ys IMA6E EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ■^ /> ^vT ^ .*'!^ ,#-■.■ ■* »*• -^v? -^ /^ t .# «.. r U 11.25 £ its llO ■ 1.8 £4 il.6 ■'■il^- ScMioes IJ4 .k\ n 23 «nST MAM STI \MfKm.N.Y. I4i fc* ^ .« . > ^ . V r fy*^*tN+ T'^ ^ ,-.F 5;. 'W ^.- , '/^ ^r-'^-f '."w^-- CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. ^-■■. .^' CIHIVI/iCMH Collectton de microfiches. > .■ •ii. - ■ primMra paga qui comporto una. amprainto d'in«prM«lon ou dlNuatratlon ot on tarminant par la^riMra paga qui eon^port* uno tiNa amprainta. ^■_ ' ■ ^ . Un das symbolaa siilvanta apparattra a^r.la darnlAra imaga da ehaqua micrbflcha. salon la caa: la symbpla -^ signifta "A 8UIVIIE". If symbolo ▼ signHia "FIN". las cartaa. planchaa, taMaaux. ate., pauvai^t «tra fllmte « daa taux da rAduetion diff«ranta. Lorsquo lo documont ost trop grand pour iiio raproduH an un saul ellch«. 11 aat fiim« i pirtir # l>ngla sup«riaur gaucha, da gaueha A ^oHa. at da haut an bas; anpranant la nomb»a d'ima^ nAcassak^a. Ua diogrammaa suivints illustrant la mAthodo. i ":■■ 2 3 ' 1 M. t f*' : •-;^. P s .* f ^'t 7~ > ' I • |m4it!.ii>!iif t .H..,.f..iij:-u|.;^.j, i ,^lM i U^ , .i , , CHif. vt V '.,^ r .^A -.....>., i ,. J/' *-.!-« -::.v . '-'^^■'^m^^'wjm^S^''' ■i: iM Qr€*tSioamriymi4hi. mm itjt'. r» ■nktialM A6aiJi«orUc till tki «i|l*woth of efci fciJ «•»*?«* •" rIr**'^'rEL— i-c-i-A^ .iirf.. ifccc vN (ii(cn«l • bM|lu«f in* tlitOnnDirtDM tlDlltDM r-!syM "^'l n^dii Fij iktm »^ifl *«t> tf« < *« i»,. i— > iiMCl>'^¥> w^i .*T'*'»<> ••ir-«*i?w*-«,--^-'-*— -■■■ - ■-'9^?S|f-'W?. ■ 4. ^ IwMagpM ikW5.^ • Mi MpMrii iiiiiri^^^ a^ r £ ;■<•».• (1 6tt ttrisOntioiitDMIi . , "ic, ■:'*,■ ■I - > , -4 itm/' tm t. .mwmf t ^waarw* »♦.■ ^ <"t • •<.■'. ''y ■' *■ ; ' •*i!fy ,v « ^ 'tr^-J '^•V ^■. >- ■•KlVS^l&'^!«?w«^ iM 'Yfmbm»Jit9$i^^Umwmfa9.S (r4i|pi^.vt I h'Wt of chd Tfatlrai 0f4MKlng' BlfMUl At t • tlWu enc miei. Aftftr di.y W f-* |0«* • J WcMuuc oi ihnt CtMiW. ana i«Mfiftl>«^M»ipM«i |w»mei»inJ giilw «o fic dowpe w f«*Mone bjr tN«« fMMiiii*»ltaoiMUiiBt,MH»ai«Mib«fcft. AntktM* r, odiof tlw iKntN«(ia% Ko • BiMaJw p4tct,, and caiiM alt that r.«odibedta ^ • V^^T^^ri^ iATl ^^ S?vS^.ucU«NSobauo«lof««««b«^ Mt 5M4m. «nddl bM cowpamoMMftotf tbMMM lrfM»l"« *Mh* M^MliM tic whKh wewcoutwa witlU littkOiD. «yipi>k» ■«^*<«»*»r'!**^.*?»'^t l«.chia.,H*tclKt..Swodi»IU«ck,B«,PUai« t <*Oym,Mm^h^mm >d.pf«i«M. which th«»|^ tin .tfMfflM*. Al »*UeteteIMin*«iMM[iUtiMfrdiH«i^rnM^ MMttotti^tiwwrtaiMi it w M^ . latanflHtMllilJ ii^M&itlMakfM^wMii IvowMmCmA tlHpliiliiiW:^! lifri>aMi|niof|tfMMjNMC p>< »>. ".}•-■»: ■•*5i". <, Ihu wwlbNi IbMwwywMWii (M«fMM|)#hM« «Nai»'tH|Hi*A«««/P# V ^Tca twoof tbem with it, which wwt conwd iaBa t AiBti.4<^tittiHAjMMill.lP^I i cb«t dim, vrhiiha«ieT*fc?«lM«yi«fwi|wlM««ifc«M»«<4C^^ |Mh«lKplt,l li T oU tw py •JaiMliti nootiwhcnft ivhoUyiood i^dNjwoul. wwhicli rvffbflmitii iceactiii(d b> h^ngUi JiiFachtr,ta rft,Mklfb( littolldH^a iThttthiirii ttilCiMWll ■fl^pti Am^i pvgm, doing '•paramlfDoc Ftlutg^r iLtwMd itrUtb tWMaflin ■ipBt OCtaMOl •,hutth] iCicfhaiHi iTiifhanrape ^BadLwUdi] imaddoof f odMof til ithMdlcMi b&ftlMCtiM ttiMirefiii tthbiiaUtbM ltif»MNli|in ■willii itlHjrn IwatcrciMvca ^SMwctucgiie i^iawr.whi riTctheireM kitftJutwhe Kftitfidi^ainidK -sa cS^Ai^rt#f)M^4fi>i^ ,fc^ '^TiST'^.