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Declaratory Laws 1st. — The Society shall be called the "Niagara St. Andiew's society," and the date of its commencement is hereby declared to be, the 22nd day of September 1835. 2nd — The object of the Society is to raise a permanent fund for the relief and support of destitute Sr ^men or their descend- ants. 3rd— The Niagara St. Andrew's Society shall not be dissolved nor its funds disposed of, unless the number of members be reduc- ed to five ; but on their unanimously agreeing on the expediency of its dissolution, the whole funds in the hands of the Treasurer shall be equally bestowed on ten of the most needy and deserving Scotch families in Niagara. The members shall dispose of the funds on the recommendation of the Clergymen of the Presbyteri- an, Episcopal and Roman Catholic Churches. Committee of Management. 4th. — The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Com- mittee, to be chosen by the members annually, at their October meeting. It shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secre- tary, Treasurer and Sub-Treasurer and six other members : three of the last shall retire annually by rotation : five members shall constitute a quorum. The Secretary and Treasurer may be r<;- elected from year to year if inclined to continue in office. Any vacancies in the committee shall be supplied by the Members at the first general meeting after they occur. President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary from a leet of three, and the ordinary managers from a leet of twelve. 6th.— The penalties for refusing office shall be, for the President or Vice President, five shillings, Secretary and Treasurer two shillings and sixpence, and ordinary managers one shilling and and three pence ; but no member who has held office for two years successively, shall be fined for non-acceptance until two years out of office, 7th.— Three auditors shall be appointed annually at the July meeting, to examine the Treasurer's accounts and report thereon at the October meeting. 8th. — A medical Officer shall be appointed, also at the October meeting, whose duty shall be to enquire into and report to the Committee on all cases of sickness brought before them in applica- tions for assistance. 9th.— The President, or in his absence the Vice President, shall call and preside at all meetings, and shall keep order and regulate the business of every meeting. He shall on no account allow the introduction of motions or discussions regarding subjects uncon- nected with the object of the Society stated in rule 2nd. 10th the President shall be obliged to call an extraordinary Ge- neral meeting, if a written request, signed by seven members be sent him, specifying the object of the meeting ; but if determined by a majority of the members so called together, that the meet- ing is unnecessary, each requisitionist shall be fined one shilling & threepence. Uth.— The Secretary shall attend all General and Committee meetings of the Society— issue all notices for convening General and Committee Meetings— keep the Society's minutes and letter book— carefully preserve all the correspondence and docume.ats of the Society committed to him, and enter regulaily the minutes of all General and Committee meetings, and sign the same along with the President of the meeting after they have been approved of by the members present. 12th.— The Treasurer shall collect all monies belonging to the Society. He shf ''. make the necessary disbursements under di- rection of the Committee of Management, and shall keep an exact account of the same; he shall be at all times in a situation to ashi- annual October bit hia books to the Com. .ico, and shall make up nn slate of the aflfairs of the Society, to be laid before the quarterly meeting. 13th.— The Books of the Treasurer and Secretary shall be laid before the Committee at all its meetings. 14th.— The Committee shall appoint three of its number to act as a sub-Committee during pleasure. 15th.— No member shall be qualified for office unless residing within two miles of Niagara. Admission of McTnbers. 16th.— Candidates for admission must be recommended by one or more of the Members by a letter addressed to any of the office bearers. 17th.— They will be required to produce to the committee sa- tisfactory eyidence of their being Scotsmen, or their descendants, not beyond the third generation, and possessed of a good moral character ; but the sons of members, are not included in this re- striction but shall be entitled to admission. 18th— They shall be proposed at the first General Meeting after being recommended, bnt shall not be ballotted for until a subse- quent General Meeting. 19th.-Honorary Members shall be admitted on contributing the sum of two Pounds,or an annual payment of ten shillings; and shall be entitled to attend all General Meetings of the Society, but shall have no vote in its affairs, nor be eligible to hold any of- fice. Entry Money ^ Quarterly Contributions. 20th.— Every member shall on admission pay the sum of five shillings as entry money, and the sum often shilling annually in quarterly payments, in advance, of two shillings and sixpence at the meetmgs of October, January, April, and July. The entry money and auarterly contributions shall not be altered without theconsentofthree fourths of a General meeting duly constitu- ted. 21st.