■ **? M'Wt'-, rmi i i i t i f iiii u pi ' i ' > > III) I nVn ii iTTuM i l^ tSSs: c 'li if OIROtLAE o» «R]r MpiCAL FACULTY o» TRINITY COLLEGE, TORONTO. TORONTO : RUBT XOWRBLL, KIMQ tTBBIT. 1864. m h^ ^ CIECULAR OF THE MEDICAL FACULTY T or TRINITY COLLEGE, TORONTO. TORONTO : HENRY UDWHKLI,, KING HTUKKX. 1854. • •• • ••»■ <0'^'^'^'^'^ JUNiS 1935 ^£)XB . • . : . TRINITY COLLEGE, TORONTO. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. EDWARD HODDER, M.D., M.R.C.S., England. Professor of ifidioifery and Diseaset of }Vomen mid OhiMren. JAMES BOVELL, M.D., L.R.C.P., London, Dean of the Paciiltv s Professor of the Institutes of Medicine. \ FRANCIS BADGLEY, M.D., M.R.C.S., Edinburgb. Professor oftfie Practice of Medicine, xXORMAN BETHUNE, M.D., iM.R.C.S., England. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. WILLIAM HALLOWELL, M.D., M.R.C.S. Edinburgh. Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy. CORNELIUS JAS. PHILBllICK, F.R.C.S., England. Ptvfessor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. HENRY Y. HIND, M.A. Professor of Chemistry. FRANCIS M. RUSSELL, M.D., M.R.C.S., England. Lecturer on Botany and MtdimlJurispnidence CIRCULAR. The Professors of ihe Faculty ofMedicine of Trinity Col- lege present to the friends of the University, and the Medi- cal Profession in Canada, their Circular for the ensuing year. The course of medical instruction will be comprised in a period of six months ; and commence, for the session of 1854-5, on Wednesday, the 18th of October next, and ter- minate in the last week of April following. The fees for attendance upon the respective classes are the same to all students, whether they are only occasional, (as refj;ards this University) or martriculaling — that is to say purpose to pro- ceed to the degree ; but it is to be observed, that occasional students are subjected to no pielimhinry or matriculating examination, and are required to subscribe to no declara- tion or test whatever. The professors of the different branches are now furnish- ed with extensive, perfect and valuable means, for the illus- tration of their respective subjects ; having dry and wet preparations for the exhibition of tissues and organs, both in a healthy and diseased condition, the plates of Cruveillier, Ciuswell, Quain, Baillie, Alibert, A:c. &c., serving as auxili- aries for the latter ; as well as many very beautiful prepa- rations made expressly for the purpose, with the aid of the microscope, by the Professors of Anatomy and Institutes of Medicine, for the former. There are also a cabinet of materia medica, and valuable botanical plates and diagrams ; an extensive Chemical apparatus, and laboratory for practi- cal chemistry ; Obstetrical apparatus and machine. In addition to these facilities, microscopical demonstra- tions will be made as often as required for the elucidation of the subject in hand. There is a library connected with this dcpartnnent of tiie University, from which books may be procured by students under certain regulations. The department of practical Anatomy will be under the immediate supervision of the Professor of Anatomy, aided by two assistant demonstrators chosen annually by examina- tion from among the pupils.* VViih the arrangements entered into, it is confidently hoped that there will be an ample supply of material for this section. The Lying-in Hospital in Richmond street, with its abun- dant sources of information for sufficiently advanced pupils, that is to say, for those who have already attended one course of lectures on the subject, cannot be surpassed in Canada. The pupils have the advantage of reference to the Professor of Midwifery in all cases of difficulty, and he will from time to lime give practical or clinical lectures on the cases of interest in the house. The practice c^the Toronto General Hospital, obtained by payment of a sessional fee, as well as that of the House of Industry and other charitable institutions in the city, will be made available for instruction to the pupils of Trinity College. SCHOLARSHIPS. Two Medical Scholarships, of the annual value of J625 and j630 respectively, have lately been founded in Trinity Col- lege. Of these the Medical Faculty Scholarship ofjE25, will be open for competition in October next. Candidates for this Scholarship must have passed the matriculation examination. At the end of the first year he must pass an examination in each of the following subjects: General Anatomy. Practical Anatomy, with demonstrations on the body. General and Organic Chemistry and Materia Medica. OF DEGREES IN MEDICINE. The University of Trinity College grants two Degrees in Medicine — that of Bachelor and Doctor. As the degree of ♦There will also bn t similar annual prize awarded inlihe class of Chemistry ; the successful ccodidato boioK the Assistant in the I^aboratory, for the ensuing; session. M.B. confers upon its holder the same privileges as those enjoyed by a Master of Arts, givinw him a seat in convoca- tion, &:c. &p., he is required to have previously taken the oath of allegiance and supremacy, and to have subscribed the following declaration : " I, A. B. do willingly and heartily declare that I am truly and sincerely a Member of the United Church of England and Ireland." No degree whatever is 'i-rantfd bv Trinitv Collesre under diflferent regulations. FOR THE DEGREE OF M.B. Candidates for this degree are required to have been en- gaged in their professional studies during four years ; they must have kept terms in college during one year, and previously to entering, they must have passed — i s is also reqr.lred of Students in the other Facult'es — an exan inaiion on the following subjects: DIVINITY— SCRIPT ORK HISTORY AND THK GOSPEL OF 6T. LUKE, IN QRUEK. CLASSICS-PLATO,* APOLOGIA SOCR VTIS ;— CICERO DE AMICITIA KT DK SENECTUTE;— LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION. MATHEMATICS— ARITHMETIC. EUCLID— BOOKS I & 2. (FIRST FOUR RULES, FRACTIONS, GREATEST COMMON MEASURE. LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE, I INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION, LSIMPLE EQUATIONS. N. B. Particular attention will be paid to grammatical ac- curacy. The whole examination will be conducted on paper. While residing in College, during the first year, they must pass the examinations prescribed for Students in Arts, and further, they must attend in the Medical Depart- ment the courses of lectures on Chemistry and Materia Medica. At the expiration of the fourth year of study, dating from the time of entering to the lectures on Chemistry and Mcteria Medica, provided that they shall then be of the age of 21 years, and shall have passed, to the satisfaction of the Medical Faculty, the two examinations in Medicine, as pre- scribed below, they shall obtain from the University a license '' ad practicandum \n Medicina," which shall be exchanged, after the expiration of two years more, lor the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, without further examination or expense. 8 OF THE EXAMINATIONS. The first examination shall commence on the second Mon- day in April, and be conducted by printed papers and viva voce, on the following subjects : ANATOMY. PHYSIOLOOV. CIIEMTSTIIY. MATKRIA MEDICA AND PllAIlMACV. HOTANY. No cundidalc will be admiltcfi to this examination, unless lie furnish proof by certificates — 1. Of his having completed the third year of his medical study. 2. Of having passed the examinatioiis required ofStu- dents in Arts, as already specified, and the " Previous Examination," or of having passed an examination or taken ti degree in arts in some other University recognized by Trinity College. 3. Of having attended, either in this University or some other recognized by it, one course of lectures on each of the following subjects : GENKUAL ANATOMY AND I'HYSIOLO&Y. DESCIUPTIVE AND SURlilCAL ANATOMY. I'ATHOLOOICAL ANATOMY. ClIKMISTRY. I'HACTICAL CliEMTSTRY. MATERIA MKDICA AND J>I1A1;MACY. IIOTANY. i'kactioe ok MEDICTNE. StKGKRY. AtinWIKEllY. mkdical jurisprudexci;. 4<. Of having dissected during nine months. The fee for this examination shall be £3 ; to bo paid to the Dean of the Medical Faculty on the first day of examin- tition. The certificates arc to be transmitted to him fourteen days prior to that day. The second examination shall take place on the 6rst Monday in November, or the second Monday in April. It shall be conducted by printed papers? and viva voce, at the discretion of the examiners, on the following subjects : institutes of MEDICINE. StIU(!KHY. .MKDieiNK. MIDWIFERY AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. No candidate shall be rdmitted to this examination until after the completion of his full Medical course of four years, and unless he presents certificates : 1. Of having ])as!;ed the tiist cxaniinatiun. 2. Of having subsequently to that period aitendod a second course of lectures on each of the subjects named for the first examination, including those on which he has been already examined, as well as those on which he was not so examined. 3. Of having, subsequently to his tirsi examination, dis- sected during six months. 4. Of having attended the practice of a lying-in Hospital for six months, and conducted several labours, &c. 5. Of having attended the Medical and Surgical practice of a recognized Hospital during eighteen months. 