>;,.»..■ -ei^-r "NOT DEAD YET;" 4 U^■ OR, ly THE SKATIIG CARNIVAL: A FAKCE IN ONE ACT. I BY SAM SCRIBBLE. Author of " DOLORSOLATiO," &c., Ac. fj (i^ir5^^er/bmiec2 «^ Theatre Royal, Montreal, 22nd February, 1865.) P ^ ;; JOHN LOVELL, PRINTER, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. I. 1865. ij^Va^'-^^^-T^' ■^p- OCrvb^Ce , Sckm. T] I NOT DEAD YET ; OR, THE SKATING CAKNIVAL. r "NOT DEAD YET;" OH, THE SKATING CARNIVAL: A FARCE IN ONE ACT. BY sam scribble. Author of "D0L0R80LATI0," Ac, Ac. {First 2)er/onned at Theatre Royal, Montreal, 22nd February, 1865.) JOHN LOVELL, PRL\TER, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 1865. mm si.af 111 iaiJTiJ^ai, DRAMATIS persons:. l^ Mr. D. T. DEmJOiis— {H'lrdirare—'' Mf and heavy:') Mr. Kerosene Smith— (Co«7-o»7- " m/Jp «n J rf>c(f.") Mr. Bogus J o^es— {Leather and Findings.) Mr. DlsCOTjyT -(Prcsldenf of " The Pecuniari/ .Mutual Jmpunltij Society y) Mr. St. Hyacinthe St. Vmtoi.—{Clerh In the P. M. I. S.) McWhiteye — (An Irish Pnliceman.) Caiiot — [A Carter.) Mrs. St. H. St. Y t^toi.— {An hysteric female.) i: ♦,'. a (1 c i\ n a iNOT DEAD YET, OR, THE SKATING ^\RNIVAL *^: SCKNK. Mr. St. Ff:R6oL's Apartment in Bcnaventlre Stret:t. Door in flat, L, c. Doom, P. 2 E., and'L.2 E. Window^ R. c. Bed, C. Sofa, R. Cradle, L. Washing Stand, R. u. e. Table irith ink. (fc, L. u. E. Clock on mihtd-piece. Skate on floor. Bottles scattered «««-«.) Ind f you did, yoa don't recollect it ? «, J'T; ^V' '"^''•'■™''''^'' "'«' me eonseience is to be nade of ? Is „t this yer honor's coat ? There's Diu.„' t:zz ::: c " "? '^"' ^'"' ^« "'° ^-'--n - arcssea up as a Count last nioht ^ lasSt "" r "' I • ' '. '*'f'''"^'^-' ^'-"' '" «- Kink M.W w? '" '^'^ '"'"«'"'»■" to-morrow I McW. What the divil's the matter with them ? ,,,,«, oil yer back, which belongs to Mister St. what's hi, name, poor darlint I-His lart words were-- 20 NOT DEAD YET ; OR, Smith. Lust words! 0, its all over wltli us ! McW. Be japcrs! but I'm imzzltMl iullrely. \ Aside. Jones. Wo may as well confess at onco. McW. Och ! bad luck to yer confession. Don't I kn^ ? And isn't there a carter waitin;^' outride, and a moighty intelligent spalpeen, too, for a Frinchnian, — who kept liis eye on this Demijolin, — and who'll swear to the colored gcntlcniMi and the other dumb animal, lla ! ha! [JoNKS, Smith, iiTll [in i.ijditatioii]. The principal witness Is out of the way, at any rate— supprcs.scd, in fart. Suppose, now, to make all secure, T supprcs.s my :iccomplicc. I can polish off Jones a; leisure. A Demijohn, more or less, in the world, is nothing. [ T-'Us pohr, vhuh he cnnccah as he sits.] I'll do it. Df.mi [n'slnc/]. After all, I scarcely like the looks of my friend. If he should turn mean and split ! Suj^po-se, now, I suppress him. I ea.i polish off Jones at leisure! A little coal oil. mon* or less, in the world, is nothin'^. [Ttdrs up hottlcfiom talk, caul sits near Smith. Smith. Domijohn ! you're a good fellow. [Shakes hand']. Demi. Smith ! you're another. [Shakes hand]. Smith [aside.] If he would but turn his back ! Demi [aside.] If I could only get a fair lick at him ! Smith [aside]. There's no getting a chance! [Ahud] Hullo ! you've dropped a York shilling ! Demi. I'll pick it up. \As Demi stoojys, Smith is about to hit him on the head idth jwher. Demi turns and sees him.] What's the n.atter ? Smith. Nothing! only a slight irritation. Demi [Aside]. I must divert his attention. Ah ! listen ! listen ! Smith. A* ' what? [Tnms ,itrai/. Demi. Nc.^v .^r it. [Businrss as hefore^ Smith sees him Smith. IIullo.' ' . Demi. I was merely trying if the bottle was Cxnpty. [Enter Jones, door r 2 e, dressed in, crinoline, a petticoat, cloak, cap^ and cloud. 22 NOT DEAD yet; OR, Jones {coming doini u. ,n>d cromvg to l). D'ye think this will do ? You see I have found somotliin-. So I'll wish you good inoruing. {(loJncj). [Eiifrr, - your friends in this way ? St. FtntOL. 1 simply got my liead broken— but my cranium bring of a comfortable thickness, I am not much the worse. Finally I jxissed the night in fjuod; was fined for being drunk, and lierc I am. McW. Ah ! bedad ! and now its all clear to me— you thought I knew of the murder, which nivir took place, 11 E. ill 'I. CS y /• THE SKATIXG CARNIVAL. 23 pit> for your inexperience, I brought ye three hom. oft!, f-'''"""S'^; ""y' Jones, i)i;,,:,„„;g, DE.M,. But wl>e.-e did this blood coic from ' .•cdtwhTn /ril'-^" "^'^"''--' -^ -^''>' - ■'-w MK.S Si F. [„^ „,«„] wi,y JOS ! the ink bottle is quite m my clotlies, sir ? pi \ ° Jones Merely continuing the n.as,,„era.le. Iwrod some clothes to go home in. wautea St. F. Home ! nonsense you'll all stay to dinner-and I am sure Mas. Sr. F. will dispense with the formali y „f dtess-como as you arc, -Mr. Discount I hope will join us Discof.VT. Well, I s.ppo.,e I autst, and forgive you tht once-I am a „>an of business :_! object strongly to y u late ^onduc, but r can fully appreciate your ea°rfy din, er I>E.M^ Then there s nothing more to be said, r.id.an- attention is '• Noi dead yet," and that you see as much fun as we did in the « Skati.vi; Caeniv.Il." CURTAIN.