IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V. // *4s t i< 1.0 If iM IIIIIM 12.2 I.I IL25 ill 1.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 V] »>>»f f » n HALIFAX, N S. : PRINTED BY T. CHAMBERLAIN, 176 ARGYLB STREET. -'"■ ■'" ■, i~ ".•■. 4 ^ i'l, ' *J .-.. ' f' ..-'■ \i M ,. ^- "/■■■ . ,'■ J ^ f: ,--i • ;r •;■ • v; i j,/-: ."' i ,'^^ '^ -^ •■-' ■ ^.k 'I If PI 7(16 CC v>3 Iw •— C !£ « ii oi ~j i: C 4- CO M C5 09 !^ 4i> «— is 4C tc tc c IS CO o 05 *-< 00 GO c» o ^ to OC 00 « w w _C5 IC to CO .^ „ ^^ '♦^ 09 CO tc 09 CO tc tc •f^ CO tc IC tc (£ h:. Co Co 09 C (C CO THE .■^ ■— .-•if--- FSOMOM. ALfflANACE, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD X O '0 € Tid)le i^hewiu;/ t/te .S////'.s iMJinaUun for the secern/ Alunths iu the Year. Cv 'Z^ tC IC wS IC to IC (C IC »C IC —< -^ — —'—'-- ~ >— ^ C o at ^1 a> oi 4* CO IC — c 5C X -1 jv :,i 4- ii re — c -c X ~j sr> y. 4- is IC '-' "^ "-"-•-' — "-'•-■— — — IC li& K. IC IC (C IC IC IC •'l^l-ICCOOOOOOO^^WCOCCi — — — — •— vstn tcMU* ic:^4- — IC.*-i;' — tcc; "J -: C 5i IC -J IC -sj — yi V2 tC w> X C IC ii 1^ w' V IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC >— — IC IC IC IC KC IC 4- -^i — IC IC is 4- !;< ♦. is IC C •^l 4» — tC IC IC re 4« y •'I is tc hi y %m GC s -1 00 X QD •.£> 5C C C C IC IC IC CC iJ v» — is w-' — *- IC *. iv i;' — ii vt — ii C IC iJ< -1 XI »C 4* -' - 1 '.J O — IC W +. *- *»• •is 4- 4> 4- i;i yi iii a. w< — is C H- is 4- 4- 4- is IC — C X -1 r. o IC 4- y IC •'I •*-OSiOWlC»C— — — C" CC — — ICICICCJ — yw 4-— CTis +-IC »c*. — ij ic^" — CV wJ 3 *--i4-C>lWiilCIClC — — ►-CC^lCOf^X ii'OS"— w'M — wTii — yiwJ — mOS — i;"i; 4> "- wj *• o« CJ ^ ^ ^ ") ^« ^1 a- i;< *» ii ic c -^ ^ X (X -1 •'I o» 05 a> w IC 4^ — C is — *. OT is — ?C OV +• — (K y y IC y IC 4- os IC Jc fc IC IC IC re IC IC IC IC IC >—•—•— — — — f— — 1— — — P- — ^ — OOOOOO'-CCCWXXXX y 4> 4^ M IC -^ *» is IC — *» is IC — wt 4- IC — ' ■^j o c o o c o o a> a; 4- IC -o (T. is o cr. — -1 IC -I -vi -4 -I Oi C. Oi O yi 4- IC — w' is IC -1 — c; O is -J o is i' y 4- IC y -1 y o IC IC tC tC IC to IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC lo IC iC iSiSiSi^COiSwSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiS M >^ h- ^ tC tC IC tC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC >— — -^ — o OS a> ^ 4^ c IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC is is to IC IC IC IC re w< U« 4^ 4-' is IC OS IC "^1 IC -I — i,T OD IC IC IC IC IC — — is t2S re re y »- ^ — — — — — >— IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC 00CeQ0Q0tSiCt£.C:C:OOCCS — — — — — — 1—IC4-W — ICiS4»- — tCiS4-m — ICiSiS4»-w' O •-< hO O C is "-« ^ IC 4)« O) -1 O VO C C C *-£ X •'J IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC — IC IC is 4*- 4- w< CI is C: -1 4- C OS IC IC IC IC is ^1 IC IC OS C5 5: >• S C5 W >— is 1" to "♦- IC *> IC 4» IC 4- wi — ii w' CS01C5-4000 — tcicicicic. 'Csa-io-. 4- ui y iji C' a-, c; a; -^i — is 4- IC is ij« — IC c "^ y IC x «;« !-• -4 -1 IC 4» -1 re iJI X IC IC IC "" '*• C C w O — •-' IC IC IC iJ is 4- inis +-iCw< - 4* 4- 4- w' y i< oi cv "^1 IC y — is y IC 4^ ^1 C is a> X — is w< IC 4> -1 \S X 1 --I oi ffs y y w< 4- 4- 4- IC y is — y IC -iyic«ca5isC"'» 4- is 4^ 4- C a: is f 4- is is is M IC IC — — ~ O C O !C V3 X .X OC ^I -1 ^^UiiSMViS — irtC 4*ICwiS IC is iJ 05 is is IC •— O !0 X "-I w« is — :0 ^1 i!i IC C ISiSIitiploocctcx'SSSxxxx^ if»OSIC— if>-i5IC — Cn4-iS'- 4*iS»- 4» t*icic«-C«'"^ii"'-'ss-ic *-IC — y — +--^o^c4-a>xc — 4^ is ►c < • — — C VD is o; » IC OS CJ' 3: ^J 'J 35 C- 4- IC C -1 4- — Ci lc IC IC IC IC IC IC IC is IC IC IC IC IC IC IC y y 4. :s is IC — IC -1 — y .r IC i' '1 IC IC IC IC a; tc y IC 1 • r ■ .»■ ' ■" !! " . 1865. .1 SPECIAL NOTICE. To the Citizens of Halifax, N. S., and Vicinity. THE uiuler,si;;nt'd would rc'spc'ctfuUy ii;^k attention to the preparations known as UNIVERSAL COUGH REMEDY, For all TUIIOAT aiul LUNG COMPLAINTS. HU«NEWHll'$ i U U U huomui, The ;^Toat Nt'iiralui;' KhiMnnntii' lic-id-Afiic, 'I'oDth-Ach*-, Iaiss of Sleep, and General Xcivoih Remedy. Also fur t!ie I'aiii;-, in Monthly Menstruations a ])i.Tfeit relief. HUNNEWEll'S EOtESTIO PilU, The most ])erfeet jl'orin of C'atiiartie ever gi» en to the puhli(', wiiieh never requires more tluiu 'l'\V(> and .-eldom l).it ONE for a dose, act without griping, and eurc INDIGESTION, DVSrEPSlA, BILIO JSNEvSS, J.IVKK COMi'L.\lNTS, PILES, WORMS, atid all derangements of stomach or bowels. The above pre])ai:iii()iis of such unliounded reimtation in the United States, have the conlideiice of, and are used by, y,reat numlier^ of IMiy- sieians, and at prices within reach of all, are worthy of the attention of invalids, who wdl tiuil ihem a strict coiifonnity to nature in medicine. Without resorting ro the common metiiod of columns of ad\erti>in;^ I would ask vonjiihun: to test them, which will i)e sacrijd. JOHN L. HUNNEWELL, Proprietor, PuvcricAf. t;nt:.MisT, Boston, Mass. 0^ For sale l»y all Wiiolesale and Retail Dealers. D;F"The greatest freedom of correspondence solicited. DC^Dealers of good reference appointed on i i. mission. COGSW^ELL & FORSYTH, G. E. MOKT(»N & Co., AVERY BROWN & Co., Wholesale Agents. At Retail bv BROWN BROS. 6c Co., .) RICHARDSON, Jr. GEO. JOHNSON. i I CHRONOLOGICAL EPOCHS. Tho year 18r,5 i« the O^TSth of the Julian Pcrio.l. Tho year 5026 of the Era commences On September 21, ISfiS. The joar 1 282 of the Molinmincdnn Era commences on May 27, 1865. Ramadan (month of ultscinenco observcii by the Turks) commences Januai-y 28, 18()5. Tlie 29tli year of Queen Victoria's rei!;,'n begins June 20, 18S3. CHRONOLOCICAL CYCLES. GoMcn Number 4 Dominical Lcttera A Roman Indiction 8 Julian Period 6578 Spring tiigns Summer sign.s N. S. E. W. SYMBOLS. S Mars. y^ Saturn. y Uranus. H Jupiter. ZODIAC. Autumn ^ - ^'^''" '^''"''- signs W.'nter signs n\ Scorpio, secrets. ' / Sagittarius, thighs. \jf Capricornus, kn'a. «. Aquarius, legs. H Pisces, feet. Kpact .3 Solar Cycle : . 26 ASTRONOMICAL O The Sun. C The Moon. 5 Mercury. 2 Venus, ® The Farth. SIGNS OF THE fp Aries, head, y Taurus, neck. Gemini, arms. Cancer, breast. Leo, heart. Virgo, bowels. ABBREVIATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS. North. h. Hours. ° Degrees. South, m. Minutes of Time. ' Minutes of Arc. East. s. Seconds of Time. " Seconds of Arc. West. Apogee is that point in a planet's orbit in which it is farthest from the eartli. Perigee is that in wliich it is nearest to it. Lunation the -time from new moon to new moon again. Penumbra a partial shadow, resulting from the diminished light of the sun to the earth or moon, during a solar or lunar eclips*, appearing as partial. Aj)helion — That part of a planet's orbit farthest from the Siui. Ecliptic the plane of the earth's orbit extended to the starry sphere. Perihelion is that pait of a planet's orbit nearest the Sun. Declination is tiie distance of a heavenly body from the Equinoctial line. Elonijation — Angular distance of a planet from the Sun, as seen from the earth. Tiic Moox's RISING is given from full to change, and her setting from change to full. The Morning tide is given from 1st Quarter to last Quarter, and Evening tide from lait Quarter to 1st Quarter. COMMENCEMENT OF THE SEASONS. Spring commences March 20th — Sun enters cp at 2h. 6m. A. Summer commences June 21st — Sun enters £S at lOh. 45«i. M. AuruMN commences Sept. 23r(l — Sun enters d^tx Ih. Ora. M. Winter commences Deer. 21st — Sun enters Vf at 6h. 49m. A. PROVINCIAL [18C5. \m ECLIPSES. In tlic year 1865 there will l)C two Eclipses of tho Sun, nnrl two of the Moon. I. A partial Eclipse of the Moon, April 10th and 11th, partly visible at Mali tux. First contact with tho Penumbra, lOtl. 9h. 43m. Afternoon. First contact witli the Shadow, lOd. llli. 31m. Afternoon. Middle of the Eclipse, Ud. Oh. 24m., Moniinfr- Last contact with the Shadow, Ud. Ih. 16m., Morning. Last contact with the Penumbra, lid. 2h. oOm., Morning. Magnitude of tho Eclipse (Moon's diaiaeter=l) 0*192. IT. A total Eclipse of the Sun, April 25, invisible in Nova Scotia- It may bo seen in South Africa, South America, and in tho Great Southern Ocean. III. A partial Eclipse of the Moon, October 4, partly visildo at Halifax. First contact with the Penumbra, 4h. 11m., Afternoon. First contact with the Shadow, 5h. 25m., Afternoon. Middle of tho Eclipse, 6h. 25m., Afternoon. Last contact with the Shadow, 7h. 26m., Afternoon. Last contact with the Penumbra, 9h. 39m., Afternoon. Magnitude of the Eclipse (Moon's diameter=l) 0344. IV. An annular Eclipse of the Sun, Octo1>er 19, visible in Nova Scotia. It may also be seen throughout North America, in South America north of the Equator, in "West Africa, partially in the West of Europe, and in the North Atlantic Ocean. MORNING AND EVENING STARS. Mercuuy will be tho Evening Star to Jany. 9 ; thence Morning Star to March 15; tlience Evening Star to May 3 ; thence Morning Star to July 1 ; thence Evening Star to Sept. 6 ; thence Morning Star to Oct. 28 ; thence Evening Star to Deer. 22 ; thence Morning, Star to the end of the year. Vfnus will be Evening Star to May G; thence Morning Star to the end of the year. Maus will be Evening Star to October 29 ; thence Morning Star to the end of the year. Jupiter will be Morning Star to June 14 ; thence Evening Star to the end of the year. Saturn will be Morning Star to April 16 ; thence Evening Star to Oct. 23 ; thcnce^Morning Star to the end of tlie year. SIGNS. The following Signs are used in our Almanack to denote the different positions and phases of the Moon :— D denotes the Moon in the first quadrature — that is the quadrature between change and full, d denotes the Moon in the last quadrature— that is, the quadrature between full and chango. % denotes new Moon. Q denotes full Moon. HALIFAX. - "Latitude, North, U^ 39' 20". Longitude, West, 63° 36' 40", in time 4h. 14m. 36s. [1«C5. I two of tlio "«rrly visible on. n. g- ova Stotia- tlio Great visible at 5 in Nova in South e West of ning Star ig Star to >• to Oct. o the end ar to the : Star to • Star to Star to difFerent the first denotes een full .1]^ '> S. U65.] >T,MANACK. Jnn Feb FIXED AND Circnmf^ision K|»i|ib!ipy Soptuaircsima Siindny... Quinq. or Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday .'.Mar. St. David ! First Sunday in Lent St. Patrick.*. Palui Sunday April I 6 U 28 1 1 5 17 9 14 10 23 2.3 Ro^'Htion Sunday May 21 Birth Queen Victoria 24 Ascension Dav, | nr Holy ThursdAv, \ ^^ EMBER (i0(Ml Friday Easter Sunday Low Sunday. . St. Georpe.'. . . MOVEABLE FEASTS, &o. Whit Sunday — I'entecost. June Trinity Sunday Corjius Christi Ascension Queen Victoria, St. John Baptist, | Mid-Summer Day, i Lammas Day Aug. St. Michael, | Sent Michaolnnis Day, ( ^ rrince of Wales born. . . .Nov. St. Andrew * Advent Sunday Dec. St. Thomas Ciuistmas Day St. Stephen St. John Evangelist 4 11 ].'» 2») 24 1 29 i 9 30 3 21 25 2*) 27 March 8th, 10th, 11th June 7th, 9th, 10th. DAYS. September 21st, 22d, 23nl. December 20th, 22d, 23rd. ROGATION DAYS. May 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. WEATHER TABLE, For foreteilitiff the treatner throwjh all (he lunations of each year. Bt Dk. Hbbsohbll, imfhoveo by Db. a. Ci.a.bkb. This table is the result of many years' actual observation ; and thoupjh not absolutely reliable in all cases, yet will be found tolerably correct, l)eing constmcted on a due consideration of the attraction of tlie Sun and Moon in their several positions respecting: the Earth, sliowing what kind of weather will most probably follow the entrance of the Moon into any of its quarters. If new moon, first quarter, j fiill moon, or last qaarter ! happens — I ■ Between midnight and 2\ in the morning. j ' Between 2 and 4. morning, ; •• 4 " 6, « G ** 8. " i " 8 " 10. I " 10 " 12, " " noon " 2, afternoon ! M 2 " 4, " i " 4 " 6, " I " 6 " 8, " ! " 8 " 10, I " 10 " midnight. SUMMER. Fair. I Cold, frequent showerg. \ Rain. j Wind and rain. Changeable. 1 Frequent showers. ! Very rainy. I Changeable. I Fair. I /If wind N. W., fair, itir S.or 8. W., rainy. Ditto. F.'.lr. WINTER. THard frost, unless tlio •i wind fl)e S. or W. at J time of change. Snow and stormy. Rain or snow. Stormy. Cold rain or finow. Cold and hit,'h wind. Sncw or rain. Fair and mild. Fair. / If wind N., f;iir, \ If S. or S.W., rain or Ditto, [snow. Fair and frosty. jjgy* The nearer the moon's change to noon or midnight, the more nearly will the result be in accordance with this table. Less dependence is to be placed on this table in winter than in summer. 6 JANUARY begins on Sunday— has 31 days. [Winter. > Fint Qnnitcr, 4th dny, llh., 28m., Morning. O Full IMoou, mil day', 6h., 45rri., Aftoniooii. * d Last (Juartor, Il/th day, iOli., 22in., Afttnnoon- ^ Now Moon, 27th day, 5h., 16m., Morning. ^ Apogee I7tli day. > Pcrigeo 28th day. .$S9"The colunin of tfae Moon's Sonthitifif gives the Umo of IIioh Watkr at Parre- boro', CornwalUB, Ilorton, IlantBport, Windsor, Newport. itgf* For tho time of 11 ion Wat» at Pictoa and Citpe Tormentlne mdd 2h. SOm, to the tftne nt Halirnx. jgajf- Fpr the time of Hioh Wateb at Annapolla, Bt. Johu, N. B., and Portland, add ' i 8b. 34m. to the time nt Halirnx. jZgfiT" For tho time of Hioh Watir at St. John'i, Nowfoundland, tublracf Ih. from the time at nallfax. XEV' Fur thu Lbnoth of Dat, double the time of tho Sun's setting. | a • 1 SUN. MOON. §3 . i ce at EVENTS, HOLIDAYS, ANNIVfiUSARlES, ETC. to QQ Slow of 3 _2 i a tf clock. 15 it/v 3 29 10 19 ' 1 &u. Circumcision. 7 39 4 281 3 59 9 5 2 M. O in Perigee. 9 i" Pc- 7 38 4 29 4 27 10 19 4 23 H 11 2 3 T». [rihelion. 7 38 4 30 4 35 11 25 5 14 H 11 50 , 4 W. Low Tides. 7 38 4 31 5 23 morn 6 <) T morn b Th. (J stationary. 7 37 4 32 5 49 33 6 58 c^ 40 6 F. Epiphany. 7 37 4 34 6 16 1 42 7 51 8 1 37 1 7 Sa. 7 37 4 36 6 43 2 52 8 45 H 2 45 ' 8 SU. I St Sun. after Epiphany. 7 .':6 4 38 7 7 3 55 9 39 v./ n 3 59 9 M. y d a 7 36 4 39 7 32 4 58 10 .33 n 5 15 10 Tu. 7 35 4 40 7 56 rises a. 11 24 c 6 20 11 W. High tides. 7 35 5 41 8 20 5 10 morn 0-7 7 14 12 Th. 7 35 4 42 8 43 6 06 16 a-T 7 58 ; 13 F. 9 greatest Hcl. Lat. N. 7 35 4 43 D 6 7 9 2 33 HP 8 40 : 14 Sa. |01d New Year's Diiy. 7 34 4 44 9 28 8 6 9 17 15 SU. 2d Sun. after Epiphany. 7 34 4 45! 9 49 9 4 9 50 16 M. 7 ,'54 4 4til0 9 10 1 3.i.5rrp 3 57 m} 10 23 17 Tu. 7 .33I4 47|l(h 29 10 55 10 57 ; 18 W. Low tides. 7 33 4 48jl0 48 n :74 4 39 -/V 11 30 19 Th. 9 stationary, fj Q O 7 32 4 4911 7 inorn 5 22 -TV. A. 5 , 20 F. 7 31 4 50 11 24 56 G 7 ni / / \N3 44 21 Sa. 7 30 4 51 n 41 1 56 6 54 1 30 22 SU. 3d Sun. after Epiphany. 7 29 4 52 U 57 2 55 7 44 2 38 23 M. u d a 7 28 4 5.1 12 13 3 36 8 36 3 55 1 24 Tu. 7 28 4 54 12 27 4 51 9 31 5 09 25 W. Princess Royal married, 7 27 4 55 12 41 5 43 U) 28 6 14 1 56 Th. [1S5S. 7 26 4 5(v 12 54 6 32 11 26^ A. 2311^ 7 6 1 1 27 F. High tides. . 7 25 4 57 13 7 sets A. 7 52 : 28 Sa. 7 24 4 58 13 18 6 47 1 19 r 8 87 ; 29 SU. 4th Sun. after Epiphany 7 23 4 59 13 29 7 58 2 14 9 21 . 30 M. 7 22 5 13 38 9 ^ 3 8 10 3 31 JTu. 9 greatest clong. 7 21 5 1 13 47 10 24 4 1 10 47 I . [Winter. 1T«R at Parra- add 2h. 30m. PorthiDd, add ■ract Ih. from i. fc5J K 5 J > ^ u 291 •» ,10 19 2'*{!h 111 2 U|H |11 50 6icp ;riioni )8 qp 40 >1 8 1 37 15 K 2 45 yn 3 59 ^•^n 5 15 4C 6 20 1 215 7 14 6 22 7 58 3,ny 8 40 9 17 9 50 ^[npllO 23 r,rm 10 57 JUIu 30 A. 5 44 1 30 2 38 3 55 5 09 6 14 7 6 7 52 8 87 9 21 10 3 10 47 I HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY For Kon-retcntion or Incontinonce of Urine, Irritation, Inflammation or Ulcera- tion of the Bladder and Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Uland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculous Oravcl or Brick Deposit, and all Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, and Dropsical Swelling in Men, Women or Children. m^/' HELIVIBOLD*S EXTRACT BUCHU, For Wealcness arising ft-om habits of Dissipation, attended with the following •ymptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, DlflBculty of Breathing, Weak Nerves. Trembling, Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision. Wakefulness, Pains in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Heads. Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of the Skin, ERUPTIONS on the FACE, PALLID COUNTENANCE. These symptoms if allowed to go on, which this Medicine invariably removes, soon fullowa Epleptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that t,hey are not frequently followed by those dir^ul diseata "IN- a A NITY A i\D CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suffer- ing. The records of the Insane Asylums, and the Melancholy Deaths by Con- sumption, bear ainpl« witness of the truth of the assertion. The Constitution once affected with organic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate tue System, which HELMBOLD'S EJTTItACT BUCHU invariably does. , HELMBOLD'S HIv,HLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, For Purifying the Blood, removing all Chronic ConRtitutional Diseases arising from an impure state of t'.io blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for tac cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swell- ings of the Boues, ITlcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, K) vsipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and BEAUTIFYING THE COMtLEXION, NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that assail mankind arise from the cor- ruption tliat accumulates in tlie blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it ouN none can equal in effect HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND EXrUAC r Ob' SARSAl'AraLLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the cystem, and purges oub the humor-s which make dis- ease. It ctinuilates the healthy runctiuns of the body, and expels the disordorB that xi'ow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy that could be relied on hn; lo g boon Roiight fur, and now for the first time the public have one on which they can depend. Our «pace here does not adm't "erlificates to show its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tabl3 spoonfuls of the Extract of Sarsnparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of SarsapariUa, or the Decoction as asually made. ^ai* THESE EXTRACTS have been admitted to use in (he UNITED RTATR8 ARM V, and are also in very general use in the STATE HOSPITALS and Public SANITARY INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as in private practices, and are considered as invaluable remedies Bee Medical properties <>/ Buchu, front DISPENSATORY for the Untied States. See PrufosBOs DliW'EE'S valuable works on the practice of Physic. Sec remarks made l)y the late cplebratcd Dr. PHYSIC, Philadelphi i. See remarks made by Dr EPHRAIM MoDOWELL, a celebrated physician, and a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in tho trans- actions of the King and Queen's Journal. See Medico Chirurgical Review, published by Benjamin Travers, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard works of Medicine. PRICES: ^Extract Buchu, fl per Bottle, or Six for $5. SartapariUa $1 ptr Bottle, or Six for $5. Delivered to any address, securely packed. Address all letters for information to 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, (below chestnut.; PHILADELPHIA. 1* rsss. L^ FOUMiE'S ,|W£ a? A. The Rubber mppla. The flexible part of the Tu 'ube C. The gXttat'pnrt of tfae Tube in the Milk with Um ntbbtr oa (he ead^ BOTTLE. Patented November 29, 1859. The superiority of thia Bottle over all others now used, will at once be made apjjarent when it is considered that they are entirely free from all metallic substances ; and in whatever position held, the end of the flexible tube will always be at the bottom of the bottle, thereby prevent- ing the child from drawinj;^ air, as is too commonly the case with other kinds. PRICE 50 CENTS. ALSO, LA FORME'S INHALER FOR INHALING MEDIGATEO VAPORS. AND OF mm 1^ ^ ^w^ I, ^ The Great French Remedy for Consumption, and all Affections of the Throat, Lungs, and Air Passages. M:. S. BURR & CO., PROPRIETORS, AND WnOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Proprietary Medicines, Drugs, Hair Preparations, Toilet Articles, : V:. V. PERFUMERY, &c. (Next Door to the Museum Entrance,) M. B. BURR, E. F. KBTES. d:E'S 1859, d, will at once irely free from the end of the ereby prevent- 'ase with other LER 5. umption, ungs, rugs, 8. 3T. wm. BILIOUS BITTERS! PURIFY THE BLOOD, CURK LIVHIl COMPLAINT, CURE JAUNDICE, CUllE FAINTNESS, CURE WKAKNESS, CURE COSTIVENESS, Restore the Lost Appetite, CURE HEADACHE, CURE HEARTBURN, CURE D1ZZINE8S, CURE DEBILITY, CURE PILES, CURE DYSPEPSIA,' CURE Acidity of Stomach, Regulate, Strengthen and Invigorate tiie Whole System. If you take a sudden cold, a few dozes of this Medicine will cure you, and save you the expense and pait^of a Fever. For Huniord in the Blood, and Iinperfeet Circulation, tiiis is u never failing Remedy. The use of DR. WARREN'S BILIOUS BITTERS NEVER FAILS to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM from all morbid and unhealthy secre- tions, therel)y curing skin diseases, and j^U coinplniiits arising from Impure Blood, and a deranged state of the Stomawi, Liver & Bowels. MR. DANIEL SMITH, OF BARTON, VT. who had been out of health for a long time tuu\ unable to labor, writes under date of August 2/th. 18G2 : " I tommeneed taking the Bitters, first of July ; have taken one bottle and part of anotiier- Hud my health quite restored. My son has been troubled for years with sores under his arms, and has been cured by taking one bottle of Dr. Warren's Bilious Bitters." Mr. Smith, like a trtie Pliilantiir..]iist, (as he is,) closes by ordering a supply of this in. aliuiijle medicine for his afliictcd neighbours. Go AND DO THOU LIKEWISK. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERTJ : From a knowledge of tlio compobitioii of Dr. Warren's IJiliouB Bitters, aa pre- pared t>y Mr. .lolm A. Piirry, and haviii',' iiRort them extensively in my praeUco for the [last 2 years, 1 have no hesitancy in teconimcndinf? them to the pnl)lic as a medicine from the use of wliieh can be ohtuined mure yuod results tlian from any other compound with which 1 am acquainted. illAXK L. MASON. M.D., Manchester, March 27, 1863. Eclectic IMiysieian and Snrffcon. D;;^Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. Observe a fac-simile signature of the Proprietor, (JOHN A. PERRY,) over the cork of each bottle, without which none is genuine. Manufactured by JOHN A. PERRY, Chemist, i' Boston, Mass. ' ♦ PRICE— 50 Cents and $1.00 per Bottle. „' . c. " M. S. BURR & CO., 26 Tremont St., Boston, General Agents. iSE ■ '4 Till 9ZS Bronchial BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Are prepared from a higlily-esteemed recipe for alleviat- j injr Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Hoarseness, Coughs, j Coids, and Imtation or Soreness of the Throat. PUBLIC SPEAKERS AND VOCALISTS will find them beneficial in dearinj^ the voice before speak- inj:^ or sinfrinpj, and rclievin}; the throat after any unusual icxcrtion of the vocai organs, having a peculiar adaptation fro affections which disturl) the organs of speech. Few arc aware of the imjjortance of cliecking a Cough, or " slight cold" in its first stages. That which in the beginning wouiu _) icld to a mild remedy, if neglected soon attacks the lungs. " Brown's Bronchial Thociiks" arc a most valuable article when Coughs, Colds, lironchitis, Influenza, Hoarseness, and Sore Throat are prevalent. The Troches give su»e and almost immediate relief. CdoGHS OLD %^ i^f COUGHS AND COLDS, If allowed to progress, result in serious PULMONARY and BRON- CHIAL AFFECTIONS, oftentimes incurable. BROWN'S BEONCHIAL TROCHES, Reach directly the affected parts, and give almost immediate relief. For Bronchitis, Asthma, and Catarrh the Troches have been used with decidedly good results. The good effects resuhing from the use of tlie Troches and their ex- tended use have caused them to be counterfeited. Be sure to guarvl against worthless imitations. Obtain only th^: f/enuine Brown's Bronch- ial Troches, whiih have firored their efHcacy by a test of many years. Pum.ic Si'EAKERS and Sinukrs should use the Troches. They are invaluable tor allaying the hoarseness and irritation incident to vocal exertion, clearing and strengthening the voice. Military Officers and Soldiers, who over-tux the voice, and are exposed to sudden changes, should have them. '' ' Sold by all Dealers in Medicines at 25 cents per box. JOHN L. BROWN & SON, Proprietors, Prihciprd Depots, 425 Washington St., Boston, and 205 High Holborn, W. C, London, England, aeas CHES for alleviat- less, Coughs, )at. LLISTS before speak- any unusual irKtlaptation h. Few arc 1, or "slij;ht c beginning tlie lungs, rticle when Tliroat are slief. Kl BRON- ES, •elief. For used with their ex- to guard n's Dronch- iiiy vears. They are t to vocal Ticers and 1 changes, and 205 RADWAY'S RIABY RELIEF. PAIN CURED- — Rapway's Ready Relief is the most impor- tant nicdici.Miil curative— yb/' the immediate relief of the sufferer — of all varieties of Pains, Aches, and Infirmities, and the promptcurc of the sick where pain, either internal or external, is a concomitant of the disease, that has ever been discovered In a few minutes after the application of the Ready Relief e-\ternally, or it:s administration inter- nally, the patient — seized with the most excruciating l*ains, Aches, Cramps, Rheiiuuitisni, Neuralgia, Gout, Lumbago, Fever and Ague, Spasms, Sore Throat, Influenza, Diptheria, Congestion or Inflamation — will enjoy ease and comfort. Impoktant to Farmers and Others residing in sparsely settled districts where it is difficult to secure the services of a physician, Rad- way's Ready Relief is invaluable. It can be used with positive assurance of doing good in all cases where pain or discomfort is experienced, or if seized with Influenza, Diptheria, Sore Throat, Bad Coughs, Hoarseness, Bilious Colic, Inflammation of the Bowels, . Stomach, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, or with Croup, Quinsy, Fever and Ague, or with Neuralgia, Headache, Tic Doloureux, Toothache, Earache, or with Lumbago, Pain in the Back, or Rheumatism, or with Difirrhcea, Cholera Morbus, or Dysentery, or with Burns, Scalds, or Bruises, or with Strains, Cramps, or Sp.'isms. The application of Radway's Ready Relief will cure ijOH of the worst of these complaints in a few hours. RilEUMATIS^[.— This paintul disease has baffled the most skillful physicians and jwpular remedies. It is the most difficult of diseases to treat, yet Radway's Ready Relief has never failed in affording immediate relief to the sutforer, and, in all cases of Acute, Inflammatory or Nervous Rheumatism, to effect a permanent cure. (In Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Radway's Cleansing vSyrup, called "Renovating Resolvent," should be taken as an adjunct with the Ready Relief.) SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. TRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. DR. RADWAY'S NEWLY-DISCOVERED PRINCIPLES IN PURGATION. DR. RADWAY'S Pills are the best Purgative Pills in the World, and the only Vegetal)le Sul).stitute for Calomel or Mercury ever dis- covered. Composed of Vegetable extracts, of Gums, Plants, Herbs, Roots and Flowers. They Purge, Cleanse, Purify, Ileal, Soothe, Calm, Strengthen, Invigorate, and Regulate the System. In sudden Attacks of Inflammation of the Bowels, Bilious Colic, Bilious Fever, Erysipelas, Congestive Fever, Small Pox, Measles, Scarlet Fever, six to eight Pills will purge the disease from the system in six hours. Dr. Radway's Pills are an improvement on all other Pills^or Pur- gatives in use; they will cleanse the alimentary canal as thoroughly as lobelia will the stomach, without prostrating or weakening the patient. They are the most active and thorough purgative, taken in maximum doses of say six to eight, known to the world ; and in dose of one to four, are mild laxatives. As Alteratives they are safer and more posi- tive than calomel or mercury ; as Tonics, they impart richness to the blood, tone and strength to the system. JOSEPH STOHY. ; PENRHYN MARBLE CO. WAREROOMS, 112 Tremont Street, BOSTON MANUFACTUREU AND DEALBH IM PENRHYN MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, (Enameled Sliite) of various colors and sizes, a beautiful article, winch have met with great favor both in the States and Provinces. ENGLISH ENCAUSTIC TILES, In Colors, for Floors. Terra Cotta Garden Vases and Statuary, for Flowers, and Foutv tains ; Flower Pots — han;;ing Vases ; Ivy and Fern Vases ; Lava and Bohemian Fancy Vases, &c., &c. German Flower and Fruit Baskets. TERRA COTTA CHIMNEY TOPS. CRATES, REGISTERS AND BRACKETS. All goods carefully packed and Shipped. Letters asking for prices or information promptly answered. EOOFI]Sr& SLA_TES, 112 Tremont Street, ...... BOSTON, IMPOKTERS AND DEALERS IX WELSH & AMERICAN ROOFING SLATES. Have constantly on hand, Red, Green, Purple and Black ROOFING SLATE, of large and small sizes. Also — Composition, Galvanized, and Iron SLATING NAILS. ELASTIC CEMENT FOR LEAKY ROOFS. Personal attention given to shipping to ensure safe transportation. Asa Wilbur, Joseph Story. i CO. BOSTON >IECES, article, which iS. ■ES, s, tuid Fouiv I'll Vases ; lie. lATES, ered. BOSTON, iLATES. k ROOFING NAILS. FS. sportation. spii Stouy. BSSS wioos tl^ ^ 8fiwifiy grows. 205 BarringtoD St., & 15 Brunswick St.. E WETHERBY & CO., Respectfully invite the attention of Wholesale and Ketail buyers of , FIRST CLASS GROCERIES, [to call and examine the quality, and sec the price of their TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, FLOUR, MEAL, MOLASSES, T08AC00, S?ICE3, FRUIT, ^5. Always on hand a large and carefully selected Stock of JFA3IILY GU0CERIP:S, suitable for the requirements of ivery family. Our land JEJIJ^Xj:^ IDOHiXuJ^JR, TE-A., QUARTER DOLLAR GROUND COFFEE, ire just of the quality to suit all lovers of a good cup of Tea or ICoffee. TRY THEM ! ' H. WETHERBY & CO. I U' 1 1 ^^^?^^^^^ 111 ' ' ! n 111 ;i SHEFHEIO HOUSEt 15 and 17 DUEE, and 188 and 190 HOLLIS STS. DATID STARR & SONS, IMPORTERS OP mo«Mo«GEav, cuTiEnVt WINDOW GLASS, LONDON PAINTS AND OILS, Cordage, Gunpowder, Iron, Steel, Tin, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Shot^ &c., &c. ' • AGENTS FOR THE "VIELLE MONTAIGNE ZINC MINING COMPANY,** Of Franco and Belgium, "VIVIAN'S" YELLOW METAL BOLTS AND SHIP SHEATHING AND NAILS, HOWE^S STANDARD SCALES. A large STOCK of the above always on hand for sale at LOW PRICES. B:^ We would particularly call attention to our Stock of CUT NAILS manufactured at our own NAIL WORKS, DARTMOUTH, as being very superior. '* - f-' ^^■ 0^ WHOLESALE CASH CUSTOMERS wUl do well to r«- plenish their Stock at the '- ' '-* ' - * " "* V ' 'i .i SHEFFIELD HOUSE, ; ' ^ DAVID STARR & SONS. : ^q ^H ,^ 1 J '•^'■-•t rr -■ r ' OLLIS STS. ixUmt, ^ND OILS, Tin, Sheet &c. 'OWIPANY," ^ND SHIP LES. sale at LOW Stock of CUT LRTMOUTH, do well to re- & SONS. I VV'ii 't. I ■/ w Tl F SL ^J Tl ^v Tl F, Su 12 SU 13 M, 1 4 8 9 10 II Tu \y Th F. Sa 15 1G| 17| 18" 19:SU '2o! M. SiITu S-i! Th 24! F. 25' Sa. 26 SU. 271 M. 28' Tu. I 1 1 Winter.] FEBllUAHY begins on Wodns'y— has 28 days. D First Quarter, 2iid day, 8lj., 54111., Afternoon. O Full Moon, lUth (lay.Oli., lUm., Af'ttsrnoon. D La-t Quarter, It^f i day, 5l». 23in., Afternoon. ^ New Moon, 2r)ih day, ilh., 49iu., Afternoon. d A}>o.i:ee IJJtli day. d Perigee lifith day. ,72©*" The column of the Moon's Southing givci tho time of High Watk» at l*»rr»- Iwro". Comwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport. ;2^Por the finre of Mi.-.h Water at IMctou and Caiie Torraenilne add 2b. 30in. to ihu time :ti Halifax. X^ for the lime of IIioh Watte At AnuapoUs, Bt Jolm, N, B. and rorlland, add 3h. .34n.. to the time at Ualiriix. yTS' for the time of High Wate« at St. John'i, Newfoundland, tubtract Ih. ttom the time at Halifax. ,5fi9* For the Lexotu of Dat, double the lime ef the Sun'i Betting, 5! g r. I f EVKKTS, IIOI.TDiYft, AXXIVKRiAllIKii, i:t»C. ll \V, 2; Th. .'J F. 4l Sa. h su. fil M. 71 Tu. 81 W. 9) Th. loi F. 1 1 ! Sa. 12SU. 1.3 M. 14;Tu. U W. IG Th. 17! F. 18: Sa. lo'su., 20! M. [plJTu. f 22; >v. I Washington born, 1732. 2:3; Th. 1241 F. 25' Sa. 26SU. 271 M. 28' Tu. Low tides. Candlemas [Day. 5ih Sun, after Epiphany Y\ stationary. High tides, Q. Victoria [innr. 1840. Septnagefiiua Sunday. Valentine's Day. 5 in Aphelion. Low ti« ^>H eS 20j5 195 14 18 17 165 145 135 125 105 85 65 55 45 9 11 14 15 It) 17 18 19 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 3 1 59 20! 