#. ^^#0 ""-X^ o. ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) f^-A^'ii, 1.0 I.I 1.25 l^|28 |2.5 Ill— U IIIIII.6 ,i. ||. Afld Whepeas, thcse\('ral Afunicipalities ol" the Town of VVoodst ofSiMitli Norwich, the 'ri>wn>hip of NVyndham. and Ihc Township of Woodl liailway and llarhor (."ompany. as creditors ol'the .--aid ("ompaiiy, the .<;iid \ ( ohipauy issued in e()nsideralion olCertain Municipal aid granted to the sai <'crtaiu eouditious. to the ellecl that the said C'ompany shouh! yearly and i'\ ci|(alities. rcspccli\ ely. for raisuiL! the amount ol the .•-aid .M .iiiieipai aid on t should he pail! oil in |iiincip'd ami inlerot. jiay to the respecti\-e 'rrea,-nr( Miiiiiim Ol' tlie amount (if such delicntures (si.\ percent. I hereof being for inl pany . ; .luld. >o soon a.- ihev -liould ha\i' (ouipleled Ihe c(Uisli net ion of tht and ^nllicienl dc-d id' .Moituige of their said Uailway and all llieir Krai Iv-t secure the ]iaynieul of the amount of such debeidure-^ then .-o is-ned, (U' ti all neces>ai\' am! proper co\enant» and ]io\V(.'rs of .>-ale. in ca.. Ill And Whersas, the -^lid Municipalities, bv d(degate.'> actiuu on 1 i:<.| (..llif Mmil.l|.ill i.- . ,' ' ,' • 1 ii i' 1 -Mil.!;.- <> lvi;ii.i.N. ol the city o! jlaii; Itou, r,S(pni'e. hearmg date the lOtli ol •• l>t. That Ihe -aid \lunici|talit ies should lake the bimd> (d' the \Vood>toid< ■• given ainl to lie ui\en to the ,-;id ('ouipauy. which shall be jMi>lpone(l o ■• amount of I' I .tiDD.tilMl. I'mj. |*ri\ ate •• Si. Thomas. 'ud. Thai the Municipalities coni ribute toward> theenlerpr ■■ a !jiaiuil\ : thai i.- to -av. liie Conipany will jiay the interest in the mean •• and \:\Vv the li aid- of the M mucipalii le.- for the amoiuil. payable at the ei •■ su« h (I Hoard of l)iiciloi', -liall be put in as -li ill be nominated througli .M "and m.;:;ML:ein"!:', of the \vli"|i' undertaking. -'tli. That whethei the mod ■• couverling their bonds into -tock. and aftei wards gi\ iug uji theu' «lock am '■ at ilw end of '-'I veai-^ or >ooner if the ( 'mnpany pleasi' lo ]iay ihem -oi)i •• an\ amendment in the Law nc e~.-ary m' desiralile lor this purpo-e. a- well •■ tile -id (dnip,.ii\. ill Ml far a> the taking ami deiliug with the iionds of I ■• optiuiial with .Nil. ') Ilelllv .iiid tlio-r actiiu: with him. to deiade wlniliei t •■ i.r ill' li.iiidhol |ei-. ,1- lii'^l ;ilio\ (■ dc.-c rilled ; I nit if shareholders, ol i oili -i' •• 11).' pa\iiient ol tjic inien -t lieiii? made \\\ the Company diiiiiig eon>-tiu •• thlet \e;ir- inte|c-.| aiio\e releri'i d to; liilt this aLireelllenI to be lniidili'J i ••ale I lie liondiinl.lri -. 1 1ll ( 'oiiip,in\ to pay I wo per ( fiit. jier aiiniim i lor •• I |i< I 'ojilpaliv - bii|id> III la \ 01 ol the .M llliieipalit ie> to lie >u \\\\\\\ w t hat til • . Apiialion ol tlie tufiily year- : tbat i.- to -ay. at any linn' lieloie due; •■ ha\e tin livbi to tale lliiir ^to^k at par at aii\ time in ten ye.ir.^ from tli: •• I'e'.v!' "''a!' '•" ;ui ii' nuiiiiiie ei'.lcr within a la-.a-emilde tiiii" -w two vcji •• I Ml tlie part o| the -aid .Miiniripalit ie>.— 1 );iled at iVin-. lhl^ len'li da\ P,,.,.,.., ■,,,..". M It IN And WherPiaS, the -aid propo-al.- were siiii.-eipieiilly latilieil or a (Wmii. I 111. >i" . I J \i,,,,|, ||,,,|ni,., ,|,,| lijiv inn: as set pioceed(>d to carry the same iiilii elfecl. liii plincipal poi I loijv llificil'^ III til,. maiiiU'r and lothie\lent lieieinaftei' ine 1,1 N„ ,„. I .,..i.,,. \ And Whereas, li\ an .