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AM SOC.CIV.ENORS VOL. XIX N^ 39^ KEEPER ON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY AI LWAY . ViX'Sidonl" tff the .^Irnvricnn Soei'ebv of Cirri Knifiiieers tt^ Ht*fir fonvtyiitiott in .^HUvciiikee^ ,Titne iSBH. . _ J.E.wiNq i|«i. N( of 1 — ai bef( mee liav ADIi eiit€ onlj Can raili own Asin AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. INSTITUTED \8B2. Note.— This Society is not reHponHil)le, as a body, for tUe facts and opinions advanced iu auy (if its publications. 394. (Vol. XIX.— Au^'iist, 1888.) THE CAjSTADIAK PACIFIC E AIL WAY. Address at the Annual Convention at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 28th, 1888. By TnOiHAs C. Keefer, President Am. Soc. C, E. In (liHi'harging one of the duties of tlic^ office to which I have been elected, I must first express to the Society at large my grateful .sense of the high honor conferred upon a Canadian by American engineers —and secondly, my unfeigned regret that (engagements (entered into before my nomination) compel me to forego ihe prolit and pleasure of meeting you in Convention, in a year wlum above all others it would have been both my duty and desire to have done so. In selecting the subject for my aV THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 57 I till! seaboard of British Columbia with the railway system of C.inada, construction to commeuco at th > Pacific Ooast in 1873. Surveys were immediately commenced and prosecuted for about nine years, but the work of construction was not bogun until 1875, and then not at the Pacific Coast but at the Ijake Superior end. Work was not com- meuce.l at the Coast until 1871). Some of the delay is accounted for by the fact tbat the records of the first threa years' surveys were de- stroyed by fire in Ottawa early in 1874. The Parliament of Canada had decided in 1872 that the road should be constructed and oper.ited by a priv.ite cor[)oration subsidized by the Government, and a contract was arranged ia that year with the late Sir Hugh Allan for its construction within ten years, and its operation for a similar period, on the basis of a subsidy of $'iO OUO OJO cash and 50 000 000 acres of land. Sir Hugh controlled a transatlantic steamship line and desired the railway for inland connection. This excited powerful antagonism, and his project was so discredited in the money market that he failed to form his Company. The Government also was defeated on a (pxestion arising out of this contract and retired. The new Government was bound to carry out the agreeuient with British Columbia, but not feeling responsible for its details did not regard time as the essence of the contract, and considered it an uupossible one in that respect, especially after the failure of Sir Hugh Allan. It was determined, therefon', in 1874, to ])roceed with it as a public work, and construction was commenced betwe->u Lake Superior and the prairie region in the following year. The Government of 1874 was defeated in 1878, their opponents returning to power, who after continuing the construction as a public work until 1880, reverted to their original i)olicy of construction by a private comi)any. The terms of the contract with tho prosent company were: jPV/.s/.— $25 000 000 cash and 25 000 000 acres of s'lected lands in the Fertile Belt, in addition to the right of way for track and stations, shops, docks and wharves, on or through public property Second. — Free import of all steel rails and 1. nings, fence and bridge material in wood or iron for original coustrucujn, and telegraph wire and instruments for first ocpiipment. Third. — The Government sections under contract — about seven hun- dred miles — to be completed, with stations and water service, but with- out rolling stook, and handed over to the Company on the completion 68 ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT THOMAS C. KEEPER. of their contract as a free gift. (Tlie cost of these has exceeded S30 000 000.) Fourth. — Perpetual exemption from taxation by the Federal Govern- ment or by any Province to be created by it, as well as by any municipal corporation of the latter, on all property used for the construction and working of the railway and upon their capital stock. Also similar exemption fcr the Company's land grant for a period of twenty years, unless sold or occupied. Fif/h.—'No line to be chartered south of the railway for a period of + vventy years, either by the Dominion or by any Province to be created by it, except for a direction southwest or west of southwest. The Company cu.--racted to buil about 2 000 miles of railway, and to work the transcontinental line for ten years after completion— the standard to be that of the Union Pacific Railway as it was in 1873. Liberal as the terms agreed upon appear, the sequel proved that they were none too much so. The capital stock was fixed at .§100 000 000, and it was expected that land sales, or the security of the land grant, would make up any additional amount required and enable the Company to complete the road without mortgaging it. The lands could not be sold while Government lands alongside them were being given away; and land grant bonds, although received at par for Company's lands, could ni>t for the same reason be negotiated to any considerable extent. In the autumn of 1883, $65 000 000 of the capital stock had been sold, and nearly all the proceeds expended in construction. The road was assailed at home and abroad by opponents of the Government and by rival interests, and such distrust created that the remainder of the stock could not be sold to realize the amount necessary to complete the Avork in hand. The Company then decided to support their stock l)y pur- chasing from the Dominion Government a guarantee of three per cent, per annum for ten years, for the $0.5 000 000 of stock already sold, making similar provision for the $35 000 000 imsold. The cost of this terminable annuity was $16 091 152, calculated at four per cent., to meet twenty semi-annual i)ayment8 of one and a half per cent. each. Of this amount $8 71U 240 was paid in cash and security was given for the early payment of the remainder, but the success of this bold financial policy was defeated by the eft'ect on the money market at this time of the crisis which occurred in the afi'airs of the Northern Pacific Hailway. The stock, with the Government guarantee for so short a term of years,. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 69 could not be sold at an adequate price, and the Company, early iu 1884, was obliged to apply to the Domiuiou Government for a loan of $22 500 000, This amount, added to the balance due upon the annuity l)urchase, made a total loan of §29 880 000, to secure which the Govern- ment took a lieu upon the entire property of the Company. In order to obtain fec^ders and distributors for the transcontinental line, the Comiiany had commenced the construction and acquisition of a railway system in Ontario and Quebec, and branch lines in Manitoba, with a total mileage as great as their contract line, their entire interest in which was transferred to the Government, as well as their unsold stock and their land grant, as security for this loan. In consideration of this loan, the Company agreed to complete the transcontinental line by May 1st, 1886, five years in advance of the time fixed by the contract. Railway construction at the rate of nearly five hundred miles per a,unum rapidly exhaiisted the loan, and the first lien of the Government over all their property effectually barred the sale of their stock. They found it necessary, therefore, in 1885, to ask that the $35 000 000 of un- sold stock in the hands of the Government be cancelled, and an equal amount of five per cent, first mortgage bonds be issued and held by the Government as security for the loan, the mortgage to cover the same security as the loan. The thirty millions loan was payable May 1st, 1891, with four per cent, interest. The Government agreed to accept $20 000 000 of the first mortgage bonds as security for so much of this debt, and the security of the whole unsold lands of the Company (over 20 000 000 acres), for the balance of $9 980 000. Of the .S15 000 000 bonds remaining, the Company deposited with the Government $8 000 000 as security for a temporary loan of $5 000 000, and negotiated the remain- der, paying back the temporary loan within a few months, and thus re- leasing $8 000 000 of bonds. Events took a turn favorable to the Company at last in 1885. The road had been so far completed, that early in that year, and while navi- gation was closed on the Great Lakes, a military expedition was sent around the north shore of Lake Superior, where there never had been a trail before, to put down rebellion in the Northwest Territories. In November of tliat year the last s\nke was driven in British Columbia on a track laid from ocean to ocean. Moreover, the opposition of stock jobbers and rivals subsided, when il was seen that the Government of 60 ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT THO.UAS C. KEEPER. Caniida were determined to sustain the railway at all hazards. Politi- cally, the existence of the Government depended upon its completion, but the higher consideration was, that the expenditure was so vast and ramified, and the liabilities incurred so great, that suspension would have produced a financial crisis such as Canada had never seen, and one which it was the duty of any Government, if possible, to avert. In March, 1886, the Company proiiosed to jjay off their indebtedness to the Government, returning all the cash advanced upon the 920 000 000 bonds, and surrendering 79!