CATALOGUE OF THF. COLLECTION of AUTOGRAPHS HELONGINC TO THF. ESTATE OK THE LATE MAJ. BEN. PERLEY POORE, of Newburyport, Mass. Consisting ok Historkai., I'oi.iticai, and Literary Autographs, and INCLUDING Letters ok the Signers to the Declaration ok Inde- pendence; Members ok Continental Congress; Presidents and their CAniNETs, Senaiors and Memukrs ok Congress; Revolutionary Ofkicers, and Okkicers ok the Civil War. An Interesting Collection ok Manuscrm'Ts relating to Slavery; Historical Manuscripts relating to New France; Many Letters written to Henry A. Wise, and Important in Relation to the Political History ok the Country, etc., etc. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Februax'y I5tli, I6tli, and tTth, 1888, IN THE Library Salesroom, No. 13 Hayward Place. Sale to Commence each day at 10 and 2 o'clock. TERMS CASH. CHARLES F. LIBBIE & CO., - - AUCTIONEERS. BOSTON : Charles F. Libbie, Jr., Printer, ii Hayward Place. i888. \ AUTOGRAPHS. AHHREVIATIONS. m. /. s. autograph letter signed ; /. s. letter signed ; d. t. document signed. Autographs will be sold per part or piece, and bids by mail or otherwise must be made accordingly. In all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be re-sold. 1 tn BI30TT, J, S. C. and Jared Sparks. Authors, a. i. s. 8° ^\ of each. (2) 2 Adams, Abigail, wife of John. David Ramsay, Webster, John Adams, Franklin, Lachlan Mcintosh, W. O. Butler, etc. Por- traits. 8'' (11) 3 Adams, John, Z. Taylor, R. C. Winthrop, N. P. Willis, Madison, George Evans, R. M. Johnson, etc. Portrait. 8° (10) 4 Adams, John Quincy. President, a. I. s. 1 page 4° 1799. 5 Adams, John Quincy, and James Monroe. Presidents, /. s. Folio of each. (2) 6 Adams, John Quincy; M. Fillmore, James Monroe, and Franklin Pierce. Presidents, /. s. i page 4° of each (4) 7 Addresses of Letters, and Envelopes, franked, Mrs. Madison, J. Q. Adams, D. Webster, W. H. Seward, Lewis Cass, John H. Reagan, John P. Hale, Horace Mann, R. Conkling, Franklin Pierce, }i. Seymour, Schuyler Colfax, H. S. Legare, S. Mere- dith, S. S. Cox, Wm. Smith, etc. (22) 8 Agassiz, Louis. Scientist, a. I. s. i page 8° 1864; — Joseph Henry. Scientist, /. s. i page 8° 1876. (2) 9 Agassiz, Louis, Spencer F. Baird, A. D. Bache, Joseph Henry, E. B. Peabody. Scientists. 8° letter of each. (5) 10 Agassiz, L., Francis Liebe "rancis A. Walker, E. N. Horsford, Joseph Henry. Scientist a. I. s. 8° of each. (5) 11 AiNswoRTH, W. Harrison. Novelist, a. /. s. 2 pages 8° 1845. 12 Allen, Elisha H., Dabney S. Carr, R. K. Meade, C. C. Cambre- ling, Jonathan Russell, A. J. Donelson, A. Dudley Mann, James Watson Webb, H. S. Genet, Heman Allen, Hugh Nelson, E. A. Hannegan, David Tod, etc. Ministers to - Foreign Governments, a. I. s. i page 4° of each. (18) 13 Allen, WilHam, James Shannon, Jer. Chamberlain, C. W. Hack- ley, Wm. Smyth. Presidents of Colleges, a. /. s. 4° of each, (5) CATALOGUE. 14 Allen, Wm. H. Pres. of Girard College, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 -843 ; — J. H. Seelye. Pres. of Amherst, a. I. s. i page 8° 1876. (2) 15 Allsion, Washington. Artist, y W'm. Hayard, Nt. Chxrkson, and others. 34 AsTOR, John Jacob. Merchant, /. s. i page 4° 1814. 