IMAGE EVALUATSON TEST TARGET (MT-3) j|J£ II .— I.I 1^ |2j8 ISO ^^* u 11.25 iu 23 2.2 ■ 2.0 li 1.6 6> /, ^} w. 150mm /APPLIED J IIVMGE . Inc .ara 1653 East Main street sss r^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA J^sr^ Phor)e: 716/482-0300 JS=:^ss Fax: 716/288-5989 1993, Applied Image, Inc., All Rights Reserved r^ k\' O ■\. ^Z^^Jk.-^^^ r^V ^ A 5.^^- 4^ •1,000 Worth of ^mothy hay noo tons) Jwriey (JL600 btuh. grain). . Turaipi (io,000 buih" roota). *»t mttle (20.000 lb., alive) Whole milk (koOORkh.)' Cheese (10.000 fb. )...... Butter (6,000 lb.).. "■ Nitrogen. I PlJOfPhorio Acid. lb. 2,6ao 1.980 1,888 1,080 46S 693 460 6 Potaab. I lb. 1,060 748 600 310 aoo 116 Relative Value. lb. 1,800 612 600 2,840 86 170 36 • 660 410 410 276 108 190 88 1 encouraged. The eale of Hva ofJt- i °'*°?*" ^o' o® desired or rfieMe remoTM lew orovS^tl. ^ ?~ f' '"i' ""■"tituenta ; 3 9 600 410 410 27R 108 lao 88 1 /• Ontario adapted to Dairying f uZ^i!'^li'%tirfn^^^^^^ '"rh «°«* '««J«8 crops and «00,000 miloh cow. At In !! '''°- °' ^"*^»° 'here are «l^; ^-3.200^000.00oVofa:: X32 aoo- T ^^ '''-^- The number of cowb could be incV^fii '?? 'T *' °°« ««*»' » Pound. Uon feedmg and oare. the averZ^iroduV^r"' '''^'"«' «*'<«■ -cr«?rt2eT^ -^^^^^^^ .how. OnMr^'ttr^^^^^^^^^ of factor, cheese in well adapted to dairying '''°^'' *^' this province S Year. 1892 1891 1890 1889, 1888. 1887. 1886. 1SS5 1884. 188S. No. of Faotories. 866 817 784 787 737 770 Cheeae Made, lb. 93.848,948 81.929,042 79,364,713 72,692,847 «6,299,761 66,638,666 Value of Cheese. 8 8,959,939 7,668,484 7,189,967 6,787,619 6,031,470 6,918,913 Value of I Cheese per lb. Cents. 9.5S 9.86 9.06 0.85 9.34 10.54 «f ^h! ^f r»"« •^*«'"«n* «l^e« the rural area and rural population of ^h K'°/ T °^" u^'"' °^ ^°'»"'»' '°8ether with tL amoun? of oaBh that came into each county for cheese made in 1892 County. Leeds Grenville Oxford DundM Hastinga Lennox and Addington Fronttiuao Middlesex , . . .' Perth Lanark Stormont Northumberland. . .... Preaoott Peterboro Elgin Bmoe Faoto- ries. No. V« 88 41 36 74 36 43 86 26 29, 27' 86 89 29 24 23 Total Total for Province, 696 Value of cheese made. 9 807,860 418,167 847,643 336,069 798,987 386,837 848,013 482,699 482,024 807,892 232,826 827,664 262,707 226,939 282,620 242,437 Assessed rural area. 6,728,514 866 8,969,939 22,885,464 Acres. 472,560 271,690 472,927 237,830 979,903 429,408 682,282 757,486 617,916 667,961 260,678 484,900 287,667 643,378 437,058 836,868 8,278,681 Assessed roral population. No. 21,716 18,717 30,213 14,047 86,300 18,270 20,908 46,90^ 29,640 20,002 16,932 25,668 19,289 18,761 24,728 40,627 395,517 1,103,433 Cheese ,pc. hetj. 87 31 28 24 28 31 17 15 16 16 14 18 13 12 11 6 17 From this it will be seen that these sixteen counties produce iust uZVT'^'uTr''':^^'''*.^^' «^*^^« '^'^' "»d« '«» Ontario! ™.t« V"i?".!."