IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 2.5 ^ 'ilM Urn ? lAa ilM 11:25 lllll 1.4 L6 Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V ,v ^^ \\ »<.' itti«K.a«l| No I H3S (Sir PHILLIPS A SMITH * PRINTERS NO. 3 COURT STEEET TORONTO 423 w 464 H u > r-f^ L 1 S 1 )f some of the Valuable and Scarce Books contained in this Catalogue. 35 Bouchettf. Britisli Dominions in Norlli America. .$ 46 Burns, Robert. The Works of 61 Cartier, Jacques. Voyages .^. . 88 Corniiill Magazine. Vols 1-9 |i68 Gourlay, Robert. Statistical Account of Upper Canada 186 Haw ins' Picture of Quebec 192 Hind, H. Y. Explorations in Labrador 207 Irving, Washington. Complete Works 240 Maseres, Francis. Works of 28S Portlock, Nathaniel. Vo\age 306 Relations des Jesuites 328 Report State Trials at Montreal 338 Richardson, Major. War 1812 373 Smith, William. History Canada 395 Theodat, Gabriel Sagard. Histoire Canada 402 Transactions Literary and Historical Society of ot Quebec. Vols 1-2 |22 Winterl>otham, W. Historical View U. S. 4 Vols. 423 Winthrop, John. History New England. 2 vols. 464 Hubbard, William. New England Wars 10 00 6 00 10 00 18 CO 20 00 10 ( 10 uo 10 t'O 25 00 6 00 22 50 10 00 6 50 25 00 15 CO 6 00 6 00 L5 00 20 00 "O 3 A 6 Add C 7 Add o 8 Alis S( S E y Ame U 10 Ann n( 6j 11 Anni li( 12 13 Ann) CATALOGUE. i/^CTS and Proceedings of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of ^^ Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland. Sessions 20. I "49 I 21, 1050 24. '«5^; Toronto. Demy 8vo, paper Sessions 20, 1849; 24 Montreal. Sessions 24, 1853. 25. 1S54 ; 29, Montreal. i«57; 42. Kingston. 18O9; 43, 1870. 1-25 1853 ; 29. 1857. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 50 37 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1853. 25 Session 38. Begun at Toronto Gth fune, 1866. 96 pp. Demv 8vo paper. Kmgston. 1866. . ^ 1 1 ^'"v f'vo, — - Session 40. Begun at Kingston 2ncl June, i868. iis pd Demv 8vo, paper. Kingston. 1868. ^^' '; 25 6 Address of the Constitutional Reform Association to the People of Unner Canada, 48 pp. Royal 8vo, paper. Toronto, i860. Impn-/,ct 30 7 Address. The, of the Hon. John Thorn, to the free and enlightened electors of Splashville Centre, as originally composed and written, s PP Post 8vo, paper. -^ *,^' 8 Alison (Archibald LL.D.). The Life of John Duke of Marlborough, with some account of his contemporaries a,id of the war of the succession becond edition, greatly enlarged. Wi.h portraits. 2 vols. Half calf Edinburgh. 1852. ^^,^ y Amey ( Kdward). Farm Life as it shoul ' i ;, and farm labourers' and ser- vant girls grievances, also rules of th.-. ,)rop.,,sed Agricultural Labourers' Unior. 46 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. ,5 lo Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns. By Thomas Hamilton, Esq A new edition, revised and augmented by Frederick Hardman, Esq. ^14 + 650 pp. Demy 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh. 1849. ^ 250 Annuaire de Ville-Marie origine, utilite et progr^s des institutions Catho- liques de Montreal. Premiere annee, 1863. 192 po. Demv .s,.^ paper. Montreal. 1864. . " ".q Premiere partie. Demy 8vo, paper. Montreal. 1863-1877. 50 Annual Report of the Chief Constable of the City of Toronto for the year 1885. 11 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 35 II 12 13 CATALOGUE. i6 «i Archives Dm n »>'i>. ""eraire cl'^.f \ ^;,«;. /^onference pro„o„e.:e . „ , "^" 15 PD I)Pm„ u -^ ^-'ctobre, ih-,, ■> , '^ '* convent on 5 pp. JJemySvo paper. g„ebec. ThIj. \"'" ^''^'"« ''• Turcotu' 5f' IS W 'he month of the rV ^'T^V''« "^ 'he Arctic LinH r .- Arctic Oce,., in fl,''^ ^*'-'^'' ^^'^^r. ancl a on^ ^i ^''■pe^''-tion t(; '"•-vp and plate "■ "olr/"'''''' '"^-^' ^^M and xhT n "^''"'^' "^ 'he- ^3 Backwoods of CanaH^?''- '""'°"- ''^' ^"-'•ated by a Arctic Re.ri;""^,^^°>'f^'«s of Discovery anr! V , ^"^ command ofTL I"" ^'^^ y^^' i«rH to Ihe n.» '^^•'■^'' ^^ithin the search o^ a orth "^'■*' "^"'''' "^cers en^joJIf f"' '""^' "n ,. , ' ^'""clon. i,s^5. ' ' i*"/' paper! Londo'r^'' •^- '^"'^ ^^^^ ^-us of the Past ,, ,. ;''" • A'^ nn. i6mo, 23 32 pp. ^7 ^S •!J ,P 38 ceip., and ICxpendit.,n 3 'St December, iHy, 35 'ty of Toronto, for tht '^^my Hvo, paper. Ls jry work Ci Chamberlain (A. F H \ \ vt of the Missis,sa,uas; 'r^en.yZ' ^^i'r' '^TV-U'"'^'^"-' --'^ Beli. ^>7 Tales of H, A^- . ^ ' P^P*"'" ^^-^bncige. 188H. ales of the M.ssissaguas. 8 pp. Demv 8vn nH Chamberlain (Rt Hon r u ^ ' ^'P^'- J 70 Charge. A, delivered to the Cl^rc r ,. -^'^ Visitation on TiiP'Ha;, V ^^^^^^Y of the Diocesp nf r 5'- 71 Char e f ^"ronto. i860. SF:*:? -?ioii^on, ?n!)^!e^-!JT:^i' t?J^- Synod, Report of the 5 ". 72 Charter of the New Ynrt m r Paper. Toronto. 1R70 5'^ -7, nk , ••" °vu, Cloth. Edinbiir^rh 00 ^''- second 74 Chewett (VV. C & Co 'si r ^umoiirgh. 1880. ^ ^^ 77 Church of EnelanH t? ,. Tr I'" 79 Cobbett (William). AYeaf, r„-, '-"o X.50 Er All Const Pa by lis cia Kii Coopj con nin iH; Cornh Vu Creed Cumb dei Gn Cunn: mo © iHfl CATALOGUE. ilaire ,Ie retablissemerf pp. Demy Hvo, papej y. Customs, and Belie '■idge. 1888. 'o, paper. ncfi Treaty and Reo Commons, on Frida\ >"■ 1881. ■ .i' ! ^^ 'a motion, censur le Louis J^iel. 35 pj, '^,°( 'Toronto, at th Td Bishop of Toronto 5'- vnod. Report of th It fcpiscopal Divinity loronto. 1879, 25 loD Telegraoh Com- '■nt of Newfoundland man Village. Second 1868-9. Contain in.r 1 •habetical directory , ''7 3 by a map of the . 1. 00 ' and patrons of the lored plates. 8 pp. 35 erNo. 3. Ritualists ° PP- Crown 8vo, 25 Montreal. March, 50 Life nf the Hon. 1 paper. Montreal. United States of t^cap 8vo, boards, X.50 Cobbett (William). Letter-s on the Late War between the United States and Great T^ritain ; together with other miscellaneous writings on the same subject. 407 | p. Post 8vo, sheep. New York. 1815. 2.50 Cochrane (Thomas. Lord), The [.ife of. Tenth Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B.. completing the " Autobiographv of a beaman." By Thomas, eleventh Earl of Dundonald, and H. R. Fox Bourne. Demy Hvo, . cloth. 2 vols. London. 1869. ' 400 Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886. A Revelation of Canada's Progress and Resources. Extracts from British and Colonial Journals. With map. Ho pp. Demy 8vo. paper. Ottawa. 1887. 35 Commercial Reciprocity between the United States and the British North American Provinces. Memorandum of the British Plenipoten- tiaries. Full text of the Old Reciprocity Treaty oi 1854. Full text of the proposed New Treaty. 50 pp. 1 )emy 8vo, paper. Commercial Union, Hvo, paper. ■ With Canada A Study. By a Ouebec Liberal. 15 pp. from 5" ('rowii 35 a United States Point of View, Speech of Erastus Wiman before the Commercial Bodies of Detroit anrl Buffalo, \ugust 27 and 30, 1887. 37 pp. Crown Hvo. paper. New York. 30 Constitutions of the .-Vntient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, Part the second. Containing the charges, regulations, etc. Published by the authority of the L'nit'ed Grand Lodge, by William Williams, Eoi]. First Canadian edition. Republished by order of the Provin- cial Grand Lodge of Upper Canada. g6 pp. Post 8vo, half calf. Kingston. 1823. 2.00 Cooper (T. T ). Travels of a Pioneer of Commerce in Pigtail and Petti- coats : or, an Overland Journey from China towards India. With map and illustrations. 15 1 475 pp. Demy 8vo, cloih. London. 1871. 2.25 Cornhill Magazine, The. Edited by Thackery. With many illustrations Vols I to g. Demy 8vo, half morocco. London. 18G0-65. 18.00 Creed of Free Trade, The. 21 pp. Royal 8vo, paper. 35 Cumberland (Fred. W,). Railways to Grey : being a letter to th-e war- den, reeves and deplity reeves of the South Riding of the County of Grey. With map. 33 pp. Crown Hvo, papdr 1 oronto. 1867. 50 Cunningham (Sir Henry Stewart, K.C.LE.). Wheat and Tares. A modern stor_r. 74.280 pp. Crny.'n 8vo, cloth. I^ondor, iRqc © ARROCH (John, A.M.). Caraid A'Ghaidheil. A Discourse on the life of the late Rev. Norman Macleod, D.D,, delivered in St. Col- umbia Church, Locheil, Glengarry, Canada, on the 19th April, 1863. 42 pp. Crown 8vo, paper- Glasgow. 1863. 50 8 ''' ^^Zl ^^''^■''^^' Flood! CATALOGUE. t^P Koyal .Svo, paper. Ottawa. i«o„ °" ^^e 30th April making more effecTu.| nr """""''^ '" t^e year ryy of Quebec. Drawi SnT"''"'^" ^^^^ "^^ GoierLen;^' 7 \^ ^'1' ^^"1 Cavendish. Bar V/w r! 'K^'^^ of thrS M^ '''|.^^rovince of Canada. i- + ,oTnn nP'"^''"'^'^'^ by I wSi^ '?^.^''' "^n^ e Cosson IE. A v t, r^ r. . _. ^-ondon. is^o. 9G De Cosson (E the Co vols. Demy Svo'c/olh -••■opia i-ondon. 