■■B ^aJ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ // :5^. < V" «-: €^^ y. ^ C/j 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ |50 |S6 J6J 13^ 2.5 I4£ 12.0 11= U i 1.6 p 7i % ^;j 4v> °'i PhotogTdphic ^Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ,\ iV ^\^ ^^ c\ \ <^ >^ '^ I ii'.^ . be met with under varying conditions and in various surroundiags ; and the means best adapted for the utilization of the power vary with those conditions and surroundings. Among the means devised by man at different times before the advent of the impulse wheel for utilizing the water power that was going to waste around him, one has easily taken the foremost place and, indeed, has, by a process of the survival of the fittest, practically ousted all other methodH from a position of being worthy of serious consider- ation. The turbine has at the present day almost entirely taken the place of the earlier devices in use, which have either been consigned to museums as curiosities or are regarded as picturesque additions to the landscape. r(|.i The impulse water wheel probably differs as much from the various forms of turbiue in construction and in action ns the turbine does from an overshot or breast water wheel. The previous statement with regard to the turbine must thenforc be further modified so far as it is found that the impulse motor is finding favour with those who utilise water power. PtLTON BucutT It lioB been 8aid that "countless wealth is being squandered .d al the torrents and water eourses of the world." But it might be added that unless the proper means arc taken for its ul.l.zat.on that wealth of encr.'y avails little more to man than that of the tides m Jupiter. It seeuis at first sight a very simple matter to place a wheel in posi- uon to take ;.p the energy of water; but in praetiee that arrangemen is generally found to involve more or less eostly eonstruetion .n the .ay of dams, basins, eanals, flumes and even tunnels. Tub ,s pa t - euhily the ease where the use of turbines is contemplated, and th. consideration is frequently sufficient to annihilate the expediency o Ls attempting to utilize a known and otherwise available source ol ^Thcso adverse conditions are forcibly illustrated in the mountainous districts of the North American Continent. Water power .s there u, rndance but it is that of mountain torrents ; as a rule inconsiderable „ vot^e of water, but, on account of the contiguration of the coun-ry affordin- large head.. The latter circumstance makes any construct- W^work very costly, and in most instances would put the use of an ordinary turbine out of the question. It was from such causes that the Western States became . he b t Place of that system of water power of which the essential feature . mp le water wheel. The simplification made possible in th. yjn is that of the substitution of a pipe an nozzle of .nsign.fic diinensions for the mas.ive head race and wheel pit associated with the "^ The Vri: impure wheels brought into use were of the very crudest desciption;with the increasing use of the system howevor cam Ih, drelopmen which attends every invontion which has a large h Id of u et ness ope n to it. The impulse .heel of the present day ranks as S efficient mnong the various means of utilizing -^ural energy A this stage it becomes a question to what extent ,t may be des.r b to employ the impulse wheel outside the conditions under which it h »t ;;; nto existele. Thi. problem is specially interesting in a country T there i^' an abundance of water power, and at a time when the :• ". ^n water power is assuming the place of one of the most tt nt en<.ineerinA««-''io»« °f ^l'« ^^^^^ "^'"^ "^^''' °^ ''"' »'"'" ;:rr: rd tie csd.; or some experimental research on this subject Inda^Io to discuss the question by the light of those results and from nilinv considerations. , i .„ Thehistoryofthe development of the impulse water wheel may adv nt a-lsly be .