\i l Mlthe rarli.imetil ol IIm rro\ince olCa ;;ilV'!"r,'';i''.''::.;, llun.hed ami KiHy six. entitled. •• ^n \ct lo aim ml the .\ei of Imorporalm """* amoiiii nllni tliiii,:;-^ enacled that it ^-lioiild he lawful for the .^ai^e. in «oeli miiiuei, aial to -ihIi .vIi il / '"■ '-^ • / \'^ ^ J licipality of the the County of of No. t of the Parliament of Ciiniida., pitssed tlu' Ninotoonth day of May, A. I). One Thousand Eiulil, the ('hart(3r of the Woodstock and Lake Mri(> Jiailway and ITailior (^>nipany." it was auioii;r>t I ha\e power and was authorised in [jursuance of any repted at a sjici iai 1 for tiiat purpose, and l>y and with thtMonsenI of the Municipahlies. then, or that thereafter ilers or stoekhohUn"*^, or a majority of them, siunifieil hy a reum al the rale of ciLiht per centum per nt. thereof hi'iii;: for interest, and two per cent. I hereof lieim: for principal ): and thai the said Coiii- tlic (oust nut ion of theii' Kailway from Woodstock to I'ort Dover, execute and deli\i'ra uood . and all tin ir Ivral M>tatr, to >uch |ierson as the said Municipalities shoidd appoi-it. in tru^i in '< then >o is-iied, or to lie issued as afoi'csaid. such niorlijiaiK' to contain amonust other thiu:^-^, e. in case delatdt should he made hy the >aid ('onipaii\' in the payments >o to he m-nle hy Ihein. y actin.i: on their hehalf r( s|iei ti\ eiv'. a"cepled ceitain pro]io^al> made in wrifi'ii: hy •arin^i' date the lOth of March, A. 1). I^•lli. in words or ia\ ; — ond> of the Woodstock and ^ik«' I'-i'ie llailwav and llarhor t'ompany. fof an\ aid alieadv "' 1 shall III' ]io.>.tpoiied (ir sul^^Blo, fir.-'! it-am hoiid.- In i'o is-^ued hy the (ouipany to ihe taken to the amoniil Ml fr(^R.'7-'i(l.lMlli lo t* I .OlMl.iMMI in thi< and the road uc-twaid ot ' lie towards 1 hr eiilnpi i-e t liroe yeai s" iiileir-l. at -i\ pn cnit. on ihealiionnt o| their aid. a> "' ir intrre>t in tin' mean time (lte1 due) loiiiit. payahle at the nid of 'JO y*'''"'"^« \\ilh iiiteicit half \eaii_\ Ith. Thai in the mean tiiiir lioininated thi'iMtuh .Mr. O lleillx, who o| ioium are to have the iiiifett'Ted direclioi). eniitiol. Thai whelhei thf iiuiile of canviin.; iiul lhi> irian.uemenl -li-dl |.e liy I'le Moni'ip-iiiliew |ir,-i \ ill:.: lip t hrji' «liirk and InkiiiL' I he ( '(iinjuiiiN - 1 mi ids loi the aiiioiint ( \\ hii h \> oiild he [lavahlr ih'aM' lo pay ihein -noiieil ; m i i'lii r r.i^i the Muniripalilic.- .and all ollitr- roiiciir in tjetliu:^ ift'iis purpo-i'. a- wdl a- il-o for lenali/.mji what ha- Imvii ;i|iimiI_\ done liy the l)iree|.ir>. of ' ivi with the lioiels of lln .Municipalities, and ithci ||ell•-^ i.v niatlei-. lilh. That it sjiall Ik- III. to decide u lie; her t he .\l Mil ie| palil !es - ha H lieiniiic a od i ei,iai.i -liai i holders ill 1 1n ( "i.lilp in\ . shareholders, oi coill-e llic_\ woidd >taiel on Ihe -.iine I'n.it iii;r ;i^ othii oidiliaiN ^ h ireholdeis, inpaiiy diuiin.' eiin-t i nel ion al-o in siich ca^e llie\ '.voi;i.| ti,,! ni.ike the coiil i ieiil ion of the ' leciiieiil lo III' li'iidiii'..' in all oilier respe.l'- .ill II i: lie .ieieiiniiieil thai the Mnnicipalil ie- r cent, per aiimini i lor >iiikim; \'\\\\^\\ o:i ihe pi'iieipd ol their i the ( "ompanys ) hond.- ; and he >.() di-;\\ii th.il tiie ("iimi>iiiy lia\e the optien o| paNiii:: ihein nil at aii\ lime liefeie the .iii\ time liel-iie due; and if the .Municipalilie- aie to remain slriielndder^. the ('onijiaiiy to • ill tell yc.ir.^ from thi.