1877, nistorique.) 80 — "iic. n. visit tf> ^h map and illu-strations. 30( 97 De La Bruere m. u ' '^7; ' ^ St. Hyacinth*'. 09 no III Doi G i\ Doi i; P' Dra L C Dui ]V1 iOI J^J^J pp. Demy 8vo n-m^.- 5clii2 ^00 De Omnibus Rebus of Lv ilUist London. 1888"! Demy 8vo, pape'r'^ ' P' Demy Svo nana- 75 36 pp. ro2 Dixon (B. H merl Th r , ^6mo! paper"^Tlromo' X' ^"^P^- The East 113 114 115 116 117 Edv IVl Eg> G m Ci Eig: th iG Ele^ Sc 10 End Di op Pr D( Eng vii Estates' Act. A Speed ada on the 30th IT* CATALOGUE. Lpril ind between the lattel with ""^-P" ^'"••'J' with a prehminarv and ■van Exploring Hxpedil ^"d plates. 2 vols in, I 2.0 1774, on the Bill f(. »ent of the Provinc, "fht. U-ith a ma nclon. 1S39. 3.0,' ilue x\ile. A Visit to 'ap and illustrations. domination Anglaise "'■ -">t. Hyacinthe. 7.5 ^n England and her; alsoa fu], «i essayist. 80 pp. 50 J.Raid on Fort Erie ■■'h plans. 92 pp 2.50 f^'.'"Rson the Road enors ■■ With ico I>emy 8vo, paper. |f the Chief Super- >emy 8vo. paper. 75 .36 pp. 45 /h« Twenty-four ^^ ■ '.t tijc anuiial ^ew York, Janu- /««7. 35 ntories to settle- 75 06 Pfayer. Dominion of Canada. A Guide Book containing information for in- tending settlers. Seventh edition. With numerous illustrations. 12 + 159 PP- Demy 8vo, paper. Otta-va. iHHO. 30 The Province of Manitoba and North-West Territory. Informa- tion for intending immi<;rants. With map and illustrations. 2'> pp Demy 8vo, paper. Ottawa. 1879. L 07 Don Quichotte Montrealais, Le sur sa Rossinante ou M. Dessaulles et la Grande Guerre Ecclesiastique par Luigi. loi pp. Post Hvo, paper Montreal. 1873. To h>8 Doran (Dr., F.S..\.). " Mann " and Manners at the Court of Florence 1740-1786, FoiindeJ on the letters of Horace Mann to Horace Wal- pole. 2 vols. Demy Hvo, cloth. London. 1S76. 4.00 09 Drapeau (Stanislas). Observations sur la Brochure de MM. les abbes Laverdiere et Casgrain relativement a la Decouverte du Tombeau de Champlain. 28 pp. Post 8vc, paper. Quebec. 1866. 50 ji 10 Dumas (Alexandre, Jr.). From the French of the " Demi-Monde." By Mrs. E. G, Squier. :64 pp. Crown 8vo, paper. Philadelphia. 1858. 75 111 ®DGAR (James D.). The Commercial Independence of Canada. ^ An address de'ivered 26th January, 1883, to the Reform Associa- tion of Centre Toronto, on " The Eight of Canada to make her own Commercial Treaties." 16 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 35 112 Education Department, Ontario. Speeches of the Hon. Adam Crooks Minister of Education. 16 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1879. 35 II j Egypt and the Soudanr. Speech delivered by the Right Hon W E Gladstone, M. P., in the House of Commons, on the vote of censure moved by Sir Stafford Northcote, MP., February 12th, 1884. ^i pp Crown 8vo, paper. London. fc Eighth Annual Report of the Woman's P\.reign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. With frontispiece. 8 + 61 pp i6mo, paper. Toronto. 1884. ^i^ 115 Eleventh Annual Report of the Local Superintendent of the Public Schools of the City of Toronto for the year ending December 31 i860 loi pp. Demy 8vo; paper. Toronto. 1870. 30 116 Endowments of the Church of Scotland in Canada. Evidence of Mr. Douglas Brymner before the Senate Committee on Private Bills in oppositiun to the hills for iransferring the said endowments to 'the Presbyterian Church in Canada, 24th and 26th April, 1882. 42 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1883. 3- Engineering Society. 1885-6. A School of Practical Science, Pro- vince ot Ontario. 43 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1887. 30 114 117 lO CATALOGUE. ir.S England and Ireland a i . •'^- J- Bray. - . ..v-di. iOf5Q. -> "■/• 30 pp iicj Exposure of »-Vi« iiif ^^1 45 1^0 .J3>'AMILY Library The T. r . The Life of LoS Ne!soJXl« Land. 24 Crowu 8vo, cich, uaopened.^Londo"^ T" " ""'^ ''«"'""'• ^8 Pp • ■"'Juuun. 1870. 127 Fieldine menrv^ tu a j r Roscoe's Nnucll... r .-1 1832, Roscoe's Novelist Library. 1.50 Withillustra- on. 2.50 ..01 i^iurary. 2.5c 128 Fifty-first Annual Report of the qt a ^ , Nov. 30, 1886, to Nov ,0 rft£ '^"^rew's Society of Toronto from 24rno, paper. Toronto. 'r'ssg 7' "''^ '^^^^ ^^ "ffcL and member? X29 Finances of Canada. Budget .Wch deliverei • . ^ '' paper. Ottawa. 1877. finance. 43 pp. jy^^^ g^^^ 50 CATALOGUE. II ''^- J Bray. 30 pp 351 ^ ^^^^""^s contained < - Keform Party. ]jy ■'o, paper. Toronto 45 ron. By John Gait y.tfq.,LL.D. The f islam, and of the 5h. A.M., The Life •J- Williams, A.M Niagara. 1831. 2.50 erary, of the Taylor 2 vols. Crown 8vo, 2 00 ' 315 pp. Crown 1.50 iges. Chapters re- '2 + 76 pp. Crown 30 the Land. 24 pp 30 i o^-'i. 1866. 95 pp. 2.00 Hie author and an vignette. 288 pp. 1.50 s. With illustra- - cloth. London. | 2.50 of Toronto, from s and members. 25 * House of Com- 7. by the Hon. i^P. Demy 8vo, 50 I130 131 [132 Finances of Canada. Budget Speech delivered by Sir S. L. Tilley, Minister of Finance, House of Commons, 3rd March, 1885. 84 pp Demy 8vo, paper. Ottawa. 1885. |g Financial Reform Almanack, The, for 1882. A vade mecum for fiscal reformers, free traders, politicians, public speakers and writers and the public generally. Containing elaborately-tabulated statistical in- formation. 200 pp. Royal 8vo, paper. London. 35 i8*^3- 200 pp. Royal 8vo, paper. Loudon. 1884. 4 r 200 pp. Koya 8vo, paper. London. 35 35 I3("' V37 paper 134 First Annual Report of the Local Sunerinteiulent of the Public Schools of the City of Toronto, for (he year ending December 31, i8sQ. 60 nn Demy Svo, paper. Toronto, i860. ^o 135 Fitzgerald (James Edward). An Examination of the Charter and Pio- ceedmgs of the Hud;;on',', Bay Company, with reference to the ^rant of Vancouver's Island. With map. 15+2(^3 pu. Fcap Svo, clotb. London. 1840. ^-' 1. 00 Foresters, The. By the author of "Lights and Shadows of Scottish Lite. The second edition. 413 pp Post 8vo, cloth. E,linburgh 1825. " ■ -^ 1. 00 Forster (Right Hon. W. E., M.P.). Imperial Fe'- 3 vols. Crown 8vo. boards! I4r. Gait (The Hon, A T.). Canari-i • ,» ^ '' yuebec. X860. ^ ^"""^'^ • ^«49 to 1859. 44 PP. Post 8vo, paper 147 Gait (Sir Alex. T.. K. 8vo, pnper. Montreal ^^' "TT' ^-''«'"'cai1 Contributions to th^ r , . '■^■' '^•^ Operations on fhp n„„i „ ■'' ^-^ Sl^ i^a., n.^J^: ,g'°^; ^^ ^nd Bc.a.^ of Hudson. Demy 8vo, paper. Montreal. 1S85. ''''• ^^''^ '''"^trations. ^^"^ ~~; t're'iminary Renort nn »;, c r ^5 T. ' ' P^P^i^- Montreal tHh- — , „ '• ^^^^- ^o 155 Ti - - 1 f-"(^w» , ;ij ^' tit real tHM - '^'^ ^"~ Report on the Cvnresq Hni. «■ , ^■'' country. Hy K. G. ^fcS^e!l 1 \"v- , ^"""^ains and adjacent I^emv 8vo, paper. Montreal 18^5" ^^''^' '''"^''•^fioDs and ma^!^ ^^^ ~;7."~ ^^Port on the Geo!o-V-a' F. ■ ^^ 'VVest.uoreland Counties New Arnnl '"f °"'. °^ ^-^^'^^n Albert and 20 CATALOGUE. 13 Crown 8vo, boarcisi 3.0 pp. Post 8vo, paper. I.Oc e. G + 41PP. Dem, of the Country in t)ie| • Hpp. J)emy«v(,, ^; Alfred R. c. Sel ^ith maps and iilus- i>eniy 8vo, paper. 1-7.5 'strations and maps >. P^per. Mrntreal Canada, from the •mann. Demy 8vo. 1.5 otany of Hudson '.s \vith iilustrdtions, 15 f New Brunswick ontreal. 1885. 20 IS c{ the Counties w Brunswick. B^' ontreal. 1885. 20 f.ow. 'n Canada. 1885. 59 Geological Summary Report of the Operations of the Geological Survev I for the years 1884-18S5. Demy 8vo, paper. Montreal. 1885. 1,75 \0u Report of the Operations of the Geological and Natural Histor\ Survey to 31st December, 1885. 32 pp. Royal 8vo, paper. Ottawa 1886. J r Notes to Accompany a Geological map of the Northern portion of the Dommion of Canada, East of the Rocky Mountains. By George M. Dawson, D.S. With plan Royal Svo, paper. Montreal 18S7. 25 ICi With map 1.5 ns and adjacent tions and maps 25 .•ern Albert and ions of Cnmber- '• W. Ells, M.A 20 M)2 Report of I'rogress for 1874-73. With 320 pp. Demy 8vo, paper, 1876. maps and illustrations. 1.25 ib} Gilbert (William). De Profundis. A tale of tiie social deposits. 4 -(- 251 pp. Crown 8vo, cloth. London. 1864. 1,00 1O4 Givins (Rev. Canon). In Memoriam. An .Address delivered in St. I'eter's Church, Cobourg, on Thursday, Tebruary (3th, 1879, at the inttirment of the remains of the Ri'.;ht Rev. .A. N. r>ethune, D.D. AKso two sermons. Crown 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1879. ' 35 165 Globe Extra. Saturday afternoon, June 9, 1866. Is.sued during the Fenian Invasion. 30 i(>6 Gordon (Hon. Arthur Hamilton, Lieutenant-Governor). Wilderness Journeys in New Brunswick, In 1862-3. ^H PP. Demy 8vo, Paper S;dnt John. 1864. 