•% <^y.. S^.^<}i .0.. '\%\> c Association for Information and Image iWanagement llOOWayne Avenue, Suite 1100 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 301/587-3202 / o // ..V ^^* / ^ ^ can have SUITS MADE TO OKDEr, All the Nobbiest Syles tm p^ AND American Goods AJIEHFECT FIT riTAo _c;.H.s.c... 'r":^^^^-^--^«— H.C.. * standardJ^q~;;7j;:;-^- valentine's Varnishes AND ^OACH COLOKS \ Canadian Representative : J- L. BRONDSON 92 King St t^act t _^ ^ '^'^ -A.ST, Toronto Frank Bourdon MANUrvcTURER...,,,,,,^,^^^^^ 1 ff^rs, Gaps aud Furs ' ''' ''''' ''■ - OPP. TR.„ry SQUARE , TORONTO, ONT. ( Purs Wade io Order "~^-c c/p»n ^ « Altered '"'^- "^^^^ ^"'1 VISITORS REQUIRING V r T o TT "^"SH, COMFORTABI.E AND DURABLE goods '"■' '^"^ -■''' - Cheat Varietv i„' and INSPECTION INVITED 79 KING STREET EAST I OkONTO \ ■• Tifi.: & CO. ILORS TORONTO U K K R s OF PVTHIA.S SWTS MADE TO OUDEH '■usn, Fhench KMdim "l- I'VTIIIAS l,KMON>.nnrI..N. BOOTS AND 1^^ Shoes S REQUIRING COMFORTABLE AND BLE GOODS us Great Variety in ■?, °^^ OWN MAKE iths and half-sizes and ^v Moderate Prices ON INVITED ^KEET EAST ONTO ST. JAMES' CATHEDKAL. HA INKS : Unrivalled Pianos ! soicA<,entx: a. d- s. soLunuMfAi, OFFICIAL JP«0«RAMME OF TUK .^^llAllUSHEpjS;4 NORMAN'S Elpxtro-CurativI: Bar s "> r^ v^ RHEUMATISM SLEEPLESSNESS DEBILITY WEAKNESS INDIGESTION LAME BACK HEADACHE AND ALL DlSEASFiS WHAT AND TRUSSES —REALLY CL'RE— SCIATICA AND GOUT LIVER COMPLAINT KIDNEY DISEASE NERVOUSNESS NOCTURNAL DREAMS BAD CIRCULATION^ NEURALGIA AND RUPTURE Circulars and Consultation Free A. NORMAN, Medical Electrici 4 Queen St. East,, Toronto i'l Aiiia-kn. ' '"'" ■^^^oi-lniti:! of Tnisse lan .9 always ready '^^es for RUPTURE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS DEMONSTRATION. 9 Bhlts JT MS RUPTURE rER FROM Free ncian J'."^ ready. VPTURE (Courludrd from the nth Vaijo ) ],.»,„ H. Dr,™mo„„, of Maine, for ,.,= East, and G«o^ H. Morrison, of Nevada, for ..» """. n,n,icia, pro.ranrnre »i„ i,e ,„.er,porse„ ,«.ween .^-J;'-- -tre'^h SS by Mrs. Bradley and Mr. Fred. Warrington, of Toronto, and selections oy , Grenadier Band. , ,, , , . a ^' .u.rW n m for which the following Grand Excursion around the Island a so at 8 ";^;^'^!^; .^ 7.^;^^^^^ „ ,„,„ Hanlan," steamers have been engaged, vi... '• Imperial," •; Canadian, „H-^"«^' J .. ^,,^ ,■■ -tinflip" "Gertrude," '■ Kathleen," ■' Mazeppa, and yuLcn»-u>. :^:: i l. SuLtlv i;;;:;:.na;ed, and . a san ot about an hour and a haU, wtU land ; Island. All Uniform Divisions anu gues.s i.f the ConunUtee are an te L \t I o-clock uhich will allow time for those attending the .deception ,0 be prcs . t a ^J^:. d^spl'ay of .reworks will be made by the Doty Eerry Company, from a h.ir.e vvhicn will be anchored a short distance off the Island in the bay. The play of - Dan.on and Pythias" at the Grand Opera House. THIRD DAY— Wednesday, July 15TH. Divisions quartered in the city will meet at Q o'clock, a.m., at the Knights of l'> uuas I-Ldl, nueen Street East, and parade to the train and boats. Grand Prize Drill at the Exhibition Grounds. Teakles- Pony Hippodrome. This extraordinary attraction uiU be introduced between the Smgof the Divisions, and consists of hft.en thoroughbred East India pon.es, m their wonderful fonr-abreast chariot races. , . , r. A full dress parade ot the pomes will take place early m the afternoon. Carriage drive to Supreme Lodge Officers and Representatives, Grand Concert in the Caledonia Curling Cub Rink M^t-l ^tre^' J ^'^ ^'^•^"'"^' commencing at 8 o'clock, under the musical direction of Mr. Will F. Tasker. MME. LOUISE PYK, the celebrated Swedish dramatic soprano. MR. IVAN E. MORAWSKI, the eminent Russian Basso. MMDE DORY BURMEISTER-PETERSEN. Solo Pianiste, PROF CARL MARTENS, Accompanist. Solos and concerted music by members of one of the bands accompanying Divisions from the States. . The play of "Damon and Pythias" at the Grand Opera House afternoon and evening. FOURTH DAY— Thursd.vy, July i6th. Parade of Divisions quartered in the city from the Knights of Pythias Hall, Queen Street East, to train and boats. Continuation of Prize Drill at Exhibition Grounds, Parade and exhibition of Jeakles' Pony Hippodrome. Band competition and Grand Dress Parade of all Divisions at Exhibition Grounds in the evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. Presentation of Prizes. The play of " Damnp and Pythias" at the Grand OperaHouse^ ^ ' ", rfijrh'h'lil\(} ' SSTEIXWAV: HAINES! Unrivalled Pianos ! sole A«oS: a! i- S.' NOBDHEIMER, ir, KIuk St. East. Toronto 4 10 ^Jf^^^^iiZ^O^-^^MK OP OF THE . U^G Best Only (^ -w— IDO" \^ ^o Visitors ^e fun with all th 1 , ""^ ""^^ '^elephonp r^ ""^l- ilte Uadinrr ;,^^^^^ ^''"'' Convection 'S You ^^R No. IS 830 ^«'' ^«^^ us night or ^ '''pond to your .....1 " "^''y «"^ --e ^iu '^^^^sage Promptly ' ' * ^V^^''fn^ ^O^'^-K-'' II MARTiN <^ Co. ^^^^nnacisls and Perfi ^^^' Queen and Yo uniers ^ets, TORONTO VM^ffil*"s«c. per set; for Banjo and (iuitar, Mac. per set. tlluM rated Catulwfuen of Mtiacal liistniments and Fittimjg Punt Free. Price 10c, R JEWELL'S ' ESTAURANT 10 lordan St. TORONTO CliOSE TO KIN(i ST. WKSTANDYONOE ST. Breakfasts DINNERS and Suppers INDUSTR IAL EXH IBITION Art Union i'ti S E A S O N , 188 6 FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE FINE ARTS IN CANADA Chartered by Act of Parliament, 1883 ESTABLISHED BY THE ONTARIO SOCIETY OF ARTISTS 14 King Street West, Toronto T HE ANNUAL DRAWING of the above Art Union will take place on Friday, 17th September, 1886 When the whole amount subscribed will be returned to Ticket Holders, in the form of WORKS OF ART, valued at from $25 to ?i50o each, and their number will depend upon the amount subscribed. The Drawing will be held in the Art Gallery of the Industrial Exhibition Subscription, entitling Ticket Holdcv to one chance in