, Persia, Egypt, Turkey, India, Japan, China, Mor- occo, etc., etc., with specimens of their handicraft, mode of living, etc., with the greatest coF action of Oriental goods ever shown in this country. GREAT EXPOSITION Will ho a (Irancl Hepr.iRentation of the ImuicnHo Aorrlcul- tural, liuluHtrJal uiul Miiierui KueoiirceM of thn DOMINION OF CANADA Far mirpassinK in magnitude and grandeur any Hiinilar display that has ever preceded it. There will be on exhibition over 1 000 HORSES 800 Head of Cattle Sheep and Pig s And the greatest collection oi Poultry, Agricultural, Horticultural and Dairy Products, Machinery, Implements, Stoves and Heating Appliances, Carriages, Honey and Apiary Supplies, Fine Arts, Ladies' and Children's Work, And all classes of manufactures, embracing tho latest improvements in all departments, ever brought together in this country. New Ideas, The Latest Inventicns, and Superior Attractions The very best that MECHANICAL SKILL and INVEN- TIVE GENIUS can devise, providing INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT FOR EVERY MINUTE OP THE DAY. Every Building ON THK UKOUNIXS WILL BK (CROWDED WITH THE PRODUCTS OF THE FACTORY, FARM, GARDEN AND ORCHARD Forming the GREATEST EXHIBIT EVER MADE in the Dominion of Canada. The Fine Art Gallery Will be replete with the latest and BEST WORKS BY CANADIAN ARTISTS THBRE WILL BG A qAMMQT|I F((EE EXjIlBITIQN OF NEW AND VARIED ^pEdl^L V iiTTI(ABT10III^ BVBRY DAY AND BVBNINQ OF THB FAIR OF UNUSUAL AND STRIKING NOVELTY ADMITTED BY ALL TO BE THE GREATEST i^ ENTERTAliffiENT IN THE WORLD FOR THE SMALL PRICE OF ADMISSION Among the Special Features Alr«Mid7 provided and to wbloh many otheni will bo Added oefore th» oponlng of the Kxhlbltion. are the following: GREAT ARABIAN CIRCUS INTKODtJCINO WONDKItt'Dl, PERFORMANCES BY WILD TROUPS OF BEDOUIN ARABS EzhlUtinic the charaoterlstfcs of theie natives of the great Orient, and giving vivid and startling pictures of Bedouin I^Ife In the U^rt I FEATS OF . HORSEMANSHIP Bf the Champion Rough and Fancy IlldtTS. Illustrating "Horseback Life on the Western Plains. " A Colossal Carnival of Excitement and Fun EXOITINQ AND » Thrilling KIKST APPBAKANCB IN t Prof. W. Coup's Equescuric'jiii — AND— Prof. Buckley's Educatu ^ Horses —ALL'ED WITH— Ppof. Freyer'3 Woljdepful Troupe of Educated Dogs. GRAND ELECTRSC/rb EXHIBITIOjM By all the principal Electrical Companies showing the latest inventions to which this great science han been applied, including all systems ol electric lighting, distri. bution of power by electricity, cooking, heating and many other new features. A RARE MUSICAL TREAT HABSBY NATZY'ti Imperial Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra In A Mlert MutiCAl Knt^riAinment tach day. GREAT-- Military Tournament — AND — REALISTIC WAR SQENE ^ REPRESENTING THE BATTLE OF TEL-EL-KEBIR In which over 300 military will be engaged, with Batterien of Artillery, Troops of Ca-^alry, etc. CONCLUDING WITH Magnificent Fl REWORK DISPLAYS Introducing all the latest Em'opean Noveltiei In Pyrotechniodc under the personal Buperrislon of Messrs. James Pain 8c Sons, of London, England, and to be seen only at this Exhibition. Refined Specialty Entertainments In front of the Grand Stand every afternoon and eTenioff by a host of the very best obtainable artists in the specialty firmament. A r,RE*T— INTERN ATIONA.L DOG SHOW With the flnmt ou!lMtlon of dogt ever exhibited on i^In (xjntlnent. THE GREATEST MARVEL OF THE PRESENT ACE, THE WONDERF UL TWO HEADfcD BOY Lirtiig, eatind and speakinir many different lanirnas^ >" been engaged at a groat cott, and will be