IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I fM 1^ 12.2 iti £ 2.0 - 6" MM U 116 Photographic Sdaices Corporation 23 WI£ST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 •SJ m o ^ ■«BR Gna Rms^ Ackmt Gknl MANAacR H .TAYL0R.B:T.R. 0FricE.20 York Street. '-4<2i^T O H O N T O -^a*--* TWMia UTNOMAMIHC CO. CLOBK DoibOlKC i^ THE I 1 PRICB The entire ' this S] me MM Only ^ i^ TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA w THE LEAH IG HOTEL IN TORONTO, practically ^^i^^-^\,^,,^y,^. American Plan. PRI€B CRAIMJATBD, $8.50 TO $3*0 PER DAY, ^MS WITH BATH8 AND PARLOUS AnAOHED EXIBA). B'd.rre Esoai>e Im. ali Bed^cooiixs. TUe entire P.u»bin« U. t^'B^-'^^SSr^l^.^^riartr^r"'' '"'.S"i.:^wnrt^e l^^ry-^uruB of Boston and New York adopted. ICARE a. iBisa, ^ PROPRIETOR. HENRY J. NOLy^N, AMERICAN HOTEL COR. YONGE k FRONT STS., TORONTO. MACKIE & EDSALL, Proprietors. — 0- Only aousel ial Toronto Ruuniag Pree_Bus. Be.t •a.OO per day home In Canada. J ,# -a VnL FOLSON ft C0.,| TOUOISTTO. CO a: o z z 111 steam Ya45lit and Tug Ma4;iiinery a Specialty. Vprigbt Engines and Boiiers from % to 90 H.P. Wa oarry » large Btook of new and second-hand Engines, Boilers, and General TTwvw / Machinery. LOWEST PMOS AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. OFFICE AND WORKS •, SffUKADE m, FOOI OF SBEBSOUm SU TOMTO, 08T W 2 ' "■l-i l lWJfA THB LKiDING ESTABLISHHENT IN CANADA —FOR BOOTS AND SHOES. All the Isest Canadian and Amerioan makes, also Frenoh and German Ooods. THOMAS KENNEDY & CO., Late KENNEDY Sl FORTIEB, 186 YONOE STREET, TORONTO. 4 Dcx>rs North Queen St. 191 TONGE STREET, TORONTO. 1 ^00 CO S a. a S 9 CO I t -IMPORTER AND DEALER IN- » — ^ — Watchmakers & Jewellers supplied at ray regular Trade Prices. Send for my Illustratod Catalogue of Instruments. Also Catalogue of Sheet and Book MuHic. OFFICE LABOUR SAVING DEVICES. JOI L. W. BO A. H. N, T. J. J. J. m H. J. THE NEW^ I>A.TEISrT ROLLEiR RAPID -" COPIER, MAinTFAGTUBED BT TOROSTTO. ll GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY CtonenJ Offlo«. KontrMO, Canada. London Offloo, DaiOiwood Houm, 9 Mew Broad St., London, Bng. DIRECTORS. Lord 0».AUD JOHN HAMILTON, M.P. ROBERT YOUNO, E«J. ROBERT OILLEaPIK, E«».^ ^ WILLIAM UNWIN HEYQATB, Kw). JAMES CHARLES, Ea4. „.„.^«-, «« «■ RiflHT Hon. DAV16 ROBERT PLUNKBT, Q.O., M.P. Hon. JAMKS FKRRIER, MoQtrwkl, 0»n»d». JOHN MARNHAM, P»Q. .^„„^„ „ « lUJOK ALEXANDER OBOROK DICKSON. M.P. OFFICIALS OF THE LINE. JOBBPH HIOKSON, aoneral Manager Montreal, L. J. SEAROEANT, Triffle Manasrer „ W. WAINWRIQ Jr, AMlsUnt Manager ••• „ BOBKRT WRIOHT, Treasurer „ A. J. READ, ABslBtant Treaeurer • „ H. W. WALKER, AcoounUnt .1 N J POWER, Awtttant Accountant „ T.'b. HAWSON, Traffic Auditor "•• „ I V W4I.KRR A« istant Traffic Auditor • „ J BURTO vr8e^wtor7A«llat«i Lln«8 and Aielstant to Oen. Maoag-jr ••. j' P0RTBOU8. General Freight Agent „ WM. EDOAR, Oeoeral Passenarer Agent ••• „ H. K. RITCHIE, SUtioueryAatent „ J. O. HUNT, General Car DUtrlbuter Grand Trunk Section. jAfc arwHKMOir, Superintendent Montreal, Oanailfc B.P.HAir!iAroRD, Chief Engineer...... „ „ H Waulw. i'" chan'cal Superintendent ,.. «i v T 'Takdy. Through Traffi 5 General Freight Agent •P**"***- 'St^a JoErEAkilH Dietriot General Freight Agent Toronto^^ Canada. A. Burns. District Gene al FreWht Agent. m°S^' .. ' Arthur Wbitb. District General Freight Agent 2o °t^ " John Tatu)r. General Storekeeper Montreal, ^^ R. Nash, Assistant General Storekeeper * ^^ „ D. MtfTACWARi, Fuel Agent Great:We8tern Section. 0. STIFF, Superintendent HamlltOB; Canada. JoBRPH H0B8ON, Chief ^nglnwr. „ „ C. K. I>0M?iLLB. Mechanical Superintendent t^»^-„ •« B. R. BAiNBB, Storekeeper. wiS^Mton " RW.Waod, Fuel Agent -. Hamilton, •< It « 14 n at I !• •8.80 am 8.69 " 9.26 " 9.88 '• 9.66 " 10.10 " 10.18 " 10.82 " 10.41 " 11.00 " 11.20 " 11.40 " li^.OSpm 12.80 " 12,48 " 1.07 " 1.27 " 1.40 " 1.66 " 2.07 " 2.27 " 2.56 " ToT" 8.06 " 2.60 " 2.66 " 8.88 •* 4.00 " nd. Lewiston at GRAND TRVNK RAILWAY, MAIN LINB.-Oontinued. MONTREAL TO QUEBEC AND PORTLAND. Mia. 2671 m 781 fTATIOKS. 26) 274 278{ 282 ■28r>i 280 2881 291) 296 296} 297i Lewiiton Jnuo Danvilli JirHonox New OloucMter Pownal North Yarmouth Yarmouth Junction Yarmouth Cunil>erland Palmouth D««rinK PortlanrI & R. Juno. .... PortUnd. Arr. Lre. Boaton« B. &H Arr PanMn. 10.66 am ii.oo'"'' ll.iaam 11.21 " 11.28 " 11. 6 " 11.88 " •11.48" 11.61 •' li.69 '"' 12.06 pm Paawn. •m pm PaaMti. 7.26 am 7.80 ' 7.89 ' 7.47 ' 7.66 8.09 8.03 8.07 •8.18 •8.19 Mixed. 2.10 pm 8.26 " 1.10 pm 2.16 ' 2.26 2.86 2.42 2.48 2.60 2.68 '8.03 '8.09 '8.16 * PanMii- 4.46 pm 4.60 6.00 608 6.16 6.21 6.23 '6.28 6.35 >6.41 6.66' TSTff Mixed. 7.10 am 7.40 '« 7.66 " 8.80 •' 8.42 •' 8.68 " 8.Sfl " 9.06 " 9.17 " •9.80 " •9.'40"" MUed. 4.12 pm 4.86 6.10 6.86 6.66 6..I8 0.1 1 622 6.86 '6.60 7.'o'6' pm " ' "" Ohatham, Ont., Auo. 3, 1886. To Thorley* Con., Powder Co., Toronto: ^. , „ „, This is to certify that having used Dr. Von Stromberg a Horse-Worm Killer in our stables, we find it the most eflfectual remedy for expelling worms and bots that we have ever used, and we confidently recommend it to all ow: >rs of horses, as being the best as well as the cheapest worm medicine in existence, costing only about ^ cents a dose. ^ , . , ^ „ _ Signed • Charles Crow, Breeder of Horses, Raleigh ; John Etches, Jr., John Hales, S heldon Bros., Horse Dealers ; D. MoKellar, Raleigh. THE LARGEST CATERING CONCERN AND 'WEDDING CAEE HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. Estimates on application, for WEDDINGS or ENTERTAINMENTS of any kind, in aU parts of the D= -inioa Personal superintendence given. 441 YONGB STREET, TORONTO, ONT. THE GLOBE, The Leading Paper of Canada. Daily Globe, Morning Edition $T.0O per year. "^ " 1« o'clock " - ■ 4.00 •* . u « 3 « " - 4.00 " " The Best Advertisingf Medium in Canada. "°""" The Globe Printing Co., Toronto. ■ Vr .r, , GRAyir TRUNK RAILWAY, M AIN Ll^E.