the Prize Drawing, 25 cents. Tickets may be obtained from Local Agt-nts and from the Secretary at the GaUeries of the Society, 14 King Street West, Toronto, where works by members of the Society may be seen. •jtore rORONTO (Uiiiler ill Slit'ot ('»• 7''. ('('. N'iiiliiis, OllCtS, IJllUJOOH, Hses, Fittin^is of e Dominion Sti-iii{,', li'>c. ; iii- • set; for Huiijo ited Cataluiitien of Punt Free. „._ ^ ^ANT t. NDYONOE ST. s Suppers N \NADA \RTISTS 1 take place in the form of ill depend upon Exhibition •, 25 cents. the Galleries of 16 Society may 17 KNIOHTS OF PYTHIAS DEMONSTRATION. ( Continued from loth ['age) Ki^n^^^Mj^ie 'w M ra'^^^^^^^^ 'he Ua„al,o„, and Co >hair h„.ng participated in the public parade. , , r, • . . t,:^v, 3. Battalions shall dnll according to seniority of age of the Regiment to which . '^7 Forty^five minutes will be allowed for the execution of Battalion movements. 5' Movements shall be governed by Carnahan's Tactics, and rules not here specified shall be those of said Tactics, ^50. 00 Class IV.— Spfxial Prizes. A. Sir Knight Commander's Prize.-Medal of Pythian Design (value) 1 This prize is open to all Sir Knight Commanders of competing Divisions and said Commanders shall be judged at the same time as the Division they command. 2 The qualification shall comprise :— a Correctness of command. b Style and manner of giving command. c. Personal deportment and soldierly bearing. B. Grand Chancellor of Onlario Prize.-To Division having largest number of members on parade, ^50,00 This prize shall be awarded to the Division which participates in the public parlde with the largest actual number of bona fide members. Ontario Divisions are excluded. C. Supreme Prelate's Prize.-For Division travelling longest distance, IJ5000 I This prize shall be awarded to the regularly organized Division which travels the longest distance, and participates in the public parade. 2 The distance traveled being equalled by two or more Divisions the award shall be Tnade"o that Division of the group which parades the largest number of bona fide members. 3. The award shall be made by the Supreme Lodge Committee on Mileage.- Class V.— Band Competition. The selections to be played shall be :— a. Quickstep. b. Overture or selection (Concert.) c. Any piece they may select. ,. . Each of the above to be left to their own discretion. I T This Class is open to all bands which accompany Divisions or Regiments to ^'"'''''ontaS and partli^ate in the public parade. Ontario bands are excluded. 2. Entries may be made any time before the competition takes place. All entries to be made with Geo. H. Mitchell, the Chairman of the Committee on Parade and Drill. ' ~. r^uirvviiisa I STEINWAY! HAINES! Unrivalled Pianos ! sow .^i'- i ' «•' ^'ordheimer, i^ Ki.u, st. Eaa, Toronto 18 OFFICIAL PROOnAMMK OF THE i ! ROYAL Insurance Company OF ENGLAND POUCH ER cT- CO. Estate Brokers 18 ARCADE, TORONTO Assets, We have always a larjje and wtll solectod list of HouHCM and N'acant liOtn for Hide in I tlio City and HuburhH ; also Monio choice «ip 29,000,000 Sufe and rayin« Investnionts. Von are t Hiiro to find wliat will suit ynn hv (!allin«. Writing or Telei)lionint,' forl'articulaiH to Invested in Canada, for protection of Cana- dian policy holders (chiefly with Government) $689,000 y. POUCIIEK c^ CO. i« ARCADE Telephone No. i<)8 TORONTO Rates Low LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID W. H. SPARROW House pi urnishin g MAU&HAN, KAY & BANKS GENERAL AGENTS TORONTO Goods The Best Stock in C^mada 87 Y<^"ge Street X^^ronto —FOR FINE— CLuBHOrEL Gents' purnishinas VINCENT T. BERO PROPRIETOR 416 YoNGE Street TOfiONTO CHOICE BRANDS Wines Liquors Cigars LATEST IN BILLIARD TABLES SILK SCARFS COLLARS CUFFS GLOVES, ETC., ETC. GO TO — gONNER'S-— 157 Yonge St., Toronto Ct)H. OF KICHMOM) ST. SILK UNDBRWEAR A SPECIALTY -Richardson House - Cor. King Street and Spadina Avenue TORONTO TERMS, $1.50 PER DAY Reductions to Weekly Boarders The above House is situated ou one of tlie most beautiful avenues in tlie Doniinion, and on the h'ne of niarcli, 1ms nil the modern iniiirovomonts.KJis in evcrv room, and forcnmfort is equal to luiv .*2.00 ()er (lay bouse in Canada. S. RICHARDSON, PROPRIETOR <^ CO. R O K E R S ORONTO and well solcctoil t LotH for sale in iiIho Hoino olioice tiiioiitH. Voii aro it yoii by (Jallint;, or Particulai'H to ; i^ CO. i ARCADE TORONTO iRROW rnishing s : in Canada Street to NE— rnishings ETC. CUFFS ER'S — , 1 oronto P KICHMOND ST. L SPSCXAI.TY House - adina Avenue Weekly Boarders 3U one of tlie most )!iiiiiioii, 1111(1 on II tlio niodorn rvrooiii. luul ii'aiiy .*2.00 !ana'li>. PROPRIETOR KNIOHT8 OF 1»\THIAH DKMONSTUATION. 19 pf^ifi<:e Q? \j^iAf^®.^i^ (^j^/^j)/^ ^ i55b ^'^""' '-■" ' ',■/'/"'' '^■^/',"//y/-////V.;v/^. Cor'ffiH ^ArLiltJiCoTo/iO^rO ''1 L 20 OFFICIAL IMtOOnAMME OF THE H I •atk xm^• kC* The ueens Xoronto, (^an. r\NE of the largest and lar.. > . av irta' !., hotels in the Dominion of Canada, and being adjacent to the Lake, c(. v n i toe lolest house;, in summer in Canada, and is elegantly furnished throughout. Rooms en suite, with bath-rooms attached, on every floor. THE QUEEN'S has been liberally patronised by Royalty and the Nobility during their visits to Toronto, and among those who have honoured it with their patronage are: His Imperal Highness the GRAND DUKE ALEXIS OF RUSSIA Their Royal Highnesses PRINCE LEOPOLD, PRINCE GEORGE, PRINCESS LOUISE The MARQUIS OF LORNE, The EARL AND COUNTESS OF DUFFERIN The MARQUIS AND MARCHIONESS OF LANSDOWNE and the Best Families The beautiful grounds about it being both spacious and airy with Croquet and Tenuis Lawns, render it one of the most pleasant and desirable hotels for buisness men, pleasure seekers, and the travelling public. M^^Gaw & W^NNETT, Proprietors KNUJHl'H OF rVTHIVH nKMONHTRVrit)N. 