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 • 'a. : 
' i 
 .*: ^r 
 / ;. 
 ?, F' 
 BY W. a. DRAPER, ^"^^ 
 //^^.♦^-^mNri) AND PUBLISHBD BY W. 0. CHBWBrX A 00, 
..' . t 
 ' > 
 ■nterad acoordiog to Act of the ProTlndal Lagidatura,- In th^ y««r of 
 (»ar Lord one thooauMl eight hundred and dxty-three, by WnuAH 
 OwMB Orapbb, In the Office of the Reglatrar of the Province of Canada.. 
 . / 
 ; /. 
 yaw of 
 v •* 
 . / 
 ■'■ i 
 » „>* 
 t;" • ■> 
 f *' 
 \ ■ . ' ■' 
 . x 
 .. ...■ ■ ■ X "^ ■-" ■■ 
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 : ■■■:■■,.■■ 
 ■ J 
4- : ■'- -■ * 
 • • 
 The great increase in late years of actions of dower, 
 and the difficulty in obtaining books and correct infor- 
 mation on the Law and Practice of Dower, experienced 
 by country practitioners especially, induced the author 
 to attempt this work. 
 Well aware of its many difficulties, it is hoped neyer- 
 theless that there will be some corresponding hgifcftt to 
 overbalance them, and at least that it may be etm^' 
 « He iBMnt wdl wljp wrote this hlatorto." 
 In England the action of dower has become nearly 
 effete, since the husband can n0w destroy his wife*s 
 claim to dower, even without her consent; a mere 
 declaration by the husband in a deed that dower is 
 barred being sufficient, without the wife's concuzrenoe^ 
 to bar h^ didm. 
 In Canada, howevtr, every effort has been made by 
 the L^slfftuTe not only tQ perpetuate such an estate, 
 but also to facilitate the recovery of dower with greater 
 sp^ed and certainty than heretofore. 
 Whether it would be bettor to endeavor to do away 
 vritli this estate or not is not intended to be argued here. 
 All that is required is to discuss the law as it now 
 stands, and the profession must judge the result as 
 contained within. 
 Vx 'H'' 
 ti PBlfAOM.X. 
 Vi ii regretted that there «re aeTeral very important 
 cases now in the course of scyudication which may affect 
 tome of the positions assumed; but every endeavor has 
 been made to collect together in an accessible shape 
 •every decision of importance in England and Canada, 
 for the guidance and assistance of practitioners hero; 
 and it is hoped the effort may be found useful to those 
 who, like the compiler, have not large libraries for ready 
 -- reference. - -.,- -~^^--X,-- — ^_.„..^__l_ _■..,,. .^_, _ . — 
 KnronoN, /Wy iBth, 1863. 

 AbMooe for atym yean U % pr«tvmptioii of death ....• 81 
 Aotion of dower, how oommenoed^. *.....• 9i 
 Form of notice of ..*<.#... ......*.. Oft 
 mast be brought within twenty ye*r« f^om deattt i^ ^ 
 of husband.. »..* Ill 
 eannot be bronght if elalmant Joined in a 
 deed H lU 
 release by second husband alone is no bar to... 48 
 Adoltery a bar of dower .........3 .• 6» 51 
 «< Form of plgye.;;...'... ... 81 
 " Form of reflStion 82 
 Agreement, Terbal, effect of, as to doW^i .......%; 42 
 ^lien, widow of, entitled to dower. 4 
 may possess real estate in Canada 4 
 must have possessed real estate on or befSmra 
 28rd Notemheri^ 1849. ^ ......4, 61 
 Law of New Yorlc asfegajrda...... 61 
 replioi^Uon to plea of, need not state Tenae...... , 70 
 Form of plia of 77, 82 
 Form of replication 82 
 Annual ralue, how estimated ; * 06 
 Annuity in lien of dower 107 
 " to be » lien ....107 
 Appeal ftrom order of confirmation^ 109 
 <"* not Talid until bond for $100 given 100 
 Court must decide within two terms After ...... 110 
 in case of reTorsal, the Court shall certify to 
 the sheriff .......,,. .....,....; 110 
 hearing of ................ ..,....,. 110 
 costs of, discretionary..... .*,«........ 110, 121 
 A" ■ 

 '»'■' ■ ,'■ •• r" > . .*7i 
 AMlfttmcBt tj iheHir iniiy b« Mt ••i<l«, sod • new 
 on« h«<l M 08 
 ' abouUi l>« hj meteH nntl boandi *•• 68 
 ple« of, bvfor* aofion .,.« *.. 84 
 of improvements to be »vo{ded.v..«. »<».•.. 107. 
 Form of writ of > ..; 01 
 Writ of, ftfler ^adgmcDt ..^.m ..« 106 
 Writ of, grauted wbefe p*rt/ Mqniesoct 
 - Widow MODOt niftiotain cj«otai«nt until 
 after «...,/. ,.•• 82 
 «Mta of, follow iQtt.. 121 
 Bmim, »o miBiiter slwll . Mlebrata Barrisge witboat 
 lio«DM or publioation of.... ......... ••4.. M**M •••«•• •••• 124 
 B*r of dower, Treason... ••••••...MMr...*. <..« 5 
 «« Adaltery ...., <.. .,..., ' 6 
 ' •* by married woman < 48 
 «* tale bj exeoatioa it not a., •^^'^ 
 •• 8tatnte of Limitations ..; < 46 
 '* Hettlemens ...4*>..«k<i«*«#^Mi «•••>• <...m^. ... 4V 
 M. Jointare... ».» 48, 60 
 M '-^ short form of, by etatnte ^. 4 128 
 iRgatey. nullifies marriage **. <..«....... 17 
 Bond as seearily fot appeal.. ...<<..« ..^... 109 
 ^:V.:. ■:;:. ;. ; ■• , C ■ . - ^ ; ■>.■•■::■ 
 Certifleate of bar of dower . .«..ow,i .....^ 48^ 
 *^ . . in UDIlftCl OlAtVw •«•«*••••#•••••• «••••• •ea«ea •*•••• v4 
 . ** ' OOW ▼^TlQCCI •••••••*••#••• •••so ••oeeooo* •■• ••« ^'f AU^ v 
 -^ ■ In Uppor OAnftQft •••••«••••«••••••••#•••• ••«i^po«*» luo 
 " ' jrorm 01 ••••••• ••••••e«* ••*•••••••••!•••*•••• ••••^r*'*** ii/M 
 r :. ** JF^^ TOT •4««« •«••<< •*•••« AAA ••• •V»««*e^> •••••0 •••• •••• 1 Vx 
 : M "of marriage must'be gifen if required...... 125 
 '".^. fee for .<<«*••'•«.%*..* .....<^^*«.«.»<«**..*.M.*««...*. Iao 

 . ■'"«f r"^ "T*^ 
 . • ■ • ■ ■ 'I 
 .' • . ,.■.■■ • -1 
 ■ ' " ■ -. " 
 Cbi»rt«r«, detinira of...*. ••••*«•••••••••••••••*•••••••*•■•• 62,' M 
 Chtireh, marriage need not bo eol<ebr«tod In.. »••»•••... 126 
 OUiidesUno Mftrriagea, Aot to protoni 129 
 Olork of tho PoMO to furnish booko And Itott to Mloit< 
 tor. , 137 
 Coal oU welli, dowor may b« aasfgnod of. 66 
 Comniisalonerf may bo appointed by ahoriff, 106 
 «* ^ muiitboawora ....♦..- 106 
 7 ^' in. OMO of death or reaignaUon, Othort 
 ■^- Bia>y ba ftppoiDtod..»Hr»»iHriM *«>•••*«• W6^^ 
 •< ^ ahall Uy off oua-third of tha land ; 106 
 ** thall oonaidor ptwa mant lai^roTO- 
 menta * 66, 106 
 M may aat^a aQnnity;hi Uaa of dower....; lOf, 
 " akftU ratnru OTidenott to aharlff. 107 
 •< shall Totani qnantity and booadariea... 108 
 ** . may employ aorTeyani • 108 
 ** f new, may be appointed in oaee of re- 
 Toraal * 110 
 •( fceato ».. 110 
 Confirmation, order of, may be appealed from wlUila 
 80 daya « •<' » »**<^» 109 
 Oonaent to mailrlage, age fer...A 7 , 
 ConToyaaoing, form of bar of dbwer in ..,...»... l^t 
 Ooanty Coart,- Judge of, may gralit writ of MalgnmeBt 
 in oertaln eaaea 106 
 Conrtesy, tenant by, how to be aatisded, if estate nold ^ 
 under Partition Aet... «.....« .«.^.»« ...*•»....«. ........ 122 
 Oosta, liability of infant to...........-....^;..:;... 76 
 " IfeeoTorable by ;{. /tf. ...........*.. 76 
 ** equitable right to dower entitHs widow |o.. 76 
 ** allowed after one month'a demand in writing ... 97 
 «« under see. 1 of 24 Vie........ «.. UO * 
 Ol ftppOU«e**««*e •■«•*• eaaaaa e»«aa*'«iaw •«•••• ••'••• ••••••••« 'Jl lU 
 " tariff of, to be arranged by Snperior Coarti..... IjlO 
 ** what ooate miy be ailowad.....***.*. ;......• ••.•....,, 60 
 iiiDMx. tt:;: 
 Costi, Monritj for, mt.y be obtoined...... 78, 
 may be reeorered where demandis alleged and 
 Jadgment by default 
 .of aasignment of dowe; follow the enit -,......„ 
 Crim. eOau, OTidenoe in an aotion for 
 Crown lands, widow entitled to dower in, if pnTOhased 
 bj hoiband, though ho patent iuoed.. 
 >•••• w* 
 \ „ 
 Damagei^ measure of..;......, 
 how eetimatadUrf^;^ ..s... 57, 
 oa^i|6t be reooTered.for more than « yr*8. 64 
 where none claimed, none pan^be reoorered. 
 •nggestion may be entered after final judg- 
 ment and enquiiy go ooneeming J 
 demandant only entitled t4 where husband 
 died seised.... ., ', ....^ , ;. .^ 
 may be demanded of the heir, though under 
 n^i, * •g« "•"...*......... ....„ «...*,;i ... 
 Death of husband oonsnmmates title in doi^er.. ..r..... 
 " of husband must b,e tried by a jury . ... ... 
 ^ " how proved ..„ ....„.., 
 "t^T.*. P"»»«»«d •''«' WTei^ jears absenoe..^ 
 . Death, |>arty asserting fact of, must prote it ............ 
 ^ Deolarmtionmust be senred within a year .:............. 
 " proceedings at trial when no personal ser- 
 1.,' 1^ ^**'* ®' ••••••••"""•«•"..".......« ♦«....., 
 ' n^" ^ - ?**"* **^ "•"• •• •• — ............. 
 Demand of dower must be serr^ one month before 
 aotion brought , „ . 
 * D^iie of Charters........... .................:,..;. 52, 
 , i^vifemlienof dower 
 ~ " P*«» of* *nd acceptance by widowto'ueu of'Z 
 pin«^oat|^, diffjetrenoe bet:^ een lejal and oaaohical 
 »-i— .y»f. 
 : t 

 DItotoa ft bar of dower #........... *........ «.*... 6 
 Pomioile of origin ,..., 18 
 ]Do8 definition of ...».«. ............*....,.«....... 1 
 Dower, definition of «.... 1 
 cannot be reooTored of j^tfe already aseigned 
 for dower...t.... «,. ... ,*, , ^...'.. 98 
 in eqnitiible estates .» ................*..«... 89 
 how barred ordefeated ... ../.^ .,. ....«»•..,.•*•* »• 48 
 aotion of how oommenoed...! ••• u*a«. «• 98 
 certificate of bar of 48 
 procedure in actions of »•••> ». »• ^.•... ......... ... 98 
 abolished in certain cases * 102 
 how barred ,.....M................ .•..»... 102 
 venue in .....^.•. •*..*^*.. ..... ........................ vs 
 a widow's right to, may be conreyed in Equity^ 49 
 Tender compellable in Equity to make an abate- 
 ment if wife will not bar .....^ ............ 49 
 measure of damages in... 64 
 Tenant in, how satisfied if estate divided under 
 Partition Act .^..,.... ............................. 122 
 Dowress, cannot maintain a possessory action until 
 V dower if assigned her 6|4 
 Eleethm, If husband exchanges his lands,' widow haa 
 ■ . her 84 
 « Time for making a.... 86 
 ** . by widow to take what is deidsedHo her in 
 A lieu of! dower binds her...... ..... ............ 48 
 Equity, Court of, wUl aid the title of dower ............ 42 
 Eqmtable estate!^ widow entitled to dower out of.. 89, 101 
 Evidence of marriage ... .^....... ... ... ... ..^. 16, 16' 
 Evidence, in an action of crim. con. ........................ 19 
 " of death .^ ....80, 81 
 Exchange of lands, effect of ..............: , ... 84 
 plea of, and election by widow to take other 
 l< . 
 I- , 
 •*.**..•»••*..# ;«•.«.» n.... •'•* •<* ..t *•# ••• •*• 
 ;: '>-rs." : 
 Bx«entioD, sale of ludi under, !• no Ur of dower ... 
 ■ .. -,- ''...'¥■■ ' ■' . ^ 
 Fee fbr bertifloate of bar of dower 
 " for oertifioate of marriage.; 
 ," to Registrar .,...,, 
 J* to Minister oa celebrating marriage.....,'."."..T...* 
 Foreign Countries, marriages in ig 
 Forms of pleas. Tout temps prist 76, 80 
 •V Replication thereto.... ...... .....,,.,..„ 75 
 Rejoinder thereto .^.......„ ............... 77 
 Tender and reftisal io accept ..,.,, ^ 
 ne nnques accouple ~......,.......^... ySO^ 
 ■'■■"• ,■ ** ' 
 ' #■ ■■ 
 .■'■-■ 1 
 \ " 
 ' ":'■■■' 
 i .. 
 , *• . 
 ■•■■: ■.■ 
 ;■> ;. ■ 
 Replication thereto ... 
 AQUlterjr „..,..;„ .;„^ ...r^ .,;,.,.., ,,..,, 
 Alien, &o ..»...#..•.«.,..,„., , ..„., .,„„.., 
 jpostea for demandant as to part and non 
 seisin as to residue........,..^.....,.. 
 of Judgment thereon .„ ... 
 of postea wliere tenaftt pleads ne unquet aeiiie 
 and Jurj find for demanditnt aqd assess 
 ^damages ..... 
 writ of assignment of dower ............ ."...^ 
 deolaration ... 
 iasno and suggestion of serrioe of demand 
 one month before action brought 
 of iasne book and demand of dower 
 ••- jie«a«* 
 •••••• ••• 
 . n 
 Hab. fao. seis, there eamiot bt an aliaa ... 
 Husband, death of, consummates title in dower...... 
 " dcftth of, how proved... ......... 
 " atire, plea of 
 ........ M....... 
 I ...... ..... ....OT 
 r^lication thereto 
 «•*•«.... m »•....*.. ,t,mm^0k'iit 
 ^roYcment^ to atj^id aqsigni^ dower of......... 68, 108 
 ''^^*T' -T^ 
 • •• 
 Im|troTeineatt» om of, to b« ^zdaded In wtinktiDg 
 dtMULgn....,.^,. Ill 
 lBf«iitoUabI««e«o«t» '............................ ^.....<. 70, 76 
 *' prMUoe wh«B they refuM to pleftd ,\„ ,.,,., 68 
 iMpeotioa of ooaTeyanow not grurtod ondor certain 
 ' eiroaDMtMKtos ...... ...... ... », ... ...... .^ ». 70 
 Lwve; form of 
 • •••a •••••••••«•• •••••• «•••«« «•« ••« ••• •••••••«• W 
 ** bookf foim «f 
 Joint tenant, wife of» dying first not :entitledtjodover^ 22 
 Jolntnre ia a bar of dower.......M..M»......**»«»««....*., 49 
 Judgment) fonn of ^.«.....». ... ... ........ .....m... .*•.. ....« 78 
 wwB aocreaoenott ..•■A ......... ....u ... Mii.aau*-****** •»'««•*•• ••. ^^ 
 KQns of lime oif brick, dower ia assignable of. 
 •• •«*•«• ••• 
 Landlord^! tenant mnst notil^ «..< 
 Lex dmnicilt 
 lacens^ no fliiiniliter to aolemnixe marriage irifhoat... 
 ** Mnd to belong to the legislature 
 Lien, annuity, to be a » 
 Limitations, form of plea of statute of 
 of action of dower ...... ... . 
 ••• ••»••• •••••• 
 «•« •••«•••■•'••••• 
 •*• *•• ••■ •••••• ••• 
 Marrii^Ee|,^^tf»tf<f dower ..... 
 ^ " f age of, consent t* 
 •••V»*« e •• ••• •%• ••• •■• *«• *4« 
 ■•*•«• «•• ••* •••••• ««• ••• ••• ••• ••• 
 • ■ ' i' 
 ■ ./"^ 
 -. ■.'■ 
 •* ^ « trfio authoriaed^rilemniie... 8, 9, 10, 14, 
 ?«» what snffidient eMence of in dower ... 16, 
 irith deceased inf<B^B sister .;,^«..... .....»*... 
 disqualification to ..» ... .» ............ ........... 
 Record of, to be filed with Registrar... ...... 
 .. necween yi^^^'^H •*• ... .*. ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... 
 Bigamy noUifies 
 «•••••«•• te*>«a« ••• oe« ••• %•• a*« ••• 
 ' f 
 MtrrUge in fordgn oonniriM. n 
 ", »>«*W6«n • Jew Md » ChrUiian ^.„. 19 
 of minora illegal .^... ,.*,., 21 
 " need not be solemniied in ohuroh or cliapel 126 
 •* P«i^iJ for negleoUng to return lift of...... 137 
 J -!! :, ^^^ Imperial ... ..; 129 
 Harried woman^how to bar dower of 48, 102 
 " in Eni^ or the United SUtos 48,102.108 
 . " deed 0^ inralid nnlees directions in stotnto 
 Maritaginm •••"."......, ......i.i.^^:;^,...„„.....-i.^„ 1 
 arerton. atatnte of. gitea damages... .....v.. 64, 66 
 Mesne profits, widowentitied to one-thir/of for six 
 Mill, dower maj be assigned of the profits of......... ... 64 
 Mines, dower is due of 88, 64 
 r^« ^*>^ »«y work open 88 
 Minister nf any denomination ma/ solemnise maiw 
 riage ..ii, 4, .♦„„,„.,.„„,.,.„,,, ,^^^^^^^^ j^^ 124 
 must keep reoord of marriages, and make • 
 yearly return «..„ ....«....,<.....«, . ..... I6, 128 
 ihall not celebrate marrisge without license 
 or bamuT ., *.„,. ^.^^^^ 124 
 Fee to^ on celebrating marriage ............... 126 
 in case of death or remoTal, duty of suc- 
 cessor ........i ,.«„„.» ,,,,,, ,„,.„,.,^, «.,», 126 
 penalty on, for nieglecting to return list of v 
 niarnages ..M.».M..i..T....,„ 127 
 Minors, marriage of; iUegal ....;..... ,.....,.^ .....,„. ^t 
 Mortgage^ wife of; not entitled to dower ...... ......... 88 
 '- " . in fee, in possession, may be sued for 
 %) . «lower ........ .....Li..«; .....^... ... 70 
 Mortgagcfv iHdow of; not barred ...,...„,....„..„......, 26 
 I^ muiMi MC(iiqp)t6, pjenk how «ef M^^ W 
<.ii.iilitff|.m--4ii -- -r^*-")|.-lf'iTi, ■••■ 
 ^ . 
 He vaquM aoeonple, form of plo* of BO 
 ** fonh of repUoatioB *...... 81 
 No nnqves seiiio, E?id«no« under ple< of 28, 20 
 ** form of ple»of....... ..<„............... 8ft 
 Hon tenxire, form of plea of 88 
 . ,»i 
 Oooupent, effeot of reeorerj eg»inst 
 Order of oonflrm»tioii may be rerersed bj Coart 
 ...*•*.■..•• .M.W..M V7 
 ...... 110 
 Fartienlan of premiies oaimot be obtained by demand- 
 •nt 80 
 Pleas, form of ..* ....«..., ,^ 60 
 «« what may be pleaded together I... 80 
 Po8iei||8ioa, primft faoie OTldenoe of eeiem 
 " Taoant 
 ......... ............ *•......« .......ra... ... vO 
 * ooie^ rorm 0* m •*....... .■.•.•••.t...,,..,,,,,,^,,,,,.,,,.^ 7 
 *< form of, where tenant pleads <*fM imi9«m «d«M." 70 
 Praotioe in dower where tenant makes default .« 67 
 " Where infiuit tenant refuses to plead...... ,..,*. 68 
 -■ ^'\:' ■:■'': ^-:\/ ^-'^ \ 
 Quakers, return of marriages of, bj whom to ie 
 •MW^e «•**•. •..ra..*M.M.M..M.V....M..u........».. ...a lOk «20 
 Qnarentine «.......« *.„ .,„. 2 
 Qnany, dower ma/ be apsigned of ... ... ......... ... 64, 65 
 Beeord^ form of ....~,«... ....................... 100 
 Beglstvar to file return of marriages „. ...... 16 
 ** fiMto, for filing aboTO ..126 
 *^ ** 4 du^ oi; on reeehiiig reeordef marriages ... 128 
 Segistiy of marriages, book of, to whem to belong. .. 127 
 **' Vdrm of book of. ....*...... ....m.....^..^ 126 
 aeleaae by seoond husbpmd is no bar.. .„ 48 
 ^ '; 
 AfleAM by » woman varrled • Moond UoM withoni 
 her hasband Joiaias i^ It, is toid...^... 46, 48 
 bj deed, plea of... ^ *.. ••• *»- 84 
 Benti^ widow entitled to one-third of n»». ......... ...... 88 
 Beplioation to tout tempt prut ,,,^%,ii,»,-\ /....*.... 76 
 Beport, eertifted copy of, to be re^^tered.. 121 
 Betom to be made by oommiwioners to sherilF.. 108 
 ** may be set aside or oonftrmad by iheriC 108 
 '* may be appealed from witbin thirty days........ 109 
 ~ ** if not appealed from, to be conoiaaiTe .; 108 
 Bight of entry, if husband entitled to, widow shall 
 have dower ...••••..■••«• 
 ....22, 101 
 r« ••«•««••.•*•• 
 ^d<iiiniii|y tat oesis may be obtained in dower. 
 Seisin, hasband most haTe ba(t^-4vriBg marriage....^ 
 .*' must be in aeveralty •*»..^m »•..«.•, 
 - i V .. 2ii law snmoient ...««..•• ......*•.....•......••.•...».• 
 '* . ' waDsitory, cfieet of m...m»**.>«» *•*••■*.. mm**« •*.. 
 '" r ** posses^a frm$ f*m evideiioe ef...^. ......... 
 Serrioa of deoliratioa and aotiee w. 
 ** proceedings at trial, when not personal 
 ** tenant mast notify his landlord of ...... . 
 Serriee, Form of issne and soggestion of.... 
 Shflriil^' effect of sale of lands for taxes by. 
 toj^point commisttonera. 
 eommisdoners to make retnm to^. .4.....** ...^t. 
 may enlarge time for commissioners' report... 
 may set aside report...... ».... . 
 may con&rm report... 
 to deliver possenion .when report cei^raied.. 
 .t»i . 
 ' 1*-- 
 - M' 
 I •••••e eee 
 ■ ••• *•»•»• •«»• ••• 
 ' •••••• «••••• eil* 
 •.•••■•••. «•• •«« ea^ 
 » aeeve* ee* ••• oee e«* eee 
 •••• ••• ••• e«« •** «•«'•■>• ••■^•a aae^ae 
 jaast certify proceedings under his official seal 109 
 sale of kuids by, is no bar to aa action •».....• 46 
 makhig pairtial aasignmeat ...•*•..•....»....••... .69 
 •honld retnm "by metes and boaads/V if' 
 ]pMNubMM....M«...w^...««* •••«**«••....«»>.•.*.•.««• ':iia 

 Sheriff, how to Mtimate ih« adtaaal Talus ....^ 66 
 '* datyof, if no appeal „»k. 121 
 Sister, marriage with deceased wil^a .i.... 11 
 Statutes, 88 Geo. III. eap. 6....... ....%. 8 
 oap. Vt.» «•#•••••• o 
 ••••••••• «••••«•«• 
 69 " cap. 16........... 
 11 Geo. IV. cap. 86.. ^^»w 
 C. S. U. C. cap. 72... ».••••••• •••*••.•■>' , 
 24 Vic. cap. 26........^ ...... ......... .4.«.\... 
 >•••••• •••«•■• •••«•• ae^j 
 24 Vic. cap. 40 ...i. "^ffi 
 ^ " 26 Geo. II. cap. 28........ 12(1, 
 C. S. U. C. cap. 86........ «.,.... 122 *' 
 G. S. U. 0. <Htp. 88........ .».,M...^. 128 
 Statute of Limitations, plea of 84 
 Suryeyors may be employed by oommiBeionen. ......... 108 
 ■■■'■'■ '■'^•" '■'■'' ■■■•■-■-/ ■■■' 
 Taxes, si^e of lands for, by sheriff, ban dow«r ......... 46 
 jTenant in common, widow of, entitled to dower.,^ ...... 28 
 mustnotify his landlord, of Jienrioe ......... ..... 97 
 by curtesy, in dower or for life, how 8»ti«fled, 
 if estate sold under Partition Act..,.. 122 
 Tender, and refusal to accept form of pl^ of «i 80 
 Terre tenant, occupant not being...... ...... ......... ...... 07 
 Tout^pmps prist, form of plea....... 76 
 form of replication ...... .......,.».». 76 
 admits right of damages from com*;. 
 I mencement of suit *i..i.78 
 Iransitory seisin, effect of. ...,,.«.Ti.., 28 
 Treason, bar of dower ....« ...,„..u,......., 6, 48 
 form of plea ...^..^ ;..«.......... ...,..,., 86 
 woman convicted pfj loses her.dower 49 
 but if pardonpd, regains her right ...<... ... ... 49 
 Trial, proceedings at, if tenant has not been persoA- 
 sUji^ served ;. „.., .,., ^ 
 A 2 ,..••■".■" 
 / . 
 ■r^-7' Y = 
,X ■ '.■■■■'./;■- ^.;''^ •■.■ .^- ...• .■:■-■-'■• ■.-:...-.. •u,, 
 .X: ■■ ■ .'y. ■' ■ ' ■.: •:■ . "-■ - ■ „ »: • ■• .;:'l,. 
 xtiU /*' tKti%x. 
 - :■■. • " \ .f ■ ■ . . . ' . W . 
 '..■'■;'' - _ - . ' . <- 
 Vlratti' no dower ofift. ..*...„ ,!,.„,„. ,^ „.. 88 
 ■ •" V. ■■ 
 XTpp** Canada Law Journal, eitnotfifom ............... 112 
 > Um» no dower oftft ......,,.» ....,j 88 
 '■:■'■:. \y -.:■'■-- ■■ • ■' ■ /■.• .?:.-■'' ' ; / 
 Vaeant poieeeslon. ............. ...,.,. .,...^^^,^. , 99 
 Tendor, compellable tn equity to ni*%ei p&tement in 
 •';--v^.:.- purohaee monej if wife will noiVir doirer. 49 
 -yryT—r ,Tecne in dower :i^,«iil>;^ 98 
 ^ 'WMte, to open a mine , 84 
 \Widow of alien entitled to domett •— 4 
 ^ if. electing to Uke an annaitj entitled to priority 87' 
 **, entitled to dower in Crown lands........... 88 
 •7 •leoting to teke what is derised in lien of dower 46 
 V** entitled to duwer in certain oases 101 
 •* has her election if hunband exchanges landsr... 84 
 Will, elTect of devise in Ilea of dower .....i.....^ ........ 88 
 Writ of assignment, form of. ... ...... ... * 92 
 M of assignment granted upon jadgment 106 
 " of assignment may be granted where the party 
 acquiesces 105 
 *• of dower i«nrf« m'Ai/ Aaie^ 64 
 ■'.■%-■ .. ' ■">■ ' ■ 'A.'.- . ' ' , : : .... 
 Aoey T. SimiMon ......,;.....•.... 88 
 Anderson y. Marriott... ...........* , . > «..•.« it9 
 Attorney General t. Rowe . . , .,...,.. .11 
 Bdn T. Jl^ason ............IS 
 Bamfordy. Bsmford. 66 
 Barrow y. Wadkin .,...........*..... 61 
 Bending y. Bending 86 
 . Benson y. Bellasis , .........,,,, 60 
 Hshoprfok y. Pearce 1A 
 Blandy y. Widniore 80 
 Blower y. Morritt ....... .. . .... ..... ., .... ..... . . 88 
 Breakenridge y. King 88 
 Brooky^Brook 18 
 Borridga y. Bradyll 88 
 -; ; a ' ■...•'■ -. ' 
 Oatherwood y. Caalon 19 
 Oompton y. Bearcroft ..*....,.. tS 
 Comellis y. Gorsellia 61 ft 
 Count De Wall's case. .^ 4 
 Craig y. Templeton . . . . ..... ^^t S 
 Cumming V. Alguire . . . ... ....IW. .......... .A.. . 28 
 Dacky. Cnrrie .....i..... ........... 46 
 .Dayenport y. Bayenport . . .^.. . .... ....... . . . . . ... 4 
 Dayila y. Dayila . . . ;. . . . .^ , . . , . .... ............... 60 
 Dayis y. McNab . .......... ............;... .... ... . 69 
 Daytonv.An^o...,. .......... ..'..»....... ...... 64 
 ' *■ - ' ■ 
 K ' - ■ ■ 
 ■ ■ * •■ , - ■ ■ - ■ . ■ ""■ ',.■- ■ ■ - • • 
 ( ',* 
 " h 
• ,•...»,; 
 OAiia oiTiiy. 
 I • 
 Dlwrnr. S«TilIe ....^... ,,,,.. ,,., ,,,., m 
 Doe Breakey V. Breftkej. ,,, ;,, 10 i 
 ** H«g«muui ▼. Strong .. 4'. ..« S| 
 •• MAodontld T. aeveUnd ,,,.......".. » .'* 4 
 *• NoUt. Nirtt ,., ^.. .!.... ..i.M 
 ** Rlchardaon T. Dickson ...... , ...!.*!.'l!.* 4 
 " Wheeler y. McWlUlama ............*..*...' 17 
 *^ T. Fleming * [[',[,[[ w 
 " T.Nepefo ai ^ 
 Dann V. Snowden ........,,,^ .... ai S 
 Dyke y. Rendftll . . . , ..,..., 60 
 ^Smpeyy.Lofei «« 
 Bywui y. Morgan ......... ....,.■,,,, ^^^^^^^^^^ ^ 1^ 
 Steiiton y. Liyinmtone . . . . . . 10 
 J1.IKB«>11 T. M.I0IU, ..,.„„.„. to 
 / • o. ■ . 
 Cbrwttd y. Tuck 
 Oeorge y. Thonuu «« 
 CKboony. Gibson 86 
 Gonmi y. Parrott ........... ^l[[][[[[',[][',['',',]\ 4I 
 goodin«x y. Goodmaa .„...> l^ 
 BwntY. Grout Weatem BaUwi^y CJa , ;^..... ...... .._^ii 
 MT,iaB...i...... ^...: ^..^........'W 
 nusT. Hate . ' • ^^ 
 •«»« T. uMw , , ^^ ta 
 P«ri«>.Westonnan...... ._.................... 28 
 r T.Morden...^...^..,_.....^ .».......% 
 _ V.Hams.. ^...................^.....71/ 
 ^ ^ V. Strattoii ..^„. ►-..... .........^i,.^:,« 
 H-wkahwr TiHodgina. ...... .,,....,,,.., ,,,. .^^ ,... gi 
sir.sflc' 'i 
 t&Mthy. Dendy ,..'. t|' 
 fletberlngton v. OrahMn ^ t 
 Hltchia* V. UUohiiw .., 10 
 Hoby V. Hoby r».i 9S 
 Hodglnfl ▼. lloNcU It 
 Hopewell v. De IHnna ...81 
 Howard v. Wilson , 47 
 Humphries v. Bamett ..i.... •• 
 ^TLderton r. Ilderton 
 Johnston et lut. v. MoOill t8 
 Jones y. Jones ....,..,...., .." w 
 Eemaghan v. McNally 4t 
 Kerr y. Leishman , . , J# 
 EJendrbw y. Shewan ............,,,,>,,....... 48i 
 liantoor y. Teesdale'. . , ., ...i 18 
 liawson y. Montgomery. . .'. ..... ........ ..... .*. . . ^ 
 Leach y. Shaw j 
 Leader y. Barry ., ', 18 
 Lockman y. Nesse . . . .., ^ , , „ , gg 
 Mettey.Metta. 18 
 Mimdrery. Hawldns 28 
 MnndyT. Mnndy ..................; ^ ,:-4% 
 McDonaldy. Mxslntoeh 46 
 HoOilly. Sqoire ................,......*.!!! 48 
 McLellanetoz. Y.JIf^gfttt ........................ 4M 

 • n " 
 » ■ ■ ■ ■ •'•■ '- '-V: - ^' 1 "! . '- '\f '. 
 • ,■..: ■ , ■..,,. '■■':•. • '<•■ ■ 
 • ■ , " ■ ''■J'.Ts-** ""'h " . • ■ 1 . 
 , ■•_, ... *^ "' r : -■"■■_}■■' , • _ ■ . ■ . h" * 
 ■■" '/'^ ,.. .■ . ,. '.■'»■'••. " , " • 
 •' HMhT.!»r«rton ....*..;.,..:;>. '^ ...t 
 WoUui r. Cherry , *" !J 
 " T.Reld , i.*, ^. *^*.\\V .*!!.'.*.'.' J» ''' 
 Korton r. Smilh «.*.«!!!.*.*!*! H 
 .0. : 
 0'fl«» r. Caieynt ,»..,...;.. sS 
 P. ^ • 
 • l*hipp« V. Moore .....'.....*■. ] i^ 
 Pickering T. Stamford " *87 
 p|tt.T.Meyer........ ....::::;:;:::;;: 25 
 QiMn ▼. McKibbln ^. 
 « » ^. ^^ ." ' 
 — -Ot. T. l^HBOr. ^ p.;\ .,,,., 
 " T. Foeter .......jifci 
 >v4«^giilft T. Roblin .....».".. !.T. .!...!.! * 
 M n^'^*'* •''''i'iilii'iiiiimr 
 . f>,iT^BIi|li« la 
 R«di|t|^^.:, .:..,, ..*!*"!'; » 
 ■■' -^^^tiSH^S ^&^* '*'-'***** U-. ■ 
 '^v * ~^^'*'*'^ U "'" 
 *.Y.Inhabitant«ofNorfiiWealdBa86ett. ........... 
 «. ^ *»"'«'• •••••i ..84 
 Ritson ▼. Stordv. . - " -, 
 »iA/rujr 01 
 Roach ▼. Oarvan . , ■ *« '■'''' 
 Bobinet.v. Lewis ........ -« 
 „,, r».. .50 
 Eobinaon y. Bland .. . ' ^1. 
 JKOM Tt Binunerinian ^ ■■■ -a^^ • *; 
 K 4 IP' m 
 -'-'-- ' ---^. -■■ ■! ..y^ ; -' 1^ 
.> f ' "f 
 OAfM OITID. aiiK 
 . : ■ ft. ■ ' - ■ '•*!.. 
 ' VAM 
 BfkiiUiT. Sp«ncer ,,> ••,.. 7ft 
 ,♦• T.8iDlth ;........ ..41 
 BnKyd ▼. Sneyd ^... »',.., ...W 
 Bopwith V. Maugh«n. 17 
 Bpyer r. Hyatt 46 
 Btaflbrd T. Tniemaa #...i..... 71 
 Bt«hbmidtT. lett ,,.V ...v,.„ 87 
 Btoner T. Walton ,.."....*.. 14 
 _^;_Btoughton r. Leigh ; . . , , ^^^4^^^^^, » . « » 14 
 8tr«et V. t>olfleii . . ,% 4t 
 " ▼. Rowe ....v.. ............'.,.. .<,,»..,..,.. 69 
 SotUefT. l^org«7 
 ■ . ' -T, '■ ■ ■•■•-■^ 
 Taylor T. Lioley ^ S9 
 Thynn v. Thynn ...'..•;..i., ......... 44 
 Thorn y. Rolf ..<g|,. .^... .,....,... .^ 80> 
 Thomhill V. Jonei ,, 4f 
 * Ttumpaon T. Walla ...,.»..,,., 40 
 TlndaU, Inre ft 
 Tomllnaon y. Hill ..i,. ».♦..,,,,,... ..,.,.,.; , 49 
 Towley y. Smith .♦.. ^^^ *►«'...,.;.;...,>,, » ^, , . „ ; 44 
 VannoraiMi f. 6ettipr4 r. ..... ;. . . ;..... ..^. ;... .1 . ^0 
 W. ■ 
 • , ■'.«.. -I 
 Walkmry. Powers ......*..M.i»..v,, j,.';,,.>,;l,,,« 44 , 
 y.* Boolton ....**..«, r; « f* • t ... . ^ . • . i «V. i . . 40^'^ — ^ . 
 Wdtony. Hall....;., ..........:... ,60 
 Watson y.Watron .,..;.. 69 
 " ▼King ."...♦isp:*..***., 41 
 Warbuttony. Wwbutton...... u 
 Wetherelly. WethereU 6i 
 Whitey. Laing ,v.., 4 
 Williams y. Rider. . .V. .v. . . ...... . . . . ; ^ . .; 44 ^ ^ 
 Wilsony. Wilson r-... ....... ^ 
 Woodward v. Dowm 61 . 
 ' 'it/ 

