,%- o^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V- ^ ^< ^O S> ^. 1857. B57 to 1861. 65. :Jex«s, vols, fndex. I to 17. Vols. 1805. 1857 to 1868. 2 Exchequer Reports, Hurlston and Coltman, 15 Common Bench Reports, J. Scott, incomp (are wanting vols. 14, 15, 16 and 17), 3 Atkin's Reports. 1781. 1 Willes' Reports. 1800. 2 Index to English Common Law Reports. 1857. 1 Index to English Common Law Reports. 1847, 1 Exchequer Digest. 1855. 5 Burrough's Reports. 1790. 25 State Trials. 1163 to 1796. 16 Lower Canada Reports. 1851 to 1866. 10 Lower Canada Jurist. 1857 to 1867. 1 Robertson's Digest of L. C. Reports. 1864, 1 T. K. Ramsay's Index to Reported cases. 1 G-. O. Stuart's Lower Canada Reports. 1834. 6 The Monthly Law Reporter. 1859 lo 1864. 2 Robb's Patent cases. 1854. 2 American Railway cases. 1854 to 1856. 1 Report of the Webster case. 1850. 1 Holcombe's leading cases upon Commercial Law. 1847, 1 Ross' leading cases. 1858. 3 Smith's leading cases. 1866. 2nd Smith's leading cases, (odd volume). 1855. 2 American leading cases. 1857. 1 Greenleaf's overruled cases. 1840. 1 Greenleaf's overruled cases. 1856. Odd Volumes. 17 to 4th Cowen's Reports. 13th Metcalfe's " 2nd New York « 7th Pioneering's " ^1 ill ii Vols. 10 12lh and 13th Johnson's Peports. 7th and 13th Wendell's. 1 Gray's Reports, vol. 8. 1861. 1st and 3rd of Best & Smith's Q. B. Reports. 8 The Law Reports, (Imperial Statutes 29 Vic. 1 to 38 and 29 and 30, V 1 to 122.) 7 Do. do. 30 Vic. 1 to 33 and 30 and 31 V 34 to 146. 5 The American Law Review, October 1866 to April 1868. 10 Statutes at laige. Civil Code— by McCord. Code of procedure. Index to Civil Code. 3 Project of Code. Code civil, 3 Edits and ordinances. Revised Acts and Ordinances of Lower Canada. 184S 23 Provincial Statutes, from 4 Vict, to 29 and 30th inclusive. (9 Vic. is wanting.) 2 Index and Tables. 9 Odd vols, of Statutes. 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 Consolidated Statutes of Canada. Do. do. in French. IJo. do. of Lower Canada. Do. unbound do. •Do* <^o. of Upper Canada, (bound.) Judicature Act and Rules of practice. Tables to Acts and ordinances, Lower Canada. 1843. 1 Interest Tables. 1841. Tables of fees. 1862. Holy Bible. Rules of practice. 1858. Insolvent Act—notes, rules and tariff. 1864. Lower Canada Municipal Act of 1860. \ ! 11 J8 and to 146. 1868. Vols. 1 Graeca Majora. 1807. 1 Jewett's Spiers's French and English Dictionary. 1860. 1 Andrew's Latin and English Lexicon. 1864, 1 Webster's Dictionary, unabridged. 1865. 2 French and English and English and French Dictionary— Blcming and Tibbins. 1844. 1 Euclid — Elements ol' Geometry. 1768. 2 Sessional Papers. 1 Departmental Papers. 1 Report of Commission. 8 Evan's Collection of Statutes. ELECTIONS. 4S usive. r } I T 3. I 2 Wright on Elections. 1806. 4 Hatsell's Precedents. 1796. 1 Perry and Knapp's Election Cases. 1833. 1 Orme on Elections. 1796. 2 Eraser on Elections. 1793. 2 Heyvvood on Elections. 1790. 3 Luders on Elections. 1789. 2 Douglas' Controverted Elections. 1802. 1 Troward on Elections. 1796. 2 Peckwell on Elections. 1805. 1 Contest^'d Elections. 1730 to 1834. 1 Law and Practice of Legislative Assembly, by L. Gushing, 1859. 1 Chambers' Law and Practice of Elections. 1837. 1 Corbett and Daniel's Election Cases. 1821. 1 Baron and Arnold's Election Cases. 1843 to 1846. 1 Warren's Election Committees. 1853. 1 Warren on Election Law. 1857. 1 Rogers on Elections. 1859. I 12 Vols. 2 Election Cases. 1853 to 1857. 1 Election Cases, by Wolfeston and Dew. 1859. 1 Patrick's Canadian Election Precedents. 1851, 1 Maps of Canadian Counties. uft^LSO, THE OFFICE FURNITURE, CONSISTING OF ■X*Al3leSy dxa^lx-mf Stctxux^y X>eslsLi9, St^tioxLexry** Olools., 13 AFTER WHICH WILL BE SOLD, THE FOLLOWING WORKS, ON LAW AND OTHEE SUBJECTS. ^£9 Vols. 23 Causes Cel^bres et Intlressantes— Payot de PitaraL 3 Continuation de Causes Cel^bres, by J. C. de la Villa. 1 iJlanche — Dictionnaire Grec et Latin. 10 Wentworth's System of Pleading. 1 Addington's Abridgment of Penal Statutes. 1 Revised Statutes of Vermont, with Constitution of United States and Vermont. 1 Index to Common Law Reports, from vol. 1 to 47. 1 Shelford on Railways. 3 edit., of 1846. 41 dbon