35 Atchison, I). R., John C. Hreckenridge, Jesse D. Hright, T. A. Hendricks, Willie F. Maiiguin, and R. M. Johnson, Vice Presidents, /. s. i page 4° of each. (5) 36 Aur.KRKAU, Pierre V. Duke de Castiglione, Marshal of France, /. s. I page 4° 1806. 37 Authors, American, of various dates and localities, and of more or less prominence. Letters. (120) 38 Autocrai'h Album of Members of Congress. 47 signatures, of J. H. Lane, Preston King, John Sherman, J. Collamer, Anthony, Morrill, Wade, T. O. Howe, L. F. Foster, Z. Chan- dler, Thad. Stevens, etc. 39 AuTtxiRAi'u Album of Members of Congress. 48 signatures, of Chase, Seward, M. IJlair, -John Sherman, Sumner, Wade, H. Wilson, Fessenden, Collamer, Harlan, L. M. Morrill. Z. Chandler, John P. Hale, T. O Howe, etc. 40 O ACHK, A. D. United States Coast Survey, and Richard KM IJache, Captain of Ordnance, a. /. s. i page 4° of each (2) 41, George E., and George Bancroft, a. I. s. i page 4° of each. Secy's of Navy. (2) 42 Badgkr, George E., George Bancroft, J. C. Dobbin, M. Dicker- son, S. L. Southard, J. P. Kennedy, J. K. Paulding, etc., Secretaries of Navy, /. s. 4° of each. (13) 43 Baldwin, Henry. Judge U. S. Supreme Court, a. /. s. i page 4° and address, 1838. 44 BAi.inviN, Henry. Judge U. S. Supreme Court, a. /. s. i page 4° and address; — .NL R. Waite, Chief Justice, and S. A. Douglass, /. .»•. I page 4"" of each. (3) 45 JUi.DWiN, J. 1). Author of " Prehistoric Nations." A. D. Bache, C. C. Coftin, M. Kimball, E. G. Squier, R. M. McLane, etc. 8° letter of each. (9) 46 Ballou, Rev. Hosea. Prominent Universalist Clergyman and Author, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, *' Portsmouth, 1840." 47 Ballou, M. M., and T. S. Arthur. Editors and Authors, a. /. s. I page 4° 1852 of each. (2) 48 Bai.zac, Honore', r7. /. i page 8° ; — George Sand, Autograph address of letter. Novelists. (2) 49 Bancroi'I', H. H. Historian, (T. I. s, 2 pages 4° 1877; — George Bancroft, Historian, a. I. s. i page 8"^ 1875. (2) 4 CATALOGUE. 50 Bancroft, George, Historian, Secretary of Navy, a, I. s, i page 4" and address, 1839. 51 Bancs, N., President Wesleyan University, Jeremiah Day, Presi- dent of Yale, A. Partridge, President Military Institute, Henry Jones, President of Bridgeport, etc., . Law- rence, etc. Jurists, a. I. s. 8° of each. (6) 220 Choiskui,, Eticnne F., Due de. Statesman, instrumental in suppression of the Jesuits, /. s. 2 pages 4", 17C7. 221 Choules, Rev. John O. Autograph manuscript. 1 page 4° Henry Muhlenberg, A. Alexander, John H. l>ocock, etc., Clergymen, a. I. s. of each. (6) 222 Cili.ev, Jonathan. Killed in a duel by Wm. J. Graves, of Ken- tucky, ^7. /. s. 1 page 4° 1840 of Wm. J. Graves ; — Henry A. Wise, Graves' second, (7. I. s. 3 pages 4" 1838, to I. Toucey, giving an abstract of the correspondence before the duel ; — Printed account of the public meeting at Augusta, Me., rela- tive to the death of Cilley. 3 pages 4° : — a. /. s. 2 pages 4*^ each of Rev. Richard Randolph and Wm. D. Waples, to Wise, concerning the duel ; — H. A. Wise, <7. I. s. 8 pages 4" and 2 pages 4°, as second to Mr. Savage, in a proposed duel with Mr. Segar ; — also a. /. s. i page 4°, relative to a challenge from Richard Coke ; — also a. /. s. (2) i page 4° each, relative to a challenge from Mr. Gholson ; — also ) 228 AiAoKi), Penjamin, P>rig.-Gen., Maj.-Gen. G. I). Ramsay, Francis A. Walker, C. F. Adams, Jr., A. G. Draper, (7. /. s. 4' of each, (5) 14 CATALOGUE. . CIVIL WAR.