^ //, %. Ta o^ Jj^ ^ ^ J y IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■-IM t 1^ 2.5 |Z2 1.8 1.25 14 IIIIII.6 Photographic Sciences^ Corporation <'/ ^^ #^ V r\^ \\ % '^A c\ ■%^ # ^- PaOTINCE OP U:'.rcZZ.\'COLEORm. Victoria, by the Gr«c« of God ofthe IJnilwJ Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, defender ofthe Faith' To Our much beloved and faithful Special Coun- cillon of Our Pio\ nee of Lower Canaila— Greeting : TTTTHEKEAS by an Act, paMed in the Parlia- '" mcnt of our Unite<] Kini^dom of Great Britain and Ireland, in the first yep? of our Reign, intituled, " An Act to make temporary nrovinion for tht Got- emm ml of Lover Canada," it is Ej)acted, that it ■hall and may be lawful for Us, by Commission or Coinmissi.'>ns, to be, from lime ti> time, issued under the Great Seal of Our United Kingdom, or by any Instrument under our Signet and Sign Manual, and with f he advice of Our Privy Council, to con- stitute a Special Council for the affairs of Lower Canadit ; And whereas, by our F' , ,i\ Inr-truclioiio, given at our Court, at Windsor, on thj thirteenth day of December, in the year ot our Lonl One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Eight, and in the second year of our Reign, We did, under and by virtue ofthe powerH vested in Us, in and l>y the said Act of Parliament, and by and with the ad- vice of our Privy Council, constitute a St)ecial Council for the affairH of Lower Canada j And whereas we have assigned, nominated and appoint- ed jrou to be our Special Councillom in that behalf; Now, therefore, We do rommanti and enjoin you, •nd every of you, and all others in this behalf in- terested, that on the Fourteenth day of Februarj- next, at Our Government House, in Our City of Montreal, in Our said Province of Lower Canada, personally you be and appear, to treat, do, act, and conclude upon those things which, by our Gover- nor-in-Chief, in and for Our said Province, or by the Officer Administering the Government of Our said Province of Lower Canada, for the time being, by and with the advice and consent of Our said Sp«« cial Council for the affairs of Lower Canada, by the favour of God, may be Ordained. Iv TESTIMONY whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Oursaid Province of Lower Canada to bo here- unto affixed. Witness our trusty and well beloved Lieut- enant Genoral Sir Joniin CoLBoaNE, G. C, B., G. C. H., Governor General of all Her Majesty's Provinces on the Con- tinent of North America and of the Wands of Prince Edward and Newfound- land, and Captain General and Crovernor in Chief in and over the Provincen of Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Ac. &r- &c. At Our Government House in Ouj City of Montreal in Our said Province of Lower Canoda, the Twenty-First day of January, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred ond thirty-nino, and in .the second year of Our Reign. D. DALY, Secrsiary ofiht Province. Printed by Andsiw H. ^rmoob andlUwRAxsAr, 1 rimer lo the (iiuwii's Mosi Kxeellenl Msiestr. lor ilie DisirirlufVdiiirfi.l. lS3f), \ •