60 1167 Goudie's Perpetual Sleigh Road supersedes the railway, and is capable of carrying passengers at a rate of eighty to one hundred miles an hour. 5+90 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1874. 60 1168 Gourlay (Robert). Statistical Account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a grand system of Emigration. General introduction to Statistical Account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a grand system of emigration, in connection with a reform of the poor laws. With e;. graved maps and plates 3 vols. Demy 8vo, half calf. Lon- don. 1822. Very Jill f copy. 2000 169 Graham (Rev. William, D.D ). Presbytcrianism in England. An address to the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of England, on the 2Tst April, 1879. 16 pp. i6mo, paper. London. ^50 Grand Trunk Railway Company, The. Report of the Directors and statements of accounts. 40 pp. Post 8vo, paper. London. 1884. 30 [171 Grant (P\ W.). " The New Gospel." Is it new? and is it wanted? Being an answer to a tract entitled, '• Lay Preaching in Ireland and the New Gospel." By the Rev. William Crook. 24 pp. i8mo, paper. Toronto. 1868. or 170 In I H I I CATALOGUE. 174 Grote (Mrs.) ri.f. i> , ' '"• ^-oi'lon. 187, , 1 ov'o, Cloth. London. 1877. ^^''" 'I'l'strafions, 2 vols, 2.00| dk^ofrv^eS'wfet""""'"!"" Instances- „ . . '-'^ cloth. u>Jol'- ,':^!' '""">p-- Lrreech""?;;;: t?^^l;-,aid, Hallam (John), a Bri^f q, . r -so Toronto from iLt"7snn^"?l"' °^ Vlunicipal Tax Lv. • personal propem tn f K ?t ' "^ ^n open letter on fL ^'•^«'"P''ons in Toronto. ' .s^^^'^ ^° ^^« """• Oliver IvTowat !s pp" Den^fr"'""^ "^ tR-, u- ' ' -^"^"^y ovo, paper. i«2 Hargrave (Joseph James F R r q . r 5o cloth. MontrLl.J.S;^-^-^''^-^- ^^^^ ^iver. 306 pp. pemy 8vo i»3 Harvard (Rev W \f ) r^ , 2 on -C.H., Governor.,, pp., p^^rQ^SS"'' ?;«-.= 179 180 181 10 J Hev m If)I Hin to T(~i'> cu CATALOGUE. 15 'fRa residence there i»o, 111 political relation 2-5 "'cal remarks on \v 'V Aiexancier Bain I'Ondon. 1873. 2.s, ;oje. Compiled fron, 'K'"'i letters to and 2.00I 1 religieuse les rare per. Paris. 1877. f>o illi'strations, 2 vo]s.|rt,j 2.00 80 '^7 88 Canadian Roard o; at the general meet *ce, Toronto, Wed- Toronto. 1874. 50 1 % the author of by Leech. 3^4 pp. ' 2.00 By th 3 author ol '• cloth London, 1.50 ; or, what he said, ' PP- Crown 8vo, 1.50 3x Lxemptions in the assessment of Demy 8vo, paper. 50 ' pp. Demy 8vo, 2.00 lectfuUy offered '1 and funded) of ^'"cy Sir George 2.00 ency Sir George '^- i«39. r.50 Ikjj 191 11)2 193 194 Haultain (T. Arnold, M. A,). The War in the Soudan and the which led to it, with short biographical sketches of principal person- ages engaged. With uuinerous illustrations and map. 137 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1HS5. 35 Hawkins's Picture of Quebec ; with Historical Recollections. With 13 plates II +477 pp. Fcap 8vo, half calf, yuebec, 1834 10.00 Head (Sir Francis B., Hart.). The Emigrant. 6 + 441 pp. Crown 8vo, half calf. London. 1846. 2.00 Hearne (Samuel). Journey from I'rinceof Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the Ncrthern Ocean, undertaken by order (>f the Hudson's B;iy Company for the discovery of copper mines, a North West Passage, etc., in the years 1769, 1770, 1771, and 1772. With engraved maps and plates. 459 pp. Crown 8vo, calf. Dublin. 1796. 3,00 Heatherington (A.). The >fining Industries of Nova Scotia, comprising a review of the gold yield from the first working of the gold mines ii. i860, to the close of the year 1873. 28 pp. Royal 8vo, paper. Lon- don. 1874. Hewson (General \l. Butt). The map. 8+56 pp. Demy 8vo, paper Hind (H, Y., Esq., M.A.). Essay on the lusects and Diseases injurious to the Wheat Crops. Awarded the first prize by the Bureau of Agri- culture. With illustrations. 139 pp. Post 8vo, cloth. Toronto 1857. 75 Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, the country of the Montagnaib and Nasquapee Indians. vVith 12 chromo- lithographs, numerous woodcuts, and maps. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, cloth, gilc edges. London. 1863. 10.00 Hodgins (J • George, LL.D,). Special Report to the Honourable the Mmister of Education, on the Ontario Educational Exhibit, and the educational features of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876. With numerous illustr-'.tions. 64- 30C pp. Royal 8vo, cloth. Toronto. 1877. " j -o Hints and Suggestions on School Architecture and Hygiene, plans and illustrations. 135 pp. Royal 8vo, 'paper. 50 Canadian Pacific Railway. Toronto. 1880. 50 VVith 60 With numerous Toronto. 1886 195 Hodgson (Adam). Letters from North America, written during " tour in the United States and Canada. With engraved plans. 2 vols. Post 8vo, half calf. London. 1824. 4.50 190 Home .".nd Foreign Record of the Canada Presbyterian Church, June, 1874. I'ost 8vo, paper. Toronto. 25 197 Hook (Walter Farquhar, JXD.). " Hear the Church." A Sermon preached m the Chapel Royal, St. James' Palace, June 17, 1838. 24 pp. i2mo, paper. Col.ourg, U. C. 1839. 50 to f^M'ALtXiUE. 17 H're(;.lers. Ottawa ,/„ w,-i. alton McCarthy, M p Jesday. isth Crown Svo, patxr S (Kdward, M.P.) " The Times " and Mr. Cotter on Cana- v'ailways. A criticism of critics. 75 pp. Demy Hvo, papfr. Ion J 875, 30 I John (Hishop of I'rederictcn). A charge deli\ert> ! at his primary visita- tion held in Ciuist Church Cathedral, Frt-dericton, /VuKUst 24, 1817. 46 pp. Grown 8vo, paper. Fredericton. 1847. 75 E , S.J ). The Ciazette and Mail's Campaign against tlir Fm ttes Bill. iHrtS. 94 pp. Demy Hvo, pajier. Montre.d. 5" i Jones (A J suits' gion. and Mr. Attriir ", I 'a. 1H77. ^pij University College 'ent, John Camphtil ^P«r. i.„r| Search for Sir Johnl 'ith .short notices h\ erland on the Meteoi I t'c Sea and illustm '853. ..50, pon the Death of th., iJemy 8vo, paper. 5" c Asylum, Toronto 'ndencein full, with; ny Svo, paper. To- 75 Crown 8vo, cliJth, 10. Co e Author). 2 Skctrli Gram, ,„t' Coii.iuesi I -olunibus .,,,1, ;, 'new' 9. ..I.ihir I .. . his aptan lior.jievijl'j. zi. ' s. Post Svo, calf. 2.50 |/5jEEFEk (Tho.s. C). I'hilosophy of Railroads, published |\ retjuest of the directors of the Montreal and Machine llai Third edition. 40 pp. Crown Svo, paper. Montreal. 1H50 King (Richard, M.R.C.S ). Narrative of a journey to the shores Arctic Ocean, in 1833, iHyj, and 1835; under the command of Back, R.N. With four engraved plates. Crown 8vo, half calf, don. 1836. Knight (Richard I'ayne). An Annlvtical Inquiry into the Trincij Taste. The fourth edition. 476 pp. f'ost Hvo, half calf. 1 1808 2 vols. Crown 2.50 |222 rit the Iroad. . 6n of the Capt. I.on- 2.30 les of ■ndcjn. I 00 vols. 2.50 eANDMANN (Colonel). Adventures and Recollections of. Crown Hvo, cloth. London. tHs2. Stalioiuid at St. Joseph IsUiid, Lake Huron, 1798. Langelier (J C.). sur La Gaspesie. 105 pp. Demy Svo, paper. Levis. 18H4. ^o Legge (Charles). A Glance at the Victoria Bridge, and the men who built it. 153 pp. i2mo, paper. Montreal, i860. Co Le May (F.. Pamphile.). Les Vengeances. Poemo Canadien. 323 pp. Crown Hvo, paper. Quebec. 1H75. 75 Letter, A, from Major liobert Carmichael-Smyth to his friend, the at ;hor of " The Clockmaker," containing thoughts on the subject of a British Colonial Railway Communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific. With map. 8 + 66 pp. Demy Hvo, paper. London. 1849. 75 from the Lord Bishop of Toronto, to the Rev T. B, Miirrav, M.,\,, secretary of the society for promoting christian knowledge, on the subject of establishing a Church University in Upper Canada. 7 pp. Crown Svo, paper. London. 75 to th" Bishops and Clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada, from Francis Fulford, D.D, 16 pp. Demy Svo, papc; Montreal. 1862. 35 i8 CATALOGUE. vvii 224 "-" Lighlhall (W. ri., M.A.), ,„,„. , 3 •Influence Splrituell. I„H,.. ,,_. _ ■ '"9°- "7LT„fl,e„ce Spir ,„el J In ' f"^' '''°""' ■ '«!"'• ' Crown 8v„, cloth. LoS Zs""^'"" <='=»' ^rilain. 3°,^ -'''^;:r'LiStv.'""'- -■---■ -pp. crowns': '" "S;iv'^'^afera?i;, »'rs",r<-^°-^^"^'^'0'H.Be.e,. 3 J 233 Main Sewage System ir, 234 Mallett (Sir Louis C « \ i? • 3^ London. 1865. '' P'^''^^' 79 pp. Post 8vo, cloth 236 Map, A, Exhibiting .ill fh^ vt_.., n- ' -■ In t? P^"^ °f Ad^'enturers in hV f'°"l ?. >^ honorable Governor in testimony of their hberal rnm?.^"- '^^f^'^R mto Hudson's Bav Mo-LroS^sr~-=-^^^^ 4.00 Map ga thi Tc .0 Mas oti 42 Mat! Off 4G Merc thn bnr 47 Mesa pap (til I'ebriiarv, 1852 u, n of AL.jui. Kubinson . paper. Ottawa. ia68 ' ' and lay gentlemen coii ot the diocese of Huro J II and Women and othj les. 3 vols. Crown Sv( ness-Theory; or Nel 'n School of Philosonh? ■t .. 