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L^ ' CO E AN AC T TO CONSOLIDATE AND REGULATE THE GENERAL CLAUSES RELATING TO RAILWAYS. 30th August, 1851. TORONTO : BKOWN'S PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, KING STREET EAST. 1852. AN ACT TO GONSOLIDiTB AND REGUliTB THE GENERAL CLiUSES RXLATINO TO RAILWAYS 80th August, 1861. Whereas it is expedient to establish a general and uni- Preamble, form system for the construction and management of all Railways hereafter to be undertaken in Canada: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative .Council and of the Legislative Assembly of tlie Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and in- tituled an, An Aet to re^unitf. the Frovhices of Upp'r and Lower Canada^ and for the government of Canada^ and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That this Act This Act to shall apply to every Railway which shall by any Act ■PP'y *° ""X which shall hereafter be passed be authorized to be con- fere'riSrioa^ fitructed, and this Act shall be incorporated with such Act • •ifocted. and all the clauses and provisions of this Act, save in so far as they shall be expressly varied or excepted by any «uch Act, shall apply to the undertaking authorized thereby, so far as the same shall be applicable to such undertaking, and shall, as well as the clauses and provisions of every other Act which shall be incorporated with such Act, form part of such Act, and be construed together therewith as forming one Act. II. Namehywhich it shall be ciled. What shrill be siiiHciciii ill ninkiii(r nn iii- curporntion of this Act with Special Acta. Power to con- struct Railway, &c.. to bo ex- ercised subject to iiiovisioiis of this Act Deposit ofStock Book in Froviii- cittl SerretMry's OlTicp. by com- panies (letiirous of obiaiiiiiig Special Acts. II And be it enacted, That in citing this Act, in any Special Railway Act, and in other Acts of Purliainent, and in iegal instruments, it shall be sufficient to use the expres- sion, '• Tlie Railway Clauses Consolidalion Act." III. And be it enacted. That for the purpose of making any incorporation of this Act with Special Acts hereafter to be possed, it shall be sufficieut in any such Acts to enact, that the Clauses of this Act, with respect to the mat- ter so proposed to be incorporated, describing such matter as it is described in this Act, in the word or words at the head of and introductory to the enactment with respect to such matter, shall be incorporated with such Acts, and thereupon all the Clauses and provisions of this Act, with respect to the matter so incorporated shall, save in so far as they shall be expressly varied or excepted by such Acts, form part thereof, and such Acts shall be construed as if the substance of such Clauses and provisions were set forth therein with reference to the matter to which such Acts shall relate. IV. And be it enacted, That the power given by the Special Act to construct the Railway, and to take lands for that purpose, shall be exercised subject to the provisions and restrictions contained in this Act, and compensation shall be made to the owners and occupiers of and all other parties interested in any such lands so taken or injuriously affected by the construction of the Railway, for the value and for all damages sustained by reason of such exercise, as regards such lands, of the powers by this or the Special Act. or any Act incorporated therewith, vested in the Com- pany ; and, except where otherwise provided by this Act or the Special Act, the amount of such compensation shall be ascertained and determined in the manner provided by this Act. V. And be it enacted, That anjr Company desirous to obtain a Special Act for the construction of a Railway, shall deposit with the Secretary of the Province, previous to the application to the Legislature, a copy of their Stock- Book, showing the number of their subscribers, and the actual bona fde amount of the subscriptions, and that at least one quarter of the intendid Capital has been actually subscribed subscribed affidavit o of the Dir Company Secretary Bank in ( equal to I with auth drawal of may think Railway s ceeded wit! VI. Am for the alio received by deposited v from the S plying has of the next VII An and of any ated thereu Firstly. ' Act, shall I hereafter pa and with w said ; and reference to refer to sur provided for such word s the word " j purpose in t preseion " tl the Special purpose thei shall mean l tion, by the •ubscribed, the truth whereof shall be supported by the affidavit or solemn affirmation, as the case may be, of two of the Directors or Shareholders of the Company, and the Company shall also at the same time deposit with the said Secretary a Certificate of the Cashier of some Chartered Bank in this Province, of the deposit therein of a sum equal to ten per cent, upon the amount of subscriptions, with authority to the said Secretary to control the with, drawal ot the said deposit lor such time as the Secretary may think proper, not longer than six months after the Railway shall have been actually commenced and pro- ceeded with. VI. And be it enacted, That no Bill for a Special Act for the allowance or establishment of a Railway shall be received by the Legislature unless and until there shall be deposited with the Clerks of both Branches, a Certiiicate from the Secretary of the Province, that the Company ap- plying has complied in all respects with the requirements of the next preceding Clause. INTERPRETATION. VII. And with respect to the construction of this Act, and of any Special Act, and of other Acts to be incorpor- ated therewith, Be it enacted as follows : Firstly. The expression « ihe Special Act," used in this Act, shall be construed to mean any Act which shall be hereafter passed, authorizing the construction of a Railway, and with which this Act shall be so incorporated as afore- said; and the word "prescribed," used in this Act in reference to any matter herein stated, shall be construed to refer to such matter as the same shall be prescribed or provided for in the Special Act ; and the sentence in which such word shall occur shall be construed as if. instead of the word " prescribed," the expression » prescribed for that purpose in the Special Act" had been used ; and the ex- pression « the lands" shall mean the lands which shall by •• The lands." the Special Act be authorized to be taken or used for the purpose thereof; and the expres&ion "the undertaking" "The under- shali mean the Railway and works, of whatever descrip- '«'''"«•" tion, by the Special Act authorized to be executed. Secondly. No Bill to be received by Le);itila(ure uiiiesB acertifio caie of depoait ofStrick-Book, &c., be pro- duced to th0 rcfpeclive Cierks. Interpretation of words. "The Special Act." " Prescribed." «• Landt." "Lewe." " Toll." " Goods." •* Superior Couria." County." "Highways." "Sheriff." "Ckrk of the Peace." " Justice." Secondly. The following words and expressions, both in this and the Special Act, shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there be something in tlw subject or context repugnant to su.;h construction, ihat is to say : The word 'Lands" shall include all real estate, mes- fiuagos, lands, tenements and hereditaments of any tenure : The word "Lease" shall include any agreement (or a lease : , Tho word « Toll " shall include any rate or charge or other payment payable under this Act or the Special Act far any passenger, animal, carriage, goods, merchandize, articles matters or things conveyed on the Railway : The word " Goods » shall include things of every kind conveyed upon the Railway, or upon Steam or other vessels connected therewith : The expression 'Superior Courts" shall mean the Courts of Chancery. Queen's Bench and Common Pleas in Upper Canada, and the Superior Court in Lower Canada, as the case may be : The word " County » shall include any union of Counties, County Riding, or like division of a County in the Province or any division thereof into separate Municipalities in Lower Canada: The word " Highways " shall mean all public roads, streets, lanes, and other public ways and communications : The word " Sheriff" shall include Under ^heriff: or other legal competent Deputy ; and where any matter in relation to any lands is required to be done by any Sheriff or Clerk of the Peace, the expression " the Sheriff," or the expres- sion " Clerk of the Peace," shall in such case be construed to mean the Sheriff or Clerk of the Peace of the District County, Riding, Division, or place where such lands shall be situate ; and if the lands in question, being the property of one and the same party, be situate not wholly in one District, County, Riding, Division, or place, the sarpe expression shall be construed to mean the Sheriff or Clerk of the Peace of any such District, County, Riding, Division, or place where any part of such lands shall be situate : The word '• Justice " shall mean Justice of the Peace acting for the District, County, Riding, Division, City or place place where the matter requiring the cognizance of any such Justice, shall arise, and who shall OjI be interested in the matter ; and where such matter shall arise in respect of lands being the property of one and the same pnrty, situate not wholly in any one District, County, Riding, Division, City or place, shall mean a Justice acting for the District, County, Riding, Division, City, or place where any part of such lands shall be situate, and who shall not bo interested in such matter ; and where any matter shall be authorized or required to be done by two Justices, the expression *'two Justices" shiiU bo understood to mean two Justices assembled and acting together : Where under the provisions of this Act or the Special Act, any notice shall be required to be given to the owner of any lands, or where any act shall be authorized or required to be done with the consent of any such owner, the word " owner " shall be understood to mean ony Corpora- tion or person who, under the provisions of this Act, or the Special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, would be enabled to sell and convey lands to the Company : The expression "the Company" shall mean the com- pany or party which shall be authorized by the Special Act to construct the Railway. The expression " the Railway " shall mean the Railway and works by the Special Act authorized to be constructed : The word "clause" shall mean any separate section of this Act, or any other Act therein referred to, distinguished by a separate number : The word, " Shareholder " shall mean every subscriber to or holder of stock in the undertaking, p ,' shall extend to and include the personal representatives of the Share- holder. Thirdly. The Interpretation Act of this Province shall, in so far as the provisions thereof shall a^ply hereto, be deemed to form part hereof in the particufe'rs not provided herein. '•T«voJu«tlce«" " Owner." "The Com- pauy." ^ "The Rail- way." " The Clause." "Shareholder" Interpretation Act to apply. INCORPORATION. VIII. And be it enacted, That every Company estab- Companies es> lielia/l iinct of this lali have ry grants shall be xnce and be held ns only, rporation the con- 3 of the 3 same. t not to e public ny river he Rail- ction in that the the time for the Y across msoever ce from Uhough Jook of ly other ly men- terested ail way across across, along, or upon any stream of water, •'wat»»r-cour8«, canal, highw ay or Railway, which it shall intersect or touc I ; but the stream, water-c(»ur8o, lughway, canal or Uailway so intersected or touched, shall be restored by the Company to its former state, or to such state as not to have impaired its usefulness, * Sixthly. To