— Members in arrear of quarterly contributions at the election of office bearers shall have no vote in said election, and shsH be subjected to a fine of two shillings & sixpence ; and if said 6 arrears arc nol paid at the subsequent quarterly meeting in Febru- ary, the defaulter shall be struck of the roll of members. General Meetings. 22nd.— There shall be four General Meetings ot the Society annually, to be held on the second Tuesday of October, January, April and July ; at each of which the ordinary Committee shall report their minutes and proceedings since the General meeting immediately preceding. 23.— No General Meeting shall be held as constituted to the ef- fect of receiving or adopting any motion, unless there be at least fifteen members present; the meeting shall be counted half an hour after tlo time mentioned in the circulars, and if a sufficient num- ber be not their present, it snail be immediately adjourned. 24th.— The roll shall be called half an hour after the hour of meeting, and a fine of one shilling and threepence imposed on any office bearer then absent, and shall be exacted unless he can give good reason for the same. 25th.— Every member, while speaking, shall ly address himself to the President standing and ed, and should two members rise at one time the shall decide which .iiall have the preference, member shall be allowed to interrupt another or deliver his opini- nion till the preceeding member hns taken his seat. Any member conducting himself improperly shall for the first offence be fined two shillings and sixpence and for the second offence shall be ex- pelled 26th.— The business of the General Meetings shall be proceeded in as follows : 1st. duarterly contributions and fines collected. 2nd. Roll called. 3rd. Minutes of preceeding General meeting and of subse- quent Committee meetings read. 4th. Motions heard and considered. 5th. Candidates balloted for Motions affecting the Laws. 27th —Proposals to alter or to add to the General Laws may be received or rejected by a majority of votes at any one General respectful- uncover- President but no I I shall meeting ; but they shall not be finally adopted without the sanc- tion of three fourths of a subsequent general meeting. '28th— Motions regarding the ordinary business of the Society may be adopted or rejected without delay, by a majority of votes at any general meeting. Accumulation and Disposal of Funds. 29th. — The funds of the Society, including all fines, shall be al- lowed to accumulate until the sum of fifty pounds shall have been realized; which sum rhall be considered as the capital stock of the Society. 30th. — This sum shall not at any time be drawn upon unless in oases of extraordinary emergency, and only with the consent of three fourths of a general meeting. 31st. — So soon as the said sum of Fifty pounds shall have been realized, the committee of management shall have power to afford such relief as their funds beyond that sum will admit of, to those whose claims on the society shall have been admitted. 32nd. — The committee shall not lend, bestow or disburse in any one year, a greater amount than the free proceeds of the funds of the Society for that year, unless they have the sanction of a geeneral meeting. 33rd — The surplus Funds shall be deposited in the Commercial Bank, or loaned on heritable or such other security as shall by three fourths of a general meeting be considered safe. All writ ings relating the funds and their disposal, shall be in the names of the President and Treasurer for the time being. Applications for Assistance. 34th. — All applications for assistance must be made to a mem- ber of Committee, who shall without loss of time communicate with other two members of committee. They shall ascertain by personal investigation whether the applicant is entitled to relief, and if so — shall in a note to the Treasurer specify the sum which they may consider proper to be loaned or bestowed ; on receipt of which the Treasurei shall pay the amount, taking a promisory note at twelve months for the same if loaned ; which, with the Committees note.he shall produce to the Auditors with the annual state of his accounts. 8 Annual Festival. 35th.— The members shall dine together annually, on the 30tk November, at such place as may be agreetl upon at the October meeting. The President and other office bearers conducting th« meeting. 3Cth.— At this meeting each member present shall wear as a- National Badge, a St. Andrew's Cross on the left breast. OFFICE BEARERS OF THE SOCIETY. FOR THE YEAR ENDING THE SECOND TUBlSDAYOr OCTOBER, 1836. PRESIDENT. DANIEL M'DOUGAL. VICE-PRESIDENT. EDWARD CLARK CAMPBELL. Ordinary Managers. JOHN LOWE. DONALD M'LEAN, ANDREW HERON, JUN. JAMES MILLER, ROBERT KAY, GEORGE MENZIES. JAMES LOCKHART, Treasurer. JOHN BALFOUR, Secretary. EtV. Pt. IVIGIIL, Ci'/iiAiN.- F.W.PORTER Puysicun. dUARTERLY MEETINGS. Th« second Tuesday in Jantiary, April, July, and October, ', on the 30tk the October )nducting th« 11 wear as a- :ast. ETY. roBER, 183G. [LLER, CAY, MENZIES. yeaivrcr. ary. L'ER Physician. jjid October,