Book No. Not Transfef EXPLANATORY KEY TO RATINGS. In all CREDIT Ratings, the following are taken into consideration. Character and habits of each member ^ if a firm. Nature of Business — hazardous or otherwiae. Busiuens capacity and phomi'txess in pat/ment. Capital or worth in proportion to business done, • Ncyotiabilitif of acceptances. KEY TO CREDIT. (Left Hand Column.) Al.. 1. 2. . . , llii^host Uridouhted .Very Iliorh Very Good 2^ (lood 3 Fair 3i Moderate 4 Very Limited * Credit not recommended witliout iiujulry BLANKS are h-ft vtiprc onr information does not Justify araliny, or opinions ivide. differ^ either as to cicdit or capital. 75,000 5o,(»0(» " 7:>o,ouo " 500,000 " 300,000 '• 200,000 " 100.000 KEY TO CAPITAL. (Right Hand Column.) A 1 A Million and over A a $750,000 lo a Million A 500,000 1 300,000 1,} 200,000 2 100,000 2^ 3 3* 4 4i 5 b\ 6 6i 7 7i 8 30,000 20,000 10,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 500 -^(^/y J^cM-lUZJ J-i .I'W 500 and under. I '■ i/ 7 3 UXPLANATION OF CORRECTION SHEET AND NUMBERS USED THROUGHOUT THE BOOK. uM.n*. I 1 Banliruptcy ({jniie into). 1 Uankruptcy ((.liscliargcd in). 1 I*>iiriu'eceast'd. L' Declines a statement. 2I)iNSolved. 2.1)i8tress of a rent suit. ^iOaob continnes. 2iKxtensioa (asking an). L'-Kxtonsion (meeting as it matures). 2!i:xtension (olit^iined an). Sil^xtension (partial). availed. .JJilven trust deed. SJIoretofore unsuccessful in business ; credit based on cliarao! ;jii»8ured. armiBured (not). 3()ludgment vs. him (or them). 31i.iquidaiion (in). a-^Hortvtage discharged. .■{;A[»rtgage foreclosed. 4(i\lortgage on Kea! Estate. 4]S'ot long enongh in business to warrant a rating. 4:' >n going to press had not sufficient details to rate intelligently, so do not rate at all. 4.'!)ut of business. 4JA.bscon ■\. i^ ,.r,->\.^T.;..jw..i kiA £tiii» 'CAiLP r,Ar,f\;ni\) ^i^Afti V7 ^+^ Biimo- hfOJltl'C^ll Uofltllhrll Libi'dni 380.03114- MSiittvo I I T \ \ i ■•■' MONTKEAL: HER PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. HER HISTORY, FROM 1535 TO 1889. » ^•» » ISSUED BY CHAPUT KRKRES, PROPRIETORS OF THE MERokktl^E AGENCY, 10 PLACE D'ARMES, MONTREAL. :vJ //■K"'-/01/ I 1 Entered according to Act of Parliament, in the year one thousand eight luuidred and ninetj^, by Cuaput Fkkres, in the office of the Mljiister of Agriculture and Statistics, at Ottawa. r.,- .'. i y i. t - •; t ..' . ::.:..;/ 956296 .JAjHT^'O' PREFACE. The Book wo present to our readers this year and to the trade in general is soniewliat an improvement on our previous publications. The amount of information it gives, and which is the result of a conscientious and arduous work, indicates that our agency is now on a perfect footing and in a position to render to the financial and commercial community the services they expect from us. It contains a Statistical and Historical Sketch carefully compiled of our commercial, financial and industrial institutions, banks, insurance companies and others of primary interest, and we firmly believe that this portion of our book w^ill meet the approval of all business men. Tliese improvements are also, in our opinion, a sort of expression of our gratitude towards our clients for their past encouragement and for the patronage we expect in the future. The portion of this book containing statistical and historical datas was gathered from various valuable publications, and from the " Star I' one of the most enterprising amongst Canadian papers. We are hopeful tliat this book for the year 18'J0 will meet with cordial reception from business men to whom it is specially dedi- cated. CHAPUT FEERES, Montreal. MONTREAL: HER PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. HER HISTORY FROM 1535 TO 1889. MoNTHKAl,, the Qiuion City of the St. Lawronco, and tho Commercial Metropolis of tho Duminion <>f (Simula, sits enthroned upon one of the finest sites of the eontinont of America, and indeed of tho worhl itself. Constantly reiterated testimony is liorne to tbo advantages which nature has lavished upon her, in her majojtic river, wooded heights and beautiful surroundings. As is well known, three 'hundred and forty-six years ago on tho 2nd October 1535, Jacques t^artier, with a .small company of French soldier.s and sailors under hi.-' command, stood for the first time on tho top of the mountain crowning tho Indian city or town of Ilochelaga, and discovering an immense extent of fine country, watered by noble rivers and interspersed with woods, hills and islands, ho was filled with feelings of joy and gratitude iiiid gave to tho elevation the name of Mount Royal, which, with small ciiange* has since exteinlod to the city. Truly the name was a|)propriately chosen. From the summit, whichever way ho turned east, west and .south, the forest was over all, while the broad blue line of the great St. Lawrence gleamed in the ocean of foliage. But how greatly changed is the scene since tho Breton voyageur gazed upon it. The city, with its domes, its spires and its tall chimneys, lies spread out before the astonished spectator* The noble river, dotted with craft of every size and build, and spanned by the magnificent Victoria Bridge with the beautiful country beyond, make a picture which the eye loves to dwell upon. THREE HUNDRED YEARS is but a brief space in the history of some ancient and time-worn cities, where the hand of Old Father Time himself seems to stand still, but it has done wonders for Montreal^ During that period Montreal has never relapsed into torpor, has never retrograded; but has in spite of many difficulties marched on overcoming by steadfastnes.s and per.sever- ance those obstacles which temporarily barred her progress, until to-day she occupies tho position of the Key of British North America, and the commercial metropolis of the Dominion of Canada. It is interesting to note that some 2.30 years after Cartier landed, Montreal had attained a condition of considerable importance. In an old book termed .Jones' Geography, published shortly before the Declaration of Independence, the following account of Montreal appears : "Montreal stands at the foot of a mountain on an island ten leagues in length and almost four in breadth formed by tho River St. Lawrence . While the French possessed Canada both the city and island of Montreal were private property, and were so well improved that the whole island was a delightful spot producing everything necessary for the conveniences of life. Since the town has been in the hands of tho English it has sutfered extremely by fire. When reduced by General Amherst, it was of an oblong form, well peopled, and surrounded by a wall flanked by eleven redoubts which served instead of bastions. The streets were laid out and the houses built in a very 10 MONTIIKAL — HER PAST, hntnlsiuni' in uiimt. Tlio ditcli wnn iibimf oij^lit foot (l(«t'|). aixl nl" ;i |ir()|tiii' i<>ti:il liroiidth, hiif ilrv. It liinlj.ilsi) II fort <»r ciiailcl. tlic bii! tcric-i of wliicli ciimninnli.l nil the s rcotM of llic town. Tlit'st' forfitU'iitioiic linvc sim'o hocn uuicli iin|irovt'il \>y tin- Kii!;liMli. 'i'lio town ilsi'lf is diviili'd into fwo. [iiirts, th« Uiuhm- and (lie Fiowcr. In tlic I'lltor tlio liuTi'liiints iind traders princiliMlly ri'sidc. Iicforc the last pcaff, tlu' |(laci of arms, tlio ina>ra«irios. and tin- nimnory hospital wore .iitiiati'd in tho Lowttr Town. Tim 1'oriner, or l'|i|iiT Town, contiiinrd tiic |)riiK'i|>al huildinjis, as tlio |ialaco of the ;;o\ ciiior, t lie lioiisiM of tlu! (diii'f otlU^crf, tlio convont of tlio Ri-collocts, tlic Jusnits C'liiindi and tlio Sominary, the froo scliooj uinl tlio parish oliiiroli. Tlio (Jovoriior's palnoo is a lino larp' Iniildiiij;. TliOf^onoril liospital and iiri'iy oloyant villas doooruto tlio ailjacont oomiiry, which pro- duces all tlio vo)jotahles of Europe." Ft is not the ]Mirposo of this article to trace Montreal stop by stop in lior t rinniphiint m.'iroli, to iioto how she woathorod the sforins and ki>p; ])ro<;ross with the ioi(niri'inontH of tlio times and the iiooc.ssities of her ;irailnally iiioreisin<; popnhi'ion. Its oKjoot is rather to point out the position to which she has now' arrived, and to note hor fitness to fill the proud position she is called upon to oconjiy in the prosc^nf and future of this rnpidly expandinjj; Canada of ours, a position that can never he taken from her, as it is the result, of economic law, the workinj:; of which is soon in the neij^hhorino; ropn'iIi<', whore, in spite of t!io jealousy of certain other cities, Now York remains and necessarily must remain the capital and commercial centre of the nation, Aa A CCiMMEIlCFAL CITY occupies a s])ecial!y adv.inta;^oous jxisition at the hc;id of ocoi'iiic n.ivij^ation and at the commoncemont of lake and river{:;ation, luivinj; direct railway communi- cation with the chief cities of Canada and the United States. Fn order to acconimodato the mafi^nilicont fleet of shijis that come 'o her port from all lands the ship channel of the River St. Fiawronoo has been deepened to 2."> feet at lowest condition ol' the river and a further doepcnin}:; is now in ]»ro}»ress ; in oi'dor to achieve this she had to borrow some three million dollars, and the removal of this debt will lift from her shoulders the la^it and greatest burden she has had to boar. In consoi|ueuoo of this debt the seu'e of harbor duos imposed wore necessarily heavy, givint; smaller and in other respoc'.; lo.x.s convenient ports an unfair advantage over Montreal. In compliance, however, with many urgent representations the Federal Government has assumed the responsibility of this debt- The city is the terminus of one of the comjdetest railway systems in the world. Two divisions of the Grand Trunk Iluilway, and various lines run in connection with its magnificent .-system, afford easy access to the United States and the jirincipal cities of Canada, while the marvelous monument of national enterprise and engineering .-^kill, the Canadian I'acifio Ilailway, traverses the continent from sea to sea, opening np magnificent tracts of fertile country and developing stores of wealth hitherto unknown, while it is becoming the groat highway for commercial intercourse between the eastern and western limits of the Old World. In addition to its importance as THE CHIEF PORT and forwarding station of Canada, Montreal is also the largest manufacturing (H>ntre in the Dominion. Among its industries are foundries, sugar refineries, tanneries, silk mills* manufactories of hardware, carriages and sleighs, corn brooms, woodenware, glass, paints and drugs, edge tools, locomotives, steam engines, boilers, india rubber goods, jirinting presses, agricultural implements, musical instruments, paper, rope, sewing machines, types, pins, tobacco, woolen and cotton goods, boots and shoes and other smaller Indus- niESKNT AND FUTURE. 11 trii'f. Tliorc arc bcsiilos huw tiiid fldiir millH, rolling iiiillH, loiulworks, bnisK f'iiiiiiu till! I'hivorHity uf McOill willi tui-ult ics nf law, Mcimuu', art ami inudicinc, a liraiiclmt' tli« Ijiival I iiivcrsity witli liit ultiex i»l' (.liviiiity, law, iiii'iiiciiit! ami arts, 'riu'^fitial ci»lli'j{fH helDiigiiiji; to tho (ioiiMii Catholie, Anglican, Pre^l^Jyt«^iftn antl Motlmdiaft lai.liuH, uJosuit ciiilo^^c, a liifjh .-cliodl. two .Vnrirnl scIkidIs, sovoral classicahiiulscioiitifK! acatioiiiios. The cliMiiciitiiry scIiooIh arc umlcr tlio (Mditrol rospfc'ivoly of the ('ii,tlioli(' ami I'roli'shmt, iScIiodI ''iiiiiini.xsidiit'rs, ami tliori- aro also t wo iiniiiatiid incdiL-al collc^ifs oim to jtisliop's coilcjfo, Loniioxvilio, tlio other to Viotoriu oollej^o, ('ohourj^. As a nij^ii of thu l) trauHaetloiiri carried on by the comiuuiiity, it may he noted that there are no fewer than sixteen liaiikinj? estai)li,dMimiits, twenty-nix Fire and sixteen Life Infnranee ollices loeated in the eity. There are thirteen pnhlic markets, tlie fineMt of wiiieh iM the .Marche Honpe- coiir.i witli its lironze cupola and importing fa^'a'le. Thi« luirkei, formerly tlic^ old ("ity Hall, is the larjjest market in tiie city, whose total nales of farm produce atmmnt yearly to some ;$()oi),000, that of litmseoours beinj; abotil $2i")0,0()(). In order to facilitate the vast intercourse with foreign countries, (he foliowinj^ nations are represented in the city by consuls and vice-consuls, viz: thu Arj^enlinc Confederation, Austro-iiun);ary, I5el>;ium, Chili and Peru, Denmark, France, the German Empire, the Kin;{dom of Hawaii, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, tho Repul)lio of Uruguay, Spain, .Switzerland an,. cAciufive of new machinery and buildings, pumping mains and otlicr matters, is $l,8o0,193. The total cost being $4,019,972. Enormous as the cost of those works may api far it is obvious that the city has been wise in adopting this large and effcctivo scheme whic; will entirely relieve the fears and anxiety that exist in the public mind in refer- ence to the supjdy of water, and not only will the bountiful supply of water prove the wisdom of the city, but the power in the aqueduct will prove an etfectivo force for turn- ing machinery for other and useful purposes, such as lighting entirely our already partif'Uy lighted streets with electricity, ventilating our sewers and drains and thus, in the long run, proving not only very beneficial to the city but a positive annual economy. / DEVELO.PMENT. GENERAL VIEW OF CI'JT GOVERNMENT, PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PARKS. From the year 1760 up to the year 183o, the municipal affairs of Montreal were administered by Justices of the Peace sitting in special session for that purpose. In 1832 the city was incorporated by an Act of Parliament 1 William IV, c. 59, and to that end was divided into eight wards, viz.. East, West, St. Ann's, St. Joseph, Si. Antoine, St. Lawrence, St. Loui.s and St. Mary, each ward electing two members. The first meeting of the corporation was held on 5th June, 1833, at which Jacques Vigor, Esq., was elected Mayor, an oflBce which he continued to hold until the new incorporation in 1840. Prior to that time the village of Montreal was but a small and unimportant settlement. In an old manuscript in the posL,555 St. Jeau Baptiste 2,124,466 St. Gabriel 1,734,290 The three old central wards are so well built over that it is not possible for much increase to take place therein ; the only addition to the values of properties in those wards can be by actual improvements made in existing buildings ; but rapid strides are being made in the more recently annexed wards, particularly in that of St. Jean Baptiste, Property in St. Ann's and St. Gabriel wards must necessarily be considerably raised in value by the costly work of erecting the St. Gabriel levee to keep out the unwelcome periodical encroachments of Old Father St. Lawrence, and which levee effected its pur^ pose with such marked success during the break up of the river this spring. St. Antoine ward, it will be perceived, is by far the most wealthy ward as far as regards its real estate in the city, embracing the most magnificent dwelling houses, and long lines of well- kept streets, containing the residences of the best to do portion of the community. It is still progressing in value very rapidly, as build'ngs are being erected to cover the hitherto vacant lots; its increase in value in one year, 1886-7, was !ii?l,978,250. There is healthy activity in the real estate market, and a great deal of property changes hands yearly. During the month of January, which is the most active time on the part of diligent houses hunters and intending purchasers, there was great activity, resulting in 162 real estate transfers, amounting in value to $503,430. The population of Montreal is increasing so rapidly that the demand for houses will be likely to exceed the supply for PRESENT AND FUTURE. 19 some years to come. Tt is a cheering sign for any city when her citizens take a lively interest in matters concerning her progress, and that Montreal is not behind in that res- pect is proved by the existence of an aggressive body terming itself the "City Improve- ment Association," which has for its object the making of the city beautiful as well as rich and groat. Subjoined is a list of the principal owners of real estate in Montreal, and the value of there properties taken from the assessors' roll for the year 1887. Abbott, Hon. J. J. C 362,000 00 Adams. Jji8. D 73,000 00 Ai ti/ans Dwelling Ho. Co 49,000 00 Allan, Andrew 1(;2,600 00 ABHelin.Eue 15,700 00 Allan,H. &A 40,000 00 Allan, John 4«,400 00 Art Aseoc'n 20,000 00 Austin, Miss 12,000 00 Allan, Estate Sir Hugh 307,200 00 Archanibault, Mrs. I.. H 36,000 0') Archaniliault, Hon. Louis 29,600 00 Archambault, Estate Hoiu P. W. 48,000 00 Archanibault, F. X 45,700 00 Angus, Kichard B 1»8,200 00 Armstrong, Geo 91,200 00 Arnton, Jno. J 46,000 00 Ass'n ,Ste. Joan Bniitiste 22,000 00 Atlantic & N. W. liy. Co 173,000 00 Bagg Estate, S. C 536,300 00 Bank of Montreal 260,000 00 Baumparten, A 43,000 00 Barsalou , Maurice 42,000 00 Banque Jacques Cartior 71,000 00 Beaudry, Hon . J. L , Estate 74,000 01) Beaudry, G. N. L 20,700 00 Beaudry, Joseph 86,000 00 Beaudry, Estate, J. B 171,000 00 Beaudry, F. X 196,300 00 Brennan, Wm 73,100 00 Beaudry, Estate, Victor 36,500 00 Bell, Samuel 47,000 00 Brush, Geo. S 17,600 00 Benny, Kobt 79,800 00 Benny, Macphei-son & Co 14,000 00 Berthelot, Hon. Judge A 61,000 00 Boyer, Mrs. Cbas 16,100 00 Bryson, I':state Mre . C 44,500 00 Barron, Thos. P 234,000 00 Buntin, Alex 80,000 00 Baxter, Mrs. Jas 12,000 00 Bank British North America .... 77,000 00 Birou, Helen & al 23,000 00 Burland, G. B 216,300 00 British Empire Mutual Ass'n Co. 100,000 00 Bulmer & She pperd 62,000 00 Caverhill, Estate John 128,000 00 Clay, J, B 46,400 00 Citizens Ins. Co Carmelites Cartier, Estate, Sir G. C Carroll, Michael Caniin, Augustin Cberrler, A al. P. Co Canada Paper Co Canadian Rubber Co C.P. Ry.Co Clous ton, Ed. S. & al Canada Sugar Refliiery Co Cansida Invest, and Agency Co.. Canada Invest. & Ass. Co Cher Her & St^necal , City an J Di'itrict Savings Hank. Collins, Thos Cuvlllier & Co Convent of the Good Shepherd.. Congregation Nuns Campbell, Estate Robert Campbell, G. W Campbell, Estate Colin Cooper, Wm Cross, Hon. Alex Canada Life Assurance Co Corporation of the City of Mont- real (exempt) Conroy, Thos Cbanteloup, E Christian Brothers Carsley, Sanil Cordner , Rev. J Catholic School Commissioners . Carter, W.P Cassils, Jno Cross, Alex Comte, Jos Clend.inneng, Wm Cratheru & Caverhill Cratheni, Jas Davis, Mrs. B F. ... David, M. E j Deliele, Maurice N Day, Jno. T De St. Ours Denoon, Wm Desrosiers, Jos De Boanieu f 70,000 00 25,000 0(, 60,000 00 19,000 00 92,700 (M> !»8,9 ,0 00 60,000 00 212,500 no l,3!M,4O0 00 90,0!)0 00 187,500 00 101,100 00 40,000 00 105,000 00 274,5 00 41,800 00 195,000 00 135,0 (HI 647,(«)0 00 95,000 00 75,000 00 20,500 W 53,300 00 58.800 00 66,000 00 4,2«2,5f,;5o/„ 17,7too'0O 60,000 00 21,800 00 45,000 00 4ll,3ii0 00 300 1,000 tf 63;*<« 00 53,»'''.0 00 68,000 00 122,100 00 150,800 00 35,000 (10 18,000 00 62,300 00 178,000 00 73,!)00 00 56,900 00 69,2(X> 00 51,500 00 51,70J 00 95,000 00 20 MONTREAL — HEE PAST. Dow, Estate "VVm ?218,800 00 Druninioml, Geo. A .. 143,900 00 Dcsjanlins, & al 10,000 00 Duhiiinel.Jos 39,000 00 lHnR!m,.Jiio B7,fi00 00 Evaim HroH Eccilesiiistiques du Seniinaire (^nu'liec ........ 90,f00 00 EvaiiH,.!. S 210,100 00 Evans, W. S 24,100 00 Elliott, Jas 35,600 00 Kveolie do Montreal 98,500 00 tAviiig.S. H. & A. S 55,000 00 OlilatH Fathers 32,000 00 Fairbairn, Jiio 63,483 00 Ferrier, Hon. Jas 179,000 00 Eraser. Estate, Dr. Wm 34,500 00 Fraser, Hugh 60,000 00 Frothingham, Estate, Jno 65,000 00 F-abrique 13,400 00 Fisher, Mrs. A 70,000 00 Foley, M. S 40,000 00 Fortier, J. M 18,000 00 (iauU, And.F 77,600 00 Government (exempt) 4,961,604 00 Gibb, J. D 84,900 00 Genereux, E. A 86,000 00 Godfrey, Dr. K.T 127,000 00 Gould, Estate Ira '. 80,000 00 Grand Trunk Ky 1,002,200 00 Graham, Hugh 106,000 00 Gravel, Jos. U 42,500 00 Grey Nuns 1,004,000 00 .olt^y.M. P.,&al 106.600 00 ' Holland, Jas 62,000 00 Harbor Commissioners 100,000 00 Hocl.'.elaga Cotton Spinning Mill 609,500 00 HoteljDieu 532,000 00 Hull (i ScvjLt 45,000 00 .. Hall.jEstateBenj 13,800 00 '^'•^ytj, Theodore 72,500 00 lli^iilton, Geo. W 53,000 00 Hmison, wid Thos 19,200 00 "' Hatteii,J.C 48,000 0-) Hodgson, Jonathan 69,000 00 Henry, Estate Peter 11,400 00 Hutchison, Estate 33,000 00 Hogan,Hy 148,r00 00 Ives, H. I{.,&Co 66,400 00 Johnstone, wid Jas.. 45,000 00 Joseph, Jacob H 350,200 CO Joseph, Jesse 480,500 00 Joyce, Alfred 63,000 00 Jesuits, Kev 65,800 00 Judah, Fred. T 141,100 00 Judah, Estate Hon ry 302,200 00 King, Warden Kavanagh, Michael Kay, Wni. F Les Frfnes de la Charity Les Sn>ur8 du St. Noni de Jesus. 180,500 00 { Land & Loan Company. Labelle, Pierre St Lachapelle, Dr. E, P , Leclaire J. V. A. & al Laurie, Wm Latocque, Armand Larocque, Alfred, sr , Law, David Lefebvre, M., & Co Lunn , Estate Lunn.&al. Estate, Wm Liverpool & London & Globe.. Lamothe & al,, Wm Linton, James Lionais, Estate Mrs. H. . , . . . . Lamontagne, E. O Lamontagne, wid. Jos Lyman, Mrs. Hy Lyman, Miss M. C MacDonald, Duncan McKay, Estate Edward Mackay, Estate Hon. K Mackay, Hugh and Robert Mailloux, P. N Mflltby, Wm.L Masson, wid. Jos , Ma«son, P^state , Maxwell, E. J Miller, Mrs. Hy Molson, John Molson, Capt. J. D Molson, Sam. E Molson, Estate J. E Molson, Alox Molson, Mrs. J. H.R Molson, Estate Wm Montreal Loan & Mortgage Co Montreal Telegraph Co Merchants Hank of Canada 3Iontreal General Hospital Montreal Warehousing Co Montreal Street Railway Co. . . . Montreal Gas Co . . Morris, J. L Morrison, wid. Jno McConkey, Thos. L McCord, David K McDonald Tobacco Factory. ... McDonald, Alex McDonald, W. O McDougall, Jno.... ei05,000 00 64,000 00 168,000 00 2C0,(I00 00 40,000 00 118,300 00 21,000 00 50,000 00 43.300 00 130,900 00 64,000 00 170,000 00 60,000 00 2o,rA)o 0) 57,400 00 30,000 00 04,000 00 60,900 00 49,400 00 75,500 00 20,500 00 18,000 00 72,000 00 22,000 00 261,000 00 12),000 00 16,000 00 60,C00 00 4o,(K)0 00 126,200 00 185,000 00 88,000 00 45,000 00 68,000 00 227.600 00 36,000 00 55,000 00 36,000 00 36,000 00 224,500 00 27,800 00 282,200 00 104,b00 00 180,0)0 00 76,000 00 276,100 00 123,000 00 392,200 00 56,000 00 48,500 00 61,000 00 42,000 00 165,000 00 70,000 00 56,700 00 102,500 00 PRESENT AND FUTURE. 21 MfDougall, Dond. L. A al $ 48,n0(> 00 M cGarvey , Owen 229.000 00 Moss, S. H. & J 26,000 00 Mrlntyre, Arch lOn.OiM 00 Mclntyre, Duncan 232,000 00 ]\1(I II tyre, \Vm. C 00,000 00 McKimion. Geo. & Mi«8 50,000 00 Mnsson, Thos 22,000 00 McKeowin, W.J. li 75.000 00 MfLwnnaii.Hugh 4r),o00 00 Mnllln,.Ia8. E 82,800 00 Miillhi.Palk 42,300 00 New York Life Ins. Co 70,000 00 Nordheinier, A. &S 85,000 00 ]S'. BriLiah & Mercantile Ins. Co. 45,0(l() 00 Nuns of Jesus and Mary lOO.fWO 00 Nuns of Providence 475,800 00 Notman,\Vm .3.3.000 00 Ogilvie, A. W.,&Co 207,500 00 " Jno 06,000 00 " W. W 120,000 00 Prot, House of Industry 25,000 00 Phillips, wid. Chas 105,000 00 Phillips, Allan Arth 67,000 00 " Estate, W. E 94,000 00 Paquette, Jos ,. 46,000 00 Prot. Orphan Asylum 18,000 00 Paquette, W. E. Estate 61,000 00 Peck, Benny & Co 85,000 00 Piatt, Est. Jno 49,000 00 Pillow, Hersey & Co 82,000 00 Peck, wid. Thos 40,000 00 " Thos 48,.'500 00 Pratt Est. .Fno 289,000 00 Prendergast, Jas 37,7)0 00 Prot. Baptist (exemptions) 18,000 00 Prot. School Com missioners 367,200 00 lledpath, Est. Jno 31 1 ,50'J W Kodpath, J. J 60,000 00 «' Mrs 86,500 00 Rpdpath, Mr. G. I) 32,000 00 l{ed{tath, Peter 20,000 00 Reed, Uobt. G 110,ooa 00 Ramsay, Alex 36,200 00 Rolland, Estate J. B 3 108 60,000,0(» 175 2.VHHUK) 254 10,(X)0.00 . 291 Public I iiHtitutioiiB 6 KeligiouB Bodios 28 LiiiiitodCompaideH ,"$2 £8t)it(>B of DeceuHod I'erBunB 41 Private CitlzeiiB 213 M M INVESTMENTS. THE WEALTHIEST CITY IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. The vested wealth of Montreal is very large, far outstripping any other city of its size on the continent. The numerou.« corporation.s, the bu8ine.«.'< eiiteqirises, the centring railways, the great commercial output necessarily have also collateral workings, not upon the surface viaible, but yot causing a great ACCUMjtlLATION OF PROPERTY of one kind and another which strictly should be considered in any contemplation of the aggregate wealth of the city. Bo* this lesser, though almost equally important, element can not be touched on within the space of the present article. By taking the largest owners and investors of capital an approximate- estimate can be formed of the vast accumulation of property now ceptred in the city. The centre of financial improvMuents in Canada is necessarily Montreal, the com- mercial capital of the Dominion, i^d the,first monetnry establishment in the country is situated within her walls. The development of the Montreal banking system and correg-. ponding commercial facilities has been both marked and almost PHENOMENALLY RAPID. For long there were but two banks in the vicinity, the Montreal and the Quebec establish- ments. For commerce then in its infancy this was deemed sufficient. Of the manner followed in carrying into effect the financial business of the period but little is known and the only information, statistical or otherwise, upon the subject has to be gleaned from such of the older records of these two banks which now exist. The tremendous expansion in business can accurately be gauged by a comparison between the working of the Bnnk of Montreal half a century ago and the present day. Established in the year 1817, that now vast institution had a capital of only $350,000. At the end of its first year of business its books show it to have possessed a reserve of $4,000. It was rechartered in 18.37 with a capital of £500,000 currency. To-day it stands about second only to the mii^ "^ England with a capital of $12,000,000, a reserve of $6,000,000, thirty branches, and a name known "" '^^^^ *^® world. To-day Montreal has sixteen banks, eight with headquarters in this city. Into these :::?*if""io"S m««h of the VESTED WEALTH OF MONTREAL has been placed. Some of the investors of stock have very Ijirge holdings in severaj banks. PEE8ENT AND FUTURE. 23 Among the largest may be noted Sir Donald A. Smith, who holds «tock in tho Munk of Muiitreul, having a market value of between four and five hundred thousand dollars. Mr. W. C. McDonald is another of Montreal's largest capitalists, holding stock to th'i value of upwards of half a million in the Montreal liank ; $20U,()U0 in tho Merchants; $1.^0,000 in tho Hank of Commorco. Mr. II. Hamilton, brot'ier of the late Hon. John Hamilton, is alMO a largo stockholder in the loading financial institutions. Ho holds more than $450,000 in the Hank of Montreal; in the Merchants' Bank $l.'}7,000; $17,280 in the Bank ofCommorce; $i;{,500 in tho Imperial Bank; $6,000 in the Quebec Bank; £ll,7G0 in the Bank of British N irth America, and $tfOOO worth of stock in the Toronto Bank. Many of the FAMILY ESTATES in tho city represent very largo amounts. Tlio Molson family holds stock in the Bunk of Montreal, Bank of Commerce, Merchants, Ontario and Imperial banks of the value of nearly a million dollars, while in the Molsons Bank the amount is close on thrco-quarters of a million. Tho Allan family hold a great deal of bank stock. The estate of the late Sir Hugh Allan is credited with stock in the Merchants' Bank of tho market value of upwards of $300,000, and other members of tho family amounts in the neighborhood of $290,000. One of tho largest individual holders of bank stocks is Mr. Robert Anderson, who has $280,0(10 in the Merchants', and nearly $250,000 in the Bank of Montreal, taking the stock list quotations. In the list of shareholders of tho ' BANK OF MONTREAL, tho names of the following Montreal investers appear: Mr. W. C. McDonald, $260,000; Sir Donald A.Smith, $200,000; Mr. J. G. Mackenzie (estate), $150,000; Mr. W. Murrny (estate), $120,000 ; Mr. R. Anderson, $100,000; Mr. J. Redpath (estate), $100,000; Mr. G. A. Drummond, $100,000; Mr. J. H. R. Molson, $100,000; Mr. W. Molson (trust), $91,800; Mr. H. B. Clnrk, $90,000; Hon. F.Ryan $75,000; Mr. F. McCuUoch, $67,000; Mr. R. B. Angus, $60,000 ; Hon. John Hamilton, (estate), $60,000; Miss Orkney, .$60,000; Mr. J. O'Brien (trust), $54,009; Mr. H. 0. Andrews (trust), $52,000; H. Mackenzie (trust), $50,000; R. Mclntyre, $46,800; Executors of Mr. W. Dow, $40,000 ; H. D. Clark, $39,600 ; Mrs. M. Masson, $35,000 ; Executors of T. Molson, $34,000; C. Oilman, $34,000; R. W. Shepherd, $34,000 ; Mr. W. E. Lyman, $33,400; Mrs. M. Peck, $33,000; Mr. C. S. Watson, $33,000; Mrs. M. C. Lyman, $34,000 ; Hon. J. Masson (estate), $32,000 ; Mrs. A. Molson, $31,400 ; Mr. E. G. Benny, $31,500; Mrs. S. E. Molson, $31,000; Mrs. A. R. Hunt, $30,000 ; Mrs. L. G. Molson, $26,000 ; J. Cassils, $26,000 ; Miss Jessie Dow, $25,000 ; Miss Mary Dow, $25,- 000 : Mrs. Mary Dow, $25,000 ; Cochrane, Cassils &Co., $25,000 ; Mrs. S. Fisher, $25,000 ; J. M. Douglas, $25,000 ; St. Bridget's Refuge, $24,600 ; Mr. John Crawford, $24,000 ; Dr. R. P. Howard, $23,200; Mr. H. W. Shepherd, $22,400 ; Mrs. Esther Wilson, $21,800; St. Patrick's Orphanage, $21,000; Mrs. J. Macfarlano, $20,600 ; Mrs. Reddy, $20,400 ; A. R. McDonnell, $20,000 ; Mrs. J. Redpath, $20,000 ; J. Caverhill (estate) $2), 000 ; A. Clerk, ;$20,000 ; .J. D. Gibb (estate), $20,000; Mrs. M. Henderson, $20,000 ; Mr. Jesse Joseph, $20,000 ; Mr, W. Kerr (estate), $20,000; J. J. Arnton, $20,000 ; D. Maomaster, $20,000 ; A. Mclntyre, $20,000 ; M. C. Gibb, $0,000 ; H. McLennan, $00,000 ; J. Mc- Lennan, $20,000 } Dr. J. Reddy (estate), $20,000 ; Mrs. J. Macfarlano (intrust), $18,600 ; 24 MONTREAL— HER PAST,' Mrs. A. Masflon, $18,400 ; Mrs. A. Pliillips, $17,200 ; T. A. Dnweo, $20,000; Mr. B. A. Boas, $17,200; Mrs. Rodpath, $15,000; .J. Teinpert, $15,000 ; E. T Kinj?, $15,000 ; J' W. Biichaimn, $15,000; V. Boaiidry, $15,000; Mrs. Kano, $l4,fi00 ; T. Workman (cxooutora ol), $1.'?,400. Amonj; tlic largest stockholders of , THE merchants' BANK, the family of tho founder stands prominent, Tho estate of the lato Sir Huj!;h in orodlted vrith 2432 shares, valued at $243,200, and a further sum of $218,300 is distributed among tho family. The next largest holders are; Mr. 11. Ander,«on, $210,000; Mr. W. C. Macdonald, $150,000; Mr. J. Duncan, $122,l»(l0 ; Mr. Andrew Allan, $92,500 ; Mr. 11. Mackenzie, $fi5,000 ; Mr. J. II. R. Molson» $60,000 ; Mr. R. R. Angus, $50,000 ; Hon. J. .1. C. Abbott, $55,000 ; W. Francis, $.'?0, 500 ; J. 0. Connor, $.30,000; J. Moore, $33,000; J. Frasor, $43,000; A. St. Denis, $32,500 ; Geo. Iliiguo, $35,000; Church of Scotland, $32,200; W. II. Bonyon, $29,000 ; II.Barbeauj $20,000 ; J. Curran, $27,800 ; Mrs. L. G. F. Molson, $20,000 ; J. Pratt, estate of, $21,000; .1. D. Gibb, $17,500 ; Jonathan Hodgson, $10,300; W. N. Anderson, $lfi,500; J. P. Dawes, $10,000; J. M. Kinghorn, $15,000; J. A.Dawes, $15,000; N. B. t-orse, estate of, $15,400; J. Crawford, $15,300 j J, Crathern, $12,500; T. D. Hood, $12,000. IN THE MOLSONS BANK the executors of the late Mr. W. Molson hold seven thousand odd shares valued at ,$365,- 000, and the family are credited with further stock to tho extent of $280,150. Other large stockholders are as follows : , . .(.' _. ■' i . Mrs. A. R. Hunt, $20,000 ; Mr. J. Hutchison, $25,000 ; Mrs. M. A. Spraggo, $25,000 5 Mr. T. Workman, $24,750; do, in trust, $25,900; J. T. Carter, $17,500 ; J.Atkinson, $17,450 ; Rev. J. Braithwaite, estate of, $15,600 ; J. and B. Cox, estate of, $15,000; R. W. Shepherd, $11,300; John Crawford, $10,000; Miles Williams, estate of, $15,750: Miss Orkney, $13,750 ; Mrs. H Frothingham, $15,500 ; Mrs. E- N. Frothingham, $15,500. IN THE BANK OP COMMERCE the largest stockholders are : Mr- W. C. McDonald, $150,000 ; Mr. E. Macktiy, $($5,000 ; Mr. R. Anderson, $50,000 ; Mr. W. Murray, $40,000 ; Mr. J. Arnton, $35,000 ; Mr. J. H. R. MdNon, $30,000; Father Dowd, $20,000 ; Mr. W. H. W^ithall, $21,000; Mr. A. B. Boa.s .'i^lRjOOO; Mr. J. Crathern, $15,000; lion. John Hamilton (estate of), $15,000; Mr. H. Clark, $12,500; Mr. J. Robertson, $12,500 ; Mr. J. Moore, $12,500 ; Mr. G. B. Burland, $10,000 ; St. Patrick's Orphanage, $12,000 ; Mr. E. Neild, $10,000 ; Mr. W. 0. Smith, $10,500; Duncan McEntyre, $516,000; R. B. Angus, $60,000. IN THE BANK JACQUES CARTIER ' ! the largest stockholders are : A. Desjardins, $49,125 ; A. L. Ilamelin, $36,000; J. 0. Gravel, $26,750 ; J. B. Eeaudry (estate of), $29,050 ; ;T. W. McAnulty, $23,500. " IN THE BANQUE DU PEUPLE m . , . c ! / we find the largest holders of stock as follows : '' ■' '" .• •' > .<< ; . . ■ i i * Mr. H. B. Smith, $26,000; John Pratt (estate), $21,200 ; Mde. A. Prevost, $10,550 ; E. Scholos, $10,000; Milea Williams (estate), $10,350 ; C. Glackmeyer, $10,000 ; E. Gait, $9,100 ; G. G. Hill, $8,195 ; T. S. Brown, $7,100 ; G. A. Drummond, $7,500. PRESENT AND FUTUHE. 25 IN THK WANQIJK VILLE MAIUE the largest IioldoM are Mr. W. Weir, $37,400; L. U. Guimond, $15,200; J. 0. Davio, !};8,800. IN THE BANQtJE NATIONALE there are also some lar^^o holders of Htook. (}. N. MoiK-el, $1J,200; I). Lncroix, $1 1 .ftfjO ; Patno Robertson, $8,450; E. Parent (estate of), $,ViOO ; .J. Pratt (estate of), $1800; W. Withall, $3000. The larj^est suma of Montreal money invested in the QUEBEC BANK are as follows : , i > W. Withall, $100,000 ; Hon. J. Masson (estate of), $20,000; Mary Jane Fry, $10,- 000 ; the II. .n. P. Chiinveau, $20,000. Montreal capitalists have also enough idle capital to place various sums in outside financial institutions. Thus, Mr. (1. II. Ihirland has invested in the Federal Hank of Toronto $.3;j,000, and Mr. H. Barbeau, $57,000, Mr. W. R- Miller holds $25,000 worth of stock in the Ontario Hank, and the Hon. D. A. Macdonald ,$25,000 in the same institu- tion. Mr. Joseph Ilickson holds $11,500 stock in the Standard Hank. Mr. T. Williams has siiares to the amount of ,$35,500 in the Eastern Townships Jiauk. Mr. Andrew Allan has invested .$17,000 in the Bank of Manitoba. The $2,000,000 of the capital of the MONTREAL SAVINGS BANK is chiefly subscribed for by Montroalers, and the largest holders of this valuable property are as follows : . , , ,J. II. R. Molson, $164,000 ; Henry .Tndah, $144,000 ; Edward Murphy, $100,000 ; Thos. Workman, $120,000; James O'Brien, $08, 000 ; Mrs. Atwater, $80,400 ; Dr. W. II. lling- ston, $80,000 ; A. Larocque, $6.5,200 ; Thomas Workman (executor), $01,000; Mrs. M. P. Guy, $50,000 ; Mrs. F. G. Molson, ^^48,000 ; H. McLennan, $48,000. In addition to these large holdings Montrealers have, in sums of $10,000 and under, money invested in the hanks as follows: Canadian Hank of ("ommerce, $.'5.31,800 ; Domi- nion Hank, $0,550; Federal, $.34,000 ; Imperial, $4,000; Ontario, $171,100; Standard, $26,050; Toronto, $283,100 ; Traders' Bank, $3,500 ; Hank of Hamilton, $47,720; Bank of Ottawa, $2200 ; Western Bank, $5000 ; Bank of Ilochelaga, $276,800 ; Bank Jacques Carticr, $117,025 ; Merchants, $1,500,700 ; Molsona, $301,900; Bank of Montreal, $5,000,- 000 ; Banque du Pcuple, $469,080 ; Banque Ville Marie, $148,060 ; Hanque Nationale, $15,400; Quebec Bank, $71,200; Union Bank, $53,790; Eastern Townships, $31,050; Banque de St. Hyacinthe, $18,000 ; Banque de St. Jean, $11,625 ; Halifax Banking Co., $1360; Union of Halifax, $1250; Bank of British Columbia, $2000; Bank of Manitoba, $2100. THE INStTRANCE COMPANIES are all more or less heavy recipients of Montreal's vested wcaltH. In the Accident Insurance Company Montreal capitalists are represented as follows: Sir A. T. Gait, $13,500 ; Hon. James Ferrier, $21,000; Edward Rawlings, $58,600, R. Campbell, $5000 ; and holders of lesser amounts which make a total of $21,500. Among the largest holders of the Citizens stock are Mr. Andrew Allan, $42,000 ; Sir Hugh Allan (estate), $40,000 ; Adolphe Roy, $36,800 ; F. W. Kay, $29,000 ; F. X. Beau- dry (estate), $28,000 ; Hon. J. J. Abbott, $21,260 ; John Pratt (estate), $17,08 £; Mr. 26 MONTREAL — HER PAST, Henry Lyman, $17,000 ; R. Anderson, $8500, Bishop Bourget (estate), ,'?;S')00 ; and Mont- real capital is further invested in the same company in amounts under $10,000 to the extent of $547,830. In the Confederation Life the heaviest stockholders in this city are : Mr. A. Cameron, $10,000; Dr. Hingston, $10,000; H. J. Johnson, $11,000; M. P. Ryan, $10,000, and lesser amounts swell the amount by $14,000. In the Guarantee Company the following are the largest shareholders : Mr. E. Raw- lings, $36,790 ; Hon. James Ferriei, $20,310 ; Mr. R. Campbell, $10,840 ; Sir A. T. Gait, $11,000. Stock of the value of $39,050 is held by Montreal investors in smaller amounts. The Royal Canadian has on its roll the following holders of large amounts of stocks : Mr. D. Malntyre, $97,950 ; Mr. T. McDougall, $(57,500 ; Mr. Andrew Robertson, $37,650; Mr. J. Hodgson, $24,475; M. W. Moss, $19,225 ; Mr. R. Archer, $14,775; Hon. J. R. Thibaudeau, $13,775 ; Mr. W. Smith, $10,420 ; Montreal holders of stock in various sums less than $10,000 do so to the extent of $115,195. In the Sun Assurance Company capital is invested to the following extent : Mr. R. Anderson, $39,000 ; Mr. A. Buntin, $20,000 ; Mr. M. .Mackenzie, $22,500 ; Mr. R. Macau- lay, $44,500. Lesser amounts of stock worth $99,400 are also held by Montrealcrs, In the British American Company Mr. Alexander Buntin holds stock to the extent of $14,250, and minor holdings swell the Montreal capital in the company to $9550. The city also contributes, in small amounts, $16,000 to the Canada Life Assurance Company, $18,000 to the Federal Life. $5000 to the London Life, $24,000 to the North American Life, $5000 to the Hand-in-IIand, $5000 to the Life Association of Canada, $18,170 to the Quebec Fire Assurance Company, $2,000 to the Boiler Inspection and Insurance, and $4,600 to the Western Assurance Company. The Montreal capital invested in the Canada Life Assurance Company may fairly be set down as $1,012,000. It is not largely held by individuals, but mostly in trust funds. The shares have reached the handsome figure of 420. On the Sun Life Montreal share list the following names are conspicuous : Thomas Workman, $10,000 ; Hon. A. W. Ogilvie, $15,000 ; A. Buntin, $20,000 ; R. Anderson, $39,000 ; W. J. Withall, $20,000 ; M. McKenzie, $22,500 ; R. Macaulay, $49,400 ; C. Alexander, $10,000. Besides its stock it has liens on a very large amount of the real estate owned by our citizens, and is yearly adding largely thereto, thus materially aiding in its development, while receiving in the shape of interest and rents large revenues therefrom. At 31st Deceraber Inst the propeities thus held by it in trust aggregated $2,225,928, upon which $891,908 had been loaned, mostly on city property. SHIP CHANNEL. HISTORY OF THE GREAT UNDERTAKING FROM 1825 TO THIS DAY. The hi^tf^t'y of the inc6ptidi\ and deVeltifmSht of the St. LaWl-enee route, cmbraGiBg the ship channel, and the construction and enlargement of the magnificent system of canals, which connects ocean with inland navigation, may without danger of contradic- tion be credited to the energy and far-seeing judgment of the mercantile community of Montreal. The men of half a century ago who realized the possibilities of the noble river which Providence had endowed their country with, and who scrutinized the future PRESENT AND FUTURE. 27 of Montreal as the commercial emporium of the Dominion, were embued with the same spirit of enterprise and confidence in their adopted country as those who subsequently projected and carried to a successful iasue a transcontinental railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, thereby increasing tiie importance of Montreal as the great centre of Canada's commerce, and as one of the connecting points in the imperial chain of com- munication between the East and West. Ever since 1825, when the first agitation was commenced with a view of impressing upon the Government of the day the necessity of dcej)ening the natural channel of the St. Lawrence, so as to enable ocean steamers to roach Montreal without partinlly unloading at Quebec, until the 28th of March last, when the veteran Premier of the Dominion announced through the Montreal Junior Conservative club that the Cabinet had resolved to assume the debt of this vast under- taking, the business men of this city have year after year with unceasing devotion and persistency been petitioning and praying, first, that the work should be inaugurated without delay, and in after years that the burden which had been imposed uponthe busi- ness of the port of Montreal for its consummation should become a charge upon the Dominion at large. Throughout all these years the one great cry, always from Montreal, has been : " Improve and cheapen transportation by the St. Lawrence route, promote the trade and develop the resources of the Dominion, retain Canadian trade to Canadian channels and, in spite of the efforts of the Americans to thwart it, secure a large portion of its North-West trade. That this has been successfully carried out after the most persistent opposition from prejudiced and short-sighted politicians is a feather in the cap of MONTREAL'S MERCHANTS and of their commercial guilds, which in conjunction with the construction of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway will go down to posterity as two of the greatest achievements in the history of the development of the young Dominion. The profile of the St. Lawrence navigation shows that it extends half-way across the North American continent with a little over seventy miles of artificial navigation in the shape of canals. There is, there- fore, more than a purely local interest in the ship channel ; it is not only the great ocean highway of the Dominion, but it is the natural route to Europe for three-quarters of the continent of North America, embracing the granaries of the North-West, the pine lands of Wisconsin and the milling centres of St. Paul and Minneapolis, which are now in direct communication with Montreal via the " Soo " route. Its existence goes back into the past far enough to give it an historical interest. Many of the men who were active in bringing about its improvement have passed away, and the iiersonal memories of them no longer exist except with one or two of our oldest citizens. The names of the late Hon. John Young, the late Thomas Crami-, Mr. Hugh McLennan and Mr. Andrew Robertson, howevr, are still closely connected with everything appertaining to this great work and in the advancement of St. Lawrence navigation. As an engineering work the ship chan- nel has a special interest from the fact that when it was first mooted opinions were at variance as to its feasibility ; some of the great pilots of half a century ago having no faith in its permanency, and believing its sides would either fall in, or that it would slit up. This opinion is happily found to be erroneous, and experience has proved that the dredged channel entails no coat for ^'.V."tG'nance, The earlips^^ agitation to improve the ship channel dates as far back as 1825 or 1828, In the latter year a petition from the merchants of Montreal was read before the Assembly of Lower Canada, in which it was set forth ''that in consequence of the shallownoss of the waters of the river at He Platto and in some parts of Lake Saint Peter, 28 MONTREAL — HER PAST, vessels from sea are subject to inconvenience and difficulties in their voyages between Quebec and Montreal, with the exception of such as are performed during the two months immediately following the opening of the navigation. That at later periods of the sea- son, such vessels are either prevented from reaching Montreal, or are only enabled to do so after having discharged the principal part of their cargo. That the interest and PROSPERITY" OF THIS PROVINCE, as well as of Upper Canada, require that the obstructions to the navigation of this their great and common channel of communication should be rehaovod whenever practicable, and the river to as great an extent as possible rendered at all times navigable to vessels from sea. That with such views of im))rovement, the merchants of the city of Montreal during last autumn, appointed a committee to obtain information as to the practicability of the object, and in due time to make the necessary application t' the Provincial Legis- lature, to whom peculiarly belong the honor and power of achieving a work of such exten. sive importance." A committee of the assembly investigated the matter, examined witnesses and reported that the importance of the subject required that further information should be obtained . In 1831 a survey of the river and of Lake St. Peter was made by the British Admiralty, and in 1836 the subject was again discussed and more evidence taken before the standing committee of trade. The first success attending the many memorials of Montrealers was a grant of £500 voted in 1838 for the purpose of making a survey of Lake St. Peter. This was the outcome of a petition of the Montreal committee of trade signed by its chairman, Austin Cuvillier, in which it was set forth that: The draught of water in the vessels crossing the Atlantic average from 14 to 16 feet, which rendered it necessary to transfer a considerable portion of their cargoes before passing the lake ; that scientific men had declared that the channel on the lake could be deepened to sixteen feet at no very considerable expense, and asking for an appropriation to defray the expenses of a survey. After a lengthy investigation into the extent of the burden imposed on the trade by the obstructions to the navigation which it was sought to remove and an estimate of deepening the channel to 16 feet it was recommended to commence the work. Then arose a question as to the best location for the channel through the lake, whether the natural channel should be deepened or what was known as the straight channel. Work was finally commenced in the spring of 1844 on the straight channel, but the oppositions to it were so strong that in 1847 work was suspended. Discussions and investigations con- tinued until 1850 when the Harbor Commissioners of Montreal first appeared on the scene of operations and proposed to take hold of the work, asking that they should be authorized to borrow money the interest on which should 'not exceed eight per cent., the interest as well as a sinking fund of two per cent, to be provided for by a tonnage duty not to exceed one shilling per ton register on all vessels drawing ten feet and upwards for each time they passed through the channel, any deficiency to be made up by the HARBOR OP MONTREAL. The same year an act was passed authorizing the commissioners to borrow £30,000, the dredging plant being also transferred to them. By November, 1851, the natural channel on the lake of about 10 feet 6 was 'leepened 2 rt-e-. jr. /.'''