1.0 [f UA m lit IM ly I.I m IM ■ 1.8 t&iiXE^ < 6" ► ^ ^ % FiiotogFaphic Sciences Corporalion 23 WIST MAIN STiliT WIBSTIR,N.Y. 14SM (716) •72-4503 Canadian Inttituta for Historical IMicroraproductiont / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductions hiatoriquas IJ n n n n bovvr mm inMiiiiy/ L* titr* d« eouv«rtur« manqiM Colourtd mmqm/ CartM gAoflrapMquM an eoulMir Colourad ink (i.«. oth«r tfian Mu* or blaek)/ Iner* d« eoulMir ll.«. autra qua Maua om noira) Colourad plataa and/or Hluatrationa/ nanohaa at/ou ilhiatrationa m coulaur ■ound wHh'otfMT matarial/ RaKA avac d'autraa doeumanta Tiflht binding may eauaa shadowa or diatortion along intador margin/ La f iiura aarrAa paut eauaar da i'ombra ou da la dialoraion la long da la marga inlArloura ■lank laavaa addad during raatoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar poaalblo. ttiaaa hava baan omittad from filming/ II aa paut qua eartainaa pagaa bkinehaa ^out«aa lora d'una raatauration apparalaaant dana la taxta mala, ioraqua eala «tait poaaibla. eaa pagaa n'ont paa 4ti film4aa. E( ryr Pagaa diaeolourad. ttainad or foxad/ I — I Pagaa d4eolor«aa, taehat«aa ou piqu«aa □ Pagaa dataehad/ Pagaa d«taeMaa (~V ShWMtbrough/ LJu Tranaparanea □ Qualltv of print variaa/ QuaNt* in4gala da I'impraaaion □ Ineludaa tupplamantary matarial/ Comprand du material suppMmantaira □ Only adMon availabia/ Sauia Mition ditponibia □ Pagaa wholly or partially obseurod by arrata •llpa. tiaauaa. ate. hava baan rafllmad to anaura tha baat poaaibla imaga/ Ua pagaa totalamant ou partiaiiamant obacureiaa par un fauillat d'arrata. una palura. ate., ont 4t* filmAaa A nouvaau da faqon A obtanir la mallkiura imaga poaaibla. Additional eommanta:/ IPrintMl •pkmMnil 1 thttt (vtno Mink) Commantairaa auppiimantairaa: Thia itam ia fiimad at tha raduction ratio ehackad balow/ Ca documant aat film* au taux da rMuction indiqu* ei-daaaoua. lOX 14X lax 22X 26X 30X 12X IfX aox y 2«X 28X 32X rata } •lura. 3 Of WiMtyMsd ImpfMalofi. ~irsssmm anM oofitMii tiM aynibol ^"^^ iniMMiln9 "COW- TINUIO"}. or tiM aymbol ▼ U naaning "INO"). Maps, ptatw. elwrta. tte., may ba fMmad at dif f araw t radiietion ratioa. Thaaa too larga to ba •fitlralv ineliMlad in ono aRpoaura ara fNmad bagifining in tlia uppar iaft hand eomor. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa as raqulfod. Tha f ollowing diagrama Hhiatrata tha mathod: 1 2 3 IB OTvnWvV warn nwnaa an eommany a nt par Ja paga 4ui eomporta una ampralnt a ou dlNuatratlon at i% tanninant par paga qui eomporta una taNa Un daa tymbolaa aulvanta apparaltra aur la damMra imaga da ehaqua miarofleha, aalon la eaa: la aymbola -»- algnifia "A 8UIVRE". la oymbolo ▼ algnifia "nN". Laa eartaa. pl an c h a a . taMaaux, ate., pauvant Atra fHmda A daa taux da rdduetion dlff4rants. Loraquo lo doeumant aat trap grand pour Atra raproduft an un aaul eliehd. il aat fUmA A partir da I'angia aupArlaur gaueha. da gaueha A droita. at da haut 9n baa. an pranant la nombra d'lmagaa ndeaaaalra. Laa diagrammaa auivanta Muatrantia mAthoda. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CITY OF HAMILl That in porsuancf of her Nijesty's Writ of Eieci opened in eaeh ward of the Ckj, for Ireei The 16th and 17th inst., opening eaeh daj at]9 o^ FOR ST. GEORGE'S WARD, tbe polling place FOR ST. PATRIIK'S WARD, in Mr. MULLIN Catherine Street. FOR ST. LAWRENCE WARD, in tlie ENGINE 1 GI VEN, ■ it of Elf ctien !• ne iirected, a Polling place wli{ hj, for irecordiDg the Totes of the Electors, on li daj at'9 o'Clock, a. m., and closing at 5 o'Clock p. m. ng place will be in Che COURT HOII$£. MULLINS' Office, Mala Street, between Joiin The 16th and 17th inst, opening eaeh daj at[{ FOR ST. GEORGE'S WARD, (be polling plac< FOR ST. PATRICK'S WARD, io Mr. MULLl Calhcrlne Strr r (. FOR ST. LAWRENCE WARD, Id Ibe ENGINE CITY OF HAMIL m i X each day at'9 o'Clock, a. m., and closing at 5 ©'Clock p. m. rtHMiSli Oiling place will be in Cbe COURT HOUSE. Mr. MULLINS* Office, Main Street, between erine Street, tbe ENGINE piISE, East Market Street. Jobn ■o ftpm IMILTON, TO WIT: The 16th and 17th inst, opening each daj af^9 o^Cl ■■i FOR 8T. GEORGE'S WARD, the polling place wl FOR ST. PATRICK'S WARD, in Mr. MIILLINSV Catherine Street. FOR ST. LAWRENCE WARD, in the EMINE pC FOR ST. ANDREW'S WARD, in the FRAME BUII ifOR ST. MARY'S WARD, in a Store in the mmi Of all which everj person concerned is hereby requif^i Given under my band, this 8th dajr of I ■^-H ^Hamilton, December 8, 1857. '' Spectator"" Steain Pkressk U I & mmsMi I dajr at, 9 o^Clock, a. m., and closing at 5 o'Clock p« m. ng place will be in the COURT HOUSE. MCILLINS' Office, MalD Streef, between JoiiB Ml e Street. EMINE PUSE, East Market Street. P'RAMe EVILDINC, Market BlocL In tbe AfeKinstrj Block, Kinir Street, West. « I erebj required to take notice, and govern himself accordingiji thh8thda|r ofDEOElllBER. 185r. I ^ i W. CRAIGIE, I Retumliks Officeil ^ Steain Plresa. Uamiltoa