$ 014 acres of land at $1.50 ]);r acre, for the balance. The Government accepted this, and being satisfied that no security was required for continuous operation, surrendered the 85 000 000 land grant bonds held as security for that purpose, but re- tained $\ 000 000 of these to enforce a change of route at Mount Stephen, in the llockies, where a temporary line of nine miles was adopted to save time and money in opening tlie road, and upon which tiiere is a grade of 4i per cent., or double that permitted by the con- tract. The year 1887 saw the Company freed from its indebtedness to the Government, and in uncontrolled possession of its property. For the first time since incorporation no legislation for its benefit was required; but in the present year the Government has found it necessary to obtain the surrender of the Company's monopoly as to charters west of Lake Superior, the object of which was to protect their line north of that lake. To effect this, the Government guarantee to pay interest for fifty years on an issue of $15 000 000 three and a half per cent, bonds, secured upon the unsold portion of the Company's land grant — about 15 000 000 acres. The Government becomes a tiustee and guarantees the interest for half a century; but not the principal, unless and until placed in funds for that purpose by the Company. The proceeds of land sales are to be funded with the Government, whicli is to pay three and a half per cent, on any excess of the amount necessary to jiay interest upon, or to redeem, the bonds. The Canadian Pacific Railway is the work of Canada exclusively. The road wa , undertaken by Canada, as a political and commercial one, to fulfill the compact with British Columbia, and unite together all t\u) Provinces of the Confederacy, but chiefly in order to develop the vast estate purchased from tlie Hudson's Jiay Company. It has been carried out by her people without any assistance from the Im- THE CANADIAN PACIFIC KAILWAY. 61 perial Government— not even the endorsement of Canadian securitieg to obtain money at lowest rates, as was done in the case of the loans raised by Canada for the construction of the St. Lawrence canals, and for the Intercolonial I tail way. Its importance to the Empire has, how- ever, been i-econtly acknowledged by the British Government, which unites with Canada in subsidizing a line of mail steamers between Van- couver and the British possessions at Hong Kong. My apology for the space given to the financial history of this rail- way, is my belief that engineers will wish to know how (as well as why) if. has been constructed througli a wilderness, and as compared with some of its predecessors, in so short a time. This result is due to the great financial ability, and the still great(>r courage of its only President, and to the great administrative ability and tireless energy of the Vice-President and General Manager who has had full (control of construction and the freest scope in carrying out his i)lans. Upon the President was imposed the arduous and anxious duty of raising a greater sum than that pro- vided by the Government; iipon the Vice-President, the equally arduous duty and responsibility of expending both those siims. LOCATION. The general location of the route from ocean navigation at Montreal to the Rocky Mountains, on Canadian territory, is governed by three natural features — Lake Superior, the Lake of the Woods, and Lake Winnipeg. It must go north of the first two and south of the third. I^assing from the Ottawa Valley into that of Lake Huron, the line, on its way thence to Lake Su])erior, traverses for about one hundred miles the watershed of Hudson's Bay near the height of land. In descending thence to Lake Superior, numerous long rock cuts are encountered, separated by shallow valleys, generally with marshy bottoms having little material for road-bed over them or near them except solid rock, boulders and hard pan. Timber of the required dimensions being abundant, the grade was thrown up, shortening the bottom lino and reducing the depth of the rock cuts, and trestling was freely resorted to. The eiubankments have be( n greatly increased, and much of the rock cutting has been wasted, but it is claimed that from difficulties of position and cost of supplies, the final cost will not exceed that of a slower mode of construction; and, from the local scarcity of bank material, the filling in can be done cheaper by train. The greater G2 ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT THOMAS C. KEEPER. extent of embankment thus obtained bus a special value in this dis- trict, which has the greatest snow-fall, with the exception of the Selkirk Mountains, of any portion of the route. Along the eastern shore of Lake Superior, high, rocky blutt's are encountered, and heavy rock cuts and numerous tunnels are necessary. The rock excavation runs up to Inmdreds of thousands of yards on some miles; the cost of one mile is said to approach $700 000. The highest summit reached between Montreal and Lake Superior is 1 550 feet above tide, or about 950 feet above Lake Superior, and the highest between Lake Superior and Red Eiver is 1 5G0 feet above tide. The maximum grade in either direction between Montreal and Lake Superior is one per cent., and the minimum (iurvature G degrees. Be- tween Lake Superior and the Rocky Mountains, the maximum grade going west is, with one exception, one per cent. The exceittion is a short grade starting from Medicine Hat, a divisional station, where a pusher is always at hand. Coming east, the maximum is 40 feet as far as Winnipeg on the Red River, thence to Lake Superior, 26 feet. This last is the section constructed by the Government. There is an interesting example of rail creeping on a highly elastic road-bed on this division, where the line crosses ii " muskeg"— the Indian term for bog— causing it to yield about G inches to every i)assing train. With a heavy consolidation engine, hauling 35 cars, this track crept 26 inches in the direction in which the train was moving. The rails creep for about three-quarters of a mile east and about half a mile west of a small bridge at the foot of a grade in both directions. They creep with every train, and in Avarm weather will often run 12 inches under an or- dinary train. Track bolts break almost daily, and repairs are to the extent of a box of bolts ijer month. Cinder ballast keeps the track in line and surface fairly well, but does not in the least prevent the creep- ing of the rails. Lining and surfacing are necessary at least once a week. On account of the flanges on the angle plates, spikes must be left out of a tie on each side of these plates, otherwise the creeping rail would carry the ties with them, and throw the track out of gauge. Three trains running in the same diret^tion are often sufiicient to open all joints on one side and close them on the other side of the bridge be- tween. The whole muskeg, when a train is passing, shows a series of short waves 5 to 6 inches deep, rising and falling with the passing load, and the rails can be seen moving with the passing train. T'l THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 63 i The General Snporintentlent of the Western Division, Mr. Whyte, to whom I am indebtetl for the above, proposes to wae 12-foot ties, 40- inch angle bars, and cut a slot in alternate sides of the rail at every tie, as a means of holding the rails in position. During the ■ instruction of this portion of the