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Brrata to pelure, tn A D 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 iiiN ^'♦^i^uS^v^L^ REPORTS OF THE DIRECTORS AND ENGINEER OP THE LAKE S^ IX)UIS & PROVINCE LINE V AND THE if PLATTSBURGH AND MONTREAL RAIL-ROADS, TO THE STOCKHOLDERS. - w- ■V/^-/''^' V./^ V- - W-N-^ \% MONTREAL : PRINTED BY J. STARKE & CO. ■ ■■ I I— M^ 1852. -s ^ro- cs') Btrectors of Ualke §bt. Houts $r ^tobince %im laantoalv. WII-UAM F. COFFIN, Presidenl WILUAM MOLSON, Vice-Preside' ]e!K. JAMES FERRIER. WILUAM BOW. ROBERT ANDERSON. D. M'PHERSON. JOHN SCRIVER. JOHN TORRANCE. JOHN FARROW, Secretary and Treasurer, D. FINLAYSON. WILLIAM MURRAY. JOHNSON THOMPSON. ALEX. SIMPSON. J. G. LAVIOLETTE. ^P Birectocs of ^lattsburg]^ k iDllontrcal HailroaK. WILLIAM SWETLAND, President. ST. JOIN B. L SKINNER. M. K. PLATT. S. F. ViLAS. WILLIAM PALMER. AMASA 0. MOORE. CHARLES H. COOK. WILLIAM HEDDING. TIMOTHY FOLLKT. AMOS S. PERRY. JAMES S. SHEDDEN. PUTMON LOWRENCE. JAMES FITCH, JOHN J. HAILE, Secretary. (i. V. EDWARDS, Treasurer. im 1^ -"- REPORT OF THE ENGINEER M ^ William F. Coffin, Esq. \ President, Lake St. Louis ^ Prcyeince Line RaUroad : Sir, In *edience to your instructions the final location has been made of the Lake St. Louis and Province Line Rail- road, and I now submit a Report of the characteristics of the route and the estimated cost of tho work for the completion of the road, accompanied by a Map, showing its connections v/ith other roads; also a survey of the St. Lawrence River, between Lachme and Caughnawaga. The survey was commenced in May last, and from careful and thorough examinations of the route, with the aid of former surveys, I was enabled to finish the location and prepare the line tor contracting in July. The negotiations for its construc- tion delayed the commencement of the work until August The line commences at Caughnawaga, on the St. Lawrence Kiver, at Lake St. Louis, and is located through the Seigniories ot Saint Louis, Chateauguay, Lasalle, St. George,— passing near Beauharnois and through the Townships of She.-rinffton and Hemmingford, to the Province Line at Mooers, two and a half miles from the Ogdensburgh Railroad. The line adopted is nearly upon the route before selected with some slight deviations, to avoid the more diflScnlt points and dimmish the cost of construction. The most important consideration, in determining the location, was to select such a route as would be the shortest feasible line between the St Lawrence and Lake Champlain, with particular reference to the increasing business of a nature requiring a cheap and sneedv transportation. ° i ^ ^^j The distance from Caughnawaga to the Province Line is 29 24 miles and is 27, 20 miles straight, equal to 96 per cent ' 2. 04 miles curved, with a radius not less than 2865 feet on th« main line, excepting near the Terminus on the St Lawrence ) gradients are as fuUuws : Level, - - - 14. 28. miles. Less than 1 feet per mile 2. 10. " 20 3. 46. " 30 3. 66. «« 40 " 6. 74. 29.24. The maximum grade occurring only at short distances on the different planes. It presents, the entire distance, a route remarkably feasible by its uniform surface, for construction and operation, without encountering any difficult or expensive work, and can be com- pleted at very small cost. There are no tKcavatlons on the line exceeding ten feet in depth. The grade of the Road has been so arranged that the track will be from three to five feet above the general surface of the country, which will render the road dry and less liable to obstruction from snow. The swamps, crossed at three points on the route, have been sounded — none will require piling ; all are suffiicently firm to sustain embank- ments. Some portions of the route require drainage, and ditches have been made for that purpose. Hock excavations occur in small quantities at several places, most of which is near the St. Lawrence, and will be required principally for masonry and ballast for wharfing. There will be found some hard pan and loose rock in Hemmingford and Sherrington. Gravel, for ballasting the Road, is found at Sherrington, St, Remi, and near the Indian reservations, convenient for that purpose. On some portions of the route where stone is not at hand or of suitable quality for the culverts, wood drains have been sub- stituted, at less cost, and can be replaced by stone hereafter, if deemed expedi'^nt. There are only three Bridges, 12 feet in length each, on the whole line. From the above characteristics it will appear that it presents one of the most favourable lines for easy construction, and, at the same time affords a good road at comparatively small ex- penditure. For operation, from its straight lines and easy gradients, it is capable of any desirable^ speed, and as a good road for transportation, will exceed any other road in Canada or the United States. ^^ SiHis MMh ■MriMBi ^^ 5 The estimates herewith submitted are based upon contracts actually closed for grading, and upon proposalsTendered for other portions of the work, which, from the nature of the Irk and character of the parties, will be readily Julfilled; and with tltZZ 7'li''\ -."tinpncies, is decerned ample' forle p3 upon L^ ""^''^^ ^'"' ''' '^P^^^*-" -'^'^^ th'e estimate Seventeen miles, or about two-thirds of the line, is now ffra- ESTIMATE FOR ONE MILE OF SUPERSTRUCTURE. Iron Rails 56 lbs. per yard, 88 tons, at £9 £790 Chairs, of Cast Iron, 5 tons, at £8...;.:; 40 &400.atU.2d 2Hons,at£20 '..S. 45 pehyering ajid Distributing mH^''!^^Z Z Cuttmg,httingand laying rails, ^"^^"^^ 80 ESTIMATE FOR EQUIPMENT- (oNE-HALF AMOUNT.f ^^^^ 3 Locomotives, at £2000 each ^n^nn 3 IVissenger Cars. 1st Cla^s, £500 each .:;;::::;: 150O 3 Bagsrage and 2nd Class, £250 .... 7^0 ^^^IZL^t'--' fj*»-^ ••••■•••■•• P ^ ' 100 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES. ' ^^ Grading, Masonry Clearing and Grubbing £12000 Drains, and Foundation for JMasonrv ^ 7S Bridges, Road and Farm Crossings . . .* 1 o^a Superstruction,--29 miles at £1 130 . . .' o^Zy^ lurn-outs. Side Tracks and Fixtures oonn Stations. Engine House, Turn Table & WaterStation 2250 Machinery and Tools for Repair Shop .... ' To?? Land damages and Depot grounds Jnon Fencing, Gates, and Road Signs ........ 01 no Wharfing at Caughnawaga ; ™ Ballast, and Gravelling Koad Bed ...'.'.'.'. innnn Incidental Expenses, Engineering, &c ..'. ', '. ] [ [ Iqqq For Contingencies, add 10 per cent ^flj tor Equipment, (one-half amount) 13975 6 The clearing, grubbing, grading and masonry has been di- vided into sections, and contracted to responsible and efficient parties, at reasonable rates, who are now prosecuting the work with vigor. At this period, over half of the work, or 17 miles, is graded up to sub-grade ; and, from the energy evinced, there can be no doubt of its completion at an early period next season. The Ties are contracted for, to be delivered on this road be- fore May next, on most favorable terms. The Land Damages are settled, upon most of the line, at a less sum, in the aggregate, than the estimate. The materials for Fencing have been engaged for all portions of the road where fencing is required, and will be delivered and fence erected during the winter ensuing. There appears now every certainty that the road will be pre- pared for the superstructure in May ; and that, without extra expense, it can be put in running order for operation in August next, — within one year from its commencement. Surveys and soundings have been carefully made during the summer, of the Saint Lawrence River between Lachine and Caughnawaga, when the water was at the lowest, and the re- sults show not only practicable, but exceedingly favorable channels of sufficient depth for a Ferry between these points, as will be seen by reference to the map. A wharf or pier will be necessary at Caughnawaga, about 400 feet long, in order to render it accessible at all times and convenient for the steam- boats, craft, and business anticipated