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I« 2.0 LI. •- ■_ Ul-L. 1.8 \.A -- 1.6 A APPLIED IIVHGE inc i653 East Mam Street Rochester. New York 14609 IJSA (716) ',82 - 0300 - Phone (716) ', Iw will tiiuJ liff, rUlitc'uuHin ss and glory." " 111' tliiit liatli |.it,\ uiM.ii till- poor l.'ii(lrt)i unto ftif 1..IMI, iiiil his riwant shall hf I'iiiil him."" TKIN I H) MONTREAL: \.\ Hart a .-on, 2;;i; .Si. -Jamk.s Strket. 1.S8 1—6041. Q / yfAH L ^ s **> i ^ 5.-5 ^ THE YOUN'j MEN'S %«tlCDOl OF MONTRE^Af.. nt ^Dticlu (Incorporated ty Act of Parliament.) Fey the ^Relief .; ^lAsiressed cr jW'cJy ^I'erccr.s cf the Hclrci^' Fdilh. " I'lirsuliiu *hull Horveuptothe tinif of the first (Jeiicrul Meeting of the niciiihers of tliis Society, ami the Society fh.'ill then lill l-y election Jill .such viicaiicie:* 1." ihe inieXpii'Cil term. AltTICLE VI.-Fl'Nd.s. ;^C(., 1.— Thercshall he two fuiids of the Society, viz.:"THK cKNKKAi, Fi'si)" ami "rnK UKstiivi; fund." Sa: 2.— 'Die " gknkral fl'm»" shall of all monies received from niemhers and nuhscrihers ami shall he aviiil- ahle for (Ji.strihiition in accordance with tiiis " Constitution and I'.y-Laws." Sec. .S. — The *' reserve fi'ni>" shall consist of all moneys received by '• HEyUKSTS," or " honations" to that fund, the annual iiiterest of which may he used for the carrying out of the objects of the Society, .sec. 4. — Ah soon as at the close of any Fiscal year the Treas- urer showH a surplus of $500 cash on hand, then and thereafter ten per cent, of all iiiMneys collected from members and sub- scribers shall be added to the Reserve Fund, the interest of which sliall he annually added to the General Fund. ARTICLK VII. This Society shall not he div,solve»l whih' tm members remain. ARTICLE VIII. - A.MKM)MENTS. No part of this " Constitution" shall be repealed, altered, annulleil or suspended unless " notice of motion, "shall have been given at a regular meeting of this Society of sucii in- tention, and .sliall be aquie.sced in by a vote of three-fourths (3) of the members present at asubsequent meetingcalled tor such purj)ose by " circular notice," issued at least fourteen tlay.'i previoufi to such meeting, such circu!:ir to eiiistjii!! irs detail the object and nature vi' such ohaiiL'e. F fii (.1 m : til iii in tv a$ b: \h in 13 al pr vc of a^ 'TIIK fl m-LAWS. CLAUSE l.-MnMiiKHSfiir. Sec. 1. — ''up annuul «ul)>cri|iti(iii ot" iiiC'riil'er«lii|) -hull lie Five DollnrH, pjiynl'Ie 'Hmrlfily iti inlvurKM'. Sec. 2. — Applications for niffulH-r-liip ciiri Ik- ?iiaiU' ut iin\ lime hy sciniiiii; or liaiiilir);>' in the applicant'^ nain«* to anv f'ftlie Hoard of I)irf'Ctor^', who nliall at th«'ir nt'.xf or«'n.«uiri_' meeting ( Uie two eoi^r«*«;i&tiunH ^It^U U» UwMorftjy loemlHTK t4 iWm Si^Mety, and nltK» \f^ fm^i*ffH't» ineinWrH «»1 ihu iiottrd oi Diituloio. /h>^*^^^'^ // '^/'i*/ //it? Sec. 7. — All members shall sign the Cun-titution and By-Lawi. CLAUSE IL-TiiK Prks!I.e.nt. Sec. \. — It shall be the duty of the Pr'sident to convene all Meetings of the Society through the Secretary, and shiill preside at the same, ami shall in all cases have the cast - g vote. Sec. 2.— He, or tlie acting chairman shall sign the minutes of all meetings; and shall al-o sign all documents drawn against the Treasurer. iec. 3.— He shall have the power, in case of URGENT Nl<^('l''iSSITY, t(i grant irnmeJiiile relief ; but in no case shall such asHistance exceed Five Dollars. Sec. 4. — He .shall appoint all committees at meetingn of the Board of Directors. .lec. 5. — The President shali iiave the privilege, with the (Minsent of the Board of Directors, to engage the tfiervicesof a ('ollector, whose salary Hhall not exceed ten per cent, on the amount bona fide collected by him. CLAUSE III.— Vice-President. Sec. 1, — He sh.\ll, in the absence of the President, be em- powered to perfo'-ni all the duties api)ertaining tothat office. CLAUSE IV.