^kotohed briefly. The first wheels of this class we e s mply P-vided with flat projections on the rim of the wheel, and Tiet was ar,.an.'ed to impinge normally on these flat surfaces. This 'Jr, .rw^Ikn^wn as th^.urdy.gurdy. Itean easily be diown lom To Itieal considerations that the ideal efficiency o such a wheel is oO PC but it is probable that most of those in use did not give a greater efficiency than from 20 to 30 per cent. >ig.3 The first notable improvement was that of substituting hollow cup fn, the fl^U vanes, so that the jet struck the interior part of the cup and 'J fl cte 1 biM. a.^un until it left the vane, travelling, with r.spect r^l::l:almo;;theoppo..^d..U.to^^^^^^^ ;;-:^S"SSi:e;;::i;tticetheefficiencywasstill.r from what it theoretically might be. Tho next modification wns that of so curving the surface of the eup that the jet might follow tho surface with very little deviation at the first point of contact. Thus some wheels arc formed with a conical projection in the interior of the cup at the point where the jet strikes the surface, so that the water on striking may he^'in to paiss along the generating linen of the cove, and may gradually be deflected further to follow the curved sides of tho interior of the Viuie. This formation is illustrated iu B^. 4. The more coiimion construction is to place a wedgeehapod projection across tho intirior of the cup or vane. This modification was introduced about 1880. It may be .seen in the bucket illustrated in fig. 2. Tho function of tho widge is twofold. (1) To prevent the heaping of dead watei- upon the vane during its passage through the are of action, or the pait of its path iu which the vnno receives the jet of water. (2) To give the diverted streams a direction of motion which will finally carry them dear of the wheel. In a bucket unprovided with any conical or wo(lt;;;-sh,iped projection, there is no sudden angular deflection of the water. Some of f.hc water IS heaped upon the flat suifaco upon which tiic jet is impinging, thereby forming ■>, curved suifaco over which the foUowio;: water is deflected, as shewn in fig. 3. With a stationary vane on which tlie stream i.s continuously playing, the loss of force duo to this cause is very flight. When, howcvor, the impfct is taking place intermittently on a moving vare, the dead water i» discharged after very inifficicnt action at the end of every Miort period of action, and the total Iosp in efreotive work niity be considi rablo. This loss is reduced by placing a solid prnjiction in the bucket, which takes the place of thiit formed by the water and leave.- all the water free to be deflected in the most efficient manner. See fig. 4. Fig. 5 ^^^^^■1^ .>^i^^ >.••-* ..^ i^M--- fig. 6 As regards the second function of the wedgo, it is virell known that, when astroiim of water strikes normally upon a surface it is deflected equally in all direction.s. This is illustrated in the wheel bucket, of which two views are shown in fig. 5. The same action takes place when the stream strike.'" centrally upon the apex of a cone. This is undesirable in ihe ease of the vano of a water wheel, as the water which is directed towards the centre of the wheel gets into position to strike the back of the following vane, thus oppo,sing tho useful effect of the action. When the jet stiikoj a wedgo, as in fig. li, it is cut into two pcrtions, which aie diflicted away from one another in a plane per- pendicular lo ihe cutting edge of the wedge. In a wheel tliis moticn causes the water to be discliiirged at each side of the wheel where it is fno frcni all liability to interloic with any following parts of the wheel. Numerous modifications of the form of the curved surfaces of the buckets have been brought out at difforer:t times by inventors with a view of modifying the passage of tho water over the vane in .