THE STEREOMETRICON. Originator: C. BAILLAEGE, M.S.,, \^. . . ' ''■( '•''■''' Member ok the Sooisty for the Genbralizatioh ob- Edpoation in France, and OF 8BVEBAL LBARNHD ANU SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES ; CUBVAI.IEK OF THE Urdkr qf St. Sauvkur ok Montk-Kkalk, Itaxv ; etc., etc. MKASUREMENT OP ALL SOLIDS BY ONE AND THE SAME RULE. V. . , UNIVERSAL APPLICATION OF THE PUISMOIDAL FORMULA. ,,; „ Thibteen MtDALa and sierKNTEEN Diplomas and Letters awarded the Author ,«S";'i i) '■ JfRot Russia, France, Italy, Beloium, Japan, Krc, ■•..^,-5 ,'*j,-V >;. Promoter: THOMAS WIIITTY, '''^^'■^S^^^t' u ]^ ' ■' - - ^i^'ij ,^■ ' /'V^iOFESSOR AT ST. DENIS. ACADEJIV,. .MONTREAL- ,i!t'5-vf:J^;" Comprises 200 /solids representative of all conceivable elementary forms, as of .' , ' ' . ."■, , ' '. the Component parts yf Compound bodies. I' , ,, ^„,' . Name and Je«c;(iption of each solid. What it is representative or suggestive of, or 'l'^'^^'^'fif^:^t'^''!^: ' V that of which it forms a Component part. v'v*- ,;-''^ Nature and name of opposite bases and of middle section as of lateralfaces and remaiqder of bounding Area, including every species of Plane, '. -' ^1^.-: • . J-'^'S^ ' /^Spherical, Spheroidal", and Conoidal figures. ' A-.r^si-;, ''. ^'-f/ / Division t, classes T toX : plane faced Solids and SoliJs of single curvature. Division II, classes XI to XX : of double curvature. PRINTED m- JOHN L(:)VELL ■&' SO>T. ' 1880. m: '1, : •'•:/'• :f. .C^ih .':'1U'':'^'.i. .; c THE # STEREOMETRICON Oeiginator: C. BAILLARGE, M.S. '^ ' Member of the Sooiwty for the Generalization op Education in France, and of several learned and scientipic societies ; chevalier of the Order op St. Sauveur de Monte-Realb, Italy ; etc., kto. MEASUREMENT OF ALL SOLIDS BY ONE AND THE SAME RULE. UNIVERSAL APPLICATION OF THE PRISMOIDAL FORMULA. Thirteen Medals and seventeen Diplomas and Letters awarded the Author PROM Russia, France, Italy, Belgium, Japan, etc. Promoter: THOMAS WHITTY, PROFESSOR AT ST. DENIS ACADEMY, MONTREAL. Comprises 200 Solids representative of all conce-vable elementary forms, as of the Component parts of Compound bodies. Name and description of each solid. What it is representative or suggestive of, or that of which it forms a Component part. Nature and name of oppqsi*e .bajes and of middle ^ section as of lateral faces and remainder of .bonnfting'Area,' including every jpecife.'i of Plane, SpheVical,' SphttoidaiJ and Corfcudal Sig^ircs^ Division I, classes I to X : plane faced Solids and Solids of single curvature. Division II, classes XI to XX : Solids of double curvature. Ptftttwat : PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL & SON. 1881. » ■ «' »•• •• * . ■ * I t V • • THE STEREOMETRICON. OniGiNATOB: C. BAILLARGE, M.S. Member of the Society for the Generalization of Education in Prance and of seve- ral learned and scientific Societies ; Chevalier of the Order of St. Sauveur de Mont-Rual, Italy; etc., etc., etc. Measurement of all solids by one and the same rule. Universal application of the prismoidal formula. Thirteen Medals and seventeen Diplomas and letters awarded the author, from France, Russia, Italy, Belgium, Japan, etc. Promoter : THOMAS WHITTY, professor at St. Denis Academy, Montreal, etc. RULE : To the sitm of the opposite and parallel end areas add four times the area oj a section midway between and pat-allel to the opposite buses ; multipli/ the whole by \ part of the lenylh or heiyht or diameter of the solid, perpendicular to the bases ; the result will be the solidity or volume, the capacity or contents of the body, figure or vessel binder consideration. For application of the rule and examples of all kinds fully worked out, see " Key to Stereometricon." For areas of all kinds, plane, and of single and double curvature, see also " Key to Stereometricon," with tables of areas of circles to eighths, tenths and twelfths of an inch, or any other unit of measure, tables of segments and zones of a circle, etc., etc., at end of " Key." The tableau comprises 200 models, disposed in 10 horizontal and 20 vertical rows, series, families or classes. The solids may be indififerently placed, and numbered from the right or left and from below upwards. The solids are representative of all conceivable elementary forms and figures, as of the component parts of all compound bodies. DIVISION I. Plane faced solids and solids of single curvature, or of which the surfaces are capable of being developed in a plane. CLASS I. Prisms. Name of solid, objects of which it is Nature and name of opposite bases and representative or suggestive, or of which middle section, of lateral faces and re- it forms a component part. mainder of bounding surface. Reference to " Key to Stereometri- Reference to page or paragraph of con," for computation of contents and " Key " for calculation of areas and of of factors necessary thereto. factors necessary thereto. Note. — The author uses the term " trapezium " and not " trapezoid," as the termina- tion "Old " conveys the idea ot'a solid aa paraboloid, hyperboloid, conoid, prismoid, etc. For the same reason be uses the French " trapeziform " instead of trapezoidal. 51016 1. — The cube or hexaedron— one of the five platonio bodies. Representative of a building or block of buildings or of one of the component parts thereof; a brick or cut stone, a pedestal, a die or dado ; a pier or quay ; a box, chest, package of merchandise or parcel ; a cistern, bin, vat or other ves- sel of capacity ; a pile of bricks, stones, lumber, books, etc., etc., etc. " Key to Ster.," page 61, par. (7S). 2. — A right isosceles triangular prism. On end, a triangular block or build- ing ; on its base, a ridge roof; on one of its sides, the roof of a pent house or lean- to. " Key to Ster.," page 61. 3.— A right regular pentagonal prism. On end, the base or component part of the shaft of an octagonal pier or column ; on one of its sides, a baker's, butcher's or other van ; an ambulance, etc. " Key to Ster.," page 61. 4.— A right regular octagonal prism. Base or shaft of a column, a pier or post, a bead, baluster, hand-rail, etc. " Key to Ster.," page 61. 5. — An oblique hexagonal prism. An inclined post or strut or the sec- tion of a stair-rail, a baluster on a rake, etc. Mitred section of a rail or bead. See " Key to Ster.," page 64. 6.— Oblique rectangular prism. On end, an inclined strut or post, etc.; on its parallelogram base, the pier of a skew bridge, portion of a mitred fillet, etc. See " Key to Ster.," page 64. 7. — Oblique prism or parallelepi- ped. Section of mitred fillet on an inclined or oblique surface, etc. 8.— A right rectangular trapezi- form prism, or a prism of which the base or section is a rectan- gular trapezium. On end, a pier or block of that shape ; on its larger parallel face or base, the Each of its three pairs of opposite and parallel faces or of its six faces or bases and middle sections, perfect and equal squares. For developed surface, see "Key to Ster.," page 131. Representative of the floor, ceiling, walls or partitions of a rectangular room or apartment, or of the bases and sides of the various objects mentioned under the name of the solid. See " Key to Ster.," page 60. . Its opposite and parallel bases and middle section, eoual right-angled isosceles triangles. Its sides or la- teral faces, rectangles- For areas, see " Key to Ster.," pages 19, 22 and 60. Sides suggestive of those of objects al- luded to. Its opposite and parallel bases and middle section, regular and equal pentagons ; sides or lateral faces, rec- tangles. Areas suggestive of those of objects mentioned in adjoining column. " Key," pages 35 and 19. Its parallel and opposite bases and section, regular and equal octagons its sides or lateral faces, rectangles. " Key," pages 35, 19. Its parallel bases and section, sym- nretrical and equal hexagons ; its sides, parallelograms. " Key to Ster.," pages 26, 19 and 63. Compute half of sym. hex. as a trapezium. Two of its three pairs of opposite and parallel faces or bases and sections, equal rectangles ; the other bases and section, equal parallelograms." Key to Ster.," page 63. Each of its three pairs of parallel faces or bases and sections, equal paral- lelograms. Its opposite and parallel bases and section : on end, equal rectangular trapeziums ; its lateral faces, rectan- gles I on either of its parallel sides or faces: its bases, rectangles ; its later- al faces, rectangles and trapeziums partially flat roof of a pent- house or lean- to; the base of a rectangular stack of chimneys on a sloped roof or gable, a corbel, etc. See " Key to Ster.," page 61. 9.— A right trapezifoim prism. On end, the splayed opening of a door or window or loop-hole in a wall ; with broader base, a partially flat roof; on its lesser j)arallel base, a bin or troujrh or other vessel or vehicle of cujjacily, section of a ditch excavation or of a railroad embankment on level ground, a scow or pontoon. 10.— A right or oblique polygonal compound prism, decompos- able into right or oblique trian- gular prisms or frusta of prisms. An excavation or filling, etc. A spoil bank or a borrowing pit. See " Key to Ster.," pages 60 and 29. May be treated indifferently as a prism or prismoid. On end, its bases and section, tiape- ziums, and sides, rectangles ; on eiilier of its parallel faces, its bases and section, rectangles ; its sides, rectangles and trapeziums, N.B. — Its solid contents, like those of Nos. 2 and 8, may be computed either as prisms or prismoids. Rule for solid content: multiply one- third the sum of the three vertical edges or depths of each of the component tri- angular prisms, or frusta of triangular prisms by the area of a section perpen- dicular to sides or horizontal, and add the results. Page 67, rule II., " Key to Ster." CLASS II. Prisms, Frusta and Ungulae of Prisms. 11.— A right regular triangular prism. On end, a triangular building, pier or lock; on one of its sides, the gable of a wall, the roof of a gabled house, etc. "Key to Stereometricon," page 61. 12.— Lateral wedge or ungula of a right hexagonal prism, by a plane through edge of base. Portion of a mitred bead or hand-rail, end of stair baluster under band-rail, ridge roof of an octagonal tower against a wall ; base of a chimney stack on a sloped roof or gable. 13.— Lateral ungula of a right hexagonal priem, by a plane through opposite angles of the ■olid. Base of a chimney stack, vase or or- nament on a fcloped roof or gable, etc. N.B. — This solid and the last, are not prismoids according to the definition thereof, page 103, par. (206), " Key to Ster. ; " but the upper half, folded over Its parallel bases and section, equal equilateral triangles ; its faces, rec- tangles. Compute as prismoid with rectangular bases, the upper base then being au arris or line. One of its jiarallel bases a regular hexagon ; its middle base a half hex- agon or trapezium ; itd upper base a line ; its lateral faces a line, a rect- angle, triangles and trapeziums ; its sloped face a symmetrical hexa- gon or 2 trapeziums, base to base One of its opposite and parallel bases, a regular hexagon ; the other, a point; its middle section a half hex- agon or two rectangular trape- ziums base to base ; its lateral faces, trapeziums and triangles ; its plane of section, a symmetrical hexagon, which, for area, regard as two equal tra- peziums liase to base, compute and add. See " Key to Ster.," page 29. 