^T*' "*^ ««KMthe twofifrt thntmth. wh.ch wcta tumcd II tn4 ibtJtt ftrnd >na mtOhIJ joc no turtl.-^ : AnJ Uod atlrcd him ata.nc, wl.ith«KO. ll^l***'>'*:*ri»'>ngilUf^tithou(k»ltfui4,iU He iHreJ without .oia. any lad Ood tMM bmimMtt.titd ht^idntttimtoft «»ttr he hd .veil M, hce returned ^S«attti.*wb«fc««hetiiJpi»»Jnioriia»ijr(«cet!aiidrh«^«^ MtimiblroM*rpAi>AjriMtlhauciwmorrf^^A^ wh^h H«« haA •^K.aiUi#llll%i«it«^lit(h«lliMkr want any ihing. nor „J« rf tnf , ^ '«••«* «w*«««*^«*««<»pil»,«i»d twit to Wi great frff4i«».whK^ ,Mhck(p»,ni«Swagtawrnnt«diiothintintheworlJ. Butaftcrthat the Uid SutomtXoii '^^^^▼•¥^'?^?!'^''^.''""*f«1*'*"*'»' '*'»«•• '«««nnef th«r hai^ amorti ..IaaMiM^»h«hiMM»daUthii?h^AiJyM,»'WrtghuficJ,1wr«leigainte Hb^f- "^'?'jr^!!?^^'''i.4 *J*« •« «««" Jjfth. right baU^Ooi hi. V^ ThutkilriMl»Heef«ofan!t^iiClr^W.«rhiehbelceiiei^^^ Sonne. «ndh« »>>pmiHjraaro ■il wfcfeb*rt»atowhiadioinB»il»^ hegioitlrtHafcwhichw^ ttth otjwweroort ♦ J. aid a* 4y^ MWf atffe^ ehKtbtI>«»fU(hwlJll»abl«tpdo«thtmiiolH«,aBdlli«AI Ww^ iMt^.1Wh«(aid5Y«MtaMme,chat he«|^t»»»<^ <^ t^bkhtftML laakcd tfteotw^owchty yfed lo ptaying to tteOjd « Ifc toW at. that thff yW ^ -*-^,bat that ejery oaepMcd in hia h#t at he thoa^ iMod : Thia ii the caiife why I her dAe they ferioif^ fiow M wofltip < 0<«arh«ln« loaMiiBf k «• •Jgca, 13. j^. ,Jt - V. -.Si ?>^'Pl°'lf?^''^''~"'^^'^'***'"l'*<" ft^wrpaeethey w«Dld£«««lhctd iClr^^aw.rfth«rCointriewereplaiutn,whwhthcydc««*«fc«M«t«««r"rtldo«, M wdlfwthi warn ">fj •<.< \. ^ rpcabrWkb ^fc^'fe'!?'**T??**"'^^'^*'^**^''PP"«*^« happU'BlJt to tlUi aalUbnrbiMethMlMuy laacatof ch«n, wMch ig hmUkmi UIM, M tbefe ^amimli propartiooca«r4wit Mitt. wMioiitartrdcftifiiiith^tfccyiitHNllftf^Md^ bthtyn*hfrth««lch«H which Minth them to bt of «a Oinie oolov. Intey^^at* j-_J w«hakita|onepanordMrbodiet ii«oiMcd.«m»tbeothtr part yiMoaMd^t Mtla pnMrthaycaiNr all, for they are cU4witb good Partca,MaKlySr^^ Ni,BM. AdraMi^M ooibafiw^ •UJialaclMa;-- Themaniaita ofdMSan^ei, ^^msmt^ V. or fix mia, *• nuiy cik« which o< ihwn (h«wiU far hUMihii( worth, (o that tht MaiJt* are mora fraa then the nairKd Wo»am Alan tb^ b« mamcd iIm^ be ch»lU, and their huabandf for, ^N •oft part ara leilout. which giuc praicma to th« Father* Par euti «d the Maidc.whkh ih«y hmm nairicd: l«c thii la the cartaMM and liOiiu^wbicb liii^ vfeinthcitmarriacfr. .... . • l • ^ Touchme their MiaK »'1»««> « ■VOf woman diath, ther«Mh« a o«, wh«r«n thay »« ||| tlitaooda vAich thuy haue.aa Kaitcla, Furr«K Hatchcii. Bowta awl Airowaa, ilpptrcU, «< other tUi.vt.,andtheothaf put tbapori?aintoth«graua,ai>d«oumtwith«a«k» tod k% Aon of treat peeca* of wopd^juer it, and ooa lUke they «et vp oa and. which thay ptiat with mIm the top into rear pe«ca» of wopd^ucr it, and ooa iXtkt the 7 let vp oa an*, wwcn IM7 pwat witti mIm 'top.