1890. ^ •' •te Religieuse et Civil 5| the Dominion of Cai pp. Demy 8.0, papei and Travel. 284 pj i.ol '»'• \^ egt, or, America* eef production and i ml Teat Britain. 331 ppj i.oq 60 pp. Crown 8voj 5f for His Belief, jappj CATALOGUE. 19 Maps appended to Report of Commissioner of Crown La"ds Part II Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Gaspe and Bonaventure, the Saguenav the bt. v.aurice, the Ottawa Country, the North Shoreof Lake Huron' Canada, Indian Territories, and Hudson's Bay. 410, cloth. Toronto' 1857. 2. CO Maps, Reports, Estimates, etc., relative to Improvements of the Navi- gatioti of the River St. Lawrence, and a proposed Canal connecting Uie River, ht. Lawrence and Lake Champlain. Folio, half roan xoronto. i8s6. 3 3.00 Marryatt (Captain). The Settlers in Canada people. 2 vols. Fcap 8vo, half roan. London. Original edition. Written 1844. for young 2.00 Maseres (Prancis). An Account of the Proceedings of the British, and other Protestant Inhabitants of the Province of Quebeck in Koni America, in order to obtain an House of Assemblv" in that Province" 294 PP- Additional I apers concerning the Province of Ouebeck beinc an appendix to the book entitled, •' An account of the proceedings of the British and other Protestant Inhabitants of the Province of Que . beck m North America, in order to obtain a House of As.sembh- in that Province. 510 pn. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, full calf. I onion i775-r776'- Very fine sd. 2^^^ With Sir James Stuart's book plate. Mason (J Herbert). Land Transfer Reform. An address delivered before the Canadic-n Institute, Toronto, December Crown 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1884. ist, 188 o- 11 Sewers Report^ • Demy 8vo, paper] ^r addressed to Mr.i le committee of the! 30) •lod to the extinctionf p. Post 8vo, cloth.f 2 . QO! he Interior parts of! ionorable Governorf into Hudson's Bay.! lieir most obedient! 1,1814. 58^x50 in, 4.00! |43 44 [45 37 PP- 35 Mather (Increase). Remarkable Providences illustrative of the earlier days of American Colonisation With introductory preface bv (ieorte Offor. With portrait. 262 pp Fcap 8vo, cloth. London, 1856. 1.50 Medley (George W.) England Under Free Trade. An address de- livered to the Sheffield Junior Liberal Association, 8th Nov r88i 35 pp. i6mo, paper. London. i88r. ' 2- The Reciprocity Craze. A tract for the times ^6 pn i5mo paper. London. 1881. * "^ " Memoirs of the Life and Gallant Exploits of the Old Highlander Ser- geant Donald Macleod, who having returned, wounded, with the corpse of General Wolfe, from Quebec, was admitted an out-pensioner of Chel- sea Hospital in 1759, and is now in his 103rd vear of his aPR o" pp Clown Svo, half roan, London. 1791. ' " ., of, Mercer (General Cavalie). Journal of the Waterloo Campaign kept throughout the Campaign of 1815. 2 vols. Crown Svo, cloth. Edin- burgh. 1870. ^^,, Mesaventures Les D'Un Avocat par Petit-Jean. 39 pp. Crown 8vo, paper. Quebec. 1882. ^J 20 CATALOGUE. pp. tcapSvo, paper. Toronto. 1H55. M'n jime, 1H55. 7, 2419 Mohr (I'M ward). To the Victor!;, K.ii-.f .w -7 , • -' from the German, bySlT'ZtJ.^^^^^^^^^ cut illustrations four rhr n. i.t ^ J """""^ ^""'P^g^ ^^ood Demy 8vo. clo^h! London. ''^;^^'>^'^^^' -^ a map. X4+462 p,, ' .50 Mongredier. (Augustus). l;Vee^ Trade ^a.d English Con.merce. N^' 10 1 and revised edition, gf, pp. i6n,o, paper. "London: i88r '^' -T-.P*^ ^Y-'-" 1-rmer in America. 30 pp. Crown 8vo, pape'r, London. 1SS2. 252 Monk (Henry VVenlwonhl How tn ,lr, i. ■ .„ r- , , ■*' ^" "svtclir-'Ne;;''^^?,'.''^"-'^"^— The Bush. 300 pp. Cr„J:| paper. Belfast! ;8?5 '' ■"»'^>«"™s- 32 Pp. Demy8v„.| jeer. Tb^T:w"^edir.r,:rttT,.'^'f;:s.'°sr8v"'r,',ti;-- London. 1780 r o&i svo, naJi calt. 258 Mountain (George, T.) Sones of th,. \v;i 1 u • Poems, written in some d^fl^r.n^ ^''^ ^^"^ '^'^''^^^^^ hemg a Collection of 259 Munro (W. F.). The Backwoods Lite. 8 + 70 nn Demv Svo '■""I Toronto. 1869. '^^79 np. uemy 8vo, paper. I 260 Mccormick (.[ohn). The Conditions of Labour and Modern Civili-' "on. 2,1 pp. Demy 8vo. uaner. Tnmnf^ .uq„ - i -uern t..uui,,„- tion. 51 261 McDonnell say. 1877 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1880 "(W.). The Day of Rest, .e pf. Demy 8vo, paper. Lind 50 262 M'Lachlan (Ale.xauder), Lyrics by. 35 onto. 1858 ^51 pp. Crown 8vo, cloth. Tor 1. 00 CATALOGUE. 21 lini.'Uer.s i ARRATIVE of the I;ispiite between th-:; Hislujp nf Ontario and the Congregation of St. George's, Kingston, relative to the Ap- pointment of Dr. Lauder. 32 pp. L)emy Svo, paper. Toronto. 1863. 50 264 " Niagara Ship Canal," The; and "Reciprocity," papers written for the " IJnffal ) Co:nmercial Advertiser," by J. D. Hayes. Esq. Together with the Speech of the Hon. Israel T. Hatch, in the convention at Detroit, July 14, 1H65. 58 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Buffalo. 1865. 60 265 NicoUs (Rev. f. H., D.Pt.). Essay on the subject of the Restoration of the Diaconate. To which is appended an essay on the same subject. By the Rev. |. Carry. 16 pp. Royal 8vo, paper. Montreal. 1863. 50 266 Norris (VV. E.). Mrs. Fenton. 2.14 pp. Fcap 8vo, cloth. New York. 1889. 50 267 North Western Ontario; its Boundaries, Resources and Communica- lions. With map. 4 + 64 pp Royal 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1879. 50 268 Notice sur L'Elclise de Notre-Dame de Montreal. Ornee de 16 gravures. Dediee aux families Canadiennes. 32 pp. Demy Svo, paper. Mont- real. 1880. 50 2C9 .NTARIO Society of Artists. Annual Exhibition, 1886. logue. With illustrations. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. Cata- 35 270 Cpen Letter, An, to the Shareholders of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., being an answer to the circular letter of Sir George Stephen, ist October, 1887. 17 pp. Crown Svo, paper. 5° 271 Ordinances and By-Laws of the Equal Rights Association for the Province of Ontario. Organized at the convention held at Toronto, lith and i2th June, 18S9. Demy Svo, paper. Toronto. 18S9. 30 272 Our Inland Commerce, a free canal policy the best guarantee for its preservation and increase. Speech of Hon. Elijah Ward, before the Members of the Chamber of Commerce, etc., in the City of New York, .March 9, 1870. 12 pp. Demy Svo, paper. New York. 1870. 50 273 P' kAQUIN (Or. Elzear). La cite du mal centre la cite du bien on le droit de la force contre la force du droit a propos de la question universitaire. 93 pp. Fcap Svo, paper. Montreal. 1881. 50 274 Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878. Handbook and Official Catalogue nf the Canadian Section. With maps and plans, iftRpp. Demy Svo, paper. London. 1878. 75 Paris Universal International Exhibition, 1878. Official Catalogue 275 of the British ish Colonies, don. 1878. Section. Parti. 85 + 280 pp. Part 2. 259 pp. With illustrations. 174 pp. Demy Svo, paper. Brit- Lon- 2.00 22 CATALOGUE. 27G Pastoral Letter tn i\. n/r , -— Church „, Can'X ;n;oS,S\Sh .i'lT"'!"' '"« ''-''y.erian 277 Patten ^Edmunf]\ \ ny ' f t^ • ^., States of A^ne;L,ti?hThe7L'^^ "^""^^ States and the Norther and falls during ihe Aut fmn of "S''- '°",^''^'''"^ '^«''- "'-rs Jats emigrant ship. ^09 pp. Sem, ^v^' ;'°''"°'"« ^o'^e account of an //-«//o//s ;;/,i,/,,^,. ^ ^^ ^emy 8vo, paper. London. 1833 /////5- 278 Patterson (Wni I 1 n <• x^ 75 279 Petroleum, Its Geolo-ica! RHpf; • 5'^' s^cr'-s- " " --■" - -4:='% pp""'..e';:a„-C" 2S0 Phillips (Chartes, A. B). Vncalion Th u '^° f o..r.., edi„„... ™,ar,i,, ,5. p^ V. nTSt^p™ ^;Pi'>l/''".-.*n.e„,. 281 Pilot and His Wife The T , . "• "*'*'■ "^5 W O. .. To.e„ha.^-i,, Jp?"?r„'r„.'et.'2r-r " ^-^ "^ "" "rrpp^-S„-^-Va''per'?'^tr=-'"--''--«- Cha.,:: 283 Plans of Various Lake Demy 8vo, paper! 50 h especial reference a to the 1 {on. Corn- et, LL.D. With a Demy 8vo, paper. 60 ^pital Punishments. London. 1S5S. 65 wegianof Jon.nsLie '^77. i.oo Railway Charters 35 l"-"^.-. mercialConventicn.hddat he a?; of n f^'"''' '"'^^niational Com paper. Hamilton. 1805 ""' '"^ ^^ ^^"^al 8vo. 304 Ref-rm Governmenf in Ontario \Jr m . ""^ of .lis admmistration. Speed, at VvLu?"t ' T'"^^' ^"^ ^'^f^-'ce 27 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Woodstock. 12th December. 187S. 305 in the Dominion. Picnir ^n^^^u^ 1 ,■ ^"^ Ontario dnrin. the Sun.^^^r J'^^^'^'^t^^Tt^^ Hon. E. Blaiz. ^- «• La Kue. i6 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. 