Eailway, two rather serious questions arose out of the interpretation of specifications. The first was upon the work done under the Government, west of Lake Su- perior; the second upon the work done by tlie Company east of that Lake. The Government s])eciflcation for rock read: "All stones and boulders measuring more than 27 cubic feet to be measured as solid rock;" "all large stones and boulders measuring less than 27 cubic feet, and all loose rock, whether in sifn or otherwise, that may be removed with facility by hand, ]>ick or bar, without the necessity of blasting, to be measured as loose rock." The resident engineers returned as loose rock "large stones and boiilders" removed without blasting, but the contractors protested. The question turned on the minimum size of large stones and boulders. Only "large" stones coi;ld be counted as loose rock, but there was not this repetition of the word in the case of boulders. The court decided that stones or boulders which were handled and not shoveled were loose rock. Perhaps the words "may be removed with facility by hand," which, as placed and punctuated, apply as well to the stones and boulders as to the ledge rock, influenced the decision. In the other case, the Company had appointed a successful con- tractor as Manager of Construction, with plenary powers. The standard Government specification was changed by limiting loose rock to stones and boulders between 1 and 27 cubic feet, and by a special classification for solid rock, the result of the Manager's experience. Some formations of the country rock were known to be harder than others, and no doubt with a view to get a better average, separate prices were taken for gran- ite (the rock of the country), for mica schist and for trap rock. For this last two prices were taken, one for trap in cuttings under, and another in those over 3 feet in depth. Separate prices were also taken for hard pan and cemented material, but tenderers generally did not recognize any difi"erence in their bids, no doubt because the specification applied the same test for both. It read: " Hard material, where a good picker cannot keep more than two good shovelers going, shall be termed hard pan, or cemented material, as the case maybe." The price for hard pan and cemented material -/£ G4 ADDRESS OK I'UESIDKNT THOMAS C. KEEKER. wna eighty cenlH— more than donblo the earth price; the good picker and the two good shovelers couhl not bo expected to be always togetlier; and however niuueronstho former might be at any time or phvce, the " pick- ings " were good whether tho pickers were so or not. As to solid rock classiftcation, the r(>sults on one division wore sur- prising. The geology of the route, which consists largely of metamor- phic rocks, was "altered " decidedly. Trap under 3 fe<;t was $3.40 per yard, while granite was 1^2.20, and more trap was returned at this price than could have existed had all the cuttings been floored with it. When trains could get through, the Company's chief officers found their ballast trains working in cuts where there was no ledge rock, but in which large amounts, including trap, had been returned. They ordered a remeasurement, which was confirmed by another one made by the court; and on one contract the final estimate was reduced between three and four hundred thousand dollars. Other similar cases on this divi- sion were settled on the basis of the remeasurement. The section engi- neers who measured and classified the work in the first instance were generally in accord with the remeasurement, and the sub- contractors were settled with on their classification. After the sub-contractors had been paid off, a revised classification was made out for the final estimate, in which the formation was altered, as efiectually as by an igneous erup- tion, granite merging into mica slate, and trap overflowing everywhere. The Peaihie Section. —The Government had located their line from the Ked Kiver to the Rocky Mountains in a northwesterly direction, in order to strike the Yellow Head or Leather Pass, by which route grades of one i)er cent, were attainable. This direction was also a central one for the largest area of the fertile belt; but it encountered rather formidable crossings of the two Saskatchewans and their tributaries. The lied Kiver crossing is al)Out latitude 50 degrees, and the Pacific terminus but little north of the International Boundary (latitude 49 degrees) while the YelloNv Head Pass is in latitude fj^ degrees. The route from Yellow Head Pass to the Pacific terminus was necessarily circuitous, and the distance from the Red River to Kamloops* by this pass was 1 350 miles. The result of the Government surveys showed that the Yellow Head Pass was the most southern practicable one for a line limited to one per cent, grades, and as it was an excellent one in this respect, and was also in the direction of the best line for a colonization road through the prairies, it was adopted. The contract specified this pass, but left the Company their own choice of route to reach it. The (piestion of future competition by parallel lines on the prairies was not considered while ♦253 miles from Pdclflc Coast, aud where all lines meet. t THE CANADIAN I'ACIFIC KAILWAY. 05 it was a Government road. Such lines, so far as they opened up new conutry, would havo been encouraged by a Government within reuHon- al)lo limits. But with a private corporation tlio cise was ditVereut; it could not atVord to tuko the risks which a ( ro\ ernment might safely do. The general direction of their road was nearly due west, and as they were on the oOth parallf! at the I'(>d !{ivor, tliey decided to abandon the (xovernnient location, and to follow that parallel as clo.sfly as possible, both to shorten th(! through distance and to leave no room for a com- peting trunk line to the south of them. I'ossibly, also, climatic con- siderations, in a latitudt^ Avhcre every degree counts, supported this dciviation. This line traverses the best of the wheat country for nearly 400 miles west of Winnipeg, and the best of stock raising and min- ing districts, within 200 miles of the mountains. Jietween these there lies the only section where there is any sca'vnty of water. Experi- mental farms have established that there is su^iicient rain for crops, and the chief inconvenience to the Company at present is the want of wells for tank supply to the road. Surface reservoirs are proposed to secure these. In the prairie sections precautions have been taken against snow blockades by keeping the line in embankment wherever possible, and by widening, and Hattening the slopes of necessary cuts, and depositing the spoil Avell off, as a snow screen. At stations, sidings are thrown out so far that cars standing on them cannot cause drifts on the main line. Only twelve mil(>s of snow fencing are used on the prairie section. There was no detention from snow last winter, between the Columbia River and Lake Superior, exceeding four hours at any one time. There is no good gravel in large quantities for 400 miles west of Winnipeg, but pockets weie found suflicient to ballast the Avettest por- tion of the road. The road-bed is crowned oli", and top prairie soil is \ised for surfacing, which gives a smooth-running track for moderately heavy traffic, and one which it is expected will last at least five years. The Mountain Section. — In Canada the Rocky Mountains maintain a nearly northwest direction, and may be said to terminate as a distinct range between theSlst and 52d parallel; thence descending to the I'eace River Pass, latitude 5G north, which is only about 2 000 feet above sea level All the rivers on the eastern slope of the Rockies penetrate the range to a greater extent the further north they are found, and the Peace River is the first which cuts entirely through the Rocky Mountain range and heads behind it, draining the table land between the coast range and the Rockies. Between Peace River and the International Boundary, some ten passes have been explored, all lowering northward and diminishing from 7 000 to 2 000 feet; the central one, the Yellow Head Pass, with nn altitude of 6 733 feet, having been selected by the Government in the first instance as the route for the railway. The ( ^ I GS ADDUESS OK PIlESIDKNT THOMAS C. KKKFKK. tout of the snow sheilH. Tho roHult of tliie first winter's inspection was the construction in the following summer of 35 snow-sheds, having a total length of four miles. The next winter, the first in wliieli the line was opeaed for trallie, dt^monstrated tlmt more sheds were needed, and