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A %^ .^ '% . lncludes index(es)/ Ly I Comprend un (des) index Title on header taken from:/ Le titre de I'en-t^te provient: □ Title page of Page de titre issue/ de la livraison n Caption of issue/ Titre de depart de la livraison □ Masth Gener Masthead/ ique (periodiques) de la livraison This Item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est filme au taux de reduction mdique ci-dessous. lOX MX 18X J 12X 16X 20X 22X 26 X 30X 24 X 28X 32 x V . mp^i«*«^ I'il et e vue ion IS The copy filmed here has been reproduced thanks to the generosity of: IMational Library of Canada The images appearing here are the best quality possible considering the condition and legibility of the original copy and in keeping with the filming contract specifications. Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol — »• (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, ieft to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exemplaire filmd fut reproduit grdce d la g^n^rositd de: Bibliothdque nationale du Canada Les images suivantes ont 6t6 reproduites avec le plus grand soin, compte tenu de la condition et de la nettet^ de l'exemplaire filmd, et en conformity avec les conditions du contrat de filmage. Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en papier est imprim^e sont filmds en commen^ant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par la dernidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration, soit par le second plat, selon le cas. Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmds en commenpant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une teile empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ► signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 22 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 w a ELE iERAL *'0R THE » OS itered ace year 187 fter of Agri DAI] He / 9 *^^PRIVATE^^ ELEGi^APHic Code, --)l'OVEKIN«(— \ERAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS, ^OR THE USE OK. HIS CORRESPONDENTS ONLY. ( ,' Kt'KlHtereil Cable AddresM : oster, Moncton." );o:( itered according to Act of Parliament of Canada year 1879. ^, j. r. ^^^^^^^ .^ ^^^ ajada fter of Agriculture." I MONCTON, N. B. 'daily times" print, moncton. 1879; n • I II FOSTER iij MILLERS AND SHIPPERS AGE REPRESENTIN(i IN THE MARITIME PROVINCi:] Ontario,Chicago & West( Millers and Shippersi FLOUR, MEAL, GRA Seeds and Provisions] ):o:( All kinds of Goods Boutrlit auid Hold on nilsHion. Liberal Advaiicrs made on Consignments. | ):o:( . IMPORTER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER ll TEl^^S. n Moncton, N In sending r 1 to the fnc >ored to inai U the sende: [•leastige haa kay do 80 by VJphabet be = 1 = 2 = 3 - i = 5 = = 7 = 8 = 9 Kter making laenting the y^ge, and add Bs. For exa |R A s c 118 1 19 3 N S U |o 14 19 21 pguros under the above U 275, and the " Rascal, f "Kascal, h word " Cele I receiver of 1 JCdl III Instr-actiojis, fieasages should simply btTiddTesse'd- ' *^ *°^^^^' >> RS AGE IE PROVlNCil West( 'io7hi"aTTh'i?r''fL*'.1,'r'» •«' ""»"•'''■>' refer. lay do 8o by the followim ntin ^^^r^jl^ated correctly. Vlph_abet be represented^^ rnum'ber.^ Afc :"i " FOSTER, Moncton. GRA /'isions «l Hold on islguiuents. E DEALER I| I - - Nj 1 2 3 i 5 7 8 9 J K L M N O P 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S T U V W X Y Z 19 L'O 21 22 23 24 25 26 fc^Tg^fj^^dSell^St'lteZ I^hP ^^« "-^-^>ers 15 U ll ^; t {^2 f fg § ? R T. fererb!e'^J^??E4^^^^^^^^ "^.X^^-« --ord- Rascal, Perch, Sensual, Escort. 275;" or * Rascal, Perch. Sensual, Escort ^'ele-tial " ■ word •• Uelestial" repre8ents~275. ' ^ Receiver of the message will therefore add up the ru IV numbers representing tlie letters used in the mets, and if the total corresponds with the checking nuni_. , . , the message is in all probability correct. BIN >V iVl J This plan is also invaluable in checking the accurac a message and the meims of deciding which the fu word really is without having to repeat the telegr , Supposing the message had been transmitted covrcmntni, except the word " Escort," which was perfectly unnmtnined, nizable, but the meaning of the other words of the mnnence, sage suggested the word as probable, to And out if mient, reallv the correct word add up the figures represent c»'"v^ the letters of the correctly transmitted words, and dc^/usely, this total from the checking number, thus :— meve. Checking number, 2rm'^'f>"'^nt, Total figures of correct words, 1&^ ''' Total of numbers represented by letters of words wrongly transmitted, The numbers representing the letters of minwlpfin., the word " Escort," add up mt^^' "^0^^ Therefore it may be taken as a certainty that the 'midint, " Escort," is the correct word, it agreeing with the of the message and also the checking number. _ ^^ :-o-: mntal. In telegraphing £190. s 17. d25 stlg, correspondent3B__—■* ■ ' J. R. FOSTERA^ Millers and Shiffeks Ag"" MONCTON, N. B., Nov. 1879. N N I in the me^s becking nuiulC^T a i\ * -r- ^ ■^^AMES OF ARTICT T7q which the taj Bat the teIef,'rL . isrnitted corrcB''«'>i, No. 1 Whifr. \\n.^ 4. )erfectlv umMnined, tiorJ -^^ ^'^"t* k^ords or the iBf'.'«'«cr, No. 1 Treadw«.ll ) flml out if mineut. No. 2 '"^^""^VelJ, [•es represent p»/'?/«f', No. 1 lied words, and de»''«.s./..Z^e. No 2 Canada Spring Wheat, ty that the ^„/;i^, ^«- -^ ng with the umber. ■ «' ^^^'^^• all not be us« . Meal doi.vir i \^'" ^^"^^ ^'"i" or persons mnmte, 125 do.^'"-^^' 1'^^' "'lo^' ~~7i;; . Je ^'*,''''''® ^i^" l^^ied Corn Meal n nhi« SMI '"' ""'" "'"" "^"^ ^^^'' '",i'«"^'' ■'«' FOSTER ■ ' ''■"" ''"""" '■""' *"'• "' ^«S. '«i npp?«^ AgI'"' '•»■■" not graded, but equal U, }^!^- ''■ fion, No. 1. No. 2. OATS. II 4 NAMES OF ARTICLES — SPECIFIED QUANTITIES. Adduce, Admire, Address, A ilcpt. Adequate Adhere, Administcri Adorned, Adrift, Adult, Adventure, Advertise, Advocate, Ajffinnable, Atjfirmiug, Afflict, Afflicted, Afflict ion. Oftts foncard. No. 1 Choice White, for Seed, doivcj at . No. 1 Choice White, for Seed. No. 2 Wliite. Ko.iected. No. 1 Mixed. No. 2 •* nf/, Oats not j^raded, but equal to IflllTE €A\AI»A I'EAM. No. 1. No 2. No. 3. No. 1.- In Barrels. No. 2. No. 3. »AKLEY. Extra Canada. Xo. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Barley not graded, but equal to tuota Specified Quantities. Affray, 25 bags. A tfront, 50 bags. A float, 75 bags. Afoot, 100 bags. Afore, 150 bags. Afraid, 200 bags. Afresh, 220 bags. Afterclap, 250 bags. Against, 25 bbls. Agape, 50 bbls. Aged, 75 bbls. Agency, 100 bbls. Agedly, I'io bbls. Agent, 200 bbls. Aggravate, 3110 bbls. Aggravation, 400 bbls. Aggregate, 500 bbls. Agliast, 600 bbls. Agitate, 700 bbls. Agitating, 800 bbls. Agony, 900 bbls. Agree, 1000 bbls. Agreeable, 1100 bbls. Agreement. 1200 bbls. Aground, 1300 bbls. A head, UOO bbls. Ail, l.MK) bbls. Ailment, 2000 bbls. Aimless, 2500 bblsi Aisle, 1 car load. A jax, 2 car loads. A kin, 3 car loads. Alabaster, 4 car loads. A lamode, 5 car loads. Albino, 6 car loads. Album, 7 car loads. Albumen, 8 car loads. Alchemy, 9 car loads. A Icove, 10 car loads. Alder, 12 car loads. Alderman, 15 car loads Alert, 20 car loads. I Alertness, 25 car loads.| A Igebra, 30 car loads. | Alineate, 40 car loads. Alight, 50 car loads. danoe, fnce, rator, ftcd, [rnenf, ^ice, le, ling. finent, lion, Inac, Jhty, Hid, ba, |nate, ram, :atnate, |s, Ised, Ising, Issdor, lion, [lance, Iscade, Ish, [shed, jshing, ible. QUANTITIFS. QUOT.VTIO.VS AND QUAHTITIRS. uotations and Quantities fee. i:iance, Ince, rat or. Itert, Iment, kice, |e. rnient, lion, fnac, ^hty, ^nd, W car loads. 40 car loads. | car loads. ba, I* pate, t aram, Parnate, |s, Ised, leur, Issdor, lion, llanee, Iscade, ^^ Ished, |shing-, ible, l-l-io Anunonia, M ^inncsty, „•>» Amorous, '-!<* Amplify, 9:lM Amulet, ii-16 Anatomv, i^il Ancestor, la-lb Ajiew, lo-io AnprJiug, If Angiush, If Anerular, li Animal. f Animated, it Annex, ^» Announce, •i Antagonist, 3i Antelope, oi Anthem, ^1 Antidote, *i Anvil, U 4| o 6* 61 7 7i Apace, Apart, Apartment, Aperture, Apex, Apollo, Apology, Apoplexy, Apostle, Apparel, Appealed, H Appendix, 7f Appetite, 8 I Applaud. ^j Applicant, fl* Apply, 8! Appoint. 9J 10 Appraise, Apprehend, Approach, Appropriate, ,-, I Apron, }»} Aptness. m Aqueduct, m Arab, " Arcade, A rchduke. Archives. Ardent, Argument, Arise, Armature, Armor, Armpit, Army, Arrest, Arrogant, Arsenal, Arsenic, Artery, Artisan, Artist, Ashamed, ' 15| Aside, ^ 16 Asleep. j ml Aspect, j loj Assail, 2 16| Assault, 2 17 Assay, j 17i Assemble, 2 1'^ Assets, 2 III Assign, 2 Assume. 21 Asthma^ 2! Astonish, 2! Astray, ^j Astride, 31 11 Hi lU 11* 12 12i 121 12| 13 m m 13| 14 14*1 11} Ui 15 15i 15^ 18 IHi m m 19 QUOTATIONS AND (^l.'ANTITIES. QUC Aaunrtor, AsyhiiM, Athlete, Attain, Attempt, Attentive, Attest, Attire, Attitude, Attorney, Attract, Attraction, Attribute, Auction, Audible, Audience, Auditor, Aunt, Austria, A uthor, Authentic, Autograph, Autumn, Avalanche, Avenge, Avenging, Avenue, Avoid, Avowal, Awake, A ward. Awful Awhile, Awkward, Awning, Axis, Babel, Baboon, Bachelor, Backward, JJadge, Battie, Baggage, Bamff, Balcony, Baleful, Ballast, Balioun, Balsam, Balmoral, 301 m 31 3U 31 i 31 1 32 32i 33 33i 33 i 34 31i 31* 31* 35 3.H 35i •ioi 3G 3<)i 'm 3();i 37 37i 37i 37i 3H 38i 38i 383 39 39i 39^ 39? 5 'i 40 40i m m 41 41i 4U 41^ 42 42i m Bamboo, Banana, Bandage, Handit, Banish, Banner, Ban(iuet, liantam, Bankrupt, Baptismal, luiptist. Barber, Barefoot, Bargain, Baritone, Barometer, Baron, Baroness, Barracks, Base, Baseless, Basement, Bashful, Basil, i^assoon. Bastard, Bastile, liastinade. Bathe, Baton, Battalion, Battery, Battlement, Bauble, Bayonet, Bazaar, Beach, Beadle, Beastly, Beaten, Beauty, Beaver, Became, Bedaub, Bedbug, Pedeck, Bedlam, Be«liamite, Bedrid, Bedstead, m 43 m m 431 44 4H 44A 441 4.} iU 45J 46 4(H m m 47 471 47i 47:j 48 m m 49 m 491 50 m m m 51 5U 5U 5U 62 52i 52^ 524 53 53i 53i 534 54 54i 54ii 54f I 53 i Befall. Me tit. Befriend, Beget, Begetting, Beggar, Begin, Beginner, Begotten, Begrudge, Beguile, Behalf. Behave, Behaving, Behead, Heheading, Beholder, Behoof, Belate, Belfry, Belief, Belle, Bellowing, Belong, n.eloved. Beneath, Benedict , Benefit, Benevolent, Benumb, Bengal, Bequeath, Besetting, Besiege, Besieging, Besmear, Bespatter, Bestow, Bestowing, Bestir, Betake, Bethink, Betide, Betimes, Betoken, Betray, Betrayal, Betraying, Betroth, Betrothal VOCl), f rixt. () '1, t; ruge, (i nil. (; iiling « Ider, 0! tch. (i! t<'liing, m nd. 7( 7< 'al. 70 I'J-, 70 nist. 71 I'SS, 71 "1, 71 ry, 71' » 72 IS, 72j nis. 72. icle. 725 iiphy. id f 73i » 73* it. 73J ^\ 74 nil. 744 74 'ness. 74: ly, 75 en. 75i iJig, 75: ?uurd, 753 fg, 76 ^'1-, 7(i\ ble. 76* 76f less. 77 le. 77J ;t. 77* y, 77J ene. 78 78i S, 7H 781 ]g. 79 . !i, 791 - 79*1] gr, 793 ] 80 J QUOTATIONS All) QUArTITIKS. cal. fg:. }]J!KhfinK. nijiid. IJIindfohl, Jiliasful, imthe, BJithsorne, KlcK'kartc, Bloody, Blood lesH, Bloodshot, Bloomer, Blooniinir, Blotch. Blouse, Blubber, BludKeon, nhitt, Blufting, Blunder, Blunt. Border, lioast. Boast innf, Boastful, Bodily, Bodkin, Bolster, Bolivar, Bombay, Bombarded, Bonda,^e, Bonfire, Jionny, Bonus, Booby, Booming, Borax, Border, Borrow, Bosom, Botanist, Botany, Bother, Bottomless, Bounce, ] Bouncing, i Boundary, \ Boundless, j !; Bounteous, I Bountiful, j Bounty, j Bowlder, t I Boxing, i9f 100 101 102 103 101 10.