^ Leeds per head of rural population their tota make would be increased by $7,500,000. If the entire province S'l^'^w^ u?' *?'"' T^' '^^"^^ be $40,000,000. It will tZ be seen that although we have made a fair start in cheese-making we have not by any means reached the limit of our possibilities in dfirT mg. We can greatly increase our output of cheese if desirable, and Wfir^f 1i ^ iT^'^^ the quality of our 50.000,000 pounds of .uL ^ ^t ^^P*T °^ *^® creamery system and by improved methods m the home dairies. ^ "nprovea o„Ml?L*''T Tfi.* V^^ P*'~°' *** ^"*^"° '^^^ f»«=tories, about one quarter of all the farmers. These netted on the average $160 In Oxford there were 3.120 patrons who netted $230, and in Leda ajd Grenville ^there were 4.635 patrons who netted $225 These ZTi,f ^?"^i"r'" °°'^ "^ ?*'' **''"^- °^ *^e total rural population, yet they have 15 per cent, of the total number of patrons, ind receive 23 per cent, of the total cash received for cheese Hav, Ihe Dairy ,^p„„ „/ cwrfa bun incrm,ing or ««««««(, ; Exports of Oanadian-made Dairy Products. 1872. 1877. 1882. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892.. 1888.. lb. 16,424,0251 87,700,921 80,807,049 78,604,448 84,178,267 88,884,887 94,260,187 106,202,140 118,270,0621 183,946,365, 9 1.840.284 8,897,968 6,500,869 7,108.978 8,928,242 8,916,684 9,372,212 9,608,800 11,652,412 13.407,470 lb. 19,068,448 16.479,660 16,161,889 6,486,609 4,416,881 1,780,768 1,961.6861 8,768,101' 6,736,6961 7.036,013 • 3.612,079 8,224,981 2,968,166 979.196 798,679 331,968 840,181 602,175 1,066,06S 1,296,814 Exports of Cheese from Montreal for 20 Seai,.t.... Year. Boxes. W4 .1169.262 W6 607,062 W6 465,660 W7 398,138 1878 467.676 Year. Boxe», Year, 1879... .. 516,249 1880... .. 507,019 1881... .. 661,847 1882. , . .. 677.211 1883. . . .. 859,612 1884. 1886. 1886. 1887. 1888. Boxes. 1.108,448 1,076,601 891,965 1,104,065 1,134,349 Year. Boxe*. 1889 1,167,864 1890 1,391,298 1891 1,362,670 1892 1,661798 1893 1690 274 What about the exports from the United States f iM^^'^^lVu f^'P*^"'* ***^® ^*"en off 65.000,000 lb from 1881 m Eiport. of Dairy Products from United Stotet. Amount. Butter. lb. 81,&60,600 31,688,148 16,604,978 39,748,043 15,187,114 16,047,248 8,030,107 Value. 6,366,024 8,613,646 2,668,786 4,187.489 3,197.100 3,446,878 1,673,690 Chem. Amount. lb 147,906,614 111,992,900 84,999,838 06,876,068 82,188,876 83,100,331 81,860,023 Value. 16,380,348 10,444,400 7,889,671 8,601,043 7,406,376 7,676,667 7.624,648 WUh u,hai countries otlier tl^n the United States do u,e compete in the British market ? export»rchrf'rl^ t^^^^^^^^ .tee TsTh "" *''«™'"*^ ^"°'^« - ^' -Po'^ aS oon^LptToa Average ImporUtions per head of Population. Yean. 1861-66 1866-70 187176 1876-80 1880 86, Population of United Kingdom. No. 29,469,466 30,696,336 82,189,640 38,929,039 86,466.817 36,890,471 87,963,402 Butter and mar' garine. lb. 8.0 4.3 4. 6. 7 8. 