.'54 71 2 LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHTS. (Ml SIC A L COMPOSITIONS.) TITLE. • A. B. C. walti t/AWudliedcheo «/ AliiJe with rae it^Abidc Willi me ^ Abide with me ... »^ bird in >i«nd. 8«ug ^^Ab.'iirJitv of it, (I'ive o'clock in tiie inoniiug) Ji7«/Ab«enr«. Op. 78, No. 4 v A bunc1> of cowslips, (See " nuueh of, Ac") •'Adrliiie ••' A dear wifie, (See " Dear wifie.") • A dre.iin of tl;« past, (S*e •' Dreftm of, Ac") ' A dr,;am of yore, (See " Pream of Vore.") •^ .^entl'etic waltr.ei r AeKtIietic w'tllzei - . ^Affection. Valae . k'^ Aficr loof; years. Soog ... . »/'Af;ir sundown Song . . y/ k ffrave in tlic hunsLioe. Song •^Aimoiis toujoirs ^.Air dp ballet. Pinno solo •.\ir lie dansc. Piano solo .' A^a_V^ir dj D.iiipbin. Piano solo . . VAItix. 8i)ng • Album lenf • Album le if (Fciiillct d'Albam) i/^AI fre^'o. Pi ino solo K Alice, wlfre art tbon ! Son;: i/aII in • g.ird?il fair. Sour . • Allow tn'> to mora • vote iif tlianks y' A'oiie 03 the raft. Sonj; \,' K iais aqain (Sec *' Imraer W'ieder."! Piano solo. •r Amazont-iiritt iKid* of the Amazane.i). Pi^nosolo. Ji^^Am I iircaming T Bonp V Amit; Jeney Al THoBk. \*>-r HI t.Mn Eniry. Enicml Whit« (Apr. «. '83 :20-»7 Billing Kitnnr Sov. Uot'ckfl 'Sfpl. MncJonald- Jeffen . -Millard Mar. Jan. IS, 11. 7. 1«. 23, n. 4, 2-S, •>'J, JO, ». IGledijiU •«i 178«iSbari« •h2 I7!»4 iCIaiton hT .H027 i Coliu Maason. •Wij.S042JA. C. >'.l{4(i5H|I. S. iL S. •8S 4558 I A. C, •k» j 2078 j La\ign« •K« •«7 4(K{» 'M7 H'Mt 'K7 m:,5 •81 2201 Mav IG. i^avcrtal Gnmspy — Aeeber 'Ang. 6, '85 Watson— Wat M)n JApr. 12, '88 Wbyf |l>ct. 2. 'MO Vaaghan— Rodney .... .SepL28. "85 8.;(i.'> I. S A B. Spindler Marks — Goonod . Kerbj HC 8S40 2818 4228 .HI 47 2883 Oct. 8. -88 Oct. 81. "87 Aug. 4. '88 4475 4003 4380 S. A. A. A Co. I. S. A 8. I. S. k 8. A. C. A. C. A.C. WhyU a;c. S.A. R. AS. Kerbj ■.u LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHTS. TiTte. •^ A moUiw'i lore, I B«e " Mother'* lov*.") • Amour irompenr. Bomane* 1/ An >ier Winje. Tradle konf Tonitaek • Andautc inG iDati»tei • Angti's ttun. Song ^Anna Marie. Song •/^ Anoetu- iTlit; Waltzca •/a new year'i waltz •^ An old carden, (S«* •• Old gartien.") >^ Aa old inaid'it heart, (.See "Old luaid'i heart. ") • Answered. Song AtT CoDlant Lan^ BoytoD Smith .... Uiiighaoi — Puotet. Catiy. Eauy. Jan. 9. Jnly 27. Not. 1». Uar. 31, '85 •Mr. 4«U Costant S7M) A. C. 2951 1 A. C. C. Frechette— LaKJanderie ! Oct i'l, HH 12m A. 'hoJhiTi'l. £. BiraH I Leiuitux— Lemieui May 10, •m\ Hiav ^ Lriaitni Aldoa* 'Mar.22. ho' Ioiim I. 6. A S. •^Aim.'te. Op. 90. Stody %/ -Antiquary, (The;. Son"? •' A penny fnryour thonglit'*, iSee " Apenny for, Ac.") |/.\pril (('haMitOD d'ATril). Song ^Arctic srbottisehc *^ \ roMc> in June, (See " Boe« in June.") ^ArroT and the Kong ►^ A nhadow, I See •• Shadow.") ^ K simple story, (See " Simple fiorj.") i/AmIc nothingmore. Sonr •^ A Bong of a soldier. (Stc " Song of a aoldier.") '^ A »ong of night, iSee " Song of night.") •Aspiration •"Ah wlien the Knowdrift. Song • At evensong. Song • A toll, (See "TolL't |/At the hall ripple . . -■^-^At Ihr linH)klct. Op. 7H, So. V. *^l the ferry. Song fAi ve'ipfM. S mg • Anf d>T Blamli .\lp4 lOn the Alp«). Piano aolo l/Aiif iinmer I For even waltz • .\af «ipder«ehen (Until we nu-et again). Waltz /Auntie. Song • Aurora nhottucbe . . i^Anrore. Romance Jk^lf* Anlninn M)ng. Op. "R, No. 12 • .\ve Maria • Ave Maria. Song , •^.\wake, O happy nation. Song / A wint*r'« story, (See " Winter'* storj.") •^ A world between, (See " World between.") «/ Ball of the angel* i/Baiibnry rrost. Song i^and mane •^Bardof Erin. Piano aolo BelUmy— Smith S'ot. 28, 'H7 40M S. A. HeUer Not. 12, 'Kg j < 527 8. A. Jewitt— Wataon Feb. 25, 'W «!02 A. C. Thoma* Mill* ... Oct. 1, Mar. 16, •flw; 44fl«i A. C. 75' 77« UUl* Longfellow— Gonuod... jMar. A, 'tMi! 8188 A. C Jane H, '85 2074 A. C, Swinbome— Marziali .. Habn Uan. 7, '85 2175 Sturgis— Thomas jJaly IH, 'm5 2771 Lowthian— Lowtbian... May 22. mi 8249 hhaw Laoge Wi-athcrly — Welling*... HarJinge — To:ange Seydel Lowthian Weatherley — Bchrend . BucaloKsi Lavigne Lange Smith Sim Bone — Coward Jan. 7, Ang. IM, Jane 6, May 4, Feb. 17. Dee. Jan. !MaT ■HI, «. 4. Panll Oxenford — Welling* ... Ravage A Hatha way ... Dee. 14. Apr. 6, Aug. IH, Dec. 10, •Nov. 16, Jane 3, May 27. Jan. 12, Jane21. •Sy 2480 •»7' 8875 •H.-, 2«70' •85: t.VJ7 '88^ 4176 MS UlfiX 'H5 -ir/jH ■Hti 8542 fi 181)4' '87, 887« 74; WJS; '89 294)1 87 8791 L S. A S. A. C. A.C. I. S. A S. I. S. A S. A. C. A.C. S. A. A.C. A. C. A.C. A.C. Lavigna 1. 8. A 8. La Tig D* Sim. A.C. -81: IfiiS P«jU '86| aoss! A. C. '8fi| 82i>l| Wm.Bn«a WatU iJnneSO, 'e«> 881*1 I. a A 8. z LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHTS. TfTLC. AtrmoM. J j,^ j„^| ,/ Bwgoauo'n cluU. 8oi« Umoo— Bmti Ifar.M. "eH 4110 8. A. J|4^i^U)c1m polk* DcUb«7 J«a«!H>. >i 17S1 RordWoMV •^IWtUafora Bank BrawB Jamil. "W t6« BoMhv. »/^ lit; of Vaii'tc galop Bo(«r Jma. 23. 'fit I7B7 6C SO«l Sumcgc A 0*. «^ Bca>it;'i eyeit. 6od||... Wealbcrly— Toata Jeu»Se, »« o»aB(Micbc). Polka Waldtriifel Jslr SI. "ni SMIO A. C. :i|«r-»/Belic(Janadicuoe IL«) Bajley Fth. Tl, ~:h lOf.i .VordliMiiMr «/l(elle of Uio rink walu Baylcy... Ftb. *, T7 »:» bn« S475 A. A 8. M. »^bcll( that are pealing Vocal duct Goonod Jan. i. M9 4C37 A. C. i/IWIplaiformarch .... _ Holland Pee. 2«. ♦•I ITISClaxtoM v'^ mine h^aui. Song Biiigliam— Wellir.ga ... Apr. dC. '^C 8719 A. C. >^rcea«e. ioA IMbrnck Sep.Sl. "W txTV A. C. yW,.if« wotting. Soog A lady Dt«.*>, "h; $i7* I. 8. A & /heiiiJe Ibe lake. ImpmnpU Laeaa Jqr^sO, »r, saint L S. A 8. VlktUr land. Snnfr Ifemana— Cowen Var !«, >4 2fi4Wwi>.cin time, 'from •• Dorothy.*") Siephenwn -Cellier ... be:. 14. '"6 M40 A. C. »^ Bid lue good bye. Song Weatherly— Tosti Apr. ». W «i91 A. C. ..^BiJ mrgcKMlbye Walti I>e Camom May 3(1. •*»* »;0 A. C » Big Bet.. Sooff. Gongb— Pontel July 42, -C *7»i« AC .^ Biondma. Sonjf . Weatherly— Loiir Aay.23. "M 4109 8. A. • Birdinhand Song W«iUierly— Roe/-keJ ... Ma»lfi.»«5 ir.ii A. C. •^Bitter ii«e«t. Song Sella— Parker Mar. K »•« »15< A. C 1^^ Bitter (weet. Vi'alu LoTtliian CM. ». "i"* *<* A. C v^ Black and un polka Loirtbian Apr. 29. "W iMH A. C. •^BUekbcrriea polka Van Biene Mar.I4. 'k; .TC44 A, C. ^'^BIuc .Vlaatian mouDtaina. Bong aaribel— Adams 3lay S^. '*«£ 2C.12 A. C • Bine ben* Boyton Smith Jan* 9S. "Hi 2716 A. C. > Blumin am Wege. iSee ** By the meadow brook.**) ' > Biae Ontario Rockawar Martens Oct. 14. *>tl 1704 Strange A Billii« .^Blue Tiolet walu Mills July 30. « SniO D. 8. IfilU. •^BoliainiangirL Piano aolo Boyton Smith Ang. ». *«« 8«« L & A 8. •'^BoitneBoache. 'Bella Boeea». Polka Waldteafel Jnly 91. "M ttlO A. C •^ Bon Toy aga walu Malembeig Apr. ». "W »6»i9 L 8. A B. •^'Boodlc Song I'sber— Usher Joly «*, « 8S» I'skiar t^'Bondoir walu and galop Simoaa May CS. 71 202 SoHlMiaMr •^Boolanger march, (En rcresaat da U ravnai i •^Boaquataraoaneto ' Imria Mar.n. *» 42(M lam ^A LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHTS.-^ rmx. Avnuwt. >l^t— ^r •^HonrrM. Piano tola *^Boj» ill bio*. Sonf nraiit. Memorial od* ]rat<- hearu. I'uno lolo ^UraTe MrDtiMcl. Song *^rl 5 Aog. H. '85 Oct. 18, 87 Fet. 2. -84 Jane S, 'Kj Ftb. 4. -87 JgI; 18. h;) Jan. 7, 'K'l Oct. 22, 87 Ang. 14. 8fi Mar. 5, -Gfi Jane2.'>, 87 J«ii. in, Ki Jan. 7. '8r, Majr 7. Hi Mar. 11, hC Mar 8. 'HC, Feb. 27, HC Oct. 10, '71 May 4, "TO Sep. IS, "0 Arig.a-S. "2 Jul; 4. '81 Dee. 31, '84 Jan. 7, 'K5 ' I . 10, ■>*» Apr, Wt. '88 Aug. 7. '8^ Nov. 12, 'H'i Dec. 31), 'bii May 10, '8C Nov. 4. 'ec jjniy 29, '82 Nov. 4. 'w; Oct. e. '85 Nov. 15, •80 Eruy. SIM A.C 8827 A.O. 8471 JoiiD*a« SitH I. 8. A 8. 2M50, A. C. 17!IS' llaitoa 'Mti Suckling i520| Lay 4488|LiieM. 2r.l5' A. C. 2->82| A. C. f.'Mi A. A Co. 22.H9' King 2o(io' A.C. :u;iO Davia 27SH A.C. 2470 1 Sockling. 8977 1 A. C. a:<7n I. 8. A 8. 8127 A. C. SS21 1 L H. A 8. 19 OJRova !8 Cbrittia 794 Suckling 1335 Awde .H37 l Mailer A U nao* Km 4 Edgar 2105 j Singer 2IM)! Sockling 41U4|C. P. Co. 4240JC. P. Co. 4:t«7 ! C. P. Co. H.'ilG 'Imrie A Onthaoi 3.';71 3242 3507 lBr,4 .aiil it U Crwk. PUno aolo •Pliant da P«7MB >l(e' -A^CUanUclacr Mrrnada ''^liarye of Ute cavalry „ ^^barjc of Ujc llutnar*. ^CUxtoo'( military scbottiscL* ('Cleansing bicod •^Cliotoo p>Ika *^Ciocliett« d"Or. Piano aolo •^aoisUr. WaltzM *^CIose tboa, grnlle ileep. Bong ,„ •^ Coeur Jjyentie. Piano aolo «'' C>me to my heart „ ._ «^ConM to DM, O /• cbiUics OMeaf Meoatadt Nov. 4, Syd. Smith Jm. S7. N'eostadt Sot. 4. Ilfniiea Uar. 16, Cendano Jul; 20, Hartmana IVc. S. Ilarria Aog.:eu, . W'utUicrly— Pioanti ... Utc. 9, , Border Dec. », Uermana Oct. H, Aug. fi, Ao^. 