IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. {./ 4ko A «tf ^ 1.0 I.I 1^128 |25 U£ Ui2 12.2 |40 11.25 11.4 6" Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^' \ ^ :\ \ ^^f"^- / V • •■ -hi* ^ ■ .* A^> ♦ f % t; C ' :if' n - •(...•ftv: .<■. » -^'-'' i^li < Ichi n 4r^^^. ALMANACK, 1817. tPOCHS AND COMMON NOTES, For tb€ Tear 1817, bting the fir tl after Leap year. Of the Julian Period Of the Mundane i^ra Since the birth of Chrift, according to Chro- nologfrs. - • bf the vii/gffir Chriftian iEra Since the Difcovery of America Since the foundation of Quebec by Champlain Of the reign of His Majcfty GEORGE 111. - 6530 5820 1821 1817 325 209 57 Chronologteal Cvcles* Dominica) Letters Lunar Cycle, Epaa, Solar Cycle Roinan Indi^l^n E »3 12 6 5 Ember Days Feb. 26, 28, & March i. May 28, JO, and ji, Sept. 17, 19, and 20. Dee. 17, 19, and zD. MOVEABLE FEASTS, Septuaga. Sun. Feby« 2 Quinq. or Sh. Su. Feb. 16 Arti-Wednefday, Feb. 19 Mid-Lint Sun. March 16 palm Sunday, March 30 EASTER DAY April 6 Low Sunday^ April 13 Rogation Sun. May 1 1 Afcen. H.Thur. May 15 Whit Sunday, May 25 Trinity Sunday, June i Advent Sunday, Nov. 3« Comniencment of the SEASONS,- Sprikg Sun enters Lis DorZE SiCNES DU ZoDIAqjLE* i-f^^^H ic Moom the SuDf ,une cettc il, aucune the Month* ird the Ho« ; of the Sun* I ^Le Belier, jfriet. ^Lc Taurcau, Taurus, llf^esGemeaux, Gemini. S3L*Ecrcvifl!c, Cancer. ^Le Lion, Leo. lIRLa Viergc, Virgo* ifitLa Balance, Libra, f!|Lc Scorpion, Scorfio, f Le iSagittaire, Sagitarius* Vj'LeCapricornc Caprieornut XCT I e Verfcau, j^quarius* KI'fsPoilTons, Pi/ces, MOON'S RISING At four days old it fets at, and ihines till, about lo at night. 5 - about - II 6 • about - 12 7 at near i in the morn- ing. AND SETTING. 15, at full, it rifes about 6 in the evening. 16 - n - T« - 19 . 20 . at I after at I after about « about - about - 7 8 xo II N. B. This Table is fufficJently accurate for the purpofe it is wanted for—- ihat of afcertaining moon- light evenings* moify la Jem i Fiui\etU :tb$* leer rne rgiaa »*> Of the Changes of the Moon, • Many perfons, nnderftanding that the mean time be- tween one new Moon and another is 29 days, 12 hours, 44f^inotes and a fra^ion, imagine that, to lind the ^fuli or quarters of the Moon, they have only to add a half or fourth part of that time j and when they do Dot find the changes marked in the Calendar to cor- jrcfpondwith this method, they impute it to miftakc in the calculation of thofe changes. It is therefore^ necefTary to pot them in mind, that the gyeat inequa- jlity of the Moon*s ftaotions tenders the above rule ex- Ltremely inaccurate, fo that nineteen times in twenty, |Jt muft fail io giving the true conjunAion or charge", ^ 3 tr' — wew. BXf ALMANACH, 1817. '* EPOQtJES IT N0TI8 COMMUNES Pour I'Ann/t 1817. De la pcrlode Julienne, • • De TErc du monde, • • Depuii la naill'ance de notre S. Jefus Chrift, fuivant les Chronologides. De l*£re vuigaire, • • Depuis la dccouverte de rAmeriquey « Depuis la foniatloii ie C^ebec par Cl^ampUin Du rcgnc de 6a Majelle GEORGE III. 6^30 5810 1821 1817 209 57 Compttt EccUJiafli^ue* Lettjre Donriinicale Nombre d'Or Epaite Cycle Solaire Indidtion E 13 Satire timst Fevrier 16, 28, Mars i. 12 6 28, 30, 31. 17, 19, 20« 5 i Decembre, 17, 19, ao* Ma Septemorfy FETES MOBILES. Scptuagefime, 2 Fevrier. Les Cendres, 19 Fevrier, Faques, 6 AvnU Rogations 12} 13, i4Mai. Alceniion, i^ Mai. Pentecotey Trinite, Fete.DieUy 25 Mai. 1 Juift. 5 Juini Aventy 30 Novembre* Cjommettcement Aes quatre faifons de VAnnum Le Printems Ie Q cnrre au rning. Lad Quarter the loth, 6h. 58ni. m 'cning* New Moun the I7ch, 7h. ^^nn. murning* Firrt Quar-r' thr2^ .» 6h. 59111. morning. '■i< »,. )W. 'Ctrcunui/ion, irh X 1 i 4 5 7 9 10 14 IS 1(6 18 «9 so 21 dz a 3 M ^5 d6 a? 28 *9 F. s»» M. Tu. W. Th. F Si. Sun M Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. %:. Tu W. 3o|Th. fi 2«3f Sunday after C%rUtmatm Ef ipbary . Pr>. C^iarlotteof Wales borD> 1796 Lucian, R O^' Hilary Bp« • I V f 3' F. (^Charlotte's b. day kept, [Prisca. tdSun, aft* Efipbany, Fabian. Agnes V, Vincent M. . ^ .^,,.Ti ft ? ,* -.,'<»/«t., :.#»' Coniferiion of St. ^auL Duke of SuiTcx born. . ,: .fit iV*^*l!'* . l X i-i- 1 King Charles I. Martyr. l64^« 44 44 43 4» 4» 41 40 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 3* 3' 3C 29 a? s6 as 24 .a3 li, 20' J7 14 »3 2in. M* nings ng« troing. R O^' 7 44 5 7 44 5 7 43 5 7 4* 5 7 4» 5 7 41 5 ► 7 40 5 7 40 5 7 39 5 7 38 5 7 37 5 7 36 5 7 35 5 7 34 5 7 33 5 7 3* 5 7 3« 5 3C 5 7 *9 5 7 a7 5 7 5i6 5 7 as 5 7 *4 S 7 .^3 5 7 *>. :s 7 ao'.S 7. »9 5 2.^7 5 7 *^6i 5 7 H 5 7 13 $ »< -i fe* immf ^ J ANVlERIc O «it. ^ Ic 20 a 3h 1 2m. Mat Le 3 a 8h. om. Matin. d Lc lO a 6h. 58(11. M^tin. (P Le 17 a 'jh, 54m. Matin. }) Lc 25 a 6b. 59m. Matin. 11 I ■^■ Mercredi Jeudi Vend red i Samedi OlMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendrcdi Samedi VlMAK, Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendrcdi Sa.Tjedj Dim A If. Londi Mardi Mffcrcdi Jeudi Vendrcdi Samedi DiMAir« Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeodi Vcadrcdi ¥ E T £ S. CiRC0I\/CJ6I0N. Oftavc Etionne. 2M Octave Jean. M Oftavc. innocens. Vacat. Vigili Epirha. M EPIPHANIE. 0(5l3vc. M I. apfes I'Ep'phanic. M Oflave* Ipiphanic. Hilaire. M Paul Hermlte. M Marcei. Antoine. Chatre s. Pierre a Rome j^M 1. NoM pE Jesi^s. aM Fabien, &c. Agnes. Vmcenr, &c, Raimond. M Timctbe. Coinr.S.PaulAnn.Con'.Ev.M 3- Jean ChryfoftSme. Policarpc. M Francois de Sales, Martioe. Pierre Nolafquc, A5 LQG 7 44 7 44 7 43 7 4» 7 4* 7 4' 7 40 740 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 3* 3« 30 19 17 26 »5 24 23 21 20 19 17 j6 14 I i 1 ; I n ''A FEBRUARY enters K 1 8th, $h 54m E». Full Moon the i{^, gh, 3iin« evening. Lail Qo^arter, the 8th, 3h. 2m. afternoon* New Moon, the 15th, iih. 35m. evening, Firft Qnarter the 24tb, 3h. 43m. morning. l>! ws. < ENGLISH CALENDAR. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th Septuagetma Sun* Pur, £, V, Mary Biasius* R. QS^ Agatha V. 4 Iv< SiSa. <)\Sun 10 M. iiITu, X2;W. iStTh 14F. i5|Sa. 16 Su ft jSiTu. 19 20 21 22 »3 24 as 27 >8 Sexagesima Sunday. Valentine. ^Inquagejima Sunday* Sbrove-Tuefday, W. U/h-^red^e/day. Th. F. Sa. 5tt« i5f Sunday in Lt-nt* M. SU Maihias. D, Cambridge born. Tu. W. Th. F. \ :.t*v f I 7 1^ 5 7 10 5 7 9 S 7 7 5 7 6 5 7 4 5 7 3 5 7 ' 5 7 5 6 58 6 6 57 6 6 SS 6 6 53 6 6 52 6 6 50 6 6 48 6 6 47 6 6 45 6 6 44 6 6 42 6 6 40 6 6 39 6 6 37 6 6 36 6 6 34 6 6 32 6 6 30 6 ^6 29 6 ' I ;h 54m Ev, ling, ernoon* evening* morning. R. OS. 6 53 6 42 6 6 ''m^ ii i '■I FEVRIER le Centre H le i 8a$h;4mS . Le I a 9h. 3iin« Soir. ^ Le 8 a 3h. zm. Sojr. Le 15 a iih. 351x1. Soir, ]) Le 24 a 3h* 43m. Matin* Scmaine. Samedi DiMAN. Lund} Mardi Mercreii jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMANf Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi [eudi Vendredi FETES. Ignace. Septuagcsime. Sol. Purif. Purification* M Andre Cor io« Agathc. Doruchee. Romualde. Jean de Matha. Sexagefime. M Scholailique, Valentin, De la Ste. Viergc. Quinquagefime* Simon. Les Cendres Chaire St. Pierre a Ant. 2M I. du Careme* Soi. Mathias, Mathias. M 4 Terns, i lh^£ 7 7 7 7 7 4 Terns* 7 «* $ 7 10 S 7 9 S 7 7 S 6 $ 4 5 3 5 I S o 5 6 58 6 6 57 6 6 55 « 6 53 6 6 52 6 6 50 6 6 48 6 6 47 6 6 45 6 6 44 6 6 42 6 is 40 6 6 39 6 6 37 6 6 36 6 " 34 6 32 6 3« 6 29 6 6 6 6 A 6 WW ll \ ,: ' MARCH O enters v 20th, 6h, lom. Er. Fu'; M< .H , the 3d, 8h. ;,• . . /norrtog, hs^ '[Quarter the loi i, ch. 9.11. morning, Kew iVioon the 17th, 4h, lyn. atiernoon. Firft ■ Iv'^ver thf a3:h, ob. 18m, •ivening. 7 3 4 1 i "9 22 13 3r4 15 16 V x8 19 20 21 22 ^3 24 25 26 27 28 19 Sa. Sun M. Tu. W Th. F. Sa. Sun M iTu. W. rrh. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F, Sa. i :.NGL^Sft CALENDAR. St. .»AVID Abp zd Sunday in Lent, Chadwick. ^oSun Perpetua* id Sunday in Lfnt, Gregory, M, ^tb or Mldlent Sunday, St, Patrick. Edward K. W. S. Vernal Equinox. Beneditt* ^tb Sunday in Lent* Annunciation S* V, Mary^ 6tb Sun' in Lent, Pafm Sunday^ R S. 6 24 6 6 22 6 6 20 6 6 «9 ^ 6 17 6 6 M 6 6 »3 6 6 12 6 6 10 6 6 9 6 6 7 6 6 5 6 6 4 6 6 3 6 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 I 6 6 I 6 6 6 6 6 6 ^ 59 7 57 7 54 7 5» 7 50 7 47 7 43 7 J7 7 35 7 34 7 ^ lom. Er. 'Wg • njftg. ernoon. ening. R. O S. 6 24 6 6 22 6 6 20 6 6 *9 i 6 I? 6 6 15 6 6 >3 6 6 12 6 6 10 6 6 9 6 6 7 6 6 5 6 6 4 6 6 3 6 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 I 6 6 I 6 6 ^ 6 6 6 6 59 7 57 7 54 7 '■' 5» 7 50 7 47 7 - 43 7 37 7 35 7 34 7 M tvn HUHHIi i I 1 : !' • 1 ! 1 i li i . 1 1 i 'i 1 ■-. '' i ■ 1. M 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i • . ■ .'V i 1 i j , ,1 1 :\ i 1 f y • 17 ! ■ i 1 ' I i i ' 1 .■ ;;^ • ,• r» f -'i^ , rv'»'V ■ . ' i ( ■ i ri iLi iL ! 1 1 MARS Ic O ^^n^rc au 9 '7 15 14 12 II 9 7 6 4 3 I o 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 58 8 57 8 55 I 54 8 C2 8 ''I 49 » 48 8 46 J on. rning. ling, corning* H rni fffir , ( ('■I (» \ i 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 • ) ■ J 1 MMMIM '••i. > .■*-. f ■■■•.n AVRIL le O ^<^^ ^ b Ic 20 a 6h m 44M* Q Le I a 6h. 15111. Son* <[ Le 8 a s^h. 44^* Matin. ^ Le 16 a gh, 44m. Matin. } Le 24 a ich. 39m. Matin. t" Scmainc.l FETES. ( LO^ 1 Mardi 5 3» 7 2 Mercrcdi 5 30 7 l|jeudi Jeudi Saiar. ^ 5 28 7 4; Vend red! Vcndredi Saint, 5 ^7 7 5'Simedi Sannedi Saint. 5 *5 7 6 UlMAN* PAQUES- O.^trte. 5 *4 7 7 Lundi 1 5 22 7 8 Mardi 5 *o 7 9 Mercredi ' 5 >9 7 ' 10 jfudi 5 '7 7 Ji Vcndrcdi * 5 »S 7 12 Simedi • 5 H7 '3 DiMAN. !• QVASIMODO. 5 >» 7 «4 Lundi Francis dr Paule* M 5 >> 7 «5 Mardi I Adore. 5 9 7 l6]iMercredi Vincent Fcrrier. 5 7 7 lyjjpudi Leon. M 567 iSjVeiidredi. Hermenegilde» 5 4 7 P9 Simedi Dc la Stc^ Vicrge. , 5 3 7 ^0 DlMAK. 2. 5 » 7 I 21 Lundi Anrdme. , 507 22 Mardi Sotere, icz. , ' ' 4 58 S 23 Mercredi George. 4 57 8 ^4 jeudi • 4 55 S as Vcndredi. Marc, jthfl, Pre,c» 4 54 8 26 Samedi. Clet, Sec. 4 52 8 27 DiMAN. J. ST£.FAMILlX. m 4 5» « 28 Lundi Vital. 4 49 8 1 »9 Mardi Pierre Martyr. 4 4^ 8 1 50 Mercredi Catherine Cc Slenne. 4 46 5 ill iil rU 1 1 i !§ !itl • r! |i^ MAY O enters n aift, 7h. 9m, M. Full Moon ihe ilt, 2h. 49m* mornioc, Laft Quarter the ych, lOh. 5 5 nri, evening. , New Moon the i6th, ah. i6in. morning. Firft Charter the ajd, yh. 58ni. evening- Full Moon the 30tb, lOh. 37jn. morning* Ds ws. I I'h. 2 F. m :< Sa. 4 Sun 5 M. 6 Tu. 7 W« 8 Th. 9 F. 10 W 1 Sa, ENGLISH CALENDAR. R. n S '^/. tL'iltp anu sit* Jajucs. Invent'on of the Crofs. ^th Sunday oftc^ Eajier» 13 Tu. H W. iSTh. i6!f. j-^ Sa, i3 Sun ^^ M. 20 21 22 23 24 as 26 27 2S 29 Tu. W Th. F. Sa. S«« M. Tu. W. Th. 4 45 3 4 43 ^ 4 42 8 4 41 8 4 40 3 Sr. John. P. L.— Sieg« raifed '76. 4 38 8 Duchefs of York burn. 4 37 ^ 4 35 8 4 34 ^ 4 33 8 ^th Sun •after Kajier, Rog. Sunday ^ 4. 31 8 4 30 8 30 F. 31 Sa. AjcenJiQn day% or Holy Thurfday^ Princefs of W^les born 1(768, Sunday after Afcenston Day. Q. Char, born, 1744. Dunftan. Princefs Elizabeth born. H^bit'Sunday, jVhit Mond/jy , A ugu fti ne. ff^hit Tuesd.ty* Venerable Bedc, King Charles il. refortJ, l66o. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 29 8 28 8 *7 8 *5 8 *4 8 ^3 8 22 8 21 8 20 8 »9 8 18 8 17 i 16 8 16 8 15 8 14 8 «3 8 12 8 2 3 u M. R. O S 4 >. ^^. U if in ' I ! ill . lil I) «iK ■ytr-: .f>t'?^rri ■ -* -^/^ - ji %%" / • M't;^ Si'f4- > - 1 4 5 6 i (2 13 i4l 15 ^^ ••*...'• -v^. s ■' •■• ic ' ^ il -_' J 1\' : 1 •*• * • i^' V "» V . ja6 " V • i - ^^ '■■--■'-\ . . .,-" ^r*v'^ . r . ' - ^ f^ [AI le O^ntrc aux n 1e si a yh 9m M , 1. o 3 Le I a 2h. 49111. Matin. Lc 7 a loh. 55nrj, Soir. Le 16 a 2h. lotn. Matin. Le 23 a 7h. 58m Soir. 37 n. M.^t'n. 30 a !• (M :}cnia}ne. ■I a I J 5 b I 9 10 ti 12 13 «4l 15 16 17 |8 ic Si Is is Jeudi V^endredi Samedi DXMAN* Lundi tardi Mercredi Jeudi Vcndredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi 'Vlardi Mercredi Jeudi Vend red i wSimcdi '^IMAN* Lu. di Mardi Merer ;di, jeudi Vendred • iiannedi UlMAN. Lundi Vlardi ivlercred' Jeudi Vcndr-di Samedi V £ 1 £ S. Philippe. &c. Airianafc. Invt. Stc, Croix. M 4. Monique. ^o\, PhiL &c. M Pic V. Jf an Porte Latine. Staniflas. Apparition Sr, MichcL Gregoirc Nazianze* Aiitonin* Rofrat, Neree* Sec* Rogat. Rogat, ae la Vigile. M ASCENSION. Oaave. Ubalde. M M M Pierre Celeftln^ Beruardin. M . aM M O^wve, Afcenfion. VVnan*-. M Jeune, De la Vigile. »ENTECOTE. OSIa^e, Jeiint 4 TVwj. Jeune 4 Tr/wi# ^ » L O C 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45 43 42 A I 40 38 37 35 34 33 3' 30 29 28 27 4 25 4 24 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^3 22 21 20 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ^ 8 8 I ; \''- JUNE enters gs 2i(l, jh. 46m. Af. La(b Quarter the 6ihy oh. 5')m. af\ernoon. , New Moon the 14th, 5h. im. afternoon* Fird Quarter the iid, ih, 20m. morning. J'ull Moon the iHch, 6h. 34m. afternoon. Dsiws. I Sjvn iM. 3Tu. 4|W. STh. S Sirn M. Tu. 9 10 II 12 «7 18 15 2C W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu W. Th. Ft. 21 Sa. a.* Sun »4!Tu. 315! w. z6JTh. 27;F. 28;Sa, 29|Su;: Trinity CtunJ,iy, Nicomctie. K. GEO. III. born, 1738. Boniface. D. Cumberland born. ijl Sunday after Trinity, » . Sr. Barnabau « ■ . < 2«/ Sunday after Trinity ^ St. Alban M. Trans, of Edw. K. W. S. Longed day. Summer Solftice* id Sunday after Trinity, N. St. John Baptijl. * 4 J 5- tf/« '^^ ^i* P^f(^ & St. Paul. <. Q. s. 4 II ~'i 4 10 8 4 10 8 4 9 s 4 8 8 4 8 8 4 7 8 4 7 8 4 7 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 5 8 4 S 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 6 8 4 6 S 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 7 8 4 7 8 4 3 1 .6m. Af. trnoon* noon* jrning. rrnoon. *aul. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 6 6 6 S S 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 3 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Xil, ^f *.»■■■■ 1 K1 A N « l«tlNIM M/vuni jflldi Vrndredi Dim AN. Luiuli Maitil Mfrcrcd'i jrvull V^endrcdi StiMifdi PlMAN. Luiuii Mardi Merc red i jeiidl Vend red i Sained i Dim AN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jcudi Vcndrcdi Samcdi jDlMAN. iLundi F E T K S- •wt , .» — I riuNni.'. M CJngoirf VM, M IMtili|»|»e de Nt'ri. Mjigdrlfine «1c V^f.tii* KUIK DIF.U. Offitt>e, Norbeit* M t» Proceniffi. M M Jean et Paul, M |{«rnabf. M Offa-vf Feir Oicii, M A'ltoine de Padc. Iblile. 3. M jean a FacunJo. Marguerite. Marc, ttt. Julienne. M »lvjTC. [Sol/Ike, yedne, Dc la Stc. Vjerge. 4. Sol. J^ S. 4 8 ."i I'i ■ i "i Tu. ■ f ! W. r/j/V. of B,V, Mary. 4 9 * i| i 3 Th. Quebec foun-'ed, 160?. 4 9** 1 : : 4 F. '^1 ra.:fl. of St. Martin B. 4 10 8 5 Sa. 4 10 8 i ^ Sun <^th Sunday afer Trinity, 4 118 , 7 M. Thomas a IJecket. 4 12 8 8 Tu. i* -^ 1 . i 4 13 8 ! • 9 W. - — 1 4 «3 ; xo Th ' 4 14 8 II F. '■ • ■ 4 15 5 13 Sa. 4 16 8 Sun ^th Sunday after Trwttjt 4 17 f 14 M. * i 4 18 8 V^ '5 Tu. Swithin Bp. 4 18 8 i'^m i.^;. ■ '^ W. ». ■ ):'■ * t . " 1 •■ 4 20 s u^- • n Th. 1 4 20 8 ' 18, F. 1 4 4 22 3 19 Sa. * 4 23 8 ■-y. 1 iili *° 5a/; '^th Sun. af Trinity, Margaret V. 4 24 8 ;!)( ■'\ ai M. ^ " _ .* 4 25 8 1 |i:P i " T' i St. Mary Magdalen. 4 26 8 4 23 w: ' 4 27 8 Z^{Th. 4 28 8 \ as'F. St. James. 4 ^9 ^ ■'A- i 26|$a. St. Anne. 4 30 8 '"5* '1 9^f Sun %tb Sunday after Trinitj, 4 32 8 'V M|'' 28'M. 4 33 f '9 u .! - ?9Ta. 4 34 S « 1 ■ 30 w. . '1 " i 4 36 8 t4 37 * 1 ! ; ■ ..♦*,' 4 * ^ -it i 1 t * I 1 5m* M-* rning* ning< >rning« ning. »^. e s. M V. A 37 I H M tm mm i \h'^u ^.,). , 1 n ■.a; 23 I ."2' 1 *: \ *r JTTfLLET IcO «n. au a Ic 2S a 2h 38m. M - { Le 6 £ 4h. 4irn* Matin« Le 14 a 5h. 33nn. Matin* ]) Le 21 a 7h, 12m. Ma:in» Le 2^ i 3b. 38m. Matin* 5 Mardi 2 Mercrcdi 3 Jeudi 4 Vcndrcdi 5 Samedfi 6 DiMAN. 7 Lundi . S Vf.'rdl • 9 Metered i ;:10 Jeudi ''.II Vfndrcdi ["•I 2 .Samcdi rl3 Dim AN. ^14; Lundi l.:i yMirdi tj i6 Mcrcredi ^'17' Jeudi T jS| Vendrcdi t |9»S3mcdi ^ .-20;D;man. t .21; Lundi .32! Mardi .^3 FETES. OSfave. Jean I^rfptifte. M Viiicauoi). 2M 6* OHa'VSt ApotKS* Elizabeth* VII FrcrcS| Martyrs. Pie. Jean Gualbcrt. M . DLOiCACE. Octave, M Bonavcnturc. M Henri. M N. D, da Mont Carmel. M Alexis. M M Vincent do Paule. M I. Oct, Dcd. SoU Jacques. 2M Anaciet. Ma;:deieinc. Mercredi ApoUinaire. Jeudi Dc la Vigile. Vendredi Jacques. M Samffii Anne. M M M Canlcule, DiMAN. Lundi ' Nazaire, &c. Mardi 'ere red i Jeudi 9. S"l.*Anne. Mar the. M Abdnn ef Seni-.fn. Ignace* Lpj: 4 8 8 498 4 9 8 o 8 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 3 8 4 8 58 6 8 7 S 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I'i 8 4 so 8 4 20 8 4 22 8 4 23 ^ 4 24 8 4 25 8 4 26 8 4 27 8 4 28 8 4 29 8 4 30 8 4 32 8 4 33 8 4 34 8 36 8 37 8 4 4 1 ! AUGUST O «n^«" ^ aj^.Q^ 6m. M. L»(k Quarter the 4th, loh. 7m. rtcning. New Moon the ijthy ih. i6m4 morning. Firfl Quiirter) the I9^hy oh. 6m« afrernnon. Full Moon the 26th, ih. ^im. afternoon. Us W8. 1 F. s Sa. 3 4 5 6 Tu. W. I Th. F. 9 10 Sa. 1 1 M. !2 Tu. >3 W. 14 Th. 15 F. i6|Sa. n Sun m: Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. ao ai as 24iSvff as'iM. a6|Tu. a7.W. a8;Th. a9F. 30'Sa. ENGLISH CALENDAR. Litiiimas day«^ gfb SunJtiy affef Trin'ity Transfigurition of our Uord, Name of Jclun. ictb Sun* J. 'I'rin'tjt St. Lawrence. I'rince of Wales born, 1762. AfTumptioti of the V. Mary* * Dulcc of York born. I itb SufjJity after Trinifj, Duke of Clarence born. 1 2tb Sunday after Trtnlty, [.9r, Bartboiomtw St. Auguftinc. » St; John Bapt. beheaded* i^tb Suyiday afttr trinity. R. (). S, 38 40 4» 4» 44 45 47 48 49 SI 5* 54 55 57 59 o I 3 5 6 8 9 7 n 7 12 7 14 ? 16 >7 '9 21 11 7 a4 : 7 I 7 7 i^-J ih 6m. M. 'i t 'vening. morning* afrernoon. ifttrnoon. ] I. (). s. I • 4 38 » 1 ♦ 40 « 4 4 4' 8 f 4 4» 8 ■ 4 44 X i 4 45 ^ ^ 4 47 8 i 4 48 « 1 ■ 4 49 8 f rnce. 4 SI « 1 4 52 8 1 4 54 8 1 4 55 ^ ^ 4 57 « 1 4 59 7 t 5 7 g 5 I ? 1 5 3 7 1 5 5 7 1 5 6 7 1 5 S 7 1 5 9 7 1 5 i» 7 1 5 i^ 7 .1 mtw. 5 14 ? '1 5 16 7 a 5 17 7 ■ 5 19 7 il 5 21 7 1 5 a» 7 1 S ^4 :.J I II .h ( J ;«( I f i pi im I'' !': 1! i.- Sui •M^Z I* aS^V'tx i lt*itv;? .>f ,K 1 ..... «?f Clar •i^^n< Zlm S^Mi^y »[>''*■ 7* .'.•'«.- \ ' t > »» Sii'Hinf sfti^ x-*p^ i >. H 3P» AOUT Ic Ocntre a la t% le 23 a gh 6m IVf , i t \ Le 4 a loh. 7m. Soir. Le 13 a 2h. iSm. Matin. Le 19 a oh. 6m. Soir. Le 26 a 2h. 52m. Soi,r. Jo I Semaine. i> 1 Vendredi \ » Gained i :' 3 DiMAN. 4 Lundi 5 Mardi 6 Merc red! I 7 jeudi 8 Vendredi 9 Samedi 10 DlMAN. tii Lundi 12 Mardi >3 Mercredi 14 jeudi fiS Vendredi |i6 Samedi 17 DiMAN ^18 Lundi J9 Mardi 40 Mercredi ^' jeudi il2 Vendredi l»3 Samedi |»4 DiMAN. F**) Lundi ^6 Mardi Mcrcred i n jeudi ft9 Vendredi ^0 Samedi |i DXMAN* FETES. Pierre aux Liens. 2M De la Ste. Vierge. M 10. Dominique. N. D. des Neiges. Transfiguration. M Cajetan. M Cyriac, &c. Jeune, Etienne. 2M II. Laureat. OSIave, M Claire. Hi M M yeutte, Hyacinthe. M 12. ASSOMPTION. Oct.zM Joachim. 2M Bernard. Philippe de Beniti. 2M 13. Barthelemi.Sol.L0uis.2M Louis. Zephirin. Auguftin. M Decolat. St. J. Baptifte M Rose de Lima. M 14. Raimend Nonnat, M I LQC 4 38 8 4 40 8 4 41 8 4 42 8 444 8 4 45 8 447 8 4S 8 49 8 51 8 52 8 54 8 55* 57 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2,2 5 24 o I 3 5 6 8 9 ir II 14. 16 17 i> 21 8 E 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1' I i)! ji! Ml rj SEPTEMBER O enters a 2;d, jh 44111. M Lail Qnarter che ^d, 4h« i8m aftrrnoon. New Moon the iithy ih. 59m* morning* Firfl; Quarter the I7th. 6h» J9m* afternoon. Full Moon the 25th, ^h. 3rn» morning. '.-ifl W8, M. 2Tu. ENGLISH CALENDAR. R. O S. 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 as 27 28 29 Giles Abb. London burnt> x666> O. S* i4f;& S(/0« of, Triftify. Enurchus. Nativity of B* V. Mary« W. Th« F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tti. W. JLambert Bp. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. l^tb Sun» after Tr'tn* Holy Crofs, C jpitulation of Quebec, 1 7 59. i6fjt 5»«. fl/. 7V/«. St. Matthew K. GEO. III. crowned, 176U St. Cyprian* lyfib Sun, after *tr\n» M. \St, MicbeJ, Q.uccn of Wirtcm. b. 301 Tu. St* Jeromct 25 7 Z7 7 28 7 30 7 3* 7 33 7 35 7 37 7 38 7 40 7 4i 7 M 43 7 iH 45 7 %' 47 7 48 7 € 50 7 .#r 52 7 m- 53 7 m 55 7 57 7 58 7 .P;f 6 59 7 6 1 6 2 6 w 6 6 6 6 3 6 5 6 7 6 8 6 J 6 10 6 - '-||r 6 12 t m •rnoon. orning. tfcernoon. ning. R. O S. '*p*«.i ."'a'.'-»tV*.fi AS< ofs. lew !• b. 5 ^5 7 "^J^Hl " 5 i7 7 jr» 5 28 7 > w "^ 5 30 7 S 3» 7 -'^B'-tT 5 33 7 ■il3B -"^^ 5 35 7 '^■i' 5 37 7 5 3» 7 5 40 7 9k^ 5 44 7 '^^^H ^"^ 5 43 7 5 45 7 flw^ 5 47 7 5 48 7 5 50 7 5 52 7 5 53 7 f»^ 5 55 7 ai 5 57 7 #'/ 5 58 7 li 5 59 7 jfc 6 6 ^'MWfr 6 » 6 ,s> 6 3 6 '^m" 6 5 6 mm 6 7 6 '^wf 6 8 6 '"'^P 6 10 6 W 6 12 ^ "M- M I IT l"'l ,i ' n!'x- . ^, af: V T''f«»* Ur^\y C •.t^; y^m ..J .». ^-» fV t ■■ V '3^ ** '-.yptia;^ 5 t)M' .H«*^* Wi 6 {* i.^ Ml J lEPTEMBREIe Q «" ^ Je 23 a gh 44m M ^■T'.*. . *■ > t 4' • I ([ Le 3 a 4h. i8m* Soir. ^ Le 1 1 a ih. 5901. Matin. J) Le 17 a 6h. 19m Soir. Le 25 a 5h. 3m. Matin. i ■' 6'emaine. Lundi Mardi Mercrsdi jeudi Vcndredi Samedi Diman; Lundi Mardi Mercrcdi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Diman. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vcndredi Samedi Diman. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vcndredi Samedi Diman. Lundi Mardi FETES. Gillest Etienne. M LQC SACERDOCE. Can'uulejimt Laurent Jurtinien, De la Ste. Vierge, Nativite. OElavc* M M Nicolas Tolentin. M V , r JVI [Nat. 2M 16. Exaltat, Ste. Croix. Soi. Ociave^ Nativite. M Corneille, Arc. J.47',StigmutesSf.Fran5ois.M Thomas dc Villcneuve. J, ^Tems. Janvier, Sec. M J* /^Ttms, Euftache aM 17. Mathieu. M Nom de Marie. M Lin. M Equinoxe, 6 N. D. de la Merci, 6 6 Cyprien, &c. 6 Come &c. 6 18. Sol. Micl el, 6 Michel. 6 JerSmc. , 6 ^5 ay 28 30 3* 33 35 37 38 40 42 43 45 47 43 50 5* 53 55 57 58 59 o a 3 5 7 8 10 II 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 B ■i !;fl OCTOBER O «ntcr§ fti 23d, ih. 50rt\ Af. Lail Qu.«rtcr the 3d, (;h. $8in. monting. New Moon the loth, iih* jim. morning. Firft Quartet the lyth* ^h. oiiu morning. Full Moon thf 24 h lol^. iim* evening. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1% >3 14 «5 16 17 18 «9 10 11 12 ♦ ■* 14 «^ 26 27 18 »Q 30 3' D« ws. 1 W. 2|Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu, W. Th.i F. Sa. T W. ih. F. Sa* Sun M. Tu. Vy/. Tlv F. sa. Sun M. Tu. VV. Th. F. ENGLISH CALENDAR. Retnigius Bp* i%tb Sundtty after Trinity i Faith V. & M. St. Denys Bp. l()tb Sarm/^v fl/"f<*r Trinity, Ttanfl. of King Eoward Conf. Djrk Sunday at Quebec, ^785. Ethfldrrd. St. \.uke. • * ^'^ lotb Sunt after Trinity* '' K. GEO. 111. Acccs. St. Crispin. 2iy? Sunday after Trinity, Simcn $^ Judet '>\i '^ A '.«-,».' '^ ;»v*i/ I R. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 f 7 »s « «7 « ]8 ( 20 ^ 22 »3 *5 • 27 . 18 . 30 ' 3i • 33 35 36 38 40 41 43 44 46 48 49 5' 5* ^i 56 57 59 ■ ■. 2 (j"*"' 9 i*:< "S T .1', rj if, ih. 501^ Af morning. 1. morning morning. I evening if. R. 6" 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Crispin. iHt, OJ 17 18 20 »3 *5 27 i3 30 3i 33 35 hi 1 *' 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 38 40 4» 43 44 46 48 49 5' ^i 57 59 ■# »# I, : ' 1 ¥\ \ri ; \ > !■ "J'H* S- -,• :T0BRE If O «nt. ni If 23 a |h. 50m. S. ^ mC 3 «k •;h* ^%m. Matin* ^ Le 10 a iih. 3|in. Matn, ]) Le 17 4 3h. cm. Matin. Q L^' 24 » 10^'* iirn« Soir« Ser aiiie. MCicredi Vcn^red! Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi , Merc red i jeudi Vcndrcdi Sjmedi DiMAN. j Lundi Mitrdi f Mercrcdi I jeudi : Vend red i Sarnedi I^DlMAN.' Lun^i IpMard't ^iMpjcredi Vendredi sanded i ^DlMAN. [.Lundi [Mardi I ere red i leudi 'eadredl FETES. Kcnii. Angfs Gardiens* Vinceflas. Francois d'AlTifc. 19* Solcm. Rofaire. 2M Biuno* Mirc. M BrigittCf Denis, ScCf ^ Francois de Borgia. De U Ste. Vicrge. 20. r.s« f > Edouard. Callixte. Thicle. Hedwlgt. Liic. 21. N. D. de Viaoire. M Pierre d* Alcantara. HiUrioii. A| Jeuftf, De la Ste# Vievgc. 22. So). Sinaon Sec, M De la Vigiie, Simon ct jude. '. Jeune. De la Vigile. .6 46 is NOVEMBER Centers Jf 22d, lohiomM. Lafl Quarter the id, ih. 59m. morning. New Moon the 8th, 9h. 24m. evening. Firft Quarter the 15th, 3h. om. afternoon. Full Moon the 23d, 5h. 12m, evening. Di ws, X sa. ENGLISH CALENDAR. Ail Saints, % sun'\2id Sun, a/, Trin, D. of Kent, b. Prs. Sophia born. K. Wm. lanied, 1688. Powder Plot, i605. Leonard Con. Prs. Augufta Sop!)ia born, 23 J Sun. after Trhuty, 3, M. 4Tu. 5W. (JTh. 7l^- 8 sa* g'sun. 10 M. II 22 ?3 H 17 18 19 20 *i 22 ^3 24 27 28 29 3<^ Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. Fr. Sat. sun. M, Tu. W, Th. F. Sa. Sun St. Martin Bp. Britius Bp. St. M^ichutus* 2^h Sun. after Trinity^ Hugh B. of Lincoln. Ednnund K. ic Martyr* t ♦ /•'**' v: .ti'i i. C'ecUia. i^tb Sun- after Trin, St* Clement. Catherine V* /Idvtnt Sundfiy, St» An drew. R. S k 7 5 7 \ 7 8 7 9 i m 7 >i .9 7 la i S 7 13 ^ H 7 15 7 16 i M 7 17 7 19 ; ^'\ 7 20 : 1 7 21 7 22 7 »4 7 25 7 26 • \ 7 *7 7 28 7 30 3 7 30 f 7 34 J 7 33 .iw. 7 34 H 7 35 7 36 7 36 7 37 7 3^ 'i^^^^Klti .7 39 ^H 4i p a lohiom M. orning. ening. afternoon. ening. imenti 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 30 30 E\V, 7 3V ! 7 33 "r 7 34 1 7 35 " "'y 7 36 7 36 7 37 '•'/-IK' 7 3^ .7 39 il ; I ^i |!i) ,» 3 ; ; ism- ¥ 18 3 H ^ m 5 ^1 6 7 JIOVEMBRE lcOf"t. /If aii lohiomM ([ Le % a L; 8 a D Lc 15 a O Lc 13 -Jk iK. 5<>m* Matin* 9h. 24ai. Soir. 3h. om* Soir. 5h. iim. Soir. s imcili F E T ki S. lOUSSAlNT. Odi. DiMAN. )»3» MeJJe au Patron, iM Lundi Mar Ji Mcrcredi jeudi Vendredi Sitiiedi Dim a n. L unci I Mardi MtrcreJi Triipallcs, Charies« 2M M • ii m VencJiP'ii Samedi D I M A N . LunJi Mardi Mercredi jcudi Vendredi Sarped' DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. OSf, Touflfaint. 24. Dcdic. Bafil. 5auveur*2M Andre Avellin. Martin. M Martin Pape« Didace* GertrudCt Orcgoire ThaumaturgCi Dedic. Ba'.il. Apotres. Eliz^beih. M Feljx de Valois. « Prcfentation. Ceciie. 