^ IMAGE EVALUATrON TEST TARGET (MT-3) A ^^ ,.<^4fe. /AS' &^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ 1 2.8 "III 2.5 1^ i^ III 2.2 ^ li£ IIIIIIO Uuu 1.8 lA. Ill 1.6 V] <^ /i /y. :> > ▼ ^^ PART VI. The Grammar of Rhythmic Speech or Verse. PEEFACE The secret of English Grammar — and it is an open secret — lies in the knowledge of what word or words go with what word, and what group of words goes with wliat par- ticular word. Hence, if I were teaching English Grammar to a young class, I should keep my pupils for at least six months answering such questions as " "What does go Avith]" "What word does it belong tol' "What word does attach itself to 1" '•The sclioolboy knows very well tlio fruit of t"io bramble." What docs the first the go with ? Wliat does %ceU go witli ? What docs very go with ? To what word is o/ hit suldleri iu order of battle, they were suld to be in lyntai. (ii) Syntax is the Science of Sentences. 3. Words have an origin and a history ; they grow, and, as they grow, changes are made on thcni. (i) The story of this origin and the description of the changes made in words are contained in the part of Grammar c.illed Etymology. The word Etymology is made up of two Greek words which meRn a true account. (ii) Etymology treats of the Origin of Words, and of the Changes made upon them. 4. Some language is built up by poets into sets of words that have a beautiful flow. This beautiful flow comes chiefly from the accents appearing at regular intervals. This kind of language is called verse. (i) Thus we have in Sir Walter Scott :— The wa'y was lo'ng, the wi'nd was co'ld, The mi'n strel wa's infir'm and o'ld. (ii) The part of Grammar which treats of ▼en* is called Prosody. Protody is a Greek word which mean* a son? sung to miisic. In music there are beatt, which come at regular intervale ; iu verse tlierc are acc«n(« at regular intervals. (iii) Prosody treats of verse, its nature, and its different kinds. oiiTirof.nAPnv S 5. \\'o liiivo, tluMofoifi : a Grammar of Letters ; u Grammar of Words ; a Grammar of Sentences ; and a Grammar of Verse. (i) V k; (Jriiniiiiar of I.t^ttcrs ii called Orthography. (ii) '' he Or.iiiiiii-ir «)f Wunls is fulliMl ttymology. (lii' The Graiiiiiuir of St'iityiu'es is calleil BtoUs. (i / The Gruininar of Vuiho is calk'il Proiody. Exercise 1. 1. What is the Science of Letters callcfl? 2. What name is given to the Science of Sentences'? 3. What do we call the Science of the Origin of Words ? 4. What is the part of Grammar which treats of Verse calleil ? Lesson 2. — Orthography, i. 1. There are, in speaking, two kinds of sounds : open sounds ; and stopped sounds (or penned-up sounds). (i) If we say a, we can keep utterin- that sound as long as our breath will iioKl out. It is an open lound. (ii) But, if we say &t, wn stop the flow of the brcnlh with the sound t. Tims v. \.i a itopped Mond. 2. Open Sounds are called vowe!s. (i) The vowels of the English language are five: », e, i, o, u. When it is at the end of a syllabic or word, as in any. y is also a vowel. (ii) If wand y begin a word— as in wine and yoke— tbey are called lemi-voweli. If they end a word— as in valley and yellow— they are vowels. (lii) When two vowels are combined in one sound, they fo.in a dlphthons. Thus oi in boil ; on in houe arc called diphthongs. The word diphthong In a Greek word wliich menns two »a„ts ; of a hn;l 1. The very shortest sentence we can form is made up of at least two words. (i) Tims we .say : (i) Lions roar ; (ii) Piys -;n,nt ; (iii) Cows low. (ii) In these sentences we say about LIohb, that tl.ey roar; about Pi,s, that they grunt ; about Cowb, that they low. ^ 2. The words Lions, Pigs, and Cows, are all Names. 3. A Name in Grammar is called a Noun. Therefore the wonls Lions, Fig., ami Cows, are Noun.. 4. The ANords roar, grunt, and low, arc Avords which tell us something-they tell us what kinds of sounds lions, pi-s and cows make. ^ ' 5. The words roar, grunt, and loware therefore telling words. G. A Telling word in Grammar is called a Verb. n„. will stuke, has been struek," nu.st be h.oke.l o„ as single verb.s. f /. A SHOKT GRAMMAR OF THK ENGLISH TONGUE The verb is the key-stoue of speech. If it is left out, all the other words fall nonsense. into (i) If we say "I to the river willi John, we talk nonsense. (ii) If we put in flie verb went or ran, anil say : '• I ran to the river with John," we tiilk sense. I I 8. The same word may bo used either as a noun or as a verb. (!) If wo say a roar, a grunt, a sleep, we are using these words as noons because tliey are names. (ii) If we say. The lions roar, the pigs grant, the birds Bleep, we are nsing these words as verbs, because they tell something about the lions, the pigs, and the birds. Exercise 8. Select the nouns irit the foUoxoing sentences: 1. The kitten sat in a dark corner. 2. I hung with grooms and porters on the bridge. 3. The wolves howled in the dark and dreary niglit. 4. The train ran too fast into the station. 5. The hoy is skating on the pond. C. The birds are singing in the distant woods. Exercise 6. Mention {or write down) the names of twelve things in a room. Exercise 7. Select the verbs in the sentences in Exercise 5. Exercise 8. Select the noons in the following sentences: 1. Gas is made from coal. 2. The tap sounded loudly on the door in the silent night. 3. The hills are white with snow. 4. The girl carried her basket of eggs to market. 5. The priest threw his spear at the temple of the false god. G. The sweeps dressed themselves in leaves and flowers. ^ Ez. 9. Mention {or write doivn) the names qf twelve animals. LTYJUOLOGY < Ex. 10. ]\Ic7ition (or write doivn) the vanus >e. 3. The hart swam across the lake. 4. The trout dart here and there in the pool. 5. The little girl was sewing in the corner. G. Round his waist was girt a broadsword. Exercise 13. Insert suitable verbs iido the following non- sensical collections of %cords: 1. An old woman in the pleasant valley of Ashton. 2. The billy-goat up the steep mountain. 3. The cruel sailor the seal. 4. Little puss in a dark corner. 5. The hyena fiercely. G. Mrs. Jones quickly her basket. 7. The village boys at the game of football and other games. 8. She was a book in the window-scat. 9. Robin Hood the poor and the rich. 10, Ducks whenever they take to the water. 11. The swan swiftly over the lake. 12. The dog the rat fiercely. Exarciso 11. JVorlc this Exercise in the same xcay as Exer- cise 12. 1. The river falls into the harbour. 2. The dogs barked quite fiercely. 3. The rain makes music in the waving trees. 4. The sound comes borne upon the sighing breeze. 5. The milkman's daughter ran to the door. G. The little children })lay on the floor. Exercise 15. Place suitajle verbs after f" following noi'ns : 1. The boys. 2. The girls. C. The spider. 7. Eagles. The seal. 11. The river. 3. The children. 4. Dogs. ."5. Cats. 8. The lion. 9. The elephant. 10. 12. The traveller. nices : door The Ithrew ressed \mals. Exercise 16. Place suitable nouns before the following verbs : 1. Fly. 2. Roar. 3. Hunt. 4. Kick. 5. Sleeps. G. Rattle. 7. Totters. 8. Hobbles along. 9. Fell. 10. Howled. 11. Danced. 12. Speaks. Exercise 17. Stat" when, in this Exercise, the following ii'ords are used as nouns, and when as verbs : Box, breakfast, cart, cloud, colour, cut. 1. The box was sent by the passenger train. 2. We had a very good breakfast before we started. 3. The cart rumbled slowly over the bridge. 4. A cloud passed suddenly over the stream. 5. The cloths are not of the same ^*" 8 A SHOUT (MIAMMAU OI' THK KXCiMSH TONGUE 1] i ;! colour. G. There was a deep cut in the'Lark of the tree. 7. The dogs were boxed up for the journey. 8. Wo breakfast every morninji; at eiylit. 0. The farmers cart off their young calves to the railway station. 10. Our prospects "were clouded by the unhappy acci lent. 11. The boys colour pictures all the after- noon. 12. He cut his finger while he was making a boat. Exeroisa 18. Work this Exercise like the i^receding with the Kordi: Drsam, fear, feast, hammer, hand, head. 1. The r.ttle boy dreamed a fearful dream. 2. The fear of meeting the enemy kept us in hiding. 3. Belshazzar the king gave a great feast. 4. The blacksmith had a hammer in his hand. 5. The colonels head their regiments in the attack. G. The men greatly fear the approach of cholera. 7. The kind merchant will feast the school-children in his splendid mansion. 8. The smith hammered hard at the bar of iron. 9. The gentleman will hand tlie lady to her seat. 10. lie h)oks as if he had quite lost his head. Exercise 19. Vorh // Ercrciac in the sauie imy v-ith the words : Hold, hope, hunger, look, move, murder. 1 . The lad lost his hold of the rope and fell into the sea. 2. Wliile there is life there is hope. 3. iMnna men hunger and thirst after right- eousness. 4. The master quelled the riot Avith a look. 5. I wonder what his next move Avill be. G. The soldier was found guilty of the nuirder of his comrade. 7. Our tousins hold live hundred acres of land in Canada. 8. We hope to see you soon again. 9. The pai. s of hunger drove the boys home. 10. The mother from the window looked with all the longings of a mother. 11. We nuist move on faster if we Avish to catch the train. 12. The pirates murder the passengers as Avell as the crew. Exercise 20. Worl this Exercise in the same way with the words: Nod, pinch, play, ring, run, salt. 1. I threw him a nod, and he came out after nie. 2. The pinch made his arm black and blue. 3. John spentts too much of his time in play. 4. The girls danced round the tree in a ring. 5. The long run made the bovs rather tircil. G. The fishermen salt their fish Avith sea-salt. 7. We nod to them Avhenever Ave inect them. 8. They pinch me on the arm. 9. We play cricket every Wednesday afternoon. 10. The farmer Avill ring the bull because he is so fierce. 11. The boys run doAvn to the lake every morning. 12. There is no salt in the house. i:tymolu(;v Exercise 21. H'ork thii Exercise in iJie yaiih' way with the words : Shade, shake, sliip, epoil, stone, thunder. 1. We sat in the shade of the eliu-trce all tlie afternoon. 2. We had a dread- ful shake in the railway collision. 3. The merchants ship lar^'o quantities of goods ou hoard the Vulcan. 4. The Israelites spoiled the Egyptians when they left, 5. The men stone the poor foreigners through the streets. G. The Serjeants thunder at their men. 7. The gardeners shade their plants against the sun. 8. You must shake the hottle before taking the medicine. 9. The troops brought back immense spoil. 10. The stone of which the Houses of Parliament are built is very soft. 11. The ship Teutonic sails everv Wednesday for Xew York. \-2. The thunder came in terrific pc;ds every few minutes. Exercise C2. Work this Exercise in the same way ivith the words: Time, trick, tumble, walk, war, winter. 1. We time the train and find that it generally arrives to the minute. 2. The guard played us a very u;:ly trick. 3. Tom and Harry had a plea- sant tundle among the hay. 4. We are going a long walk this jifternoon. 5. The Philistines war against the people of Israel. G. The Danes wintered lor the first time in tlie Isle of Sheppey. 7. It took a longer time to get to Prighton than we expected. {]. The poor countryman was tricked out of all his money. 9. Tlie boys toss and tundjle the hay about every afternoon. 10. We walk six miles every day. 11. The war between the Germans and the French lasted nearly a year, 12. Last winter was a very severe one. Ex3rcisc 23. irorJc this Exercise in the some way with the words: Brldgo, station, tap, spear, sweep, round. 1. The engineers l)ridge the stream with ease. 2. The troops Avere stationed at the gates of the palace. 3. A low tap was heard at the door. '\. The Arab speared his enemy on the spot, 5. The servant will sweep the room in the morning. G, The ship will round the j)()int with little ditlicuhy. 7. The bridge was swept away by the flood. 