^ ^!i^^< IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.25 b£|2B 12.5 >^ lii 12.2 2.0 Ui Its lit 140 II 1.4 1.6 1 Photographic Sdences Corporation •^ \ >v N> ^' ^/^^ >. ^%.- ^^^ \ <^. '^ 23 WfST MAIN STREIT WIBSTIR.N.Y. MSM 7 l CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHIVI/ICIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical IMicroreproductions / Instirut Canadian da microraproductions historiquas - signifia "A SUIVRE", la aymbola y signifia "FIN". Laa cartaa, planchaa, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atra fllmte i daa taux da rMuction diffAranta. Loraqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul cilch*, II aat film« A partir da I'angia supArlaur gaucha, da gaucha i droita, at da haut an baa, an pranant ia nombra d'imagaa nAcaasalra. Laa diagrammas suivants illuatrant la mAthoda. errata I to t i pelure, on A D 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I /.' 'J ■ I i For Pilot^No. lat.--You are hereby dirooted to exhibit (]^^^ persoD in charge of each and Wd^j vef^ from board; and yuu will take nuMQli'es to kiquaii the hich yoiT'may' persons on board of the penalty to be incuru,^^ loa^iit^ the'v;^ji§€i without permission of the competent authqir^dS? .-.6^' ,\3^ 2nd.~You wilUa^ ui^jOT y<(^«harge whether sailing vessels or steuAjJwpij^jMwler aagjyin^^fApcngers, or passengers and freight, or freignt aiouoiror in biUhist, to >jWichor. within the space of the Kiver at. Lawre^c^incliyk^ beLwjUin Qrosse-Isle and a line drawn parellel to it, throtigh tUV nedJ^oy, and bounded on the Eatit and West by lines drawn^ve Splrtparoiu the Western extremities of Cliff Island and Grosse-IsTej.a^'you shall also keep the national flag of such vessel flying at th^^^ak, until boarded by the proper ufficers; and in case of sickness on board tlie^aid iiag shall be kept at half mast. 3rd. — On arrivmg at Quebecjpf the vessel has received a clean bill of heath from the medical superintendent at Grosse Isle, has not been detained there on account of sickness or suspicion thereof, and has not any sickness oft board at the time, you will anchor at any place within the following limits, viz : The whole space of the Kiver bt. Lawrence, from the mouth of the-^River 6t. Charles, to a lino drawn across the said River Bt. Lawrence] from the flagstaff on the Citadel or Cape Diamond at right angles to the course of the said Kiver and there remain (having a Union Jack flying at the peak) without communication with the shore or any other vessel or boat, until boarded by the Inspecting Physician. But if the vessel ha§ been detained at Grosse Isle or has actually any sickness on board yem Vill bring her to at the mouth of the Kiver St. Charles to await inspection. All vessels trading between any ports or p'aces within tho province or within the G-ulf of St. Lawrence and not having touched at any ports or places without tho said province, nor communicated with any other vessel which shall have arrived from any port without the said Province, shall be exempt from tho foregoing rules and regul.ations, .so tar as respects tho necessity of going to or stopping at (Jrosse-Isle; nor shall the said rules and regulations apply to any Vessel of War, or to Trans- ports or Vessels having Queen's Troops on bOMd. accompanied by a Medical Officer and in a healthy state, jgt|M^cknes3 or death may have occured during the passage. J^ "" . , . •., 4th.— You wilL within twenty-fouiv^ours after your arrival in the Harbour, inform the Collector of Ifer Majesty's Customs, when any passenger or passengers shall have left tho vessel contrary to tho provisions of the Act IHth Vict. Ch. 86th, relating toemi^tion, under a penalty of twenty dollars, for every passengei* jVrith P|i^plN?t to whom you shall have wilfully neglected to. %v^ su«jMntona«tfohi»" '^ By Ordof^ TBOnrr Hovse, Qaebec> I6th Aprilr l^60< A 137 A 3sr ACT ommis- ( of the f Extraft dea STATUTS REFONDUS DU CANADA. c apT XL. Acte concernant les 6migr6s et la quarantaine. SA Majeste, par et de I'avis et du consentement du conseil 16gislatif et de I'assembl^e legislative du Canada, d6crete ce qui suit : EMIGRES. — TAAE IMPOS^E SUR EUX. 1. II sera 6tabli, prSHve et per^u une taxe, payable en la maniere ci-apres prescrite, par le maitre ou commandant de tout vaisseau arrivant au port de Quebec ou auport de Montreal, et venantd'un port quelconque du Royaume-Uni, ou d'aucune autre partie de PEurope, avec des passagers ou 6migr6s de ces lieux ; et cette taxe sera d'une piastre pour chaque passager ou 6migr6 Agh de plus d'un an, embarqu6 dans un port quelconque du Royaume-Uni, avec la sanction du gouvernement de Sa Majesty, constatSe par le certificat de I'un des officiers des douanes de Sa Majesty au port ou le vaisseau a re^u son acquit, ou dans tout autre port d'Europe, avec la sanction du gouvernement du pays auquel ce port appartient, constat^e par le certincat de l'autorit6 reguliere de ce port, — et d'une piastre et cinquante ceniins, pour tout passager et Emigre qui se sera embarqu6 sans cette sanction. 2. La dite taxe sera pay^e par le m£utre ou com- mandant du vaisseau, ou par quelque personne pour lui, au percepteur des douanes du port de cette pro- vince ou tel vaisseau est d'abord entre, et a. ;;»mps meme ou se fait cette premiere entree qui devra con- tenir le nombre des passagers qui sent actuellement d bord du vaisseau ; et nulle telle entree ne sera cens^e avoir 6t6 validement faite ou avoir un effet le^al quelconque, d moins que telle taxe ou droit ne soit pay6 comme susdit ; mais nul enfant au-dessous de l%ge d'un an ne sera compt§ au nombre des pas- sagers ; 3. Touto traite, ordre ou autre document fait ou signe par une personne dans le Royaume-Uni susdit, diiment autorisee ^ cet effet par le gouvernement de i^a Majesty, et adress6 au commissaire g^n^ral de Sa Majeste, ou autre officier en charge de la caisse Military Ghost in this Province, and authorizing tho Sayment to the Collector of Customs aforesaid, of the uty which would otherwise be payable by the Master of any Vessel for any number of Emigrants on board such Vessel, shall be accepted by the Col- lector as payment of the dut)r pavaole on such Emi- grants, and the sum mentioned in such order shall thereafter be received by such Collector and paid over and applied in the same manner as other money raised under the authority of this Act. 16 V. c. 86, B. 2, and 22 V. c. 3, s. 1. EMIGRANTS. — PROPORTION OF PASSENGERS TO 81/ R or VESSEL. 3. If any Vessel from any port or place on the con- tinent of Europe, or from any other port or place out of Her Majesty's dominions, comes within the limits of this Province, having on board or having had on board at any time during her voyage, any greater number of Passengers than one Adult Passenger for every twelve clear superficial feet on the lower or platform deck of such vessel appropriated to the use of such Passengers and unoccupied by stores or other goods not being the personal luggage of such Pas- sengers, or having on board or having had on board at any time during her voyage a greater number of persons, (including the Master and Crew and the cabin Passengers, if any,) than in the proportion of one person for every two tons of the tonnage of such Ship calculated in the manner used for ascertaining the tonnage of British Ships, the Master of such Vessel shall thereby incur a penalty of not less than eight dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each passenger or person constituting such excess ; 2. For the purposes of this section, each person of or above the age of fourteen years shall be deemed an Adult, and two persons above the age of one year and under the age of fourteen years, shall be reckoned and taken as one Adult. 16 v. c. 86, s. 5. EMIGRANTS. — OBLIGATIONS OF MASTERS OF VESSELS BRINGING THEM. > . 3. And whereas Masters of Vessels are in the Eractice of embarking Passengers after the Vessel has een cleared and examined by the proper Officer at the Port of departure, and without delivering lists of such additional Passengers to some Officer to whom i « liorizinpr the 9Haid, of the )lo by the f Emigrants y the Col- siioh £mi- I order shall r and paid >ther money 16 V. c. 86, I TO SIZR on the con- >r place out n tne limits ng had on ny greater issenger for lie lower or 1 to the use res or other F such Pas- i on board number of and the roporlion of e of such scertaining er of such t less than for eacli ss ; 1 person of e deemed !" one year reckoned r VESSELS re in the Vessel has OfHcer at ng lists of to whom f militaire en cette province, et autorisant le paiement, au percepteur des douanes susdit, de la taxe qui sans cela aurait 6Xk payable par le mattre d'un vaisseau pour tout nombre d'6migr68 d bord de tel vaisseaU) sera accept^ par le dit percepteur, en paiement de la taxe payaDle pour tels 6migr6s ; et la somme men- tionnee dans tel ordre sera ensuite perdue par tel percepteur, et le versement et I'emploi s'en feront de la mdme maniere que ceux des autres deniers pr6- leves en vertu de cet acte. 16 V. c. 86, s. 2, et 22 V. c. 3, s. 1. EMICR^S. — NOMBRE DES PA6SA0ERS PROPORTIOMNE ▲ LA GRANDEUR DU VAISSCAU. il. Si un vaisseau d'un port ou lieu quelconque du continent de l'£urope, ou de tout autre port ou lieu hors des domaines de Sa Maiest6, vient dans les li- mites de cette province, ayant d bord ou ayant eu d bord en un temps quelconque de son voyage, un plus grand nombre de passagers qu'un passager auulte pour chaque douze pieds clairs en superficie sur le pont inf6rieur ou la plateforme de tel vaisseau appro- pri6 d I'usage des passagers, et non occup6 par des provisions ou autres efTets ne faisant pas partie du ba- gage personnel des passagers ; ou ayant d bord ou ayant eu d bord en un temps quelconque de son voyage, un plus grand nombre de personnes (y com- pris le maitre, I'Squipage et les passagers de chambre, s*il y en a) que dans la proportion d'une personne pour cliaque deux tonneaux du tonnage de tel vais- seau calcul6 de la maniere usit6e pour constater le tonnage des vaisseaux britanniques, le maitre de ce vaisseau encourra pour ce fait une amende de huit piastres au moins, et de vingt piastres au plus, pour chaque passager ou personne formant tel eAc6dant ; 2. Pour les fins de cette section, chaque personne de I'dge ou au-dessus de I'dge de quatorze ans, sera consid^rSe comme un adulte ; et deux personnes au- dessus de I'dge d'un an et au-dessous de I'd^e de quatorze ans, seront comptee.