^„^. .v> IMAGE EVA' UATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) y ^A . Council of hianaoement and offi- cers, .ss. 7-14. Qualification of voters and offi- cers, s. 15. Term of office, s. 16. Disputed elections, s. 17. Annual meetiso, s. 18. Board of examinerjs, ss. 19-21. ADMIS.SION OF apprentices, 88 22- 24. Qualifications for admission to PRACTICE, ss. 25-29. Transfer of apprentices, as. 30, 31. Instrument of apprenticeship to BE FILED, 8. 32. Examination of candidates for admission to practice, SB. 33- 35. Security, s. 3(>. Oath of allegiance and of office 8. 37. ' Suspension of surveyors, s. 38. Fees to association, 8. 39. Witne.ss fees, s. 40. i^EQISTER OF PERSONS ENTITLED 88. 41-43. ' Publication of annual heoister, 8. 45. Fraudulent registration, s8 46 47. ' Recovery of fees and penalties, s. 48. Notices and documents, s. 49. Application and investment op FUNDS, 8. 50. A( • "NTS TO BE KEPT AND AUDITED, a. 61. TTER MAJESTY, by ami with the advice and consent of the ' i follows •!!! ^««^"^^^'y «f the Province of Ontario, enacts AcC ^^55 v1 sTs'^ls'at ^' " ^''' ^"^'*''''' ^'''''^ Surveyors' Short title. INTERPRETATION 5J.-(1) The expression " Comniis,sioner of Crown Lands " Interpre- whereyer it occurs m this Act, shall mean the person autho- !f^™ • rised to discharge the duties of that office c. 152, s. 1. R. S. O. 1887, "oner of Crown Lands /'a\ rri- • iianas." a ''Prnvtrfr'TQ" ^"^''"^ ^^"^ Surveyor" shall include "Ontario a Provincial Land Surveyor." 55 V. c. 34 s 18 (2) Land Sur- veyor. 4 Sec. 6 (2). LAND SURVEYORS. Chap. 180. Who may act as land tiur- veyor. REGISTRATION OF LAND SURVEYORS. 3. No person shall act a.s a surveyor of lands within this Province unless he has ho.vn duly authorized to practise as a land surveyor according to the provisions of this Act, or had been so authorisi-d before the passing thereof, according to the laws then in force, and shall have l)econie registered and shall continue to be registered under the provisions of this Act, under a i)enalty of $40. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s, 2 ; 55 V. c. 34, s. 1 ; GO V. c. 27, s. 21. ARBociation of Ontario Land Surveyors. Powers of. By-law8 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS. 4. — (1) The A.ssociation of Ontario Land Surveyors is here- by continued as a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal ; and all persons who are now members of the Association sliall continue members thereof subject to the by-laws of the Association and the provisions of this Act. (2) All persons who were prior to the 14th day of April, 1892, duly authorised to practise as land surveyors, and such other persons as shall become hereafter duly authorised so to practise under the ])rovi.sions of \his Act, shall, upon becoming duly registered as hereinafter ]> ovided, become members of the said Association. 55 V. c. 34, s. 3, ])ai-t. 5. The said Association shall have ower to acquire and hold real estate not exceeding at any ;. e an annual value of $5,000, and to alienate, exchange, morigfcge, lease or otherwise charge or di.«!pose of the said real estate, or any part thereof, as occasion may require, and all fines and fees payable under this Act, or under any by-law which may be passed by the Asso- ciation under the poweis heieby granted, shall belong to the Association for the purpose of this Act. 55 V. c. 34, s. 3, part. 6. — (1) The said Association may pass by-laws not incon- sistent with the provisions of this Act for the — (a) Government, discipline and honour of its members ; (b) Management of its property. (c) Examination and admission of candidates for the study or practice of the profession ; and • (rf) For all such other purposes as may be necessary for the working of the corporation. (2) All by-laws shall be prepared by the council herein- after named, and be ratified by the Association at the annual general meeting, or at a special general meeting, to be called for the purpose. 55 V. c. 34, s. 3, part. Chap. 180. LAND SURVEYORS. Sec. 7 (I). 1.— (1) There shall be a Council of Management of the ^'«>>cil of Association consi.stinjjof the Oonunissionerof Crown Lands, the ^''''B'""^" • rie.sident and Vice-Fresiilont of the A-s.^ociation, and six other elective menilier.s, to be elected and hold oflice as hereinafter provided. (2) The Council shall elect annually one of its memV)ers as its (yhairnian, and shall appoint fi'oni amongst the inendteri of the Association such other oHiccrs as may be necessary for the workiufj of this Act, who shall hold othce durinjf the pleasure of the (Jouncil. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4, part. 8. The members of the Association shall elect annually OflScers. from amongst their numher a I'rcisident, Vice-President, Secre- tary-Treasurer two Auditors anil two mendx-rs of the Council of Management, and the Secretary-Treasurer of the As.sociati()U shall be the Registrar of the Association and Secretary of the Board of Examiners, 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (1). (2) The said President, Vice-President. Secretary-Treasurer, Auditors ami two meud)ers of the Council may be elected at the annual general meeting in each year, provided their elec- tion is unanimous. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (2) part. 9. — (1) Should th^ election of any of the officers mentioned Election by in the preceding sc ''m not be made unanimously at the " ° ' annual general meeting, and a ballot be demanded for the election of any of them by any member of the Association en- titled to vote at such election, then and in every such case the President, or in his absence, the Vice-President, shall appoint two scrutineers to count the ballots, and the Secretary-Treas- urer shall at such annual general meeting receive nominations of candidates for the office or offices in respect of which such ballot shall have been demanded, and the election shall take place in the manner hereinafter provided. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (2) part. (2) All elections under this Act shall be by ballot if de- manded, and shall be conducted in the manner provided by the by-laws of the Association. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 ( 1 lb). 10. At least one week after the annual general meeting, at Voting which a ballot was demanded, the Secretary-Treasurei", as P*P^''* Registrar of the Association, shall send by post, to each member of the Association, when his address is known, the form of voting paper in Schedule B to this Act, with the list of the names of all candidates nominated at the annual <'eneral CD meeting, and also a list of the retiring members, and the vot- ing for officers and members of the Council shall be limited to the persons who have been so nominated. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (3). 1 1. The votes at an election by ballot for officers and mem- When to be bers of the Council of Management shall be given by closed '«*""»«'*• 6 Sec. ]5(1). LAND SURVEYORS. Chap. 180. Counting of. voting papers, in .the form in Schedule B to this Act, or to the like eflect, and .shall be delivered to the Secretary-Treasurer of the A.ssociation at his office, between che hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon, on any day between the second Tuesday of March and the first Tuesday of April in each year in which an election by ballot is held, and any votino^ papers received by the Secretaiy-Treasurer by post during the time aforesaid shall be deemed to be delivered to him for the purposes of the election. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (4). I'i. — (1) The voting papers shall upon the Thursday after the first Tuesday of April be opened by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association in the presence of the scrutineers appointed as above provided, who shall examine and count jhe votes, and keep a record thereof in a proper book provided by the Council. (2) Any person entitled to vote at the election shall be entitled, to be present at the opening of the voting papers. (3) The persons who have the highest number of votes for officers or members of the Council, as the case may be, shall be declared elected. 55 V c. 34, s. 4 (5-7). 1 li. — ( 1 ) In case of an equality of votes between two or more persons which leaves the election of one or more officers or members of the council undecided, then the scrutineers shall forthwith put into a ballot box a number of papers with the names of the candidaves respectively having such equality of votes written thereon, one for each candidate, and the Secre- tary-Treasurer of the Association shall draw from the ballot box, in the presence of the scrutineers, one or more of the papers sufficient to make up the required number, and the person or persons whose name or names are upon the papers so drawn shall be the officer or officers or the member or mem- bers of the Council as the case may be. Deohration o! (2) Uoon the comp etion of the counting of the votes and result. of t;ijg scrutiny, the Secretary-Treasurer shall forthwith declare the result of the election, and shall as soon as conveniently may be, report the saDie in writing, signed by himself and by the scrutineers, to the President rf the Association. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (8, 9). Case of equality of votes. f Where voting paper has too many names. Qualification of voters. 1 4. In the event oi any elector placing more than the re- (|uired number of names upon the voting paper for members of the Council, the first names only, not exceeding the required number, shall be taken for the members of the Council. 55 V. 0. 34, s. 4 (10). ir». — (1) Th*^ persons qualified to vote at an election shall be such persons as are members of the Association who have paid all fees due from them to the Association under the provisions 111 Chap. 180. LAND SURVEYORS. Sec. 15 (1). 7 of tliis Act and of any by-law of the Association. 