21 B" #" DRILL PROGRAMME, CLASS II. ]a, and being ke Ontario. I is elegantly loor, ibility during ronage are : LOUISE DUFFERIN :t and Tenuis nan, pleasure oprietors i IN8TRU0TI0NS. I. The Divisio.i must drill with twenty four bir Kniglits and three ''''^T'aII m.wen.ents must be in quick time unless otherwise specified T.MK wdl begin ^^^^y^;^'2cut.d in the order of arrangement on the t;XT eVon thrtaUy sheet. It ts not to be utuierstood that each ovenient can be executed from the preceding one. 4 A Division may be escorted into the ground with music, but they mnc;f drill without drum or music ot any kind. 5 ilrty five minutes will be the longest tin.e allowed l.,r tl,e execu- ""'■ t ciVatn"'" Tact.,, and Rules ,orCon,pe.it,ve Drills^' t,. govern. lo. Direct steps in common time. Di ision march on the drill ground. S.uule the Judges, r.nd break ranks. (Time. 1. Formation ^ Manner. 2. General appearance and bearing. 3. Inspection. FACINGS AND ALLIGNMENTS. 4. Execute the facings. 5. Forward by file o the right. 6. Forward by rank to the right. 7. Backward by tile to the left. 8. Backward by rank to the left. 9. Backward by rank to the right. DIVISION MOVEMENTS. Marching in column of fours. Note -In chanRe of cadence, fifteen Reconds wUl be' required for each change. ^.Judges will cull time bv commanding "Change. n. Direct steps in quick time 12. Direct steps in double time. 13. Direct step in quick time. 14. In line, execute short step. 15. In line, execute side step to right. 16. In line, execute back step. 17. In line, execute change step. 18 In line, marching in common time, change to quick time; then to double time, then resume quick time. 19. Being in line, 'nrirch in column of fours to the front. 20. Oblique to the iight in column fof fours, forward, and then oblique to the lett. 21. Marching in column of fours, march in retreat. 22 Being in column of fours at a halt, put the column in motion and change direc- tion at the same time. 23. Form column of twos from column of fours. 24. Form column of fours from column of twos. 25. Form column of files from column of fours. (Continued on 2oth Page) U^nvM^dFUinos ! s„,.%^;S\^ k s^ .o.SMiSrS' Kin„ st. 'i^M^w^o ,1 I 22 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE Glias. ¥. Henderson & Go. 152 YONGE StKEET WALL PAPERS, CEILING PAPERS AND WINDOW SHADES ^3 ^^^ i ; H CHAS. W. HENDERSON & CO. 152 YoNGE Street Fourth Door south of Richmond TORONTO, ONT, TELEPHONE 494 "7l. PATTERSON 165 - Yonge St. - 165 TORONTO We heartily welcome the Knights of Pythias to our city and ask them to examine our fine stock of - UNDERWEAR - CAMBRIC SHIRTS - WHITE 3HIRTS GENTS' -:- ATTENTION - Photographic v lew s OF AND THK LATEST NOVELTIES IS NECKWEARS i6i - YONGE STKEET — 165 Tavlor&Co. jy]erchant Jailors 60' Yon OP Street Opp. Dominion Bank TORONTO, NIAGARA FALLS 1,000 ISLANDS, OTTAWA, &c. We can show you the Largest and Best Selection of Views in the City WiNNH^^RiTH Bros. BocjKSELLERS & StATION'F.KS () 4 KING ST R E E T E A S T TORONTO KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS DEMONSTRATION. 23 k Go. APERS )n d : I o N ews \R\ FALLS I'TAWA, &c. the L (Widest ion of Vieii's -I Bros. yrATIONl-.KS iET EAST TORONTO POST OFFICE. The post Office, buiU in ItaUan style of ^^^^r^'^^^^' opposUe Toronto Street. It . constructed of ^^fl ^^^ ^^ ^ J^, ,f aeUvery e^'feet deep and .. feet to -P^ cion^ ^^^ ^^ ^,^ ,^ ^,,^3 of postn.en, there is a large d.stnLmt.on of mad "?^^l" " ^ ■ ^^ there being mauN ,n some sections twice and in others tour - ^ai • O g .^ ^^^^^^^^^ publications m Toronto, the amount of mad matter g enormous. ___— — ■ HAINKF! Unn^S^irPi^os ! «„aSr."k ko..SS1\= k„« «rS.,ao»oKTo 24 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE F ^ili l! il \ JUST OUT A Beautiful View BRO. P. C. R. J. TILLIERS OF OF THE CITY OF TORONTO Lithographed in 5 Colors PRICE, 50 CENTS. For Sale at the leading Book- stores and Toronto Lithographing Co. (Globe Building, Toronto) PUBLISHERS BRDCE & CO. Begs to announce that having secured the appointment as OFFICIAL AND SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHER from the Committee in charge of all arrange- ments relating to the meeting of the Supreme Lodge and Grand Demonstration of the K. of P. to take place in Toronto July 13th and following days, with sole privilege of TAKING PHOTOS OF THE SUPREME LODGE AND IN THE EXHIBITION GROUNDS During the Demonstration, extends a cordial invitation to Visiting Bro. Knights and their friends to call at the Studio 118 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO OPPOSITE ROBSIN HOUSE Madill & Hoar Dispensing Chemists 356 YoNGE Street, Toronto 185 - yonge street - 185 Athletic Club J. F. SCHOLES Our Dispensing department is complete in every particular. Physicians' prescriptions are prepared by competent persons only. We compound with the best material, at the lowest rates, consistent with purity and correctness. A qualified Dispenser on the premises day and night. DEKMALINE This preparation is unsurpassed as a Toilet article rvr' ' 'iTKlNWAY ; HAINES! SoliS- A & 8- NORr^/ia^n'l^lS Kin. St. East. TOHONTO m I j il: II m \ 26 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE COX & CO. Stock Brokers Members Toronto Stock Exchange 26 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES WITH ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS GIVING CONTINUOUS Market Quotations from - New York, Chicago, Oil City, &c. ffl. McGonnell'J- 1|. lam^ej ^ do. 46 AND 48 King St. East, Toronto importer of choice fIHEUIOUOeS,CII}AES.E!c,EtC. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 46 AND 48 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO ARE H eadquarters for ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Dfiotogi'apgiG Apparatus AGENT I'OR (iEO. GOULETS CELEBRATED CHAMPHeNE And other Brands BOXES of" CIGAKS Sold at Wholesale Pricf-s A Million of Cigars always in Stock The IVadc supplied at bottom prices AND MATERIALS Amateur Outfits from %io Send for Circulars ]. G. Ramsey & Co. 87 Bay St. Toronto a KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS DEMONSTRATION. 27 O. BATTAIJON DRILL. chan ge PAL POINTS ity, &c. Blf \ Co. ters for MERICAN \ pparalu^ lALS ; from %iq 'culars lY & Co. rORONTO I INSTRUCTIONS. I. The Divisions must drill with 24 Sir Knights and 3 Officers. . , AH movements must be in quick time unless otherwise specified. iTime will begin with No. 3 of the Score Sheet. ^ a Movements must be executed in the order of arrangement on the movement can be executed from the preceding one. 4. A Battalion may be escorted into the ground with music, but must drill without drum or music of any kind. 5. Forty-five minutes will be the longest time allowed f^)r the execu- tion of this schedule. 6. Carnahan's " Tactics and Rules for Competitive Drill" to govern. The Battalion will march on to the drill ground properly forgied, under command ol Colonel or Lieutenant-Colonel. I. Form line and present to the Judges. 2 Dismiss the battalion— each division moving off to a different portion of the parade ground. 1 ^ , , 1- (Tune. 3. Reform the battalion. ^ planner. 1 4. March to the front in line. | S Face to the rear and march to the • rear 20 paces, face again to the front and ' , halt. 6. Allign the battalion. T Marching in line, change directio.i to I the 'right and advance in the new direction. I 8. Form column of divisions to the ri^^ht 1 and continue the march, 9. Form battalion on right into line. 10, Advance by the flanks of divisions to [the front. II. l^orni column of divisions and continue Ithe march. 12. Form line from column of divisions j Innd halt. 13. Change front on first division. 14. Move forward in column of divisions from line. 15. Form line to the front from column of divisions. 16. Dismiss the battalion. 17. Reform for and give dress parade. On dress parade give the following SWORD EXERCISE. Present. Salute. Parade rest. Kneel. Rest on swords. Support. Inspection. Order. Reverse. Charge. Return. Draw. iS. Salute the Judges. 10. Dismiss the parade. iUnrivalled Pianos ! .„.^^^^Y:>. .. so^F^i^% Kin, ^'^^0!<<>yT0 28 it ^FFrciAL PROGRAMME OF THE i 1 i\ TORONTO'S ATTRACTIONS One of the Places That Should be Seen. Wo reconunond all visitors to the citv not to fainilmrly known as Thi.; Yonok St iFmi ,,„/•« Tlje enterimsiiiK firni of Edward McKeown IKO ^onReSt 2doors north of Queen, coiimiauds a lar^eand mfluential patronage ti;rouKho it On tano and.lt is no unusuarcircun.Se o fl" d "hi ^'"7'/'"' '"'"'""'■ there making laice mir chases of Lyons Silks and French Dre^roo a fair tSt'.' ""^ '"' "^"^' ''''' ^'"yi"^ ami This establishment is reckoned as the most compact and best run in Ontano and its S includes LiNKNs, Damasks. Shki-.tinc^s, StIpLks Cottons. Prints, (in English, French ami Ainencan ), Coh.skts, Kioai. ani, Imitation La«" Wraps .Ikrskys, WAj.msu Ja.kjots Lyons' Silks, Frionch Casiimkrkh. Fine Drfss Goo»s Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery, Unitokar and gloves for which the,, enjoy an .'«r,«W« l^^"a^^ " PAms' Sr^Lv '"./""f «T«««^KiNc/ outside i i Aius. I neu a)7i*'<(5 ceitunly possesses the hf.. witching power of niakin- even o d.mrv Roots reahaiue.'"""'*^ ''"" ^'^""' ^^'''^^ time's Xh i Visitors can walk around and see for tliem- fieives, »v7pome^7(/(>TO. , i LAffJOOKS ANOEIOiTS. We keep on hand the largest stocK of ENGtISH, CANADIAM & AMERICAN TEXT BOOKS AND REPORTS oil the Continent. CATALOGUES GRATLS ON APPLICATION. BINDING WE BIND ALL KL\DS OF BOOKS WE USE THE BEST MATERIALS WE IMPLOY SKILLED LABOUR WE CHARGE MODERATE PRICES CARSWELL «& Co., 26 & 28 ADELAIDE ST. EAST. BARBER&HLLIS Co. WHOLESALE & MANUFACTURING -Stationers- No. 15 JORD\N ST. AND lo, i2 & 14 MELINDA ST, TORONTO h ti i REPORTS, EleSt StOCK of i AMERICAN REPORTS It. APPLICATION. G BOOKS MATERIALS (VBOUR ^TE PRICES Co., ■ . EAST. LLIS TURING ^kVO J rs- to, X2 iS: li KNIGUTS OF PYTHIAS DEMONSTHxVTION. 29 %Wte-^-^--.. T .---1 jf^iisr CUSTOM HOUSE. This is a superb builJing in the Italian style of architecture, very much ornamented, having entablatures representing great travellers, and the arms of many of the prmcipal trading cities of the mother country, and elsewhere. In the rear are the Receivmg Houses. . — iJn^ri^dPian JTi ... IJi^/^Yl's. ,ORD^^STiivisioi), 75c,; for each additional pctrson, 2'ic. Onf-Housk Cahs.— I'"or conveyint,' one ))erson from any one pi ice within the limits of No, k Division to anv other point within the limits ot flv same Division, 2or. ; tor each additiiin.il pir.on, z c. I'or conveying one person fiom any point in the first Division to any point in the second Division, 30c. ; toi' eacli addition.il person, 20c. For conveying; one person in the first Division toany point in the third Division 50c. ; foreach addition.d person, 20C. .Nioiir Tarii r.— I-'rom ist t 1 May to the 3tst o! Octoiicr inclusive, from 10 o'clock ii.m. to midnight, the chirye for cilis shall be one-lmlf more than tlie above t.iriff, and alter midnijiht to (> o'clock a.m., double the above tariff. Chili>hf.s.'"No fare cli.trced tor childre under eight years, in charge of an adult. Over eight years and under twelve, half price; over that age, fill) t.ire. l-iAGciAoic— One trnuk and articles that may be placed inside the cab are to be carried free. For every o;her article i)laced on the outside oi the cab, the cabman is entitled to 5c. ^^^=4=^ ^>-^^-___ ..-_:- THE TORONTO MAIL • THE ~Sff LEADING PAPER '.* ^-^ VKE^Bt OF CANADA * -r^ SUBSCRIPTIONS * DAILY $7.00 WEEKLY $1.00 PER ANNUM V:'^i.i'. ■?!