8. The station was filled with armed men. 0. The beggar will tap at the kitchen door. 10. Goliath's spear was like a weaver's beam. 11. The road takes a mighty sweep before one comes to the house. 12. A rouad of beef stood on the table for the hun-^n-y boys' dinner. i I A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH TONGUK Lesson 5. — Kinds of Words, ii. 1. We can also say : The hungry lions roar. The fat pigs grunt. The red cows low. (i) In the sentence : The hungry lions roar, it is plain that the words the and bnnsry go with Uona. (ii) In the sentence : The fat pigs grunt, th« and fat go with plgn. (iii) In the sentence : The red cows low, the and red go with cowi. 2. (a) A word that goes with a noun is called in Grammar an Adjective. Or (b) An Adjective is a Noun-marking word. (i) Adjectives may also be used as nouns. We say : The rich, The poor, The free. The ftble-bodled, etc. The noun personi is understood. (ii) But we must observe about this usaj-.e : That the adjective must always have The before it. We cannot say " A rich" or "A poor." 3. We can go further and say : The hungry lions roar terribly. The fat pigs grunt constantly. The red cows low loudly. (i) In the sentence : The hungry Vu .s roar terribly, it is plain that the word terribly goes with the verb roar. (ii) In : The fat pigs grunt constantly, ihe word constantly goes with gnnt. (iii) In the sentence : The red cows low loudly, the word loudly goes with low. 4. A word that goes with a verb is called an Adverb. Exercise 24. Select {or point out) the adjectives in the folloiving sentences: 1. The little kitten sat in a dark corner. 2. The fat bear and the lean fox walked together. 3. The stout ship v/^as wrecked in a terrible gale. 4. The merry lark was singing his early song. 5. The tall house was lighted up v/itli countless candles. 6. The hungry wolf looked at the fat chickcms. Exercise 25. Point out^ in the foUoxoing sentence-', the ADJECTIVES that are used as names or xouxs : 1. The good alone are truly happy. 2. None but the brave deserve the fair. 3. Toll for the brave, the brave that are no more ! 4. How are the mighty fallen ! 5. God rejectctli the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. G. Only the old arc admitted to this hospital, ETYMOLOGY It 7. That is a school for the deaf and dumh. 8. The haughty often meet with insult. 9. So long a walk is all very well for the strong and hearty ; but it should not be attempted by the old and feeble. 10. The proud and violent are to be shunned. 11. It is good to be found among the congregation of the riuhteous. 12. England is the land of the free. Exercise 26. Write out from Exercise 24 the adjectives and the xoL'NS they go with in opposite columns. Exercise 27. Aihl suitable adjectives {one or more) to the followi)i(j NOUNS : 1. Boys. 2. Girls. 3. I)ogs. 4. Pigs. 5. (ills. G. Ink. 7. Paper. 8. Pen. 9. Prisoner. 10. Whale. 11. Deer. 12. Grave. Exercise 28. Place suitable nouns after the follmoing adjec- tives : 1. Tall. 2. Fat. 3. Clever. 4. Active. 5. Dark. 6. Sweet. 7. Blue. 8. Gentle. 9. Deep. 10. Cruel. 11. Green. 12. Vast. Lesson G. — Kinds of Words, iii. 1. "We can say : It is a very fine morning. (i) In tliis sentence, fine goes with tlie noun morning, and is therefore an adjective, (ii) But what does very go with? Very goes witli fine. 2. A word that goes with an adjective is called an Adverb. 3. "We can say : John swims very well. (i) In this sentence, well goes with iwimi, and is an adverb, (li) But very goes with well, and is also an adverb. • ... 4. A word that goes with an adverb is called an Adverb. 5. An Adverb is, therefore, a word that goes with a Verb, or an Adjective, or another Adverb, 6. We can say : The lark sings sweetly. The work is extremely hard. The niglitin^ale sings very sweetly. (i) In the first sentence, iweetly goes with ilogt, and shows ua how the lark singa* It modiftea the meaning of the verb lingi. ttMtmm 12 A SHORT uiiAiMMAu or THK kn(;lisii tongue I I ; ■ I (H) In the jspnoTifl sentence, eztremaly goes with luird, and shows us how hard the work is. It modlfiM ttie meaning of the adjective hard. (iii) In the third sentence, very goes with iweetly, and shows us how sweetly the nightingale sings. It modiflei the meaning v>f the adverb aweetly. 7. We now see that an Adverb is a Modifying Word. 8. An Adverb modifies the meaning of Verbs, of Adjectives, and of other Adverbs. Exercise 23. Select the adverbs in the foUowing sentences : 1. The train ran quickly into the station. 2. The Hon was mortally wounded. 3. The fire was burning brightly. 4. The rector spoke kindly to the old woman. 5. The wind was a very cold wind. 6. The |K)stman will come soon. 7. His mother felt exceedingly uneasy about her son John. 8. Fairy rings are very beautiful. 9. The boat drifted away. 10. The boy was almost dead with fatigue. 11. The speaker was loudly applauded. 2. The girls are very happy at school. Exercise 30. Select the adverbs in Exercise 29, and place them before ike verbs or the adjectives they modify, thus: ADVERBS. Quiclily VERIiS. Ran ADVERBS. Very AD-fKCTIVES Cold Exercise 31. Select, from the foUoioinj sentences, the adverbs that modify adverbs, and place them, opponk each o'her in cohimns: 1. I thanked him very much before I left. 2. The company was very greatly annoyed by hi.s sudden disappearance. 3. Mr. Bright always spoke very slowly. 4. The boy ran ex- ceedingly fast and gained the race. 5. The children danced quite merrily round the tree. 6. She is almost always cross 7. We have only just couie. 8. He is much too lazy for me. 9. He comes here rather often. 10. I hardly ever see hi?,i. 11. The lad was most terribly frightened. 12. Do not walk so fast I Exercise 32. Add suitable adverbs to the folloioing adjec- tives : 1. Angry. 2. Dull. 3. Tall. 4. Able. 5. Glad. 0. Great. 7. Wonderful. 8. Willing. 9. Steady. 10. Difficult. 11. Brave. 12. Clever. Exercise 33. Make titv.lve sentences, each containing one of the foUowing adverbs : 1. Often. 2. Here. 3. There. 4. 1 2 m (i) m in) 1 3 M (i) j (ii) KTYMOLOr.Y 13 Soon. 5. Late. G. Almost. 7. Quite. 8. Very. 9. Straight. 10. Oddly. 11. Quietly. 12. Well. Exercise 34. Write out, in columns, the adverbs in the follovjing sentences, and, opposite them, the VF.nns, adjectives, or AW ERBS they modify, thus : ADVERBS. VERBS. 1 ADVERBS. ADJECTIVES, ADVERBS. ADVERBS Fast Ride 1 Too Eager Very Soon I. "VVe buried him darkly at dead of night. 2. The poor dog very soon died. 3. Bruin came very slowly and slily up to the side of the hive. 4. The snovfjil's so thickly that we cannot see far. 5. No boy is ever hopelessly stupid. 6. Some boys are terribly lazy. 7. I am very much obliged for the book. 8. The mastifl' grows more savage every day. 9. The mother loved her son only too dearly. 10. The child was very dreadfully bruised. II. She walked too quickly to the station, sat down carelessly at an open window, and consequently caught cold. 12. Slowly and sadly we laid him down. Exercise 35. Make sentences containing the following adverbs: 1. Soon. 2. Shortly. 3. Exceedingly. 4, Very, 5. Here. 6. Truly. 7. Away. 8. Cruelly, 9. Nearly. 10. Seldom. 11. Lately. 12. Too. Lesson 7. — Kinds of AVords. iv. 1. Many Avords are used eitner as Adjectives or as Adverbs. (i) If they mark nonns, they are adjectives ; if they modify verbs, they are adverbt. (ii) Such arc the words :— Fair ; high ; hard ; Utile; long ; load ; low; much ; itraight, etc. (iii) We can say : To play fair or Fair play ; To aim high or A high wall, etc. (iv) In " Love me little, love mo long," little and long are hoth adverbs. 2. Some Nouns can be used as Adjectives. (i) Such as : Gold, Iron, steel ; cotton, lineu ; stone, glass ; Paris, London ; ct^. (ii) We can say : " Gold " or " a gold ring " ; " London ' or " a London watch." 3. Some Adverbs may be employed as Nouns. (i) We say " Before now" (=this time). " Since then" (^tliat time), (ii) Coleridge says : " Ah for the change "twixt now and then!" F !!! - 14 A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE ENtlLlSH TONCJUK i Exerciss 36. Home words in the following srutnices are vncd cither an adjixtivks or as advkiujs. Place them in columns be- fore the nonna they go with or the words they modify, thus: ADJF.CTIVKS. Fast NOTNS. Runner ADvrnns. Fast VKRH.S. Run 1. This is the Letter and easier way to the town. 2. Mary sews better than Liu-y. 3. This ball is too hard. 4. The blacksmith hammered hard on his anvil the whole day. 5. Tom is still a very little boy. G. I little dreamt of meeting him in London. 7. Wc have not much money in the bank. 8. My uncle feels much better to-day. 9. Most people prefer to walk. 10. It was ii most beautiful sunset. 11. Do not speak .so loud I 12. We Avere almost deafened by the loud reports of the cannon. 13. This is a worse pen than any I ever had in my hand. 14. The boys behaved worse than before. Exercise 37. Male sentences in vAich the follon-ing words arc used (i) as aovkrhs and then as (ii) adjkctivks : 1. Fast. 2. Quick. 3. Very. 4. Better. 5. Worse. G. Loud. 7. Much. 8. More. 9. Little. 10. Half. II. Low. 12. Late. (a) • That is the verj' innn ! ' (b) " Si)cak low, for tlie Old Year lies a-Jying ! ' (c) Full may alao be usej aa an aJveib. "Full soon thy Rnu! shall have her earthly freight I ' Exercise 38. Ufale twelve sentences, in which the following words shall he m-'ed first as Ai)JEc:ri\'v.s and then as advkkh.s : 1. Faster. 2. Hard. 3. Much. 4. Most. 5. First. G. Pretty. Exercise 39. /?!. the folloiving sentences state whe'her the words gold, Btono, kitchen, cottage, church, Birmingham arc. used af nouns or as adjkctivks : 1. Marv's uncle gave her a gold watch. 2. Gold is one of the precious metals. 3. A stone building will not last so long as a building of good brick. 4. Midlothian is famous for its quarries of freestone. 5. The robbers found their way into the house through the kitchen window. 6. Susan is busv baking bread in the kitchen. 7. Lucy was the sweetest thing that ever grew beside a cottage door. 8. The cottage was almost covered with roses. 9. One of the church windows was broken last night. 10. Our seat in chitrch is near the pidpit. 11. Birmingham is celebrated for its glass. 12. Birmingham glas:^ is both cheap and elegant. ETYMOLOCJY IT) Lesson 8. — Kinds of AVorcls. v. 1. AVc can say: Jack, iii the box. Fly on a wlu-el. Man witli a gun. (i) In tlni first iiliiaso, tlio wnnl in joins (Im two nutins Jack and box. (ii) In till! scccMiil, till! Wdvl oa joins fl/;;iiil wheel. (lii) In tliet\veen Knssia and Turkey. 11. The road tln-onph the wood is very roii^li. 1-. The seat under the tree is much liked by tho old folI« I;, •w^^^B^F"^iiwt^^»m^ ^^^^ 16 A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH TONOUi: I 1,1-' II -'ii I 1 ' Ezerolse 41. Select the PREPosiTioys rn the foUouing phrases and sentencesy and state xvhat adjkctivks and nouns they connect: 1. Quick at work, slow at meals. 2. I felt quite numb with cold. 3. York is famous for its Minster. 4. My aunt was very kind to the boys. 5. She was always careful about our anmsements. G. No one is so proud of his batting. 7. The (lo;j is very fond of biscuits. 8. My uncle was sorry for his servant. 9. The room was bright with Limps. 10. The gvrden was lovely in the sunlight. 11. He is not very eager about the match. 12. His nose was quite blue with cold. Exercise 42. Select the prepositions in the following sentences, and state what verbs a^ifi tiov as theij connect: 1. The gamekeeper shot the snipe with his old gun. 2. Mrs. Styles always travelled with twenty-three trunks. 3. The old lady sat in her old arm-chair. 4. Paris stands on the Seine. 5. The .ship sailed from Leith to the Polar seas. 6. The sailor fell into the harbour. 7. The canary flew to hor mistress. 8. Cardinal Wolsey was born in the fifteenth century. 9. The hat was hanging on its own peg. 10. The stork is protected by law in Holland. 