-UNION. Continued. 229 Andrkw, John A., War (Governor Of Massachusetts, «. /. s. i page 4° 1864. on military alTairs. 230 Andrew, John A., War (lovernor of Massachusetts, a. L s. i page 4" 1863, on military affairs. 231 Au»-"w, C. C, Maj.-Gen., a. Ks, E. I)., Frank P. lUair, Iknj. F. Peach, A. A. Humphreys, Frank Wheaton, A. E. liurnside, Maj-Gens., a. I. s. 8° of each. (6) 296 Lander, F. VV,, IJrig-Gen., a. d. s. i page folio, " Head Quar- ters, 1862." Interesting, in regard to the arrest of Gen. C. P. Stone. 297 Lander, F. VV., Brig-Gen., Constructed overland wagon route to Pacific, a. I. s. i page 8° 1859. 298 Lee, S. P., Rear Admiral, Rear Admiral C. Ringgold, Commo- dore \V. I). Porter, Admiral F. Engle, Admiral H. VValke, a. I. s. 4° of each. (5) 299 Logan, John A., Maj-Gen., a. /. s. i page 4° 1872. 300 Luce, S. R., Admiral, Capt. J. C. Howell, Admirals D. D. Por- ter, George H. Preble, C. Ringgold, H. Paulding, a. I. s. 8' of each. (6) 301 McCaui.ey, Charles S., Commodore, Admirals Joseph Smith and S. W. Godon, Commodore N. Collins, a. I. s. 1 page 4 of each. (4) 302, George B., Maj-Gen., /. s. 1 page 8° 1879. 303 McCi.ERNAND, John A., Maj-Gen., a. /. s. i page 4° i860. 304 McClernand, John A., and C. S. Hamilton, Maj-Gens., Gen. VV. Harriman, A. P. Martin, etc., a. I. s. 4° of each. (5) 305 McCooK, A. G., Maj-Gen., a. I. s. 2 pages 8° 1877. 306 Mc(.'ooK, F^dward M., Maj-Gen., a. L s. i page 8° 1874. 307 McDowell, Irwin, Maj-Gen., Commander at First Bull Run, (7. 1, s. I page 4° 1861. 308 McDowell, Irwin, James Shields, A. A. Humphreys, Rufus Ingalls, Maj-Gens., and P. R. Guiney, E. VV. Hincks, Brig- Gens., /. s. 4° of each. (6) 309 Massachusetts Regiments, Colonels of, Fletcher Webster, P. R. Guiney, Knott V. Martin, T, E. Chickering, Robert Cow- din, etc., a. I. s. I page 4° of each. (8) 310 Meade, George G. Maj-Gen., Commander at Gettysburg, a. I. s. 4 pages 4° 1853, to Henry A. Wise. 311 Meade, George G., Maj-Gen., a. 1. s. 4 pages 4° 1853, to H. A. Wise, congratulating him on his marriage. 312 Meade, George G., Maj-Gen., a. I. s. 4 pages 4° 1847, to H. A. Wise. o o I • / o l8 CATALOGUE CIVIL WAR.— UNION. Contlnned. 313 Medical Officers, Army and Navy. J. S. Billings, J. H. Baxter, J. W. Barnes, VVm. J. Dale, J. 11. Waircn, etc., Cooper, Franklin Buchanan, M. F. Maury, and Warren Win- slow, /. s. I page 4° of each. (6) 409 De Bow, J. D. B. " De Bow's Review." M. F. Maury, Con- federate Navy, W. W. Boyce Confederate Congress, F. H. Smith, Virginia Military Institute, Dr. A. G. Mackey, a. I. s. 8" of each. (5) 410 Faulkner, Charles J., J5rig-Gen. Chief of Staff to " Stonewall " Jackson, a. I. s. 4 pages 4° 1857, to H. A. Wise. 411 Gordon, John B., Maj-Gen., Governor of Georgia, CATALOGUE. 27 CIVIL WAR. -CONFEDERATE. Continued. 467 Thkockmokion, J. \V., Hrig-Gen. C. S. A., Gov. of Texas, A. Dimitny, Halie Teyton, and J. L. M. Curry, Confederate Con- gress, F. H. Smith, Va. Military Institute, [cConaughy, Prests. of Washington College, B. S. Ewell, Pres. William and Mary's, S. Maupin, Pres. U. of Va., etc., a. L s. of each. (7) 776 DuANE, Wm., Pa., journalist, Matthew Carey, Francis Lieber, Dr. W. T. G. Morton, Commodore Shufelt, J. W. Forney, E. G. Squier, etc. 8° letter of each. (10) 777 DuANE, Wm., a. I. s. i page 4° and address, 1830; — Nathan Sargent, " Oliver Old School," John W. Forney, John C. Rivers, George Bancroft, etc., Editors and Authors. 