CIHM Microfiche Series (i\/lonoJ3raphs) . - 1' "^ ICMH Collection do (monographles) \ t Canadian Inatitut* for Historical MIcroraproductions / lifstitut Canadian da microraproductions historlquaa .r -^9i^ ^ > ■ ' - 1 A ■ . ■ , ' ■ 1 1^ ii I • . , ; . . Wy : ^ ':. ■ ■■■■-" .■■ " ' , V ■ • j.\- . '^^-^ TMl«n««4|l and B ih« u«u«l m«lt«od of lilmmf. ar* chackad b«t««» L'lntti^l a microfilmA la maillauf •■ampUira quM lui • At* pottibU TX rfWMNrM "s.r. MOST NOT f e Wm' 0 ■ i '^B ^A ; :»t> ■ ^?bJ-'- .V-;,POc %: T3^,-»r; < "S : ^ . «« 4t :?^-M]^;^i t'^v Ajrll 14 X»X|3 1 t^r. > ; Gl tH' i] "£■• ■'^f^kf-.- ^■■r% tw •miii OF GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, WW •ILKCT OR OmCINAt. ^ ►ottMtutioriCMOOtt. ■ Ji TORONtd* -.4 . 1 * p#-''-^ 1843. 4 '"'■'■'m ■;....■ -J ■ - i. |<^- ■■■,■'■■':. J- ;. ;. ■ ■■ ' -'''■-. ■ ■ ■ ■ ' -'I ■ ' . V > ' ■ .: 1 ^ ■'V-ife-lf ^ • ;fr J fcssr-i -rilr-K.i^l^a*****!!"" • I • ' 1 • * V- ■ 1 1 I .if :"»5 #■«! ry" d^ci- . ^-^ f ^* ■■^:. ►mi .myimt^r -sg3ri* '^t: '#»*-f*' r i» i ^ i ff •^■,. * jft^.uife.iiii'v. »,<"■ l»:»: <1 OEOMKTRICAL PROULEMrf. 9^i / -^.._— . mmgt4 M9rt*M, aktmm. aemt», twtU, i-iwuiw IM, ^ganmt, pmrtlt4. pniMtm, tS^ttrfm. fn^fHuUum. Ajn**- ikmk, e^ntUMf^, d*dmawm, f»timl»l; ^-iww, o»tmt,uU, Um,HMt if filivV* .^'Mk . rkgkliiu^. .. 3. If iwo eircl«ti IntunKri mpIi c»lhrrhiivJin«f"nnno»r«rM«ftf TIm li«i joining Iho poinU of iniaratctton dWWiit ihiit 4inni Into parte, viiuiek or* m throo to oii*» ^ H. 'Hn* rhomlii.'fonn««l hy ioiniti« th« point* of ml«ni#riion Mitk tlM tiMUftlMijraiyqUi oKtniiuituiit of iho dMiuiotcffis ore •» oiio ,«tfv ftJElM KtM lotnium ih* poiittt of intanwotioii cmH^Ui* cotii* mon rediaii at rif nt anglvt. ;?> . « ^' %♦ ,f^4 — = .. 'i« 4I>,, In Urawinir a rinM Um «*mn1 to n Kiv«a rif tit IJli* (Votii A ||[i¥«n point, «li9W|lMi^tiif 'ob'e'" ' II. TIm ftdhMof the aacond cirola, ia equal to tht.aiuN or digennu of tfa* fifaa liiifi, M ^« ■ul« of thaqquiUttand trianglr. . }*. ITtw* akk J af a iffMncb ba 4M|iMl,tb»opp«aiU Miglaa ara \ abw aqnaf ; pMva M whhoat piroduo«ii««li»«^lMl aid««. . la. On a pplied jlaMMiMM telha IfttMMTpartoCtbf fifth propoateion logt tlw alaia»»{» of Euclid t '.■■■■■: ■ ■:.'-* ) ' ' ' ' U In tlw contmiction for Ui« •liUipropowtion of EuoUd'i elcmonta, wliM obkclion to nMaMarinf off the r«|air«d portion ^ 15. Expbin tho nktorc of OM «x Airarib or bdirtot proccwof proof. 