pjmS^m IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ ^ # #/- .<"/ '.K*4 ' tvMmi m .tu ^f'm^ ! sal. And in our own Congregation, we have had to lamert the loss of ipany of our members, — not the old and infirra only, but rather more of an age at which death is gonerally supposed to be far away, thus *>nforcing the Divine caution upon ub a]l, to "watch" and be ever ready for an early call. Thus "the Lord's voice crieth unto the city, and the »jan of wisdom shall see thy jame ; hear ye the word and who hath appointed it." May such be the use that we all make of the Lord's dealings around v» and with us. "When thy judgments ?ro abroad, saith the prophet, the inhabitants of the oarth will learn righteousness." Finally, dear brethren one and all, "hold f-^at the profession of your faith without wavering." "Give all diligence to moke your calling and election sure." "^o ever looking unto Jesus, as the way, the truth and the life. after all our long years of preach- ing and of hearing, it comet: to tli? at last, " are we Christ'^' or are we not." Have we His Spirit in oi^r hearts, and its fruits in our lives. Have we i^on as poor sinners to His Cross and m that alone for pardon, rigbtv-ousness, sanctification and rcde»np- tion? He will soon come to take an account of hk 8erv»>.wi Examine yourselves, then, whether you are ready. >r,ise teachers, and false doctrines are abroad even here. Avoid them. Clino' to your church with unwavering affection, because in her ser- vice3°and articles and creeds she clings to Christ, teaching us that we are justified only by faith in Him, freely, and not for ous own merits or deservings — holding forth to us the words of fjife, following us with wholesome food from our cradles to our graves, and there leaving our mortal bodies with the cheering promise that He who is the resunection and the life will not forge', us, but will reunite us by and bye, if joined to Him by a I'ving faith to the Spi: its that meanwhile have lived with Himself in the higher world. True, your church cannot save you. But she would lead you to Him who can. You need no better earthly helps or outward means than that church supplies. Love her much, but love Christ more. He must be exalted far above all on earth. I trust I can love all tuose by whatever name distinguished, who love Him. But at the same time I more especiall.'y prefer that Church in which I and mine have been born, baptized and nurtured, in which I have so long bean preaching the Gospel of Salvation, and in which as T have lived, so 1 hope to die. And I hope it ip no bigotry (^hich I abhor) to commend her to your unceasing regard and support, and your regular md devout >->.. 8 attendance, always however, guarding against the " form of godliness withont the power thereof/' May the Lord turn these imperfect liner written by snatches from manifold engagements, to the good and comfort of at least some of you, and may He bless you and keep you all, and make His face to shine upon you now and evermore is the fervent prayer of Your aflfectionate friend and Pastor, J. C. COCHRAN. Halifax, Jan'y., 1871. Extracts from my Pastoral Journal for 1869 and 1870 Visits 5,393. Public Services 517. Baptisms 218. ■ Funerals 76. Marriages HO- Note.— .4s to the doctrine of the Church of England on the Sacraments. Article 28th. " The body of Christ is given, taken and eaten, only after an heavenly and spiritual manner. And the means whereby the body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper, is Faith." Again, ... , , w ^ "It is hereby declared that no adoration is intended, or ought to be done, either unto the Sacramental bread or wine there bodily received, or unto any corporal presence of Christ's natural flesh and blood. For the Sacramental bread and wine remain still in their natural substances, and therefore may not be adored (for that were Idolatry, to be abhorred of all faithful Christians) and the natural body and blood of Christ are in heaven and not here; it being against the truth of Christ's natural body, to be at one time in more places than one."— Book of Common Prayer— end of Cow.mumon' Service. ■n^ i*id