- dale. Slh It i- inidei -loed thai the road from Wood-toek to Poll ahh' tiiiM' ••\\ Iwii \eai>trom I hi-- ii;ite fli" :d'o\ e w lii |e;i pi(i|Mi-;il inn i>> accepted and a'.o'i. .(j I r.ili-. thl> leli'h da_\ of .M.alch, one tlein-alid ei'_dit h'indled ,iiid lill\-.-i.\. .-I'lnently latllied or .ippro\cd li\ t he ( 'oiincil- of the .-,ild \luilicl|i;ilitie.v respeetiv i'l_\ . hut llie 1 \ the ^anic into ellect. they Iia\e ii'iu deleiiinned and auiied 1" caliy oiil th" - lid propo>al-. oi ■ e\ieiil hereinafter meulioiied 01 lie Province of C.'inada, pas^-ed tli. .\iiie|(inth d.i'v ol .line. A. I>. o;ie Tleiii and liijhl he Ae| of Incoiporalioji of ihe Wood-lock and l/ike Mile Kiilwav and I l.irhoi ( '.iinp any. it was ii the -aid .Muiiieipalitics (iierein icf'Mied to. to aid and a">>i-t llie said < oinpaiiN. or aiiiali^.i- otlier mean- to -uch Conipiiii\ ot ( .iinpanie-<. oi i»-. to nr in ai I of >iirli •.. .1 I - .1; ' . . ^11, li M II . I !, ■ I, I I..., ,,| ,n ..r I III 111 ■ Im'oM I liiiik I \ |iei|ieMl - I'niv i.l. I I lliKi \r:ii',- ii,i Mi-i .■iiM,\c I'l'lcrii li to: lull t ill-- ;i^t:i'ciMll(.'Ul l. ilic ( 'niijiia!i_\ In pMV l\vi( per ceiit. [tcr ;iiiiiiiiii (lor •• (Ih ('iiii|i;m\ - IkiikI.- in t;i\(U- : that is to >ay. at aii\ tiiiH.' hdoic (|ii(> ■• ha\o thi ri.iihi to take tln-ir stock at pai at any time in ton \cai> IViuii tl I. [*(n,..i- ~,li,i!l t.<. Mill !p niiiiM!."; "I'llcr \>'ithiii a ica-^iMialih' 'ioM^ 'viv' twn \ i< •• I 1 111 tho part ol the said .Muiiiripahtio>. — Dated at Pari-, this tenth iia\ Pr..|..w.'s .■,,.,!i..i 1. n,. 1\ . And Whereas, llio -aid propo.-ak- wore snh.-oipiomly iatirio(l or iMiii'l!''^ ' " ''' ' said Miiiiiripahtics Hot ha\in,L;as yol procc('(h:'d to carry the same into eilect thi piiioapal |ioi I lolls tliereol', 111 the iiiaiiiier and to t he extent heioinal'ter m i„Ni, ,„,.., .,„a,,,i- \ . And Whereas, liy an A.t "Ithe rarnamoiK (.(the Province ofC !iM ;in.r.i''.Ni'Mi'''i.,!. iiuiiihiai aiiil 1'' 1 It y si .\ . eiitiijed. •■ All Act to anieiid the Act of liicorporati' '""" aiooiii; other lhiiii;s enacted that it should he lawrul lor the saiil Mniinipali mated ( 'oiiipanii .-. hy loanini; or advanciuLi mone\' or other iiK.aus to >iicii ( Company or ('oiiipanies. and otherwise, in such jnaniier, and to such exleid always that no -ui h aid. loan, oi- Linaraiilee. should he iiiveii. except alter i hy the l»ate|iayers as pro\ idetl in the ninth -ection of tho said Act. Ill \ i- ..:,i, 7 1 ...V " ,,. \ I. And Whereas, hy the -aid ninth .-(H'lioii iil'tlie said Act. it was | pr!"!'n^»'V:iNV-<>'''i^ '^' '■''•■I'',-''',- 1-'"' position ok any houds or s ock. with rel'crence to ]iri(»rily or < suhmitteil to a \ote oCtlie rate|»ayei-s e Jic municipality interested, lor the at : which vote -hoidd take jiiaee at -uch plaet; a.s ini<:ht he fixed by the } should he !ji\eii in the manner pi'eserihed hv t!u! Ibni'lh suh-seetion (d'the s r,.-,M..,ti....mMi(;an.Ma.n \ ||. AM WhcreaS, the said the \Voodstoyf< and l-.ako tVie Kailwav ' ' ' 'J' ^►i lose to anialL!;\iiia1e and iimte totiotiier as one C'oiniians'. under a\id hv the ( /* »,' (^ certain Icmuis :kid onditioiis which ha\(\heeji printed and submitV'd to this /, ' , and aiireed. undvthis .Munieipaiit\' doth now eonsont ami ULTee. th;\sneh ui ( Kiiditions aCoi'eskiil. or ujion terms \aryini; tliercdVom in detail if th(\ii,Lilit at of this Mnnicipality ajL:ainst tho said ('ornpany or (,'ompanies; and Nthat amalgamation sliall Hake place), may als(K if they or eithei- c)f them sh^l tl and conditions ; - aCoH's^aid. \\itli;uiy other Ruilway Company wlK)se I'aplw 7^ fVom the Niagara Viver to Ui(> river Detroit ; hut it is not !i/reh\' inti any ok them, hut only^to^ive eoiusent thereto. .V"\" ■' ', '■;;," \ 111. And Whereas, the Woodstock and Jiake Krie llailwav and Ha t <>. Ii;m. |Hi4 I'i III ■ I'i' - . ' . » yinci.ii i:n>..,,iiuiii thousand si\ hundred iiounds. heiiii tin* interest lor one xcarand two iier Muni'-l|ialiii.'