^heybela »H«f •«>• Haifa bioad m raoft. and a quaittr of a leagp* where it m narrowaft.wbicka|llirtk • gnatcumot of WMi, tiTe Countri. whicbl faw, wai nothin|but Motmuioet, th» Mlprt of racfeMoMarad « woodipf Prf.treet,.Cypratfei,andBir«b.tfeea,thefoyla vng ?M>la»liu« , wbe«t I fawd a laattM of pUine Countrcy, nefthcf 00 the one lidt aoroiMbf tttlMr. Th«* an or hill oTsand and Iflet in thafaid Rhicr. which are very bidp^na the wMw, In fiat, arc Very D«farta vpide of Bcafta andBirdai fof }a|uw jroi|^|.wMC «n haatjq| il plaoea which feeined moft pleafimt v«o mee, 1 fooDd noduil|«c^ huefimU Bitda ueUw Nitbtineaki, and Swallowea, which con* tUthcrin tht SunsNi t iw « timei 1 Ainke there are none, baoufeof tht eicdraic («I4 vrM »M»it|»fc»lttw - meth from the Hortb-weft. TheyrfpoftedTntpmt, that|^wiwfc««h«»Nael«Mfo^faDoathfl^^ ihahtaaof withtheraidlIouiitainefa,fortkiii>ofBeocraaadUaiteniMofMh«rlX«nhMtUft%whkk safDMrbr p,^43i,ip,b,i|M totbefiudllouiitainera. Th«fiddSauaMtor.t|ie North Ay* tlMC they f- IrKni laM Sea,wbichTiWt.lboU.if tbial«fa^titiaO»iietutfeorthiiO«rSt^whkhdifgoi|eih^h * ' t^7beNortbpartbctweentht|a«J«^inTCl]rdccd«itcuUiipthiB|el6.Tfaiiia«bat-- i;Vi ■,;•(■■ •..■■4* It'' i- •'•itv ' . ; * tl ►> ThercpoRcl (hcbe^mteg ofibcRittcrof kagaca. Paoplaoiihe Monh. Afak fta* thalfltof ihaHart. TbcKkef ] mi IlMnelcafvedoifthe.IUucrof&YiMviy. )/. \- .'■,,:-. .•.^i-i;iciv:-.(-'..-'i' yv lonrwyitiht tjf^ '^|^ap|l«,whichi8CtMth«IU4«A«a»«worth»I|t«fthe J^^ '•"•jfcT' CSJ5S«frt»Uitl^oi,thtNorthfKk.a.idfi«ef^ SSJSfe. r,SE^tw«thtSoutbCo.a. l^th.IU9fth(«.vm^^ to. c*^ tbaaihMfaa^lUKHC,viitoapQintthatf«aiwtbiatoih«Set.whM«MMi«MMeatpefa^^ ^ ' The bid point U within aleii|^pfthtnt,wbkhi4«MI(dth»II«4iafldhr>c the Ikflfc ft«wtwolwD»»« a let thi4i > df|oii>tbeftiill|»«ithtLtod ;i; v r.n',. ,' • . .-a- - —- TKeTbiardayfo)lQWingwcdcpaitcdfito«dilMB,MdeiKlwNd« theNortbfide, whwtthefeb(ccnaiQeMedowat,tiid«littleRiutra when thtjM^ ipmetimcf. thtfaidday waeftillniigiid tbcCpalloothc Nottbk Totoaplaet whrnr* Itacktbynaroaaof tbt windawhicil.weftcoiHjuy YDtova, where there wcie many .. andpboe»vcty dm^toua rbeie we Aayod thfW%«B way ting for faire weather. Ail tbia( ttnolidHk« Hmui^aes a wcUmthtSowhfi^af on thc^l^ r;(J»- It. CHAf.d a(ilieKiuer#< 10 toe to the lie wJcuuerrd wii iwtlragutt,«n iikl Flaw, very oil the South. Andlrumth Nofiblkoarc.v Souihlhoartiil art i|aiiift thai NaniiliJeitvei lodihtmayiMl hllof wattr.w iklaidMoonta Bmamannay MbiniiitLam iliSiraicofthcl InitoA the No ittlciMU audio lluchct, Firrtri ■iaioa, il th» fii(2wMi,aod«aM 'iicuen'iroud There ipanoth fiflMth hlhoaRtWJ lafhnel inttf the Conn _faUofT» iiichmakctbn Inpafl'iogluitl "bythtNort oac(M)(|tht« B5^S!R'a««» _ I I ■.,,...■.. I - ■ II — oil ihc South. And Irom chtncc WK.nw|«itlMlU of OrAwu oo ch« Souchfidri Ic M*i« NDfihlli(Mrc,very plcaftmaaJlcutll, conuymng ciglit lca|\jci m length. Tl" Souili Ihoin M low hiid, ibmc two lci|un inco tiw Countny : the lai J lamJi b«tin ' I II I urn I tifimRmtaS^gmm^. On Sunday the two (ndimmitthol the tiki mootthwftJtparttd iptMKoihcllcotOr/fMif.intiMwaythnf arc many llti Ml ih« South rtioete whicK m, low inJci)U(rrdwithtrrct,ihcwingtob«m7plcaftnr. contaynuig (aeIw«.bleroiud«») lomt two lfa|U«f, and one league, and anorhtr halfc a league. About tlwie llciart nothirtg but Kocki •ml Haw, yiy dangeroua to |>aie. and they arc di Aam iotse two letouei Imnb tlie imwim Land oiiihe South. '7 league