, ■» y ^ h rf - 1' 'f _ 
 Dos in the Boman law Iras the portion given witli 
 tlie woman at tbe time of her^marriage. This in 
 £n§^nd was <»Ued mariU^ium. Amoag tiie Anglo- 
 Saxons the dower ooiisisted of goodsi and there were 
 no footsteps of dower in Unds nntiK the Konoiii, 
 oonqnelt (a) 
 TheTtenant in dower was so mnoh fiii^nred, thai 
 the inaxim was **Favorabilin m U^c 9Unt,ma,fi9cm, 
 doi, Udmioi^' (h) # 
 Bower by the oommon law is defined to\ be an 
 estate for life to whieb the wife is entitled, mta the 
 decease of her hnsband, in the third part of the Iknds 
 and tenements of whioh her hnsband was^sef 
 either in deed or in law, at any time during tiie 
 coTertare, to hare anci to hold to her in sereralty 
 metes imdtbonndi^ for the term of her life, whethe 
 she has had issne ^j her hnsband or not, and provided 
 <•) 2 Black. Ceil. 129. 
 {^)|Beading OB^IJiM, 87f ^. 
 ■{■-; X 
 "■ S 
 V . ', 
 ;t :-i 
7 * '' # 
 ^^^r'-'Vtf ' 
 ' the be past the age of nine jmn at the timt of her 
 hnsband'a death, (a) 
 A widow moreover ib entitled to reside io her Jatt 
 hiibaad't manrfoii Ibr forty daja after lilt death. 
 Thii ia called quarantiH$. It la proTided bj Magna 
 Gharta, " Vidua tnantat in capUali meuua^ mar{H 
 «««, per quadroffinta diet, infra quoe, amgneiur e% 
 dot tua" (6), and be sastained with yiotuala there. 
 (Jenk. cent. 7, ca. 16; Park on Dower, p. 260, note 
 a.) If ejected daring her qaarintine, the widow 
 might have her writ de guarentind habenda (Gilb. 
 Dow. 872; Fiti. N. B. 161) ; bnt if she marries 
 '^within the forty daja she loaea her qoarantioe. (Co. 
 lit. 84 b. 82 bi) It has been made a qnestloii 
 whether a woman staying in her husband's house 
 daring her qaaiantine may defend the posseiiioft 
 thereof with fbrse. (Dy. 161, a.) i > > ^.f 
 By the statate of Merton, 20 Hen. in., itWii 
 ordained that persons oonyioted of defbraing Iridows 
 of their dower should pay in damages the ralae of 
 Uie dower from the death of the hnsband up to the 
 time of giving judgment for recovery tfaeraof. (c) 
 This was the origin of damages in dower, now limited 
 however to six years by our statute. (0. S. U.O^ sh. 
 Dower was intended for the sustenance, of ths 
 widow and the nurture and edooation of the children^ 
 {o) tdi eh. 5, a. 36, tit Power; Piti. N.B. 8M, L, 
 (b) Wbodeson, vol. 2, p. 28; Beeves' BniiiahXaw. voL 
 1, p. 242; Bao. Abr. tit. DoWer, p. 122.^-*^^ ■'"* 
 (e) Beeves, vol 1, p. 261. ; - • 

 ■bI Ii ptfittoiiiil to ibt aebts of Uia Imilwaa, erra ^^^^ i^ 
 owing to the Orown. (a)" 
 Tliera wovQ orisindly ire Idodf of dower, tUu, / 
 rer by oomtnon law, dower bj the eaetom, dower 
 r/^ o9<tiffii mxMmf dower «« aMewtw patrU, tnd 
 pt^ dower cb in I^AiitftMi^. (6) 
 In Caotda there ie bat one Wnd, tip,, dower by 
 eommon lew. There exift here no tnoh onetoms eg 
 borongh fiogUah, or gaYelhind; and dower ad 
 o^ium w:kna and wj oiMiWH pmtru were abolbhed 
 by eUtote (4 WiM. IV, eh. 1, a. 15 ; 0. S* U. 0. oh. 
 84, B. 8). Dower 4$ lapluit beak, whioh aroae oat 
 «f the feadal tenareq, expired natarally igioe ego. (o) 
 Widowe alio (by Tirtao of 4 WiU. IV, oh. 1, ae. ^ ^ 
 X3, 14, 15; 0. a U. 0. oh. 84, w. 1, 2) ai« entitled 
 W dower oat of eqaiUble eetatee ((Q, and where the 
 hoflband had a right of entiy j but in aaoh oaae the 
 dower wnat be aaed for within the period daring 
 which aaoh right of entry might be enibroed. 
 There are three reqaiaitea to oonaammate the right 
 to dower, vis., marriage, aeiain, and death of the 
 haaband. (e) The differenoea between thia eetate 
 and tenancy by the oarteay are, firatly, that in onrteay ^ 
 t)Mre moat be iaaae bom alive and daring the life- 
 time of tho mot her (/) ; aeqondly, in dower the 
 _ {«) Co. on Idt 81 «; I Bopor on Hub. and Wifo, 411| 
 WiUiMnaonBeal?ropony^4thod.l80;Wta;N.B.ia6,a '. 
 ^/(*) lata. 51. 
 (e) Woodoion'a Lawa of Bngknd, vol. 2, p. 2$. 
 Al«9,8 0fmat.01i7. B.494. | V — ^ 
 («) CV>. onldt 31 a; Kenfa Com. vol. 4» pi H; 
 (/) Co. on lit 29 8|, Biaaett on Batataa for LUb. 4(K. 
1% t%t 
 mtin may be either in deed m iit kir; thirdly^ 
 dower ie an MUte for life in the ibird pert of the 
 hnabend'e eetote, vhfliwi onrteM it «f the whole 
 eitateofthewife. |^ . , 
 J- If the hosbend be an alien the Wlib ihall not W 
 endowed, waa the law of BngUnd when Lord Ooke 
 wrote, and ia M HUI («) ; bnt in Canada, the itatnte 
 12 Vie. dh. 197, s. 12, enaeta that " Kveiy alien 
 ■liiU hare the same capaoitj t^ take, hold, po«eM, 
 enjoy, olaim, reooTer> oonvey, ^eyiae,^ impart, tiaps- 
 mit real eatate in all parte of this pn>?inoe, aa natural 
 bom naturalised anbjeota of her Majeety, in the 
 •Moe parte thereof respeotiTely," and therefore the 
 widow of an alien may be endowed in Canada (h) ; 
 more eapedally aa by the aame sUtnte it ia enaetedi- 
 that any woman married to a nataral bom Britiah 
 •abject, or perion natnraliied, Bhall be deemed to be 
 herself naturalised and haye all the rights and priyi- 
 legesof a nataral bora British sabjeot, (c) The 
 alien, howeyer, to entitle his widow to dower, mnsl 
 haye possessed real esUte on or after the twenty-third 
 day of Noyember, 1849a In New York, whUe th# 
 (a) Go. on lit. 81 «. In Bag land, a female aUen booomM 
 natoralisea upon marriace to a nataral bom or natnraUMd 
 Joman has died Wore the MMdng of the aet (Oonat De 
 Wa^I'i oase, 12 Jurist, 146; SMoorp.C. 216.) kor to drt 
 M Mte***?"*** ^^ *°******* *"* ^^^"' ^^'^ ^^ * ^•«*- 
 m Dapmport t. Davenport, 7 IT.C. C.P. 401 ; Dtf JKek. 
 eOjSi\l?!^^Mr^* 2>o« Macdonaidi.OkvSmd, 
 («) IFJMto y. JWv. 2 U. 0. C. P. 186. . ■ ' 
■ ?«*p^?^^ 
 gF^y^'fF^, , 
 genenl mis ii admitted tbat the ftlien widow eren ofj^|Ji 
 • nataral bora eitisen i« not entitled to dower, jet 
 vnder the itetnte of 1802, the widowf of aliene enti- 
 tled by kw to hold lenl eetatei nre held to h% 
 dowable. (•) 
 If the hmbftod be attainted of treaaon, the wife 
 ahall not be endowed. (6) 
 A diforoe eauMd eontanffuiniiaiiif affinitatit aui 
 JrtgidUatii which diaaolTes the vinculum matrimonii 
 and makei the marriage Toid ab tnthb, ban the wifti 
 of dower (e) ; bnt if the diToroe be not a vinculo 
 matrimonii it will not bar the dower (d), and ther»- 
 Ibre a diToroe for adultery, whioh is only a diToroe 
 o mtntd €t thoro ialno bar. (e) Bnt by the statute 
 Weat 2, oh. 84, if awife ebmmita adnHeiy and^ 
 slopes she forfeits her dower, unless the husband is 
 ; willingly reconciled to her and permits her to cohabit 
 ^with him again, which, as Ooke says, is oompr»* 
 bended shortly in two hexameters. 
 " Sponte Tlmiii miillMr Ibgieni et adaltera flMta, 
 Dote iii& oareat, nisi sponsl iponte retrMtlk." (/) 
 The wife of an owner of lands in fee, out of whioh 
 she is dowable forfeits her right to dower by adnl- 
 teiy, elopement, and ^remaining in a state of adulteiy, 
 (m) auOifT. Fargtff, ICowen, 89; 8 lb. 718. •. o, j N.Y. 
 . BeriMd Stat toL i. 740, s. 2 ; Kent's Com. toI. 4, p. 86. 
 (6) Co. on Lit. Zia\ Stat of Weet 2, e. 84 ; Reeres' 
 Bagliah Law, toL 4, p. 477 ; Bao. Abr. tit Dower. 
 (e) Co. on Lit 88 a ; Cmiae'e Digest 1, p. 166. . 
 (d) Benington's oaee, Hob. 181. 
 ^ Co. on Lit 82 a. 
 (/) Go. en Lit 82 A. ^ere is no Court in U. C. baring 
 power to ffaat a dlTornrof either kind. 
 •it J 
4^,"' 'V. ■ 
 .\ :.':■ 
 ^ ^*>»<>a*rw<Hioiliiti«mtefc«fcwbwid,tfi«gkioftU 
 offBoc^ Wng |li# id«ltef7 («) J »>•» • wife .bwidonad 
 l>J h«r hMbMia, tod who fiibMqiMaify wm ^liltT o£ 
 >4ul»tiy, AeW not bMwd ftom donw. (*) ;. ,,, 
 L.(riJrSi!r![^' fr*** • ^■t *•«• *"; Woodtwn'i 
 (») (7r«AMi « M. V, 4^, a U.O. G.P. iia 
 < v 
 , 1 
 J . 
 ' .-T 
 ^"^'[.[.Zl '''-'■ MABRIAOB^ . [''■"'' „ 
 MarrUge moit he between peraoof oapable of ooo- 
 tfMiiog together and dalj toIemDiseJ, tod )Fel • 
 nMurrifege quoad dower wQl be Talid, aUhoogb oon- 
 trubied before tbe parties have arrived at the age of 
 /Aonaenti and although the husband diea without 
 having arrived at that age. (a) ** Therefore if the 
 irife be past the age of nine yean at the time of the 
 death of her husband, she shall bcf endowed, of what 
 fge soever her husband be, albeit he were but four 
 years old;" and further, says Lord Coke, « albeit 
 cofuentui non concubiitu facit mairtmoniiftn, and 
 that a woman cannot consent before twelve, nor t 
 man before fourteen, yet this inchoate and imperfect 
 marriage (from the which either of tbe parties at tho 
 age of consent may disagree), after the death of the 
 husband, shall give dower to the wife, and therefore 
 it is accounted in law legittmwn matrimonium quoad 
 dotem." (b) 
 Theuuettled state of this country prior to tlic 
 year 1792, the difficulties encountered in travelliug, 
 the spfTseness of the population, and the almost total 
 absence of ministen of any denomination, caused 
 great difficulties and obstacles to parties desirous of 
 **(«) Park on Doww, 17, ' " ' 
 (A) Oo. oa Litt. 88 a; Bissett on Kstatas br Xift, <9;° 
 Parl^oi Dower, IQ. s 
 V 7 
 ■■X ■ 

 ' Mwn. 
 25* Wag tegiHj QDfied. Manj mirriagw wen loleiii. 
 niied bj oommftnding ofBoen, magii tratM, iiargeoofy 
 ^., whioh in law w«re iljegal and iiiTalid. 
 A great maDj marriagea were foleiDDtiad u ab<yf«; 
 tad inaimaoh aa grare difBonliiea were likelj to 
 triae iubaeqQentlj with regard to property and oitU 
 righto, the Legialatnre, in 1798, paiMd a atatnto 
 legalising all raoh marriagea, and deohtfing them lo 
 be good and Talid in kw, to all intenta and pnrpoaea 
 ^ Bj the atatate 88 Geo. HI. ehap. 6, paaaed 0th 
 Jnlj, 1798, it waa recited that, « Whereat mtay 
 marriages have been contracted in thia proTinoe at ft 
 time when it waa impoaeible to obserre the Ibrmt 
 ' fcy^iW for the aolemnliatlon thereof, by 
 . r 
 m»Om thitt there waa no Proteatant parMii or mi^ 
 Itter, duly ordained, redding in anj part of the Mid 
 proTinoe, nor any consecrated Protestant ohnroh or 
 ohapel within the same ; and whereas the ptrtieg 
 having contracted snoh marriages, and their issiMk 
 may therefore be subjected to various disabilities | 
 in order to quiet the minds of snch persons, and to 
 provide for the future solemnisation of marriagt 
 within this province, B« it, dc, That the marriage 
 •nd marriages of all persons, not being under any 
 Muonioal disqualification to contract matrimony, thai 
 htve been publicly contracted befinre any magistrat* 
 or commanding officer of t post, or acQuttnt or sur. 
 g«on of a regiment, acting as chapkiq, or atiy other 
 person in any public office or employment, befom 
 the ptssing of this act, shall be confirmed tad ooa- 
 tidered to all intents and purposes as good tnd ftlid 
 Ift ji wj and that th e ptrtJes who have ooQtiaeted 
 ,i»V.{i ak^i^iuff, j,l 
 tufcift'^^. * t 
^HC^w*^^ '^ ^ ^' 
 . %» * 
 ■ -l 
 . T#-V* • 
 ttrermlly entiUed to tW U»6 figkti aod b«n«fit«, and 
 ■obJMt to all the obllgaOoha artoio^ from marmga 
 and oowanguinity, in aa ftiU and ampU a manner aa 
 If tke Mid marriagai bad wep^tifely baen aoUm- 
 niaad aooofding to law.'^iK - • v ^ 
 Tbia marriage migbt be certified by any magbtnto 
 of the diatrloi, and recorded in the office of the Clerk 
 of the Peace, in a regiftor ; and ao atteeted copy 
 0f mob legiitor waa ■offlcient cTidenoe of rocb mar- 
 Joidoee of the Peace were tho aniliorJieft to 
 marry pebple under tbia aql; but •• lOon ai thert 
 ^rere fife ParaoM doing duty in any one diatrict, then 
 the authority of the Jnaticea ceaaed j a penalty wai 
 imposed for performing the ceremony, and the mar 
 riage declared void. • , ,v • 
 The iUtuto 88 Geo. III. eh. 4, autbotlied mliiliN 
 ten of the Church of Scotland, or Lntherana, of 
 OalTiniiti, to celebrate matrimony between any two 
 perw)ni, not legally diAjualified to contract marriage, 
 nnd one of whom aball ha?«. been a member of hii 
 •ongregation for aix months previoualy. Tbia ad 
 was paaaed in 1798. A certifioato aa aboTC might 
 be filed with the Clerk of the Peace, and would be 
 gofficient eyidenoe. y( 
 The itatuto 69 Geo/ nPok 16, extended iho 
 pioriafong of the 88 Geo. lit, and directed how 
 parties might preserve tke evidence of their mtrriage 
 and birth of their children. This act passed in 1818. 
 , The stetnte 11 Geo. IV. oh. 86, assented to 2nd 
 MMob, 1881, deojMed, "That the mamage wb^bm^ 
 ' / 
 *•«*•■ Wn^ 
 -• or lfc« |MM«, «MHf5igti»|#, «ff •©•maadiof^ ; 
 •#• po^ or b«foff« toy aiaiaiir wr oUrgjoiM, " 
 ^fcw th« pMlag of Ihia aol, thdl b« mod sw b«r«bj 
 MiifOMd, aad thall b« ooaMd«r«d good aa^ ndid ia 
 kw; and tb« ptrtiw lo mioh iiMflTtac«« ••d Iki 
 imM tboreof, thall b« eolitlod to aU tht f»%L» Md 
 ^•oi lo dl Iho obligatioQs rMolUng from baiHago 
 •Bd ooBMogoioilj/' aoj Uw to the oootnry notwilk. 
 llMdiBf ; Md Motion two pointa oat iho mothod of 
 fmmrwing tho •▼ideaoe of rath marniMiL ^ 
 ~ Bsoteoa 8 aathoriiod Mlaialoia of IhmiOAuikii 
 fi«olk&d, LatliMaaa, Pr«bjtonau, OoS^^i^ 
 •Hiit, Bapiiita, ladapaDdants, Madiodiali, Ifaa^ 
 Dttts, Tonkan or MorafUna, to oalabrata marria^ 
 baiwaea 4^ tw^paraoai, not lagallj diaqoalillad to 
 •onHaat nutriaiooj; and aaoUon 6 pointe oal Iba 
 •oda of pi4ar?iDg tha •wid^omjfij^h mtniMmM 
 OioClwiofikaPaaca'aoffia* X^ ^^ 
 fertgoipg, it wiU appiMT ifcil afldeii^ 
 bf MRiag^ in iha ahapa of oartifiaatea waa alwaji 
 mL^ *»'^ *>' i* *h« offioo of the Clark of iIm 
 fiAi; bat hj ika 20 Vio. ohap. 66, pa«ad 10(| 
 Juna, 18ft7[ it waa eaaeted ^t, aOar lal Jmmru 
 1868, raio^ <tf miUi^ ara to ba mada to iha 
 Bagialnr qftha qoonty in which aooh marriage ihall 
 ka?^ iak^ fha^y aad tharafora, aiaaa thai dat4^ 
 ^danoiir of HMi'agai moat be aooghl ibr in lh« 
 Bagialriir'a offioa, «nd hia oarlifioAa ia jaiBaknft 
 M- ■';■ 
 -%.%: .. 
 .4^ Um ftboT* Bi«ptiMW Mil, tU pkriMI <'ttnoa< 
 MMb P«fMi|t «< moeMly <li«riMUM" iM, it li 
 •rpr«h««4mi, 'MigtOly diii|tuaii«l ;" bm p«itoM 
 ■My bft " 1«K»U7" »n4 7«* no* << oMOoiodlj" ^Mq^- 
 lUUd. A maoDtoal dkquUflfltlion nt&n to m&t 
 ikgw bt4wM& pftftiis of Um Idodrad or tlliiity 
 M»i4d«B by fth« oaooM of ibo obarok. A legml 4i»- 
 <|iuaiiaMioii Mfon to bigMij, iafilAoy, forao, fnmdf 
 idiooy, Ae. Thoit ha* noTtr boon, it ii b«lMTo4» 
 mj doditoii ott IbflM points in Ctamd^ thoagh 
 doubtti tb«7 will tono dsj ftnm tbo MbJMl of 
 logd dia^iunoB, Mid m%j vrm uim io m mIioa «f 
 It 1m pwi wii d At fa^woM brlnM te W^(r 
 iMM ben m ia Bogland, and tbonfora ibat mMrrfai^ 
 with a diOOOMd wifi's liBtor would bo bold ioTalid. 
 Tbo iltlatii of Hob. YIII. and tbo Morriago Aol 
 (26 Goo. n.) (6), dookring oiiob mornogo invalid 
 U Bagbod, woro mado tbo law of Uppor Ckaaday 
 •long with all othor lawa rognlatiog proporty and 
 d^il rights, OB 16tb CMobti^ i»% ftni «% lA it 
 •Bbmittod, still ia fbreo. ^ ^V 
 Sinoo writing tbo abofo, omrions ooongb, a dooi- 
 ibtt in B dowor salt bas boon gifoa bj Vioo Gbao^ 
 oollor fiiton, in tbo oaso of Hodgim t. McNeil H oi. 
 Tbo offoot of tbo Jadgmont is tbat a BMrriage with a 
 wifSs's sister it nalawfal and Toidi asd may 
 (•) OrmU ▼. O. W. S. Co., 7 XJ.C. 0. P. 48a As to tbo 
 •ppliooMHty of tbo biw of ■■gfaod to tMt oMolnr toaoMag 
 ■MnlHO, vido Qimm v. MMim, 21 VC. Q B.R. 862. 
 (*) Mm* ▼. CkUmick, 11 Q.B. 288; 28 Uon. VUI. o. 1«| 
 * mTOL 0. 88 ; at Ooo. U. o. 88. 
 . -x 
 * » 
 U AnnQlM %l utf-etnm hf wmUm^ df in moMm. 
 (imi ooart, doring lb« UfMn« ofHi* |Mrti«. Bol 
 Um dMOi of «i||M> of the (wniM iD*k« tb« marriiig* 
 mlUI, ih^%'mUm lUl UwM whiok «M b«for« 
 ^kwfbl, ind l«gitiiniiM iIm oApriagf. <^iMiir«, 
 «imia a maa marriad to hia daoaaaad #U^f akiar ba 
 •osfialad of biganj if, iiviiif; tha aialar, ha marriad 
 ipll| and fappoaiog tha huabaad daad, litiaff iba 
 two wiT«^ whUk U thm vwOdl U «pliiM to 
 »< Tbo oaaa of Brook r. Brook (a) daoidad, on appaal 
 to Iba Honaa of Lorda, thai marriaga with a daoaaiod 
 ^UWa tkl^, aTan tbongh oalabraUd in a foroign 
 •0«niti7 wbara auoh inarriagaa ara bald lo ba kmL 
 «• iliagd te Kiigb»4, 4nd aooiaqnanUy it k p^ 
 anmad tbaj ara illagal bara. Tbia oaaa oontaina a 
 fliy laamad azpqaition of tba law on tbia point, ami 
 of ib^ mlM wbioh govam tba law of narrjaga ; and 
 • dnoa wa Ufa ao naar to a foreign ooantiy, it nwj not 
 bn ont of tba waj to gira ona of tba mloa datorminad 
 '■ tbarain rdatiog to marriagaa in foraign oonntriaa. 
 • f^Altbongb tba Ut loci coniraduM q%toad ^^oUfmm- 
 iattt datanninaa tba Taliditj of tba oontraot of laaiw 
 ^ riaga, tba qnaation wbatbar tba partiaa may antar 
 into anob oontraot moat dapond npon tbo Uao dinni 
 ^^eUii," f .y>r\... M-^ :■■ to' : '->* ■'l.H' *- ;.t^ ^.^. ^.^f^/ 
 ^ Tbo mla ^i a marriaga wbiob ia good ia tiM 
 ooQotiy whara it ia oolobratod ia good OTaijwbw*, k 
 rabjaet to tba qoalifioaaon tbat the marriaga moat 
 not ba ona prohibitad bj tba oountix to wbioh tha 
 (a) 7' Jor. N. 0. 42Si alia IM nmtcm r rhiumum « 
 Jwr/SA list. #*•««• T. Lm^nm^ « 
 ;■■■ « '■ . ■ ''^ JP*!. 
I' f- 
 United HUlM ImIwmii partiM dumiotl«d in Omindn^ ; 
 Wbo «non«l ooomol mairiagv hf, wooW U li«U 
 ▼oid and illegal by <mr Ooorti. Tli« prtramplioa of 
 law ia againal tka intantioo |o abafidoa iba doBit«Ua 
 of origin. Bvary man'a domioila of origin iniial bt 
 pfaanmad to oonlinoa nnlil ba baa aoqolr^d ano«bit 
 aola domioila bj aotoal raaidaaoa, with iba intontloa 
 of abandoning bia domioila of origin. Tbia obanga 
 MWl ba oMimo #1 /aeto. {AtL Otn. ?• Momp 81 JLav 
 J.|U. «i4i a L.T. N.8. 488.) ' f^f 
 il)i daoida^ tKat Britiah anbjaeta, r«ddaol'#^ 
 p^t to flttrtdgt by «^ Wif mlUk MbM teif 
 Wbr« iba Marriaga Aot (A. D. 1758), f li., tba 
 oanon* law. Tbaraforo, wbara two BriUab rabjootii 
 baing FrotaaUnta, ware marriad at Hadraa by m 
 Portagnaaa Roman Oatbolio priaat, aooordiog to tb« 
 Oatbolio form, In tbe Portagnaaa Iftngoaga, in m 
 privata room, and tba oaramony waa followed by 
 oobabitation, Htld tbat tbia waa a Ttlid marriagti 
 tboQgb withoat a lioanaa from tba GoTamor, wbioh 
 it ia tba autom at Madrat to obtain. {La%Umt 
 T. TmdaU^ 2 Manb. 248; s. o. 8 Taunt. 880.) 
 Eyidanoa that Brituh aabjaota in a foreign ooantry, 
 being daairona of intermarrying, went to a obapel for 
 tbat pnrpoae, wbere a aerriee in tbe language of tbe 
 wmatiy ww xmA by » peraon habited U|e a pneat, 
 (a) Allry on the Coafliot of Lawa, 84 ; Hnberao da eon- 
 •lata lagna^ lib. ik. tit. 8, ■. 8 : Compton t. B^arwro/tt BoU* 
 _». P. 114; a Kiot'a Com. 92; lUtU r. MUU, » IiiJ. t 
 frob. 117 1 Jraa* f. Mnnth^ 7 Jar. N.S. 4gl!L 
 . r _ ^ 
 . 1 
 -.'•. »• 
 L .' 
 /I p 
 ^ asa ktimpinm Into IngUfli by the ofBeiaiiog einkf 
 vIlBk ifnriot iha pAities nndentood to be the nuib 
 l||i» iMMof the Ohnreh of JSnglaBd, and they 
 "mmni k eertiioate of the manriage, which vaa 
 t^mhmdM lof^ ii miffieieal wheMon to fomd a 
 fMimpOon (notiiittg appeanag to the eoatmiy) 
 ^t the iMiRiiige was dalj oelebiated aoooidiag to 
 thft law of that eoaa^, partioalaffly ^fUr eiefa« 
 jfaam* eoSabitaiJoa ae man and wife, f^l tka p«iio4 
 aHhtha^havd'adaaOi; and aiieh Mr^^9k fobjailf 
 beiag attached at the time ta <lie Bn^ anay oi 
 aerfioa i» auch foieiga ooaatiy, and ha^^ag la^lilarf 
 po ai a p aluu af the place, it ieena that a^ mp#ga 
 aitoilMl hj a piieHia holy ordeii («f whioh thia 
 wonld he zaa^oaabla eyidenoe) woia4 h«ra|podmar- 
 lilge hy the law of J&tgjM^ aa a aaaftiaga oooAiaai 
 per veifb0 4l|»rjatettf»'l»«j^^ llainagaAet; naiw 
 llag^a heyaod the sea beiog asoap^ oat of that a#} 
 and it would oiake no diffBjipenee if sQlemnised by a 
 Boman Catholic priest (JUae t. 3f e%p<<w. 10 JBsst^ 
 m) . . . ,^ "'>• '. .' 
 By the Oon. Stat F»il. ch. 73 (20 Via oh. 66), 
 paaild 10th Jaae, 1867^<£1^ ninistaia and deigy. 
 nan of oTarf chiuroh and laligioas denomiiiatioa in 
 Vnm Canada, daly orduaad o» appointed aad«4» 
 Ing to ihe rif^ti and eevemoniai of the ehaKvhai «r 
 daagniaationa ta which they laspasliT^y belong^ 
 and laodent ia Vj^ Canada, a^y liy yiitae of anoh 
 Ofdinatum or appointment, and aceoiding ta the rites 
 and naigeaof siish chuohesordenominati^aa rappeo- 
 ti?^, solenuiiie the oeievony of nnirivge batwaen 
 1 ■ 
 eootnet Aioli Duurrligcii" - Xi'-.-i^X'^'-'^'^r'- ["^-/[^ 
 r UiB hete to be nol«a, lilitt li^iUii^p^^ 
 Iklergymftii or mibitter of any denomination may ^ '' 
 •olemni^ tlie marriage ceremony betiTeen any two . 
 I^none not liieing legally diaqnaEfied, Ndw wbeiher 
 tiiU wonld be oonstmed to mean between any two 
 'lemons of the eame denomination as the olergyman, ^ 
 ^. whether the marriage of two 'memblBn of the 
 Mik of Bome by a Tanker minister Would W ' ' 
 yalldi may be a qnesdoii, bat it lookfTeiylike it; 
 By s<^. Z, " Every each minister most have a fieense - 
 iinder the hand and seal of the Oovemor, or else 
 banns mast be ^troclMmed pnblioly three^ times in 
 sc^me ohnroh or ohapel. By see. 8, marriage maiybe 
 " iniaed any where and at any time. By see. 9, 
 minlslier b^A Wp a'record of marriages> and 
 ^-^ a year^ retom thereof to the Begi^tnur (See. 
 |b. wim s^l file and record the same ^ aid in the 
 absenoa or death of the witnesses to a inanriage, the 
 Mgister; or a oertifie^ eopy of it, shall be soffieient 
 •videhpe Qjf amarrmg^. (a) Bee. 11 retidets >afid 
 '' eyeiy ]|iuiiage^^ between members 
 iof the i^digidas so<^ety of fHends, eommdnly called 
 Qai)cers (l>), i^d the ^deirllC 9r secretary mast make 
 ine retttm.' ;\rfi\ -'^ r:,- ....:■ :^>- ..".:;■', 
 r In upper Ganada^onibe plea of weimjiiiet ac0oii|^^ 
 efidenee of eohabitatton and repatation of marrbge 
 wiU be ai^eient In dower. It is not nepessaty to 
 («) -B«6i ¥. JfiMCfi, 1 C. JtP. 201 
 H) iUtoflotartiacMof <touikeraiaL.04tide^?li.9.1l^ 
* ■^■, 
 ph»?t th* mtfiiage !>7 penoof wlio wtw pnto^nt it 
 I Ihe o««moqy: (o) P«K)f of mwt^ 
 ind^ oohal»tiilio9 £» 20 or 80 yeut k taffideiil in 
 ^igoQtaiMt) And if the pnfnpiption ili«ee£roiii It tdle 
 ytlmUaaiit iiwirt be by pontiT* tttitimoiiy. (6) In 
 4ow«i> Q9bibite^n and repntfttfon hM MUent 
 jii^inption of » minitge to wadet nna^ceMtiy 
 p^oi pioof of a ii«n^ wlemi^ied (e)} bn( a pro- 
 ■ampOon of mtrrl^0 arising from notation m^ % 
 nbntled by proof ihat the woman formerly liired wi^ 
 anodier man, in sneb a manner la ^ laiae the same 
 preaomptbn of marriage witb bim. ^^e learned 
 Jo^ bdd, in this ease, that tbe^rfsampkions weiPft 
 «fidene^ a» wen for phdntiff aa &^siidant, and iha 
 jttiy mnit deolde. The pUdntiff having pnt in ft 
 irill. In whiob ie teetatpr apoke of B/aa^bis wife, 
 Wia l^ft estopped from ^ danytng the marriage. (^ 
 Msrf^igM eontraoted in Irehmd, between membeii 
 ^ a4 Ohnreh of Bngland and Bealyyterians, 
 «^bi#6d by minii^ers not beloq^ng to the 
 ^ndi of Sn^d, «re legalised by the Imperiftl 
 ^8^ &ft«in<k(^^26,and snohmaniageBeiia- 
 bialed b^bra that aot was passed are Icigd inainagw 
 in this oonnftiyi (e) A eeitifiesto of nmniage I9 a 
 (•) Burner r, W^m, Midi, ttna, 5?le.; nphdd in 
 w.^rgmi, 2 Or. A J. 468 ; Leader r.J^m } «V- g» ? 
 Tajtor w«vld«io«, 114, 871 ; Dwt. FUmimt, JBiag. 2«8; 
 BTw. SkHSumd, Bow. S.C. MS ; 1 W. Btook, 867. 
 (c)fl^<4^««««.T.li«w.«^C-C.P. 810. ^ 
 (in Omife t. 2%oMa9, 10 U.O. Q.B. 604.. 
 <<) Doe ^ il^Mihy T. JNsi9> 2 U, C. B. 840. 
 ^laglttfifo; in t1i« following ton: <'I do hereby 
 certify that I have thie day married A. and .B. tooord- 
 Jog to the Church of England," duted in 1801, with 
 proof of cohabitation and reputation, but withont 
 proof of publication of banns, BM sufficient to 
 establish the marriage against the efidence of coha- 
 bitation and reputaUon of marriage with another 
 person alive at the time of the second marriage ; 
 defects of form in such cases being cured by 11 Geo. 
 IV. oh. 86. (a) Where a marriage has in ikct been 
 proved, evidence of repntatbn and oohabiUtion ia 
 not sufficient to eetablish a prior marriage. (5) In 
 . all cases of «ow2a&& marriages, if the husband $e 
 ^before the tnarriage be avoided, the wife will be 
 * entitled to dower, (c) Marriage may be proved by 
 parol testimony, even though a memorandum of it 
 hasieen kept in a register which 4he laj^ requires to 
 be kept {£) 
 Xn some oases the contract of marria^ ]S» in its, 
 oiwn nature, a mere nnlUty, as for instance in the; 
 ease of bigamy. '' If, n man seised of land, tenen 
 ment, rent, &o., in feeVjtake a wife, ai|d dnrini; the 
 same marriage, he marrieth another infi», and' 0e 
 husband die leaving botlfViveei the h^ wifei^iall 
 not have dower; because ihe^Bpinagebl^ween them 
 was vdd» And.if |ii1iRmiilin!t^^ bufiband, and 
 "> ' »■ ' '" ■ 
 («) Doe dilii. Whtdtf^ v. JfcFittMMw, 2 U. G. B. 77. 
 : i^) Doe d«ia. WktOw v. Mt Wmam, 8 V. 0. B. 166. 
 («) Piriie on Dower, 21 ; ^Mm t. JTe^W^ m^«. 
 iii Tajlor on Bridenee, TSn ; Bm^m t. JTofwcM, 2 C. ft 
 J. 468; le. V. iiUMom B.&B.169; iSeed v« PeMir, fea. 
 B. 282; Boseo^s N. P. Bv. 2. ' ; 
 I "e' 
 '•■]'■ ^yfw^^- ■■'■■■■ 
 i^g^^ Mimeltttifw^ 
 bttncl, wBo is aeiaed otf Iftta^ In fee/ iiiid the Mowiid 
 JhulMiid die, she shad so| litYe doir«r of his ]uid> 
 eaiiM poUt.*' (a) And lee ftWe m to miurriigt 
 11^ Ik deoeased will's f^^ v ^ 
 In the eMes of nutfriageB in ft^gn conniHe8| \i 
 ippetn to he adopted hj the eonrte as a geneiil 
 ^ndple, thalt^ if solemniied juscording to the lawi 
 lyftheoQttntiy where conttaoted, they shall he ae- 
 knowlecigid here as legal marriages (^) ; and it was 
 admitted tiy.liord llardwioke in ^Roach t. Oarvon^ 
 (e) .ihat the sentenoe of a fordgn conrt/ Kathi0 
 jpfop^r Jwritdieiion, is oonblnsiTe evidence of mar- 
 riage firom the laws of nations in snoh oases (d), as ' 
 flherwise the ijghts of mankind wonld he Tery pre- 
 tiarioos and nnoertain. >!the same doetrine hils heen 
 laid doim hy Lord Mansfield inJ^obinsim r, JBlantt, 
 (e). Bnt reasonable oTidence^of the odebratioii of 
 i^e marriage, alOiongh widlont sentenoe w^tild^ it is 
 |ipprehei|ded, he s^oient in^dowety irhere no db> 
 enmstanees appeur to indnoe donhts tHi^ther ih« 
 lam of the eonniiy were eompBed with. (/) 
 (a)Perk, mo. Sd4» 806; Parfcoiidowtri ll; I^kr M 
 ^,904; Oro.^fs., 858. - . ? ♦ ,, 
 V^ ^VS Bvrr l(y7t; 2 KeBt*t OMi.-92;"M0 site laft^ 
 Wiiffht, 8 Jar. N. 8. 485 ; Brook$ ▼. ^ooki, 7 Jar. N. 8. 
 422. ; ■ 
 (e) 1 t«a> Ben. 150 ; Park on Dower, 2fl ; Ttyle^ oa 
 |BT.,ll8d. . ^ ^ 
 ^ (d) Btoiy tm the Ooafliet dr Laws, M; 2 S«nt^ Com., 
 •2 i Bro0k$ ▼. Bro0k§t 7 Jor. N. B. 422.. .» . 
 J ^ 1 fiL^9; Parlc<mDDWar^2l« ^ T f 
 (/)rirk<m Dowers 22. A ./^ 