exhlbitcuk with maciy other ourioeitlee In THE EXHIBITION MUSEUM The celebrated Siamene Twine were nothing compared with this wonderful creation. MISS AGNES CHARCOT THE ONLY LADY EXPERT MESMERIST IN THE WORLD From the leading halls of London and Paris, will exhibit her wonderful power over a human being while under hor control. Instructing, Amusing and Entertaining And t^e most intensely interesting entertainment ever witnessed. The Royal Highland Cadets OF MONTREAL WiV visit this Exhibition, and will give exhibitions of the Regimental Pkysical Drill, Bar Bell Exercises, Fancy Marching, otc. Grand Military Band Concerts Daily By the 13th Batt. Band, of Hamilton, the Chatham Citizenn'Band, Waterloo Musical Society, St. Thomas Y.M.C. A. Band, Deseronto Citizens' Band, 48th Highlanders, Queen's Own Rifles, Royal Grena- diers, C Co. Royal Infantry Band, etc., etc. TR OTTING ^ RUNNING RAGES FOR VALUABLE PURSES HURDLE JUMPING. FOUR-IN-HAND ^^ TANDEM COMPETITIONS, Etc. Bicycle Races and many other Athletic Sports BRILLIANT iLLaMINATION OF THE GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS EACH EVENING Including the "Famous Crystal Walk," with many new devices Exhibit of Fish from the Great Lakes GPFAT ^ATTTPAT WlCTrkDV TTVXJTDTT' Magnificent Paintings in the Art Gallery by Canadian Artists, ei.G., etc. THE Hero of Niagara falls In his wonderfal performanoea on the Hlg-h Wir«. Ddily pfoflfamme y«j M MONDAY, SEPT. 4th PREPARATION DAY- The Ground? and Buildmp will be open to exhibitors only, from 7 a.m. till 6 p.m. All exhibits must be in place by that hour. '' TUESDAY, SEPT. 6th OPENING DAY-TheGroundsand Buildings will be open to the public at 9 a.m. The Hon. G. A Kirkpatrick, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario, with Mrs. Kirkpatrick, will officially open the Exhibition at 2 o'clock p.m. The opening ceremonies will be followed by all the special fea- tures arranged for the full term of the exhibition Trotting Races in the Horse Ring for the 3-minute and 2.45 classes. Exhibitions by PROFS. COUP'S and BUCKLEY'S TRAINED HORSES AND DOGS Performances on track in front of Grand Stand, and feats of horsemanship by troupes of BEDOUIN ARABS Military Tournaments and Grand Entertainment by the best of Specialty performers. All exhibits of Manufactures and Horticultural Derartment, etc., open until 6 p. m. Imperial Hungarian Gypsy Orches- tra, C Company, School of Infantry, and Exhibition Band. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6th WHEELMEN'S DAY-All the Industrial Departments will be open from 8 a.m. till fi p.m. Art Gallery, Horticultural Show, Exhibition Mu- seum, etc., etc. AH Machinery and Implements in full operation. FOUR BICYCLE RACES for valuable prizes. Trotting Race for 2.30 and Pac- ing Race lor 2.35 class. Prof. Buckley's Educated Horses Prof. Freyer's Wonderful Dogs Arabian and Military Exhibitions. Specialty Per- formances and all other special features. Music during the day by the Imperial Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra C Company, Royal School of Infantry, and Exhibi- tion Bands. THURSDAY, SEPT. 7th BREEDERS* DAY— Competitions for special prizes for Thoroughbred, Roadster, Carriage, Clydes- dale, Shire and Standard Bred Horses, etc. The Grounds and Buildings will be open from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. All the Industrial Departments will be open and all Machinery in operation. Great Electrical Exhibit sludfiflns? of Doaf. Cart and Cob Horses. Trrift.l no- Races for all classes. Free for All Paces, and two year old colts. Contests in the Horse Ring for Light