14 21114 22J14 23 14 2614 27 14 29 14 58;5 57|5 5G5 555 525 50 5 485 46:5 4415 42:5 415 39,5 31 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 14 U 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 55 3 9 15 19 23 26 29 30 31 31 30 2S 26 23 19 15 9 4 57 50 42 34 25 16 5 55 44 11 35 4 5.51cpU 31 5 48J y morn morn 46 52 49 3 48 34 20 rises A. 6 6 7 8 6 57 51 48 9 47 10 11 47 45 mom 41 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 45 37 27 18 1 46 21 sets k. 8 9 14 6 421 y* 7 .3510 8 29; n 9 20; n 10 lOS 11 23 il 44l^ morn XJ 29 ny 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 25 / 7 171/ 8 12 9 10 11 11 A. 1 49 2 44 19 1 6 11 30 57 10 7 21 7 46 8 22 12l[rp 8 57 54nJ 9 29 36£i:10 19:£i:l0 30 2 m 10 .59 48'm 11 30 35im A. 5 48 1 44 1 5n\£ 53i>^ T 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 2 28 44 41 31 16 1 43 LLM-l '^ .' ii'' 15 : 8 MAllCH iHjgius on Wednesday — has 31 days. [Spring. C First Quai-ter, 4tli diiy, Hh., 4m., Morning. O Full Moon, 12tli (lav, 6li., *i7in., Mornlnj;. d Last Quarter, "iOth (lay, 8h. 22in., Morning. # New Moon, 27th day, Hi., 14m., Morning. • (( Apogeo, 12th Jay. ([ I'eri^jee, 2Gth day. SiSr" The column of thu Moon's Southing; i^ivos the timo of High Watkk at rarfi- boro', CornwulliH, Ilorton, HantRport, Wludsor, Newport, Ac. ;2^* For the time of High Watku at rictou aud Cupe Tonuentiue add 2h. and 30m. to the timo at DallfUx. .^E^For tho time of Uioh Wviia at Annapolia, UL John, N B. and Portland, acU 8h.|aiid 34m. to tho time at Halifax. ^SS* For tlie time of ilioii Watkb at SL Jolin'a, Xcwfbundland, subtract lb. hom tho timo at Halifax. /'S^ST* For the Lemotii of Dat, double tho tints of the Bun's ■ettini;. M c a c W4 <^ !> t/i (O >-. >» rt cS « fi 1 2 .•} 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JSm w. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. \V. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. i\ Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. EVKNTfl, HOLIDAYS ANNlVERSAltlEt), ETC. SUN. CO Slow of clock. MOON. Ash Wed. St. David. y Httttiouary. Low tides. 1st Sunday iu Lont. • 9 greatest IIol. Lat S. [ ? iu Per. 2d Sunday in Lent. St. Patrick's Dat. 3rd Sunday in Lent. O ent. c]p. Spring corn- Low tides. [mences, Slave Trade abol. 1808. Annunciat'n. Lady Day 4th Sunday in Lent. High tides. [1632. Treaty of St. Germains, Treaty of Utrecht, 1713. 9 in Perhelion. 37 36 34 32 30 29 27 25 23 21 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 *» 5 3 1 59 58 56 54 52 50 48 47 45 43 47 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 12 12 12 11 11 II 11 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 32 20 7 54 40 26 II 56 41 25 9 53 36 19 2 44 27 9 51 33 15 57 39 20 2 43 25 7 48 30 12 2° 'ja '^ *^ 1* 27 11 40 morn 44 1 •S 9 2 3 3 4 44 31 18 57 30 3 rises A. 6 43 7 8 9 10 11 39 35 30 25 17 8 41 36 34 33 30 mori^ 25 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 22 10 55 37 II 5,1 27 sets A. 8 04 9 18 10 28 11 29 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 56 9 42 10 27 11 10 11 56 morn 35 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 ft 17 45 31 19 10 2 55 49 8 44 9 39 10 34 11 30 A. 26 1 24 2 21 3 18 4 15!n 10 27 11 9 11 54 morn 4.1 1 42 / •Ok H H T 8 3 21) 4S 42 24 8 8 32 9 1 9 31 10 1 10 .32 11 2 11 38 A. 21 1 12 2 3 27 55 5 16 6 17 7 7 7 51 8 36 9 19 10 6 10 49 I I Hr ays. [Spring. ay. u Watkr at I'arra- ,, Ac. ntliie add 2h. and and Portland, mid Mubtract lb. tram ini;. DON. u 2^ "3 < r 3 39 I i 10~27 ) 4 35 ^ ill 9 5 30 I I 11 54 t G 25l 3 luorii 7 171 3 4.t 8 82 -o 1 42 8 50 2 2 3 3 9 42 f I 4 21) 10 27 J ^ 5 48 11 lor 11 56" I 6 42 i 7 24 mornn I? 8 35:^ i: 8 32 1 17=: 5: 9 1 2 0:^: i: 9 31 2 45 m I 10 1 3 31 m L 10 32 4 19 ; * 11 2 5 10 ^ 11 38 6 2^ 'A. 21 6 55V3 p 1 12 7 49 V P 2 27 8 44t8 . 3 55 9 39«i . 5 16 10 34 X 6 17 11 30>< 7 7 A. 26 cj- > 7 51 1 24 c|: 8 36 2 21 8 9 19 3 18 y 10 6 4 15n 10 49 i r ,*-f t * i > /^ e • = / II r |i^: i;l t i'' / .\^-^ .,.-.^'V .-'' :-■- > / » A ,*! ^^ -i- ,.- ■ •- /■-. ^ p i. -Ayr- <~J / \)<'-\ 1 o f^ . ^- * / I'l ! I *: /^i^.W^cA-i'-t..A^^ V- //^ *^ " , / ^^^ 'f f«- ,7 ,.»... ^^'>i .A . .¥ 7 ■V - < ^ ,V ^ V^ r^ ■■^^J ^ ^ .. -.v -^* ( / „.-''^ ^.^ V^'/ ^ / , A- -^ - -0^ \ ft' * 1: Spring.] APRIL begins on Saturday — lias 30 days. 9 /,. (■ '*■■ TJ;" / D First (Jnarter, 2(1 day, 9h., 5m.. Afternoon. O I'^nH Moon, 11th (lay. Oh., 13in., Morniii;j. d Last Quarter, 18rh day, 7h. om., Afternoon. ^ New Moon, 25th day, 9h. 59in., Morninj,'. d Apogee, 8tli day. d Perigee, 24tli day. .^SSr" The column of the Moon'i Soutliing gives the time of High WxTKBHt Parrs- boro, Cornwallia, Horton, Haiitsport, Windsor, Newport, Ac. ;^^ For the time of High Water at Pictou, and Cape Tormontiuo add 2 h., and 30 m., to the time at Halifax. ^^ For the time of Hioh Wateb at Annapolis, St. John N. B. and Portland, add 3 h., and 34 in., to the time at Halifax. ,^^ For the time of UroK Water at St. John's, Newfoundland, subtract 1 h., from the time at Halifax. ;2^" Foj the Length of Day, double tlie time of tho Sun's setting. ^ , «— -u: c 'i: u> t-^ >, M « /-v /~. r-t »H EVENTS, HOLIDAYS, ANNiVi:il3AKIES, ETC. SUN. MOON. ■J. Slow of 5 CA2 clock. X%^^ O U u .53 1 Sa. 2 su. 3 M. 4 Tu. 5 W. 6 Th. 1 F. 8 Sa. 9 SU. 10 M. 11 Tu. 12 w, 13 Th. U F. 15 Sa. 16 SU. 17 M. 18 Tu. 19 W. 20 Th. 21 F. 22 Sa. 23 SU. 24 M. 25 Tu. 2G W. 27 Th. 28 F. 29 Sa. 30 SU. ^^ d D 5th Sunday in Lent. Low tides. Income Tax Act, 1845. Raphael horn, 1483. Palm Sunday. 9 greatest IIcl. Lat. N. Higli tide.s. Good Friday. Easter Sunday. Easter Monday. Low tides. Odessa bomh'dod, 1854. 9 stationary. Low Sunday. St. [Geouge's Day. High tides. H 35 23 12 49:ny 3i!nJ 39'£vi 25|ra| -o * ).J| > 58 11 20 25 14 53 30 2 8 38 9 11 9 44 Jl>\/f 10 22 J3 5 II A. 39 1 44 11 2 111 45 '9'H i2'cp / cp 2 8 on 3,53 2 16 5 22 G 18 7 11 7 59 8 46 9 29 10 11 5^-j^!l0 54 0^1 11 39 5 iiy mom 53 ! 'I I i I vfrr Sunnner.] JUNE begins on Thursday — has 30 days. 11 D First Qiiartor, Ist fliiy, 4h., 7m., >rr)rnin£j. O I'nll Moon, '.)th day, .tIi., 2C)in., Moi-iin^-. C L;\st (,)niii-tcr, HUli tiny, 7h., .'{Din., Morning. ® New Moon, 2.'5(1 ih\y, "Jh., 4.'?.. Mornint,'. D First (iuarlor. .'JOili ilay, 9li., 2b;a., Afiernoon. d Apogee, .3(1 day. d Perigee, 18th day. d Apogee 30. 'ay. ;;23?*"Tlie column of the Moon's Southing gives the time of Ilion Water at Parra- boro, Coriiwallis, Iloiton, ITantsport, "Windsor, Nowpoit, Ac. iP^ For the time of High Water at Pictou, and Capo Tormcntine add 2 h., and 30 ni. to the time at Halifax. /IE!?** I'or tho time of High Watkr at Annapolis, St. John N. B. and Portland, add 3 h., and M ni., to the time of Halifax. S^ ^'or the time of High Watku at yt. John's, Newfoundland, mbtrad 1 h., from tho time at Halifax. ^^^ For tho Length of Day, double tho time of the Sun's 8 tting. o •Ji ft! a EVENTS, HOLIDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. SUN. o ■n ■ Fast i of clock. MOON. 1 l! 4 5; 6! 7, 8i ^1 13; 14 15, 16! 17 Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. 18' 8U M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU, M Tu. W. 29' Th- 30' F. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Low tides. t} greatest Hoi. Lat. S. Pentecost — Whitsiind'y- |1812. Battle of Stony Creek, Manielon captui'd 1855, U d d High tides. Trinity Sunday. 2 at greatest l)rilliancy. Carpus Christ! . [1703, Low tides. J. Weslev b. Bat. of Waterloo, 1815. 1st Sun. after Trinity. ? d d Asc. Q. Victoria, 1837. O enters 12. Summer [commences. High tides. [summer St. John Baptist — Mid 2nd Sun. aftur Trinity. hj stationary. ^ in Per. Q. Victoria [crowned, 1838, in Apogee. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -'4 |4 4 4 h 1G|7 16|7 167 I5I7 157 15 7 I5I7 1.5 7 14j7 147 14i7 14|7 i4;7 147 1417 147 147 147 147 1.5 7 157 15 7 15 7 16 7 167 167 167 167 177 1717 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 45| 46i 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 49 49; 49| 49 48! 48 48 48 48 48l 18 8 58 1 48 1 38 1 27 1 16 1 4 52 41 28 16 F. 4 S. 8 21 34 46 1 1 13 1 26 1 39 1 52 2 5 2 8 35 6 32 59 31 5 1 1 1 2 3 rises a. 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 50 33 14 47 19 58 morn 32 1 1 2 3 8 45 24 12 sets a 18 30 43 551 7! 19! i 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 34 24 2 36 5 38 1 36 ^ « s tfj kH 6 28 ^ 7 10 "V 7 52 -A- 8 35 ./^ 9 20 la 10 7 la 10 56 fU 11 48 / morn / 40 Vf 1 34 Vf 2 27 Vf 3 20 ^ 4 11 -». 5 3 H 5 54 H 6 47 T 7 39 cn 8 33 H 9 29 y 10 26 n 11 23 n A. 20 G i ^ ^-^i^ |2 5'^ ; 2 52i^ ' 3 38 ^ 4 23 III) 5 5rTy , 5 48 ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 27 16 16 22 23 23 14 54 36 15 52 31 9 52 39 30 29 36 45 53 56 52 43 ^3 17 57 35 15 54 morn 39H 12 JULY iKjgins on Saturday — has 31 days. [Summer. O Kiill Moon, 8th Hay, 4li., 1.3m., Afternoon. il l/ist (^imrter, l.'stli 27 2Sl 29; 30' 3ll 32! 33 .35 i .36' 37, 38; 39 40 411 421 43 44 48 48 48 48 47 47 46 7 46 45 45 4-. 43 43 42 42 41 41 40 39! 38! 37| 36 3.5 34 33' 32! .31 1 30; 29; 281 28| 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 17i 5 24 1 31 37 43 49 54 58 2 31 42 53 4 15 25 34 44 53 1 9 morn : 2! 1 1 2 3 33 23 rises A. 30 11 o 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 8 10 11 12 8 48 9 24 10 10 37 11 9 11 45 morn 26 1 8 2 2 56 sets A. 7 1 8 48 9 38 10 31 11 24 morn 19 30;i2: 14i2: om m 14 / / •S3. m H T 7 8 6 13 6 12 6 11 6 10 6 8 6 5 37i 8; 8 36 9 10 35 2 9 10 10 33 11 5 11 38 52 44 36 291 y 23 y 8 19|n 9 14 n 10 loin 58|g 45|^ 321^ 17iTV 43|ir5 26Ln, 9|£v 54|ni 4o!ni 38 1 22 2 18 3 24 4 29 5,32 6 24 7 9 7 52 8 36 9 17 9 56 10 40 21 29 11 11 A. 1 o Art 3 3 4 A. 15 1 9 2 8 3 21 4 33 5 44 6 44 7 35 8 20 9 9 9 36 10 11 10 44 11 18 11 55 morn 36 i. [Summer. tl. )n. ^y- Watkr at Tarrs- Ac. nc add 2 h. and and Portland add lihlract 1 h., from )0N. Water ifax. 1 South. L 8 48 9 38 10 31 11 24 mom 30 £i: 14£:r ora ni / 1 14 2 *• / 3 3 52 4 •14 5 3() G 29 7 23 / / Vf 19Vf •w. m H T T a 8 n n n 38 1 22 2 18 3 24 4 29 5,32 24 9 52 8 19 9 14 10 10 11 4 8 36 9 17 9 56 10 40 21 29 A. 15 11 A. 1 o 3 3 4 58|G 321^ 17Ty 4o!ni 1 2 3 4 5 6 / 9 8 21 33 44 44 35 8 20 9 9 9 10 36 11 10 44 11 18 11 55 morn 36 m Summor.] AUGUST begins on Tuesday— has 30 days. 13 O ^ull Moon, 7th day, Ih., 15m., Morninj,'. d Last Quarter, l.'Uli day, .j1i., 28iii., Afternoon. Nc'.v Moon, 2lst day, ;}li., 3ni., Moniini;- D First (Quarter, 29tli day, 7h., :i2u\., Moruiiiy. d Perif^ee, 9tli day. d Apogee, 25tli day. ■p^ The column of the Moon's Southing gives tho time of IIioh Water at Parrs boro, Coriiwallls, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Ac. ;2^ For the time of IIioh Watkh at Pictou, and Capo 1 orraentine add 2 h., and 30 m., to the time at Halifax. ;^* For the time of High Water at Annapolis, St. John N. B. and Portland, add 3h., and 34 m., to thctimoat Halifax. ;2^* For the time of Hioh Water at St. John's, Newfoundland, subtract 1 h., from the time at Halifax. y^^* For the Length of Day. double tho time of the Svin's setting. rS ^ u O 0^ s '^ V. OQ >~l r»> <-> 1— 1 i-H EVENTS, HOLIDAYS, ANKIVEKSAUIES, ETC. SUN. C) ;:i m Slow ot clock. MOON. -/) JS CJ ZJ ■^^ ;^ li rs *^ a 73 :3 J. o en X( liTii. 2l W. 3' Th F. Sa. SU. M. Vn. W. Th. F. Sn. 3! SIT. 14 M. 15 Til. if) VV. 17 Th. 18 F. 19 Sa. 20 SU. 21 xM. 22 Tu. 23 W. 24 Th. 25 F. 26 Sa. 27 SU. 28 M. 29 Tu, 30 W. 31 Th. Shivery abol. in lir. do- ll. CJ D [minions, '34. [and Am. '58. Tel. cable hiid b. Eng. 8th Sun. after Trinity. Very high tides. 9 in Aphelion. Low tide.'!. 9ih Sunday [aiier Trinity. U stationary. ? d d intli Sun. after Trinity, iiigli tides. St. liarllioloniow. h d d ,^ . . llth Sun. after Trinity. Low tidc^, 9 greaiest Hel. Lat. S. 11 51 A. 41 1 40 2 55 4 20 5 38 6 34 7 23 8 4 8 39 9 12 9 44 10 15 10 48 11 19 11 54 morn 37 1 30 ) i I . 14 SEPTEMBER begins on Friday— -has 30 days. [Autumn. O I'^iill Momi, 5th (Iny, 9li., 37m,, Morning. a J.ast Quarter, 12th day, Oh., A'-Mn-, INIorninfr. * 9 New Moon, 19tii (h\y, (5h. .'Um., Aftcnioon. D First Quarter, 27th day, lOh. .■}2m.. Afternoon. d Pcrifree, 6th day. , d Apogee, 21st day. /2^f" The column of the Moon's Southing gives the time of High VVatee at Parra- boro, Cornwalis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, &c, y^!S^ For the time of High Water . J3 n (-S r\ h^ 1-1 KVENTS, HOLIDAT.S, ANN1VEK.SARIL.S, ETC. SUN. MOON. CO FilRt of cloclc. s S 1 F. 2 Sa. 3 8LJ. 4 M. 5 Tu. G W. 7 Til. 8 F. 9 Sa. 10 SU. 11 M. 12 Tu. 13 W. U Th. 15 F. 16 Sa. 17 SU. 18 M. 19 Tii. 20 W. 21 Th. 22 F. 23 Sa. 24 SU. 25 M. 26 Tu. 27 W. 28 Th. 29 F. 30 Sa. Castine (Me.) taken, [1814. 12th Sun. after Trinity. High tides. $ in Inf. d O 13th Sun. after Trinity. Low tides. h D O. y d d 9 stationary. ? d (I 14th Sun. after Trinity. add High tides. Q enters £^. Autumn |('omnienccs. ISth^un. uftci- Trinity. iji a o Low tides. [mas Day. St. Miehacl — Michael- G.Whitetield died, 1770 22|6 2.} 1 6 2r)6 27|6 28|6 2916 3lj6 326 33 6 35!6 35;6 36 6 37 38 3'.)6 40 6 4l|6 426 43; C 44 5 5 4.) 5 5 46;5 5 48 5 5 49 5 5 51 5 5 53,5 5 54 5 5 55 5 5 56 5 37 F. 11 37| 35 30 1 40| 33 49 2 42 31 I 9 rises A. 29 1 29 6 29 27 1 49 7 9 25 2 9 7 45 23 2 29 8 24 22 2 50 9 7 20 3 11 9 57 18 3 31 10 47 16 3 52 11*42 14 4 13 morn 12 4 34 37 10 4 55 1 40 7 5 17 2 87 4 5 38 3 39 3 5 59 sets A. 1 6 20 5 41 59 6 41 6 12 57 7 2 6 38 55 7 22 7 5 5.3 7 43 7 37 51 8 4 8 14 50 8 24 8 52 49 8 45 9 37 48 9 5 10 27 46 9 25 11 24 45 9 44 morn 43 10 4 25 8 46 Vf, 2 47 9 40Vf 4 8 10 35 t»' 5 22 11 30j?s.j 6 20 morn >^j 7 10 25,)^ 7 53 1 20 cf j 8 35 2 16cpj 9 19 3 12jy :10 1 4 8 y !10 44 5 5'n1l 30 6 i1u;A. 19 6 56'a;3: I 20 7 4712131 2 37 8 37!^: 4 3 9 25!^ 5 22 10 10,q| 6 17 10 541!^ 11 37|Ilj; A. 20|£v 1 "A-^ 1 46^: 2 30Jni 3 16 4 3 4 52 5 42 6 34 m / / / 7 ii\\tf 8 20U 7 3 7 40 8 13 8 43 9 5 9 45 10 16 10 47 11 22 mora 4 55 2 8 s. [Autumn. "Water at Parra- ue add 2 h., and nd Portland, add uhtract 1 li., from »0N. Water ifax. South. 6 8 46 Vf 9 40 V^ 10 35 %■ 11 3o;-».i raorn;)^! 25,Hl 20,cpi lG,cpi 6 56 23 7 47123 2 47 4 8 5 22 6 2U 7 10 7 53 8 35 9 19 10 1 10 44 11 30 A. 19 1 20 2 37 8 37 a 4 3 9 25 a 5 22 10 10 ^ 6 17 10 54 lip 7 3 11 37 "v 7 40 (V. 20 j^. 8 13 1 2 -A. 8 43 1 46 -A. 9 5 2 30 m 9 45 3 16 m 10 16 4 3 / 10 47 4 52 / 11 22 5 42 / mora 6 34 Vf 4 7 27 Vf 55 , 8 20^ 2 8 ; i Autumn/ n P 1 '-' lli' ! 14' Sa. 15SU. IGJ M. 171 Tu. 181 W. 19|Th. 20 F. 21 Sa. I t. irtw^ifM— ■<•■■!■ utumn] OCTOBER begins on Sivnrlay— has 31 days. 15 O I'^n" Moon, 4fh day, 6h., I7in., Afternoon. d List Qn.u-tor, llth ilny, ll!i., 8ni., .Aloniing. ^ Xi'W Moon, 19tli (lay, 0!i., 13ni., Al'tcrnoon. J) rir.>t Quarter, 27tli day, llh., .35in., Morning. d Peiigoo, oth day. ~> >> Cj rt P « h SUN. MOON. Wate ifax. '/> Fast '/) . 1— i) - s '/3 *-* of '/, 5 a u>^ « clock. :::; 5 C/2 o 2h 1 W. 2 Th. 3 F. 4 Sa. 5 SU. 6 M. 7 Tu. 8 W. 9 Th. 10 F. 11 Sa. 12 SU. 13 M. 14 Tu. 15 W. IG Th. 17 F. 18 Sa. 19 SU. 20 M. 21 Tu. 22 W. 23 Th. 24 F. 25 Sa. 26 SU. 27 M. 28 Tu. 29 W. 30 Th. High tides. 21st Sun. after Trinity. t} in Aphelion. Pr. of Wales bom, 1841 9 greatest Hel. Lat. N. Low tides. 22d Sun. after Trinity. Bengal Il'way oi)enetl, $ d a [1802. High tides. 23d Sun. after Trinity. h C5 d Fr. troops occupy Tam- [pico, 1862. Low tides. 24th Sun. after Trinity. 9 greatest Hel. Lat. S. Wycliffodied, 1384. St. Andrew's Day. 39 40 41 42 44 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 6 55 6 56 6 57 6 59 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 J5 16 17 49 47 46 45 44 42 41 39 38 3." 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 21 20 19 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 * 12 12 12 11 11 II 17 18 18 1 15 13 10 5 54 48 40 31 22 12 1 49 36 22 8 53 il 20 2 44 25 5 45 24 2 .'J 51 rises a. 5 35 6 m / 8 9 25 21 18 21 10 20 11 26 morn 24 1 2 3 4 23 21 15 10 5 12 sets A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 51 34 20 10 4 9 10 11 11 14 morn 25 1 32 2 11 3 57 10 37|Clp 11 35 cp morn 35 1 35 2 3Gjn 3 J223 4 26'^ 5 18!^ 6 51 7 34 8 17 8 59 9 42 10 27 11 11 11 57 A. 45 35 25 3 15 4 6 4 56 5 46 6 37 29 22 17 10 15 ny ITl ru / / Vf Vf Vf H H T T 8 5 22 6 15 7 2 7 49 8 36 9 20 10 7 10 45 11 42 A. 35 1 40 2 52 4 3 5 7 6 6 41 7 19 7 51 8 24 8 56 9 30 10 3 10 41 11 24 morn 13 1 11 2 22 3 37 4 47 I ^«. [Autumn. on. 30, SOth (lay. Watbb ut ParrB- fcc. ne add 2 h., and id For tlaud, add ibtract 1 h., from kc )N. X ^ a ^ i> "3 — * f^ n tX.»H o Uj rH M-( CS . 3.5'cp lorn y • 35 y 35 n 3«jn 34 17 59 42 27 11 57 5 22 6 15 7 2 7 49 8 36 9 20 10 7 10 45 11 42 : A. 35 1 40 2 52 4 3 5 7 6 m / / Vf 6 41 7 19 7 51 8 24 8 56 i 9 30 10 3 lAplO 41 Vf H H T 7, •'lb 11 24 i morn 1 1', 1 U 2 22 3 37 4 47 I aa a 1 P^] ;5^~1 ;fp^i • 1 F 2 Sf 3 ST 4 IVl 5 Tt 6 ^v 7 TJ 8 F 9 Sf 10 SI 11 M 12 Ti 13 ^\ U Tl 15 F 16 Sa 17 SI fl8 M i 19 Ti ' 20 W i 21 TI i 22 F '■ 23 S£ 1 24 SI 1 25 M ; 26 Ti 27 ^v 28 T\ i 29 Fi i 30 S^ I 31 SI Winter.] DECEMBER begins on Frulay-has 31 .lays. 17 O Full M(K»n, 2d «lny, 2h., .'lOin., Afti'rnoon. d La?t (^ii;sr:cr, 9th «lny, 71i., ')'.)in., Afternoon. % New Moon, 18th day, Oh., Mltn., Morning'. J> iirst Qiiiirter, 25th day, 8h., 17in., Morning. d Apoj^cc, 12th day. d IVri^rc, 28th day, -^—~—— — ' J — ^SB" The column of the Moon's Southing glvPB the of Hioh Wateb at Parrs- boro, Cornwallis, Horton. Hanttport, Windsor, Newport, Ac. j^9~ For the tim« of High Water at Tictou, and Cape Tormontine add 2 h., and 30 m. .to the time at Halifax. S^S^ For the time of High Water at Annapolis, Ft. John K. B. and Tortland add 3 h., and .34 m., to tfie time at Halifitx. ^gj* For the time of High Wate» at Bt. John's, Newfoundland, sultract 1 h., from the time at Halifax. ^^^ For the Lex«th of Dat, double the time of the Sun's sotting. 53 *i 5 EVEKTS, HOLIDAYS, ANNIVKBSAEIES, ETC. SUN. CO V • I Fast CA # *-• I of c« i clock. MOON. O 11 2 3 4 5 6 71 s! 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 "18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. Fr. Sa. SU. High tides. 1st Sun. in Advent. ^ C5 d 5 greatest elongation. R. Baxter died, 1C91. Low tides. 2nd Sun. in Advent. 9 stationarv. h d d ' [1708. 9 d d . C. Wesley b. ^ d ([. 3nl Sun. in Hiirh tides. [Advent. 9d d St. Thomas. ©ent.Vf- [ Winter eonimeuces. 4th Sun. in Advent. Christma.* Day. Low tides. St. Stephen. St. Jo!m Evangelist. 9 greatest Hel. Lat. N. 18:. 18: 20 21 22 23 24 25. 2ti! 27 2«. 28!. 29 30! 30. 31 32 33 34 35. 30 .7*37 37 3; 3; 30. 30 30 35 35'. 35; 4 21 10 40 rises a. 4 21 10 17 5 1 4 21 9 53 6 1 4 21 9 29 7 2 4 20 9 4 8 5 4 20 8 39 9 9 4 20 8 13 10 9 4 20 47 11 11 4 20 7 20 morn 4 21 52 11 4^21 6 25 1 4, 4 21 5 57 2 3! 1 22 5 28 3 5! 4 22 4 59 4 4 23 4 30 4 54' 4 23 4 1 5 51 4 23 3 31 sets A. 4 24 3 1 5 6 4 24 '> 32 6 1 4 24 2 2 7 1 4 24 1 31 8 1 4 25 1 1 9 8 4 25 31 10 14 4 25 F. 1 11 20 4 20 S. 28 morn 4 20 57 27 4 26 1 27 1 .39i 4 27 1 56 2 50i 4 27 2 20 4 Oi '4 28 2 55 5 8 ;4 29 3 23 rises A. 11 i4jy! mom n 15'n 1 15 G 2 122:; 6i^ 5 47 6 43 7 32 8 21 9 8 9 53 3 3 57 j^'lO 37 4 45^,11 21 5 3o;ny A. 8 Unj) 57 50;£}1; 1 53 39La:I 3 22 ■1. 1 9 11 4 47 26 3 ''^^im 10 40 / 11 30l^ , ^„ I A. 21!^ - 1 12wyi 8 40 2 .54-! 3 44l-a 10 32 4 341)^ 11 14 5 24 )( 11 .59 6 16|q:, morn 8|(^ 50 , o9;y 9 15 9 52 58 ;io 5: 111 54 n 1 49 3 1 4 IG 5 26 6 26 i 18 IMPKUIAL GOVKRMMKNT. [IS'J-). THE ROYAL FAMILY. IIkr M(»'=t GraciOvS Mv.rKSTY (^rKi:N VIC"r.)l{IA. Born, Mu.v 24, 1H19. Sncccodt'd .June ;>U, 18.'J7. Maniid, I'Vlmiaiy It), \^\n. PruNc ESS KuYAL. IJoni Novr. 21, 1S40. Maiiiod I'ltiNCE Fui:- DKRicK William of Prussia, Jan. iT), 18r)8. I'uivcK OK \Vai.i;s. JJorn Nov. '.», 1HH. Mnnicd PniNci;ss Am.x- ANDUA, of Denmark, March 10, 18G.3. Issue, ALni;KT Vjctok Chkis- TIA\ IOdwaiio. liorn, Stii Jan. 18G-1. Pkinckss Alk k AIaid Mahy. Horn, Apiil 2.'), 1843. ^Married pRi.N'cii Loris, (»f IR'-^si', July 1st, 1802. Princi: iVi.KRK.n Krxi:,st Ai,nri:T. Born Anjjrnst C, 1844. I'rinckss Hklkna Ar0. pRiNcic Leopold Geoiuje Dincan Ai.iiekt. Born April 7, 18.'»4. PR1SCE.SS BKATRicii ^NIauy VICTORIA ThouoRii. Boru April 14, 1857. IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT. CHI E F O F F I C E 11 S O F S T A T E . First Lord of Treasury — liight lion. Viscount Palnicrston, K. G. G. C. B. Ciianckllor ov the ExciiEyiiER — Riiiht Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Foreign Seckktakv — Riiiht Hon. IC.ivl IJusstil. Home Secretary — Hiulir Hon. Sir Gcorirc Grey. Secretary for hie Colonies — Biultt Hon. Edward Cnrdwell. War Secretary — Right Hon. Sir (icorge (ircy. Secretary for India — Hi^ht Hon. Sir C. Wood, Bt. G. C. B. FiHST Lord ov tiii: ADMitM.TY — IJinht Hon. the Duke of Somerset. Lord High Chancellor — Kiyht Hon. Lord Wcstbury. Lord President of the Council — Hiirlit Hon. ICarl Grnnville, K.G. Lord Privy Seal — Ri^ht Hon. thi- Duke of Aruyle. K. T. Postmaster Gexeijal — Lord Stanley, of ^Vidcriy. President of the Boaud of TiAdk — Rij^lit lion. T. ^I. (lihson. Chief Secretary for Ireland — Riuht Hoik Sir Rol)ort Peel, Bt. Chancellor ok the Duchy' of Lancaster — Right Hon. Earl Cla- rendon. NOT IN THE cabinet. President of the Board of Wohrs — Biyht. Hon. Win Fnincis Coojier. Civil Loud of the Admiralty — S. Vv'liilchread, Ee-q. Home Under Secretary — G. Cli -c, Estj. Koi: CmI WaI 1mm Seci I.okI AttI Soif l.oi: .!i i>( LuK [ISO;"] ^ Born, Mav 0, \^H). IINCE FUK- CF^ss Aij:\- TOK ClIKIS- '3. iMrtrrieil U. ), 1«46. 8, 1848. lay ), l.^:)0. pri! 7, 1854. •n April 14, ton, K. G. ulstone. Iwell. ^ B. Suincrset. villo. K.G. ilhSO!l. :'ccl, Bt. Earl Cla- n rrunciri — 1 805.] COLONUL UOVKKNME.NT. lU KoKiucN r.NnKn Skcuetarv — I^»nl Wtxlohouso. (^>I.(>^•^\I, I's'iiK't Se< Kr.TAiJY— ('. S. Fortcscnc. V.Ki: S».«kktaI!JI..'« — I'arl n!' IJipon au'il Sir B. Hiuvos, K.C.B. Indian L*m>lh Ski'iskiakv — *!'. (i. Darintr. Skcuktauy to the Ai>M!!{altv — Lyi'l ('larciM-c Pufrct. I.«»i:i) lniKK .Fi«rn k — Sr AliMi'dcr C'tx IJ.urn. ATr<)UM;Y (fKVKKvi. — Sir KMiiiiiiU I'alnicr. S«>i,i('H(iu (iKNKitAi. — K. 1'. ("uni'-r. 1->(|. Loiti* Advimmtk or Sf«»Ti.AM» — iJiiilit lion. J. MoJU'rielV, L.L.I). .IiixiE Ai»vn. T. 1'.. lltadlam. L — 'I'lie Duchos.-: of Wollin<:fon. Loui*'' IN' WAiiivt; — Karl ^^f C"aifllI'.^'«^^, Vi.-ic(>nnt TorrinL'ton, Lords Cainoys, Kivcr>, dcTali'cy, (Trcinornc, Motliiin, llarriij. IKELAXn. Loud ffiEr'TKVANT — BJL'lir lion, tlic I'arl of Carlislo, K. 0. LoKU Hum CiiANCEi.u»it — Ilijiht Hon. Maziere Bradv. COLONIAL COVERNWIENT. CANADA. — lIovERNOR-GnNBitAL, IL's Ecculenc\j the Bight Hon. Cliarles Stanley Visconnt il<;nck. \< >VA SC'(»TIA. — LiElTtXANT-GoVERNOR, Ilia Excellency Sir Hiilia! J Graves Mai-Duniull. NEW BBl/NSWICK.— LintTEXANT-GovRUNOR, Ilis ExcelUncy Hon. Arthur Gordon. vV#. i<-. PIUXCE EDU'AHD ISLAND. —Lilutenant-Goveroe, ILs ExcelUin'tf (jeor;:e Dundas, Jic. &c. NE\V1'< >UNDLx\ND. — Lieltenaxt-Governor, Ilia ExcelUucy Antliony Mu-;r«iive. E?'i. BERMUDA. — LiEiTENAXT-GovERXoR, ///» Excdlcitcy Sir Hany St. Gcorut; Ord. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF NOVA SCOTIA. Hon. Charles Tujjper, Provincial Secretary. Hon. Wiliiiun A. Henry, Attorney Gmtral, Hon. Juliii \y . Ritchie. SiJicitor deuf-rul. %. Hon. James M<'Nal), Jl'Cfiver Geiierol. Hon. Lsaac Ix-\'eseoiite. Financial Secretary, Hon. John M-Kiunon, M. P. P. Hon. Alexander McFarlane, •^L P. P. Hon. S.^:uuel L. Sliaunon. M. P. P. L'ierk, James U. Thome, E.-ij. 20 LKOISLATIVE COUNCIL. [1865. Gentlemen retainivy the title of flonordb/e by special permission of Iter Mujesti/. Hon. Enos Collins. , Hon. Sir Samuel Cunard, Bart. Hon. James. W. Johnston. Hon. Jo.«eph Howe. Hon. William Young. Hon (( i( (( II n l< (( (( <( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Edward Kenny, Pn^sident f/ali/ar. Robert Moilison Cutler (iiiijsl'orontjh. Stayley Brown Yitrmouth^ Mather ByU-s Almon Ifalifax. Alexander Keith ILilifac. John VV. Kitchie, [Sol. Ue.n.) INI. E. C Halifa.v. Honrv ( x. Pineo * \S 'alkuo.. James MeNah, [lU. (Jen.) M. E. C Ililifar. Jonathan M('(JuIJy • • • • Ihilifiir. William McKeen'. Muboit, li^B. Ki(;hard A. McHelfy Windsor. Thomas D. Ar('hil)ald Sjidnry, C. B. Anskm F. Comeau Ctaro.. \i. Barry Dickey A ndurst. John Holmes Picloii. John Creifihton Lunenburg. John H. Anderson Halifax. ' Wm. C. Whitman Annajioli.^. Samuel Chipuian Kin<]s. Freeman Tu])i)er Queens. Archihald Fatterson Colchester. Chaplain Von. Arclideacon Will/s, D.D. D C.L. Clerk John C. Haliburton, Es1 1 COUNTIES. TOWNSHIPS. Kings, South Rilling North Riding Lunenburg PiCTOU. West Riding. East Riding . Queen's } Richmond • • ■ | Shelbufnb . . } Antiqonishb . I Victoria . . . . | - Yarmouth ...} North District. Soutli District. • ••••••••••••••• ■• Shelburno County, . do. T'nsliip. Barringtou do. . . . Yarnioutli County, . Yarmouth T'nship. Argyle do. NAMES. *Hon. Cliarles Tupper. *Robert Donkin, Escj. *Hon. Alex. M'^Farlano. *John C. Wade, Esq. *M. Robichau, Esq. *Colin Canq)i)eli, Es(|. *Stcwart Campbell, Esq. *W. 0. HetFornan, Esc^. *Hon. S. L. Shatmon. * Henry Pryor, Esq. *Johu Tobin, Esq. *William Annand, Esq. Henry Balcoin, Escj. James W. King, Escj. Lewis W. Hill, Es.^. *E. Churchill, Esq. William Lawrence, Esq, * Peter Smith, Esq. *Hiram IJlanchard, Est]. Samuel McDonnell, Esq. *Daniel Moore, Es(|. Edward L. brown, Esq. C. C. Hamilton, M.D., Esq. Caleb R. Bill, Esq. Henry S. Jost, Es(i. Henry A. N. Kaulb:ick,Esq. Wm. Sloeomb, M.D., Esq. Donald Eraser, Esq. Alexander McKay, Esq. Jamoi Fra.ser, Escj, *James McDonald, Esq. , John Camp!)cll, Escj. Charles Allison, Esq. .^Andrew Cow'.e, Esq. ' Hon. Isaac LeVesconte. William Miller, Esq. .*Thomas Coffin, Esq. .*J. Locke, jr. Esq. ,*Robert Robertson, Esq. *Hon. W. A, Henry. *Hon. John McKinnon. Charles J. Campbell, Esq. *Willi»m Ross, Esq. ,*Thomas Killam. Esq. . George S. Brown, Esq. . Isaac Hatfield, Escj. i' 22 GOVEUNMKNT OFFICERS. [1865. GOVERNMENT OFFICES AND OFFICERS. PROVIXCIAL SECin':TAUY'S OFFICE. Hon. Cliiirles Tiipjier, M.E.C., M.IM'., I^rocincial Stcrctary. J allies H. Thorne, Es(|,, C/iie/' Clerk. Henry Johnston, Atisisttad Cla'k. FINANCIAL SECRETAPvY'S OFFICE, lion. Isii:u' LeVoscontc, M.H.C, M.P.P., Finunc'.d JSea-ttary. Thomas 11. DeWolfo, Es(j., C/erL: RECEIVER GENERAL'S OFFICE. Hon. James McNiib, M.E.C., M.L.C., Receiver General. , John 11. Walliice, Esq., FirI. Black, Esijrs. Chief Comtnissioner of Mines, P. S. Hamilton Esq. D'piiti/ Commissioner, John Kelly, Esq. Dcputi/ Commissioners of Mims. — For Gold District of Montrtciue and Lawrencetown, John Kelly ; Oldham and Renfrew, James McKinzie ; tilierhrooke and Wine Ilarbonr, W. L. Pye ; Stormont, Jno. F. Taylor ; l\vnjier, Jas. B. VanBuskirk ; Wa^/ainatcook, John McLell'.ui. Atam«« [1865. IRS. 7- u-y. Carman, nera. t Boak, Honrv ■emiali 'e and iiizie ; lylor ; I 1865.] REVENUE OFFICERS. 23 Comimsaioners to carry out the provisions nfthn Ueriprocity Trp.atAi he- ttceen (ireat Britain and the, United States, Hon. Jos. Howe, Cotnmi.ision^r, and iieor^e II. rerlev, Esq., Serretar?/ and Surveyor, on the part of the British Government, and Gen. G. Cushmnn, of Banjror, Cominissinner, and R. D. Cutts, Esq., of Wasiiington, Sunrijor, on the part of tiio United States. Immic/ration Agnnt, Hon. Ilcnry G. Fineo. Board of Examiners for Procinrial Mtdical LirensQs, AYni. J. Almon» M.D., P.M.O., I). NcN. Parker, M.D., Rufus S. Black, M.D., Esqrs. Sable Island, Pliilip T. Dodd, E.«q., Resident Superintendent. Superintendents of the Establishment on the Islands of St. Paul'? and Scatterie, Donald J. McNcii, and Edm. T. Dodd, Esqrs. Commander of Government Schooner " Darin rj," James O'Brvan. Commissioners of Halifax County Court House, Samuel P. Fairl)anks, A. W. McKinlay, J. W. Nuttinj^, Wni. Annand, J. J. Sawyer, Esqrs. Commissioners for Indian Ajfairs. — Chief Commissioner, AVni. Clicarn- Icy ; Cape Breton, Rev. Julien Courtean and II. \V. Crawley, Esij. ; Western Comities, Rev. Edwd. Butler; Conimissiona' for reserved Lands for Indians, Samuel P. Fairbaidcs. Commissioners for construction of St. Peters Canal, Joseph Martcll, Wm. LeVisconte, and Robert Kavanagli. Supervisors of Great Roads. — Halifax to Pictou, AV". Dowlinf;, Colches- ter line to Gut of Canso, A. McKenzie ; Pollock's to Gui/sboro Line, John Parker ; Richmond County and from County Line to Sydney, C. B., James McKenzie; Ifffmouth to Ship Harbour, Wm. Anderson ; Halifax to L\nienb}i.rfj L.'nr. Cvrus Boutilicr and J. P. Inglis ; Halifax to Hants, Ephraim Burg.. • uroto Andicrst, ; Inverness, G. C. Lawrence; Ma ./>" -J Bay, A. Hubley ; Neio (llasrjow to Canso Strait, G. W. A. Lowden ; Avon Bridge to Hants Line, Samuel Palmer ; Middle- field to Brookjicld Corner, E. Waterman ; Middlejidd to MiUun, IClkanali Morton. Commissioners of Netv Building in the City of Hnlifix for public pvr- j>nses, Hon. Edward Kenny, William Stairs, John JJutVus, Alfred G. Jones, and John DouU, Esq. REVENUE OFFICERS. PORT OF HALIFAX. Collector's Department. — Acting Collector, Edward Binney, Esq. Clerks, John Straehan, J. S. Morris, F. D. Corbet, Jas. R. RiehaVdson. CoNTKOLLEu's Dkpautment. — ConlroJhr, Henry B. Paulin. Clerk, James Fitzy:erald. Surveyor of Shijipinfj, Samuel Murpliy. Broker, William Hill. WAUEHorsE Di:i'\.RTME\t. — Warehouse Keeper, William G. Fife. C'li/A-.- Peler Donaldson. /-ocZ."''?-,?, Fnuicis Jolmstoii, Robt-rt I5o;)k, Ro- bert B. Currie, John L. Compton, Wm. ^IcLeaii, I'dwd. Leuuire, Wtll- wood Reynolds, Wm. Foster, Donald Eraser, Robert McDonald, Geo. Ryder. Waterside DErAUTMEXx. — Landing Waiters and Oificcnt fur m- 24 REVENUE OFFICERS. [1865. fornn'j Rcrrtnip Taiws rvithin thn Prninnco, .lohii U. Ross, Esq., J. M. Tifl- niiirsh, William Cntj^';^. (Tfuijpr.invd Proof Oj/icers, ,]os. Austen, Rami. Caldwell. Tii/e Surcci/or, Alex. Kelly. Boatmen, Alex. Mellom, Danl. Gallagher. Weir/hrrs, John Hati-h, Edwd. Kelley. Tide Waiters, John Direen, Edw. Kavanagh, John Steele, Thos. Clarke, lloht. Miller, John Dnimmond, Chas. Grant, Henry Varighan, Laurence Veriker. Extra Waiters, Edward Shann, Matthew Nangle. Truckman, Jas. Potter. ANNAPOLIS COUNTY. Count!/, Officers. Office. Annapolis Parker's Cove Granville Fciry Bear River T. C. Tobias, J. L. Rice, Timothv Brook.s, Reid Hall, John Barr, Stephen S. Thome, Gilbert F. Ditmars, A. B.'Thorne, Robert Stone, Arod Grant, David \V. Landers, Controller. Protictive Officer. Do. Do. Controller. Bridgetown Do. Cletncntsnort Do. Thome's Covo Wilmot Do. Do. << Protective Officer. Port Williams Margaretvillo Controller. Do. Lingan Cow Bay Main-a-Dieu. . North Sydney. * Sydney CAPE BRETON COUNTT. Frederick Leaver, William W. Bown, George Rigby, Thomas S. Bown, C. E. Leonard, jr. W. J. Hill, Loui.'*l)urg Laur. Kavanagh, jr., " Joseph Townsend, Glace Bay Union Mines! Charles H. Rigby, Five Islands . . . . Londonderry . . . Old Barns *Tataraagoucho . Truro Shubenacadie . . , Advocate Harbor. * Amherst Apple River COLCHESTER COUNTT. Andrew S. Corbet, Harris Fulmore, David A. Davison, James McCuidy, Wm. Campbell, Thomas Crow, George Creelman, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Charles Ward, James W. Delaney, .fohii MofFatt, Albert D. Chapman, John Fowler, Controller. Do. Do. Do. ( Collector, Controller I and Registrar. Surveyor of Shipping. Collector. Protective Officer. Collector & Controller. Controller. Protective Officer. Controller. Protective Officer- Controller. Do. Protective Officer. Controller. Coile(;tor, ConlroUer, and Registrar. .Protective Officer. Do. Collector & Controller. I I 1805.] IIEVBNUB OFFICERS. 25 Joggins .... ... Parrsborough . . *P«gwash Wallace Fort Lawrence. Tidiiish Beaver River. Cliurch Point Digby Montegan Sandy Cove. . .. Westport Bellevue Cove. . Petite Passaj^e. . Weymouth. . . . St. Mary's Bay Gilbert's Cove. . George Seaman, James Ratchtbrd, James McNab, Nicol Nicolson, Jeffury Gordon, Stcplijl^Brundage, Dir.BV COUNTY. John Barr, A. Bourneuf, Botsford Viets, Edward W. Potter, B. A. Rohichau, Calvin Gidney, B. H. Buggies, Mark Terrio, John Smith, Sterns Jones, Richard Sanderson, GUYSBOROUGH COUNTY. Controller. Do. Collector & Controller. Do. do. Protective Officer. Do. Cape Canso. Guysborough . . Isaac's Harbour. Port Mulgrave. Sherbrooke White Haven. . . . Mary Joseph, &c. White Head . angier. Cheverie Hantsport Maitland , Noel , Walton , * Windsor Cheticarap Margaree *Port Hood Port Hawkesbury. Canada Cretk. George No iris, W. J. Bigclow, James Marshall, Stephen McMullen, Vincent J. Wallace, James Purcell, Abner P. McKcnzie, James Feltmate, Thomas B. Flavin, E. P. Dillon, IIAMFAX COUNTY. Joseph Browner, HANTS COUNTY. Thomas H. Malcom, Nathan T. Harris, Adam Roy, Rupert G. O'Brien, Charles R. Allison, Edward O'Brien, John Sterling, INVERNESS COUNTY. Walter Lawrence, James T. Lawrence, Edward D. Tremuin, Malcom McDonald, king's COUNTY. Cor, V. Rawling, Elijah Rockwell, Collector. Do. Do. Protective Officer. Collector Light Duty. Collector. Controller. Protective Officer. Do. Controller. { Collector, Controller^ ( & Protective Officer. 