from the river. This point of crossing the St. Lawrence has been always known as the most favorable at all seasons; and when the large masses and rotten condition of the ice render the river impass- able, or, at least, unsafe, opposite Montreal, this is the only place of crossing, a matter of equal importance to this road and to all other roads in connection, to the trade of Montreal, and to the business and traffic between it and the Atlantic cities. The friends of this enterprise, who have been long famiUar with this ferriage, have stated, with much confidence, its superiority, and rely upon its merits, when fully known, with certainty, that it will be appreciated. Various unfavorable representations having been made of the character of this ferry, I have paid particular attention, and taken much care to test its practicabiUty. The surveys and soundings, as may b3 seen by the map, show an ample depth of water, in almost a direct course. This has been conclusively demonstrated by experiments this season by running a steam- .. I R 'T^ ■iMK I R boat across m thirteen minutes and returning in sixteen minutes, by a circuitous route at least one third more than liie proposed ferry, proving that the passage may be made, under ordinary circumstances, from the station house at Lachino to the wharf at Caughnawaga in ten minutes. The information I have per- sonally collected from steamboat navigators, pilots and ferry- men, convinces me that this is the most certain and never-failing approach to Montreal at all seasons, and that the channel is never frozen over in mid-winter. In this respect this ferry will compare favorably with other Railroad Ferries between New- 1 ork and Jersey City, Philadelphia and Camden, Boston and Jiast i3oston, the Susquehannah Kiver, and the Frith of Forth in Scotland,—ferrie8 connecting some of the most important lines of rail-road m the United States and Great Britain. Another subject of important consideration connected with the crossing of the St. Lawrence River has, of late, given rise to much discussion with reference to facility of communication between Canada, the Atlantic Cities, and the Western Lakes. This subject is the practicability of Bridging the St. Lawrence Kiyer, and how, when, and where that object can be effected. It is generally admitted, that for the general pur ,60 of com- merce between the Canadas and the United States, in winter as well as in summer, Montreal, from its centrality, presents the most desirable locality. Opinions differ as to the exact location ot a bridge m the immediate vicinity of Montreal, but my re- cent investigations justify me in asserting that, in my belief, the best place where such a Bridge can be established is indic- cated on the map submitted. It will be seen by refereco to this map, that immediately below Lachine and Caughnawac^a the river narrows to a passage of under 3000 feet wide, at'a point above the rapids, and free from accumulating masses of ice. Here there is a good foundation i^)on soUd rock the whole distance, and a bridge might be constructed on substantial stone piers, for which there is abundance of good material at hand on the truss or suspension principle. The bridge would be constructed with a draw, and would cause the least possible iru- pediment to the navigation, seeing that no description of vessel can ascend the St. Lawrence at this point, the navigation being pr^ticable for descending vessels only, and not many of them. Having shown where the Bridge can be built, and how it may be built, I will add my belief that it will be built when the rail-road from Kingston to Montreal being completed, and the rail-road from Grenville (on the Ottawa) to Lachine being constructed, and the communication from Caughnawaga to m 8 ■■^ Flattsburgh being carried into effect, and the consequent com- munication both Mrith. Boston and NeT- fork being opened op, it will be the interest and the care of the various corporations on these different lines of communication to combine for the construction of this Railroad Bridge. All these projects are in progress, and the result certain. Until then, this Ferry, at Caughnawaga, will answer all necessary purposes. I would suggest that the Boats employed on this ferry should be constructed so as to convey merchandise in the cars without unloading, similar to the construction of boats now used for the same purpose in Scotland, which I have examined, and have no doubt can be successfully operated here, with some modificar tions. This will facilitate the importation of goods during winter, direct from Europe, under bond, depositing the sanxe in the heart of the business portion of the City of Montreal by means of the Lachine Eailroad. Mor can I overlook, in this investigation, as an important item in the future ircome of the road, the local busmess to which it must give rise. The route passes through a fertile and productive agricultural country, thickly settled with a prosper- ous and industrious population, abounding in produce, grain, cattle, a large amount of manufactured lumber, which, with the necessary foreign supplies for such a population, will afford a large revenue in addition to the through traffic of the line. So soon as the proposed Ferry is regularly established, the inhabitants of Montreal will be supplied with provisions, fresh meat, poultry, eggs, vegetables, milk, butter, and other articles, which, at present, are excluded from town consumption for want of a direct route and ready means of communication across the the St. Lawrence at all times. In connection with your road, it is proper here to refer to the Plattsburgh and Montreal Railroad, which is the extension of the Lake St. Louis and Province Line Railroad, and with it forms the connection between the St. Lawrence and Lake Champlain. This portion of the route is as feasible as that in Canada. The work is rapidly progressing, with an efficient force to en- sure its completion at the same time. [ For more ample details respecting the characteristics and progress of the Plattsburgh and Montreal Railroad, see Re- ports thereupon.] This (ontinuous line of road will form a direct and expediti- ous line of communication between Canada and the States; with Boston and the Eastern States by way of Burlington ; also t. c I t. i ^♦^r I r^ \? ^^^ of Burlington, until a through line \t established on Uie west side of the lake to Whitehaff also to Ugdensburgh. Canada West, and the Western States ' PiHJT'"-*k *'^*^^^"«« ^l'' admirably located. One at TmI^^^T^ ' ^'^\x '?^''°"' .^"^ '"'"'•^ ^«'^our. accessible for nLr^l T "T*'" ""^u"" ^'^ *^^ ^'"*«'* ««^o". when most needed, w^iere it meets the steamboats from Whitehall, Lake George, Ticonderoga and Burlington, bearing the travd from Boston Troy, Albany and;;New-York. The%ther TermS situated at Caughnawaga, above the Lachine Rapids, at the foot of the St. Lawrence navigation, and of the St. Lawrence Ca- nals opposite the mouth of the Lachine Canal and the Station of the Lachine Railroad, and immediately below the outlet of the Ottawa, bearing down an inexhaustible supply of timber immense quantities of which are now annually transported to JVew-York by the circuitous route of the Chambly Canal. It is my opinion that, to reduce the expense of \ r.dling, mechani- cal means may be employed, at Caughnawaga, to raise upon the cars, cribs of timber adjusted to the size of the Whitehall Lanal, which may be launched into the water at Plattsburgh and transported to their destination at a great savinff of time' labour and expense. ' Thus situated, and with these attractions to trade and travel between Lake Champlain, Montreal, and the Western Lakes, It IS almost impossible to overstate or overestimate the amount ot business of which this road must be the recipient, or of the increase of that business, which, within twenty-five years has created Buffalo.' Dunkirk, Cleaveland. Detroit. Milwaukie,' and Chicago, on the American shore of these lakes,"and is now giving a corresponding and equal impulse to Canada. I would also call your attention to the certainty that, before r 1^' r.L ® °' rail-road will be extended on the West side of Lake Champlain from Plattsburgh to Whitehall and Saratoga, —thus creating the most direct route, and the shortest between Montreal and New-York city, passing in the vicinity of the iron region of Chnton, Essex, and Warren counties of New-York State, developing the resources of that section of country, and adding greatly to the revenue of this road when completed. 