Weight Green Hunters, for Exhibitions by the Arabians and Mili- tary and Wild West Horsemen Entertainment by Proffi. Coup and Buckley s Wonderful Horses, and PROF. FREYER'S EDUCATED DOGS Specialty Performances in front of the Grand Stand and many novel features on various parts of the urounds. Musical Entertainments by the Imperial Hungarian Orchestra, the Exhibition and C Com- pany Bands. ...EVENING 7.30-All buildings will be open till 10 p.m. All Special Features iu front of the (rrand Stand, concluding with the Great Militarv Spectacle and Realistic War Scene, the BATTLE OF TEL-EL-KEBIR In which over 300 Military will be engaged, with Batteries of Artillery, Troops of Cavalry, etc., and A Magnificent Display of Fireworks All under the management and personal auner- vision of x- y Messrs. James Pain & Sons, of London, England. Music during the evening by the various bands. FRIDAY, SEPT. 8th SOH OOL CHILDREN'S D A Y-Special Fea- tures will be provided for the entertainment of young and old. All departments of the first week open from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Trotting Races for Farmers' and Gentlemen's Road Horses, and three year old colts, Hurdle Jumping w *^?^J> 'T He»;ry Weight Cxreen Hunters, Judi?. i??nt^!>f?h"JSaS*is\^^^^^^ Performances fn Prof Buckley'* Educated Horses Prof. Freyer's Wonderful Dogs Peats of Horsemanship, Combats aad Character- tstics of the natives of the Orient by the GREAT TROUPE OF ARABS Wild Riding by Cowboys and Indians, Military Displays And other features. Music by the several bands and Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra. GREAT MILITARY SPECTACLE The Battle of Tel-EI-Kebir and Magnificent Fireworks Displays by Messrs. James Pain & Sons, and full Entertainment by the EXHIBITION SPECIALTY COMPANY Concerts by the Hungarian Orchestra and other bands. SATURDAY, SEPT. 9th fro^^L^gn^J^J^r'^'f ri«„»?i.?«'yj°£« open mcen fn Dogs aracter- ians, I bands rounds )ir klessrs. by the NY other I All Machinepy and Implements In Operation RUNNING RACES Open Race and Race for Farmers' Horses nnnv r»« fo'^^n^u^^ competition for Taudemsrcia^ t««i^7n^*-'*?''£v^;^''^®ir.^*^««' Hurdle iumpCcon tests for i.:,<3:ht Weight Green Hunters FnVi^fli^ ments in front of the^Grand Stand by the ^^^'^**"" Exhibition Specialty Company Prof. Coup's Equescupiculum Prof. Buckley's Trained Horses Prof. Freyer's Educated Dogs The Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra, C Com nan v Tn Grand Fireworks Display 4««/" r^P^^'^^i Features in front of the Grand Stand. Concerts by the various bands. s open 'ttpart- epart- MONDAY, SEPT. 11th ™"6penlSg of th. ""'"'■""' °' """ Exhibition on Great International Bench Show of Dogs Tn^^eT^Kin^'^'rl^^.P^^^" °' the continent new stables and cattle sheds erected this veir thP Snf,u ^''c^*^^ continent, 6()0 sheep and pi Js LVea? RinK%unn^^ Special s^ort. inX if or?e Brefders^S^iitf i^^^^^f' ^P®? ^«'^«' "^^^e heats ; Contests for hd* "'''l^' *"^ ^P«^ hurdle Race p^o«K ^^^ h®^t performances by Professiona Coachmen, competition for best appointed eeiX Tn!?? ^"k'?;?''^^'. competition by gent?emen Hdlll' and for children's turn-outs. Hurdle jumD?nff con tests for Heavy Weight qualifted HunSj^etf., 'etc.' Visit and exhibition drill by the Royal Higrhland Cadets of Montreal EnterUinment bv the Exhibition Specialty Com- pany m front of the Grand Standi Prof. Coup's Equescuriculum, Prof. Buckley's Educated Horses, and Prof. Freyer's Trained Dogs. Exhibitidn by the Troupe of 3EDOUIN ARABS and feats of horsemanship BY WILD WEST RIDERS tl^^r^'^^J'^fJS!