6 and applied to the louver half, evidently completes the prism, and hence tiie soli- dity is exactly obtained by the prismoi- Ual formula, as it is of a like frustutu of a cylinder or of an iingula thereof by a plane through edge of base. Or the symmetrical hexagon may be decomposed into a rectangle and two equal triangles, for computation of area 14. — Central w^edge or ungula of One of its parallel bases, a hexa- a right hexatjonal prism; a prismoid. A wedge, the ridge roof of a tower, the base of a chimney slacic, vase or ornament between two gables. 15. — An oblique trapeziform prism. The partially flat roof to a dormer window, the roof of a building abutting against anotlier roof, the splayed oi)en- JDg of a basement window, a mitred portion of a batten or moulding, section of a ditch excavation, or of an embank- ment on a slope. gon ; the other, a line ; its middle sec- tion, a symmetrical hexagon or two trapeziums, base to bise ; its later- al faces, triangles and trapeziums. See " Key to yter./' page '29. Treated as a prismoid: its opposite and parallel bases, unequal rectan- gles; its lateral faces, trapeziums. The factors of its middle section arith- metical means between tiiose of its opposite and parallel bases. 16. — An oblique triangular prism. Treated as a prismoid : one of its op- The roof of a dormer window or of a posite and parallel bases, a rectangle ; wing to a house with a sloped roof, a the other, a line ; its lateral faces, mitred moulding or hllet, etc. equal triangles and parallelograms. 17. — Frustum of a right triangu- As a prismoid : one of its parallel lar prism. bases, a rectangle; its opposite base, a Ridge roof of a building against a line ; its middle section, a rectangle. wall, a mitred moulding, etc. 18.— Irregular frustum of an ob- Considered as a prismoid : one base, a lique triangular prism. trapezium, the other, a line ; its mid- Ridge roof of a building of irregular die section, a trapezium; its ends, plan abutting on the unequally sloped non-parallel triangles ; its sides, tra- roof of another building, etc. peziums. 19.— A right prism on a mixti- linear base. On end, the unsplayed opening of a door or window in a wall, etc. Note, for area of segment of circle or ellipse, see " Key to Ster.," jmges 38, 44, 51, 53, 57, tables 11., III., IV., Vlil. Parallel bases and section mixti- linear figures, decomposable into a rectangle and the segment or half of a circle or ellispis ; the lateral face, a continuous rectangle. Note. — The segment of a circle or ellipse may be equal to, less or greater than a semi-circle. 20.— Regular frustum of an ob- lique triangular prism. A ridge roof, mitred fillet, etc. As a prismoid : one base, a rectan- gle ; the other, a line ; the middle sec- tion, a rectangle. CLASS Til. Frusta of Prisms, Prismoids, Wedges. 21.— T h e dodecahedron, o r twelve-sided solid, one of the five Platonic bodies. Assemblage of twelve equal pyramids with pentagonal bases, their apices or summits meeting in the centre of the Bolid or of the circumscribed sphere. The capital or intermediate section of a pentagonal shaft or column, a finial or other ornament. 22.— A rectangular wedge, the bead or heel broader than the blade or edge. The frustum of a triangular prism, or may be treated as a prismoid, using either of its three jinirs of parallel bases. An inclined plane, a low pent roof, an ordinary wedge, etc. The six pairs of parallel bases or twelve component faces of the solid, equal and regular pentagons ; the middle section a regular decagon, the side of which is equal to half the diago- nal of the pentagon, for area of which see " Key to Ster.," page 36, rule II ; or compute one of the component pyramids and multii)ly by twelve. For developed surface, see " Key to Ster," page 132. On end : its opposite and parallel bases, a rectangle and a line ; its mid- dle base or section, a rectangle. On one of eillier of its other two pairs of pa- rallel bases : one base, a trapezium, the other, a line ; the middle section a trapezium ; side faces, a rectangle and trian ;les. 23. — A rectangular wedge or in- clined plane, the head or heel of equal breadth with the edge or blade. A, right triangular prism. Body of a dormer window or base of a chimney stack on a low or steep roof, etc. Each of its throe pairs of parallel bases, a rectangle and a line ; its middle sections, rectangles, respective- ly equal to half the corresponding base. May also be treated as a triangular prism, with bases and section equal triangles. 24.— An isosceles wedge, the edge As a prismoid : one of its pairs of pa- or blade broader than the heel. May also be considered, the frustum of a triangular prism or a prismoid with three pairs of parallel bases. rallel bases, a rectangle and a line; middle section, a rectangle ; each other I)air of parallel bases, a trapezium and a line ; middle section, a tra pezium. 25. — Frustum of a right rectangu- lar trapeziform prism, or a prismoid. A roof, partially flat, abutting against vertical wall at one end and in rear, against a sloped roof at the other, etc. As a prismoid : its opposite and paral- lel bases, rectangles ; the longer side of the one corresponding to the shorter side of the other; its middle section, a rec- tangle ; all ziums. its lateral faces, trape- 26. — Irregular frustum of an ob- As a prismoid : its opposite and paral- lique trapeziform prism. lei bases and middle section, trape- A roof between two others not paral- ziums ; its lateral faces, trapeziums. lei, irregular section of a ditch or em- Factors of middle section arithmetic bankment. means between those of the bases. 8 27.— Frustum of a right isosceles trapeziform priam, a prismoid. On its larger base, a roof, section of an embankment, etc. ; on its leaser base, a bin or vessel of capacity ; the capital of a pilaster, a corbel ; on end, a splayed opening in a wall. 28.— Frustum of an isosceles tri- angular prism, a prismoid. 'Ilidge roof with ends unequally sloped, mitred moulding, etc. 29.— Frustum cf a trapeziform prism, a prismoid. A flat roof, etc. ; on its lesser parallel base, a bin or reservoir, a vehicle of ca- pacity, a scow, a pontoon ; on end or its parallel faces vertical, the splayed open- ing of a window. 30. — A prismoid on a mixtilinear base. The roof of a building, circular at one end or coved ceiling of a room ; on its lesser base, a bathing tub, etc. ; vertical- ly, the spl' ed opening of a circular headed wir «v in a wall. As a prismoid : its opposite and pa- rallel bases and middle section, rect- angles ; lateral faces, trapeziums. In all such solids, the halfway factors need never be measured, as they are al- ways means between the parallel bases of the trapezium faces. As a prismoid : one of its opposite and jiarallel bases, a rectangle ; the other, a Una ; its middle section, a rectan- gle. " Key to Ster.," page 19. As a prismoid : its opposite paral- lel bases and middle section, rectan- gles ; its lateral faces, trapeziums. Factors of intermediate section or mid- dle base, arithmetic means between those of the end bases. " Key to Ster.," page 29. Its opposite and parallel bases and middle section, mixtilinear figures ; the one a rectangle and a semi-cir- cle ; the other two, rectangles and semi-ellipses; its arched end deve- loped, a sort of trapezium with curved bases ; its area equal to half sum of bases by mean breadth or heigh' CLASS IV. Prismolds, etc. 31— The icosahedron, or twenty- sided solid ; one of the five pla- tonio bodies. An assemblage of twenty equal pyra- mids on triangular bases, their apices or summits meeting in a common point, the centre of the solid or of the circum- scribed or inscribed sphere. A finial or other ornament, etc. More expeditious to treat it for solidity by computing one of its component pyra- mids, and multiplying the result by twenty. 32.— A prismoid, both its bases, lines. Irregular triangular pyra- mid. Dormer or gablct abutting on a slojjcd roof. C/omponent section of No. 79. Sec " Key to St^r.," page 165, par. (212). The ten pairs of parallel bases or twenty component faces of the solid are equal equilateral triangles. Its middle section, a regular dodecagon. Its middle section i)arallel to two oppo- site apices or to the bases of any two opposite pentagonal pyramids of the solid, a regular decagon, whose side is equal to half that of one of the edges of the solid. For developed surface, see " Key to Ster.," page 133. Its opposite base?- considering the solid as a prismoid resting on one of its parallel edges— lines ; its middle section a rectangle. See " Key to Ster.," page lUI, par, (208). 33. — A priimold on a trapeziform base. A cutting or embankment, etc. One of its parallel bases, a trape- zium ; the other, a line ; its middlfr section, a trapezium. 34. — A railroad prlamold on a side ■lope. Section of a railroad cutting or em- bankment on ground, sloping laterally or in one direction only. 3S.— A railroad priamoid on a grade and side slope, or on ground sloping both laterally and longitudinally. Its narrow base upwards, an embank- ment ; the same downwards, a cutting Or excavation. Its end sections or bases and middle parallel section equ>;Vi«.: Prismoids, etc. 41 —The octahedron or eight- sided figure ; one of the five Platonic bodies. Assemblage of eight equal pyramids on triangular bases, their apices meet- ing in a common point, the centre of the Solid ; or two quadrangular pyramids, base to base. Its four pairs of parallel bases or eight component faces, equilateial tri- angles ; its middle section, a regular hexagon ; its middle section through opposite apices and perpendicular to in- tervening arris or edge, a lozenge ; through four apices, developed surface see page 132. a square. For " Key to Ster.,'> 42. — A prismoid, one of its bases Its opposite and parallel bases, a a square, the other an octagon. Base or capital of a column, roo: of a square tower, a tower, pier, vessel of ca- pacity, component section of a steeple, etc. 43— A prismoid, its opposite bases, a square and a circle. Base or capital of a column, roof of a square tower, a tower, pier, vessel of ca- pacity, a lighthouse, a section of a steeple or belfry, a reducer between a square and circular conduit. square and an octagon ; the middle section, a symmetrical octagon ; its lateral faces, triangles and trape- ziums. For area of symmetrical oct- agon, see " Key to Ster.," par. (272). One of its opposite and parallel basses a square ; the other, a circle ; the middle section, a mixtilinear figure or a square w^ith rounded corners Its lateral surface capable of devel- opment into a plane trapexiform fi gure, one base circular, the other poly gonal. 44. — A prismoid, its bases unequal Its opposite bases unequal squares squares set diagonally. Representative of the same objects as solids, Nos. 42 and 43. 45. — A prismoid, its bases a hex- agon and a rectangle. Representative of nearly the same ob- jects as the three last solids. set diagonally to each other ; the mid- dle section, a symmetrical octagon ; its lateral faces, triangles. One of its bases, a hexagon ; the other a rectangle ; its middle section a symmetrical octagon ; its lateral faces, rectangles and triangles. 46.— The lateral frustum of a rect- angular prolate spindle. Roof of a square tower, component part of a steeple, etc. 47. — A prismoid, its bases, an el- lipsis and a square. A reducer between an elliptic and square conduit, a roof, etc. Its parallel bases and section, squares ; its lateral surface, mixtilinear fig- ures capable of development into plane surfaces. For area of these see " Key to Ster.," page 57. Its middle section, a mixtilinear figure or approximate oval. Its lateral surface developed, a curved trapezium, one base curved, the other polygonal. See " Key to Ster.," p. 166. 