A^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT.3) V /> e Caimdn ihin arterpnoii— liuw- Srar Dlarmlnit Ihey n.uy apprnir, tlio niiinbrr oreiccl- Dt (roopt ond or "oliintcerii who will tliow llirmii'lviiinicii'ut we dniibt not to reiiel any OKgreoion Ihiit niuy lio nmiln liy <>iir neighbouring •ympatliiaerii or to qiioll any altrmpi nl n tiilog wKhin the Colony. Wc leiirn from private lonrces that an incursion of rebels ami lymimtliiscrs had been made from Fort Covington into licaulRr- nois, where Mr. E. Ellicc and Mr. liroun wvrc carried nwuy prisonem. The Canada on licr tri|i downward), on Saturday, met nt Sorel, Messrs. Di - barlzch, Dr. Dorion mid Guornut, who rmb.iik< ei'i\ interupted, from the Knilroud having beui partly broken up by a paity of Knbils. At Montreal grpal ninrtn provuileij, doiil)!'- fl;-riirti .« wria £1aoet] In (lilTerent iliroctiuni, ji ilin Hunks amt ftsotvh.'n}— it.tj Vra^oons wers kepc in readi/H'Bi. fvAtttt liritie fni«r(uiiuil itmt a riling would alio take place in ilie Hiilniiba. Extract of a Letter dated Montreal, 3d Vnveml.tT. It iiTer;r generally beliered that the City ivill he ntinckcd to niglit— Wa cannot think the reheU so rodllih, the Vulun- taert hate all been notified by request of the authorities uru ienti'iei are placed on the Montreal Bank, one in frnnt „( ilic boUM occupied by Thornton, the Husianare all »t ihc rul.>kiil< of tbe tonn ; and we expect enery precaution lia> been nude that U requiaitt to keep down the disiafected. MONTREAL COUllll.ll OFFICH. 8*Tuiiu.»T, Niivpiii' IT 3. in38. _Wa mentioned the other day, our cenuin bi'li,u Chanibly, were secretly d-i-patched wiili a Ai:i,^irilrule t'> cap- tore the conclave, while in tiie act of pluiiint; tia' deftini' ijim oT tlie lives ani' property of loyal subjenis in thai ticighhi '.ilxro 1. We have just learned from Col. 'I'nylur. ilioi seven (.i ihf;> were token, and among thrtn the sun ot'CugtHin, hut tliti fatlier was not to he fovnd. \Ve aUo und<;rsiiut,l thai a f'dw i^'rcf-t* ware made at St. Johns, and that Mr. liar>ly, who luinrititt' ] alt last winter in ilie gaol oT this city* nl the piihlic exi'tiiiif, was uncereinoiiiously taken out of hi,i hnl I'iai iiiu|,f, 'i'li.'j,,. poorite was, of course, very much ast'itiii'iieil .it ll:iA ai; iiri-t want of courtesy at the hands of a (JnvcnnnHni riotn wti.mi ho had previously received such liherul ticaiinenl. The auenibly of traitors were nnned.nnd ive saw one nrihtlr muskets in Colonel Taylor s pos^esiion, vvidi l'n>onct, scuI'lM.f. carlouck box, complete, and about twenty rounili ul' hail cat • tridge. It was a good American piece. This little affair will, we hope, convince all loyiili.iolll<, or deviate M,\r:i.il Ijaw, without a nionient's delay. We feel tcnliJint tlmt liOrd Durham would have dune »u, hud he icin:iincd in Ihn country, as in his reply to an address Iruni the riintcis of Quebec, he closes it by sujing: — "Should the) (llic tchel leaders) succeed in producing this lamentable icsult, wiili ihrni the awful responsibility will rest — by them the heaviest puni>l:- ment will be deserved. Let lawless outiu^c and rei.ellion be at a discount this winter and not at a ptemiuni as it was last, and wc ikall very soon have nothing muio of the kind. We learn that the house of a Canadian who nidcsat Fointe il la Mule, was cnterep two nights since by a paiiy of masked men, who relieved hiiuof all Ills spate inoiiey, ainonnl- ing to about $200 in liard cask. They told him at the time that it was a contribution to the Patriut cause. ATTENTION ! QUEBEC LIGHT INI'ANTKY VOI.UNTKF.liS THE Members are requciteJ to hold thoiiiH'Isos in fesdiness to tnrn nut at a iiiin-.itr'r, i-.nti.-.-. JOHN SEWELL, Miyor. Quebec, Sth Nor. 1838.