-TitEASURER. Sec. L-'He shall receive all muueys belonging to the Society, and disbnri«e the same on orders signed by the President, or, in hi.s absence, (he Vice-President or acting chairman. .Vec. 2. — He shall keep a correct account of all receipts and disbursements of the Society, and shall furnish a statement of its alYairs at any mcfting of the Board of Directors if requested to do so. Sec. 3. — At the end i>f each ti.-oal year he shall lay before the annual meeting a full report of all his transactions. Sec. 4. — He shall deposit all moneys exceeding two hundred dollars, in some charteied Bank of this City in the name of this Society. Sec. 5. — He shall at the expiration (^f his term of office deliver to his successor all moneys, books, papers and pro" perty pertaining to his iitlice in the Society. CLAUSE v.— Secretary. Vgc. L — He shall keep accurate minutes of the tran.sactions of all meetings of the Society, and shall convene the same by "circular notice" when rpquested by the President. .iCf. 2.— He shall kc' m a ('..vvrot aoeoir f nf his receif)ts \l (o f 4 ito At; .1/ and tlisbursment- aiiJ furnish quurtt'fly stiiioinont.s of the same. Sec. 3. — He shall hami over to the Treasurer all nionoys belonging to this Society that may be in hi.s po.sseti.sion as soon as practicable, and take hiis receij)t for satne. see. 4. — He shall lay betbre each quarterly meeting a Huninjary of the transaction!* of (he Hoard of Directors dtir- ing the past quarter. //7^^u*y-j/'/i //<* iV//**. /Vf ? / Sec. 5.— He .shall make out all accounts against membcrtj and .see that the Kame are collected with no unnece.'ssary delay. Sec. 6.— He shall have charge of the ledger, and all books and papers not providetl fiir, and shall keep the same correctly. .Sec. 7.— He shall also keep sucli other books as may be determined upon by the Board of Directors. .Sec. 8. — He shall deliver over to his succes.sor all book.", })a})er8 and other property of this Society, which he holds in virtue of his office, such books tc j {x>sted to date. CLAUSE VI. — Board ok Diukctors. Sec. 1.— It shall be the duty of the members of the Board on any case of distress coming to their knowledge to notify the President of the same and by his direction institute en- quiries as to the circumstances and character of the applicant. .Sec. 2.— They shall see that a register is kept by the Sec- retary of tiie name, ag^ sex, nativity, and character of all applicants for relief, and such other inlbnnation relating thereto, as may be useful to this Society. Sec. 3 —It shall be the duty of this Board to deter- mine what amount of assistance is necessary, and ita mode of dispensation. ^/ /> ; .'ec. 4.— It Mhall not \^ com|)etw>l. for Umi* Board to grant lo any one applicant a grea»„ S,:^ciaf r" ''I'm ^"'.""' ''"'■■ "' "-^ P'-^''''''-" '0 <■•".»•<.„. a .t ::', 'b:r' """"^' "" - ™""^^'-' '- ^""- »'^-' >• ' .v«-. O.-The Directors .l.a.l |,oU a ,„„.„„,. oaci, ,„o„,J,. .Se(.^ 7._0ne-M.xtl, of tlie .,u,i,l,(.r of (1,<. „.l,nl„ r„ll r o * .Sec. 8.— Three Directors ^h^]} ,..,„ --f, ♦ -V meeting of ,1,0 Doard of it^oVr" " ''""""" '" / < of the CI.ArSH IX.— Collector. to this r to one irv (lulv • • illg such aslitth^ ^ of this secon.l r, May. c5 ition of 8ecre- oall H do X, vene n liCll hv iionth. •oil of eneral ni iit ■jt. i Sec. 1. — Hi- siiali iiiiikc an immediate return orail moneys collected by him to the Seoretiiry, taking his receipt for the same. Sec. 2. — He shall :• -e ii report each week to the Secre- tary tluring the time lie may iiave any accounts to collect. CLAUSE X.— MlSCKT.L.\NEOC.S. Sec. 1. — Tiie PreHid<'iit shall appoint (when occasion reipiires same) a committee to co-operate whenever prac- ticable with any oth.-r Benevolent Institution for the more e.)mj)lete furtherance of the objects of this Society, and also to guard it.self against iniposition. Sec. 2.— The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be members of the Board of DirectorH. Sec. 3.— In the absetice of the Presiilent and Vice-Presi- dent, the Board of Directors shall elect their own Chairman. C LA USE XL- A mkndments. Sec.l. — No part of thtse l>y-Law< shall be suspen^<>^'