-.l.'i. mlivil. .V.-".. I I .'iM tir c. p(Minds. the a,t;,me;.iate amount (d' Municipal aid ,t:ranted to the said (,'om[»an iX. And Whereas, tie- -aid .Municipalities. Iiein,!: re-peetively interes I.J aniiii "I i-'".i'i" A paiiy. as creditor- or hondlndders as aforesaid, in the a,ugregate amount (d' Xl said Comjiany. hy ,L!rantin,u to them as a,i^regate sum ol twenty-.six thousand one hundred [)onnds, k said Mnnieipalaid : and to issue their respective honds or debentures to the s amount, pavableat the end of twenty veai's from the dati' thereof, with inte Ti.i- Miini.iiaiii.vhni.u.r.. X. Attd Whcreas, this Municii)alitv is the holder of a portion id' t ,.rth, t«n.ls..r IL„ e,,i„- • (■ Al ■• I -"l ► 1 f 'l .1 * • . pmiyt.t I'l'i Harbor ( ompan\. i;i\en lor .Miiincipal aid uranfeu a^ atore-aid — that is lo they Ruri'i' I ■ t;nmt th- i . . i ■ Coini'aiiy i'. . uinl m> i.,.mio..i.i In iii.iii hath aiirccd to aiil and assi>t tli(> -aid ( ompany. by ^irantiui:' to tln-m, as a (lebeiilures foi- that amount, payable at the end (d'l!<) years, with interest p of and of agreed between this Mnnuipalily and the said Company, that thi- Municip the said *I)OM(ls of tlie said Comi»any so Indd by this Municipality, and that mat ion shall lie elltM teil and iierlueted). shall be fully released, exonerated. iiMMils now or hercdofore existing, in favour of this Municip, ility. and espei mortgage, charge, or incumbrance upon their real estate oi' other prop(Mly ; bonds of the said tin? Woodstock and Lake Mrie Railway and Harbor ('oin| be ollectcd and perfected), as the case may be, conditioned for the payment i^urcrliii'Ul In lie liiiidiii;.' IP :i|| (il III 1 rc.-|H'i'|-. /ill. ii :: li- 'iclri iuiiitii liiai tlic .\l iiiii< i jp;iiii ,. - ici' ((Mit. IKM' ;iiiiiiiiii t liii .-lukiiii: i'liiiil ) (iM ihc |iriii(!|'il o! tlini- I f lu' ( '(uniiiMiy's ) IkhmIs ; luid ' I's to he >ii ilr;i\vii lli.il liic ( 'uiiipniy liavi' llic (i|i(i(ii id |);iniiili liinn idl .it ;iii\ time li(du;i' liic il ;ili\' liiiK.' Ixd'nii: tliin; .mil il i!m' M iiiiici|(;ilitic-, ;iic (<• I'diKiili sliari'lioldcrs. tlir ( 'ulii]'aiiv (u ' iiu' ill ten }('ar> IVitiii lliis date. S(li, It i.^ iiiidci -l. tlii> ti'iilh da\ ol' .Manh, niic thmisaiid (M<.'lit IiuikIkmI and li('t\->i\. " i!li^('i|ii(Mnly laliliiMl or a[)|»i(i\('il li_\ t lie ( 'ouiK'iU nl' (lie said M nnicip.dil ic- rt'-^jxTt i\ i-!\ . Imi {]],• aiiy tlu' same iiilii cili'ct. tlicy lia\c n"\\ dcU'iiniin.'d and ani^'cd \n i any nnl llv-aid pi'oiMisaL-. -is I he cxItMit lu'ii'inal'tcr incnlioiicd 1)1 ol'tlic Pioxinrc (d ('anada. [lasx'd tlic .\iii('l''('nt li da\ nl dniir. A. I), oni' Tlion..iiid liiiild I llic Act of liK iifiMiratioii (jitlic Woodstock and Lake Kric Hallway and ll;irl>or (Joiii|iaii\'. il was I'lM' tlic saiil Mniih ijialitics iln'i'i'iii icd'orrcd to. to aid and a^>i-t tin- said < 'ueli (.'onipaiiv or ( omjjanies. oi is-ninj; Miiiiiripal lionds. to or in ail (d'siuli iner, and to smdi extent as such Munuiiialit,ios or any of tluni sliould think c.vpedient ;--I*ro\idcd ho uiven. except alter ilie [lassinu' id' l»\-L;i\vs for that |nir|iosc. and i he adoption (d'siudi l>v-I,aws (if the >aid Act. ol' the said Act. it w;i.