-Continued. " NEW YORkTbOSTON ^D PORTLAND TO MONTREAL. MlB. STATIONS Bo«to»»vlftB. &M ...Lv Mew York, via P. A B. Ry . . . .Lv Portland ^"^ PoitlandaadB Junction De«ring Falmouth Cumberland Yaimouth Yarmouth Junctiop North Yarmouth Pownal New aioucoBter Danvillb Junction Lewifton J. (Poland 8p| A r Lowlston i . (Poland 8p.) l, ACBDRN Lbwibtoh ... Empire Road Mechanics ITall. Oxford BocTH Paris Sout^Tarw NOKWAT South Parw WeStKaa Bryant's Pond Locke's Mills Bethel West Bethel.. Oilead Sbelburnw . . . . OOKBAU Berlin Falls Oopperville West Milan Stark, W.S. lie IStark 122 iGroveton 12S 120 IK 184 Hi 143 Oroveton Junction. Stratford Hollow Beatties North Stratford . Wenlock IftUUiD Posn 1B3 Gummit 160 Lake IM Norton Mills 189 Dixville 176 Coaticooke 179 Hlllhurst J.88 Compton ;53 Waterviile 198 jiitanoxville ... 19fl |SH»RBR00r,,... 20.'i Brompton IPai'ta Windsor Mills . 21i 221 228 281 236 249 Rtnuuoso LiFga' South Durham Dai by (Old Durham) .cttffeyale ^ = = e * - . - * • UpviOn ..•• •••• -n r^v e, islan d F^nd daily excpt Sunday. e-J55i^rath 1.30 p.m. train from Portlai-d m PORTLAM) ASB QUEBEC TO MONTREAL. Ula. STATIONS. St. Liboire Britannia Mills St«. Ro8al(c St. Htaointh* Ste. Mudeleine St. Hilaire BelcBtl St. Bazile St. Bruno (Bouchervilto) . . St. Hubert St. Lambert , Montreal Mixed. Pass. 8.22 pm ».31 " *8.64 " 4.02 " 4.80 " 4.65 " 5.02 " •5.17 " 5.25 " 5.50 " 6.05 •• 6.40 pm 10.10 am 10.15 " 10.25 " 10.30 " 10.47 " 11.00 " 11.03 " 11.19 " 11.30 " 11.40 " 11.59 am Pass. 7.10 pm 7.41 7.45 8.20 •■ 8.40 pm Pass. 7.25 am 7.42 755 7.69 *8.06 8.13 8.23 8.80 8.55 am Pass. 4.00 am 4.45 4.B0 5.40 6.00 am MONTREAL AND OTTAWA, STATIONS. Montreal Lv. St. Anne " Vaudreuil " Ootpau " St. Polycarpe " Olen Robertson — " Alexandria " Greenfield " Maxyille " Casselman " South Indian " Baetman's Springs " Ottawa Ar, Express. I Express. 8.50a.m *9.2V •' *e.S5 " 10.00 " 10.09 " 10.28. " 10.44 " 10.67 " 11.06 " 11.29 " 11.42 •• 12.01p.m. 12.23p.m, 4.30p.m. *5.07 " *6.16 " 5.3:> •' 5.49 " 6.08 " 6.24 " 6.?.7 " 6.46 " 7.09 " 7.22 " 7.41 •• 8.00p.m, 11 22 29 43 48 55 6) 74 78 91 94 STATIONS. Express. Ottawa Lv. Eastman's Springs.. " South Indian " Casselman " Maxville " Gieenfleld " Alexandria " Olen Robertson " St. Polycarpe ^| Coteau * Vaudreuil \\ bt. Anne 116 Montreal. . Ar, Express. 8.00a.m. 1 4.60p.m. 8.21 << 5.11 " 8.39 (i 6.29 " 8.52 It 6.42 •• 9.16 t< 6.05 " 9.24 41 6.14 " 9.39 II 6.28 " 9.53 II 6.42 " 10.12 II 7.ei " 10.26 II 7.07 " •10.48 II •7.82 " 10.56 l< •7.40 '• 11.30a .m. 8.20p.m J. PITTMAN & CO., # AT THEIR ELEGANTLY APPOINTED MAMTLi & w&mmmu Hen®!, ARE SHOWING THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF M&mtMB ^ \BlmoM ^ernds EVER SHOWN IN TORONTO. SPECIAL IMPORTATIONS. Family Mourning at Shortest Notice, DRESS AND MANTLt MAKING AN ART WITH US. Ladies attended in any part of the Dominion if required, where samples will be showu and a competent Lady seat to take order. 218 Yonge Street^ Tcvontc •■^ _ b -l J 8,/C«pjn)«s I ' ■-■ W 05 ^ ■* us U3ta a e iH« Oi-l SJOJMM ^S s 3!SS8 QO CO ^ CO 1^1 SS8S »5 SQ >4 19 komeo JDINM-^S ^ QQ CO CO CO • lOiNOO ^ >a >o «$ CO «'*i-trt coeSt^t"! •0r-09SO(N>0e^O r^odoooocioiA^i-i '^taujio'iaioccjwco 1 P.M. 7.00 7.26 1 P.M. 6.30 6.00 1 P.M. 4.00 4.30 Sat. only. P.M. 2.30 2.66 1 P.M. 1.00 1.30 i A.M. 9.45 10.10 1 A.M 8.20 8.46 1 A.M. 7.26 7.60 •em S. CO a 1^ as o OQ •BiH g;s ooo e.'c^<^ 8SS 35iHi-i »8S • lOOO SlOr-l •oeo X5e4 ►a < s. .:?-; -S£&. I CEWTRAL PlVIS10Jj> MftWTRTAL TO TOBOSTO, DETROIT ASP CHICAGO STATIONS. MoKtrc«l..Lve iiMihuie Junction Jacq^CartieTj^^ gt. Laurent* TJaU J.C. Ky 10 5U 16i 21 24 81 87 UulVlU ... Vtdoisville Pte. Claire Ueaoouafleid Ste. Annes Vaudreuil St. Doffllnique Riviere Rouge Ooteau Ottawa, v ia C!. A. lEivI^reBei 270 279 t>0RT HOPK Newtonville 'ISImifHlirBELTlNXFgo to CENTRAL DITI8I0N.— Continued. MONTREAL TO TORONTO DETROIT AND CHICAGO. HlB. STATIONS. 286 290 2Q3i 299 803 310 816 822 827j 8;il| 838 834i 338 341 848 364 360 362 366 368 374 381 S83 386i 301 396. 897J 395^ 408 404i 409 40? 406 408 415 421 Kewoadtle Bowmauvllle Uarlinorton Oshawa Whliby Junction , Pickerinr Port Union Scarboro Junction York Don. Toront*. (Ar Mixed. Pass. 8.53 pm 9.08 " 9.20 " 9.29 " 9.41 " 9 64 " 10 07 " Pass. 7.07 " '7.37 Vorth Parkdale . Carlton Weston Halt'tn Brampton Norval Georgetown Limehouae Acton West Rockwood RvBiiPn Guelph Junction . Mosborough Breslau Berlin 6.26 pm 6.85 " 6.51 7.00 7.20 7.«0 7.68 8.07 8.17 8.30 8.46 9.10 10.27 " 10.40 " 611.16' •11.28' 11.80 ' 11.88 ' 11.57 ' 12.12 am 8.66 am Waterloo Berlin ... Duon .... Blair .... Gait (Arr. t Lve Petersburg . Baden Hambu'g ... Shakespeare . Stratford . . 12.82 " i2.'47*''' 1,00 " 1.20 " 9.33 " 9.40 " 9.50 " 10.05 " 10.20 " 10.34 " 10.40 " Pass. 8.15 8.26 •8.30 a48 8.50 9.05 9.20 9.42 10.06 ' 10.18 am pm 1.62 11.02 " 11.15 " 11.35 " 11.40 " •11.4S" 12.00 pm 1210 9.S8am 9.46 «Ar JLv 421 4261 432 438} 444 464 426| 432 441 447 450 454 461 470 479 484 488 406i 601 661 842 831 Stratford St Paul's St. Mary's Morden's Crossing Thorndale London Ar St. Paul's St. Mary's Oranton Lucan L. H. and B. Junction Ailsa Craig Park Hill Thedford Forest Aberarder Camlachie Blackwell Sarnia (Pt. Edward). Pass. *2!o7 2.22 2.40 2.65 8.05 10.15 am 10.26 " 10.35 " 10.50" 11.05 " 11.30 " Port Huron (Fort Gt.), for Detroit " " Chicago Detroit Ar Cbicaso, via Wbsh. & B. & O. Ry. ^^^ viaC. &G. T. Ry 11.50 am 12.00 pm 12..'?5 " 12.67 " 1.06 " 1.15 " 12.26 " 12.35 " 12.42 " 1.00 " 1.15 " 1.20 " 3.32 •3.55 4.10 6.26 pm 4.30 4.45 6.06 5.30 1.20 3.15" •3.25 3.40 4.05 To5 4.08 4.16 4.25 4.42 4.58 5.12 5.2-: 5.88 " 5.47 " 6.08 " 6.20 " 6.26 " 6.35 " 6.43 " 8.55 " Tw^ 7.20 " 7.20 " 7.40 " 7.45 " 7.56 " 7.00 am 7.10 " 7.18 " 7.80 '• 8.48 pm 4.06 " •4.16 " 4.40 " 4.66 " 5.16 " 5.40 " 6.06 " 6.16 " 6.26 " 6.40 " 4.26 pm 4.35 " 7.10 " 7.18 " 7.25 " 7.40 " 7.56 " 8 00 " 1.46 2.00 2.10 6.50 c6.'l5 6.45 am 7.40 •• 9.25 „ 8.5QLpm 8.20 ■ 2.25 2.40 2.58 3.15 8.00 8.12 8.25 '8.36 8.50 9.10 Mixed 7.35 am T??pm 6.35 Mixed 4jl0£m Mixed. 3.35 4.00 3.60 ' 7.50 ' 6.10 ' 8.30 am «.1ft ' 7.55 " 8.20 " 8.56 " 9.16 " 9.23 " 9.36 " 9.56 " 10.20 " 10.45 " 11.10 " •11.32" 11,46 " Mixed. 4.25 4.45 6.15 5.36 6.43 6.10 6.60 7.18 7.45 8.10 10.56 am 3.6dpm 8.45 6 Saturday night train runs through to Detroit Sunday e Rune daily Sarnia to Detroit. ROBIN & SADLER,!" MANUFACTURERS, ^ * 13 AMD §6 King St. East, TORONTO. ■^"^ I " rST-i MIU IW CENTRAL DIVISION.