make, complete, alter and keep in repair the Railway with one or inore sets of rails or tracks to be Wo.ked by the force and power of steam, or of the atmosphere, or of animals, or by mechanical power, or by ^ any combination of them. SecerUhly. To erect ami maintain all necessary and con- venient buildings, stations, depots, wharves and liv urcs, from time to time to alter, repair or enlarge the same and to purchase and acquire stationary or locomotive engines and carriages, waggons, floats and other machinery and contrivances necessary for the accommodation and use of the passengers, freights and business of the Railway. EiglUhly. To make branch Railways, if required and provided by the Special Act, and to manage the same, and for that purpose to exercise and possess all the povk-ers^ privilges and authorities necessary therefor, in as full and ample a manner as for the Railway. Ninthly. To construct, erect and make all other matters and things which shall be necessary and convenient for the making, extending and using of the Railway, in pur suance of and according to the meaning and intent of this Act, and of the Special Act. TerUhly. To take, transport, carry and convey persons and goods on the Railway, to regulate the time and manner in which the same shall be transported, and the tolls and compensation to be paid therefor, and to receive such tolls and compensation. Eleventhly To borrow from time to time, either in this Province or elsewhere, such sums of money as may be expedient for completing, maintaining and working the Railway, and at a rate of interest not exceeding eight per cent per annum, and to make the Bonds, Debentures or other securities granted for the sums so borrowed, payable either in currency or in sterling, and at such place or places B within And acroH or nloMg stream*. Complete Rail- way will) oii« or more (racka. F. "ct nereasary b ;(liii|;N, wtiarvea, &o. | Branch Rail- way* J All other mat- tertt and ihinga iier-f ssary for Railway; Convey per- sons and gooda on Railway ; Borrow motley, t I Enter npon Her Mnjesty's LauJs, &c. ; Make surveys of lauds ; 10 within this Province or without as may be deemed advisabfe, and to sell the same at such prices or discount as may bJ be deemed expedient, or as shall be necessary, and to hypothecate, mortgage or pledge the lands,-tolls, revenues and other property of the Company for the due payment dph t uT' '"^ '^' ''''''''' *^«^^^»' but no such debenture sha 1 be for a less sum than Twenty-five Pounds. Tmfthly lo enter into and upon any lands of Her Majesty without previous license therefor, or of any Corpo- mtion or person whatsoever lying in the intended route or iine 01 the Kailway. Thirteenthly. To make surveys, examinations, or other ' necessary arrangements on such lands necessary for fixing ^: "''';, ^ i^^^^-^y' ^»d to set out and ascertain such Railway! ^ '^^" ^' """""''' '^ ^"^ P^^P^^ f^' ^^« Pourteenaiy, To fell or remove any trees standing in a«y - woods, lands or forests, where the Railway shall pai to the distance of six rods from either side thereof ' other Railways. ^^f'^^^'T^^ '^° ^'°^^' ^"tersect, join and unite the Rail- ZLTn '^'^ ''"'""^' ^^ ^"y P°'"' °" i^« ^oute, and upon the lands of such other Railway, with tho nece sary conveniences for the purposes of such connection ; and the owners of both Railways may unite in forming sich inter- ction, and grant the facilities therefor; and in case of disagreement upon the amount of compensation to be made heiefor, or upon the point or manner of such crossing and connection, he same shall be determined by Arbitrators ta be appointed by a Judge of the .Superior Courts in tow ^ Canada or Upper Canada, as the case may be. PLAi>JS AND SURVEYS. X. And be it enacted, That Plans and Surveys shall be Remove trees ; Unite with Provieion res- peeling surve}'s and levels. made and corrected as follows : thpT^ "^r'^l '"^ ^'^'^' ^^^" ^' '^^^ ^«d made of Wh at pf "'"*^ *'^ ^^'^^^y ^« *^ P-«' together and o^Z7 ?" *'^^r'' ^"' ""'''' course and dirfction, therefor n f 'T^'^ '' ^' ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^aken rZ!' r , ^' "^'" ascertained, and also a Book of Kelerence for Hm d«;i •.. ... . .. , * " ■' "«"'.*_),, lu waicfi shaii be set forth a ' general 11 general description of the said lands, the names of the t)wners and occupiers thereof, so far as they can be ascer- tained, and every thing necessary for the right understand- ing of such Map or Plan ; and the Map or Plan and Book of Reference shall be examined and certified by the person performing the duties formerly assigned to the Surveyor General or his Deputies, who shall deposit copies thereof in the office ol the Clerks of the Peace in the Districts or Counties through which the Railway shall pass, and also in the Office of the Secretary of the Province, and shall also deliver one copy thereof to the said Company, and all persons shall have liberty to resort to such copies, and to make extracts or copies thereof, as occasion shall require, payipg to the said Secretary of the Province, or to the said Clerks of the Peace, at the rate of Six Pence for every hundred words ; and the said triplicates of the said Map or Plan and Book of Reference so certifi or a true copy thereof certified 'by the Secretary of ihe Province or by the Clerks of the Peace, shall be, and is and are hereby declared to be good evidence in any Court of Law and elsewhere. Secondly. Any omission, misstatement or erroneous descriptions o." such lands, or of such owners or occupiers thereof, in any Map or Plan or Book of Reference, may be corrected by two Justices on application made to them, after givmg ten days' notice to the owners of such lands' for the correction thereof, and the Justices shall certify the same accordingly if it shall appear to them that such omission, misstatement or erroneous description arose from mistake ; and the Certificate shall state the particulars of any su^h omission, and the manner thereof, and shall be deposited with the said Clerks of the Peace of ,the Districts or Counties respectively in which such lands shall be situate, and be kept by them respectively along with tho other documents to which they relate ; and thereupon, such Map or Plan or Book of Reference shall be deemed to be corrected according to such Certificate ; and it shall be lawful for the Company to make the Railway in accordance with such Certificate. Thirdly. \i any alterations from the original Plan or Survey Omissions how remedied. AUeralioiiB from original ■urvev. ,,wy'i 12 I il Railway not to be proceeded wiih uiitil map, &c., deposited. Clerks of tho Peace to re- ceive copies of original plan, Copies certified to Clerk to be p[ood evidence in Courts. Line not to de- viate more tliau a inile. Survey be intended to be made in the line or course of the Railway, a Plan and Section in triplicate of such alterations as shall have been approved of by Parliament, on the same scale and contammg the same particulars as the original Plan and Survey, shall be deposited in the same manner as the original Plan, and copies or extracts of such Plan and Section as shall relate to the several Districts or Counties, in or through which such alterations shall have been authorized to be made, shall be deposited with the Clerks of such several Districts and Counties. Fourthly. Until such original Map or Plan and Book of Re erence, or the Plans and Sections of the alterations, shall have been deposited as aforesaid, the execution of the Railway, or of the part thereof affected by the alterations, as the case may be, shall not be proceeded with. Fifih/y. The Clerks of the Peace shall receive and retain the copies of ♦he original Plans and Surveys, and copies of the Plans and Sections of alterations, and copies and extracts thereof respectively, and shall permit all persons interested to mspect any of the documents aforesaid, and to make copies and extracts of and from the same, under a penalty for default of One Pound Currency. Sixthly The copies of the Maps, Plans and Books of Reference, or of any alteration or correction thereof or extracts therefrom, certified by any such Clerk of the Peace which Certificate such Clerk of the Peace shall give to all parties interested when required, shall be received in all Courts of Justice or elsewhere as good evidence of the contents thereof. Seventhly. No deviation of more than one mile from the line of the Railway or from the places assigned thereto, in the said Map or PJan and Book of Reference or Plans' or Sections shall be made, nor into, through, across, under or over any part of the Ir .ids not shewn in such Map or Plan and B..ok of Reference, or Plans or Sections, or within one mile of the said line and place, save in such instances as are provided for in the Special Act. Eighthly. Provided that the Railway may be carried across or upon the lands of any person on the line, or Error in the name of a per- son entered in . , - j i- — ... a Book of within the distance from such line «« t*ffxr^<:f»iA Referenw. ' "'" the ^M Extent oflandi to b« taken without cousent of proprietor. 19 a. name of such person be not entered in the Book o( Reference through error or » - other cause, or althooRh some other person be erroi... ,ly mentioned as the owner of or entitled to convey, or be interested in such lands ,„ ! *f I-"~~^'!? "'^y ^ '«''«•' "■i'hout the consent of the proprietor thereof, shall not exceed thirty yards .„ breadth, except In such places where, the Railway iril h. ,T,' u "; "■' '"'■''=' °f '"^ ''»»' " "here offsets teL /, K "' 7 ''^"' ^""'™^' ^'VOU or fixtures are mo™ th , 'T"'' "' '""'' "^ "^'"-"^l. ^■'d 'hen not ^t^^T'^fu""'' '" l™?'" by one hundred ana fifty yards m breadth, without the consent of the person authonzed to conv.y such lands; and the places at wS ^ch extra breadth is to be taken shall be shewn on S Map or Plan, or Plans or Sections, so far as the same may be then .scertamed, but their not being so shewn shall no^ prevent such extra breadth from being taken, provided t be Tenthly The extent of the public beach, or of the land eovere w,th the waters of any rLr or lake i'n th,^ Pr vfnce aken fo, ,he Railway, shall not exceed the quantity iLZ m the next preceding clause. ^ " "- LANDS, AND THEIB VALUATION. XI. And be it enacted. That the conveyance of land. fte.r valuation and the compensation therefo" shaU be made in manner follomeg- • ' "® izz^'icZ:'':' "^7"^' '''° -» - ^hairbe'sted: possessed of or mterested in any lands, may contract for an an'y Zlt" trf ^ "^7 "" " ^"^ "^'^ ">"-f i «'«y i-oniract, agreement, sale, nnmr.., j ' -ce so to be m,de, shall be valid ande^rairia^t aU Extent ofpublio beach to be taken. if N! Efiect of con- tracts made before deposit of map. Corporations who cannot sell, may agree upon a fixed rent. Ab to proprie- tors jpar indivis. u all intents and purposes Avhatsoever ; any law, statute, usage or custom to the contrary thereof in anywiao not- withstanding, an ' such Corporation or person, so conveying as aforesaid, is hereby indemnified for what he or it shall respectively do by virtue of or in pursuance of this Act. Semidly. Provided, that any contrp 't or agreement made by any parly authorized by this Aci to convey lands, and made before the deposit of the Map or Plan and Book of Reference, and before the setting out and ascertaining of the lands required for the Railway, shall be binding at the price agreed upon for the same lands, if they shall be afterwards so set out and ascertained within one year from the date of the contract or agreement, and although such land may, in the mean time, have become the property of a third party ; and possession of the land may be taken and the agreement and