 Th/t ^tiittSSf k SD fteli6o Ibr etim: iBOil.| k bond 
 to pM»¥« s numriage Tftlid in all respeoto, and H is 
 not laffioieiit eTidenot on his pifft to show that ho 
 and his alleged wife went throngh a religions etre- 
 moay/with the honaJicU intention of thereby oon- 
 traeting i ^alid anurriage, and afterwards lived 
 togeAer as man and wife, in the belief that they had 
 thereby eoatraoted a vali^ marriage, if, in Uw» iph 
 imniai^ was not valid. 
 ^^ A marriage between Englidi snbjeets, celebrated 
 Meording to the rites of t^ €h«roh of EnghM^d, bnt 
 not in the presenoe of a priest in holy orders, is valid 
 at the iXMttmon law. CatherwoodY, C'aalon, 13 
 IC. k W. mi; Hegina i. MiUii, 10 Gea. <fe Fin. 
 584 i 7 Jnr.dU, 983; Be^y. ifottuMnfi^, 1 PMr« 
 &B^0.q.B.l32,18&. ■ 
 ' l^mriagie is pvesitmed between a J^ew and a ohriso 
 ^an woman npoB the w«|^ of eridenoe in the 
 abaenBa bf dinot psoof of a eeremomal marriage, (a) 
 Where in SAMtion of dower tl^ 
 •tBp0m etldeime of bofaa b tta ti on and reputation to 
 prove th^ maiviagB said to have ti&en plaoe in the 
 United States, and finled, the oonrt under iheeir» 
 onmstanees ofthis oue refused :» new tr^d. (^} 
 In England npon the plea of ns wtqwn accoiipU 
 a wriigoes to tiio bishop ibt h|s eeitifioate of the 
 imparla^ («), efoept the marriage jfo celebrated 
 <•> ^MpHi Vi. 09odmmh.i J^. N. di*,mi 9»Jt, h 
 '<31ian. 745. 
 (fr) 2 5to-i««T. i)oto«n» 14 U.e.Q.B. 687.. * ^ ' '. ,' 
 it) B«Tloii*8 ?nM.» vol 2, p., 907; ^s* on^Beal '^9^ c* 
 tions,m - ; • 
 a> ■■< , ,'^ 
.V -V^ 'i 
 ' • ^ 
 ■ ' * ■^ ■■ , ■ ■ - ' •■ '^ ' 
 <mt of England, in wMoli eue it wut be tried \iy a 
 iniy (a). The iasae has always to be tried by a 
 jary in this oonntry. * ■ ' * / 5»^ C ,- 
 -The 24th Via, chap. 46, enacts, " after reeiting 
 that doubts exist as to the Tslidity of marriages eon- 
 traoted as thereinafter mentioned-^l. The mar- 
 riages of all persons, not being under any canonical 
 disqualification to contract matrimony, which mar- 
 ,riages had been publiqiy contracted in Upper Canada, 
 before ^ny minister or miniijkeis, who was or wtee^ 
 prior to the passing of the aot of Upper Oanada, U 
 €ko. lY., chap. 86, allowed to solemnise matrimoiiy, 
 before haying obtained, and ^ithout such minister 
 haying obtained^ a license firoW the Quarter Ses- 
 sions under the said act, or aj certificate from the 
 Begisfarar of the said county, under the act of Canada, 
 la* 11 Vic, ch. 18, are hereby declared to have 
 been valid, and shiill be consider^ as good and valid 
 in law, and the parties to suchj marriages, and the 
 issue iheredf, shall be entitled to all the rights, and 
 subject to all the obligations arising from sueh mar^ 
 tiages, and, the consanguinity resulting therefrom; 
 any law or usage or custom to the contrary in any- 
 wise notwithstanding. • . / ^ i 
 <<(2. In case either party to aHy sueb mtirriagejuui 
 eontraeted a subsequent marria^ before the passing 
 of t^ sot, this act shall not be construed to invali- 
 date sitjsh snbsequjBUt marriage, , but the vdidity 
 thereof shall be determined as if this act had not 
 been passed." ^ ' 
 i (a) 'JUerton v. ttdertion, 2 H. JSl? 146. 
"■ft, '"jj""^*'""' ' ~t jj'TPr \ 
 V It is illegal in ibis ooaniiy, as it :Was in B^gUnd 
 before tbe 26 Geo. II., cbap. 28, to marry by lieense 
 wbere eitber of tbe parties is under twenty-one, witb- 
 ont oonsedt of parents or guardians; and tbe want 
 of oonsent is a breacb of tbe bond giyen on obtai 
 ing snob license, conditioned tbat tbere is no k)innl 
 oanse or impedimibnt to binder tbe marriage^ iSeik- 
 5/0, ibat tbe eleventb clause of tbe statute is not in 
 force in tbis country, and tbat sn^li^ mattiage it 
 not Toid. (a) 
 (a) Begina t. Roblin, 21 V. C. B. 252. 
 ; .*" 
 'V. -J 
 "V #; , ■: 
 ■:'-.. - ■■' 
 ' i 
 f ■ . 
 ' : ■■A 
 '■■ y-' 
 1 .« 
 :.f^ ■■'■ ,'' 
 ■ '. 
 ■ v->V': 
 ^ ''■";■■:■ 
 ' . 
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 - •• ; 
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 ■j, ; • 
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■ '^WK^J.IBnS^^!^^ 
 ■ \ ■ , 
 . 'ft,; ■ 
 • 'SjC" "■' 1 -^ 
 ■'.:::"■ SEISIN.:'' 
 The next important considention is the rale re- 
 gtrding seiain. " The husband of the woman claim- 
 ing a dower most have had seisin of the lands and 
 tenements whereof dower *is claimed^ during the 
 oorertiire." (a) ;-, '„ I'l.^'-' '■.'- ■':. 
 By the 0. 8. IT. 0. ch. 84, s, 2, "when a has- 
 hand hath been entitled to a right of entry or action 
 in any land, and his widow would he entitled to 
 dower out 6f the same if he had recovered possession 
 thereof, she shall he entitled to dower out of the 
 same although her husband did not recover possesir 
 sion thereof; hut such dower shall be sued for or 
 obtained within the period during which such right 
 of entry or action might be enfi>roed." 
 The husband must have had seisin of the land la 
 severalty at some time during the marriage to entitle 
 the wife to dower. Therefore in joint-tenancy the 
 wilh of the tenant dying first, is not entitled to 
 dower; and if there he two|oint-tenanis in fee, and 
 one makes a feoffment, the wife has no dower, (b) 
 The maxim applicable is **Jiu accretcendi pr^ertur 
 oneribui" And the reason seems to be that the 
 . Mi l II ^.^Bi— —i»^^— lllll ■ l^P—— ■ ■— ■ ■ ■■!■ » ■ I ■■■■— ^M^i—— P^^— H»— p— ^Biw— M^ ' 
 (a) Park on Dower, 24; Go. on lAi, 81«. < 
 (b) Ck». <m lit. 81 b ; Williims on Rofl Proporty, 191 ; 
 8topli«n's Com., vol. 1, p. 816 ; Batkell v. Jnruier, 12 C. 
 P. 888. 

 land nerer wm !h tlie liiiitoa^ Mistfi, m/Bpk'm 
 Bubjeot to tihe, paramoniit oltim of tl»6 ronivOf, «ii4 
 thetefbre there wts no 8ei«n oat of whieh do^er 
 oonld arise. («) In Ohio it ia held that the "fy$ 
 aterew&ndC* doee not exist to the ei^ohision of th| 
 right of dowet in the widow of joint-tenant ftral ^ 
 dying (6), hnt the widow of & tenant in common ll 
 entitled to dower, (e) It' is anffident that the hM^ 
 hand have a seisin in law, withont heing aotai% 
 sei9ed (<0f i^nd any period of lime however i^ort is 
 sttffioient to make sneh a seisin as dower will attach 
 ' npon, hut a transitory seisin for an inatant when the 
 sameict that giTcs the estate to the hnsbandy con'> 
 Teys it out of him, as in the case of a oonnsee of i 
 .fine;. is not soffioient to giro the wife dower. (0) 
 Bkokstone's ^reason for the wife's not heing enti* 
 tied to dower in this case, is that *Vthe lahd wa« 
 merely in tranntu and nerer rested in the hnshand, 
 the grant and render heing one continued act f* bnt 
 he adds, as regards the time, "it the land abide 
 in him for the interval of hnt a single moment, it 
 seems that the wife shall be endowed thereof." (/) 
 BroughUm t, MandaU, ia in point. (9^) A fkther 
 was tenant for fife, remainder to his son in taO, 
 ■ \- 
 i''i li'l'li 
 (a) 8tepkMi*8 doB.» ToL 1> p. 816. 
 (6) EtnVa Com., toL 4, p. 860, noU («). 
 (e) Ham t. Bam, 12 U. a a B. 497. 
 (d) Co. OB lit. 81a; G. S. U. G. oh. hi- 
 (<j Co. oa lit 81 6 ; Nm\ t. JPram, fk. Car. 100; 
 Buytfv. Ai^l Aft.442. / 1 
 (/) 2 Blaek. Com., 182 ; "HA fk DdWW, «. > 
 iff) Noy. 64 ; Cro. Elii. 608 ; Park on Dow*, 4i; iiiyd 
 IT. 3iMyrf, I Atk. 441. *^ .. 
.» (■ 
 f ' 
 nnuUnder to tlie right hein of the fttlier. Bolh 
 falher and «on were attainted of felony, and exeooted 
 at the aame time, both being hanged in one cart, the 
 ■on not having anj issue of his bod j ; and it being 
 proved by witnesses that the father moved his feet 
 after the death of the son, it was foand by verdict 
 that the fitther was seised of an esUte in fee of 
 which his wife had right to be endowed, and the 
 jrife had jadgment accordingly. 
 In the United SUtes this doctrine of transitory 
 leifin not giving right to dower, is exemplified in 
 the case where the husband takes a conveyance in 
 fee, and at th^ same time mortgages the land back 
 again to the grantor, or some third person, to secure 
 the whole or part of the purchase money. Dower can- 
 not be claimed is against rights under that mort^ 
 gage (a); but upon. foreclosure qf the mortgage and 
 sale of the property, the widow would be entitled to 
 dower out of the bsJance, after deducting the mort- 
 gage debt. J '7'//' r 
 ' The rule with regard to suj)h transitory seisins, as 
 decided in the Stated, would appear tb be that 
 whenever the husband has a transitoix seisin for 
 the purpoie of alienation, then the wife ihall not 
 be endowed ; but if the seisin though momentary is 
 not for the purpose of alienation, and is not rendered 
 of sneh brief duration by the act <>r intention of the 
 hoaband, then the wife shall be endowed ; and the 
 nme rule is laid down in an English work, (b) 
 However in contradistinction to the above law, it 
 (a) Kent's Gom.,^ voL Iv., p. 89. 
 (6) Bissett on Estates for We, 76 H »tq. 
 ■ , ; ■ . . :: ■.'.■■■ r '• "* H _• ■ _ / 
 litt t)Mii i«td In <mr oourtfl tbat where an eiUte wm,2S 
 oouTeyed'toft vendee, and immediaUily mortgaged 
 back again to the seller to iecnre payment of the 
 pnrohaae money, that the widow of (1^ moitgagor 
 was entitled to dower, (a) 
 Thia deoiwon has been oonfirmed on appeal by • 
 .majori^ of six Ji»kes to one, in y^<m ▼. Smith, 
 7 U, 0. L. J. 2e8.^Chief JnsUoe Bobinaon being 
 ihe diaaenaent in boUi oaaes. Krten, V. C.> wy 
 «The caaea which have owJurred in England ate 
 «aae8 where property h|ui been conveyed to one Ibr 
 jthe naes of anothex«*-the effect of which under 1^ 
 Btatnte of niiea is to cotftey the atatp to the paitif 
 for whoee nse it ia conveyed to the person Hw* 
 named, who only acts aa a conduit to convey it to 
 the party intended, and in which first party Aer^ Itf 
 only an instanUneons siHsin, no*«ntitlingft widow 
 to dower. But the case is different when the moffe; 
 gage and deed mie one transaotioB. In that case ^ 
 the peiBon is by the deed fofly and perfectly seised 
 of the esUte until by his own act (noi the ad 
 0/ amothef) be parts with it by executing th« 
 .nort|^ilge; :'r'-''- '\- ,:■■::: _ 
 And Sir W. Bladtstone says (8) " The seisiu of 
 lihe husband for a transitory instant only, when th« 
 tame ad which gires him the estate conveyi it also 
 <mt of him again (as where by a fine^ bnd is granted 
 to a man, and he immedUtely ren|8tt it ba* by the 
 same fine,) such a seisin wiH not entitle the wife to 
 dower, for th^nd was merely in trarmtu." It is 
 (*) f^lto V. Jftiriri, 1*^ e. Q. B. 4W. ^ 
 }^^ Com. 1«1 ? Crnisa's Bi^flfrii vsL i, f. Wk 
 '3B'' . 
 ^ * 
 olM«nrtb1« tBat tiae worda are **iaih€ act** and tlili 
 appeara to b« the oorreot reading aoeordiog to Mr«^ 
 Park in hia traatiaa od dower, pp. 48 ei nq.; \m% 
 ■gain at p. 187 io apeakiog of dower of aqoitiea of 
 redeBBptioo he aaja " The mle thai a woman ia not 
 dowable of an eqniuble eatate being onoe eatabliahed|^ 
 il foUowa, aa a neoeaiary oonaequence, that {t tht 
 hoaband makea a mortgage %n ft before fnarriagai 
 the wife will not be dowabfe of the equity of redemp^p^ 
 |ioD. If indeed ihe money waa paid on the da|^; 
 BMned in the condition, the eatate wo|iId reyeat^^^ 
 th^ hipbandy and the wife become dowable; bnl^' 
 •obaeqiient payment of th^ mortgage money by ttiig^ 
 ^haaband win render her dowable, if he diea belbr« i; 
 teoonreyanoe of the legal eatate/' (o) It la aab* 
 aitted in PoUm t. Msjfert, and Smtih % Norum^ 
 that the deed and mortgage Were both ezecuteC 
 during oovertare, though the qneation ia not directly, 
 •llnded to. The practice in Canada is to caoae thtf. 
 wife to bar her dower in the mortgage. In Englandk 
 ihe huabaod can now bar hia wife'a dower by a deo|a7 
 fation in the conveyance without her joining. 
 It ia clearly laid down in Baoon'a abridgment that 
 ''The wife shall hold her dower discharged of ja^ 
 inenta, recognisances, statutes, mortgages, or anjf 
 iOther inonmbraaces made by the hosband after maiw* 
 liage, because after his death her title, which is noif 
 oonsammate, has relation to the marriage and seisiii 
 of her husband, which were before t^e inoumbranoei.^' 
 'And ip the maigiB it say9| << The widow of a mort- 
 ia) Dixon ▼. SMIU^ 1 Bro. C. C. 826 } 2 Pow. Mori 
 720; Park oa Power, 187; Craiae's Digaat, vgL l..p. 17X 

 iftfor not bftmd o( her dowtr if fU did pot Joio^^S:"'' 
 lA tM mortgage, (o) 
 ^9L ednveyed Itnd to B. in 1888, and oti tb« same 
 day took back a mortgage for the whole parehaat 
 money. B. paid nothing for either principal or in- 
 tereat, and in 1840 reconytfyed abaolntelj to A., the \ 
 land being then Tenant. B.'a wife did nol join in 
 either mortgage or recooTeyanoei And eighteen yean .. .. 'R,^ 
 ^ifier B.'a death, bronght an action ageinst 0. who 
 bad pnrobased from A. aoon after the r«eonfeytnce, 
 •ad li^d, footed Talnable bnildings. Heidj that the / 
 •eialn of the bnaband B. waa eoaiplete) and that the 
 wi^w ifaa entitled to dow«r.<^i^K< t. ilfiryer«, 14 ; 
 U. 0. Q. B. 409 affirmed.) Smiih r. Norton, f V. \ . 
 e. L. J. 268 ; in Appeal, 20 U. C Q. a 218. In 
 • deolaiatiott in dqfp«r there waif no aterment that 
 the bnaband died aeiaed and no damages elaimed« 
 Plea, "n$ unqum •eUie gue dower.** It appeared 
 that a patent for the land issued to otoe K., and » 
 ^tnees was called, who proved that he was one of 
 tb^ snbMribing witnesses to K.'a will, bnt the will 
 waa not prodaced and no evideblie. of its oontenta 
 gifeoi It Wis proved, however, that B., the per- v "^ 
 •on from whom defendants purchased^ derived Utle^^L^^:, 
 ibnragb P., who had held a bond fbr a deed from, 
 the patentee, and that P. before he sold to B., toolt 
 • quit claim from M. ot aU hu interett in the land, - - 
 eieeoted by M. only, in which it was stated ihal ,^, 
 At land "was devised by will to^ the said M. by K.; >C ;v 
 ^Ae original grantee of the Orowii." J9^^ that no • ■ 
 estopp^ afose upon this deed, and there was no ' . 
 — <#) Bae. Abr. tit P6wer Cl., p. 144. -^— — — 
 - k 
 "' "a 
 : f 
 ' ▼. AtKe, 20 U.O. Q. B. R. 20. W. 0. dMd seised ii 
 ' fte of lend, having dovised tlie nine to his wife Ibr 
 lili^ and >ft«c deetk \tk Ue sm^ tUe deB«idanl!a 
 boilHiid^ IB fee. The tailelor'» wldbw, tile de^ee* 
 fii^ lijfo, died be«>i# Ihe deiwAdMir* hmhiAd^ vA 
 ^ ' diuiDg her lifo His inleieet wie sold «nder*>l./ii» 
 ka^ aad ooQvejed to OM J., who hftviiig iMeoYtnd 
 v/poiMssioii^ sold to the temuit, who mortgaged hadi 
 ' ftgaia to JF., hat ooatlnaediB pos se ss i on. It wsa iMi 
 shewa whether aU ibe inoi^;^^ aioaey had boiV^ 
 paid ornot ; bo^ the tine for ptgrmeat of seveinl liii 
 the iostelmeata Ud aok ansTed. BM^ the* tili 
 demandaal ooald not suooMd^ Ibi the tenaai wit 
 not tenant of the freehold, bnl the mortgagee ; txit 
 was the hnsband ever so seiasd at to eatltia hiA 
 to dower, for his reveownarf Intensti wai 
 ttiiog his Uptime. Cwmamnff t. AigMirty 12 
 t. C. a B. 880. : :.;v;; ;. 'v,,:;-,, 
 Under the plea of m unjust «rii»i» possessieir!!}^ 
 tha hnshfind l^prim&fwsu OTidenoeof 8oiM% Ma^ 
 mm^Neue^ Easter Term, 7 W. IlT.rhnhiaft 
 sab^ement ease it was held thai the. damaiidant 
 eonld noiii^ allowed to reeoTor on mere avidaaoaaf 
 poBsensionJhy beg bnsband withowt pioMring hii tMk 
 <v JfbAiifoa 0|«x. l^ JK}6U!{, e U. a &. m. 
 In a eanse of jBbrrtt t. lf%itowMM»y triad at 
 Ciojden assiiesi bofora Bffr. JasUee Bofler, H Waa 
 Qonteoded that demaadaat ongbt to have shewn tndl 
 an estate in her hvsband as she was dowable of to 
 SQpport the issiie-^Plea, ne «»;•««* mam and Ibsoo 
 thereon.) EM^ poiBtmm wbA rtet^ ^ find 

 ^md /ach eiidenJe of t ft« dmpto eUate, 
 tnd if the p^rty in poaseenon had only a particular 
 uiaUf it was inoambent upon, and in the power of 
 defendant to ahew it. Wentworth's Syatem of 
 Pleading, Vol. X, p. 161t 
 A, oonvfl^, withont eomnderation, to N. W. a lot 
 of land, who takea it and remains in pomession some 
 jWB and leayea. A. anbseqnenily oonyeys to T. W. 
 Ibr valae the same land. I^pon a plea of ne unguet 
 aiiit que dower in an action for dower bj the widow 
 of N. V. against T. W. Beld, that the first 
 deed being without oonsideration, was fraudulent at 
 against the second, and that the olum for dower 
 ,|Dested upon the seisin under it, was not snstainai- 
 t>lB. (a) ^ • ^ 
 (o) WSiMi ▼. WUnth 8 U.-C. 0, P. 626. 
 J % 
 ^^f. ? 
 . T ' 
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 V '/r??^; -"'^'* ' / ' 
 Upon ibe death of tlie hiubind tlie title «f tbe 
 wife beoomes oonsiimmate) vod ber right to raoo^ 
 opinineDces. -';''''' -; ; ■ ;■ \" 
 Mr. l^ark lays it down that this question of tbe 
 death of the hosbaDd is not triable by jury in a writ 
 of dower, bat by tbe Oonrt jmt teite§ (a): and it has 
 been said that, after the Court ha?e given judgment 
 upon the proofSi;^ tbe matter iBball never be brought 
 in question again%pon bettei^ prooft, for this is in 
 effeot to attaint the Court,, and impeach thwr 
 ^radit (h) By the 0. B. U. 0., oh. 81, s. 2, «iLU 
 iasnes of fiioC now or heteafter joined in any aotion, 
 real, personal or mixed, brought in any of her 
 Majesty's oour^ of justice -within Upper Canada, 
 and the assessment or inquiry of damages in any; 
 such action, the trial or assessment of Which is not 
 otherwise proTided for, shall bcutried and determined 
 or assessed and inquired of by the unanimous Terdict 
 of twelve jurors, duly sworn, &c. The deaUi of the 
 husband being a question of fiust,. must be left to t 
 jury in Canada, the same as any other issue of hoi. 
 , As to the mode of prooi^ any direct evidence, such 
 as attending his deaUi bed or his fnneiil, fto., will 
 (a) Park on Dower, 247; Hkomf, Bx^^ I^. 186; llodr^ 14. 
 (6) Hard, 127. . 
y<* . ■■.. 
 .j^ -: 
 ''■; , '«y 
 ^gwer. Doaui wffl be pfcmm«i4 ilw In cMe of > ffgjS 
 ooDtiDued llnexpl»i^ed abdeuoe from borne for seven mmmm. 
 iewB, and the non-reoeiptiof intelligenee oonoernio^ 
 ihe party (a) ; but ibe jni|r may prewme the fact of 
 death in a eborter period jtban seven yeara if other 
 eircumstanoes oon«|f : Mjif » party when Uat heard 
 of was aged, o^ in^Jt'^" (*)» <^ »»»* »ince^ been 
 eipoBcd to extrJHfcylpoiril as a storm and pro- 
 'Jbable sbipwreek)W^W« ^'w' «' *« ^^^ ^'"« 
 #live or dead at ^y partiinlar period within, or at 
 |iheend of thi seven years, mnst b0 proved by tM 
 iparty assertina that fiwst. (<0 
 :Where a paby who takes under a will has nol 
 been heard of Wwven years, the testator havi-^ 
 died after threa years had elapwd, and adver^ 
 ments, iasned on\the death of the testator, faUind; to 
 produce any information, roch legatee mnst be/pr^ 
 snmed to have sni^ived 4hd testator, and canWot be 
 presumed to have died at any particular period during 
 the seven years. C«V The law may presume dpath 
 after seven years' Wwence, but not^ihe tim|'of; the 
 ; death... (/) ,\s'-. .:-".>■_;;■■ 
 In Ow ca*r«f |^i|2<^^ Strong et alp) 
 it Was proved ^t A. yas bust seen in this province 
 >;,.,■.:;,..-;: — — '^- , :. : , : . ^ " ' ; ' 
 L J <a) Tay. on Br. 127 , ffopewM ▼. D* Pinna, 2 Cattp. 11«. 
 (*) Rex ^.Harboumtj 2 i. k B. 644 ; T»y. on Bt. 129, 
 (c) ITottoav. King, 1 Stark. 121; Roacoe an Br 88. 
 (rf) Do4^. ir^tan, 6 B. & Ad. 86; la E^ror, 2 M k%. 894. 
 («) />imfi ▼. Snowden, 11 W. E. 160 ; /« re 2*m«lait, 80 
 , Bmt. 161. X 
 (/) If^tan V. i>M dm. Knight, 2 M. & W. 894. • 
 {^) ^U.C.B.6X0. 
 > M 

 ■* \r 
 .^v ' 
 • V 
 ^ In Deoeml^; 182f7| and w» jne? er •ft«nnrd>'&«fi 
 oil AJi,/a, againft X/n Iftndfl wm plaloed in th* 
 SheriTs hands, on ISOi Jnly, 1888, tested 29tli ' 
 Jnlriby 1888. The bdr of A. bron^t . ejeciment 
 againat jtlie pwoluMier iinder tha SheriiTa sale, an^ ' 
 endeaTOwad tb raooTor .npon iha ground tffaa^ aftor ' 
 ao^many j4JKt$ (about 16) had ekpead ore? and aborw 
 the aeyen jealai' ihe Uw preanmed Ji. to.haVe been 
 living aboe he waa Uwi^ heard of.. ' tlie preanibption 
 i^ h^ did not die till' the expiratipn of the aoTea^ 
 yeuiry tl^oagli thore was no oirofamatanee in evid^noe 
 toibe^ ihaft he dieciearHer, was at an end, and that 
 It wai^ inomnbent on the piurohaaer at SheriiTa aale 
 to ahew, thai he did not in ftct die t3l alUr. the 
 aerenth year, and Ihat the Jmr dM>iild lie direotad to 
 find whether he did or d^iLwi^ die wtthin the teMi^ 
 of aeren yean. ' Ba^ htld, the proper cUreefnon tp 
 giye the jiiry was, that at the end of foren yean the 
 faot ^f dea^ ntui to be preanmed and no! aoener, 
 iinleaa there waa aome efidence aifeoting Ihe proba- 
 Inlity of life OOntinning aa long, and also that it waa 
 inenmbent on the heir of A., and not upon the poiw 
 ehaaar nnder ihe'>S;^., to lAew whan A. died. 
 ; " ■ v t ■■-,■■■ ^■' ■' :■:-■■ :■ ■■' \ '-•^ :>,... 
 HBni^ii . . . 
 '-'■:■. ■ ' .■ 
 :;•;..■;;.-■:;.'., •■>-^.-. '-■-■' ,.., '; .':-'"- - ■- ■ ;■' ■ .'' ., ,"■,.'■•''■■'.'■ ' / 
 1 14 n L*t^ij*i 
 (*" ,' 
 ■. ."i •' 
 . • 
 -' ^ * 
 ?• iwtfoiii to llie doffi^aty, M of a lawi*,, *tt ^tArowpip, 
 frata, lent diMfgo, »iit eeck, oo«iiapiii %ttMO| lo; 
 ^g case : « If » wni is gnmiea toW %|»» ^^ 
 I iii4 tliefBMitoo teocpU <^ «»* %|w rn^fe, 
 tnd at the dajrv^C *lw paymdai the |eiw^ of ^ 
 iaa^B tendera tlie wiit iii^tKe husband, t^l»o wiO 
 not rtceWo the same, hot openly i^toea^^^^ 
 ^ aes befiw any peeipt bf^e fent>y hitt, orhy 
 any other in Jiis name, ^ *« hhii, &e., ind hefore 
 anytiingpMd toMm i^i the bame of ^^wsin df the 
 lent, &e., yet ^the wife AaU lurre dow^f ^ ^ 
 Dower dso i? ^ue of iron or other mines whieh 
 hate been wicnaght during oovertiirei. hilt not ^^ 
 mines unopened at the dsath of the hmOjand ; and if 
 the \tflA asngned for dower eontains an opepi^ mine, 
 the tenant may work it for her ownben^ hot it 
 Ill I iiii 
 . (•lK«at'8 CoBL Tol.4. p.40; P«fe 842,^46^ Mt; 
 q^. «I^Ut %% a ; Park OA Dow«, lift rt ««». . 
 . (6) ?tr]dii8, e. 878. ^ ' . 
 . / 
 / ^ 
 would be wute in her to open and work % mine (a), 
 and so of a coal oil well or a spriog of water. (Rex 
 T. ift/Aw, Cowp. 619.) * , 
 The Court of Gomnion Pleas decided "That the 
 widow was dowable of all her husband's mines of 
 lead and ooal, as well those which wei» in his own 
 landed estates, as the mines and strata of fead or 
 lead ore and coal in the lands of other persons, which 
 had ihl fact been opened and wrought before his 
 death, and wherein he had an estate of inherilanee 
 during the coverture ; and that her right tobe^- 
 dowed of them had no dependence on the subsequent' 
 continuance or discontinuance of working them, 
 either by the husband in his lifetime oi^ by those 
 claiming under him since his death." (ft) 
 When the husband exchanges his lands for otheit, 
 the widow may elect out of which Utnds she will be 
 endowed ; but she eannot have dower ii^R&i, 
 although the husband was seised of both during the 
 coverture (c), and note that the exchange must be- 
 proved in proper technical form and by deed, (d) 
 A power to lease and manage his real estate, given 
 by a testator to; his trustees, does not by itself raise 
 {a} Fitiherbert, N.B. 882 «. If » house bo accidentally 
 bnmed down, it is not waite. Roscoe on Real Aotions. 
 121,10». , ^ 
 (6) Stouffhton r. Letgk, 1 Tannt 402; Kent*i (W toI. 
 4, p. 41.< It is presam^ that dower would attach to aooal 
 oil well. '':\.' ■^■''■■■- ■" . \. >■ "'v ..•-';■'.:■>.'■"; \-v^> • 
 (e) Bae. Abr. fit. Dower, p. 1871 Piti. K.B. 149; Park, 
 on Dower, 261 i; Co. on. Lit. 81 6; Whiter. Laing, 2 UC: 
 C.P. 186 ; MeCteUan et m. ▼. Meggatt, 7 U.C.B. 664. 
 " 7 U.Ci'C.P. 41. ^ 
 'm-::- '■¥';:: 

 ■ • ', ; x 
 tU ,(*" 
 ' >■■<')■..•»:■ 
 IB implioftUoii of the teiUtor'i intenUon^ to VtemtJ^gj^ 
 hii wife from dower, to as to compel her to elect JfJ^'y 
 Id determioing the obligation pf the widow to elect, i>«»wrtifc 
 ibe Court will regard theintentitfn of the testator. 
 »pt«reot on the whole of the will. The amount of 
 ihe promion made by the will is a material oircum- 
 stanoe in indicating the testator's^ intoition. ( War- 
 huttim ▼. Warbuitonf U Jur. 416.) This <»8e WM 
 decided by Sir J. Stuart, V. C, but the authority of 
 Jt itfshalron by ,a decision |n Appedi in Parker ▼. :^ j 
 Sou>erbffy'i» Jur. 628/ where it was held by Lord ^ 
 Cntnworth, Sir J. L. Knight Bnlce, Xj. J., and Sir 
 vCK J. Turner, L. J:, thai all that is necessary, to raise \ 
 -ft case of eleotbtt is that tbere should appear oh the 
 &ceof the jrill an intontion which would be firus- >» 
 itiated by the claim of dower; And ffaU n. ffillyt , 
 HDriK & W. 94, decided that sucK an intention wad 
 shown by the testatoi^ giving trustees a leasing power ' J^ 
 o?er his real estate. See also O'MaraY. Cheynef^ 
 Jo. & Lat. 666; Gibton v. Oibtonf 1 Bru. 42. See ^ 
 also an article in 18 Jur. part 2, p. 197, on the abo?e 
 easeof lF<ir6litto» €Tfb^^ June, 1854..: 
 i A testator directed all the irents and income^ Kls 
 estate to be diyideli between his widow and dhifUen,: > 
 one share to each ^ the children and two to the * ^ 
 widow, her heirs and assigns for ever, and ptoeeeded^ 
 as Allows: "I hereby direct tha^ each child, on 
 attaining lus or her majority, receive his or her share 
 (after expenses of proper repairs ai» deducted), fo| : 
 his or her sole use." Sdd that this gave the wido# ; 
 an abeohite interest in all his estate, and that asulK ^^ 
 sequent devise over of her «hare, in the event of hw 
 ;>; .i. ■. ■■ 
 — -»-- 
 ' ; ■ . i" ■ -] ■ 
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 ■."■__ii '■. ■„ 
 -: :>fc--o'- 
 ■ ' \ 
 ■.;. ■ . . 
 . * 
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 ■ ■ '- ; 
 ■ - ; .■ i ' ,', '.^ 
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 ^* ^jing inUttale, mi Tspvgiuuit tnd fio|jl, aad that 
 ^^ the ohlldmi wen entitled to tke inooaie only on 
 mtteitting twenty-one. Tbe will dbo diraoted << O^t 
 too reid estate be sold without tlM nnMiinioiie ooDMnt 
 •nd diieetion of ell bj ezeeatoie/' and aleo gave 
 tbem power to Imj and eell, give and take tMei ki 
 fee eimpley In as ftill a inanner as if be were Bting, 
 and appointed bie widow ezeontriz, and F. and U. 
 ezeeaton tbereof. F. and H. reno)»noed probate, 
 and tbe widow alone proved tbe will. 3M ibat tbe 
 widow, under ibe detiae mentioned, waa pot to eieet 
 wbetiier sbe weald take ander the will or olaim ber 
 dower. (jKerrT. LtiOnMrn^ 8 Oniat, Oby. B. 486.) 
 4^ testator gate^aB bis boasebold fornitaro and 
 effiBots ia bis bonse to bis wife ; a peoaniafy legaoyy 
 debts, Ac., to be paid oat of tbe geaeral peisoaal^; 
 all bis teal estates to be sold by aaotion ; 4iad iben 
 one balf of tbe wbble itersonal^ and of tbe pp o eeeds 
 of tbe realty to bis wife, and one-feartb to a nepbew 
 oiie-felirth to a nieee. BiM that tbe widow was 
 bound to elect between her dower and the beae- 
 giten ber by the will A direetbii to sell realty 
 lied in a will is not ip itself alone inoonsistent 
 with the intention that the widbw should hai^e her 
 4!»wflr, as a power to demise would beu (a) But 
 whore a will ezpessly d<M^ares that |rhat is gi^eo to 
 Ihe widow is intended to be ia ^ of dower, aiid 
 where th«'Wi^w aoMpts it^ she is as mnoh bound 
 1^ her eleotioa in a oourt of Uw as in equity, (ft) 
 As to the'^time of eleotu^i where a testator made a 
 (a) jBtoMlHt^ T. Bmiing^ 3 Ki^ ft J. 67 ; 8 Jar. N.8. 686. 
 . (6) FaftoftT. WXL^ 8 U.O. Q-B. t»e2. * , 
 ,' . - ■ \ • 
 :■.■■' .•■, 
 S*' ■' ■ ■ - 
 '..-•■ -■■.'" /.■ ■- ■- ■■ 

 lloyyoii for Ikii widow wjeittmlj « liouor ■•*irfw^o/*3^* 
 tioa of Mj MttU Of inteiwit to whSoh aho migbt ^^fJ^JaV 
 «iii4iik4 MB hit widow, oat of Wi reid tad p«twiiAlD«»wrtifc 
 «tt»to, pad tht ooiaytd the fievinOii i« i«^)OKao«o of ^ 
 hw ri^t to dowel — ito than ii*toen y^M ifUr 
 tketortAter'i dentil the waientitlod to eloot (&^ . 
 ■ W. 0. h«<|«MitlMd to bit wife, ** upon oondntOD of 
 hef mtkiB^ no okim upon the MBidne," an tnnuity 
 ftirUfc;bntifaliemde«BfyoW»npontliereiidtto ^ 
 of hii prop«fty, he beqneetlied mato her no: part of 
 hlipropertj; the uinoily WM net to he paid ; and 
 he diiecM >^^ l^ropeHy raToitiag to hie eatate, 
 whether leaMhold or copyhold, ahonld aa aoon aa ihe 
 •mount waa obtained be inmediately inTeated, «hd 
 the intereat to bd received for the children of T. W. 
 JSMd thali the widow of the teatator waa entitled to 
 dower and alao to the annui^. (a) •> ^^ ^''^ 
 A widow cannot io fiur elect to take under a de^flft 
 aa to enter into poaaaaaion of the whole piopefty oni 
 of whieh ahe elaima dower, and yet ana for her 
 aoiffif^ ^hen thafc waa pnrt of the property eipwady 
 daviaad to her in lieu of dower. (6) A iridow dow^ ^ 
 ikble out of hjBT huaband'a hnda, hvdng elected ta • 
 jyike an annuity given by the will in liaiu of dower^ \ 
 ihe tiatator'a estate being inaufficient to pay the 
 kgaoiaa in fidL ilflli, the waa entitled tjo priori^ 
 over the other legateee. (c) If there be any ^al*' 
 (a) f«|A«feUT. W$tker^l, 8 Jur. N.fl. 814| Fiel^mnfi t. 
 Aantf^STMk 881. ; 
 (0) AoiUMiiiMft 1^ 2^ 1 8m. & Ck 4it ^ ; . 
 ■ fi.. ». 