-) 10 Bullock, 13(j Bulwer, 137 liungle, 138 Bungling, 139 Burden, 140 Burdock, 141 Bureau. 142 Burglar, 143 Burial, 144 Burlesque, 1 15 Burner, 146 Burning, 147 Bursting, 148 Biu-then, 149 Busily, 150 Bustle, 151 Butterfly, 152 Button, 153 Buttress, 154 Buxom, 155 Buzzard, 156 Byway, 157 Byword, 158 Cabbage, 159 Cabin, 160 Cabinet, 161 Caboose, 162 Cackling, 163 Cactus, 164 ('adence, 165 Cadet, 166 Caioie, 167 Calabash, 168 Calamity, 169 Calculate, 170 Caldron, Calendar, Calibre, Calico, Caliph, Calmy, Calmness, Calomel, Calumet, Cambric, Cameo, Camp, Camping, Camphene, Canary, Candid. Candidly, Candidate, Candling, Candor, Canebrake, Canine, Canker, Cannibal, Canopy Canon, Canvas, Capable, Caper, Capital, Capsize, Capstan, Capsule, Captain, Captivate, Captor, Carat, Caravan, Carbon, Carbonate, Carbuncle, Carcass, Carding, Cardinal, Careful, Careless. Carmine, Carnal, Carnival, Carousal, 171 ! Carpenter, 172 Carpeting, 173 j Carriage, 174 Carry, 175 Cartoon, 176 Cartridge, 177 Cascade, 178 Casemate, 179 Cashmere, 180 ( !asing. 181 Castigate, 182 Castle, 183 Castor, 184 Castrate, 185 Casual, 186 Catacomb, 187 Catalogue, 188 189 Catching, Catchup, 190 Catgut. Cathartic, 191 192 Cathedral, 193 Catholic, 194 Catheter, 195 Catnip, 196 Caucus, 197 Caustic, 198 Caution, 199 Cavalry, 200 Cavern, 201 Cavity, 202 203 Cayenne, Cedar, 204 Celebrate, 205 Celestial, 206 Cement, 207 Censure, 208 Center, 209 Centipede, 210 Century, 211 Chaff, 212 Chafing, 213 214 Chagrin, Chain, 215 Chaining, 216 Chairman, 217 Chaise, 218 Chalk, 219 Challenge, 220 1 Cliamber, ipagne, ipion, ice, Icing, Idler, Ireful, [ting, ■lain, llet. Iter, icter, ide. 3oaI, lottc, ty, tisfc, fity, iing, lani, N. )en, 3ness, uuate, pful, lical, Mst, lb, ibim, Inut, ten. tarn, fain, lood, Ssh, less, ren, ley, NTITIES. QUOTATIONS AND QUANTITIES. ipagne, iipion, Ice, fcing, Idler. Igeful, [ting, llain, {let, |ter, icter, ide. 3oal, lotto, hy, tise, fity, ting, lani, ^el, )en, jness, unate, fful, lical, ^ist, ibirn, Inut, ten, tain, fain, lood, ish, Jess, ren, ley, 3o5 I China, 360 Chinese, 36.5 Chink, 370 Chisel, Chivalry, Cholic, Choose, Chorus, Chosen, Chowder- Christian, Chronic, Chubby, Chuckle, Church. Churlish, Cigar, Cinder, Cinnamon, Cistern, Citadel, Citizen, Civilian, Claimant, 475 Clammy, 480 Claret. 485 Clarify, Clarinet, Class, Classify, Clatter, Cleaning, <^Ieanse, Cleaver, Cleft. Clergy, Ctegyman, Clerking, Clerkship, Client, Climate, ^'i Climax, 570 1 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 470 490 495 50» 505 510 515 520 525 530 535 540 545 550 555 560 0/0 580 585 590 595 GOO 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 (UO 645 630 6.55 6(50 66.5 670 675 680 685 690 695 700 705 710 715 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 755 760 765 770 775 780 785 Climb, Climbing, Clinker. Closely, Closeted, Clothes, Clothing, C'loudy, Cloudless, Clownish, Club, Clumsy, Cluster, Clutch, Coach, Coachman, Coarse, Coast, Coasting, Coax. Coaxing, Cobbler, Cobweb, Cockade, Cockney, Codger, Coddle, Coffin. Cogent, Cognac, Cohabit, Cohesion, Collapse, {^ojleague. Collide, Collusion, Colonist, <^olony. Color. Colorless, Column. Combat, Combatant, 790 795 800 805 810 815 820 825 830 835 840 845 850 855 860 865 870 875 880 885 890 895 900 905 910 915 920 925 930 985 940 945 950 9g5 960 965 970 975 980 985 990 995 1,000 ill lO LETTERS, ETC. m Your Letter of Receive geploy 1st. iJeplume 2d. Deponent 3(j* Depravity .* 4th.' S^Pth 5th. f^eputy 6th. Derange 7th. S^sign.. 8th. Designate 9th. Desk loth Desolate nth' gespair^ :;;: 12th.' Desperate 13th, Despotic 14th Despotism 15th.' destiny leth. Destitute.. Detailing., Detective. Dethrone., Devastate . Develop. . Deviate... Devil Devilish . . . Deviltry... Devout Dewdrop.. Diadem . . . . Diagram.., Dialect We refer you to our Letter o Dialist lat. Dialogue ..!*.!!! 2d! Diameter sd.* Diamond 4th f^iaper sth.' Dianst (ith Dibble ,'..', 7th* Dictate gth. Diction ..." 9th Dictum 10th,' Different nth. l^ifflcult i2th. Diffuse i3th. Dige- i4th. Dignify.... 15th. Digress i6th. Dilate Dilatory., Diligent.. Dilution.. Diminish. Dimly Dimple... Dingle..., Diploma.. Direction. Directly . Directory. Direful,.., Dirtily.... Disable . . . LETTERS, ETC.-STATE OF THE MARKET. II Igree iriow. [ppear Irni . . . Ister. . md.. ird... 3rn . . . large. [pie... jaim.. (ose . . . 3rd.... )ver. . [•eet .. iss. .. refer you to your Letter of— 1st. • 2d. . 3d. . 4th. ■ 5th. 6th. 7th. Xth. 9th. 10th. 11th. 12th. 13th. 14th. 15th. 16th. Wsdain ,-.. Disdainful .;.■•• {Jfr' Disease... ixl\^- Disguise . •• f/J;- Dishonest £^^' Disjoin o m • Dislocate.... ^iH' Dislodge... H,^- Disniaf. :. |^"»- Dismast ^If^- Dismiss....... SSfU' Dismount......;.; SX:?' Disoblige.. .;.;;;;;; jjjj' ress, Ilope, ATE OF THE MARKET '' A^S^i^^^^trong- holders firm. Active demand for export ma?&?"". «^ *femand in - .market IS strong. 5^ff'8^n markets strong and hiirhpr Active demand for future dpH^rt Quiet. Weak. Foreign market weak. ^o demand for export. What?rvJ,frl'lti'I«_delivery. this mg Id, ion, 36, Pr '''"" hfe"' "'^■■'"''» «"" be strong «„„ Thmk future markets will be weak ai,H „„• Marui?sT.eT.sr a* o'-^-"' ""^^ y '"itig^'iS. -"-'"cked-cannot make As soon as,„arketsare again bare will p„sh Markets very much excited, owing to i % ; j j i I 12 ABOUT BUYING— CUSTOMER. ABOUT BUYING. (customer.) Ibex, Buy immediately. Identical, Buy as soon as possible. Idle, Buy at about Idolatry, Buy at not over Igniting, Buy in store. Ignorant, Buy delivered fi'om store. Illness, Buy afloat. Imagine, Buy on board cars. Imbibing, Buy buyer's option. Imbitter, Buy seller's option. Immerge, Buy and ship. Immoral, Buy and ship at once. Impart, Buy at once, and ship as soon as possibj Impatient, Buy for my (or our) account. Impeached, Buy for account of Impel, Buy and ship for .account of Impetus, Buy and ship if you can lay down here a Implicate, Buy and ship if you can lay down in -I Imploring, Buy immediately and ship when you ca| freight at Impolite, Buy and hold for further orders. Imposing, Buy at not over quotations in letter. Impotent, Buy at prices you name. Imprint, Buy at prices you name or a little high Impudent, Buy to arrive. Impulsive, Buy when cheap lots offer. Incline, Buy if no material change. Include, Buy in my short. Income, Buy if you can hold on margin. Incubate, Buy if you can draw part on time. Indelible, Buy if you can draw half on time. Index. Buy if you can draw at days. Indian, Buy if you can draw at days Bill attached and hold for payment of | Indicant, . Buy if you can draw at days Bill ' fiven up on acceptance, strictly prime. I-idigence, Buy if quality is choice. Indignant, Buy on the best terms. Indolent, Buy to-day at the best prices you can Industry, Buy if foreign advices are higher. Infallible, Buy according to your j udgment. Infamy, Buy part if you cannot get all. Infantry^ Buy m when you can without loss, inol all charges. tion. nee, K ge, G( ft. If it, If ■•^ If lan, Bu ed. Bu Ca ^i Ca e, Ca ent. Ca Cai !, Ca d. Cai ed, Cai nee, Cat 1. Car ), Cai te. At ed. At rent. Ifh ate. Ist cate. Ha^ iched HOA uce. Quo ling, ted. Quo Quo ing, Atv d, Atv date. Quol lable. Quoi iable. Quot ably, Quot Vii^ Stop ABOUT BUYING— CUSTOMER. 13 or a little highl tion, fence, (ge, ft, kit. Iian, led, fe, 3nt, Id. id, fnce, V he, fed, ?ent, ite, Icate, ^ched. luce. ling, Jted, ing, Id, [date, lable, table, fably, zOii. Buy if you can ship at once. Keep on buying. ^^^^^boSghtT"^' ^^"""^ "'''''^ ^^"^^ ^°" Get refusal of -— - at lowest price until we can reply by telegraph. ^° nJ^f'l"^^ ^^y^^^ ii'"it. telegraph the best you can do. If you cannot get all to-day, complete order to-morrow. If you cannot get all to-day, complete order soon as possible. Rn^ S^5^^ ^" t^''^^ t"^ countermanded. Buy Order in force to-day only. Can you buy? j j^- Can you buy buyer's option ? Can you buy in store ? Can you buy delivered from store ? Can you buy afloat? Can you buy freely? Can you buy to arrive ? Can you buy and lay down here at ? Can you buy to arrive cheaper than for im- mediate delivery ? Can you buy and hold on margin ? Can you buy on board cars? At what price can you buy ? At what price can you buy to arrive ? If have not bought, await further orders. Is there any prospect of buying? Have you bought? How much have you bought ? Quote expense of holding in your City ^ ^ — days, including all charges. Quote cost freeon boardincludingallcharges Quote cost free on board not including Com- mission. At what price can you buy laid down At what price can you buy laid down in — - including comnussion and charges. Quote lowest price for f. o. b. at including commission and bank charges. Quote lowest price for f. o. b. cars at - Quote lowest price for - f. o. b. steamer at — Quote lowest price for - f. o. b. vessel at — stop buying. I i: 14 ABOUT BUYING- COMMISSION MERCHANT. jii' ii 1"^ iA Invented, Invoke, Involve, Inward, Isthmus, Italian, Itch, Stop buying. How much have you bi Stop buying until you receive our le] the . Stop buying until prices decline to -, Order to buy is hereby countermandi Do not buy on our order by letter of Do not buy to arrive. Our order to buy is not in force. ABOUT BUYING. (commission merchant.) Jaunt, Have bought. Javelin, Have bought in store. Jesting, , Have bought delivered from store. Jewel, Have bought afloat. Jewess, Have bought to arrive. Jockey, Have bought at your limit. Joke, Could not buy at limit. Have bought 1 Jolly, Have bought for your account. Jostling, Have bought for account of Jonrney, Have bought and are shipping. Joyful, Have bought subject to inspection. Jubilant, Have bought on board cars. Judging, We are buying slowly. Judicial, Had bought before your dispatch reacli Juggler, Had bought before receipt of your lettJ Junction. Can buy. ' Juniper, Can buy at Justice, Can buy buyer's option. Justly, Can buy in store. Juvenile, Can buy delivered from store. Labeled, c;an buy afloat. Lace, Can buy to arrive. Ladder, Can buy freely. Lady, Can buy on board cars. Lamb, Can buy at price you name. Lamented, Can buy for future lower