10. Cheeae. lb. 8.9 8.4 4.7 6.7 K m V.i 6.8 6.8 Brltbh leporta for the Year 1892. ilue. $ ,880,248 ,444,409 ,889,671 091,043 406,876 876,667 624,648 te in ihows lieese, >ne of somes kt the «ing. iding Duoh. j^reat ption 1 Country. Butter. Denmark Fruoe Sweden Holland Oermany Australasia. . . Canada United States. Belgium Russia Norway Other countries, Total. Amount. lb. 96,716,684 00.780,944 16.686,120 16,886,666 18,914,096 9.803,240 6,671.062 8,246,762 4,828,688 4,160,832 1.066,400 809,644 244,497,008 Cheese. Value. $ 38,697,177 14.788,964 6,049,344 8,661,688 8,474,114 8,808,400 1.244.172 9S0.239I 1,044,796 896,236 240,801 60,821 Amount. lb. 12,880) 8,107,760 168,630 80,667,962 141,680 2,866,620 116,828,088 91,664,4061 2,916,868 146,944 14,224 61,072 68,280,691 260,076,604 Valua • 1.868 696,946 14,966 8,802,380 16,970 810,937 12,186,642 0,646,614 812,796 16,693 1,41? 6,076 Condensed milk. Amount, 28,861,682 lb. 448 29,106,00a 08,113 14,418,768 689,466 6,986 189,440 8,097,806 263,760 6,060,666 188,604 68,918,880 14.627,403 In what way has Denmark got such a hold utx>n the British butter market 1 «Jf c? sursi'.'-ri STL?" — - — . 15^8V»q.Ss%*rT78f96^o'''""''-.i.^^ "«* of the kingdom i. -vas 2.i85.336^f which ?82 3?S wS^f *'°^°^. ^"^"""^ '"^ 1890 populitionofOnuStSw^ril^^^^^^^ "^^ were living on farms. Denrn Jwifl t V °^^*'»<'*» about 875,000 tural nnnifl.Lr!l!:.. ^«""i»fk therefore has a total and an ^^n\. on.half-ofTh7fi™la";d?oTbnU^^^^^^ '""^ ^ ^'^ *'- '^~ '^- 8 fci-L * '"•'"y » ••? 'o91 "he exported over lOOOOCOOO IK «# *i.l ^^ ».o«,ng ana career itook ; the ijitem of co-operative dairiea h^ now suppliei Bntain with a large quantity of butter of uniformlv «ood quality, and the supply i. regullr and ionatant ""»'°"°ly Now let u« turn to OnUrio and we ask the question : What ha, bom done in Ontario in the tvay of making butter in creameriet f The following is taken from the reports of the Bureau of Industries Orbambries in Ontario. Year. No in Operation 1892 60 1891 3d 1890 39 1889 83 1888 31 1887 42 1886 47 1886 27 1884 23 1883 27 No. MakingI Rflturna. 80 32 80 24 26 29 18 8 12 Aoiount Butter Made. lb. 1,867,768 1,402,309 1,147,666 876,003 638,216 888,863 823,853 363,347 147,924 243,902 Value of Butter Made. 9 384,676 287.669 220,844 184,067 124,680 118,662 160,798 69,683 82,088 61,817 Value per lb. cents, 20.69 20.61 19.24 21.01 19.62 20.10 19.62 19.69 21.69 21.83 In 1892 there/ore, less than 3,500.000 pounds of creamers bat^Ar were produced in Ontario, which ^ould be less thariTr/L. "!' ^ae cOM»i butter made in the province ; that is, for everv oound «J creamery butter made there at/over 10 ^aunds of dalr^buZ made! P..OI. or B„TT,R ,„ W.,0l,,„t. MABK.T. TOBOKIO. Firtt of •very month. June July Auguat ... September October . . . November. December . January.. . February. . March April May Averages. June 1892 to May 1898. Dairy. I Junel893 to May 1894. Dairy. on the average sZZTto 5^1 i-^l"^ '^*^ creamery butter The quotations for cr amery shovved tt t H '^"'^ '^' ""''' <*"^J^- seldom more thau 1 centTovinrthl^K "?