16. To what purpoto in th« .orenlh propowtion ^ef "«* % " W!iili.Ai^ «bn»ol'Mgtortpm made n«i off ''^^^^;^^^^^ ; J?i INftrotb««||lali»ropo«iiioowkl»P«t««»>i^ n^;ia If Wlto««trt ami an^i^ ^^^i obtotaloll^hkae, aiidor what einJunKttne*^ vijr |M tort** W iiftSwfWMoir/ttpon, orabo¥6thatflrtteA»n^ ^ 19. Inconatmctingfor the biaection of a rectilineal w>glf*«tate . the ttltahtage of the particular poaitioti of the equiUtera! tr|ai|fl«. '\«0. Were the vertfx aimated above inatead ©^ *J#«y th« • ^ bate, Ifi wb^ caae wouW that^onatructiotf be inappbOMe? ^^^^ 81. In the biaecUon of a given finite rigbt fine, woalAtUitlr^/^^^^ lOlit ilia liMfltat tight anglea. ' ■ • ■'■^'^t-.; "^..'u.^ -'isn W ■ '»»|p:'»wn .■ . ti ilfc^lme dwwB from the YertM to the ««*«• poto^^ baae of an iaoaeelea triangle, biiecta the verUetf a«(M mmmf9' pe^«l»r ta thelMpf.,^ , . ,^Wt;-^:v'i^,ifta{ .''?«'V^'- ■■l^'^'t^L.^ ^' ^»S*IbI«JthriS^ u.«u^ W. • •. r a^ H Iff. iawedea trkpglw aia«»ofa^fii|m«>^bM«,A»l««Joiw»f*^^«***^ tapwl»#t 115. ili|Hnta»n poiiil vrithw a maagte •qlp^MMM mi^^<^ ■ #»gl|i>i''iwhMe: .... .,,.,/...K ••.■...:;,.. -v. ■■■■"■•,,/. -. *l'' " ^^60^ 70^76, 80, 85, degreea. »^ i.^^^Hj .<^ .^ «m 39. Fiove te -wua wflw of in boterfw ti^Bm^tiMMiv m v%' i . ,•■«*.■ ■^■'1 1.' ^' te^ *.-. 'i : i v% :•■ ,\ W. T* what prop««W««i iW •* ^*'*'''^**T!f !?!f.^!!i!!!S^^ A4. If ally mmib»r of k^t" i |> ' i ' ^' J T . u t!! l*!?.i i , »*M irt«t Minft of • fitkt llno4o«i o ghr«np«#)iM«iifcu!ftr 40. DbtuifuiA botweeft th« foaidi. fi$h*, and tw«ngr-«xth 41. ij^ a ti»«i poiiit. imw ** tlwrtert Uiie po«Wf «•# / given, figbt Uno. ■ ,; . .-: : .:;v,^ ; ■ ; : , '•■■;: ^ . -^m V^^' ;r^:^ :'*'*,* Ift. tW» Whicll«l¥ik« gwrtof anglei with the pw^wScrfr MfepiifMiMiir Afo fliMm t: ■If IW**^ ~^' :irj, '^f- •^ ,^ H »rtf* « '*«-ff' it:-V. "* ^'^%. fk |«toerd» i Hnk tWM Miyf ilt^wi lirMli lbe*t«^ of i^ ffUiMcl« to Om btuM ; If any two of the five (bHowtHl tqiulMis Ut tiiiAU4iiHi«iNMin«yMMu€«4{*T- . . if mH 3. TlM«q«att^'Of lk»aaidM uodekthalhiedri^nMi iM laM. 4. The equality of the angles under the line dnwo UtA 0M ikiea. 5. The equaKty of the aefmenti of tho base. :i''V M. If«i^« trkufkiabe celliitniote4on'a^«iiiitM»n baae, tfi* diffarwce iMtweeo, their vertical anglea ia the ium of the anftef fiontaihed byHn, ■» an ^t .61. II |a r^iured to conatruot d eiatcm on a con«Maioa line wlib^h aball he equafly distant from tvvo dwelUnf boua«a in ^^ cini^, sttoated on the same or opposite sidea of the lin«. ,^ n-^'fu id. The right line which bisects the yertiMl wt«ri«r «fi|;le of Isoacelea triangle, b parallel to the base, '^v '>h^m» «> . *).M! ; ^"^f 'llSi Oi*^^ the position of a window, determine that of a mir- ror on the opposite wall.whibh trtiali reflect the imaffes of cx^n^ objects to the eye of a t>enon, the position Of whitott|)l *# t«rtc« to their own length. h!!1'..!*^i> i^m^, • '' *' 6&. It is required to divide a quadrangular field int<> three por* iona, by lines drawn (Vom the exirennties of one to adme pohkt fil ,. the dppoait^ side, ao that the length qf fence may he ^ abort a|i posaible. ...'