from the le Coalt on the "^' A.i. r III 'l iV ' "r '. ' /••"•■•—•«■»'• u»gin to be low o- , art igAuift the laid lie. whKhbcginneth two kagpee Irom the South Coa(» : to parte br the Kanli fiJe » very danferoualor the haakee of Sand and Rockea, which arc bccween* « he l«id lit iadihemayiMLaad.whKhi8alnMA.alldryatalow«Nttr. At the end of the faidlkiaw* Ulof water, which fell fme* a great llouataine,t>f the laU Rioer of OMwda. and on the ccpef iklaidMountainethegraund It ln»aaiidplc«6nttobehold,althoifh within the bidCoun- mnamannay ke high Uountayncawhich may bee iome twenty . or fiue and twenty leacute Mbintiie Landi, whnh ate nacre the (iril SmkofS^^pmtj. We anciwrcd at Ss*^i whkh iliSirait of the raid Riucrof Cm^Ui, vrhkh it lame three hundred pafat broad : tliCM .a at thie Initoii the North (ide a rtry high Mounnyiie, which falleth downe on both lidra vail t he ^cft ittlmUMd goodly Oountrcy, where thereattgoo4|(oundifUl of Treec, at Okea,CypKf(i, ,liichca, Firre^irewand Arpee,ai)dochcr Trcca bearing fiuit, and wildVinci.-Sothitf in «nlM ■iaioa, if they were drtfled, theywouUbeatgoorfaawri. TherearcalongtheCoeAof the fid (JwAw Diamante in the Rockea ofSlate, which ate better then thofcofa/f /«•/<)». Fiom the ld»4 TbtfleerflW him y. I U(2e«^ "^ (Ix lie of feMd^,at FMerdk, we nine «id twenty league*. ON »My the three and twentieth of the faid ntouc^. we dmartcd from Qmtit , where the Rioer beguuieth to grow bfoed Ibaietim* one league , then a Itegue ami Mi hall* or Itnkagunat moil TheCaiiotfeygrawcthliiUraiRr>nd hirer, tnd are all low eroundt. Iijkoiit Rechmoetreryftw. TfceNocth CoaftiafuU of Rocket and baakceof Sand iVou murt lakiibe SaKliJide,aboatfimMhd^lea|ie from ihtllnk«.Thcrcarecertaine fmall Rwm which lMmii«ngiU*,biki>nlyroethc(:aaMmor tlwJMsee. whetvin ihirebcmaiiyralt. Wee IllT^*'!"^''^'"'^'*''' ^'■^ ■* ^^'^ hcmf^itf fifteerie Wwe. ThiiiMloe^ ■liK, whwh riTcthriwoaboth li^a. Th* Coontrcy iefaircand lcuell,and th?%lce better then iMfyphMihatlhauerecaevWithDleniyofwood, Nt vary few Firrc^tieef^Md CyprtlTae. at* in t We parti W fbie of Vinee, PMr*^ (iMU Nik% Cbeitai. Ghidb.i«^^ i,aiidcettaiiirrMUAbdCstif >i^ u:^^ ^ . k. j. aa.. -^^f ^ jj^j^^ ■;, - .. l«aofciafSkt*iTheibyteiamrfbfc, an«if itwefi«Mfl«itiMMdltw^^ . iiocieaTe. Oatb«Na»tlifidechmitaRiiierwhkbifcalied«4ni)&«.whkb|Mfhfflinia. ItkeCoiwcrey, whcivby lbm«tiflin.tfa« .JjpMHfi*(#eanM dowM > aad anatlwr <» the 6me 'lithfc^leag^ ftoM the laU Saint 6«anjB»Ahin^^ki^MU»Aimicf^mi\Md^ tht ty^^yii&ete « t bm fitlwM aid M hrfft t tlH%t bcf we w«a^^ liiirer WM tik Olh»irta« i&MkaiiMaodMbalft^aiMlaflelNKdoatb* NoniHM*. ThelMMbcHlay fclb#bigwe« irtcdffiN« the Aid place, whkh itaflattcr CSoimtfcy clieii that Which #e paM bdM.AA 'inat Hereof Tiecfaatbatof finotOeir. WepadMhaidW »Iiitlc!lte, wlittli M%t(UI«f mi,aad«nt toao Anchor oacheSoiKhiaifBaciMilliniiBsMti^oa DlNiiam^ ■.■' »*4 - lki,Lin4«, % Trtcf.Fniiii. ■K Viaca. &raiie Ceimuici. t - «bkbarcito4»' i" ■1 <*•)?«. sii^ow*. if.kacaea. OrdHaJ Niili. TheRiutr M< md. t' AmibctlUair Age«ity CowiiriB. c ShefiMi , . .W .«. - ' 1t»i;«.lr49k '4^ •'^■^■swkfi^T* • f h Ttfir TT Mmmx SW. Grma Ukt. StmrfVmm, Lit.VlU ,^ An inn^ fi CO Clif.