1 his extension has been partially examined and surveyed upon three different routes—the lake shore, the valley and the ausable— either of which presents a practicable line to^construct a rail-road, which will form the la^t link in the chain which will connect Montreal directly with New- York within' the borders of the Empire State. This subject now occupies" the # 10 attention of shrewd and enterprising capitalists. Surveys of a more close and extensive character are now making, and no douht can be entertained but that this road will soon be a matter of certainty. I have extended these suggestions, and ought to apologise for continuing them in detail, hoping, however, that what has beep presented, though prepared amidst other arduous duties, will receive the candid consideration an'^ action of those who have this enterprize in hand, and the ability to urge it to com- pletion, in the assurance that the benefits to be derived from this route in a social, financial, and commercial point of view, by all parties concerned in this important enterprize will far exceed any results I am able to predict. Eespectfuily submitted by your obedient servant. T. J. CARTER, Engineer. Montreal, 5th Deer. 1851. . .x » . REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE LAKE ST. LOUIS AND PROVINCE LINE RAIL-ROAD. Gentlemen : The time has at length arrived when your Directors feel that they can present to you, with satisfaction, a statement of the progress and prospects of the Lake St. Louis and Pro- vince Line Railroad. The confidence they have always entertained in the success of this enterprise, is confirmed by the results of investigation and experience. As this Report will doubtless meet with circulation, and can- not fail to attract the attention of parties remote from the site of the road, but equally interested with you in the progress ol the work, it will be necessary to premise by a brief allusion to facts with which resident proprietors are more or less familiar. The accompanying report by T. J. Carter, Esq., Superin- tending Engineer, both of your road and of the Plattsburg and Alontreal Railroad, gives ample and minute information on all points connected with the selection and direction, and main characteristics of route, on the length of way, curves and gradients, on the cost of construction, present progress, and future prospects of the road. His opinion, with respect to the winter ferry at Luchine ; the practicability of a bridge, in the same vicinity ; on the local and through business, and the man- agement of the same, derived from his practical experience, u- 'if ^®!^® your grave attention. It is accompanied by a map, mJ^ ^^^^ ^® f°"'^'^ ™o®* useful for reference and illustration. . ■^"^. first object which your Directors have kept in view, both in the interests of your road, and of the community, has been the socairing of the best existing means of ingress and egress to and from the City of Montreal, during the winter season, or during 12 those periods of the season when the river St. Lawrence, whether from the uncertain taking of the ice, or from the masses of ice floating in the stream, or from the perilous and nrotracted breaking up of the ice, is impassable elsewhere, or only passable at great risk to Hfe and property. The completion of the Hudson River Railroad, as well as collateral lines to Troy, ren- der the growing trade by way of New York, independent of the navigation of the Hudson. The construction of your road will make Montreal equally independent of the St. Lawrence. Your Directors believe that the opening of a road which must impart a new impulse to trade, which will enlarge the season of business by at least three months, which will admit of importa- tions in February, which are usually deferred to May, and present an assured means of external communication, cannot fail to be appreciated by men of business in this climate. The second object to which your Directors look, is the secur- ing a direct railway communication between Montreal and New York. Connected as your road is, at its northern termmus, at Caughnawaga, with the Montreal and Lachine Railroad, and at its southern extremity in llcramingford, with the Plattsburg and Montreal Railroad, giving to it, on one hand, access to Montreal, and on the other, an outlet on Lake Champlain, a brief reference to the map will show the short interval which exists between Plattsburg and Whitehall, and will explain the efforts which are now being made to secure a complete connex- ion ; > direct road between Montreal and New York, on the western side of Lake Champlain, such as now projected, will be the shortest and most convenient communication between these two cities that can be devised, presenting facilities, which, at ordinary seasons, cannot be surpassed, and which, during winter, defv competition. The third object— and, under present circumstances, and for all prrctical purposes, the one to which your attention is par- ticulai ly invited — is a connection between your road and the Rutland and Burlington Railroad, attaining thereby the short- est, cheapest and easiest route to Boston, and offering at Rut- land three distinct rail-road routes to Troy, and at Troy three distinct rail-road routes to New- York. Among the adventa- ges of this connection may be enumerated— that it can never fail. A temporary obstruction on one line of route would tind easy remedy in the facilities afforded by another. The cer- tainty, as well as the convenience, of these lines of conveyance will ensure the favor of the commercial aud travelling commu- nity. y*yv. "'■*^a 1^ fJnl^i'V^-^'^ °^f '* i'^ "''''''' ^""^ confident that tlie combina- tion will give a direction to trade and travel most beneficia? to the conjoint enterprize of the Lake St. Louis and Province Line crto^XrXiv'-^^ ^" ^^^^' '''- r^stTjSy twe^en'triW^'s.* 1 ^^"^P^*^^^^^ ««, a" communications be- tween the Itiver St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean is the great business of the west. The route which comWnes the greatest amount of facility, economy, and speed Xh^n fact concentrates upon itself the greatest amoKf a tracti^^^^^^^ trade and travel will assuredly receive the largest amount of business. The position of your Terminus on ZrW Saint Lawrence at Caughnawaga, the easy access from thence to Montreal, both by rail-road and rivei, and the prospect of a return car-o, at a point which renders it unnecLsarv to dP scend the Lachine Rapids or Canal, unless a cargo Ste de" pended on, must hold out strong inducements t^o forwarders whde the owner of produce will Ind your road of 52 Ss the shortest, the speediest and the cheapest communication between the Kiver St. Lawrence and Lake Champlain, as the best S of departure both for Boston and New-York A proneTr freighted With western produce, would occupy no more S in descending the St. Lawrence from Ogdensburdi To CalT nawaga than a freight train would requL, at oX^^^^^^^ I^IT wnVT ^'''^ ^densbWh, a distanceVfTls miles ; while at Caughnawao-r. a road of 52 miles in length will transport the same cargo to a point 25 miles south of 1^" Pomt, withm 20 miles of Burlington and 80 miles of WhUehall The cargo put down at Pittsburgh will not only be advanced 25 miles nearer to its destination than at Rouse's Point but «^ less cost, for if a b.rrel of flour can be conveyed over the of densburgh road for Is., it is clear that a barrel of flour can £ r ^7tr' 't T^ ^''""T Caughnawaga