11. Reynard trotted along with his tail in the air. 12. The cuckoo visits us in April. Exercise 43. Add prepositions and nouns to the following vonns, adjectives, and verbs: 1. Bird. 2. Fond. 3. Struck. 4. The captain lived — . 5. The steam-engine at — . C. My coat is — . 7. The cart rattled along — . 8. The negroes — are very h-zy. 9. The king — is dead. 10. The Lord Mayor — is coming here to-day. 11. The train will arrive — . 12. The shepherd sat fluting — . 13. The church star ds — . Lesson 9. — Kinds of Words, vi. 1. Wc can say: The man rose and fled. The bear and the lion are fierce animals. I will come if you are there. (i) In the first sentence, the word and ji)ins the verb roaa and the verb fled. (ii) In the second, the word and joins the two sentences "The bear is a fierce animal ' and " The lion is a fierce animal." (ill) In the third, the word if joins the verb will com* to the verb «r*. KTYMOLOOY II 2. Tho words and and if arc Verb-joining words. (i) In the Hentenci! : "Twn and two make four, ' aad iiivri'ly JniiiHthe two adjectives t>^o mU two. It would be absurd to Hay " Two iiiakeii four ' and "Two makes four." (ii) And ia therefore tliu only cxceiitiuu to the utatcmunt that conJtiuctionHJuin verbH. 3. A Verb-joining wor** is called in Grammar a Oonjunc- tion. Or, Conjunctions arc Verb-joining words. 4. The words but, except, and notwithstanding may be used either as Prepositions or as Conjunctions. (i) " All went but him ' or " exct'pt him. Here but and ejccepi ore prepositionii. (Ii) " They went, but hu remained, llere but is a conjunction, Ijecause it joins two Bcntences. 5. Some Adverbs may be employed as Coi^unctions. (i) In : "He has since lift the country." linc* is an adverb modifying haslr/t. (ii) If we Hfly, " I have never seen him since he left the country," since is a conjunc- i'rin joining two sentences. Exercise 44. Select the conjunction.s in the following sentences, and state ivh at verbs thrj connect: 1. Come and dine with us to-morrow. 2. We shall not go, unless you come with us. 3. We will stay at home if it rains. 4. The train has not arrived though the clock has struck ten. 5. We shall all go skating as soon as the lake is frozen. 6. The bee hummed his thanks aa • he roamed from flower to flower. 7. I waited at the stile till he returned. 8. I will come, since you order me. 9. The hoy wa.s drowned, but the kitten was saved. 10. The wolf laughed at the fox because he was so proud of his brush. 11. You must take care lest you fall into the pond. 12. I heard that the ship was wrecked. Exercise 48. Write out the conjunctions iji Exercise 44, ■ with the VERBS they connect on each side of them, thus : VERB. Come CONJUNCTION. and VERB. dino VERB. Go CONJUNCTION. unless VERB. come Exercise 46. Select the prepositions and the conjunctions in the foil Old ing sentences, and state what they connect: 1. An old owl lived in an oak and hunted mice. 2. Polly put the kettle on the fire, but Susan took it off again. 3. An Arab lost B 1> T M 18 A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE hLs way in the desert, and wandered about till he died. 4. He will not come to the dance unless you invite him. 5. The chicken was plucked before it was quite dead. 6. Willows are weak, but they bind together other wood. 7. I wonder whether they will come to the ball. 8. They caught sight of the town when they reached the top of the hill. 9. My poor dog Tray went with me wherever I went. 10. I knew by the smoke that a house was near. 11. I told him that I was going to London by the Midland. 12. We should get no coals, if the miners did not work in their mines. Exercise 47. Place the prepositions and conjunctions in Exercise 46 i7i cohimns, hehceen the ivords they connect^ thus : Lived PAEPOSITIOKS. in oak Lived CONJUNCTIONS. and hunted Lesson 10. — Kinds of Words, vii. 1. We now know six kinds of words. They go in pairs : Noun and Verb; Adjective and Adverb; Preposition and Conjunction. 2. They can be set out in a Table : Adjective which alwayi goes with a NOUN (Pronoun) Preposition (which joins a Noun to some other word). Adverb uiiich often goes witli a VERB Conjunction (which always joins Verbs). 3. The following statements may safely be made (i) An Adjective dues for a Noan what an Adverb does for a v'erb. (ii) Or: Adjective : Noun :: Adverb : Veib. (iii) Prepositions tU) Tor Moons what CoivJanctions do for Verbs, (Iv) Or i PrepoaltlOM : Nouns . : Ooujuuotiona : Vorbi. ETYMOLOC!\ ^). Exercise 43. Sihct, in the following senteno'S, the nouns and the \EiUiS said of them; the adjectives a?irf the nouns they go icith; the ADVEnus and the words they mod If g. Place them in columns thus: NOUNS. VERBS. I ADJECTIVES. X0UN3. | ADVEKDS. WORDS MODIFIED. Dogs bark I Fierce dogs I Very loudly 1. Our bi'gles sang truce, for the niglit-cloud luid lowered, and the sentinel stars set their watch in the sky. '2. The speckled deer lie in separate groups here and there in the park. 3. The nitfhtingale now tells the same tale she told when the earth was young. 4. The warriors went back to their humble cot^ages among the grecu hills. 5. The body and I pulled at one rope, but he said nought to me. G. The clouds are scudding across the moon ; a misty light is on the sea. Exercise 43. IVorh this Exercise like Exercise 47. 1. The wind in the shrouds has ii wintry tune, and the foam is flying free. 2. The spirit of your fathers shall start from every wave ! 3. In the pleasant valley of Dovedale lived an old woman. 4. The little boys play in the evening en the broad village green. 5. Scarce could they see or hear their foes, until at weapon- point they close. G. He murmured earnest thanks to the fair ladv for her great kindness. • Exercise 50. Work the following Exercise like Exercise 47 : 1. The travellers marclied through the dense African forest in single file, with their guns slung on their l)acks. 2. The sports- . man emerged from the thicket and ran up to the wolf. 3. He goes on Sunday to the church, and sits among his l)oys. 4. 1 he Roman" held Britain for about four hundred years ; l)ut they left it at last. 5. The stubborn spearmen still made good tlu'ir dark impenetrable wood. (!. I\ol)in Hood, althougli he was a robber, never plundered poor people or injured women. Exercise 51. Make^ six scntmces, each containing at hxn^t one noun, one I'crb, one adjective, and one adverb. Exercise 52. Make six sentences, each omtaining a noun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb, and a 2>>'tpi>.e si-lectcd froiu tliu RvaUiugcs with the noun girl AiljiTtivf Eirl namei Nonn carried tells alKHit tlic girl Veil) her stands for tlic iKHiii girl rronoun basket names Noun of joins tlie noun eggs to basket Preiiosition eggs names Nonn to joins tlie noun market to carried Preposition market names Noun Exercise 65. Parse the scorns in the folloiritig srntevce according to the seco.nd mktfiod : The boys went to the hikes during the holidays. Exercise 66. Parse in the same way: 1:\ a dream of the night r- fair vision I saw. m m 13 : I 24 A SI|ORT GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE Exercisn C7, Parse in the same way: And thrice ere the morning I dreamt it again. Exercise 68. Parse in the same way: The coach passed through Croydon on its way from Brighton to London. Exercise 69. Parse in the same way : The little boy walked on, and soon overtook his friends. Exercise 70. Parse in the same way: We shall arrive at ten, unless the train is late. Third Method of Parsing. The boy ran after the horse, and soon caught it. 1. The in an adj ctive ; because it goes with tlie noun boy. •2. Boy is a noun ; because it is a name. 3. E«n is a verb ; because it telli us something about the hoy. 4. Aft«r is a preposition, or noun juiiiing word ; because it joins the noun horse to the verb ran. 5. And is a sentence-joining word or conjunction ; because it joins the two sentences, " The boy ran " and "The boy caught it." 6. Soon is an adverb ; because it modiflet the verb cciught. 7. Ckn^ht is a verb ; because it tells us something about the boy. S. It is a pronoun ; because it itandi for tlie noun horse. Exercise 71. Parse the tcoi-ds in the following sentence according to the third method : King Arthur lived a blameless life in the good old times. Exercise 72. Parse in the same way : The grizzly bear lives in the Rocky Mountains. Exercise 73. Parse in the same way: A small leak some- times sinks a great ship. Exercise 74. Parse in the same way: The oldest elephant in the herd marched in front. Exercise 75. Parse in the same way: To a level mead they came, and there they drave the wickets in. Exerciso 73. Parse in the same way : Pleasantly shone the setting sun over the town of Lynn. ETYMOLOGY 26 ball arrive at SUMMARY. 1. A Noun is a name. 2. A Verb is a word that tells something about a noun. 3. An Adjective is a word that goes with a noun. It is al^o called a Noun-marking word. 4. An Adverb is a word that modifies a Verb, or Adjective or another Adverb. (i) Ye« and No are sometimes called adverbs But thi<. i= «... never Bodilir any other wonl. ""'•'•»»' this .s wronR ; because they (ii) They are really pro-sentancer " Is he come?" "Yes'(="Hei8come") 5. A Preposition is a Noun-joining word. \ C. A Conjunction is a Sentence joining word. 7. A Pronoun is a word that stands for a noun. a An Interjection is a mere sound, and is no essential part of Jangnage or of grammar. f m |i> ill .III. |1 1': I : ETYMOLOGY. PART IL Lesson 13.— Kinds of Nouns. 1. Nouns (or Xamos) are of four (lilTerent kinds. (i) Thus we have : John, Mary, London, Thames, England, (ii) A second kind is : Boy, girl, town, river, country, (iii) A tliird kind i;. : Crowd, school, flock, army, shoal, (iv) A fourth kind is : Whiteness, wisdom, strength, grammar. i 2. Nouns which are the names of particular persons or places arc called Proper Nouns. (i) The names John and Mary arc proper to some particular boy and girl (are, as it were, their property). (ii) The names Thames and England are proper to a particular river and country. (iii) Proper Nouns always begin witli a capital letter. - /■ 3. A Noun -which is the name of a person, place, or thing, regarded as one of a sst or class, is called a Common Noun. (i) Tlic noun boy is common to every boy ; the noun girl to every girl, etc. (ii) A Tioper Noun may be xtscd as a common noun. AVu can say : "He is quite a ITercules " (=:very strong man). " He is no Wellington ' ( = not a great general). 4. A noun which is the name of a collection of persons or things i-egarded as one is called a Collective Noun. Thus a crowd is a collection of persons ; an aisay is a coilec'ioa of soldiers ; a shoal is a collection of herrings. 5. A noun which is the name of a. quality or of a set cf 26 ETYMOLOGY 27 thoughts, regarded as abstracted from the things or persons themselves, is called an Abstract Noun. (i) Tliii.s Whiteness is a quAlity of white things ; Uzlness in a qn«Uty of lary persons; ntrengtii is a w trcis, hiftij trre.i, hire tirra, etc. M'f can Fay of boys that tliey are stron'j hoys, wntk boys, healthy buys, twenty boys, etc. 1. Some Adjectives answer the question: Of what sort? These are called Adjectives of Quality. Such are : red, white ; happy, sad ; strong, weak. (i) There are several adjectives that can be uBed as nonns. Such are : Dine, prom, etc. ; dark, liglit ; deep, sli.illow ; good, evil ; licattien, Chiistiun ; square, round, oblong ; junior, senior. Wo can .say " a .square, ' and also "a square tal>le," etc. (ii) Some of these adjectives even take a jihiral form, as : goods ; greens ; whites ; eatables ; drinkables ; juniors, etc. " And voices of the loveii80 uf tliu Vtiiu float ilueu not pau over tu any thing. 2. Hence there arc two kinds of Verbs : Passing-over v.zd. Not-passing-over. (i) The first of these is callcil Traniitive ; iis «trlke, cut, hel. (ii) The second iu cuUml Intraniltlve ; as run, Bleep, walk, (iii) A Transitive Verb requires an olject. (iv) An lutranaitivo Verb dots not lequire an object. 