... ■■'.'- ' 'm'-' Angle ^tralfel to the base, bbecy lb© verucal ekierio|^a9^1e^ . ;^ vtl8»if'A*Knearawn.ftom the reMical «wfe .irf* • ||^«flf » pa^Del to the baae, bbi^ti.tb« yerOtMtft^riwr n^, lh#papil« 68. If two right lines which interaeet eaeh olli«r'li«* paraiM mf(f^^¥iP''P o^effc theanglea inqhided by tb^at ppra of Uyavnll^e' equal reapertlreiyn^ , t yQi^jj:j^^^i^:'m ^i^f : *^*'#^.'^,: IlidkMilM to pne q< tirQpMilft^wa, U .■I- " ■ ': < ■*" t «.!■■■■ wiUiUk0 ji ^Igflit S.- :■■ h^ifff^ ^ I r V I i 'M' r . „jf^^,-£*:^ horn wo other given potuti uity h«y«^«j|jvi|» lauji. ^ , r , «^^«3. T«ui«*!t«Hfhtmn|W?. .- *« $3. To tritAct a given fimte right line. I-.*.. » '1 .rll ^. To dividt* given right line into onjr number of enunl «. A fcUnk book of gWon i»ii«nUude ie t« be mW<» that each opening riieU contain thirteen lineer ^»^M<»» &•« -•«*» tSiiieli^^^ and cohmz Agtirea. 67. All the exterio^ anglei of any rectilineal fignre eqnal f«mr €ighta^leajlofSief with the exceiie of every reentrant angl« aibove two right an^e^^j^;,^7j|,. ^.., J. j^n^ :;■!»'%■■• -^^'^^ ' '■• * 0A. A triaacle cannot have A reentrwit angk, « qnadrilaternl mayXve oneT ^nd a figure of n lidei mutt We at least thre* onUnary anglet. 60. The tnm of the anglet of ovtiy i^tctilineal figuif it,«q«al tpjmevenimn4|«rpffig*«w»l(*«*- ^ . 7a If one aii^ of a triangle contain* 90° it it equal to the •umoftheotliiertwOraiid iric«tw»t. ;^^^^^^^^ . :.n *. ^rKiMM a^lo of a triiBf ie be greater than tfie mm of the other iwiik iagveftter than a ngbt angle, and tit^ tierm. 1 78. If one angle of a triangle be leia than a right "ungie, it ia Jm f ^ff jp t^ min of the other two angles. f 71. IB Ml lio«5ilet Iriaogle the ttrtkJil «xi«riof mW m^r 4««li>lo of oUbar of the aiigiieeal the bawi. t^v* ff ' *^ 'ttr. ' 74, In an equilateral triiingto m^ etlerior angle i« double ■ af^«th«r0f the interior,'^' •'»'^,^;J^2^^^^^ -J., ,_;,,,, ,76. Determine the «»«iitijd« of the angleof a regiil^ peniar^ gon,ite«tioiir««»«o»»«>^ i,;:.:\wt./^t{i \*..^u V 7«. llrtat oondittona tr» neeeaniy, that nny pw^eukr, rtgu^ Ur Umm nmj oonaiititte the elements of a pavement? . . ^ , vilM^i T^T^B^ '^I ^^^•j^ ' iSUAow^lMitbe t«rtmrif»|le 1 - ■ w ■j-.-x 1-"^ 'f.i; ■*wr«"- • it si. I ^1 ^ ■0 fiflMy' SMMC^ OK^MMMMf '^ 80. Ob ^ AIni ii n>» Aii; ' tiM lUMetor of ^ ^ & «qiMl to, crmtor or Im« tkniMlf Ikt |kiiif,l««oriltmM#M vfrtical - -^ 81. Efott « perpondkalar to ili«'«trtihhf of 1' tiio ilihout . ».iii'' f ♦ 83. Hio tfiafomfi «ra pwdMognm UMct toch othtl;; '^ i 83. iriM«>|OMli«r *^iMUttcralfl| U. If the oppoaite m- ,3n»e hiawtipi^ of tNi aren by ^it^r di»gpffl;|^ ^ ^r 7 9o! These fen data co«Miiad in ^ iitJ>ttfpr.