'- V ^ 141 RETURN Oi the Average Liabilities and Assets of The Commercial Bauk of the Midland District, pnbliRhed in conformity with Act 18 Vic. Cap. 42. -~v 1855. 3lM January. LIABILITIES. HromisKory Notes in Circulation not liearing interest. . BilU of £.xchuiigu in Circolaliori not benriiii; interest. Bills and Nates in Circulation hearing interent Balances Jue'to other Banks and Foreign Amenta. . . . Cash ueposilfTii bearing interest Cash deposited not beating interest AS.SETS. Coin and Bujjion Landed and alher Propeity (jovetnment Securities Promissory Notes or Riila of other Banks «*. . Balances duo by other Banks and Foreign Agents ■^- - - Notes discoui^ed and all other debts due to the Bunk not inciuded under the foregoing heads , i.. s. n. 487,58J 10 23,657 6 10 257,8.=il 13 8 143,037 5 4 911,139 IJj 10 98,1G4 16 10 28,207 4 3 65,091 13 4 31,885 11 6 104,597 1 1,283,325 16 9 XI 1.611,272 4 2 Commercial Bank, M. D. Kingston, 6lli Febiuaiy, 1855. C. S. ROSS, Cashier. 109-1 COBOURG AND PETHUBORO' RAILWAY C0MP5WY. NOTICE \* hereby given that iji pursuance of ih? J Law, a General Meeting of the Shareholders in : the Cobourg and PHterboro**Railway Company will j 1)6 held on MONDAY, the TVVRNT \'-SlXTH day! of FEBRUAUY next, at TWELVE o'clock noon, in their Olfice, Nine Directors DAVID BURN, Secretary. I Cobourg, 20lh January, 1855. 58-5 \ Ten per cent on the 20lh September. 1854, Ten per cent on the 20'Ji October, " Ten per cent on the 20nl November, " Ten percent on the 20lh December, " • Ten per cent on the 20t" January, 1856. By Older of th^TJonid. FRANtIS LALOR, Secretary. , at Cobourg, frr the purpose of electing iPfSce of the P. D, & T. R. R. Co. s for the ensuing year. L St. Cathariucs, 15th Augml, 1854. r\»irirk DirnrvT e..- i 804 ONTARIO MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE ^ L COMPA^JV." MONTREAL MIN^JG COMPANY. I IIamilton,i7th December, 1854. NOTICE is hereby giw^ that the Ninth Annual ^-f^OTICE is hereby given that a Call office per General Meeting ot^ie Stockholders of ihepL^ teiil on the Capital Slock ot'lhis Company has Montreal Mining Companj<,*vill ho held at the Ollice ! been niiule, and the Riimc in licicby required to be paid of the Corporation on WEDNESDAY, the TVVE\»*^n MONDAY, the TWELFTH (hiyol MARCH next TY-FIRSTdayof FKBRUARY next, at ONE o'clock fnnsuins, hi the Oflice of the Company in lloniilton, P. M., to elect Diicctors for the ensuing year, and rtlie (iore B.ink or any of the Agencies of either Insti- generally to transact the business of tin* Coinpiiny. ; lutioii. By order, ABAM HANDVSIUE, .j_ Secrelaiy^ll Montreal, 15ih January, ISJSf. 25-5 "t By order of the floailf, r7-10 WILL^^ POVVIS, .Secretary. THE CANADA OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Incorporated by Act ol Parliament, 1831. Tru»tees-WILLIAM WORKMAN, DAVID TC^RANCE, ANDREW SHAW, lllA QOULI), JOHN KER4JIAW, EKquiros. PUBLU; NOTICE is hereby given that the chief: M'liil'oii; ,. , „ , place of business of tlie al«vo Comiwny is in; Uy order ol the Bnai.l. itM City of Montreal, and the Ollice of the Company ' ' '""-lO »vin ia at No. ^, Young's Buildinjrs, in saiil City. ; CHS. GOULD, Secretary. , ONTARIO MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Jlamitton, 4/A Detcmber, 1854. NOTICF, is heroby given that n Call ol' live per cent on the Capilnl .Smok ol thin Company has been made, niid the same i-< hereby rrqniiwt m be paid on MONDAY, the TWELFTH FEHKUARY next enaulng, nt ihoOHiee of the Company in Hitmil- t.m, the Gore Hank, or iiny M the Agencies of either POWIS, Secretaiy. Badolet fiirma itnmng occnnon to I amount of fidy per cent, on the Capital Slock advertise, wili be raicful I'jf i.«r.ifii.v TR*s5CBiB!i«a ef this Cornpanv, have this day been J'aHP't In, ; ,„„„ „„,„ „^„„ ,„ „, ,,, .^j.t mUtake* ».