IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I Ui 122 12.2 S 1^ 12.0 L25 i U IM I ^' signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, pisnches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre f iimis A des taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmA A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. t t 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sir, Th* Iiih»biUnti of ih" 'I'lilboi SottlenKMi^ oi Southtrn Divi«ii>Mi (if the County ot' Mix. Imvi' hiwu iigitating for mfctty yeaiT to form a iifw 1,'iiiinty Croin tlic. Soiitli l»i- viiioii of Middlraex J)iiiiiii{ thr las! I'lirliHnieiit in ' ^1 ', thfy pr«>»t)n»t>d a (letiliun, witli ihf siifiialiiri^s of about thr«<: thunsand of the Inlmliil^ints, praying (or A division ot the Coun'y. ami are iion duiii(f so by Petition. Thi; liihabitam* of the Worth l)ivi^i|lll haT« admitted, during lat<' yearn, that a division wo'ild and "honld lake place, but wore at VRrian<<^ MiionK't thninstdt ix .i.'- t' ptiriod wht^n it ahould take plartt, aD<) iiherK Ihf dividing lini- thoulii be- (,ast Fnbriiary xoine of the intluf iitial lidiHl>itaiit« County waa ( hairinan. and .lami-* l.>aniel», Kn<)., SocrHtir/. Tbn Mavor of the Town, spviral ol lh(! jnerchants. p-df<'«sioiial ^r-ntlrinen of Ijomlou, Councillor* ot th*: adjonno)r Tosvn- ihi|i«. Kiid otlicrs, wttre pn-iout riu. large room was itowdtKl. Thr (iiristvn oj tht ( oiiiify, iind irhut ihoutil bf Oil: du'iding Hm, tivr< piJly disfusxr' and ollinoitoly dwidod on for jioin'ial or •'i('ti..ial pnrp4.^Hv, as ronniiig from tiast to went, hv an auiondril ri"i(di(titiii inivi'd by Adam Hope. Ka<|. of London, dftaditif; the line, expie*-- inif that thi' dividinif line -ihould he some distance south of Ihf River TliHiue*, /-tir'nui he dul no' < kfieiU niii/ ton- mty frmii Ifn Unroi, Uishkt. i read thr li'ii In the Speretiiry 'M innritifl kiiI hi/ Mr Ha/ie fnuii tin nia|> Oil thr irthle, oud Mr. f>auiels nserled llu ■;an\v in the reuiiutiuu, which unioudud rciiulutioii ot Mi. llo^iv't MiiMHF.Ai, A/ini !•,, 1849 was a|;rpew further rhal the proposed division U fair ami |ust, and that it ilors not in nni/ mdimer iuti.rfen nuth or iiff'rrt niljoininij t\iunHe.-. ~ ohi thai the twit Coiiulii'S, thai la, tho old uu>- and tin' nex' one will eiirh hate "luffieient reiuurrex ui ^u^taiii llieui-elvf*, -I .tnuex the lidlowliig stntislieal iiiforuialion ^riowiug what the population, valuation of properlv aud hnal taxes are at present for the London I>i8lrii:t, or Couiily i>f Middle- sex, exelnsiip of the Town of London, u.imelv ■ — -A.aM«i*«rr^ PopulatioK •lO.HTS. X'uhiation of Property £,147 732 Locil Taxes £ft,.")6B, and uhlcli, b\ thu dividinif line agreed on, will be app iwii.tlrir, namely-. Middlew^ 28700 Norfolk 774'J Oxfi>td ISKMi; Huroi •J'l.Ki And in the same book, p»ge hi, it Mdl hi shown ihiil Mi'lilltstfj itliiHi K'ld III iht liiat ('rnsiif, 1.H4i, ,ih/j ,'i.i^ •r^kuhidnti I'tii Mii/< /'((■ nlifi/i hi'trirt with it.\ four ('oHfilifit hud in lri;lo. lud ihiti Middlesex ev< o llien. in ISSii. had n>ori» than i\<<- hull ut the Inur ('iim, lies, and had more liihabilunl* llim iln oilier three Cooiiiies by lun thopai;'8 •..'7K,s I39N4 irison SB4,'i« Hai4!» 