3. Transitive Verbs are of two kinds, as in : " I strike the do''" "I am struck." - :/ ■ (i) Tlie verb strike is Active Tranaitlve, because it denotes an ud. (ii) The verb am struck is Pawive Tiansltlve, because it shows that the person struel: is paislve under the striking. , , 4. An intransitive verb may bo used transitively ; that i:', it may be made to take an object. (i) We can say; Tlie groom walked liis horse up and down, (ii) Or : Tlio gardener grows large cabbages, (iii) In these sentences, walk8=niakes walk ; grow8=niake3 grow. 5. All this can be set forth in a Table : VERBS TUAXSITIVE INTRANSITIVE Flows, grows. Active Sees, strikes. Passive Is seen, is struck. Exercise 85. Point out in the following sentences the INTRANSITIVE VKRBS that are xiscd in a transitive sense : 1. The boys floated* their ship in the cistern. 2. The poor girl r.TYMOLOr.V ni wopt Jiinny toar«<. 3. Tho vorv star=< shono victory on thoir homls. 4. C'uptaiii AVohb swam l)ov(>r Strait. r». Tho ^Toom lO'lo his horse at a ^'alli)|). 0. Ho rained shells ami red-hot bullets on tiio city. 7. IMoxt of tho ships that sail the ocean helonj^ to Kn^dand. 8. The captain told his men to fijfht tho ship as 'onj^ as she could swim. 0. They ran the poor boy five times round the rin<,'. 10. The woman danced her baby on her knees. 11 Alter fall - in;:: into the lake, Dick walked his clothes dry. 12. ^Vllat ho lived M-as more beautiful than what he wrote. Exercise 86. In each of th' JoUowvkj Rcntnwcit, aluie. nJuthcr the verb is used as a transitive or as an intuansitivk nrh: 1. He aufjmcnted his fortune, and his ambition augmented with his fortune. 2. The crowd collected at various ])oints ; and tho (Toneral collected his troops. f3. The crowd dispersed IxMbro tho troops came up. 4. Tho surrroon dressed the soldier's wounds. 5. He dressed as rapidly as ho could. G. I felt very unhapj)y when I hoard the nows. 7. I felt tho caterpillar on my hand. 8. The clouds criithered rapidly while tho children were feathering flowers in tho meadows. 9. The appearance of the hou>e improved with time. 10. Improve the present hour! 11. ]{<■ retired into a wood to meditate. 12. The general retired hi- troops. 13. The crowd broke in all directions. 14. The little girl broke the mirror. If). Tom is going to fly his kite this afternoon. 16. Tho bill-sticker sticks his bills everywhere, l)ut he ■Nvill not stick to the point- Exercise 87. Arrange the following verbs in three eohnnns, under the headings active-tuansitivf;, rAssivK-rnANsiTivK, intransitive : Run, strikes, is struck, talks, blows, howls, wounds, skates, was seen, behaved, carried, felled, was cut, w;>s eaten, lived, bring, were caught, end, jump. Exercise 83. Arrange the following verbs in the same vny : Dig, was carried, pitched, became, sleeps, lay, valued, found, bumped, bought, is wanted, presented, sits, left, walked, asked, travelled, looked, was punished. Exercise 09. Arrange the verbs in the fnllovnng sentences in the same way: 1. I met him -walking on the bank of the river. 2. The stream flowed gently ])y. 3. Her uncle promised her a milk-white steed. 4. His mother from the window looked with all the longing of a mother, b. They vw^ri^^^'^"W''yi^m)!iw^''^f^'^'"^ I I 33 A snoiri' chaaimai; oi' tifk liNousif tONfiCi; sfnitfht liiin oast, they i>on;^Iit liitn west, tlu'V sought liini all tho forest thorough. (!. Ho lay down, and closed his eyes. 7. The bishop fell on his knees. 8. He could hear the gnawing of their teeth. 9. No sound of joy or sorrow was heard from either bank. 10, They saw his crest above the surges. 11. The sun looked and saw not a single flag. 12. The ball .shivered the window. Lesson K). — Kinds of Pronouns, i. 1. AVo can say : Who did it ? I did it. The uuiii who did it has just gone. One never sees him now. (i) In these sentences tliere are four kinds of j^'onoiuis. (ii) In the first, who asks a question, and is calk-d an Interrcgative Pronoun. (hi) In the second, I nientioni: a, person, and is called a Personal Pronoun. (iv) It) t'.ie third, who relates to man, and is called a Relative Pronoun. (v) 111 '.i.e f.turtli, one duos not definitely nientioii anybody, and is therefore an Indefinite Pronoun. 2. The i)ronoun that asks a qeustion is called an Interroga- tive Pronoun. Such are : who 7 which 7 what 7 3. The pronoun that mentions a person is called a Personal Pronoun. I i mil Lesson 17. — Kinds of Pronouns, ii. 1. There are three Personal Pronouns : (i) the Personal Pronoun of the First Person ; (ii) the Pci-sonal Pronoun of tho Second Person ; (iii) the Personal Pronoun of the Third Person. (i) The First Person is tho person speakicg : as, I, we. (ii) The Second Person is the person si>okcn to : as, thou, yoa (iii) The Third Person is tlie person spoken of: as, he, they. ; I! i:tvmol<;>(.v 33 •J. The [tioiKHiii iii;it relates is calltMl a Relative Pronoun. (i) III llif sfiil.i'iK I', ■• Tliat i^> lli(j iii;iii who t.tlu's can; at our ijai'li'ii, ' llif u-lalive I'liiiidUii who relalos tu man. (ii) 111 ''Tills i.s UiL' book uf which I siMikt;." the iflativi' iiioiiuiiii which rt-Iatcs tu liiKik. (iii) Tlu'if IS a l^iiiil nl' Csmpound Pronoun wiiicli is also usuil as a J{i-lati\u ; as, whoto, whoever, whosoever. 3. A pronoun that does not definitely point to fm\' parti- cular per.son or person.s is called an Indefinite Pronoun. (i) III the sentence, " IIu was oil litfoie o;il' coiilil catch liim," the iPionoiih one nisclves ; itself, ouc's-self. Exercise 90. Arrange iii rnliimns, nuihr thr. henilonji PKH.SO.NAI,. lNTKRriO(i.VTlVK, RKL.VT1\ K, and l.N DKKIXITK, tilt' " fnlloirliuj proiiOiDis : Wo ; Tlicy ; Who ! Wliat ! (the iiuir,' who (came) ; (the fox) that I saw ; r)n(' i 'may say) ; nunc (i-anie ; I (did not see) iiny ; I (want sonu." ; the book of) whieh (,t spoke) ; you ; ns ; -whiih i Exercise 91. i'lasslfif fhr nioNocxs in the follou-i.nj i^m- ie)trt.<: 1. Wlio is coinino; with me? 2. He certainlv Avill not. '.\. What did lie say \vheii you met liim ? 4. One woidd never think of doino; such a thin;^. ."). Which of the two did she jire fer? (i. I never even dreamt of eominjjf. 7. Tlie soldier who fotiyht so bravely has dietl of his woinids. s. Whom ilid voii meet on the road? I). The fox that was hunted yesterday eseapiMl. 10. He spared himself as much as he coidd. 11. None spoke a word. \± She hurt htrseif jjreutly by tho lull. 34 A SHORT GRAlNDIAIi OF THE ENGLISH TO\f:uK I. Lesson 18. — Kinds of Adverbs. 1. Some adverbs ans\ver to the question when? These are called Adverbs of Time. Such are : Now, then, to-day, to-morrow, by-and-by, etc. 2. Some adverbs answer to the question where ? These are called Adverbs of Place. Such are : Here, there, hither, thither, hence, thence, etc. 3. Some adverbs answer to the question How ? These are called Adverbs of Manner. Such arc : Well, ill ; pleatantly, crossly ; better, worse, etc. 4. Some adverbs answer to the question How often ? These are called Adverbs of Number. Such are ' Once, twice, thrice ; singly, one-by-one, etc. 5. Some adverbs answer to the question How much ? These are called Adverbs of Degree. Such are : Very, little ; almost, qnite ; all, half, etc. /Atlle in the phrase little better; all in the phraae all forlorn ; and ha!/ in the phrane hn'/ drowned. Exercise 92. Arrange in cohimns, under the headings ADVERBS OF TIME, OF PLACE, OF NUMBER, OF MANNER, OF DEGREE, the following adverbs : Here, now, there, quickly, too, once, little (better), half (dead), crossly, well, hence, hither, to-morrow, all (undone), swiftly. Exercise 93. Arrange the following adverbs as in Ercrcisr. 92 : Away much (better), very, bitterly, presen^/, quite, so, ill (fared it then with Roderick Dhu), unusually, merrily, exceed- ingly, extremely, always, still, rather, further, wistfully. I SUMMARY. 1. There are four kinds of Nouns: Proper, Common, Col- lective, and Abstract. * » I r.TYMOLOGY 35 2. Th'^rc arc four kinds of Adjfx'TIVKs : Adjectives of Quality, Adjectives of Quantity, Distinguishing, and Numeral. 3. There are two kinds of Vbrds : Transitive and In- transitive. Transitive verbs liavc TWO VOICES ; Active and Passive. 4. There arc five kinds of Pronouns : Interrogative, Personal, Relative, Indefinite, and Reflexive. 5. There are five kinds of Adverbs : Adverbs of Time, of Place, of Number, of Manner, and of Degree. Fourth JNIetiiod of Parsing. Often -when I go to plough, the ploughshare turns them out. 1.- Often is an adverb, because it modifies the verb turns. It is an adverb of time. 2. When is a conjunction or sentence- joining word, because it Joins the two sentences, " The ploughshare turns them out " and " I go to idough." 3. I is a pronoun, because it stands for the name of the person speaking. It is a pe .'sonal prononn. 4. Oo is a verb, because it tells about I. It is an intransitive verb, because it does not require an object. 5. To plough is a transitive verb, because it requires tlie object field (wliich is iinder- stood). C. The is an adjective, because it goes with the noun jJovghsharc. It is a dlatinguish- iag adjective, because it distinguishes this ploughsliare (tchich I vsi) froui others. 7. Them is a pronoun, because it stands for the noun sluUs (understood). 8. Out is an adverb, becau.sc it modifies tlic verb turns. It is an adverb of place. Exercise 94. Parse the words in the fnJlniriug sentences according to the fourth method : Three children were sliding on the ice on the lake. Exercise 95. Parse in the same way: Take ofT the kettle, and stir the fire ! Exercise 00. Parse in the same way : ^lary was the daughter of the kinir who rule?4 this land. !■:? r .ir, A SIKHJI' CItAlMMAIi OF TIFi: K\(;l.lS|[ 'ION(;rM 1 Exercise 97. I'iivm in tin: smnc mnj: TIil- jiiralc kinu' uus sliiiii 1)V' oriL' <)t'(»iir waniors, * Exercise 98. Fame hi the same vaij : I, \vlio have seoii s(» many lands, am now grown very old. Exercise 99. Fame iu the same vati: Tlie sliijts will sail fortli, whenever the wind sets fair. r Lesson 19. — Words Difficult to Classify, i. 1. As we have already seen, a \\ov<\ is not always, and under all circumstances, a noun or a verb, and adjective or an adverb. It may sometimes be the one, and sometimes the otliei'. (i) A bill- of iron may be used as a jioker, as a wcajHin, as a lever, as a crowbar, or as a haiiiiner. (ii) If it is employed to pfikc the fire, it is, for tlic lime being, a poker. If it is used to knock down a burglar, it becomes a weapon. If it is employed to nio\e a large stone in a certain manner, tlien it is a lever, if it is used to jirise open a box, t lieu it is a crowbar. If it is employed to knock nails into tlie box, then it is a hammer. 2. In Old English, verbs and nouns had different endings, and people often knew what a wortl was by its look. ^Nfo.-^t of these endings have dro})ped oft' and been lost ; and now we only know what a word is by noticing what it does, or what word it goes with — that is, what company it keeps. (i) In the sentence "I found a hard rock,'' Iiard is an adjeeti\e, liecaiise it goes with the noun rock. ' (ii) In tiie sentence "He work.s very hard," hard is an adverb, bee au.se it goes witli t!ie verb works. An|»r,irc ( l.')(l 1 1(5 1 (j^ wiilris iiiiult^ a very free u^50 of Moitis, mid were in llic luiltit of employing nouns as verbs in the must reckless fashion. Thus Shake- .si)eare has the expressions: "Grace me no grace I "' ''Sir me no sirs I " '* Wortl me no words I " (i) Sliakospt'are lias als.i ; " i;ut me iiu Imts 1 " In this I'lii'.isc, But wliicli is iisi!:il y a coiijuiK'tiuii, IS useil lioth as a verb ami as a noun. (ii) He lius also : "Thank nit- no thanks, and in'oinl nu' no inniiilsl" T). This fashion has held on down even to our own time. (i) "They ipanieled me at heels " = they followed me like spiiiiit-ls. (ii) " To voice liiin consul"' = ti> proclaim him. 