that existing ones required lengthening in some cases, strengthening in others; that parai)ets over the portals, and glanee works on the mountain side above were needed to direct sliding snow over the slieds instead of between them. During tlie summer of 1M87, the total haigth was increas.'d to six miles, and the total number to 53. The experience of the past winter has shown that adtlitions to the sheds are reijuired to the ext 'ut of about 4 000 feet, bringing up the total length to about sev(Mi miles. The 53 sheds already erected (see I'lates V aval IX ) embrace several types, the primary distinction being, lirst, those designed for snowfall alone and those exi)osed to avalanches; and, secondly (as between these last), those exposed to theuvalanche on one side only, and those exposed to it ujion both sides. These last are c;alled valh>y sheds, are fiat-roofed, and cost about S()G per lineal foot. The tyi)ical shed of the Selkirks is an avalanche oiu>, with solid rock-filled crib-work upon the mountain side and strongly braced frame-work for its outer wall. The cost of these range from S40 to $10 per lineal foot, according to lo;'ation, the increase being due to the greater mass of crib-work required where the avalanche is heavi(!st. The space between the crib-work and the mountain side is filled in so as to con- duct the avalanche over the rojf of tht! snow-slied, without striking heavily against it. The second important type is the gallery shed, which is without crib-work, but has its roof extended against the moun- tain side upon strong frame-work. The cost of thes3 range from ©15 to •^10 per lineal fotjt. A combination of the typical and gallery sheds is where crib-work is used as a foot wall on the mountain side. This is called " toe crib and gallery " shed, and costs from 827 to S54 ])or lineal foot. The gallery sheds are generally extensions of tlu? tyi)ical sheds on the flanks of tlie avalanche and outside its path, and where necessary are terminated by strong ])arapet3 as much as 10 feet high to prevent the overtiow of the lighter snow from the wings of the avalanche. By means of these parapets 40 to 50 feet of shedding at each end is saved; and the same principle is adopted where slides come down narrow ravines, in which case the profile of the roof is a trough the width of the ravine. These are called " scoop sheds." During the summer of 1886, fires denuded the mountain sides, leav- ing no snp))ort for the snow on steep side hills, increasing the number of slides and the demand for shed extensions. Sheds were lengthened at each end and connected together until the longest shed exceeded 3 000 feet. Long sheds are objectionable, not only on account of the greater iire risk in summer, but in the handling of long freight trains on the ^^1 TIIK CANADIAN' PA( llic llAII.VVAV. 09 as DC 11. 1 in liii ul vas ice

adoption of wider bents, smaller sized square timber and the move extensive use of the tine round timber, ad- jac<-nt to the line, for posts and braces, much economy was etlbcted. The sheds are almost entirely built of cedar, but planking and tim- bers exi^osed to transverse strain are of the stronger l^ouglas fir (Oregon pine) so abundant in Uin mountains. The cedar in face of heavy cribs is 12 inches square, of lighter "too cribs" 12x10 inches, the back 12 X 12 inches, tiatted or jound, with 3-inch spaces between the courses. • Ties are round, and where the bents are 5 feet centers, break-joiuts in crib-work every 10 feet, being dove-tailed to the front courses and also to the liaek flatted timber ones. The saddle-joint is round, and the en- tire timber work drift bolted togeth(>i'. Dowellsare put in foot of plumb posts whore gallery is upon toe crib (see No. 4, Plate IX). The joint at the meeting of rafter, plund), and batter-i)osts, Avas, in the first work, so framed as to leave a space for air between the ])lanking of the roof and that on the batter-i)osts; but it was found unsuitable, because the snow in a slow traveling slide found its way to the track. The joint, as shown in all the drawings, is now used, although not as strong as the first one; the air space is covered bv extending the roof, and is kept open until the heavy slides come, when all spaces are securely closed. On this account it is desirable to have the sheds as short as possible, and in view of the success of the split-fence system, suggested by the Vice J'reaident and General Manager, Mr.W. C.Van Home, it is probable that the longer sheds will be cut out at suitable points, and the openings covered by the split fence. 70 ADDRESS OF I'llESlDENT THOilAS C. KEEPER. The TELEGRArH. — Whore sheds are iii eloso proximity, an nmlor- grouud cable is used to secure corinuiuiuatioa with headtiiiartors in any event, aud also promptly to locate the site of any iutern;])tion. At isolated sheds and 8U8i)ected points, very high poles carrying the line clear of all probable obstructions, are employed. The only intcrruptiou last Avinter was i/aiised by wind storms, and the lods of time without communii-atiou did not exceed four hours. Fire Protection. — There is a very complete system for fire pro- tection in tlieStlkirka, stationary and locomotive, gravitation aud pump- ing — stationary for sheds, and locomotive for bridges, buildings, timber, tie and wood piles and forest tires, as well as for the sheds. Water by gravitation is abundant, and flumes, are erected on the roofs of isolated sheds, and supplied with running water from the nearest stream, barrels and ladders biang placed inside. Where sheds are closer, pipe lines are laid with stop valves at each portal and tanks between, so that damage to pipe in one shed would not affect another. The same system applies to the longer bridges. For smaller ones the usual stationary barrels and tuckets are provided. For the locoiuotivc aucj pumping system, tanks of 6 OoJ gallons are kept on flat cars at sidings. Each (mgine has hose connected with the injector by a globe valve, and can draw from the tender or the portable tanks. For further protection against forest tires, sand and gravel is dumped from a train around bottom of bridges, trestles, etc. Where avalanches are expected, the line is thrown well into the mountain side, aud the shed roof (which bylaw must atl'ord a dear head- way of 21 feet above the rails) is conformed by back tilling as nearly as l)ossible fo the mountain slope. Where it cannot bo thrown in far enough for this purpose, a broad bench of natural ground is left to take the impact of the avalanche, and send it a tangent to the roof of a com- paratively light shed. When the ravinja are too deep to be filled up the line is thrown out as far m possible, the ravine bridged witU a clear span, the abutments being protected by a glance crib and split fence, aud a highway is made for thi.i avalanche to pass under the track. At the longer sheds an outside or summer track is maintained, both on account of the scenery, which is grandest in the shed region, and also to rednce the risk of tire. In the 31 i)54 feet of slieds erected there were used 25 000 000 feet B. M. of sawed material, and 1 140 000 lineal feet of round timber; and the cost of these, including the necessary changes of line to provide for them, of filling in gulloys on the mountain side oppo.site theuj, and other work of enow proteotiou, has reached about $2 900 000, and it is proposed to expend about 8200 000 more to complete the system. The sheds were subjected to a very severe test in the winter of PLATE III. TRANS. AM. SOC. CIV. ENC'RS. VOL. XIX. No. 394. KEEFER ON THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. •,* I THE CAXADIAX PACIFIC K\ILAVAY. 