1 Controller. Collector Light Duty. ! Controller. Do. Do. Collector Light Duty. Collector & Controller. Collector Light Duty. Protective Officer. Do. Controller. Controller. Do. Do. Protective Officer. Controller. Controller & Registrar. Protective Officer. Protective Officer. i Controller. I Do. I Collector & Controller. ; Controller. Protective Officer. ^"""^Ti lKU ' ^ ' ' - ' . ' - U ??* 20 KEVKNUE OFFICERS. [1805. Coriiwalli:?, FreiiHi Cross. IIiuLi)rvillc. . lloitciii Aylcsfovtl . . . , *Lariavc.. << ClH.'stcr La Have. . . Luuenluirg. M.alione Bay. *Pictou.,, Liverpool .... *Port Med way. Arichat. St. Peter's... > . Barrinrrton , Cape Sable Island liiiij:;;0(i Lslands. ...... Shcli)urno Shellmrno Harbor, . . . . *Anti;ionishe Little Uiver. Harbour au Bouche . . *Baddeck. Gt. Bras d'Or,Kelly's Cov ally's I ■e. ) EbonoKor Rand, Cieori^e Loci; wood, Al)rabain Ofjil'vie, Koltcrt rarnsworth, Hoiirv Morris, Edwin D^VolU Kubert Farncsworth, LUNENIU RO COUNTY. Joshua (.)xiier, ) 1). J. Jjentz, j l)aniel Dyniock, Jolin Harlev, H. .M. Moylc, Daniel Owen, Cliarlcs I). Aladir, John Zwicker, PICTOU COUNTY. D. McCuUock, John H. Lane, Benjamin MoLcod, AU'x. G. McKay, \ ' John Gunn, quekn's county. Johti H. Freeman, Wtn. Bryden, Joseph J. Letson, KICIIMOND COUNTY. Simon Donov«n, James Hearne, Jolin J^Linn, Peter LcLnclieur, Cornelius Hiley, SIIELnURXB COUNTY. \V. Sarficnt, Joseph Trcfry, Seth Smith, ' Wm. Stalker, .James Muir, jr., Nathan Snow, James F. Demings, ANTIGONISHE COUNTY, Hiiiih MePhee, James Ran<]all, Edward Corbet, VICTOKIA COUNTY. William Kidston, Evans Campbell, John McNeil, Controller & C Hector- Proteetive Officer. Do. Controller. Do. ])o. Do. Protective Officers. Collector & Controller. Do. Controller & Registrar. Protective OlHcer. Collector & Controller. Protective Officer. I Controller & Registrar. ! W. House ke'pr. & Clk. Boatmen and Protec- i tive Officers. Controller &, Registrar. Sur. & Searcher Ship'g. Controller. Controller & Registrar. Protective Officer. Do. Do. Do. Controller. Protective Officer. Do. Controller. Controller & Registrar. Protective Officer. Collector Light Duty. Controller & Registrar. Do. Controller. Controller. Protective Officer. Collector & Controller. 1 [18G5. ; I!.. Hector- icur. icers. ontrollcr. ' Registrar. : K'er. onti-oUer. icer. 1 Icgistrar. )r. & Clk. Proteo- iegistrar. rShip'g. Bgistrar. :;er. leer. Jgistrar. •cr. Dutv. « Jgistmr. er. troller. 1865] HBAI.T« OFFICERS. 27 Great Bra? d'Or John Bain, ** . . . . ; Anmi.-t Monison, " . . • . ' Donald MeKiiizie, St. Ann's John '< 'cAulay, ri XT ,1 Gooi'gu Burton, j Capo 2si)i'th ,. ^ 1 A* f . T, i ' . Dunahl Melutosh, ) YAUMOUTir COLXXr, Boaver Kiver | Rcul)ca Perry, .Vru'vk? I W. D'Entrcmont. Puljiiico Peter S. D'Ei^emont, " ] liohert Wilson, Tiiskot ■ Aliram Lent, " ! Joseph While, ♦Yarmouth ! Tlios. E. Moberlv, " I Lvnian Durkee, I H. v. r " ! Jy S (jr. -. 'n, Tho Ports marked thuB <» are Warcliousing Ports. Proroctive Officer. Do. Boatman. Colle<.'tor. Protective Officers. Controller. Protective Officer. Controller, Collector Light Duty. Contn.»ller, Collector Light Duty. Controller & Registrar Search. tScLand. VVaitcr! Surveyor of Shipping.. Extra L .au , . Waiter SURVEYORS OF SHIPPING. ^.^^..^..v.. .v.....> , ^^1^. ^..„„^x, vj.,.vr.^>^ i.-,vyi..^ , ^s,^^.. .,., ~-- — man ; D'Kj'iif, Botsford Voits, B. II. Rug;;les, Reuben Perry ; Gui/shorougn, James Mai'shall ; Halifax, Samuel Murphy ; Harlmir au Bouc/ie, C. B., Edward Corbet ; Kiny-i, C. V. Rawling ; IJivarpool, \Vm. Bryden ; Lunen- bttiy, II. M. Moyl Dudd ; Picfou loyle ; Loiuionderri/, Thos. F. Morrison ; North Sydney, P. ,.v.v.w , - ., Robert Huttie ; Purj'vash, 1). Rogers, Levi Borden ; Parr$- lioru-t'jh, J. R;itchford ; Port Howl, E. D. Tremain ; Sydney, C. 13., Wm. J. Hill ; Shtldurne, W. C. Whidden ; St. Afnru's Ricer, A. McDonald ; TataiH'Ujoache, Wm. Campljell ; Tusk>t, J. M. Lent ; Windsor, Edward O'Brien; Walton, C. R. Allison; \Vilniot,\lobt. Stone; Weyinouth, H. D. Ruggle, ; Wallnce, Nicol Nicholson; Yarmouth, Alex. Hood. COMMISSIONERS TO LICENSE PILOTS. Halifax.— J. U. Ross, Chairman; John Taylor, Wm. Ciinard, Wm Roche, D. Cronan, Esqs. PiCTOu.— James Primrose, Roderick McKenzie, A. P. Ross, Donald MiiDonald, liubert DouU, Esqs. PiiGWASH. — Hon. H. G. Pineo, Thomas Page, James Bent, C. B. Dewolf, D. Rogcis, Esq. 'J'atam vooucHE.— John Miller, Wm. Fraser, Henry Roljcrts, George Mertitall, Esqs. Wallace.— Joseph Ilucstis, J. B. Davison, J. B. N. Kerr, Richard Scott, jr., Joshua Ihicstis, Esqs. CAfu BiiETON.— Saml. Brookman, John Muggah, Esqs. HEALTH OFFICERS. Anxapolis.— Randall, M.D., Ilobt J. Ellison, M.D., Lean. V. Parker, M.D., R. Leslie. M.D., G. T. Bingay, Esq., L. G. Deblois, M.D. Cafe Bretox. — Lewis Johnston, M.D. Cumberland.— Samuel Mitchell, M.D., Chas. Creed, M.D., Robt. Mitchell, M.D., B. G. Purdy, Esq. 2S LIUIIT II0U3US. l'AKKsi;(-»!!,rr.— Kcv. W. B. Kii;.-, J. l?iit.hioi-. Vi'ik, l-'iMuris Carri)!, Oiiv L<'\vis, ,Io.s.-e Kulk-rton, Ksi|rs. Coi.nti-.sTi.u.— (\ M. Hont. M.I)., II. Kirkuood. M.D.. 1. W. M;ir- s'liill, M.l). Itoht. L();;;iii, M.l)., SiUiil. Wuu;^li, Jolm Millar, (jcor;:e Luml.ard, Win. Biiickwuocl, Ebuiiezer Fali-'s, Amos Fuuiuain, T— guson McNiitt, Ksiirs. Dioijv.— Koht. Stephen, T^I.D., Ccrono V. Jones, Edw. Jolin, Luznrus Millet, Ivhv. Kverett, Jesse Harris, T. W. Kuiryles, \Vm. C. Payson, (i. Miiiiro, Wni. L. Bent, Danl. Ouselcv, Tlios. Moro- ^^' in. C rin- lioii-e, Jolm V. I'lndy, Henry Black, Ksqrs. Lung AM) BiuKK Isl.vnd. — John Fo.x, M. D. (liYsnoi.'oi (ill. — Edward Cap'itt. M.l). ]I.\i,n AX. — .John Stavter, M.D., . Hants.— B. DeW. Eraser, Esq. Invkrn'icss. — Geo. C. Lawrence, James McDonnell, Nic. Murphy, A. Murphy, Es(p-s. '— E. L.Brown, M.D., J.B. Tromain, M.D., 11. Shaw, M.D., y S. .Miller. M.l)., C. C. Hanulton, \V. C. Bill, G. \V. Fisher, Gilbert Fo'.vk-r, H. O. McLrttehy, M.l)., W CrixuG. LrNicNHUKO.— Stannaj^e Jacob, M.D., W. A. Crandall, W. A. C. Bandail, Ch.'irles Gray, at Mahone Bay. BiCToij.— E. F. G' Kirkwood, IL Kirkwood, M.D., W. Cook, Alex. Thompson, Henry 11. iS'arniway, Geo Glenuio, Jas. S. Loraine, James Ive-, Joiiii Eeij^iison, .)as. Murdoch, Es([rs, liiciiMOM). — Henry C. Fixott, Esq. SiiKi.uiuNE. — J. K. Wilson, M D., Geo. Snyder, H. L. Wilson, H. L. Kellv, Esrn Scotia, and on iho CMist of JVew JSninsiricb, in the Boij i>f Fanilaij,'t'itiie, Race, Ncwfouiullinid, (Hulf and Ricrr St. Lnti-ienre, and Strait of B'lle Isle. ^ri:A<;TiF,i!'s Bkacii.— East side Halifax Harbor. A Jixrd U. — Entrance to Lunenburg Harbor. Two Vv^hts—Jlash light ahorc, Jix' d iigJit bcloiv. Ii;oN-noL:Nu Island Light — Off the entrance of LaHave Biver. A bri'ilit flash light, often seconds duration, followed by an eclipse of thirty secou'ls. Tiic laiucrn is placed on a square wooden tower, painted ifhilH on the southern side of the Islaiul, and is visible from all pointi. of approach. Elevation scventy-iive feet above sea level. Fort MicDWAV.^— .*lyiitove sen li'vt.!, mid Maiul.s within thirty I'atlioins at tlu' shore. liivi'iM'ooi, — South end of Culliii's Isl.itid. A jdaiv, r, nih-'tuij !i.;I IsLAxn IlAnnou Tac.ut — On Gnll TJock, off the entrance of the harhor. liiiildin;; .s(iiiaro, and painted tr/n'tf^, exliiliiiini; a (/.(/;•, w/iife li(i/it, M nil clevaiion of fifty-one feet iihove the bcii level, and is situated in hit. 4.']^ .'};i' X. and lonj;. (54° HG' W. SutLULUNE — McXutt'.s Island. 2\vG Jlxed liijlds, one above :lie other. > Ti.vRRixcTox— Barcaro Point, cist side of tlic entrance to Barrin;^ton Bay. A /{itsh llciht of lifrcen seconds. Capk iS.vHr.K IsL NO — On Cape Salile in tlie County of Shclburne. A red, fired l/or, situate on the E. side of the entrance to the Bay of Fundy, about thirteen miles northerl\' of Cape Sable. Build- iii}^ S(juare, jiainted ichife. A ,/ired, rod H'jld, on the seward side, twenty-eiu'lit feet above lii;.;-h water level, (rise and fall 12 feci,) and stands fifteen fathoms from low water mark. Tiie point of beaeli is bold. Yakmol^tii. — West side of the harlior. A plain, recolcin;/ linhl. A Fog litLi^, lias been erected on the E. Cape of Yannijuih harbor, a few feet to the southward of the Light House, and about one and a (piarter miles from tlie extreme outer point of the Cape. Strikes stccii times per minute. But not in operation at night. BniAit Island — .1 plain, white li(/ht, situate about half a mile X. E. from tlie N. W. ]K)int of tiie Island. Wlsti'Out — Peter's Island, at the South entrance of the Grand sage. Tico ichife. liglds, placed horizontally, to distinguish it from Briar Island Li;j;-ht, at an elevation of forty feet above high water iiiiirk. DiGHv Gut Light — (Jn the V\^%ide of Digity Gut, from Briar Is- laiul north-eastward. A jlxed, white liijht. Pout Willi a'm*, lati: Mausuall's Cove — A Beacon Liiiht,,«7»<'^at' and painted white, exhibits at a' distance of al'our five miles a wiiiie li.:jht, and on nearer approach a green light. Port Williams is diitanr fiom Diuliy Liglit House East 25 miles, and from Black Rock Light House Wett '21 miles. Maugarltvilli: Beacon Light — Building square and painted white, exhibits at a distance of about five miles a v/hite lif;lit, and on nearer approach a red light. Margaretville, id distant East thirty-seven 30 LICIIT IT0CSE3. [1865. milc^ from 7Jlj,'fiT Linlit HoTjsp, nnfl Vft'M 15 mile? from BInrk Kork Li^Iit Ilou-c. TIiosc Lii^hts in the aU:>vc Bcj:v.-on Liglits dwtiiigni.-h thi'ni from other li^jliis in tlicir vicinitr. Bi.ACK liocK I>iGHi — On the souihem shore of the Biiy of Fundy, ^1 JlTK'f. irfiife Ir'*. ' Ai'i'i.K ItiVKii Light — North n\do of the cnrrarce to Apple Riv(;r, in Chif^nccfo, or Ciiniberhiiid Uay. Tnr)fix*d l!';ht:*, jiUtred hori/.n7i!iilly. Partridge Isi.anp Hivkr — An tH'r:i;;«)nal liu'lit f-eacon, on Jlic \V, side of the entvniue to Partridge Ishmd liiver. I'arwh >rou^b, on the N. Bide of the Basin of Mina:^, and exhihits a }tlnin whitf Ih/fit, at an clyva- tion of tliirty feet abo\ <_■ hijrh water ; rise and fall ahoiit forty-live ft-it. The tower is white, and ntands close to hiph water mark on tlie heach. Vessels can only enter the harhor at lii^Ii water, and luJij-t lie aground on the soft bottom when the tide is low. HoRTox. Bluff Light — In the Basin of Minas, nijiety-five f^et above sea level, hifih water j rise and fall forty or forty-five feet. Bnilditig square, jminted nhite, Btand.s pixty feet from the Bluff, and shows a white light, which may be seen in clear McatMer over ilic ;.rreatest part of the Basin of Mina,'«, (after passiiij; Capo Blomedon,) iuid aoc>v;r the Five Islands, and up Windsor Ifiver, until intercepted by the continuation of the Bluirto the southward of it. BuRSCOAT Head Light, Basix <.f Msxa? — The Lantern i<* erected on a square tower attached to the main bnildiuji, ami shows a plain iiiiite tight, about T.") feet above hiirh v/ater lev»-l, and vir^ibic froni ali points of approach. Tower and buildiny })ai:i:id while. Bearinj^'s and distances : Cape Blomedon N 70°, W. 2iP 5', 10 mile.^. Brick Kiln Ledges N. 52°, "VV. 7° 5', 10 mile.K Economy point N. 36°, W. 3° 9', 10 miles. Devit/s Islaxo — An octagonal buildinir f>n the S. TV. point of Devil's Island, at the entranoo of the Kastcrn yrif-sag*' to Halilax hal«)r, and exhibits u r^(/ %/*/, on the ."caward sides, to di.-> it from Sambro and Meagher's Beach light ; stands ibrty-five feet above higli water mark ; rise and fall six feet. The painted dai k brown, with n white Iwlt between the Balcony and Liitcrn, to distinguish it in the day time. Eastekx Beater, or Wils^iam's I.'+laxd — A irhite, r(roh:infj %//.'. White Head Islaxd Light — On the S. VV. piKiit df White Head Island. The tower is square, painted u-hit^, stands seventy-five fathoms from the water's edge, with an octagonal iron lantcni, ^ixty feet above sea level at hfgh water; rise and fall six feet. The liphJ is distii-.guishcd by brifjht Jfashes of ten seconds dnrajion, followed by c-clip-es of ten seconds,- displaying alternately three flashes nnd three eclipses in a minute. The light will not be totally obfoared during the eclip.>^e. Caxseac, CRANBEuuy Island-^ 7«o jire^J lic to tire !Str:jir'(.j Canseau, distinguished by f(fn a'Ajf/! /jjy/^r* placed hoi-izontally, twentv-tive feet above sea lord. Buikljng sqimre, paintod u.-f\it<>, wrth a black <'}fnr>t9i>fj on fhe fc award si a a' the )f the t side '' white. In tlie lie vol. 18()5.] LIGHT iioust:a. 81 WkST 8IUE OK THE GCT OK CaN^iO — A /i ti-(l while, 'iffht. Cape Oeouok — The i2<;litliou«io now hiiildiii^ ou Capo Gforye, in the County of Sydney, is iwtended to show a while rtivolvin-^ li^'ht, at interval? of 3') ^eronds. It if a S'jtt.we l)aildinsr,ft.nd i-i to l)c painted wliite. PiCT<«: Harbor r.i'iHv-r-Oa tlu' f^outli CKSt side of the cnifanre to t!ie harfiur. 'J\-i-> rut^i iiifhtit, verrirnl — iipperone ichitt , lowti* one red. I'l'^roc Isj.Asru I^c-ur— .-(.)n the fUMirh-eant point of the Inland. Biiildin:; -quare, and paiuied :rhife. A vhiio jUcd U'jLt, fifty.two feet ahovt' hiLni-wnifr rvnrk. \ WiKX Hood Lickt— Oinnced from ifhiir to rr, ok MA<;i.i, mid distant fruiu (3apo Bicton two and ahaU'iDiles. A fjl.-iin h'hL^ ItxiLt. Tlu. liutticji is phu-ed oh k &<^uare wooJeu tower, j piiiiited tchibi, utiif the rt'iivtv' anJ suini».it of the Island. The lantern ; U itjil .'eHi ul;.i»c "ieti t^vc! -\i>iijio from all ijoittt« of approach. To I 1 v.'i* :(•!,-• hi yrtyxlvSiiy to I'lie i-.Iii»d^hi' Jij^-ht may Ireconie ohsciired by ; % the uiirup: »Ii.1'i or >ic( on ihe south- I e.ut iide. Ti^c- •fcief hu:l(iicj[ i.* r.ear the fouth-eaijt oiid, in phore, whtre 1 a fev,- ti-iiiinu' itiiff"' and bouts xwq kept in u>e durinjr the tiiihin-^ «eason. ] S;. P.\i.';.'s Ii>L\>>'ii —A fired liov2i;€a lovtl, and can Ui lieea at J the ui>rauc»' o\ twelve miles. I ScxxrARiK Ibl^n'i. — A whits. r£V(A.ciug light at tlw east end of the 4 Lslai.d. \ Loti.«»Ki:eG — Oa the ca.-it skin of tlie entrantc to ttie hm'bor. A fixed |: JJiHD J<.:.KiiD—Eayi coast of Cape Breton. Lijrhthouse is building. Y (rASNKT liocK. LiGUT— Tliiii lii^ht id ifitcnd^id to warn verfstls of *'' their up ;j voce h to a \>,ry daii;ierou-« ran^e of slioals and ledtre.^, wlhck j extend from tht Old P:>jprietGr to the iieal Islajida, of Machias, a dis- \ toiutf o! iUiOht tu-ecty iriles. A «?/.'><', jiash iiffkt, twenty seronda d.-»riv, •' undiortv icoonds lij^tt, in e\ch ndnute. Httildin}; painted in etripes, i u^r/Zoa/, hfrrjc Uiid wiJu. Between the aud southeruiijo.^f. of the Mitrr Lodye^, t}fc?re is a ranao of dangerous rocks and slioalg, many oi" tij€ni lumoit abcnc V7atfer, and extend eastward fron* tlw Li;jht Hot'-'} .ibout i'owr luile.:. I'rosu tlu« ran;;e ftrtber swilhu^urd! y , about six miles (roiu ih" Gasnet Li^lit, lio-c u (Jaii^%'.n>as breaker called the Jibll;— thi- luav be avoided by keepinj; lluee temarUaljte Ueudlaud* ueaf tUe S. V^. x.^v.^i of Grand Manan open. \\ x^^v^tiIA'^ Se*l liLAND h\Q\ir—Tm fixed, ifhite lUjhts, upoa tSic j! Maehiob •^«j1 J-Iand.^, fortv-tive ii;ct aI>ove hj'^^h water, a;i'i bearing fro lu }: eacii ether E. S. K. and VT. N. \y., distant about 20(i U^t, hy which \. circuiu-tiuKe. of tv^o Li;;bt Ifgiiios at the smue station, they will be 1 iruiu all otiier lights; upon the ocast, British jiumodiJitoiy uis:;aj^ui.-i..c.i. «iiiiaH!9««9«ii(.ia« <=iiJ» 32 LVOIIT HOUSES. [1H65. or Atucricnn. Both hnildinfrs painted irhifr. Vessels stnndinpf to tho iiortliuiir.l iK'twoeii tlic-se lliilits ninl the (iannct Rock, sliouM tack or haul oil" the moment they hriiij,' thcso li^lits into one, ns tlicv will he tlicri nut ninre thuM three loiuths of a mile from tho Miirr Le(l;^cs, if not inoic tliaii live miles to the cast of the litrht. S\\ AiJ-o\v Tau, Point — (Jitwr* Mavan Island, — .1 Jirfd, vln'te llf/lif, »t i\n elevation ofaht)ut l.'U) feet nl)Ove hij^li water, may he seen fujiu 17 miks. I'y rainidal tower i>ainte{l white. Lat. 44 " 4.')' 52" N., Lonir. (>G - 44' 4" \Ve--t of (ireenwich. JIcAO IIahhor Light — Next in order nfter pnssinels entering tho main channel to West isles, Moo>e Island d the Ii 13av of I' fiMv ; it enables vessels nlso nt nil //','-•<■( v'/iite Ill/lit. Buildinj; painted *sami times to enter Head llarhor. white, with a rrr/ cross on it. « J-'oiNT Li2 PuKAU liioiiT — Upon this proieetinj» head lai!tripes, live feet broad (;aeh, liori/ontallv. J'AHTiuiM.r, Island Lioht — At the entrance of the river and harbor of St. John, N, B: Affixed, tchiin lii/ht. Tho building' painted )w/ and H'hife, in vertical stripes. Bi:a(a)N l.iuuT. — Within Partrid<:o Island, nnd u)ion n spit or bar, whiel'. extends about half i\ mile south of Sand Point, and which dries nt two-t^iirds ebb, stands the Beacon Tower. A ^tixcd, vhite Hijht, Jjuildin;.^ painted icliite nnd hhtck in strijies vertically. Qlaoo Li<;iit. — .1 revolriutf, whitu lli/ht, placed on a small rock, otV Qtiaco Head, showing twice full and twice dark in a minute. The lii:bt can bo seen from anv quarter where a vessel can aj)j)roach. Buildin;; rhiti- and rrJ, in horizontal stripes. Jiainted >/•. Catk viiK Li<;nT. — On a jioint r»f that name in" Westmorland, nearly opposite Apple River Harbor, N. S. Bnildihf; painted whitr, anY Light. — This is an Anu'riean liuht, jjlaced on the west:si(',> of (lie entrance in the St. Croix, by Lubec and l''.a>iport. A I .OUT HoL'SE has been erected upon CAPE RACK, Newfound- hand; ^l .y/'-'c/, i/7i//r //f//i<, from sunset to sunrise. The li;iht is visilde to seaward from N. E. by E. round by the S. E. and S. to W., and is elevated 180 feet above mean water level of the sea, nnd may l>e seen ill clear weather 17 miles from n ship's deck. The tower is striped red and Avliite vertically. It stands close to tho location of tho old beacon, whieli has been cut down. The lighthouse is in Lat. 46° 39' 19'' \., Long. 53° 2' 28" W. Bearings magnetie. Var. 24° W. Kntran( K to Great Bras d'Ok and St. Ann's, East coast Cape Bieion. Fhtsh lifjht, red nnd white, at intervals of sixty seconds. Fish Island — Entrnnco to Tusket River. Two clear tixcd lights, horizoiiUilli/, senward. Spkncku's Point — North shore of Cobequid Bay, near head of Minns Biv>i44-. CiAiD'-ji.ted Ittjht. . ..^ Sx.T'ti;uRi: and Miquelox Islands — Galantry Point. Revolving light, making a revolution every 20 seconds, une red jhish followin<; two ivhiteones. Lat. 46° 45' 30", Long. 58 ° 27'. Elevation above "levul ! [1H05. nff to tho tl t;i(k or y will Itc A'(1;;l'S, if rrtl, tr/u'te. he scon )' 52" N., tl Mitnnn is lleud and is a >e Island, Iso nt all J painted :wo iJLrlits t. twcuty- l«« wIll'lV ted vitite id harltor I red and t or li;ir, ■ icli dries ite litjht, rock, otf 'lu« li-l.t j '?iiildiii;I I norliind, |d whitv, on the |rt. .found- visil>lo and is he seen jjctl red [heiicou. jio" \\; |;t Cape lit^hts, Minas [olvincj level ISO.).] 8IX(JAL8. 33 of liii.'h tid«>* 19? fict; niriL'o of lijrht IS niilo-;; covered on north side l»y hii:!iJ.iniN <»f St Pierril The (ionth-eiiHt cluiunei eiitrnin-e to St. I'ieiTC IViy. indiiMti'd hv two *tnall li;:l!thou«<"i with lixcd Ji'j'if'. one a irfntr lijitt, at Canon IV.ini ; the other <•< fin'"' 'iinl (i'lJf nf Si. fjtn'ffDre nud Sfntlt nf' JJi-llr h'c, nri.LF. \*i.v. Li. in. — An i-hind at tlio otintern onrranre of the Strait of Itellc-I-lt^. "cpirntifi^ I.nhratlor from NewlDnndlaud. situated at the extrtnie ^onth-wc'■t point of tiic i^l Mid. .1 >»/*';'«' pml ir/iite li'i/fit, lUiildiiijr. tuwi-r, f.iced e.xrcrnallv witli tiie lirick of a li^'ht rolor. Lat. N. il = 5.3' n'' ; L..ji._'. W. 'Jf)'-' ?C.' 0". Whul.^ liorizon li^'htoil. and *een in fair wetithiT 2**^ Ji'inii< al or .T2A -frirnrf mile-:. ToiNTK Amoih J.if.iiT. Lahradur Coast. Strait of Mellt-I«le. at the t piMiit of Fortr-iii IJay, Laf. N. r)7 ' 27' MiV ; Lun-j-'. W. .50 * .> >' 4')". .1 •''//•'. pj-'d li-life li;;!if, two-thitd-> of the horizon illuininuted, and si'cn in f.dr wojtther IS4 nantical or '2\h vtalnte mile.--. IJiiildiiij:, a cin 111 ir -tone tower. f.i<-ed exrer'ially with tin' lirirk ot' ;i li:!;t -thi;ds of tlie !i««!!/'>!i iilnmiimttd, and >'Tn in fiir ' eaiher Ij nanti- or l*i -ru!t:<' mi! •<. lini'diriLr — a.einnlar »*ionc touL-i' faced c.»icr- ii.tllv with tie l>ri k of a li^^lit coicn*. Cai'E Ko/ih.n Limit — Ti^t cni^t of na>-pe, at ♦!!(• extrrmo point of the (':;p.'.. Lar. N. 4'i = .">!' Ton ifi fair wea- ther ItJ-^' rantii-al .»r I^'.j -latiiN- ini'i-:. IViildin;; — a cir.' ."ove f )nr litrht h">uiitposr. One hall close np. I .■=<|. ri^"4ed. A pendant niidtr a I»a!l, fi s.j. ri^^M. < >;ie h ill half hoiste'd, 2 r a -qti in? ri^^.-vd vessel two hulks of a', size, one i'.t t!ie outer, the otho.*;if the in^.-T hailitrd. clos • up. A Siiio or 13 mine, a '.aige ball at the end of the yard, with a smill one at tlie inner haliianl. A Bii_'. a snuU b.ill at the end of the yard, and a large one a^ the inns3 close iip to the out«M* halliard. Two or more B.-i.ranrine>, a cro-s half hoisted. 34 Signal [1865. An nppor yard liaviiifr I'fon oiMcd to tlie Ship Staff, it will he used oxrIiHiv.jly to d(.'si;:;niiti' Stoiim Vessels, thus : OriM hull East or West iii'lioatos a Steani Vessel repeated in that quarter. A small hall out and a larcjo one in, a Branch Pa''kct or a ^Icrchant fSS( 1. A hirpe hall out and a small one in, a M.ui-of-Wur Steamor, or Royal Mail St amer. Numhors will he indicated as direotrd fi'orri tlio lo'.ver yard. Th« lower yard is now n-^ed for suilin'i- m-s-i-I-^ only. AVIien the di'.si:ription of vi-sx-l in with a rod Pendant over if, a two iI'H ker. '^-1 )'fyJ-lU Do. Do. Do. ■wal - bi . I III' > 1 .'it i"cnd;uit (»\x'r it, a Sliip or hiinjux.-'-i ^^a''t Moo;i()f-\Vur. with a white Pend.i'ii incr it, a IJirjr riu'^'''d S!<)op-of- War. witli a red and 'v!iirc i'oiilint o\.'r it. a SL-houiuir or {.'uttcr-ijf-War. A wlule Pendant, wirh two \'',ac crosses, a Traiispurt v»r a ve5.,-ii;l with troops on l)oaril— it a I\I ln-of-^^^lr, t!i:- lluiun nndc • A whit(! Pendant with a hlao hall, a — if a .^ran-ctf-War, the Ihiion under. < A n.'d ilas.{ piercoii white, uoyal M.dl Ste un Packet from En;;hind. A hine and red ]\:\'^ cros.-cd while, do. horn Boston. A while and Iiluc Pendaiit, do. from Newfoun Hand. A white aiid red Pend.iu!, iU>. from Bermuda. A l.'li'.e Pendant, a .Siiip, A hint; and white P(aidant, a P»ari[ne. A red Pendant, a hri^'. A red iUid wliire Pendant, a P»riL;-.intine. A wiiite i'endant, a Sloop or Sclindiicr. A hhie iind white L'la:;-, lorizonta'.iy divided, a Fdi'i.'iirn or Neutral licet. A \\'hite ;.nd i)lue Pendant, vertically di\ ided,, a Forci^iU or Neutral JvIan-(d-\Var. A Forei;4ii or Xcutral Mereliantman, Xatioual Fh'.^, with deseriptivj Pendant. \'/hen an i^.ijjlish Packet ariives h'^tween Fveinii;;- and Morninf; j^un fire, a red trianjiular Flaj;i: will he kept l!yin;i at the mast head from 7 till 8 o'( lo.)k, p m. • iMEIlClIANTS' PKIVATI! SIGNALS— PuUT OF HALIFAX. SQUARK FL/VOS. RED, Centre a White Square— DeBlois v'i. .Mcrkel. " N— U(.!.ert Noi.le ^vi Sons. Crossed White— .J. & M. 'rol)hi. " ^ *' dia-onally— d. (i. A. CroiMhtoii & Co. • RED & WHITE, Red up])erinost — 'I'liomav; Bolton, Centre a It 'd and White Hall— T. A. . S. Dc Wuif Ji Son. " " Checkered— Pauld v'L r..i> lil!4S:in. Striped Horizoiit'ly, « ^en. a Blue Star — Youn^' &, Hart Rl Vi » n ■i , iip» n >«iy^ ji ^^ y »yT>.T» [1865. S ill 1)C uscil cd in that Merchant , or Royal !it: Cifa.i^.'l, I M.i ; I I * I a Sliip or s il ; Sloop-of- I 1 !• !i(iuii(>r or es^ol with J rWar, t!i<' lUh'ni]. : itriil HiM'f. Moiural .1 .'scripliv'j I inn t— An-liil.ahl liF.IJ, WIUTK ^ liLl'i:, nu-knv(l— n. Wi.M- .< f'o. CViitiv M R.d Star in White— J. M. Waiion i';- Co. " " " \\v\ aiiil \\\\\\^ r\o\\ the nifi.'^t, IMue outer- mo.^t — J. T. Waiiiuri^ht & ('o. « VVIIITE— J T. Williamson & O. Boi'lcri'd Rtil — J. A. Moron. JJonhMod Kr^l top uiul hottom, C'ontrc a Red Star — T. C. Kiiiiiear v*t Co. ]>onh.'rcil 15hu — AII)ro >i Co. Contro a I>Uic Sfjmiro — tStairs, Son & Morrow. Centra a Rod !)i.mioii(i-R. J. & W. Hart. Centre a Red l.^.all — Min-|iiiy .Jc Tw iiiiiiLT. Centre and i-ach (\iriKr a lilnt' Star — .Icd'.n B. Fay. Crossed Red l)ia;,fonallv — Saher it Twining. Crossed Bine— C. W. Wrinht. Crossed Blue dia'_'Oiia!ly — J. E. Ciiniinings. BLUE, Centre u White Star — S. Cnnard Ot Co. Crossed White l)ia;:onally— r.>M)n, Boak & Co. BLUE A WHITE, Blue ui)pertn(»st — Win. Tryor •<: Sons. " " Blue iie.Nt the — H. Ycomans. •' '* White ne:;t the ina.-t— Black, Brotliers .t Co. " " EoiM' S<|n:n-es ini-titiiiLr at the Centre — BLUE ^ RED, Cros.sed Wliii.', Ilino next the mast— W. Hare. " Upper half lu.d, lower iialf JMne next the nnist — G. C Hnrvev. BrUE, WHITE v'; IM.n:, i;ine Mppeimost— W. B Hamilton v1 Co. BLUE, IlEU ^ WHITE, Red t(M. and hortoni, Blue next liie mast, "While outeruio>l — Dnlliis «i Co. " # " White next the mast-- vSira( hrin. BLUE, WmrE ot JiED, Bhie next the ma>t— G. D. Hnnter & Co. iii:i:Gi:Ls. RED, Cro<«ed White— S. V. Barss. RED i^t WHITE, lud uppermost— .J. Whilni:in. " Wiiiio noxt tiie mast, Cenne IL L. — H. Lvle & Co. RED>i BLUE. Red npi.ermost~i )xlev .^ Co. WHIPE— (J. II. St.n-r ^ Cu. RED, WHITE .^: in.EE, Red nn-l White divided diaj-oiiallv. Red nppermosr. Bine ontermost — Rudolf. WHITE, lH-:i) vl WHITE, White next the mast— (J. C. AVhid.leii. BLUE— Allison cc V^^. (Vntrc a White Star~\. L. .'^; .1. T. West. BLUE 5: WHITE, Bltio upp.rmo(;il or iind o:!icr jm ir JOO Ihs. . . . liottlcs ins. . . pel pa Hon. 5 per eeii t. ad. val. irrel I ll.s ie;i(l, iiicluiliii ;_■• crnek crs or fake, per lOU 11)S.. liiillon 1- 11. n no 2 OU I (i|) 1 IK) 1 (0 1 7.') in Can all fitlier Candles, per Ih OS Cassia and Cinnamon, liroiind, per lb 05 Cattle, viz : liorses, niare<, or ;^( ldin;.'-s, each 10 00 Is'eat catrle, vi/ : oxen or oilier neat cattle, P, years old or . npuards, each 7 'lO Cows and cattle nnder thicc old, each 2 f)!) Slict'p, eacli 7.7 IIous, alive, over lOit llis \vei;ilit, oach 1 00 ol' lUO His. weij^ht, and under, each 50 Cheese, per 100 lbs 1 00 CIio( olate or cocoa paste per Hi 0'? CuH'ee, ^reen, ])er lb 04- roa>!cd, burned, or ;iround, per Hi. 05 Clocks, and all wheels, maciiiiicry and materials used in their maniil'actiire UO P cent, ad val. Confcetionarv, .-\ rnps, and ail other articles niamifactnri'd from sn^',ar -JO I- cent. ad. \al. Citrars and s ;ulF '.'O [> cent. aiWal. Currants ;iiid li^^s • • • • . \i) \' cent. ad. val. Caiiles Ol" hemp or other ve;;etaiiie sul»lance, or iron or iron wiie 5 i' cent. ad. \a]. Cotton yarn 5 l' cent. ad. val. Curdaj^e, tarred or niitaned, whether lined for ri;i';.:inu', or otiier- \^ i^e I 5 L^ cent. ad. \al. Fhnir, wheat, per b.-nn-i ^0 25 < "inu'cr, ;:ronn.l, ]M^r l!i 04 Geneva and whiskey, not exceeding the streni;tli of proof by Sykes' liydioniotcr, and so in picioriion for any ^;!oater Ptieihith than ilie • r:eii;:th of jiroof, per <;allon 70 Hams, smoked or dried, per lOO lb>^ 2 00 Iron, \iz: in Iiai-- oi- bolls. ])ipe< or tnbc->, >li'.'et iron, iron spik( s, clinch riii';-^. boiler plates, hoop iron, iif>u ri', iioii chains, and iron l.necs for ships a I', cent. ad. val. Lard, per lot) lbs 1 75 Leather, '\i/ : sole h'ailier, including hides and skins partially dressed iheri for, per lb 04 Leather, viz: Imots, sho. s, and le.ulier nvanuf.ietnses of all kinds 1(1 I' t'cnt. ad. val. Upper leather of all sorts, includiii;.; hides and skins j)ar- tiallv dressed tlicrefor ». . . 10 P t:ent. ad. vul. NOVA ,?1 (10 06 val. .. 2 00 .. . 1 no .. 1 00 s.. 1 (0 ... 1 ".') . . 1 in • • . (»;5 08 0.1 ...10 00 or . . . / .'0 o .'iO 7.> ... 1 00 50 ... 1 00 • • • 0:l . . . . 04 . . . 05 iriV val. ulll \al. r.d. 111. Ml. ICI'- .ll. .. 25 ..' 04 hy 70 . 2 00 I' ^' |oa I ( . . 1 75 II Iv 04 hll 111. ji I'- ll. 1SG5.] TAi:iFF, 07 ; Mdli'.'j-c-!, per ltmIIoii ; . .SO 05 M.icliiiK'rv of all kiinN, ("or mills, .'itoaiiilt()at-<, ami maiiiit'ao- torit'S 5 I' ctMir. ali, except Ik-cI" or pork 10 l^ cent. ad. val. Oiiioa-i, par 100 II)-; r)0 Oil, viz : rock or coal oil, ami hi-iizoie, per ^/ailoii (i7 raraliiie, per Lralloii 07 Oaknin 5 P cent. a cent. ail. val. Pears, Ii or ilried, per l)arrel 1 00 I'ork, salted, per barrel 1 00 fVesli, per 100 1!)S 1 00 Pepjier and I'iinemo. ground, per 11) •» 04 r.ifent Medicines liO h cent. .id. val. Fouilry of all sorts, dead 10 V i-ciit. ad. val. l^lisiM.^, per 11» 02 Rum, not exceediii;^ the, streiii:tli of pnnif hy Sykes' liydroniotor, mid so in pr'iits, and alihonirli tliereliy conun;:^ under the heat! of some olh'-r denomination, wiili tlie exception of viirnisli (in any iiaekafe), shall be dee.jicd Pjiii-irs iv sti<)!!;j; wat.i'-;, and sliall pay a duty |)er Lrall-/'n, of 50 Suj^ar, browr or .Miniovado, not rctined, ])er 100 ll.'S 1 50 Cuit'.ied, lirown, ernslicd and bastard faein^s, .and re lin 'd, p-r 10.) lbs '. 2 00 Sail cloth of all kimls, canvas, ,>ail twine, re.idy made lii,'-!, vi/, : pot nshes jiii'l prnrl itf-lic- ; A^'sos and Mules; P>!iLV,L'",u't' liiiri'ill;! ;iik1 soda ii-li ; and iiftjiartd of piis^^utii;t'rs nut iiircMidcil for saic Bi'ans ; I'x-IU, oi-nans and iiiiisiital iiisinunriits (or oliurclics ; liiscuit or liit-ati, viz , sill]) or navy ; IJook,' or panii)hk'ts not pr<.»!iil)itod to ix* im- ported into tlio ('nit»'d lviM;:dotM ; Brisilo aiid liairs u-^cd in tin.' manii- f.u'iure of Intl.- Iks ; Dnllion, jiold or (-ilviT ; lliiir stones ; Coal; Cocoa; Coins, viz., gold a id »silvfr coins, and J'.riii-li copper coins; Cop))cr, yellow motal, composition and zinc for ship slioatliini!', if a size t'orty- t'i;^lit iiulics lontj I>y lourlecn iin'lu's uido, ami .sjioalldii;! A-'lt ; cop- per, composition, and zln«; baii or holt.'^, nails, ; pikes and clench rinj;8 ior ship-lini!djii^' ; Copper, viz., in pi;j,s or Inicks, old or worn, or tit oidy to be remanntactiirod ; Corkwood; Coi'u, viz ; wheat, rye, Indian corn, harley, oats, rice and buckwheat un^roiind ; ric; meal, barley meal, rye meal, Indian meal, buckwheat meal, peas and beans; Crude saltfietre for nianutactuiing purposes; CJuteh : Kn;iravinj:s and p!ioto;:raphs ; Fish, viz., fresh, dried, salted or pickled; Fi>h hooks , Fish oil, viz,, train oil. sfiermacclti oil, hei'.d matter and l)lubber, (isli or >kins, tiie pro- duce of liili or creatures liviiij; in the sea ; Flax ; Furniture tliat has been in actual use, working tools and iniplements — the projieriy of iin- nii^raiits, or ])er,>ons coming' to reside in the province, and not intended for tale, not to incluile nr.iehinery, mn^ical instruments and plate ; Hay ; Iknii) ; Hides, or pieces of hiiies, i-aw, not tanned, eiwried or dressed; Horns ; Hops; Horses ar.d carriap-s of tra\cllers, and horses, cattle car- ria;^es and tnher vehicles, when employed in carry iii<^ inerchandizt,', lo;j;ether with the necessary harness and tackle, .^o iony; as the same are actually ni use for that purpose ; Iron, viz : unwroujiht or jiiii iron, scrap iron, iron rails for railroads, and old iron (It only to lie reniannfac!- tiired ; lamo and Liniestfun; ; Lines for tlu! fisheries, of all kinds ; .Malt ; Manures of all kiud> ; M.ips and charts; Nets, lisliin^- nets, and seines Seines of all kinds ; (ires of all kinds ; Paintinji's ; Falm oil ; I'ij,' lead and old lead (it only to be remanutVictured ; I'lanis, shrubs and trees ; I'iate, of \zo\d and .sdver, ohl, and lit only to b.' remanufaetured ; Pota- toes ; Printin;r paper, not less than demy size; Printin<>- presses and tyi)es, and printer's inks; IJaj^s, viz : old ra^s, (jld rojie. junk, old (Muuj; nets, and ol canva.'f ; Posin ; Sails, ri^';jiii:.,', an 1 ship materials s.'ived from vess' U wrecked on the coast of this I'lovince, and saved from ves- sels owiU'l and rejzisiered in the Province, if wrecked v, ^ the coast of tln'r. Proxince f)r elsewhere; Salt ; .Sands (d" all kinds ; Set-ds ot all kinds for afrricnltural pmposcs ; Skins, lurs, jjelts or tails undrej.s'ed ; Stones un- manufactured, includin^X slate : Slieathiufr fiai)cr (ca^ships ; Straw; Sta- tuarv ; Siij^ar of tin; Inaple ; 'railow ; Twine.- u>ed in the lisheries ; To- b,ic<() nnmaniifaetured ; Tow,- Turpentine, raw; Whale tin or bone; Wood, \ iz : iioards, planks, staves, ^(pl.lre timber, shin;;les and lirewood, but not to include woods used for dyeinj: ; Zinc, vi/, : zinc shealhiuj; ot a size forty-eiiiht inches loiiii' by Iburteim inches wide, intended for and to be nseil as sheuthinj:' for \essels, and zinc sheathiii}:^ naiU. EXEMTTION'S FROM CWNADA. NKW mtUN^WICK, IKINCK KDWARI) ISLAND AND NF.WFUUNDl.ANU 15 V I'HUOLAMaTION. L'NDEU SECTION 8. Animals; Ashes; Bark; Butter; Cheese; (^'hocolate and other pre- raiions of C?oeoa ; Coal ; Cot)ijer ; I'^arth ; Flour ( Wheat) ; Firewood : pa Fish ; Fi.