14. GledhiU IW. 24. GlcdbiU N»7 A.C. ■85| ir7«2 A.C. MC »075'A.C. •81 2-Hd7 . Nordkeiaar ■hh 4217 ' A. C. •80' 8'i85 ' A, C. •85' 27{i8l K.C. 87 ■Mill Kricbno •87' 4047 A. C. •87: 8035 R. A Boo •7.1 4.H8 Anderwrn •8C 8244 A. C. •80, 1S25 Wbito •82 1B44 Claxioa •87 8C14 Clistoa '8C 3112 Ciaxtoa 87 HW7 J. M. Wbyto •81 2197 Saekling ■87, 8721 L 8. A 8. •80 8082 A.C. '88 4125 A. C. •80 8802' I. B. A 8. ■87, 8C4r I. 8. A 8. ■88 1 4426 8. A. 1 •60 : 8200 { WliyU •84| «MWl A.C. •82, 1801 Clastoa '88 4184| L8.AS. w. 4059 LB. A 8. LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGUT8. TTIXE. DMcW EMiy. •^ Cofflcoataa* •^iJome ODto m*. 'Km •* Bt«atco«s aaof.'^ { CcueasofoU. Soog ilPiaah<»Jy— Wellingi . *^Con •more. Pimm tolo Be«aB><*t ™ •^CoDRidor «•• lilW*. So:^ TopLff ^ .kr CoDUiitnurot f>}>. 194. No. 4 _ L«iig« ._ _ ^jMr .Jf Contrite lieut. h»s( Antbroi* i/Toqaelte (La). Valie llattci k'^'Oronella waltz Kimptoa l^Oniflover valtf Coou k-Toarier wall* .^ Wtiil« _ ^ C. P. Bail KboUi.r]» H. S. Milla ._ iC. P. B. Uue«rt Smitb y' Cradle aonj:. . S»« •• An der wtegc.**) I I Cramer'* 50 (clec-d ttodie*. lac ritaet bomi Voe Balov .. •^Cuckoo. Part t/mz Kerraom i<^Cajus animam. Puao aolo Kobe t^umberUnd iTl» . Song Loiigfcljow — Mar«lialL L/Cari«nM Uiitoirc Op. livi Helltr „. •^arioas biaria t^jothia. lA ri'iit nuxTie dauee; Wat»o« ^/I'yuiiica iralLz „ Penot •^ Daddy. SoDg htmoa — Beikimd .... «^>atfodil time Sung Hloomfield— Marzialf . >|^ •*■ Daisy loarea AmbrMc •^ Daiaiea. Sonf Imx •■ Dame Durdca Bis; bane — P>D». Ste " !.« du:«e de«. etc.*') •^ Danie Napilit»i;jf . pik-io k4o Syd. Saiitk *^anse rovale. Piano aolo \Vala<>B •^Danie poloiiata King •'T)«nf e pompt-oa* Cellitf •^Dan» le boii >''L>aD>ocii. . Bonemian danee) Kottana •^ Darby and Jco* Wca'iiuiy— Uc-Uoy t' David'a lament See ** Kin^ Darid'a lament.'^ »^ Daphne walu Oftlcrc •^Dawn of hope. Valie SUa6d4 *^ Day in SvitarfUsJ > Ein Tag in dec Scbweitx.) ■^Dear maid, I tb.nk cf bappy day* : . . IloaEell *^i)earmntbcriadreaiiu I aMfLoIIaliy) (-Bear mcni9rie«. Song Browclo«« — Sbanaoa . •Dearir. Soag Wicsbm— B«y 1 I Dw.«. •87 «10f iSfffaO* i iaoel7. ■OT »1 ICOS SocUisc Sep. 14. •M fitn A-C Mar. 20, •»o 1413 Gf««M JlUMrSC, •«i 2715 A.C. Jm. 3. •w ilvn boeUiiY Sep. :m. •h7 .VilC D. 8. Uilb C^ 24, H7^ S!l»2 1. 8 A & Aag. 6, 1 •M 1 43*4:4 Jotepfa Aiki JaneuO, tm .H307 L S. A & Aag. 9. »« 3851 L S. A 8. Juiicltf, ■«5 2»i:»9 K.C. Jaa 24. 1 tun 8. A. teb. H, ■«c Htm A.C. Joifc 4, "77 dOH.Dana Sep 12. 'H5 2K57 A.C 1 eb. 26. •W7 .'VKM A-C. Jone 8. ■H.', 2«7C A-C. Jnnel7. 'mi 32H1 A.C. Oct. 31. HI 2412 XoribeinMr Jan. 7. >.'> Sftl Socklinc Ang.31. •«5 2H44 A-C. Jan. 7, ■fO 2487 Soddinc Mar. 17. •wr 3r,52 I. S. A 8. Aop.U. •w; xuir 1. 8. A a Mar.2i;. W) 3Ui7 A.C. I».-e.31, ■8H v.:ij I. S. A B. May 10. 'rti 3241 A.C. Apr. 2.;, •H2 1815 Lan'pM Sep. 14. ■85 2'*63 A.C May 4. •85 ii'M A.C, 1 Apr. IS. 1 4232 A.C. Feb. i. •83 1 lOOr, Socklia* 1 Feb. 24. •85 1 252C Dondl J«i. 4. .,' 4112 W. 8.81iaaMa Mar.SI. •87 SC82,LaA8. LIST OF CANADIAN COPYHIGHTS.-<^«'-«rf- TITLe. ArtHou. ibin. Due al tauy. No of '^i^Denth of Gordon iTLe). Soag . . >DaTiJ»— Glc( *^l)rai old dmyi. Soog jUlair— Dank* •^I'ar wifie. SoDg .Daiibar— ^lacknizic. . . M[)clionn»ire waltt j \YljilDrjr *^Je M«>>Ba ob de tlieep fol' McLean — WliUe a-^fio eigen, (TLine own', ! Laogr ! •"^e'jxicmo marelij.- ooctiime Baciirnann , •^lavolina Lno^e •^JJiJVk tlioa but 1 iiuw (Si To Sivais) : lialfe •^Die IIi>cbIandi.Tin (MoantaiD Maid) j LtDge ' *^Hita bil!» ttt away , Hntcbi«oo . . . | *^)iiiorab. Fantasia I Knbe 5|f•-*<)l^taut cily. Scnj 1 1!itj,'ban!— llawliiigs. . . ^ *^)i!-taiit sliore. Hong ; Gilitert — SuUtvab •^Dolicrtv'a orsan boolc I *^Duriie Fiano aolo j Smilb •^)o'i!y'a revenge i Ncuio — PouUt . . *^)orainion catecliism of inuiic j ricwclliug ♦dominion bymn ! Sullivan *^>on)inion hymnal | '^>uniiiiioD Puiio and Organ Co. waltzea j ^Yanlcr Don;inion polka I Mallory •'TJominion Kongtter I IVrkins — Notion . •'iJoniinion Sfite IwU galop j ISaincre *^ou"t quile forget. Bong i Thitor— Cooke . . . •^)o not forget. Song \ Dick— Wt liings . . t/I)orolliy lancori ' Corlctt •^)orolliy lyric* (Librtttoi (See " Lyrica."; I ^T)(jrolliy wa'l/. i Ou imiodies in tbe opera) : IVicaloFni *^l)jrotby, (Old l'.n;?iibli dance) Scyraonr S:aitb . I , •^)>iice8 parol'.'* (.Sxccl •*ord.«). Waltz i Wal Iteufil . . . . Douce Ronvcniiiec. Walt/. . ' Wa'rlteiifcl D)ve wallr : Rose ^jr''*^l>rcaui faces S'mg Iliilcblsoii Dreaming. Sjng Oxt-uforJ — Wtliin^js . . •^)ri.'.iiu of home. Soug. lU Hacio) Arditi •^Dreara of the pa.t Song , Fry *^ijrc.iui of the oM Sacristan. Song Lemon — IJ.irri. *^Dreaui of yore Din.'bam— L'ge »'^)r.'ain8 of the Fi-unjcr night illy lady sleeps) .... L'n^jfelhjw — Tosti •■^Drcam starn. Scug Wtathcrly — Molloy . . . *^reaiD wallr. ! 0-.tlere *^fe«iden china WeaiLcrly — MoUcj ... »-l3ressed for tbe ball. Op. 292 ; Lange ' "trifling and dreaming. Song j Vangban — HoJney . . . .; •^rifting down the river. Song j WcaihirJey — Ua'.Ioy . . . ! •^Drill, boyi, drill SangsUr— Mardoeli . . . Ang. 7. >l«y C, May 11. Die. •.»:», Jan. 10, Jill) •27. Jii!y*.Jj, F- 10. Drc. 5. Dec. 31. Dec. i;i, June 5. Jii.ie H, Nov. a", »»ct. 7, Sep. -St. July 8, Feb. l:i. Jan. 0. Jan. 0, Apr 18. Mar. !», Apr. 'S^i, Di-c. 5, Apr. 20. Nov. 12. Ji:nc2a. May i, Oct. 0. June 4, .*pr.21, June 5, Nov. 21, Ftb. b. Mar.2C, Sep. 17. June tt. Mar. 12. Sep. 22, July 15. Jan. 30, Jan. 7. XoT.SO, Dee. 4. •83 •8C bl •H(l •87 83 •ss .••'I es ■85 1 •85j •87! ■«5I •87 1 •8.j ■ml ■sol 'Ki; •w! •7Hi •7<» •70| •87i •85. '88, Eatovll 8349 H234 37^iO 3o.>8 HoOty •278!» 43:9 2725 3777 4173 2'J70 3<>22, 4o;i()i 2rM i 37118 ! '2-M-i\ 2:iK8i' 1477! ia72! S()17J 1U44J 111! 103. 87111 •2974 j 4242 '87, 41)17 •85' •27181 '87! ;i723J >:>' '>h'm\ •8«j 4:joiJ •87 37iJi); •85 'I'Ml •Sjj 2;»57 '87 3021 •88^1 4211 '815 4145 '87; S7'JC '87J SCUol •8s; uM ■8j! 27C2j '88 4144 '65 803C •87 4040 77' 1031 A. A B. 9. John BUir A.C. I. B. A 8. J. M. AVbyl* A. <;. A.C. A.C. I S. A 8. 8. A. A.C. A.C. A. I B. N. A.C. Doheity A Co. Chappell A.C. Flcwclling De Zoaeb* W. lirifga J. A. WarDcr Mallory C'ounelly kKtUj Orm* A.C. A.C. A.C. A.C. AC. A.C. AC A.C, A. A S. N. A.C. A.C. F. G. Fry S. A. S. A. A.C. A.C. A.C. A.C. B. A. A.C. AC. 6angit«r TjIST of CANADIAN COrYRIGHTS.-<>«fa-<. TITLE. DadM(LMl Waltx. Arniou. -p I Out a Entiy. Kad Emiy. Sank and dawn. Pitoo nlo Ambroe* Emery jMajSt), '85 2C4»|En«f7 I AmbroM Aug. 14, '80 Sitd!) L 8. * & •''Eclioof Lneernc Kie'iarda Jaoe26, 'Ho 2710;A.C. t^choof tiie wsTc* Inojton Smith JaDe3C>, 85 -J^HS A. C '^'Eclnwi. Vocml « Je Notre DAme. (Sm "Lab eeboa.") •^crin masie&le. (See " L'Eeria.") «^JiDburgliqiiadrIlei j'O'Albert Maj 23. 84 8774 ; I. 8. A 8. i^ffie. Song j rr.«tor— DeLrend Maris. 'HO 3185 A. C. '•tliren on llie hliiue. Song I Ilaubison Apr.'Jo, "H? .S710 A. A S. X. t^iiifilt. Op 90 Heller Nov.l2, '«8 4530 8. A. <<^in tag in der S<'bweiz I D,i7 in Switzerland) Lange Apr.2t). '88 4240 8. A- *^i:iaiDe waltz | Lowlbian June 2, '88 42in» A. C. <^KIJorado valM [King JiiDn3<», •80 H:vm I. 8. A 8. «^:i«)Ctric polka ]N. Tingle Ftb. 0. '83 1!»04 Suekling *^;cclric light scbotliacbe |Martcns April, 82 1807 Strang* •^lle et Loibteau du b^-ijoct. I'olka i Crepault D.c.28, '74 (>07CtvpuiIt •^Elii* waltz j Ifonbeor iKr.a\, '88 4G24' I. 8. A 8. . Fossier Feb. 2». '75 r6fi«g and Canada i lltai S.p.2;i. '80 1510 JwksOB '^En rcTcnaiit J 4529, 8. A. ^.--tHUiiliantina. Wa!tz WaldteuM May 10, '851 2021 j A. C. '^Eloriial rent. Song I Horfford— Picfokmini . Feb.25. 'HS 4181 I. 8. A 8. *^Et la lame ne bil.tit plii:. fljaioee Floiter— fjavigne Mar. 8, '81! lifW), Larign* ^i-^Tiveaing. Op. 78, No. 10 Laiige Aiig.19, '87| Ss74l I. 8. A 8. ;5|^'^E»caing. Song ' Moore— Uatton Way 0. '8o| 82.32; A. A 8. N. •^ver. Song ' Moore —Sullivan Dee. 2. 'hTj 405l| A. C. •-^vor with thee. Song jjeffer* Jan. 7. '8S| 2488: Soekliof ♦Exhibition laoeen jPorter .. Extase. Romance ;Lariga* •.