— Continued. CHICAeO ASP DETROIT TO TOBOSTO aSD MOSTBEMu STATIONS. Bxpresa Express Piasen Chicago, via B.& 0, A Wabash,.Lv, do vl»0. «G. T. R Detroit • • ■ • . ■ • . • • •. Lv Port Huron (Ft. Gt.)fromChio go " from D e troit, 8ARNIA (i'oint Kdwardl) 230 236 239 243 261 268 262 267i 271 276 281 291 Mosborough Ouelph Junction, QCKIiPH Clockwood Acton West Limehouae Georgetown Norval Brampton Malton Weston , Carlton North Parkdale Toronto ■^" do I'Te Don York Soarboro' Junction Port Union Pickering Whitby Junction Oshawa Darlington Bowmanville Newcastle Newtonville, Poet Hope NoU [a]* Run, daily, Sunday included, and stop, at aU stations Umen Belleville and Kingstm, n Saturdays remains over Sun- onnscting vitk G. VJt. train for Sunday a.m . ^, . ^ « o« « — w« r * a T Rv. on Saturdays remains over Sun WW- fM _ Train leaving Chicago at 3.20p.m.,OTa C- * «; j^^ t:ZL " " ' ' - - '" arriving at moniteai, o.i day at Toronto, leaving at s.w p.m ®K [dfJZyZtween BeUeviUe and Kingston^<^xcept Saturdays. i P.M. 6.56 " 7.06 " 7.80 am 7.60 •• 8.06 " 8.16 " 8.26 " 8.82 " 8.46 " ft.OO " 9.16 " 9.23 " 9.88 " 9.45 " ARCADE, TORONTO. Thi. is the leading Commercial CoUeg. in Canada. !*• Ip^Jof ^ iJlS'SI and educational centre of this Proyince. The .onrfle of stndiea has been spedaUy ar- ranged to give a sound businass training. -.,.««.«.«/»«««,/«, AErrHMETIO. COMMERCIAL LAW. BOOK-KBBPWO, CO^POUDBWCB PBNMAH8HIP, PHONOORAPHY. and TTPEWWriHCk prikOticaUy taught. For circular, giving full information, address— O. O'lDE^, Steretarsf. OHHf^ HALrlL, liOTlE M4IIIIISOHs — IMFOBTBR OF — N ., „„^ -, PLATED AND FANCY GOODS, Table Cutler/, Bust and Parian Marble STilLTTTA-RY, 49 King Street East, TORONTO. I 80LB AQBNT FOB CANADA FOB THK GOLD STRING PIANOS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. (Manufactured by the Schomacker Piano Mfg. Co. ruiiauuipuia, PA, n > P. 0. Box 696. BRANTFORH, ONT. 15 IM«9MMMHHMKn<(< ^.- '-^^'.ftvU -_,/*?:< CENTRAL DIVISION,-0ontinued. CHICAGO AND DETROIT TO TORONTO AUD MONTREAL Mbk 207 80b 812 820 828 8 9 834 841 849 856 868 CoBOcita Grafton Oolborne Briuhton . . Smtthfleld.. Trenton . . . Sidney Bbllbtilli Shannonville. Marysville Desoronto Juno 8W Dbsoronto, via B. ol Q. Ry. | j^yg'^ Napai ,nee 874 881 888 892} 897 406 Tamworth, via N. T. and Q. Ry. Fredericksburg BmeHtown Collin's Bay Kingston Rldeau Ballautynes — Gananoque June Gananoqub, via T. I. Ry, 414 423 432 611 436 442 449 457 462 469 478 480 483 489 494 602 507 Summerstown Lanoaster. 612^ Bainsville 617 ="— '"'- 603 eST 627 630 637 640 546 647 549 561 666 569 661 Bt. Lansdowne Mallorytown Ly n -; Ot'tewa« via C. f. ky Arr. Brockvillb Maitland Prbsoott Cardinal Iroquois . Monisburg: Au.\t8ville Farran's Point ^ ^^ Wales 6.40 UiUe Roches °-°^ JORNTALL Rivet Beaudett e Ottawa vStHS! I'oteau Riviere Rouge St. Dominique Vaudreuil iSt. Anne's Beaconsfield . Pointe Claire Valoisville . . . Dorval Jacques Uartier, Lachine Junction Montreal. El V ^> 1 Express ins. »7.32 " *7.40 " II V ^> r I >• i I I ftCO^TCRKD. I I ^ ^ S IB29 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PORTHB CURB OF ALL CHRONIC DISEASES. z DfPOSITORV— ENQLAND : CANADA DlPOSITOnV : DePOtlTOHV"»AN FRANOISOO: SUB-PtPOSIT OHY— LCHOOW, EMO WILUAMOARNER, E. W.D.KINO. H. A. MATHbWS. JAM. 8 THOMSON. Frodsham, Ohishibi, 58 Ohuroh St , Toronto. 815 PdwfLL Street. io Marl St., Wandsworth, S.W. OUR TREATISE SENT FREE BY MAIL. The above are the only Sources from which the Genuine Compound Oxygen can be obtained. D.S.BARCLAYr« ^EMBOSSEF^ vIngS^Ea!^ ARMS, CRESTS AND MOTTOES "^Tsbisz Seals, E-bo All Kinds of Plate EngitiTlng. MEDALS. 3k- ik ORIGINAL DESIGNING A SPECIALTY. BOOK COVERS, ETC. Redding invitations™ >ALLPR06RAMMEf JViJiTINC CARDr<8ie', ^^l» KING .5T. CAST* Te Lt PHONE w. 687 *^ORyNTO ONLY $15. ONLY $15. "STTN" TYPE "WEITBR. This is not a rubber stamp, but a genuine metal type manifolding maohine. Just the thing for clergymen, teachers, business men and othtrs having limited correspondence. As a guarantee that the machine is as represanted, I agree to receive it at any time within 6 montns at price paid in exchange for the Celebrated Remington Tjrpe-Writer. George Bengough, Sole Agent, 34 King St. t., Toronto. MANUFACTUBEBS AGENTS, 4 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. MANUFACTUBEBS OF THE IJVIPI^O'S/'Eia I^EVEI^glBLE W.fll'EIi piLfEI^ to fit anv wfttflr faucet. Price. 81.75. THE COMBINATION BURGLAR PROOF DOOR BOLT AND CIGAR COTTER, Price 2dc. THE B.B. MALT LIQUOR PURIPYER. AGENTS WANTED ALL OVER CANADA. PATENTS BOUGHT, SOLD & EXCHANGED. 17 Between Toronto and Vxbrid^, Orlllla and Midland. MIDLAND DITISION. MAIN LINE. STATIONS. Mkll Arr. TORONTO Soarboro Junction. Aginoourt...^. Uiilonville Markbam Stouffrllle Goodwood UXBRIDGE.... BlMkwater. Sunderland. . . . Oannington. . . . LorneviUe Jo. Beaverton Breobin Uptergrovo .... 0RILL1A Ooldwater. , . . , WAUBAUSHANE . MIDLAND Arr. Ltc Lve. Arr Ex. •Mx. Mix. Lvo. F.M. 12.10 1148 11.35 11.28 11.16 ii.oa 10.47 10.80 10.06 9.40 080 9.16 0.00 8.66 8.88 8.19 8.00 7.46 6.62 6.88 6.00 AM. P.M. 9 2> 8.48 ».30 8.18 8.11 7.67 7.42 7.86 7.00 6.86 6.26 6.10 6 66 6.60 6.88 6.14 4.66 4.40 8.48 8.88 2.66 V.M. P.M. 5.06 4.15 856 8.25 3.16 2.50 2.20 1.40 1.16 P.M A.M. 1016 9 66 0.26 906 8.66 a 48 8.28 8.00 P.M. Between Toronto and Lindsay, Peter- boro' and Port Hope. Mix. Exp. A.M. 9.15 10.80 10.65 11.16 11.46 12.10 12.46 1.16 1.25 2.05 2.40 8.16 4.00 Mall MlB, P.M. 4.86 6.24 6.40 6.47 6.04 6.18 6.86 7.00 7.10 7.86 7.66 8.15 8.60 9.20 9.41 10.06 P.M. A.M 7.86 827 8.48 8.60 9.06 9.23 9.40 10.06 10.16 10.41 1100 11.20 11.65 12.80 12.50 1.20 P.M. 14 20 23 29 84 41 61 61 77 92 104 118 122 STATIONS. Lve. At. Lve. Arr. Lve. .TORONTO.. ..Agiucourt ,. .. Union vUle.. , . Markfaam . . ..Stouflville.. . Goodwood.. ...Uxbridge .. Blackvrater. . . Mariposa . . LINDSAY. Arr. Lve Arr. • • • • > Lve. Arr. Exp. Omemee PETEKBOROUOH Millbrook Garden HUl . .. .. Port Hope Junction Arr. Lve, Ml. P.M 12.26 11.85 11.28 1116 11.02 10 47 10 80 10.05 9.65 9 80 9.15 8.53 8.20 7.47 7.22 7.00 A.H. P.M. 9.20 &80 8.18 811 7.57 7 42 7.25 7.00 6.50 6.25 6.10 5.48 5.15 4.40 4.16 3.45 P.M, Mix. P.M. 505 8.55 8.25 8.15 2.50 i 11.20 10.25 A.M, Mixed train from Toronto, 8.15 p.m., arrives at Stouflville at 6.40 p m. Mixed train leaves Stouflville 8.00 a.Yn. arrives Toronto at 10.16 a. m. AIiXX. RAMBAT. A. RAMSAY A SON, MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF AUIX. MANBOM. Paints, Oils, Colors and Artists' Materials, Englisb & SelKlaii slieet SH. Poiisned Piaie CSiais, :M:o3sra?iiE-A-ij- 19 ^_^_ NIDLAITD HITISION.