than for iniii delivery. Landlord, Can buy and hold here on margin. Landscape. Can buy free on board including all ci at I Languid, Can buy free on board exclusive of cj sion at rn, \^ f ^^ d. w • Ca ll. Ca ing , W( h. w< ry. Th , Th] der. Mii 1, We 8S, Dif\ ve, Can in. Can Can . Can Can gr. Can r. Can e. Can r. Can Cam ♦ Cam t Cam n. Non( Little » Hav€ Shall Shall Nam< c« Isyoi Your ON MERCHANT. lot in force. I from store. ABOUT BUYING. COMMISSION MERCHANT. iished. km, IS il. Ide, ling. In. Ive, in. is. exclusive of cJ Have refusal until "'^^ fcln'^-l"^* "«^ ^^^'-^ding -_ laid 1 hink we can buy at about Might possibly buy at ~i_ J^^are tiying to buy. ""^'Sicet '"^ "^"^'^ -^thout advancing Cannot buy. Cannot buy at under Cannot buy in store. Cannot buy afloat. Cannot buy buyer's option Cannot buy to arrive. Cannot buy freely. Cannot buy at prices you name L.tae^trad,„g ,„ buyer's ol.'SW D,B,euIt to Have not bought, ouall we buy? Shall we buy more i i6 ABOUT SELLING— CUSTOMER. •about selling. Libertine, Library, Lifelike, Ligature, Lightning, Likeness, Limbo, Limpid, Linenpin, Linen, Link. Liquid, Listen, Listless, Literal. Litigate, Lizard, Loaf, Lobby, Locafity, Locust, Lodging, LoftDy, Logical, Longitude, Looped, Lordly, Lotion, Loimge, Lovely, Lovesick, LoyaL Lubber, Lucifer, Luckless, Lugger, Lumber, Lunatic, (CUSTOMER.) Sell immediately at best obtainable pri(j Sell as soon as possible. Sell at about Sell at not under • If you cannot sell at limit telegrap1i| price you can get. If not sold telegraph best price you can Sell in store. Sell delivered from store. Sell afloat. Sell at on board cars here, w( guaranteed, freight Sell on board cars. Sell on board cars there without expe:| us beyond your commission. Sell buyer's option. Sell seller's option. Sell at not under quotations in your le^ Sell at prices you name. Sell at price you name or a shade le8s.| Sell to arrive. Sell at a clear profit of Sell when a profit can be had over penses. Sell suttject to inspection. Sell at cost or even a little less. Sell according to your judgment. Sell when you can without loss incluc expenses. Sell on present excitement at best prij can get. Sell part if you cannot sell alL Sell for my (or our) account. Sell for account of Keep on selling. Keep on selling. How much have yoij If you cannot sell all to-day sell balaij morrow or at next session. Sell Order in force to-day only. Sell Order in force until counterr If you have not sold await further oi Stop selling. How much have you so Stop selling until receipt of our letterj Our order to sell is hereby counteri ing, I ■j I une, C cerel. C y, c jnna, c rot. c aaie. c letisni . c lify, c lolia. C) en enly. Cj Cf n^. A led. D( ly. Dc taining,If tain. At I* » At % At cJe, At ABOUT SELLIXG-COMMISSION MERCHANT. ping, 17 cars here, wi be had over Can you sell ? Can you sell in store? Can you sell freely ? Can you sell to arrive I 'r'^^"^S/3te^-^--an.ori.. c^ yC sill SfitVoSteu^s^ ^'^^-^^ ' Can you sell on bcSrd cars he?e ? ^aTI^V^^- on board cara?"^®^ Don^ sS iKfi *"*" r^ ««" on cars ? lion t^seU until you have further advice from ^«^"^^?^,';?>««t to sell, but cannot make pro- :anung.Ifyou^ea^nnot do better sell at the price you AtwhJ'fS?*'®'^"yo'iseU? At wh«f RT^ ^» yo" sell to arrive ? At what Kt ^'^^ y«" ««" in sKl ^ s?or??"^ "^" y°" «e" delive4d from At what price can you sell afloat t dine, kerel, jnna, ?ot. Dale, .ify, loha, len, lenly, hK, lied, ^y. lin, ay, cle. late, entatbestpri| ABOUT SELLING. (COMMISSION MERCHANT.) Have sold. Have sold in store. Have sold at your limit. Could not sell at limit. Have sold «f Have sold to arrive *^ w^Zt ^°K 1**^ J'our accotint. Have sold for account of ~ ga^e sod seUer's option. Have sold buvfir'« nnt{«», Have sold subject to ins^ction Have sold subject to ySuf approval. sby counterma Bman, kl, Wne, ic, i^e, |r, ite, ion, B88, 1: l8 AKOUT SELLING— COMMISSION MERCHANT. f^i ilHI «i I Meadow, Measles, Mechanic, ] Medallion, ] Medical, i Meditate, ; Mellow, ] Membrane. Menace, Mental, Mermaid, Merrv, Metallio, Methodist, Midst, Midwife, Mighty, Milch, Mildewed, Mildness, Military, Milkjr, Mimic, Mineral, Ministry, Miracle, TV^inutely, Mirthful, I Misdeed, i Miserly, Mislay, Misprint, Missive, Missionary, Mistrust. Misuse, Mobbed, Model, Modern, Mohair, Molest, Have sold on board cars there , wel guaranteed, freight We are selling slowly. Had sold before receipt of your telegra Had sold before receipt of your letter o Can sell. ( an sell in store. (Jan sell delivered from store. Can sell afloat. Can sell to arrive. Can sell buyer's option. CJan sell seller's option. Can sell for future higher than for iuim delivery. Can sell for future delivery with mar dollars. We are bid , sulyect to your imm reply by telegraph. Cannot sell. Cannot sell in store. Cannot sell to arrive. Cannot sell freely. Cannot sell at price you name. Cannot sell for future higher than for diate delivery. Cannot sell at your limit. Cannot sell at over Cannot sell now. Is order open ? Cannot sell for cash. Cannot seH except by sample. Pleas liberal sample at once by expres Cannot sell except at a loss. The best bid is , , Difficult to sell muck except at a decl Have not sold. Shall we sell? Shall we sell more? Expect to reach your limit soon. Will probably be able to sell. We are trying to sell. Think we can sell. Think we can sell at about Might possi')ly sell at ■ . Name lowest price at which we mi and if we can get more will the benefit. Iff) w ni'.ich shall we sell ? At what price may we sell ? For what delivery here may we sell scept at a declij A«OUT lent, SKLLING-COMMISSION MKkcilANT. krch, key, btone, \tony. ke, ily. Is your onfer still inVroe? trous 1 !rf^el.^^.« ^-^-'^"^ -ts l'iit,in, I, an ficlJ car \n . 7 wr- , . „ US Kfl Ladi;;^ "" ^""'^ '"^ ^^^^'^' Q'!oSi;:^"itis''^t?Tfii^ '-'?••< only. :!;" tei/A":' '" "»" "'""«'"''«» -ply by '°"Hn^°''''"» ®"^ Storing. •» rioicl our — . »^ Hold our afloat le h«Jh °"^ afloat'a few days Hold SS — Xlrv^f,"'^^ "^.^^^^^lause." ment« af^-Sw^^ar ,^" make arran^e- store the —" "^ ^"^ "^^^^^^ "^^ierwise li 20 AHOUT irOLIHVd ANIj STORINO. jVfiistttbility, We rannot arrange with Railway to wlfinout dermirraKo. Rate of deiiiu-t "Hge is per a! itablc. Afiiilatlon, IVIutely, MntcncHs, I^lotlitate, Mutineer, Miitinous, Mutton, i\Iuz/le, Mystery, Nabob, Nanliecn, Narrow, Nasal, Natural, Navigate, Neck, Nectar, Negative, Neglectful, Negro, Neighbor, Nephew, Nervously, Nestling, Neutral, Neutrally, Nibbling, Railway (ieiuantH denuirrage. Railway will not waive douiurrage oil No. — Try and got Railway to waive dcinurnii Try and get Railway to refund denuinj Will try and get Railway to waive dil rage. Store our Store our at once. Store our before demurrage acicruij Do not store our llow much per (including st and insurance, but not interest no mission) will it cost to store and our for 30 days? Do., do., 60 days I Do., do., no days? Quote rate of storage on Shall we sell or hold I Shall we sell or store? Shall we hold afloat under regular fl< rage, or store? Shall we hold juloat under '" Lay Clau^l store ? Have stored yoxiT Have stored your but could not out before deniuriage accrued. Had stored your before receipt o| gram. We cannot arrange w ith to hold at less than regular demiinv Think we can arrange with to hold at " Jjay Clause" rates. We cannot hold afloat. Carrier i his boat. Must sell or stoi'e. Boat U leaking. Must sell or 1| once. must be si ;•! or stored, the ^J having given notice that it > held later than Rate of storage is It will cost (including storage and insi but not interest nor commiss: store and carry your 30 da; per Do., do., 60 daj'3 Nitf "cap, Do., do., 90 days per per waive diMiuirnJ refund dcinuril ay to waive lite, Icle, |c, bant, ton, he. bus, li-d, ice, >n. ince, |ie, iox, utrived. nrrived. urrivod. arrived. arrived. arrived. arrived. arrived. arrived. Ian, |rst, it. AMOirr ARRIVAL AM, CONDlTrOir. ETC. 2, ^ Goods''''R^ ^^f Condition of ^oods, Rejections, &c. — affived- !;!«''^«i"«truot,Ks. ' ' damp. -- damp and likely to heat wanninapoty. '" "®'*^- warm throuifhout. ■ — olue-eyed. - — muaty. ~~- hoJ^'^'^ed and musty. ■^- • • • vy«», ■ verv hot in store is in j?ood' condition ~ .";Su'sV'?,.ptrd.'''- """-""O" - "- ,'h« "eTSS^oT's^f,-!??'""™- «"'"' is .ejected a., not up to aanmin n., J roiMses to take ffe gf A P^F®^ is rejected for rause '^J^iv a.- -i 22 MISCELLANEOUS. I i i] ' *V'. i Outdo, Your will not arrive in time to fl imle. Shall we buy here to cover Outgrow, Cover our sale by buying there at not o Outlay, Cover our sale by buying there at best you can. Outpost, Sell the which has been rejectee Outside, Store the which has been reject( Outspread, Hold afloat the which has been rej Outward, Do not buy to cover. Will ship more. Oven, has arrived. Consignee refuses cept on account of not being eq sample. Please instruct. O \'erca8t, has arrived. Consignee refuses to a without Bill Lading is given up ceptance. arrived in very bad order. arrived in very good order. Any difference to be arranged. Shi) not to be rejected on account of discrepancies. When is expected to arrive Overhead, Overjoy, Overlap, Overlay, Oversee, Overt, Overthrow, Overwhelm, Overwise, Ovicular, Oviform, Oviparous, Oxyd, Oxydize, Oxygen, Will we telegraph the arrival of the Telegraph the arrival of the Will telegraph the arrival of the Daily expected to arrive. Subject to arrival on or before — Subject to inspection on ai'rival.. When did arrive ? Ozone, Arrived on the Cannot ship suly ect to inspection on ail but will hold ourselves responsible! has not arrived. has not arrived. Can you givl information of its whereabouts i has arrived. MISCELLANEOUS. Painting, Paladin, Palatial, Palaver, Palisade, Palmy, Palpitate, Paltry, We advance limits We reduce limits Order open until countermanded. Order open to-day only. Order open to-morrow. Order open this week. Order oj)en dayn. All previous orders are hereby count( ded. £e, Tl PI Hj », W sc, Is )n, W 1. Ac led W M Do 'f W age . On nent. On » If] P, If 1 ing If 3 e, At r, Cai •e. Cai ger, Is i ely. It i 3rd, It i e, Wil age, Ha^ Can ity. In a The . Ha^ ed, Offe d, Par ul, Doc Doc » Plea r. We il. We 3e, We s, Subj Subi Send e, No 8 It, Will ura. I go n, I ?o ' It, Dire( itial, Just rive in time to fil uy here to covcrl ng there at not o| ing there at best ; as been rejectees has been reject q hichhasbeenrej^ Will ship more, isignee refuses of not being eqJ instruct. 1 ignee I'efuses to q ing is given up d order, od order, irranged. ShijJ I on account of ited to arrive, arrival of the 3f the ival of the - . to arrive. r before n arrival. MISCELLANEOUS. 