^^^^^ ^d all other special ^^^OrchestrgrSbna^ of ib Z. S^ciS^K lime of 118 a.m. mts in ectrical tion on Dogs itinent Show, in the sar, the , great ! Horse heats ; Race, jsional gentle- riders, g con- B.) etc. eal Com- k ley's >ecial •erial »fln- zens' urounaa ana ±)ulldlngH, con vertinK thorn lutn n iw.r- f«ct fairy-Und Magnfacont Elo.arTcal Wkd ay* ^c tht grLr *" *° '™°' °' ""* ^'^ndTu"^; Military Spectacle, the Battle of Tel-eUKebir oons . Concerts daring the evening by all the bands. TUESDAY, SEPT. 12th fK ^.^RMANIA DAY-Undertbe Datronace of the German residents of the Provi^rof Ont^io International Dog Show Mus^elim^'eto' llf' tS^^''^^ ^''^"^'^^ *»^« Exhibition and noi^f rv ^^•n'' ' ^*»e J^^K^ns of horses and cattle anapoultry will commence at 10 a.m. and Hp i-nV. te^s^^Gen^SSf* V^" ^''^' »he Bord8te""sta„drd oreeas, Lreneral Purpose, ClvdesdalfiR ^hii.T« Patlndr;JorffH'^°^"& T *"f* ^rade Cattle and Sheep will be in the rinVn Sfcan^^ini^K'""^ ^^^« ^'^d in fron? of the GraSd btandv^illbe a great entertainment includW Running Races for Hack Horses if mi rsOnen R^'iflf^n^"^ *^y? ^«**«' ^^^ Hunt Sub Hurdle Race U miles, and Pony Running RaoM H»^3 f bv n.P«^rl^.TP""^^^^ '^^ HuS, performrnc^^ Highland Cadets of Montreal, Prof. Buckley's Educated Horses, and Prof. Freyer's Trained Dogs, the Great Troupe of Arabs in thfiir O*****"***! *i*.*.ii-i.-.i ^i - _ . --.-,_.^, -"*'^**^"i*ii«"i5, ictttM of horseman - snip by WILD WEST RIDERS MihUry Displays, and many other special features . MuHic durinir the day bj the Waterloo Musical feociety'H Hand, the I)«geronto Cltlzons* Hand, the Chatham Citizens' Band, C. Co. Iloyal Infantry Band, the Exhibition Band, and the Imperial Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra BVENINGK 7. 3() -Illumination of the Grounds and Buildings, Electrical Displays. All the special features in front of the Grand Stand, the Great Realistic Battle Scene, Tel-el-Kebir and Ma«niflcent Firework Displays by Messrs- Pain & Sons, with entire change of programme froni previous evenings. Concerts during the even- ing by the various bands. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 13th FARMERS' DAY -Under the patronage of the Patrons of Industry, the Patrons of Husbandry and the Farmern' Institutes of the Dominion. All the Live Stock will be in the ring during the day and every department of the Inhibition will be open from 8 a.m. till 10 p . m. Judging of Thorough- bred and Carriage Horses, Hunters and Saddle Horses and continuation of the judging of classes commenced previous day. Judging of Ayrshires, Jerseys, Guernseys and Holst^in Cattle, etc., etc. Grand exhibit of North- West products by the C.P.R. Co., and special exhibits from the Experi- mental Farms of the Dominion. Exhibition of Roadsters and Carriage Horses in the large ring, entertainments in front of the Grand Stand, the Trained Horses and Dogs, Military Tourna- ments, Exhibitions of Horsemanship, the jSreat Troupe of Arabs and all other special features. EVENING, 7.30-Illumination of the Grounds and Buildings. Entertainment in front of the Grand Stand, the Great Battle Scene, Tel-el-Kebir and Magnificent Firework Displays. Music duriug the day and evening by the >nd, the afantry r rounds special ebir deasrs • ramme le even- lage of ban dry a. All he day will be )rough- Saddle classes 'shires, I, etc., by the Experi- iion of :e ring, the lurna- the rounds of the duriug Imperial Hungarian Orchestra The 48th Highlanders Band, the Royal Grenadiers Band, the Railway Y.M.C. A. Band of St. Thomas, C Co. Royal Infantry and the Exhibition Band. THURSDAY, SEPT. 14th AMERICAN