«ome part, icular, but it is not necessary to describe them more particularly. Of the impulse wheels in u,sc at the present day the best known is probably the Pelton water wheel. These wheels arc made in sizes varying from in. to 6 ft. in diameter, according to the head of water available and the velocity required. These wheels have been applied under heads ranging up to 1,700 feet and, as has bt-eri said, there is no doubt that under such conditions the highest efficiency is realized. On the other hand, there are said to bo instances in which Pelton wheels are running with good results under heads of from 50 to 75 feet. 3 c J cntalofi a guide v\liin adju!!tiiig llio load on the brake wheel pievious to a trial to give a desired ,-peed of running. It also served to indicate any considtrablo departure from the intended speed which might take place during u tri:il, and which would vitiate the accuracy oi' the ealculaleil re>ults. Before passing to the exauiiuatioii of tiie cxpciinioiilal results of the trials, it may be well to ujake a brief ibeoretical analysis ol' the subject. The eleuieiitary theory of an inipuiso wIkiI is very simple — fo tiinpie indeed that no attem])t seems to have b(en made to consider to what extent known and obseivablu phenomena nay modify theoretical caleulutious; but rather the elementary thenrctieal result is generally taken as the last word which can be suid on the suhJLCt IVi m a theore- tical jioint of view. In the following investigation the efficiency is deiluced from a con- sideration of the circumstances, as far as tiiey can bo muthcuiatically expressed, under which the mechanical action takes place. In the elemeutary theory of the impulse water wheel the assump- tions generally made are sub'^tantially as Ibllows : — 1. That the jet has the theoretical velocity due to the available Lead of water. 2. That the jet strikes the vane centrally and tangentially to the wheel. .S. That the jot passes over the surface of the vane without any loss of relative velocity. 4. Tbat llie vane is so formed a.s to turn the stream through an angle of 180° eoiniiletely back on itself. In all these particulars lliero are some modifications which can be more or less exactly stated : — (a) The velocity of the impinging j' t is reduced in the ratio of a coefficient of velocity dejending on the pipe line and nozzle. (?y) Instead of striking the vnne tangentially, the jet generally a ,u the case particularly alluded to strikes at a point nearer to the nozzle. Thus suiniose a horizontal jet is applied underneath a wheel. If in tig. 7 be the centre of the wheel and L its lowest point, the jet strikes at J\ where L U I' makes au angle say. Of course the water begins to play on the vane before it reaches P, and continues for a short Sf.ace alterwards until the stream is cut otl by the next apjiioaching viinc ; but P may be taken as a mean position. Fig. 7 The wedges of the vanes then are formed noriral to the jctjat^this point instead of being radial to the wheel. This iDVoives their being inclined at an angle d to the radius of the wheel. (c) Tlio force of impact is reduced owinj; to the velocity lost by the w«t«r in pawling over tlio surface ol the vane. Some previous experiments on lliis subject afford data which will bo used in approxim- utiiig to the loss due to tliis cause. (d) It is Impossible, praotieally, to turn tlio water completely back on itself on account of the reaction which would take effect on the back of the s iccoeding vane. _ I,,t u bo the resolved velocity of the vane at F in the direction of iiiotiou of the jet. I) that of the jet. The water .-trikes the vane with relative velocity (u - «) nnd leaves it with relative velocity <•„, (v - «), whore c,, is the ratio of final to ini- ti'il relative velocities. The force exerted "n tlio vano in the direction of motion of the water is equivalent to the nionientiini of water dostroyo 1 per unit time, which is : — - \ (v - u) -c,civ - u) cog,! [ ;!(• of deflection of the wa (C — u) (1 — Ctf . C0S(J) where is the iingU^ of deflection of the water 9 Now U =; 0/' . >) whieli is constant. Tlie work done per si cond is F zw = !!L^«' (,- = «•) (1 ■ C,r cos f) The energy available per second is mh, h being the available head of water. The efficiency thoreforc is y'^ (v— cfo) (1 — '■„cos.O. If iY be the number ol' revolutions per minute N (o lit) 2 TT A' 00 y/i •Ztt (.