-'l^yet that apeak. a^ Sep. 23, -BI 1094! Porter Mar. 19, '80j 1410 j lM\igM 8}D2 'Imrie — Johnstone Not. 8, '8Q 8512^ Imrie A GraLaa LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHTS. TITLE. y. Ai-moui. T FklinroLI (F«R«cll). WalU |Lowtlii«a S«p IS. '8S •^Fi.r C»ii»d». W»lu 'Uoore— HikUoB Dtc.ao, -hC ekt. •^1 I F^ Caiiad* iDeViiM. •-' Fliry <)o««n ftJop 8}'dn«y Bmitli •^ Fairr ulra. gong JIaig— Ikliruid ....._. •^1- »iry Tojce*. Walu.. |ClOwe _-... S859JA.C 8270 1 1. 8. A iL Jatur^l. TSj 42i;i>tVi)M !>«. 7, "70 blWJA. C. Oct. 2. 'tU 2898 ; A. C. Srp. 4, -85 ! 2»47 1 A. C. •^'aiti.fal lie*rt. i Sec "CcfV fiddc.") •^F.Uing iUr.(Tli*). SoD^ Lablftcbe— Picsali Feb.25, '»!>' *^'itu(mre d(ri dragODt. Puoo wlo BoMOvitl Oct. 20, *BC. *^F«iiijirig'i tlirec-tup rockawmj iFanniiig IVc.24, 77; •/F»u w»lu JAfclier Oct 1, Bii •^ F«T iway. Boog iLindssj Jalj 27, 'b.> •^isrtwell For»;tli Jab. 7, >5 •^ FareweU Uueua Ftnuiiig Ui*. SO, '>«» »^F«r«weIl Norali. &>ng | lUdstone— Plitljw D.c.22. 'M •^ F«r««tll walu. (S««-FtLn»oUI.') j I • •^ F»r fronj tht* (i*i»» de toi) I j •^ F»ii«t. Pikootolo DuffniaB Ar.g.13, 'KG •^Faatt 'FauUsia OD Goiuiod'c opera) Boy. Sniitli S *^Fi>u$t, iF«iiLaii*0D GouDod't Operai irtTarec Ike. 29, 'tw •^Faast, I FanUf ia on Ooauod'f opera) ,Le}bacb Ihc.SO, 'K5 •Frftival mmreb 'GnnUier Jaa. 7, 'bJ •^Fenilltt d albam. Op. IC JHeller N<.».12, "fM' *^i— OooJ»i» ... JnufiO. "Bt* •^ int featber* ftong... CarpecUr — Gtriuaa ... Mar.l'O, >fi ^l^..»^ireliglit taocirs. Srmg L« moo — ItvLrecd Oct. i, '■■' •^'irst in tlie 6eld. Soitg Soulhej— BoDl^eor Mar.12.Ni •^"irsl Li»i waltz Lpmolbe ... Jnlj 8, '^ '^ife o'clock Ua. Song Siimmera — Puntct V**c. 4, 'S-j •^'leur d'avril. Son^ Gare — CLavaturl .. *-^'leiir tie* cLamp*. Piano wdo Lemoine •^'leur ii«p du pfwif. Cli*n«onnnt« lUrtli — Lavigne .. •^'Icnrs (le»i du boD lh«n Lavigoe I 4180, L S. A & 8479! I. S. A 8. 1039 Faiiainc S»«. i. "Pi --Fl' forlb, O gentle dove. Song AVeatlicrly— Pintoii ... Joly 9, "84 | lilting eolonra. Piano aolo DuealotM Jnly 6, 'M •Jt. •^For Canada. 6ght. Song Main— GledhiU Mar.29. 'Wi .^ •^Forbsby'a aake. Song Hntebiaon Apr. 13, '85 ^» Forest delL Song St. Qacolia De*. %,'Vl .'^368 L S. A 8. 2H78 A.C hoi2;a.c. aoia; A.C. 247HjSockIio| 4224 : S. A. 4.S28 A. C. .H182 A. C. .S5.'<5 n. 1 Soa HIUl: A. C. 27»8 A. C. 2t»72 A.C. 8044 \ £. Hardj a()74 ; A. C. 1H7H Bartb 2:tIH Latign* 2''2i :a.c. 12 KordS-ci 8-73 , 1. S. A 8. :'2»j7 A.C. 2»if>3 A. C, 82G0 ' A. C. 170C \ KeUcr 2i>7< j A. C 2768' A. C. 8829 { A. C. 8205 ; A. A 8. H. 2574;Nordbcini«r 40571a. A 8.x. 1 LIST )F CANADIAN COPYRIGHTS. TITLB. AirmoiL tmuf. t/vo For««t w>ng. *^ Forever walti. I W»IU Bkker (Se«"Aar la IW.MU. M 8Sfl9 L8.A& Forget, Korgire. Song Dick— Wollii>g« Jom 6. 'HS| SMS ;oD«lH. Srp. IH. D7 ** Forget me not waltt Fo — Uiirxiala Mar.II, ^ Frog's polka, iSee •• I*« greooaillet.") t^roliqi*'. "See " La froliqne.") I ^['^^^ FraLIirigGliicktD I Opening flowertV Op. 207. No. | lands ,.. nargmuUer Oct. 21. »^Forore. (Sm " !.« farora.") •^ Gaile de eo-ar Talaa Smilb JnlySO. 5r~"»^allant defence. Song liatc'uitoD Apr. 15. *^ Galop of fortnne Dootb Jan. 23, *^amma moiieale. (See " La Gamma.") I •'Garden of prajer ! Bincliam— Ilejr Oct. 29, ''Tjardtn of ileep. Song : ticott — Deljira Apr. 2C, A.C 7H liUSj KordbaioM* 'h2 I81S3' Strang* M wnM' A.C. ■N?: *us\ A.C. •m S178i A.C. X(t 4142' 8. A. X7 »>WH 1. S. A 8. •h7 37hh^ PeUr O 'tfl 84HH A.C ■"';£:) R. A Sod 'Hi iHil' SoektiDf '8.', 2.57.'".' NordbeiiB '»2 nOH Strang* ^Jr— GarUndiTU). Op. 78, No. 6 ! I-an^e "Garonne iTb»i Weatlieriev — .\cUmi .. *^Gale8 of the vest. Bong Weatuerly — Lowlbian. t^Galei of tbe «:eiil. Piano solo BoyMo Smith J f t *avott<; mcxleriie C.1 at ■ Tonrn Nor. 19, ''iGaTotte. Piano tolo Dnpplin May IC, •^Gaiclle gulop ■ .\ii!:en Mar. 12, l^Oem waltz 1 Lang Jan. 7. •German lore aong'i waltz : Ilartnian Mar. C. •^Gjrtrude iCbansonnette) Larignv No». 9, ji(S"^^ift (Tbe). Op. 19i,No. 6 J Unge Ang.l«. *^\gne in O ^ Watvjn Ang.23. '^"'Gigue. No. 3, (Suite de dances) Op. 103 JGo.lard JulyS^. •'^ipsy countess. Voealdnet Crawford — rilo«cr May 1,1, »^Q\tMnm. ;See •• La Gitana.") | •'^ire me tbe man of bonest bcart. Song Stedman— Hobtou Mar.20. »'OiTe me Tby love, (At* Maria) Grey— Wellinea Sep.l2. • «/Gloire de Dijon walU Andrew kng. «. ^'Ulory to Tbee my God tliia nigbt. liong Kerr— Goaiiod Od. 23. i^'Ood bleu lb* Lord of Lome _ _. Lander Nor. 19, >8| 4197 ■h7 .H712; H~ .H«70 ■m\ 3100 •H5' 2C19 hii! SI 81 H-; .S779 ■K7 »!»C3 'Mi 8159 'HO S«MO 'xr,\ 29'io: •-4i 3243 j •79 1250 •K". 2470' •HC 31S5 '»l\ 1710 '87 sx«2 ■M .1408 H.2H. Lun^jloo— Di'iiza Uet. IS. *^(iuldcn tbreiibold. Song Oieafjrd- -Lolir Yth.iX. I '^Uoiidolier waitt ! Itufder Nov. 24, ^Oooj company. Bong Maikay — Adami Anj^.lS, i- Good niKlit and gO(H]-inQrniiavigiM 1. 8. k 8. A.C. McDonofU tli-noDnetl CoppClarh A Co. Campbell MnrKao k Heott Copp CUrh A.C. A.C. A.C. AC. Nordbeimcr S. A. AC. & A ScD I Joaei .. Oct. 1.1, •HI 3I(!2 GloTer Jmi.^2'1, 'Hj, 2714 Strauss July81, 'H.-.j 2WI7 Ilatton .. J»n.2H, Smith M»r. 12 Gray — Vorne Jan. 7, While Feb.2I. Hanky panky. Pulka iCoote. ■81 22n<>! •*^\ 4I1»J ■74 1 4M9| ■85, 2!K«! •WJ. 8810, ^lanoTcr polka •-^UappiDesa. Op. 298. •7M 11. S2 '78; 112c •Hc{32.sa 'H8 4149 ,f»ct. 5. •/Hanlan wnllx | Fanning JoneiW, ^Hanlon galop Marshall Sep. 9, •^Ilanlon walti Whaley Aug 19, Habn ;May «, lADge j Jan.-W. y Happy atUiaeroM 1 llaswell I Oct. 2.'i. •8Sl»488! HriBgi A.C. A.C, 1. S. At 8. Rmitli 1. S. A g. WbiU A.C. I. 8. A 8. Marshall Wbakj Strang* 8. A. Briggi LIST OF CANADIAN COPVIHGHTS. -p}r lliia*. 8 b" luckjr. \V»lli 'nVllti.i.j l>uiiiii. (>ii. 78. Nc 8 *^liii|>|>> mumeiiU. Ouvotl* ' lUriiu. *^iaik, lujr xiiil, it ii tli« Lurd. Son t/|lariu'«iiy i Abridgi-J) •^ llai;! Kiiliriiiif (1^1 */\Urp ilmi oo(« lUro' T 'itiuw tliy;oiiu^il>):.? ihp* "Iri"bl>i»iiini|.l«.') l/llt-Nii «ii« ^ llciirt r.uJ Luii(i waltz ^^Icart ixiircil down. Pihiiu aulo .. ■^Icnit to iirart. Snng | Iauiok - IWlirend •^HcatliiT l«ll» i ll.K.li.iro *^llc»\ni mi'l earth. Koiir j I'nictdr - P.^I^all . *^lcli'ii8 Wall* WilliaiuMJO l^lillrr'i atiidici. Op. 10. (Art of pliraMiig) Itook 1 Up. 4d, iliitru. to Artorplini'>iugi *^ nook 1 l^^Urlit'i' ■ xtuilict. Up. I.'>. iliitro. to Ai'tofpliraaiDg) Ilwk 2 ; Mar.SI. fcM Anj:. !«, ■•»" Ni>T.lC. tti b»p ::i. >7 4SI»! A a 4SI»! ^••na I. 8. AS. :Ki 1. K. A 8. H.-.M) I. b. A K. rr.iir, A. C, :i!i;t3 Ku«»];« XT27 A.C. Pal* ... I.aiiga Pap*... Po»t ... p. Kt ... Puat .. PokI ... Po*t .. Siiialla .1 Aan-lN. b7 UH91 I. 8. AS. I iioJ '^'IoIIii'b hliiJicn. Op. 40, (Tiiiriy lucludiou* itud- F. •..*!, Hi IVc ill. »>« Jmii. 7. 'm:i Jlll.C 7. 'N| Am;:. l>, 'hti ' Oct. 7. >.-, • Ji.It in. H-i I Aii;.I.'>, 'Hs ,>lar. !l, ^7 . Jiilj -.ill. 'Hi .•»%4 '2'.»H Ki «:•:(.-, ■k;;;h, ih;:ii. I. H. A 8. KacLlirif I b. A 8. I. K. A 8. hiitkliiif I. K. AH. A.C. Knrkliiig A. C. Claxiua I. R A 8. !•>) Flook I ^ llt'ller'K ^lll<]|«ll. Op, Hi, (Tliiity lurlodiuui ilnJ- ir ^t idirs. ,0p 47, ltytl>tii and r.\preiuiioa< lU.k 2 I ^-flir liii.;!it Fiuile liauDl« uiv (till. Suns i Carpcntrr — Wri^litoD •^ •• " " Forpiano j P.ifliar.la Dcruiiic wallr | A«li!<'>- •^Hcr<.i.lattclicn ! IjkOgt •^K>|>cro» walti Wlietler >.^lie V4its to parduD >on (Page 31 of -' Siog out the »;lad ucwi ") | if!'^nej.\)o\\\<. no, Dolljl JAmbro^ *^Hisliland geraa. No. 1 I Papa l/'liiiil<7 Jr.ly I".. -H.-, Jilljr i<;. V.-,' Jan. 7, '<■» Fib. ir., sh M«> a, M ' i J:iD<^2l. m; O.t. :{1, Hi Oct. IC. >« Apr.lH, M i F«b. 2:1. -Hi I Oct. 7. 'Hi i Mar. 6. 'Mc! n:ni, K. A. «7.VI A. C. it7«!:» A. C. ir.tit Kirai.ge ACo. 4l7l' 8. A. 32.-.» A. C. HT.Ht J. M. Wbyto 211 :i| I. 8. A a IT7H Ktraiifa 2005 A. C, 813jii1i Mur.l!). 'b* S(!S6 I. 8. & 8. »01oK r-iu. Low 8«d, (from M»ri«u») !M(!Viinf!l F b.'U. tS 2o^ VcVonntO •^Huiubif Fuiry. Song Iisiie— JoliiiMuoe tu-l "Ji;. 'Mi ;<1M Iiurie 1 GrUjui *^Jarr«li fiT Muskoka. Song jlyinulty Mnr.-n. 'St 1 MM Gov •^lai fill for Union Jack. Song I Aade iNy i, 'i .'.21 Anila •^luMrtn ritt. Op. HO ISfinJIcr Dec. ill. 'H? 4100 Novello »^n^lri»« tilt CreUn. (Sc* Song of» | •^ I am waiting. Song ; (iiiTard— Pircb Soii to forgit. Sung 'Clariiicl— AJami Jiilv 17, '8.'i '2770 A. C. Ht«^I'd ratlifr D.)t. Song , N. mo— Ponlet Die. ',!, h? 405H A & S. N. *''^I,dreMiiiJadream. Song Wclncj— Cooke Sij.. IH. X; 2^73 A. C. ^ dr'-iim't lliat I dwelt iu raarblu liall!". Piano hoIo. : S>n.ill«'nod .\iig. !», VG 3:-5.'»2 I. S. A 8. *Nld..lwjUe. '.Vah« J Hntiliiim Jan. 7, "«» V'V.'J U.K. •^I fear no foe. Song Oxeiifuid— Pinsiili Sep. !