& •nlMirff,anth«South(iil«mtt«vniotR4Mr.whflTt0aCaMwtt aifthc fW. AU fhltCMllM Aneik*! (kin ,hc North ftd* i* v«ry gooJ , ont iimv (mII* tr««ly liii.t». All t hi* Cotrt which we i »m«J it immnc S«nd| but aftw jrOfi b« (nttt.1 « kttk into (lie WocMit.chc knit itcood. The FriJ^y lollowiim wetUpjiUeJirom this ll(,(otl||iig Oi iheNo«hliaeh«nlby«herhoMe,whii;halow«mlMlof|owlTm», tnil (a Krcitnumt>«i«, farrc *• (he three Riuer*, where it bcginiKth to htue inMher tcnpemurc of tlie Uilon , Iimb*. wh4t JilferiM tram that of Sunt Crm* ; becauTe the TNet itt th«i mWe focwuU then m my piact that hitherto I h«J fecne. From the three Riutrt to SauK Owjt tit fiftetnc lea|un. !« thit Riuer are fixe Uunk, three of which are very fmtlK *ncr5«M(Mt tbo lanit Ooaft, clittripanotlMrUtiklliHr, "'^' piticeth about two Itagmtiiuw 't MmAt Vb A WMB tM Hi| i t of anttliar <«—M Loiw t wikhi coqtainc feme three or fburtleaguci. On the North fidtivlierc the IJiuiA'lMivetbviHjrbi" manmaytcefoaittwtfilieleagatiofFi tut by httle and ttitb tlio Vk Kmm f i M bttiM<< toward the Well,a< it wortintoaBatCouatny.:, /::. The^4iy«lay, tiMtkegKiitllpaRof dtcle Ibnntayiiei aiahKliiBfk. TteAU I hath ibme three htfauma waMi wAettaa we paled,wMch «aa«lmoA biclie nriddefl t theto lieth Baft and Well,ao4 (he bte*dtlifimi NotthM tbtSouth. I tUafce i« hatb|poilfllhtB'k of ibch bioda aa Wf hMHin oi» owne QoiMKftv^ Wcejpaftd it die very fiMMt dtyv M*' • TiMletfeaei. about two IcanMiwilMAtiM great RiiMr Which gbetivp to the ^Mb/ |nchenou(li< lawiillv V arethiitiermall ]Uml«,aaAanaiIeonld4ifiene:romtol them aie 4f twto laaguet. < league and an halfe,AcronMlc(ic,whifekalie full of WatduMrtei, MhkliaftnocmlKliJ Wal-naaaf from ooth and I tbinketlMirWallinKt lie good when they bee hpotlfcurauMyolthemt twolhcit. the Trcea, which were of t«f» Ibftt, the ooe finall , and the otbenMlongatam«MThu SiaeeoiVtaea. butt hey ny tre mttto. there anyibfloce of Vinea vpoo the baalrile of the faid llandi. OoadCoon. when the wMenhcgrcat, the noftpaftof them \A ooiKifd with wateik Andtht*CoaNM7i| yet better theaMjr other which I haJfitcnebefctc. The laft day of hioe wte depatcid fiam thence, and peftd by the month of the \ vl tht inctin where the S m«/ t $ which came to make warroegainft theynj were k and fortified. Tbbir Fo>tfeii,waa mid*, with a mmihcr of pofti let v«y ckkfe'-one to i ther, wihicbiovnedoa thocnelidefln thebenktof thogieat^fthicr of ^MMdt, audi iKheraachebanJie of theSiotrof thc/rMai|v andtheirBoatcefvereiikngeJthe onehytbtij ther qtoe the ihou% that ther might llieawajp withfpecd, if hychaflcethcy'lhooUhMfall Mhfijimkttm, fftothcirVBrtifcowtedwtthtbebaikoof Ofc«i,ii)d lcfaiihthcmi.AIrM.CMon -f ffiiifilllti«e..a VIoeL WaLmre. d»fd.mm,m*ktthfct fmif libKAeft-nori, Che. teJuV**"" j0.ta%Afpo,Hop|.ee,AnieiBmh,Cyprelto.»e7fcwPlne.iirfPrft.«ree.. There are lllmSiH^ ^S^!^m.