-Continued. MAIBf LINE. Between Port Hope and Peterboro', Orlllla and BildlaHd. Mixed A.M. 10.4b 1.00 1.10 1.M 1.60 S.18 P.M. • • • • • I Expr'n M*iL P.M. 8.46 4.40 6.16 6.48 «.10 0.60 7.S0 7.86 7.60 7.66 &18 8.80 a60 9.07 9.60 10.16 10.60 P.M. A.M. 7.00 7.47 8 20 8 68 9.16 0.80 0.66 10.18 10.26 10.40 10.66 11.00 11.18 11.86 11.66 12.12 1.04 1.20 L66 P.M. Mil. 18 24 98 28 81 46 64 01 72 74 88 86 08 101 109 114 120 188 !147 StATIONS. Lv«. Arr. .... Port Hop* JunoUon . . . . Mlllbrook . B«thui]p . Brunawiok . Franklin Arr. Lve. P£Tt!.KBORuUaU. .... Oinemee ... LINDSAY .... if aripoM ... Blackwst«r ... . . Sunderland . . . Cftnnlngton . . . j^^ . . Lornerille Juno. . . Bekverton Brechin Uptergrove . . . OBILLIA Goldwater WAUBAUSHENB. MIDLAND ... Arr. Lve. Arr. Lve. Arr. Lve. P.M. 1.20 1S.80 11.6% 11.20 11.00 10.41 10.16 0.40 0.30 9.16 9.00 8.66 S.88 .19 aoo 7.46 6.68 6.88 6.00 A.M. P.M. 10.06 920 8.60 8.16 7.66 7.86 7 10 086 d.26 I). 10 5.65 6.60 6.88 6.14 4.66 4.40 8.48 8.88 2.66 P.M. A.M. 9.20 J.OO^ 7.18 7.08 6.66 6.27 6.00 A.M. Miied Train leaveii Peterl>orough 10.26 a.m., arrives at BlaokwaUir 1.06 p.m. Eeturnlng leaves Blackwater 1.26 p.m., arriving Peterborougti 4.00 p.m. BRANCH UNE. I ^ e> o( e> «: td «( ^1 ®SS85S li »i vi -^ \o <6 ti One of the Most Reliable and Safe Remedies for Coaghs and Lung Troubles is Holden's Expectorant, It LoosenB the Cough and Stimulatea the Lump, enabling them to throw off the obstruction. It Is put up in 26o. and 60o. Bottles. TRY IT. GEEN'S HAIR RESTORER. Is now becoming popular, as it has proved to be very effective. It is largely used, and gives general satisfaction, besides, the 50c. bottles are as large as the SLOO bottles of other kinds. If not satisfactory the money will be refunded. Liberal discounts for quantities. ALBERT L. 6EEN, BELLEVILLE, ONT., I»IlOI»IlIJETOIl. madoc Branch. Mix. A.M. A.S6 7.27 7.88 8.20 Mix. P.M. S.2/> 4.17 4.25 Ml8. 13 15 23 STATIONS. Lve. .f;.- .-. ,,,,„,,,.MAOOr , . ,,, W. Hunil'-vri '^ .. .. North Hastirt' ■ Ju « , .. Arr... BELLEVILLE ..L/o 20 Mix. Mix. A.M. P.M. II..-,'. fi.4r> ;.06 4.66 x0 66 4.46 10.10 a 9 I ■M •a . . 3 s Ii II waa g2 1^ • • « « • • « « »• «4 • • • < • • • ' r0 'A^S^$S i-*ii i u M I MIDLAND DnmSION.-Oontiimed. BRAMCH LINES. Llndaay and Coboconk. Mail. r.M. a. 90 &4A 7.10 8.00 &40 8.60 9.10 0.56 P.M. Mis. STATIONS Lt*. Arr. ....LlndMjr . . Cambny Lornevllle Jane, j^' . PorUff* Rokd ,., KIrVfleUl ..... 29 I VIctoi ■ Road 88 Cobovouk Arr. Lve, Ar. Dp. MaU. A.M. 9.56 0.00 8.40 7.65 7.46 7.86 e.40 AM. Sutton Braneb. Mall. A.M. «.00 6.46 7.06 7.20 7.46 Mil. 12 16 10 86 STATIONS. Lve. Sutton . . Mt Albert Vivian.. BalUntrae Arr..... StouflvtUe Arr. .Lve. Mail. P.M. 7.65 7.10 6.60 6.87 6.10 ILakefleld Braneb. Mix. A.M. 7.06 7.26 8.00 9.20 A.M. MaU i P.M 8.10 4.00 8.60 0.0510 9.20 24 ia06l42 P.M. STATIONS. Mall Lve. Ap. Lv. .... Lakefleld PETERBORO'. ....FraMrvUl* ... .... Millbrook Port Hope Juno.. Arr. Lv. Ar. Arr. Lve. P.M 1.20 12.80 8.20 Mix. A.M, 8.60 aso 8.15 7.47 7.001 .... A.H.I A.M, GANJINOQUE. KINGSTON. BROPHYB D. BROPHY, Proprietor. STRICTLY FIRST CloASS. All Modem ImproTements. ANGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL. Most Oonvonlent and Popular Hotel In City. BEFITTED AND BEFUBNISHED. OHABOES MODBRATB. Directly oppoBite O.T.R. Station ft; Steam- boat Land Dg. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. SHANAHAN, Prop»r. ADVERTISING RATES * FURNISHED ON APPHCATION TO H. TAYLOR, »0 lOEK STREET, TORONTO. 21 .rtftgsfe BaFPALO DIVISION.-Contmu.d. NEW YORK, BljJTALO, GOPERICH, DETROIT AND CHICAGO. Mis, STATIONS. New York, Weat Shore N. Y. C. RR. L _ " N. Y. L. E. & W. RK. Line . 9 19 26 82 88 *Si 47 51 62 60 68 76 84 92 97 107 116 lluljr.ilc, txch*nge Street, N. Y. L. E. and W. KR " Erie Street Lv " BlackRock Lv Fort Erie Bertie .- .'.*.'.' Port Colbome ,....'.!...! Wainfleet .., ,' ."/.** Stroinness '. ....,'. ,...,', ',,.', Duniiville !.!!!! ,.',',.'. '..., Ganfield Junction Canfleld , Cook's York '.."."'.*.'.'..'.'.'.".*..'.'!". Caledonia ....'.*......*,.*...',*.!. Onondaga ......'..*.' Lv Brantford i^' Paris Drumbo Bright Tavistock ■■ Stratford i^' — SebrineviUe MitcheU Dublin !!.'.'.".".'.'..".".'!'.". Seatorth , .'. '.'..'. Clinton Holmesville Codertcli '.'..'.' ".','., ', *.'.' "..Ar Stratford T77r!TT^!^^""^^^^"""^T/ St. Paul's St. Mary's '.".'.!.'."".'.'.'..*.".'!".' Oranton ........*.'..*..,*.*.... Lucan \ ....... Ailsa Craig Park Hill Thedford .'...'.. Forrest Camlachie .....'.............! Blackwell SARNiA(Pt. Edward) '. ".'.'.,'. Fobt Gratiot Port Huron and N. W. Stn Port Huron (C. and G. T. Stn.) Chicago & G. T. Junction Smith's Creek Sidgeway New Haven CheNterfield Mount Clemens Eraser Milwaukee Junction ', Detroit Junction Detroit ...... Ar Chicago (O. and G.jT.) l^abash & B. & O. Ar Express 8.10 pm 9.15 " 8.00 " 7.66 am 8.10 ' 8.25 ' 8.40 ' 868 ' *9.10 •9.22 ' 9.38 ' 9.»5 ' 9.48 ' *9.57 ' 10.10 " 10.26 " 10.48 '* 10.43 " 11.00 " 11.16 " 11.26 " 11.45 " 12.01pm 1.16 " 1.33 " 2.02 " 2.20 '• 2.40 " 8.05 «' •3.20 " 3.40 " 1.20 1.46 2.00 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.58 3.15 8.35 4.00 8.60 4.10 4.25 4.47 6.00 6.10 6.20 6. 31 5.£0 6.10 6.10 Express 4.80 pm 4.45 " 6.00 " 5.20 " 5.40 " 6.65 " 6.08 " 6.20 " 6.35 " 6.40 " •6.62 " 6.56 " •7.08 " 7.27 '• 7.46 " 8.06 pm 8.15 " 8.32 " 8.45 " 8.58 " 9.15 " •9.25 " 9.46 " 8.60 6.10 8.10 am 8.30 Mixed. 7.45 S.03 8.22 '8.55 9.16 c6.46 am 7.10 " 7.25 7 45 8.06 8.15 £.28 8.40 9 05 9.26 9.25 8.20 pm 8.60 ' Mixed. 