IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) / O i/.i 1.0 !f I.I 2.2 Illll 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -« 6" — ► V] <^ /; /. 'c-l e- ^? ▼ ^ W v^ V"^? % 'f /A Photographic Sdences Corporation ^■TREAJ.. 2!»(l. A,uru. ;u&w im^f. I I' HE POUT OF Till'. HON. JAMES BABY, Jrbitraior for (pjwr Cmmh, -'pon the adjuslnicnl of llic Claims of Vpl-er Canada upon LOWER CANADA. IJY ODDER OF THF. HOUSF. of ASSl- Ami.Y. J'nniul by JOHA' CARJuY. \J iih: IJ A B 1 , nnm/a, CJaiuis of pon SSKMBl.Y- ':C<; fh.i Kxrrlhnni Sir I'muf/iin J\J(til- bmih r\iii'j;hl ('orniniitKlrr n/ ihr. .\h'\t IhuonihlrMililnrif Onhr of llir. liuth. Jjieutnmul (iorrrnor nf the. I'mrimr of ('//pr'r CiiiKif/'l, uitil M'l'()iiit<' ol ill;' Provi[iec-. i>l Lower and t |.- ''• |)er Canada and lor oilier piirpo-'es "■ rciatiii!;' lo the said l'i'o\ iuco." Tiir. Arhitralor on the part ol (Ipper Canad.i rej)rn('d imtiu'diatcly alter the rc(: 'ipl ol' hi- coininis-ion lo IMoiitrcal, ulicre he met lie Arhitrator on lht> part ol tin; t'ro\iiice of LoMcr (^anada on the '2')l\\. day of .lainiary. 1112!. liivin;.; coai.ntinicatcd to each other their l(^spi'(•li^(' anllunities, the tNvo Arhilralor-- proceeded Ij the iiomi- iialioii of a third Arliilralor, and alter some deliheralion. liieir choice Icll on Kjljerl Morro^ii l'^.s(|. who < onsented io act in ihat capicily and was duly a|)|)ointe(l hy :in iii-trninenl dated the twcnly :e('o!id day t)f the same iiu)nth. This pari of their duly heine; ar- toniplislicd. ih » Arhitralors for L!|)p:'r and [jower Ciiiada then deteriiiined on ?!;niii1 ia thai jiaper on tiu- otli. i'chniarv. At lliis stage of the proceed in:;s an adiounmiC'ijt was dceiiied exiicdient. .■Mid V as accoiJi igly !iij,reed on lor mi ; i;id( imile period, owiiifi 10 the dirticnlt) J evperiem cd in I'litainin^; inliirmatioii on ; :)!ae ni' the ( laiins. and in order to gi'e { liiiic fiir fii.'lher imcsiii^itioii and cn- Oil the i2'2d. day of July last (h(> (no .\rliilral(H'i lirsi appoinlr-d iuninj^ a^ain met al (^neher. resiimod the discn^--ioii wf the ( laini- of I'pper Caiiadii inider pi'o\ i-iolial a;;reeme,its ,as well as Brj- tis!i Acl-- ol Parliament, hut as they had not aj^reed re pectinir the former class, they were inider ihe nece^-ily of appeal- iiii; on the-2l~l AmuiisI. to the third Arhi- t.iilor. who made known hisdecisioii at MoiiIicmI on ihe -i/tli of the same month. 'I'iie Arhitrator has now llie honor lo lay h'.l'ore >oiir .Lxcellency the \arioiis p,ipei> coniii'clcil \\ ith the itiairns 1d liy UpperCa- iKida ofeliim> under |)rovir-ioiial agree- iiieiils maikeil A. and accompmievl \>y l),ipers marked and numhered A. iiuiii- her 1 to -it), lid — A^vnl■l1 Mijesiy's Tri'a-nry with lve|)oil ,)l' claims of I p- |U'r Canada under iJrilish .Acts, maikeil (.". No. I. and accompanied hy papers inarLed C. JSo. 2. to numher I). 'Ill — i)elerminalion of the throe Ar- lislralors i('lili\e lolhe i!npro\ eiiienl ot tin' .\a\ii,ition of the Ui\('r .'^aini Law- i-ei.ce. marked l>. No. I. and accompa- iii(.'(l hy p,i|>er.- maiked I). No.2. loiSo 9. ")lli — Nole from the Arbitrator for Lower Canada m eslahli'-hing an Ollice of I'^xport at .Montreal, marked L. No. 1 accompanied h} i; ply of the Arhitra- l(H' lor I p[)er Canada, marked E. No. 2. I't \-, ill he seen hy the papers mark- ed r.. ill it there lii.s lieen awarded tlie rro\ii!cc of I pper Canada the bum of'.e thousand Iwo Imadred and twen- ly I'oLinds, i-e\eiiteen ;'liiilir.i.;s and ;-ix pente Ciin'cni'\. in full and complete f-atisfaclion ol' idl claims for arr'':irag"S of drawharki under I'rovisir.nal auiec iiienU hr-f.vei.n I he Prmiiico!. / r. 'I'lir Arlii.'rator fiiiiii it eld-:' itu l!r- ; iIjc iic^diinlKiii. luudiKc iki ii>('rul irtil! )ioit \\illiiiiil iinkiiit; !■ , iiuiir i iiiid rci.t (■!> ii ^ likiwi-c dial lli<'(|ii,- ry his i'('i,q-(l al li:niii;,' (ailiil i tidii. >\|i(llifi Lr liail or liad i ol < ill !li> «'llil(a\ nlirs (u ilii|»lT-^ Cllfiei' ml j liill'icti lo lii-- il --ll MCl iiil,-.. Wnlllil UtOt til" \ri)ilr:il<>i' liir Ldwci' ( 'aiiad I. ()i'lii)ii ol llK' aiicliuii I diil\ (Sialic, 1,) ,1. IJAIJV Till" Arl)ilrator lia^ aUo lo add in (>\|il.iiialioa. llial he rclraiiK'd Irmii any j ..I .; .1 1. a;. i ,'.. ' Ai'bilratiir fiif I'jijicr (Jtinwli- ()U>rrvalii)iis on the |i i|i('r (l('liM'r''d to i Montreal, -!Mli Aiigiisl. I82.i. tiiiii nil (lie (till \iif;ii^l, liciii^ ((ii \l('iTlian I, ill' i' hall' ol l.ll'.l. \M}. 1,121 a.i.l JtJilJ. hein^^ i'oiir veai-and a hali: ^ ^ C'l RKKNCV. £2.111!) I I Ii.ilil 10 1 ."x'lij 17 ;].()()() :),,i:) t 1 !).),) I) (t :>:i:>[) o o (J.I^.J l» T), I'O ilviMvx, 2',iih Jaiiiiarv. 1 ;;.;:! (.>ii;neil.) .L l>.Vi)». Ak!iitk\toii liir Ljipcr Canada. Cciliriod lo he a true Co[iy .lOHN MACAULEV, Saretani. A TRIE (dl'V. J. HAF^Y. (Signed) A, >•■<' 1- iUiixmh iipun the (ihstfuct of Clnimspf' the | "id i Tlio'^r hvo sums liavc ))rrn rrpori- l^rvrinct „f t njur (ana,h, ujwi, llu \ ^- , '■'! i'|. 3^ a ( oiminllc.- of the Kx- ■; , ,. , ,,/;,; S :U1 V'''iil''»' Coiiiuil ot I, own- ( aniulij, I'riivuirr I, hturrr i (tiuulit, sIiiIkI tit^ thi < ■> 1 1. , , l' .„ . ' ' . , f iiiul iiaiil atii)i(liii;;h. (^,ec Lxlnict jiaiil atfuidiii^l). (^^eo olllif ■•<|.ull) • lloiannUi .) xmes 15uh, (^"c6>eiiild_v oi j Lov\er Canada, it will lie -ecu lliiit \ llie I'ctrnhir pnijiiM lion ol diilic- mi j itiL Iiiipi-ii;-- iiiidfr tlii> Ac!, Iia> In en ' I aid aiiiiiiallv In I pper ( anada. \ I;',m:i die lueiit_\-lillli ol Man li. one > II oi'-iid ei^iil linndred and Tne | ( liie d.lle ol' '"■ Vet. eonlieiieil l._v ; .'il-t and .')Ud (ieo. .id.) IdUm'IiIv ; liiili III Maicli. one liioiHand ei^lil ; iiiiiidred and loiirleeii. when it ( a- j pired: and \\a>aiiaiii re\ i\ ed on llie 5 Iv-eMV-lillii "I .March one llioii-and j eisilit linndred and litteen. under die \ 'I'illetil' .Mill Geo. lid cap, id the pro \ porlion ol' which I pper ( anada con- | tinned to receive, rounded on calcii- j lations froin the Kelnrns made hy 5 .jtli— llis adinitted that Upper Canada the Inspector at Coteaii d'l up \ i- entitled to i proportion oi diilii of an Act whiih ha- espired does no! cea-e w illi re>|iecl to "he liii- poi'i- into (pper Canada, until some lime alier the tlale of lis ex- piration in the Lower Province: Dill ihi- piiiK i|ile ou;;lil liol to he ailiiiittcd. hecaii-e iT I pper Can, id;x derive- hiiielil liniii dutie> on i;ooiis p 1— in;; into dial I'riniiice. troiiilhe (•/.V an act i- p,i--eih M'or iiistamti l./lh (ieo. :id. 2.1II1 .March) -nch diilii". inii-l li.i\e heeii allowed upon ^oiiie articles wliicii iiad not paid du: V in I . >\\ er ( anada : and it i> aihiiilted a 'eorilinj,lv ni the rea-on- iiii; upon tlii- ( liiiii. lliit ■• ilie arti- cles taxed caniiiil come laiiK ini > Market helore .liine." 'I'lieielo'-e I pper Canada lia\ inii received du- ties I'rom the couimenceineiil oreai-Ji Act. cannot ju-tlv claim an\ tiling, heyoiid the duration theriol. (o thirtv-lirst Deeemher one ihoii- • ;,and eiu,hl hundr»'d and lilteen. Iroiii | vvhicii lime, the proportion wa^ re^iu | laled hy the a£freenient> ol' thirlv- < lir-l May and seventh .lime one ihoii- < sand eiiilil hundred and seveiilcen, '. up to liiM Jul> I!; 19. j on Merchandise Irom lir-l (),ilG 7 .') 2 l-l do. :i.!or. I(i <» Oi do. du. At S\1ST .Tohn"'.. Quarter to ;'(lh Jan'y. } IHIL'J 1-2 percent \ ditto .0. April Cl'.t t (if 71 I 0^ .^),7i;{ ;i ,'j ;}-i 03 T) G jL5,!J0l) 8 Jl 3.4 2 iiiil tlii-i IS ilu- on.^ ?'iiiini|i(>ii wliicli (he | rliiini ol I |i|M"r (J)iiiiiilii is adDiilli'd. > * 1 ill -Tlic rriiiiiik upon No \ ii|ii)|i(.- to < llii-. { "ill — Fl is iioi ilciilcd dial a < (iiisidnaMr ; (|iiiiiitil) ol Mcnliainlisc iiiavlia\c - Imcii |Miirlias(.(| |,^ (lie ('(iiiiiiii—.i- \ II It III- Ihf scrvirt' ..I liii' (lilfin ul ; I'lililic l)c|iailmciils and thai sonic | |)oi-lioii tlicrcol may have Imch -.ciil \ iiilo t |i|i(i ( aiiada. »\ illioiii Imiii;; f iioliccd at Colciiil d'l Lat' : l>ul ii \ a|i|i( ais iioli('(> ||i,,| |„.rii lakni S in rr|>cali'd iiislauccs, and that du- i th - \M re |i lid to l'|i|iiT ' aiiada il|i- ' oiiailiclc- iMssiiiiT III (lie Kiiifr., |;,,|. '^ llMIIX. 'I'licic is |io\\c\(r .() Iilllr '', ililoi'Mialioii lu lie ohlaincd ii|ioii llii- j -uliji ct li-oiii those oliicr-. uha li '. foiild alciic lie -i||)|io-rd likil\ lo ', alli>rd II, that ii ?.cfiiis iiii|ios-"il.|r \ ■ \\ |iri -a-iit tu coMir to any dcicriiu- | ii ilioii i;[ii)n till- claini •Mii-i'ii M. r.!i ,;• 1. ,, i lol.!,-l I. -I.I. 'I'linc is h.MJniiu- I,,., tore llio \rlaii,,|.;rs t|,at ran cinMc \ lli(-iii to ioraiaip <.alciilatioii orc\cii ''. • ■slim ilion on li,i-, dead ; llicrcln, ■■ ! t'li' -a'li- coiirhi-ioa apiilics a- o.i \ lilt' lorrj^roiMu' arlir!c, ', '»lli — It i- adinillcd that under llie art ,,1' ; llic lm|)e|-i.d I'ain.iiiiciil. .id Ceo. |ih ; ' i< |>'>rtpd .11 I iMouinMl h| ihe | .liilv I Hid. Ii Will liowrvcr 1.,. m rc-sarv in caleiilaliiif; ii|ioii llie aiiioiinl ol sale-,, to (!istiii;r,||.-|| he- l\M en liiosc yoods uhich have |.( I'li ilii|ioited l.\ >iM. and other nrlM les iiii|Mirled \,\ land, or iiiai iiliiclnn d in the I'ldvinec. the dimes njioii \\lii( h I |i|ier Canada no el .im to. Il H \er) doiililliij «hellier i |i- |ier Canada ean now ejinii a \ dn- 'le-, on aiietions |ii ior to l-l .hilv llil'.l. Iieeaiise (he a^'reenienl enter- ed into on the .tl-t ,M.n I iil7. dis. lint liv !eiiii(|iii-|ied tho-e diil le-. md a- that l'ro\ inee never had received an* |>orlioii ol' ihelii. llie e\|He>- i e- liii(|ili^liiiirnl thereol, nnisl lie cim- -idercil w'^ liari ih^ anv ciaiiii |ii lor to ihe dale at which ayreeia.iit It iiiiiMaled. In adinilln ;x |> n I "I" Ihe claiiii a- aho\e, a tin .iaa- di^- linclion should .at llie ~aiii, iiiii" i,e noticed, helwixt the dii ii s \>\ nd iace. 'I'M'- M!M,,|WM- Canada has a -i:;!,! \ (Inv'nvv, Jith IVImiary. lll-i. to clailli (Hie-tillhol all dnii,., | m,:] ] (s^iLMKMi.) ). ii.vij;. .fVuBira.^roK tijr Lower-C.inada I' 1'-^ I ■ well J ni l.owerC.inada iijion i;iioi!-. w are-, i in rch 1 idise. Vc iiii|iorled hv sea. J •Mid sold al aiictiuii .since the l.~t j : w :»:<»: O , 'Eclmrtofa li'^port of a Comnullre oj thvExcrnttvc Coumil. Quebec. lO/hJlmrh, \m ■Tho amount of duties on siicli Goods IS wpr(> siihjcct to duly on liu|mrtalM)n into Low (-r Canada under .\ct ,a:id (ieo id I ap. jsi. and Cot.-au du Lac. Crom l.ith IVhruary to .51st Deceinher l«i;5. on the llrst of which days the .Act came i-il.. op'-ratmn arc-ordins to the cxi.linj. ai^rocmem, cxclubiyc yl dulics oii Tort W mc, was £5,219 1 9 I he riiitiiiinl 'it I'oil \\ >i\( iiinlcr lln' hkc < in i.hi-iaim . \s.\ :t|,.Mii(iiill(iii- ill 111 < liillii u |H r (i.iili)ii. <. I,.i77 Id. and ;i llic i|u,iiilll) «IimIi |M--ril ( . iiaii ilil l.iic 1^ linl ri |ii'rl(il. llir ( olllllillt) )' n r< IMlii liil dial oik' lillll nl tllc uliulr a tl|i |iiii|iii|liini (Iiii'Ik I I'jn i I an, Ilia In' nllllllUil '('III |)iii|iiii'liiin III (lie cNiiclifc-. Ill ( iilltK 'lull t I- lakrii al .< |irr <(iil, \ C< Tiilici! Ill In a line r\iia( I. (^i-mil.l .1. IIALK. \ I III k. ( 111 » I. J?AI5> A, ^><>- -^ .<: Ill 10 •' .!..)() I It ;• Hiii li'i 'I t; ,'i.t!t7 HI i 111 \i;r.rri'. *. iiiTi 111! llic [lail nl 1 p- i iiiadr IuIIk' t IHHT I'riA iiii a- lauler (la ;)i r ( aiiaila liail llic linimr uliliilv ii- ; a< t in i|ii('--l inn. Iiav c I'Ci u n unliil'"! '■> (• iviii^- till' riiiiiiiiuiiH'aliiiii niailc In llic ; llir liriiiiii^ nl llic jniiit lii-|ii i lia'al ( u- .S rliilraldi' Inr i .nwt r ( 'anaila mi llic 1! ; lean I ili|-iiiir> la-l. rclaliM' III ill!' ali»li ail (it 5 rlaiiii". till- arrrarai;r> nl irMiillc jiic- j i'a--iliu lacr llic 'a'coiiil iiinl liiii'il liiiril li\ till liiriucl- l'i nut w i^hcil In oli- !;i|-J iii(ln--i\c. ihc Ailiitratdi- I'm- riijici ' jccl. and n Tniinii-liiim llic t(ii;rlli ciaiiii ( ail, 11 1 a liiiil- (111 c\;ii mi; 1 lie pa |ici ■- In '' liir 'lie clli'Ct iil lAliilihU' I, a us. '1 he .\r- anIiicIi he liii- liial accc-> in llii>- ( il_>. lliiil ; liiliiilnr Idi' I j'per ( iiiiiida laiu lieu> 1. Canada did actu;dl_\ rcccue her jiio- ; li\i\e In -talc iikhc tiillv the lillli claim I'll' |ird|idilidii dt llie duties le\ icd mi ; iiindiiiilin^ lu£7..'(ll Hi 10. and Ininji till) (ii-l- midei- ihc act i.t' l.»(ico. :!(! %\ illi- ; lordiilies nil iMcrch'inilisc liclw ecu ihe in ihe |ieiid(U ahiiM' l.icil inncd. 'Ilie 5 l.-til;iv iit' Oclolicr 1 11 a. illld .il-l ''^- ddiilit- c\(ilcd (HI ihi- iiciid ill I inicr ^ cciiiIk r liil I, iiu nci diiiil nl' uliicli ,s Ciinadii hv the want df due iiitdiiiuitimi. ^ taken ill Ccteau dii Liie until :J0 Aiuil. ;\re -ati>l;i(idiilv ien!d>.((l l;\ the Jour- | llill. iiid> dt' ihc liun-e di \><'inlil\ dt'l.dMCi- I ♦.'i.iiaila. ^\!liL•ll iiieu liiul ihi' |ia>iiic!il^ l By ihe Returns oi'Uio lii>pcc((;.' ;it. Cn 1 () 1 1 irH-i i\n llx' Tiih April. I'll ». ( wh oliwo k.i.l^; Lvr p-r ront m arno\« uIi.'.iIIm" l.iw .vi,tr.iii-iiiH<'il l'> tiiii. l'> I li •!'• :i,'>ii,' l<' loi-ni; i |,u;»..rl.'i-*. .ml 1 (1,.. {Ml llrc.-iib.T. ii pTioli.riJ* hvH. I l-J! piT .N-.,l ... . ii;. .rl.ili.. H l.y .vs.- lli.-r.' ^ViM-.M.ii,. iruvl iiit>» tJpi>^TC:iiili ,|. iN i.i h'.wcr C.i . 1 1 1 Na.v lr,...i m- (n.oU I..MIIIK .III .iil-v,iloiv;u ,liry u. s;. -ilin^' llic Lap irU ;ii (in -Imm- lilll, (In- Villi.' ..rci'tl.tii » ». rikiiinlliM I llic lHMri.14,1 luty .)Hiv.'n.T(;«'ii( fur ;i I) ISIS, it wc.iil.l niv ti-io Is ,,t » «" ll.HlH-|iis|..Mlnr. .» p.M-ioloriWilivs. I pi'i- cnit Immii^ to lli^' lii.ils ,il 1 \ i |.'.i;.7'i:t/. lur llic vi»lii« «>r III'' (;<•■' Is, I {williiii ;i VMV -mill liMcthM) n-, i tu _', wIihIi.i.I.I'' I l'> i:i;>.:«-:i/. iiiikcs:Uti..t,l>/ I My taking tin-' ratio «■<• li.ivc, linyin:; ,iil-\alori'iii tlnly, lnit tins ilnly \ £ 1I:),;H)0 at r> pn- rciil 2:{t).72() at, 2 [-1 ilo. Sicrli .-i.T'iri .'.,7i;h II. VM O (► .,1- Curronry 1 2.111 7 |.. ti lo.- 11)0 5>i„. accDiiiiKMl for to I'ppor f nmlfr llii:^ law, - .'■».'272 Id (! Amoiiiil ol' llii-^ tliiiiii, .C7.')M l.'l r.» 1 1. Co Tlir \rltitrAtor on ihr part o( flower (^a 1 III I ill coil nciiliii:^ 01 llii- ln> nl. 'la-^ iiic fir a'ImilK'il oiii: rii^'il to a |)r,)piirli()!i (if /. ').'\ » i li II :M Im'im'j; III ■ aiii-ciM' ■>!' (imii'- <• I'.lccti il ir\ ii!)]) irtatioiis al (^il ■- li •(' an 1 Saint .It^lm"-. ti-.i 11 liic |)i'rio.l \iliiMi lln> {lanii coMi n-nci's to t!ie "dli liini' Hill. Il i>. Iirnvvcf. coiiCfivf I that III" amount duo rppin- C mid i ii!i- ilrr tliis lif^ III of claims, oir^lil not tu lir renal lied liy tlic rrroipt ol'diilii-s wiiliin (lie [HM-io I al 'inrlifc, boc-an^c it Ins Iiccit llic priitici' lo allow Inn- dri'V liacks in ronlor nily t ill" a date oftlio Acts iajpn^inir duties on Lu- ll )rN. and williont rrlori'iice lo llic im- iru-diati' (• li'C.t of sncli acts al 'inchoc. If, liy the adoption (,!' this priiUM|)le. a lo^s Mi IV liivt! !)('(■!, orcasionally siis- taiufd in tiie llrst ii^ ^ance l)v Lower (".inada. any sueii ininrious eirect was amply compensated when the law exjii- red : for it cannot he disputed, that if drawbacks are now deiniinded on (»oo Is l)ou<^hl tor consumption in Upper (Cana- da, which had not paid the ad-valorem duties at Quebec during the period re- ierred lo in this claim, large quaiilitieg { (,''(iiiiis inp'ii I'd iM'o L(.\M'r ''ahidi 5 dnriii';- \Ur e\i~l"-u'<' <<{' i\w aws it/!;Hi-. I i;i.. |||(. |1\ (■ prr cent ad-\ ,ii m 11 ■\:i^\. i wrf' 'in r'l i--i'l an I carriivj i.iIm i y^)r\ i (';,., h! I al'irr III;' l.n' li id ( .M-. ,1 m f 1 :• il I, .11' ■■ aid .l.'liT Inc '. HiM'IM :li'li; mI ? |li it !'ii\ i ic" '.■(> il 1 ;i(< lo'i'4 'I' ie.-'n\i':i - pruporiioM of llii' liiii"s iliU' |)ai I ''V i''i" > ( onsn ii'M- in I'pp-r ''a:iaila. i'hc \;-- ; Itilr itor for Upper ("ana'la in (ditciKli.,; I tor llie .Instiie of ihis cliii n. is yet reidy / to ill- ir inv -nm^e^tion \vlii( Il ! lie \i'l;iiri- t tor fi.r Low er C mada miv loco:u- i innnicate relati\ ;■ lo ilie pcriol aIkm tlic i Act ii"W' referred lo rilionld he ton-idcr- I ed to ' iM' taken eirecl. it is of coni-e I lo be liorne in inioil. tli 11 in the cmmiI of i the (irsi day of May llil I. or anv ot her I (lav beiii'4 fixed on -nli^iipient lo the time \ o( its enaelmeni for the coiniiK^ncemeiit 5 ot ill'- haw. a proportional allo\\aiire I mIiouI I be made for its elll'ct alter the j date of its expiralioii. I Que bee, '22 July, Ili23. \ (•'^igiied.) .1. BAP.V, A!iinTK\TOii (iir Upper Canada. Certified to be a true cojiy, JOHN M AC \UIJ':V," Serrctnrif. A TiuE corr, J. liABV s A, Xo '6, I anotlior. It i-- Ihoicroro prop()€s<>(l tw TiiF. Arlmrator on the p;irt ot'Low | allow mio (it'tli ol ilic duni'^ Uivicil id or Canaila lias liail tli«' liunor of i'('f«'i>- i Ijoucr Canada uiitlcr llir aor, ilateil 22(1 Inst, scttinii 5 a proportion saiulioiicd I') I'olli I'rovin- lortli anew llie liltli claim oI'l'ppiM- Can- s res inllio>('ar IHIT, and aduplLil li) iLe ada ainoinitnig lo l.'..>l\ lU 1(). tit'iii'j lor arrt-ars ol dulics lr\iod in L'.»\\«m (,"anaila undor the Act ot .');{ Cioo. :( i,ip. J I. upon nuM'cliandisc lirhvocn l-l U< • toher IHI.Sand :{|-l Dccoinl.i'r l!!ll, no iu'coiiiil ot wiiu'li \v;i^ inkcn at Coi<"an dn Lac, nnlil 2.Hli \pril, l!!l I. 