55 V. c. 34, s 4 (11a), s. 8 (4;. (2) No per.son shall be elif^fible for election to any office or Of officers, to the Council, or qualified to fill any vacancy thereon, or to a])p' itnient by the Council to any office, unless his fees have been paid and he is duly (pialirted under the provisions of this Act, and the by-laws of the Association. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (12). H». — (1) Except in the case of an appointment to fill a Term of office vacancy caused by the resignation, death or dismissal of a comicU.^^" °^ member of the Council, all elected members of the Council shall hold office for the term of three years, iind until their successors shall have been elected. (2) In case of the resignation, death or dismissal of the President, Vice-President, or any elective member of the Council, the other members of the Council shall have power to fill any vacancy so caused. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (13). I "3. In case o.'; any doubt or di.spute as to who has or have Disputed been elected to any office, or as a member or members of the Council, or as to the legality of the election of any such officer or officei's, member or members of the Council, it shall be law- ful for the other duly elected officers and memb'^rs to be, and they are hereby constituted a committee to hola an enquiry, and decide who, if any, is, or are, the legally elected officer or officers, or member or members of the Council, and the person or persons, if any, whom they decide to have been elected, shall be and be deemed to be the officer or officers, or member or members legally elected, and if the election is found to have been illeg.al, the said committee shall have power to order a new election. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (14). 1 8. The annual general meeting of the Association shall be Annual held in the City of Toronto on the fourth Tuesday in February f^^^'^^ °"'^'- in each year, and at such place as the Council may appoint. Due notice of such meeting shall be given by the Secretary- Treasurer, to each member of the Association, by circular letter, posted to his registered address, at least ten davs before such meeting. 55 V. c. 34, s. 4 (15), s. 8 (4). isions BOARD OF EXAMINERS. 19. — (1) There shall be a Board of Examiners for tie Board of examination of candidates for admission to study, and also for Examiners such other examinations as the Council may hereafter prescribe for candidates for admission to practise as land surveyors, which board shall consist of the Chairman of the Council, the Secretary-Treasurer, four other members of the association, to be appointed by the Council, and two to be appointed by ^\(i Lieutena-it-Governo'. in Council. 8 Sec. 22. LAND SURVEYORS. Chap. 180. Oath of Pkatr.iner. Meetings when and where to be held. (2) The six members to be appointed as aforesaid shall respectively hold office for a term of three years. In case of the resignation, death or inability to act of any member of the Board file Lieutenant-CJovernor in Council, if such meiuber was appointed by him, and the Council of the Association if such member was appointed by the Council, .shall appoint a member of the A.ssociation to be a member of the Board of Examiners for the unexpired portion of the term. (3) The Chairman of the Council shall be the Chairman of the Board of Examiners, and three niend)ers of the Board shall form a quorum. (4) The Council may also appoint competent persons to assist the l)oard of Examiners in any of the subjects of examination, and shall have the power to fix the expenses and fees to be paid to any of the .said examiners, subject as hereinafter pro- vided to the restrictions hereinafter contained in respect of pavments to members of the Board. 55 V. c. S'i, s. 4 (IG, 17) ; GO'V. c. 27,s. 22. (5) Each member of the Board of Exiuninei-s .shall take the followini;' oath of office before a Judge of a County Court, or a Justice of the Peace : T, of hiiving l)ii'ii ;ii)i)oiiite(l a member of thV Hoard of Examiners for the admission of Ontario Land Surveyors for the Pro- vince of Ontario, do sincerely iiromi.se and swear that J will faithfully disch.u'ge the duties of such ottice witluut favour, att'ectiou or partiality. So help me (iod. Swurn before me at this day of 18 65V.C. 34,8.4,(18). 20. The said Board shall meet at the office of the Connnis- sioner of Crown Lands, on the second Monday in the month of February, in every year, imless such Monday be a holi- day (in which case they sliall meet on the day next there- after not being a holiday), and may adjourn such meeting from time to time if thev deem it neccs.sary. R. S. O. 18(S7, c. 152,.s. 6. GO V. c. 27. s."!. Payment of examiners. *■£!. The Council shall, for each clay's attendance pay, out of the funds of the As-sociation, to each member of the Board of Examiners, who attends any exainiiiations, such sum, not less than $G nor more than $H, as the Council iiuiy by by-law determine, and his travelling expenses. GO V. c. 27, s. 25. 55 V. c. 34, s. G. APPRENTICES. Qualification 852. No person shall be admitted as an apprentice with any l^au^apnren- Ontario Land Surveyor unless he has previously pa.ssed an tice, and ex- exanunati-e at Kingston, or of the Ontario School of Practical Science, in civil euirinei'vinii' or in minin<>' enoineerincr, or of the McGill College, Montreal, in civil engineering or in mining engineering, and such per.son .shall not bo required to pass the pre- liminary examination hereinbefore required for admission to apprenticeship with a land surveyor, but shall only be l)ound to serve under articles with a practising land sur\' yoi-, duly filed as required by section 32 of this Act, during twelve successive months of actual practice, after which, ou complying with all the other re(|uirements, he may undergo the examination prescribed by this Act. R. S. O. 18S7, c. 152, - s. 14 60 V. c. 27, .s. 7(1). Attendance at 'ii^. Such person at any time during his apprenticeship may, certain schools ^yij;!^ I;]^g permission of the Board of Examiners, attend the ticesiiii). Ontario School of Practical Science, or any school, college, or university, the course of study in which is, in the opinion of the Board, sutficiejitly similar to that in the Ontario School of Practical Science, for the purposes of taking any course of Graduates of Royal Military Col- lege, Kinsrs- ton, or of On- tario School of Practical Science, and McGill Col- lege, Mon- treal, to have certain privi- leges. Chap. 180. LAND SURVEYORS. Sec. 29. 11 studj' which includes any subjects required for the final ex- amination for admission to practise as a land surveyor, but the total period of such apprenticeship, and of such course of study, shall not exceed the period of two years from the date of the articles of apprenticeship as above mentioned, and not less than twelve months of the said period of two years shall be passed in the actual service of a ])ractising Ontario Land Surveyor. GO V. c. 27, s. 7 [^2). 150. If a sui'veyor dies or leaves the Province, or is sus- If surveyor pended or dismissed, or ceases to practise, his appi'entice may service °' complete his term of apprenticeship, under an instrument in i ..^y be com- writing as aforesaid, with any registered surveyor in actual anoaler^iir practice. R. S. 0. 1.SS7, c. 152, s. 15. 60 V. c. 27. s. 8. veyor. 3 1 . A surveyor may, by an instrument in writing, transfer an Instruments of apprentice, with his own consent, to another registered may be trans'^ surveyor in actual practice with whom he may serve the ferred. remainder of the term of his apprenticeship. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 16. 60 V. c. 27. s. 9. 3?8. No instrument in writing under which an applicant Instruments for admission to practise as a surveyor claims to have served ^jc^io^e tird with some practising surveyor for the re([uii"ed period shall avail etc. * to authorize the admission of an applicant, unless the in- strument, has been traaismitted to the Secretary of the Board within two months next after the date thereof, nor unless the fee in respect thereof mentioned in section 39 of this Act was by the apprentice paid to the Secretary of the Board at the time of transmitting the indenture or articles ; and the said Secretary shall acknowledge l)y post the receipt of all such instruments or copies thereof transmitted to him, and shall carefully keep the same filed in his office. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 17. 60 V. c. 27, s. 10. ADMISSION OF CANDIDATES. lili. Every person desiring to be examined by the Board as Notice of to his (lualification to be admitted as a land survevor, shall "ive examination J. ,^i ,. . ... , ,1 r-i , ,.11^-. ,^ to be given by notice thereof in writing to the Secretary of the Board, at least candidates for one month previous to the meeting therof. R. S. 0. 1887, fidmisBiou. c. 152,s. 18. 154. Every person applying for admission to practise as a The boaru t.. land surveyor shall produce to the Board satisfactorv certifi- req"''*' .^^'t-ifi- 1 , "^-1 . .' 1 ., 11., , •, „ cites of good cates as to character tor probity and sobriety, and before a conduct, etc. certificate is granted shall perform such practical operations in the presence of the Board, and shall answer such tpiestions on oath (which oath any member of the Board may administer) with regard to the actual practice of such applicant in the field, and with regard to his surveving instruments, as the said Board may require. R. S. 0. 1887,"' c. 152, s. 19. 12 Sec. 38 (1). LAND SURVEYORS. Chap. 180. If the examin- ;55_ If the said examiners are satisfied as to the qualifica- th^oandidate tious of the Candidate, and his compliance with all the pre- they are to liminary requirements of this Act, they .shall grant him a certificate." Certificate in the form following : This 18 Candidates to give security, to certify to all whom it may concern, that A. B. of in the County of has duly passed his examination before the Board of Examiners, and has been found qualified to till the office and perform the duties of ;ni Cnbiriu I iind Surveyor in and for Ontario, he having complied with all the re.juire- ments of the law in that behalf. Wherefore the said A. B. is admitted to the said office, and is by law authorized to practise as a land surveyor in Ontario. In witness whereof, we have signed this certificate at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, the day of 18 . Signature o} the Cliah-man, G. D. SUjnaturc of the Secretary, E. F. and such certificate shall, on the applicant complying with the other requirements of this Act, entitle him to practise as a land surveyor in and for Ontario. R. S. O. 1887, c. 152, s. 20. J5<».