23 inspection on aii Ives responsible! Can you givj s whereabouts f EOUS. ermanded. £0, lied. pge. Incnt, IP, fing, r' re, [ity, led, fd, ul, Ir, hi 3e, This if JJ^^'^e^order^that is contained in our Please give positive instructions. We prefer not to execute discretionary ordeVs Have you executed our order? "'"^^^• we have executed your order Is your order still open ? VV hatever you do will be satisfactorv Act ac^cording to your judgment in the mat- We prefer not to act on our judgment I>o not act on order in our letter of -_- \V e confirm what has been done On every advance of - On every decline of - If market advances to If market declines to I/Zh^fV]?}!''''''' ^""^^^ "^ to ♦J^e contrary. At wha t diffe rence can you change our -— Can change your to - at — cents in your favor. "~ Can change your . to at . cents against you. Is it satisfactory? It is satisfactory. It is not satisfactory. Will follow instructions. Have done as you requested. kf !^^°*^ ^A^^^ t^^^ suggested arrangements In accordance with vour instructions The best that could be done Have we authority to Offer is under consideration. Particulars by mail. Documents go forward by mail Documents went forward by mail on Please send account sales. We sent account sales We send account sales to-day. We will send account sales Subject to your immediate reply by telegranh Subject to inspection. ^ ^ ^ "^ it^iegrapn Send full explanation. No session of the board to-morrow Will leave here I go lo-day to 5 It, [urn, hereby count Ai, ^t, ^^^^^ ^^ y^, itial, Just arrived home fi'om I ^o to-morrow to Direct letters to care of ^^i ( 24 ■ < Penitentially, ' < Penitentiary, 1 j Penknife, 1 Penman, f Penmanship, 1 Pennant, » Penned, Penniless, Pennon, i Penny, c Pennyweight, c Pensile, 1 Pension, 1 Pensionary, ( Pensioner, c Pensive, ( Pensively, Pentachord, Pentagon, c c c Pentameva, Pentameter, c Pentangular, Pentateuch, c Pentacost, c Penthouse, Pentroof, c Penult, Penumbia, ijj Penuvious, Penuviously, Penury, Peon, r Peony, 1 T" Pepper, P F Peppermint, Peppery. Peptic. t Peptics, V Pci'ambulate. F Perambulator, ! Perceirable, MISCELLANEOUS. "N^ ill leave here for Wire me th| fore p. m. Do., do., a. m. Just arrived home from Will \vi\ fully by ttrst mail. Will leave here for Wil' you meet me at — on arrival Meet me at on arrival of In all cases mail us car No.'simmedJ after shipping goods. Have you received our (or my) k the Ascertain immediately, and telegrap| of f . o, b. Accei)t offer. Arrange on the best terms you can. Be as quick as possible. Cannot give you a positive answer bj Come home as soon as you can. Come home at once. Come here as soon as possiblo. Decline the offer. Decline to have anything furthe^ with- Do not come home until - Do nothing in the matter until youj instructions. Do nothing in the matter until youi Do the best you can. Expect to hear from p]xpenses to be paid by you. Expenses to he paid by us. Have submitted your offer and willl promptly when we get reply," Not that we are aware of. Not much inquiry for — Not to be obtained here. — Refuses to acknowledge our autlj - Refuses to acknowledge your aiif Send to us by first mail sample of Send to us by first mail Send to us by express There is a great scarcity of Too late. Try to do business with We give you authority to act for u^ When do you return to Your request will be attended to id tely. Do you accept offer. |ve, jtible )ribly ktion, litive, ftivity. knee. Scut. Be, hte, lition, ision, I Jon, 1 itorily > )tory, J ite, le. ?ter, lical, jirase, (able, iltic, C A [nent, H isive, D lious, D( }tion, T idicularTl i n d icu-\^ [rate, 'ation, fa tor, iial, [ually, iiate, iiity, .tion ^\ Tl H; Di 1)1 Di JJi D\ MISCELLANEOUS. 25 Wire me thBve, car No.'simmedJ : goods, I our (or my) k ely.andtelegrapj t terms you can. ble. )ositi ve answer h\ I as you can. as possiblo. mything furtheJ jtible )tibly klion, ktive, tivity, knee, lient. Be, htc, lition, Ision, Jon, itorily t!)tory, ite, le. bter. Ileal, natter until you^ latter until you airase, jable, iltic, d here, wiedge our autlj wledge your au( aail sample of nail rity to act for usj n to e attended to iiil pent, 5sive, lious, [lion, ulieular indicu Do you accept offer at terms proposed UlMi^r "'^'^-^^^tions as reciuesfed \> 111 1 order from I lave you instructed }}.}} S.i^ e f. o. b., at ^V 111 give -— f o. b., at including vour commission and Bank char"es One car (M) bbls. each. '-"'^r»^«- V\ e ' vvotc you on the ^y commission included. tree ot commission at this end hree of commission at vonr end. Cannot trace cars No. As soon as can nmtion *^ ^^^' will wire you full infor- Have confirmed order. ■' Se"?"^"* *''' *^''"*'' ^"^Pos^ibie to do Name lowest prices f. o. b. at for .Name lowest prices delivered at for- „..,in?l"ding all charges. vv HI sell your account on arrival Lan you reccomend us an agent in h ree in store. - Are we authorized to At what rate can you chrrter a sailing ves- sel of about tons. 1>. W. At What rate can you charter a steamer of about tons. D. W. ' At vvhat rate can you charter ^ithout prejudice to any further claim. Without^^prejudice to our (or my) claim Have you attended to last orders ? JJelay caused by Delay could not be avoided. Ihere must be no dela\\ riiere will be no delay, •what caused delay ? [rate, \\ hat is the rate of duty on ration, The duty is as follows. " ' rator, Has the dutv been paid ? Duty has not been paid. Duty paid by you. Duty paid by us uty paid Duty has been paid. 26 ABOUT BUYING. Time of Delivery or Shipmj Perplex, Persecute, Personal, I'estileuce, l*etrity, Petticoat, Phantom, PhiAl, Photo}?raph, Pickaxe. Picketing, Picnic, Pigment, IMIaster, Pilgrim, Pillow, Pilot, Pimple, Pistol, Pitfall, Pitifully, Pitman, Placard, Plainly, Plaiiitive, Plantation, Plate, Platform, Platoon, Play, Playfully, Plaything, Pleader, Plebeian, Pledging, Pliable, Pluck, Plucking, Plumb, Plumply, Plunge, Plural, Polar, Polished, Polite, Politeness, Polka, Polluting, " Fresh." *' Regular." To arrive to~day. To be shipi)ed to-day. To arrive to-morrow. To be shipped to-morrow. To arrive this week. To be shipped this week. To arrive next week. To be shipped next week. To arrive this month. To be shipped this month. To arrive within 5 days. To be shipped within 5 days. To arrive within a week. To be shipped within a week, To arrive within 10 days. To be shipped within Itt days. To arrive within 15 days. To be shipped within 15 days. To arrive within 20 days. To be shipped within 20 days. To arrive within 30 days. To be shipped within 30 days. To arrive first week in To be snapped first week in To arrive last week in To be shipped last week in To arrive first ten days in - To be shipped ten days in - To arrive last ten days in To be shipped last ten days in — To arrive first twenty days in — To be shipped first twenty days in To arrive last twenty days in ' To be shi]jped last twenty days in T» arrive .January. " first half January. " last half January. " January and February. " February. " first half February. " last half February. '! '.[ February and March, IVlai'ch. ** first half March. •' last half March. " March and April. le. ite, lit, r fne, h [y, fred, 3al, ler, Jtine, Tted, jd, le, |t. ting, ^nt. iption led. Be, [mg, (s, )n. n, T »ning. To o ', ng, To To To To Fre ion, Bui jonal. To I lonally To 1 veniy days in He, lit, Is, Ine, ler, Jtine, Ited, jd, |e, Jtinf?, ^nt, Bption led, fee, ling, h. liiing, ti it 44 44 [1, Ing, Ion, |onal, lonally ABOUT BUYING. " April. .. first half April. .. last half April. .. <\P''il and May. ^^ May. .. first half May. last half May. May and June. June. first half June, last Imlf June. June and July. July. first half July. last lialf July. July and August. August. f rst lialf August. last half August. August and September. September. first half September, last half September. first half October. last half October. October and November. November. first half November. last half November first half December, last half December. December and January. To betenp^d^L''"^^'^" ^"d canal, via - vfa^^ ""^ °"°^ ^teani and'canal, Tn ^hi^^lP^®^ ^^ o^ce sail and rail via To be , shipped at once steani'and r^ TohpSlSP^3\^*'»ceallrail. BuTeJ^opTol^^^P""^'- To be shipped at once by sail To be shipped at once by steamer. 27 T 28 ABOUT SHIPPING. ABOUT SHIPPING. 1 1 J I I I 1^ F I- F P P P P P P P P P P P. P. P. P« P< P< Proflciency, Prolile, Profitable, Profitably, Profiting, Profitless, Profligacy, Profligate, Profound, Do. Profoundly, Do., do. Profundity, Do., do, Profuse, Do., do, Profusely, Do., do Profuseness, Do., do. Profusion. Do., do Progenitor, Will ship as soon as can sectire vessel Ship immediately Charlottetow Pictou Landing. 100 Bbls. (^ Draw at 10 days from date of ship bill lading attached. Do., do., 15 days. Do., do., 20 days. Ship immediately Charlottetown du Chene Bbls. (« $ ■ at 10 days from date of shipmc^ lading attached. Do., do., 15 days. Do., do.. 20 days. Ship immediately Charlottetownl $ Draw at days from shipment, bill lading given uj)) ceptance. do., do., Summerside. do., Halifax, do., St. John, do., Moncton. do., Sackville. do., Truro, do., Pictou. Summerside, ■ Draw at 10 days froml Ship immediately shipment, bill lading attached! Progeniture, Do., do., 15 days. Progeny, Do., do., 20 days. Prognostic, Ship immediately to id us here at days from date ment, bill lading attached. Cl No.'s immediately. Programme, Do., do., do., bill lading given up on ance. Progression, Please quote lowest for delivere free of all charges. Draw at - bill lading attached. Progressive, Do , do., bill lading given up on acci Pronibit. Ship to our order. Project, Will ship to your order. Projection, Do not snip unless you can do so s named. Prolific, Do noi ship unless you can do so a named. Consignees will not a C!an you ship immediately i Can you ship by Promenade, Prominent, Promote, Can you ship via AUOUT SHIPPIIIG. (lute of shipmci ation, lun, 29 let. p'tion, ECt, biite, tv, |ate, .siting, let, |(;tc(i, Ltiiig, lencc. lin, It. Bd, tiient, Ive, |e, Can you ship bj- rail, in bulk? Have^j^ou^shipped? If „ot. .vhen will you When did you ship ? nS*^ ?^X^t by steam to OnnS Jr^-^1'.^ ?^ «^"^ *^nd rail to Onnlo ^''•^'I^ H «*«aui and rail to— - Quote freight all rail to Quote canal freight. Quote freight via Qiiote freight by U hat is the rate of freight ? |hip unmediately. fehip as soon as possible. f5nip by Ship via . Ship by sail. Ship by steam. Ship by sail and rail, teiiip by steam and rail. Ship all rail. Sh/^ kI J?^ quickest route. §hi-? K^ S"^ cheapest route. §t P ^/ the route you think best. ^' po^',if;S?n^' ^^^^^--' ^-""^- |u?,'j.S?fe^rt^^^^^^^ Ship as before. slbll!"