'I'lic Arl'MiMtor of r ppci ( ';ui,(il,i \i,\\ - ^ui\ the 2(ttli Jannarv I i-i. \\'iic'i w i* \i^[~\ ed a-- loiindcd nnon ihi' principle lliat tlic li)rc(' ol' an Act winch liad «'\pircd did not (case at inc - amc time in liolli * I'ro\incc-. The principle of the tillli ', K'laim a^ now staled, i- not ohiected to; ; But the h i^is proposed lor calculation, I ap|)ears lialile lo inaccin'acv lioiu the < (pi.mtity o(' (loods passiiij^ jut,, l^pprr i Canada, hein:: prohahly more (•on>ider- ? able at one scudou ol the year than j Imperi.d I'arliamcnl in !•>'. The >vholi' anniuni nl dnlics le^ ied in i.iiu<'r ( anada und( r the aliovc Act, Iroiu l-t ()c,iulH'r, JiJI.'i, lo ,) January l!>l.'), ^^a-. - - - i:n2,Uili IK '.) 12, Id:; I I 2 .».272 II) li l-.lh. - Auiiiiuit p,od r. I lance J. 7.22K l*" (> (^i 1 la. . .iOtli .111!;. 112;!. (Sioned.] J. i'ALi:, Anun li \ u)ii on the part ol Lowti ( anada. A i lilK (0V\. I. l!Ar.V A, ^o. 4. { ihi' I/iw evpired, a' ,) pes- ( cnl, aiinaini- Tnr \rl)itratnr for T'ppor Canada, j m^ to ... /.71!t It It lias ihi' h;) ii)r to sulimil llio Collowi i:^ I claims tor examinati ) i hv the Arhilra- J 'rhe\\hii!e funonnt ol Cm1( l.)r iia the p art ol Lower Canada. V \\ Inch Coteau dn I ,ac in ihe \ lar It.), hr.o'ini; an ad > aloi ."in ,'ii!\ . was Cliiiisixlli. — "or drawbacks ol'dulie-. | :illi).!i IT/, .is, .';d. Cnrrencv. «liicii:.nes on ' i;):)ds ))\<^iii r Cot"aii la L ic: Iroai I -.t ! lor i iL;hl v-linn- \\i Mai'cli. I'ln' iliilics oh this >iiiii hfiii;^ <';il»juliiU'»l acciirdiny; to llic ratio ol I to •J. (louils valued al •i' iiiiisl Ikuc ii.iitl ) pri- cent aii vaioreiii iliil^ in l^nw- »ji- ( aiiiula ; IroiM lliis sum cloilmt 9.17/ 0. on wliicli ,) |)(M' coiil iiiis Idcii allow cd. and tlMTc remains •i!{,T;il!/. on nWhcIi iIhm-c will be a duly ol Tuc [ur rcnl a.iMoiinlini; to - JLl.liUi II! t) il.-dmf^ l--2|..MTPnt ^ 71). ,, allowtjd on tli.U sum, ^ And llicrr rcniains H! (t I) I in;()\int- '.t due 1 jipi'i- ("aiKida. and to whirli ?lif is taiil) (.iiiillcd. This ilaiia i> foiin Ird "M the oimnon dial llii' icliirns m idi' l)\ dii' ln-|i('cl(ir 1 1 ( (it I Ml I (III I ,.ir di I not, ;u id Could noi p:iiliciil,ii |v di~liii^ih-li (ioods IxMrin^ a ■Mil ol ll\(> jir;- < cil. :id \ ilo|-cill Iroiii tnii--r li;'.)ri;i ; oilv -l-'J. it i--. iiidt'fd, M'lV (Midcil li-oiii ill)' r\l r.iiirdinaiy di-|>ro|iorlioii liii u I'cii liic (iooiU ciilcr- fdal ,'i, ;i id lili^r ;il ll I -2 pci < I'liMvlicii r 1 npti'cd \\illl llir iiiijiorl^ al l^iii'in'c du 'iiiiX taini'd l>v I [ipi'r ( 'aiiad I niidt'i- ihi-- lii'.i I ol ic- x-nui'. llir ratio wliicli llic live per cent imporlalioii at (^u:'Im'C Imre to llic 2 1-2 piT cent i.aportalion. i- t:ikcii as the tiii- est inle. e-^pec! dlv >iiice tlie arlules jtur- cliised lor co'isii'iiplio'i in I pper ('a!i;i- di diirin;f llie winter ol llil 0. mu^l liive heeii impoilc 1 al (iiiel)C(' in the course nl' t!ie prcr.' liir; -uiiiic'r siiliiecl lo the ad \ ilorc n dnln--- I'roin llic xciv n,i- iMi'c ol' I !io-,e dill IC-- il w.i^nearU iiiipos- silile ill it \ I .ini'n ol ( ioo l~ pn^^iiii; i ito 1 pper ( '.i'lad.t cumIiI riL,'litlv disiiiiifiiisli 1i 'tuci'n Hie \iiicl.'- wliicli and llio-e wliieli liiid not. p;iid llie li\cprr < ipii dni V a: i,*i)'!iPi:. Im- lliev iniii'it lia\ r liren Sold al Auction, and liavo rrcqiieni- Iv passed tliroiii^li so many li inds, thai the seller, iiiiich less the I'pper Canada piircha-er, would have I.een al a lo^s lioxv lo (It liver llie In-ipector a i:orrecl blaleiiKMil. ll is llierel'ore hoped that the Arltitra- tor tor Lower (anada will admit Ihc eipiity ol this cl.iim. lonnded, as it is, on the only mode ol calculation which can approach the lad. ll can scarcely he (leeaied reasonahle. that Upper (anada, coiili liii^ as -^he did in iju' I .enislaluri' ol till' Sister i'roNince. .s'loiild siilliT so .se- \(>rid\ 111 ri\enih' troai ihe impraclica- iiilit> III riMidmo;; the reinnis ncci'ss.nv under iIk' I i\\ imposing;' the ad valorem diit^ ; a law. moreover, whu h vvas truly e\ceplio:i ilile in its pro\isii,,is smcc ii la\(Ml all nnporla'.ions hv perso'is n a i, s- ideiit ill I ,ow er < anada al a doiilde lale. wlliiiiiil distin^iiishiiii; hulwecii I'le *l • llic Iniirl ll. ll i\ e liei'ii lieai l\ d '..■: ' lull IS I hii pi'i'iciple has lifc.i ,-e!': ,i|,: e I hv si ipnlalioi. ill" p i-iod li r ■ hi- IC" I d I"- not e\|e id le'Vo, d ■ '. ■ lual diiratii)!! ol llie li. e p a' ce, i .. i ; Ciuehcc, ;il .lulj, ia2.t. (SiiTiH-d.) .1. 'W'-' \uimR\roK liir ' pp r .'an. ' eililied to he a true i:opv, (Si;;„ed.> JOHN MAC'Al I/:V. Si-:jct(triJ. A nu't coi'V. J. r \\ lllCll iC year ;\. \\:is Iil:!M's a' pro- (.'alia- A, No. 5. 4 riann srvontli— For (Iniubacks of \ ofOovernment widiiii that Provinrr from ,liitif. ..h M.icliiunliM' juircliascd in I 1st OiU.l.iT, Hi J a, lo iilsl LvcoiiilxM-. I..,v.. 1 Ci.iuula \>y theCuimnissary Lion- i l»U;, n.usi liavr txcHulcJ ;j.0(MJO(t/. juarl c-ai aiHi .iMer- I ill. lie OIlinMs and -nit ^ ol wlmli paid (ivr |. Anil)', | mn, and pari um. and a hall on bt'ing ll,r N..N\. ili<- Ni'.val Yards, (he qiiart.r \ iinporlcd at t!»■: [.cuvr.iV^. ^..^al and - e.:is l.;i.N l.'ill. If;i.i. and liiKi. of | I'fiil as one «o two. hulas ihe law mi- Vliieli no a.(ouiit hasheeu taken at to- posir^r (he expired on (he (hi Luc. l -''H' iNiii"*'!' "il-"'- ( l;eeen.her Hilt). It ha- hren jriierall\ sn;. posed in Up- \ llie amount whieii paid a proportion ot per Canada thai the xahie ol pnrehases ) tlie live per eent diil) iimy be estimated heariii"- ad \alorem duties lor liie serviee | at 270,01.0/. \\hi(hi,a>eh »».';.()()(i al ."» per rent lUM'Di) al -1 l-J. £ i.lM Add to tills JC ".'i.dJO pavins; only 'J 1-2 per cent duly !»,.'')()0 1,075 "Prsides d.c rioo is pnvin<: ad valorem dii'ies ihe ar i(l<'~ -nljiM'l In preilic dii'ie- pni'(iia-i';l h;, ( li.veniineiil and foiw aided iiito I pper ( aimda from the joinineneiMiniil ol die Ameriean N\ ar lo t»„' vr.iri;;i7 if reportcl al the ( Uleaii. Avoiild have Kior(> lliaii diiihled the fore- goiiHi sipii. The iiiiioaat ol ihe eliiin inav iherefore. al a iinMlrrate ealenlalion. lie "set (hiwii al -iO.OOK/. Kverv endeavour (o oidaiii particular proof in support of this claim has hilherlo been Iriiilles-, for the laic (.'oiiimissary (leneral declares, ihatno di-liiicl entry wa- made, or aceniinl kepi ol articles purchased in Lower Canada expres-ly for the L'pper I'rovince. That lartro purchases were made in Lower Canada for the iisc of (iovcriiment ill Upper Canada, and (ha( the greater part of such purchases were not eiilercd al Coteaudii Lac, are fa (1 A, Cluiin nij;lilh— For dutip-^ on Mrr- rhiiiulise |)i>-iiiij; CJoKmu ilu liic in tin- ycius l»i;{. lail iUiJ lai.J witliout rc- (.ortiii- . . . i:7,«2-. -1 Tlip amount |i;\i'l IIk^ IxcrfMvi'i- (icncr- ;il i>\' Upper I 'aiiiul i as ilic proijorlinu ot I'rov iiicial dulios Icvinl in Lower Cana- da lor hi I.!. 11)11 an. I 18 10, ini'lndni^ arrc.u's paul I'ur 1J1.5 in llic vt'ai' l.ll.t, is Til. 2)1/. I-. (d :!-!. rill' "Lcllcr^ ar- ;o,nj).ur. in:i llii> slatoiiii'nt diciv. lliat line .-liM^li or carria;;'*' out or<'\er_v lui'- pa-scd ilic CuKMO (In Lac willioul rc- jjorlini:- riit-n'torc. as .'>: I :: 7ii.2.»l/. : I."). I)")) Is. Od. I5ul as llic [)ropor- tinn III' lioats uiiiclidid n>)t rrpin't, conld ni)l; lii'i'n ^o i^rcal as thai ot'llio w iu- trr (•(iii\ »'_\ ant'cv^, (^lli()U:;!i mail) did iiii- d.inhli'diy iiciil'Tl (o H'port. partinilarlv loc !)iii-::ain I5n;\l-, \'. ITh'Ii rr<'(|UiMiti_\ a- ^ ,\\\ lli,iii..rlvr- oi'a !)ri-k Ka^fi'ly \mikI lo -,;,il np iIk liapi 1- al llif Colcaii dn I ,uv.) one liair lln' almv c sii.ii i- .Icdiiil- No 0. rd, and llio claim is tlius stated at T,82/j/. 2s. Od. This cannot Ijiit he ro^fardcd as a ve- ry lou estimate, wlieii relerciice is had lo the letters, wiiich. ainoni^ other thiiij^s, shew that a whole District, and that one ol' the inii'^l populous in Upper Uaiiada. evaded llii' rcjiorls. (inehec, :!lsl July, 1023. (Signe.l.) J. BABY. \i;i!iTK\roii iiir Upper Canada. Curtitied to he a true copy, (.^i-iie.l.^ .I!)HX M.\C.\ULCV, Seryrtarj/. \ 'I'KLF, fOl'V. T IJABV. A, No. 7, Im answer to the sixth claim ot'Upper | greement. namely two and a hall per Canada, staled hv the Arbitrator I'or that J cent oiM.Sterruiji;,) i;.">2,l!»7 » Province in a |uper, dated .ilst .Inly \ and.) per cent on OU? 10 11(2:5, the undersiiriied Arbitrator for \ Lo^ver Canada has liii> honour lo slate, and those returns having; been made that Upper Canada did receive a pro- ' olhcially. the undersigned does not leel ))ortionortlie -ad valorem" diilies iVoni | inmself called upon to question the aceu- Isl January to2.'>lh March l»l,'), accord- I racy of them, iiig lo the returns made hy the Inspector ^ at Coteau dii Lac, and the existinir a- \ Th" m..d«' ofcalrnlatms by any giverv 1) 'iuiuhtMor.liiys.lias;i! l)oni olijorl- | prol.alilc, ( Inc .x-ii:,,! ii,,iii,., . ,1 I,. ;., ii... ., .. ., — 1..1! 1;. i ■. , ;• ■ • "' .'. ,. ' 11, l- Ml to iiilhcaii-wcrlollic iirccc'.liii-tlaiii), J tioii, any >^(Hn\> imi.orlcd l)\ .Mcicli:..... and a- a iiroof liow iniifli it is llal)l(' (o I rcsidiiiir \n I'ppor Canada," could Lav, error, lli.' claiiii No. t) nou C()in|)nl«'s J licni pa^-ini,' U|)^. lu'cauM- no !: that (ioods It) ihc amount oliJil.O:!:/.!,,.;,!-. j |)<)itation (•(uild lia\<- tak ■'■' a!-;::,,iiii.'i! l,.r li\ ilie >uiali ninidici- : ( "'■:'.n''d. ) oi |>(;i'-on- re-i(hn;;- in I [ipcr Canada. ? ■>i ai iuip^'K Iheil' oaii i;oo!|-, n:n-t (jf ', ihMU iere:\iii-- iliciu either Irolu or ; i^Sion.;!; li;" hou ^e^- (u'i;r'-al at ; .<,ionl!-eah and oi cuurM' ji inn;' I Wo ami ', :> '.:;il j'er ce:!! onU . ll i- uio!-eM\-er not I (■lir.uiir, I-t Ar.r,|,(. |;V2;. ,*. IIWA'. Aiu'.i I'U \ :i)i; lor Low er Canada. A Tin. r. ( oi'V. .1 !n!;v. /X, ^f)' ^^ I It i- not (h'uied tliat flip i|nantitv ot I 111. nu iia-.i-nrd m a(:ki)owlpd-;ino; \ Good- carri.-d into Lpprw Canada varies the pipa-sdi'-l :!)l'i luly and Ni |„.i. \ with the seas,)n, and lliai th.M alue there- ir.i 1- lutte I by the \rhiir itor lor Lowoi' \ fore ol' tho-e arliide- uhicli actnallv Can I la. !)eir.; hMvelo -I ile wilh re>pe( 1 | parsed the Co'eaii (hi Lae helore the in'- lo th" co-ilai led in llie tor ii-r. >peclor wa^ in-lnir'ed to(h'ii,:„id renorN tint the alio.vinee of one tilth olth<- ad ; .d' -oods h.ihle to ad val.ireui rtlifde<.. -ubiniKed. that a^ i 'Ik' mode oT caieidaliii-- aihjj.ied in tlii-. U.ialever woej;ht may iu-^tly be nU \ ,.aM- bv lli<' nnd(a--,i.,nied. allhrds the laeli'i tolh- p-e,-ie il> air'or.l.'d by the \ mo.! e!i-ihle means of approv iuialion lo proviM,,,d a-n-en-ilol LllT.anl th.' \ the Irnlh: and a. the iiapo-Mbliilv 01 !?ri(i-i \.-tot I'ariitU'it {2J. it is 5 .d.iiiniM:;- more complele pro,. 1; ori-ina- cerliei. ihitoie lill'iol ih/ d ilies e,d- ) ted in the omi-.,ioii on the part .d'lanver le.-li'l ivithia e-liMH-. at the most, nine i Caii:ida to nolil'v the pi^.,!,,;; „i-the,acl m)ilhsfi Lo v,!r ("aii.idi. c iinot co 11- ' in dn.' lime to llie ( )illeer a!'""lhe C,, lean p'l-Uelha lo., of'' -iislai lel bv dii Lae. ihis cl.aim on;;!il n, !„■ favoiira- ih!> si.ier i'roviuce wilhm a period of ■ blv caa-i lered a.a I \^■^ all^,, • | ri in .rilieeu monlh'^. ? full eUca. 10 I ( _V 111 aril'- luM.'- ■tnallv llic Im- nol'l-^ lillic-. )v wav Kit a« ill llii-' iIm- 11(111 u> lily o'l' ui'^iiia- I. own- In ■ aci, 1 'iitcali i\ (Mira- i:i ii- t'li ill" r('[)ly to llio yixtli claini. tlio iauli'i--i;;iic(l lia- to oliscrvf, liial il llit- irtiirii^ lioiii tlif lii-iK'Cloi-, to \xlii' !i hr lia- iH) -.nfi'^s, ili^iiiictly s|i(.'(ily llu' \ a- liH- III .Mriflialiili-'C j)a>>ili^ tlic Colraii i!'l !.;!■ rriiiii llir I -t Jaiiiial'v to ll;, '^.Vili siiiiTJi l!il."); an 1 il' that \aliii' ii i.iiii;ii I.) lie .');i,'.l:;.;/. in^U-ail of i.H. y\'ii. ill" ll liiii \'. ilLul cniii-.-.r, Ijo |)i'o|.)oi'ih..ial.r. (Iniiilii-'iii'il. It I- MTV »ali>-la< I'M > lii,ii llii- ()rrri-.(' \alil(' ol the (iooiU i'i';.i irl-. | • Mil ill llii^ \ Ih^m. a"- at pri'sciil, li.c tra'h i i aComiir* r(-.tiiii(_'s ils ordinary cIliihii'I-. liic lln|lll|•t•^ ol mil; yrar may ho i;'.l»ula- Inl wiih lolrrahlc t'\aflli<'!?:^, lro,ii llic kiiouii hii|i(iii-< ol anolhcr iinniriliatclv rolloMiiii; 111' |ircci'(liiiL!; ; no siiailar iii- Iri liMi I' alii)l'il(-il to llic JuiIl^iikiiI i,i ii.iii- i'l \»,ir. Iirraii-ii.' till' ^ll|i|ilu'-. n''|illicil hv a ('iiiiiiti'y -iiilalcd a^ I, ppcr ('aiiaila \\a- at llii' prrioil rrliTli'il lo. w.'Vr (It'lcriiiiiicil hy aiU riiiilioii> I'ii'ciiiii- laii- «'(■- iiiiriiiiiit'l'U'd N\iili l!a' ordiiiai'v (.on- of ^ood^ iiii|ii>i;i d Ii.jki (ji'cat Hntaiii hv Merchant-, fi I j'l" i' ( .in.t'l.i ill loll, did not reinaiii ::i liiv I -owi r i'liiv iiK'c until the u inter i.i I :il •). though a lew |)roh 'dy did — a- it <;in he |)i'0\('d lliil iiiidoiihtedly a lP.i-a|i- ]M'i'lien^iiin lu eoneeive, thai diii'i:i;j; the war the s^feat re>ident iiii|)orl< r-^ ol Monlieil or (^m hec tiirni-lied all tlin sii|i|ilies ot' .Mercluiiidisc reijiiired lor the ly'(»|)er Province. In some ease-. II i> tiiie. i;id;\ iduals clepeudeil eiilirelv on their ui." corrrsponderits in lAV.vor Ca- nada, and ^vere Iniiii liahit, averse lu lorni new connexions in trade or to de- part I'rom thiire-lahli-heil system. \ et, siich « as ill" iiiiliu ormijiie_\ into ( |'i'<'i ( aiiada ihiiin;; the M'ais l';|;5. liJIl ami IJll.M. III a way \vh',cli il i^ iiiiiie- r:c"ary lo i \pl ilii, that vasl niiiiihers ol [icojile loiaicrlv cngaiiicd in other piir- siiii. , liii'iad ilicir allentioii to Irallic, and, u llli the money earned l>y iheir pre- \ idUs inihisti', , |iiircljascd in Lower Ca- nada a-sorlmcnts ol CooiU principally trom adveiiUirers. who, hi'in^' anxiou.-. to cloac llicir sali'r. aiul riUirii lo I. mope lur Iresli supplies, generally held uiii ji;re,iter iiiducciiient to the cash purclia-- er than the eslahlished im|)orU'r. Coods wereal-o I'reipienlly hoii^hl hy such [ler- M)n^ at .\nctio.i — ami ilwas a lad nol ol I, that aiKenturcs were I made li-om Lower Canada Tor 'he siiji- 5 |ilv of llic .\rir.v at diili'rent puinlsonthe ; Lpper Frontier-, in which casc.s there is 5 re.t>i)ii to helieM'that the slock wa> not ; idien ohiaiaed I'rom llie ref.;iilar linpor- j ter. 'l'lie--e as-.rrti')ii- mii^lil L'c suhntan- ? tialed hy liie e\ ideiice urmaiiy individii- l ill-, will) >\ere conceiM-.i ni such trai,.~ac- '■ lions diiri.i'j; the war. hnl the nn(!ei'-i;;ii- ' ed i^ iiiirmed |i> douhl wliellie'.' the a- ■ mmi it at ir-.-lie i- -nilicii'iitly i;,'ipni't;'.li! to J \\ariMiil the delay which l!ie pr.idml i' iii . ol llie ie-tii!iun\ \'. ouUl ticca ,;i):;. \ (Signed.) .T. I5AP.V. \ ARnrniATiw: lor T pjirr C\iii:iv!.i. > \ A TiuK ( orv. f ; (Cerlilied.') \ I (Sl-ned.) .lOIIX MACALLLl. SciTdarii. A Tiii.i; copy. J. n.WA 11 -? No U. I ii;: Till ;iU(l Uth Claiins oC ('[jprr ' nil. Ill;: ~la(('(l iiiinc liilU In (lie Ai'l>ilr'a- 'I'l' li>i' lliil I'nr, iurc on separate |)a|ier-, 'liile.l :i| .liilv Ili'J^i. have not heeii stip- {MM'led l)\ aii\ iiiateiial inloriiialKiii >iii< c iliiv \\<'\r ni'ijeiMllv ir'inarked U|i(iii li) '■!!■ \i liilialiir lur Luwc r Canada in lii~ |i:i|ii'r. (Ia!'-il li !■ eluiia f_y |!>2,'i, and llie '. 1 ! ;i ..:U;r l(i;' llie I |i|iei' Pro*ince caii- ('i.ilv aclviiiiw Icdjic-. liiat " e\er_v endca- Miiir Id (iliiani jiai'liciilar prool in ■■:i]i|Hirl I'l |liir- ( laiin has hillierlo lieen ■■r/:;',llr->." N,i 7. slates in dftail tiie I aii ; i.iliuiis wliicli had hr(Mii;hl (nil the ■iiai- liM'Hiei'U claimed, hiji in olliei- re — I'Ci !- lhl'i)\'. - 111) li;;hl lljion the slihircl. ii 1.;, • : (il liecii denied lh;!l sdiiie liiMid- '■.'-riiii;- a diil\ ad \;diiieiii iiiav haie I'm |inrelia-rd hv ihe (■(iiniiii-~ariai I 'e[iirliai'ni ami I iaii--iHiried In I \>\>ty t^iii;';!:, I.i;l II nin-( ikiI ne euheedtd a- •■ a imlniiiin- i';;;t." thil liie "rcaler j'.ii ol ~,i(li pineiia-is v.eie not en'.er- ed al ('(ileaii dn" neil her lia-^ the j\ rl'ii ralnr l.uwci- Canada anN ki:i>\\- i; ■':■ • III li:r em n -|iniidene,' ut ,\li' \\ il- soa rel, ri\ d In a- I'luid', ■• I ha I » ei'> lai ne •• iinai.i ilif - 1. 1 ('iiiiahie arlieli s were •• iurw ai'di'd inlu ( ['I'll' Caiiildn \\ith- ••iiiii Iicpil: rejMirted:" Imt sn|i|)(i.-inti till lii;-- had hern the case, the nhlii^a- tiiin III re|hii't ua- reiinired under se\et'e jiidii'"-: any intraelion ot the Law in 'in - fe-|>eel e()ii~ei|nenllv hei'aiiie An Act 111 (■ iiilraiiand Iradeever whieli Lower ( ai, hi I had lai eunirol. and tiiereliire unu'il mil Id lie re-[)oiisihle lor it. 'i he ciiiresnondeiiee ol Mr A\ d-nn lale iii-|K'Cliir at Ciileaii dn \/.u\ ^\hieij li,- luM'ii pnidished. leaves no ruoin to i,i,:;:.dne that he nei,decled the means in lli-|lu■.