«■' V FOR ADVERTISING RATES ADDRESS THE MAIL PRINTING CO'Y TORONTO ; 2CAN. ♦^JT- 'Ximay^ 88 KNiailTS OF PYTHIAS PBMONBTRATION . (Coneludfd from Sht Vaije.) ,.il,.y centre, «.m. eifiht line, of rMl»»y lo«a".« ""t .. ■«. I" "- c'V « "eehfe. ..y.un.., rrfo.... re.orn,..ori.». a„,i l,„.pi.,.l» of the prevnee. On ban.l.y, all busiiiosH coaseH. * 1 fi,„ " Pitv of Churcliea," and poBsesscs 120 chnrchcB Toronto has been desit^nated tho City or «..iiuri-i.co, „,.r:a.ne„.,n..en...o,ne„M,,e.n.e.„.e«,a,.M^^^^^^^^^^^ nn.o Its importance aB an odacatioual centre may be mfeuod tn.m nearly every .ocl.ty l»vm« repre.e„taf e. bere. n . y ,^ ^^^,^^^ eelo„r.yo„a=e„n,.. „. ., I--""" "" ^ ^ ^ tl: l_;,.r«e ..eterie., ,„„,e o. her .„„» have won *■•""«•";'; j"^,,; •^,^„, ;,„,, ^.Ulenees. The wholesale and retail store,, .ple.ul.d hotek, and eieK I wholesale „nar.er o, the eity i, that i,.eln« between ^''^^^^^^^ ,„„„„„ wholesale house,, Custom House and Banks be.nj, lound on ^J^^^^n, Y uBe (north .ordau, Yonse, Seo.t and Chureh ..reets. The eh.e, reta.l * * -^ ■'^'J^ „^„ „,._ „„Cln„ and Queen street.^ "^ rtrrc^^ ehTer I -.l aud Wellesley rr:r::!:xr— :^o:::.;dc„iie.iu.ewe.ter„division. luid Bloor street and Rosedale in the north. Toronto ha.been the pl.ee of meeting oi many important hodies-politiea:, reli«ious, educational, .eie,-,tilie, and benelielary secret soe.eties. The city has much to interest visitors, and extend, .0 the Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythlas, aud to all Knights and their friends, a generous Canadnur welcome. Vnrivalled Pianos ! ^S^^V .ono&SlS^Si, *«. £,V^S.y™ 84 OFFICIAL I'liOcmAMMK f)l' THR A SS URA NCE COM PA N Y of CA NA DA ANMI'l'l-M l<(l,.100,«»»<» 1.— Tho8UX iHa Homo Coiuiuiuy, inveHtliiK all its funds in C'liuiula, and lias tluma Hiiocial claim on CauHdian AHHurevH. 'i.— It is a strong and iirnRporous C'oniiiany with Ini^e and well Invosted assots. ;<.--Its iiiti's Mi'c low lUid itH profits to iiolicv-lioUlors Ini^'c and ciinitiilily divided. ».- The SUir alone issufs an ai.solutelv TJnconditloual Policy.' Thcio is no "iflj" or "provideda" ahout it. Tin' only coiulilion is tin' payment of in-emiiims. ">. The SI'X litis not one eontesfed or disputed elaim on its hooks. The rapid pro^,'vess made hy this Company may he seen from tho followmi-! statement;— 1N(0MK. AHHKIH. ,^ KoK, K. 1874 $ 64,073 88 $ 621,362 81 $1,786,392 00 1876 102,822 14 715,944 64 2,214,093 00 1878 127,505 87 773,895 71 3,374,683 43 1880 141,402 81 911,132 93 3,881,479 14 1882 254,841 73 1,073,577 94 5,849,889 19 1884 278,397 65 1.274,397 24 8,844,404 04 1885 319,987 05 1,411,004 33 7,930,878 77 THOS. WORKMAN. Esq. President R. MACAULAY, Mavaginq DlR ctor A. H. GILBERT, Manager for Western Ontario 33 ADELAIDE STREET EAST, TORONTO 'R. Bond's"" LIVEEY Boarding and Sale Stables 21 TO 25 Shepi'akd StKF.I'T H.\CK AND Coupe Stand 76 to 80 KING STREET WEST Ilaelcn and Cmipesfor hire at Shortest Notice. Aluo Driein'j and Saddle IlorscK aUva x on hand. TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION WITH HOTELS IN .\LL PARTS OF THE CITY. TELEPHONE NO. lOQ, A & B Orders received l)y Telegraph or Telephone promptly attended o Day aud Night HENRY A. TAYLOE -._4 Draper and Tailor |(^^ No. 3 Rossin House Block Toronto i\merican Work a Specialty KNKHITH OK PVTH Ua Dia iONHTKATloN. — J BR 4 w u^ 'M H S b( t4-< c « H 'In 'J) < ' I.H B u H cn "rt O 4^ I >> < X5 u « s w .s 525 s -M- Ci5 P, CJ &^ Xi ^ • •-» ^ P^ oT '0 B C/) 1 «l u •i-t TJ •4> S a> 43 •M 43 -»-► • 1-4 ^ 43 u •I-* 43 ^ 'V- 4'^ Unrivalled Pianos ! .J^SH^TI L .oESffi.'.i k,., s.",^S. ™bo.to 86 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE SIR KNIGHTS .^T'TE32SrTI02Sr THE WILL CARRY YOU From or to the ocHy Bound Ationtic •(' on .Jf From or to the ^\A Pacific Sfiore On their oimt Rails in their oivn Coaches With Pi ROMPTNESS— OOTENESS^^ RUDENCE— . FOR MAP, TIME CARD AND VALUABLE INFORMATION CALL ON W. R. CALLAWAY. Disirict Passenger Agent, 110 King St West, Toronto OR WRITE W. C. VAN HORNE Vice-President D. P^cNICOLL GEO. OLDS General Passenger Agent General Traffic Manager 3^^ciTa::KE.iauXj KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS DEMONSTRATION. 37 place? of Intei'e^t and I^egortg foi' piBagune. n aches TION Toronto c Manager Aside from the Exhibition Park, where the Pythian Tournament will be held, the following are a portion of the many points of interest to visitors. The CHURCHKs-St. James' Cathedral (Church of England) ; Metropolitan Church (Methodist) ; St. Michael's Cathedral (Roman Catholic) ; Dr. Wild's Church ^Congregational) ; Baptist Church (Jarvis street) ; St. Andrew's Church (Pres- byterian), King street west ; and Salvation Army Barracks (Albert street). The Ei,ucxtion.l iNsxt^rtoKS. -University of Toronto, Baptist College, Episcopal Divinity School and School of Practical Science ; all in Queen's Park. Knox College (Presbyterian), Spadina avenue; Trinity College (Church of England), Queen street west. The Provincial Normal and Model Schools and Museum, St. James' square. Upper Canada College, King street west. The Collegiate Institute. Jarvis street. The Medical Colleges, Gerrard street east and Spruce street. The City Public Schools in all the wards ; and the Public Library, Church street. GovEUNMKNX.M. xNi, oTHEU Pu«Lio LvsTiTUTioxs.-The Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Queen street west. The Central Prison for men, Strachan avenue. The Ontario Reformatory for Women and Refuge for Girls, King street west. The General Hospital, Gerrard street east, open during reasonable hours. House of Provi- dence Power street. Children's Hospital, corner of College and Elizabeth street' L.fants' Home, St. Mary's street. The Home for Incurables, Parkdale. Orphans' Home, Dovercourt Road. The Boys' Home, George Street, and the Girls' Home, Gerrard Street East. MxscE...NE0.s.