price may be dealt with, as if such price had been lixed by an award of Arbitrators as herein- after provided, and the agreement shall be in the place of an award. Thirdly. All Corporations or persons who cannot in common course of law sell or alienate any lands so set out and ascertained, shall agrer upon a fixed annual rent as an equivalent, and not upon a principal sum, to be paid for the lands : and if the amount of the rent shall not be fixed by voluntary agreement or compromise, it shall be fixed in the manner herein prescribed, and all proceedings shall in that case be regulated as herein prescribed ; and for the payment of the said annual rent, and every other annual rent agreed upon or ascertained, aad to be paid for the purchase of any lands, or for any part of the purchase money of any lands, which the vendor shall agree to leave unpaid, the Railway and the tolls thereon shall be and are hereby made liable and chargeable in -preference to all other claims and demands thereon whatsoever, the Deed creating such charge and liability being duly registered in the Registry Office of the proper County. Fourthly. Whenever there shall be more than one party proprietor of any land as joint tenant or tenants in common, or 'par indivis, any contract or agreement made in good faith with anv nartv or nartif^s nrnnrififor nr h^>in.T tnrrafhar- > proprietors i I 13 Foprielors of one third „r more of ,„.i, i 'i amouoe of compensation for^ sale off ' 'f '° "" thereto, shall be binding as betteer"he r.! """ ''"'""*■'''' tor or proorietors a« ^ "»'"='» een tiie remanimo; proprie- have'^.o arrtdnrv H r ''™''"'" " P™''™'°- -•>» oa.power"h eln!t'" ''°"'-'"°" "' ^"='' '"'"l. « i?ft*/., ,V""J' "f" ""= same, as the case may be •hereof in at ietst one 1?"°" °' '''"'''"''"' »"" ^o™ ""'i" in eachof le Dist" cts ZT " •'"" "'-X-P-Wi^hed Railway is .ntendli '„ r""' ""■'"'«'' >''"-^'' ""e the owI,rs o alor'T'' "''^ ■•-"''°" "-y "• "ade to lands^orinter^stir/n^ d°„s:h:rr:rd' " ™r^^ the taking of materials or the e ercTeTa!; fTh^ "" granted for the KaiUvav and .!,„ ^ P""'"" contracts may be made ^i^L ,h T™' ''""'■''^'"^■"s and -diandsor=:h^cit„rtLtrprMt;tr'''"^' *■" for the damages, or as' to the m de n'vhich t / "P " pensation shall be ascertains! Z I l ^ '""' =<""- both parties and in Z eT ' "'' "'*"' ^''Podient to Kr:t;a?d\htr-eVs:h-d:;sr-^--- *.rorthr,rdsrr:f"^^^^ Railway and wortr """ '^ '^'""*'='' <■" ">" -'d a^:^L!rthT;::dTrb:z::rnr-- crmta^^x::!-::-^^^^^ 8um or rent as the c»=n '^'^'•'""'s to pay some certain lands or for such dama'esTd:^ "' compensation for such appointed as t^o ArSttor -f ZT "'" •"""" " "" be no. accepted : and ch no ce sW,Ta"'' " ""^ "'''" the CertificatP nf « a 1 ^^ accompanied by or Lowe Catadl as thir T '" "P**' ^"-"a -tter, and no^t:: t TrLrtL^t^f-rrr ■» '"^ -«tthe land, if .he notice relat; toZ;;;'i;™;7:'„<:; is shewn •Anerone month's notice of deposit of niRp, &c., ap- plication to th» owner of landa. Deposit to b« general notice. Notice to oppo- site party. £^M. If the party be •bsent or un- kuowd. Parly not ac- cepting tho Company's offer, and not appointing an arbitrator. Appointment of arbitrators by opposite party. Third arbitra- tor. Duties of arbi- trator!. 16 is shewn on the said Map or Plan, and is required for th« Railway, or is within the limits of deviation hereby allowed ; that he knows the land, or the amount of damage likely to arise from the exercise of the powers ; and that the sum so offered is, in his opinion, a fair compensation for the land, and for the damages as aforesaid. Eighthly If the opposite party be absent from the District or County in which the lands lie, or be unknown, then, upon application to a Judge of the District, County or Circuit Court, as the case may be, accompanied by such Certincale as aforesaid, and by an affidavit of some officer of the Company that the opposite party is so absent, or that after diligent enquiry, the party on whom the notice ought to be served cannot be ascertained, the Judge shall order a notice as aforesaid but without a Certificate, to be inserted three times in the course of one calendar month in some newspaper published in the said District or County. Ninthly. If within ten days after the service of such notice, or within one month after the first publication thereofas aforesaid, the opposite party shall not notify to the Company his acceptance of the sum offered by them, or notify to them the name of a person whom he appoints as Arbitrator, then the Judge shall, on the application of the Company, appoint a sworn Surveyor for Upper or Lower Canada, as the case may be, to be sole Arbitrator for determining the compensation to be paid as aforesaid. Te?ithly. If the opposite party shall, within the time aforesaid, notify to the Company the name of his Arbitrator* then the two Arbitrators shall jointly appoint a third, or if they cannot agree upon a third, then the Judge shall, on the application of the party or of the Company, (previous notice of at least one clear day having been given to the other party) appoint a third Arbitrator. Eleventhly. The Arbitrators, or any two of them, or the sole Arbitrator, being sworn before some Justice of the Peace for the District or County in which the lands lie as aforesaid, faithfully and impartially to pertorm the duties of their office, shall proceed to ascertain the said compensa- tion in such way as they or he, or a majority of them, shall deem oesi, ana ine awaru ui suou .n.ii;iu.awia, «* anj lttu- of 17 Arbitrators may exan.:ne on oath. ot them, or of the sol« Arbitrator, shall be final and con- clusive : Provided that no such award shall be made or any Proviso, official act be done by such majority, except at a meeting held at a time and place of virhich the other Arbitrator shall have at least one clear day's notice, or to which some meeting at which the third Arbitrator was present, shall have been adjourned ; and no notice to either of the parties ' shall be necessary, but they shall be held sufficiently notified through the Arbitrator they shall have appointed, or whose appointment they shall have required. TwelftMy. Provided, that if in any case where three Costs Iiow paid. Arbitrators shall have been appointed, the sum awarded be not greater than that offered, the costs of the Arbitration shall be borne by the opposite party, and deducted from the compensation, but if otherwise, they shall be borne by the Company, and in either case they may, if not agreed upon, be taxed by the Judge aforesaid. ThirteerUhly. The Arbitrators, or a majority of them, or the sole Arbitrator, may examine on oath or solemn affir- mation the parties, or such witnesses as shall voluntarily appear before him or them, and may administer such oath or affirmation ; and any wilfully false statement made by any witness, under such oath or affirmation, shall be deemed wilful and corrupt perjury, and punishable accordingly. Fourteenthly.. The Judge by whom any third Arbitrator or sole Arbitrator shaU be appointed, shall, at the same time, fix a day on or before which the award shall be made, and if the same be not made on or before such day, or some other day to which the time for making it shall have been prolonged, either by the consent of the parties or by the order of the Judge (as it may be for reasonable cause shewn on the application of such sole Arbitrator or of one of the Arbitrators after one clear day's notice to the others) then the sum offered by the Company as aforesaid, shall b^ the compensation to be paid by them. memtUy.U the Arbitrator appointed by such Judge, Arbitrator or If any Arbitrator appointed by the parties, shall die *^y'°«« *=• before the award be made, or be disqualified, or refuse or fail to act within a rearonable time, then, upon the annhVa- tion of either party, such Judge beiag satisfied by affidavit Time within which award must must be made. or Company may dHist payinir coats. Arbitrators not disqualified for certain circum- stances. Awards not avoided for want of form. 18 or otherwise of such disqualification, refusal or failure, mar in his discretion, appoint another Arbitrator in the place of him by the Judge previously appointr 1, and the Com- pany and party may each appoint an arbitrator in place of their Arbitrator deceased or otherwise not acting as afore- said, but no recommencement or repetition of prior pro- ceedings shall be required in any case. Sitteenihly. Any such notice for lands, as aforesaid, may be desisted from, and new notice given, with regard to "the same or other lands, to the same or any other party, but m any such case, the liability to the party first notified for all damages or costs by him incurred in consequence of such first notice and desistment, shall subsist. Seimiteertthty. The Surveyor or other person offered or appointed as Valuator or as Arbitrator, shall not be dis- qualified by reason that he is professionally employed by either party, or that he has previously expressed an opinion as to the amount of compensation, or that he is related or of km to any member of the Company, provided he is not himself personally interested in the amount ol the compensa- tion , and no cause of disqualification shalf be urged against any Arbitrator appointed by the Judge after his appointment, but shall be made before the same, and its validity or inva- lidity shall be summarily determined by the Judge ; and no cause of disqualification shall be urged against any Arbi- trator appointed by the Company or by the opposite party after the appointment of a third Arbitrator ; and the validity or invalidity of any cause of disqualification urged against any such Arbitrator, before the appointment of a third Arbitrator, shall be summarily determined by any such Judge, on the application of either party, after one clear day's notice to the other, and if such cause be determined to be valid, the appointment shall be null, and the party offering the person so adjudged to be disqualified, shall be held to have appointed no Arbitrator* EighteerUhly. No award made as aforesaid shall be invalidated from any want of form or other technical objection, if the requirements of this Act shall have been complied with, and if the award shall state clearly the sum awarded, and the lands or other property, right or thing lor which such sum is to be the compensation ; nor shall • it 19 pro- it be necessary , ^. the party, or parties to whom the sum is to be paid, be i.dmed in the award. Ninetcenthly. Upon payment or legal tender of the compensation or annual rent so awarded or agreed upon as aforesaid te the party entitled to receive the same, or upon the deposit of the amount of such compensation in the manner hereinafter mentioned, the award or agreement shall vest in the said Company the power forthwith to take possession of the lands^or to exercise the right, or to do the thing for which such compensation or annual rent shall have fceen awarded or agreed upon ] and if any resistance or forcible opposition shall be made by any person, to their ao doing, tlie Judge, may, on proof to his satisfaction of mch. award or agreement, issue his Warrant to the Sheriff of the District or County, or to a Bailiff, as he may deem most suitable, to put the said Company in possession, and to put down such resistance or opposition, which the Sheriff or Bailiff, taking with him sufficient assistance, shall accordingly do : Provided that such Warrant may also be granted by any such Judge, without such award or agree- ment, on affidavit to his satisfaction that the immediate possession of the lands or of the poiver to do the thing mentioned in the notice, is necessary to carry on some part of the said Raiiway with which the said Company