and Kat sburg for od., leaving 6d. to cover the difference ?f freight and in surance, with profit to the owner. ^ to hi'l^™''""' ^^ *^'' r"'^^'" ^"^'^"^^^ ^^' been and continues to be so enormous as almost to exceed the means which caS and enterprise have created for its transportatior ItSso compressed into a very short space of time-the ;reater par? of this produce business being done in the month^ofTovm thT; in"lft\Vrf '^^^ ^"*^^"*y <>f Mr. Keefer it is affirrd" that m 1850 "above two millions of barrels of flour were 14 " received at Buffalo, Oswego, Ogdensburgh and Montreal also " I W Xht millions of bushels of wheat." " But that m No- 4S'00Q " Ottawa River drains an area of vVonn '* '*^*'? '^^^ " ^^^ ^' «ingthe richest and mostrxtLsllT?mK'^;i-? ^^^P"" " if not in the world about ] OOO ^^'* '^l'*""* *" ^^^^^i^a, ." served for lumSg purposed '^"''*' "^^'^ '^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ 1 1 If It may not be inappropriate to give here, from the same sourcB,^ a statement of the number and capacity of the saw-mills upon the Ottawa, which cut for exportation only. Mami or EaTABLisHMBim. HAWKESBUBY MH^LS BOWMAN'S MILLS, La Uevte BIGELOW'S do. do. GILMOUR'S do. OaUneau WRIGHT'S do. do M'KAT Ai M'KINNON'S MILLS, Bytown BLAIDELL'S MILLS, Bytown EOAN'S do. LaCalUon COLE'S do- N Petite Nation. .. . McMARTIirS do. S Petite Nation. .. FERKIN'S do. Upper Blanche .. WILSON'S do. Lower do CHRYSLER'S do. S. Petite Nation . . . BLAIDBLE'S da do. CORTHQROVE'S do. do. i I no 83l 321 40 82 86 33 16 16 16 16 23 12 13 12 75,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 433' 470,000 640,000 288,000 288,000 860,000 288,000 144,000 180,000 216,000 216,000 144,000 144,000 144,000 144,000 144,000 144,000 14,860,000 7,930,000 7,920,000 9,900,000 7,030,000 8,960,000 4,9fi0,000 6,940,000 6,940,000 3,960,000 3,960,000 8,960,000 3,960,000 3,960,000 3,960,000 ¥4 _ '^^ 300 180 180 180 180 90 90 186 185 90 90 90 90 CO 90 3,384,000 OSiOeOiOOtr 2010 This Report then proceeds to remark " Besides our exports by sea, there is a growing trade in our lumber with the neigh- bouring States which reached last year, (1848,) nearly sixty millions (60,000,000) of feet B. M., of sawn timber, and about one and a quarter millions (1,250,000) cubic feet, white pine. Their is every reason to believe that the export has been largely exceeded already, (Sept. 1840,) in the present year.'* It adds " The Hudson River is the chief mart for sawed timber," proceeding to further details which do not effect your particu- lar route of transportation to the Hudson. To show how much of the business proceeds by existing route« of transportation to the Hudson, b^ way of the St. Lawrence and Lake Champlain, and to justifjjr the inference, that a like business will be done on your road, if it offers supe- rior facilities, the following extracts are given from a statement of trade, via the port of St. Johns, C. E., for the year ending 31st December, 1850, compiled from customs books and reports of Chambly Canal, by Messrs. Jason C, Pierce & Sons, St. Johns, C. E. 1850. B. M. Sawed Lumber exported 39,712,636 feet. Square Timber, 1,924,896 cubic feet, or 23,099,752 Total, 62,812,388. ■ 19 h,I^^ ^ojlowing comparative statement of the progress of their trt"l'aJ;aC'- ''''•• ''^' *"^ 1850,w'iuKe1uir *raie its steady and increasing importance. EXPORTS,— SAWED LUMBBR. 1 Q^Q 1849 9,000,000 feet B, M. igSrt 13.000,000 « « ^"' 39,000,000 « " SQUARE TIMBER. 1847 1848 310,000 cubic feot. 1849* 760,000 IQKn' .1,250,080 Fan*?rr;.' ; 1,924,866 " l*acts hke these speak for them«filvA« ««^ -n x- .. whether exigencies of trade such ^thL«' T "!!" "^^^-^ ^-^^ additional facilities, and wLther^hl 1: •'' ^"^ »*>' require dertaken does or does n«T nf?I I ®n^«»-P"8e you have un- both to tratTa^/t'r^ffirwi h h^^^^^^^ J-sent facility, any future combination ^f circumstanced //« ^ ♦T^' ""^^^ means of passenger conveyancrb:f;erth'^Tr/^^^^^^^^^^ Lawrence and those of Lake Champlain. *^^ ®*' of pltl^itr^^^ ??r' ^' -y not be out of the Ottala country inHf the t,nffi ^"^ ^^"^"^« must continue to We'a^rin fl • i?^ ^.u'"'' ^^''*'' ^°^ ^^ich "tK"" Tt'^? op»"of £p3 trs •• to the oo„e JllLlt"; -J-t^^^^^^^^^^ acco^n^ 10,800 men. ) 4,320 horse trains, Vfor the season. l,OtJO yoke oxen, ) And their consumption would be 29,700 barrels flour. 27,000 barrels pork. 2,700 chests tea. " above consumption "anrtl^h?'- """"'' *<'''' * <"«> *» "-e " (on account of .ho i«^::^)?':^'^Zlf„^^lf^ so " that quarter* notwithstanding, the superior cheapness of tfan- *' sport from Cleveland, via Welland Canal and Kingston." It may well be questioned, as will be shown presently^ whether, when your road is in operation, the way by the Welland Canal and Kingston will retain even the doubtful recommendation of " superior cheapness." It is necessary, however, for the perfect understanding of all the future prospects of this undertaking, to give you also a ra- pid review of the Import trade likely to be done on your road. Thus far we have adverted only to the two great branches of Exports,— the produce business of the West, and the lumber bu- siness of the Ottawa. Let us for a moment give our attention to the importation business which has been done on this line of communication, and of which hereafter, when Plattsburgh is connected with Caughnawaga, we may expect our share ; for this purpose, extracts are again taken from the statements of Messrs. J. C. Pierce & Sons, compiled as before stated for 1850. !Port of St. Johns. Number of Vessels reported inwards, 1496. jAmount of tonnage inwards, 254,496. Value of Imports, $2,159,988,97. Amount of duties paid and secured to be paid upon Imports from the United States, at the Port of St. Johns, for the season 1850, 11367,936,00. And now. Gentlemen, almost in conclusion, it is necessary to bring under your notice the important fact, that your line of rail-road will, in connection with the waters of Lake Champlain, and the waters of the St. Lawrence, not only possess the claim of superior convenience at all seasons, and of shortness, but it will impart to the whole line of communication, from the tide waters at New Yoi^k, to the western waters of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa, the advantage of superior cheapness. It has been shown that the great business of both the rivers, is a decending business, passing outwards, while the more ex- pensive line of conveyance is naturally on the ascending and more tedious line. Now it is well known that the effect of the great and increasing "down" traffic of the St. Lawrence, has been to reduce to the lowest possible figure the " up '' freights from Montreal, while the great Deal business of the Ottawa transacted on Lake Champlain, and between Lake Champlain and New York, has had a corresponding effect on the rate of "up " freight from that city. Up to 1848, freights from New y ork to ports on Lake Champlain, averaged 25s. per ton ; last ■year they were down to 1 Is. 3d. per ton. Boats from New «1 Vork, sent up to Lake ChaumkJn f^^ i . up empty conveyed freigKean Z T"" ^""^"^' ^ndgoinff from the' Upper St. Sent ^ani O.? '"'"'.n ^^^'^'^^ Caughnawagu, will take IvZZ low mfh ^Tk' discharging at Your road therefore, eonnec^-nV Ll« ^l*^^^'^ burg, with the St. Liwrenco at^„.rf ^^^^^npJam at Platti ducements of superior fSty t^f^'J^^'T' P'^^^'^*^ '^^ 'n- , superior cheapness, for ascig'^^^^^^^^ -^th ation of cheap froiirht at anrJ fn & *! ? ' *' °^®**^ ^^^ combin- at and from Whnal^g^ Vhlh =^ ^^^P ^-S^^t advantage. ^ " cannot lail to operate to oup vinco Line l^ailroad wiirfrom V* }^ ^*- ^°"^« *°d Pro- curves, prove to be an eLrca^^^^f J^'^^^^ 'T^'^ ^om of domg a cheap freight busine^ ^ndlht \ * ""'" ^° ^^P^^e .must attract thaUu3iSess. SeV by the S^T.'