 ^^•5^* t^ ^tidention for a tertamenUiy gift, well if At- 
 (hi»« relinquifhiiieiit of ddirer bj t>idow, iuob legtcy 
 '**'*' will b« entitled to preference of ptjment over the 
 other gonend legaoiee, which ere mete b^antiee (a) j 
 Bui rooh • legaej bu no prioritj where the teetktor 
 I«nTee no red etttte out of which tho widow ii 
 doweble. (6) ' ' '- 
 A widow is entitled to dower in Iwde pnrobaied 
 lllMft the Crown by her deceased hnsband, and 
 whereof he died possessed, althoogh no patent issued 
 therefor and the purchase money had not been ati 
 ' paid. - She is also entitled to one-third of the rents 
 and profits for six yean before the commencement 
 of the suit, (c) 
 * The wife of a mortgagee is not entitled to 
 • dower. (<f) ''-"'■''/■/"■--■■" : '-._'' 
 A widow was nerer allowed dower of a use ; not 
 is she^now entitled to dower out of a trust estate } 
 and w^en an estate is conveyed to a man by way of 
 mortgage, it is not subject to dower. («) 
 A widow is not dowable of Isnds assigned to 
 another in dowerl^JThemaxim is'rfos de dote ptH 
 npit debet, but this maxim does not apply unless 
 " " ..' ■ ■ ■ I ■ — ■' ' •■ ^ - ■ 
 ■ Si II • II I I I . 1 .. I I ^,. ' ■ ' 
 (a) JSurridff$'f. Bra^Ut 1 P.Wm. 127 j Bkmerr. MorrU^ 
 2 Yes. sen. 420. 
 (ft) Acey T. «m»wii. 6 Beay. J6 ; Wimams on Ex. 1169; 
 fftJh T. bendM* 1 »•»«* Ghan. Ca. 648 ; vide also WUl. oU 
 Ex. 1289 «tuq. 
 ie) Craig r. TmpUtm, 8 Grant. Chan. B. 488; 4 WIU, 
 4, Ob. i. a. 44; Bug. on Vend. 188. 
 (if) JSTamT. Bam, 12 0. C. Q. B. 497: bat aealSng. on 
 Vend. 887. " The wife of a trustee in fee or a mortgagee 
 in fee of a Ibrfeited mortgage is at law eatiUed to dower. 
 (e) Croiiss Digsst, toL 1,> 174. ^ 
 1 -.^ 
 dowtr he lotuillj •saigned. (a) If no dowOT two/Jgj'^ 
 aisigotd, it does not uke place. . mlliirte 
 1^ here a teetotor by will made ft protiaion for hiaDo»*W^ 
 wife, who waa >inarried to him before 1884, btlt did 
 not dedare that the proTiaion Wm to be in bMr of 
 dower. Aid thut the wife Waa not dowable oat of 
 freeholda which the'teiUtor hftd deviaed to traateee, 
 with ft diaoretiooftry power of aale, ftnd p^wer U> let 
 from jOftr to year in the ttiean time, (b) 
 By the 0. 8. t. 0. oh. 84 (4 Will. IV. oh. 1), ft 
 widow ia entitled to dower %nt of eqniuble eatates s 
 << When ft hoaband diea beneficiftlly entitled to fto 
 Intereat in any Iftnd which does not entitle bis widow 
 to dower oat of the sftme at law, ftnd aaoh interest, 
 whether wholly eqaitftble or pftrUy legal ftnd partly || 
 eqaitftble, ia ftn estate of inheritance in possession, or 
 oqaftl to ftn estftte of inheritance in possession (other 
 thftn in estftte in joint tenancy), then his widow 
 shftll be entitled in equity to dower oat of the ssme 
 land.": --* - ^ ">■■■;■-:,-,; ■■*--■■'•.■'■■ .' J^ 
 Under this statate, therefore, says 8ir Edwsrd 
 Sogden (c), ** dower ftttftohes on sn estftte contrftcted 
 for, unless it be otherwise provided by the hnsbftnd, ^ 
 the pnrohaser. And dower attaches not only on 
 eqnitable esUtes, bat on estates partly legal and 
 partly eqnitable, if the interest is eqaal to an estate 
 of inheritance in possession. The common nses to 
 bar dower, therefore, vis., a power of app^aintment, 
 ■ — ^ ■ — '■ ' '. . .. , ' m J '^^. — -" 
 (a) Cralaa, irol. 1, p. 174. _^ #- 
 (6) Tv^Ur T. IMOey, 6 Jar. N 8. 701i 
 («j 2 SoK. on Vend. 224, 10th edit ; ^iiaett ob Batates ; 
 ftnrlifiB, 112... , ■ .:.; ■ m":.;- ' -V. , 
 ■ lOI 
 ' JUU«, J 
 • ■ 

 Vi^ for th. ow«.f . llf., i.i«^ b«^ 
 IntUllj » *rt.to of i»h.riunc in po"-*""' 
 ^t tJco«-«»/.'«» <>«J— . th.t th. *J«t rf 
 «oh UmitaUon U to b« th. wif. of dowr. .-a U»^ 
 «Ml«.tioii would rffcot thrt ohjeot,^ although th« 
 kuthMid ihonM di« wiiod of the fto." ^t ;' 
 H.H. 4»»i«»d to truM-* hor frwhold p«»A« 
 JtaM. rt B, in tiurt, to wooiTo th« «mt., md ai« 
 t^ th.n«^itolio., 4,, of F. a, to tat A. 
 ^nU »d th«. to i.,.~k «».m«Wioo. to 
 kl»- W If ho ihonU dio mndrtf meh tgo, without 
 iMU Utiog rt his deoeaM, Ao., th«i «ioh «»u«»l^ 
 •tio« AouM b. wKo* f« *•>• •"■•" "* '^ 'f!^" 
 ">to whoa (and »» «»• '*• "«""*" «"«'/<7* "> ""* 
 Sftiaed twenty-ooo, then the tnutoos wo» to itaai 
 ■ „,„^~i of the pwmiM. iu tiurt «w him m fee; 
 taTifh. ibmld not louw my i-ue Knug »» his 
 d,o«- 4,., thm th. pr«nis« were to bohdi in 
 2S A. S. i. f«; .ad tf sh. sbouM not k«. 
 un, i.«to, *.., th»i 0T«. F. B...tU».rf tw«^ 
 iJe. jrfj thrt upon th. d»th of ». 8. wiOtout 
 liw. A. 8. tooJi woqytrirf. artut. m fc^ dotti^ 
 /2e(d «aw tli»t fi. 8., the widow q( F. 8, wiililLtW "^^^ 
 to doww DotwifclMUiidiDg ihai g^ 
 * fwr took effect («) 
 A panoa equiubljf enUtled to Unds (fo 
 . • person who lutd not p*id up hi» purelwi* monej 
 or obtained a eon? oytnoe) ereeted » mortgege thereon, 
 oont^inf e power of eele in d*fi«U of >jUJSnt. 
 Tlin p^« of mUi wee not tK^roiMd until ^« ^ 
 ^ » ^ of tlie mortgagor; nfterwnrdi tke widow of 
 lit mprtgngor filed n liiU egninet the pnroliMer for 
 dMrer in the mortgagisd premieet. A deitinrrer theieto 
 Sr went of equity was allowed; dower attaching 
 Ij to auoh eciniuhle eaUtes aa the husband dies 
 IMiaed of J the sale when made having relation to the 
 lime of creating the power, and thereby oTetreaoh- 
 togthe title to dofrer which had in the mmn Unm 
 attached. (6) «: • ."^ : ■;.>.-^^- r:.^..- :^^f^. : . \'' 
 lu equity, bills are filed by dowrefses io obtain 
 Ikeir dow^, but, to aroid objection to the juHidio* 
 tion, it la prudent slso to pray a diacovery of deeds 
 pr the like, (c) T%t was so in the case of Moor t. 
 JBlaek,C9B. Temp, Talbot, 126, and Urd Chancellor 
 Talbot oompelled ibe disooveiy |ind the assignment 
 ^ dower. In tba case of Curtis ▼. (hHU, 2 Bro. 
 Oh. Ca. 620, where tb» title to the dowei" was denied. 
 Lord Chancellor Ba^hnTSt ordered the bill to be 
 HBtain^d, wUb liberty Ut the plaintiff to try h«r righl 
 >»(a) Smith T. Spencer ttaU 2 Jnr. N.S. 778. ^ 
 Xh) SmUk ▼. SmUk, 8 U. G. Chan. K. 461. 
 le) At to dlscoTery of de«l» in powewioa of t.«na«t,^e 
 '■♦- • ' 
 rt Uw, tn J Ae Widow toning tttobliBhed her right 
 at liw, Lord Mvanley decteed her the relief prayed. 
 In ike caae of Jfiinrfy v. Mundj/^ 2 Vesey, jr., 12», 
 Lord Longhboro lays dj>wn that if a legal tide, such 
 •; dower, i« oontroverted, itmust be made out at lawj 
 Wt a court of equity will act in Md Of the toUe. 
 A widow filed her Wll for dower against aheneei 
 lif her husband. In orderto tnake out her titteto 
 dower, she was obliged to give in oTidence adeed by 
 which the estate had been conveyed to the person 
 W whom her husband daimed. This deed con- 
 iained a recital that the lepd estate waao^ljrtan^ng 
 in trustees. She also gaye in evidence certain ptdm 
 bf the Court of Chancery, to thew tirtt such w^ 
 Was nustJken. IfeW that $he was entiUei to a 5l«fo- /| 
 xence to ascertain the lands of Which she w«i 
 dowable. (a) , <^ , i. v' 
 A widow having again married, she tnd her hn^ ^ 
 Iwnd verbally agreed with the devisws, that she and 
 V her husband should enjoy ft certoin portion of the 
 estate during her. life in respect of ^er i«»*«^^ 
 iiiemn. JSiW that Oiis WIS binding ofi an 
 interested, as bang an agreement not within _^e 
 Statute of Frauds) and the Court restrained the 
 purchaser of portions of the estate from dtfturbii^ 
 4e doweress and her husband during her li^Ullme. (^ 
 (ay JRrn^^ ▼. MeNatty, U Ip. PtaUl. %.62,k,0. 
 ; . (6) i«aeA v, 5»«tP, 8 Oraat Chy B. 4«4. 
 T-— -^ 
 "j^*^^-^-*^- '^(fj-iiM^ ^tsi-j 
 A"' ■■ * 
 .«■., N 
 i Jfy Uie 0. 8. Ui €., ohap^ 84^ m. 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 jS?" * 
 • tnd iOy doweif ii»»y be luirreil Toy a manied womaD, 
 'ISntly (aeo. 4) by joinidg in ft deed or oonyeyaooe of 
 hpda in Upp^ Canada, with ber hnaband in wbiob 
 d^ % idewe^of dower is oontaitied. By aec. 6 a 
 married woman may alto bar ber dower in any lands 
 or bereditamenta by executing eitbir alone or jointly ' 
 wiih otber persons a deed or conveyance to wbicb 
 iier bnsband is not a party, eontsining a release of 
 snok dower. Sec. 6 reqnireH a married woma.n bar- 
 «ng ber dower, by deed or oonyeyance io wbicb ber 
 bnsband is Hot a party, to be ^tnined toncbi«g ber 
 ^ns0iit to be birwd by one of the judges of ibe 
 sap^or fiourte in Upper Oanada, or the judge oi 
 ibd county court or chairman or piesiding magis- 
 trate of the quarter sessions, or two Justuses of tbo 
 peace iot the county in which she restd^ or bap- 
 pens to be. Bee. 7 gives ibe form of tbp oertli^fct^/ 
 See. 8 directs that a married wonum being ^tbin 
 the United Kitigdom of Great Britain apd IreMii 
 or any of , her Majeaj^'s colonies, cflr the United 
 ' StatM, add thwe barring her doweic by any deed or' 
 < conveyance to wbicb ber husband is i^ot a party, 
 shall be examined, as mentioned before, by the 
 ; mayor or chief ma^trate of a city or town, if in 
 the United Kingdom, or if In i^ colony or on# of the 
 \ ^• 
 ^« ,'. 
 •*• the «.lo^.tlte. Md if .he give. •»•»« ~«"»V 
 „i the L. .ppeaii «o the peno- » ex.ou".g 
 " bf free «>i^m »«» -^ "^.f «* ""^f 
 l^lon, then ««.h p««« .hdl oeHif, « .boT- 
 B^^rMTtobe T.nM»b, the oe-*» «d rf *• 
 eufoTer whioh the, proUe, or^«nd«t ih.j»Jef 
 tkek<Aoa: Andtheceirtifi«iiteo£.,.ig»«»«»ta 
 verified bj fl» «»1 0* *• go'"™"* "^ *?* eeJo»y i« 
 I«!4,£.-irri7;.-» "l-n be «<6c tad to t« >^ 
 h.rdow«(tf theh»ibMd be not . p«t,) wita- the. 
 dinptiou meotioiiefl ebore ete-oomplied with. 
 ieZmght to -* th?^-»tjei.edto.d«dt« 
 ,„,^ die U»l or »Wi. dowe. the«.. to . |«^ 
 -ta«r, thoBgh the Bi^wWteiMBt i«imMd b» »* 
 ni'tia. Sy BO. h«. b^tad. » ^^"^ 
 OM JWe «>kiw«Wgme»t« »f W <>f do»|«r. " »- 
 ^kert* BO«iMe of bod. of*tb« «"•»' ^^ 
 jrtiew ?.t«.t -md, «*« »f *»:fi2i^ 
 rbrfogtb« woteied, »d rflen«rf., b»-8-^ 
 tied, obtained . p-.»t ,nd »«!« • -J* •«''»r! 
 t„t4.»»ep.rty. ifi«.*«'''»^°*r^^. 
 dto di«er to the Und » .he *- ..topped bj the 
 * deed mede befbis the prtent i maed. (<t) -tt^ 
 * *l 
 '? ■. 
fin to«i, dttriDg tb6 life time of th* trad^nd, iiiid«r ffij^y 
 ^ wild Iwidi Mseflsnent ao^ deatroyi tM nrf»| ol*«*«»^ 
 the widow of the owner to dower (b) ; Imt dow«^ l> ' 
 -• » 
 (M IWtitMHi t. iKtt, &Owmt'i Chy. B*»^ J0. 8. t. O, 
 wMtIsM, vr otlMrl«i»lrfjiiNMMitMU«f. iiil#eii«»l»«r 
 flketwtf, ««pt, &6. «!»• Ji^ J' !S*iSf-?22JJ^ 
 «Ml» la the BurohMer » eoBtlngent etttte whloheewpe^ wt 
 MriTeolwl mai the expiretion of » jw from ^^ate of 
 1»MB detori.iiiedth.t>ol»i«ifordMrer Wiy «»»J ™^ 
 «te et the time of the ex«CB6oa of the dej^ oowmjtee 
 d««« the* "tetoeet Id dower ehiai not be wmed »^ 
 STdebt dee to ih*1tl«gf> thel.#)«»4bMe KSttmeto 
 i£e heth* of en whiqh Ookhem yWde Ihrreewia^ijoit dto 
 5^Se on EcJl IProperty. 4th «d., p, m^; CriOje'e »U 
 STnSl t, p. 177. So# if • debt dne to the Crowii ei*. 
 S^xtlosoiiS • ^ileim to dower, e/ortfor,. f fjSi JSS^l^ 
 ttnalaiMlitv In the shape of Utes eeoeot extnitWe^ l«> 
 SrSeKit^ Btetpe the w!dop> rUriit > ^wei- tojjejjr 
 3i5%«di#s«elrelfeo«ieleneee. «'• J^wkwcll sp^kUg 
 SSfcteoee to this tery point says '^I^deP^deni ^J 
 Metnte*' tipo« eoamoB lew pdnelples* ehe ie not 5*?*J;*f 
 1^«r dewerlttsnoti ft eeee. By the; f^^** ^^'T •»lf *^ 
 stetntee in »id of It, dower eottld oely be barred by* 
 difdree « wmcuU, by eloping with «e •df\^'*» ^-Sj 
 ettftindtr of her hosbsmd for treeeOn. by detoimijj tW We 
 JeSXm Ihe h«r. V joiotnre in ••^^^•»iM*2j2 
 . has been reeogftlted In this eonntiy, the eowrt hoMin| «iat 
 hsf ^ww^tetaSiaiy eesebt or mieoeednot Was nece sseigr to 
 ber hsr right of dower, «id th^no ijt^ '^'J^JSRS 
 40 9otndL .:; 
 baDd'Bludi. (a) Bo^er irUl belmned if notjmjd 
 for within twenty y^ '?*^ **'*'^^ 
 hosband. (b) ' ' ' ,' . , ^ j ? 
 Whew a ^idow eleet» to tAe what is devjped to 
 W expwMly in Keu of dower, she ii as mnch bound 
 by her elooin i^» court of law as in equity X«); 
 and if ihe husband haye exchanged lapds, and ttw 
 widow elects to be endowed of the one, she is barred 
 of her dow^ ia^he4>thfir. J^ wnnotUve d^ 
 .ittboth. V i a TT It 
 . In an aglon for dower by T. T^ and 8. H., Ws 
 ^life, in lands of the foyper h usband of 8. H., the 
 Oil2rtI!S«istht oomet dlitlnflflloB, which it tliat If ^e 
 Sftfrdower^g » contract tor infendafion. at ihj Tcry 
 St «f £W2U Mid which hinds the 5«*|j *ke "- 
 Vina 5 for If the hii«baii4 could not •Hen duiiiji *he coir<jr- 
 SJeioM to defeat the wife's inftodation. he corfd n<rt 
 SS. •»" ShS chsr^ whtoh would im^^^l 
 Swcfore the irtfo then may hare agoujf^ FJ^SrS 
 ^oe the king's debt does not affect the Inds ; hutlf Ae 
 £5. debt iSts bei:o.e the nM^iage *?•« *»^^f "W.?/ 
 InS^datiou was suWe<* to the burden «f JJ* «f f!" Jjj^ 
 > |i7 
 .^ 5^"^,.^* puy. *«^_«« «S^lJr ?2J^^: 
 ^ >- 
 ^i XSr^^^Md a widow's fireebenoh ^f** ■JW,*'* 
 <?iU», 6 U.C.B. 414; 247ic chap. 4a,s.lB, 
 ^^^^WfV^'^i" ■ ■ 
 *"■ '.^ 
 defbiiauit pleftded a leleue by 8, H. «ftir iotioD^*|S^ 
 brought, mod an examinttidn i^d certifloaie by ♦^oggJJ 
 justices of tbe peace accor^jing to the ptovifioiip of **»*^ 
 8 Wm. IV., oh. 9, (C. S:i}. G., cb. 84, s. |^ 
 fftld, on demnww, plea bad ; for that statute is poi^ 
 sizeable to this easei but theiexamination and cer- 
 tificate should ha?e been sdohis are lequired ^ <*« 
 87 Geo. nt, 6h. 7, or 60 Gei m.,.ch. 10. And 7 
 ^»re irh<iher a^ease^^withwit the husband's cftn- 
 oumnoe, could in aby case (j^tffectual to bal the ^, / 
 Tietioh: ;<^^ This jtwew wag resolved in » caw - 
 ietweei the same parties, decided the nekt year, to 
 ihe effect that a woman, under a seconcl coverture, 
 tt^dt, without her husbands concurrence, release . 
 her right to doWer in hinds of her ftrftt husband j 
 imd jii«r» wheiher she could release this right by a 
 ionveyanoe in accordance with the stij^t^tesfbr ena- 
 bling marri^ women to alienlte their Ml estate. 
 >^ An action was brought in ^ names of lihsb*?>d 
 |nd wife fcr dower claimed by tbe wife in ihe^ptida 
 ^her first husbAnd* After action brought the wife 
 ezeduted a rdeaae to the defend^t of her right^ and 
 fwentbefiiHre a judge of a county court, and obtained 
 a certificate of her examination and consent accord- 
 ' ;^g tQ the pnMaions of 60 Geo, III:, ch. 10. Held, 
 jthat siteh release was no bar to. the action, being 
 without the consent or concurrence of the husbandi: 
 and not-beiing a conveyance for any purpose contem- 
 plated by the different statutes for barriog dow^r. (S) 
 (a) .HMMwrv. tFJtooa, 9U. a a IB. 460L 
 U}l^ Howard t,Waton, lOU. C. Q. B. IjB6. > - - 
 ► .-•« 
 ,' V 
 • rr, 
 I: \\ 
 ■ Y, ■ i 
 ' id the bnd in 
 ^ tbia l*«d t© ^ 
 .uiM ifr**"-- »^^®?'^ *«»«•*• 
 •nd j^peitedi oMWeiyanoe ft»»^ ;/! 
 ijiouted # d#li4^ 
 t<, W.;ofaU;i)BrdyiK»i^«l»;^^ 1 
 'llifrf^lw^^n annexe to or fludorfed on i^^J ^ 
 S^^^ ifi^ (iiaming the c^ ! 
 ^Jji^A^ on ibew ple^^ deniMidaiiil most 
 «iJS' notiriaurtA appawnt injoitioe of • 
 Ijie caai rfor the fdeaae was void^^cwM 
 i^aid did not jcAtf in %. (fl) . -| .^,:.^ i 1 
 - iti4^ "^"^ ia no Ui^ 
 ihe aotdii. (6) Attaiiiiaf **^ !1 * if 
 .doire^ (Bao/Abr. tit. ^D^Ov"^,**^^ 
 li«Und M»een pardoned, yet the wifejOioaldiK^^ 
 liave dowerj, hilt of land parchased by thalius^ | 
 aflerthepardpn, the wife BhaU^be ^^frj^' 
 891; pac. Abr. tit Power, p. 121 1 6 &6Edw.^ 
 yJi UeOm ▼. Squire, 18 U. C. a B. 650. 
 ." ■;';•' "'■' 
 \. ' ■ . 
 - :; 
 ' ' t ■ ■ 

 . ;,.— fe*' 
 I'- J 
 ij^ ' If aWOTpal'i^e ttlMiiUa <^t«iiww JtlJSIt 
 gillie wiU Uiereby iriw W dow«f, bat if ggjf^ 
 ,.Jii5^o may Am <Um»nd it, though Iw? ha*- n^iili ] ; 
 Iwd: Bhoold hare alioMfl 1m» lM»d in th^ 
 fit whe»ihiiiiiiHi»«»* >• remoTed^haiW*pMi<gr 
 to he endowed i» w»tOTed. Cwl«'i DigeBl^v^. i, 
 AiridoW*! tiWe t« dwer befofe Mrigntieirt, tl-l • 
 though not te{«tirfei»WeiitcoinBiQi|law^mif hethe 
 jMibjeot of sale and oonToyanoe in equity. (6) And* 
 wheie a party agrees to <Jonvey property, he ia bound ^ ^ 
 todoBofbeofd^lwet; or if the wife wiU ^et bar 
 bet dower, thtnip conv^ iu^eot thereto wUb wi i 
 4h^tement in the puxchaae moneyr (5^ 
 By a •eltlement made on the iwiage of an adult 
 female, it waa deola*^ that in ^wideratiqn of the . y 
 Intended marriage, and " for providing a eompetenfe 
 j<tottW and provision of maintena!MJe''fJ)r the W^ 
 iiid iflwe of the marriage, the frther of the huabwid 
 1m4 paid Mm je8,(Wriaa^ that %|Jgpto 
 ^.h.^ the P#^**^S^ V 
 after the miniagc^ ^/W settled W pusp lor tba ; 
 JMueiit of Wmiein S ^^^ t»^^ *«>» «^v ^ *^ 
 4Bi«liage. During the eotertuM the koahandlwiiht'^^^ 
 certain landi^irhioh ^ B«bseiqplent^y aoW to> pw- ^ V i 
 duHMtf, fWm whole iteviaees the defendant p|Be^ 
 with notieo of tjie aetUem^t The huahwid 4^^, *e A^ 
 iwitiiout aatiafying ihe ^ni^o * ^ >^ the ip»^^ w 
 (a) Co^onLit 41«,892&!! 
 t'v*vV"' , ] 
 ■\ ..^;*- 
 T, !■ 
 .( : ■^/•-.■. 
 • X> '^" ■' 
 Ibr aoww out of W HniM m mk, BeU, that bet 
 right wtl birwd by tbe iettleiiieii^ ind tli»l sb« b«d 
 no lien on or rigbl ^ rowrt to tb« lindi for tbii 
 (MtiBfaetion of tbo »monDt dno on tb« bond. J>!fhf 
 t. JB«icfttff, 2 DoO. Mto. ft G. 209; 16 Jtir. 989 J 
 31 L. J. Cb»no. 906. If «n »aoU Udy eontnct* to 
 •ooopt any given tbing in tttiafaotion of ber dowers 
 she muit take that tbing witb all its fanlta and aU 
 ifii ^^^M$* £«r Lord St Ltenard's Cl*n.^ 
 A marriage aetilemetit made pjrotfefon for 
 oat of real and personal eatote, and 'declared tbat 
 anob proYiaionira»in.liett of dower or Ibirda. Held, 
 tbat tbe widow waa not only barred of ber dower> 
 bnttook no inteieat in ber intestate bnsband's esta^i 
 under ibe statute of diatribat^ona. (a) . 
 A. b/ marriage articles ia bound to pay bla wife;, 
 if abe anrnvea bim, jei,500 in full of dower, tbirda^ 
 cnatom of liOOfloii, or otberwiiBe out of l|ia real and 
 personal estate ;\ A. dies intestate ; tbis bars tbe wife 
 of ber share by.^e stotute pf distributiops. (6)' 
 Where a wSl ^pressly declares tbat what is given 
 to tbe widow isinteiided to be in lien of doWer, and 
 where the wi^ accepts it, she is bound by her 
 election whether at law or equity (c)| but wlMM » 
 will devised, an annuity to a wife ^' upon condition 
 of b^nokingno claim upon the residue;" Mddy^ 
 -'. — - f ■"■ ' ' . , \ . '■' • — 1 . ■; ... ",. , ".i". ' ' }y\ 
 . U) Thompson y/ Watttf 2 Johns ft J^. 291 ; 8 Jor. K. S. 
 . 760 ; 6 L. T. N. S. 817. 
 (b) Davilar. Davila, 2 iTeirn. 724 ;| Jiffwoti r, Silfat § , 
 1 Vera. l^gilMnrfy >. Widmore, 2 Ve|pL 709. ., ^ 
 ■■■■ ^y 
 '■' » J 
 . V-'-t ",'.''^/ 
 fSM W •nUae^ 15^ Mynmty tnd illo to^ 
 4ower (a)' ■^■; v^-V^"-" ■': '^r:'-' :''*'"' ^' ■■/ '* ■' 
 Adultery w > bwr of dowar j ind •▼en where » 
 wotfMn deperta from h^r hweUnd'e hooee in oooie- * 
 qneooe of hie oroelty, yet under 18 Mh* oh. 84, 
 by adnltdry, without reoonoUiaUon, she foiffeits her 
 dower. (6) • ■;■.■■■• )\''''": '.''.■"■ '^ '"■■ 
 i Alienage ie ft gobd bar of doWer where the oUim 
 •rose before the 28rd November, A.©., 1849, 12 
 ^io., oh. 167, tint since that period aliei|« have beenv 
 entitled toehold property with ecjnal rights to British 
 Wl)|jects i^except as to voting),* privilege not so- 
 eordyi in Great BnUin, where an alien can only 
 Iffld lands fo^^^ ' 
 ' in the State of New Ybik no alien can pnrohase 
 teal estate until he has decftgred Jiis intention to 
 become * citisen pf the UnitfA StaWs. Tie foUow- 
 :ing is^e law^:' ^"^^^':. '. •".;, .,,: • v ' ■ ; ■. : * ' 
 ' Sec. 24.— Revised S^tnte of New York, Part 2, 
 Gh. 7, Art IL— Any alien who has come, or nnay 
 hereafter come, into the United States, may make % 
 deposition or affidavit in TO^ng, before any officer 
 intboiiaed to tike the pr^Spdeeds to be recorded, 
 that he, is 4-^dent of, ani?intcnds always to reside 
 ll U l ' l 'H i p l 
 ' (d\Wsth^eUr, W*ikerai,S3nx. N. S. SU; Pickmng 
 V. 5<Wor* « ▼«■• »«^v "15 • ■ „ r, *. 
 (b) Wo6ihi>ard\. Powie,tWC,B, N. S. 7?2f 8 Jm 
 v:d.m. ; ^ *" / it 
 (e) A deTiwi of real estate to trustees in tirust for att„ 
 alien is not ▼oi4«#nd the court iriU enfoyce the exeeQtJ|aA 
 of the trusts foTOe benefit of the Crown.^ Barr»if^^ 
 Wadkin,_Z Jar. N. 8. 67»^ •Jl|Jj(f»<« ▼• ^<^*'y» ^ Jur. ' 
 N. 8.410. 
 ■ ■.•..■><. 
 '. ■" ' ' " ■ •"'^ 
 > :■■'" 
 . .-4 
 " . V 
 iKS- jt 
 ■9N "T 
 .^ ■■k- 
 , and that h«1iMltk«a 
 ^^^ ilM kwt of th« UnlU4 
 ^^ .^«..w ^ •«•«• Wm *o obtain .atMalifttio^^ 
 vliioh ahiU lie ottrtUUd hj rooli offioer, and bo AH 
 •iidiiKH)rdodl^thoiW*tafy<rfii|^ H 
 * b« kept by Wi for tl«t ptir]^ Aiit*ii!* «W 
 tifieate, or a oertifled O0py th«e^ ihaU be «f »a^«« 
 of tbe ftieU llii^i W!#^ir _ _^ : _1 _ _ 
 See, 26— Any aKen wMlibin «e aid mike Mel^ 
 deporiaOD, aball tbereepon tKiiathoMed aad en*. 
 ^bM to take and bold bode and wa> «i||^te, of iMMf 
 kind ^r^vt^ w«;, JIJ^^ 
 «Ter, ind may dttring eii^enr'lbefeallef, eeii, 
 aingo, inoftp^je, ^vvmi JOij^ dlepcpe of th* »me in 
 any manner ailie might; Of #lm do if he^pem » 4jf^ 
 native eitiien of ito eteto orHf the Cfnite&'Btol^ ^ 
 except thit no tnoh alien ahall ht'w jwwr ^|p^ '• 
 or dmni«e wy *e>l «•»•*• w^iobh^gp^e or ■ 
 bold by Tiflill l^<Wr>*^!^ 
 ^' «r hoidifit any.lande or teal e«i^U, w}de% may tote 
 4 deMeoded or been devised o? oowOyed to bim pre- 
 Tionaly to his hiving become such resident, and 
 »|de%aelk depoeiaon or aAmuitioii as afoi^id. 
 IHIor oi^Beal SslatOi p. 32. - ;, 
 I>ednue of chwrteM by the widow is a bar of dower. : 
 In an action igainst the heir, bnt not agwnit a 
 atoaftmr* bttt isoh detainer is no har for more kndv 
 »." .' 
 '•'-^S- ■-"■■-* 

 '*>' ..*>,.■*• 
 ■ ; \ 
 c»<^ iM^' -^ ^ ohwrt^ pontiln, tnd if the widow be «»». ^JJ^J;^ 
 OMik '; W^: 00nte, the may detain tbem for the infant (o^ 
 ' Bigamj is a good bar to dower alio, andp ii a 
 ^force a vincuio im<'ttr{moniu ; 
 nay b* 
 * (•) Park ott Dow«r, 28ft, 2W ; and Me port f oma of 
 ' Fleaa. \> ^ 
 /... A 
 . ">„ > 
 ■ " n> *; '..■ 
 ; , • »»., 
 ''•• . 
 • ■ 
 ■ , V 
 ■ » 
 ■ ,' ••■ 
 / X 
 . '■ ^ ' ' 
 ■ ■ 
 Whtre th« hmlmiid of ft wotaaii i« seMed of tn 
 eatoto of inberitonco tod dies, the wife ihall h*ve 
 ihe third pwt of »U the Undi wd tenemente whereof 
 he WM seieed it any time daring the coTertore to 
 liold for the time of her natural life. C^) . 
 "A dowrees/' laja Mr. Park (c), "hatin|^ no 
 sight of entry tOl her dower ia aaaigned. oannotfif 
 ftn aMignment ia refoaed^ maintain a poBi^Ji«)ry aO' 
 tion." In England the legal remedy to enforce an 
 •nignment of dower, is by a writ of dower vnde 
 niha haba, or by a writ of right of dower, npon 
 which if the obtaina judgment, dower ia assigned 
 and ejectmept may then be brought, (d) But if 
 either of these remedies ^ resorted to, the writ of 
 dower w»de nihil haU i^ much to be preferred, 
 beoause by the statute of MirUm (g)/ihe dowress 
 (•) 8«dgwiok on the meMare'of Damage, p. 12» «< ••t- 
 1 :^(6) Blaek. Com. Book II., oh. 8| s, 4, l^ . ^ 
 (e) Pwfk on Dowor, 288. -■ ■\^'' ■ ,_ 
 (lO Doe i^att T. KutU 2 C. ft P. 480. A ^dow before 
 uiiimm^t of dower has not woh sn i»t«'^Mn^e la«d 
 If wSoh.li0 if dowablo. as to bo ir^moTable f^m the 
 jlriS In whiob tho land »-• .^^^^ll***^!:?. ^52"^ 
 VfoML Bassott 2 B. A C. 724, Bot a ™>V «:;! !? 
 dowe? bofote assigimont, althongh not trMsferablo at 
 2j:mon'*i;" may*b. the -^'^if J^S^ "J T^X° • 
 Inequity. Mom^, 8immtrman,iQn^Qhj.&' o^ ^ 
 M Qwd vidua qua pott mortm vmrum tuorum ofOr 
 huUwd$dotibu» tmh « <fe<- f*^ «><< gttaf<n<mttw <aa« 

 j^rm d»m»g«i for tbe non^ignment of W^ 
 dower. This act give* daougea to widowi who^^ 
 caM noi have thiir dowr without pUa. Lord 
 Coke iayt, (loit. 82 b.,) " It ii neooewry for tbe 
 wife after the dooewe of b»r buflbind, m ioon M 
 •he can to demand her dower, before good teeU- 
 Bonj : for otberwiae ibe maj by hflr^wn defaul^ 
 loae the valiie after the decease of her hoaband, and 
 her damages for detaining of her dower; for if she 
 bring a writ of dower against the heir, and the heir 
 oometh into oourt npon the summons on the first 
 day and plead that he has ^een always ready, and 
 jet is to render dower, &»., if the wife hath not 
 Mqaested her dower, she shall lose the mesne valoe 
 and her images ; but if she hate requested her 
 dower she may plead it, and issue may be thereupon 
 taken. And the case of Dobton r. Dobwny 0^ 
 Temp. Hard. 19, ead 2 Barnard K. B. 180, aooordi 
 with that " The damages in these oases are »o<»«d- 
 ing to the value, not of the Und but of tli^nt.'' v 
 Hall M. S. .8. Cq. Let 82 note 5; ^j^Wpir the 
 lands are leased for years before marriage, the wife 
 wai recover dower, not according to the value of the 
 laud, but according to the rents, and it follows th^ 
 if the rent reserved was nominal, no damsges, or 
 Ii^w man poMuntntuplMcitoi quod attiewiiue de/oreiaverit 
 miri tui obierint tmUi et iptct viduct potUa per plaeUum retu^ 
 Tint reddant S^dem 9iduit damna tua tetUeet valorem «Kiim 
 dotit H$ eoHtmgeiUude tempore mortie virorujn euorum utqmt 
 mddiem quo ipece vlAiaiMrvii^ww ««»ria 
 df rtcitgtrMermt, ; ..,. ";-;"y^ ^ ", ,';■; ^;;^/,/;.> ;.:a ••■ .' ^''■■€',: 
 ■'" J 
 '■*.■ ■ 
 ti«t j|s/^ lic^ji^ i^ cii be wcoreM In 
 ■ihe wse of MUi^Y^ fiitchenit (ct) one B. H., in 
 SftV- . 
 1679, itevwedthat if hiB stock and credits abroad 
 i 9^)iild not be snffioient for payment of his debts and 
 legacies,, tbi^ hi$ exeet^ons should pay the same 
 ont of ihf rwiti and profits of bi» teal e*tate^ and 
 where Relies and legacies were paid^ detised his ml 
 estate to his son, G. H. in tail, with remsinder orer, 
 .and shortly irfleriM»^i«^ 5 *^® executors enter on 
 the u^ ^tate; ^.«l. married the plaintlft SyW' 
 ▼eetra, and di^ iii 16^1^ Wt»e the d^ P«id 
 and before he had im| possession. ^^^^^^^ ^^ 
 phontiff SylveBtra reooteied ber dpwer and £227 for 
 damages. The damages |3|0^ con^puted firom the 
 time of her hnsbwid^ deiih, but ibe.«febto "^ 
 tiegaeles, were not paid nnUl 108^ ; jWd it was held 
 that as to the damages it. 1irasca*rie^^ back, 
 and that she onght to hate had daiiufi^ but ftom 
 ^ the time of debts paid and trusts performedj. 
 Ijie statute 4 Wm. IV. o. 1., s. 44 } (X 6,,tJ. 0, 
 ch. 88, s. 18, fixes the limit for which damages may 
 be recovered »t six years. "% arrears of dower 
 tioraany damages^jcoount of such arrears, shall be 
 recovered. or obliSSi by any action or suit, for a 
 longe? peiiod than six years next before the com- 
 mencement of such* action or suit" t*) In the 
 Btste of New York the Umit is the same, via. »x 
 « v-< 
 (aXSUchtm r. HUehmu, 2 Vbrn. 408; Prio. in «*/• 
 %tSr ^SSrWgest, v<»L L, p. 167 ; Park oaWen 260 
 BSmford i,Bar4ff>d,^ Hm» 208 ; Dart on Tend. 
 'ma A 
 \''' '-*•■. 