309 Reponse de Mes'' ^^ ^^e i«83 -^^ 2oj> pp. Demyhvo, boards. Halifax. i72;;L":;;s°'/;:;^t;',r t?" ,';:,'- -;"r ^""', <-■"-<•« o^ landa at l.>„-, ,v..i,..- , ' '" '" " '"t report upon the purchase of 3" 3t2 -.- ^v...c.Lc c.p juintea to mqn re into anri r»„ ; "^"'^^', ^'iJnimntee ot lands at Port William fcr a term nis u" hi r''°" '''^ Purchase of 7 + 167 pp. Poyal Hvo, paper Ottawa "^^ o'/^"''^'''^" I'-'^cific Railway. Con.a.ns Hon. Geor«e Brown's .si.„Hn,rr. " ' "^^ ^I'a^poi^^^^^^r^:.,";,^- ^H.^ ;;; Assembly of Upper Royal 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1S39 ^'rovince 87 pp. 25 CATALOGUE. 35 ratfic and working; Evlso inland revenue H75- VVith folding; 'wa. 1876. 7:; ares, and O mmei iph Howe of X(,\;i nteinational Com t5 pp. Koyal Svo. 75 iview and defence 1 December, 1878. 35 in the Province of "1. A. MacKenzie, Huntin<,'ton, and "ito.- 1878. 50 pli's remarquable dans la N'ouvelle- 22.50 s of Mr. Goldvvin erican Colonies," By a Canadian. 60 Tieurs des soirees 'emy 8vo, paper. 33 a la lettre de P. )ljservations im- per. Montreal. 2.00 Society, for the Mrds. Halifax. 75 t Committee of the purchase of 'acific Railway. Go ■mhly of Upper oviuce 87 pp. 75 Society. 8 pp. 25 314 Report of a Public Discussion at Simcoe, July 16 and 17, 1851, on the < .lergy Reserves and Rectories, iigpp. Crown 8vo, paper. 1851. 35 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 324 325 326 327 of Proceedings before the arbitrators, in Boundaries of the Province of Ontario. G8 pp. Toronto. 1880. the matter of the Royal 8vo, paper. 35 of Sir Alexander Campbell. of treason, and executed therefor. 1885. In the case of Louis Kiel, convicted 10 pp. Royal Svo, paper. Ottawa. 50 of the Court of Directors of the Canada Company to the Propri- etors. 15 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. London. 1833. 50 of the Court of Directors of the Canada Company to the Propri- etors. 10 pp. Demy Svo, paper. London. 1839. 50 of the Court of Directors of the Canada Company to the Propri- etors. 10 pp. Crown Svo, paper. London. 1841. 50 of the Court of Directors of the Canada Company to the Propri- etors. 9 pp. Crown Svo, paper. London. 1849. 50 of the Minister of Finance y8vo,paper. Toronto !867 ^"""P"'"' ^>- ^^ '-^idlaw. ^'^' ''' "ti^^S;; rS.Ji'-'^l'IS:;-;, ^[--^^ °' !''^ '^''^^-^ ^°-^ of Trade fol appendix coniainin» S ^ , tC-K T^^'"^' ^'^^V- ^«^ 1HS4 An ronto for the years^8,4 to 88 5 S ,,i^ '^^''^ °^ ''^^ P°^' °f To loronto. 1SS4 003 inciusive. 49 pp. Demy 8vo, paper 334 Report, The, of the Debate in the Ch. r •, ^^ 2^=^'. i«53. (-:. bringi„o un t e rrnnr? ? .u°"""' °" Monday, February t.gate in reference'to^thi £i, nTof Ci vn'^'^'^' ^°"^"''"'^« 'oS. pnper. Toronto. 1853. '"'"f^ ^* ^ "y I>ebentures. g6 pp. 24mo, 335 4mo, 35 ) m ip, etc. By Messrs W T aV '^^^'^'ers Don and Koime I>emy 8v ,, paper. ^Foronto!' JssJ; '^'^^'"' '''"^^ ^^'^'^^ TuUy. .""i^p"; 336 Review, A, of tlie ■■ Address of th^ r , 35 ;>ocese of Quebec.'' Tn abetter J^^TT'^J" '^' ^^''^ of 'he chnrchman in tiie country. 62 pp )/,' ""I I churchman in town to a 337 Review of President Grant's Kece M '''"■ ^"''"- '''' '^ C -lyress, relative to .he cl:.^^,^!^^,% '^e United States St. Lawrence Kiver. 64 pp. J^oval8vo paper " ^^^''^^^^on of the 33b Richardson (Major). Operations of the Ki^ht Di, ■ • . . '° n/ V.-'","'"^ American War of is,2 r>i ^^'^''^'o" of the Army of IVcmts f,fU- p,,^,_ °' '^^•'- ^^3 pp. i2mo. half roan. 339 Ride, A, through the disturbed districts of V -. , ^'^^ some account of the Sotuh Sea 'S^^^^ N-v Zeal.nnd ; together with ournals and letters of I ieut the H ;:. ^ '''"*^ selections from the by his b,other S>.cond " iot, V t h m'"''""' "t^^^^'^' ^^'N- E^> e, paper 33 CATALOGUE. 37 rt Martial held at >f the late Kebellion itreal. iSyj. lo.^o ^d. Called hj the I rimary Charge of 2.. 1H69. 50 •e of the Church of 25 rade of Brantford '867. 6, ■s. By Sir Charles lelskold, Mr. F^itz- lived from direct y G. .Laidlaw. Ck) G5 ioard of Trade for n-. ist, 18S4. An n the Port of To- Demy 8vo, paper. 25 fonday, Februar) mmittee to inves- • 96 pp. 24mo, 35 ^Vater Supply by r>oti and Koiige, s Tully, 25 pp. 35 the Laity of the 3n in town to a uebec, 1859 65 ■ United States avigation of the 50 of the Army of mo, half roan. 6.50 : together with tions from the - I^-N. Edited istrations from "• i«7r- 2.on 341 Riel, La Veritable, tel que depeint dans .les lettres de Sa Grandeur Mgr Grandm, du Kevd. I'. Leduc, du Kevd. i". Andre, des Revds. I'eres Touze, Fourmond, Vcgreville, A.oulin et Lecoq, etc. G3 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Ai.jiitreal. 1SS7 ,i 342 343 Riel, Louis, martyr do nord-ouest. .*^a vie, son proces, sa niort, Puhlie par le joiKual La I'resse. With illustrations. 83 pp. Crown Hvo paoer. Montreal. 1S85. -o Riel Rebellion, The. 44 pp. Montreal. 1885. With numerous illustrations. 4 to, paper. 50 344 Riel. Reponse a Monsieur J. A. Chapleau par Ernest Tremblay. 80 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. St. Hyacinthe. 1885. ^ 50 345 Robertson (W. J., B.A,). .\ Brief Historical Sketch of Canadian Bank- mg and Currency, the laws relating thcre^p ^ince Confederation, and a comparison with ]3r:tish and Ameriaan Systems. 32 pp. Demy 8vo paper. Toronto. 1888. 35 346 Roebuck (J. IL). The Canadian Portfolio. Conducted by him and other friends of Canada. Crown 8vo, half roan. 1838. 4.00 347 Roger (Charles). A History of Canada from its rise from barbarism to wealth and civilisation. Volume i. 412 pp. Demy 8vo cloth Que- bec. 1856. ' ^ ^Q Only one voliimo published. 348 Ross (Alexander). The Red River Settlement : its rise, progress and present state. With somt; account of the native races and its general history to the present day. 16 + 416 pp. Crown 8vo, cloth. London. ^856. 3.00 349 Ross (Sir John, C.B.). Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1S32, 1833. Including the reports of Capt. James Clark Ross, and the Discovery of the Northern Magnetic Pole. With numerous plates and charts. 34 + 740 pp. 4to, cloth, uncut. 3.00 By the author of " Sam 8vo, cloth. New York. :.oo London. r835. 350 Rule and Misrule of the English in Slick 1851. America, the Clock-Maker." 379 pp. Crown 351 Russell (Robert). North America, its Agriculture and Climate, con- taming observations on the Agriculture and Climate of Canada, the Umted States, and the Island of Cuba. With map and charts. 390 pp. Demy 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh. 1857. 2.00 352 Ruxton (George Frederick). Life in the Far West. Second edition- 14 + 289 pp. Fcap 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh. 1851. 1,50 353 Ryerson (G. Sterling, M.D.). Color Blindness in its relation to Railway Employees and the Public. 10 pp. Crown Svo, paper. Toronto. 35 28 CATALOGUE. Joroiito, w.thaniritrocluction bv the U^'v H Pa* Hishop ol 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1858 °"' ^' P^' ^'^"^^ 357 I he Mosaic Masters- anH FTiif.h«u#»«. t- ... Ashurst. Edited by .Matilda M Havs f;. I ^^'"^ ^^ ^^''^^ '^■ I ondon. 1847. ^^ ^77 Pp. Crown 8vo, paper. 75 35S Seaver (James p:.). l^h-Rp W-. i\/r)= . Mary imison; o^he^ise^^aSTh 'w'it'e w7T' h' *'^ '''« °' captive by the Indians in i7C^ Uh^ i. Woman, who was taken eight veaVs. India barbariiesrn^.' '^""^'""«^' ^'^^h them seventv- takenfrom her ow, words iTso the r7' f"^,.*r^d'^i<^"«- Carefullv Allen. XS4PP. 24mo, board.' 'To'don^ °^^^^^^^^ 359 Sermon, A, on the f.ife, Labours and ChnrarfPr of th ^ * z, and Right Reverend John Stracharr D LI n 'r '', """O'-able loronto; and in connection witK A' ,;• u ■^•' ^'°^^ Bishop of Church, -ornwall. rrthlvene ^L A ^uf"^ ^''■*"^^" ^'emorial PP Demy 8vo, paper' MomreaT %68?'''^''°" '^^"""' '^'^ ^- ■^'- 360 preached before the Synod of thp T),-«^»e» ^r n^ ^^ of June, 1859. By the Kev'jame Bea ven D H Tr'°'''"V°° '^^ ^th paper. Toronto. 1859. J^'"'*'"' heaven, D.D. 16 pp. Crown 8vo, '"' ~^h7:ConnU';SasS^o'f^th?fiTt^'V^^°^^^^ ^""^^-^ ^-ember openinrof the ol^w Xchu^ch o ''lortTl^^^^^^^^^ of the erection and end the Lord Bishop of Toromo 120, 7^' ^^ '^^ ^\^^' ^^^•«'- 1874. ^ Toronto. 12pp. 24mo, paper. Port Hope. ^^'rn^eVft^nUVn^^^^^^^ ^-'y. Toronto, Nov- ?=• ii -™--^-n.°^^-p-^..r^HHH^ loronto. iXr..) ' ■^■^■^- ^2 pp. i2mo, paper. 364 Sewell (William). The Historv ni Vi.c t , ^^ Ihe Christian People cSleYonakeSfn/'''"''''^; ^"1 ^''^^^^^^^ "^ 'he able occurrences. ^Vrftten or ' in 'll\- i" /""''tI '"''u ''^^'^"^ '^^"'^^'^ lated by himself into S^h The fourth edU"^"''^' ^l'^ ^'^'^ ^""^- sheep. London. 1799-1800 ^ '^« '"■^"'^th edition. 2 vols. Post 8vo 300 362 3(^3 CATALOGUE. 