11 48.— A prismoid, ita bases a sym- metrical hexagon and a line. Kidge roof, copiag or finial to a post, danel ornament, etc. Its middle base, a symmetrical oo- tagon ; its lateral surface, triangles. For symmetrical hexagon, area equal to double that of half the figure, which is a trapezium. 49.— A prismoid, its bases, a sym- Its middle section or base, a symme- metrioal hexagon and a lozenge, metrical decagon ; its lateral faces, Flat roof, ornament, etc. ; on its less- triangles. Area of hexagon, double er base, a fancy basket, a disk, etc. that of component trapezium. 50.— A groined ceiling or the half Its base and middle section, squares ; of a rectangular oblate spindle. A roof, panel ornament, etc. For more exact computation of contents, de- compose into two parts. its opposite base, a point ; its lateral faces, mlztilinear figures. For areas of mixtilinear figures s«« " Key to Ster.," page 57. CLASS VI. Pyramids and Frusta of Pyramids. 51.— The tetrahedron, or four- sided figure ; one of the five pla- tonic bodies. A regular trian- gular pyramid. Apex roof of a triangular building, fi- nial or other ornament, the component element of the icosahedron and octahe- dron. Its base and middle section, equila- teral triangles, the lesser equal in area to one-quarter the greater, its upper or opposite base, a point ; its faces, tri- angles. For development of surface see " Key to Ster.," page 131. For area of bases and faces, see page 36, rule It. 52.— A regular square or rectan- One of its parallel bases, a square ; gular pyramid. the other, a point ; its middle section, The spire of a steeple, a pinnacle, roof a square, of which the area is one quar- of square tower, a bin, a vessel of capa- ter that of the base. Lateral faces, city, a finial or other ornament, etc. isosceles triangles. S3.— A pyramid, two of its faces perpendicular to bas6. The un- gula of a rectangular prism on either of its bases. An apex roof, section of cutting or embankment, component portion of other solids, a roof saddle. Its base and middle section, trian- gles ; apex, a point. Factors of middle section half those of the base. Affords a demonstration of the theorem that in right-angled spherical triangles the sines of the sides are as the sines of the angles. 54.— Frustum of a right triangular pyramid. Roof, base or capital of a post or co- lumn, base of a table-lamp or vase, a vessel of capacity, component section of other solids. Its parallel bases and middle section similar triangles ; lateral faces, tra- pexiums. Factors of section arithmetic means between those of bases. . , , .. -.-„ -A-- ■ fp " ■ 12 55.— Fnutnm of an obliqne trian- gular pyramid. That roof of triangular building abut- ting against a sloped or battered wall ; portion of a ditch excavation, compo- nent portion of other solids. 56.— FrnBtam of a right rectangu- lar pjrramld. Flat roof to tow«r ; reducer between conduits of varied size, component por- tion <^ an obelisk, oapitid or base of a |)Mt or column, a bin, vat or other vessel of capacity, the body of a lantern, etc., «te. Ita bases and middle paralM aeetioa, ■imilar triangles ; lateral faces, tra- peziums ; factors of section, arithme- tic means between those of the baseii For areas see " Key to Ster.," pages 19, 22 and 29. Its opposite bases and middle section, squares or rectangles whose factors^ or sides ar^ each equal to half the sum of the corresponding sides of the bases, or arithmetic means between them. For areas se* " Key to Ster.," pages 19 and 29. 57. — A regular octangular or octa- gonal pyramid. Roof of a tower, spire of a steeple, ihil- al or other ornament, a funnel, strainer or filler, etc. Its base and middle section, similar octagons ; lesser area one-quarter of the greater ; its upper base or opposite one, an apex or a point ; lateral faces, isosceles triangles. 5d.*^The frttsttttu of a regular oc- tagonal pyramid. On its broader base, a roof, tower, pier, quay, component part of a steeple, etc. ; base of & column, lamp or vase, etc. ; on ts lesser base, a vat, bin, vase, or other tessel of capacity ; the body of a lan- tern, etc., etc. 59.— Irregular and oblique pyra- mid on a quadrilatetal base. Apex roof of an irregularly shaped building a gainst a battered wall or roof, a roof saddle, etc. 60.— Frustum of a pyramid with non parallel bases. Decomposable into the frnstum of a pyramid with parallel bases, and an irregular pyramid, by a plane paral- lel to the base and passing through the nearest corner or point of the upper, or non parallel base. Its opposite and parallel bases and middle section, regular octagons ; factors of section means to those of the bases ; its lateral faces, trapesiums. For expeditious mode of arriving at area of octagon, see " Key to Ster.," page 176 or page 26, rule II. Developed surface a regular polygonal sector or trapezium. Its base, a quadrilateral or irre- gular trapezium ; its summit or apex, a point. Middle section similar to base and equal in area to one-quarter that of base. When decomposed for computation of solid contents : bases and section of frustum, similar triangles ; bases and section of component pyrainid or up- per portion, similar quadrilaterals. This pyramid has its base in one of the lateral faces of the proposed solid. ' ' CLASS VII. i > > ; ;. . Cylinder, Frusta and Ungulae. 61. — A right cylinder or infinitary Its pariallel bases and middle sectioo, prism. equal circles ; its lateral surface de- A tower or circular apartment ; a bin, veloped in a plane, a rectangle ; its 13 ▼tt, tub, bucket, pail, vase, drinking Vessel, cauldron or other vessel of capa- city ; a road or other roller ; the cylin- der of a steam or other engine ; a gaso- meter, the barrel of a pump, etc., etc., «tc. height, that of the cylinder ; its length , the circumference of the solid. For areas of circles calculated to eighths, tenths and twelfths of unity, see tables II., in., IV. at end of " Key to Ster." €2.— Frustum of lateral ungula or wedge of a right cylinder. May represent a cylindrical window or opening in a sloped roof abutting to A vertical wall or surface, the liquid in a closed cylindrical vessel held obliquely, base to chimney or vase partly on a horizontal, partly on a gabled wall. €3.— A rectangular circular ring ; The difference between two concen- tric cylinders, or a solid annulus. Horizontal section of a tower wall, cross section of a brick, iron or other conduit, section of a boiler, vat, tub, or other vessel of capacity, etc., etc. Its base, a circle ; its opposite base, a semi- circle or other segment ; its middle section, a segment greater than a semi-circle ; its plane of. section the segment of an ellipsis ; its cylindrical surtiace decomposable by lines parallel to bases into trapeziums. For areas of segments, see t-tble VIII., " Key to Ster.," pages 63, 38, 44. Its bases and parallel section, con- centric annul! ; its interior and exte- rior surfaces, continuous rectangles- The area of annulus equal to the dif- ference of the inner and outer circles, of to the breadth of annulus into half the sum of its circumferences. See " Key to Ster.," page 39. €4.— Central ungula or 'wedge of Its base, a circle ; its opposite base. a right cylinder. Ridge roof of a tower, a wedge, loop hole in a wall, component portion of .compound solid, a finial or other orna- ment, a strainer, etc. €5.— Frustum of central dredge or ungula of cylinder No. 64. Flat roof of tower or other building, base or capital of rectangular pillar, vessel of capacity, component portion of compound solid, base of chimney, stack or vase between two gables. 66— Lateral ungula of right cy- linder or recto-cylindrical wedge. Lunette or arched headway of a door or window, etc., in a sloped roof, component of a compound solid, the liquid in an inclined cylindrical vessel, base of a salient chimney shaft over a roof, etc., etc. a line ; its middle section, the zone or a circle ; its sloped faces, each a st-mi- ellipsls. Its cylindrical surface decom- posable into trapeziums by arcs par- rallel to base. See tables II., III., IV. IX., of " Key to Ster.," also pages 38, 46, 53. Its greater base, a circle ; its lesser, base, the central zone of a circle ; its intermediate base, the zone of a circle ; its lateral faces, equal seg- ment of equal ellipses. Its cylin- drical surface decomposable into trape>- ziums parallel to bases. See " Key to Ster.," page 51. Its base, a semi-circle ; its inter mediate base or middle section paral- lel to base, also a segment ; its op- posite base, a point ; its plane of section or sloped face, a semi-ellipsis. Its curved surface developed an ap- proximate parabola, trapeziums, etc. See " Key to Ster.," pages 38, 44» 61, toblesll.. III., IV., VIU. H 67.— Fnutum of lateral wedge or nngala of a r'ght cylinder. Lunette to arched opening in a sloped roof or ceiling, abutting on a Tertical wall or surface ; liquid in an inclined closed cjlindrical vessel ; base of en- gaged column against a battered wall, etc. 68. — Irregular ungula or wedge of right cylinder. Lunette to a jartially circular open- ing in an inclined ceiling, etc. Compo- nent portion of a compound solid. For areas, see " Ki'y to Ster.," pages 44, 46, 53, articles (61) and (62), tables VIII. and IX. 69.— Concavo-convex prismoid or cylindro-cylindrical solid or concave frustum of a wedge or ungula of right cylinder. Deposit of sediment in a cylindrical sewer, section of additional excavation or filling, or difference between two lu- nettes. 70.— Frustum of an oblique cylin- der. May be decomposed into an oblique cylinder and the ungula of one by a ])lane parallel to base, and passing through nearest point of other base. Its parallel bases and middle section, segments of a circle, less than more than, and equal to half ; sloped face, the ezcentrio soneof an ellipsis ; cylindrical surface, trape- zium parallel to base. For areas ot segment, see "Key to Ster.," page 44, rule 1., rule II., ta>>le VIII. ; for zone of ellipsis, see page 53, art. (62;. Its base, the segment of a circle greater than half; its opposite base, a line ; its middle section, an eccen- tric zone of a circle ; on'j of its side faces, the segmsnt of an ellipsis ; the other plane face, an eccentric zone of an ellipsis. One of its bases, the lune of a circle greater than a semi-circle ; the other tlie lune of a circle less than a demi-circle ; the middle section, a lune equal or thereabouts to a semi- circle. Its side surfaces, convex and concave approximate trapeziums. For areas of luuos, see " Key to Ster.," page 47. When decomposed, its bases and sec- tion ellipses; the base of ungula, an ellipsis equal to each of tliose of the inclined cylinder ; its middle section half an ellipsis. For ungulie', see Nos. 72, 73, 75. CLASS VIII. Oblique Cylinder, Frusta, UngulaeCylindroids, etc. 71.— Oblique cylinder or infini- tary prism. Mitred section of conduit, hand rail, moulding ; inclined column, post, strut or brace, etc. ; inclined cylindri- cal opening in a wall, etc. 7 2.