^ et consid6r4es comme un adulte. 16 V. c. 86, s. 5. EMIGRES. — OBLIGATIONS DES MAITRES DE VAISSEAUX ; QUI Li:s TRANSPORTENT. ' 3. £t attendu que des maitres de vaisseau ont I'habitude d'embarquer des passagers apres que le vaisseau a pris son acquit et a 6t6 exmainb par I'offi- • by law the same ought to be dolivered ; for the pre- vention and punishment of such practice : For every Passenger not included in the Fist of Passengers by any Vessel sailing Irom a Port in Her Majesty's Dominions, delivered to the Collector of Customs at the Port of Departure, or at the Port where such ad- ditional Passenger was embarked, or at the Port at which such Vessel touched after the embarkation of such Passenger, the Master of such Vessel shall, in addition to the duty payable as aforesaid, and at the same time and under the same penalties, pay to the Collector of Customs at the Port of Quebec or Montreal, at whichsoever the said Vessel is first entered, the sum of eight dollars for each Passenger 60 embarked as aforesaid, and not included in one of the said lists. 16 V. c. 86, s. 3. 4, No Master of any Vessel arriving in either of the Ports last mentioned, shall permit anv Passenger to leave the Vessel until he has delivered to the Col- lector of Customs at the Port, a certified and correct Passenger list in the form hereinafter mentioned, nor until such list has been certified to be correct and a certificate of such correctness and a permission to allow his Passengers to leave the Vessel, and a receipt for the duties payable by him under the pro- visions of this Act, has been given to him by the Collector of Customs, under a penalty of not less than twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars, to be paid by the Master of the Vessel, for every Passenger leaving the same contrary to the provisions of this Act : 2. The said list shall contain the name of each head of a family being a Passenger on board the Vessel, his profession or trade, his country and the place of his destination, and the number of adult persons and children belonging to his family on board such Vessel, and the name of each person not belong- ing to any family, with the like particulars of country, trade, profession and destination. 16 V. c, 86, s. 4. 5. Nothing in this Act shall prevent the Master of imy Vessel irom permitting any Passenger to leave the Vessel at the request of such Passenger before the arrival of the Vessel in the Harbour of Quebec, but in every such case, the names of the Passengers fco leaving shall be entered in the manifest on the list of Emigrants made out at the time of the clearing of j .1 for the pre- J For every issengers by )r Majesty's Customs at such ad- the Port at larkation of 9I shall, in iid, and at ties, pay to Quebec or sel is first Passenger id in one of 11 either of Passenger to ihe Col- ind correct tioned, nor rect and a mission to el, and a er the pro- im by the f not less e hundred Vessel, for iry to the 3 of each board the ' and the of adult on board t belong- ' country, 16, s. 4. laster of to leave ir before Quebec, ssengers I the list aring of cior qu'il appartiont au port do depart, et sans d61i- vrer les listes des dits paisa^ers additionnels d quelque officier auauel, suivant la lol,, les dites listes devraient etre d61ivrees : — dans le but de pr6venir et de punir de sembiables pratiques ; pour chaqia) passagor non compris dans la liste des passagers de tout vaisseau faisant voile d'un port des domaines de Sa Majesty, remise au perceptuur des douanes de Sa Majesty au port de depart, ou au port ou tel passager additionnei a 6t6 embarqu6, ou au port auquel le dit bfttiment u touch6 apres I'embarquement du dit passager, le maitre du vaisseau sera tenu, en bus de la taxe payable Gomme eusdit, en mdme temps, et sous la mdme p6na- lit6, de payer au percepteur des douanes au port de Qu6bec ou de Montreal, (suivant que le batiment sera entr6 en premier lieu k I'un ou a I'aatre du ces I)orts,) la somme de huit piastres, pour chaque pas- sager ainsi embarqu6 comme susdit, et non compris dans I'une des dites listes. 16 V. c. 86, s. 8. 4. Nul maitre de vaisseau arrivant d Pun ou I'autre des ports en dernier lieu mentionnSs, ne permettra d aucun passager de laisser le vaisseau, avant qu'il n'ait transmis au percepteur des douanes du port, une liste certifiee et exacte des passagers en la forme ci- apres prescrite, ni avant que cette liste n'ait klk cer- tifi6 exacte, et qu'un certificat de son exactitude, ainsi qu'une permission de laisser d^barquer ses pas- sagers, et un re^u pour les droits payables par lui en vertu des dispositions de cet acte, ne lui aient ktb donnas par le percepteur des douanes, le tout sous une p6nalit6 de pas moins de vingt piastres, ni de plus de cent piastres, qui sera payde par le maitre de vais- seau, pour chaque passager q^ui laissera son vaiBseau en contravention aux dispositions de cette acte : 2. La dite liste indiquera le nom de chaque chef de famille qui est passager k bord du vaisseau, sa profession ou son metier, le pays d'o^ ilvient, le lieu de sa destination, le nombre des personnes adultes et d'enfants appartenant d sa famille d bord de tel vaisseau, et le nom de chaque personne (^ui ne fait partie d'aucane famille, avec les mSmes circonstances particulieres de pays, de profession ou m6tier, et de destination. 16 V. c. 86, s. 4. 5. Rien dans cet acte n'empdchera le maitre d'un vaisseau de permettre d tout passager de laisser le vaisseau d la demande de tel passager^ avant Parriv^e the Vessel from the United Kingdom or other part of Europe as aforesaid, and shall be certified under the signatures of the Passengers so leaving the Vessel ; And if the number of Passengers remaining on board on the arrival of the Vessel in the Harbour of Quebec does not correspond with that mentioned in such manifest, after deducting the number who have so left the Vessel, the Master thereof shall incur a {)enalty of twenty dollars for each Passenger not bund on board or entered on the manifest as having left the Vessel as aforesaid. 16 V. c. 86, s. 9. 6. Every Pilot who has had charge of any Vessel having Passengers on board, and knows that any Passenger has been permitted to leave the Vessel contrary to the provisions of this Act, and who does not within twenty-four hours after the arrival of such Vessel in the Harbour to which he engaged to pilot her, inform the Collector of Customs thereat, that a Passenger or Passengers has or have been so per- mitted to leave the Vesse), shall incur a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars, for every Passenger with regard to whom he has wilfully neglected to give such information. 16 V. c. 86, s. 10. REPORT BY THE MASTER. 7. The Master of any Passenger Vessel shall, within twenty-four hours after such Vessel arrives in the Port of Quebec or of Montreal, and before any entry of such Vessel shall be allowed, deliver to the Collector of Customs at the Port at which such Vessel is entered, a correct Report in the form of the Schedule A to this Act, of all the Passengers on board such Vessel at the time of her departure from the Port or place whence she cleared or sailed for this Province, and a true statement of the other particulars mentioned in the said form, under a penalty upon such Master of twenty dollars for each day durmg which he neglects so to deliver such list, after the expiration of the said twenty-four hours, and of eight dollars for each Passenger whose name is omitted in such list. 16 V. o. 86, s. 6. 8. In addition to the particulars hereinbefore required in the list of Passengers to be delivered on each voyage by the master of any vessel carrying Passengers and arriving in either of the Ports of Quebec or Montreal, to the Collector of Customs at i her part of under the ie Vessel ; g on board of Quebec in such 10 have so incur a enhip has been reported to the Collector of Customs, such Master shall incur a penalty of four hundred dollars, and the said Vessel snail not be cleared on her return voyage until the said Bond has been executed or the said sum paid, nor until the said penalty has been paid, with all costs incurred or any prosecution for the recovery thereof. IS V. c. 86, s. 14. 14. After any such Bond as aforesaid has been executed, the Collector of Customs shall transmit the same to the Receiver General of this Province, to be by him kept and held, during the said period of three years from the execution of the said Bond, or until the payment of the penalty therein mentioned (if incurred) has been enforced : 2. For the purpose of ascertaining the necessity of such enforcement, the Chief Emigration Agents, in Upper and Lower Canada, upon representation made to either of them, in their respective portions of the said Province, shall ascertain the right and claim to indemnity for the maintenance and support of any such specially reported Passenger, and shall report the same to the Governor throusrh the Provincial Secretary, and the said report shall be final and con- clusive in the matter, and shall be evidence of the facts therein stated ; I'. 22 V. c. whom any [at anytime (on thereof, l»y Munici- ^r upon any 3» the pay- \red for the rer shall bo 1 and under [Ity therein required for . 16 V. c. )ard which )resaid lias « the said >'iy instead said .Ship Jtoms, such ed dollars, 1 her return ited or the ^as been It ion for the has been * ansmit the ince, to be >d of three 'f or until tioned (if i^essity of ?«nts, in ion made IS of the claim to t of a;iy li repoit rovincial md con- B of the i AX 17 f>artie comnie susdlt) signe par I'ofiicier en chef do 'emigration ou le consul anglais du lieu, ou s'il est sutfisammenl prouv6 di tel agent en chef de I'emigra- lion qu'elle estd6c6deedurant le voyage sans lafaute du proprietaire, du maitre, ou de quelqu'un de I'^qui- page ue oe vaisseau. 22 V. c. 3, s. 5. 