'To nose liim "—to smell liiii;. (iii) "She captained ainl sirred him '-slic kijit ( Mllinj; liiiri captain ami sir. (iv) " Ho battled it long with the lirst Pitt' -lie fought. (v) We find alsi) the j'h rases : •• Ti lord it, " " Tn clown it , " " To duke it," " To queen it," = to art as a lord, clown, etc. Lesson 20. — \Vords Difficult to ClassifV. ii. 1. There are in the Eir'lish langnago a nnmher of words wliich rcoV"." Hero above goes wit'ii the voili shine, and is t'.icrefore an adverb. (iii) " Tlie above remarks." "Thealiovo rule." In these ]ihrases the v/ord abovs goes with nouns, and is therefore an adjective. 3. After may be used as a preposition, or as a conjunction, or as an adverb. 38 A SHORT r.RAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE (i) In the phrase "Grace after meat, "after is a preposition, because it Joins tho two noun» grace and meat. (ii) In tlie sentence " We went out after the rain had stopped," after is a conjnncticu, because it joins two sentences. (iii) In the sentence "My uncle came soon after," after is an adverb, because it goes with the verb came. 4. Any may be used as an adjective or as an adverb. (i) In the sentence "Have you any wool?" any is au adjective, because it goc3 with the noun wool. (ii) In the sentence "Ho cannot write any better," any is an adverb, because it goes with the adverb better. 5. As may be used as an adverb or as a conjunction, or even as a relative pronoun. (i) " There are as many books on this shelf as on the other." Here as modifies the adjective many, and is therefore an adverb. (ii) " Read this as you wallt along ! " Here as connects two sentences, and is there- fore a coqjnnction. (iii) "I do not find such a welcome as I used to receive." Here a« relates to the nuun welcome, and is therefore a relative prononn. Lesson 21. — Words Difficult to Classify, iii. 1. Before may be employed az a proposition, as a conjunc- tion, or as an adverb. (i) In the sentence "The house stood right before him," before is a preposition, ioining house and him, and governing him in the objective case. (ii) In the sentence "They arrived before we left," before is a conjunction, Iwcause it joins two sentences. (iii) In the sentence "She had never seen the sea before," before is an adverb, because it modifles the verb had seen. 2. But may be used as a preposition, as a conjunction, or as an adverb. (i) In the sentence " All fled but him," but is a preposition joining the prononn him to the noun persona (understood), and governing him in the objective case. ETYMOLOGY 09 (ii) "Many fled, Init he stuoil liis ground." Here but is a conjunction, In-'iause it joins two sentences. (ill) "There was but one apple ou the tree." Here but is an adverb, because it uiodilies the ailjcctivc one. 3. Eaxly may be used a.s an adjective or as an adverb. (i) " It IS the early bird catches the worm." Here early goes with the noun bird, and is therefore an adjective. (ii) " Call mo early, mother dear ! " Here early modifies the verb call, and is there- fore au adverb. 4. Eke may be used as an adverb or as a verb. (!) Of John Gilpin it is said, "A train-band captain eke was hu"(=also). Here eke is a word tliat goes with the verb is ; it is therefore an adverb, (ii) '• Ho ekes out a precarious living by writing." Here ekes is a verb. 5. Enough may be used as an adjective or as a noun. (i) " Wt; had not enough room. ' Here enough goes with the noun room, and i.i therefore ;ui adjective. (ii) "The boy writes well enougli." Here enough modifies the adverb well, and is therefore an adverb. Enouyh may go either after oi befurc the word it belougs to. We cjin say " straw enon^'h "or "enough straw." (lii) "The lad has enough to do." Here enough is a noun, because it is the name of the amount of work the lad has to do. So also iu " We have liad enough of actiuii and of mot u we." G. For may be used as a preposition or as a conjunction. (i) In the sentence, " I gave sixpence for the book," for is a preposition, because it joins the two nouns sixpence and book. (ii) "My hat and wig will soon be here, for they are on the road." Here for is a conjunction, because it joins two sentences. Lesson 22. — Words Difficult to Classify, iv. 1. Hard may be used as an adjective or as an adverb. (i) "The chest is made of hard wood." Here hard goes with tlie nouu wood, and is therefore an adjective. (ii) "The boy works hard." Here hard goes with the verb works, and is therefore an adverb. In the same way in " Tlio house stands hard by a wood." Here hard modifies the phrase " by a wood " ; it is therefore au adverb. % wm to A SHOKT CKA.MMAU oF THK KN<;iJsil TnNCrK 2. Half umy Ik; used as ;i noun, :is an adjective, <>r as a:i adverb. (i) " JI;ilf of thf troops wore killed." lli'ri' half is a noun, 'oceans, ii is a iiaiiic. (ii) "I ilctcst, half iiioasnri'."." Ilcie half is an adjective, bccaiist; it goes witli tlr,; noun measures. (ii!) " Tlifi lioy was half dc id with rold and wo(." IltTc half is an adverb, ln'cansw it modifies the adjective dead. r>. Little iiui}- l)e ustd as an adjective, as an adverb, or as a noun. (i) "I mot a little i((tla\;i' j;irl. ' Here little is an adjective, becansu it i,'ocs with the noun girl. (ii) "1 thouylil little of it," Here little is an adverb, heeause it inodilh's t\e verb thought. (iii) "Do not ,i;ive me so mr.ea : i onlj- want a little.' Hen; little is a noud, hocansc' it is a name. 4. Less may bo used as an adjective or as an adverb. (i) "Of two evils wc must choose the less (evil)." Here less is an adjective, heeaiisi' it j^oes with the noun evil (uiidcrstiiiiil) Another form (if /ess is /■■«<•' We Imve il Jii tin- plir.iscs : " I.o'^ser .\shi ' (for .Isi'i l'», will take tlie next train." Ileiv next t,'oes with llic iinuii train, nnd U tlierpfiiio an adjective. (ii) " Yon fli'e noxt I " Here next j,'oi's with (ho veib fire, anil is tliereforo an adverb. (iii) "lie wears the locket next hs lieart." Here next joins the noun heart to tins verb wears, ami is therefore a preposition. 2 No Tiiay be n^cd as an adjective or us an adverb. (!) "We saw no shiji." No hero goes witli the noun ship, ami is therefore an adjective. (ii) " I saw him 110 lunre." Hire no nioilifies the adverb more (wliich itself niodil'ifs saw), and is then fnre an adverb. 3. Off may 1)C usod as an adjective, as an adverb, as a preposition, and as an interjection. (i) "Tlie off Imusc was restive." Here off is an adjective, bfeause itgoes with tl ■■ noun horse. (ii) " The thief ran o!lV' Here off luoditirs the \crl> ran, and is 1 hen lore an adverb. (iii) " Tlie boy fell utf the wall." Here off joins wall and fell, and is therefore u preposition. (iv) "Off I you thief : " Here off is an interjection. 4. Only may 1)0 nsod as an adjective oi- as an adverb. (i) "He was the only ;ierson in ihe rooni." Here only j^oes with the noun person, and i.s tlieref ire an adjective. (:i) " He has only one eye. ■' Here only niodilies the adjeetive one, and is then fo;!' .'in adverb. ."). Round may be used as a noun or as a verb; as an adjective or as an adverb; and it ma\' oveii be employed a-< a preposition. (i) " .\ round of beef. " Here r' and is a noun, because it is a name. (ii) " The hollow Clown that rounds the mort.il ti'iu'iles of n JJni:.'" ITcn- round* tells r.bout the Woi-d that, anc] is therefore a verb. I . I; i t 'V. "(''«» (H|t!'l?lf«"»P"|l«U J.IPIiilJlMJII i 3 I, 42 A .SHOUT (;KAMMA11 of 'Jllli KNCiLlSIl TuNCJUE (iii) " A good round sum." "A round upple." In thu.sc phrases round goes with nouns, and is tliercfuru an adjective. (iv) "Brin',' thu pouy round at ten !" Here round niodilks the verb bring, and is therefore an adverb. (v) " He has sailed round tlie world." Here round connects the uouu world with the verb failed, and in therefore u prepoeitlon. 1 1. 1 Lesson 24. — Words Difficult to Classify, vi. 1. Since may be used as a preposition, as a conjunction, or as an adverb. (i) " I have not seen him since last spring." Here eince joins the noun spring tt the verb have leen, and is tlicrcfore a prepoBitlon. (ii) "Since he will have it, let hun have it." Uvu: rtnce joins together two sentences, :ind is therefore a conjunction. (It joins tlie.se two sentences like a nail.) (iii) "We parted at the station, and we have never met since," Here since niodilicj the verb met, and is therefore an adverb. 2. That may be used as an adjective, as a relative pronoun, or as a conjunction. (i) "That man was there." In this sentence that goes with the noun man, and is therefore an adjective. (ii) " The man that was theie has come to see you." Here that relates to the noun man, and is therefore a relative pronoun. (iii) "I know that John is better." Here the word that joins two sentences, and is therefore a conjunction. (iv) When we say " I know that," the word that looks like a noun. But it is really an adjective ; for it is plain that the noun /act or statement is mderstood. 3. Well may be used as an adjective or as an adverb ; as an interjection; and sometimes even*as a noun. (i) •' Tlie king is not well." Here well goes with the noun king ; it is therefore an adjective. ■\Ve can say " The boy is well " ; but mc o.innot say " A well boy." Hence it must lie observed that vvll is one of those adjectives tbat may be used jjrcdUatiielt/ (or iu the jircdicate), but sever attributivct}/. (ii) " He knew well who had done it." Here well modifies the verb knew, and is therefore an adverb. KTYMof.OfJY If IS (ill) " Wrll ! wt'll I I sliiii.M Mill, liavi' liclicxcl it I" Ilif well is an Interjection. (iv) " liCiivc well iiloue," llvn: w»U is tlif iinnii' ol a statf i>f tilings ; it in tlierefora a noun. ' . ' ■" ' . ' ,' 4. Why may hr usccl as an adverb oi- as a coi^junction ; oven as a noun, aii'l sonictinu'.s as an interjection. (i) "Wliydjil you sinali in tliat niaiiii'i ? " Here why niodilics tin- vnh did ipeak, •nml is tlicrcfiiro an adverb. (ii) "I askcil liini why liu did it." Hfif why cniinecls two sentences, and is tlierefore a conjunction. (iii) "Tell me the why .iiid the wlit refoie. " Here why is a noun, in the objective ease, governed by the ^ell^ ttll. (iv) " Why I Jessica, I s.iy ! " Hero why is an interjection. r». Yet may Ix; used as an adverb or as a conjunction. (i) " Has lie heard the youd news yet? " Here yet niodities the ve'ib hu heard, and is tlierefore an adverb. (ii) " I urged it on him, yet he would not answer me." Here yet connects together two siiilunoes, aiicniiu>s v in tli)< ]>lui.'il : loaf, loavei. (iv) nut: ClifT, ilwnrf, fife, grief, lioof, rnnf, slril'.', el.'., t^rrp tin- f. Exercise 100. (flir, or u-ritr don-)!^ thr jJiirala of: Hoy, fov, galley, ohiinney, ruby, potato, fly, loaf, tliii-f, valley, negro, ealf. I^essoii 27. Tlic Iiiticxion of Nouns, tt. 1. Second Mode. — Tiio Plural k formed hy adding en or ne : SINCII.AIl. VI.VHM.. Hl.S(;fI,AU. I'l.fllAI,. Ox Oxen Chil'' Cliildrcn Cow Kiiic UrDtlicr Brctlircii (i) There are, in some of the older English poet.s, such jilmal.s uh Bean (bees) ; fleen (fleas) ; toon (toes); nml treen (trees). (ii) Children and brethren arc in reality double j)liirals. There were olil Xorthern ]ilurals childer and brether. It was fnp-iotten tliat these were tri e jiliiials, ami en was added on. 2. Third Mode. — The Plui-al is forniod by cliaiiging iho. owe! : '• BI.VOnLAR. ri.CRAI.. SI.NGITLAR. ri.ftiAi.. Men Foot Feet Man Goose Geese ]\Iouse Mice Louse Tiice Tooth Teeth 3. Somo English Nouns have two plural forms Avith different meanings. SINGULAR. FIRST PLDRAL. 1. Brother Brothers (in a family) 2. Cloth Clotlis (kinds of cloth) Die Dies (stamps for coining) ■i. Fish Fishes (taken separately) 5. Oenlns Geniuses (men of great talent) C. Pea Peas (separately) K Penny Pennies (sei)aratel\ ) 8. Shot Shots (ads of shooting) (i) We say also bed-dottaei. KF.