4° let- ter of each. (12) 778 Dubois, Antoine, Baron, French Surgeon, a. d. s. i pa-je 4' 1828 ; — B. Pigne, French Surgeon, a. I. s. i page 8° (2) m DuBourg, L. G., Catholic Bishop of New Orleans, a. I. s. 2 pages, 4° 1815; — John Hughes, Archbishop of New York, /. s. I page 4° 1859. (2) Jo DucHATEL, Charles, and Count Louis Mold, French Statesmen, a. I. s. I page 4° of each. (2) 781 Duckworth, Sir J. T., English Admiral, arl of Munster, eldest son of William IV. by Mrs. Jordan, a. I. s. 3 pages 4° and address, franked. 1829. 876 Fix, Theodore, Swiss economist, a. /. s. i page 8° 1844; — F. A. M. Mignet, French Historian, a. /., in 3d person, i page 8° 1846. (2) 877 Flacg, Edmund, C. Edward S. Lester, H. C. Murphy, l^rantz Mayer, C. J. Ingersoll, W'm. Willis, Historical writers, a. I. s, 8° of each. (6) 878 Floren'ck, Thomas B., John W. Forney, Joseph Gales, Jr., J. S. Skinner, Charles G. Greene, and Nathaniel Greene, a. l.s. 4° of each. (6) 879 Foix, Bernard de, et de la Vallette, General of France, Gov- ernor of JJurgundy, d. s. i page folio 1656, on vellum, 880 FoLc.ER, Charles J., Albert Gallatin, W. Forward, A. Hamilton, Oliver Wolcott, etc.. Secretaries of Treasury, /. s. 4° of each. (9) 881 FoLSOM, George, and Richard Frothingham, Jr., Historians, a. I. s. I page 4° and address, of each. (2) 882 FoLSOM, George, and Robert Greenhow, Historians, a. I. s. i page 4° 1843, of each. (2) 883 Force, Peter, " American Archives," a. 1. s. i page folio, and address, 1828. Fine. 884 Force, Peter, Matthew Carey, F, R, Hassler, Journalists, a. I. s. I page 4° of each. (3) 885 P'oRi), Thomas, Gov. of, and author of History of Illinois; Thomas Swann, T. W, Ligon and J. G. Chapman, Govs, of Maryland; J. Hamilton, Gov. of South Carolina; H. S. Lane, Gov. of Indiana, etc., a. 1. s. 4° of each. (8) 886 Forrest, Edwin, Tragedian, a. I. s. i page 8° 1845. 887 Forsvth, John, Secy, of State, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, 1818. 888 Forsyth, John and Edward Everett, a. I. s. i page 4° of each. Secretaries of State. (2) 889 FouguiER-Tainville, Antoine Quentin. One of the most atro- cious of the French Jacobins. Public accuser during the reign of terror. Guillotined in 1795, if. s. 3 pages 4° 1794, as public accuser, giving a list of 84 persons to be arrested at that date. Very rare. 890 Fox, H. S., British Minister, a. I. s. 2 pages 4° 1837 ; — J. J. Flores, President of Ecuador; M. Romero, C. York, C. de la Barca, A. Burlingame, A. Dudley Mann., etc., Diplomatists. 4° Letters. (40) CATALOGUE. 57 89 1 Fractioxal Currency of the United States, of the denominations of 3, 5, 10, 2^, and 50 cents, of various issues. Uncirculated. (•7) 892 lMK, A. E., Henry 1?. Anthony, A. II. Littleficld, W. W. Hoppin, S. I'adelford, and H. Lippit, Governors of Rhode Island, i7. I. s. 8"^ of each. (6) 968 IkTi.K.R, 15. F., Henry J. Gardner. John A. Andrew, A. H. Rice, and Georije S. Itoutwell, Governors of Massachsetts. 8' letter of each. (5) 969 Cam,, Ricliard K., Wm. T. Duval, R. R. Reid, Thomas lirown, Governors of I'lorida, a. I. s. 4° of each. (4) 970 Calvert, Charles, Colonial Governor of Maryland. Oflicial document sif;ncd folio 1667, on vellum. 