^er ol' olilainin:,' the iniorinalion hi-- iliil> ealh'd liir. and iVoin liie dale ol' hi- lellcr of :id Deeeiidier l!!l 1. his re- tinn^ oldutiahle articles |)assini; on (io- \eiii'i!"nl aecoiiiii. \\ei'e i'ei;iilarl_v slated monlhly. In lliesc relnins Kiiin is iinaria- h\y an article renortcd. ami Lppcr Cana- da oi' roiii^o roceived tho duly upon it, and as it is wvll known that iiinch, it not inosl. ol the Hum reijiiired l()r the |iiihiic service was imported \>y (i()\ , nment, there is perhaps (piite us miu li reason to lifdieve that L ppi-r Canada roceived a proportion ol «luties upon that arli<'le wIikIi never had h( en paid upon tlie iiii^ poitalion at (^nehec. as that any loss liad heen sustained hy that I'rovince hy the neulecl or e\asion ol regular entiies at ( oier.ii ilu In the returns ahove nieiilinned no entry appears oldry i^oods heaiini;' an ail valorem duty, and there is no reason to siipjiose (hat it was an omi^-:on either williil or accidi'iital. lu- ll; ed. it is mm h to he donhled. whether an\ e(iiisiiier;;!d, (juantity ol tcoods hear- ii:L; liiat duty, <'\cr was | iir< liased in I. (I.Mr Canada l(;r the j)nhlic serx ice : the nui-i e.\pensi\e j;ood?< certaiidy «ere ii.i. llie ( ioatliini; lor the Armv and Na- \ V. Iliddiiii^. Arms. Ainmnnilion and Na- y.A .'^Inre-' licing inipmled hy tiovern- iiiinl 1)0111 llnglan(], and ol course iliil not pa_> duly. The Claim No f!. now slated at a sum i>r '.iVl')/. 2s. (>(/. i^ Cfpiaily detec- tive wilh .No 7 in alliirdinji an_> intiirma- lion Worthy ot notice^ in support of its nierils. and the '"Letters" which aro relerred to as evidence appear to he reduced to a single letter Irom an (hseiire Individual, who suites that (iiiriiii: a period of nine months, he- •• thinks, that one out of live Sleijrhs ■•and Trains did not leport tliem- '■ -eU (>."' There are indeed two other !, (Iters Irom well known and respecta- ble Merchants, wliiidi express a strong hi'liet that consideralde (|Uantitios of du- liahje arti< les had passed into l'p|)er Canada without re|iortiiifr, and one ol ihem relates a sin<;le instance ol a loaded .'"'leiih iiaving heen slopt hy a Centiiiel on il's way to the Port of r'ntrv. These circumstances, however, are not of sulii- cienl •Irength to support claims of siioli ma<;nilude as those now uiade, and hc- ai hi L % 12 y upon i(, iK'li, if not the pulilic >^ .iiinnit, iii'li reason a received liat article )(»ii (lie iin- 11) loss liail lice l)y the • entrieH at urns al)ove t (Ir) sioods aiitl llierc I it was an Iciilal. In- •il, whellier TOdds lj<'ar- rt liased in lie service : [\u\Ay were uv and rs'a- on and Na- |,v tjdvern- ('i)ur-e did stated at a lally detec- inv iiiliirina- ppoit ol it!* which arc appear to letter from I states that niontlis. he live SU'iiihs pport llieni- ed two other id respectii- css a stronp; ntities ol'du- into Upper and one ol" e ot'a loaded y a Ceiilinel itry. These re notol'sulli- liiiius ol'snch ide. and he- yiMid llie-e iioljimf,' appears hut fjrneral J oi'lhe third Arhitrator soeins lO ho liUt siipposilKin and assertion. The iindrr- j avoidahh'. -sii^iicd iherel()re is under the neees^iiy \ (in.iiix;, 2d AmljijsI.. IU2:J ol n pre-enlinir. thai with re-.peel to the ] (Surned.) J. jl \L|;, '•ncnlh and ei;:lilh claims, he shoidd iKii 5 . ,. , ',, , i- ,,1 1 ,,„ , I,- ;,, , ,; I I • ;, . Aiiiiiin\Ti)R lor LovNcr (/aiiada. s(iii. and <:oii-'e(pi('iillv the interv enlion \ ^ tiilc (.ot-v. i I. HA15V. A, ) nr iihder-i;;ni(l Arhitrator for Low- er Caii:ida, his the lionor to acknou- l('d^:e llic r( teipl of a paper dated "id !ii:-laiii. re-iiininL; the (lir-cu>siun of the !i!lh aiiil -ijih t'laiiiHof ( pp. 'r Canada. On ihi' tir-i i;riho-(' ijaim-. the dilli'reiice hruu'i'i' i|m' anioi'iil (la'ined and the .s (if iieveniK! sn-laiiied " liy the si-,l(>r l'rt)viiice within a pi;- riod (il l.'nuonllis," the nnilersif;n(>d can- jjot help ini lizhiiny; that soaie inisinider- standin<5 exists ; for it was his intention to allow to [Joper Canad.i one lit'tli (A' the dniies collecl(>d ijetwccn the |s| Oeloher Jlil.t and ;>tli January liU-). and so he li ids it stated in the copy of his paper dated :j>)th July last. To the remark upon his answer to llie oixth cl aini, the niidersii^ned replies, that the return of the liispecior at Coteau da Lac, upon which liis statement was No. 10. founded. <|iall'fiy he laid tie lore thr Arhilr.ilor lor L pper ( 'aiiaila : and this should h,t\e heeii doiit^ sooner, had not the uiideoiitned ciuicluded ihal till' Arhilr.Uoi' lor I ppei- (anada would lia\e had ac. r^ ^ (o ihc coiniieiparl.-' d! all lho-:e reliinis. w hicli ol' cour,-e \v ere in exi-tence in I pjier (anada a'- i> pro- vid( il lor hy the at;rreiiienl lor llie liiiic heiiiL';. The ini(h'i>iL',ned does feel liiiu- .-(■ll iiouncl loci Haider the rcturii- i.l'iliat olliee ;•- !)a!-i;ii:; every claiin that thcj, do iioi hear wilne-^.-lo. unless -oiue dis- tinct aii(i pecille jiroolhe produced, iha! they aie deli'clive: and altiioui:!i oi.e deli(i( iicy in those returns has heen readily admitted, in the iiislancc of t!:c r- ira\ e ^ .. . . \ tilth claim, the uiuleisiirned he to oiler some (pialilication ol ihe remaiiv. that the ■• impossihility oftdilainiiii: more •■eomnlete proof', oriijinated in ihe '•omission on ihe part of Cana- •di. to iiotily ihe passinp; (]f ihe act in "due time to ihe otiicer at the Coieaii "(hi Lac."' The act in (picstioii (.>.id Geo. .ill cap. I,) had heen reserved loi the siirnilication of His .Majesty's pleas- ure, and it was iiulitied hy a I'roclama- tioii dated 1st Octoher Dii:!, that il had received the Hoyal assent; a iiotih- cation which the uiidersi<;ned conceivct to be as forutal as any public otiicer cai; 1^ 1r> O , ( (|mro, and ilio nio>i piMpor llirK roiiid > nuMU' «]ii
  • Ix'hvmi b(- fiivcii lo one "lio w.i-; liic JdIiiI Scr- , separate Males hold dtil. lor lie had no \ anl of l\Ni> seijarate i'i'(H iiie(>-. Soaw; , dnlies In |)a\. In >h()rl ihe nidii' (liixine-- Inrther ihhv mailer hroii^hl lui'ward in llie paper now under eon-'ideralion. is llie a^serlion, lli.ilvas! nnaiSer^* ol peo- ple who had acipnreil niune^ dnriii:; ihe •aar. jtiui!ia-ed liood- ia Lower (.',uiailahl of Ipper ( 'anrala. who nn^ht ha»e pnreliised (icimU Iroin an adveiilu- rrr a! (inehee or Moiiireahwoidd run l!ie I'Wipie ol laciiirini; the penally lor iie- ijleclin;; lo report ihe [lartn iilars ol' hi . pnrcli,t-e III the I'nri nl' j-'/iirv into I pjter L'anad;'.. and delr.ind ih" Ixeveiiiie iil liis own i'l'oi leee w ilhonl an> hem lit lo hi^!- -en ' 1 le iiad noni; ol the Ieiii()liii2; indiicc- l'''-V lion is iii\e-lii;aled, ihe more impmhahle and iiK I'ediiie does ii a|ipiar.lhal an} ir- re:nilar linpoitiilion iil i (iiisei|nen('e look place; and ihe nnder-iuned |s ((iiiipei- h'd in jii'-liee to |,o\\er ( anada. lo dis- sent lioiii all iho-e eiijtnlalioii-- and coiii- pnlal iiiii-- v» inci) re-l ioimh n^ more sohd louudations. (^iHd)eo, lih Au'oisi. \',]Z'.]. (Si-ned.) .1. ilAl.!-:. AainrjiA roR. tor Lower Canada. A TIUK. (;OHV. rSn:iicd/) .1. HAHV. A ? No. 11. 'I'lir. nnde;--i;;nO(l Arlnlralor lor Tp- per Canada, has the honor to state lor examini'.tion hv th<^ Arliitrator lor Lower Canada, the ninlii idaiiii as lollows. For AiKlion (hilies Iroin the vear 1 fi')a to Deceniher l.'IMi iiiilusive, heiiii; I- jcars. Ji.loT/. 10 The diilies on (looils s,,],] ,.,( aiieli(Mi in Lower Canada, levied under the l-)lh Ceo. .{(leap. 1.'?. !>] (ieo. .'i e,ip. I. and .')."» C!ro. .i. (-ap. :!, Iroin the \ear III >'» lo the .'list Decemher llllt). amoniiieil lo 'l:" .,,.)()/. II . 'if/, olwliicli one Hull would lie U.IOT/. tw. 10-/. Tlie (orof,'oinf!; elaiin as stated in the al'Straet. oriiriially I'lnhraeed tiie lat- ter hall' ol'lhr years l!;i!t. ll!20. 1!12I and lli2J, lur which period tiic Arbitrator on behall of I,o-,vrr Canada, admilird. that rp[)er Canada was onlillel u ider the Biatish Act ol Ifi'J'J. to receive a projior- tion of one iillh ol all dniies on -alc'J madi^ at Vuclioa. of (Joods imporled bv Sea into Lower ( 'anada. This part ol the claim has liow(>vorbcen withdraw ii, be- cause' it doe^ nl(iro to be denianded bv the i'.xecutiv e L:o\eril- I'lea! ol' I 'pper (^mada. instiMij of becoin- n;,' a snhiiM't 'i)r diseii -sioii under tb pre- senl Ari)itration. 'IIh^ claim has abo been (Xlended for the \ear l.'l'!.'), iia Iml- inu; ten years, which were not noticed fro:a causes which will bereaflcr appeal'. The Arbitrator for Lower Canada in hi- remarks dated ei;;hth I'ebrMary last. coii'-idei-s it doubtful, whclher I'pper i4^ 14 i'.iiin.lM mil IH'W clrum fuy ilnlii'-i I'li iniilii) ,N |iii"i- Id I-I .nilv UilH. Ii-c till' iii;ic('iii(iil I'lili'icd iiiluoii .)I>1 i\iiiv |;ii;. (li-lln(il_\ fciih(|Ul-li<'il llio-c ilii- lif-, :i;:;l a.^llial I'lov ii,( c ii(\ cr li.iil ic- ccurd ;iin jiui'l ioim.I lliiiii. llic f\|U<'^r |rl,M.|l|l-iilurhl lllClflil MHl-l I'l' ClillMd- I M'l ,t- l;ii I ii"^ ;ili\ chuiii I'l I'll' III liic .l:.U' ;:l \\lui li ;:j.,rcniiCiil Hi iiiiii;;lcil. in I i'jil\ 111 till- nrjci lion it i-^ (il'r-( r\ - .■■i, I |'|irr ( ;il,;ul.i liiul icllcd \Mlii III!' Iiilli-i < (ihliilflicc on iccriMii^ li(j|ii the ui,M iiiiiK hi \M|- ( aiiKiia. lit r |,|..| [i|m; (.1 IMIII ol nii (ll'lIC- \i\ li'tl nil ( .1,(1- Im llir l,('Ui-i,iti:ic ol Uiill I 1'"- ■\ iiicc. :!!iil \\ .I'- III 'I fvcii ir.Mirc \a:^ rr-(iiiii li il. Owiii;: to ill" waiil til \l." r!",|in-ll(' lvli(A\ lcil;.;c o,, till- [loiiil. tlu' ilaii.i llr.'i'clori' oi i;,',iiiallv <.'iiiiinic(ii<'il \Mlli 111'' M'al' l!'i , .'). Os- 1 1 \\a- liol iilinl lli«'^ A' llic .lonriiai- ol I ill- 1 loilM' ol .\>- -cMiliU ol l,o\\cr ( aiiaila liail liccu -ul)- iiiiUcd III ill!' ii;'-ji( I'tion ol llic iin(lci>'i;;ii- ('(I. llial li;' licraia." ialoriin'il ol llic |':'c\ l- oii - !\:;(!ioii o| an aiH'lioii iliilk lor the I .; '; 11 I'.oi! ol li'ii \ I'ar-. I l;<' < ri,iiliil--ioli Ol- lor I |i|i( I- ( ;!r.i('ll. aiul iinllicr had an ".Mlriior no;- a. |ii'o-|i('('- li\ r ciU'cl lii'Miiid ill" r"ii >d ri'l 'I'll il lo li\ l!.r jio-iinc Icna-oi llic an'rociiKMit. 'Ih' ai'i'cai'aj,!'- due on a^rcciiicnl- ol' a jii'. I0.1-' dale, do not a|i|)i'ai' li'oia llir ai;rori;ii'iil datod .ii-l \]\('iin!'d oiitcrinf!; into "'ho iu\f'--lii^alioii ol' any claiin-' (or '■ arrcaraii'c- pi-cx ioii-; Id that year. '(\iz: 1(J17) L,'i\iii;; I'or ;i rcubou lluit '•III" nei h}- uhi< h iIk''}' HtTO npjioint- ••<'(!, uiij nol t;i\(' IJii'in aulhoill\ -o lo •• do, ai d dial lliOli |o\Ml-\'.(ii lady •• |i| o-| I ( In ('."■ 'lie I (.11 lla^^l( i.< I s I'o: l.o\\(r ( anada al-o di i urc in llio ji ij.( I il.iK il I nil Jill) i:.'JI. ■• il.t'V •• ( .1' ( I i\ f < \ t'ly a^ict li.ti.l oi!( <' I al I- •• I I ii. n i:-i I (■ ( ( i.-ai( 1 1 d a- laan l(jr •• ihi' j . I lod w hii h il (II I r; I ( ■■. at d •■ ( : ,1 ;.;;ani |.(' Mil I) on l_\ any '•liiiui'i ( ( r liii--ioi:('l'- W illaail -| ('( lai •• ii,-li '!( lioi- III ihal < In (I. w ill> uliii h I'. -I ( 11. > li.iy \\( I'f I Ol 11.11 ii-Ik d. ') hi -" H i( I <'ia ( - I live, thai ll.( If \\ ii'^ no If rii:i|'ii-l'iiicni Ol at r('i:riii.<'> til tiuiK s. ( ilhcr (')i j'l ' --< (1 or in.| li( li in lh( a;;i('('- n, ,',.;- ol iM '/ : lail a ^iioi.,; cia.l.iina- (ioii ol ihc ( laiai h( lo acv.iia ci:, I- to \r to 1 1 ml III llio af;l'( oiiicnl ol .! line I i, I 7, \\!i;;i'in it I- ('\|ir( ^-ly (.(•( i.iii d, al a 1,(1 lod ,!: !. ! ly ^i J :-( i,l ( i.l lo lla; -I ij llial loll I (.-).('( Ill ;; lh< aia tioii diilit'S, w'l'ch wi'ic itlinijiii^lii d li.r lu o y cai'.S nml a lian, ihal the >iilii (ii I ..;c,')/. due to i I'l"'!' ^ an.ida lioin Isl . January jolG to ihc l-l .'aiaiaiy 11,17. in aoiiilion lo ihc'iiiii 111 Iwcniv lliDii-.ii.d [i nnil- al- ii ,nU ji.iid, -lioind I (• -M, III, will |i<'ju- dicc lo ai.\ (.'lain.- whii li I | |'( r t anadii liiiLi'l ha\ (• lor a. I. \ ai rcariM - linc pii \ i- oi- lo llic \('ai' liiiti." 'J l.o niKici-i^n- cd'cioi'c (!(,('- not jciccno wiili what |iii.]'!i('l\ a hn.cni (,'l aiic- li.iii .iiilic- lor llirco ycai.' a', reel in on a, 1 '.ilii nl;-.!" oc'.i-ioii and ;. r [•; ilainar ro -M;s hv j'L'!':oi;> Inn ii;^ i;o j'(.\\or lo , I'di' ciaiin.- ol a | re; ioii ■ da!.", r;;;i I c i(;^iiilt.| a. hai'i'ii !;■ alt ii;.,iil ai:,('- ciaiinod lor a [icriod aiil( ( < uci.t |o tho dali' ol that 1 clinninsijincut. I hai. I iijicr ( iinada i-. ( i.tiiK d lo a ,; ! | vc- [.ortion ol the .\n(;ion duty, i- n anilc-t on I laiia'(' i.t I (.wer ( ai'ada lo ii! | i >e ai d U vy -iieii lea-oi ill le 1 i'li( - Ol Mich ( i i (i-. \'i ar("^ d \ ( M au llrveniir uKliiii llic rroMiici-' ol l.uurr (aiiail.'i, on coiulilioii llial llic l,<';;i>l:i- liii'L' iiIiIk' Lillcr l'r(i\ iiicf -liall allow a iii>l |>i'o|>oi'(ioii ol (lie (!iitM'-< iiii|)o-('(l liv llu'iii, to he paid III I |i|((M- (aiiaila. l'lii> Jii^l |iro|)oilioii war- lo lie r('i{ulalt(l according lo tlii' ('om-umi|iIiuii Ii\ a iikkIc |ii('>ciili('(l in llic -iilMci|iiriil aili( Ic- III llif a;;rt'Oiiiriii. il ^^ a^ nalMialU iiiiau'iii- cil llial llic iiii|ini'|;iiil jiiiw cr (iria\aliiiii (litl'i ciiiifcilvil 111 llic l«'i;i^lalill(' ol Lo\\- ^T ( aiiaila. wnnlil Icnc hccn cmiii-- • ll » illl (lllo CIlClllll-IKClillll .mil KIMIil lor the iii^liN anil ihlcrol- nl (he -i>ln- J'i'o\ incc. ami llial no ilnlic-- w oiililliaM' liccn l<\ in! on ;;ooil--. w arc^ or iia i( liaii- (li--(' ui'.lioiit alloniiii; I |H)cr ( anaila licr jn-1 |iro|iorlion. c-liinahil ac ( ordlnt; III 111'!' foii--niii|ilioii and lo llio lair nndi r r-taiidin;^ and coii-l''';: iioii ol llic a^rcc- incnl. — .Ncvcrlliclc--. Ii\ llic Acl ol paili- anicnl ol l.nwcr (.anada l.'> (ico. .'Sd, '•|ic(ilir dill ii~ \vcrc iin|io-cil oniciiain cniinicralcd arlicio, and a i;cncral dnlv oil ^ali"^ al Aiiclion Imlli lur 'iiriiii-i> (iii!-cl\ li-cil : ,1, li lliiiiii;li llic ir\ line llni- crcali'd ;va^ |iriitc--cillv iii:iL;i.-d lor one and llic >ariic olijccl. and wa- le \ led nil i;ood-, w arcs and Mcrcliandi-c. (lie Join! ln-|icclor al llic (oicaii ilii Lac, '.\ as r(N|uir( d in hi- rclnrns to -tale n:crc- l_\ llic aiiielc^ -iiliicci lo -n"cilic diilic-, and nol tliii~c al-o winch had liecn -iih- jccl III ihc .\iiclion dnl\. 'riiii-, wliijc iiiaiiN ailiclcs ol' Mcrchandi>c, whirii wvrv |iiiiclia-cil at Aiiclion annnalU. passed nito 1 |i|)cr < anada. the ( iin ci n- inenl ol' llial i'l-mincc did iiol iccci\c its just j)ro|)iirtion ol ihc dniic- levied on tho-p article-. The inliahinna- of I |i]ier Canada liavinu paid dnlie- mi jioods -old at Anclionand ]inirha-ed h; tliciii. llnir lill( III a jn-l piMpmiion thcrcol' i- clear. Il i- ronndctl on the •jilain meaning ol'lln^ a^'recincnt of IT!'", and Diiirlit not to he defeated li\ any fail- ure on the piirt of laiwcr ( anada, to Inr- iiisli the Inspectoi- at the (otcaii dii |,;ic Avitli llio inlorinalion. wilhonl \\hiih that proporliuii could nut he rcgukirlv oh- •aiiit'd. ; \\ nil re:;aiil m ihc di^liiiciioii takci> ' li)' llie .\rliilialor lur I o\>fr i anada he- ; iwccii the iiiode> ol (ollci ling ihc Anc- > lion dill) al (^ladiccalid iNMiiilical, il i^t ; conceived, thai ihe rn^lil ol I ppcr( ana- ; da I- i;ol iht icl \ ,.lii cli d. Il i- i,ol ( iin- j -idcicd a ihalU i iil ai \ inniiiChl I \ whal. J ll.di* idnal.oi ni v\ hal \\a> ihc (liil> i- paid I In llu' lu'Ccitcr (leiicial il l."r. I anada; I lorwhclhcril he lukcii ti om ihc scllt i or i :lic pnu has( r, ihc ai lit le -md is naliir- ! all> < halgcil v\ ilh il. and il lulls iilli- J iiialcl_> on ll c < oi; . Iii-lanc< s ii.a v i iiidci (I he ( III d ol I cca^iol al sacrilic i s i made al an Aiiclion -ale, >el il nioi'c ' Ircipicnilv ha| p sire- soiiic pii III liiiin the Iraiisnclioii, ' (ilhcrwi-e Anclion sale-, \\i,nld neilhcr I he so c\lci,-uc nor ol >iicli liiipu nl oc- > ciirrencc as llic> ii(n\ aie. Il i> a iicner- ; all\ rc(ci\(d inaMiii, thai ( \er\ (haigi^ J whi(h CI liance- lo ihc lio|iriclor llu; i < list ol an ailicic III AicK lian iiiilnr- t:i\\> iilli- iilici > ii.iiy I Mi< rilii ( -; :i(linii, I'M i.ciilicr irijiM III (jc. I i> :i ;;<'iit r- • TN /■ I'lii; iiiiil('i'^i:^n<'il Vi'luli'iilor lor Low- er ( :ili;iil:i. Ilii> lo iiclilioH Icdm' llic rc- (I'llil Ml llir lilMlll I Llllll, liroll;^'lll liir- w.inl liv I |i|>rr ( aiiiiil.i liir a |iro|ioi lion (i| ilnlif^ ii|joii i;cioil-.. -.old al \ii( hull Iroiii tlir M'iir lUO.) to IKIli iiK'lii'-iv (', aiiioLiiiUhi; lo li, lOT/. b.\. ID*/. 'I'Ik- iiiidcr--i;,'ii<'d docs not llunk it nc- ii'\ to riiitr at lari^c into a liirlliir di^i'il--'ii>li III llll-< clailli. Iiccaii-i' lie ^llll V ii'U ^ llic ~iili|rcl Ml I lie ^.iiiic 1 1^1 1 1 a^ on a lol'iiicr ml a loii. w lieu lie ;;a\ •• lii^ o|iiii- ioii. "til il liif <'\|M(''.^ rliiii('iil ol AiM'tioii ilililt- li_v lilt' at;i (•(■iiiriil dali'il il-l May ililT, liiii-t lie coii-iil- cii'd a . liai I III;; aii\ claiiii |irior lo llic (la!i' at s\li;(li llial a;;rr< iiiciit tcrininal- cil." 1 II' ' iMK liidiiii; [la-^a'^r o!' that ii-rii ini'ii!. \. liicli. atirr r.clliiiifr ill." -miii linn (|;i:- to I ji]"'!' (i'liaila. ili-clart--. ■• 'I'll il ill.' s.iiir,' -liali il. n :'iioiil prc- •■ mmIi, .. I,, ;ii|^ claiiii'- n liicii I |i|)cr "Cinaila iiiiv line lor any ari'car- '• a:;r-- due |)r('vi(iMs in llic mmi- I it I '.'.." iiia-t not ill' (ciii^iili'i'td as licaiinu ii|ioii (lir riaiiii now staled. lieea.iHe tlie Icriii '■ aiieai ajM .." can only a)>|ily to the .