26. Ji jean de la Croir. Caehiri'.e, ClemcnU Jeune De la VIgilc, M I. de rAvent. Sol. Andre. / 7 39 B ? ^. III !,'■ It V H DECEMBER Q en^e" l^f xift, loh 35m E. LjII Quarter the ift, 3h. 37J '■WMMMVI 'm. evening, Nfw Moon the 8th, yh. 49m. morning. Firft Quarter the 15th, 6h. 45m. nDorning, Full Moon the 23d, oh. 15m. afternoon. DsiWs. J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S ic 21 12 13 »4 '5 16 M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. sun, M. Tu. W. Ih. F. Sa. S«ff M. Tu. ENGLISH CALENDAR. 17 W. i3 »9 ?c 22 *3 24 ^5 26 *7 28 29 3c 3« Th F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Stt« M. Tu. W. Nicholas Bp. zd Surj. in Aii'uc f, Conceplion of V. M< Sf. Lucy. id Sunday in Advent* O Sapientia» Ember week. /^th Sun. hi Advent, St. Thomas, Chrijlmas Day* St, Stephen. St. John. ift Sun, a, Christmas* Innocents. :i f Silvedcr* Americans defeated, *75< R. O S. 7 40 5 '■-, 7 40 5 ' 7 41 5 J 7 42 5 7 42 5 ■% 7 43 5 J if 7 43 5 4 7 44 5 7 44 5 7 45 5 \ 7 45 5 1 7 45 5 1 7 46 5 *V^ f 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 i 7 46 5 ^ 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 «^ 7 46 5 t* ^ 7 46 5 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 45 5 ?■! 7 44 5 ' ** 7 44 5 M ♦ oh 35m E. rning. T^orning* tnoon. mas. nts. ■^ \ I I M' '\i 'n r .- 1 i\ !• .>,v5v .!>» ,€ti'imf(^ s/. 1 '" ? 4'^ s, !•;!••'•■?»> a KF— <-.»;*? A «laes.t*(f, *-v.-' lECEMBREIeO^ntrc yie 2i aioh 35m S (( Le 1 a 3h. 37m. Soir. Lc 8 a yh, 49m. Matin* }> Le 15 a 6h. 45m. Matin, Q Le 23 a oh. 15m. Soir. il ol Semaine. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi sancdi Dim AN. Lunui Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DZMAN, Lundi Mardl Mercredi I jeudi Vendredi Samedi Lundi MardJ M^rcrsdi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi. Dim AN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi F £ T E ij. Andre. M Bibiane. M Franjois Xavier, M Pierre Chrifologue. 2M Nicolas. M 2. Sol. Francois Xavier CONCEPTION. Oa. M zU M 2M Aoibroifc. Damafe. Luce. 3- OcJave, Conception* Eulebe. Jiuw!. 4 I'ems. M M M M Jeure, 4 Terns, Jtilne, 4 letns, a la Mejfe^ M 4. Sol. Thomas* itioljlice, Tiiomas. M Jeuue, De la Vlgile. N O E h. Oaave. E T I n N N E , Oifa'vcn M Jean. O^ave, 2M l^acat. Innoccns. OBave. 3M Thomas. ^M DuDimanchedansl'Oa. 4M •Silveftrc. 4M L Q C 7 40 5 7 40 5 7 41 5 7 4^ 7 4^ 7 43 7 43 7 44 7 44 7 45 5 7 45 S 7 45 7 46 7 46 7 46 7 46 7 46 7 46 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5r 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 44 5 7 44 > 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 c ( 3i ' ) I'll hi I !'l i ! I I' ': 1 ! ii, 11 ^"> i o to ;^ ^1 tq O «q ^ F «» i ^ .^ .t; 2 »: I S ^ ** ^gO©OOOOt3 V 20c^oooo2 ^ Gv>^r<^c«0O00G O 3 t - f« f< 3 .— "^ . . ,. . . —.- i 00 5* ro c» HN^O O "r^ ^ « C rJ-^CN^f* O c c/o r; o w^ o *^ »^ fO G ■-• w^ r« G 3 f» fl 3, x .S 2 .- 3 *^ •- JO o * e ^ rE 6-- o .•:; , cr, fv- O t^ «^ O O 0^ ON ^ ONOO OQ O O O 00 O vo C< C< "^ »4 Diurnal rotation on its ?. > 'T ^ LO -« g .^ocooONOONOi2 - C v^ h^ G •i^^C-tJ-mOnmOOO is rJ :: M f^ ^^ ^ _ a • " 'r<^ I- O O "t^ oo "^o^O r>.r5-00'-'"+'^*"' Q oo ft r4 1- ^ c» > rJ to to -< •-• ,• 0O'-''-'»*'-<<^<^ Annual period round the fun. vo ^•5 ii o <5 ° c "> O _ O O rt 3 r''^ 'O O OO o O O '^f ^J* O t-> ON -* N •+• c>> r>t I— ON ''N •-» oo>3«ooo>cr>ON •^ ^ O^0O t1 OOvoOOOOO r>- O O O r^oo O O O »- O O vTN o-< ►- r^ o O f^ ON ■ 0> t>. en 1 oo Names of the planets* Sun Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Satutn Georgian > o O c ) o o § ) O 00 G o O ri bT f- CO O O X) oo O O vn r< e< »^ O ^ "^ C O M o o c 00 \£» O Q »-. CTn -' <^ »N •> "^ ? > o o^ *^ *^ i xr^ rh 1^ "-> J •«*- O O ^ o o o o t-. « O O O '- *- rj- O (D f^ o »>• t*> c '^ ^ cj c ho ^ t» tl X ^ ( 33 ) J Tide Table for the Harbour of ^elec. '■^gt of the Jlloott. 1^' o J 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 ^3 >4 /&. m. 6 45 7 33 8 21 9 9 9 57 lO 45 II 33 12 21 I 9 I 57 2 45 3 33 4 21 5 9 5 57' j4gi of the Moon, 15 16 17 18 2.ii 19 20 21 22 23 24 ^5 26 27 28 29 o o 3 •sc/.s u- ** -. O « C-G .J " o »-' Jr « *• i : JC o ti o J3 S ^ 5 O »^ o c ^ ® •» 3 >, o ^ « - ,S ca ra ** 4_ V5 J, — • 4, - « • 4j ^ r« t^ r, -Tj S -« t: C C i^ * fj ^ ™ <« c H tvi ti^ i^^ «^^ t^ t^« 1^)0 C^4 i^V (^« (^1* ULE. Having found the age of the moon at the |of each manth in the Calendar, look in the left co- rn of the table fjr the day from new to the full moon, \n in the right column the day from the full to the moon, and in the middlecoiumn you will find the le when it is high water aihore. mes of High fFater, on the days of Nezo ^ ^FuU Moon, at different places of the Ki^er %St, Laivrence, Pot a Teau de viesjh Malbaie 4 Baie St. Paul. 4^ Cap Tourmcnte 5-^ Quebec 6| t Seven Ides ih. t Caouy H anicouagan H Btfiamites 2 )rt Neuf 2k idouflac -^v.^ H Ill' 'i * 1^ ( 34 ) A concire £<^uatiov Tabx.e» idapte4 to the Firft Vear aft^r beap.Year. (hewing to the neareft full Minutfj how much, a Clock (hould bt fafter or ,.. flower than the Sun. Table abregee d*£quation, calculee pour la premiere annce apfes Pannee Bifl'cxtile, moAtrant a la minute €Oiiibten une Horlog;e devroit etre en avant ou en arriere du' Soleil. g- ' a '^ c rt a 4 • i2W CO *^ 4P ^ is 3J a ^» a- IT r Jan. I Apr. I Au^' 10 5 p oa .28 16 i'-^ 3 5O 4 3E. 16, 4 3" Nov • 9 16 r> 2- 8 II 21; 3 r 25: a^^ 16 21 »5 14O t' -^ «l '5 1 28 1^ 24 138 ^ »3 9r * Sept. i| 0'' 27 12 '^ :^ i6 lOg. J9 I 1 30 i ^5 "5 24 *o 4 I Dec •3 ^r 21 I2 *♦ May I 3? 7 2 ■ 5 9g. ' 26 »S 4R- 10 3^ 8 8? Pcb. I 14?' 29 3=» 13 4S. 10 il II 15? 14 June 5 10 l8|6f 21 7^ 12 14 rt 5f ^.•' 27 13 IS 16; 41? Mar. 4 12 - - # 24 8 g. tS 3 :' 8 ti 20 >n 27! 9 a 20 a s 22 10 ,J24 2^ 3010^ 22 I . i6 9 49 3^ Oa. 311 n 24 .. • 19 S July 5 4^* . 7 12>3 '1^! — - :t 22 7 1 1 If 1013? 36 I "^ 26 6 2I 1514 28 »? ^f ^9 ■ 5 3J 20 15 30 3' ■••ii'A f<» '. ..** ^l^' ».^*<*^^ t ;J 4'h( Her IV I 1k%\ to the Firft neareft full be faftcr Of la premicTe t a la minute avan: ow «» s II w »< 3 u> , • 3- • ^ 3 t/i ir "T • _, - Oft. aS i6 Nov. 9li6 15 16 »4 14IJ Dec. 'Id 30 II o IV3 la 5 S 10 la 14 16; 20 14 36 aS 9? 8? 7| 6 n 4? 3 a I o 1 Si •^ '« I is ( 35 ) 'A BRIEF CHRONOLOGY OP THE MOST REMAKA BLE /ERAS AND HISTORICAL EPOCHS OP THl • WORLD. . Thi: CREATION before Chrm The Flood • 4 The diipcrsion of Noah's pofterity . • * The foundation of the Assyrian Monarchy by Ninus The Covenant with Abraham The departure of the Children of Isruel from Egypt fiThe rape of Helen . - - kThc dcdiraiion of the Temple f)'y Solomon * Tnc .tRA of the OLYMPIADRS The .-ERA of the BUILDING of ROME * ; Cyrvis, first Kin;^ of Persia -» • ; |i^9Fhc (kfcat of the Perfians at S^Iamis .The Peloponcsian War bcj;an i^Ovcrthrow of the -Athenian power by Lysa:nder .iThc viftory of Arbcla >jriie dcftruttion of Carthage • ^ '» TThe battle of Pharfalia - • -• he battle of Afti'iin e (huttinj; of the Temple of Janns, by Au(;uftu$ c Birth of THE SAVIOUR of THE WORLD e VULGAR ytRA nflantinc removed the feat of Empire to Byzantium e end of the Wcftern Empire - • ftinian publifhed the IniUtutcj • • he ^RA of the ilEGIRA 4 e race cf Abbas, encouragers of Arabic learning and 1J|^ Caliphs of the Saracen*^ • fbarlcmagnc began the Empire of Germany he Turks took Bagdat, and overturned the Empire of the Sararens * ■> . i#he firfl Crufade . , ^Idagna Chart*, fjgned in England - , penry V. of Ei«gl;ind, battle of Agincoart i mvcntion of Printing •1 of the Eaflcvn Empire rcnzo de Meciicis, the AugMftan «5C of moderik ^Italy . . . ^ : . PUcovery of An\c»ica, #1 40dt a»07 ai77 198; 1204 looS 776 in 5S9 4»o 4JI 40^ 331 146 48 51 S S r 476 62a 749 800 1215 2415 1440 147S Mya Sharks V. i|c of I.ouii XIV. and «9f puc*n Anne 1519.56 i''4j.X7i4 till III ( 36 ) REMARKABLE EVENTS OF OUR OW^ TIMtS. and I' i The French Rcvolation, War between France and Aiiflriai • England and all Europe at War with France insurrcfttons, murders and executions, throughout that country. Lord Howe's Vidory, Peace between France and iPrutsia and Spain, The Battle of the Nile. War between France and Aallria. The Russians in Italy, Switzerland and Holland, . . ■ Peace between France and Russia, Battles of Marcr^go ^nd H.7heDltnaen, Battle cf Copenhagen ; and Pepce between France, England and Aultria, and all Europe^ War between France and Eng. threatened Invafion. V/ar between Aullria and France* Battles of Tra- falgar, Ulm and AuftoJitz. Peace between Aus- tria and France, War between Francf ar' Prarsia 8c Rnssia ; Battles of Jenp and Eylau, Battle of Fricdland ; Peace between Russia, Prussia and France ; Attack on Copenhagen, Rcvo'ution in Spain, War between France & Austria. Battlei of Essl and WaRram, Peace between Auftria and France War between Russia 8c France. The French in Mos- cow. The English in Madrid. America declared War againft England, All the Continental Powers at War with France. Bonaparte defeated at Leipsig. The English in France, . . - The Rus'ians, Austrians and Prussians in Paris. The English in Uordeai^x arrl Touluuse. General Peace in Europe. Bonaparf.e Sovereign of Elba. The English &f Washrigton ; Capitol and Public Buildings destroyed. Peace with Anrerica ratified i8tH Pebrua.y, Bonaparte returned from Elba. Battle of Waterloo Lor4 Wrllington and ibc Allies in ?aris. ice, $ 1798.; 180: 1 8c 1 80 J., li: 18: li 1 in ( 37 ) OWN TlMtS •ance ; and ^ thrOushoulV patn» France and RcrUn*! and yecn France, ltd Invafion. between Aos- njsia; Battles ,s in Paris. The General Peace of Elba, itol and Public :brua-y» tie of Wa^rlo n ?aT»«. O-^ -■:.^./,-^ ( 38 ) STATtMlNT OF THB BrITIIH AmmV. August t 1816. vrf ' ».»%«»«««MEmi1l II ■< 1 Regiments Life Guards. I ditto Royal Horfe Guards. 7 ditto Dragoon Guards. S5 ditto Dragoons and Light Dragoons. Royal Waggon Train* > -^ 3 Regiments Foot Guaids, 7 Battalions^ 10^ ditto Infantry of the Line. Rifle Brigade, 3 Battalions* I Royal St?.ft Corps. 6 Weft India regiments. I Royal African corps* I Royal York Rangers* - * -^^iJ I Royal Weft India Rangers* I York Chafleurs. 3 Ceylon regiments. 3 Garrison Battalions* York Light Infantry Volunieeri^ >, Royal Corsicaa Rangers. I Royal Regiment of Artillery* 10 Battns* I battalion Invalid ditto. ' I corps of Royal Foreign Artillery* I corps of Royal Artillery Drivers* I corps of Royal Engineers* I corps of Royal Sappers and Miners* *A J,' ^ '. ^ CIVIL LIST i AftMV. OF THE PROVINCE OF LOWER.CANADA. »ns. klions< i» . > 1817. 4* It iniy be necefTary to obferve that the Quebec Al- ack is not« nor ever has been} an official publication ; and fore, the arrangtment of the difTcrcnt oHicers or public ie» in that puhlit ation, raniio* in any wife afTeft any pre- nce, which either of thtm rcTpeftivcly may be entitled to. Printer will however be always ready to make any jltcr- in the arrangement) which may be fugijcAed upon good lority. 10 Battnsi '8* ners» ni *i -i' LISTE CIVILE ■% DE LA PROVINCE DU BAS-CANADA. 1 8 I 7. 4 > J.' •*• » « On crolt necelTaire dc dire, que TAlmanaoh de Que. ^l»*eft pai, ni n'a jamais etc, une puhliration OfficicMe; 'e I'arrangcmcnt dcs differens Offiricrs, ou corps, dans publicatioB, ne doit pas lirer a conft quence quant 4 rangs, ou prcfcancc refpeftive. L'Impnmeur fc fera, idant, toujours un plaifir de faire tout changemcnt qui itra devoir 4trc fdit, fur dei bonnes autoritcs. C 2 II. GOVERNOR, His Exckllency SIR JOHN COAPE SHER. BROOKK, Knight Grand Croft of the Mo(^ Ho. nfrnble Military Order of the Bath^ Cajitain Gene ral and Governor in Chief in and over the Provln. ces ut Lower-Canadjiy Upper-Canada, Nova-Scoti), New- Brunswick) and their leveral depcndencifj, Vice- Admiral of the fame, Lieutenant. General at; Commander of all His Majesty^s Forces in the di: Provinces of Lower. Canada & Upper-Canada, Nova Scotia and New-Brunswick, and their (everai depen. (iencies, and in the iilands of Newfoundland, Princ E«{wardf Cape B eron, and Bermuda, Sec. Sec, Sn Honorable FRANCIS NATHANIEL BURTON Lieut. Gov. of the Province of Lower Canada. AnJiew Wm. Cochran, Esq. Seiy, to the Governor, Alexr. Forb£s, El'q. Lt. Governor of Gafpe. The Honble. the Legislative Counch The Honorable Jonathan Sbwill, Speaker. Kt. RcvJ. JACon, Lord Biihopof Quebec. J.B.M.H.DeRouvil John Caldwell, I. A* De Gafpe^ W. Ryland, ames Cuthbert, Charles Wm. Grant, *Jobn Blackwood, William M „- . C _- , Wr«,--„ ' > Eiquires, KTranslafcrs, W, B. I-inciiay, Clk to attertii Committees andCopyingCW Ant. V^^nty Serjeant at Armsm Augustus WtfUini?. Deputy do* Mrs. La'iadie, Houje keeper, Jacques L.inglois, l^^J/fnger, F.ticnne Drolcttc, } ^ ^ ^ « i M - V ' * i: 4. LaU. ■!«? rerrc, (i) rwoodi (i) .•combe* >a'ire Bundy. ^•yrandf re VetUt* llfoppi (») e Vtnfehcn, (i) Langttcdoca Brehaut, (i) 'h.Faneti I islators* .; 'hcKing'sIionblc. Exbcuti vbCou ncil The Honble. the CMiir Justice* Rt. Rcvd. Jacob Lord BIfhopof (^ebcc» A. L. J. Duchefnsy, Tlinmas Dunni James Kerr, Kofs Cuthbcrt, M. H. Perccvaly John Murcy <)livier Pcrrault. Wm. B. Coltman. Francois Baby^ Chiei julVige N^onk, John Youngt , I Jcnkin Williams, Jj I John Richardfon, 4|on, H. yf* Ryland, RegUtcr and Clerks W» D. Ryland, Esq. Aniitant do* • ||dward Bowcii, Esq. French TranJJat»r end Sec, J. King, .^leU'cnger, J. Murphy, Door-keeper, OFFICERS OF DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS. tho. Amyot, Efqr. Sec^ry (^ Regiftrar of the Province* * Taylor, Efq. Dep^ Secy. & Regiftrar of tht Province. • Smith, Efq. Maiter \n Chancery, ||on. H. VV. Kylanci and Thomas Douglass, EsquirCy 'Jointly and uiferally Clerks of the Crown in Chancery, Hon. John Caldwell, Receiver-general, Hten, John Hair, Auditor and Ins, Gen. of Accompt%, }©feph Bouchcttc, Efq. Surveyor General. •feph Piante Efq. Inspe.lor Gtncral of the King't ^Domaine and Greffier du Papier Terrier, wlward Brabazon Brcnton, Efq. Auditor of Land Patents, 4»Wm. Cochran, Esq. Aeiing Auditor of Land Patents. t'd. Ealf, Efijuire, Njval Officer, uis Bourdigcs, Efq. Superintendant Poji Houses, Alexis Caron, Esq. Infpetlor of Police, S^uthec. m. Coffin, £54. In/pec tor of Poliiey Three Rivers. B.le Comre Dupre, Efq. Infp, of Police, Montreal* J. VV. Cochran, Efq. Clerk of the Prerogative Court, m. Hack-t, M. D. Health Officer Port of Quebec. .vhii Larnbly, Harbour Mafler, ^itehec, Imnii Lemprierc Marret, Assistant do» ^ C4 A*. ■ ■ Im A • ;r-* Ilf ! !f !') ( 44 ) , y. Bte. Deftimauvillf , Efq. Grand Foyer ^/hec, Chcv. DEftimauvillc, D/j:ute do, {ohn Antrobus, Efq. Grand I'oyer Ibree'R'vveri, lOuis Keae Chauffegros De L.iy, elq. do. Montreal, William Lemaitre, Efq. Grand Foyer Uafpc. Pavjl Lactoix, Surveyor of Hifbivays above the lon^ &ault on the Ottawa River, Paul Valle, Surveyor of Highways, Sluebec* Mr. Jacques Vigcr, ditto at Montreal, Mr. William Burns, Au^ioneer at Quebec* Mr. Alexander Henry, dttto at Montreal* Mr. Jean Bouthillier, ) InffeSJors of Pot & Pear Mr. Wm. Johnson Holt, ^ jrijhes at Montreal C. P. Cushings, Charles Hyat, do, at Three Riven* Mr. Chas. Fiemont, ditto at S^uebec^ Mr. Wm. Phillips, Infj>ec7or of Flour at S^uebec. Mr. Geo. Hobbs, ditto of ditto at Montreal. Mr. Wm. Boutillier & Mr. Anth >ny Andcrfon, h ipeaors of Beef fef Pork for the DifiriSl of S^uehii John Charle.-^ Turne anJ Fr^mcpis Tison, Jmputm of Beef & Pork for the Djftritl of Montreal, Tames Drennan, Gauger at the Pt^ of St, Johns, Wm. Dalton, Inspector of Scotus, P^aft s of Timber ^c other Lumbefy as aho if lire PFosJ, at Montreal* ". George Chapman, Clerk 0/ the Market at Sluebec^at Jiamper of'Ufeigbts and meajures, *Wm. 70s. "/etchler, InfpeEiot of the Hay Market at Jiamper affreights and Meajures at Montreal* Pierre Charland, Clerk of toe Markets at Montreal Mr. William Martin, Injp, of Chimnies at MQntr:il' Mr, John Grout, InJpeBor of do, at Quebec, Mr. Lpuis Jofeph Le Proufl, do^ at Three-Riw and ftamper cf Weights and Meajures, John M'Rae, Alex. M«Rac, John Duthic, Kefl Morrifon, foht Cruger, Benj, Le Blanc, Andis Caldwell, David Connacher, and PcrerLynd, CuU ^tJd Jtijpeftors of Fijh far the DhtriSi of Cajpe, do. Montreal r Gaffe, \t above the h^i Quebec* I. tebeCt treaU r of Pot & Pev at Montreal* It Three River t» ebec» r at S^uebec* Jontreal. ny Anderfon, /«• Diftria of Sluebd Tison, Jns^titst ■ MovtreaU f St, Johns, afts of Timbered' J, at Montreal* 'ket at ^uebecyAt' he Hay Market at t Montreal* en at Montreal mn'm at Montr;i>' Quebec, at Ihree-Ri'VP «^^J- u- net Le Blanc, AniJ Peter Uynd,C«''= istr'0 of Gai^* ■t'-J* { 45 ) Majier CulUrt ar.d Measurers of Staves t Richard W. Jonts^ Jacques Meoardi James Birch, Jan Gariieau* f^rchibald Campbell, pohn Saxtoo Campbell^ %'homai Mackify )AleK. M 'Donald^ ^^rancis Henri» ^t^ader Cullers and Meajurers of Majis and Timber. Alexander Fergulony Rober/ Wood, James Miller, Thomas Scruton, jf rs. Robitaillff jiamuel Finch, ^biiipH'ioker* "Robert M'Millao, san Butchart, Icorge Record, llivier Corbin. Times Facterion, William M*Lean, Thomas Lynch, joha Graddon, J. Saxton Campbell^ Richard Beard, George Longley, Andrew Allen, Thomas Mackie. i ^ajier Cullers and Meafurers of tlanks &^ Boards, terre Beaupre, I Louis Bczeau, homas Mackie, | Jcfeph Marmecte. Iji, Master Cullers and Msajurers of Staves, Idmcs Henry, Iimcs Carfwell, Pierre Gagnier. Andrew Malcom, Gcorjje Harrison. w o > S^iiiiam England, Icxander Eneland, ffllmes Btrfs, limes Cowie, errc M'Jrcau, laac Shay, ^aster Cullers and Meafurers of Masts ^ Sfars Timber f Planks and Boards. lames Ellis Campbell, J. Gaudet, bfi Kay, Amasa Gilbert, ran. Mathurin, Ph. Adolphus Barker. hn Scott, J Three Rivers, barlcs Hyat, Maftcr Culler and Meafurer of Timber, Henry Wclfli, Timber Mafts & Plank. ariih Pritchard and Ifaac Man, M alter Cullers and Meafurers of Timber, Gaite'. C 5 • ■ ^ ■■ m i, I! ( 46 ) ^CommiJioiicrs appointed by dedimus pote/latem, to idJ min'idfivOdtbsto any perfon being in office with. ' in the I'rovince of Lower-Canada* jenkin Williams, H. W. Roland, John Taylor, John Reidy David Rof, Fras. Dcfrivieres, Thomas Coffin, Louis Gugy, Joft ph Btdeaux, I Efquires, Sluehei^ \ \ £fqrs« Montreal, Efquirei, Tlree-Rhtn, Hugh Munro, "1 Daniel M*Pherfon, 1^^ ^ /• 'T>i u I f VEfqrs. Gajpe'. rheophilus Fox, f W:n. Crawford, J , '■ ■ ' — ' — '■• " ■■- Ill I * ■ ' Commillioners to adminider the Oaths to the Mem bers of the Legiflature. Louis Duaie c, Louis Monnzambert, David Monro. J. Wm. Woohey, Jofeph plan e. Efquires, Commjfioners appointed by Dedimus Potestatem to /L minister the Oaths to Applicants for Crown Lands, Louis Montizimbert, ^uel/ec Lewis Gugy, Char!: .Thomas, Three Rivers* james Sawers, fVilliam Hew] J, (J Be k, Montreal, Rene Boileau, Chambly, We Lindfay, Patrick Oonroy, St, Jobn^s, Henry Ruitt Philip Ruiter, Phillip Luke, Jefle Pennoyer, Cahi May, MiJJiJkoui Bay. jos. Baker, Dunham^ Leon L lanne, Stukely, Phineas Hubbard, Stanstead, Her Cull, Hatley* Gilbert Hya^, A/cot, John Mannini HemmingforJ, jos. Sawyers, Eaton. Wm, Barnai; Sbipton. Charles Menut, Simpfon, Philemon Wrigk fiiflU Lauchlin Smith, St. Ann, ■■■1, ft0 )teffatemt to id. in office with. , Montreal, t^tlru-Rittn, . Gafpe: J^ ths to the Mem re. fi9* Potest a tetn to /I )r Crown Landu wis Gugy, Charli rs, JVilliam Bern lu, Chambly. V/e (. Henry Ruite Pennoyer, Cal^i Our ham t Leon L StamteaJ* Henr ', John Manninf rt. Won. BarnaK Philemon Wrigk ( 47 ) Justices of the Peace appointed on the tijtb Jtiyttf i8of f. to Administer Oaths to Half Pay Officers, DistriSf cf i^^^^.— >Louis De Salabery, Hon« John Muiffj, Efquires. Diitiiti of Montreal "-^'V\\z Hon. John Richardson^ Hon, Win. M'Gillivray, Patrick Murray, Calvin May, "* Phillip Ruiter, Philip Luke, John Whitlock, Hon, James Cuthbcrt, Samuel Wiltard, Wm.Sturge Moore, J. W. Clark<", Frs. Dcsrivieres, Hy. M'Kenxie, Esqrs. f DistriSf of '77'rtf^-i?it/^rj.— Thomas Coffin, David fMonro, Lewis Ciugy, jeffe Pennoyer, Henry Cullp |teilbifv ^f M nii'.*! fr Lflrliiiio, th'. ihf H'cHy (ipj^nr,u;i undtt the. I'yovinchi Ail^ 4(1 i^EO. J I hi Caf> A I. Hon. |ohn R il'atJrv)n, w Jol'tpph P.«^>inort»», ir.»ac W. tlnk, Jean M.iii'' Mo-^ilcl-'t. F/t^uirrs. CominuU»>\i(MS Tor ihf I xcv 11' Km i»l An Ai'l lo i-nn*' the ci»i VV.iUs thai (uirounJ lUc Ciiy oT Moi»t!, li^hn RichanU, ) . . . Jean Manf MoiuirUt, ) ^ Henry GiiJiin, '>cc» '\\( l)iriuanvil!c, > tHjultes. Kviwari-. Siils, j EJwaivi Sills, lilq. Treai\»rcr and Clsrk. Ccm.Khiicncn jor tbitrtciisn t>f a Caoi and Coutt IL<, At Ntio Car Hi! e* William Crawford, T Wm, Le Maiitic, S Efquiics. Robert Shciv*'. j Aausi Bcbcc, Ticafurcr w^ Cicrk, ■# ) the l^ftc Of. I lohn Miirr, in» Smith, I'.tq, rr LrtiliiiiP, fi'i ' ^fi of d Ca-I attJ Court Halt fit I Wlllium ^'in^vrc I, ■|h»'n|.h(llll lot. tt'tt \ t'Tquires, Win. Diidc.ft, 'Ir^ilMr-r ^ Clerk. ^^ommtj/ionert ti/'f'othftci to iiuperitUenii tht liouje of Coiieiiionjof Dijlriii oj iiiuehec, f Koh ('nthtxrt, ) Claiitlo U.fiet Ij^u, [• I rqniies. Henjadiin Tipmumi.) At Mon I i( 1?, A r,, |r.ii» r!)ilip i.e-prolton, "I Th.MiMsM'Corl. 3 A I TllKKF. KlVERS. TI\(»'w;h Cnilm, ) resii Reiu- K'liib' rt. \ KfquircSi lCo^^>'>»<^ri> .«i'li()inu*c to n^rn 4 ii >m\ lietwetn •■ ITpi'd" ;i nl Lower ('Ana-ia, iiinlcr Adk pjsscj i^th l'''.b. 1813, 5]i Cict*. Itl.Chdp. 4. Alex. M'. Mi Man, K'.qr. All.u> M'Doticll, libtjf. Rev. Alrx. M'Doncll. "li^ointninjonrrs .'ppt/intcil for the purpofe of d'-'ertrjin- 111^5 who uiC tlic pcrloiiN f ntitk'd to the indrmnihca •• lioiib granted by .in Adl of t*ic 5^lh Geo* lilt iJdjf, X. Frs. ValT.ii d'* Mofivicl, Chjrlcs lit. I)c Lay, S-Esquires, James Voycr, Ckrk. rm ;iri lii I iit. ( so ) Trustees for demoiifli'ing the Market Houfe of tht Upper-Town of Quebec, appointed under an A^o: the 55th Geo. III. Cap. vii. Jofeph Plante, John Neilion, John M'Nider, Michei Clouet) Josias Wurtclc, ^Efquires. J CoMMi 'ON. '$ ropointei for Improvi.ig the inter. 21 J Coin r inxa; sens in this Province, under an A3 of the s^v" ih :, 111. Cap, viii. J. T. Tasi' lau, ') M. L.J. Duchesnay, > Efquires^ Slu%bec. J. Bte. D^Eftimauvillc,) Hon. P. D. Debartich, 1 Thomas M*Cord, >£sqrs. Montreal^ L, R. C. De Leryi j Thomas Coffin, "> Louis Gugy, ^Efquires, Tbree.'Ri'veri. Jofeph Badeaux. J Commissioners appointed for Repairing, Imprcvioj and Inclosing, the Court Houfe in the City of Qne. bf.c, under an A£t of the 55th Geo. 111. Cap. ix. An.irew Stuart, T Felix Tetu, jEfquires. Franjois Beiiet, j tlommissionen appointed for the Improvement of the k land Navigation between La Chine and Montreal* Andrew Turner, ? t? • ■ Robert Armour; J Esquires. Im : ^Hl ( 6« 1 ket Houfe of tht 1 under an A£to; res. jro^l-ig the inter, nee, under an A^ quires, ^%hec. ijrs. Montreal ^ TbreC'Ri'vers. )airlng, Improvioj \ the City of Qne. :o« HI. Cap. ix. oventeftt of the h> e and Montreal, s. mmmmmm JOURS DE JUSTICE DANS LA PROVINCE. CouK Provinciale p'Afpel Lt Gouvcrnfur, 'e Lieuvnant Gouvcrneur, ou fa Perfc ^c ayant rAdm'niitration du Gou/crncmcnt. les lllcmb es du Confeil Executif) led id Juge de la prov :.ce, er )e Juge en Chef de laCour du Banc du Roi iour ii Diftritt de Montreal, ou cinq dV ntr'eux (les ug'cs de la Cour c*m PMiidt dans laquelie le jugement Ont eft Appel, a etc rendu, cxccj)tes) Louis Montitambert, Ecuier, Greffier, COUR DU BANC DU AOI POUR LES CAUSES CRIMINELES. A Qu F B E C . 4|k'Honorable Jonathan Scweil, Ecuier, Gr?nd Juge dc la Province, et Juge en Chei de la Courdu Bancdu Roi pour Ic Diftrift de C^iebec. 111. F. Uniackc, Ecu'ier, Procureur General. ^epnen Sew ell, Ecuier, SoUiciteur General, ©eorg- Pyice, Ecuier, Avccat GenetaL fiilbert Ainslie, Ecuier, CUrc de la Couronne, James Tanswel!, Jntcrpcte. A Montreal. VHinorable James Monk, Ecuier, Juge en Chef de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour le Diftri(i.\ de Montreal. IJilb-rt Ainslie, Ecuier, CUrc de la Couronr.e, Cour de Vice-AmiravteV ?' Pour les Cauifs Cr'minelles, " %t Gouverncur, ie Lieutenant Gouverneur, les Mem- bresdu Confeil Legiflatif, ct autres nommcs dans la commifllon, Juges.— La Cour doit etre comp^rfe'e de fept Mennbiesau moins. t*Hon. James Kerr, Juge, "■(. B. Deftimauville, Ecuier, Greffer, Macs L, Marrttte, Mtfr/cM* i'lii llJl'i m 1 1!!!' !^ ( s» ) r 1 rraulty > )wen, J Ecuiersy Juga^ pouR pv Banc ou Roi pour U Dl/frlii tie ^«e^ Le Grand Juge de ia Province* James Ker, Olivier Pen £dward Bowei J. F, Perrault et John Rofs, Ecuiers, Creffitn* Ph. A. De Gaspe, EcuVer, Sbe'rif, Henry Biackdonej^ Ecuier^ Coronaire* William Reid, Ceolier, CouR DU Banc ou Roi pour le Dhtrict dt Afentf/al, Le Juge en Chef pour le Dlftri^ de Montreal. Ifaac Ogdcny 1 James Red, S-Ecuiers, Juges* Louis Charles Fouchefy J^ John Reid) Louis Levesciue, et Samuel Wentwortli Monk, Ecuyers, Grcfficts* Fred. Wm. £rmatin^er> EcuVer, Sheriff, Jean Marie Mondeiet, icuier, Coronaire, Gwyn Owen Radford, Geolier, CouR PROViNqiALE pour le DiJirtSi Jes Trots* Rivieres, Pierre Bedard, Ecuier, un des Juges de la Cour da Banc du Roi pour le Diilri<^ des Troi9>&ivierei| e; Juge Provincial* Huj/h vrafer, Ecui'er, Creffief . Gilbert Ainslie, Ecuier, Clerc de la Couronne* Louis Gugy, Ecuier, Sbe'rif, Hugh Frafer, Coronaire, Richjrd Johniton, Geolier* CouR PROVINCiALE/o«r/^ Di/lriSi Infer leur dc Gaspe*. Wm. Crawford, Ecuier, Juge Provlnci.i!: Amafa Bebee, Greffier, Thomas Man, Ecuier, Sheriffs miV,.