W 1.7.7/ KULES AND REGULATIONS \r OF TOE QUEBEC GARRISON CLUB. ESTABLISHED 11 1 h SEPTEMBER. 1879. I « • • • » » i • • • • « . •. ■ ' • » • . ! ! •. • " ' ■ ... • * • - . • i . . . ..• '^ QrEBEC : PBIN'TEO AT THE " MORXIK« CHRONICLE " OPWCB. Q 3 OA- QUEBEC aiRRISON CLtJB. IMTROX : His Kxcellency the MAKQULS OF LoUNE, K. T., CI. C. M. Ir., GoviTiior General ol" Caniula. PRESIDENT : Lt.-Cc.I.. T. J. I»l rilKSXAV. D. A. C. C-umiaiiilln- 7ili Mililiiry Di^fiin. IIONOKiKY Vli'E-PKESIHEM': l.T.-rui.. T. IJI.AN'D ST1!A\(,;K. K. A.. I» inl-n lii-i..ci,,i- uf Artillery. VIC'E-FRESI1>£\T : l.T.-Col.. .1. J;1:L1. FOUSYTII, CMUnnaiMlin.j •• (Jii,.i,-~ Onvi. ('aiiinliuu llus^ar.*.'- i (nnilTTEE : J.r.-Cni.. K. LAMONTAUXE, IJii-it.K- .Maj.-r. I.T.-Coi.. 11. AIJ.EYX, Coiniiiaii.liii- Sil, IUh. «M{n.val liii!,-." I.T.-C.)i.. I,. P. ^■(.»IIL Coniinanaiiig I'tli Halt. " W-lti-nn-." hr.-Coi.. .T. B. AMYOT, *Jili Bait. •• Voltigeur.-." I.r.-Coi.. C.E. MUXTIZAMBERT, Coinmaii.liiig"B" Battery. C.A . l.T.-Coi,. F. WOOD GRAY, '•' Queen's Own Cunuaian Ilii-ar-."' Lr.-Ciii,. M. W. BABY, Coininaii.llnL' Quelx'C Fielil IJatiery. I,T.-("()L. W. 11. FORREST, District rayma-ltr. SinnEox IT.,NEII^O-X,.'- i5 ".-'.■Jat^.vry, <-'. A. ('•'j-i. ili'.USVlirU, 8Ui B«tt.'' ' R..y:il Uii'-^' l,T.-('ol.,.r. rV'l^UItX£>l'£L, *' Quccn^ Own (.'ana^lian Ilu-ar-." ASSISTANT-TREASIREK : Lt.-C'oi.. a. EVAXTURKL, 9tb Bati. •< Voltigcurs." SECRETARY t Cai't. (CRAWFORD tINL>SAY, Quebec Fkl.l Batterr. RULES ANQ REGULATIONS, I. Till- .\>-iH-iiiiiuii «liall i'v kii>'\\ii a> tlif •• (^Mu-U't; (.jurn-i'ii i'Uiur 1. The Sti\ft\.f tlie Sevi-Mlh .Mi!lt;»iv l)ir.tii(t aii.l tin- Olliccij. (if till' M'Vt'ial Ai-li\f \'<>lniilct r Miliia C'lrp-, hiiviiii: tlioir licml iiiiartcrs ar tl.c City u[' QiU'Ium-, arc ;i1i)ik' t-li^xililc as iiicimIht.-, Tlu-y ^llu!l lie lui'iiilii'rs cj--<>rficiu ami witlunit L'all.it. A, All tlic Ciiiifoni"; I't'tlif dull shall lie inaiinjrcil liv a ('...iii- tiiiitt'O. ti.tciiii.-ist Iff litKcii iiioiiilicrs ct'iniM>-c!: a ineinlier of Ihi^ Cluli) fif'the <^>uoeii's Own (.'anadian IIu.--ars, tlie *•]{" ihittery, the (Jueliei- Kiel. I JIatK rv. the Mh IJnNal liilles aiitj the Xinfli ilattalinii or N'uttitreur- nf <^iieli"c, aU'l also ot" one oHieer, to he chosen liv their re-peetive eor|i<, iVtiiii the (^Mceii's Own Canadian llussars", the "15" JJattcry, the >th Ifoyjil Killes and the Ninlli Jhittalion of Voltiircnr^; ot' Qnd'cc. 'I'lie \'n\v oiliceii shall hold oHiee tor one year. Iiut shall he eli;^ihle lor rc-cKrtion. The 'rifa-iirer. As^i-taiit-Trea-uicr and St-cretary shall he (.