• '*"«^ ^^^'^ °»°"t'i will be-noticed also that c.?Cerf but er S,^""^'^ ^"l "'^•^°'"'"- ^^ from 21 cents to 26. wWerZ.w J', J^'^"^'''"*^ <^^« year ranged We must conclude thTcTjeTAnf.''^''^''^'^ ^'""^ 13 '« 22. price and is worth from 4 to 871? '^""«^^"n«« a fairly uniform ft costs from 3i to 5 cents a n?. 5 T''^ ^''' ^^»^ d»'^7 butter, that patrons of Vr^at^erTos ha JCn ,:..^*^' °'^'*?^'"^ ^""«r. so th^n^home ^ ^S^^^Z^^^t'^ :!;S r.r!!!_°^.''^«„ Wheat pricroVLttutC^^^^^^^ pr;vious7;ar^SetudrofE^^ has improved during^rhe past Z t1° • '^ 'J^,'*^^' '^'''^''- a^all measure to th/good Cl ^[h, xtLUi^JJilL^renr^^^^ 10 oVllooi^m^^nl^^^^^ The improvement of the Danish creamery The buirn?'"'^ ^""'' *PP'°''^^«« '^ P^^ must have conSed of dairv tfl O""; "porta to Great Britain the low price SvJd ^ * °' rather inferior quality-hence Will the use of impro^^ed methods increase the quaraity of butter f butter of uniforn,Jy«oodauaIitv^ni f''««'°«>"y system aupplies Department of the IgriSJS ColL« ^ f^^^'^'y- ^* *»>« ^*^ made upon 3,081 lb of Silk n"i * ^ -?* '"* ^^"' "Pen«°e'^t ^aa one-third by din naif «^i ' *t ^J""? """ ^''^^'^^ ^7 shallow pan. of butter wVem'^^deL an ^l^'^ll V'^^^^. '^^« P°"-<»« buttermilk was as foHows in each rll T °^ '"' '" "^^"'"'^^^ ""^ by deep pail 1 67 Dound7 fvci? ii '® " ^^o l«P«™tor 0.47 pounds ; pounds^more were^bst bv iJ^^ ^'^^"^^ P°""^«' T^"« 2.82 2.82 pounds oT fat wonlJ ' i°'' Pan than by separator. These •verag^e cow produces ravioOol'n7'''-it Cu°^« °^ ^""^^^ Thi lb. of butter pel wo Jldt^oit bv tL n^'" ^^ '^*"r P*" ^^ would be reUined by the hp«f .« ^ ^l"°7 P*"" "^^^^^ ^»»wb cows this would make a di-C^^^^^^^^ /'' '^''"^ °' ^^'^ trifiiiran:e:;^-t7£^^^^^ SEPARATOR CREAMERY-DESCRIPTION OP PLAN. A. B. C. D. E. Workinfi:rooin, 20x30. JBoiler-room, 12 x 16. Weighing platform, 4x8. Ice house, 10 x 16, Store rocm, 10 x 16. 1. Receiving vat (elevat- ed 3 ft., or by using pump It may sit on floor). 2. Separator. 3. Cream vat. 4. Churn. 6. Worker. 6. Water tank overhead. 7. Babcook tester. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Skim-milk vated). Cold and boxes. Buttermilk tank. Boiler. Engine. ■"•■«'? vt oiiniiiajr. Gutter. tank (ele- hot water I 11 ovement of JyU cents one-half of * the value 9f the past les in price )at Britain ity— hence butter r y and that D supplies the Dairy inje;>t was allow pan» >8 pounds i-milk and 7 pounds ; Thus 2.82 r. These ter. The w pan 12 od, which rd of ten m method y sending obtained to make PLAN OP A SEPARATOR CREAMERY. Capacity, 6oo Cows. 14 <=-i © 1 a jTl •~ 71 ■»1 11 r. . tank (ele- iot vater tanki tiug. I D 12 PLAN OF CREAMERY ON CREAM-GATHERING PRINCIPLE. OAPAoirr, 500 to 700 Cows. 18 1 Jovpr«/^ fiw,:,, A. Covered drive way. 8 ft*™ ^'^*'^°"» '"8ed 0. Chuminfir floor. A>. Ice house. E. Engine and boiler loom. 1. Platform for delivery 2. Cream vata. J»- Onurn. 