-(1) Each applicant, before receiving the above mentioned certificate, shall, with two sufiicient sureties .-(l) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, all notices documents and documents required by, or for the purpo.ses of this Act to mailed. be sent, may be sent by post by registered letter, and shall be deemed to have been received at the time when the letter con- taining the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of mail, and in proving such sending it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing the notice or document was prepared and properly addressed and mailed. Form of, and (2) Such notices and documents may be in writing or in how may be print, or partly in writing and partly in print, and when sent to the Council or other authorities, shall be deemed to be Chap. 180. LAND SURVEYORS. Sec. 49 (2). 17 properly addressed if addressed to the said Council or author- ities, or to some officer of the Council or authority at the principal plac(^ of business of the Council or authority, and when sent to a person re^'istercd under this Act, shall be deenietl to be properly addressed if addressed to him accord- ing to his address registered in the register of.the Association. 66 V. c. 34, 8. 15. HOW FUNDS TO HE APPLIED, SO. — (1) All moneys arising from fees payable on registra- How fees, tion, or from the annual fees, or from the sale of copies of the g**')!^^ register or otherwise shall be paid to tb ^ Registrar of the ^^^ ' ' Association to be applied in accordance with such regulations as may be made by the Council for defraying the expenses of registration, and other expenses of the execution of this Act. (2) The Council shall have power to invest any sum not ex- Investment pended as above, in such securities as shall be approved of by '" "««=""*>««• the Government of the Dominion of Canada or of the Province of Ontai-io, in the name of any three of their number appoint- ed as trustees, and any income derived from any such inve.stetl sums shall be added to and considered as part of the ordinary income of the A.ssociation. (3) The Association may also use surplus funds or invested In certain capital for the rental or purchase of land or premises, or for ^"'''^'"8*- the building of premises to serve as offices, examination halls, lecture rooms, libraries, or for any other public i)urpose con- nected with land surveying. 55 V. c. 34, s. 16. 51. The Secretary-Treasurer and Registrar of the Associa- Accounts to tion, shall enter in books to be kept for that purpose a true auditS.*"'* account of all sums of money by him received and paid under this Act and such account shall be audited by the auditors, and submitted to the Council and Association at such time or times as they may require. 5d V. c. 34, .s. 17 part. SCHEDULE A. 18 Schod. B. I,ANI> SURVEYOUS. Cliap. 180. SCHEDULE A. (Section 41) • FoKM or Rkoimtkh. Name. ReBidence. I Q"al«ficft- P. O. .-ul.lroHs' *,'V'l' '""• iiddituiiiB. Wlion ftd- iiiittod When I cmiHod to piiicticu. Whon died. o5 V. c. :U, Sche.l. A. SCHEDULE B {Section 11.) Form of Voting Pai'eu. Association of Ontario Land Surveyors Election 18 I. of the in the county of member of tlie Association of Ontario Land Surveyors, do hereby declare CD That the signature affixed hereto is in my proper handwriting. (2) I vote for A. B., oi the , of in tlie county of , as president, vice-president secretarv-treanurer, auditor o>- auditcjrs, as the cane may be.) (3) I vote for the following iiers(jns as members ox che council of management of the association of Ontario Land Surveyors : — A. B.,oi the of in the county of , and C. D., of the of in the county of (4) That I have signed no otlier voting paper at this election. (5) That this voting paper was executed on tlie day of the date thereof. Witness my hand this day of , A.D. 18 55 V. c. 34 Sched. B. 180. ChuiJ. 180. r.AND 8UKVEVORS. Sclu'd (J. li» I SCHEDULE C. (Sf.ctittn 4o) SuKVKVOKs' Annual Keuixtkr, Ist Januaky, IH , Namr. RoHidenco. P. (). iiddreBB. QimlificiitioiiH -iiiid lulditiiiiiH 55 V. c. 34, Sched. C. ^^■^ 20 Sec. 3. SURVEY OF LANDS. Chap. 181. CHAPTER 181. An Act respecting the Survey of Lands. Short title, h. 1. Certain bounmiahy mnkh valid, s. 2. Standard of measure, ss. 3, 4. ChAIN-ISEARERS — OATH OK, S. 5. Power to pass ovkr lands in dis- <"har(1e of duty, s. 6. Survey of boundary lines,ss. 7-38. Private surveys in cities, towns and villages, SB. 39-42. llOAD ALLOWANCES, S. 39. Journals and field notes, s. 40. Administration of oaths, s. 41. Manner of taking evidence, a. 42. Offsnces and penalties under C. S. C. c. 77, s. 31. Short title. ' • '^^^^^ ^^ct may be cited as " The Surveys Act." CEllTAIN 130UNDAKY LINES DECLARED VALID. Boundary *^- All boundary or division lines legally established, and lines hereto- ascertained untler tlie authority of Ordinances or Acts here- ed confirmed, tofore in force, shall remain good, and all other acts or things legally d purpofse of comparing therewith the standards to l>e kept by each surveyor a.s hereinafter provided, .sliall V)e deposited with the Secretary of che Board of Examinex'S at Toronto, anrson is possessed of any inqiortant information ^{",", Sb"*'' touching such boundary or limit, or of any writhig, plan or ful, etc. document tending to establish the true position of such boun- dary or limit, then if such person does not willingly appear bo- fori' and be examined by such surveyor, or does not willingly produce to him .such writing, ])lan or document, such surveyor or the party employing him may file in the office of the County Court a prjecijie for a subpo'iia or subpoMia (lures tri'um. as the ^'^y subpima case may re(iuii-e,accoiiipanyiiigsuch api)lication Ity an affidavit ^'''"'^'^'**''*- or solemn declaration to be made before a Justice of the Peace, of the facts on which the application is founded, and the Judge 22 Sec. 13. SURVEY OF LANDS. Chap. 181 Sfi'vice of subi)aMia. may order a subprt^na to issue accordingly, commanding such per.son to appear before the surveyor, at a time and place to be mentioned in the said subpoena and to bring with him any writing, phxn or document mentioned or referred to therein. R, S. O. 1887 c. 152. s. 81. 8. The subpoena sluill be served on the person named therein by delivering a copy thereof to him, or by leaving the same for him with .some grown-up per.son of his family at his m residence, exliibiting to him or to such grown-up person the original. R. S. O. 1887, c. 152, s. 82. Tenalty *>. If the pcr.son commanded to appear by the subpama, tying. ,^^^^,^. \^^>[l■^g p.^jj ]-^\^ reasonable expensi's, or having the same tendered to him, refuses or neglects to appear before tlie sur- veyor at the time and place appointed in the subpoena, or to produce the writing, plan or document (if any) tliorein men- tioned or referred to, or to give sucli evidence and information as he may po.ssess touching the boundary or limit in question, the person so sunuuoned shall be deemed guilty of a contempt of the Court out of which tlie subpcena issued, and an attach- ment may lie issued against him by the Judge of the said Court, and he may be punished accordingly, by fine or impri- sonment, or l)oth, in the discretion of tlie Judge. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 33. i I i Stone inonu- I O. Stone monuments, or monuments of other durable ma- iilaced a*t rer- Aerials, shall be placed at the several corners, governing points tain pi.iiitH in or otf-sets of every township already surveyed, or after this towiishipH. ^g^ takes eft'ect from time to time surveyed, and also at each end tlu true ones. Monuments I 'i. It shall not be accessary or of the Connuissioner of Crown need not lie f^^uds to proceecl to carry the proxisions of the last preceding Hs 1*0-12 ex- three sections of this Act into execution, until an aj)plication for 112 Ohap. 181. SURVEY OF LANDS. Sec. 13. 23 that purpo.so has been made to the Lieutenant-Governor, by the oopton Uie council of the county in which the township or tcwnsliips *|^'i''^^^j'Jjy "^ interested is situate, and sucli council shall cause the sum re- council, quisite to defray the expenses to be incurred, or the proportion thereof payable by the inhabitants of any township or conces- .sion, to be levied on the said inhabitants, in tlie same manner as any sum required lor any other local purpose authorized by law may be levied. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 87. 14. — (1) Whereas in several of the townships in Ontario in what cases some of the concession lines, and side road lines, or parts of *'**' tfiwuship , , • 1 • - • 1 IT , ^ • , 1 council may tlie concession lines and side road lines were not run in the apply to have orifrinal survey performed under competent autliority, and the i""»"'>»nts o „ "^ ^ P .1 • !• 1 •! 11- placed to mark survey oi some or the concession lines and side road lines, or concession and parts of the concession lines and siile road lines liave been *.''^« ™*, . . which has been surveyed by the authority aforesaid, all allow- etc!''V)"be*'^^' '^ ' ances for any road, street, lane or connnon laid out in the public high- original survey of such city, town or village, or any part ^'*^^" [^^ i thereof, shall be public highways and connnons ; and all posts ^-» I or monuments placed or planted in the original survey of .such ^ j city, town or village, or any part thereof, to designate or define >?3^ any allowance for a I'oad, street, lane, lot or connnon, .shall be Monuments -^"^^ OJ* the true and unalterable boinidaries of every such road, street, °^ original ■^ ^^^ 4 lane, lot and common ; and all land surveyors, enqiloyed to make govern. ^]^^ I surveys in such cit}', town or village, or any part thereof, .shall 1 ior ^ follow and pursue the same rules and regulati(ms in respect ■iiich ■ of such surveys as is by law required of them when employed !