— Obtuse frustum or ungula of oblique cylinder. Obliqtie lunette inclined u])wards or arched headway to a circular or elliptical opening in a sloped roof or ceiling. Component mitred portion of hand-rail, bead molding, etc. Its parallel bases and section, equal ellipses ; its lateral surface capable of development into a plane mixtilineal figure. See " Key to Ster.," fig. n [age 57. For area of ellipsis, see page 51 of same. One of its opposite bases, an ellipsis of slight eccentricity ; its apposite base, a point; its middle section, a semi-ellipsls equal to half of base ; ita plane of section or lateral face, an el- lip3is of greater eccentricity ; it^ lateral cylindrical face developed, a fig- ure like m page 57 of " Key." 15 73.— Acute frastum or angola of 8&me as No. 72. For dereloped cy- obliqae cylinder. lindrical surface, see fig. h, page 57 ){ RepresentatiTe of same as No. 72, but " Key to Stereometriuon." inclined downwards. For area of ellipsis, "Key to SUr," pages 51 and 53. 74.— Concave ungula or frustum of oblique cylinder. Representative of same as No. 73, but in arched roof or ceiling instead of sloped roof. 75.— Frustum, ungula or wedge of right cylinder. Base of chimney shaft on sloped roof, or same as No. 72 not inclined. Same as No. 73, with curved instead of plane section. Its cylindrical surface developed similar to fig. h, page 57 of " Key ; " its curved or concave section developed an oval or fig. like a, page 57, " Key to Ster." Slime as No. 72. For developed cy- lindrical surface, see tig. g ; for ellipsis, fig. b , page 57, " Key to Ster." 76.— A cylindroid; its bases, a c'r- cle and an ellipsis ; infinitary prismoid. Base or capital of elliptic column, re- ducer or connecting link between a cir- cular and an elliptic conduit ; a tub, vat or other vessel of capacity ; a hat with elliptic or oval head and a circular crown, etc. 77.— Cylindroid or infinitary prismoid ; its bases, an ellipsis and a circle. Same as No. 76, or frustum of a conic metallic vessel, which has become flat- tened or battered at one end. Its middle section, an ellipsis of which the conjugate or lesser diameter or axis is an arithmetic mean between thoje of the opposite bases. For area of circle, see tables II., Ill, IV., and of ellipses, page 51, "Key toSter." Lateral surface developed, a plane trapezi- form fig ; its greater base, convex ; less- er, concave ; its area, equal periphery of middle section into mean height. Its lateral surface developes into a plane trapeziform figure, with greater periphery convex ; and lesser concave. Area equal to periphery of middle section into mean height. 78.— Cylindroid ; its bases ellip- ses at right anglesto each other. Capital or base of elliptic column, connecting link between conduits ; me- tallic envelope or tube flattened at ends in opposite directions. 79.— Cylindroid or prismoid ; its bases an ellipsis and a line. Ridge roof to elliptical building or tower; a hut, camping tent, a strainer or filter ; a finial or other ornament. Factors of middle section, arithmetic means between those of the bases. Lat- eral surfice developed, a plane tra- peziform figure of area equal to peri- phery of middle section into mean height, page 51 of " Key." Middle section, a mixtilineal figure with factors, arithmetic means between those of bases. For area of middle sec- lion, page 57 of " Key." Lateral surface developed, a plane trapeziform fig. ; its base, convex ; its opposite base, angular. Area equal circumference of middle section into mean height. 16 80.— A compound Eolid; a cylin- For cylinder, see N'o. 61, class VII. der and a cone. A tower or other building, a hut, tent, or camp with couical roof; a buy rick, canister, fiuial ; reversed : a cauldron, cistern, tub, filter, etc., etc. for cone, see No. 81, class IX. The de- veloped surface of a right cone is the sector of a circle. For area, see " Key to Ster." page 42. CLASS IX. Right and inclined Cone, Frusta, Anguiae, etc. 81.— A right cone or infinitary pyramid. Roof of tower, spire, finial or other ornameut, pile of shot or shells, cornet, filter or strainer, funnel, etc. 82.— Frustum of a right cone, considered as a prismoid. A tower, quay, pier, base or capital of a column. Hat roof to tower, component portion of a spire, a salting tub, etc. ; reveroed : a butter firkin, a tub or vat in a brewery or distillery, etc , a drink- ing goblet, bucket, pail, dish, basket, lamp shade ; a vessel of capacity, the plug of a stop cock, etc., etc. 83. — Inclined or oblique cone. Loop hole in a wall, the liquid or fluid substance in a conical vessel in- clined to the horizon ; a finial or orna- ment adapted to a raking cornice or pe- diment, etc. 84.— Frustum of inclined cone. Unequally f played circular opening in a wall ; a coal scuttle ; reducer or con- necting link between two conduits of different diameters laid eccentrically, etc. Its base, a circle ; its opposite base, a point ; its middle section, a circle equal in area to one quarter that of base. Its lateral surface developed, the sector of a circle. For area of circle, see tables II., III., IV., " Key to Ster." Its opposite and parallel bases and middle section, circles ; its lateral sur- face developed, the sector of a circu- lar ring, or a curved trapezium. The diameter of middle section an arith- metic mean between those of the oppo- site bases. For area of bases and sec- tion see " Key to Ster.," page 38 ; for lateral surface, page 43. Tables of areas of circles to eighths, tenths and twelfths, II., III., IV. Its base and middle section, similar ellipses — the latter equal in area to one quarter the former ; the upper base, an apex or point ; lateral surface deve- loped an irregular sector, which, for computation of area, divide into trian- gles. Its opposite and parallel bases and middle section, similar ellipses ; its lateral surface developed portion of an eccentric annulus, art. 39, page 43 of " Key to Ster." Diameters of middle section, arithmetic means between those of bases. 85. — Flat or lo^ipacity large or small, shaft of a gun, component por- tion of many compound solids, etc. 90. — A compound solid, composed of or decomposable into the frus- tum of a right cone and the segment or half of a sphere or spheroid. lateral surface, the sector of a con- centric annulus. For areas of circles to eighths, tenths and twelfths, see tables II., III., IV., ot " Key to Ster. ;" for that of sector, page 43 of same. For nature and areas of bases and mid- dle section of the component frustum or a cone and of its lateral surface, see Nos 82 and 89. For arf as of bases and middle section May represent a piece of ordnance, a deep conical vessel with hemi-spherical hemi-spheroidal or segmental bottom or top to it. For hemi-sphere, hemi-spheroid, or sea:- ments thereof, greater or less than half, see classes 18, 19, '20. For diameter of middle section in seg- ment of spheroid, see " Key to Ster.," pages 139 and 140, where AB : CD : : 4AoToB: o jtf and CD : AB : : "4 Co . oD : o}f , or, the rectangle under the required radius and either axis of the spheroid is equal to that under the square root of the rectangle or product of the abscissas of the first axis and the other axis. 18 of hemisphere or hemispheroid or of the segment of either, greater or less than a hemisphere, see tables II., III., IV. io " Key to Ster." For diameter of middle section in hemi- sphere or in segment thereof, see "Bail- large Geometry," par. 539 or Key to Ster.," par. l.'J4, where oa == Vc'o . ol)-, and oD ^ dinm. AB minus versed sine oC ; or, the square of the half cord equals the rectangle under the versed sine and remainder of the diameter ; or, may be obtained directly by measuring the solid. CLASS X. Conic Frusta and Ungulae, etc. 91.— Conic wedge or central un- gula of a coue by planes drawn from opposite edges of the base to meet in the axis of the cone. Ridge roof to a tower, splayed open- ing or embrasure to a long narrow ver- tical loop hole in a wall ; component sec- tion of compound solid as of a cone and cylinder or of conses having their bases or apices in opposite directions. 92.— Frustum of a conio wedge r of the central ungula of a cone by a plane parallel to base ; or, may be considered the frustum of a right cone, laterally and equally trun- cated on opposite sides. Arched and splayed embrasure in a wall, component portion of a compound solid. The base, a circle ; the parallel up- per base, an arris or line; the middle section parallel to bases, the zone of a circle ; the lateral plane faces equal segments of equal ellipses, each greater than half; the curved or co- nical faces developed, equal curvil- inear triangle. For anas, see pages 38, 46, 53 and 57, and tables II., III., IV., of " Ster." For area of zone, see table IX. of same. The base, a circle ; the opposite and parallel base, a zone of a circle ; the middle section, a zone ; the lateral plane faces, equal segments of equal ellipses; the developed conical surfaces resolvable into trapeziform figures. For area of trapezium, page 29, " Key to Ster." 93.— Lateral elliptic ungula of a Its base, a circle ; its upper or oppo- cone, by a plane through edge of base. Splayed embrasure to elliptic open- ing in wall and through sloped roof or ceiling, etc. passing site base, a point ; its middle section parallel to base, the segment of a cir- cle ; its plane face an ellipsis ; its co- nical surface developed a concavo- f onvex figure like h, page 97 of " Key to Ster." 19 94.— Lateral elliptic conic un- gula, by a plane passing within the base. The liquid in an inclined conical vessel, lunette head of opening in sloped roof or ceiling ; base of struc- ture rising from an inclined surface, roof, pediment, etc. For area of parabola see key to Ster., page 54 ; for area of hy[)erboiR, page 5.5, or figure e, pago 57 ; for ellipsis, page 51 and 53. The base, a segment of a circle ; the upper base, a point ; the middle section, a segment of a circle ; the piano lateral face, the segment o^ an ellipsis ; the developed conical surface as in No. 87 or 91. If tlie cut- ting plane be parallel to side of cone the face will be a parabola ; if at an angle greater than side of cone to base, hyperbola; if less, an ellipsis. 95.— Central ungula of cone or conic w^edge, by plcines through opposite edges of upper or lesser base and meeting in the axis of the cone. An embrasure, etc., etc. The plane lateral faces, segments of ellipses if cutting planes more inclined to base than side of cone ; if less, hyper- bolas ; if equally, parabolas. 96.— Frustum of conic wedge, No. 85, by a plane parallel to the base. An embrasure; a reducer or connect- ing link between a rectangular and circular conduit, etc. 97. — Concave ungula of a cone or a conical recto-concave wedge. Lunette of circular headed opening in wall, reaching through vaulted, groined or arched ceiling ; cone scnbed to cylindrical surface, or toa shaft of elliptical section. 98.— Portion of frustum of right cone, by a plane through both bases- Splayed segment headed opening in wall, liquid in closed tub lying on its side ; base or capital of half column against sloped wall ; component section of base or capital of clustered, Gothic or other column. Bases and sections same as No. 91 > developed conical surface, a concavo- convex triangle compatible as per page 57 of" Key to Ster." The lateral plane faces, equal seg- ments of equal ellipses, equal parabolas or equal hyperbolas, as case may be. — See No. 94. Its base, a circle; other base and middle section, zones of circles, for areas of which see " Key to Stereome- tricon, table l.X. The base, the segment of a circle ; the other base, a point or curved arris ; its intermediate base or section, or its bases or sections if divided for compu- tation of cubical contents, segments of circles. Its sides like No. 94. Its parallel end bases and middle sec- tion, segments of circles; its conical surface developed a figure of trapezium form, having parallel or concentric arcs of circles for its bases ; its plane face, the zone of an ellipsis or of a para- bola or hyperbola according to in- clination of cutting plane. 