^ellleiiieiil ut kiiowii and aekiiou Irdi^ed (lii(^. and llie Aiielioii dnl) had never liren eon-nlered a-, a |):ui ol liie i{e\e- iiMe winch I |)|)(.'r Canada wa? i'iilitli(i t" >liare. 'I'he Alhitrator liir I (.prr Canada (Mi- deavoiir-- to aceoiiiit liir liie sjlenee ol dial i'ldvince. iiiiiler tlic |>rivatiiiii ul (111 ise duties, during liie loiiL' l"'riod ol'lr'n M'ar-.. ti\ sa> III;;, that I j)|,er ( 'anada \v a- iiol ev (^11 aviai'e nl liie i \i-ten((' ol tiie aaelioii diih |iiior to liie \ear IJii.'c — 'I'iie -.taleiiienl ol' till- eireniii-laiiee in i\ '-eeiii 1(1 iiM|il\. liiat coih I'uliiK ill liail Itecii pactised liy Lower Canada: .S- the ;-ame idea appear^ to he eoiivevcd liv tiie :ir^LiuUMit. ijiat llif •• |il.'.iii jueaiiiiiL; 'I ■•llie a;^reeninit oC 1797, oiit;lit not lu •• he deleated hy any laiiiire oil the >■ jiai't ol liOVM'i' (anada. lo liiriii'^li >• the lii.|ie( lor al the ( olcail dii I ,ii(; "uili: liie inloriiialioii \\ilhoiit which •• that |ir'i|iortioii I'oiild nol lie re;;iilar- •■ ly olilained." 'I he under-. it;lie(I lliereiore tiiinl\s it |iro|ier to |i')inl out, that l>N liie a^reeiiK nts e\i-,linj;, Iroiir IT'.IT lo IDlT. Il wa- |ir(i\ided that [ \)- |>ei' ( aii.ala - lionid lie aniiiially luriilslicd Willi aceoiinN ol ail duties lien exislini^, or allerw aiiK to he iiii|io' ed.V il tim^e a(v eoiliiK w( re i:(;l solurnished, iiiioii wliieli |iiuil, llie iiiidersi;r|ied i-, noi uiloiiiied, I |'|>c!' (anada iiii^ht lia\e calied lor llii III. Iieiiu; ll:i' |''irl} iiio-,l iiitere--led iii till' iiil(iiiii.i:;oii lliey coutained, I'liil no lailiire III ihi-. l'es|ie('t eolild lie ol lii(> I a- I (.III i'ijiier«e. 'I'lie M'r\ li:'.; lire ol' tiie (I III II". I end en .(I il !iu|)o->iiiie lor any a I '. uual I 4 lilt III lo la' lalveii at ( 'oleall dll L"' vider til.' -._\ stem ■-() Iciiu' aeied upon. :::i ill I I II' \v'\ ihie, at the ^aiae luo- i:i. 1,1 ■.. ii"U ll.a' •) - o-ni \\;i ,il andiil.e;;. .\- a ja'iiiciiilr ado|i'ed y. \\\i \\ alliaui d lla nil Mil' u! a-eerlaiiiiii;i w ilii preei~iii'i ;eiv jii'i^pi'i'lioii that llli^ill le decided ii|ioii. liie (iiilie- ill (piotidii were sjieciiically 1 cliM'jirHiied. .^iicli a coilieideiice al- niii t aiiioiiiits ill an adii.!-.-^ ion. that tliosi (Inlies never were in conleiiijilaliiii:. a- jiail 111 liie I'eveniie oil pper CaMida. and sii.|);iu|\ conhriii- tlir ull(le|■-l^ll('d in his ojiiuioii. tiial no re1ro-|ieet can In a--''iil(d ill. (,>iH'lii.i . liili A,i!;vi-i. 1 (;■::;. ;.^i-iic(l.} .1. 1 1 Aid:. .\ruiri RA 1 o.", lor !^o\.e;- ( 'a:;,iil. » 1 la I'. I. iii'v. I i;.\;o 11 A 5 ^^ ^^* Tiir iindrr^iRned linslind llir lioiior of { tvrcMiii^ lioiii llic Arlnlialdi lor l.t)"<'i j <'iiiiii(la, llu' t-rvnal |ia|)<'rMlaU'd tlif 2il, | ith and titli iii-^laiil. I llo has lo rnnark. that, iii «idiiiiilliiip (lie sctciilh riaiiii. lie tcit IiiiiimII lalli-l on to >lalr dl>lin»llv iIk' impU'-^i'Mi!- . uliicli |)rc\,idtd III I pprr t tiiada. i | iiii|)i»r(«'d iiilo iliat I'romicr lor iiiililaiv j >tlid iilliiT |iiil)lic |)ill|)(p^t's. "ilhiiiil Ik- J inn ii'p'ii'lt'd- '1 III-' iiiJiii'V llirrrln dl\ \tv l a- il "a^ | d('>ir.iliit' lo ollrr. ni'MT indnljicd ill :iin | ('\]i('(t,ilioii ol rccnM'riii^ all wIihIiis : lon-idcn'd lo Ik' due lioiu l.o\>('i- ( '.ilia- - da on llii-- ln'ail. s 5 Till' iindfT-icriicd still tliiiik'- lliat llic { niihli^ln'd coi'iTSiiondfiKf ol Mr. >\ lUon | to «lii
  • out Jill' assertion, tlial iiicniiandis»' ol coii- sidcralilc value passed llie Cotean dii iinreporled, in (ioveriimeni Hoais. and tlii^ opinion is sticn^lliened liv tlie <'iiciiinslaiice alluded to in eoiiiiiinnieM- tioii t'rtiiii till' Arhitralor tor Lower Can- ada, viz that no eiilrie- of articles snli- jeet lo ad valorem duties ure (■ontaiiied ill ill'' reliirii-' ol'lliose ( lo\ ernment Hoal-, the caiiioes ol' which uercacliiall> re- iKirled. This omi— ion wri- prohahlv. a-^ ihe Aiiiitialor tor Lower Canada, oli- ser\e-, ••neither v\illul nor acculiiiiai." hut aro-e fidiii eaii-es which are Jiartly explained by Deputy Commi-sary deiie- ral ('lark, in hi^ published loller lo Mr. Wilson. On the oijihth claim. Ihe .Xihitr.itor for Upper Canada has to say. thai thou<;!i the lellers adduced in its sii|)porl do not expressly declare the precise aiiuiuiit ol" unreported ^roods. the property ol indi- viduals curried past the Coleau tlu l..uc in lRl:i, DIM and Dll.'i, lliey at leiiMf shew, Itial lar^e, though nidcliiute tjuaii- litM-H vv«'|-«> ihiiM iiitrtidiued iiuo I ppei ( aiiada. and cstalili^li llie lad, thai llir. oli|ecl i-, Ihe lestiniony ol iidi; . v'.oilhy ol lieliel'. evphiiniii^ vvliat may ha\c < ( inc w ilhin their l-.i owled^ie on the -idje* 1 ol' llii- claim, :.n I -latin:; circiiii>lance* lanl to the allowance which ih." Arhilralor tor Lower Canada piopo-ed in siili>laclion orilie til'lh ( laiin. thai the peculiar ( ire iiiiistances under wiiicli the ad valorem duly look elli'Cl. pre\cntc;l receipt- ol aiiV liiomeiil at (^iiehec until the -iimmer ol |)il I. while Cpper Cana- da had a ri^hl to the draw hacks l';oi;i If I ()( loher loi:t. to :;ist Decemher tol 1. a period ot'lil'leen months. It may he added, that if the consump- tion ot Upper Canada, at thai particular lime, had hern accurate ly valued, her true proportion of 'he duties vvould hav<; far exceeded the whole receipts at (^iie- ber. The ohj<'clioii, iiowever, was nol so much iM'tted on accoimt of the sum al issue, which is iucoiisiderablc, but be- l^ y at li'iiMf iiit<> <|iiiiii- iiii I |'|><'i I, llial ilir. II IIk' i ID- |(r(i\ imIoiii I III III oi^iK'd to < i>iii|ilr(( III' v\ I'llrr, nl ; iitliri ail lie uli- llii-^ claiiii, ii\N«'i ( aii- rlv lo I'c- ^(• « ill ad- lair !':>,, I. Ill ill V (il a\ r I I nil' -iil.jri I 111' -lanii'* nil ^ii'-laiiicil .Ial,li~!,lil I'lliarv . it -iuii w iili- lo- '11,1- r> til ' |M'i>- iiiiiii!> iiii- iicrlinc '^n wliicli lli.< |iro|i('-ril I. that llii- \\ liirli llic |iri» riili:! irliiT iiiilil ip'T Caiia- A-^ li'iila I si tvv l!il I. a ' ror.siimp- |iarti('ular aliicil. lnT Aotild liaM; [lis at (^iic- T. ^^as no! llif sum al Ic, but lu •' (lie |)iiiicij»lo ol llic calculaliuii iiiit apiiio»eil ol. Willi icspt'ct i'i ihc rt'Jurtnl aiaouiil ul lit'' 41I1U uii v\ Uii'li rliL' ud ralui'Cdi duty rliivr JHT I "•III, >vas ciiliiil;it(.-d in ilie ii\ili ilaiin, llu' *' lerMjjiu'd II - lu iic- kiiiiivlrd.;" l!u' o|ipii(lii Illy ol n-uidira- lii.i allui\lf I lam hy llu: \rl)ilria(jr li»r |ji)\v<'r t aiiad.i, iii oxaiiiwim^ llic <'"|>y ol llii' lii--[ j»o->->f--iiiii. Till' Ail>itrator lor r|i|>ri('aiiadail')i-4 iiol IrrI dl^jiu^c I [lo^itivi'ly to drin. liii' ■• |MioiiiMlioii ol llii' ,Vt:t ol .J.1,1 tiL'O. "til. (M|> li. I>y |irorlaiii (lion. \>.ih a •• 111 Us I'sisli'iici; -iiidiciuiil- '■ U iiii'iii.d lor .1 [)iililii: uiliciM', wlio •• IN .1.1 till' joiiil .->i'i'vaiit ollrtu ii'|),iraU' «• t'roviiic.'-. ;■■ yi'i ilic |,nv w.i-. tin; siilc ai'l ol iMii" 111 tlic I'roviiicrs, and as ill |)ri)Viiioii iiiilciially alli'i:lc(l tin- iii- tin -I- nl il\r (iili'-r I'roviiK'e, -•oar'lliihg iiiiiir ill III ill ■ |M'i;ilia:f ol'a I'roclaiaatiDii ->r;ii" I rc(| iiiiif lu c.iabli' joint oili- ( . ;' In |i 'ilii.Mi liii duly. rii (roods at two and a hall^ which the two descriplionsof yocds bori; to each other when imported at (Quebec. — Keiice the Uelurns of ihe Inspector at Coteau dii lie, could not have truly stated the pro- |n)rlioii of in-^rchandise iil live per cent for the period endiuij •'" die li.ith Miircli 1)11.'), and Upper ('aiiada has cou weipiently aright to the amount of the bixlli claim. As respects tlie risk which it is ima- l^ined the individual not reporting at the Voieaudu Lac incurred, il need oiilv be i}> iii(|iiir('(l, ^\h^tllc^ any lii'^lanrp ran lio niiMlioiicd (li |iiiiiisliiii;'n( liaviiii; hcrii iiiilicUvl t()i- similur cNasiods ol' the l'r(i\ iiicinl iii^rc.'.ui'iit-. A( llir period under c■(l;l^i(l(•l•alioll, there wa-^ probaMy nut one pei'snn in a liti.idred who w :is ;m,ire ol'llie lialMlily to ,i peiiidty in >ii
  • to a\()id di'ieiilio,! i\\u\ the ch nice ol' heiiig ini- |H-e~?i'd to tran-^port ( j()verniuent Stores, an 111 liu'e U'Vil vMneh would even ha\ e prevaih'd omt llic consideiMlion ol the liir'it piMi ill\ they iiHf^lit incur hv r-huii- niau the liispeeloi'. Iiad the existenee ol' il hceii a mailer of iptlorieh. It Irc- <|ueiiil\ happened that the owner ol' llu^ ^( wa> not wila iheili on the pa>^:i:;-e ii|>'.>ar;l-., aa I a- Ire. jiieiitly when he did aee!);!ip my ih'Mii. thil the i(hM of M|.ir\ lieili:,' done to the Ke\('iine ol'lln' I'ppei- J'nuinrc liy hi-^ evadini; the reporl>. did jiot oeeiir lo him. This wa~. in I'ael, a niitler, wliieh, in tlio-,e hii^\ liiai-^, I'tMv iiieldhvl witli, or relleele,! upon, and ivhieli ill |rirtieul n- d\\elt \erv -^eldo n in the iniii Is ol' those \vh i \vere ehii'LCed Milli iliu tr,»n-purl ol' Mi'reh;indi~e into I pj'or Canada. In «!ialover li^jht lireaehes of certain pravisioas in ihe agreements helwcen th" IVavinci's mv l» > r'^ ir li- I. whe- ther as c:ius;-d hy delt'Cis in ih - a„M-ee- ineals the n-ielves. or as acts ol'j'onlr.i- hi'i I In le. (IppiM- Cam la hi^ be-ii de- jiri\e,l ol I'Me lue, an I in pr ip )rlion a-- f-he has su.fercd, tlie Sister I'rovinee lias ijained. The ii'i lepM",''!!' 1 is n iler the ohliLi;!- tioi to ili^senl I'ro ii the prinei|)h> a--u u- elhythe Vrhitr.itor lor Lower Can i I i. Ill II iiecanse iniividuils who laiie I to rep)rt. were li ihle to a p- i ,||y. -nrli liiilure or infrietioi of di' l.iw w i- a i act of ei)ilr ihin I Iril". forlheeaise- ■pii'aces of w'licli Loiver C in nl i. as^!i;' li 1 1 no control over, sh ml 1 nol h" re- ^p)isil)le. If hv Ih" Vijre • u - iN he- twee, i th" Pravi uvs. tjpp .p ' in I i w »- calitlel to Iriwhicksof Duies levie I on ijooJs imparled into L'jwer C in i I i ; if I the Rotiirns hy winch tlirjiisl propordon ol those duties was lo l)e ai^ccrtained, \N(a-e shewn in more than one inslance lo he deli'ctiveand erroneous; it' il be Ihe diilv of the present Aibilralois "to hear • and delerniiiie all claims of the I'ro- " viiiee of I p|ier Canada upon llie " I'rovinee 1)1 l^owcr Canaila, on ac- " count ol drawbacks or propcution of ••duties, iiiidrr a^ireeinents made and •■ ratitieii by (he aiithoiity of tlii^ Le- •• nislatiires of the said two I'rovinces. "accordini; lo the lair undeistandini; '• and coiislriiction of the said aj^ree- *■ menls." <'ommon iiiplice and eijiiitv 'I quire that the i laiiiis of L pper Canada -hoiild not be set aside, because lliea- ureemenls were too often rendered im- i;alory by act>o\«'r which neither ihd- \ nice had an_\ ellicient centred. 'I'lion^h Lower Canada mii;lit nol be responsible lor these acts, --he oiif^ht nol toa\ailher- sell ol any inlraiiion of (he law, in order lo withhold siu h amount of duties as may with Iiderabl ' accin aev, be found l.iirly due the I pper I'rovinee. in conse- 'jiience of lliese infraction.-. In noticing- the rejily made to the ninth and la-l claim of I |i|ier Canada nnih i I'rovincial aj;reemeiils. the under-i'^ned has lo reirrel the di-ini hnalion inanilf'-l- eil by the .\rbilrator for Lower Canada, lo enter into any further diMii-ion rpre^ented to have been ii-ed in ihe a- i,'reemenl ol Ii(l7. -ince. in hi> opinion, thai e\|H■e■^~lon relerred to a propoilion ol every duly |)rev ioii--l\ levied on iiii- portalions Vc vv helher idaimed (U' know n, denic'd or ackiiow le^ed — Wilhoiil llu- liheral and |iist coii'^lruction. the reme- dy provided by the Imperial Parliament, could not produce the satisl'actiuy adjii-t- ment ol the elaim> of rp|)or Canada whit II was truly inlended. bn' would, on the contrary, confine the attention of the .Vrbitratm^ lo the points lormerly a"i-l^""-"" '" < <'t.-nn.m:,ii -llms,." i,,^ ,no»m Arts, us was ahsolulHy i.e- ".iu!i,a,.MH.||,;,N..|MM.„nnl.r,, of aiiv \ aluc. iiiral. Ill (■ 1. I , ,;,..■,,,.„ ;, ,| 1 . ' >'•'• iliraiii,-|r,,.i,M-n-(l t(, as i:!--.'-M-,:i.n.,itli,.am.ara....,l:u,i.. I •■"■",'''"?'"'''"'?" "l'^"'- ^'""'"'^^ I'inid l.c amniall} tiinii-.licd will) ■ :^i '. iiiiiilsor;,!! (I lilies I lira e\i>iiiii; u ;i' ■ 'mi i:H-ii.';er, oa llie nili-r $ ''• ■II'' P K'l iiMi'i'ia, a ■ •■ae!,al•\^ - t -, , , ... J, ,1 ,, . •• \ •■ alleruanl-. I.) I.e imposed. ' liiil ad- I'.', lli:ii -iieli a \)ro\ ;-,ii.ii uas in loree. \ u.. A^lmilliiia. iioweN,..-. ,-,,, ;, .M,, ;;,.■:;, ;';,t i "•'•'," ' '"I "• i '! I''' I ^Mlti Oil llie pari oI'Low . , ei' ( ';• ' i'l' l< n,' 1- aprlied ill i;;i7. d,„-, nul J ''i- < '^^'naila' or lauM the omi-^sim, of Ijp- I'etr oil (■),■ piv-nil ipi.'.lioi. Ihe eir- J pi'!' ' •iiiada Id -eek llie iiiliirmalioii al- I'Mi.tiii,.-. i;,;.| "l!,,. \ii<1,oi,(!i|!ie-, l,,d I '!"'"' "•■ '•■"'-'■•I as II. « as l.y a eoiili- ■ iiev.a- l.eeo eon<,deiv,| i;;, Lov.rc ^ "'""''• '" I "'> e,- ( 'aaada. and preceded •■'■,;,;i,ll, ;,< a ,,,,■! ni i;,.. U^ v.Tii, ' ''> ' ' I ' Olll I - lol 1 n|| \Uv |M rl of I |i,. lat I.T ••"l^iHi I pp. r Can:,,!,, nm,. inlilled | ''^--'^ ■"< '' I" Inmisli ,1. bar ||,r .lairn lor •■!'■ ~liM..- tl,oii-li >l nnv -lie.v ul,v J '''■■'" ''■'^1- -n li- preMMil oeeasion ^ ilrll -'i il-e \, t- w i|i|l|e|(|. i'..,.,' nol i!' ; ro y { "I ill :i"-. \':m •■:' ■;■! ii;e (luiii. Ii-.|iil 5 ''k' Ai'l'il i alor liir I |iper ( 'anada u as !■ \' I'll ' I'.naila iiiider lue II -nil 5 (•pre- \ mil prepared lo liear il conlended, lliat i-\' .\.hi:i-ai' .11. lo ,i!i;,and a ii:-l pro- ^ 'Ik' l.iilnre on the pari ol Lower ( 'anada ■ • li"'i "1 (lie ViM'li 'I (!iiM . (•!• olain : '" I" '"'> ill"' iiiip"-ilitMi ot ne\'. (Iiilio 111 MrT (!!'' \ oM 11 ; ■•■II' 1.1. UK' iiii| morj 01 IKM'. (illllo nil ■ Is p I -ill-- i,-Ma\ I.U1-. cr \ •''''' ''' ' alli'L':"d e\i-liii.r ■ lipiilalioii. •-■" I ]•;" rC'i'i:' I.I, v>!ia-!i!:):Mia:e;-.;,. :- I •■(•,';i!d i;ol lie of ||ic Iral con-e- '■'• ''i '.» di -!■■■• r ;,. |i;n e Im ra rr.i.M ;; .^ \ ■ ,; ,>.iii .., Iieeaii-e ijic icn naliirr ol '■''■'' "■!' .'i ■!.!. I '1.' a ;i .'I III! Ill I'i.ia \ ■•ii!i'a:i ;ioi ilntics rendered il iiapo-- ''''''■■ 1 '' i ' pi 1^ id id I '1 I I i- >"r ( ' :a- '> " 1' i ' I t a'w aeeoenl ol' t,, lie ■I'''* -il 'i'i I rei M\ e l;ei- ja-', p.i ojinrlioa ■ "'a'v':; it (.'ilt.'an da La.- li ; :e;- llie "' •'" ■''"'"■^ Il ■■ ii'^l '■- 110.!-. ia Louer \ -v-l <■!:..) I,,..- ;,,•,.. 1 , n - I pn t ('aaa- '' i'l !•! 1- a id 1! il !;.■,•-■, 1 1, -i led thai aiu ' d 1 il.i ., is :,\ ; '1. ,, < ■ ' :.i'i ,,1' liiis nd,. I'll' <'l' a p'i''"'l''- 'i i';- !>■ i'k' d- '', lo l,e ,io|,nve,l „|- li.-veiM.e. iKca'w-,"- l;''"!'"i-' 1 It. Ill- la.t l>e,wi allowed, j L'l'.vr ( eiadi rilav lia\ e deviled a '»'''■" •'•■* easily ascertained as in soino I !ie iiidersi.r led in arroimtini; lea- \ other in-iaiices. ami then' rienrlv \V()nl(l ilie sih-n.c <)l Lpper ( 'anada under the 5 iii!ee has shewn there was iiithrre. ee,d;i,:Mil Imd l.,.(.|| pramiecd liy Lower \ turns oi" (IumhI yalorerii diilies. Cm id I. HowiMr niiu'li he miv have \ dillhrrd from the Arl.itrator lor Lower | Iteinarkahle as It tnav appear to the Lanada, in lliinkinir that the natural eon- 5 Arhjlrator lor Lower Canada that duties lidenee ol L'pp,-r (atniida in the jusli,(> 5 wer.' e^vpressly ndimpiislied at a lime '•>l the sit-tei Province. s>lioiild liavc heeii \ when their aiiionnt could have hooii a-. *i 21 lOriMiiiftl ^\llh niOM prroision, il doo? j rf^ilifiirv of snlmiiHin;: llip poiuM of «lif- iiot at all aiiuiiiiit lo an adnii^-ioii tlial ; fcrciicc." uliicli. ullicr« i.e. tln'rc i> no llio-cdiilio ufTc never in coiiUMnplatidn. j pio-^i eel ol ^clirnis:. lo llio rousideralioii since l!ir luitiial, lli()iiij;li y;/()\y)'(///7 iclin- j ol the third Arliilralor. <(i;i-,'iiii(Nil [iro; cs the co.iteaipliition : and ; the iiiterenee i>. that the desire tbrtiieily ; (iuehre. JUli \unn-t, 102.1. ■elated ol liringiuj; the di-^riissidn to an j ;niiifal)le close, aided. |)erha|)s. hv tlie { (.Sii^ried.) .1. H.VBY. urgent »\anls ul the I pper l'rovine<'. in- I dnced il- ('omiiiisMoners to r(dini|ni-li I AnnrriMTOii for Tjiper Caiiadn. l|i(! diitie- in (jiie-'ion e\presslv liir a J Ui\ en period, unhuiil pr<'indiee to aiiv '. < orlilied I . he a true eo|>v. elainis ol a relro-peetne naliiro. ' dersigned hy way ol" eli \ (^i-iied.) .I(>IL\ m.\cail!:y. d.\tiii(.'; some parts ol' the staicnienl he 5 ha- lately had the hoihir to make. iie I the honor to receive Iro I) the \r!)itr.itor lor the L'pjier Pro- vince. ap.i|)?r. d\iei| Jith inst. coalaia- •im liirther arga ii-viis j.) reply |o the CO n aii.iicitio IS of t!i' iii I'-rsigneJ da- ted tlie 2 1, ttli a il (ith ia-t i!it."' The iin ier-io; ird eiiirely a(!fpiieKrps in l!(e necessity of relerriiii,Mlie whole of lli'^ clai ns hitherto dise'is-e,|, to the de- ter, iiinatioa of ih'> ihir I Arhiirator: an I lie is the aioro convince I tint such i re- ference is iinavoi l,d)le fro a the a i nis- .sion. Ihit th" Vrhilralor for Upper Ci- jj-ida riev(>r in lii|n;ivl inv expi^cl.ition of recovering all that was considered to ho due. Fro'Ti this a'l'iiissiiin a rjiir^tion 111 ly p.>ssi!)|v arise, how far the Arhiira- tor ior !'