>h Oil, viz : Train Oil, Spennacetti Oil, Headmalter and lilub- ber, i'lus and Skins, the produce of Fish and creatures living in dio [1805. ' oila ii>li ; • iscuit or o 1)1' im- le in;imi- Cocoa ; Copper, izo toity- I'lt; rop- uh rin;;8 ir lit only liiii corn, moiil, rye ialtfiL'tre i o^n-aphs ; oil, viz,, I , the i)ro- i that has ! ly of iiii- iiiteiiik'd c ; Huy ; dresscti ; •a I tic car- ichandizi.', puiiK' arc iii iron, aimt'ac;- ; Malt ; S(.'ill0 3 'ii; lead I trees : ; Pota- es and iMuuj; saved oin vos- t oftliir, iiids for ones iin- w; Sta- es ; To- r tioiio ; ri:\vood, in^ ut a r and to id ISLAND 8. icr pre- lowood ; Id iiliii)- in Llio 18(J5.' POST Ori'KK. 89 Pca ; Fruit-; ; Furs rf nil kinds »incd ; (Irain-s and Hn ndstiitr-; of all kinds* (jrind>toncs ; (iypsuni, j^rouiid or un«jround ; Hay and Straw; Ilidi.'.^ ; Hops; Horns; Iron, in pi;is or Idoouts ; Lard; Lead in pips; Lime; Lnmher of all kinds; ( hincs ; Ores of all kinds; Hock Salt; U'ld ed and tre>Ii meats; Seeds ; Skins undressed ; Stoncs of all kinds ; Tallow ; Tiinher of all kinds ; V'e;.retal)Ies ; Wood ; Wool. EXEMPTIONS UNDEIl TlIK RKCIPROCITY THKATY WITH UNITED STATES. Grain, Hour, and iMvadstittYs of ail kiiuls ; Aidnials of all kinds ; Fresh, smoked or salted meals ; Cotton VV'o(d, seeds and vegctnldcs ; undried frnitH, dried fruits ; Fish of all kinds ; I'roduets of fish, and all other creatures livintr in tho water ; poultry, Cii';j;s ; hides, furs, skins, or tails, undressed ; Stone or inarlde, in its crude or unwrou;,'lit state ; Slate; Butter; cheese, tallow, lard, horns, maninos ; Ores of metals of all kinds' ; Coal, j)iteh, tar, turpentine, ashes ; 'I'imher and lumber of all kinds, round, hewed, and sawed manufactured in whole or in part ; Firewood ; Plants, shruh-s and trees ; Felts ; Wool ; Fish oil ; liice, broom corn, ami l)ark ; (iypsum. ground or unp;rountl ; hewn, wrought or uiiwrou.iht liurr or Grind stones ; Dye stulis; F^lax, heinp and tow, uumanutactured ; uninamdaetured Ti hacco ; liags. PKOHiinrioxs. Books, drawing's, paintin|j:s or prints of an immortal or indecent cliar- iH'ter are ])roliihite'l to he imported into this Province under a ijcnalty of fitly dollars for eaidi olfenee, and the forfeiture of tlu! parcel or package of goods in which siu'h prohihited articles miny be found. ( iunpowder, ammunition, arms or utensils of war, except from tho L^nited Kingdom, or any liriti>h l\)S5e.'->ion, and base and counteifeic coin, arc hereby absolutely prohibited to bo imported or brought, cither by sea or inland carriage or navigation into tiie IJritish pOssest;ioai in : AiiteiiLU. I I ' J ' ^LM ' ! ' . ' GENERAL POST OFFICE, HALIFAX, N. S. (In Ddlhoiisle Colhije, corner of Duke mid Uamnriton Streets, Halifax.) Postmaster General, ARTHUR WOO DG ATE, Esq. Exaiitintr, V. AL I'assow, Jvsq. xUst. and Dead Litter Cleric, Capt. Sonthall. >Siii>,ri')tH\dent of Money Ordtr OJUvp, J. S. Thompson, Flsq. Ckrks' (Cinnlation JUiiailinent,) Messrs. W. ^n^all, 15. W. Cochran, A. Murphy, '1'. OeWoIf, Frederick Tremain and John C. (JampbcU. Mi'ssi'n(;<;r, Ronald McMillan. lA-lt.r (.'(trrifis, C'mrch Smiili.J. Patterson, P. Cochran, — C(dlins. Ollice open every day (except .^umbiy) from 5 o'clock in the morning till 'J.;JO iu the evening, except Thursday on which the English Mail is ntado uj), wlicn it is closed at 8 p. m. LETTER RATES. liOtlers addressed to any place within the Province, .'i cents per \u oz., if [tosled unfi.nid, 7 cents ]tvs }.2 t>z. F'or delivery within the county in whii.h tin; otlice is situated, 2 cents per jj vi., if not prepaid, subjijct to the ordmary rale for uu|jaid letters. To the L'nited Kingdom, 12i cents pt-r ^ oz. If j)Ostcd unpaiil, 6d. I 40 POST 0«F[Ci:. [ISOf). stcr- in iidilitioii to tlio po^ruLrc. liiMters in;iy l)c drnp]) 'd \v.tu the Iio\ up to tilt' Mi-rivil of the p r-ket ; :uiori/. I7r/ IJcrrniida, for Havana, Honduras, La^iuyra, ^le.xico, Ve'icznela, and the IJiiti>h and Foreign -West Iwdi'-s, 10 cents ; posted in the interior, 12'., cents: for Cha;iresand the I'acihc, rhili and Pern, .".I cents; 5 eent.'> when posted in the interior. l'ici):iipii('nl i-itnip'ilsorij. Unpaid leticrs t'roni Ni.'wl'ouiulland .and Ber- rni^da lor Halifax are taxed 8,'.3 eenis the '.j oz., and l."i'j conis if ad- dressed to other places in Nov.i Seoti.i. CJ7" l^'ltfis fur Jif'/istn/ inns/ h^ postnl hnJf no Imnr prrrions tn t/ifi cJosinrj nf the mail hij n-fhf/i i/i< '/ (tie funrardrtl , and tha postivje us well as the rcijistratiun J'i'i'. must hr. pnf'iid. NEWSPAPEKS AND PERIODICALS. Britisli and Colonial newspapers, and small reliuion.> periodicals free- All other newspapers, (ext'ept exchange.-) one cent each; jjrepaid if mailed within tlie I'rovinee. Periodicals ]mbli.-hed in this Pi-ovinee, fwo, — if postcil wiihout the Province, liahle to an additional (•har;ie of rwo cents. If posted within the Province, for delivery within or without tiio J'rovineo, two c':.its prepaid by atainp. CIKCULAKS, HANDBILLS, &r. Circnlai >, liandhills, litho;;raphcd letters, ami oilier printed matter of like eharacier, posted in A.)va S'oti i, and aildressed to any place in or out of N'ova Scotia, one cent per ounco uj) to 48 oz., ^) he prepaid hj stamps. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. Books and Pamji'deis sent Tom any part of the Province to any place within the same, (jne cent per once, pn'|)aid hy, up to 4S ounces. Books ami P.imphlets from Great, Britain to \ova Scotia, or I'ice versa, the pastip/c in ail cus,'^ to be prepaid bi/ stamps. — For a packet not excco.lin;>' 4 ounces , 7 cents. " " " }o Ih 12.'i cents. " /o "•• '^'^'^ '"^f exceediuiLj 1 Ih 25 cents, nnd po on, addinir 25 cents for every aihlitional pound or friK^tion of a pound. One l)ook packa;re may contain separ.ite hooks, puhlieations, almanack'^, maps, an I piper, pu'idimentor vellum ; the 1 itter materials m:iy 1)0 written or printed on, and the package may contain the name 1M66. 10 liO\ SliUts, iits per [• "per rni:i 1.') n y.Uy/. lot pio- 8cOti:U •iof 13 \ ii(iur;is, Iwdi'-s, racilic, iiitorior. i.l li»'r- s it nil- 's tn the )• irell cs free. )iud if )iit the wiiliiii ttoi- of C 111 or laid ''i vp] ice mici's. j'ei .s.», IS. |i cf a litioiis, Itoriiils mune T JUaiL^T 1805.] POST OFF UK, 41 ;uh1 a(lilr<!i rci»riiits f)f Copyii^ilit works from the United States, li/ land viuil or Ktcdiiuis, cliarucil Ictier jtosiii<:c. MONKV OUDKK BFiANCir. J. S. Thompson, J']6(j., Supa-'t. OlVu-e hours from 10 a. in. to 3 p.m. SY.STK.M. 1. Siiijilc Orders may he issued for any sum up to One Hundred Dol- hir-;. 2. Xlif rommls.-.ioii payalilc for eaeh (Jrdcr is in ari'ordance with the follii\vWit, Annapolis, Aiitiiroiii>he, Arichat, !>addccl;, C. B., — Barrinirton, Riid^ctown, r5riil;:»water, Cansn, '"jin- niiiL-", Di^hy, (iuysl)oro', Kcntvillc, LiviTpool, Lnn<•nhurL^ North Sydney, Pictoii. Port IIooronoy Order Interehanfrc hetwccn Money Order <^)flircs of ('jiiiada, jiii'l Nova S.'iMia, is in oper.uion, and a .■system of sitniiiar interchange between liie lluhfax (.)llice of Nova hseulia riiid the United Kingdom. ^ SC.Vl.E <">F CAXADtAX OllDKHS. Up to .£5 stir. Is. stg, Commission. From £5 " to £10 st-:. lis. " .£10 stir, tiie maximnm amount f'U- which :; single order may be i.>.-ued. SC.AT.K OF OltDEUS TO Tlir. I'NITKD KIN'C.DOM. Up to XI stLT. Is. stg. commission. Prom .C-2 sti:,'. to £.'» rg., 2s. " " £5 " £7 '' 3s. '• •' " £7 " £10 " 4s. •' " Maximum {.mount for which a single order m.ay be issued, £10 ster- ling'. . ' ' . PAPvCKL POST. P.ircols clo'-ed at tlio ends and siilcs m.-ty he jiosted .it !mv Post Office in Nova Scutia, at a rate ui ]iosta——««»■ 42 POST OKFICU. [i86r). .?. The wei^lit ol' tlic pMrctl -^Itall not r'xr.M'd 3 \h<., nor the size ex- I'l'i'd onr I'tiot iii ItMiyth or I'lradth, ur six iufiifs in tliii'kiifS'S. 4. I'lirci'ls itnist lie pivpniil ni the t'olluwiiig riue.<, and Ijv ^jstaij ■ stdinps (not liy nionci/) : If woi^liiii;.'- l*'-> ilinn 1 Ih. 25 <'ent3. Moro tliiin 1 III., jiiid iii>t cxrccdinj; 2 Ihs. 50 " j Moio tlinn 2 ll)s , nnd not exceeding;' ■'$ lbs. 75 " 5. Tlic piirct'l riiiiy Ix' ro^Mst('r(>d, on prcp:iyment, al?o by stamp, of a j rcp,ijtr;ition fro of lOc, in additi(»n to t!;o aliovc rati-. G. The parcel shall Iui\ c tiie word.i " Bij Post," plainly written j over the address. I 7. It'iiisunieicntly )jrci)aid a fine of lOe. in addition to the deficiency. ' PROHIBITORY CLAUvSKS. ^ j No written cominnnicntion shall Ix; omlo-^cd in any circniar, periodical, I pamphlet, bo )k. book parcel, or ]iarcel for he I'arcel Fo^, ! Daily (Su. ex.)| Daily (Su. ex.) Keiit\ille |.I. F. I lutrliiuson, ' Tu. Til. Sat. jTu. Th. Sat. Mon. Wed. Fri.; Mon. Wed. Fri. ti a 14 I i < t. (( Diiilv (Su. ex.) j/.ailv (Su. ex.) " ' ■"■ Tu."Th. Wc-d. Sat. Tu. Th. Sat. Laureiicetown . . .J. W. .James, Mon. Wed. Fri.iMon. Wod. Fri. i^S [1865. si/x' ex- np, of a ■ written iciency. / ! •rioilicalj no conr amphlet. ; of a let- ;d to pasi o. Hnlifax. /'u r "• Su.'cx.) : %m1. Fri. hi. ex.) Silt. '(Ml. Fri. Sat. Ti'd. Fri. ^•fl. Fri. Sal. Silt, ill. Fri. '•.I. ex.) lit. Si;t. ill. fX ) [od. Fri. 1865.] POST OfFICK. 43 Liverpool iTIios. P. Cnlkin, , Ti». Tli. Snt. Lot'kc's IslllMll. Loi nl(Hi(ii;rrv Lower Ilortoii. . Lower Stt'wiiuko, Liiiieiili itiiieiiiiur^ .Ma!)o;i Mm1)<)1ic I^iy . . , !Mi'lro-:i;. St.Miirv's Xorxi'>* C'liiptiuiu, I. (" .inipiio II. .1. \V. HcMiiirnr, VVni. lloldsworth, A. ^i. Hiwlolf. Dnily (Sii. ox.) I Tu. Th. Sat. Daily (8u. ex.) i Tu. Til. Siir. ri n. iM-m. We.!. Fri.' " ! Tu. Til. Sut. i " Tu. T!i, Silt. uuo C. M(jU(>dolK(it. W(»l.. KiViiUi.i'k, 'Wed. Siit. Mill N'illiitrL' il'.pliriii'ii .MiU'k, Milron, Co. (.^'n.'i. I Fdw. Keinptuii, Xewiii)cr i Iiiiiies ( 'o'hran, N'ew ()liis>;-ow. . . .iJiiiiK.'s Fnizer, Nortii Svduov ... P.irrsboro*.." ....jA.T'. nnidley, I'ietou 'S. 11. lloliliis, I'orl Multrrave. . .Uieo. lliidley, Port Uijod '-/. 1). Trcni.iu, I'laisrci- Cove. . . .i./iis. G. .M -Koon, Furt Mcdwiiy. , . . jKlbridji;e (.'aliooii, PuL'\va>h Levi Hdidoii, Uiver -ohn >)t>Iui (iuiicron, Tlivtr Phiiii. !.Mr^. S. JMiiilipiS, Tn. Th. S.nt. I Moil. Wo.!. Fri. Mon. Wed. Fri- /I'll. Sat. Wed. Sat. Tu. Til. Sat. " " " 'Moil. Wed. Fri. Diulv rSii. ex.) Diiilv (Su.ex.) Moil*. Uod. Fri., Tu. Til. Sat. Tu. Th. Sat. Moil. Wed. Fri. Diiilv 'Su e.s.) Daiiv fSu. o.\.) Mou". Wed. Fri./ru. "Th. Sat. S.indy (.'ove i.I. C. .Mor.-e, Siiel!iur»e jl'itlit. T!ion)],son, S!icrhrookc .... . finish MeDonnld, S!iip llailiour. . . .'M.itiidii lu-uard, S'mlv.'iiiU'adie. . . ;I"'ratKi-i St. Andrew's ....jl. .Me.Milliin, St.Miu-;::irtt'.s Bay John S. liriuo. iirker, Mon. Wed. Fri. " " " Tu. Til. Sat. i •' Mo. W. Th. Fr. MoTi. Wed. Fri. Mon, Wed. Frh.MoM. Wed. Tu. Th. Sat. iMon. Wed. Fri. W.d. Fri ;Wcd. Fri. Tu. Til. Sat. ;Tu. Th. Sat. Mon. Wed. Fri. Mou, Wed. Fri. " Tu. Th. Sat. Daily (Su. ex.) , Diiily (Su. ex.) St. IV'terV. .jK. t. Miiriiu, Sydney Mines ...'D. I'iidiy, Tanjiier Jame.< Leary, Tatatua^oiK he . .'Iiaa'^ iJlair, Ti-iKodie ;1I. 11. Uiirrington,' Triirot :ls,'r. MeDouj,;iiII, Wil'iiiot .las. A Gil>l)Oii, (Mou. Wed. Fri, Mon. Wed. Fri. WiiuLoit P. S. Piuriiiiuiu, ! Semi D'v (S cr,. Semi D'v. Su ex WolCville jOeo. V Hand. I Di.ilv (.Su. ex.) iDailv (Su. ex.) Yarniouih 'A. J. Hood, I Diiily (Su. ex.) ' " " Semi D'y. Su ex Semi D'y. Su ex Wed. Sat. Tu.Fri. " <« I Wed. Silt. Mo. W. Th. Fr.iMon. Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. |Mon. Fri. Mon. Fri. I Wed. Fri. Mon. Wed. Fri. I Mon. Wed. Fri. ^^on. Fri. Tu Sat. CTr»i )j.i<. » Mi>iu". '' .*n'"-'St '*' . ' "- ' * ' • ^ » e.m p ,H^ 44 POST OFFIf B [18C5. Ciuiiulii Id. route. «!(». »■/'» IJovtoii New Tirmi^u ick. . I'. K. Ui\\i\\.. .. U. S. land route * . ..Tu. Til. Silt. Moil. Wed. Fri. . , IJv Stf'rto Ho-i. StciitiuT tV. I5o-». . . l)':ii!v (Su. i's ) D.'iilv (Sii. vs.) .. Mo.AV. '111. S;». Mo. W. 'Ih Sa. t l)aily:M,d SlcT j^^^.,^^ ^^^_ ^^^ ) troin I-nLTland. • ^ Tlio M lils for fJit> ruitt'd Stati-; nit IJo-ron. per l?ov:\l Mail Steamon*, jT-n made u|) on 7''/«>y/";/ cvi-niPLr of'tlie wi—k in wliith the P.ickct from r.iiLd'ind is due, at 8 o'eioik, or im nediafely ujion licr an•i^•:!l if I'eforo Tuesday. Sliou'd the .vti-aniur not arrive l)y 6 o'llo'-k t!ie follo\siii<_r iiioniincr, Sunp'' ■iip.'fttii/ Mnils will l»e made up. Letters \\\\\-i be ad- dro<-;ed iior H. M. Sre.imer. Tiic >Iai'<; lor Kii'riand. hy "R.M. S'pamer. r|o«e every ?\1 tern ntc Tluir<. Clo-i'(l Miiils for t!i<' l.iiin.'d Kiti^rd >m '•»'// I'litvd Stales are made up nt Halifax to siu'ct tin; Stuiimeis leaving Niw York for Livcr]ir)ol. Letters to ho e>i|ieeial!y addnssed " r/Vi .Vnt; York." MiiU f)r IV'-ifo'i, per ;toii. ]iosta;_'e H) et<. a '., oz.. |)re]);iyineiit option- al. — Al.-o, for Arieliat, {!aiiso. and V. V.. Inland |.y said hteauier, — |)0 ."i f't-^. ',j o/., pt(M>;;id I'V >-f;niip, if niH'ai'l 7 el-. '.J < /. The Mails fur Herimida and rin r5oimud.\ fiM* C'haL'iTS and the raeifir-, Chili and Pern, Havatina, llondtmi', Lnirnvra. Mexico, Venezuela, and tie- British an^l For:'i;^n Vr<'.;t Indif<. {,i.i.;t!i'.,,) are ni.idc iin finally nt llalif.ix on the Thnrsday I'veai'e^ of tjje week in whi;!) the Royal ^lail Steamer is expected to nrrive from l?o-ton. at 8 o'clock. The Mills for Ncwfoundlainl are <-Io*rd .very alternate week from April to Novenihcr in;'ln--iv(.'. M.-'Mtldy fntsn Dc'i'mlter to^Maridi in- chisiv(?, on arrival of Steamer from IJo-tou : (aiul Cape Breton durin;^ the Snnmier Months.) HALIFAX COUNTY :.L"viLS. For T'^'U-tmonth dailv, jJOstaL".' 2e. For Miisi|nodf)!i(iit llarlnir MonM::v, "\Vtdn<-<'iay and l-'riday mornin;^ at f) o'eloek. Ketnni .^lai! due "ii Monday affciioon ar »; o'clock. For Fro-ipeet on Tlmr^d.ay aftern.»on at 2 oVIoek. Return Mail due on Thnixhiy inornin'j: at 1 1 o'(doek. For Turns I'ay. Ketch Ilarhor. P; rtnincse Cove and Samhro, on Saturday morniii .Mid Siitiinl;iy evenin<( via Piottai, .md Wednesday and I'lidiv tia Urulo— leiurii Mails due .Moiidav and \Vediie«d;iv via Pictoa, and Thursduv and Saturday via Hnile. St til [I8f:5. V'c.I. VH. itV. I5()^. Sii. I'x.) . '1 |j Sn. Su. ex.) ^tL•lMm'^•^, •kct finin if I.(Tui-o lollowiiijjT •t be ail- to Tliiir-. .ivc'r]>ool. t')lln'.'-iiiuol (ll)l.J). . Sj iroiiisho ( 130) . . 17 I'urt .♦loiitun 10 Uoiy Mc»l).)i):dd's, U Tort Jolly .') 'Jiiyshoio' (lo7; .. 17 Hiver hi , 3') 8 Sliclburne I 217 ' To PnrBT:xAC»niE via I III' Wtl.fefORD. '' „ ^ ^ W ford bv rail .. 37 I IlALIFAX TO rt.MhKlil.A,Sl> \t .1 ■• i, ,0 •Mouth jl liivtr. . , IS .WSAtrJlA*. Annapolis I.JO . B inial>v*i«, I)i.;bv . 24 Seely'sSt. M B.'ty. 7 Kviiett's, Wcytfi. Koad 5 iJoiKvs', Si?silKX». . . Tenvati's Belleve- v»>,i- (J^e ."i Come Ill's, (.'lare. . 7 Mullei'-i .Montaj^n Cove 9 To SlirBl-VAf AME Vi-t .V I wr i:r. NfWjwiii Station . . '37 IJawiloii 12 nUiis' rjon- II m 70 To Mmri.i: Mc?ijroDOB<^iT. \V(l>f..,d by r.iil .. 37 IIauiaxto Ci.Miir.iu.Avi/ •^'"'- -Mu.-quodob't. \>i ' I'/a A{AU.ROAi>. I — ilJv ;;l.V 50 ' road 45 To I'an.'boro' bv s ranuT .".() FiiUtrton's II .Joi.k<' 2 Ma.van Kiv.-i- .... (.j M„„tl» ol Kivor.. rii^sloy .-, .Na|.p:in, l» , IJi'iit':*.' Aniher>t . . ".» ! Fori C'linilicrland, Il'.>i Shelbunie 10 267 IIaLIPAX to SlTELBlC.NE « II ORE hoc IE. Kiriiy's 9 Hidilcy's 5 Daii|)liiny's. liOinl of Mar;,Mret'» Bav . 7 M.- Lean's .". . U Clie-ter (45) 13 Zwitker's, Mahoue Biv 20 127 Halifax to Pictou. To Truro liy rail . . G3 Anliibald's' 14 lrvin;;'s Mr. Tom. G Fraser's, \V Kiver, 8 I'ietou 12. Porter's , Lak-, i Ormin'-i 9 103 jMu^(Hi()dttl)oit ILir. 10 17 5 Siniiir>, Broukiicld, 3 .Meston'.«» 13 Liverpool 14 68 Hai-jfax Tr, TA'«'?ira by liAR\'».V KoAI). I'roston, (iJf. r';,) . 9 IIaufax to Cavso. To I'i.tou 103 iAiioss t!ic Ferry to ' Now Glast'ow . . 7 Sliip IIarl)Our . Tangier. 50 t \ 4U UAUTMOCTK J'KUltV. [ISCf.. Dastmoi'th to Pout Mrt- OKAVK X'in Nkw GL'V»-' lli)AI>. Miirslialls 7 l{utlK'rf<)id's, June ) Triijijv^ (Iuvsl)o- > t ro" U(m<(|uoilo'»oit . . Hciiiv'!* 4 NVIsnn'8 i!2 Wiillooc niiijuc St. Mill-V'H 14 Korks,\st. M:iry'i.i, 18 Coimirv Harbor . . 11 Kfil Ilri.l;.'.«,I.ittloH. 10^ r.nyshaio' 'J'J llrciwtiV lii'idi:'' fi I'oit Miiluravc (iiu KaiilliMckV M. Mii«- of Crtiiso 22 (liio;r TV - — in , IUlivax to f^HUiT Hap. 'lArrhil'.i'.V. SI jTo turn n<'u,-y rotvl, 4 jArchil.:i!rr» -lilN.. 2 IvLMitV MilU '.♦ iriinvll'rt 1) iMid'ilo iJivcr hood j or tlic limhor. ... 7 i 82 ■ •«a*i-««j*««w ! TIME TA3LE OF THE HALIFAX AND DARTMOUTH FEailV BOATS. SOUrU IKIiUY. FuoM Isr May io isT NovKMUF.ii. FnoM l).v»{T>iOiTn. — Vl\cv\' liiilf lutiir IVoiu 6 a.m. t(i 8. 50 a. m. ; every q:i::rtc'r hour from 9 a.*.u. t) tV.'jO p. m. ; every hnlf liour from 7 I'. M. to 9..'ti» f. M. ; aii'l at I), ?i.40, lO.lO v. M., last hip. Fno.v IIalikax — Evvi;Mi!t.ii Tf* L'orii Marik. FiJOM DujTsioi.Tii — 40, V. .•»»>, S, H "K). 9, .V.M., tht'U siuno ns from iPt Miiv till 1st Novi'mI)er, uuiil r>, ."^..•1(), 6, 0.40, 7.2(), 8. 8.30, 9, 9.40, 10 40, I'.M, Fkoji ITalifa.v — 7. 7.4'), yj.'i, 8 4;'), 9 15, .i.m.. tlicu fMua an froin l.n M»iv tilt Lsc No>X'mhcr, until 4.-i'i, :> 15. 5.45. G.-JO, 7, 7.40, 8.15, 8.4:1, 9.20, 10, II I'.Jt. From 20rn March to l.^v Mat. Coirimoncitifr nrmj Dartmotitli, ti a.m., in.ui UuliiaK, 6.^0 a.m., then Bame ao tVoju 1st to 20th Miirch. NOMTll FKUHV. From 1st May to 1st Novomhor — Prom llartmnutli, 5.40 a.m., fr.iin Iliilifax, 6 A.M., thou qr. to niul i|r. past ci\fh linui- fioin Dartmouth, iind every hour anil Imlf hour iVoiu llalif.ix. ti!l 9 a.m. From l,«t Novem'icr to l^i .M.iy — Dartmouth, 7.15 A.M., Halifax, 7.30 A.M, tiu'ii same- Hs tVoni l.-;t May to Lit Novnubcr. SUNDAYS, CIIHISTMAS, AND COOD FRII.^AY. Fuo>f 1)artmoi:tii— i).40, 7.20, 8, 8.40, 9.20, 10, lu.40, a.m., 12.40. 1.20, 2, 2 .JO, 3. ;J.30, 4, 4.30, .5, 5 00, 0, G.40, 7.20, 8, 8.30, 9, 9.40, p.m. j last trip ' j FuoM Halifax.— 7, 7.40, 8 20, 9. 9.40, 10.20, 11. 1, 1.40, 2 13, • 2.45, 3.15, 3.45, 4.15, 4.45, 3.15, 5.45, 6.20, 7, 7.40, 8.15, 8.4.'>, 5.15, 10, p.m , lust trip. ! [ISCf). ^MMT Hap. 51 !.> rond, 4 I •.» 1) ltt)r. ... 7 I MOUTH 8. 50 A.M.; : hour from 1 < I I .M. ; every | from 7.1 J ( I i < )0 as from j ;0, U, y.40, I t,' a« from j 18.15, 8.4r., I A.M., then i i.M., from I lioiith, and j 1 lli(ax,7.3i) i \n., 12.40, I ).40, p.m. 1-40,2 15, ! 5.15. 10. 1865.] RAILWAVH. ?TA(»K COACHES. H NOVA SCOTIA RAILWAYS. .T.imo.s MrT)on i'..'.. C!t'iif ComniifV'wr ; .*^arir.>ri! Flomniinp, C'litf F.'fiinetr : '1 boma.-« FiM»t, Arruunlnut \ A. Biu klt-y, Ojfivf Kopcr a J Uirnjiovn. CJonrcre T;iylor, TnnTfr .^'uptrinlendf^ut ; .lohu A<«, AfSt. ^ui>trniUu(in4t ; A. Bu'-l-y. 'J'i< kd A'Vut ; Jao. Alfxar.t Aunt: Jelfery Foot, Assstnut do. ; A. .Johnston, Locvniotivc Hijieruitthd- enr,'-W. A. JoDes, Sfortkc^j-cr iukI CU.rh. ' TiMi: TAnr.K. Slmmer Akkanckment. — Main Line. A.M. r.M. A.M. P M. Leave Ilalifa.x 6.00. .3.30 T-K?nve Truro fi.I5 . .4. 00 Arrive at Truro 9.00. .7.50l Arrive at Halifax 10.35 . .7.00 WiMiSon BiiANcii. A.M r.M. I A.M. I'.M. Leave Ila'.ifa.x 6.45..4.15 L'.'Mvo Windsor 6. 45.. 4. 45 Arrive at Winil or.. . . 9.15. .7. :i5| Arrive at Halifax.... 9.55. .7.1*5 Winter Ari:an(;k.ment.--Main Line. A.M. f.M.I A.M. r..M. Hnlifax — flepart 7.15. .2 4wl Truro — depart «i .JO ..3 15 Truro—arrive 10 30. .7.0oi Hahfax— arrive 10.45 . .0.30 WixiisOK Bkanch. A.M. r.M. A.M. I'.M. Halifax— depart 9.rtO..4.00j Windsor— depart 8.15.. 4.15 Wii-.dsor — anirc 10.45. .7.00 | Halifa.\— arrive 11.15.. 7.00 Fahks. l5tChi<.s. MC!as5. Halifax to Windsor 51.35 ! OHO Truro • 1.83 j 1.22 Return Ticker.*. •'Fir.*! Cla.^sl for same day, I fare and a half. Such Tickt-ta taken Saturday are avaihihle on Moud.iy. Horse and Wasrgon, Halifax to Windsor SI 35 Do. do. do Truro 1 .85 Driver or owner free in 2d ClaiJs. Half rate in l, CiKiihes l'-av<- Ha!il;.x for Lu'ienlmr^, Liverpool, Studhurne and Yarnuiuth on Monday, Wednesday and Friday niomin;js at 7 o'clock, returning on the inttrveninj; ria}i<. '1« SAT MX.' PACKKT- -STKAMRHS. [ISO j;>. Anlii'iald's Sti'jc, cotivcviuir )'I M. MniN, li'.ivcs ll:iliri.\- for Nfu^- qii()(|i)l)(iit, ( iiiyslioroi';;!!^ Sr. .M.ii'v's, Coiintry Ilailior, and \''>\{ Miil- : t:nivc, via New fJuyslioiouLili Jx'ond. cvciv Monday aixi Tliiirsday m>rn iiiir-^ iU <) o'clock, and returning on 'I'licsday and Saturday cvcniiiLr'!, arriving' at I'oit Mu'niavc Tnc-day and Satuiday, and Ica.c Port Miil- grave at the same lime of leavin;r HaliOix. Arc]ii'ia!d's Stayc, fonvcyinir II. M. Mails, leave ITalifax for ^^ns- (|indo!ioit llarl'.ii'i', Jcddoio, Ship Ilirlioin-, and Tan^ierevery Mondav, Weii!\eMlav and Friday. ; Sia;:e, Coaches leave Truro every tnorninx, exeept Siindny, for Am- herst, I'ietoii, ;>»•>■• 'Ma^Liow and Anti^oiii-Ji, iinincdi:it('ly after the ar- rival of the inori\inL' I'aihvay train from llalifax, and arrives from each I of these |»la"es every day in titnc! for eveiiin<^ train for Halifax. Mail Coaches leave Anfii.''oid>'!i ihree times in the week for fiityslxj- roauli, (jai of Canso and Sydni-y, V. I>. 'i'ravellers can ohtain throiiuh tickets from th(> Kailwiiy dcjior, llalif.ix, for I'letoii, New (ilasLrow, Aii- ; ti;^oni-h, (juyslioroa!_di, (liit of Canso and Sydney, at reduced faros. A Mnil waL'"L'on leaves Trnro for TaliimaLioiiche, Wallare ami Pn-- ; wash (Mj Tiie.^day, Tliursday and Saturtlay, retuniin.L; on the iiitcrvcu- , iiig days. SAILING PACKETS FROM HALIFAX. McsHr-^. Luwson, llai riiiutoii, «!t Co., hiive three paekots running? eontiim;dlv to lioston, vi/.. : the barcnio llnlifav and the hriuts. Boston and AihrriKi. j A packet runs between Ilalifix and Liverpool, Queen's Co., leavinp: [ Croiian's wiiai f oc( a-ion.iily thronuhont llie month. 'J'vvo line scliooiiiis — the Si/h-lii and the i'liiml — sail about cverv three d;iys for Liineiibnr;;- — the fornn.T from Clack's, and the latter from .1. M' Watson .Vi, C'o.'s wharf. 'J'ho (jnv-^)toro' Packet sails from the Loiiii' Wharf. The Sydiu') (.-jailih^) packet Lrcncrally starts from CaldweH'.s wharf. STEAM :£aS. The n, & N. A. K. ^^. Steamships airive forltiightly from Kngland and the I'nited States - Canard v^t (^t., Airn*^. Stc.imers carrying; 11. M. Mails also inn to Rermnda monthly, and St. .John's, N F., fortid;rhtly, — tlie latter loitch at Sydney, C. B , dnnnj;- the Slimmer month-; — Cnnard ^>t Co., Aij' hix. 'I'iie, (liirini: the Summer season, leaves Windsor for Si. ijohn, N. B., every Wedne.'-day and Saturday, eonneetinj:' with the steamers which leave St .John ior Boston via Portland, every Mon- day and ThurMlay mornin<>', eonneetinj also with the liraiid Trnid; Kailwt.y at Portland, and tin; Fa'l lliver U. II. and Bay State line of Steamers between Boston und >cw V'ork. AUo leaves Aimap(dis for St. .)ohn everv Mondav and ']"liiirs l,iv after the arrival of ihi' mail from ILilifax. The Steamer " F.ady Head." duriiiir tli(; suinmer season, rii:is between Pietou and Qiielie , caldnu' at Miramichi, DallioiiM'.-, Pa.>pel)iac and Gaspe— leaving I'icuHi everv nlternatc Tuesday evening, at a o'clock P. M. [ISO >;^. f(ir MiH- Mul- liiv nvrrt fvi'iiiiisrs, ruit Mui- for "Nfus- >• Muiuhiy, ', for Am- \'u'v rlic iir- iVum each r riiiyslx)- iii tlironuli is'j:()\v, An- fillOS. iuid Pu.r- e iiitorvcu- ^s -unniiig ^ts. Boston [)., Icavinp' very tliivo ,'r iVom .1. s w hurf. Ijigland ithly, nml \\ , cluniit;- Windsor I in;;- with liiy Mon- lid Triiid; lo line ui' |]»(dis fur luail from I Itetween ' |lii:u; U!ul o'elock ■*e? 1805.] COM PAN IKS. 40 The Stciuner '' l'iins Cli.srlo'tetown fo. rictoii t'\ery Mo;iil,iy ;uid Tiiiu'sid.iy at noon ; iunl for Sliedim" »'very Tii -^d ly and I-'iidiiy iit U [). ni. I.enves I'ietou everv Moiid.iy and Thur.>day at niidnii:' t for Ciiarlottctown, Siuntnerside and Shedi:'.'- ; leaves Slii-dmc on Wrdnoday and Satnnhiv at "J o rlock, p-in., on arrival of the Morninjr 'I'rain from St. John^ and on every .alternate We(lnesd.iv in which the Kiiixli'h Miils an; forwardod to Knirland, at 8 o'cloek, a. ni., eonmicn 'in., .May 'J7i!i at 8 o'chick. The Sieaniers Comint'ri-i and /•'i\iii>(jiticaiirc t'ommitlcp, K. 1). Mi-yiicll, Hsf]., {l'ie>i- ileiit), Hon. 1{. IJ. D.rkey, Tho^. l}olt(»n, T. C Kinnear, K^ps , and ilon. Ale.\. Mi-Farlane, M.IM'. Secrctniij and TrmHuar, Cha.s. Twin- in;:, \\<(\. N'<»v.v SeoTi.v District. — !^ri;u'i,'(d (h/ie, McLeod's Bnildiny,, lloliis Street. .V*/y«/v«/(;/(/» «^, Jesse llovt, Ks(|. Cus/iiir and Auditor, \V. II.'\Vi>\vell, Ksq. ( )Fru:i;s AM) ( )i- KiiK Man \(;i'.u«. — f/nli/ar, W. li. Cluni, Thief Operator, F. H. McPiiee, Assi.;i:int do. Daniel (irant, Heicivitiir Clerk. Aiidnrst, (ieorife Keys; .-l/i//'(/'r,//\.' Miss J. D.ividson ; Anfi'innis/i, A. David>on ; Ai^L .s 1). Wilson; /imr'fh, ,] . M. I'arker ; Jiiitli/tfdirn, ('has. Hovt ; ljri(l,;i I'-iiicr, Miss I,. Harley ; Canuiii;/, H. A. IJordi'n ; Cupf ''anso, .Mi>s A. IJrodie ; Chisli.r, Mrs. A. I'arker; iJiijInj, W . 1». Stewart; CV"//.s- lioro', \lisj M. S. MeUreL'or ; n>ii>tsj»jif, Miss Mary IJarker ; luntrd/e, F. \V. Jones : Ijurrinntntrn, ,]. \V. Jaines ; Lirirjiiiol, Miss C (1. Har- lev ; I .iinditniL nij, Mr.'^. (\()w ; J.nif uIiiikj. Mi>s 1... Kudtjlf ; .1//. (.'niathe, H. Mi-Lean; Ae/t' (H tmioiv, Sirs. F. ('. (\)niin.r; Pirto'i, Thos. Dt)ran, .^\.s.-t. Operator, \\.\i. .Ms C 11. Flei-ar ; P»rt ff>;d, A. F. Hu_\t; /''n/'msl,, Mis--, II. A. Treen ; /t/i'if/nl fslnnd:*, X. Z. Cliipnian ; Hirer John, F. liaimill ; Sivkrilii, X. /}., ^sani. D. An'j;ns, ('hief Operator, ii. li. Cir.>on, Asst. (I J. ; Sii'd)'n'tr(idii\ F. II. Ht-nniuar ; S'i-ir:(t-/\-\ |{. M. II ili-<\vo:tli ; .S/. /^d».'/4-, K. JleDermid ; S/irlhurne, Mary L. Diirfee ; Sif/lnci/, J. F. Winl ; Tdfani'i i>nifiii\ Isaac Blair; Tntro, Mis; F.J. Taylor; Wnllneo., W . S. Hue>iis ; ir»''//H'at Cr>Mi'\\Y. — President, Hon. .M. li. Almoti. \'i<-e-/'r'sld->it, Hon. \V. A. Black. Pimiors, Faw, Hartshorne. (See'y.,) Wnt. Stairs, ( Tren^i..) Hon. M. ]?. Aluion, David Fanlkner. D. Farrell, F»(p's. Andtms, M. (i. Black and Ilemy Yeonians, Fsip's. A'jent iind M'it>(i(/er, (,'apt. ^leivenzie. Inland Xavigaiio.n CoM».\.>)f. — President, James F. Aveiy, M.D. 50 BANKS. [186.0. Dirertors, (ico. P. Mitchell, .lohn Stairs, "W'm. I^awson, Esqr.^. Srcre- tarif (tnd Trutsiirtr, (tkam) Lak;. Lan'd (,'• ;;v\nv. — Pa.'?., Bciij. Wicr, Esq. Dlrirturs, J. (J. A. Civi;,'liU)ii, W'm. f. Alin!'ii, M.lJ., .lus. Wicr, John I..iihL;()\v, Hsfjrs. Sxnittrij, VVm. li, Fairbank.^. N. S. 1* Bi;iLniN<} iSocikty and Savlv^h Ffvi). — Trustees, Hon. .J. W. .loliiiSDM, W. J. Aliiion, M.I)., iui.l S. Seldon Ksqiiircs. Dii-i'ctois, J. P. Molt, (PresidL'iit.) W. M. llarrinj^'t'jn, ( V'iif-Prcsidoiu,) J. .1. Si\v\o;', Jjiints A. Mimcii, li. Wicr, l•l^^[^s. Aiulitors, J. Wylde, A. Mi'Kiiiliiy, ICsqrs. Baiikfr.-, the l.'uiuu IJaiik. Solicitor, .lames W. .JohuM^n, jr. Surveyor, Mr. P. Oraiit. Sccrc'larv iiud 'JVeatfurer, .1. \V. JJiutoih Oliice, Jk-dford Uo-.v. Pkovintiai. IJiiLDiNd SoriKTY. — Trii.'^tco.v, Jamcs Fonnan, .leri'iiiiali Northup, and William .1. (!!oleman, FiScir.s. 'J'lie Kxenitive (Committee consists of — Wm. liocho, 10s(j., Presid^;nt ; W. 'i. Mver.s, E^q.. Vi.-o-IVe.idt'Mt; M. H. Kichcy, W. II. Pallistcr, K. D. Loidly, and C. I). Hunter, Il-tjrs. StH-retary and Trea.siuvr, J. II. Duvar, Enq. (JUice, Union Mar. ln>. Buildinon, .James Donaldson, Daniel C-runan. Hon. A. Keith, Andrew McKinlay, James Tremain, and A. M. Uniaeke, Esqrs. (Jn.-ihif.r, .lames Fornian, Esq. Accouidunt, J. C. Mcintosh. Ttllers, T. Stud 1, Thos. Clay. CUrk, Thos. Johns. Messenger, Mr. George An- derson. AtiENT:* — Pictoii, J. PiiuKsose ; Yarmouth, Jas. Murray, junr. ; [186G. ! ■n, Srcre- Dii-irtnrs, Liihj.;()\v, -Trustees, ; Ksqiiiros. ; 'residoiu.) J. WvM.}, DV, .lanics \ J'rciib'uror, Fonnan, Kxerutive \ 't. M.vers, i 3. Lijidly, ; iivur, Esq. \ q. Dircc- ; rson, J. J. SocVotury, ; f. Douahl Atkharst, l^oiit^iird, i Mr. 11. G. C. Coys- ; Scott, li. Secfuiurv P.M., and Anii'fica, iks cvory ut ; Will. , s u. Wilkie. |i. Dirsc- IIou. A. ;e, Esqrs. ^tilers, T. [orgo An- (ly, jiuir. ; 180,').] BANKS. 61 Lomhn, Will'ani'', Doaron it Co.; New Yorl-, Mcrrlmnts' Bank; /?«s- t(i)i, Movch:i":its : .]f<»i/rfnf, Bank of Montreal ; Mf. John, N. /J., I ("oiiuiwMcial 15. mk; .'St. Jrkn's X. l\, Union Bank; CkurkUrtowH, Bank i (.<■ 1'. Iv. Island. I Bank ok Briti«ii NonTri ..uktica. Halifax Branch. — Lncnl hinrtors, Hon. W. A. Black, Hon. .las. M''Nai>, and J. B. Bland, Ksq. AfitiKK/rr, S. N. Biniicy, Ks(^. Arcvnilnut, las. Goldio (actinj;). Te/ler, AU'x. S. Tinnio. Cfrrha, Messrs. Jno A. Leslie, J. B. Bland, jr. Mrx- spiii/i-r, Mr. .'olm T{()xl)y. Soli'^itorty NiAarif, J. J. Tlioinii.sou. Gfnerul Maiiiir)fir, Tlios, Palon, Esq. Airents in Xcw York, Fortrnson, Grain ^^' Smith. This Bank has l)r.\iicJj<'s at Qnehoc, Monrveftl, Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, Brantforil, Dunda- :uid Kingston, Canada; St. John, N. B., and Victoria, Vaiu-ouver'.s Island. Union B *nk of Nova Scotia. — "^Hrerfors — Wm. Stairs (President), John (iihson, Ja.s. A. M.)ren, M. P. iilack, J. W. Ritchie, Rolnirt Boak, James Thompson, Esors. Cashier, Wm. S. Sterlinfr, Esq. Arvountant, Henry Y. CMarkc. 'Idler, John C. Moore. OetL; E. H. Kecvea. J/i .vsvm/rr, T. Skinner. Mkrcham.s IJank.— J. W. Mcrkcl, (President ) Edw. Kenney, T. C. Kinnear, John DnlVu*, W. Cumml, Jcdm Toliin, George P. Mitchell, Jeremiah Xorlhup, Esqrs. CVw/uV-r, George MucLtHin. Pi:oiM.i^'s Banmv. — Dircctoi-s, Jame« Cochran, Geo. H. Starr, (Pre>ident), W. J. Coleman, B n. Wier, R. \\\ Eraser, N.L. West and John Donll, Esqrs. Cashiff, Peter Jack. PitoviNciAi. Savings Bank. — This Bank i-i kept in the Province Bnildiii;,^ Hours of attendance (Vom 10 till .') every day except Saturday. Diiciur, the Receiver General, Cashier^ John R. Wallace, Esq. PiiNNY Savings BANK.-*Chaf*. Cogswell, Esq., M. I)., Chninnan ; Thos. Ferierty, Esq., Cant. Eyttletoii, John S. MeEean, Esq., Geo. R. Atnierson, Es A. K. Donll, E>(|. ; M^jor Dellivillaud, Hon. Treasurer; John B. Young, Esq., W. H.Neal, E^i., Hon. Secretaries. LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANST.S. Halifax Kirk In.sukaxck Company. — (Capital. .£(jO,f'!0,) Direc- tors, A. M. Unniacke, (President), Rohert Nohle, (Vice hv), Hon. M. B. Aliuon, .John (Jihson, (;. Twining, J. W. Yonng, uuii Wni. Maevay, Esqrs, ■!>'«•';/. nml Tnnsurer, R. Tremain, Beilfbrd U/.v. Acadia Eikf: Insi uanck Company.— /'/«<>/«»»/, John Tohiii, Esq , M.P.P, /firn'tors, John Dnlliis, Ja.s. A. .Moren, Allred (i. Jonec, W. J. Coleman, lloi»t. Boak,jr.,and Wni. Finlay, Esqrs. S'-ci/ (uul Treasurer, John 11. Harvey, Esjq. Mi;n( antii.k Makink Insiirance Association. — President, Roht. Boak, jr. Es(|. \'inj Pres. .lairus Hart, Es([. iJirertors, W. J. Stain, (ieo. il. S'arr, W. P. West. Daniel Cronan, Jno. T. Wylde, E:.qrs. Srrrrhiri/, Chas. W. Wright, Esci- OtHce— Bedford Po\v, Geldert's Building. N. S. M^illNK iNSt-RVNCE CoMl'ANV.—( Capital £10,000.) Presi- dent, William Pryor. Directors, Hon. W^. A. Black, Altred G. Junea, 52 C0NSUL8. [1865. L. Hnrtshorne, G. P, Mitchell, Robert Noble, Andrew Mitchell, James Trcniain, Jaiiu'8 Prjor, W. B. Fairbanks, Win. Stnirs, T. S. Tol)in, J. T. 'Iwining. Amli'lors, J. W. Merktl, J. W. C. Wi.kie, II. Yeonian.s Union Maiiike Insurance Comtany okN. S. — (Capital £10, ono.) President, William Koclie, Es^tj. Dire' tors, N L. West, John U. Itos.s, T. r. Kinnear, J. A. Morcn. John Gibson, J. P. Mott, W. B. Hamilton, B. W. f^altcr, J. W. Merkd, J. T. Wainwright, B. Wier, C H. M. Black, Esqrs. Auditors, John Watt, E. Pryor. Secretary, E. Goudge< Avon MxRiffE Insurance Cojipany. — President, P. M. Cunning- ham. Secretary, Joscjih Allison. Windsor Marine Insuranck Compavx .^ President, G. P. Pay- zant. iSecretaiy, K. B. Porter. Canso Marine Railway.— President, W. J. Stairs, Esq. Directors, J. S. McLean, W. B. Hamilton, E. M. McDonald, Peter Koss, Esqre. Sec'y. and Treasurer, H. N. Paint, Esq. 'I 1 CONSULS. Prussian Consul.— Chas. Ayhvin Crcighton. United States Consul. — Hon. Mortimer M. Jackson. Portuguese Consul. Spanish Vice-Consul. — .1. G. A. Creighton, Eh(J. Brazillian Vice-Consul. — Michael Tobin, Esq. Norway and Sweden. — J. B. Oxley, Esq. Consul of the Pree Hanseatic City ov Hamburg. — William Pryor, Esq. Consul of the Free Hanseatic Cities of Bremen and Lubec. — William A. Haro. VicE-CoNsuL OF France and Consul of Austria. — William Canard, Esq. United States Consul at Pictou. — B. II. Norton, Esq. United States Consular Agents. — ir/nrfAor, Peter Bu/nhum; Liverpool, Calvin Applcton ; Shellurne, Cornelius White ; Barriut^tun, G. Ivobertbon ; Rac/yed islands, John Locke ; Yai-tiovth, James M. Merrill ; Si/dnei/, Hon. T. D. Archibald; Puffiiosh, Henry G. Piiieo ; Guysboro', Edmund H. Franchville ; Plaister Love, Arichat amd Port //f)oc/, James G McKeen ; Z//«(/a«, Edmund M. Dodd, jr.; Amherst, )X. B. Dickey, Diyby, John C. Wade ; Annapolis, W. R. Buggies. Lloyd's Surveyor. — JamcK J. Tucker, Windsor. [1865. hell, Jnmcs 5. Toliin, J. . Ycomans I £40,0(10.) n U. l{()s,s, HaiTiiltoii, ! C. H. M. S. Goud'^e- . Cunning- 3. P. Pay- Directors, OSS, Eeqre, 1866.] JUDICIAL. I'd -Willinm LUBEC. William nrnharn ; ht^ton, G. Merrill ; i/sboro', d, James Dickey, ^JUDICIAL. SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE, HAVING LAW AND EQUITY JHRISPICTION THROUGHOUT THE PnOVINCB. '^Chikf-Justice, Hon. William Yomif;. Equitif Jndfje, lion Jns. W. Johnston. Asaistant Jmlfjes, Hon. W. Blowers Bliss, lion. E. Murray Dodd, Hon. W. Frederick DcsBarres, and Hon. L. Morris Wilkins. Attorney Gmeral, Hon. W. A. Henry. Solicitor (Imernl, Hon. J. W. Ritehic. Qaeeiis Connseh, Hon. J. W. Johnston, Hon. Jno. Crei;;hton, Samuel P. Fairbanks, Martin I Wilkins. Hon. A. G. Arehil)ald, .1. W. Ritchie, C. W. H. Harris. John C. Wade, Estiuires, Hon. Jomithnn Mc- Cully, Beamish Murdocli, A. G. McDonaM, and Hiram Blanchanl, Esqrs. Clvrkof the (^lown and Prnlhonotiirif, ,]a\\\qi^ W. Nuttini;, Es(|. Accountant GrneraJ, Charles Twininy;, Es(i. Masters, Halifax, C. Twin- inijf, H. Hartshornc, A. James, Win. Ilowo ; Pictou, Edw. Roach; (Juysborou.