\»t. . Corenaire, hiff it ^i^ nee* Creffitn* rict de Montreal, le Montreal. fuges^ luel Weatwortb ■if' r'tSl dei Troll' i de la Cour da rois- Riviere !t| e; 9uronne» iSi InftrUur de Provincials ( 53 ) " \^GES a PAIX POUR LE District dk QUEBEC. It, Mcmbrcs du Confcil Lcgittatif ct Exccutlf, Ics Jugei de U Cour du Banc du Roi pour Ics Dillria$ de Quebec, Mon- ' ^ trcal, Trois Rivieres ct Gafp*. . ALEXIS CARON ct JOHN FLETCHER, F.ouycrs, Priiidcni de la C«ur de SesMon de Quarticr #Sir IfaacColfii, bt. Louis de Salaberry, Charles Pinguet, Pafchal Tache, Charles Riverin, fThomas Wafon, Thomas AUifon, Lauchlin Smith, ^Nicolas Boi99«>au, Claude Denechau, Philip Robin, 4^s. de la Gorg::ndiere G. W. Allfopp, Louis Belair, Peter Frafer, Pierre Cafgrain, Jean Bte. Tremble, Ant. Riverin, J. B.T. Noel, f^ilbert Ainslie, ;^ Jean MafTe, Lnuis Boucher^ , Daniel MTberf^p, Davivi Harrower, ^; Jean T. Tafchereau, Thomas Coffin, John M*Pherlbn, ]r. Jofeph Frafer, FtVartal deMonviel. John Walfli, ean Belmger, Abraham Turgeon, Germain des Gagne, 8 9 O 3 W:lliam Smith, Benj, Tremain, Btnj. Jos. Frobiflicr, George Hamilton, John Neilfon* T. P. J. Tafchereau, J )hn Stewart, John Davidfon, Jacques Vnyer, Thomas MVord, » |ean Marie M ondelety Ch . DeSalaberry, Edward Hale, Charles De Lery, P. Ed. De'baratSy Charles Voycr» sen, Fra jolsBlanc'iCt, M L> J Duchesnay^ J.B D'Eftimauville,jr. j. B. Ta che, Cha'-lesTasche, J. Bee, C«.uillard, A,0. D'j Lanaudiere, Auguftin Tiutielle, A. C, Df laChevroticre> R )ber: Harrower, Amable Dionne, Ol. D- laGorgeniierc, A. B. DeBcaumonty Louis Bernier, Frs. X. Larue, Louis Legendrej Ecuyers. m Willitm Green et Frs. X. Pcrrawlt, Ecrs. Gregieri de la Paix» i\ ( 54 ) J^GES i PAIX Pour le Dlfliia de MontrtaU Les Membres cVi ConfeUs Lcgiflatif et Exccutif. Lesjugesde la Cour du Banc du Roi pour ies Di( tridts de Quebec, Montreal & Trois Rivieres. Thomas M^Cord et Jean Marie MondeleC, Prefidenti de la Cour de Seflion de Quartier* Patrick Murray^ Paul Lacroixy Alexander Henry^ Jofeph Lacroixy Louis Marchandy Ifaap W. Clarke, J antes Hughes, fofeph Turgcon, £t. St, Dizier, Fleury Deschambault Rod. M'Kenzie, Chriftopher Carter^ Henry Ruiter, Pierre Giiic, Duncan Cameron, Calvin May, Gilbert Jennc, Philip Ruiter, John Whitlock Francois Rolland, Kphraim Nafli, Alex., Wilson, Phillip Luke, Henry Collins, Oliver Barker, Jeire Pennoyer, John Ferguibn, Barthelemy Rocher, Michel Turgcon, Jacob Oldham, N* £• L. Oumont, ]» de La ^roquerle, I [ohn Lilly, William Lindfay Pierre C^uerout, Louis Guy, Franjois Defrivicres, J. Philipe Lcprohon, Jean Bouthillier, Hyp. St. Geo. Dupre Thomas PorteouSj . £dme Henry, J. E. Faribault, Laurent Leroux* Alex. Mabbut, lacques Lacombe, 5. Anderson, J. Bte. Bruguiety L* M. de Couagn?, J. Bte. Hervieux, Sam. Willard, Eticnne Partenay, Antoine Filion, Jonas Abbot^ George Cook, ■ Jafper Cook, ' Henry Mounfey, Henry Denyke, P. Paul Dutalme, Petei Benedict, William Kell. Jos. Douaire Bondy^ Joel Ives, John Savage, *'"'": > g a 3 3 Q ^00- de MontreaL 'et Exccutif. 91 pour ies Di( I Rivieres. ielct, Prefidcnti rtier* jndfay erout, joieph Bakeri ( 55 ) )efrivicre8, Leprohon, hillier, Lieo. Dupre 'orteousi nry, ribauUy ^eroux« bbuty icombey SOOy ruguieri Couagn?> crvleuXy lard, artenay^ ilion, ok, ounfey, »yke, ^ ' utalme, ict, Cell, ire Bondyjj > 3 u 3 3 Q ■<' Richard Adaoif, I Philemoff Wright, t WiiiJam BjJIock, Phinejt Hubbard, < Jno. Whitman, jofeph Powrr, Leon Lalanne, . jn* Manning, fenr. t J09. Odell, ' John M Esqr. •"■■^ JUGES a PAjX Pout U Dijiria des 1 rots > Rivieres, Les Membres dcs Conf'nis Lcgiflaiif ct Executif, le$ Jiigesdc la Cour dn Banc du P^oi pour les Diftritls de Quebec, Mom- real et Trois Rivieres, le Juge Provincial du Diftrift Infe. rieur de Gufpc, et " * ' T. CofFn, Prefidentde UCour de Sefiion de Quartier. Thomas M*Cord, Jean M. Mondeiet, Pierre Cresse, Pierre Ant. Bazin, Nicolas St. Martin, P. I. Daillebout, Joseph Badeaux, David Monro, Jesse Pennoyer, Kenry Cull, Zachariah M'Auley, J. Lanouette, L. L. de Tonancour, Ben, Jos. Frobisher, J.A.C.deSt.Fran^ois, Pierre Jos. Heroux, Antoine Gagnon, William Barnard, Josiah Sawers, £zra Bull, Jean B. Lozeau, I^ouis Olivier, Joseph D. Bondy, Christopher Carter, George KitUon^ Daniel Murray^ Francois Boucheff Rene KImbert, James Sinci lir, Benedict P. Wagner, P. Jos. Chevrefils, Michel Caron, Frangois Legendre, Jean Guillet, pdre. Sueton Grant, Joseph Carmel, James Walker, Elmer Gushing, Samuel Brooks, sen. Amos Hall, sen. Pierre Bazil Pelissier, Louis Duniere, T. P. J OS. 1 aschereau, F, Vassal de Monviel, Thomas Taschereau, Chas. J. H. Goodhu^ Daniel Thomas, Abrah. P. Silwin, F. G. Heriot, P. De Boucher viliei atXm 'riotrta* 1 rots 'Rivieres, icutif, les Jugesdf IS de Quebcf, Mont- ial du Diaria InU. fion de Quartier. Murray, s Bouchefi Limbert, Jincl nr, :t P. Wagner, Chevrefils, Caron, 18 Legendre, uillet, pdre. Grant, Carmel, Walker, Gushing, Brooks, seti« riall, sen. Sazii Pelissier, )uniere, >s. 1 aschereau, al de Monvie], 9 Taschereau, . H. Goodhu^ Thomas, P. Siivin, ^eriot, ^Quchervillei ( S7 ) 1?. Joseph Stfan, John Leggar, Etienne Renvoyze, Edward Sills, William Walker, Emanuel Dumoulin, George Carter, Hugh Fraser, Ecuyer, Donald M'Lean, William Seaton, Pe^er Labcrec, Christopher Mcnutj Hugh Heney, Charles De Salaberry^ Esquires, Greyer de la Faix, JUGES a PAIX pour U DiJiriB Inferieur de Gaspe\ ItCt Membres des Confcils LrgiH^itif et Exccniif, Jes Jiices dc U Coiir du Ban. du Roi pour ics Diftritls de Quebec, Mont- real ct Trois-Riviercj, et Villiarn Crawford, Ecuyer, Jug*: Froviticia! pour Ic Diflricl Inferieur dv^ Gafpc* Hi \ Hugh 0ae, et John becky iicuycri. 4 4' t i": I > ; i 1 1 );i) ( 53 ) LISTE DE9 AVOCATS dan's la PROVmCE, Herman Fitzgerald Untacke, Attorney Gen. Stephen Sewcll, Solicitor General* George Pyke, Advocate Genera!. Alexis Caron, Kind's Counsel in the Law. David Rofs King's Counfel in the Law. Chs. Rd. Ogden, do. do. A QU£BEC. Alexis Caron, George Pyke, John Caldwell, jofeph LevaiTeur Borgia, Jean Thos. Tafchereau, John Rofs, George Vanfelfon, B. A. Panet, Andrew Stuart, Jacques Leblond, William Green, Stephen Scwell, Chairles Fran. Hamelin, David Rofs, Jofeph Bedard, Denis B. /iger, james Stuart, Janvier D. Lacroix, Benjamin Beaubien, David Ogden, Franjois Xavier Bender, Antoine Ls. Levefque, Jean Roch Rolland, Pierre Dom. Debartzch, Louis Michel Viger, Fred. Aug. Quafnel, Robert Chriftie, John Fletcher, G. B. FanbauUj Louis Plamortdon, Philip A. De Gafpe', J. R. V. De St. Real, Juftin M'Carthy, Paul Valle, Louis Moquin, Jn. Gawlcr Thompfon, Louis Binet. A MuNtRXAL. Samuel Gale, John Boston, Louis JOS. Papineau, Michael O'SuUivan, Walter Davidfon, Hugues Heney, Alexis Bourrec, Charles Porteous, jams. Chals. Grant, DominiqueBenj, Rollin, Francis Wm. Defrivierei Samuel W. Monk, Paul Lussier, Tou (Taint Peltier, Franjoi? Roy. Aux Trois>Rivibr£S. Pierre Vezina, A. Berthelot, P. J. Chevrefil?, jofeph Cotncau, P. J. G. De Tonancour, Charles Richard Ogden, Jac(^ues Clement Herle» ( 59 ) PROVINCE, ofney Gen, the Law, ic Law. Chriftie, ' ictcher, Far;baui(j Mamondony A. De Gafpe, V> De St. Real^ M'Carthy, alle, wlcr Thompfon, 3ineC» Gale, OS ton y OS. Papineau, aO'SuUivan, Davidfon, J Heney, Bourret, J Porteous, Chals. Grant, iqueBenj^Rollin, I Wm, Defrivieret I W. Monk, ussier, int Peltier, IP Roy, . De Tonancour, Richard Ogden^ Cleaaent BeriW LISTE DBS NOTAIRES, De la pROViNCF Du Bas-Canada* Charles Voycr, Joseph Piante, Roger Lclievre, Felix Tetu, Pierre La force, Michel Bertheiot, Jacques Voyer, Mich. Sauvageau, je«il Belanger, Ville de Sluebcc. Charles Huot, Louis T. Besscrer, Wm. Fisher Scott, Archd. Campbell, Pierre Gagnon, Ant. A. Parent, Edward Glackemeyer, L. T. M'Pherson, Charles DugaU Thomas Lee« District de Quebec t Cote nu Nori>. Barth. Faribault, Francois Sasseville, Martin Martineau, Isidore Levcsque, Charles Chiniquy 1 Baie St. Paul. Louis Bernier, ? I'oyzc, J y Eboulemens, Chateau Richer. *• Louis Ranvoyi ^ Domin. Le Francois, Lorette. Francois Xavier Larue, Pointe aux Trembles. Paul Bigue, Port Neuf. Cote du Sud. lolm Walsh, 7 c. A, . XT „ « Fiiliyois Verrault, J ^^^' ^^^x\t, Noovelle Beauce, Michel Debelotte dit Doftic, St. Joseph. A, de la Chevrotiere, > r ,. . jalien Demcrs, J Lotbinieie. Joseph C6te, ? c. a • Louis Guay. J St. Antoine. Jsc^ees Boucher, ' 7 Fraujois Xavier Lcfcbvre, J ^^* *l«nrx, - I^ttisTurgcon, St. Charles, ^ * 1 .,'■1 ' -, r ■ ! K M , ^0 ii! \ i- i; ( 60 ) w 1 St. Thomas* Abraham Turgeon, Beaumonty Auguftin Lame, St. Vallier. Nicolas Gafpard BoilTeau, Ignace G« BoiiTeauy }. C. Letourneau, Alexis C«'te, | Frs Marcel Bemier, J Simon Fr-fer, 7 *?. t t> * t^i» A ui \f • J St. Jean Port Toll, Amable Mrrnn, S Rem Pu ze, Ste. Annr. ^ Franfoi- LeTellier, River Ouelle. Auguftin Dionnc, Riviere Ouelle &C«p St. Ignaci Pafcal Tache, Fache, | amouraska* Joseph Ouellet, Rimousky. ViLLE DE Montreal, F. X. Dezery, J. Marie C adieu r, Joseph Roi, J. Pap]ieau, J. Gerbrand Bcek, J. G Delidc, J. M, Mondelet, Thomas Barron, Charles Prevoft, Louis Guy, Nr B. Doucer, Louis H. Latour, JO rph Desautels, Thomas Bedouin, Henry Gtiflfin, Andre Jobin, FraTijoib jos. TrudcaJ Cote* du nord. 11, La Pointe Claire* Louis T hi baud; A»'C. Dumouchdle, 1 c^ r> , ° , n t Ste. Genevieve. Joseph Pdye.nent, 3 AkgulHn Chatellier, 1 Nicolas Manrelht, >Ste. Tlierefe. Pierre F. Thibault, } J B Cctp.ftmrin, St. Vincent de Paul. jr B, Nv Deguire, VaudreuiU t Pi Fr jot Joj To Lot Bar jeai Pim Frai joie I: J ^■ I. < ^mas* \U 5c C*p St. Ignitt « A L • )e2ery, e Cadieur, Desautels, s Bedouin, titftn, is JOS. Trudcaa Ird* Jlairc* ricvc. he fc. Paul ( 6. ) l^nt. AUxis Dubois, ,le[)h R. Miilloux, »uis Sarauit, icrrc Remi Gagnier, Frs. L. Bcllefeuille, Ignacc Raizt:nne» JOI. Amable Berihelot, igan |(^?» Giroaard, ^eph Turgcon, ffl. H. Seguin, Toussaint Limoges, HP* £d. Faribau t, L%is Raymond, Birth. Joliettc, 'Mithcl St-guin, jetn Ble. Sfirapliin Chadand, St. Bspi^it. Plnrre Mercier, ^ '' Fiin5oi3 A'.lard, St. Roch* joteph Dcsfotges, Stc. Anne. Iiweph Bundle, St. Henry de la Ma^couchc. 1. Piette, > J. Bie, M'Sean, J Cote* du Sud. Lo|ii3 Demcrs, Chateaugay. Gamelin, St. Phiilii St^ Benoit. [►TerrebonRf. Aflbmptlon- Berthicr. Pierre Kline Henry, Fill Th. Pinfonault, LCMlis re Barbeau ancto 1 I jppe. JUa Piahi ■«• Bouclicrvllie* Jo{.y. n II ■». -'i Soylangi^s, St. Eustach^. m ■' * '- r 41 ««!;: i ? 'tn ( 6z ) frs. mi. Petrimoul^r, . 7 p^,^^^ q,.^,^,^ ... JOS. Souprat, 3 ts, Benj. de la Grave, St. Hilaire dc Rouville, Pier« Haul Dataime, ? gt. DcnU. Louis Bourdage-, ^ . ._ Louis Picard, ? 5^. Hyacinthe. ^ - C. Lagorce, ^ ' P. A. Gauthier, hh, St. Antoinc dc Chambly. Henry Crebassa, Sorel. Gamflin Gaucher* St. Ours. Alcx's C L. Dupleliis, Centre Coeur. Ls. C Duvert, Sr, Charles, Geo. Rolland D'Arm:nault, Belail. Leon Latanne, Stukely. Jofeph Badeaux, "J J. E T.anoel Dumoulin, VTrois-Rivierxi* Etienne Ranvoyze, J Cote djj Nordo A. Trudel, ) ^^^ ^^^^ Laperade. Jos. Cas;rnir Dury, y * Lo'i? Guillet, Bat'.scan* Antoine Cagnon, Charles Pierre B; Joseph Vezina, Maskinongc. J. F. Mcrcure, York. Cote du SuDi Loms Robin, ) ^^.^ j^ ^^^^^^ Pierre Besse, ) F. L. DumouUn, } %t' t ^ J. M C. DiJVpr'^av, ) L. Geneft-, Gentilly. P.J, Chevrefilsj Grand Maska^ : Cagnon, 1 -v Pratte, > Riviere du Loup* •azin> J , .. ;i vier. : de Rouville. Chambly. ir. I. IVIEREI* Laperade. ( 63 ^ Jtiji cf i^Atio 6v RVEYoKs yor the Province* Jofcph Bouchetlc, Esquire, Surveyor GereraL Wnl ain Nax, Acting do, and First Clerk in the Surveyor Gen^s Office. Robert Sm;th, %d Clerk in the Office, Jefle Pcnnoyr, Theodore d Pencier, William Fortune, Jean Bte. Dc'mers, Ckarles TurgCv n, Amabie Dezery, Fninjois Le Gendr?, H»lcM. St. Germain, Joui Bte. Bedard, Ntthaniel Cotfin, Pitrre Beaupre, Jtin Bte. Larue, J;4rph M artel, Jtreiniah McCarthy, Hwiry O'Hara, Pwe Lambert, H» Roi dit Dejardin, Stienne Guy, Frinjois Fournier, Thtodore Davis, C|irles Laurier, Iiips Le Gendre, Olliftopher S Bailey, Peter Weilbrenner, lobn Frederick Dame, Modefte Fratte, Jofeph Whitman, Joel Ackley, jofeph Senet, Ymft Dery, Town/hip of Compton. Sorel. Abfent from the Provincs. Sc. Nct'las. L'AlFomption. , Iflr Perroc. Gentiily. St. Eultache* Quebec. Uppt>r. Canada. Berrhier, Dis. of Montreal Quebec, do. Kamouraska* Gaspe. St Antoinc. Kamouraska. Montreal. St. Jean Port Joli. Argenteuil, La Chenaie. Lotbiniere. £aiiern Townihips. Bouchetville. Berthier, Dis. of Montreal* Town of Three-Rivers. O^eil Town. Cedars. L'Airomptlon. Ancienne Lorette, '1 n i S •: III ■ Vi : I- II |.f,"J v\\ ■ ■.■ Ill • 1 1 ( 64 ) M ! m mm ' fi Michel Dwyer, Penjamin Ecuycr, Jofcph Fralcr, Jean Bte. Courval, J Jean Gaudct, J Jol'cph Fortune, jcan Ant. BouthUiicr, j'>bn Uvvyfr, Rlcliard B. H^y, John Sullivan, Charles Fournicr, Henry dr. Roisbrillant > de la Durantavf J ^ David 'rhumpfoii, Alexander Stevenson, John Mackie, James Milnr, Scephcn Weltover, Jean Bte. Legendre, Charles Aichambeaiilt, John Harrifon, V/illiam Norwood, St. Hyacinlhc. Qnebec. St, Anne, Dis, of Q^ueb't Rchdcnce not known, Ottowa River, U C^iui} Qucbi'C, St. Hyacinthc, Monueal. Town of T href- River?. St. Charles, Dis. ^^uebcr, Kamouraska. Terrebonne. Chambly. DaiUebout, DU. Montrt: Beauharnois* Sutton. Gentilly. Chateaugay. Berthier, Dis. of Monf;t; Upper-Canada. iii'iill! MEDECINS, CHIRURGIENS, &c. Diflrict de ^'hec» En Ville. James Fiflicr, M. D. William Holmes, Thomas Llovd, Wm. Hacket, M. D. William Stewart, Thus. Fargue*^, M. D, Francois Blanchet, James Cockbuin, P.DeS. Laterricre, M D Jofeph Painchaud, Joseph Morrin, J J i Exammateur desCandi: *' qui demandent des cences. Anguftin Mcrcicr, Edouard Martincaa, Michel Dubord, Edward \Vra. Hol^u I A inthe. ?, Dis. of Qijeb't c not known. RWcr, U CiJiai) clnthe. »l. ,f Thvef-Rivcr?, rlcs, Di8. Quebec, raska. onnc. ily. out, Di8. Montrei irnois* ly. ^ lugay. -r, Dis.of Monttr .Canada. lgiens, &c. ( ^5 ) En Campagne. }', dc S. Latcrncrc,^ Dun cl Roberlfon, William ThurbiT, Pat'ick Donnelly. lofcph Karfh, t, St Felix, I AUf Dtmr, Ant (). CoviilLir.!, Thomas Horbiuan, Atx Trois Rivieres. Itan Btc*. RicutorJ, Fran^ )i Ri^utoid, (Cjicorge C artcr, — — D'>ucer, Fiaiiijois Forlicr. DiJJricI dc Montreal, En Villi. Dnnicl Arnold), "J Examinateurs dea iioMJ, (jrecn, / Candidatsqui dc- (Jraf r t^'weII, I mandent des t-i- W. Robcitbun»J cences. ^orgc Selby, Wbnry Loe^id, Ithn R'lwanJ, P« X. Bender. lean Btc. H'rigault, [rnry, ^nfi. D. Soiby, M. D. En Campagne. D, T, Kennelly, Ab;i. r Rice, Rene Kimbert. tec* ijnateur desCandl » dcmandcnt dcs xes. uftin Mcrcicr, >uard Marlincaa, hei Dubord, vard Wna. Holnjt. Rn Claude, n Bee, Lebnurdiii, %orge Stubiiitjer, Heorge Meyers, A«gijft. '- 'oLensIcynd, !• B. Ch3fribeii.;i;j, TWnon Fraler, Jpugudin Leonard, n H Ferris, !nrv Porter, lenry Carter, ■Hyphen C. B!yfh, 'lluftave Is^'ihoft, jMexander Talham, B. Schiller, Moses Nichols, Wolfred Nelfan, Cnlvin May, Henry V. Rogers, Michael Andrews^, S.irpuel Newcomb, |ohn Morley, Frs. Chrcou Duvert, L. M. R. Parbier, Ls. Albert Bender, Befjamin Traflc, Chas. L.)\iis Caieaut | h Beckett, ^ M'Gale, D 3 < %^ r^':: ii=^V [ •J' -;- • t I I ( 66 ) Licenced Auctioneer s> undtr An ^<^th Geo. 3^* 'T Jofeph Jones, f laiifois Quirouet, Frs. Languedoc, Thomas Cary, John Munro, £d. Hayes Lindsayy John Frascr, Thos. Casimir Oliva, John White, Alexander Vczina, Joseph Martin Chinicj Charles Turgeon, Thomas Aylwin, Alexander Henry, Elizabeth Cornfield, Stuart Spragg, Jean Bte. Parent, Joseph Facaud, Thomas White, Robert Melvin, John Cuvillicr, Michel H. Bellerose, Philip Burns, William Hamilton, Jean Paulet, Francis Belanger, Jofeph Fournier, Joreph Bezeau, Mary C. Cuvillier, John Young, Francois Maheu, Adam L. M*Nider, Joseph Winch, Joseph Bourdon, Joseph lie^egue. T. J.B. W. Sullivan, William Warrick, William Thorn, Louis Moye, Louis Turcot, Isaac Jones, Peter b. Bcdle, jean Bte. St. Pierre, Frederick. Glackmeyc; Peter Chaperon, Louis Aubert Thomi Jacques Martigny, Joseph Lsmontagnr, Patrick Jordan, Aaron Allen, John M'Grath, Pierre Delorier, Paul Bruzier, John Jones, jun. Richard Dillon, jcn. Andre Paneton, George Homiy» Joseph Peltier, Edmund A. Ireland, Jonathan Wurtele, John Wallace, James G. McLean, Roger Raby, Solomon F. Holicoir. Jeremiah Draper, Hugh Fraser, Leonard Dutelle, James Grant, Charles Martin. ( 67 ) $, undtr An B. W. SuUWan, im Warrick, im Thorn, Moye, Turcot, ]ones, B. Bcdle, Bte. St. Pierre, ;rick. Glackmeyc; ■ Chaperon, s Aubert Thomi Lies Marti gny, ph Lsmnntagnf, ick Jordan, ;n Allen, n M*Grath, re Delorier, I Bruaier, n )ones, jun. hard Dillon, jcn. lie Paneton, rge Homiyt ;ph Peltier, lund A. Ireland, athan Wurtele, n Wallace, les G. M*Lean, jer Raby, )mon F. Holicoir, :in»ah Draper, gh Fraser, nard Dutelle, nes Grant, arles Martin. TiUNITY-HOUSE OF QUEBEC. fX<. CoppoRATioN efiaklificd by an Aa of the Pr9. tvincial Parliament of the 45//? G\o. /i/. Ctf/>. 12. Majier, Th Job Job Franc Thorn Robe George Symes, E>q. Deputy Mafler. .? Iff^ardeni at I Quebec* homas Wilfon, f S )bn Wm. Woolfey, ) -3 . J. Raby, Supir't of Pilots,! °r ihn Lambly, Harbour Mnpr, (. W :ii Desrivieres, 7 " f las And. Turner, >^< JVardens at Mi rt Armour, J^ L Officers at Quebec flliam Lindfay, Eiquirc, Regipar and Treafurer, . J. L- Marette, Aaiitant harbour Majier, ar.d Superintendant of the Cul-de-Sac. Mr. Jacques Langlois, ^<2'er 5fl/Vi^. Jean Fluet, MeJJ'engcr, Officers AT Montreal. Mr. John Delifle, junr. Clerk to the JVardens, fiit* Gabriel Franchere, Harbour Majier^ Mr. Claude Thlbeaut, Water Bailiff. i . HiANCM Pilots for and below the Harbour of , iQuebec, according to feniority, with the num-» bers preiixcd to each, which they are ob iged by Law 10 have painted on the fore and main fails, -%nd on the bow and ftern, of their relpciftive feoats, under a penalty of ten pounds currrncy. Miartin Chinique, Aaistant Examiner of Pilots far ar.d below the Harbour of ^uebr. I % BarthelemyLaChance, i h. M. Lavoie, 4 Antuinc 'I'etit, 5 William Rofs, 7 Joseph Langlolsj * i '«■.', h--''" m mi I'M [ J) IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) {./ 5? .^^!^ '^ ^^, ^ ;/, 1.0 I.I l^ll£ 12.5 lis "^ lu K2i2 ■ 2.2 ^ lil 12.0 IL25 III 1.4 I' ii 7 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) •72-4503 ji<^ \ «8 ) ii: 8 WiUiim Pettigrew, VI Peter Martinet, t2 Alexander Rofs, 1^ Jean Baptifte Petit, 14 Daniel Rols, 15 Pierre Lavoie, 16 Charles DoiroHy xS Pie/te Row^r-auy 53 James Smith, 54 Chrysnsrume Dumai, 56 Picfte; E .ond, 57 Charles Dumas, 58 Danie'lVl'Milian, 00 '-lichel Chunard, I 61 Jicqiics L.I Pi rre, 19 F. Audet dit Lapointe^ | 62 James Englifht ao John Rofs, Zi Jean Bte. Chaloux, 22 fames Forbesj^ 26 jean Dumas, 27 Louis Demersy 29 Francois Dumas, 30 Jean Lavoie, 31 Barthelemy PoulUot, 32 Antome RouHel, 34 Ambroife Dumas, 35 Noel Chouiiard, 36 Gabriel La Chanccy 37 Laurent Tremblay, 3$ Bar. La Chance, jun* 40 Jofeph Tbibicrge, 42 Louis Deli He, 43 Charles Duhamel, 44 Francois Desnoyer, 46 Edward Gpurdeau, 4^ Jean3te. Morency, 49 jwfvjili Plllilill/ 50 Ancoine Turgeon, 5 1 Frederick Dorrei), 52 Angus M-Niel, 63 P.Auvietyd.t Lapoiat(|| 64 Franc s Forbe., 66 (ean Ch t^'ee, 67 J »ff pK Mo ency, 68 Ch^rlts Pilcha, 69 j^hn Kelly, 70 Benjamin F/^rtier, 71 Franjois Curodaau, 73 Pierre Crepe uu, 74 j^'icpU jea", \ 75 Binjimin Pineau, 76 Michael Forbps, 77 Amable Lavoie, 78 Prifque Mete 'Her, 79 Pierre La Montagn*', 81 George St. Armand, 8a Antoine Lapointe, 83 Pierre Curodeau, 84 Francois Morencyi 85 Charles Fortin, 86 Regis Chamard, 87 Antoine Boucher, 88 Antoine Lapointe, 89 Auguftin Doiron, 90 Pierre ToulVaint, 91 Amable Paquet. ' N* B. The vacant numbfrs are occasioned by death(|| ffsi|nations, and other casualties* ( 69 ) Branch Pilots for tS above the Harheur of Slutbec* Euftachc Tcllier, Michel Mahiet^ N. Denis, dit LaPierre> Francois Page, Joseph Plaud, Charles Peleriiiy Pierre Page, junr. Olivier Parant, Charles Poiree, Michel LeMieuXy Alexis Marcband, Hyacinthe Biron, Jofeph Gauthier, Jean Bte. Gautbier, Jean Bte. Biron, Joseph Morin, Antoine Belleifle, Ambroife Mayrand, Joseph Belleisle* Antoine May rand, Joshua jeffrard, Jacques Pampalon^ Jean Bte. Duval, Aug. Blais, Joseph Godio, Pierre Perrault, Michel Belleille, Joseph Bellecour, Pierre Page, 3d. Fran9ois Mercure, Francois Hamelin. Rates of Pilotage for theRi'vtr St* Lawurend, From Sic to Sluebec* Per Foot* ,^ From the id to the 30th April, indu. ^106 From the ift May to the loth November, indutive, • • - - 0x8 From the itth to the 19th November, in. i 3 From the 20th Nov. to the ift March, in* i 8 From Sluebec to Bic* From the 2d to the 30th April, inclu. ^0 18 From the ifl May to the loth Nov. in, o iS From the iith to the igth Nov. indufive, i O m the 20th Nov* to the i ft March, int 1 5 i' ro -.51 4-.* m I'l' wm m m] 3 9 9 * 1 1 5^ H I' j Kffi Mfifff'T^S^B i f-i HI - 1 Mt ''s^i >k:.i ; ( 70 J Rates of Pilot Water and Poundage on Pilot Money are payable at the N aval -Officei by Mailers and Com- manders of vefTels* For every foot of water for which mafteri or com- manders of veflfeis are bound to pay their pilots, from Bic to (^ebec, and from Quebec to Bic, tfS* cur. rency pr. fo( t. For velTeh going to Three. Rivers or Montrealt ' of 100 to 150 tons incl«ifive» ^2 currency* of X(;i to 200 tons inclttfive, ^5 * ^ pf 201 to 250 tons incUfive, £4 • - of 251 tons and upwards, £^ • - Oo fettling with pilots, mafters or commanders of ^eiTelsji or the conAgnees of luch veffels, are to dedu6t if, in the pound for the amount of the to be paid for piiougc> which wilt be exa£Ved by the Naval Of- ficer at clearing out, the fame being funded by law, under the dire£lion of the Trinity Houfe, for the re- Hef of andy Pots • Apple Island Basque Island E. S. E. i S. E. N. E. {E. N. E. by £. |£. w. s. w. W. S W J W; The Shoal at the N.E. end of Gr. I land, S.W |S. The Sliioal at the W^ft end of Qreen IslsMid, N/E. |£* ( 71 ) ^ REGULATIONS For the payment qf Pilotage above Bic to QtuibeCk At or above the Anchorage of the Brandy Pots * - yds of the present rate for for a full Pilotage. Above the Point of St. Roc ^ do. dcH ^ or above the Point aux y. Pins, on the Isle aux Grues, and below Pa- trick's Hole ..... ^th- do. do. And at and above Patrick's Hole ...... — The Rates already esta* blished by law for sHift- ing a vessel from one place to another in the Narbourof Quebec, viz. sf 1 3 4. JRatei above the Harbour (ff Quebec* From Quebec, To Port-Ncuf, 4I. Currency. ^I* • • • t • • wla • « • • • • To Threc.Rivers, •r above Fort-Neuf, 61. Currency. 7I 81 To Montreal, and above 3 Rivers, III. Currency. 131. 1 61. To Quebec, For VcfTcls of Register From Fort-Neuf, Mearurement, not ex- - ceeding fioo Tons, 2l. 101. Cur'y. If above 200 and not exceeding 250 do. 3I. 109 If above 250 Tons, 41 * From 3 Rivert, For Vessels not exceed- fc above Portneufy ing 200 do. 4I. Currency. If above 20O and not exceeding 250 do. 4I. 10s If above 250 Tons, 51. los. . . : . From Montreal, For Vessels not exceed. 8t above } Rivers, ing 200 do. 7I. XOs. Cur'y. If above 200 and not exceciMns 250 do. 8!. 15s. . . . • If above 850 Tons, lol. 15s. . . . t Pilots are at liberty to leave Vessels forty-eight houfs after they an'ivc at the place of their destination. liii I'll » ( 7« ) ' ■ — ■ ■ ■» i ' — . .1 ■ . Of F I c 1 Rs of the Cu s T o M s in the i^rovince. M. H. PerczvaL) El'qr. Coile£^or* Williaai Scott, Esq. CooiptroUer. Charles Gray Stewart, Waiter and Searcher* Auguftus Welling, Hugh McDonald, Tidesmen. Mr* JohnGerbrandBeek, Soperintendant &t Montreal* Mr. William Hall, Waiter and Searcher at ditto* William Lindfay, Efqr. CoUe^or Port of St. Johns* Wm* M *Crae, £sqr. Comptroller at ditto* James Drennan, Gauger at do* J. Milne, Esq. CoUedor at the Poit of Chateaugaiy, !A1«x* Wilson, Esq. Do. at the Port of Coteau du Lac. Hugh 0*>gby> - - - •^ (^Liverpool, - - »S f St. Johns, J I iWeftmoreland, ^ w CFrederickton, ^ r Cape Breton, ^ < Newfoundland, • ^ C Prince Edward, • . Guy Wood;"" - Adolphtts Jonei. • Charles Tones. • Daniel Deverjie^ • John MacauUy.. « Simon M'Nab. • D, M. Rogers* . William Allan. - Richard Hatt* • John Crooks* — — — Ross. William Hands. • John Howe, sen. • T. M. Rudolph. - Eliiha Dewolph, « Alexander Burketf . - J. Snodgrass. - E. Calking. - J. C. T. Bremnen, - James Watsoo* • Andrew Fhair. 1 4 • Benjamin Chappell* The Poft goes between Qut bee and Montreal every day except Sundays and Fridays<«between Quebec and Halifax, once a fortnight—Quebec and Upper- Canada, twice a week«*K.ingfton and York, once a week<«« Y >rk and Niagara, once a week— York and Amherft- burgh, once a fortnight— ^Quebec aoO the United States^ OQce a week. Iff' K.if -«^t* r. AU^ P /* ^) t\ *i ii ■t*! V a f Tf » « u -,,n -■♦r »/ >if rpc^t t»; Vji 41 ..'^ • r' » .1 :{.V ^1H <«K>i ^ MILICES DU BAS-CANADA. £tat Majok de la Milice active et sedeti- taire de la Province du Bas Canada. MlLtCR AcTjrB, Lt« Col. Fbs. Vassai de Monviel, jit/j. Gentrat, Lt.-Col. t, T. Taichtreau, Depute Adj Genl. Capit. Chs. Chev. de Tonnancour, Assistant Adj Gen„ Capic. John Stewart, Depute Paj^e Maltre General, FraD^pis Blanchet, Surintendant des Hopitaux, Capit. J. L. Papineau, Juge Avocat, Lt.-Col. B. J. Frobisher, Aide de Camp Provincial. Mestfire Robitaille, Aumonier. Charles S. Turcot, Clcre au Bureau de VAdj. Gen, ). G. Primeau, Messager. MiLics, Spdentairr, Lt.-Col. F. Deschambault, Qr. Mattre Genl. Lt.-Col. C. Chaussegros De L^ry, Dep Qr. Mr, Gen» 51: J^'es^M^ei} ^""'^"' 2'. Mrs. Gen. Jean Bte. D'Estimauville, Colonel des Milices du Bas Canada. Charles de Salaberry, Hon. Olivier Perrault, r » • ^ r^ i » j**. Lieut.-Colonels ditto. Pierre de Boucher vi He, Hon. M. H. Perceval, Hon. Edward Bowen, Capitaine ditto. Wni. Andrews, Lieutetiant et AdjudaQt ditta> E2 i'Si »i4 tt % rJ "i?^(: ( 16 ) Diftritl dt Quiiec, comprtnant ij Di^uifitm. m 1 i iM 1 m ilH '1 i i ,-»»\»— — -' .^' Premier BstaWou dt U Viik dt f^jUUu Jean Baptifte Lecomt« Dnprc^ CUmuh Jog. Frs; Perrault, Lin/, Cdmml, Barthelemy Faribault,) ^ Augoftin Germain^ > Hajattm • ' ' Jean Bee. Corbin, )' CAFITAlNKt* Claude Den{chau» Francois BaiUairge» Franjf Vis Durette* ^.