29 du present tt de .'ue rle la colonis )uebec. 1852. Co lurch Review fn; Lord Bishop ol • 31 pp. I>em\ Translated b\ idon, 1847. ""^ ited by Eliza A. rown 8vo, paper. 75 J of the life of who was taken th them seventv- ticns. Carefiiliv o and Ebeneze'r J to lat^- Honorable Lord Bishop of ;han Memorial ton, D.C.L. .so 75 nto, on the 7th p. Crown 8vo, 35 iay, November he erection and e Right Rever- r. Port Hope. 30 Toronto, Nov- John Hillyard wn 8vo, paper, 35 'eter's Church i2mu, paper. 30 rogress of the ivernl remark .nd also trans- Is. Post Svo 3.00 365 Shaw (Robert). Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashghar (for- merly ('hinese Tartary), and return journey over the Karakoram Pass. With map and illust-ations. 15 + 486 pp. Demy 8vo, cloth. London. 1H71. * 2.50 366 Shirreff (Patrick). A Tour through North America; together with a comprehensive view r.f the Canadas and United States, As adapted for agricultural emigration. 4-r5M73 PP I'emy Svo, boards Edinburgh. 1H35. 2.00 367 Sketches and Essays. Reprinieii by permission froi the Saturday Review. 203 pp. Edinburgh. 1873. i.oo 368 Slight (Benjamin). Indian I-fesearches ; or, facts concerning the North American Inrlians; iuchulin'; notices of the r present state of improve- ment, in their soci.d, ci'il, and religious condition, with hints for their future advancement. Fcap Svo, cloth. 179 pp Montreal. 1844. 2.00 36Q Smith (Goldwin) An .\ddress to the electors of Lisgar, delivered at Selkirk, Aug. 18, tH8/. 20 pp. 24rH(x paper. Winnipeg. 50 England and America, a [..ecture delivered before the Boston Fraternity, during his recent visit to the United States. lo-^ j,G pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Ma..chester. 1865. i.oo Keeping Christmas. 12 pp. 24mo, paper. Toronto 1S88 35 370 371 372 Social Problems; an address delivered to the Conference of Combined City Charities of Toronto, May 20th, 1889. 20 pp. 24mo, paper, Toronto. 1889. 30 373 Smith (William, Esq.). History of 1 anada, from its first discovery to the Peace of 1763. 2 vols in i. Pemy Svo, half calf. Quebec. 25 00 1815 374 Smollett, (T., M.D.). The Adventures of Roderick Random. With illustrations and memoir of the author. 349 pp. Fcap Svo, cloth. London. 1857. - 75 ,375 Snodgrass (W.). Pastoral Letter to the members and adherents of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the church of Scot- land. 4 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Kingston. 1866. 30 376 Sipme Questions and Answers aliout Christian Giving, or paying what we owe. By a layman. 19 pp. Demy Svo, paper. Chicago. 35 377 Speeches on the Public Expenditure of the Dominion, by the Hon. D. L. Vlacpherson. Delivered in the Senate, Ottawa, during the Session of 1877 77 pp. Royal 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1^*77. 50 378 Speech of Mr. Cockburn, M.P., on Unrestricted Reciprocity, de- livered In the House of Commons, Ottawa, on Tuesday,' March lOth. 1889. 14 pp. Crown Svo, paper. Ottawa. 1889. 30 30 CATALOGUE. J79 Speechof Mr. f)alion McC.rthv \i I. . j.So — tin; Hon. /\. M Ko^o T. , . ^° livered .n tlu.- i ,th J^'lC-iiv ^ssh''"''" Vi '^ Province of tario, on n,ovin«' ,he ho":^\nu/'or;Uue Tf':'r''7 ''^^^""^'^ "^ ^n- «vo, paper Toronto, isyg "" ''°'""""e« "^ supply. 30 pp. Demy Toronto, ,87s. '"^ nonunion. 24 pp. Crown 8vo. paper! "'-'P J^emySvo.paper. yuebec. 1876^ ' '""'' capitalist. With ''' '"^=^;ui;;;st5t^^s:h.:;:!^ /« r '?-^-- ^^^ -y- « pp, Small 4to. paper. Kingslon! IJ"'"'^' °^ ''^^ ""-'er- 3«4 Strachan (famos). A Visit to »h» n • , ^° 3X5 St. Vincent de Paul m«,.» r , . ^'°° society of the%ame"'namr" . ";;" ^^oln '« ^"' °"«- ^^ the 18B4. •' PP- ^rown 8vo, paper. Toronto. 35 '"" ^''^^^^i^LJ::,:;:::^^ 7Lt:''\^,''%'- .^^^^^ et le Demy 8vo, paper. Montreal. ,877 ''"^"''^'^ frontispiece. 35 387 Tardivel /I P ^ t » \ t • 5o. ' ^°/y- 23 pp. i8mo, -■'vjiii- lie 171 paper, yuebec. 188a 388 Tarte ((. Israel), paper, ynebec. Le clergo, 1880. ses droits, nos devoirs. 50 loi pp. 24mo, which tonic nlur-^ .I,,,.:., .""^'"."^".'^'ica, and a review nf c^.^-. " . Temiskaming Au Lac • <^ •'*- 1 ' 75 sous le haut patronage deSsefenJllrrf'^?" ^" ^^'^ Temiskaming Pontiac. Withmap^ 32 pp S" s ' ^' ^^^^"^" ^" 0"awa et df f i^ pp. Uem3 ovo, paper. Ottawa. 1885 50 391 400 CATALOGUE. 3J ^ Language in the Koyal Hvo. paper. e of Ontario, de- Assembly of On- • 30 pp. Demy 30 March 21, 1878, rovvn 8vo, paper. 50 the Dominion, ^pitalist. With 50 e founders, the i of ihe univer- 30 -anada in 1819. 3.00 Origin of the 'per. Toronto. 35 patates et le d frontispiece. 35 serie faite au 28 pp. i8mo, 50 01 PP- 24mo, 30 'nonce devant 3 pp. Royal ment to unite -•••"• cvciiis Parliament in 75 femiskaming Ottawa et de a. 1885. 50 392 Temporalitien Fund, The, of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotlatnl, with the full text < f the Judguient rondcreci by Ihe ludicial Committee of Her Maj.-sty's I'rivy Council, Whitehall, January 21st, iUHz. 29 pp. Fost 8vo. i)aper. Toronto. 1882. ao 393 Ten Letters on The Church ami Church K:;tril)lishm(;nts ; addressed to the Hon. W. H. Draper, M.IM'. By rui An«lo-Canadian. 79 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1839. i.oo 394 TestimonialH in favor of Mr. Frederick Lo Maitre Grasett, 13 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. 25 395 Theodat, Gabriel Sagard. Ilistoire du Canada et Voyages (|ue Ics freres minuers recollects y ont faicls p( ur la conver.siou des iafultles depuis I'an 1615. Avec un diciiounnire dc. la langue Humnne. 4 vols Crown 8vo, half morocco. Paris. i^riC). 15.00 396 Thoughts on the Present State and I'lUure I'rospects of the Church of Kngland in Canada, with hints for somi; imunivenients in her ecclesias- tical arrangements. By a presbyter of the Diocese of Quebec. 1 emy 8vo. paper. Hamilton. 1H77 3b 397 Three Speeches by the Hon. Edward Blake, g.C , M.I'., on the Pacific Scandal. Of) pp. Demy 8vo, paper. 50 398 Toronto Police Force. A brief account of the fcrce since its re-organi- zation in 1H59 up to the present date, together with a short bio;,'raphical .sketch of the present board of police commissioners 16 pp. 24mo, paper. Toronto. 1886, 30 •J99 Toronto Water Works. Annual Report of the Board of Water Com- missioners ; together with a statement of rt-ceipts and e.\penditure for year ending ;ist I ecember, 1875. With plans. iGg pp. Royal 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1876. ^o Investigation. Reports of His Honor Judge McDougall, J. J. F. Hanson, Prof. Galbraith and Edwin Jones. 75 pp Toronto. 1887. 35 401 Torrens (Sir Robert, K.C.VI.G.). An F:ssay on the Transfer of Land bv Registratiou under the duplicate method operative n British Colonies. 88 pp. i6mo, paper. London. 30 402 Transactions of the literary and Historical Society of Quebec, founded January 6, 1824. Vols i and 2. Post 8vo, cloth. 1829-1831. Coo 403 Travels auu Researches among the Lakes and Mountains of F^astern and Central Africa. From the journals of the late J, Frederic Elton. F.R.G.S. Edited and completed by H. B. Cotterill. With maps and ■?.ou 400 Mason, C. Royal 8vo, paper. illustrations. 417 pp. Demy Hvo, cloth. London. 1879 404 Treatise, A, on Oecumenical Councils : their history and results. 40 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1870. 30 32 CATALOGUE. .6 pp. Demy 8.„, papar ' Toromo [(S ^ ™ ""= 3°"" ''P"'' 'S-SS- 30 "''^^s,.£--p---.-:'-j. -i„.-'-'- -» 25 4.oV.c.„„a,S.,^a„.„ce,„„„,e,The. .6 pp. De^ Svo. pape. J„' 75 ^ ^9 pp. BemySvcpliper! o«awa .iT""'- ^'^"'"^ "■i'*'"'. 412 Walford (Edward M A ^ r ^„^ • ^° London. 1879 ' ^ ^^* ^°"d°"'ana. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. 413 Wallace (Rev. Robert^ TV,« m« T^ ■ . ^'°° educational, moral aid rdLLus a neSs '°,l '^ ''"#*""^'' P°''''^^>' Toronto. 1868. ^ aspects. 22 pp. Fcap 8vo, paper. 414 Warren (Samuel). Now and Th^n t? .u j. • ■^° Fcap 8vl,,cloth.^ Edinburgh. :853 ^""""^^ ^^•*'°"- " + 338 pp. '^' '^cTb^tJ.^^^ir^S?' foT^Ph-^yohn Wilkes and William burgh. 1870 ^'''^''^- ^° + 407 pp. Crown 8vo. cloth. EdiJT- 416 Wauters (A. T.). StanWc K,^i. t.._u- x, ,. . '"^ fo.^po™a.Va„a n>„SaUois;' 3;i^;p-£t„™8.„r^Sh"'''iS 8vo, paper. Toronto. ^^oniniy. VMth map. 21pp. Demy SO 4-5 r.\TALoc:i;H. 33 Durfee ; and as an e, in the Niagara : PP- DemySvo, 2.25 West Territories. inion Lands, cost paper. Ottawa. 35 d Church Societj- 30th April, 1868. 30 circular. With 25 (uestions. The Railway Co. to 1890. 35 'o, paper. Lon- 75 Line of Over Second edition. SO own 8vo, cloth, 3.00 da ; its present terial, political, :ap 8vo, paper. 