«, '« 2M77 A. C. »^I Lavenl for * long lime now I Hart — Talirar JiineH, 87 ••»«»."» A. C. •"■^I bave waiidirej from llie old borne i Jacob* Dcc.io, 'Nj !lj,")'.J ketcbum *'^^1 beard tlie voice of Jims »«_v. Antbeiu j Coutnre Mur.15. 'N! ;tllj8 I. S. A U. •^I! baiio. Valsc briUiaiite J Arditi J<1.:H, '85 2H.Viit .Mi Donnell •^I !i t.ile a mermaid wife McDonnell F.b.'JI. hi '2oi'2 McOonuell II tTOvaiore Doro (Ut. 5. 'h' Jt!l."(;t Aiiginer •^ Iiun.rr wiedfr (AlwavB again), (iavotte ^ VauderTeil Aug. -2, 'H8 44(M» S A. l^lmiHlPo-ity Galop ^ Holland Jhii<;m», hc, .'i:tl2 I S. & 8. 2^fr»^m wiiiae>grun. In for.st^ green) i Koedel Oct. 24, '87 :I0HI 1,'. A Sod *^1 nuvagnnti. (See •• Miiiiner*.") i •^udiMiia waltz, , On .\iidiansoi..rai Lildell Dec.14. 'Sii a.T44 A. C. ^L^liludiin Riimmer Xewlon Ang.2'), 'Sft ;t37H I. .S. Jt a 3|fc,l> 5n forest* green. (See " Iin \vadg(T^grlll<.") ...... K ».^ lei Oct. 24, ''»7 ."l!I.S| 1!. 5|A.C. *^In tbe cliiinuey corner. Song Wedtliciley — (\i»en ... S^p. 1*', 'Hi Sl.tl ; A. C •^In tlic eoTiDtry. Op. 202 Lange Jan, 24. '"S 4131 8. A. •^lotliedark HarriRS Dt-e 31. >S 4«»I I. S. A 8. •^ Id tbe swiet fir away Davids— 'Jlelbill Sep. 27. '711 H:i7 Sucklinj »^lu tbe twiligbt. Waltr Coole JiiDe22, "85 271Mi;A.C. •^lo tbe Iwiligbt. Op. 292.. i Unge Jan. 24, Vt 41!«| 8. A. •^In tl:e Tillage. Op. 130, No. 6 j Lange Ang.lt*. e" 3s, <^Il irai a dream. Suo(; . Frail to b« a brakeiman . . Tlibiuas !Jaij.2:i. *^I «M a rimple eoaiiti7 girl, i S«« " Tliad/ and I.") { | *^Jack aiid Jul. Song Jaxoue— Oirbl |Oct 7. '^Jackeu o' blue. S««•. 12, ;Mr-*^esu::etU). WalU Lf^mirux Ftb. 17, tXJiruiialcrin. Sacretl Hong , Sella — Parker JaiielH, t^tkicr iTbe). Song 'Williams — Dick 'Feb.2S, |/3c«05. lover of my soul. Kacied fong . Wesli-y — Tours Feb. 10, «^cg*Hiny town Wfatberly — Itoeckel ... Mar.l!>, t/3ei dean il.r. «, »/3u^tud freandeii Waltier Kocliler ■ l>ec. 5, *^u>t (or ibe old love's sake. Song Shield Aug. S, •^Katriua valtz ' Ustlere ■ Mar.I6, »^K. rrj dance iThe) ' MoUoy ■ June 19, «-^Ki!iariiey. Psaoo solo H. Smith '. Feb. 17, •'^lUaniey. Sung Falcjuer— li Ife Sep. 17, «^ii,g i)*vid's lament. Sacred song i Swifl (JcL 29, ♦^iiind'iio blest (Tiiet. Song ; Uick : Dee. 6, So. a 42Stt 15U5 S. A. Sockling 2J>b7 I A. C. 1 , *Oiiii;^djai of liive iTLe/. Suug . .. *^Kiii^' of love iny Shepherd i> iThe). •^Kin^'s miii'trel 'The). Song 1^t^-"^irme»a polka... |Vau:;haQ — Uo<; ' «07.S I A. A S. N. •(« 417f.il. S. * 8. 'H«i ; AiHb I A. C. 'WI : 8104 i A. C. '»H 4 1«6 A. C. S7, »!;w. A. <;. 77, «3o' A. C. •«7 WMIQ A. C. 71 10r>; Bonner HS 28M4; A. C. '«u; a.siaj i. s. a 8. '87 a(i»2 1. 8. A 8. h7 4(N>1 I Orme k Son ■Hu 2H1!»' A. C. •«7 304C; A. C. 'HU 2«!H}' A. C. ■H« 3ti;»5; A. C. 'H4 1144,' S. A. 'm it!H;: s. a. •85, W77|a. C. 'M> SI05' A. C. •85 2717 A.C. 'H5 2i)H.H' A. C. '87 .S817J A. AS K. '83 .SOHO Imne A Oraha ''^l^s waltz, lU baeio.) *^.of P. grand march J Booke Jan. 4, 77 <.I04, Cxdwell Jg^A 'l.a baladiuc. Piano aolo Lyiberg Feb. II :j^-^r^4 belle I'ana'lienn* Baylcy , Feb. 27 !.*^Xa belle Floralioc •^La brunette. Polka •''U eachae». Op. 2fi. So. 1 Bayley ()cl. Kerrison i Jan. , Jadassohn iNot. 1. 7, 4. Aog.12, danaanU JMattci — 8ep.l2, Burt !oct. 24. •^Laehaase. Piano solo 'Pridham m H-OSS I A. C. '78 I 2470 1 Soeklinx '80 S4»5 1 1. 8. A 8. '86 ' smi I. 8. A 8. (^ La coquette. Vali *^ Jjtentte, iMcnmm , i/^Ln danee des feea. Op. 48. No. S 'Jadassohn I Sot. 4. '85 , SHTiO lulsiS!! 'Mlft497 A.C. Bait L8. A S. LIST OF CANA.DIAN COPYHIGHTR- mxE. AlTHOUk Dwrrc. Piano duct Vincent *^Ia fruliqoe jDmvii *^Ltt |pt«nm. Walu I Bocalowi *' L« fTBide de lorganiita ' Smith 1^ La U«rpe rolienoe _ | ii)dotj Smith .. ^ La Quouui Uanrale 'Smith t'^Laigieznioi dormir i Frcrh*tt« t^Lake Eric galop Bood *^La le^endc da gr>od etang ' I.a\ipi« r^La taecci da ^alon Channsonier... •^ La mainoo df Hi** ttaoon jl^vigu* -CrfpHiilt... I Ja<]aswlin Jadafwhn t^ljM Maiqu!5« garotte I Donijo«iski »/La mazarka Op. 26, No. 6 . ! Jadaiuohn •^I>a in*4fa';eri». Polka I Krae »^'Arioor OD le Paradii perdc. Piano k>1o jTafK »^ • •* •■ Son^ [Tasse — Ta»»e •^La NaprliUine SunSeld ^-^iy^nd at last [ Jaion«— SI. Qiientiti •'^J.ar.J of Dowlitre. Sod? Wilcox — \Vh\te •''^Lani «hcr* the aharnrtck grow» Bort i^ Ia iiuil de Soei iCavoueite- a^'La pa* Mui. Op. 20. So. 6 •^La ro"^* facta5ti.ji-i«ep."i ^^'^La soiinimbnla ^»fc Lan tuile't/'O? iThei. Song •^La laranu-tU. Op. 26, No. 7 jJ«das«obn •^Latrnite. Op 33 Heller r Laara raise t^ I.a Tallee iei rr,§et. Polka raazorka »^La ral^ de la Sylj.hide. Op. 26, No. 4 •'^Verontw. Waltz •'T^Z ngara waltz V^ .*rl,» Ziii^>i», (DohemiaBgiri) •^ Leaflet (TLei. (See " HerzbUtcbe*.)" •^Leander wait! •^l/etp year. Polka SfcKeniie.... *1>»Ting. 'set loring. Song Btovninj— Vlairiala •^ caralier polks ... |Fahrbaeh ^j![,JH'»C [ 8-WK)' 8196' ▲.c. A.C Btraaga Doyle Bwth A.C I>avM A.C. Ssitk A.C. G Smith. OlirMT ClavtoB Larigne E. LarigiM Fmeit Larigna. A.C. L S. A B. llaHy G. F. Ta^M G. F. TaaM StaofirU A. A 8. N. Toronto Neva Oe Bnrt Crepaolt. L 6. A g. L S. & S. , I 89:f7 Augener :414; A. A S. K. HVn [ L S. A 8. 41.S?»jR. A. SH-'l j r S. A 8. 2729 A.C. 8498 L 8. AS. 'H6;814S A.C. I •85 •87 •28161 A. C. 8936 Aogmer •79 1255 Gro*nB«a •68|4.r.»l. 'bS 1994 Knight ''^ L'Eueliaouvsae. Val»e Groawald. K Lenfegljr waltz«i liood K l>u reinin dpt Vo8crtt dune feinme Freebette— Prome Jan. 29, '84 22.14 I.avigD« Jiil>2H. -87 8848 Cad'aiA Der«M June 5, '84 2818 L^vigD* Bep. 9, '80 8417 L. Bivard ; Mar. 11, '80 8165 A.C. Ma>20, •8» 2027! A.C. Oct. 9. '70 872 Vezina •88 2749, A.C. k'^Les fleure du bon Dieu Lsvigne •^ Leuileiice de ramour Lagtanderie (^^Les grenoniilea. Polka Delbruck .... •^ L'r.sj>ril Francai'i. Polka Waldteofel . I Les ro^cs d'or. Waltz Vezina »^' Lt-s Sirenei valae Waldteofel July 8, «' Le coavenir Kiecliette— Prume Jan. 29, '81 2A15 Lavigo* •^Lea kourirtg. Walu ' WaldieaM June22, '85 2707; A.C. •^ Les vertng do i'amour Lavifnie Dec. 17, '85 800U Lavign* *^t;t me dream again. Song... Stepbenson — Snllivan.. JulylO, '88 2707 A. C. ('^Letter Koiig : from Rip Van Winkle I F.4rui:--Planqoetie .. June2G, '85 2712,' A. C. •^Let U9 wander by tbc sea. Vocal duet S ,. -t May li3, 87 8778 I. 8. A 8. /'' Lc zephyr i>olka IVlbruck Sep.l4, '85 2802 A. C '-^Life's dream is o'er. (Same melody as "Alice where , : I arttboa?") I ' I «^^ife» romance. Song Weailierly— Wtllinga... Dec. 4, '85 2070 A. C. •'^iglitp of Ix)ndon Town (The). Song Sims— Diebl Jaly20, '88 2778|A.C. ^|^'^»-1.lgbtboa«e light. Song Hctchison Apr. 25, '87 8709 A. A 8. M. *^ight in darkness. Song Cowen Mar. S, '80 8128iA.C. •lightly, lightly (from Sadjy). Song Murray— Cuassaigne ... Nov. 6. '88 4518| A.C. a^Light of tbe land (The). Song Jaxone— Pinsuti | Get. 2. '85 2894 A. C. •^Liglit ujon the river. Song Lemon— Behrend ^ Mar. 3, '80 81161 A.C. «^ily Bells. Piano Solo SiAnialaaa ; May 1, '80 8228' A.C. ji^-^^LioviUtioD waltxM SUpeli Nov.18, '85 2942* KoidJ>«iiii« •^isgargalop JGowan Mar.28. 71 lesj Gowu .j( ^.ittle iru4ct. Op, 7h. Piano ioIo Ltngt Juoc^n, 'K7 »h|| L 6. A a. ''Liltlr wonder (The) Bong Kcmen— Kodnn M»r.t9, 'a! SC7«t A. C. ^L'oiMva moucbe. Cb»Diioana*.t« Ijkvigoe Aug. 8, 'Mi 1)1•■«■ t'^voudon life qaadrillc ICoou June 8, M •«^1 A. C ^{xiDa'-i-2 ''<'<"'(<'• Boug ! Carlvlk— Kiog«iiiiII Dec. 9, 'K :i>0 A. C ./Lingiiig Piano Solo lAoge Feb. 18. 'M SO* A.C •^L')okiu^ back. Song (J.-»y— SulliTaa JaljrSl. M •»« A. C •^Lo:*t chord iTbei. Song ; BnliiTan May 4. Hi S5W A. C ^ixAl Kev .Tbei. A Parody iGrofi-milh Ma* 7. H? SSJC A. C. ^•^'ivcani a life(A) 1 Hiitcbinon .^j.r.Sfl. W S'JOI A. A h. K. t^xiTeJ «iid KaTed j Walton— Uat.on Jan. 12, 't» OiHl A.C. •^;)Ted Tuieeii. Song... ; Wilton— Cooke JaneJS. '85 2».84 A. C. t^..ove is a dream. Song i Hooseley— CVwen Xot.24. '8*' ».'.a9 A. C. ))(-*^(>Te ia a-, far as erer. Bong ... ' Parke— HotehUoi. April, 87 Wm A. A 8. X. *^)vei»liglu Clappc Aag. 5, Iti II« Clapf* *^L ive I ivf» forever. Song iHarriss Jan. 16. Vi 4«W> I. 6. A 8. *^ve of Old (The). Song Lane Oct.12. 'Ktt 44Hri 8. A. •^over and tl-e bird. Song Oxenfurd— Gnslitlioo... Sfp.SS, H.", 2-JH7 A.C 'Move's dr. imlind. Sonp .. Vauglian— Pu)daey Feb. 25. ItC SIOT, A. C *^Love» labonr lout. Song . : Pontot Mar. H, 'hC SMrt A.C. l^.ove's old sweet Rong. Song Bingham— Molloy Jon* 6, '85 2r,C8 A.C, «.^jre'i provin;». Sfing Weatherl;— Lohr S<>p. 17, 'H8 4441 8. A, •^Live thai ca-iie too late (The). Song Weathprlj— T'»li XIair. of Si. Briea« jMilU Feb. 17. ^s; 619 Milb •^ Maiaon de mea amoara. (Sm " Le mAiMn.