^x> Fran9oi8 Pinguet» .2 Ficrre Dumas, i'h. de Gafpe, turn, Jos« Levaireur Borgia, LI«UTENAXT». }ac%«cs LtUooil^ ^*> CeofseVMUtlfiMy ': John FktsbcTy aimv. P^ •A-^ Benjamin Lemoine, Jgnace Dorval, Charles Perrault, Louis Maflue, Joleph Leblondy jean Huot, Charles Turgeon, Fran9oi8 Girard, Francois Belanger, SNSSIGNBS. Ws:. BoutiUier, Piene lUciltt, PaulVaUe, Louis Lagueo]^ Avgt. Amiot, Michel Bornr, Nicabi Yilasfe^ Jofeph Debloisy Ao^dUa Viesclcr' '4* »^-^ Jos. Fortier, Michel Dobord, Alexandre Veaina, Picire Voyfr, Hdooard Baqnet, Jacqws Giiafd, Loots Caniirr, Pierre Leckrc, George Qoeco. Pierre Degutfc, Lieut, tt AtjmdmH Francois Remain, Lieut, et ^msrtmr Matire^ P. L, Dc Latcrricre, Cbtrur^knm < 77 ) _ Steoad BatMUm it la Villt dt SljUhec, ju.^ Louis t>c Salahcny, Colotuf, FcHs TetOy tuu tenant ColontL Picfve Bnifleaiiy > j^^ . Looit Moods^mbert, S "^ CAriTAITfBS. orim Michel BcfftlMloCy MicbeJ SawagcaVf Michel Clovet, Ffs* Xavier Germaiiiy Philippe Paaet, ;> Jean BlUafcr, I.IXVTEKilNTI* Geofge Farikmlt, RAgar Aahf 9 Pierre Doocer, Franks QjairDoety Chartes Langevio, Piene £•• Segoiji^ Loa^s Mo^oioy ■ KSK1CNI8* Louis B« Pinguet^ Louis Robitailky Louii Plamon^oiiy Francois Fortiar, Ls. Theodore BeCTerer, Chas» De Tonnancaor. >w^ Charles Joordain, J.R.VatierdeSt.RaU Etienne Cdte^ A^ ^ Hyppolite Rolette, Louit Fortiefy Pierre Chaaveaux, ft^wo Joseph Roi* j^ MartSo Chmic, £b, John Goii4ie, Michel Langloii, Ignaoe GagaoiH Francois Comeaa, Paschal Queen^ Louit Panet, Lovis Hi net. ^< litut, et ^aie Maitre, Frs. LaagnediK:, Ijvwt. «< .idjudant. Pierre EAmain* litmt, et duartier Maitre* Jofcph Painchaml, Chirurgien* Trmpe die Cavahrh de Qiu^e Edward Hale, Cafitaine, 'WiUiam Slieppard, Lieytena/ti, Haaaymd Goweo» Cormtt^, Ej fi. bhv IP U ii'A ( 7« ) II J •I- : Trthiime BataiUon it ifjUhtem ^ William Horns, LituttuaMt Cthmeim Wtlliam Srr.ith, } m, • Wn,.Lma..y, J ^''■""* CAPlTAlNtt* Archibald Fer^ufon, | Joni> Munro, | GilberrAinsle, } Ccprge Fy ici», I George Symci, | LItUTKNANTt. James Roffy Frederick Gnat, Jobo Sccwartf Friacit Hunter* llobi!r( M^lvij), Jol'eph C^ry, John Rof», j^^^;^ Thn D. Ham*l:oP| ^j^^JSriohnM'Miiier, Thomas Wihbn» Benjamin rremain^ Chs* Gray Stswarty Joi'eph JoneSi Thomas White, ^c*^ William Hiiotcf, Robert DttiWf 9xx^ Aodrew S:aarC« Th'imas Aylwuiy f•mNillldM^ v*. Jamct HalMiell, m/ Peter PAttcrlMi, ^^ INSIICNF.8. James Lt Marett, John Neitron, WUUm Of iatc, AAdrew W. CocV«^f John Cannoo* Thomas Gary, Lieut« et Adiadaot, Thomas Richards, Lt. et Q£. ilattre* z^^,^ James Cockbum, Chinsrgiciu i^uatrieme Di'vijton di ^m§he$* Hon. Francois Baby> Ctl§mel» Jofepb Piantf, LjVi^/. Cfl/!am/t Pavid Monro, Major, CAPITAlKEt* ^]ichel Allaip, 1 m » r^ Jean Bte. Legarre, 5 Michel Trudei, f ^ . ^ Jofcph J-'Heroi J7^-'i^^^<. J^c> ( 79 ) Ancolne Routier» Stt, ¥ti% f acquei Pltmondoo* Ctpitaine et Adjudtntt Franjois Babyy fili« Capic* et Aide Major* Romain VaUiere^ do* do* OS. Deliflei Lieut* et Aide Major* ac. Raymond Baby, ditto. icquci Flucty £ni* Aide Major. DivWton du CapSant^d Louis F« De Lagorgendiere, LUut. ColontL George Waters Allfopp^ do. sum* Frs. Xavier Larue> Majpr* GAFITAINBS. Rene Trottier, Grondineii Francois Trepagnier, Jos. be Lachevrotiere> Pierre Perrault^ A. MercurOi Francois Bertrandy J* Bapttfte Marc3tte| J. Marcoty Pierre Anger^ h> Jofeph Proulxy Ecureuils* i Defchambiutu C«p Sante* Pte* aux Trembles* Paul Moriflet, Lieut, et Adjudant. Pierre Gendron» Lieat* Aide Msjor* Louis Boudreauy *! Ls. C. Belisle* f »«. a:j-. \m • Fran. Anger, f Em. Aide. Mfl. Alexii Germain. 3 i E4 ( «o J Hon. A. J. Duehesnay, limi, C$fhHer, Alexis CsttoDf Y CAPltAlNl«^ Jacques Jobin, Pierre Giroux, Ant. Bed arc 9 Michel Marcouxy Pierre i.lMcouXy fijMbrieji HH(Oti I Charlesboufg« SBiauport*^ I^'Aoge Cardien* Chatttau Richar. $t. Fercpl* See. Anne. Si. Joachim: Alexis Gravelisy Lirut. et Adjudant. Ajitoine Parent,^ Litwf. Q^artier Mure* Auguitin D«^ui(e, Enreigne A)dfi Major* J* Bte. Renaud) do. do. Division de la .BaiaSti PattU Jofepn Dufour, Lieutenant Coftmth J. Bte. Tremblav, Major, James M'l&enze, * d^. Frs. Trcmblay, Louis T«^cfr.biay, Isidore Lcve <^|, Mar. Gagnon» jofe^h Cote, Louis Belaire, Thomas Lee, fenr George Chapron, Benjamin Trembhyi > Eboulemens. !4Ie aax Coudre»i ( «i ) Looit Henrey* ^ Pierre Labevge^ V Mai bate* AiiC« Rivcrioy 3 R. R. Mttrchifmif Tadoufac. John WarreSf Lie«t» Adjudant. Divmo9 de Rimousiy, Alevfnder FrafcTy Lieut. ColoneL '^ Aogiiftiii Tn^ly Major. CAriTAlKS?* Paul Riour, Trois PIftol«». Anfelaae Robiduady Riviere du Loup* Cacona, St. Andre* Rivieredes C«p«, Pierre Siiois, J* M« Michaady Joseph Pineaoy Joseph Sasserilley Iflc Vcrtc, Cap Chat, Alexia Moriiit Lieat. Adjudant* Jofeph Robichm^y Aide Major'. .A -• Dhnfiou de U Rivkre Quelle^ Pmtchal Tache^ Lleutenant-Coloneli :^ Peter Fraier, "> BenMC Rofy V Majors* PJefieCargfajo^ 3 CAVITAIBCKS* J. Bte« Cttfcaxy Jofeph Dionoe* Amable Diotine » I Thomat Casean, J Nicolas Bouchard, Ai A* DiOfiisey F. X. Boucher, Pief re Cafgrain, fil$, E5 I Riviere Ouellc, 'fc lu <;. 'Kc^ Hi'- ^-y=^ iv w;' I r* i t\ m It,' I.'- \\ Anne* . Moise Hudon» ^acl^a- itt Ouellet, Jbseph Lorier, Jean Bte. Hautreman, Lieut* ec Adj^iaat* Pafchfl Taciie. tils, ) .y . a** •# • J. M. Hauircinan, J ^»P't. A.dc Mij. (ste. pivisicn de St, Jean Port Jolt. Hon. Ignace Aubert De Gafpe^ Colonel* Charles Riverini Lieutenant Colonel. Anc* Ovide De Lanaudiere^ > ,_ . Joieph Couiliard Deiprcs, J IVlajori. CAPITAINE8. J. B. Dcfpres, tils, J ^ **'^^' Paul Bernier, J Cap St. Ignace, Frarijois Morin, "1 Louis Besse, >St, Roch* JP. Moiin, J Franjois Fournler, St. Jean Portjoli, Jean Frs, Carp::, do, Simon Frafer, Major et Adjirdant. Andre Dubord, Capit. et Aide Major. Jofeph M, Bc'langer, "] - David Hardwood, ^ Ens. Aides Major: Aat. Morip, ] Divlfion deSt, Thomas, J^ouis Dunicre, Lieutenant Colonel, Tabicnt.) Jofeph Frafer, Licut.-Col. Commandant. Aug. G. Couiliard, Louis Blais, CAPITAINES. , f ranrois Tetu, St. Thomas. ' Louis Cazeau, do. V Joseph Bf audouin, Berthlcr. . Bte. Marti nea«, St. Francois, V Majors. i 83 ) Agapit Lavoic» Ide aux Grttei* Francois Cdte, Capit* et Adjudant* Frs. X« Pare, Capt. et Aide Major. ^ PrimUre Drvition de St* Val'ter^ Charles Fremont} Lieut m-Cohmly (absent.) Louis Turgeony Major Commandants P. £. DesbaratSy Majors CAPITA1NX8* V Etienne Carrier, Modefte Bourafla, VSt, Cbarlet, jofeph Goflelin, Franjois Roy, 1 ' . F Guil. Audet, Laurent Buteau, J. Bte. Lemieuz, Abraham Turgeon, Capit* et Adjudant* • Gfrvaltt u Seconde Division de St* VaVter, £t/ Fereol Roi, Lieut-Colonel. A, Couiilard de Beaumont, Major* CAPITAINX9. Jofeph Girard, Btaumont* Charles Foucher, Jofeph Roi, \St. MUbet, F. R. Boule, Germain Blondeau^ J. Ls. Morin, Geo. de Tonnancour, Capit. et Adjudant. Jean Langevin, Capit* Aide Major* Francois Tetu, 1 H. de Beaumont, >£ns. Aides Mtj Alexis GoHelin, j , £ 6 OTIt r- M r*«':>' i :t-'\ m^^ m N.;W'I' U „;;.f t ( ) flc^Ues V'ifer, Lieuttnatit Cohnel* JQiiph B"uGhe^y do* Hon. John Mure, Major Mod. J amcrs Irvine^ do* . CAFITAIMKI* f ranjois Guerard, Charies Crepe auy Alexis Coulo.iibe^ £u Cou.Uard, Gharlea Blouin, Ste^ Tamtlii, St. Pierre, * St. Laurent^ St» Francois, St, Jtanrn Jieques Leblond, 61s, Capitaine et Adjudant. Charles S»iit^, Ens. Quartier Maitrt. iame. G. Hanna, Lieutenant et Aide Majoro Olivier Bruhei, 'Robert Stti'th, Donald Frafer, "Wdi. Fitil< y, Wm. RyUnd, C. e. De tery, J, C. De Lcry> »£nseignes et Aides Majors. Viviiion de Stf, Marie Nouvelk Bcauce, J. P. T. Tafchcrcau, Lieut, Col, Commandant, J. T. Tafchereauy Lieut* Colbnei, vFrapjois V^rrauit, tni. Majors CAPITAINES. Guillauttte Prev<»ft, -Francois Bonneville^ Louis Gregoire, Etienne BarbeaU| Jean Marie Roi, Joseph Poulih, Louis Mathi u, . Pierre Veilleux, ' |eanCharle« Bedard^ Frtnjois Vemult, jmir. Major et Adjudtnta ie, M&He* i St, Joieph, > St,^raripii* Ste, Claire.' fi { U ) Benjtm^n Usey, Bnfergne et Quartier Maitre. John Wal(h) C»pitaire Aide Major. Pi rre Vfrrablt, LieuC. Aide Major* Juieph Verrault, Enieigne et AJdt Major«, George Blutnharty do* Praniere Diviskn de Lotbwiere, Hon. John Caldwell^ Lieut, C^lomeL |ohn DavidfoDy Major Commandant* CAPITAINES. Auguftin Dubuc, lp,;„i,i^ " . -Auguftin Labadie, ^ -^ Jean BoufFard, \ - ' ' Pi. rre Buwierc, f ^^ ^ Pierre Laprije, r * • •'* ^ AmbroifeGagne,) T. Bte. Demers, >'«^ .,.• / A t ^u ►^^ f ^^ Nicolas. -A. rnchftte, ^ Chriftopber Payet, 5f. Gi/**. ^.^ ' Wm. Phillipc, Capit. et Adjudanf. ^ Louis Nadeau, ') J. Bte. Beauvtpuin, >Bns. Aides Majors* J. Demers. J ^. Gibfon^ do. Seconde Division de Lot^iniere, " ^e2in Bte. Tiliy Noel, Lieutenant 'Colonel* George Hanalltony \ M ' L. J* Duchesnay, ) ^' CAPITAINSS. mu Pi Lambert, Loiiis Gtfay, Jofeph Duquety Pierre Lec)erCy Louis Legend re> J* Xavier Adam, rSr. Antoine, do. Ste, Croix, hothinurem do. St. Jean rZchailkn. •(S'i l^ouit Th9pn Hart Logan, Ths. Blackwood, Alexd. Allison, Ths. Thain, Robert Armour, Andtew Porteous, Peter Harkness, Andrew Patersen, David Ogden» Arthur Webster^ jas.Fraser, James Leslie, John M'Tavifli, Alex. Dowie, George Auldjo, ZNSSIGNXS. W. Molfon, Nornun Bethune;^ George Moffat^ Alex. Thain, Wm. Blackwood* Capitaine Rob. GriHin, Adjudaat. Thomast^ Busby* Quartier Maicre. Ceorge Selby, Chirurgien. Rev. Mr. Mountain, Aumonier. Second Bataillon de Af ontr/alm Jacques Hervieux, Lieat«.Col.. Commandant* J.°G,DelHle, j ««« Coloneli. ;^ Bcnj. Beaubien, Major* . ^^^ ^,^^.V^ ( «7 ) .-? CAFfTAIKtS. I'JIuilna* MecbiJcr, f\ Atig.Que&Dcl )• L* Papioeaoy t*aff» J. R. RoUana, Velix Soulifiiy, | L. M. V iger, ^ Augurtm BertKelff, Pif rre Charles Duboio^ Auguftin Dumasy Joseph Perrault. LfEVTlKANTS. Lonif Lamontagne^ L. Tancfcde BoutbiUiery Jm« Robreau Dttplessit^ Charles Fleofi Koif ftu Deirivierety ^, Louis Partenaisy Tou (Taint Peltier, sen* Jean Bte. Routier, Ignace Bertran^^ John Shurer. • 1 SMtXICKEU John Reeves, J. C. Grant',^ f?T J. B. Franchere» vf Timothe MalToa^ Perer M'Catcheony Ens. et Adjudant. ^'* Daniel Arnoldi, Cbirurgien. J. D. B^^rnard, J, B. Rochon, Louif FranchcfTi^ \s\xz Cbs. Racine^ TroisKiue Batailion ele Montreal • ^' ^ Hyp. St. Gtargt Dupre, Lieut. .Col. Com« Jean Bouthiilier, Lieut. -Colonel. Pierre Hervieux^ da. .'- y?s*iu Major, ^ • 1. D. lacroixy Jot* Robreao pupUifity Charles Prevoft^ L« Huguet Latoufy Michel Fourniery Jofcph Roy, Denis Benjamin Viger, P. Huguet Latour, Nicolas Menedicr, Jacques Viger. LIXOTKNAhTS. Joseph Desautely Nicolas Masiue, Francois Roi, Aroable Devillera*, Alexis Laframboise^ Charles Racicot, Auguftin Perrault, Dom, RoUin, i^ Erienne Roi, Samuel G^e, ■^ * Amm4 m ly:^ (, 88. ) XNSE^GNSf* Jofeph Herfc, ..\ I "* Jean Btc. Dei cry, M chcl Bibeau, i. Au?. Tullock, PiereBaudry, I Chai^les Paftcar. Paul L'Huv.ier, | Hugues Heney, Caplt* ct Ad^odant. Alexi.^ Bourret, Li«ut« et QuartierMaftre. J. Bte. Herigault, ChiriirgieiH Division de la Longue Pmntu J. P. Le rofioii, Lieut. ^Colcnel Cwimandant, JEtienne G';y, Lieutenant Colwi^i* Samuel David, Major* CAFITAINXS* ' J. B. Monarque, ? o- • j r» . • ^ ^ ' \ RiviftredfsPrairicf. Pierre Demcrs, A' guftiii Richer, Gabrjei Koi, J. B, Cavalier, Emmanuel VidrecaTre, K M. Jannor, Amab'e Moran, jean Bte. Millard, Ch. Lc VafTeur, jCapit. et Adjodant. Ch. F. Graves, Lieut. etQuartierMaitre Louis Graveiie, '7 -, ... t:harles Rate, { Ens. Aides Maj. • Laurent. i Longue Pointe* > Pte* aux Trembles .•i\' Division dt la Pointe Clak^ Et. Niv. St. Dizier, Lieut. Col. Commandant. Jean Marie Mondelet, L/^/^f. Cfl/# * l-ouis Levesque, Major, ^^ '*^ CAPlTAlNi:. Pierre Roi, > . Jofcph Allard, I ^» Chine, ( 99 ) ]• Bte. Lacumbef Andre Legaulty Pierre ViUoif, J. Antoine Berthe, Michel Demers) H« BroMt, jofeph Paimenty Louis Boudreaincy Charies Giroux^ i Pointe ClBirei i > ! Ste. Anne* I Ste. Geneviovc* lie Bisardv iSault a J KecoUet £. N. Sc» Dicier, fils, Lreat. et A^j. 4tf4M. Stewart Frtfer, £ns. Quarcier Mait^'e. Thomas Bedouin, I ^ . .'j-. k>i^ CHpard Tough, J '^'P"- A"*' "* Ch. Reeves, £n«. Aid« Major* .i^ft^iifMi d' ArgenttuiL _^ Patrick Murray, Colonel* William Ketl, Lieutenant ColoneU Archibald McMillan, Major. ♦ CAPXTAir:BS. ^ D. M*Gregor, joel Bixby, if^v Uriah M'Leod^ james* Brown, Walter Chase, V Inland Noble, Philemon Wright, Thomas Barron, Capit. et Adjudant. Benjamin Wales, Lieut, ct C^uartier Maitre« Bartheiemy Quendn, Enfeigne Aide Major. >Argentcujl< n f Chatham* Hull. •tf. •:»»,■■» !»*,»?«■ i>4 DiviJUn de Viaudrtuil, « i <£$ Hon, Ch artier De Lothiniere, Col^iiBK Antoine Filion, Lieutenant Colonei* Thetard de Miontigny, Majof « ^- J. ' "it IP?. I J. ■ r \ ^ •t:'.y ''^.v ^^ ■^'i^ 'W ( go ) VaudreuU* Rigaudi ( SouUngei* I NouTelleLongueil. Isle Perrault* CAtlTAlNfl* Chirtes Lalonde^ Bapt. Lefebvre, Michel Stm Julieiiy ios. Chevrier, •apt. Foumiery Tbt. Hewey» Gabriel Leroux^ Phillippe Bougisy H. Moapetity Antoine BoilTonety Joieph Monpetity Michel Leducy And. Docn* Patnbrttn» Capt. et Adjudant* : Maurice Mongrain« Lieutenant Aide Major* Andre Filiony fiU, Edi. Aide Major. Diitishn de la R'rviire DucbUe. Eus. N: L. Dumontf Lieut-CoU Commandant* John Ogilvicy Lieut— Colonel.* ignace Raizenne^ Major. CAPITAtNES* J. Bapt. Chevi^ier, "J Francois Bellefcuilley | J. Bapt. FerrjJ, | Jofeph Duncai Michel J.A Jean Dumonchelley jo?eph Seguin, tt-i •, vi ■fO-.. ^ afeph Hetier, VSt. Eu^ache* Duncan ]^*Gillis9 1 lichel Cheval, I . A. M. Berthclot, J '* ' "^ , Louis Maflbn, Louis DumouC'helley Sebastien LegauU, ^ NicAl^k St. OngCy Pierre Gatien> Hyacinthc St. Germain> Capt. et Adjudant* iSt. Benoit* C 9« > ;* 4 it tliU J/lUSm }o(tfh Hubeft Lacroix, Colooe!l« Jaccli OUhtm, Major. CAVlTAlNlt* joficpti P«(i]i» J |. M. BHaneer, >Sc. Vincent de PauU Charles Dase, | loieph Oantliinf J faliea Lctonc« Picrfc thihtHiktux, Antoiae Cluiflry lot. Filtatroff Fri« 0«iflDiet« Ant. O'Aaioary Jofeph Fran^if Lacioix, Caplt. et Adjudint aku LaansefCf Capita Aide Major. Nic* M«fchaii4, Immh Aide Major, Nic Gaothkr^^ Daniel Motea* > Eat* Aides Majors. AAt.Dasc, \ St. Martifli 'Ste. Rose de Lima* i -. ^ I :WlE H>/ Jk Terrehonm* Hoi. M*Keflcict Lintt^-CoJ, Commandant, Henry M'Kcnzk* L'uut. -Colonel, Simon Fraaer. 7 j^^j^^,^ V JoicphTorgcon^J -^ CAMTAIVIS. jofeph Clement} David franjmi si — ^ — — — - ^ — — — — . • -^a I Clement} "> '>- iThompsony i-St. tduis Terre\>o1i mi Gigos} ^ 'Xh Bourgeois, joi'eph Dcz ie, Hi"* re Delf^uce* D<«n>ei Wyman, Fra.i^ois H. Seguin, Paie Maitre. TouifaHt I^imuges, Capit. cc Adjudknt John Hethribby Quarticr Maitre* Wt). Par eous, Capit* ec Aide ii;gor« jeai Vienne^ do. do. jote^h Brune'y do* io» Jean Relu, Lit:ut. Aide Major, /atnes Porteousy £n^. Aide Major. St* HtAtf de Mafcouche, Gate 4« Grace. Division 4e BUun^Hk* Michel Turgcon, Lieut • Cohfut* Thos. Porceous, Major* CAPITAINIS. ft Tofepb Gagnon, Pierre Raby, lames Jordan* Cha'les Moiitigny) Jacqurs Guimont, jean Bte Leguerriery Paul Lacroixy Nicolas Mantet, Xgnace Robitaillcy Capit et Adjudant^ Boji. Panety Capit. ^ Aide Major* Ste* Annt de Mot- couche* Ste. Thertfe dfe Blainville. Vfoifion de Vjilfom^ilonm jean Bee* Hervieux, Lieut* Ctloaelf;*';^ jean Bte^ Bruguier, MajjOf*. Barthelemy Rochsfj d^ . i s^^^,^ *il ( f3 ) AflbmptioB i Repenti^ny. 1 St. Roch* I St, Our? du Gratid fcAPITAINES jeanBte, ^ao, Medard Brtiguiery Francois Proulxy Cbarlci Migaeron, Antoine D.khampS) Franjoii Payee, Lcuit CKaputy Jacques Rot« Frs. Archambaulty Joseph Rivet, Michel PrevoiV, Joseph Senet| Jean Mi ran, Louis Ptquette, Jacques Archambault, C^pt* et A judanC^ Laurent iMrwiXf Capitaine Aide M jjor. Charles De St. Ours, Lieut, Aide M..jor« F. X. T. Lacombe, do. do* Francois Tan i ant, "^ ^^ Antoine Latourelle, Louis Richard, St. El'prit. / St. Jacques. Jofeph Coin, }. Bte. Forest, IfOttis Foreiit, B. Pellcrin, Pairick MeltoyCj ^Enseignes Aides Majors^ J ,fm- Wtfijion de la VaUrie, Jofeph Edouard Faribauk, Lieat. ColoneL Jacques La Combe, Major. CAPITMMIS ' Pierre Mondore, ?i«xr!t»:- Pierre Dufour, Pierre Larochc, 508eph Pa^uct, 5 } Lano aye. 1'' 'Vv^.-r^, ( 91 } jeao H. ChMis&e, I Joseph Beaupre, ( Claude Mtftineao, Etienne 'Tartcnais, ' Michel Perraulc, Fra. Ls. Pichet, Bonaventure LemiiVp Jos. Pellirr^ Amb. Archambautty jofeph Perraulty BarChy. joUette, Majortt Ad|i«dl«Bn '• Pierre De Lanaiidiere, lieaC* Aidle Majar^ Narcifle Faribaalt^ £ns« Aideiizjor. Michel SeguiTiy do. *~ as* Lacombe, jun< d9« . B. UucondU) do. Antolnc Lacombey do. Francois Al'.ard, do* St* SbI^cc*' Su Pasl. ' Point An Jour. ) do. ■I I >«t\til. ..> SJ* .Beitbbr. •/i*',. *'*^'^ Division dt BertiSarm Hon* James Cuthbent, Ueitw€!oloflei« ;^ ; 'Pierre M« Ferland, MtpM^ '^J^ -«4H^/- .CAPITASSEt* ?»..xUi^ Jofeph Rocb, ^ " F. Ferlandy jean Bte, Guilbault, Alexis Duteau, Prifque Pelland, Jacques Dcligny^ Antolne Deftrampc, J. B. Olivier, Nicolas OeofiVoIey Pascal Gouiet, Pierre Crepsau^ i Laurenl Cramer» > Su Catlibeit. |Str. ElisabnEi. DaUkkNit. yt5* • Alaxime Olivier^ Ca^it. gn AdJ^ntfant* AntoiaeEnos, Capit. cc A?^ Major. ;1 * (.95 ) Divifion dt St. Ours, ' " ^ Hon* Charles De St. Ours, Colonet.* Pierre Ignace Malhiot» Lieut. Colonel. Francois Xa? ier Malhiot, Lieut* Colonel'. Robert Jones, Major* CAPITAINZS. Francois Renoi, Kl; ;: ^«f"^* kSorcL J. B.St.Martin, Claude Cardin, J. B. Lintourty jefepb Levitre, : Charles Fredet) Ch. Payan, Fr. Lamoureux, Pierre Lariviercy Denis Juffeaumey Jofeph Donaicy Etienne Paquet, Adjudant. George Grares, Ens* Quarticr Maitre. L. M. R. Barber, Chirurgien, Frs. Vidtoire Malhiot, Capitaine Aide Major* Gam. Gaucher, Captitaine Aide Major* Jofeph Poulin, Ens* Aide Major* Jacob Dore, do* do. ,. ' St* O^rsi^, >Contrecceur* DivUioH de St, Hyachtbe, JeanDessaules, Lieut. Colonel* Jofeph Cartier, p^re, Major* CAPITATWXS. < Saint Hyacintbe, « % Jacques Robitaille, Louis Gaudreau, Pascal Botttbomiier, Augttilin Morin, Joseph CarUiTf jon* Pierre Cadoret, jean Bte. Langeli«r» Gab. Ths. L*Kero, jofeph Porlier, John Dwyer, A'i- |4>^ • v» . ''I '11 ( 96 ) Pierre Chapdeleine^ 1 Pieirc Fricht-t, VPr^fentttion. ^ Joieph PaUdicy J Amable Archambautt» Capit. tt A<)judint. Dfviiion dt St. ,Detiis» Louis BourdagrSi Licut.-Col* Commandant^ XAFITAI$t« Denis. ijqfeph Garrapy, JOS. Pierrre Cheval, o-eph Afcbambault, .GUI! is Durocker, Augr. MarchefTeauy Joseph Ch8> Drolet, J an Bte. fiougrer^ Anioine Benoit, je. n Bte. Fenix, >^t. Antoiiie* ■9 ,( St. ^arc* ' i St. Charles* Loui C. Duvert, Bns. ec Adjudant* Louis Coursolle, Capit. Aide Major* JOS. fieOey Lieut* Aide Major. Kaimo^dSourda^es? £„,. Aides >lajof,j. Ren^i S. feourclages, J "^ -' Off I CI ER^ 6URNU>MERA»R««. Joseph J-^not, Oapltaine* ilitutenants. Pierre Doyon» Michel Plamondon* Edouard Hubert, Francis Mount, Jean Bi.btau, Jean Bre Lussieri oseph A ($er, Joseph Meun cry Hubert Lapane^ £u:ebe Cartkr, Joseph Janet, ^Is, Auguftin Paradis. Bazile Olivier^ Jean Bte. Guyon, ] ean Bte. -Hogue, Dharle^ Renaudf Francois Cote. ( 97 ) DivUkn de Beltg'tl, ^ Pierre Guerouty Lieut.-Colonel Commsndaht. Pierre Griae, Lieut.. Colonel. Gabriel Marchand, Major, CAP1TAINE8, \ BeioelK St. Joseph dc Chambly. Luc. H. Vandandaigue, F. Vandandaigue, ToudVint Fcrrier, Julien Piedalue^ Noel Breux, {ofeph Courtemanche, Honore Joubert, Julien Defpelteau, David LukiDy Capic. et Adjudant* Ls. Guerout, Lieut. Aide Major* Div'ijion de Chambly » Hon. M. Hertel de Roaviile, Colonel* J. B. Rene Hertel De Rouville, Lieut.-Coionc). Joseph Bresse, Major* CAPITAINES. Pierre Oftigny, } Sc* Mathias de Charles Masee, \ Chambly. ' Michel Prive, St. jean Baptifte* " Jean Bte. Demers, St. Hilaire deRouvilte. Timothe Franchere^ Adjudant, Ls. B. de la Grave, Lieut. etQu^rt. Maittfr* " Division de l^Acadie, Touffaint Pothier, Lieut.. Col. Commandant* . CAPITAINES* Con ft ant Cartier, jofeph Larau, Jofeph Brun, y Blairfindle. Michel B I flfonet, * t Olivier Hebcrt, i ' -^ Pierre Droffm Leblanc, F 1. ( ij UA' \%tmvu % ■*:-:»fi. ii\{ i:'; ( 98 ) Jacques Robert, Etirnnc RivaiS) Pie .^e Hebcrt, GuiiL'ume Peladeau, f ran.Rubert, Ambroise Sangulnet, Capit. et Adjudant, St. Phillippei Ditiijion de Beauharnots, HdUi Charles Win. Grant, Lt, Colonel* £dme Henry, Major. CAPITAINE&i. Alexis Lan£lo, ) j, JO . Marir" Longtin, ) jcan Be. Bruguler, "^ Louis Demers, | Etienne Hunsu, I t. Conftanti Charles Archambault, > Cliateaugay* Aieiis Sauva^eau, Antoine Dupuis, j,»rTifs Milne, staff. Bdziie Larn^rque, J M. O^Sullivan, Capitain: et Adjudaritt ' James Hooffleter, Lieut, et Aide Major, F. R. Dandurant, Aide Major. Dhi/ion de BouchervUle, Rene de la Bruere, Li'^ut.-Coi. Ccmmandanr- J. Moy e Raimond, 7 »* • Pierre Weiibrenner, 5 * . * CAPITAIN ES» Aug, Weilbtenner, 1 Chs. D. Dumuy, > Boucherville. jean H. Carbonneao, j Fran^o> Trudeau, Alexi Deneau, ■ , .. Fi 'ran^o> Trudeau, "^ ^lexi Deneau, /. Liexis Prcfontainc, i 'langois Surprenant, J *> «!' ) I La Pra*:ie« ( 99 Francois Baudet^ | ^ Louis Lebsr, jofeph Ig. Hcbert, Bazile F. La Brosse, Raphael BrofTard, L. R. C. De Lery, LieuU-CoL et Adjudant, Th. De Bouchervillc, 7 ^ ^ a-a^ \a .; „o PaulLacro,x, ' J Major.. Pierre M.ras^e, ) ;^^,_ ^^ ^Ue Majors. DoiTi. Mon dec, ^ Pierre Lee er, Frs. Vigsr, Louis Denaut, Wm. Sax, absent, 5>Ens. ^t Aides Majors. Pascal Dubuc, Pierre Boucher, Micliel Boucher, Diviiion ae Vercberes* — ■ Lieac. Colonel. C A P I T A 1 N E s . ' ' ean Bte. Charon, "J ' WAmiot,^ 1st. Anto-.nede \ Chagnon, pere, V Verciiercs. *ierre Chignon, fils, I ^ierrcCh coine, J J, L. De Martigny, Major Cotrmandant, Jacques Cartier, Major CAPITAINES. Jean Bte. Charon, Pi V. Pi Pi Paul Ludier, ^tienne L'uchesnois, Jos. Ainse, ^g^^^ ^^^^ de Varcnnei* J. L. Mart>gny^ Chriftophe D^ elles, Aime Maflue, ^ F. G. Le PaiUeur, Capit. et Adjudant. John Morloy, Chirurgien. Fdouard Beaybien, Lieut, et Aide M'^jor. Chs. Boucher de Grosbois, Ens. et Aide Major. Fa m f ''Si Q^ujm^L i: iii; P '♦ ^7""^!! « ■■W^^-\ \ .* ' ' » ^ t fl ! 9 I ( ICO ) BataUlon de la Ville des Trois-Rivitres, , Thomas Coffin, Colonel Commandant. Ant« Poulin de Courval, Lieut.-Colonei. Zacarie M^Auley, Major. CAPITAIN£S» fofeph Badtaux, I Esekiet Hart> Rene Kimbert, | Joseph Lonval^ LIEUT£NA^T8• Philip Burns, I Pierre Gouin. Charles Fortier> | Wm« Anderson. ENSEIGNES. Wm. Hardy, I Alexis Rivard. Bazile Doucet, | Cap'Uainei dans let Paroisses* > -' Forges St. Maurice, jo)eph L. BellefeuUle, Cap la Madeiaine. Jofeph Gauchier, Pointe du Lac. Ch, Lesieur* 1 Ant. Lesieur, >Yamachiche. Pierre jos, Heroux> j Hugh Frafer, Adjudant. Charles R. Ogden, Quartier Maitre. George Carter, Chirurgien. Di'vision de Ste, Anne* ' J'^achim Lanouet, Lieut—Col. Commandant* Benj, Frobifher, tieut,-Colonel. itaff^ GoJefroi de Tonnancour, Major. CAPITAINES. Hyacinthe Marchand, St. Fr, X. Batiscan. l-iouis Perrault, ,;.'''. Auguftin Boisvert, Jos. Cartier, Louis Lefebvre, Joseph Quessy, > Ste. Anne de Laperade Champlain. Ste. Genevieve. Forges Batiscan. p. Trepanier, St. St^niilas Riv. des Envies, Charles Gouin, Lieut, et Adjudant. ( «oi ) Division de la Rivit-re du Loup* '-. Nicotas St* Martin, Lieut* Col. Commandant* Fra 5:)is Bjuc 'fr, Mujjr. CAPITAINES, Etlfnne Desiuarets, "> Auguftin Arnois, / St. Antoine J. B. Leinaitre Auge, T Riviere du Loup* J. B. Lupien, J Jean Bee, Martin, St. Leon Legrand. Louis Duchesnay, ) St. josv'ph de Michel D >ucet, \ Mafkinonge, Etienne Mjyrand, Capic. et Acjudant. OfFICIEAS SURNUMERAIRES. Chs. Lemaicre Auge, Emery Chalons, Antoine Bazin, Capitaines. Benjamin Schiller, Fiederick Dame* Desire Augc, l^aac Phineas, Enseignes» Antoine Auge. Adolphus Dame, Divijion d''Tamaika» Jofeph Marie De Tonnancour, Col. Command, J. A. C. de St. Francois, Lieut. Colonel* Pierre Bazin, pere, Major* CAPITAINES. Pierre Bafile Peliiner, Regis Peliffier, }- St. Michel d* Yamaska. J. Bte. Drolct, Francois Defcheneau^ ^azlle Carder, ^St. Fran^oifi< John Oak?s, M. J. De Tonnancour, Capit. et Ajutiant* 1* B. De Ttjnnancoui, 7 t • ^ * a»j n/r • i r- \-i rr >- Lieut, et Aide Majors. L. O. De Tonnancour, ^ •* Cl|s, Ant. De Tonnanconr, Ens. et Aide Major, ' 7 fM. : ' |^H|i:i!i ; :i|Hl' illlBm'i 1 IHHIh'^ ImH^ 1 in^H^^^^^^^^n^v*} i ( «o« ) Pivisioa de NicoUt» Jofeph Carmel, Lieut. Colonel Command* Jean Bte* Lozeau, Major. CAPITAINSS« J. Bte. P. deCourvaly 1 Etlenne Cote, >St* J* Bte. deNicolet. M.H. Bellerose, J Jean Bte. Lafond, t Joseph Lozeauy j Adjudanti Bale Sti Antoine* Pierre Cresse, J. B. Beaub'ie Joseph Beaubien, Ens. et Aide Major. J. B. Beaubien. } L'™'' " *''*'= ^'J""' Dlvhton de Becancour* Francois Legend re, Lieut.. Col. Commandant^ Ambroise de la Chevrotiere, Major. Capitalnesm jean Bte* Heberr^ Gregoire* Becancour. Joseph Prince, Pierre Hebert, Francois Doucet, Ignace Deshais, .Antoine Leblanc, jofeph Turcot, J. Bte. DecoriTiier, Eudache Malhiot, Michel Maihiot, l^aurent Genest, Ens. et Adjudant, Jofeph Rouffeau, Capitaine Aide Major. Michel Lamothe,? r * a*j -kji -^ ^ Jean Cres.e, J ^"»' « ^.d? M«jor». St. Edouard dc Gentilly. { St. Pierre Lesbecc^uetq ( »P3 ) TOWNSHIPS. Hon. Sir John Johnfon, Colonel dcs 6 ^aUillons, Premier Bataillon des Townships* William Lindsay, Lieut. Colonel* Thomas M*Vey, Major, Capitaines* Louis Marchand, St. Jean, Joseph Odell, Joseph Whitman, John Dewar, Edward Brown, Geo. Bl'acke, Isaac Willis, Odell Town, La Cole. >Cald weirs Manoi. Hemmingford. James Drennan, Lieut, et Adjudant, Conrad Derick, Quartier Maicre. Auguftin Leonard, Chirurgien* Robert Wood, Aide Major. Second Bataillon des Townships^ Henry Ruiter, Lieut* Colonel. John Jones, Major, absent, Capitaines, John Savage, Ezechiel Lewis, Lymon Nolton, Clarke Hall, John Brill, Mark Spenny, Moses Elkins, Wm. C. Guman, I Sheffbrd. Stukely. Farnham. Broom. i Bolton* > Sutton* ? Potton.