^h, Samuel R. Ru.sscl ; Yarmouth, Thomas 1). Chipman, Chiis. B. (iwcn, JiW. Murray ; District of Shelburiie, Thos. Johnson; District of Bariin(,'ton, (^lahriel Rohert.son, James S. Marshall; Hants, David Fiezc, John W. Ousley; Kings, G. A Blanchard ; Lunonhurfi:, James Dowling ; Annapolis, Robert Bath, Silas Morse, G. S. Millege, Esqrs. lie.purter of Decisions, Fitzperald Cochran, Esq. COURT OF ERROR. The Lieutenant-Governor and the Members of Her Majesty's Execu- tive Council. COURT OF MARRIAGE AND DIVO!{CE. The Lieutenant-Governor (President), Hon Judge Johnston, (Vice- President), and tlu'! members of Her Majesty's Executive Council. liiijistrar, Jas. H. Thorno. Adnucatcs and Proctors, the Barristers and Attornies of the Sui>reme Court. COURT OF VICE ADMIRALTY OF HALIFAX, N. S. (Includiiiy; Canaiia.) HAVIKG PUIZK JtrRISniCTION OVKR nRITIHH VORTH AMKRI-^A. Mcr- Admiral, the Governor-General of Briticii North America ; Jttdije, the Hon. and Worshijjful Alex. Stewart, C. B Surmrfates — Halifax : Cliarles Twinin ;, J. C. Haliburtcm, A PrimnH(\ J. W. Ritchie, S. P. Fairbanks. Nopean Clarke ; VValluoo. Alex. AIcFarlane ; Truro, Ebenezer Munro ; Windsor, Harry King ; Digby, T. C. Wade; Arichat, C. F. Harrington; Sydney. C. B., ./as. McKeagnev ; Antigonish, W. A. Henrv; lierriver (iiucrni of Droits, Q. B. Hamilton, Es(|. Ri'ifistrar, J. R. Smith, Esq. Marshnll, Hugh Ilartshorm*, Esq. and Pro- nuator-dcncral, Hon. J. W. Johiisum. Adi^ot'otcs and Proctors, the Barristers and Attornies of the Supreme Cimrt. Intiriireter and Trans- lator of (lerman and French, R. G. Haliliurton, Esq. Printer, A Grant. Ite/)orter, Jas. J. Burinot. The Sheriff-, MavfMP*. and Comstablcs thr'tuv'h- out the Province arc also OlHccrs of this Court. Usher and \lfsnf infer, Jas. Venables. BanL of Admiraltjj Deponits, the Batik of Br-iish >(orth AuKTioi air Halifax. The Court sits on .«t!".iod days, by ftdjounimciit ; and »U«»ou the iut<.M- mediate days whenever business may re«juire- 54 JUDICIAL. [1805. JUDGES AND KEGISTRAllS OF I'liolJATE, AND UKGIS. TiiAUs OF ui:I':j)!>. Conntiea. Annapolis, Ami;;oni>h, (."a pi' Breton, Colchester, Cumberland, Gnyshoro', Halifax, Hants, Inverness, Kinjrs, Luncnhnrg, rictoii, Qucvii' •. Kit'MDviid, Sb '>nrne, Vi. t(. ;a, i'unfituth, Jiidffes of Probate. Iie{/r\. of PrdxiteA liti/'rK. of l)mh. Geo. S. Mil!c(l-o. J. J. Rohiiisori. fla8. McKoii^Moy. Ehen F. Miuno. John D. Kinncar, Ja«. A. Dennison, j Edw. Carritt, & ) 11. McDonald Wm. Sutherland, Harry Kinj^. John L. Tremnin, Goo. A.BIanchard (jco. T. Solomon, Danl. Difkson, Charles Morse, Wni. H. Cutler, A. McNau^^hton, Wm. Jones, Jjis. Murray, jr. Edw. H. Cutler, Georf^e Breiinan, I). N MeQiu-en, Geo. CiUiiphell, !w. M. FuUerton, Edw. H. Cutler, A. 1). IlMiriniiion, 'James 1". Ward, Jas. K. lilair, I ( Jas. E. Puidv, I j A. P. Bradley. iChiirles Budd, '«' ''nmphell, senr. I j Sam. Iv. Hussell, K \\ ni. Miiir, I I .lohn MeKeen, | ) H. MeDonnld, Wm. llowc, |W. II. Keating, iKefjnld. B. Torte: . 'Bee:. B Porter, IRoht. MeDonpdl, John L. Treniain, , Geo. A. Barnahy, Ad()lphu.«- Gaetz, .lames Criehton, IIv. W. Smith, \Vm. Vr. Bnllam, Cornelius White, lAlf. Ilalihurton, iH. A. Grnnthara, T. S. Camphell, John Ileeknran, John Ferfruson, Nath I'n'eman, CJeo. 1'.. Jeitii, Coniel'ms White, Wm. Jones, .lolin Murray. t-LTREME COUPT AXD ITS SITTING, WITH NAMES OF rROTHONOTAL'lES. IV^Awv :hid. Annapolis, Sydney, C.B. Truroi Amherst^ Dighy, Clare, Guyshoro', Halifax, Windsor, Port Hood, Kentvillf, LiTuenhnrj^, Pietou, Liverpool, Ariehat, Barrinp:ton \ Shelhurne, \ Antitronishe, Biuldeek, Tnsket, Yarmouth, Spring Term. Fall 7'erm. Prothonotorits. Tuesdaya 20th Juno and 3rd Oetr. (ieo. R. (irassie. do. do. do. do. f)th 2<.th 13th lOfh 3rd loth do 2r)th Sept. do. 20th M IV, { do. ISiliJuly, J do. 25th Apiil, do. fitli iFune, do. 20th " do. f)t!i " Tu.&Th.2r)th April, Thursdys 15th June, Tuesdays 2iid xM;i , do. " 27th Jul 3rd Octr .•ith Deer 24th Octr. C. E. Lcniiiird, jr. 'jas. F. nianchnrd, A. S. Blcnkhorn, > Henry Stewart, 'Edward Carritt, \s do. do. do. do. 9th ^la > Otii iluiie, 13lh " IGth May. j J. W. Nuttinj.', 26ih wSept. Jlenry Mimdell. 24th Oetr. JohnL. Tnujain, (ieo. A. Bavnaliv, Jjuues Dowjiiio;, Da\i(l Matheson, John EdL:ar, Dan. O'C. Madden, 2(>th Sept. i'eter G. Fra.ser, loth Octr. Hich. .1. Forris^tall, lOti 12!h 1 9th •"rd olSt 17 th do 10th Sept. Wm. Jones, J. W.H.Rowley. i \ ' '■^* [1805. KF.GIS- orn, ■ art, ift, iim, iihy, oil. iiv. 18G.J.] CHNCRAL .SK3SI0N.S. SMKKIFKS, ETC. sra- 55 SITTINGS OFTIIK fJEXKUAL SESSIONS OFTHl-: PKACE, AND l)Hl'L:'i V SUliVKVOUS OF CRO\V\ LANDS. Conntifs. Animpolis, Aulii;onisIi ('. IJivtoti, jSydncy, Colchester, Truro, , Tvwnahlpa. Anna|>olis, Dori'li(?su?r, Termi 14 (I Cuiuberl'd, Amhersf, , Di^by,, . . .jClare, . , ., Diu'I>y Giiyjiboro', jCJuysboro', jSt, Mary's, Tuoxdays, Apr. 18, Octr, 31. .Tanunrv 10. March "2, July 11. Ja'Mirv 10, Jjinuary .3. April 25. NoviMulicr 7. Jan. 17, May 2. Dt"t!r, 5. ft II ti II Ilalitax, Hants, Inverness,, Iviiij:-*, .,, Halifax . . . Windsor . , Gore, . . . . Port Hood, luMitville. . Mflrch 7, June 6, bcpt. a, Deo, 5. October 3. October JO. Jan. 10, Octr. 3. Dep. Survei/ors. Lini»fnbiir;;-,iLuneiil)ur^ jCu'^ier, . . riitou . . . .iPictou, . . . Queens,. . iLiverpoul,. llicbuionci, Ariclittl, n April 2.'), Octr. 31. ct January 10. << Januarv 17, K Feb. 7, July 4. II January 10, ** February 14. yiielburne, 'lariv'iii/trtu M!)n(lay, May t. i!:ahelburue . Tujeif., Jan. 10, Mon., June 5 ,,. . . r, a. , .p , ,, , „, o ,„ i ( Donald Rom, \ jctona, . . Baddcvl. , . , i iic*iaay^, March 21, bep. 19- ] /< \i (iig„cr \ R. J. Uniaeke, I \V. A. CalnocL. D.C Roltortson. David McKccn. ( 1. .\. Archibald, ) W. Faulkner. ( S. O'Donnell, } C. 1). Roach, ( J. (}. Dimock. Alpbeus Juueii. W. Hartshome, C. T. Tavlor. W. A. Hendry. Win. Anderson, R. A. Loi»Rn, Wm. Davidson, C. Fairbanks, J. VanlJuskirk. G.P.McDonald, Benj. Smith. {John Murphy, Juii. H. Austen. K.E, Armstrong John LawRon, Jas. H. Hood. Peter Uoss. ( Whit. Freeman, y Jat. F. Moore, ( N. W, Fieeman. Jaa. McKen/ie. Alex, liamiltou. yariBoiith, Tii>>ket, . . .1 Vaiiuouth,' 11 April 12, Oct. 17. March 7, Sept. h. l\ L. HattieU. SHKRIFFS AND CLEUKS OF THE PEACE. CUL'HTIUB. .\iujapolis, I'api' Hreton, ('olchc>*tcr, Ciinjherland, DiL-liv, (iuvsburo,' Halifax, IJaiitts, { HMKKiyKii. ! Peter nomiott, ;.Jo!in }.. Hill. ;Cliiw. HIanchard. \{. McLean. i.Jolm K. Viet*. Cf,KRKH OP PKACR 'Gcoiy:e R. Grassie. ICbarles K. Leonard, l.Joscpb l>i<'ksun, jK. B Huestii. , Henry Steward. 'EdmutKi H. Fraochvilie S. liussell & J. Mclntoiij, IJobu .J. Sawver. lost I h Ail ison. jNepean Clarke. 'Henry MundelL ■ ( J 66 Inverness, Kint,'S, I.uiicnhurtj, I'icton, Queens, Iliclimond, Sholhuine, Antier, Freeman RICIIMONb COUNTY. Brymer, William Creamer, Jas., M.D. Fi.vott, Dr. Kavanngh, Mauripe SHELRURNE COUNTY. Bell. Wm. J. Homer, John W. Mcintosh, Robert [1865. M I). i s. A. COUNTY. 'in. s., M.D. liel l.B.,M.I). M.D. 11, M.D. M.F.P. ^.,M.D. A.. M.D. w., M.D. ;nty. M.D. I.. M.D. tl. s. M.D. ■id vXTY. IJ. ii;nty. ill) M.D. I ripe HI NTT. rt 18G5.] BAKKIiSTBRS. 57 Millor, Ja,«. S.. M.D. Klmsley,JoH., M..D. YAU.MOJJTII COUNTY. | Srlirii;;!', Jllo. J., .M D. In;j:raham, (Jcor;;e Bin;_my, ( i.'oruo 1 WiUoii, hnielK., M.D. .MeLellaii, . r. ( 'hapman . Thos. 1). 1 Clarke, Dr. MeK<('H, G . J A. Farish, Jas. G. {| VKTOKIA COrsTY. Uol)eii-()n, John HaMi.dd, I-'ornmn c'aiiii.i.L-ii, c;. .]. iTooiM-r, ,, ohii — --—~^ - ji LIST OF BARIUSTKKS AND ATTOHNIKS. UK.^IIJIONT IN NOV.V SCOTIA. 1 NAMES. RKSIDKNCK. NAMKS. KESIDKNCK. Akiiis. TIk.s. ». Ilalilax. FosiO, .James I'ietoil. ^Aivliil.aM, A. (.;. Trin-o. iFnller. TIh,s. H. Arieliiit. Arcliioald, IVter S. do. Fnllerton. Wm. H. Foster, Jos. (lilhert Amherst. niaiicliani, (ieo. A. Ivoiitville. Halifax. •^UlMiiclianl. Ilirara Il.lifax. (Jrassie, (ieo l{. .\nmiiiolis. IJmua.v, Tlio.s. V. IJ. Varnionth. ( Jrantham, i!enr\' H. Varmonth. 1*1 'aiiiisli, Francis S. MiliCas. Gray, Wm. .M. " Halifax. HlaiiclianJ. W. II. Windsor. Grav, Saml. H. do. liiinivcat, Jolm Truro. *Hiirris, C. W. H. Kentville. r.ii.Unli.-ld, Will. H. Amherst. Hart.shoriio, Hnjii Halifax. IV'iil, FrcilU. ilo. Hairinuton, 1'. 11. do. *('r('i;j;lit(»ti, Hon. J. laincnhiiri^. HaHil.nrton. J. C. do. Clarke, N'epeaii Halifax. II ilihnrron, (Jnstavus Sli^dhurno. ' *<'aiii|iliell, Siewart (tavslioro'. •^Harrin-t(»n. C. F. .Vriidiat. Ciiiiiiiii^liam, r. M. Wind-ior. Hill. Henrv V. Anfiudnish. {^.-^well. .Ia-<. C. Halifax. Howe, W'.'n. Halifax, Cutler, W. U. Arifliat. *HLMiry, W. A. A. (if .Vnti'jfonish. | Cowliii-, Filu'. C. Anna|iuli.s. llalilmrlon, Alt'. F. Ba.ldeek. Cliaiuller. Win. li. Arichat. Hill, Flulip C. Halifax. 1 Culliiis, Hreiitou II. Hdilax. Harris, Thos. W. Kentville. 1 Cicliraii, Fit/,. .1... Hamilton, Peter S. Halifax. Cam .1...II, (kM). I run). Halihiirton, K. ( i. do. Clie.s ey, Tlios. W. BridiC^'to^^'M. Hill, Wm. 11. do. ( 'ivii;litoii, '()<. riiiiienlair^r. Harrinu'toii. l}i-enton .!(). Chandler, Rnht. I). Amherst. James, Alexander do. Ciiitmlis, ,J()S. Hilifix. .rohnstoii, J. W., jr. do. Deiinisoii, .Fas. .\. Di-I.y: Johnston, W. A. ' do. Di.'k-ou, n^^\>i. n. Truro. Johnston, J. W. K. do. *l)iekev. Iloii.^li. B. .Johnston, Henry W. do. DeWoH, Jas. L. Windsor. Kinj:, Hairv, u.c.i,. Windsor. Dickson, Danl. Pietoii. K 'atiiiLj, Will. H. Halifax. ' Deshrisay, Mather IV OliL'ster. KlniKMir, .John D. Amherst. Dediarres, Lewis li. (iiiv^horo*. Kanli)aek, H. A.N. liiineiihiirj,'. Delilois, S.iinl. W. Haiilax. Kenny, (i. B. Halifax. Deiinison, .[aiiie.s Diiihv. IvtnT, James J. Wallaco. DeUlois, W. A. Halifax. Kirl>y, Lewis Halifax. Dawson, Geo. I*. Lyneh, Petoi* do. DennisoM, (ieo. Di-hv. FiCnoir, Poter H. do. : Dalv, Mai. Bowos Halifax. Fioniiwortli, Israel Truro. ! *FairI)ank.s, S. P. i do. Morse, .lames S. Amherrft. 58 BAKKLSTKK8 AND ATT0RMR3. N v.Mi:s. Ki:.Sn>KNCK. ^ I X * XAMKS. [180.'). MLHIUENCK. *Miinl()cli, H»>iimislj<'. Sihi-; ('. Mdoif, Sic|»lifn II. M(i;-80, Siliis L. Mi'<2ii''''ii. Dull. L. Millcl'^'o. (Jc... S. M •( Irc'^ur, .loliii *McCiilly, II. .11. .1. Miiiiru, !,!icM F. MitlR'^on, l);ivii| .MrKc;i;;ilfy, .Jil.-i. .M():>;i', Ciiurh'S Miiriav, ,\\\^. jr. MiCiiily. Uoi.crr McNutt", ,\k)\\\\ 1). M''r;i:l:mi', AIox. Mi'Ivirilv.i. Jiiliii =^M'l),;i.,!!:l, A. C. -McDoiKiM, .liUiicvs M. l):.ii:i;!l, D.iiil. Miirsliall, .lolm S. .M'KlMl/,:l', (ilSO. A. Moi--,', ClitlWr.l K. M. •Donald, llii-li MrKav. N'i'Wtiiti L. M'-C(.ila. I'lias. M llor, Win. Mc'l )(miilil, Saml. M't^.y, Will. M )rsc". Aili.'rr .N 111 till;:. .J. W. /V.Vy. Ntiulii-. IMw. r. ()-vc'!i. Daiii'! ():th-"ulit, ll,^:iiy Oii-it'lcv. .Ii)!iii Vv''. Ou-i'n.' William J. l'riiiiio-;c', .\.l<.'.\. Pryo:*, llciiry rre-icoti, .Ja:ii('S li. '.'yi\C, IvlvvMi'l A. Pnrves, S. L. iJoach. ("i.'iilcs D. Uo:h;Ii, l'M\v:inl ♦ Ritchie, J. W.,.S.^', Uii;,'„'los T. 1). Halifax. I .\in!uT-;r. K('ti!vil!i\ \ Hl'iiljCtOWTI. ! Sydney. C.U. .Aiiiiiliolis. lliiifax. I du. \ Tniro. I I'irtmi, 1 Syduo>.f'.B.| Iiivi>r|)iiiil. I Yarmoutli. j Aiiilierst. i 'rrino. Aiiilicrst. Pi«iou. d.j. .lo. Anii<_'>)nish. LiviTpo')!. I'icroii. A'l'.'u'jNt. Aiiti'rtcii-ili Sydm-y.CIJ. Triin). Halifax. Slifiliiinio. IJrid iviowii. H.itif.ix. du. V.uuv)iu!i. l.iiiiMiliur^. Walia-c. Windsor !. p;fM'mrf.j. tliilil'ax. do. ("orinvallis. do. Pictoii. Amlicrst. New ( rla<«/o\v Halifax. IJrldut'town. liirhey, Matthew II. | l{it<|iiV, Jo-;. N. Kn;.'.:los, llfiiry L. H.i'teri'on, (rforjjo | S.iwcr^. W. il. SoliMinni. (i«.'orf;i) T. \ S.iwyiT. J .1. • SiitlKiiand, Win. *S.nit'i. .I:.! \\. S.-hmidf. ('. K. W. Sh itiiion, .S. Lcoiianl; Stt'v. lit. ('. J. I SaihU, Hicluinl. jr. ! Siiiith n.-ury A . Sk( rry, Joliii StwMu, .loIiil •^mith. .lo'in T. -iiv-.-v, A. W. 'rwi'ihiir. C'iirtHe.^ Twi.iinir. II. C. D. ; I'iio -m?. .\.\< II. TMoin-oii. .r-inios r.viTiiiiif, Wm. r.di;:i. .Jam.'-; (>. TiVMiaiii, Jiilin L rn'iiiaiT. Kdw. D. Trooi), .laivd C*. IV- nain. IJaivIay K. riiiacke, A. M. d.c.i.. riiiaekf, Nornia!! F. i !' ii!iio I Vie's .lolin M. 'Wilki:!-;, Martin T. W.-!»-;t;.'r, II •iirv i*. W!iidl-n. Will". 'J. •^ .Va.l.\ .1 .in ('. Wvl.I.', Isaac J. W-illac-c. T'los. J. ! W-.'us Ott.) Wei-k-i, .K)-cjili II. Wtiiddoii. Joliu K. I '"■v'hi^e, AIouzo J. \ Wiutiiitt. Alex. II. ' Wiutc, N. W. jiuir. W.MtSorhec, Hoht. J. Itnlifii:^. do. !*ridircto\vii. Willliot. Halifax. I.iiiiciilnirf:. Miilif.lX. .Jo. r-ir. (traiiville. I. iM|)0()|. Halifax. Ainli(M\ roRTAKiVvi AKril»\VITS l»» Ilol.K in It Ml,. Antfijtft'i-i. — Ko't'Tt If. l':it'i, M ijor ('I,i|i,ii;iii, Win. V. Fo-fer, C Korfx.'*. •!. Clr.iy. (J. K. (inssic, Aiidivw lloiuk-r.-ou, .laiur. ro\iii/, I Cufm^ iinf.t, — lolm IJiiiiutit, 1', II. CImiKc. T'. l.coiiard, C .McAI|»i!U>. W, (■aininidl. J. L, Moir, L. KoS-nii, Jolm .M( Ixau, .Ii.Iiii Ft r;:n-«iii. CVrA^.li 1 )irk>oii. I), li. I,\iid.-, U". Mi Kiiiiion, h\ ]{. Parker. Wm. Kut'icrroid, CliarK-^ Tiiikcr, .loliii Wirr, F.«(|rs. Cuiahtrlnml. — W . W. Hciit, A. S. lUiiikliurn, Francis Cirrot, (.'. (i. Donkio. Ch;iH»-> DiAVolC. .1. W. I). l;iiiv. .M, (l.ndoii. .T...Iina lIu.Mi*. S H. Mor-r. Donald M.Kar. (', F., Mm. 11, (i. Pin.-.., J, Pa-e, W. H. Ko-t-rs. C. D.Hoadi, A. A. Hla. k. Cyru.s IJ.'iit, K.sqr.s. />"/'"/. — C!in». Htidd, Lewis Hdiininc, Jolm l)oMtii'i;aii, W. (ianiiiudl, Fdwiinl nL';rnn. K. Mar>ti,ill, ,]. \. .\h)i,>o, ,1 McLfiui, .1, liol)iusoii, 1. HoVrt-on, ]la«il KoMclicaii, Carlton Sahh a 'Iciirv Stewart, K'tjrs. ^^l./.«UV.— Hon. H. M. Cuficr, F, J. C'min n,*K. Carritt, J. IJ. IladU y, Chri«to|ihcr .Io^on, Jo.t, .Iiilin li.irley. .loSn lltckisi in. Win. Hoss, lv'(|is. I*iit'>i. — (jro. Cani|dK'l!, 'aincs Criiliton, Holtcrt Donll. .Ja<. Fra-'T, Win. (ioplon. D. lh)ckiii, David .Matin, -ini, Hodk. MiKen/ie, IJoinr; Murray. Jauie< Mnrdocli, llv nry .Miinil- II, 11. 1'. Xanuway, A, Patter- on, James PriainiM-. Dam an !Jo!i;ii-on, James Ski;iiuT. F>(|r,. il'tiftis — la:ncs IJ.irss, .lolm C':i'ii|ilieil. John Carteii, J. Fd;^.tr, J, F. Moore. T. K. Patillo, K(dit. KoInTts, Ciilc!) Seeley, James Collie, Win, Ford. John Shirnrt", F-ijis. lif hm-iud. — Wni, (.'reiirhton. IVti'r Decarteret, Simon Donovan. G. T. HatidU-y. Tliu>. Leaver, J, Fuller, lleiiiy Martell, D. O'C. Madden, Donald Mathison.J. H. Sn.iili, Isaae L;'\'iseonte, Jc Im Fitliili. I*. P, Flinn, Fsi|r>. Shlhnrn. — Amlrew IJ ir.-lay, .Iom ili Collin, lvol»ert Cnrrie. (ien. II. I).'in>;, I'.ui- 'J. F:i-!mw, (). W. !Io.u,t. (Iliii st M •Keiin.i, Al< x. Mi'N.iti',^ht'»n. Jain 's Mnir, (Ji'tiiil Uihi-rt on, Wiinhioj* S.-irp-nt, J. Sao«', jr., J. C. Smith, Jolin 'I'ottie, Coinis. Wliite, P (i. Fra.ser, KMjrs. •S/'/x' •/. — Ge if;^'* CriiTinii, Wm. K. Cunningham, Wm. tj, iliediiiv, Alex. MeDoiiaUl, M. 1). Wdi, .). I), ek. ^Ti *> %. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) fe // y ^ 1.0 I.I 1^12.8 mk il2 1^ 1.8 \M IIIIIM. 1111.6 V] <^ /} ^;. 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ,\ V i.^ O % v <^ - ^ 6^ Victoria. — Josopli Hart, Win. Jones, Donald MoiTir^on, Donald Mc- Lean, Wm. 11. Kowlc}'^, James Sparkling, Alex. Taylor, R. A. Jonerf, Esqrs. 1^ ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENCES AND DEPUTY REGISTRARS OF MARRIAGES, BIRTHS &, DEATHS. Halifax County. — Issuers of Mairiage Licenses and Deputy lipc/is- trars of Marriarjes Births, and Deaths — Archd. Scott, Halifax ; John S. Brine, St. Margaret's Bay; S.'»ml. L. Henry, Upper Musquodoboit ; R. A. Kaulback, Middle Musquodoboit ; Jas. Leary, Tangier ; Rev. Henry Stamcr, Hiibbard's Cove. De.ji. Registrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — J. Kelly, Ketch Harbor ; Jno. Booth, sr., Prospect ; J. Crooks, Peggy's Cove ; Luther Sterns, Dartmouth ; John Lingley, Waverley ; Rev. R. Ja;neison, Ship Harbor ; Rev. Jas. Waddell, Sheet Harbor ; Rev. Edw. Ansell, Beaver Harbor ; Angus McDonald, New Caledonia ; Joseph Wilcox, Oidham ; Daniel Hallisey, Beaver Bank ; William Gammon, Lawrencctown ; Colin Myers, Jeddore. Lunenburg County. — Issuers of Marriage Licenses and Deputy Re- gistrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — Ada Smith, Chester ; George Duncan, Mahone Bay ; Mrs. A.M. Radolf, Lunenburg; R. A. New- comb, Bridgcwatcr. Dep. Registrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — G. Publicover, Blandford ; Sophia Turner, New Ross ; Chas. Prenette, Middle Lallavc Perry ; Jacob Mozer, Petite Riviere ; John Smith, Broad Cove ; H. Kcddy, Chelsea ; Wm. Nicholls, New Germany ; W. liierry. Ovens ; William Shatford, Mill Cove. Queens County. — Issuers of Marriage Licenses and Deputy Registrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — Spencer Cohoon, Port Medway ; Ephraim Mack, Mill Village ; Edward Kempton, Milton ; T. C. Calkin, Liverpool. Dep. Registrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — George McAdams, Port Matoun ; Michael Robertson, Port Jolly ; Elkauah Morton, Middlefield ; Philip Fancy, Pleasant River ; .lolm S. Morse, Brookheld Grcentield George Middleiuas, Caledonia Corner ; Nathan Freeman, Edward B. Freeman, Kempt ; John R. Hall, Brooklyn. Sheliujrnk ,'ounty. — Issuers of Marriage Licenses and Deputy Re- gistrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — X. Z. Chipman, Locke's Island ; R. R. Thompson, Shelburne ; R. H. Crowell, Barrington. Dep. Rrgistrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — Wm. Dunlop, Sable River ; Thomas Holden, Head of .Jordan River ; W. Deane, senr.. Gunning Cove; John Snow, Port Latour; William Greenwood, Lyle's Bridge ; James J. Clark, M.D., Cape Sable Island ; Ephraim Nicker- son. Wood Harbor. Yarmouth County. — Issuers of Man-iage Licences and Deputy Regis- trars of Marriages, Births aiid Deaths. — Alexander Hood, Yarmouth ; Forman Hatfield, Tusket. Dep. Registrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — James W. Hamilton, Keniptville; Freeman Parry, Maitland ; Charles Calian, Hebron ; John Carland, Head ot Pubnico Harbor; Ansel Bobbins, Chebogue. DiGBY County. — Issuers of Marriage Licenses and Deputy Registrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — H. Stewart, Dgby ; Cerino P. Jones, Weymouth; John G. Mo'-se, Sandy; T. Bancroft, Westport ; Dep. Registrars of Marriages, Births and Deaths — W. II. Young, Head of St. Mary's Bay ; Langlilan McKay, Speitclies Cove ; Urban Belleveaux, Belleveaux Cove ; Louis Bourque, Clare ; Samuel, Meteghan ; sd" 18G5.] ISSUERS 0];' MARRIAGE LICENSE:?, ETC 61 Calvin Ruymoii, Ccilar Lake ; CarltDU Sabean, Nc\v Tii'^kct ; John Smith, Petite Pa,s,sa<;e. Annapolis County. — r.^.vieis of Mnrriaf/6 Lice.ises aiitl Depiiti/ Re- gistrars of Marriarjis, Births and Dnifhs — rJames A. Gi!»hon, Wilniot; Jiio. W. James, Luwroncetown ; C. Hoyt, Uriil-^etown ; W. K. Rujjci.llt's, Annaj)olis ; R M. Shaw, Clementsport. D'p. Rf-jjistrars af Marrintjes, Birthf and Deaths — J, A. Marchesou, Marpiretville ; G. B. Reid, Port Geor<;e ; Robert Greaves, Port Williams ; I). Nirliolls, Clarence ; \Vm. Troup, Paradise ; Ciias. Barteaiix, Nictaux Falls ; Jolin IJarr, Hills- borou;rI» ; R- Sandford, Clcraentsvale ; Jas. E. Chipman, Miildleton ; A. Whitman, 9fti\v Albany ; Maria Stoddart, Stoddarts ; ^dbraham Thomas, Maitland ; Charles Spurr, Round Hill ; Alfred Troup, Gran- ville Ferry ; Jas. Shaffer, Goat Island. Kings Countv. — Issueis of Marriage Licenses end Dep. Reg. of Mar- ri(ujes, ^'c, — T. W. Hennigar, Lower Ilorton ; Geo. V. Rand, Wolf- ville ; T. F. Hutchison, Kentville ; John M. Parker, Berwick ; Thomas Harris, Aylesford ; T. W. Borden, Canninj:; Hcnrj- Por'er, Bill Town. iJep. Reg. of Marriages, ^r., — J. E. Lockwood, Canard ; A. Beckwith, Upper Dyke; James Martin, Centreviiij; Thoma.s Buckley, Buckley's Corner ; Charles Barteaux, Somerset ; Daniel Parker, llarl>orville ; Robert Farnsworth, French Cross ; Gilbert Fowler, Lower Aylesford ; Chas, Eaton, Canada Creek; Thoma.s Ilslev, Halls Harbor; Cyrus Webster, Sheffield Mills ; James Tnpper, Me, Kennctcook ; Joshua Terfoy, St. Croix ; Richard McLcarn, Mount Uniacke ; Thomas Morse, Rawdon River ; George Creed, South Rawdon ; T. W. Lavers, Upper Rawdon ; G. V. Thompson, Renfrew. Colchester County. — Issuers of Mirriage Licenses and Dep. Reg. of Marriages, tj-c , — Isaac Blair, Tatamagonchc ; James Campbell, Lon- donderry ; Isaac Smith, Truro ; Wm. Hold.sworth, Lower St wiacke ; John Cox, Upper Stcwiacke. Dep. Reg. of Marn'ag's, ^'c, — .Jeremiah Murphy, Waugh's River; Angus McLcod, E.irltowu ; Alex. S. Hiegly, Kemptown ; James Spencer, Spencer's ; A. K. Graham, Five Islands ; James S. Morse, Upper Economy ; A. W. ^IcL«'llan, Great Village ; Thomas Baird, Onslow. **■ Cumberland County. — Issuers of Marriage IJcensf-s and Dep. Reg. of Marriages, f/j. Ihif. of M/ M(tr- Fiiiser, 1, IVid- l, P.luo cLarcn, .luiu'., irdoii of tie liar- '/). Reg. an, St. George. Bout'he ; M orris - illivrav, ^cp. Berj. CaiiPO ; A. Mc- 'liitniiin, :, Guy.s- loudroit, •Millian, cLoan, odonia Baj. of Mal)ou; Matilda Dep. mpbell, )onaUi ; Hugh Hugh r/istrars Muiuo, ./• il/ar- Burke, ; Bras- River ; p. Reg. [Mines. Innedv, •istmas Reg. of Peters. ir Mur- Icouse ; lids. .■■ *g-i r " n MAGI.STKATKS. 63 MAGISTERIAL. liickersou, George Kol)iii60.i, John Ross, Josepli W. liobins, Israel W Ruggles, (ieorge Runeinian, David C Laudei's, Moses 8ha\v, lienai Spinney, Charles Spurr, James W. Spurr, Rees Stronaeh, Miner Tuj uer, Henry h\ Vruoni, Isaae I). Vroon, Leonard Wade, Williai JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Av.s'.vrOMr'i CoL'NTV. Stratlian Bailey, Sanual Baleom, James Bakoni, Joel I3a!ds.s, Hohcrt H. IJatli, John F. Bath, Aniuroso Bent, Eiias Bent, John Bent, John Berry, 1st, Tunis Bogart, Andres Buhaker, Major Cliipman, Ctt.Uus; Jaeol) Chute, Samuel L. Cliipnian, Warren Ciuue, WdliaiH Crosseup, 1st, W. J. Crossenp, William l)a;-ie, Peter DeLaney, John II. Ditmars, Arthur Dodge, R. B. Darling, Ldward Eaton, Edwaril FitzRandolph, James P. Foster, A. Marsdeii Foster, Ezekiel Foster, Wm. Y. Foster, C. M. Forhes, Martin Gate.-^, Dimock Gates, Henry Gesner, John Gray, John Grimes, Andrew 2s'. Harris, Riehardson Harris, Wm. Harris, Weston Hall, Andrew Henderson, Henry Inec, James Johnston, David C. lianders, John Loekwood, Avard Longley, Israel McNair, Elias Messenger, Jordan Messenger, Peter Middlemas, John Mills, Robert Mills, 2nd, J>aniel Milner, Wm. H. Morehouse, David Morse, Samuel iMorso, John MeCormaek, Felix McNeill, Roi)ert Nelly, Daniel Fiehols, Robert Parker, Henry Pearson, Inglis Phinney, Zeindon Phinney, William Piggott, James Potter, Jas. E. Potter, William Randall, Granville Reid, Wesley lUigli, Walter Riekerson, George Rol)in60.i, John Ross, Joseph W. liobins, Israel W. Moses Shaw, Benaih ip- ^., **^...^ ^. . .v^.,..., ^. ^...v, *^. ...^v^.., — v-w.....^. ,,..v.^, .. Weatherspoon, Thomas C. Wheelock, -Joseph Wheelock, iVsaph Whit- man, Jas A. Whitman, Hon. W. C Whitman, John Wiswall, Manley White, Thomas Holland, Weston Delap, Israel Longley, Hanley E. Fiteii, John Roy, Elias Grimes, Andrew Brown, JoUn Gates, .John Anderson, Asaph Marshall, Murray Elliot. AxTiGOMSU CouNTV. — George Brennan, Wm. J. Beck, George M. Ci aninghani, Dougald Cameron, Lauehlin Cameron, Donald Chisliolm, Roderick Chisholm, William Chisholm, Duncan Chisiiolm, Wm. Chis- holm, Alex. M. Chisholm, John Cameron, Charles Cameron, William Canningham, Edward Corbett, David Condon, Wm. Currie, M. D., Miclieal Crisp, Peter Gerrior, Lucian Doiron, Alex. .Chisholm, Richanl J. Forrestall, Wra. Gerrior, Edward Gorman, Wm. C. Hierlihy, Roljert N. Henry, Aaron D. Harrington, Alex. McDonald, M. D., (Custos), Don. McKenzic, Rod'k. McDonald, Angus McDougall, Hugh McDon- ald, Rolnn't McDonald, Angus McDoiudd, Alexader McDonald, John McDonald, Norman McDonald^ Donald McDonald, John McDonald, Christopher McDonald, John '"McDonald, Donald ^IcDoiuild, John McDonald, Areliil)ald McGilvray, Jolin McKenzic, John McKinnon, Alexander Mcintosh, Donald McMillian, Lauehlin McEachran, John McMiliin, Hugh McGilivray, Alex. McNaughton, A. A. Ogden, David Power, Jamos Randall, Elisha Randall, Joseph Smith, Allen Smith, John Sears, Robt. Trotter, Deslauriers Joussaint, John Chisholm, Colin Ross, Angus McDonald, Colin Chisholm, Jno. Eraser, Don. McDonald, Win. Chisholm, W. Boyle, J. M. Hall, Alex, Cameron, Alex. McLean. Cape Bukton Cokntv. — Hon. T. D. Archibald, E. P. Archibald, Wm. Armstrong, Vorke Barrington, Ale.x. J. Ball, John Burinot, Henry V. Brown, Wm. W. Bowen, Geo. E. Eurchill, Wm. Butler, P. Cadogan, J. D. Clarke, Wm. (/Orbett, Thos. Caldwell, John Christie, John Dowling, Henry Davenport, John Ferguson, Neil Ferguson, John II. Martin, Antliony Martell, Donald McAuley, James Mathcsoii, Tlios. Moore, Wm. iMiirray, jr., Charles MeAlpinc, l)ou;;alil McI)ouL>all, AngUfJ McDoiuild, Donald McDonnald, Martin McDonald, Murdoch McDonald, Donald McDouj^all, Augustine MacGilvray, Alex. Mclunes, H. Mclntyrc, Put. Mullins, John MeKinnon, George McKay, Alex. McKenna, D. J. McNeil, Alex. McLean, Donald McLean, James Mc- Neil, Donald McNeil, Stephen McPherson, William McQueen, Duncan McKenzie, Simon Nicholson, John Kiclmrdson, George Higby, Donald Ross, Lauchlin Robertson, Benoni Shepherd, Micheal Tracey, Walter Young, Thomas Butler, Edward Outram, Samuel McDonnell, Alex. Campbell, Steph. McNeil, Don. McDougall. Hy.Babster, A. Anderson. Colchester County. — Daniel C. Archibald, 3rd, Duncan Black, James D. Blair, James K. Blair, Samuel Boyd, John Broderick, Robt. j L. Byers, Wm. Campbell, John M. Campbell, Robert Chambers, Silas I Clark, Atex. Conkey, D. V. Crow, (Custos,) James N. Crowe, James I Crowe, 7th, Silas II. Crane, Saml. Creelman, 3rd, Thomas Chisholm, Thomas S. Delancy, Joseph M. Dickson, Hugh Dickson, Wm. A. , Dickey, Hugh Dunlap, John B. Dickey, John M. Doll, Wm. C. Eaton, Alex. Ellis, James Flemming, Robt. Fletcher, Joseph Fulton, John Fulmore, Wm. Faulker, Henry M. Fulton, John Graham, Thomas Graham, Wm. Grigor, Hugh Gunn, Robt. Hamilton, John Irvine, \ Alex. Kent, John King, Francis Layton, Ezra Layton, Robt. Logan, j George Lombard, David B. Lynds, Robert Lewis, Daniel Morrison, i James Morrison, James Munro, Isaac McCurdy, Matt. McCurdy, John \ McKay, Wm. McKim, Jas. McKay, Wm. J. McKay, D. Murray, Dan. j McLaughlin, John McGeorge, Robert Nelson, Hon. A. Patterson, F. R. ! Parker, Jas. D. Putman, Robert J. Pollock, Robert Purvis, George I Reading, Samuel Rettie, Donald Ross, Hector Ross, Wm. Ross, Geo. i S. Rutherford, jr., Matthew Sanderson, Richard Slade, John Smith, Robert Smith, James W. Stevens, Eliakim' Tupper, 4th, Benj. Tupper, Stephen Upham, Samuel Waugh, John Wier, James Yewill, John Yuill, Angus MaLeod, Alex. McLeod, Geo. Johnson, Daniel Eaton, Jas. J. Hamilton, David Ramsey, Simeon H. Blair, Robt. G. Ruther- ford, Robt. Muncey, Isaac Fulton, Joseph Spencer, E. A. Jones, John Ryan, J. D. McCart, Robert Fulton, J. W Crane, Isaac Flemming, James R. Henderson, Alexr. Kent, David Moore. Cumberland County. — Nathaniel Angus, Joseph Atkinson, Wm. Baker, John Baker, Abraham P. Bctts, Wm. W. Bent, Cyrus Bent, Geo. Bergman, A. A. Black, Hiram Black, Cyrus Black, A.' S. Blenk- horne, Lemuel Bigney, John Bigelow, Levi Borden, John Bragg, A. P. Bradley, W. D. Brunidge, Francis Carroll, Martin Chapman, Wm. P. Chisholm, Jos. Coates, Chas. Creed, Wm. F. Cutten, Meetis Chappel, Horatia A. Davidson, John Davidson, Thos. C. Dewolfe, Chas. Dewolfe, James W. Delaney, Archibald Dickie, C. G. C. Donkin, R. Donkin, John K. Elderkin, Enoch Embrc , Step. Fulton, (Custos), James Ful- lerton, David P. Fullerton, Geo. Glendenning, T. Harrison, Henry Har- rison, Francis F. Hatfield, Wm. B. Henly,"Eph. Howard, H. B. Hun- ter, N. P. Hughes, Thomas Johnston, Edwin Johnston, J.N. B. Kerr, Ebon. Kerr, James Kirkpatrick, George Knowlton, G. Lewis, Jesse Lewis, David Lawrence, Alex. Leslie, Thomas Logan, M. Lowe, Thos. ^-, . [180.- Hers, K. , »u, John ; [.liirrint rut- In !is Akin?, Hugh Mc- 1805.] kiani, John li-- MAGISTRATE3. 07 Cainjthell, IVtor S. Rronanl, John McT.coil, Dimsior .1. Troniain, Jolin JNIi'Lcllan, .James Y. Mclvcon, Doiiahl McDonald, Iluirli ('atiipltcll, Donald Boaton, Martin Mfl'licrson, Mah'olin McDoiisild, Ljuichlin M('Doiif,Mli, I)()n<^all Hiuirli, Pvter iSinytli, Jauios I'nrcoll, Allen ("anieron, Isaac McLeod, Neil ^^cLelliln, Samuel Camiihell, .Folm Bea- ton, Anuns McLelliin, Arcliihald Mclntyre, Il<»n. ^Vnl. ^icKeen, Cnstn.'i ; H. Cameron, M D., lli;<:h McDonald, Wm. Grant, Alex. Campljell, Peler Paint, Donald McDonald, Henry G. Taylor, Peter C^oadv, Don- alil McDonald, ( Mai.uiuvc. ) Kings Coitnty. — H. J^. Dickie, .Tames X. Crane, C. H. Rand, Sainnel Cliipman. Setli liurircss, (,'. H. Hill, (ioo. Lockwood, Kicdiard Starr, John K. Ihitehin.-on, Mayliew licckwith, Alex. Patterson, Wm. . > Mill 1 1101 Si Jolm W. lamnel Sharj), lOdward P. Borden, James W. Harris, .joim Caldwell, Joseph Crane, Patrick D. Scaidan, Archil>ald Walker, Daviil ICliis, David Dav>!son, James I'aroii, Amos SlieHield, Gilford D. Woodwortii, Klx'iiezer Bic:clo\v', Rieliurd D. Kiilston, James (iritlin, John H. C(-x, Griffin APiniM", .lohn Jacfpies, Irad JJenjainin, llussell ('aldwell, Thos. Bingan, David Skinner, James A. Armstrong, Levi W. Katon, John Fi-^hcr, Klias Calkin, jacoli Lockhart, Simon Fitch, Lldsvatd P;iiiner, Ward Ilaton, liideou Cogjwoll, Wm. Woodworth, John 0. Pineo, Peter Wickwire, John Givan. Charles Eaton, W. Chip- man, Al)raham Xewcomh, Zehulon Nelly, Sydney Watson, Wm. A. Tiipjier, Daniel Huntley, Elisha D. Harris, John W. Rnsco, John W. Bo;(len, Benjamin II. Calkin.s, .John N. iiowles, Edward .1, Ross, John Kirkpatrick, W. \V. Patterson, W. H. Lyman, Wm. Rhodes, Joseph P. Sanders, Thos. ('. Wilson, Levi C. Woodworth, .ioscph <'liase, James Bli^h, I«aae IL Newcomb, John Vau^han, Hiram Borden, Cyrus P. Johnston, Thos. Quiuley, Wm. Davidson, Wni. J. Wuliace, AuLrustiu A. Pineo, Geo. F. Rohinson, Edward Hamilton, George Mc- GriL'gor, Wm. Crane, Jas. Leard, jim., John Porter, Joshua Reed, John Parker, C. C. Hamilton, Edwin Paiker, C. H. Belclier, Nathan W. Fisher, (Joo. Kinsman, (>harles Hall, Henry Lovell, .Jolm E. Poai-son, .James E. Kirkwell, Edward Forsyth, Ro!)t. W. Ijockwith, Isaac Ham- ilton, Gco.W. Fisher, Robert I^yons, Jno. H. Clarke, Jacob M. Rusco, John A. Chipman, Wm. B. Ward, Tjconard Fitch, John H, Miner, Ben. D. Woodworth, Jolm I^. L' i ns, Enodi West, Pliilip Weaver, Edward E. Foster, George Dodge, .,;s '-than Parker, Geo. E. Alarsters, Wm. J. Fuller, John W." Barss, Goo. Jiarvey, Geo. N. Fuller, Wm. T. Magee, 0!)ed Benjamin, David B. Newcomb, Henry White, H. L. l):ckey, Cisfos; Jolm Belclier, .Jolm E. I-^lls, George Hamilton, Cliarles Best, Thomas Farnesworth, Edw. Harris, A. D. Do Wolf, .John Graves, Rich. D. West, Tiios. L. Do Wolf, Wm. R. Nichols, Wm. Bowles, Amos Black, Thos. ILmcoek, Henry Pineo, Jas. B. Davidson, Ansel T. Baker, Garland Cox, David R. Huntley. liUXKXBUKG County. — John Heckman, Custos ; Daniel Dimock, Martin Hennelierry, William Ross, Edward J. Ross, Henry S. Jost, ^Yllitman Martin, Benjamin Fvincker, C. L. A. Church, Henry Bailey, George Kaulbiuk, Wm. V. Andrews, Wm. Sloiomb, Morton Wheelock, S. W. Drew, Benj. Rinhart, Benj. Legg, John Kedy, AVm. Robertson, Nicliolas Wolf, Wm. ^FcKain, George Ross, George Rieliard.son, Jos. P. Miller, Benj. Manning, Thos. R. Cragg, Jas. 13. Selig, Lewis Knaut, Edw. ^lorgan, Geo. H Mills, David W. Crandall, Peter Corkum, Wm. S. Drew, Robert Scott, J. J. Rudolf, George Anderson, Chas. liudolf, 08 MAOISTUATKS. [1805. m I Gcorpe Burss, Cliiis. Lordly, R. W. Smith, J. E. SImtf'ord, Kdw. Teal, Jos. Wliitforil, Josliuii KnulltiK'k, Nelhon Clicslcy, J. M. Iloyt, Olv.diah Parker, John Kaulhnck, Joscpli Raker, George Wile. Simeon I{is>ier, Matthew Krnst, William Turner, Rolit. Linds.'jy, James Starrett, Juin-., Daniel VVatcrman, lioht. Dawson, Jcjhn Smith, Joseph Seli^% II. 1). Cleavehnul, Casper I'nhlicover, ifoseph Lockhart, Lewis Anderson, J. Trethway, (ieor;;e Tnrner. Henhen Gardner, .lames Lantz, J. Dediman, Edward Deckmati, .lames Bond, Chas T. Evans, John Lanyille, C.'aleh Mills, James Koch, Adam Feindal, Leonard Ileltl), Kenhen McKarlatie, Adam Dnrland, Jaiiu's ICei/.er, Jami-s Faulkncx', Henry Kedy, Samue. Jiamey, Uoi)ert West, Knis Teel, James Deehman, Henry Alders. PicTOU. — Ahrain Patterson, Hohert MeCay, John Oldinju^ Hon. J. Holmes, Kenneth McLean, James Fraser, junr., Tiohert Murray, Geo. Cam|)l)ell, Peter Tio.