-The Zoological Gardens, Exhibition Park. The Grand Opera House, where the play of " Damon and Pythias " will be on the boards all week. The Parliament Buildings, Front street west. The Lieutenant-Governors residence, corner King and Simcoe streets. The Globe and the Mail Printing Offices on King street. St. Lawrence Hall, Arcade and Market, on King street east. The City Hall Buildings, Front street east. The grfeat thoroughfare (CoiUinuc'd on 39th Fane.) CHrCKhUlIXG! STEINWAV! HAINES! % Unrivalled Pianos 1 BoIo klin^'T^^: NOKDHKIMEK, 1.5 King St. East. Toronto 38 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE GMd^Concert MUTUAL STREET RINK Wednesday Evening, July 13th Mme. Louise Pyk, the celebrated Swedish Dramatic Soprano (Her first appearance in Canada) Mr. Ivan E. Mokawski, the eminent Russian Basso Mme. Dory Burmetster- Petersen, Solo Pianiste Prof. GAR L MARTI NS, Accompanist Solos and Concerted Music by one of the Bands accompanying Divisions from the States Mr. WILL F^TASIvER, Musical Director Admission, c^oc; - . . Reserved seats, ^i.oo ail Tie Mai — jol) Departigent THE LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED Establishment in the Dominion Railroad, Steamship ami Theatrical rriiitiiiL- htreaiiiors, Posters, Dodders ana Hangers, ('(itn- loKues Pamphlets, Price Lists, JSnsiiuiss Cards, Circulars, Law Forms, Society and Banl< Print- ine. Invoices, liil] Heads, Mumos, X„to-lieadfi, Letter-heads, Statements, Invitations, Dance and Concert Programmes, Wedding Stationcrv. Visiting and Address Cards. Druggists Labo s, Lnvelopes, ]iooks of every description, Bills of rare, Etc. T • W, ij, ^fieppapd • Managef -EUPTUEE - Egan's Imperial Truss CURES every child sure, and 80 ontofei '" " - - - every 100 adults ; we can prove this l.y the testimon- of your own neighbours. Pacts'the Best Evidencs. Send stamps tor full mrorniation,testiinonials )Price list, and questions for you — t') answerby which means wecan fit ev er.y case, and guarantee our new Spiral Truss Hii 1 Iv ! ^''° ^'7^' ''"'■''^ '^"^'' °f Hernia during the hardest work or severest strain This cut shows but one style out of 10 forms all laviiiK mo\ablc faces or pads. J'lcasi' nwnlidn thin I'ronrannnf when vou jtrite Address, EGANS IMPERIAL TRUSS CO. ^Vl£]iH5l..ge mown; *e Bus.ian Gu,„ .nd FounUn-. a„d seve.al Fu.e IWeuces. The Hor.icuUuml Gardens, Gen-avd ,«et ea.t. bo open to visitors as well as a fireat man> ot oui la , detinately arranged for are the following :- S. J..S' C.HK..n...-With the Mnd permission of the Hector and Churchwardens, Tchurch, Clock and Tower will he open daily fro.n -.) to o o'cloC. THK U.xvK«sxxv, QUKKX'S PxuK.-Open daily from 9 to 5 o'clock. -vT r ..T ^^HooLS -Bv spccial permissiou open daily from 9 to 5 The Hospital and Mkdical ScHooLb. i^y i o'clock. Offlgera and Library, will be .)pon daily. E„„o„,e. D,...u-..r>„.,, S,. .„.,,. S..a...-0,en daily o« ^^^^^ ^^.^^^ ^^ ^ .^.^ ,^ _,^^ li,,c of steamcrs-a list of which will he seen on page 43. HAINES! ^,T.Me<\ Pianos ! .„„ 5S^"i^ .„„„£i;S'!^!J* ». .«^ ™».™ 40 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE READ! READ ! READ! INDISPUTABLE PROOFS From the Miisical Profcssion in England The old and reliable house still maintain their high reputation. IS also light and sympathetic, and Canada can well be uroud to L nh^i . , *°''^^ fine instruments as these.-P/.„o, Or.an an, ./„!' T^nTe:^::.!,?.!^'^. Ss'g;" on! Eng! Messrs, Heintzman & Co London, Eng., May aS, ,886. prof, HENRIK LICHTENSTEIN, I can bear testimony to the e.\ceilence of Messrs Hkt\-t7«av ,«- r,. • . d- , , regards .„k.an,,hip and tone, , n,ay also n.entio'n'^.hJl'-Sf J^h',! "^^.^r^^^iJS^^^^ J. E. ADKINS, Royal College of Music, London, Ens Messrs. Heintzman & Co tion, Hop.ng your instruments will, for the f "re/be i/tSeFnglihma^'e^^^^^^^^^ call for a better Piano to be manufactured in England, ^^ ''''^ I am, yours respectfully, HERR MAX BLUME, F. S. Sc, London. Inspection Invited HEINTZMAN & CO. \A/ rUTT'^nrns • T T /-T !/• _. Qj.„__. AIT' , '» — i.,-,iii.-,. ij.y i\ini^ otrcct Vv ^st TORONTO KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS DEMONSTRATION. 41 ENTERTAINMENTS AND ATTRACTIONS. In addition to those already mentioned, ample facilities will be offered for the enjoyment of visitors. The splendid steamer " Empress of India," which has been newly fitted throughout this spring, nu.kes daily trips between this City and Port Dalhousie, and on Wednesday and Thursday will run special excursions to Niagara Falls. Tickets will be at the very low rate of ftl.50 for the round trip. The famous blockade-runner "Southern Belle" is now plyin, on Lake Ontario, leaving Toronto for Burlington Beach and Hamilton daily at 10.45 a. m. and 5.4.. p. m The trip to the Beach (Canada's Long Branch) is one of the finest on the lake, the rate being only 50 cents and return. Excursionists coming to Toronto during the week of .lemonstration can obtain tickets from members of the Order and principal stores m Hamihon for tiO cents single; return, good till used, «L00. At the Exhibition Grounds special arrangements have been made to have the Roller Coaster in operation, and to those of our visitors who have never had an " aenal nde we say try it The sensation is such that it cannot be described ; it must be expenenced. On Tuesday afternoon Supreme Prelate King will hold a reception at his resulence corner Wilton Avenue and Sherbourne Street, from half-past one to three o clock. All Supreme Lodge Members, Brigade, Regimental and Staff Officers are invited. On Saturdav afternoon a league game of Lacrosse will be played on the Rosedale Grounds, betweJn the celobrated Toronto and Ontario .e.ms. From the ^^^^ two clubs this match promises to be one of the most closely contested and mteiestmg of the series. I SPECIAL NOTICES. American money is subject to discount. Greenbacks are usually taken at par, but silver by general consent passes only at 20 per cent discount, although at broker s bi Is L be exchanged for iper cent and silver 5 par cent discount. Trade dollars are only worth 75 cents. The best method is to bring bills or gold. Uniforms and equipments, by special permission of the Minister of Customs will be permitted to come in as personal baggage, and no delay or inconvenience will be !lpLenced, as all frontier collectors have been instructed to make the entries as pleasant as possible. Division Commanders are requested to notify the Secretary at what time they expect to arrive and what road they are coming. 