^ '''"'° ^""^^^^^ contract if pos- ^^"^'pa4l"ll"''°"^^ ^''^'^^'^ ^o»tract if Compjete cargo and ship at once Hurry forward shipments. WiFsend .hfn^P'' shipping instructions. n 111 send shipping instructions by mail 30 ABOUT SHIPPING. i' Quartered, Quartz. Queenly, Quelled, Quenehing, Questioned, Quince, (Quintal, Quiver, Rabbit, llagged. Rainvjow, lianible. Ram part. Random, Ransack. Ransomed, Rapid, Raptui'e, Rascal, Rashly, Ratio, Ravine, Ravished, Read. Iteadlng, Realnij Rebellion, Rebounded, Rebuke, Reckless, Redeem. Redeeming. Refine, Refinement, Refrain, Refreshed, Refuge, Register, Regretted, Rehearse, Rehearsing, Relax, Ship to Halifax, care of Ship to care of If you have not shipped hold for fu instructions. Hold foi' lower freights. Hold for shipment on opening of na tion. Shi]) by fast canal boats. Ship by steam canal boats if possibid Ship "To be graded in New York." Sliip "To be delivered afloat in New but not graded. Stop shipping. Have shipped. Have shipped by Have shipped via Have shipi)ed by sail. Have shipped by steam. Have shipped by sail and canal. Have shipped by steam and canal. Have shipped by sail and rail. Have shipped by steam and rail. Have shipped by all rail. Have shipped getting time freight cod Have shipped getting through freigF tract. Shipped on the Shipped yesterday. Shipping to-day. Will ship immediatelv. Will ship as soon as possible. Will ship as directed. Expect to ship to-morrow. Expect to ship in a few days. Expect to ship this week. Have engaged freight. Have been delayed in shipping by u able weather. ""^ Have been delayed in shipping bysc of cars. Will ship as soon as can engage froi Will ship as soon as can secure cars.l Tliis is the nearest sized vessel wt| get. Please give shipping instructions, (/an ship immediately. Can ship by ^ Can ship via Can ship before freights advance. Can ship less than a full cargo. [cd. ( »le, ( ( . r ing, ( ns. ( ■ked. C e. c ■e. c ade, c ate. c ned. c K, c ■ed. c ance, c ing. c ich, \\ cliing \\ ic. Ti ate. T] e. Tl ivc, N( '» V« ite. N( t V( )le. Vc fill. Vc ice. Al It. WJ il. Th Th. Wl tion, The AMOUT ^UlPPlSC.-VREH.ms, 31 nstructions. led. 5le, MKS, rkcd, la, I'e, ide, late, rned. >K. f-ed, tance, ting, ich. felling, lie, late, r' live, fte, ')le, ful. lice, as Can ship with time freight contrarf C in shp before navigation rloses Can charter to arrive at - Can engage freight at Cannot ship inime diately Cannot ship by - Cannot ship via - Cannot ship before freiglits adxanc r«nnnf '5 P \!r%^ ^*^an full cargo "'''• SlS^^fS^^JS^ig^ Weights not guaranteed, lime guaranteed. 1 he prospect tor shipmentsgetting throntrh v« P,^T,'PtJy is unfavoraEle ^ t'H ough No suitable vessels now ottering A; ery few vessels ottering ^' ^ o gram vessel here unengaged. \ esse s scarce and flrinly lielcl V esse s are more plenty. V cssels are plenty. Tf wiid^^'^^^'''^ '^'"^ *^^^ "^^t change ition. FREIGHTS. Whatjs the diff-erence between freights rvr. .^^^PostonandSarnia ? ''^^^"f^ The freight via Sarnia is IhH freight via Boston is The freight all rail is - - difference b m s^^ft-eightsto- inc nmerence betw f rei.'hts is ^een rail and een rail and sail 32 FREKiriTS. l|ii I Itcsi^ncdly, liesigning, llesilienco, Resilient, Hcsilition, Hc«in, Uesinou«, Resist Resistaiice, Resist a»t, Resisted, Resist ibility, liesistlble, ' Resistinjji:, Resistive. Resistless, Resoluble, Itesolufe, Resolutely, Resolve, Resound, Resounding, Respectful, Responded, Restrain, Restraining, Restricted. Restriction, Resulted, Retire, Retreat, Retrench, Return, Reveal. Revealing, Revelry, Revenging, Revile, Revisal, Revoking, tol Do you expect any advance in fil soon. If so, when I \ Do you expect any decline in frei;.,'hty If so, when ? ' FrcightSi^idvance on the Freights decline on the M'hat is tlirough freight from — See that freight is secured, "and i Lading properly indorsed," is )ii ed before delivery. T Stop delivery of until freight is VV 111 not accept paymeni of freight t han in Flag Station-freight nuist be pre-iJ 1^ lag Station -prepaid freight 1 At what rate can you engage freiglJ ( 'an engage freight to at Grain freight is per 100 lbs. V\ hat is Grain freights per 100 lbs ? \V hat 18 freight per 100 lbs. on - \\ hat IS freight per 100 lbs. on - h reight per 100 lbs, on ir- Freight per 100 lbs. is — Quote best obtainable freight from for Freight by steam to is - freight by sail to is — Freight by sail and rail is — I reight by steam and rail is h reight by rail is Canal freight is Freights tending upward. Jb reights steady and firm. Freights unchanged. Freights dull. Freights tending downward. Prospect of freights advancing so liixpect higher freights next week Lake freights have advanced. Rail freights have advanced. Canal freights have advanced. Prospect of freights declining soon vve expect a decline in freights nex' Lake freights have declined. Rail freights have declined, (anal freights have declinpd. SOOllI BANKING, FINANCIAL, &C. 35 NKING, FINANCIAL and BILLS of LADING, inoc, iluus, Icons, ful, fty, 5US, IS, % 3r, py. It, ft. ion. A reniiUance will do if it reaches us Apply for funds to Apply for doeinnents to "'witlT'-^^^'^" '''*'' ^'^"-'^ *"^ ^^^Posit Convert proceeds into Gold at not over and deposit with C.an you wait for a remittance. ^'''""t•r^m^^nf^^l'''l"''*^' °", ^I^^" Shipped from Hutfalo by canal after ?L^fK^ advances on grain shipped r <.«^ . rro»\Oswego bv canal after Credit me (oi. us) with ^2.50. •< .. .. o.OO. «• «< t< <« >« it ' 7.50. ' 10.00. 12.50. 15.00. 17.50. 20.00. 25.00. 5«.00. 100.00, 200.00. 500.00. Deposit proceeds te 0?l\iSnSa%l1 ""•™'-* '>^""^'- Have remitted. Have remitted currency/ Have remitted by mail. Have remitted by express. Hav^ deposited margins with ^dffceon th?^^^ »»d sent letter of Have deposited proceeds, having convert- ed them into gold at 8»^uu>eri How shall we remit. How have you remitted. Please remit currency. M 34 BANKING, FINANCIAL, SiC. Ill lili^ llornance, Koinanisin, Uomnntic', Roominess, Roomy, Ropiness, Rosary, Roseal, Roseate, Rosin, Rosiness, Rosiny, Rostral, Rostrum, Rotary, Rotate, Rotund, Rogue, Roughly, Roughness, Roulette, Rounce, Roundish, Houndly, Routine, Rowel, Royalist, Ruotation, Ruddiness, Rudely, Rudeness, Rudiment. Rueful, _ ■'■ Ruffle, Ru^ed. Ruinous, Rumble, Rumbling, Ruminant, Ruminate, Rumination Rumor, Please ronut by express in Canadiuij rcney $ I'lease remit by express in CurrencjJ Please send Pest Oftice Money Oni Please make telegraphic transfer ol| Remit proceeds. Season too far advanced. (Jannol make advances on grain slf otherwise than by rail. Will accept in the dollar a dividen(1 Will not accept in the dollar udif of Will remit immediately. Will remit soon. Will remit currency. • Will remit necessary funds. Will telegraph if we want more nuil Will you accept in the dollar a dif of We hold, subject to your order. ^- We deposited proceeds and sent 1^ advice on the You can credit us You can debit us Advise the amount at credit of — B Advise the amount to our credit. Balance to the credit of is — Balance to your credit is (^annot arrange credit. Cannot open a Bank credit. Confirm Banker's credit, ('redits are arranged as you wish. Former credit renewed. Forward me (or us) letter of credit Have opened a Bank credit for £ — How much do you require Bank ere In case of need apply to ^. Open a Bank creait in favor of Require a Bank credit for £, Telegraph me (or us) a Bank credit Telegraph a credit of You must not fail to arrange Banil at once. You must not fail to arrange credit i iphic transfer ob at credit of s) a Bank credit pp. I'f. ML', L'SS, re, Ml. IS, isly, U.S. fn, IIANKINO, FINANCIAL, &C. 35 Hills of Lad- A inistalte has been made in ii>K- Address liill of Ludin^. All the Hills of Lad nK posted As per Mill of LadinK «"!;«£' V y."" have the proj)cr Rill of Lad- mu iT **.^'*^''^ ^lelivering. ..M "^ V<"iinK attached. iJill of Lading attached, and to be iriven Uiu ;n'"V"*'TJ'^*^"^'« of draft. ^ \\]\\ of LudniK dated. Bills of Lading'. Bills of Ladin>? are complete, i/- . ^i ^^"li"*? »r« not complete. Hi i« nf if V "*^ '^^'^ already forwarded. B « n/'f ^li-^ ait' already forwarded to- Bills of Lading have been fraiidentlv signed. Be careful to whom you de Bills of Lading not sent. Bi s of Lading not wanted. I.- 1 ^l f^»1">K in the hands of Bills of Liiding to be made out to our (or null ?S l'^^y'« I" be made out to order. it'^}^ ^K H^^V}y! ^o be made out to liiUii ot Lading not endorsed. Send du- Ti-ii H"^^^J^. Pi'operly endorsed. Bills of Lading wanted. die " ^° ^^ signed without preju- Can forward Bill of Lading. Cannot forward Bill of Lading. Date ot Bill of Ladln;,' is 1 * HI m Bill of Lading the following Have you received Bill of Lading. * Have received Bill of Lading. Have not received Bill of Lading How many Bille of Lading are tfiere In accordance with Bills of Ladin- ' In exchange tor Bills of Lading, ^lark Captain's copy " nof nf^o-^lfic Negotiate Bill of Lading. ' not negotiable. Not 1" accordance wUh agreement of sale, me t"^ ^""^"^ "'"»•' he held for pay- Obtain advance on Bills of Lading o ^^°.4^??® ^^" of Lading. *'• bend Bill of Lading immediately witJiout fail. 36 Salute, Salvable, Salvation, Salver, Sanable, Sanatory, Sanctify, Sanction, Sanctuary, Sanctum. Sandal, Sandiness, Sandstone, Sandwich, Sanguine, Sanitary, Sapient, Sapling, Sapphire, Sarcastic, Sardonic, Satanic, Satiate, Satinet, Saturn, Saturate. Satyr. Saucily, Saunter, Sausage, Savageness, Savingly, Savour, Savoury, Saxon, Scabbard. Scaffold, Scaly, HANKING, FINANCIAL, &C. Unable to obtain any advance on Billi Lading. We (or I) rely on you sending Bill of ] ing. Who holds Bill of Lading. What date is Bill of Lading. Will not give up Bill of Lading. Will not give up Bill of Lading until ment of draft. Advise when draft is due. Advise when draft is paid. At what rate may we draw on you ats« against ] Authorize us by mail to draw on you $ Authorize us by wire to draw on you $ ' Bill of Lading attached and held for ment of draft. Can make advance with marj^ii per cent margin required on| property bought, sold, or adv on. Margin to be kept good. Can we draw on you for $ at days sight. Can we draw on you for ^ at — c date. Can we draw on Can we draw on you on account of Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dominion Bank. Cannot act without margin in Cannot draw time drafts against nients. Cannot draw as requested. Cannot negotiate the paper. Cannot wait for remittance; must dial Can you negotiate time drafts. Do not draw. Do not draw sight. Draft on demand. Draft at sight. Draft at 3 days sight. Draft at 5 days sight. Draft at 10 days sight. Draft at 15 days sight. Draft at 30 days sight. Draft at 60 days sight. Draft at 90 days sight. Draft at 6 days date. Iinii)er, iiidal, Sintily, intiness, intle, intling, kJet. Ivenger, bnifal, Iptical, ledule, pisin. pmatic, jiolastic, )list, biding, pner, [undrel, kurger, ibble. imble, imbling, law], Ken, ibble. tiptural, ofula, ] iple, ] itiny, ] le, J jllion, Jlptor. jrvy, Ftle, [the, Imlcss, kster, Pching, . 