VISITORS' DAY-Every de- nartment of this Great Exhibition will be open from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m., and everything on view will be at its best. Continuation of the judging of Live Stock not completed the previous day. Judging of Hunters and Saddle Horses ; Hoecial parades of Roadster, Carriage, Hackney and Saddle Horses, the Great Electrical Exhibit, Dairy and Horticul- tural Shows, The International Show of Dogs and all other special exhibits. All the features that have been presented during the week in the Horse Ring and in front of the Grand Stand will be re- peated, and the programme will be extended. Great Military Tournament, Exhibition.*, by Prof. Coup's Equescuriculum, Prof. Buckley's Educated Horses, Prof. Freyer's Wonderful Dogs, entertainment by the Exhibition Specialty Company And the Bedouin Arabs Feats of horsemanship by the Wild West Riders, etc., etc. Hurdle jumping contests by the prize winners on previous days, and many other interest- ing features. Music <^uring the day by the Band of the Queen's Own Rifles, C. Co. Royal School of Infantry, Hassey Natzy's Imperial Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra, and the Exhibition Band. EVENING-, 7.30— Grand Illumination of the Grounds and Buildings with beautiful Crystal Frl»maticai and Electrical HilTects, The Great Battle Scene, Tel-el-Kebir by Messrs. Pain & Sons, with British and Egyptian troops, Ar»bH, Battcrieii of Artillery and CaTftlrr, •tc.,(;raiid Firework DisplavH and ent€rtt!nm©iit ^ th6 Kxhlbltion Specialty Company in front of tha urand Stand in full as given on previous evenings. FRIDAY, SEPT. 16th RBVIBW DAY -The last, but one of the Best DayH of the Greatest Annual Fair and Exposition of the vear, and those who cannot visit It before should not let this day go by. Everything that has b«en on view any day during the Fair wiU be there thiM day. Every dcpartmenJ renifclnn complete up till night, and thp Grounds and Muildings are open till 10 o clock p.ra. During the afternoon all the Prize Horses and Cattle will be Paraded In the Horse Ring, and form a procession around the track, adbrding one of the best opportunities to view this grand exhibit. The Great Doir Show All the Special Exhibits, Machinery and Imple- ments in full operation, and all other Special F eatures will be on view the full day. The Special Attractions will all be given as on previous days, and will be at their best. There will also be Run- ning Races, Open Handicap Races, Half Mile heats, and races for Half-breds, ij miles. Music by the Hungarian Gypsy Band C Co. Royal School of Infantry and the Exhibition Band. EVENING, 7.30-Illumination of the Grounds and Buildings until 10 p.m. All the Special features and entertainment in front of the Grand Stand, etc. Concerts by the various bands, and should unfavorable vi^eather have occasioned a post- ponement on any previous evening of the Battle of Tel-el-Kebir and firework display it will be given this evening. .'nment t of th« Bninga. 16 Best ition of before lat has e there 9 up till pen till SATURDAY^ •EPT. 16th will be closed to the piibJlc Kihlbltors may com msnce to remove their exhibftii at 7 a.m. The ireasurer will commence paying prlzeii at M a.in. Many other vSpecial FeatureH will b« added to the above lietween the time of iHRulnir thl» uro- gramme and the opening of the iilxhibitiou. faded around Ities to Imple- ^peciai special i day8, ) Run- heats, d ibition ounds |pecial Grand }, and I post- ling. Conventions and Meeting s A large number of meetings of Stock Breeders and other AMoclationfi will be held at