^r of ^ to make survej-s in townsliips. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 44. - - *i I . All surveys of town.shijis, tracts or blocks of land in ^s *" ""s"''- and ■ this Province, granted by the Crown to companies and indi ^rantedTn * lary ■ viduals before any surveA's had been made therein, and which blocks and and ■ were afterwards surveyed by the owners thereof, shall be surveyed"*,/ rked B original surveys thereof, and shall have the same force and the grantees. 26 Sec. 25. SURVEY OF LANDS. Chap. 181' effect as thouf^h the said original .surveys ana the phms thereof had been made by competent authority ; and all allowances for roads or commons sxirveyed in such town.ships, tracts or block.s of land, and laid down on the plans thereof, shall bo public liighways and connuons ; and all lines run and marked in such original surveys, and all posts or monuments planted or placed in such oritiinal surxcvs to desiy'iiate and drlhie anv allowance for road, concession, ct)mmon or lot of land, shall be the true and unalterable lines and boundaries of such allowance for road, common or lot of land ; and all land surveyors, when eniployed to make survey's in such townships, tracts or blocks of land, shall follow antl pursue the same rules and regulations in res- pect of such townships, tracts or blocks of land, and the original surveys thereof, as they arc by law required to follow and pur- sue in all townships, tracts or blocks of land surveyed by the authority aforesaid. R. S. 0. 1SS7, c. IT) 2, s. 45. Governing ***>. The course of the boundary line of each and every con- hnes decl.ired. g^^^^gi^ji^ ^^y^ ^]^j^t ^[^\Q f^m which the lots are numbered, shall be the course of the division or side lines throughout the several townships or concessions respectively, provided that such division or side lines were intended, in the original survey per- formed under such authority as aforesaid, to run on the same course as the said boundary. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 46. All side lines to lie run on the same com-se as gov- erning lines. 'ili. Every surveyor shall run all division or side lines, which he is called upon by the owner or oAvners of any lands to survey on the same course aa that boiuidary line of the concession in which such lands are situate, from Avhence the lots are numbered as aforesaid, provided such division or side lines were intended, in the original surveA' performed under such competent ax;thority as aforesaid, to run on the same course as the said boundary. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 47. C.nirsetobe '44. Where that end of a conces.sion, fi'om which the lots are adopted where numbered, is wholly boiinded by a lake or river, or other natural bounded by boundary, or where it has not been run in the original survey lakes or rivers, performed under competent authority as aforesaid, oi where the course of the division or side lines of the lots therein was not intended in the original survey performed as aforesaid, to be on the same course as such lioundary, the said division or side lines .shall be run on the same course as the boi;ndary line at the other extremity of such concession, provided their course was intended, in the original survey performed as aforesaid, to ))e the same, and that such boundary line was run in the original survey. R. S. 0. 1 887, c. 1 52, s. 48. Where divi- sion or side lines not intended to run on the same course as the side *4.1>. Where in the original survey, performed under compe- tent authority as aforesaid, the course of the division or side lines in any concession was not intended to be on the same course as the boundaiy line at either end of such concession, they shall l)e run at such angle with the course of the boundary i Cliap. 181. SURVEY OF LANDS. Sec. 25. 27 was il, to t)n or ine lurse id, to line fit tliat end of the concession from wliieh tlie lots are J''ip« -jt i'^''^''' nnnibered, a.s is stated in the plan and field notes of the original c"sHi'on. survey, of record in the Department of Crown Lands, in-o- vided snch line was run in the original survey as afore.said, or with the course of the hoinidary line at tlie other extremity of the said concession, if tlic hoinidary at that end of the conces- sion from which the lots are numbered was not run in the original survey ; or if neither of the aforesaid boundaries of the concession was run in the original survey, or if the concession is whollv bounded at each end bv a lake or river, or other natural boundary, then at such angle with tlie course of the line in front of the said concession as is stated in the plan and field notes aforesaid, or if parts of the concession line have been run on different courses as shewn on said plans and field notes, then at sucli angle with the course of each of these parts, as is stated in the plan and field notes aforesaid. 11. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, .s. 49. 'Hi. If any division or side line between lots, or proof line ^yhel■oa di- intended to be on the same course as the division or side lines ii',ieXaTv)\'en between lots, was di-awn in any sn- ' concession, boiinded as run botwet-n aforesaid, in the original survey tliLicof, the division or si<^le gj^^j^j'j^'^^.^JJJ'^' lines between the lots therein .shall be on the same course as ■such division or side line or proof line. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152. .s. 50. Where there art' two of such lines, Uie line nearest the end of the co.icession, from which tlie lots are num- bered, to gov- ern to the next of such lines. idary 'it. Where two or more such division or side lines or proof lines were drawn in the original survey of such concession, bounded as aforesaid, that division or side line or proof line which is nearest to the boundary of the concession from which the lots are numbered, shall govern the course of the division or side lines of all the lots' in such concession between the boundary of the concession from which the lots are numl)ered, and the next division or side line or proof line drawn in the original survey ; and such last inenticmed line or proof line shall govern the course of the division or sidelines of all the lots up to the next division or side line or pi'oof line drawn in the original survey, or to the boundary of the concession towards which the lots are num- bered, as the case may be. R. S. O. 1887, c. 152, s. 51. 'iH. — (1) Except as provided in the next subsection, in all How lines to those townships which in the original survey were divided tmnishb"*i!iid into sections, agreeablv to an Order in Council bearing out in seoti.>ns date the 27th day of March, 1829, or which have since beeii ""th"! 27th*"^" or shall be divided into sections or blocks of one thousand March" lS2y, acres, or thereabouts, or six hundred and forty acres or there • ^'^''• abouts, as the case may be, under instructions from the Com- missioner of Crown Lands, the division or side lines in all concessions, in any section or block, shall be governed by the boundary lini's of .such .section or block, in like nianiuM" as the division or sitle lines in townships originally survey I'd before 28 Sec. 29. SURVEY OF LANDS. Chap. 181. Proviso. Exceptions. Surveyors to make returns to township clerk. Proceedings where monu- ments or posts cannoc be found in certain town- ships. the .said day, are governed by the boundary lino.s of tlie con- ces.sion in which the lois are situated : Provided tliiit in tho.se 8ection.s or bhicks tl\e governing bounchirics of which are broken by hikes or rivers in such a way that the course there- of cannot accurately be deternjined, a .surveyor when called upon to run any side line in any concession in such section or block, shall run such side line on the astronomical course of the side lines of the lots in the township, as shewn on tlie original plan and field notes thereof, of record in the Depart- men of Crown Lands. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 52. (2) On and after the l.st day of Jul3^ 1897, the lines between all lots in the following town.shipH, namely, all townships in the Districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound ; all townships in the District of Nipissing, which lie south of the Mattawan Kiver and Troi^t Lake, and the Township of Matta- wan in the .said district; all townships in the Provisioiuil County of Haliburton ; the Town.ships of Dalton, Digby and Longford, in the County of Victoria : the Townships of Galway, Caven- dish, Anstruther and Cluindos, in the County of Peterborough ; the Townships of Tudor, Grimsthorp, Wollaston, Limerick, Cashel, Faraday, Dungannon, Mayo, Hersehell, Monteagle, Car- low, McClure, Wicklow and Bangor, in the County of Hastings ; the Townships of Anglesea, EtHngham, Abinger and Denbigh, in the County of Lennox and Addington; the Townships of Barrie, South Canonto and North Canonto, in the County of Fron- tenac, and the Townships of Brougham, Grattan, Will)erforce, Alice, Mattawachan, Grittith, Sebastopol, South Algona, North Algona, Fraser, Richards, Hagarty, Brudenell, Lyndoch, Rag- lan, Radcliff'e Slierwood, Burns and Jones, in the County of Renfrew, shall be I'un on the astronomic course stated in the Elan and field notes of the original survey of record in the department of Crown Lands, but nothing contained in this subsection shall affect the lines in any block in any of the above townships in which any line shall have been run prior to the 1st day'of July, 1897. (3) Every surveyor shall on the 31st day of December, 1897, and on the Sl.st day of December in each year thereafter, make to the township clerk a return according to the form given in the Schedule to this Act of all lines run by him in any of tlie aforesaid townships under the provisions of the above next preceding subsection. GO V. c. 27, s. 17. 