- [trov ided lli.al any lU-Ii.aw lor aidini', the said Ivailway Coinpanv'. <»r To'- clenMice to ]iriorily or otheiw ise. hd'oic tin same shonid he of any i'oice or ell'ect. should he lirst lality interested. !or their apjiroval. and as'^tmtcd to hy 'Jiein. or a majority of those \ otiiig thcre- iij:ht he fixed by the AIniiicipal (Jfumcil interesteiL a>id < i vvhi( li one mouths previous notice iirtli siih-seetion of the second sectirni of ili, -ixleenth \ idi.iia. ('a|i. XXI[. and Lake LVie Kuilway .j/id llaiiior ('umpany and the I /!e ind (Mi\aiio Hailroud ('oni|Jinv pro- any. under a\id hy the (/irpomte name (d' ■ The (in;at ;??oulh-\\esteri\ Railway C'lmptuly, Ujion m1 and suhmitV'd to this Aluniciiialily ; and a in.apn'ity of the said MiiKicipalities Imv/i consented and a.iiree. tha\ such aiiialuaniati<»n sh.all take pl.-n'c and hei-ome |)erfecfHjd upon the terms and II ill (hdail if tli\ii,i:tit ad\ isahle, provided siirh \ariation .vhall not [irejndifri' the peeuiiiary eiaiiii.>- Companies; and Hhal tin,' first mentioned Company, oi the amal;zaiiiat(X,romp;ini(^s (if such I" either ut' them sh^l think advisahle. ainal,i;amato and uintf . upon the like oXsmdi \ ari^l terms • Comp.iny wl^^ise railway shall form m- ha\(! been iuHuided to furin jiart of a (MH^CM't line oi" rail- it it is not li^ridiy intojided that any .amaliianiation shad he ohligalory (Hi the s^vid (.^ompaiYies, e Krie Kailway ami Harbor Company ha\e [i.iid to the Provincial (Joveinment the >uiii of tde\en rone ye.ir and two per c(nit. ol principal on tim .^uiu ol' luie hundred md forty-ti'.e thon-^aml ited to th(! said (,'ompany by the said several AJunicipalitu's. iin>i' re>pectively interested in the said the W'oitilstock and liakc; Kvw. Ivail\va\ ;iiid Ij.irbor Coiii- iijzgregate amount of CI 1-J, .Municipality shall suri'ender and yiold up (to Im; eanctdled) to the said Couiiiaiiy Municipality, and that the said Company, ami the said amalgamated Companies (if such amalg.i- .' released, exonerated, Miid (liscliarged from the said bonds, as W(dl as also fioiii all olh(;r engage- ilnnicipality. and especially from making, executing, and d(di\t'ring to this .Muni iiitfi'<'>( linnii: lieeu alrcatly jiiiid as atnrc-a'ul ) with iiitert' is to say. tilt; sum dl' parrel nf the >ai(i )iniiiMiial sum ^ui the first dav (ii'.lamiar\ next, ajiil Ihc >i ..tl yi'av till rcallcr. until tln' u Jinle ''lili,!Jor> at any liuif t(i pay oil' the whole or such part interest. 1o he eouipnted np to the time oC sneh payment : And luithei'. t pnhlii trallie by the said tju' Woodsteek and l^ake Krie liailwa\ and llai I 1 ., . IT '■' "■ 1" tion shall he ellected and perlrcted), sininitjineonslv with thcii niain Ii in tH lI. ii;).. I.h'h" -1)." .Ill 111. I'.. t, II i 1. ;ir ■ I •; » 'I' 'i' said the Woodstock and Lake Erie R;iihvay and llarhor ('om|tan\. ni pur that the Directors am' late Directors of the said Company reti'iied to ;ii the day o| dnne. A. D. 1 Soi>. shall !)♦• Inlly indemnilied IVom and apmist all c| section contcmjilafcd or pro\ id"d ; and f(( that end and tor that piiipo>c tli And linther, that >m ii a lloaid ol' Diicetors of the s.