Toronto during the progress of the Kxhibltlon, the notice of the time and place of euch meetings will be posted on a bulletin bo^icl at th: Exhibition Omces on the grounds during the Jfexhlbltion. Among those of which notice has already been received are the following : Canadian Manufacturers' Association, in the Board Room, Exjiiibition Grounds, Friday, Sept. 8th, at ti p.m. Ontario Poultry Association, in the Hoard I^om, Exhibition Grounds, on Wednesday, Sept. 13th, at 2 p.m. Canadian Association of Fairs and Expositions, in the Board Room, Exhibition Grounds, on Mon- day, Sept. nth, at 3 p.m. Ontario Creameries Association will meet on Tuesday, the 12tb inat., at 8p.m., at the Walker House. Canaduin E}ectric9! \8SociatIon, in the Board Room, % ioiuion Jrounds, on Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday, Sept. 12th, 13th and 14th. Canadian Kennel Club will mt some time during the progress of the Dog Show, second week of the Fair. ngs peederi 'oronto notice will be Omces \inong ;^ed are in the , Sept. Room, ;. 13th, itione, Mon- Bet on talker Board ednes- ) time . week l(aiiwaij i[wangement!s The Oraud Trunk, Caaadlaii Poclfln. Northern k Korth W«it«m and Michigan Uential RaUwa>« l.ttve ttf^.^.d to give tho followu.g reduced muu for thin FXhibiitSn i ^^}f*f ^^^^-.^'^t^K^oUiro for the, rounl trip from all poiiitH In Oiunrlo wc*ii of Urugkvaio mm Uuawtt com KxhibitorH can obtain return ticjkot^ « ..j/j© fare ary time on and after AuRuet 27th on presenunir a oortlSi^J from the Secretary of the Kxhibitiin *^ certificate fi/JlS.^^^®*"*5^^H''*" ^"' *'»o 80" cheap excursion tickets every day during the Kalr. «*"ur»iion (heap excursionB will also be run by the Hailwav Cnm panW«rn th« bordering HUte. ta coUcS.ion w'fh thi of uloij'iSent,""'*" **' Companies' poetor.. or onqul How to Rraach the Grounds The groundH. over one hundred acres in mxtnnt n^ f k- ?nT^ Untf'f buildings the largCHt and mUt cofnmc di^uS In the Dominion of Canada. Thev are beAiiUfniil i« ? 7 on the i*ore of Lake Ontario/at lirwSS?«"d"teo"itv and from them anplendid view of Toronto, the Oueen <'r; Kl^fi?.^*U'"y?u''''« '""OU'-ding country in" tl.oTake ean be obtained. They are eaay of uccohs, aSd oan ho ?o^ ,ed l?r2„'S'?>'"u!rk"f?a«ir4^''"ea^%l5.'Sirrvlr"t:S£^ On the Grounde Are Telegraph, ExpreBs, Telephone, Newsnaner anH P/..f Offices ; Barber ShopH and PaVcel OffiZZ^tt^'''' ^^ ^°"' •Hi«i«^i-n*"" "^'i be obtainea at all houm at the various dining halls, and there are any number of flratSS b'JSdfe'*' "^"'*'^" *^ ^'^^"^ P*^^« «'' »^« S^und^ind Ej^&ibitioi] pointer? comJ'the'fl?8tV««u-*®T*f^® Exhibition In comfort, wSSr »»^«rssa '.was it ft.^2.^o^^S* information whilst in the city seek Canada Th2 S^l*^*? can be seen nowhere else in wliole^H.Pt^°^ price of admission covers the ^enln^lgUrSafn^^* .°'^*'?« 5«!°8r made for thi pi ™eS^ entertalnmepta as 1b done at many other a°ead o*f Si'^r^rSa Exhibition as it will be away §xhibfts/*" *° ""*" **"" tocr^sed number of thi^JStla°'H-^^J'Jf^'* ^I'ly: °° "oney taken at Ko^o'd'S'^e?2:S°^r?o'Thril?£ ^s^el.f^it*'"'' -« ablHta^'* *"^°» yourfamuiesand have an enjoy- m?SS,%'^d*SU«Ur»o^«; o«ntt«™4||: 5 omfort, it with lally as consult private on the ;. West, : West, md St., . Peter, 3 to $5 ays to on and part of > other ^ seek rietors It. works r." It linary else in rs the br the other away i have g the ber of sen at avoid 3nare B^joy- angre- >agres. PRINCIPAL HOTELS IN TORONTO • • • Name ok Hotel. Queen "8 Hotel. Rossin HouHe. Walker House Palmer House Albion Hotel. gSSSlf£l??i^l- ■ 30 King St. W 78 to 92 Front St. W. . . Cor. King and York.. Cor. Front and York . Cor. King and York.. 31 Jarvis St g.S| Rates « I Per Day. 458 King St. W Cor Front and George 11 York St m King St. W Richardson House Black Horse Hotel St. James Hotel . . Hotel Metropole.. Commercial International . . . Power House . . . Robinson House Clyde Hotel 217 Yonge St 56 Jarvis St Cor.Simcoe and Front 421 King St. W.... 109 Bay St. (Temp'nce) ^ - - |Kmg St. E GroBvenor House . Yonge and Alexander 2 ConnOTHouse . . 