- Richard Froft, Enseigne et Adjudant; Stephen Weftovcr, Quartier Maxtre, IH ( »04 ) I'roisieme Bataillon da Toivtablfis. fje.iry Cull, Lieutenant Colonel. Charles Kilbornr, Major. Capita'weSi John Ruicer, David Curtis, Mosci Copp, £. Bodwell, Joseph Ives, Simon ICezar, •Stan (lead. Barnton« J Hailey. Jacob Glen, Capit. el Adj. pour ks 6 Batns< f. W. Chamberland. Ens. ct Qr. Mailre. Isaac Whitcher, Ch r>Kgicn. ^uatritme Batailton da toivntbipi* Phi'ip Lulce, Lieut. Colonel. ^ Joseph Fowell, Mjjor. ^ Capit ainesm Jonas Abbot, Djvid Kr;>ns, Hermanus Best, Christian Wher, George Willis, Benjamin Reynolds, ^St« Armand. Gi'bert J^nnis, james Peli, jofeph Baker, John Church, John Richards, ^ Jacob Ruiter, Dunham, CUriftopher Snyder, 7 g^^^^^.^ George Sax, j ge: Phillip Luke, jun. Lieut, ct AHjudant. .3^ Ml ( *os ) Cinfuieme Batatllon det tovin/bipu Jesse Pennoyer, > ^ Oli vicr Barker, 5 ^*J°"- Caj>itaines, Thomas Fuller, Lucher Hebard, John Cooky N. Bishop, Beldad Hibbard, David Steel, Joseph Perkins, William Moore, Chriftopher Menut, Cornelius Hyat, Compton. Herford. Newport* Eaton* Dudswell; Arford* firompton* Shipton. Melburne: Kingsey* Simpton* Ascott. Robert D. Hudson, Adjudant* Sixume Bata'illon da Townsbtps* John Johnfon, jun. Lieut. Colonel. * Major* Capltaine$» Ste. Marie* jofeph Carreau, Alexis Desbleds, Pierre Goyet, An^oine Meunier, Pierre Nolin, St. Luc. du C6teau des Hetres* Norman M'Leod, Mont-noir. F. M. Petrimoulx, Lieut, et Adjudant* Division du District de Gasp/* Wm. Crawford, Lieut. Col* surnume, Hugh 0*Hara, Major Commandant^ CAPITAINES. Gafpe, Henry Johnfton, Theophilus Fox, F> B* de la Fontaine, Point Peter* Perce. Grande Riviere^ • I H 1 |,.;!r. ( 'o^ ) i [iH- if Jamei Cildwell, jamrs Day, Jaiiu's Chisholm, CharlemJgnt* Arbour, A. Tr tchard, jun. Frs, Rob f h.iuii, Gide n Ahicr, Urbain li^violeltc, Edward Mann, IT^pe Town. Paspbiac* New Carlinc. Bonavcntuif , New Richmond* Maria. (.'arlcton, Nouvelle. RilVigouche. Henry O'Hara, Cjp'it. ct Adjudant. Compagmc Jn Jjla tie la AijdcUh'e* rhilip Colbi\ k, Capitainci >' Benoii Hon irtfau, Licutenaut. Edouard No: , Eiucigne* • OFFiriF.RS SUUNUMEUAIRES, Et fin ont servi dans la Mi f ice d'Efile ct Incor- por^c* Louis Gngy, Lieut »'ColoneL Majors. Pierre Laforce, B. A. Punet, N. B. Doucet, Louis Dulongpr^, J.Bte D'Estimauvillc, J F. Perrault, Charles Daly, b revet. John M'Kay, Ol. de la ''Orfifendlere, Stephei^ i\rK:.y, Jean Bt'> Lat-tie, Charles Huor, Charles Kilburn, Samuel M'Kay, Louis Gari^py, Guillaume Lamothe, Petrus Noiseux, Capitainks. John M'Oil'uvray, Laurtnr Rolerti, p.n'err- BtUefeuille, Robert Christie, Michel Curot, Alphonse Dumont, Etieiine Renvoyz^, Ph. Vij^neau, pere, J. H. Shi:!»^r, J. E. Faribault, ( "07 ) ' II t'harlt"* Fournicr, L. ii. I.^prohon, l.ouis Barbeau, Lieu TE Robert Tanswell, Aiitoinc Joliette, 'i lionius Fortier, J. Cochrane Antrobus, Edouard Larue, R^mi Quirouet, P. Seraphim Primeau, Jean F. Bouthillier, J. M. Ldprohon, L. Olivier Faribault, Eustiiche M'Kay, Philippe Vignau, Richard Grant, James Pcregreur, Fujrene Globensky, Pierre de Tonnancour, Jos. Ls. Noreau, Ls. Flav. Dufresne, Joseph G.ignon, l>Guis M^tot, Hugh M 'Quarters. Joseph Savage, Charles Galarneau, Joachim Tellier, Richard Savage, Janvier Payfer, P. P. Lacroix, Pierre Pratt, GernMin Fluet, Ense Narcisse Faribault, Chs. Hi Gauvreau, Jo«cph Blanchet, Joseph Leblauc, Herculc Olivier, NAN rs. Pierre Rottote, l*ierre Cress^, (U'orge Ilomery, Anibroise Marchand, Poussaint Goduc, Francois Laurent, J. H. Leprohon, Edouard Vignau, Etienne Tache, George Johnson, Alexander Steel, Alexia Leblanc, Joseph Voyer, Jacques Martigny, Charles Burke, Pierre Perras, Henry Beaulieu, Pierre Lukin, J. P. Carter, Antoine Grisi;, L. Dulongpr^, {lis, Alexis Campion, J. B. de Lafontaine, A. O. Burke, P. L. St. Germain, , H. M. St Germain, Andr^ Terrien, William Morin, 1GNE3. IP. de la Fontaine, James Harvey. ¥f' I i US { 108 ) I' til f Charles Low, I^rs. Mathurin, David Lukin, L. D. Besserer, James Griffin ^ Jacob Graves, M. G. Gaucher, Andr^ H^rigault, Luc Vignau, ■ Demount, Thomas Kimber, Grdgoire Ferre, Joseph Dumas, Jtjst Miville, Pierre Weilbrenner, Thomas Haywood, John Kay, Joseph Edge, Adolphus BF,rlter, Louis Dufresne, Joseph Larue, Pierre Guy, J. H. WUhs. A ■^7 Nicolas Bourgnon, P. B. de Cousse, Paye-Maitres. ' £,-'pii, Henry Cowan, I lieut, John Jones, /iVi^^ Joseph Car tier, | #tf///. John Shuter^ Adjudants. iieut, James Miller, iieut, Philip Ryan, il ii^:tt, Geo. Stewart, iiiut. John Cameron, 2d,lieui. M.Biondhein, <^uartier-Maitres, John Coate» , I Iieut. £t. Laviolette. /iV«/. Patrick Adh^mar, | Chiruugzens. &ii3iuej Doty, ^ I Jacques Labrie, R6n^ i imbeir, | Assistans-Chiritrgiens. J. A. liionnois, I Frs. Fortier, Edou'ird Martinean^ | Joseph M^AlIisCeiv Aumonibrs. Messire Michel Noel, Messire Poulain de CourvaK - ^ •* , ( 109 ) Recapitulation des Officiers qui ont ser* vi durant la derniere Guerre* Lieut.-Colonels, 11 Majors, 19 Payc-Maltres, 12 Adjudans, 9 Quartiers-Maltres, 14 Chirurgiens, 10 Assistans ditto, 7 Aumoniers, 9 Capitaines, 94 Lieutenans, 116 Ensesgnes, 78 Total S78 ■*. ^ • ;it .' Tt .,iiii: m 4 ^i ' b» .;.:.. 1 ■\ s't-W. i ! ■ ■1 \ '■ ' '■, : /M • 1 ■ - * , Wsm .■^1 ■■■: •*^' x.-'i '$- . *', •^i ? *;' / •• I * i \ ';.fci ; Eci Ecclesiastical state of Canada^ ;»-;*. -M ■ i \$ ';.% '■Mrtk ( ««3 ) A LIST of the CLERGY of the /:#- tahlished CHURCH, in the Provin^ CCS of Ul'PEU and LofVBBrCANADA* The Right Reverend Jacob Lord Bi- shop of Quebec. pThe Rev. S. J. Mountain, Chaplain nnd Secre<* w ' tary to the Lord Bishop, and Rector of the •g Church at Quebec. ^* The Rev. J. I*. Mills, Eveninj^ Lecturer at Quebec, and Chaplain to the Forces. (^The Rev. H, Parker, Chaplain to the Forces. o< (The Reverend Dr. Mountain, Official of Low- er-Canada, and Rector of Christ's Church, Montreal. The Rev. J. Leeds, Curate at Montreal, The Rev. Geo. Jenkins, Evening Lecturer at Montreal, and Chaplain to the Forces. « Three-Rivers, The Rev. R. Q. Short, Rector. The Rev. John Jackson, Rector of ^m, Henry, C Christ's Church, Wm. Henry, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop. fHpn. and Rev. Charles Stewart, Rector of I Saint Armand, and Chaplain to the Lord ., i Bishop. J ^ I '^^^ ^*^' J^mes Reid, Curate at St. Armand. 31 (^The Rjev. C. C. Cotton, Rector of Dunhan^. 9 O m U~ :.t\ \M k i ! I? ( "4 ) Tht Rev. Micajih Towniend, Rector of Caldwell and Christie Maners. Chatham, The Rev. Richard Bradford, Rector. York, (U. C.) The Hon. Rev: Dr. Strachan, Rector. The Rev. George O'Kill Stuart, Ofli- ' Upper-Canada, and Rector of Kingst Kingston CThe Rev. G , \ cial of Up C Kingston. Niagara, The Ret. Robert Addison, Rector, Ancastor, The Rev. R. Leeming, Rector. Brockville and 7 «,, „ » i. « l n Aueusta V • Bethune, Rector. Williamsburg, The Rev. J. G, Weagant, Rector. Cornwall, The Rev. Deveretix Baldwyn, Rector. Fredericksburg & 7 The Rev. J. Wilson, Officiating Ernest lown, J Minister. Sandwicli, The Rev. Rd. Pollard, Rector. I! .»'•■'), ' \ ''f r1 ^ '"s-* ••^' { * vl ( "5 ) ETAT ECCLESIASTIQUE DU CANADA CATHOLIQ^UE. Monfeigneur Joseph Octavk Plsssis, Eveque dc Quebec. Mgr, Claude Bernard Panet, Evcqut deSalde, Coadjuceur, Vicaxris-Ge'ke'raux. ;* Mr. Roux, Mr. Noifeuxy Mr, Burlcei Mr* Roque, Mr, Macdonoll. Mr. Conc^Voy, Mr* Desclicnaul* Mr. Robert* Secretaire. Mr. Turgeon, Au Seminaire de Quebec* Mr. Demers, Superieur, ec Professpur de PhilosophIf« Mr. Robert ProfVlVeur dc Thcologie. Mr. Gaiien, junntr, Procureur, Mr. Paient, Di^edleurdu ppiic Seminaire* Mr. Turgeon, ProfeiTeur de Theologie* Au Petit Seminaire* Mr. Mercure* Mr. Bianchet, Mr. Morn, ^RgensdesHttmaniUif Mr. Flav. Leclerc, Mr, Decoigne;, > 64 mt *#, |t - !;■ r' ': ■1^:,:; s U "f ' Re'geni, Mr, Quenticr, I Mr. Edge, J Mr. Ringuet, £condm<;;» It deui ] >R . » . - "» ( 1^7 ) Cures ct Miflionaircs du Dioccfc. t A f District ob Q^bbbc: Mr* S'lgnay, Cur6 de Quebec. Mr. Th. Bfdard, "J Mr. Ml. Ditfreine, v Vicairei. "^ Mr. Clement, j Chapetain de I'Mopltal-Gen^ral, Mr. Tabeto, l«it#r. vant Sie, Foi, Chapelain des Urfulineiy Mr. Dtulc. ^ Chapelain dcrHot'l.nicu, Mr. DetplaAtci. liLE o*Orlcans: Mr. Bcrthcli)f, ^t. Ficrre; fAit De Boraiol, St, Laurent: Mr. Fortin, .St. Jean, Mr. Gagnon, 5t. Francois et la 5Ce. F;fmille, COTl DU NORD. Mr. Denechaud, Defchambault et ies Orondinei^ Mr. Rivard, Vica'ue. ' < Mr. Janficif Lcclere, le Cap 5.»i»te. Mr. Poulln de Courval, ia FDiote aux Trembles, ft Ies Ecureuils. Mr. Lefran9ois, St. Auguftln. , ., Mr. Defchenaux, i' Aiiciennc Lorctte. Mr. Aot. Bedard, la Jeune Lorette et St, Ambrojfe. Mr. De Boucherville, Charlelbourg. ^r, Ciidieux, Beauport Mr* 011v< Germain, TAnge Gardieo, et le Chateau Riche, Mr. Ranvoyze, 5tc. Anne et St. Joachim, Mr Le Lievre, Bale St. Paul, ecU Petite Riviere. Mr. Boudreau, rifle aux Coudres. Mr. Cote, Ies Ebouiemens, . Mr. Le Courtois, la Malbaie* * C6ti pu 5ud« Mr* Jean, Lotbiniere* Mr. Riby, Stc« Antoine et Ste^ Croix» .4 . i ^ 5 ■ \ # .#:;: ,*, '■' h t iif.'^r Bv Nouvclle Beauee« » •? filr, Bezeau, $t. Nicolas, et St* Gilles^ Afr. Ma 'c, Po'ntc Levi, A/'. Ignicc Leclcrc, 6't. Henry He Lau •on, Mr, Vil'aJc, Stc. Afarie, Afr. Ant; Lamotte, 5t. Jofcph, A/r, Piimeaii, St. Franfois. Mr. Paquct, St. Gervais, Mr. Boiiloneauy senior, Vicaire* Mr, Pcrras, Si. Charles, Mr. Letang, Beaumont. A^r. Mat aire, St. Afichel, A^r Vczina, St. VaUicr. Mr. Pir.hard, B. Mr. Durocl-cr, Point' auxTremblcsetla LongucPoiotfi Mr. Huor, le ^ault au Recollct et st. jofenh* i- Mrt Toupin, Iflc Pcrrat. I ft •^ Mr. Mich« Bruneti st. Martin^ Mr. Bclair, ste. Rofe. Mk« Begin, it. Vincent de Paul* Cote du Noidi Mr* Louis Lamotte, sc. Cuthbertfl Mr. Pouget, Berchier, Mr. 'Serrand, Vicaire. Mr. Keller, ste. Elizabeth, Mr. BeHerer, La Valtric et Lanoraie* Mr. Fran9. Brunet, »t. Paul* Mr. Bruneau, st. Sulpice. Mr. Amiot, Repentigny, Mr. Roy, st. Pierre du Portage* Mr. Madran, St. jacques* Mr* Raizenne st. Roch et le $t» Efprit* Mr. L. Parent, st. Henri de MaAcouche* Mr. Varini Terrebonne et la Chesnaie. Mr* St. Germain, ste. Anne Desplainesi Mr. Ducharme, Blainvillet Mr, Felix, st* Benoit* Mr, Gatien, senior, ^t. Euftache* Mr* Archambault, Vaudreuil. Mr* Delabroquerie, Rigaud* Mr* Aubry, Soulange* Mr. Le Due, Vicaire. Cote du Svd* Mr. Jos* Marcoux, MiiTionaire a st* R£gil« Mr« Cornelier, Chatcaugay. Mr. Nic* Dufrefne, \p Sault St. Louis* Mr* Pigeon, st. Philippe* Mr. Chevrefils, st* Conftant* Mr* Marti n, st. Luc. l\^r. Piquin, Senior, Blalrfindie: Mr. Boucher, Prairie de la Madeleine* Mr« Chaboillez, LoDgueuil* , • G 6 ■ '■' •■' ' "; ■^'■' A I A •Jf 'M i.r .i^r: 1Z 'Jff '' "i- m n .* ( 1«^ ) Mr. Concfroy, BouchervllU. Mr. Pare, Vicairc. Mr. Dcguife, Varennci. Mr. Cecile, Vlcaire, Mr. Kinabcrt, Vcrchcres* Mr. Arsenault, Contrc-cceur* Riviere Chambly* Mr. J. 6. Bedard, St. Jcfeph. Mr. Gagne, Rouville. Mr. Configny, St. Matthias. Mr. Lajus, Sic. M^rie de Monnoir. Mr. Robitaillc, St. Charles et St, Marc Mr. PrevoO, Bdoeil et St. Hilaire. Mr. Alinotte, St. Antoine. 4Mr. Kelly, St. Denis. ^r« Girouard, St. Hyacinte d*Yamaflca. Mr.Dugue, VIcaire. Mr. Bardy, la Prefentation. . » »* Mr. Hebcrt, St. Ours. Mr. Bourgct, William Henry et Pifle du Pas. * District des Troii} Rivieres. La Vills. Mr. Noizeax desservant lo Cap dt la Madeleine. Mr. Orfroy, Cure, Mr. DeCalonne, Chapelain des Urfulinesi deHTervant la Pointe du Lac. Cote du Nord. Mr. Vinct, Ma/kinongc. Mr. Lebourdais, Riviere du Loup. Mr. Delaunais, S. Leon, Afr. Ecuiez, Yamachiche, Mr. Fr. Marcoux, Champiain, er Batifcan. Mr. Hot, Ste, Genev. deffervant St. Staniilas. Mr. JOS. Morin, otc, Awie Uc l» Feradc |5,.,iiM': ( ««« ) «4 Cot* dw Sud, Mr. Cibcrc, 5t, Michel d*Vaniuska, Mr. Faquin, junr. Mifnan«iie da Abehakii, desser* vant 6't. Fran«^ois, Mr. Feurnicr, Bale du Kcbvri. Mr. Raimbaulti Nicolet. Mr. Dcsforgcs. St. Gregoire* rs'ttinni Mr. Labadie, Bekancour. Mr. Courtain, Geniihy. Mr. Alex. Leclcrc, St. Pierre et St. jean. Bate des Chalicurs. Mr. Be)Un|-r, Ri{tigouche» eC Cafletan, Mr. Aug. Parent Caraquct, Mr. Francs. Demers, Bunaventure. Mission du Haul Canada, Mr. At. Macdonell, senior, St. Raphael, Mr. }cari Macdonell, Vicaire. Mr. bda i.othe, Riv. Rideau. Mr. Perirsaulr, Kingston. Mr, Marcliand, Sandwich. Ml. C'revier, Vicaire. »•/* Mr. Burke, ^ ^^j.^^^^ MifioTi de l\i.adii, '' ? Mr. M gnault, J Mr, Grace, Prospect, Mr. Ls. Marcoux, Madawafl;a, • - Mr. M'Eacharn, ? m o t . j^ i ii.r j i • T,j Tt L- > I"cSc. lean etdcia Magdclej Mr. BMubien, ) *^ }4r, Mariseau, Tracadi et Sidney, Mr. Gaulin, Checic2n< Mr. aU Macdoneil, Junior, Antigonlsh. Mr. Ant. Gagnon, GedaVc et Richl^oudott < fArs Morrissctj Mirawichi, ■; '- . , •■ / ne« • •».'^\ !#. m I \.'- C 132 ) Mr. Brodeur, Memramkoucq. Mr. Lejarntely Arishat cc Labrador. Mr. Sigognc, Baic Ste. Marie e| Argylc. Mr, M*quad, St. jean N. B. " ■Kw'ii !■*■ ttempivx MORTI DIPUIt LE DKRKICR TaBLIAU Mr. Lanao, Cure de BlairHndie. Mr. Frechette, de Beloeil* Mr. Marchetcau, des Eboulemeai. Mr* Pinet, de K.amourask.i, Mr. Alex. MacdooeJ!, dc Pidlou. J> •f I I ty, . f > .4 7 »• 7:'?? ♦ts^ , •\ » .« i .*«► -^ >"1 »■>' , • f-'- ?«■} lS:«(» ■\ s ^. ■ ? If ( UJ ) ^••231 CoUV£MS Oft RfiLlOlfUSeS ET Co M M U N A U r e '<• >J HoriTAL-Gs^NS'SAL DlQyCBSC* Fonde par M. de St* Vail if r Evequf de Q^^bec^ ej^ 1693 pour les pauvres mendiant et inv^li^cs. La Rde. Me. Ste. Hettne, ( Marie K^au, } $upeCanada« The Revd. Alexander Spark, d. d. Quebec. — Mr. Somerviilc, Montreal. — — * Mr. John Bethune, New Ofwegatchie. School-Masters at Qjiebec Mr. James Tanf^ell* . ./' Rev. Mr. Wilk»c. Mr. Valierand. Mr. Miller, Mr* Thorn. Mr. Sprat. Mr. Collier. Mr. Johnson. EcoLEs Elementairks a Quebec. Tauxbourg iit, Jeariy Mr. J. B. Paqu-t, 60 ecolleri. Au Fauxbourg St, Roch, F. ' aquet, 60 ecoliers. JEcoLE Anglo-Catholiq^ue. Mr. Basile Collier, 42 Ecoliers. N. B. Mr. Tanswell donne trois lejoui de Gram- mairc Angloise par semaine, au S^mina re de Qaobcc. La Langue Angloise est de plus enscignee grammati- calcment dans les Seminaires de Montreal et de Nicolft. Ecolet Paroiisiaies sous la Direction des Cureu District de Quebec. ■ Riviere Quelle, ^ L'lslet. . ' ♦ St. Pierre. ■ Saint Charles. ' • '^ — ■ Hcureuili. ' — ' Pointe aux Tremblci, ■ Ancienne Lorette, * ? — — — Saint Ambroisc, * ' ' 1 • Beauport. a¥ m 1*1; ?fr I', '1 8 (■ ' r 1 f 1 i jlili Lm IM, ( >26 ) District des trou rivierksi Riviere du Loup, Yamachiche. Mafki nongc, Baie du FcbvrCi St. G regoirc^ District de Montreal* — St. Hyaci lithe. — St. Denis. Vcrcheres, Varenncs, St. CharJcs. Presfjuaiion. M arie. "— Longueil. — St. Vincent. Ste. R.ose. St, Roch de TAchigan, Berthier. St. Cutiiberr. £cor.ES DE FILLES TENUKS EN CAMPACNl PAR LESboCURS DE LA C 'NGREGATION DE N« D. DISTRICT DE MONTREAt. Pointe aux* Trembles. . i — ^ t. Laurent. . . i >. "^ Pointe Claire. , ... — - La Prairie. .,._, - ,,^} — Boucherville. j . . — ' St. Denis. , , ^ —— St. Hyacinrhc. DISTRICT DE QUEBEC. <\ — Pointe aux Trembles. — Ste. Famine, Isle d'Orl. ^ — St. i^ranfois Riv, du Sud. -— Riv. OutUc. ( »27 ) School-Ma'ters u:ider AB /, i il Geo. ^d. Finby Tiflier, Moi.tfal. j8. Cook, Ihttt Kti'trs. Selby Hurn-, il'ttiO, Win. Nelfon, H^Uiiam Ilfr.ry, 6. Hobfon, Nnv ilarliiU. Norman M^Leod, Manr/tr. F. Malherbp, Pc'.rtc (cii. Ignace M*Dona!d, St. Nicolai. M* Ferraulr, Caff 'St. Igttact, John Dewer, Cbatbam, Thus. Cottin, Kamottrojka, Auguftus Wvlf, Berili r. j« B. L^Heuieux, St» Rocb, Robert Chan:;beiSy Ea:sn, John Skimming, La Cb'ire. Alex. Cambpeli, Dordtjhr. Paul Jostph Gill, TerrrhofJtif^ AugufJin Verva's, /ilLl!>. John Denison Ely, yirgrrtcu'il. Robert Dupont, Ste, Anne du Sud J. johnson, Rivir Oue!lt\ Anr, Cote, St^ Ihornas.^ David Thomas Jores, Vitto. Phil. FiUieul, under S. M, Ditto. William Baker, Vurbum. Benjamin Green, Grant bum* Daniel, Thoroar, Meit urne. Tames Rei^^, Felix Viaor, St. j* ' St' jrhtcbiCt * ■' Ed, O. De K<)en:g, IsUtre. ^ Ph. Ruiter, Pbilt^^'iburg, . Doneld M'Dermid, Cct^am 6tu Ljc. Joseph Phillipson, St.Mane hl.Ecauce^ *,' I MILITARY REGISTER FOR THE PROVINCES IN BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, 1817. I,'. 1 ,'ikSf Itti H UUli M 'I IP'i !r ( ISO ) A List of His Majesti/s Forces serving in Upper and Lower 'Canada* Gkneril and Staff Officers. His Excellency Lieut. Gen. SIR JOHN CO APE SHERBROOKE, G. C. B. Captain General, CcnniaDdcr in Chief of all His Majesty's Forces in the Provinces of Upper and Lower-Canada, Nova-Scotia and New-Brunswick, and their seve- ral dependencit!3, and in the Islands of Newfound- Vind, Prince Edward, Cape Breton, and Bermu- da, &c. &c. &c. Mih'tary Secretary, Lt.^Col. T. F. Addison, 9^^th R. rCapt. William OJites, h. p. . , , ^ \Capt. Henry Craijr 1 00th R. y Capt. H. A. GiuJwin, 19thL.D, (.Capt. Noah Freer, h. p. Major-General John Wilson. Aide-de-Camp, Major John B. Glegg, 49th R. Major-General D. L. T. Widdrington. Aide-dc-Camp, Capt. George Pipon, h, p. Adjutant General's Department. Dep,-Adj.-Gen. Lieut.-Col. John Harvey, 103d R# Asst.-Adjt.-Gen. Lieut.-Col, L L. Foster, h. p. Dep. Asst.-Adjt.-Gen. Ensign J. Moorhead, h. p. Quarter Master Gens. Department. Dep. Qr, Mi, Gen. Colonel Christ. Myers, 99th R. Asst. Qr. Mr. Gen. Lt.-Col. F. Cockburn, h. p. rCapt. Geo. Fowler, I04th R. Dy. Ass. Qr.Ms.Gl. jCapt. G. W. Barnef, h. p. dCupt. William Dickson, h. p. Deputy Judge Advocate^ Edward B, Erenton, Esq. ! 'I ■ », , / : '* r . ( 131 ) gaae, ^ Major R. R. Loring, 104th R. Staff of the Garrison of Quebec. Governor Major-Gen. Gooday Strutt, Lieut.-Go vernor Town Major Ralph Ross Le wen, E8i[, Chaplain Rev. J. L. Mills. Barrack Master K. Chandler. Dep. Provost Marshall... John Boyd. Towii Serjeant James Kelsall. ORDNANCE ESTABLISHMENT. " Storekeeper and Paymaster, Richard Fleming. C/eri of Survey, Clerk of Cheque, T. H. Tolfrey, Clerk, • - - J, B. Smi»h. Clerk to Paymaster, - J, B.Scott. f Smith, John Gordon* Master j. •Armourer, Wm. Boyd. Artihcers J Cooper, John Anderson, yCarpente*", Edward Ballamy. Respective Officers of the Ordnance^ at Quebec, LieutfColunel E. Durnford, . • Com. Royal Engineers, Lieut. -Colonel Henry Phillott, . Com. Royal Artillery. Richard Fleming, Esq. . « • • Storekeeper. Clerk of Survey. T, H. Tolfrey, Esq. . f . . . Clerk of Cheque. Ofdhanct DepartTnent at MontreaU Francis Sis, -son, Esq. Storekeeper and Paymaster. ____^ Alcock, Clerk of Cheque, Clerk » ^ Ordnance Depart'*nent at Kingston, lames Wiikie, Esq. Storekeeper and Paymaster. William Penn, Clerk of Cheque. Clerk* m jjinii ( 132 ) ! ■\i HELD TRAIN DEPARTMINT. Commiitary and Pai^masUr^ Larratt Smith, Esq. Atsittant Commissaries* James Gordon, | Leonard Marler. Clerks of Stores, Wm. B. Lavers, David Boag, Peter O'Brien, James T. Wilson, John Coward, George WooUeyj Isaac Davis* George Aynge, W. B. Knowles, James Brandie, James Bennett, William Ware, Conductors of Stores John Sadd, William Connell, James Swaine, Joseph Pearson. Commissariat Department, Commissary Genera! W. H. Robinson, Supcrin* tending the Commissariat in British N. America. Deputy Commissary General,,, hzac W. Clarke. Assistant Commissaries General, Thomas Bennett, | P. R. Wybault. John Coffin, | Deputy Assistant Commissaries General, James Thompson, Robert Allsopp, S. D. Fleming, W. H. Robinson, T. H. Thomson, Charles A. Clarke, J.C. Green, William Green, Eobert Reynolds, T. A. Stayner, John Finlay, William Stanton, Henry Le Mesurier, Thos. Gibbs Ridout, John Ashworth, James Phillips, Charles Graham, . William Ross, C. £• Monk. ( 'i33 ) Cofnmtjfariat Department of Accountt, . Deputy Commiflary Gen. ^ xxr r^i^ r a* i of Accounts, I y^ta. Thornton, Sluehee AHTift. Commiflary Ccnl« ^ xw u o n* j of Accounts, \ W. H. Snelhng, do. Dcp. Aflift. Com. General V ^"'' J^nn^ng'. *^ ^f A..n„«^. < Wm. Downes, I John Lanci jr« of Accounts, do. do. do. Staff Surgeons, < Medical Department. Inspector of Hospitals, John Wright, M. D. Deputy do. - - - James Macaulay. Physician to the Forces, Edward Keating. f J. Q. Short, Henry Grassett, William Stewart, Christopher Widmer, LAlexander Thorn. Apothecary to the Forces, George Montgomery. Deputy Purveyor, - - - - George Keys. IS Hospital Assistants. Storikeeper General's Department. Deputif St§rekeeper General^ Wflliam Robertson. riohn Hare, AuUtant Sioreigtpcrs Cent, < Charles Morgan , CG. F. Haversaat. Barrack Department. ?. Van Cortlandt, Esq. D^p, Bar, Mr, GL Quebec^ * K. C. Chandler, Barrack Mr, Threc'Ritfers^ John K. Faiconbridge, Barrack Mr, fVm,Hinrif^ John Kent WelUs, Bsmifk Mr. H t m "il n!i' i^Vh i l'<.M Xfontrealf \ Chamblif^ Drummondville JLaprairie^ St. Johns^ Jilt aux No'tx , Coteau du LuCy Ft, Pf^ellingtotty La Chint^ Kiri^ston^ Yorky Fort George^ Amherttburg^ Dn mmond 7 ( «34 ) Chas. Bordwine, Esq. Wni. Mason, Peter Murta, , Thomas Whitehead, Richard Seaton, William Monk, 1 homas Jobson, William Cltfghorne, Benjamin Comens, Robert Willis, Daniel Grant, Patrick Hartney, Daniel K. Servos, William Duff, A,D,A.BMC Barraci Mr, Barrack Air, Barrack Mr, ' Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Ant. Bk' Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Senttow Rawson, Barrack Mr, Dep, Paxj Master Cent, JoiiN Hale, Esq, Chaplains to the Forcc». il Rev. George Jenkins, B. D. Rev. Joseph L. Mills, A. M, Rev. H. Parker, Rev. R. G. Curtois. Department for Settlers in Lower-Canada. Head- Quarters at Drummondvillei o7i the River AV. Francisy Jounded on the 29th June^ 1815. Sec^rtf and Storcketpcr^ William Gibsone, E*q. Surgeon Malcolm Ritchie, Esq. Department for Settlers in Uppkr-Canada^ Seerttary and SUreieepery Daniel Duvtrne, Esq. Surgeon^ John Caldwell. -, ^ ..n^i '■imi i c >T».^ai A ( '35 ) INDIAN DEPARTMENT. . LOWEK-CANAOA. Sir John Johnson, Bare. Super intendant Genera!* Secretary, Clerk to the Supt, Gent* A. K. Johnson, Esq. Rosicer Hoyle, F. De chambauir, Esq. James Finlay, Esq* R. Brydie, C. De Lorlmier, Esq. J. M. La Mothf , Esq. [.B.C. DeLorimie*. Esq* David Kennelly, Esq* Pierre Hubert, Frs. Annance, ' Louis Vincenr, Rev* J. Paquin, N. Dufresne, J. Marcouxy F. Painchaudy A* Bcdardy Ls. De Salaberry, Esq. J. Bte. D'Eftimauville, William Jaques, Joseph Nivcrville, Deputy j^gent Acting Stortkeeper General Clerk to ditto. Resident* ditto. ditto. -^ Surgeon. 5 Interpreter, ditto and Scboolmasttr» Schoolmaster at Loreite* ^ Missionary. ditto » ditto, ,\ ditto, ditto. Deputy Superintendanf. , Interpreter. Storekeepir, Interpreter, Indian Department of Upper-Canada. Fort George Hon. William Claus, Alexr. M'Donell, Esq. Robert Kerr, Esq, Joseph B. Clench, Ezra Hawley, George Martin, William Gruett, James Civans, jun* Andrew Brady, \ Dep^y Superintendanf Cenl. Assistant Secretary, Surgeon. Storekeeper and CUrk» Blacksmith. Interpreter, ditto. ditto, *■ Ferryman, H 2 ■.\f. - A .TJ^ !-••'•*. 0>^ I ill' ly ' i.'i ■'!;■ ■■■;■'■ ■ -i.T'i ( »36 ) z n z YOKK. James Giva"!, Esq, Supettntendan William Hands, John Brant) Benjamin FairchH*^ Al^^ir. Fcrgufoii, John Higgins, \\i. Storekeeper and Clerk Interpreter, ditto, ditto. Blacksmith, iW» AmM£R8TBURG. Superintendant, Robert Richardfon, Esq, Assistant Surgeon George Ironside, Charles Langlade, George Rapp, J. Bte. Cadotte, Jacob Grayeratt, Timothy Murphy, Storekeeper und Clerk', Interpreter, "llf ditto, ; ditto, ditto. Blacksmith » Kingston* Interpreter* Alexander Prmgle, Storekeeper, Grand River* John Hoover, Blacksmith, Edv;ard M*Laughlan, Schoolmaster^ Drummond Island. William M*Kay, Esq. Superintendent f-.% Tiiumas G* Anderson, John Johnson, »■ St, Germain, ■ Assigenach, ■■ ' ■ ■ » Dusang, David Mitchell, £sq« James Ft^rling, Interpreter^ Clerk 5e St or eh Lieutenant. Interpreter. ditto. i' .. ditto. Surgeon. Bhcksmith* ( 137 OFFICERS 0/ the several Regiments ser-ving in Canada* Royal Artillery. Lieut—Col. Henry Phiilott, Commanding^ Cattails. yf-i- ■■■ft John Caddy, m, James Maclachlane, m. James Adams, w, Jamea P. St. Clair, m. Second Captains. Stewart Maxwell, m, George Tuine , «• H. Trcla^ney, William Greene, m. Rob'^rt A. Rollo, Richard King, P.W.Walker, Edward Sabine, F. i ruttenden, FireMt John Walsh, G. B. Fraser, First Lieutenants. Jamts H. Wood, Henry F. Cubitr, Ediriond Sheppard, George Thompson, G. B. Willis, John Day, George J. Hunter, R. Litchfield, Claudius Shaw, Henry Pefter, Wm. Furneaux, adjf George James, R. Baldock, A. Duncan, Richaid Tompkyns, R, G S. Smith, John BUke. ^. Surgeon, jiiit% Surge$tti Thomas Lloyd, uigley, SprouU. CT, H. Quigley, ' 1 Williams 'i i'li*" V{\'\ W !+ ni'l. y ^% ( »38 ) Royal Enoineikii ^^ iiieut.-Col* E« DurnforJ, Comxni(ndin| {H. Henderson, m* Henry Vavasour^ Samuel Romilly, William Pftyne, Matthew C* Dixon* td Captain, Wm. R. Ord. f J. C. Victor, R. J. Baron, George Phi I potts, W. M, Gossett, James P. Catty^ Joshua jebb, Ueutit < John Smyth, Henry H. Willson, Arthur Walpole, C.C. Alexander, H. L. Renny, J. E, Portlocii, ^Henry Briscoe* Driftsmen, J j: ^ °'^!'^^'' ' £ George WiHiams. Assist. do« J. B, Duberger, junrt Royal Sappers and Miniii. 3ub-Licutt J. A* Stepkci^too^ t ..,.,j,. ;i a I Majors, ( »39 ) Eight Troopi 19th Regt. Light Dragooni, Colonel, Sir . O Vandelcur, KCB. m.g. Lieut.-Col. H. Wync^ham. Robert Lisic, . ♦ Parrick Andcrsoiiy {H^-nry Sk Iton, m, William Browne^ ,» G. A. Moultrie, Colin Anderson^ H. A. Gladwin, (William Rhodes, W. F, Arnold, v George Snoad, John HammersUVf R. E. Welby. (Wm. Dungan, Henry Georges, John Gowdie, (icorgiB Gregory, R. Oownes. Pay Mr. W. F. Neville, : . *♦* 1 Adjutant, W. Glanville, corw/, ^ Qr. Master, John Gloag. Surgeon, John Murray* Vet. Surg, Lawrence Bird, i^|i;ent, Greenwood k Co, Mi ( HO ) \8t t^gft, $lih (or North Hnmpsliirc) llrf^fmcnt. Colonel, .Vi> C. Creen, iPr i, g, Lt.-Col. Reginalii Jainei. ... CO. O. Cochranr, ^^*^"» J Edward B.uvlck. ;" Ceo. Brock, m. William Urucf, 11. \\ Cox, A'duluja Taylos Ri'bcrr Stephens^ H. O. Wood, CAPTAINS. Roheit Rifl, J, Jack'diiy R. Waldion, P. Gilway, H. HoHn),p, /*• S. Woodford. S. Tilt. ; W. T tumble, \ Ste Inn Burke. Greenwood h Co \ t' Captainif Iniignsi nAtt C «4' ) 9d Battalion OOf^ HrKiment* OiBceri in Canada. • I. D, Weathcrley, Mont. Cairnei^ Andrew Leitch. •William Scott, Daniel White, J. Covcnry, Charles Strade^ ,T. Clendinnlng;. {t'rcderi'-k Weisi, Charici O. BuKhnan, H. r. Cotter, J. A. De Rottcnburg, Lieutenantif ♦ 1 tin''. 