^ "oe^wWeb m temileiiuN. WMAMfi thett Aoie of Snaw. ^'r^ », Rnp-verriee OooCbefrin red, gtf«M,iMbhi% Witi' )MMy rnall fniitt, which rrowe jrHad«eorbedliwhiclilAMiMtkaMM,wliKlluetoodN(#aie,aiidwhercoftheSaueccr '^•>">.pw. iUlta ieifw in b w m kb . I Aw towa«dih« South two high MountaiiKf , whithlKeweJ oS'jT MCwentio Icaguet within tbt Lmd. Tht S«Mget told me* , that here becanne thi firft fall «*-nw jBlhalie tMNitd witliinee|i W4yMI«wia^b«iB|th«tl .., |r other ■udi^ which Me -: > '^r V?S^ *li*3 P*topkle the laidSa^ whefeimo the laid AU^S Feor and my feKentivdk With ui,i ^ of rj«M4., andt teneS»uigei,|rhieh*»4Wlbiwithtwlthwto(Vw»iditway. DepirtiteftomoiirPin. fw?35L S!lS^ t?^5Z£ ^»»ew«lcSrftgone three handr«dpacr..but^weier«tced to eon!eMMndcau» certain fmJUtkZ^ ^Ir^Ct!? '*»«>80« into the Water to TwooarSkilfc/ThcCanoaef tbeSHiagef piffMleaVh'. W*e -^tewfc . kfottlitkfmtc^K twitban infloitinUmbcrof rmaU Ro«k<»|j#bkh witttwra witfatbcwater.oa wfikH wee !**)ti ' : •" Moftciitinri.' \ •''/ ' '.',■■ Thera m ^ I6i4 IW-^^i^A-Ti-flMi^vl^MM^^ Thef»betw»KrMtlW*,OMonidi«Horib&l«,wkkli cafMiiMthibaMffttciic'lca|unia len«h,»nd.lin.3i.«u*«n bfe«dilLW|lilniHA>^.WrMw IfjpjeMrp withio (H«Ria(r«f C4iMii,iornKtow«nl(lM»jftuicr of tUelr«rMf.aiMl«iklfffcb4jrMKidMSMilc. Th«U«nd which / / I \, i,ontheSoiKhriaeiifoni«foiirelemic»U)«i|,(ina fawMf* lng»i«lMMii. ThnciittlfeMM. thcrlUod, which U oemto due on liM Nenb fiiU. «M>i«i» Mr bM l»M tMdf» lc«u».)oiig ,^^ Tome QuwKr bro«l : and aiwcha findl UaiMl whkh i»MwcMC tbttontlM NoftbQ^a^ tothern«CT«totheSoo»h (hoMe,wlit» hnP^ incot^.ComtEi*,iui4alinkIUwwJikblUltclilni| thefaid,iloint«iiif intctbc Lake. QatfceS(Wtbfideaf«r.-^ _ .. .thwioclwiitMow«aiii€i,w|ii(fc ieemetobeaboiicfifte«ieorratcwiiewkbfiithfciceaathi»doth|4lltaujhrtbMnBit»ft7' the ba«f bnne not in fooie pUcca p4ft one Of two fachoma , and at tb« noA ihite i it hllelh aa it ' «4tfi. ftcppabyft^ppe: aiidin«ueiypla«ewhct«ithathr«aM kuti lMifA,iCRMk Wodda.torectheendofthiaSatdtt where,afttrwcchadTftQdfcdaleagpe,wcelkwmai . Thefwifc MS. RockeanorWIa . but the water niontthtliitrefcfwiWjrMieiipoaMe: aiidtbiacuny ; fditof dK*a. ftethinthtccociout«leag|aea: Ibfhatictaiavaiocio JnagiM.thMaiaaa uabfe to nft m about Aa (^^ Saiiu with any Boata. Vut b« thatiwould pafie then, puA ft hinMfit WKh tha ' ?"•<«.« of the&uata*, which one nan n«}r«^irc"n«. Potto canitVoMCM* thniwlMtk i« bedoiwinfodwrttimtat«aiouHba^0ol>wabletQ»«nri>e#nto»»P».vi>l«ftAP»«- Tempcrata winterthere. Aodbefi(lethiafiift$»4%«heiMM««3aiiia«ort,»ht,WQftpmharf«fti •i^,and^ SothatitwqiUdbe«aRatteroCpwpa(oaaaadci«ii(U.t»b«tahlcipfo(iid4otth4tkv| S*t uuw. which miittnnitheptonir«iW»B«<«*^^l ^^ nicanetotchelaidSantaeao44lKk.CuMa|.ai5MnwiecaUcfaat,w^ witbiathefiMoeof ajretMortavOb TI«tliltdbiiN»r «dikk wet rrt td Mjil by Uwtoi^ ttff^ theraid5auIc,i«aTciy(hiaMWood,thlmi(bwhii)^neawUhdi«iiAfi^ WthoutanrtroiMei di«aftciathcn«fin|eiKWMAMnpente»«Adii fiwkNtttf te^^ aiirpbwethatIhad(eciie,wheitiiAomiDf liicbwood aiM^finiiMiMtlM 19 aftodnr flacpi ibcementioacd: aiiditUJii.dieMtad«af4f««^|ntt«a: -T • Whenwefawthatw«eoaUdBei»n(jit,w»aa«rt(Bdwair?i»»a»|wMitw«c^^^ ^J*^iSii the Saoaget which we M witllTi, ofidof tlie.ltiucf,whk»|,twW!9aH>tl5«l|«^**G-nai nWirfiha ^ Mt th»« fve h%d faeoe, thef ti |pl ted. < wi > taBOc Jfia a - h iM W «ntblili«vGaiwip intM ^ ^ u^, w|l|t^ then H alUuerwbid) nnqph tothc4«MXii^ '* figty lagwra^ifltww from the! treat Rkwria«dth»at^>i>aflMfiiiegMi|ta,f» ^ ^ te , fnm tbe&rfltothela(l|ri|jbtkagw^ whanoCitbwf amcavowketfj^ - paflethami caerrSaoknqromiaMobalftftqDfatvqrikqfftterp^^Jei^ then thi^ cone intotUb, which naf hefiftecoe vffifHmyif^lm^ttqmj^l^mt -P- ,^ entcrag^illeipto«R^l(fwl»cbBBMH•l«^wb(M4MliM0^ il!