-nd ("ompaiiy a- shall into ollici'. and tor that [lurpose the iiieiidters of the present Hoard ~^!iail r* coninr in aj.pointin:.! a- Diroctor- tlie iiominties of the said Miles (• iJeilK. Be it therefore enacted, l»y the Mnnieipality of the Town ot" tljoredt'. to he a-^eertained a^ hereafter inenttdiied, and it I> lier(di\ enact''d ■■-■■■ '^v.c. 1. 1 hat the -aid Mnnieipality ddtli ajipi'ove. ailopt, aiU'ee to, and elau-es, and provision^ in the forttiioin::' re<-ilal> nienti-ined or loteii-ed to, at caiiii •_'. Iliat l!ie -.lio the W'.iodstoek and Lake lOvie |{ail\va\ and liar -iiail and iiia\ aiiialLianiale and unite to<;-etln-r as one ('oinpaiiN, in the niaii oi- icfcried to ; and that the tirst mentioned ('()nij)any, oi-, alter such ainalL! Kailwav lunieipality;) by issuinL:' their bonds or debentures to the said Com del)entures of the said Municipality shall immediately after the tinal paranc<' upon their real estate (»r other jti'operfy ""',!,l!,ii 'a', ''' '' " matter or thinL: whatsoever : and tliat this Municipalit • shall anf iiia\' be. Ibr the principal -nin ol' the -aid last nieiitioiu'd liond- to bear interest from the tir-t da\ ot'Janii.ii and to become ilue and payable with such interest thereon in -uch manie i th.it l>i half -]iecitied (jr described. "' 'I'li"; )« 'he >,,^ ;, 'I'hat the l.Mi'cctors and the late Diicctor^ oflhes;iid W 1-ti ' ' 11. Il.lil }M\ 111 . . • 1 » • I • ;,',.'. ■'.■,,■* ,'r,"'i',"l"''^'^ '' •"•• 'tioii ot"the -iaid .\ct ot I'arlianiont, passed the nineteenth da\ of '••• auain-t all claim-^, action-, and proceed mi:'< at law and in eipiity, as in thesah adopts and aeeepts tlie said |»roposiils or a*^reem(uit of the tenth of Mari h, "■'■•-'■■ Sii.r>. And wliereas the aut'oement and nnder-taiidiiej liereinbel'ore re< -Miiiiii. II. betwe-n thi- Nlnnicipalitv and the said The Woodstock and Lake I'-rie Kai 1.. Miii'l l|.i;iM 1 • I > (• i' II ■ • 1 • I • I ■ ■ ■ • ' A. executed U. dl|e toriU ot laW under tile re-pectl\t' >eals ot the pal'tle- tlieri -aid aLrfeemeni sjiall 1>" executed on the part and under the Seal of thi- ,M ri-e.j ;ind jcijuired to atli.\ the .^,;i| of this Municipality to the [ (lay nf .latmaiy. iS'ili. payaMc as lolldw-, that tmarv next, and llic >uiii uC 'j (itlic) |iairci ulllic .-ai'l iin!ici|ial .-iiiii. on ihc tir,-t day ol' .'auiiaiy in oac!i I iiti'it'st at the rati.' ol' ^i.\ ]it'r m'hi. pci aiiiimii. to Ito ( iiiii|)Utr(l iVoiii tlir lir^lday of Jamiaiy. I I'coC a.s shall Iron titiio to tiiiP' niiiaiii uiinaiil, on the lir.st day of January in each \iar; or 1 the whole oi sndi [lart of tlir said iirincijiai snm a- sliall he tiien luijiaid, with all airears ol' I iioiit : And inrtlier. that th<- Kailway IVotn \Voodstunidi aiiial^aiiiu- | ■with their niain line-. And i' hath hren i'lnthcr a,i!iri'd hetweeii this Munieipaht \- and the 1 irbor Conipanw in |iui's;ianee of the said luoposah or aiireonit'iit ol'the I'Mli oT March. I8'")(>. [laiiy let'ened to in the sixth section id' the said Act of Paidianient, ]ia>.-etl on the nineteenth iVoni and againist all claims, aiditms, and ]i!'oeee(linL;> at law and in (Mjiiify. as in the said sixlli nd i'oi' that j»nr|ui.-e tin- .Mmncipality accepts and adopts the said proposals or aLifeement. — said ('onipan\ a-^ shnll In' nonnnated thron,L:h the said Miles ()"Ueill\ shall ho innnediatcl_\ put 1 present Hoard on.