'A I ill (..4 ,, ^1A .vtm 5| V.i ?,Ad * " i ( '42 ) Colonel » Lieut. CoL Majors F. Champagnp« /. ^i Lewis Grant. rcU JCKarlfi M*(»rcgor, ^ „ Thoma? Kvan^, /, c. CAPTAINS* Donald M'Kay, Joseph Kelsalif ames F Sweony, J. I)e la Hay, Theobald Hunt. Richard Green, Allan Cameron, Thomas Huxley, Thomai Howard, m. Babing Nolan, John fiedcnnick, LIEUTENANTS* James M'Ray, John Landon, J. O. Crrighton, Feiix Kearns, Ror)cri K rk, H« R. Lewf n, Edward J. White, Edward S epiienson, C»co!ge Goldi, .»p^ John Awftiii, Edward Smith, Donald M*lver, John Savage, Samuel White, J. Gadon, J. Per.niger, Pay M after. Adjutant, Qj^. Mafter, Surgeon, Asst. Surgeon*, Agent, William Taylor, Ricluuo Armllrong, John Ciiaham, .1. Alexander, Robert Bland, Peter Col lis, Edmunu Mahon* |amcs Hunter, John Alfton, William Craufurd, George Clark, F. L. IngalU ENSIC-NS. J. Browne, > John Dalgetyi ' John S. Dixon, John Carr. Thomas Scott* James Samson, //. ^ Thomas Norman. George Ganett. J. S. Sw ndcU. ' ' ( 1. FarnJen. Wrn. Carey, Esq. \ s:*'i-,,*Sy \ ( '43 ) 76//I (or HindoAlan) Ue^imcnU ColonJ, ChriiWpher Chowne, Lt* Gen^ Lieut. -Col. John Wardlaw, C Alcxi. Frafei, //. col* ' ""J""' \ ju.eph Skrrrett. CAPTAINS. A. McDonald, m. John Rankin, Tbonfias Vileit, John Gaff, Harry. Powell, R. B. Coles, William Bamptotii R. H. Hamilton, Richicd Armftrong, Edward HetheringtOjH, A. K. Torrent, John Fraser, Charl«8 Hatchell, N. Mackay, George Hatch, George Ogilvir, Francis Austin, John Clarke, p. Coultaian, £. R. Stevenson, )ohn Could, R. S. Cleary, B. Rooth, ! LIEUTENANTS. }. Faincombe, Cyru<< Danielly R, W. Hopkins, Charles H. Sache, John Vfsey, N. J. Scott, Joseph Clarke, \ F. D. Daly, AUxander Carnaby, , J, Pa&ley, W, A* Ncsfield. .1^ R. H. Friiell, Henry Wood, Judge Burton, Chr.ric8 Eliot, f. M. Kennedy, Paymafter, Adjutant, Qr. Mider, Surgeon, I »NiiGNs: i.uke Scott, £, K, Champion, G. B, Sutherland, D. M«Donnell, Benjamin Rooth, //, Thomas Bambocoughi A. Armitrongt ./,v c \ John Bunny, A fit. o irgeon, s a r« ^ C A. Ferguion, ' w 'A.^iJ V ( H4 ) d9/i Regiment. r Colonel, Sir K. A. Howard^ K,C*B» m, gt Lieut. CoK W* Macbean. Majors, iChriftr. Myers, e, Edward Burke. 1 CAPTAINS. JohQ Mv-^Moy m* 1 T F, /(^ iiscfl, /,f, J j T. O. Sucrrard, j ^^^|H^^^^H Geo, T. Bourkc, *. P. V I cctt, m% F. T. Thomas, Chai ,Ha-' V, D. B. Davies, »• G. Pinckne). Lewis Ritter, LIEUTENANTS. John Armftrongy Henry Driscoll, 1 C. B. Williams, john Clark, i ^ Edward Murray, Charles Campbell, George "Lyon, John N. Fox, j^^^^^^^B 1 S. Hingfton, G. A. Bowdler, 1 joh» Stevenson, James Johnftone, Joseph Maxwell, Thomas L. Davie?^ V. L. Hall, George Daly, H^^^^^^^Ht D. Humphreys, ^ J. Davidson, H. H. Lynch, Mn^^^^^^^^^Mi John, Valentine, l^^^^^^ln 1 A.Campbell, John Nunn* 1 »NS] GNS. J. Tayler, Michael Harris., flj^^^^^^^^^B' 1 Ht Ssubinger, George Conolly, T. M. M'Colla, J. Prendergaft, John Manness, 9|^^^^^^^^H|^^Hi Wm. R. Smyth. ','>^^^^^^^^^KPIn!^i w Pay-Maftcr, Thomas Ferns. Adjutant, S. Hingfton, //. Quarter Mafter, Ed.Pilkington, I'll t^^^KEStK'i ■ Surgeon, William Thornton. " Afllt. Surgeon, r David Rees, [ P. Finlayson* Agents, Oreenv rood Cox St Co. ( H5 ) lO^d Regiment. Colonel, George "Sorter, /, gc LicuU-Col. Williar jmelt. Maiors S John K vpy, L c. s, "' ' I Jamts B owne. CAP ' AIN James Bowie, [a;nc9 P'^'^"!., «, hart, S. M. Gardner, G. A. Eliot, m. Thomas Couche, Wm. Cochrancj. m, LIEUTENANTS. Jolin Magennis, Joirn Failon, John Grimfhaw, Fcntan Finley, Richard Rose, John Connor, A. J. Mmtgomcrle, Krid. Burrowes, W, H. Vinicomb, C. Blanckcnberg, R, B. Edyvean, Charles Kelson, adj. Timothy Meagher, INSIGNS. G. C. Colclough, G. J. Joy ., Matthew ^Wlock, Thomas Griffith, Richard Bullock. Bern. Crumpe, Z, Thatcher, Henry ibbotson, T. C. McQucftion, Charles Narih, J. E. Thompson, W. P. Johnson, J. P, Gallagher, J.N, Barber, J. M. Fortescuc, W. H. Smith, Hector Munro^ n George Walfli, H. 'Graiham, T. Glee son, C. T. Lewis, l\*ymafter, A.ljuunt, (^*, Svu^eon, A-ist, Surgeon S. B. Ross. John O'Neill, John Soucer. H. Nokn. Cljatles FCelion, h. ]. lines Farrants* Colin Young. Palmer, f ^j.K. Palme / V'-ur Fracer I *mi m !''-;-«■ t< n Ooloneli LieuU«Col. Majorsj ( ^46 ) i04M Regiment. Martin Hunter^ /• g* Robert Moodie, ( Richard Leonard, Jf. Goulburn. CAPTAINS. George Jobling, Andrew Rainsford, George l^owler, Wm* Cainnaelly J. Klenagh. John Mauiei /• €• George Shore, 'William ProAor, W. B. Bradley, £. Holland, R« R. Loriogy «. i* LIEUTENANTS* J* ^'fCinnon, William B. Phair, J* Carmichael, R» L. Beaserer, Alexander Campbell, A. W. Playfair, George Croad, i* Le ConCeur, L. J. Ireland. Fowk Moort, adjt, Hedry Long, lames Gray, £. W« Solomon, Charles Toblilig, J. A* M'Lau^hlan, James Costco, M* Considine, F. H. Cummins, A. W^ Tinling, Waldron Kelly, Thomas Trigge, William Pears, G. S. Jarvis, Alexander Lindsay, Gabriel TunftaU. J. M. Hofne, Thomas Pigott, Alexander Garden, William Roberts, Joseph Simpson, Pay. M after. Adjutant, Q£. Mafter, Surgeon, Asst« Surgeoot d«* msiGNf. Robert Moorhead^ William Baxter, Richard Taylor, R. Maxwell* H. H.' Carmichael, Fowk Moore, /r. Wm. McDonald, W« D. Thomas. Thomas Emerion^ J* Sampiofl* ^ '{ H7 ) Royal Staf** Cours, Mijori Andrew Long. i Captaifii Lieutenants* F. W. Mann. a^ > Ensign> Edward J. Cleather* .•f5.; r*-' A£l'gP?.yma{ier, T. M. Harris, it, Adi*g Adjutaot, £• J. C leather. Qr« Mailer^ .v^r W. D. Hettley* W .«i Asst. Surgeon, D. Jearrad, '* >i ,^ ^'»(! ri- (• ♦'^•'■' Inspecting Fi^ld Officers of Miutza* Cifcnel T. B. St. George, Colonel John Murray, Xt.Col* George Taylor, •ir Lt.-Col. C. Hartiilton, Lt.-Col. G. Mactfonnell, Lt-CoU J. WeUs. Pii» life 'i f f m'- 'I «i ' I 'i' (148 ) in! STAFF OF THE ARMY. In the Provinces of NoVA-ScOTlA, New-Bruni- wiCK, and their Dependencies, including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, Prince Edward ^/iJ Bermuda, under the Command of His Excellency Lieut.-General the Earl of DAL- HOUSIE, G. C. B. Military Secretart/^ Bt. Col. Darling. A' I I r J, S Bt. Major Coijper, 92d. Foot, Aidcs-dc^Lamp, ^ ^^^^^^ Sparrow, h. p. 61st. do. Major General G. S. Smith. Lt. Kimball, 41st We^x, A. D. C. Major Gciu'imI Gt-nird Gosselin. Bt. Major Irving, G2d. Foot, A. D. C. l.t. C )1. Duke, Dc'p, Adjutant General, Bt. Lt.-C4)l. Wm. Uerresfotd, h. p. 31st Ft, Deputy Quarter Master General. Bt. Major St. Clair, R. A. Major of Brigade, T^ J. r ' r- S i^ichard Manby, 1 _ Dep, Commissary Gen. ^^^^ Damcrum, J ^^5' f J. B. Francklin, Esq, I David Gardiner, Esq. n u J ' , r r- } Adolphus Verth, Esq. I)ep. Assut. Com. Gen.^ ^^J^^ Blackadar, Esq. I Oliver Goldsmith, Esq.. LWm. Lone, Esq. Dep. Storekeeper Gen. Jui. Smith, Esq. Dep. Barrack Mr. Gen. F. Lynn, Esq. Deputy Paif Mr. Genl. R. A. Tucker,, Esq. Dep. Inspec. Hospitals^ John Robb, Esq. Staff Surgeon^ Thomas Duncan, Acting Dj, Purveyor^ John F,. Gschwind, f Robert Leslie, Uospl, A^si.lanti^ \ B. 0*Burne, CF^. Oakley. ( H9 ) * Garrison of Halifax. Toivn Major^ Lieut. John M'Colla, barrack Master S. H. Binney, E»q. r\it: • «• rv .t • C Rev. Geo. VVnVlit. Officmt^n.Ckaptatns, J Joseph Mitchell. Dep. Provost Marshal^ Jn. H. Flohr. rr M. A ' ^ ^ V M. Backhouse. iiosp. Assistants^ -i r. /-i u » j Moose Island. Dep. Assht. Com, Gen, W. Plant. Toitn Major ^ Lt, Williams, Off elating Chaplain ^ Roger Aitkin. Annapolis. Dep. j4ssist. Com, Gen Robert Duport, Lsc^. Barrack Master, Thomas H Baily, Escj, Staff Surgeon^ George Henkell, Esq. Offciating Chaplain^ Rev. Cyrus Perkins, Windsor. . , Officiating Chaplain^ Rev. W. C. King. NEW BRUNSWICK. ^ Major of Brigade^ Bt. Lt. Col. Hailes, h. p. Hospital Asst, John Boyd, Staff Surgeon ^ Alex. Boyle. Dep,'Ass. Qr, M. Gen. Capt. Gibbons, 98th Foot, Assist, Com. Gen. Thomas Osborne. n J. A o* r r- C George Swinney, -^^^ ^^^^''- ^^^'' ^^''^ is. M^Douall. Dep, Asst- Pay Mr, Genl. Jas. H. V'bb. Dep, As, Bar. Mr, Genl, Andrew R. nsford, Esq. Toivn Major., Frederlckton, Capt. JenkiiiS. Gar. Chap. Offctg, St Johns^ Rev. Geo. Pidjreon. ...Frederlckion, Rev. Geo. Mountain, St, Andre^vsy Revd. S. Andrews. .*■ 13 i"ili.u,.i 1,1,1. l!:M 5.k'^ (150 ) ' ^ NEWFOUNDLAND. ' Major General Ciiarle8 Campbell. Aidt'de Camp^ Knsign Campbeil, 41st Foot. ' Lt, Govt, of St. Johns^ Col. Eiford, Do. of Placentla^ Genl. G. Garth, Major of Brigade^ Bt. Major Morris, * ' Dep. Pay Mr, Gfn. John Stewart, Escj, Assist. Com. Gen, Wm. Lane, n J . n f^ 1 VThos. Bissett. Staff Surgeon^ John Preston, Esq. Apothecary to the Forces^ Wm. WheadcMi. • Fort M^jor^ St. Jchns^ Ensign Green. Offlctg, Garrison Chaplairt^ Rev. D, Ro^ylan4, CAFE RRETON. Bt. Col. Fitzh'^rbert, 98th Regt. Major of Brigade^ Capt. Cooper, h. p. Mar rack Master^ William Cox. Esq. Toxvtp Adjutant.^ Lieut. Otto Schwartz. Officiating Garr, Chaplain^ - '— • PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. ' ^ His Excellency Lt. Governor Chs. D. Smith, Birk. Master^ John F. Holland, Esq. Toivn Majory Ensign Macdonel, -v ■ hospital MatCy Benj St. Croix. Offctg. Garr. Ckamplainy Rev. Theop. Detbrisay^ BERMUDAS. .. . .. ^ Major General George Horsfield. AiJi-d-j^Camp, Bt. Lt. Col. Ximines, 1st Bat. 62d. Regt. n,. 4 * r r- t 9 Beverly Robinson. ^^^ff SurgcQKy J, I>eath. GanlionSurgeoTiy Joseph Hutchinson, Esq. To-.i-n Major, Sub Lr. M'Krnzie, Rl. S\ps. & Mi°S' Toivn AJjutatity Lieut. Tlu;,mson, 62d Foot. '^{ffuiatg. Garr. Chaplain ^ Uev. Philip' HudsOQ. m ( ISi ) OFFICERS Of the several Regiments serving in Niova- Scotia and NeW'Bru7isy)icki and their dependendcs* ROYAL ARilLLERY. Lieut.Col. G. W. Dixon. ' CAPTAINS. Wm. Payne, w, | G. Crawford, ct. H. M. Farrington, m» \ 2d CAPTAINS, ! W, D. Jones, I William Dunn, Peter Faddy, . | Francis Haultain. LIIDTENANTS. John Grant, \y. Dennis, B. Lyster. Wm. Duncan, J ^seph Hanwell, W. Grant, C. Torriano, jisjtt SurgeoM, George Maurice* ROYAL JENGINEERS. * • » o 1 ^ George Wright, Lieut Col«. •? T o A fe i Js. R Arnold. Cantaius J ^*'"®* Maclaughlan^ captains, J ^rchd. Walker. LIEUTENANTS.. T. H. Fenwick, Chafkes Rivers, Richard J. Vicars, C. O. Strcatficid, Wm. Gregory, Geo. C. PagA Detachment 15th Foot, Captains, f Geo. Barrow, | R. G. Marker. James Garstin, D. M'PhersoD. rW, Forde, Lieutents. -? Robert Lewis, C J. P. Seaver, CJ. A. Drought, Ensigns, < Thomas Allen, tJ.U McDonnell, ^ A Thomas Bannister^ J. O. Gage, Thos. Maunsell^ r^ W 1 j ; !i'»'' t!|!!;:S ii, !■ fl (^52 ) Zd Battn* CiOtii (or lloyaV Amorican) Ecfiimcnh Colonel, Hen, K. Phipps, /. g, I>t. Col. G. Mackie, cei. C. D. H. Bouvcrie, //. col. Majors. ^^ Hinckeldcy. Fk, Im Thurn, J. E. Bell, C. Du Sable, M. Glenie, C. Leslie, CAPTAINS. J. Burrell, J. G. FitzgrraM, Mont. Cairucs, T. Carey. J. Srotigitharm. LlBrXENAKTS. r A J. V. Konig, R. S. Redman, Lcopd. De Froger, G. Robinson, M. De Ravarrierre, R. Hilliard, J. Jacqs. Sargend, J. D. Kent, T. M^Mahon, De Schanz, H. Hudson, J. W. Patterson,, ,, J. Boatty, MM i J. Jones, . • r M. Hayes, M. Nixon, W. Williams, ; J. Browne, T. ifurton, , W. Dona van. C. Hatzman, W. Pluokett, J. Day, J. Magenis. Pay Mostevt jidjutant. Quarter-' MasteXj Surgeoiu Asst» Surgectit Do, ENSIGNS. , F. Resuls, » D. Dickson, O. Hutchinson. A, Weiburg, J. Keins, ^ G. M'Dermott, P. Smith, G. Wilkinson^ S. M. '.J«»'> ( »53 ) Tth BaU QOth (or R. American) Rc%\ Colonel, Sir Geo. Murriy, G .C, B. m. g, Lieut. -Col. jamcs Stopford, Heniy Tarleion. CA'TAINS, John p.^pvv^l, C C'lfnpbrll, Ci. Phcl.m, (;, W, Cuifkr, K. J. Lclk. LIEUTENANTS. H, T, Hdth, n. cjoi-iif.Mtt, 'fhomai \A'n^;li», Ambrose Spung, H. MatS')n, T* Beauclerk, James Irjcie, r. Grant, S. I-Ju^'f;hiJP, W. I). Co'lin, wool, Hamil'.on J<.ecd, Charles H rris, Martio Uurkif. IN SIGNS. George CoiDcI'm, J. H. Buir.aU, E, A, CberOe'm, A. de DamaSy I*. F* Thome, C, nurmjiton, W, Fearc!.-, VVm. Wynne, Andrew lUison, Wiijiam Nixon, H, J, auircn, G. Hunter, R, Tight', John Ficnd, J, Waiiacc, £, Wordcy, A. Bronckhoift, J.. A, Van Datenb?rg, H. Gage, S. Na&un, S, f/I*Quecn, R. l\ Pack, K F. Myer<, adj^ — — Lavoine, Pay- Maimer, Adjutant, , Qr. Mafter, Surgeon, ^sst« Surgeon, do* Agent, Jacob Cordon C, C, S. Vv'orsley, J, F. My.^r , cr.i, Thomas liiiriowes. Joseph Abri', Charles Simptoni Samuel Wyli?. Green woo«i U Co» 1 il^ r I 5 I : ■■>: :|l (« '54 ) 1st nattn.G2d (or Wiltshiro) Regiment, Colonel, Lieut. -Col. R. RobcrtJi, /. c. Eyre Smyth, w. William Hull, m. W. Ridiiall, m, James Butler, m. J. Pollock, m, LIEUTENANTS. Samuel I false, gen, (Jeorge Gauiitiett. C D. Ximineii, /. c J, J. F. Goodiidge, /. r, CAPTAINS, P. JE. Irving, m, x, Skene Keirh, m, R. Edwards, ct, J. Svire«Micy, W. John*tone, ,^.i i;'-i Robert Martin, Richard Wood, Charles Nangle, Wm. L, Peard, Rojj^er Sweeney, John Mahon, J«mefl Twigjr, Richard U^her, 3ack H. Eaton, Christ. Heyland, Edward Parker, John Keith, A. Thompson, James Butler, Alexander Reld Henry Law, John Judj^e, Fra. Learhnn:, Jp:. M'GoIdrisk, Paymaster, Adjutant, I Alexander Sc«tt, P. Rickctts, A. Stewart, ' James Dennis, Ferdinand Spillef, H. li. de Ruvyne, William XJundee, John O'Grady, M. Colcloiigh, William Hewat, Walter Strang, 1\ G. Eirington, Edward Windsor, ENSIGNS. >.. John Walker, J. Higginh^othatn^ Henry Mitchell^ R. B. Wilson. H. Liirlry, 1* x. lie. 98H' ( "55 ) (or Prince of Walgs*8 Tipperary) Rc^: ]Lleut«>Col» MajorS) Hon, M. Mathcw, /• g% J. Dan'ieM, {A. S. King, R. M. Biowne. CAPTAINS. Hon. J. Ncvill, John 'Ihomson, Cfcorgc LiJwell, T. Ctilrmari, K. Gibbons. J. BaxaigPttr, ininifl Gealc, |. Fitihcrbcrt, c. lohn Mann, Wm. Hurt^>n, }Oshua Wilson, I-HUTKKANTS. Thnma'? Aimflrong, J. Atkinson, Richard Ftenneil, T-. W.O'Dcil, J. OTarrcl, Miles Bourkcy Ambr* Lane. John (».Ulaj;'icr, O. Sijlliv.ui, .■ John Buckluil, B* J. Nennbhardi William M'Conchy, XNSIQNS. 'I ( H. Montgomrry, Ben,:\min Garrett, William Brady, John Rothwelly J, Hutchinson, J. Primrose, v^, H. Stephens, Wm. Stjwcll, ^ Percy Scott, D i^.' Macdonneij, Wu..'M^Vittcc. T. Fitxherbcrt, Hcc. Harve r, Charles Broarn, H. Porteous, Faynnfter, Adjutant, Qr, Matter, Surgeon,,.:' AKTt. Surgeons j; Grom, Hicks, ' W. S. Johnson, Marie I'honias, D. Robertsot). Thomas King. J. Hutchinson, /f, .«. G. Mathew. •• j, S. Barnard. ^ ^' Thomas Wi^habj ,., ames jBetr. 4^ I I* ( >56 ) lOO"" (lale IOC) Regiment 1 Colonel, Sir Alb. Gledstanes, Kt. Lg, Lieut,-€ol. John Herries. Majors, C G. Rochforr, \ R. Anstruther. «• CAPTAINS. H. Steele, John Brown, / D. M'Arthur, M. Madden, Henry Craig, Mark Rudkin, ' r Hugh Piper, W, Minchin, james Mason, Alexr. Thomson, :.■ ■ Stephen Grier, ;. -« LIEUTENANTS^ • A. H. C. ViUiers, Edward Sutherland, William Lyfter, Arthur Grueber, I) J. D. Lyfter, Henry Fry, R. T. Hume, ^ J. R. Balderson, Thomas Mill?, Henry Kelly, A. M■ H. Flaherty. H. Daviss. AiTt. Surgeons, < james Price, I james johnson. t /.F- r*» -*.- *%- THE BRITISH GOVERNMENTS IN NORTH AMERICA. . * f>i ( '58 ) 36= ■mm WK^m •HBSi HflUEtu/Aniijti^ '^^i^K^^SI HIP^^WIH If jfH ■pf '" -JllH ^H^ l^HnH'.' . It J' '•'J'IHb wKb 7 <:tHH I9n '■ 'iiH Mr 4'' ii« ijP. ., i'>jjKS 7ilES^@; CIVIL LIST OF UPPER CANADA. His Excellency FRANCIS GORE, Efquirc, Lieute- nant Governor of Upper-Canada, Sec, &c« &c. Provincial Aide-de.Camp, Lt.-Col. D. Cameron* Private Secretary, Willianj Halton, Efquirc. Ading ditto, Edward MacMahon, Esq, LxzuT. Governor's Office. Chief Clerk, Edward MacMahon, Esq. Second ditto, Mr. Benjamin Geale. Office Keeper and Melfenger, Isaac Pilkington. Members of the Legislative Council. The Hen. W. D. Powell, Chief J ufticc, Speaker. Rt. ?c»d. Jacob, Lord Biihop of Quebec. Thomas Clark, William Dickson, Thomas Eraser, H^eil M*LeaD« c r James Baby, X } John M'Gil!, V I Thomas Talbot, hL William Claus, Clerky John Powell, Efqr. Cbaplattif The Hon. and Rev. Dr. John Strachan. Master in Chancery f attending the Lighlative Conn- ciif Wtn. Warren Baldwin, Efqr. Gentleman UJbfr of the Black Rodf Mr» William Legf Door-keeper y Mr. Hugh Carfrae* HOUSE OF assembly/ Seventh Provincial Parliament. Alexander M' Martin, Esq. John Cameron^ Esq. John M*Doncll, Esq. Philip Van Koughnelt, Esqt John Cryslcr, Es-q, Jonas Jones. E?q. Peter Howard, Esq, > Glengary, Pretcott, Stormort Si RuiieU Dundai* CreHvUL$, .. .;' Ltedi. tsh ( >J9 ) Allan M^LeaSt Esq. Jimes poUer £tq. Willet Casey, Esq. Isaac Fra^er. Esq. James M'NaSb) E.q. Zaciieus Buinbam, Esq. P^'jer Robinson^ Esq. '^m* 1 Fr$ntinae. Prince Edward^ {Lenox and Ad» dhtgtOH. Hastings, Northumberland. EastRidingTork. JVentnoortb. Jialtcn. i^ Riaing Lincoip, 2d ditto, 3^ ditto^ j^th ditto, Oxford Sc MidJiesex„ Nor/oik. Kent, J^SHX, Robert Nellis, Esq. Kalfe Clench, Esq, Dayid Secord, Esq. Isaac S\w^y«e, Esq. Mahlon Burwell, Esq. Robert Nicholy Esq, Joshua Cornwall, Bn. Wm. D. Powell, Chief Juftice, Chairm<|nj ' XU Rcvd.4a95b, l-ofi 6i(hop of Qijcbec. ' ' "^ • The Hoi. James Baby, John M'Gill, Samue> Smtthf • t-^'-^^^ The Hon. and Rev. Dr. John Strachan. ^. ,. r,^ Clerk of the Council, }ohn Small, Esquire. ^, L • .L r -tr^n: 5 I. Beikic, Esq. ift Clerk, C/erks m the Council Office, ^ {^^^ ^ ^^^^l^ , ,^ ^^^ Poor Keeper and Messenger, Hugh Carfrae. . if ouse Keeper, Mri* Lancafter* . I .kniirr* r l!*l|ffH •' 1 « 1 i^H- "ill ( i6o ) Court of King's Bench* Chkf Jnjl'tce, The Hon. Wm. Dummer Powell* r, • ^ .V / ^ William Campbell, E£quire» Fmsne judges^ < * ' * U^bcfy Mr. John Hunter. Kecpety Mr, Isaac Pi.licington. OFI ICI:RS of the DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS. ^ Attorny General^ D*Arcy Boulton, Esq. iiQik't'.r Gateral, John Beverly Robinson, Esq. Seen"-'"' a^ Ffgijier, William Jarvis, Efq. Keeper of the RoIIt of Parliament, Wm, Jarvis, Esq. Rccci'vcr General^ Hon, John M*Gitl. Auditor General ef Land Patents, Hon. John M'Gill. C/crk of the Crown and of the Common Pleas, Johu Stna 1, E^q, Surveyor General of Lands^ Thomas Ridout, Esq, Jns. Genl, Pub^ Prov. Accounts, Hon. James Baby* Deputy Surveyor of floods, Thomas Merrltt, Esq. Provincial Agent for the affairs of the Province, reii- dent in England^ William Halton, Esq. Agent of the Province in l^ondon, for faying Salaridk of Civil Officer Sy W. D. Adams, Esq, Militia Department. Adjutant General, Lieut. -Col. Nathaniel Coffin, Quarter Mr, Gen* Lieut*- Col. Robert Nichol. General Agent for paying Militia Pensioners, under Provincial Statute, Edward MacMahon, Esq, Surveyor Gens. Office, Senior Surveyor and, Drafcii- man, and Chief Clerk, Second Clerk, Samuel Ridouf, Esq, jCxtra Cleik> Mr. William Morrison, William Chewett, Esq, ( i6i ) SHERU'FS. Cttaiva DUtrictf Thomas MearS) £sq« Eastern District^ Jobnmivn District, Midland District, NeivcastU District f Home District, Gore District, Niagara District, London District, JVcstctn District f f f. *» *• • f. John Kerr, Esq. John Stuart, Esq. Charlies Stuart, Esq. John Spencer, Esq. Samuei Ridnut, E»q* Titus G, Simons, Esq, Thomas Merritt, Esq, John Bostwiclc, Esq, William Hands, Efq. SURROGATE COURT. Official Principal, Grant Powell, Esq. Surrogates for the se'veral Districts of the ProviriC€» Ottaiva District, East0in District y jfohnstotan District^ Midland District^ NeivcastU District, Home District, Gore District, Niagara District, London District, Western District, Joseph Fortune, Esq. David Sheek, E?q. Levius P, Sher>*ood, Esq; Alexander Fisher, Esq. D, M*Gregor Rogers, Esq, Robert Biidwin, Esq. Richard Hatt, Esq. Robert Kerr, Esq, james Mitchell, Esq. Kev. Richard Pollard ,ti CLERKS OF THE PEACE./ Ottaiva District, .* Joseph Fortune f^ Eastern , Johnstoiun, Midland, Newcastle, Home^ Gore, Niagara, London, IVertcrn, Archibald M'Lean. Hamilton Walker, Allan M*Lean. Thomas Ward. Stephen Heward, George Rolph, *■■ Ralfe Clench. "^' Richard W. Dease* James Allen, i7 -'1 ii iii liiHi; ^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 121 125 I.I 12.2 U US 1^ A.^ r/> % 1 1-25 1 1.4 1.6 .« 6" ► V] /J ^;. y ^ ^. ><^ fliotographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716)873-4503 ) ( «^* ) JVBOXI AND CLEHKf •/ tkc tfver^l Duirict Courts /or ihg If on taay recovertf of small Deh$s, ^ , . DmmicTB. ' . ^' jruDGB& Clerks.', Ohawa^ I Peter F. Le Roy. Sasiern^ ps^vid Sheek» ciq. Qfo. Anderson. Johnstown^ SolomoD Jones, esq. T. O. Campbell. Midland^ Alexr. Ftfher, esq. Alexr. Pringle. Newea^ilt^ J), M'O. Rogers, esq. Elias Jones. IIome\ W. Wt Baldwin, esq. Stephen Hevard. Gort^ Richard Hatt, esq. George Rolph. Nimgara^ Ralfe Clench, esq. J. B. Clench. J^^deit^ ^ Jas. Mitchell, esq. R, W. Dease. Cistern ^ ,Rt. Richardson, esq. James Allen. Irtspedorj of Shop, Still, 4nd Tavern Licences. ii'it Ottawa Disttutf Eaftern Dtftrict^ yobnflown ditto f AiifUand ditto^ NewcafiU ditto. Homo dittOf Gore ditto, Niagara ditto, London ditto, fyejitru ditto. Th3nial Mears, esq. Neil McLean, esq* Oliver £vi!rts, esq. |ohn Cumming, esq. Ward, esq. William Allan, esq. John Wilson J esq. Isaap Swayse, esq. George Ryeison, esq. William Hands, esq. M.' ScHooLMASTXRS ufi^tr tbt Froviueial Statu ti. Maflern Difrict, Jobt^onun Diftrict, Midland Difirict, £teweafile District, Home Diurict, Niagara District, London District, fFeitern Dittrict% . The Rev. W. D. Baldwyn. ^-^ >l The Rev. John Betbune. Mr. John WhiteUw. (vacant.) The Rev. Dr. Strachan. The Rev John Burns, ^v^s-ac^i^'.: Mr. J aires Mitchell. -^*|^tt . *.^c-. (vacant.) ^vyH ,»J -T CI 1.3,' Jf;^. i^ *11l.'C -H {^^^U'c) ,:-iW%.i jt*'*--!.. ( i63 ) • PUBI IC ThofDAi Wat iy Thon^as Sparhaniy. james Allen, John Ferguson, NOTARIES. ^ r' William W. Baldwin, Donald M^Dairmid, Jaoiet Mitchell, Stephen Heward. .c-.l •n BARRISTERS Allan M'Uan, Timothy Thampfon, Nicholas Hagerman, Charles j« Petera, Samuel She r woody B. C, Beardfl^y, James Woods, John Tenbroocl;^ L. P* Sherwood, D*Arcy Baulton, jr« William Dickfoo, John Powell^ and ATTORNIES. William W. Baldwi«« William Elliott, Aiesander Cameroa, Thomas Ward, Chrift. A. Hacermat George Ridoiit, jonaa joneif Dan?cl jbnei, Archibald M'' ! I : i^ fi$4 ) t4mhentburgf (W«&terii.Di8.) Witltam Wood«, Sandwich, (ditto), Wiliia(9 Haiid(hi REGISTERS OF COUNTIES, For Recordings Dctdt of Sale of handle tbertin pcifee^ tive/y, Pretcott Sf Ru$!teUi (Ouawa Dis,) — ~ G/etigary, (Eitilem District) Don:\ld \|acdon.ell. Stotmont, (ditto) John M^Les^n, Frontenacj Pr. Ed- 7 C wjrJ, Jhjstings, >(Midland)<< Allan M'l^fi^n* henox Sc Addington^ J C. Northumberland &7\r a, ^n ivvr^ri !!/>»«» P«rib^w, I Newcaf^le |D. WO. Rogers. yo»'*, (Honie District) Chincj^n Candccon, IVentivorth Sc HalUitf (C*ore)j James DujraQfi., Lincoln^ 4 Ridings y (Niagara) John Powell. Oxfrrd Sc Middlcicxy, (Lo;ioon) MahXon Burwcll. Norfolky (ditto) Daniel Springer, Baex and Kent, (Weftcrn) 1 . ' •'■•T TREASURERS OF WSTll^CTS. jLOXtern Districtf Johiutoivn-, j\[i(Uand, " Nimvcasth'j J\^iagarnf London f ^ristcrn, v^i$^ Neil M*Lean. Charles Jones. Thomas MarWand; Zacheus Burnham. William Allan. John Symington. Henry Van Alleh^ William IJaadg*. .' » ^ t p*tl- ■t-y'T' ( i6s ) NOVA-SCOTIA. lUutenant-Go'vernory His Excellency L'eut, General The Earl of Dalhousie, G. C. B. Bijboff Rt, Rev. Robert Stanser, D. D. Chief Jbjiuef S. Salter Blowers, cfq. %J yudge, Brenton Halliburton, efq. ^dyudggf James Stewarr, Esvj. /^b Judge^ Lewis M. V^ilkins, esq. Attorney General, Riclurd j. Uniacke, pfij. Solicitor General y Simon Bridftcft Robie, "'q. Sec* of the Province^ Rupert George, cfq. 'Pyeajurer, Michael Wallace, efq. Judge of the Admiralty, Cropioii Uniacke, e'q, NEW. BRUNSWICK. Preiident^ Major-Genera! G. S, Smyth- Chief Jupcty Jonathan Blifs, efq. " Attorney Get:eral, Wild Chapman, etq^ " Secretary, Jonathan Odcii, elq. pjijNCE Edward Island. Lieutenant Governor, Charles Douglas Smltii. Chief Jujikc, Cjesar Colclough, efq. Solicitor General, Charles Stewart, efq. Secretary, Thomas Delbrifay, efq. Colonial Treasurer, Robert Gray, efq. Cape Briton. President, » Chief Justice, ArchJ. fhar'es Dodo, efq. Secretary and Rtgister, W. Mackinnon, cfq. Newfoundland. Governor, » Lieut* Gonfernor of St. Johns, Col. John Elford. Chief Juftice, Ihonrias Trenilelt, efq. Judge of the V^ Admiralty Court, Wft. C utfr, efq. :lf|l !i',.i ;«l / t .