4. Steps to platform. 0. oteps to storeroom un derneath. 6» Worker. ,• 7. Salt table. 8. Oil test chum. in « 9* water. 10. Cold water. JiJd^ water tank ele- 13. Boiler. Desk. ' Gutter. Ijine of shafting. • iJrain from ice house. inS^*""'^*°''Ja°tone blant two Tnches to gutter to St rnrit:.^f S ^^]; S^Sr^^f ^ to e3.000 according arrangement of a cfeamery forl^l'''!^^^ simple plana for tife' for working on the cream -gathering dan ° V^.t "^P'^'^'^^ P'*-^ and milk 18 drawn sweet to the%reSv th« "" '''^ ^^'^'^^ t^e whole a separator and the sweet skim mUk t^LnT ** °."^" ^«"^°^ed by milk IS creamed at home and the cr^am on?v K °'"'.i ^^ *•>« °ther the all things considered the senamM. ^ '°"8^* *° t^e creamery $2 500 to $3,000 will buuVaSCuio'LTT^^' *° ^ P^eS.' with separator. The territory of Tv^cl ' '^"'^ ''^^" ^ ^'•«a°>«ry having skimming stations to which mK^'^ T^ ^" ^^'^^ged by mg locality. The cream is separated at th«T*-^''°"* *^« '"^"onnl to the central creamery to S cWd ^ 'lu^« *^^ *^«« taken other Stat ons. The equipment for each «T? ^'*^ '^' '''^"^ from less than for a complete creamfirv/i.w.^^'™'"*"^ «'ation will be the cost of labor will be TeTsfJ* •/ ^"*^'' ^"^ «" be uniform and established. This is in' ^ie^'jj?^ -^J oreamerres'were successful manufacturing induatZ ^t ^^t^^^ft^ioda of the most Si?^*'""- .?^ ^^--ery at St llba?s Vt ??i^^°" ^°^°g tried this way. The milk is separated at 59 Hiff!"' V'®,"-'" «°^ducted in throughout the state ; thV cr^nf if^^f^'i^^^^^i'^m^ stations rail and 2.000.000 pounds of b?te";:rera?eV°I8^9^^ Albans by cherraiin^1,t;t.5-?:?j;*V-L^-^^^^ thewinf..,-. . to make alterations in"the'fecto7/Sin^* ''^"Ir.r* '^bout $250 appliances for butter-making ^ Tben ohk^^"* ^^l^ *° P^' in the the summer and butter durifg iheZ£ '*'' ^ '"^^^ ^""n« u What will it coat to equip a Factory? FJi^Jo^rirl'^*®'"®'*'*.**''® *^® approximate cost of equipment. From $60 to 875 more may be allowed for extras. ^ ** Cheese Factobt Odtpit for 500 Cows, Exclusive op Boildinos. Bciler and engine •onn nn Two 600.gallon vata *^^ One W-hoopFraser gang press '.W'.'.'.'.W a^ nn One e-gang upright press.. ::; rQ S One 14-foot curd sink :.... Sr JS One 8001b scale, double beam ■.:'.;:::::: m 00 One 60-gallon weigh can "^ x2 Milk conductor, head and pipe i Si Two curd knives -| °" One 24.bottle Babcock tester «? /J: One curd mill : |g j« Steam pipe, shafting, pulleys, hangers, ete!," about .■.■.".' .■.■.;.■.■ M 00 , »727 60 Outfit for a Cbeamert on the Separator Plan for 600 Cows, exclusive of Buildings. BoUer and engine MOO no Oneseparator *iS SS Two SOO-gaUon cream vats V.*.". fffi SS One 400-gallon receiving vat ..:;:;: ^2? SS n°® tSS"fi?"°°,*'''"/° '*°'* ''«"«'• worker w uo One 8001b. scale, double beam ^|X S2 One 50 gallon weigh can.., ^ °° One conductor, head and pipe o IS One 24-bottle Babcock tester oX S Dippers, pails and thermometers ... . "7 JS Butter ladles and packer ". 