( OND ri.URAI-. Brethren (in a Clmreh, etc.) Clothes (for wearing) Dice (for gambling) Fish (collectively) Genii (powerful spirits) Pease (collectively) Pence (collectively) Shot (collectively) 4 A STTORT ORAMMAR. OF TTTK KNOUSTI TOXfJl']-; (ii) We say liz pennies, if six copper coins iivo, infant. But wlicii we say sixpence, it may mean one coin, or two tln-^e-peiiiiy pieces, etc. etc. Exercise 101. Give, or write down, the plurals of : Mouso, tooth, die (2), fish (2), cloth (2), penny (2), brother (2), shot (2). Lesson 28. — The Inflexion of Nouns, iir. 1. Some Englisli Nouns have tlie same form in the Phiral as in the Singuhir ; as, Deer, cod, sheep, trout, etc. (i) In Old English, people said Sixty vintcr. Thirty summer, for winters, eti;. (ii) We still say : '• A man six foot liiyli " ; "Ten stone weight," etc. 2. Tlicre are some nouns with a plural form but a singular meaning : such as Gallows, news, tidings, smallpox, measles, mumps, odds, pains, wages, thanks, etc. (i) Smallpox = small pocks (or pockets). (ii) Falni in the sense of taliiuj great pcnns to do a thing well. (iii) Sli. kesjwarc says : " Tliis news hath made thee a most ugly man." And we generally say " a means to an end " ; " wages is good," etc. .3. The English Language has adopted many foreign plurals. The following arc the most important : — SINilUl. AH. PLUllAI,. 1. Latin Datum Formula Data Formulae o Greek Analysis Analyses Parenthesis rareutlieses 3. French Alonsieur Messieurs (Messrs.) 4. Italian Bandit Banditti 5. Hebrew Cherub Cherubim SINOLT-AU. PI.CRAr.. stratum Strata Species Species Axis Axes riienoiueiion Phenomena Madam Mesdames Dilettante Dilettanli Seraph Seraphim 4. In a compound noun, the sign of tlie plural must l)e attached to the leading word, as in : SINGULAR. Son-in-law Hanger-on I,ool;er-nn PLURAL. Sons-in-law Ilange's-on Lookers-on SINni'LAU. Attorney-General '^^oiirt -martial I Fellow-servant ri.fRAT. Attorney-Generaly ("onrt-martials --^ ? t llow-scrvHtits ETYMOLOGY 47 (i) We s.ny ipoonfuli and handfula, because ipoonful and handful are re;,'ard eel as one woril. (ii) Some compound nonns take the plural siyiis in butli tlif ir parts, as in : Men- ■ervanta ; Knights-Tenplara ; Lords-Jasticei, etc. Exercise 102. Give, or write (]own , the jylurals of: Pat nm, foniir.lii, chenib, analysis, phenomenon, axis, parenthesis, ban dit, court-martial, hanger-on, spoonful, son- in-law. Lesson 29. — The Inflexion of Nouns, iv. 1. Gender is, in Grammar, the mode of distinguishing sex. (1) We say : Author, Authoress ; Count, Countess ; Emperor, Empress. (11) We say: He-goat, she-goat ; cock-sparrow, hen-sparrow, (ii!) We say : Boy, girl ; brother, sister ; king, queen. 2. There arc three ways of marking gender: (i) Dy Suflixes ; (ii) By Prefixes ; (iii) By Different Words. (!) A suffix 13 an addition made to a word which conius after it. (ii) A pre&x is an addition made to a word wliicii conies before it. 3. The following arc the most important Suffixes for Gender : — MASCILINK. KF.MISINK. MASCn.lNK. KF.MISINK. 1. aglish Fox Vixen Spinner Spinster '2. French Abbot Abbess IM Lass( = lad"ss) • Actor Actress Marquess Marchioness Ambassador Ambassridress Masic" Mistress Baron Baroness Mayor Mayoress Benefactor Benefactress Negro Negress Duke Duchess twt Peeress r.miuTor Empress Poet Poetess Giant Giantess Prince PriiK'c'ss Heir Heiress Pi-nphet Prophetess Host Hostess Songster Songstress Hunter Huntress Viscount Viscountess (i) The OM English way of forming tlie feminine w;is by adilin;; ster. Tliiis tapper (one who draws lieer) had tapeter as its feminine (ii) Wo still have many of these words ; but most of tlicm ha-v become prop( r 48 A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE P:NGLISH TONGUE niunes. Thus we have Sangster (=a female singer) ; Baxter ( = a bakeress) ; and Webiter ( =a female weaver). (iii) We also had Flthelater (=a female fiddler), and Raedester (a female reader). Exercise 103. Gire, or itrrite down, the feminines of: Fox, duke, spinner, poet, prophet, heir, lad, ma.ster, emperor, viscount, ambassador, negro. Lesson 30. — The Inflexion of Nouns, v. 1. The following are the most important Prefixes for Gender (with some compounds) : — MASCULINE. Bull-calf Billy-goat Cock-sparrow He-goat He-ass FEMININE. Cow-calf Nanny-goat Hen-sparrow She-goat She-ass MASCULINE. Jackass Man-servant Man Pea -cock Turkey-cock FEMININ?:. Jenny-ass Maid -servant Woman ( = wife-man) Pea-hen Turkey-hen (i) We have also such forms as jack-daw, Jack-snipe— with no feminine for them ; and Jenny-wren — with no masculine. (ii) An Old English way of marking gender was by prefixing carl for the masculine ; and cwen (=queen) for the feminine. Thus carl-fugol = cock-fowl ; aud cwen-fagol=: hen-fowl. 2. The following are the chief examples of distinguishing gender by Different Words : — MASCULINE. KEMIMNK. MASCULINE. FEMININE. Bachelor Maid Horse Mare B©f Girl Husband Wife Brother Sister j , King Queen Buck Doe Lord Lady Bull Cow Man Woman Bullock « Heifer Monk Nun Colt Filly Nephew Niece Drake Duck Ram Ewe Drone Bee Sir Madam Barl Countess Sloven Slut Father Mother Son Daughter Gander Goose Stag Hind Gentleman Lady Uncle Aunt Hart Roe Wizard Witch ETYMOLOGY 49 (i) Drake was, in an older form, endrake— a compound word wliicli means king of tbe dnckt (End = duck and rake = king). (ii) Earl is a Danish word ; coanteu is French. (iii) Sir comes from Latin lenior (=elder). Madam = ma dame (my lady) is French. Exercise 104, Give or write down, the masculines of: Nanny-goat, pea-hen, lady, niece, heifer, filly, goose, jenny-ass, daughter, nun, doe, maid, -witch, roe. Lesson 31. — The Inflexion of Nouns, vi. 1. There are in the grammar of our language four genders : Masculine, Feminine, Neuter, and Common. (i) Masculine are : Man, boy, hone, brother, gentleman, etc. (ii) Feminine are : Woman, girl, mare, sister, lady. (iii) Neuter are : Axe, chair, desk, table, tree, wave, (iv) Common are : Bird, beast, fish, hawk, parent, servant. 2. Names of things that are neither masculine nor feminine are of the Neuter Gender ; as, head, book, London, America. The vord neuter is a Vaiin -word meaning neither. 3. Names of things that may be either masculine or feminine are of the Common Gender ; as, brute, companion, cousin, relative. The gender of the noun is common both to the masculine and the feminine. 4. All this may be set forth in a Table : GENDER OF NOUNS Ilascoline Man, hoy. Feminine Woman, girl. Neuter (or Neither). Top, toy. Common (or Kithpr). Dancer, servant. 5, The Common Genders of nouns may be thus contrasted with their masculines and feminines : Common. Masc. run. Common. Masc. tm. A88 jackass jenny-ass Goat he-goat she -goat Bear lie-bcar she-bear Pig boar-pig so\v-pig Calf bull-calf row -calf Uabl>it buL'k-rabbit doe-rabbit Elephant bull-elephant cow-elephant Servant man-servant maid-aervant ti J I I m V. \< ■i I !in III 50 A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE Exercise 106. Arrange, in four columns, nyider the headings MAHCL'LINE, FEMIMNK, NEUTER and COMMON', the following nouns : Boy, huntsman, shepherd, bride, tree, witness, porter, cousin, sempstress, teacher, duck, colt, stable, wizard, follower, priest, nun, heir, relative, book. Exercise 106. Work this like Exercise lOo : Companion, maid, servant, table, friend, brute, dancer, sempstress, peer, stajir, moor- hen, child, guardian, sloven, sparrow, trick, toy, vixen, j^ig, liorse. Exercise 107. Work this like Exercise 105 : Nut, tigress, city, . - • fiend, class, aunt, fowl, eagle, write, author, poet, table, rock, cottage, bed, doctor, lawyer. Lesson 32. — The Inflexion of Nouns, vii. 1. We can say : (!) Henry saw Tom. (ii) Tom saw Henry, (iii) Henry's hat flew off. - r, : (i) In the first scnteiife, Henry is the inbject of saw. (ii) In the second, Henry is the object of saw. (iii) In the tliird, Henry's shows Henry to 1>e the poueisor of thu hat. (iv) In each of the three sentences Henry is in ,'i different case. 2. There arc in the Englisli Language five cases : (i) Tlie Nominative or Case of the Subject ; as. Harry can skate. -. (ii) The Possessive or Possessing Case ; as, Harry's finger is cut. (iii) Tlie Dative or Olvento Case ; as. Give the lady a chair, (iv) Tlie Objective (or Done-to case) or Case of the O'^Ject ; as, lie striiclc tlie robber. (v) The Vocative or Spoken-to Case ; as, John I poiik; hero ! ^^ The only case that has a, form of its own i» the Possessive. 3. The Nominative Case answers the f]ncstiou : Who ? or what ? (i) " Who killi'd the sparrow?" " John killt'd tin- simrriiw." (Ii) *■ Wtatails the boy?" " The toothaoh* ftilx him. ' I ETYMOLOGY 51 ' > ) Lesson 33.- Tlie Inflexion of Nouns, viii. 1. Tlic Possessive Case answers the quesstion : Whose ? Whose hilt is ttiis? It is Tom'i hat. (ft) The possessive c.ise of .Vnuru alvays lias a little mark oalloil nn npn^tn'tphf, Tliis Is to show tliiit an c haa been left out. Tlie old iiDssL'ssivt of /j.iv was Itui/n: tlius 'os3essive jJiiral, the ' comes a/Irr the «, (c) When the plural ends in cii, both ' and » are added — as "The chihtren't toys." 2. The Dative Case answers the question : For whom or to whom ? (i) I built the boy a little ship. Hero boy is tht; dative ewe ; liecaiise I luiilt the ship for the boy. (ii) Thoy ^'ave Harry a whip. Iloro Harry is in tlio dative saie ; because they gave to Harry a whip. (iii) In the sentence (in f^hakcsixare's Henry v.) : (a) Ilcaven sen. Frank will drive ^Farv to the fair. 0. The coach- •iti- ^^m w I'll I l! 52 A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THK ENGLISH TONGUE iii.an brouglit John's brother Henry lionie from school. 7. The coachman brought John's brother Henry a rabbit. 8. Hand Lucy some cherries. [). The girls carried flowers to deck their mother's grave. Exercise 109. IVorh this Excrciae lil'c the above. 1. Johnnie, Ijring Amy .some strawberries. 2. The squire gave every work- man a goose for liis Christma-s dinner. 3. John's hat fell into the river. 4. The boys' fathers were all present in the hall, f). You vilhiins ! leave this house at once ! 6. The gardener brought the pig some cabbage-leaves. 7. The traveller found a bag lying on tiie sea-shore. 8. Hand the lady a chair. Exercise 110. M'ork this Exercise like (he above. 1. Mary, go and call the cattle home ! 2. And then, amid their scattered band, raged ihe fierce rider's bloody brand. 3. Only a flower's brief life was given her, 4. The ploughshare turns out the skulls. 5. The women trimmed tiie lamps as the sun went down. G. Britannia needs no bulwarks. 7. We got the ladies a few ices. 8. John's father built his son a little ship. Exercise 111. Work this Exercise like the above. His father giive the boy a watch. 2. The master did the culprits full justice. 3. The King offered Mr. Pitt a seat in the cabinet. 4. Tell Tom a story, mother ! 5. The elder girls set their younger friends a good example. 0. We sent the coachman a turkey last week. 7. We waved tlie lady a last farewell. 8. Bring the gentleman a chair. 9. The old woman fetched her dog a bone. 10. Forgive the child his error, dear friend I 11. I lent John my copy of Tennyson. 12. The boys played the old woman a shabby trick. 13. I have just paid my landlord his rent. 14. The keeper showed tlie boys the lions. 15. The gamekeeper flung the mastiti' a bone. IG. Grant the schoolboys a longer holiday ! . Lesson 34. — Tlie Inflexion of Pronouns, i. 1. The following are tiic Inflexions of the First Personal Pronoun : SINGULAR. ri.LRAI.. i. Kominatlve 1 Wo 'J. POHCHlTe Mine (or My) Our (or Ours; S. DaUve Me Us 4. Otd«cUv« m Vn ETYMOLOGY 53 (ii) Methjiiks means it seems to me, etc. 2. The following are the Inflexions of the Second Personal Pronoun : 1. Nominative 2. Posseuive 3. Dative 4. Objective 5. Vocative SINOULAR. Thii Thine (or Thy) T)iee Thee Thou PLPRAL. You (or Ye) Your (or Yours) You You You (or Ye !) (!) My, tliy. our, an.l your always go with nouns. (iO Mine, thine, our., and youm, never go with nouns : they always come after then Lesson 35.