'i9. Whenever an Ontario Land Surveyor is employed to run any boundary line of, or any dividing line or limit between any sections, (juarter-sections, or other aliijuot parts of any section in any of the following townships, namely, any township in the Rainy River district subdivided into sections, in accordance with the Dominion Lands system of survey, or in any of the follow- ing townships and parts of townships in the Districts of Algoma and Rainy River, namely, Rutherford, Salter, Victoria, all that portion of Shedden south of the fourth conces,sion, the Townships .<» Chiip. 181. SURVEY OF LANDS. Sec. 29. 29 of Spr!ii;<;o, EHtiMi, ThoinpHOii, all that portion of Patton soutli of tlu' tliifil concession, tin- 'I'owuships of 'riu'ssaloii-Rivov, Lcfroy Ros(^ Laird, Mi-rcditli, Macilonald, Taiviitorus, Awcrcs, Van- kou'diiict, AwciiLic, Korali, I'ciiiicfatlicr. Kciiwick, sections .'U to 'Mi, both inclusive, of tin' 'rowiislii]) of HHvilland, the 'I'own- slii|)s of 'I'illey, Parke, Prince, Dennis, Kars, Fisher, Pahnor, Merrick, Ryan, Hlake, Crooks, I'ardee, ^[(dlltyre, M ac;,n-e<;or, Mc'favish, Homer and Byron, and tiie post or nionunujnt planted, erected or marked in the orij^inal surv(!y to deline the corner of .such section, (piarbu'-section or other ali(piot part cannot be found, .sucli .surveyoi- shall obtain the best evidence that the na.tui'e of the case admits of respectinjr such po,st or monument, but if the position of the .same cannot be satis- factorily .so ascertained he shall proceeil as follows: — 1. If the lost jxtst or monument is that of a township corner, he .shall report the circumstances of the case to the Connnis.sioner of Crown Lands, who shall instruct liim how to proceed ; 2. If the lost post or monument is that of a .section or (juarter-section corner on the boiuidary line of a township, he shall i'en((W the same by joining the nearest ori<;inal bla/e.s, tjUarter-section or secti«ai corners on such boundary ly a straij^ht line, and shall ;;ive to each section or qiiarter-section a breadth- proportionate to that shown on the orif a con- C(>s-*i()n wlittre only a single row of pogts planted. Side line!) in Buch canes. 150. Tlu' front of cacli concession in any township, wlicro only n sinn;le I'ow of posts lias been ]ilant('(l on the concession lines, and the lands liuve lieeii descrilted in whole lots, shall be that end or boundary of the concession which is nearest to the boiuidary of the township from which the ,so\'eral concessions thereof are numbered ; and when the line in front of any .such concession was not run in the original survey, the division or side lines oi' the lots in such concession shall be run from the original posts or monuments placed or planted on the front line of the concession in the rear thereof, on the same coui'se as the ^•oveniinf4" line determined as aforesaitl, to the depth of the concession, that is, to the centre of the .space contained between the lines in front of the ailjacent concessions, if the concessions were intended in the oriuinal survey to be of an equal depth, or, if they were not so intended, then to the pro- portionate depth intended in the orireinbcfore provided, and shall not continue on in a straight line through several conces- sions — that is to say, each lot or parcel of land shall be surveyed and bounded according to the provisions of this Act, inde- pendently of the other lots or parcels mentioned in the same grant or instrument. R. S. O. 1887, c. 152,s. 58. 3ft. Every land surveyor employed to run any division line to^be'ron on** between lots, or any line required to run on the same astronomic ^^.'ne astrono- course as any division line or side line in the concession in StraightTne* 32 Sec 88. SUnVEY OF LANDS. Chap. 181. joininK front wliicli tlic liiiid to 1h' survoyrd lies, hIuvII run .such ilivision liui' and reM t-ndH („. ^\^\^^ \\^^^, ,„, ^\^^, same iistroiuniiil^ t'oursc (wliicll lie sliilll of governing ■ . • i . . , .. , ;, i- i- i line,, (Iftci'iiiiiu' t)y usti'nno?'!'!' ()l)sci'\ iitiuii or by otlwr .sati.slactory iiK'thod) a.s tlic strai;;lit line joiiiiu;,' tho t'routaml irar (MkIh of the <;ovt'i'iiin;j Ijoundary line of the ooiiccsHion or section, if so iiitcM(lcii in till- orij^inal sui-vt-y, oi* at such an^^lc therewith as Is stated in the plan and field notes as aforesaid, wliicli shall ))e deeniecl to lie the true Course of the said "■overnini: or houn- daiy line for all the j)ur[)oses of this Act, altliouj^h such ;^ov- ernin;; or boundary line as marked in tho field lu' curvi'd or deviate othei'wise from a strai;,;ht course, and if a line is to ho run at any an^le with a front line or other line which is not strai Cace^ where JO. (I) In all cases where a land surveyor is em]il()3'ed to no-it nlMni'm^ ^'"'^ "-"y ^^^^^ ^'"'^' '"' 'i"'its between lots, and the original post lueiit cannot or moiMUuent from whicli such line should commence cannot vided fi. '""' ^'^' ^"""""l. '"• «l"i" "''tain the best evideir'e that the nature of the ca.se a(hnit8 of, respectinjj; .sucl» side line, pest or limit ; but if tlie same cannot be satisfactorily ascertained, then the sur- vey(U' shall measure the trui' distance between the neui'est \\n- disputed posts, limits or monuments, and divide such distance into such mnuber of lots as the same contained in the orij^inal survey, assinniui;' to each a breadth proportionate to that in- tended in the original survey, as shewn in the plan and tield- notes thereof, of record in the Depai'tment of Crown Lands; and if any portion ol the line in front of th(> concession in wlucii such lots are situate, or boundary oi the tow'u- .ship in v»'hich .such concession is situate, has been obli- terated Ol- lost, then tlie siu'veyor shall run a line lietween tlu> two nearest points or places, whi-re such line can be clearly and satisfactorily ascertained, in the manner provided in this Act.and sliall plant all such intermediate po.sts or monuments as he maybe re(piired to plant, in the lin(>so ascertained, having (hie respect to any allowance for a road or roads, connuon or com- mon.s, set out in tlie original survey , and the limits of each lot so found shall Ijc the true limits tliereof. (2) In double front or alternate concessions, where an origi- nal post or monuMUiut cannot be found, any original post still .standing, or thi^ ])osition of wdiich is .satisfactorily established on the opposite side of the concession I'oad allowance or on the ctiutre line thereof, shall constitute the best evidence within the meaning of the preceding sub-section for the pm-pose of estal)lishing the position of such missing po.st or monument. R.S.O. 18S7, c. ir)2,s. GO If side lines 38. In tliose townships in which the side lines of the lots wer.'diawii in ^,„.,. (I^.j^^yii i,^ y,,. original survey, every Ontario Land Sur- vey.'tiie .same veyor wlieu called upon to determine any disputed boundary to be adhered ju any of such townsliips, shall ascertain and establish the divi- to. Chap. 181. 8UUVEV OF LANDS. Sec. 38. 33 X sion or .sido lin(>.s of the lots, hy running such sifU; lin(\s a.s tliey Wen* run in tht; original survi-y whi^tlii'r tho sumo were in th ) oriL'iniil survey run front the front of the conce.ssion to tho I'oar, or from the roar of the concession to the front, and .shall adhere to all posts, limits or nioninnents, planted on the divi- sion or sidt! lines in the original survey, as being or designating corners of lots under such original survey. R. S. 0. 1HH7, c. 152, 8.61. IH>. — (1) All allowances for roads, streets or conunons, surveyed A» to allow- in cities, towns, villages and townships, or any part thei'eof.whieli "r^trJi'tVIn^* have been or may he suiveyed and laid out hy companies and citios, towns, individuals and laid down on the [)lans thereof, and upon ^''"'*k*:'*. '••' which lots of land fronting on or adjoiningsuch allowances for luul out by roads, streets, or commons have been or may be sold to lair- private chasers, shall be public highways, streets, and commons ; and all lines which have been or nuiy be run, and the cour.ses thereof given in the survey of sueh cities, towns, villagesai id townships, or any part thereof,and laid down on the plans tli('i'eof,and all [>osts or monuments which have been or may be placed or ])lanted in the first survey of siu-h cities, t nvns, villages nnd townships, or any part thereof, to designate or detin(! any allowances for roads, streets, lots or commons, shall be the true and unalterable lines and lioundaries theiiof respectively; and all land surveyors employed in establishing or re-estal)lishiiig the boundui'ie.s of any roail, street, common, or lot, shewn on such i)lan. or on any registered plan in such city, town, viliiige or town- ship, or niiy part thereof, shall follow th(! method adopted in making the original survey of the same, as shewn by the said plan, and shall give to each lot the exact or pro- portionate dimensions as shewn on the said ])lan : Piovided tliat Proviso, the nuniicipal C(jrporation shall not be liable to keep in ri'pair any road, street, bridge ()r highway laid out by any private person luitil establislu-d by Ity-law of the corporation or other- wise a.ssumed for public use by such cori)orati()n, as provided j^..^ stat in The Municipal Act. R. S. O. 1887, c. 152, ,s. G2. (1) ; (iO V. c. c. 223. 27, s. 20. (2) No lot or lots of land in such cities, towns and villages City, town or .shall be so laid out as to interfere with, obstruct, shut up, or be toKid ou? composed of any part of any allowance for road, conunon or so as to inter- commons, which wei'e surveyed and reserved in the original ^1}'" ^'^'*'^ *,"y ' J . . . 1 '^i- allowance for survey or the township or townships wherein .sucii cities, roads. towns or villages, are or may be situate. (3) No such private survey shall be valid unless performed survey valid by a duly authorized surveyor. R. S. 0. 1887, c 152, s. 62. (2, 3.) ^^'^7;^"^^^^ surveyor. 40. Every land surveyor .shall keep exact and regular gy^ygy^rg »„ journals and field notes of all his surveys, and file them in the keep regular order of time in which the surveys have been performed, and l."'