- -A' = ^ GO -^ ^ c„ cos ,1) (I). In calculating llic value of u lo be inserted in tliis cxpre.ssion It must be remembered that tlio velocity of the issuing jet is less than that llieoretically eue to the head. In practice there will be a reduetic n of velocity due to two causes : (1) IJesistaneoof pipe lino. (2) Loss in disehiii'gc iroiu the nozzle. If i be the length of pipe, d the diameter, 6 the velocity lost by lie. Some prcviouu )o used in approxim- ter completely b»clc ko effect on the baolc '^ in the direction of ty (u - u) nnd leaves B ratio of final to inl- f motion of the water per unit time, which e oiUed », ,lie wheel is iDcy therefore is 1 — c„ cos ,() (I). tliis expression it must g jet is less than that ty Juc to two causes i The lots A, due to pipe rriolion is calculable by the well-known fbr* niula Ai V being the velocity of the water in the pipe and/ the coefficient of frieliona! resistance of pipen. If ill a be the areas uf the pipe and noitlc respectively, ■' d Ax' 'iij • Other losNcs due to bendx, cto,, can be considered included in a co- efficient A', which would have to he derived from consideration of the special circ'unistaneus iu every case. TItIh would uiuko liie total loss of head in the pipe lino 2g The remainder of the available head is spent in producing the velo- city 11, and part Ih absorbed in the resistance of the nozzle, if the noz- zle offered no resistance the veloeity would bo increased in the ratio of 1 : Ci- , and therefore tlie velocity equivalent to the remaining head is V The energy remaining is therefore v' Co' ~g = (l *v[i2 '. h = hi ■^ hi + - .7, ~ ' 'ig Numerical values inserted in this formula will give /i^n.Ofi + .026— " ., + K) r (1.06 + .026— "! a A I -g The results given by this formula would only .■ipproxiniate more or less closely to the actual stale of affairs, wiiieh would best be determin- ed by actual ineasurenient of the pressure cldso to the nozzle by means of a gauge, when the conditions of flow are those actually occurring in practice. In the trials uncliarg.', so tliat no loss due to the pipe line need be considered. Tlie only loss of velocity is that which occurs in the discharge from the iic'/.zlc, and the value of v therefore is calculated from the Ibnuula V = c, ^2'gil where c,, is the eoeffieient of veloeity for the nozzle used. In the ntzzles used in the experiuicnls Hie stream issued from a paral- lel throat, and coiisi;qucntly tlicre would be no appreciable contrac- tion of tlio jet. On this consideration it is reasonable to attribute all the defieil iu discharge to the loss in velocity or e,. = '-',, . The co-efficients of discharge were deterniiiiod foi these nozzles for heads up to 20 feet, ab.ivo whicli point the variation becomes very slight. The results obtained therefore give an approximation to the true velocity of tlie jet. In addition to tlieso determinations tlie coefficient of discharge was calculated from the data afforded by each of the trials. These co- efficients agreed very clcsely with those obtained directly in the case of the .5 in. nozzle. The mean values were .972 and .980 respectively. The discrepancy is not surprising when it is considered that in the former ease the outflow was from the end of a long pipe, while in the latter it was from a largo body of water at rest. 7 The diirrupanoy in nioro markod in the otpe of tho noiilo ^" dia- nu'tur, wliorc the two vnluen iio .OO'.I nnJ .976. It in (iuirf;cHtcil that tliii* (lifltTcnou iH (luti to tho l»ct that tlie interior of tl>in noitle wii* ciivireil with iiiftiit tliu tltno ol' iti> bi^in^ unuil in tho water wlio'l, hh it had hocn in placi' t'nr mnnt' time. Tho f0fttini( of oxido on tlio interior would diniinixh tho actual ar liable to bo iiuted upon a* iron in tho presence of uioi.'turo. It would iilso bo ad- vtHiiblu for the ii-er to porindicnlly tako out and eloiin ths noiils tip, 0'uj;h «urlaci! of the iiii'zzio, .More Ihitn thin, tluru i.s a iliniiiiutiuu in tlio area of tho outlet^ iind tl (fore in the di'chiirp', with the result that tho power developed by llie uiotnr fulls olf. This may bieouic a serious consiileriition if the iiiiitiir is not uiueh more tlmn eipial ti the deiuaniN UHu:illy made upon if. The particular valne.s will now be insrrtcd in llio expression for the cffieienc^y. I'ressures = 75 and 1(10 1Ih. per sq. in. Co'TeHponding heads := 175 iind -',i',) It. V = 103,1 and lllt.ii It. per wo. z — .