*) j | I )^IandoIina (Mexican serenade). Op.87 Laogej JoljSS. '87 sa4«|L 8. A fll *^ Manual da ebanU. (Sm " NoavaH maniuL*) I ill LIST OF CANADIAN COPYKIGHT8.- Tinx T *^laiia*I of littiifie dMsU Bra. »f il>« Xtiaa Mbool *'^M«ii/ • mik ava;. Boof Lrmoa— Pinrati •Ufr-eUapIc kaflor CTcr Mair ^*^«(U« Inf fort^Tcr. Soof Uoir iti-t^l^flt Utt ina^lriJU CtiOfLt ^•*^Lknht Mil I'Unjbcaat BtteonU if.»^*rr\i€ tax llucUsoi Clarfc *^lAreLc ('•OA/iwDD* K'bf ^ '*^areU CoUmbiiM Goilrty •ilkrcliC (rom AtliUi*. (6m " War ourcli. ate.") '«f^-^V>rcLe ladicaM CWk 't|fe*^U«rrlir miliUir* CUrk... y&rtlic rofuaioc Goat^od ''^^rrlM •!«• Trtmba/loon li'tahttr Manrb from •* Eli " Co«U ^^^urcUinD. Op !01. No. 1 Gariitt '^arehiaG H.U DmW EMiy. 1)(>'CHmrrb DiuulUto (iuJfrcy ... ^iklarck of liiC TroJMU PaHuv 'if^yiai^atriVt. Mazuika HtrtLMnu ... .»^Mar/otriU. WalU B«mabj ... *^I«r^tnt«. Walu Ln«tb;mo... *^JariaDa valu WaldUofrl 'Carina. <« Uir fi'brnnio'a daa);btcr Mel>'>nt.ell ('Marina qoalnlU* SunfitM ... ^lUriiifr" •Tb« . (I navagauti) Katrlt^gw ^^ATjorie valtx BofaS'>»»i.... *Olarjfri» w»llirt PowaiaB ... *^lar-]uii« (L«f. GaTctic rVmajowfki C4lama;:e UIU. GarolU lUrria •^lartl**. Piaco iK>io ii}i Smitb ll*'*^arll>a Piaoo folo I*->ni DM.tl. Tt! 7H OeC t, ttsltHM Mar. II. 71^ 175, Maral. KH «2iO' (•ct 10. 73 4aet KiD^jIey— Smith *May |>l»m»or« t Maienluat) GurliU *^yitj (iattn. Polka KiabtT •^axe values Kttbr ^'SlazarLa. i Sea ** La mazurka.") *^lazarka el«ijaiiU- Piano tolo Badmiaiia • Mazark. Xo. 4 f aitc de danset. Op. 103 Godard <^ Mc«: me. darling. Sooj Stoker •^rmsiiec. Piaoo aolo Fonjth ... ^^MenieUtobo'f fongs vitboot word*. 8tb book '^enaet mebdj^ac Piano aoio Ddaeoar ... Ort.2l. •h7 S'.Hi Dee SI, -fts 4019^ JiiDfSO, NC .2 Sep. 21, SH 44.'f2 Mario, 'MS 42<« Oct. 2.1. MS 2927 Dee.SI. 'MS 4r,.ii! An?. 1 4. WJ :«(;8 Oct 5. ■k7 .s;i.-,2' Mar. 31. h7 MiH^' Oct. 2(5. HO :«; XUti^ Dec. SI, •S.'i ."W«4 Dec .SI, >H 4Ietliod(>f oruvMiAiicitraet fromi EdUk Aii(.SO, 'M> itOt Lirmam *^Mis earm T4lM Boralouu Joly «, M *78« A. C. '^MidrliipmiteiTUi. Song MV«llj«rl}— Adonif MaySI. nft «C40 A. C. ''^likBdC SGtJS A. C. '^Mikaao|Tli«). Oytr%. Piano Korc .. Gilbert—BolliTaii iautHO. Hi t7U A. C. *^iilitw} laoeer* (CUUoa'f) I *^iliUr) polka Bucaloati Mar.lS, M 9X69 A.C. J^ihtaiy roekaway ;Wiboa Apr.tU. HI 1C18 S««kliiig *^liller aod tbe uiaid (Tb«i. 8oii« ManiaU Joncltt, "M MM A. C. *^Min«lre-un. Walu Uawrr Jane 6. '87 87»S A. C. "'MiII whf#l iTl;«i. (ienuao melody Boyton bmilb . ialjUl, 'US **"6 A. C '^i:iaet dr Napoleon Tbiart Ilar.l7. 'HT 8041 L S. A S. '^liimit valtz. < See " La mioait vbIu.*') | i <'i 1783 Sacklmg ^''Molto Felica .. IlattoD Aog.at, '80 S.W5 I. K A 8. •^loua. Song Wcatberley— Adaini ... Dee.*), «« 4C04 A. C. *^Mon amour walU Buculaiiii S«-p. 14, S-'i iMii A. C. »^5Ion clirf d JUTre. Polka TVIbniek Mayll, '87 S7S0 A. C. *^foD cr 21, '82 202!t Spmrlinf Mj CtpadiaD home Gow Mw.27, 'Hi 1799 Gow t^!y Leert IB ScotlADd'i yet. Song Imric— Joho.^tonc Mtrtie, 'kT »7f2 Imric il Gr»liaiB •TJy ladji bower. Roo(f WetlLerlej— Tempi* ... M«y 25, 'ST 87S3 A. C. Htty lady Bleep*, i See " Drt-atus of the lammer i ' niglit.") I I *-My loTe and 1. Bong Fane— To»ti No?.lf>, 'M SXHl A, C. *Tly own ador'd love King... .. Ftb.SJO. '84 22o£ King •^y own Canadian home Morley— Selw/n Df«. 10. '88 45HO T. Moriey *^yofoti» waltr Lowthjan July 4, '85 2735 A. C •iBypetwalU Bncalow Oct 2. '85 28fl5 A. C. «^y pnpili' favorite jersey Davie De«. '24, '83 2174 Davia •'Tly queen walU Bnealossi— Coou: July 8, '85 2748 A. C. •^lyqueen. Song Ktella— IJlan-mllial ... Sep.lN. '85 2h76 A. C. *^Htic nielo.ly The). Song Lennox— Bonbenr Mur.ai, '87 S4WI I. S. A S. *-tfy Kwcetheart Sobntli'Msbe Coole Mar.l4, '87 8r I. Song Mattei Nov. 21, "86 2056 A. C. •-^'ever to know. Song Beverly— Marziala Junel7, '85 2(;9* A. C. *-^'ew kmgilom (The). Song Lemon— Toora July 20, "87 8K39 A. C. *-^ew metbod for tbe Uxbridge organ Davii Nov. 26, '87 4040 Davia t^ew year's waltz (Al Aldona Mar.22, '80 1416 Gro!><>mao •-l^igbt and morn waltr Bucalotsi Mar.20, '8C 8180 A. C. it^i^'iglit hymn at tea Hemsna— Fisher May 2, '76 792 Fiiber •'^'ight long F"aircIongh Apr.aO, '87 8719 I. 8. k 8. a^Nina valse* Chesnut Jan. 7, '68 21H2 Sackline »^'inon. Piano iolo Watson Mar. 6, '86 8137 A. C. k^o. X temperance sonf Mar.30, '84 25C1 Strmng* •OCoitnme. Piano iolo Koehler Dc<. 5, "87 4005 Orme A Son ^-^^oetame. Pi-no aolo Lnca* June*), '86 ^K- I. 8. A 8. -ifoctume Song Walton— Denw July 25, '88 4367 A. C. *^octnni« B»l'«' J»n- *• '72 278 Baker ^-Kon e ver. Piano iolo Mattei Auij. 1. '85 2S1S A. C. *-^ormal mn«ie eourie, lit leader ^ Tnfta— Holt Dws. 7. '83 2166 Prwtoa •^'or- west mounted police w»lUei iCrozier Apr.22, '81, 1608 EacUinf -^o, »ir. Spanish ballad Wakefield Oct 10, '85 2908 A. 0. •^'oramnder » ■ • , J»ion»— Bi-ri July 7, "85 2746 A, C. —^ot asbamed of Christ {Transcription) GledhiU Sep. 18. '87 8918 OUdhiO y/ LIST OF CANADIAN C0PYRIGHT8- TITLE. t"^*J«* yet. Song ; Jaioo*— Pootet | Jai>c20, 'tTJ \ MIS A. A 8. X. •^NoDi deux T»li« 'Valmeney ' Mw. 5, 't(6:8129 A. C. *^ove»u uanoAl dc cLanu litargiqact 'L'AbU Bordesa Sep. 17, 'HS 4446 8«iicc«l at Fib I^OTernbre. Boduum Urign. ' Not. 27. Vi !»»»' Urigaa •TJow »nd then polk* : Coote Mar.H, '8« 81521 A.C. *-^P. Jeney | Ko*rler Jm. 20. '87 8«01 ' CUxtm *^at»trj Btory. Song ^ UiigUm— Temple . . . . ' >f»r.2». '86 8206 ' A. C. *<)cUTe DtodiM. (S«« '■ Uetbod.**) I { f ■Jjt^^JdMlowB g»lop (Tbe) jfiippi .\ov.20, 7« 728 Noidheiawr t^ '»"■ dove. O fond do»t. Song logcrlow— Guty Joly 7, "Si 2746 A. C. ■▼^■*M)flciJtim6s. Song lyiuon— Dick Oet. 14, W 89C8 B A Bob Ob, God, wLal li»3 Le done ? Duet ^ MoDonntU Feb. 24, 85 251» McDonnell ^^Oh, loving heart McDonnell Feb. 24, '85 25-JS McDonnell " Ob, papa, don't go to the bar-room io-nigbt Jjjee D.e.22, '81 1740 Joyce «/ O lady of my lore. Song Willia-n»— Toeti Aog.SO, 86 8898 A. C •'Old and the yoang .Mine. Seng \Ve*tli»rley— Co»*n .. Jan. 27, "88 4141 8. A. *^OId brigade (The). Song Weatberly— Barri Jane 8, 85 2672 A. C. *^ld china. Polk* „ C^iote Jaly 13, "86 2757 A. C. •^Old coltp-ge Clock Elliot Dee. 11. '76 898 Elliot •^Oldcntime. Gatotte I Hatlcn Jan. 29. '87 8608 I. 8. A 8. *^ld fasliioiiH. Vocal gavotte WcHthtrly— W»lUngi... Aug. 6, "86 2826 A. C. Old fashions gavotte. Piano eolo WeUingi Aug. 8, '85 2815 A. C. *^ld finger post (The). Song Weatberly— Molloy Xov.20. "85 2958 A. C. •"tild garden (Auj. Song Burcnide— Temple July28. '65 2785 A. C. *^)ld lock (The). Song Wratherlj— Welhnps... Jnne 6. '85 20fi8 A. C. Old love (The). Song Wfcathtrle;— R:«lney ... Oct. 11, 66 8461 A. C. •-^Id love and the new walu . L5 4«;52 Whitney ^»«'Dar C»ii»<]i«n mnaj gtl'rp Philp P.b '.T. "72 2HH Nnrdheimer *^>ar r.T.wUii true to tJje core Kins !>(-<• 81, hi 2470 King *^Oarprl». Military Mholtistbe Bull M«r.I2, ^h iV.m Pngh ••^Oar hoint» Cor.tes r>ec.l2. 71 ^IM Coatc* •■^ar l»»t waltx. Som Wetihtrly- Jlollor .. . Juu»17. MA 2fi9! A. C. •^•ur nalirc laod 1 Fair Canada r. Song Iturie . <>ct. 17, 1^7 31»7H Imrie A Gnliam >f**<^Oar old Cana'lian home Woorllawu tkt. 9, 'W 21 Nordlieinier •^OarowD A. C. R. G Mar. C. '77 !«2 GroKumaD •^ur IVtmier. 8<»ng Cameron IW. 7. ^-S 21t79 Cameron M^QiileT m»lu (Tliti Capron M»t 10. 'WJ 2(i:w Strange •Ont ill the morning early. Son;? Lindsay Not.2«;. '85 'i'MAt A. C. »Orit on the deep. Song Cowsii— Lohr Jan. 7. 'Wl WaS A. C. •^i' and O polka .. Hccalowi Apr.29 'HS 25Hil A. C. •''I'^nJora waltz Baralo-.«i MHr.l2. >*« 81f.2 A. C. •^•aolc giorza. Polka XicLol l\U i7. Hi l~m; I^ari-^oa •^ Papa, n bat woald TOO lake for me? Croc^ley Nov. 5. »« 451C Brigpa fc^'apj. fot worild yr-n Uke forme? Wliyt* Apr. 4. nr, 2".Ch Whyte »-1'araU march (Tbei Stauiulaii* Oct. 23, »«.'» 2i»2»> A. C. i^'araJi-* equare Weatherly— Lohr \t*t. 9, HT, 2'»h2 A. C. •^Parisian Uneers Bonrl.cr I>ee.31. '88 4f.20 L R. & 8. •^P.8 4.-48 ChappeU •1'atlenee lancem DAlbert July20, 87 »Hi2 A. C. •^ PjuI et Viffe-inie. Ballad f.r pU..o Dom Jan. 23, "hfi HOCr, A. C. *^PeiU5e, perfect p« ace. Sacred «"iig Gounod XoT.IC, 'b.'i 2945 A. C. »/'Prace. troubled be*rt. SoLg Jasone— Pintuti Jati.23. 