.'Jiist, 1853, a vessel drawing 14 foot passed through j in 1856, a depth of 16 feet was dredged and 18 leet i" ^^^'^- The Harbor Commissioners at thU date represented to the Government that the work so far carried out established the feasibility of obtaining a channel of the required depth throughout the entire length of the river to the entrance of the Lacbine canal, the junc PRESENT AND FUTURE. 29 tion of the ocean and inland shipping of the country, and in 1860 it was decided that the river improvements should bo considered as public works. The work has since been conducted with grent energy by the Harbor Commissioners under the able direction of their Engineer-in-Chief, Mr. John Kennedy, and his staff of assistants. In ISTS a depth of 22 feet was attained, in 1882 this was increased to 25 feet, and before the close of the present season of the navigation a channel of 272 f^^et will bo dredged, thereby concluding the work. ; The cost of excavating the ship channel from its natural depth of 10 feet 6 inches to 25 feet in 1882 was $4,108,470, including plant which cost $534,809. To complete the work to 27^ feet will require a further outlay of $900,000, making a sum total of $5,(;0S,- 470 spent in facilitating the coming of sea-going vessels to the head of ocean navigation. PORT OF MONTREAL. The port of Montreal, forming as it does tiie junction between ocean and inland navi- gation possesses, advantages which constitute it the distributing point inwards and out- wards of the immense western country which borders upon the great inland seas of the North American continent. At the time of confederation the indebtedness of the Harbor of Montreal was about $1,126,000. Since then there has been expended on the harbor proper over $1,520,000, making in all $2,646,000. The present indebtednees is $1,881,- 000, being a ditference of $765,000, which has been paid out of revenue. Much more than this sum, however, has been paid out of revenue, and the total cost of the harbor, enibrnoing as it does nearly five miles of wharfage front and extending from the river St. Pierre to Longue Pointe, is about $3,200,000. All thishns been met by toiinnge dues and taxes levied upon vessels and their cargoes coming to Montreal. The facilities of the port while quite inadequate to handle the ever-increasing volume of freightiige which the enterprise of its citizens is attracting towards it, are far in advance of those of any of its Canadian competitors. It is the third LARGEST PORT on the continent of America. Montreal is not only nearer to Liverpool by 259 miles than any of its American competitors, but it is the nearest ocean port on the Atlantic side to ports on the Pacific, and is nearer to the nearest Asiatic porta than New York as is shown by the following statement : Milos in favor jnies. ofMontruiil, From Liverpool to Montreal 2,790 From Liverpool to New York 3,040 From Livei'pool to Port Moody, via Montreal and Can. Pac. R.R. . 5,696 From Liverpool to San Francisco, via New York 6,830 From Liverpool to Yokohama, via Montreal and Can. Pac. R R. . . 11,019 From Liverpool to Yokohanm, via New York and San Francisco. . 12,038 250 1,134 1,019 Then on the important questions of time and rates of freight, the averages of the past fifteen years largely favor the route to Montreal. Mllps. Chicago to Liverpool, Welland Canal and Montreal 4,088 Chicago to Liverpool, lirie Canal and New York 4,480 Dilt'erence in favor of Montreal 392 30 MONTREAL — HER PAST, The deepening of the ship channel, and the accommodation afforded by the port of Montreal, has undoubtedly led to the increased railroad connection. It has developed business to such an extent that we have it on no less authority than the Vice-President of the Canadian Pacific Railway that unless increased harbor accommodation both in the shape of wharves, elevators and facilities for handling and transferring freight from the cars to the vessels the port of Montreal will be unable to cope with the freight brought from our own and the American North-West. An average increase of at least 150 cars per day may bo expected by the " Soo " route alone. At the original depth of 10 feet, 6 inches, vessels of 250 tons could not pass Lake St. Pet( r with a full cargo, but as if it were keeping pace with the deepening of the channel yewr by year, the size and tonnage of the vessels has increased. The first ocean mail steamer between England and Mont- real, the " Genoa," of seven hundred tons burden, arrived in port in 185.3, and since then the growth of commerce on the St. Lawrence has been such that to-day there are over twenty lines of regular ocean steamships, while the yearly tonnage has increased from 358,000 tons in 1851 to 870,883 in 1887. So rapidly has the country advanced that we find the Government calling for tenders for the Atlantic mail s-ervioe, which business men stipulate must be equal to, if not superior to that of any port to the south, while more than 90 per cent, of the entire foreign trade of the country passes through the St. Lawrence, and nearly one half of the TOTAL FOREIGN COMMLRCE of the Dominion is entered at the Customs at the Port of Montreal. While the inward commerce of Quebec has decreased by 146 vessels and 69,736 tons from 1876 to 1886 that of the port of Montreal has increased in the same period by twenty-six vessels and 132,439 tons. Again, while the imports to Quebec from 1876 to 1886 show a decrease of $336,807 and the exports a decrease of $3,030,671, those of Montreal show an increase of $9,843,027 and of $4,596,153 respectively. And during all this period the harbor and commerce of the port of Montreal has been unjustly taxed and an unfair discrimination practised against it by the Government. From the reports of the Minister of Public Works it is seen that Montreal alone of all the harbors of Canada has failed to receive any expenditure of public money for its improvement. Here are the items of expendi- ture on some of the other harbors since confederation : Quebec, harbor and graving dock $2,384,000 Toronto " " 536,000 OwenSound " " 95,000 Kingston " « 46,000 Goderich " " 513,000 Cobourg '« " 154,000 St.Johu " " 480,000 Halifax " " 12,000 Otherharbors " " 5,0J0,000 Total S;9.219,000 while Montreal has not received a single copper for harbor improvements. It is true that Parliament has voted $1,603,504 for the ship channel, but the interest on this has been paid out of the REVENUES OF MONTREAL HARBOR obtained by a direct tax on the commerce of the port, while in the case of the Quebec harbor improvements the interest on the expenditure is paid by Government, and thus far has not been a charge on the shipping of the port. It is true that the Government PRESENT AND FUTURE. 31 will assume the debt of the ship channel, but there is in addition to this $800,000 of the revenues of the harbor of Montreal, which the Government has received in payment of interest, all of which would have been available for the enlargement of the harbor, which is HO urgently needed. If Montreal with its harbor taxed and its commerce taxed to meet the interest on undertakings of a purely national origin has prospered so much, what influences may be exerted in the future when its facilities are enlarged and its liarbor dues still further reduced it is impossible to speculate upon. ' OCEAN MAIL. ' THE ALLAN AND DOMINION STEAMSHIP LINES. LETTERS AXD PARCELS CARRIED ANNUALLY BY OUR MAIL FLEET, When Sir Hugh Allan was a boy of 1." years he entered a counting house in Greenock , Scotland. The business carried on was chiefly the agency of several vessels engaged in the Canada trade. He reuiiiined in that house a little more than ayear when his father, who commanded a vessel trading between Greenock and Montreal, advised liim to go out to Canada. Being a far-seeing and shrewd man in his day Mr. Allan, senior, hoped that by having Jliigh in Canada, lie might, in time, obtain for his family a permanent footing in colonial trade. Hugh Allan left Greenock on the 12th of May, 1826, and arrived opposite Longueuil on the 2Ist of May. There was then only one tow boat on the river, the steamer " Hercules," commanded by Captain George Brush. The "Hercules" was not able to tow the ''Favorite," a brig of 270 tons, against the current, and a message was sent to Mr. Hiram Gilbert, a butcher, whose establishment was at the river side and who kept a su]iply of oxen for towing purposes, to assist in towing the brig up the rapids. A hawser was sent on shore and ten oxen attached to it; but still the united force of steamer and oxen was not enough. The " Favorite " had been built by a Mr. Johnstone who carried on his busi- ness at Hoche'aga ; and he, seeing the plight in which the brig found itself, sent down forty, or lifty of his men to lend a hand. A second hawser was sent on shore and to this the fifty men put their strength. The '' Hercules " hud just steamed up afresh, the •' Favorite " carried every inch of available sail, the oxen •. ■ , WERE WHIPPED UP and the men tugged and pulled as well they could ; and these combined forces enabled the vessel to get to her anchorage without further trouble. The aspect of Montreal at that time was very different from what it is now. There were no wliarves ; the bank of the river sloped down from Commissioners street, then a narrow lane, to the river. A ship coming into the harbor was obliged to let go an anchor to prevent her from drifting to the beach. A cable was then sent on shore and fastened there ; all hands then manned the capstan until the stern of the ship touched the shore. To enable vessels to discharge and load, gangways made of long spars with cross pieces wore let down from the vessel. The goods were placed on them, and the carters' trucks backed into the water, sometimes up to the axles. Under those circumstances the work could only proceed slowly, but the vessels were small and did not carry much cargo then. There was at that time a steam ferry over to Laprairie, and a regular steamship line 32 MONTREAL — HER PAST, botwcon Montreal and Quebec. But the steamers, though comfortable enough, were very slow ; it took them from 40 to 48 hours to make the passage. The Lachine canal waajust completed, but it was on a very small scale and no steamers passed through it. After two years' apprenticeship in a grocery business and a trip by water and stage to New York, Buffalo, and the Falls of Niagara, Hugh Allan returned to England where ho saw the first railroad ii» the world, the Liverpool-Manchester line ; and returned in 1830 to Montreal on the " Canada," a new brig of 330 tons, built by his father. She was a fine ship and was then the largest in the Montreal trade. In the same year the construction of the first wharf in the harbor was commenced, the (commissioners for the work being the Hon. (jcorge Moffatt, Colonel Piper of the Roya' Engineers, and the Hon. Jules Qnesnel j but for some time the progress was slow. On his return Mr. Allan entered the office of Mr. James Miller, who carried on an extensive business embracing shipbuilding, ship owning and the management of shij)S. He received also largo consignments of heavy goods, wines and liquors, and wa^ a considerable exporter of griiin, ashes and jiroduce of all other kinds. At that time there was but liitic whiskey manufactured in Canada, and THE ONLY STIMULANT among the laboring classes was rum. This was imported to a largo extent both direct from tho West Indies and by way of Great Britain. Mr. Miller often received consignments of 100 to 150 puncheons of rum in one shipment. This was invariably sold by auction as soon as landed. There being no room on tho small wharves for such large lots, it was carted up to St. David's lane off St Paul street where Mr. Miller's office was situated. > When the habitants were bringing in their grain in September of each year Mr. Hugh Allan was sent to Laprairie and took charge of it, and shipped it from that place in a small steamer, the "Edmund Henry," to Montreal. In the month of April of each year he visited St. Matthew's, St. Hilairc, Beloeil, St. Mark's, St. Charles, St. Antoine, St. Ours, and all tho villages on the river, also Contrecoeur, Vercheres and Varcnnes, a first- class wheat district then, to collect tho grain brought up during the winter. Navigation with heavily laden ships was a difficult matter in those days, the water sometimes falling lower than 11 feet in Lake St, Peter. When that was the case only very small vessels could carry carj-^o through the lake, and when larger vessels attempted a passage, it often became necessary to discharge all tho cargo on a raft alongside. Even the anchors, chains, s])are yards and whatever else could be moved, were put on the rafl to lighten them. In 183;') Mr. Allan entered into partnership with Mr. Miller, In 184;') Mr. Andrew Allan, brother of Mr. Hugh Allan, entered the partnership, and in 18.')1 tho two brothers determined to build steamships of iron and to fit rli^m with screw pro})ellers, which were then already beginning to take the place of paddles. Tho first steamers of that line built were the " Indian," the '* Canadian," the " Anglo-Saxon " and the ''North-American." The "Canadian" made her first trip in the autumn of 1853. From this brief sketch of the Montreal shipping trade, it will be seen that Mr. Hugh Allan was its pioneer and principal promoter. • THE ALLAN LINE. ' Foremost in the port of Montreal stands the Allan Line of Royal Mail steamers. The pioneer of Montreal's shipping trade, it has kept pace with the growth of the Dominion and the city of Montreal, and has been so closely identified with the interests of this city PRESENT AND FUTURE. ! 83 that we cannot but put it at the head of the magnificent lines that have built up the ocean trade of Montreal. The Allan Line dates its origin back to the year 1862, when the Canadian Govern- ment advertized for tenders for the eHtablisbracnt of a line of ocean steamers to run between Montreal and Liverpool in snmmor, and between Liverpool and Portland during the winter months. By the terms of the tender a monthly service was to commence within twelve months from the date of signing the contract, and a fortnightly service ten months after notice hud been given to the contractors. For this service the Government offered an annual subsidy of $120,000. The Canadian Steam Navigation Compuny, which was then being organized, tendered for the service and the contract was signed in August 1852. This company relinquished the contract in 1854, after serving about 17 months Before the relinquishment of this contract Messrs. Hugh and Andrew Allan made arrange- ments for building and equipping a fleet of first-class steamers for the Canadian trade The first contract was given to a firm in Dumbarton, Scotland, for building the "Canadian," the "Indian," the "Anglo-Saxon" and the "North-American." These fine steamers possessed the latest improvements, namely, the propeller screw in place of ihe paddle, were built for an independent trade and were not sustained or encouraged by any subsidy. " This was the beginning of the now WORLD FAMED ALLAN LINE. ■/ ; ' The "Canadian " made her first trip on the 20th of September, 1853, and when she arrived in port her means of propulsion was a mystery to the many spectators that crowded the wharf to see the largest ship that up to that time had entered the harbor of Montreal On the completion of the ''Canadian's " voyage to England, and before she could again make the westward passage, the navigation on the St. Lawrence was closed for the seasont and during the time that river was frozen over she made a voyage to New York. On her return to Liverpool in the spring of 1855, powerful, first-class steamers being urgently wanted to convey troops and military stores to the Crimea, the " Canadian " was chartered by the British Government as a transport ship, and in this service she continued to be employed until the end of the war. Soon after the engagement of the ''Canadian" for that purpose, her sister ship, the "Indian," was also taken up for a similar purpose. When the allied fleet stormed and took the Kinburn Forts, the '' Indian " was engaged in carrying ammunition, and in addition to this critical service, on account of her superior sailing qualities, she was employed as the Admiral's dispatch ship. While the Crimean war was being carried on the steamship trade between Liverpool and Canada was greatly interfered with and curtailed, or rather totally suspended. At the close of the war, however, the Canadian Government, yielding to the pressing repre- sentations of the people of Canada, advertized for tenders to establish and operate a lino of mail steamers to run once a fortnight during the summer months between Montreal and Liverpool and between Liverpool and Portland while the navigation on the St. Lawrence was closed. The Allan line were successful with their tender, and they began the service under contract in April, 1856. But at first great difficulties had to be encoun- tered, and sometimes disasters met and borne with patience. There were in those early days only very few lighthouses in the river and gulf of St. Lawrence. And as the direction of the currents was NOT SUFFICIENTLY UNDERSTOOD, and as the captains had not yet acquired experience in the handling of steamships, the C 84 MONTREAL — HER PAST, danger!' of ocean passage can easily be imagined. On one of her first trips under the contract with the (iiovernracnt, the "Canndian " ran ashore by the fault of the pilot and was wrecked in the river. Other disasters followed, but the Allans did not lack fortitude and they succeeded in demonstrating that the St. Lawrenee route could be made at onco safe and pleasant. Their captains, who were enjoined to bo prudent above all things soon gained experience as to the position of the shoals and the course of the different currents, the Government also increased the number of lighthouses and buoys. Under the provisions of the first contract the Allan line continued to run their mail steamers till the month of April, 1857, when a new arrangement was entered into. At this period the Government, highly satisfied with the manner in which the contract had been carried out, and the services performed, entered into a new contract with the Allan Line to supply a weekly sorvifo. This contract came into operation in April, 1859, and still continues in force. As time went on more ships were built, each an improvement on the last, culminating, for the present, in the superb and popular ''Parisian." The following vessels now compose the Allans' fleet : Steamers (iron and steel) : " Acatlian," 931 tons; "Assyrian," 3970 tons; "Austrian," 2458 tons; '< Buenos Ayrean," 4005 tons; *' Canadian," 2906 tons ; " Carthaginian," 4214 tons ; ''Caspian;" 2628 tons; "Circassian," 3724 tons; " Corean," 3488 tons; "Grecian," 3613 tons; "Hibernian," 2297 tons; "Lucerne," 1925 tons; "Manitoban," 2975 tons ;" Monte Videan," 3500 tons ;" Nestorian," 2689 tons ; "Newfoundland," 919 tons ; "Norwe- gian," 3523 tons; "Nova Scotian," 3305 tons ; "Parisian," 6359 tons; "Peruvian," 3038 tons; '« Phoenician," 2425 tons ; ""Polynesian," 3983 tons ; " Pomeranian," 4364 tons ; " Prussian," 3030 tons ; " Rosarian," 3500 tons ; " Sardinian," 4376 tons ; '• Sar- matian," 3647 tons ; •' Scandinavian," 3068 tons ; " Siberian," 3904 tons ; " Waldcnsian," 2256 tons. An aggregate of 30 steamers with 96,820 tons. Besides these the Allan Line own a sailing fleet of Clyde built iron clipper ships, consisting of 12 vessels with 17,432 tons of burthen. The largest steamers of this line are fitted out exclusively for the passenger traffic, while those of less tonnage are devoted to freight. Ever improving, the Allan Line has won for itself an envied name on the both continents. THE DOMINION LINE. " ' ' ^ - .... . . - . ' After many years of experience in the river shipping between Montreal and Quebec, Messrs. David Torrance & Co., originated the idea of putting into the Montreal-Liverpool trade another line of first-class steamers. Mr. Cramp, one of the partners, went to England in 1872, and made arrangements with the firm of Messrs. Flinn, Main & Montgomery, then managing a steamship line plying between New Orleans and England. A company was formed, and the new line was named the Mississippi and Dominion Steamship Com- pany. The capital furnished was mostly from Liverpool, still a large share of it was contributed by Montreal capitalists. D. Torrance & Co. were entrusted with the manage- ment of the line on this side, whilst Messrs. Flin, Main & Montgomery took charge of the business on the i.her side. As the years rolled on steamer after steamer was added to the fleet, until the Dominion Line now numbers ten large iron steamers, the acme having been teached by the latest venture, the "Vancouver," measuring 5790 tons. The "Oregon," measures 3850 tons ; the " Montreal," 3284 tons ; the " Ontario," 3176 tons ; the " Texas," 2700 tonsjthe ''Sarnia," 3850 tons ; the "Toronto," 3284 tons; the "Dominion," 3176 PRESENT AND FUTURE. 35 tons ; the " Quebec," 2700 tons ; and the •' Mississippi," 2680 tons; an aggregate of 31,829 tons. At first general merchandise was carried almost exclusively by this line. Oradually it entored upon the cattle trade, and soon made a specialty of it, without success. As the steamers increased in size and in accommodations the |)assengor traflic became a feature of the Dominion Line. Immigration also has been carefully fostered, and since the build- ing of the " Saniia," the '' Oregon," and especially the *' Vancouver," it has in passenger traffic become a rival to that of the older lines. The Dominion Line has always been running in connection with the railway systems of Canada. For many years tlio Allan Line monopolized the contract for currying the mails between England and Canada, but about three years ago, in consequence of the demand for spccdinr service, the subsidy was shared between the Allan and Dominion Lines, which carried the mails on alternate weeks. There are twelve steamers engaged in this service, viz., nine belonging to the Allan Line and three to the Dominion. The average journeys miule last year between Liverpool and Halifa.x, from the 5th November to the 8th of May, was as follows, for 23 trips : Dnyg hr m. Average run westward, Allan Line ..i...... 9 .5 42 " " " Dominion Line !) 22 — " " eastward, Allan " 8 23 18 " " " Dominion " 9 10 34 The amount of subsidy paid for the year 1886 for carrying mails between Halifax and Liverpool via Moville in winter and Quebec and Livcrjiool via Movillo in summer was $126,533.3.'}. Between the 22nd of April and 18th November, the average runs were as follows, for 28 trips : Average run westward, Allan Line 9 20 «' '• " Dominion Line 9 1 39 " " eastward, Allan " 8 15 50 " " " Dominion " 9 22 The average number of mail bags carried by each steamer is about forty, but of course this does not represent more than about a third of the European mail matter coming to Canada and arriving at New York. The steamers also bring on an average two boxes of parcel post matter, which are handed over to the Customs officials for collections of duties. SHIPPING. MONTEEAL'S MERCANTILE MAETNE. ASIATIC AND AUSTRALIAN TRADE INAUGURATED AND GROWING. The Beaver Line is a purely Canadian line. It was incorporated by act of the Dominion of Canada in the year 1868, the incorporators being Messrs. William Murray. A. Urquhart, J. Ogilvie, W. Dow, E. H. King, C. Scott, G. W. Campbell, A. Gunn. T. Kimmer, G. H. Frothingham and T. Workman. At first the line owned iron clipper sailing ships trading between Montreal, Liverpool and Glasgow. In 1875, however, they built steamships, and owned the following iron steamers : '* Lake Superior," of 5200 tons ; 36 MONTREAL — HER PAST, ''Lake Huron," 4100 tons; "Lakw Manitoba," 3300 tons; "Lake Winnippg," 3300 tons ; "Lake Ncpigon," 2300 tons; " Lako Ontario," 5300 tons. The sailing Mhips of the Com- pany arc now employed in the Australian trade. The steamers of tliis lino are chiefly fitted out for passenger traffic, and as to cargo they are specially fitted for carrying cattle. In 1885 they carried 1840 passengers, 9374 cattle and 11,^91 sheep. In 1880 the number of passengers was 3234, whilst 0201 cattle and 24,430 sheep were exported. In 1887 there were 3914 passengers, 10,364 cattle and 11,581 head of shcej) carried by this line. Other cargoes consisted of grain, deals, tlour, meal, phosphai-s, potash, cheese, butter, whilst the imports consisted mostly of dry goods, iron, groceries and chemicals. The Beaver Line visits New York during the winter season. THE WHITE CHOSS LINE. The White Cross Line has run between Antwerp and Montreal ever since 1883. Besides the passengers that it carries, it imports the greatest amount of Belgian goods brought to this country, and it exports chiefly grain, i)liospliates, canned goods, agricul- tural implements and bark. It employs tor this port three steamers, the ''Grassbrook," " Wandrahm," and Baumwali," Mr. W.C. Mundcrloh, German Consul, is its agent here, as well as for THE HANSA LINE which came to Montreal in 1883, and is chiefly instrumental in supplying the demand in Canada of German, French and Belgian goods. The line consists of the *' Cremon," '• Roma," Kehrwieder," and "Corona." It exports the same quality of goods as the White Cross Line. THE BLACK DIAMOND S.S. COMPANY was organized in 1881, and is a genuine Montreal company, its president, Mr. Hugh McLennan, and nearly all its directors being well-known citizens of Montreal. The company now owns three steamships, (he '' Cacouua," of 2000 tons, the "Bona Vista," of 1050 tons, and the " Coban," of 1350 tons. The two latter boats arc fitted with first-class passenger accommodation, and during the summer season carry largo numbers of pleasure-seekers to Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. The steamers of this company carry cargoes of flour, butter, pork and manufactured goods of all descriptions to the Lower Provinces and Newfoundland, and have been instrumental in building up a large export trade in that direction. On the return voyage they call at Pictou or Sydney for cargoes of coal. Since its establishment this line hiiH carried aimually over 40,000 tons of soft coal and 100,000 barrels of flour. Of the coal that is brought to Montreal much remains in the city, but part of it is carried further inland by canal and rail, it also carries to Newfoundland a groat part of the breadstuflPs and other Canadian products which that colony needs. THE FURNESS LINE. For more than twenty years back the Farness Line, owned by Mr. Choistopher Fur- ness, of West Hartlepool, Eng., after some experimental tripsin search of profitable car- goes and good markets, finally arranged a regular service between London and Baltimore, and London and Boston, and London and Halifax. Its vessels occasionally called at Montreal, and as the .advantages of the port increased with the growing distributing powers vested in it, the Furness Line, last year, made Montreal one of its regular ports. The steamers plying between here and Newcastle-on-Tyne and London are the " Durham PRESENT AND FUTURE. 8J Cily," 3092 tons ; tho '' flothonburg City," 2520 ton?; "Ripon City," 2141 tons', '• Wothorby," 2129 ; " Washington City," 2298j '< Boston City," 23;{4 ; " Katio," 2795, and the ''Maduni," 2:n5 tons. Tho outward cargoes are grain, deals, cattle, ^hcop and manufactured goods, butter cliccHC, staves, canned meats, organs, bones, tierces of beef, jteas, titnber, etc. These goods are distributed in England, (terinany, France and Belgium. On tho inward trip these ships carry tho various proJucts of tho Old World. ' THE THOMSON LINE chiefly supjdies tho direct trade between Canada and tho Mediterranean Sea. Originated in the year 18t>0 by Mr. William Thomson, of Dundee, Scotland, with a fleet of sailing vessels which plied regularly between English ports and the Levant and intermediate countries, this line extended its trade also to Montreal in tho year 18(51, when a rcguh.r service between this port and the Mediterranean was inaugurated with throe clipper ships, tho " Deodorus," the "Deodora," and the " Deador," and has been continued un- interrujitcdly ever since. In 1870 finding sailing vessels insufficient for the transatlantic trade, Mr. Thomson began building steamers, iind ho now has a service of six well-fitti'il iron steamers. Tho"Avlona" of 1953 tons, the " Barcelona" of 1856 tons, the'* Draoona" (steel) of 1903 tons, tho "Escalona" of 1904 tons, the "Gremona" of 4300 tons, and tho " Gerona " of 4600 tons. Four steamers annually supply the Mediterranean trade, whils^t the other two ply between Montreal and Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tho goods brought to Montreal by this line arc largely consigned to dealers in Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Cleveland and other American cities and Canadian ports. Tho trade is increasing so rapidly that at the close of last year's navigation it was found that the cargoes carried by these steamers were nearly five times as large as at any previous year. Tho cargoes carried from here consist chiefly of grain, deals and cattle. Regarding the shipments of cattle the record of this line is very pronounced, as the following table will show : Cftttlo, Phcpn. 1883 3610 7515 1884 3830 5183 1885 44S5 35;i8 188« 6518 !I713 1887 5512 3237 These steamers are also largely patronized by passengers from England as well as from tho Mediterranean. THE DONALDSON LINE. In 1874 Messrs. Donaldson Bros., of Glasgow, opened a transatlantic service between Glasgow and Montreal, the first steamer being the " Astarto." Gradually they built a fleet of fine steamers, of which the " Alcides " (steel) is the largest with 3400 tons burthen. The '< Concordia " with 2600 tons, the "Cynthia" with 2200 tons, the " Colina" with 2000 tons and tho " Circe " with 2400 tons, com{)leto tho fleet. Their service is weekly. Besides passengers they carry general cargo, such as iron, coal, Scotch manu- factured goods ; whilst the line carries from here grain, deals, flour, butter, cheese, cattle and sundries. They also have boon very successful cattle carriers. The share thoy took in the cattle trade of the Dominion is shown by the following figures : . Cattle. Shfiep. 1883 5030 2805 1884 7929 5806 '. . 1885 6631 2887 1886 9316 5140 1887 9062 2288 In winter this line runs from Glasgow to Halifax. , , , ,; , 38 MONTREAL — HER PAST, THE TEMPERLEY LINE •wa.o established by Messrs. Tcin|ii'rl,'y, CiirtiT and Diirko, of London, in 1877. The company now runs three titeamers between Montreiil mid London, the hirgest being the " Scotland " of 2700 tons. The " Oeeun King" of 2500 tons und the " ErI King "of 2200 tonn complete the number, Their inward oargoeM nro mostly cement, whiting, iron and continental goods shipped from places of production. From Montreal they chiefly carry cargoes of deals, grain, flour, butter, cheese und cattle. The cuttle trade carried on by this line ia shown in the loliowing table : Cnttle. S)ioep. ' 1883 4 33 WTO 1^84 3011» :«24 18*15 2720 'XWI 1X86 3497 7422 1887 1JW2 1036 OCEAN TRAMi'S. - There are more than 60 '' tramps " visiting this harbor annually, not mentioning the so-called coal tramps. These are steamers owned by various companies or individuals seeking trade wherever it is to bo found. Unsually they bring coal from the Lower Provinces and cargoes from the West Indies, especially Cuba, and take from here cargoes of deals and phosphates, or full cargoes of grain, when obtainable. The coal tramps run into harbor with coal from the Lower Provinces and return on water ballast. There are some 20 of them plying between Montreal and the Gulf Ports. A number of these vessola are consigned to Messrs. Anderson, McKenzie & Co. Besides these are the steamers running between Maryboro', in the North of England and Inverness, with cargoes consigned to Mr. Robert Reford This does not include the sailing vessels which continually trade in this port and of which there are between 50 and 60 annually. Individuals and small companies own them. Most of them are consigned to Messrs. Anderson, McKenzie & Co., ship brokers. They load for South America and principally take cargoes of lumber, deals, and an occasional cargo of grain. They also visit English ports. - ASIATIC SERVICE, A regular Asiatic service of steamers and sailing ships has also been put in operation. There are every season from 3 to 5 steamers arriving in port from the East Indies, Akyab> Bassein, Rangoon and Calcutta, bringing cleaned rice, rough and uncleaned rice, for the Mount Royal Milling Company of Montreal, which cleans it and makes it fit for the table. Two steamers, the "Victory " and the "Bennington," mostly su])ply the trade. From here they take cargoes to England, consisting of grain, deal and cattle. There is also a line of sailing ships from ports of Siam to Montreal and British Columbia. THE BOSSIERE LINE. Montreal for many years back has had an indirect connection with French markets. English, German and Belgian lines as well as tramps in those days would supply Mon- treal with the staple goods of the French capital and the Departements. In 1884 an attempt was made towards a direct trade when the Fr.anco-Canadian Line was established. That line, however, was only short lived and sold out to the Compagnie Postale^ which also retired from the field after 6 months. The French authorities, anxious not to lose so valuable a market as Montreal, conferred with the authorities at Ottawa, and asked the Bossidre Brothers, well known shipowners of Havre, to organize a line of Franco- PRESENT AND FUTURE. 39 Ctinadiun stoniners. LaHt year an agruotnont was arrivud at, and on the lOth of Mny tlie first atoiiinur of the liogsi^re Line, tlio '* Comto D'Eu/' uailod from llnvro with Montreal as itH duMtinution. Tlio HoMsii'rc Lino now conHists of five i*tuauiors, tliu "Chateau Lcovillc," niciiyiirinf; 4500 tons ; the '' Obuck," of 3iiOI) tonn (steel) ; the '' Panama," ^lUO tun» luuaHuru ; the "Sully," 2100 tons, and the " Henri Quatre," of 2200 tons. All these steamers arc fitted up for passenger tratUc, which, however, is chiefly con- fined to the '' riiateau Leoville " and the " Obock." The U(»s,Mi(>ri) Line enjoys the confidence of nearly all the leading exporters in Franco and is established on u solid financial footing. MONTREAL'S TIIADE. An oxaminntion of the following comparative statements will show the relative importance of Montreal as a commercial centre in a very strong light : IMPORTS. 1887. Duty. IlBmilton 34,345,000 »T(il,til9 Kingston l,'t(i.'{,135 ir)6,L'!t7 London 2,6()5,'2G0 581,5 Jl Uttawa 1,731,947 327,414 Taronto 21,050,434 4,?57,54K yu«l)«c 3,«(W,129 686,;W2 Halifax 5,411,!l8<5 1,395.070 St. .John 3,604,G«i2 «24,57l Winniptg 1,929,120 4 7,197 Victoria 3.008,077 784,790 Montreal 4.'},948,594 8,874,147 Whole Dominion 112,892,236 22,469,706 This shows that considerably more than one-third of all the goods imj)orted into Canada last year were entered at the Port of Montreal, and more than the same jjropor- tion of the aggregate Customs revenue was collected there. EXPORTS, 1887. ' ' Hamilton $490,940 Kingston 615,1 13 London 4*J«,2.'3<) Ottawa 2,759,054 Toronto 3,192, 1 57 guebec 5,318,533 Halifax 4,767,792 iSt. -I ohn 3,646.87 1 Winnipeg 816,260 Victoria 2,094,384 Montreal 29,032,613 Whole Dominion 89,515,811 Here again Montreal maintains her trade supremacy. The value of the exports from Montreal in 1888 was greater by nearly three millions than that shown by the Custom House returns from every port in the flourishing Province of Ontario. It is more than three times that of the Province of Nova Scotia, and very nearly five times as great as the total export of the Province of New Brunswick. The export from Montreal is very nearly nine millions of dollars greater than the aggregate export of Nova Scotia, 40: MONTREAL — ^HER PAST, New Brunswick, Manitobii, British Columbia and Prince Edward Island. When the exports of Montreal are taken from the whole export of the province of Quebec, which ■was $40,364,720, there are only $11,032, 613 loft for all the other ports of the province. ^ " ' SHIPS AND FREIGHT. This largo volume of imports was brought to Montreal by a splendid fleet of merchant vessels, among them some of the finest steamships in the world. Tho following is a record of the number of vessels then that entered the port of Montreal in the season of 1887, their nationality and their tonnage : ' ■ Vohko1b„ Tontmgo , BritlHh 320 532,932 French 2 1 ,555 Norwegian & Swedish 11 5,899 German 13 22,040 ,f Spanish 1 1,427 Iiu»8ian 1 1,118 ' • Total 348 665,601 The number and nationality of the vessels cleared from same port were : . .' .',.(.'' . VesspU. Tonnngo. British 373 581,669 French 3 3,199 Norwegian & Swedish 14 9,641 German 17 21,060 Spanish I 1,427 Bussian 1 1,148 f Total , 409 621,144 These vessels carried 446,384 tons of freight into Montreal, and took from it 524,851 tons The quantity of freight brought into the whole province of Quebec last year was 537,667 tons, only 91,283 tons more than was brought into Montreal along. The discrepancy between quantity exported from Montreal and from the whole province is even greater than this. The quantity of freight in outward vessels for all tho ports of the province was 586,195 tons. The vessels cleared from Montreal as has boon shown carried 524,851 tons of freight. This leaves only 61,344 tons for tho rest of the province. ,i I ■ ii : !,■.»: ■II ••;)j v,i . ■ . l.iii ; .-j:iI. ' I. '; :• n '!)-., ■■ ,// '".,■■ ' ' ' I' I.;.' it ) U'lji :..). .'' .(i ii' >!,, / l'\ '.'.i,!-- -.I.,, •■ ;.■'.■ '.■•' ' ICI" ' ■ "' Hi- Kll > •^.-.'i^ •I : [[ • ' r ( 'i' ■' !•.' ■ i"i '• ■■'■ ,r, |. /,./! 1. ,.•,, ■ -I'i .(!: 'til ' (, i; 1 iii'i "''iii! 'I'liil PRESENT AND FUTURE. 41 RIVER AND CANAL. THE INLAKD TEADE OX OUE WATEE WAYS. HISTORY OF THE EICHELIEU & ONTARIO NAVIGATION CO. THE TRANSPOETATION LINES AND THE OTTAWA EIVEE TEADE. ■' ■"•' !'■' " -: THE WEST AND NOETHWEST SHIP THEIE PEODUCE TO MONTEEAL. The river as well as the canal system contributed their quota to the shipping trade of Montreal, not only in forwarding goods received from the ocean carrier, and placing them into the hands of the merchant to whom they are consigned all through the cities of the Dominion and the principal northern business centres of the United States, but also by conveying full cargoes of grain and other produce of the soil, the forest and the mine, direct to Montreal, where they form export cargoes for one of the finest fleets of transat- lantic steamships in existence. As early as 1789 the importance of the canal, river and lake system of Canada was clearly seen, and it was then that the first effort was made to overcome the Lachine Rapids by dredging a canal for boats and batteaux via River St. Pierre to Montreal. But the canal was not deep enough, an average of only 2^ feet of water was secured in it. In 1821 the Lachine barge canal was commenced and it was completed in 1825 at a cost of nearly $500,000. Its length was 8;^ miles; lockage, 44^ feet ; bottom width, 28 feet, and 48 feet at water surface ; seven locks, 100 feet long, 20 feet wide, and a depth of 4^ feet of water on the sills. ' '• ' In 1843 the ship canal was begun and completed in 1849 at a cost of $2,149,128 ; length, 8^ miles ; lockage, 445 feet; width at water surface, 120 feet. It contains five locks, 200 feet long each and 45 feet wide, with 9 feet of water on the sills. The last improvement was made in 1875, when a depth of 14 feet on the sills was reached. The lock walls are of cut stone laid in cement, and along its whole length the canal is contained by walls of solid masonry, excepting at the entrance to Lake St. Louis, where the walls are of crib work. THIS MAGNIFICENT WATERWAY overcomes all the difficulties of the Lachine Rapids, and opens the way from Lake Superior to the ocean, and enables the rich cargoes discharged by the seagoing vessels into a fleet of commodious lake steamers and barged at the wharves of Montreal to roach such interior distributing points as Kingston, Oswego, Rochester, Toronto, Hamilton, on Lake Ontario, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Toledo and Detroit on Lake Erie, Goderich, Owen Sound and Saginaw on Lake Huron, Chicago and Milwaukee on Lake Michigan, and Port Arthur and Duluth on that vast "Inland seaj" Lake Superior. 