 ',,,•. (,',' 
 J toay • 
 lower > 
 all be 
 for a 
 I com- '^ 
 fioi> W estimated however for [the he«j? of M^ 
 - ,nan«|iit improveienta made afte^ the death of the 
 biisbaiid by hia heirt Pt by ot^rj?en|oiia,e^ 
 And now In Caiiada, by^ 
 40 thel«wia^^»t^B»aohtolhe>ett^^^ So^* 
 ^Jnoir 2, of fWJ. ^'relating to'&e dtt^ of oom. 
 vh^men a^poitit«d U^ lay ojii.attd aaaig^ • dowdi> 
 ' %«idB aa 1^^ Biioh m^aaureifient 
 ihey iWl ■ taktftjnto ii^'Mv^^^^ 
 ^rderl^aiiigtiliU ' ' 
 rinceihedi^the hortMwl of la* ' ^ ^ 
 linoe the tiffl^ftttatteh land! i^ 
 tny peiaon drlpKnia by the a»#^ 6f aaid hns- 
 . Itok, or.by titie derived throngh;^/^^^^^^^^ -"• 
 tloable> BhaH award M^ impwfemcjtit^^^^ thak 
 H «K^ of ilie landa i^t ifllotted to w^ widowy and if^ . • 
 ^ not praodimble 86 to ftW* ii» »^"J{ . 
 w iiniio ri dedttotidn fto» the laoda allotted to anch 
 -In^^ded^liiihel^ ^"^ ;> 
 Ife. Sedgwick's work it appears that Chancellor Ken* 
 and Mr. ^iisttce Bt?rj were divided in opinion as 
 F to &e ^omvnm'^^^'^''^ '*' ^''^^ ^ but it is . " • 
 to # hopod «^» i^ no doubt how U 8hon|d be 
 ciaottkted in ihis' eo«^ as ihe law appears el^ 
 pBc^' 1^ ig^ion having only lately come into^ 
 'i '- " -'■'■>■ - •■' '•" i' " '^i - ■ 
 (aySedgiriok/on DamagQS, laU 
 -' ■>f:\ 
 ' ■■• 
 . - ' 
 :,» , 
 ■■ - -. 
 »■■ ■ ■ 
 ■ ■' 
 ; , 
 - i 
 *» . „ ■" • - 
 " , 
 _' , ■_ 
 - 1 
 ■ ; 
 4 . ;■ ■» 
 ■, t- ... ■■ 
 ^ ' 1 
 •".«•- - 
 . ... 1.. 
 ■ ■v ■ ■ j^ ■ 
 ■ !- 
 .?,>.■ - , 
 X'- ,'^"-'- 
 .J ',-;-,' ■ 

 SntttSit ^^^^^* there Klf e aa yet been no decisions upon the 
 sabjeot^ ' ■.."■. ■•-■■■■•-■■: ■ -j- .'::•'.::- 
 But section 17 of the same statute provides dis- 
 tinotlV/^'In eBtimat|fig damages Jfor detention of 
 dower, nothing shall b^ allowed for the use of pefw 
 manent improvements made after the alienation bji . 
 or deadi of the hnsband of the claimant" In Smiik 
 v. M^tan, (a) the rale as to d^niages was laid down , 
 asioilows,'* That the damages to which she (t. «,;i 
 the widow) was entitled only frbm the time of da»- 
 mand madey should be calonlitted upon the avera^^ 
 value of the lanpl duriDg that period irrespective Ǥ 
 improvements made bj -tenant; and that the allow 
 anJBe to be paid Jo her, should be estimated upon i 
 conlj^tatioQ of ' one-third af the occupation vklue oi 
 the grotind onlj without the buildings. (6) Thf 
 measure of damages to which the dowress may hi^ 
 entitled, diibrs apparently iik some particulars in aV^' 
 action against the heir of against the feo£fee of heir 
 husband. As against the hjeic she is entitled ao- 
 cording to the value of the land at the time of the 
 assignment of her dower, though the heir has ijn- 
 proved th^ land by drainage, &c., Or hi^th erected 
 buildings. But against the feoffee, it is said, dower 
 shall be as it was in the seisin of the husband ; fm 
 the heir is not bound to warlrant^ except according 
 to the value as it, was at the time of the feoffmen^^ 
 and so the widow would recover more against the 
 feoffee than he would rkiover in value, whieh JM 
 '^a) 7 U. C. L. J. 268 ; ill appeal 20 V, CQ. B. 211. * 
 (6) do. Lit 32 a ; Eawle oil Covenants, 888 ; J%«mj 
 JTorrOv, 5 8erg. ft Rawl, 289. 
 not T0 
 per B% 
 from j 
 " In I 
 '/^t tl 
 ^ '80 as 
 ' uadei 
 iaui ] 
 of tl 
 — ^ 
 i . 
 *: "'-:i^^m>;' 
 fc: ' ■ - 
 ch if 
 • ' ''"' 
 t * 
 I Dpwm^ 
 B. 806.) Where the husband dies aeisea : tembl^y 
 per Bums, J., that if this were aitggested on ihf 
 woord, the tenant would be entitled ip /damage*, 
 from the Wfoing of the writ and tocoite also. 
 {Byekman y. Byeknutn, 16 U 0.^ 0- B. 266.) 
 ^ In a dedaimtlon iin doWer, there wiui no^veTmeni, 
 that the hui^Bd died seised, and no' damages wer^ 
 claim«d--plea tmi tenq>» ^wi^the jury found for 
 il« pbintiff, aud la. damages. Held that the dam- 
 "SsB must be struck out. Where riothinfe appears 
 ^on the record to riiei.^ ^ a de^.^ dower was 
 served: Sembk, that the master <^iitiot tax eostfrj'//' ^^ 
 Qumre, as to the proper mode of shewiwg that a 
 ' service aSNlmand was « made appear on the trial/^ 
 . soasto^^tle the demandant to ooiits under ISA 
 U m 0p^M, s.'5. (a) Ti) a count in dowpf 
 undcf^thf Statute of Merton, the tena^ P^^^* 
 tout tempt priky the demandant replied a dem^d. 
 and refusal to render dower, before the i^uiug out 0« 
 the writ J *• whiih the tenai«> rejoined by a traverse 
 of the demand. The issue baving been found for 
 the demandant. Mm that sbe was entitled to dam-^ 
 ages^ to be computed from the decease of her 
 ,huflban.d. (*) A suggestion may be entered *fUr 
 final judgment tiiat the landlord died seised of lands, 
 and enquiry shufl go concerning the damages silMJe 
 I >i 
 (a) Dam* t. JfeiVa*, Trhi. Term. 4 & 6 Vie. ; ^^P^^^ 
 And^TMon t. Jfairiott. 2 U.C. L.J. 198. 
 |ar> c« 
 ■ h 
 ^ * 
 ^' > 
 ' > 
 - ^ Iff! 
 tliA aeil|t]!^^aI0Mngti t1i« tentnt be the aUenee of the 
 heir, (d) * After Jndgpient of ■eiiin in dower on » 
 wrifc of enqnii^^^ the meene Talne of the premiees, 
 between the death of the hmband and the obtaining 
 judgment, ■hould be aasessed. Demandant may 
 alio wmtm aa.damagea her taxable eoete in obtaining 
 judgment of. aeisiny executing the writ of Aoft. fue, 
 tMtnam, and her neoeeaary travelling expenses in- 
 ouned in proiwouting her suit. (6) The demandant's 
 residence on the premises, in the family and at the 
 expense of the heir at Uw, for part of the time be- 
 tween the death of her husband and h^r recovering 
 judgment^ is not admissible in evidence as a set off 
 to her damagee for the detention, though proper to 
 go to the jury in mitigation, (c) ij^rrit of exeou* 
 tion for damages and costs in dowi^iras 9%t aside, 
 damages being neither claimed ia the declaration 
 tfof awarded in the jnd|^ent (<^ ' In dower, the 
 demandant is entitled to damages only when her 
 husband died seised. (0) But where the husband 
 dies seised, unless the tenant pleads tout tempt pri$t, 
 the demandant may recover damages without setting 
 forth or shewing a demand* (/) Where there wmi 
 BO suggestion on the rsobird thai the husband. died 
 seised, and tenant j^leaded 1. ThtA he is and alwayt 
 »ii i in I in I 
 . (a) 'Bobinit w. Lt»i$^ JJra. »«pd^%: 
 (6) R^inet ▼. Itti^, Dra. l|«p. 260^; 
 T. ^te««, Sas. Te«*^ r ^B^^^S^^r^fW* 
 ji. - 
 7 ••■ 
 ■«.', ■(>' 
 ■■ li 

 ■■ /. 
 • 4 
 Ni' n 
 luus been ready to render dower ;, 2. Tout tempt prut jg^J^ 
 and a tender of dower and refusal before a«don «[ 
 brongbt. Replication io first plea, prayiog judgment 
 of demandant's dower to be assigned to her ; to 
 siboond plea, a demand and refusal by tenant, tMl 
 rejoinder to wbieh was demurred to. Meld that 
 upon this record there .could be no assessment of 
 damages (a). In another case, the issue beiap 
 whether Qiere was a demand of do#er to ei^ti4i 
 deniandant to damages, she proved an actual demand 
 of the heir, who was an infant.' Htidy that dower waf 
 demandable of the heir, though under fourteen, and 
 tliat the not assigning dower, though the infant did 
 Qot refhse to do it, but was preyentied by his guar^ 
 dian, #a$ a refusal in law sufficient to entitle plaintiff 
 to damages. (^CorteUia v. CorseUUf Hil. 29 & dOj 
 Car. 2, C.B. ; Sellons Prac. vol. 2, p. 2X0). 
 (a) Mawktkaw n. Boigm*, 9 U.G. Q.B. 71. 
 < f 
 ««.*■• " 
 ■i ft* 
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 y^ 0H APTEK y JH, 
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 >!' -; «*• 
 y^l tFiitJl the f reeise portion of land whioli the l«ldoW 
 18 to hftV<9 fOT ller.dpwer ie aasigned to her, ahe c«n? 
 nbt enter ibto it nor maintain a poseessory action to 
 teoover it (a)j ftndby tfce 24 Vic. ch'. 40, 8,1, 
 ^« Whenever a. widow's right to dower shall have v ". 
 .been establwhed in an action for that purpose,?* she 
 vmay-sne otot a writ of afeigntoenfr directed to the . , 
 sheriff of tfie county where Ihe knds He; which 
 "wri^ is to..he^ the fomhithe 
 ^ Canada, (h) 't:,:-, ■:^,,j^:,',::j:^'^^^ 
 "-' JUnle^ therejfore the jjatties can agree atiiongst 
 theniselve^ ssio the widow's portion, resort mdst be 
 had to the assistance of the sheriff ; and' now when 
 ° ^V0n the right is admitted, the pnwitce i» altered by 
 ihe 24 Vit), ch. 40, a^ 1 5 bnt still th^iskimant mnst 
 t^tt to the sheriff who appoints c<»nipi6sionef8 
 i# itt<^i« ||M lands, take evidence, report td the 
 jfcertfl whp rep<^ ^ tihe:c6nrt, and either party if 
 ^ilisfSsM? *% «Ppe*?t ^^^ ha^je it done all over 
 If afker ihe JndgBieni in dower, lli<^iiifiriff^^^ 
 ^ give the deihaiidant seisin of he* third part, 
 ay Doe NuU\. IfutU' a C * p. 480 ; R<m V. ^mwf^ 
 iMn, 8 GBMt's Chy. B. 69g ; <5o. pn |At. 8T». 
 ■ 1a '*■ 
 ibewing in oerteio tlie pato^Ii, althongb she refuse §f^^J™ 
 to receive it, jet f he may enter at any time after, jg*"* "« 
 \ because tlie certainty appears/ But she shall not 
 hiSr^ an alias Aa6./ae. MM. (») • -s* -. , 
 ^ If a sheriff mtkt an Improper or partial asaign- 
 meiit of dower, a court of 0^«ity Will grant relief, 
 and iMrder %1oew wriib of 9^11, and that the lands be 
 divided into three parts; aiid to; choose by lot (6)| . 
 and inimotlii^ case on it liiliicltiti^ing partiality and 
 excess the court set aside tjie ipeignment. (c) 
 Unless hindered ty thie jl^^itja*!^^ of 
 the propetl^, or the ^tu)r6 b| the tenancy therein, 
 ihe wilioir ifura r^t |o hir^ her^d^er assigned to 
 her in s«V«*al|y '* by ii(|t<i ^^ (d) v ^ 
 Aiid ;i^i .m some xsii^ ^ere t^ husband wa^ 
 sole seisedy |be infb^shidt^t^^.^ sover- 
 alty by meteft and bouuds. Aa^r example if a man 
 ^ed of lands int fee Idok^jn wi^ «nd enfeoffed eight 
 persons, 8 
 of do^et ^W^if^tight against thesk^'. 
 eight^persons^ and two confess^ and the other six 
 pleaded in bar and dfp^li^iy the demandant 
 ■haJlbm jwlgDMntN^^^ recover the third part of 
 two parts ef tjit^nij,!^ eight parts to be divided } 
 and after th«» issue beib^ found for the demandant 
 againit the slx> Iho^eniaiidant shall have judgment 
 against them for thjl third part of six parts of the 
 ^3 Dj. :^ Wi Park on Dowo^ 889; Co. oft Lit noil 
 /{b) Holf 1^ J3i%,l Vernon 218. ;^^^^;^^^^;:v I 
 ; («} ^tujfdt. Sneyd, 1 Atk. 442 ; Park on Dower, 272. 4> 
 f (A Fiirl^on Dower, 261 ; Co. on Lit. 84b. The words 
 ^i* Coke ate "openly doth didare Oe qmaa^ asd^thil^ 
 .^itaMyofi^iand."' -K .4:^'. ': \- ■-^: '■--:: •-:^i 
 ■-."' ■ -• '■ V 
 f ■■ 
 * k ■ 
 ■'■■ ■ ■■''■" ,- ". M 
 •■ ■-■ '.;-■ ''A *"' ,' (V 
 '■■'■■-■■ »?- 
f .<• ■':< 
 ,.•',■ :^^- 
 tll-' I 
 i. iji: 
 gwjr^ iim«i lan^^ in iii^t pwi* to ^ difidt^J. tfliei* tlie 
 2Lff«(| |w»li»tid wa» iWied.m oommoB, tbete t^ 'wife can- 
 ^^ not be endoiwd by metoi »n«i bbundg. (oj ^ 
 If the sheriff doth aot return <*|Ni^iiMlw »< hmt- 
 Am" it if ill. unleM oertein floiii'^ire iMlgbed by 
 Of Mine i^oper^ (^tiwi 4il»ife|ljl tt %^^ 
 |i qiAke Ml MWgominl by asefa* iiilboik!^, beoeuse 
 1^ nature of the thing it^ if i^ «wb • qiiaHty 
 ihat no diTieibn oan be Made ^f i^ % widow theire- 
 ^ra moiffc bo endowed in » «]^<da)[ mpiiner. Ai of» 
 bafTO the tiiiir(d 
 ■k- ;■',..-'- 
 m fhe imay bi^To the Oilrd tj^ip«l|i^i or she may be 
 fWedV?*k« «»*»• aiitt '^^^'t <***^ month, (c) 
 In imoM cd«it iwi #^ whether a woman 
 ;' ^a be^ eip4<)**d of* qsuun^, beeanae H eonW not 
 le ii^ded l^ in^ t?id bkn^i ; and it wia ^r^oed 
 li :Si^:#' keeni>M^^|n ^Um ▼.„ i^, «»«* ^^ 
 ':::::%tiu^ h doirabl« <^^ «Bd other wSam («) ; and 
 i|il «iwt itt ipttOtii^^r tie mode ef Iwsignment by 
 :S''iJiy^eiii; ma^ ^;li'Wi BO* abw^iitely neoe»ary 
 ifcil^ ^l(»glM ili^ a^ oif ikio.,op«« "»">% 
 ■''^ ^^ 
 V:. .•:■:■ 
 -"^'C^rli'f ''^■■■*^'' 
 »'j * < % 
 ■, ■'•! 
 ■v,-^^' ' 
 ".'/> .' „: ,, 
 - #},--■■ 
 ' i :7 •■. .V' '.' I^ ■ 
 lie flhoi 
 to btl'i 
 the enj 
 after n 
 nate en 
 right U 
 it Been 
c - 
 tked by 
 • J. ' 
 IT thettt- 
 Am tf • 
 may Iw 
 lih. (cy 
 )iild not 
 ^ Hitt r 
 «); and 
 meat by 
 ■ II ''-5-, ■ ■ ' ."^' 
 "' -i^^' 
 ■ ' ' ■ ■ ,"" "■'-- '"i ■ '. ' '■•■■" -■■•.■,. -'v„ '»•■■ » 
 Ihe ungnment to the widow/*de8oribing them ipMi-^^^^** 
 tio»iijf if ih>e particular lands in which they ehonld n«>>t 
 lie sfaoald npt also be assigned ; but if those lands 
 thooid be. uiclttded in the assigfiment, the open 
 minei within -them, might, bat were not necessarily 
 to be lib described, being part of the land itiself • 
 which was assigned. Or the sheriff might divide 
 the enjoyment of any of the particular mines as 
 after mentioned/' ^e. by directing separate alter- " 
 nate enjoyment for short periods. Mines, quarries, 
 brick kilns, lime kilns, coal oil wells, &o,, are not 
 separate inheritances, bat merely the mode of enjoy- 
 ment of adman's own land: and whoever has th'e~^ ^ 
 right to the soil, has a right to the profit of it; and 
 it seems that although a third part of the profits ! 
 Ottly is assigned to the wife, she shall thereby have 
 the fr^huid of a third part of the hereditament 
 it«^ (o) , 
 { Ipr. Pari appears td think that in making an as- 
 i^piment by tht sheriff, the one third of the widoif 
 is to be ipeertained by reference to a general esti- 
 mate of the anniail valae, and this annual value if 
 to be estimate as it was at (b«time of the death of J 
 .'-tiie husband. :"v^ .;',, ■^:'''-.:,--.'. .:""">' v./; 
 ! :V% ^4 Vic. ch. 40 if the owner of land acquiesces 
 1^ in an Outstanding claim for dower, the commissionem 
 ipminBt take into consideration any permanent improve- 
 iljents made by the tenant upon the laqida since the 
 V death of t|ie husband^ or i^nde the time of his alien- 
 atioiii ip^ fll^ tea^int, or if- this be im- 
 •' .'r ,..11.11. i ri. iii I i i 'li i t i ; \ i y'Mf i> >,;^i i , "„'.'.]» ' ' ' " 'i j ' i". ' '' „ ■ ■ ■ ' .~ 
 ;, 60^1^ en:^^J^^ 8|,.iiote («) 149 (*), 
 i.' :''?}i< 
 ' )\ ■ 
 '1 . ■'. 
 '■"'. II-;.: : ■■ - 
 \ ',1 
 " -I 
 •■, "'''.■'■ /,.■"■'■> ."'' .;■■ ... 
» • ' ■ ; 
 * .1 
 ..'- '..»-'•. . 
 jy imwlMiila ^fy nml SMke a dednotioii from the 
 widow's portion; and he?e is a clear distinotion 
 inade between parties willing to grant the widow |i«r 
 rights, ahd those who resist them. In the first ease 
 the annual ?alae is estimated as it was at the time of 
 the alienation by the husband ; and in the second 
 lU it was at the time of the death of the husband, 
 though there does not appear to bo muoh justice in 
 the rule, more particnkurW in Canada, where adten 
 titiou8.oiroumstanoes iM>2 
 -^f property three and^ 
 few years. In the 
 put to her election, and 
 iQtly enhance the Talue 
 in the space of a Tcry 
 an exchange a widow is 
 sheriff must endow her 
 In all cases where the 
 of the latad shd chooses. 
 ^^^ dower is set out by agreement, the safest and most 
 proper course is to have a written instrument de^ 
 scribing the lands ^y metes and bounda. //( 
 ^\^', . *v 
'om the 
 (low |ier 
 irat CMe 
 I tiiii« of 
 latioe in 
 B adf en- 
 be Talue 
 >f ft Tery 
 iridow ia 
 low her 
 lere the 
 nd most 
 lent doj^ 
 ^ . ■ , , 
 ;M3P;r.. ; . 
 Toaohiog praotioe in an action of dower wher^ggyW 
 tenant makes default, the proper pourse appear^ to 
 be as follows: '; v ^^ , 
 Ist. Serve notice of demand on tenant. 
 ' '"' '•'■ 
 2nd. Serve deolarationi with notice to -plead. : ; 
 8rd. Search for plea and make affidavit of defiiulti 
 and sign interlocutory judgment. 
 . 4th. File suggestion that demandant on, fto.^ had 
 oaused a demand in writing of her doww ill the 
 landf deaei^ibed in the declaration to be made of the 
 tenant^ more than one month and Jess than one year 
 before the oommenoement pi this auit, and that the 
 tenant did not at any time (^ffer to asilgn to the 
 demandant her dower. . " i 
 5th. Endorse on Suggestion a notice to Ibke foUowx 
 iug eifdot : '< Take notice that yon are to plead to 
 the within suggestion within eight day»y otherwise 
 \6th. Serve copy of anggestion, ania make limdavit 
 of service.. ^ — :--^ .--'■- -r-.-.. ,,;■..,,:.,. ..: ,. .■,^".-,..; 
 7th. Make up judgment roll containing declara- 
 tion, with an ehtry of' ntT (ftci<> The suggestion 
 with an en^ of nildicitf and judgment that the 
 demandant lb recover her costs of siyit against i^nant, 
 .»■■ «"■ 
 ' ■ » ^ - 
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 -. '' . ■ ■ ;■' -;" 
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 , fhf:: ■ ' ■ ■ ■ 
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 ■ "!* 
 ■ , ■:■'■ *, ■ 
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 -"'f:^ « . 
 • . 
 ♦'.• .^ 
 £/ .« 
 r '•-■ 
 1.0 ^tam 
 itt Itt ■2.2 
 ■? lio 12.0 
 ^ifffi^^a^^^^^M inn^^^s^^BH ifm^^^^BHH . 
 PtKTtoffla phic \ 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14590 
 ■^ ;\ S^ 
 1 \ 
 Y'' : 
 -/•-■■ I 

 - fiOWlB. ■ « - 
 aoeording to tbe fonn of the, statute, fto., wbioli said 
 oo8t8 i^mount to I — — , and that' she haye execution 
 therefor. ■ . 
 *f 8lh. Stio out hdb.fac, seii. and /./a. for costs, (a) 
 Where Infant tenants refuse to plead, the demandant 
 should apply for an orde? ni$i that unless the tenants 
 plead within a giyen time, demandant may assign 
 John Doe as their guardian. When the time gpranted 
 has expired, make an affidavit of service and an 
 affidavit that no plea has been filed, and apply to 
 make the order absolute, (b) 
 The following are the forms of the orders made : 
 ^< Upon reading the affidavits and papers filed, I 
 do order that unless the above named infant tenants 
 shall plead in this cause by guardian within three 
 days after service hereof, the demandant may assign 
 John Doe for guardian of the infant tenants A. B. 
 & 0. D., and enter judgment thereon for default of 
 ft plea, and take all necessary proceedings in this 
 cause in the ordinary way." 
 Order ahioltUe thereon. 
 *< Upon reading the order made in this cause 6n, 
 &c.,by&c., That unless, ^. (reciting ordernMi), 
 and upon reading the affidavit of service thereof, 
 and an affidavit that no plea has been pleaded, I do 
 order that the above named demandant may assign 
 John D.oe for guardian of the in&nt tenants A. B. 
 & C. D., and enter judgment thereon for default of 
 (a) Street v. Rove, 8 U.C. C.P. 218. 
 (6) SobituoH rrM^nehard, 9 tJ.O. L. J. 28." 
 loll said 
 >st8. (a) 
 ' assign 
 and an 
 ipply to 
 made : 
 filed, I 
 n three 
 7 assign 
 )faaU of 
 in this 
 anse on/ 
 er niii), 
 ed, I do 
 y assign 
 ts A. B. 
 efanit of 
 ■ plea, and take all necessary proceedings in the^gg^^ 
 cause in the ordinary way." (a) ► 
 Bince 13 & 14 Yio. chap. 88, the nisi prios record 
 in dower may be made up the same as in personal 
 actions. (6) W 
 Security for costs may be obtained in an action of 
 doirer, on the ground that demandant is resident out 
 of the province, (c) ^ 
 Tenant may plead to the whole declaration '< ne 
 unqueM ctccoupy and **ne unqius leine que dower/' 
 or **non tehute;*' or he may pl^ the latter to part 
 and the two former to the residue j Imttumtenure 
 to the whole cannot be pleaded with other pleas in 
 bar. (d) ^ . 
 Particulars of the premises cannot be obtained by 
 the demandant, (e) 
 The 0. L. P. Act applies ,|#> actions of dower. 
 Defendant put in three pleas^ I. Denying the hus- 
 band's seisin. 2. The marriiage. 8. That before the 
 action the demandant had assigned her right. Meld 
 that the first two pleas might be allowed togeUieiy 
 but that the third must be stnidk out. (/) 
 (a)^That there may be jodgment by default, though the 
 tenant'be an Infant, Tide Cro. Jao. Ill ; Sellon's Pmo. tol. 
 2i 208 ; Pketan t. PhtUbi, Dra. Bep. 886 ; Robimon t. Blan- 
 ehatd, 9 TJ.C.L.J. 28. , ., 
 S6) f iUiafiw 1^ J^iufer, 1 Prac. Bep. 41. 
 e) JTolan t. Btid, 1 Prao. Bep. 264. 
 d) NoUn T. Seid, 1 Pn^. Bep. 266. - 
 (e) Ifolan r. Oheriyf 1 Prao. Bep. 277. ^ 
 (/) Strut V. J}olsm, 2 Prato. Bep. 806: tide G.L.P. Aet. 
 1866, pB. 180, 186, 182. ' ; ^ 
 ■•. 4 
 r '■* 
 It ia imgnkr u an taUonof dowtr to ityle Ui* 
 parties in the eanse demancUuit and retpandent, and 
 iilidants so entitled cannot be read, (o) v^ \ 
 An aotion for dower may be mainuuned against a 
 mortgagee in fee in possession. (6) 
 Demandant in dower is not entitled nnder the 
 0. L. P. Act. to an order to inspect the conveyance 
 deed to her late husband, when the same is in the 
 han^ of a purchaser of the bnds for Taltte, and 
 without notice that they were subject to dower, as in 
 such a case no bill for a discovery could have been 
 mainUdned before the 0. L» P- Act. (c) 
 jLn infant plaintiff or defendant is liable to 
 The replicatioii''^plea of alien ni need not lay 
 a Tenue as to the pUkoe of birth within the allef^nce, 
 nor state of whWt parents or when the demandant 
 ' was borfl^ and is properly concluded to the country. 
 il/MA ii8 ii a plea in barv (e) 
 The exact number of acres of land of which dowet 
 10 demanded is not mateiial. (/) 
 'In an aotion of dowet, judgment vras given la 
 fitTOur of the tenant, in June^ 1856. In August, 
 the tenant died, and the entry of judgment was de- 
 layed by the difficulty in pioeoring the affidavit of 
 (tf) i^«iyii«m T. JfotoiM, i U*C.R. 519. * 
 (6) Walker t. BottUoHt Mioh. Tenn; 7 Vie. 
 (e) Oomm t. Farrott, t Jar. U.S. 1160; 26 Ii.|.C.F. 279. 
 (d) Pkdan t. PhOaiti Dra. E«p. «8», ^et-^nr. . 
 (•) J?o6m«< T.^wif, Dra. Bep. 44; 
 i/yOarrard v. «Vc*, 8 C. B. 281 ; 18 Ji»r. 871 J W I,.;. 
 C.?.8«8. - 
 dIslmneQeiits, fto. The demuidAQt bronglit '^^^^^iSbH 
 Mtion igainst the hein of the tenant, for dower i&ooww. 
 the Mine land; and in April, 1857, an application 
 was made to allow the judgment given in Jane to be 
 entered ntinc ;>ro tune. jB^2i too Ute. (<*) , 
 If the heir, being of fbU age, aasign excessive 
 dower, he has no remedy at law. If the sheriff 
 assign excessive dower, the heir may have uacire 
 faciai to obtain an assignment de novo; or if the ' 
 heir under age assign excessive dower, he may have , 
 relief by writ of admeasurement of dower. (^Siovgh» 
 tofj, Leigh, I Taunt. 402.) ^^ ^ i^ 
 (fl) SyiffordjrTruman^ 2 U. C. Prao. Bi 164. 

 COSTS. ' " 
 "In OMe it appeari on the trial that a demand in 
 wridng had been made of the dower claimed ftom 
 the tenant one month before action brought, and 
 that the action was brought within a year firom such 
 demand, coBta shall be allowed to the demandant, 
 irhether damages be recoverable or not, in the same 
 nianner as costs are aUowed to a plwntiff or defSend- 
 mnt in personal actions : but if it appears on the trial 
 that the tenant offered to assign the dower demanded 
 before action brought, the demandant shall not re- 
 merWto." (18 & 14 Vic. ch. 58, s. 5.) 
 In an action where a demand is averred in the 
 ledaiation, and judgment allowed to go by defeult, 
 ^ts m$y be recovered, (Harru ▼. Morden, 17 U. 
 0. <ir B. 278 J Sumphriei T. Burnett, 16 U. C. B. 
 465) Street v. Eowe, 8 0. P. 218 j AndenanY. 
 Mdrr{otty2 U. 0. L. J. 198^ In Ryckman y. 
 i?ycJbnafi, the defendant pleaded « tout tempepriit," 
 Beplicatiouy a demand and refhsal. Bejoinder, de- 
 nying the refusal. There was no su^estion l^at ^e 
 husband died seised. The evidence shewed that Ae 
 tenant had frequently offered the demandaptt her 
 dower, and to leave it to two( persons to^.We out 
 the land, but she declined/ saying -thjj^ she oouM^ 
 not i^rk the lanJ, and wo^d rather have compensap 
 tion, and no portion iNui i^ fiwt marked out. ^«W, 

 n M 
 ihftt th«4B« mvit be toiind for ih« tentnty u the <>mp >• 
 lnuband did in fiiot die seieed i.wiUde, per Bumtf^^"^ 
 J., that thai should have Veen raggeeted on the 
 reoordy and the demandant wonld then hi^e been 
 entitled to damages from the suing oat of the writ> 
 and oonseqnentljr to oosts. (8 \J» 0. L. i. 216 ; ; 
 16 tJ. 0. Q. B. 265.) ^, 
 To an action of doirer ^IflgSog s demand made 
 pmmiantto th^ statute, the tenants pleaded <Woii< 
 tempi priti," The demandant replied that she re- 
 quested her doirer more than one month, and less 
 than one year before action, but that die tenants did 
 not endow her, and that the judgment for the said 
 damages and endowment shall widt till the said issue 
 is tried. The tenants joined issue. The oTidenoe/ 
 prored a demand, and that the tenant ssid d< 
 mandant might haye dower but £d nothing. JETe/^, 
 that an issue was sufficiently formed upon the recora, 
 and ^|iat upon the oYidenee the demandant was en- 
 tided to a verdict and to oosts. (fimd t. Ihtter ei 
 al, 19 V. 0. Q. B. B. 208.) yd^Mi^^ t,-/^^^^ 
 Securi^ for oosts may be obtained In an ajbtion <tf X$J^/^ 
 dower, on the gronnd^U^ demandant is ^Safpent out 
 of the pro^oe. ' C)S^» T. i2M^ If^tM, Bep. 
 264.) Draper, J., Considered tM t^statute 13 ft ^' 
 14 Tic. oh. 68, was no| intended lb interfere witb 
 any right to oosts existing under the old practice, 
 or to rendisr necessary a demand in cases where the 
 deniapdant woold before have been entitled to costs 
 Withoiitt it. That the plea of <<(0W temps prite' " 
 itted a ridit to damages from the oommenoe- 
 ment ordi^^Buit to the issuing, if not to the ezecur 
 ' 'I 
 ilon of the writ of enquiry, without »ny raggeetion 
 thet the hushend died eeised. And thtt on these 
 pleadings therefore the demandant might strictly 
 have reoorered svch damage and consequently the 
 costs : bat as this was not insisted on, on the trial, 
 and the terdict wai just, he ooncnrred in refusing 
 to interfere. (Buhoprick v. PtareCy 12 tJ. 0. Q. 
 B. 806.) In the case of ^m t. McKibhin^ 12 U. 
 0. Q. B. 82^, there was no suggestion in the de- 
 claration that the husband died seised and no claim 
 for damages. The tenant pleaded << tout temp$pri$i," 
 Replication, a demand and refusal. Rejoinder, tak- 
 ing issue on the refusal. It was proved that after 
 demand senred on thi||pnant, under 18 & 14 Vic 
 oh. 58, 8. 5, he went to the demandant's attorney 
 and Mid that he was ready and willing to assign 
 dower whencTer she would come for it^ to which the 
 attorney replied that the tenant must take his own 
 course. The jury found for demandant and one 
 ■hilling damages ; and a rule having been obuined 
 for a new trial : heid, per Draper, J., and Burnt, 
 J, that' such rule should be diseharged. Fer 
 Draper, J., that by pleading **toui tempt prite* 
 the tenant had admitted a right to damages at least 
 Ibm the beginning of th^aotion, which would carry 
 costs. Per Burnt, J., that the offer proved ynm in- 
 aufficie^t, and in effect amounted to a refusal, and 
 the demandant should therefore liave costs; but that 
 there could be no damages, as the husband waa 
 not proved to have died seised. Mobinton, C. J., 
 dissenting, on the ground that the evidence shewed 
 no such refusal as could do away with the effect of 
 f'^^v^S'*'****'" "^ 
- ^. , . »^ '^'•^ -^••'^ • '^^(KS 
 ihe offer proved, and' that the offer wu siiffioient^^x* 
 voder the statute to exempt the tenant from costa. 
 The eqnitable right to dower entitles a widow to 
 oosts, if it is disputed by the party to whom the es- 
 tate has been sold by the heir at law. (a) 
 An infant plaintiff or defendant is liable to coats 
 in dower. (6) 
 By the 24 Vic. oh. 40, s. 18, " In all cases com- 
 ing under sec. 1 of this act, the costs of proceeding 
 hereondet shall follow the suit, and shall be recover- 
 able by writ of yE. /a. from the goods and chattels or 
 lands gf the defendant in such suit : and in all other 
 ^Mi, all such costs shall be in the discretion of the 
 court or judge issuing the wri|||f assignment of 
 dow«r; provided that in both orSses of cases all 
 costs in append shall be in the discretion of the court 
 of appeals." 
 Where a dower suit was not occasioned by any 
 difficulty as to the assignment or mode of payment 
 of the dower, but solely by the defendant nofhaving 
 admitted the title, till he put in his answer to her 
 bill, she was allowed her costs up to the hearing, (c) 
 (a) Smith T. Sptneeret al, 2 Jar. N. a. 778. 
 (6) PkeUn T. Pkelan, Dra. Rep. BS6per Cur. 
 (e) ffarrii r, mrrii, 11 W. E. 62 j 7 L. T. N. 
 S. 411. 
 Pleor^ Tout tempt ^ruif. 
 That from tho time of the death of the husband of 
 the demandant to the time of her, the^toiandant^a, 
 marriage with the plaintiff B., the tenant has always 
 been, and still is, ready to render to the demandant, 
 and sfnce her marriage, to her and h^ now husband, 
 her dower of and in the lands, and premises, iflth the 
 appurtenano^, andfendereth the same here in court 
 to the demandant 
 *'■ ■ '■' •' ' ■ ■""■- „ 
 Replication, "«t 
 Thai tbe sud tenant was not always ready to ren- 
 der to the demandant from the time of the death of 
 her said Husband to the timcM»sif the demandait's 
 marriage witk ihe plaintiff B., and since her said 
 marriage to her now husband,^ ber dower of and in 
 the landii and premises with the appurtenances in the 
 declaration mentioned^ and the demandant ayers 
 that after the demandant's marriage to her now hus- 
 band, and more than one month and lees than one 
 year before the oomn^encement of this suit, to wit., 
 on, fto., she demanded from the tenant her dower of 
 and in the said lands and premises with the appur- 
 tenances, but the sud tenant did not rehder dower 
 to the demandant, but wholly neglected and refused 
 80 to dO| and this they are ready to Terify ; where- 
"t^F't^'f '"" 
 ^ Dowim. ' • 
 for ilie pTtyi jnclgment of the ootift of her dower, 
 and aI«o dftmagef for the detention of the aame. 
 That he did not refuse to render dower to the 
 said demandant, as in the said replication alleged. 
 (Bishoprick tt ux. v. Ptarce, 12 U. 0. Q. B. 806 ; 
 Tide iLlso Hawkthato v. Eodgiru, 11 U. 0. Q. B. 71.) 
 That demandant ii an alien born, and was not 
 nor has, a^nj time become a snbjeot of her Majeaty 
 by nataralication or otherwise, and that her hnsband 
 was also an alien, born in foreign parts, and oat of 
 the allegianpe of her Majesty the Qaeen, to wit., in 
 the Un^^ States of America, and is not a snbjeot 
 of her^lipijesty by 
 nataralization, denization, or 
 otherwise ; and the tc na^avers that the said A. B., 
 the husband of the said demandant, sold and oon- 
 Teyed the said land t ) the tenant befo^i^e the twenty, 
 third <fey of NovenilJBr,^.D. 1|49. ^^* .\- 
 Vide 12 Tie, ohl 197, which e^es tUenCto hold 
 and enjoy property ih tUa country with equal rights 
 KK^adians, except that of voting : a liberal enaot- 
 ment, scarcely neceaiiMy for the enoouragement of 
 settlers in the present adfanced state of the oountiy, 
 —and perhaps moxp than doubtful in policy, con- 
 sidering the unsettljILd state of public a&in among 
 oar neighbours. 
 Form of jpoaieal/or demanclani as to, part, and 
 non^aeitin as to midue* 
 Afterwards, thai is to say, on the day and at the 
 plaee within contained, before the Honoorable -«^-, 
 -. k 
 ift4-Sii- ^r^~ 
 -( .1 *U 1- ^•4^.Jt*t 
i 'lf'"»WR*9^i, p-^'T^ 
 0D6 0^ hn MiJMtj*! Jtutio«s of the Ooart of QaMn'a 
 Bench or Common Pleu, Mtigned to take the eaaiiea 
 in and for the county of .^oame as well the 
 within demandant ai the within named tenant hy 
 their reepectiv^e attorneya within named. And the 
 jaron of the jary, whereof mention ia within made, 
 heing rammoned al«o come, who to ipeak the truth 
 of the Mferal matters within contained being chosen, 
 tried, and sworn as to the two messuages, two work- 
 shops, and one garden, with the appurtenances, in 
 the township of , in the county of , 
 parcel of the tenements within specified, whereof, 
 Ac., upon their oath say, that the within A. B., late 
 husband, Ac, after the day when^ he married ihfi said 
 (dimandant) was seised of the said two messuages, 
 two workshops, and.dne garden, parcel of the ^ne- 
 ments within specified, whereof, Ac., of such an es- 
 tate whereof he could endow th^^d demandant ; 
 and as to the residue oi the tenemeii6*within speci- 
 fied, with the appurtenahees, the Jurors aforesaid, 
 upon their oath aforesaid, say, that the within named 
 A. B., late the husband, Ac, neither on the day 
 when he married the said demandant, nor ever after, 
 was seised of the said tenements within specified, 
 with the appurtenances, whereof, Ac., of such an 
 estate as he could thereof endow the said demandant 
 as the said 0. D. Qenant) has within in pleading 
 I alleged; '. V >, ^ ■ ' ■ ■■ ^ ' 
 Form of Judgment thereon. V 
 Therefore it is oensideted that the said {demand- 
 ant) do recover againU the said (tenant) her seisui 
 of the said third part; of the said iwto messuages, tiro 