13. S'il arrive qu'un passager pour lequel une obligation a ete donneo comme susdit, on aueun temps, duns les trois annees :\ dater de la passation de la dite obligation, devianne a charge h cette province, ou a une municipalito, village, cite, villo ou comle, ou a quolque institution charitable dans cette province, il sera pourvu au paiemont de cette charge ou des de- penses n6cessaires pour le soutien et support du dit passager, k memo les deniers preleves en vertu de la dite obligation iusqu'a concurrence de la penalite y contenue, ou de la portion d'icelle qui sera lequise pour le paiement des dites charges et depenses. 16 V. c. 86, s. 13. 13. Si le maitre d'un vaisseau d bord duquel a ete Lransporte un passager qui est I'objet d'un rapport special comme susdit, neglige ou refuse de consentir la dite obligation, ou de payer la somme qu'il est a memo de payer comme susdit, au lieu de consentir de suite telle obligation, apres que le vaisseau a et6 rapporte au percepteur des douanes, le dit maitre encourra une amende de quatre cents piastres ; et le dit vaisseau ne recevra pas son acquit de parlance pour son voyage de retour avant que la dite obligation n'ait ete consentie ou la dite somme pay6e, ni avant que la dite amende n'ait ete payee, avec tons les frais encourus ^ ruison des poursuites faite«i pour les recou- vrer. lt> V. c. 86, s. 14 14. Apres que toute telle obligation a ete consentie comme susdit, le percepteur aos douanes la trant:- raettra au r6ceveur-gen6ral de cette province, pour etre par lui gardee durant la dite periode de trois annees, d compter de Pexecution de la dite obligation, ou jusqu'^i ce que le paiement de la penalite y men- tionnee (si elle est encourue) ait et6 exige ; 2. Dans le but de constater la necessite qu'il pent y avoir d'exiger tel paiement, les agents en chef de I'emigration dans le Haut Canada et le Bas Canada, sur une representation faite d I'un ou ^ I'autre d'eux dans sa section respective de la dite province, cons- ' ! y\ }■ ' i! : 18 3. And the said penalty, or so much thereof as is sufficient from time to time to defray the expense incurred for the maintenance and support of any Passenger for whom the said Bond was given as aforesaid, shall be prosecuted for and recovered by suit or information in Her Majesty's name, in any Court in this Province having jurisdiction in civil cases to the amount for which such suit or information is brought 16 V. c. 86, s. 16. PROVISIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF PASSENGERS. 15. Every Passenger on board any Vessel arriving in the Harbour to winch the Master of such Vessel engaged to convey him, shall be entitled to remain and keep his baggage on board such vessel during forty-eight hours alter her arrival in such Harbour ; and every such Master who compels any Passenger to leave nis Vessel before the expiration of the said term of forty-eight hours, shall incur a penalty of not exceeding twenty dollars, for every Passenger he so compels to leave his Vessel, nor shall the Master of the Vessel, remove before the expiration of the said forty-eight hours, any berthing or accommodation used by his Passengers, under a like penalty, except with the written permission of the Medical Superin- tendent at the Quarantine Station. 16 V. c. 86, s. 11. 16. The Master of any Vessel having Passengers on board shall land his Passengers and their Baggage CAP. XVI. An Act to amend the Act respecting Emigrants and Quaran- tine. {Assented to 30th Jmie, 1864.] WHEREAS great inconvenience and hardship are occa- sioned to Emigrants arriving in the Port of Queliec, by the want of some landing place at which proper shelter and protection should be provided for them, and which should lie under the exclusive control of the Chief Emigration Agent, and at which the Masters of Vessels bringing such Emigrants should be bound to land them with their baggage, except only under certain special circumstances : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1, The Governor in Council may, by proclamation, from time to time, appoint the place at which all emigrants and passengers arriving in the Port of Quebec, other than such as may be specially excepted in such proclamation, shall be landed, and may, in and by such proclamation, make such tater^ „ Bupp M rappi ^ cettel 1 t_^- ■sp fe' thereof as jg J the expense [PPort of any ps given as recovered by name, in any ttion in civjl |r information >8seJ arrivin «uch Vessel to Jemain esse] during '" Harbour; Passenger , of the said Jnaltyofnot '"ger he so ' Master of ' of the said ^mmodation ^yyf except ■»i Superin- 5,- 86, 8. 11. "assengers >ir Baggage "J Quaran- ^«j 1S64.J are occn- liueliec, by shelter and should be on Agent, ^-ni'gTanta xcept only rMajesty; « Council ''"on, from rants and J such as siiall be ^ke such 10 tateront le droit & une indemnite pour le maintien et support de tout tel passager qui aura kie I'objet d'un rapport special, et en feront rapport au gouvornour d^ cette province, par I'entremise du secretaire pro- vincial ; et ce rapport sera final et dSfinitif t\ cet 6gard, et sera re9U comme preuve des faits y men- tionnes ; 3. Kt la dite p6nalit6, ou telle parlie d'icelle qm sera de temps H autre sufRsante pour defrayer la (Ifipense encourue pour le soutien et le support de tout passager pour lequel la dite obligation a eih conscntie commo susdit, sera recouvree sur poursuite ou infor- mation, au nom de Sa Majest6, dans toute cour de cette province ayant juridiction au civil jusqu'i con- currence du montant pour lequel la dite poursuite ou information est intenlee. 16 V. c. 86, s. 15. DISPOSITIONS ETABLIES POUR LA PROTECTION DES PASSAGERS. 15. Tout passager A bord d'un vaisseau arrivaut dans le havreou le maitre du vaisseau s'est oblige de le transporter, aura le droit de rester et de laisser ses effets d bord de tel vaisseau, pertdaiit quaranie-huit heures apres Parrivee d'icelui daiiK tel havre ; et tout maitre de vaisseau qui contraint un passager d laisser son vaisseau avant i'expiration des dites quarante- huit heuros, encourra une penal ite n'excedant pas vingt piastres, pour tout passager qu'il contraint ainsi a laisser son vaisseau ; et tout maitre de vaisseau qui deplace ou fait d^placer, avant I'expiration des dites quarante-huit heures, ancun lit ou emmenagement d Pusage de ses passagers, encourra une semblable penalito, h moins que ce ne soit avec la permission par 6crit du surintendant medical de la station de quarantaine. 16 V. c. 86, s. 11. 16. Tout maitre do vaisseau ayant des passagers a bord, sera tenu de debarquer les passagers et leurs cTpTxvl Acte pour amemler I'acte concernant les Emigres et la Qua- rantaine. [Sanctioiine le 30 Jain^ 1864.] CONSIDERANT que les Smigrants arnvnnt au port do Quebec sont exposes a de grands inconvenients par le manque de dcbarcadere oii le logemeni et la protection neces- saires pourraient leur etre fournis, lequel debarcadere devrait etre sous le controle exclusif du principal agent de I'emigra- tion, et auqu?l les maitres de navire amenant des emigrants; devraient debarquer cesderniers ainsi que leur baggage, le cas de circonstances speciales cxcepte ; a ces causes^ Sa Majeste ih 20 'A free of uxpeiiHO to tho said PassungurN, at the usual Public Landing Places in tho Port of Quebec, and at reasonable hours not earlier than isix of the clock in the morning, and not later than four of the clock in rugulutions as ho slialt think proper, ibr tltu government of tho f>hice HO appointeil, and tor tho protection oi' tlie omigrunts anded thereat, and such proclamation being published at least twice in tiiu Canada Gazette^ Avith an interval of at least six days lietwren each publication, tthall have tho force of law, and Nhall l)e in force until suspended by a later proclamatioa lor the like purpose, published as aforesaid ; and at the place so appointed tho Governor in Council may cause proper shelter and accommodation tolx) provided for emigrants until the) en be forwarded to their place of destination ; and any contra y» w- tion ot any such proclamation as aforesaid, or ot any regu!^'. • tion therein contained, shall be deemed a contraventi <{> of this Act and of the Act respecting Emigrants and Qmr-tine, hereby amended, and shall be punishable as suoii. *2. Tho Master of any vessel arriving in tin- Port of Quehcc and having on board the »amo any emigrants or passengeru to whom the proclamation aforesaid then in force shall apply, shall land such emigrants or passengers and their baggage free of expense at the place so appointed, and at rea.'sonable hours, not earlier than six in the morning nor later thu n four in the afternoon, and the vessel shall, for the purpose of landing such omigrantfi or passengers and their baggage, either be moored at the whari at the place appointed for such landing, or anchored in the Port of Quebec, within the following limits, to wit: the n iiole space of tho lliver St. Lawrence from the mouth of tlic lliver Bt. Charles to a line drawn across the St. Lawren(!e from the flagstalfon the citadel on Capo Diamond, at right angles to the course of the said river: and the mastera * f such vessels so anchored, shall duly land, witbin the hours albresaid, by steam tug, or other proper tender, their passen- gers at such wharf as aforesaid, and not elsewhere, under a I)enalty of forty dollar H for each offence against the provisions of this secUon ; and the sixteenth section uf the Act respecting Emigrants and Quarantine (>hall not apply to any such emi- grant or pasenger as aforesaid. 9» The nineteenth section of tho said Act in hereby repealed ; and, except only with the ex^c^i ;'*riri8«ion of the Chit.f Emigration A srent at Quebec, no sto.Tn v^nsei bou')'' '"'•r any place beyond the limits of the h" ' . • < i '.'• uoc upw.uds, shall go alongside of or receive anv i .; ^engtr whatever directly from any vessel arriving in the Port of Quebec, and having on board emigrants or passengers to whom any such proclamation as aforesaid then in force shall apply, until all such emigrants or passengers shall have l^een landed at the place appointed in such procramation, under a penalty of forty dollars against tho iVlascer or person in command of such steam vessel for each passenger receivetl by such steam vessel in contravention of this *;Bction. I T * tiio usual poc, and at |e clock in [0 ciuck in rnment of iho Jio emigmnia phed nt lt>a«t P' at Jcasisix llorco o/' law, Iproclamntion 1 «t the place r>roper shelter ^»til liiej Of u ly contra iTi a. I any regu!