99.— Lateral conic ungula or wedge, by a plane through edge of lesser base of frustum. Its base, a circle ; opposite base, a point; intermediate section a seg- ment of a circle ; its plane face an 20 Embrasure. liquid in inclined conical vessel, section o>' conical elbow or mitre, base of chimney stack to sloped roof. May be treated also as lyingon its lutcr- r1 plane face. 100.— A oompound solid com- posed of decomposable or resolvable into two conic frusta and a low or flat cone. May represent a covered dish, a bas- ket or bumper, a vase, a tiuial or other ornament, an urn, a cauldron on a stand, etc , etc. ellipsis, its conical surface developed a concavo-convex figure like gor h, page 97 of Hter. but with concave base. Treat on circular banu as easier of com- putation. All its areas to be used in computa- tion of solid contents or capacity are circles and can be measured to eighths, tenths or twelfths of an inch or other unity, and the areas found by more in- spection in tables l[,, IH. and IV. at end ot'Baillargc's ''Key to ater." DIVISION 2. Solids of double cuivature, or of which the surfaces are not capable of devel- opment in a plane. CLASS XI. Concave Cones, Frusta and Ungulae. 101.— Right concave cone or spindle. Camping tent; roof of tower, pavil- lion, hut, etc. ; spire, funnel, strainer, trumpet ; finial or other ornament. May be decomposed into two or more frusta by planes parallel to base, to ad- mit of more accurate determination of solid contents. 102.— PruBtum of a right con- cave cone between parallel planes. Illustrative of most of the objects mentioned In So. 82, which see. For more accurate computation of con- tents, divide into two sections or more, according to greater or lesser curvature of the solid, and treat each section as a separate pritmoid and add the results. 103.— Inclined concave cone. Finial, or ornament on a raking cor- nice; liquid in an inclined vessel, etc, as for No. 101, maybe decomposed by imaginary p'anes parallel to base into two or more sections or slices, so that Its base and parallel sections, circles ; its upper or opposite base, an apex or point. Its lateral surface not capable of development in a plane or into a sector of a circle as is the case with a regular right coue, but may be readily and very approximately computed by division in- to continuous trapeziums by linos parallel to circumference of base. See " Key to Ster.," page 96. Its bases and parallel section?, c'r- cles. Intermediate diameters not, as in No. 82, arithmetical means between those of the opposite or end bases, but must be measured or computed. Lateral area may be conceived as made up of a series of super or juxta-posed continuous trapeziums. Its base and section, approximate ellipses of slight ezcentrioity or ovoid figures ; its other base, a point. In developing the lateral surface into a series of continuous trapeziums, the lines are not as in the right cone n •lant Bide of each may bo Bonsibly a straight line. Soo page 103, par. 139, •• Key to Ster." parallel to base or to circumferenoaB of parallel aoctions, but are drawn equidis- tant from the apex, thus leaving at the baae a figure like h, page 67 of " Key to Ster." 104.— Frustum of oblique oon- oave cone between parallel planes. Representative of same as No. 84. 105.— Flat or low concave cone. Representative of many of the objects mentioned in No. 85. Its bases and sections parallel thereto, approximate ellipses or ovoid flgures. See remarks to No. 102. Its bases, a circle and a point; sec- tion, a circle ; lateral area reducible to continuous trapeziums, par. 126, " Key to Ster." 106.— Frustum cone. Representative of objects under head of No. 86. of flat or low Its bases and section, circles, for areas of which see tables II., III. and IV. of " Key to Ster.," to eighths, tenths and twelfths of inch or other unity. 107/— Ungula of concave cone by a plane through outer edge of base. See No. 92, as to what it represents, etc. See No. 92. Lateral surface reducible to trapeziums and triangles. Base and sections, ovoidal figures; areas, page 57 of Key. 108 -TTngula of concave oone by a plane cutting the base. See No. 93 as to what it represents, etc. Bases and section, segments of cir- cles ; upper base, a point. Lateral sur- face as No. 107. 109.— TTngula of hollow cone by a plane through edge of lesser base of frustum. See No. 99, base of chimney stack to a sloped roof. Base, a circle ; opposite base, a point ; middle section, the segment of a circle ; lateral area, trapeziums and triangles. 110.— Frustum of (No. 109) un- Its base, a circle ; other base, a seg- gula by a plane parallel to base. ment of a oirole ; its middle section See Nos. 98, 116, 126. parallel to bases, also a segment. For Base or capital of a column, or base areas of segments of circles, see " Key to of chimney shaft, etc., on or outside of Ster.," table VIII., or rules, page 44 of sloped roof or gable. same. 22 CLASS XII. Paraboloid or Parabolic Conoid, Frusta and Ungulae^ etc. 111.— Right paraboloid or para- bolic conoid. Dome, but, hive, roof, linial or other ornament, shade, globe, cover, hood, cowl, etc ; reversed : a iilter, cauldron, or other vessel of capacity, the bowl of a cup or drinking goblet, etc., etc. I ts base and middle ^tion, circles ; its opposite base or apex, a point; its lateral surface resolvable into a small circle at apex, and continuous tra- peziums. The squares of its interme- diate diameters, proportional to abscis- sae. See " Key to Ster.," page 96, 112.— Frustum of right parabo- loid, between parallel planes. Represents mostly the same objects as the frustum of a cone. No. 82. See page 142 " Key to St^r." End and middle bases, circles ; squares of diameters proportional to abscissae. For areas of circles, see " Key to Ster.," tables II., III. and IV. 113.— Oblique paraboloid. " Key to Ster.," page 142. Liquid in a parabolic vessel inclined to the horizon, metal in an inclined crucible, (iuial or ornament on an inclined or raking molding or pediment, etc. Its base and middle section, similar ellipses ; its opposite base or other end, an apex or point. For areas of ellijiees see " Key to Ster., ' page 51 ; for lateral area see No. 103. 114.— Frustum of oblique para- boloid between parallel planes. Represents same as frustum of in- clined cone No. 84, "Key to Ster.," pq,ge 142. Its bases and middle section, similar ellipses ; fot areas of which see " Key to Bter., page 51. For lateral area, see No. 103 or reduce to trapeziums by lines from base to base. - „ lis.— Parabolic wedge or cen- tral ungula of paraboloid. See No. 91. Lateral or paraboloidal surface cap- able of approximate development. See No. 91. 116.— Portion of a paraboloidal frustum, by a plane through its greater base and edge of other or opposite base See No. 98 as to what it represents. Also, base of chimney stack, partly on a horizontal and partly on an inclined base, or sloped roof, etc. Its lesser base, a circle ; opposite base, the segment of a circle ; middle section, also a segment, Its lateral plane face, the segment of an ellip- sis. This face would be a parabola if angle of face equalled that of side ; if greater, a hyperbola. 117.— Lateral ungula of parabo- loid. Very similar to No. 92, as to what it represents. Its base, a circle ; opposite base, a point ; middle section, the segment of a circle. Its plane face an ellip- sis. 23 118.— Lateral angnla of parabo- loid ; elliptic, parabolic or liyper- bolic, according as plane of sec- tion catB the base at an angle less than, equal to, or greater than that of the side and base. lis base, the segment of a circle ; ita middle section, a segment ; its up- j)er or opposite base a point ; its plane face, thic segmeatof an ellipsis, pa- rabola or hyperbola, according to angle of plane of section. 119.— Obtuse eliptic ungula of a paraboloid, by a plane through edge of lesser base of frustum. Base of chimney stack, etc., to sloped roof; base of a vase, statue, etc., on a pediment ; a lunette, scoop, etc. Its base, a circle; middle section, a segment; other, a point; its plane face, an ellipsis. For areas of segments of circles, table Vlll. of" Key to titer." Fjr area of ellipsis, pagie 51 of same. 120-— Frustum of a paraboloid between non-parallel bases. " Key to Ster.," page 145. Lunette through a vertical wall and inclined ceiling, et<5. For computation of solid contents decompose into a frus- tu solidity, page 145 of same. CLASS Xlll. Hyperbolold or Hyperbolic Conoid, Frusta and Ongulaoy etc. 121.— Right hyperboloid or hy- perbolic conoid. Page 146, " Key to Ster." Represen- tative of same as No. 111. For intermediate diameter or that of middle section, see "Key to Ster.," page 147, 3rd line, or by direct measurement. 122.— Frustum of right hyper- Except for diameter of middle section, boloid. same '^s No. 112, or the diameter may Representative of same, nearly as No. be measured directly. 112 and 82. 123.— Oblique hyperboloid. Same as No. 113, except for diameter See " Key to Ster.," page 146. Repre- of middle section for which see " Key to sentative of same, as No. 113. Ster.," page 147, line 3, or the diametei* may be measured. 124.— Frustum of oblique by- Same aa No, 114, except for diameter perboloid. of middle section for which see " Key Representative of same, nearly as Nob. to Ster.," page 147, line 3, or may be had 84 and 114. by measurement. 24 125.— Hyperbolold wedge or central ungula. Similar solid to No. 95 of a cone and representative of same objects. Except for diameter of middle section, same as No. 91 or 95. For area of zone, see " Key to Ster.," page 46 or table IX- ofsame. 126.— Ungula of hyperbolold by Its base, a circle ; middle section, the a plane through edge of base. segment of a circle; other base, a For solid content, treat as prismoid or point. Plane lateral face, an ellipsia, by par. 185 of " Key to Ster." its lateral surface of double curvature, Solid similar to No. 93 of cone, or to as all such figures are not capable of No. 117 of paraboloid. development, but reducible as required. 127.— FruBtum of hyperbolold wedge. Similar to No. 116 of paraboloid. Base of chimney stack, etc., resting partly on a sloped roof. Bases same as in No. 116. Lateral area developes into trapezium! by lines parallel to bases. For areas of cir- cles, segments, zones, see tables of " Key to Ster." 128. — Ungula of hyperbolold by a plane through base. Similar to No. 118 of paraboloid. Bases and section same as No. 118 of paraboloid. See table VIII. of " Key to Ster.," for areas of segments. 129.— Frustum of hyperbolold w^edge, or of central ungula of hyperbolold. Similar to No. 92 of cone. 130.