42 MONTREAL — HER PAST, To what extent this waterway, the finest in the world, has contributed to make Montreal, the metropolis of the north, the [irincipal distributing centre for the Dominion and the northern States of the Union, the following table will go far to show : SHIPMENTS BY CANAL AND RIVER WITHIN THE LAST 10 YEARS FROM MONTREAL. Butter I,162,(n7 pkgs. Cheese 4G0,875 pkga. • i ■ Barley 932,010 bshs. Flour 2,762.741 brls. Ashes 74,9371)rls. Wheat 1,140,632 bush. Corn 251 ,829 bush. Peas 208,173bush. ■ Oats 820,284bu9h. *' Receipts by canal and river within the last ten years , , " ' ! i 1 i ' I MONTREAL. '::!,< ' 1 ' '," Butter 59,835 pkga. (heese 828,929pkg8. Barley 1,365,911 bshls. ,. Flour 1,255,943 brls. ' Ashes 65,617 brls. Wheat 49,576,244 bshls. Corn 28,691,212 bshls. Peas 16,705,716 bshls. Oats .. 7,138,535 bshls. : THE RICHELIEU AND ONTARIO NAVIGATION COMPANY. The deepening of the river channel between Montreal and Quebec transferred the head of navigation from Quebec to Montreal, Still transatlantic passengers continued to be landed at Quebec and had to continue their inland voyage by rail. This suggested the usefulness of aline of steamers plying between the two cities. The Richelieu company, which had been formed by Mr. Sincennes in 1845, and owned a steamer "Richelieu," took up the idoa and built a new steamer, the "Jacques Cartier," and in 1855 the ''Victoria" and ''Napoleon," of 350 tons each. The Torrance Line also came into existence, and both companies carried on a keen competition for three years when the Torrance Line sold their steamer, the '' Quebec, " to the Richelieu. Without a rival on the river the latter company now set to work and bought up one after the other the Lake St. Peter Line, and the Terrebonne and L'Assomption Line. In 1861 the magnificent steamer ''Montreal " was launched and was followed in 1864 by the superb "Quebec," two floating palaces which rival in size and commodity the finest boats on the Hudson. But the Richelieu Company were not satisfied with the control of the northern portion only of the St. Lawrence, and in 1875 they amalgamated with the Ontario Company which owned the bonts running from Montreal west to Toronto and Hamilton. From that date on the Richelieu company spread its branches over the whole course of the River St. Lawrence and the Lake Ontario and styled itself the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company. The company's capital now was raised to $1,500,000, represented by a fleet of eight splendid steamers to which were added in rapid succession the "Athenian," the "Abyssinian," the " Cultivateur " and the "St. Francis." Under the presidency of Sir Hugh Allan, from 1876 to 1882, the company made rapid strides in its development. After Sir Hugh's death, in 1882, Mr. L. A. Sen6cal was PRESENT AND FUTURE. 43 elected president. Since that time the equipment of the line has been perfected and put on a level with the finest inland fleet of Europe or America. After so small a beginning, a little mustard seed planted in the basin at Sorel, the sompany now controls the Avhole river carrying trade with little opposition. Its lake fleet at present consists of the "Corsican," of 714 tons; the *' Spartan," of [678 tons ; the "Algerian," of 575 tons; the " Passport," of 592 tons; the ''Magnet," |of fi86 tons ; the *' Corinthian," of 640 tons ; the " Bohemian," of 690 tons ; the tonnage [given is the registered tonnage. Its Quebec line is composed of the ''Quebec," 1794 tons; the "Montreal,"' 1279 |tons ; and the "Canada," 1169 tons. The "Three Rivers," 1049 tons, runs between Montreal and Three Rivers; the " Chambly," 397 tons, to Chambly ; the "Terrebonne," 361 tons, to Vercheres ; the "Berthier," 671 tons, to St. Helen's Island; the "Sorel," 89 tons, to Yamaska ; the "Riviere du Loup," 97 tons, between Varennes and Bout de I'Isle ; the " Mouche ^Feu,' 129 tons, between Berthier and Sorel ; the " Cultivateur," 432 tons, is reserved for excursions, whilst the " Ilocheinga " runs to Boucherville and measures 256 tons. The Saguenay Line consists of two steamers : the " Union," 800 tons ; and the " St. Lawrence," 750 tons. The company also run a ferry to Laprairie, the " Laprairie," a boat of 306 tons; toLongueuil, the steamer " Longueuil," of 230 tons, and have a spare ferry, the "South Eastern," of 230 tons. The management of the company is at present in the hands of Messrs. president ; Alphonse Desjardins, vice-president and Julien Chabot, general manager, and its resources increase from year to year, keeping pace with the growth in population and importance of the city of Montreal. It is admitted that the Company's fleet and equip- ment should be improved, and it is confidently believed that another season will see the work of reconstruction commenced. THE MONTREAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. The ocean trade of Montreal, growing larger, as it did, with rapid strides from year to year, required also an increased carrying capacity on the part of the distributors along the river and the canal. Accordingly a stock company, composed mostly of Montreal merchants, with Mr. Hugh McLennan as president, hastened to supply and take advantage of that want. They bought a few barges, and built others. This was the beginning of the Montreal Transportation Compf\ny. Since that time the company has been steadily increasing in its capacity until at present its fleet is four times as large as it was at the outset. The lake fleet consists of the steam barge "Glengarry," with consorts " Glenora," and " Gaskin ; " lake carrying capacity 105,000 bushels per trip. Lake tug " James A. Walker," with consorts " Brandon," "Jennie " and " Regina ; " lake carrying capacity 105,000 bushels. Lake tug "Active," with consorts "Kildonan," "Bella" and " Maggie ; " lake capacity, 100,000 bushels. The river fleet consists of steam tugs D. G. Thompson, Bronson, Clyde and Jessie Hall, with a fleet of 35 barges, having a total carrying capacity of 700,000 bushels per trip. The company's elevator capacity at Kingston is 20,000 bushels per hour, and the busy wheels during the shipping season make little intermittance in their work of increasing Montreal's prosperity. The business of this line consists largely in the trans- portatiou of grain from United States and Canadian ports to the ocean carriers. This 44 MONTREAL — HER PAST, year the company expect to move quite a quantity of grain from Port Arthur, a new feature in the river St. Lawrence trade. The transportation of coal forma one of the features of this line. Its barges ply the five lakes and load the black diamond along the shores of Lake Erie and Luke Ontario, especially at Oswego, the northern outlet for the Pennsylvania mines, and carry back merchandise of all kinds, distributing them all along the route. THE KINGSTON & MONTREAL FORWARDING COMPANY. A small line of steamers had for some years been carrying on trade between King- ston and Montreal, when in 1879 the increasing want of means to convey goods up and down the river, owing to the growth of importance on the part of Montreal, induced a stock company to take hold of the matter in a more systematic manner in 1879. The company, under the pi-esidenoy of Mr. Alexander (runn, of Kingston, assisted by the Hon. J. G. Ross, of Quebec, as vice-president, and Mr. Wm. Stewart as managing director, put on the route 23 barges with a number of tugs. These barges have a capacity of 400,- 000 bushels per trip. The company own two floating elevators. The boats make 10 trips annually and bring from the Western States by way of the lakes which they traverse grain of all kinds consigned mostly to England and other European countries. They also carry a vast amount of coal from Oswego, Fair Haven and Charlotte. The trade has been increasing so rapidly that the company are obliged to add new barges every year to keep pace with the demand for canal and river carriers. The line is no more confined to the distance between Montreal and Kingston, but visits the principal ports all along the lakes, taking from each its quota of cargo, which it disgorges at the wharves of Montreal into the bosom of the ocean carrier, and in exchange carries manufactured goods hailing from all the European ports to the interior of the Dominion as well as by means of the distributing centres of the Union, throughout the Northern and Western States, bearing the name and fame of Montreal all through the vast Continent. THE OTTAWA RIVER NAVIG \TION CO. The other great waterway, the Ottawa river, immediately connecting the metropo- lis with the political capital, has not been allowed to pass unutilized. As early as 1845 a steamer, the "Oldfield," belonging to Mr. R. W. Shepherd, plied between the two cities, carrying inland whatever freight was consigned to merchants on the road, and for the accommodation of the traveling public. The line was found to be inadequate for the ever growing trade and a stock company, of which Mr. Shepherd is the president, estab- lished a line of large and commodious steamers. In 1850 the "Xady Simpson " was launched, and was followed in 1860 by the " Prince of Wales," which, on her first trip, carried His Royal Highness to Ottawa. The "Queen Victoria" (1861) and the ''Dagmar" (1865), together with the large Clyde built iron steamer, the "Peerless" (1873), were added to the company's fleet. She was the largest vessel ever built for Canadian inland waters. In 1885 she was destroyed by fire at the wharf of Montebello. The "Maud," "Empress" and "Princess," passenger and market steamers, were brought out within the last 10 years. A considerable portion of the country along the river banks is supplied with goods by these steamers. On their return trip to Montreal the boats of this line take cargoes of cattle and agricultural products for transatlantic ports. Indeed, so rapidly is the trade on the Ottawa River growing that the Ottawa River Navigation Company intend purchasing a number of steel hulls ; one to replace the "Prince of Wales" has already beea ordered and will enter service next season. ; PRESENT AND FUTURE. 45 THE merchants' LINE. The large fleet of the Merchants' Line is still another evidence of the opulence and importance of Montreal. Dating as far back as 1836, the line has been owned successively by Messrs. Holden, Hooker, Hooker, Holden & Co., Hooker & Jaques, and finally by G. E. Jaques, Tracy & Co. From Chicago to Montreal every port of importance ig touched by the steamers "Acadia," 5G9 tons ; the '' AhnaMunro," 581 tons, and the "Cuba," 51)9 tons. Points on Lake Ontario are visited by the "Persia," 500 tons, and the ''Ocean," 454 tons, the " Lake Ontario," of 412 tons, the "Lake Michigan," of 440 tons, and the <' Celtic," 440 tons. The "Welshman" and the " Henry Bate " traverse the Rideau Canal, also !' I • • ■ • '•!• ( ■.. t 'i' .'•;■, Ui '. . , I , , ^~~~"*~ I 1 1 1 ■■,'■; . '. ■ •• : ■"•■ 1 i' ■[. -I. ■.'/■/■■.:; ; 'i-: .,,.,-, \ , ■,,,,,, ■ ■ I . . , ■ ' ■' ■ . .,..., ■ . 1 . ' . . . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. i THE PIONEER OF CANADIAN COMMERCE. THREE THOUSAND MILES OF RAILWAYS. How MONTREAL BECAME THE RAILWAY CENTRE OF CANADA. ■ • ■ • ; ■> K, ■'<■! : •■■! .'< I . . ' ;,.:i , -, . .1 • . ITS VICTORY OVER THE VANDEBBILTS IN ENTERING CHICAGO. .: The operations of the Grand Trunk Railway and th« trade and commefccof Montreal (ure so intimately connected that a history of the one to a great e«tent involvts that of thf other. The eonstructioo of that line has wonderfully developed the resources of tBr0 Dominion,, and ha« d- ; , of which a feWcotJl(6s afe'Still to be seen, shows the following list of Directors : President',' the Hon. John Ross, Solicitor-General ; Hon. Francis Hincks, Inspector-General; Hon.' E. P. Tach^, Receiver- General ; Hon. J. Morris, Postmaster-General ; Hon. Mr. Cameron, President of the Courteil ; Hon. R. E. Carbh, Speaker of the Legislative Council. Mr. Thomits Baring, M.P., and Mr. G. C. Glynn, M.P., were the agentu of the Province of Quebec ahd'direotb'rs of the proposed compahy on behalf of tlie Canadian Gov'ernment in England ; the raanaglng-dirtctor was Sir C. P. Roney, with Mr. S. B. Biggar as the general mahager, and Mr. A. M. Ross, chief en'gineer. The prospectus Wits an enticing orte; it seeibed as if the undei-taklng was bound to coin money. The vastness of the country which the line was to tap and the diversity of its products bade fair to jifford an ' endless traffic, and the promoters naturally paihted their project in' colors of the most radiant hUe. Mdriey Was ple'iltiful in England, aridgood investments Were ata premiuifa. As a result the st'ock list was filled by hundreds of people who trahsfert^d their all from investrlients which pai'd smiill interest, in the confideht expectatioh of r^ajiing tenfold by the vast transatlantic sdlheme. Thie promoters speedily had ainple funds at their disposal, W MONTREAL — HBR PAST, ii und an array of laborers were soon at work, and the construction waa pushed on with such vigor that the rapid progress enabled traffic to go on over sections of the road in a very brief period. In 1853 a road was open between this city and Portland. The following year witnessed the completion of the road between Richmond and Quebec, and two years later the first train ran through from Montreal to Toronto, the event being duly marked by "joyful ceremonies," as a journal of the period notes. It was fitting that this should have been, for the event marked an epoch, not only in the commercial, but the social history of Canada. The building of this great line waa also marked by the most , , . •i--'i ' v,.,-p..- MARVELOUS ENGINEERING PEAT '■'■'■'-' •• "- ' ' of the period — the construction of the Victoria Bridge. It was early made evident that it was out of the question that so serious a gap as the St. Lawrence could break the continuity of the line of railway, and gigantic as the proposition wos, and quixotic as it seems to have been considered by very many, the construction of a bridge across the mighty river of the North was determined upon. The man to whom the daring attempt was entrusted was himi?elf a giant in his art and worthy of his task, and Montreal may feci proud in having at her doors the greatest of the works of Robert Stephenson and one of the engineering wonders of the world. The forces of nature in their most mighty aspects were boldly faced by the master mind of the engineer, and stand impotent before the granite and iron outcome of his deliberative genius. Largely is it due to this mar velous piece of work that we are able to-day to appropriately refer to Montreal as a distributing centre. The history of the Victoria Bridge has been written at length more than once, and it is not necessary to say more of it at the present than that it cost betweea $7 000,000 and $8,000,000 ; that it is about two miles longj that the first passenger train crossed in December, 1859, and that the year following, the Prince of Wales formally opened it with ceremonies yet in the recollection of a large number of our citizens. The line when it was so opened may be said to have consisted of one thousand miles —strictly a hundred miles more — and its growth has since been steady and persistent. At present its records show a mileage of 1550 miles, but, in addition, it has leased and partially owned lines which bring the grand total up to close on ' ' ^ , .^ ^ ^^ ,.,,.,„,,■, .,...■,. iui. in.,.:. THREE THOUSAND MILES. A . ■' • v- ,u . ;. .'■<,.,; :i Negotiations are in progress for the securing of other acquisitions. It need hardly be said as the fact is unluckily too notorious aed has been the subject of most acrimonious writing and discussion, that the line did not at first realize the bright anticipations which had been indulged in by those who built it. The enormous and certainly extravagant outlay on construction, and various economic causes which militated against the success of the road, made the prospects of the shareholders very dark. The report of the com-, mission appointed by the Goverrment to investigate the matter is to be seen in the, Parliamentary papers by any one desirous of going deeper into the subject. The debtor , and creditor sides on the ledger of the line were discouraging. At this dark moment Mr. €. J. Brydges took charge of the line. He seemed th^ right man for the position and, though made the object of most jurious vituperation by enemies of th,e institution, ' worked steadily and well to advance the interests of his trust. He saw that want of ,_ connections was, notwithstanding the magnitude of the line, a weak point, and it is due to his determination that the great Canadian line now touches, as a part aln>ost of its own system, New York, Chicago, and the principal commercial points in the north of the , United States. Mr. Brydges' name will always be bound closely with the advances towards • prosperity made by the Grand Trunk. One of the results of the Royal Commission . PRESEMT AND PUTURB. ' 53 referred to trftn that appHoatton Was made In 18fi1 t'd tlii (^ortntVy for asslfltanrtB. The (Icinaud wa.s miulo on the ground that the aid granted by the Act of 1849 had not boon fairly or proportionately expended, 90 far an the Grand Trunk route was concerned, that it had already done marvels for the country, and that it had especial claims on the Government which had really done a great deal to enooarago its construction, and in fact had practically ofRoially endorsed as the first directorate indicated. In 187-1 A CHANGE OP MANAGEMENT was effected, Mr. Brydges beeing succeeded by Mr. .Joseph Hickson. Shortly after the latter gentleman's assumption of office the gauge of road wits changed throughout so as to bring it info harmony with the lines in the United States. This was necessarily a cog;ly matter, as steel rails were also adopted, but from a business point of view the advanta^-os of the change were very great. At the commencement of the present decade dividends were paid in full on the first and second preference stock and in part upon the third. The Great Western Railway from Niagara to Detroit, with a link running to Toronto, has been acquired, adding a total mileage to the sy.stera of one thousand miles. Of the earn- ings it was determined to give seventy per cent, of the net earnings to the Grand Trunk and thirty to the Western. In the year 1879 the Government took over the Riviilre du Loup section, and with the funds a great deal was added to the western portion of the line, and direct communication was effected with Chicago in the face of the most obstinate opposition by some of the most wealthy capitalists and railway men of the United States. The Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway, which connects the syretem with Chicago, is under the management of Mr. W. J. Spicer, for many years the General Superintendent of the G. T. R., and rjght-hand man of Mr. Hickson, in Montreal. Since his appointment to the General Managership of the C. & G. T. Mr. Spicer has had many flattering offers from American roads, but hjis remained loyal to the great syBtem whose service ho left England to enter upon. Both the Vunderbilt and Gould systems opposed Mr. Hickson's efforts to the utmost, but be finally succeeded in attaining his object, and his conduct of the nego- tiations has always been regarded as a masterpiece of railway zeal and enterprise. '■{ I ; .'lii i THE NORTHERN RAILWAY" SYSTEM has lately been obtained by the company, giving further connections on Lake Huron and elsewhere. The mileage is about 450. The connections of the line have latterly been still further increased by the construction of a line from Fort Covington toMassena Springs in the State of New York, a distance of some twenty-five miles. This gives the line a con- nection with a large system of railways in the State of New York, the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg in particular. A new communication with the west is by this obtained. Another link from Beauharnois to Valleyfield is of use as a feeder. The commercial advance of the Grand Trunk and the increasing demands made upon its resources necessitate the double tracking of the line throughout its entire length, and this work is being proceeded with as the finances of the company render it possible, some sections being already completed. The Board of Direction is composed as follows: President, Sir H. W. Tyler, M. 1'., Lord Claud Hamilton, M.P., Messrs. Robert Young, Robert Gillepsie, W. N. Heggate, James Charles, John Mainham, Major A. G. Dickson, M.P. The workshops usually absorb 2000 men in Montreal, 800 or so in Hamilton, 400 in London and Stratford, severally, 300 in Brantford, 250 in Fort Gratiot, 100 in Gorham, and a small force in Portland, more or less as required. The balance of the mechanical force consists of engineers and firemen. The workshops always find plenty to do. During §^ MOfilT&^^L— SER PA87^ I the past seven years 15P new looomotives have been built a^ SQTera^ hundreds of new i^ars of all kinds from tli« palatial order down to the flat car. , , Since the commenoi^inent of the road the pppulpition 9f th^ city has grown from aijaoui 40,000 to an approximfited number of 2(|0, 000. ^,,. .,,,.{ -i.,-,-; tc .,,; it. vfin.: • -■. ■ .•>" .-.-....; 1 THE BONAVENTURE TERMINUS. f;.'i' (■■.^'..- 'ii nr- i . T' The company has completed the construction of a very fine depot on the site of the old one, St. James street. This is a buildiijg qf reqaarHably fine architectural design, pointing eastward and exjtending bao^ to tbe portion of the depot into which the trains will run. The building is two stories high and is \^\i\\i of red brick faoed with white stoqe su/mounted by a Afansard: roof. Three handsome towers, north, centre and south, one containing a clock, give an ifl^ppaing finish to thp bpilding, which is designed wUh sp^qiaj regard to the ne^ds of the passengers who enjter it. A covered way for carriages will be provided, ai)d the w^aitfpg roopis elaborately finished and so arranged as to provide tb^ - ., i •,!;,,, I ;. ...,n..r<\ ;.•,,■''. if' ;i' -';;_,)Vi . ''' :.•.:•.!'..■; i ,, !i m ' '•■.!■ i ■ ,1/; .'')' f CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. ,ii '• .Ic-'ni-! FEOM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC. .,,•.•).' .1 111' ■t ,.^ .fi. •'■■ ■ • -.(ii i' VAST TERRITORIES TRIBUTARY TO MONTREAL. ■ < ' . ' ' ■' - THE SHORT LINE FROM ENGLAND TO JAPAN. ' m' THE N]EW SAULT STE. MARIE ROUTE. 1.. MONTREAL THE OCEAN PORT FOR THE WESTERN STATES. ■ To Montreal and her prominent citizens Canada and the world's commerce is indebted for that "eighth wonder of the world," and greatest railway triumph of th,e age — the Canadian Pacific Railway. To whom may be attributed the honor of having originated the idea of a transcontinental route across Canada as is now witnessed in this railway is not very clear. IVJany claim the credit, but tjhe first person to make a serious proposition to the Government foi* its construction appea,rs to have been the late Mr. Waddington, an engineer of considerable skill, and '^ brother of the soip.etime minister of education in France. The necessity for such a connecting Ijink between the E»ist and West, forming also a chain to bind together the scattered provinces and to give com- munication with the almost inaccessible region of the Northwest, was naturally self evident. Nearly half a century ago an ojd pioneer in tb^ G9U(r^ty of York, O^it., wrot^, with almost prophetic force, of the future '* Unity of !^it^h Nor4,h Amjerica." . iBeetjheie not a ^a,talhour, <, mi: . ".V" But a^es hence In Boyereign poyirer, •• .,<,,,.,',,. i [,, i, , ; ],.:, .,,f i, • ,i>.;b<(.r y:! ' From Nortka Sound to Labrador When the fleet iron horse shall roar , ,, ,r • . , r SUI'H: a .>a. !>.; '>\r •.•■ tw ' "" • «f' i"^v,.yru-'> N' .;' :.-,-.t PBESBNT AND FUTURE." 65 •' ' ' ' ' When thy rich belt with ootntnerce apanned !'. d , >/ 1. Shall seiid its wealth from land to laud. I f . > ,. ' i. And millions cherish happy homes ,,, / j , ,1 ,• , Wliere now the untamed buffalo roams ; When teeming cities, villas fair .. '' And all the arts of peace are there . ' ' ' ' ' " "■ When college, school and church's spires! ■ . ■■ ' ' All glitter in solstitial fires, >! ; : ' And mountain, mine and spreading plain 1 Diif use tljeir wealth from main to main, . , : , . ,, , , I And jarring races fused in one ,,. Rejoice iu name Canadian. The admission of British Columbia into the Confederation in 1871, with a condition that such a railway was to be built, caused the scheme proposed by Mr. Waddington to be considered by the Govecnment after a lengthy interview with Sir John Macdonald. The practicability of the scheme was doubted by many and as earnestly championed by others. There was, howeyer, an eager competition for the privilege of constructing the road. At the outset it was not designed to make the undertaking purely and simply a Governmental work, but liberal assistance in money and land was promised. Two com- panies were successively formed, but they expired without advaqcing the line an inch. A third, headed by the late Sir Hugh Allan, was formed and empowered to construct the lipe from Lake Nipissing to the Pacific. To this enterprise the sum of $30,000,000 and 60,000,000 acres of land were granted by the administration. Sir Hugh Allan, with that keen business foresight wliicb wjis his strong characteristic, accurately gauged the vast importance from a commercial point of view of the opps.truction of the line, and seeing VfJ^iftt ,,,■,., . , .,', ,, ' .... A GIGANTIC FEEDER i' would be afforded to his splendid fleet of steamers, bent much of his indomitable energy to the accomplishment of the project. There was a strong opposition to the scheme both in and out of Parliament. The agitation caused by the Pacific scandal proved effective enough to put out of power the then Cabinet headed by Sir John Macdonald. The agreements with British Columbia in the first instance promised that the road should be completed in ten years, but it very soon became evident that this could not be done. The company of which Sir Hugh Allan was president gave up the charter. The British Columbians began to complain of bad faith and the new government, led by Mr. Mackenzie, had to take measures to satisfy them and to do something towards the con- struction of the road. An arrangement was made with the Pacific province by means of which the time of the building of the road was extended, the year 1891 being named. IJhe progress of the railway during the years 1872-80 was not very rapid. It was well known at the time that the survey was pushed on under Mr. Sandford Fleming, but the difficulties reported seemed very great, and caused Mr, Mackenzie on one occasion in the House of Commons to state that all the resources of the British Government would not construct the lino in ten years. A beginning was, however, made. A line was con- atructod from Winnipeg to the United States boundary, and sections of the road between £)or,t William on Lake Superior and Manitoba were comuienced. In 1878 tUer.e VTas a , , >, .... ,' _._ . . ^, . , ,, , ' ■ -.j . . ( ,' ','..:.< .,, I !,■•:! i, '• CHANGE OF GOVERNMKNTa, :.,},..■.■, , ' ," )„. and in 1880 a new and radical change was made in the Canadian Paoific Railway policy. A new company was formed and an agreement entered into with tbe Government by MONTREAL — HER PAST, means of which the syndicate, as it was called, was to receive as a gift the completed lines of which some 711 miles in all were under construction east of the Mountains and 83 miles from Port Moody and Yale. In addition to this the Government granted Ihe company $25,000,000 and 25,000,000 acres of land. On the part of the company, it was agreed that the line should be completed by the first of May, 1891. The agreement was not strictly observed, for the construction was pushed forward in a most remarkable manner, and on the 7th of November, 1885, three months short of five years from the signing of the agreement, the Canadian Pacific Railway was an accomplished fact, and through traffic from Quebec to the Pacific coast made practicable. The construction of the road involved great expenditure, the difficulties confronting the engineers were imposing, especially was this the case on the Lake Superior section, where the :.'ock cutting and tunnelling necessitated enormous labor and an outlay of very great sums of money. This was the most costly portion of the line, and as a channel of probable traffic for some time at least necessarily the most unprofitable. From $600,000 to $700,000 per mile was expended on this section. The sections in the Rockies were also costly, averaging $370,000 a mile. The company has also in connection with its service a system of steamers running between Vancouver, Yokohama and Japan. In the words of the Premier of the Dominion, Hong Kong may be considered the terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Connection is also held by the line with Boston, thus giving it an outlet on the Atlantic. A charter has been obtained during the recent serson of Parliament for a line of railway to be constructed between Canghnawaga and the State of New York, touching Beauharnois, Valleyfield and crossing the international line near Dundee, and forming a connection with the very extended and complicated system of railways that has its ramilications in the State. The first " through " train left Montreal on the 2nd of November, and the occasion was fitly observed as one of general importance. The line had during the time inter- vening between the signing of the agreement with the Government been progressing in various ways. In addition to the main line more than 1000 miles of branches had been aoqaired or built, and the stock issued raised to $65,000,000. A line of Clyde built steamers was also placed on Lake Superior. In brief, the completion of this great work gives Canada possession of a line of railway from Quebec to Vancouver, 3,077 miles in length, 366 miles shorter than any road connecting San Francisco and New York. From Liverpool to Vancouver the distance is 5,761 miles by the Canadian Pacific, and from the first named port to San Francisco, by New York, 6,401 miles, thus giving the Cana- dian route an advantage of 640 miles. Two-thirds of the route are in charge of one company ; the whole is in British territory, and the line constitutes the only real ,, >, *' TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY " • *• ' : .v. in the world. The "lines" crossing the United States are merely a succession of links. The officers of the company are : President, Sir George Stephen, Bart. ; Vice-Pre- sident and General Manager, W. C. Van Home, who may be looked upon as the guiding spirit in the grand undertaking, whose complete confidence in the future of Canada and of the ultimate success of Canada's transcontinental rond has never for a moment flagged. Mr. C. Drinkwater, for many years assistant to Mr. Hickson, of the G.T.R., is Secretary.: while Mr. Van Home has for Assistant Manager Mr. T. G. Shaughnessy, whose push and enterprise, coupled with his extended experience in matters of detail have proved him an invaluable help to the Vice-president. Mr. George Olds, the Traffic Manager, iind Mr. Lucius Tuttle, Passenger Traffic Manager, were both well known in the railway PRESENT AND FUTURE. 57 world of the United States before they came here, and have done good work in building up the business of the road. The other officers are : Comptroller, I. G. Ogden ; Trea- surer, W. Sutherland Taylor ; General Superintendent Ontario and Atlantic division, T. A. Mackinnon ; General Superintendent Eastern division, C. W.Spencer j General Superintendent Western divisipn, W. Whyte j General Superintendent Pacific division, Harry Abbott j General Freight and Passenger Agent Western and Pacific division, R. Kerr ; Generul Passenger Agent Ontario and Atlantic division, D. McNichol. Another line of railway of great importance to Montreal must be described, which may be termed second in importance to the main line of the C. P. R, itself. The Sault Ste. Marie route starts from Sudbury Junction, proceeding to the bridge at the "Soo " via Aigoma Mills. A line bad been made in 1882 as far as the Mills as an eastern port of the C. P. R. steamers. There was a good deal of money spent on a pier and a hotel of some size was projected, but Qircumstances arose which prevented the projected port being made the use of for which it was intended, though it may yet be made available in the future. A year and a half ago the work of extending the road was continued, and it was completed aboit the commencement of the present year. The line will afford facili- ties for much local trade, as it taps a portion of country which is very fertile and has a very fair settlement. The Great Manitoulin, St. Joseph's Island and other sections are of a very high class of agricultural land, and the line, will doubtless bo a spur to those who are interested in the very rich mining districts which it taps. The road is con- structed on the same liberal and thorough scale as the main line. The heaviest and best steel rails have been laid down, the plans having been so drawn as to make the gradients as easy as possible and the curves extended. The ballasting is particularly good and one of the engineers, jin conversation, stated that this is largely due to the fact that an enor- mous quantity of crushed quartz, the refuse of a deserted copper mine at Bruce mines, was ready to hand and formed a specially fine ballast. The bridge over the St. Mary's river is a splendid piece of work. Mr. J. W. MofiFatt, C E., of Lachine, made the ,;.;,,, PRELIMINARY SURVEY, ' ' and the masonry was constructed by Mr. R. G. Reid of the same place, the ironwork 6f the main bridge being constructed by the Dominion Bridge Co., and the Draw by the Detroit Bridge Co. Mr. G. H. Massey was the chief engineer. The main bridge has ten spans, each of 242 feet in length and 250 tons in weight. The " Draw " is very large, weighing over 300 tons and being 396 feet in length. The entire length of the bridge is, including certain trestling on the Canadian side, one mile and one hundred and twenty feot. It cost $50 0,000. This important line was fitly inaugurated on Jan. 8 and 9 of the present year by the passage of what was known as the "great flour train " from Min- neapolis, an event duly noted in the press of the city at the time. It consisted of 99 cars with 14,820 barrels of flour on board, all of which passed to the sea over the new road. The importance of this link to Montreal trade may be realized by the considera- tion of the following statement of distances. Minneapolis, the great milling depot of the west, manufactured last year more than six millions of barrels of flour, of which nearly three millions went to England. How this route will bear on the shipping of our port may be easily realized. Minneapolis to Liverpool vid Chicago is 4413 miles, and vid the Soo and Montreal only 3900, and the greater part of the export of this section of the west should find its way to this port. A saving of forty miles is also eflfected by the line between Minneapolis and Boston. The Sault route may confidently be looked to as one of the chief elements in the gradual increase of Montreal's grain and other exports from the Western States. r' ''' ■ ' ' ' ■ ■ THE WINDSOR TERMINUS. One of the leading features in connection with the Canadian Pacific Railwny is the magnificent depot now completed on Windsor, Osborne and Donogani streets, called the New Bonavonture, as distinguished from the Bonaventure. On the first-named street U will have a frontq,ge of 200 feet, extending from Osborne to Donogani streets. This is one of the finest railway stations on the continent. The waiting rooms front on Windsor street, but level with Osborne street. The train hous,e is ninety feet wide and five hundred in length- The tracks on which the trains enter the station are 18 feet over the level of Donegaini and Windsor streets. The principal entrance is on Donegani, where a long and commodious carriage way will be roofed in. On the corner of Dor.egani ,t|,nd Windsor streets a magnificent tower is built, ninety feet on the front of Wind- sor and seventeen feet on Donegani street, and rising to an altitude of 204 feet. Six stories of this tower are utilized for offices and four others in the Osborne street wing. This affords accommodation for the head-quarter offices of the company. The struc- %}iTo is built of Scottish stone in the style of architecture generally known as " Scottish masonry," imposing in style, but simple. Kitchens, dining rooms and quar- ters fitted up specially for immigrants are in the building, and the station is an oi:nament to the city, and a fitting terminus for so great a line in so great a city. It has been the aim of the company to make it such, and it has succeeded, as the plans were faithfully carried out. The tracks run out of the city not on the level, but on an ele- vated trestle work of iron. •'."•'■^ .■ , ■.. ,1 ,.(■ •■• -..' ... -t :■ . ,, THE ST. LAWRENCE BRIDGE. One of the most striking features of the line in this vicinity is the superb cantilever bridge crossing the St. Lawrence from Windmill Point, Lachine, to Caughnawaga. This fine bridge consists of eight decked trusses, of 240 feet each, and two of 270, together with a pair of cantilever channel spans of 408 feet each, with a headway or height above the water of sixty feet. The bridge is of a peculiarly elegant design, that for the iron yrovk being designed by tlje late Mr. C. Shaler Smith. The general plan adopted in the work is that of double intersep.tion trusses. The roadway is on spans, and is set between trusses so as to ensure the greatest amount of stability and safety, and timber guards are ©xected throughout to prevent the possibility of accidents. The cantilever spans have curved oprds above aod below, and lightness and elegance is thus secured. The bridge stands on masonry piers of a most substantial character built on concrete foundations, and specially designed with reTerence to the ice which must press on them at the opening of the year. The masonry itself was built by Mr. R. G. Reid, and the iron work was constructed by the Dominion Bridge Company at the Lachine worl's. The whole work was executed under the personal supervision of Mr. Peterson, the chief engineer of the C.P.R. The bridge, which is of a novel character and combines the greatest amount of lightness and elegance with substantial strength, p'-esents a fine appearance, and, being open, the view -from it of the famous Lachine Rapids which it passes almost immediately above is very ifiwe. The cost of this bridgp vas $1,200,000. . ,^ ,^, , ,.,,*.) .,rn ;••: 1 /.' 'ii'l ■'" ■;i'i' ;,■ .', u-'.l.i ii-.(*, ■'■-''>' v ^ I >) .. I, I''; ,.,:,, .I,''.' . f, , , ,, ;;" iui - , , >; ' ' "' • ■'<* '■ ■■■ '•■• ••■ 't^ '■' '■ ■•'■■ •• • '1 -( . • . It I •■ .* . • ", -Ir , i -, . ., V 1 , ' ;,,, ,\:, ' •• '•"_!■ )Ji- ■, ! ; ' .,' .iri: • V( 'M ■,' M, \)ui.-'. •■['. , . ■ . i i'l I ■,'' i|. i ^ ■■•1 >/• ;-..< !U'.1'I* -. ''lisr. ■• I Hli,. (,r.'', tl,'. 1".^ •/' :.(■(!.>■/. I ' I'' , ;l [ 'l p| '.i;^. •>,!■ Ill r I, ,i \ J -,,C| •,-, •'•,■• r;-,: ., // -.,(1 PRESENT AND FUTURB. 59 . . . - / .. Mil ' .M <<■ ;• , ' . .:'!" ..; '' . . ' i !'.i 1, .. '..■■.!l n . • , 'ill .■ : , ■' ')•■ l!' i;'.-. ffii :;,:;,: warehousing.: I . . .■ I 'I ■ '. I ■• /, . .1 -| 1 : .' - : ', ' . ' I ,, -'ill HOW QEAIN IS HANDX.ED IN MONTKEAL. ;,, FLOATING ELEVATORS AT WORK. ' THE ISTABLISHMENT OF STATIONARY ELEVATORS. No review of the commerce of Montreal would be complete without a substantial reference to her elevator accoinmodatjon. Eising from comparatively small beginnings, that trade has advanced to a fiont rank, and to-day is mentioned in the same category as New York, BalUmoie, and oiber gieat ocean shipping ports of the neighboring Republic. No city in the Dominion eve^" has vied, or ever can hope to vie, with Montreal in her elevator and forwaiding capp.bilities. Of the old-time methods, previous to the introduction of ste»m elevators, 30 years ago, employed for the raising of grain from the lake barge to the ocean ship, tradition tells interesting tales. Men still in the business speak of the " bagging days," when the elevators consisted of human arms. Gangs of men, stationed one above another on ''lifts," handed the grain from the b*irge to the vessel, in bags, having first measured it in a half bushel measure; two "stvoked" half bushels were placed in each bag and lifted on board until 25 bags were sent up. This was called " a tally." Two of the bags were then weighed> a,nd an average was made of the whole 25; one double gang of these "measurers" and ''lifters," varying from 12 to 20 men each, would measure and fill 5000 bushels in 10 houvp. The present elevators will do the some work in a single hour and at a fraciion of ilie cost. Such wns the system — t(he old bagging and lifting system. i\mong the prominent and absolutely representative men in the business then were Messrs. Glass & Jones, James Henderson, George Chaffee, Black & Bonner, John and Hugh McLennan, George E. Jaques k Co., Michael Scanloo and David G. Thompson. Of these Mr. Hugh Mc- Lennan is still actively in the business, bis brother John having rei'red on an ample fortune ; Mr, Black, our present respecied City Treasurer; Mr. Soaulon, now Superinten- dent of the Domin;ion Si,eamshi,p Line, and D. G. Thompson of the Montreal Transporta- tion Company, are all 6r very nearly all that were then aative in Ihe business still survivors of the ante-steam elevator days alluded to. The time was now appioaching when a change was absolutely demanded. There were not wanting men who had long f^en that Mootraal as the head of oce^n navigation must be the great entrepot for grain on its passage to the ocean from the West; th^y were of the right metal, and took mea- sures to accomplish tbeir purpose. W MONT RBAL— HER PASl', THE FLOATING ELEVATOR SYSTEM. In tho year 1857 the " Montreal Steam Elevating Company " was organized with a subscribed capital of $80,000. John Esdaile, President ; directors, H. L. Routh, Andrew Shaw, Jas. H. Henderson and C. J. Cusack. The object of the company was set forth at a meeting of the shbscribers held in March of that year, by a resolution passed as follows, viz. : " That a company be now formed, having for its object tho facilitating of the ship- ment and weighing of grain." Those who attended this meeting were all more or less interested in the forwarding and shipping business, and abundantly foresaw that for the development of the grain trade at this port, such facilities were indispensable. The com- pany formed, contracts were immediately given out for the construction of a floating elevator, which was ready for the following spring (1858). The quantity shipped that and the following season was small, being altogether not over 500,000 bushels; but in the season of 1860 there was a marked increase in the q^uantity coming to this port for shipment so much so that it became apparent that additional elevators were required for the increasing trade. A second elevator was provided for the autumn trade of that year (1860), and at the same time a third was ordered to be ii^ readiness for 1861, which year still showed an increase, necessitating two more elevators for the season of 1863, making five in all. For several years after this, the business decreased slightly until 1866. From 1866 onward to 1871 there was a more steady development of tho trade, when over 10,000,000 bushels were handled and shipped, the plant of the company con- sisting of seven elevators. In 1872 the company was recognized to meet tho increasing needs of Montreal as a grain shipping port by am^lgaraatioa with a new company that had been formod under the name which it still bears, the " M )ntreal Elevating Company." The capital of the thus amalgamated company was placed at $160,000. The directorate consisted of : Andrew Allan, president; directors : Hugh McLannan, Dvniel B utters, J. H. Joseph and A. T. Patterson. The primary object of the oomoiny wis, by a fusion of capital, to furnish such facilities as would effect the prompt tranship mont of all grain coming to the Port of Montreal at a moderate cost. In this the company have to all appearance succeeded. The company's plant to-day (1838) consists of 14 elevators, each costing $15,000, total $210,000, with an averaga capacity of 5^00 bushels per hour. In 1830 the shipments of grain reached nearly 20,000,000 bushels, requiring the use of the whole of the elova- tots ; and since thattim"} the trade of the port ^has required the same more or less con- tinuously. Recapitulation is unnecessary, suffice it to say that from a petty single floating elevator in 1857, handling only half a million bushels of grain, bntatthe same time suffi- cient for the port's requirements, so much has our trade increased that at present wo find 14 elevators inactive requisition, with a handling capacity altogether of 70,000 bushels per hour, employing a substantial and commensurate portion of our laboring population, and costing in the aggregate $210,000. I, Mr. Andrew Allan has remained president of the anailgaraatal company since its formation. The present directors are Messrs. Hugh MoLennan, A. T. Patterson, J. A. Crane and Alex. McDougall, the latter being manager. ; -r < r. rtiirs .