971 Cass, Lewis, Governor of Miciiigan, Cai)inet Officer, a. I. s. i page iC 1825. 972 Ci.AKi.ix, Wm., John A. Andrew, John I). Long;, A. M. Rice, 11. J. Gardner, Governors of Massachusetts, a. I. s. 8^^ of each. (5) 973 Ci.AiiujRNK, Wm. C. C, Governor of Louisiana, a. I. s. i page 4^" and address, 1814. 974 Ci.AV, C. C, Gabriel Moore, A. V. Barley, Wm. W. Bibb, John (iayle. Governors of .\lal)ama. 4° letter of each. (3) 975 Ci.ii-iuRi), Joiin H., John A. Andrew, A. H. Rice, H. J. Gard- ner, etc.. Governors of Massachusetts. S'" letter of each. (5) 976 Clinton, I)e Witt, Governor of New York, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, 1825. 977 Commissions. Signed by George N. Briggs, and Levi Lincoln, as Governors of Massachusetts. (2) 978 Cri.i'Ki'KH, Thomas, Lord, Colonial Governor of Virginia. Land Grant signed, folio, 1682. Scarce. 979 CuRTiN, A. G., Wm. Findlay, W. F. Packer, P'. R. Shunk, and John W. Geary, Governors of Pennsylvania. 4° letters and documents. (5) 980 Davis, Jefferson, G. C. Brandon, David Holmes, James Whit- field, T. M. Tucker, Governors of Mississippi. 4° letter of each. (5) 981 Davis, John, John Brooks, John A. Andrew, and John D. Long, Governors of Massachusetts. 4° letter of each. (4) 982 Di-.sHA, Joscpii, James Clark, Thomas Metcalf, L. W. Powell, J. W. Stevenson, Governors of Kentucky, a. I. s. 4'' of eacli. (5) 9S3 DicKKRsoN, Philemon, P. 1). \'room, William I'cMuiington, ('. S. Olden, etc., Governors of New Jersey. 4" letter of each. (5) 69 CATALOGUE. GOVERNORS,- COLONIAL AND STATE. Continued. 984 DiNSMOKK, Siiinuel, Henry Ihibhartl, Ichahod rioodwin, N. n, Haker, Nathaniel ilead, (lovernors of New I lainpsliire, a, I. s I page 4 (jf each. (5; 985 Duncan, Thomas, (lovernor of New York and Sagadahoc, /. s. portion of, 1-2 page 4°. Rare. 986 Dork, Tlionias \V'., (Jovernur of Rhode Island. " Dorr's Rebel- lion," rig-Gen. C. S. A. a. /. s. 3 pages 4" 1852. 1 135 WoLCOTT, Oliver, Wm. A. Buckingham, Samuel A. Foote, John Cotton Smith. 4*^ letter of each. (4) 1 136 Woon, James, Menry \. Wise, James Pleasants, Wm. Smith, Joseph Johnson, Govs, of Virginia. 4" letter of each. (5) 70 CATALOGUE. GOVERNORS, —COLONIAL AND STATE. Continued. 1 137 WoKTHiNGTON, T., Ktlinn A. Hrown, Edward Tiffin, Dnvid Tod, ^^'In. Allen, Charles Foster, Govs, of Ohio. 4° letter of each. ^^6) 1 138 VVoRTHiNGTON, W. G. D., (1. I. s. 3 pagcs folio, and address, 1821 ; — W. M. McCarty, Wm. P. Duval, R. K. Call, Govs, of Florida, a. /. s. 4° of each. (4) 1 139 Wrk'.ht, Silas, Gov. of New York, a. I. s. i page 4° 1840. 1 140 Yatks, Richard, Ninian Edwards, F. A. HoiTman, W. H. Bis- sell, Thomas Ford, Joseph Duncan, Govs, of Illinois, a. I. s. 4° of each. (6) 1 141 Yeli,, Archibald, John Pope, John S. Phelps, W, R. Miller, Govs, of Arkansas. 1° letter of each. (4) 1142 Young, Brighani, Gov. of Utah, /. s. 1 page 4° 1854. Signed as Governor. 1 143 Grant, Gen. U. S., Aaron Ogden, G. W. Campbell, A. Hamil- ton, Isaac Chauncy, Theodore Parker, D. D. Porter, S. F. McCoskey, George N. Briggs, H. Dearborn, Louis McLane, H. B. Anthony, etc. Signatures (20) 1 144 Gray, Asa, Alexander Agassiz, A. D. Bache, Joseph Henry, S. F. Baird, J. E. Nourse, Scientists, (7. /. s. 8° of each. (6) 1 145 Gray, Horace, Enoch Train, Gov. VVm. Gray, Tristam Coffin, R. Derby, A. A. Lawrence, Sam. Parkman, Robert G. Shaw, etc., Merchants of Boston. Letters. (17) 1 146 Grayson, Wm., Edward Everett, Reverdy Johnson, Pierre Soule, Lewis Cass, Wm. L. Dayton, J. P. Benjamin, Louis McLane, H. B. Anthony George M. Bibb, etc. Signatures. (20) 1 147 Greely, a. W., Arctic Explorer, a. i. s. i page 8° 1884. 