1. 42 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE Toronto : Coffee : House .- Association XjX3, .,, . MEATS BoastBeef., lOc | Beefsteak Pot Pio .. lOc I L-ish Stew lOc I Sausace r, ^ mn Lamb Pot Pie lOc I Pork and Beanssi 10c | ^ ' * ^°' VEOETABLES .... 3e I Beefsteak Pie lOc Potatosa. Plum 5f. Raspl)erry rx: Poach 5(. PXES Cherry r>o (Toosborry .5c Rhubarb 5c Tapioca , Rice 5c I Queens .... 5c I Cabinet .... Roly Poly. Ijeinon 5c (!fifnjiil,lt 5e Apple 5c FUDDXNOS 3c Jlince 5c Custard nc 5c j English Plum 5c I Deep Apple -? 1' ,V°';°'^'.'"*^ '"^ l*lano Mangt ob I Rhubiirb 5c oc 5c Z o Q. 0) Z < -J z < X \- > o h u. o z h< (0 Z o Q H DO 0§ 1 H (0 >- o X h O h DC O h > < ation louse IBURY HALL DAYS lull, strictly Everything Milli 3c li Butter 5c each Ic 5c 6c ;e 5c 5c 10c 5c ... 8c . 15 and 20c . 15 and 20c . 10 and 20c 5c 5c 5c oes 5c loc 3tte 15c 7c ... 5&10c 5c 5c oC 5c KNKiHTS 01' PYTHIAS DKMOKSTRATION. 43 1 «+• r'-.Tinrla Vmonc the attractions are the ■back Railways, Aerial Coaster, Etc. lie aiLiaciiuiir' »i<^/ >ii»>- Carriages, Switch.- 5k Railways, Aeriai uoa«.«x, ^... .^...^^^^ 3^,,^ Concert every Bveuinff Grand Electric light Illumination and Military sana y. TAKE THE DOTY X.INE OF PERRY STEAMERS ,,, •o„o+« ipava every 10 minutes durmg day and From Yonce, York, Brock nnd Vimcess S^.^ Jip \o= evening till UMO p.ni. Pare for the round trip, lu- "IMPERIAL" "QUEEN CITY "CANADIAN" ' MAZEPPA " ".JOHN HANLAN" ' MASCOT ' .--.^i*¥:»**«K-Sk*a«'f*W>-« 44 OFFICIAL PROORAMME OF THR THE ATTENTION ™^ |5IR KNIGHTS Attending the fourteenth session of the SUPREME LODGE at Toronto is especially directed to the advantages of the' GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY THE Short and Popular Route BETWEEN Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal it!ld_an_principal points in ihe United States and Canad a IT IS POSITIVELY THE ONLY LINE FROM TORONTO RUNNING THE CELEBRATFT '"^^'^^ ^^ Pullman Palace Seeping Buffet and Parlor C Speed! Safety! Civility! SPECIAL LOW FARES FOR SIR KNIGHTS TO ars MON«B,..OOBBK SELlf RhSOKIS With option of taking Steanur through the Tlionsand Islands and Rapids of the St. Laivrence by daylight WM. EDGAR General Passenger Agent JOSEPH HICKSON General Manager ORD The C into Ontai beneficial iSo.ooo, ai the elevati hiiUinnity, Bent volen and its car governmer The C accompan neither )f by Knight To be 21 years competen' believer ii the Ordei usually te Page Ran in Toront at ^i.6o r are free committe up with 1 nurse, an of a men These va lodge so I In tl The entr cents foi monthly at 70 ce would bi at once i family a nine yea deceasec In t Endowr for wee membei allowan We themse: politica in banc of brot Unri KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS DEMONSTRATION. 46 PRINCIPLES AND BENEFITS AY real Qars IRTS id OF THK ORDER OF KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS The Order of Knights of Pythias was instituted February igth, 1864. and i"troduced ?,S US caidinal principles are-.okratioi in religion, obedience to law, an.l loyally to ,he government under which it exists. _ The Order is complete within itself, having in addition to the °^'^;"f \,^odg"^aijd its srr>?:if,c.^T.?^:r.a"„Sfa-xr""^rr.ir^^^^^ by Knights who are in good standing in their Subordi.iate Lodge. fu or^i vi7 P-ise Esnuire and Knight, and the admission fee is in Ontario Lodges » * ?i fp; rnii7rrDa;able as follows :-One dollar with the application, four dollars for * Se Rank fh le doUars for Esquire Rank, and two dollars for Knight's Rank. The dues ToSn^^r oSes are eraded according to every five years of age, beginning from 21 to 25 '."t L 60 per nufrter ?he benefits, in ?ase of sickness or disability in these same lodges are free medical attendance and three dollars per week, hach lodge also has a visiting rommUtee one member of which must visit daily any sick member, and if necessary si committee, one memDer 01 w ^^^tagious diseases, the lodge provides a competent nSrse andThe co'mi tee are' elL^^^^ of their duties. Forty dollars are paid on the death nfmember and when a widow or children are left, forty dollars a year are paid to them. These various amounts for fees, dues and benefits may be fixed at a higher figure by any lodge so desiring it. ^ a: , a Tn the Fndo-yment Rank an insurance of |i,ooo, «2,ooo, or »3,ooo can be effected. The entrance fee iTT^.oo for every »i,ooo taken, »i.oo for local Medical Examiner 50 ^c for Medical Examiner in Chief, and »i.oo for the Secretary-Treasurer. The '^'nn h ^p.