„,!;! ... THE WAREHOUSE Ott STATIONARY ELEVATORS. II More important if possible than floating elevators to the grain trade, are stationary elevators. The pioneers of the stationary elevator business were Messrs. Ira Gould & Sons, who in the year 1848 erected a commodious warehouse on the canal basin in con- PRESENT AND FUTURE. 61 pection with their extensive flour mills widely known almost from that day to this as << Gould's City Mills." Shortly after this Mr. McDougall erected the '' Canal Mills" with a grain warehouse attached, and, at a later date, the Ogilvie Brothers, now on a larg«r scale than the combined capacity of their two predecessors. These three milling firms have a capacity for nearly 1,000,000 bushels of grain, a great part of which is available for the use of Montreal grain dealers who require storage room. The " Montreal Ware- hou!crdiei» yield is nearly if not quite $20,000, or a fair average eost price of $1.20 per pair ^ and reckoning 300 working days to a year, the average production per annum of the thirty factories in thii city would be somewhat over 4,500,000 pairs, valued at $6,400,000. It in reckoned that 94 per cent, of the quantity manufactured in Montreal, or 4,230,000 pairs, is consumed iu Canada ; 4 per cent, being exported , to Great Britain and 2 per cent, to foreign MONTREAL'— HEll PAS1*J oountriesi. Some years ago a good trade was done in^ith the West Indies, but it has now greatly declined olv^irtg, the tnrtnufactureris say, to the action of tht Domihion Government Which has increased the daty on raw material. The Ameticaris haVe taken the trade from the Catnadibns. With one niitnuftioturer in College street, that trade aggregated orer $50,000 per annum. Nevertheless the incrtinise in manufactures and trade in the last ten years has been mOat encouraging atid equal to any other branch of manufacturing industry in this city. " The machinery iritrOdtioed ih the factories In late years places Montreal in this r'ei- peot on a par with any' other manufacturing ceritre in the world. Among those are last- ing, nailing and crimping machines. The first machine will nail a man's shoe in eight seconds, and the Work it performs is considered 50 per dent, more durable and better done than hand-made work. With the new crtmping ihachine an experienced hand will crimp 300 pairs of uppers p^r day and do the work 50 per cent, better than eVer it has been done by hand. The following enumeration indicates with tolerable acciiracy, the numbers of the various labor-saving machines in use in Montreal, by steam power, in the boot and shoe ntttnufadtories:'" ""1 "'" "•'•"'>) " '••• ""' ■■ ••"> ■ 'J '"" "- •' ^ ■ ->• ■ '*• ■ -^ •" ""■ •' '^' sei^ingM^bb!n^s:.::.';lr.:....':.^.^:::::i:::;:^:::-..:.: 675 750 ■ ' '';]■■ (..• '" Pegging Machiuea 34 45 '"' u' '■■ Sole Sewers............; ..i ........ 28 34 ■■' vlf.i . SoleCutters. ..'..'.'..'.'... 28' 29" • '. 'i f, , , , Heeling Machines ..i;;v.....;'. 6 18 i>'.< , ^ , .J , Eyelettlng Machines .40 63 . - ...i .,,; Punching Machines 28 32 , ^, ,. Skiving Machines 75 87 , ''■"•"'' Boiling Maeht lies 34 43 J . - ' 'V Heel Burnishliig Ma«hlhe8..':.i.. ................ ......... ^ i^''>"' '••■>"■■ \ . ■.' .1 17(1 oA '. " : ■' J..--'! ,M 1 ■ . - ;! i' ■! 1 7 :■ : : M' ' ' '■'4tt ' • .1 j ■' ,'! .'.'l ' Sand Paper Burnt ihiilg Machines 28 33 >' *< r .n',, Beating-out Machines 17 23 Notwithstanding the fact tWitt the co^jtiriuousiVifereWse of improved labor-saving machinery seems to have been to the advantage of the general public, the wn.ges paid have remained almost stationary for tht past few years. An ordinary machine hand makes ^12, $14 and even $18 per week, and the average wages made are $12 per week or $48 per month. The female hands make an average of $7, and none are paid less than $3 per week. It may s'afely be stat'<6d that there are at least five million dollars invested in the boot and shoe industry in this city. ' A matter that cannot fail to have an important bearing on the boot and shoe industry id' Montreal is the establishment of a IMU -t i ,.; • >;.=,;; '-/.I iua 'jih -n PATTERN MAKING GLASS md-.. -i-.j i': ■ . : . .>..:. for boot and flbbe tnal^rs in connection with th« free evehitvg Iniluitri'iil'oTalses'estlabli'she^ ' in this city by the Couneilof Arts and Manufactures. The class w its Op^hediast autumn and haa been attended with :gri6atregul»rity during the winter. Instruction is given in' tho French and Snglish fanguoges, and lUustratidd by specitildns of mtiterikls ahd work- nfsnship. Th« cladses tre^t specially the following": ,■■ >.• • ,,,,,.. .^.; :■,-.,.. , ;.;. Patterns for flat, half-curved arid curved Udtsi r«4ttl»tioh 6f rt S(jYl^rri, rddubtibh'of bBok part of slipper pftttera, eniaYgetnent of squtire, enlargement of sli{iper pattern} PRESENT AND FUTURE. 63 patterns of laced boot, laced boot foxed, crimped congress boot, foxed congress boot, but- toned boot, buttoned boot foxed, crimped long boot and Napoleon boot. As the object of the class is to teach pattern making, the pupils are required to actually make the patterns in the class-room. Many of the pupils express thcmHelres as being deeply grateful for this means of instruction, and the work turned out shows that they have not failed to benefit by it. The establishment of practical technical classes of this kind has had a most beneficial effect on industries in Europe, and if it be continued here there is no reason why it should not be a valuable factor in helping to maintain the supremacy of Montreal as the leading centre in Canada for the manufacture of boots and shoes. With- thirty boot and shoe factories employing over four thousand persons of both sexes, and with a capital of over five million dolliirs invested in them, Montreal, foremost in every other branch of commercial industry, need not blush for her trade in footwear, when compared with other cities of this great iind mighty continent, producing as it does 4,500,000 pairs per annuoa, representing a capital of $5,400,000, and embracing at least seventy-five diiferent kinds, from the heavy congress with iron nails to the dainty little slipper fit for angels' feet j besides supplying (he Dominion with about 4,2o0, 000 pairs while exporting the balance to Grjat Britain and other far away countries, it can fairly claim the first place in Canada. Taking all and all no less than 15,000 people are dependent directly or indirectly upon this particular trade, and as twenty-five percent, of these are grown up girls and women it gives a chance to many who otherwise would be deprived of the means to either gain a livelihood for themselves or assist in the support of the family to which they belong, TANNING. The tanning interest of Montreal has ever been among its most important, and will so continue as long as the city holds her present proud position as a manufacturing and commercial centre. According to the census of 1881, there were 50 sole leather tanneries in the Dominion, the larger number being situated in Quebec Province. Of these thirty were engaged alone in supplying the trade of Montreal proper. But in addition and according to the same census there were in the city and vicinity, all told, 23 tanneries, employing in aggregate 852 operatives, to whom was paid in total annually $244,000. It Ib sufiicient to remark that the manufacture of leather in Montreal has not retrograded thus far in the decade. The quantity of tan bark used aggregates annually 50,000 cords, grown chiefly Id the Eastern Townships. f'-l') .Ai'ivit 1/; '(/I'lii't |{ , : ' ■ i' 'I'r.i, I ••! '.•.i,'i , I ' ' ' Ji • . ' I .'I'l';' ! .'I > ( ||. 'I • / I' Ml H.e ' •..,•■ I |. (.j, II' . ■'. • ') I . i I '',,'• I i 1. 1 ' / .1 ,1 ' .,, ',. » ■<■*; \,. I'. ., .. . .', -I ■!> t II ' in'' ' 1 if K' ' . .' ■ , I tiiii ■ ,)j;iP - ;f(.'. ■ .III'"'ritit yl'" '.' Ill .'trM .111' I I'M' I ■ • II '•-'.•u' -i.ll 'I'-'i 1 ,1 ••< / 1 •I'-i Vil i' ■'»(! lo "»■. ■ i;!'' I r."»niil'»'t' Iji'') )'iili| ''• lii • .1 1 • .'ti I- I • . I . ! 1 /(I .fi'iii.'il 1 i •> / ' . 1 ( • . I ;. l'i>niu I I ; ' ; i '> lui ii .■>'(■ ti I >. ' ■ i; ••■: i i' , n '; > ' i i-i ! I'l ■).! | i , i i, , . ' •' , i : OtI) II . I' I •' ' -^.liili".! 'I 1.. I > .1 '. . I, , r 'III -.1! 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" ,-,'">) f 111 ll 1.1 ;'.;.' ,f l\! ! !i (,',■_-,' •■ ,' '.'111 / ;'!;i 'm! t lii -i I .'/■• i > .il i '. ■ ;■ -i •,■( . . ' i ;m "> , •! t.i:"ji; .1 1 .On*', I ! '■ ;. v"ii!!i!in. I»!!ii) '-; .'ji. i ■'.•/' (!i mi ."•• •< . n i.tri><{i '.'i-r, • .liv. i '1 "i- i'. < .' ,'<»l<;.'i 1 Iv'iiCi:^ '■■ ' • Ti'i- -.i' hcnjMiJ''. .';i i'i',.->! ! ••I^^ll.*ll.. .i:!! .i.r ;• !1 .r'l-n'.-. > ' .;• if:j> -i .)sbt"-j (MHtj'li'; Yli.nj;:!iu; -.;i;i-p/'ii);;B ;' i-^u .•)-... ; r.l !■> j fj (iiMip liii' . t i-. !■ ii.i i . ., 1 i,ri) ,-.;l,M,' )-'l"<,-i.'i ;ir, •! ,ir.:.i.:\ut.n' PRESENT AND FUTURE. 65 Kli'-'/'M'l ,ii.l.'>' ) "..r. I ' :.' :■ '. . ' I I'M.:;-;, ;> i .. /ii... ivi, .■•),, :, ■■ . I . ' , •: , ,Mii. 7»i'ii,r, I, '■;"'■ ""'' 'f'.' ' ' ' ■.-i;,' . >"' .,''^,'.1' ,,;.(i ./i;-iii.: ! HISTORY OF THE BANKS iN MONTREAL. ' ', ,' ONE OF THE LARGEST IN AMERICA. iif >.i' I. I ;'i.ii ■II. : >•; ll> I M.I PRESENT SITUATION OF THE CANADIAN BANKS. M I If WO take the forward movement of the Canadian Banks as an Indication of the prosperity of Canada, there are good reasons to be proud of our Country. At all ovonts, tlio gradual increase of banking operations is the [best proof of an increasing commerce in a country. "'■ ■ " ' ■■'•'■ i ....,•..•.■,. -. ., ri , ,.;,.(,, i ,| i • Such increase has been altogether extraordinary in Canada during ihc lato years. The following table, which gives the ememhle of the situation of the Canadian Banks to the 30th of November, 1889, is a proof of the correctness of our saying, and sufficient to strengthen the faith of all in the astonishing progress accomplished by our native land. ' •■' ' 1«87. 1«88. January.. $148 ,026 ,975 $151,880,730 Sl"l,8-16,114 February.. 147,203,692 151,832,6^5 170,265,779 March.... 145,561,795 151,631,693 171,399,015 LIABILITIES. 1889. April 144,518,404 May 146,068,830 June 149,412,632 154,942,544 172,701,030 156,842,356 173,3.58,438 166,344,852 175,062,257 ■ ' ■ " 1887. 1888. 1889. J ily $149,993,298 $167,211,468 $173,93^,107 Ai ust.... 150,13.S,644 108,715,568 171,860,166 September 152,765,840 17l,240,()96 177,316,!ty6 October .. 157,210,774 175,.5()6,018 175,n49]311 November 152,.342,336 175,378,089 171,877,016 December. 153,218,663 176,360,938 TOTAL ASSETS. 1887. 1888. 1889. January.. $228,632,078 $231,314,704 $251,015,121 February. 229,239,211 231,449,089 250,4,35,604 March.... 226,573,142 23 ',085,295 252,146,104 April 226,536,302 2.35,389,608 253,859,912 May 222,413,600 235,674,146 2.54,283,089 June 229,241,464 244,975,223 255,765,631 July.... 230,008,669 246,177,887 2)4,611,285 August. .. 230,333,217 247,871,200 253,011,902 September 233,352,748 251,324,434 258,483,038 October.. . 238,173,637 255,918,081 256,719,400 November. 232,636,404 264,823,186 252,979,689 December. 232,576,963 245,348,112 ■ ft DISCOUNTS. ■ ' 18-7. 1888. '- 1889. " January.. $135,928, 918 $137,094,051 $144,314,0,52 February. 137 ,,579 ,744 136,,341,496 14-),859,'622 March.... 138,207,100 1.38,610,316 149,733,5,39 April 132,774,963 138,546,438 168,186,470 May. 137,755,631 137,766,265 149,4b4,'K52 June 138,2-13,34) 137.409,008 149,798,,597 July 136,701,017 136,144,067 148,768,284 August .. 138,395,449 138,210,045 147,351,010 September 140,877,007 140,876,917 October... 143,912,503 143,268,322 November 13. ,990,943 144,761,944 1887. 1888. 1889. January $14,071,978 $15,2.56.755 $19,056,460 February. 13,854,578 16,468,374 19,396,622 March.... 14,285,724 16.666,140 19,725,856 April 14,485,846 17,866,234 19,964.028 May 14,093,709 19,232,215 21,888,904 June 14,196,726 18,04'4302 .22,"43,991 December. 138,398,246 145,750,485 LOANS TO INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONS. • '■ ■ ' '"■'' ■' ' 1887. 1888. 149,154,645 150,863,918 151,025,636 1889. .July $14,825,160 $17,305 ,.375 $21,«99,487 August.. 15,713,228 18,462,922 21,672,251 September 15,613,024 18,694,390 October... 16^806,917 19,106,.518 November 16,486,191 18,509,739 December. 16,871,454 18,252,282 22,421,952 23,470,131 23,879,888 B ..I.; nh' f»6 HONTRIAL — HER PAST, PUBLIC DEPOSITS. 1887. 1888. 1889. .Tfiimary. .$10.-5,452,024 $l(Mi,;J51,330 $126,42t!,171 February . 1()5,01»,89.3 10«,8!I2,!»85 r20,2l>4,70l» March.... 103,773,23U 10(S,872,337 120,(566,K39 April 103,182,308 10'J,637,0,-)() ri2,Oir),840 May 104 ,01)1 .0-W 111,743,577 123,061,446 June 107,104,483 112,860,000 123,006,414 1887. 1888. 1889. July «106 ,200,459 9115,481,801 $123,233,211 AuKUHt. .. 107,182,194 11H,;J03,H70 121,yi4,0;i2 Sopteiuber 107,853.249 116,971,294 i:it,767,76-l October... 108,862,227 117,876,792 124,710,47k November. 100,618,201 ll!»,;«55,827 124,474,5Ht December. 105,6i;y,665 121.878,438 On the ."JOth of September, 1887, the bank nssnts amounted to $2S;3,.S62,748. On tho corresponding date in 1889, tho usaots had reached $258,483,038 j an increase of more than ^25,000,000 in two years. In kSoi)tcmber, 1887, the surplus of tho liabililies over the assets, amounted to $80,58(5,908; in tho same month 1889 that surplus was $81,106,042. A very important item is that ooncorning loans to tho trade and to industrial corporations. In September, 1887, discounts to the trade tigured up to $140,877,007 j in Seplember, 1889, they reached $140,154, fi45. The demands from industrial corporations wore, in September, 1887, $15,613,024. In 1889 those demands were $22,421,952. As to public deposits, i.e., the funds of the trade and manufactures entrusted to tho bii.l. Iv. mmediato call, they wor , in Sept., 1887, l|fl07,85.'i,249 ; in the corresponding month of 1889 they were $124,767,764. The above are very eloquent figures. However, let us judge best by regarding the last statement of the principal banks doing business in tlic Commercial Metropolis of Canada. The Canadian banking system is modelled partly upon that of the United States and partly upon that of Scotland. The limited liability attached to our banks, and their method of doing business are American, while the com])ariMvely large capital, the note circulation and tho mimerous agencies are Scottish in origin. It is to be expected, since Quebec is the oldest province, that, in it Canada's first bank would be established, and Montreal bt'in^ Quebec s most important city, it is but natural that we .«hould look wKhin its limits for this pioneer institution. We do notluok in vain, for we have hero, under the shadow of Mount Royal, the earliest established Canadian bank, which is to-day, not merely tho largest in the Dominion, but the largest ou this continent, as far as capital is concerned. , ,',,,,,.' , ,, ,^ . " , ' . ...Til ' THE HISTORY OF THE BANK OF MONTREAL.- ■ ,: , * ' This bank was established in 1817 by a number of leading merchants and other prominent men of this city. It bogiin ojierations with a capital of £87,500 or $350,000, the intention of its founders being to bring its capital up to $1,000,000. The smnllness of this capital compared with what the capital now is, shows that, even in those days, Canadians were modest in their estimates of their country's future. , . ^ The bank had no charter whon first it began hminess, it being a matter of consider- able delay to obtain such authority in those days, for not only had tho Provincial Legislature to sanction the charter, but the Home (Jovernmont's ratification had to be secured. The absence of the charter made the institution a private bank, and, long- headed men that they were, the organizers prepared against the consequences of failure even in the first flush of hope. To protect their private fortunes in case of trouble their first notes issued bore words ! ^ the effect that they were " to be paid out of the fupds of the bank, and no other." i-': ' .f:':-.t. ,-;' .;i •.,■■•. ';; i.; ;,;-■., ,,, (::,.-•,!: . ,■,„,, '' The bank w.ts incorporated in 1818, and its first authorized issue was dated January 1st of the same year, tt may not be generally known that tho name of this institution wa,s at first '' The Montreal Bank," the inversion to " Bank of Montreal " taking place later. PRESENT AND FUTURB. 67 THE FIRST OFFICIALS woro : President, John Grey, a retired dry goods merchant; cashier, John flriffln; directors, Hon. John Richardson, his son-in-hiw, George Auldjo, Samuel (Jerard, TbomaH Thain, Horatio Gates, John Molson, Thomas A. Turner, William Ermatingor, Zabdiel Thayer and David David. For some time the bank found it difficulf to get the French population to acoopt its bills. The hiibitants had suffered severely tlirough the assignata, issued under the French regime, and redeemed at only a fraction of their nominal value. They naturally feared a return to paper money, and for some time offered a passive resistance to the new cinju- latitig mudiiim and continued to count down their crowns and carolusos to one another as their fathers had done for generations. For quite a time, so dubious were the habi- tants about the solidity of the bank, it was the custom of the Molsons to endorwo the bills which they themselves paid out, but finally the country people lost their prejudice, and the bank prospered. This pros])erity was not lasting. In 1824 Samuel Gerard was made president, and under liis management, or rather mismanagement, the capital of the bank was much impaired, and in 1827, when John Molson became president, nearly one half of the capi- tal was lost. In 1837, owing to the American jtanic, the Bank of Montreal suspended specie payment for a time, but in 1861 it was well under way towards its present cflB- ciency. That its scope was extending is shown by the fact that in the same year the proviso, that every director should be domiciled within nine mijes of Montreal, was done away with. In the same year, also, the nam<:* of cashier was changed to the less plebeian designation, General Manager, and the annuity and guarantee fund established. Tha fund enabled the bank to guarantee its own clerks, and was afterwards merged into the Pension B'und Association. At no time did the bank so rapidly progress as when it was under the management of Mr. E. H. King. This was due largely to the fact that circumstances were such as to give him many opportunities, and that he knew how to avail himself of them. Mr. King held office late in the sixties and early in the seventies. At that time the United States was just emerging from the smoke of an unparalleled conflict, its strength well-nigh spent and its trade nearly paralyzed. Specie was at a high premium and the money market feverish and panicky. Here was Mr. King'.s opportunity, and with consummate skill and, in the opinion of many, somewhat unscrupulous ine.isuros, he made himself master of the New York gold market, being the only Canadian who has ever done so. lie had large sums at his command, and could at will tighten or depress the market by pur- chases or sales, and in the interest of his bank never hesitated to do either. THE "gold dray" STORY will be old to many, but to many also it will be new, and will bear repetition as showing one of Mr. King's most masterly strokes. « He had a large amount of foreign exchange on hand. New York hnd very little gold, and what it had Mr. King bought up. He then gave out that he had done this in order to ship it to England, and, loading it in a dray, had il. carted through the leading streets of New York in sight of the whole population and stored on board an ocean steamer. The natural consequence was that gold at once rose to a high premium. He then sold both his gold and exchange at high figures, realizing a handsome profit therefrom) and removed the gold from the vessel for delivery to the purchasers. , , . ;i At that time the capital of tt;e bank was $6,000,000, but in 1871, on a motion by Mr. Wm. Murray, at the annual meeting, authority was gfiven to the directors to double the capital at their convenience. On January 15th, 1872, the capital was increased by 68 MONTREAL — HKR PAST $2,000,000, and on November 27th of theaame year the final $4,000,000 of stock was sold to such tjhureholders as wanted it at 25 per cent, premium, the remainder being sold in the open market. The bank realized about $1,500,000 which was added to the reserves. Mr. King's resignation followed shortly afterwards, and he removed to London, Eng., where he is chairman of the advisory board of the English branch of the Bank of Montreal. Shortly after the establishment of th^.B')'"!^ of Montreal the Bank of Canada was Started with a capital of i;300,000 or about $1,500,000. In 1824 a traveler writing about these institutions commends them for the caution they exhibited and their careful business ways, characteristics which, when the banks amalgamated, they did not lose, and which to this day the Bank of Montreal retains. The most important of Canadian monetary institutions is without any doubt the Bank of Montreal. This bank is to Canada what the Bank of England is to England, and the Bank of Franco to Fi'ance. And it is admitted in Canadian financial circles that this bank is the thermometer which gives the correct temperature of Canadian capital. During the last nine years the net profits of the Bank were as follows, for the six months ending on the 31st October, each year : , . . , ■ i- lii: 1886 $765,228 1887 665,058 1888 710.815 18»9 705,707 1881 »661,991 1W2 736,718 1883 79i<,668 1884 (jQ2,i>Qi 1885 662,765 LIABILITIES. — 30th October, 1889. Capital $12,000,000 Reserve $6,000,000 Balance Profit and Loss 723,124 / $6,723,124 ■" Unclaimed dividends « 11,159 ' ' Dividends from Discounts and Current accounts. 200,000 Half yearly dividends 600,000 7,534,284 $19,534,284 Circulation ......' ........;........ $5,578,259 Dc})ositH bearing interest 15,586,714 . > )j " not bearing interest 7,845,000 Due other Banks in Canada , 88,649 29,098,422 . -M „„i .1 , ■■■'<- ■ u. : I- I'''' ■ • ., .7 ^ $48,632,706 . 1 , - . ,...,' I .,' ASSETS 1 ' Gold and Silver $2,365,027 , Government notes 1,930,453 Due by other Banks in Canada 278,096 ' ' ' Due by foreign agencies 6,208,843 Duo by agencies in England 1,833,867 Notes and Cheques of other Banks 1,102,075 $13,718,394 Public securities 1,328,060 Bank premises 600,000 Discounts $32,710,779 Mortgages .' t 259,128 Debts not specially secured 16,405 32,986,312 I.!,)' ; I., $48,632,706 The above statement speaks more by itself than any comment that could be made on the standing of the Bank of Montreal, and the financial status of Canada. Ofkiofrs of the Bank : Sir Donald A. Smith, Pres. ; W. J. Buchanan, General Manager; E. S. Clouston, Asst. Geii'l Manager j H. V. Meredith, Asst. Local Manager; A. Maonider, Chief Inspector. PRESENT AND FUTURE. 69 HISTORY OP LA BANQUE DU PEUPLE. If we except the ill-fated City Bank which was established about the year 1821, with a capital of $1,200,000, no other bank was established in Montreal until 1835. In that year Viger, Dewitt & Co. organized La Banque du Peuple with a paid-up capital of $300,000, which in 1844 was raised to $800,000. To review the changes in its capital in a sentence, it may be said that in 1861 authority was obtained to a further issue of 16,000 shares of $50 each, making the capital $1,600,000, and that in 1885 this capital was reduced by 25 per cent., to $1,200,000, which it now is. This bank is unique, being on a principle foreign to British usage and pertaining more to that of France. In the words of Mr. C. S. Cherrier, spoken at the annual meeting of 1884, '' The directors are the sole members of the corporation, and the shareholders are capitalists who lend money to the bank, the directors of which are personally liable for repayment " There is no election of directors by shareholders. The board fills any vacancies that may occur. This bank is counted amongst the most prosperous institutions of Canada. It is an essentially Canadian bank in every detail of its organization. The report of its business for the period ending 28th February, 1889, is of great interest. The reserve fund of the bank is now of $350,000, and the directors are confident of reaching in a short future $600,000, i.e. 50 per cent, of their capital. Profits of the year to Ist M^irch, 1889. Net profits, deducting bad and doubtful debts, cost of management, etc $126,6)4 17 3 per cent, dividend, IstSept., 1888 36,000 00 3 " " 4th March, 1889 36,000 00 Carried to Reserve Fund 50,000 00 Carried to Profit and Loss 4,644 17 $126,644 17 General statement 28th Feby., 1889 : . , , , ,, , . ;•. LIABILITIKS. ..,.■ .. ,1., ,,,,,. 'l:!...;f! -H . d Circulation $833,284 00 Deposits not bearing interest 1,354.857 02 Deposits bearing interest 2,286,649 2« Balances due other BanKS 26,901 13 Capital $1,200,000 00 Reserve 350,000 00 Profit and Loss acct 66,592 50 Dividend 4th March, 1889 36,000 00 Unclaimed dividends 5,223 17 1,657,815 67 $6,l59,50fl)8 ASSETS. ■ f/- .ijD' -..» |.i'.!l I Whilst the Rest account is brought up to $1,076,000 00 General Statement of the Afairs of the Molsons Bank on the 30th September, 1889. Capital authorized and paid-up $2,000,000 Rest account 1,075,000 72 MONtREAL^HER PAST; ■ '■ ^ LIABILITIES. f"'*' Capital paid-np $2,000,000 CO Notes in circulation 1,775,426 00 Dominion Govomment deposits payable on demand i 29,532 69 Deposits held as security for the execution of Dominion Qoremment con- tracts and for insurance companies 139,100 00 Provincial Government deposits payable on demand 17,496 97 Provincial Government deposits pny.ible on notice 1,616 £6 Other deposits payable on demand 3,456,485 93 Other deposits payable after notice 3,140,518 38 Due to other banks in Canada 124,762 12 Due to agents in the United Kingdom 11,020 60 Due to foreign agents 7,545 30 Profit and Loss 7,695 65 Rest 1,075,000 00 Sixty-eighth dividend 80,000 00 Bonus of 1 per cent, to shareholders 20,000 00 Dividends unclaimed 2,360 10 Interest, exchange, etc., reserved 112,947 99 '■ " '""'■ '■ " "■■■''■ ■ " '■■■" $12,000,496 99 ASSETS. ; " -.. Specie '.. ...4.. : $376,045 15 . :.j . ; > . Dominion notes 291,464 90 ■' ' • /• ....;, . ... , •. ,..' $666,509 15 Notes and cheques of other banks 369,013 84 Balance due from other banks in Canada 86,904 86 Balance due from branches 12,668 36 Balance due from Dominion Government 2,707 .00 Balance due from agents in the United Kingdom 1,340 00 Balance due from foreign agents 33,328 60 L^ians and bills discounted on bonds, debentures, etc 171,268 35 Provincial, British or foreign, or colonial public securities, other than i - Canadian 232,017 02 Dominion Government debentures 104,375 00 Loans to municipal corporations 56,258 00 Loans to other corporations v 718,442 28 Loans to other banks 5,000 00 Bills discounted and current 9,200,290 88 Bills discounted past due, secured 87,876 66 Bills discounted past duo and not secured 11,425 66 Real estate, other than bank premises 41,400 93 Mortgages on real est;ite sold by the bank 9,054 32 Bank premises at Head Office and branches 190,000 00 Other assets 626 08 .. $12,000,496 g ("J. H. R. \folson, President ; .i.i-|.i. ,( |.,iji i . ^ \ F. Wolferstan Thomas, Gen'l Manager; (James Elliott, Manager. .•imi.ov,. h..,j; PRESENT AND FUTURE. Y3 HISTORY OF THE MERCHANTS BANK. The Merchants Bank of Canada was incorporated in 1861 with an authorized capital of $2,000,000. The promoters of the scheme would seem to have found it difficult to obtain the $200,000 of paid-up capital necessary to the establishment of the bank ; for in 1863 we find them petitioning for authority to begin business with only $100,000 p lid-up. This permission was accorded them, and in 1864 the bank commenced operat- In connection with this petition it may be of interest to note that among the men who pleaded poverty and inability to raise more than $100,000 were Sir Hugh (then Hugh) Allan, Harrison Stephens, William Edmondstone, Andrew Allan, John Smith, Ira Gould and Robert Anderson, any one of whom in later years could have given his indivi- dufil check for the deficit without difficulty. The capital of thfs bank was increased in 1867, by $1,000,000, in 1868, by $2,000,000, and in 1869 by $2,000,000, and subsequently to the total of $9,000,000. In 1868 the bank had taken over the assets of the Commercial Bank of Kingston, among which were Detroit and Milwaukee railway bonds, to the extent of nearly $2,000,000. In this action the bank seems to have made a mistake, for it lost by the bonds, and this loss, together with others, necessitated a reduction of c;ipital to $6,000,000. The reduction took effect in May, 1878, and the number of direc- tors was at the same time increased from 7 to 9. A prosperous institution, and at the same time an honor to Canadian finance. The total profits earned by that bank during the twelve months ending on the 31st May, 1889, was $617,858. From that amount $405,944 were paid in dividends, and $215,000 carried to the reserve ; $5,484 were transferred to credit of Profit and Loss for 1889-90. The high level of the business of the bank was well maintained during the last period, and there are indications of further progress during the running period. May, 1889. The net profits of the year, after payment of charges and all interest due and making provision forbad and doubtful debts, have amounted to $617,858 11 Balance from last year 8,570 19 $626,428 30 This has been disposed of as follows : — , ,■ ; ' ■ : . ■ ■ Dividends Nos. 40 and 41, at the rate of 7 per cent $405,944 00 Added to the "Rest" 215,000 00 Carried forward to Profit and Loss account of next year 5,484 30 . . _. ,. .. , ■, . ,. ., ... .,, $626,428 30 , , LIABILITIES. ,,, -.; [ (, , 1. — To THE Public: — Notes in circulation $2,565,645 00 Deposits at interest (including interest accrued to date).. $6,366,436 41 , Depu.«it8 not bearing interest 3^025,556 90 : $9,391,993 31 Balances due Canadian Banks keeping deposit accounts with Merchants Bank of Canada 550,748 18 Balances due Canadian Banks in daily exchanges 595 54 Balances due to agents in Great Britain , 383,411 01 Dividend No. 41 202,972 00 Dividends unclaimed ^ '. 6,428 87 $13,101,793 91 (Btr MONTREAL — HEE PAST, 2. — To THE Stockholders : — •'MI'v^.'/ '.^fCP M Capital paid-up $5,799,200 00 Kest 2,133,000 00 Contingent account 93,460 00 Balance of Profit and Loss account carried to next year 5 ,484 30 ill / »-'.i'( ■' . ; ij ..•..muM V A>.,.\ • .1) },;.-r ;;,- i r • ,,..„^ . ,,,..^^ „,.;, ;„ T |21,134,9;i§ 21 ASSETS. Gold and silver coin on hand $278,009 86 Dominion notes 647,211 00 Notes and cheques of other Canadian banks 369,274 34 Balances due by other Canadian banks in daily exchanges „ 58,917 38 Balances due by banks and agents in the United States 49.6,091 22 Dominion Government bonds 668,967 33 Railway and municipal debentures 104,630 00 Call and short loans on bonds a"'i stocks 1,174,049 00 Time loans on bonds and stocks $161,220 00 Other loans and discounts 16,012,909 85 Loans and discounts overdue, and not specially secured (loss provided for in contingent account) 106,313 09 Loans and discounts overdue, secured 25,438 74 $3,997,170 33 i! I. 16,305,881 68 Mortgages, bonds and other securities, the property of the Bank 187,632 35 Real Estate , 167,130 72 Bank premises and furniture 446,773 28 Other assets 30,329 85 Andrew Allan, President ; G. Hague, Gen'l Manager; , ),, •: . , John Gault, Asst. Superintendent; , . , J. S. Meredith, Local Manager. ■'1.1 ; '!■ < ■•;;! I , ..r $21,134,938 21 i ■•■!' I. : .■ ■ :■!/■.■ nr ;. : ■ ;.i,i ), .i ; '.>. I t ' il . rii'i I I ,■.:,).' ('■. HISTORY OF LA BANQUE JACQUES OARTIER. ! ' PRESENT AND FUTURE. lb The lii!»t report of this institution is most encouraging. The increasing confidence of the public in this bank has resulted in an increase of !t<261,482.37 in the deposits and circulation. The profits of the last year were $42,276, out of which dividends to the amount of $35,000 were paid, at the rate of seven per cent., besides a sura of $7,276 carried to its reserve. Like its sister banks of Montreal, La Bunque Jacques Cartier enjoys success, as the following figures will show : no<'.i'i .i uij \,i ., ■m ; >■, Balance of Profit and Loss acct., 31st May, 1888 $11,122 19 Profits for year ending Slst May, 1889, after deducting debts doubtful and bad 42,276 82 $53,399 01 Deduct dividend 3J per cent. Ist Dec, 1888 $17,500 00 Deduct " 3-J " 1st July, 1889 17,500 00 35,000 00 -' '' Balance $18,399 01 (renerai /Statement. Capital '■ ' $500,000 00 Reserve fund $140,000 00 Profit and Loss acct 18,399 01 158,399 01 Dividend, 1st June, 1889 $17,500 00 Uuclaimed dividends '. , 1,63168 19,13178 Notes in circulation $378,428 00 $677,530 79 Deposits without interest 795,943 80 Deposits with interest 593,329 47 ''' Deposits Federal Government 26,934 59 Deposits Provincial Government 50,000 00 Balances due other Banks 1,814 55 Other liabilities 11,562 96 1,858,013 38 .. $2,535,544 17 ASSETS. Cash $36,721 12 i ■ .; Dominion notes 40,540 00 i 1 Notes and cheques of other banks . ., 96,308 84 t .-- -u-.i M,u. •. THE VILLE MARIE BANK. ' ' ' ' '" The Ville Mario Bank was established in 1872 with an authoriied capital of $1,000,- 000, of which $202,000 was paid up. It got into difficultie?, and in 1880 was authorized to liquidate. New management however took possession, and in 1881 another Act wai obtained authorizing the reduction of the capital to $500,000, of which $478,430 is now paid-up. The operations of this bank for the twelvemonths ending 31st May, 1889, have netted a profit of $48,419. During that period the bunk has paid dividends at the rate of 7 per cent., to the amount of $33,4y0 and carried $6,000 to the next year. There has been a considerable increase in the business of this bank during the period which makes the object of the following statement. The profits were $10,000 larger thjin for the last period. The bank is in the way of prosperity. 1 Report showing the result of the operations of the year ending the 31st May, 1889 : The not profits of the year after paying interest and charges and deducting appropriations for bad and doubtful debts have , , , amounted to $48,419 51 Balance Profit and Loss account for last year 3,090 80 Appropriated as follows : Dividend 3^ per cent, the 1st Dec, 1888 $16,745 05 Dividend 3^ per cent., the 1st June, 1889 16,745 05 To meet loss at Hull agency, 16th Jan., 1889 6,273 00 Carried to Contingent account 6,000 00 Balance remaining at Profit and Loss account 5,747 21 $51,510 31 $51,510 31 , . ...1.. General Statement. ., . in ■ /- • • • •■ , u i'' , ^,. ,,• ' <■ ' • ■'• ASSETS. Specie $24,886 66 Dominion notes 57,626 00 Bills and cheques of other banks 45,803 27 Due by other banks in Canada..... 47,924 49 Due by other banks in Foreign countries 14,617 79 Due by other banks in the United Kingdom 4,056 41 Loans secured by stocks, etc 91,347 99 Loans to corporations 13,269 15 ■ I . ,:!•): Discounts current 1,331,000 01 Notes due and not specially secured 37,022 38 Other debts not specially secured 22,508 05 Overdue and secured.. .. 14,307 42 Real Estate 75,580 33 Bank premises at agencies 25,837 06 Mortgages on properties sold by the bank 1,927 52 Other mortgages 13,679 66 Other assets, including stock held by the bank 296,983 90 . ' f ■ ' * , ^ ■ ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ « . ...I,,.!. . .299,532 73 .1 -,i- -■',11- 1,405,437 86 ■ ;i >, >• ' 914,83« 91 Other liabilities ,, ' J,074 30 Dividend payable 1st June, 1889 I ,,. ,', lfi,745 05 ,..,,, .,,,,, , ,,i, ,\.,,:,,,. $2,124,888~06 fWm. Weir, President; I Ubalde Garand, Cashier. .„!..-'' -j > " "If : ' . :.( I" .1 ■ I THE HOCHELAGA. BANK. ;, - ... ..,, i . Since 1873 no bank has been established in Montreal. In that year the Hocheliiga Bank was incorporated with a jjaid-up capital of $203,000, which has since been increased to $710,100. Its authorized capital is «1, 000, 000. This is one of our good financial institutions which renders valuable services to the trade. Its clients are numerous, and are a source of great profit to it.s sliareholders. Its operations are carried on on a sound basis coupled with great liberality. The following figures are a demonstration of its prosperity : Statement for period endiiiff 3l9t December, 1888. ' " LIABILITIES. ' ' Capital $710,100 00 Reserve 100,000 00 Dividend 2nd January, 1889 21,303 00 Unclaimed dividends 1,896 16 Profit and Loss account 5,107 99 $838,407 15 Notes in circulation $588,232 00 ^^^ ^^ ^ . ,, Deposits, Federal Government 32,326 25 . ' ' ',"',* Deposits, held as security for contractr 700 00 ""'m '" i Deposits, Local Government, on demand • 7,944 19 i • -uiu'.T Deposits, " " on notice 20,000 00 .. ,, j ...ijt^ Other deposits on demand 451,486 71 «' «» "notice 656,340 88 "'' " ■'■^' ^ $1,757,030 03 Other liabilities : 9,397 71 $2,604,834 89 ASSETS. Cash $44,958 54 Dominion notes 85,385 00 "'•■''••'' ' -^ Notes and cheques from other Banks 95,237 81 ' ''^' ' i .■• 'f Due by Canadian Banks 28,947 95 ,,• .i , , Due by Foreign Banks 64,248 36 Due by Banks in Great Britain 47,890 26 Loans on demand, on collateral securities 171,304 60 $537 972 52 Notes discounted 1,923*784 27 Notes due "' 2,380 08 Notes due, secured •""' '•' ' 500 00 Claims in way of liquidation. ...I -47,463 60 iMortgages .., '''.'.- •'' I «i- 56,579 45 Real Estate 5,250 00 Other assets ' ' ' "•'"'• ''= 30,904 67 { : M M I-. $2,604,834 89 F. X. St. Charles, President; ,v>)^;,i,.. 1/ .Pi.HMf;;) /nrjti j M, J. A. Prendergast, Cashier. 78 IWNTREAL — HER PAST, THE CITY AND DISTRICT SAVINGS BANK. Distinguished from tho other banks by charter and method of making Government roturna is the Montreal Savings Bank. This institution was announced May 26th, 1846, under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop. It obtained a charter in 1871, and has an authorized capital of $2,000,000, of which $000,000 is paid-up. The bank has no note circulation, but is authorized to own bunk stocks, a privilege denied to other banks. This banking institution has been in existence for forty-two years, and they were years of uninterrupted success. The last yearly report shows a state of full prosperity and fully justifies the confidence of the public In the bank. A close examination of tho accountn will show that this institution has always) been " the savings bunk " with its original character, a bank for small depositors. Out of 42,468 deposit accounts, there are 25,320 deposits of $50 and under, against 837 deposits of $1,600.00 and under. '- • ■ > ■■> Im.. ' .... Statement on the Slat December^ 1888. ' • . LIABlLITrES. ' "' i - Amount due Depositors $7,644,657 79 •' " Roooivor General g6,H'.il 26 - <« '< Charity Donation Fund 180,000 00 ■ •' ^ >' " Open accounts 61,254 64 " '* Profit and Loss account 351,317 94 " " Stock 600,000 00 $8,934,121 63 *" • "'••' ■'■ ASSfcTS. City Corporation, Municipal and Prov. Government Bonds. $1,632,345 16 ' • i- i'! Canada Dominion Stock and accrued Interest 1,530,000 00 Charity Donatio. 1 Fand Invested 180,000 00 Bank promi.-'cs, Head OlBoe and Branches 387,107 25 . .i!,>i Loans secured by Collaterals 3,981,243 45 r' Other assets 123,10111 •, Cash on hand and in Chartered Banks 1,100,324 66 . 8,934,121 63 Number of accounts open : Headoffice $20,692 St. Catherine Street Branch 11,778 , Notre Dame Street West Branch 7,325 .,,■•, m Point St. Charles " 1,565 Notre Dame Street East " 1,076 ; .,— $12,466 CLASSIFICATION OP AOflOCNTS. ' ' " ' ' "'$50 50 100 200 400 800 1200 1600 nationality. and to to to to to to and French English under 100 200 400 800 1200 1600 upwards Speaking. Speaking. 25,320 2,945 4,498 3,995 2,847 1,421 603 837 26,893 .. 15,573 J Average amount due each depositor, 31st December, 1838 $180.01 { Ed. Murphy, President; . ., ^ Henry Barbeau, Manager. ■ ■• •! • >i ' •- "' ■■ • - - i PRESENT AND PCTtmE. 7d CANADIAN BANK OP COMMERCE. The business of this bank for the twelve months ending Ist Juno, 1889, indicates a continuous progress. Prom the net profits of the year amounting to $538,113 the ordin- ary dividends at the rate of 7 per cent, were paid to the •harchoidors ; one hundred thourtiind dollars were 'placed to the reserve, and 1|^33,912, were carried over to the next year. Tho following are the figures of the last report, 1888-89. ■ : • • < ■■f The balance at credit of Profit and Loss Account brought forward from last yoar is $15,799 11 The not profits for the year ending Slat May, after providing for ail bad and doubtful debts, amounted to 538,113 17 " • ' ' $553,912 28 Which has been appropriated as follows : Dividoiida Nos, 43 and 44, at seven per cent, per annum $420,000 00 Transferred to Rest Account 100,000 00 Balance carried forward 33,912 28 General Statement 31«< May, 1889. $553,912 28 LIABILITIES. Notes? of tho bank in circulation $2,406,618 00 Deposits not bearing interest 2,768,164 66 Deposits bearing interest, including interest accrued to date...... 9,321,709 03 Biiliiiices due other banks in Canada 10,068 16 Balances due agents in Great Britain 1,587,012 61 Unclaimed dividends 956 53 Dividend No. 44, payable 1st June 210,000 00 Capital paid-up ....;...... $6,000,000 00 Rest...; 700,000 00 Balance of Profit and Loss account carried forward 83,912 28 $16,304,528 99 _ 6,733,912 28 ", " ""^ $23,038,441 27 ASSETS. Specie ; $51.5,136 23 Dominion Notes 700,402 00 Notes of and cheques on other banks 501,572 16 Balances due by other banks in Canada 97,058 06 Balances due by agents of the bank in the United States 1,034,140 56 British, Canadian and U.S. Government securities, municipal and other stocks and bonds 1,048,831 84 Call and short loans on stocks and bonds 816,772 89 $4,713,913 74 Time loans on stocks and bonds , 1,486,592 92 Other current loans and discounts 15,987,973 74 Bills discounted overdue, not specially secured (loss fully provided for)... 76,022 14 Overdue debts, secured 45,900 18 Real estate (other than bank premises) and mortgages 244,886 49 Bank premises and furniture 483,152 06 f H. W. Darling, President ; I A. M. Crombie, Local Manager. $23,038,441 27 ; till ;■.,". •! r'( .