« . fjnti .,. njihis Q'"»'r.'itine, •rtofQuehec ;>n8senger» to "I'ttil apply, lieir baggug-e t reawnable *'linn four in '6 of landing JO* eitiier be »uch landing, owing limits ice irom the cross the St. po Diamond, I. the masters in the hours leir passen- sre, under a e provisions It respecting Y such enii- y repealed; »f the Chu'f "!'' '"'T any * rva|/<> >Pan moins six jours cntre chnque pul>lication, aura (01 iidGloi et restera en vigueur jusqu'a ee qu'elle soil suspending pnr une autre proclamation d cet etlet et publieo our les einiifrants jusipi'tl oc qu'ils puissent etre expcdies a nir lieu de destination ; et toute contravention a nucune proci mntion comme susdit, ou a aueune regie y conienue, seni consideree une contravention nii present actc et a I'acte concernant les emigres et la (luaruntaine pnr le present amende, et ) ourra etre punie comiue telle. 3. Le maitre de tout navire arrivant au port de Quelx <*, et nyant a. son bord des emigrants ou passagers auxquels s*. ppli- <|uera la proclamation susdite alors en force, sera ten 1 de (iebarquer teis emigrants et passagers avee leur baggage, ^aiis rien exiger pour eeln, au lieu ainsi designe, a des heures rai- sonnables, pas plus tot que six heures du matin ui plus ard que quatre lieures de I'apres-midi, et pour debarquer tels emi- grants ou passagers et leur baggage, le navire accostern nu quai du lieu designe pour telle emburcndere, ou mouillera dans le port de Quebec dans les limites suivantes, savoir : toute I'etendue du tleuve St. Laurent, a partir do I'embouchure de la riviere St. Charles, jusqu'a une ligne tiree a travers le St. Lavjrent, depuis le mat de pavilion de la citadelle, siir Ic cap Di^mant, a angles droits avee le cours du dit tleuve ; et les ncutres des navires ainsi mouilles debarqueront pendant les heures susdites au moyen d'un remorqiieur a jVnpeur ou autre allege convenable, leurs passagers a tel quai comme susdit et non nilleurs, sous peine d'une amende de quarante piastres f>our chaque oHense centre les dispositions de eette section ; et a seizieme sention de I'ncte concernant les emigres, et la quvantaine ne s'appliquera a aucun tel emigrant ou passager coiiuue susdit. S. La dix-neuvieme section du dit acte est par le present rfevoquee ; et, excepte seulement avee la permission expresse (Hi principal agent de I'emigration a Quebec, nul navire a 00 the afiernoon ; and the Vessel shall, for the purpose of landing Passengers and Baggage, be andiored within the following limits in the said Port, to wit: the whole space of the Kiver Saint Lawrence from the mouth of the River Saint Charles to a line drawn across the River Saint Lawrence, from the Flag-staff on the Citadel on Cape Diamond, at right angles to the course of the said River, under a penalty of forty dollars, for any offence against the provisions of this section. 16 V. c. 86, s. 16. 17. And for the purpose of securing to Foreign Emigrants, coming to this Province, the observance towards them during the voyage of the laws of the Country from which they are conveyed hither, — if during the voyage of any Vessel carrying PasJengers or fi^rnigrants from any Port not within the United Kingdom to either of the Ports of Quebec or Montreal, the Master, or any of the crew of such Vessel, are guilty of any infraction of the laws in force in the Country in which such Foreign Port is situate, re- garding the duties of such Master or crew towards the Passengers in such Vessel, — or if the Master of any such Vessel shall during such voyage commit any bieach whatever of the contract for the passage made with any Passenger or Emigrant by such Master, or by the Owner or Charterer of such ship, or any person acting on his behalf, — such Master or such one of the crew shall for any such offence be liable to a penaUy of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, independently of any remedy which the party complaining otherwise has by law. 2i V. c. 3, s. 2. 18, Proof under this Act of the law of a Foreign Country may be made by the testimony of any Con- sul for the Country from which the ship sailed ; and the proof of the contract for his passage made by any such Emigrant in any such ship, sailing from any European Port not within the United Kingdom, may be made in all cases by the evidence of the parties to such contract. 'i2 V. c. 3, e. 3. 4. So much of any other part of the said Act as may be inconsistent with this Act is hereby repealed; and this" Act shall be construed as one Act with tlie said Act, and any cita- liou of the said Act shall be understood as meaning and intend- ing the said Act as hereby amended. les Pes f vev| dur si BBOi ■■•%< the purpose ,oe aiK'iored |Port, to wit; Terence from 1^ line drawn }e Flag-staff Jit angles to laity of forty ^lons of this to Foreign observance 'aws of the hitJier,— if Pas?engers ^iie United 'r Montreal, VesseJ, are 'rce in the situate, re- 'vv towards Masfer of re commit ^^ passage hy such such ship, Master or >ffence be dollars, nor ^ly of any rwise has ejgn '. For ny Con- 'ed; and nade by from any 'm, may ' parties ?may be this Act finy cita- ' iiKentl- # 23 les limites suivantes, dans lo dit port, savoir :— tout Pespace du fieuve St. Laurent compris entre Pembou- chure de la riviere St. Charles et une ligne tiree £i Iravers le dit fleuve St. Laurent depuis le mat du pavilion sur la citadelle du cap Diamand, ^ angle droit avec le cours du dit ileuve, sous peine d'une amende de quarante piastres pour toute contravention uux dispositions de cette clause. 16 V. c. 86, s. 16. 17. Et dans le butd'assurer aux emigres feirangers venant en cette province, Pobservance a leur egard, durant le voyage, des lois du pays d'ou ils viennent, — si durant le voyage d'un vaisseau transportant des passageis ou emigres d'un port quelconque en dehors du royaume-uni A Pun ou Pautre des ports de Quebec ou de Montreal, lo raaitre ou quelqu'un de Pequipage ilu vaisseau se rend coupable de quelque infraction (les lois en force dans le pays ou est situe tel port etrauger, relativement aux obligations do tel patron ou equipage envers les passagers d bord de tel vais- seau : — ou si le maitre de tel vaisseau commet, durant le voyage, quelque violation du contrat de passage lait entre un passager ou emigre et ce maitre, ou entro le proprietaire ou noliseur de tel vaisseau, ou toute personne agissant en son nom, tel maitre ou telle per- sonne do Pequipage sera, pour telle offense, passible d'une peiialite de pas moins de vingt piastres, ni de plus de cent piastres, independamment de tout autre recours accorJe par la loi a la partie plaignantc. 22 V, c. 3, s. 2. 18. En vertu de colte acte, la preuve de la loi d'un l)ays etranger pourra se faire sur le temoignage d'un consul du pays d'oii le vaisseau a fait voile ; et la preuve vapeur a, destination d'un lieu en dehors des limites du liavre de Quebec, en amont, ne pourra aborder aucuii navire ou lecevoir aucun passager quelconque directement de tel navire arrivant dans le port de Quebec ei ayant a bord des emigrants (HI passagers, auxquels toute telle proclamation comme susdit aiors en Ibrce s'appliquera, jusqu'a ce que tons ces emigrants ou passagers aient ete debarques au lieu indique dans telle proclamation, sous peine d'une amende de quarante piastres conire le maitre ou la personne ayant le commandement de tel navire a vapeur, pour chaque passager re<;u par tel navire a vapeur en contravention avoc la presente section. i. Toute autre partie du dit acte qui pourrail etre incompa- tible avec le present est abrogee, et le present et le dit acte seront censes n'en I'aire qu'un seul, el toute citation du dit acte sera consideree comme designant le dit acte tel que par le present amende. 24i 1^ 19. If any Steam Vessel bound for any place beyond the limits of the Port of Quebec upwards, goes alongside of any Vessel lyin^ in the stream or elsewhere than at a wharf, witlun the Harbour of Quebec, and receives any Passenger from such Vessel, ov receives any Passenger while such Steam Vessel is elsewhere tnan at some wharf in or adjoin- ing the City of Quebec, such Steam Vessel shall, after receiving such Passenger, return to and remain at some wharf in or adjoining the said City during at least two hours before proceeding on her voyage, and shall during that time be provided with Gang-ways and proper conveniences oy which the Passengers may pass from the said Steam Vessel to the shore, and back to the said Steam Vessel, with their families, goods and effects, under a penalty of forty dollars, upon the Master of such Steam Vessel for any offence against the provisions of this section : except that such Steam Vessel may proceed on her voyage within the said two hours, if the Master thereof obtains from the Chief Emigration Agent at Quebec, a written permission to that effect. 16 V. c. 86, s. 17. iiO, No person shall, within the Ports of Quebec or Montreal, or within five miles from the outer boun- CAP. VIII. An Act to amend the Act respecting Emigrants and Qua- rantine. lAssented to 9t/i Jtmej 1862.] WHEREAS, with a view of a/Tording better protection to Emigrants, it is expedient to impose penalties on any persons who shall act as Emigrant Runners without having lirst obtained licenses from the proper authorities authorizing them to act as sucli ; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with Ihe advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. The first paragraph of the twentieth section of chapter forty of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, respecting Emi- grants and Quarantine, is hereby repealed, and the following subtilntedin lieu thereof: "No person shall, at any port or place within this Province, for hire, reward or g'ain, or the expectation thereof, conduct, solicit, recommend either orally, by hondbill, placard or in any other manner, any emigrant, to or on behalf of any steamboat owner or charterer, or to or on behalf of any Railway Company, or to or on behalf of any lodging house or tavern-keeper, or any other person, for any purpose connected with the preparations or arrangements ol such emigrant for his passage to his final place of destination any place ' upwards, stream or Harbour of .from such |uch Steam h or adjoin. fsseJ shaJi, and remain [y during at ]^y^g&, and Tang-ways assengers , tne shore, .