2 Sx One tempering vat or heater J^VSi ^^'^:ti:^^'::^:::::::::::;E-\\\\E\v. H $1,133 60 Cream Gathering Outfit for Ta ^Cmamert of 500 Cows, Exclusive of One boiler and engine *su)i\ nn Two 300.gaUon criam vats :.... *?^ ^0 R°® tK f^'"° °*>"™ »°« P"vate individual, run- s Jk factories" For^Th^ertt^tS^^^^^^ 2 J cents per pound, the patrons deliv«r,-n» tL mu ? ^^ ^^^ *<> the factory, thus becoming owners of th^h^ SF ^ '? *"** ®^"P port than if U ii''o;n1^T/.:L"r r'*"^ *» «'" " ""^^ •»" «i«g «pe«««, coat „«^^ Z ^ ^'" •"" Wing ro-- Mooeed M niWM^ iTX !^S " *» J'ighbotfcood likely to 2Daiiy u ffow may a Dairy Company bwome incorporated t An Aor TO pbovid. «,k thk inoohpobation op Chebk and Borr,B Manu- KACTURiNo Associations. m dupl cte. .and fill in the offir5ThrrST^TlI«°*' °'. ^"'i^ "^^ *^« P««« the business is to be carried on a clrHfinlf? 1 "Z- *"«.'eK|8t'-y division in which the schedule to this Act?S to the^ame effL^^^«tV"^' '\'^li!''"^, mentioned i„ tioM, signed by .noh pewons res^tfvdy ' *^***''*' '''*** *•»* ™'«« »»<* «>»">» wi|is?|X:a£&^t^^^^^^^^ authorized to take affidavits, or h.foX'^'^^lil.To^^Jl^;,^^^^^^ il&Sl SireVfedTl'SSte"?^^^^^^^ "»« ".t-i-" o^ the ■TA.. f« K->ij u i-_ J »""* *^rporate, oy tne name thernm rfcanriiui^ .^uk i.i.- -Bociation shaU i^o"o^e'»"b;iy',;;;;'^Strbv thl'nfml^^^^ *> "ri^" «* the ch lands MN»^rea^i2e^Vnrfh!r"®*^"?^ -HUB as we required for the convenient management of their power to hold such business. ce Ali! eSltTon^teh^lg&a^c'ail^^^^^ '^ '^f P?" ^ «'"^ ^''^ rules, certifieates of the other Hi,nli«i»l.i?^-''t*® »nd upon the duplicate of the date of filing, ^dJXm^^rtii^^uh'^'l^^^'' ^^ '" *"« o^ce, with the stated thereS. «d ort^eTnSrSS'ofthe J^raTon^''''" *"''"*=« '' **»« ^'^'- othSr^ifaS^^t^^fi^rf ?£"„3rZ,^ "P^J'd. altered or amended by new rule shall have a^y^^Tor efilS^In *^' P-'Pf". Provided no sucS president or other head offi^rVS^t^l?!n^Pf ' KP""*? ''^ *•>« »ffi fii««eir name, to Pt.^, owner, or board^f nJJ^SSnt who 25!?:i'rb.Sifci,^ *''"**^ '»" •^^ H » or the ownw"r m'Mli""v3y:„^/'"«< «"• '""d to a oheew or butter manufactor, Jn any way adulterated 'or Sv^^** T*"k"^*°*"'^' ""k diluted wUhwate^T; commonly known « • • s'klS S .r,^ «"^ ^re*". ha., been Ukenro^^ifk' owner or manager of such chce^ or hTff!^ '*'**?°''y °"*'fyJn»Jy known ^ to 4?he^erbmt°;r miiuSr/or ih J"""^*''' "«»"- -"PP"-. bring, or «,„d. g«tu.ed. the milk of cowr»hK tCc^^^^^^^^^ back any part of the milk Cthout distTncMv JjT^ dealing and busineHs.kwp or the ?XTm«il:?taf ^li'Sf^ '' T*^ '° " <"'««« «' butter manuf^rtorv I»rtly «>ur. witho^KiSlTnljt^fybi^in w*,^"'*'^;^*"^ "'"^ that" Uii^T; cheeae or butter m«ufactory«;frSbebg^aS| ^^^l^^; "onager oflic" ;;g. supplying, bringing oSjTnte-^llk^h^rti^'l^^^^^^^^ f4'i^"'pf^i:^&g^Z&^^^^^^ a^ent. violate, any of the justice or justices of the K Eforf«iA«'i"^"''°"*'<'*'°n thereof before an v more than $50, together wfth^hpcoSs^f r^-^t?