«■► ■»«, - -wW^-vraa^aite^-v*'- ( >68 ) A Geographical Description of THE World. EUROPE extends in its greateft breadth from 9tb degree Well to 61 Eaft longitude from London, and in its grcateft length, from 35^ 55' to 71^ 20' N. latitude, and contains thefe Countries, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, Kiili'M, Hungary, France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Norway and Greece, the mod Eminent Illands are thefe: Gr?au6ritiin, Ireland, Sicily, Sardinia, Can- dia, Negropont and CorHca. Tne greatefl length of this part oi the World is 3000 miles, the breadth 900,. /. > ASIA, extends in its grcateft breadth, from 61 degree Eartr, to 163 E. longitude, from London, and in its gre:it«^;i:«'n|cth, -from 10 Souch, to 75 N. latitude, and is the fiift Icno^n part of the World, it contains thefe principal Regions and Iflands, viz. Armenia, Anatolia, Perfia, AlTyria, China, Syria, Arabia, Mefopotamla, India, Japan, Partliia, Me- aia/ Palefline, Chaldca, and Tartary. AFRICA, extends in its grcateft breadth, from 15 degree Weft to 50 Eaft longitude, from London and in its greaceft length from 35 Weft to 40 fouth latitude, in itare thefe Countries, viz. Egypt, Barbi- ry, Biledulgerid, Ethiopia, Nubia, Congo, Abylfinia, Monomotopa, Guinea, &c. The Iflands, Madagafcar, St. Thomas, Iftands of Cape Verde, Canary Iflaiiiis; Madeira* ( »69 ) AMEaiCA. Thii great WciUra Concm«nt, fre- t}ucnily denomliuted the New World, extends from Uie 8oth Uogiec Noith to the 56th uffouth latitude ; and, where its bteaith is kiijwn, fiom the 56th to the^ r^Gth degree of VV. Long, from Ljr.iun, ftictching from bctwcca S and 9000 mile: in length, and id creatcit breadth 38qo. It fees both Hemifphercs, has two fumm?rsand a double winter, and enjoys ail the \ariety of climates which the Earth aft'ords. It is WA{h*d by the two great Oceans j to th^ Eaftward it has the Atbncic, which devides it from Europe and Africa j to the Weft the Pacific, or great South tS'ea, by which it is feparated from Ada: by thefe feas it may, and does carry a .iire£t commerce with the other three parts of the World. This great Contin*nt is divided inta t\vo parts, one on the North, the other on the 5'outh} which are join* ed by the Kingdom of Mexico, forming a lort of Illh- mus 1500 mijes lon^, and in one parl» at Darien, fo extremely narrow, as to m^lce the communication be. tween the two Oceans by no means difficult, beinj^ oaly 6d miles. In the great Gulph which is tormed betwean the Iflhmus and the northern and (outheru grand Diviiions of this Continent, lie an inHnite multi-. tude of IHands, many of them I xrg?, mod of them fertile, and denominated, the Weil-lndies, in contra- di^ion to the Countries and I (lands of Ada, beyond the Cape of Good Hope, which arc calTd, the Eait- Indies. !. \^. % R. * f m hm ( '70 ) UNITED KINGDOM OF GREJT-BRITjilN AND IRELAND. This kingdom furmerly Enj^Und, Wales, Scotland and Ireland it fituated between 49 <> 50 'and 50^ 25' «>' North latitude, and between 70 40' Weft, and 1^ 50' of Eaft longitude and contains ab'out 15,000,000 inhibitantsy according to the laft Cenfus« The United Kingdom is a limited mon^irchy, ai^d hereditary to both fexes. The King mud be of the VroreAant religion, as eftabliflied. The King pofeHei the executive power of government, and, with the Par* iiament, (hares in the legiHative. Parliament is com* pofcd of the three eflatef, the i'overeign^ the Houfeof Ameers and the Houfe of Commons. The climate is mild, the foil for the mod part na- turally good, yielding every ufcful produ£):ion, wine, oil and fillc excepted. The genius and indudry of the people, in the arts of agriculture and gardening, in the mode of feeding cattle, breeding horfcs and ibeep, have placed this beyond every other European country in this point.— The woollen manufactures of Eng- land, and the produce of their mines, &c« arc inex. hauftible fuurces of riches. The nerfevering induflry and great mechanical in- genuity of its inhabitants, have given Great-Britain decidedly the fitd place in Europe as it commercial and manufacturing country* The advantage of her infular fituation, n^any excellent harbours, and vad extent of tea line, have highly contributed to her fu> periority ^ but her prodigious improvements in every manufaCtuie and mechanical art, joined to her wife laws for the protection of trade^ and the high refpeCt ^n which her mercantile character isheld^ have advan- 'ced her yet more. Next to manufactures, tne fisheries are of the greateft importance* The total of the com- hierce, import and export, employs above two millione of tons of (hipping^ and the balance in favour of Greit-Britaia is above three miliions on the averag^'t ( ni ) ^ ^ ^ UlST OF HIS MAJESTY** MINIStElls! "^ 1816. ^ C An I NET MINISTEBS, i L«ird Harrowby, Lord Pregident iff the CouncU-^^Lord KIdon, Lord High Chancellor — Lord Westmoreland, Lord Privy Seal—Lord Clancarty, President qfthe Soard of' Trade — Lord Liverpool, First Lord of the Treasury (Prime Minister). — Right Hon. N. Van- littart, Chancellor and Under' Treasurer ^ the Ej> chequer, — Right Hon. Charles Bathurst, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, — Right Hon. Wm. WeV- lesley Pole, Master of the Mint — Lord Vis. Melville, First Lord of the Admiralty, — Lord Mulgr^ve, Maf^ ter General of the Ordnance, — Lord Sidmouth, SecrC' trnry sident of the Board (f Control for the affairs in Lidia. ■-■ NOT OF THE CABINET Right Hon. George Rose, Treasurer qf the Navy-r- Lord Falmeraton, Secretary at /rar.-— Right Hon. C. Long, Hon. J. F. Robinson, Joint Paymasters General of the Forces* — Earl of Chichester, Earl of Clancart^-, Joint Post Masters' General^ — Right Hon. C. Arbuth- pot, S.R. Lushington, Esq. 5'ecr«#r7nc«o/*//(i^ T'reasvj'^ —Sir Wnj. Grant, Master if the Rolls.. ..Sir Win. Garrow, Attorney General,,. Sir S. Shepherd, Solici- tor General. PARSOfJS OF THE MINISTRY OF IRELAND. * Lord Whitwprth, I^ord Lieutenant... Lord Manners, Lord High Chancellor .....tllghi HonI Robert Peele, Chief Secretary. ...Right Hon. W. Fitzgerald, CA«tt- cellor ofthf ^xche^uer. , ^^ t>.-.v t *'V> '^iT •-';'- r'f t'v •• ^sf-l^f"' !f3 III' i " ' . Pi :; 'i> H 1 i ' 1' i , ■1 I . ... H 172 ) TABLE Of the Kings and Queens of and Great*Britain, with the time ihcy feverally begjiii to reign. Egbert Ethelwolf Cthelbald Ethrlbert Jb^heired yUfrcd the Grttit Edward 1* Sas^w Etheman Edmond I. Edrcd EJwin Edgar Edward] 1. 5a'0'> Ethdred £4imood II* Began thtir ll^igns% Sm*on Line. ■ Soil 38 r. S» 60. 66 7* ' 900 »S 41 48 55 59 . 75 79 ' 1016 Danish. Knute !• riarold 1. Knute II. Edward Coff/i^/ Harold II.. William I II H€nry I 1017 36 39 41 65 «i • iStephen Norman Line. On. 14, 1066 Sept. 9, 1087 ^tiv. 2, 1100 AiSs I, iliS • Ufignf.t, Y. M. n. 37 — — 20 — — 6 ^ — 6 — — 28 — — 25 — — . 16 -« — , 16 — — 37 — — «9 3 2 I 20 12 35 18 10 10 3 |0 •7> 26 ( «73 ) The Saxon Line Restored. Htng'j iWafneu Began their H*ig hi. Henry II Kichird I John Henry 111 £dw«rd I 11 Hi Kiciurd 11 34 9 17 56 34 «9 Henry IV V VI Bdward IV V Richard III Henry VII vm Eviward VI Q^Mary (|;_El.iAbcth j.inics Charles I 1 11 1 |0^/. 2$, 11^4 Ju/y 6, 1189 ^'If^r'tl bf I J 99 OtV. 19, 1216 iVoi/. i6f 127% July 7»i307 Jan. 15,1327 June zi, 1377 riic I.iiic or lancajer, F.CM. 29, 1399 March 20, 1 41 3 ^"g- 3>> 1422 The Line of York, Mfjrcb 4, 1 42 1 A^^i'U 9i J4S3 June 22, 1483 Thr Families united. Aug 22, 1485 April 22, 1509 7a«. 28, 1547 July 6, 1553 yVoi/. 17, 1558 Union of the T^o Crowns. March 24, 1603 March 27, 1625 y^w. 30, 1649 Feb. 6, 1685 keignei. Y. M. D 8 9 6 o 23 37 6 5 44 Jamcii Will, and Mary \Fcb. 13, 1689 Q^ Anne George I George II Octree III 7 6 22 23 36 4 Union of the Two Kingdoms* Macb 8, 1702 12 Augz I, 17 14 1 2 June If, 1727 34 Oil, 15, 1760 ^ 3 8 9 5 4 4 o 10 o o o 4 lO I It o 13 28 ai 18 50 1» *7 8 «3 9 20 f I 4 22 5 13 « % 6 % II 7 3 3 7 7 *3 2J 10 14 whom Gotlfirest^rv^i, I ) !! !Mf { '74 ) The Royal Family of Grcat-n\itam. June May Aug. Aug. Aug, 173S 1744 1762 176J 176^ Sept. 17C6 Nov. 1767 Nov, May, June J. in. Feb. i7es 1770 '771 »773 1774 April 1776 > >777 Nov i^ing George III. born . . 4 Queen Charlotte born - . 19 George, Prince of Wales, born - 12 Juke of Yoilk, Bp. of Ofnaburgh, b. 16 Duke of Caretice, born • . 21 Duchefs of Wirtemberg, bom - 29 Duke of Kenty born - - 2 FrinccM Augusta Sophia^ born . 8 P-'*Qccss Eliftbeth, born - > 22 Duke of Cumberland, born <• 5 Duke of Sussex, born « - 27 Duke of Cambridge, born - - 24 Princess Mary, born - - 25 Pilncess Sophia, born . . 3 Nifce S? NfphnVy children of tht late Z?, ef Gloucejbr. Sophia Mitilda, born May 29, '773. Wm. Fiedcrick, D. of Glouccfter, b. jan 15, 1776. SOVEREIGNS OE EUROPE. AvsTRiA. — Francis 11. horn February 1768, F.m- peror of Austria, King of Hungary, Elector of Bo- hemia, an(j[ Arch Cup Bearer of the Holy P.oniaii Empire; married, 1790, Maria Theresa, danghrer of the King; of the two Sicilies, by whom he has four sons and fern* daughters ; and married again in 1808. Hollaftd. — Prince William Frederick VI. of Oran- ge Nassau, Sovereign Prince, born 24th August, 177C, (son of William V. who was dispossessed of his kingdom by the French in Jan. 1795, and fled for refuge to England:) reinstated in the sovereignty of the United Provinces by proclamation, at Ams- terdam, Nov. 15, 1813— Married to Frederica Louisa, sister to the King of Prussia, in October, 1791, Has issue, 1. William Frederick George, ne I73S ay 1744 Jg* 1762 'g« 176 J »g« 176^ pt. 1766 )V. 1767 )V, 176^ ay. 1770 ne »77i n. »773 b. 1774 3ril i77t) 3V, »777 riottce/ier. ( ^7S ) horo Dec. 1792. 2. Wilfiam Frederick Cliarlo.i born Feb. I7i)7. 3. Wilhelmiiia Frcdcrica Paulina^ born March 1800. Frcderica Louisa, sister to the Sovereign Prince, born Novt.n>bpr, 1770, widow of the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick Wolfenibuttlcs. Sopliia WilliL'hnina, mother of the Sovereign Prince, {ind widow of Prince Willinm V. late Stadtholder. France,— ^IjOiiiH XVIII. Kin^r of France and Na* varre, born Nov. 17, 17.>'> ; married Jo8ephin(i /.ouisa, of Sav»)y, 1771, who died in 1810. Charles Philip de France, Monsieur (Count D*Artois, bro- liier to the King) born Oct. 6, 1757 ; married 1773, to Maria Theresa, of Savoie, who died in Juife, 1805. lias issue, 1. Louis Antoine, Due d'Angouieme, born Aug. 6, 1775 ; married in IfiOfl, Maria Theresa Charlotte, daughter of Louis XVI. who was born in 1776. . ii Ciiarirs Ferdinand, Due de Berri, born January, 1778. — Louis Philip, Due d'Orleans, born 1773 ; married 1809, INIaria Ame- lia, daughter of il«e King of the Two Sicilies. Has issue, 1. Ferdinand Philip Louies Due de Chartres, born at Palermo, Sept. 1810. 2. Maria Louisa Charlotte Isabella, born at Palermo, April, 1812". 3. Maria Cliristiaua Carolina, born at Palermo, April, 1813. Louis Maria Adelaide de ^ourbon, Puchess Dowager D'Orleans, born March, 1752. Mother of tl»e Due D'Orleans, and of Louis Ade- laide, MavlemoiscUe D'Orleans, born August, 1777. Louis Joseph de B76 ) . 5^ici/y.— Ferdinand JV. King of the Two Sicilies ; born Jan. 12, 1751 : ascended the throne Octobers, 1 759, on his Father's becoming King of Spain. Rome, — Pius VII. Bernadi Chiaranionte, born at Cesenna in Homagna, Aug. 14, 1742; Cardinal in April, 1785 ; elected Pope at Venice, March 14, 1800 ; crowned 21st of the same month. Portugal, — Maria Francisca Elizabeth, born Doc. 17, 1734 ; Queen, Feb. 1777, widow May, 26, 17^6, of Don Pedro, her uncle, John Maria Joseph Louis Prince Resrent, born May, 1767; married Jan. 9, 1794 ; Charlotte Joaquina of Spain, born April, 24, 1770; has itssue, born in the Brazils. SjMin, — Ferdinand VII. married a daughter of the King of Naples, who is dead. Jtusseot.— Alexander I. Paulowitz, born Dec. 1777 ; Emperor of all Russias, March 24, IHOl ; inarricl Oct. 9, 1793, Louisa Augustus Klizakth Al«^\'ic\^na, of Baden, 'born January 21, 177f). Prussia* — Frederick Wiiiinm 1 1 1, born A ug. .T, 1778; King of Prussia, Nov. 6, 171)7 ; rrunied Dec. 2.1, 1793, Louisa Augustus "NVihrlujina Aintlia of Meck- lenburg Strelitz, born AJareh 10, 1775 ; has issue. Denmark,--^Fredf*T\vk VI. born January 28, J 768 ; King of Denmark, March 13, 1808; inunicd July 31,1790, Maria Sophia Fredtric.i, of Hesse Casscl, born Oct. 23, 1767 ; has issue, one daughter Caroline. Sweden. — Charles, formerly Dtike of Sudermania, born October 7, 1748 ; married July 7, 1774, to Hed- widge Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess of IJolstein Olden- burg ; assumed the Crown of Sweden on the abdication of his Nephew Gustavus, who now takes the title of Count Gnttorp. Crown Prince, the Priiire of Ponto Corvo (Gen. Bernadottc,) by birtli a Frenchman, a mi-^ litary man, who held the rank of General and Com- mander in Chief of the Army of the North under the late Emperor Napoleon. f >77 > - / SwUzerland*—vLo\ih d*Aff/'y, Landamman of Swit- zerland. . Haiiovrr. — Elector, His Britannic IMajesty. Gover- nor and Commander in Chief, His Royal Highness the Puke of Cambridge, Field Alarohal, ..^ Turkn/, — Mahmud II. born July 20tii, 1 785 ; pro- proclaimed Emperor, Aug. 10, 1809. WirtemberfT, — Frederick, born November 6, 1754 j King of Wirtemberg, in 1 SOS ; Sovereign and reiga* iug Duke of Suabia and Teck ; married, first, A-u^ gusta Frederica Caroline Louisa of Brunswick Wot- fenbuttle, who died Sept. 27, 1788; second, Char- lotte Augusta Matilda, Princess Royal of England. 5a >-►— i M I S\ 4 ill • vi*^^. ^ vr I.I. — ^ ;-»» *•** t.r^-:;' 'f ;V^^ "^ !',', %rt rr- 'J ■t'^al ( 178 ) m 9 A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF CANADA. Wriuen in iHi !. THE name of Canada was originally applied, by Kuropcans, to the Und on tlie louth-weftern (hores of the Gul|^h of Si. Lawrence, and on both iides of that River, from its mouth to fome diftance above Quebec. The RivcrSt, LawrciKe, itfelf, was ^z\\t^ la Grande Ri'vieredu Canada* The name vv>at tft&rwardtf extended to all the countries which vrere explored by adventurers from the fcitlements along the River. The whole of the French poireifions in North America were, latterly, comprehended un« der the name of New France. CanadUf as it is genetally underi\ood at the pre- fehc day, is bounded to the eail by ihe Guiph of St. Lawrencf and the: country on the Labrador Coall annexed in 1809 to the government of Newfound- land ; to the north, by the territory of the Hudlon's Bay Company; to the well, by undefined bounda.« lies, but which may be fuppoied to extend, by vir- tue of occupation by the Fur Traders, and the dis- coveries of M'Kenxic, to the Pacific Ocean > to tht fouth, it is bounded by unexplored countries Sc. iht United States of America, to wit : the north- weft territory, the Michigan territory, the State* of Ohio, Pennfylvania, New- York, Vermont* Ncw-Hamp(hirc, the DiftriA of Maine, and by the Britilh Province of New-Brunfwick. The divifion line on the fouth, from the Grand Portage on Lake Superior, runs through the Great Lakes and down the St. Lawrence to latitude 45, and thence along that line tc Connedlicut River, from thence it fol- \o^$ the highlands Which feparaie the waters ruu^ ning into the Saint Lawrence and the Atlantic, till it reach we(t, and 180 from north toTouth^ at the broadcfi parr, is level, with the exceptions of the isolated moun* tains of Montreal^ Beialt and Chambly. Nearly in the middle of this traft of countrjr, flows the St« Law^ rence^ varying from a mile to upwards of twenty mile* in breadth) navigable for vefles of 300 tons 6oa miletf from the fei, and receiving on the north the waters of the Otfawa, PAchigan, the St. Maurice, the Batifcan, the falnte Anne, and the |<«cquss Cartier, and on the fnuth, the Chambly, the Yaii.alka, the faint Francii; the Nicolet, the Becancour, and the Chaudiccf, all ot- which, in Europi», woulvl bt r.nked ai rivers of great magnitude, Tlie 1out« f s of Ai tliefe rivers, excepting the Ottowa anil^tl.e Ch^iully, lie, cgnfidcrably, to the \: ' 'J ( ,*8o -) eait of their emboochures* They havci gener. aliy, high banks, along which the foil and growth of tihiber is inferior to that of the country futher back. AH ofthemy excepting whetethty are nearly on a level With the faint Lawrence, have a fecond bank at fome d'fl^aiice from that which now contains their waters j the fame thing is obfervable of the faint Lawrence.— The waters of none of thefe fivers are clear, excepting the saint Lawrence itfelf, which, before its jun£tlon with the Ottawa, con$fts of the rooft tranrparcnt wa- ter in the world. ^ The Soil on both fides of the faint Lawrence, in the Weftern portion of the tra^ of country above defcribed, is, for the mod part, clayey, without ftones, excepting here and there globular mall'es of granite, lying on ths furface. Newly cleared land is, invariably, coveted with \ dark mould, produced by dlHolved vegetable fub^^an- ces. As you approach the mountains, the, foil is n^ore Tight and loamy j thefe lands are the eaiieft to be clear- ed, and are at firfl very produdive ^ towards Quebec the foil is poorer, frec^^uently ftony or ihlngly, and theie are large trails of fandy foil, covered wiih only a very ilight coating of the vegetable mould. The ncioun- tiins, generally, ronfift of granite ; though there arf, 'thiroughout the country, extenfive ftrata of limeftone, and not unfrequeatly ftones having the appearance of volanic production. The part of the country in cultU vation, confifts of from one to five leagues back, on both banks of the St. Lawrence, and of the river^ which ^mpty intoit; there arealfofettlements along the boun- dary of the United States from the Connecticut River to tlie faint Lawrence, at St. Regis. The reft of the coun- try, to the very tops of the mountains, is covered with timber of a fpecies and growth congenial to the foil* The Climate of Canada, refembles that of the coun- tiies or the cofitin»-nt of 1' uro^e fituated from lO to 15 * degrees further north. The temperature upon Fab- Tcnlielt's fcale, varies at prcfciit h^m about 30 below I- ; I' ( >«i ) leroy to between 90 and xoo above it* la common years the cold doei not exceed zo below zero» and the heat from 80 to 90. About 60 or 70 years ago, the extreme of cold ufed to be ftatcd at 30 degrees below freezing9 of Reamur» or 36 below o of Fahrenheit*—- The variationy in a few minutes, in the winter feafon, has been known to be upwards of fifty degrees* It ia frequently, in a few hours, 30 degrees. A remarkable inftaoce of vM-iation happened on the i8th Jan* 18 10, when the thermo.neter ftood a few degrees below tem- perate, and was almoft inftantaneoufly down to below z?ro. The change of temperature in the fummer fea* fon, is alio frequently very abrupt. Thefe changes are generally accompanied with a change of wind ^ only two of which can be faid to prevail in the country> the eafterly and wefteriy. In all ftorms of eafterly wind, and almoft at every other time, the upper ftrata of clouds, when vifible, is ntovei by a wefterly wind. In winter, the eafterly wind inclines more to the north* ea(l, and the wefletly to the nortlv.welU Throughout the whole extent of Lower*Canada, a flight degree of froft lometimes happens in the fummer months.-*** There is a material difference of temperature b'Stween the eaftern and weilern divifions of the country. This difference is difcernible at between 20 and 30 leagues (60 to 90 miles) above Quebec ; beyond that, to the wsflward, agricultural labour may be profecutcd, ai d vegetation is a£live, during nearly feven months in the year^ round Quebec, it i^ rarely pra^icable for more than fix months, at the expiration of which, the foil iv frozen, or covered with fnovv, and vegetation dor- mant. This period, for the weitern diviHon, is from the 15th November to the 15th April 5 for the eaftern, from the id Nov. to the iH May. About a month from the renewal of vegetation, the apple trees are in full bioffom, and the verdure ot the wheat fields and mcadowi wave in the wind. All forts of grain arc fown in th? fpring. ihe wheat ft'ft, and then peat and k\ ( iS> ) •ati. The fori of wheat moft generally fown, u ripe in /our months frcm the time of fowing ^ there it, however, another fpecirs, a bearded wheal, which ti. pens in three months; the time oats require. Fair and Ibul weather were formeily more diftin^ than they are at prefent )Cold and warm weather were ltd, intermixed^ and the winds lefii variable* This alreration is not con. Bdtttdf in Canada, as an improvement of the ciimate. ^ Ail the vegetable FroduSiiont which thrive in the same latitudes in Europe, profperin Canada, whene'er they have been introduced, and cultivated with judg* ment and care. The exccfsof heatin fummer, makes up for the deficiency of time. Melons are brought to maturity in the open air, without the aid of artificial heat* Wheat is the chief agricultural production of Lower-Canada* It affords the principal vegetable food of the inhabitants. Hitherto, it has been cultivated more in uiat view, than as an article of foreign trade* The many accidents to which this grain is liable, re- quires that a quantity fufficient to afford a fupply ia the event of a bad year, be fown every year. When a good year happens, there is then a great furpluj ; and it is of the produce of (uch years, that the moft exten- five exporOitions have been made. There is befides no certainty of an excenfive foreign demand. Spain and Portugal and the Weft Indies, are'the moft fteady mar« kets \ but the natural difadvantages which Canada la- bours under, prevent her from ftanding a competition In thofe markets with the United States. It rouft be obferved, however, that the quantity of wheat fown by each farmer, is, generally, to the extent of his pre* Cent means. Thefe can only be increafed by more en« larged views, which would lead to greater efforts, and judicious improvements hi his fyitem, or rather rou- tine, of cultivation. The greateft quantity of wheat eyer exported from Canada, was in i8o2* It amount- ed jto 1,010,033 bufhels. There were befides exported that yMr« 28,301 barrel»:oft flour, and 2£,65i cwt* ( »83 ) ^bftcult* Animtl food has generally been furniflied in abubdaace in L, Canada. The proof of this is, that the price has been much lower here than in any oxhtt part of North America. But, for four or five years back, the demand for lumber from Canada^ the confer i|uent high price of labour* the increafe of confumei-s* and the ftagnation of the American trade, h;>9 effected a great rife in the price of this article, as well as ot vegetable food, and enabled foreigners to enter into compftition with the Inhabitants of Canada, even in their own markets* The value of the exportations from the St. Lawrence in 1810, has been eftimated b/ mercantile nfien, at i ,20o^ocx? pounds fterling, incl«id-i ing diA>urremr:its of fliips employed in the trade, th^ numberof which wa'^^ 661, men 6578, tonnage 143.893* and alfo the value of 5896 tons of new ihips built in the Province^ A contiderable proportion of the pro- duce of the United States, and all the Furs obtained in rhe Indian Countries, are included in the general a- mount* The price of labour, in the towns, for four years pad, may be eftimated at ^* (four. fifths of a dollar) per day, throughout the year ; one half of which fum has been paid for board and lodging. Bread has been ac aboi ^ 2|d* per lb. and beef 5d. Canada wat Disccvered iu the year 1535, ^V J*cques Cartier* a native 0/ St. Mitlo, in France. He had ex- plored the Gulph of St« Lawrence the preceding year, and carried off k*rom Gafpe (Gachepe) two of the na« tives of the country round Qi^^bec. The next year they ferved him as interpreters. On the 8th Septem* ber, 1^35, he arrived in his boats at Quebec, in fearcb of a pUe« to lay up his veflels for the winter, and he Hxed upon the River St. Charles. On the 14th, his veiTels, the Grande Hirminey of 120 tons* the Petite Herm'tnef of 60, and the Emet'tllon^ of 40 tons, arrived from the lower end of the Ifland of Orleans, where he bad left tbein. On the 16th he laid up the two iax|eft r 1.* I I' ! 111 I i ".f i unr-if If M:^il ( «84 ) to Winter, and on the igth proceeded in the Emerillon towards Montreal } but ieft her ac the upper end of Lake St. Ferer, uni arrived at Hoebelagay the n^m' of the Indian town then at Mootrealj on the u October. On Tuefday the 5th he left it^ and anivca on Mondar the I ith at the H^rbcftir of St. Croix^ the name he had ^iven to the mouli oi the River St. Charles, in honour i>f the Saint wholV anniverfary is celebrated on the day his velTels firil arrived there. On the 15th Nov. his i fliipt were ff<.zen i;i, and the whole river, fv'>on after, • WAS frozen over t'> above Montfea'* About the a2d '<' Febt 1536, it was again navigable for canoes. On the ' 15th April His vefleL were difengagfd from the ice. On the 3i May, he ftlzed on the twa natives whom be . had t< leaving one of his. veHrU difinantled in the Little River, for want of hands twenty- Ave of them having perifli. ? cd during the winter, by an unknown malady. He *' failed from Cape Raa(^, in Newfoundland, on the 19th ^ June, and on the 16th July he arrived at St. Malo« All the foregoing d ttes, it ihould be obferved, are Old Srile, and require ten days to be added to each, to cor- refpond with the fame dates at prefent. Jn 1540 a Governor (Roberval) was appointed for Canada, and fettlers fent out. Cartier was made Captain-Ceoeral and Pilot of the veilels employed on the occasion ; but Roberval fixed upon Ca^e Breton for a fettiemenb-— • There Cartier remained feventeen months, ard then re- - turned to France with a ruined fortune, and died foon afterwards. In 1588, his nei)hews, Deblaunaye Cha^ ton, and Jacques Noel, obtained an excluiive privilege to trade to Canada for l% years, as an indemnitication for the lodes their uncle had fuflained ; but this pri' vilege was revoked four months after it was granted, in 1598 a Sieur de la Roche, Marquis de Cotteomea!, obtained a commiiiioti to conquer and fettle the coun* ( «8s ) try : he lindcJ Tiity ffttlfri at thr Uh aux Sib)«r« and loon goc back to France, where he was tlirown into pri- fon at a private fuit. At the end o( five ve«rs, twelve of them, all that furvivrd, were taken ofF the ifland. In 1603, Pierre Duj^ua, Sieur De M( nts, obtained, for hintfeU and aflbciates, an exclofive privilege to trade frofn Cape R«se tolat. 