\'j"*'t ^"'^ . 1 ,, . • XI L- J. J.1 i- 1-1 neld-notes and shall give conies thereof to the parties concerner- ship, concessio",, range, lot, or tract of land, every land tain imrposes. surveyor acting in this Province, shall and may administer an oath to any person whom he examines concerning any boiuidary, post or monument, or an}' original landmark, line, limit or angle of any township, concession, range, lot or ti'act of land which such surveyor is employed to survey. R. S. O. 18S7,c. 152, s. 71. Evidence 4*> ^.11 evidence taken by a surveyor as aforesaid shall veyorttSber. hc reduced to writing, and shall be read over to the person giv- duced to iiig the same, and be signed by such person, or, if he cannot write, 8igned^etc. such person .shall i\cknowledgo the same as correct before two witn. sses, who, as a\ ell as the surveyor, .shall sign the same ; and such evidence .shall, and any document or plan prepared and sworn to as correct before a Justice of the Peace, liy a sur- veyor, with reference to any.'ivirvey by him performed niay be, filed and kept in the registry office of the registiy division in which the lands to which the same relates are situate, subject to be produced thereafter in evitlence in any Court within Ontario ; and for receivi.ig ami tiling the same the registrar shall be entitled to twenty-live cents ; and the ex- pense of filing the same shall be borne by the parties in the same manner as the other expenses of the survey. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 72. [Section 31 of C. S. C. c. 77, is asfoUoivs : Penalty for 31. If iiny ])erFon or ))or.s()ns, in any jmrt of tiiis jn'oviiioo, interrupt!', ol)structing a niolests or liinders any lanil .surveyor, while in the (liscii;ir!j;o of his duty jand Nurveyor jjg .^ j,„,.^.jjyi ,j.^ puch person or person.s sliall be yuilty of a misdemeanor, charge of ins "■'"' being thereof lawfully eonvicted in any court of competent jurisdic- duty, tion, shall be puni.shed either by tine or im])risonment, oi both, in the discretion of such court, such im])ri8()nment beintf for ,i ])eriod not exceed- ini; two months, and such tine not exceedins,' twenty dollars, without pre- judice to any ci\il remedy which such surveyor or any other party may have against such oli'endcr or otlenders, in damages bv reason of such ottence.' S>-e Srln-ilnle C t» H. ^'. C. p. ^-Wr. [For piivinhment for jndlivg doion, defdclnff, altering or removing landmarks, see The Criminal Code, tSi).J, of Canada, 55-50 V. c. 29, Sees. 505, 506.} Feea. SCHEDULE. Chap. 181. SURVEY OF LANDS. SCHEDULE. {Section 28 {S).) Sirveyor's Return. Sched. 35 Townsliip i»f. County of. I lieiol)y certify that the foUowing h>t linos in the above township were run l)y me during the year encUng December 31st, 18 , under the pro- visions of sectior , Line l)etween. I.ot and Lot Concession. Date. Dated at , this day of , 18 A. B., Ontario Laml Surveyor, (iO V. c. 27, Schedule D. 36 Chap. 18. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS. 61 VlCT. CHArXER 18. An Act to amend the Act respecting tlie Associa- tion of Uiitnvio T.aiul Surveyors Assentfd to 17th January, 1S98, is Rev. Stat. c. 180, amended. Summoning^ witnesses on trial of dis- putes as to coancil elec- tions. HER MAJESTY, by and witli the advice and consent of the Lcuislatnre Assonibly ol' tlie Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. The Ontario Land Stirr,">/orH Act, heino- oliapter ISO of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, is lierehy amended by addin. 1S!)7, ,/s amemleil hij '!£ V. (.'), r. ], rivers, canals, (■ .reams, lakes, mill- ponds, marshes or other marketl topographical features within the limits of the lands being so sub-divided, together with ; such other information as is required to show distinctly the position of the said lands. R. S. O. 18!)7, c. ia6, s. 100 (1) ; 62 V. (2), c It) s. 9. (2) Every such plan shall be mounted on stiff pasteboard Plana to be of good quality, and in case it exceeds thirty inches in length mounted, by twenty-four inches in width shall be folded so as not to exceed that size. oG V. c. 21, s. 9G (2). 1391 40 Duties of (3) Every such map or plan, before being registered, shall be theT^fter. signed by the person or the chief officer of the corporation by whom or on whose behalf the same is filed, and shall also be certified by some Ontario Land Surveyor in the form of Sched- ule O to this Act ; and thenceforth the Registrar shall keep an index of the lands described and designated by any number or letter on the map or plan, by the name by which such person, /. corporation or company designates the same in the manner pro- vided by this Act ; and all instruments affecting the land or instrumentB any part thereof, executed after the plan is filed with the to'8uch°plan ; '^'^rti^t'"*'' shall conform and refer thereto, otherwise they shall not be registered, except in cases provided for in section 108, and except also where a mortgage has been registered prior to Exceptions, ^.he filing of such plan of subdivision in which case any dis- charge, final order of forclosure or conveyance under the power ■ ' contained in the said mortgage shall be registered against the lands as described in the mortgage. R. S. O. 1887, c. 152, s. 63 (2). 56 V. c. 21, s. 96 (3) : 58 V. c. 22, s. G. (4) No part of any street or streets shall be altered or closed up, irion which any lot of land sold abuts, or which connects any such sold lot with or affords means of access therefrom to the nearest public hii^hway, but nothing herein shall in any municipalitica way interfere with the powers now possessed by municipalities feredVith. J" reference to highway. R. S. O. 1887, c. 152, s. 65 (2, 3). Provision as to streets. Power of Penalty for 101. In the case of refusal by such person, corporation or reg^8tefp'!an. company, his or their executors, administratois, agents or attorneys, or succes.sors, for two months after demand in writ- ing for that purpose, to lodge with the Registrar any map or plan which it is his or their duty to tile under the next pre- ceding .section or to deposit under section 112 when required by any person interested thi-rein or by the Inspector so to do, |l he or they shall incur a penalty of $20 for each and every calendar month that thereafter elapses without the said map or plan being lodged with such Registrar which penalty may be recovered by any person complaining, in any Division Court in the county in which such lands are situated, in like manner as a common debt. R. S. (). 1887, c. 152, .s. 63 (3), s. 69 part ; 56 V. c. 21, s. 96 (4). 60 V. c. 3, s. 3, c. 15, Sched. A (59). "Verification / 103. — (1) The signature on a map or plan for the purposes to plans. ' of subsection 3 of section 100 shall be witnessed and verified as other instruments are under this Act. Conditions as /2) The Registrar shall not accept any mai) or plan for the of plans. purposes of this Act which does not comply with the pro- visions of this Act ; and shall not accept any plan on which a road less than .sixty-six feet wide is laid out, unless the a.s.sent of the proper municipal council is registered therewith, where such assent is by law necessary. 1 41 (3) The Registrar shall not receive or file any plan or inap Plans of of a subdivision of any land for which the Crown patent has "and*'*"**^ not issued, unless the assent of the Commissioner of Crown Lands to such receipt and filing is endorsed thereon. 50 V. c. 21, s. 96 (5-7). (4) The Registrar shall not receive or file any plan or map Registrar not of a subdivision of any land, unless the person or the corpora- ^° ^^^ P'*"" tion by whom or on whose behalf the same is filed appears on but owner the registry books to be the owner of the land subdivided by ^°^ without the plan, nor unless the consent in writing of all persons and mortgagees, corporations who appear by the said books to be mortgagees of the land is endorsed on the plan and signed by such pernon or the chief ofticer of such corporation and such signatures are duly verified by affidavit. 59 V. c. 2!), s. 3. ^5) Whenever any such plan or map has been so made and Duty of the deposited as aforesaid the Registrar shall make a record of the J^fJ*int'p^"|, same, and enter the day and year on which the same is de- posited in his office. R. S. O. 18S7, c. 152, s. 67. 103. Sections 100 to 102 of this Act shall a ply as well to Application o lands already surveyed or subdivided as to t' jse which may "'" *" hereafter be surveyed or subdivided, subject to the provisions of section 109 of this Act. R. S. O. 1887, c. 152, s. 63 (4); 56 V. c. 21, s. 97. ■ .■ ' 104. Every copy of such plan or map obtained from aCopieaof registry oflRce, and certified as correct by the Registrar or demse.*" Deputy Registrar shall be taken in all Courts as evidence of , , the original thereof and of the survey of which it purports to be a plan or map. R. S. O. 1887, c. 152, s. 66. 108. — (1) Where an instrument which does not conform Where inatrn- and refer to the proper plan, as required by section 100, has f!^rnifng°to "° been duly executed and any party thereto has died prior to proper plan the registration thereof, or in any case where it would, in the "g^j^t'^^ed opinion of the Registrar, be impossible or inconvenient to obtain a new instrument containing the pvopei description, such in- strument may bo registered if accompanied by an aflSdavit annexed thereto or endorsed thereon in accordance with the form given in Schedule P. (2) The Registrar shall thereupon enter such instrument under the lots desijjnated in the affidavit in the abstract index in which the subdivision is entered, and no entry shall be made under th<- lot or lots prior to the subdivision. 57 V. c. 35, s. 3, part. 109. In sales of lauds under surveys or subdivisions made when plan before the 4th day of March, 1868, where such .surveys or '""»' ''^ •■«»'«■ subdivisions so differ from the manner iJi which such land of lands sub- was surveyed or granted bv the Crown that the parcel so sold '^•^''^J'^ before J ^ ■■ I 4th March, 1868. 