|)p'r f ';iiia la iriw hive heeii aMlli ii-i;-; ■ I lo set fort') the claims ol'that (i o i-rit n ' it in I'le n uhi't lie has doiie ; th'M'o 11 nissi,)'! of Vrhitritnr not necps- sarilv CO a are'r-'i linx. Iiiit. on the con- Irii'y. hei i^in th^- opi lioa of the iinder- si,' I" 1. (j liie inconsistent nntli that of a cl mil It or of a a jihofite: Aid I'li'^ p iriiciil irlv applies (o ih.. clai n for du- ties iy\ \ii"iio IS, which was not iiie'i- lio v I a n ) ig those state 1 to If is F^xcel- lenev Sir lo!ii She,a,r v-ike. in If{l7. or to^ir I'er-iriie Mtitli-il in |!!2I. The n 1 I M'si r ,.> I his oalv to ad I, that an agreeiiHMt puolished in the appendix to 22 ;lic iT-oliiii«>ns of tlio 1 o[;islii(ivc ("(Mill- ; „„sly printed and should lip 179,>. ril .hkI liuii^c ol Ar.M'ml)l_> ol I l>|'i'i' j taiiida ill liC-i'Jl, lOliliiilis llic in liclc it- j tcnril lo, ii-^ jnovidiiif; lor llir iictoiiiits j li. \<'r Canada. A Tiat tOl'V. J. BABV, 4> o «v , «» <» ; ■■'> ■■ A, No 15 T.. Arbitrator tor Uppor Canad. | ^'^^^^^'^^ ^^^:^^:^2Ttf]^tZ^ h,. tl..'lv...ortne.irlo>.Ml..-tiHrl Ar.i- ? ed. were Hi- slatoa. -i.t. u , m ■ l lAioi. Lotl.M-~\o. l.,,,.iaud7.coitai..- j s.^u-d aa=u,n>orled i.y sa.Uueul iii.r .iMltcr \\lii('i will bo to;i il to Ml;)- i iiio^iy. PMl t:i("itli nil '.tllndaiiis. r:'tiMTrl lor tUo Arbitrators of the tuo Mon them. 2.5d A.i^u.t, 18- i. te^tl- df 'wio-i by Pioviiices. (Siiri.ed.) J. UABV, Aii'.iTKNTOK :or Upper Canada, Tlic linoicos prove, that t;oi.d- "<;re ^ CO 11 no ilv l)oi|(;ht at \uction to a con-id- ^ cnbl • extent ill Ijowcr Canada, lor co i- s siinplioa in the Upper Province. PI,. \ Certified to be a Irne copy onlv i'lCt whicli it wi^ inle i 1 ' I to e-tab-^ ^ li,h Ol thit Ic'il. since no diliiii-ice ol \ re^e irch colli I ascertain bv any ii<' ci-, \ the exact am ) i it o( snch piirchabe-, dii- | liiiu- |h<^ period of tlie clai.u. | It will also be seen, that the propor- | tion of 'j;oo Is wiiich were not rep irte I. | i> rate Pii-r ler in the letters than m the | f^iiChtli 1 laun. i (Sigaed.) JOHN MV^V'JLKV. Sccrda'ij- A, TRL-E COI'Y. J. BABY. 2'.\ A. No. 10 TABLE FIRST. •iiiuiM, the proportion ol' lln' I'ldvinci:!! I^rvciiiH' raised liy Dulir'- ai ilic I'oil ol (itiebci'. aiitl paid ever to ( |>pei' Canada under l'rn\in no-2i I i:i A. niu I! t r (■ pt l)y 1 1 17 19 1010 10 Il20ti 1 1 7 1 -iti-: - 1 .)..■ l.iliO 1! 100.! 1;! 1 71itl .) 1 Tlie dillerenee ot tlie^e two euliiM i~ ina\ !;(• considered the e\pei:-e of tolh.'t lion * Tljis }e,ir inelude- ^unie arrears ol tintiis on wines. Qiielice. ath Aiiuii>i. \iV23. ;' i-h.,!.) .101 F\ MACWULEV. Surdunj to the ARiiiniATOR lor I pper (/auada. A TRi E cor\. J. 13 A BY. ¥a "■ ; 1 lilt ■ Ton inn al 1 tii;i licreipt by 17 It) 1 10 10 )»; 1 I 7 6-2 :/■ iO j j; () ).•{ j.i / ii l'o!l(;<'(iii||. l>('r CaiKid:!. 24 A, No. 17. TABLE SECOND. Mm-.m;... tl-.r' proportion of tlio Provincial Revoniie raised by duties at the Port o| (iii('l)rr and paid over to Upjx'r (Jaiiada, under tlie Provincial Agree- incn!- loiinded on llie Returns of tlic Inspector at the Coteau du Lac, ain! l!;(; loss si islaiiicd by Upper Canada in changing from the fonuer agreement ot one-eighth. Vciir-. lijJI I8i!i ir.o.j ISO.) I"C5 i \Sr(, 1!,' r ISllfi 1 .Mm -ill. r, n 1 ■t Rir< i|)t ai '[ Actual Heccipi tjuiljtc. ! ot Upper Canada I 1 5 -^ i ^ 16 y- 17501 1 pc- j du Lac, is made evident bv their innde- nod. (roin changing her proportion from / (piacy to tlie actual increase of popula- otip . ;ohih In such a sum as mii,dit be \ tion and by liie peculiar disproportion itri'iliciicil on the returns ol'the Inspec- I of some years. Inr ot the Coteau du lac, to the amount ' of 17.". 10/. 7.S. \\if.].2 which was the '' iiiorc ;j;rirvous as li(>r increasing popula- | tiori 'iititled her to more than one- I cigiilh. 5 1 he avcrago proportion of chities paid > to Cppi-rCaiiada was during tliis period, j h>-s tlnn one-clevcnth. being within an i insiirniiicaiil traction one-iwelfth. J i I iio great inaccuracy oi the returns f Quebec. 8th August, 1823. (.Signed.) JOHN MACAULEV. Secretary, to the Arbitrator for Upper Canada \ TRUE COPY. T. BABY. ««r n eft;;' 25 A, No. 18- TABLE Tailll). i[F\vi\f; tiif jiroportioii ni' llio Provincial Kcvrniic rai-icd l)y ol ilit; Iiiriix-clor al (.'ult-aii dii Lac. V eaia. 1 Jili., 1 .. 1 : l!!h.i 1 'rol;i| t. (iicss aniouiil. M Ai.uiul icccipi ol l| U inter Cuiiiida. T'.Md.i l!)i».Hi:i !T!lli()-J I I ; i! (i.'ilili! 1 !!,5!t::;j!)' 12 i 1 r2i: 10 I I! li^l.Jlil H) j IK) / II l.i! 17 !l I-- IM-l li ,().!- 1 r 1 u lui noil. l-l. in It la; 11 Iv l-l ae ir IV 1-.) 1 :') I'lic anujuiii had ilie a)jmcilicni ul one- titlali tomituiccl. •iioji.) i; lo-iiiit II , (i 1-- |:57o7 l)i i 10 .iW&2 I.) i 01) I laaiii-.l i)y tlio ('oinaiis^arial, which wci''' Oa l!in TiMo it ii lo l)c rpaiarkcii, I lavcr rcporlcil. llic 'lc;u;-as ol'lliu ln-.()i'c'or ai ihc { < 'oto »■! il I |j u: i:.> ilrarv lo cviTV loraaa' i VM!'( yn'i.l aij;i'('ilcr revcaiic ih ni oac- J ci--iil.!i, lor ill )a4 I Til:? a[i|i'.' ir- h'i. \,'i ^ !!a> ari'c iia.'r 'i alrcidy paid oi lh,;t ', vcai' rai-.'>- ii (o n i-c I aa oa- -:'i: la 'i '. '>\chpivc oflh' claim still n- aaini i-. — | ,\i liif^coai n?ac:'.a(>at oC t!ie \var, iffcii- < i-r atlciition wa- paid to his duly I'y the \ lns|)er,t(a-. tlioiii^h iiiiich escaped hiai la;- { -idc-alif JJi-iiradcsi ol Sleiirhii. Boats. Vc \ (iiit'hfc, iith Aii^ai,!. \V,r.\. (Signad.) j;).iN MA(:Ari/:\. Secretary to the Arl'i!ra;oi- lor i'pi»er C'aaada. A TRUE corr. ,T. BABY. 1 A, ^0. la TABLE FOURTH. Remarks on the rnopoRTiov of oNE-riFTii. rhr licvrn.c prn.l n,cr ,o Upper Canaan in 1017, ihr f,r.t year of the agreement last conrlwM hUu ccn the I'rovnars amounted only to £ , ,;,',;.,., ,, ,, N.m ilurinR.hat yoar dntiahlo nr.inlrs passed the Cotcau da .ac amoiiiiH.iir, exrlusive ol U Geo i to In .year the total prorc.eds of I J (ieo 3, amounted to £ M,503 1-v KW. njiTcnrv. ot uhich one-lilih is .2ii 14 :, VJ7rj TTj r... ■• I , , I Lo\ror Canada, n? everv a"'"crmpiii u ill U w,,,r,M appears ,l,a, Lower Ca- abuMdaotlv te.tilv. ' "-'-™"""'" • i.lo<'t her own duties, her Kev< e { Munid l)eiiiiiehcrn.ater than the propor- i lion allowed hy the afrreernent ol 18 1 7 J l>ut knowing: that the nature of the houu- l d.irv hue renders it iinpraelieable.t'npcr ' Canada has alway, been passiv,. and ..c-irous .)t a-reeing. at all hazards, with { Quebee, t]th Aiir;ust IG23. (Signed.) JOHN iMACAULKV- Secretary to tlie Arbifral.n lor Upper Canada. A true Copy. f. HABV li M-Li:v £rt Al, No. 20. ■5 4 n "cut nil) I (^uthei, :i() January, IC'J.!. ^ \ I •tnMe Scrviuil, Iliuiiij; Ikcii appointed Arl-itni- | (iAIlHini, WOOD, Es^t. lui'- Mil till' |>.irl oi' Lower ami I y\»'v i Canada, under the act ol I'ariiainivil, t | (ie(,. I Ciiji. Ii;t, we deem il neec— arv 5 Id reijin -.1 III' \un. lo Inrni^li n- \\\\\i ? -laleinenH ol Nieri handi-e, pnrel'a-'d ' ,i!id liirwanled into I 'jjper ('ariada loiliie j Na\al and Mdn.irv |)e|iarlnienl-, in llie j war- l!;i;i, IHl )." |fil.. and lUKi. In.jc iIh r \s\[\\ liie aniounl |iaiii lor the ^anie We have thf honor to he. Sir, Your nio^^t oi)cdicnt. Comtiiis^ary (iencriil. Certified to he a true eopy. iSiuned.) JOHN MACAULEV, Secretary, to Akbitka roil li)r Upper Canada. A ruuE cow. ^. 15ABV. rmtralor cia. BIOBSH ABV A, Cotuini^'iin/ (.iriirrar.i Oflirr, liuehec, :il January, lii- i. (jF.M l.l.MK.N, N(.21. \ Books and Papers ol niv pr.'dr 5 oni.'( i '(■ . Mr ', ho V. (hllie-. a-^al.n hv h \V'ilh reter-ariat this conntry diu'inir t!u' piiir inentio led, hav iii^ he(;n (arn!''.! tj Eni;laiid. I have the honor (o h-,'. Gentlemen. Your nio-.t olj't. Si i'v • (Signed.) (i. \\()Oi). Commissary Cciut \ hue copy. .T (UBV a ; in nil \ Zl \o 22. ii» I 'i.iiihM^snni (\ / Acrouiit's Olih -11)11 ;if((illll Is of Sir \\ . I i, lli'hiiisdu i (^iIvIk <■, 7 i"i'l)ni,ll_V. lii^.l \ llic al.iiM' iiicillloliril \ t:n' (ir-iiT 111 (lie I ,nl lU ( iKllIiil^-'KiiK' »\ nc li> llic p| ill- .M;i|i'-i>- I i( .i~iii\. liiih~iiiill( il mi- ll Id I ',iii;l.uiil. Mini (•uli-.C(illfMllv ' ia;iiiiiiii I li;i\(' In nckiiiiw Icilt^c ll llil (.1 \ ■ jiilrr nl ll I ll IIH'-lill^ UK' lo IllMII- !l \ III! \\ III lli'Tc iiii" 111 II I unU llil. 'I IlllltlOII >('!< 11 '11 -111 Mi'i'i ihiii(li-r |iiir(liu-ri| 1.1 l' I iN ( lllC >ll< 1.1 |. ;'u,\i;.('i' am! I.irwiinlril In ( |i|)tr ( i- ; iiiiii.i iliii-iii;; llic U';ii'- li'.l.i. lull. |;;i.i ; Sir. :uiit llili;. '; i \ dill' liiDsl iili"l. Sri-\ 'i I |iii|i rcri'l'i'iii'j; III ill"' ;ii'('(ir.iit- III i ( .;iniiii",iiA (i.' .--ii- W. II. i;,,li,ii- \ (Si:,Mi(Hl.) J. I!. ADAM.''. ciii. Ii'iilii lliii-r |n'lliiii>. ll :i|!|i(';i:- ■ l! (I j |"ll'ili:i-i'- \M'l I' in.lilr Id ii » ('l'\ ciih-l'irT J 1)'\. C'lilll. (ici ■ ■liji' (AlcMl. Iiiil ;i^ ill.' ;ii'i iiiiiil liii' lr;',;i.- } ji.Tl (ldi'> mil -jii'i il\ llic arlii'li - !iiil I (Jcrtilit'il Id lie . tl'lic ci |i_\ . ,;iiM'il\ llic W ;i;;r- |ii|' I III' li!;iiilir:' dl liii'l; J .■ii!|ild\i'il on lliat M'r\ ii'c. dl ilii' liii'i' dl' \ ( r^iLii<'i!.) .'. llAI-i". »(•■-.'!-. il i^ ili:|id-Mlilr Id ii-cri lam w li ■! ; nai'l \\ I- « i ll !■ jHiii ll -■■ll liir dP Id!'- ; \ (''lie <.'"| \'. wanU'il III ijio I |i|if'i' l*id\iii('' I ' ■ .^ ^ IcHVd Id ailil. llial ll).' Sldi'o ami i'l'iivi- f .' nAt'.\ ^^ III A No. 2u. Hmhf;. 10 I'cbntor^. 1G2J. i nl' (.dvcrnrr.oiu in I jijirr ( aiiadii. iiiaclt' ; liv llic ( '(iiiiiiii-..-ar_v ( iciicral troiii I (Jc- Sm. ; ti'.Licr ll!i:{ In Klaii'v. I HIT. \uii arc 3 et i ciialili'd l)_v rclcfciicc lo liic rash ac- l-'roni your favor of 7 liiPlant Id t coiini-. nlCoiirv (i»iicral. Sir \\ . II. Uo- ili( lidiidialilc .Idliii llalc Arliilraloi Idi- i liiiisoii. lor llmsc pcrioils, to asi'crtaiii llie Ldwcr Canada, il apiicar--. tlial llidiii;li ; sum lulal ordi-liiiisciiicnls li) llial olliccr the ddriiiiicnt- in your ollicc do iiol spo- ; Tor purchases ol .Mcrihaiulibc or Slorcs '■-'ily llie amount of purchases lor the use J of ail dcscrijilioii^ in Lower (Jaiiad.-^ 28 ll iil-i. ;i|)pp;ii>. lliat the jucoiinl |i)|- ; liMii«|H)ri. ilidimli It il()i'> mil -|i.( i:> ill,. I • iriicl, ■., .|,il( •- i!i!' Uii^M-. |(ir ill)' iiiimlii'i' i '" I'll'ii <'ili|il(i\Ci! oil :iiT\ iff ;iii(l ; '111' liiif i,r \f-~f I-. ; 't til ' A . Ill llif :ili-f iicf ul (illicr iii!m| !ii;iti,i|| } "I ii iiioi'' ilirffi mill »;i!i-,i.irini\ iiaiiiic. ; 'I' ll I If : ■ .1^ liiii-if \\ !iii ii 1 1 :i|i|if;ii - \iiii ; fill lilMil-li III l\ l)f ll--/'|.||, Wf |i:i\ f 1(1 I'f- 'i '|i|f-l JIHI Will l,f |lll;|K|.,l t(, liMii II, \ M nil f xli'ufl, li-iiiii ilif f ,1 .!i nil. I Iriih-.- I |Mirl ,H (iiiiiii , .iliinf If liri cil Id. ^hiiiii;' J till' •li-liiii'M'iiif:iN I'lii- |)iiif li:i-f>, (il'Mfr- J :irl III .,ufli iniicli.f-f:. lo L ii|ifi-C'aiiail,i, \ I ii;i\f llic lioiinr III lif. ': \ our iiiii^l oli'i. ||iii,,liji (Sl-iic,|.) I \\\ AmiiT.". \ n.u liii- I 'iiif I ( ,,,' ). if. A!)\M-, i:,,,. I'.\. ('(iiu'v. (if III. ( f llilif (1 til lif II (rue f (i|n , (Sii;,Rd.) .loiiN .\i \('\('i,i:v, .^I'tri't.iiv. \ true I'opv. .1. BARV. A 5 N'o.2 24. . \ VPdi-^ IlJl.i. Ifllt, U\\:, ami iniCi. or III.. iMilil uv Sffi.l:vv\ Olllff. \ amuiin' jiaiil li.r tlic saiiif. Qiifhff. i nil I'f li"\. HVi:!, \ i \ liiMf llie liuiKir (u l)f. Ill r('|)lv lo ymir Irllcr ,,1' ycstenliy i I Iii':j; |i' t\c In iMliiLii Villi, ih d it |, not r i ', I".* |i- •'■■•: I'-.) II I n ,|.„.|| l|;.;it- ill tlii^ Ol'- I (if •. (.1 ll ■ ii-'i y.iii wn'i .-i.iU'iaviits ol' ', 111 • M 'If , i , |.s ..; ll ,. .J ,,, III,, I'ro- < The Ilonofublc J. llilo. viiifi- !iy 1,1" ' 'll ll iii---ari il i ) 'p ii-haciit. J and loiwai.lfd lu L (ipcr ( 'auada in lln; ? ^ ""C coi^y. .1. RAH\ \ our oli't. Sf rv'i, 1 1. C. DViU.INd tl A, -^o. 2r). ('oiiiiiiH-arv ol Acroiint'.. Odicf, >ir, Ifavin^'-iihiiiiltrd yniir letter of (he lOll) iiistaiil liilii> L(iril^lii[) the Coin- jiiaruler ol llio I'liiTes, I Itef; lea\e to ae(|iiiiiiil you. lliat His l.t)r(l-lii|) sees iu> oliieetioii to you or Mr Hale-. li.iMii^ rf- lereiice to aiiv account oii Keconl in lliii Oiruo; liul lie (Iocs not tlunk it iiece-^a- vv to (Inecl that slatciuentrt ol' tlieui ;<'li(iulcl l)e liiriiislieil. as it would inter- lerc w iili tlie I'ublic ilutici ol niy ilcj)arl- iiieiit. I Iia\<' tlic Lonor to be. Vour ino.-.i ul) t. >rrv'i. (Sigi.i'.I.) J. H. ADAiM.S I)y. Coniiiii^iury (ioiioral. .1 nAMV.Ks.!, \ibitralor lor Ujiper ('aiiada. iV<'. iS<'. »Sc. A rRUE tOI'V. }. HABY A 5 ^o 211. The undcrsii^ned Jias alroadv bid i l\n honor to ackiiowledi^e the rei eipl of the (lilli-renl |ia|iers traiisniiltC(| to Ihiii \>} Ihc Honorable tlie Arbitrators tor I |i- JHM- and Lower Canada, and has (aic- iullv considered the ditleient ( l.iiuis c.iii- tained therein, as well as the objections thereto with the corr(>s|)ondenee on b.jth Mills, and has duly \veii(lieil the rea-on-i ollert'd lor and aj^ainst their adiiiission. The lirst. second, third and I'ourtli claims prelerred by the Honorable .lames Haby. Arbitrator on the part of I jiper Canada. iKnin;; been bv him rc- lini|uished. roi|uir(! no lurllier iioiice. The under-iiined on tlie littli claim, concurs with the honoralde .lohii Hale, Arbitrator on the jiart of Lower Canada, in the lair proposal by hirii made, to allow the l*ro\ iiice of I p|>er ( 'aiiaila one tilth of the duties collected in Lower Canada, under the .(iJd. Cico. ;i Cap. M, a proportion sanctioned by the Com- iTiissionersof both I'rovinces iiitlie xar 1UI7. soon after the lei niination of the late war when its ellt'cts inusi imve bee a stroii^dv impressed on their luiiids. and since adopted by tiie Imperial I'arlia- iiieiit, as appears by the act ol li ('Co 1 cap. CXIX. The amount of duties col- lected III Lower Canada under .Olid Ceo. 3d cap. XI, from I si October UiJ.i to 30 .-2''2 Hi i; I'.M MIL, a lialaiK (' ul si'U'li lliiiii^ tin! tuo } !iiir lii'ij ami Iwciilv |iiiiiiii|i si'Vi hlirii ■i< iiii;:-- ami -u |MMUf. cnricin'). wliiih I II tin' i:ml<'i'-.i^iH'il iiwarilN Id lie jiald 1,1 ill" I'i'iM UK r III I |i|))'r Canada in lull i. i-^l i< iiiiii III (lie lillli chirii 'I'lir iimlcl ■^i^iMil Mil llic sistli riaiiri, i-. ii|i|i.;ril 111 ^, IV \\ illi till' III I! II iia I lie (lie Ar- liih ii'ir Inr ilii- l*rii\ nice (il Lii\t cr Can- ;iil;i. thil III' Ire!'. Iiiiii-'i'll ImiImhI liicoii^i- ili I' till' nliini-iiil llii' lii^|ii'i'liii' al (D- I :ii| till I ir. a< liai'i'iii^ i'Vri'\ (laiiii lliry ill) mil lii'ir \\ iliu ~-< III, iiiilr-is ili-tinct :,iii| -|i<'i'irn' |ii'iiiir lie |iriMliir('il that llicv .111 ilrlrrlivc. l!ic iiini'i' ('"-jiccial! V a^ llic ill .|irilur (■, ,1- till' iiiliil Oilircr III llir Iwii I'l.iuihi. ami 111-- {'(.'liini-- liaM' nut litcii rniliil ili'il l>\ a!iv liillil.' till' i liiliul'alil)' 111" Arl'ili .iliir 11.:' llic I'l'iniiicr ul' I |i|i('i' ( '.i:i.i I.I, u liM 1 1 I • 1 1. II I an i'|ijiiii'liinily to ( ».iliili;t' ll.i'iii. Ii.i-- [>ruililr"il. 'I'll'' I'l'Mii'ii- 111' till' lii«|i('( !ni' li'iim Nt ,l,iniMis III ;^.) M.ii'ili lilj.i, aaiuiiiil In '1 1- J [icr (Till nri .^li'i-lin- i:.V2,l!l7 1! aii.l I |irl (Till uli II |:i )i ID .■^l! rliii- 1 .i.t,(H() I I 10 ,ir .'ill.'.t:;!/. :!v. I'/, ("mrcm'y: and as it i-< adiintlrd. tint llic |)i'u|tui'iii)n due on that eais llll.l, lltl 1. Mil.) and mill, in Lower Canada, mid aller- \.aiiU traii^putted to I'ppcr Canada wilhuiit lia»in;i heen |ireviiiudy enleri d ill (nleau (III and as the hunoialilc till' .\i'liili'aloi' lor ( ppei Ciinada ha-, staled in his ( urre-iponileiiee, that in pro- (iuenii; tlie-e elami'^. he was well aNNare thatth(;> did iml re-.t on mk h rlii iilar pKiul a-' It was (k'siralile to oiler, and that he iherelore never indulged in any <'\pe\ a spirit ol cuncilialiun. i-. ui- (Inced to aw aid. iS' does award, a >pccili(' — nameh. Tue ihoiHand poimiN ( i."- I'(nc\. to the I'lovince nt I pper ( 'ana- da, in lull and cumplcle --.ilHliictiun ol ihe^e l,i>t iiienlioiicd ( l.iim-. \'t i(li re-;iect to ' .e ninth and la~i claim, the n;uler~iu K'd I'.i-" helore him n!i;il lie c.ienul I ii coii-ider a- ;in <"»- pii'-"> I ('iiiii[u;'liiii' III ol sm h a chiim hy the ( i/;:i!iii-;- iniie, - lor I pj' 'i' ('anada. in the a';i'. cmeni dated :itM .May 1.'.' 7. whii'li. in III- opiiiiiin, (ipei'aii - ,i . a Jo' to aM\ claim jirior i" the ilale al whici .^lich a:';;'c.'m.'iil tiM'iain.itcd ; lioi'can li:' admit it a. a claim \'. hit h Ipfier Canada could cla--i amuii'j; her demaml- lor ai- reara;j;e- due pre\iims lu ihe ymr lillli I'ccaii-e such a claim. ifeM't' laaih' prc- V iulis til the \ r:\[- I !i I 7, w hicll line- not a]'- pear, wa- (iilainly never helore aihiiil- ted, a;,ii wa; then Ireely ind ('.■.pre'-!\ relimpn-.lied un ihc part ol I jipcr (ana- da. It lie-iiles appeal's to liic uiiilrr-iu'".- ed to he ollatc creation, a-, no me;',!i,ili ha- been maih^ ol -iicli a |ii'elei.-ii.ii. i i- iher to Hi- I'Acellency Sir Jolm Co.ipe .''^heihrooUe Ul II!I7, or to Sir i'eri:;rin,' M.iilhuid in lii'JI. Moi('i.\ci'. llii- la'> on -ales \>y .