*' P''^'^°"'^* Ottawa, or on the ascending line from nL v ^^^^^^^^ or the but, as it is well known 'ml^ltT ^"^ few-York and Boston • traffic is the r^orZ^y'^^::iZlfT *^^* *he passenger' business, it is on this par^icularTranch of h^'- "'"'^ T^^^^^^^^ est rel anco is nlacp/ "'r'"^^,^'*"^'! o* business that the great- will be attrac^e7ToVu?:oatr7ts^' *'-^ ^^r^ '-'el convenience. From the Montreal T ^^"°'' shortness and Itoad, during winter as wdl as dun^l'^'""' *^ ^^'^^""^ ITpper Canada and the VVest wfll h«?^ '"""T""' *^« ^''^^el to to its junction with the O '^ensb irth RoT''^ T' ^^"^ '^^ same conveyance will th? wSt t^H 5* ^""''^ ' ^^ *^« according to the season to PhflK ^ ^""^ J'^'*®" *''avel pass, the sumSier season the pl^^^^^^^^^^^ In agara. and having passed throu Jh ihTf ^'T'^'''^ ^^^^ ^^^i" and the foaming K^ds of the It *r! ^"""^ ^^^^^^d Islands meet such arrangement as wilUnii^r^^^^^ ^'"' ^^ I^achine. treal and Quebef, and re?raTe\l^^^^^^^ *« "^^^ Mon-' fort over your roid to Kwr Pk-\'*^ "'^^^^^^ ^^d com- attract the pleasure travel fS^'rHnf P^t7^^'' ^'^ ^*« *"-« pleasing interruption, bthe r^il roIdT °/'/'?*""^^ ^^ the day, of a noble sLm-boat anda rpfl* v"^"^ '^ ^ ^''"g «"^nier pleasure travel from WUtehall VKi^.f''''^ T^}' ^"* ^ the er attraction. It is wc t own Sat allT"'' '^'J '^^" ^''^'- beauty, all the seono^ nf hil • i *"^ ^**^s of picturesouo 22 «quipinont, has lately been launched on Lake Chainplain, and ■we may gather from the concurrent opinion of all parties in- terrested in the encouragement of this travel on Lalce Cham- plain, that on the completion of your railroad, a vast amount of this passenger travel from the United States, whether from Boston or from New-York, whether business or pleasure travel, will centralize at Flattsburg. Your Directors cannot conclude this Report without calling your attention most emphatically to the impulse which the con- struction of your line of rail-road, in its present remarkable position, cannot fail to give to the local busmess in agricultural produce and to the great manufacturing facilities now rapidly develloping in and about Montreal. The ravages of the fly, and the consequent abandonment of the culture of wheat in Lower Canada since 1838, has led us to lose sight of the great fact that Lower Canada has been and will again become a wheat growing and a wheat exporting country. We forget that, " so far back as 1802, Lower Cana- " da exported to Great Britain a surplus of her own agricultu- " ral produce, to the extent of 1,010,033 bushels of wheat ; 28, " 301 barrels of flour, 22,052 cwt. of biscuit. In 1831, the *' amount of wheat 'grown in Lower Canada was 3,405,766 ** bushels, and the produce of all grains in Canada East during "the year 1844 was 21,325,596 bushels." We forget also, that during this period of agricultural prosperity, the valley of the Richelieu River in this District of Montreal, was known as the granary of Canada. That large portion of the valley of the St. Lawrence, lying between that River and the River Richelieu, and extendirog far beyond into the Townships, is a rich alluvial soil, admirably suited to the growth of grain. Within the last two years, the cultivation of wheat has been resumed extensively and most successfully, and as it is a fact now well understood, that the cessation in the culture of wheat, for some years, has had the eflFect of reintegrating the soil in those ^ v tier, or properties peculiar to the production of that descri'''* ain, we na justly expect that Lower Canada will . • osuuieher former position as a wheat producing country. Nor is the market now, as in former years, restricted by the ^demands of England. It has been said, and with truth, that what Old England has been to America, New England will prove to these provinces the chief consumer and best customer of their bread stuffs, whether grown by them or manufactured >y bhem, or both. With reference to this subject and to the 1 .. ;• custoniors would bo about 3 oroCo%^^ ^"'^ ^^'^ ^^^ " of flour for the consumption of each i^H;^ J f "^^^ ^ '^^"•«» " onomilhon of barrels for th«i ^"''^ ^'^^jvidual. and^eductinff •• does not produce half ^; mnfr^' r.^^^^^ ^^'^ *^°gl«n§ " corn~we have here a noar h. '^ ^^ ^'' thesubstitution of " of barrels of flour or IZ T ""^"^"^ *■««• t'^o "millions "while the great rdVaVJe,fTh-°°« u ^"^^^^ ^^ ^'»«a^ " position rfspectinHt arisen t "" v'^°* *" "*' ^^ °^ o»r " rapidity aJcamcztv J n^^ " '^ />refore " cost of transport intoTht^ if 1?^'"*®''' ^^^^^ «o reduce the " our farmer7wm rec^ve « V \'*' '^^.* ^1'^ '^' ^^'^ '^^<^tel " they, without a forSndL^!^'' P^ff ^^ *^^^^ ^1^^'-^*' than a loreign demand, could otherwise obtain." 24 Your Directors do not hesitate to aver that your road runs " from the -ery door of these growing manufactories," because they look upon the Montreal and Lacliino Railroad identical with your own ; because in connection with the con- templated ferry, It will, in f^ct, form one uninterrupted line at all seasons of the yo ir, from the heart of the City of Montreal to the pomt of connection with PJattsburg, and because they have every reason to hope that a union of interests of a still more decided character may soon impart to both roads greater strenjrth and more simplicity as well as economy of organi- Signed, William F. Coffin. William Molsox. William Dow. Robert Anderson. I>. M'Pherson. John Scriver. James Ferrier. D. Finlatson. William Murray. Johnson Thompson. John Torrance. Alex. Simpson. J. Gaspabd Laviolette. r Directors, Lake St. Louis ^ Province Line R. R. i^pNTREAL, Dec. 5tli, J 851. 1 I KEPORT OF THE ENGINEER. WiLUAM SWETLAHD, E«Q. ^^^ PreHieM .fa, pi^i^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ to Pla Jbtgi;' p'aSlIK? ^T"^ f™-? "•» province itae The character of the route ia /..,,'** -- i> will compare favorably wUhfilllli ^T ^o^/onstriction. and and m/anticipaS I^e ful t r.«I ''?^^^l^" *^^ ««»°*ry, feasible and direct line, which Yw?/m^''' *^' «"^^«*^°» «f « Hattsburgh. °'' *"""*?' "«*■• ^e terminus at '^^^^ftW^^'Z^T^^-'^' »-' «>•->» - very The Gradients are : Levef Less than 10 feet per mile, " 30 « " " isoTlToT^t^^^^^^^^ can be readi§ obtained for fL^^^^^ The rock cuttinTfs notTaS«?„ ^ ^! remainfng portion, for the m^asonrv if frnd aEthe h"r*' '"' ^*^^^ «"*^-«^ pen^v?w?rrupor:^^^^^^^^ ^^-^ is the most ox- Chazy, Corbeau, and £1 f ;„ p^' ^^'^?^^ feet ih length. ^^a»nplain R,vers. m all about 1000 5. 76 miles. 1. 27 " 1. 95 " 4.59 9.00 HMN v 26 The following estimates of the cost of construction of the road, are based upon the contracts and proposals, which are considered fait remunerative rates for the parties, who are entitled to much credit for their energy in the progress of the work. There can be no doubt that it will be finished according *;0 the terms and times specified, and within the estimates herein fixed for the work. About eighteen miles, and more than three fourths of the entire line is now graded, ready for laying the rails, and the masonry at the most important points nearly completed. The land daiaages and fencing have been arranged, the ties are offered at reasonable prices, to be delivered during the winter, and unless some unforseen obstacle prevents, the road may be in successful operation within nine months from the present time. ESTIMATED COST OF ONE MILE OF SUPERSTRUCTURE, Iron Kails, 56 lbs. per yard, 88 tons at $45, Chairs, wrought iron, 600 " 25 c Spikes, 4,500 lbs. " 4 Ties, 2,400 lbs. " 20 Delivering and distributing materials. Fitting and laying rails $3,960 jnts. 160 « 180 it 480 210 320 f5,300 ESTIMATE FOR EQUIPMENT, (oNE-HALF THE AMOUNT) 3 Engines, S8000 $24,000 3 Passenger Cars— First Class 2000 6,000 3 Baggage and Second Class Cars '. . . . 1000 3,000 20 Covered Freight Cars 600 12,000 20 Platform Cars 500 10,000 5 Hand and Iron Cars 100 500 Snow Ploughs, 400 $55,900 It is provided that the Lake St. Louis and Province Line Railroad Company shall furnish an equal amount of equipment; and mutual arrangements are made for the operation of both roads in connection, under the same management. \ 27 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES. Grading, Masonry, Clearing and Grubbing, 877 880 J'-'^g'ng' -^ 0500 Superstructure-23 miles at $5,30 > permile .... J 2i;900 lurnouts, Side Tracks, and Fixtures, 12 qqo btations Engine House, Turn Table, Machine Shop and Water Stations i o ono Land Damages and Depot Lands ..!.'