are ready forthwith to proceed ; and upon the said Company giving security to his satisfaction, and in a sum which shall not be less than double the amount mentioned in the notice, to pay or deposit the compensation to be awarded within one month after the making of the award, with interest from the time at which possession shall be given, and with such costs as may be lawfully payable by the Company. Tweniiethly. The compensation for any lands which might be taken wiQiout the consent of the proprietor, shall stand in the stead of such lands ; and any claim to or incum- brance upon the said lands, or any portion thereof, shall, as against the Con.pany, be converted into claim to the com- pensation, or to a like proportion thereof, and they shall be responsible accordingly whenever they shall have paid such compensation, or any part thereof, to a party not entitled to receive the same, saving aJwavs their rpz-nnrcn q«„;v,o* such PMMsaion may b« taken on payment, ten- der, <&c., of aum awarded. Proviso. As to incum- brances upon lands, &c., pur- chased or taken in Upper Ca- nada. Pfoviao. ■4^! ' ' io .uch party: Provided th.t ir the Companr .hMI k.,. reason ,„ fear any clain,, or incumbraneero" iflny oarlv -^ whom the compensation or annual re'nt, or anV^rt thereof .hail be payable, d„ll refuse to execute' the proC conveyance and guarantee, or if the party en. led to Zm fte same cannot be found, or be unknown to the CoCT advisable, it shall be lawful, if the lands be situated in ^tbce of either of the Superior Courts for Upper Canada with the interest thereon for six month. »n/. j r ' the Clerk nf Ik. r> . , "ontns, and to deliTer to or of h ! '" *"*™"° "Py of "•• conveyance Ls, \° """^ "' ''^''"'"" 'f '^«" •« "" eonreyan"' Aat the title of the Company, that i , fte convLlel agreement or award, is under this Act, and shall oallTnll' all persons entitled to the land, or to iny plrt helf^" representing or being .,e husband. J any S L Ztf a:d'iV''''r'r' "■ ^--P'-tion'ofaTpa" «Z bv ^o r'"°f ola-ms shall be received and ad/udged ftis A fandth»'« "°',*"'' «~'d™ff'» the provisions of 01 aistnbution as aforesaid be obtainprl in !«« *i, • months from the mvm«nf r 1 ^^'""^"^ ^^ ^^s* than six theCourf Tnii ^^^ °^ *^® compensation into Court, be re^^^^^^^^^^^ P-t of the interest to returned to the Company, and if irom any error, fault or 21 or neglect of the Company, it .hall not be obtainea until after die six months are expired, the Court ahall order the Company to pay the claimants the interest for such further period as may be right. Tw^tyfirstly ^i the lands so taken be situated in Lower Canada and ,f the said Company shall have reason to fear any such claim, mortgage, hypothec or incumbrance, or if any party to whom the compensation or annual rent, or any part.thereof. shall be payable, shall refuse to execute he proper conveyance and guarantee, or if the party entitled to claim the compensation or rent cannot be found, or be unknown to the Company, or if for any other reason the Company shall deem it advisable, it shall be lawful for them to pay such compensation into the hands of the Prothonotary of the Superior Court for the District in which such land la situate, with the interest thereon for six months, and to deliver to the said Prothonotary an authentic copy of the conveyance, or of the award, if there be no convev- ance, and such award shall thereafter be deemed to be the title of the said Company to the land therein mentioRed. and proceedings shall thereup puifc Miereoi, snaii be paid by the Com- pany, it ) I ill I Cmie in which Railway bhall PAHH throuffh Indini) lands, provided for. Aa tc lanr^H he- longing to Her Majesty, &c. Proviso. 22 • pany, or by any other party, as the Court shall deem it equitable to der; and if judgment ol confirmation be obtained in I- tia, ^^ tmmiha from the payment of the eorpj-nsation > f'futhonotftry, the Court shall direct a propor'.nMiiJlle part oi he interest to be rettjrned to the Cont- pany, aoa if from any e rror, fault or neglect of rhe Company, it shall not be obtaine.l until after the aiM. months are ex|/iriKl, the ( 'ourt shall ord. " the Company to pay the Prothoi.ctary the interest for such furt^'^r period as may be riifht. Tweniy-$eco7idly U the said Railway shall pass through any land belonging to or in possession of any Tribe of Indians in this Province, or if any act occasioning damage to their lands shall be done under the authority of this Act or the Siwcial Act, compensation shall be made to them therefor, in the same manner as is provided with respect to the lands or rights of other individuals ; and whenever it shall be necessary that Arbitrators shall be chosen by the parties, the Chief Officer of the Indian Department within this Province, is hereby authorized and required to name an Arbitrator on behalf of the Indians, and the triount which shall be awarded in any case shall be paid, wuere the lands belong to the Indians^ to the said Chief ( nicer, for the use of such Tribe or Body. TwerUy-thirdly. Whenever it shall be necessary for t^e Company to occupy any part of the lands belonging to the Queen's Majesty, reserved for Naval or Military purposes, they shall first apply for and obtain the license or consent of Her said Majesty, under the Hand and Seal of the Governor for the time being, and having obtained such license and consent, they may at any time or times enter into or upon, have, hold, use, occupy, and enjoy any of the said lands for the purposes of the Railway: Provided always, that in the case of any such Navat or Military Reserves, no such license or consent shall be given but upon a Report first made thereupon by the Naval or Military authori; ies in which such lands shall for the time being being be vt. -d, approving of such license and ^n- sent being so giv^n •. :,'" 'efiait^ HIGHWAYS 23 HIGHWAYS AND DRIOGiprs. XII And be it enacted, That the Highway, and Rridire. ■hall be regulated as follows : i'yr,%^ The Kaihvay shall not be carried along anv exislmg Highway, but merely cross the nie in th*. line of the Railway, unless leave be obtained from the proper Mun.c.pal authority therefor; and no obstruction ;f such Highway with the works shall hlJ made without turning thF-ttightvoy so AS to leave an open and good passage for carriages, and, on completion of the works, replacing the Highway, under n penalty of not less than Ten Pounds for any cu.uravention ; but, in either case, the rail itself, provided It doe. not rise above or sink below the surface uf tV , .,,d more than one inch, shall not be deemed an obstruction. Secondly. No part of the Railway which shall cross any Highway without being carried over by a Bridge, or under by a Tunnel, shall rise above or sink below th; level of the Highway more than one inch ; and the Railway may Thirdly. The space of the arch of any Bridge erected for carrying, the Railway over or across any Highway shall at a 1 times be, and be continued of the open 3 dear breadth and space, under such arch, of not less than twenty feet, and of a height from the surface of such Hir. way to the centre of such arch of not less than twelve feet- and the descent under any such Bridge shall not exceed one foot m twenty feet. Fourthly. The ascent of all Bridges erected to carry any Highway over any Railway shall not be more than one foot , t . enty feet increase over the natural ascent of the Highway ; and good and sufficient fence shall be made on each side of every Bridge, which fence shall not be less than four feet above the surface of the Bridge riflMy. Signboards stretching across the Hi^rhway kXpl^r ^^^"^«-^-y' «^^" be erect:'::! kept up at each crossing at such height as to :.av« ciw... leet iium the Highway to the lower edge of the "signboard; and a ulwhj not to be carried aloBf niiy highway without Irsvo fromMuiiicipal authorities. Railway not (» riae more than one inch above level of high- ways when eroaaing the ■ame. Height and breadth of bridge over highways. Ascent of bridge*. Precautions when Railway crosses a high- wav 24 Fences to be erected on each •ide of RaiN way. Dividinif aud separatin^r of lands for Rail' way from neighbouring lands. and having the words " Railway Crossing » painted on each side of signboard, and in letters net less than six inches in length ; and for every neglect to comply with the requirements of this section, a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds currency shall be incurred. FENCES. XIII. And be it enacted, That mrstly. Fences shall be erected and maintained on each side of the Railway, of the height and strength of an ordmary division fence, with openings, or gates, or bars therein and farm crossings of the Road, for the use of the proprietors of th« lands adjoining the Railway , and also cattle guards at all road crossings, suitable and sufficient to prevent cattle and animals from getting on the Railway; and until such fences and cattle guards shall be duly made| the Company shall be liable for all damages which shall be done by their trains or engines to cattle, horses, or other animals on the Railway ; and after the fences or guards shall be duly made, and while they are duly maintained, no such liability shall accrue for any such damages unless negligently or wilfully done ; and if any person shall ride, lead or drive any horse or other animal upon such Railway, and within the fences and guards, other than the farm crossings, without the consent of the Company, he shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding Ten Pounds, and shall also pay all damages which shall be sustained thereby to the party aggrieved ; and no person other than those connected with, or employed by, the Railway, shall walk along the track thereof, except where the same shall be laid across or along a Highway. Secondly. Within six months after any lands shall be taken for the use of the Railway, and if thereunto required by the proprietors of the adjoining lands respectively, but not otherwise, the lands shall be, by the Company, divided and separated and kept constantly divided and separated from the lands or grounds adjoining thereto, with a suffi- cient post or rail, hedge, ditch, bank, or other fence, sufficient to keep off hogs, sheep and cattle, to be set and made on the lands so taken, and which the Company shall. 