- hcinLi oi- contuiinni: 1 )necTnrs shall • sai.l Miles (l|(<-dly. d' the I own ot' with t lie const lit ol' a niajoiity nl' tie- ratcpa\ crs d it is lier|iall and wil! { execnted, and carried into fnll eli'cct (U! the pari i.;' Tlie-;,iid M unicipali' \ , ami dot!. hereKy ;arrie(l intotdlect : and e-, may anialLianiate with any other i Keen intended to foiaii, part of a direct line of railway from the river Niauara to the river ins as aforesaid as may l)ea<;re('d ujton l»y sneh Companies; pro\i(|eil alwa\s, the terms of su(di KistponiiiL:' or in anv wa\ iirejudiciii:^- an\ then exi-Tiiii;- delit oi- oMiijatioii to or in fax or of aid Mild assist the saiaiiv for the le enayah!e half-yearly. I surrender and yi(dtl up (t(» he caueelled ) to tjie *^ouiii (if tlicsaid lu-^l iiicntioried Hoinls to hear interest tVoiii tlic tiriN oftlie said W<.ud>t()e ^ ;;;;j;/;V,,;,':';:;,";;.;''l«^i\th se-ticHi of the said Act of rarlianient, passed the nineteenth dav <>(' ,Iii ■•'='■'> ai,''aiii-r all elaiin>, aetioiix, and |>iv>('(M'din^^mit hiw .ind in eijuity, as in the said adujit-^ and areepts the said proposals ov agreement of the tenth of March, 1 8 ^J i.,,i.iv!',,''>'' '^''* • *'• •^""' \\'l'<'i"«':''^the au'i'tenient and nnderstanding hereinbefore I'ecifi I .. « iiii... ih. l)et\\ei'n this Municipalit \- and tlie saiilThe Woodstock and l^ake I'^irie Kailw •■' ' ' *■ execnted HI (hie form or law under tlu' respective Seals of the parties thereto said aLii't'iMiient shall be execnted on tin' [)ai't and unth'r the Seal of this Mui rist'd and rtMjuired to athx the Seal (U'this .Mnnicipalit\ to the ati>faction, ]>aynient, and di-chai'-e tliei-cot' initi paid arfd >ati-lieil. And w hcrca- it will i-e(juiro an amma! rate of in the jMtund n]»on the -aid i'at<'alile j)i'operty of the said MuniripalitN a- a -j -iidsinL: t'mul for the payment oi'th.' ,-aid principal smn of nntil the last mentioned smn and the intrincipal sum o1' tlificot" aidi vear o\er and i- to -ay : in i-acli yeai' attii- the \car jsT)!;^ until and indudinL;- lie- \ear 1>7 in the ])onnd, niion all the rati^al Sk< . S. 'I'liat the da\ of and appoiiit''d I'or a L'^ii''!'ai n tin_; ol' the iJaiepas ci- of the -aid Mniii'-ipal pro\ ii|.j (,)• .livappioviu'j ot' t lie -ami' ; and that this 1>\ d.aw -hall lie puM tli'-rcot". in riie mannt'i- piescril>cd Ky tlc' fourth snl,.s,M'tion ol the -econil sei' h 'ijii. ejiapti I'.'d tw cut \ -two : ami in ca-fthis li\-Law -hail he appi'o\<'d of ; II, .•(■tin- le. ri-i"'foic in tlii- -cetion apjiointed to lir held, tjicn a nieetinLT of tin ni' etin^;. oii the t hall oil.' iiioi)tli after t'le (ii'-i jtuMica .on of tin- ISn d .aw . a- .d lov r dirt c ted, ) | Sir. ',1. ..\nd lie it tuither ena.*ed, that the idliet" o, head oflj.-.r ,,f tlii„ tic- Seal of ihi- Mnnici|.a!ii_\ to the -aid honils or dfl.intmv- t,. he i--ued li,- |-.!ii- l{aiiwa\ and llailio|- ('cinpanv a- aloi'esaid, tor the a^i^rcjaie .iiiiouiit ot ti'ii o!' tlii- I)\' law, and to cM'cntr li.e -aid lioud- or drl.ciituf' - in line foim i|ili\ I ri d t he -aid liond< or di lielltniis (-o executed ) to the -aid < oUipan V ol ot' -neh iinmlii r and for -nch amount- (not less than 1':'.'^ iaih,and not » xci I'l a- the -aid < omjian\ oi' thiir -aid rresideiit or Secretai \ -h.all df-iic : ami ,al I'l i-idt lit oi' Si 'r ret a ry (to In- camelled i t he ^aiil I. oi ids of the -aid < onipan\' w hich t hi- .Mniiicijiality i.- or may lie eiitithd a.- a fori -aid, as m< iilii in il or co and di-chai'Ljc tjn^ said Comjiany fVoUi all I'ond- ;ind be cari'ied into full elfect, ami lo do and cause to be done, all malti is, acts, t'l'coii 111 suili iiiaiiiH r aiiil in -lu-li ^iiiiis ;mi| at sii^'li |.criii(|- a- m rlii' toi-cjjitin-- i-.