40. He maJe a £et kmcnt at Fort Koyai, (Aonapolii) in the B^y of Fundy ; but in 1607 his privilege was revoked, ;«nd his feulers re- turftcd to France. De Monts, however, obtained a con- tinuation of hispiivilfge for another year^ on condition to fettling up the Saint Lawrence : and on the 3d July, 1608 Samuel Je Champtain, a Ceograf>he du Rot^ and rommiliioncd by De Moots, founded Qurbrc. Cham- plaint fettlement foon after obtained powerful protec* tors in the French Court, and he was continued at the head of it till hia death in 163$* The country, however, continued under the government of eidufive companies till 1663, when it fell under the Royal Government. In 1667 ^^'^ Xtz^t was allowed, excepting in the expoi- tationof Beaver Skins From thefe periods the colony began to profper. In 1679 the population was S500 fools ; but it foon afterwards canrie to the biink of deftrudtton t Champlain had early engaged in war, in favor if the St. Lawrence Indisrs, a^ainit thofe in- habiting the countries to the fouth we(^, with whom the former had been at war even before Cartier^s arri< val in IS35« His cbjcd was to ingratiate himself with the Indian^, and obtain a knowledge rf the coun- try« After the Dutch and Engliih had fettled at New. York and in New England, the fouth- weftern Indians^ or Iroquois, got arms from thetr, and foon proved an overmatch for the French and their allien ; many of the latter they almoft totally extirpated. In 1689 they exterminated nearly all the inhabitants on the ifland of Montreal. Throughout the country, the French were only faved by their fortifications. The irrupt;ioos L3 ,: I" ii i|: u ;m , ( ^«6 ) op tht Iroquois ofi«n'extenntinu?d, a ttrrrtble fcourge to the.Engtifh fectlements. in 1619 it was in the pes* session of the Englifh, but was rel^ored by treaty, in l'6$2f neither paity then fetting any value on it. In 1^90 a formidable Engliih expedition made an attempt upon Quebrc, but it failed, nftcr landing the troops at the Canardierf, near the cicy. Another was fruitraled by Shipwreck, at the S^.r^n J (lands, near th? mouth of theRiver,in lyii. Novj Scotia w90 ) •r confiderabie time in that quarter. Beyond tha|» jthey had n* iucceis ; ajid it is to this mifcalculation, that they o\vc;dAUeir tailure. The garrilon of Q^Cm bee* during the liege, coniilled of about 300 recruits and marines, 400 leamen, and 800 militiamen, ia all, ISOO. The bcficgeis, to the 31il Dec. coofuled €>f about the lame number. From that lime, to the 111 of March, they did not exceed 700 elFedtive men« In March they had about I8.A>, in April 2000. Ac tht time of the evacuaiioii ol the Province, they had about 8000 men; but the Britifh army then amounted to 13,000. Since that time, to the pre. fent, Canada has not \viiue(rv:d the preleace of an enemy. The Popuhfion of Canada, at the time of the con- queft, was about 60,000 fouls, including the whole of the Icttlements to Detroit. At prelVnt, the po- pulation of Lower-Canada ts edimated at 400,000, about feven-eighths of which are of French defcent, and profefs the Roman Catholic Religion ; the othef eighth is ^bmpoi'ed of Engliih, Irilh, Scotch, Ger- mans, Americans, and their Jt Icendants. Of thefe, the Americans aie now the moft numerous ; thtf next the Scotch, Till recenily, the latter have car- ried on nearly all the exterior trade of Canada. They now divide it with the Englilh, Irilh & Americans. There is hardly an inllauce ol the French defcen- dants, who are, almoll exciufivciy, called Canadians in th in the vicinity of Three Rivers. The landholder!! arc nioiily Canadians, or of Cana- dian connexions. 'Ihc lands granted by the Crowni |ince 1796. are chieily h^.J jy BritiHi apd Ameriw 4 ( i9« ) cans, and fettled by the latter.* Though thefe lands are very extenfive, tliey are. not, as yet, of great value. Almoft the whole of the farmers are Canadi- ans. Very fev/ of them hold upon leale. They are the owntrs of the foil ; i'ubjedl only to a very incon« fiderablc annual rent to ihe Seigneur, or pcrfon hold- ing imi icdiately from the Crown, and a fine of a twelfth upon a change of proprietor by fale, or a6l cquiva ent to a fale ; one-fourth of which twelfth is ufually deducted upon fpeedy payment. The other conditions attached to th? tenure, are in no wife burlhenfome, according to the exiillng pradhce. They chitfly conlllt in having their grain ground at the leigneui lal mill, paying one. fourteenth for grinding, and in making and repairing the high- vvays palling through their land, and alhiting in the bye-roads neceilary for the ufe thereof. Lands held by Roman Catholics, are alfo lubject to the payment of a Tythe of a twcnty-fixth part of all grain, for ihe ule of the Curate, and lo alftfffments for the building and repair of Churches 8c PaJonage Hou- fcs. The trades people, principally, coniill of Ca- nadian , and Britiih lettiers lince the Conquelt, and their delcendants. Labourers are almoft exclufively Canadians. The mafs of the Canadian population may, however, be laid to be agricui.uralifts- Th«rc is no happier people in the word. Their labour af- fords them che neceffaries of life t no part of it u tik- en from them, hut what th?y conlider as being for their ■ ■'* By Amrricjnx, is generally undcrftood, the natives of the United States of America, whofe parents or themfclves, did not adhere to the Royal Caiifc, during the American war, or ^!io have resided in that country since the peace of I78g. Ttvey are, however, considered as being permitted to set- tle in Canaila, and become Iiriti(h suhjefts, under the Acl I5 Geo. II. cap. 7. intituled, " An Att for naturalizing such *' Forciga PrDtestants, and others therein mentioned, as .ire • * settled, or shall seulc, in any of His Majesty's Colonic* ftt ♦* Aivcrica," — -'»"^ • -■ - - - t-'..- --'^'i ; ^ - L6 it ?( i ■ i ; ! & i, j 1: !' I Hi'; i!; i ;i: i!i IH ilii if >j; 'III Ilii ( 192 ) own ufe. Amongft them^ ambition and vanity rarely create unreal wants, nor envy fours real enjoyments* in t'he ordinary ftate of human happinefs, they are cheerful and lively. To evils beyond rheir controal, they fubmit with refignatlon. They arc ftrongiy at- tached to their religion, their country, laws, cuftoma anJic reafons and ads. only from his own experience, hi? feelings, or fome long received maxims. He is ex- trernely mii>ruflful of what he reads or hea?, particu. lar^y when it does not come from thofe nf his own clafs. |i) fpirltuai concerns, he is guided by his Curate 5 whO;| «IP ( «93 ) if he wiilies to /tand well with hiniy muft meddle with nothing elfe* The Sovereign of Canada i? the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of which Cana- da \i a depeiidancy. His aurhority i;* limited by the Laws of Grrat Br tain, and by the Capitulations of the Province. Tiie sovtreign legislative authority y is in Hia Majefty and the two Houles of Parliament. This au- thority, is agai" Ii«niced, by the Capitulations^ and its own Ads J "ihe moil remarkable of which i?, the Aft iSch Geo. III. cap. 12. confirmed by 3 ill Geo. UK cap. 31. whtcl) declares that no taxes ihiU be impofed on the Colonies but for the regulation of trade, and that the proceeds of fich taxes, ihail be applied to and for the ufe of the Province, in fuch mann::r as ihUl be di- reded by atiy law or laws which may be made by His Majefty, his Heirs or ^ccefTors, by and with the ad- vice and confentof the Lcgillative Council and Aflem- bly of the i-'rovince. The Provincial Legislature, e- reded by the ?.for'la!d Ad> 31ft Geo, 111. cap. 31, (1791) confilh of His Majeily, ading by the Gover- nor, or perfon adminiftering th?. Government of the Province for His Majel^y j of a Legiflative Council, of not lefs than 15 members, ap^)ointed by His Majesty for life, under li)rT>e exceptions j of a Houje of Atfem- bly, of not Icls than 50 members, elede^i for 4 years, by His Majefty*b fubjt-d^ resident within the Pjovinc?, anJ pofTtfTed, for their own uie and benefit, in the Coun- tie<;, of real pro;ierry to the yearly value of 4.0/. fterling j in the Towns, of the yearly value of £^ iterlinj, or paying rent to the a-nount of j^io fterlirg. It i^ em- powered to make hws for " the peace, wel/aie and good government" of the Province, fuch laws not being repugnant to the above Ad. Ths Governor, in His . Majefty's name, afPembles, prorogues, and difl'oivcjs, the Two Houfes, They muft be called together once in every twelve calendar month?. AUqueltions ariftng I \n either of the two Houfesi are decided by the majority 4 -„■! I ilfiii ( I9'4 ) of the members prefenc. The Governor gives, with- holdsy and referves far the further fignification of Hit Majefty*s pleafare, the R )y^l Sandlion to Bills propofipd by the two other Branches. Laws alfented to by the Governor^ may be difallsiwed by His Majefty withirr two ye^rs. ^\s Majedy cannot ailent to any A£l or A£ts affedting the enjoyioent of the Dues of the Clergy of the Church of R «me, or affecting the eftabliibment of the Church of England within ihe Province, or the |irovi(ians made for the fam?, or the enjoyment or cx^ crcifc of any religious furm or mode of worihip, or cre« atiog penalties, burthens, difabilittes or difquaiificatlons on that account, cr granting or impoiing any new Dues in favour of any Miniders or any form of worfhip, or aflfedling the prerogative Couching the granting ot' the wade hnds of the Cruwn, without fuch A£ls having been 30 days bef )re both Houfes of the Britifh l*^rlia« meat, and neither of the Houfes having addretled His Miyefty not to fandion the fame. The Laws in force in Lower-Canada, are : i(V, The A^s of the Bntifh f^arliament wj>ich extend to the Colonies. 2d. Capi- tulations and Treatie # 3d. The (^aws and Cultoms of Canada, founded principally on the Cuftoraof Paris, the £di<5ls of the French ICings, and their Colonial Au- thorities, a:)d the Roman Civil Law. 4th. The Cri- minal Law of ^ngland, as it iliood in 1774, and as ex- pained by fubfequent declaratory Statutes. 5th. The Ordinances of the Governor and Council, eftabliih.ed by the A^ of th^c yearj and, 6th. the Afts of the provincial Lpgifliture fince 1793. Thefe Laws are executed in His Majefty's name, and, in virtue of his Commis- sion arjd Inflrucliions, by the Governor, or nerfon adminiftering the government, by tiie means of a pumbqr of inferior officers, ait of whom, with a few exceptions, he appointsduring pleasure. The Governor alfo poffefles all other power* and prerpgatives» generally, which His Majefly may legally enjoy, and delegates to him. The JuJiriary confiiis of a pbief JulUcc of the Pro- vince, and three Puisne J uftices for the Diftri£^ of Quebec, a Chief Juftice and three Puifne Juftices for Montreal, a Proviru. ciM Judge for Three.Rivers, and one fbr Gafpe. The Policy ii admrr^ifteTcd by JuMces of the Peace. \ 1: >lic« I ring ccrs, surCt 1 ;atea Pro- :c, a vin» k 'M ,».?« [ »95 ) I May 1^63 Z3 Sept 1665 XI Sept. ld7» 9 Oa. i68£ 3 Aug. 1685 2SN0V. 1685 14 Sept. 1699 17 Sept. i7o| 1 Sept. 1726 25 Sept. 1747 16 Aug. 1749 7 Aug. 1752 |(? July, 1755 21 Nov. 1761 30 Jane 1760 JLifl of Govt RVi OILS of Capada^Jince the Province wen ereSed into a Royal Government, in 1663, and the time when they began to govern m Sienr de Mefy Sieur de Cource;le3 m Sf€ur de Frontenac Sieur de la Barre - • Sieur Marqois de N'onvilie • S'lztt de Frontenac - • Sieur ChevaiJier de Cailieret Le Sieur Marquis de Vaudreuil Le Sieur Marquis de fieauharnois Sitiur ComCe de ia Giliffioniere Sieur de ia Jonquiere Sieur Marques dii Qtiefne deMenneville Sieur de Vaudreuil de Cavagnai Jaones Murray • • Paulus Emiiius k'vine (Prefidenf) Coy Carleton^ Lt* Gov. & Com.inCh- 24^ept. 1766/ Guy Carieton» - - 26 0£t.. 176^ Hedor T. Cramahe, (Prefident) 9th Aug. 177O Guy Carlcton, - - nth Oft. 1774 Frederick HaUimand, - - 1788 Henry Ha.nilton, Lt. Gov. and Com. in Co, 1784 jHenry Ho^, Lt. Gov. and Com. in Ch. 17,35 Lord Uorchil^er, Governor Genl. 1786 Alure'd CUrke, Lt. Govr. and Com. inCh. I791 Lord Dorchetlcr, - 24 5ept. 1793 kobert I'refcott, - - 1796 $ir Robert S. Milnes, Bart. Lt. Gov. 3 ill Ju'y, 1799 Hon. Thomas Dtinn, (PrrliJcnr) 3»*^ J"ly> 1805 $ic J. H. Crarg, K- B. Gov. GenU 24' h Oct. 1807 Hon. Thomjs Dunn, (Prefident) 19th june, 181 1 Sir George Prcvolt, Bt. G'^vr. Gcnl, 14th Sept. 181 ^ Sir Gordon Drummond, K. C. B. Ad« mi niftrator in Chiefs - « 4ih April, iS 15 John Willon, Adminiftraor, 22^ May, 18 16 Sir J. C. Sbcrbrookf, G.G.B. Gov.G'. I2ihju»y,i8i6 '!'' Ii ",i 311 n^f'; ii'ii ( '96 ) The folliwing U a Lift of the Counties in the Province of *' Lower Canada ; nv'ttb their refpeBinfe boundaries^ the parifhes comprehended in each^ and the number of re" frejentati'ves affixed by bis Excellency the Lieutenant Govern^r^s Proclamation dated the jtb May, I79Z. Gafp/f commencing at the aorth^fide of Chaleuri Bay, and all tht Bay of Gtfpe, and all the tradt on the fouth-ihoreof the river st. Lawrence pending north-ea^ £de cf Cape Cat.—- Pariihes, none.— 'Members^ one. Cornivallis, Beginning north-eaft (ide of Cape Cat, ending weft bounds of st. Anne* — Fariflies. Matane, Rimouiki, Bic, Cacnnt, IfleYerte, Trois Pidoles, Ri. viere dcs Caps, Riviere du Loup, Kamouralka, Riviere Ouelle, ste. Anne.— Menrjbers, two. Devon, Beginning wed bounds of st. Anne^s ; end- ing weir bounds river du Sud.— PariHies. st. Roc, st. Jean, lilet. Cape st. Ignace, I-He aux Grues, st* Tho. mas. '—Members, two. Hertford^ Beginning weft line of th? feigniory of riviere du Sud) ending north-eaft bounds of Lauzon.-—Pari(h- es* Berthier st. Pierre, st* Francois, st. Valier, st. Mi. chel, St. Gervais, Beaumont, st. Charles.— Mem. two. Dorchefler, Beginning northr* •" r *a »«' «^9 S!L •*• !_• a* ** 2 § o «• (t M d. M O o w c — « 5 H 1 ^ 3 § fl» • 2 u. CO P IS c — t^ n "I 10 ft' c — n c i w- 9 P < 01 g n» A, n S c (= o p o tr "1 M I— * " P < — i O Ou « G* 3. ♦— ^ .^ ri p o rsg- ^"" ^H ** 2 , " >. I..A. ^ S Rtv. Montreal Quebec. ^^ 5* Q O Q »» O O 3* > o : S : V ~ bo : o — . • I to •— . 0) I 10 : o : (o : o : o M I CO I CO ; to : • i' : o o •-» fij w) O - ^ 2^ lo : » * • CO : »o o : o »o w3 ca lo o o O P .». • £ ^ • 5 Q 7 «> - 3 cm OK »— ( O V* * • o: o: ca • ca c ( ca • o : to ca to o »o ca »o O O p to |> CO 3. O — &} 50 «^ g-- ^ a » B CO n:: o r to : o !C0 CO n *73 mm "^ Si. 10 o o I t ca : »o o : o (0 ca O o * c» to o I :^ w CO o to 09 o to o^ §? W w O W CO O O G CO O w c cr> mil . i'li i-f ;ii 1; • III II S r. o ( 200 ) Purftonnes CommUiionn^eK pour recevoir lei AQiUa* vies, pour let Coura Civilesdu District de ^u^bcc. '* Aug, Trudi 1, I>iKP m P^ix A Rimoiitkt, Prtpr, jlitto ik Pile Verte, H.ifih^l i'arlic*, Hln, Not.iirc 4 St. Andre*, FrtCchat Taclie', pt-rc, Y^tS" ^ ^a\x k Riimuaraaka, Aug Dtonnc, ditto \\ l.i liivitre Oiicllr, I.4iuli. Smith, ]ici(;ncur a >ie. Anne U Pocaticre, ^ Ri-nii Tiu/c, Nutairc a ditto. " A. Dr (;arpc, Ju^c a Paix i St. Jean Port Joll, Simon 1 ralor, Notairc a ditto, Clit. Rivrrin, |vi:{c a Paix au Cap ^t. Igaace, N. (i. lUolfcaii, N.itairc ^ li. Thuioas» J, C. I.ctouinraii, ditto k ditto. C Louis Diiniirc, fr.iuycr, tl Bcrthier, I |. Fiiifcr, Major dc Milicc 4 St. Francois Riv. dd Sad. • A, He Lauandicrc, Kcuycr, i St, Valicr, < A. I.ariK , Notairc A illtto, r A. Coiiillard de Rcaumont, F.ciiyer, i Beaumont* j I.oiiii I'urRCOn, Notairc 4 St. Charlct, ^C Aiidet, Capit. dc Milicc a St. Gcrvail* f. noiichcr, Ni>tairc4 St. Mcnri, J. \^'als}l, Nttf.iirc a Stc. Marie, !'. Tas-h'Tcaii, J"ge a Paix a ditto, ]. n. Ttlly NncI, Jugo a Paix a St. Antoine de Tilly. I-uiiis Cuay, Notairc a ditt<», A. De Lai-fjcvrotictc ditto a Lotbtnidret J. Bfc. I.emay, Jiige a Paix a ditto* ' |. l>e L.^vhcvrotiirc, Capit. dc Milire a Deschambaaltt I,. I)c L:i(»orpendiire Ecuyer, a ditto, tCh«. Clicnic, Notairc an Cap Sante, G. Walter Alfopp, June a Paix a ditto, V. >C. Larue, Notaire a Ncuville. fL. Brrnicr, Notairc at) Chateau Richer, .1 , |. M. Poiitin, Ecisycr, a St. Joachim, J L. Relair, Jnge a Paix a la Raie St. Paul, J <». Chiperon. Ernyer.a ditto, ^ hi4orc J-cvcfijuo, Notairc aux Ebaulem^a* ■J 3 P3 E »- c V. T.I '» -*", •vtiir.* *<.i At- iii •! .Ml,"?/ ,)il H) 'i 6 9 C «^« ) DUTIES payable in this Piovincc under fcveral A^ts of the Parliament of Greit Britain, viz: 25th Ciiarlbj II. ch.ip 7. Stfrlg. On G'Dger - pr. cwt. o 1 o Logwood > do* 5^0 Fuftick aridalltiyiog wood do. 006 Tobacco pr. lb. cot Indigo do. 002 Cocoa Nott do. o u 1 6th. Geo. II. cliJi>. 13. On foreign Sugars or Pannclles pr. cwr. 4th. Cio. HI. chip. 15. On foreign white or clayed Sii;;ars pr, c\v, o Ditto ln(tigo. |jr. lb. o Ditto Coffee. do. cwt. o Madeira 1 Fayal JWinct. Tencriffc j From Great J Portugal Spa- Britaio. ( nifli and otiicr ^ 6 Geo. HI. chap. 52d. On Britifli plaatatioo CoA'ce, pr. cwt. O Mo^uties . . . pr. Gal. o Britifli Pimento pr. lb. o 14 Geo. III. chap. 88* For every gallon ot liraudy or otiier Spirits of the manut'aiSurc of Grtat Britain - - 003 For every gallon of Rum or other Spirits which (hal! be imported or brought from any of hi& Maje(ly*s Sugar Colonies in the Wet ladies — •- 00 Jorcvcry gallon ofRuin or other Spirit' which ^ ikAl be imported or broughcfrom any olher ^ of his Majei}y*s Colonies or domioitinfti n , /imciica — — • O ^ 22 o 59 pr. Tun 7 o Wines, do. o 10 7 o o 1 I.! . Hi ( «>« ) Fer every gallon of foreign Brandy, or other Spirits of foreign manufadture importtd or brought from Great Britain — For every gallon of Rum or 'Spirits ofthepro. duce or manufacture of any of Th ^' 005. ^f. I x% ADDITIONAL DUTIES laid on Provincial Parliament ; A6ls 33d ij. Cap> 8, 35th. Geo, III. Cap, ^41 !L Geo. III. Cap. 14. Forever; gallon foreign Brandy or other Spi- ritf* of foreign manufacture Fc. , very gallon Aum or other Spirits except Bi'titb manufaiStured Spirits, imported ft im Gr^at Britain or Ireland For every gallon of Molailes and Syrups for ;v;ry gallon Madeira Wine, by one Aft 4d> by another 2d — • For every gallon other Wine, by one A€t id by another ivl - - for every pound Loaf of Lump 5ugar 00^ by the Gio. 9.. and •at' C»V> 00 3. o o S o o 3. o o x^ -nrf ( 203 ) For every pound Mufcovado or Clayed Sugar For every pound Coffee - , <-h. • For every pound Leaf Tobacco ^ For every pack of Playing Cards For every mlnot of Salt On SnufF or Hour of Tobacco p« lb. On Tobacco manufadtured in any other way than into Snuft* or flower or . powder, - - - o o o o o a 4 I o o o o o o z X 2 4 4 o o DEDUCTION or WEIGHT. On Coffee Bags or Bales, 3 pounds for every loolb* In Calks 12 ditto. for every looib. Mufcovado and 7 in Cafks or Boxes, 12 pounds for Clayed Sugar \ every icolb. Loaf and Lump Sugar in Ca/ks or Boxes, 15 pounds for every loolb. Leaf Tobacco in Caflcs — 12 pounds for every ^ icolb. Leakage on IVines, Spirit ous Liquors and Mo*. Three Gallons on every Hundred Gallons. ' ' Waftt of Articles fubjeEl to Duties by Weight. An allowance of three pounds on every hundred pounds On Salt— an allowance of waile of three Minots oa 1 every 100 Minots. ^alt landed below thepaft Bank of the River Sague. "^ nai, on the north fide of the St. Lawrence and below the eait Bank of the River of the Grand Mitis on the fouth iide is not fubje6l to duty. ; DRAWBACK. ' There Jball be aiioiued by the ColleEicTy four pence en every BuHiel of Salt exported from tlv. Port of Quebec to any place beyond riie above Limits 'ill!,! '• i; ' /"M ■^_^'''' i ( 204 ) Seven pence on every Tierce of SaUnon, and four pence on every Barrel of faited Beef or Pork, or fUtcU Fifhof any foit exported from this Pruvince. New and A Mt tonal Duiies, New and add'.tional Dutjes impofcd by the Provinci- al A£^ 45th Geo. 3d, cap. 13, intituled, << An A61 tf> « provide for the eredting of a Common Gaol in eacti «* of the Diftridts of (iutbec and M .'ntieai refpedlivt:' <' ly, and the means for defraying the Expence^ thcre- « o\r • On Bohea Tea, per Ih. 2d, 4^. ^^ Souchong or other Black Teas, Hyfon Tea, - Ali other Gieen Teas, Sp'rits, or other ilrong liquors per EngliHi g;illt)n, - - - ^d. Wines, - • do, {d, MoiaHes and Syrops, do, • id. All Gonds, Wares, Merchandifes and EfFcds (with cert lin exceptions,) that /hall be put up to Aud^ion or Outcry, 2^ per cent on the va- lue at which laid goods &c. iball be fold or adjugcd. * • New Duties — Thofe on Spirits, Wines, Molaf- ^' fes and Syrops, are in addition to what is al- ready im poled upon ihem ' The Dutiev impcfed by the i:bove A£i are to con- tinue (or f;;c years from the pafl'i.jg thereof, a;,» : the 25th March 1805 J and are to be r&ifed, levied and tolie£\ed, and paid in tte fame manner and ft»r;ii, and tinder the fame Rule? and Rtgul-^tir/ns, Penalties and Forfeifures, a^' art* by Law now eC.ablifhed for th; levy- ing :ii.J colicdling of other Rates and Duties, with the fam*" allowance foi lea 'cage and for the waftc of articles jpy vkcighr> fubje^ fo tUe iaiU Duties. ( ioj ) ad four r fated rov!nci* ^ Aft ta in ertcti pcdtive- '.:, therc- v« r f. • 2d. ,d IflFcas be put up n the va- e (old or i, Mohf- lat is al- to con- ;.» : the :vied and ilties and th? levy, with the If articles A Duty of txvo and a half per cent, on the Invoice Value of ALL ooooi imported, not already fub- jedl to duty, excepting Saltec- Beef and Porlc, Salt Fifh, Fifli Oil, Wheat and Hcaff , Furs and Skins. I i Fees to be taken by the Offiurs of Cujlcms at the Port of St. John*s according to the or* der of the Governor and Council of the "jth July, 1796. For every Report of the arrival of and permit to unload any vefTei, Boat or Bateau under iive tons burthen. - 1/3 For ditto of any veiTel, Boac or Bateau of five Tons or upwards and not exceeding fifty tons burthen - - - 276 For ditto cf any venfel exceeding fifty tons burthen - - loj For ditto any Waggon, Cart, Sleigh or other Carriage - - - 44/ For every entry of Goods imported by water communication - - 1/3 For do. of do. fubje^ to duty by any Cart, Sleigh or other Carriage . . 6d For every Bond for payment of Duties - 2/6 By a fubfequent order o( the Governor in Ccuncil of the 22d Auguil 1797, the following Additional Fees are allowed at the Port of St. John^s. For every Report of the departure o^ any veffel, boat or bateau under five tons burthen, towards the Uni> ted States of America, fubje^ to be reported at the Cuftom Hovfe of the Port of Saint John's by the Order of His Excellency the Governor in Council bearing date the feventh day of july, one thoufand feveii hundred and ninety flic • - C^ ^ % ' I ( ao6 ) For ditto of any veiTel) boat or bateau of five Tons or upwards, and not exceedin|; ^ fifty Tons burthen, o 2 .6 For ditto of any vefTel, exceeding fifty Tons burthen - - o lo o For ditto of any waggon, cart, fleigh or other carriage, - - 004 For every entry of Goods exported by wa- ter communication, - - 0x3 And if any OfHcer of the Cuftoms at the faid Port of Saint john*s, ihal) demand or receive any greater or other Fee, Compenfation or Reward, for executing any Duty or Service required of him by law, he fliall forfeit and pay the fum of fifty Pounds, for each of- fence recoverable in any of His Majelly's Courts of King^s Bench in this Province, to the ttf« of the party grieved* n. ' Z: iA ^ ( 207 ) WEIGHT and VALUE of GOLD and SILVER COINS Current in the Province, in Currency y and Livres and Sols, GOLD* Weight. dwCS •grs. S 6 2 15 I 18 18 9 6 18 1 1 6 5 »5 17 g 12 S 4 4 4 Currency. I o 4 2 I 2 I 3 II 7 o o 10 10 5 4 8 9i o o o o o Old Currency. Liv, Sols, Mil- > 3. $ O 6 o o 14 i7 2 18 S I 5 I 5 4 6 3 8 6 o o o 6 28 14 9 6t 96 48 36 60 30 Coins. Englijb, Portugue/e O American. A Guinea A Half d(K A Third do. A Johannes A Half do. A Moidore An Eagle A Half do. Spanijh and French. A Doubloon A Half do. A Louis D*or, CO. ) ined before 1793* ) A Pidole, do. do. SILVER Coins. A Crown An Engliih Shilling A Dollar A Pirtar.jen A Fr.Crown coiq ed before 1793 AFr. piece of 4liv 1 10 sols Tourtiois, y The American Dollar All the different denominationr> o? the above Coins pafs current. Two pence farthing is allowed for every grain underor over weight, on Engliih, Portuguefe and American Gold ; and Tivo pence and oneffth on Spa- ni(^ and French. — Payments in Gold above £20, may be made in bulk; Englifi>y Portuguefe and American at 89s. per o« ; French ana Spanijh at 87/84 j dcdudtiig half a grain for each piece. M » 89 44 47 21 6 I 6 I 6 S 8 »4 4 18 12 6 o 4 o 11 - ( 208 ) 9 9 turn any given Currency into any Currency required. Rule I • Let the value of the Spaniih Dollar be eY- preiTed in Shillings, or Pence, in each of the Cur- rencies, writing them in form of a Fradt'on, and making the \ "^^"^^'^^^ \ Currency the Numerator ) ^ . r- «.• Denominator 5 "f «'■'<= F^a'""- Reduce this Fraction to its Icaji terms j and it will ferve as a conftant Multiplier, by which any fum oi Xht given Currency being Multiplied^ it will be con* verteil into the Currency roquired. N. B. When the Fradtion is not an improper one the Multijjlier wi 11 becom e a D i v i for • ExAMP. To form a rule for changing Sterling at 4/6. pr. Dollar into New- York at 8/. pr. Dollar. Here Sterling is grvenf and Tork required: The Dollar in 5 York is 8/. or 96 Pence Numerator, ( Sterling 4/6. or 54 Pence Denominator. Therefore |-| is the Multiplier fought, which reduced to its leaft terms becomes ^^ or i^., therefore if Sterling be multiplied by 16 and divided by 9 the refult will be York, thus, y^ is the fame as 2 into |, but ^ is the fome as 1 Icfs ^, therefore 2 into ^ is equal to 2 into I lefs ^, which is that Rule, cxpref- fed fho rter thus, '^=2x|.==2xi^. en A !• • ^ C Currency or Halifax, add Toturnfterl.ngmtoJ^^^^y ' add Currency into |Army"w, . Army pay into j ^'J,');^*^^ AHalfJoeis^i 16 ofterl. 2 o ocur A Guinea is i i o 134 A Dollar is o 4 6 ^ 3 ^ dedua deduct dedua add I 17 4 I I 9 Q 4 ^ 1-9 1-27 I-IO 1.28 1-14 army ( »09 ) TABLE of Interist at 6 per Cent. TABLE d'Interets a 6 par Cent. I Week|M nth , 3 Mon. 16 Mon. I Year. s% d, qAi» dt q. J. d» q. ..- (i» q, i t. ^. ^. I 000 010 03 2 jo I 030 12 30 4'o 2 2 100 20 I I 23 a S'o I|0 3 130 3 X 6,0 I I 2 o|o 41 m ¥1 7,0 80 I 2 p I 1 I I 2 2,0 ^0 2 30 5 ^ 90 2 I 2 300 61 IQ 2 I 3 3 2,0 70 *' 1 ',0 I I 3 i 1 70120 -«* 2 30 2 3 2 I 3 5 7 10 J I 2 o| 2 4 92370 M Q 40 I 4 3 I 2 I z 42490 50 I 2 6 G I 6 3 00600 k3 o 60 I 3 ^ 7 I 9 2 3 70720 ^ 70 200 8 I 2 I 4 20840 80 2 I jo 9 2 2 4 3 4 92970 - 90 2 20 10 3 2 S I 5 421090 . 10 3 ^ I c 3 6. 001200 /•' . J.j/. . t. d„ /• 5. (i,\U S, d. /• s* d» • 200 6jo 2 6 6 J2 C II 4 u a 300 090 3 9 18 C I 16 'A 400 I t 4 12 I 4 280 o a. 50 Coo t I 70 160 5 6 15 18 I I 10 16 300 3 12 o 70JO 1 9 7 I I 2 2 440 ?5 80 200 8 I 4 2 8 4 16 H 90 230 9 I 7 2 14 580 100 c 2 6 10 oj I 10 3 6 Q looo I 5 OS oil 5 30 oj6a 9