•r>l;r./!'K !i ..■ .1 !({ .:ji. 80 MONTREAL — HEB PAST, ' LA BANQUE NATIONALS. •> Like most of our Fronch Canadian finnnciul institutions thiH bank has altornately ■een bad and good dayn, the cause of whioh it would bo out of placo to oointnunt in thin book ; but wo can say to-day that it can support oorapnrigon in the money murkut and nnder n ^jt valuable aervioes to the mercantile community. The profltH netted by the bank during the lant period amounted to $124,770 whioh muRt bo conHidered altogether promising, for the HUCueHHf«! future of the bank. The Profit and Loss Account for the year 1888-8'? stands is follows, vii. : — ,i 1888. May I — Balance at credit after reduction of the capital $36,110 96 1889. April 30 — Net profits of the year after deducting the cost of management and providing for accrued interest to deposits 124,770 99 Forming a total of ..",.'....'.....' '.....'!...'.."........ $160,881 95 From this ii mount we have deducted for dividend paid in November last $.16,000 00 i. For dividend payable 1st May, instant ;{.'),000 00 For bad and doubtful debts 60,640 74 122,640 74 $38,241 21 ..I '( li's-i:' Irl Leaving at credit of that account a balance of To begin the new year with. LIABILITIES. • Capital paid-up $1,200,000 00 Notes in circulation 506,940 00 Deposits bearing interest 1,406,0.'52 OS Deposits not bearing interest. Due to other banks in Canada Due to agencies of the Bank in foreign countries Duo to agencies of the Bank in the United Kingdom . Dividend payable lat May, 1889 Rebate on discounts Rest $100,000 00 Profit and Loss Account 38,241 21 379,49.') 18 22,335 04 1,623 34 58,708 59 36,000 00 27,000 00 138,241 21 li I ' ' ■ $3,776,365 44 'assets. Specie , Dominion notes. Notes of and cheques on other Banks Balances due from other Banks in Canada ... Balances due from agencies of the Bank, in foreign Countries Balances due from agencies of the Bank in the United Kingdom Current loan?, discounts and advances to the public 2,723,380 12 Notes and bills discounted, overdue and not specially secured (losses pro- vided for) Notes and bills discounted, overdue, and other debts secured Real estate, the property of the Bank (other than the Bank premises) Mortgages on real estate, sold by the Bank Bank premises $65,000 00 Furniture 9,132 00 $136,245 20 193,114 00 122,944 66 163,804 32 • 20,125 06 56 73 14,279 35 271,223 59 44,243 40 9,652 00 Other assets not Included under the foregoing heads. 74,132 00 3,175 00 f A. Gaboury, President ; \ Alf. Brunei, Local Manager. i-^i:i $3,776,375 44 PRGSI^NT AND FUTURE. * 81 THE QHKBEC JlA^fK, A nound flnanoial institution whioh rondors most vuluahlo aorvicoH to tho Inml)m' tiMilo luul enjoying proMperity. Ilore are the rcsultu of the 12 months of oporationa ending 15th May, IKHU: Till) not profitH of tho past year after providing for bad and doubtful , ,, ,,.,,; debts, and aftor deducting all chargew oonueetcd with tho managemont amount to $24.".,Rn .T2 Tho balance of profits from laHt year wac. 51 70;^ j)^ iMiking to^othor... $298,580 .{0 Tiio liiilt'-yi'Mrly dividend at tho rate of 7 percent, per annum [taid in Docembor liint amounted to ...i. $87,500 Ami I h ilf-yo irly dividonl at the Hamu r.kto of intorodt ha8 boon , (loJucted payable l,st Juno, 1889 87,500 The directors Inuist'er to the Rest tho aum of ., , 75,000 250,000 DO Leaving a balance of credit of Profit and L!).ss of Si''<,5'^i) Sii Tlio Rest has therefore boon increased from $425,000 to.... $500, 000 00 Oenernl Statenunt Mnh Miv/, 1889. LIABILITIE.S. Capital Stook $2,500, ')00 00 Rest $500,000 0(» Reserved for interest due depositors, etc 85,1)00 80 Diilance of profits carried forward 48,580 .'{(I ■■ ■ ' '.'..J :&o;! 1,547 i;j Unclaimed dividends 3,874 70 Half-yearly dividend No. 134, payable 1st .hme, 1889 87,500 00 725,921 89 Notes in circulation ,$()(')(), SO.''. 50 Deposits not bearing interest 0S7,000 80 Deposits bearing interest 3,991,092 40 IJ.ilances due to oilier banks in Canaila l.'i(»,559 00 Ralauces due to agoiiLs in th« United Kingdom ... 26S,604 3o . ,, 5,736,410 12 . ■> •■ ■■ !.... ••-t' - ,;;, . .rr." .li ■; -|, .,,,,, t .-; •■■,,;;. »,,.,: $8,902,3,38 01 r.. ASSETS. ,,• ,, jiii.,ri ,.,,; (>ol(l and Silver Coin Current , , ,.... $84,611X8 , ,. t,, Oovernment Doinand Notes - 431,507 00 15;ilances due from other Banks in <''aniida 41,564 04 '' '' ISahinoes (iuo from Agents in Fori '':^n Countries 51,170 96 ■' '-'I Notes and Cheques of other JJanks 175,543 65 1 ./:; , , ' $78^397 73 Loans and Bills Discounted, Securities and other Assets... $7,831,923 22 Debts secured by Mort»! or otherwise 94,930 37 Overdue Debts not specially secured (estimated pro- ; > -; ni vided for) I. 38,799 23 ,. /i |.,.w Real Estate (not Bank Premises) and Mortgngos on Real Estate ;...;. 52,478 00 .$8,018,139 82 Bank Premises in Provinces ot Quebec and Ontario 159,8(10 40 $8,902,338 01 f President; I Thomas McDoug.all, Local Manager. 'i •»''' ukwIv 'T-J 4.ju.ij.))- »..)('.-.•■ , ..- ... 82 " MONTREAL — HER PAST, THE BANK PREMISES. It is natural to judge by appearances and tha advice of Polonius, ''Costly thy habits as thy purse can buy," is full of sound sense. The banking institutions of Montreal have recognized the value of appearances, and their solid exteriors are soothing indica- tions of an equal solidity within. Montreal is famous for its stately buildings, but even in this city, the banks are one of the sights shown to visitors. With three exceptions the banks are situated on the two parallel streets, St. James and Notre Dame, and by far the larger number are on the former magnificent highway. The following are the banks on St. James street from west to east : Merchants, Mol- sons, Savings, Toronto, Commerce, Ville Marie, British North America, Nova Scotia, Montreal, Niitional, People's and the Hochelaga. The following are on Place d'Armes square : Jacques Cartier and Ontario. Two, the Quebec bank and the Merchants Bank of Halifax, are on Notre Dame street. EIGHT BRANCH BANKS have been established in Montreal, some in recent years, which carry on quite an exten- sive business. These branches are : The Canadian Bank of Commerce, head office in Toronto, capital $0,000,000 j the Bank of Toronto, head office, Toronto, ca])ital $2,000,- 000 ; the Union Bank, Quebec, capital $1,200,000 j La Banque Nationale, Quebec, capital $1,200,000; the Bank of Nova Scotia, Halifax, capital $1,114,300; the Merchants Bank of Halifax, capital $ 1,000,000 ; the Quebec Bank, Quebec, capital $2,500,000 j and the Ontario Bank, Toronto, capital $1,500,000. BANKING. ENORMOUS INCREASE IN DEPOSITS. SEVENTY MILLION DO1.LARS TO WORK WITH. The total capital of the eight Montreal banks, including the Bank of British North America, whose head office in Canada is in this city, is $27,554, :J96, with reserve fund." amounting to $10,309, 5')5, forming a total of $37,803,961, the capital and reserve funds of all the other banks in the Dominion amounting to $40,442, 182. Much of the capital of the Montreal Banks is invested outside this Province, the four principal institutions having sixty-eight branches ip. Ontario, seven in New Brunswick, five in Manitoba, four in British Columbia, two in Nova Scotia, besides agencies in New York, Chicago and San Francisco, and in London. The Banks having branches outside the Province are the Montreal, the Molsong, the Bank of British , North America and the Merchants. The smaller banks, namely, the People's the Hochelaga, the Jacques Cartier and the Ville Marie, have together twenty- four branches in the Province of Quebec, but none outside the Province. The city banks, it will be seen, are in no sense local institutions, but extend their operations and influence over the whole of the Dominion from Halifax to Vancouver. They have in all one hundred and eighteen branches, besides the foreign agencies already mentioned. The extension of lailroads throughout the Dominion has contributed largely to the PRESENT AND FUTURE. 83 establishment of bank agencies, and these in their turn have contributed to the prosperity of the railways and of the country at large. The facilities afforded by banks and railways to various agricultural, commercial and manufacturing enterprises, have awakened to a new life the dormant energies of the people of the whole Dominion, and brought into closer communion the distant provinces, which, twenty-five years ago, were struggling, isolated communities. Looking back only one generation the growth of the Banks having their head ofSces in Montreal may well, as has been said, give confidence in the future. At the same time the serious losses arising from inexperience, mismanagement, and other eauses, losses which will be referred to later on, should not fail to act as a warning to those in charge of the monetary institutions of the city, Looking first at the bright side of the picture, there is presented below, in tabular forni, the progress made during the laist thirty years. Capital. Deposits. Circulation. Discounts. No. of Banks. No. of Branches. 1853-13,457,904 1868—18,781,283 1878—33,895,111 1888-27,554,396 6,123,958 20,388,171 30,718,.571 43,489,4-i8 6,205,866 2,462,317 10,147,426 13,503,531 1858-26,803,031 1868- 28,167,.554 1878—58,746,750 1888—53,245,217 5 8 . 11 8 38 68 112 118 The statement of deposits does not include these of the Government, except for 1858, at which date the bank returns did not distinguish such deposits. It will be seen that in 1868 the circulation fell to $2, 462, .317. This was partly due to the large influx of American silver coin which, to a great extent, took the place of bank notes, and was only removed in 1870, and partly to the use by the Bank of Montreal of Provincial and Dominion notes from 1866 to 1871, at which latter date the total out- standing circulation of the leading hank was only $182,683. The other banks having declined the offer of the Government to pay them a commission to abandon their own circulation and to use that of the Government, the attempt to monopolize the ba k circulation was abandoned. The Bank of Montreal resumed its own issues, and by the 30th April, 1872, had an outstanding circulation of $3,116,037. The increase in bank circulation since that date shows how remarkable has been the development of Canadian trade. The greatest advance, however, is seen in the increased deposits, which have risen from $6,153,958 in 1858 to $43,439,428 in 1888. Over twenty millions of these deposits bear no interest; adding to this amount the reserve funds, over ten millions, and the circulation, over thirteen millions, it is found that the city banks have (including capital) the use of over seventy million dollars to eurn dividends on $27,554,396, to say nothing of the profits on interest-bearing depo- sits. The apparent decrease in current loans is much more than made up by the extra amount loaned to corporations and invested in other securities, while the wants of the mercantile and manufacturing interests have been fairly supplied without the undue expansion which existed in former years. Upon the whole it may safely be stated that at no former period did the earning power of our city banks equal that of to-day, good management • 1. ■ : Within this period four city banks have reduced their stock, name]}', thc-Merchants, the .Tiicqucs Carticr, tl,c Villo Mario and the People's, he total reduction^; amounting to over five million dollars. It is proper however to state that tliere has been a change in the administration in every c.ise whore the stock has been reduced and more prudent management introduced, notably in the case of the Merchants Bank, which is now one of the most prosj)or()us monetary institutions in the Dominion. The losses above referred to niiiy suggest the ({uestion whether the business of bank- ing in Canada is extra hazardous, or whether the losses have arisen from incompetence or dishonesty ? To this it may be answered that banking is at all times more or loss hazardous, particularly in a new country, and that while considerable losses have arisen from incomjiotence an I downright dishonesty, the greater portion have resulted from undue expansion and a too sanguine view of the various enterprises in which ambitious men have been engaged. The success which has marked the administration of the city's leading Bank in view of the dangers through which it passed, may well challenge a passing notice. For seventy years its doors have opened with the regularity of the rising sun, and it has not failed to pay its regular dividend ^vithin the memory of the "oldest inhabitant." Somo disappoinled shareholders occassiotiaily attack the ni"iagement when the dividend is not to their liking, just as somo African tribes whip iheir gods when the weather is unfavorable, but the gods do not seem to feel the chastisement. Another institution, the Bank of British North America, while perhaps less ambitious, has had a most successful career, and stands, in point of credit, on a par with its great neighbor. Having the bulk of its shareholders in Great Britain, it is entirely removed from the arena of local speculation, and thereby e:^capes the April storm through which its elder sister has to pass. And it is here worthy of remark that the Bank of British North America has furnished the Bank of Montreal with somo of its ablest otiiccrs, among whom may be mentioned D. J)a-idson, E. II. King and C. F. Smithers. Before closing this notice of our banking innitutions it maybe of interest to compare their business and resources with thosf; of the banks in the Queen Cily of the West, the business centre of the great Province >.. 'J tlario, and the only other banking centre of any ])retensions in the I>t)iuinion, The city of Toronto has soven banks (leaving out the Federal, now winding up), whose juincipal resources and liabilities are as follows : — ,^j ^ Capital $14,002,022 Deposits 32,<)16,a07 Circulation 8,177,192 , Discounts 41,826,450 Rests 4,245,000 Branches 100 Reviewing carefully the above figures it is seen that, while the Toronto bank.", although comparatively small iu the total of their business, are doing more buainess in PRESENT AND i'UTURE. 85 |iroportion to their capital, they are still working at a higher pressure, and in the event of 11 serious crisis, such as occurred in 1857, the country would have to look largely to Montreal to sustain its credit. The Toronto banks, like those of Montreal, have in some cases been very successful and in others very unfortunate, The Bank of Toronto, under the nianngenient of Mr. Iliifijue, now of the Merchants, rose to it position of grciit strengih, which his succci-'sors liave well miiintained, while tlie Dominion Bank, under .Mr. ]lethune, has had a ciircer of remarkable prosperity. But there is a dark side to the i)icture as in the case of the Montreal banks. The first important Canadian bsmk to suspend piiymeiit was the Bank of Upper Canada in 18G0, its capital of nearly four millions being entirely lost. Later came the suspension of the Royal Canadian, and last of all the Central Bnnk collapsed ecjualled only in point of mismanagement by that of the Exchange Bunk here. It is to be hoped that for many years to come no like failures will occur, and that those entrusted with the management of ba.nking institutions here and elsewhere, will discharge their important duties with honesty and sound judgment. rOST OFFICE STATISTICS. Montreal is the great forwarding centre for the postal service of the Dominion, and as that service has expanded so has the Montreal Post Office increased and is still increasing to meet the largely grown and still growing demands npon it. When f'.<-ty years ago a gentleman, now holding a responsible position in the Post OfTice, enten d upon his duties, the office was a small i)laco, situated on St. Francois Xavicr street, ard the staff consisted of thirteen men and six carriers only. But forty years have wrougnt many changes, not onlj' in the largely increased population of the Dominion, in general and of Montreal in particular, but in strides of progress made by the Postal department, so that the former humble establishment has developed into the present building on Sr,. James street, and the staff has grown to 187 men, including 65 letter carriers ; ami whereas in those old days six or seven thousand letters passing through the office would be con- sidered a heavy day, the number now reaches the vast sum of 122,000 to 125,000 daily. The increase referred to will be seen at a glance by a comparison of the following figures, showing the difference made in the short period of ten years between December, 1878, and December, 1887, of the weekly average of letters and papers posted in Montreal. City letters. Registered letters. Other letters. Total letters, 1878 13,594 960 23,375 37,935 1887 45,790 2,618 ' 52,025 101,041 Newspapers. Total letters, newspapers, etc. Number of letter carriers employed. 1878 1,216 _ 50,051 _ ^ ^ 47 1887 32,636 ' 13.Vi77 " '' "' '' " 65 The average daily number of bags of postal matter that leave the Montreal Post Office is about 500, and the number of incoming about 450. About 98 bags of mails, and one or two cases of parcel post arrive weekly from Europe, by the Canadian, Innian, Cu- nard, and General Transatlantic mail service, while bags also arrive at irregular periods from the West Indies and Bermuda, and the organization of the daily postal car service between Vancouver and Montreal brings daily increasing quantities of correspondence between Canada, Japan and India. In connection with the Postal system is the Money Order Office, which shows the same rapid inctcaso. , , , , ^ , ■^ ^ 86 MONTREAL — HER PAST, The following interesting statoment-irrtiphfea'by Mr. H. A. Bourret, superintendent of the department, shows the nature of the business transacted in those years in the Montreal Money Order Exchange Office . UNITED STATES. 1884. 1887. Increase. Sent to $237,640 $;}24,025 $86,385 UNITED KINGDOM. Sent to 722,521 811,120 88,599 Received from 251,277 270,289 19,012 GERMANY. Sent to 20,468 44,457 23,988 Received from 7,104 10,315 3,211 SWITZERLAND. Sent to 4,550 3.067 Received from 767 1,692 925 ITALY. Sent to 19,433 36,516 17,083 Received from 633 1,648 1,015 BELGIUM. Sent to 1,274 4,944 3,670 Received from 2,052 4,125 2,073 JAMAICA. Sent to 1,073 1,166 93 Received from 5,534 15,151 9,617 PRANDE. Sent to 1,767 21,069 19,282 $1,276,113 $1,449,573 $273,460 The savings bank system was engrafted on to the postal department in Montreal on the 1st April, 1868, and has shewn by its increase in depositors and amounts the appre- ciation of the people of the advantages and inducements to thrift thus oflFered. SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS. Increase. 1887 $514,562.00 1884 418,009.00 $96,553.00 WITHDRAWALS. 1887 $442,322.73 1884 283,491.97 158,830.81 The above tables shew that the total increase in money order and savings bank business in these thrr^ years is $433,307. These postal statistics are interesting as furnishing a further proof of the increase in population, wealth and commercial impor- tance of the city of Montreal. With the growth of poj)ulation a necessity had sprang up for affording the public greater facilities than had hitherto been provided for the transmission by mail cf sniali articles in packages, frequently intended for destinations not readily ucoessible by any other means of conveyance than that afforded by the Post Office. To meet this necessity, provision was made for the transmission by mail between all p'aces in Canada, from 1st February, 1888, of matter of the nature adverted to. PRESENT AND TUTURE. 87 RETAIL TRADE. ; MONTREAL COMPARES WELL WITH OTHER LARGI^: CITIES. It is with difficulty that the present generation of Montrealers, or strangers to Mont- real, can form any idea of the enormous and rapid growth of the retail trade of the city. Walking along Notre Dame, St. James, or St. Catherine street, one sees at the present day ovidonces of Montreal's prosperity in the large and well-kept retail stores. Montreal's retail stores now compare most favorably with those of any city of its size in the world for the quality of the stocks kept, and the attractive manner in which the goods are dis- played. Very different was the state of matters in the beginning and during many decades of the present century, when as yet what is now Craig street was represented by a creek, crossed BY WOODEN BRIDGES, which afforded com-nunication with the city proper and the few existing suburbs on the higher ground. Business at the period spoken of was almost entirely confined to St. Paul street, and was more especially clustered around that portion from Jacques Cartier to what is now Custom House Square. On Notre Dame street there were, about the year 1820, some three or four groceries and one dry goods store, while there might be some half-a-dozen others on the cross streets between St. Paul and Notre Dame. On St. James street were the residences of the well-to-do portion of the population, stores on that street being at that time unknown. There was a number of small taverns, chiefly kept by (lermans, on St. Lawrence Main street, in which were kept small stocks of coiirse groceries to retail to those in their immediate neighborhood, and a few of the eiame class may have been scattered along the other outlets of the city. After the war, business in 1815 and the following years became somewhat more systematized. Previous to this the old established houses of Forsyth, Richardson & Co.- (lirard, Parker Si Ogilvy, predecessors of Grillespie, Moffat & Co. ; Maitland, Gardiner and Auldjo, and a few of minor note did the importing, and supplied customers with dry goods hardware, liquors and groceries. But the retail organization was very imperfect. The hardware dealers, with the grocers and crockery men, sold both wholesale and retail ; the wholesale, except in liquors, being very small. About the bottom of the new market at Jaoques Cartier square there was a cluster of retail houses, dry goods stores, and another cluster filled most of the space from St. Peter street to Custom House square. These were all French Canadians, keeping small stocks and depending for their daily supply on the houses of Robertson, Masson & Co., who imported nothing but dry goods. These shops were small, and usually had many doors and no windows. Near these doors in front of the shop, the shopkeeper and his clerks ensconced themselves, ready to pounce upon the UNSUSPECTING HABITANT, who escaping from the clutches of a clerk at the first door, was immediatel)' seized upon at the second. Vainly would he protest that this was the .same store ; he was led to believe that ho could not trust the evidence of his own eyes, ar.d almost invariably, before he had run the gauntlet of the half-dozen doors, he had made one or more purchases. Many were the good-natured tricks played upon the habitant, who, however, did not always come off second best. Notwithstanding the inconveniences and evident discomforts attending this stylo of doing business it continued in vogue for upwards of thirty years, when it was abolished by a common agreement among all the traders. 88 MONTREAL — HER PAST, Those in other lines of retail wor^ scattered along the whole lino of St. Paul street, from the present Jacques Carticr square to ,Mc(}ill street. Tlic fashionable and well assorted dry poods stores were th<)se of Richard AVatkins, successor to Miller, Parlane & Co., whose name long remained on the door, and Hector Russell & Co., about two doors west of Custom House Square. Mr. Miller, of the firm mentioned above, wont home, while Mr. Parlane wont into the wholesale and shipping business, and helped to found the groat house of H. tailor and clothing •ores; 9t dry goods stores j 5.') jeweller stores; 39 hat and fur stores; 37 hardware -tores and 31 drug stores, entirely confined to the retail business. One dry goods store I'luploys 300 hands, and has capital invested to the amount of half a million dollars ; luothcr employs about 2.'J0 hands, with an invested capital of ,$350,000; and another l;us some 80 hands with cipital invested to the amount of $140,000. It is to bo under- -luod that these figures in each case represent the amount of money actually invested in ihe business and not the amount of stock carried. , Avast change has been made jn the manner of conducting the retail business of the city. In the dry goods the de])artmental system has been adopted, and even the work- rooms are divided into departments. Under this system it is j)ossibIo for the employer to know exactly in what part of his establishment a weakness exists, and he can at once devise a remedy. Since it was first introduced, about ten years ago, it has proved Ijoneficial both to employer and employes. The bonuses system is also a new feature introduced into some establishments. A great improvement in the matter of hours has , taken place. Formerly it was no uncommon thing for largo establishments to reraaia open till midnight on Saturdays. Now a number of houses close at six at night, and on S iturdays, during July and August, a half-holiday is given. In .some houses two weeks' holidays is given, wages being paid. It is generally conceded that the tone of the em- ployes has much improved, and it is said that more money is .saved by them than formerly. The grocery business too has mido vast strides, the introduction of canned and glass goods having to a certain extent created a. new era. Almost anything eatable can now be had in can or in glatiS, and it has been necessary to take t.his into consideration. Of late years trade with outside places has considerably increased especially, for the finer class of goods, and one firm has family customers in Ottawa, .and as far away as British Columbia . This same firm has opened out a new line in supplying fishing parties from the States with their provisions, for the season, so that there seems a possibility of Montreal be- coming a distributing centre for the finer class of groceries. To meet the demand for tlie higlicr class of .goods the enter))rising retailers import canned salmon from British Columbia or the Maritime Provinces; jams, jellies, piokles, from the States, and more especially New York State. A great advantage to the grocer of the present day is the improvement made in the matter of credits. In former years it was nothing uncommon to give three, eIa. or twelve months' credit to customers,' but now a month is about the 90 MONTREAL— HEa PAST, longest time given, unless in exceptional cases. Formerly too it was the custom of retailers from all piirts of Canada to assemble at Montreal for the purpose of attending tho trade sails. That is a thing of the past, largely due to the retontion of tlie auction duty on impost from which Toronto is free, travelers having taken the place of these sales. On all sides the opinion is expressed among retail men that the prospects in Montreal are brightening more every year : a remunerative and increased volume of business is hopefully anticipated. WHOLESALE CLOTHING. The enterprise and push of the business men of Montreal, coupled withthe cheapness of labor in the city, have given the wholesale clothing trade in the city a wonderful im[)etus within tho last twenty years, and secured to the commercial metropolis tho supply centre for the whole Dominion. There are eight large establishments engaged in this industry in Montreal, two of which are of vast extent an 1 importance, and the others doing a large and profitable turnover. Twenty years ago the annual sales of these establish- ments amounted in tho aggregate to about $400,000, while to-day the annual turnover is upwards of $2,500,000, the range of market extending from Halifax on the Atlantic to Vancouver on the Pacific. The capital invested in the trade is in round numbers $1,500- 000 This industry has been greatly improved and perfected in recent years. The clothing is put together by piece work, the cutting being done in the establishments. It is then given out to women who work on it at home and who reside in the suburbs and adjoining country. Among the localities where the largest amount of clothing is put together are Ste. Cunegonde, St. Henri, Ste. Roao, Terrebonne, Chambly, St. Hilaire, Beloeil and St. Remi, all working for Montreal houses. A striking proof of the increase of the industry is the great sale of sewing m-ichines within the region indicated in the past several years. It is believed that about 5000 hands are given employment by the wholesale clothing industry, and averaging five to each family it may be stated that about 20,000 people depend upon the industry for sustenance. The number of hands employed in the establishments in the city is in the vicinity of 2200. Half a million dollars are paid out in wages annually by the eight houses. The industry in Toronto and Hamilton cannot compete with that of Montreal. ''Tho reason," said a well-known business man, who has been engaged in the industry for the past thirty years, " is simply Montreal, is a more advantageous manufacturing centre than either Toronto or Hamilton." I The f^heapness of labor here is all in our favor and handiciips the other manufactur-l ing centres in the Dominion. We may venture the assertion that the cheapest labor on the | continent is to be found in Montreal. The goods manufactured here comprise full lines of mens', youths', boys' and children's clothing. MIiSOR INDUSTRIES. The manufacture of leather board in Canada was begun in 1873, by a company started in Montreal. Previously tho article was imported from the States, and much of it continued to be so until the change in the Customs Tariff in 1879. But in spite of the sharp competition of the foreign article, our home product was of such superior quality that it easily held its own, receiving prizes at the U. S. Centennial in 187(5, at the Sydney Exhibition and at Berlin, Germany, 1877, at the Paris Exhibition, 1878, as well as at Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. The mill capacity is about 450 tons per annum. PKEBENT AND FUTURE. 91 TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS. This branch is attaining large proportions in Montreal, and two of the five existing factories occupy large premises in the east and west end of the city. It is estimated there is $700,000 invested in the trade, and that about 400,000 trunks are turned out per annum. PAPER HANGINGS. The manufacturing of wall paper is one of the younger industries of Montreal, which is quietly and unostentatiously iittaining vigorous proportions. From comparatively small beginnings the establishment now employs in the neighborhood of 100 persons. There are several printing machines in operation, producing nearly 2000 different styles of paper hangings. Wholesale prices range from ^ cents per piece up to $2.50 per piece. IRON AND COAL. MILLIONS INVESTED IN IRON MANUFACTURES. Montreal, the industrial heart of Canada in every other way, is also the manufac- turing and distributing centre of the iron and steel trade in the Dominion. Realizing the advantages to be derived from a national policy which protects the home-made article, it exerts itself to the utmost, and by the grimy incense arising through its num- erous tall and stately chimneys and the monotonous music of its hundreds of anvils and monstrous steamhammers pays homage to Vulcano, the patron saint of ironworkers and blacksmiths. With native mines that will supply the necessary fuel for years and years to come, with an unlimited supply of water that can be used both in its natural state and as steam for motive power, it strives not only to supply its own wants but those of less favored towns in the Dominion, and even sends its handiwork beyond the border, where in point of workmanship, durability and price it equals if not excels the native product. The principal establishments of the kind are probably the workshops of the two great Canadian Railways, the Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk, which employ in these depart- ments alone considerably over 2000 men, the first named being situated in the East end, near the suburbs of^Hochelaga ; the last in the far western point of the city, near Point I St. Charles. Here everything needed in the railroad business is made, from the coupling [pin to the locomotive, and from the simple brake handle to the monstrous snow plow* [everything necessary to transport the surplus stock of other iron and steel factories to Ithc nearest as well as the most out-of-the-way corner of the country. One of the largest iron establishments in Montreal is that owned by the Montreal ^lolling Mills, who^e massive buildings, some of them over 100 feet in length in which over Coo men and bcjs are working, are noticeable to any one going along Notre Dame street west. This establishment alone can turn out 8,000,000 feet of iron pipes per annum, with the aid of one of Swindell's regenerative gas furnaces in the building of which 150,000 kd and firebricks were employed. To fully understand the enormous capacity for Lking pipes it should be stated that the imports of pipes in the Dominion for 1885 were [,368,765 feet, and in 1886, 4,209,884 feet, or a sum total for the two years of 7,578,649 92 MONXaEAL - HEft PAST. feet, thus showing that the new mills will bo iti jtoMition to turn out in one year more than the (juantity that has boon importod tor tlio la^t two years. They also mnko a spci'ialty oi nails of t-vcry kind and description, and horso shoes, of wliich industries nioii' is said later on. Taking all j)arts of these extensive works togcth»'r they eonsunie on iin average 10,000 tons per annum. Montreal also possesses the largest establishment in tho Dominion for tho manufacture of chilled steel car wheels, on whieh carloads of men and boasts and freight roll daily to and from every part of the contineat. Over six hun- dred men are employed within its walls on the baliks of the Laohine Canal, and it supplies hU tho wheels for the (traiid Trunk as well as the Intercolonial railways, lliglit near tho eastern end of tho city in tho suburb of Ilochehiga is one of the largest steel and axlo factorios in Canada, whieh turns out annually enough springs and axles to meet the demands of all the railways in the Dominion and have some to spare besides. Tt employs 100 skilled mechanics, besides machinery that will do the work of a thousand hands. Tho nail and spiko industry, perhaps, comes next. There are eight firms in the city manufacturing them, and tho amount turned out annually may bo guessed when it is stated that from ten to fifteen thousand tons of puddled iron is used per year, besides an equal amount of old rails and scrap iron, and several thousand tons of nail plate, with thirty thousand tons of native coal to work it up. Over two millions of dollars are invostod in these industries alone, and it furnishes bread and emi)loyment to more than sixteen hundred laborers and thoir families, Montreal possesses four horseshoe factories, the onlj' ones in the Dominit)n, and five lirms devote themselves entirely to making nails wherewith to fasten these on the horses feet, Taoks and fancy nails, including those used in Inying the carpets and supporting the pictures of the Canadi.m people, arc also made in this city only by three different firms, and tlie same is the case with wrought iron pipe, of which there is one factory. Soft iron castings and fittings of all varieties such as used for stoves, ranges, furnaces, pumps, lantern posts, fences, fountains and innumerable other things are made in our twelve large foundries, while one firm makes a specialty of malleable iron castings, another of those in crucible steel, and one of everything neces- sary to m;ike a gas or oil stove. To keep secure the money made and handled in the pursuit of these industries throe firms make it their business to manufacture safes, and their reputation for being burglar proof is very high. Two firms devote themselves to the manufacture of cast iron ranges now so much in use, wliile two others ])roduce the so necessary cast steel saws. Though tho making of sowing machines is essentially a Yankee industry, two firms, em|»loying over 600 hands, are engaged in it in this city, and many a Canadian housewife considers them a blessing and invaluable aid in her manifold daily duties. Axes and picks are made by another firm, while still another manufactures .augers, bits, tools, spades and shovels, cutlery embracing every variety of sharp instru- ment from the unwieldy butcher's kiiife to the little pocket instrument used by tireless newspaper men in sharpening their mighty pencil, and from the shining carving utensil used by the ponderous cook to the dainty little scissors reposing in the silk-lined work baskets of our u])pertowii belles, is also manufactured here, ^while two establishments make scales and one pumps. We support six wire factories, one of which draws the article from iron rods, weaves it into ropes, and turns it into barbed fences, while four other establish- ments manufacture s])rings for carriages and bods. The worlisliops of the Royal Electric Light Company and the Bell Telephone Company, employing several hundred men, come also under this head. A mention of the extensive works of the Dominion Brid Company in our suburbs and the twelve boiler and machine shops must bring this summary of the iron and steel trade in Montreal in which, according to a careful estimate, not less than 10,500 men are employed to an end. PRESENT AND FUTURE. 93 The brass foundiiif^, which is a kindrod intorost to iron and stod, lias made nipid -tii(l(!;< in the last few years ; one largo faetory in the west end liaviiij? been erected this year at a largo cost and giving onaploytnont to over 200 men. In the city proper tliero me four large ostablishinents, whioli employ in round numbers nix to seven hundred mon, willi an invested capital of nearly half a million dollars, and turning out some of tlio liiiest specimens of brass goods manufactured in America. COAL. Thanks to the National Policy whicii ])rotects the owners of Canadian mines ngninst an osHTflow of foreign fuel, Montreal is the heart of a most flourishing and continually iiicroasiiig coal trade. With an ever growing poi)ulation and the rise of new industries, it has become the place where the greater part of the products of the coal mines in the jiiwer provinces, which are in great part owned by citizens of Montreal, find a market. Over three million dollars of money belonging to Montreal .^ invested in the Canadian Coal Mines. This muncy is divided anjong the Intercolonial Coal Mining Company, the liitoiriiitional Coal Company, the Vale Coal Company, and the Cumberland Riulway nud Coal (,'onipany, all of them situated in Cumberland, I'ictouand Cape i'retoi!, ail situated ill the jirovince of Nova Scotia. This coal, which is all of a bituminous quality, is hiought to Montreal by water, though some of it, especially from Cumberland, arrives by rail. It is principally used by railways and manufacturers, and for the sake of showing wliat amount of coal a good sized railway e(nnpany needs annually, it may be stated hat last year the Canadian Pacitic Railway company consumed 80,000 tons. The Gas CiiMi.iMMy used i>J,'M)0, and the Grand Trunk Railway Company, .'^5,000. Thi". is abo:U tiie amount of coiil brought here by water ; about '2b per cent, more comes from the Nova .Seutia mines by rail. In all, Montreal used during the last year some 448,000 TONS, seven per cent, of which was ijnportcd from Great Britain and Ireland. Six years ago the amount consumed was only 334,000 tons, and in three years it had increased only some 1(1,000 tons. The consumption for 1H85 was : Tons. From Great Britain and Trelatid 48,000 ' *" '^ " Cape Breton 130,fi00 |i'^: " Picton 70,000 ' '- By Rail 83,000 340,600 A year later the consumption had i... leaned somewhat and was : ■ . ',i Tons. From (Jreat liritain and Ireland 23, -'77 , ',)i '< Cape Breton 200,000 , ,^ " Pictou 60,000 ,, . , By Rail 7,j,000 301,277 In 1887 the consumption was Tons. .1 . ! From Great Britain and Ireland 31,000 " Cape Breton 2^2,000 " ' ■ '• Pictou 0."),000 ■ "■' By Rail 75.000 • 443,005 , 94 MONTREAL — HER PAST, Prices for bituminous coal do not change much though last year they were lower than ever before. The following statement shows the prices for bituminous coal from the Pictou mines, during the last eleven years : For 1877 $4 00 to $4.50 " 1878 «' 1879 " 1880 " 1881 " 1882 3.50 " 3.60 3.75 " 4.25 3.75 " 4.25 4.00 " 4.50 4.00 " 4.75 For 1883 4.50 " 1884 " 1885 " 1886 " 1887 4.50 to 5.00 4.15 " 4.40 3.50 " 4.00 3..^0 " 3.50 3.30 ♦' 3.50 To obtain the corresponding prices for Cape Breton coal, from 30 to 50 cents per ton should be added. As to the prices of transportation coal dealers declare that they are far lower than elsewhere. Anthracite coal, cominy mo.<»tly from Pennsylvania, is almost entirely used for domestic purposes. It is transported by barges from Oswego, and by the Delaware & Hudson Railway direct from the mines. Over two hundred and twenty thou.sand tons of this favorite fuel are used annually in Montreal. In 1885 the consumption of hard coal was 190,000 ton.«, in 1886, 194,000. In former years it was brought to Montreal in American canal boats on their way to Ottawa to load lumber. The demand for this kind of coal, however, soon grew so large that the railways were brought into play for its transportation, and some of the mining companies built their own roads to facilitate the trade. Through these means coal has been pouring into the large yards by the train load to supply the ever increasing demand which Montreal, continually growing as it is, and drawing to it laborers and their families from all over the Dominion, makes on every coal producing country in America and Europe. PAPER MAKING. Even in the art of paper making, Montreal is far ahead of every other city in the Dominion, and gives many of the larger cities in the United States a close race for supremacy in that particular line of industry. At the beginning of this century paper for wrapping as well as writing was an article scarce as well as expensive in Montreal, and every other part of Canada, and home-made paper was an entirely unknown thing. The first mill in Canada was built with Montreal capital in St. Andrews, on the North River, near Montreal, and it needed a considerable amount of courage to embark in such an enterprise. It was opened in 1806, and at that period, in all the country between Halifax and Toronto, only half a dozen smnll weekly papers were published, and they consumed in all not more than 300 pounds of material a week. As it was, the capacity of the mill amounted to about 100 pounds of paper a day, all made by hand, and though seemingly a small supply, far beyond the demand. Since that time the paper industry in and near Montreal has had many ups and downs, and from one small mill has grown to fifteen, which control half of the total value of the paper industry in Canada; and situated in a province provided with an inexhaustible supply of wood for pulp, with hundreds of miles .of low wooded mountains, innumerable lakes, waterfalls and other water powers, it bids fair to monopolize the paper-making business within a few years to come. As a proof of this it may be stated that the largest paper warehouse in Canada has just been completed in Montreal. It cost not less than $100,000, PRESENT AND FUTURE. 