^vith their fy of forty [Vessel for [s section: M on her ster thereof it Quebec, '.86,s.l7. Quebec or ^er boun- ' «nd Qua- '■e, 1862.] ofectfoii to 63 on any ut having utJiorizin^ J with the semhly of )f chapter ing £nii_ foJIowing '' port or ij or the 2r oraljy, ?rant, to fo or on 'f of any for any nents o/ tination 25 f^un contrat de passage fait par tout emigre a bord «l*un vaisseau faisant voile d'un port europ6en en de- rs du royaume-uni, pourra se faire dans tous les s sur lo t6moignage des parties ^ ce contrat, 22 c. 3, s. 3. ^ 19. Si un bateau a, vapeitf destine pour quelquo jjJace au-dela des limites du port de Quebec en remon- ttint, aborde un vaisseau mouille dans le chenal, ou IJ^lIeurs qu'd un quai dans le havre de Quebec, et ttgoit quelque passager de ce vaisseau, ou revolt (|uelque passager pendant que tel bateau a vapeur •st ailleurs qu'a un quai dans ou joignant la cite de Quebec, ce bateau d vapeur devri, apres avoir re^u iel passager, revenir et rester a quelque quai dans ou oignant la dite cite, durant au moin?. deux heures ivant de proceder d son voyage, et devra, durant ce temps, etre pourvu de planches de debarquement et autres emmenagements a I'aide desquels les passa- gers puissent aller du bateau a vapeur au rivage, et revenir a bord du dit bateau a vapeur, avec leurs fa- milies, leurs bagages et efiets, et ce, sous peine d'une / amende de quarante piastres, contre le maitre du ba- ^ teau a vapeur pour toute contravention aux disposi- tions de cette section ; cependant, tel bateau k va- peur pourra proceder a son voyage avant les dites deux heures ecoulees, si le maitre d'icelui en obtient la permission par ecrit de I'agent en chef de Pemi- gration A Quebec. 16 V. c. 86, s. 17. 20. Nullepersonne, dans les ports de Quebec ou do Montreal, ou dans un rayon de cinq milles des limitea Acte pour amendcr I'acte concernant les emigres et la qua- rantaine. [Sanctioniie le 9 Juiu, 1862.] rU)NSIDEK ANT que dans ie but de mieux proteger les \J emigres, il est a-propos d'imposerdes penalites a toutes les liersonnco qui agiront eouune agents pour les emigres ( riiii' ners ) sans avoir prealablement obtenu des autorites conipe- tontes des licences eemme tela : a ces eauses, Sa Majestc, par et de I'avis et du consentement du eonseil le^ijislatif et de I'as- semblee legislative du Canada, decreto ce qui suit : 1. Le premier paragraphe de la vingtieme section du cha- pitre quarante des Statuis Refondus du Canada, relatif aux emigres et a la quarantaine, e&t par le present revoque etrem- place par le suivant : " NuUe personne, dans aucun port ou lieu de ceUe province, pour gages, recompense ou lucre, ou dans cet espoir, ne conuuira, ne sollicitera ni ne recommandera, soil verbailement, soil ou moyen de petites atiiches ou de pla- 2 26 I daries thereof, for hire, reward, or gain, or the ex- pectation thereof, conduct, solicit, influence or recom- mend any Emigrant to or on behalf of any Steamboat Owner or Charterer, or to or on behalf of any Railway Company, or to or on behalf of any Lodgmg-House or Tavern-keeper for any purpose connected with the preparations or arrangements of such Emigrant for his passage to his final place of destination in this Province, or in the United States of America, or the Territories thereof, or give or pretend to give to such Emigrant any information or assistance in any way relating to such passage to his said place of destina- tion, or in any way exercise the vocation of booking {)assengers or taking money for their inland fare or or the transportation of their luggage, unless such person has first obtained a license from the Mayor of the City or Municipality in this Province, within which such person resides, authorizing him to act in such capacity : 1, Such Mayor may grant such license on such person producing a recommendation from Her Ma- jesty's Chief Agent for Emigration, or from the Government Emigration Agent at the place where the license is granted, to the effect that he is a proper person to receive such license, and on his giving a satisfactory bond to the Mayor, with two suflicient sureties, in the penal sum of three hundred dollars, as security for His good behaviour ; and such license shall not be for any period longer than one year from its date ; and such person shall pay for such license to the Corporation of such City or Municipality such sum, not exceeding one hundred dollars, as the Mayor and Council shall determine. 22 V. c. 3, s. 6. 31. Every keeper of a Tavern, Hotel or Boarding- house in a City, or in any Town, Village or place to in this Province or in the United States of America or the territories thereof ; or give or pretend to give to such emigrant any information, oral, printed or otherwise, or assist him to his said place of destination, or in any way exercice the vocation of booking passengers or taking money for their inland fare or for the transportation of their luggage, unless such person has firet obtained a license from the Mayor of the City or Municipality in this Province within which such person resides, authorizing h:.n to act in such capacity ; and any person so acting, without having first obtained such license, shall, upon every conviction, incur a penalty of not less than fifty dollars ; " But the second paragraph of the said section shall remain in force. terieure icre, ou mduira, ^Ire ou I jagnie d ju auber »ux pr6l |on pass fcrov^incc |erritoir( tefldra < assistan li son pj cera en passage sage i in moini une lie cette p d'agir 2. 1 persor I'agen Pager or the ex- 36 or recom- Y Steamboat ny Railway [ging-House ted with the Imigrant for tion in this rica, or the :ive to such n any way of destina- of booking md fare or unless such he Mayor of ince, within im to act in se on such 1 Her Ma- r from the lace where 3 is a i)roper is giving a sufficient red dollars, >uch license e year from uch license pality such ,s the Mayor 6. 6. >r Boarding- or place to nerica or the such emigrant sist him to his 3 the vocation inland fare or eh person has rMunicipaUty 9, authorizing >n so acting, I, upon every )liar8;» But aain in force. 27 lore oudans cet espoir, ne s ^ ,^ ^^ ^^p^^e, •"^ P'^P^f J: Ueu "mat de.sa intkieur, ou pour '«X"!.^ ptfealable oMenu Imoin que telle P«^X oitl ou ^^umcipaUte en tnTuce^ce du n-'-^t^'elle '^le ,e,ide, 1'autor.sant 1 cette licencejiejerajpas^^ cetle licencejiej«-j:::i.i_^ oard, ou de to"|e au ^ °".* ""f auberse,ou a n'im- ou nohseur de J^ieau . ^jg ^^^g^^n ou avjwrgc, ^^^_ , mindeferjouaunema^^ f^ ^".^^Im^^S pour son porte quelle autre P^rso^^^ arUngemenlsdetel emigre P^^ ^^^ passage auUeu nn ^^ ^^ .?t .1 emi«^re aucunc Sux Etats-Ums a Amenq j^^^j^^ ^^„„er a ^^^.^ '^^t,^^^^^ ^-^^- -^^^" '-''''' ' its i which the Governor in Council, by Proclamatioi published in the Official Gazette, declares that this section shall extend, who receives into his house, as a Boarder or Lodger, any Emigrant within three months from his arrival in this Province, shall cause to be kept conspicuously posted in the public rooms and passages of his house and printed upon business cards, a list of the rates of prices which will be charged to Emigrants per day and week for board or lodging, or both, and also the rates for separate meals, which card shall contain the name of the keeper of such house, together with the name of the street in which it is situated, and its number in such street : 2. Every keeper of any such Tavern, Hotel or Boarding-house, neglecting or refusing to post a list of rates, or to keep businese cards, or who charginij or receiving, or permitting or suffering to be charged or received for boarding or lodging, or for meals in his house, any sum in excess of the rates of prices so posted and printed on such business cards, or omitting immediately on any Emigrant entering such house as a boarder or lodger for the purpose of taking any meal therein, to deliver to such Emigrant one of such printed business cards, shall, upon conviction of any of the said offences, be deprived of his license, and incur a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty dollars ; 3. And no such Boarding- House Keeper, Hotel Keeper, or Tavern Keeper shall have any lien on the effects of such Emigrant for any amount claimed for such board or lodging, for any sum exceeding five dollars ; and any 'mch person detaining the effects of any Emigrant after he has been tendered the said sum of five dollars, or such less sum as is actually due for board or lodging, shall, on conviction thereof, incur a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty dollars, over and above the value of the effects so detained, if not immediately restored, and a search warrant may be issued for the same. 22 V. c. 3, s. 7. QUARANTINE. 9d. The Governor in Council may from time to time make such Regulations as he thinks proper for enforcing compliance with all the requirements of this Act, and for ensuring the due performance of *y ProcJamation ^cJares that thk fo his house, a. |nt Within three ^ce, shall cause jepubJic room/5 I upon business which will be 'ek for board or separate meals, f the keeper ol 'I the street in ^ such sti-eet ; ^vern, Hotel or ;• to post a list who charginn- *o be charg-ed or meals in his '8 of prices so ras^oromittintr ig such house oi taking any intone of such viction of any I iicense, and i^ars, nor more ^eeper, Hotel ly iien on the t claimed for cceeding five ne effects of ■■ed the said .^s actually tion thereof, rs, nor more ^alue of the toied, and a me. 22 V. :p "1 time to proper for ■ements of •niance of 29 iH^'uue anneo, a comptor de sa date ; et telle pcrsonne ^■aiera pour pareille licence a la corporation de telle ,f ille ou municipalite, une somme n'excedant pas cent ^piastres, selon que le maire et le couseil pourront J'exiger. 