!'..*.* oe nno Fencmg, Gates and Road Signs, * * * " * ^ nZ Road and Farm Crossings ;;;;;;; 2%o V\ harfing and preparing Depot Grounds, lo 000 Ballast and Gravelling Road Bed, j , onn Incidental Expenses, Engineering, &c .' * 12,000 Fni. r«r,+;„ • :.j ,,v $309,380 i^or Contingencies, add 10 per cent, qn QSS For Equipment, (one half amount,) .'.".;;; 55;9oo Total for Plattsburgh and Montreal Railroad . . $3S6218 1 otal tor Lake St. Louis and Province Line R .R. 388,848 Total Estimate for whole Line, $785,056 Making an average cost of the whole route of only #15 115 per mile, including the necessary stations and equi-ment for commencing operations, which may be increased, as the busi- ness shall demand, thus affording, as was predicted in the early abSr5y0O^Tr*^^^^^ ' ^"' ^^' P^^"^"^'^^ ^^^^^^ '' This portion of the route also passes through a highly culti- p;tuhtil "'''"!""' '^^^^^if '^^ " tljrivin^and i^duSs ho m!.n f' f »'«^1 Pnncipally in agricultural pursuits and the manufacture ot lumber. The lino approaches the eastern border of an extensive forest ot Spruce, Hemlock, and other kinds of valuable timber. liie developcment of the natural resources of this rer^ion will form no small item in the revenue of this road "" ^ One great difficulty in the way of developement is tho magnihcent distances " which this improvement, with the aid of plank roads penetrating into these forests, will quickly remove wJien in operation. ^ it mn^f ^ f .^f'^^^'^ ^' certainly not to be objected to, but ' " -m ,^ r ' -^^ '"' ''^S^'^'' ^^'"^ remote from the mar- )ors i!n(,nr gome disadyraitagcs, which people less favored com, are free from. ket iwijpiiuii 28 This northern section of the state, Tvith its lands yet unset- tled, owned by the state, and proprietors living at a distance, cannot be neglected with impunity. It must be inhabited to develope its resources, and then industry well rewarded, makes even " the grim face of winter smile." To the developement of such a region, means of communica- tion, certain, easy and rapid, are of the highest importance, not merely for the through travel, but for facilitating local trade, the conveyance of home freights, and the supply of a home market. It will add more than the entire cost of the road to the tax- able value of these lands, and will people them with a hardy, industrious, and prosperous people. Of the effects of public works of this kind, in increasing the value of lands through which they pass, we have proofs enough ; one of the latest is the sudden, and somewhat speculative movement on the Hudson River Rail Line, during the past year, where lands have been sold at twice their value before that road was commenced. In reference to the practicability, the cost and the probable resources of the proposed extension of this line of railroad on the west side of Lake Champlain to connect with roads now in operation, extending northwardly from the cities of the Hudson, those upon the route, and others interested will no doubt take measures to ascertain from proper data. The advantages which Northern New York expects to real- ize from this proposed extension are not local to itself, or con- fined to the business and interests of the state ; but it is to serve mainly as a Unk, in a long trunk line of communication between the Atlantic Coast, the Canadas, and the inland States of the remote western Lakes. Yet there are some prominent local objects to be gained — the increase of northern manufactures — to sustain and extend the manufacture of iron, lumber and other articles — to open and settle the unimproved lands of the State — to develope the agricultural and mineral resources, which abound in great quantities, and of a superior quality, fully equal to any in Europe — all of which only require cheap and speedy means of transportation, to render them of incalculable value. The iron, nails, and other articles, will be exchanged for wheat, flour and provisions of the west, and during winter, may at present be transported east by Rouse's Point bridge, thereby increasing the trade and revenues of the connecting roads, that direction. f 4. Northern ^ow York, with its natural advantages and capa- bilities, seems, heretofore, not to have been well understood and incorect impressions prevail respecting the adaptation of the soil and climate to grazing and agriculture. It has sometimes been supposed, and described to be a " Sibe- rian region of perpetual snows and continued forest," incapa- ble ot a large population and unworthy of public consideration and munificence, which has been so liberally bestowed upon other parts of the state. ^ The unsettled parts, truly, are covered with a dense and stately growth of valuable timber, consisting of pine, spruce, liemlock, tamarack, fir, cedar, oak, elm, maple, beech, birch cherry, basswood, &c., all of which would find now ready sale when manufactured and sent to a market. These lands constitute emphatically a grazing country, and considered as such, possess great natural advantages for the dairy and for the rearing of cattle, horses, sheep and swine. Ihe soil is, for the most part, a gravelly loam, or a mixture ot gravel and loam, and near the lake are some very superior clay lands, m the lime-stone region, wliich is occasionally mixed m such proper portion with the land as to form the most de- sirable soil lor the cultivation of all kinds of grain and vege- tables of excellent quality, and now produced in abundant quantities. The most interesting physical features in this section arise trom the number and beauty of the lakes and frequent streams which are sprinkled liberally and picturesquely over its sur- face, presenting a frequented and agreeable resort for the tourist, the angler, and the sportsman— such being the intrinsic agricultural merits. ^ Why have not its resources been more fully developed in the midst of a commercial State, with a dense population ? This questmn is answered by reference to the condition of Western iVew-York, a iew years since, in comparison with its present well acknowledged fertility and thriving population. It IS the opening of such a line of communication as is now proposed through this region. It is unnecessary to say much of the Iron region so well known tor its abundant supply of superior ores, suitable for the manutacture of iron in all its different varieties. The developements made within the last few years, under great discouragement and adverse circumstances, have unques- tionably assigned to Northern New York a position among the hrst Iron districts of the world, and it only nefidstlmf np^^ssary -x^ 30 protection and aid at the hand of Government, combined with the enterprise, skill and capital of its citizens with ready facili- ties for transportation at all seasons, to fully develope this re- gion and quickly restore the advantages merited by the labor and industry bestowed. This Road will afford facilities, not only to transport the iron to market and supplies for manufacture, but render much aid in bringing the ore and fuel together, thereby diminishing in a great degree its cost to the consumer. With these evidences of the intrinsic value of this region in its agricultural and eminently in its mineral resources, with the prospect too that these resources must remain undeveloped with- out some access to it and a market ; and in view of the great interest of the proprietors of the lands, the manufacturers of its products, the enterprising capitalists and labourers connected with these establishments when in operation, and above all the State and City, the emporium of trade, deeply concerned in very many respects, the conviction is unavoidable that such a work is truly called for. While New York will be the Depot for the reception of these mineral and