94 Ffont St. E " ' ' 298 Queen St. W . . 183 Yonge St '" 36 West Market St.... 120AdelaideSt. E. . 163 to 167 Yonge St.... Cor. Yonge and Gould cor. Kmg & Strachan 52 Jarvis St. ... 12 West Market..'.'. ■ Black Bull Hotel Carleton House.. City Arms Hotel. Schiller House... Bay Horse Hotel. P^mpress Crystal Palace... Imperial Hotel . Armory Hotel . 2.00 2.00 1.50 L°fi^H?i!Ll--L8ZKingSt: Nealon House . . . Union House Gladstone House. Lake View Hotel Avondale E. Avonmore Y.W.C. Associat'n 197 King St. E 21SimcoeSt /Cor Queen St. and)' (. Gladstone Ave. j j Cor. Parliament & ) < Wmchester Sts. ) 57SimcoeSt 274 Jarvis St ... . 34ElmSt.(Ladie8oniy) 350 13.00 to 14.60 350 3.00 to 4.50 350 2.00 to 2.50 300 ( 2.00 250 I 1.50 On En^eanPl'n 200 1.50 150 1.50 }2S i-50 to 12.00 150 3.00 100 2.00 150 1.50 to 150 1.00 to 150 1.00 150 I.OOto 100 1.00 80 1.25 200 1.26 ICO 2.00 50 1.00 50 1.00 50 I.OOto 60 1.00. 50 1.00 50 1.00 150 I.OOto 75 1.50 to 100 1.00 50 1.00 100 1.00 100 I.OOto 75 1.00 100 100 200 60 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 L5" 2.00 1.60 For the guidance of visitors a list is here given of a few of the PLACES OF INTEREST And Public BuMdlnffs in Toronto The Toronto Exhibition, Crystal Palace and Grounds. Lieut. -Governor's Residence, cor. Ivi-^g and Simcoe Sts. Parliament Buildings. Queen's Park. City Hall, Front St. East. New City Hall and Court House, at head of Bay St. (now m course of erection). New Board of Trade Building, cor. Yonge and Front Sts. Provincial Luneitic Asylum, Queen St. West. New Fort and School of Infantry. Osgoode Hall, Queen St. West. Queen's Park, head of College Ave . Monument to the heroes of Ridgeway, Queen's Park. University Buildings, Queen's Park. School of Science and Observatory, Queen's Park. Monument to Hon. George Brown, Queen's Park. McMaster HalL Queen's Park. Horticultural Gardens, cor. Gerrardand Sherbourne Sts. Normal School. Museum, etc., Gould St. St. .Tames' CathedraKEpiscopal), Kiiig St. East St. Michael s Cathedral (R. C.), cor. Bond and Shuter Sts. Metropolitan Church (Methodist), Queen St. East. St. Andrew's Church, cor. King and Simcoe Sts. Baptist Church, cor. Gerrard and Jarvis Sts. Post Office, Adelaide St. East. St. Lawrence Hall and Market, King St. Bast. Central Prison, Strachan Ave. Knox Collage, Spadina Ave. Trinity College, Queen St. West. Upper Canada College, head of Avenue Road. General Hospital, Gerrard St. East. Public Library, cor. Church and Adelaide Sts. Grand Opera House, Adelaide St. West. Academy of Music, King St. West. Toronto Opera House, Adelaide St. West. Moore's Musee, Yonge St. Hanlan'fl Hotel and the Island. The City Fh-e Halls (open to visitors). • • Custom House, foot of Yonge St. Y.. M. C. A. Rooms, cor. Yonge and McGill Sts. View of the City from the Tower of the Canada Life Buildmg, King St. Water Work^, Reservoir and Park, Yonge St. Canada Life Building Tower. King St. West. a few da. Sts. (now nt Sts. BStS. er Sts. ^^'*fA- V^ a Life ^ — s? GRAND MILITARY TOURNAMENT & FIREWORKS SPECTACLE DAILY PERFORMANCES INHORSERIHG TROTTING* RUNNING RACES ■X. AAANV Nirw FP'ATURCS. MfWMwMiMn^fMpwpi^WMlVMMl lirih>lill