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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour #tre reproduit en un seul clich6, 11 ost f ilm« A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche k droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcossaire. Les diagrammes suivants iflustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 HHiinnnimnmHiiiimMiiHnnimiHiiiiiiiiuiiiMiiiimHniiniiiuiiimHniiimH^^ liMimnmimuiHiHniiuHniiiamauii iiiiiiiaiimMHnnmmHiiimiii iniuimiiiuniiiiiifpmMiiftiiimntfmiffififf||niimntinnim,nnf|nnnn ■a?BCK)-«»^-«— V o Londonderry, Nova Scotia. ■ * c * ^ CATALOGUE, 1896. A TS309 .LGS |lllllHtlllllllllliHHUHHnnilllllHIIIIMIMi|HllllinillHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHHIIHimilllllHIIIIIIMillllim^ ■ . ..„,>. — Yc. -^ Vf - ■*' — *»"«* 1 ; 'F- | 11 1 1 « Mi r J jjlBIl II iit^m0>i' .l^t ^^itiimmt^ £90 1 I ^ ,gSH -m i t . ? ..-H I II t ^ V^y''| v^^^^, liilUIIUUHIiUillllUUHIiiUllUUIUiUIIUillllllUiillllHIIIUIIUIIUUUIillillUIIUIIIiUIIUIIUI lkUIIIIIIHMIt||ll|llllimiiniinUIIIUini ♦ > Qast {roT} Stop Gollap pipes. ^(VLL these Pipes are east vertical, round plates, uniform thickness, tarred and tested to 300 lbs. p. sq, inch, ^vith hammer test under pressure. ■ V /. ««c -»-•••-«- -^m*- All Kinds or Special and Heavji Gastinijs* -omr ->-«•--«- -»^^ MACHINE WORK. HYDRA ULIC MA CHINE R V, . • TURBINES, PUMPS, • . • . • HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL. STRUCTURAL WORK. . • . • BRIDGES, Etc., Etc. . . • . • Estimates aad ©raw* rigs Tenders given for complete Water or Gas Works systems. C IIST IBflH WTtIt a MS PIPES . WITH Plain, Flanged, Bell # Spigot, Turned » Bored # Special Ends. >S. id I :e. STJ^^^TSriDJ^TlJD "W"F!ZC3-IiTS . j^i^jD iDins^E-Risrsioisrs. to 11 fc- H 1:1 Sll I . a a I2 is J3 Q. ,£3 C** *^ od « S 3 78 15-5 186 365 2.36 14 7 6 tV •75^1 8'' 6i" 4 17 4' ^s" 19 228 44-75 2.99 17 9 8: tV -75' 9' 7i" 4 21 6 _7_" 1 30 360 7075 4.27 27 15 13! % -875^ n" 9i^' 6 Z2> 8 /^" 42.5 510 100.25 5-57 40 24 17 t\ I. ^^ 14" 12I", 8 49 9 l^V^. 52 624 122.5 6.22 47 30 19 t\ 1. 1 25" 15" i3r 8, 57 lO tV 60 720 141-5 6.86 54 34 20 3 I.2S)\ 16" 14J-V 8' 66 12 78 76 912 179 8.13 69 44 22 % 1-3751 18^' 16 "10 84 14 ir no 1320 25925 9.41 99 60 28 % I 375" 21" 18^" 10 121 i6 K" 139 1668 327-75 10.73 126 63 33 H J-375" 2o 20f"\I2 154 20 1 3" 10" 185 2220 436 13-30 167 75 41 T k 1-375^' 27- 24f";l6 203 24 1 aW T¥ 245 2940 577 15.86 221 80 49 ^% 1-375" 31^' 28^181270 30 1%'' 351 4212 828 19.76 316 118 60 2 1-375" 38^' 35^20386 36 I^" 457 5895 1 158 23-63 412 141 80 i 2y2 1-375^' 45" 42 ''|24 502 All Pipes cast from Siemen's Pig Iron — Dense, Strong, and of Uniform Thickness, and Tested to 300 pounds Water Pressure. Pipe can be made for and Tested to any required Pressure. Standard length of Pipes 12 feet, exclusive of Bell End. Other Special Lengths can also be furnished. Thicker or Thinner Pipes than the Standard will be furnished to order, one Medium Weight besides the Standard being kept in stock. We keep on hand a large stock of the sizes up to 12 inch, and can ship on receipt of order. Pipe Specials, andjeoeralfc and Gas Fittings, Tees, Crosses, Angles, Reducers, Drip Pots, etc. All Internal CtH-ners Curved wllli LAKdiE RADIUS to off«M- Least ReslstaiicB to Flow of Water. -CT ^^ TA.1=ILE OF iDinv^EisrsioiTS. TeeN. Crosses. Klbows. L 1 M : R 1 i ItrdHcers. Drip Fots. BeU Kiid. L M i L M M K L M N O P Q ' 1 A :b! c i 1 D ' F XX H: n 1? 