6.00 am 6.16 " 7.00 " 7.20 " 8.16 •• 9.52 " •10.08" ,10.20 " 10.65 am Expreaa 11.80 •' 11.65 " 12.33 pm 12.63 ' 1.13 1.60 2.30 3.00 n g 5 js a >*a3 CAN RUPTURE BE CURED ? We answer it can, by using EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUSS having a spiral spring pad, with a graduated pressure movable face, yielding to every motion, retaining the Hernia always, with no pressure on the spine, causing paralysis, spinal and kidney troubles, as other trusses will. And, b«inir a perfect support for the back and bowels, it does away with wearing a double truss in many cases, and varying in size from 1 to 10, enabling us to meet most every case. Worn day and night with ease and comfort. Send for circular contairing price list, yourneiehbours' testimony, and questions to arswer. Call, or address " ECAN IMPERIAL TRUSS CO.," 23 Adelaide Street East, TORONTD, ONT. Please mention this guide when you write. 22 »0. Expreas ins o a »• c bcS .9 2 §s.l 3 8^ XI c o- ^03 iL TRUSS. g to every ; paralysis, ort for the id varying liglit witli ieBtimony, 3 Adelaide 1 I BUFFALO DIVISION. CHICAGO, DETROIT, GODERICH, BUFFALO AND NEW YORK. His. 8 19 26 29i 35 41 61 68 62 STATIONS. Chicago, and Q. T. Lv and O. and Wabash 11 Detroit Detroit Junction Milwaukee Junction Fraser. Mount Clemens hesterfieid* New Haven Ridireway Smith's Creek Chicago and G. T. Junction Port Huron (C. and O. T. Station) Port Huron and N. W. Station. . . , Fort Gratiot 68" Sarnia (ft. Kdw'aJSTT^^TT!" 68 Blackwell 76 Camlachie 85 Forrest 94 Thedford 103 Park Hill 110 Ailsa Craig 117 Lucan 123 Oranton 133 St. Maiy'a 138i St Paul's 143 Stratfdbd .Lv 10| 15 23 29 35 40 46i 151 161 166 174 182 190 199 204 205 212 212| 220 226 233 239 249 255 Ooderleli . Holmeaville . Clinton Seaforth . . . Dublin Mitchell Sebringville , Stoatfokd . Tavistock ... Bright Drumbo . . . . Paris Bkantford . Pass. Express .Express Express Mixed (Ar ILv 7.00 am 8.S0pm Xooam 8.00 " 8.23 ♦' 8.45 " 8.56 "' 9.06 " 9.15 " 9.30 " 9.50 " 10.05 " 10.26 " 12.40 pm 1.06 1.23 1.40 2.06 2.25 2.40 2.52 3.15 3.26 3.40 (Ar tLv Onondaga Caledonia York Cook's Canfleld Oanfleld Junction . . . Dunnville Slromness * Wainfleet * Port Colbome Bertie Fort Erie Buffalo, Black Rock Ar " Erie Street Ar " Exchange Stree t Ar New York, West Shore 7.25 '• 7.46 •• 8.00 " 8.10 " 8.28 " 8.40 " 8.40 " 8.67 " 9.18 " 9.30 " 9.50 " 10.07 " 10.07 " 10.25 " 10.40 '• 10.50 " *10.58" 11.05 " 11.10 • 11.25 " 11.36 " 11.50 " 12.03 pm 12.22 " 12.40 " 12.55 " 1.10 " 12720 12.44 1.06 1.46 2.20 2.40 3.10 3.30 3.40 4.00 4.22 4.37 6.00 5.20 5.20 5.38 6.00 N. Y. L. E. N. Y. C. E. andW. B..... 6 30 6.35 6.60 •7.02 •7.12 7.25 7.42 7.55 8.10 8.25 11.20 am 11.25 " 10.30 " Mixed. 3.40 pm •3.55 " 4.46 '« 5.30 " 6.00 '• 6.25 '• 7.00 " 7.16 pm lE^TJ FTTJ IEe/Ii]. OHAS. OLUTHFS PERFECTED SPIRAL TRUSS, for CURE OF RUPTURE. Send stamp tor illustrated book on Rufture and Hchan Fpjihb (eighth Address • edition.) Valuable information. ' CHAS. Cl^XJTHEv Surgical Machinist, :ia rLtrr^ Afreet rraty I urtur< t U. GREAT WESTERN DIVISION. MAIKT LIME, GOING WEST. STATIONS. Chfcajro Rxpress (Sund'ys ind'cied) NEW YORK (WcKt Shore).. Dep. BOSTON, FITCHBURG &\ „ West Shore I NEW YORK.N. Y. C " NEW YORK, N. Y. L.E.& W. " BOSTON, B.& A " ALBA^Y " ROCHESTER " BUFFALO, N. Y. C " BUFFALO, N. Y. L. E. & W . . " BUFFALO, N. Y. W. S. & B. . " SUS. BRIDGE (N. Y. C.) ,. .. " NIAGABA FALLS '< Merritton St. Catharines Jordan Peamsville Grimsby Winona. HAMILTON {^p Dundas Copetown Lynden HARRISBURG i ^J'- St. George Paris Princeton Gobies Ea«twood Woodstock Beachville Ingersoll Dorchester London Sist LONDON {Am Kom«»ka Mount Biydges Longwood AppTn . Glencoe Newbury Bothwell TbatnesviUe LewisviUe CHATHAM {An. Jeannettt's Creek Stony Point Belle River ; t'ecumseh WINDSOR Arr. UETHOIT (D O H & M Depot) " CHICAGO, Wab. & B. & O. R. " CHICAGO, via. C. & G. T. . . . " MILWAUKEE, D.,G.,H.&M. " ST. fiOUIH Arr. 10.10 am 9.00 ' 10.80 ' 9.00 ' 8.80 ' 8.00 pm 10.00 10.80j;?»i 11.86 1.10 am 1.85 1.51 1.55 2.56 8.00 8.40 8.44 4.04 § Accom. St. Louis Express (Sund'ys incl'ded) 7.10 am 7.25 7.46 7.52 8.03 8.14 4.44 6.03 586 5.45 6 85 6.47 6.56 7.09 7.85 7.50 9.00 8.35 8.20 pm Ace A.II 6.45 7.20 7.40 8.02 8.21 9.00 9.80 10.26 11.00 11.28 12 00 12.45 1.^8 1.54 2.24 2.57 8.30 P.M 8.32 " 8.55 " 9.20 " 9.35 " 9.48 " 9.58 " 10.06 " 10.80 " 10.85 11.00 ' 11.15 1120 • 11.81 «' 11.44 *' 11.58 '• 12.05 pm 12.23 " 12.40 " 12.46 " 2.15 " 2.85 " 2.44 " 2.58 " 8.09 " 317 " 3.30 " 8.48 " 4 01 " 4.15 " 4.40 " 4.45 " 5.14 " 5.26 " 5.44 " 6.00 " 6.16 " 5.50 " Pacific Express (Sund'ys incl'ded) 6.10 pm 8.00 '• 8.00 " 4.10 am 5.45 6.55 7.10 7.27 " 8.26 " 8.80 " 9 06 " 922 '■' 9.55 10.11 " 10.45 •* 10 60 " 8.10 pm 6.00 " 9.15 " 8 00 " 6.00 " 2.15 am 10.10 " 1200 m. 11.60 am l.lOpm 1.30 •' 1.60 " 1.56 " 2.55 8.05 3.45 8.49 4.12 4.45 " 5.03 5.45 •• 6.20 " Mail. 2.26 pm 2.00 ' 8.85 " 8.60 " 4.10 " 416 " 4.27 " 4.89 " 4.69 " 6.20 *• 5.80 " 6 44 " 6.58 •' 6.08 " 8.15 " 6.20 " 6.28 " 6 40 " 6 56 •' 7.00 " 7.10 " 7.22 •' 7.85 " 7.47 " 8.10 " 8.30 " 8.85 pm Accom. 8.50 pm 4.06 •• 4.17 " 4.27 " 4.85 " Windsor Accom 12.20 pm 12.25 " 1.30 1.05 8.60 8.05 '• 8.10 " 9.20 8.50 ' 7.06 am 8.10 " Wind- sor Accom. T3oam 780 ' 7.44 ' 8.02 ' 8.28 8.40 Mixed 6 80 pm 6.59 7.10 7.28 7.42 7.66 8.12 8.27 8.50 9.U8 9.85 pm Mix. P.M. 6.05 605 6.00 7.60 8.00 8.25 8.82 10.16 6.67 am 7 60pm|. *NoTB.— Mixed Trains are at times subject to be cancelled. a No connection for the West on Sunday night. THE MAIL. The Leadinsr Newspaper in Canada, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : S?^!? , $7.00 per annum. Weekly - - - - $i.oo " "^'- The Mail Printing Co., Toronto. -DR-. l>OIlEl?fWEWI>'S The most WONDERFUL PREPARATION ever discovered for restoring the vitality and colour of the Hair ; invigora ing tne Growth, Stimulating the Glands. An invaluable re- medy for those who are F'Uffering from Loss of ViUlitv, Palling out of the Hair, Dandruff and Baldness. Read tM" Toronto, Sept. 21, 1886. Mr, Dorbmwknd.