22 V. c. 3, s. 6. ! ai. Tout aubergiste, hotelier, ou personne tenant jinaison de pension dans une cite, ville, village ou place auxquels le gouverneur en conseil declare, par ^proclamation dan.s la Gazette Officielley que cette sec- tion s'eteiid, qui re9oit un emigre dans sa maison comme pensioiinaire, ou pour y loger, dans les trois mois A compter de son arrivee en cette province, feia afficher visiblement dans les chambres publiques et les passages de sa maison, et fera imprimer sur ses cartes d'affaires, une liste des prix qui seront charges aux emigres par jour et par semaine pour la pension ou le logement. ou pour les deux, ainsi que les taux pour les repas separes ; et cette carte contiendra le nom de I'occupant de la maison, le iiom de la rue dans laquelle est est situee, et le numero qu'elle porte dans cette rue ; 2. Tout aubergiste, hotelier ou personne tenant maison de pension, qui neglige ou refuse d'afficher une liste des prix, ou d'avoir des cartes d'affaires ; ou qui charge ou revolt, ou permet ou souffie qu'il soit charge ou re^u pour pension ou logement, ou pour des repas pris dans sa maison, une somme plus forte que les prix ainsi afRches et imprimes sur telles cartes d'aifaires ; ou qui omet, immettiatement apres qu'un emigre est entre dans sa maison comme pensionnaire, ou pour y loger dans le but d'y prendre un repas, de donner a cet emigre une de ces carles d'affaires im- primees, perdra sa licence, s'il est trouve coupable d'aucune de ces contraventions, et sera passible d'une amende de pas moins de cinq piastres, ni de plus de vingt piastres ; 3. Nulle personne tenant maison do pension, nul aubergiste ou hotelier n'aura de droit priviligie sur les effets de tel emigre pour n'importe quel montant reclame pour pension ou logement, pour loute somme excedant cinq piastres ; et si telle personne detient les effets d'un emigre, apres I'offre de la dite somme de cinq piastres, ou de telle autre somme moindre reeliement due pour pension ou logement, elle sera passible, si elle est trouvee coupable du fait, d'une amende de pas moins de cinq piastres ni de plus de o + 30 I ■'! Quarantine, by and in respect of vessels, passengers and ^oods coming into the Port of Quebec, to which he thinks it right for the preservation of the Public Health that such Regulations should apply, and for the thorough cleansing and disinfecting of such vessels, goods and passengers, so as to prevent, as far aF pos- sible, the introduction or dissemination of disease into or in this Province, and may from time to time re- voke, alter or amend such Regulations or any of them and make others in their stead : 2. Such Regulations shall have the force of law during the time they respectively remain unrevoked, unless they be expressly limited to be in force only during a cei .am time or at certain times or seasons, in which case they shall have the force of law during the time and at tne times and seasons during or at which they have been limited to be in force ; 3. By such Regulations the Governor in Council may require the Master of every vessel coming up the river St. Lawrence from below the Quarantine Station at Grosse-Isle, (except only such vessels as are therein designated and referred to as excepted) — to bring his vessel to anchor at the place at the said Quarantine Station designated in the Regulations, and report such vessel in writing to the Officer at the said Station, designated for that purpose in such Regulations, with all the particulars relative to the same and to the voyage, passengers and cargo thereof, recjuired by such regulations or by any Officer duly authorized under them to require the same, — and to allow the proper Officer to visit and inspect such vessel and every part thereof, and the passengers and crew and the cargo and other articles on board the same, — and to answer truly all questions asked of him touching the same, — and to send on shore at the said Station and at the places there pointed out by the Officer thereunto authorized by the said Regulations, any or all of the passengers, crew, cargo or other articles on board such vessel, as the said Officer thinks necessary for preventing the introduc- tion of contagious or infectious disease, — and to allow such passengers, crew, cargo and other articles, and also, the vessel itself to remain so long at the said station and at such places thereat respectively, and to be so treated, cleansed and purified as the said autj poi de la jrei qu^ sar poi "9.1, 31 hjs> passengers febec, to wftch t of the PubJie' |pIy,andforthe r such vessels, 0/ disease into _ie to time re- pf any of them rr force of iaw pn unrevoked, "i force onJy '8 or seasons, of iaw during [ during or at orce ; J""n Council ^ coming up > Quarantine '^ vesseJs as excepted)— I at the said ^ regulations, ' 'fficer at the *®? "» such *^»ve to the ijg> thereof, Officer dujy 'e,— and to spect such passengers on board °ns asJced u shore at 'inted out tbe said 3w, cargo .tbe said ^ntroduc- to aJJow ^[cs, and the said siy, and «e said vingt piastres, en sus do la valeur des effets ainsi detenus, s'ils ne sont immSdiatement rendus ; ot un Jmandat de recherche pourra 6maner ^ cot effet. 22 |V. c. 3, s. 7. , . QUARANTAINE. 32. Le gouverneur en conseil pourra, de temr \ autre, fairo tels rej^leraents qu'il jugera convenab. a pour la mise ii execution de toutes les prescriptions de cet acto, et pour assurer I'observation reguliere do la quarantaine par et i I'egard des vaisseaux, passa- gers et eifets venant dans le port de Quebec, aux- quels il croit qu'il convient, pour la preservation de la sante publique, que tels reglements s'appliquent, et pour neltoyer et desinfecter completement tels vais- I aux, effets et passagers, de maniere ii. empecher, a ^ant que possible, I'introduction ou la dissemination des maladies en cette province ; et il pourra, de temps A autre, abroger, modifier ou amender ces reglements ou aucun d'eux, et en faire d'autres a leur place ; 2. Ces reglements auront force de loi jusqu'ei ce qu'ils soient respectivement rfivoques, a moins qu'ils ne soient expressement declares n'etre en vigueur que pendant un certain temps seulement, ou en cer- tains temps ou saisons ; et dans ce cas, ils auront force de loi pendant le temps, et aux 6poques et sai- 80U8 pendant lesquelles ou auxquelles leur operaiion est limitee ; 3. Le gouverneur en conseil pourra, par tels regle- ments;, requerir le maitre de tout vaisseau remontant le fleuve St. Laurent, et venant de plus bas que la station de quarantaine d la Grosse-Isle, (sauf seule- ment ceux qui y sont d6sign6s, et auxquels il est refere comme 6tant exceptes,) de faire mouiller tel vaisseau en telle place de la station de quarantaine qui est de- signee dans les dits reglements ; rapporter tel vais- seau par ecrit ^ I'officier de la dite station design6 pour cet objet dans tels reglements, avec tons les details relatifs au dit vaisseau, a son voyage, ses pas- sagers et sa cargaison, qui sont exiges par les regle- ments ou par tout officier dument autorise en vertu d'iceux a les exiger ; permettre que I'officier ^ ce propose, visite et inspecte tel vaisseau et chaque par- tie d'icelui, les passagers et equipage, et la cargaison et autres articles d bord ; repondre avec verite d toutes les questions qui lui seront posees ^ cet 6gard ; envoyer d terra ^ la elite station et ^ tels points d'icelle n OfHcer shall think nocossary for the purpose afore- said ; 4. And by such Regulations the Governor in Coun- cil may assign to the several Oiiicers and persons to be employed at the said Quarantine Stationi the Sowers and duties necessary for carrying the said [egulations and this Act fully into eil'ect, and may declare that any such officer or persons shall by vir- tue of his office or employment, be a Justice of the Peace or a Constable or Peace Officer for Grosse-Isie and the said Quarantine Station, and for the space around the same described in such Regulation^*, and such officer shall accordingly be such Justice of the Peace or Peace Officer whether he be otherwise qualified or not , 5. And by such Regulations the Governor in Coun- cil may impose fines not exceeding four hundred dollars in any case, on persons contravening the same, and may provide tnat the offender shall be imprisoned until such fine be paid, and may direct that no vessel shall be entered or olfiiired at the Port of Quebec or of Montreal, until all the requiremens of such Regulations are fully complied with, and may direct that any person, vessel or thing, who or which has pasted, or departed or been removed fron^i the said Quarantine Station, before all the requirements of such Regulations have been complied with in respect of such person, vessel or thing, or without the written permission of the Offic.v- empowered to authorize such passing or departure, may be compelled to return or be carried back to the said Station, and by force if necessary. 16 V. c. 86, s. 19. 23. The Quarantine Establishment at Grosse-Isle shall consist of a Superintendent of Emigration and a Medical Superintendent, with such Medical Assist- ants, Hospital Stewards, Matrons, Nurses, Police Force and other Officers and Servants as the Governor in Council deems necessary, and as the Governor may appoint, and who shall receive such salaries, compensation or allowances as the Governor in Coun- cil tninks proper ; and the Governor may appoint a Medical Officer at Quebec to board, visit and inspect such vessels in the Harbour of Quebec, and to per- form such other duties and to have such powers as the Governor in Council may by any Regulation w rpose afore- P"r ill Coun- P persons to [Station, tiie PS the said j'j. and may ftinn by vir- Nee of tiio J 'f»o space Jation.