e> P^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1.25 - 6" M IIM 1.8 UL ill 1.6 / Photographic Sciences ^ L1>^ i\ ^>^ \\ ^ rx^ 4^ t^% \ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 -% ^^ ^:^^ ':f. Mi i The following Lands and All and singular the southerly fifty a first Concession, of the said Township ofWestminster. The property is situated about thre( a flourisning' neig-hborhood, on a good gravel road. Th< nearly all cleared and fit for cultivation. There is a go< ings on the property. The property will be put up in one ] he fixed by the said Master. Thepurchaser will pay to per cent, of the whole purchase money, and will pay tt one month from date of sale. The purchaser will prepare the con submit the same for execution, or he may take a Vestii In all other respects the Terms an standing conditions of the High Court o Further particulars can be had from Cronyn & Betts, London, or from the Pk Dated this 20th April, 1886. CDAOCD 9: HDAQHQ IliHOLii ^ i i§rivi>G.iij LONDON, PLAINTIFFS' SOLICITORS. Soiitham A Bricrley, Printers, Tall>«i i Lands and Presaises namely: rly fifty acres of Lot No. -cwenty-four in the estminster. out three miles from the City of London, in el road. The soil is good for fanning purposes. The land is ?here is a good Brick Cottage with good Barns and outbuild- 3 in one parcel subject to a reserved bid, to ■ will pay to the Plaintiffs' Solicitors, on the day of sale, ten [ will pay the balance into Court without interest, within I the conveyance at his own expense and ,ake a Vesting Order at his discretion 'erms and Conditio as of Sale will be the 1 Court of Justice. lad from John Hoskin, Q.C., Toronto, Messrs. m the Plaintiffs' Solicitors. 886. Wa S£^^^£^^ «^9 MASTER SUPREME COURT. Urierley, Printers, Talb«t Street, London.