6. Candidates, at their second examination, may hr ex- amined in anatomy by demonstration on the body. The certificates, as in the former case, are to be trans- mitted to the Dean of the Medical Faculty, fourteen days before the day of examination. An additional fee of £3 is to be paid on the first day o( examinatio;i. OF THE DEGREE OF M.D. The examination for the degree of M.D. shall take place once in each year, and commence on the second Monday in April. No candidate shall be admitted to this examination, unless he shall have produced cortificates to the following eflect; vi;: : 1. Of having taken the degree of M.B. in this University or some other, the degrees of which are recognized by Trinity College ; or unless he be a Licentiate of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of England, Scotland or Ireland ; or a Licen- tiate of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of England, Scotland or Ireland, 3. Of having been engaged in actual practice, or of having attended the practice of an Hospital (Medical and Surgical) for at least two years, subsequently to having taken his first degree. 3. Of moral character, attested by two persons of respec- tability. These certificates shall be transmitted to the Dean of the Medical Faculty, as provided in the case of those for the first degree. 1 10 The examination nliall be by printed paper^j, and i^hall comprise the following subjects : GENERAL PATIIOLOGV- ANIMAL CIIKMISTRY. The candidate shall also furnish a commentary on case:* in Medicine, Surgery and Midwifery. **By virtue of the Royal Charter held by this University, gradu- ates in Medicine are entitled to their Provincial License. SPECIAL CASES. There are rules provided for the guidance of those Medi- cal gentleman already in practice, and belonging to the Church of England, who being possessed of degrees from Universities recognized by Trinity College, desire to obtain an ad cunclum in this University, or having inferior degrees from similar recognized Institutions, desire to obtain the higher grades in Trinity College. All necessary information on these matters can he had on personal application or by letter (post-paid), to the Dean of the Medical Faculty. The necessary dor\iments must also be forwarded either to JAMES BOVELL,M.D. Dean of Fucidty, St. George's Sqiiare : or FRANCIS BADGLEY, M.D. Acdny Dean, 77 Bay Street, Toronto. List of Students who aitended Li?ctures during the se^dion 1853.4. Richard Paul Lewis Ireland. Alex, Pattullo U.Canada. D. E. Burdett P. Edward. Vfin. Bottridge ',,,,. Woodstock. Isaac Ryall Hamilton. Arthur W. Moore Toronto. Robert Douglass Mertou, Wm. Chace St. CatharincR. Michael Lawlor Toronto, .A. T. Augusta Philadelphia. Franklin B, Henry Boamsvillc. Martin Morrison Toronto Township. R. S. Ball Orantham. W, Lambert Niagara Township. A. R. Laidlaw Esquesing. .f. M. Bell Nassagawcyo. W. L, Herriman Clark, (J. H, Corbett Newmnrket. 0,E, Martin Whitby. 11 W. 8. Scott Esquesing. II. M. Wrong Vienna. Edwin Goodman St. Catharinen. E. W. Gustin Vienna. Clark Caughall Vienna. John Salmon Simcoe. Thomas Mornson Niagara. Jacob Over'iolts Pt. Oolborne, 0. B. Gilbert Belleville. P. V. Borland Belleville, John McKenzie Toronto. A. H. Paget Thornhill. Geo. Adams St. Catharines. W. R. Gilmer Three Rivers. Thomas G. Phillips Chinguacousj'. Edward W. Goode Toronto. Herry McNaughton London, C.W. Geo. J. Ford London, €. W. Aug. J. Thibodo Belleville. Wm. Hillier Mill Creek. Wm. R. Smith Waterford. Henry Bogue Toronto. G. G. Emerj' Bowmanville. Wm. A. Corafoi't Beamsvillc. Dennis W. Campbell Nelson. P.P. C. Deslandes Toronto. Wm. S. Ilewat Guelph. E.H.Coleman Belleville. Wm. H. G. Baylcy Hamburg. Henry Edwards London. Henry Hall St. Thomas. Lucius S. Oille St. Catharines. Wm. Donnelly Charlotteville. FBIZE LIST. At the close of tho last session, the following gentlemen were de- clared prizemen : Assistant Demonstrators, and J Wm. Hillier, and Wm. Hcwat. Prosectors of Anatomy j ' Anatomy and Physiology W. L. Herrimau. Institutes of Medicine Senr. — Edwin Goodman. Junr. — John T. Mc Kenzic. Chemistry Senr. — W. L. Herriman. Junr. — W. Lambert. Materia Medicn Senr. — Isaac Ryall. Junr. — W. Lambert. Obstetrics Senr. — W. L. Herriman. Junr. — E. Goodman. Practice of Medicine Senr. — W. L. Herriman. Junr.— G. N. Corbett. Surgery Senr. — W. L. Herriman. Junr — .John T. McKenxie. 12 DEGREE OF M.B. FINAL EXAMINATION:— Aug, J. Thibodo, B.A. Wm. R, Gilmor. FIRST EXAMINATION :— Edwin Goodman. Weston L. Herrimau. Isaac Ryall. Wm. Bettridge, B.A. Paul R. Lewis, David E. Burdett. John Salmon.