37 imper, limal. intily, mitiness, mtlc. uitling, lirlet. Ivenger, pical, bptical, ^edule, iisiri. Msmatic, [lolastic, Dlist, biding, krner, kuiidrel, burger, ibble. imble, imbling, la^v'], leen, hbble. jptural, )fula, iple, itiny, Iffle. |llion, ilptor. Ittle, [the, [nilcss. jiHster, rcliing, HANKING, FINANCIAL, &C. Draft at 10 days date. Draft at 15 days date. Draft at 20 days date. Draft at 30 days date. Draft at 60 days date. Draft at 90 days sight. Draft is correct; please honor same ^^" n.?frr'^"*^»'ected to advise; i: H^*" "as been returned from dSw a— ^'^^'/"^ °^ Lading'SSached. Draw at' ^i^^ ^^^«' ^^^^^ «^«h. Ka;:;sfi^5^.«"^«^"^^'^^"^-«-hed. DravvatSdtys. Draw at 10 days. Draw at 15 days. Draw at 20 days. Draw at 30 days. Draw at i5 days. Draw at 60 days. Draw at 90 days. Draw for $ EL%^?n;ult'reI^TI^X^« B,, Lading givenupon acceptance, equal Draw on us (o r me) at sight at the rate of Draw on us (or me) at sight for agamst bush _. Draw on us (or me) at sight for hind's property in our (or my) Draw on us (or me) through the "Mer- chants Bank of Canada." siratford, Do., do.. Chatham, Ont. Do., do., Montreal. Do., do Chicago, 111. Draw through the Bank of Draw through the " Union Bank of P. E. n.„ „.^;k,?^4^loJt^ town, at -_ " '-^"ixsntiic union iiank of P. E I., Summer8ide,^t- Do., do., Truro, N, S. 38 Seasonable, Secede, Seclusion, Secondary, Secondly, Secrecy, Seconds, Secretary, Secretly, Sectarian, Sectional, Secular, Security, Sedate. Sedentary, Sediment, Sedition. BANKING, FINANCIAL, &C- Seditious, Seduce, Seducible, Seduction, Sedulous, Seedling:, Seemingly, Seignior, •Seizable, Seldom, Selfishly, Semblance, Seminary, Semitone, Senator. Senatorial, Senility, Seniority, Sensation, Sensibly, Sensorial, Do., do., Pictou, N. S. Do" 3!^'' ^"J^arlottetown, P. E. I. J^o., do. Summerside, P. E I Draw through the "Bank' of Irincc ward Island," Charlottetown pSi Draw^hrojzgh the " Merchant's Sand J Do., dt GiTr'geto^rny^n^T"' ""' ^^ '' Draw through;; Summerside 'liank " S" merside PET ■""-"«., , Do., do., St. John, N. B. Do., do., Moncton. N. B. Do., do.. Chatham, N. B. JJo., do., Newcastle. N. B. Halifax, ""fax!""^^ the "Union Bank of ^''^"^wiifk."^^ ^^'^ "^^"^ °^ ^'*^w T^^' Draw through "M, Wood & Sons Bi ers," Sackville, N. B. ' Draw with documents attached, ^raw without documents being attacl For what amount may we draw Sn yoi TTo. Ju^^^ against shipment of— bust For what amount may we draw on yoJ sight against the property no;Y your hands. ^ f ^ Have draft noted. Have draft protested. ^""^fSr'^— ^^ trades, you may d Have drawn as before. Have drawn at one day. Mave drawn at 5 days. Have drawn at 10 days. Have drawn at 15 days. Have drawn at 20 days. Have drawn at 30 days. Have drawn at 4.5 dara Have drawn at 60 days. Have drawn at 90 days. Have drawn on you. Ir, Ikhre, fel, lent, ..lio. jiliiin, Jiade, bant, lionize, pnt, liic. Ic, frely, ant, m, ^bily, iness, Powy, J Jrreen, l\ floon, ji Hop, inbles, [inbling, iieless, Iminy, iiipoo, ii'y. Peiy, &c- n. P. E. I. P. E. I. 3ank of I rincc arlottctown. P.}- erchantsBandol ottetown, P. E, If P. E. I. erside Jiank," Sn k of Montreal. 3. B. lerchants Bank) nk of Nova Scot J ifax Banking C'J People's Bank] ion Bank of nk of New Bn od & Sons, Ba B. ttached. 8 being attacb, ve draw on yoiil nentof — busll re draw on yoiil property nowl Ir, Jlchre, fel, lent, mliiin, piade, uly, [cant, [ionize, ent, file. fi-ely. Hit. Ion. M)il.v, piness, Bowy, i, you may dn .?i'een, floon, Jlop, jubles, linbling, Inieless, Iminy, [liipoo, |nty. fpeiy, nAXKIUG, FINANCIAL, &C. 39 Have^drawn^on you at sight at the rate Have drawn on you at siglit for against „., ,,, property in your hands. ^^'"^^ nave drawn on them for $ Have drawn on you for $- . Change. ^^^^""^^^ '^^'^ ^^^«^ York Ex- m?'^l^'*^"^" ^^'?t|» flocuments attached Have nafd7 .'f^'^""* ^iocuments attached. Jiav e paid draft as requested. Have overdrawn by mistake. Have youjlrawn as directed inmy letter of ""Vam iris ^1^'''''' "^y -^ t«i- ^^^M[^j;;rjSte^^^^-'--<^ue Do. do. 5 days. Do. do. 10 days, po. do. 15 days. Do. do. 20 days. Do. do. 30 days. Have drawn for $ margin te;?'^/ you.iTiay driw^on'- Marke^ advancing Your margin nearly exnausted. thall we draw for more Market declining, shall we draw for May rrraT;f?"y„°.;- "'" ^°- -■""-'>'^ May we draw at sight. ' '' aSalfhe^."' ''^''' "^^^ «^" «^ Lading ; Must draw at sight. ' ' M ust draw at sight for margin Must draw for f — marSn ' Send us a draft upon -- ' £<^"ding you a draft upon ' "'^hi" .^^x,L*?^"°' t« Manager "Mer- ' Ont"^ w?th"^H,^^ Canada.-\-hatham, .' ^^h _^^i^* this telegram for pay! : Do. do. Stratford, Ont. I !; 40 BANKING, FINANCIAE, &C. Sharpen, Sharply, Sharpness, Shatter, Sheathing, Sheepieii, Sheeting, ►Shelter, Shelterless, Shingle, Shining. Shirk, Shiver, Shivering, bhoaly. Shod, Shopping, Shorten, Shouting, Shovel, Shower, Showery, Showily, Shrewdly, Shrilly, Shrivel, Shrubbery, Shyness, The draft will be held by The draft should be held by Unless you remit additional margin| mediately we must cover vour i Do. do. we must sell your property. Wait financial instructions which gol x,r ^?^,^ ^y ™**^' before drawing, We will draw. Do. do. on you at We will protect your draft on When does the draft fall due. Who holds the draft. Will you remit or shall we draw. Will you protect our draft on You can draw ou You can draw on us for $ at sight. You can draw on us for $ at date. You can draw on J. R. Foster, Mon N. B. You can draw on J. H. Foster th, "Bank of Montreal," Moncton, You can draw on T. A. S. DeWolf & Agents " Anchor Line Stea Co.," Halifax, N. S. You can draw on Miner T. Foster fax N. S. "°^v,i, You can draw on J. C. Mackintosh, er and Broker, Halifax, N. S You can draw through J. C. Mackini Banker and Broker, Halifax, N You can remit New York Exchange will draw. Your draft on us is due. Your draft on us for $ is due. Y( ur draft on us for $ not ad Shall we accept ? Your draft refused acceptance for w advice. Your draft id due ou the Provi it. Your time draft is here" According invariable rule we have declin accept, because Bank insists holding the Bill of Lading untii turity or payment of draft. W accept upon delivery of docu to us, not otherwise. BANKINCx, FINANCIAL, kc. 41 l.v. ftly. lalize, ict, ify. It, itly, fious. less, m, ery, flarly, any. . ar, pleton, Jlicity, Plify. ilate. srely. erity, |wy, fter, ition, jn, [in, [riy, Lted, ^ton, ker, ally, ^mer, ish, lies, ten, ler, Ung. 'ir, ery, EXCHANGE. Advise rate of Exchange. At current rate of Exchange. At Exchange of Exchange is high. Exchange is low. Exchange is plentiful. Exchange is scarce. "o;3o^''i?i'Xi{To """^ ^•''^'■»"«'=- Do. do. Halifax do. i>o. do. St. John do. Money market easy. AToney market tight. Present rate of Exchange too hi-h Present, rate of Exchange too low Remit New York Exchanga. ' J >o. Montreal do. Uo. Halifax do. Do. St. John do. Po- Liverpool, G. B., do. Do. London, G. B., do. &elhn|^ratefoi^private sight bills on Lon- ^^"'"foSdoils —^^^ ^ ^-^ ^'^^^ ^^« «« ^^^""&Sdon''is^lil^^^ ^ ^'^ ^'«^^ ^^"« ^^ ^^"'""fondon^s ~^^^ ^ ^'^ ^'^^^ ^^^ «^' ^^"^"Jon^is ^^^^"kers sight bills on Lon- ^^"'"KdSnls —^^"^ ^ ^'^ '^^^* ^"'« ""^ Sellin^rate for bankers 60 d-s sight biUs on ^"'"fo^donls ^^^^ ^ d-s sight bills on £ sterling. S. steriing. D. sterling. sterling Exchange at 6 per cent, advance. "6| mm ^ 1 :i 42 BANKING.— STANDING OF FIRMS. Inding of Sleepless, Slendei-, Slightly. Slimy, Slippery, Slovenly, Sluggishly, Sluicy, Smartly, Smelter, Smithery, Smoky, Smoothly, Smouldry, Smut, Snaggy, Sneaking, Sneeringly, Sneezing, Snoring, Snowy, Snugly, Sober, Soberly, Sociable, Sociably, Society, «< n 8 it II t< t< s\ tt SK (( m 4( 9 4' p 9 «> «t 9- i. 10 t» 101 «t m i( m tt> 11 it Hi i " ptl, 1.^ *• «. II T. 1 tt isli. 1 •• ndings, L'} " nrtly, i-iy. jer cent, preiiii mess, cent, discount therly. xchange. •b cious, iiiel, i. B„ Exchangi B . reness, •■-'•J i-ingly. rkle, rsely, FIRMS. rtan. Have failed. J lave not t'ailcrl, Have a most honorable repnfnfion. Have met with a heavy less ; would advi-e you to be careful in advancing. He is sate for. He is not safe for. Have suspended payment. Inquire the means and standing of and telegraph us result. Is insolvent. Is there any reason for the low standing May be trusted to the extent of § May be trusted to any amount. Most honortible people. Not very respectable. Our own affairs are imcmbarassed. Our own atfairs are unembarassed to the extent of ^ Please attend the meeting and watch our interests. Shall we attend the meeting on vour be- half. The persons you mention arc considered highly respectable. They are quite safe. They are not safe. Unworthy of confidence. Worthy of confidence. \^ e are anxious in consequence of the ex- tensive operations villi us about the financial standing of \ 'TERESr & COMMISSION formation as tj tsome, Isornelj", Jiie. I'lic. lable. jlate. ilution, |ng, Be, Commission i per cent do do. do. do. dOi do. do. do. I 1 n do. do. do. do. 00. do. do. do. [!*^ 44 INTEREST & COMMISSION. ■t Titular, TimtaiT, Toadstool, Toasting, Tobine. Toccata, Tocsin, Toddle, Toddy, Toflfy. Top, Togated, Toggle, Toiler, Toilet, Toilful, Toilsome, Toilaomeness. Toilworii, Toledo, Tolerable, Tolerably, Tolerance, Tolertmt. Tolerate, Toleration, Tolling, Tollman. Tomahawk, Tomato, Tombless, Tomboy, Tombstone, Tomfool, Tomfoolery, Toneless, Tongueless, T( nguetied. Tonsil. Tonsorial, Tonsure, Tontine, Toolchest, 2i do. 3 do. 3J do. 4 do. ■li d.. 5 do. 6 do. 7 do. 8 do. 9 do. 10 do. 1 — - covers all charges. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. Commission Commission agreed to, Commission is waved. Commission is not sufficient. Commission selling per cent. Commission selling and guaranteeing • per cent. Free of Commission. Free of Interest and Commission. Brokerage between us equally. Subject to a Commission of What Commission do you charge for ing What Commission do you charge for i ing We will divide the commission with yj Cannot pay more than a commission of| per cent. We must have a commission of cent, for buying We must have a commission of cent, for selling Interest at 1 per cent. do. 2 do. do. 3 do. do. 4 do. do. 5 do. do. 6 do. do. 6i do. do. 7 do. do. 7i do. do. 8 do. do. 9 do. do. 10 do. i per cent. do. J do. 1 do. jlinaker, Dihache. thhriish, }lhle.ss, Mhsome, pa/, pcful, phet, piary, picaily, pmast, POKraphical bography, Ich bearer, rmcnt, fmenter, i hiado, i aid, Jidity, Mdly. ipor, Jrent, sion, [tile, Vise, tuous. ture, Fisin, Illy. lean, Ichable, Ichily, |ching. chmgly, chy, ?iien, hish, ^lil,7. i'Jiness, * fist, rmaline, mament, rney, ter, rard,"* [ardiy, [ellmg, 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 1( li 2( 2i o( 3i 4( it 5( 5/ 6( «; 7( 7c X. INTEREST & COMMlSblON. 