(ItH! I't. 6 = 170° ens 8 = -.!t<'-48 'Ihe value of (•„ can be dedni'ed, ns montinnod previously, from an exprr,orlption, in .^1 r = = .0206 - i where I" is b ss of veloeity, I), the menu velocity of Mio wa'er, <« tho .sectional area of the jet :iiid .1 the wettdl urea of tho viine, e„. = 1 - r approxi mutely. A 'Ihe ratio - is about (i.O = .17G I The (luantilv expre.ssed by i'„ here is the mean velccity with whieli the wuter passes over the surface of a bucket and may bo taken as {.-^J-') in expression (I), 8ub.stitutinj.; values for the diU'ercnt eonilitions under which the wl'.cel is run, the following table of values of c,^ can be deduced : — TABLK T. iV h = 175 ft. h =235 300 .953 .955 400 .9.52 .954 500 .9.50 .963 600 .948 .952 700 .940 .951 800 .911 .949 900 .941 .947 1000 .937 .945 f tho noiilo J " dla- It iit iiue(;oHtcil that )r of tliii noule wiit in Ihti water wlieel, \rm of nxido on tlic 10 llint thocooffioiont In addition to ttiin iif tlie oxido would is may b" (mrtly tlu^ uii'ilor t'ffioicnay tlion .0 tlio dp»iral)il'ty of I and I'rco Ironi mit. wliilu to liavu (litftoii- liii not H) liable to bo It would uIhc) bo ail- I eluiin tba noxilc tip, icicncy corrcfpondinn r^uuli surliioi! (if tbi! tlio iiica of tho (iutli't_ itlho power devi'lopi'd iia cnnsidoriitiiin it' tliu ds uHuiilly uiiiilo upon tlio expression for tlio SCO. d prcvioni-ly, froin an ts on vaues of tliin f (if Mio wa'er, <« tho if tho viiue. u\ V'lioity with which I may bo taken as ions under which tho can bo dccluocd : — h = 235 ft. .9.-.5 .954 .!if):J .952 .951 .949 .947 .945 Thew values load to value* of the factor (l-«. coi 8) u gi»«n iu tho following tabic ;— TAHLK H. N h = i ■ '> !<.. j h » 2a5 r». 300 l.i):w 1.940 400 1.9:!H i.njo mm l.li.iG 1. !»;!•) liOII i.!);u 1.!);JH 700 I.!);i2 l.!):i7 KtiO I.D.'IO i,9;i6 1)01) 1,927 i.9:t;t 10(10 • l.i)23 1.P31 Tho following values are thus olituinod for tho tlicorotioal efflci ncy of the wlu^ol with a J in. diiim. nozzlo ;— TABLH III. « JV h = 175 It. h --^ 236 ft. 301) 59.3 tl.O 400 72.3 0! T 500 81.8 75.3 600 88.0 83 ■: too 90.9 88 5 800 90.3 91.0 900 8>;.ti 91.2 1000 79.4 88.8 _ max.91.1(r. 738 max. 91.5 8.^)7 Tho differeueenbttwecn theflo calculated values and the actual values obtained aic exhibited in Table IV. These result.^ are illustrated graphically in ligurea llJ luid 17. TADLH IV. ===== iV h = 175 ft . b = 235 It UATIIKM ACTUAL DU'F. MATH EM ACTUAL DIFK. 300 5i) •' 63.0 400 72... 58.4 13.9 65.7 52.. 5 i3.2 500 81.8 64.8 17.0 75. S 59.3 16.5 COO 88.0 08. 2 19.8 83.4 (15.0 18.4 700 90.0 69.2 £1.7 88.5 69.5 19.0 800 90.3 66.2 21.1 91.0 70.0 21.0 900 S(i . (5 91.2 66.2 25.0 1(00 79 4 «8.8 m From thin last table it is apparent that there \x .'till a waste of from 15 to 25 per cut. of the orijiinal ener;;y of tho wi.ter which ha.s not been accounted for. Tho lofs due to friction of bearings would bo small in a simple ni.iehine of this sort, and the ^re.'iter part of tho 15 to 25 per cent, loss must be due to .=ouie departure in [.raetiee of tho phe- nomena of action from tlinoc assumed. It is su'jj^esled that tin; loss arises wholly or in pait from tho im- pcrlect action of the vanes or buckets in tnrninj; biiek the water. It will be remenibereil that one of the functions of tlie wedge was described to be to cause tho water to be discharged to the side of tho whed. A litilo consideration, however, will show that during a part of tho period of action tlu wcdi^c does not perform this function. 9 r<( « When tlic vane begins to intercept the jet, a.s in fig. 8, it is the outer lip or scoop whicli first comes in contact witii tlic jet. Tiie small amount of water which strikes the blunt cd^c of this outer lip is scattereJ, and thus only f;ives up a proportiim of its enerjiy to the wheel. More th:iu this, it probiibly causes considerable di:turbancc and consequent lo.ss of energy in the re.