95 without furniture, stock or anything, and is eight stories high. It is built of terra cotta brick and Perth sandstone, which was used in this case for the first time in Montreal, and is devoted not only to the keeping of stock but to the manufacture of bags, envelopes and shipping tags, in which industry one hundred and fifry people are employed. It is but lately also that in the suburb of St. Jerome another largo paper mill has been erected with a capital of $250,000, and a capacity relative thereto, and which is entirely owned by French Oanadian capitalists of Montreal. THE SILK INDUSTRY. The silk industry, which ha.i continued to prosper from thooutnet, is practically con- trolled, like most others, by Montreal, there being but one mill outside the city in which Montreal capital is said to be largely invested. The proportions of this industry to-day show a large increase, the ribbons and handkerchiefs which have been added to its lines of production having been received by the trade with satisfaction. Operations, which at firs', wore naturally on a small scale, have so much increased that one firm at least has been more than once compelled to double its productive capacity, and now employ.^, on an average, upwards of two hundred hands. The wages paid amount to somewhere in the neighborhood of $50,000 per annum, the value of the raw material being close on $200,000, while the value of the manufactured article must amount to something between $350,000 and $400,000. Notwithstanding the difficulties met with, the goods manufactured are equal to the best produced in the United States, the raw material used being Canton, Tsattee and the best Japan, and the Canadian price list is the same as that adopted by the silk trade in tiie United States. Every improvement in machinery or make up is introduced as soon as possible, and thus Montreal is enabled to keep pace with the times, her silk goods finding ready sale all over the Dominion ; and it is stated that even the lower class of goods is purchased here and sold side by side with higher class goods at the high class price. This does not, however, in any way deteriorate the quality of the goods of higher grades of dress silks, satins, etc., produced by the same firms, but rather stimulates to still further production of high-class goods, compatible with a repr.onable rate of profit, and the paying of such wages as shall procure the services of the beat operatives. That Montreal has secured a high position in this particular line is amply demonstrated by the fact that buyers, acquainted with the trade, find it impossible to discriminate between the productions of the Montreal looms and those of other cities so many years longer in the business. COTTON. ONE OF THE GREATEST INDUSTRIES OF THE AGE. HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MANUFACTURE OF COTTON. The throne of King Cotton is placed in the commercial metropolis of Canada. More than half the entire number of mills in British North America are wholly controlled by Montreal capital and business men. The thrifty development of cotton manufacturing began in the Dominion of Canada with the advent of the National Policy. At that time there were but seven cotton mills in operation, all about the same capacity. Under the 9G MONTREAL — HER PAST, new dispensation the Ingi^ing cotton interests of the dominion revived, and greatly extended tiieir marl\ot» and produet even going beyond tlie requirements of the country in number and capacity, showing not too much faith in the new policy but too little calcu- lation as to the consumption. Many of the old mills doubled and trebled their product within 11 few years, and all now plants were started upon a very much enlarged basis. To- day there iire twenty-three mills in Canada, and half a million spindles, about 10,000 looms and between 8000 and 9000 persons ringing out the music of labor, the burden of whose song is the recital of something aceomplished m the line of manufactured cotton. Till' earliest operatic is of this industry in Canada were retarded, in groat measure, through the lack of judgment on the jtart of the manufacturers. There was no diversity in the character ol'liieir product. The markets of the iJominion were overstocked with grey or unbleached cottons, while other styles and qualities of cotton goods of domestic make were unobtainable. This condition of affairs, however, has been thoroughly revolutionized, and the Cinadian markets arc nt)w carrying some of the finest and as large a variety of native cotton manufactured merchandize as can be anywhere found, embracing all grades of grey and white cotton, bleached sheetings, pillow cottons, and a new and highly desirable seamless pillow cotton woveii without seams, towels, piques, fancy ginghams, plain and checked crinkled seersucker, plain and fancy striped shirtings, tickings and awnings, denims, all grades of sheetings, knitting yards, cottonades, and braid and lamp wifsks. It is claimed that the white c«)tton manufactured in the Dominion excels any product of like nature produced in America. The annual product of the 2.3 mills now in oj)eration in Canada amounts to about 1), 000, OOOyards of cotton cloth, which is divided among the following mills, the ITochelaga Cotton Co. being the largest : Hochelaga Cotton C >. Windsor Cotton Co. Monet on Cotton Co. Wm. Parkes S: Son. (Ld.) Chanibly Cotton Co. Montreal Cotton Co. Canada Ci>tton Co. Kingston Cotton Co. Ontario Cotton Mill Lybster Cotton Mill Dundas Cotton Co. St. Croi.\ Cotton Co. Nova Scotia Cotton Manufacturing Co. St. John Cotton Mill Cibson (!otton Mill Coaticook Cotton I\Iill Merc!ia.nts Cotton Co. Stormont Cotton Co. Uamilto Cotton Co. Meritton Cotton Co, -if i Brantford Cotton Co. ! Magog Print and Textile Co. Of the above nnmhcr the Hoc' ' iga Cotton Co.. with 110,000 spindles ar.i ;,n annual pi-o luct of 1,500,000 yards of cott*. cioth, the Chamb'.v Cotton Co., ('oaticoi>k ..iton Co., Montie;)! Cotton Co., M.'n'liants' Cotton Co., Canadian Cotton Co., SLorniunl Cotton Co., Kingston Cotton Co., Hamilton Cotton Co., Uatario Cotton Mills, Dundas Cotton Co., and the M igog Print and Textile Company are mainly controlled by Montreal capital in Montreal. The geographical location of (he Canadian unrkets in manufactured cotton in relation to the lar^vest growers of this national staple '"n the world, admit of a great expansion here in this industry i. if export, and iMootre,, capital and business men should by all the natural laws of cause and effect eontr.)l it. Tiiey beat can place a large export trado with all the m-rkoH of the world directly tributary to their port, and on through that vast area of the earth represented in the l-hat via the Canadian Paeilio route to China, Japan and India. , .. ; i' h. PRESENT AND FUTURE. Q7 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. The Council of Arts and Manufactures, with the intention of aflFording every facility to mechanics, artisans, apprentices and others to whom a knowledge of drawing would be of benefit in its practical application in the various trades and branches of industry, established free evening drawing classes in 1873. The number of pupils in the school is 1346, and five years ago classes in wood carving, lithography and wood engraving were added. The list of subjects on which instruction is given comprises freehand drawing, mechanical drawing, architectural drawing, model- ling, lithography, building, construction and stair building, decorative painting, and scagliola and plaster work. It is difficult to appreciate the benefit resulting to those who are thus enabled to supplement the generally narrow instruction of the workshop, where, by the present division of labor, an apprentice is as a rule confined to one department, and indeed prefers that he should be, as it brings him immediate wages. It makes him familiar with the processes and tools, which, in most of the special industries and trades, have a certain degree of analogy ; and he roon perceives the fundamental principles that underlie all manual operations. ,•,,-, ,.,,...:. A direct advantage to be gained by the proper training of artisans in the same way as engineers, lawyers and physicians are trained, is that the number of these last men- tioned, whose preponderance in the city is widely deplored, may be immediately decreased, as boys having some education will no longer object to follow a trade, as their dreary and drudging period of apprenticeship is almost done away with, and entering a shop with some practical ideas, and already somewhat advanced, they may hope for higher imme- diate wages— which is after all the great lever that impels both parents and children in their choice of industrial pursuits. A much higher idea of the importance and dignity of labor is also created by tkese schools. Their careful management and the founding of workshops iu connection with them, such as exist in the manual training school of St. Louis, Mo,, which Mr. S. C. Stprenson, B. A., visited some three or four years ago, and the adoption of which he strongly recommended at the time, would result in our skilled labor in the decorative arts standing at a premium in the world's markets, in our artisans commanding the best remuneration elsewhere, and in the really artistic bent of the French Canadian mind being cultivated in its utmost ramifications, and bearing abundant fruit. Indeed, there is no reason why the French Canadian should not distinguish himself in the sphere of art, as do his kinsmen in the Old World, the French, whose deft hands add beauty to everything they touch, even the most common object not being thought too moan for adorumout. But in France the facilities for the students of industrial arts are very great. . • H' fi-):ii// li; ■. 1 ■■1(11. .•M,.iy, 1, -;.,: , .,,;, ,, I,,, ,: , ,, ..■ , , ,,,, . 1 i'i..r ((«■ li-ri H:-\l/ ..r ).. ■»|t-> -"I Ti ■ ! J i •! ■'•'" I'-J' .ti' v'l Mil ,1! i'l'i II . '-•n.' '.I'll..-, li-i:- .> It' .,,. .,;. ,, I., I llf 1 Clli'.lll.f 't.'.).|.-> Vl. 1.'.'.' M ..-:■ .'■ n'l I' ..III.' ■ !• , ,, '' i,,'; |,., I .,, , ( ..' ur'.- .rf,it •"-'■'' "*i'5-ll.""i • ■ ! ■'••■'la ■ i, ;• i'lr.^'M ).. iiiiivMu >^, .i!;:-'i-.l i,1 98 MONTREAL — HER PAST, SUGAR. . MONTIIEAL THE CENTEE OF THE REFINING TEADE. HISTOEY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEADE IN"' MONTEEAL. ^ - Montreiil siiit|)lio9 throe-fourths of all the sugar consumed in the Dominion of Canada and its sugar refineries have weathered the dangers of competition with the sugar impor- ters, whieh caused nearly every other refinery in Canada to succumb. In the early part of this century all the sugar consumed in Canada was imported from England and the United States. In 1854, however, Mr. Pe»cr Redpath, the pioneer of sugar refining in Canada, bought a site in St. Patrick street and started a small refinery. For many years the young enterprise struggled hard for existence, but perseverance was finally crowned with success. It was then that the St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Com- pany also established itself here, in the year 1879. The Canadian Sugar Refinery at its inception only produ-ied about 20,000,000 lbs. a year, and has now reached a production of 150,000,000 lbs. per annum. The total con- sumption of sugtir in ('anada is a little more than 200,000,000 pounds every year. As nearly all the sugar that is produced in Canada is consumed within the Dominion it is clear that our refineries supply nearly the entire want. The raw sugar comes principiilly from the West Indies, Brazil and the Philippine Island. All grades of sugar are produced here from the lowest yellow to the Paris, lumps. The capital of the Canada Sugar Refining Company is $1,000,000, whilst that of the St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Company is in round figures $850,000. The output of the refineries at Halifax, Moncton and Berthier varies annually between 50 and 100 millions of pounds, whilst their capital does not exceed $800,000. The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Company also has more than tripled its capacity, and produced about 2000 barrels every day before the disastrous fire which destroyed their vast buildings in Queen street last spring, ' ... .;■ - . . . i u, ,,.l , . A further proof of the growth of the industry is the fact that in 1874 the total ton- nage of vessels bringing raw sugar to 3Iontreal was about 10,000 tons, whilst it reached 54,000 tons last year. The quality of the article coming from the Montreal refineries is unexcelled, the high gnides showing 100 per cent, in the polariscope. The St. L;iwrence company have nearly completed their magnificent refinery building at Maisonneuve, in which operations will begin early in summer. The margins for the sugar refiner being small, owing to the stroTig competition from foreign countries, where labor is cheaper, the chief success of the Montreal sugar refiners has been in the past due to strict economy and cai-eful management. These two qualities have secureil for Montreal the bulk. of the sugar refining trade of Canada. The enterprise employs directly about 4,200 i>ersons. and atfiwds indirect employment to more than 40,000 persons. The imports of refined sugar are becoming less and less from year to year. In 1878.the total amount of refined sugar imported was 107,412,307 lbs. PRESENT AND FUTURB. 99 In 1 880 it sank down to 31,080,064 lbs. This figure was still further reduced in 18S1, when the total amount hardly reached 16,000,000 lbs., and in 1882, only 14,275,500 lb.-<. \Tore brought into the country. These tigures were still reduced in the t'olluwiug years to 13,884,621 lbs., until it hnrdly reached 8,000,000 lbs, last year. ^ Beet root sugar making has hitherto proved to be a failure, though considerable amounts of money and work have been sunk in the enterprise. The cause of the pi'rsi.<- lent failure is ascribed to the fact that farmers cannot grow the roots at the 2)rice which it would pay the sugar-maki-rs to give for them. However, it is expected that with increased facilities the enterprise will soon bo taken up again by Montreal capitalists and brought to a successful issue. Tbf officers of the Canada Sugar Refining Compvny are : Messrs. Geo. A. Drummond, president ; Gilbert Scott, vice-president ; W. W. Watson, secretary. The officers 01 the St. Liwrenoe Sugar Refining Company are : Messrs. W. R. Elmcn- horst, president ; A. Baumgarten, vice-president ; and T. Labatt, secretary. ^ ;, j J CIGAIiS. The following interesting summary shows the magnitude attained by this important industry in the Dominion of Canada. During the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1886, there were manufactured in the Dominion 90,409,025 cigars from foreign leaf, and 19,250 from Canadian leafj of which Montreal produced 45,241,275 ; Toronto 6,613,100 ; and Hamilton 0,7.'?8,225. The total number of licenses issued being 123, of which there wore 24 in Montreal, 9 in Toronto, and 14 in Hamilton, the total amount of leaf used in manufacturing the above being 1,733,896 lbs. Montreal using 830,367 lbs. ; Toronto 132,821 lbs. ; and Hamilton 135,675 lbs., the balance being distributed amongst the remaining factories throughout the country. In the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1837, there were 125 licensed factories in Canada; 25 of them being in Montreal, 10 in Toronto, and 15 in Hamilton, the number of cigars manufactured being 85,587,505, consuming 1,600,780 lbs. of tobacco. Of this amount Montreal furnished 40,436,190, which reiiuirel in their manufacture 760,538 lbs, of tobacco; Toronto contributed 5,665,700, made from 104,213 lbs. of leaf ; and Hamilton 0,221,525, made from 115,375 lbs. of leaf.' One Montreal firm alone sold and delivered foir million more cigars in 1886-7 than were manufactured by all the factories in Toronto and Hamilton combined ; their trade extending from Newfoundland to British Columbia, their output being one-sixth of the total quantity manufactured in the Dominion. The number of hands employed in Montreal in this branch of manufacture is about 1800. The wages earned vary a great deal, depending entirely upon the skill of the workmen, some earning as much as seventeen or eighteen dollars per week, almost any man who knows his business at all being able to earn from eight to ten dollars or more per week of eight hours per day ; Saturday half day. The tobacco used in this country for the purpose of manufacturing cigars is obtained ; • FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OP THE WORLD; principally from the West Indies, the Eastern Archipelago, and the United States. The packages oome in different forms ; some in bales weighing from 85 to 160 lbs., and some 100 SIONTREAL — HER PAST, in cases weighing from 300 to 400 lbs. each. When the tobacco is received it is compara- tively dry ; and after being taken carefully from the packages is first dipped into clear water; and then covered up and placed aside for about twenty-four hours ; the time depending greatly upon the weather. It is not required to Ho as long in summer as in winter. Sometimes when tobacco is not sufficiently well cured it has to go through a process of resweating. The leaves are then taken to the stemming department where the stem running through the centre of the leaf, dividing it into what is known as the right and left sides, is removed, and the tobacco sorted into the different classes called fillers, wrappofH and binders. The fillers are generally put into cases lose ; and the wrappers and inner leaves of the cigars, known as binders, are put up in little bundles weighing from i lb. to 1 lb. each. The tobacco is then handed over to the cigarmakers. Some cigars are made by hand and some by moulds. The tools used consist of a piece of hard- wood board costing from 75 conts to $1.25, a knife costing about 25 cents, and a gauge to measure the length of the cigar, costing from 75 cents to $1.50; a good cigarmaker being able to make from 200 to 300 per day of 8 to 85 hours, by hand, and from 300 to 600 per day by mould work. The ends of the cigars are fastened by gum tragacanth, generally of the best quatity. The cigars are gathered up each evening and sent TO THE PACKING DEPARTMENT, where the different grades of colors are selected, placed in bo.xes and marked accordingly, such as Claro, Colorailo Claro, Colorado, Colorado Mnduro, Maduro and Oscuro, there being generally some of each of the above named colors in each package of tobacco. The boxes, before being packed, are papered and labelled, showing the name of the brand of the cigars, etc. There are several different kinds of wood used in the manufacture of the boxes, the principal being Spanish cedar, butternut and basswood, the best quality cigars being packed in the best quality of boxes. The cigars are then ready for ship- ment after the Revenue tax of $6 per thousand has been paid. The estimated increase in the cigar manufacturing industry of this country during the past ten years is about fifty-five per cent. . ii^n. I : I , . 1- t' I "•> •-. ■ i.i , MILLING. i The expansion of our Dominion flour trade must ever command interest while Dominion trade lasts, and it is refreshing to note that Montreal holds the lead in flour manufacture that will be difficult to wrest from it. The city contains the largest mills in the Dominion. The mills in Montreal have a capacity at present in the aggregate of nearly 3000 barrels per day. Montreal flour can be found at nearly all points from Van- couver to Halifax ; also in Great Britain, Antwerp and Hamburg, and a considerable trade with China and Japan has opened since the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and is growing every day. Until within about fifteen years ago milling had made very few advances. The same old millstones and grinding powers everywhere obtained" In 1868 the machinery at Pesth was still the primitive system of stone rollers. The Hun- garians, however, subsequently devised a small porcelain roll, and when this was known to be successful, several firms in Canada sent a skilled millwright across to Europe to acquire information about it. This agent perfected a roller in Zurich, Switzerland, which with slight improvements is the best roll now in use, and with which the big mills in Montreal are fitted. The mills of the big firms have been rebuilt and refitted during PRESENT AND FUTURE. 101 the past few years, and are miignificent establishments. A congidenible quantity of American flour comos into Montreal, but with the splendid wheat crops ot Miinitoba, American houses will experience every year r greater diBiculty in competing with Canada. Montreal milling merchants have oxpondod about three-quarters of a million dollars in constructing works in the Provinoo of Manitoba, and enormous elevators upou tho Canadian Pacific Railway. ' DOMINION INSURANCE BUSINESS. The annual report of tho Superintendent of Insurance, addressed to the Honorable tho Minister of finance, has been issued. The list of companies doing Fire and Inland Marine Insurance, which is made up of six Canadian, twenty-one British and five American companies, differs from last year only as regards one company, the Phenix of Brooklyn, which has ceased to transact marine business, and one, the BritLsh k Foreign Marine, which has been licensed to transact inland marine insurance. The ciisli received for premiums during the year has amounted to $5,437,268, an increase of $192,7(51 over the previous year; and the losses paid, $3,073,822, a decrease of $329,692. The Canadian companies have paid out $750,448, and received $1,131,991 ; the British companies S2,094,465, androooived $3,859,282, and tho American $228,909, and received $445,990. During the past twenty years the companies have received | 74,413,984, and paid $63,- 734,641, again of $20,679,343. The gross amount of policies, new and renewed by the fire companies during the year, was $541,580,007, showing an increase of $8,822,919 over 1S77. The decrease in the amounts taken in 1888, as compared with 1877, among British companies is $1,150,582, and among American companies $978,166. Among Canadian companies there is an increase of $10,951,667. The increase in the Canadian companies i.s as follows : British America, $4,936,743 ; Quebec, $351,386 ; Royal Canadian, $882,- 396; Western, $'5,319,642, total $12,490,167; decrease Citizens, $1,131,741; London Mutual, $406,759, total, $1,538,500, total increase, $10,951,667. THE NET EARNINGS of the British Fire Companies have been $752,956 ; they have paid for losses $2,094,465; expenses, $1,011,863, and received for premiums $3,859,284. For every $100 of premiums received there were spent on tho average $54.27 in payment of losses, and $26.22 for general expenses, leaving $19.51 for the companies, luj against $62.21 for losses, and $27.06 for expenses, leaving $9.73 in 1877. Hence these companies have done a less volume of business than in 1877, at a higher rate of premium, at a less rate of expense and at a less rate of loss. During the last fourteen years these companies have paid for losses (1875 to 1888) $27,609,225 5 for general expenses, $8,935,239 ; total $36,544,464, and received for premiums $37,639,358, being an excess of receipts over payments of $1,094,894. An adverse balance during these years wtis occasioned by tho St. John fire in 1877, when they paid nearly $5,000,000. As regards tho American companies they have received for the past year $446,768, paid $233,075, and general expenses have amounted to $111,405. Hence for every $100 of premiums received there were spent on the average $52.17 in paymentof losses, and S24.94 in general expenses. The total balance in favor of the companies for the year has been $102,288, and for the years 1875-88 $500,282. The Canadian companies took out $104,098,716 risks for tho year, received $1,002,- 109 in premiums, and paid $655,191 in losses ; the rate of losses paid per cent, of premi- 102 MONTREAL — HEE PAST, urns being $05.38. In other countries they have taken risks for $l36,rtlfi,ll8, receive $1,45.1,410 ; paid $1,008,509 ; being at the rate of $69.39 per cent. The gain or improve- ment of the Canadian ootnpaniua on paid-up capital during the year has been an folluwd t Uritish Amorioa, $844.32; Citiiens, $549.29; Quebec, $4133.76 ; Royal Canadian, $8005.68; Western, $63,085.11, and loss or deterioration, London Mutual Fire, $21,- 934.19. .•(^w:y•.^ ..|-| . t, tiJ THE APPARENT GAIN in the case of the British America is caused by the fust that the head ofBce at Toronto valued in 1877 at $90,000, has been raised to $150,fiuO in 1888. The total cash income, of the companies from 1875 to 1888, inclusive, has been $47,329,447, and the total expen- diture $48, 425,498.38. For the three Canadian companies doing Murine insurance, for the Inland navigation, the premiums received have amounted to $497,150 ; losses incurred $363,h23 ; of which $309,479 was paid, leaving an unsettled balance of $53,944, There was also paid during the year $45,298 on account of losses incurred in previous years. The premiums received for Ocean Marine wore $271,452 ; losses incurred, $241,- 774. The Marino business has been, on the whole, more favorable than the year previous. The business of life insurance is carried on by 30 active companies, of which 1 1 are Canadian, 10 British and 9 American. Two American companies were licensed during the year, the Germaniaand the Provident Savings Life Assurance companies. The total amount of policies taken during the year was $41,226,529, an excess of $3,218,219 over 1887. The Canadian companies show a gain in 1888 of $1,370,710, while ir 1887 they gained $4,215,855 ; the American companies have a gain of .$928,762 against a decrease of $391,654 in 1887, and the British companies have also an increase of $918,747, whilst , in 1888 they had a decrease of $987,239, the total increase in 1888 being $3,218,219 as stated above. The respective amounts affected are : Canadian Companies, $24,876,259 ; British Companies, $3,985,787 ; American Companies, $12,364,483. The excess in favor of the native companies is $8,500,000. THE TOTAL AMOUNT of life insurance in force at the close of the year was $211,761,583, divided as follows: Canadian, $114,0.34,279; British, $30,003,210 ; American, $67,724,000. The amount of insurance terminated in natural course by death, maturity, or expiry, was $2,867,533, which is greater by $422,012 over the previous year, and the amount terminated by surrender and lapse was $18,375,555, being greater than that in 1887 by $4,330,587. Tne total amount paid to policy holders in 1888 was as follows : Death claims, including bonus additions, $2,214,001 ; matured endowments, $333,197 ; annuitants, $16,391; paid for surrender policies, $286,442 ; dividends to policy h Iders, $590,698 ; total, $3,440,729. Hence for every $100 premium received there has been paid to policy holders $51.70, leaving $48.30 to be carried to reserve, expense and profits. The premiums received by the guarantee companies were $62,549 and paid $22,589 with $39,825. • mw.vtBI h There are some of the largest shareholders residing in Montreal in paid up amounts ift diflferent companies : Accident Insurance, Sir A. T. Gait, $5800 ; estate Edward Mao- kay, $8000 ; Edward Rawlings, $42,600 ; Mrs. M. W. Torrance, $7000 ; Mrs. M. W. Torrance as executrix and James Ferrier, executor, $8100. British American Assurance Company, Q. M. Kinghorn, $6060 in trust, $1000 ; Hugh McLennan, $10,000. '.hhjuiw.' ii».'i,'/iHi j miL Canada Life Assurance Company, W. M. Ramsay, $7540. {'-<;') Uph ,-\i;iuirjjo^i{ as «;yi PRESENT AND FUTURE. 103 Citiiens Tnsuranoo Company, estate of Sir Hugh Allan, $7616 } Andrew Allan, $8000 ; Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, $4000 ; estate of F. X.Beuudry, $4000, and Adolphe Hoy, $6928. Dominion Plato Glass Insurance Company, A. Ramany, $8400 ; Guarantee Company, Robert Campbell, $10,500 ; Sir A. T. Gait, $11,000 ; Edward Rawlinga, $53,030, in trust $1280; Wm. J. Withall, $6000. Royal Canadian Insurance Co,, R. B. Angus, $40,000 ; A. M. Crombie, local manager Bank of Commerce, $17,000; Mrs. E. F. Gilman, $5000; J. Hodgson, $21,560; La Hanque du Pouple, $26,000 ; Hugh Mackay, $32,760 ; Duncan Mclntyro, $98,600 j Andrew Robertson, $29,760 ; G. R. Robertson, $11,460 ; W. Smith, $14,560. Sun Life Assurance, Robert Anderson, $4875 ; R. Macauliiy, $6400. The amount of assessments made in the diffureut companies under the prorisious of the Insurance Act reached $7,(ill.80. • ;:of ,'ri JT ;•{ uKA. ?/,'<-.(}['] J'H'IOI- ,li!f:/ /r.M..:/ , ''in', . '"11/ ,t;4li;i |i>: fo 'J ft-ci . ,vi, >; 't ■ :f(.-'• .-".;'■ i.1 .if;:f i.'-j'-.i*/ : fi .' »'; .rii i.(i»>»f / '»•»....'„!>.■. ; t.'idt,* ,i »..,»»■/ •► .i .r. .ffoH , ; '(iiiniiiiil* ./I'M . mMiii/;H ./. .yrti 1(111 • • I. iiii Mt I s» tillt "ii- I'l ii.iiii.,r >([ I'.rTjrii <)J.'./wJ .."jKil/'i ;I ' t (f'l • 'Mil' I f^J; ,1 1 ;i , /'t,- ;'»ll«.(i|- ;(<..- I f^ /' 'Ill '-"■ '^ lyit/ "! .!l ,,r^'^ <.nf, n'l j( I I tf<..'' ■» h'V. n J..I ' '. i;-. .1. .J il J. 'I'l'/.^. .in. ..'..I .■•! ..■! iK. ;"iii.,:i'. , •,i-,()i(.i.'l !.■ iJ.iu»f ; "Hi'. '• ,' 1' 1^ 'I . ' ■' ,i- ,,'uAnU '\s.ll , II •","•>. , .I.|ii'. ' I III ' ii' ••'■ iij.i III' I, »i . i| ■,, iii(t)-"MMi I I'lii.HDi' '«,''r .'t-' I l.'i,T>. )J3(I '. I :■.'/. in ., ,iiil'>((,l U !::'• .;w January, 1890. Vol. 2. THE GOMMEROIAL ACrVMY REGISTER FOB THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC AND MARITIME PROVINCES. 1 Jjnil.' . ■ »: I. -f-hi f . :. - M I 1 ! J / ;i • , • , 1 iFf ,,1 j>,:« I) .Tl /iflf! ' iLi < CHAPUT FRERE3, - Proprietors, ASSOCIATE OFFICES : THROUGHOUT THB AND ( : '^ ^ ■ V • OOHl .Xif-ufj/sL ' ! M ■ i U \ ■ ^ ; ■ ' t -' i M " [< - ■ ! 1 ■ ■' Entered according to Act orc)iester St. Ht^ntdiiie Diuininoiid Druintnoiidvnie l.'4.308 Ga«p«i Percti 2!M(,()(i() Uochelaga Longne Poiiite 10,41)5 .. Huntingdon Huntingdon 14,459 IbtTville Iberville 12,345 .)ae(iues Cartier Montreal 21,988 eJoliette Joliette 22,180 Kanjouraska Kamouraska ll,^3f> la Prairie — La Prairie 15,283 L'Aseonipiion L'Assoniption • 9,4()2 Laval — St. Kose 27.980 Ltivis Lovis 14,917 L'iMlet &t. Jeaft Port ,(oli 20.857 Lotbiniere Lothini^re 17,403 Maskinongd Louiseville I9,0(il Mfgantif Leeds 17,785 Rlisslsquoi Frelighsburg 12.9(10 Montealm St. Julienne 15,270 Montmagny Montmayny 12.332 Montmorency .Chateau Kicher 10,513 ^apiHrville Kapierville 20.612 Nii'olet Becancour 49,090 Ottawa Hull 20,,391 Pontiac Bryson 2'^,175 Portneiif Cap Sanle loo.iM lO Qufbff <^ udbec 20,219 Richelieu Sorel 15,865 Kichniond Richmond 83,791 Himonski liiniouski 18,548 Rouvillo Marieville 8,886 Saguenay ...Tadousac 2,3,234 Slietfnrd Waterloo 12,2io .'-herbrooke , Sherbrooke 10,225 Soulanges Cfiteau Landing 20,613 St. H yaointhe St. Hyacin:he 12,271 St. Johns .... St. Johns •23,064 St. Maurice .Thr«e Rivers 15,550 Stanslead Stanstead 25,501 T^miBCouata lele Verte 21,8!)2 Terrebonne St. J^onie 15,8.56 Two Mountains St. Scbola-^tique 1 1,485 Vaudreuil Vatidreuil 12,448 ,. . Verclieres Vercli^res 16,475 .Wolfe South Han> 17,091 , , Yamaska St. Fran9oi8 du Lac [r PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. -^ . t .I.', i ABBOTT'S CORNBR8. Misiil»quoi Co, Unrn mile* from Alti^room. Tel.and Kxp. Fre-, 2-J m'de.s. Bank at Cowansviile, 12 wiUx. Pop. 100. BioeJolm Blacksmith 3 7 Ilibbard H. H Butter aii. Kouville Co. OnSoitth Eastern It- K. an(H) miles from Gran- hy. Pop.'iS^, Tel. and Exp. JiaulcatHt. Ci-Hairf.. BiissUre Adolphe Gen Store <^atu(ialJo8tph Tailor 4 8 l>ecelle& Bail Saw Mills 3 5^ De-autels .1 . B G«u. Store Donahue John General Store 3 6 Ih'bort B^ra. Xavier Carriageniaker 4 8 Jfaiisoii Jean ..Hotel 4 8 Liwsier Michel gljoemaker 4 8 Menard Jo. epU Car riageuiaker 3 7 I'epiii JoaepU, Blacksmith 4 8 Kovveli J. & S. P Saw Mill 2] 5 Stebbins Joaeph.. , Carriagemaker 4 8 ToucUette Z alias Jos Gtnorai Store 2|| 5 Vieus Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 AUKNAQUIS. Dorchester Co. Dorval Antolne Blacksmith 3 7 Fleury Kranpois General Store 3+ 7^ I'atrieJ P. M. & General Store 3 6 Savigny Nap General Store & Mill Veiiiier Wni Saw & Grist Mills Vieus Elzear Wheelwright 3^ "i ABENAQUIS SPKINGS. Yamaska Co. LtMth& Kimptou Hotel 2^ 5 A Klngsey Falls. MondouxE Gen. Store & Brick Mfr. 2i 5 AMEBCOBN. Bioiue Co. On South Eastt'rn Ji. Ji. Pop. 200. 65 miles from Montreal. Tel. and Exp. Jiank at '('owaiisrille, 18 miles. liarnea H. H General Store 3 6 Boulet Isaie Bhicktimith 3^7^ Carpenter C. C Mill, etc. 3 7 FerrisW.J Mill, etc, 4 8 Harvey K, L General Store 3 6 Marsh M.B Tinware 3i 7i liuiter Austin N Saw Mill 3 7 Wheeler Henry B acksuiith 3i "i AB£BCBOMBI£. Terrebonne Co. See Sainte Adfele. AB£BU£EN. Poiitlac Co. See Itapides doft Joachimfi. ABOYNE. Bonaventure Co. See Eacuminac ACTO N V A LK. Si^ot Co. On Grand Trunk and Soiitli Eastern li. If.,b5 mites from Montreal. Tel., Money Order Office, Exp. Pop. 2500. Bank at St. Uy- ncinflie, Hi milea. Allard Joseph Tinsmith 4 8 Aaselin Alexandre Tinsmith * Beausoleil Paul Grocer 4 7 niandiette H General Store ^ 1 Bour()tie Mrs (alias Laliberte).. Millinery 4 Bourque Bruno Baker 4 8 >; BrownA.C Physida i 4 S^ Chapedelaine Pierre Grocer .'< 6i Charb nneau Ber Grocer • Coderre Antoine Brickniaker 3 (>i Cordeau Zacharie General Store 3 7 Dalpe Angus in Blacksmith 3^ 7 Dese-ve & Co Hotel 4 Uealande George Grocer aj 7 Dubois N. Horace Genera) Store 'Ik 4 Dubrule H Grocer 3i 7:^ iJufault Charles Ho el 34 < EldridgeL. VV Hotel 2J 5 Gauthier J. A. F.Boots, Shot- s k Dr. Gds. Ganvin L. H Mer. Tailor 3J 71 Gregoire Alphonse Agent 4 1\ Hy von L Carriagemaker 3^ 7 Lafoitunell General Store 3 7 Lapointe Christophe Butcher 3 7 Magnan tile Saw & Grist Mill 3 « Marcil J. E .Dr^ Goods, Boots & Shoes 3 7 McDonald J. D Acton Physician 4 McDtMiald Milton Mill owner 2^ 4J Mignault Pierre Eniile . . Physician 3 •> Poirier G. A Carr. Mkr. & BIks. Hosconie C. & F.Gen'l Store & Saw Mill 3 4 St Amo'ir Eucl. Boots, Sho^•s & Dry Gds. 3^ 7 > St Amour Mrs, wid Stanislas jr. . Hotel 4 St Jean P erre (dit Geoffrion), . . .Grocer 4 VienaJ. B Shoes ;^i 7^ Wells George B Agent 3 7, ADAMSVILLK. Brome Co. Stnqefrom AdamsvUle Station, i mile. Pop. 300. Tel. and Express. Hank at Lowansville, 6 miles. Adams George A. .Gen'l Trader & Mills 2i 4^ Barr J C. , & Co Gentiral Sioro 3 6 J>oma AIRD. Misslsquot Co. 0» Miaaisquoi Bay, 15 miles from St. Armand. Pop. If). ,,.,. ALDFIEL,D. Pontlao Co. Foran WiHiam General Store '.' , Leclerc Xavier General Store ' ' 5 All QUEBEC. Ans ALLAN'S CORNERS. Tlioine Co. See Kiist Fanihiim. ALLAN'S CORNERS. Cluiteniiguay Co. Twi'Htii-<»ii' mih'xfroin ('aiuiltiiitwutia. Pop, 70- '/'(;/. Onmstowtifiiniles. Ikinkdt Hantinydoii, '.) milcx. Ban- Allan Wheelwright, 4 8 Blacken. William Blncksmith 2^ 6 Biyarm /olm . . . . Post master * <'ull('n John. CarpentHf 3J 7i Davis lohn . General Store 3 IIiMide son Mrs John. .. .Dry (ioodw, &(•. IMcIntyie Mrs. Arch, widow Shoemaker 4 8 M<'.lntjrf' Hf'ury . BlackHniith 4 8 Petiie Alexander Carpenter* Walheratone John General .Store 3 7 WhitefordU.liert Joiner 3 6 ALLRKiHT ISLAND. CJaspe Co. One of the Afafjddlen fstniKfa oft'tln' c hisi of Giupi. See Magdalen island!'. ALLUMETTE ISLAND. Poiitiac Co. See Chapeau. ALMA, Cliicuutimi Co. See St. Joseph d'Alma. AIMLBER BROOK Rrome Co. See Bolton Forest. A3IHERST ISLAND. ion Antoiiie Pottery 3 6) J)ion.I.nn Pottery ,3A 71 1,'ion Silfred Prickmaker 4 8" Ducliaiue Thomas Mfr. B. & S. '4 5 ,, , , and Quehec. I'alardeau A. H. Gen. Store (see Sillery Cove.) Falardeau C. N General Store Fiset Louis Furs, etc. 4 8 Gauvin Franvois Butcher 3,i 7* GauvinJo-eidi Card ng Mills .3' 6] Gaiivm Miciiel General Store 3 6] Gauvin JMerre, jr.Saw M 11 & Cartwright Haniel Michel Grol-cr 3 fii ■lohin Jacques Butcher 3 « Lapimere Louis Grooer 4 8 U"'},','" ^'i«t"i' Physician 3 6 JNIailly Thomas , Wheelwright 3 7 PageauUlric Grocer 3i 7i b Parent Pierre Saw Mill 3 (i Pepin Joseph Blitcksmith 4 s Piche Camille Carding* FulHnjfMill 3i 71 Rohitaille Hilaire Wheelwright 3j T" Boh tiiille Simon Baker 2i ,"i Kobitaille Victor ....Flour & Grl.n Mill Sj (;} Uoy Ansehne , ..Grocer & Shoemaker 3^ 71 Tarditf Pierre Butcher 3 t" Trendilay Benoni Saw & Flour Mill 2.^ 4i Voyer .lucques Saw Mill 3 t;" VoyerJoseih Cartwright 3 (J ANDERSON'.^ CORNERS. Huntingdon Co. Tircntfi-fo^ir miles from Hemmhisiford . Tel. Exp. and Hank at Hantingd n, 8 miles. Anderson James. Gen, Store & Saw Mill 2^ 4 Mason Albert Blacksmith 3 7 ANGE GARDIEN. Montmorency Co. On north shore of the St. Lnwrcnte, 10 milcx Itehno Quebec. Pop. of Parish, 1049. Tel. Montmorency Falls, 6 miles. Exp. and Bank at Quebec. Derouin Isidore Blacksmith 3A 7^ Gagni^.Iean Shoemaker 4" K Garneau Mrs. Th<5ophile Grocer 4 s (ioulette Irt'nee General Store 8 7 (Joulette Joseph Grocer 4 8 Goulette Samuel Grocer 4 8 HuotSimf^on ...Millwright 8i 7^ Lefebvre F. X Contractor 4 8' Loriie Joseph Tinsmith 3i 7 \ Jiarois Pierre. ... Blacksmith 4 s ' Mathieu J. li Cartwright 3^ 7^ .Mathieu Jos Carpenter 4 8 Tous-aint J. B., jr Bhicksmith 3i 7i Tremblay George Sowing Machines z\ l\ Trudel Mapoleon Shoemaker 4 8' AN»E GARDIEN. Ottawa Co. See Angers. ANGE GARDIEN. RonviUe Co. See Canrobert. ANGELINE. Rnuville Co. See Canrobert. ANGERS. Ottawa Co. ' ■■• Station on Canadian Pacific E.R. Pop- 150. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Ottawa, 13 miles. Bertrand Honor6.Baker,Qroeer & Hotel 3 7 Hoileau A Blacksmith 4 8 Carrii're Ltddore Hotel 4 8 Chartrand Honor^ Tinsmith 4 S Connor Kohert Grocer 3i 7 ', Cote Leandre alias Alex..Carriagemaker 4' 8' Joannisse Candide. .Canlagemaker, etc. 3^ ~\ Lanzon — Grocer 4 Leblanc Louis Grocer 3i 7 , .Vligneron Klie, jr General Store -Aloncion L6onard.Fanuer,P.M.&Bailitf 4 8 Ouiinet Louis Blacksmith 4 8 Plourte '1 hcodn-p .... Saw Mill & Grocer 3} 7- Kayniond L. T. dit Labrosse. Gen. Store Kolland Eustaohe Hotel 4 S Scanlan Mark Liquors, etc. 3 7 Scanlon J. B General Store 3^ 71 ANSE AU GASCON. Bonaventure Co. See I'Ance au Gascon. ANSE AUX m SviltlCa Mills. Tel. and Exp. Smith's Mills. Bank at Stanstead, 1 miles. Pop. 60. CliiistieMrs E. D ..P. M. Howard Juinee General Store ARMAGH. IlellechaHse Co. See St. Cajetaii. . . ABMAND(orSt. Honor^). Temisoouata Co. See St. Honors. '' ' ' ARTHABASKA STATION. Arthabas- ka Co. Oh Grand Tnink It.R. Pop. 1000. Tel. and Exp. A Bankituj Town. Au^er Joseph Enoch.. .Grocer & Hardw. 3 6| Auger Zt^phirin Bhicksinith 8 6] Banque Ja ques Cartier. See Montreal IJellerose Mids E Milliiierv, &c 4 8 Billy F X Tailor Boiirbeau I>^8in' O Dry Goods, &c. 2i 3 Bourbeau J. Octave General otore 2t 3 Cote Edonanl Watcliniaker 3i 7^ Desillets David Blacksmith 4 8 Desillets Thood Carriageniaker 4 8 Dubois Charles Car iagcniaker 4 8 Dubord Isaac Gen. Store & Peddler * Faucher Dominique Carriagemaker 3^ 7^ Faucher Joseph Baker 4 8 tiaudet Hector. ... General Store 3i 7^ (Jaudet O Tinsmith 4 8 Cendreau Ck'ophas Photogiapher 3J 7^ Guay Homer U. . VV. & R. Grocer & Liq. 2i .5 (iuilmette R Jewelltr 3 7 llamelL. S Hotel 3i 7i Houle Mrs L. G Millinery 3i 7 Maheu L6on Grocer, &c. 4 MartelS. X Geueral Store 3i 7i Mercier Arthur .Mill Owner & Lumber 3 6 Meti vier Etienne Shoemakpr 3 7 INlichel Josnph Baker 4 8 Mort'l Octave Baker 4 8 I'errault Virginie General Store I'oirier J. N Notary 3 7 Poulin Arthur F Physician 3 7 Richard Elzear Saddler 3^ 7^ Roberge Joseph Butcher 4 Rouleau H. P Physician * Samson Thomas G Horel 3J 7i 'I'hibaudeau Honor*' General Store 4 'J'hibault flos. Cyprien Rctaurant 4 Thibeau Cyrias.' Tinsmith 3J 7i 'I'ouriguy Paul General Store 3 6 Tourigny Victor Blacksmith 4 8 Trottier Alfred Saw Mill 3i 7i Vezina Joseph Foundry 3 7 ARTHAHA8K AVILI.K. Arthabaska Co. Cotmty Seat, 3 miles/rom Arthahaika Station. Pop. 7.'10. Tel., Exp. and Bank, Arthabaska Station. Baril & Bergeron Mills 3 Baril J. A.,& Frfere Furniture and Cheese Box Mfrs. 3 6i Baril& Pacaud P'limr Mill 3 6 Baril Thomas E General Store 4 8 Baril 'J'homas Lumber 2i 5 Beaucht^ne Ferdinand. . . . General Storo 2\ 4j Brandet F. X Blacksmith 4 8 Belleau — Physician 3i 7^ Bergeron Joseph General Store 3 7 BoutUlet Miss Vltaline Dry Goods 4 8 Caron Louis Architect & Builder * Carreau Jean Tannin- 8 7 Crepeau Kug^ne Banker 2\ 4 Ciocheti^re Ed(»uard Saddler * " Colliige Commercial" 2 3 Dion Aim6 Tailor * Dion Thomas Tinware 3i 7J Frenette W Blacksmith 8| 7i Gagnon Achille, & Co.. . Tanners Galarnean Arthur Shoemaker 4 8 Gendrean Edouard General Store 4 8 Gendreau George General Store 2J 4 Gingras Ferdinand Blacksmith 4 8 Lavergne Louis Broker&N. P. 2} 5 Lavigne B Cheese Factory 4 8 Lebtanc Mrs. C.aiiasEliz. Millinery, etc. 3i 7 Maheu Treffle Gro. & F]»)ur 4 Ouellette J. B General Store 4 8 Pacaud E. L Broker 2i 4} I'epiu Louis Ovide General Store 2 4 Robida Abraham Baker 3 7 Rousseau Ferdinand General Store 3 7 Spenard Fiddle Watchmaker 3 7 Spenard Geo. Cabinetmaker & Millinery 3i 7 9lRUNDETi. Argenteull Co. On the River Rouge, 28 mihs from Grenville. Pop. of Parish o'OO. Tel. and Exp. Grenville. Bank at Lachute. Brosseau F General Store 3 7 Graham W, D Lumbers 7 Graham W. D., jun General Store 3 (> ASBESTOS. Richmond Co. On the G.T.R. Tel. and Exp. Danville. Bank at Richmond. Jop.^K Church Wm General Slore & P. M. 3 7 Roux Henri General Store 4 8 ASCOTT CORNERS. Sherbiooke Co. On Quebec Central R.R. Pop. 150. Tel. and Exp. Rank at Sherbrooke 7 J miles. Brodeur V... Trader LemireE Brick Mfr. Rolf S.J Grist Mill 3 7 Rolf & Rolf Saw Mill 3 6i Ryther D. Z Contractor & Builder H 7 Stacey A Contractor & Builder 4 7i Warner Joshua Blacksmith 3 7 Willard R.T Saw Mill 3 « WinslowE. A. Agriculturallmplements 3 7 ASTON STATION. NIcolet Co. Eighteen miles from Arthabaska Station. Tel, and Exp. Rank at JXicolet. Pop. 2()0. Goodhue & Deaiera (ieneral Store 2J .5 I (.,,' , j I & Goodhue Bros. Danville AfPti Q.UKBRC. Bai Mensher ,1qb. Albert General Storo 4 8 Ouellette Aliii Geiioral .Hore 2i 5 Vichon Mrs Antoine Wld. .Bdg. House 3 Oi ATHKLSTA N . Huntingdon Co. On the Flivc/iiitbrooka JHvcr, 3 ?nt/es from Jlniitivffdon. /^rip. 400. Tel., hxp. all d /inn k at Himt'uKjdon. Alliird Joseph Baker 4^ 8 Audersoii George Drover * Anderson Mrs George GeneriU Store Boyd & Co Sasli & Door Factory & Agrl Inipleiuents. See Huntingdon Cameron fJanies.&Co Grist Mil a I'i 4 Chambers George Blacksmith 4 8 Elder John Saw Mill 2i 4i fortune James Carding Mill & Saddler 4 H Haws Gf-orge Blacksmith 3 7 Huntingdon Organ Co See Huntingdon. ].,arehe Damase BooiB & Shoes 3 ^ Leblanc Acliille Tailor 4 8" McChitohif J.H Saw Mill 2i 5 McGinni8Bro8..Mfrs.Cliet8e Boxes,&c. 'ij 4 Sprouls John Carr. MsUter 4 8 Stewart (jeorge .-hoemaker 4 8 Tully I'otor '. Agent 3 li Tyler JohnH Tinsmith 3^ " W^lsh M Wheelwright Wilson & McGinuiB General Store 2\ 3i Wilson VVm General Store 3 5| AUBERT GALLION. Beauce Co. ( nthe route of the Levis and Kenvebeo liailvmy, 20mUen from Saint Joseph, Tel, St. Joseph, Exp. St , Henri, 55 miles. Bank at Quebec, 69 miles. See Saint George. AUBIGNY, Ottawa COi See Kipon. • AUBREY. Chateanguay Co. On the English River, 3 miles from St. Chry- sostome. On C. A, It. Tel. and Exp. Bank at >t. lihnl, 12 miles. Pop, 200. C!