1 1 48 Greeley, Horace, Journalist, a. I. s. 1 page 4° 1844. 1 149 Greeley, Horace, Journalist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8° 1868. 1 150 Greeley, Horace, Journalist, a. I. s. i page 4° and Auto- graph manuscript, 6 pages folio, resolutions of a Republican Convention. (2) 1151 Green, DufT, Journalist, a. 1. s. 2 pages folio, and address, 1828. 1152 Green, Charles G., J. W. Forney, Nathl. Green, and John C. Rives, Journalists, a. /. s. 4° of each. (4) 1 153 Green, Nathaniel, Author and Editor, a. I. s. 2 pages 4° and address. 1834. 1 154 Greenleak, B., Author, Principal of Bradford Academy, a. I. s. I page 4° and address. 1765. 1 155 Greenwood, Rev. F. W. P., '• King's Chapel," a. I. s. i page 8° 1818; — Rev. John Pierce, Minister at Brookline, a. I. s. I page 4° 1846. (2) CATALOGUE. 71 1 156 " Greenwood, Grace," S. J. Lippincott, Author, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° 1867. 1 157 "Greenwood, Grace," S. J. Lippincott, Author, a. l. s. i page 4*" in pencil. 1 158 Greknuu(;h, Horatio, Sculptor. His passport signed, folio, 1828, with numerous vises. 1159 Gresham, W. Q„ J. \V. Marshall, A. Kendall, Charles A. WicklitTe, etc., I'ost-Masters General, /. s. 4'^ of each. (7) 1 160 Greville, Fulke, Lord Brooke, Statesman and Poet, Favorite of Elizabeth and James J., and friend of Sir Philip Sidney, a. I. s. I page folio, 1617. Imperfect. 1161 Gri.mke, F., Thomas Parker, John T. Irving, Wm. Cranch, Theodorus Bailey, etc., Jurists, r/. /. s. 4° of each. (7) 1 162 Grimm, Jacob, German Author, .i' 138 CATALOGUE, UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE OFFICERS, ETC. Continued. 2374 Cleveland, Grover, a. I. s. 1 page 4° 187 1, while Sheriff of Erie County. 237s Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth, «. /. s. 1 page 8° "Executive Mansion, 1884." 2376 Hendricks, Thomas A., Vice President, a. /. s. 1 page 4° '853. 2377 Hendricks, Thomas A., Vice President, a. I. s. i page 8° 1865. SECRETARIES OF STATE. 2378 Jefferson, Thomas, President, Naval Commission signed, folio, 1806, signed also by Robert Smith. On vellum. 2379 Pickering, Timothy, a. I. s, i page folio, and address, 1823. 2380 Marshall, John, Chief Justice United States Supreme Court, a. I. s. I page 4° 1818. 2381 Madison, James, President, (/. s. Ship's paper, folio, 1807. Signed also by Thomas Jefferson. 2382 Smith, Robert, /. s. 7 pages folio, 181 1, to Jonathan Russell, Minister to France. 2383 Monroe, James, President, a. I, s. i page 4° 1813. 2384 Adams, John Quincy, President, if. s, 1 page folio, 1822. 2385 Clay, Henry, a. /. s. i page 4° 1824. 2386 Van Buren, Martin, President, a. I. s. i page 8° 1858. 2387 Livingston, Edward, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, 1829. 2388 McLane, Louis, a. I. s. i page 4° 1825. 2389 Forsyth, John, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, 1815. 2390 Webster, Daniel, a. /. s. i page 8° 1840. Portrait. 