<- (>'//'■//< iiicmlieis ot' the ('iiininiliee. \ acaiicies oceiirriiiLr in the CoininilUe siiall iic lille 1 M|i at once v. lieii llu_\ vieeiir. I. The ('..iiiiiiitlee -luill have full CMUtrol I'f the inanacT' ineiil of the ('lull, and it -hall he the duly cf the ("'iniiu'.Itee to enfi'iee the rules ot the C'luh. .'. The Coniniittee. three of nhiMu -hall foriu a <;U"riini. shall iiieit once a f'«.rlni,;j;ht ur ofteiu'r. \ij tran-aet euireiit husine-s. (> 'l"he annual -uii.-i'ri|irliiti -hall he six dollar^ : and no meiiilier sliall he adtniiled to \i,te on any ■•eea.-ii.n whatever, ur enjoy any of the ]pii\ ile'_'(s uf tlir Clul'. until he shall have j'a.d hi- suhscrijitioii. 7. All ann!ial -uh-ciipti"'!!- -hall lie j.aid to tlic 'J'lea-urtr or A-sistaiil-'J'r(a-ur''r. *"'. (Jentleiiicn wiio are not meinher'^ of the l>i-trict Staff or of the Active Militia lM>r<-e of the City of (^uehec, are of the Coniniittee .shall form a qtioruni for that purpose. One black ball in fi\e fliall exclude. In. Ciiiiiliiliiif- iiiii-i Ix' |ii>i|Mi-fi| !.'• line •ipliiiiiTv niftnlifr aihl -( cuiiclcd liy iiiM'iliti, !iiii| llicir liiiiin-^ iii>ci-lfil in the ('iiiMliilall'*' HtHilc k'.pt I'lir tliiit |nii'|...-c. TIk' iiiiint"- nf all famliilittc^ iiiii>t lit' |Mi»!(i| ill tin- I'ljuhii;! II'm.im t'ul' ill liii'I .-cmmi i|!i\.» littiiii' ili»'^ ;ift- -iiliiiii'ifil t.ii- I'kv'titjii. II Oil tlif ii'lijii--i"ii "!' cihli iii-w iiifiiilx-. llic SiiulJiiy ••lijill ii"tlr\ him lit tin- -;iiin'. N" rMii.liiil>-i-rii>ii<'ii tit ."-lu'li iii-w iiK'iiiln.'r If li.it I'iiiil wirjiiii I'lii- iii"iiili ai;t r lii- aiiiMi--i<>M, hi- ii:iiii*> sliiill lie tia-til tVniu ilif li>l of uifiiiii'i"- i<\' tlif ('lull, iinlt-'s l|f can jll^Iil\ llu' lU'lav t>> till' -ati-fat-li'iii <>: llu- Ciiiiiinilti c 12. Tlif -ul>-ii i]'li'>!! -hall I'f jiayiililf nil (he l-l "f OcIipIu'I' ill fai'h Veil!'. ].'!. 'I'ht' iiaiiir >•[' (M'ly iihiiiIhI- lailinL' I" l>a\ hi.- annual i'uh-eriiiliiin, altiT haviiri itcfivfil notiff, nr (ln)in;j: the ri>ni>f nl' ihf nmnth nf Uctnhrr. shall hf f.\hil>iUil in llu- IhailiiiL' Jfonni fii liic tii'.-t tit' X(.\ciiiiiiT linn nf\l ; an>t |ia:il tin ' iioi.-jcix lucnl. wliicli, in tlif ti|iiniitn nf ihf ('"ininilli t . -hall a|i|ifai' .-ati^|a^•tli(.'aliun In that ctltit. Id. Any nidiiiary incinht'r ii lirinL' fmin tlif Active Militia l''nrcf. ivlaiiiiiiL' ran':. ma\ riinain an nfdiiiai'\ uifUihcr tif the Cliil.. 17. It' the cnnduct <>\' any ineiiilier, nrtlinaiy nr jn'ivilep'd, tiiher in nr (.n( nf tilt- ('lull llnii-t-, .•-iiall, in the cijiiiiitm nf the Cniiunittee, or nf any ti\e iiu'inher.--, iinhnary ei'.-nii whose name is so ci-ii.