25 by By- aws. fiball, at their own costs and charges, from time to time, maintain, support and keep in sufficient repair. TOLLS. XiV. And be it enacted, That Tolls shall be established as follows : Firstly. Tolls shall be from time to time fixed and regu- Tolls to be fixed lated by the By-laws of tho Company, or by the Directors, if thereunto authorized by the By-laws, or by the Share- holders at any general meeting, and shall and may be demanded and received for all passengers and goods transported upon the Railway or in the tSteam Vessels to the undertaking belonging, and which shall be paid to such persons and at such places near to the Railway, in such manner and under such regulations as the By-laws shall direct ; and in case of denial or neglect of payment of any such'Tolls, or any part thereof, on demand, to such persons, the same may be sued for and recovered in any competent Court, or the Agents or Servants of the Company may, and they are hereby empowered to seize the goods for or in respect whereof such tolls ought to be paid, and cetain the same until paymen^ thereof; and in the meantime the said goods shall be at the risk of the owners thereof; and if the said tolls shall not be paid within six weeks, the Company shall thereafter have povVer to sell the whole or any part of such goods, and out of the money arising from such sales to retain the tolls payable as aforesaid, and all charges and expenses of such detention and sale ; rendering the surplus, if any, of the money realized from such sale, or of such of the goods as may remain unsold, to the person entitled thereto ; and if any goods shall remain in the possession of the Company unclaimed for the space of twelve months, the Company shall thereafter, and en giving public notice thereof by advertisement for six weeks in the Canada Gazette^ and in such other papers as they may deem necessary, have power to sell such goods by public auction at a time and place to be mentioned in such advertisement, and out of the proceeds thereof to pay such tolls and all reasonable charges for storing, advertising and selling such goods , and any balance of such proceeds shall bo kept by z> the '11 r H Proviso. A fraction of a mile to be coii- eideied as a wliole one ill charging toils. Table of tolls to be sinok up in cars, &c. 2e the Company for a further period of three manth-, i^ he paid over to any party entitled thereto ; and in defkult ^ such balance bemg claimed before the expiration of the pertod I^st aforesaid, the same shall be paid over to the Receiver-General to be applied to the general purposes cj the Province, until such time as the same shall be SaLed by the party entitled thereto; and all or any of the said tolls may, by any by-la^, be lowered and reduced and agam raised as often as Jt shall be deemed necessary for the interests of the undertaking: Provided that the same tolls shall be payable at the same time and under the same circumstances upon all goods and persons, so that no undue advantage, privilege or monopoly may be afforded to any person or class of persons by any By-law* relating to the wv r'^'^ '" ^" '^'''' ^ ^'•''^*^'°" ^» *^« "- the Special Act, shall be chosen annually by a majority of the Shareholders voting at such election at a general meet- ing, the time and place for which shall be appointed by the Speci&l Act, «»d if such election shall not be held on the day so appointed, it shall be the duty of the Directors to notify and cause such election to be held within thirty dajs after the day so appointed ; and on the day so notified, no person shall be admitted to vote except those who would have been entitled to vote had ihe election been held on the day when it ought to have been held ; and vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled in such manner as may be prescribed by the By-laws ; and no person shall be a Director unless he be a Stockholder, owning stock absduteiy in his own right, and qualified to vote for Directors at the election at which he shall be chosen. ^Secondly. The method of calling general meetmgs, and Calling of spe- the time and place of the first meeting of Stockholders for «'«' '"eeiiugs, the appointment of Directors, shall be determined and ^°' settled in the Special Act. Thirdli/. The niimber of votes to which each Shareholder Votes to be in shall be entitled on evp-rv npoa^ir.n »rh»n tu^ ,,^^-~ ~c 4.u^ members are to be given, shall be in the proportion to the V. nrnnortiQU iQ eharea. 23 the number of shares hold by him, unless otherwise pro- vided by the Special Act; and all Shareholders, whether resident in this Province or elsewhere, may vote by proxy if they shall see fit: Provided that such proxy do produce from his constituent an appointment in writing, in the words or to the effect /ollowing, that is to say : '» « of J one « of the Shareholders of the , do hereby II appoint ^of (^ « be my proxy, and in my absence to vote or give my "assent to any business, matter or thing relating to the said undertaking, that shall be mentioned or proposed at " any meetmg of the Shareholders of the said Company, or " any of them, in such manner as he, the said J shall think proper. \n witness whereof, I have '■ hereunto set my hand and seal, the day 'Of , in the year » Voles by proxy. Fourthly. The votes by proxy shall be as valid as if the principals had voted in person ; and every matter or thing proposed or considered in any public meeting of the Share- ' holders shall be determined by the majority of votes and proxies then present and given ns aforesaid, and all decisions and acts of any such majority shall bind the Company, and be deemed the decisions and acts of the Company. FifM,f The Directors first appointed, or those appointed in their stead, in case of vacancy, shall remain in office until the next annual election of Directors at the time appointed therefor, at which time an annual general meeting of the Snareholders shall be held to choose Direc- tors for the ensuing year, and generally to transact the business of the Company : Provided always, that the said Directors, in case of the death, absence or resignation of any ol them, may appoint others in their stead ; but if such appointment be not made, such death, absence or resigna- tion shall not invalidate the acts of the remaining Directors. SUlhly. The Directors shall, at their first or at some other meeting, after the day appointed for the annual general meeting, elect one of their number to be the Presi- dent of the Company, who shall always, when present, be the Chn^irmnn nf nnri n<*P^>'^'" •^^ '>1l — a.-'-- -c^%. ■*>■• _. ,,,.„ ^^iCoi-uc ai aii iuecuugs 01 lae jL^ireciors, and Term of office 1)1 Oiieuiu.B. Proviso. President. 29 and shall hold his office until he shall cease to be a Director, or until another President shall be eU-cted in his stead, and they may in like manner elect a Vice-President who shall act as Chairman in the absence of the President* Seventhly. The Directors at any meeting at which not less than a quorum to be settled by the Special Act shall be present, shall be competent to use and exercise all and any of the powers vested in the said Directors, but no one Director shall have more than one vote at any meeting except the Chairman, who shall, in case of a division of equal numbers, have the casting vote, and the Directors shall be subject to the examination and control of the Shareholders at their annual meetings and be subject to all By-laws of the Company, and to the orders and direc- tions from time to time made at the annual or at any special meetings, such orders and directions not being contrary to any express directions or provisions of this Act or the Special Act: And provided also, ihat the act of any majority of a quorum of the Directors present at any meeting regularly held, shall be deemed the act of the Directors. EigUhly. No person holding any office, place or employ- ment in or being concerned or intsrested in any contracts under or with the Company, shall be capable of being chosen a Director, or of holding the office of Director. Ninthly. The Directors shall make By laws for the man- agement and disposition of the stock, property and business affairs of the Company, not inconsistent with the laws of this Province, and for the appointment of all officers servants and artificers, and prescribing their respective duties. Tenihly. The Directors may from time to time make such calls of money upon the respective Shareholders, in respect of the amount of Capital respectively subscribed or owing by them, ss they shall deem necessary, provided that thirty days' notice at the least be given of each call and that no call exceed the prescribed amount to be deter- mined therefor in the Special Act, nor made at a less interval than two months from the previous call, or a greater amount be called in, in any one year, than the prescribed Vice President. Quorum of iJireciora. Proviso. Officers of Coiiipaiiy can* iiotbeDire'Uors By-laws for inanagenient ot stock, && Calls. M J; Interent to he charged on uii paid calls Amount of call may be reco- vered by suit. Certain forma lities not uo- cessary in actions for C.IJS. Certificale of pro|)rietorship prima facie evidence. Penalty for re- fusal to pay calls. Forfeiture of share not to be taken advan- tage of, unlesa to prescribed amount therefor in the Special Act, and every Shareholder shall be liable to pay the amount of the call so made ,n respect of the shares held by him to the persons' and at the tunes and places from time to time appointed by the Company or the Directors. i:^jnmy. If before or on the day appointed for payment any Shareholder do not pay the amount of any call, he shall be liable to pay interest for the same, at the rate of SIX per centum per annum, from the day appointed lor the payment thereof to the time of the actual payment TwelftMy. If at the time appointed for the payment of any call, any Shareholder shall fail to pay the amount of the call, he may be sued for the same, in any Court of La^v or Equity having competent jurisdiction, and the same may be recovered with lawful interest from the dav on which such call was payable. Thideenthly. In^ny action or suit to recover any money due upon any call, it shall not be necessary to set forth the special mat^er, but it shall be sufficient to declare that the Defendant IS the holder of one share or more, stating the number of shares, and is indebted in the sum of money to which the calls in arrear shall amount, in respect of one call or more upon one share or more, stating the number and amount of each of such calls, whereby an action hath accrued to the said Company by virtue of the Special Act Fourteenthly. The Certificate of Proprietorship of any share shall be admitted in all Courts as prima fal evi^^Z of the title of any Shareholder, his executors, administmrs successors or assigns, to the share therein specified; neverJ theless, the want of su.h Certificate shall not pre^nt the holder of any share from disposing thereof Pifteenthly. Any persons neglecting or refusing to pay a rateable share of the calls as aforesaid, for the space of two calendar months after the time appointed for the payment thereof shall forfeit their respective shares in the undertak. ing,and al tne profit and benefit thereof; all which for- feitures shall go to the Company for the benefit thereof f^-ff¥ Provided that no advantage shall be taken of the forfeiture, unless the same shall be declared to be lorteited at a General M«fitino- nf th^ n«^ ... At 31 at any time after such forfeiture shall be incurred, and declared at every such forfeiture shall be an indemnification to and for e«"«r«> meet- every Shareholder so forfeiting against all actions suits or "'*^' prosecutions whatever, to be commenced or prosecuted for any breach, of contract or other agreement between such Shareholder and the other Shareholders with regard to carrying on the said undertaking. SeverUeerUfUy. The Directors of the said Company may Directors may wil, either by public auction or private sale, and in such **" ^"'■^^"«'' manner and on such terms as to them shall seem meet, t^ '' ''^' any shares so declared to be forfeited, and also any shares remainmg unsubscribed for in the Capital Stock of the Company, or pledge such forfeited or unsubscribed shares for the payment of loans or advances made or to be made thereon, or of any sums of money borrowed or advanced by or to the Company. Eighteenthly. A Certificate of the Treasurer of the Com- Certif5ca.e of pany that the forfeiture of the shares was declared shall ^''^''''"•^^■••ob. be sufficient evidence of the fact therein stated, and of their SS;' purchase by the purchaser ; and with the receipt of the Treasurer for the price of such shares, shall constitute a good title to the shares, and the Certificate shall be by the said Treasurer enregistered in the name and with the place of abode and occupation of the purchasers, and shall be enteTed in the Books required to be kept by the By laws of the Company, arid such purchaser sh.ll thereupon be deemed the holder of such shares, and shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money, nor shall lus title to such shares be affected by any irregularity in «ie proceedings in reference to such sale, and any Share- Holder may purchase any shares so sold J^'^^^J^y- Shareholders wilhng to advance the amount Interest to be 01 tneir bhares, or any part of the money due upon the ""*"*"^ t° respective shares beyond the sums actually called for, may f.