«tiB«flbra«lt eomliii.ptiwaa.1 lo m!i!iii^.^^ ^fn ^^. Agyj^rf propertiea, *ere wiU ariaa i*w» fc ating.w^,*|dl. Tho aroa of a triuigle U eqnM U» «|W WCr^ 1*Hi *»•*« )Mf t||o DorpeiKlioalar altitude. , , . v i • ; 'uk 1(J0. If Ibe four aides of a qaadrilateral figure be biiected, and the fiddle poinU of each poir of conlerniibuouf eidee joiiied, the joiniHc ^Ij^ ^ffl fonu a puroUelogram, wUoie ana ia equ«| to half IJ^I ^ le pal^loiram. *<^ )i^. The area' o? a irapi^t^^^W Wo^' W^ -^«| . tfnal to half the bate into we laui of those paiayvl sides. nkd pr twice the altittide. li -r'?''- 465. If a parallelogram and a triangle haveyAJnal altitudes, and Um Vk^ ^ tb^^atiglb be double dkat of the ^araUelogram, tiiey WilllMTcr'^iialKrew. ;■■ , .. ; . Mhcmm r 109. Describe a square which d^ill have the same are* as • giir«ii« tuiD^^r^- -t^ti^i^i*^ i^ntn", '■^. ,f All H^ >4«L>(llii Mi^Muwoi'ilie baao or>a>tri«nff|e m lept t)iaii» «)q<>M iKliknliil tllfaiAo avni pf the iaqiMfOs of the akttfy aeoofduw aa tbe vettieia angle is |ep than, eqnol to, or grentef thpn a ngUt _ -V- 10 «f III* >-^:. :■ /^ lMillMi,«^t#,9rff«iitttlMitttb»,fMB«f lit : lill» DatenniM » •qaara w^th «luiJI b* •qual l» tiM MUn of ftnx numlMir of aqtuurMrwIiOM sidct mt* fivts. ."^tiii "^t -Mtimn. y* I13. Hm rootattcto «iiil«r ainr two li»M, ui|' •« •«* I*'^*^ -^ ^^• 11 umglo 14. Th« «|ii»re of tk* mmi of any twf ^aof fftqll I rtttdor th4l tkn ubd •ithor of them. :^ / under differeueo. 115. Thoiqiim of the greeter of two line* eoadathe reotanglo n ihoM Unee, together with the rectpigte lUMfer the greater aiid ^'^'^ 116. The rectangle under the lutn of two lloea/ and ohe of them eonab the iquare of that one, together with the rectangle ' 117. Th«i%diif^Hiite^ Iffi, together with the rectangle under the leM and diflWreii^t^^;/ 118. Tbe diflerence of the Mjuaree of two luwa ^^^ ^ rectaiigle noder their aatn and diflercnco.% ■' ^l"?- j,^^/ , l-':%isr ' 119. The diflference between the rectangle under twoiinea, and' the square of one of thom i« the rectangle under thatoae and their difference. n ISO. The difference of the pquarea of two Unflf,. ccKOMda the ilqflare df their difference by twice the recUngto imflfjy.ghj m^md diffeienee. » '^ 1S3. Half the aquare of « Une is 4enblo limi$liu0itl00 n- . Ir" iv^ .■' ■V m''i ifQ 'H. A 19X Tboaqiianofl^niiBofanyMro •qvalathesua oftbeir aquarea, together with twice the rectangle under them. > 194. The aqnar* of aUnooqnali IhtMintof theaqliaMaof all tM v«rts» Wgnlbor with twie^ the rectaii|lo nudor ortty itoHUMl ^ .Ittk The arithmetio mean between anr two linea, ia hap* Hm ferento of Ibo oxtrenrat. . . ••S*-! .