~t of the streiUii. Fjg.S As the vime pasfcs further into the path of the jet, as represented in fig. 9, the water strikes on the interior curved surface of the outside scoop portion of the bucket on each side of the outer end of tlie wedge. The curve of the bucket jit this point is such that the water is mainly deflected in an in-vard and backward curve in ..iic plane of the vhcel, so that it (merges from the vniie surface in a plane taugentiul to the wheel rim ; it proceeds in the same ilireclion until it strikes the back of the following vane, proiiucing upon it a Un-Cf of impact opposite to the diiiction of motion of the wheel. tig 10 A-^ ihe wheel moves in»o such po^ilinn ihat the jet jilays upon the central portion of the wedge, the stream is deliecleil to eaeh side in a plane parallel to the axis of the wheel ; and it is then and only then that the conditions of action assumed are approximately fi', lied. This position is shown in tig. 10. It mav be estimated that the a^'tion of the water is not what it is assumed to bo while the ''ane moves over from 1-5 to 13 of the total a'O of a' inn. During this interval tho action of the water is more or less inellicient. 10 rig.;,). ■as in fig. 8, it is the outer atii tlic jet. The small ;cl^c of this outer lip is ■tiim of its ciier}!y to the siilcrablo disturbance and / ' the jet, as represented in .d surface of the outside 111.' outer end of the wcdf^e. that the water is mainly ill „;it' plane of the vhcel, a plane laugentiul to the until it stiikes the back jrcc of i 111 I act opposite to ill tlic ji:t play.~ upi>ii the Ji'linctrd to eacli side in a it is then and only then iroxiinately l\\ lied. This le water is not what it is om 1-5 to 13 of the total ou of the water is more or I i It will be noticed ihi.*; the dificit of the actual from tho calculated efficiency increases steadily as the speed in increased. It is suggested thut this may be attributed to two causes. (1) The best ctTect of the ini|iiift occurs when the sharp edge of the wedge is perpendicular to tlio line of the impinging jet. This condi- tion only occurs at one point in the are of action. At all other points the po.'ition of the edge of the wedge dopnrts more or less from the per- pendicular position, as in fig. 1!, and the defltotiou docs not take place in the manner assuiiiel with the! coiLstfjuenco that tho efficiency of the impact is more or less impaired. The hif.i;h(r the speed of tl'-e whetl the greater is the arc of action, and (onseijueutly the greater will be the departure of the cutting edge of the wedge from perpendicularity to tho line of the jet. This would mean that the los.s of efficiency of the impact is less when the arc of action is smaller, or tho speed small, and that the Ioks of efficiency inoieases as tho arc of action increases or as the speed is increased. (2) It was piinted out how the action of the outer lip or scoop at the beginning of the arc of action tended to impair the efficiency of the wheel. It will be seen that if the iirc of action is large enough the same effect will take place at the end of the arc of action, as well as at the beginning. If, therefore, the speed is increased to such an extent as to allow this to occur, there will be a further cause of loss of cffi- cieney at high speeds. It is estimated that tlic efficiency would not .suflFer diminution from this latter cause until the velocity reaches a value of 800 revolutions per minute with the 175 foot head or a value of 000 revolutions per minute with the 235 ft. head. It will be noticed on reference to table IV^ that the discrepaiicj. between the theoretical and actual efficiencies shows a marked increase for those respective speeds. In addition to the trials quoted and compared with the theoretical rcsiilts, trials were also made with the small ^ inch nozzle. Complete tables of all the results obtained are givon. J.— NOZZLE .5277" DIAMETER. ((() Pressure 50 lbs. per sq. inch. Equivalent head = 115 feet. Discharge =: 45 galls, per second. Speed. Horse Tower. Efficiency. 252 .79 50.7 322 .76 48.5 308 .9H 59.1 4110 .80 57.0 4(17 .PA 53.5 4.3S .87 66.7 450 .94 59.9 4Vt7 .90 02.8 50(i .94 00.4 54 .T .95 00.0 551 .95 61.0 505 .84 .^.5.7 585 .70 47.3 588 .v">3 52.0 025 .91 55.7 038 .91 58.3 005 .83 52 " u (h) Pressure 75 lbs, per sq inch. Equivalent .Uead = 175 feet. Diselmrge = S3 j,'ii11b. per niin. Speed. Horse Power. Efficiency. 346 1.3S 49.8 409 1.52 .')4.9 477 1.