-i-ltaU in ic tiran\- r.'f'fii-i' i to in the I' ninetci'iith da\ of Jnni', A. I). I ^.'i<'.. -liall '•" fiillv indi'inniliid and ili>.-liai-'jvd iV.tin and in t'ljuity, a> in llic said sixth ?>tH'tion cnnlfmiilatfd !'!• |)1-m\ idci. and ihi- .Muniiiiia'it\ hi'i'rl,\ the t(Mith <»(' March, I S."i('., tor thai [>ni|iost'. dinu' licreiidicltirc I'ccitcd, mentioned or I'd't rn'(l in,-,, )'ai' a-, roni-ci-h- rhi- .Miniiriiialit \ , and k and Lake Krie Railway an'l ll.arlior ( onipany hath lircn iTilnccd to writinL: rcadx ti> lie s of the parties theret(» : lie it further enaeted and di'clared l.\ this MiniM-iiiahtv that the ler the Seal of fhi- Municipality ; and the head oljicci- ot' this Vhniicip.ilit \ i- hcivltv autho- y to the said airreenient, aii,l to exe.aite the same I',, rand on liejialf "f thi- M unici j,a!ir\ , in }' of the said Municipality, !iccordin'.r to the as-M's-iii,.iit return- tor TJic sam,- t'oi- th,' lin incial nionnted to 1u' necessary to i^ai'-c annually tin' suni ot ', o\ei- and al)o\-e and in addition to all oiler r.iTfs. |i,i' pa\ nirnt oi' the said -ww ot' and the intcl-est thereof wirhiii the time I dischar-e thei'fof imtil the said la>t nuntioiK'il •>iini and the intei-e-t tjierenf shall Im- full\- luia! rate of aid Municipality a.- a >pec!al rate for pa_\ment of 'hr -ai 1 in'frc-r. and t(,r the creati.,ii ,'f a w of ;'hall lie fully ];aid and satislir,! : W it further euactfd l,\ rhi' said Muiiicipalit \ . with tlie inii' tlie said priiuipal -uni of t thereof, that there shall lie levied and rai-ed iip,,ii tliewh..!,' lateaole i^ropcrt \' ,,f the -aid he saiiie for the last tiiraiicial year ne\: ]ir<'ce(rniL,' the tina! jiassini;' of rliis !'.\d-a*\. rn'il and the intt le.-t in each ye.ar o\er and aliovt,' and in adilition to ail other rate- w hat^oe\ ci', a^ f~^'\ a rate of uiid, niion ail the r.ateaMe proj)ert\ of the said Miniicipalit\ . •'•> t'f \ i* I'^'T. at ele\iii i/ciock in the l",,i-,'ii,,on, at ^liall lie, and is lierel,\ lixeil - of the -aid Mnnic!palii\ to !>e heid foi- tji,. pmiHisc of' ci.n-ideriiie' tin- I'Sxd.aw and ap- Hyd.aw -had he puMi-heil and pn-ted ',ip al ieast oiie month I le tor" tie- Ijnai j'a.--in"' 'ction ot the second section of tiie Statute pas-ed in the -ixteenTh \earoi' Her Mai(-t\'s -hail lie approved of ami assented to liy a niaioi'ii\ K^'i the -aiil KatepaM-rs - otiuL:' at tiie d, then a nieetini: "t" till' I ouiieil of thi- Municipality shall I,e held at their usual j'lace of ;it t w ej\ e o'clock, la n ■n, ( liein'j lllol'e w, as al'ie e dire,'te,|,) f, ,[• the purpo-e of eoii-ide lin^; a lid fmailv jiassiii- the -aid I'\' Law . or head olli.'er of thi- M iinici|iaiir\ sjiall. and he ;- herel,\ ant!ioii-eil and reouireil toalliv ejitin-es til lie i--ned 1 1.' ( li I- M Uliic i pa 1 i t \ lo aid alio a-sist tie ~aid tin Woodslock an.l Lake le aeere'jate amount ot' 'J i- imetioiad o)' , , .nteinpilated in tin- t hird see- lel.entures in due foim for .ami on lie ha if of t hi- Municip.'dit \ . and to deli\ e|- ,,r cau-e to lie lo the said < omj'any or theii- |*i-e-ident or Se.'ietaiy : the -aid I. ends m' delitiituns to he .'-•'i each, and not t \c< edin^ in the wlaije the said -uin of '.' Iiesiih's interest) uy -hall de-iie : ami al-o to deli\ er, -ni'render, ;uil \ield up to the -aid ( 'ompatix , theii- Is of 1 lie -aid < oiiipaiiy toth- amount of .(j held li\ t his Mnnii-ipalit v,