— A compound solid. Two equal frusta of cone or conoid, base to base. Illustrative of a keg or cask, barrel, hogshead, etc., of any size or shape. Treat one-half of solid ns Nos. 82, 112, 122, and double the result. Same as No. 92. For areas of circles to eighths, tenths, and twelfths, see tables II., III. and IV. of « Key to Ster." For area of zone, see table IX. of same. La- teral surface decomposable into trape- ziums. See " Key to Ster.," fig. on page 155, for mode of measuring half-way diame- ter, when the half solid is not the frus- tum of a cone, but that of a conoid or of an ellipsoid or spheroid. When of a cone middle diameter equal to arithmetic mean of end diametera. CLASS XIV. Sundry Solids. 131.— Three azed spheroid. See " Key to Ster.," page xzziz. May for measurement be supposed to lie or stand on either of its sides or apices. Representative of a pebble, a beam, spindle, torpedoe, a shell fish, a flattened ellipsoid, etc., etc. All its sections, ellipses ; all its paral- lel sections, similar ellipses. For areas of ellipses, "Ster.," page 51. Lateral area, see general formula, page 95, " Key to Ster." Or, as with the spheroid, sup- pose the surface divided as a melon is or orange into ungulae, terminating in apices or poles of the fig. 25 132.— An ovoid or solid of the shape of an egg. Divide into two or three sections and treat separately as conoid, segment of sphere or spheroid, and frustum of con- oid. All parallel areas perpendicular to longer or fixed axis, circles, which find ready calculated for all sized diameters to eighths, tenths and twelfths of an inch, or other unity of measure, tables II., III., and IV., of Ster. For lateral area, see page 96 of same. 133.— Circular disc with round- ed edge. Treat as a compound solid, to wit : a flat or low cylinder, and a ring semi-circular or segmental in sec- tion. Add the results. 134.— Twisted prism. Portion of a circular stairs rail, a twisted pillar or column, spiral orna- ment, etc. 135.— A compound solid. Two frusta of cones, their less- er bases joined. A windlass, spool, handle, shaft, axle- tree, etc. 136.— A compound solid. Two frusta of hollow cones joined by their lesser bases. A windlass, spool, handle, shaft, axle- tree, etc. 137.— Compound solid. Two frusta of concave cones joined by their greater bases. A windlass, shaft, axle-tree, etc. 138.— Compound solid. The segment or half of an elon- gated or prolate spindle, No. 151, and the segment or half of an ob- late spindle, No. 141, or the seg- ment of a sphere or spheroid, classes XVII. and XIX., a buoy, etc. For cylinder, see No. (31. For ring compute area of section thereof as semi- circle or segment, and multiply into circumference. For area, mean circum- ference of ring into circumference of sec- tion. Its bases and sections similar and equal figures. The lateral surface of each face can be developed in a plane, a trapezium or rectangle. Treat half the solid as the frustum of a cone, and double the result, either for solid content or area of .figure. Treat one half the solid as frustum of cone No. 102, and double the result. Lateral area resolvable into continu- ous trapeziums. Treat half the solid, and double the result. For areas of circles, see tables II., III. and IV. of Ster. Sections perpendicular to axis, circles ; Area resolvable into continuous tra- peziums, a circle and the sector of a circle. The circle at apex of seg- ment of sphere or spheroid ; the sector at apex of spindle. See page 55 of " Key to Ster." 139 —Compound solid like the last with hollow cone instead of spindle. A finial or other ornament, a cul-de- lampe or pendant. Sedions perpendicular to axis, circles. Lateral surface, continuous trape- ziums, a circle, and the sector of a circle at apex of cone. 26 140.— Compound solid: the fros- tnm of a ephere or spheroid and a hollow cone. A Moorish dom«, a minaret, cbimiiey of a coal oil lamp, a decanter, a rase, a pitcher. Baeea and sections, circles. Lateral surface resolvable into continuous trapesinms. See general formula, page 95 of " Key to Ster." » CLASS XV. Oblate or Flattened Spindle, Frusta, Segments, Sundry. 141.— Oblate spindle, as two Treat one half as segment of spher equal segments of sphere or sphe- or spheroid, and double the result. See roid base to base. classes 17 and 19. A quoit, etc. , 142.— Semi-oblate spindle by a Treat its two halves together as one plane parallel to fixed axis. segment of sphere or spheroid. See floating caisson to entrance of dock,etc. classes 17 and 19. 143.— Middle frustum of oblate spindle. Fixed caisson or coffer-dam. Treat as prismoid. The bases and middle section each a double segment of a circle or el- lipsis, or two segments thereof, base to base. Table VIIL, " Key to Ster." 144.— Lateral frustum of oblate spindle, between planes parallel to fixed axis. A flat-bottomed boat or other sailing vessel or a caisson, etc. The bases and section half-way be- tween them, double segments of circles or ellipses, for areas of which see table VIIL, "Key to Ster.," and page 53 of same. 145.— Lateral frustum of oblate spindle truncated at one end. A flat-bottomed boat or other sailing vessel. Bases and middle section, double segments, base to base, of circles or ellipses truncated at one end. For areas, see page 57 " Key to Ster." 146.— Lateral frustum of oblate spindle truncated at both ends. A flat-bottomed boat or pontoon, a scow, lighter, etc. Bases, double segments of circles or ellipses truncated at both ends. Divide into trapeziums and compute areas by page 57 " Key to Ster." 147.— Quarter of an oblate sphe- roid, No. 181. The arched ceiling, roof or vault of the apsis of a church or half-groined ceiling of a circular apartment. On its Its base and middle section, semi- circles, if treated on its broader base ; if on its lesser face, its base and middle section, semi-ellipses. On whatever base it stands, treat as if on broader 27 lesser base, the bead of a shallow niche base, it being easier to compute circles in a wall, etc. than ellipses. 148. — A compound body, a cone, Treat separately as cone No. 81, and and the legment of a sphere or as segment of sphere, No. 173, or of sphe- ■pheroid. roid No. 182. A buoy, covered filter, etc. 149.— Elliptic ricg, or may be called an eccentric ring. Treat as circular or cylindrical ring, taking for bases its least, its greater, and its mean sections ; and for length the mean of the inner and outer circumfer- ences. Compute half of solid as the lateral frustum of a half-prolate spindle or the frustum of an elongated cone. The solid may be conceived to be formed of the middle frustum of an elongated spindle bent till its ends meet. ISO,— Compound solid : a cy- linder and the segment of a sphere or spheroid. A mortar, a tower with domed roof, a hall or room with groined ceiling, a hut, hive, hood. For area of sphere or spheroid, see page 95 " Key to Ster.," or page 105, 110, 124, Ex. 3. Areas of circles tables 11., III. and IV. of same. Half-way diame- ter in segment of circle or sphere a mean proportional between abscissae of dia- meter. CLASS XVI. Prolate or Elongated Spindle, Frusta, Segments, etc. 151.— Prolate spindle. A shuttle, a torpedoe, a sheath, case, etc, Its sections perpendicular to axis, cir- cigar, a cles. Decompose its lateral area into continuous trapeziums and a sec- tor. 152.— Semi-prolate spindle by a plane through its greater or fixed axis. A boat or sailing vessel, a canoe, etc. For solidity, compute planes perpen- dicular to fixed axis, as segments of circles, while the sections parallel thereto are not so readily computed. 153. — Semi-prolate spindle by a For greater accuracy, divide into a plane perpendicular to fixed axis, frustum and segment, compute and add A hut, roof, filter or vessel of capacity cubical contents. Areas of bases, tables a minaret or finial. II., m. and IV, of " Key to Ster." 154.— Middle frustum of pro- late spindle between planes per- pendicular to fixed axis. A cask or keg, puncheon, hogshead, etc. ; see page 155 " Key to Ster.'' See page 149 of " Key to Ster.," and for lateral surface, page 95 of same. See page 155 of same. Bases and sections, circles, tables II., III. and IV. of " Key to Ster." 28 155-— Bemi-mlddle prolate spindls. The liquid ia a cask lying on its side, a boat with truncated ends. Compute as No. 154 and take half. fruttum of Bases and middle section, semi-cir- Clea, see page 160 of " Key to Ster. ' Lateral surface decomposable into tra- peziums. '^ ' 156.— Lateral frustum of pro- late spindle by planes parallel to fixed or longer axis. A flat-bottomed boat or other sailing vessel. Treat as prismoid, the greater base, a double segment of a circle. The other base and section, oval figures for areas of which see page 57 of " Key to Ster." 157.— Eccentric frustum of a prolate spindle by planes perpen- dicular to fixed or larger axis of solid. The shaft of a Roman column. Com- pute each frustum from centre and add the results. 158.— Middle frustum of elon- gated spindle by planes perpen- dicular to fixed or longer axis. The shaft of a windlass, a drum or pulley, a cigar, torpedoe, etc. Its bases and sections, circles. For areas of which to eighths, tenths and twelfths of inch or other unit of measure, see tables II., III. and IV., " Key to Ster." Its lateral surface decomposable into continuous trapeziums, or nearly equal to length of side into mean cir- cumference. Its bases and sections, circles, for areas of which see " Key to Ster.," page 38, or tables II., III. and IV. of same. Lateral area equal nearly length of curved side into mean of circumferences. 159.- A curved half-spindle or Base and sections, circles or ellipses cone. of slight eccentricity. Lateral area A horn, powder flask, tusk or tooth of decomposable into continuous trape- an elephant, etc., a supporting bracket ziums and sector at apex, from face of wall. 160.— Frustum of a prolate spin- Base and sections parallel thereto, cir- dle between non parallel bases. cles ; base of ungula a circle ; middle Decompose into a frustum with base of ungula, a semi-circle ; apex of parallel bases and an ungula by a ungula or opposite base, a point ; la- plane through nearest point of one of teral surface, continuous trapezi- the bases. ums, and a tig. like h, page 57 " Key to Ster." CLASS xvn. Sphere, Segments, Frusta and Ungulae, etc. 161.— The sphere. A billiard or other playing ball, the ball of a vane or steeple, spherical shot and shell, school spheres, lamp globe or well, component part of compound solid. The opposite bases, points ; the mid- dle section, a circle. The area of sur- face admits of approximate development into a series of equal figures in the 8hap« of the longitudinal section of a prolate 29 etc. Solid eontent may be had by com- puting one of the component ungulae and multiplying into the number there- of. 162.— A hemisphere. A dome, arched ceiling, globe, shade, eorer, but, hire, etc. ; reversed : a bowl, cauldron, copper, vaae, etc. (Joatenta more easily computable as half of those of a whole sphere, where there is no intermediate diameter to cal- culate or measure. . , , ■, it:-,.' 163.— Segment of a sphere lees than a hemisphere. Representative of same objects as No. 162, cover or bottom of a boiler. Solid contents also equal to one of the com- ponent ungulae into the number thereof. spindle, or of doable segments of a circle, base to base. Surface equal to four great circles or to four times that of a great circle. Its base, a circle ; opposite base, a point ; its middle section, a circle, the half diameter of which equals the square root of the rectangle under the versed and su-versed sines or portions of the dia- meter of the sphere. The lateral area equal to two great circles of tl|e sphere. Base and section, circles ; other base, a point ; radius of middle section for area thereof, equal to root of rectangle of parts into which it divides the diame- ter of the sphere of which the segment forms part. For lateral area see " Key to Ster.," page 110, or General Formula, page 95. 