>n>eron A. P Carriage Maker 4 8 Cdt6 Louis ... Blacksmith 4 8 Elliott John Carr. Maker 3 6 Kerr Thomas A General Store 4 8 Laberge Henri Blacksmith 34 7^ Lefebvre Joachim. General Store & Hotel 2\ 5 Parent Francois Shoemaker 4 8 AVIGNON. Bonaventure Co, See St. Alexis. ' "■ ''■' AVOCA. Argenteuil Co. Six miles from Pointe au Chhie. Pop, 75. Tel' and Ex/i. Pointe an i'Jiene. Bank at Lavhute, from Montreal, 6« miles- Aubry S Blacksmith 4 8 Cameron Evan .Qeneral Store 3i 7i Galipeau Francois Hotel 'st it Matthews Thonias Grocer & Hotel 8| 7| Mc Waters W Cheese Factory 3| 7 AYEB?S FLAT. Stanstead Co. At the head of Lake Massawippi and Massa- wippi Valley H.H. Pop. 200, Tet, and Exp. 18 miles from LennoxVille. Bank at Stansteatl. Ashman Henry S General Store 8 7 Ayer Homer G Hotel 4 8 8 Gilman Mr»T. S Mlllinerv Grow G. W Blacksnntli McCoy James Carrlagemaker Mdshier John HarneHsmaker ParkerA. W. Produce & Groc«»r Stearns L. A., &Co. . Lumber & Saw Mill Vaughan C. VV . Blacksmith Webster E. U General Store Wheeler Chai General Store 4 8 4 8 4 8 3 t> 3A 7 2j 5 i 6i A¥LM1$B. Ottawa Co. > i ^ Chef- lieu of the District of Ottaivn on Lake JJe.ichesne, and the Canadian Pacijic Bail- ti'ai/, Money Order Ofh'ce, Tel. and Exp. Pop, 1800. Bank at JJull, 8 miles, Aylen James Pliysician 8* 6^ liaillie J., & Sons Cabinet makers 3 7 Bell Jo-Qph General Store 4 8 Boucher Frank General Store 4 <;hal)(>t — (Jrocer 4 Church Collar M Physician 2 Convoy U & W Jlumber 2 t;ormier N. E Lumber & Furniture, etc Cuzner Mark Stoves & Tin wai e 8 Devlin Charles Gonenil Store 2 Dewar D. E General Store Fogarty liichard General Store 3 F6rranT, P Advocnte *^ Goulet A Steamboat Owner 3 Godwin J. J Harne.«8 4 (travel Edouard Tinsmith 4 (travel Franv'ois . 'J insmith 3^ 7^ Haldnne M. T , & Co PriiUers 4 8 Holt Alfred M Hotel & Livery 3 7 Hopper W. D Grocer, & c. 4 8. Howard Theodore A Druggist 4 3 I.igley W.J Grocer 3i 7* Lindsay Archibald Shingle Mill 3 6j Lochnaji Mrs Wi ILnm Grocer J^oclinan Simon General Store 3 IMarchand Ludger Waggoi maker Martin William Bouts & Shoes 3. Mulligan James Butcher «& Wood 2 8 8 4 ^i 7 3i 6^ C 8 8 6i 5 O'Keilly Ed. J. .Tailor & Gents' Furng» 3 5i Prentice Thomas B. Shoes & Hardware 2 J 4 J Ranger Andrd Grocer 3 7 Kiley Mrs Patrick J Hotel 3^ 1 Kitcliie Mrs Hotel 4 S Ritchie Robert & T Butchers 3 5J Rooney Mrs M. , widow J.J Gr^ cer 4 8 Ryan John Grocer 4 8 Sayer Robert H Baker & Flour 2^ 5 Sayers Thomas Baker 4 8 Smith John Blacksmith 4 $• Trottier A Barb°r & Tobacco 4 Watt John Blacksmith * Weod J. J. E Physiciiia 3i 7i AYLWIN. Ottawa Co. ,,,,,,, On the Gatineau Rirer, 60 miles from Ottawa by stage. Tel. and Exp. at Hull, 49 miles. Pop. 200. Gordon Charles M '. Physician 4 8 JIcKeoHugh ... Blaclcsmith ■^ 8 Marks Adams Hotel 4 8 Reid Benjamin N....HoieI & Gen. St. ire 2i S Stranger John Boarding House 3 7" Wiggiuii James Shoes & Gen. Stoi-e 4 8 BAIE DE LA TRINITE. Saguenay Co. Bilodeau Ambroise Postmaster Poulin Fran90i8 Trader * Bai QUEBEC. Ba(?: Tf AIU DRS I'ISUES. Pontiac Co. Uf/lity miles t'rnm Matlnwa, Onl. Tel , Exp. ivnd lUiiik, Pembroke, Ont., 165 miles. (luav A. Klzcar Gen. Store & N. P. 21 4i lludHon Bay Co See Moittieal KAIK DKS KOCHKRS (or Bay of Kocks). ('hai levolx (Ju. 0)1 t)ie north shore of the St. Lawrence, 24 miles from Frnservillc. Pop. 80. Sn vai'd Goiiza^ue Poutmaster JtAIE DIT FKBVKE. Yamaska Co. See Labaie. BAlLIiARliKON. I^evia Co. See St Ktienne de Lauzoa. BAIK ST. PAUL. Charlevoix Co {'oiintji seat, im North shore of River St. Law- rence, 00 miles below Quebec. Tri-weekit/ Steamer. Pop. 3,623- Tel. and Moneii Or- der Office. Exp. St. Jean, Port Joli, 20 miles. Hank at Quebec. Allurd r.-imphile General Store 3 6 J5iiiley Alexis General Store 4 8 IJeaulieu Fraiivois Plasterer 4 8 lUlodeau AtU Verreau Boniface Joiner BARACHOIS L>E MALBAIE. Ga^pe Co. On Gulf of St. Lawrence, 21 miles fioni (laspe linsin. Tel. Ojlice. E.rp. Dathousie, A.Ii.Jiank, Paapeliiac. Pop. 9(Xt. Collaa J. &E..Gen. Store. See Point St. Peter Duncan Alexander. ..Gen. Store & Fish 3 6^ Jones Patrick (.-en. Store 3 6^ Roberts >n & .McCallum Saw Mill 3 7 TappGeoige Gen. Store 3 6 Tapp Tlios. & Sous. Gen- Store, Hotel, &c. 3 6 BAKNSTON. Staustead Co. Mve miles, from Cmticook. Pop. 200. Tel., Exp > and Bank at Coaticook. AlbeeJohn ..Shoemaker 4 8 Allen George W ..Hotel 3 7 Baldwin J. P., & Sou... Saw Mill* G. S. 3 6^ Beiioit A. H Tuisniith 4 8 Buckland Mrs E. S Millinery 3 7 CorlessH.E SawMil'13 6J Goodhue <& Lovell. . ..Prod. & Gen. Store 3 Gooley Peter Speculators 7 Gordon William Harneesmaker 4 8 Jonks Nathaniel Physician 2^ 4J Hills W. H Undertiiker 4 8 Howe Hiram Speculator 2^ 6 Lincoln Albert Saw Mill 3 7 Lovell W. H Agr*l.Impli8.,etc. 3 8 Noyes J. K. Sewing Mach. & Agr'l. Imp. 4 7 Hendck Cassiu.s N Gen. Store 2^ 6 Liix George Blacksmith * Sutton & Sutton Gen. Store BABBINGTON. Huutingaon Co. (See Johnson's Station. ) BASSIN I>U LIEVKE. Ottawa Co. Haifa mile from UucJHnffham Depot. Tel. Exp. and nearest H.I}. Staiion Jhickinghani. Pop. 400. Bank at Ottawa, 'M mites. Allen P.... Grocer 3i 7i Bonenf ant Joseph Gen. Store 4 Daoust Odile Grocer, &c. 3 7 Larose Chas , Hotel 3^ 7i Larose Miss Ursule. Geiv. Store O'Neil James Gen. Store 3J 7i BATISCAN. Chaniplaln Co. A port of landhif/. Daily Steamers from Mon- treal and Quehec,! milefvom /kitiscan Bridge Depot. Pop. about 1,400. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Thrte Rivera, 19^ miles. Briire Joseph Blacksmith 3^ T Carrignan Charles Gro. & Tins 3 6 Gingras Wilbrod Barge Owner* Lablssonnifere de E. J., & Co. Geu. Store 4 9 Bea QUEBEC. Bea Laiionette P. L. , & Co Gen. Store I^qiuM-re TWodore Hotel 4 Leveill^ H Tom p. Hotel .J 7 LevcUlt' <)nr8ime Cabinet Mukcr 4 8 Miirchinid B. iijaniiu (Jrist Mill 3 « Mar<)iiis Mrs widow Mag Geii. Store 3 6 Moiitaiiiliiiult .lean B (Jrofer.etc. 3 6 Kivard Kirniin, son Shoemaker 4 BKAt'ONSFIELl). JncqueH Caitier Co. A stdtUm on the Graur«>t» 4 8 Doyon Alex. .Boanlinjj Houtie 4 8 Ja<*i|ue!< Denis (..'arriu.'eM 3 (»i Moreiicy Thomas GrintMllI 3 7 Nadcau E General Store 3^ TJ BEAITHARNOIS. Iteaiiharnols Co. Counttl Seat 'Xi inile-t .S. W. «f Montreal. Dailij steamer. Daily Stage fr II 7 4 3 7 3 5i Marchand Oiler Hotel MarchaiulOmer Gen. Store Miirc(!hal Mrs, wid .J.B.ToysA t'onfect'y Marieaii Nicholas General Store Mathicu A BlatK BEAULIEU. Montmorency Co. See Saint Petronille d'Orleans. BEAUMONT. BellechaHse Co. On the South Shore of the St. Lawrence, 9 miles from Quebec, ii mil vH from St. Charles Sta- tion. Tel. and E.rp. St. Charles Station. Pop. (;C0. Bank at Quebec. Belanger Damase Horse Trader 3 6 Bernier Cyprlen Grist Mill 4 8 Chabot Amoroise General Store 4 8 Chabot Honore Saw Mill 3.} 7i Couture (ieorge Blacksmith 4 8 Dugal Achille Blacksndih 4 8 Filteau Louis Taoner .3* 7J Fournier Elzear General Store Si 7j GoupilleE Blacksmith 4 8 Morin Antoine Cardiuir Mill 4 8 Patry Adelard General Store ^ Patry Louis liutcher 3 J 7J Roy Alfred General Store 3 7 Shenk Jacques Butchers 6 Sylvain F. X Shoemaker 4 8 Tanguay Miss Grocer 4 8 Turgeou & Corriveau Furs Turgeon Honore Hotel 3 1 7 Viens Franyois Saw Mill 3^ 7 BEAUPORT. Quebec Co. On the North Shore of the St. Lawrence, 6 miles from Quebec. Pop. of Parish 4,200. E.cp. and Bank at Quebec. Tel., Montmo- rency Falls, 1 mile. B6langerJean Grocer 2J 4^ Bernard Francois General Sti ire 4 8 Bolduc J. B Physician 3 6 Chalifoux Leon Undertakers 6^ Crepin — Grocer 4 Crepin Alexis — Blacksmiths 7 Dorion Napoleon. Carr. maker & (i. Store 4 8 Fortier Narcisse Grocer 2^ 6 Gagu^ Michel Grocer 4 8 (iagnon Joseph Tinsnnth 3 7 Giroux & Frfere Bakers Giroux Isidore Grocer SJ 7i Giroux On^si me Butcher 4 8 Goudreau Joseph , Grocer 3^ li Grenier David, jun Grocer 3^ 7* Grenier J. Bte piks & Implt. Agent 3) 7i Hall & Go Lumber. See Que Dec. Hardy & Dubord.. ..Matches & Saw Mill 3 6 Lachance Pierre Butclier 3i 7i Lauglois Placido Tinsuiitli 4 8 Bea QUEBEC. Bee l,iipliv«ito A. Si E....\ Genernl Storo 3 6 Lar>laiite IVUsh E Grocer 3 7 I.ajiiante Nap (irocer 4 8 l,ii|)lante (dit Tessler; V Grocer 4 AI lilt el Mrn Olivier General store 3} 7 Matlilcu Ml-fl V Grocer 4 Parent Felix . . , Carriappinaker 3 7 I'arciit Francois ; Tinware 4 8 Parent Miss P Grocer 4 8 I'arent Mrs Polycarpo Simon ....Grocer 2^ 4J I'roveiifal Kdouard .. .Grocer 3 6} (,)nebec. l-un.AByliiin (Landry iS;Uoy,proi)t 2 2 Keiiaud J. B.,(& ('o P'lour Mill. See Quebec. IMcliard-on O.Ii.,& Sons.Tanners. See Quebec. Sansfavon N. O PliyHician 3 7 'I'c8.>*ier Phillas Grocer 4 8 Vorct Jloiion^ Grocer & Baker 3J 7i A'illenouve Edouard Hutclier 3 g] UEAIJPRE P. O. Montmorency Co. liayniond Eugene Gen. Store 3^ & St. Anne de lJeaupr<5. BKAUKIVAGK. Loiblniere Co. See St. Patrick de Beaurivage. BEAIJVOIBK. Vaudreuil Co. In the I'dr'mh of Sainte A/arthe, 3 mUes. Tel. Sf. C/et, 5 milts. Bank at Montreal. Pop. 300. Norniandeau Hildaire Blacksmith 3 7 Poirier Jean Evan. ..Gen. Store & P. M. 3 7 BKCANCOIIR. Nloolet Co. Coimty seat, b miles frmn JJouret's Landlvg, 7 mites from Three JUvers. Pop. 500. Tel. and Kxp. DouceVs Landing. Bank at Three Rivers. Arcand Louis J. Ulric Physician 3 Bj Bail Elienne (Eat. of) (irocer 3 7 Brtlif le Moise Cabinetmaker * Bloiulin J. A HeglHtrar 2^ 5 Boisvert Jo.seph. . . .Bailiff & Geo. Store 4 8 Buis'^on Ars^ne. Saddler 4 8 Cormier Clovis Blacksmith 4 8 Cormier Phllippo Blacksmith 4 Croteau Joseph Grocer 3 7 Desilets H Physician 3 G Dubt' Jules Komain General Store 3^ 7 Dut^ord Eusebe Wheelwriglit 4 8 (iouin Moise s^a w M ill 3 7 Hall Henry E Lmnber 2 3 Lundry Charles General Stire Lauze Joseph. Cord Wood & Blacksmith Si 7 Lediic AchUle A Genet al Store 3 Montambeault George Baker 3^ 1\ liaiche Joseph. Boarding House & Baker 4 8 lUi^ault Adolphe.... Sculptor & Painter 3 6i Kichard Francis Baker 3^ 7| Hoy Albert Blacksmith 4 8 St Louis Charles General -tore 2i 5 Verret Jean General Store 2J 5 BEDFORD. Mlssisquoi Co. On the South Eastern R.R.,'1\ miles from Stan- bridge Station, sixty miles from Montreal. Tel.. Money Order Office. Exp. A Banking Town. Pop. 1,200. Baker Hon. George B ..'... ill. Pub. 2i 4 Bastien Mrs Millinery 4 Baxtei George Sewing Machiiie.s 4 Beaudry Philippe N Saddler 3J 7i Bedford Times '^'The." See Hon.Geo.B. Baker. Berard J. B Shoemaker 4 8 4 8 ?M 3 7 3 7 4 8 4 3 « 3 6 \ 8 n 4) .3Hi 2| 4 2\ 5 3 6i 5 B 6 7 8 7 8 i Bertram W. J General Store 3 Blake IF. E Butcher Borden A. M Sash & Blind Factory Borden Elias W Furniture Bouchard Arthur J General Store Boyce .\ Drugs Kreck Mrs Milliiu-ry Bovce .M Notary Ca<'lorette Victor Tinsmith <'ami>ht 11 D JJut00 2 Reid Jjouis John Fur. & Undertaker Bice Bros Grist Mills Rice Charles A Grist Mills Rice Montz F Grist ]\Iills Rixford O. S. Manuf. Co. Incorp., Mfrs. Agrl. Implnts. Sub. cap., $10 ,000 ; paid-up cap., $75,000 Itocheleau Napoleon General Store Rodger K. M Jeweller Rolland J. T Grocer Ross A. E. & Co Harness Ross Henry L Harness Rouse R. B Tinware Saunders Fred. C. . . Stationery & Drugs 2^ Snyder L Cheese Manufacturer St. <'yr J. B Blacksmith 3 Walker Comfort M Contractor 4 8 BEEBE PLAIN. Stanstead Co. \ On the Tomfohia River and Mas.fatvippi Valley R. /»'., 2fi w»/e« from Lenno.vville. Pop. 400. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Stanstead, 3 miles. Aller & Buckins Sk Racon Mrs Hotel 2] 4J Beebe Plain Marble & Granite Co Bod well E. F. G Auctioneer 3 6 11 3 3 3 6 6, 6 2i 3 3 3 7 7 64 4 .-5 2i 3 I' 6 BirjC QUBBBC, Bwt, 8 8 EaHteriiTowimliitm Miitiuvl Flr« Iii«. Co., (3. H.McClliit(>ck,l'reii. ; C F. ( 'i>l>i», Elder Mr«.HuBh\V; ;;;'.".".'.'..'.".Milliiiery li Kre«ir»)]e & (iiunite 3 JenkiiiH & Co UentTHl Store Lariu) — BlaokHinlth 4 Miller Jii Huudo, .. . ..MiiiH^iricu '^ 5 JJortoiiS. I> W«.o(l S»!iirl()H (JyniH A >.. ..(irocer 3 S«iirleH & SiriUtan HnlclwiH :U 7i Taylor Williivin Miuble iJi 6 Tinker Kd win J Qeueml Store 3 !>i Wliiteher T. D PhyeiciHii 4 TiKKCH KIIX;!*:. ArKent«ull C!o. I'our milea^from Lurlmfe. Pop. W). Tel. and Exp. Lnchute. Jiank at Monfrenl. Bell A Postiniister BKECH RID up]. MlHHisqiiol Co. SeeNutts Corners. BEIiOV. Tein'scoua'» Co. See Saint Jean de Dieu. BKLIiE ALODIE. fit. Johns Co. See St. Valentin. BELLE RIVIERE. Two Mountains Co. Two mih'8 from St. Srflinta.tfiqui'. ; 33 miles N. W. of Montreal. Pop. 2»'». Tei. and Exp. St. ScholastUjue. Bank at MuiitrftU. Arthur C.W Gfn'l Store 3 7 Beaulne Tli»''<)(lore, & Fila.Carr. Makers 2J .5 Blai^nii-rH Beiij. (dit Jarry)..Gen'l Store 3 7 Carni^re Alplionse Hotel 3 7 Charron Kt'lix Grocer 4 8 Charron Marcelin Blacksmith 4 8 Froniagerie do Bello Kivi^re . . 2} Maille Jules.... Black.smith 3 7 Poirier Franvols Saddler 3 54 Poitraa Fabieii. ... Saw & Grist Mills * St. Jacques Ovide General Store 3 7 BELLE VALLEY. St. Johns Co. Tel and E,vp. at Lacolle, 4i miles. Bank at St. Johns. Duquette Julienne General Store 3 7 Savage Joseph General Store 3 j 7i BELtEIL. Veveheres Co. On the Richelieu River. Tel. and Exp. at Relall Station, l^ miles. Pop. 360. Bank at St. Byaointhe, 13 miles. Angers Isitlore Saddler 4 Adams Jules Cheese h af'tory 3 Brodeur Fahien Gentral Store $ Bouvier Alfred Blacksmith 4 Champagne (dit Fugfere) L^andre...Mer- ^, chant Tailor 3 Choquette — Physiciau 4 Fromagerie de Beloeil 3 Guertin Calixte Genei,-al Store 3i 7i Gregoiro A. D Jeweller 4 Lerioux Jos. L. /Ills de r^oui8,)Carr. Al'ker 4 8 Ledoux Jos., (Ills d'Edouard,)Carr. M'ker 2^ 5 MesHier llenueuvgilde Carpenter 4 8 iMo-sier MiHH«» Milliners 3^ 7j^ Mori I .Anu'dce Blacksiniih 3 7 NoIhcux A Hotel PHtenaude S4>lonu>a Carriage Maker 4 Perrault AWxJH, jr Cheese Factory 3 7 Purrault Jos. Cluopluui Physicinn 2^ 5 Pigvon J. A Comractor • Prefontalne Al'-xandre — Gro. & Baker 3A 7^ Prifonta ne Alex. .Joseph.... Gun' 1 .Store 2j R Pr«^foniaine Kucllde Grain 2 J 6 Poirier Norbon Tinsndtit 4 8 Iteovee, jr Hotel 3^ Srnucal Kldtjge Hakur 3 6^ Sent'cal J^iouls Shoemaker 3 7 Vincent Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 BELCEIL STATION. Yerob«reH Co. On the north side ofthn Jtir/ielieu Rirer, mtd a station of the n.T If., 21 miles N.E. of Mon- trcal, l^mile/rom liehBii I'illaf/e. Pop. iOO. Tel. and E-np. Bank at St. llyacinthe, 13 miles- Brillon Henri C General .Store Pariseau & Lambt'rt Lumber 2^ 4J Prt'fontrtlne J. P .GenPial Store 3 7 BERESEORB. Terrebonne Co. See Sainte Agatho ties Moots. BERGERVILLE. Quebec Co. Three milesfrom Qwhec. Tel., Exp. and Rank at Qnvb' c. Pop. 300. Aubin William Grocer 3i 7J lioivin Joseph Canlage Maix er ."ij 7 Deiners C Baker 4 8 Houdo Franyois Grocer 4 8 LamontHgne N^p Tinsmitii, &c. 3 7 Martineau J. T Plumber 3^ 7i Melville Wm Florist 3 7 Moisan Louis ...Saddler 4 8 Murphy A ....Hotel 4 BotulHau Augustin Blacksmith 3i 7i Shed Mrs Hotel 3i 7 BERSIMIS (orBetsiamites). Sagaenay Co Fortij milesfrom Rimouski. Fop. SCO. Banfi at Quebec, 258 miles. , Burgess Gregory General Store (lirouarilA Beaudet, Lumber&G en Store 2 Lafranyois J . G General Store 3 BERTH IJSRVILLE. BertUier Co. ' County seat o» north shore St. Lawrence River, 45 miles N. S, of Montreal on C. P. R. Pop. 2,150. 7V./. , .Ifont'j/ Order Office, Exp. ivlth Branch yille-^farie Rank. AmiotA.,& Co Boots & Shoes * Bacon Joseph Butcher 3i 7^, Bank Ville Marie, Alfred Garicpy Local Manager, br. See Montreal BayeurJ Gro. & B. & S. 3 ^ Bayeur Klie Hotel 3 7 Borthier Beet Hoot Sugar Fcty. (The). Berthier Woolen Manfg Co. not Incorpd 2J 6 Brissette P. Hercule Carriages 3 6 Cadleux Ludger General Store 4 Caisse Arthur L Gro. & Liq.s. 3 7 Carre M. J^ & Co Boots & Shoes Chevalier Paul Agrl. Implements 3 J 7i Coy le John Richard Flour 2 J 4 Ber QUEBKC. BlE r;oriiollcrArth«rMitnr«ii(fnhiitnp>.Hf>t«il CoinpnKiiie liuhiHtrMlo dr* B« rtlii»r(Lan auth. cHp. y:(0,(i()U ; muUh. !||i2(i,UUU, and itald u p cnpii al $16,000 2 J Daviniix .loHepb Hhoemaker 8} 7 l)eeHro8ier8 Micl^l TiiiHiiiilh 3^ 7^ Fernet Louis Isldoro C»rris«-ar lloiel ;U 7J H»Uu Airs, widow Louis Oro. ;ij Tj .Jouitif L Grocer, etc. 4 8 Latcrrii re & Tt'llior Qeiifral Store 3 (i Lafontiiiiie Clainille L ...Physn & Drugs 3 7 Lanwirehe Felix O Hny Doaler 2i 8 Laporte Julea Saddler 3} 7i Ijitonr Fdouard ( irocer * Lavallt'e T. Aim«^ t.-Qeneral Store Lenoir Nicholas linker 3 fl Lord Thomas Saddlery 3 fli McCoiniell WiUianfi G ...Flonr & (iraln 2i 5 Mareonx — Saw Mill 3 « Mtirsoille Olivier Cotitraetor 3* 7i Ma>8t' Louis Grocer <& Butcher SJ 7i Nault David Dry Goodi & M illhierv 4 8 Pellerin KUe t.rocer Vi »i Plante A7.arie G&neral Store 3 5^ I'oitras Nelson H RalKion I'teter, & Sons. Tanners. See Montreal Koch 11 General Store 4 8 Sarrasin IT^rtri Grocer 3 7 SenecHl BarthUMmy Butcher 3 6i St Cyr Teleijphofe Hay, etc. Tessiei & Roth .. ...Hotel Telli«rL. Arthur D. G. 8J 7 Tranchemontagne Louis Geu. Store 2] i^ BEBTHICIt EN BAS. IMontinaK'ny Co. Stage from St. Fravghis Station i'Z miles. Tri- weekly stcanivrx from Quebec. Pop. 5)0. ' 'Tvl., Exp., St. Pierre, 3 tntles. Bktnk at Quebec. ' ., , ' B^langer ArthtirL.. - . .Wapr^oiis 4 8 B61aiiger Thomas .■VTheelwiight 4 8 Blais Pei-diua d (irocor 3^ 7i Blais Narciwe....... .Tm«ier 2 sl Boucher Joseph.., .,*>..., <3enpral Store 3J 7J Boutin Octave...... i-... — Shoemaker 4 8 Brochu Thomas Blucksmith 4 •But«ai> Ferdtufend'.. ...... ..'.General ^tor© 4 8 Carboiiiieau J,\|ite General Store 3^ 7^ Carboinieau Olivier.. General Store 3 Coulombe Xavier General Store 3A 74 JoiicanGiUs Blaaksmlth, &c. 3| 7| . Le^sard Joseph ..,., Blacksmith 4 8 Lessard Mrs A. .Saw Mill 3^ 74 Nadeau ti^^ue Grocer 3* 7* PaquetU? Cloophas I'ijismith 3| 7^ Pruneaii Louis General Store 4 8 Hoy Geot^e ..jP^ttetkl Storre 3j 7i Talbot Cleophas. .Oetiernl BtnteS 7 nF.THEL. 6h«*ffi»r<1 Co. '1>I. and Ejti)., South Dnrhnm.d miles. 200. limk nt niohmnnd. Pop. <'ardlnal Ovide General Store Davidson Captain George.. Lumber Mfr. 3J BRTHUNE. Arfr«nteuil Co. Seven miles from (,'renvilte. Tel. and Exp. at OrfHViffe. Bank at Montreal. niC. KlmotiAkl Co. A gtatfnn on the IntercolmHal It. It., 180 mifea belinv Quebec, l> mileg went of Itnimuskl. /'up, 3,000. Tel. and Exp. Jinnk at Qmbec. Anctl! Ferdinand Saw Mill Auhut(ie.irj,'e Sadtller IkViiu. 4 8 Babin FidMe (Jrocer Bertufieu Joseph BlackKnilf h 4 8 Beaulitm Thonuis , Blac,k«niith 1 8 BtdardK Aifil. Impll(<. & i''oundry 3^ 7J Bellavan<;e llurdlna Tailor Bcrul)6 FuHcbe BlHckHnillli 4 8 lUrube Jt.seph BlHck.sniith 3} 7 J Boulttiiger Joseph Shoemaker 4 8 (hamberland K. Artliur... General Store 2} 5 Chamberlnnd William Shoemaker 4 Danjoii .1. It. E Grocer &c. 4 Daiijou I'ierreE General Store ?,\ 7J & St. Fabiten. Devut AleMis Tanner 3 7 Dumas l>ominlque Produce, &c. 4 7^ Duret -Joseph Watchiiiiiker 4 8 Founder A iiatole BiackH?ii ith Gamache L«'on Carr. maker 4 8 Laf ranee Jo- eph General Store 3^ 7 L«frftnce Louis General Store 4 Lapoiute A. A PhyHicinu LavoiJ^Joseph Saw & Shiugle Mill Lebel Octave Tinware 3i Lindsay Alfred Baker Micliaud 'losoph ....Shoemaker OuelleiJ. A Gen. Store Ouellet Napoleon General Store Ouellet/ Olivier GenerHl Store 3i 7 PareutAlfred ...Cabinetmaker 4 8 PatriePaul Blacksmilh 4 8 l^imud fFoseph (flls Gaspardj.Gen. Store 4 8 111 laud Louis & Michel Fisii 3^ 7 J Pinaud Michel.. ^ Hotel Plnatul Mrs Jo eph .General Store 4 7J Plourde GeoTge Wagg'^nmaker * Bloux Majorique General Store 4 8 Tureotte & Bedard Saw & Shingle Mill Tarcotte J. lite Grist Mill 3 8 niBNVIL.IiE. Levis Co. 1} ttillefrom Levis. Pop. 503. Tel- and Exp. Levis. Jiank at .Quebec, "it miles. Beaulieu Jospph.R Physician 3 7 Bourget Louis 48 ChouinHrn Mrs, wid Narcisse Baker 4 8 Girard E. Honore,P.M.Gro, & Slioomkr 3 7 Ladriftre Michel Grocer 3V7J LapolBte F. X •* t • f « .l>ry Goods 'A Lexnieux Edouard ., Grocer 'A 5 Lemieux J. E Dry Go(tds 2|'5 Martin Hermenegilde Baker 4 8 Ouellette G. .Whol. Confectioner & Gro. ^ 7 I»iiquet Cbatrles .Grocer 4 8 Robitaille Albert.-. >.-. v.* .^..v... .. Flour 4 8 KobitHille Pierre Wood 3J 7i Sanschagrin Pierre. Baker 4 Tliibault G . , &' Frfete Dry Goodn'Sf Ik Tliibatrit Piert?e.,»'#«^.V4v. . . .Ale Bottler 8| 7j 13 BiR QUEBEC. Bqr. niRCHTON. Compton Co. On the. IntirnatUmal It.H./nm. LiniwxviUf, tnih-H. Trl.anil Kxp. Jiankat Slitrbruoke, miha. Pop. 100. BinlHgwtt Uobeit General Store 4 MilltT Charles lilackBiiilth 4 Todd Horace ProvlBions .T KISHOP'S CROSSINtJ. Wolfe Co. See Dudswell Centre. BLACK CAl'K. Boimventure Co. See Caplln. BLACK CRKKK LAKE.' WoUe Co, See D'lsraeli. BLACK LAKE. MeKatitle Co. Beaudoin I'lorre E . . General Store 3J 7i IJeiintitt II H ottd Bloiidtjuu Abraham (Jen. Store 3J "i CftuUnF Q«'n. Store 4 8 Fournier Napolt-on General Store 4 Hondo Kdouard General Siore Loniaiire .Mi 8 H. Q & Store 4 MorriKiactteThfodule Grocer, &c. 4 8 Scottish Canadian Asbestos Co Vaillancourt P. A Gen. Store 4 8 BLACK lllVKR. Fontiao Co. See Waltham. BLACK RIVER STATION. Lotbiniere Co. Tel. and On the Grand Trunk II. li. Pop. 300. Kxp. Bank at (Jutbec, 21 milts. Boucher Lazare Blackeifflth 4 8 Brown John . Tanner ."ii TJ Gayer F. X Gen. Store & Baker 4 8 Cot^ Aniable. Money Lend. & Gen. Store 2 2 Derocht-r Kvangeli>to ..Blacksmith 3i 7i Dick Wenceslas Phyhician 4 8 Uub*^ Magloire . .Gen. St»i"e & Timber 3^ 7 Fournier Fraiifols X Tanner 4 8 GinijraH .Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 Laflenr Flavien Sewing Mach. Agent 4 8 Lebel Auguste .Shoemaker 4 8 Normand Pierre General Store 3^ 7i O'Brien James Shingle & Saw Mill 3 6 Olivl- r Charles Boarding House 3J 71 Paquet Jullen Gener.l Store 3., 7| Paquette Etionno General Store 3\ 7j Kanger Telcsphore Cheese Factory 3J 7^1 Sevigny Telesphore. .... . .General Store 4 8 Treuiblay E. H Grocer 4 BLANCHE. Ottawa Co. Fourteen mites from Tliurso. Pop.'lWS. Tel., Exp. and Money Order Office at Thurso. Bank at Hull. Edwards W.C.,&Co. Lumber. See Six Portages BLANPORD. Arthabaska Co. On the Dtcancour River, d miles from Stan/old. J'op. 160. Tel. and Exjt. Stanfold. Bank at Arthabaska Station. . | . , , Bergeron Mrs, wid. David. . . .Gen. Store 4 8 Bruueau David Ephreju Gen. Store 3 6 Morrissette Jos Blacksmith 4 8 BLUE BONNETS. Jacques Cartier Co. Evans Bros. & Trenholme,.Milk Dealers 3 5^ .14 BOIUBAV P.O. Ottawa Co. •See Ponsonby. 1 1 .'n . ,i i i BOLTON CJENTBE. Brome Co. On the Afissisqnoi /I'u'rr. Stage from Knnwltou, II milrn. Pop. 200. Tel. and k.cp. , Kmrwtton . Jiank at Watertoo and Cowansrille. Brisneite & Co . . ..Grist & Carding Mills 3 6i Cleveland H.C General Store 8 7 Eureka Card Co ;31 71 Fuller Si Hill Tub Mfrs. & Grocers 3 C( Hull Uros. &Co See Eureka Canl Co. Hall .lolinC Hotel 3 7 Holland ,J. N General Store .3 7 Willard J. C.,&Honfl SawMill,&o. 3 BOLTON FOREST. Broiiie Co. On Lake Offord ,and .Maijoy and Waterloo R.H. Pop. 45. Tel. mid Exp. Eastman. Jiank at Waterloo, 14 niiltH. Bouchard J. O General Store 3i 7^ Boucliitrd Louis, jr Gen. Store 3 7 Channel! Jamec T Grocer, &c. 3 7 Gravelin VVilliani L Saw Mill 3 tt BOLTON Car- lisie. Exp. t'awpbellton, N.'B.,Tel. Bank at J'aspelnac. Pop. 750. Arwenaulr Olivier General Store 3 7 Arsenault Thomas General Store 3^ 7} Bernard A General Store 4 Forest George General Stoe 3 6 Forest Mrs, wid. Max General Store See Caplln. Henry Jos General Store, Shingles &c. 3 5* Poirier Napoleon General Store 2i 4} BON BESIR. Saguenay C;o. On the north sliore of the St. Latvrence, 15 mile$ from Tadousac. Pop. 50. Gagnon lliaddee Postmaster BONNE ESPERANCE, Sagueiiay Co, On coast of Labrador. Pop. 200. Tel., Bonne Bay, 110 miles. Joy James General Store & Fish 2J 5 Whitely Wm. H. ..General Store & Fish 3 6 BONSECOURS DE NORTH SIUKELY, Shefford Co. See North Stukely. ,"-' ; -'"'^ BOONVALE MILLS. Argenteuil Co. On the River Rouge, 40 miles from Lachitte. J'op. '200. -; > BORD-A-PLOUFFE. Laval Co. One mile and a-hnlf from Sault-aii-Iiecnllet Station, on C.J'. R. Tel. and Exp. St. Mar- tin'' s Junction, 2^ miles. Pop. lOtK). Bank at Montreal. Bergeron Honor^.. .Veterinary Surgeon 4 j Bourdeau Jean Baptiste, juu. , . .Peddler 4 8 Bos QUEBEC. Bai lloiirtluau Jeuii BnptiHte, sen. . . -I'eddler ClHlrinoiit Murtlu Wood Deult-r t'orbeil FrHiiv«il« Saw Mill Couvrette Loula humlx'r I.)igaHH4- (hiili)iiiine Wood I>«iil«>r JiUvoie floHt'pIt Trader LeiiDiv MiH. \l Hotel J'hiune (}«''dt^(>ii Axe HandieH Snuriole LnuiH General Store Tuillefer Cyrllle Gardener VcHuea Aleiipiie General Store Vezeuii Stunlulas Grocer 4 8 2i 4 3 « 3 6 3 ti '-'4 •? 21 3 5 4' 8 3j n TIOSronKT.. Rheftord Co. On ihe fildck Hiiur, 14 milen /nun Acton, mili's/rtim Hoxton FhHh. Pop. 16(), Tel. and Exu. lioxton Full*. Jiankat Waterloo, 15 muta. Copping (Jeorge, & Bro Saw Mill 3 5J BOUCHKltVILLU. Chambly Co. On Kouth shore RU'er St. Latorence,1Snnli » from /jonjintuil. Haiti) bouts front Afiyntrenl in 8uninii'r and on .Montreal and Sorel /iailicai/. J'op. 800. 'Id. and Exp. Bank at Montreal, 9 miles. Benard & Co GrocerB 4 8 Bevtiiliiunie .Jos., sen CartlaKeinaker 3 (> Ueurrerie de BoiK!lK»<>t Ineor. 3 5i BIssoniietie Aditlphe Contractor • Bourdon Klzt-ar Hay 4 8 (Jarrlfere Pierre Lumber, &c. 3 J 7 Chiuivln Joseph Baker 3 7 Oorbidl Andre Palmer • I)alp«^ Maurice Blacksmith 4 8 JJeniers Jofiepli A PhyBician 3 ej Desniartean Alphonse Blrs Grocers 7 Gauthler Louis Blacksmith 3* "A Giiuthier Napol<^on General Store 3j 71 Labelle Avila Carr>enter • Lacaille Anguste Grocer 3 »' Lachanibre T'. , & Co Butchers Lapoinie F. Xavler Grocer 3 7 Lassonde Ferd. (alias Leriche) . Butcher • Lusslcr Francois Carrlagomaker ♦ Lusaier .losi'ph Blacksniith 4 Malo M iohel Shoemaker 3 T Norniandin Charles Baker 3 6 Ostigny Pierre Carpenter 3i Ti Proviist Louis Boy physician 4 8 Kacicot Charles Hotel * Kacicot Joscnh Blacksmith 3i 7i St. Martin Oclilon .General Store 3* 7 J Thomas Arthur Grocer Sj 7i BOUCHETTE. Ottawa Co. On the Gftineau River, 70 miles from Ottatca. Stage from Hull. Poo. 300. Tel. Si.v Por- tages, li mite. Exp. Hall. Bank at Ottawa, Ont. Bourgeois Joseph 4 . .Blacksmith 4 Brogan Frank Hotel 3 OJ Carle Luc Grocer 4 8 Garceau Calixte Blacksmith 3* 74 Grace Jolm P.M. & General Store 2} 4} Lecuy er William Carriagenmker 4 8 Loriiu C Taimer 4 8 McComber William General Store 'ii 41 Nadon Francis Hotel 3j 7 Talbot Nazaire (ieueral Store 4 8 DOUGIK'N COIINKIW. Jacqunt Car- tier Co. Two mil en from Mile End Statitm on Hack JHver road,4)i miles from Montreal. Pop. .V)0. Tel. Mile End Utativn. Exp- and Bank at Montreal. Bon(^o Maxlnie Blacksmith 3 7 Corbell Louis Carrlaj^eniaker 3 7 (tautti»r& Vervalf Hotel. See Montreal. Goiigfon fiean haptUte Butcher '« .Meunler Alfred Carriagenmker • Meunier Fianvois Carrlagcniukor • nOIILOGNK. Pruiuinond Co. On Soutfi Eastern It. It. Tel. and Exp. Pop. W). Jtank at Sorel , 21 miles. Dupuls II General Store 31 71 Gltanl P Blacksnilih ?\ l\ Laflenals Alphonse. . . ... .General Sioie * BOUNDARY LINK. Steanttteatl Co. ^ . See Stanhope. " ,' , BOURG LOlim. Portnenf Co. On the north shore of the St. /.nn'rence, and Quebec and Lake St. John It.R., 2(1 miles from Qui bee. Pop. 380. Rusxell Patrick Postmaster BOUT I)K L'ISLE. Jacquen-Cai tier Co. See Ste. Anne de Bellevue. BO WEN WALKKU & PRY'S COVK. Quebec Co, See Slllery Cove. BOYNTON. Stanstead Co. See Libbey'8 Mills. BRIOHAM. Brorae Co. On the South Eastern R.R., 8 miles from West Farnham. Pop.'l'Ti. Tel., Exp. anil Money Order OJftce. Bank at Coioansvule, Smiles. Dalpe Edmond General Store 3J 7i Harrlsson Jeremiah Tinware 31 TJ O'Connor J General Store 3 6 Par^S Butcher 31 71 Short Samuel, jun Saw Mill 3 6 Vincent A Saddler 4 8 BRISTOIi. Pontiao Co. On the Ottatoa River, \ miles from Sand Point, 45 miles aliove Ottawa City. Ferry 'A times daily. Pop. 200. Tel. and Exp. Sand Point, Bank Amprior, Ont. , 10 miles. Ballantlue David General Store 31 7 Campbell Kobert Gen. Store 3 54 Craig (ieorge Shoemaker & Hotel 31 7* Craig T. & W Gem ral Store 2j 4J Cuthberts.inR. R Gen. Store 3 7 Davie L. D ... Saddler 4 8 Laird James Mill Lucas W. H..Sew. Mach. & Agr. Iniplts. 3 7 Morris J Tanner Morrisson Alexander Shoemaker 4 8 Morrisson George Gen. Store 3 5 Robertson Henry Carrlagemaker 31 7 Robertson Henry, sen Tinsmith 4 8 Young William Blacksmith 3 7 Yuile Archibald . . . >Gen. Store & Blksth 3 ' 6 BRISTOL. Richmond Co. . ..i i (.' . See Kingsburry. 15 Bri QUEBEC. Blc BRITANNIA MILM. BaRtit Co. On the (Irand Trunk li.R.,A2 miles from Mon- irenl. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Saint-Hj/aciMhe 7 mileii. GeiulronH Gen. Store Guilbert Herni^nt^gilde Gen. Store & P. M. 3J 7 BRITONVILLE. Argenteull Co. Twenfy-two miles f row Lachute. Tel., Exp. & Unvk St. Jerome, 19 miles. Hamilton George Postmaster BROADI..ANDS. Bonaventure Co. Five miles from Campbellton, iV. /?. Pop. 50. Adams Melviii Postmaster BROMK COitNERS. Broine Co. On the Yamaska Hirer, 3 miles from Sutton Junction on South Eastern ILIi, /'o». 200. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Cotoansville, 10 miles. Ball Ernests Grocer 4 8 Berry WilliaiTi Engineer 3i 7 CallL.M.,&Bro Carding Mill 3 6J Caswell Ovett Wlieelwripht • Cliapraan E. S G. n. Store 3 7 HayI>!ividB .Grocer & Slioemalicr 3 7 Lafontaine Jean Bte. Blacltsmilh 3i 7i Westover L. A Grist & ^im Mills 4 BROMEMERE. Broine Co. Five miles from Waterloo. Pop. 150. Jones Clias. H Mill BKOMPTON FAI>tS. Richmond Co. On Grand Trunk P.M. Tel. and Exp. Bank at .Sherhrooke, 6 miles. Pop. 300. Claris 0. S. (Est of) Lumber 2\ Dio" Charles, sr Baiter Morrisseite Adjiitor J Gen. Store 3J 7^ Morrisaette (). O Gen. Store 4 Tobin Edmond William Gen. Store * BROOKBURY. Compton Co. Tel. and E.cp. nobiTtson,5miles. From Cook- shire, 1.5 miles. Bank at Shef-brooke, 36 miles. Pop. 100. Joyce James .Generitl Store 3 6 Leonard James.. Farmer & Agrl. Implts. 4 8 BROOKVILLE. Compton Co. See Hillhiu-st. BROSSEAU STATION. lApralrie Co. Lefebvre Albert... Gl'o., Hay & Lumber . BROUGHTON STATION. Beituce Co. On Quebec Central R:R. Tel. and Exj). Bank at Quebec. Pop. 100. Aubin — i General Store Beaadoiu Tli<^ophile .v... General Store 3 5i Blanchet diaries General Store 4 ,,LRchance Jean Blactcsmitli 4 8 McGee Christy ....,,, Hotel 3i 7i McGee James P. M. 3 7 BacineOnesime...... .« Mills 3 6 < tl6 Turcottp Aogt. Ohvier Gen. Store Walters Mrs. , widow E Gen. Store 4 8 BROTVNSBURG. Argentenil Co. Four miles from Lachute. Pop. 70. Tel. , Exp. and Bank, Lachute. Dominion Cartridge Co See MontrelcAiidrew James F.,&Co.General Store Me Andrew M rs M General Store 3 7 IMcAndrews Bartley Boots & Shoes 4 8 AlaCabo M iss Koso Store & Saloon 3 7 McCalluin A General Store 3 7 MfCallum J General Store 2^ 5 MoCoriiiick James Blacksmith 3 6^ McFarlaiie J.D.Gen.Store & Bdg. House * Mclienzie VV. J General Store McLaren James, & Co. .General Store & Lumber Al Al Maguire John Grocer 4 H Mallette A Grocer 3i 7^^ Martin James, & Co Grocers 3i 7i Matts L. J Groc r, etc. 3| Moran Miehm>l Blacksmith 3^ 7 North Star Mining Co O'Neil William General Store 3 7 Paquette Josepli Furniture 4 8 Patterson James Carringcs 4 8 Pearson Charles W. Gen. Store «& Stuget* 3^ 7 Philadelphia & Canada Miuing Co 3 Kochon t Hotel 4 8 ItosB Bi-os Saw Mill See John Ross & Co. Quebec. Kove Richard Grocer 3 6 Roy Damase Hotel 3i Strickland Emmanuel, jun .Gen. Store 4 Strickland Emmanuel, sen .Gen. Store Thomps! 1 1- ^ ™ . ^^^ Nicolet. Piddington T. A Tanner „ . . ^ See Quebec PoinerJean Blacksmith 4 8 Ricard Olivier General Store 3i 7i StCyr Ernest Shoemaker 4 8 BULWER. <^ompton Co. On St. Francis and Megantlc Internal inual R. Ji. Pop. 150. Tel. and Exp. Leinioxville, 9 ■miles. Bank at Sherbrooke, 12 milcn. Coats Stearns K General Store 3 Gt )rake Perry, & Son General Store 3 5* Haseltme J>anford Saw Mill 3 CJ Kn.gsley K. A Gen. Store 3i 7J iLaliereeB. R . Cattle Dealer 3 6 Levit Nathaniel Saw .Mill * Parker Ed Blacksmith ♦ Sanborn Alonzo. . . Flour, Prov. <& P. M. 3^ 7 J BURN.SIDE. Two Mountains Co. Seven miles from St. Scholastique. Pop. 300. 'J el. and hxp. St. Scholastique. Bank at Montreal, 38 miles. Summerby Robert Saw & Grist Mill 3 6 BURY CORNER. Compton Co. See Robinson. CABANE TETU. Temiscouata Co. Michaud David Gen. Store 3i 7^ CACOUNA. Temiscouata Co, On soiUh shore of St. Lawrence Iticcr, and on Intercolonial R. R. Semi-uwekty Steamer from Quebec. Pop. 800. Tel., Exp. and Money Order Ojflce. Bank at Frasjruille, 9 7ntles. Bacon Joseph Grocer, etc. 4 8 BerubeJ. B Blacksmith 4 8 Colloza Genard Getieral Sture 4 8 DioiiiieC, &Co General Store li^ 7i DiibeTbomas Blacksmith 3 (ki Gay;non Auguste Tinstiiith 4 8 Kirouac Auguste Tiiisttiith 3i 7i Labrie Fr:inyois Shoema'ter 1 9 Larouche Achille Blacksmith 3 Marquis Franv'ois General Store 3 St. Jorre Alfred General Store 4 Sirois Adolphe Hotel 3 Sirois H. Joseph General Store 2^ 4^* Si lois Prime General Store 4 8 Theriault Michel Baker 3 7 CAIRNSIDE. Cliateauguay Co. Tel. nnd Exp., Bryson, 2 miles. Bank at Beauhamois. Pop. 76. AUard M General Store 4 8 Cairns Wm. J General Store Jt Hotel 3i 7^ Curry Wm. H Saw ilill 4 8 Gregg William Saw Mill 3 6i CAI..DVVELIi, P.O. Fontiac Co. Lucas W. H Sew. Maoh. Agt. 3 6 CALIFORNIA VILLAGE. Cliateau^cuay Co. .<• ,,'j See Aubrey. B 17 Cal QUEBEC. Cap CALUMET ISLAND, Fontiao Co. Sei'eu f cell miles f mm Haley' h Station on Canada Vfiitriil, and on the Ottawa Hirer, 12 viilcsfrom Piirtaj/e du Fort, Tel. Jirysoti, 2 mile.i. Exp. and Bank at Ilenfrew, Out., IS mites /'op. UOO. Hoiiau J General Store 4 8 Letts floliu General Store 3 7 McNiilly Simon, & Son — General Store 2^ 5 Ouelletle b\ General Store 4. CALUMET STATION. Aigenteuil Co, On the Canadian I'acitic Ji.Ii. Pop. 20'). Tel. and tjrp. Bank at Lachate, Iti miles from Montreal. Birch Ellen General Store 3 GJ lirennan S. JM General Store 3^ 7 Uurgess A. C Kestaurant See Curlelon Place, Ont. Labelle Henry Hotel 3 6 Lanigan R*diard General Store 3 6 Leniay H. (iencral Store & Carr. Maker 3 7 Mcliityrc Hubert Grist Mill 3 6 Mihvay .John Hotel 3^ 7 i Ottawa Lumber Co. (The) 2 2} iiacine S Blacksmith 3] 7| CAMBUIA. Argenteuil Co. On (^anibrid Jliver, 9 mile.'i from St. Jerome. Tel., Kx[}. and Hank at St. Jerome. Pop. 200. Strong Matthew J Saw ani Grist Mills, and Trader 2J 5 CANBOBEKT (or Ange Gaviliea). Kouville Co. On South Eastern Pop. 255. Tel. , Exp. and Bank at St. Cesaire G miles. Auger William Miller 3 61 Bai rt' Abraham General Store 4 7| B61ai ger & Frere General Store & i.,umber 3 5 Bouchard X Uctel 3 6| Decelles Arthur 4 8 Decflles .1.1) Gen. Store 4 Desautels Tlu^ophile Hay,&c. 2^ 5 Doray Joseph General Store 3j Dubuc iS: Patenaude Machinists 3 G Fontaine Louis Haker 3 7 Mercure A Blacksmith 3^ 7i Kobert Hubert, jr Grocer 3 7 Koberi Hubert, sr Grocer 2i 6 Kobert Treltle Saw Mill & Gro. 3 6 St. Denis Louis Contractors 6 Saureite Titrre Saw Mill 3^ ii CANTER 14 UBY. Compton Co. Two mi'es from Scotf.^town. Pop. 150. Tel. Scott.'p. 600. Tel. and Exp., Dal/.oubie, N.B. Jiank Paspebiac. Ahearn Daniel & John Gen. St ore 3 6 Baker James & Wm. T.. .Fish & Gen. \ „. .^ Store. \ ^4 '*^ BourgetE. B General Sture 4 8 Lapierre J Mill, &c 3 61 LeLitjvre O Genera' Score 8 6] Kaille Louis General Store 3 7 Savage Frs. , jr General Sture 3 6 Savage TUos. Chas. . ..J.P. & Geu. Store Cap QUEBEC. Car CAPKI.TON. Sheibrooke Co, 0/) Passumpsic P. li. aitd Mauavippi Rioer. I'op. 600. Td. Jt Exp., Bank at Sker- hruoke, 9 milts. \W\MxA Ix)uis .Contractor 3 6i liiloileau A. O. -Qen. Store. See hinesey Falls liliie VV. & Co den. Store. See W .Iter IJlue, ' Slierbrooke. Doonan Wm General Store :$> 7i Kustis Mining Co • • V ' * " I- - . M.pirier I) General Store 3 .y\ Md.oisQ.H.,* Co... -."Albert Mines'; 1^ 1 Also Laurel Hill, N.Y., and New \ork City. CAFL.IN (oi' Black Cape;. Boimven- ture Co. On lUver St. (Jharle.'i de (^aplin, 6 mileg/r m ytw ftichmnnd. K.rp. Tkilhimsie, N.B. Tel. iWtw Itichmond. Bank Pas^pthicu-. Fop. 300. Cvr Angelique General Store 4 8 cVr Joseph G General Store S\ 7i DionFranoyis Blacksmiths 7 Fair Kobt-it General Store, &c. 3 5i ForeKt Mrs provisions, &c. 3 6 Giuand Francois ... Saw & Cardina Mills 3 6 (iaiand Nap General Store 4 8 Henderson James Cnrriageniaker 3i < i Howatfion v\ . , jr General Store 4 8 McKenzie W. L . .Produce McLellan Tiioa Shingles, Ajc. 3i ih iMcI.ennan Alex General htore 3^ 7i McUae John Genera' Store 3 7 Poirier Th^ophile General Store 4 8 Trouiblay Chas General Store 4 CAP ROUGE. C^uebec Co. On the north .ihore of St. Lawrence, f) miles from Quebec. Tel. and Exp. St. Augtixttn \PortnevJ'),amiUi». Bank at Quebec Pop. 800. Alain Arthur Joiner Alain Joseph -^PJ"®^ „ „ Bedard God£rold Hoiel 3 7 Dolisle Nap.d^on Butcher 3^ 7 Dore Augustin Grocer 4 8 Everell Norbert Boatbuilder 3 7 Gauvin Francois B atcher Gauvin Germain Joiner Hnmel Michel, jr Baker* Mathieu Pierre Burcher 3 I'aauet Norbert General Stores Plaiite Jo-eph .. Blacksmith l{..bitaille Xavier Boots & Shoes Tardif Z6phirin Boots & Shoes 3J 7^ Valin Michel Grocers 6 Veilleux Wilbi-od Grocer 4 8 Voyer On^fiUne . Qen. Store & Hotel 3 6i CAP ST IGNACE. Montmagrny Co. 0(1 the south shore of St. Lawrence and the Tn- turcolonial 11. It., AS miles below Quebec. "Tel. and Exp. Bank at Quebec. BeaubieiiL. A ...^...Notary 4 Belanger Mrs, wid Paul Bdii. House 4 iSelUau Eugfene Tinsmith 4 8 Belleau Prudent General Store U 7 Bernier Charles General Store 3^ 7i Bernior Denis Cartwright 4 8 Bernier Dt5slr6 Shoemaker 4 8 Bernier Hilaire . . : .Tailor & Gen. Store 3^ 7 lieinier Leonide General Store 3 6 Bernier PhiliftS. Flour, &c. 3i TJ Bernier Thiburse Blacksmith 3 7 8 7 7i 7 Ji b 7 6i 7 6i Blanchet Joseph General Store 4 Carlos Enc^ne Grist .Mill 3 Caron Godt'roi, jr General Store Cloutier Edouard See L'Ans" k Giles. Cot(iVal^re Physician 4 8 Couillard Gaspard General Store 31 «i Dallaire A Ijjhon^ e Grocer 3 Fortin Louis Napoleon Gen. Stoie 3 6 Fournier Etienne Tanner & Flour 3 7 Gagiie Charles General Store 3i 7 Gagne Pierre .General Store 3 7 Gamache Solynie Agent Agr'l Impts. L'A 4 (iuilhot .Miss M Gen. Store 4 Guiniond Auguate Wliee.wright 3i Guimond Cleophus Blacksmith 4 Guimond J. J. .Sewg. Machine Agt. &c. 3 Guimond .Marcel Wheelwriglit 4 Guimond Zt-pltirin Baker 4 Jalbert Joseph Butter Fcty. n Lai.glois Marcel General Store 4 I^voie Louis General Store 3 Methot Elzear.. Lumber & Wood Mnfr. 3 Morin Pierre General Store 3i 7 V Pica d Charles Tanner 4 K" I roulx Pierre General Store 3 Richard Arthur. Blk8.,Wlieehvright, &c. 3 Talbot Capt. A Fish & Store 'Ji Tondreau J Grocer 4 CAP ST. MICHEL. Vercheres Co. Nineteen miles from Montreal. Tel. at Fo- rennes, 4 mites. Jixp. and Hank at Montreal. CAP SANTE. PortneufCo. County seat, on north shore of lliver St. Law- n-nce, 8 miles from St. Baslle Station : stuii- weekly steamers from Quebec. Pop. 4(i0. 'J'el. and hxp. Portnenf, 5 mile.i. Bank at Que- bec, 31 miles. Bernard L. P Notary 3 6^ Bertrand Joseph, ..Sewg Mach. & Tailor Si 7 Benrrerie dn Cap Sante 3 6^ Chevalier Jean Commission S 7 Delisle Barthelemy General Store 3 6i De St George Geor»?e A .^.Notary S 7 De St George H. Queiton '.egistrar 2i 4i Falirdeau Cliarles Machinist, «&c. sj 6j Giirneau Felix Blacksmith 3 (i Germain Mrs C General Store 4 H "amel Gabriel Blacksmith Jacques Lou 'S. ..Gen'l Store & Cbt. Mkr. Marcotte Freres Hour Mill, &c. Matte Elie Baker & Confectioner Matte Pierre Shoes. &c. Matte Virgile Blacksmith Moras Joseph Tann< r Morrisette Cliarles. Bdg House .Shoes .&c. Morrisette Elie ... Shocnuiker MorrI*»ette Isidore — Cattle Dealer. &c. Paquette F. X General Store 4 Piehe Damage . ...Boarding House 4 Uiehard Ferdinand Tanner 2^ 5 CAPUCTNS. Rhnouski Co. Seventii-fioe miles from St. Octave. Tel. Cap Chat, 4 mites. Exp. St, Oetaoe. Bank at Quebec, 292 miles. Cot^ Mrs S . . . . Postmistress CARILLON. Argenteuil Co. Seven miles fiom Muddtf Branch Station. Daily steamer from Montreal. Pop. 500. Exp., Tel. and Bank at Lachute, 8 miles. Arbiggus A Hotel 4 19 ■^ 7i 3 « 3 fii 4 8 4 8 4 3 7 3^ 7.V 4 "t 4 7 Car QUEBEC. Ced Desclienf Nap Butx'her DesjariUns Miirclen Shoemaker Dwyer M . , & Co Geiieral Store Fit/,L'evakl John ,**ll**'*'' Fletcher Mrs J. O (Jenpral Store HotiL'K)!! - . . . .Blacksmith & Carpenter Kelly John Speculator Kelly Tht.mas P Hotel I.aflouci'ur K. Carriage Mkr. Lalondc Pierre Baker Moruan Mrs Henry Iruit Murphy I > Speculator Ki.clioii Emile. ... Blacktsniith SLarnion Alonzo L Tailor 4 n 6 iiin 4 8 3i 7 2 3i 3 t) 4 8 4 4 8 3 t> 3i7i 4 7i CABLETON. Fiftten milts from Dalhoiisic, 35 mile. Campbellton, N. li. J'op.'H)0. Te Exp. JJalhousie, N. D. Hank at Pasi Bonaventure Co. 35 miles from Tel. and ixp. JJammisw, i\. u. nuuhi ui i^aspehiac. Arsenault Nicholas General Store 3J 7^ Cauchon Jos ....General Store 4 8 Couillard b'abien.. .Carr. Maker & G. S. 4 8 Couillard P. H ««'"• «tore 3^ < i Ciilleu John. . . .General Store & Tanner Dugas Pierre. General Store 3 5^ Firih & Adams *'"'*^ „, „, Lumlry l-etdiuand General Store Z\ 7i Leblanc Desir6 General Store 4 8 I.eblanc ¥ General Store 4 8 l>el)laiic John Flour 3 7 JLeoiiard P. It General Si ore 3 6^ MoFariane H Ky. Contractor 4 Miohaud J. K., & Co General Store CAKMELi HILL. Bniinniond Co, See also Blake's ISIill. Blake Bros Saw Mill Griffith John Gen. Store CABTIEB P.O. Beauliarnois Co. TkL, Exp. and Bank VaUeijJield,^ miles. Latlrin A General Store 4 8 MouetteF. O Hotel 4 8 CABTIEB V1LL.E. Jacques Cartler Co. JoliccBHr Joseph . . . • Gro. , &c. 3^ 7i Meunier & St. Pierre Lumber 2} 4 CASCADES. Ottawa Co. Seventeen miles from Ottawa, 4 miles from Wakefield. Exp. llaii. Bank at Ottawa, Ont. Tel. Wakefield. Pop. 5U. Laujjford W. H General Store 4 8 Reid Thomas M Carding Mill 4 8 Villeneuve— .Hotel 4 8 CASTLEBAB. Biclimond Co. One mile from Kingsey Siding. Pop. 100. Tel. and Exp. Danoille, 3 tniles. Bank at Rich- mond, 14i miles. Battles L. Grocer & Tavern ♦ McKeage Thomas Blacksmith at P.M. 3i 7i CAUGHNAWAGA. Laprairle Co. Opposite Lachine, and a Station of the Grand Trunk It. li. Pop. I'Oi) (200 Whtte and 1500 Indians). Tel., Exp. Lachine, '2, miles. Bank at Montreal, 10 miles. Baiiv'es J'oseph General Store • ]>eiajpfmler Bros Quarries 3 6 JoekS L. M Gen. Store 20 Jocks (dit McDonald) Thomas Contractor & Quarry 2^ A\ Laronde Joseph General Store CAUSA PSCAL.. Bimouski Co. On the Causapscal River, and the Intercolmikd Pop. 100. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Quebec. Blais Alfred Postmaster CAVIGNAC. Bagot Co. On South Eastern R. li. Tel. and Exp. Bank St. Hyavinthc, 17 miles. Pop. 500. Beaiulette F. Xavier Hay 2^ 5 Bourgeois F., & Co Carr. INifrs. 4 S Brodeur Joseph Saw Mill ai 7 J Denault J>onat O. E Gen. Store 3 tii De9ro!*iur8 Joseph Carr. Mkr. 3^ "i] Forcier Ovila Butcher 4 f> Guertin Alphouse Blacksmith 4 x Lussicr Octave Cheese b cty. 2| 5 Paradis Stanislas Tailor 4 o Parudis Ulderic 3^7} CAZAVILLE. Huntingdon Co. Pop. 100. Tel. Bank at Hun- Daiphin R. G General Store 1 )egioseiller8 Paul Prospt^re Shoemaker Dupuis Autome General Store Dupuis Louis Hotel & Blacksmith Lauzou Thomas Blacksmith Luce A. J., & Co Hop&. See New McGowan 0. P Hotel McPheisou D Carr. Mkr. Stage fi'om St. Anicet, 6 miles, and Exp. White's Station, don, 10 miles. Castagnier A. N General Store 2J 5 ■ •"■ 4 8 3 (JV 4 b" 3 7 York 4 h 4 .S CEDAB HALL. Biiuouski Co. On Intercolonial R.R. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Fraserville. Pop. 76. Beaulieu Joram Gen. Store Brochu Mrs Pierre l»ry Goods 3^ IS Dalluue trhilippe Gro. & Liqs. 4 Fournier Fabien Blacksmith 4 8 Gusseiin Joseph General Store 3 7 Howard-Guernsey Mfg. Co Smith Joseph. .General Store & Lumber 3J 7v CEDAB BAFIDS, Ottawa Co. (See Notre Dame du Laus.) CEDABS. SouIange8 Co. Foxir miles from St. Dominique, on Grand Trunk R.R. Pop.^Wi. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Vatleyfield. Bissonnette Arcade General Store 3 6 Bouibonnais Emery Blacksmith 4 8 Chariraud & Menard General Store 3i 7} Choquett© N6ree Blacksmith Cuierryer O Hotel 4 8 Dioniie Antolne Blacksmith 4 Laloucettlfere Cauat Saddler 4 8 Lcioux .(cau General Store 4 7i ReayJohn Furniture 4 8 CEDABS STATION. Soulangeg Co. See St. Dominique dee C^dree. CilA QUEBEC. Cha CHAMBLY BASIN. Chambly Co. On llicheliea Hirer, and on South Eauti-rn R.U. S''ini-tO(',<'ldi/ stcnmers from Montreal. Pop. soo, Tel. and Exp. Bank at Montreal^ 15 mt/('s, or St. Johns. Bilanger Isaac Saddler 4 8 Chiloiix Charles Blacksmith 3^ Ti Chiirron J. S re 4 8 ])einor9 Narcisse Blac smith * I) 'sjordy I. Hotel Glen Charles E. \V Physician 2J 4J I/rijeuiiesse Gaspard Hotels 7 liiirocqiie Telt*phore Waggoiiniaker 3 7 Mackaiii L. G. ifi Co Jbleworks iM;irtel . osithe S Physician Wciiiiier Stanislas Gen. Store 3 6 Ostigny Joseph Gen. Store& Lumber 2i 4J Peiiin 'George Butcher 2j 5 Pcrrault C^yrille Blacksmitii 6 (> J'urron Alexandre Carpenter Kicn 'eau Hormisdas Grocer & B. & S. 3 6 Siott Emilien Blacksmith 3^ "i Tail pier Jean C riiysician 3 cl Watts John General Store & Crain 2^ 4j <'IIAIVIBL,Y CANTON. Cliambly Co. On west shore of River Jiichelit'.u, and on South Juistem It. it. Semi-weeULij .steamers from Montreal. Pop. 700. 