► I < ' . «' K'^'.ro 'j.fjly 'f\t .^i%- -"U .fe^'yiwKii •-• iirii'rniiii1iiir^-'-"'T'^-^^-^ h -A-iU I »i "jStM&aLjbl. Ji^ . ki • f^MiitfitJii^i -^STW i''r»,-f'" -™ — m%e wctonfl* nndm the parte of • litte » ^ i»»*U' :m.;Hi , 136. iSie iam of the aquirea of anir two A reaoranyr itwie i^( 146. If a I'ma ba drawn f^voi the anjnilar point of a trwof U ••ilK polntorMMCtion of tliaopp<»aite*la.tha««o#tli;agafeji of the other aidea equals twice ihe aum of tha aqnarea. of Ife^ |^ - - - #...,. .♦•■* ' •I' 14l.^Tk»'iiiii«f tha aqnaraaof thaaMaaofi liimllii™ aactof.and half tb« eou iiii i f»jt il|l«it nda ami fi«»r r'tfuatir Ik arnn of th« a^naraa of the djB|onMa mmI ^ ai}i|(ire of die line joininf their pointa of bueetio9« m-ffhrn nmi of the aivavaaAf the aidea oC,iif aqoala three timea the aam of the aquarea of the mmmm ^.f».k«« ih^lNfiiM iiMdIo poiM of aioiift liiibt Ihi^Jii OM«i» of the diatooMA of tbon|htfiAO> » ft " *•, V -•^ Mil ^T ,j$Z^'^ V • 1 .« . . 1 Im ir r » if,'. ^^♦.• • .-. ^ !*• »» > ■ #■',■ 1 ■< , * tw . ■:, r«4 . ,' ■ . if tw«33w. wbkk aw not pa^UI, •ii4{t#ta«' .a.-- r-t- 4 r •t*-, '^•<; • iBfl. If • cif«l« ba dmribfd on Uw rad»u. of •««*•» £f|i» wiy unifht lint drawn from Ui« point wh«r« tbcy w«« to u^^fg tor droomAiropOP. ;» bi««cU»a by Uio intanor oiio. 187. If two circlw out aiich othor and ftrom aithur point of intemietloa. dbmotaia b« drawn ; tha cxtreontma of rt»*««^«V;- So^tS oXrpolnIi of intamctinn .hail bo in tha tamo atraifht r^f 166. I)rawaatraIfhtlHi€ii«ilAtl*flti»Atwi»fb««#ll«Mi *»^ IM. If from a point in tho cirennifarance of a ci*c*a any ibiinb«f of ehof^M4»M»%l*-»<»«^»f *•« 9^mfMo( UtmMm wtil b« a ciida. ^ ';,,|^-' ■'' .''*' •' ^'^'-^ •••■^ ^:«''i»tii*'^ .;*•.//: -»«.^' 1^ leO. Pmfina fc^thmaik,. faomatfic, and harmohic *. m. If from an? two pointa in tha ilrenmfaran** bttiilmi, . dMfn^4»WBtwo'atraiflit lino., to a pokjl in • •^••^••Jj;; ofeovteet • ■ ■'* ■'n^^*''^^;:-' ■■;■'■:, ^.it^';''»2 " *''-^ , ' it) Itt. if ft'nw any point witkin an •qnitM^fnl triangle pnrpan- akmhui b« dmwn to tha .daa. Aay ar. \««;£;«' •J-^L^ * '•'^ p«M^«l«r dtawB from any of tha an^lea to the oppoaite Ma. .JM ** beioiaiti; H^e wn^ ^ formed wiU be one fourth of the |pven , ■ 164. Of an toriwnl^,lipo| the ^^i^ZJZJt^^ ttke peMbli, the ieoileelea tiluigle haa iM fciirf pertaieief . uMniikf «^U.".V4S|- •-i-U. J li-,'(i » eqildpttli. ^^^mflg^-^^p" ^^^^^ lip. To trieeet • trit|#i IfOfB •!«!•• P<*«* '»**«■ ^ MO. T« Mmm ■ MffdfolAgffMi If tlfet ^^tif'.*S »-'^ ikiM of •» Mmilauinil Ml l^ti(*Mf«l«r |M*(iI9n 170. IfllM Iw pro'|i;<«/, 170. Doitrmina a point In a ttao tiran in M ^^^H <» ^W** Unas drawn from two given poilMa, dUiy>luiv«i4lM^pP0MNiPP^ enCf poaMble. .,^.a,j.uA:rAu wnw; ' ^'^i '■.»