\iictiuii. «a. iiiipo-ed lor internal pnrpo-es. and iie\er inii edcil liy llie l,et;i-laliire il I..,'.', er (' iiiaila. to he partieip.iled in hv llie i*ii ,-. ;■ ,. e i..' % .'51 I pptT (aiiiula. Us iiiaiiilesllj appcair | I'ppor Canada, and lie n)n:-0(puMUlv l>v llir iii>tiiiclions m\on to the Inspcc- \ tunsiiii th llic ninlli claim as totally iii- lor at Cotcan dii Lai', to inaki' ri'tiiins \ ailmibtiablr, and snch i^ his liiial a\var llicrcliirr ( \ ident to the Mndcr-i^'iicd, that the \\ luilc upci'alion ol MiiU ai't \Na.- nol int^ndcil lo I'iiciid to (Si-intdO llOBEKT MORHUCII. TmKii Aiuni'KAidK. I'lidfi' ;id (i«'o. I cap. 1 I 'I Mo.NTKEM.. i:7l!i Ani^n^-t, l)!2,f. •i Tin L lorv. J. HADY. I ,i 15. >\, ,110 (>l tlio AnnrmxTons nppoinlcd J >iiiili'i' :iii \('l ol ill)' liiipi'i'ial i'iii'li.i- I ;i; ,,; M. <,<■(). J.rliii|>. I 111, ••t.ilicar ; .111(1 ill U'l'i'iiiK' ,ili rlaiins (il liK^l'i'u- i > iii< '■ cM 1 p|n r( ;iii.ul;i ii|iiiii llic I'ro- i .1 I I.CIWI'I' ( 'llllilll.l. Ull IH't'llllill ; .1 .1, l\' ' i\U • III' jll ll|IUI'lil)ll <_» ill i.l';. ril\ 111 liii- l,(■^is|,llm•t•? ul' J lilt" i; I I w M I'liu iiirc-j."" / Tiirlwd \ I liilralors lirst appoint- ; .il it\rt at MoiIk ,il nil (lie 2iltli. J.inil.i- ^ ;■< i;!2:t, iiaaiclj : I I'll'" I liiaoraMc Jaiiv's Hahy lor I'p- j piT Ciiiia I 1. I>v loiiiiiii^-'ion, (lalcd Itli. { 'aiinirv. I ii.t. an.l ill.' iloiioral)!)' Jolin i II lie !'ii' i iO\M r I aii.ida. Iiy ( \i:ua)i^^ii»ii, ' il.ili'tl I ) .l.iiin ii\ loJ.i; anil (M ilir 2'Jil. ^ .laimiiv li>_M. ill' -all! .\rhili'.ilor-. Ii^^ ; .111 lii-inniii'ul iiii'tT llicir liamls anil j '■, iIkI apj'iiinl liolicrl .\Iorroi;li Kmj. / Moali'cil in I ,i)\vrr ( anail.i to lie tlic ^ ihinl Arliitratur, piir~u.nil to the b.iii! ; .\('t '^1 llic linpiiial I'.trli.uni'iit. ^ '■ Hil.taiiil .'tlHt Dt'cpiiilior. Iftl I, n., ac •• connl ol' wliicli was taken at Cotcais •• Dii i-ac. nil '2., Ill .\piil. ini I." 'I'lin \\\ai(l ol ihc Arliili iloi-, liiiili r iirncd I, . ll'.il ill' nai (it -( \ I'll lliiiii-aii I I \\ ci liiiiiili I'l' .Mill IsM'iily pon,i(l.-> scvc;a«'fii iliilliii;^- anil ~i\ |icncc ( anaila lurrciH), shall \w p.iiil lo the rrcnincc ol I ppcr ( 'anaila. in lull and cuiiiplolc sati^l'.iclioa ol' the said flaiiu. Moiiliral, -JTlli .\iii,ni>K HVIW. ^h()i;i:rt mouiiogu, (.'-i-ncd.) ^.1. iiAi>i-:. 'I'lii- Ailntfiilors iLcii adjomLC. I. and llli' iNVo lli'sl appninlrd li,i\iiii;' lr(H'- «|iit'nt 111 ■clini;-- .it >.^nrlirt', Ix'twcrn the '2lsl .July iind I nil. .Vii^riist, linally .lijin- <'d the third .Arliitralor at Muiitreal un the 21st Auf,'ust, IJJ2J. Sii'idry ciaiiiis adxaiiccd on llif part ol the l'rit\ incc of I pprr Can id i were llicn talii'ii into ro isid tir t!i iurir and I ^i/,, ,- Cunnh. tti)/)niiilr..l iiii.lcr llir mi/Jiori/,/ of th ml \ ,,| of III" :\il. dm. Uh Ciiii. I'l.t, 1^1— Tlint a«i n pr(>liiiiinary rnra-iir llll'i'i- Co liilll^-^Kiiicis -.lioiild III III'. I. iiiiirni'riiicii I »f Iff .\ sjird- i III.' I i)ij)(iiiit- 5 < 'I Ml llii' iHii il III iiiniT, lo CI II I II I re ihli> irr-l'lll -l.lllMll I.II'lJu.'l-. lo^l|r.r,.~t iri'.'dlr (f llir. /a I'll- Sdliit Lilirruirc \\ I' till' ilii.lcisi^iicd .\i;;irir!\ iiii:,. njii)i)iiil(' I II il.'i- III ■ |);mm-.|() i , (if ;, , Afl oil,!.' lili^i Till I'lirll.i. II 'ill, .; I.<;, :,,. 'Ill *. '.iji. I I .t. hi ji ii\-ii iiii'i- III' llir .i )|:i SLT.lio I .il' I, I- ..II I \,'l, li.ivc !i 1 I II. I lir riiir I'l-,, ' i ir • III" b t.WT i' HI I I I, (I, He, I ilr- •11 I July 1,!^ !. (- ici.,>i i:; c'ri iiii \{.-- |)<)i't- rcl.iliii^- Id the V n 1^- in,, | ,,|' till' l\i\ cr S.iril L u^■|■(M(•l■, lo^.'llicr | Willi a I .1 I !ri'<, li-i) II iiii. ilinH- m \,. \ sc I) il\ (if I jiji.T i 'a, I I la to ii;, \\\vi'\- | Iciicv ill*.! Lii'iiic.i lilt 'iinciMur ol III it J I'roviac.'. |)iM}ia,r la i! a ■^urvrv in iv ii.' ; lal\r 1. Willi a V ii'i\' ol' a-rcrlai i ; iiiipi'in r.a ■ i! ■ i.i i! .i\ I'f ilioa lliTcil. { an. I I I |i: n, .11,' I'l ::,- nn.l i;,||.ii ii,., ,,( I ill.' l,ii;M'o\ (Ml^:ill- !lirj iliav rt'Coaiairii,!. •Jail— Tlial l!i(: liiij)ro\f iiifiii oT tin- Na\ i.;,i;;i ; o|' I In- liiM'i- .-^aiiil l.awrcai a; I'la.r; an olij; i i ol co.iiaio.i liiirii'-l |i> I'i'ii i'liiN ini .■-, ill. '-11 a iT/iiaiiiin- iiiicN- |i''ilili li ul I lie illllic- liriTlouMC Irv icl in liOUi'f ( iiaili'l' lln,' Acl lii'ioia! Illi'.iiiOiir.l. --liiMil.l Id' a[)|iroji|-i:il(',| oc.i- «'rall\ to ilial (iiir|)o.-(j \utlioiil rcii icht to lionmlal K'^. .Sii^iir.l at M.iiiti-i al, in l,o\v- er ; 'aaaii.i. tlii^ l iv '.:> \ iilili (.\\ I r-( 'a, I ida si' rt..M;)iu;;)'iii. i],.s.) 'i'lnrd \i;ia in \ r .i: /> 1 i'.i r. ( ..H'v. J I! A 13 V, D 5 Ao 2. Tun iinprovpiri'-'nl oCtliP \avi-,Mlioii f .'^nrvcv lI,!' linci'Sunt Law r ■ace lro'„ iii' (he Kiv'iM- ,-^aiat Lnvn-nri' lii\ia; J ih' |ii'ii,| of t!r- rij.i.j u.ili'i-... ii,'ii Ic'ca l>ro>i:,r||t ii.|,|;.|' ill' (',);m|,|.'|';nio I ol' J .I.,i",-,|o\mi. dou.iuii-.l-; a^ lir ;w \lo i- ilif |in'-i('!it \Hiilr.iloi-s by the r('-|i t- j ir, d. and ^liali |-c|i,irl io l.oili (Iom'i'i- five Li aver 1 iiMt-' oi'iJ|);i'r and Low.n' ^ iii'miI-. on ili,' |ir.icticaiiili! v ol'iaikiir ('ana I I. ill" II I li'i'-i:^- I '.[ Vrliilr ilor I'or ; iaip o', .'.ii-iiN in tli" S;n iir ita; i. |)i','|i i^ liii> lor n a- I'l'ovinco. Iv^- ji- ivc lo mi!»- i n.i;,- at lli" >,i !i" tin:'. ui;|i i!i' ml ,,( Jliil tiic loliouing pro|)o-ili<)iis. j i'rol('-.^ioaal iiica. aa.j d<'li\ ori i,' ui;i j llivii- ri'iiorls. I'ja i^. \la[».. Ii"! I \ sic ;, 1st— Thrf>(!Co n nissii)iuM--;a|-)[)oiiit- ^ and c-lim itc> n"^|i"(lin^ tiic uori^- iIk'v rl joi Illy .)y i.ii;'i- lois of ill ■ I'lo- \ m ly consider iiecc^>arv. Tnc* -!i i 1 vinre-, ;-,i,ill 1)13 .S|^)i'cially aaiiuriiic'd to \ liri^l exainiiu; llio IilhI ul' tin; Ui\(.r, and '; t( advnntnrjc llic Cinniiiiicc | ;i|)plic;ilili" (o (lint |iiirpo-^o. Tlif iiii- (it llir ji;(i\ hicc-- iiiiu;lll (li'llN <• ll'diii « ork' (II 'lliK ,1 :(i It- I'liilik^. Of lliiir iiiiliiciliiilc l;('i::;iiiciin!!iiii'l. I li('_\ ~li:ill iicxl r\- li.wir ilr'.i l|n|iiini; ( (UllllrV lillil ilclcf- l.iliii' 11. 1 |li:' CN |ii'(l li'lic^ tip' lichclll ul ii < iinl - iihlir I'l |il.lh Mhil ciiiii''li'liili-- In l' .■ u 111 1. : (i'\ l:i |ii-i)l:i'( --- ;it I ,:i ( liliic, \, ( ii,,,ii;:'i;<'i; '' iiciir .loliii-lnwii. Oljiiicd liiu-l ;i\(i\\ a |ii('(lll('(ll(ili lor llic I, titer llHiiic. Iicciiii-^c ;iii ii(l(lili(iii:il (liiU (111 -oiiic |);iili( iijiir {irticlc (il J'oiii- ijicic' iiii::lil lie (li \i~('(l thill \Miiilil licai (•i|iiiill> (III llic I'kiM'icc-. iiihI I iddiicc llic -mil rci|iiiic(l ca^ilx. iiml wilhoiit (Irl lllliciil III aii^ (I.1--11I |irii|ilc or to aii> iiiiln iiliial or i^cncral iiilclot. ■iilrl' l.,,ki' Sail I i ral'ci*. ;:inl ', colli':,"! .1: i:- ( 'iiii-c iVniii Colciii iliil„'.c. ; It i- on I lie ol licr IkiimI vcrv (|ii('slion- tiTaii.i !" i, ' :r lliv ( a-c hIc-. 'I'Iic (A- ; iiMr lio« liril woiilil lie coiisoiiaiit \\ illi |i a- > ol llii- ~Mir\r\ -liili lie (Iclr n ci) ; i^ooil | oIk \ Id ilii|io-c aii_> addll ional dil- iii|i 1,: ill • iiiM ji- iiow in ili;- liaiid- ot' I l\ or la\ on Kail- or on aii\ lii'aiicli (it tlir liicn or ■■' il ol' i ,m\ rv t nad.i, A', Irc'i I; :\ .■ in-i-ra liiiai l|ii- | )i|i i/^ nr ]'.:' '^ 0:1 ,;,!'-. >cir.» -. :\c jia--i,i'Xl lia- I Ma,::: -. rnil ■'••I'd 'i\ \ 11 liio oT liic Act (i| i '<<■■■ i 1 o'. : .t lal l';r !i la" it ol I ."'A (a' ( ": I'l 1. ,,.';.(! i-o. I I ■' :i j) I '). :;lii| :i 0- ;i ;•, I ■'; .1 I'll' i !|i' I iijll'o', raiiMil ol ih;' lal 1.. I ?> .". I . i| ;'ia ( ■ oil- I I I -! .'lill '( I l,i. I" ill' l.'ii'd 'I'- ol' ''I" li'Mi. -II il" la I \ 'ii'ld lie |("|illi'"d liil' (';|||'\|, .; il inla clli'il : aii'l |i i ai I'li:' !r"^l\ |i u'lu. 1 'm 1 cit:',' ' !i ^I'l.'lv of I I • '."in la- inoii' i! >',,,;,:,., I. Ini' I'l;' I'l' li';iili' mi nl ■.', Mr'' a! 1 -l;r. "d (> 'I'l'i 1 liid ill ■ |i V lu'iii' I.I : i " i'i'':'i'-l- i I ill ■ :a" rn\ !iil '. I'l" |.ii ai ; ' 'li ol' il"' [\\-> I'l in lacc- -'iiriM II'' j-i- '. . ■■! — 'i a TC (11 lie iio liiil'il I !j !l :i 111 I t 1. ilw •oiiivc a'llo'l it iiil_;lil III' iiiilai : ■ I In ill" !\'i.\ iici'- II I ca-v li'r:ii-. ;iii.I I'lii li'ir (■iiai'il II' I I'l'- rii'i (■- ;i((" 1 li'i|ll lie In liio rc^al ir |i 'X 'ii"iil ol ili" inln'''-; a:id ilio <'\l 1:;: 11 lliiir::! o| llic .|- !i| \v in.i;, a c,,i. (!('!' il.' -|i I, 'I' III li:ii". 'i'.'i;- CI";!' nri . I :i I'll id oi'lln- ij. -ciijiln::! '.'.iiai 1 'i'i,|. :■ til ' C'l -Il iicliii I of I'll' ji;'ii]ii.~i' I ('ill l"~- line roll-, and \\ md I. il 1- cn'iciav ''d. alliii'd ^iTali'i' Ik dill"- m lli' lai'iii'il ialc c\ 'Cir III I ot I ii:' ',\ III I. l!i in .ill aiiiii. d a|.- ]ii'0|Mi il lo'i liiiin llic iiidi;i:ii\ ili^iimc ol t ' mad 1 or li'o II ;i -ji ( 1 il dii' \ . \'. 1, !• I'l'-i) 'Cl 111 ill" inn Ic ul d i-( lial'L: il; liic Inli'i'c-t (CI ill" loaa :i dill'icM'" i>i ciiia- ioi iiiiv c\i-l la ill" ('oniili'\. .*-( a -mii ol live or -is llioii-.iiid |ii nnd- |i< -'(h - kee|)ii ;;■ llic work- la ic|iaii'. ii:u 111.' o'licci'- at llic I ,oc!>-. iS'C. II n •! it 1 It. a - It would I I'c-- 111" 11' a\ ilv I'll t 111' 'i'l :ii!c. :in(! Iced III iilv( rt :> 1.1: u" |oi Iciii Ii! il In m i(': jicc to ^c^\ ^ HI k. 'I il" im|io Ii loll ol iliil II'- nil tlic 'Ir,,!''' 0' ill" lli\ cr (111- liiit lie altciilitcd v llll Ico I'j'Ciil can- tiiin. Iiccaii-c a nan 1 iillc iiic^lil Ii;im' lI'o elli'i 1 jii-t iiiciiti, ad. !t i - lio|ici| li'il l.iiwci' ( ';i'ia'la v. ill Clitcr lic:il'tily i'lti'a |irii)"ct. wliiili iiin- t -o initcriallv ciiiilrdiiit" lo l:"l' |i! '-(""I'ilv. 'I'lie !ii:.i! ciillccii d I'll' laioi'i.v ini: ill" riv"i-('i-l \', iii'd iil'ili" I'll i:>'i ;, '. liia . '\ lici'c indciil ill" jcimiji d iiii(i"irnii('iit - c'vi-1. i-^ 111 licr li'c;;-iir\ ai d al licr -olc ill-|iii-:il. ^ et a- il u i-( liC'lU ji lid li> the Kart-aicil ol" i ii|ic|' ( aiiida. il i- li'i'-lcd. I hill it lli:iV l.c ! ";; ii''l( d a- :i (111111111111 |ir'ij>"rlv a|i- jiiic ililc to ill'' iiii|iiin ('iiici.l ol ill" S ami I , iw I'l'iic". \i II lioiil I'clia' to locil d l-- tClClio:l-. ;i:id I hit liovcr ( 'aiiaiLi will col (ciji'Cl lo -ill II a ^ 'ncial a|inli('al 1011 ol it, Sii.iiil'l il lie - 1 1 1 : '1 1! 11 I iri')-t 'it. t'^iC'licc. of wliicli tic \v I'll" j)i''ilin:i" w ii'ild lie ap|i:'o|ii'i ili'il lo III" mijii'inc- iiK lit ollnkiad NaviLiition on llic eh I nil I ol ' ' in 1 li 1 1 coiii'iicrcc, \xiiil.l lie. II' ir.i"i|'ialU on llic two I'nn iiiec-i mil wiiiilil ('oii-ei|iicntlv lie 111 jii'-l anil iiic\|ii'dieiit. it iiia\ lie oli-ci'ved tli:il a'l- IllMlii:" it did licar imtlic Lower {'ro- ll oit- to L»c f-|U'('ili,'allj j Mik u vvilh a i^rcater pressure tliaii (>i» \M,nri- ( a;i;il;\ iIk- luvi v! M.I ni.'' - ■.■.:...,.,,,■,,•,...- I -..--•■-> l.Hu....n I'n.,,,.-. u. .1,. ;;:i'^';i:oN.T.uu......u.^.j. - :-':;;,,: ';i;;;::-;;;::::m'^: ;;::,.;: ,,.,..•<> wl.irl.t.M.Mul.r.lHalr It,.' U;.„- \ •"•'",'"■"";,,'.,,,. ,„ ||,, ,,,. ;::,:-:;;;::::,;|;!:::;r ;,::i:r.:; i 1; ;-^;,: ■ ;::;;:r;;,,.-::;:::;'^j::;:::;;M;:,:,,:|;;:;;;:.^^ „ capilil'' of .Icinon^liM- j i'nn,,,..- im .■,„m;..irr. >n.-,.1i1u 1>uu.t, Ft i^ pi-rliaiH cai liiiii. II ,;;, |:,,,;,.r Caaa.lii^nol .,. aM. ,. j im.l pru^i-Piv I a;, la lii liiil'ii'^- ' inlcn'-t l,<'>V(a- ( aa;. la la lan.n.s- ^ ||, tli<- icj f ilic r.amni>~i(.u(i> ol iiii; til" w.iUm- I'u II iiiiaif Uiuii l>V tlu' ui- i ||,|craal ci u in.iac itlloii- liiadi' lu llic MM- Sihil I.I M-,' 1 :i'. lO' 111.' *lii-iv.M-< (il 5 |1,„|„. ,,,■ \,MinM\ ol la.uri- t aiui>ia, Ni'w Voi'k an; ojtrii lo liiM' Ira Ic aiul ; |,,|||, ^ ,, ,,. | ', | .',. li'ic InnHirlaiii-f n,r,,„T ^eaerillv. i^ ^«T> aeeu- New V.irU. p'U-eliaM' I wlieat in llie Ji- '> ,,,^|^,,^ __^,, |,,|.|,_ ..j, v^iH," „,_> liiev.-ae- In.'!-, ot vore aii.l Nia'^ara. an ! eoavey- \ .■a It li. iloelie-ter Ki In: llien: iinanue- { Iii;-eil and lurwanle.l l.\ the iaie t'aual. i ri(.ni- ca I aUo I'e - il iV" a lav inn c.i 5 l,ak" Oai iri" li> Saliiia li\ u i\ <'i l^'- - tlit I'ale ol' alioel two -liillia:;s ; ;iihI -i\ |)eiiee |ier lian.'l : aa I a- -<aiiel dl' JMoiir Im a \ liie ShiM-e- el' Lake Onlaiio In Ne\\ ; \ orU will liol ili:lir malenalls I'miii lie' i (■li;ii---e- ineiirre;! lur lrin<;MMl iVuai l!ial j ]/lUe"'l(> 'iiiel>-e. Sle.aM \\\'-, - j nieiit ul' llie Saint L iwr Miee llieielore ; lie ae:ile('le(l.(ir.lelaye 1. ii enn-e(|ni'ii.-e '. .)t'aiirili-li i»e 1 nr iiawnrtl'V je ilon-\ l>e- ' (ween llie I'rnv iiiee- re-|)eeiinii iIk' I'l'"- \ |)n|-|ioll U 'liell each -linllM i)e UMjI iIh' e\- ^ i)ea-'', I'jiper ("aiiaii I miiilit. al lea-i. j seiui lie;- I'lnnr U. Ne.\-\()ik : ami. il ; f-li,. ^liniili then sell II at a |iri( |nal \ li, ih It ollered al (iuelx c. -^Iii' enuKI not '; lie sail! In -uIUt. while llie diver-ion el \ liii- trade to another ('liumel would \ -.(•ii-ili!v dejiro-, l!;' eoiaiueree ol' the \ (,,)>Ner'l'rovinee and iN dleeN would I„. l''!l l)\ all cla-M- of il- iieo|i!e. 'I'lil- S le-ait i-'lio\v of Lower Canada in re- \ jiorlin^; lo their Le!;islalure al an early \ period, the leriiis ol' u rruvi::iioiial a^ree- \ ••rcl.M-ale iL ' -ellhai; ol the eoilairv, ■■faeilil lie il- a- I'ieelliM-e, and comer .. ,,'i cMvli and e»er3 iiarl of llie . ro- ,. M,ice a 1 e,|iMialile iiani«i|ialion la .. ih ■ I. en ■ll; of iiilernal i.n|e'o\ elii'lit. -. I'lo- -o 'eii'- ol coneua lie lUon will .. 1,, ,■,, ', u-ive ( iue.lN he ol mealcu- .. ;,1 . ;,r;ie;il." lia'l "lH '' •"' " '" ''."' .. P,;;-, . ,if iM- l'ii;\in( c lla irade oi a. . ,1 ;,-,i.i 1 I ■ ll; ■ lerrilorie- MC.'.r i.i',-, .. i',-,niaee." Tie') nc'-l aiiveil lo ll><' ■• (■ io, ;- \\lii( ll arc ii.aUih': l'\ ine A- .. ir.rieaa C.w ; ,mi> m1 io di\ e|-| llie .. (MM- ;■ I,,' ill ' l|- 'I' l'> ei" 1^'- "I 1^1'' .. iiiiiMM d iiavi^ llie 1 of i'le ! li\ er ^ai- it, •■ I, n\ r 'll, e— willi lli: • vievs ih il Ci- .. \,.|- I ll' ;! (1. ,!( ail. file lie;!iiiu^ llie ..,; ir I 1 I C Hi,, I and Leei.- helweon .. \,\\ ' V. \ ■ an I ill- N r. lU dde w ili'l'S ••of ill' (Tm er llu l-o 1. an I al-o he- .. l^^ .■.,, L I'vi' Ci ne'l iin an I ill" a- •• lor ■- li I NaNi:: iMe e. aler-." •• If llii: ■• ',>ro\ i ice of Lo\M-r < 'aiiada -lioiild .• in lie' olher h in I lake ni" a-nreH lor^ ■- iai|>ro\ inij; ih" riter lal Na\ i;; ilion ol ■■ il- ri\ ('!•- li-o'a llie SainI I .aw renv aiiv'lior itinu ibal. • iia\ iou \arioii- -oiiri'cH; -• ot' evj) ii'talio 1 1)V llie l!i\"r Saint • • l/i\\r<'iiC" an 1 fiirni-h Cliiido) llient >■ lo British Shipiiinij:." TlieCanaU here tspokeu of are novr 1 lopully npprofidiing tlioir romplrliori, himI llic .•llcci^ ;uilin|)iil..,| |,^ ||„. ,.,„„. iiiitlcc mtisl loliuvv. unless the iiirii'^ures ol Ihf .Slate (.1 .\eu \ ork sliouhl ho touiileracted in iljis Coiniiry. \\ j,!, ,||(. gr.-nt naiun.l a.lvaiilaf^cs preqenl,.,! I,y llie Hiver .Saint Lawrence, notliini; more IS \MHile.l iliaii a zealous and eonlial eo oi.eralion lietucpti tlie .Sister IVomi- te^ ol t'aiiuda, to arcomplisli «|,;,( is so Hiuel, lo he desired, and to retain, lor «-»er the ureal and increasing; trade of vliicli liie Giilpl, ol Saint Laurence is llic proper Outlet. This co-operation IS noi lo he (hspaired oi; provided a re- linn can he made to thai liariiionv and irieiKlly nnderstaiidiuir «|,i(.|, i;„-;,„.,.|v exisied helMcen the I'rovinces, and uhicli has heeu too loiii; interrupted hj nn mihapp^ fomhiualloii ol circuiiisiaii- OS. Ihe [\u< LefrishiUires once iiPiM-cssed Hill, ;i .,,„He ,)| (he identily ol interests, mIhcIi do« s actiially e\i-t l)cl«eeii the Proyinrna in Hiis "matter, fnch a conviction uould induce them to act in concert on this occasion, and the conscfpience would he. ihal in a lew vears. the ohstacles which naaire has opposed to the ea'^y (lavijrntion ol' the Ssaint Lawrence, would he cleared '.way hy Ihe United resources of Canada, and the trade of both sides ol that Fairer, as •tvell as of the jireal Lakes, would, iiot- wiihstandin^ the elTorts of American on- terprisf, be permtujeiitly concentraletl in the mnrkot of Lower Canada. Qi'EBEc, I3tli August, 102:{. (/^'K"«' '' eclion of the Act Ad (iet). 1 Cap. I If), does not annul the l'id\ ii cial Act of JHth Geo. 3d Cap. I't, so far as it re- spects Hafts descending the River from I'pper Canada. (Signed.) J. B. A TRUE COPY. J BABY. 5 02:;. y. 'anada of im- it lj«; it aj)^ lit th(- >ln)ulc] ol tin; <• Minis t ill i>, Thb imdorsinjnod Ar^tilralor I'nr l,(iw- er (.';iii;i(lii liiis had thf Iniiiur to r('(t'i\(' IVom the Arbilnilor lor ttic Uppir I'm- viii(!i', a |)a|>i'r dalrd llii" ]'M\i lii>l. 0:1 (lie siitijcft ol the iia\ ifiiilioii of llic lli- vrov('iiicnls, and lo pid.iiir pl.iiis and csliiiiated at:t"uriltiii5l3 . Tlie fommissiotiprs may in llic lii.-.l in- •staiu'c lie ap[)oiiil('d in tlic usual inanncr; racii olllif two (iovcrnmciils appointing; oiH" and tlirsc two elioosini; a third ; hiil ii may he well to provide lor the orca- sioiial removal of these roininis-ioiK rs. and with this view, it is recomiiirnded. that the ("oiniiiission^ of the two lirst should he iield during pleasure, and l''tt ihe iioiiiination and appoiiiliiii'ni nl' llu' third shoiilii he revocahle hy ihr first two Coiiiinissioner-. Willi the coiK'nr- i<'ne<' ol' the CJovernur ol either l':u- vince. The iindorsiiriied eoneiirs also in opln- iiiii, that ihe e\pcn--e to he inciirred in (lilt rovrnr ihc 11 1\ i<;:it'o'i ol tlu' .Saint Lawrence, ought to be defray ■ ' in eijii d proportions by the two Proviiiee:^, and. upon this prineiple. he r«'eoiiiiiiends that the sum remaining unexprnded 'if the fund iierelofore raised in J-^ow- No 3. or Canada lot the j-mrtial iiiipro\t- ment of the mnigalion of tlie Kiver, should ho applied generally to that pur- pose. 