71 1886-87, which was more severe than any observed before or since, the saow fall being the heaviest recorded, exceeding 35 feet at the summit in the Selkirks. Eight and-a-half feet fell in six days, and for about three weeks snow was falling almost continually, and slides during this period were very numerous and constant. Tlie sheds proved strong enough in every respect, although sul)jeoted to the weight of snow 50 feet deep, weighing 30 pounds to the cubic foot. The warm Chinook winds and winter rains, followed by frost 30 degrees below zero at times, make the snow very heavy. It has been repeatedly weighed and varies from 25 to 45 pounds per cubic foot, the latter kind being compacted in masses of 5 to 15 cubic yards, and look- ing more like ice floes than snow balls. Before the snow-sheds were erected, side cuttings on the slopes exposed to slides were obliterated by the latter, and the fttafn. quo of the original snow slope was restored. The snow which generally brought rocks and trees with it, was packed by the greut pressuie of the slide so as to be nearly as hard as ice. Black powder was found to work admirably in the sido-hill cuts— huge masses being blown down the hill— and the remainder, in heavy blocks, was rolled over the side. In thorough cuts powder was used in heavy cliurges to break up the snow which was too hard for shovelling, except near the top. Picks and specially-designed ice chisels were here used, and the cut was benched out, entailing a large amount of labor in casting. The following sketch shows the maniier in which the powder was api)lied in side-hill cuts: X %/ Cut rac«- V 1 \l-v -Tunii'l 10 tjt filled wi'T "%, Snow and w«ll p»<:l<,«»i Fijj. 1. n ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT THOMAS C. KEEPER. Ouo cutting, about iO ffot deep, was full of trees, ami presented such a peculiar ai)pearance after being gulletted for the passage of trains, that it received the name of the " Plum Pudding." Fig. 2. The force of some slides was shown by the experience of a valley or double crib shed exposed to them from botli sides, the unfinished lower side of which (see No. 2, Plate IX) was left without the batter- post and sloping slieel: of plauk. Wheu struck on this side, the crib, though filled witU stone, was knocked a foot out of plumb, causing tbe rafter to buckle, the roof b3ing torn oft" and carried 200 loot up the steep .dope above the track. The inside of shed was tilled up with snow, which was piled 33 feet deep above it. When clearing out the shed, spaces large enough for a man to go through wei'e found at several jjoiuts, evidently the el!e,cb of confined air, and indicating the rapidity of move- ment which prevented its escape. Further evidence of air compression was found in the spaces between the wall timbers, which were caulkeil with snow so hard that no impression could bo made ui)on it without using a pick. It is a question in this case, whether the roof was torn otF only, or partly blown off by air concussion. The sheds exposed to the descent of heavy trees, ice or rocks, have the roof double planked (see No. 0, Phite IX) with intermediate rafters and posts. A rock slide of 100 cubic yards passed over one of these, leaving a specimen rock measuring 128 cubic feet, about ten tons, on top of the roof. In this case the. slope of the ground above coincided very closely with that of the roof, exposing the latter only to a rolling load. The snow-slides vary in intensity from tlie quiet descent on the slope to the rushing avalanche, bearing rocks and trees, .^nd accompanied, as it always is, with a torritic cyclone more dangerous than either. They sometimes bring dowu a (luarter of a million cubic yards, and are gov- erned by the moist or dry condition of the snow, by the varying slopes of the mountains, the presence or absence o£ trees, and of sloping crests many thousand feet above grade in the region of eternal snow an«l. of maximum precipitation. The avalanche is " made up " by excessive snow-fall 4 000 to 5 000 PLATE IV. TRANS. AM. 80C. CIV. ENC*R8. VOL. XIX. No. 394. KEEPER ON THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. K O 'A O M w » O \^ H a* O 6 /; OJ n1 ; THE CANADIAN PACll'IC RAILWAY. 73 feet above the level of the track, and '* pulls out" over the sloping sur- face of a glacier, or of old packed snow of the previous winter, un- til it reaches the steep grade (in some cases at an angle of 70 degrees) and then there is a I'oar, a crash, a flying scud of snow, and all is over. Its maximum velocity can only be inferred from the imiirisoned air spaces already mentioned, and from the force with which a tree was driven through a shed, as shown by the dotted line in No. 4, Plate IX, where it penetrated the backing, the roof and the solid rock filled crib-work, knocking out a plumb post in its passage, and was sawn off 10 inches iu diameter at the face of the crib. At some points the avalanches cross the valley and ascend the opposite slope to the extent of 200 or 300 feet. Shed^ on a track located over 100 feet above the valley have been struck by avalanches fr.im the opposite side which ascended the slope, passed over them, and climbed the mountain side, 150 feet above their roofs. Remarkable effects ar.> proluced by the local cyclone or hurricane induced by the swift avalanches. This sometimes extends for 100 yards outside the course of the solid avalanche and is called the "flurry,' because it is clouded with particles of fine snow. If the course of the avalanclie is diverted by some natural obstacle, the flurry drives on in the line of original motion, snapping off huge trees several feet in diameter, at heights 50 feet or more above the ground, without uprooting them. Some in the vortex of the flurry are uprooted, but the majority are cut short off, as they would ba by chain shot, and so far from the line of the avalanche that there is nothing to indicate the cause of their decapitation but the snow, impacted like moss against the windward .side of their huge trunks. The flurry whirls upward to the height of 100 f 3et above the descending snow, and forward in advance of it when un- der full headway, presenting a magniflceut spectacle to an observer at a safe distance. December last it picked up a man, and whirled and twisted him so rapidly and spirally, that when dropped he was a limp mass, without a bruise or break in skin or clothing, yet with all his bones broken or dislocated. Bridges, which have been substituted for trestles carried away by slides, are anchored by guys to "dead men" in the ravine, and thus s'cured have successfully resisted the "flurry," which, although it caulked the chord spaces very tight with hard snow, did no damage to the structure. With three-iiuarters of a mile addition to the snow sheds. Mr. R. Marpole, the experienced and cai)able Superintendent of the Pacific Division, is confident that interruption to traflic in the Selkirks will be limited to hours instead of days, as has been the case heretofore; and be chiefly the result of local damnge to sheds from rocks or trees brought down by the avalanche. The avalanche season — though a lively and brilliant one — is short ia I f: I i ' ( ■ 1 74 ADDUESS OF PRESIDENT THOMAS C. KEEPER. comi)avi.son with the glacier one, and when the expoaecl points are all protected, interruptions due to the environment will have little ajjpre- ciable effect ujjon the general traffic of the year. Thei'e will bo an ex- cei)tional item for inainttmaiice here in excess of any other division of the road, but I believe it will be fully met hy the exceptional attractions of this glacier section. The avalanche may attract hundreds of l)old admirers for two or three months of winter, but for the greater jiortion of the year the silent majestic glaziers, which may bo a])proached with- out risk, will draw thousands of tourists into the Selkirk range, whex-e there is no danger when there is no snow in motion. Mud Slides. — A great deal of trouble has been experienced from mud slides and "gumbo" cuts, generally below the snow-shed level in the flanks of the Selkirks, and cuttings. Bridging. — All the bridging in the mountain section was at first nocessariJy of wood, wliicli is abundant and of excellent (quality there. Some of these have already been replaced with steel. Tlu^ section built by the Government at the Pacific end of the road— with the excei)tion of the cantilever across the Eraser — has wooden bridges of the Howe truss pattern. In the Selkirks there are three high bridges — 15i, 175 and 294 feet in hoigl it respectively. The last, the Stony Creek Bridge, is 490 feet in length, the greatest span being 172 feet, resting on Avoodcn towers 200 feet high, standing on a concrete foundation. It is probably the highest wooden bridge in America. It is soon to be replaced with a steel arch springing from the rocky sides of the V-shaped ravine, about half way of its depth ; and the other two high ones, with iron trestles. The metal bridges erected by the Company, east of the Rocky Mountains, are of heavy pattern, designed by the late C. Shaler Smith, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Where through trusses are unavoidable, these have a width of 20 feet between centers. Besides much that has been filled in, there yet remains a large amount of trestle work east of Lake Superior and upon the Governmc'nt section at Pacific Coast, which has been substantially built and floored, as it will under any circumstances require years to