^:^tZy pay the same, and upon the principal moneys so paid in >">'^v''»« on advance or so much thereof as from time to time shall ""' exceed the amount of the calls then made upon the shares m respect of which such advance shall be made, the Com- pany may pay interest at the legal rate of interest for the time beinor. ae *\iA Ql U-IJ- 5,7 — "«v wiiaicuuiucrs paying such sum in advance I Iff fi 'r f m^ ; ;1,. I>i rectors (o cause nniiunl accounts to be kept. Proviso. Directors may pay interest on sums called up in respect of shares. Proviso. 82 advance and the said Company may agree upon : Provided such interest shall not be paid out of the Capital sub- scribed. Tioentwlhfy. The Directors shall, and they are hereby required to cause a true, exact and particular account to be kept and annually made up and balanced on the thirty- first day of December in each year, of the money collected and received by the Company, or by the Directors or Managers thereof, or otherwise, for the use of the Company, and of the charges and expenses attending the erecting,* makmg, supporting, maintainmg and carrying on of the undertaking, and of all other receipts and expenditures of the Company or the Directors, and at the general meetings of the Shareholders of the undertaking, to be from time time holden as aforesaid, a dividend shall be made out of the clear profits of the said undertaking, unless such meetings shall declare otherwise ; and such dividend shall be at and after the rate of so much per share upon the several shares held by the Shareholders in the stock of the Company, as such meeting shall think fit to appoint or determme : Provided always, that no dividend shall be made whereby the Capital of the said Company shall be in any degree reduced or impaired, or be paid thereout. ' nor shall any dividend be paid in respect of any share after a day appointed for payment of any call for money in respect thereof until such call shall have been paid Twenty-fir stly. The Directors of the Company may in their discretion, until the Kailroad shall be completed and opened to the public, pay interest at any rate not exceeding Six Pounds per centum per annum, on all sums called up m respect of the shares, from the respective days on which the same shall be p,id, such interest to accrue and be paid at such times and places as the Directors shall appoint for that purpose : Provided always, that no interest shall accrue to the proprietors of any share upon which any call shall be in arrear in respect of such shares or any other share to be holden by the same Shareholder during the period which such call shall remain unpaid, nor shall any interest be paid or taken iiom the Capital subscribed or any part thereof. Tuenty-seeondly. ^ TwerUy-secoiuUy, The Directors shall from time to time appoint such and so many O/ficers as they may deem requisite, and take from them such sufficient security by one or more Bond or Bonds, in a sufficient penalty or penalties or otherwise from the Manager and Officers for the time being, for the safe keeping and accounting of the moneys to be raised by virtue of this Act and the' Special Act, and for the faithful execution by them of their offices respectively, as the Directors shall think proper. TweTUy-thirdly. In case of the absence or illness of the President, the Vice-President shall have all the rights and powers of the President, and shall be competent to sign all Notes, Bills, Debentures, and other Instruments, and to perform all acts which by the Regulations and By-laws of the Company or by the Acts incorporating the Company are required to b«? signed, performed and done by the Pre- sident ; and the Directors may at any meeting require the Secretary to enter such absence or illness among the proceedings of such meeting, and a certificate thereof signed by the Secretary shall be delivered to any person or persons requiring the same on payment to the Treasurer of Five Shillings, and such Certificate shall be taken and considered as prima fade evidence of such absence or illness, at and during the period in the said Certificate mentioned, in all proceedings in Courts of Justice or otherwise. TwerUy-fmrthly. All notices of meetings or of calls upon the Shareholders of the Company shall be published weekly in the Canada Gazette, and the said Gazette shall, on pro- duction thereof, be conclusive evidence of the sufficiency of thB said notices. Directors may appoint ofBctn Vice-Proaident to act in the absence of the President. Notices to be published in Canada Ga- zette. SHARES AND THEIR TRANSFER. XVII. And be it enacted. That— Mrstly. Shares in the undertaking may be, by the par- Shareholdera ties, sold and disposed of by instrument in writing, to be e'SSef ^" **^ made m duplicate in the form following, one part of which shall be delivered to the Directors, to be filed and kept for ^Ia^^x °! ^^ f!^ Company, and an entry thereof shall be """ " ~ ^ ^ ' "0 kept for that purpose ; but no interest > ijwh E on Form of lale. ill »4 on the shares transferred shall be paid by the purchaser until said duphcato shall be so delivered, filed and entered. Secondly. Sales shall be in the form following, varyinir he names and descriptions of the contracting parties, a^ tne case may require o r -> •* I, A, B, in consideration of the sum of 11 paid to me by C D, hereby do sell and transfer to „ ^^ share {or shares) of the stock of tiC^Tt KJoiT • T^ '^° *^°'^ *° ^^^ the said CD, h,8 Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assi™ « subject to the same rules and orders, and on the X' cond.uons that I held the same immediately bet T execution hereof. A.d I, the said C D do hereby .,rea '• to accept of the said , ^ '" wrir'-^'r 'I '"" '""' "■'»'' "■'"^ »■«' ™»di"»" Witness our hands thia j ^ a . ,, ^"^^ day of m the year of u ~f •,?\^"'* "^ *' Company shall be rfeemei p^^raonal estate but no shares shall be transferable «ndl all previous calls thereon shall have been fully paid in, or fte sa.d shares shall have been declared forfeited for 4. non-payment of calls thereon, and no transfer of fess tlT a whole share shall be valid. rmrtUy. If any share in the Company shall b, «r»»^ m. ted by the death, bankruptcy or las. wi 1 d natirot testament, or by the intestacy of any Shareiolder.Tby any lawful means other than the transfer hereinbefore ^Z'li'lh ""'^ "' "''"■» -=" share shall be sot«^" m tted, shall deposit in the office of the Company a rtat mentm wrUmg, signed by him, declaring the m?„„t rf such transmission, together with a dulv certified "„„ probate of such will, "donation or testamen „r ,„IL°^ e«racts therefrom, and such other docnmenu „, Zt^L Te 'ntilTr'''""' "'*°'" ""'='> -'" P-'y ^^ »"■ be entitled to receive any share of the profits of the CoiT ^any, »« ™'« - -spect of any such sire as Lt hdto iviu Nit If ALITIES. ^ MUNICIPALITIES, XVIII. And be it enacted, That — Firstli/. Municipal Corporations in this Province may subscribe for any number of shares in the Capital Stock of, or lend to or guarantee the payment of any sum of money borrowed by the Company from any Corporation or person, or indorse or guarantee the payment of any Debenture to be issued by the Company for the money by them borrowed, and shall have power to assess and levy from time to time upon the whole rateable property of the Municipality a sufficient sum for them to discharge the debt or engagement so contracted, and for the like purpose to issue Debentures payable at such times and for such sum respectively, not less than Five Pounds currency, and bearmg or not bearing interest, as such Municipal Corpo- ration may think meet. Secondly. Any such Debenture issued, indorsed or gua- ranteed, shall be valid, and binding upon such Municipal Corporation, if signed or indorsed, and countersigned by such officer or person, and in such manner and form as Shall be directed by any By-law of such Corporation, and the Corporation Seal thereto shall not be necessary, nor the observance of any other form with regard to the Deben- tures than such as shall be directed in such By Kw as aforesaid. Thirdli/. No Municipal Corporation shall subscribe for Stock or incur any debt or liability under this Act or the Special Act, unless and until a By-law to that effect shall Jave been duly made, and adopted with the consent first had of a majority of the qualified electors of the Munici- pahty, to be ascertained in such manner as shall be determined by the said By-law, after public advertisement thereof containing a copy of such proposed By-law, inserted liJr ^".''T •'" T^ ^^^'^me, printed within the limits of the Municipality, or if none be printed therein then in some one or more newspaper printed in the nearest City or Tovvn thereto and circulated therein, and also put up m at least four of the most public niar.., in J.i. Municipality. * " ' "* '"'"" Fourthly. MuniolpatCor- poratioiis may take atock. Debenturea issued by them to bn biudiog. They cannot subscribe for stock unless By-laws are made for that purpose. Mayor, Ac, to b« tx officio K Diroctor ill cer- tain CMea. 8e> Pou^rtUy. Tho M«yor, Warden or RMve bein, .1.. Heador,„ch Municipal Corporation, .ub-cr-^inrfof .^d Sln'r' " ">" ^•"■"••""y. to .ho «n,ounf of Fivo Th^sand Pound,, or upwards, .hall bo and continue to b^ « ♦■.o ono of tho Diroctors of tho C„„,p„ny, i„ addaio„ 10 ho number of Directors authorized by the SnecUl A,T nnd shall have the , an,, rights, po,ver. LddSt'^ 01 tho Directors of the Company. ^ Sharaliolders individually liable. Stock may be increased. Funds of a Company not to be employed in purchasing other stock. SHAREHOLDERS. XIX. And be it enacted, That— Firstly Each Shareholder shall be individually liable to the cred.tors of the Company to an amount em.^l to the amount unpaid on tho Stock held by him for he Ih/. \ liabilities thereof and until M.n 7, ""' '""^ ^^^ ^^^^^ and oi,«iT u V ' " *"° ^^^o'e amount of his Stock shall have been paid up; but shall not be liabt to^n strhar" ^'°" "" ^^^^"^'^^ «^^'-^ the C mpan" shal have been returned unsatisfied in whole or in Lt recoverable with costs agamst such Shareholders. frnf r^: ^^" °"^'"^^ ^^P^^^J Stock may be increased from time to time to any amount hnf »» u • '"^"^^^^^^^ be sanntmn..^ K . amount, but such increase mugt a vote. '"'^reasod to the amount sanctioned by such Plof^t" J" "."'' "' ''' ^°"'P''»y ^''«" "0' be om. AcTIONt Penally on per- ■on« obstruct- iiig free use of Railway. if ACTIONS FOR INDEMNITY. AND Fm*:S AND PENALTIES AND THEIR PROSifUTlON. "'^^'-^'^^ XX. And be it enacted, Thnt— Mrstly. All suits for indemt.ity for nnv damn,r« «- • • •ustained by reason of the Rl.lvvav shaTr ^"^"'^ '''T"''''" «' within mir L\.r,A . '^""^^"y' ''"a" be instituted "•'»"••• for MuZLT^ '"°"'*'*' "'^^ "**«»• '»^° ^'"^0 of such '""'«"• •upposcd damage sustained, or u there shall bo continuation of damage, then within six calendar months next Tft r Z auerwards; and the Defendants mnv riend dL „«« matter ,n evidence at nny trial to bo had ther.unon „„H authority of this Act and the Special Act. SecoruUy. All persons by any ineananr ;« or «.y „ha..