 «11 the 
 lant by 
 ad the 
 6 truth 
 noes, in 
 bl^e Mid 
 te V^D®' 
 h an M- 
 indant ; 
 n speoi- 
 1 named 
 the day 
 rer after) 
 Bttch an 
 workahopa, and one garden, with the appv^rtenanoee, ^J^ 
 paroel of the tenement* within apeoified^ whereof, 
 Ao., to hold to her in leTeralty by metea and 
 bounds ; and also | , for her ooaUj»f suit : 
 and the aaid (^tenant) in meroy, ko-t andiRreupon 
 the laid (demqndant) praya a writ of our lady the 
 Qneen to be directed to the ■heriff of the county 
 aforeaaid, to oauae her to have fall seisin of the said 
 third part of the said two messuagea, two workshops, 
 aud one garden, with the Apparteaaaoea, paroel, ao.^ — 
 and also I — — >, for lier oosts of suit : and it is 
 granted to her aoeordingly. , 
 Form of potUea where tenant pleadt f|^ %tnque» 
 weuMy and jurji find /or demandant, and atnti 
 Afterwards, fto., \ say that A. B., husband 
 of the said B. B., in the declaration mentioned, died 
 seifed of the land as in the said declaration' men* 
 tioned; and the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath 
 aforesaid, farther say that the A. B. being as afore- 
 ^ said seised of the said estate, died so seised thereof 
 six yean before the oommencement of the abo?a 
 suit; and that the said lands in the declaration men- 
 tioned, ar« worth by the year^ itt;a)l issues besides 
 . reprises, £75 ; and they asse s s the damages of the 
 laid B. B., (demandantf) oyer and aboye her eostf 
 and charges by her aboa( her suit in thu behalf 
 expended, at £ . - 
 er seism 
 ^es, tiro 
 ■ I ' I n 
 ■' ^Z 
 ii Tout teplpi ptitt 
 That fnmi tli^ time of the death of the hnshand of 
 the said demandant, he hath aiwajs heen ready and 
 18 BtUl ready to ren;% to the demandant her dower 
 of the jMudJbenementi^iid premiaeef wHh the appur- 
 ten^CMMi in die declaration mentioned, and render- 
 eth the same here in ooar| to the Bud A..B. (de- 
 2. Trndefandttfiuaiioaaxpt, f 
 That from the time of the death of the husband 
 of the said A. B. ((ftfmantianf) he hath always 
 been ready to render to the said A. B. her dower of 
 the said tenements and premises, with the appnr- 
 tenanees in the deelaration mentioned, and that 
 before the -oommenoement of this snit, to wit. on, 
 4ke., he tendered and offered to the demandant her 
 dower of and in the sud lands and preWises with the 
 appnrtenanoes, to reoeire which she wfioUy refosed; 
 and that he is still* ready and^^willing to render to 
 the^demandant her dower kilt the said tenements, 
 with ihe appurtenances, and rendereth the same here 
 itLDonrt to the said A. B. 
 That the sud A. B. {demanimiX) ought not to 
 hate her dower in this behalf as having been the 
• ■' <"»! 
 wife of tKlB Mid. (hmbamd) daocMed, beoMM tli^ Jj^^ 
 said A. B. nerer WM Mooupl^ to the «ud (huf^^omm. 
 5afM2) in lawftil matiimoBy. 
 Tbe piM of iM imj^M aceoupUf whioh is the only 
 j/iMk whereby the lawfnlness of % marriage oan be 
 pat in ifl8Q<li|9 only to be pleaded in a teal aetion, 
 .Therefore the certifioate of iJie ordinary is not neces- 
 saiy in any personal or mixed action. (SeUon's 
 Pime.^ YoL 2, |h. 207 ; SiOk 487 1 Lot. 41.) 
 " JSipi'^cUion thereto. 
 That she ought not' to be barred from hanpg hl^ 
 dower aforesaid, because she says that she, the said 
 ^dememdantf) on the — day of 'A.t).y &o., 
 was acoonpled to the said (huttand) deeeased, Hi 
 lawful matrimony, at -♦^ — , Ac. (Wentworth's 
 System of Plteding, vol. 10, p. 158 ; WiUianu v. 
 Lee, and Wittiame ▼. VannUart, 2 U. 0. 0. P. 175.) / 
 ^ A replication to a plea of ** ne ungues aecQupUf' 
 alle^ng a marriage in Scotland, may oonolnde to 
 the country) and in such-replication it is not neoes- 
 saiy to state that the marriage was had at any ^ace 
 in England by way of yenue. (Mderton t. Uderton, 
 2H.B.U55 V 
 ^ 4. Jfeftittwy. 
 That the demandant in the life time of her late 
 husband, and during her coverture with him, yol- 
 untarily and of her own aecord, left her husband, 
 and £rom thence and until the time of his death vol- 
 untarUy and of her own accord lived away from him, 
 and during her ooverture with her said husband, 
 QOiydBii^y iiiid iS^til the death of her jpaid tobMidit 

 *^ of W own ioooi^ and without Uie lioense or oonsenty 
 and agftinst the will of her hnshand, lived awa^ from 
 him io adultery, with one A. B. And the said ten- 
 ant farOier avers that tho gaid hoaband of the said 
 demandant waa not at any time after she l0fb hia 
 honae, or after she lived in adnlteiy with the said 
 A* B., volnntaiily or in any manner reooneiled tp 
 her. {Betherington v. Oraham, 6 Bing. 186; 
 Woodward r. Down, 8 Jar. K. S* 418; Bao. Ahr. 
 tit. Power, p. 142. 
 Jtepltcatioiu io the plea o/advltety, 
 '1. That she did not, during the lifetime of her 
 husband/ voluntarily elope from his house and live 
 Ib adultery with said A. B. ^ "-■ > 
 2. Beeonoiliation and condonation. (Roaooe on 
 Beal Actions, p. 224.) 
 ^ That ihe demandant is an alif^, bom in fbreigu 
 parti, and out of the allegiaoee of our lady the 
 Queen, and within the allegianoei of a /ormgn atato, 
 to wit the United States of America, and is not* 
 aubject of our lady the Queen by natnraliiation, 
 denixatton or otherwise. (Bao. Abr. tit Dower, p. 
 120 ; Bobinet v. Xeiou, Dra. Bep. 44.) ,^ 
 Replication thereto. 
 That she 18 a^atural born subject of our lady the 
 Queen, born in tljke allegiance of our lady the Queen, 
 (aetheecuemdjfhef) to wit in the then province of 
 Pennsylvania, and not an alien bora in foreign parts, 
 or within the aflegianoe of a for^u atate^ as in the 
 . Ah" .i„ 
 ^Sliia. i J>Mii^^^*Afe'lI 
-i \',-^'^v*"*^-^V*/''" ^''ti ""V"" ' 
 jjH-i^ t~ ,,*. 
 - ^'1 
 Btia plea allegea. (J3ra«*«» t, JFVaier, 12 U. 0. 0. ,5^"' 
 p. 888.) 
 w, 6. Kon itnure. 
 As to the lands and tondments mentioned in tlie 
 said demand of the said A. B., (demandant,) and 
 whereof, <fcc., he the said 0. D. says that he cannot 
 render to the said A. B. her dower thereof, or any 
 part thereof, heoa^ose he says he is not, nor at the 
 day of the filing the declaration of the said A. 6., 
 or any time since, has heen tenant thereof, or of any 
 part thereof, as of freehold ; and this he is ready to 
 Teij^y : wherefore as to the said lands and tene- 
 ments he prays judgment of the said writ, &o. 
 iron._The same persons are liable in dower as befbre 
 the pa^g of 18 ft 14 Wo. oh. 68» and non tenure is there- 
 fore still a good defenee. (Hdrrie t. StrtUton, 17 U. G. Q. 
 B. 620.) 
 7, FUa that lands were devised in lieu of dower, 
 and accepted by, widow in satis/action thereof, 
 Thatjdttring the coverture, to wit, on, &o., J. B. 
 was setted in fee of certain other hinds, particularly 
 described in the plea, and by his last wiU duly exe- 
 ciDtedt, devised to the said A. B., (demandant,) in 
 fiiU bi^ and satitfrotii^ of her dower, » certain por- 
 tion of J^e said land, (ftoiei t» the ^«0 ^ ^^^ 
 to^.lie^'Plring her life : that after making this will 
 the si^^. B. died without revoking it, &c., seised 
 of the i^d premises, &a, after whose death th^ said 
 A. B. agreed to and ratified the said devise, -(-flmi*- 
 enridge v. King, 4 0. S. 180; see also Walton y. Ml, 
 8 U. G. Q. B. R. 6820 ..^..::...../i^-..^^- 
 *,1 /^) 
 «i.«if » jtf^T,^ ^a5t*#j»» 
 8. Mta o/Umdexchmng^i amd dteUtm o/ widow ' 
 to be endowed in other landtJ • 
 That A. B.y the huibaod ff the stid demandant, 
 daring the ooyerture was B^ised in fee of the lands 
 -mentioned in the demandant's dfelaration, and alao 
 of certain other lands in th<i township of, &o., and 
 ^t during the ooverture hjn exchanged the lands in 
 ihe dechuration mentioned iot the said lands in the 
 township of, &o., with oqJB CD., wherehy the de- . 
 mandant became entitled lioP dower in either of the^ 
 said lands at her election. I And the tenant further 
 sajs that the said, demandant elected to be endowed 
 of the lands in the towliship of, &o., and released 
 her dower theitein in con^deration of £50. (^Towt- 
 Uyr, Smith, 12 U. 0. Q. B. 555; Breakenridge y.. 
 King, IV. O. 8. 180.) f 
 9. Siatutebflimitatiofu^ - 
 That demandant's right to dower in the premises 
 mentioned in the declaration accrued to her more 
 than twent|r years next before the iBommencement of 
 this action. (JkDonold ▼. Melntoih, 8 U. 0. Q. 
 B.8880 /-i^'-V-f^-v^-^^/-:- ■■/; 
 x^ It^^^jj^ he/ore action. 
 That after dfemandan^s right accrued, and before 
 the eommencemeiit of this suit^ the demandant con- 
 Tejed and asrigned her dower in the said premises • 
 in the dedkration mentioned to one A. B. (^Sfreei 
 T. Z>o2mii, 2^jg. q. Brae. B. 806.) 
 I lUiRdituehitdetd,' / 
 That beford the oommonoement of Ibis siiiiy and 
 during the lifetime of her said husbaad, the de^ 
 ■ ^ r' ■ . .'' *' ■ - . ■ ' ' ■ 
 ffltnoftiit OB, &e.f baited her dowet of tnd in t1ie„ ^ 
 land* and preimises in the deolaration mentioned by i>o««r. 
 deed jointly with her said hnsband (or a$ the cate 
 may he) to one A. B., pnrsoant to the statute in / 
 snoh ease made and provided. 
 12. Ne Hngi»e$ eeitie fpie dower* 
 that the ttid ((Ufnandanf) ought not to haT« 
 dower of the tenemente albreeud with the appuv> 
 tenanoei, of the endoWBjBnt of the aaid (hueband,) 
 because he says that the sud (husband) neither on 
 the day he married the said (demandatUfy nor ever 
 afterwards, was seised of the tenements aforesaid, 
 with the appurt^anoes, whejreof, £0.,^ of such an 
 estate as he could thereof endow the sud^(c2^mafMf- 
 •m.) Ana T. Jftfyera, 14 U. 0. Q. B. 40^; Wont- 
 worth's System of Pleading^ vol. z., p. 160.) ^^ 
 18. ffmband alive. ^ 
 That A. B., the husband of the said (demandant') 
 in the deobiatioB mentioned^ was alive it the time 
 of the eommenoemeni of this aetion. Beplieation, 
 that A. B., the husband o^ the sail ^le^andtmt,) 
 diedai , and la buried there. Thorm y, Bofyhp 
 DUFat 185; Bao. Abr. tit Dower, p. 182.) Sc 
 It li stated by Mi^ Fuk> p^ 248, thai thia issue oa 
 awiitofdoirer,is/iiottrii^ebjajui7, but by the 
 oourljMr iettet,/ Bong a mere ^estioa of &et 
 bowovwi it is pkesuraad that in Oanada it would be 
 1^ to a jtuy* A oontinuons unezplaiaed absenoe 
 Item home for seven yean is presumptive ei;ide6oe 
 of daath. Proof of that &ct throws the tnuupro- 
 landi on the opposite party. (Taykr on Et., 127.) 
 Saoh 'iBBOM b»T« been tried in England by jttriefc 
 (Jl. ▼. ffarhome, 2 A. A fi. 644 ; If^aUon T. iKi^, 
 ; Stark 121.) 
 I. ' -■ . , - 
 That A. B., the Irasband of the said (demandant f) 
 during hii lifetime, and during the seiwn of the 
 ■aid A. B. of the Undg mentioned in the dedaxation, 
 ^ras attainted of twawn. (Roaeoe on Beal Actioni, 
 p. 222 J Hawkina P. Co. 49) Bao. Abr. tit 
 Bower, p. 121.) 
 16. 4 r^ereneeta arhUraUon and amgnlMiUhy 
 arhitratortofeertain tpeciJUd land* in iotit/acthn 
 ^f^ower. {McLtan ▼. Harton, 9 tJ. 0. Q. B. 686.) 
 \y.B.— This plea must ahew that the amignment had 
 been actoaUj made. 
 Ifi^^Detinue of charteri. 
 It 18 a good plea in bar of dower that demandant 
 detains from the heir sui^h oharters, unless they be 
 in a bag sealed, or a box looked, and it is sufficient 
 to say that she detains firom him such bag or box of 
 eharters ; but if the bag or box be open, then h^ 
 must shew them in certain, and conclude by addinj^ 
 that if she will deliyer them to him, he is, and has 
 ilways been, ready to render her dower; and upon 
 tibia if she delitton them to him, she shall hate judg- 
 ment for her dower ; but if she-denies such detoiner, 
 tad it be found against her, she shall be barred for 
 «fer; and it is to be observed— 1st These charters 
 ou^t to concern the hmd or the leversion of the 
 hmd whereof dower] is demanded. 2nd. Such de- 
 ' jtitnei. 
 of the 
 br. tit 
 S. 685.) 
 nent had 
 ?V ^V'!'*''?,^ .' "" "«»7'***.'^T* 
 #.' :V ' - ' 
 they be 
 tr box of 
 then he 
 f addiniP 
 nd upon 
 irred for 
 n of tbe 
 3aob de- 
 uSner \b no bar of dower for more binds iban ^^^^SS^ 
 eharten eonoem. 8rd. No one ean plead ibis plea »<>««•• * 
 bat tbe beir. 
 Tbe reason wby roeb detinne of obartera is a good 
 plea for the heir, seems to be because tbe inherit- 
 ance bj btw is cast npon bim immediately after the 
 ancestor's death, without any act of bis concurring; 
 and therefore he cannot pro?ide against the injury 
 done him by any precaution or covenant whatsoeTcr; 
 but /a stranger who comes to tbe land by convey* ' 
 anoe, and his own act, ought to take care to have all 
 thjB deeds and writings necesi^ry for the defence of 
 title, delivered to bim lit the same time, or to 
 sure himself by proper covenants; and if be has 
 iot so done it is his own folly; and be shall take 
 io advantage thereof, by pleading it in bar of tbe 
 lemandant, but must puisne his remedy by an ao« 
 tion of detinue. In what cases the heirtbimself 
 ihall be considered as a stranger, and cannot plead 
 Idetinue of charters vide 9 Go. 18; Perk. 858; Dyer 
 280 pi. 52; Bos^e on Keal Actions, 228; Bao. 
 I Abr. tit Bower, y 148 : but if the heir has himself 
 delivered theycharaers to the widow, he cannot plead 
 detinue, for then Vshe has them by his own act. 
 (ftufk on Dowery 2i95.) 1 __ 
 If the wife be edcientCf the heir presumptive can- 
 not plead detinueM charters, fo|r the wife may jEcep 
 them,.^r the infant. (Roscoe on Beal Actions, ^24; 
 Park oil DdwerJ 296.) ^ 
 V Tbcjflbllowine pleas may also be pleaded, yii t-^ . 
 lL:^:,!. Jointurei' - ■■:'--.■: j. /\ 
 2. IHvoietf a vinculo matrimonii. 
 J '^ 
 . I 
 - / 
r ■'^' 
 8. ' PaymaBt in fiill latia&etion of dower. 
 4. That demandant wai under dowable ago, (Sel- 
 lon's Prao., Tol. 2, 206) 
 6'. That he holds jointly wtth A. not named. 
 (F«rii OB Doireri 287.) 
 \ " . ■ 
 ;if:' ■ 
 ••.■• '* ;,. H-^ 
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■ ,^ , ., .,..* _■•» y^^jj: , y ; 
 „The demandant olaiming throagh seisin of her 
 bnsband : — Pleas, 1. Ne unqueM sant que dower, 
 2. Ne fmqu$9 accottple, 8. That deinandant and 
 her husband wera both aliens born, and not natur- 
 aliied before he sold. The Ices of most of the deeds 
 affeoting the title, was proTed (or rather preanmed) 
 ftom the bnming of the house of the oi<nier in fee, 
 bat a deed was proved to the demandant'a basband 
 sod brother as joint tenants by prodaotion oi« me- 
 morial from the registry office, and the death of the 
 demandant's, husband before his brother, and co- 
 joint tenant, was also proved. > 
 On a motion to enter a nonsuit (a verdict for the 
 pkintiff having been entered) ; heldf the demand- 
 ant could not, without specially pleading it, rely 
 npon the tenants being estopped by taking a con-^ 
 teyance from her husband after marriage, nor from 
 shewing that the seisin of the demandant's husband 
 was as joint tenant with his brother, and that he 
 died first. 2. ^at secondary evidence of ihe loss 
 of the deeds wf^Pmissible* 
 Demandant is an alien born, and was not, nor has 
 •t any time, become a subject by naturalization or 
 otherwise : that her husband was also an alien born, 
 not naturalised befo^ he sold and cofiyeyed away 
 hif intcwit in the lands, if be had any, and that 
 defendant and the oooupiers for the time being haye 
 enjoyed the same as of right, and without in terrup- 
 tion for twenty yeara next before the eaid J. H. 
 became a British subject, if eter he became so. 
 (J3a«ifc«/i T. fVaicr, 12 C. P. 888.) - 
 That demandant bad become a British subject by 
 Bitiiraliiatioo, and that her husband J. wa« a British 
 subject by DaturaliaaOan at the time he conyeyed 
 these lands, and that defendants and the occupiers, 
 &c., have not enjoyed, &o. 
 m^fi ft J 
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 ind that 
 ,ng have 
 i J. H. 
 lame so. 
 ibjeot by 
 \ Britifth 
 ^^ February 16tb, 1862. V 
 ii ii ordered, Tbat the form of writa of M«gn-QjJJ«' 
 ment of dower, to be naed under the atat. 24 Yio. 
 oh. 40| ahall be as foUowi : 
 ^J^ writ of aaaignment of dower required to be 
 iaraed after a judgment in an action of dower baa 
 been entered in favour of the demandant, ahall be in 
 the form hitherto in uae in Upper Canada. 
 \ And the writ of assignment of dower, required to 
 bd iaaued under the 2nd clauae of the aaid atatute, 
 when the right of dower is aoquieaced in by the 
 owner of the eatate, may be aa followa. 
 / Cowty of— ^ ) Victoria, ^)y the Grace of God, &o. 
 To the Sheriff of the County of 
 Whereaa A. B., widow, who waa the wife of C. D., ' 
 deceaaed, demanda againat E. F. the third part of 
 (AtfTtf detcribe th« ettate in which dower is claimed, 
 ' at in other write of ateignment of dower), aa the 
 dower of the aaid A. B. aa the endowment of the 
 laid 0. B., heretofore her huaband. And whereaa if^ 
 has been made appear to ua, in our Court of Queen's \ 
 Bench {or C. JP., at the cate majf fi^) in Upper 
 ; Canada, that the 8ai4 E, F. ia the owner of the aaid 
 real eatate out of which such dower ia claimed, and 
 ihat he aoquieaoea in the said claim, and UMlilliDgto 
 I ' DOWIft. 
 i^of /aMlgn to the 'laid A. B. her V^f^^Jj^j^f baft that 
 I tho said A. B. and E. F. are not iplKd as to the 
 I admeaaurement thereof : We therefore oommand joU|^ 
 that without dolaj you do deliver to the aaid A. B. 
 ■eisin of her third part of the said , with the 
 appnrtenancea, to hold to her in seVeralty by metes 
 and bonnda ; and that jon do proeeed in the exeen- 
 tioB of this oar writ according to the proTisionf of 
 th|mtat6 in that behalf, passed by the Legislature 
 of our ProTinoe of Oanada in the twenty-foorth year 
 of our reign. 
 'Witness, &o. .^ • 
 (When the demandant has married again sinoe the 
 death of her late husband, under whom she solaims 
 doweVi her name and description most be made suoh 
 •8 to suit the oircu 
 ■ ^ . ■'■ 
 * ' ■ "*.- 
 ' ■■ ^''' . 
 ' ' ■': ■• 
 '■ ■ ■ 
 • ■ 
 - ■/■:■' ■ - ;_ 
 '. *■- ■""'■■'' 
 ^ .M 
 \ ^ 
 • 4 
td' tho 
 A. B. 
 th the 
 oof of 
 b jear 
 :mr~r ' 
 *' > 
 OON. ITAT. u. o. oa. a^ ». sat. 
 Her Ifi^Mty, bj aod with iBa aavioe snl oonaent 
 of the LegisIatiTe Ooaooil and Assembly of Oanada, 
 eaaoti as foUowa: 
 vi ' 'ACTION Of. 
 1. The action of dower at law shall be oommeooed AMm of 
 by filing a declaration or plaint (in the fora hereto-'**'* 
 fore osed) in the office of one of the elerlv of the 
 Ciown and Pleaa, or of the deputy clerk of the 
 '€rown and Pleas, in the county where the wtion ia 
 broaght (18, 14 Vic. oh. 68, see. 1.) , ~ 
 r ' . VBN0E. 
 f . An aotion of dower shall be brought in tbe 
 mty or united counties, wherein the lands or 
 teiementa of which dower is sought to be reoof«red^ 
 % are situate, and the declaration inay be serred on 
 ;-the teoMl of the freehold in any part of U^r 
 Canada, (a) 
 ■A 4 
 (•) b an aeiioa where a demaad is ater«d in the deola- 
 ratioa, end Jadgaent allowed to go by defialt, oosts may 
 bereeoTwed. {Hurru ▼. Mvrden, 17 U. 0. Q. B. 278: 
 JBbMArtoT. BcmtU, 16 U. C. B. 466; Stnfl t. Row, 8 
 C. P. 818; Andnmm r, Marriott, 2 U. 0. L. J. 198; H 
 la .fi;y«iliM» T. Bjfekwum, Ike llMhnitl^ea^ ^. ^^ 
 Umpt prkt/* BepUeatien, a <|eiBaad and reAisal. A^^te- 
 f :■-... 
 8. A copy of Buoli 4o6UraUoii, and of the notice 
 hereinafter preeoribed, may be aerved by any literate 
 der denying the reftual. There fM no roggeftion that the 
 hnshand died eelied. The evidence showed that the tenant 
 had freaaently offered the demandant h«r dower, and to 
 Wave it to two persone to itake ottt the landj hot the 
 declined, saying that she e^nld not Work the land, and 
 woald rather hate oompeneatlon ; and no potion wm m 
 fhet narked out. BM^ that the bene moat be foond for 
 the tenant* • . «,■ ' 
 As the hntband did In fact die soliod, BmhU^ per Barn^ 
 J., that that should hare been saggested on the reeord, and % 
 the demandant would then hate heen ehUtled to damages 
 from the suing out of the writ, and oonsejjuently to costs, 
 .(8 0.O.L.J.316;:'WU.<3,aB.266.) 
 ^ To an action of dower alleging a demapd made pursuant 
 to the sUtute, the tenaats pleaded "Jba* imp* pruC' 
 Tha demandant rcBlled that she requested her dower more 
 thaa oae month, and leas than one year, before action, but 
 ,<hat the tenant did not endow her, and that the judgment 
 for the said damages and endowm^t shaU wait till tiiasaid 
 issue is tried. The tenants Joined issue. The efidence 
 proTcd a demand, and that ihe tenants said demandant 
 might hate dower, but did notiiing. ifeW, that an Issue, 
 was sufficiently formed upon the record, and that upon the 
 eridence the demandant was entitied to aTcrdtot and to 
 costs. {Rdd T. Fo»ier et al, 19 U. C. Q. B» E. 298.) 
 Security for costs may be obtained in an action of dower 
 * on the ground that demandant Is resident out of the Fro- 
 Tince. {Nolan t. Aetrf, 1 Prao. Bep. 264.) .,._..» 
 Draper, J., considered that the stat 18 k 14 Vic. ch. 58, 
 was not Intended to interfere with any right to costs enst- 
 ing uafter the old practice, or to render necessary a demand 
 in cases where the demandatft would before haTO been 
 entitled. to costs wlti&ont It; that the J^lea of " tout tempt 
 nriti *' admitted a right to damages firom the commencement 
 of the suit to tiie issuing, if not to the ewcutionof the 
 urit of enquiry, without any snggestioa that the husband 
 died seised; and that on/these plaadings, therefore, the 
 demandant might strictly have reeotered snch damage, and 
 eonsequentiy the costs ; but as this was not iaslstsdon^ at 
 tha trial, aad the Tcrdict wal. just, ha eenoarred in msing 
 to interfere. (BithopriekT,Featce,}2Vj,C.fl.^9X»,) v. 
 / </k ^ i ts ^^ yy - ^--- '^ . 
 » *t 
 ch. 68, 
 re been / 
 a tempt . 
 ioem«nt --'^ 
 lof the 
 ore, the 
 Mon At 
 BOe.) ^, 
 ^ DOWIS. M 
 penon personally, wUhia ono year from the filing 
 thereof, on the tenant of the fireehold, if within the 
 jarisdiction of the oonrt; and if not, then upon the 
 tenant of the hind of which dower is demanded ; 
 and if snoh tenant do not plead, agreeably to the 
 noUoe, the demandant therein, upon affidavit of the 
 doe aervioe of pncb declaration and noUoe being 
 filed, may proceed thereon as in personal aotioip* 
 (18, 14 Vic. chap. 68, sec. 2.) 
 4. The notice referred to in the last section may 
 be in the following form : ^ 
 tn the Queen's Bench (or Common Pleas). itomdr 
 A. B., who was (or m, as the case may be) the*^**^ 
 widow ef p. D., deceased, demandant, and E. V*f 
 <■ tenant 
 ♦ .« 
 In the case of Qumn ▼. MeKibbin^ 12 U: 0. Q. B. 828, 
 there was no snggeition iti the deolaration that the husband 
 diMl seised, and no claim ibr damages. The tenant pleaded 
 (iriutmpt priMt, ReplLsation, a demand and refesal. Be- 
 j^ader, taking issae on the refasal. It was proTed that 
 alter demand serr^ on the tenant, nnder 18 & 14 Vie.' oh^ 
 68, see. 6, he went to the diemandant's attovney and sidd 
 that he was ready and willing to assign dower whenetttr 
 the would eome for it ; to whioh the attorney replied that 
 the tenant most take his own eonrse. The jorj found for 
 'demandant, and one shilling Idamages; and a role having 
 been obtained for a new trial, heU, per Draper, J., and 
 Bums, i., that sneh role ^hoold be disoharged. Per 
 liraper, J., titot by pleading \tout Un^ jm$t, the tenant 
 had admitted a right to damages at least from the bringhig 
 ^ the action, whieh would oaih7 eosts. Per Boms, J., that 
 - the offer pro^ was insnffieieat, and in eftet amounted tOt 
 a refuial, and the demandant would ther^ore have costs; 
 iHf t that thwe could be no damages, as the husband was not 
 proved to haVe diM seised. R4>binson, G. J., dissenting, ou^ 
 tha ground that the evidencel showed no such reftiaal as . 
 could do away with the effiBCft of the offar proved, and tiiat ; 
 the offer was tnScient, under the statut^ to exempt the ^ 
 tcpaat fro^B CDSts. 
 -*- . 
( ^3f^ ■ 
 \ • N 
 Take notioe, ibit a deelarttioo, of wliioli ihd 
 annexed is a troe copy, was tbis day filed in the 
 office of the Clerk of tbe Crown and Pleas (or 
 Deputy, as the case may be), at ^^ - « *'*« 
 County of (or United Countiet of, af >0Plla8e may 
 be) ; and tiiileSB yon plead theretdfe^^Jin twenty 
 days fW>m the serfioe hereof; jndgmetft^ be signed 
 against yon by default, and subsequent proceedings 
 and execution thereof fdlcTw thereon, according to law. 
 Dated the — day of • ,18 . 
 J. K, attorney, &o.,r 
 Kestding at — , in the County of - — — (or 
 Vhiitd Chunties of, as the case may be). 
 To E F., of the town of (as the case may be), 
 'the above tenant. 
 6. If Uie land of which dower is demanded be 
 vacant, and the tenant of the fireehold cannot be 
 personally served with a deoUration as hereinbefore 
 provided, then service may be made as in actions ol 
 cjectmentj but such SMvice, when notpefsonal upon 
 the tenant, must be allowed by the court or a judge 
 thereof; and after filing the declaration and the affi- 
 davit of such aerviee, and ^e order or rule of allow-, 
 ance thereof, the demandant may/after the time for 
 pleading has expired, proceed thereon as if personal 
 fertice had been effected. (18, 14 Vic. cb. W, 9- 3.) 
 9. , When the tenant of the land bas not been 
 personally served with the declaratiwi, aqd the 
 demandant proceeds to the trial of the right of dower 
 in the land/ the demandant, befqre the ent^ 9^ 9^J 
 the i 
 in pc 
^' •. ^ v,r t''si 'i^pf^T^jw*'! 
 [*n**^ v*Y* ^"^ • 'iV- 1) *' 
 verdiptlin ftronr of iwioh right, ghall prove the niaii.^JJJjyf>»» 
 nag^j 4«M*ni and death of the hnsbatid, in the aame J^"^ 
 maonef ai if the tenant pleaded, ttayersine snch"""*^ 
 mama|e, «et)im and death. (18, 14 Vie. oh. 58, b. 4.) 
 .■ . ' ■■},-• ^ . ■■':■-■';; COSTS. -: ■■•'■■ 
 7. Ik ease it appears on the trial that a demand in wbraooiti 
 writing had been made of the dower claimed fromauowod. 
 the teiiant one month before action brought, and that 
 the akion was brought within a year from snol^ ^ 
 deilnaiid, ooets shall be allowed to the demandant^ 1 
 whe^er damages be reooverable or not, in tbe,.same 
 mann^ as costs are allowed to a plaintiff or defoidant 
 in pejrsonal actions; but if it appears on the trial 
 that ^e tenant offered to assign Uie dower demanded 
 befoc0 aoti^ biong^t, the demandant shall no^ recb« 
 TttTi^osts. (X3»14 Vic. eh, 85, sec 5.) 
 / TBNAnT^ notify LAl^LORD. ' 
 ^. In case a declaration or jJaint in dower be deli- Twotat ih 
 vered to any tenant, not being tenant of the freehold, gt^'!M&^ 
 Bi^h tenant shall forthwith give notice thereof to his^*^°^^' 
 landlord, or to the servant, attorney, agent, bailiff or ; . 
 recdver of his landlord, under, the penalty of forfeit- 
 ing to the person of whom he holds, three years^ 
 improved or rack-rent of the premises so demised, 
 holdeii or in the possession of snoh tenant, to be 
 recovered, by action of debt in any Gonrt <^ Beeord 
 in 0ppar Canada. (13, 14 Yic. oh. 58, see. 6.) 
 d. A recovery had against a mere occupier of the 
 land, and wi^out notice to the terre tenant, shall 
^■**t^,>^- ^f«* 
 "- J-'^U - 
 ....... . 
 .,'■■■'.. _ ♦ 
 •'^ hare no greater effect tlian a recovery in ejectment 
 for the quantity of land aasigned as doWer in snob 
 recovery Would liave W^ (18, U Vie cb. 68, a. 6.) 
 Form of a declaration in dower (a). 
 In the Queen'a Bench (or Common Pleaa). ' 
 County of , \ The — -day of-^ A.I). 18 , 
 To wit ) A. B., widow, who was the wife 
 of C. D., deceased, by J. K. her attorney, demands 
 against B. F. the t^ird paft of lot number (deteribe 
 premiaet)) and of ten i messuages, ten bams, ten 
 stables, two dwelling houses, four gardens, four 
 orchards, two thousand acres of pasture land, two 
 thousand acres of woodland, and two thousand acres 
 of other land, with the appurtenances, in the town- 
 ship of -^, in the county of — , as the dower of 
 the said A. B. of the endowment of C^ P. deceased, 
 heretofore her husband, who died seisdd of said lands, 
 whereof she has nothing. t ir 
 ^ . Attorney for A. B., demandant. 
 f&rm of dedaration in dower and for nume profih. 
 (^Samo €» above, and proceed after ih» word 
 "nothing") and the said A, B. also claims damages 
 for the detention firom her of her endowment in the 
 said lands firom the death of her said husband, and 
 the one-third of the mesne pfofits arising firom the 
 (a) In a writ or count in www, the exact number of 
 •toMOf land In respeotof whiohXdowet is demanded, is 
 not material, &e. {Oerrard V* IW^? C. B. 281 } 18 Jfor. 
 a SQoh 
 , ». 6.) 
 ►. 18 , 
 lie wife 
 Mf ten 
 B, ibur 
 id, two 
 B town- 
 ower of 
 d landSi 
 ^- ■■ :■• ■ 
 « word 
 tin the 
 ,nd, and 
 lom the 
 amber of 
 uided, is 
 • 18 Jar. 
 .JDOWllt. ■■ 
 flaid landa from the death of ber mucI hnsband ; and 
 the demandant olaima X-*«—. m- ■ 
 JV w 
 . A..) -;*;■ . 
 Attorney for A. B., demandant 
 (For form of notice to be endonsed on declaration^ 
 Bee BOO. 4.) 
 Form of isme and tuggestion of service of demand 
 of dower one month be/ore action brought, <kc, \. 
 (Copy declaration and pleadings here.) 
 The demandant, A. B., joins issne on the pleas q¥ 
 the said tenant^ E. F., above pleaded, and suggests 
 that one month before the commencement of this 
 jmit, and within a year prior to the commencement 
 thereof) she caused a notice in writiDg, demanding 
 her dower in the said lot number — to be served on 
 the said E. F., and requiring that dower be set oui 
 to her thereon, that her husband died seised thereof, 
 and that she had been heretofore deforced thereof. 
 i \- J' K., Attorney, &o. 
 {Copy abov^,&nd add the words, ''(Therefore let a 
 jury come," &c.) : 4! 
 Form (^ (^ 
 ^0 A. B., of t!ie ^wnstiip of-— , in the county of — .• 
 Take notice, that E.F., of thfr-^-^f^—^ widow 
 of C. p., deceased, demands of you her dower of and 
 in lot No.— ', in the ~-^ concession of the township 
 of--.*-^ in the county of - — -, of which said lot her 
 linabancCtLed seiied, and of wluch she has nothing; 
T - ,' 
 . f 
 •nd miless you sluJl bavse her said dower to be 
 assigned to her within one month from the date of 
 the senrioe upon yon of this notice, an action will be 
 brought agaitast yott to recover her said dower, and 
 yon will be pat to ihe costs thereof, v. 
 * w Attorney for E.F., of the of . 
 Dated the -* day of A.D., 18 . 
 " ■ .' ■ ■ ■ , * .'■'•■' ■ 
 ' Ptyr^ of record. 
 The same as in persoiaal actions (a). 
 (a) Wmiamiy, Rider, 1 U. C. Prao. R«p. 41.) 
 J • 
 •■ -.^t: '.''■ ^^'-'-^^M^ 
"? s'r^X'^ 
 lo bd 
 tie of 
 ill be 
 r, and 
 ' OON. STAT. U. 0^ Ob. M. 
 Doww ow 
 Her Majesty, by and with the advice and coneent 
 of tbe Legifllatiye Oounpil and Assembly of Canada, 
 enacts as follows 1 ' 
 1. Wben a hnsband dies beneficially entitled to . . , 
 any Und, for an interest which does not entitle hisMteli|||^ 
 widow to dower out of the same at law, and snob 
 inieresty whether wholly equitable or partly legal and 
 partly equitable, is an estate of inheritance in possea- 
 sion, or equal to an estate of inheritance in posses- 
 sion (other than an estate in joint tenancy), then his 
 wid;ow shall be entitled in equity to dower out of the 
 same land. (4 W. 4, ch. 1, ss. 13, 14, 15.) 
 2. When a husband hath been entitled to a right Donrar 
 of entry or action in any land, and his widow would bud had 
 be entitled to dower out of the same if he had reco-anSy. 
 Tcred possession thereof, she shall be entitled to dower 
 out of the same, although her husband did not recover 
 possession thereof; but suojbtMower shall be sued (Of 
 or obtained within the period during which such i 
 right of entry or action might be enforced. (4 Wm. 
 IV, ch. 1, sec. 14.) (i) 
 (a) Action most be brought within twenty years from 
 ^eatb of the hasband. {Oermanr. Cfroomt, 6 U.C.Q.B. 414 ; 
 McDonald ▼. MeInto»K 8 U. C.° Q. B. 888.) 
 MeLtUan et ux v. Me^gattt al, 7 U. G. B. 81. 
 :> * 
 8. No widow iibftll bo entitled to dower ad oitium 
 tccUtim, or dower «» fiiifnit* fotm, (4 Wm. IV. 
 oh. 1, Mo. 16. V / 
 4. A married woman may bar ber dower in an^ 
 _- /-vUnds or berediUmenU in Upper C^ada, by joining 
 JSifSSd''' witb ber bnsband in a deed or oonteyanoe tbereof in 
 id'SuT* wM^ a releaae of dower ia contained. (2 Vio. ob. 6, 
 '/;■■■■.. ■■■ fe^.) ■■ '-.■-;-■:-....■ ■ ...,.^/ ■ 
 &. A married woman may also bar ber dower ,iii 
 wii«»»yany binds or bereditaments, by executing, eitber 
 ***'TlS alone or jointly wirfi otber persona, a deed or con- 
 veyance, to wbicb ber busband is not a party, con- 
 taining a release of suob dower. (87 Geo. IIL cb. 7, 
 •ec. 1. , 
 6. A married woman barring ber dower by a deed 
 „-^ wifcor conteyance to wbicb ber busband is not a party, 
 tiiST sball be examined by one of tbe judges of tbe Courto 
 teffMMt ^^ Qtteen's Bencb or Common Beas in Upper Canada, 
 or tbe judge of tbe County Court, or cbairman or 
 presiding magistrate of tbe Court of Quarter S«h 
 Bions, or two justices of tbe ^e for tbe county in 
 wbicb sbe resides or bappens to be, toucbing ber 
 consent to be barred of ber dower. (87 Geo. III. cb. 
 7, aec. 1 J 8 Wm. IV. cb. 9, sec. 1 j 2 Vie. cb. 6j 
 60 Geo. Ill, cb. 10, sec. 1.) , : 
 , 7. If sucb married woman, upon being so eiam- 
 CtrtMflO. ined, gives sucb consent, and tbe same appears to tbe 
 ' * judge, cbairman, or presiding magistrate, or justices 
 examining ber, to be voluntary, and not tbe effect of 
 ;■ «■ ■■ 
 ■ ' * 
 ooeroioD on the part of hn bmUnd or of any other 
 person, snob judge, chtirmtn or presiding justice or 
 justices shall certify on the hack of the deed to the 
 following effect (87 Geo. III. oh. 7, sec 2) : 
 ' We, A. B. and C. D., of the county of , in 
 the Province of Canada, Esquires, two of Her 
 Majesty's justices of the Peace in and for the said - ' 
 county (or /, a jttdge, &o., as the case may be), do _^ _ 
 certify that B. F., wife of G. F., personally appeared 
 before us (or iii«, as iiie case may be), and being 
 duly examined by us (or n%e) touching her consent to 
 be barred of her right of dower of and in the lands , , t 
 in the within deed mentioned, it did appear to us (or 
 me) that the said E. F. did give her consent thereto 
 freely and voluntarily, without coercion or tear of 
 coercion on the part of her husband or of any Other 
 person. (Signed) A. B. 
 Datedai — — . , CD. 
 (8 Wm. rV. cap. 0j' sec. 1.) " \ 
 8. A married woman, being within the United JJ^^^^ 
 Kingdom of Qreat Britain and Ireland, or any of ^>«, 
 Her Majesty's colonies, or the United States of 
 America, and there barring her dower by any^deed 
 or conveyance to which her husbandvk not a party, 
 shall be examined as mentioned in thd/sixth section 
 of this act, by the mayor or chief magistraterof a 
 city or town, if in the United Kingdom, or, if in a 
 colony or one of the United States, by a judge of the 
 supreme court of the colony or state j and if she givea' 
 snob consent, and the same appears to the person so 
 ij?iT' ' 
 ' i**ti 
 mx H 
 examiniog to b« ftee'and Tdlantary, and nut tlio 
 effeot of anj ^roion as aforosaid, snoh person shall 
 eertify on the hack of the deed to the effeot prescribed 
 bj the scTenth section of this ^L (48 Geo. III. oh. 
 7,«c.i.) ■ :^*- v ■ 
 a9^ Any oerttfioate under the last section of this 
 Orrtiaeiit^aot shall, if granted by a mayor or chief magistrate, 
 be under the oommop leil of the city or town over 
 which such mayor oir^ chief magistrate presides, or 
 finder the seal oflplQ^ of such mayor or chief 
 magistrate; and if grants by a judge, such certifi- 
 cate shall be TCiified by the seal of the person admiif. 
 latering the government oCibe colony or state of 
 which the person certifying is a judge. (48 Qeo. III. 
 ch. 7, ss. 2,8.) > 
 - "^ 10. No deed or conreyance of a married woman* 
 iTaiMi thtto which her husband ia not a party, shall be effectual 
 fvrtir, .lower to bar her dower, unless the directioq|i contained in 
 ii!ko«t , the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth sections of this 
 act (cm the cate may be) are complied with. (87 Geo. 
 ill. ch. 7, sec. 1.) 
 11. A fee of one dollar may be demanded for any 
 eertifioate under this act. (60 Geo. III. ch. 10, sec. 
 2 ; 8 Wm. IV. ch. 9, sec. 2.) 
 .... • " S4 TIO. 0H4P. 40. ; , 
 AflsenM to 18th May, 1861. 
 Her Majesty, by and with the advice, &o., enaeta • 
 aa foIlowiT: 
 I, Whenever a widow's right to dower shall ^■▼«,|^'!tjfy 
 been established in an action for that purpose, Bhe| [^;|^^y » 
 shall be entitled to sue oot from the oonrt in whieh . 
 snob action shall have been brought, iipon the jadg- : ^ 
 ment entered in such action, a writ of assignment of 
 dower, directed to the sheriff of the county where 
 the lands lie out of which dower has been acQudged 
 to her, which writ shall be in the form |iereinafter 
 provided for. (a) • 
 2. .Where there exists an outstanding claim for ^ ▼'**«' a*, 
 dower in any real estate in Upper Canada, and the ^«*r wImi* 
 owner of such real estate acquiesces therein, and, iswo^ehuoi 
 willing to assign dower, but the partieft are not» ya» 
 agreed as to the admeasurement thereof, it shall be£^M 
 Uwful for either of them to apply to a judge of either 
 of the superior courts of common law in Upper 
 Canada, or to the judge of county court (or union of 
 counties) in which the lands lie out of which dower 
 is demanded, for a writ of (6) assigbment of dower 
 1. . 
 (a) This form is not given. 
 (b) Form given by rule of eonrt 16ih February, 1862, 
 me supra. -* 
 ■^ ^ttfe^ ■ 
 tr*\ - ^-n 
 «Qa<r til* prorUtoBi ot thli tot; and mob jadg« 
 upon being Mtufled by evideoc« on iffidafU tbtt 
 tba parties agree aa to the existence of^the right of 
 dower, shall order such a writ to the proper sheriff in 
 that behalf. 
 8. The sheriff to whom snob writ is directed, shall 
 appoint three repuUble and disinterested freeholders 
 oommissioners for the purpose of making admeasure- 
 ment of the dower, by rfn order which shsU specify 
 the lands of which dower is to be admeasured, and 
 ' -. ' { .: ; .- ' ihe time at whiob the opmmin iopers s hall report. 
 4. The commliiloneri iO appointed, Wore enter- 
 fWr^ing upon their duties, shall be sworn before the 
 **"*^ sheriff who appointed them, or before some officer 
 euthoriied to Uke affidavits, tUt they will faithfully 
 etid impartially discharge the duty and execute the 
 trust reposed in them by such appointment; and if 
 OtiLr«»*^>« P«"on8 so appointed oommissioners, or either of 
 U2J*j«^tbem, shall die, resign, or neglect, or refuse to serve, 
 others may be appointed in their places by the sheriff 
 who appointed the first commissioners, and sball take 
 tbe same oath. 
 5, The commissioners so appointed shall execute 
 their duties as follows : 
 . 1. They shall admeasure and lay off, as speedily 
 ftoadniM- as possible, the one-third of theiands embraced in 
 M!dSrLd»ihe oi^er for their appointment as the dower of such 
 "*"* ata. widow, designating such part witb posts, stones, or 
 other permanent monuments. 
 2. In making snob measurement, they shall take 
 into view any permanent improvement made upon 
 tbue Janda ei^^oed in the said order by^any guai- 
 . r 
 dkn of minor, heir, or oUier owner rinoo tlia imih ^^^^ 
 of the hanband of luoh widow, or since the time that' 
 •nch Undi otme to be owned by any pereon or per- ^^ "•* 
 ■onabythe alienation of theaaid hasband, or by];; ;;;*;^^ 
 title derited through hia, and if practioable ihaUSk^ 
 award anch improvement within that part of the . 
 landa not allotted to anoh widow, and if not praoti- . ' '*. 
 cable BO to award the same, they fihall make a de- 
 daotion fW>m the landa allotted to each widow, pro- 
 portionate to the benefit she will derive from snch ^; 
 part of the said impro? emeoti as shall, be indaded ;; ^^ 
 in the portion aasigned to her. 
 8. If, firom the improvements upon saoh lands or AJMraMytai 
 oCher peculiar cironmstanoes,. the said commissioners whra th* ' 
 A. ' 
 shall find that an assignment of snch dower cannot im bjrii 
 be made, so as to be fair and. juat to all parties by ""l**^ 
 metes and bounds, they shall assess the amount of 
 a yearly sum of money in lieu thereof; and in assess- 
 ing the said annuity, they shall take evidence of all 
 the facts and circumstances relating to the said lands 
 and the improvements thereon, making allowances 
 for such improvements in the same way as would 
 have been done if the assignment had been made by 
 metes and bounds, and shall with their return to the ,^ 
 sheriff, return all the evidence upon which they have g*y»^ 
 acted, to be t^ken in writing on oaUi »nd subscribed 
 by the witni 
 4. Such annuHTshsll be a lien upon the entire of. AnBvUjrto 
 the said lands, ttUNiss the said commissioners shall with right pr 
 think it just |o confine the lien to a part thereof, 
 and shall be recoverable in such payments as thd 
 jud oommissioneis shall direct, by distretr ioUie 
 tt -'f 
 -*<»' *• 
 iftine manner u rent, in addition to tlie wmal per- 
 lonal remedj against the owner of the land. ' 
 ' 6. The said oommissionen shdll make their retnm 
 M direoted to the aheriff, with a fnll and ample re- 
 I. port of their proceedings, with the quantity eourses 
 and distances of the land admeasured and allotted to 
 the widow, with a description of the posts, stones, 
 and othei' permanent monuments thereof. 
 6. They may employ a surveyor with n e ei ewnt y 
 ""^^^Maistanti, to md them in such admeasurement 
 ^6. The^sheriff may, upon the application of the 
 H— aiy said commissioners, or other party, enlarge the tii|(? 
 S!3r for making their report, and may hy order, odtnp^' 
 such leporty or dischai^ such commissioiiers neg- 
 >i looting to mak^ the same, and appoint others in their 
 ' places; and sudli report when made and confirmed, 
 B«pofftto shall he filed with the proceedings in the cause thirty 
 feSriSJ^days'thereafter; and a certified copy thereof may be 
 **^ "^ xegisUred in the registry office for the county where 
 the lands are situated^ > ^ . 
 i. The sheriff to Whoin such report s^all he made 
 net nay may, at the time for receiving the same, or at such 
 '**''* other time to which the hearing shall have been ad- 
 journed, on good cause shewn, set aside the said 
 leport, and appoint as often as may he neeessary 
 new oommissibners, who ^all proceed in the man- 
 ner hereinbefore directed; and if not set aside, the 
 sheriff' shall by order to be endoised upon the writ, 
 confirm the said report and admeasurement. 
 8. The report so made and confirmed, shall, at the 
 laiS expiration of thirty days from the date of such eon- 
 irmatioui unless appealed from, be binding and con- 
nil per- 
 ople re- 
 >tted to 
 of tibe 
 in their 
 le thirty 
 'may be 
 y where 
 be made 
 at such 
 been ad- 
 bhe said 
 he man- 
 tde, the 
 lie writ, 
 II, at the 
 aoh eon- 
 dnnve upon all the parties ta the action in which 
 the writ of assignment of dower was issued, and the 
 sheriff shall, at the eipiration of thirty days from the 
 date of saoh confirmation, nnless the same be appealed 
 from, deliver possession of the land admeasured to 
 the ohkimant for her dower; and she may hold 
 the same subject to the payment of all taxes and 
 charges accruing thereon subseqiient to her taking 
 0^ Within thirty days after the order of eonfirma- AppMi 
 tion of the report of the commissioners, any party 2S^!2Sm 
 interested may appeal from such order injthe Court JJJS'* 
 in which the proceedings have been carried on, in 
 the manner hernnafter directed. , 
 10. 8ttch ^peal shall be ll^ 4iih the sheriff PioM6dk«i 
 gianting the order, but shall not be effectual or valid *^. *''**'* 
 fat Wf purpose until a bond to the adverse party 
 riMdl be ezeetlted by the appelknt and filed with the 
 said sheriff with security to be approved by him, H~. 
 and lo>be evideueed by an endorsement on such BMority. 
 bond, in the penal sum of one hundred dollars, cob* 
 ditioned for the diligent prosecution of such appeal, 
 and for the pi^nient of all costs that maybe adjudged 
 by the court against such' appellant ; and no other 
 Mtioe shall be nepessaiy to perfsot such i^peal. 
 11.. It shall be the duty of the sheriff with w^oiA SMtf to 
 such itppeal bond shall be. filed, to transcribe the^SS^^to 
 order of evidence, report, and other proceedings had 
 before him, together with the said appeal, and to 
 eurtify the same under his official seal, and to trans- 
 mit the same to the p^per officer of the court ap** 
 pealed to; and the oourt sliall proceed at the next 
 enining term after mich tmniiniarioti, ind not Utet 
 . " tban the eeoond term after the makiqg of the order 
 appealed ftom, to reticw the proceedings upon the 
 tMid application, and shaU do therein what ahall he 
 just ^ '•' ' 
 12. In case of the rcTersal of the order of oon- 
 b«Mor firmation, the court shall cause the same to he oerti- 
 SSSJit fied to the sheriff making such order, to the end that 
 JSS."^ new commissionerB may be. appointed, or a new 
 .admeasurement may he hadjas the said court may 
 direct; dr the court majL itself appoint such com- 
 missioners. "" \ * 41.J 
 18. In all cases coming under section one of this 
 Act, the costs of proceedings hereuniler shall follow 
 the suit, and shall he recoverabU by writ of Jieri 
 fieiaBf from the goods and chattels, or lands of the 
 defendant in audi stdtj and in all othw^cases all 
 mieh eofts shall be in Ac discretion of the court or 
 judge issuing the writ of assignment of dower j 
 profided thafrin both classes of oases aU coats in 
 appeal shidi be in tl* discretiou of the court of 
 U. The bearing of an appeal shall" be btought 
 of only in the ordpiiary practice, as in cases of an appeal 
 from the county courts and the court may, by «!• 
 ^reot liirther returns from any^sheriff whenever the 
 same shall be neeeiiaiy. 
 16. The tupwior courts of <|pipmon law shaM 
 fbme a fbrm of irtit of asstgnment of dower, and 
 rjfim faeias tot coste, adapted to the protirions of 
 ^^^ this Act, and any oOier Aot'in force in Upper Cana- 
 t^ d» ieift^ug to Bower, and shall ^ettfelfi ftes to be 
 , 1< 
 of t1 
 in ca 
 the 1 
 « % 
 ot latet 
 iO order 
 K>n the 
 of ooH' 
 »e oerd- 
 • new 
 iri may 
 5I1 com- 
 lof iltis 
 U follow 
 [g of the 
 MUMI all 
 oonrt or 
 eoils in 
 conrl <»f 
 inr tbiU 
 tisioDi of 
 allowed to the sheriSTi cdmmiasionerSi and all othera 
 16. This Act sliall be eonfioed t6 Upper Canada, i^^g^J^ 
 and shall not affect cases where the right to Dower 
 has become consummate by the death of the husband ■ • % 
 before the passing ihereofl 1 
 17. In estimating damages fSpr detention of dower, 
 nothing shall be allowed for the tise of permanent or doirar. 
 improvements made after the alienation by or death 
 of the husband of the claimant _;- —ii^ -i __|^ 
 18. No action for dower shall be brought but - umitetiini 
 within tn^ty years from the death of the husband £!IS^*^ 
 of the person claiming dower, not until one calendar 
 month's notice in writing, demanding the same has 
 been giyen by the claimant to ihe tenant of the Af^ee- 
 ^hold..::-;;. ' .^\\y^-- ■-■■■■ ■-'-■':'--■ ■■■.;■■■■:■/■ 
 19, Ifor shall any such action be hereafter brought Nottow 
 in ease the claimant joined in a deed to convey the dSSut^ 
 land or release dower therein to a purchaser, though f^'^ *^ 
 the acknowledgment required by law at the time 
 may not hare biton had, or though any informality 
 may have oocunredin respect thereof. 
 At y, i.',' 
 » ( •» i 
 • ^ ■ The law of dowei ia Upper Ctoad* W rfwaj* 
 tgjX, ^tt a subject of much perplexity to the lawyer, 
 SSw- EDd of more or leas oppwssioa to i^ laud owner. 
 While dower was, in th<joiy, for the support of 
 ' ihi>,ddpw, in piacace it yielded her little ornothbg 
 and, worse atili, caused mmeli loss to tte owner of 
 the^' ■■^' . ,* . 
 TMp 1»^ *k« «»Wy Uie aim of the dgiieiess was 
 isther to levy* money eompensaaon than to have 
 the enjoymeiit <tf ene-thiird of a biist 1<J, wliiob, 
 owing to the ewstice of ihe prlp^eyal «wM„»^ 
 e6«il4 not oultifate; or eren pne-ihird of a lot partly 
 elearad, of which, for wint of means, she ccjuld 
 . make no iise. ,, 
 In truth, no greater punishment could^ in many 
 oases, be inflioted upon the claimant than to admit 
 her ohum and to permit her to take po^ession of 
 that wkich apparently Ae so earnestly pmod. But 
 eren: here theie was a difficulty : pajties, owing pro- 
 hably to the fiwt that the daim for one-third of the 
 laud w^a only a pretence, could not agree upon the 
 portion 4o U assigned, and an ac^n for dower, with 
 its attendaniexpenses, TfW *be consequence. 
 joat to:, 
 of the j 
 ' * ' * 1 ,ti' 
 Was it \ 
 toy of I 
 motion f 
 her, wer 
 ."place th 
 footing ii 
 Upper C 
 and does 
 before IS 
 It is 1 
 aUowed f 
 the. elaiii 
 dower sh 
 frQm tha^ 
 dower, n 
 I writing d 