substitute perma- nent work for them. The Company has bound itself to expend the whole of the 815 000 000— interest on which is guaranteed by the Government for fifty years, in consideration of the abandonment of their monopoly — upon the main line between Quebec and Vancouver. Of this amount five and a quarter millions is apportioned in the agree- ment to rolling stock, five and a half millions on capital account to "buildings, snow-sheds, sidings, permanent bridges, filling in trestles, reducing grades and curves, and other improvements." The remain- ing four and a quarter millions is apportioned to "elevators, bridges, locomotive shops, filling trestles, sidings, docks, and lake and coast steamers. " By crossing the Selkirks instead of going round them in the Colum- bia River Valley, the road is shortened about eighty miles. The fall in the Columbia River between the first and second crossings (going west- ward) is 1 100 feet, an average of about 7 feet per mile. The river has its canons, and in places washes the base of the mountains, so that heavy work and possibly some tunneling ^ould have been encountered (>n the longer route. ' mm. ii I ^wmmmmnmM wmwnv 70 ADDRESS OF PUKSIDKNT THOMAS C. KKEFER. On leaving tbo Columbia at the second crossing, and whore it soon ceases to bo a Canadian river, the line crosses the Gold Range through the Eagle Pass, a remarkably favorable one, the summit being only 1 800 feet above tide, although in a range with many snow-cajiped mountains. There are nine snow-sheds, with a total length of 1 3(30 feet, all on the western slope of the Eagle Pass. From the western side of the Gold Range, the line follows the shores of lakes and rivers which discharge into the Pacific Ocean upon Canadian soil. In crossing the Dry Zone or bunch-gr.iss grazing plateau of British Columbia, there is heavy work and tunneling along the rock-bound shores of the lakes; but it is when the line descends the Thompson and Fraser Rivera, where these cut through the Coast Range, that the heaviest consecutive hundred miles on the Avhole route is encountered. This section, built by the Government, cost about $10 000 000, or ^80 000 per mile, without rolling stock or stations. There are numerous tutfiels and rock cuts, as well as heavy earth cuts, and a fine cantilever of 300 feet span across the Eraser River, which was the secoad erection of the kind in America, and was designed by Mr. C. C. Schneider, M. Am. Sdc. C. E. THE EQUII'MENT OF THE LINE. The Canadian Pacific Railw.iy is a modern road, having had the ut- most fr.'edom of location in unoccupied territory, for stations, yards and shops, and has not therefore been handicapped by costly accumula- tions of antiquated rolling stock, or hampered by limited yard accom- modation on any portion of the contract route — conditions which have proved so onerous to some older roads. The divisional point^ are placed as nearly as i)03sible at intervals of 125 miles, any variation from this being due to the qiiestious of suitable s'ation ground, or water supply. At these points, the tracks are arranged as shown on tlie standard plan, the object being to provide a yard that may be readily extended— one in which the main track is broken as little as possible by switcli.'S, and so arranged that any ear in the yard may be reached by one shunt. At altt^ruate divisional points, shops are established of sufficient ca- pacity for repairs of rolling stock on two working sections, and at the divisional points between these there ave smaller shops with the few necessary tools for ordinary breakages. Engines run from the larger shops to the smaller ones, so that ordinarily they return to the principal shop points every other day. At all divisional points, tlie water tanks are erected 40 feet high, to give a sufficient i)ressure for washing out engines. At the alternate ])oints, wrecking cars, pile drivers, tool cars, britlgc a id track material, are provided for any emergency on the sections either way from them, and a smaller supply of emergency material is kei)t at the intermediate points. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC HAILWAY. 77 In the newer country, stations are arranged at intervals of about 16 miles, govo:ned by ground and water Hupi)ly,with accommodation for two section gangs of eight men e.iob, a combined freight and passenger sta- tion, a 50 000-galh)n tank, and a telegraph office, ensuring collection of section gangs for any emergency in the shortest possible time. These rognlir stations have side tracks according to trains handled on the division, and, Avhere local traffic exists, a business track as well an a pass- ing track. Passing tracks are laid about half way between these stations, making the crossing interval generally eight miles; but this is reduced ■where there is considerable trafHc. At Montreal, the principal eastern terminus; at Vancouver, the Pa- cific terminus; and at Winnipeg, which is midway betwe m them and has 24 miles of sidings, large shops exist for heavy repairs of oats and loco- motives. As these three points ar^^ 1 500 miles apart, large intermediate shops will be required as traffi ; increases. Fuel Supply. — The fuel supi>ly is: Nova Scotia coal for the eastern system, which is carriel a sliort distance west of Ottawa; Pennsylvania coal from this point to Brandon, on the prairies, the first divisional station west of Winnipeg. This coal is brought by rail across the St. Lawrence and Niagara Rivers, and by water to Lake Sujierior. West of Brandon, (Janadian tertiary coal from the Bow River deposit is used, \intil it is met in the mountains by the Pacific Coast coal from Vancouver Island. The Bow River coal is estimated to ba within fifteen per cent, of the value of Pittsburgh coal. Anthracite is being worked alongside the main line in the Rocky Mountain •* and is used for passenger cars and domestic i)uri:)oses as far east as Winnipeg, but export is as yet chiefly to San Francis 'o. Wlien more extensively mined and fire boxes are altered to burn it, it may disidacj other coal in the mountain section. Windmills have proved successful for pumping on the prairies. The ■water is iirevented from freezing by a heating pipe passing up through the center of tank. ^i r Locomotives. — The consolidation engines Avorking the Selkirk Di- vision were built at the Company's shops at Montreal. They are dis- tinguished by their short stroke, 22 inches, high boiler jn-essure, 160 l)ounds, and large grate surface to maintain this pressure. Their weight, 94i tons, is sufficient to prevent slipi)iQg in good weather, when hauling fall train of seven coa -hes, without the use of sand, but this is jirovided both front and back for bad weather. The t -active force is 155.7 pounds pe • pound pressure on pistons, the wheel base short in proportion to diameter of drivers, and being carefully counterbalanced, they run with speed, ease and steadiness around sharp curves. Their brake power is the Westinghouse on two forward pairs of drivers, and the American 78 ADDHESS OF I'RESIDENT THOMAS C. KEEPER. Stenm Brake on the two hind i)iiirH. Tlie Water Brake in also applied to all en^'inca rminiiif? in the mountnius. The automatic brake in usi-d in ascending, and straight air in desrendiug, with liand brakes manned. The Bloi'k syatom, with telephone addition, is exteusivoly used in the mountains. The principal dimensions are : Diameter of cylinder and length of stroke, 19 x 22 inches. Distance apart of centi^rs, ffet 11 inches. Length of connecting rod, 9 feet 2 inches. Driving Avheels, diameter, 4 feet 3 inches. Driving wlieel tiros, Avidth and thickness: First and fourth, Si x3 inches, flanged. Second and third, 6x3 inches, blind. Fixed wheel base, 14 feet 3 inches. Total wheel base of engine, 21 fcot 3 inches. Center of cylinder to center of driving axle, 13 feet. Weight on track in working order 13 100 pounds. Weight on drivers in working order 90 900 " Total weight of engine 104 000 " Weight of tender, empty 35 000 " Capacity of " coal 20 000 " water 30 000 " Total engine and tender, in working order, 189 000 " Snow Ploughs. — In winter these consolidation engines are furnished with a largo heavy pilot plough, shown in drawing, Plate IX. This plough has rendered excellent service and has repeatedly opened the way through packed and saturated snow, -where the large wing plough had failed, en- abling the latter to follow with wings wide open, nose down and danger working, securing a good rail. These ploughs are of ^g iron, double plated at nose, steel angles, and 6-inch by 1-inch iron strap stays. The height of nose is 5 feet and of wings at ends 7i feet, clearing a width of 9 feet at bottom and 10 feet at top. The regular snow train has a strongly built plough, wings 16 feet across, and nose 11 feet above rail, the lower or horizontal portion of which is raised or lowered from inside, and Avhen pressed down by weight of snow, is carried by rollers running on top of rails. The tlanger is adjusted to turn over on meeting any obstruction harder than ice or packed snow. For this train Y's are put in, through which the whole train can bo turned and see-saw back and forth, giving no rest to the wicked drifts or slides. " Principiis obsta .'" is, during snow storms, the motto on the crest of the Selkirks. fH« TIIK CANADIAN lAUIFIC RAILWAY. 