164.— Segment of sphere, great- Its base and section circles ; other er than a hemisphere. base a point; radius of middle section Representative of same as No. 102, and the root of rectangle of parts into which of a Moorish or Turkish or horse-shoe it divides diameter of sphere. Lateral dome. . area, see *' Key to Ster.," pages 1 17 and 123. 165.— Middle frustum of a sphere. Base, capital or middle section of a column or post, a puncheon, hogshead, crusher, roller, lamp shade, etc., etc. 166. — Lateral frustum of sphere- Base or capital of column, coved ceil- ing, cauldron, dish, soup plate, saucer, etc. Radii of bases and sections propor- tional to square roots of rectangles of portions into which such radii or ordin- ates divide the diameter of the sphere of which the solid forms a part. 167.— Spherical wedge or cen- tral ungula of a sphere by planes from opposite edges of base of hemisphere to meet in apex. Component portion of a compound solid. Bases, equal circles ; middle sec- tions, a circle ; see tables of areas of circles to eighths, tenths and twelfths of an inch or other unity of measure, II., III. and IV. of "Key to Ster." Bases and section, circles; lateral area resolvable into continuous tra- peziums ; or lateral area may be had very nearly at one operation, if the frus- tum be low or flat and that its lateral curvature be not considerable. Its base, a circle ; opposite base, a ridge, or axis, or line ; middle section, the Bone of a circle ; its plane faces, circles; and lateral area resolvabl* into trapesinma and triangles. 30 l66.— Frtfatnm of a Apherioal Wedge or central ungula between parallel planes. Component portion of compound aolid. Base, 8 circle ; other base snd middle section, zonee of circles. For arvag of zones, see table IX., " Kej to Ster." 169— Spherical pyramid, ob- tuse-angled and triangular. IHiisfrbtire of the tri-obtuse-adgnlar Spherical triangle, and of the fact that the sum of the angles of a spherical tri- angle, may reach to six right angles, when each of the component angles in- creases to 180°. 170.~FruBtnm of sphere be- tween non-parallel bases. RIboW or connecting link between two portions of a rail or bead ; base of a Tase or other ornament on a raking cornice. Base, a spherical triangle having three obtuse angles ; apex or oppo- site base, a point; middle section, a similar tri-obtuse angular spheri- cal triangle, and whose area ia equal to one-qnarter that of base, its factors being halves of those of base, and J z | = i- Decompose into frastum and ungula of a sphere by a plane parallel to one of the bases and passing through nearest point of other base, or more readily and exactly, compute whole sphere, and de- duct segment. 1.' I'll', ■)■■.<■'.• CLASS XVIII. Spherical Ungulae, Sectors, Pyramids and Frusta. 171.— Quarter-sphere or rectan- gular ungula of a sphere. Domed roof to a semi-circular plan, Tault of the apsis of a church, head of a niche, "Key to Ster.," page 117. Compute as a whole sphere, and divide by 4, or treat as an ungula. See opposite par. 172. — Acute-angled spherical ungula. Component portion of the ball of a vane or steeple ; natural section of an orange, or of a ribbed melon, section of a buoy, cauldron, etc., elbow of two semi-cylindrical mouldings, etc., at an obtuse angle. .173 — Obtuse-angled ungula of a sphere. Bead of niche reaching into a sloped ceiling ; elbow of two half-beads at an acute angle, etc. On its base : one base, a semi-cir- cle ; opposite base, a point ; middle section, the segment of a circle. On end : each of its opposite bases^ points ; its middle section, the sector of a cir- cle. Only one area to compute, and easier and quicker than a segment. Its opposite bases, points ; its middle section, the sector of a circle ; the spherical surface, the component of a hollow metallic (>r other sphere or sphe- rical vessel, or of the covering for a racket or other playing ball, etc. For spherical area see "Key to Ster.," page 117. Opposite bases, points ; middle sec- tions, the sector of a circle ; its plane faces, semi-circles. Spherical area, page 117 "Key to Ster." 81 174.— Spherical sector or cone, or, to avoid computing spherical areas, may be treated as a compouad body, a cone and the segment of a sphere. A buoy) a tinial or ornament, a top, etc, a coirered filter. For areas of cir- cles see tables 11., III. and IV. of" Key tester." 175.— Frustum of a spherical sector between parallel spheri- cal bases. Portion of a shell or bomb or hollow sphere. To avoid computing spherical areas, treat as frustum of cone, adding greater and deducting lesser segment. 176.— Hexagonal spherical py- ramid. Its base illustrative of a spherical po- lygon, page 127 of "Key to Ster." Gomponent portion of a solid sphere or ball ; keystone of a vault, finial or other ornament ; decomposable for com- putation into six equal triangular sphe- rical pyramids, "Key to Ster.," page 129. See rule for spherical ai-eas at end of this pamphlet. 177.— IC^rustum of hestagonal spherical pyramid between pa- rallel bases. keystone of vault. Component por- tion of hollow sphere. Surfaces illus- trative of similar spherical polygons. Height of solid equal slant height of side. 178 — Half-quarter or one-eighth of sphere or tri-reotangular sphe- rical pyramid. Termination or stop to chamfer on angle of wall or pillar. Compute whole sphere and divide by eight. .'..[■> 3l> ■jA-r'si ■ : a^ni Its base, a spherical segment ; the other base, a point ; middle section, a spherical segment concentric to the base and equal in area one quarter of base ; its height equal to radius of sphere, its lateral face developed, the sector of a circle. See " Key to Ster." page 110. 179.— Acute equilateral trian- gular spherical pyramid. Its base illustrdtive of the equilater&l ipherical triangle Its bases and middle section parallel thereto, concentric and similar segments of spheres of corres- pending radii. Its height, the length of slant side. Solidity also equal to difference between whole and partial spherical sectors. Its base, A regular six-sided spherical polygon ; its middle sec- tion a figure similar to the last, and equal in area to one-quarter thereof; its opposite base, a point, the centre of the sphere of which it forms part. For area of base, see " Key to Ster.," page 127. For area of component spherical triangle of base, see page 123 of same. Its plane faces equal sectors of a c'role. Its bases and middle section, similar spherical polygons ; factor of mid- dle section, as in tone, an arithmetic mean between those of the bases. Its lateral faces, equal frusta of equal sectors of a circle, or ooncavo* convex trapeziums. See rule at end of this work. Its base illustrative of the tri-reot- angular spherical triangle, page 123 Of " Key." May compute for solid contents as the half of an ungula where only one area is required, that of a sector of a circle. See rule at end of this work. . , ^^ ^, .„^ . Base and middle section "similar equilateral spherical triangles, for areas of whioh, see " Key to Ster.," page 123, and rule at end of this work. ''- ' . . . • .". '. ■ 180.— FraBtum of triangalar Bases and middle section, similar ■pberloal pyramid spherical triangles wtiose areas are IllustratiTa in its bases of similar as tlie squares of the corresponding ra> splierical triangles. Keystone of a vault dii ; or factors of middle section, arith- to a triangular plan. metic means between those of the oppo- " •'' ' "" ' site bases. .-iivi'i*''; ■.»S"j-i.'. ■ .-I'lliS" GLASS XlX. Oblate Spheroid, Frusta and Segments. 181.— Oblate spheroid. Representative, in a less exaggerated ratio of its diameters or axes, of the earth and planets which are flattened at the poles or extremities of fixed axis and protuberant at the equator. Au jr. ,;ige, lamp-shade, or globe, or bowl. 182.-~Seml-oblate spheroid by a plane perpendicular to Its Qiced or lesser axis. Elliptical ceiling, dome, cauldron, ba- sin, dish, Tase, shade, globe, etc. 183.— Seml-oblate spheroid by a plane parallel to its fixed or lesser axis. Dome or ceiling to an elliptic plan ; glass globe or shade, dish cover, b-it, a trough, cauldron, etc. 184.— Segment of oblate sphe- roid, greater than half by a plane perpendicular to fixed axis. Turkish, Moorish or horse-shoe dome or ceiling ; a cauldron or copper, etc. •?*{ bf- . i'.fi.'^ Treated perpendicularly to its fixed axis, its opposite bases are considered points, as in the sphere, a plane touch* ing the solid only in a point ; its middle section, a circle. If considered parallel to its fixed axis, its middle section, an ellipsis. For spheroidal surface or area, see No. 161. Base, a circle ; opposite base, a point ; middle section, a circle ; for diameter of which, if not from direct measurement, see " Key to Ster.," page 139, line 10 and page 140, line 20. Equal in area and solid contents to No. 182 and of easier and quicker com- putation, if considered such, the factors being circles instead of ellipses. As it stands, its base and middle section, similar ellipses. Its base and middle section, circles ; opposite base, a point. Spheroidal sur- face continuous trapeziums and a circle at apex. For areas of circles, see tables II., III. and IV. of " Key to Ster." For factors of middle section, see No. 182. 185. — Middle frnstnm or solid Opposite bases and middle section, Bone of an oblate spheroid be- tween planes perpendicular to fixed or shorter axis. Elepresentative of same as No. 165. circles ; for areas of circles to eighths, tenths and twelfths of an inch or other unity, see tables II., III. and IV. of" Key to Ster." Spheroidal area, see page 95 of same. „i., .„>♦ : ttt' 186— Middle frUBtnm or solid aone nf oblate spheroid by planes parallel to fixed or lesser axis of •olid. ^.,, 187 —Segment of oblate sphe- roid less than half, by a plane pa- rallel to its fixad or lesser axis. Representative of same us No. 183. 188 —Lateral frustum of oblate ipheroid by jilanes parallel to fix sd or shorter axis. Coved ceiling of elliptic plan ; re- rersed : a boat, a scow, a vessel of ca- )ncity, etc. 189.— Half or segment of oblate ipheroid by a plane inclined to ixis of solid. Liquid or fluid in a semi-spheroidal essel inclined from the vertical. Finial n a pediment or sloped surface. 190.— Frustum of oblate sphe- lid betvtreen non-parallel bases. Decompose into n frustum with irallel bases, and an ungula by a lane parallel to one base and drawn trough nearest point of other base, or )mpute whole spheroid and deduct seg- ents. .Oh Its bagcs and middle section Bimilar ellipses, for areas of which see page 51 of "Key to Ster." Spheroidal area, page 95 of same. ...* WO-vwrv-.l" Its base, an ellipsis -,oppo3ite base, a point ; middle s'.ction, an ellipsis si- milar to base. For factors of middle aection, see No. 182. ■S 1 <■.. ■( Its opposite parallel bases and middle section, ellipses, for areas of which see " Key to Ster.,'' page 51. Its spheroidal surface decomposable into continuous trapeziums of vari- able heiglit. Its base and middle section, similar ellipses ; its opposite base, a point ; its spheroidal surface, trapeaiuma, with ellipsis at apex and a cuvvili- uear triangle at base of sha[)e similar to fig. h, page 57 of " Key to Ster.," or lateral area may be divided and com- puted as triangles. Bases and middle section of compo- nent frustum with parallel bases, ellip- ses ; base of unprula, an ellipsis ; mid- dle section of ungula the segment of an ellipsis ; its other base, a point. For factors of middle sections, see " Key to Ster.," page 139, line 10, and page 140, lino 20, where AB : CD : : -^A^^JB : oM and CD : AB : : 'JCoJP •.oM. CLASS XX. •4 fv ,. ■V: } Prolate Spheroid, Frusta and Segments. 