^s, Alex McKenzie, Daniel Hockin, Custos, John McKay, (]eorf;e McLeod, Duncan McDonald, Adam McKenzie, Win. Fraser, Wm. (iordon, J. D. B. Fraser, Angus Sutherland, Alex. Fraser, James Primrose, Anthony Smith, .lohn Grant, Hn^di McLeod, Wm. J. Anderson, Xeil Gmin, .Inmos Murdoch, Jas. McGregor, W. H. Davies, .lohn Log-an, W^illiam Langill, (ieorgo Mitchell, James Grant, Koliert Copland, Wm. Smith, Rohcrt S. Lowden, llonald McDon.'dd, Thomas Munro, J.Mues McLean, John McP. Fraser, George McDonald, Matth. Sproull, Alex. [McKay, Samuel Cameron, Wm. Dunliar, George Mc- Kenzie, Cameron Alexander, Alex. P. Koss, James Scott, Hoderick McKenzie, Alex. McKay, Charles McLennan, Jas. Crichton, Jolin Cre- rar, Lot>ert Doull, K. U. Narraway, Donald McDonald, Geo. McKay, John Cameron, George D. Denoon, John Holmes, Basil Bell. F. .lohn McDonald, Andrew Hunter, John H. Lane, John Gray, P. G. Campbell, Wm. Boss, David A. Bo^s, Donald McDonald, James Fitzpatrick, J. Ross, Duncan Robertson, Alex. Chisholni. Donald Fraser, John Mc- Kenzie, James Wcntworth, Thonuis Horn, James Holmes, Stewart Burns, John A. Dawson, .'ames Kitchen, James W. Carmicliael, G. Malcom McLeod, Alex. McHardy, John Dsiwson, John Mitchell, Adam Gordon, John Hojrg, Lawrence Miller, David Marshall, John McPhie, Robert Fraser, George W. Underwood, Andrew Cam|)bell, David Pat- terson, Alex. Grant, Lemin Archibald, Wm. Chisholm, Wm. Mickle, Alex. Thompson, Jnmes Ives, Hector McLean, James McRao, Donald Cameron, Richard Tanner, Donald Cameron, D. McDonald, John R. Nooiian, Mayhew T. Smith, Donald McKay, John McKenzie, Alex. McKay, Alex. McDonald, The mas Fraser. QuKENS. — Freeman Tuppcr, David Freeman, George McLeod, Edw. Van Horn, Stephen Mack, Zoheth Freeman, Lewis Smith, W. McGill, Joseph Dexter, Caleb Seely, Zenas Waterman, Jas. F. Moore, Allan McLean, Eldred Cohoon, Henry Fader, Robt. Dollivc, Whitman Free- man, Wm. Hermure, Sylvanus Martin, Israel Henry, John Dolback, James E, Mulhall, James W. Hutchins, George Payzant, Nathaniel F'reemam, Robt. Roberts, John H. Mulhall, J. Newton Freeman, Saml. T. N. Selton, John Sheriff, lohn Carten, John Douglass, L. Leadbetter, Jas. DeWolf, Charles Allison, Geo. P. Christopher, Geo. S. Parker, Enoch Stedman, Edward McLeod, Philip Fancy, Lawrence N. Young, John Smith, Wm. Mortimer, Thos. Flynn, John R. Hall, Phiueas Armstrong, Samuel Freeman, Stephen C. Tuppcr, Edw. P. Freeman, Elkanah Morton, Joseph Chandler, Bartlett F. Tuppcr Simeon Free- man, Charles Whitman, Joseph H. Cook, Nathan Tupper, Edwin Seely, [18G5. w. Teal, Olv.ainh \ Uissor, .'tt.junr., r, 11. D. erson, J. )echm!»n, lie, Caleb (•Failai>o, :, SamuOi tiers. ; Hon. J. •ray, Geo. iizic. Win. 3X. Frasor, (1, Wm. J. H. Davies, \nt, lloliei-t (I, Tlionias iikl, Matth. Jeorgc Me t, Hoilerlek J, John Ci-e- o. McKay, ell. F- -'olni . (''ami)bell, izpatriek, il. •, John Me- les, Sic wan fniichael, G. ■hell, Adam Iin M<-I' , (Pavid Vat- [m. Micldo, hao, Donald lid, John R. |cnzie, Alex. [Lcod.Edw. j IW. McGill, ■ loore, Allan r titman Free- , [n Dolbatk, f, Nathaniel pman, Saml. ' , Leadbctter, S. Parker, „ N. Young, [all, rhiiieas *. Freeman, Imeon Free- fcdwin Seely, 18G5.] MAQISTRATES. 69 Wm. Ford, Freeman Tapper, (custos). Arch. L. Campbell, Lewis A. Sponagle, Stewart Gardner, Tiios. I'atillo, jr., Simon F. Hunt, Geo. A. Firiher, VVm. Hendry, E. H. Barnaby, Hichd. Knowies. Richmond. — Richmond Countif — Wm. Crieliton, (eustos) Peter Do- cnrteret, Jno. Smith, Henry Martcll, Thos. LeNoir, John H. Smith, John Morrison, Matthew Hellcur, John Mathevvson, Al x. Murchison, Anthony Oliver, Simon Donovan, John Mclunis, Simon IJal>in, George T. Ilandlcy, Norman NeNeil, Josepii Martell, P. C. Brenan, I'atrick McCarthy, John Strachan, Hypolitc Mcrmand, Simon LeBlanc, Josiah Hooper, Kenneth McLeod, John Fuller, Clias. Boudrot, Kdward Gug- non, Edmond P. Flynn, Kobert McKnizie, IJoltert Hill, Wm. Brynier, Patrick Mabourquete, Maurice j. Kavanah, Kenneth Morrison, Donald Boyd, Simon Landry, JefTrey Buudror, Jose[)h Creamer, M I)., .John Frehill, Daniel 0. C. Madden, Peter Bosdet, ./ohn H. Uhindress, Aimo Martcll, Isaac LeVesconte, James Smith, David Grouchy, Wm. Le- Vesconte, Jame-s Bnllam, Henrv C. Fixot, M.D., Don. N. Shaw, Henry Carrie, Lawrence Dovreaux, Isidore Mariell, Andrew Bellefontaine, Stephen McPherson, John McDonald, Donald Matheson, Lewis Bou- drot, Simon Boudrot, Wm. Un|u!iart, George II. Bissetto, llyacinthe Martell, James T. Decarteret, Wm. G. Bellam, Simon Donovan, Junr., Tliomaa Lenoir, junr., Hector Murchison ; Wm. Criehton, (custos), I). McKay, Isidore LeBlanc. Henry Richard, Archibald Johnston. Shelbukne. — Shelbttrne Coimfi/ — Robt. Curric, Geo. H. Deinstadt, Custos, John Lylo, An. Barclay, Gilbert McKenna, John Locke, senr., Alex. McNaughton, Wm. '. B*ell. Robt. P. Woodill, Jas. Muir, Alexr. H. Cocken, Wm. T. Kelly, Hugh F. Houston, John Bower, John Pur- ney, James T. Holden, David Eisenliaur, P )bort Mcintosh, Jas. Hogg, Wm. Crews, Wm. McMillan, John M. Dall, Wm. Patterson, ./ames C. Clarke, G. A. Crowell, Vincent Nickerson, Miohael Uracton, Peter Stalker, Wm. McKay, J. Walters, Jesse Dexter, J. G. W. Dale, W. Herkins, Vincent Nickerson. Dish-id of Barrinf/lon. — 7osiah Coffin, Custos, ./ames C. Smith, Wm. Cunningham, ./osiah Snow, (3rd,) James Nickerson, Wm. Patterson, Thos. Crowell, Henrv Chute, /ames S. Smith, Bartlet Covill, Asa Mc- Gray, Thos. L. Banks, O. W. Homer, Thomas W. Wilson, Israel L. Crowell, Wm. B. Smith, Herman Kcnney, Thomas Coffin. Victoria. — Vrctoria County. — Angus Buchanan, J. W. Burke, W. L. Brown, ./ohn Campbell, (custos,) C. ./. Campbell, Hector Campbell, j Malcom Campbell, Chas. Campbell, Alex. Cameron, Alex. Cameron, Duncan Ferguson, ,/os. Hart, Wm. ./ones, Alex. Munroo, Donald Morrison, Neil Morrison, Kenneth McLeod, Donald McLcod, Angus McLeod, Donald McLeod, Murdoch McLeod, Daniel McLeod, T/ohn McLeod, John McLeod, John McLeod, Dougald B. McNab, Dunc^an McRae, Donald McRao, Charles McKenzie, Alex. McRae, Alex. Mc- Kay, John McDonald, Murdoch McKenzie, ./. S'. McNeil, J. G. Mc- Kinnon, Angus McDonald, Donald McLean, ./ohn McLennan, Alex. McDonald, Malcom McLean, Lauchlan McDonold, Wm. McLean, Donald McRae, Kenneth McKenzie, Angus McAskil, T. A. McKeen, Angus McAulay, Neil McAskil, Roderick McKenzie, John Robertson, Jessie Roper, James Sutherland, James Sparling, A. Taylor, J. H. McLeod, David Corbet, Ingrabam Carey, John McLeod, Donald Mc- Donald, Duncan Morrison, Angus McLeod. 70 A(JUICULTUnAL, ETC. I [1805. Yaumoiitii — W. II. Moody, (ciHtos), Kciilx-n Clcnu'iits, 'I'honms Kilhim, C';\l('l) TodU, John Murray, L('t)iiiir(l Wiiston, BiMijrtiniii Ucj^crs, 'I'liomas 1). Cliiitiuaii, .A'ssi' ."^hiiw, W. II. TownsuiKl, Uol)urt (iucst, MiUtlunv Hilton, \\ in. Iif)!_"ci-.><, Aiiiasa DurkcL', Wni. liiiiix', .Joliii \V. Lovitt, lioljCTt Iirov;n, ./oliii (.'nnvloy, Ansel i{()lil»ins. Nelson (,'orniii)j^, Nathan Cros'ty, ./osiali Hayinotid, lioiij. P. Crosl)y, (icorjjce Cro>l»y, W. 11. .fciikin:*, Ilarvcy Cann, ii, H. Moses, ./o-,('|ili I)iiikee, Nallil. C'linr- cliill, ./olin Heynaril, (ieorjro L. liiown, Samuel Flint, Henj, C'hneland, ./olin ./. Hand, (}oor<:e K. Williams, John U. Ilyerson, ./olin Mdvar, Neliemiali U. Cicmonts, .Aaeoh Ilatlielil, Nathan Moso.s, Fivdcrlek Hil- ton, (Jcor^c! S. Brown, ./a' es A. Hatiielil. An/i/lr /Jlstrict.— Ahnxm wcnt, (eustos),./ohn Rydor, iSiTnou D'Kntre- mont, .Matthew .A'lVery, ./uhn IJourmii', Israel Hardiiii,', K. S. Kakins, Walter Larkens, Ueulien .Miliott, ./ames M. Lent, Isaac S. Ilatlield, I)oinini(d< 1>. liondvoau, IVter S. P'Kntremont, Mielniel Snrctte, Wm. D'Kntreniont. ./aine-* ' aniiltou. I'eter Snretfe, .yeremlah Simms, Ohu- (li'ah Shteomhe, Lewis H. D'lOntremont, ,/ohn H. White, Enos (iardner, John (ravel, N. W. W. Ilo^v-r, Samuel Ilanillton, Stillinan Larkeiis, Thoiijas Wiilett, Cyril B:il.iii, .//)m.),!i White. AGRICULTURAL A<<]D HORTICULTURAL. CF.NTUAL Bo.viiD ov AGninur/ruKK, District Ao. \. — William Cunani, liotlk, iluuouin, Joseph Nortimp, ficnrv Prvor, M. P. P, District' No. 2.— Dr. C. 0. Hamilton, M. P. P., Avard Lonrrlcy, M, P, P. * District Xo. 3.— Goorivu S. Rrown, M. P, P., H. A. N. Kaulhack, M. P. P. Di>^trict iV)-!.— The Hon. Ale.v. McFarhme, Hon. K. HefTey. District \i). 5. — William I!. Harris, Hon. Udm McKinnon, '; District JS'o. C>. — lion, Wni. MeKeen, I lenry Davenport, TIIH FRUIT GUOWEUS' ASSOCIATION. AND INTBUNATIONAL SHOW sociicry. Patron — His Exeellenev thu Lieut. -(lovernor, Sir 11. G iNIacDonnt;!!. President— C. C Hamilton, Es(|., M.l)., AI.P.P. ; Vice-Pr,sidenis,Cx. A. S. (Jroi^Iiton, \\n\,, Hali};t>; County, Richard Starr, Esq., Kinj^'s County, Jolm Brov/n, Es(]., Hants County, Rev. Dr. Forrosiar, Col- chester County, Kev. Dr. RoIkmIsou, Annuj.'olis County. Coniiril. — Halifax County, R. G. Hulibnrton, Herhe Harris, A, J. Tlitehio, Esqrs. ; Hants Couiiiy, Rev. F. Sm.dlwood, P. S. Buriiham, Em].; Kind's County, Dr. J. R. Ilea, D. Ru])ert Eaton, .John G Bryue, Sydney Shaw, Jeremiah P>Ii-^h, Ksqrs. ; Annapo is County, Avard Lonolcy, Esq., M.P.P., J. W. Chesley, O. Foster, Esqr^. Corrcs}wndin(j Secrf-.tan/. — D. Henry Starr, Esq. ; Jitiordiiig Secretary and 'Pr' usurer, Geor<^e V. Rand, Esij. Auditor, Dr. J. R. Hea. EDUCATIONAL. Provincial Supeeixxkxuknt of EfjucAriox.-r-Theodoro M, Hand. PuiNCiPAi, AND Superintendent of Normal and Modei, Schools. — Rev. Alex, F'oi-rester, D.D., Truro. [18C5. Thomas n Uo^'crs, ;rt CJlU'^t, j John VV. i Coining;, j ro^hv, W. I thl. Chur- LMt^velaiiil, I Mclviir, Icrick II il- II D'Kntre- S. KiiUiiis, ,. Ilattii'l'l, rcttc, VVm. mms, Oho- ),s (iardner, u Lui-kens, AL. jh Northup, (1 Longlcy, Kaulhack, fey. IK a. SHOW llacDonnell. fruidenis, G. sq,, Kinti's •e6.lor, Col- [iinis, A, J. Burnhiun, i k)G r.i-yuc, 'i [uy, Avaid \g Secretary ica. leodoro M, \ji MODEI* 1865.] KDUCATIONAL. 71 CtMI.MIftfllONRHS AND DiHKCTOns OK NonMAT, SrilOOT,. — IIoTl. S. Crcfhiiiiu, Iloii. AiliiiiH (i. A; t liihiiM, .1. \V. Divwsoii, ^\iihiu" McN. Cochnui, iJ. W. IJ.uss, ami llh.uii Ilydi-, llstjr.s. Insi'IsCTous oi;' HvAiooi.s. — Count;/ nf AiiiuijioUs — Ucv. Gio. Aim- Rt^oIl;^^ Coiniti/ nf Ai't! ;n)iish — Koilcrick McDotiiild. Couiitii of (Jninhirland — li;'V. .iiUius C'liristic, Couiiii/ ftf Colc/iesirr — II. C. Uiihatii. Count 1/ of Cape lirdon — Kdimiiul Oiitram. C'tiinii/»f/Jii/l»/—\Wv.V.,/.V\\U'u\. Count// ofdiiyslHjro'—Hcw T. W. For.ythe. Cniinii/ of Hauls— \\(^\\ I). M. Wclton. Count// of ItaJifax — J. R. Miller. Count// (>f Inverness — James McDonald. Count// of Kings — J. IJ. ('idkin. Count/I of Lune'iburg — W. M. B. Lawsou. Count'// of Pirtou — M. T. Smith. , / Count// of Queens — Charles Morse. > - ■ Count// of liiihniond — William H. Cutler. Count// of She.lhurne—\\G\ . G. M. Clark. • , Count 1/ of Victoria — Anj^ns Mclver Count// of Yarmouth — llov. John J. Qninnan. '.' ,, KING'S COLLEGE, WINDSOR. FouNDEt), A. D 1788. Cmaitkhfd by Jlia Majkbty OEonoE III., 1802. Patron, the Archbishop of Canttrhnry. noAiii) op GovrnNons. 186i-i.— Tlui Hi-^'ht Rov. Ililibeit Ulnnoy. PD, BiPhop of Nova Scoliii, ex f(//(rjo, rrrsideiit of llitj Hoard ami Visilor of the (Jullc^ro ; liev. G- McOawlcy. lJ.I».."Hon. .lusiict) Wilkins, U A., Aruliow M. IJiiiackc. . 8. P. Fair- brinks. QC, Harry Kin;.' D.C.L., W.J. Almoo. D.C.L., KKps.. Hon. ALox Suwart. C.B., Ut. l{:>v. John MiMllcy. D.D., Lord liibhop Frudurictun, i'. C'arU'rut Hill, l':^(|., D.C'.L.. and Kilu-. liinnty. Kpq. Fresident. IWv. G. MoCiiwley, D.D. ; Prnfpfnor of Divinity, includinfi Ptntnral Theologu. Itev. J. M. Ht'iisloy. A. M.. Profitn^or of Mnlhemntics, Xatura Philonnphy, and Astronomy,!. D.'Evtnilt. Efcq.. M. A.; ProfusKor of Salural History and Vlie.m- igtn/. Honry liow, V,>-\\.. I)C.[i. : PnfissDor of Modern Lrinyunpe.s. Henry SliMhii>.'(!n, IMi : D.; Librarian and Bursar, IMutt'Hbor lien 'ly; Trmsurer, John 0. Halibur- ton, Esq. ; Secretary. Uev. J. C. Cochran, M.A. ; .•ylfimrd. Mr. Wior. Tkrms. — I ho Aeadeniic. year besins in Se|iteml)er, and eontinucB three tornis, in which all scholastic (ixercibcs are performed and de;^rof'a confv^rred. Michaelmas lerm extends fromtiie first Monday after the 1st of September to the 15ih Decem- ber; Lent Term, from the I s-t Monday after the 12ih Jannary, to the Saturday before Palm Sunday ; Easter Term, from the Monday after Easter Monday to the 1st of July. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, WINDSOR. lUnder the control of the Gore.rnors of King's College. 1 Principal, Ilev. L. W. M. Blackmail. Professor of Modern Languages, Dr. Henry Stifelha^en. Vacation.— From 1st July to Aut;ust I'th. From Doer, l.lth to January 15th. INCORPOKATED ALUMNI OF KING'S COLLEGE. Patron. Presiilcnt, Henry Pryor, E^q., D C.L. Vice President, N. Clarke, Esq. Commitle—Viov. Jas. C. Cochran. A.M., Dr. Moren, Benj. Curren, M.A., Hon. S. L. Shannon, Hugh Hatt?horne, Esq , D.C L. Treasurer, B. H. Collins, P2sq Secretary, Fitzgerald Cochran, Esq. a«l-fc'jr..i^^- WILLIAM COGSWELL SCHOLARSHIP. [7n Memory of the late William Cogsvoell, A.llf.'] Trustees, Chairman, Itev. R. F. Uuiacke, Rev. H. L. Owen. Rev. Q-. W. Hill, Henry Pryor, J. W. Ritchie, and James G. Cogswell, Esqra. Secretary and Treasurer, P. C. Hill, Esq. Scholar, Mr. Ferdinand Pryor. DALHOUSIE COLLEGE, HALIFAX. €/overnors, Hon. Wni. Young, Chief Justice, Hon. Joseph Howe, James F. Avery, M.D., Andrew McKinlay, and • harles Robson, Eaqrs., Hon. Charles Tupper, M.D., M.PP., J. W. Ritchie, Esq., Q C, Hon. S. L. Shannon, M.P.P., Rev. Geo. M. Grant, Secretary, James Thompson, Esq. Faculty. — Principal, Rev. Professor Ross. Pro/ester of Formal Logic, Ethics and Iblitical Economy — The Principal. Professor of CTo^aic*— Professor J. John- ston, B.A.T.C.D. Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics— ProTessor C. McDonald, M.A. Professor of Natural P/ti/osoy/iy— Professor Thos. McCuUoch. Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy— Prot'esBor George Lawson, Ph. D.L.L.D. Professor of Mataphysics, Esthetics and Belles ieWrea— Professor W. Lyall. Teacher of Modern Languages, ACADIA COLLEGE, WOLFVILLE. Governors, The President and the Principal of the Theological Institution, ex officio. Rev'ds, George Armstrong, A.M., Mayhew Becltwith, Esq., I. E. Bill, W. Bur- ton, S. W. DcBlois, A.M.. John Davis, N. S. DeMill, Esq., A.M., A. S. Hunt. A.M., G. K. Miles, J. Parker, S. Robinsou. C. Spurdon. D.D. , A. D. Thompson, D. M. Welton, A.M., Hon. James W. Johnston, M.P.P., Hon. W. B. Kinnear, D. McN. Parker, M.D., and Stewart Freeman, Esqrs. This Institution is now divided into two parts, viz: I. AoADiA College. — President and Professor of History, Logic and Political Economy, Rev. J. M. Cramp, D.D., Professor of Classical Literature and Rhetoric, Jas DeMill, Esq., A.M.. Mathematical Professor, D. J. Higgins, Esq. A.M., Professor of Mctaphyhics and Belle Lettres. II. The Theological Department. — Principal, Rev. J. M. Cramp, D. D., Pro- fessor of Theology and Ecclesiastical History. First Terra commences January 6th and ends June 6th. Second Term commences Sept. 1st. and ends December 20th. Trersurer, John W. Barss, Esq. Secretary, Rev. S. W. DeBlois, A.M. HORTON ACADEMY, WOLFVILLE. Principal, Rev. T. A Higgins, A.M. Assistants, Robert V. Jones, A.B., Mr. Jona- than Parsons. A.B. French Teacher, Mr. H. Creed. Steward, Mr. James Higgins. The Academy is under the management of the Board of Directors of the Nova Scotia Baptist Education Society. First Teim begins January 3, and ends Juno 6. Second Term begins August 1, and ends December 20, t'EMALE Department. — Principal, Miss Margaret J. Townsend ; Assistant, Miss Mary A. Townsend. Teacher of Music, Mr. E. C. Saffery. Teacher of Drawing. Miss Anna D. Fowler. Matron, Mrs. Tibert. Teacher of French, Mr Herbert C. Creed. Nova Sootia Baptist Kducation Society. — President, Rev. W. Chipman, Vice- President, Rev. 0. Tupper, D.D. • Secretary, Rev. A. S. Hunt, A.M. Treasurer, S, Seldon. Executive Committe, Rev'ds. W. Burton, J. M. Cramp, D.D., Caleb R. Bill, Hon. J. W. Johnston, J. W. Nutting, J. R. Fitch, M.D., S. Selden, and Ward Eaton. MOUNT ALLISON WESLEYAN COLLEGE AND ACADEMY. Sackvillk, N. B. COLLEGE.— Board of Governors.— Rev. T. H. Davies (President), Rev. John McMurray (Secretary), Mariner Wood, Es*q. (Treasurer), Revds. C. Do Wolf, D.D. , 11. Pickiird, DD., M. Richey, DD., J. Snowball, E. Botterell, J. R. Narraway, AM., Charles Stewart; Henry B. Allison, Stephen Fulton, A. R. MeClelan, MPP., John Starr, W. H. Harrison, Esqrs.. Hon. C. Young. LL.D. Faculty. — Rev. H. Pickard. D.D., President and Professor of Logic, Moral Phi- losophy, <&c ; The Rev. Charles DeWolf, D I)., Professor of Theology, Hebrew, <£c. ; Thomas Pickard, Esq. AM, Professor qf Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Astrono- viy, dc, and Acting Professor yf Natural Science; David Allison, Esq. A.M., Pro- fessor of Greek, Political Economy, dc, and Acting Prof, of Latin ; James R. Inch, Esq., Professor of French,' dc. 1865. V. H. L. I, Eaqra. r. Avery, 1 er. M.D., I. Grant, i C Ethics J. John- [cDonald, Professor Professor )/ Modern ituUon. ex 1, W. Bur- unt, A.M., A. Welton, rker, M.D., PolitictU Rhetoric:, Professor >. D., Pro- Mr. Jonft- I HigglnB. the Nov* , August 1, itant, MisB .wing. Miaa t G. Creed, man, Vice- urer, 8, U. Bill, lard Eaton. LDEMY. I Rev. John IWolf. DD., Ivway, AM., I llPP., John i Moral Phi- Webrevo, d:c. \ \y, Astrono- [a.m., Pro- log B. Inch, ExAMiNEBS (1864) — Rev. L. Humphrey, A.M., George King, Eeq., A.M, and Mr Josiah Wood, A. B. i Gbauuates, (1864) — Bachelors of Arts, Messrs. J. R. Inch, A. A. Stockton, N. i Ayer and A. D. Morton ; Bachelor of Scie7ice, Mr. Wm. C. Miluer. I ACADEMY — ExEcrTivfc: Committek— M. Wood, Esq. (Chairman), Rev. C. Stcw- ' art (Secretiirv), Rev. H. Pickard, D.D., H. B. Allison, Esq., Rev. J. Snowball, Rev. C. DeWolf, DD. Principal. — The Rev. Humphrpy Pickard, D.D. Male Beanch — Teacher of Matin matics, d-c, dc. Professor Thomas Pickard; I Teacher of Latin. Greek, dc , Professor David Allison ; 'Jeanher of French, Professor I J. R. Inch ; Teacher of Primary department, Mr. Joseph Dixon. Steward and i Stewardess, Mr. and Mrs. John Towse. Female Branch — Vice Principal and Teacher of French, Latin, dc„ Jas. R. Inch I Esq. A.B. ; Chief Preceptress ami Teacherlvf Gervian, Aatural Science, dc, Mrs S. O I Spencer; Teacher of Mathematics, d-c , Miss Julia A. Goodhue ; Teacher of Draw- I ing. Oil Pointing, d-c, Miss Pamelia S. Murray. Matron, Mrs. J. R. Inch. I !Piacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Professor B. O. Spencer. i THE ALUMNI SOCIETY OF MOUNT ALLISON WESLEYAN ACADEMY AND COLLEGK. President, Joseph L. Moore, Esq.; Vice-Presidents, Atner R. McClelan, Esq , M. P.P., George Johnson, Esq., Rev. Jos. Angwin ; Secretary and Treasurer, David Allison, Esq., A.M. This Society ^as established in January, 1864, in connection with the Anniver- sary exeroiees then held in commemoration of the 21st year of the Institution, com- pleted in that month. Its objects are common with those of similar Associations, already organized among the Alumni of nearly all the principal Colleges and Academies on the Continent — the promotion of kindly feeling among its members, and the furtherance of the interests of the Institution with which it is identifled. THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE LOWER COLONIES. Halifax. — Rev. Andw. King, A.M., Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History. Ke v. James Smith, D.D., Professor of Exegetical Theology. Rev. Alex. McKnight, Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Languages, ST. MARY'S COLLEGE. Patron, The Most Rev. Thomas L. Connolly, D.D. President, Rev. John Woods. Professors, Rev. Robt. Raftis, Messrs. Woods and Walsh. HALIFAX GRAMMER SCHOOL. Trustees, Hon. Judge Bliss and Ven. Archdeacon Willis, D.D., D.C.L. Principal Rev. E. Gilpin, jr., M.A. Assistant, Robt. J. Wilson. French, German, and Draw- ing, Jas. LiechtL NATIONAL SCHOOL, HALIFAX. Trustees, The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, Rev. Robt Willis, D.D., D.C.L Cvm. of Management, Charles CogEwell, Esq., M.D., (Chairman), Rev. Geo. Hill, A.M., E. Dodson, W. 8, Symonds, Bienton Collins, Capt. Lyttleton. Principal, Jas. Mc- Laughlan. Superintendent Female Department, Mrs. J. Maxwell. INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. (Gottingen street, Halifax, N, S.) Directors — A. McKinlay, Esq., (Chairman,) Hon. J. H. Anderson, C. Cogswell, M.D. John Naylor, John Dutfus, (Treasurer,) Esqrs , Rev. J. C. Cochran, M.A., (Secretary.) /'nncipaA J. Scott, Hutton, Esq. ./Ismtont, Mr Wm. Gray. House- keeper, Mrs. Vinecove. Visiting Physician, Dr. Parker. Dentist, Dr. A. Cogswell. PICTOU ACADEMY, PICTOU. Teachers. — First Department, Mr. Wm. Jack. Second and Third Departments, Mr. John 8. Costley. Terms.y-F\nt Term commences on the first Monday in January and ends on the first Wednesday in July. Second Term commences on the first Monday in August, and ends at the commencement of the Christmas holidays. 7Vt(«hn Geddes, J. D. Tupper, Charles N. Sprott. Western District, Halifax County. — Rev. .1. Ambrose, Rev. P. G. McGregor, Rev. John Conned y, Rev. Rooert R. Philp, Rev. James Bre.ading, James Thompson, Dominick Farrell, James W. Turner, Charles Hamilton, John E. Shatfoid. Sliore District Co. Halifax— Uqv. Robt. Jainieson, Rev. Edward Ansell, Rev. Jas. Waddeli, Rev. Mr. Daley, Henry Leslie, James Leary, Wm. Hall. District of West Hants. — Rev. Thomas Maynard, Rev. Jamea England, Rev. Jeremiah Bancroft, Rev. Jamea Hill. Rev. William Burton, Rev. John McLeod, Edward Diniock, George DeWolf, Thomas Alkens, Hon. R. A. Mclletty, W. A. Ben- nett, John Brown, Flkaiiah Young. District of East Hants —liav. John Cameron. Rev. Chaa. Bowman, Rev. Charles Randall, Uev Joshua Jordan, Rev. J. Stephens, Uev. Jacob McLellau, S. S. Burbiicki ;i8G5. Wm. H. Jlasgow, Thoitip- C. Twiii- liss Ross- . Viditoe. l''ovsylhe, I Einslcy. ig Morse, liicp, R«v. herspoon, jan, li. M. maid Mc" [\(iv. K. J- inum Mc- lillis, Rev. ;v. D. Mc- (jv. James lenient H. IV. Joseplv ,xtcr, Uov. E. Ut'ss, ute, John ;r8, Angus )r. Roach. |io. Munro, ■isay, Rev. . Seaman. :cKnniou, 'ickery. jstop. Jos', IcDonald, Burne, 1.. Rev. W. rtcr, J no. ^v George Matthew Am Bateb, irott. legor, Rev. Thompson, I, Rev. Jas. land, Rev. McLeod, . A. Ben- . Charles I Barbiick^ ^im •ifift' 18G5.] SCHOOL C0MMIS.SIONERS. 75 Daniel Bloin, Issac O'Brien, .Tansies, Wm. H. HamilU>a, Saml. Blois, John McLeavR, "Wm. C. Cancy, D. McLean, J. With row. District of /)i(jlif.—lic\ Charles Ran^lall, Rev John C. Morse, Rev H. L. Yewens, Rev — Smith, B. 11. liuggk-8, A. Hardwicke, Jas. A. btmbisim, George HenUei-aon, Steiihcii Martihall, Wni. 1'. Putter. John Miilhury. District vf Oiare. — Ucv Jauioo Daley, Rev E. F. Pl?nche»t. Joim P. Knowlan, C. M. Itayrnorjd, ha UaymoiKl, Timothy Siiilivan, Mand? M6Un«>oD, Jao. P. Tiiihedeau, Peter J. Belliveau, Augustiiie F. Comeau, Ccleatine A. R btcbeau, Ueuben Perry. District KorUi Inverness — Rev. Wm. ^hisholna, n«rv. John Grant, Rev. Jolin Gunn, Angus McLcllan, John Munro, Samuel Campbdi, Samuel Lawr«nce, Donald McLeod, Lachlin McDougall. District of South iniernesss.— Rev. Alex. McDon.'rfrl, V. G., Rev. W, G. Forbes, Rev. Allen .McLean, Rev. Alex McDonald, Rov. Arch- McKeoEie, J. it. Trcmain, Peter Sniylh, John Murray, Hugh Cameron, M. D. County of Kings. — Wm. H. Chipmaa, C "W. H. Harris, Ilagh L. Dfckey, William Miner, C. R. Bill, M.P.P., E. L. Brown. M. D^ M.P.P.. James Leard. Winckworth ChipinaB, George Fislier, Thomas Farnesworth, Andrew Borlcn. Geo. E. Barnahy, John Borden, M.D., Holmes Marsters, Wm. J. Fuller, Albert D. Uunro, William Borden, Joseph R. Hea, John A. Bowles, William Eaton, E/dvax4 A. Moran, Ansel F. Baker, James E. Rand. Disti'ict of Lunenburg.— "Rev. JI. L. Owen, Rev. Wm. Duff; Rev. J. Q. McAtee, Rev James Buckley, H. 8. Jost, Robert Lindsay, Beoj, Legge, Joseph bteverman, Oba. \ Parker, John Young. I District of Chester.— "Rov. C. J. Shreve, Rev. J. J. Skinn*T, R«v. D. C. Moore, I Robert Smith, William Robertson, Casper Publicover, DsvkI Hume. District of Xew Dublin.— Ray. H. M. Spike, Rev. J. Hortoo. Rev. S. Mai-Hh, Rev. D. F. Hutciiinson.T. K. Craig, Lemuel Drew, Martin Sperry, Senr. District qf Xorth Pictou. — Rev. Charles Elliott, Rev. James Bayne. Rev. A. W. Herdman, Rev. Andrew Sutherland, Rev. Alexander Mc£ay, Her. Ronald McDon- ald, James Crichton, William Gordon. District of South F.cfou.— Rev. John|Stewart, Rev. David Rov. Rev. Allen Pollock, Rev. D. B. Blair, Rev. S. .McGregor, Rev. Wm. Stewart, Rev. L. M. Wilkins, John Mc- Kay, John Campbell, James McGregor, John Mitchell, M. D., Adam McKeneie, D. j McDonakl, N. G. District of Xorlh Queens— JXev, D. 0. Parker, Wm. T. Freeman, E. Christopher, | I Edw. P. Freeman, Benj. L. Telfer, Robert Bryden, Thomas Klynn. ' I District of South Quee7is.—Rev. E. B. Nichols, Rev. James Melvin, Rev. Peter I Dauaher, Itev. Jos. Hart. Rev, J. E. Goucher, Rev. Amos Weaver, George W. Barss. Jo.shua N. Freeman, James F. Forbes. James Collie, Donald Campbell, J. R. UalL : District of ShdbHrne.—RGV. Thomas H. White, Robt. Cunie, Geo. S'nyder, M.D., Alex. McNaughton, John Lacke, M P.P., Hugh F. Uo^jstoD, Kev. James Burns, Robert G. Irwin, Joseph Walters, Robert Freeman. District '/"^orrmflrtott.— William Patterson, Prince McLarren, Thomas Oowell, W. H. Rii in, Robert Uobertson, M.P.P., Dr. Clark, Henry Chute, Thomas W., Wilson, Arihnr Doanc, Judah Crowell, Senr. County of Richmond. — William Crichton, Rev. Herbert Gerrior, Rev. N. Corteau Rev. .Murdoch Stewart, Rev. John McDougall. Rev. Wm. D.McLeod, Henry Mar- tell. David Grouchy, John Freehill, Peter Bosdet, tsimon Donovan, William LeVisconte. Victoria County — Rev. Niel Brodie, Rev. John Shaw, Rev, Abrah. Mackintosh, Joseph Hart, W. Kidstou, senr. Alex. Munro, John McLennan. District of Tarmou^^i.— Joseph B. Bond, Robert Hunter. Charles E. Brown Frr.'dk. H. Hilton, George W. Tookcr, Nehemlah K. Ciemente, Nathan Moses, C. B. Owen. George Killam, Daniel Sullivan,. District of Argijle—Rvi\. John Moody, Rev. William McLewl. Rev. John M. Gay, Rev. Charles Knowles. Rev. Anthony Martell, Israel Harding, Enos Gardner', William Hatfield, Jr., James Kickerson. ' | ECCLESIASTICAL. CLERGY OF THE UNITED CIIURCri OF ENGLAND AND IRELAND IN NOVA SCOTIA- Tho Right Rnvereiifl Hibbert Binney, d.d., Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. The Venerable Robert WjlliSj i>.d., d.c.l., Arclideacon ol Nova Scotia. Halifax, \(iu. Robert Willis, d.d, d.c.l., Rector, and Rev, G. W. Hill, a.m Curate, St. Paul's Church, Rev. James Unlacke, a.b; Rev. W. Bullock, Hector, Rev. J. Abbot, Curate, St. Luko's; Rev. R. F. Uniacke, a.b.. Rector, Rev. T, Crisp, a.b., Curate, St. George's ; R. F. Uniacke, jr., a.b , Rev. E.W. Mllner, Garrison Chaplain ; Rev. E. Gilpin, D.D, Principal Halifax Grammar School ; Rev. J. C.Cochran, a.m, the Bishop's Chapel, and Rev. G. E. W. Morris, a. m,°, Rev. A. Gilpin." a.b. Ayleford, Rev. R. Avery, a.b. Annapolis, Rev. W. S. Gray, a.b., Rev. J. .L Ritchie A.M. Amherst, Rev. G. Townsend, a. m. Albion Mines, Rev H. Sterns, a. b., and Rev. Wilkins. Antigonish, Rev. L. W. Hill, a. b,,» and Rev. \V. T. Morris, Arichat, Rev. R. F. Brine, A. b. Blanford, Rev. R. Payne, a. b. Briilgcloxon, Rev. Henry P. Alnion, a.m. Bexiver Harbor, Rev. Edward Ansell, a.b.. Bnrrington, Rev. A. Jordan. Clements, Rev. W. Godfrey, a.b. Cape Breton, Rev., W. E. Gelling, (Trav'g Mis'y.) Chester. Rev. C. J. Shreve, A.B. CornwaUis and, Horton, Rev. J. Storrs, A.B. Dartmouth, Rev. J. Stewart, A.M., Rev. D. M. Grindon, A.B. Bigby, Rev. A. Gray, A.M., Rev. H. L. Yewins, Bighy. Neck, Rev. H. Almon, A. B. Falkland. Rev. J. Breading. Granville. Rev. H. DeBlois, A.M. Guysboro', Rev. J. W. Forsythe, A.M. Hubbard's Cove, Rev. H. Stamer. Kentviile, Rev. R. O. Rugglep, A.M. Liverpool, Rev. E. B. Nichols, A.M., and H. Genever. Lunenburg, Rev. II. L. Owen, A.ii. Maitland, Rev. J. Randall, A.B. Manchester Rev. H, Hamilton, A.B. Mafione Bay, Rev. W. H. Snyder, A.M. New Dublin, Rev. H, M. Spike A.B. Newport, Rev. J. J. Hill, A.B. rictou, Rev. C. Elliott, A.B., Rev. F, Pryor, A.B. rugwash,Vi'. G. Jarvis, A.B. Parrsborouyh, Rev. W, B. King, AM. liawdon, llev. C. Bowman, A.B. Stewiacke^ Rev. J. Alexander. St. iMargareVs Bay. Rev. J. Ambrose, A.M. Sackville, Rev. J. S. Smith, AB. Ship Harbor, Rev. R. Jameison. Sydneu Mines, C. B., Rev. W. Meek. New Ross, Rev. D. C. More. Sydney, C. B., R. J. Uniacke, A.M. Shelbztrne, Rev. T. H. White, A.B. Truro, Rev. Joseph Forsythe. Tusket, Rev. T. T. Moody, A.M. Weymouth, P. Filluel, A.B. Windsor, Rev. T. Maynard, A.M., Rev. W. Ilenslcy, B D., (King's College,) and Rev. G. McCa ' ley, DD„ (king's College,) Rev. T. Rlackman, L.L.I)., Collegiate SchooL Wilmot, Rev. J. Robertson, L.L.D. rarmouth. Rev. J, T. Moody, A.M. Those names marked thus '■> are retired Ministers. MINISTERS THE OF SYNOD OP NOVA SCOTIA & P. E. ISLAND. (In connection with the Church of f-'cotland.) Moderatw of Synod, Rev. Wm. McMillan. Synod Clerk, Rev. James Christie. Superintendent of Missions, Rev. John Martin. Synod Treasurer, Wm. Gordan E^q. pRKsniTEBT OF HALIFAX. — Halifax, St. Matthews, Revds. G. M Grant, A.M. St. Andrew's, George Boyd, M.A. St. John's, N. R, St. Andrew's, Don. Macrae. Presbytery Clerk, Missionaries, Geo. W. Stewart, Rev. Philip Presbytery of Pictou. — Maelennan's Mountain, St. Andrew's, licfou, Revds. A. W. Ilerdnian. St. Andrew's. New Glasgow, Allan Pollock. Gairlock and West River, Alex. McKay. St. Matthew's, Wallace, James Christie. St. Matthew's, Pugwasli, East and West Br. East River, Simon McGregor. Earltown and West Br. River John, Wm. Macmillan. Folly Mtn and Wallace River, Danl. MeCurdy. Roger Hill and Cape John, John Sinclair. Clerk, James Christie. Missionaries, Rev. Law. McGunn, Steward McWilliam. Presbytery of P. B. Island. — St. James', Charlottetoum, Revd's. Thomas Dun- can. St. John's, Belfast, Alex. McClean. The Rev. D. MacDonald is in connection witn this Synod, but does not sit as a member of Court. Mitsionury, Rev. — CuUen. . ,;;; -, '■ ,,•• . • .• , PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE LOWER PROVINCES OP BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. (Synod first constituted on the 4th of October, 1860.) ' ' *' ifoderator. Rev. D. B. Blair. Clerk of Synod, Rev. P. G. McGregor. Presbytery OFiPiorou. — Springville, Revds. Angus McGillivrav ; James Church, N. G., Da"id Roy ; Chatham, N.B., John McCurdy ; J. Knox Ch. N. 6., John Stew- [1865. ) IN NOVA la. r. Hill, A.M Ilcetor, Rev. , Crisp, A.B., n Chaplain ; Dchran, a.m, Jllpin.'' A.B. J. J. Eitoliie Sterns, a. b., Rev. \V. T. Payne, a. b. Ansell, A.B.. Breton, Rev., mwallis and, . M. GrindoD, '. H. Almon, Guysboro\ le, Rev. R. O. Lunenburg, i ster Rev. H. ! , Rev. II. M. I \.R., liev. F. i 3. King, A.M. !. H'argareVs \ Harbor, Rev. 1). C. More. | .1?. Truro, \ Filluel, A.B. i ^'e.) and Rev. | giute School. .AND. les Christie, ^m. Gordan^ [Grant, A.M. kon. Macrae. [, Rev. Philip U. Andrew's, Pollock, les Christie. liver, Simon Attn and ir. Clerk, Jhomas Dun- connection fary, Rev. — JRITISH \mes Church, John Stew- art; SherbrooL-n. ,1n\\T\C:imythc\\; Primitive Church. N. C, George Walker; Prince St. Church, Pictou, Jannvn IJayne ; French Riwr, Andw. P. Milk-r; Earltown, Alex. Sutherland; Barney's River, ttc., Duncan U. Blair; Gref.n Hill, Gei>r^'(! Patterson ; Central Church, H'eaf 7£tw«r, J;iniea Thomson ; West River, Geo. Roddick; Hape- wdl, John McKinnon; A, ligonishe. Thomas Downie; Knox's Church, Pictou, Alex. Ross: Merigomish, Kenneth J. Grant; Little Harbor, J. A. F. Sutherl.and. Presbytery of Halifax. — Windsor, Revda. John L. Murdock; Halifax, Andrew King; Sheet Harbor, tSc, Jaa.'WuddcM; Atusqundoboit, Roht. Sedgewick; Poplar Grove, Halifax, P. G. McGregnr ; Lunenburg, Wm. Duff; Yarmouth, Geo. Christie ; Bermuda, Walter Thorburn; Nine Mile River, <&c., John Cameron; Shelhurne^ Geo. M.Clarke; .S. Correwa/Wa, William Forlong; A'eitjporf, John McLeod ; Shubeuaca- die, James McLean; Chalmers Church, Halifax, Wm. Maxwell; y. Cornwallis, Wni. Murray; Porters, Lake, (£c., Alex. Stewart; Dartmouth, Alex. McKnight; W. Cornwallis, Howard D. Steele; LaHave, Donald McMilliin; SnVZ^eifrt^cr, J no. Mor- ton: Annapolis, d-c., Donald S. Gor on ; St. John Church, Halifax, Thomas Gum- ming; Clyde River and Barrington, Matthew O. Henry. Presbytery of Cape Breton. — Sydney, Revds. H. McLeotl ; Boularderie, Jas. Frasor; Sydney Mines, Matthew Wilson; St. John's, iV. jR, Moses Harvey ; Harbor Grace, N. F., Alex. Ross Presbytery of Richmond. — West Bay, Revds. Murdoch Stewart Ptaistcr Ccmt, Wm. G. Forbes ; Grand River, James Ross. Presbytery of Victoria. — St. Anns, Revds. A. Mcintosh ; Baddcck, Kenneth Mc- Kenzie; Whycocomagh, Charles L. Rosa; Cape North, Alex. McDonald; Middle River, Donald McKenize. Presbytery op P. E. Island. — Bedeqtie, Revds. R. 8. Patterson ; Covehead, Jas. Allan; Strathalbyn, Alex. Campbell; Cavendish, Isaac Murr.ay ; Brown's Creek, Alexander Munroe; E. St. Biter's, Bay Fortune. Henry Crawford; />«»• Church, Ch'Town, George Sutherland; Cascumpeque, Allan Fraser ; Woodville, Donald McNeil; Neio London, North siile, Alex. Cameron; Princetown, Robert Lniid 1 TVest River and Brookfield, William Rcis; Murrai/ Harbor, Hugh McMdlian ; Dioi' das, Allan McLean ; Richmond Bay, East, William R. Frame ; Queen's Square, Ch'Town, Alex. Falconer. Presbytery of Tatamagouche. — New Annan, James Watson; Wallace, John Munro ; Goosa River, William S. Darrah ; River John, Hector B. McKay ; Tatama- gouche, Thomas Sedgewick. I Prbsbytery of Truro — Maitland and Noel, Revds. Thomas S. Crowe; Upper I Slewiacke, James Smith, D.D, ; Onsloto, John I. Baxter, James Ross, D D. Prnf. ; I JVwro, William McGuUoch ; CV(/"ion, James Byers; Uppirr Londimderry. Khcnvzcr i E. Uo.'ta ; Lower Lotidonderry, AWx. L. W'yWe; Economy, .Jas MiXi. McKay; Ifar- ! rey, iV.JS., SamuelJohnston ; 3/a/, Wm. T. Caidy". St. John North, Ing- bam Sutcliffe (Ch'man). St. John West, 11. McKeowu. Fairxulle, Job Shcnlon. St. Andrews, F. W. Moore. St. Davids, Geo. B. Payson. St. Stephens, Robt. A. Temple. MUl Town, Wm. Wilson. Sussex Vale. D. D. Currie. Grand Lake and Canaan, A. B. Waters. CreeHwt'c/t, David B. Scott. Kingston, Leonald Gaetz. Vpham,yfm. G. Biwwti. Truro District.