— Many thanks for recom- mending your " HAIR MAGIC." I have used it, and find it everything you guarantee it to be ; besides this it is a very agreeable Hair Dreraing, being free from greasy substances. It dries quickly and does not soil the skin. I intend continuing its use. Yours, etc., MISS M. JACKSON. Sent to ax. J address on receipt of price. Sold at II per bottle, or 6 bottles for 95. Enclose money in letter, and address, A. Dorbnwsnd, 106 Yonge Street, Toronto, sole owner and manufacturer for the American continent. GENTLEMEN, ARE YOU BALD? THEN REMEMBEE THAT I HAVE TOUPEES AND WIGS f OUP EE i, '^ That are so natural looking after being placed on top of the head that no one could tell they were false. For particulars send for price and style. Address A. DORENWEKD, Paris Eair Works, 106 Tonge St, TORONTO, CANADA. ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE, OOLLEGB WILL RE-OPEN JANUARY 5th, 1886. The most elegant of the Ladies' Colleges' The one showing the best Non-pro- fessional and University record. The one that won the Medal for Drawine in com- petition with the Art Schools of Ontario. The one furnishing a complete G^aduSn Course in Piano Pipe Organ, Violin, and Voice Culture. Tfie one giving a Gommer^ cial Course, embracing Phonography and Telegraphy. Health, coi^ort and scholar- hip in happy combination. O-Kates comparativblt low. scnoiar- Send for new IIIuatrAtml fialAn/loK nr- anniir m ev. J. J. HARE, Principal. -x^rrjr GREAT WESTERN DIVISION. MAIN LINE, GOING EAST. STATIONS. Limited Express (Sund'ys iucl'ded) ..Dep. 110 S-, LOUIS CHICAGO (via C.& a. T.) CHICAGO B. & O. & Wab. . . . MILWAUKKB DETROIT D. G.H.&M. Depot) UriNDSOK Tecumseta Bel e River Stony Point Jeanette's Creek • • • CHATHAM {d'^; Lewtsville Thamesville Bothwell Newbury Glencoe Appin Lonff wood Mount Brydges Komoka • .• • • I Arr LONDON I Dep! London East Dorctieater IngersoU 'eachville Woodstock Bavtwood Gobies Princeton Paris St. George I'V" HARRISBURQ { Dep, Lynden Hopetown Dundas HAMILTON {oep; Winona Grimshy B> amsville Jordan St. Catliarines Memtton NIAGARA FALILS. . . . . . . -Arr. SUSPbNSION BDG. (N.T.C.). " BUFFALO (N.Y.C.) " BUFFALO, N. Y.L.E.&W).. " BUFFALO, N.Y.,W.S. and B. " RO'lHESTER " ALBANY i^. '' BOSTON (B. and A^ NE* YORK (N.Y.C.). " NEW YORK, N.Y.L.E.andW. " NEW YO' K(W. Sh) " BOSTON, Fitchburg and West Shore " 7.43 am 3.20 pm 8.50 pm Mail. Atlantic Exprt-ss (Sund'ys incl'ded) 12.00 nt. 1.40 am 2.45 2.50 8.30 pm 8.45 '' 6.25 am 8.00 9.05 0.10 4.80 am 4.46 " Mixed. Mixed. 6.45 6.50 7.43 8.00 8.10 9.18 9.40 KM. 6.00 6.06 6.22 6.44 6.52 7.03 7.12 7.22 7.29 7.42 7.59 8.04 8.09 8.17 8.26 8.43 9.00 9.15 9.42 9.53 10.07 10.18 10.38 10.38 11.00 11.10 12.29 12.30 P.M. 1105 11.80 11.20 am 11.48 " 12.20 pm 12.53 ' 1.10 ' 2.05 ' 8.00 ' 8. '24 ' 8.39 ' 4.00 ' 4.13 4.28 ' 4.88 4.52 5.07 6.20 6.45 12.05 pm 12.22 "' 12 68 1.10 1.18 6.00 pm 7.80 '' 7.60 ' 8.16 ' 8.40 ' 8.66 9.80 9.40 Day Express St.Loui(i Express Sundays iucl'ded. 6.40 pm 10.46 ii."l7 ' 12.46 •' A.1I. 1.60 1.56 7.00 pm 10.20 " 10.00 " 2,61 8.15 8.26 B. &T. Acom. 6.30 pm' 6.42 " 7.00 " 7.20 " 7.46 " Kincar- dine Accom. U.28am 11.86 11.46 11.68 12.12 pm 6.05 " 4.50 " 6.10 " 2.30 am 9.40 " 7.30 " 7.10 " 7.10 •• 9.36 " 7.00 am 7.14 " 7.80 •• 7.47 " 8.00 " 8.25 " 8.30 " 8.50 " 9.03 •• 9.20 " 9.30 " 9.45 " 9.53 " 10.05 " 10.18 " 10.28 " 10.50 •« 2.20 pm 2.26 2.42 8.06 8.i6 8.29 8.38 8.56 4.12 4.80 4.86 4.40 4.48 4.58 5.09 6.25 6.35 5.57 6.08 6.17 6.28 6.41 6.46 7.05 7.15 9.00 9.17 9.85 11.00 6.10 am 2.46pai 10.80 «m 11.25 10.80 12.05 1.40 2.40 2.60 Mix. 4,26 " 4.30 " 6.08 6.20' 6.49 ' '6.08 " ij P.M. 7.00 7.30 8.12 8.27 8.48 6.80 " 6.40 " 7.56 ' 8.06 ' 9.00 ' 9.17 ' 9.36 ' 11.00 6.10 am 2.45 pm 10.30 am 11.26 " 10.30 " 8.00 pm| 3.00 pm' *N0TB.— Mixed trains are at all times subject to be cancelled. 26 S ouib rcsa lays ied. Mix. )pm ) " ) " 5 " " 10 " LO •• P.M. 7.00 7.30 8.12 8.27 8.43 56 " JB " BO " 17 '• 35 " 00 " 10 am 15 pm 30 am 26 " 30 " 00 pm ,il 'I >«c •^^f^nee:. Manufacturers of Noa 9 jfc- q r. WHITE, COIORKD A toNBD '^^'^ »'.»••»«*' w NEWS & COLORED A SPECIALTY. i f.:'^!:;.T ""!■ ^^^ ce««»iiy ww . .^ can 8"»pl««,d Pr,e« «,„, ,p,„ App„..„,„^ from here or at our AGENCY, m Baj St., , TORONTO, T W'"®'-« « ftill Itoe of reeuiar --eii^ht. .... Hbad Opfkjs : Grange Block, Napanee W. F. lALL 7 SroRRTARV St TBRA.SUBBR, . WkstBRn AoENOTt "2 Bay Street, Toronto. m ' H : £ 3?) S ix .-i: ^ { AC irtop«r flguret than any other NOTED WATCH ft JEWELRY HOUSE, 83 & «• ORDBRS BY M4IL A ^W". nVCoIDO'Vv^ «r KI!VO STRRET EAST, Gens, litnffii _ Of c On teoelpt of MS we wUl Ezpreai to any pm of CanaAi. a DOOTLB •tMl barrMa, caM-hardened fbnitan, and waU-flnUlud tlUb^hont iS" I ,|*W*»*»*fatl«»Wi*ootlonofeitoiqi»li»y »Mr llguret than any other flrm In the Clly, at PBTJMPTON'S EWELRY HOUSE, 83 d: 85 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. «• ORDERS BY MAIL A 8PBOIALTY. :M:or)0"v;r.^^Lr,. EAST, likAi:^ Ar fOROlVTO. ■if ' GDnUiMiiKlSpirtiafys Of every descripiltMi. ' ; " »3« to uty pMt of Oaiui■*••-■. •'■.^■■..-■-'..ijt '- ,1 ■■ "mr-t. '-.^ I t Ki n ^m HfUIti GREAT WESTERN DIVISION. HAMILTOiy TO TOROIVTO. 89 T* Toronto, At, HAMILTOH Waterdown... BurllDKtoa . . . Bronte ....... Oakviile ClM-k«on's .... Port Credit... Uimioo South Parkdale TOBONTO ... .Dep ••••?•* .Arrive ExpretB e.56 a.m 7.04 7.11 7.27 7.87 7.47 7.fi4 8.06 8.8A Expre 9.0Sa.m ft.'iai" "i.M m 10.16 am u I Expresa 8.10 p. m 8.24 p. m 4.30 p.m Aooom. 12.20pin 12.29 •• 12.8" " 12.61 " 1.08 " 1.16 •* Las •• 1.66 Mail. 6.86 pm 6.44 •< 6.60 " 6.04 " 6.10 " 6.24 " 6.80 " 6.46 " 6.67 " 7.06 " Exprees (Dally.) Mixed. 6.36pni 6.47 '" 7.46 O.OOptn 9.11 " 9.90 " 9.88 " 9.62 " 11.10 " Toronto to Hamilton. 17 22 26i 82. 89 TORONTO ... South Parkdale. Mimioo Port Credit Ciarkion'a Oakvllle Bronte Burllnffton Waterdown ... HAMILTON... .Dep Express Express ll.OOpm ii.*20 '•' 9.16am 9.66 10. 'is ■ 12.80 am!i6.85 MaU. 6.60 am 6.68 ' 7.07 ' 7.20 ' 7.27 ' 7 87 ' /.47 ' 8 02 ' 8 10 ' 8.20 ' Accom. (Dally.) P.M. al2.16 12.46 i.os' 1.18 1.28 1.36 1.46 Express Suburban Trains leave Toronto 7.06, 10.65 a.m.. and 2.00. and 4.20 d m Retumhi., lirr/J^rA^d'^rJfiri:^'''^ ^•'°-«^""* *^ south piairParfATHS 3.66 pm 4.'2l*' i.sV "' 4.67 '• 6.'l6 ■' Acoom. 