^, and ptice of the otherwise "■ "1 Couii- «* hundred ^eninnr ^^^ ■^ shall be nay direct it the Port luirernens > and may ^ or which "'I the said ^ts of such fespect of »e written authorize to return y fee if «se-Isie tion and Assist- i*oJice overnor overnor alaries, Coun- point a aspect •0 per- ers as Nation iia»> indlqu68 par Poflicior i\ oo aulnrise par les r^g'- 4)erlain8 de sos passaj^ors, ou tousses passo^jfer page, cargaison, ot aulres articles H bord do tel vif- seaU) suivant (jue lo (lit orficiur Ic jngora n^cessaire pour empocher I'introduction jJes maladies conta- gieuses ou infoctantes ; et porinettre (jno tols passa- gers, Equipage, cargaison et autres articles, aiusi que le vaie.seau Iiii-meme, rcsteut aussi longtemps ii la dito station et sur tels points d'icelle, respectiveinent, et soient trait6s, noltoyos ot purifies do tulle mani^ro que le dit officier lo jiigera iiecei^sairo pour la lin sus- dite ; 4. Et par tels reglements, le gonvorneur en conseil poiirra assignor aux divers ofliciers et personnoa em- ployees d la dite station de quarantaine, les pouvoirs ct fonctions neoessaiivs pour metlre les dits reglements et cet acte pleinement A ertet ; et declarer que tout tel oflicier ou pt'isonne sera, en verlu do sa charge ou emploi, juge oe paix ou constable ou ofRcier de paix pour la Grosse-Islo et la dito station de quarantaine* et pour tello espace autour d'icelle qui est dfesigno dans les dits reglements ; et en consequence, le dit oflicier sera juge de paix ou officier de paix, qu'ilsoit ou ne soit pas autremont qualifie ; 5. Et par tels reglements, lo gouverneur en conseil pourra imposer des amendes n'excedant pas quatre cents piastres dans chaque cas centre tout contreve- nant, et prescrire que lo delinc^uant soit emprisonnc jusqu'ii ce que tello amende soit payee ; et il pourra ordonner qu'aucun vaisseau ne sera entre ni no recevra son acquit au port de Qufebec ou de Montr6al, avant que toutes les prescriptions de ces reglements n'aient fet6 pleinement suivies ; et il pourra ordonner que toute personne, vaisseau ou objet qui sera passe par la dite station de quarantaine, en sera parti, ou en aura et6 deplace avant que toutes les prescriptions des dits reglements n'aient ete suivies d lY'gard do telle personne, vaisseau ou objet, ou sans un perm is par ecrit de Pofficier ayant droit d'autoriser tel pas- sage ou depart, pourra fitre forc6 de revenir ou etre ramene a la dite station, et cela^ par la force, s'il est necessaire. 16 V. c. 86, s. 19. 33. L'etablissement de quarantaine h la Grosse- Isle 66 composera d'un surintendant d'6inigration, et d'un surintendant medical, avec tels aidcs-m^decins, infirmiers, matrones, garde-malades, corps de police 34 liirocl and appoint, ami any nucIi Re;L>ulation sliall be lield to bo iucludod in llioHe which the Govornor in Council is empowered to make by the next preceding clause, all the provisions wluMttof Nhall apply thereto, and such Medical Ollicer shall receive such salary or compensation as the Governor in Council thinks proper. 16 V. c. 86, s. 'iO, ill. No Reij^ulat ion made under either ot the next \oro}r(nnguJation misde- 01- both ^^endcr ■ny one ^h two 'ssuq t?ainst to be imons 'ained ice or h he >pear nore 'ase, ion. 37 2. Le magistral devant lequel telle penalite est irecouvree pourra, ^ sa discretion, adjugor una partie f de la penalite A la personne lesee par I'infraction de la loi ou la violation du contrat (jui fait le sujet de la plainte, et faire retomber lesfrais sur le contrevenant, comme dans les cas ordinaires de procedures som- maires, et condamner a I'emprisonnement, pour une periode n'exc^dant pas trois mois, qui cessera sur paiement de la penalite encourue en vertu des dites clauses. 22 V. c. 3, s. 8. 27. Toutes les amendes, autres que celles dont il est parle dans la clause precedente, imposees par cet ucte, ou par tout reglement fait par le gouverneur en conseil en vertu de cet acte, et n'excedant pas la somme de quatre-vingts piastres, seront poursuivies par tout percepteur des douanes ou I'agent en chef de de I'emigration au port de Quebec ou de Montreal, et recouvrees avec les frais, d'une maniere sommaire, sur le serment d'un temoin digne de foi autre que le ix)ursuivant, devant deux juges de paix de la cite de Quebec et de Montreal ; et tels juges de paix pour- ront emprisonner le contrevenant dans la prison com- mune du district jusqu'a ce que telle amende et les frais soient payes ; et toutes les amendes exc^ant la somme de quatre-vingts piastres, pourront etre recouvr6es par action civile par tout tel officier comme susdit, sur le meme temoignage, dans toute cour de jurisdiction competente ; 2. Moitie de telle amende appartiendra d Sa Ma- jeste, Ses Heritiers et Successeurs, et sera versee entre les mains du receveur general pour etre appli- quee aux objets auxquels les autres cleniers pr^leves en vertu de cet acte, sent appropries par le present, — et I'autre moitie appartiendra au poursuivant ; 3. Mais chaque contravention aux dispositions de cet acte, ou de tout reglement fait en vertu d'icelui, et pour laquelle il est impose par le present acte ou par tout tel reglement une amende excedant quarante piastres, sera un delit ; et sera punissable d'une '."Tiende ou de I'emprisonnement, ou de ces deux f)eines a la fois, d la discretion de la cour devant aquelle le contrevenant est convaincu. 16 V. c. 86, 6.26. 2S. Sur plainte portee devant un juge de paix, dans un cas ou deux juges de paix ont jurisdiction, il fera 6maner une sommation; enjoignant d la partie 38 and upon proof of the offence or of the complainant's claim, either by confession of the party complained against, or upon the oath of at least one credible witness other than the Prosecutor (which oath such Justices may administer) the Justices may convict the offender, and upon such conviction order the offender or party complained against to pay the penalty imposed by this Act, or by any such Regulation as aforesaid, according to the nature of the offence, and also to pay the costs attending the information or complaint ; 3, If forthwith upon such order the moneys thereby ordered to be paid, are not paid, the same may be levied, with the costs of the distress and sale, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the party ordered to pay such moneys, the surplus, if any, to be returned to him upon demand ; and any such Justices may issue their warrant accordingly, and may also order such party to be detained and kept in safe custody until return can conveniently be made to such Warrant of Distress, unless such party gives security to the satisfaction of such Justices for his appearance before them on the day appointed for such return, such day not being more than three days from the time of taking such security ; 4. But if it appears to such Justices by the admission of such party or otherwise, that no suffi- cient distress can be had whereon to levy t!ie moneys so adjudged to be paid, they may, if thoy think fit, refrain from issuing a Warrant of Distress i» the case, or if such Warrant has been issued, and upon the return thereof such insufficiency as aforesaid is made to appear to the Justices, or to any two or more of them, then such Justices shall, by Warrant, cause the party ordered to pay such moneys and costs as aforesaid to be committed to Gaol, there to remain without bail for any term not exceeding three months, unless such moneys and costs ordered to be paid and such costs of distress and sale as aforesaid, be sooner paid and satisfied ; But such imprisonment of a Master of any Vessel shall not discharge the Vessel from the lien or liability attached thereto by the provisions of this Act. 18 V. c. 86, s. 27. 29. No conviction or proceeding undei the four next preceding sections shall be quashed for want of pou 39 DompJained |ne credible path such fay convict ' order the , pay the any such -3 nature of |"^'^'«g the '8 thereby l^may be I sale, by e^s of the '"rpius, if and any Jordingly, »ned and lentJy be ^n party stices for Wointed in three by the io suffi- moneys ink tit, iitthe I said is r more cause 'sts as 'Hiain Jnths, i and ooner of a BsseJ the four of 30ntre laqiiello il est porte plainte, de comparaitro Faux jour, heure et place indiquees dans la dite som- mation ; et toute telle summation sera si<5nitiee a la Iparlie contrevenante, ou contre laquelle il est porto 'plainte, ou sera laissee i son domicile ou bureau, ou a bord du vaisseau auquel elle appartlent ; 2. Soit que la partie contrevenante ou contre laquelle il est porte plainte, comparaisse ou fasse defaut, deux ou un plus grand nombre de juges de paix pourrontproce- der sommairement, qu'il y ait une information par 6crit ou non ; et sur preuve de la contravention ou de la plainte du plaignant, soit par la confession de la partie contre laquelle il est porte plainte, soit sur le serment d'au raoins un teraoin digne de foi autre que le pour- suivant (et les dits juges de paix sont autorises d administrer ce serment), tels juges de paix pourront convaincre le contrevenant, et sur telle conviction, ordonner au delinquant ou la partie contre laquelle il est porte plainte, de payer I'amende imposee par cet acte ou par tels reglements comme susdit, suivant la nature du delit, et aussi de payer les frais resultant de Pin formation ou plainte ; 3. Si, sur cet ordre, les somraes qu'il est prescrit de payer incontinent, ne sont pas payees, elles pour- ront etre prelevees, avec les frais, par la saisie et vente des meubles et effets de la partie condamnee a payer les dites sommes, et le surplus (s'il en est,) lui sera remis sur sa demande ; et .'es dits juges de paix pourront 6mettre leur warrant en consequence, et ordonner que la dite partie soit detenub sous bonne garde jusqu'A ce que le rapport puisse etre oommo- dement fait sur le warrant de saisie ou vente, '\ moins que la partie ne donne caution d la satisfaction des dits juges de paix, pour sa comparution devant eiix au jour indique pour faire tel rapport, le dit jonr n'etant pas plus do trois jours apres la tlate du cantionnement ; 4. Mais s'il appert aux dits juges tie paix, par Pad- mission de la partie, ou autrement, qu'il ne se trouve pas assez de meubles et efie's pour prelever les sommes qu'il est ordonne de payer, ils pourront, s'ils le jugent a propos, ne pas emettre le warrant de sai- sie et vente en pareil cas ; ou si tel warrant a fete emis, et que sur rapport d'icelui, il est d6montre aux juges de paix, ou d deux ou up plus grand nombre de cos juges de paix, qu'il n'existe pas de meubles et 40 form, or bo removed by appeal or certiorari, or otherwise, into any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Record in this Province ; and no Warrant of Commitment shall be held void by reason of any defect therein, provided it be thereby alleged that the party has been convicted, and there be a good and valid conviction to sustain the same. 16 V. c, 86, 8. 