2391 Leoare, H. S., a. I. s. i page 8° 1842. 2392 Upshur, Abel P., a. I. s. 1 page 8° 1843. 2393 Calhoun, John C, Vice President, a. l. s. 2 pages 4" and address, 1842. 2394 Buchanan, James, President, a. /. s. 2 pages 4° "St. Peters- burg, 1833." 239s Clayton, John M., a. I. s. 2 pages 4° 1836. 2396 Everett, Edward, Governor of Mass., a. I. s. 2 pages 4° 1844. 2397 Marcy, William L., a. I. s. 1 page 4" and address, 1834. 2398 Cass, Lewis, a, I. s. i page 4° and address, 1845. 2399 Black, Jeremiah S., /. s. 8 pages folio, 1861, to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives. 2400 Seward, Wm., H., a. I. s. i page 4° 1841. 2401 Washburne, E. B., a. I. s. i page 4° 1857. CATALOGUE. 139 SECRETARIES OP STATE. Continued. 2402 Fish, Hamilton, a. I. s. i page 4° 1856, with VVm. M. Evarts, /. s. I page 4° 1877. (2) 2403 Bi.AiNE, James G., a. I. s. i page 4°. 2404 Frelinghuysen, Frederick T., a. /. s. i page 8° 1875. SECRETARIES OF THE TREASURY. 2405 Hamilton, Ale.xander, /. s. 3 pages 4° and address, franked, 1791. 2406 WoLCOTT, Oliver, /. s. 1 page 4° and address, franked, 1791. 2407 Gallatin, Albert, a. I. s. 2 pages 4° 1810. 2408 Campbell, George W., /. s. i page 4° and address, franked, 1814. 2409 Dallas, A. J., a. I. s. 1 page 4° 1815. 2410 Rush, Richard, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° 1848. 241 1 Ingham, Samuel D., a, I. s. i page 4° and address. 2412 McLane, Louis, a. I. s. i page 4° 1824. 2413 DuANE, Wm. J., a. I. s. 2 pages 4° 1826. 2414 Taney, R. B., Chief justice U. S. Supreme Court, a. I. s. i page 4° 1857. 2415 Woodbury, Levi, a. I. s. i page 4° 1848. 2416 EwiNG, Thomas, a. I. s. i page 4° 1842. 2417 Forward, Walter, and Wm. H. Crawford, /. s. 4° of each. (2) 2418 Spencer, John C, a. I. s. i page 4° 1846. 2419 Bibb, George M., a. I. s. 2 pages 4" and address, 1813. 2420 Walker, Robert J., a. I. s. i page 4° 1844. 2421 CoRwiN, Thomas, a. I. s. 2 pages 4° and address, 1841. 2422 Guthrie, James, /. s. i page 8° 1855. 2423 Cobb, Howell, a. I. s. i page 8° 1859. 2424 Thomas, Philip F., a. I. s. 1 page 4° 1840. 2425 Dix, John A., a. I. s. 2 pages folio, and address, 1838. 2426 Chase, Salmon P., Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court, a. /. s. I page 8°. 2427 Fessenden, Wm. P., a. I. s. 2 pages 4° and address, 1851. 2428 BouTWELL, George S., Governor of Massachusetts, a. I. s. i page 8° 1884. 2429 Richardson, William A., a. I. s. i page 8° 1878. 2430 Morrill, Lot M., a. I. s. i page 4° 1861. 2431 Sherman, John, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. 2432 Windom, Wm., a. I. s. 1 page 4° 1866. 2433 FoLGER, Charles J., and E. D. Morgan, /. s. 2 pages 4° of each. (2) 2434 McCuLLocH, Hugh, a. L s. i page 8° 1867. 2435 Manning, Daniel, /. .r. i page 4° 1885. o 140 CATALOGUE. SECRETARIES OF WAR. 2436 Knox, Henry, Maj-Gen. in the Revolution, d. s. i page folio, 1792. Signed as Secretary of War, 2437 Pickering, Timothy, a. I. s. 2 pages folio, 1795. 2438 McHenry, James, /. s, i page 4° 1799. 2439 EusTis, Wm., Governor of Massachusetts, a, I. s. i page 4 1810. 2440 Armstrong, John, Member of Continental Congress, a. I. s. 3 pages 4° 181 o. 2441 Monroe, James, President, a. d, s. i page folio, 18 14. 2443 Crawford, William H., a. I. s. 2 pages 4° 1818. ' 2443 Graham, George, /. s. 2 pages 4° 1817. 