45 H)Iinaker, 1\ do. ^Bthache, u do. Hithbniish, lit do. ^ntlik'ss, 2 do. ^Btiisome, 2J do. ^na/, do. ^BCflll, 2| do. ^whet, 3 do. ^niary, 3i do. ^nically, '^ do. ^ftinast, 3* do. lU charges. Bographical i do. ^ography, H do. ■ch bearer , U do. sufflcient. ^vnicnt, ii do. >er cent. Bmcnter, 5 do. juai'anteeing Hnado, oi do. Hpcdo^ oi do. Hpid, 5f do. imission. pidity. 6 do. ually. pidly. 6t do. of por, G. do. 1 charge for b rent, 6| do. sioii, 7 do. 1 charge fori tile, 7} do. toise. 7-k do. ission with j( tuous. 71 do. )ominission of ture. 8 do. ssion of — risin, Illy. 8i 8, do, do. can. 8i do. ssion of — chable, 9 do. ^.. chily. 9i do. ching. do. chingly, 9| do. chy, 10 do. giien, 15 do. hish, 20 do. My, 25 do. iiiuess, „ 30 do. ■ist, 35 do. •lualine, 40 do. 'nament, 45 do. -ney, 50 do. er, 55 do. nge,' CO do. urd ^ 65 do. rardiy 70 do. elling, 75 do, 46 INTKRKST & COMMISSION.— TKLKGRAPIIINC. Tower, Towered, 'I'owering, Towlinc, Townclcrk. 80 !K) 95 100 do. (l«>. do, do. do. fci^ Telegraphing, Correspondenc] and Communications. Traceuble. Tmctable, Traction, Tradition, Traduce, Tragedy, TragicHi, Traitoi*. Tralation, Trami)le, Tranquil, Transact, Transcend. Transcript, Transit, Translate, Transmit, Ti'ansoni, Transplant, Transport, Transpose, Trapan, Travail, Traverse, Treacle, Treadle, Treason, Treatise, 'i'reble, Treenail, Tremble, Tremor, 'I'rench, Trestle. Answer by telegraph. Answer by telegraph immediately. Answer quick at our exjiense. Answer by night message. Answer promptly as otter only holds until Answer telegran; yes or no. Answer by post. Answered your telegram. Advise purchase by telegraph. A dvise sale bv telegraph. , Advise what has been done by telegran Advise state of market by telegraph. Address telegrams for me to care of Address your letters to me at As per my (our) letter of As per your letter of As per my (our) telegi'a n. As per your telegram. As per their (hisj telegram. Before you write. Before you telegra )h. By this mail. Py next mail. By last mail. Cannot get an answer. Cannot give you an answer yet. Communicate with our agents at ( onflrm by telegraph promptly. Did you telegraph to Did you write to — — Did you write from Direct cable to Directed cable to Deliver on receipt of telegram. 'i| KGRAFHINC, iCt. [lunal. U;. Iki ry, Ik e, linj?, iket. ic. ledal, jlet, lod. cct. iiph, ipcr. ^loal. vel Iklc, >1e. Iipet, Idle, lily, ifnl, [>n, jril. Dr, lit. fey, TET.F.r.RAPiriNf;. cvr. .- 47 M-hofe'"^''"'^ ^'""' '"^•■^••^^''^'^ repeat tlie ^''"Vs" w^rff'"' ^"''"' ">^'^'^«*<«. '-opeatthc Do. 2nd do. ' Do. 3rd do. Do. 4tli do. Do. 5th do. Do. Hth do. Do. 7th do Do. 8th do Do. 9th do Do. 10th do Do. nth do Do. 12tli do Do. Vitn do Do. iith do Do. loth (Jo Do. 16th do Do. 17th do Do. 18th do Do. 19th do Do. 2()th do Don't think you understand the message Enclosure mentioned in your letter nol en- Explain fully by letter. Explained fully by letter. Expect to hear from you by Forward by wire the following message translated, to our agents at ^ ' I orward the followinfr message to '"•"ss>K^^^v^irr" '^ ''''' ^' ^°- - ^^^'^ tlon."'^*^^^'^ ^'°"^ immediate atten- Give immediate attention 'to our (my) let- Got no message from vcu. Got no letter from you. Got no messaj^c from ~ Got no letter from Have made a mistake In our n^essatrc H Jv'p ?^^I postal communication with — - ''"' ^a/e^^JffllToJ."^"' ^^^^'^^ '- -'^-'-n i- I 48 TEl.KC.KArniSC, &.C. ifiji 'ryrunny, Have written them (liini) to coiniiuiiiii with jou. 'J'ryo, Jhive rei-eivcd to-duy tlie following n| HjiKt5 from UglitiChS, Have you received letter of URcr, Have received your telcKniin of riour. ■iahle. iance, ■iation, •Id, lean. oer, icrator. linl, KIS, acity. andah. batini. bosity. (laiicy, rtigris. t f.v. 1 nin, f iify. r ically, '] cate, r luct. f ■ale, '\ atory. '\ riate, '1 roy, '1 )r. 'I )ry. 'i ant. T iny. T ibie. T icate. T ication, T ly, T yard. T Jgcr, T ble. T '/KLK(;ra1'HiN(;, &c. 49 from youwillcj ige please Hign J )h when arn iidali''. bid J)our. rinMe, fiaiicf, riatidii, lican, leer. lorator. Mai, lus, lat'ity. laiulah, Mtiin, Wsity, laiicy, Irligris, ffy. lin. Bify. lically. Icate, Inct, [■afe, ritory, iriatc, Iroy, )r, )ry. lanf, ible, licate, Jication, jry, IJartl, affer, ble, My.k)i r) Icttorof explains ovrrvthinir No iiHlnu'tions from you l,v niaij ' ^' No otters rect'ivc.l from our'i:i;:;;./;;r^'S^^/-;;;,^i!l!:^e ''thatS.w^::'!!!!!!!: ^'^'"^ "« ''^^ ^^"'''^^ Hepeat your (lesr)ateh. worded difrurentlv U8 nieaiMi.M: is not clear. ''''^-^^J • "^"^'stamrit*?''''^'"'''' "^ '''' ''" "°' "^^Jc^- nei>ly hy teleKrai)h if satisfiu-torv inl'i'\h-o '!:'V,«'"l^l» ^f unHatisfactory to ~ ' "'^ message, Irailsiated, Send me (us) letter of introdnetion to Vlmrity' ""•' '^"' *''^^^''''^^" "« "o'"' «"- Subject toiiiimediate reply by tclet^ranh "''Tele^trX'" "'""^^"^^^ co'nIlrnKn by TeleKrai.h the departure of I e egraph the date of dep;irlure. Te e^raph the date of arrival. re egraph when you can buv. lelcKraph when you can sell. 1 elegraph when you can ship. Ip egraph when you draw, and arnount Telegraph when you remit an,i u oi f ' Te Sli' when ^"" ^^"?°'^^^' 'A''^"^^"" "^. leitkiapn when stops advancintr le egraph when stops declininir Telegraph when you arc offe?ed"aSf * bar- guiiis. relegrapli arrival and condition of our and state of the market. ^ Telegraph receipts for to-dav. i Telegrapli your stock. Pelegrapli best bid. . Telegraph fully and often. I e egraph promptly and what progress 1 elegraph price, quality and q uantit? Telegraph any important Kg^esfn the Telegraph shipping instructions. 1 elegraph early to-day. 1 elegraph early to-morrow. 5* SO Violent, Violin, Violinist, Virigo, Virginal, Virtual, Virtuous, Visage, Viscidity, Viscount, Visionary, Vitality, Vitriol, Vivacious, Vivacity, Vixen, Vocabulary. Vocalist, Vocation, Vocative, Voiceless, Volatile, Volcanic, Volcano, Volleyed, Volume, ^Voluntary, Voluptuous, Volute, Vomiting, Votary, Voting, Vowing, Voyage, TELEGRAPHING &C. Telegraph closing prices of Telegraph by night message closing pii of , Telegraph quotations daily until f urthcn| vised Telegraph market daily by night mcssai Telegraph in cipher. Telegraph in plain language. Telegraph the care of at Telegraph i Monday at ** Tuesday at *' Wednesday at - " Thursday at — Friday at Saturday at V ovage Vulgar, The following message is from The following is private and confldentii The words you ask about is the^cip| meaning. r " . The words you ask about is the lit^ meaning. The message ought to read as follows :| The means of communication between! and are interrupted. The means of commmiication betwee!i| and are interrupted. There is a mistake in our message. II instead of This telegram refers to letters which not yet reached you : w^ait theirl arrival. Translate the following message and| ward to Translate the following message and^b to ,llOlM_ ,, "Want you to telegraph to Want you to write to Wait till you receive our letter of 1 Why don't you answer our telegram i Why don't you make use of the ciphei] vve are pushed for an answer : please W it. We are waiting for a reply to our mes^ We (I) countermand our (my) cable oa We (I) countermand order given in| /jifjY^ letter da-ted - — We don'^t understand your telegram. We offer you subject to your immcij reply by telegraph. of sage closing pri ly until furtherij by night mcssai age. It s from and confldentii out is the cipi )OUt is the lit J ettera which )U : wait thcirl message and] message and^h ;o r letter of - oui' telegram ^ e of the ciphcH swer : please hi ply to our mesa [• (my) cable on rder given in| )ur telegram, o your inmici^ I. Jgarity, [ilture. ibble. ibbling, iddling, ifer, ifting, rering, ^ggish, kgoner, k^aiJ, uncoat. List, Liter, litress, fkeful. kkening, liking, lUopmg, llnut, Jlrus, iltz, Jtzing, id, ider, idering, iting. iton, itonly, rbled, k-bling. rden, pdrobe, fare, Hike, fming, [•mish, mness, franty, hrior, Ihable, ping, IPish, Jpishly, Ited, Iteful. Itefullr. TRKEGRAPHING, kc. 'wul'tlfn^^'^ 5^°" t)ut have VViy write by next mail. \J^ riting you full particulars. Writing you full instructions. \V e refer you to our telegram 51 no reply. (( 4t «, «4 «ft (< *< tt i( ti tl << ^j Wc refer you to your telegra m of the isl. 2nd 3rd 4th oth 6th 7th 8th 9th ** 10th *; nth '• 12th " 13th " 14th ;; loth ' 16th ' 1/th 18th 19th " 20th "^Ist 22nd ^ord 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 31st. of the 1st. i 2nd. . Old. ; 4th. • 6th.. ■ 6th. i •• 7th, I •• 8th. : Oth. • 10th. . • 11th. : • 12th. • • 13th. " 14th. 52 TF.I.EGRAPHING, &.C. Wastefulness, Wasting, Watchful. Watchman, Watering, Waterish, Wavelet, Wavering, Waxen, Wayward, Weakened, Weakly, Weakness, Wealth. Wheedle, Wheeling, Whetstone, Whiff. Whig, Whimper, Whimsical, Whipped, Whipping, Whirligig, Whirlpool. Whisker, Whisper, Whist, Whistling. Whitening, Whiting, Whittle, Wick, Wicked, Wickedly, Wickedness, Wicket, Widen, Widow, Wigwam, You will receive a letter from us by th| Your telegram received after market 1 closed. Will act next session iinlj otherwise instructed. Your telegram received at You omitted to enclose. Your letter received. Your message has become unintelligi'ul^ transmission. Twenty-fii'st. Twenty-second. Twenty-third. Twentj'-fourth. Twenty-fifth. Twenty-sixth. Twenty-seventh. Twenty eighth. Twenty-ninth. Thirtieth 'I'hirty-flrst. One month- Two months. Three months. Three and six months. Three, six and nine months. Three, six, nine and twelve months. fiiderncss, fildlv, [ilful, [illness, fillingjy, ijllovv, [iiy. Tunble, lince, indage, indfail, fndiness, indlass, indward, [neglass. Ink, jiinlng, fntery, sdoni, seacre, Bclv, Bhliil, fitfully, pch, [chcry, pdraw, 1 [he, iher, pheld, thin, |hout, .istand, hy, incss. jtiiy. ' INSURANCE. '4* INSURANCE. 53 eunintelligi'ulJ hlderncs: [ilful, riliness, [illingjy, fillovv, lily. Jimble, lince, |inda}?e, indfaJl. I^ndiness, indlass, Indward, pdy. (no;^lass, Ink, jrming-, Jntery, ry, sdom, seacre, Bcly, Bhliil, sp, Btfully. kch, tchcry, thdraw, [he, iher, Wiheld, Ihin, Ihout, Ihstand, |hy, Iness. fniy. ' is, At what rate can you insure ? Advise you to insure. Are insured. Are not insured. 'sSm?»gi^' ^°"'' instructions as to in- Are we to effect insurance or will you t^an you insure. ^"'"yuu. Can insure at per cent. per^cent"'^^^ ''"^^'' ^^^^^ ^^ ~- F^.il'?"