^t^' •nd tM tWcittcr intoaMxber JUfcifanf ibliie «t fine kifiuloM : co«BMM«»th«l £S!lflull!w t^«>«l<^ tbey pa&fine otfcte Sai|l«.S>«$Mb whwbialbpiewhlK hkhi^i;hiliBrqMW>lhw>.Ciwoa»*»laBd>bcMt*i|iiaitetof J^^ Wi«M»-^ :. ch(inoetkMJ|Mirii|t9«^9thcrl4hikWbich»qph^ ^•P'^ h.i ter tlMiMf hin^bnickiai I ait theeod cheM thayoptMnKO ilm«nMi it j$||»l CTai^jk hnwdtWrf |c eoMb, &iti«N»iNCo!NH9tii«< ThcvioUva, cbK4/f«Mmf»w/,wheR th«y be lMlae«l;u>r to the Iroctu, v. hereby they warre the one againft the other. That theCountrit tlie /rw«M is fomewhat mountainous, yet very fitrtile, where there is ftore of Imbm Wheat, other truits, which they haue not in theirCountrie : Tlut th»Counuie of the jUgm is lowe and ftiiittuil. I enquired of them , whether they had any knowledge of any Th«;ytolJvs,th}tthereisaNationwhich are called, the good /rwmir, which come toe for merchinJires, winch the Fremb (hip^s doegiuc to thc-^iVfMWfMb*/, which fay, that . A Mine ol fine toward the North a Miat of fine Copper, whereof they Aewedyi certaine Bracelets, th' y had reoeiucd of the laid Good h*tm t and that if any of vs would goc thither, they i biing them to the place, which (houklbee appointed fot that bulintfle. And thitisallwliiik| could learne of the one and the otiier, differing but very little { faue that the ficond whidii examined, faid, that they had not tailed of rlic iidt water : for they had not bceaflbftnewi .in the faid Lake, as the others: and they; differ tome fmalldcale in the length of the way,! one fort making it ntore fliort, and the other more long. So that, according to their rtpon,ti theSaultor Fall where wee were, is the ^aceof fome fbure hundred leagues vnto the &kS which'may be the South Sea; the Sunpe letting wiicre they fay it doth. On Friday tiw 1 ortberaidmonethwcretutn«dtoT4tfn0v,wbcrcoarfliip'lay. \ ASIbone as wee were come to TWw^Stf , wee einbarqued oar feliM ag/Une to gpe to ^4 , which It dillant from the faid Ttumfie alput tome hundrcti kagiiet. The tkii tccntk'd of the faid monedi we met with a companie of Sauages, which were lodged on tbeSootkl almoll in themid.waybetweawTt DccaelonBe ngthoftbewijr, (to their rtpoR, uesvntotheSi' On Friday the L-- Cl Af.^whmitttollt«le«or»of wattr. «nd tlwltei«ierithZ3 SSS^*" ■c«r«aci«l iSikS aetogpeto^id , The thiftccMk'd grd ontheSooiU orCaptainrwhiAli bof< era, rtrr.tfeacii ^WagiitaMKMfceOow *'^«»H' w A«dda«UthawhJh»lmadrfiIiifaSJiS*rt^ Kianf RMwwKountiMvnth a Amta* w^iMMMM^wbAi iMCNakt.iindltttlMf fer Imw tVdMkaAtllHityfbb. i#«lMiioelMrlMrtM > Ad^i'lMhcoMMiMii^^ "-itu fca mi W i^ tiw ial iMMriMidM ofilii^IiiWK ^ J JUciMiwkiieii K^ilMiK^TIlH crttM Jefii^Mi ~ f««aadMNaMfivai'il(tler,^#liidi itcdM Shaewp li*iw4riw«MM«nv.«ttdw4MlftMHi«U^ fedcteMttl^MklmitcMdiin.^^'' ''UMtkitkiiMlfHlii,' TlkMic iwrRidlA-Myii-^iiillfik lta~'^ rdyaaoaiill Orienan,*! ghtkafaet inmncchfoma lcheBaytbel4rf«rwwi &idr$aa^9r«Flf|1 IJ/vti, llhaBaAuiaMiiiKSiiKlvtlMitiiCpMttAaMMiflU^ « ;hilM8dwfcrdwthm*.W«wULni«iAbilM|fleid^ A-aal. iall.iOi^ch.iM1lb.t.rteijJi:^^ tA£:S!