'I'lit undersigned decline^ gu iiig any opinion u|ioii tlie iiue^lmn how lar tlie .iOih Si'clion of the ael ol I'arlia- meiii. :(d (Jeo. I cap. I Ii*. iiiii) alli'ct .tny tolls hitherto e\acled in Lower Canada. It is doiihted wliether the Ail)ilrator>- are rcijiiirei! to suggest the means ol car- rying on any l*ublic works; but, il it is to be so iiiider>tood. the under'-igned would recommend the negoeiittion ol a loan rather than any a[)propiiation oi the ordinary Revenues ol tli<' I'rovinee .. i?iil he coiihl not agree to la) a ia\ upon liii|)orts lor tlu; purpose of paying the Intercast, because he thinks thai the par- ticular hriinch of coiiiniercc, uiiich de- rives benefit from the improscd n.iviga tioii, ought to support that cliar:;e. and il il cannot hear any considerable addilion to the tolls e\isting. the works to be u<[. dcriaken mu:l be contracted accord- in-ly. (iuc^bcc, 11th August. iac:j (Signed.) J. HALM Aki;:tiutok i'ov L'-/Wcr-Ca:iud;. ^ 1:111: (\)i'' \y\m •i o D, ^"- -^- CJovr.BNMBVT Tfor^r., York, April, 30lh, 1!!2: MK, T?Y rommand of iIk' !,io\itfnani Govcniur. I liavc tin- Inmor lo Iraiisiiiil l<> you copies of an Adilrcs^ prrsciiloil lo ili> l.xcflioin'V liv thf House urAr-MMii- lilv (lui'iufi llic'la-'l Session ol'tlie Lo}.'i- |-,iui-e. and of His FArellenry's repl.N Kieicto; and 1 am iuslrueled to r(Miuf;t jon will l.e |)loaso(l to take the necesso- iy nn'asnres therein. I have the lioiior to he, Sill, Your iiio^t (■hedient. lliualile Servant, (,. IIILLIKR. (Signed.) t 1 Ki i; roi'Y. J. BABY D, To fits Excrlknni Sir Pcrf. it p iss- f'lii th- ihird of Hi™ .VIiji^sty'H K.'ig 1. eiiliti 'i -an \ct to reiTiilatc the " tr,i 1.-; of tho Brovinces .)f L iwer and •' Upp^r CauciJa aiul for other pur- No. 5. .' relatina;h>tl"''':''"l Biwiii't-." it i, enacted. I hat liii> expense of improv- iii"- the nuvijr.ilion of tho Kiver Sainl LiTwrence -hall in fulure he defn'yed hy such nicasiire:^ and in such jiropor'nms as the Arhitratorsto I.e apj.oinled under the provisions of the said \((. slial! de- termine npoii the prayer of eitlier I'ro- viiice. providi'd always, tlial no sinii de- terinin ition sli ill he carried into clli'cl until sanctioned and enacted hy the Le- irisi.ituresofiintli IVovinces. also, that hy ai; Act of tiie I'arliainent of Lovv(>r Ca- nada p issed in tlie Kith year of His late Maje>ty"s Ueign. certain rates or duticb p.iyihfe at Ciiateau;:;u ly and .Montreal, were iinposeil on all Scows, Halls and Crihs passin«f the rapids hetwecn Cha- t^au^^uay and Montreal and were appro- priared as a perinaneiit fiiiii'. for the iiiiprovcmcut of the navigation of the m- Uivor Saint l^awroncn, also that by flic |Milili-iils ol' tlic piiltlic ac- i-oiiiits ot Lown- Canada. tli<> ainoiiiil nl' (liilic-. levied under llic >aid \et iiiiil nn- «'\|)ended on ihi; lirsl ol .November 1)121, w.\^ liv(> llioiisand two tiinidred and lliree |ii)iinds, si\ hliillin^js and seven pence, ol wiiieli il i^ aseertainetl a ^ |iro|)or- tioii was levied on llie trade of Upiier Canada and (liat il i-. Iii^ldy deKiralilr llie Haid .-^nin bluxild be e\|)ended, Wf therefore liiiml)ly b<'fr your K\- celleiu'y to direct llie attenlion of the Arbiti'alurs on the |)arl of lliis I'rovince to this siiliject, and to rec()Miinend th il trnoth Provinces at llieir next Se^-^ion. in con- lormity to tlie pr^)vi^i()n^ contaiuetl in J tho Baid act of tho Imperial Parhamcnt. Couiiuon's Houf>e of AsHombly. } l.llh Marcli, \H-2.i. ' ^ (.Signed) l.KVIUS P. SIIKKWOOD, Sjteuker. To irhi(Ji f{is KxviUfHC^i iriis pUtisrd lo VLiiLt the fnlloirini^ ''''I'^y (ienlleirion of llip Ilouso of Assem!)ly, I shall not fail lo cause instructions to be fri\(n lo the Arbitrator on the part of thi- Province on the subj"et of your ad lri'~-^ relative lo the Survey of the lliv- ( r .Saint l.av.reuce. Certifu'd, (Signed.) G. HILUER. ^ TRU'E COI'T. .J BAFJV >9*«4»« D, No 6. Quebec, 23J Jidy, 1823. My Dkau Sir, TiiK enclosed papers came fo my \ hands last night, and I -end them to you J lor your perusal uccordinj; lo orileru, I ', \ shall liope to see you in the course of ttu \ morning. i Vour very devoted, I Ilumblo .Servant. I [■"^isn<'-iiiiilh (l.i I'l } I )( IuImt. lll'J-. I li;iM' »ui M_\« (IvS- fxain- ! liic.l llir Uall anil Hp it ( li;iiiiit I is liii :■ ? till- »\ i!ri- (il'llic l!iu r >aliil La\M'i'liCf i I, I'll- .\iiii>' Islaii'l l.ikc llicir coiii-r > liiii;ni -aid l-laii(l. ami lutci^it'l ll.f l!i\- ; «T Cliati'aii^ii i_v. at Daltoii'- I'oiiil. anil | Iriiiii liiciicr il.iVMi lli:' liivrr In wli.ic ; |li.-v |mi-|ii a iilni'llu.i Willi lii;' inaiii liii(l_> t V till' UiMT .^aint Law I'cnt .' : I liair j |l!v<'\\ i-c ,i~C('llailU'il and laid diAMinll ', ll.c |pian actniiH' iiiUnt; ilii- l{i'|iiii't. llic 5 inili'lliil nli--tni linii-- In llic Kill and J I'oU llavi^a;i.■.l- a> lUiilki'd lliiitiMi. 5 I Till' (inl\ -ill' ciiiii-r I'nr Itali- and ! Hirat-' d«'-fciidiiin the KiMT ^aiiil Law- i icni'c ill liinr iil low water, i- i r|irrTnt- » «il liv a ddltid line coiiuik nrm:; (i|i|ni- j .-lie the |)oiiit ol l>l;' I'criMi at K. and t at !,. and |)a'--iii'4 llic >i>illli- { " l-land. { ;il DiLdiiV I'ninl. tlici'c i-i a -ali' and | roi:i:niidi(iii- llarlioiir in <\lii(li all iMiat^ | and i\ali.-- may riiiiam in >arclv dniiiiL; i ).|(i;'ih- and ad\ t'lr^c w iiids initil limn' la- i ■^(l|•ald(' \\('alli(r adiiiiH llicni In pa-^ j iliiwii llir Soiilt SainI l.nili-" r,i|iid- In ; IMniitrcal, >\ liicli can Ix' cIliM'tcd niil\ in 5 ♦ al.M weather or diiriiif^ a (avoralilf w ind. ^ S(j dilliL'iill ir, tliis part ol' l)ii' iia\ ijjatinii, j ill it 15(1, lis and llal'ls arc rrc(jnciiliv dc- J t lined ill liic llai liniir nl ('lialiMiii^iiay Inr ' ri\ or eij^lil days wailing I'ur favurablc j weallicr. | f T\\" t'lr-i n!'>!riK tinn'in liii- coiirx' i^ | j)oin-'jJ out Oil liif Map al E. Iieing a sand i baml aiiniit si\ly-'*n tlu'CliaiiiicI ulieii I he ili\er ii at ili lo\»e>l; (here are niiiv Irnin ei^hleeii In Iweiilv liielic- lit water on thii |iai'l ; al \, i- a large inrU in the (haiine! \»liich only appears ali(i\e water \« hen the Kivei is at il- Inwi ■'I. Iinal-^ passing this place alter daik aie in L;reiil il.iiigcr ol' fieiiig da-hcd ill piece-, on llii> ineL, and rail- aie apt In lie XM'eekcd on the sand. In Older In render this pa-sa^e sale lor the jHii pn-( s ol hav igalion. it nmhiIiI lie iic- 1 1 --..irv 111 lemmi' the id«k. uiid also, a ^ iillicit 111 |iurtiniiol the rt, loiir leet in depth, and si\t>--.i\ \aiii> in width. 1 he -and reiiio\eil Iroiii iliis diould l)«' carried some di-laii*'e and |ndi;cd ill del p water, -n thai the a;;italinn ol the walci- may lint eallsf its rcliiiii In the same pi, ice. 'Ihe second nnpedimriit is a liar of rocks al A. evtendnii^ aliiinst acrns> the fi\( r and h iniiig only a narrow pa-sage on the -idc. marked A; this passage is cstreiiicly d illicit It to nav igate either w it h hoati or rails during the lime of low Water. 'I'hr tiiird. fourth, and filth impedi- menl-t are I', (.' vS" I), consisting of liars ol rocks, w hich render the navigalinii of the ( liannel during low water, extremely dilllciilt Inr lioats and rafts, hut parlicii- lirlv dangerous for .Sieiim-ho.ils vshicli prnceed with more Velocity than C'rall- pro|tcllcd liy oars. At E, to retulortlio f'hannel navigahle wiili ->afety. il would reipiire lour tlioii- ^aiid ciihii' yard^ of -and to he remoieil In the distance of half a mile. 'I'he rnck at X, must likewise be re- mincd. tn^elher with the bars of rock« at A. 15, C and I). I'his would leave a Channel siillicieiit in width and depth to answer the |iurpo-es of iiavigalioii ; that is. the sand removed at H, would leave a Chuiiiiel to til!' width of si.\lv-tix vurds, ~ ♦.> atilli ,1 ll'CII |i> wliM-li <■ Kivi I I- |ilu< (• mil rati' mil. Id I' tor (lie I lil' IIC- I also, a r, Ml iis lace, al till ll'liMI (li-'laii*c lliat llii- all I I'll r. I. !> r; ;nii'. ;- i il \, I', f ', ;ri | ! ), ; in;., >» i ciKrii iir ni c ilrlaii' il ,, aliv il., >Miill'l I lie If ji'.H .' a r,.',in li.inni'l ilm .t j \\ nl t ri -r tMii .n 'i lliirl\ }ai.l- III Iniaillli ami hull- liii i,( j ( lii..\ ir,|.,i ilr|>lli. al I'lii Mal.r, iIm' ui'i'l jiiul i,. j IIiiM' lioia ailiiil r\ |i>a hm f. I liasi »\|ii'ii-\\- : ( ■ mic - m ,U ,,1 l:ii' 1 a nii Ml ,1 1 1 ,it uI j ill'' |i I — i|i-i'i', ,tiii| ( II ■, wli'i-'ali !ri| I'm- ri'iiiii\ in;; (III- -ami ami ) ., , | rmirli la iIhii' piiilun- -innih'a iliua'.; '■ i<'i» al I,. - - ^ I a i!aiU ai'il lriii| r-l 1- hi' iM : llrm r I III naiuivini; tli" liar- of ( ..^ ,' lin i,.'. c . .,\ iai< \ m- in. • i.ii-i, m - riM'k'' ai A, I'. ( ' aaili), S ~ ', la.n- li. iK. u.i'. i-,ili'i.i ;a llir n ivrt . a'HJ I ill-" iiii' i'k- I ii I iiiiii 111 a l.ul.l l;iiii-i . Makni; liii' ■■iiiii ol' - - lilu/. ; \> liiili \».piii'l Ml,'! !i' ilali- .11,.! Hm.iI ■ Im ; 1: :>i li iIk' I lai Im'Mi' 1,1 -..lit W . aillM.r.ji 'i'lii-i s\ ii'ls ricil I III- uiilv acrriin|ili-lii'.l ; um iLiki 'i l> ilir il.n km- ^ m| iIic in lii. iluii 14 I ar iinalii- ni \a.;'i-i aa I ^fii- ! tc liari-. Ill I j.ii' -11 lie y ii', |( |,| ji.u | ,,1 j S. c ,;"li\ , I! ' I'l • a lul ','..:,; . ili a iiiili' _■ ( >cli»afr iiii;;lil i»r iai'lii l(',l. ; ' lie 1 , 1, ;i 1. ,i|- - .1" 1 - Loa,-' 1 i|,i ; -. ' !'.'■! I'l ill \ li II r ilir 1 1 ii ."'iM' HI I li lll■.;l|- \ illin'U'li il «li ir - III (I roaic iai'iu'il iai i'- I ;vi I.* i!i!i!i'i ■ ih 'i ii\ il.» 111. ik. .i,,.| Iv \» ililiii l!|f ll all- 111 iii\ lii'li'iii.i.i 1-. I ; illllM., a I' i' a. IIH'^ uini'.i 1 iir lir.i.l i I <■ la i.i! III!' II' ir r lili,!^ \i(iir .illrii i III hi | llirl'i'iil ai.n'; llii' r imiir- ,1, it, \. iim llir :',ri' it iiri'''--ily IIm-it 1-1 li/r llir ri'r,'- i ll|i'> i. .|i li li ■ It |ilil- iliia ijiai 11 . ,111 a liiiM 111 a li^'il-lniii-.' al • ). a I11411 ji.ii.ii J ivilii l:.iiI v' v. l.i 'ir r iiii'-r i- i'. - ' ! r n\ 1 1.; ,! I ^ '"I'y - ii.ill r\|ir I- • III' ciiav 'ill"! lain 1 ; 1 a v>, ,il;'i- .i 1 I ■ 1 ■ 1 , v r 1 - ,1! 11 - |. . ,\ • a i| i lulil-iinil-i' . a 1 1. 1 lnr ,1 -11111 ,1 |.|i> iim.iI 5 mil i.ii I w ,1 1 .ru n . 1 mi. . iii.| 1, ,, i| J, \ 'I a I 11^ ll iilj,, Il 11 • ,v'|il ii|i III I h" - I ar i r.i.iir ii',i.- 1.1 , '" ' :;; '■!■ I vihIn • a. 1, iM'.l .1,1 111 I 1:' I ir .1 T ri' -I II 1^ M I :|i' ImiiI.Im,;- ' llir iiI 1 1 . lai ■ •, 1 in !i ,:(■ hI l.'f I m a iill .Nil I-" i-1,1 a!. lIl.llKr.l 1'. i w .ii'i' [',\i \ c.i aaii'i. rr In a i.iau I ;'" , I .'■ ; III il a iii;. 1 .1' I II' 1 III I lic ii . . . I'. 11 a ill 1- TIk" liaat-i I I I r.l.'l- ili'-i'ra liai; llir ; I'liiiiin- il nl a -ai'm. li Ir ' :.' i.l llii.k^. lv,\rrSiiiii I,, I ,\ ri'.ir ' ji'.ni' . ii,«',i.i i|ii I ,il 1 'ic li u' v- 1 !ii| . 1,1 ii'ivil. i'la a.n n a- l/ia 111 I i(" 11 11', 1 1 1^' a I I |i I -- (H iM' I lie ; iii i.i im ,11 1.; \ nl tin' '.^ 1,1 1 I'm. 1 \ rr w al ( ',l-a lilc 1! ijii I-. Iiil a ,' • I I 1 • li'i li'- iiT ' I iiTc ill" I 11. .i' 1.1 111 I ll.i . !a I ill',: '.\ I A I'lvr all. I l>V(i u'.lnrk m ilia aliri';"iii 1. ; -1 , 11. '• ir- iipa' \ .ilm' la. in In-' ili'ji;ii nl all!".- \\'!ii':i (•\i'rv r\ri'liiri 1- 111,1 li' In i I la' ( li in i.|. a n ' •- l!i'_\ ri..,ii,'ii ini- ri' ii'll i 'a ill' iH;Xll''V liarll l.'r lii'lnri' ni,f ll. i l.irl will, >i,ii nl liiC ,in,i.- i-'', ' n ,- It a* lll-a ra li.i liili^ .III ilia I iKi' »\ (iill.l 111' j lina il ; In llii- r.i-.i' I'lr ;i ili 1 !i 11.; ■- i -• jitli' I IcI walli il.uii^'a', r.'ia I irk. 11,-- III j cnar-" iii-!a:il 1 "i'. 1 > . a.ul i..'.. :.ii,\ iiixit. I'l ,M'v •!•, ^ • na- ill V iw.'l ik''- 1 II' a j i;riiii i,l- 1111 .1 ir -air nl ilir rh 111 r I. ii" ,,- iirl'ir ' I r'v .iri' ilii" in I'l' 1 ' 1 I !i' - 11 I J |(iilih nl I '1 • iiia ,■ il .i''i,i ,; -.1 :„i'r il .1- in I5ar. at M. ,1,1 1 \itv I'it | i •,illv iii.;il ; |iiil il niil nl llir |ini\ "i' nMlic iin'.i in - «'.i 11 '-. il|> I 1 llii' 11 it K, Ir.i .1 .\ aii'll till' V i \ crii llit'itii; — a K.ill nirt' .i^rniia! in 1 ii;- li i\ ■ a (•;• > i^ii'il la I I 1 1/ a- m- rn ir-a - plaic. i ^ • n ililaali in rciian f 1! 1, r- tf) ,1 ■ )i'iM' I lar 11 r 1. r.l • .li li ailv ,lllr 1- ] ijm .:llv m-l- llir iirnjin-'lnr llif x.llilc nl' lv ra imv .1 ; lli" wlmir in rari'v it In vlnnlrcal. in llic liv (ha cr ',:li ) 1 if'i Li^'al I »ii-' a- 1- ; lima nl' Ihnm'-i w ilcr. \\liirn (1111111111 'S Imvc 11 Mti.) 1,- 1, wliicii waa! I -a'vr in » aliniil llirac Mn.illi-. trc lu daazor ol ha- { t\vn liiiiKlrcii \ard-, uliiic ilia water la i lu ilic Cliaiincl H niiiv ciiilitoon (o lurnf, liiiii- iiichi'-; ill ticplli. 'riu' lied d ihc liix'i- 111 llii- |il:nf I-' <(Mii|)(Wci! vi :i ■ l.'.i- (11:11 (il iliMil Liiiic S|()iu>, :)ii(l on r;u li >i(li' (i| llii' ('liaiiiii'l is a coiiliiiiii'd liril d ]».m1v> r-liipal~. All IJal'ts (Irauiii:; !ri\ iiiclK- ol' vNah r, wl/uli i^ (lie fdiiMiioii (irjitli ol Itall-. ai'c ( ,iia- |)('lli'il lo laiillii' lo.| (liaiiiitl at llir iKMlli I 11(1 ol till' L'lt'al ( 'a^^'atll• ma:l\iil oa lla- I'laii. Tills i-- a luo.-t (laa-cr- oii^ and I'lMMjUcnlls lic -Iriicliv i- r ,mii-c. 'I'Imtc i- a siillicicn: i]i'|illi ol \'i alfi- 1 1 |.(|iai,,il III ll.i-. rhaniifi :il all -ci-on-. I 'II llii' uncoiaiiion -i/c ol llic In-i .il.ii - iciid.T^ il iih|i.i'--iMi' lor rail- lo (!<-(•■,■ \\ii)i -al('l\. i.'iilc--^ llii'S arc mail'' w ;\ s': 111',', anil Oica tiir-c arc|nc,i!- 1 , .j.iliiil hi [ii'< I'-- liv llic -\^ ell-, and (I.-, I. I-' d )'< ilali , nil dlrrcli II . dm\ n 1:11' Jii'.'M'. o, ci-io:iiiiLf ;;i'<'al cxiicli-!'. ^. 1 11 Id III u'- d'n' i-i lota! lo^-- lo llic i.n\ nri- .1, dic-.J.I liall-. It i- i'i:)>o-iMc fi,!' todc-c;ii,i dic !>)-!( iiiinnc! ; ti.c-, iwc (diii;;cd |.p iiiaki' i. HI, inc. \>lii'n' tlicv di~i liarnc one lia'l i;l l.').'ir ('.;r;Mi. and alici'M ard-- run llic rip: '■■ v\'.\\ llic 1 1 'iKiindcr, and in laanv in~laiicis «'ii:'- ; I coiilact Willi on' ol Ini i!nc(' liiicli.- incniioiird al'o'ic. \'.;i 'ii Iioal and ( 'ar'..;o ari' citlicr lo'l or ii' 1:1 - iially daiiia^Cil. The rcM lins .a'a weir con 'Irnclid li_> (Im' ( i>>\ i-riiiii'iit liinds .alionl riiiiiiccii years a^^o. arc rcprc-ciilcd 011 llic .Map i.i tli.'>jiicc -li.idcil willi lilack c\!,';.'dia,f imai \] lo W rill- wi-rai-cd in I'cci iii li iiijili. l^^cl^c Icct 111 uiddi, a id liinr in Iicil;IiI, and \\a- fr,;\- -iiMcicd ol' -IK ill while |iinc liiiihcr ■j'l ired : \\;i' SjCiCe hctwecn llie-idcs .» I ' idled uidi ^niall vioiie-. Tliiswurk jiro\ ed ol bill lilllc -er\ icc to aid the !ia» I'^alion. am! Ia>l"il Inil liir a short iiiic. Tin' Inidicr licin;^ neither ol' (he j/iojier ■'i/ ' Ol' i|ii dilv to cndni'c lor any ! 'iioh o! tain' ; and lor tic liaic ol il.i dll- |■ il ei,;. ,di'ii>'i.;li It ca 11 -^cd a !j;realcr i|ii ni- 'ii'i 111 v'later lu iio\^ into lie lall (lian- K' I. loi sv Hit ol a -econd weir to o|i[)o^c 'h J loK ;; ul' tin; Haltr tliu-.- luiccd into said f haniK'l, it was nllo\V('(l (o (ii:;p(M-.-.t; ri|iiallv ov«'r the mIidIc siirliicc ol tli(> lii^crlo (lie SdiiIIi Short- — "walcc iil- •• wajs liiidiii^ its oMii Ifud."' hi or- der Id reiiuivc rnlirrl> (lit- diiliciihy at- lciidiiii{ ihi.s |>arli('iilai' (tarl ol llic navi- l^atioii.l \\oiihl I'croliiliiciid llir coiii^lriic- lioii ol' two Mcirs. a.s rcjiri'sciitrd on iho |daii liy the two ^pacrs .shaded idack, A. I), iS- (', H. loriniii}; a tiiiinrl ol oik; ihoiHaiid and lill} si\ l<'<'t in Icii'^lh, (hi; lower end lieini^ tM o liniidred Iccl in lacadlh.aiid (he ii]i|>emi! >\atfr, I I ^^hl(h Mould admit a rait «iraMii.<; lolly < iiichcf-. and pio|pal)l\ inoir, lo |)a^s t'vt'ii * diiiiinj llie |)i'rio«l -si\ lert in leiiglh, lurUe fret in I \\id:h, and tiie IitI lii^li. Tin- bides J (iiii;lil lo he roiislnicled (d" sound white J oak. o»er t>M'lM' inches s^ipiare, locked J ioMrth(^r l>v cross pieci-.s of ilu' saiiic, ; and liamcd tofrclher in (Mcry lirteeii leel. j The I |i|ier end ^honld loriii a roiiml ^ |ioint ra--iciied loii;ellier Mitli bars and 5 linnindsol Iron, so as to make llie ei.d.s { ol the Weir aide lo resist the pieces i 1" ; In I. ken ice ihal de-^ceiid tlit; rapids in 5 'lie Spriiif^ ol the jear. ^ riif weirs eoiislriiclcd as aliov im- j reeled, .shoidd he lilleii i:i a t-ulid inaniu .- i \\ ::li stones. Mhicli iiui-t he carried in I I'oats Irom ther-hore. This may Ix- sale- ^ l\ done Iroiii near the Mill maikeil on < (lie plan. l'oa(s «'arr}ii'ij sloiie lor this i pni'po>(> .-hoidd .-^teer out (inder the reel i of rocks iinlil ihey reai'li tlu- cliuhnel, J Iroiii thence des«(Mid lo the shoal, at or \ near ihe three roi'ks, so olleii adverted I to, \>hen they can Milli safely liill into ? the Kddy ol the ^\ei^aIld discharj^e their { carijo. IJiit hen' I Mould heg lea\e to i r<'( iiiiinieiid the removal (d the three 5 rocks jiroioiis lo the eon.slKiclion of 5 the Weir.