«■■ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 7 m '■/ /. 7a 1.0 I.I 1.25 tii |2.8 I' m 1 2.5 2.2 6" 2.0 1.8 14. ■ 1.6 N Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIM STREET WEBSIFR.N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 f\ qv r^ % w :<\^ >i 1 l. i ij|i|i ' Mn j ^ wfiii . I., CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHIVI/iCIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques »,r*rfs«»ai^a«^.i«sai«««s<;::,>«:.,, ?uS-S-^ »?!»'i .;v^: VX^ Ji »\ o^ #,' t^^ ^i,. #; ■X* ILLUSTRATED PART lY ■^ ' - ^ : ^ ■Hi ^:> ]:^^iS. 6/IPE BRET0N ^'^^-C) -ILLUSTRATED* PAR T IV. Copyrighted by Jas A Stubbert, 1891. THE ALBtRTVPE CO , N. V- TT^'fPTfr^rrzX.!!. - c 4- A CAHK 13WKT()N. 1 lis selection of views in Cape Hrcton is intended to place in the liamls of the pulilic a few illus- trations of places of historic interest in that island. 'I'lie scenery of Cape Hrelon, Mar^;aree and the Bras D'Or Lake is unrivalled \i\ the Maritime provinces. Louislxiur^; and Sydney are Ixjth towns of historic interest. '!'he former is the scene of the ^{reat stru^(^;les which resulted in the yx permanent occupation of the island by the Uritish; while the latter became the centre of l',n^;lisli authority, being the cetitre of a separate military government from 1784 to 1S19. The citadel of l.ouislx>urg was a work after the plan of N'auban. It was maj;nilicent in extent and design but badly built and poorly armed. The outlines of this fortification can still be distinctly traced. Four bombproof casements in a state of partial preservation still mark the site of the " King's liastion," which defended the citadel on the north; while the "(,)ueen's Hastion " occupied the opposite angle, where the remains of three other casements are yet to be seen. This view is in the direction of the light -house and the English Harbour, towarls the Last. Sydney is the county town of Cape Breton County, and is commercially the centre of the coaling region. The place has a population of alx)ut 3,000. Its harlx)ur is one of the largest and safest in the world, and, next to Halifax, has more shipping trade than any other part in the lower provinces. A small garrison was stationed here up to the time of the Crimean War, and the harlxiur is still fre(|uented by English and l''reni;h war ships during the summer months. Five miles distant, and on the opposite side of the harlxjur, is North Sidney, formerly called the "Bar."' It has grown up during the last twenty ^■vfr.fci fe«.i.nM-.ii«,,^^,BMr;,-4^-,*-. w A -JX years. 'I'lic CiciiLTal Miniii^; Associatiim ship their coal at this point, and tlic Westcin I'nion Atlantic cable lands here. 'I'liis is a place of considerable cnter|)rise, and is a port of cal for ships from Kurope bound to Atlantic and St. Lawrence ports. SI. I'eter's (anal is about halt a nule in length and has been cut lor the most part oui i •' tlic solid rock. Il CI iinuils the Atlantic with the liras D'Or l..ike towards the South West, „nd thus provides a water route from Sidney to the Strait of C'anso, through the interior of the island. The scenery all alonj; this route is very line. "( irand Narrows " is a narrow and deep |iassa^;eformini; the eastern inlet to Bras I I't 'r Lake. The bridt^e seen in the illustration is 1,750 feet in len^;tli, and the depth of the '.vater is 175 feet. A hotel has been built here for the acconimndation of travelers and tourists. The (irand Narrows are about h.ilf-way between Sidney and llie Str.iit of Canso. 'I'lu' risi;e Dan Falls, 125 feet in height, are in the midst of wild and rn^jtjcd scenery. The name signifies "White Water Kails. ' These encry of In^onish is very jjrand. The inner harbor, surrounded by bohl anil wooded hei^;hls, is very much admired. Near this place is ("ape Knferme, 2,100 feet in hei(.;ht, the hi^^hest headland in the Maritime Provinces. I!a(lderia County. The scenery in this neii;hborhood is varied and beautiful, and attracts visitors durini; the summer months. The eminence on the ri^ht in the \ iew entitled "I'ishin^; at Martjaree" is "Cape C'lear," the hi(;liest point of land in the Lower I'rovinces. I'his little volume is the lourth in number of a series entitled "(ape Breton Illustrated." The lirst (a larLj' volume) (lesi),'nated ''Lonisbourj,'. Historic, 1 lescriplive and l'icttuesi|ue," is devoted to the history of iiuii l''rench slroni^hold. Both siej;es will be described in detail. The oritjin and result of the conllict between the I'urilans, the Krench and the British in North America will be considered. The book will be lliiely illustrated, and it is hoped that the |)ublic mav lind it both tasteful and instructive. ^4 « 'sf' 1/ I \VIIVl(P(c)MAc;ll IIAV. LolJISIiOUKC. --r- ffw,,^4.»»- ■■■- ^.i'**. '.- . \l'i'-Vf (.KAMI NAKKOWS. l.oUISHOUkC, l-KOM IIIK ( I lADKI. : SYDNKY. C a:**-* ■ "'AV^J.M *»*Wj ^ (i^tf Kf^iCHkH^to .^ I >■/•—'• ■»,T:»'m»9Arit: ■a.>.-a.Art»J*U«UA*«fe;!tB';f^,(*Ka.,^«„Pi,SMUti"«.^.^ fl I r North sydnkv. SYIPNKY FROM IIIK CKMK.rKKY. i^t--.>,\iHiA-. -^,7 ct ($ SL'tJAk I.OAK, MAKCAKKi:. t)N TlIK MARCARKK KIVKR. ^ ■f ,; 1^ ti^ ifUt^ m :\ r,<^ ;»»»!!?»*■'■ -t=«5; MSIIIl^i^VT MARCARKK. ^: •A O Ul Q Q I.OCII O'l.AW. f ^'P- (IRANI) NARROWS HorKI,. v«',<:r'r51SS?iJ^SrR?SSi-i.-.-. i«r.- I (IRANI) NAKkoVVS C< >NSTRUCTIN(; TIIK RAM UOAI). i SI'. I'KTKKS CANAL. IIKADOK INC.OMSII HAY. KKKSII WAIKK l.AKK, CAI'K NuKlll. KOKKS INTKRVAI.K, MAKi;\k'KK. .ASIKKS ASrV HAY. '-•*4Jt.1^U.. ..^«ivr&%«»i;g^:>rtl4#i*«jfti*^'A^ *