1.91. — Prolate spheroid. jlepresentative of a lemon, melon, cu- aber, etc. ; a case, sheath, etc. phe work of computation expedited treating circles instead of ellipses, is, areas perpendicular instead of iUel to fixed axis. ^' Its middle section perpendicular to fixed or longer axis, a circle ; its oppo- site end bases, points. Spheroidal sur- face, continuous trapezoids, or a series of double segments base to base as the component ribs of a melon. May treat as plane segment with length of cord equal to semi-elliptical section. 'ii_ *> vj n u 1^.— Semi-proTBte spheroid by a plane parallel to dxei^laxift. VftuKeii oelVing to elliptic \t)mo ; »e- vereed : a boat or otlior sailing TesBel, a eauldroB op wsflel of capacity, «t«., •t«. 193.— Semi-prolate upherold by a plane perpeudicular to fixed axis. A hive, hut, roof of dome to citeHkiB tower or apa-rtmcnt ; reversed : a coiiper or boiler. Fur.floMd eontentB and spheroidal' ■uv^' flace tr«at pcrpendiciiar lio flacd nslay where fbetors are «irclea or aeml- oirobei iBBtead of ellipses. Vor areas of circles, see tables IL, lEl. and IV. of "KeyioSiT." ,, .^,„ ,r, Bft-se, ft circle ; other base, a point ; middle section, » circle. For nidlus of middle section, see formula gWen in Noi 190, or at pikge 139; line 10, page 140^. line 20 of " Key to Sier." Stiherolda* area, see No. 191. 194._Ssgpneut of prolate sphe- B»«e mA middle section, circles ; it» roid groa.ter tlian half, by a plane »ther base, tiu apex or point. Mssphe- perpendicular to fixed axis. roidai »ur!t*ce resolvable into-continu- A hut, hi.vcr dome, n caulUro» op eop- oua trapeaiuma and a circle at apex, per, etc. 195.— Middte frnstmn or solid ■ End bases, equal circles ; middle xoneofproiatQsplxeroidbyparal- section, a circle. Unlike the middle lei planes perpendicular to fixed frustum, of » spindle, the solid extents ■g3j£,_ of this solid are obtained exactly by A cask, keg, barrel, puacheon, hogs- tsealmg the whole figure at oace. head, etc., " Key to Ster.," page 13a 196.— Middle frustum or solid zone of prolate spheroid by pa- rallel plane» oblique to axis. 197.— Lateral frustum or solid zone of prolate spheroid by planes perpendicular to fixed axis. Coved ceiling, base of column, etc. ; reversed : capital of column, dish, basin, bowl, tub, hamper or basket, stew pan, cauldron or other vessel of capacity,. etc., etc. 198.— Ijateral frustum or solid zone of prolate spheroid by planes parallel to each other, and to longer or fixed axis. Coved ceiling of elliptical plan, etc. ; reversed : a flat-bottomed boat, a scow, a dish, basket, etc., etc. Opposite bases and roidd>e section^ similar ellipses. Spheroidal surface, trapeziums of wbicli i*ke meatt beight. ,..,'. Bases and section, circles, fi)r areas of which see taWes II., HI. and IV. "Key to Ster." For diameter of middle section, measure solid or.compute by for- mula of i)age 13(), line 10 ; page 140, line 20, where it is shown that tlie rect- angle under the required radius, and either axis of the spheroid is equal to that under the square root of the rect-. angle or product of the absciss* of the first axis and the other axis. l^lO'i Its parallel bases and* middle section, similar ellipses ; for areas of which see " Key to Ster.," page 61. Its lateral area resolvable into continuous tra- peziums of varying height if parallel to bases, but of uniform height, if lines be drawn from extremities of fixed axis. m 199.— Segment of prolate sphe- I u base and middle section, elmllar rold by a plane Inclined to axla. ellipaea ; Us other base, a point ; iU Liquid in sphemidiil Tosael inclined Hiiheroidal siiHace resolvable by circles from the yerlical, a scoop, scuttle, etc. drawn from extremity of fixed axis into a oliole, trapeziums and triangle. 200.— Frustum of prolate epbe- roid between non-parailel pianos. The one, iierpendiciilur to lixi'd axis, tiie other oblique or inclined thereto. Dpcompose Into frustum with parallel bases, and an ungula. Compute separ- iitcly, and add ; or compute whole eeg' ment duo to frustum and deduct lessor segment. V 'he areas of Spherical Triangles and Polygons to any radius or diameter. The following will be found a new, easy and concise rule By Mr. C. BAILLARGB, |or finding the area of any sphericnl triangle, or of a triangle described on the Bur* ice of a sphere of any given diameier. The area of a sphere to diameter I. being = 3.141,502,653,589,793+ . )ividing by 2, we get that of the hemisphere = 1.570,796,326,794,896,6 phis divided by 4 = area of tri-rectgl'r sph. triangle = 0.392,699,081,698,724,1 90 = area of 1° orof bi-rect. sph. tri. with8p.ei.= 1° = 0.004,363,323,129,985,8 " r = 0.000,072,722,052,166,43 " r ' = 0.000,001,212,034,202, 77 " 0.r> =0.000,000,121,203,420,277 « 0.01" =0.000,000,012,120,342,027,7 " O.OOl" =0.000,000,001,212,034,202,77 I Find the spherical excess, that is, the excess of the sum of the three spherical igles over two right angles, or from the sum of the three spherical angles deduct 10°. Multiply the remainder, that is, the spherical excess, by the tabular number pein above given : the degrees by the number set opposite to 1°, the minutes by It corresponding to 1' and so on of the seconds and fractions of a second ; add ese areas and multiply their sum by the square of the diameter of the sphere of surface of which the given triangle forma part, the result is the area required. 'r'^. EXAMPLE. , Jet the spherical excess of a triangle describtid on the surface of a sphere of iich the diameter is an inch, a foot, or a mile, etc., be 3' — 4' — 2.235", What i the area 7 60 = " of 1- or of " « II 60 = " of V or of " i: 11 10= " ofO.r'orof " K II 10 = " of 0.01" orof " II II 10= " of0.0oi"orof " II II i Areaoflo =0.004,303,^23,129,985,8 x 3o =0.013,089,969,389,955 " r =0000,072,722,052,166,43 X 4' =0,000,290,888,208,664 « 1" :r- 0.000,001,212,034,202, X 2'" =0.000,002,424,068,404 " O.r' =0.000,000,121,203,420, X 0.2» =0.000,000,242,406,840 « 0.01" = 0.000,000,012,120,342, X 0.03" = 0.000,000,036,361,026 "0.001" = 0.000,000,001,212,034, X 0.005" =0.000,000,006,060,170 •rff ■ Jo; ; Area required 0.013,383,566,495,059 The answer is of course in square units or fractious of a square unit of the same name with the diameter. That is, if the diameter is an inch, the area is the frac- tion of a square inch ; if a mile, the fraction of a square mile, and so on. Remark. — If the decimals of seconds are neglected, then of course the operation is simplified by the omission of the three last lines for tenths, hundredths and thousandths of a second or of so many of thom as may be omitted. If the seconds are omitted, as would be the case i'l dealing with any other trian- gle but one on the earth's surface, on account of its size ; there will in such case remain only the two upper lines for degrees and minutes, which will prove of ample accuracy when dealing with any triangular space, compartment, or com- ponent section of a sphere of the size of a dome, vaulted ceiling, gasometer, or large copper or boiler, etc. ; and in dealing with such spheres as a billiard or other playing ball, a cannon ball or shell, the ball of a vane or steeple, or any boiler, copper, etc., of ordinary size, it will generally suffice to compute for degrees only. Whence the following. RoLH to degrees only Multiply the spherical excess in degrees by 0.004,363 and the result by the square of the diameter for the required area. For greater accuracy case — 0.004,363,323. Rule to degrees and minutes. Proceed as by last rule for degrees. Multiply the spherical excess in minutes by 0.000,073, or for greater accuracy by 0.000,072,722. Add the results, and multiply their sum by the square of the diameter for the required area. "-^'"^ EXAMPLE I. Sum of angles 140° + 92*^ + 68° = 300 ; 300 — 180 = 120= spherical excess, dia- meter"= 30, page 124 of " Key to Ster." Answer area of 1" 0.004,363 Mult^ly by spherical excess 120° We get 0.523,560 This multiplied by square of diameter 30 = 900 Required area = 471.194,000 A result correct to units and agreeing therefar with the answer given in the " Key," which 13 471.24. If now greater accuracy be required, it is to be obtain- ed by taking ia more decimals, tiius, say area 1° = 0.004,363,323 120 l^r*,^^ ^>- ^.i"::. S •"• V 0.523,598,760 '"'" : ." " . 1^1.238,884,000 ' .■'''■■■'•• . ''•'■*' EXAMPLE H. ' ' ' ' ' ■ " Key to Ster.," page 124. The three angles each 120°, their sum 360o, from which deducting 180° we get spherical excess = 180°. Diameter 20, of which the square = 400. ^g/r ,y.,, ; o'. : • '- -■<' Answer.' ; Area to 1° = 0.004,363,323 180 \'. ■',...■ . . . 0.785,398,140 •*-<'' 400 -.1 .. '■ IV ' ■ ,- , I- J •■ • J , ij Answer io " Key," 314.16 314.159,256,000 , ;,-fe. ^..•.;" = .07578 etc., of a square mile, and so on ; while, by shifting the decimal point to the right, we get suc- cessively 10" = 757.8 square miles, 100" = 7578 etc., square miles, or V — 75.78 X 60", 1° = 75.78, etc., X 60" X 60\ Rdlb. To compute the area of apy spherical polygon. Divide the polygon into triangles, compute each triangle separately by the fore- going rules for triangles and add the results. Or, From the sum of all the interior angles of the polygon subtract as many times two right angles as there are sides less two. This will give the spherical excess. This into the tabular area for degrees, miuutes, seconds and fractions of a second, as the case may be, and the sum of such areas into the square of the diameter of the ••••*•••••• • ' :...;vv'i:, S^^ii'^ii'-'^-: i: ::::/••":* • ■ • « * ... - 38 sphere on which the polygon is tracad will give the correct area of the proposed figure. For example see page 128 of " Key to Star." It may be remarked here tfaart the area of a spherical lane or the convex snrface of a spherical ungula is equal to the tabular number into twice the spherical excess since ii is evident that every such lune is equivalent to two bi-rectangular spheri- cal triangles of which the angle at the apex, that is the inclination of the planes forming the ungula, is the spherical excess. Rbhark. — The area found for any given spherical excess, on a sphere of given diameter, may be reduced to that, for the same spherical excess, on a sphere of any other diameter ; these areas being as the squares of the respective diameters. The area found for any given spherical excess on the earth's surface, where the diameter of the osculatory circle is supposed to be 7912 miles, may be reduced to that for the same spherical excess where the osculatory circle is of aiffereut radius ; these areas being as the squares of the respective radii or diameters. N.B. The " Key to Ster." also sets forth how the converse operation is per- formed of obtaining the spherical excess from the area. ? ,. . ,,•■•■' ■■»■?•.. . r.;. ,■-.,' ■ t, ■ ■-•■!! .j".'>i /«ir!v> /•' , ,: , , .' t/'H: ';t>lM. i. r-if >■•> .yKl, ) . • -. -A: :i\ 1 i .V5».l hW'l . .> '.■ ■ ''Mr,,-'' ' I. ■•>*;¥ '.>KU, ':V\ ■"(;''' iiu. - # « < , < • I ■■,••♦ 'ill! I • J • . • ,M. 4 • •