1? If If n if| \ ! 1 i i 3 4 6 8 9 10 = 2 14 16 20 24 30 36 \\ 10 12 13? 141 15 10 19 21 22 24 30 36 V v\ 2 8 3 2 11 3 3 1 3 3 4 5 :: 6 \ W 20 2 2 3A 2 4i 2 6 2 8 3 2 3 6 3 10 4 5 6 \ \\ 2 8 3 2 11 3 3 1 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 12 to 4 16 to 12 \ \\ 4 4 3 (i 9J 9i 10 11 12 1 2 1 5 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 6 2 6 2 5i 3 3 6 X XX 2 2 2 1 2 3J 2 5^ 2 8 3 2 3 6 X XX 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 8 2 2 5 X XX 1 3J 1 3J 1 3i 1 4\ 1 6 1 7A 1 9 2 X XX 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 9 2 - 1^ n H M IJ i| XX t 13-16 13-16 I i XX i i t i 1 XX I 9-16 1 9-16 1| n n XX n 10 11* 121 14i XX 4i 5 DIMENSIONS REFER BV LETTERS TO SKETCHES ABOVE. F \\ u n If If n If CAST IRON FLANGED Steam, Water and Gas Fittings. I — » » Tees, Elbows, Bends, etc. ; Oast Iron Suction and Rising Mains for Mine and Cornish Pumps; Pump Barrels for Acid Water. JT < A N M-^ -M- ^1 1 I t N M I 9 4i 12 « i 14 7 IG 8 18 9 ■ Hydraulic Piping and Valves up to i6oo lbs., with A. S. M. E. or Armstrong Joint. Water Wheels, Turbines, and other Hydraulic Installations planned and executed. ¥m HYDRANTS, VALVES, Valve Boxes «* Water Gates. All Fittings guaranteed to fit, and Duplicate Parts kept in Stock I to replace breakage at short notice. ULUh MAN HOLES Mnde either Koi;n^, Square ur Obloiiji;. Standard Sizes. X A B C D 20'"'' Round. 20 24 22 36 7 20^^ Sijimre. 20 24 22 36 7 ! 30^^ Round. 30 34 32 45 7 Sewer. 20 X 30 24 X 40 22 X 38 36 X 52 « U^' Hydrant. 14] 174 16 30 7 STANDARD PATTERN. Also u)a<1« with three or four Nozzl«K 118 (iewirett. All HydraiitH t»HteiI to 300 Sliding Gate Hydrantit furiiiithed on tbs. water pressure. short notice. Aloo, Nnn-Freezing Hy> dranlH of an iiD|:i >ved |i:*ttern. { FLUSH PATTERN FOR CITIES. When ordering, Templates of Screw Threads on Suction and Fire Hose should be sent. -1 Bk Water and Gas VaiiYes. ^*-4^>-n GUARANTEED TIGHT AT ANY REQUIRED PRESSURE. axL m Im Tm— tu- nj — far T — V n- -»! «» STANDARD DIMENSIONS OF WATER GATES. ] ES. re Size. 3 4 8 10 12 14 10 20 24 30 30 A a 3 10 4 12 i 12* 8 13 9 14 10 15 '2 10} 14 18 ; 1*^ 20 i "20 ! 22 b (! C, F 8 9 .10 11 18 20 27i 30 3.^ 30 38' 42 48 50 31 3} 33 3i 4 4 4A 5 5i 5i F 4 5i| 8 Hi 12i 14 IF 19 22 5 F!J lOij 12 15 16 173 201 23 20 I 3 3 4^ 5A ! 6.} 6 i F3 03 ! 9 m J 10} 8a I 12 I 10 10 11 18 14 ! 22 2 3l> 8i 83 y.i 93 log 103 12 14 K L 4 5 5 (H 7| 9 IM 9} F] 9A F3 n 8 93 9 10 10 j;! 11 15 M F 9 13^ Ml 10 1 F } 19} 20 23 25 SLUICE GATES. LiHESE Sluice Gates are self-adjusting, having tapered Guide •J Channels. The Valve is released at the moment of raising by the screw and so does not grind on face of seat. These Gates are built for Water flowing in either direction. 1 I . ^*^-=^>A.-;-;^ *^iV*??*V- IwwimmmmwmiHiinHmtmwiiiimiHnHiHiiiimiiiMwiwimiiimtnwimimnimiwnwiiiwwiH Wi i i i i i ^ imuuuui lUUmiUKJUHUIIIIi The IrondondePPy Iron Gompany. (M. Londonderry, Nova Scotia. ESTABLISHED 1852. - « I ■» 11 » Ti^e Largest and Most Complete Iron Works in Canada, 1. A A. IfOHILLAN, PRINTERa. liiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiinM!(iii»»i(;iiiiun[iitiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii r~ i -;rrni [^ i.iif.«..MiMiiMi»MmuMimiiiiiiimMii iinHiumnmmuiMiiiiniimiiMiiiMmMiiMiiHiiiiiniiHuimi IIIIUIIIIUUIUIIIl