42 t Plan not bind- ng until some sale is made under it ; alterations in plan. cannot be easily identified, the plan or survey shall be regis- teied within six months after the passing; of this Act if the plan or survey is still in existence and ])roourable for registra- tion and tiling under section 100, and if it is not. a new survey or plan .sliall be made by and at tlie joint expense of the per- sons who have made such surveys or subdivisions, and of all others interested therein, by some duly authorized Ontario Land Surveyor, or as nearly as may be accoiding to the proper original survey or subdivision, and tlio .same when .so made shall be tiled as if under .section 100 of this Act. R.S.C). 1887, c. 152, s. G4; oti V. c. 21, .s. 101. 110. In no case shall any plan or survey, although filed and registered, be binding on the person so tiling or registering the same, or upon any other person, unless a sale has been made according to such plan or survey, and in all cases amend- ments or alterations of any such plan or survey may be or- dered to be made, at the instance of the person tiling or regis- tering the same or his assigns, by the High Cburt, or by a Judge of the said Court, or by the Judge of the County Court of the county in which the lands lie, if on application for the purpose duly made, and upon hearing all parties concerned, it be thought fit and just so to order, and upon such terms and conditions as to costs and otherwise as may be deemed expedi- ent. An appeal shall lie from anv such order to the Court of Appeal. R. S. 0. 1887, c. 152, s. 05 (I) ; oG V. c. 21, ,s. 102. 1 11. — (1) Where an incorporated city, town or village, or village not incorporated, comprises ditierent parcels of land owned at the original division thereof by different per.sons, and the same were not jointly surveyed and one entire plan of such survey made and tiled in accordance with section 100 of this Act, the municipal council of the township within which such unincorporated village is situated, or of such incorporated city, town or village, shall, upon the written request of the Inspector or of any person interested, addres.sed to the clerk of the muni- cipality, immediately cause a plan of such city, town or village to be made upon the scale provided for under this Act, and to be registered in the Registry Oflice of the Registry Division within which the municipality lies, which map or plan .shall have endorsed thereon the certiticates of the clerk and head of the municipality and the surveyor, that the same is prepared according to the directions of the municipality and in accord- ance with this Act, and the corporate .^eal of the municipality shall be attached to the map or plan. Registration (") Where the uniucoiporattMl village ns aforesaid is situ- of planof uu- ted in two or more townships, the inspector may, by a written v^Hage'sttuate order, cause a plan of such village to be made upon the scale in more than aforesaid, and to be registered in the proper registry office, one owns ip ^^^^^j ^y),^,^,^^. ^jie unincorporated village is situate in two or n\ore registry divisions, a duplicate of such map or plan shall be Appeal. PlanB of towns or villages to bf registered in certain cases. i 43 rej,'iHterofl in each of such registry divisions in so far as it af- fects lands in such division ; tlie map or plan shall have en- OKM OF AFFIDAVIT OF EXECUTION. 1 ^' the To Wit : J County of of ,of in the , make ' ith insLTnmVjnlJTT"/ '''f ^"^ ^"'^ '^"' "^'^ ^fi« annexed (or within) ;e:ledTnyetlted"l!f ' '^ " "'' """""'^ " "'' ^""'^ ^'"^^ ^'^^^^ partie,s thereto. "" the 4™c^.Sat'r™"^' ^'^"' '"^^T*^' '^•^"^'' --''^"^ ^'^^^^ ^Jl^That I know the said parties (o. one or more „J them according to the 5G V. f. 2l,NcAf(Z. G. 4(j SCHRDMLE O. {Section 100.) KOBM OK Sl'KVKYOU'.s CKKTIKICATK OF I'LAN. I horel>y certify thiit tliis plan iiccuriitoly shows the miiiiiier in which the lund iiu;luded thertMii hjw heeii Burveyed and subdivided hy mo ; Hiid that the said j>lan is pivparud in accordance witii the provisions of The Rrijistry Act. Dated ,18 . A. H. Ontari<» Land Surveyor. 56 V. c. 21, Si'hi'd. 0. SCHEDULE P. {Section 108.) AKKIKA.VIT WnEKK I.VSTKl'MKNT HOKS NOT CONFORM TO I'I,AN. Connty of ^ 1 {give name nddreim and occupntion,.) o.ith and say ] ■ To Wit : J make 1. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the lands described in tiie within {or annexed) instrument and duplicate are designated on Regis- tered Plan No. as lota {dencrihe same ho a.t to conform to plan). 2. That the the cane may be). a jiarty to said instrument died on or about day of A.D* {or a* 3. That it would bo impossible {or inconvenient) for the reason afore- said to obtain a new instrument or a re-execution of the said instrument containing a description conforming to the said p an. 4. That I have a personal knowledge of the matters herein deposed to. Sworn, etc. 57 V. c. 35, s. 3, part. "LAUD titles:' (E.vt fill's from ClKipter 1,'IS, It. 8. 0. Ifiti7.) An Act to simplify Titles and to facilitate Transfer of Land. the HER MAJESTY, by and witli the advice and consent of the Lei^islative Assembly of the Province of (Jntario, enacts as follows: — Plans. 109. Every person who under this Act, deposits with the Delivery of Master or Local Master of Titles a plan or map of any survey plans to muni- «r subdivision of land made by such person for the purpose of nten. '*** selling or conveying the sam.e in lots, or of any alteration of a previous survey or division, shall at the same time deposit with the said Master or Local Master a duplicate of such plan or map, and the Master or Local Master shall endorse thereon a certificate showuig the number of such plan or map and the date when the duplicate original thereof wa.s filed with him, and the same shall be delivered by the Master or Local Master to the treasurer, or assessment commissioner of the local muni- cipality in which said land is situate, upon recjuest and with- out any fee being chargeable in respect thereof ; and the Master or Local Master of Titles shall not file or register any plan or map unless and until a duplicate thereof is deposited in accord- ance with the previous provisions hereuf, 56 V. c. 22, s. 15. 1 10. No map or plan shall be filed in the office of the Master piung pia„, of Titles at Toronto or in the office of any Local Master of Titles with roads upon which a road, street or highway less than G6 feet wide j^^* *^*^-^j,_ is laid out unless and until the assent of the proper municipal council is registered therewith where such assent is by law necessary. 55 V. c. 24, s. 1. 111. In no case shall any plan or survey, although filed Amendment and registered in an office of Land Titles, be binding on the of plans, person so filing or registering the same, or upon any other person, unless some sale has been made according to such plan or survey; and in all cases amendments or alterations of any such plan or survey may be ordered to be made at the instance of the jxTson filing or regi.stering the same or his assigns, by the High C urt, or by a Judge of the said Court ; or, where the land.s,are not in the County of York or (.'ity of Toronto, by the Judge of the County or Distriv .. Court of the county or 1471 48 district in which the lands lie ; and where the lands are in the- County of York or City of Toronto by the Master of Titles, ifV on application for the purpose duly made, and upon hearinir all parties concerned, it is thought just so to order, and upon such terms and conditions as to costs and otherwise as may be deemed just and expedient. An appeal shall lie from any such order to the Court of Appeal. 52 V. c. 20, s. 7. Transfer of 113. Where all the lots on any plan of subdivision filed in P^*°« offi" r ^ registry office are registered under this Act, the Master or gi8 ry cee. j^^^^j j^g^^j-gj. ^f Titles may require the Registrar to deliver the plan to such Master to be filed in his office ; and the Regis- trar shall thereupon deliver the same, taking a receipt there- for. 52 V. c. 20, s. 8. SCHEDULE OF RULES. Plans. 5§. — <1) An owner subdividi-g land for the purpose of selling or con- veying the same in lots shall deposit with the Master a map of the land on a scale not less than one inch to avery four chains, and the scale shalB be marked on the plan. The plan shall shew in black India ink the boundaries, numbers and other distinguishing marks of the lots laid out thereby, and shall shew the number ot the township, towp, or village lots,, and range or concession as origintilly laid out, and all the boundary lines thereof within the limits of the land shewn on the said plan, and where the plan is a subdivision of a lot or lots on a former plan it shall shew in a permanent ink of another colour the numbers or other distinguishing marks of the 1" t or lots subdivided and the boundary linos of such lot or lots. The plan sliiiU also shew all roads, streets, lots and commons within the same, with the courses and widths thereof respectively, and also in black India ink the width and length of all lots, and the courses of all division lines between the respective lots within the same, together with such other inforniatiin as is required to shew distinctly the position of the land being subdivided. (2) Every sucli plan shall be signed by the owner of the land or hi* agent, or whore a corporation is the owner, by tho chief ifticer of the cor- poration, and shall be certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor in Form 52 given in the schedule appended hereto. (3) Every such plan s>hall Ite mounted on otilF pasteboard of good quality, and in case it exceeds thirtj inches in length by twenty-four inches in width shall bo folded so as nut to exceed this size. (4) The Master, l)eflaining any seeming discropi cy Setwoon the measurements on the plan and the description of the laud in tiio register, or may recpiire evidence respecting any otlier matttr which he considers requires to be explained. » 40 59. — (1) In other cases the Muster may require a person applying for Rule, 60 4 51 registration under this Act, to deposit a map or plan of the land, with made under the several measui-ements marked thereon, certified by an Ontario Land Imp. Act 33 k Surveyor and so many counterparts as may be required, and upon one of 39 V. o. 87. the loUowing scales : — (a) If the land, or the portion thereof proposed to be transferred or dealt with, is of less area than one acre, then the map or plan shall be on a scale not less than one inch to two chains. (6) If the land, or the portion thereof ]>ropo3ed to be transferred or dealt with, is jf greater area than one acre, but not exceeding five acres, then the map or plan shall be on a scale not less than one inch to five chains. (c) If the land, or the portion thereof proposed to be transferred or dealt with, is of greater area than five acres, but noc e.