±::Jgai22Jrf>^a kdintMAiwirciwrillB)7JaM'«Mlt>ha(iiMV^^ aadfiowdJrontfoJM't»< a>iyhaibBBr tWtiiahifc iheyoodcMivMsiaadtoibiMf wli»bfiiabi»hiMakMir«r^ ' MiH ' WMA'iilitllff Vffi'- '•34I10 wiMw. w&cKMa lyMflTt fftiijrTtfnrTtwiwTtrtiiiii^ lUuwitiiu wUII miraavp ttai]U *«iiaet«h^ch WPo,^«o»|Mi*di»ftbttdtei»i*ld,yte*ftw^,rt&ii <^^J^^ ■X ■y^ Tmmk^drhi TbcRliMr where the 1^ poini*f«rockee» «fitcf in, wliefeoii«SMi>ooelyomp«&«»«ttai«. A Heik higher thmii* killed. whkh runneth* little wvwwo*'*""^* Thii w ^ pl«t whctt iW Jiu^foU ifat ^H^Z'kS^ Wh*l«l»f.yih« troth, thekmwii flirkeoMtht. W«niMftomthcnc« Mtfaelion&iahi. lCW»S^J' rift (ho«iMi»J within th«Uod»eiyT;«h. Thty-tndthet loiJ«lk« wfnitftiUu t^ of AugiOL theSouth, ilthmighthcybelowcr. Andthteforiiccrt«ntMMall«vbicblbauclMMf>rchiiNMw| " tlMtnecoart. ^ Of(lie>pw A T6wcomminttor4i«./k,w«fapdtli«*«iet«wW«fc w« ^l^5«iU|n /\MM,whonct with three Oui9wn of tbsAww mm MlLakt, whicli fiM«hta|in|| M^**' tcnneochcnof the MountayMrsi«ndth«y brought ththttdtflf tbeirtfm n r«%i»^,a| SStfidIt thercwMbutoaeMoiiot«ynnwoui»W|nth€«mtwi*th»ft9»o«t«^^ ^Mitfeorjiw. offcmethinfc4ithe«hertenne«uftfc«ketocont«mhim,th«k«jtlfithMfc«WodnJ*^^^ amdiVnmt by wouldoiHNl if thM5r«tf»di«» bi«9f»UrcaMK«hiad«ct>, d aA*"'*'*' '" * $»*•' |«U*ke place, where there wm bd<»«tfeera«%«M«| •!'**'^. n»mewMftf«*»«'.whiol»Wiheii^'<>riwW«nftep»theyww«W«ne6ehW«no«h*^t SZSwS tl»iiIkwre.i»lA«|owe.,lM-«»WrfT«ie«^i»I»e»w»tM«^ W!um they went leaping one after another, in aia|dngi|MQyMllw«pfrt|iciri)eMi^tilc^ nmkm , , 1 tuniing«li*eaSBa«l» safterwaid «l»f b*l^«9«^»M^^ - ' f«i(iAlt^:tlKnril9nadetbetrrnft.•nd•<^,t^rM«M^ i> ft||]eift4rkM>aked,&u%dcc|wdwiththa»iM«ftQoi4Mliimi^ ■ '^ nakedtodtbei«qnei|t tfeoihet. AiJUiff y pi y W en JgAtt .theft CleiM aM c i > | i retired t1iein^lW)AM9 tbi^ Cabjl^cLand die ^MVf < wem fmr^Eif MOaAliie /nuitt • The»«NJh^ «bii£;«id iiwy*»Pilft^*f yu^p^^ «wfr «|JK«wi^^ SffigS ««»?«* Vcrie.gffa(iii^iBM^fl«i|*MMji)»<<«5^ ™*^, itudw«»MPf»yi»M>^»w».tytw>>tW!i»iy.i»yi^^ . ,.,', ..!,-, /. ,ibi*i»sMth«Sii«Mi«iMiP««i»«Mw«iw>M^ ni^jy,flft .jBtath»,liaiid, >l|l<)W^iMiMwlxw rtWwiM JtaMWtoejiwiiie^kiiii IdiVnB S^lsT' ,tingii|ihgBWtfM»jPfiigyfiiHM»^ .(4 w,tp|)K«hi(jK«|tt9»^inkrm Ml «M« ft>r,their AwwwfMi ry aii r% ii Pp > w^ ■* ' '"* L"V '*tf CBAr.7« ^ Chcowaadihe iMaftpwt.n JdHNoRhndeof IwdaUdMlBnda IliiOiipMfliMre. I foil or eight it lei IpiligcflfchcllcQ lioilM&idMjme. ■ •hicliweelawat |Fim>trae«aod Cj\ tfmfttmt* -li'' . TM^dirar- W lg > M .t'T'H .. awHtvMwlfWimf^#i««MrlMfifr.^ll«M|i^ iif(^e|A«Sfl!nji,(^Jir|t~'«''«^r»wn« withtheforefaidi W#. Mtmfimt ^inUlT u'tA^^*^^^^' *««*«*«»«»»*«*»« ma> Which ii ortheSb?^h Coall.one iMuiandtwocHildreHotthe^MMMfM/. Jt^"? "l"i*^?' AV^»»«»'««««P»««>fronig*fc^. the fltTpoT the TaiddM^ fi^fiVi**!i l"»'5f«»J»»/S«Pte"«be'. we coiinttd that wee WereaabrtateCape ft. The fife day of the Aid moneth we cntred vpon the Bihke,>rheTtolk tlieV r(t to «h.The wmhj^e were comeintothe&Hiildloi, which may befomAtie leatuea diHantWIn the , «. The twentieth of the did moneth Wt arriued in Nim Hmut by tSt ua k tl 1^