«i'd slialj cea-e to he a iiieiiilit-r of tlieC'luh. i»rovi(k'il that nosiich recoiii' nietuhitinn he sent to any nit iiiher iinles.s the icsolution to semi the same sluill have heeii aLrreed to liy two-third-s of the inonilier-t nf the Cnmmittee actually jtresent at u meeting sipeciftlly tsuni- iiioned tor that purpose, of which nine must l»c the quorum ; pro- vided also, that if, u|M»;i such meeting of tlu' Committee so special- ly summoned, two-third- of the Committee a-s.-eeinbietj (^hall be o(' opiiiii.n tliJit the chanictcr i(iii»iM iistlic iiM'iiilicr wliii'C cotnliirt i- in i|iic-tii)ii. ! lie ( '.i|iitlliltc<' -liJill lie i'ini»)V.<'l'fil I'.iitliwitli l>U'!i fji-'f -Mfli iiuinlit'i' >|iiill In- I'urtM'r iilUTuiiiiN iii<'li;.MliU' !«' ciiti'i" tlif (.'lull IImii.-c. 1>^. Any iir^liiinry nr )ti i\ il«'.i:<'«l incnilit r. witli ilic -nnciii n ..f a ini'iiilirf (if il.f ('..iniiiillt f. -liail ii!i\ c tin- |ii'i\ ilcjc u\' iiil riiilm- iii;.' a tricml. let a it-i"lfii( uftlir bi-frift ol (^)iiclitT. t.ir a |.cii|' ihc CI ill'. !!•. N'k rr»iil( lit of ihc Cily ur I'.inilit'ii. who i> iiliall |.( a!i-iilnlrly tv\cai'li'ii frnm tiic tiLivci.- nl ihi- Clul', ■J I . Til'' ("lull I I-iii-c -liail lie ")i(iif''| ai >.'ln a.m.. aii'l I'lu-i c| at I'j. .'!'•. cxci'iit till ^ami'ilay aint Suii'lay iiiLriit. w Ik'Ii llic ("lull will Ih' clo-f'l at iMi'liii!.'!!!. Nk nu'iul'i'i' -hall lie a'liiiiltci int.i llic ("lull "111- il'' "t tlic-^c li"iir- I'll ill ly picti isrc u liatcs i r. Ulli'.•-- ^]«•(•',al!y autli'ni/.ctl li\ the ( ".'iiiiiiiUc''. '1'.'-, V" liH'k- t'T iic\\-|ia|»ci - ai'i h' I'c !iii."\ d l;'"iii lln ("iuli, an 1 ii'i |ia|'(r "1" imrirc, w ririi II 111- |iriii!''il, >|iali lie I'lif iij' in llic Clill' willniiit tlio .-aiicli'.ii liall, on any account, lie jilayed fur iih'Ikv. e\ee|'t Wlii.-t, Kcarto, Pii|U(l, aiiil Pool: nur Dice ii^-cr at Wlii.-i ; nor .-hall anv ln't c.xceeil one tjollar: the ^.Miiie."' of Kcarf'', ]'i(piet, ami J'ool |m he plaved for liiHif.ci.!, frtlUvt'.<— the .Ijkiii'.-i /'o .he lix.'.l. hv the ("oinliuttet'. 'I'K .Vny arti(;le of" tl^is co;i,-jitiit'viiii .may he, jiUcr(.'tj,.yiiieiiileti or -ii-'i'finle 1 for'unv.'l».'ii"r?h i»f ,xi!iji';,'"h\ j^otivent .'iC •'twir^lhir'l.- <.t' • • « • • • • e thf m»inl>^i"' [iiekeiit at any iii«'etiii;jt H^K'cially convern-d for tliat |>iir|Mi«(', nixl proviiltMl Midi altcratiuii, ainciKiiiifitt or Mii'pciisiuii, "hall liave liocii ^-jK-iritit'tl in tlie iioticf yuiiiiiioiiiiig siu'h inectinj;, aiul titat at Mii-.-h iiuotinj; twonfy nioiiibcrs at least h*j jn-f-fiit. .".0. The Annual fu'iieral Mt't'tiiijr of the ('liil» sliall !«• Ik 1c c.' tinirt«'t-ii dav-; notice, to he poMeil tip iluriiiL' that )N-i-io; loiom. 'I'he Committee may a!»i.»call a Special (icneral Meetin;ii upon the rei|ui.«ilion of twelve ( 12) meriihers in " ritin;.. 'J'he reipii-ition must specify in the foiiii of a re«iuii shall lie limiterl to such mailer niilv. N'l Spciial (I'lc r:il .Mcetin'i