* ""•" "1 °«* '««« than $6 nor justice or justice., and in default nf«i„^ prosecution, m the discretion of .uch ta to be commuted to tSe^mmon'^wS of' th« T^.P^^'^^y and costs" shall be period not exceeding six month.?unl^ th„ L • J*^*'"?*^' ^ith hard labor, for any •ame be sooner paid! ' ""'*" *''* ""<^ Penalty »nd the cost, of enforcing toryVreq^lJe'The o!S/r o^^^^^^^^ «'• "heese or butter manufac- bought for or supplied or sent to \h»««*y ooworcow. whose milk is So- his Farm, or mherV7m°L^ where suo^rnw!*"'"'^' *«,'»'bmit such cow or cows at per«,n. named by su.hTner or r^lSaZTmTI^^ ^^^' ^ ^^^^ ™''k t^l b{ Ifa? *o r^'tain the quantity and q3 of^hf "^.t" f^^^^^ for the sa.d ^,! day, and at such time on any such dav as mav h^ r^i^°*f?^J' °*'^ ""■ "o^., on Vnv ger, and in case the owner or cusSian of th^„y °J^ by aaid owner or mana^ obstructs in the execution thereof fK-^-T ^ cow. refuse, to bo submit them or '^^l'*'^'>,^»^^^^SZln%'T^^ ««W»«the milk ft Z result, he shall, ou comolaint Wnt- .^-i ^i- * ,' t**t» or the application of iJ discretion of the lu8ti.« or <„»"»„ °°r..*"' than 110 nor more than ftloo {« ♦Hs together with the Sost. of "the Dro^n"tinn '''irr"^!?'^"^"^^ ^«*' woh 'oompiaint of such penalty and cost. ahMh^UM^^^^'"^^'^' "d in default of pa\mTnt «ce or justioef of the peice to Se Loml«n^ committed by such convteffius' for any period not exceSfng sS month* or S ^iA^'' ^ll"*^' *'*»> h^S fabSr fonaog same be soonw pwd. "°°"'»« »' «ata said penalty and the costs of jml Si ! *r^ P^fZ^i^Sii^nt^ of!,»u«„„j,r ?{,i. Act. to e^?er «[Z ^''T^« ""ilk uii'>.n the nrZi^'T*!.*.'' V"^' f«n. ftud «uoh *nL^" "^ "'*"" '" »« ai.ii.,int •aiiBples of mill, f„,,„ .1"" ■"■I'wted |)er«>n, w th or witlw., .. MCti peraoo week, 8r»uge, A« Act xo a«««x> Th. o«ta«.o Jo,nt S«>ok Compan- Patknt Aer. ^«fAN TTER MAJESTY, by and with ♦!.« ^ ' I<*"rTWt8 a. Wulative 1 A «n«, • ''"'"*"°'»"o.eDact«aa follows- "«««'««ve 'n tea Chan O «8 OONOLUaiONS. per Mnt ' ""* ""s"* »"'v« fiilien lest. rsrL"re'xp»r K V-- 'u.?:.'''ts united SUteeUeZe'S SeTe^ ""'"«^'°» "" « "' 'h': ar»>^nLLt1?:Lc\"l':ri3e'n/„'l r ^^'""' »"''<" over 5 oente Mr lb Zl 'than fhe'n,.*? S"^*^" "«™«" exports to Britain therefore <,o„.^^ ')*'""' «P°>-'e. Our Inferior quality. "'^"'oie oonaiat largely of butter of int'S"e%'rerwo''uM ZeTZj^ """^V"^ '"■«-' <>' butter of uniform quallt? Wh t^l '°'°"°' °' "'»"' "l «» for export, an. wo'ula J.^v^ noSS,SS>rf,S":Sr ■"" hoL'^s;. "'aSsrsffrr gr*rbuT'"' c" """^ ""«° - work Of making ani maSeUnl^ th^^"" ' *«y "« »»ved the returns oome quickly *' "^ "* '^'^ '" <»en an»«'-''">« i- made per he^' ^ tjS mM L**',*^"^ 'S'"* <" ""'"" Whereas Leeds. Oren,?lle"rd SS^ '^^0°^^^^,^.= wl^t^^^uSrf-S.e'^hrpeTirb^fn'-r'" "-■"*• i?.^_«^."? ""'ton also we'Tmrit°U"K°^r.!°??««i ^re'^^SbofsUh r «>»"«""' ''""■ *«"^°* oJ xh. outio,s?^°^*j'ij ontSs;' t?" °; '"«V'"*<«* >«»