„over, oh,true'ti„/or i^n; ;2 r:: of.heRa.lway,or the carriages, ve.sols,e„,fi„e° „o,h!! wor^, .ncdental or relative .hereto, or cotlneccthe^wUr hall, for every such ollence, be deemed guilty JT2 thereto, or connected therewith or ^ ''". "' hunor .iachief, or ^^t^Z^Z^J^Z^ interrupting the free use of the Railw,„ , . ,''"'=""? <" or obstructing, hindering or preve"t/'th ""™*' completing, .upporti„g\nd',:::„tfi4'\,'=rst::' vessels or works, shall be adiudeed milfv 3. "*'''''*y. unless the offence com.itteVlll^lr oltheTS or Law, amount to a felonv m ,U,- u ' shal, be adjudged guiu/ta^L te^ t r^c:: b"""!; before whom the person shall bo t^ied d co^vl dX"l nave power and auth'^-*" *-, - - ^""^'ciea, snail , - -.-i_ amn..»^. ,0 cuuse sucii person to be pun- ished Penally on per- sons damaging Railway. ^"^"^■niwim Fines how re- o»Terad. Contra ventioni of this Act or of Special Act, to be misdemean- ors. 38 ished in like manner as persons guilty of misdemeanor or elony (as the case may be) are directed to be punished bv the laws in force in this Province. Fmrthhj Ail fines and forfeitures imposed by this Act or the Special Act, or which shall be lawfully imposed by any By-law, the levying and recovering of which are not particularly herein directed, shall, upon proof of the offence before any one or more Justice or Justices of the Peace for the District, County or place where the act occurred, either by the confession of the parties, or by the oath or affirma- tion of any one credible witness, which oath or affirmation such Justice or Justices is or are hereby empowered and required to administer without fee or reward, be levied by distress and sale of the offender's goods and chattels, by Warrant under the hand and seal or hands and seals of such Justice or Justices ; and all fines, forfeitures and pena.ties, the application whereof is not hereinbefore particularly directed, shall be paid into the hands of the Tre.sarer of the Company, to be applied to the use thereof, and the overplus of the money so raised, and after deducting thereof, shall be returned to the owner of the goods so distrained and sold ; and for tvant of sufficient goods and off! d ^Tk' '' '''' '""^ '''' P-^-^^^y -d -4ense, the offender shall be sent to the common Gaol for the Cointy or District in which he shall have been convicted, there to remain without bail or mainprize, for such term not exceeding one month, as the Justice or ^stices shalTihinl p oper, ,, ,he penalty or forfeiture, and all exp uses a tending, the same, shall be sooner paid and satisfied ; but momhs at T" "• '""" "^^' ^'^''^ f-^ -^-d- Court of r/ the conviction, appeal against the same to the Court of Geneml Quarter Sessions, to be holden in and for the County or District. Acffft ^n '^"^^^^^"t^'^"^ «f this Act or of the Special Act by the Company or by any other party, for which no punishment or penalty is herein provided, "^.'hall be a Mis- demeanor, and shall be punishable accordingly, but sTh punishment shall not exempt the Company, If they be t^e offending party, from tho forf-'turc hv -- / - - — i^rk,iare Dy ima Act ana the Special 99 ?ctf !A''' t'^" P''"''^'' ''""^''''^ °" ^1^^"^ by the said Acts, if by the provisions thereof or by law thJ 1 T forfeited by such co.Uravention ^ ' ' '^'"' ^" and shall be kept m the office of the Company and a pnmed copy ofao much of them as may relafe to^^^ alt as any change lar hours to bo fixed by public notice, and shall furnish sufficient accommodation for the transportation of all such passen- gers and goods as shall within a reasonable time previous thereto be offered for transportation at the place of starting and at the junctions of other Railways and at usua stoppmg places established for receiving and discharging way-passengers and goods from the trains, and such pas o?r.1'ii '^""^""^ '° '"'^ ^'""'''^ °" '^' d"« payment of the toll, freight or fare legally authorized therefor, and the party aggrieved by any neglect or refusal in the pre- mises, shall have an action therefor against the Com- pany. "* TMrdhy. Checks shall be affixed by an agent or servant to every parcel of baggage having a handle, loop or fixture of any kind thereupon, and a duplicate of such Check shall be given to the passenger delivering the same; and if such Check be refused on demand, the Company shall pay to such passenger the sum of Two Pounds, to be recovered in a civil action ; and further, no fare or toll shall collected or received from stich passenger, and if he shall have paid his fare the same shall be refunded by the Conductor in charge 01 the train; and any passenger producing such Check, may himself be a witness in any suit brought by him against the Company, to prove the contents and value of ot his baggage not delivered to him. Fourthly. The baggage, freight, merchandize or lumber cars shall not be placed in rear of the passenger cars, and ifanysm.h be so placed, the officer or agent directing or knowingly suffering such arrangement, and the conduc tor of the tram, shall severally be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished accordingly Mft/Uy. Every locomotive engine shall be furnished with !nH h K T\^''^ P"""'^^ ^'^^^^^' °^ ^ «^«arn whistle, and the bell shall be rung, or the whistle sounded at the distance of at least eighty rods from every place where the Rail way 41 Raihvay shall cross any highway, and kept rin^in^ or be sounded at short intervals, until the engine shall have crossed such highway, under a penalty of Two Pounds for every neglect thereof, to be paid by the Company, who sliall also be liable for all damages sustained by any person bv reason of such neglect, one half of which penalty and damages shall be chargeable to and collected by the Com- pany from the Engineer having charge of such engine and neglectmg to sound the whistle or ring the bell as aforesaid. ^Sixthly. Passengers refusing to pay their fare, may, by the conductor of the train and the servants of the Company, be, with their baggage, put out of the cars, using no unnecessary force, at any usual stopping place, or near any dwelling house, as the conductor shall elect, first stopping the train. • ' fr s SeveMMy. All persons in charge of a locomotive engine or acting as the conductor of a car or train of cars, who shall be intoxicated on the Railway, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. ^ ^ Eighthly. Any passenger injured while on the platform of a car, or on any baggage, wood or freight car, in violation of the printed regulations posted up at the time in a conspicuous place, inside of the passenger cars then in the, shall have no claim for the injury, provided sufficient room mside of such passenger cars, sufficient for the proper accommodation of the passengers, was furnished at L Passengers re- fusing to pay fare may be put 041t. Intoxicated conductor of locomotives. Passengers to have no claim if injured when on platform of cars, (&c. GENERAL PROVISIONS. XXII. And be it enacted, That execmion of any trust, whether express, implied or construe- "-"--a !<,>«. i .n the Books of the Company, or if it stands in the name nameTin'tr^H '," °"? ""e receipt of one of the parties named m the Register of Shareholders shall from t me to time be a sufficient dischar»-« ,« ,),. r, " ' dividend or other sum of ^^ .^^^l^^o^^^Z ' share, m '\i 42 share, notwithstanding any trust to ^hich the share may- then be subject, and whether or not the Company have had notice of the trusts, and the Company shall not be bound to see to the application of the money paid upon such receipts. thrc'alXl'^of ^''""^^y^ ^^^^ Majesty's Mail, Her Majesty's Naval Her Majesty's ^^ Military Forces or Militia, and all artillery, ammunition, Mail, &c. provisions or other stores for their use and all policemen, constables and others travelling on Her Majesty's service, shall at all times, when thereunto required by Her Majesty's Provincial Postmaster General, the Commander of the Forces, or any person having the Superintendence or Command of any Police Force, and with the whole resources of the Company if required, be carried on the Railway, on such terms and conditions, and under such regulations as the Governor in Council shall make ; and the Company may be required by the Governor, or any thereunto authorized by him, to place any Electric Tele- graph, and the apparatus and operators they may have, at the exclusive use of the Government, receiving thereafter reasonable compensation for such service ; provided that any further enactments which the Legislature of this Pro- vince may hereafter make, for the carriage of the Mail or Her Majesty's Forces, and other persons and articles as aforesaid, or t!fb tolls therefor, or in any way respecting the use of any Electric Telegraph or other service to be rendered to the Government, shall not be deemed an infringement of the privileges intended to be conferred by this Act or the Special Act. Thirdly. A true and perfect account of the names and places of abode of the several Shareholders shall be kept and entered in a Book to be kept for that purpose, as well as of the several persons who shall from time to time become proprietors of, or entitled to any shares therein, and of all the other acts, proceedings and transactions of the seid Company and of the Directors from the time being. Fourthly. A Map' and Profile of the completed Railway and of the land taken or obtained for the use thereof, shall, within a i*esi.9onabl'» ♦itvio "A-^w ^nr»^— i^*: — -r ji.- j T. -viiii. ^ »t»ov.j«uiv kiixxv uiiu* vvriiipiciiuii VI iu6 linuer* taking Account of names and re sidence of Shareholders to be kept. Map, &c., of Railway to be filed in the *^v«i u ui T T urn* Office. 4S tnking be made and filed in the office of the Commissioners of Public Works, and also like maps of the parts thereof located in different Counties, shall be filed in the Registry- Offices for the Counties in which such parties shall be respectively ; and every such Map shall be drawn on such a scale, and on such paper as may from time to time be designated for that purpose by the Chief Commissioner of Public WorkPj and shall be certified and signed by the President or Engineer of such Corporation. Fifthly. An account shall be annually submitted to the three branches of the Legislature, wiihin the first fifteen days after the opening of each Session of the Provincial Parliament after the opening of the Railway or any part thereof to the public, containing a detailed and particular account, attested upon oath of the President, or Vice- President in his absence, of the moneys received and expended by the Company, and a classified statement of the passengers and goods transported by them, with an attested copy of the last annual statement ; and no further provisions which the Legislature may hereafter make with regard to the form or details of such account, or the mode of attesting or rendering the same, shall be deemed an infringement of the privileges hereby granted to the Com- pany. Sixthly. If the construction of the Railway shall not have been commenced, and ten per cent, on the amount of the Capital shall not have been expended thereon, within three years after the passing of the Special Act, or if the Railway shall not be finished and put in operation in ten years from the passing of such Special Act as aforesaid, its cor- porate existence and powers shall cease. Seventhly. The Legislature of this Province, may from time to time reduce the tolls upon the Railway, but not Tvithout consent of the Company, or so as to produce less than fifteen per cent, per annum profit on the Capital actually expended in its construction ; nor unless, on an examination made by the Commissioners of Public Works of the amount received and expended by the Company, the net income from all sources, for the year then last passed, Account to bo submitted to Legislature. H Ten per cent. to be paid within three years from passing of Spe- cial Act. Purliament may reduce tolls on Rail- ways. N ii An to good» of ■ dangerous nature. Forging De- bentures. &c,. deemed feloiiv. Company bound to make and repair ftnces, roads, &c., In L. C, ecc. i4 farth, oil of vitriol gunpowder lurifpr^ .u ^ """^ '^^^ left at the time of slldtX^, T '1°" "^^ '^"«'^" .0 the Company I sut'o^F ^Ct 'r^ ' '°t'' every such offence ; and it shall be awj^for t^r*^ ' to refuse to take anv r.a«i "* Company suspect to coltZr„faTa„" '"'"' """ *^^ ""y the same to be open^dt Z^rZlT'^' " "'"^* ^«.w. The 0™:^,^"^^^^^^^^^ all fences, roads and water conrees anT h. ?