8« S<>»;« A. C. *^PearU and diamond a. Piano solo Lange Feh.IS. «« 80>«8 A. C, ■ •Medlar (The). Song Bingham— Lobr reb.25, W! 81(13 A.C. *^e«k « boo »alt«« Gowan Mar. 9. '83 19h4 Strang* •/'Penst«. Op. 47 Heller Sov.l2, W 4628 8. A. •^eimyfvjoortbooghu Watron-HartoK JoneSO, W 8297 A.C »/l'epiU (Selection from the opera I Winlerbottom I>«e. 8, "WJ 4668 A.C. */pepiu (The merry gypsy maid.. Song WeaUieriey— Knight ... Mar.15, M ^8170 A. C. ,/PepitA. WalU on Lerey** opera Baeakwai Dee. 8, '38 4667 A.C. LIST OF CANADIAN COPYHIGHTS.-'-'^-^ TmX. Avmnn. '?'"•' 5*^'^ tattmi teuj. E-liTi »» yfkJ^trliUM of Urn Liointt. Op. 194. Xa. 2 Laagt .. Aox-lb. 'H? Sml 1 1. 8. * & •^PtTiw«I«i DAlbeft M.jiH, H7 8778 ' 1. S. ft S. *^er|M:taoiD mobOe WaUon Ma« 28. 'h7 8776 1.8 4 8. •^elerboro" gmlop HawUrj JautHIK tei Utr.i CUxum '^illid*. Pianoiolo tl'ndon Kb H. 'Hi iUr.i A.C. •^'ii>iii«. Suog Dvk M«» 1. •»« nan A.C. /pliyllU wdit BuealoMi Jaiieii. 'M 27r U»l\» . iln.lO. M tV.Hi 1. H. ft 8. •^Pick • bwk. Polka liaealoui Not.27. Ml 454» Ckappall ifr^^erroL Song \Vcall;erIrT...HDiflii>OD Kfr.il. -ft iUi'M ft. ^ 8. K. •pilgrim lane. Sonjr P-iDgLain— Toari Oct. i »5 i»'Jl A.C. *'^ilgriinB'»l.rine. Song Jaionc— h«T Apr. 9. >*7 .'«;90 L 8. ft 6. ^^?ril«nniit 'Tb*i Procter— AmbroM Sti>.i:>, 71 U«'7 X.-rdbeiraer ^^Piono«r grand march „ Poit Jati.3fi.Hl 15«Vi Sockliog ijl a*^'iraU-« of Pcnranc« iTuni. 0{»r4. V. x- Te . fiiil^rt— Sal!iv*n Jan. 2i, Hi IMi Giibert ft KoUi'a >f"»^l'luce jonr hand in mine, wife Langbhdge— Crairf Td. Frb.27, >*8 41h;j K. P. CrawfiTd t^Plaidy'a iMlinical i-tadie« lAn •xir^ett .. An^. C. HM 4:>»2 ISreitkoiifftlJart'l *^'laidj'» U'cbnical ftadiea i.\n eilrarti Jul»17. 'i*-* -I.H;! ISn-itkripfAlIartl M*laiM.r» cliampi'tre* _. WcKeO I>*<.11. '74 C<»4 Larign* C/^'lajfiilnfs«. Op. i-.^i. PiufO-Ao Lange J«ii.24, MJ 4136 8. A. •^lajraates. Vocal waltz ,. . Dncaloui Mar. i, 'H! 3J05 A.C. "!jC»*^li< 81, •^o*t» song (Tbei Cbapman— TeinpV Stp.l7. "W* 1'uIihIi danetrs. I See " PoIioiKiie tanze."^ *^'olka fantasti^oe. See " La {olka."* •^•ulka roaiarka EoeLIer ... iVe. 6, »^olka miliuire Boulier Jani-rW. »^'oIly. Song Wrtthtrly— Mf.!loT Julr 15, ^j'-^^olnitcLe Unie. Piano eolo i^cbarrenka Sp.2», •Powder monk*T Joe. Song . Cnnimtrford — Bar^.... July 7, — i'owder monkey (The I Wat^^m Jinitl9, i^rairic wtllerB sonif (The) IHtU S-r.ir,.'Ki l9-iH De Zooeb* ^I'ray for ns (Ora pro nobia) - Hori>ford — Pieeolouuii. ilar.2y, '87 WC74 I. 8. ft 8. MPrtmier X. P. galop Koerber July 12, >1 1«W0 Knerber *^rtiuier Feosee. Piano aolo GaotLier Jaiy 8, H>* laa'J Gautliier *^reitdetoL Walt* _ Waldlecfel Mar.ll, 86 8168 A.C. t^retly lip». Sc!iott:-«be » Coou May«I, M 2636 A. C. l/prie»t's march from Athal;e. (See "War aiarek I , of the PrieaU.") ' * I i •^nmroat farm. Song WeaUierly— W«Jling«... Jac. 12, "M 8058 A- C. *^rince Arthur galop Gowaa May»7, 70' 128 Oovwa »^riDces« Ida (Libretto)... Gilbert Oct. 2. '86 8446 A. C. » ./hntetUut boy* „. Holfaraok _ Julj 8. 'M 2750 DoIbitMh '><>* HMH A. ft 8. N. w Vino 1. 8. ft 8. •tDi 4443 8. A. X7 4WM1 Ormeft 8oa m; .H:n7 I. 8. ft 8. M 27(« A.C. >n »!M2 Aageoer "Hi 2747 AC. Mo 2«i'J7 A.C. i LIST OF CANADIAN COPYKIGHTS.-o TITIX At-ntoKik Usr.ll, -M SIM 'a. C. *^i7cUR«Totto atum ruitqae j'fti mM ins lioii. honviee LavigM Aug. ». >»* inii7 l^tiga^ '^Pulaski (Mvmn of tb« Mon.TWii Ndim I. l)ii»l LiuJMv iaattK, 8£ «7I» A. C. '-^oDch •nd Judy. Kong Uiot.t -lithnui Mm-.12, bC HIM A. C. •Q. 0. &. rockmway WiUini. A|«.-2^'h1 loIO Saekliii( t/Qaikei'tdaaghWr (Tlvi. 8oiig WtUon Aag.SH, 'tn 4110 8. A. •^u»ker iThei. Bong WeailitrUj-Adani' . XotJJO. '87 4tM4 A. C. 'mJuwo city reTcille. Polka Knaf (ji JonclO. H5 200 Riiaega •^Qoetnie foog WaUon Juijti, 'Hi tlHS k.C. *^Qatvn of inj heart (fiom Dorolbyi StepLitiion -Ct-llier. . . Dee. 14, 'M 9ii«i »ir,-; Imric A Gnbam *VAJoe*Di jobilee polka Itoimer Jaoi^iO, '«7 UHlt Ona» k Son OneeDB jabilee. Koi.^ and cbonu Torringlon JonfiH, "h? 8h£1 I. S. A 8. *^neeirp jabilee mareb Wataoo Mar. 8, XT. ](1 IS A. C. *'^^t«o°» male. (Atotric^u title for P#piui). j (^ait« in a casual way (Two iqKioiu). | *M;ui Vive (From "Tlie old guard"). Voc%l diet Famie— I'lanqaetU . . . Apr. 2«, 'J*** 1241 A. C. t/iini vife. Piano solo Gant Aug.23, 'flC 83M* A- C. »^: illy roand the old flag .. Miicliell— lx)Wtluaa .... S^p.SO. KT «!»iH A. C. ))(-*^taD(;er'a quick mareb , Hurst Dec.24, h^ 4CI0 DorM *^cai>er and the flowtra. Soor Cowen A'lgHl, 'Hfi 2H4.1 A. C. •^teaper (The) Loncftnow— Harria. Apr. 2», '87 »7a) I. S. A 8. •^J. colli clious of Erin. Piano »'>!o Rockutro Au;;. !7, >ifi »'?7S I. 8. A 8. lUco'ltctiou.s of Scotland, Xo. I Piano aolo Rockntro Aug 2H, BO .h;i04 I. 8. A 8. •^Jecillectidn* of Siotlaiid. X^i. 2 Piano solo ... . Rockxtrv Au;;.!? 'W. S»74 I. 8. A 8. ^ecolltctionaof tbeaootb WatU Jnoe-SO, '80 8.'J20 L 8. A 8. ffraiii di'g Vo.'^gieni. (Se« " Le refrain.") •^'.fgina waltzeii(Tlie) Porter JuueS-j, 'h3 V>r,\ Porter •^legiraeiiUl marcb (Tbe) ... May 6, Ml llo Foriytb Jan. 7, '85 24*«.'/ Sockling •■^memlier. Song Lorraine— BlnmentliaL. Apr. 12, "H** 42.JO A. C. •^leiuimber me. Song Conway— Sivrai Dee. 4, '85 2S«VJ A. C. *1lc«iguaiion. Sacred aong Lindnay JalylS, '85 276<; A. C. »-lCC4 B. A 8o« *n{«st to the weary. Song Chapman— Piiisnti JBly25, '8« 43C(J A. C. *^tevrille toi inignonne. Romanee Lavigne ... Sot. 27, "82 •>'.'^1 Larign* »-iic»crie. Op. 46 Heller Nor. 12. '68 4.';2fi 8. A. I^TiodavalU Bocalow SoT.24, tTT 4038 A. C. *^ideaa ripple Lemiens . JoneaO, '87 8815 I. 8. A ft. •^ide of the Amaxones. (8«c "AmAsooen-ritt.*') j I ' : •-'^andon. Piano lolo Baff ■ Mar. 8. '86 SH< A.C. *'^go'b*U*. Polka Lowihian Apr. 80. '88 4248 A- C. •^ple(The) GledliiU Mar. 15, "62 1792 CUxtoa *^ Van Winkla. Lsneen D'AIbert Sep. 21. ttf 2880 A. C. -iTlp Van Winkla. (TraoieriptMa) Dora Sep.SS. ttf «88e' A.O. '^fri LIST OF CANADIAN C0PYHIGHT8.-t- TITLE. T AtTMWUk ntw al Ealfj. •^R:T«r of 3r««ri (The). Song DiTcrly— UarziAb . *^iTiiUt iTb**. PiuJMlo lAUoiu I^a^nobin Hood Unc«n iDrant »^ock t-bje, bib;. Walli: (On CumuioRs' toog) ... jCorUlt t^^omuD (I* Buzaant iBm " Le romfto.") I A^'ucnuniica. Piano (ulo .. Pum jjoo* 6. I F«li 501. i Hay 21. ^j^^'^Hoialind walu lUaaticr •ftoMbod walU jSmallwood ''^n^iM in JnnQ (Ai. Bong Dinglian— Log*.. ■jjtfA'^Mnmutbcr (Rom blosKomi). Op. B5. OaTott«..{ .^wbcr yLJl/nfitf' of Ontiuio walu BUfted t'^Mi dor. I Sm " Lm roM«.") *^^\\*. WalU quadrille i/fipuge et noir. Polka IWU .. Coou *-^^ulctle galop !CooU ■it^f^yiX Canadian lancen i Barley *T{uby. Song LoD«U1fl — Oabriel t^uddigore (Vocal B«or«) , Gilbert— SuUiraii . •^ " (Libretto) |Gilbert '■^^ " (Walui ; Rocalovii ... iLanecni i BucsloMi (Qaadriliei) liaealotiii , *^ UuJimenI* of mugie I Sis. Cod^. of N'r« D'me ^BiiJimeuti of mnsie (Abridged) Caiuiaiiigl ^Itaatie dance. Piano silo Hcir«ll )^t-^SHbbilb dawn. Op. 87, No. 8 Lange '^^abbatb evening \ Samael *^acred songs, sonnet*. &e Ixrie :i(rw^la*A thoughts. Song Cnlp ^Sailing across tlie sea. Song \ Jaione— R«y trailing. Bong Mark* l^alote (Tlie). Polka march ; 0.»ilcpe •^arabaiidc. Piano solo XoUett l^auB adien t Song Lorraine— Blumenthal . l/^anla Lucia Boy. Stniih 4^aianlay night. Bong WeatherUy— Molloy ... C.^ved from tlie storm. Song Wtathcrly — Barri ' Schlummerliedehcn Eochler J^X^cliwalben , Swallow'* song). Piano solo Wolilfahrt •^abreeie. Polka Wlii-«l«r •^eaforth Scbottische Daniop •"^burtstags march Koehlar ''^Second march* nocturne. (Sea " Deaiiem*.") { *''i«cret d'ane femm* (Le) Pren* •.''^M-saw valti ! Crowe •^nd out Thy light Anthem , Gonnod ^fi^^renaU in £ flat PiMO aolo i Uoor* .(Apr 0, . jFtb. 0, . I Uar.2«. .Pec. 1, .Oct 21. .!jnlyJ4, . ;SoT.18, . : June 8. . I May 21. . , Nov.l'l, Mar. rt. Feb. 21. . I M«r.2.S. . ' Apr. 22. .;Apr.22. .'Apr. 22. Mar.2.S, Sep. 27. Jan. 2S. June2H, Mtr.21. Oct. 20. Jan<'21. Mar. 19, Joly 27. Sep. 22. Nov. 4, Aug. 8, Aug. 9, JuneSO. ;jQly 7. Dec. 6. Oct. 21. Sep. 21. Apr. 19. Dee. 6, •h2 •H8 '68 ■87 '88 '88 '87 •H7 Eaiiy, '81 •85 ■85 M«9 1781 485» 4275 soni 4 KM) 4214 4049 8992 7 1788 2078 20»H '78 i 1195 '80 8189 •87' 8(W8 Jan. 24 May 0. Not. 7, Oct 6, 8003 8708 8704 8705 779 •87 1 39.S0 •87 1 8008 '87 8820 •82 1798 •80 8J84 •M3' 2050 •87 j 8058 •85 2788 '88 4400 •80 850C '8;;: 2817 '80 [ 8350 '80 3298 '8s| 2714 •87j 40C2 •87 8988 '85 2881 '81 IC04 '87 4000 «2S4 '85 1 2005 '88 4519 '87 1 8951 A.O. Boekliac A. A it. N. CorUU I. S A B. Ang*ner jB.A. 8. A. R. A Son NordbeinMT Strang* A. C. A.O. Nordheimer A.C. A.C. A.C. AC. A.C. A.C. Sis. of N're D'm« NoTelio L B. A 8. L B. k S. Strang* Imrie k Orabam Nordheim*r L S. A 8. AC. A.C. L B. A 8. A.C. L 8. A 8. A.C. A.C. Orm* A Son R. ft Son A.C. BaeUing Onne A Son Larign* A.C. 8. A. R. ASoa LIST OF CANADIAN COrYRIGHTB.