50 " + 338 pp. 75 ;s and William cloth. Edin- i.oo h map, thirty- oth. London. 1. 00 Foreign or 21 pp. Demy 50 .\iH Wilson (.Viidrew). The liver- Victorious Army. A History of the Chinese Campaign uuder Lt .Col. C. G. Gordon, C 11, aiul of the suppression of the Tai-ping Reljelliou. VMth si.\ maps. 32 + 3(j5 pp. Demy 8vo, cloth, luiiiihurgh. iHOH. -nuj Wilson (Daniel, LI. I).). Coeducation. iCoss, .M.P.I'., Minister of Education. Toronto. 1.SH4, 420 Winder (Daniel Knodu). The Mushrooms of Canada, ings and catalogue of the Fungi o( Canada. 24 pp Toronto. 2.50 A letter to the Hon. G. \V. 15 pp. Demy Svo, paper. ?o Willi en.nrav- 24nu), paper. Go By a lady. 10 pp. I'cap 50 .421 Winter and Summer on Ontario's Shore «vo, piper. St. Catharines, 1861. ■122 Winterbotham (VV.). An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the American 1,'nited b tates, and of the Euro- pean Settlements in America and the West Indies, With portraits, .} vols. Demy 8vo, uncut, London. 1795, Coo .}23 Winthrop (John, Esq.). The Hi.story of New England from 1630 to 1641J. l'• ^om- hontispiece and vignette 28«^^ V States and Mexico. With 1854. * ^^^ PP- C"""^" 8vo. cloth. New York 431 Bay Leaves. Translations from the Latin Po», . ''"^ paper with outside wrapper uncut Toron. * ^^"^PP- 24mo, pnvah- circulation. ^^ '' Toronto. 1890. Printed for The author is Goldwin Smith. 2.00 432 Beaty ([ames, D.C.L. OC MPi d • and T,adi,io„a,. ^oeV^i'^Crl^ntofcK."!. "■£„S"„r Vr""'""' Mr.Bea,y„,.,„,„,e„,„.,„„,.ror.„,« '' '' 435 Bubbles of Canada The n„ m ... , ^'° 436 Cameron ^Rev n r \ v -.- , 2.00 series olfej^sei'^' 2 tfs"' Vol °/ ^e,^ ^^'^^'^ \^ '^« "^•'--s in a 8vo. paper, uncut. Toronto TsSo t^ ^f', Y° * '• ^^^° PP- I^^^y copy, and badly marked a^dstainalitf^'T' ^'""*"^- ^'''"'/^^"'/-'^ '"^ ""^^1:^:^^^^^,^ ^?55." A Sketch of the Geology economic mineral! sent to ^he Hn ^""f' ."^^P ^"^ '^e collection of By W. E. Logan, F R S and T ^"/''^''"^L ^''^ibition at Pari.s, ,855 frontispiece. ^63 p^^ ^al 8vo, ?S "ront'o.^-^J^''^ "^^^ ^"^ 4'^8 Canada Dir'*'-torv Th f ^ and business men. and of°'the^J,;1nciDariShr^'"'' °^ professional and vdlages throughout the IvSTitc £;?"''' '" .''^'"''' *"^^"« routes throughout Canada. Corrected to -^^^ ^""^ steamboat large folding map of Canada xcT.nn J ^^ovember, 1857. With N.D. Price %yoo. ^544 Pp. Royal 8vo, cloth. AJontreal. '•25 CATALOGUE. 35 f Justices of the le fourth Farlt. of 853. 50 •yage Round the hief of a squadron 'OuthSeas. Com- Iter, M,A. New >f the Centurion '"• 1828. I.oo tes Army, Coni- I Mexico. With >th. New York. 1-25 'IIS pp. 24mo, I90. Printed for 2.00 or Unscriptural 1. 1885. 75 cient Free and th. Hamilton. 50 mmer Vacation • ypringfield. 60 kmaker." 6 + 2.00 Hebrews in a 30 pp. Demy Proofreader's 2.25 )f the Geology e collection of t Paris, 1855. >Vith map and ^- 75 'f professional nities, towns id steamboat 1857. With !• AJontreal. 1-25 439 Canada Farmer, The. A fortnightly journal of Agriculture, Horticul- ture and Rural Affairs. Vol i. January to December, 1864. W. F. Clarke, editor. With numerous illustration.s. 376 pp. 4to, half roan. Toronto. 1864. 1.25 Published by George Brown. 440 Canada's Summer. Toronto Saturday Night Holiday Number. With numerous illustrations. 32 pp. Folio, colored paper cover. Toronto. 1890. 25 441 Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books and Pamphlets relating to Canada and America and the Fine Arts, the library of Frederick Broughton, late Manager of the Great Western Railway, sold at auc- tion, the 29th and 30th of October, 1885. Prepared by W R. HaJght. 4 + 43 PP- Demy 8vo, paper, uncut. Toronto. Priced. Scarce. 1.25 442 Catalogue of Books sold by auction, December 15, i88r. Prepared by W. R. Haight. 43 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1881. 50 Contains a lot of interesting notes. 443 Constitution and By-laws Canadian National Association. 32mo, paper. Toronto. 1884 15 PP- 50 444 Davenport (M.). Under the Gridiron. A Summer in the United States and the Far West, including a run through Canada. With illustra- lions. 12 + 143 pp. 24mo, boards. London. 1876. 75 445 Dewart (Edward Hartley), Songs of Life ; A Collection of Poems. 256 pp. i6mo, cloth. Toronto. 1869. 1,25 446 Dick (Alycander). Splores of a Halloween, Twenty Years Ago. 22 pp. 24mo, paper. Woodstock. 1867. Scarce, 5° 4-17 Donovan (Cornelius). Anecdotes of Ireland, trative of the Principal Characters of Irish cloth. Hamilton. 1872. A series of sketches illus- History. 240 pp. i8mo, 50 448 Equal Rights Association for the Province of Ontario. Address by the Provincial Council to the People of Ontario, dealing mainly with Separate Schools. Post 8vo, paper. Toronto. 35 449 — D'Alton McCarthy's Great Speech, delivered in Ottawa, Decem- ber 12th, 1889. 32 pp. Post 8vo, paper. Toronto. 50 450 Important Letter by a resident of Ouebec as to " The Disabilities ot Protestants in that Province." 8 pp. Post 8vo, paper. Toronto. 1890. 35 451 Extract from a Manuscript Journal, relating to the Siege of Quebec in 1759. Kept by Colonel .Malcolm Fraser, then Lieutenant of the 78th (Fraser's Highlanders), and serving in that Campaign. 37 pp. Demy 8vo, paper. Quebec, N.D. 1.50 l^ CATALOG CE. 452 Fidler ^Rev Isaac) f>I • ^ " ■-jnd Emigration in the uS^sJ'r. '''" w'"'"'""^' Uterature, Manner.^ dence there in 1832 24- nn , ''',"'' ^''>"''<'''i' nia(-edurinL n ?!!; ' "'"'P'"'t>>fro„ul\,:^i:,^^- ^^'"^^ ^'"'h. New York. /h;3 "US;. npperS;:;,r '"■ •'> ^'"■•' '"- ---onan. of T„on.hf„. „„ Vo„«„ s. . /"" .-T l?;^ij T-. . "«*- '^'rcft. near Vnrl- clasp. Londo:,. N. D. ^ ' ^^^ ^P" 24010, roan- limp ufth 454 Foote (Commander Andrew H IJ s M , ,. '29 S-.S:'" --"- ---"^-^^S'p;l1^^::f «- -r-f 45'. P'ream (William, B.Sc. Lond., FT S) a ''^> 'sAgncnltHral Resources Rpvi'Jrr^;- "''^'' t'anada ; a renort nn turn, nemy 8vo, pape?%,;,tr\8%""' ^^''^ --''P ->dXs , ," 45f> free Trade and Frf-f. r.-,,. • ""^"■•- -^ ' ^^^ PP- Crown Hvo, hnc)- 45J Haight Canniff). I ife in f^nn. » r-'. '^o^'ton. ,,sr.,. ' 'ions and Ken,i,„-scences of /''"s/i'^ ^'^^'^'''-^ •'^^'" ^ 'V-sonal Re^olLc ■ , ''^''osraphed plates. 12 + 303 p^ CnSy''"; ,'''"•' '"■'■^^- ^"' ' W 460 J,., i„ Canada. Crow's o ^ c ';;' ^T '"'■^'" ^^^'^^'- '> '^ : i:'^ •" ^■---''■'- Crown H.O, fuH c T '"'" ■■'"^- ^'5" 'rf>2 Haynes (J>. i.) p„p„, ' '^ ""'"^''- -'^'■'^«''''"'<-' -f A.-HTiran HiMcv." /'-^^y- .///./:,;.. ,./;^;,,^5m;;p. i5mo, coth. r)„ei.c. .s.^. Not inciuioned by Morgan. 75 4^-3 Heatherington (A.). A Prirf,>-.I r • , . Kiseanci lYogres'sof the 'vVar «?";!? . ^'.^'■■'^■"" "f the (Jccasi >n Western. KasternanciNorthe nil io?^^^^^^^^ in the Souther ,' ^:;.t%r-^ : Pr,nt., and ^^.l^^T^' < ^^ -^P Mrn/„.'s c.„,,y sol.l i„ ,,s;^ f,„- .-:,-.o„. 20.00 CATALOCl'E. 37 ■rature, Manners, '( edurinff a resi • ;f Strcft. near Vorl;. 'y Her Majesty 'a •oan limp, with > ^^ ifi thf; American ti 8vo, half roan. 'a ; a report on 'P 'Ti(] illiistra- ■3 > cedinprs .^t the he Hon. David 'i ''^^S' 2.50 i^'i'i Hisioi)-. Jel>ec. 1864. rs and Inves- C f Id F'ields Montieal. 'ilive of the ereof jn the 'e (Jccasion, ' Southern, ^ PP- Fcap farll)oroi li 20.00 4ri5 Ice-Bound Ship, The, and The Dream. By W. H. 4.H pp. Demy Svo, paper. Montreal. iSCto, 75 466 Illustrated Novena of St. Francis Xavier, of the Society of Jesus, Apostle of llie Indies and Japan, and patron of the propaj^'allon of the faith. With a selection of prayers. Cop[)er plates. 160 p|). 321110, hoards. Montreal. 1S50. 30 467 Illustrated Toronto: the Queen City of Canada. Its Past, Present and I'uture. Its growth, its resources, its conmierce, its manufactures, its financial interests, its puhlic institutions, and its prospects, iKgo. \yith numerous illustrations. i(j4 pp. 410, colored paper cover. Ton)nto. N. D. 75 468 Imperial Stamp Directory, The. Containing tlu; ruidresses of over 150 Canadian and American Dealers, h'oreigu Dealers and Canadian Collectors. 20 pp. 24mo, paper. Toronto. 20 469 Infantry Sword Exercise. Revi.sed edition. Adjntant-Cienerai's ofiice. Horse Guards. With illustrations. 40 pp. rinio, cloth limp. London. 1862. 25 470 James (Rev. fohn A.). The Sunday School Teacher's Guide. With a preface, hy Rev. Henry Wilkes, .\.M. r'irst Canada edition. 10+ 13b pp. ' 24mo, half roan. Montreal. 1841. 75 471 Jenkins (l\'ev, John). The Faithful Minister : a Memorial of the late Rev. William Squire, general superintendent of the Wesleyan Method- ist missions in Eastern Canada. With steel portr.