(18 60.7 6L'3 1.68 61.4 S82 1.80 64.7 694 1.79 6r5.8 682 1.75 64 4 632 1.76 63.1 672 1.78 64.1 677 1.56 55.3 726 1 . 63 58.3 726 1.65 59.6 737 1.61 59.7 768 1 . 55 55.1 779 1.57 57.0 847 I.IO 51.2 879 1.31 47.7 ((•) Pressure 100 lbs. per ,s((. iucii. Equiviilent bead = 235 ft. Dischinge = 63 galls, per minute. Speed. Horse Power. Efficiency, 276 1.70 37.9 306 1.85 41.2 346 1.98 44.4 387 1.90 44.5 469 2/J2 49.7 470 2.36 52.8 641 2.52 56.0 605 2.67 60.0 644 2.80 63.2 698 2.76 64.0 760 2.96 65.0 834 2.6,1 59.5 858 2.78 61.8 914 2.76 58.6 939 2.76 57.9 >?) Pres.sur(> = 125 Ib.s. per sq, inch. Equiviiient bead = 290 ft. Discbarge =: 70 galls, per minute. 1 ' —~^ =- — =. Speed, Morse Power. Efficiency, 494 3.25 52.0 636 3.3:! 53.6 592 3.50 57,5 664 3,7:t 62.1 702 3.83 63.3 766 4,ai 65.2 813 3.8il 62,8 867 3.93 6 1 , 8 918 3.95 61.0 12 nch. feet. r niin. Efficiency. ! 49.8 M.O 60.7 01.4 64.7 6r5.8 64 4 03.1 04.1 55.3 58.3 59.0 59.7 55.1 57.0 51.2 47.7 (. iucli. ') (t. per uinute. Efficiency. ;;7.9 41.2 44.4 44.5 49.7 52.8 56.0 00.0 03.2 64.0 05.0 59.5 61.8 58.6 ' 57.9 s(|, iuc 1, ft. r minute. Efficitucy. 52.0 53.0 57 . 5 02.1 03.3 65.2 Oil.S 61.8 64.0 II.— NOZZLE -7632" DIAMETER. (a) Pressure 75 lbs. per eq. iiich. Equivalent Head =: 175 I'eet. Dischar^ie = 120 j^alla. per minute. Speed. Horse Power. Efficiency. 402 3.08 58.5 501 4.10 65.0 618 4.34 68.8 675 4.34 68.9 750 4.33 68.7 770 4.30 67.7 (i) Pressure 100 lbs. pel' pq. inob. Equivalent Head = 235 feet. Discbargc = 138 galls, per minute. Speed. Horse Power. Efficiency. 370 4.82 49 4 371 4.80 50.0 475 5.07 .^8.4 515 5.95 60 7 588 0.20 63.9 6,"i4 6 . 60 07.8 698 6.66 68.6 756 6.88 70.8 815 6.72 69.3 911 0.35 65.6 The resultb given in tbo foregoins; table.s aro represented grapbiciily in figures 12-17. In connection witb the above re.juhs it is interesting and important to notice that tlie highest actual efficiency iippears at a speed vfhicli is about -9 of that which theoretically should give tlic maximum effici- ency. Fig 12 ''■ « t ! 1 ■ - 1 OlAGlAh « or [iricitflCY ■ : M Hoiltt • S27f'4m Uttd - hi fin 1 h o • k •• » R t « I. w 1 lort s f t <« M > N u r c F.fl 15 w W 1 h Oi«M>M or [r iCtChcv . y « " 10 *jj* - nn-dam . mt . Hi Hfi. r 10 s^ ^-4- •s^ t ^ y o ^v. N r' '■ 31 ID M V i W T ONI no M « M » . « »^ ' 13 '11 14 1 Dl« MAM Of tfflCIt NCV Sv ' ■■ zutfi , ^■^ ^ ^ ^ y° ^ul iS Tr \r of i.npul,se wheels under small heid, in.^ , "" "'' ".aehinery for the power obtained. " ^'"''' ''"'«"'^' "^ On the other hand, the in.pulse wheel has many points in !f ^ P Ch,et a,no„, wineh i> ,t. simphcity of eonstvuetin,' E ^^ ^Z' . "■'''^;'?'."'^"''^''.'»P^/'"'' '" «««« of maintenance "' are si.np.e, bein, meroi;those on th^ho L IT^ a" n sj " "'"^^ as to be easily ,ot. at wl,e„ neee.ssary to nn ke 1' '" 'T.'"" ments. Th.re are no bearings running under vat^ ZZ "\ '■'''• are not subjeet .0 any other ...etioo than U t W e , r l"?^" of the water on the wheel ; no diffiedty is ok. w U e " • '"'"'' that of balaneing the statie pressure of the woo '""r ''' '" beeomes such an important Jobien. whe ant «■! , '"' ^'"""' The impure wheel has no water-ti-^lul n"' , '''' ^'""^ "^'^•'' Bnre to be n.aintained among the w^ii Ipln ''Z " "I "•'"'''"" does not eontain any parts whieh are likri; ^vork 1 7 ' '"7 "f" become deranged and so lead to trouble. " °""'^"''-^« 15 Another good feature ia the absence of pas-ages in the working parto of the tuotor, whicli would bo liiiblo to become choked bj debris carried through by the water. Onoo through the oriBco the water has a per- fectly clear and open course until it falls into the tail-race. It is an easy matter in designing an impulse motor to arrange the diameter of the wheel so as to give a desired speed of rotation under an available head with the most efficient results. Small departures from this speed do not nffeot the efficiency to any g-oat oxUnt, as may bo judged from nn examination of the tabulated results. The follow! ng table is compiled to show the percentage loss of output of work due to a subsequent departure from the pfC-arriingcd speed. This is illus- trated graphioallj in fig. 18. TABLE Vr. Percentage. Increase or Decrease of speed. 