-^'-'i'w^ Tmx AiTnoaK -L DlM«f KMT I *^S*rtti»i» i* Zvt»i\» Xmf(«4t y^na%A». 8on« Hood— JtoMn ''^Bcrtutd*. Pi«nowlo Pitru ♦^Sb«aow(A). Bong Procter -Sollifta •^ 8h«IU r>f oee«D. Bong CUrrj Dm.n1, *^iiip tbal MV«r rctomad. W«IU Bkfkiu Not. IS, tMOf. Not. 4, JnlySS, Jul; U, Joot A, *^8bort tod (Wfct Folk* Lo«tLi«n..... •^Bigbinf for mt S!iaw -OMbill •^Bigbiiig for reit (Tracicription) niedbiU Bi U ■Uoebfiik(TroTator«) Bmilh 80 •8H •S 63 •»7 Ma; 22, 'M Ftb. 17, 81 B«p.20, -Hi Jol/iiO, HS *^il«Dre d* ramoor. Bm " Lt tiltDM.") | ^^|H^iWtr BLioe iTbr). Song Jaiont— Ilalcbiton •^ Si1»er tnimpeU Vimni , •^meon Sly. Bong Molloy Noy.20, Bong L«moD— Bebrcnd Aug. 8, *'^niple fUiry (A). Bingiog (Abridged) Randegger • siiii ^ ig out tb« g\m^ oewr ;Sm "Com* away |o Jrtui," and " He waiti to pardon yon.") lOjilig, fwfiet bird. Bong Tbumton-^anz Oct. 24, 'S7 "'orog U> me. Bong Wettbcrlry— D«Dia Oct. 15, '87 •-^OD. Sacred (ong Dinftbam— Rodney Oct. 1, 'H7 •^renet raise (Lc«) Waldteofel July 8, '85 *^ John A. Macdonald. Walti Donglai Jnly fl, 82 *^limie. Song Jaxone — R«y Mar.l9, '87 »^ ta xaTaii. (See " Did'st tbou bnt know.") j | t'jji »o'i» elier. Cbanaonnette Wilder— Larigiie Mar.80, '81 »^kip|ier(Tbe|. Song Peimil-Jode Jaly20, '87 •/Rkippen of St. Ueg. Bong Wcatberly— Roockel ... Jan. 7, '80 jfi, J^Rlw ping camp (The). Song Sarke— St. Qiientin .... Dec.l2, '87 ^w^loepinscblldiTbe). Bong Moore— Halton Apr. 16, *80 *^'.e

an Mar. 9, •^ Snow «lioe polka Capron JnneSO. •^uowy breasted pearl. Bong Da Vere— Robinton S^p. 11, Soflly "ronnd thy pillow. Clappe Aug. 6, '•''Sobmer piano. Marcb Larigne Dee. 14, *^)iree d'ete. Valse WaldteafeL JnDe22, *\Boldier'i good-bye. Bong Adam* Oct. 10, ''^£oU'il coocbanL Piano lolo Leopold ... Dee.81, •''^litude. Piano aolo Mattel Mar. 8, •^Someday. Bong Conway— Welliugt Jnne 6, •i^M^mebody'a secret Bong Fitzgerald— Bonheor ... Oct 81, '88 '8U '80 'as ■7N '80 '85 '85 '87 '80 •86 '87 uio^i. B. *a. 4808 I A. 0. Dee. 2, '87 Dec. 80, '85 •85 '85 Sep. 27. '87 4870 S«07 U081 4019 8250 ln75 1002 1854 4058 8018 29.''>4 2N20 8032 A.O. A. C. A. C. Billiiic A.C. Claitoa Bucklinf Baekli^ AH. A. C. C. C. Novelb i 80H0 8072 8!»47 2749 1848 8CS7 1607 8838 8088 4075 8218 8C77 8210 1!.<01 8147 8818 4488 I 1121: 8540; 2705 2909| 4107 B. A Boa A.C. A. C. A.C. Strang* I. B. A B. Larign* A.C. A.C. A AS. N. A. A B. N. I. 8. A 8. AC. Bockling Imrie k Oraban I. 8. A 8. A. C. rupp* Larign* A. C. A.C. Novella 8110 I A. O. 2058 ' A. C. 4001 1 B. A Boa •^Someone** iwectbeart. ^ •^^Bomewber*. Song ... (/Sonatina. Of. S4 Bong Jaxone— Pininti Mar.l2, '80 ^ 8108 ' A. 0. St. Qaentin Dec.l4. '87 j 4081, A. A 8. H, Onnthar Dec 81. '68' 4622* I. 8. A 8. .jjf.... LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHTS.-^"*'-** TITLE. AiTMOU. ^^If I^J* ^-/k« iA^^JjoMtinM. Op. 114, Nm. 1 loS LMga Aa^.l^ '87 J"*} L B. * 8, <^^iig for me. Bong Fodeniobu— W4U00 . Jmo. IS, 'M 9019 'A. 0. ^'^i'lg my motLer Miif Jrffri**— Waten Uay 22, '68 42M Watais *'^Dgof •■oInf(othof« ... Bead Jalj 7. '81 !lCi7 |8ttekliat •^(y.Dg of Iljbrias the Cretan .. EUiott Uar.26. '88 4212 js. A. Songof nisLliA). Song Somerwt . Dte. 9, '85 298« 'A. C. ^ Song of iLe brooklet. Op. 67, No. 4 Lange Jane24, '87 8622 I. 8. A 8. Song of tije dmmmer Imria — JoLaitone Dee. 19, '87 408? Imric A Graham Song of tbe trareller Puniel— GUabill D««.29. '86 8559 I. B. A B. Songs of redeeming lore. No. 2 Sweeney ei al Jane24, '87 8820 Brigga Song* of eilvation Crotsley— Hnnler Feb. 6, 85 2505 CrotdeyAHootar SoiigA of fcaWation Crossley— Hanter. Jan.2», '87 8611 CroMlaj SonnambaU. (See " La aonnambola.") { ! Sonoenscbein walu Lowtbian May 1, '66 8229 A. C. Sons of England. Song Imrie— Johnttone P'eb. 13, '68 ' 41C9 Imrie A Grmhani Sons of Sratland. Song Imrie— Struhy Ang. 2, '67 SH54 Imrie A Grabaoi boarires Ti;ge(L««) Waldleiifel Jnne22. '86 2707 A. C. Sous leg lilleuU. Bomance ^ Daptint— Larigne June 8, '81 1 G.M2 ' LaTigoa SoQTcnir dc Versailles. Piano lulo Delaeour Ang.l2. '86 8»0l L 8. A B. Sonvenir IIongroiB. Pianotolo Dom Jan. 23, '80 80C7 A.O. SooteniriLe) Pmne Jan. 29, '84 22.H5 Larign* Soovenir of lore Imrie— Gledbill Dee. 26, '85 3009 Imrie f'^arkliDg lyec. Polka Mnsaon Jan. 3, '84 2196 Sockling •/Sparkling eyee. PoUa Mosson Joce.'W, '86^ 3305 I. 8. A 8. u^parkling fpray. SchottiBcbe Slieer Dee.90. '86 1 85C6 ' I. 8. A B. - Spirit of spring. Song Willianu Dec. 16. '68 4957 8. A. ^f:-* hprin^ blossom. Op. 194. No. 8 Ijinge Aug. 18, '87 8879 I. 8. A B. t Spring fanciea. Piano colo Bigelow Oct. 24. '67 3981 I. 8. A B. f)87 1 A. a ^Snnny aonth (The). WalU MeiaaUr Jane 14, '66 ' 8267' A. €. i/Sonahine walu. I See " SoDnenacbein.") 1 ' I I k/Bonriae. BippI* Whit* Apr. 19, "88 ' MSI I Billii« LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHTS.-^'"'*-^ TITLE. AiTHoab Date of Esiiy. Koof |EMiy. CMtnd Sanilune and iluulow. Song Biogti«m — Wcllingi ' Sprely. Bong L*moD— Bebrend ... lX^I«ct forget me not. W»lU OamU -»^ireetegt word on earth U borne. Song Imrie— JolicHlone ... •"'s^eetheart'f walu D' Albert ''^B^et Bixteen. Galop Canj *^weetSpirit,iipar my prayer. Piano solo Ricbard* >^8weet vowe. WalU Boeder • Bweet words. (See " Doucee Parolee.") i •Swinging. Song Clifford — Hartog i)p-*^winging waltz |Silra •^wing aong. Forpiano Fontaine *^6word and gown. March AlberUberg jpiV^ylvan lake. Piano eolo Hermann Tabby polica Buealoui Talavonmaun. Valaa Marrier ^Jp—'Tanzlied. Op. 78. No. 1 Lange Jnne S, '66 M6B A. C MayitO, St 2680 A. a Oct. 20, M 8478 Oamtt Dee. 87, 'H7 |4007 Imrie A Ormham Dee. 0, '85 2984 A. C. Dee.80, '06 8fi78 I. 8. A 8. Oct. 16, -86 8170 I. 8. A 8. Sep. 10, '68 ,UM A. 0. Tarantella iCIaudet ■^|i— Tarantella Godfrey Tarantella brillante Hall ^—Tarantella brillante. E minor Syd. Smith ... Tarantella. Op 90 | HeUer Tarantella. Piano solo ' Manball Tar'8 farewell (The). Song Barnard — Adams ■J|(fc»- Te Deiim. (In chant form) Saffery Te Deum laadamai Tonrey Telegram galop Cooke Tempera'jce soldiers Sherwood— Jolingtone... Tempi passati waltzes Staofield Tender and trne. Waltz Bocalosai Tendresse walu Waldteufel Tennis waltzes McMartin Tliady and I (I was a itimple country girl) Horrey Tliady OFlynn. Song Gill«ert— Molloy ifE.TIiat song, that song Weatherley— Uatchison Then yoo'll remember me Smallwood There are none like to thee. Song .. Bingham— Temple There is a green bill far away. Song Goanod — There's a star in the sky. Song Lay They all love Jack. Lanccn Liddell They all love Jack. Song Wefttherley— Adams ... Thine alone. WalU Meissler Thine for ever. Walti Harris Thirteenth Begiment march Lavigne This is my dream. Bong Lemon— Wellingi Those eliensLed ones at home. Song TbomM Thou art sleeping. Song Chapman— Caryll Jane 8, May 18, July 27, Dec. 80, Oct. 81, NoT.16, Jan. 28, Ang.18, Feb. 11, Feb. 8, Dec.81, Oct. IS, Nov. 12, Mar. 6, May 11, Jan. 0, Aug.l6, Dec an, Jone 8, Dec. 0. May 20, May 6. Dee. 21, Sep. 22, JaneSO, Mar.20, Ang. 9, Jane27, Dee.81, Jan 7. Jaly20, Jan. 4, May 21, Dec. 29. Nov.20, Jane S, Dae. 80, Apr. 18, •86 2677 '87 [ 8788 '85 ' 2791 '80' 8566 '67 8999 '66 2944 '79 1284 '87 8867 '86 '. 8086 '87 8616 •87 4104 ■H7 8961 '88 4526 86 8181 •85 2007 •89 4645 '75 C90 '86 8577 'H7 8797 'H5 2989 '85 2628 '87 8724 •88 4607 '88 4454 '86 8296 '86 8188 '86 8353 '88 4831 •87 4108 •85 2488 •67 8840 '67 8SH2 •86 2686 '86 8568 '88 2151 •86 8659 '66 8566 '88 4881' A.C. LH.AB. A. C. I. 8. A 8. R. A Ben A.C. Marrier I. B. A 8. A.C. A. A 8. M. Novello Angener B. A. A.C. A.C. A. A B. N. Tarvey I. S. A 8. Sherwood Strange A.C. A.C. SelUek 8. A. A.C, A. A 8. M. I. 8. A 8. A.C Novella Suckling A. 0. A. 0. A.O. I. 8. A 8. Leviga* A. a La*8. A. a LIST OF CANADIAN COPyniGHTS.-<-«--^ TITLE. At'THOtS. Uilerf tauj. x*. RM«TCi Song ... Song ThoD liMt m; b«*rt Three Ixggan (The). Three part fongi Three sailor boyi (The). Three tokens. Song Thre« wikhei. Song j Thursday. (Saiue hs " To-morrow will be Friday.*'!! Tliy captive. Song jfcr- Thy sentinel am 1. Siett«r so. Song ' ;||**^ris lovi' that makes the world go 'round ' TiC6 •8X 4898 ■80, 8118 '85 2614 '87 4016 '80 8390 '84 2418 '80 8157 •87 4109 '85 2019 '86 8405 •85 2017 •81 1005 •81 2.S19 '82 1812 •85 2704 •?.'