-The Inflexion of Pronouns, ir. 1. The following are the Inflexions of the Third Personal Pronoun: 1. Nominative 2. PosaeMive 2. Dative 4. Directive MASCULINE. He His Him Him SINGULAR. KEMININIi. She Her (or Hers) Her Her NEI'TKU. It Its It It PLURAL. ALL OENUERS. Thpy Their (or Tlieirs) Them Them (ii) It. is a modern word. It is not found in our version of the Bible whinh «• P"....«hed in 16.1 : and it did not ..on.e .nto regular use till the end ofTlev ; J ,; century. The right possessive of It is His. "evtn.ctntl, OH) Our., your., her., and their, are double poueaalve.; and they can only be used apart fr..m no-ms, or 'in the predicate." 2. Personal Pronouns compound^ with self and selves are called Reflexive Pronouns. I -ins*«^ 'mM^t.i^v.,^\,m!i,/is*jmatte*K^i(.>-J^i : 1 i: r 54 A SHOUT CltAMMAIl OV TIIi; i:\(;i.ISI[ TONfil-K (i) "Jnlin hurt hloMelf." Ifcrt! himself is iiMcxivp ; Iw^rans*; flii' innndun reCecta 1).ick, fts it were, I'li John (ii) "T)iry btiilt tbemielres :i }int." ricii' themselves is ,i r^'flfxive pronoiiii in (lio dative case. Exercise 112. Give fhe raac, avd nvmixr offhr. PRON'orxs /». ihr, foUovnufj scntencr.n. 2. My uncle bronf'ht mo a watch from liirmin^liiiin. 3. I ijave thorn the Itooks they wanted. 4. The king's eMest son succeeded him after hi.s death. '). II;dlo ! v^u ! come here as fast as vou can ! G. I sliidl not tell you where we found it. 7. The sad news Avas hrouLrht him as he was walking in his garden. 8. His cousins played him a very shal>liy trick. Exercise 113. Ciix the vnmher and cnae of the ruoxouNS in the following scntfncci^: 1. We have lent them our old football. 2. Will you go with usinrmrcab? 3. She wants you to coiiio with her to her aunt's. 4. Jack has hurt hisatikle : he sprained it when he was skating. 5. Tom cut himself with his knife. G. They have no fear for themselves, but only for their children. 7. jMy son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. 8. John, will you go and fetch me the watering-can ? Exercise 114. lUpcat (or vritc out) t'lc biJJcxions of I and THOU. . Exercise 115. and IT. llvpcdt (or write out) the injhxions o/ iiE, SHE, Exercise 116. (yTal-'. six sentences : two n-ith a pronoun in the ohjertive caxe ; two with a p7-ono}(n iti the dative case; and two with aj^rononn in the vocative case. Lesson 30. — The Inflexion of Pronouns. iii. 1. Pronouns used in asking questions aro calhul Interroga- tive Pronouns. They are iuflectod thus : SINGLT.AR AND rf.URAL. ^ ■~^~^ MASili.lxK. Fn.MININK. NKnr.u 1 Nominative Who? Who? Wh.it? ". PosBessive Wlinso? WlldSC? 2. Objective Wlioin? Whom? What ? • i;tv.moi.u(.v • :».". (i) Which? is also usnl us an lNTKKKrM,MI\K (I>lsl liritlllVK.) I'ltuvul n ; as ill llic S( ntuiict; " Wliich of tlicin did you uicct?' (ii) Whether? is alsfi an IntprrogativR rrnnoiui ; and it iiicaiis which of two? 2. Tho Inflexions of Relative Pronouns aic as follow >; : SINCirr.AU AND PLURAL. 1. Kominative 2. Possesdiva ". Objective MAS(I LINK. IIMISINi;. NKITKU Wlio \\h« Wliich Wliosi' Wliosii Wliosi((iir pronoun ; Iml, it i ■; not inliiMtrd. What is a coiiiiiotiiid rc'dtivc t'.mt + which ; as in t in' scntmof, " This is what T Exercise 117. Stale viilrJt of the pminviiia ia ihr follniriixj .Sfjiirxrc.s' arc iXTKRRofiATlVK fnid uhicit uklativk : 1. The ih)'j; that l)arko(l so loud and so lon sent away. 2, The captain threatened to shoot the fii'st person who shoultl atteni[»t to leave the ship. 3. The hoys, -whose lathers weio present, W(>re highly praised by their master. 4. Who <,a)es there ? o. What did he .sav to vou ? 0. The cows -which voii saw in the meadow have heen sold. 7. Which of tlie two do you jji-efer ? 8. 'J'he man whose house Avas roMied is now in court. 1>. Whose l)ook did you take ? 10. This is just what I wanted. 11. Whom did he mean ? 12. What did you hoar alout hiiu ? Exercise 118. MaJ.r six sciitnirr.'i, in iJnrr, of irhich wiio /x ni^cd as a nlatirc, and in tliirc as an intivroijatirr, pronain}. Exercise 119. lleprat (or vri.tc out) tiie iitjli ,io)t^ <*/ wiio and WHO. Lesson 37. —The Iniiexioii of /idjeclives. i. 1. The English Adjcctivo has lost all its inflcxion.s fut Oeudcr and for Case ; but it still keeps two for Number. We say A good man ; and also A good woman. Then; is no change. 2. These two inflexions arc : SIN time ; latter and lait to position in fspaco. (v) Kearett rtfi rs to ipace ; next Vi order ii< succcHsion. " Itu was next in siiccc;- siun to the crown." (vi) Older and oldest ri'Ter to a number ; elder and eldest to a famil;^. (vii) Bather is the c<>in]>arative of an old adjective which nieann early, i^lilton xpeaka of " the rathe i)rinirose." 2. The little adjectives a, an, and the •were at one time called Articles. An wa.s called tlio indefinite, and the the definite, article. They cannot be compared. (i) An is a broken-down form of ane— which was the Nortlicrn form of one (formerly pronounced oan). (ii) An has this odd peculiarity, that it sometimes loses its n— and this n has a knack of cli'aving to tlie next word. Tims «)i oj was the Danish word for a horse; the n stuck to the og, and it became a nag An ewt ( = eft) became a newt. (iii) The opposite also happened. Thus a napron (connected with vciilun, luipery, etc.), became an apron. (iv) In an old grammar the following mi.sdivisions liave l)een found : a naxe ( = an axe) ; a neagle ( = an eagle) ; a nearl ( = an earl). Exercise 120. Compare the following adjectives: Strong, coarse, fat, busy, big, smooth, stately, fine, old. Exercise 121. Comjyare the follmiing adjrctives: Splendid, grand, pleasant, nice, foolish, "wise, large, merry, hoarse. Exercise 122. Compare the foUowivg adjectives: Welcome, blue, interesting, -white, happy, holy, magnificent, earnest, lovely. Exercise 123. Compare the folloioing adjectives: Late, greedy, evil, near, little, far, remote, true, fore, many, hind, gay. Exercise 124. Select the adjectives in the comparative degree in the following sentences^ and place on either side of them the novns compared: 1. Tom is taller than Harry. 2. St. Paul's is larger than Westminster. 3. The hippopotamus is a fatter aninud than the rhinocero.s. 4. !Mount Everest is higher than Mont Blanc. 5. The east wind is colder than the west. 6. Jane's 11 . r»8 A SIIOTtT fillAMMArt OF TTIK KXfiTJsFT TuNTII M cfiiiiploxion is fiiirof lluin finsiin'.^. 7. This imi is moro crowiitMl lliau the ]>liie J. ion. 8. Mill;iis is ;i liiicr artist tliiin lici^fliton. f). The road to Ncwhaveii is lonj^iT than th«' road to Brigliton. Lesson 30. 'I'lic Inflexion of \'crl)s. i. 1. AV(! ciiii sa}- (i) '• 'ilio cat Ki.lcd [ho. mouse"'; or (ii) " Tlie iiiouso was killt'd l)v the cat." Tlit; verb killed is iu the Active Voice, the voib was killed in the Passive Voice. 2. AVhcn tho verb is in ihc Active Voice, tlu; subject of tlic! sentence is tlie doer of the action. (i) " Till! cat killi'il lliu mouse." Here f lie cat is llio subject of tlio sentence, (ii) Till' cat is likewise tlie doer nf Die action. T). When the Verb is in the Passive Voice the subject of tli(! sentence is tlie object of tlie action. (i) "Tlic mouse was killed." Here tlic mouse is tlie subject, (ii) The mome is tlu! object iif the action (if kiUiDg. 4. In changing a verb from tiie active voi^^o into I ho passive voic(% the object of tlie active verb is altered into liH^ subject of the passive verb : (i) The boy c:in-lit tlio liall. (ii) Tli(! master jiraised the girl, (iii) We saw the enemy. rAssivK. The liall v.as eaujiht by C.u' 1 oy. Th(! gill was praised by the master. The enemy was seen by us. Exercise 125. Place in separate columns the rrrhi^ hi the ACTiVK, and thof^c in the passive, T'ouv. 1. The landlord had just killed his pig. 2. The general defeated the enemy. 3. The boy v/as killed by ]ii,ditning. 4. If I cast the sword away, a precious thing will be lost. 5. AVo ^^ ' " covered wiih wraps. G. Edward the f'onfe.ssfir "1 v.ill. 7. The poacher caught two hares. 8. It is plea be awakened l)y tha lark. 9. The troop; were ])rotocced ilie left by i. rshy ground. 10 The cruel uncle did the poor habesa foul wrong. 11. Tho ETYMOLOGY n old gentleman carved the goose ; the lady, the turkey. 12. Tho prisoner was shot at four in tho morning. Exercise 126. Turn the active vkrus in Exercise 125 into the PASSIVE voice. Exercise 127. Turn the passive veuus in Exercise 126 into the ACTIVE VOICE. Exercise 128. Turn the passive verbs in the foUoioing senteyices into the active voice : 1. The ^Aoibition was opened by the Prince of Wales. 2. The porter w .. sent for by the Director. 3. By whom was this mirror broken ? 4. Many battles were won by Wellington. 5. The burglar was arrested by X 221. G. A long letter was drawn up by the Secretary. 7. The Lady of the Lake was written by Sir Walter Scott. 8. The lawn was trimmed yesterday by one of the gardeners. Exercise 129. Turn the active verbs into the passive VOICE : 1. The lightning struck the church-tower. 2. The recitation pleased the audience. 3. The thieves robbed the merchant's house. 4. This baker sells very good bread. 5. The ploughman robbed the crow's nest. G. The woodman felled three thick oaks. 7. The sudden noise frightened the horse. 8. The child was teasing the puppy. 9. My mother received a letter yesterday from Mary. 10. The guide knows the way well. 11. The reapers drank up all the beer. 12. The sailors will launch the boat at twelve. Lesson 40. — The Inflexion of Verbs, ii. 1. We can say : (i) The captain led his men ; (ii) Captain, load your men on ! (iii) If the captain lead the men well, they will fight well ; (iv) The captain likes to lead his men. These are different moods of the verb lead. ' The word mood maani simply manner, manner of presenting a word to the mind. (i) In the first sentence, the verb led states or asserts a simple fact. (ii) In the second, the verb lead gives an order or command. (iii) In the third, lead states not a fact, but a supposition. (iv) In the fourth, to l«ad is the object of the verb UkM, and is simply a kind of noon. « :■ P; i ^i 60 A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE ■ft 2. Thcro arc four moods : the Indicative, the Imperative, tho Subjunctive, and the Infinitive. 3. Tlie Indicative Mood is the mood of direct assertion, or it puts a question in a direct manner. (i) "Joliii lias gniio to Luinloi)." Tluit is a direct aasertioo, and the verb U gona is ill tlie Indicative Mood. (ii) "IsJnlin gout) to Loinlnii?" Tliat is a qiiestioti iml in a direct mMuer, and tho verb i« gone is in tlie Indicative Mood. Lesson 11. — The Inflexion of \'erbs. iii. 1. Tlie Imperative Mood is tlie mood of command, request, and entreaty. (I) " Go on alioail !" That is a command, (ii) " Please pass tlic salt '. ' Ttiat is a request, (iii) " Do come liack ! " Tliat is an eatreatjr. 2. The Subjunctive Mood is the mood employed in sub- joined sentences or clauses. (!) " I will go, if you will go too." The sciiloiice "(if) you will go too" is rabjoined to the main sentctuo " I will go." (ii) "You would not speak so of him, were ha here." The sentence or clause were he here is suhjoincil to the main sentence "you would not speak so of him." (iii) The Subjunctive Mood liad at one time a different form from the Indicative; but this is now very seldom uscil. Thus we said, " If I be, if thou be, if he be," etc. ; but we now say simply, " If he is," etc. 3. The Infinitive Mood is simply tlie name of the verb. Tlie word IiiflniUvr iiieaiiit irUh'mf Ihiiitt ; «ml this mood is so c.illed. Ix^cause it i> not liiuited Yy aaiilucct — or by person or iiuiiilict (i) Tlie luflnitive beiiij; the name of the vorl), it is really n noua (ii) As a noun, it m.iy be in the nominative or in the ohjectlve case, (iii) "To play is ideasant." Here to play is in the nominative case, (iv) " I like to play." Here to play is in the objective ca; e. Exercise 130. Arranfje in four rnJuuin/*, mnl r ihr hcndir\(jn INDK ATIVE, IMPEKATIVK, i,HlJUNCTIVE, aiul INFINITIVE, the Vtrbi ETYMOLOGY 61 in the foil oxcing sentences: 1. Mr. Wilson called this morning. 2. Go to the tool-house and fetch me a hammer. 