< B»T«ble at the office of the Treasurer, in .St. Catha- ; . . .i . ^ HoJT, in the following proportions, to wit : neonvenxtnce in thu rcipcolt N' :\ n\^^ /n 142 n SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. , o . „f pimr. 1 T no hprrbv aive Public Notice, County of Elgm, J ^^ jliXL-nce to tl,o Wanant of the Treaiurer o'f the said Counl>S ihe lands .eaMi,- after ment.oned will .be bo d by »''^'^''^/Vu , ' AY the Court House, i" St. Tl'omas, on ^AlUl DA^ , the THIRTY-FIKST day o! MARCH next, at TLN o'clock A. M.. for the taxes a.i.l ol.arges due upon the several lots'menlioned, unless the .ame be «ooner P*''*- COLIN MUNRO, Sherifl' County of El^m, SherifT's Office. St. Thomas, 6th December, 18oi. TOWNSHIP OF ALDUOROUGH. Description and Numbers of Lots Descriptiom and Numbers of Lots. a ■''i'^ At^4^M,i/<» P ^^**^ V.J, West pnrt KasI half AB U \ East quarter - Soulh lialf Norlh half South half Norlh part Soiilh half North half Ncirlh liulf South half Kuulli-euth-east quarter x^ Soutii-easl half Soulh half aj.Mnrf. South-east half Noilhhalf ^ ^jt»^ So\ith-L'ast half 'Norlh-wcst half • * Soulh-oast half tM^- f So„ti, half . ^*^ ~^ Norlh-west quarter yo « -^ North-east quarter /» w Noith-weet quatter-i22 »<••■. n 4 ^t>. * 5 ALDBOROUIJll WEST. North h.ilf South half 8^ 4 «. 4 4 6^ 4 South half Norlh half South half North hnlf West half 7. 7 9*^ 9 10 10 11 11 6 4- . ■• ■■' ■■■ V Norlh-west half" KasI half Norlh- we»l .quarter 7-- East quarter Wut^t half I, East half Norlh half West hall South half South half _■/.-- 'J ' ■ South half West Ijalf South quarter Soulh-egst part . 5 «- ■ 1 ^ 4' S 5 a 6 6 7 ^ S 10 10*^ 11 11 la la 3 i: 11 13 1^ K 200) SO I 200 i 100 ( 100 ino SOO) 100$ 100 100 21)0 IIM) 8?; 100 100 200 200 200 200 \ 17 r 100 J 100 aoo-i 25 30 u 30 lioj son lb 20 2001 16 1 13 f 22 J 21-1 100 1 200 f 35 J 100 100 200) 100 J 200' 100 10 18 125 49 200 200 200) 50 { 100 50 150 50 j 100 100 100 100 200 100 i 200 100 200 100 ; 300 50) 100 { Amount due on Mck Lot. £. s. d. 11 5 10 6 13 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ e 4 3 2 6 8 8 3 5 10 7 3 4 15 5 8 a 4 3 1 1 9 1 la s 17 It) 5 5 10 19 8 7 4 11 3 14 r) r D. GorB 1 BF U F #- 3 13 5 to » 1 6 10 3 S 10 4 6 10 3 1 > 8 1 11 a 1 I 1 a 1 18 4 S 16 10 3 4 8 4 13 1 1 1 10 4 2 15 4 8 10 13 14 16 2 15 1 4 8 1 7 6 2 « S TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH. BC B 430 ) B H\ ^\ M { 33 14 10 \ V 143 int on Lot. d. -^ I 2 I &' t 8 ) 8 1 2 8 li 5 9 9 3 i U 4 3 10 » 6 10 5 10 4 e 10 3 a 8 11 s I a 18 4 I 16 10 #- *^-i M I 4 I 13 1 1 ) 10 8 1 4 2 15 D 13 4 1 16 S 2 15 1 4 8 1 7 6 2 6 • 13 14 10 Desoiiplion and Niimtersof Lotd. Pattof North I'alf South lialt North hall' South Norlli half South lialf S. J and N. E.\ North-west quarter '. cr . " "* North half North half Soulli half North quarter Smith half South half South liHJf South half North-east North half South halt South half North half South half East half North half North half North half Part of South half South half Part of North part North South half South half North half North half South half North half North half South half Noith half South half South-east half r^\c.^\ re \ North half South half South-aa«t 200 I inri ^ 100 ) 63; 100 6:i 20' 10(1 100 100 50 25 185 100 100 100 100 100 100 I(i0 200) ltiO> 100 \ Amount due on eaoh Lot. £ s. d. 4 19 6 3 13 5 3 13 11 5 11 1 10 4 4 1 1 9 2 6 6 6 1 7 1 8 6 17 9 5 4 13 10 4 2 10 3,5 7 1 9 5 10 6 2 Id 4 10 11 1 1 n 8 4 Iri S 1 12 8 1 9 9 4 13 7 4 9 4 10 4 2 17 9 3 2 2 10 11 2 4 5 1 9 1 7 1 9 Dedcription and NumbRrs of Lota. 10 4 10 4 10 4 12 1 3 4 9 1 16 8 7 5 2 6 13 6 North half Suuth-eaFt half 13 7 1 10 11 1 18 3 3 6 10 10 11 10 11 5 18 11 3 17 1 1 2 8 1 13 7 n 10 11 10 11 1 11 7 1 11 3 2 7 1 2 4 5 3 16 11 5 14 8 North West half East half South half West half North half .South half Noith half B C C c A 23 23 A A A A 5 5 5 100 100 00) 50 > 32) SCHOOL SECTION. 