> 2910 •82 1815 '86 8208 •87 4007 •85 2719 '88 4400 '66 3120 •85 2703 •86 2794 •87 8675 '75 660 •87 3819 I. S. A 8. R. A Bon AC. A. A B. N. C. C. 0. C. C. A. C. A. A 8 K. A. C. Novello A.C. A. C. A.C. Lavigne Edwards Strang* Whitney AC. Lavigna A.C. Jonea A.C. A. A B. N. A.C. A.C. A.C. L 8. A 8. Grossman Briggi llarrisoo Jifuiga IBaek.. May 10. 87 ^^ A. A 8. M. Aug. 18, m 3871 L 8. AS. JooeSO, 60 8309 LB. A 8. LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHTR.--^"-"-^ TITLT- AirrNotk OtUy Whith. Tra« till death . Bong Trnita. (Be* •• L* tiniU.") Trust me, darling, tgkin. Soo| Tunibam toU. Bong | Weatlierlay — Wellingt.. jK^Twag a lalmjr niitbt iu Jon* .Daniel — OledbiU... ... Twilight long j Butler Two children. Song I Lcmuu — IWhrend ... Two livei. Song 'Bingham— Weheier .. .. Two Marionette*. Song Law— Cooke Two noetnmei Kerrison VmiI Emit. JuMlt), 'BS NoW EMfjr. 2700 A. C, Two'i company. Bong ' Weathrrley — Roeckel... Two apoone. Song i Caldicott 2-lOi. Galop |C. B I'hlan'n call (The). Piano roIo ' Eilenberg Under the hawthorn. Bong ; Vogel— Lowthian Walt* ! Lowihian Une fete a Trianon. Oarotta ; Boubier I'll, fragment de Meiideluobn Caipar rnfurgotten «ong iThei. Song Leater — Darri Un petit tuot d'auonr I Frechette- Crepault . . I'nseen. Song Lemon — Bchrend rntill the day breaki. Song . ! Chapman — Gounod . . . I'utill we meet a(;ain. iSeu " Auf wiedenehen.") I Vallee des ronee ■ Roobier , Valiie capricieuM i Giaoelli Vahc chnrapetr* i Lange VaUe lirillaDte. Op. 12 I Jadaisobn Valee Venitiennc Waldtcufel Values RBketyn . . | Austin Valtiez Fullei \ Gare— Cbavanel Vanderdecken. Song I Weatlierley — Adams . . . Vanity fair polka Lowthian ^- Veine d'or. Garotte ; Harris Venetian boat song. Vocal duet , Merrivale—IUumentlial Vrnetia waltz ! Lowtliian Vera walli | Boonard VertuK de Tamoar (Lesi ! Provensa! — Lavigne . . . Vesper boar. Song ' Bcrciford Victoria lancer* Porter Victoria schottiaehe ' Rowe Viennese dance. Piano solo ' Malerabcrg ;ijf— Violet's greeting |The>. Op. 194, No. 8 j Lange Violin (The). Abridged '■ Tours Visillan ct soavenir. Romance ' Bartb — Lavigne Vision beautiful (The) | Dick Vive la Frmnee : Frechette — LaTigna ... i Vocabulary of masieal termi I Barber I JoneAO, •86 880e I. B. A 8. Jan. It. ■NCjSUSO A.O. Oct. 2H. hi 2982 NordbeiiBar Feb. 2a. •82 17H2 Suckling Ang.22. ■881 4407 8. A. Mar. ft. -HO 8188 A. C. Mar. 6, '60 8180 A.C. Jan. 8. 84 22(10 Saekling Jan. 7. •80,8087 A.O. Apr. 8. •86 8818 A.O. Dee. 24, '81 1744 ClaxloB Oct. 24. •87 8988 L 8. A 8. May 1, 86 8224 A. C. Apr. 2H, '8U 8828 A.C. Mar.lG. •87 8647 A.C. Feb. 8. HO 8070 A.C. July 1. •88 2748 A.C. Dec.2H. 74 008 Crepaalt Mar.l2, '86 8104 A.C. July 20. '87 8841 A.C. JaneSO. '65 2720 A.C. Dec. 29, '86 85C4 I. 8. A 8. JnneHO. '85 2730 A.C. Oct. 25. ■86 3476 L 8. A 8. Mar. C. 66 8184 A.C. Sep. 23, •80 8437 Aaatis Oct. 8. •80 3455 Charanal Mar.2.S, •86 3187 A.O. Mar.2!), •HO 3209 A.C. Aug. 14. •80 8371 I. B. A 8. Jan. 9, '86 3044 A.C. Apr. 29. •85 25!»0 A.C. Msyl4. '81 1022 Saekling Doc. 17. '85 3000 Lavigat Fib. 25, •88 4182 L B. A 8. JnnelO. •87 8799 Portar D.C. 6. •87 4070 Strang* A Oo May 16, •87 8751 I. 8. A 8. Ang.18, •87 8878 L B. A 8. Sep. 27. '88 8931 NOTCUO Dec. 28, •79 1877: Barth Dee. 9. •85, 2987 A.O. Junel8, •84 2320 : B«aagru4 Apr. 8, •Sft! 688 Barbw LIST OP CANADIAN COPY niOHT8.-< -'<--* TITLE. Al'TIKMl. Diwol tuiry. boy Vu. f, M 8181 6*p. rt. '(M ; 8I»84 A.O. VoiMt from the Lill-iide, < Beoieh kin) I RockMro Voie« tniciag. Extrciie* for m«»o-iopraiio Bclink*— Pctrw. . . . Waif) of Uj« ocMD. HoDff D«Tid— (llcdbill J*'io<>80, 'M ' Mil' I. 8. A 8. 1^ Waiting for t)i«tid« OMLiU July «. -71 | SIS OlrdbiU Wailing. Boog BeTcrley— UaRialt Mar.2fl, 'M 8IH8 A. C. Waltz or tb« fairiM Kerriton J«n. 8, '01^109 Sneklia( WarbliDgi at CT*. Piano aolo Hirliardi IjalylH, °M'2700 A.C. War iiiareb of Iht prieiti in Atbalia MeudelKiobn ... Jan. 12, '88 4124 NoTrlle W«i it for Ibii? Bong i WeitU«rl>-— W«llingi .. Jooe 6, '06 20M A. 0. Watcbing al'jnc. Bong Wbitcouibc-Piecolomini Aug.21, HN 4408 8.A. ||^ Watching and praying. Song , JaxouA— Gounod Oct. 31, 'H7 40UU R. A 8o« WriUrlily (Tbai. Op. 1 Si), No. 8 | Linga Aug.lS, •«? 8800 I. 8. A 8. ^•>Wayi>id«eroti (Tb«|. Song < Wraiberley— Rawlings. Dee. 2, '67 4052 A. A 8. N.* We ar« deitiea dramatic. (From tb« opera i ' "Na-lgy.") Murray— CbaiMigne... Not. 8, '88 4514 A. 0, Wedding belli. WalU i liane Dee. 4, •88 2f>«7 A. 0. «|^Wee wifie. Song Weatlierk-j— Hutrbison Apr.21, H? H7n2 A. A 8. N. Wflcumc home, brave Tolanteert ' Imric— Tomnplon ... . Jiinell, '85 '.^IIHI Iiurie A Qraham Welcome to Canada Pbillipg— Clappe Nov.HO, '"m 1201 Pbillipe A Clapp* Welcome Tal»e (Tbe) ■ ConUon Nov.lO, '79 18(W Coulion We'll keep tlie uld gray mare, Jobo. Song .nioglium— Molloy Oct. 1, '88 44(18 A. 0. Were we lovert tlien ? Bong I Lorraine — Temple Mar.28, 'HO 8166 A. G. Wbal are tbe wild wiude saying? Vocal duet I Carpenter— Olover May 4, "85 2505 A. C. Wbatnext? Song ningham— Ponlet Apr. 8, '80 8214 A. 0. Wlial to morrow bringi. Song Harrite Dec. 81, '88 4(i27 I. 8. A 8. Wlieu I survey till' wondroDo Cross. Antbein Couture.. JuneiiO, 'HO 8806 I. S. A S. Wben logs on tbe ingle (From " Indiana ") Faruie— Audran Dec. 14, '86 8.'i80 A. 0. Wbcn love is young (From " p;rminie"( Jakabowski Sep.l7. '86 8425 A. 0. ijt^Wljen tbe children are asleep. Song ' Hutcbison .luly 18, 'H5 2774 Nordbeimer When tbe flowers beijiu to bloom. Boog Daniel— Gledhill June.'M), '86 8.S04 I. B. A 8. Wliou tbebtart is yoanp ! Swain — Buck July 16, '85 2768 A. 0. »iK When shadows fall Seng Cowan - St. Quentin ... Dec. 2, '87 4054 A. A 8. N. Wlicn spariows bnild logilow-- Gabriel JnIy2.S, '85 2787 A. C. When the wind blows lu from tile sea. Vocal duel Eniicb— Smart Feb. 21, '87 •S6.S2 A. 0. )t^ When tomorrow ii to day. Bong Martin— Hutcbison Dec.l2, '87 4076 A. A 8. N. Whispered TOWS. Song Nott— Wellingi Jnnel7, '86 8282 A. C. Whisper low wnlti Crowe Aiig,16, '88 4890 A. C. Whispers from Erin Ilockuro July 20, '82 1855 Suckling White wings. Song Weatherly— Pinsuti .. Sep. 16, '85 2872 A. C. Wiio's that calling so sweet? Song DcTeen Sep. 20, '87 8022; A. C. Wide, wide sea (The). Song Weatberley— Adami ... Sep. 18, '86 8429 A. C. jj^Wild rosebuds. Op. 78, No. 8 Lange Jnne25, '87 rt.S22 I. S. A 8. Willbeeoine? Song Procter— SoUivan July 81, '85 2804 A. C. Will o' tbe wisp. Song Cberry Mar.2e, '88 421« 8. A. Willowtitwillow. (From tbe " Mikado.") Gilbert— Sullivan Mar.29, '86 8207 A. 0. Wilt tboa forget ? Song Harriu Dec.81, '88 4628 I. 8. A 8. Wingi of • doT«. Soag jWhiib , Dee. 80, *86| 857«| I. 8. A 8. / LIST OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHTS. TITLE. Wing* of lh« doT*. Voeftldiwt WioUr earnivftl. Mtitb WinUr •U>r7(A). Boog WiUiin lli« mioiter. Song Witliin til* T«il. Bong Wiib m; toT«. (8e« " Con uaon.") Wilb pleMure. W»1U Wilb ihe Ktresm. Walls Wiibcii knd fiibei. Bong Wooing. Soug World between (A). Bong Wrt-ck of Ihe Algom* Ye»r« «l tlie ipring. Bong Ye binki tnd braeH. (See " Ifigblkod gemi.") Ye btnki ind braei Piano eolo Yellow TOMi. Bong .. Y'e olde t>me. Op. 11, No. 1. Oavotto Y't'Oiiiau of tlie guard, or tbe merrjrman and hia maid (Librttto). Comieopera Y'enroan of tlie guard. Vocal neon • Y'ouBg artiit (Till') Young niubicinn, or radimenti of moaie in veree.... Y'oung Boldifcr. Op. 189, No. 8 Yon know belt Yon rcacb to tbe level of mjr heart Tour iitory and mine. Bong Youtbfol Korrow. Op. 189, No. 7 Zcpbjr (Lei. Polka Zingara waltt. I Bee " La Zingan.") Atrmoaa, Hemana— Wataoa 'Apr.SO, lOregory Jan. 81, iWalaon ,jDiiel7, •Jaxone— Bey Uar.20, Jaxuue— Donbear ^ Mar. 12, JoDM iJ*n. 7, jUaniala JalylS, jWeatberlry— Roeckel... Apt. 8, Buubridge— Cooke Mar. 8, IHugbam — Cowen .Not. IH, llugbei JDec.'iO. Drowning— Ilartog Mar. 8, Pape Lott Ang. 9. Watfnn j Sep. 2, Laeaa lOct. 23, "M 414* '84 2287 M 20M '87 8878 80 8100 I '85 2iH« '8a 2772 80 82 IS 86 8115 '87 ! 4024 '85 8010 '80 8114 '80 88M) HO 8404 '88 4487 Gilbert Not. 8, 'Kg 4611 Gilbert— BuUivan Not.20, 'H8 4647 Woodlawn iNoT.2«. 'Cs' 2H Imrie — Jobnstona . Lange Lemon — Wellingi Lavigne Lemon— nill Lange Delbniok JnlyHO, 'WJ 8844 Ang.18, '871 8895 Sep.lH, 85 2784 Mar.22. '80 1 1414 May 7. 'Mo' 8287 Aug 18. '871 8894 Sep. 14, '86 1 2802 B. A. Lauploagh A.O. L B. A 8. A.O. Baekliiiff A.O. A.C. A.O. A.O. Hogbea A.O. I. 8. A B. A.O. Lmm A.O. AC. Nordbaimtr Imrie A Orabam I. B. A 8. A.O. LaTign« A.O. I. 8. A B. A.O.