agi*icultural products, Montreal should be made the point at which the Commerce of the Lakes shall mingle with that of the Atlantic. At the present time Boston and New York possess superior advantages for Foreign trade ; by the successful lines of Ocean Steamships to England, Scotland, Ireland, France and Germany; also by the lines to Philadelphia, Charleston, New Orleans, West Indies and California, concentrating a large and increasing trade from those ports with the interior country. The commerce of the Lakes — what is it ? What are they ? Their shores equal the entire Atlantic Coast. No man can tell precisely what that commerce is. Its rapid growth renders present description impossible. Its history may be told, and its future predicted ; but its present extent or value cannot be stated. The scale of increase has even ex- ceeded the most sanguine precedent estimates, and is now more than equal to the capacity of the various avenues complet- ed and projected. Therefore, these rival routes mustnotunder- value or dispute the rights of their competitors, for a fair share of this business. There is enough for all in this free enlight- ened and extensive country. It must be seen and investigated to be known in amount, or duly appreciated. Look at Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, De- troit, Milwaukie and Chicago, with their harbours occupied with 31 vessels filled with freight and passengers, from their railroads extending into the interior, and giving trade and wealth to their citizens. In regard to the further advantages of this route and its connections, I have submitted them in detail, in my report upon the Lako St. Louis and Province Line Kailroad, all of which apply with equal force upon the interests of this road. Respectfully submitted, by your obedient servant, T. J. CARTER, Engineer. REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PLATTSBURGH AND MONTREAL RAIL ROAD. Gentlemen, The work on your road has so far progressed that it appears to be proper, if not a required duty on the part of your Directors to present a brief report in relation to the present condition, future prospects, and necessary arran- gements for the completion of your enterprise, as well for your information, as that of the public generally, especially of that portion which may feel an interest in the underta- king. Considering the late period at which the work was com- menced, and the serious embarrassment which had to be encountered, your Directors congratulate you upon, and believe you will be well satisfied with the successful pro- gress of the work and the cheapness and economy with which it has been thus far prosecuted. The accompanying Report of the Chief Engineer both as regards your road, and the important line forming its conti- nuation, to wit, the Lake St. Louis and Province Line Rail Road, will afford you all necessary information in relation to the location, grade, curves, and general characteristics of the roads ; and those Reports, together with the accompany- ing elaborate and able Report of the Directors of the Lake St. Louis and Province Line Rail Road will acquaint you with a variety of facts and considerations having a highly important bearing upon the merits and future pros- pects of your enterprise. To avoid unnecessary repetition we refer you to those Reports. The full information therein contained, admits and requires that this Report be brief. There are a few other considerations, to which we will briefly refer. An examination of the map, and a reference to adjoining sections of county, and the Rail Roads in ope- 33 ration aiui in course of construction, will show the iniDorfani connections which will exist between your road aid Xrs and the great facilities and advantages both for convenience sid/nftf ^^'r Y'""''' ^•'"^ "^^'^^^ ^"^ secured On thTs ^de of the Lake its continuation to Caughnawaea and Montreal and it^ connection with the OgdensbSRoad offer every needed facility for northern and wesSbuS; and travel, and it cannot reasonably be doubted that a nrT proportion of both will seek the superirfacUities and ad vantages of your road. By means of the Ferrv f^om PI«nt cJ^^JVo^f'^'r r ^^^' "^y ^^y of the'RuUnd a d Central Roads and their connections will be provided ro every section of the Eastern States to Boston thlwhiP STr ' 1? t""""°"^ ^'"P"'^^"^ manufacturing ^wn^ such as LowvUl, Lawrence, Manchester, Nashua and others t'o w'lfiteTarr 'h'^'k^'^""^^^.^"? '°^^« -' Rutland l^dng to Whitehall, and those now in forward construction leadinS direc ty from Rutland to Troy, convenient accesl and 'ra„| portation are provided on the one hand to and from Saratoga Schenectady and all points reached by the Western R?1l Roads and Canal and on the other hand^o and frorTmv PUH? '"? ^ew-York. In casea road be constucted froS Plattsburgh along the west side of the Lake to the WhitS and Saratoga Road, in relation to which publL attention seems to be considerably directed, it will be percefved hTt almost a direct airline of Rail Road commEaUon 4m wXtut^i-^is. -^^^--^- ofiirunLit ^pf onil"^'^^ "°* ^'""^P^ y^""^ observation that the advanta- ges of these various connections are not confined to passen gers and property going from the North to the SouTand fn^n ?. ''V^^' '^^ passengers and property passing from the of thpo /^K^'"'!"!"^ ^°' Canada and^ the We^stb^^^^ of he Ogdensburgh Road will to a great extent be trS ported on your road and thus increasf its prXivenlss^ The Ferry from Plattsburgh to Burlington, open nearfv th^ whole year, will be found in practice to be no disadvanfa^^ a 3Ro?-r ^'uV^''' '^' ^'' ^^™"^- i« cfosed-wmT a good Boat it will be traversed in a short time. 1 his road when in operation will offer facilities for thf> fnZt 'Pf^'^^'SeT^ ^"^ freight traffic which a e worthy of L\TbT°a"4 V '^""t' "°?"^^ ^ '^'^^^ '-^^ -^h -^ —u 1 um v^aoi anu west, and connecting not onlv with tho «av,ga.ion of Lake Champlain, the St. lIwIc" Ld West! 84 ern Lakes but with various Rail Roads connecting there- with. It is proposed to transport merchandise from Platts- burgh to Burlington in cars upon boats without unloading, which will render this line the most direct as well as chea- pest line for business in that direction. The advantages of this route for that trade, at the present season, is fully demonstrated by the early closing of navi- gation at each end of Lake Champlain, while the boats have free access to the ports of Burlington and Plattsburgh ; large amounts of flour and wheat and other articles now seek this route as the cheapest and most expeditious. If the amount of trade now flows in this direction without a Rail Road we may reasonably expect a great increase when your road is completed. The inducements to passenger travel both of business and pleasure, presented by this route are sufficient to retain at least and probably must increase the annual traffic upon this route. The variety and change of conveyance from cars to spacious and comfortable steamboats, where rest and refreshments can be had, will add much to the com- fort and pleasure of the traveller and render the journey more interesting by a passage on the Lake than by the mo- notony of a rail road the whole distance. The scenery upon these lakes and rivers need only to be seen to be appreciated and is too well known to be here described. The excellence and great security of the harbour at Platts- burgh produced by the breakwater constructed by the United States must have an important influence in favor of your road. The great extent and rapid increase of the business trans- acted between our country and Canada is not generally understood and will surprise those whose attention have not been turned to the subject. The following statements will furnish a partial but by no means a full understanding of that extent and progressive increase. Stateme nt of Value of Property passing to and from Canada in I860. Value in Description. lie Forest Product of Animals .. Vegctahle Food , All other Agricultural Productions Manufactures Merchandise Other Articles Total . Weight inT.ns 7 932 C7 ni8 154 CI 75 725 8378 Value in Dollars. 