-ut. 175 pp. Mont- real. 1853. Oiw pa^f ami part i)f tiiiotlur pai^i- iuisiin;j;. 33 472 Johnson (George Washington). Maple Leaves. 202 + 2 pp. ^.(nio, cloth. Hamilton. 1864. 1,00 "The work contains nuicli good pot'liy, and brcatlK s a spirit of lowtlty throimh- oiit every paye." 473 LeSueur (Philip). Commercial 'J'ahles ; consisting of Sterling IC.xchange reduceil to dollars and cents. D illars and Cents reduced to s erling, with tahles of interest 'and commission, in pp. Demy Svo, cloth Quehec. 1857. Piiblislud pricr ^i.on. 45 474 Life of Andrew Jackson, President of the United States of Ainerica. Abridged and compiled from the American and Mr. Cobhelt ■ editions. 144 pp. 24mo, paper. Dulilin. 1.S31. ^55 475 Lindsey (Charles). Konie in Canada. The Ultramontane Struggle (or Supremacy Over the Civil Powei. 3S t 308 pp. Post Svo, cioih. To- ronto. 1889. T 75 " Eleven years liave passed siiire lliis book tiist made its appi arar.t e. In ilie interval, the Jesuits in Canada liave taken two steps towards th( atlainii.eni of iha ol)jecls of their ambition, and civil snpK macy." 476 The Prairies of the Western States; their advantages and thiir drawbacks. 100 pp. Fr ap Hvo, jiaper. Toronto. i8(')o. 75 38 CATALOGUE. 477 Lyrics by the Letter H 1854. 228 pp. Crown 8vo, doth. New York. ''' '^o?S°yeHor''lSanfs''Mfnr' ^''" ^"P^^'"''- °"'^"- Showing property J.P.Donnelly Aoril ,0™' ™' ^"^^ J' n Regions. Compiled by covers. ^" ^P"'''«72. 43^x27^ Mounted on paper. Board 479 Memoir of the Rev. C. H O CntP M r> wu . ^^ Cote, and a history of the " Grand I Sn.M^' ^- '"^'"°''' "^ '^'•^- ^- ^ ^^>s^^s^. 'ii^o-^"" --"pii^s. "iT^L^r^^'.^. New York rSOo. portrail. 363 pp. Crown 8vo, cloth. 481 Miller's New Yorfc Ac It fo. «.. c. ''°° New York Brooklyn Ind adiacent' nlf// ^"'^f^^^l^ ^o the cities of illustrations. 24mo doth. Tew Voir z 862 "'^ '"'^ ""'"^'"""^ trationsandmapj. ?6.T:7pp Vo'^is^vtrKT^xl?;' ^''^ ^f,^" 48J Nettle (Richard). The Salmon Fisheries of the St T." Inbutaries. 14; pp. lamo, cloth Montreal 1-857'^^^^^^ 484 Nicholson (If enryAJIeyne Esa Mn\ R«r>^ . \. x. ^'^^ of the i^rovince of Ont^ad; ?Vith e?gL IhCraSh^ the Palaeontology eight woodcuts. r33pp. Royal 8?o'Wpen'Sont^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^'' "^Po^^r^LVr l"h^S'anaS^;:;L'lL -■ ^-g.^nts from my 352 pp. 24mo, clc.h Tomn[o %]^''^"'y^'-ond American edition". '"' '^w^Mhi^^^/^L^i^^SllL^'^.^^^^^r ^I« -"^ — tf^ Demy 8vo. halt ro^n '^'Molt?eaL'"i84'""' "'' ''^'""- ^^^ PP" 488 Practical Home Physician. The. and Encvdo-^edia o' Mr • '"^^ Guide for the Household Manaeempntr!fn; ' I?- •' ^^'^'^'cme. A cauce. means of Prevention anrsfmmT ' .^'J^'^^ the History, Women and Children By A M^Kar AM r?'"'"''' °.' '^^"' M.D., H. W. Tones MD W r r ^^^7' ^™- Christian Fenger, trated by numirous' o afes coloLd Jftei „ .^'"^^"'^hed and illus: 8vo, roan embossed. GuelpirN^^^ "'^^ PP" R°y*» 3-25 CATALOGUE. 39 rence and its 489 Pringle (C. A .). Canada. Manitoba and the North-West. Notes of a Visit. 14 pp Demy Svo, paper. Ottawa. 1882. 25 490 Psalms of David, The, in metre. According to the Version approved by the Church of Scotland, 253 pp. 64mo, roan embossed, 25 Diamond edition. 491 Ritualism in Toronto. Addressed to the editor of the Leader. 10 pp. i6mo, paper. 50 492 Routledge's Almanac for 1888. A compendium of useful and interest- ing informal on concerning our own, foreign countries and colonies, etc. 386 pp. Crown Svo, paper. London. N. D. 25 493 Rowley (Hon. Hugh). use of parties about Toronto. 1871. Gamosagammon to connubialize. or. Hints on Hymen. For the 16+202 pp. Fcap Svo, cloth. 50 494 Rules, Orders, and forms of proceeding of the House of Commons of Canada. 144 pp. i6mo, cloth. Ottawa. 1873. 50 495 Russell (William Howard). My Diary North and South. 22+602 pp. Crown Svo, cloth. Boston. 1863. 1.50 496 Sangster (Charles). The St. Lawrence and the Saguenay, and other poems. 262 pp. Crown 8vo, cloth. Kingston. New York. 1856. 2.00 " Western Canada is enabled to boast, and does boast, somewhat loudly of Charles Sangster." — National Mag, (Lon.) 497 Sangster (John Herbert). Natural Philosophy, Part i, including sta- tics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, dynamics, hydrodynamics, the general theory of undulations, the science of sound, the mechanical theory ot music, etc. 217 pp. Fcap Svo, cloth. Montreal. Toronto. 1864. 50 498 Student's Note Book of Inorganic Chemistry. Svo, half roan. Montreal. 1862. 135 PP- 499 Scadding (Rev. Dr.). Toronto. 1865. 500 Seymour (Rev. Jas. C). of Life. 69 pp. 24mo Fcap 35 Early Notices of Toronto. 26 pp. i6mo, paper. 75 An Exposition of Ezekiel's Vision of the River c'oth. Loudon. 869. 50 501 Sheldon (J. P.). To Canada, and Through It, with the British Associa- tion. Revised edition. With map and illustrations. 32 pp. Uemy Svo, paper. Ottawa. 1886. 35 502 Speech of Mr. Dalton McCarthy, M.P., on tlie French I^anguage in the North-West, Tuesday, i8th February, 1890. House of Commons De- bates. Fourth session. Sixth parliament. 15 pp. Royal Svo, paper. Ottawa. 35 503 Sproule (Dr. Robert, B.A.). Health and Heilthy A short work on domestic and public hygieue. 138 pp. i6mo, cloth. Peterborough. 1882. Homes in Canada. With illustrations. 50 40 catalu(,i:k. 5<'4 Stephens ( W. A.). Hamilton nnd other Poems nul lerinr.. c. -la.on. 4,0 pp. Crown Svo, cloth. Tor<"uo /n't ^^^7"'' 505 Stone (Wiihani L.i. Jionler U'-ir^ „( .1, v • , 50 if>ino. clotli. New Y(,rl<. 1H53. Coiiiaiiis iiitcrcsliiin skctcJies of Brant 500 Strachan (John ,).,>., The Poor Man's Preservative Against Poperv C;on,re.ation of Nt'j^ller h' rcl/ Ton!; ufu V'' c '''^^'^ ^" "'« Hvo, paper. Toronto. iS34.\sw';. ' ^"^ P^'' ^'■"'^'" S.°;a,:;'s '^fc;?;:;^;,^'"'"-- - - -<- n.l.o.n.,.h«i .-over showing a J^^ '' '"!h^. tr[i,;:;;;r-^^^^^ ^j."> ^^o-; one Crown Hvo, paper. Solno^'^^ ''^ ^" Anglo-Canadian. 7, pp. '°' ''th'e^/nl!' .id;i./^^*i,/;;^;!r^ /^-^-P-'^ - - Historical AccoumTi American X is a ra o s w-uV "I^""''''"'^ '"""""^ "'« ''^'"■"^ able characte s Vol 2 '; )^;^'"'""^' ^ '-it^^'m-'", and other remark- stuiuj -^ ^P- ^4mo, boards. New York. 1840. 511 Whist, A Few Remarks on. .S pp. ,-,4mo, boards. Montreal. .H,.. y] 51^ Whitley (John, E.sq.). Canadian Domestic I awver wifh |- > r/ai.25. ^' crown H^o, half roan. Stratford. 1865. Publisln,! ''''^!^''i^.'lS:.^r'X!- -^'^^ Tent on the Beach, and other poenlT Hirst edition. ^•'^" ^iliccp. l.ondon. 1835, Crown ovu, State 510 60 i«49Hnd 1850. 46J pp. Crown Svo, cloth. N ewYork. 1851. 1.2! • It h „ plc.mmt future of the old duys.".^-]o»s i :. Whi itihb. RlCrKNTLY IMIIMSHIcn : LIFE IN CANADA FIFTY YEARS AGO : Personal Recollections and Remmiscences of a Sexageuariaii. Willi laHill*i>»g„ l.»tli.iKi-a|»:i(.,l I'lat Cloth, $1.50. By CANNrFF HAIGHT. ♦*«. Crown 8vo. 1 1 f 803 i>H|KfH. ""' 9'^-IlJ^^^ full Calf," $3.50 Ml COMMENTS OF THE PRESS vv.uci::,^!-;;jl'^;^:;:,:r\.^:;i'l'^j'>l.t Hl^r-.S^-'^-- '--^ - c..uury ago, a l.fe n. '.'•IK-, h.i„d<.l,l m-Mfakh lolly from sire (o so, Tl' .' '"'»'':'='' '"emories of a foregoii.K no. to, old or ,,. , 1,„s^ ,o have f«^,o"e^■eh/d^^^ ^ , "i;"v'Lh 'r '"'""^ "^'^"^'^ ""^° «r« a renfnry ag>. The book is mUivened bfa ecX^e, !..?<^ nr 1 '^"■" ^»'',">« P°oP'« ''f haif n>;»t there is not a dull paire from cover to covnr At tl.^ =^,.7 ■.'•' " ■•■' ~ "'J"^ ."' sui^" renctty ...formal,..,, on innMmoral.le,i«-,. t-i.? !!!:;,., '^' Is ,f.f , """ " /''"""^s with priceless " ''arly schools, newspapers, and nhurchos ; of l>a..ks, insura. .ele^ra^^^^^^^ ""^ T^? ?=''«<"«. "ew^aper; staRes and r te^mboaLs. The work is wel lluMraLd In^" '? ' ^'"^ o' '.h" ProRress orroads the fro„t,stMece.-MaRazi„e of American HiSy ''"'■""*" °*^'''^ *""'0' ^^"-"'^ pres:;.!!^K.&S;hars^.^ fe'pSM;^ ;;;:"r^^^ r^^ -"-- - "^^ he eolden haze of recollection." He has ,,ro& mr.olt '' "","' ,"'^ '"''^'''^' ""•""R'' wh.le he has wisely held fast bv what was woX of ,frS . r'. "".'•"' 'rf ■^'^' -^pleasant, H,e.n asehey were-i„ -^onJlnTi^S^^^eir-^^S^ ^^oTsrnl'^^liT.lbuS^^c^o^^ , h ' LETTERS. -i'rotn the R^Eht^Honorable Sir John A. McDoaald. G.C.B.. Premier of the Dominion ±iS^'-'.^^Ky^!f&:!;— j;-^^^ i. •'^y~. -• .--• ••» ~^! vr fj rcca:: my From the Marquis of Lorfte, Late Governor-General of r=„,^- Pr'-iv accept triy thanks for your wdGt,nP»if,xklkli,."*^* b Te the reader, and uosubied^BiveTmerm^J^h pWr '""'»«'' ^»"»di^ Hfe-viwdly, F.-om J. G. y.'hittier, the Quaker Poet: ^ ^ days, ,n many respects like that of the ear y settler ,n;wR ft ^''f^*"' P"?"'"-e of the old "'»'^-"«^-«*"''P-«eint''ebook;andIhSy"^^^^ I have