79 For tho otlicicnt working of tlio snow plough train, it hiiH bcon found ii(>C(3ssary in many places, and whor<> possible, to romovo tho lino out from the hillHide, to leavo room for the accumulation of snow on tho slopes, and a<-hance for tht? inside win^ of the i>lou< overlooked during a summer location in a mountainous, snow atVected region, (^specially when working against time, or upon too oconomical lines. The teai-hings of oxperienc(> in the Selkirks have been many and valuable, and none more so than this, the heavier and more powerful than tho pasaen- gor ones; cylinders 20 x 26; 4 pairs of IS-inch drivers; wheel base, 21 feet 11 inches; driving wheel base 14 feet; Aveight, 110 000 pounds; weight on drivers, 102 000 jiounds. These engines haul 12 loaded cars up tho Selkirk slope, which has grades of 110 feet per mile. In descend- ing long heavy grades with these trains, freqn»;nt stoppages are made to cool otf, and prevent breakages in the cast-iron plate wheels. This precaution is not necessary with passenger trains, in which no cast-irou wheels are iised. On the Selkirk division steel rails of 72 pounds weight per yard are used, with 3 500 ties per mile. I >■ i Provision Magazines. — The Company have omitted no precautions to secure the safety and comfort of ])assengers. For hundreds of miles no supplies can be i)rocured except by train, and in vi(»w of detentions, each through train from Montreal, in addition to the dining-car sup- idies, cai*ries, in the baggage car, an emergency box of provisions, to be used exclusively for passengers, and only in case of necessity. Besides this, at nine ])oints on the Selkirks and Eagle Pass, where detention by snow slides is possible, provision magazines are established in safe posi- tions, at intervals of about ten or twelve miles; so that no train may be caught more than six miles from food. These provisions are emjitied in the spring, and replenished with fresh supplies in the autumn. Coal and oil 8ui)i)lies for the passenger cars are also similarly "cached," and emergency fuel for the locomotives, bridge and track material are held loaded on cars, to shorten detention of trains. Extremes meet — the voyageurs of the Hudson Bay Company, Arctic explorers, and the hunters and trappers in the mountains, cached their surplus stores against the ravages of tire, of the loup cervier, the wolverine or the polar bear; and now the most recent sjiecimen of the highest type of transportation confirms, by its emergency magazines, the wisdom of the pioneers in the old time before the railway era. ip Hli 80 ADDRESS OF ]-KESlDENT THOMAS C. KP]EFEU. PROSPECTIVE TRAFFIC. The C"nadian Pacific Railway has been opened for tralHc throngli 2 500 miles of territory almost uninhabited, and so rapidly that settk - ment could not keep pace with it. The 1 900 milea and over of main lino coustnicted by the Company has been built in half the time allowed by the contract, and within these five years a subsidiary system, about 2 300 miles in length, lias been built or ac([uired, by which the main transcontinental line has already been made more than self-aus'ainiu!; The capital account is not yet closed; another five years will be required to convert temporary into permanent work, and new demands will arise from extension of traffic, both on the prairies and in the mountains. Under these circumstances, no adecpiate conception of its importance can be formed without some consideration of the character of the coun- try it traverses, and upon which its future depends. The Eastern Section. — The starting point of the national road, as a Government work, was a point near Lake Nipissing, called Callander, about einally distant from Ottawa and Toronto, and about two hundred miles due north from the latter. This point had no connections, and no special merit biit that of being equally inconvenient to the rival Prov- inces of Ontario and Quebec, both of which were placed on ecpial terms in re.).ching it 'ith their provincial lines. One hundred miles west of Callander is Sudbury, the juncticm of the important line from St. Paul and ^Minneapolis, ria Sault Ste. Murie, l)y which those cities find their shortest all-rail route to Atlantic tide- water. Sault Ste. Marie is rather nearer to Montreal than Detroit is, with the advantage that, like the Niagara and St. Lawrence rivers, its broken navigation makes it a bridge route. It is not necessary to refer to the country east of Sudbury, which is a lumbering, agricultural and mining region, quite cap ible of sustainiuu a railway, even without the traffic of the Sault route. From Sudbury westward, the line cuts througli continuous forest f«r 360 miles, until it .strikes the shores of Lake Superior, which it skirts for 200 miles, and then leaves in a very direct line tlirough a forest and lakf region for the outlet of the Lake of the Woods, nearlv thre-- hundred miles farther west. The 850 miles from Sudbury to Lake of the Woods is througli a country of similar character — a mountain and lake region — with very limited arable areas, but very promising mineral ones, and with an im- mense supply of til ber invaluable to the railway, but much of which is. at present, commercially beyond the reach of market. Innumerable lakes, some more than 20 miles in length, are tapped by the railway, Avliich, with their thousands of mih's of coast line, will yield valuable supplies of timber, as soon as the nearer ones are exhausted, or the price makes (exportation profitable. The 200 miles shore line on Lake Superior, if THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, 81 with excelleat harbors at the extreme points, afford landin^j i)laces for water-borne coal from Ohio and Pennsylvania, for carriage east and west, as well as reach the valuable fisheries of the coast. Near Sudbury and Port Arthur, gold, silver, copper and iron have been discovered, and, with *"" ' exception oi the iron, are being worked. Upon the extension of tlu discoveries, in what is all known to be a mineral region, between Sialbury and the Lake of the Woods, as well as upon the lumber trade, the building up of u local traffic will chiefly depend. The Lake of the Woods has an area of 700 square miles at an eleva- tion of 1 062 feet above tide water. Its drainage area is about twenty- five thousand square miles — 7 000 miles of which are in Northern Minnesota — which its water-shed penetrates to the head waters of the Mississippi at Lake Winnipegoshish. In Canada its water-shed begins within 30 miles of Lake Superior. It discharges into Winnipeg Kiver with a fall of 21 i feet, at the foot of which the river turns abruptly westward and runs for three miles parallel with the lake shore, and sei)arated from it by a narrow natural dam of rock, through which, at half a dozen i)oints, the lake waters can be conducted by a f.ume of 100 yards iu length. The estimated water power at this dam is G5 000 H. P., and between it and Lake Winnipeg the river has a fall of about three hun- dred feet. Tl\e railway line follows this dam, and saw-mills with cutting citpacity of 60 000 000 feet B. M. per annum, working twelve hours daily, are in operation, for the supply of the prairie region as far west as Eegina, nearly five hund ed miles, where it meets the timber and lumber from British Columbia. It is estimated that the timber supply from this iioint is good for thirty years, at double the present rate of con- 8umi)tion. A flour mill, of 1 200 barrels daily capacity, has recently been erected at Keewatin. There was a surplus wheat cro}) in Manitoba last year, exceeding ten millions of bushels, grown within an average haul of 250 miles of Keewatin. Thus there ia already a possible wheat growth suffi- cient for half* a dozen such mills. There are already forty-four elevators at way stations, with capacity of over two million bushels, and a still larger storage capacity for these on Lake Superior. The wheat elevators already extend more than 300 miles west of Winnipeg. J I 11 •I V The Plain and Pkairir Seotion. — The Rocky Mountains, which, from Santa Fe, in New Mexico, to Cheyenne, in Wyoming, run due north through Colorado on their most eastern projection, turn at Cheyenne (longitude 105 degrees west from Oreenv/ich, or 28 degrees west from Washington), running northwest to the Intornationul Bound- ary, and at Calgary (the Canadian Denver) strike t\w. 115th meridian (38 degrees west from Washington), carrying the plain and prairie regions 10 degrees farther west than they are in Colorado. The width I . P ADDRESS OF PllESIDENT TUOMAS C. KEEFEK. '?