 or the i 
 tiieii inppoM the right to doir«r ooncedldcl, was U Tfc«iei»i 
 JMt to »Ho«r the widow to havo not only ooe-thirdX!!!^ 
 of the lot w left by^her decoised ha9bi|Dd, hat at"^*^ 
 tho aame tiiBo, m conaeqneoo^ of bor own neglect to 
 phim iiBtnodiato dower, to give her, by way of 
 damages for detention, the benefito of sabseqqent 
 impiOvements f Waa it fair to carve out of the 
 dentfe of a farm one^third of it, so as to render the . 
 working of the ij^mainder minously expensive f \ 
 Was it fight for the law qapricionaly to impoveriah *= 
 any of Her Majesty's sulyects, without, «t least, a 
 florresponding benefit to her Who pot the lav in . 
 motion? , These MdsimiUr questions, without num. 
 her, were daily asked, b\it owing to the vexatious 
 rtate of the law, oould ttot be satisfactorily answered^ \ ^ 
 The legislature has at length made an attempt to 
 place the law of dower upon a more satisfactory ■"■ 
 footing; in passiugrthe Act 24 Vic. cap. 40, entitled 
 «Aii 4ct for the better, assignment of Dower in 
 UpjMsr Cawda." It ia confined to Upp^r Canada, 
 and does notaflfect cases where the right, to doWer' 
 fcas become coQsumoiate hy the death of the husband 
 before l^tii Jfay, la^l. (Sec. 10.) 
 It is by this Act enacted, that "in estimating 
 dama^ for detention of dower nothing shall be 
 illowed fo^ the use of permanent improvements made 
 ■'^r*H*^«"**^^l>^JrPrd«»th of, the husband of 
 the claimantr (sec 17) ; and that '* no action Tot 
 dower shall he brought hut within twenty yean 
 ^"* *^« 4««'^ of the husbSand <Jf the poison claiming 
 dower, noir until one ealenilar Month's notice, in 
 writing demanding t|ie 
 b' ^ 
 MifcrdtimMit to the teonnt of the freehold (i«o.lS>|Tr 
 ifl also very properly entotod, thai no tnch .ction 
 iball be herwifter brought "in caietho okimaiit 
 joined in a deed to convey the laUd or releww^dowef 
 tbeiein to a puwhaMt, though tTTe-aeknowtedgmettt 
 reqaired l^ bur at the time may not hUfO been^pd* 
 or tbottgU any Informality may have occurred In 
 wapedtlbljteof/' (8eo.l9.)^ . ^v; 
 The leidiog featnree of the Act, however, are two. 
 Kitt, ti provicle facilities for the issue of a writ of 
 usknment of dower ^ and, secondly, to provide a 
 meaw^ wheieb|^he a*iignmiint of dower may be, as 
 fitr aa posaiMei^roisonablejand ji^^^ j v^^: y^^^^in 
 fAcitrai® FOB ISSUE m, A witm : ■ , 
 Whew there exists an onfeUtedinifclaimfor dower 
 in any real estot% in tipper Canada, ?nd^ the owner 
 it the v»i «>*•*« aoquiesoea therein and is wiUiog 
 to assign dower, but th^ parties f«|«* 'K"?? *' *^, 
 the admeasurement, it is made lawfiil forUither of 
 the parties to w>y to i Judge of ei^ <^ th^ 
 superior conrta of common lawyer to the judg^of 
 the county court of the county in which ihe lands lie, 
 out of whic^ doirer is demanded, for a writ of tssign- 
 -mentof dower. (Sedfe.) It must be made to appear 
 to the satisfcotion.of the^jttdge, by evidence on affi- 
 davit (intitled, it is presumed, in one «f the courts) 
 that the parties igree as to the existence of the right 
 of dower. This ittte fbntidation of the summary 
 jimidiction. When it is e«tobtished to the saUsfac- 
 tion of the judge, he in anthorixed,^ without suit or 
 0tb0r proceeding, to or^er the writ of MMgnment of 
 1 . 
 V ■■■• '■■,' ..'■•;.;. 
 ■ : do^er 
 the lai 
 So, wl 
 ' in an 1 
 of the 
 be sue 
 :'" ■ 
 Act 11 
 » , 
 f Iti 
 writ ii 
 , disinte 
 pose oi 
 1. Thi 
 I dower 
 rrcd ID 
 * i "^ ..' ■'•'' ' t^~' ' *-"■ 
 ;■•;■■ )i^^f, ,:*^:f' " 
 tro two. t 
 writ of * 
 ovide a 
 f be,M 
 »r dower ' 
 iO owner 
 1 WlUlDg 
 ledae i<} 
 sither of > 
 r of the 
 Jadgie of 
 )f aes^- 
 to appear 
 e on affi- 
 e oourts) 
 lismt or 
 lameiit of 
 do^^r to iaane lo the sheriff of the oonnty in which ^g^rijiifct 
 the land liesyout of which the dower ii demanded. MNtBM 
 So, whenever a widow's right to dower is established 
 in an action for that purpose, she is entitled to sne 
 ojDt fh>ni the court in which the action is brought a 
 writ of assignment of dower, under the'proTislons'^ 
 of the Act. The writ must, of course, in this case 
 be aued out upon the judgment, and in anjr esse b# ' 
 dirteted to the proper sheriff. (Sec. 1.) | 
 The Iiegislature hss not giren the form of the writ 
 intended, but, on the oontrarj, declared that the 
 superior courts of common hiw shall frame a^rit of 
 assignment of dower, and Jieri faciai for costSy 
 adapted to the provisions of this Act and any othtor 
 Act in force in Upper Canada relating to dower." 
 f It is made the doty of the sheriff to whom the 
 writ is directed, to appoint three reputable and 
 disinterested freeholders ootaimisiiioDen, fbrtho pur- 
 pose of making admeasurement of^the dower. The 
 appointment must be by an order which shall specify, 
 1. HiJB lands of which dower is to be admeasured; 
 aa4 2* The time at which th^ commiasionent shall 
 "report. (Seo.8.). " v 
 Before entering 
 sioners must taj^e 
 oath is given, but it 
 upon their duties the confmis- 
 an oath of ofllce. Ko form of' 
 must be to the effeolb that *f they 
 '*-* '^ 
 ' I ,t 
 A^wiU fiuthrallj, hoQ«9Uj, aod impartiallj ditoharg* 
 the dotj and execute the tnwt reposed in them bjt. : 
 the appoiotDieDi." The oath maj be admiDietered . 
 by thi^ sberiff wjho iQade the appoiDiineDt, or befor«i > 
 •one offieer aatboriccid to take aflEklatita. (8. 4^) 
 There is nq obligaiioii op the pari of .apj peik>ii to . 
 aoqept. of; tl^e, appqiotmfiiitt It m^J be refused^ aodt f ' 
 even if accepted, it ironld appear, may. be neglectediv.:. 
 -^without any very aerious consequences. It is, how«^ ^ 
 evef, to be presnmed that any person who takes the 
 oath << faithfully, honestly and Impartially^' to dis^' ., 
 charge the duty will not be guilty of neglect, i^^ 
 >., , I^ATKW OF CQMMIS8WNER9, v >v-/j| 
 If tbe persons appointed commissioners or Itny oii^ i^ 
 either of them die, resign, neglect or refuse to servJe, f 
 otberi may be appointed in their places b/ iko 
 Bheriff. Persons so appointed most take the oath 
 befbris mentioned. - 
 ,%het commissioDem:are reqaired "as speedily as 
 possible^' to liiy off the one-third of the lands em^/^ 
 braced in the order for that appointment as the dowefL^ .1 
 'of tbe widow. The part sp admeasiired and laid oi^^i 
 . inast be by the commissioners designated with posts, 
 ttones, or other permanent monuments. (Sec. b, 
 iub-secl.) ^ ^ ^ ^ \ 
 Ifi .foaking the adm^urement,,ih0 oooliiQissiqnerftm 
 lire 'ra(|nir0d to tal^e into yteif aqy permaueqt \ah 
 •I ■ «■■ . ,-. 
 ijf .yy- 
 provement made vpoQ the k&da ombnused ia the 
 order, bj any guardian Qr minor heir, or other owner, •»*v>mm 
 ■in6e the deofth df the fa^Ddlordf, or aince the time*'*^' 
 that the lands came to be owned by any person or 
 persons by the mlionation of the hnsband^ or by title 
 derived through him. If p^oUoable^ the commig- 
 sioners must award the impi^yement within that 
 pari of the dower not allotted to the wid^w. If not - 
 practicable so to award it, they shall make a dedno- 
 tlon from the lapds allotted to the widow propor- 
 tionate to the benefit she will derive fnwo sneb^art 
 of the improvements as may be inoladed in the por- 
 tion assigned to her. (8eo. 6, snb-sec. 2.) 
 - '■' '■■.'■' : . : '.. ■ .: " ' ■ ■ ■■■■'■'■■ ■ •" •..■■■■:' f\< ..■:.;-;. 
 It is not, underall eironmstanoes, imperative npon 
 the commissioners to make an actual assignment of 
 dower. If, from the improvements upon the bpd, 
 or other pecti/mr circumstances, the commissionera 
 find that an assignment of dower cannot be so made 
 as to be fair and just tQ all parties by metes and 
 bounds, they may assess the amount of a yearly sum 
 of money in lieu thereof. In asse^ng the annuity 
 they must take evidenee of all f^tr^md ciroum- 
 stanees relating to the knds ^nd the improtements ,• 
 thereoo, making allowances for the improvements in 
 the same waJ aejwould have been done had the ' 
 assigoment Wen ilde by metes and bounds. The 
 evidence should be Ukoi in writing on oath, and be *'' 
 Bubstnbedi-'by thet witnetsies. It must be returned 
 to the sheriC (Seo^5, sub sec. 8.) 
 ,1 - A 
 <" J 
 ft*'. ■ 
 K .The anDoity will be » Ken upon the entire of the 
 lands unless the oommissioners think it jost to eon- ' 
 fine it to a part, and then only to snoh a part. It 
 will be paytble as the oomniissioners may direet, 
 and recoTerable by distress in the same manner, as 
 rent. The osoal personal remedy against the owners , 
 of the land may also be preferred and be had. (See. 
 When an admeasnrement is necessary , the com> 
 missioners may employ a sonreyor, with Qeeessary 
 assistants, to aid them in the admeasurement. (See. 
 6, sub4«c. 6.) > , 
 J The repor^ or return must be by the commissioners 
 directed to the sheriff, with a full and apple report 
 of their proceedingSi with the quantity, courses, and 
 distances of the land admeasured aod'allotted to the 
 widow, with a description of the posts, stones, and 
 other permanent monuments thereof. (Sec. 5, subp 
 ■eo. 6.) ,■■.' / . ^^ "' * ■ •■;;. •■ : 
 The sheriff is empowered, upon the application of 
 the commissioners, or of either party, to enkrge the 
 time for making the report. He may a%, by order, 
 oonptd-the report or discharge the commissiouen 
 neglecting to make the same, and appoint others in 
 their j^fiees. (Sec ,6,) When the report is made. 
 N 119 
 ii« ma^, at t|ie time for f«cei?!iig It, or al W6li ^htr^ '*• a^«*^ 
 time to wbioh tlie heariog shall have been adjourned 
 00 good oaose shewn, set aside the report, and ap- 
 point new oommissionera as often as majr be neoes- 
 aary. If not aet aside, the aheriff is required 'by 
 order to be endorsed on the writ, to oonfirm the 
 leport and admeasurement. (See. 7.) 
 ^- 1 *'' 
 Th^ report, wlien made and oonfirmea> is to be 
 filed with the proceedings in the oaose thirty days 
 thereafter. (See. 6.) ' The report ^ made and eon- 
 firmed- at the expiration of thirty days from the date 
 of 'donfirmation,.QnIe88 appealed from, is binding and 
 conolnsive'bpon all parties to the action in which 
 the writ of assignment of dower was issued. ^Seo. 8.) 
 Aoy party interested may^ppeal from the order 
 of confirmation of the rep6rt\f the .commissioners 
 in the court in which the prdceediogs have been 
 carried on. The appeal must be mtlde within thirty^ 
 days after the order of confirmation. (Sec. 9.) 
 r 1%i i^>peat must be filed with the sheriff who 
 granted the order. li will not, however, be effec- 
 tual or valid for any purpoae, until a bond to the 
 adreise purt^,48 executed by the appellant^ aiid filed 
 jf itlT the i^eriff with security to be approved by 
 him'. . The approval must be evidenced by an en- 
 dorsement ou the bond. The bond itself must be in 
 the i^nal sum of flOO, and copditioned for the dili- 
• ■ t 
 : I 
 g$ni proMOQtlon of tliie appeal, anil payment of all ' 
 ooila that may be adjudged bj the ooort againit the 
 appellant. (8eo. 10.) - ' , 
 II ii made the datj of the aherifT with whom th«»'^> 
 {tppeal bond ia filed^l. To tranaoribe the order, 
 •tideooe, report, and other prooeedinga had bofor t ' 
 bim; together with tbe appeal. 2. To certify th« 
 ■ame under hia olfioial seal; and, 8. ^o tranimil - 
 the lame to the proper officer of the court appealed - 
 ^(.^n.) ,^ ,^ ,,„^^ 
 Ifl H^ to which the apptt! t«Bi3i;liT«qttfi^M^ 
 to proceed at the next enaniog term after the trana- 
 niaeion, and not later than the second term after the 
 making of the order appealed from, to review th*e 
 prooeedinga Bpon the application, and to do therein 
 << what ahaU be joat." (3qc. U.) 
 ■ #»■ 
 Tbe bearing ahall be brought on by the ordinary 
 praotioe aa io oaaea of an appeal from the oouotj^ 
 <H>urt, and the covrt may by rule direct farther re- ' 
 tarda from any ah^rif whenever ^he same shall be 
 neceaaary. (8eq.^ lyj;' ^.^^ .\ '■^'/('■■.■^ " 
 PROOBM^aS tJTI*0!? REti^AL. 
 In ease of the revemal of the order of ooolrma- 
 tion, the court ia to canoe the same to be certified : 
 to the sheriff miking the order, to the end that new 
 opmmissioneip Bwy bo appmnted or a new admeasi^re- 
 " •.^. 
■eni be h»d, m the court maj iirtei. (See. 12.) The J^ 
 ooart itMlf bbaj, if il flee fit, eppoint the oommb-ji 
 •ionen. {lb.) \ • ^ . 
 If then be no appeel withio the time limited for 
 the porpoee, it ii the daty of the aheriff to deliver 
 poeaoaaion of the land admeaanred to the claimanl 
 fyt her dower, and ahe may hold the aame, anbjeol 
 ^ the peynenl of all tazee and chargea aoeniisg 
 thereon anhaeqnent to her taking poaflearion. 
 ■;••■*:■:' .•'•■■■'CosTs^',, ^-,--' ■•- . •' ';■-' 
 Ai ^ eaflea wheie a widow'a right to dower it 
 tMibllihed in an aotion for that pnrpoae, the eoata of 
 ffoeeedinga for the aaaignmeni of dower fbllow th«^ 
 ■ait, and are leooTemble by writs Qt^erifaeiM front 
 the gooda and ehattela or lands of the defendant im^ 
 the anit. (See. 18.) In all other oaaea the coata at# 
 in the diflcr^tiion of the ^oort or judge thai iflaaea; 
 Hie writ of aaaignBent of dower. (76.) Bntinbotih' 
 nlawna of oaaea all ooata in appeal are in the diaoi^ 
 tion of the oonri of appeal. (i6.) Power la eon-* 
 ferred upon the Superior Conrta of Common Law tor 
 flettle tha feea to ha allowed to the aheiiff, aommi^r 
 aioMM, aad ill othen fiv aerfieei. (Sea 16.) >\'f* 
 - , ;^ J 1«(«ST»T OF BEPpim ;. • ,,„,,, 
 . A eert^ oopy of the report may ha legiitered 
 In the regiitiy oiloe for ihe oonnty where thf Ifndi 
 ' ': , '■ • ■■'': 
 M'' ''} 
 ("rji;- ( •,-i' im.« 
 t * . -'iv- 
 CON. «CAT, U.a, OMr.SI. 
 80. WK^Btf ir tlie artato of «i^ ttaant in doiirer, 
 Qr of any t^Mttii tgr ilio ooortaij or for lifo to the 
 irhole or to any part of the estato, has \ieen admitted 
 1i>7 the partieiy or asott^iaiiied by the oonrt to be 
 esiflliag m tbt time of the order &rMi<^ ode, ttd 
 tb9 |MWB entilled to tn^ ertale hai been aaade tk 
 ytt^4» the f i o ei ieii pi^ the oomit ahaB ftut deter- 
 adM lieiber jttch eaiato o«^ to be oxempted finrn 
 tie aa%i9f idMlihflr the iiiM ahoild be o^ld I a^ 
 miiaag enoh detorminati^, ifegard ahatt be hadto 
 tihe iaienite if aM the 
 aad if a «ala be 
 otdeted iMfludiog miik eata*^ all the artiAe and 
 iitoaiH of eniry pieh toMHit ahaU pu» ih&nkiff aid 
 theiprntohaaar^ hia heiai aod aetfgnii ahatt boMsaoh 
 feemiito fioed iiid diaahaigeid ftem ill ehdiii bf 
 ^riitiio of tlie «Mito or intaMil of aay 4|toh teuml^ 
 wheihav thfe BHiie be towyoadindedibaie^r toths 
 whole or any part of the premiaes aold; and the 
 ooortdiaUdbMt^epayiiieiitiif ttiohirom in grosa 
 4«l<tf thft |«rdiiaeKHMi«y to the penon entitled to 
 MMk do^»^ or ettlile by Mnileay orfer lift, w lAay' 
 be deemedi npon the prindplw afyplieabie lb Hf» 
 annnitieBy a reaaonable aaiufiMStion for aaoh eatato. 
 (20 ^d^. 6^ aep. U.) '^ ^ ^ 
 ■\ ■ ■ 