>- ' ttOw T» 4kM§ mgmm ifcH Mil lu l ■4Wo audi pmla* teib4 tiywto of tba otJiliairbo oqnal i&^ihn lao t ai ^ i OrfM^H hf ^ other and a givoa line. ^ , ■ . j ' ' > 177. lr« Oo«;ribo Mil l i i i itf' i i iii it e npmtik #«i*Mlt 178. To i^ijka^m^y^^ •v^A pS^ 9lilM#iaii|l0t 'I' -itl^t#-'a^>'t '» fnl 10 half ftp petknior. ' ^ "f|fli:fil'^! llNJiiilf l-OffaajN b»;i«wHbodii» ^di>oli« tho. iiMi£o^ibMiMr«Ei^« IkiM^li- OfWl- t» ili iliiiilOiiiil>0. a^Mie dMTibod npoA'Ao Mdiiif. ^iL^^-k^ ^V^^i.j-^^I^^V - • ';»- •Jf V«^'-' •' » » f ■^^^i^Si^- *#' •f t eIrtU. •i*' 11 comb. jiiWa, Or«tt tvfanglc* OB tiM wm^lMM lad lMlw0«n tli« mom 191 If •« •quiUlurtl triancl« *»« inacribcd in « elwfe, WW ihroDfli'riM miuoLr poinu. •iiuih«r b#«k ffittm i nn i wd , to ilftoraiuM IJht mitt wliidi tlMjr Mar U> •■ck *n^ ^..4.^ . IM. Oivw ono anf l«. a uda oppoaita to it and tha dMip^ •ith$ oCliar two aidaa, to conauuct tha ti^aitgla. tiWk OWoii om angle ft aido opp«iiC» lo< UfMd l|»*«i|| ^ tbodbiitwo iMoa, to contract tha iffioHt*' ^" nMn/i hh^^-' M. Gi^an tha Tartical angla tl^o tino iiiafctinc th« biM a^^ Iba anglo wkich iko blaooting lino inakaa with tha baae, to coMtfucI 1*1 Sam. ^^ E miifiii^y^^i^hmi'^fM 118 Qireatiio ▼•rikol aiifla, tba diffarancaof tho.two iidoo^ contfthihu U and tlM difkrenco of th« poimanta of tha baao mado hf ft porpMidiooUur from tko vaitax, to eonatnict tha triftiiila. lie. Ghran tho ▼oftiridftnila and tha radU oT tho * and ciftwawcrilbiag ciwlaa, to coafttract the tmntlo. •Mm MO. What twolnftB|)aaf dote an ncooaaary to- aatahUah tho aiailitiido of 101. Ininjr a«m oC tbt^f^Mroi IftMWiul, if mo opppaitt aidaabo hia o ct a d , tto ^MTSdbTM^ hiJt£raid«t, togctlMr with So^ »P%1 » 'J ' >v MS. T^ MM mi 1km JisMaafa of « t>»pMiui«^|| ImkiImA '■>■ ■%'« ■♦ •(» wpevw Of UM mm of a trep«dium atul m r»(k>, to |M ,inift •IttM. wiM«tt(o6ro^ «io^Miw ocnte MiiiM o ^ fW . If •quaroi Im) ^ •»^,>M from thoMUiM •I i-ft^OM) i4»; l«:#'ij. iV'tf.l^ i#,»^f.e ; . ,. , tijf -Hli n r/^^) '^T -1 .. . "I": if' ^*^ ^r' .. *■ 4 , • .11;', *-' ■< '••Hit .! .. (TrlJ-K^yi V; j.«. . Jfl .... # '., ^# o ■V *.•■ ^ f '4 ,*'. . ..*■» 1 «t* f± • * I ' p t * '! . ■ • I "f '■«, r — ^-~T f f »j» 4^ 4»^|^ %i »*^ f y « PW''-'- - ■■- ' •i ■ ■ '• . •- •* '$ .^. ■;'■.*■. :■ « H , ■ V ^ " *■ . • -■ . . ■ - ■■. -i-'- ^-, »■',*.-• ■ .i 4 \ \... . ^ .,..";r .j^A.. ■ --^ ^Hi!'-.: .- ii>i« ' 'f ' : ■ -If^ r^-wjin- V'!?",' •sT' • 'VW^' ■** ^.A' *i f *?*»'^, ■T -.*- :^: ^f » : it LI?-.. /t t^"*- I ■■#■ / i € 1 ;/: '^"il-f»?^^^^^^^v '^^mrm^'-' .1 ■ r"'* • f ■ i I 'it-,. #' v: 1 'i) ii?4,*i^^jiiiil ■WV X 'i