*! of the Canadian fertile belt west of the tied Eiver, is about the aamo as that of the prairie regions between Indiana and Colorado. The prairie section, according to the Canadian Geological Survey reports, may be said to extend from the Red Hiver on the 97th meridian west from Greenwich, to Calgary near the Eocky Mountains on the 114tli meridian, a distance of 800 miles, and from tlie 49th to the Sith degrees of north latitude. There are three distinct plateaux or " steppes," sloj)- ing from the Rocky Mountains northeasterly towards Lake Winnii)eg and the Red River, having Avell-dertned escarpments running north- westerly parallel with the range. The general slope from the foot lulls of the liockies averages about five feet per mile. The loAvest of these plateaux averages about eight hundred feet above the sea, and embrace s an extensive lake system nearly fourteen thousand miles in extent, the largest (Lake Winnii)eg) covering 8 500 square miles. The total area, including the lakes, is 55 000 square miles. Tliis intei-ior basin, the lowest of the continent, generally known as the Red Eiver Valley, has the finest wheat land perhaps in the world. It is only 52 miles wide at the International Boundary, and rises thence southward for about two hundred miles, attaining an elevation nearly one thoiisaud feet above sea level. The second steppe is about tAvo hundred and fifty miles wide at the 49th parallel, and 200 miles at the 54th, having an area of over lOOOOl) S(iuare miles, 71 000 square miles of which form the eastern portion of the Great Plains. Its average elevation is 1 600 feet above sea level. The third steppe has an average elevation of 3 000 feet, being 4000 feet at the foot hills and 2 000 feet at its eastern edge. Its area is 134 000 8(iuare miles, of which 115 000 are almost entirely devoid of forest. Its breadth on the 49th })arallel is 465 miles. The total area soutli of the 54tli parallel is 280 000 square miles about one hundred and eighty millions of acres -of which, after allowing for swamps and lakes, moiintains and barrens, by far the greater 2>or. tion is arable. The agricultural d with coniferous forest. From the best estimates which can be made in this imperfectly explored country, it is believed that it contains at least 120 000 000 of acres of arable and pasture land north of the 54th parallel. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 83 Thus there is in the Canadian northwest about three hundred mil- lions of acres of arable and pasture land, of which one-third or more may be capable of producing wheat of the finest quality known. In a recent report of the Senate of Canada, it is stated that this north- ern forest-covered region embraces also the greatest fur producing country in the world, supplying three-fourths of all the valuable furs sold in Leipsic and London, to the annual value of millions of dollars. The climate of the eastern slope of the Rockies, for a belt of over one hundred and fifty miles in width is, as compared with the jilains on the same latitude eastward, exceptionally mild in winter. A southwest wind called the "Chinook," blowing at right angles to and over the Rockies, biings a thaw, removing snow and enabling cattle to feed out all the year round. At Canmore, in the Eockies, i 200 feet above tide, the chief source of supply for the prairie region and for many hundred miles of the railway, and an increasing source of traffic for the latter. Natural gas h&f, been discovered in boring for water near the foot liills, and is us^jd lor pumping at two of the Company's stations. iti^ The Moxtntain Region. — Tbe Rockies, where crosse « So SSI! ^ O CT X M> o > • -a B * ••4 o H • a n §5 o 5 „ S '4 a ■2g CI * is. '^ W a --^ ■3^ 2 o .-a 3 : 2 ?. a 2 ft C8 o Ml as a §33 o «» Q 1) ^ "t, ^- " K 3 O fc. X ;f tn a f^ '>5 J .3 a a be 88 ADDUE88 OF PRESIDBNT THOMAS C. KKKFEK. i The illustrations with this paper are: A general map of the line of the Canadian Pacific liailway. Plate I. A map of that j^art of the line between Beaver Station and Craigel- lachie, showing location of snow sheds. Plate V. A topographical map of the line in the vicinity of the summit of the Selkirk range. Plate VI. A profile of that part of the main line between Calgary and Sicamous, showing all heavy grades between the Atlantic and Pacific, and also the location of the snow sheds. Plate YII. , Plan of ft standard divisional yard. Plate YIII. Plate showing the various types of snow sheds, glance fence and split fence— also consolidation engine, tender and snow plough. Plate IX. Three photographs of snow sheds, showing also overflow of an ava- lanche at slied portal, and a deep snow cut at summit of Selkirks. Plates II, III, IV. Cut sliowing method of blasting snow slide. Cut showing excavation of snow slide filled with trees. Cut shoAving method of treating '• (lumbo " Cuts. i el. gel- the the and latfi iva- rks. II Uj "*' 'f m*". 1 SCA L E ! -I . L i- - - - /.« -^^ .^ M.ile/1 m r i.\KE ,vfn5j A S .9 '-•V* « s™»s^ plJ^^ J PACI OF IRAIjrr OF M^AIi Beaver Station SHEWING LOC> SNOW a CLACH NACUOrN PEAK ■■'• *-,„'"•• |to Craigellachie liONi or EDS JgO'&^ . - ^ r>oW iSbeda are Lrj J^eii |W • — - , 1 -tbSOjklcni J2?19« 20/7/Ko5yl i - 880 ,. . SO. i!«88 . . 3 - 7-J-fi „ ., . t\ . WS .. . ■t - eso . . . ti - «I0 . . 5 - «0S . „ , is - soo . . « _ ia2 . , . «» - ro3o .. .. 7 .1850 . . . ss - no .. . .. M - so . , a . nss . . 9 . r36 . . .. S7 - BO „ . 10 - 1788 , . . «8 - BOt) . . 11 . 9»6 . . .. 9» . 3«S ., ., 11 . TXt , .. - 30 . I04 ,. .. 13 - lOOS . . . 31 . HO 14 • 'OIG . . ■ 3S » SOO , ., IS - fa* ti - teo . . 16 . SSi .. . . 34 - -KH , . 17 , 3099 . . . SS .. ISO „ I» . 2W . , -J6 . S55 .. . 3V>-ir. zoofiltnf ■ 38- BIS . . ■ 39 . 141 . . . 40- S4I .. . . 41 . 832 . . . 4S . itrs .. .. .. 43- IIS . .. .. 44 .160 . . 45 , 97 ., , 48. 97 , .. . 47 ,. 81 .. . - 4S .477 . . 49 . 49 . .. ■ • SO .297 . . sn . ,o$ . . . N . vrr . . . S3 . m . ,. 3olal l«^K^>^, of ^ijow ^S>j«l8 — 317T64/««l 'i^^'^^^:^*''fW'''n^'^ ^*''***^--^-ll;S^'-^ ^;^4,i l-ength of SnoKi Sheds PLATE V TRANS. AM SOC.CIV ENC.N? VOL XIX N-^" SB''- KEEPER ON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lenqlf, of .Sno>^ Sheds -^OtOif^'^ - i ; mtmmm m I I 1 ' i ' .V .-. i % PLATE VI TRANS.AM.SOC.CIV. ENGINS. VOL. XIX N9 394. KEEPER ON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. SHEyV/A/C T^£ c>vr//vDi/vr^ p>\cific f^y^- iAf TH£ y/c/^/rr or su/f/ffT or- S EL KIRK RANGE . ^m MfP m PAGIFIE l^flii^^y^^ • FROM' Shewing all Heavy Grades between the Atlantic and the Pacific, mn ' ij@iiii' m Bnm^' BMb%, 5500 5000 4Soo SaesL. iiso. 3 So9 IP 1 lit STATION BEFERENCE A,/\,J^ain Truck BB.B. Truir?^ Tracks, CX E . E . E . Ca^r Re.pair Trucke. F. F. F. Tracks for Pi/et JRrner^erwj H^uipment. G. V-or^ J^r P iles, Bridge Ti Q. O X in i u CANADIAN PACIFIC HA^l.WAY PLATE VIII TRANS.AM 50C.CIV LNGNS VOL. XIX NO 394 KEEPER ON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. BEFERENCES. rracks, C.C C. ILiUfirte House Trcujks.^ — D. Coetl lrack< fu^s for PaedrlHrM Cars, .Derrick Cars^SnonrPloyrs and oiher les. Bri dffe Timber aj%d^ Eme 7\gency MiUerials !-■ l^ 1 ; V f- ; 1 3 './ mmmeagiKitammmssa NoJ TYPICAL SHED No.7 No. a No. 2 5»aHJ=nrnatiiBar:r::::rj=r ^jh»= I f ■ I ..x. 3^ I X. I_ in ^.j««^^ VALLEY sneo A/o.a No. 9 N /Vo. 3 TVRICAL SHED , No. JO LEVEL FALL SHED, CLA. No.4 No.. MEM TO£'CRIB AND CALLEJRY SHEOS.%^ O 1 ? L CLANCE 3 No. 5 SCOOP SHED p — ■ - - - v N'-* I I \'!i^ '>/\ ,j..k/ i\. ""iB^^- ^. •' •» o o e. t< I f>f t; . TRACK SPLIT FENCE W u> •■V a I ( 11 -i;-^ - 1 out LINK i c SNO\ sc> No.6 PLATE IX TRANS AM. SOC. CIV. £NOr«*: VOL. XIX N9 394-. KEEPER ON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. GALLERY SHED, ■■>v. a t ( - i Q .:^U )■: ^ niT:.ii:Q i:...^. -:^^:- OUtLINK Of CONSOLlDAriON £.NCrr>f£ C • r • R Y. NOW SHEDS SCALE 20 Ft =1 INCH.