210 127.639 8,741 51,031 17,903 l,5St,72fi 21,623 $1,811,876 Description. Weight inTonn too The, Forest Product of Animals... Vegetable Food .... All other Agricultural Productions . . . . Manufactures Other Articles Total.. 97776 126 9344 636 85 9: 534 108.>1: Dollars. 1,054,094 12,037 284,616 26,192 4,672 2,239 114,183 J ft 1,478,5.33 :v ■• 35 Statement of Value of Property passing to and from Canada in Uffl Deieription, Weiglit in l'nn.i Vitlitt in Dollars. liescriplion. Weight inTom Valut in Dollari. a. Till) I-'oroet 23 451 20 339 l.)4 8175 1243 161 76,«(i0 0,801 6fi,925 2:i,.'il»2 2.273. 7li5 10,l.-i3 1^ 66632 79 5S27 899 11 96 7941 81185 i'roduct of Anltnnlg. ., . Vc'ffutuhlo l''o()(l All otiior AKricultural I'rodiictloim Mnmitaetiircg Mi!i-clmii(ll8(i Product of Animals . Vfffctablo Food All other Aprieulturnl I'loductiloiis Mrtniitiictiircs . ... Morchfindige Other Articles 489,004 17,480 136,29S 572 1,892 Other Articlea 2,075 180,838 Total 10391 $2,458,0.J7 Total $829,206 ««!?,','?'' TT!"""" '"*^ ""'*"?'' '"'^'^ ""' Sarntojfa ami Washington Railroad, thU pounds of Jiggs, cornuig from Canada, valued at $160,000. season, 1,500,000 CANADA TRADE AT OSWEGO, N. Y. 1845. Imports 2,973,698 " Kxi'oiiTS 4,077,717 Total, $7,951,409 1850, Imports 8,326,789 " Exports 16,087,342 Total, ^24,013,131 Value of Merchandise received at Montreal In 1950 *i ';3a nnc 1861 2,010,648 Increase $478,642 Value of principal Articles, viz. : 1850. 1851. Cotton X301 435 £470238 ■^VooL 2-21870 317221 Hardware 116766 179694 COR.N 7636 10113 The large amount of Iron of a superior quality produced in the Counties of Clinton and Essex will furnish an additional amount of business to your road. — A large por- tion of » he iron, nails, &c. consumed on the borders of the j^^rcat Western Lakes is furnished from this region and trans- ported through the Northern and Western Canals to their place of destination. It is confidently believed that the opening of this line of communication will divert all this trade in iron, ore, nails &c. destined for the St. Lawrence, the Upper Lakes, and the far West from its present course, over your road and its con- nexions, and in return will furnish in exchange therefor by the same route large supplies of wheat, flour, pork &c. seeking a market on the seaboard or elsewhere. ' The local business on the line of your road will furnish no inconsiderable amount of transportation, and especiallv the large quantities of Inmber, annually produced in the towns on the line, all of which now reaches the Lake north of Plattsburgh, will of course be more cheaply and advan- tageously taken to the latter place on your road. 36 Your road will be of incalculable importance to the Cities of Troy, Albany and New-York by enabling them success- fully to com|>ete with Boston and other Eastern Cities for the immense and valuable trade of the West and of the Canadas, now finding a market in that direction. By way of Lake Champlain and the Northern Canal, during the season of navigation, produce may be taken from Plaltsburgh to the Valley of the Hudson at a saving over the eastern route, and dunng the Winter season (when your road shall be connected with the contemplated road on the west side of the Lake) those Cities will possess peculiar and decided advantages over all others for securing the entire trade and travel of the West and of the Canadas passing over this route, as well as a considerable portion of that pass- ing over the Northern or Ogdensburgh road. Soon after the contracts for the grading and masonry of your road had been entered into, an unexpected and severe pressure occurred in the money market. Your Directors deemed it inexpedient, under such circumstances, to at- tempt (what they had otherwise designed to do,) to obtain additional subscriptions to the stock of your road, but be- lieved it to be better policy and more for your interests to wait for a more favorable opportunity. Not only however was it important for the interest of the road that the grading should be principally performed this season, but the com- pany had become obligated by contracts, and must proceed or subject the stockholders to heavy damages for nonfulfil- ment. The Directors, relying upon your cordial support, did not hesitate, and the result has not only shewn that their con- fidence in your willing assistance was well founded, but has fully justified the good policy of their decision. This has, however, much to the regret of your Directors, rendered it necessary to make calls upon the stockholders to a greater extent, and more frequently, than was desirable. This regret finds consolation in the gratifying fact, that no murmur or complaint on that account has yet been made, to our knowledge, by any stockholder, and your Directors, thus far, have been able to meet promptly all the estimates and all demands, without resorting to any loan. Your Directors are determined that the credit of your Com- pany shall in no instance be impaired, and they cannot doubt of your continued and prompt support during the winter, and it is intended that the road shall be ready for the reception of the rails early in the spring, and in full operation in July next. '■ y - wf - ■•'"• i rin ilMi ■ ■ ■ i m 4 - . 37 I Sonio objections have been lieard that the contracts for the work were prematurely maflo. These objections do not pro- ceed from those who are acquainted with the circumstances and the objections are sufficiently met by the fact, that unless the contracts had then been made, your enterprise was in great jeopardy of a total failure, and at least the road would not have been commenced this season. The reasons for this con- clusion, it IS unnecessary to detail. Your Directors believe that the road will be constructed at less cost, than any other road that has yet been made in the country, and that the entire cost ready for full operation with irc^'^y "*''.. ^""^iir,^'' ^^P''*'' ^°^^«' &c. win not exceed J? 15,000 per mile. The completion of the work thus far, and the proposals received for other portions, enable your Directora to speak with much confidence in this respect. It is well known, and is frankly stated, that further means must bo provided for the completion of the road, either bv stock, or by bonds and loans. The Directors believe the time has nearly or quite arrived, when they may hope for success in obtammg additional subscriptions, and taking into considera- tion, not only the future prospects of the road, which are such as to give every reasonable assurance, that the stock will be a good paying stock, but also the great importance of the road and the manifest benefits which must ensue from its construc- tion to the Northern and Southern portions of the State, nar- ticularly to Iroy, Albany and New York, and also to various ines ot transportation and of railroad, your Directors cannot believe that such application will be made in vain. *u TT '^i^'^f u°?J ^" ^o»cl"sion, express their entire conviction that the stockholders have every reason to be encouraffed to proceed to the final completion of their undertaking, fn the lull confidence that it will be a paying and profitable invest- raent, and that all the benefits and advantages anticipated from Its construction, will be fully realized. f i^^irom All which, is respectfully submitted. By order of the Board, WM. SWETLAND, /V«j». JOHN J. HAILE, Sect/. tyr- "'.,,|I»IL,I.I|(11,JII! LH.JIW.I w U^iHX^ ^'"'^:. >\ '\ Table of Bistanoes from Montreal. To Plattsburgh, via Lake St. Louis and Plattsburgh and Montreal Railroads . 63 Milei Burlingto-,, via L. St. L. & P. L. and P. & M. Railroad. Lake Champlaln. ... 70 .' Burlington, via St. Johns, St. Albans, Essex Junction iqo u "Whitehall, via Caughnaveaga, Platisburgh, Lake Chimplain 140 r»r»,t»fn q 1 \ I .' 1 ■ /■ \ ^^ f / \ ^**"^Vi >*'•'•" */ i H.^ 0m H- 1 / \ JEfUfinM/'. JUtlUf'M