6.66 pm 6 06 "I 6.16 " 6.80 " 6.87 " 6.47 " 6.68 " 7.18 •• 7.20 *• 7.80 " i returning. a Run on Sundays, but will not stop at intermediate stations. Leave Mimico Hi|fh Park and the W. G. A. B. Branch.— South Exteniion. STATIONS. Going north. 'Mix. Palmenton Oowaustown , T'stowel tw'wood ''^i* «r issels . tue Vale V^ingham Junction , Wlngham; W^bitechurch Luaknow Ripley Kincardine A.1I. 6.25 6.45 8.06 8.80 8.50 9.16 10.00 1085 10.60 1126 11.50 12.45 1.30 200 P.M. Ace. Exp P.M 1.40 1.53 2.01 2.16 2.27 2.36 2.49 8.06 3.16 3 20 3.35 8.67 4.19 4.40 P.M. P.M. 8.00 8.10 8.26 8.45 9.06 9.26 P.M Exp, P.M 8.16 8.30 838 8.63 9.06 9.16 STATIONS. Going Sontfe. 9.29 Blue vale 9 46 9.66 10.10 10.26 11.051 P.M Klnrardine . . Ripley Lucknow Whitechurch. . . . Wingham Wingham Junct . Brussels . Ethel. .. Heofryn Attwood Listowel 10.46 Qowanstown Palmeraton . . •Mix P.M. 4.60 5.26 6.25 7.00 7.60 8.00 8.12 8.50 9.16 9. .30 9.50 10.23 i6.66 P.M. ♦Train leaving Palmers ton at 8.16, p.m., for Kin- cardine, runs Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur. only. ._ „ .„..„„,„ .uu™u»vb ana «»t „«i Train leaving Kincardine at 6.00 a.m. ,or Wingham runs on Mondays, widn XyranTF^Conlv Train leaving Wingham at 8 p m. for Kincardine runs on Mondays, Wednesdays ^d Fridays on^e^ A.M. &00 16.17 6.34 6.48 7.00 7!i6 7.26 7.87 7.44 7.52 {[8.06 8.12 6.26 A.M. * Train leaving Kincardine at 6.10. a.m for Pal merston runs Tuesdays, Thursdays and sit. only Aoo. P.M. 9.55 10.18 10.42 11.00 1121 ii.85 11.55 12.10 12.22 12.36 12.54 1.04 1.20 P.M Mall £xp. AM, 6.00 6.17 6.34 6.48 7.00 A.M •y" GREAT WESTERN DIVISION. Welllnvton, Grey, Sl Bruce Branch. Mlf. COIN« NOBTH. HARRISBURQ , Bnnohton Oftlt Preiton Heapeler Ouelph OroMing GUELPH I ;• Elora .'.' Feripia Alonk Ooldttone Drayton Moorefleld .Depftrt ifiai. Arrive. Depart. Pklmerston ■} * " * Harrlaton ODfford Mlldmfty Wftlkerton ........ DuDkeld CftntiU Plnkerton Tumen Port Elgin SOUTH 4NPTOr4 Arrive. Depart. •••■•••I .Arrive 10.26 km 10.39 lO.M ll.OA 11.18 11.40 11.8ft 11.45 1816 pm 18 21 » 1186 " 12.48 •• 12.68 " 1.06 " 1.26 •• 1.40 •• 1.66 " S.U " t.88 •• Lis " 2,68 " 8.04 •• 8.07 •* 8.26 " 8.60 " 4.17 " 4.80 pm Exprew 4.40pro 4.66 8.18 6 28 6.40 ' e.26 ' 6.40 ' 6.26 ' 6.66 ' 7.08 ' 7.18 ' 7.82 ' 7.41 ' 7.62 ' 8.10 " 8.46 ' 900 ' 9.16 < 9.87 • 9.62 ' 10.09 •• 10.12 " 10.27 " 11.00 " 11.10 " Accom. O.S6pm 6.66 " 7.16 " 7.82 " 7.46" 8.16 '" 'Mixed. 6 4AMn 9.80 10.16 1106 1.58 12.10 pm 12.26 •• 12.40 " 1.00pm > • « e • • • • Mil. «OIN« BOIJTH. it 8^ SOUTHAMPTON Depart Port Elgin Turners Paisley. Pinkerton .... Carttill Dunkeld Walkerton Mildmay . Oilfford *rf Harriston *S Palmerstonj || Arrive ( 'gS Depart Moorefleld |h Drayton a a Goldstone ^ '^ ti^ Alma J n'S Fergus *| ® Elora ?C§. .... V Aooom. Express »••••••• GUELPH i Ouelph Crossing Hespcler g g» Preston '^B-g Gait . Arrive , Depart __ Igs Branchton H t. ^ •••••••••tea«< IIARRISBURG. iS-q Arrive 6.o0am 7 00 •• 7.16 " 7.80 " 7.48 • 8.05 " 6.00 am 6 08 " 6.20 " 6.86 " 6.60 " 6.64 " 7.00 " 7.18 " 7.26 " 7.46 " 8.01 " 8.16 " 8.80 " 8 46 " 8.66 " 9.04 " 9.18 •• 9.H " 9.40 " 10.08 " 10 12 " 10.20 " 10.86 " 10.48 " 10.53 " 11.07 " 11.20 " Aocpm. 1.2Spm 1.86 " 2.15 „ 2.80 " 2.60 "" 2.58 " 3.10 " 3.25 '« 3.40 '• Acoom. 9. 10. 10. 11. It. 11. 11. 11. 12. 12. 12. 1. 2. 2 2. 2. 8, 8 8, 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 6. 6 5, 4t:«m 16 .81 " 00 •• 2.80pm 17 •' 8.07 " 21 " 8.26 " 80 " &40 •• 68 " 4.80 " 09 pm 8.10 " 84 '• 6.06 •• 66 " 7.06 " 10 " 7.26 " *Mixed. ** Good Book-Keeping to a man of businesa is equal to one-half his capital." — Commission ER Fonblonqub. DAY'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. OOLLEQE ROOMS : 9« KINO BTBEET WEST. OPOSTITE ROYAL OPERA HOUSE. JAMES E. DAY, Principal. 28 ii ed. • • * •■•••«.• ... 1 MD « u 41 14 pm 44 44 pm m. im >m *Mixed. 2.80pui ».07 " 8,26 " &40 •« 4.80 •' 8.10 " 6.06 " 7.06 " 7.26 " apit»l." ■ f E. :ipal. GREAT WESTERN DIVISION Loop Line Branch. mcm. COIN« WBIT, BUFFALO Erielhl Courtland Tilaonburg Tilaonburg Junction! OorluthJ Aylmer Mew Sarum . ,Arr 8T. THOMAS..-^ (De. P»ynea Bairda Lawrence Middlemiw Ekfrld GLENCOE Arr Brantford, Norfolk, A Port Burwell Branch. _ '^o TUgonburg.— Wegt. Acoj Ace. Ace. P.M, 8.60 8.46 8.28 8.16 8.11 768 7.61 7.43 7.86 7.27 7.16 7.00 &80 P.M. P.M. 6.10 4.45 P.M. A.M 8.16 8.06 A.M. Ago. Aco. Aoc. P.M. 12.26 U.6& A.M. P.M. 12.82 1227 12.11 12.00 11.66 11.43 11.86 11.28 •11.20 *11.13 11.03 10. DO STATIONS. OI.ENCOB Ekfrld Middlemiit Lawrence . Bairda Paynea ST. THOMAS., s (l)« New Sarum], Aylmer Corinth Tildonburg JuncUoo, Tilsonhurg Courtland Delhi . . . Nixon 8IMCOE Renton •'*rvi8 N lies' Comers JAYUOA Canfleld June... i^ Darling Road Dltz M lulton , Marshville Welland Junction . . . BUFFALO {B^ck " Erie St Ar Ar TllaonbarR Jane. Ap O. B. TIL80NBURG. Sprlnirford it L. E. Crossing .. Norwich .. Hatchley . . . Ilarley ...Burford .Mt. Vernon Mt Pleasant j^„' Brantford 10.20JDep Harrlsburg .... .Dep .Dep. To BarrtflbarK.— Eaat. f Arr. tDep. ..Arr. 2i 7; 12 H la 21 26: 28 80i 34} 42} Ace. P.M. 12.6() 1.00 A.M. 8.26 9.00; A.M.' Ac- A.M. 8.28 8.4m 8.^6 0.10 9.17 *9.26 9.34 9.43 ' 9.61 10.00 10.16 10.60 11.16 A.M. Aco, P.M. 906 9.16 P.K. P.M. 3.06 8.36 P.M. Aca Aoo, T. 8 4. 4 4, 4, •4. 4. 6 '5 '6. 6. 6 6 P. A.H. 7.15 7„S0 8.00 A.M<. 3^. is^oCOisrn^rELx. mPORTBR ft DEALER IN WINES ft SPIRITS, UIPORTED ft DOMESTIC dOASg, has now on band the Largeat Stock of Imported and DomeBtie Cigan In Canada. 48. KING STREET BAST, TORONTO. 29 GREAT WESTERN DIVISION. tiOndon, Huron, & Bruce Branch. «OIN«i NORTH. Hl8. 7 11 20 2« 81: 87 50 «7 73 74 STATIONS. LONDON Depart Hyde Park Junction Eitrick Ilderton .' Breoon Clandeloye Centralia Exeter Hensall Kippen Brucefleld Clinton ^ Londiidborougli , Blytb Beigrave Wiiurhftm Junction WINGHAM ■ Arrive Exp. 7.F5am 8.05 " 8.16 " 3.28 " 8.35 " 8.47 " 9.'bl " 9.13 " 9.24 " 9.29 •• 9.36 " 9.52 " 10.11 " 10.20 " 10.36 " 10.47 " 10. 50 am a 9 Q 18 Mail 4.60pD 5.00 " 6.10 " 5.18 " 5.80 " 6.42 " 6.66 'f 6.08 " 6.23 " 6.29 " 6.38 " 7.06 " 7.23 " 7.82 " 7.47 " 8.00 " 8.05 pn GOING 80VTH. MI8. STATIONS. BINGHAM Depart Wingbam J unction Belgrave Blythi Londesborough Clinton Brucefleld Kippen Hensall Exeter Centralia Clandeboye Denfield Ilderton Ettrick Hyde Park Junction LONDON ....Arrive Express 7.20 am 7.23 7.38 7.64 8.02 8.26 8.42 8 61 8.58 9.18 9.24 9.38 9.61 10.02 10.11 10.20 10.80 • ^ ino Si>!t^odododo>o> so to ocoi iota ^88 O M H i ft Q *■ o"2 -P -apgfegg a)>C eg >> ^ <» • Ob 0% O^ ft §, ;- - 5 3 s : lO • M i-l t» o ©5 iQ fH ;40 W .1 O •*« o5 ' i-H I-; M iH eJ e4 !: = : = = : = e^iao to>A too _ o ■* i-< « o w o s II ft4 ©O 1-4 lO §8 4©oqQtn-JU3>QioOu300tao i o *j3 1 « A> ^