— Trwro, Revds. A. B. Black (Ch). River Philip, J. L. Sponiigle. Wallaee and Pugwath, K. K Craue, Oranawick Joat, A.B. Biver John, #. V. Jost. Albion Mines, Doufjla'* Chapman. Gnysboro and Vamo, G. W. Tnttle, .1. Johnson, T. J. Doiubtadt. Sydney, lioland Morton, G. Hariibon. Ship Harbour, John W Howie. 1'. K. Island Dibtiuct. — ChurloUelovm, Rcvdii. Matt. IJiohoy, DJJ. (Chairman), Howard Spraf^ue, A. 13 , Ricliard Joliiiscin. Cormvali and LiUlc York, H. I'oi.f. 2nd. rownalt, William Jtyan. Jiedu/w^ Itichnrd Smith, J. M. Stvowg^ JUargale, K. Kvans. Suuris and ML Stewart, T. D. Hart Miinai/ Harbour, J tr. Bigiiey. Cape West, K. Mitchell Smith. Caiicnm])fj;, Richard Tratt. FREnERiOTON TJwrttics.—Fredericton. Revda. G..i). O. HucBtis (Chairman) Shef- field. James Tweedy, J. A. Miisher. Kingsclear, William Heartz. Woodstock, Geo. 8. Milligan, A.M. JacksonvUle, Steplien F. Huestis. Florenceville, Al xr. S. Tultleb Andover, D. LeLacheur. Na&hwaak Joseph Sutcliffo. G'(i,7ctt>win, Thos. W. Smith, j liurton, B. J. Johnson Miramichi, \V. W. Perkins, C. B. Pilhlado. Jiathurit, Roht^ Tweedy, Dalhousie, leaac N. I'arkar. Sackvulk District.— 5'acfct>i7/e, Rovds. Alex. \V. Nicolson J. Snowball,*' H. Pick- ard, D.D., Pres. of College, Ac; C. DeWolf, D,I).. Prof, of Theology, Ac: H. P. Cowpcrthwaitc. J. McC. Fulton, Alfred K. LePage, Students in Theology. Point de /iM<«, Chas. Stewart (Chairman). JBaiede Verte, Win. Alcorn. Moncton, Thomas B. Smith, William Allen," Stephen Humphrey, A.B.o Dorchester, Geo. Butcher. Hopewell, Robert WilBon. Coverdale, John J. Colter. Richibucto, John Cassidy. Amderst, Alex. M. DesBrisay. Farrshoro, John Read, E. Sl.ackford. Annapolis District. — Annapolis, Revda. C. Lockhart, E.. B. Moore, HiUsboro\ R. Wa6B0n. Bridgetown. Henry Daniel, G. Miller.'*. Wdmot, Richard Weddall, Joseph F. Bent.« Aylesford, Wm. McCarty. Horton, S. W. Sprague, Albert Des- Brisay. Cornwallig East, Jas. G. Hennigar. ICormvallis West, '£. H. Lhtvies (Chair- man), Digby, James Taylor. Digby JVeck, C. W. T. Dutcher. LiTERPooL DiBTRiCT. — Liverpool, Revda. Jos. Hart, Jos. S. Coffin. Yarmouth, Jno. Prince, James R. Harl. Harrington, Ellas Brettle, Wesley Col|iit8. Shelburne, Jas. Burns. JV. E. Harbor and Koseway, F. H. W. Pickles. Fbrt Mouton, Isaac Thur- low. Mill FiWaflffi, Thomas Smith. Petite Riviere, George Johnson (Chairman). Newfoundland District.— *S'( John's, Revds. P. Prestwood, A. W^ Turner, Job. Gaetz, A. Nichtingale". Harbor Grace, James Dove. Carbonear, J. Winterbotham, Jehn S. All Hi. Brigus, Thomas Harris. Port de. Grave, Joseph Pascoe. Black i/eotZ, John Waterhouse. Island Com, W. E. 8henBt»ne. Old Perlican, John B. Peach (Chairman). 2Vtm<^, Charles Ladner. iJ»nw*5 are Supernumeraries. •, ., !•:'., MINISTERS OP THE ASSOdlATED BAPTIST CHURCHES IN NOVA SOOTIAV I Central Association. — Halifax, Rev'ds. J. Pryor, D.D., A. H. Munro. Sackville, i R. R. Philip. Newport, East, J. Bancroft. Newport West, Geoige Dimock, George ' Weathers. WolfvUle, J. M. Cramp, D.D., 8. W. l)eBloi8, T. A. Higgins. Canning, D. Freeman. Canard, Carnwallis, A. 8. Himt. Bill Town, Cornwallis, J. Parker. ' Hantsport, W. Burton. S. T. Rand. Gaspereavx, E. 0. Read. L'pper Aylesford, i J. L. Read, 'tt'cst Cornwallis, E. M. Sanders, W. Chipman, Chester, 1. J Skinner, Rawdon, J. Stevenr New Germany, B. Taylor, T. Delong. Kempt, B. Vaughan . JVew Minas, J. B. Kempton. Windsor, D. M. Welti. n. Falmouth, D. G. Shaw, i Lwig Point, D. Pineo. iVcto Quysboro" Road. Jacob Allen. Western Abbooiation. — I'brmou/A, Rey'ds. H. Angell. Arcadia, Yarmouth Co., War. L. Parker. JRjrA:er'« Cove, H. Achilles. Bridgetown, G. Armstrong Ragged JSj/and«, A. W. Barss. CTementa, 8. Richardson. iN'ew Germany, T. C. Delong. Hebron, R. D. Porter. PM-t JUedway, J. E. Goucher. Beaver River, A. Cogsw^ell. Bigby Ncek J. C. MoTbe. IVtifccf, A. Martel, M. Normonday. Long Island, John MlWer. Hills- burg, JJ. A. Moore. Chute's Cove, P. F. Murray. Nictauz, W. G. Parker, R. S. Morton. Greenfield, . Aylesford, C. Tuppcr, {D.D.. Obod Parker, A. Stronacli, J. A. Walker. Brookfield, D. O. Parker. Liverpool. G. N. Harris. Mi'.ion, Amos Weaver. Weymouth, C. Randall. Ohio, Yarmouth. J. H. Saunders. Peerfield, Yarmouth, J. A. Stubbert. Digby, James Spencer. Wilmot, N. Yidito. Pine Gr(yve,\{. H. Porter. Licentiates. Thomas Blackadar; Andrew Parker; Yar- mouth, JohnTooker; kempt, Joseph 6. Thompson; Beuver River, Zephani&Li Porter. Johnson, JohnW_ airman), oi.c, -ml. , trgaUt, K. f.y. Cape i) shff- ; tock, Geo. 1 S, Tultle. I ,V. Sniiih. I tr«t, Robti ^' n. Pick- le: 11. P. Point de f, Thoniaa . Butcher. D CaBBidy. Hillshoro', I Weddall, Libert DeB- icB (Chair- nouth, Jno. bume, Jas. Baac Tliur- airman). arner, Job. Iterbotham, ;oo. Black John 8. n. J. Good- \k, John a. Channel, ox. Is., on the SOOTIAi SackviUe, fck. George Canning, P:irkor. \Ayiesfcn-d, bkinner, ; Vauglian . ■ IG. Shaw. 1 |noart Mtdway and Harmony, uneupplied. The next (.'onferenco to be held iu B;iriingtfiu. FREE WU.L BAPTIST MIM.STRRS. Barrington, ^proper) and Port LaTour, K«5v. Cbarleti E. Haskell. Cape Sable Island, Rev. E. G Eaton. Beavr River, Pubnico and Tucket Laket, Rov. C. J. Oram. James C. Suiith, Clerk of Conference, Barriiii."on, CoNOBKGATioNAL U.MOx. N. S. AND N. B.—Lirerpotil. IJtvds. .T. Melvln, J. Howelli Milton, Queen's Co, R. Iv. <"lark; Pteata id River S. Syk.a; Yarnwnth, A- Burpee; Cheboffue. John Gray .* Canning, J. R. Kean ; Manchester, F. Deering; St. John, X. B., Mr. Brown ; St Stephens, Mr. McCully ; Ketwicli Uidf/e, Geo. Sterling; Sheffield, li. Wilson, Secretary to the Union. 1ishop of Nova Scotia. President, Ja.nes B. Smitliers, Ksq. Vice President, Kdw. J. Lordly : Ist Asst. V. P., Wm. Humiihrey ; 2nd Asst. do., George YiitCH. Treasurer, UoU-rt Woodill ; Asst. do., George B. Smilhers. Sc«;retary. (Jliailes L. HawhoU ; Asst. da Thomas Clay. , Chaplains, Rev. Archdeacon Willis, Rev. Wm. Bullock, rhysician, Wm. J. Almon.'M.D. Messenger, Wm. Graham. North British Society.— President. Capt. Taylor. Vice President, Jas. Kerr; Senior Asst. do.. Geo. Alexander ; Junior Asst. do.. Jno. Johnston, Trc^asurer. Jno. Watt. Secretary, JameB S. McDonald ; Asst. do, Wm. Murray. Chaplain, John Martin. Charitable Irish Society— President, J.imes Butler. Esq. Vice President. Jno' Pugh, Esq. ; Ist Asst. do.. Patrick Wallace; 2nd Asst. do.. J. T. Compton. Trea" surer. Alderman Meagher. Secretary. Jas. W. Flynn ; Asst. do., John Finn. Mar- shal, John Doran. Caleoonia Club. — Chief. Hon. A. Keith. President. Donald Ross. Vice Presi- dent, AdaiD McKay. Treasurer, Jas. C. Mcintosh. Secretary, Hugh Murray. Carpenter's Benevolent Society- President. Edward Cashman. Vice Presi- dent, George Butler. Treasurer, John L. Barry. Secretary. Thomas H. Peters. Royal Halifax Yacht Club. — Patron, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Vice Patrons— His Excellency the Lieut. -Governor. Vice-Admiral Sir Houston Stewart, K.C.B., Vice-Admiral Sir Alexr. Milne, K.C.B.. Major-Gen. C. Hastings Doylo, Commanding H. M. Forces, His Worship the Mayor. Commodore, John R. Wallace ; Vice Commodore. Geo. Drillio ; Captain, James Piyor, Esqrs. Secretary and Tieasurer, Henry W. Albro, Esq. Sons op Temperance. — Grand Division — Dr. W. E. McRobcrts, Londonderry, O. W. P. ; 8. Belden, Esq., Halifax, G.W, A ; P. Monaghan, Halifax, G. Scribe; H. A. Taylor, G. Treasurer . Rev. J. O. Ruggles, Kentville, G. Chaplain; J. McLearn, Rawdon, G Con. ; G. W. Delano, Halifax, 6. Sen. The Quarterly Sessions will be held, in January, Middle Musquodoboit; in April, Bridgetown ; in July, Antigo- nishe; and in October, Annual, Halifax. Next Session of National Division takes place at New Haven, Ccnneciicut, on 14th June, 18G5. City Divisions. Micmac, No. 8. meets every Monday evening. Howard, No. 26. Tuesday. Mayflower, No. 9, Wednesday. Chebucto, No. 7, Thursday. Atheneum, No. 96, Friday. Sons of Temperance Reading JJooro, Temperance Hall Halifax. — Under the management of a Committee from the City Divisions. Halifax Temperance Society — (Instituted, May. 1831). — President, W. C. Silver. Treasurer, Robert Noble. Secretary, James Farquhar. Nova 8ootia Barbibterb' Societt. — President, Hon. J. If. mtchie, Q 0. Vice J Under the V. C. Silver. 18G5.] TXi MASONIC. -ODD FKLL0W3. 81 rresldont, Charloa Twining, Esq. Treasurer, S. L. Shannon, Esq. Secretary, Wm. Twinlni;', Esq. Nova Scotia Tnrthtte op Natuhal Poiknck.— Patron, Ilia ExcoUency Sir Ulfhard Graves McDonnell. I'rosidont, .1. M. Jonos F.L.S. Vice-Prnsidonts. i>r. H. fJil|>ln, ' M.D., Capt. Hardy, R. A. TfHasnror, Capt. Lvttloton. Socrotary, Win. OoBslp. Council. ThoR. Bfit, Major Cothnrst, 17ih Rt'>,'t.."Dr. DoWolfo. P. 8. Hamilton, Col. Myers, .1. H. Duvar, P. C. Illll, Capt. Thompson, J. B. Young. Mf.dtcal op Nova Scotia —PrcHidnnt, Dr. C. Cogswell. V. Presidents, Dr. (Juship, Dr. B. I). FriiKrr. Socrt-tary. Dr. .1, B Oarvio. Corrcppondliig Secre- tary, Dr. Cowio. Council, Drs. Almon, Smith, Parker. (Jnrvio. Black, Davis. Honorary Mrinhers llavos, M D., Com. U. S. Arctic Exploring Expedition, 1861; Clias. Cogswell, M.D., Halifax; .las. F. Avery, M.D.. Halifa.'C. Nova Scotia Law Stuokntb' Socikty — President. W. J. Croke. Secretary, J. D. S. Thompaon. Treasurer, A. Sutherlhnd. Halifax Visiting Disff-n.-iary. — President, Rev. .T. C. Cochran. V'co President, S. 1'. Fairbanks, Esq. Treiisu n; . Sooretarv, D Oallngher. Uest- dent Physician, in diiilv attendance, F. \V. Mor vis. Af.D. Office, Aigyle Street, open daily (Sunday excepted) from 12 to 2 o'clock, to the sick poor. Mf.rchantb Nkwb Room CoMMiTTRr:, — W. R. Fairlianks, A. Mitchell, P. Cronan« Robert Ncilile, Alfred .Tones. .Joseph Wier, .T. T. Wainwriirhf, 8. F. Barss, W. H , Croighton, T. E. Kenny, Es(|r8. Sujyerintamhnt, Chas. M. Creed. : flAi.iEAX Tkhustuial SCHOOL.— Secretary, Major DoHavlland, 22 Morris Streets j Suporintondont, Mr. J. R. Willis. MASONIC. THB MOST ANCIENT AN'I> HONORABLE FRATERNITY OF FREE MA80NBT. Orand Afaster of Ev(]lnml—l\w Riirl of Zetland. Grand Mijstcr of In'lnnd — The Duke of Leinstor. Grand Master of Scotlaiid— The Duke of Athol. I V' ENGLISH. PROVINCIAL ORAND LODGE UNDER ENGLISH JURISDICTION. Hon. Alex. Keith. Prov. Grand Master. n. w. .Tames Forman, Doinity Grand Muster, n. w. W. S. Symonds, Senior Grand Warden, r. w. Sam'iel Blair. .Junior Grand Warden, v. w. Uov. Geo. Boyd, Grand Chaplain, v. w. Archibald Scott, Grand Treasurer, v. w. H. C. D. Twining, Grand Secretary. Lodges.— i/a'///aa!, St. Andrew's, No. 137 ; St. John's No. 187; Virgin. No. .'SliS ; Royal Standard,' No. .'564 ; Royal Sussex, No. 704 ; Union, No. 994. Litnenhurg, Unity, No. ,56.5. Liverpool. Zetland, No. 821 ; Prince of Wales, No. — . Yarmouth, Hiram, No. 868. Pi'cunning. Ensitpxs, W. M. Rolph, C. E. G. Burr, T. Blackley, IVlunsergh, Michel, Parkin- son, O'Brien, Loring, Hay. Paymaster, N. G. Smith (Capt). Adju- tant, A. A. Ross, (Lieut). Qr. Master, W. W. Monk. Surgeon, Major Tuson. Asst. Surgeon, Tothill. Facings While. Agents, Messrs, Cox & Co. ■■■ ■■ ■- :■ ;^ . ■ • •'- • ••. :"■•;• ■ 7/ . ; NOVA SCOTIA MILITIA. STAFF. .; ,.>;■'/!' Commander in Chief— His Excellency the Lieut. Governor. Adjutant Genl., Inspecting Field Officer and Qlr. Master Geno'al — Col. R. B". Sinclair. Inspecting Field Officers — Col. W. Laurie, Lt. Col. Alilsom, Lt. Col. Reed, Lt. Col. G. C. Sawyer. J5n(/arfe 3/q/or—Lt. Col. Michael Tobin. .,,■■ j=aE 84 MIUTIA. [18()5. Jiuhjo Affroftifc fi'cnrral — A. S\. I'liimki^ D.C.L. iSuiyeon Utneial — U. S. iJlack, M.l). MILITIA. Staff Skhokaxts. — Serjxt.-Miijor Mrc kon ; Sor^rts. Mnrtin, Davcy, Cunnin};liiuu, Snutliwick, KoiiikmIv, Iluiniltoii, IJiirlicr, IJadiltics, Iluw- loy, K. SImw, W. Laytoii, (i. IJickt'l, li (Jni-iiwood, U. Guy, ii. C Clarke, W. IJinj^Imm, J. IJroudliurst, J. Moore, 1). Coleman. • ( Halifax Mh.itia Aiitilleuy. — Lt. Col. U. rreinain. COMMANDINT, OfFICKUS. — IfdlifdX Rcfiliuntx — l.sV, Lt. Col. A. G* Jones. '1)kI, Lt. Col. Edward Lawson. 'Ard, Lt. Col. Henry Pryoi- 4//j, Lt. Col. Henrv Mi;ino\vit/,. .')//<, Lt. Col. T. A. naiior. fitli, Lt. Col. C. H. Belcher. 7/A, Lt. Col. ,L Canipl.ell. 8M, Lt. Col. J. H" Oxley. 'Mh, Lt. Col., W. J. Stairs. Kttli, Lt. Col. A. S. Gladwin. nth, Lt. Col. r. C. Hamilton. V2th, Lt. Col. Jus. M. Cliambcrlain. 13//t, Actint? Lt. Col, J. Morton. Colvliest,'r.—\st, Lt. Col. C. IJlanchard. 2/jr/, Lt. Col. F. U. Tarker. t\rd, Lt. Col. r. S. Archibald. Ath, Lt. Col. (ieorge Cnmi)l)ell. Mh, Lt. Col. W. A. Fulmer. Uh, Lt. Col. John Miller, llh, Lt. Col. Jno. McKay. Piclou.—\st, Lt. Col. R. Donll. 2iid, Lt. Col., Jas. Kitchen, :^rd, Lt. Col. D. Murcheson. 4l/i, Lt. Col. John McKay, bth, Lt. Col. J. W. Carmichael. Gth, Lt. Col. John Grant. 7th, Lt. Col. K. S. Cope- land. 8^/j, Lt. Col. Allan Mcriiec. 9^/j, Lt. Col. James Scott. Atdif/onififie — I st, Lt. Col., Wm. A. Henrv. 2n(l, lA. Col., II. Mc- Adams. litd, Lt. Col., W. Chisholm. 4lli,'jA. Col. P. McKinnon. limits— \st, Li. Col., J. A. Jenkins. 2iid, Lt. Col. S. Palmer. :hd, Lt. Col. W. C. Casey. 4th, Actins; Lt. Col., A. M. Cochran. .'i/A. Act. Lt. Col., J. W. Kiii^'. Gth, Acting Lt. Col., F. A. Filzmaurico. 7th, Lt. Col. C. Jannison. , Kivf/s—lst, Lt. Col. D. H Clarke. 2nd, Lt. Col. R. Starr. 3rd Lt. Col. L. D. V. Chipman. 4th, Lt. Col. W.T. Fuller. 5ih, Actini? Lt. Col. J. Welton. 6th, Act. Lt. Col., K. Wia.'fhy. Annapolis— \ St, Act. Lt. Col., W. 11. liugglcs.' 2nd, Act. Lt. Col., H. Gesner. 3rd, Act. Lt. Col. E. W. Ross. 4th, Lt. Col. G. V. Ince. Yarmouth — \st, Lt. Col. J. M. Lent. 2nd, Lt. Col. J. C. Anderson. 3rd, Lt. Col. R. Hunter. 4th, Lt. Col. AV. 13. Townsend. bth, Lt. Col. J. W. II. Rowley. Queens— Xst, Lt. Col. Allan Tuppcr. 2nd, Lt. Col. J. DeWolf. 3rd, Act. Lt. Col. C. Allison. Lwienhurq — l.s^, Lieut. Col., H. A. N. Kaulback. 2nd, Lt. Col. J. Rudolf. 3rd, Lt. Col. II. S. Jost. 4(//, Act. Lt. Col. J. Ilarley. Uh, Lt. Col. J. P. Miller. 6/A, Act. Lt. Col., D. Dimock. 7th, Act. Lt, Col. G. Ross. 8//i, Act. Lt. Col. N. Chesley. Shelburne.—lst, Acting Lt. Col. W. IloWen. 2nd, Lt. Col. W. Stather. 3rd, Lt. Col. J. C. Smith. Cumberland. — \st, Lt. Col. C. J. Stewart. 2nd, Lt. Col. R. Seaman. 3rd, Lt. Col. II G. P. Pineo. 4th, Lt. Col. H. Oldwright. bth, Lt. Col. R. Black. 6//», Col. J. Ratchford. 7th, Lt. Col. J. \V. B. Elder- kin. 8/A, Lt. Col. C. Lawrence. Diqh>i.—\st, Lt. Col. B. Vict^. 2nd, Lt. Col. W. B. Vail. 3rd, Lt. Co'l J. McAlpine. 4th, Lt. Col. J. C. Dexter. 5th, Lt. Col., J. Bancroft. i B '■' ! - ! ■ II ■ T ' " - a I I I. P E K Wtfy. iivcy, lll)W- 'ryor' », Lt. J. H- idwin. n-liiin. arkcr. I. Jno. :ol. J. Cope- I. Me- lon. :hd, [i. Art. llh, 3/-fi' LCtini; 1. Col., I. Ince. Icrson. t. Col. 3rd, boi. J. bill, li. Lt, I. W. Inman. \h, Lt. Elder- 1805.] VOLUNTKKKS. 80 (j'iii/slH,ro'.--l!^l, Lt. Col. J. J. iMiUHhall. 2n(l, Aftini; Lt. Col. W. I O. IlrironiiiM. :]nl, Aitin^ Lt. Col. 'I'. C. IViirt.-. 4t/i, Lt. Col. J. IJ. I^litill. j t'aiH /3/c/oH.— Is/, Lt. Col. J. nouiinot. 2u(i, Lt. Col. J. MfKin;,'- ' noy. 3/(/, Acfiiii; Lt. Col. W. (JiiniiiiK'll. 4///, Lt. Col. K. Bri ' — ,rr— Ti — i , I ■ — 1— r- ■ -i r-rr 2nd do , Kinnear. n. 2nd 2nd do. 2nd do. , Fredk. , R. N. 9E 1865.] CORPORATION. 87 H. M. SHIPS ON NORTH AMERICA AND W. I. STATION. "Aboukir," Commodore, Peter Crueroft, C. B. ; Secretary, Fredk. Patch. "Barracouta," CnmmavJfr, John D'Arcy. "Buzzard," Commatuler, Tlins. H. M. Martin. " Challknoer," Capt., J. J. Ken- nedy, C.B. " Cordelia," Commander, J. B. Seott. " Cygnet," Com- mander, W. S. DeK:iutzo\v. " Dcncav," Vice Admiral Commander-in- Chief, Sir James Hope, K.C.B. ; Flag. -Lieut., A. G. II. Richardson ; Secretary, J. W. M. A.-;hIey ; Cajifain, Robt. Gibson ; Commander, Fran- cis A. Hume. " Galatea," Captain, Rockport Maguire. " Grey- HOUXD," Commander, H. R. Wraleshir. "Jason," Captain, E. P. B. VonDonop. " Lily'," Commander, Ah^crnon CF. llcnea^c. "Me- dia," Commander, D'Arcy S. Preston. " Nimhle," Lieut. Coin.,'F. W. Hallowcs. " Petrel," Commander, Edwd. Madder. " Phaeton," Ca;j^am, G. LcG. Bowyear ; Co/h., W. S. Brown. "Plover," Com- mander, Hon. A. N. Coney. " Ply'ades," Captain, A. W. A. Hood. '* RiNALDO," Commander, Hon. M. H. Nelson. " Rosario," Comman- der, II. D. Grant. " Royalist," Commander, E. J. PoUard. " Styx," Commander, Hon. W. J. Ward. " Steady," Commander, F. Harvey. " Terror," J. F. B. Wainwripht, Captain, and Officers in charge of the Naval Establishment, Bermuda. " Virago," Commander, W. H. G. Johnstone. " Wolverine," Captain, Algernon T. R. Dellorsey. CITY OF HALIFAX, ! CORPORATION. Mayor, Matthew H. Richey, Esq. ' j Recorder, William Sutherland, Esq. I City Clerk, John L. Crajrji, Esq. ' ... ! Assistant Clerk, Thomas Rhind, Esq. ' Marshal or High Constable, G. Cotter. Deputy Marshall, Donald Eraser. j Treasurer, Lawrence Hartshorne, Esq. Auditors, Geo. Henderson and Philip Tliompson, Esqrs. 1 Assessor, John L. Barn.-, Esqr. j Aldermen and Justices of the Peace. — Ward 1, Henry G. I Hill, Jas. Tobin, and John McCulloch, Esqrs. Ward 2, Jno. Meagher, 1 Robt. Richardson, and Wm. Dunbar, Esqrs. Ward 3, T. Boggs, Jno. ; D. Nash, and Wm. Ackhurst, Esqrs. Ward 4, William H. Pallister, ; John Murphy, and Saml. Trenaman, Esqrs. Ward 5, Jer. Conway, ; Wm. Roche, Jas. Cnllen, Esqrs. Ward 6, Jos. Jennings, John Mum- ford, and John Starr, Esqr^. Police Force. — Sergeants— Y)?iv. Evans, Jas. Bnrke, Lewis Hutt, Maurice Power, John Arthur. Policemen — John Keefc, W. Hannigan, Wm. Hood, Wm. Roddick, Patk. Caulfield, Thos. Hayden, Thos. Dil- lon, John Hearn, John Mulvena, Mich. McGrath, Matt. Kecr, Jas. Tyr- rell, David BaiTy, B. Dillon, Tim. Burns, Dav. Redmond, Dav. Power, Wm. Malownev, Jas. Meaglier, John J. Hamilton, John Granaway, P. Reilly, John fetory, Martin Callahan, Matt. Sullivan, Jas. M. Wilson, Matt. Morrison, Danl. Webber. The City Court is held for the trial of Civil Causes on the second and fourth Tuesday, — and for the trial of Criminal Causes on the first 88 CORPORATION. [1865. |5 and third Wednesday, — of every month. It sits 1)y adjournment from day to day until the causes ready for trial arc dinjioscd of. The Police Ofliee is open every week day from 10 to 3 o'clock. Clerk of License, ^y. J. Morris. ; City Architect, B. DeG. Marshall, Clerks of Markets, Peter Meagher and Robert Motton. Bridewell Surgeon, Dr. J. B. Gilpiu, M.D. Keeper and Superintendent of Markets, Wm. G. Anderson. Health Inspector, James Spike. Superintendent ojf Streets, James Pollock. Asst. Supdt., Eobt. Austen. Clerk of Streets, John C. Craifjen. Flour Weir/hers, S. Garten, John Parker, W. Grant, G. Irvine, and W. J. Cogswell. Weighers of Hay, J. F. Burnham and "Wm. Caldwell. Pound Keeper, Michael PoAver. . . | .• ■ Governor of City Prison, Matthew Campbell. Keeper of Cemetery, Joseph Keeflor. Inspectors and Guagers of Fish Oil, James Gill, John O'Connor, Edw. Gaul, Dennis Ileifernan, John Gaul, James Fcrtune, John Brenan, and Philip Perrior. Surveyors of Lumber ^c. — Henry Spike, Jas. Sutton, J. McPherson. Sealers of Leather, James Webb, Thos, T?cyno, and John Hoare. Measurers and Lispectors of Painters' Work, Thos. Walsh, and Maurice Downey. Measurers of Coal, Wm. Bilby, Supervisor ; _A.m\vf. Smith, C. Major, Frcdk. Clarke, Jas. Goreham, .lohn Caliill, G. P. Brclira, Hy. Parker. Weighers and Measurers of Salt and Grain, Thos. Martin, Jas. Cullen, Thos. MeKann, Hy. Morrisey, Jas. Aull, W. Blythe, Ambrose Keating. Surveyoi's of Bricks and Lime, and Measurers oj Masons' Work. — H. A. Wright and James Reid. Measurers of Wood, Thos. Tames, C. Wilson and Patrick Tierney. COMMITTEES. Public Accounts. — Aldermen McCulloch, Dunbar, Nash, Pallister, Roche, Starr. i Laws and Privileges. — Aldermen Hill, Meagher, Boggs, Pallister, ; Roche, Jennings. I Common. — Aldermen Tobin, Richardson, Boggs, Trenaman, Con- wav, Jennings. 'tenders. — Aldermen McCulloch, Dunbar, Nash, Murphy, Conway, Starr. Cemetery. — Aldermen Hill, Richardson, Boggs, Trenaman, Roche, Jennings. Hacks & Trucks. — Aldermen McCulloch, Murphy, Ackhurst, Cullen. City Property. — Aldermen McCulloch, Meagher, Ackhurst, Trena- man, Cullen, Mumford. City Hospital. — Aldermen Tobin, Richardson, Ackhurst, Trenaman, Cullen, Starr. City Rates and Taxes. — Aldermen, Tobin, Dunbar, Ackhurst, Mur- phy, Conway, Starr. Internal Health. — Aldermen Dunbar, Pallister, Conway. .ji r Streets. — Aldermen Hill, Nash, Jennings. , , >,.,: !!?9f! 1865.] Flltld DEPARTMENT, ETC. 89 Citv Prison. — Aldermen Hill, Meaglier, Bogjs, Pallister, Roche, Mmnforfl. Ciry Library. — Aldermen Tobin, Kichardson, Nash, PalH.?tcr, Cullen, Muiuford. Cab DnivEKS. — Licensed Cab Drivers may char^'C for half a mile, 6d. : one mile, Is. : a mile and a half, Is. 3d. : 2 railci Is. 6d. : 3 miles 2s. TRrcKMEX. — Truckmen may charge for a load, of say 10 cwt., ^ mile, 7^d, : ^ mile, Ud. : 1 mile Is. 3d., &c. FIRE DEPARTMENT. VoLCNTEER ENGINE COMPANY. — Patrick Lvoa«, Captain: James W. Flynn, Secretary ; Michael O'Brien, Asst. Swrelartj ; John Fliun, Treasurer. No. 1 Steam Fire Engine (Victoria) ; Station, Cily Court Hoxise — Joseph Mui-jihy, l8t Lieut.; Edward Doran, 2nd Lieut. 18 Members. No. 2 Steam Fire Engine (Albert) ; Station, Water Street, o/tposite Canard's Wharf— io\\n O'Mally, 1st Lieut. ; John Ead, 2nd Lieut. 19 Members. No. 1 Hand Engine (Rapid) ; Station, Enrjine House, Grand Parade — Cornelius Phelan, 1st Lieut. ; Patrick McGIenn, 2nd Lieut. 20 Mem- bers. No. 3 Hand Engine (Chcbucto) ; Station, Enffine Hotise, Grand Pa- rade—John Flinn, ist Lieut. ; Patrick King, 2nd Lir-ut. 16 Members. No. 4 Hand Engine (Kesolutc) ; Station, Ma itland Street — .Jno. Brad- ley, 1st Lieut. ; James Burns, 2ud Lieut. 21 Members. No. 5 Hand Engine (yEtnaJ ; Station, Argylt^ Street — James Brophy, 1st Lieut. ; Timothy Mahar, 2nd Lieut. 11 Memficrs. No. 6 Hand Engine (Alma); Station, Sprinff Garden Road — "Walter Burke, 1st Lieut. ; Michael Murphy, 2ud Lieut. 19 Memlxirs. Union Fiue Protection Company. — [Reformed from the late Union Engine Company, 1768.] — Captain, •aine» B. .Smithers ; Vice, John Scriven ; Treasurer, Wm. Muir; Secretary, John R. Willis. No. 1 Division — 1st Lieut., JohufDuiweIg, ; 2nd Li*-ut., Richd, Vine- eove. No. 2 Division — 1st Lieut., Thos. Beiitlcy ; 2nd Lieut,, Thomas Wilson. No. 3 Division — 1st Lieut., James Lawlor; 2nd Lieut., Geo. S.Yates. No. 4 Division — 1st Lieut., Charles Downey; 2nd Lieut., Lewis Wilson. No. 5 Division — 1st Lieut., Charles Bla^kadar; 2ud Lieut., Thos. Archibald No. 6 Division — 1st Lieut., R. Ab!x>tt; 2nd Lieut., Samuel Wallis. It DARTMOUTH. r i .ii Trustees of Burial Ground. — Jon. Elliott and Alex. .Tames. Health Wardens. — T. B. DesBrisay, M.D., H. Elliott, and James Synott, senr. Health Inspector. — Doctor Campbell. Ot'erspers of the Poor. — N. Russell, D. Farrell, E and James G. Lawlor. Soc'v. and Treasurer, Geo Eire Wardens. — .J. W. Turner, (tjo. McKcnzie, and D. Farrell. Eire Eui/ine Cumjiinii/. — Wm. Elliott (Captain); Lieut. No 1, George Connors ; Lieut. No. 2., W. Downey ; Wm. Walker, .Jno. Graham, W. Home, I*. D. Farrell. Fuller, f 90 ADDENDA. [1865. Murray, .John Graham, J. Bishop, Thos, Synotf, E. Young. Ilcnry Murray, AVm. Glcndininjr, Jos. Settle, Henry Homo, Win. Webliy, Richard Edgecoml), George Farrell, Jno. Walker, Jiio. Misenor, and Benj Walker. Well/ Office Keeper, and Dcp. Register of Marriiujes, births and deaths, — Luther Sterns. . ,- Weigher of Hat/ and Straw. — D. Farrell. Constables. — Richard Pcnfc, (County,) R. Bishop, aiid Hy. Stanley. Meas'irers of Wood and Coal. — D. McLean, (Supervisor,) John Ken- nedy, M. Malone, S. McKay. Pence Viewer. — Thomas Farrell. Lumber Survei/or. — Jno. Jenkins. Clerks of Market. — Jno. Bishop, and Wm. Murray. Trustees of Wafer Lots, aud Commissioners of Streets, — Frank Young, j F. Mumford, and George Shields. I Mechanic's Institute, Dautmodth. — President, J. W. Johnston, junr. Vice-Presidents, N. Russell, Joseph Austen. Committee, Dr. H. ! M. Weeks, P. Fuller, T. A. Hyde, F. C. Elliott, Maurice Downey, J. Parker, Edw. Elliott. Sec'i/, and Treas,, D. McLean. ADDENDA. j ;i . ;; Lispector of Customs, ^'C, — M. McKenna, Esq. : ' .;> . • Collector of Duties at Halifax. — Edward Binney, Esq. Governor's Private Sec'y. — M. B. Daly, Esq. : i. Board of Works. — John M. Pugh, vice A. McKinlay. Controller and Collector, Ratchford River, Cum. Co, — F. Hatfield. Do. do. Margaree, Inverness. — John MeRao. Postmaster at Shiibenacadie. — John McDonald. Postmaster at Pictou. — John McKae. Board of Health, Cape Breton. — C. E. Leonard, jr., T. Archibald, L. Robertson, A. Mclnnis, T. Battle, J. Harrington. Pilot Commissioner, Qii\^(i'QYQXor\. — H.Davenport. .., Deputy Surveyor, Colchester. — Robt. L. Byers. j. '■'. . [' :. y Do. do. Lunenburg. — E.H.Solomon. ; , ,; / Do. do. Richmond. — John Jas. Robertson. ;,;,[,.'■; Surveyor of Shipping, Cape Breton. — Chas. W. Hiil. Railway Time, (Winter,) Windsor Branch. — Train leaves Halifax 8]a. M., 3.50 P.M. Mount Allison College and Acadmey. — In addition to Faculty, as given in pp. 72, 73, Thos. Harrison, Esq., LL.B., Professor of Natural Sci- ence, &C. Light Houses recently erected. At Battery Point, entrance Lunenburg Harbor — A fixed white light. At Fish Island, Tuskct Ri- ver — Two fixed white lights, horizontally. At Boar's Head, Petite Pas- sage, Bay of Fundy — Alternate flashes, red and white, at intervals of 60 seconds. H. W. Crawley, Farguson, C. H. J . I ; i « • ! \ ^) ::. .,; ,1. •. . ^ ... . // . ' [1865. 'r, Hcnrv Webby, anor, and lid deaths. , Stanley, ohn Iveii- ik Youiig, Johnston, ee, Dr. H. >owney, J. ;field. Crawlev, son, C. H. |ilifax8jA. as given kural Sci- cntrance iskct Ui- itite Pas- Itcrvals of ADVERTISEMENTS 91 com:merce hoxjse. No. 144 GRANVILLE STREET. R. McMURRAY & CO., Comprising every description of COTTON, WOOLEN, LINEN & SILK MANUFACTURES. Our Stock in all the DEPARTMENTS has been much enlarged, and we especially invite attention to DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, MANTLES & MILINERY, ALSO TO • HOUSEHOLD & DOMESTIC GOODS, Bleached Shirtings, Sheetings, Bedticks, Blankets, Flannels, Towel- lings, Damasks, Carpetings, Woolen and felt Druggets, and Crum Cloths. WOOLEN GOODS, Cloths, Doeskins, New Coatings, all the NOVELTIES in Ladies' MANTLE CLOTHS, and every descrip- tion of WOOLENS, direct from the MANUFACTORIES! ' '':}' SILKS, Block Glaces, all widths, New Fancv Colored Silks, Bonnet Silks, VELVETS, Terry Velvets, &c., &c. ,.. I Embroideries, French Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Hal)erdashery, Small wares, FURS and Fancy Goods, Gents. Furnishing Goods, and READY MADE CLOTHINa, Of superior quality and workmankship. AL»o-WHITE, BLUE AND RED COTTON WARP, All of which wo offer at the lowest market prices, Halifax, N. S., October 7th, 1864. 92 ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOLESALE r2 (^^h Wimt\m% i \ f. BELL & ANDERSON, 29 & 20 GRANVILLE STREET, HALIFAX, WHOLKSAIiE DEALEKS IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN .- I Grey Shirtings, White Shirtings, Regattas, Prints, ^ n r Coburgs, ,1 . M. de Laines, Fancy Dress Stuffs, Shawls, J Mantles, Ribbons, . Flannels, ^ Blankets, ; Broad Cloths, Pilot Cloths, Whitneys & Beavers, Vestings, , Hosiery and Gloves, Ready Made Clothing, Tailors' Trimmings, Smallwares. i A large and varied Stock of the above, with every other descriptl"^ of DRY GOODS, kept constantly ^ - on hand. :i ''^TTGG u::u f-' -K juja u-o EXCLUSIVE ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE =3^ mt, FAX, 4 avers, oves, othiiig, ings, other y E ADVERTISEMENTS. 93 HALIFAX, X. S., Oct. 1st, 1864. NEW stock: of A. & W.llACKINLAY Have received per Stenmer " Sidon," Ship " Roseneath," and other vessels, a largs porti«>ri of their ;. Fj^x^JLi stook:, . Consistinj; of : — ' •:: - 750 Reams FOOLSCAP, assorted. 850 Reams POST PAPIER, " 1000 Reams NO'I K " " '• 100 Reams DKMY, POST RIKDIUM, &c., 500 Reams WHAPl'lNXi PAPER, 400 Reams PRIN'I"IX(^ PAPER, 5.50 Doz SMALL INK; 125 Doz. INKPOWDERS, 600,000 ENVELOPES, assorte.l kinds, 2 Cases MEMO. BOOKS, 500 Dozen COPY ROOKS, assorted; 4 Cases SLATES. TOGETHER WITH A LARGE STOCK OF BLANK BOOKS AND GENERAL STATIONERY. §ibU!Si, IVvaycr gooh^, ^(. ^i. ■■ ' ."' • .A-x^so iisr STaiE, ' ■ ' ; 6000 1st BOOK IRISH NATIONAL SERIES. . 5000 2nd " " " " ' • ' * ' 4000 3rd " " 30()0 4 th " " 2000 5th " " 2000 . PELLING BOOK SUPERSEDED, 4000 NOVA SCOTIA ARITHMETIC. New Edition, im- proved and enlarged. 4000 Calkins' GEO(iRAPHY AND HISTORY of NOVA SCOTIA. New Edition. MACKINLAY'S MAP OF NOVA SCOTIA, CHAMBERo' Mathematics, Algebra, Plane Gconietrv, Mathematical Tables, NELSON'S School Series, and all other Books sanctioned by the Council of Public Instruction. As this is the largest Stock ever offered. Dealers will be supplied on the best terms for CASH or APPROVED CREDIT. isro. lo OI^A.lT■VIx.IJE st. II II u II ft tl i J_.,J fl." 04 APVKIITISKMENTS. aOUTH ENO TEA ^ OROCERV etORE. J / ' ► Z' *> / ■^ ' ^i '^ ■* I ^f GEORGE S. BOLTON, Respectfully intimates to the Citizens of Halifax, nnu the Province generally, that he has constantly on hand a carefully selected stock of FIRST CLASS TEAS, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT BY THE TRADE. And while a soliciting a share of j)ublic patronage, is determined that no effort on his part shall be sjiared to deserve support. From the arrangements he has made for the regular supply of ENGLISH, AMERICAN, AND WEST INDIA GOODS, Is confident his stock will always he found well worth the attention of purchasers. - -j i < ■ I' : OBSERVE: .J. X OEORGE S. BOLTON'S, - i-.i.iij South End Tea & Grocery Store, CORNER GRANVILLE & SACKVILLE STREETS, mt. 5 Province iiUy s, THADE. liBined that >rt. |iply of GOODS, Ih the ,11 ..:' pre, ETS, ADDVEUTI8KMENT8. 95 ED^>VA.RD SMITI-I, IMPORTER AND -^tiALER IN BOOTS, SHOES &, RUBBERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Hat Cases, Carpet Bags, Valises, &c. HAT, FUR AND SHOE ¥AEEHOUSE, No. 3 Granville Street, and 2 Ordnance How. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Orders from the Country solicited and personally attended to. EDWARD SMITH. CHARLES ROBSON & CO., 11 GRANVILLE STREET, HALIFAX, N. S. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. fxtiliIj stock or- LINENS, SILKS, r T -•-• T^ COTTONS, FLANNELS, DKESS GOODS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, MILLINERY, READY MADE CLOTHING, &c. Always on hand and for sale at the lowest prices. ii ]' ■ r I 96 ADVKUTISKMKNTS. STARRS & fflcNUn, DEALERS IN ' ■ ' / A .1.: . 1 ^ ' • i ;.i' 'a IRON, STEEL, IRONMONGERY, 9 -^ ^t* I 'X ■ GENERAL HARDWARE, BEST LONDON PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, PUTTY, TIN, ZINC, SHEET LEAD, LEAD PIPE, GUNPOWDER, SHOT, MANILLA AiYD TARRED ROPE, y} ^X:V\^ &c. &c. &c. ^« fv" The attention of persons visiting; the city by Rail, is respectfully re- quested to this establishment, as its situation, on tlie direct route to the Railway Station, renders it peculiarly convenient for the i)urchase of any of the above named goods, of which a well assorted stock is al- ways kept on hand. •- * . I ■ r ^'^. REMEMBER THE PLA.CE ! 