3. The frost had covered the pond with a sheet of thick ice. 4. If he were here, he would not permit it. 5. Sleep and rest, sleep and rest : father will come to thee soon ! (>. " How shall I get better ? " " Live on sixpence a day, and earn it," was the reply of the doctor. 7. Hear, gentle friends ! Ere yet for me ye break the bonds of fealty. 8. If what I am told be true, we shall have war before long. 9. " Break off the sports!" he said, and frowned, "and bid our horsemen clear the ground!" 10. Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. 11. O that those lips had language! 12. " Heave the lead ! " cried the captain. Exercise 13L Work this Exercise like the preceding. 1. The maid dusted the room with the greatest care. 2. The roses are blooming in the garden, 3. Look ! in this place ran Ca-ssius' dagger through. 4. See what a rent the envious Casca made ! 5, If my brother had been here, he would not have spoken thus. 6. Do thou repeat to the first man thou mayest meet, that he and we and all men move under a canopy of love. 7. If we our Guide obey, the dreariest path will issue in heavenly day. 8. Lift ! lift ! ye mists, from off the silent coast. 9. If I were older, I should run faster. 10. We hope to see you .soon again. 11. It is not easy to climb that hill. 12. Be so kind as to pass the salt 1 Lesson 42. — The Inflexion of Verbs, iv. 1. Wc say: "A loving child," "a running stream," "a galloping horse." (i) Tlie words lorlnf, raBBlnc, and g»llopiiif all go with nouns ; and therefore they .are a^JectiTaa. (ii) But, as they are aUo paru of the verbs love, mn, aad gallop, they are called partleiplei. (iii) " lie stocxl caressing his horse." Here careuing is an adjective, because it gnea with the ]irououu ha. 2. A Participle is that part of the verb which does the duty of an adjecbive. Ueiice a Participle is a verbal adjective. Mi A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE (i) The Compound Perfect Participle Active is: "Having written," "Having struck," etc. (ii) The Compound Perfect Participle Passive is : " Having been written," " Having' been struck," etc. 3. Wc say : " A walking-stick," " a frying-pan," " a fishing- rod." Now the words walking, frying, and fishing all end in ing ; and all look exactly like loving, running, and gallop- ing. But though they look alike, they do not do the same work ; they do not fulfil the same function. (i) " A walking-stick " ia not " a stick that walks," but " a stick for walking." (ii) " A frying-pan " is, in the same way " a pan for fryliig." (iii) And so "a nshing-rod" is " a rod for iUhing." 4. These words walking, frjring, and fishing arc not adjec- tives, but verbal nouns. If a verbal noun governs another noun, it is called a Gerund. « 5. Gerunds arc verbal nouns which govern other nouns. (They govern them, because they are not only nouns, but verbs also.) (!) " I am tired of dreaming dreuins." Here dreaming is a verbal noun, which govemi the other noun dreami. (ii) "This book is good enough fur watting time." Here waiting is a verbal noun, which goveroi the other noun time. (lii) " Mary dislikes reading history." Here reading is a verbal noun, which govenu the other noun taiitory. (iv) In such sentences as "He is fond of iwimming," " He docs not like reading," the words swimming and reading are smiply verbal nonna, and not gemndi. (v) The word gerund comes from the Latin verb gero, I carry on. It is so called because it carries on— not only the meaning — but the jxnver or fnndion of the verb. Exercise 132. Point out, in the foUoiving sentences, the PARTICIPLES that are used as simple adjectives : 1. The glitterinjf liehnet scared the child. 2. Gone are all the barons bold. 3. Here it runs sparkling, there it lies darkling. 4. She is a most loving companion. 5 Tho grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night. G. Ye mind me o' departed joys ! 7. Mis- ETYMOLOGY taken as we were, we yet persevered. 8. Something attempted, something done, has earned a night's repose. 9. His withered cheek and tresses grey seemed to have known a better day. 10. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image ! 11. She, dying, gave it me. 12. Broken in his power, he yet rejected all offers of peace. Exercise 133. A rrange in separate columns, under (he headings PARTicin.Ks, GKHUxns, and vkkhal xoins, the words in ing in the following phrases and sentences: 1. A running stream he dare not cross. 2. Mary is a most loving child. 3. I do not care much for fishing. 4. I hate walking when I can ride. 5. Always wash your hands before eating. 6. Susan is too fond of readin e. Lesson 44. — The Inllexioii of Verbs, vi. 1. "We have therefore, in our language, nine tensc-fornis, or, put more simply, nine Tenses. These are : « f(&) Preient Imperfect .... (>) S - (1>) frtmnt Perfect £ (.(c) PreMBt IndeftniU 'g((a) (Hi) I -(b) ) PMt Imperfect (b) PMt Perfect (or Plnperfect) . Uc) Put Indefinite Fntnre Imperfect _ , Fntore Perfect ^ ((c) Futnre Indefinite I am writing I liiive written I write I was writing I liad written I wrote I sliall he writing I sliall liave written I sba I write t^ U tlie Teaclier ttiinVs it l«etter and more cnmlucMie to clenrneaa. lie iiiiiy use the tenne Comfilfte mill /nntmjjrtf iiiKtrad ii( /'rrfrrl iiiiil /jiijur/fct. (iv) (a) The verb " I have been writing" is called Tresent Perfect Continaooi. (li) " I liad Wen writing "' is Past Perfect Continuoui. (c) " 1 shall have been writing " is Future Perfect Contlnnoni. (v) Wliat is called the Hlitoric Present is used in lively narrative to give an appear- ance of the action going on before our eyes; as, " lie comes; he sees Uie enemy ; he (lashes at hiiu ; he puts him to ruut." 2. The above may be set forth in a Tap.m:, thus : TIMK ... ,, CONDI T I () X iNDKFixm: INCOMPLETK COMPLETE K ( Preient 1 write I am writing I have written •< Past I wrote 1 was writing I had written Fntvra I shall write I shall be writing I sliall have written H ( Preient It is written It is being wntlcn It has been written So- cc 1 Put It was written It was being written It had been written £[ Fntore It shall le written (Want in-) It Hhall have been written 3. Verlis are al.>^o inflected for number. writes " and "They write." S W say He ^i 66 A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE R (i) "Write* " is singular, because it is said of tbc singular pronoun ht. (ii) "Write" is plural, lK!caime It is said of the plural pronoun thty. (iii) In Old English ( = Anglo-Saxon), the plural ending of verbs was ath— WrtUtk. 4. Verbs arc also inflected for person. We say : (i) "I write." (ii) " Tliou writest." (iii) " He writes." (i) The fonn writ* is said to be in the Int ptnon, because it goes with the first I'lTsonal pronoun. (ii) The form wrlUst is in the ■•ceod parson, because it goes with thoa. (iii) The form wrlUs is in the third perton, bpratisc it goes with ha EzercL'3 138. Rej^cat {or write out) the nine tenses of Strike. Exercise 139. Give (he tkxsks of the verbs in the following sentences, a7id also their conditions (i'kkfect, impkrfkct, or indefinmte) : 1. I shall be walking down Main Street at ten o'clock. 2. The baby was sleeping. 3. The .sun, in Norway, rises in the north at inidsuinmer. 4. We shall not be shooting to-morrow. 5. We lift our trusting eyes from the hills our fathers trod. G. With thee, my bark, I'll swiftly go athwart the foaming brine. 7. They have been dancing for two hours. 8. One lovely hand she stretched for aid. 9. He will by now have been working for six hours. 10. They were drawing when I allied on them. 11. The warm sun is failing, the bleak winds are wailing. 12. With dying hand, above his head he shook the fragment of his blade. Exercise 140. Arrange in cohimnSy nnder the headings im- perfect, PERFECT, iXDKFiN'iTh:, and coN'TiNiof.s, the verbs in the following sentences : 1. I am writing my cousin now. 2. They have been sending to the Ilall every other day. 3. The Secretiiry has just written a letter to the Board. 4. I shall have finished my work before the bell rings. H. They were weeding the gjir- den when we called on them. G. We visit the Hospitid every Saturday. 7. I had written to Uncle before he called. 8. I shall be walking in Rotten Row at four to-morrow. 9. They will tell you when they want you. Exerciso 141. State {or write down) the mimber ami person of each of /'•- verbs in Exercise 155. lit Kn'MOLOGY 67 Lesson 45. — Tlic Inflexion of Verbs, vii. 1. We say: (i) Write, wrote, written; and (ii) Love, loved, loved. The first is said to be a Strong Verb ; the second is a Weak Verb. (i) Writ* ia also called a Verb of the Strong Conjugation, (il) Lot* is a Verb of the Weak Conjugation. 2. The difference between Strong Verbs and Weak Verbs is known by their way of forming their past tenses. 3. A Strong Verb, to form its past tense, changes the vowel of the present tense, and never adds anything. Abide, abo4« : b«(lii, begui ; bruUi, broka arc all itroBf Ttrbi. 4. A Weak Verb, to form its past tense, always adds an ed, ad, or a t ; wliiie it may or may not change the vowel of the present. (i) Sell, sold; Tell, told; buy, bought; say, said; spck, sought; teach, taught, are all w—k verbs, liecause they add d or t tomnke their past tenses. (ii) Meet, met ; feeil, feecau8e their older forms were met-t», fed-d«, led-da : the ending do has dropped off. 5. Weak Verbs are of two kinds : Regular Weak Verbs and Irregular Weak Verbs. The Regidar Weak always add ed for their past tenses, and make no other change. RROl'LAR WKAK . IRREULLAR WEAK. Attend attended attended Ilcn.l bent bent Correct orrected corrected Catch caught caught Deafen deafened denfeneil Deal dealt dealt (i) The *d in the \u Ast tense '« a w Dm -down fonn of did Thus I lov«d = I loTOdld. (ii) All BOW verbs follow the woak conjugation, and all that have onie to us Irum foreign languages. We say : Telegr.iph ; telegrajphed ; telegraphed. Exercise 142. A rrange in columns, under the headings stuoxo- iiEGULAR WEAK, and iiiueollar weak, the following verhs : Love, write, abide, be<^in, break, attend, come, meet, deepen, bend, feed, seek, teach, observe, tell, sell, catch, say. M ' h M 68 A SHOUT (iUAMMAIl (»!•' TllM I:N(;LIS1I TOXGL'E Bzerclse 143. Give the exaci definition of (i) a Strong Verh ; (ii) a Regular Weak Verb; and (iii) an Irregular H'eak Firh, uiuler the headings of (a) Changinff and (b) Adding. The following is an ALPHABETICAL LIST OF STRON'O VERBS. (All strong verl>» except tliosc which have a prefix are luoiiosyllabic.) The forms in italics are weak. PRES. PAST PASS. PART. PREiJ. PAST PASS. PART. Abide abode abode 80 Find found found Arise arose arisen Fling flung flung Awake awoke awoke Fly new flown {awaked) {awakeiJ) Forbear forbore forborne Bear bore born Forget forgot forgotten (bring fffrth) 35 Forsake forsook forsaken 5 Bear bore borne Freeze froze frozen {carry) ^ Get got got, gOttili Beat beat beaten Give gave given Begin began begun Go wenl gone Behold behehl beheld 40 Grind ground ground Bid bade, bid bidden, bid Grow grew grown 10 Bind bound bound Hang hung (or hung (or Bite bit bitten, bit haiige 1) hanged) Blow blew blown Hold held held Break broke broken Know knew known Burst burst burst 45 Lie lay lain Ij Chide chid chidden. Ride rode ridden chid Ring rang rung Choose chose chosen Rise rose risen (not Cleave clove cloven passive) {split) Run ran run Climb clomb (climbed) 50 See saw seen Cling clung clung Seethe sod (seeth 'ft) sodden 20 Come came come Shake shook siiaken Crow crew crown Shine shone shone (crowed) Shoot shot shot Dig dug dug 55 Shrink shrank shrunk Do did done Sing sang sung Draw drew drawn Sink sank sunk (or 26 Drink drank drunk sunkjn) Drive drove driven Sit sat Mt Eat ate eaten Slay slew slain Fall fell fallen 60 Slide slid SliJL Fight fought fought 1 Sling slung ■lung IC KTYMOLOCiY 69 >»RES. PAST PAHS. PAllT. PRE3. I'AST PAHS. PAKT. Slink Blunk slunk Swing swung swung Smite smote smitten 80 Take took taken Speak 8t>