^ ments afefiTed and graded according to age at date of application, beginning "t ^o cem? "er ^i.o- at the a|e of 21. A member joining at the age of 30. the cos ^^n .n?"s^. cents- \s years 95 cents ; or 40 years, ^i.io per month for each fti.ooo. It is Toice as^fe and'cheap fo m'^f insurance, and that it has proved to be a boon to many a at °!l^'^^^^^/'^^i '' „., ^„ch distress may be judged from the fact that since its insti ution nine yea^s clover tTr^^^^^^ I^OLLARS have been paid to the families of deceased memhers. Tn the Uniform Rank we have the display feature of the Order, and it, as well as the Endowint Rank is entirely optional. The members of the Division in this city meet f r wSv ddU and have adopted a beneficial feature in case of the sickness of any rSember whereby a weekly beneSt of from »3.oo to »4.oo is paid in addition to the fodge allowance. . . \Vp isk none to join our Order without first examining its principles and conymcing We ^^'; "°"^;V°^^^^^ are go^d and that it in no way conflicts with their religious or '^ lUical'fre dom \Ve do nit S for any but those who are willing to join heartily, hand Fn El with us for the advancement of \he objects we have in view, namely, the spread of brotherly love, and the inculcation of true charity. ^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ -, . , STEINWAY! CHICKERINCxl HAINES! Unrivalled Pianos I Sole Agents-, a. & S. NORDHEIMEK. is King St. East. TORONTO ager 46 OFFlCf.Mi PROfiltAMMK OK TlIK Q-RAND QPERA J^OUSE O. P>. SUHPPARD - MANAGER Under the auspiees of the Knights of Pythias A GRAM) SFHCTACULAK PROnUCTION DAMON AND PYTHIAS Mapjnificent Scenery and Appointments SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE EMINENT TRAGEDIAN MR. FREDERICK WARDE WHO WILL APPEAR AS DAMON SL'PPORTED BV Miss Helen Leigh Mr. Ralph Delniore AS I'YTHIAS Miss Marie Hilliard AS CALANTHE AS HERMION AND THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN ARTISTS SPECIALLY SELECTED AND ENGAGED FOR THIS PRODUCTION Mr. Melvin Hudson Mr. Georp^e Farron Mr. John Daly Mr. Fred Mayru Mr. Thomas Gilbert Mr. Francis Gilmore and Little Mary Rupert ROMAN SOLDIERS, SE:NAT0RS, Etc., Etc. Costumes and Knights Armour, by Hemp of London. Scenery, by the Eminent Artists. Robecca from correct models of scenes near Syracuse, the scene of the tragedy. A larf^c Auxiliary Force v Forming one of the Grandest Representations ever given of this Sublime Tragedy (Sipccial iflatinectt Wednesday and Saturday KNIOHTB OF PYTHIAH DEMONaTRATION. 4T mn y tin as AS .N lliard ron no re ,TC. lent Artists. agedy. P(ttroii8 : His Honour the Lieut.-Gov. of Ontario, and Mrn. Robinson. His Worship the Mayor, and Mrs. Howland. IIoHni-drif Committee : Iteception Committee of the City Council : Aldermen— Steiner (Chairman). Defoe. James, Lamb, Peplor, Walker, Woods, Hunter^ Jones, liarton, Saunders and Dravton. Mr. VViLi. F. Tahkku, . . . Muxical Dirrrtor. Oj/icern of the Grand I.uihje of Ontario : 1\ D. McKollar, G.C. ; D. J. Pease, P.Ct.C; Will J. Valo, V.G.C. ; R. Ban^luim. Jas. Hmith, G.W. of E.; T. J. Fitzf^erald, G.M. atA. ; Thos. Beasley, G.O.G. Officers of (rencral Committee : G. B. Smith, M.D., Chairman. Wm. Townsend, Treas. Geo. H. Mitchell, Sec Executive Committee : G. B. Smith. M.D., Chairman. Wm. Townsend, Geo. H. Mitchell, J. S. Kiny. M.D., J. Gilmour, A. J. Rattray and R. J. Villiers. Iiivitdtioti Committee : A. J. Rattray, Chairman. Geo. TI. Mitchell, J. H. Bron"^sdon, J. Gilmour, S. E. Hall, W. F. Sorley and Fred W. Nye. Reception Committee : J. S. King, M.D., Chairman. Wm. Townsend, G. B. Smith, M.D., G. H. Mitchell, J. H. Bronsdon, S. E. Hall, W. F. Sorley, F. W. Nye, R. J. Villiers, A. J. Rattray. Music Committee : R. J. Villiers, Chairman. W. B. Blackball, A. J. Rattray. Decoration Committee : Wm. Townsend, Chairman. Thos. Taylor, F. Diver, G. L. Hatch, R. H. Caiger, R. W. Hutchinson, W^m. Miles, W. T. Rolling. Parade and Drill Committee : Geo. H. Mitchell, Chairman. J. S. King, M.D., W. B. Blackball. Accommodation Committee: G. L, Hatch, Chairman. Geo. H. Mitchell, F. Diver, R. H. Caiger, R. W. Hutchinson, H. Moor, J. S. King, M.D.,. Wm. Miles, J. Shannessey, J. F. Scholes, J. H. Bronsdon. Printing Committee : J. Gilmour, Chairman. T. Taylor, J. S. King, M.D., F. Diver, H. Moor, W. T. Rolling. Entertainment Committee : W. F. Sorley, Chairman. G. B. Smith, M.D., G. H. Mitchell, J. H. Bronsdon, R. W. Hutchinson, H. Moor, Vv' . B. Blackball, S. E. Hail, F. W\ Nye, W. T. RulIinL'. Unrivnllprl Pintin<: f CHicKERiNGu steinway! hainesi KJn,ituaii,ta l UinUb . ^qJ^ ^^^„(^. ^ ^ ^ NORDHEIMER, is King St. East, TORONTO. 48 OFFICIAL PROQRAMMK OF THE K. OF P. DEMONSTRATION. Burdock Blood Bitters CURES iCONSTIPATION With all Urn III cffao's •uoh «• Haadacha, Bad Stood, Foul Humoura, Polaonad Saorollona, and tha toneral III- hoalth oauaed by 7KSEOULABXTY OF THE BOWEI.S. (tonuiK, Ont. In tlie Hpriiifi of 'fi.'J I was nearly rtoad. uh «very- bo(ly in my noiKhbourhooil knowH. My trouble wflHcauHod Viy obBtiiiiito conHtipation. Oni' bot- tle of Burdock Blood Bitters ourod nu) entiroly. Wai.tku Htinmdn, riRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS $1.50 PER DAY REVERE H O U SE J. J. JAMESON, PROPRIETOR Corner King and York S^s. TORONTO A CURE F0RDRUNKENNE88 I will send a valuable Treatl* ? to any person desiring the same, tha . .'H the means of curing many cases of Drunkenness, Opium, Morphine, Chloral and kindrefi habits. The medicine may be given in tea or cof i ■ with- out the knowledge of the person takiuK i* bo desired. Book, giving full par'^.nisr.s. "lent Free. Sealed and secure fro, observation when stamp is enclo^od for postage. Address, M. V. LXJliON, 47 WEiiLiNGTON SritEKT East, ToEONTo, Ont. Knitrhts, Attention * H E A D Q V A U T E R S — FOR- ILLUMINATED ADDRESS CARDS 1 BADGES, ETC. IS AT The Oxford Press Adelaide Street East TIMMS, MOOR & CO. Proprietors KP. " Emblems and Jewels KENT BROS. ing Mnnufacturinsr I ewelers Best workmen and lino tools enable us to furnish Presentation Medals and J ewels On shortest notice. See onr designs and prices before placing v ur orders Visitinc Knights are cordially invited to inspect the grandest jewelry establishment in Canada, 9,20O square feet floor space devote 1 to Watcher, Clocks, Jewelry, Brotizfn and Fine Art Goods. INDIAN CLOCK PALACE JEWELEY STOEE 1 68 Yonge Street THOS. MOORE & CO., PRINTERS, 20 ADELAIDE ST. EAS i', TOllOXTO A w AS 'i '■■