2444 Calhoun, John C, Vice-President, a. I. s. 1 page 4° and ad- dress. 1815. 2445 Barbour, James, /. s. i page 4° i8ar. 2446 Porter, Peter B., a. I. s. i page 4° 1818. 2447 Eaton, J. H., a. I. s. i page 4° 1825. 2448 Cass, Lewis, a. I. s. i page 4° 1847. 2449 PoiNSETT; Joel R., a. I. s. i page 4° 1834. 2450 Bell, John, d. s. 1 page folio, signed also by James A. Pearce. 2451 McLean, John, Judge U. S. Supreme Court, a. I. s. i page 4 and address, 1845. 2452 Spencer, John C, a. I, s. i page folio, and address, 1833. 2453 Porter, J. M., a. I. s. i page 4° 1843. 2454 WiLKiNS, William, a. I. s. i page 4° 1842. 2455 Marcv, Wm. L., a. I. s. 2 pages 4° and address, to Henry A. Wise. 2456 Conrad, Charles M., a. I. s. i page 4°, and address franked, 1842. 2457 Davis, Jefferson, a. I. s. i page 4° and address franked. 1851. 2458 Floyd, John B., a. /. s. 2 pages 8° 1857. 2459 Cameron, Simon, a. I. s. i page 4° 1837. 2460 Stanton, E. M., a. I. s. 1 page 4° 1862. 2461 Rawlins, John A., /. s. 2 pages 4° 1869. 2462 Belknap, W. W., a. /. s. 2 pages 8°. 2463 Taft, Alphonse, and Joseph Holt, /. s. i page 4° of each. (2) 2464 Cameron, J. D., a. I. s. 1 page 8° 1876. 2465 McCrarv, George W., a. I. s. i page 4° 187 1. 2466 Ramsay, Alexander, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, 1843. 2467 Lincoln, Robert T., a. I. s. 1 page 8° 1865. o CATALOGUE. 141 POST-MASTERS GENERAL. 2468 Granoer, Gideon, /. s. i page 4° 18 18. 2469 Meigs, Return J., a, d. s. i page 4° 1800. 2470 Karry, W. T., a. I. s. I page 4° 1820. 2471 Kendall, Amos, o. /. s. i page 4° and address. 1840. 2472 NiLES, John M., a, I. s. i page 4° and address. 1837. 2473 WiCKLiKFE, Charles A., a. I. s. i page 4° and address. 1842. 2474 Johnson, Cave, a. I. s, i page 4° 1865. 2475 CoLLAMER, Jacob, a. I. s. I page 4° 1846. 2476 Hall, N. K., a. I. s. i page 4° 1859. 2477 HuBKARD, S. 1)., d. s. I page 4° 1848. Signed also, by John M. Niies. 2478 Campbell, James, a. /. s. i page 4° 1857. 2479 King, Horatio, a. I. s. i pcige 4" 1834. 2486 Brown, Aaron V., a. I. s. 1 page 4° and address, 1843. 2481 Holt, Joseph, a. /. s. i page 8° 1873. 2482 Blair, Montgomery, a, I. s. i page 4° 1861. 2483 Cresswell, J. A. J., a. I. s. i page 4° 1857. 2484 Marshall, J. W., and D. M. Key, /. s. 1 page 4° of each. (2) 2485 Jewell, Marshall, a. /. s. i page 4° 1871. 2486 Maynard, Horace, a. I. s. 1 page 4° i860. 2487 Tyner, James N., a. I. s. i page 4° 1869. 2488 Howe, T. O., a. I. s. i page 8° 1865. ATTORNEYS GENERAL. 2489 Lee, Charles, a. /. s. 2 pages folio. 1804. 2490 Smith, Robert, /. s. i page 4° 1808. 2491 Rodney, Caesar A., a. I. s. 2 pages 4° and address, franked. 1808. 2492 Pinkney, William, a. I. s. 2 pages 4° 1820. Signed also by Edward Lloyd, of the Continental Congress. 2493 Rush, Richard, a. d. s. 2 pages folio, 1814. Signed also by James Monroe. 2494 Wirt, William, a. I. s. i page 4° and address. Stained. 249s Berrien, John M., a. I. s. 2 pages 4° 1853. 2496 Taney, R. B., Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court, a. I. s. i page 4° 1837. 2497 Grundy, Felix, a. I. s. i page 4° 1834. 2498 Gilpin, H. D., a. I. s. i page 4° 1833. 2499 Crittenden, J. J., a. I. s. i page 4° 1853. 2500 Legard, H. S., a. I, s. i page 4° 1841. /i 143 CATALOGUE. ATTORNEYS GENERAL. Continued. 2501 Nelson, John,