28. MONIES LEVIES AND SXPENDSI). 30. All the expenses to be incurred in carrying the provisions of this Act into effect, or under the provisions thereof shall be paid out of the moneys levied under its authority. 16 V. c. 86, s. 22. 31. The moneys levied under this Act shall le paid by the Collector of Customs by whom they are received, into the hands of the Receiver General, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned. 16 V. c. 86, s. 24. 32. The moneys raised and received under this Act, shall be applied by such Officers or persons and under such rules and regulations as the Governor of this Province may appoint and make from time to time for that purpose, as well in defraying the ex- penses of carrying this Act into effect and those of forwarding destitute Emigrants to their place of des- tination, and in otherwise aiding, relieving and pro- viding for them, as in defraymg the expenses of Medical attendance, and examination of destitute Emigrants on their arrival ; and the Governor in Council may apply any surplus remaining out of the said moneys or those raised under the Acts repealed by the Act 16 Vict. cap. 86, after defraying the ex- penses aforesaid, in aid of any charitable institution affording relief to destitute Emigrants and their children. 16 V. c. 86, s. 25. 33. Every person entrusted with the expenditure of any portion of the moneys hereby appropriated, shall make up detailed accounts of such expenditure, shewing the sum advanced to the accountant, the balance (if any) remaining in his hands, and the amount of the moneys hereby appropriated to the purpose for which such advance shall have been made, remaining unexpended in the hands of the Receiver General ; and every such account shall be supported by voucher therein distinctly referred to by 4>] ct shaJ/ le ^ jl^ey are r Creneral, fi V. c. 86, mder this 'raona and overnor of "^ time lo ■ the ex- iti those of 'e of des- and pro- 'enses of . destitute ernor in 'tof the repealed the ex- 'titution i their tiditure riatetf, diture, It, the id the the been f the ill he toby eilets suHifiants ito\xt]iTeleyet les derniers dont ie paie- ment est ainsi ordonne, alors lis ordonneront par un warrant, que la partie qui a re^ii I'ordre do payer lee sommes et frais ci-dessus, soit emprisonnee dans la prison commune pour y demeurer sans caution, pen- dant un espace de pas plus de trois mois, d moins que Ja somme et les frais qu'Il est ordonn6 de payer, et Ihs frais de saisie et vente comme susdit, ne soient puyes et liquides plus tot : mais I'eraprisonuement d^un maitre de vaisseau ne dechargera pas le dit vaisseau de I'obligation ou responsabilite y attachee par les dispositions de cet acte. 16 V. c 86, s. 27. !i29. Nulle conviction ou procedure en vertu des fiuatre sections precedentes, ue sera invalide pour defaut de forme, ni no sera evoquee par appel ou certiorari ou autrement devant aucune deo cours superieures de record de Sa Majeste en cette pro- vince; et nul warrant d'emprisonnement ne sera invalide a raison d'aucun defaut en icelui, pourvu qu'il y so it allegue que la partie a ete convaincue, et qu'il soit appuye sur une conviction bonne et valide. 16 V. c. 86, s. 28. PRELUVfiMENT ET EMrLOI DKS DENIERS. 30 Toutes les depenses necessaires pour mettre a clfet les dispositions de cet acte, ou encourues en vertu de ses dispositions, seront payees A meme les deniers preleves sous son autorite. 16 V. c. 86, s. 22. 31. Les deniers preleves en vertu de cet acte seront verses par le percepteur des douanes par qui lis sont per^us, entre les mains du receveur general, pour les objets ci-apres mentionnes. 16 V. c. 86, s. 24. 32. Les deniers preleves et per^us en vertu de cet acte seront employes par tels officiers ou personnes, et sous tels regies et reglements que le gouverneur de cette province etablira de temps d autre d cet elfet, tant pour defrayer les depenses necessaires pour mettre cet acte a efiet, et cellos du transport des emigres pauvres au lieu de leur destination, et les aider, secouiir e* pourvoir de toute autre maniere a leurs besoins, que pour defrayer lecout dessoins me- dicaux et de I'inspection des Emigres pauvres, a leur arrivee ; ( i le gouverneur en conseil pourra appliquer tout excedant des dits deniers ou de ceux preleves en vertu des actes abroges par 16 Vict. chap. 86, apres avoir d^fraye les depenses susdites^ au profit de toute 4^2 numbers corresponding to the numbering of the items in such account, and snail be made up to and closed on the thirty-first day of December in each year during which such expenditure is made, and shall be attested before a Justice of the Superior Court or a Justice of the Peace, and shall be transmitted to the Officer whose duty it is to receive such account, within fifteen days next after the expiration of the said periods respectively. 16 V. c. 86, s. 29. 34. A detailed account of all such moneys as aforesaid, shall be laid before the several branches of the Provincial Legislature, within the first fifteen days of the then next session thereof. 16 V. c. 86, s. 30. INTERPRETATION. 35. In this Act, unless there be something iu the context inconsistent Wi\h such interpretation, the word " Master ^' shall apply to any person in com- mand of a Vessel ; the word " Vessel " shall in- clude all Ships, Vessels, or Craft of any kind carrying Passengers ; the word *' Passengers " shall apply to all Passengers as well as to Emigrants usually and commonly known and understood as such, but not to Troops or Military Pensioners and their families, who are carried in Transports or at the expense of the Imperial Government ; the word <* Qaarantine " shall apply to Grosse-tsle, or other places, at which such Quarantine is directed to be performed. Ibid, 8. 31. 48 "^ia the it/on* the in corn- shall in- carryin«r apply tS ally and >ut not to families, se of the antine " It which I. Hid, institution charitable 6tabiie dans le but de porter secours aux ^mij^r^s pauvres ou a leurs enfants. 16 V. c. 86, s. 26. 33. Touto i^ersonne charg^e de I'emploi d'aucune partie des deniers appropries pt.. le present, sera tenue de faire un 6tat detaille de tel emploi, indiquant la somme avancee au comptable, la balance, (si aucune il y a) restant entre aes mains, et le montant des deniers appropries par le present aux objets pour lesquele telle avance a 6t6 iaite, et restant disponioles entre les mains du receveur glnSral ; et tout tel 6tat sera appuy^ de pieces justificatives auxquelles il sera renvoye distinctement, par des numeros correspondant d ceux de chaque item de tel etat qui devra common- cer et etre clos le trente-et-unieme jour de dScembre de chaque annee pendant laquelle telle d^pense est faite, et sera assermente devant un juge de la cour superieure ou devant un juge de paix ; et le dit 6tat sera transmis d Pofficier (^u'il appa lient, dans ies quinze jours apres i'expiration des dites p^riodes res- pectivement. 16 V. c. 86, s. 29, 34. Un 6tat d6taill6 de tons tels deniers com me susdit ' >ra soumis aux diverses branches de la legis- lature provinciale, dans les premiers quinxe jours de la session alors suivante. 16 V. c. 86, s. 30, INIERPRCTATION. 35. Dans cet acte, k moins qu'il n'y ait quelque chose dans le contexte qui rfipugne A cette interpreta- tion, le mot *< maitre" s'applique A toute personne ayant le cominandement d'un vaisseau ; le mot '< vaisseau" comprend tous batiments, vaisseaux ou enibarcations quelconques transportant des passagers ; le mot " passager" s'entend de tous passagers, el emigres nabituellement et ordinairement connus et design^s comme tels, mais non des troupes ou aux pensionnaires militaires, et leurs families qui arrivent dans des transports ou aux ffais du gouvernenient imperial ; et le mot " quarantaine" s'applique d la Grosse-Isle, ou k tout autre lieu ou il est ordonn^ que la quarantaine doit se faire. 16 V. c. 86, s. 31. I -r-j " I « ■ ; • "•; ••'. *■ :■ ..;: ^V :• :?!- ^'.•••' ;: '<- OTTAWA: PRINTED BY MALCOLM CAMERON, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. ;:■«' . - , ( / / 'JV. m m S C il i: JJ U L E MimCVUllI REr.ATIVK TO VuHiul's Name. .Vla.ilei''.-* Nuim.'. Tomiayo. From what Port I Total nurnhop iir place. Ill tliu Kuvuri Nut apart lor timn Culii Naiiii.'f) (il jMllliDrkillioil. I'ilHSfll'rt'l'.i. \\. lol AdiiilA. MAMKI AND PEIILMIIPTION OF jCliililruii botwuttn ' 1 and II. A I'll. Ago. Mull.'. FiiiniilL'. Malu. Fumalo. Number of iiiiantH no ovei 1 year. SUMMARY A'liills (.'iiiltlrt'ii lit'lwccii 1 iiiiil I'l Inlanis not ovur 1 Total I lioreby eeriity tliat tlie above is a correct ili-xcripfioii of tlio {drgcriptioi list ol ail llio I'asxoiiyeis on hoard tlio Hatno at llio tiiao ol her deparluro liom (p nieiitiiinod aro Iruu. Dale 18 iiclie iu'.c 1(1 ]() V. c fcti. • C E U U L E A DkTAIIS HKLATlKiJ AV V Norn iii'ti- !i liiltc!4, ii PoxclusiouOti inaitre, munta n'servii.'i poor lu.i paHHiiguTK Je r('quipajj;u et dus passa^ersl Destination, autros que ueus du chuiubrc. le ciiiimbre ipio le vain^uiiij [icut trauHporter Buivaot laloi. NoMs XT Dehcription dej Passauehs. Infants cntre I ot It ans.] Nombro d'cnt'anls ugc'a Ago. Uan/oua. Filloi. } Profcs.'iioii, occupatiou ou du uiuiuii d'un mt'tier du pas- au, Bagei'. Nation ou pays de naiasance. Port oil les pas- I sagers doivent £tre dtibarquds Buivant leur coutrat. Autres details, tels que ddcba, &o. S O M M A I R X . Nombre d'.tnies. i Nombro d'adultes auxquels lis dquiva- I lout suivant I'acte provincial. i uno description correcte du {description du vaisseau, comme navire, brick, etc.,) (nom du vaisseau) ot elui au timps de son dtipirt de {lieu d'ou il est venu) et que tous les details y couaigutis gout Tfais. 18 • Signature du Maitre. '^ ^