IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 |2^ Itt lit IB U 112 13.6 |Z5 ■ 22 12.0 I Rli 1.8 IL25 iu 1.6 150mm /APPLIED J IIVMGE . Inr^ ^^ 1653 East Main street jsssn Rochester, NY 14609 USA ^^^S Phone: 716/482-0300 .S^^SS Fax: 716/288-5989 O 1993. ApplM Itnag*. Inc.. AH Rights R«Mfv«d /, o k ^M :v ,\ % 4> V '<> ^^. '4fS ^^"-.'^ ^2^ ^ ,« .■«? % 1

-■!■; ;, "f ■i e after it had been well stirred to ensure thorough mixing of th« oream, and before any customers hwd been served. Nos. 2, 3 and 4 were taken at the time indicated from the bottom of the can without stirring as the milk was drawn for customers. No. H was taken from the last [uart in the can. (3). Milk was carried in one large can (20 gals.) ; herd consisted of twenty-throe cows which were on .grass at the time; supplied one hundred and eighty customers. Milkman No: 2. JuneSrd. Sample. Per ct^nt. of fat. Time. No. 1 2.6 9.07 a.m. " 2 2.8 9..S0 " " 3 S.6 ^, 10.00 " " 4 S.8 10.30 " " 6 2.8 11.00 •« 1 Remarks. (1). All these samples were taken from the bottom and without stirring, as a vessel containing ice which was floating in the milk prevented this being done. The milk had been driven only a few rods when the first sample was taken. (2). Milk carried in one can (15 gals.); herd numbered twenty cows which were kept in the stable and fed green feed ; about one hundred customers. Milkman No. 3. June 4th. Sample. Per cent, of fat. Time. (No. 1 No. 1 can-j ., g No. 2 can "3 No. 1 can " 4 No.2can^ " ^ ( •• 6 3.2 8.2 3.2 3.2 3.36 3.4 8.00 a.m. 8.00 " 8.10 " 9.00 " 10 00 " 11.00 •• Remarks. (1). No. 1 sample was taken from the top of the o«n after stirring before any customers had been served and after the milk had been driven about one-quarter of a mile. No. 2 sample was taken under tlie same conditions except thnt it was taken from the bottom of the can. All the other lamples were taken from the bottom. (2). Milk was carried in two cans ( 1 2 galH. each) ; herd con- sisted of thirteen cows. MiLKUAN No. 4. June 6th. Sample. Per cent, of fat. Time. No. 1 can No. 1 r •• 2 No. 2 can < ,, g No. 1 can "4 No. 2 can " 6 r.. « 1 No. lean -i " '' 1 " 8 I" 9 3.60 3.40 8.36 8.36 3.46 3.20 8.86 8.26 8.46 6.20 a.m. 6.20 " 7.26 " 7.30 " 8.30 " 8.30 •• 9.80 " 10.30 •• . 11.30 •• Remarki*. (1). All these samples were taken from the top of the can. There were fonr cans (10 gals, eash) and samples were taken from two only. Samples 1, 4, 6 and 7 were tak^n from can No. 1 before any customers i eceired milk. Sample No. 1 was taken after stirring and No. 2 without stirring and before any customers had been served. Sample No. 8 was taken after the first customer had milk from No. 1 can, it having ridden I'of J >ut four hours. Samplea 9 and 5 were taken from the bottom of cans 1 and 2 respectively. (2). Milk bad been carried three-quarters of a mile before first sample was taken ; it was the previous evening's milk ; herd of twenty cowsj over two hundred customers. CoNCLOSiONH. Although there are some variations, yet they are so slight that from these trials we may conclude that there i» practically no difference in the percentage of fat in the milk as ordi- narily handled and served to customers at different times from the same can, whether it be taken from the top or from the bottom and that the motion and jarring of the waggon are sufficient to keep the fat or cream thoroughly mingled with the milk.