^^ ^'"^'^^t on deck at — per cen* ^ffect insurance. ^ ^®"''* Effect Marine insurance. '''''forTot'ifLT^^"^'"::^^ Company Have effected insurance. Have fully insured. Have you attended to insurance Have insured 10 per cent over inVo.Ve Insure 10 per cent, over invoice Insurance can be effected here at per Including insurance. {j?^Ji?'f¥, ^^la™i^ insurance. No insurance. / No orders from you to insure. ' i Policy of insurance. " ; l^ate of insurance is per cent : Shall we insure. ^t^^ n^'^i^ ""^ Insurance. Send Certificate of Insurance. I n e have insured. ■ What 18 rate of Marine Insurance. 54 FLOUR, GRADES AND QUANTITIES. FLOUR, GRADES & QUANJ TITIES. lili ^g Witty, Wizard, AVoful, Wolfish. Wondrous, Wanted, Wooded, Wooden, woodhouse, wood-land, ♦ twoody, wover, wool. woolen, wooly. woolpack, wool-sack, wordiness, wording, wordy, worker, workhouse, working, workman. workmanlike, 50 workshop, world. worlding, worldly, worm. worm-eaten, worm-like, wormy, worried, worry, worse. CANADIAN FLOURS. Patent Flour, Choice Superior Exti'a. Superior Extra. Choice kxtra. Fancy. Strong Bakers. Choice Spring Extra. Spring Extra. Clioice Superfine. Fine. AMERICAN FLOURS. Patent (superlative) No. 5. Patent XX Spring, (No. i.) Winter Wheat XX, (No. 3.) Minnesota XX Spring, (No. 2.) Spring Extra. (No. 1.) Strong Bakers, (No. 6.) Corn Flour. CANADIAN FLOURS. 25 Bbls. Patent, SO- TS 100 • 125 ■ • 25 Bbls. Choice Superior Extra. 75 100 125 25 Bbls. Superior Extra. 50 •• 75 •• 100 •• 125 •• 25 Bbls. Choice Extra. 50 75 " FL( [orship, rorshipful, rorshipper, rorst, rorsted, [orthily, [orthiness, lorthless, lorthy, lound, love, Irangle, pangler. rappage, rapper, ipping, rath, rathful, Peak, k'eath, ^eathy, reck, ten, rench, rest, pestle, pestling, retch, htched, ngSt, pnkle, hsk, nst-band, Hter, (ithe. pon^ul, pngly, loth. . >ught. cht. 1 chtmg, akee rdstick, ^1, 1 Ul. 1 FLOUR, GRADES AND QUANTITIES. 'orship, 100 •• 'orshipf ul. 125 • • • • • . . orshipper, , 25 Bbls. Extra. WSt, 60 •• •• [orsted, 75 •• orthily, 100 •• orthines8, 125 • • Whless, 25 Bbls. Fancy. Oil ' ■ 75 •• 100 •• 125 • • 25 Bbls, Strong Bakers. 75 •• 100 •• 125 •• 25 Bbls. Choice Spring Extra. ou * * • • , . 75 •• 100 •• 125 •• 25 Bbls. Spring Extra, 50 • • 75 • 100 •• 125 •• 25 Bbls. Choice Superfine, ou 75 •• 100 •• 125 •• 25 Bbls. Fine. 50 •• 75 •• 100 • • 125 •• AMERICAN FLOURS. 25 Bbls. Patent (Superlative,) No. 5. 75 •• •• ". 100 •• 125 •• 25 Bbls. Patent XX Spring. No. 4. rH/ ■ ■ ■ • ■ . . " 75 100 126 55 lorthy, lound, love, Irangle, ■rangier. Wrappage, rapper, rapping, xath, tathful, reak. reath, reathy, reck, ren, bench, best, restle, festling, letch, letched, fight, inkle, lisk, list-band. Titer, .ithe. rongjful, |oth. ought, kbec, cht. ehting, flkee rdstick, an. 56 FLOUK, GRADES AND QUANTITIES. m Yearling, 25 Bbls. Winter Wheat, XX. No. 3. Yearly, 50 ■ Yearn, 75 ' Yearning, 100 • Yeast 125 Yelk, ' 25 Bbls. Miunesota, XX Spring, No. 2. Yelp, 50 •• Yelping, 75 • Yeoman, 100 • Yeomani'y, 125 " Yoke, 25 Bbls. Spring Extra, No. 1. Yolk, 50 Yonder, 75 ■ Yore, 100 Young, 125 •• , .Younger, 25 Bbls. Strong Bakers, No. 6. ^Youngest. 50 Youngster, 75 • Youtiiful, 100 Yule, 125 Zealot, 25 Bbls. Corn Flour. Zebra, 50 Zeyphx, 75 •• Zinc, 100 Zodiac. 125 vin. ( 3iflc, c ;kle, c ;tre, 1 ere, 1 ( IC.I D. IG J 1 1 1 1 hi' ■! - m Spring, No. 2. WEIGHTS. Cwt. (112 lbs.) CentaKlOOIbs.) One hundred pounds, (100 lbs.) Ton (2240 lbs.) Ton (2000 lbs.) c,:; 0. 1 P. I G. I R. E. A. t . ! F. I Q-Turnn^ M. I I 1 I 2 I 3 I A 15 16 1 7 1 8"T^"rO A J^ m ytandiir 3ws:- Iviiciit porn ivf, I'eas, parley, [)ats Jetms plover Seed w..'! .. Standar( ows :— Vheat orn )ats . , . 'otatoes ... I have p f freight p Vheat, Con d !•" -iJ . r * s r :s^i S^ .^s ^J? « ftj i 3.0 2. ) 3.6 3. ( 4.2 3. H 4.8 4. * 5.4 5. ) 6.0 o.( I . 6.6 6.: ? ' 7.2 6.' 'i 7.5 7( ! , 7.8 ' 8.4 7.J > 9.0 8.4 » 9,6 9.( 1 10.2 ,^..' .1 ! 10.5 »..' i 10.81 10.1 JiAi LI^AD r PLIGHTS. standurdtj tf Canadian Market per lUishel arc as fol* 3WS :- Vheat 60 lbs. Tiinothjr Lorn, . . fyt',... reas, . . Barley, pats, . . . .50 .<>6 .48 .34 idXhs (50 ["lover Seed (JO Seed,:.... 48 lf?U(kwheat..48 jFlax Seed...oO HenipSec^-d I Blue Gras3 8eed .... I Bean.s I Potatoes, . .. i Turnips,. . . lbs .44 .14 .40 .m .60 I Carrots jF'arsnips, . !l?ect.s, OnioiKs Salt ; Dried i Apples ■Dried 1 Peaches, . . iMalt, .ft^lbs. m " .(JO " .GO " M *• Standard of Chicago Market, per Bushel, are as fol- iVheat (JO lbs. orn .56 " [)ats .32 " Matoes ...60 ** Barley 48 Ibs.lTiniothy 4,5 lbs. Rye 56 *' I Clover 60 *' Buckwhcat.55 " i Millet ,'VO " Flax J^ecd..5(> *' iHunprain... .48 " I have prepared the followin}^ Table to show the eof»t bf freight per Bushel, at a gircn i)riee jjer 100 lbs. on l\ heat, Cora, Barley and Oats .— o a: X: I— t s 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4 6.0 fi.6 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.4 .9.0 9,6 10.2 10.?- 10.8 S 2.8 3.4 3.!) 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.2 6.7 70 7.31 7.81 8.41 9.0 fiJ>\ 8.8! 10.11 2.4 2.S 3.4 3.8 4.:! 4.8 5.3 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.7 7.2 77 8.2 8.4 8.6 5^ ^ CO 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.6 2.9 ?.'2 5 8 ( 2 r. 3 3 4, 4, 4. 4.8 .5.1 5.4 5.6 5.81 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.1 3.4 3.7 4.1 4 3 4.4 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.8 6.0 (J.1 «^ A^ ■§- 0. 19 20 2! 22 22i 23' 24 25 26 27 27^ 28 29 30 lo-« 132 a,' Xi ^S^^;m2S n.4 12.0 12.6 13.2 1.3.5 13.8 14.4 1.5.0 15 6 16.2 16.5 16.b 17.4 18.0 18.6 19.2i 10.61 11.2i 11.81 12.3! 12.6i 12.9 13.4 14,0' 14.6 15.1 1 15.4! 15.7i 1(5.2; 16 8 17.3' 17.9 9.1 9.6 10.1 10.6 lO.S 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.2 13.4 13.9 i'4.4 14.9 1.5.41 C ^8l 51-9 35 2l.0| 19.6 16.8 i 11.2 11.9 67i 45.0 37.8 .32.4 21.6 M^^ 36 21.6 20.2 17.3 11.5 12.2 ()8 40.8 38.1 32,6 21.S ^i^l 37 22.2 20.7 17.8 j 11.8 12.6 69 41.4 .38.6 33.1 22.1 'sJ^L 37i 22.5 21.0 18.0 12 12.8 70 42.0 39.2 33.6 22.4 ta'/^^H 38" 22.8 21.3 18.2 12.2 12 9 71 42,6 39.8 31.1 22,7 39 23.4 21.8 18.7 12.5 13,3 72 43.2 40.3 34.6 23.0 2|.H 4U 21.0 22.4 19.2 12.8 13.6 72i 43.5 10 6 34.8 23.2 2j'l 41 21.61 23.0 19.7 13.1 13.9 73 4.3.8 40.9 35,1 23.4 2J^H 42 25.21 23.5 20.2 13.4 14.3 74 44.4 41.4 35.5 23.7 2II 421 25.51 23.8 20.4 13.6 14.5 75 45.0 42.0 36.0 24.0 \i 43 25.8 24.1 20.6 13.8 14.6 70 45.0 42.6 36.5 24.3 ■'5 41 26.4 24.6 211 14.1 15.0 77 46.2 43.1 37.0 24.6 20 45 27.0 25.2 216 14.4 15.3 77i 46,5 4.3.4 37.2 21.8 46 27.6 25.8 22.1 14.7 15.6 78 46 8 43.7 37.5 25.0 2t> 47 28.2 26.3 22.6 15.0 16.0 79 47.4 44.2 38.0 25,3 26 47^^ 28.5 26.6 22.8 15.2 16 2 80 48.0 44.8 38.4 25.G 2: 48 28.8 26.9 23.0 15.4 16.3 81 48.6 45.4 38.9 25,9 2:. 49 29.4 27.4 23.5 15.7 16.7 82 49.2 45.9 39.4 26-2 2:. 50 30.0 28.0 24.0 16.0 17.0 8-^^ 49.5 46.2 39.6 26-4 % 51 30.6 28.6 24.6 16.3 17.3 83 49 8 46.5 40.0 26-6 2i 52 31.2 29.1 25.0 16.6 17 7 84 50.4 47.0 40.3 26-9 2a 52i 31.5 29.4 25.2 16.8 17.9 85 51.0 47.7 40.8 27-2 2S. 53 31.8 29.7 25.4 17.0 18.0 86 51.6 48.2 41.3 27.5 2ft 54 32.4 30.2 25.9 17.3 18.4 87 52.2 48.7 41.8 27-8 29 55 33.0 30.8 26.4 17.6 18.7 87i 52.5 49.0 42.0 28-0 29, 56 33.6 31.4 26.9 17.9 19.0 88 52.8 49.3 42.3 28-2 29 57 34.2 31.9 27.4 18.2 19.4 89 53.4 49.8 42.7 28-5 30 m 34.5 32.2 27.6 18.4 19.6 90 54.0 50.4 43.2 28-8 .30 68 34.8 32.5 27.8 18.6 19.7 91 51.6 51.0 4.3.7 29-0 59 35.4 33.0 28.3 18.9 20.0 92 .55.2 51.5 44.2 29-4 3lfl 60 36.0 a3.6 28.8 19.2 20.4 92i 55.5 51.8 44,4 29-6 8lfl 61 36.6 34.2 29.3 19 5 20.7 93 55.8 52.1 44.6 29-8 3ll 62 37.2 34.7 29.7 19.8 21.1 94 56.4 52.6 45.1 30-1 32fl 5i^ 37.5 35.0 30.0 20.0 21.3 95 57.0 53.2 45.6 30-4 3» ^ 37.8 35.3 30.2 20.2 2i.4 90 57.5 63.« 46.1 30-7 oIb 64 ' 38.41 35.8 30.7 20.5 21.8 97 68.2 54.3 56.6 31-0 jB HTS. >> • \ aj m ' m w J- \ -r ^ *^ -c - - U 7i « '-< s ■« 23 2S O (M .'w n M i :u.2 20.8 ;'^ 31.7 21.1 i 22- 32.2 21.4 ! IH 32.4 21.6 iXi 32.6 21.,s i 2J 33.1 22.1 ;;;} 33.6 22.4 h 34.1 22.7 I L4 34.6 23.0 21 34.8 23.2 h- 35.1 23.4 •T 35.5 23.7 25. 36.0 24.0 25 36.5 24.3 25 37.0 24.6 2t> 37.2 24.8 % 37.5 25.0 2l> 38.0 25.3 21) 38.4 25.6 2:' 38.9 ' 25.9 2;. 39.4 26-2 2J 39.6 26-4 2S 40.0 26-6 2i 40.3 26-9 2S 40.8 27-2 2^ 41.3 27.5 29 41.8 27-8 29 42.0 28-0 29, 42.3 28-2 29 42.7 28-5 30 43.2 28-8 30 43.7 29-0 :« 44.2 29-4 31 44,4 29-6 31 44.6 29-8 31 45.1 30-1 32 45.6 30-4 32 46.1 30-7 3i 56.6 31-0 3& j^ AILROAD f REIGHT, (CONCLUDED. ) iSi^fS ^ w <» , n U 58-5, 51-6| 46-81 31-2 r.S-8' 51-91 ^7-Oi 31-4 1 - . . ..- 1 ^X> jj 1 X3-" irJey lbs. ats lbs. -'^ hi :SS -^S ^^ ^1^' 33-2! 99 59-4: 55.41 47-5 31-7 Xi-3 VH) 60-0 56-0! 48-0 32-0 M as M 3.3-7 34-0 ii Accept ancea Arrivals Sitrley ■iaiik ("reditf ^ill.s of Ladi poke rage 8.. BankiiiK Siiyiii},', (Cus Suying, (Con 'ibliiiK . . .. Loiiiinissions lomrnodities toiidition an [onHiKuce or lorrL'spondei lost and Pri( torn and Cor bates |el!iy3 Mi very ^pimirrage . . miilH kilties Cxvhange [lour rrcights financial. . . [rades , fUiirantees. . . pldingand i nstructions.. isurance, (ge iterest ^eyto letters lay Days liabilities iiuits letters INDEX. Icccptancea. irrival3 irley Paoe. ...33 ...21 unk Credits [ 34 ills of Lading,. * ....*.*.! !i 35 idkerugcs .......' "43 ankiiiK I .*.".'.'!'.....'.'. 33 iiyiiiK, ' Customer) .* .' ...'.,. 12 uj iiiK, (Commission Merchant) '.....'.'.li 'abliiif,' 4g 'oiiiniissions 33 43 onimixlities , .^'.' '...'.'.'.* * 3 51 ondition and Quantity- .*"', qj tonsi},ni('e or Commission Merchant ...'..,"." 17 tunsif^nments "li'si [oriL'spondence ..[ *'.".' .10 11*40 lost and Prices ' s'sfi lorn and Corn .Meal ..,...' ....... .'. 3 ke « ...!!.'.!..! 62 W'^ 25,31 ^'''vory '26 piiiiirrage 20 ,*.*.'.'.".■ .36," 40 liratts tics .25 fx. hange ^j lour 54 Mghts " ..,'.■■■ "si" 50 riiuuicial . '30 frades guarantees. .54 .34 loklingand Storing J9 ptructions 2** 33 48 hsiirance, (general) ".'.".'.'.*.'.*." *^ "' '53 iterest i., teyto letters 5g lay Days to liabilities ."..*.'."..".*." ."42 HMiits. 16 r"ers 10, ii, 22,'46 t INDEX. (CONTINUED.) Markets Miscellaneous Phases. ...... ..'.'.'. "..'. " .' " ' " ' ' '. ,». Negotiations „,■ "I Names of Articles '.'.'.'■'■'.'.'.'.'.'.'.['.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 3 -Jl Oats Offers, (general) i,,>,| Orders (execution of) \o 'iV'.vl Peas iAio,.ji Payments 'I Percentages ;; fll Proceeds *^'t\ Profits V ".v. ;,?| Protests f| Quantities V-'l Quotations. . , ..*.'....,... ' ?' .,| Remittances ' | Rejections ......'...'. ,tl Sailing or Date of Shipment. . belhng, (Customer) ,^, Selling'. (Commission Merchant). V. ' Shipping, (General Phases) 90 .<, 1 Standing of Firms .... '^^'t • Storage ' ". |-, Standards.. _" ' ' i:| Terms .„, Timo of Delivery or Shipment .'.■,'. tl Telegraphing .•■•:^| Tons...:... .;;;■;.;;:.■;.■; -I Weights, bcc '■"..[ Wheat 56,0, Ill 2j| 22,4 3.5l| '.'.'iiM 12, lo,2!| ll 33| 41, «| SI M out).'.i2,i4,22,2