• "**" municipal regulations and provS ?n „ '"T ** "" or for lands belonging to TheTby JS *?"' *? subject to any such re£rul«ti«„= 7 Company, and municipal or\oc.l Z't':2 " '" f-y.'"-?-- P«W*^ Parish or Township i„ Lo^TcTZ.^i '" T^ ^'""'• Railway shall pass and ,^ ?^ *'°"'S'' ^^ch lh« «r oonLenion therlf b??^'""'^"^"''^' » <"*"« Officers of the Muh'Sh'^ 'S't'T'"-'^ *' Court or Circuit Court with „«.!' *,• ^°"""'*'»"«* such fe„ce, road or waterlr ^ stllZanTr °' *"'*, the Summons upon any Cert ,7n« ' ? *' service of section of the R^C Jwn th .'" '" *"?' "^ «» tho nearest imt7ZZil^, J»"™toio*, or at upon the ComjCy, **'''™y' "*«" "« 8^ serriee 46 pZ^T"'- ^""^ ''^-' '^""-y Ac. Shan be a 1^'miy. The Legislature may at inv .• a^U. any CorporaL formerunde mI aT T"^ " dissolution shall not tak„ „, "".""^ ^ct; but such given against any such cJn? 1' ""^!''' ""' """^y Officers or Servanl for »n ,T-^"°": "^ Shareholders, previously fncuTred' ^ '■'"'iluy which shall have been -nfa:;t£:5ES^5::^ be incorporated. ^"^ ^^''^ ^"* ^« «^ «liaU Special Act to wsaPublicAct. And may dis- solve any Cor- ('Orporatibn formed under this Act Saving of Her Majeaty's Rights. Interpretation. J; ¥B«| i km... AN ACT T« IITCORPORATX TH« TORONTO & GUELPH RAILWAY COMPANY. 80th AvLgxmt, 1851. WHEKEA8 the persons hereinafter mentioned, together with Preamble. others, have, among other things, petitioned for the revival of the Act passed in ihe Session held in the tenth and eleventh years of Her Majesty's Reign, and mtituled. An Ad for ivmrporating tU TororUo and Goderich Railway Company ; And whereas it is fepedient in part to grant the prayer of the said Petitioners in so far as to incorporate a Company to construct a Railway from the City of Toronto to the Town of Guelph, under the provisions of the Railway Clauses Consolidation Act: Be it therefore enacted by ♦he Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britam and Ireland, and intituled, An Act to re-unite the Pro- mnces of Upper and Lower CanaM, and for: the Governmeni (f Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Act, John Arnold, John G. Bowes, A. M. Clark, William Clarke, James Colton, John Fiskin, William Charles Gwynne George Herrick, James Hodgert, John Holmes, William' I' ^°^,^*°^' San^uel Peters Jarvis, John McDonald, Samuel Smith, John Smith, James McGill Strachan, James Webster, Ezekiel F Whittemore, Frederick Widder, and George Wnght, Esquires, together with every person who has already under the provisions of the first above recited Ac. oecome a subscriber to, or has agreed to become a Shareholder t il r!l Name of** The Toronto and Guelph West- em Extension Railroad Com- pany." rx Payments tnaide before the passing of this Act 1 V: 1 1 11 .! ^m. 1 Capital £250,000 di- vided into share; of five pounds each. 4b fiharoholder in the Railway by the said Act authorized to be constructed, and who shall, within three months from and after the passing of this Act, express his desire, in writing, addressed and delivered to the Secretary or to the Directors, or to any of the Directors of the Company heremafter named, to have the amount, or any part of the amount so by him subscribed for the purposes of the said Act, transferred to the purpose of constructing the work in this clause mentioned, and also together with such other Persons, Corporations, or Corporation, as shall, after the passing of this Act, become Subscribers to and Shareholders m the Railway in this clause mentioned ; and their several and respective successors, executors, administrators and assigns, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be united into a Company for making and maintaining, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to make and maintain, a ttouble or Single Line of Railway, with the other works necessary therefor, extending from the waters of Laka Ontario, within the limits of the City of Toronto to the lownof Guelph, in the County of Waterloo, and for that purpose shall be one Body Corporate, by the name and style of « The Toronto and Guelph Railway Company " and by that name and style shall have perpetual succession, and shall have a Common Seal, and by that name shall and may sue and be sued. II. And be it enacted, That all persons who, prior to the passing of this Act, have made any payments in respect of the Shares by them subscribed for in the said Toronto and Goderich Railway Company, shall be entitled to receive credit therefor upon such Stock as they shall respectively transfer as aforesaid, under the provisions of this Act, in the same manner as they would have been entitled to such credit upon the Stock by them respectively subscribed for in the said Toronto and Goderich Railway Company. III. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Toronto and Guelph Railway Company to raise and contribute among in such proportions as to them shall seem meet, a competent sum of money for the completion of the said Railway from the City of Toronto to the Town of Gueloh, nnd fnr the. u*:.^ „f the it authorized tu ^e months from his desire, in •etary or to the the Company ny part of the les of the said ig the work in ith such other hall, after the d Shareholders d their several inistrators and ed to be united and they are nd maintain, a i other works aters of Lake 'oronto to the , and for that the name and y Company," lal succession, ame shall and o, prior to the } in respect of said Toronto led to receive 1 respectively is Act, in the itled to such ubscribed for mpany. lay be lawful !Jompany, to h proportions of money for the City of 49 -hall notcxcood tL Z j T .l "T" '" '" ™"''' Thou d p ,, _:; ,:^.,^- j^-n^^e^ «»a Kif., present Session, with rcsDec.!^hr "^ "^ ''"""« "'o Iburthclausesther of Id' 1 I "' ''^°'"'' """' '""' saidlastmentioned Ae, with "■"-•""■"•'«'«"«» «f'ho " Incorporation," .^Pow! ','Tp '" " '"'"P-'-i"...- "Lands and ,„eir vaCtZ,'" >' hT """ ,^''""''" " Fences," " Tolls." 'r , . ^''^'^ »»'' B">ig<»," their eleition and duties -"sl, ^'n"''" ""'''""''• their tr«,sfer,- " tMu c ^ahties "' .taT 'h 'n""^"'"'' tions for Indemnity and fi ■ *'""*'>''l''"s," "Ac- ' prosecution," " wlrkin If T «1 "'""'"^^ ™' ">-' : p^vis^n. shai, hixr::^^: r ""-"-' C[ark,Wi„ia»C,ar,J^-' ""d- VI. And be it enacted Thn^ ♦!.« i which each ShareholdertTh! , ""',"''" ""'"'^^ '» eatitled,oneveryoccJso„ .! ?'^r"'''""'"■"S ^''°'' '><' of the said Toromo anTGuthRa",'^'''" /"- '^I™'-" be given, shall be in .hp nroi^l ; r^- ^•'"'''=">- »''<= «» of Shares held bv h m thT ^ """'^' ">">-""n^'"os for ten V.efor every twenty additirtr"" ""^""^'"■°-»' .0 the alitlm^t'^?:''''.' "'-•'"'• - -nas Shares M;e Capita, storoVZ™;-:;:;^^^^^^^^ •'°"-' a^Jd ten ger cent, thereon -' " ■ ^ EnactnionlN incoriwraleii with ihia Act. Who shall Ixt the Provisioiiul i)ircctor8. Nujiiber of votes to wliioh the sharehoM. ers shall be entitled. Shall have bf'cn paid in, it shall be lanful Wlien the Pro. visional Direc- tors shall call a meeting at To- ronto for the purpoie of electing Direc tors. iV w '• \ m hi' ii; Bf i Profli no. Proviso. Directors so elected to rc< tiiiiin in office until the first Monday in June following A general meeting to be held on the first Monday in June, &c., in each year, to choose Direc- tors. A special ge- neral meeting may bo called. 50 lawful for the said Provisional Dirrctors of iho said Com- pany, or the Survivors of them, to call a Hieting at fho City of Toronto of the Holders of such Shares, for th« purpose of electing Directors: Provided always, that if the said Provisional Directors, or the Survivors of them, shall neglect or omit to call such Meeting, then the same may- be called by any ten of the Holders of Shares in the said Company, holoiug among them at least One Thousand Shares : And provided always, that in either case, public notice of the time and place of holding such Meeting, shall be given during one month in two of the Newspapt>r« published in the said City of Toronto ; and at such General Meeting, the Shareholders assembled, with such proxies as shall be present, shaJl choose Thirteen persons, being each a Proprietor of not less than Forty Shares in the said under- taking, to be Directors of the said Company, and shall also proceed to pass such Rules and Regulations and By-Laws, as shall seem to them fit, provided they be not inconsistent with this Act. ' ,;■ VIII. And be it enacted, That the Directors so elected, (or those appointed in their stoad in case of vacancy) shall remain in oflice until the first Monday in the month of June next following ; and that on the first Monday in June, and on the first Monday in June in each year thereafter) or on such other day as shall be appointed by any By-law, an Annual General Meeting of the said Proprietors sliall be held at the Office of the Company for the time being, to choose Directors in the room of those whose period of office shall have expired, and generally to transact the business of the Company ; but if at any time it shall appear to any ten or more of such Shareholders, holding together one thousand shares at least, that a Special General Meeting of Shareholders is necessary to be held, it ^hall be lawful for such ten or more of them, to cause fifteen days' notice at least to be given thereof in two public newspapers as afore- said, or in such manner as the Company shall by any By-law direct or appoint, specifying in such notice the time and place, and the reason and intention of such Sneclal xMeeting respectively ; and the Shareholders are hereby authorized to meet pursuant to such notices, and proceed to the .11 .1,,„ of ,1,0 ,„„.„ bj. ,„i. Ac, given .hem, whh pj.-: .o .1,0 ,„aU„r, » ,p«.f„., o„,y, „^ .„ ,„^^ ;^,^ ^ n e Sharoholdor, or the ,„.j„riiy „f ,hem, ul .uch Special Mcc..,„g, „,so,„Ll..d, .sucl, ,„ajo,i.y not having, either .. l.rn,c,,,. » or proxi,.,, |e»s than One Thousand Share., .hall .e a, vahd ,0 all ,n.c„„ and purposes, a. if the same were done at Annual Mectinge ; ,„d any Meeting of the Kiid I),rce,or» at which not lo» than .even Directors shall bo present, shall be a qnorum, and shall be competent to use .".. exorce all and any of the po»e„ hereby vested in the sfxid Directors. IX. And be it e_„acted, That the Guage to be used on the sani Ba.lway shall be five feet six inches, and neither more nor Jess. X. And be it enacted, That the Slock to be subscribed for by Municpal Corporations shall be represented by the Mayor, Warden or Reeve, from time to time being, of such rospecuve Mun.c.pal Corporations subscribing to the said Railway, and that such Mayor, Warden and Reeve respec- tively shall be entitled to vote upon all occasions in respect of the Stock subscribed for by such respective Munidpal Corporations in proportion to the amounts so subscribed for, and shall be eligible as Directors of the ^aid ConiDa^ r m respect of such Stock, in addition U prov.sions'of th; Railway Clauses Consolidation Act What tliall bo the Quorum at any mooting of (ho Directora. Gaagre (o b« uflod on Aail. way. Tho stock to be subscribed for by Munici« pai Corpora- tions to be re* presented by theMayor.dK!.; Who shall be entitled to vote, and be elig-ible as Directora. to a certain ex- tent. K