\ceeding eighty acres, then the map or plan shall be on a scale not less than one inch to ten chains. (d) If the land, or the portion thereof proposed to be transferred or dealt with, is of greater ai-ea than eighty acres, then the map or plan shall be on a scale of one inch to twenty chains. (2) The owner shall sign the said plan and verify the accuracy of the «ame before some person authorized under section 1.'55). (3) If the owner neglects or refuses to comply with such reciuirements J- as aforesaid, the Master m ly refuse to proceed with the registration of the transfer or dealing. (4) Subsecjuent subdivisions of the same land may be uelineatod upon a duplicate of the maj) or plan of the same so depnsited, if the .same is upon a sufficient scale in accordance with the provisions herein contained ■ and the correctness of the delineation of each such suVidivision shall bo acknowledged in the manner prescribed for the case of the deposit of an original map. (5) Wliere parts of difterent legal subdivisions are included in the same transfer, the maj) shall represent the whole of such legal suddivisions, and flhall indie (te fclie location of the lands t ) bo transferred ; tiiis shall not be necessary in the case of lots in a city, town or village, the plan of which has been registered, unless the Master shall otherwise direct. SCHEDULE OF FORMS. 52. —Fill m of S'lnryor'n Cotijicate nf corrercne.is oj Finn. (Rules 5S (I ml ■',<).) good ^'-four I hereby certify that this plan accurately shews the manner in which the land (or part of the land) entered in the office of l/md Titles at Toronto as Parcel lOJ) in the register for the tduvi.tlnp of Yorl;, being the irest half of 'ot 10 in tlie 'ftli riincexnion of miil foirnHhip, has been surveyed and sub- divided by me, and ti'at the said [ilan n prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Land Titles Act. Dated 18 A. R, Ontario Lmd Surveyor. THE MUNICIPAL ACT." Extracts from Chapter 22S, E. S. O. ISfll An Act respecting Municipal Institutions. What shall ctiastitute public high- ways. HER, MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — Highvjays Defined. 598. All allowances made for roads by the Crown survey- ors in any town, township or place already laid out or here- after laid out ; and also all roads laid out by virtue of any statute, or any roads whereon the public money has been expended for opening the same, or whereon the statute labour has been usually performed, or any roads passing through the Indian lands, shall be deemed common and public highways, unless whei'e such roads have been already altered, or may hereafter be altered according to law. oo V. c. 42, s. 54. See also cap. 181, sees. 20, 21, 39 (1). Freehold in Crotvn. Certain high- way b, road allowances, etc., vested > the Crown. Width of roads. 599. Unless otherwise provided for, the soil and freehold of every highway or road altered, amended or laid ou^ accord- ing to law, ana every road allowance reserved under original survey along the bank of any stream or the shore of any lake or other water, shall be vested in Her Majesty, her heirs and successors. 55 V. c. 42, s. 525 ; 59 V. c. 51, s. 19. Width of Roads. 630. No municipal council, except the council of a city or town, shall lay out any road or street more than 100 nor less than 6(i feet in w'dth, except where an existing road or street is widened, or unless with the permission of the council of the county in which the municipality is .situate; but any road, when altered, may be of the .same width as formerly. 55 V. C. 42, s. 545, pfiii 1831 1839 18 Vic. 23 Vic. 1 Wm. 4th 7 Wm. 4th 173 100 8 59 1877 1874 18«T 40 Vic. 38 Vic. R.S.O. 47 5 «4 18(J1 24 Vic. 66 1859 1859 1878 22 Vic. 22 Vic. 41 Vic. 83 86 32 1837 1809 7 Wm. 4th 33 Vic. 58 66 1857 20 Vic. 116 1873 1897 1830 1843 1850 36 Vic. R.S.O. 11 Geo. 4th 7 Vic. 13-14 Vic. 61 28, 8. 6 15 42 84 [59] m LIST OF XCTH HKLATINO TO SUKVKYK. Cornwall, to clocl ire valid a curtaiii Biirvuy of part of Town of Coniwiili, to (locliiro valid a certain Hurvoy of {wirt of Town of Corporation surveyor (Municipal Act) Craniah., asccitainini; Hide lineH of lit.s in, mid correc^ tion of eastern Hi7 I R. S. O. 1897 i K. S. (). 1863 1871-2 1850 1874 1847 1849 1869 1873 1834 1H58 1898 1863 1825 1826 1834 1897 1897 1846 1861 2ou\ estiibliHh road allowances Huntley, Imw side lines almll be run Improvements under mistake of title Kennebec, now survey confirmed Kenj on, Hide roads estaldished King, auiliori/.ing new survey King and Albion, provisions of 22 Vic. cap. 69, ex- tended to King, to conliiin certain side roads, etc Kingstun, City, to close uj» jwrt of Union Street Lancaster, to provide for guiding lines . . . Land Surveyors Land Titles Act Line Fences Act . . . . London, City, relative to certain streets . . . London, City, to (!lose part of Church Street Louth, establishing lines in Mad(jc, to vest a road allowance, etc., in S. D. Russell. Matilda, IJri'.ce's survey of part c.infirmed Melancthon, Passmore's re-survey of part confirmed. . . McGillivray, Township Council may dispose of certain roaci allowances McGillivray and l{osan(|Uet, D. S. Cami)beirs survey of part legalized and substituted for Ilath's survey . Mines Act Monaghan, line of park lots established Monaghan, 1(> Vic. cap. 228 repealed Montague and Klinsley, line between in 4fh concessic^ns Montague and Elnisley, 10 and 11 Vic. caj). .53, repealed Municipal Act " Drainage Act Niagara, to ascertain north boundary line Niagara, to confirm a portion of original survey Nissouri East, and Kast and West Zorra, Township Councils may dispose of certain road allowances. . Norwich, settling roads and lines in Onondaga, to alter survey of part of 3rd concession, called Martin s Bend, and to contirm a new survey thereof Osgoode, course of side lines in O.sgoode, 10 and 1 1 Vic cap. 54, amended Osnabruck, establishing division lines between 2nd and 3rd concessions 1882 1865 1858 1858 1860 1870 1 1897 1890 18ti2 1835 1870-1 1864 1874 1«29 I89T 18»7 1897 18r.8.9 1870-1 IhU 18G1 1877 1809 1857 1877 1897 1863 1855 1848 1K49 1H»T 1897 1832 1855 1867 1835 1856 1847 1850 1822 I 45 Vic. 18 Vic 22 Vic. 22 Vic. 22 Vic. 34 Vic. US.O. j 53 Vic. 25 Vic. 6 W m. 4th 34 Vic. 27-28 Vic. 38 Vic. lOCieo. 4th R.K.O. K.H.O. u.s.o. 32 Vic. 34 Vic. 4 Wm. 4th 24 Vic. ' 40 Vic. 33 Vic 20 Vic. 40 Vic. , R.SO. 16 Vic. 18 Vic. t ID-Il Vic. 12 Vic. K.M.O. R.S.U. i 2 Wm. 4th 18 Vic. 20 Vic. 5 Wm. 4th 19-20 Vic. 10-11 Vic. 13-14 Vic. 2 Geo. 4th .{5 151 r.(» t)(i 83 61 119, s. 30- 32 86 43 20 60 79 44 13 180 130 234 73 64 21 138 48 67 112 47 36 228 154 53 102 •^«:« 226 19 156 HI 2<5 109 54 86 14 I r (i2 LIST OF ACTS RELATINf! TO SURVEYS. A. D. Ottawa, to confirm the survey of certain parts 1861 Oxford, survey of part of Oxford, West, Siuiley's survey confirmed Peterborough, line of park lots estah'islied Poterboi'ough, repeal of Ki Vic. cap 328 Poitland, A. B. Perry's survey ot certain concessions confirmed PubMc Highways and Jloads, to provide for the laying out of Public Lands Act . Public Works Ka'ilway Act Reach, certain roads confirmed Reach, to extend pi o visions of 25 Vic. cap. 40 Referee, especial O.L.S.) KeKistry Act ■ Roads (ice Municipal Act) Roads (in iiniiicoi'|»orated Townships) Ronniey, to alter a certain side road Roniney and Tilbury East, to alter the town line in part between Roes and Westmeath. allowance for road for each blank alternate concession Saltfleet and Binbrook, settling difhculties in Saltfleet and Binbrook, Act amended Sandwick, East, F. L. Foster's line of road in rear of ?rd concession confirmed Sandwich, West, E. R. Jones's lino between 2nd and 3rd concession confirmed Scarborough, side road confirmed and defined Seymour, Campbell's survey confirmed, north-east of Trent River and noith-west of Crow River Sombra, to confirm a certain survey Sophiasburgh, to establish survey of side lines in 2nd conceksion ■ Smith, course of side lines established Sunnidale, to confirm a certain survey Surveyor (see Corporation Surveyor) Surveyor-General Surveys Surveys of lands for Public Works Surveys (of side lines) when run in original survey. . . . Tilbury, East, to confirm certain side roads, etc Tilbury, East, and Ronniey, to alter the town line in part between Torbolton, how side lines shall be run Toronto, City, to settle the northern boundary line of the city Toronto Gore teiid, re-survey of part of 13tli concession 1829 1870-11 1853 1855 A. R. Cap. 24 Vie, 10 Geo. 4th 34 Vic. 10 Vic. 18 Vic. I 1870-1 34 \',c. Vaughan, certain side roads coi finned in 1860 1810 1897 1897 1807 1862 18(jfi 189T 18»8 1873 1874 1874 1831 1837 1874 1874 1862 1868-9 1894 1834 18.06 1887 1897 1807 1897 1857 1869 1874 1859 1856 1858 1826 50 (ieo. 3i(l R S.O. R.S.O. R.S.O. 26 Vic. 29-,30 Vic. ; R.S.O. R.S.O. ni Vic. I 36 Vic. I 38 Vic. 38 Vic. I 1 Wm. 4th 7 Wm. 4th ] 37 Vic. ! I 37 Vic. i 25 Vic. 32 Vic. 57 Vic. 4 Wm. 4th 18 Vic. 50 Vic. R.S.O. R.S.O. R.S.O. 20 Vic. 33 Vic. 38 Vic. 22 Vic. 19-20 Vic. 22 Vic 7 Geo. 4th 23 Vic. 58 14 62 228 154 63 1 28 37 S07 40 83 04 l.tO 'm 58 43 42 8 59 81 82 38 16 81 19 153 67 28. s. 6 181 37. 8. 26 73 68 43 83 96 59 15 102 LIST OF ACTS RELATIXr; TO SURVEYS 63 A. D. Walpc.le and Woedhouse, line between, commissioner to establiah Walpole and VVoodhouso', '12 ViV. VapVioi," revived." ' ' "i Westmeath and Ross, allowance for r.-ad for each l.lank alt