11 Mil i+;.'ri :U7,-)T 'J0I4!1 ! t:l01!,il OUtriet Tajie.i, F" 188 «94 fW6 I37« 063 708 i.i3 1.44m only hv:s than oue-tourth nf ihe present local tax tiir the London District, but ah'' Iras mci'i owf-Ai/Z/'nf ihe local taxes now raised in the |iroposed Coniity of I'lgin. By .i retereiH r lo ilie .sVi/Ci>iaiM'e, i; it fuir 11.1 iiitf/i as the Distriil Kevenue hir Ihe Huron, lliv OttaiHi, 01 the X'liloria, il is niie-third /nri/ii iliaii the llnlliiirsl, ( olborue Da'hoiisie, Prince l-',dw,ird,iir ralliol ; it i' imn-liiHytJ' litnier than the lOasteru or the ^ilucoe ; and .iIhuh thr >,;»« amnunl its the lliock, the Jntnistown. the ,Ne« Mslli', and llic Western Diatriils, aud whitli latter villi Mill please In bear in nmnl n now under the iiperiitiiiu by law, nl lorniiug the now Dislrlet of Kent It Mill, from !le< alsive, be uoli'eil thnt nn/v ,'i> /'i.« inrtf III '.be I'loviuce base , lucal revenue exceeding the revoniie il the pioposed new County oi Ilistiut ot Elgin. Aud the poinUMwn nf the priniostii CoiuUi/ of E^n will be grenter than the populutW" uf tuxnty-Jo\iT Countus out of the thirty Counties ami tour Rt«liii|^ in I'ppor C'aaac}*. The rcaMins why iho prupostfd County of Klijin ^honld be t«t aput i»l once for gniieral purno^es, are, that tlie popalation Bice^ds twenty tnouuind — the inhaUfanM have alr^atly exprnved thoir desire to be set apart— they will cheerfully tax themselves or apply part of their present large local lax to erect the required piiblir buildings — tht MfmicifMil Councillort that rejtretent the Townships, not onfy in the f/ropoted new (bounty hut alfo in ihr old County, have agreed on a line of division for Judicial or Electoral purposes, al a full meeting of their l>ody, and by a unanimous vote — llie inbabilanta of the North and London have also, ut a meeting, oxpreMed their opinion of a similar lino for the laine purpose — the resourees of thf jtTfipoied Countfj fully jmtify tt — the projKiscd division >» fair and just, leavug lo ihti North division or AlidJJf- ■ex (betides the public buildings in London) the largest portion of territory — an eoual amount of iMtpululion and ■mrMihI taxes — tiie one division h&i tlifl Plank or grudcnl Road passing throiiffh it froni Kiy.! lo Wf«t, and ihe other has the jfreat T»ll>ot Road pastino; through it, aI»o from East to We«t; and the resourcei> of uach division itrc . rapidly IncreasiDg- By the division of n large County like Middlrtes into ' two Counties at ono* and for Rwneral puriM>»ei>, a new im- pulse, as in all new tViiinties. n j-iveii to tfie inhabitaiit« ot such new County — a fresh n>irii of enterprise is spread over the coniinuuity, tending materially to promote iiii- provemonts by a more vigorous application of the rosourw'S , of the country — attratling the aUentioii of emigrants — creating wealth, prosperity, and comfort. | In the proiMood new County the iiihabitaiiLv are pre- j pared to pay tneir full share i>t tfip liabilities of the Distrirt of London ; they will leave Vi the old County a new (Jaol •reeled a lew yeain sgn and a Court House, altered and , uupruted — uil at a cost little, it at all, xlu»t ot jCIO.OOO. Tlie Hvvuime Fund of the Hrovinee will nut be afteotod, i by the formatiou uf a new C^iuRty, to any groat extept : and when ii is nontidered (IkU the adniiiiiatratiun of Jus- I tice (the chief eod of all good govsrnmeiit) re*'■«'<<*•