24 15 15 •^O 20 B C 12 A 5 5 South-oMt .South-east half South half South-east quarter Ll 12 13 14 C C 6 6 6 6 6 6 C 6 7 8 5 10 10 10 11 11 II 11 11 200 100 100 100 100 100 130 50 50 100 SO 15 165 10 15 20 180 150 50 Amount due on each Lot. £ 8. d. 10 11 4 10 4 18 18 A 18 6 2 2 10 1 18 2 19 9 6 9 10 2 9 3 1 5 5 7 5 9 7 5 -6 2 13 3 17 8 18 9^ 7 2 5 2 19 7 18 3 1140-13 COLIN MUNRO, Sherift' of Elgin. Dissolutions. DI.SSOLUTION.— The partnership hitherto sub- sisting between the subscribers, under the riame, ftylu ami firm of John Anderson & Co., has this day been dirisolveil bv mutual conseni. All tieble duo by the late eoncern will be paid by Mr. Andkrson, who is authorized to collect all out- .landing debts. JOHN ANDERSON, GEO. RAILTON. auebec, 9th Februaty, 1855. rf^HE Firm of Rich and Maddkson, carryinz X. on business at Toronto and Hamilton as land Agoiii5 and Biokeis, was this day dissolved by mutual coiisi'nt. A. VV. RICH. O. L. MADDESON. T. A. Bkst, I XVitnesses. 21th Jantuuy, 18.55. 101-3 NOTICE.— Tlio Partnership at present existing between I lie subforibers, under the Firm of Woon, Pktrv, Poituas & Co., will terminaieby limi- nitiou, and by the lotiremeut froinlho Firm ot Wm. I'etvy, Senior, and Wm. F. Wood, on the Thirtieth Ajiril next The alVairs of the present Firni will he wound up in liqnidnlion by any ono of the undersignecU and iho business will from and alter the FIRST MAY NEXT be lonilucled by. and for the solo account o PitRUE R. PoiTiiAs anit Wm. Petry, Junr., under the same name and Firm. WM. PETRY. Senr. WM. F. WOOD, Bu his All,/. WM. PRTRY, ,Ir. P. R. POITRAS, WM. PETRY, Jr. Quebec, let February, 18.55. 75-12 DISSOLUTION.— The partnership heretofore ex- istinc between the undeisisned aa Manufactu- rers of FanniM^r Mills, &c., was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts to be settled by H. '''"*'• HIRAM KING, JOHN WA(iSTAFF. Witness— Walter Warstaff. Dundas, 18th November, 1854. H1>1-1* Xi J -%.■: fW^ 144 Chancery Notices. CHANCERY SALE. TO Be Sold by Public Auction, pursuant to a De- cree and an Order of the Court of Chancery made in the causa of McIntosh ve>. Chisholm, with the approbation of Andrew Norton Buell, Esquire, Master of the said Couit, by Peter Slewart, Esquire, at the Court House, in the Town of Cornwall, in [he County of Stormont, on THURSDAY, the FIRSr day of MARCH next, at the hour of ONE o'clocit in the afternoon, in one lot, the lands and premisas, with "^-^he appurtenances in the pleadings mentioned, being composed of the east half of lot numl/er filty-ei^ht, and the whole of lot number fifly-iune, on the north eideof the river (lux Raisins (being the first concession north of the said river), in the township of Cliarlot- ■'lenburgh, in the County of Glengarry, containing by admeasurement three hundred acres, more or less. •~- Puiliculars and conditions of sale may bo had gratis -"" application a\ the Law Offices of Messrs. Wilson and Hector, and Messrs. McMichaelandMcCulcheon, of ihe Master of the f^iiid Court, of Peter Slewart. Esquire, an I at the Office of the Honble. John S. McUonifld, in the Town of Cornwall. The Ij'ale to be upon >he terms and conditions pro- vided by the General Order* of the said Court. A. N. UUELL. Toronto, 16 h January, 1855. 46-5 Applications to Parliament. NOTICE is hereby given that Application will be niiule to Ihe Piovincial Parliament, at llie meeting thereof in February ne.tt, for an Act to in- corporate a. Company by and . nder the name of "The Roud Eau and St. Clair River Railway and Niivi^alioii Company." for the purpose (if con- Ktruciiii^ a Uuilwuy iV.-..ii ilic lluuU li)uu Hart)0ur to some paint on the St. Clair River, opposue (he lo\.n of Newport ill Micliijjan, with power lo navignle the adjiicent Wiitcrs at the terminus of either end of the road, to hold steamboats and other vessels in e.on- neclion with said roud. EDWIN LARWILL, M. P. P. Chatham, a