144 AND 146 UPPER WATER STREET, s^^lo[f.a:^« m. '[/. ADVKRTIt? MRNrS. 07 99 GRANVILLE STREET, IMPORTERS OF BKITISH & rOKEIGN PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO OUR unit rutzr All orders carefully attended to. v . , HALIFAX, OCTOBER, 18G4. J. WESLEr SMITH. EDWARD O. SMITH. W. J. COLEMAN, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, LABIES'^ FOBS, BTJFr-A.LO ROBES, TRUNKS, HAT CASES, &c. ' I WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. 129 ^EANVILLB STREET, HALIFAX. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF SHIPPING FURS. ■Mate 98 AlJVRKTiaKMKNTJ'. ■■LL ' > t.. ' r. ' HORACE WATERS' GREAT JKmr.hL SSTABUSHUSHT. 80 NEW PIANOS, MELOOEONS. "ALEXANDRE AND CABINET ORGANS. At Wholcsaln or llctuil. iiiicon as low uh any FiiBl-ChiBH InHlmiiu-iitH Ciin bo |)iiri!li:i!*f(l. SKCONI) HAN'l) I'lANOS at yroul ImiKuins, pricoa from trttO U; *'JUO. All tliu above IiiBtninienlB to lut, and rent appliixl if piirchaHed. Monthly pay- ments rt'iMilvcd for tlio Banie. TluTe beinj; sonio flvo ditroront inukcB of I'lanos in this lar^o Hiouk, ptirubaHcrB caa bu as woU suited here as elauwhuro, and p(M-hapa a little better. 10,00() SHEETS OF MUSIC, a little soiled, at 1,'^ cent* per page. CASH PAID FOR SECOND-HAND PIANOS. One qf the Lnrgett Stocks of SHEET MUSIC in the. United States, MUSIC BOOKS, and all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Music Merchandize, at the LOWEST RATES. SABBATH SCHOOL BE!LL-No. i, ContalnB 144 paKcs, and nearly 2oU Ttinct) and IlyiiinH, and is the most popular Sabbath School Hook ever Issued. Prices— paper covers 30 cts. each, $25 per 100 ; bound, 35 ctB., |;iO per 100; eloth l)ound, embossed yilt. 40 cla., Sas per 100. SABBATH SCHOOL BELL-No. 2. Is an en entire now work of 192 |)ages, and nearly 225 Tunes and Hymns. Nearly one million of those " Bells" have been issued. I'rloes same as " Bell No. 1." Both numbers can bo obtaineil in one volume, price, bound copy, 00 cts., $55 per 100; cloth bouiul, emboKsed gill, 70 cts., *(J5 per 100. THE DAY SCHOOL BELL-L^ copies issued.] A now Singinfi Look for Schools and Seminaries, called the Day School Bell, is now ready. It contains alwut 200 Choice SonKs, Koundu, Catche , Duetts, Tjios, Quartettes and Chorusses, many of them written expressly for this work, besides 32 pages of the Elements of Music, which are easy and progressive. Among the large number of the beautiful pieces may be found: "Uncle Sam's School," " Don't you hear the children coming," " Always look on toe sunny Bide," " The Llttlo Lass," and " Little Lad." " Oh, if I wore a little bird," " Anvil Chorus," "Meet me by the Running Brook," &c. It is compiled by Horace Waters, author of "Sabbath School Bell. Nos. 1 and 2," which have bad tho ENORMOUS SALE OF 950,000 COPIES. PRICES OP THE DAY SCHOOL BELL— Paper Covers, 35 cts., $30 per 100; bound, 40 cts., $35 per 100 ; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 45 cts., $40 per 100. 25 copies furnished at tho 100 pi ice. Mailed at the retail price. WATERS' CHORAL HARP, A new Sunday School Book of lOl pages of beautiful Hymns and Tunes. It con- tains many gems, such as, "Shall wo know each other there?" "Suffer little children to come iiato me," " Th" Beautiful Shore," "Oh, 'tis glorious," "Leave mo with my Mother," "He leadeth me beside still waters," Ac. Price, paper cover?, 35 cts., $25 per 100 ; bound, 35 cts., .SS* per 100 : cloth, emb. gilt, 40 b. «;35 per 100. JH^ 8. 8. Bells, Nos. 1 and 2, and Choral Harp, bound in 1 vol,, cloth, $1. THE ATH.ENEUM COLLECTION OF HYMNS and TUNES, For Choir, Church ahd Sunday School is now ready. It contains 512 pages, and nearly 700 Hymns and Tunes. Among the new and beautiful pieces we would name: "Daro to be Right." " Lion of Judah," " Shall we meet beyond the river," " Oh, say, shall we meet you all there?" "Sabbath Bells chime on," "Shall we meet no more to part?" "The Vacant Chair," and 25 pieces composed for this work by the late Stephen C. Foster, which are alone worth more than the entire cost of the book. Price, bound, 90 cts. ; »10 per dozen ; $80 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, $1 ; $11 per dozen ; !$93 per loa Postage 15 cts. each. HORACE WATERS, 481 Broadway, New York. PUBLISHER OF THE ABOVE WORKS. J^S' Sample copies of any of tho above books mailed for two-thirds of retail price u aL.jiL"J m. IRGANS, t8 Ciin bo iO t(! *2U0. itlily \\ny- I'iuiios in d |ioiiiai)B »er page. MUSIC it popular J por 100; ItJO. s. Nearly 0. 1." ) ctB., $55 3D.] 1 Bell, is itts, Tjios, k, bcBidtis cle Sam's le sunny •• " Anvil ly Horace I bad the per 100; 100. 25 . It con- ffer little ' "Leave ' ;e, paper j t, 40 8. II. 'UNES, ages, and ve would j le river," i Shull tve ! I for this ' he entire j itli bound I I fork. kail price ADVKRTIgKMINTS. 0^ r»TTT I €ITY BBM€t ST0E3E 131 KCOIiluIS SXHEET, I i .; / .' •i ' '.• 'flK'^n'! HALIFAX, N. S, H-c;.^ x] 5 i I WOODILL BROTHEBiS, ( Successors to lato James I*. Woooilu) €\tm\% n)i druggists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Ilj-^^' DRUGS, MEDICINES, CI-MKill SPICES, PERFUMERY, POMADES, FAlfCY SOAPS, PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL, ' BRUSHES, COMBS, SPONGES, &c, -'^^'^f GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, ; ' PROPRIETORS OF r. ,' t . • «i ■•!-. 9 r. ,1 r WORM LOZENGES, ; &c. &c. &c. ' A. H. WOODILL. •1 ', ir^r V\.: ;,, F. B. WooDiLL, ■* IOC ADVEKTISEMKNTS. THE Colonial f ift l^ssurantf Compug, INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT OF FAELIAMEMT. '' Capital, £1,000,000 Stg. HEAD OFFICE, 5 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. BOARD OI' DIRECTORS AT HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, OFFICE :-227 MOLLIS STREET, * ^ ^^ The Hon. M. B. ALMON, Banker. CHA8. TWINING, Esq. Barrister. The Hon. ALEX. KEITH. Merchant. J. J. BAWYER, Esq. High Kberifi; Hx 4.,, Medical AdvUer—DkmEL M'NEIL PARKER, , • '.;.: .ri^ent—MATTUEW H. RICHEY. , POSITION OF THE COMPANY. Annual Income of the Company upwards of •'One Hundred and Thirty Thousand ' '""' Pounds Sterling. The Directors beg to direct attention to the following advantages to Assurers: •*: • lyiJ^^'" y ^ -i w ■ "^ <.■ -} ,. >j<^;y*. The Local Board are empowered to accept proposals without reference to Head Office. Moderate r"*es of premium and liberal conditions as to residence. Premiums received in any part of the world where Agencies have been established. Claims settled at Home or Abroad. *•'• -' '^ > > ="' -t *-; >i .*• O Unconditional Assurances upon lives of persons settled in life, who have no intention of removing to an unhealthy climate. Further information will be supplied at the Company's Offices and Agencies. MATTHEW H. RICHEY, General Agent for Nova Scotia and P. E, Island. ^■4 Amberst, ^ Annapolis. Bridgetown ft' tf tL B. Dickey. James Gray. Thomas Spurr. Oliariottet'n, P.E..I. J. Longworth. Digby. R. S. FitzRandolph Kentville, T. W. Harris. Liverpool, John Edgar. Laneabarg, H. S. Just. S New Glasgow, Pictou, E. Roach James Crichton. Pugwash, R. D. Chandler. Summerslde, P.B.I., James Campbell. Sydney, C. B., C. E. Leonard. Truro, A. O. Archibald. Windsor, Joseph Allison, Yarmouth, H. A. Grantham. I ADVERTISEMENTS. 101 J No. 159 MOLLIS STREET, Opposite the Club House, Where superior Plain and Colored CARTES DES VISITES can be obtained. Also large PHOTOGRAPHS of every description. Q^" A First Class Artist always employed. H. G. LAURILLIARD, GENTLEMEN'S DRESS MATERIALS, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Constantly on hand. ' AGENT FOR NEW YORK FASHION PLATES. 231 MOLLIS STREET, HALIFAX, N. S. na. & J. TV^ETJVIORE, Cavbcvs antr (Silkrs, LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE ^FRAME MAKERS, PRIXTSELLEUS, and Dealers in ARTISTS' MATERIAL, and PAPER HANGINGS, [J^=-Gilt Billet Heads for V<»ssels always on hand, and Ship Carving and Gilding in general to oruer. * . . -- ACCOUNT BOOKS a.:n"d stationery, LETTER COPYING AND SEAL PRESSES, FOR SALE Br . S. G. SIMPKINS & CO., 116 STATE STREET, Opposite Broad street, BOSTON, MASS. SSitf .:>^ 1^ i 102 ADVERTISEMENTS. f.r I** H. ^. TAYLOR, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN ^jjkr$, ^wlxt^r (6om6isi, PERFUMERY, DYE STUFFS, Ac, &e. ^ AGRICULTURAL and GARDEN SEEDS imported each season from the best British and American growers. All the New and Popular PROPRIETARY MEDICINES of the day constantly on hand, or imported to order, Q^ Orders from the Country or Shore Districts receive prompt and personal attention, and speedily forwarded by best conveyance. The Subscriber is Agent for THE SINGER MANUFACTURING SEWING MACHINE GO. intending purchasers should see these Machines at work before purciiasing those of any other maker. Address H. A. TAYLOB, - NO. 26 SACETILLS STEBET, : .• British ano /Imerican Shoe Store, OEORGE STREET, Directly Opposite North end Province Building, Wholesale and Retail buyers will find at tliis establishment a com- plete stock of ENGLISH, FRENCH & AMERICAN Also a large Stock of DOMESTIC MANUFACTURED. The largest Stock of ' '• ^ ,- in the City will be found at this Store. The Subscriber begs to inform his friends in the Country that he has no connection whatever with any other establishment in the City. ,. . GEORGE S. YATES. pot, I. . " h season :S of tho )mpt and I SEWING s at work Iding, t a com- i:D. at he has ity. ES. ADVERTISEMENTS. 103 T tONOO« a UNCASHIRE ixxt anir fife |usuranct (Loiu})aiufS, Of London and Liverpool. Capital of Fwe Compant/, £1,000,000 Stg. Capital of Life Company^ £100,000 ^tg. The Subscriber continues to issue polici^-s of Insurance against loss or damage by fire on all descriptions of Merchandize, Personal Pro- perty, Warehouses, &c., &c., at low rates of premiums. Losses promptly adjusted and paid without referenco to England. Life Policies issued free from Stamp and Medical Fees. The half credit system of this Company is a special feature, and one of peculiar importance to insurers. ARCHIBALD SCOTT, Agent, X8 Bedford Row. UEEN FIRE, LIFE AND ANNUITIES. REVERSIONS AND ENDOWMENTS. CAPITAL, TWO MILLIONS STERLING. CAa«man~BERNARD HALL, Esq. Deputji Chairman — JOS. KITCHEN, Esq. Manager t6 Acinar y of the Company — J. MON'CFilEP WIL.SOX. Esq., LiverpooL Sub- Manager— 3 Oati E. LEYLAND, Esq., LiverpooL AGENT FOR NOVA SCOTIA. STEPHEN TOBIN, Esq., HALIFAX. OFFICE, OPPOSITE TOBIAS WHARF. Solicitor — James Thomfsox, Esq. I Medical Referee — W. J. Almon, Esij., ^LD. 104 ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MOUiNT ALLISON ■ ,, Q^&wmm-^m^ mi; mt ,,„... PARENTS having sons or daujrhters to be educated, and young persons of either sex, who are wisely intending to secure for them- selves the benefits of a good education, are respectfully requested to take notice that a thorough course of study, either Academic or Collegiate, partial or complete, may be prosecuted, under most advantageous cjVcm?«- sfances, at Mount Allison. ' ■ ; Sackvillo, being a quiet country village, pleasant, and remarkably healthy, easy of access, and yet away from most of the occasions of distraction, temptation, and danger, which so abound for the young in cities and towns, is a most suitiibla place for educational institutions. The buildings which have been here erected for the united. institution, are in extent and adaptation to the purposes intended, greatly superior to any others in Eastern British America ; and they are all suitably furnish- ed throughout. The Boards of Instruction include always ten or more regular In- structors, all well qualified for the work of their respective departments. So that, by a proper division of labour, and a harmonious adjustment of Classes in the difierent Branches, adequate provision is made for proper- ly teaching all the branches of Science and Literature, which are includ- ed in the curricula of the best conducted educational institutions in Great Britain and America. . ,. .^. .,. _^. .... • Students belonging to the Academy have the privilege of attending any of tlie College Classes or Lectures for which tliey are prepared ; and those S;udents who complete the prescribed College Curriculum, and pass the required examinations, receive the usual University Degrees. C:7=" The charge for Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, &c., and Tuition, in the regular Classes of either Branch of the Academy, are from SUO 00 to S130 00; am) in the College, FROM S130.00 TO $150.00 per Annum. The charges for instruction in Music, Painting, and Drawing, will bo additional, but as low as possible. [I^ The Academic Year consists of three Terms of 14 weeks each ; the first beginning on the first Thursday in August ; the secoiul, on the second Thursday in November, and the third on the third Thursday in February* For further information apply to therrincipal, the Rev. Dr. PiCKAKD. ->•( ,/. .V ..{ '1 it. .■..IB.? U m [ young ir them- 1 to take llegiate, circum- larkably sions of oung in j itutions. ! titution, pcrior to furnish- iilar In- "tments. ment of jroper- includ- j tions in tendinjv ■d ; and '. im, and ! rees. ;c., and F THE LLEGK, ruction low as each ; on the ;day in Dr. ADVERTI»EMKNTS. 105 HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA; ^f BELOW NORTHUP'S MARKET. JOHN G. MCKIE, , IMPOBTER AND GET7EBAL DKALBK IX - - ' ' WEST INDIA PRODUCE, AND FAMILY GROCERIES, r KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Molasses, Brown and Criished Sugars, Flour, Com, and Oatmeal, Tobacco and Cigars, Best Black and Green TEAS, Coffee, Chocolate, Broma and Cocoa, Buckets, BrooiA.8,. and Wooden Ware. -• •*'•-->'• ORANGES, LEMONS, EIGS, and other Fruits, in their season. PICKLES, SAUCES, SPICES, Ac. Country SOCKS, MItS, YARN and CLOTH, taken iu Exchange at CASH PRICES. ^^i\ ^...^.l^V^l v-^.-^ W. J^. HESSOlSr & CO., ^ / MERCHANT TAILORS, .- CLOTHIERS and GENERAL OUTFITTERS, 195 HOLLIS STREET, HALIFAX, N. S. WESLKY & SANFOEL, Halifax partU Worfeisi, CORNER OF BARRINGTON A BLOWERS STREETS. ,. ..,^j- V-^, NEAR masons' UAIX. .,.^«> .^ . _, MOMOMEMTS, "lOMB TABLES, CRAVE STONES, TABLE TOPS, Ac, Manufactured to order, in a superior style, and on reasonable terms by OS^Please call and examine specimens. THOMAS WE8LBT, O. A. SAKrOBO. wsa g... 1. I. jgg ■g ■ ' LV 106 ADTERTI8EMENTS, laiAMIFiiS- M, So ft V.A 1 ;• DEALERS IN it EVERY VARIETY QF OILS, AGENT FOB ALBERTINE OIL, Manafioctared by the Koir Brunswick Oil- Company. A GOOD SUPPLY OB .. w LAkPS ^ITD lij^UT PITTIITCS, FRESH AND PURE MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL, BINNACLE OIL for Ship's Signal Lights— will bum in any Oil Lamp for twelve hoars without triiuming. SPONGES, CHAMOIS SKINS, CRUCIBLES. COlO MEITEO Am ASSAYED* ' (Sce€E880R TO L. E. VanBuskirk, M. D.) 118 HCOLXiIS STIREET, ; 5} / Opposite '^'International JfoteL" y ^ •; '• t. i.i. . -• - - . , -.. i »..4. ! ' .=; r::.' - ENTIBE OR PARTS OF SETS OF >f! j.. .... BMmmm^'^ '^mmwrn^ .... . PLAIN GUM, BLOCK TEETH, or CONTINUOUS , GUMS, iDserted on GOLD, SILVER, RUBBER, or PLATINA PLATES. „ ..,„ . .U Ji'.-'iWi J .>. . (?*.i*l»C.-.(»W - — .**.«.^ ^ »*»? ^B"iPWi»IPW» a=a Iding, LS, OIL, any Oil LES. rous ADVERTISBMENTS 107 SKINNER'S rULMONALES immodiately relieve Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Bron- chitis, Lassitude, Thiist, and every symptom of the riist stages of Pulmonary Consumption. They arc white, in form of a waifer, and as suitable for the in- fant in the cradle, as the ])atientof three score years and ten. Orators and all who over-tax the vocul organs receive instant relief by their use. Sold bv all Druirjrists. Prepared by E. M. SKINNER, Tremont st., Boston. J. RUSSELL SPALDING'S^ Chemise, 2 FOR FOURTEEN YEARS the Rosemary has held n hifrh rank as pure, uniform and reliable. It is warranted, 1st, To beautify the hair. 2nd, To curl the hair elegantly. 3rd, To remove dandrutt" ef- fectualiy. 4th, To restore hair to bald heads. 5th, To force the beard and whiskers to grow. 6th, To prevent the hair from falling off. 7th, To cure all diseases of the scalp. 8th, To prevent the hair turning grey. 9th. To cure headache. 10th, To kill hair eaters. Sold evervwhere. Prepared by EDWARD M. SKINNER, Chemist, 27 Tremont street, opposite Museum, Boston, Mass. LIFE ASSORAKCE SOCIETY. . , • • , (Founded, 1843.) ; • /■- -.:) Capital, £100,000 Sterling. Offers all the benefits which have been developed during the progress of the system of LIFE ASSURANCE. The Premiums are charged at the lowest rates consistent with safety to the Assured. :,' ' \', . .*,/'. . " ," As an illustration of the advance of the Company, the follo^ving comparative result is given of the four completed oycles of five years which have elapsed :— Ko. of Policies. Sumi Assured. Premiums. First Period, to 1848 2,204 £690,277 £22,506 15 11 Second Perod, to 1853 2,832 923,156 30,280 9 7 Third Period, to 1858 3,191 1086,040 37,766 14 4 FourthPeriod, to 1863 4,792 ,721,252 60,031 5 of this number there remained in ex .stence at the close of the year 9,370 Policies for the assurance of £3,^29,841 10s. Whole particulars will he furnished at the Agent* s Office^ at the " HALIFAX" BANK. M. G. BLACK, Afjmt. R. S. BLACK, M.l)., Medical Referee. 108 ADVERTISEMBNTS. BEDDINGS' RUSSIA SALVE. hthl"- li'i .' .'!• "■ ■' FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE v"*^" '' ..;, HAS FULLY ESTABLISHED THE SUPERIORIfY OF REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE - ^^ over every other healing preparation FOa TUB CUUE 0» • : '^ 4 . -. ,rv-^'~ ^*" r? \"V Scalds, ■ '^^.'..r . • .,, Burns, Cuts, • r "^ : r.i :<~, -; r; • ,; y. ■ Flesh Wounds, Boils, ' lij;;." . <, ; '.. Chilblains, Blisters, Bruises, ,, - Felons, Piles, Erysipelas, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Injury by* Splinters, WARTS, Old Sores, RING WORMS, Frost Bitten Paft», ,.,., and all CUTANEOUS DISEASES, ; . ,, ,, , , and eruptions generally. , , ;; REDDINC'S RUSSIA SALVE Ib perfectly free from any mercurial matter or Injorlous particles, and in no case will its application Interfere with the remedies prescribed by a regular physician. The medical faculty throupfliout the United States, are unanimous in its praise. The more its virtues become known, the greater la the demand ; and it is now con- sidered an indispensable article of household necessity — being used alike by rich and poor. REDDINC'S RUSSIA SALVE Is prompt in action, removes pain at once, and reduces the most angry looking swellings and intlamations, aH if by magic, thus aff rding relief, and a complete cure. The length of time this Salve has been before the public Is conclusive proof [ that it is no 'catch-penny' preyaration. put forth to have a fictitious popularity, and theu sink to rise no more. . . REDDINC'S RUSSIA SALVE Is put np in metal boxes, three sizes, at 25 cents, 50 cents, and ftl.OO. The largest size contains the quantity of six of the smallest boxes. It is warranted to retain its virtues in any climate. Each wrapper has a picture of a wounded soldier, with an armv Kurgeon stooping over him, — his horse standing by ; and the signature of '• REDDINO A CO" immediately above. SETH W. FOWLE & CO., General Agents, 18 TREMONT ST., BOSTON, For Sale by all DRUGGISTS, GROCERS, and at all Country Stores. 1 VE. OF Cz •■ ■ ■:/: no case physician, its [) raise. now con- ke by rich ry looking complete sive proof \ larity, and • t -."r The largest to retain >ldier, with Isnature of ents, Country ADVKRTISKMENTS. 109 M!LBiS ^mM HAS KEEN USED FOR MEARLT WITH THE MOST ASTONISHING SUCCESS, IN CURING- Coughs, Colds, HottTseness, Sore Throat, Influenza, >. Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronchitia, Difficulty of Breathing, : » •' ■* Asthmn, • and every •• .• • ,'» 1.,'- .;■■:. Affection of ...• ,'. . ... i ••..•. THE THROAT, lUNGS AND CHEST, INCLUDING EVEN CONSUMPTION. So general has the use of this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its works speak for it, and find utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony of tiie many, wlio from long buffering, and settled disease, have by its use been restored to pristine vigor and health. We have space only for the following UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY. The following explains itself. It is but i ' ' *mong the many letters of like im- port constantly being received by the proprietors : Faiefikld, Me , April 28, 1884. Messrs. Beth W. Fowlb A Co. Gentlemen : Seeing numerous certificates in the itaint Farmer endorsing tho i merits of that Great Lung Remedy, WISIVMI'S BALSAM Oi*' WILD CHKRKY, I am induced and 1 take great pleasure in giving puliiicity to the great cure it ac- complished in my family in tlie year 18itj. During the summer of that year my son, Henry A. Archer, now Postmaster at Falrville, Somerset County, Me , was attacked with spitting of l)l()od, cough, weakness of lungs, and general debility, so much soihiitour family physician declared him to have a "{Seated Consump- tion." He was under medical treatment for a number of months, but received no beneflL from it At lensith, from tho solicitation of himself and others, I was induced to purchase one, bottle of WldTAR'd BALSAM 0.'' WILD CHERHY, which benefitted him so much I obtained another bottle, which in a short time'restored him to his usual state of health. I think I can safely recommend this remedy to othr^rs in like condition, for it is. I think, all it purports to be— tbb Great Lumo RgMBOT OP THE TIMKS ! The atwve statement, gentlemen, is my voluntary offering to you in favour of your Balsam, and is at your disposal. ^ - ..,-.«- As ever, yours, ' ■ •''' "^ " ANDREW ARCHER. None genuine unless signed " I. BUTTS," on the wrapper. CO, Proprietors, SETH W. FOWLE & 18 TREMONT ST.^ BOSTON, Sold by all DRUGGISTS. ' "''^' " '-'''^'^ ' ' *.s^ i-rmr no ADVKHTI8EMKNT8. f- V ,'" Ci' DEIN^TIBTRY. DES. MACALASTEE & MACKEY, Beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have asso- ciated themselves together, and will continue the practice of their pro- fession, at the OLD STAND, 43 GRANVILLE STREET. until June 1st, when they will remove their place of business to No. Ill HOLLIS STREET, between the International and Halifax Hotels. ' ' TEETH INSERTED IN THE MOST APPROVED WAY. ARTIFICIAL PALATES and OBTURATORS inserted, by which perfect articulation is restored, arising from defects of the palatine arch or cleft iKilate. MACALASTER & MACKEY. IJLD I 85 GRANVILLE STREET, .... HALIFAX, N. S. ! I ,;•• MISS IPMUERAY'S.: ... . I DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT. I I Every variety of STAPLE GOODS, including Dress Materials, j Shawls,* Mantles, Hats, Bonnets, Hosiery and Gloves ; a larj^e assort- \ ment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, for Ladies and Gents; Berlin 1 Wools, Fancy Work, &c., &c., &c., on very best terms. | ! tt^ Orders for Dresses, Mantles, &c., promptly attended to. I T. CHAMBERLAIN^ ~ I BOOK % JOB PRINTER, I ^. ive asso- leir pro- 3 ional I WAY. )y which ino iirch IKEY. 9 N. S. INT. [aterials, ' assort- I i; Berlin R, ADVKUTISEMENTS. Ill WESLETAN BOOK ROOM, • . AllGYLE STRKET. HALIFAX, N. S. Constantly on hand a j^ood supply of BOOKS IN TUEOL()GY AND GENERAL LITERATURE, STATIONERY, &c., &c. Also — Sabbath School Libraries, English and American. ©tsleji's ipn5 in tbcrg sije anli sljie jof iinlins. Family Bibles, Pulpit Bibles, Pew Bibles, Pocket Bibles. J. A. BELL & CO. GENERAL IMPORYERS AND DEALERS IN WOOLLEM, COTTOM, LINEM, A«0 SllK GOODS, MADE CLOTHING, HOSIERY, COTTON WARP, HABERDASHERY, AND SUCH OTHER BRITISH AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS As are required by the people of Nova Scotia. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ... .AT THE. . . . No. 94 and 96 Upper "Water Street, Halifax Nova Scotia. 18 Prince St., near the Province Building, Halifax, N. S. W. E. HEFFERNAN, glanufacturcr (& Importer of Household Furniture, Mat- trasses, Feathers, British and Am. Looking Glasses. Iron & Wood Bedsteads, &c. WHOLESALE A RETAIL, At very low prices for CASH 1 -,j a-Eisrj-:3-K.A.i-. iistidex:. v. Sr.^2^J . \ «•'. •" 1 ' ' . - tkdt,. 1 »AOE. Academy, Ilorton, 72 Deaf and Dumb Instltntion, 73 Moil III Alllion, , , 71 Dispensary. Halifax Vibillng, 81 I'ictou, n KcrilesiaHltcal, 76 AcndlfiCollcKe, . . ».' . 12 Kclipses, •. -i ' ■ • • 4 AcHdiiin School, 74 Educational, 70 Addenda. 90 ^31cctrlc Telegraph Company, 40 African Baptist Astoclntion, 80 Kmber Dayu, 6 MelhodlBl Church, 79 Executive Council, 19 Agrlcultunil Board, 70 Feasts, fixed and moveable. 6 : Alumni of King's Collcj^e, ' 71 Financial Sccrtitary's Office, 22 , Alumni of Mount Allison, 73 Fire iJeparinient, 89 ' Anniversiiries and Feasts, S Free Will Baptist Ministers, 79 Army, Officers of »» Free (;hr stian Haplist do., '9 1 AHtronomical Symbols, 3 Fruit Growers' Association, .0 Allorniea and (barristers. fi7 Gas Light Company. 60 Banks, fiO Government Officers and Offices, 22 Biiplist Ministers, ' 78 Governors of Provinces, 19 BiirrihterH and Attornies, a7 Governor's Prlvato Secretary, 90 BiiniBtiTS Society, 80 Hackney Carriages, 89 Bible AsBociatiuu, Ladles* 80 Halifax City Corporation, 87 8od.!ty. 80 and Dartmojih Steamboat, 46 Board, Medical License, SS Grammar School, 73 o( Uevciiuu, 22 LuJius' Bilile Association, 80 ' of Worltp.. . ^.' *2, 90 Latitude and Longitude, 4 Building Societies, 50 Lil)rury. 50 Calendiir Pages, 6 to 17 National School, 73 j Chroiiologioal Kpocha and Cycles, S Y. M. Christian Association, 80 ! Citadel Hill, Signals from 33 Health Officers, 27 Clergy, Church of England, 70 Burton Aciirleniy, 72 Koman Catholic, 79 House of AHseiiihly, 20 College, Acadia, 72 Immigration Aj^ent, 23 ! Dalhouaie, 72 Imperial Government, 18 ' • •» ■ King's. 71 inland Navigation Company, 49 Mount Allison, 72 .90 Industrial Scliool, 81 Presbyterian Church, 73 Inspectors of Schools, 71 , St. Mary's, 73 Institute of Natural Science, 81 ' Collegiate School, Windsor, 71 Insurance Com|)anies, 61 Colonial Government, 19 Issuers of Marriage Licenses, 60 ComniiBsioners— Agricultural, 70 Judicial, 63 Mines, 22 Judges and Registrars of Probate, 64 Halifax C't House, 23 Justices of the Peace, 6. Indian Affairs, 23 King's College, 71 Insolvent Debtors, 69 Law Student's Society, 81 New P. Building, 23 Legislativa Council, 20 Normal School, 71 Lij^lit Houses, 28 90 1 Pilot, 27 .90 Lutheran Church, 79 i Province Notes, 22 Masonic Bodies, 81 ; Reciprocity, 23 .Magistrates, 63 St Peter's Canal, 23 Medical License Examiners, 23 : School, 74 Medical Society, 81 Companies, 49 Mei chant's News Room, 81 1 Insurance, 61 Micmac Missionary Society, 80 ! Congregational Ministers, 79 Military. 82 Consuls, 82 Militia, 84 Controller's Department, 23 Staff, 83 ! Coroners, 06 Ministers— Baptist Churches, T8 CoLTt of Error, 03 Church of Scotland, 76 Marriage and Divorce, 63 Congregational Church, 79 Vice Admiralty, 53 Free Christian Baptists, 79 Crown L&nd Office, 22 Free Will Baptists, 79 ; ! Customs' IDepartment* • 22 ',90 Lutheran Church, 79 1 Dalhousie College, 72 Presbyterian Church, 76 i Dartmouth, 89 Unlversallst Church, 79 1 T it '■ ,f' ' TAOE. bi 7« 4 70 40 5 19 R S2 8M 70 '9 lO 60 22 19 m 89 87 46 7;5 80 4 50 73 )Cl&tlon, 80 27 72 ce^ nboat, alon, Lido, abate, ]hurch, iptiBts, irch, rch, 20 23 18 49 81 71 81 61 60 63 64 6. 71 81 20 ; 28, 00 i 79 1 81 63 ' 23 81 : 81 i 80 82 84 83 78 76 79 79 79 79 76 79 ■1^ INDEX. 118 ' TAOt. 1 rAOB MIniRtcrd— Woslcyan Church. 77 Signals f^-om Citadel, 33 Mu Allitton Collctio and Academy, 72 SouieiiuB — Insiiraii'je, 61 National School, lialifux. 73 Barrinlors', 80 Naral, 86 • Caledonia Club. 80 Normal and Mo<)el Schools, 70 V ' ' CarptiiitiTs' Benevolent, 80 Nova Scotia lilble aocloty, 80 Charitable Irinb, 80 Odd Fellows, 81 ' A Law Students', ' ii\ Medical. 81 I'acketB from Halibx, Xl' 48 81 Plct«)U Academy, 73 North British. 80 PoBtOfflci„Oeuor«l, 89 8t George's, 80 Post Towns. 4-» Sons of Temperance, 80 PoBtmaBters, ' ul ii , 90 Stage Coaches. 47 Presbyterian Church, 76 Bleamboat Company, 49 Prothonotaii s. 64 Time Table, 46 Provincial lIoBpttal for Insand, 22 Steamers, 48 PenitMntiary, 22 Supervisors of Roads* S3 Provincial Secretary's Office, 22 Sunremo Court. M ; Quoen'B Printer, 22 Surveyors (Dep.) of Crown Lands, M, 90 || Kail ways, 47 , 90 of Shipping, 27.90 Receiver General's Office, 22 Tariff of DuticB. 36 RfgiBtrarB of Deeds, 64 T^Ifgraph Companies, 40 ReKiBtrars of MarriaKOS, Ao., bo Temperance Associations, 80 R'jvenue OffleorB. ; • . SJ 1,90 Hall Company, 60 > Roadaard Idtitances, ' ,: A-i Trukcmen's Regulations, 89 ! Road SiipervisorB. ' 23 Unlverhalitit Church, 79 Royal Acadian School, 74 Volunteer Companies, 86 Royal l-anuly. 18 Weather Table, 6 Sable Island Superintendent, 23 Wesleyan Ministers, 77 St. Mary's ColleKe. 73 Yacht Club. 80 Sessions of the Peace, 55 Y. Men's Christian Association, 80 Bherifl's and Clerkt of Peace, 65 ADVERTISEM ENT INDEX. • PAOR. Tt.r'w Bell A Anderson, Dry GoodB, 92 McKle, J. G. GrocericB, 105 Bell. J. A. & Co.. 111 McKinlHv, A. A W. Stationery, 93 Boston Medical Institute, 114 Mulr, R. T. 2d page Cover. Bolton, O. 8- Groceries, 94 Mount Alllsou College A Academy 104 Burr. M. 8. A Co., Interleaved. Pennrhyn Marble Company, /nfer^A || Brown's Bronchial Troches, Interl'd, Radway's Medicines, Interleaved, 1 Chamberlain, T. Printing, 110 Red ling's Russia Salve, 108 ' ChaBe. W. Photograph Gallery, 101 Robson, C. A Co.. Dry Goods, 95 i Cogswell, Dr. Dt-nllbt. loa Rooting Slates, Wilbur A Co.. InterVd. \\ Coleman. W. J. Hat Store, 97 Slmpkins A Co.. Account Books, ' 101 Commerce House, Dry Goods, 91 Skinner, E. M. Chemist. 107 Fairbanlts' Scales, Cover. Smith, Brothers, Lry Goods, 97 Fraser. R. G. Albert! ue Oil, 106 Smith, Edward, Hat A Shoo Store, 95 Globe House. Dry Goods, no Starr D. A Sons, Hardware, InterVd Ca- i| Hembold's Extract Buchu, InterVd, lendar pages. HesBon. W. A. A Co., Tailors, lO.-} Starr A McNutt, Hardware, 96 HeflTernan, W, E. Furniture, Ill Taylor, H. A. Druggist, Ac, 102 Insurance, Colonial. 100 Waters' Music Establishment, 08 Liverpool. London and Warren's Bilious Bittere, Interleaved. 1 Globe. Cover. Wetherby A Co., Grocery, /nter/eawA | London and Lancashire, lai Wesleyan Book Room. 111 Star, 107 Wesley A Sanford. Marble Works, 105 Queen, 103 Wetmore, R. A G Carvers, Ac, 101 LaFonne'B Nursing Bottle, InterVd. Wilbor's Cod Liver Oil, 114 " Inhaler. " Wlstar's Balsam, 109 LaurllUard, H. Q. Tailor, 101 Woodill Bros.. City Drug Store, 99 Maeallister A Mackey, Dentists, 110 Yates, 0. S. Shoe Store, 102 asE ae 1 m . ! i ^ I 114 ADVBRTISKMENTS. WILBOK'S COMPOUKD OF PVfiE COD LIVES OIL AND LIME. ■.If :iu, • ' II. ■ FOR CONSUMPTION, it is the only reliable remedy known. It has, in thousands of instances, restored patients ttiat seemed past hope of recovery ; and, in tens of thousands, has arrested the disease in its primary stages, and restored the patient to robust health. BRONCHITIS. — Its effects in this troublesome disease are very marked. It is necessary to persist in its use for a considerable length of time. FEMALE DEBILITY.— To sustain and augment the vital forces ; to make new, rich and pure blood ; to build up the nervous sys- tem ; to restore energy to the mind and body — nothing can be better adapted than this preparation. In ASTAMA, GENERAL DE- BILITY, EMACIATION, COUGHS, it is a reliable remedy. Nine- tenths of the cases where it is supposed to fail, simply arise from the remedy being abandoned before its beneficial effect became obvious. Be careful and get the genuine, manufactured only by A. B. WILBUR, CHEMIST, leO Codrt Street, Boston. BoeroN MEOiCAt meriTUTE. Superintending Physician. ':':■: .a..: This Institution was established for the cure of Diseases by the use of vegetable remedies, entirely discarding Poisonous Drugs. It has now been in successful practice for about fifteen years, and offers indurcments to invalids for the recovery of health not to be found elsewhere. Special attention given to the treatment of Cancers, Scrofula, and humors of the blood. Diseases of an ordinary character, such as Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Heart Complaint, Rheumatism, Female Complaints, and a great variety of other diseases, are successfully treated by medi- cine, which may be sent to any part of the country with full directions. OPlce hours from 9 x. m., to 3 p. m. All persons wishing medical advice will receive prompt attention by enclosing $1, and addressing, R. GREENE, M. D., 18 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. A pamphlet descriptive of treatment will be sent free. : J. v s i*'^&.v. ■- ■'^"■' -"-" --■•■' ■ ■ ■■ ■... - , .,..