In o A a >t ^ 4> p« 5 S Xi OS 1 £ "O a M s fa QQ e d o ^ CJ 2 « i § 1 § .2 « 1 § ii rf T3 § O (^ •» 1 30 I e ■ *§ • • '§ I a- bQ>atQeiacoa m-«>aoopiiMc<3 •^ -fi -^ td td li >d \d a. IH e5 CO tH ■* .O rH i-li-li-(rHf-i-(i-t« §3 3 : J : : I >oioiaOTii,-io>o ei CO •* lo lo o o N •saure 00 O '« WCO iHiHiHOa OQ o i •SOHH h : (-• ft ^ 09 ^ S b B * s ^ a d OQ o H -si tP-? C403 ta cQAio ©ll-l IH iH :a . (8 •eo •o t5>aiooo>weo iHiHrHr H iH |3 3 3": 3 3 3 So O o lo t- go .n' "d'ojcoxsJwwJN 17777777 ft Q O O >0 9 0^ CO >Q ^^ -3T r3 ~: Ti r-! -::• -r t» t.1 1> t.1 1> t.1 1-1 «5 MaiL J i 4 GREAT WESTERN DIVISION. WEL.L.AND BRAIVCH. doing North. Ace. Mail. Mixed Exp. P.M. P.M. A.H. A.M. 6.50 2.66 9.05 6.45 6.68 3.00 911 6.49 6.02 8.14 9.23 7.00 10 .8.26 *3.40 9. 36 7.09 e.2i 9.62 7.20 6.25 3.44 9. £7 7.26 6.28 3.47 10.01 7.28 6.40 4.00 10.15 7.40 6.46 4.10 10.3>< 7,46 6.65 4.23 10.50 7.58 7.06 4.35 P.M. 8.16 P.M. A.M. STATIONS. Dep....Port CollH>me....AiT. Uumberstone Welland Junction Wel'and Port Rob • »N ;^ .3 . ' c3 J3 ;« ^ ^ a a ;.2ga.S5153 « ■^ OS eo -"ji ei> » O 3 S e5 IN « e« w M t !he Mo Li%ap!iin(| Co. «^, oifuff^} jn'^ytffmr. GLOBE BUILDfNG. The only firm in Canada mho make specialties of mflgms AND SUPERIOR W300 ENGRAVING. 3S •4MMI cox & CO., -MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE- nave the only Independent Direct Wire giving cont^^uous New York Stocic Quotations, and wliicli are reecived QUICKER THAN BY ANY OTHER LINE. Buy and sell on commission for cash or on margin. All securities dealt in on the Toronto, Montreal, and New York Sh)ck ExchanKsa. Also execute orders on the CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE in Grain and Provisions. Daily C«Mc <(aotatloiia of Hudson Bay aud otlicr Stocks. 26 TOI^OlsTTO STREET. Hamilton Business College, (LATE HAMILTON COMMERCIAL), CO/^. KING & JAMES STREETS, HAMILTON. Book-keeping, Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Commercial Papers, Shorthand, Busi- ness Penmanship, Mechanical Drawing and Moddling. Send for Circular. « A Mifniiss A *& mu tk «i vi^i } 104 106, Arini Roini W«s» Shell 1». A Roch Aubv Ponti Orch' Wall< Wixn New S0U1 Hainl Ciiicli Moun StocI Hen Porta f'OOl'C JACK DsTitoiff No. 11. iMixed. >.O0pm ►.26 " t.66 " >.16 •• 1.85 -' ^66 " 20 " 00 " 25 am 00 " Ko Su Ex 10. 10. 10. ICk IGE- SOIlt^^UOUS eceived w York Shick [>F TRADE Dr Stocks. LEGE. 7-6, >hortband, Busi- ircular. MICHIGAN AIR LINE. In effect Marcli 30, 1885. LENT, X TO JACKSON. 7 14 20 22 25 26 32 88 40^ 48 61 £5 59 68 76J 8i 'S-: 96 10 >} 104 106= STATIONS. L NOX Lve ArinndA •« Romeo \ •« WMshinffton.. .... «• Shelby •• i». A B. 0. Cro^sinir " Rocho ter " Auburn •« Pontiac. . JArr I Lve Orch'»rd Lake .... •• Walled Lake •• Wixfiin •« New Hudson...!! " SOUTH LYON ..." HambnruT '• Piiiokne> ]" " Mount Ferrier " Stock ridge ! •' Henj tta •• Portage River..... •« CoooerStreet " JACKSON ".Arr JACKSON TO LtNOX. STATIONS. JACKSON .... Cooper btrret. . Fortadre Kiver. . Huiirietta Stockbridv'e . . . ■VIonnt Kerrior, . Pinck'iey Uaiubur^ SOUTH LYON .Lve. •i .00pm ►.26 " t.66 " >.15 •• 1.85 '< .66 " 20 " 00 " 25 am 00 " Ko.8.> Sun. Exp. Pass. A.II. 10.00 10.20 10.46 10.66 P.M. 4.20 We. 1. Expreos. 4.45 5.06 5.80 6.30 6.42 6.66 6.17 6.30 6.50 8.00 am 8.00 am 8.83 ami &46am 8. 56 am 9.06 am 9.16 am 0.80 am 9.60 am 10.05 am 10.85 am STATIONS. I-ve DETROIT... .Arr. Detroit Junction — .Milwaukee Juucti^". i^J ^— -{^rr: Mount Clnmen8. . . Chesterfield New Haven -:}^- {"^/r. Smith's Creek 'hicago ft Onind Tr'k Jun**. Air... . . Port Huron Lve. I I (Fort Gratiot ) ] 9ii c h 3 n I Port Huron to ^rtroit. 58] 54] 42J 37 S2i 27 211 10. 3i Exp. A.M. 0.26 0.25 9.% 8.45 8.40 8.2C 8.16 8.05 7.50 7.45 7.25 7.10 6.46 910.4. Mail. P.M. 6.10 6.10 6.50 6.30 5.20 .MO 5.00 4.47 4.25 4.10 8.50 Mo. «. I „ isui,da> , \®' !?• Express ^**«»- 6.25 pm 6.05 pm 4.4U pm 4.30 pm 300 pm 2.30 pm 1.50 pm 1.80 pm 1.18 pm 12.68 pm 12.33 pm 11.56 am 11.80 am 10.^ am U I INDEX TO TiJsJOL^^rJSSYS. TMK. H A IN LINE.— Montreal, Portland, Boston and New York «'> • • •• Montreal to Quebec and Portland....... .4 •« New York, Boston and Portland to Montrea. » Montreal and Ottawa • • • • • ••■{^'\ ia (?hainplain Division— Montreal to Boston and ^ew York JJ Arthabaska Branch .* • • • ',v "/ " *,' ' ' '.■ V * 'il* 11 Montreal and Champlain Junction Division-Montreal and Lachme • • 11 Oei.tral Divi>ion -Montreal to Toronto, Detroit and <;b>c»gO- . • J^J^ Chicago and Detroit to Toronto and Montreal 14— lb Georgian Bay and Lake Erie Division 19—21 S^o**DV^JIion - Chica';.;; DetToiV, ttoderi^h; Buffalo and New York ' . .' . .* 23 .i n,,^ York. Buffalo (ioderich, Detroit and Chicago 22 «HK ;sTEKN DIVISION.— Main Line— Buffalo to Chicaeo M ^'"n^ o m^«i'. ^^ „ „ Detroit to Buffalo 26 ' 27 H imilton i...a Toronto P.ranch :••;•,>•. j: 07 Wellington, Grey and Bruce Branch— ralmerston to Kincardine ft ti ' »« «' Harriaburg to Southampton f» Loop Line— Buffalo to Glencoe 5^ Brantford Branch— Brantford to Tilsonburg f-' London, Huron and Bruce Branch '^^ Samia and Petrolia Branch L<^ndon and Port Stanley Branch ^^ Welland Branch :y-. ^1 Chicago, Detroit & Grand Trunk Junction • . ■ ^- ■ _ ^•^•. ^* MICHIGAN AIR LINE. Fort Gratiot to Chicago 35 -Lenox to Jackson *5 FURS ! Fifty thousand dollars worth of Ladies and Gents' Fine Fnrs SELLING AT WHOLESALE PRICES. YOU CAN BUY SEAL MANTLES, PERSIAN LAMB MANTLES & FINE FURS OF ALL KINDS. MEN'S FUR COATS. ROBES. Etc., Etc., ALL AT TRADE PRICES. CORNER KINO AND YONGE STREETS, TORONTO. * 36 I