 < /• 
 OOMBOL. BTAT. U. 0^ OiA». 88, BiO. II. 
 No aneaiB of dower, iior ray fiUmaget on Mootnt no 
 of saoli anOAn, shall be ieeo?ered or obtained by any u i ** 
 iodon or anit, for a longer period Uian aix yearn next tiuHS 
 before tho oommencement of saoh action or rait (4 
 Wm. IVJch. 1, see, 44.) | 
 J^nd ihe aud (A« 5 }»jiriire of tbe aaid (grtmUni)^ 
 beieby bare her dower in the aaid knda. 
 I i«i»i«> 
>.1tui * 
 OONSOIk 0UX. V. a, Our. 73. 
 1. The minuten ancholergymeii of eveiy olraroli 
 and religions denomiDation in Upper Canada, dnly 
 ordained or appointed aocording to the rites and cere- 
 monies of the ohorohes or denominations to whioli^. 
 iktf lespeetivelj belong, and rodent in ^ppeif 
 Canada, may, by Turtne of sneb ordination or appoint 
 ment, and aeoording to the rites and usages of snch 
 ehnrehes or denominations respeoti?eIy, solemnise 
 the ceremony of marriage between any two pmsons 
 ii<>t under a legal disqualification to contract snch 
 Carriage. (20 Vic. ch. 66, s. 1; 11 Geo. IV. ch. 86, 
 sec. 8.) '■'^. ■-■.-. 
 2. But no minister cr clergyman shall celebrate 
 the ceremony of mairiage between any two poisons, 
 unless dnly authorised so to do by license under the 
 hand and seal of the goyemor, or, if not so author-^ 
 ised, theD- unless the intention of the two persons to 
 intermarry be prochumed openly and in an audible. 
 Toice in the church, chapel, meeting>house, or place 
 of public wonUp of tiie congregation or religious 
 community with uliich the minister or clergyman is 
 connected, on three iB?eral Sundays, immediately 
 before the serrice begins, or immediately after it 
 ends, or at wAne intermediate pari of the serrice, 
 together with the number of such proclamation, af^ 
)• 1 
 being tfi^ fint, Beooiicl or tliit^ tiine of anlnDg. (88 
 Geo. III. eh. 4, sec. 4 J 11 Geo. if . eh. 86, mc. 6.) ^ 
 . 8. It shall not be a valid objection to the legality Novdid 
 of a marriage that the same was not solemnised in athatitivw 
 oonseorated ohnroh or chapel, or within any partioa-ehmdKir 
 lar honn. (88 Geo. 8, oh. 6> sec 6.) ^f*"^^ 
 4. Every clergyman or minister who celiebrateii a 
 marriage in Upper Canada, shall, if required' at the^SSSi 
 time of the marriage by either of the parties thereto* JSjSSSl^ ^ 
 give a certificate of the marriage odder f is hand' 
 specifying the names of the persons married, the 
 time of the marriage, and the names of twb oi more ^ 
 persons who witnessed it, and specifying also whether 
 the marriJEige was solemnized pursuant to license or 
 after publication of banns; and the clergyman or 
 minister may demand twenty-five cents for the certi- 
 ficate, firom the person requiring it. (20 Yio. o. 66| 
 B0C.-2.)- ■■-.;.,., ■:-::;, . -• ■ >-:'^-;;-:^ \- 
 5. Every dergynian or minister shall, immediately Mnktarto 
 after he has solemnized a marriage, enter in a book, £^2!^ 
 to be kept by bim fot the purpose, a true record of ^°^^ 
 ihe marriage; and shall, on or before the ftrst day.of 
 Febmaiy in every year, return a certified list of all 
 marriages by him solemnised during the year ending 
 on the thirty-first day of December next preceding, tiooMtk** 
 to the registrar of the county in which the °M^*gMS^'{/uM 
 have taken place, and shall, at the time, of making B«i>>*nr* 
 the return, pay or transmit to the regbtrar one dollar ^ 
 as his fee thereon. |20 Vic. cap. 66^ sea 3.) 
 6. (For form of record see t^tatute.) ' * } ] . 
 7. On receipt by the regbtrar of any such list, be 
 sball file the same among the papers of his office. 
 it '1- . »:*« 
 . .<• 
■ \ ■''(■ 
 ;» > 
 ^ jiliiiiVmd i^oord tU fftiM la t book it lUWpl 1^ Uia f<ir . 
 tlie f i«rpwe| »i4 in JdH of tho dentil ot iOmooo >f 
 ' tbe wkoe^BOK to ft maitii^^ Book rtipM§r, or a ooiti. 
 M eopfy eball be mifl^oientetidenoe of tlie mam»ge, 
 «iid the lej^iBtrw fhitli givo » oertifted oopy of* ww- 
 "liftge repord to ad j penon deniaiiduig tbe mmo, on 
 jp«jm«iit of fifty eeoti* {20 V|o. %.66, leo: 3.), 
 tL ^Yory oletgymi or niDifter, before iQleiniuiin^ 
 „ t mirriafe^ mtgrden^apd from eifber of tbo parto 
 ^ Kb«reto (be iwro^ tuo do^burt, to en»ble biin io pty 
 > the floni to b0 paid or ^oeinitted by %m ^ tbe ,. 
 ' regiatn^ aopdi. to retti»iieratc tbft ; oleigyiDaii or^ 
 mllBiMer ibr Ibe ^ronbl# and ezpen«e attendapt oa 
 •, preparing and trtosinitting miob certified Uat to^e 
 legjetrar. (20Vio.pbv6^^ :^' 
 9. Bni BoUiing in tl^ Mt sbaU prevent tbe payr 
 PmW to the elergyman or minieter.of Mly^ foitb^ , 
 leipnneration ihe parties ohooee to miJce. (20 Tie. 
 fh. ee, aeo. 8LX; ^ V 1 ;. 
 14K In tiM <^ 4he deith or renoval of a minifter 
 or or elergymna bafiib «»akiog bi« aawal relai*, his 
 „^^ iBflBWwr Of iPy other pewoa hayiggihe lagal«ialo<|y 
 2aS?to 0^ *h» biiiQlE referrod to in the fiWi mcIma, «h«U 
 ifiai* |0 th« le^iOrar a c«rtlM fEopy of aU «M^ 
 «hii«ii leoofW, nd the neffatew «Wi J»»^ *« 
 MMM if Ihe lotm had been naae by the stiniater 
 orel«rgyn(mwboeelehiatedtlieiaiRii^ (20 Vie.: 
 eh.6^aee. 4.) ,^^ 
 11. EfCffy vaniago dnly solBnnised between 
 , membera of tho BeligiiMUi Society of Frienda, oom- 
 SSf voiUy called Qnakera, aeeoiding to the rights and 
 thereof^ ahaU be Tidid;. ftod the duty inf^. 
 -•>) • 
 • ■^ 
 k ' 
 l^ . 
 . ' ■ ftp 
 b)' Oiii ton Q^Q 1ft JBiolitw WjA dffgjiliiny tbaU, 
 viih mgird to lioh m»rrii|g«,''b6 perfonii«dbj the 
 qlerk or seoretaiy of the sooiet^/cir of the meeting at 
 whiob tlici mtrrUge is Bolenmiied^^ (|0 Tie. ^ olu 66^ 
 12. Bverjr olergytDan^ minwter, oierk, veofetary or ^._ 
 otbeir person/ whp m wj fetn refases or neglecti to SSm*** 
 ^tora the certified list teqmred of him by this act, *^'***^ H^ 
 on or before the fii$t day of Febro^, shall forftit 
 for each day's deky after Jbat^ay, the sum of four 
 doilanli which Sam sl^dl be recoverable "with costs . 
 before any magistrate df thc^^oiinty in Awhich the 
 person resideB,.and sjialkbe iipplied ajOcpr^Ung^tQ law. 
 (20^10. d^. M/se^ «7.) , 1 4 ^f v * i^ 
 • J l^i The clerlfcf pf t*^^^ 
 at thee^penlto of ^he county, from time to time, on gjjj^ 
 '^demand, famish alT clergymen or mliustersBtid others 
 10 the cotiniy rev^aired by this aet ^ m^e retards, 
 , OtariBiCf 
 with t% bookf to be kip]^, and with printed blank 
 fonOs for the Belts to be^retnmed ; and« saoh books 
 ehfdl have colamns and heidings printed on every 
 . page, according to the form given iir thes£tth section f 
 and the books and p^pxi shall be of sach size and 
 form as-to admit of the. neces^ry entries heing con« , 
 . veniendy made therd^f (2b Yio. eh. 66, sec. 8.^^ . ^ 
 / H. The book, by whomsoever famished, shall be mai 
 ' the nropertV.of the chareh or denomination to which property or 
 the clergyman or minister, clerk, or secretary belongs towbkii 
 at the- time of ^he .jfiret marriage which he records i^Sl^ 
 therein. (20 Vibi ch^66^Beq. 3,) ' 
 • .v::;*3 
 -%- " . 
 \ ' .'V'' 
 'lis '"• *■-- ':K^-.%tii«iL- 
 \ ' 
 <»\- f',.. 
 16. Th« portion of the marruigiB lioenM fond uruh 
 ^|io Upper Canada, aball be at tbe diapoaal of the 
 JUagiitlalare, for pilblfo parposea of intereat in Up{«r 
 e ,jt%pd|, as&u Vw^^ 70.) : V 
 •,". ■ -^.t: 
 y-'^>:'i'-- '^fV-r."-' 
 ■ ■'" ■ ■■ 'A. ',' ''\f . . V 
 ■■- ;. .V •.. ;;'^ii.v':f, : 
 ^'V- '''**'*^''--**'!* ' '■ '' 
 ■'% ■ . .. , ••■■■V>i;.-, 
 :;^-:'. '■■■ i-.^ ^' 
 .■ - ■ ' - . .... '4- ' .'■ 
 ' .-Xi^, f ■'>'\ :'-.■"■ 
 • :-v;^#F 
 .' M 
 :e ^: 
 .». -f.- ■ ;a- 
 :. ,.■*«■/.. 
■ I 
 '♦•*-<• r^^' 
 ■ I. •♦,■41 
 \ • ■ '■ ■ ■ .' ■■ ■ .' ■•■■■ ■■ ■ ■■ ,■ . . 
 ■A '■•,■■ :.;'«■■•■' »i#" " .' . '■.■"■■ >.\"'~'-.y^ -ft ■'!»■. .. 
 .wwU ♦'. 
 .'.I 11' 
 «* . 
 WbemM grwi niadliefii |iid ioooBvetiiwees biv« 
 uiMii from dsbd^HiM Mtftiif^i £99 pc^voptiiig 
 thenof for Om fiiiiifo, iB« /^;«iac<«4 '4ku, TM Irmw 
 ~»od after the twmtj-^MJi di|f of JUiftk<^^ » die ye«ir 
 of owr Loifd one tkowMuiil eeven Imi^M «|i4 fifty* 
 fi>iir,>li beoDsei m^trunoojrihell be p«i|ijM>«iiii 19 
 •iidibk maoDer in the p«liili okuin^y «t i^ eonio 
 fmblio obapel, in which pih^o ohapel bMHB f^ wtteir 
 1110B7 ha?e bMii| ueiaUjr |i«lidi/iM> ^M bilongiiic 
 to poeh fiffieh o][ chepohfy rnlmpm the ptnoii t# b* 
 jnarried ahali 4Via}l, eo^eidiDg la ibo fona |lf woidf 
 pr^ribed by tl^e mbiiok prefixed to 1i!h$ fi||«^ of 
 iiiatriiiK>ny in the Sook of Conuaon Prayer, lipoid 
 lAree Sunday preceding fhs ioUmnitQtiim of marr 
 4«^e| during tk« ^n of morajiDgserrifo, W of^ 
 -ti.pwi$ BfBrvioo (idphere benonomidgjiiervjee^ui . 
 anioh ohareh or hi^ upon any of those Sviid^ys}^ 
 uumfldii'oiti^ <i;fler <i^ Mcondl letmm : j^ irheoeoev^r 
 ib ^hall happen ibat the pei;Bon8 to bo mani0d fiM' 
 dwell In diveip J^iriahea or chapeliieay the bann^ 
 ahall in like manner bo pnbljihnd in the oharoh jp? 
 ehapel helonglng to anch pailah or ohaj[te^ wheinnn 
 each of thoeaid ] tenons iihall dwell ; and whiere both 
 it either of the j^ersons to be inairied shall dwell in 
 any extra paroopial place (having no ^hnci^ or 
 ^»» ^ 
 9mt. m, ehapel wberaia Bliini luite Imcb nmitlly pAlWed), 
 Sfivi. tbtn the baoiui titU in like mioner be publwhed itt 
 1^ tbe periib ebarob or obtpel bdongiog (o tone pwiib 
 IT obap€li7 adjoiniiig to Mob •ztn i»ro«bial pImo; 
 Md wbera braM sbill be pmbliebed in anj eboreb 
 or obepel belonging to toy pwrieb edjoining to wob 
 extim parocbial pbwe, tbe pewon, vieer, miniMer or 
 ^mte, pnblbbiog eucb benne, ebell, in writing noder 
 t.'-''^-^^ eeftifj tbe pnblioition thereof in iuob 
 :^ ntonef •• If either of the pereoifa t6 be merried 
 dwelt in raeb adjoining perieb; end that ell other 
 " the rulee pieeoribed by tbe leid mbriok eonoeming 
 the paUiofttion of benni, and the Boh«nni»tion of 
 ' vetrinony, and not bewby altered, ibaU be dnly 
 Mki'tetoobiirtedi and that in aUoaaie where bann»abaU 
 S^***h«fe beto pmWiabed, Ae marriage aball be aolem- 
 SmlS**, Biied In one of the pa'***' ohnrcbea or ebapele where 
 ■^^ jMb beona b«?« h^ pnbliahed, and ia "x^o^'f 
 n. Pmntied ahoay$, tbit no pAiton, ti^ win^ 
 iiii»«f later or cnfate/abtU be obliged to pnbliab the henna 
 fcSS? of mateimbny between any penonatbataoevet, ntfl^ 
 SSitftJ; the perai^ to be married, aeven days at the least 
 SSdS^ before tbe time re^niwd for the first pttbUeatidn of 
 '^ '•• «^b beiins respfeotiTely, deUVer or oanse to be dett-A 
 ? tend to mlob parfaon, tioar, minister or eaiitey a 
 iotiee ih wrtUng of their ime ebristiah and sttrnamefr 
 ibd of the bouse or booses of tbrfr respeetite abodei 
 ^bia sneb perish, ebapelry, or extrn parochial plaet 
 ia afbraeaid, and of ihe time during wbiob thef bato^; 
 Iwelti inhabited or lodged, in sucbbiftiiwr or houses 
 - 'CC 
 i(^ ' 
 '4. '<! 
 ■%■ . 
 ,1. ■f^ 
 (V^m^oMid alwayif Thftt no pftnoil, mtblite^ 
 1Pi4ir 'or eante, ■oUmniiing. naniaget ffter the 
 twenty-fifllrdaj of Maroh, in the year one. IboniaDd 
 ■BTen hundred «Dd fifty-fifor, ^between penopa, both 
 or one of whom ehall b«»ander the age of twenty-one 
 yean, after hanns pablUhed, shall be punishable by 
 eoelesiastioal oensnre for solemnivng sneh mi^rriaget 
 without eonsent of parenii &r gunrdiaiUlf^hoae oon« 
 lent is required by law, unless sueh panon, minister, 
 ^▼iear or curate, «hall1ia?e notice of the dissent ofiSlSJSdl'^ 
 Meh parents or guardians ; and in case such parents • 
 or guardians) or one of them, shall openly and pub- 
 licly declare or cause tb be declared, in the church . > 
 or chapel where the biniis shall be so published, at 
 the time of such publication, his, her or their dissenl 
 r.to tnch marriagCj^ sookpmblicatioii of haunt sIpiU bi% 
 ■' ■ abscdutely Toid.-;-/' '■'-■■:'{■■ :,-,;.,'■ ; r ,' \ - 
 fltk And it is herle^fitrther kn<teiedf That no Lh9iiw»to 
 ■ license of marriage shall, from ahd after the said in ST* 
 twenty-fifth day of March, in th(B year on^ thousand raehiwrtoh 
 sefeti hundred' and fifty-four, be granted by mnyHitiS^ ^ 
 Mohbishop, bishop, or other ordinary dr person 'C^'*'*' 
 hating authority to grant siichncenses, to solemnised 
 any mtfrriage in any other church or chapel, than ia^ ' 
 the parish church or public chapel of or ^belonging 
 , t» the parish or ohapelry, within whicHihe usual-, , 
 place pf abodo of one of the persons to be married'^ 
 . shall have been for the space of ' fbur wieeks immoi 
 diately before the granting of siich license; or where' 
 ' both or either of the parties to bemarried s^all dwell' 
 in any extra parochial place^ having no church pr 
 chapel wherein banns have ^ been usually put^ished,* 
 h^Ti? '~^ — -7. ^- — "T"^ ; — • ' i . ■ — ~~ 
 ■ -.■■;■;■■ r 
 ». -.Vi 
 h M' 
 tiMB IB tfc« p«bli ohnrili or olia^l W6»gl«if to 
 'tome firuh or obapdlry sdjoining lo Mck nUm 
 pwb^kl plaea, and ia bo otbtr pkoo whaUoerer. - 
 V. FrovideJL alwayi, and U H tnacted by t%9 - 
 anthority nfwmaii, Thtt all pAriiliei wkere there 
 ihtU be BO pBriili ohuroh or okapel WoBging lliereto, 
 ■* ^ BOBO wbewlB difiBO Bcrtioo thftll bo osBally oolo- 
 VrBted erory 8ttiid»y, may bo dowriod extra paroobkl 
 . 7|il«o08 for tbe pnrpoaea of tbia act, but Bot for wf 
 \\ ■ *©tber panwee.:.-- ^' v: ^ '-[^V.: '^^''^'^,^i^.~ 
 VI. Frwii^d alwa^9, Thai noiliRig %ere«»b«WNi 
 AKMMMreoBtaiBed aball be eoBBtraed to extead to deprive 
 {^*%ktthe Arobbiahop of CaBterbary aad bia aaeeaaaora, 
 gad bia aad their proper oftcere, of tbe right which 
 • bath hitherto beea aaed, la Tirtae of a oertaio Btatato 
 Btde ia the tweaty-fifth year of tbe rwga of the lato ^ 
 kiog Heory the Eighth, eotitled, Aa Aet coBeeroiBg 
 Petec Peace aad DiapeaaatLoaa ; of graotiog speaial ^. 
 '^ipeaaea to mKnj at aay eoBTeaieat time or plaee. , 
 yi% Pnmdxd aiwa^t, That from and after ibo 
 tweatj-fiftb day of March, ia the year oae tboaaaad 
 MTOR baadred aad fifty-foar^Boaarrogato depatod - 
 by aay eeeleaiaatieal jadge, who hath power to graai; 
 Jioeaaw of marriage, aball graai any aaoh Heeaai 
 bef;>re be ha*h takea aa oath before the aaid jadge 
 frithlally to ezeeato bia oftoe, aeoordiag to law, to 
 tha b«t of hia kaowladge, and bath giVea aeearity 
 by bia boad, ia the aam of oae baadred pooada, to 
 the biabop of tbe (d^ooeae, for the dae aad UMil 
 exeeation of bi< aaid office. 
 Villi Aad whereaa maay petaoaa do iolemmae 
 «fi#imon y in priaoaa sad otbey pheee withoat pab* , 

 v% -^ 
 wwliid, »l»t if »»7 peiio- •b^f~« •^ •'^ *^ ^A^ 
 lweiil9-«rili day of Hiwb, in iM^mt ©n* W»*»»» iES^telt 
 •WtB kuMire4 »wi fifty-fowri •obmniif malri^om JHX^ 
 in any otker pUoe tUa • cWwh or pabU« oUp«i-«H— 
 vUra Udm h«« been vranllj published, mnliii by 
 fpeeial Keeiww from tbe Aithbiebop of Gnnlerbiiiy 5 
 L or ihidl ioleniiiwe wntriaMny withool piAUettUn of 
 btBM, Mm Uonm of nnrriage be inl bad ni 
 Obtained 'fkom aome penon or penona baving nmiho- 
 rity to granlb the same, every person knowinsly and 
 wUlingly so ofc^diog, sod being lawfully oontieted 
 thfft^i shall be deemed and adjudged to be guilty 
 of feloi^, M»d sbaU be tnni^orted to some of hia 
 Hajesiys plantatioBS in Amerion fot tbe apaee of 
 fimrleeD yearn, seeording to the Uws in fevee for the 
 tranaportation of felons: and all marriage aolem* 
 niied fnm and aftej the twenty-fifth day of Mawh, 
 in the year one thousand aeven hundred and fif^y* 
 four, in any other plaoe than a ehuroh or s»oh puWie 
 ibapel, unlew by speoial lieense as alMienld, or that 
 •ball be solemnised without pubtioatioii of baanaor 
 lieenee of marriags from a person oi^peisous having 
 tntbority to grant the same, first /ha4 wd obtoined, 
 riiaU be null wd ?oid to aU i^tenta and purposes 
 .whatsoever. ■; ■^-^- ■. /: \i/ "n ^ . -y^^ 
 ' IX. /Vo»tiW,ThatallproseeutionsforsuAfcloBy^^ 
 ,lhatt bo commenced within the spaoe of three years uii^y««. 
 if ter the offence eommitted. 1% 
 A i. iVoMitei afo9<iy», That after the solemnisation^ 
 if a9y ttaniage, under a pu b licat i on of banns, il^ 
 -7 - ^ — ~ - ~^ ^ - 
 / . ' . ■ ' 
 . 'i- 
^^^lJ^ ..^Mtti,ml 
 dMl Ml %• 
 £*Sr b«Mw of MitriMoay w«r« iwblblMd; or w^oro th* 
 ., itriMoay wwn yah\iah»A 
 aanfagt ii ly liMMt, il tbaU m4 W sMMMTf ^ 
 gift M J pffoof th*t tbo moaI piMo oC tk»iB of oai» 
 ofthopvtMt, ftir llio tpMi of fo«f weoto •• •fort* 
 Mliy «M ia Ibo pMiali or okapol'J whM^ tbo bm* 
 ffiigt wM •ol6«»Urd; ■•» *^ wy irtdiioi li 
 •illMr of tU Mid OMM bo lOooifod to frovo Uii 
 eoMTsry ia any iwl louohing iko f ftUcitf o£ Mok 
 XL And U <» hereif^ M^yr 9Mf^ 
 ifcwiuM oMrrii^w ■oleamiied by KoonM aflor tbo nid twoaty- 
 SfStM-ftftb day of Mawh, ooa tboanad Mf«a baadiad aad 
 j^i^ thyJhat, wbeia oilber of tba paflka, noC boiag a 
 ^^Ir« widbvar or widow, iball bo andor tba age of twaoty- 
 * ^ OM yaan, wbieb iball be bad wilboat tba ooaaenl of ^ 
 siMbof Iba partiaa fitbar, lo andar aga (if tbaa- 
 iifteg), flral bad aad obtaiaad, or, if dafd, «f A« V 
 gvtfdlaa or gaardiaas of tba parMa of tba party w "^^ 
 uadar aga, btwfally appt^ated, or one of tbam ; attd ' 
 in aaaa tbara sbaU ba no aaob goardian or gaardiil# t 
 ^laa of tba moibar (if liviag and uQiaarriad), aad ilk 
 Ifcoa ibaU ba ao osotbar Uviag aad naaianiad, tbatt ^ 
 af a gaar^Kaa or goardiana of tba panoa appoiatad 
 by tba Ooart of Cbaaoaiy ; iball ba abwbilaly a«tt , 
 and foid to all iatanta tod porpoaea wbataoavar. ^^ 
 XIL " Aad wbaroM it aiay bappaa ibat tba gM# 
 dba or goardiaai, motber or motban, of tba partiaT^^ 
 to^ wutiad, or one of tbeoi, ao vodar aga la afora- ' 
 d- - 
 •Ml by «<>d^Mp|s t* aboM tb« trail ro powd la 
 bim, b«r oi^HP«r.nftwiB8 <>' wiibboldiag bU^ 
 : W Of tb«ir •bSpRo lb# «.rAg« j" A ft lAfi. 
 />r» mkm^mit thai in mm aoy tneb ga«rdi«A « gnMb*^^ 
 diMM, moUMr or molbiis, or aoy of tboM, wboit 
 •oBMBt to nado D^^MMiry m aforoMid, aball bo nom 
 wmpM «MMl>f, or io porto bojond tbo aets, or abaU ^ 
 rtolbao or irHbbold bia* bar or ikair oeaaaol to tb^ 
 of aoy paraoii, H aball tad may bo lawlW rjjjij-y 
 for aoy porwo daairaoi of ■Mrryiog; in any of tbo i^ojji. 
 aboTO montioofd oaaaa, to apply by potitton to tbo ' 
 Lord Gbaooollor, Lord Kaepor» or tbo Lorda OoW " 
 niaaioiion of tbo Gnal %mX < ^ i |m t Briuin for tb« ^ - 
 Umo baiog, irbo ia aad oro^piby oaspoworod !• ,, 
 piooaod 00 aoob poUtioo in a rammafy way j and it 
 oaao ibo inanrtago proponed aball, npon oiaminatioSt 
 appear to bo proper, tbo aaid Lord CbaooeHory Lord 
 Koopor, or tbo Loida Commianonora of tbo Great 
 Bed f^ tbo time being, abail jndieiaHy deokra tb« 
 ■aoio to bo ao by in order of ooort, and ancb ordef 
 •haU bo deemod and be takon to bo aa good ami 
 effoelvnl, to all intonta and pnrpoaea, aa if the gnard* 
 «iaA or guaidiane^ or niotber of the penoii JO petitioa«; 
 log, bad oonaeotod taaoeh ^larriagab^ ;^ t^^^ 
 Mnr. Md Hit henfy /urtker enacttd, That in no .wofrtt.ia 
 oaao wbataoover aball any anit or prooeeding bo badtaroyto 
 any ooelealastloal oottrt la order to eonpel a oolebrapMCitia 
 lion of aay isarriago in faeim eccUtilt, by reaaon of ^tdJlm. 
 any ooolraot of matriaiony wbataoofor, whether jiar # 
 oeHki cf# praeaenti or per verba de^^Uwo, wbieb. 
 aball bo onteiod into aft»r the twen^4fth day of ^ - 
 JfcwfliiBfliei«^ bundled w* 
 - Jfty-four; w>y 1«W or nM«9 tp Ow wiUiwy wAw^ 
 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1^ i^Mireiitiog imdM mmm mm 
 •SS2 ^mn^Mh dMj of Miiob i» th. yetf T *T!w 
 .jterwMdi « ihett Arii be oooMloq tbe ohwj^^ 
 dens and ohtpeUfwdeM of efety V^^AOt or ol^W 
 . M\ pmido p«por booke of ▼ellupn or^gwd wi^ 
 4thibk pn»«, » wbicb att iiimiifSeB »»d l^^ 
 OM bo rogi-torod, aiia oroiy pigo tb«o«e A^U 
 ^^ BH^Lro^orandoTOfy^rff P^BOiH«^ 
 ftW^eoeii ato, or M n6W»«»ybo; aiidoU b^ 
 •lid iii«rfkig«i !»bK«"«»d •»^«^^««*^f "^ 
 or obopol or wUh««iiyiiiob pMiA or<^peliy,«l«a 
 bo iTi^vdy ebteiod, ««i.t«i^ print^^'^n^ 
 won or .8 oeor M coiiTOiiieatJj^may be^ Wb nrta* 
 Hoot, «tt4 sbi^l bo iignod by tbo aiioirt*!^ fii«f, ?"»• , 
 SOB or oiirato, or by Bomo otbor poispa in bw pr«oiwo 
 and by hk 4ireotio» 5 oad^wh ontefet Arfl bo inwio 
 ■0 tforMMd o« Of now Buob U»»|» «ie«*»v* owo'f 
 JSfSa: wboro tlio popor it not d»pii«ed or dwsoyod ^ aocir 
 g&SiW or lenglk *f <«H6,5ii»ta 4>n«r book d»U bo 
 flonio pnrpowi, Midiaion tbo diriietoia tforoawd sbdl 
 ' be <*BerTed in ovory mob new book j ond dl booki 
 psoYidod «rol6w»id RhoU bo Ajonned *o baSong to 
 . ^ 
 ■■•■■ '.■'■'< V-.'i^ 
 ^ •? evy mioli pamb olr obapel retpeo^elyyABd sliall be >, ; 
 * eatefuiw kepijiod presenred for piblio use, > 
 XV. Aod ia ord«^ to prbserye tbe etidenoe of ii«vi^ 
 , narriages, and to inake the proofjlbereof more oer-pnMaMdr 
 tain ^ni eaay, and for the direotion of ministen in ^ 
 tbe oelebratioii ofmarriageiandregiBteiingtbereof, 
 B^HenaeUd, thai from and alUit tbe twenty-fifth 
 day of March, in tbe year one thousand seven hun- 
 dred and fifty-fonr, all marriages aball be Mylemnized 
 in presence of two or more cr^ible witnesses besides 
 tbe minister who shall celebrate the same ; and that 
 immediately after the celebration of every marriage^ 
 an entry thereof shall be made in spch^iEggiBter to be 
 kept^ aforesaid ; in which entry or register it shall 
 be expressed, that the said banns or license; and if 
 —both or either of the parties inarried by license, be 
 under age, with consent of the parents or guardians, 
 as the eese shall be; and shall be signed by the ^ 
 minister with his proper additiojn, and also by theA«. 
 parties married, and attested by sn<&b two witnesses; 
 which entry shall be madd in the form or to the 
 effect Mowing ;«that is to say i ^ 
 ■■/■ '■' 
 -r V 
 ..,1 "*. • ," 
 IP-- - 
 p- ' 
 '^■! ■ - 
 • ■^:- 

 J^'f/f iM.\ 
 'ff^'- »' 
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 "» «■»: 
 - (Iteetor.) 
 •^ Jf . F. 4 Vkar. V 
 #^*!*^-aie force of tbia io*, koofiriiij^y, «4 wiaiP^Ji V- 
 iert, or cause to be inserted io fclie register book of 
 sacb fsrisb or cbapelry as aforesaid, any folse entry 
 of any matter or thing reUtipg to any marriage ; or 
 falsely make, alter, forge, or counterfeit, or canse, 
 ^0^ procure to b^ folsely made, altered, forged, or 
 -counterfeited, or act or assist in fslsely making, 
 altering, forging, or counterfeiting any sucb entry 
 in such register; or^Jdsely make, alter, forge, or 
 counterfeit, or cause, or procure to be falsely made, 
 altered, forged, or counterfeited, or assist in felsely 
 "•■ X :.- 
 .\ . 
 lay of 
 f' ' ■ ".V ■ 
 ■ ■ '-fr. 
 ■■■■;:■ ■■:^^\-.- ■ 
 look of 
 B entry 
 igej or 
 r eanMy 
 ged, or 
 h entry 
 )rge, or 
 y inadey 
 I fiJsely 
 ■ ■■ ^ *- ' -■■: ^v 
 making, allering, forging, * or oimnterfeiting any. 
 anoh license of marriage as aforesaid ; or ntter, or 
 publish as time, any such false, altered; forged, 
 or counterfeited regutieras aforesaid, or a copy 
 thereof, any sich false, sliered, forged, or coun- 
 terfeited ^nse of marriage, knowing such regis- 
 ter or liaise qf marriage respectively to be falae^ 
 altered, forged, or counterfeited ; or if any person 
 shall, from Itod after the said twenty-fifth d|iy of 
 March, wilfnllysfestroy, or cause or procure to be 
 destroyed, a^y register book of marriages, or any 
 gart of such reg^er book, with inteig to avoid any 
 marriage, or to s^bj|^t any person to any of the pen- 
 alties of this act; every person so offending, and 
 bc^ng thereof 'lawfully . convicted, shall be deemed 
 jHid adjudged guilt/'of felony, and shall 3u ffer 4g* <^ 
 •ii&loni wi^outbenefipof clergy. 
 XVII. JPtovid(td aZtoays, That |hi8 act, or any^ 
 thing thenein contained, shi^ not extend to the mar- 
 l^ges of any of the'^Royal Family. 
 y XVni. Provided likewip9,,That nothing in this 
 jU)t contained shfiU'eztepd to that part of Great Bri^ 
 tain oalled Scotland; not to any marriages amongst 
 ^e people oalled Quakers, or amongst the persons 
 professing the Jewish religion, where both the par- 
 ties to any such marriage shall be of the people oalled 
 iQnakers, or persons professing the Jewish religion 
 lespectivdy, nor to lipy marriages solemnized beyond 
 theseasi. • # 
 , I 
 .-, ..a>" 
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 *^ ?J» 
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 PUBUBHCD BT W. 0. CBBWmfT * 00.^ KOk Vt. «AiT, TOBOITK). 
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