5 10 1.5 20 25 Percentage, Drcrease of output of work. ng. Ill 1! ^ ^v. VI m • M VAf Comspm^ fATioN or wouh lins fo vifiatwn from 3 Mairflium tWanK". f>nl' 1 .... 1 Peffccnr^ot . VAUiAfiON, Of intn^ '' An important point in determining the practical usefulness of water motors is their adaptiib ility to be run with a fair degree of efficiency under a fraction of the full load. This state of things is generally liable to occur either intonnitfently as whore a number of Toads are being continually put on and off the meclianism driven by the motor ; or periodically as where for portions of a day or week or year the work required from the motor is heavier than at otiier times. Three methods will be mentioned which are employed to vary the output of work from the wheel. It was mentioned that throe nozzle tips of different sizes were sup- plied with the wheel with which the fest.s were made. By changing these the quantity of water discharged under a given pressure can bo varied as t;.e area of the orifice. The power of the jet will consequently vary in the same ratio ; and so any cliango of load which can be anti- cipated and will last for a considerable period can bo provided for. The changing of the nozzle tips need not be a very difficult opera- tion. It it, however, a very incDuvenieiit plan to have to resort to regulate the output of power from the wheel. These wheels are sometimes built with several nozzles placed at intervals round the periphery of the wheel. When this is the case tho power can be reduced by shutting off the stream from one or more of the nozzles. The third method is to employ a value or gate in the supply pipe which can be shut off to any desired extent by hand or by some auto- matic regulating machinery. This method is almost always necessarily employed in addition to those aforementioned. It will he noticed that the etlect of the value to reduce l.lic power is reached by throttling the water as it passes the gate, thus reducing tho pressure of the water as it reaches the orifice and consequently reducing also the discharge. It It) effect ■■„,';? !•'" """'""" ''^ "" ''•'^«^'""' "-ithout u,,:ful ' '.", "' ■ '•"•^'^'"nco of tho partially closed valvo Ad Id™ of the actual efficiency ivached cm 1,h ., : l c s dfiMtinn «c.i o . 'V "'"'"i-u ciii lie <',iiiie(l from a con- avail 1 e'Z if"" ::'"'' "" '^^' ^"^ '"^'^" ^'^ ">« '-^' P--- When the presure i nT T ""' ""^ '•"='' ''^■•^"■■''''« ?'■«-"••«''« he product of M 'J available work nm^t be eun.idered to be Prnn • > '°'''* ""y throttling took place. in e ;rii';r tl •' "'■'• "' "r-'^ ""-• =""°"'"^ «'-•'' 'J"- obtained in every ;; '^ I?:'':"^^' ''--"^idorin. the energy available gi-s result a low ' '° "P^-reon^:, lb. per square in., Frcssuie. 125 Kill 75 .1(1 TAiiLt; vir. I^ad. This '■< IS illustiatrd ill (iir. I!) Kull .7,5 .ir ^g. 11 i^fficiency, 65% 50% 3;{% »hout 18% Besides the fact that a lar-o anioimf „P throttling in the nine ., |„rt|!. T, "'^ ""'=^ "* ^^"«'«'l i" the l"aJ exi^s in the 't t " "^ lossof ofEcionoy under a light n.vorabl. condit , r;X :a;d v''|: -1^"?'^ ^^""''^'"^ -^«'- "»■ to keep the velocity co,:;::; ' ^^r^ "^l^^, " f«"- ^''^^--ble -.ann that ifthe niotor is .ic;i.n,ed t I; ''""'^ '""^ ^'"■^- '^'"'^ under full pressure, it will evec?. ^ i '"°-^' ^■*^"''''" ^P^'^^^ p.-evious tables if there is a 7 • S^ "' """ '"'"^^"^'^ ''^ >'- tho uiuto,.. ^ 'OEs.de.able vanatton in the load put on In the prccediuir reinaiks an uttonint V discuss the aethn of iu.p„,se w. e '7 r" *"''"''-' '" ''^'-^"ibe and wheel „n which the e.f^ n C ^^ ""' ""-.■'"'■^i-'a-iy of the tion of cffieiency has 1^;, i , t ' "" V^ "■''''' ""' ' "'" "lUcs- ;^..s and disadLtages eon;;;;t;n;; ht :::;■ i::' rrr- heen pomtal out. It is honed tl,„, .i, ■''-^"'''"' '"'^■'' -,^'- i-r.sting and l^XZ^^!:: "'"^ ""^ ^"^""- ^^ "^"' i he writir wishos to I'enrno- l.; • j i. > l-ki.ide.-op,.,.ationinaZ:.tu':^:?'" " ''''"'■ ^"^''^ ^'^ /br cariyuig out the experi.nJ; ^a^ , « '' U;' '"'" "7 '"'""^ Mr. Withvconibe for useful advice a7,l Universuy, and al-o to l-.tical details connec,e;w;;!:i:;Lr'^''" "'•' ^''^'''-^ '"' Juiany 17