-', iM'tiaii.-^e afierwanls the wa- ; ici's Mould Ik' loo ileep aiul slroej; lu ! etliel Ihe aceoiinilislimeiit ol" the Mork. i To eonslriict the two Weirs it woiiltl ; he neee-^Kiy lo raise them tiv«' feet in ^ lie::;lil. to pre\ cut the water from running I o\cr them, and lvv«d\e leet in Mil't or l<'<^ tli:»t may toiiu- in contact willi tin in. 'I'lic Wi'irs t'onsliiu'lcti alter llii-- ntaniK-r would t'orLH a 'I'nnncl sullicicnl to adnnt I lie i)assa!rf of Kufts and Hoat^ drawnin under forty melies of water witli [.erieel safely. "i\) form and enmjilete a Tunnel at this |)iaee. of the ahovt^ dcseriplion. would re.|nire lilleeii llion^and leet of white oak of a j.roper^i/.e V lenirtli. This should be depo-ited at C'hateau^uay and tr (hciK-e t'arried doun the ri\er. and (iiduiided upon the ^hoaU near where the runnel i> to he eon-triieteil in Mieii .[uanlilN as nia\ he re(|uired ; the pio- (Aj) 'u^e i>f the oak tiniher diiiver- cd on the shoal- would depend inueh on the Montreal priee^^ay lilteen Jienee per loot n.akin^' - - H '•'■!' -•^- ^'^l- To till u|) the weirs re- "j i»0 rnhie yards ( ^..W- •• ol stone, llie prohahle j expense would he J Framing; the tiudier and ^ '2."»0 plaeini;- ^aine - ^ Iron work esliinated al 1"><> " '♦ Atnoiiiitiii;: to i,,t -2 f.. \ which luMn<;; a coiisiderahlc sum, -honld \ (his work he constructed of ditli'icnt ma- 5 ( of I'inc or any other cheap lira \ her, llie e\|)enses mi;,dit he coiisiderahly \ diminished. In (hi- ease, however, the 5 work would ho hut of short duration, \ and conscMpMMitly hul oflillle importance \ to (he na\ illation of this place; whereas ; were it <'om|)osed of proper wood and ; other lastinii lualerials under the diicc- \ (ion of a competent Hn-iineer. it would I ^crve not only as a monument ol the Spi- \ lit of enterprise, hut w oulil also h«' loiiiiJ J ollhe -.jrcaiest puhlic utility. \ Montreal, I I .lanuary, l!12:i. \ (.Sii;ned.) J. DAVIS, Iv I.. \ Siirrf'ior uml Ciril Emsnuif. \ (Certified.) i \ A. W. COCHIIAN. } Scerclnrtj. ' « TRIK ( Ol'V. ' \ J. WWW. D ^ No. S. \ to yon such lurllicr particular- a- I < oul(t Prescott, lOth Angus,, 1U2:). \ collect relative to the oh-trncliuns u, " I ,1,,. navigation ol the Saint l.aureno J and the hesl means of removin^i ihem, i consnltingthoreinlheparties joined with Diior 5 me in p.-titioning His Kxcelleiiey on thai. ol rcceiv.iur your .en.-, o. „.. I.Uh \ suhj.rt. ll ''^V, ''"'• '''"'''7|\'''T,!..c,' Ma"-!., I Lenot failed to hold ni re- \ my power to address you on the -uh|. .i (Micv ; at an earlier peri<"i. Sill, Siiioo I had till of receiving your letter of tin iollectioii llie desire of His |-ACellency Ihc Lieutenant (iovcrnor therein con- \ lie laeiitciiant l.ov<-nior inen-.u . o, - 5 |,|„>wliavc the tamed, thai Ushould colled and transmit { '1 he statement, which I non luuc honor lo riiclonC IutoxmiIi, liiis l)oni Iriiiut'd Iriiiii -lull ol llif i)|iiiii()ii> ol Midi ol llic I'i'litioni'i- 11- I liiixe luul ai(t'» lo, l(><;ctlH'r Willi Ml) ouii. 1 r»'- Hici llial it Its not moi*' iiiinuti- iiiiil <'\- |iiaiialoi). iiiul it »\as ni) iiitcntioii at lir>i, lo lia\c liiriii-licil lii> IaccIIcik) Willi (lia\\iiin \\ill )i( I'cc'vc llial I laur a1 -tani- vt\ lioiii fiiliriiiii into aii> - o( (iiniiii; \\illiiii iIk' I |i- |irr ( aiiaila rioiiiidar) , a- not i'r;iiilai l_v foniicclcd with llir Miliifil rcl'cri inu' lo iho Irltl I- of llic All In wliii h llif ( lia- t('ant;iia_\ liind lia- liccii lai-od. wliicli foiilliic- the (Aiicnditilic ol llif limnrv t> iliat jiait ol' the river lulwoen Lake Saint liaiicis and Montreal, I would lieji lea\e. liowe\er. on llii- ocea-ion, to iioinl out lo }oii. and in e\enl ol the lund lieint; extended in ilt^ a|i|iiiealioii to (pIKT t aiiaila. that no (•orrocl report can lie made im llie lirst mode ol reiiio\- inu tlie oli-triKlioii- oi llie navi^alioii aliove Saint l'"raiiei> until tiie per-oiis who have illejialiv [u»-L'^i-ed llieiii>ei\e.- ol certain parts ol the liiverlor llie erec- tion ol work- to Miit their inilividual in- terests, are removed or eiritid. 1 reler more c?peciallj lo the works at Mille 12 J I ? 5 Hoclie and iVloiilinrtto rapid:^, whore nearly oni' hall ol the Slreaiu in iiioiiop- olized h.v tvvo individuals. There are several other instances a- hove these; this is a growing and alarni- ing evil to the general inlcrcsls of the ( oiiiili} , and i.-, so general, and comhiiie.s siieh local intere-l, that the usual appli- cation to the Ciraiid .Inrie- has heeit loiind inellectual in stopping it. 1 he pritilegeol ericting VM)iks in the River helow the low water mark, Iteloiiging cxcliisivelv to the Crown, I bliould hiimlil) .-n|ipo.-,e that it would be compe- tent lor the I'.xecutive itst ll to dispos,-e-s illi ;iai inlriidLis: and were it generally' niidei -lood, that no work olanv desciip- lioii tonid he ereclid in the Hivtr. hut hv special Petition lo the Crown, an op- portiinilv would he atliu'detl of exact- ing an < <|ui> aleiit Irom the indiv iduni in erection ol locks or some work iiselul to the communil}'. I have the honor to be, iSc. tVc. iSc. (Signed) Artiilr Gifford. MAJOR IIILLIFJI. i^-c. iVc. i,c. A TRIE rOl'Y. ,1. BABY, I'd D, No. 0, The most fonnidihlo ol)-itnictinii (o I wani-, and that nrvl in matftii'iKlc to tlit the tiiivis^;itioii ui' llic |{iV(!r L:uv- \ l.acliinc rapid-', k what is ;;ciieiall) call- rt'iicf, under present eiri iimstanee-i, i^ I ed tlie ( 'ed ir^; llii-. like the ■-jiai-e lie- tliat presented In llie l.aehi a- rapid-, or I t«een Monti'ealand Laeliine, i> aearr>- rallier a coalinii ilioii ol r ipids anil slicids i in;;- place ot seven nnle^ ni extent, w lier(; iroiii ill il place t(j llie [)orl ot Monlre li. 5 (lopiil', m it- tian-il to tlie upper loini- beint; sne.h as to can-e at mi ne seasons | ii\ i- e\po-( il ti; llie injury (^wlneii e\- tlip most iiiiiiinent danger in tlic descent, i perience lia-* pi'oved lu Ik- '.crv cm j'-i- jind at all sea-ons. Ill render Iran-poria- , deralile) atMMidant on laiidin;'. reiu nl- tion upwards by water iuipossilde, li^lil J in^, carlinii in bad weather and had Itoals i)eing takeii up only with ; roads, iVi'. hesiile> the additional e\. clilliciilly. 5 jiense wlijl<^ the copion- and inc\|i.nHt- I ihh' -trc nil ot' the Saint l,awren(-c is ft is iinl !iow !-V(>r nere--iary to cled Stan of tlie ;ipproa(li lo i linr a iv and oi e;t( !i >id > ol' ihe point, mill ioi'k al ihe -pill rock, iioth ; in -o innth ih ii a loaded boat caniiol ;'ho\ e an 1 belo^\ it, wh -re lor tie \» ml (if depth of waler, or rallcr Iroai the oc- i II i--ll)l V 11 1- llii rt- ail l\xo \'),\\ -. OIK ill ive .1 id o i; Ijeio.V tins poril, whicil, < i-;on.d interM'iitioa ol lar;^e but loie-e j wilh a deep Li/!low in l!,r iii'.i i\ enn.L>, rocks, it b( CO lie- neee— iry r.ilher lo j lii-o'ind. ap, ear nalmallv Irriin-d lor a lift ihan lloal the boat- inio the lock. ? bv wal''r ll i- ihi'i-elore ^n ;- I'laiiy lio!ii's aie ii(-ce--arily -p"'il in llii-^ i lo-^ied ih il a cut -lioiil I be in,.le heic. (rillicult opi'i'alion. and not untreipii-nlU' { 'V\\<' con-lni'-:M i ol re^^nlar lo, k- bei ._r l.oats ^Toiliidiim on one oi iho-i' rocks, 5 e\ jieii,.i\ e. il i- hn nblv co iceivi-d 1.'' il t-'A in^ from tin? >ireii'j;lh of the cnrreni | a coiiiniunicaln/n miiihl be nnd ■ iiiio'i alter pas-iiiL; the lock, and are jirecipi- ' the prinicple of a running ( 'an, il w iih de- (atod over ihe immense rock anil ijii-h ol ' vised slop-, a iiioite which -evi-ral l!n- water, wliicli IIum lock i^ meant lo s:ive | i^ineers a|ipro\e of: Mime |ier-ons com- tliem from; besides iIk; double trouble , pule the expense of this cut al not in -n-e ofiifjain passinjT ihe lock: .in obvious and * than £ JOO : whereas liri;(' -nni- iiiiLj'il hiiii[)le reinody olli'rs itself for thi-. beinu; { from lime to lime, be expendi d o'l r c the removal ol lhe>e interveniii;^ rocks, < (>\treiiiilv of ih'' point wilhou' bii.L; ot O" excavaliii;!, il' necessary, at llic en- | much practical ur lastiiiij beiiefil lu ihe trance to and es^ress fro n the lock, and \ iia\>n, a further cxtcnsio!! into the River of ihe | pi(^r or (iaai which collects Ihe water i(jr \ After fiassinc; a srnall Hay rdiove tliis ihe supply of the lock. i point, we coaie ai;iin to swift water, o.d 5 opposite to Ho'^ Inland, wliich lies ik- ir- Tlie next obstacle in the progress up- i ly in the fair way of tiio Kiver, and be- M t'oi'(Ma!viiU'; !i':U(^ ol'i;. i, will ho pniprr to 5 i'rri i;;;r:lit willi O'A-.r ',)'■ (jlijnlnod iii<1opl!i ;,,:\ KiMT v. nil iial':--. llii' main t !i.riii"l i lll«\\anl |M--a;;r. In adilUiiJii tii liiis liM- wlni-li. a- Mrll ;i- Ih);iI- (!ii\Mi\\,iii:.~. i-. ! a jmhmI r-iaiinlli 'I'cw -jialli ^luiuld In.' ,,;] l!ic Miiil!i-ulc (.1 ihc l-laiiil, ill'' ' iaai!i'. 'I lir-i> (il;ir(i> l>fiiii;- allt lidcd drpili "1 \\,ili|- lii'h ^'iTi'al'T lliiiii in liir ; I'l \'.dli llir |'i-(,j..)M'd ciil at iIjc iNldl ..ii.ri', liMl llic i-laiid liiilial'liilv di- ' r'- ; i'cilil. and iiMnap- a paiiial cltailh}; ( n: !',n,:; ' llic ;- i-'aitc I'l Ian- '- as at iiit-cnl I land aiT |nn\('rl>ini ,'ii .; nri- -a- <■:■- ! n-ai! Ini- ( initi,\ Ixiai-. lliCK'iiy a\nldlli; , ,,,,,..1 in til ■ l.'in\i>rr I'-ad,' 'l In .'::■: 'i' "' 'j !>■<■ | k i.;; lo I ind can i,i<;i\\\ incli ill,, ('(innli'v. I'u ()!iM,\!.' llii-- ni.W;:-- j iij.r,. ,i nio.Iir.ili' ( nli ulaUnn, r(i;-ls I [i- linn In ll.rdi'-.-.nit nl llalN. il i . l'|-..n. - ; IK r t anada at lnr(cda!-od |m'|- lilin- ,d In (■ .n-irncl a \'. inr lidin Hie npi'i r j .ir.-d *•. rn.'lil nn K-llli-. nl liin \> li,.lc ol end I.; :1a' 1- laml nMs ni.|\ I n\'- n d- 1 1 ,n J ii'T iaj|H .i i.rnnm Iji'^idc.T llic csjiu^urt- ,Siu-di -.h.irc iiicllldini; an Ai:i',!n nl a'M'iil S 1(1 da!iia;.;('. :10 (l('i;ri'C-. \v ilii ihr din ■(•',!( in nl lii" > i:.- ? rcn!. r-u a-ln-i^.'a dncidciiU sinmr,..,' ■; N'-i- '" llif \'i!!a-n (if tho f'cil.'irs iiiiiii'tM- and iial.naliun ni ■ lirani li l'- r l! '■ir i- a linn or (ml n I nl llir land, w I fn' i;,iVl ( liannt'l. \<'l liMvin;; nimI'mi, i,i I'l . , . J n w cir mi:'' il I"' (■nn--l rucli'd. >lrt fin.;; n'ar 111 In" NnVtli >iini-c a- li'M niii.i:- '/ ( jiin!* n 'lini't w a_v inui llie -til am. Iiv i'ti' '.Niliiliin CJiauncI fit iLn i"n iN n;- ; r >'• in- la \\ inn!i a ^i'aliT pnrlioll in wa- \v,!rd-. Tni- n|iji'Mr- In he \r:'\ |ii:i.'- ', i.-, !nii;!it in- ciaulucKvl alonj, ill ■ ?liuii'. linaldn and Wiinld Ui- lirlNT il dnr-n.."! ^ x.iln il.n a--i-;;inr'' ol' a dri'.'.i-. 'iia' 5 T 'jp >,( s ! nlis' rnci Inn, a'tlit)i;;!i a\ alii.v I'm Mill iVii, .t »(•(■■ ■r- ' ii (OM-.lrii(! a siiiaii j ,■;<■. ■l,n;i iter al a;: iln In -\\i[! \\:it"i'. u I 111 1 1 ( \!i ;;(!- !' I a ; \'.\i' I mad nl 1 lie ( Jin m;!. wi|l| a riip.-.|aii lii'ncc In llm -imII jininl imnr v.l,a!i i- : nn I'lf CvlK- Mn\. Ii_\ wliail I (lalMiiiiilit Miinicd llin \ li! |..n. ..I'lla' (.'ndi'--, ', r-<.~\\\ Iil; h.; and up and iaUL:h liaii; t!i" u linic nl' llii- di-lanc", tlir iriv.T ; -a^cJ. run- v\i!|i\a~.l rapidlu and npnn ;d:,,.:-t ; a ;,c-i • ' in. li i( l' pi nn'. Iiul ii'ni. :i .'iiiit : Tlii^ la'-t ji'ico fir o-i'^orvalio'i in the 1 ilinr ciri'nai-liiiK',' I'lMir-lIm |u-- iijn J l.uucr I'liiv incc i- :1: ' < 'nli'ail dll late, I.I :'nal-; I'l • nil n-T I'H Ino-n IuhL-. I'liu'- I Imi'i aliovc nnd lalnA \. Iiicli. llu-rtj are L:'ln'-- nl' ih' bank- and -.linrr^ uilli ? nianv Kuck- a id -'iiiln\v - w liicii yrcally I'll' -li'cniilii aiuoint (.r llic ; trance to the I aiik- and <'i;i i— llnTclroiii; 111 id in C()nloini»laru)H to ap|)h. il i- con- j tin' same ol>-nr\ alinn-^ n^ ill apply a- liaxc >ic!"i'('d lliit llic pn-sciit i5oal ('liaiiiicj i ah'cady hern made o i tin split rnck upward- -lioiild he deepened a- close 5 | ,nck. hoili nl w liich. as v. \le I. Ian whole oi'lhe hollo 11 heiiio; j ini,' rendered clliiient. The ulilily el en ap i-ad of Innsn stones and ^c avei hy ; their existence al all in the |>r("cnl slate w'li.'h niri- il i- CO ii '(i(>pl!i l> (III-: lll.ji Ol' |i llhl- ^Mtli K "-(111 [mill u lIlRll |l> I I.- •itniclioii of llic (ln'M ;i- rf^-ipocts tlio nnsjli' j I>(>(^rrin to I'lP \jlW of lliP I .i)\V( il r.iniw >\ Mil llif ilircciiiHi 111 llic -iitMiii, J I' M'lli( |-(i\ IliCr U Mil' I , -I.dIhIic^ illl . r li mikr-- ill.' cipllcfiinii ul W ali'is al ; willlti' iiiiiiccc-- nv in t;ii i.iln aiiv Ic llic liiMil ol (he l-iick iii«;)ii^i(liMMl)|(' aiil } ciiplioii til ihc cili- -1 1'lil I'l'i- w [lu'li iMTiir ill L- i>P''i' sli.ill(n\. vv liilc r. ai.irkiiiif mi lln'si- Lock-i \ ii lli il p ul ul I hi; liivcr i} in:; il i> iliihciill Id a\(>iil I'clcrriii:; Id ( ami It ; Caiiad.i- 111 IV 1)1 pi'iipi r Id hdl I III iiii'iiidi'v 111 ', ♦•M'lit dt 111 nil' laiprd\ r.iic ill. ) ihi' tdii- I (f '''riili"i!.) tr.iclcil pi 1 1 \\ inch ipp ii'i'iilly « ithdiii j aiiv d ij.'Cl ih: )■ arr ImiiI;. nliiiiiliii^' w illi i (Si^iieJ.) \'\\ . (Oriii^AN (, |{dil> dl rj I'cct V I liKiic- la ; lire I Illl, lh> r<-liv w Ill-real i-v 111:; dl I ppi-r an II ilijrcti \'j; till' u lidir : ^ci c,\in/. I I rC i (la Id .1 X ."'^til dl p irlH'niai' riiicip il places in Ihe } LdWiT I'rov i ice. x\liicli appear Id ineiil J an applicitid!! ol a pdiiinidl llic hi.iiJ i ac.ciiiuulalej at C';,iKn . {Cerlitle,!.') ruca.) ij. llilJ.IKIt \ rurj-. fiM'X, .1. 15AMY 4 A 'I I E, No. 1. AioNTRE.vL, 20 August, U!2:i, I I Sm, TiiF, (lidlnilty wo liavo oxjicri- enced in [jrociirin;; ^iiliiicul 111101111 iiiim rcliitiii)^ Id llu> iiii|>iirl,iii previously <'ntrrcd at the I'orl d (iucht'c, indiii'c-^ inc to .-iij^^c^l to voii the pi'opi'ielv ol iT|MT-.ciiliiiir lo llie tio- vei'iiiMcnt ot oiu' r((-p,'i:li\ e pio\ nici'-. that liilin-e .Vrl)ilrai()i-> wdl llml llnai- selv(>s as iii.ieli in Ilie dirk as u('lia\(' l)eefi, unless so.uc iii'Msiires l)e taken lo asecrlaiii liie actual ami rel.itivc --tale ol'tiie linp(U-l trade oi' liolli I'roviiM'e-. It lieen urijid oil the |)arl ot L pper ("a lad I, tlial ilic re^ hereloloie exisliiit; \\liieli i-eipnred eiurics to he made at ('oteau du Lie. w* re (((iiiiiiii- allye\ade I : An 1. ui )reo\er, thai iheic were so ma ly oiher ixmiles into I ppri Can id I. Ill il ilie e, line- at (Aileaii dn I iae eiiiiM not. u id( r an) eiriaiiii-taiiee--, a 1 ird a <'orreei eaieiilalion ol'ihe du- ties wliie'i (he I i',ier i'i-(niiiee nii;;iil jn-Hv ehiini 'I'ii're i- no I'eason lo doiliU til ■ slateilie 1' of | m i^-^ llicN. ami the arij;u neiits to Iip I'oiinded ipon I'l 111 are sndicienlly <'videiit. I woidd ihere- iore propose, tii;it. iiist(-ad of n I'ort oi entry into I'pp t Caiiida, anOHie' ol' entry on exportation Iroai l^ouer Cana- da sh )U 1 he (wti'iji^'u. I at \I > Ureal, mid ihiil every arlicie inlendeil to he sent to [^pper Canada, sliould bo tniiriuc- ly entered at thai ollice under a heavy peiiidlv : livery ihiiiii iniisl pass ihroii^li Moiilriid ; and I'reventix e ( Jdleeis sta- tioned al the head ol the l^a ( hine Ca- nal, ill Siiiiiaier, and on two or lliree ol' till' uiiiicr Hoads. to exaiuiiie the liekets ot Clearance to he issued Iroin the Clliei' at Moiiireal. \\onld prohahly he sitiji- ci<'iit to en-iire re;;ular reports heino; ill. id:' l(ir the jj;uid.iiice ol luiure Arhi- Iraloj'-. Sonielhins; ol the kind is ahsoiiilidy IK cess.iry ; lor. as nialleis now stand, ( ach l'i-o\iiiee is \ei) likidy looxer-es- liinale iN own claims: The Arhitra- lois h i\e liiile hut coiijeclnre and com- piililiiii lo diicU's; and the residl of every poiiit in Arliilralio 1 w 111 iiioMla- hly he iiialu d dissalislaclion. 1 h,n e iho honor tu he, Si:',. \ our iiiii-t olu (lienl, llumhlc '■^('r\ .'.lit, (^i-ledV 1. liALJ-. rill' Honor, di!c J wifl 15ahv. A rui 1: corv. J. BABY E, No. 2. Montreal, 2« August, 1823, < lahhshed at MouiroaJ. J This hi'iiiir a mailer of imporiMie(> and 'S'lR, i reipiirinir inucii coisidcralioi. I do .of i feel iin -ell' d lo e\pr •--. a d cid- 1 have had theliotior to reeeivo\oiir ! ed opinion 01 its mirils. and -liidliliere- Note ot this iiiorain.;. sii.^trestiiii^ llp-ex- $ foic lay your coiiuuih.ica'ion lielore the pediruey of aseerl liiu'nj; l<>r the iriii I- J i;d\ ernmeni of I pper ( 'anada. ance of future Vrhilrators, the aeliial S- ? in the lue m n hil". 1 h'^- lea\ e (o oir.i relative state of I lie Import tr i lo of hotli ? some oh'servations on tli" -iihj.'ci. Provinces hy iiio.ins of an Odic" of entry ^ In the event of an Ollice oi Kvper' i- or exportation iVcH Lower Canada, c?- j tiou sueh as )ou propu^o hcuiij creao.d I'l ■! ^'''•■••-''''*'"r'a;;:;i; '-■'-^^'- -■^:;lr;:;;;"::^--''-''-- for I rr'- ^ T , N^'.aia im-i-.a-iv \ ,,,„„hal<.^~«'M'''-' •^' „;ina.loi>t- \ »■'-•'"'■> '■"'^^'„nn■ I- '-•■'•' ^'''''' ^ *'"''''^' . Ill ilnl I'Dprr-Cillilulil !;;:;;in;!^.;xi:r":^'-'"- J \ 'J I \ 1 lijiM'tlicliuiu.rto be, Sii-, Your Ohoa'uMil, IminMe St-rviint, (Sig.u-a.) i. I'ABV. Arb>U-u.orlorl...or-Cauuaa. < riu K < opv. I. 13.\BY ill tli<- !■■(;- liotli l'r*>- «M-(''.llll>tli> I tor :> l- |,,,.l„it ;i^ vi>il« (i'K' an l»' *i>'''y •iiiiiulii; ill"* (Ills !Maiicf, ra(\o. shouUl •rviiiit, .1. TABV. I.F,, r-C;iiu>i^i»- U\15V