'lei. , E.rp. and Money Order Office. Bank at Montreal, i6 miles, or St. Johns. Boudreau C Blacksmith 4 8 Breux Augusta Grocer 4 8 Mroux Noel. Baker 3 6 Cliambly Cotton Co. (The) Not lucorp. I „ Special cap., $5,000 to Dfc, ISDl. ( ** Cliaroiix Joseph Beer Bottlpr 3i 7} (Jote Alfred Cabinetm iker 4 Coiirtemanchfl F Lumber 4 Coiirtemanclie H Saw Mill Oourte I anche Nap Hotel Hardy Paul Saul General Store 3 7 Liittour Thomas H Photo. & Watches * Laluiitaine Charles Physician 2^^ 4J IvHiuoureux h W'res Brewers 3 6 Lecavalier Pliilias Baker 3 7 Loiseau Joseph. Hot»'l 3 7 Malbiot Henry Blacksmith 4 8 Perrault Daniel Coniractor 3^ 7 J Piircell Catherine Dry Goods * Trouillet Jos. (dit Lajeunesse). . Butcher * Trouillet (dit Lajeuntsse), Mrs. Jos. I , „ General Store l ^ *" YiensPaul Hotel * Ward Thomas... Baker 3 7 WillHt S. T Woollen Mills, &e. 2 2^ CHAMBOBl). Chioouttml Co. EUjhty-seven miles from Cliir.oufimi. Exp. and jiitnkat Fraserville. Tel. Chicontiml. Pop. 50. Kilodeau William General Store 4 8 Boivin Ed General Store 3 ^ Bouchard Charles General Store 4 8 Letourneau Laurent General Store 3J 7i MeuHrd (Jn^sime Blacksmith 4 8 Poole Henry Hotel 4 8 Talbot Mrs. , wid. Charles ...Gen. Store 3^ 7i CHAMPLAIN. Cliatnplain Co. On north shore of St. Lawrence, ij mile from station on C. P. Jt. Weekly steamer from Montreal. Pop. 600. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Three Itivers, 15 miles. Arcand & Frferea Saw Mill 3 7 Areand Pierre .loiiitr 4 8 AU'.'er Zephirin Bla«'ksiiiith 3A 7^ Bailly Louis Genersil Store ;;" 7 Bailly Philippe General .'^toie 4 H Beandoin J. B General Store 3 5V Bertrand Louis Mast"" Ca-t'T 3 7^ Doiitigny Philippe , Carriagtniaker Dubord Calixte CubiiKMin ;;J ' Dubord I... E Physician 3" C Diissault l>aiiiel Carriages 3| 7 Fouriiier Jo eph Tiiisniiih i Gagnon & Uubord General St^ve 3 6^ Gt'linas Joseph Shoemaker 4 8 Germain Hil lire Bbuksniiih 4 8 Gouin Olivier .(irist. M II 3,i 7 Larue S Physician ;." tj Mandiaiid Charles Blacksmith 3i 7^ Marchand Lucien lUvU er 4" 8 Martineau Miss Boardin;^ iiwu^o Plante Jos. Gen. Store ifi Shiieuial.or .3 fi Thibodeau Joseph Baker & Grocer 3 7 Toupin Auguste. ... ..General > tore 3i 7^ CHANTELLE. Montcalm < o. See Saint Theodore de Chcrtf-ey. CHAPE AIT (AHuHiet Island). Pontlac Co, Eight miles from Peml>roke Station. JJailif. steamers from /Irt/son. Pop. 2.^)0. 7'cl. and Money Order Office. Allumet Island. Exp. and Hank at Pembroke. Allard Joseph Sati'l Boucher F General Store 3^ 7^ Cahili Mrs. Mary General Store 3' 7 Chaput Frs., juii Sho-malvcr 4 8 Cunningham John General Store 3 & Pembioki', Unt. Desjardins Felix & P. ...Hotel & Fery Giguere J. P Phy.-ieiin 4 8 Grain Robert Blacksmith 4 Gray .M. J 4 8 Heunessy James Carriagemaker 4 8 Jewell Jo.seph ..Grocer 4 8 Leacy Wm General Store 3 ."H iMaloiiy F. A General .Store 4 8* Turcotte Felix ShoeJiiaker 4 8 CHAPEL CORNER. Missisquoi Co. One half mile from Dunham. See Dunham. CHARLEMAGNE. L'AssomptJon Co. Exp. Mascouche,i miles. Tel. and Bank at Mon'real. Pop. 20(i. Archambault Camillo Hotel 3J 7^ Lebeau Mavien Gen. Store 3 6 Seguir. fdit Laderonte) F..Gro. & Baker 3 7 CHARLESBOURG. Quebec ( o. In rear of Beanport, 5 miles from Qaehec City • Pop. 6.50. Tel., Exp. and Bank at Quebec. Auger Joseph Wheelwright 4 8 Bedard If^idore Groi^er 3J 7^ Bedard Joseph, jun Blacksmith 4 8 r>elanger Hoiiore Blacksmith ."jj 7+ Belanger Pierre Blacksmith 3j 7j Binet Joseph Cartwright 3 Fortier Josepn Sayv .>lill 4 Frechette Edouard Grist Mill, «&c. Gagnou Pierre Tinsmith 4 Grondin Joseph A Physician 21 Cha QUEBEC. Cue 3^ 7 a 7 * 2M* 4 8 a 7 3 7 8i74 8 (M 3^ 7| 85 7J 3 b:^ 4 8 2^6 Houile Lazai-f GriBt Mil Jobin Ki-iinvois • • (Iroccr Lt'i^are N Carriajieiimker L.''naw Pierre Geueral ?»tt)re Morund .len-mie Baker Morin Kt'iiii Iliikcr Kolin Cyril le Tilrtckmiiith Piiradis Taiil . (Irist Mill Polletier J. B.,& Freiv.Saw & (.Irist Mill Planioiidon fk)Hopti..i'ack ilaiivafja, l']mtle,i Taillon N — Shoemaker 4 8 Tremblay Oncsinie Blacksmiths 7 I'remblay R chard Saw & Grist Mill 3 it\ Vaillancowrt Jean Wheelwi ight 4 CHATHAM. Argenteuil Co. See Gushing. CHATILLON. Yamaska Co. On Itivf-r Nicolet, 12 miles from St. Celestin. Pop. 75. Tel., Money Order Office and Ban!: at Micolet, 12 miles. Beauchemin & Lupien Saw, Grist & Woollen Mills 3^ 7^ Beliveau Evariste Blacksmith 4 8 Hart Ihomus N General Store 3 7 CHAITIHERE CURVE. I,evi8 Co. On Grand Trunk Ji. R., i miles from Quebec. See Saint Chrysostome. ■■> CHAUBIERE MILLS. Levis Co. Tel. and Exp., Chaudiere Station, oj miles. Jiank at Levis, 18J miles. Pop. 700. Breakey George General Store 3 6 Breakcy John Lumber & Mills 2i 4| Fontahie E General Store 3 7 CHAUDIERE STATION (or Saint Ktieniie). LeviH Co. See Saint Etieniie de Ijauzon. CHELSEA. Ottawa Co, On the River Oatineau, 7 miles jYom Hull. Pop. 400. Tel. and Money Older Office, Exp. Hull, Jiank at Ottawa, y miles. Bingham S. F Gen. Store DaviK T. B Physician Dean Edward Tavern Dewar Charles A Gen. Store Dickson James Hotel Dunn Samuel Hotel G ilmour & Co .... Lumber Leppard Phillip Blacksmith Mc Adam Thouuts H Shoemaker 3 6i 4 8 4 3 6 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 Che QUEBEC. Chl McClosky O Hotel MoClosky M Gen. Store :\Ioore Thomas Tavevu O'Neil Arthur Hotel Prentiss II . B Coniin. Str(»lhurs Jiuiies Buti-her 3i 7i Trowse Pliilip Shoeiuaker 4 CHKMIN TACHK. Temlscouata Co. Sixteen mili'ii frmn Saint Arsene. lei. Saint Amenf. Rr'p. Vacou,na,'2A miles. Hank at Quebec, 152 miles. CHKNEVILL.T5. Ottawa Co. 21 miles from PapinenuoUle, Tel. & Exp. I'apineauville. Hank at Hull. AllardJoeeph Gen. Store 3 7 CluMie Ilercule Gen. Store 3 5^^ DeUuionc E Gen. Store 4 8 Fiuand Fabien Gen. Store Hay Pl-rre ((lit Richard) Hotel 4 8 Locas Hygin Gen. Store 4 8 Lefpbvre Henri Civil Engineer 3 MassieNot^ Hot 1 4 8 Myron Wilfrid Gen. Store 4 8 liacicot Fran vols Carr. Mkr. 4 8 Sabourin Eugfene Shoemaker 4 8 CHIiNIKK. ArthabaHkaCo. Se»eti miles from Tingwick. Tel. and Exp. fVarw clc, 12 miles. Hank Ar /uibaska Sta- tion, 16 miles. Poj). 800. Bolduc David Carriagemakpr 4 Champagne J. C Gen. Store 3^ 7^ Lipsing — Shoemaker 4 Pelleriu Anied^e Gen. Store 3 7 CHERRY RIVER. Sherbrooke Co. Four miles from Magog. Pop. 100. Tel. ound Exp. Magog. Hank at Stanstead. Buzzell — Gen. Store & Mill Owner Buzzell.John Tub Manutaeturer 3 7 Buzzell K. A Gen. Store 8 7 CHKRTSEY. Montcalm Co. See Saint Theodore de Chertsey. CHKSHAM. Compton Co. See Notre Dame des Bois. CHESTER— EAST. Artbnlmgka Co. eeS St. Helene de Chester. CHESTER— WEST Tor St. Paul de Ches- ter). ArtliHbaska Co. Ten miles from Arthahaskn Station. Tel., Exp. and Bank Arthabaska Station. Boutin Franyois . . . .Grist & Shingle Mill 3 6 Dionue Vence-las General Store 2A 5 Gautliier OiH'sime Grocer, «&c. sj 7^ Houle TreHie Blacksmith 4 8 hafontjiine Alfred General Store 4 8 Lamy Cyrille Carriageniaker 3 6^ Leblanc Evangelistp (General Store 3^ 7 ParHiiis li Sewing Muchines, &c. 3 6 Kouleau J. A General Store 4 8 CHICHESTER. Pontiac Co. On the north shore of the Ottawa, opposite Alhi- mette Island, 8 miles from Pembroke. Pop. 589. Tel. , Exp. and Bank at Pembroke. Booth John R l^umberAl Al «S Ottawa, Out Dupuis Olivier Slioemaker 3i 1,- l^ngan I'eler General Store 3* 7 McDonald John Hlacksihith ,it 7 • McMiUion peter General Store 4 8 Poupore W. J Mills Smith M Hotel 3i 7^ CHICOUTIMI. Chlcoutiini Co. County seat, on the nwfh side of the Hirer Safiitenati, 100 miles from Bale St. Pnnl. Semi-ireekly steamers frrnn Quebec in sum- mer. Tel., Money Order Office and Bank at Quebec, 1&) mites. Pop. im). Beauchanip Ixtuis Elie Physician 3 7 Belly Joseph Shoemaker 3} 7i Blais & St. Pierre General Store Boiley Paschal Ilercule.. (Jeneral Store 3^ Boiley Wm General Store 31 7i Bouchard Louie W hee Wright 31 71 B(ni(hard P . . . . Wheelwright 4 Bouchard On«^8lme Bouchard Wm . General Store 4 8 BouletEu-^be Wheelwright 3j 71 Caron Frederick Physician 3 7 Delisle Geo., & Co Dry Goods & Gro. 3i 71 Dufour Gcdeon (reneral Store * I 8 t 8i 8 7 6i R 7 -i 8 7i Dufour Job Boarding House 3 Dumais Chas. Polidore General Store 3 Gagnon Auguste Shoes & GrO(!er 4 Gagnon Charles. & Co General Store 4 Gagnon Joseph General Store 3 Gaudrault Abel Blacksmith 4 Godreault Henri Saddler .1 Grant Wm General Store 3i Grenou Xavier Blacksmith 4 Guay&Co General Store Guay lx)ui8 Rug^ne General Store 4 Harvey Andr6 Shoemaker 4 Hudon E. V Ins. Agent 4 Jean P^erdinand Tanner 3 Langevin Jean Miller 3 Lemieux Edouard General Store .Marcoux .1 . M Jeweller 4 Martel Henri General Store 4 Martin V. M Hotel 3 Morin Napol<UOIS. Ottawa Co. In the Town-sliij) of Jolj/,ahnHt 40 miles /rum Stf. Atititlw. bank at Hi. Jerome. Authit r A Ibeit Butt her , &c. 4 Waiiiliiud V. K General Store Bock J. C. Ari«tide General Store Boiviu JiTeniio Lumber 3 7 Dvoniict Ulysse Saw & Grint Mill 3 5i Mariiiiei I'l.-rre Hotel in 7A Nault N^iioleon Hotel 3j 7 J Provost Atlolplio Wacksmilh, &c. 4 8 CLAIKVKAU (or St. Placlde). Charle- voix Co. Fxp. Sf. Jean, Port Joli, 28 m'tleR. Tel. Bate St. Paul, 3 milts. Hank at Quebec. Pop. 80. Dufoiir Kilmoud Saw &Gri8t Mill 3 7 Laroehe E Postniitaier Martel -Jeanne Saw Mill 4 8 Martin Eilouard Saw Mill 4 8 CLAIBVEAUX DE BAftOT. Bagot Co. Jienis Dieudonno General Store 2\ 4^ CLAPHAM. Megantic Co. Twentif-tiro miles from St. Julie ShUion. Pop. 10(1. ' 7c/. and K.rp. St. Julie Station. Bank . at QuelK'c,5-i miles. CLARENCEVILLE. MUnlsquol fo. Stauefrom Lncolle Depot, 4J miles. Pop. 300. I el. and Exp. Lacolte. Bank at Bedford. Bellaire Israel ... Shoemaker 4 8 Bisisell (;. H Blacksmith, etc. 3 7 Cockt-rline Wm Furnitures 7 Derrick Asahel H General Store 2^ 5 Derrick Fred. U Tinware 3 G Derrick . I. A Baker 4 Derrick Mrs J. A Millinery 4 Dupuis .Joseph J. B Physician 3i 6i Evans Milo Blacksmiths 7 Hyde Henry C General Store 3 7 ]i'Ecuyer (iilbert Gen. Store 4 8 Little JaniesS Agrl ImplementB 3 7 Lonye way Hiram Tinware 3^ 7J Mci^ee Albert Harness 3 7 Martin Patrick C Hotel 3 6 Noel Emery A Waggonmaker 3 6^ lliehelieu liridge Co (liieorp. ; author, cap. S> 0,000) 2J Sails Seymour Agent 3 6^ Sirutherw James Carriagemaker 4 8 Swan Miss Mary J. .Ladies' Furnishings 3 6 Tasker Uansoin D Undertaker 3 7 CI..ARENDON CENTRE (Shawville P.O.). Poiitiac Co. See Shawville. CI.ARENDON FRONT. Pontiac Co On Canada Central B. 11. Pop. 100. Tel. Bris- tol 4 miles. Exp. and Bank, Renfrew, 13 miles. CLARINA. Shefiford Co. Two miles from Angeline, 30 miles from St. Hyacinthe. Pop. 550. Tel. and Exp. at Angeil le. Bank at Granby, 11 miles. C6ti^ Grain, Cheese, &c. 3 6 Deeroches Nazaire Saw Mill 3 (3 24 Durandeau Albert General Store 4 L'Heureux Gt^dt^on Genei al Store 3 01 I H 8 41 CLAYLAND'8 CORNERS. Hnntlngdoa Co. See Hemmingford. COATICOOK. StaiiHtead Co. On the Coaticook Hiver, on Grand Trunk li.H. Pop. 3,100. Tel., Money Order Office and Kxp. A Banking Town. Anctil I Mer. Tailor 3i .\iidrew8 A. P Billiards 4 Audette Jos., jr . Grocer 4 Hachand Stanislas General Store 2^ Baldwin Churles F ....Painter sj Baldwin P. T Flour & Grain 2} 5 lianque du Peuple,J.B.Gendieau, L cal Mngr. br. See Montreal. Bernard Joseph General Store 3 7 Bertrand N.J Hat'ne8.>« Bouclier A. A Butcher SJ 7] Boyle Duidel .. Shoemaker 4 8 Brooks John Black.xmith 3i 7^ Bullock A. M., «& So Gen. Store Cascades Harrow and Fabric Co. (The). . 2* 4 J Chagtion H . C. L Notary 2^ 5 Cleveland Samuel, jun Speculator * Coaticook Cotton Co. (Incorptd. ) Cap. paid ill. $120,000 2^ Coaticook Knitting Co. (Incorporated) (Sub. Cap. f 60,0(10, paid up $r>7,' o •) 2* "Coaticook Observer" (The). See S. C.Smith, Coaticook Tool Co 3 6 Coaticook Woollen Co. (Not Incorptd). 2^ 5 Comtoi& F. X Furniture & Butcher 3 7 Corbeil A Carriagemaker 3i 7^ Cormier A. J Shoemaker 4 8 Cummings A. H Doors, Sashes, etc. 3j 7 Dcsaulniers Wilbrod Hotels 5^ DohertyT - Books, &c. 4 8 Dupont L. D., jr Carriagemaker 3J 7i Dupuis Calixte Tanner * Durand J. P Grocer 3i 7i Eastern Townships Bank See Sherbrooke. Edwards C. C Painter 4 8 Edwards Henry W Carriages 3 6 Fletcher A. O Grocer 4 Fournier li., & Frfere General Store 3i 7 Fox Amo>» K General Si ore i 4i2 FraeerJohn Notary 3J f^ Fuller Albert Livery Stable 3 7 Gilinour George Chair Factory 4 8 Giroux Isaie Tinware 3i 7^ Glidden J. E. W Cigars & Barber 4 Hall Aaron Stove."*, &o. 3 Herring It. W Confectioner 4 Hopkins Carlos C Gro. «& F'urn. 4 Hopkins & Moyles Millinery 4 H ugron Joseph Bh^cksmitn 3 Humphry S. B Sew. Mach. & Ins. Agt. 4 Ives E Physicians Jasmin J., & Fr^re. .. . Furniture, &c. 3 Kennedy Chas. A Tinsmith SJ Kennedy John Blacksmitti 4 8 Kilburn O., M.D Photograplier 3 7 Knapp John H.,Furn., Undertaker, &c. Si 7i Labonte N. V. D Shoemaker 4 8 LamoureuxC.,&Co.Lumber& Furniture See Montreal. Lebel E Stationer, &c. 4 8 Lemoine F. X Contrac or Les.sard Miss J Millinery 4 8 Leveinatein Louis 7 8 8 8 7 8 6 ?l Col QUEBEC. Coo I.i'viiisoii A General Store Lovel Henry, & Sous Flour & flrain I.viuan ('. K Marble & Agr'l Imiilts. McKee Kdwanl Blacksiiiitii Mi'Kee (Jeor^re Wm BootH & Slioes MarelieHHault IJr. J. T DrugH.&c. Mead .Joseph ()rocpr Moriii L Printer Moss A Tailor Moulton O. M MuMC& OrKaue Moulton O. M (Jroct'r ; MoyleH Miss M Millinery Miulins jVlieliael General Store Norton A. O J.-weller S'linns F. 11 Mer. Tailor O'Neil James J Tailor Odell A. B \Vat( hniaktr OtisT. P General Store Faille Elle Watches I'aiuette Kusebe H General Store I'arker&liow Tiay Bakes, &c. See l>*xville. Porcheron Aniable Gro. & Crockery 3 7 Qiievilkm ,J. B Grofer 3 6i Kainville& Morgan Saw JNlill 3 ^ Robinson I).' A Drugs 2k 6 l{ov r. E General Store r{ G Roy R... Hote! * Sanborn A. VV .. • Drugs 3i 7i Shu^clett Thomas Turner Contraetor 3 6j Sisco.Iohn A Pump Maker • Sleeper & AKhurst, Mnf rs. Agrl. lniplt>*. 2i 4i Smith B. J Grocer, «&c. 2* 5 Smith S. O Patent Metl. & Editor 3} C^ Smith William. ..Pressid Hay & Grocer 3 6 Stevenson Chas. N. .Physician & Drugs 4 8 Taplin .Johnson Und rtaker 3 6^ TliomasN. VV..Whol. Flour, Grain, &c. 2J 5 'Irudeau Amt^dee Confectioner 4 'rnideau •» illiam Hotels 6^ Vallee Marie Balzamire Millinery 4 8 Valiquelto A. A. A Baker, &c, 4 8 Viiieent N. L Saddler Webcter Walter G. Crock. & Hardware 2^ 5 Wheeler Mrs William Grocer 4 8 White J. A Watches 4 COLEBROOKE. St. Johns Co. See Grande Ligne. COLERAINE. Megantlo Co. Station on Qutbic Central ff.R., 4 miles from village and 5 miles from I)' Israeli. Bank at Arthabaaka Station. Pop. 60. Freehette Telepphore Blacksmith 3 7 Parsons F. H Gener.i 1 Store Koberge .Joseph General Store 3 7 Roberge I'lerre Hotel 4 Wertheim Edouard Phosphates COLIiFIELD. Pontiac Co. Eldhteen miles from Santl Point, 11 miles from Po-tage (hi Fort. Pop. 90. Tel. Bryson, 3 miles. Exp. Haley's Station. 17 miles. Bank at Arnprior, 31 miles. Cahill W. C Gro. & Liqs. 4 3 ("arswell .Tames Shoemaker 4 Drew Wm . Blacksmith 4 Haveliu Robert Blacksmith 4 Hughes Michael General Store 2^ 4 Kelly Wm Hotel 4 Lunan Mrs II General Store a 6i Taylor John Grocer 4 CUMO. Vaudreiiil Co. Seven miles from Vandrenii Station. Daily Sfi-aniers from Montreal, Ottawa and inttr- vudiaie ports, fop. 30(». Tel. andlExp. f'audrenil. Bank at Montreal, 37 mites. Beaudreau Pierre Blacksmith 4 8 IltHlgHon .Joseph Drover Hodgson Mrs .John, wid. ....Gen. Str. & P. M. 3 6J Hodgson W m .. . .. Builder & Lumber 3 7 Lancaster John Butcher "i 7i Leger A. (dit Parisien) Butcher 4 8 Malleite Guiilaume. ... General Store 3 6^ Rouleau Louis Carpenter & Builder 3 7 COMPTON CENTRE. Coinpton Co. On the Coatic(wk Hirer, one and a quarter mite from Compton Station, 114^ miles from Mon- treal. Tel., Money Order Office and Exp, Bank at Conticook, 8 miles. Blain John Temp. Hotel 4 8 Bliss guartus Cattle Dealer 2 3J Clark C. K.. Blks. & Carriage Maker Cochrane M. H Imp. Farm Stock 1 IJ Craig Bros General Store 3 6 Craig Sinnuel .J General Store 3 (SJ Denier." Charles Wheelwright 4 8 Demers Munroe Carriages 3 CJ DroletN Tailor 4 8 Eyre Edward Money Lender 3 Fowler Wm Barber & Peddler 3i 7* Goff J. R Tailor 3 j 7i (iuilbert Th^odule Gen. Store 3 7 Harden J Blacksmith 4 8 Houle .Joseph Shoemaker 4 8 .Jalbert Napoleon Harnessniaker 4 8 King R. A. I) Physicians 7 Knowlton M. M General Store 3 ii) Larue 'J honias Physician 3 6 l.,ougee Samuel Carpenter McClary Mrs, wid John. . . Cattle Dealer 2V 5 iMunroe W. H Tinsmith 3| 7 Paige Wm. W Cattle Dealer Parsons A. W Saw Mill Renaud Charles Tanner St Laurent .J. B. M General Store Simoneau John E 'i'emp. Hotel & Whol. Liquors Todd Silas. .Carr. maker & Temp. Hotel 4 8 3i7i CONTRECCEUR. Vercheres Co. On south shore of the St. Lawrence, 30 from Montreal. Pop. about 200. Tel. Exp. Bank at Montreal. Bonin L. N Gen. Store Bonin Olivier Physician Chagnon Eugene Carriagemaker Cormier Napolt^on Baker Duhaniel & Hurtean Gen. Store Geoffroy Mol^e Physician Gervais A. E... Ry. Contractor Gervais Olivier Hotel Lamoureux Pierre.... Cheese Factory Laplerre Jer^mie Gen. Store Pepin Joseph Mfr. B. & S. Perron Clement Shoemaker Richard Adolphe Gen. Store Roy Z Gen. Store COOK'S CORNERS. MissiHquoi Co. miles and 3}7j 4 7i 4 8 4 8 2Mi 3 tt 3 6} 3 4 8 4 8 3 7 3 6 ( See Saint Armand Centre. 25 Coo QUEBEC. Cot C'OOKSIflRK. Coiiiptoii Co. CoHiUy seat. On St. Francis and Minnntic luttrnatinnal R. 11. Tri-wrcklj/ Main- from ■ Julmul Ilroolc. Pop. iW). 'I'd., Money Order Office and Exp. Ihtnkat Sherbmoke, 16 mih-s. Allien John Tailor 3i 7 IJiiilfy iMisH A. A Milllnoiy 4 8 Bernanl L. 'I'liilor ."{J 7i CeiiHo John h rult & Ki>h 4 Cliiuldock MiHsP Millinery 3i 7i Cooltshire Mill Co ...(Not Incorporate*!) '4 Cotf — G«nonil Store Croteau Arcade IJlacksiiiith .'U 7i Desrocliers Moi'tte Marble ;tj 7j Flandora Marble 3 7 Foster Win. S Fonniler Oannby (loo. N Untcher 3 7 Garvin (Jcorne K Furnitnre 4 8 Gates Herman F Wool Carder U V>\ Gautiiier L. .1. DamaBe Tinware 3 7" Hodge .Stephen Shoemaker 3 (U Hopkins & Dixon .Physicians & Druus 3 ej HurdC. A BlaekBiniUi 3 7 Kni^'ht Midiael Hotel 2* fi Learneil Alden Hotel u| 6 JWc Uea Thomas Butcher McUea Thos., & Co Gen. Stt)re & Sawverville. McUea W Dentist Montgomery P Mi liner 3* 7i O.-'good J. F.,«&Son Gen. Store 2J 6 Plaisance Francis.. Carriages 3 7 Planehe Kdouard Hanu'Bs Planche H. A., & Co Generul SUire 3 6 Kand Willard Painter 3 7 Stiil)bB H. J .... Jewellery 4 8 Taylor — Sash & Door Factory 3 6i CORBiy. Hunting:«Ion Co. On the Englinh River, staf/efrom Hemmivgford , 4 miles. Pop. 100. Tel. and Exp, lltniming- ford. Bank at Hiintinydon, 21 miles. Corbin .Joseph E Saw Mill 4 Corbin Wn». ...Cardin(?& Shingle Mill 3^ 7* Coiipal Cainille , Saw Mill 3t 7* Curran W. D Saw Mill, &c. Denault Albeit General Store 8 7 Orr Allien J Temp. Hotel 3 7 ' COTEAU DIJ L,AC (or Saint Ignace). Soulanges Co. On the River St. Lawrence, 3 miles from Coteau Laikdiny. Pop. 300. Enop. River Rouge, 1 mile. Tel. Coteau Landing, 3 miles. Bank at Falleytield. Beaudet George J Mill 2^ 4i Bertrand Edouard Blacksmith 4 Bisson' ctte Om^re S General Store 3 6 Daute Gaspard T'hyslcian 2i 5 Gareau & Fr(>ro Auborlcuiturists Gauthier Julien Blacksmith 4 7J Heroux L. A. tl Pliysician Lalonde G Gen. Store & Bakor 3 5i Leroux G Grain 4 7 I'harand Octave Hotel 3 7 K6chon E. E Hotel 4 Vallee Alex joiner 4 8 COTKAU LANOINi;. HoulaiiKen Co. County seat, (hi north shove Filiatrault Thomas Tinsmith 4 8 Fulliim .John Hotel 'ij 5 Giroux & I.alonde Wood Mraiige Thomas Grain 2i 4i lIosnuM- II. I' Carriages, &«. 2\ 5 Murteau Wols" Grocer A Fruit 4 8 Lalonde H — Blksth., Hardware & Coal 3i 7 Lalonde Pierre D Ge»>erHl .Store 4 7 Mace Henry General .Store 3 7 Methot Alex Grocer, &c. ^ 7) Methnt J. Hilaire Grocer 3 J 7} Mitchell Bobert Carpenter 3 7 Prieur Anicet Bte.. Hardware & Grocer 3 6 Prienr Elie Bte .. .Starch Manufacturer 3 6} Prieiir O. Damlen ..Hotel .3 7 Sndth Bobert Shoemaker 3 7 St. Lawrence Boiler Mills See T. Bolduc. Sullivan Mrs. Ilulph, widow Gen. Store 3 6 COTEAU STATION. Soulanges Co. On Grand Trunk R. R. Pop. 300. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Valleyjield. B6riault O Boots & Shoes 3^ 7i Blondin Tht^opliile (dit Sureau) . . . .Grain 3 Cj Hourgon Hermyle Blacksmith 4 8 Daoiist Mrs. J. L. (Marle-Herniine Du- mesnil). Gen. Store 3 6 Delage T. , «& Co . Cabinetmakers, (ien. Store, Butchers & Carriagemakers Denis J. Bte Hotel 3i 7 Dicaire Augu«te — Agric. Tmplt. Agent 4 8 Doucet Louis J..u'nl)er & Grain 3 6i Doucec Pierre W. Flour, &c. 2 3^ Ducket Boger Po8tma.Hi3|>h iiro. Si ilny 3 7 lluiii- MuKloiru (ii'ocur ;) G HdIio I'mrre Iliiy & (iiaiii*8 7 • Inly Antuina Jiit-wur lia|i>io Cyrille t^unrry 2J 4^ Ji,ilniir4 7^ Ijjipii-rre (Jeu Hukery & MlHcuilri ;i\ 7* LHrivicre 1'* A Maniifr. VanilHlies, Sir. ;» (SJ Lavoio I'liiliaH Mason L'uutntcti r 4 lii'diic .losepli droctM* ;$ (ij 1,1 fi'hvre Audrrt (;roctT 4 .Macluilx'e Uin'sime JllackHinilh 4 8 Mar nil (I. (clil Lu))ierre), & KiU.HakurH Marti-l Doniitiun Joiiu'r Contractor 4 8 Marlcl F. X., jr (jroi.or 4 Mciulry-I. li .. Boots & Shoes 4 MoiK'tic A (iroccr ;J 7 Moiin L. E.,jr.,&Co — Oils. See Montroal. l'ai|iU'ltu>IoH< ph Ulncksniiih 4 8 Pay ton .lames Trader I'r. noveau C. M. U Lumber 3 !J\ I'reuoveau, Turcot & Co Mason Contracto s 2i 4^ Kecii Wni. O 13uiclieHautel8 Xoti Carr. .Maker 3 7 Gagnon Louis.... Carr. Maker 2^ 6 Lapolnte l.eon Blucksniith 4 7 Lebeau .1. Bte Blacksmith 4 8 Kobin .loseph (irocer .5 6i Tasse Luc Gen. Store & P. M. 3 7 Valine Louis Hotel 3 OJ, COTK ST. PAUL. lIoulielaRa Co. On the south side (\f Lachinc Canal, 4 miles from Montreal, on (iraiid 'I rait k Hail nay. Pop. 1650. Tel., E.vp. and Bank Montreal. Aubry A. I) Physicians 8 BaucU FrKlerick File Maker 3 7 Belle Napoleon Grocer 4 8 Benoit .len'-mie Gmcer 3^ "i Boiidrjas Mi.-<8 L., & Co Gen. Store 3 7 Carignan Alfred (Jiocer 4 7 Clarke O Bell Foundry 2^ 5 Daigiiault Amed^e Grocer * Daoust Aliihonse Grocer Desparols Magloire Grocer 3 6 i>omniion Leather Board Co See Montreal. Dufort H Grocer 4 8 Dunn Joseph A Nail Cutter 2J 5 Dunn Patri(rk Horse Nail Manf'r 2j 5 Fill? & Spiral Spring Co See MonireaL Frothingliani & Workman Factory See MontreaL Gardner W. K., Manfr. Edge Tools. . See .MontreaL Gilniore Gawen Tool Factory 2^ 4 Hanralian Mrs M., widow T Grocer 4 8 Henrichon Venant Grocer 4 7 I.,atour Edmoiid. General Store & Hotel '2\ 4J Leclerc Joseph Fruits 4 8 Legault I) Grocer 4 8 Leg.iult Felix .Gro. & Boots «& Shoe" 4 McDonald Mrs Pat ..Hotel 3.|7i McGovern & liiggins Coal & Wood 2i 6 McGovern Merrill Butcher 3 6 MocockT. J.,&Cv^ Axe Ml'rs. See Montreal. Montreal Blanket Co. See Montreal. Montreal Hoyal Milling & Mfg. Co See Mon'.reaL Roberts Francis R Machinist «& Gro. 4 8 Turgeon Antoine Blacksmith 4 8 Vincent Maximin . Butcher * Vulcan Tool Works... See W. R. Gardner. COTE VISITATION. Hoclielaga Co. T,l.,Exp., and Bank at Montreal, 2 milet. Pop. 300. Courtpmauche Narcisse. .... Suet Mnfr. 3 7 Jeffrey Bros Waggonmakers 3 7 Lapouite Joseph Robin. Saw Mill 4 6 lje«cavbeau MMard .Joiner Contractor * Provencal Andre Slaughter House • Thomas J. Bte. , jr Hotel 4 8 Thomas .1. Bte., »r. ■ Contractor VerhiettePaul.,, Carriages & P. M. 2J 4i 27 Gov QUEBEC. Pan <;OVKY HILL. fIuntliiKre 3 7 Drapenu — (ieneial Store 4 8 (iironx .Foseph Generiil Store :< 7 Hurley John General Store :t 7 Vivcu George Grist Mill 3* 7 Wilson Willlanj Oon. Store & P M. 4 8 CUANE ISLAND. MoiitinuKny Co. See Isle aux Grues. < ROSS POINT, noiiiiventure Co. On the liaie dcs Chalinrs and thf /{rstit/onrhe ItU't'T, lmih'fri>ni Cnmpfx'tlton, X./l. ' /'i>p. 2(M). Tel., Exp. and Hank at ('nmpbelllitn. Olscamp Joseph. ... General Store 3 7 Quiun James. Dry Goods & (}ro. 3 7 ClJMBERLANir MILLS. Ilcauce Co. Eif/htecn mlhsfrnm St. .Joseph of [Jvis. Pop. 20> . Tel. St.Josi'])h. E.i'p.St. ilenr 1,53 miles. Hank at Quehcr, (ilt mites. Taylor Thomas J Postmaster CUSHIN'l (or Cliatham). Argeiit«niil Co. On the C.d- C. llnlUray,ri(i miles N. \\\ <>/ Mon- treal. Sta(if from St. /'hilippe,5 miles. I'op. 2f)0. Tel., Exp., St. Philippi-, 4 miles. Jiank at Laclnite. Cushliig J. B., & Co. Gen. Store & Mills Nichols Robert Blacksmith 3 6 Noyes Thomas C Lime Kiln 2^ 5 DAILLEHOUT (or Ste, Melanie). Jollette Co. See Ste. Melanie. > DALE8VILLE. Argeiiteuil Co. - Staqefrom Lachute Station, 6 miles. Pop. 100. VV'/.j Exp. and Bank at Lachate. From Mon- treal, 48 miles. Campbell John Miller 3 7 McArthur Peter . . .Gen'l Store & P. M. 2i 4i DALIBAIRE (or Mecliiii). Riin«>uski Co. On Itiver St. Lawrence ,t)\miles from St. Octave. Pop. 'Am. Exp. Si. Octave. 'Tel. Matane,'ifi miles. Rank at Eraser ville. Bertrand Chas., & Co Mills. See Isle Verte. Lamontagne Thos. J. . . .Mills. See St. Anne des Monts. Verrault MoYse Postma.'^ter Verrault Mrs Damage Hotel & Mills 4 8 DALLING. Shefforrt Co. Twenty-six miles from Sherbrooke. 12 mites from Richmond.' I'op. 60. 'I'el., Money Order Office, Exp. and Bank at }Vaterloo,20 miles. Patrick Wm. J. ...Builder Farmer, &c. 3 7 Weed Leonard W.. Gen. Store & P. M. 3 7 Woodward George Blksmith & Carm'kr. 4 8 Woodward 11. M Trader & Saw Mill 3 6i DANBY STATION. Drummond Co. OnOrand Tmnk li.Ii., Umiles W. of Richmond. Poii. 150. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Richmond. Benoit T Blacksmith 3J 7^ Dutt' William M. . General Store 4 8 McGee Samuel D. General Store & P.M. 3 Wells G. B Tanner 3 6 Dan QUEBF.C. Des DANFOUD LAKK. I'oiitlao Co K.rn. lfuU,W mileg. Tel. KnznfKizua,Qvii(ea tinnk at Ottawa, Ont. J'op. 60. Hoi's Aiulrew General Store 3 7 l>ANVILLK. Rlohmoiul Co. On dmntl Trunk li. II., Si miles S. W. i\f Que- b,c and S7 miles N. K. of Montreal. J'op 1,11 I) Tel., MoHey Order Ojflce and Exp^ Uaukat Itichmond, \^ miles. Artl.or V TlnBinitli 'ii 4 JJarlow H. W Furnilure 3 IJiirlow Henry T rftrriftKec 3 « IJ.iriuw .)o-epn J. Fancy QooiU & IJarner 4 7 Haniani llyroii H Kt.unilry 3 Huisvort Aline Carr. Mkr. 4 8 lJ()iirm'(»iB L. N Gfiioral Store IJoiiU'Ue CLarlea Cabinetmaker IJrien F. A Notary* Brown Bros CarrlageH 3 6 J nurl.ank Austin Grist Mill 2i 6 lUirl>aiik .Iannis B Churns • Carson George i[ .Cabinetmaker 4 8 Chitgnon K. X Trader & Carter Connolly Henry Sa* Mill 3 6i Cross (; Grocer 4 CurlisT. B Hotel 3 f.J Danville Slate Co.... '^i 4 Darclu- E/., J-Jj']). and bank at Arthalxiska Station, Barll I/'andre Shlnglf Mill 3^ 7i Germain & Beliveau General Store 1 8 Haniel Joseph. BlackBinilh 4 Letuurneau Adrien.... .. . Wheeluriglit 4 8 Ling & Ling Saw, Shingle .Mill.&c. 3 7 DKNISON'S MILLS. Kioliiiiund Co. SernnniltH from Richmond, fop. ;*• 0. Tel., Alomy Order OJfice, Jijp. ana liuuk at Jiich- mond, DeniBonl. 8t J Mill & Store 2 3i A( Danville. Greenshlelds John Saw Mill 2^ 5 ji^ Danville. 1>K KAMSAY. Juliette <;o. Eighteen miles from lierthierrille, on Mail Stage route from Joliette, 12 miles. J'op, 300. Tel., Exp. ansau.'t Frs. X Physician Garl6p|y TretHt^ Grist Mill Gauthier Ker6, juii Blacksmith Gauthier T Blai-ksndlh Germain Maxinie Baker Germain Octave Baker Glrand Ben rand Peddler Gosselln Luc Peddler Groleau — Flour Hamelln A. Dainase General Store Jullen Fleury Saw & Grist Mill Lachance F. Xavler TMisinlth Marcotte L*on Blacksmith Marcotte Theutlme Blacksmith Matte Samuel Boots & Shoes Mayrand Alfred Carriages Mayrand A. O Notary Mayrand Clo\is Physk-ian Mayrand Franyols Xavier Phy.-ician !Naud AzariasM^aa Lazare. Flour & Pro. Naud Damase . . .Threshing Machines ) &MilM Naud Joseph. .-. Wheel wriglit Pagti Joseph Blacksmith Paquin Ad«^Iard Wheelwright Paquiu F Carriage Maker 29 4 8 4 8 4 8 3 6 3 «i H 7i 3; 7? ■4 7 3j 7. 3^ 7l 3 Oi 3 7 3}7 3 6. 3i 7- 4 8 3i 7 3 7 2i 5 3 t) 3 li 3 7i 3 7i 8 7 3i7i 3 7 3 2i4i 3 6i 3 6 3i7i 4 8 VI' P£S QUEBEC. Dru 3i7i 8 6 2i5 3i7i 4 8 2i 4i 4 7i 3 7 3i7i 3 7 3i7i Paquiu George General Store Paquiu Samuel Flour I'are N . T General Store Perreault Z Griet Mill & Architect Perron Ferdinand. , . .Gro. & Shoemaker Picard Frederic Builder Proleau J. A General Store Proulx -Toseph Builder Hay mond George Pilot l{oiis«eau Leandre Blacksmith Sauvageau Mathias Joiner Thibuudeau&Co. Gen'l Store & Peddlers DESJARDINS P.O. Megantio Co. See Black Lake. UKS JOACHIiVIS. Pontlac Co. See Rapides des Joachims. DES MOINES. Pontiac Co. See Kapides des Joachims. DE9R1VIE11ES STATION. Missisquol Co. (Malmaison P.O.) On Central Varmont. Tel. <£• Exp. Bank, Bedjonl- Poj). 100. Crothers James Mills 2^ 4} Hannagaii John Saw Mill, Lumber, Bark,&c. 2^ 4 & Hannagan &Dupont St. L,ouij. of Mile End. Hannagan Wm General Store 3 7 Messier J General Store 4 8 DETOUR DU L.AC. Temlscouata Co. • • See Noire Dame du Lac. DEWITTVILLE. Huntingdon C( On Chatvauuuay Uhnr. Pop. 150. Td., & Bant at Hantinydon, 5 miles. Gilbert J Contractor Goundy VVm Saw Mill Holiday James general Store MoArthur Lachlan C Grist Mill McCatt'rey it General Store McCuaig Alex Blacksmith Tessier Franyois . , .Carr. & Blacksmith Exp. 3i74 ^ n 3 H 3i 7-i 4 8 3 6^ DILLONTON. Brome Co. C'n the Missispuoi lUvtr and the Waterloo and Magog R.R. Pop. 2^0. Tpoux. Fortier Gyrille General Store 3i 7i Gagnier lloch Hotel 3i 7 Gregoire Alfred Gro. & Cartwright 3i 7 Lachauce Elie Gene^•al S ore 4 8 Moriu H. , & Co Boarding House 4 8 Eh^ault Joseph E General Siore 2^ 4i Kh^ault, Chamjioux A- Co 2i 3i DIXVILLE. Stanstead Co. On the Coaticook Jiiver and 6.T.R. Daily Stage fiom Coaticook, 5 miles. Pop. 300. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Coaticook. Baldwin Bruce 11 Gen. Store & Blk. 3 5 Cloiitier Cyrille Shoemaker 3 7 Coward W. H Flour 3 6 Drew C. E Carriagemaker 3A 71 Gibson Daniel Carriagemaker 3 oi Parker & Howe Hay & liakes 2^ 4^ & Coaticook. Smith R. E Gen. Store & Butcher 3 Si Wright Lewis W Boots & Shoes 3 h\ DORVAL. Jacques Caitie* Co. On Grand Trtmk R.R. Tel. dt Exp. Lachine 3 miles. Rank at Montreal. 10 m.ite,<<. ' Decai ie Damase Waggonmaker 4 71 Decarie Joseph H Grocer 4 Picard ICdmond Blacksmith 4 8 UOIJCET'S LANDING, NI«olet Co. See Sainte AngMe de Laval. DOUriLAS CORNER NapleiviHe Co. Exp. Stotfsville, 9 miles. Pop. 100. Paraphilias General Store 3A 74 Roy Henri Blacksmith 4 8 DOUGIiASTOWN. < aspe Co. Stage from Gaspi. Basin, 9 miles. Pop. SttO. 'lei. & Exp. at iHilhomie, N.B,, 210 miles. Bank at Paspebiac. Kennedy C. & X Store & Fish 3 6 Lindsay Robert Store & Fi>h 3 6 Veit H. & O Store & Fish 24 5 Walsh Stephen Store & Fish 3 6 DOYLE. Pontiac Co. On Trout Lake 25 miles from Pembroke Ont. Tel. Exp. & Bank at Pembroke, Ont. ' DREWS MILLS. Stanstead Co. See Dixville, DRUMMONDVILLE. Drummond Co. County seat. On northern division South Eastern R.R., 68 mite.a from Montreal. l*op 2,000. Tv.1. & Money Ordir Office. A bank- ing town. Archambault Ephrem Blacksmith 3 6 Archambaul' J. Dolphis Gen. Store 3i 74 Banque Jacques Canter, J. E. Gii ouard, Local Mgr. br. See Moi.treal. Btidard Joseph Shoemaker 4 84 Beliveau Alphonse Blacksmith 34 7 Belleville, H Grocer 4 8 Berard Paul Ambroise Physician 3 54 Bergeron P. d" N Photographer 34 71 Blanchet Victor Hotel 4 8 Boucher Jos. ph Cabinetmaker 4 8 Bousquet Jui>eph Auguste Hotel 3 7 Bousquet O ....Butcher 3 7 BourgoautT. A... Grocer 4 8 Bras.-'ard Abralmni Saddler burrill Viviai* Saw Mill 3 64 cardiu Maxime Harnessmaker * Caya Antoine Broker 3 Champagne C. C Butcher ' (. hapdelaine J. B Hotel -'"• Choquette J. T Furniture Compagule Industriell© de Drumniond- ville Foundry 3 Pub QUEBEC. Dun 3 6i 3 * * 4 3 4 8 8 7 3 7 3 6i C'omtola & Poirier Aqueduct, &c. Delagrave D . . .Tailor ] »isv Joseph Pliysiciati I >ii )u Joseph F Insurance Agent ])roinnU. A Boots & Shois Dubois |[orace General Store iMibuc&Co General Store Duhamel J. C Tailor (;iif,'uoii Caslniir Gen. Store. SeeL" Aveiiir. (iauthier Frs Sash & Door Mtr. 3 6| Uauthier Victor, & Co General Store 3i 7j Gill U Physician 3 7 & Gossehn & Co. Girouard Joseph Ena Notary 2i 4^ Uosselin Jk, Co Hardware & U. Gill. Gosselin J. A Tinsmith 4 8 Gravel ilonore Tanner 4 8 Grcgoire Tliomas Hotel Ifcbert David General Store 2i 5 Ilcbert H. Hotel J i utu Norbert Blacksmith 4 Jaiielle F. X Agrl. Implts. & B'armer 3 -loiies Joseph Blacksmih Iver uack H Tinsmith Latontaiiie Adolphe Watchmaker J.afoiitaiue Emile Baker liapointe U Contractor Lemiie G. L Mercliant Taiior & Dry Goods M(!Dougall J. ,4 Co Iron Works See Montreal. Manseau Jo9ei)h L. G Notary 4 :\Ioison John .... General Store 3 7 Morin Louis V General Store 3 7 Parent A Blacksmith 3 7 Parent Joseph O General Store 4 8 Pepin (i. E. N Carriajjemaker 3^ 7, Piche Elzear Adolphe General Store 3 C Piche L. N . Gro. & Prov. 3i 7i Picolin Ft^lix, jr Shoenia' • 3 flj Piante A . . Hotel 3 liocheifi u Ant. ine Speculators 5^ Shaw Bros. & Cassils. Tanners. See Montreal. Sicotte & Co Wax Taper Mfrs. See J. E. Girouard. Simard Wilfrid Baker & Flour 3 6i Teiisdale David butcher 4 » Tellier J. A Vet. Surgeon 3 Thomas IJan., jr Contractor Turcotte Josepli Napoleon. .. Grocer 3 6i Turcotte IjOUis Grocer & Barber 4 8 Vassal H Lumbei & Saw Mill 3 6i Vigneault U Contractor Watts W. J. (.Seignor) Carding Mill, &c. 2i DUBLIN RANGE. Megantlc Co. See Irvine. nUCLOS, Ottawa Co. Duclos A. F.Gen. Store & Harness Mkr. 3 6^ J )ucl08 M. G Blacksmith 3^7^ Gatignol Mrs. S. P General Store 3i 7 DUBSWELL CENTRE. Wolfe Co. Sifiuited onDuilnwell Lnkt aiidon Quebec Cen- tral II. It., 27 miles from Sherbrooke and 1^ mile from Jiishop'n Crossiny. J'op.6{H>. '/'el,, Marbleton, 3 mues. Hank at Hhtrbrooke. Bentley M. E. , & J Quarry Dominion Lime ('o Lasell J. C ugoll liUinber & Farmer 2J 4^ Lothrop W. H Temperance Hotel 3 6l Willard S Saw Mill 3 f DUMOINE DEPOT. Pontlac Co. On Dumoine Jiiver, 20 mites from liapide dea Joachims. Pop. 50. DUNANY. Argenteuil Co. Eight mites from Larhute Tel.. Money Order Office RAVEN. Pontlac Co. Five miles from Calumet Island. Tel. Bryson, 6 miles. Exp. Cobden, 14 miles. Bank at Pembroke, Ont., 23 niiUs. T ettH John .General Store 4 8 31 DUR QUEBEC. Ea8 DURHAM. Drummond Co. See Ulvertoii. DURHAM VILIiAGE. Chateaugiiay Co. See Ormstowii. EARDL.EY, Ottawa Co. On the River Ottawa, 14 milea from Aylmer, 22 miles from Jhill. J'op. 75, Tel. Q^iio, 9 miles Kxp, Aylmer, Banic at Hull. DuWF Blacksmith 3J 7i Lusk Joseph Hotels 6 Lusk Wynian General Store 4 McLean VVm. H. General Store 4i P. M. 3 GJ Mills Joseph General Store 4 Kiddell S Hotel 3^ 7i EAST ANTiUS. Campion Co. On Quebec Central /{.R. Fit^e miles from West- bury. Tel. & Exp. Bank at i^herbrooke, 16 miles. J'op. 100. Alexander Walter .. Physician 3^ 7i Angus \Vm., & Co Mfrs. Chemical Wood Pulp. See Montreal. Brien L. R General Store Cunningham J. II General Store 3^ 7 Doreuius Jeremiah Blacksmith 3i 7^ Lavertu Louis General Store Millar James Gen. Store, Lumber & Mill 3 6 EAST ARTHABASKA. Arthabaska Co. See St. Norbert (Arthabaska). EAST BOLTON. Brome Co. Stage from Knotrlton, 12 miles. Pop. 50. Tel. & Exp., Knowlton. miles. Bank at Waterloo, 18 Bryant Alfred General Store 3 7 Lloyd James Blacksn.ith 4 8 Oliver Joseph General Si ore 4 7} EAST BROUGHTON. Bea\:oe Co. Ten miles from St. Joseph (Beauce). Pop. 500. Tel. & Exp. Brougliton Station, 4 miles. Bank at Quebec, 55 miles. Beaudoin Lonis. . . General Store & P.M. 3 5 Beaudoln J. L Saw Mill Cliche Richard Blacksmith 3^ 7^ Daudier E 3^ 7^ Gagnon Elz^ar Joiner Hall W. H Blacksmith 3 7 Lessard Achille Shoemaker Lessard Philias General Store 3 6i Roy Thomas General Store 4 8 Vachon Pierre Saw & Grist Mills 3^ 7i EAST CLIFTON. Comptou Co. Stage from Birchton, 11 miles. Pop. 250. Tel. Compton, 18 miles. Exp. & Bank at Coaticook, 22 miles. {iaitm Hollis P. M. & General Store 3 7 EAST COX. Bonaventure Co. • See Paspebiao. EAST DUNHAM. Missisquol Co. Seven miles from Sweetburg. Pop. 100. Tel Dunham, 4 miles. Exp. Sutton Station, 6 miles. Bank at Cowansoille, 7 villes. Barber Holland Blacksmith • Kimball Joshua 1 General Store 21 5 32 * ?! Perkins W. A Saw Mill 3i Selby Thomas Mill Owner Sj EAST FARNHAM. Brome Co. One mile from East Famham Station, 30 miles J nm Montreal. Pop.-m. Tel., Mmiey Order 0£ice & Exp. Bank at Cowansville,3 miles. Buck Lyman, Son & Co.. General Store 2i 4! Catudal E. & W CarriaRes 3 6 Llhson Jacob Cheese Factory 3i 7 Foss Isaac Carriagemaker h 7), "'^wk G W. . . Cheese Factory 3 e! Jewell M. B & H . . . .Machinery Agents 3 C M'Rae Mrs Electa .Milliner 3i 7 Messier Joseph Carr. Maker & c. ^ „ <^en- Store 3 6i Stevens C Sash & Door Factory 3k n ^;.«^'*^n8.Mfmtt.. .Sash & Door Factory 3I 7l Vilas William F Foundry 3 6^ EAST FRAMFTON. Dorchester Co. See Ste. Malachie. EAST HATLEY. Stun stead Co. Five miles from Ayer's Flat. Staqe from Alassaw,ppi, Siniles. Tel. & Myney (Mter Vtftce. Exp. Massawippi. Bank at Coati- cook, 9 milt's. Chrislie Thomas Blacksmith 3k n DezaniE. Shoemaker 4 8 Kmery Richard .Carriage Maker & Bik. 4 (5i GritHu A.p Harness 4 H ardeu John , sr Xailor * Hetherington Henry Physician • Jones t^liarles R Physician 4 LeBarron M. W General St- re 3 Morris.- on J. D „ v./iiot3Sf r aciory 3 7 ParKcrA.P Builder 3 L Parker L E General Store 2A 4a Cheese Factory 3 7 r 3 6J Pope Herbert F Tinsmith 8 7 Putney S.W 3 6 Koweirihomas Bf.tcher 3 6^ EAST HEREFORD. Compton Co. On bordersof Maine, U.S., 21 miles from Coati- cook lop. 150. Tel., Exp. and Bank at Loati.cook. JalbertE „ 7 Lambert Olivier \'. 3 L LazureA Gen. Store, Hotpi&'p.M. 3 g! Ledoux Philippe Blacksmith 3 7 Letebvre L. Geoffrey Hotel & P.M. 3 6^ EAST MAGDALA. Megantlc Co. Six miles from Lyster Station. Pop. 789 Tel & Exp. Lyster Station. Bank at Rich- mond, 67 milts. O'^'eil Wm Postmaster EASTMAN. Brome Co. On C. P. R. Tel. and Exp. Pop. 3. 0. Bousquet E. Harness 4 8 Dagenais Saul. . . . . . .Blacksmith 4 8 Daignault Israel. Hotel & Blacksmiths 7 Eldridge Phelps & Co Saw Mill 2* 3 Esty E. J , General Store 3 6 Moqu.n J. A... Grocer, &o. 3* o'P ^^^ll^^ "' General Store 3^ 8 Palardy Mai;^. Baker 4 Sinith 0. C, & Co Gen. Store & Bridge Contractors 3i 7i Eas QUEBEC. Etc EAST TEMPLETON. Ottawa Co. On the Uiver Ottmca,and C.PM. Daily steam- ers from Montreal, Ottawa and interme- diate ports. Pop. 200. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Ottawa, 8 mites. lUackburn R Phosphates 2 2\ Canipeaii Fabieii Geutral Store 3 6^ Clarke Robert Caldwell. . Physician 3i (iee Edward General Store 3 b (ireene Robort General Store 3 7 Homier TretHe Tavern 4 7i i.arivifere Alfred Carriagemaker 4 8 JlcLaurinJ.,&Son ,,.M»'l^., ! McLaurin J. M., & Co General Store 2i o EATON. Compton Co. Staqe from BircMon Station, 3 miles. Pop. 250. Tel. & Exp. Vookahire, 3 miles. Bank at Sherbrooke, 16 miles. Hodge D. W ! Cairiag maker 3i 7i Lake Samuel, & Son Grist Mill 3 6 Lebourveau John Undertaker 3 7 Lebourveau M. , & Co General Store Osgood Cliari*>8 F Harnessniaker * Picard J. O Tanner Stone HoUis Shoemaker 3 7 Taylor Alexander O Hotel 3 6i \A arby David. '. Ciiblnetmaker * EBOUL.EMENTS. Cliarlevoix Co. See Les Eboulements. ECHO VALE. Compton Co. One-half mile from Sandy Bay Station, on In- tercolonial It. H. Pop. 2(10. Tel. Lake Me- gantic, 3 miles. Exp. Cookshire, 45 miles. Bank at Sherbrooke, 6tj miles. EDEN DALE. Argenteull Co. See Calumet Station. EGYPTE. Shefford Co. Stage from St. Epkrem d' Upton. Pop. 400. Tel. & Exp., St. Ephremd Upton, 10 miles. Bank, Grauby, 10 miles. Blanchet Honri Tanner 3^ 6^ lirunnelle Arthur Bal#)r 3^ 7i Cliaput l>eH re General Store 3 5i Chaput Ednioud General Store 3 6i Desmarais -Joseph Hotel 4 8 Gazaille Auguate Blacksmitli 3^ 7i Kormaudin ^\; Ichel VVaggonmaker 4 8 EMILE-VILLE. Bagot See Saint Pie. Co. ESCOITMAINS. Saguenay Co. See l..e8 Escoumains. ESCUMINAC. Bonaventure Co. Oh Bate des ChaUurs. Tel. <& Exp., Dalhousic,,5 miles. Bank at Paspebiac. Campbell Peter Blacks nith & Ush Dealer 3 6i Doherty J )8eph, jr — Miller & Lumber 3 5^ (ilover Absalom, . ... General Store 3 7 MoKenzle Angus Conim. MauQ James Carriagemaker 4 8 ESQUIMAUX POINTS. Saguenay Co. A port of entry on north shore of the St. Laio- rence. Tel., Gaspi Basin, HiSviiles. Exp., ValhoHsie, N.B. Lavoie Mrs General Store 3 6 Ije«ro8 Paul . . • General Store «& Farmer 3 5 Turgeon & Corrivf au . . . .Furs. See Beaumont" ETANG DU NORI). Ga.spe Co. At western extremlPy of 'Grindstone fn'and, in the Cutf of St. Lawrence, 120 miles from Gasfti Basin. Tel. Grand Etany, 5 miles. Exp. Dalhousie, N. B. Arsenault J. N Goneral Store See Magdalen Islands. Bourque Charles.. General Sto.-e & Fish 3i 7^ ETCHEMIN. Levis Co. miles from Levis, on Grand Trnnk R. R. From Quebec, b miles. Tel. & Exp., Levis. Bunk, Quebec. Pop. 4000. Begin Geo Dry Goods 2^ 4 Begin MU» Zoe Milliners 3^ 7 Begin liigobert Tanner 3 6 lierube Ovide Butcher 4 8 Blais Winceslas Gen. Store Boivin Micht'l Grecer 3 6 IVmcher Joseph Mer. Tailor 4 8 BOurassa Edouard , . .Grocer 3 P Boutin Bourrassa Joseph Notary 3 7 Cantm Gfrmain Gen. Store 2J 4^ Cauchon & I'rt-re Grocers 4 8 C6t«^ Ferdinand Blacksmith 2^ 6 Decheue G Sluiemaker 3^ 7^ Dechene Thomas Tmsmitli 4 l>emer8 L. J Dry Goods 2J 4i Dumas Leon Mer. Tailor 3 6| Dupere Henry Bruno Shoemaker 3 7 Fitch & Co Match Splints 2| 3^ Fortin Joseph Undertaker 4 b Garant Joseph Stationery 3 6 J Gosiselin Marie G rocer 4 Gravel A. Lumber Co. (The) — l.umlier 2i Guay Ernest Baker 3 7 Guay Malcolm Physician 3 7 GuenetieL. A Jeweller 4 Halle Th^ophile Blacksmiths 6J I^abbe Francois Grocer 4 8 Labrie Jacques Grocer 3^ 7i liambert Julieu Thomas Physician 3 7 Lambert Louis Peddler 4 8 I^anibert O Cabinetmaker 4 8 Laroche & Co Dry (Joods 3 6i Latouche Paul Grocer 3i tJ ijeclerc Francois Giocjr 21 4l lieuuenx Jean Theophile Notary 3| 7j Lcnii^'ux Pierre Edouard 3 w M an .is Geo. A. Grocer 3 6J Martel J. B Drugs 3 Hj Morin F .. . ....Gioccr 3l 7J Paradis Hubert ...Lumber & Saw Mill 2^ 4j Pelletier Eus^be General Store 2^ 4^ Picard Joseph Dry Goods 4 h Previist Charles A ClOi^ks 3^ 7i Quebec Lumbar CO ,. 2 3 lioberge Datnase ^Second H and 3 7 Kobitaille eToseph E .Gen . L-itore 4 8 Kobitaille Michel Wheelwri.uht 3' JV Simmoneau Augusttn Baker 2i 4j St. Hilaire Joseph Architect 4 8 St. Hilaire Olivier Temp. Hotel 4 8 Vermette Cyrille. ...Barber ife Tobacco 3 7 Villeneuve Ferdinand BuiMer 2^ 6 3 33 Eva QUEBEC. ■For E VANCiEIilNE. Stansteatl Co. See Saiute Hermencgilde. FAFARD. Lotbiniere Co. See St. Severin de Beaiuivage. FAKNBOBO (or Dashwood). Brome Co. Four and a-half mile8 from West Shefford. J'op, (iO. Tel.'d- Exp. Wtat Shejfbrd. Bank at Granhy,! miles. Wells J.eoiiard. . . .Cheese Mnmifacturer 3 6 FAKNDON. Mlssisqiiol Co. On Soiifh Eastern li. li. 5 miles from West Farvham. J'op. 100. Tel., Money Order Ofice & Exp. Uest Famham. Bank at Cow- a'usrUlc or ."it. Cisaire. Merrizze Valentin Saw & Grist Mill FARNHAM CENTRE. Brome Co. Staiiefrom Briyham, 2 miles. Pop. 250. Tel. & Exp. JSrij/hain. Bank at CotvansviUe,8 miles. Boyd Peter ..Waggouinaker 3i 7i ]{uniett Thomas Cheese Fat.'toiy 3 (5 Chirk Aiia'n General Store 3 5} Morrison James M Carriat^es 3 6 FATHER POINT. Rlmouski Co. On tile south shore of the liivcr St. Lawrence, (lulf Port steamers semi-monthly , 6^ miles from lilmonskl. Pop.&)0. lei.. Money Or- der Ofiice t& Exp. Jlimouski. Bank at Quebec, 198 niiles. Bouillon Lueien, & Son Gro. & Vav. 3 6 Heppel Elzt'ar. Agricultural Iniplemonts McWilliams John Speculator & Tele- graph Operator 3i NoelR.S Hotel 4 7] Poirier Ephrem Blacksmith 3^ 7 Bouleau Pierre I) Postmaster Kui'st Pitjrre General Store 3^7^ St. i.aurent Louis General Store 3i CJ FECTAU'S MILLS. Wolfe Co. Three miles from North Ham. Tel., Exp. it- Bank Arthabaska Station, 24 miles. Fecteau Joseph. Saw & G. Mills & P.M. 3 6 Provencher Aug Goneral Store 3 7 Sevigny Jos Blksmith & Carrmaker 3^ 7i Toupin Louis — Cheese Fac. & Farmer 3 (i FERMONT. Cliauiplaln Co. See Had nor Forges. FERNETVILLE, Berthier Co. Oneinilf- from Bert hier Station. Pop. 500. Tel., Exp. A- Hank at Berthierville. Bayeur Godfroi General Store 2^ 5 Bnssctte P. Hercule Blacksmith 3 6 Desiilliers Amable Carriagnmaker 4 Fernet Joseph General Store 3 FITCH BAY. Stanstead Co. On Lake Memphri'magoq. Stage from Smith''^ ■ Mills, 5 milrs. Pop. 500. Tel., Exp. Smith's Mill.-<. Bank at Stanstead, 10 mitet. Can- II. ]j Tinsmith 4 CarrJ. J.. Blacksmith 4 8 Doll off E. B Sash & I)oish Dorolies- ) '.I III FKAMPTON (or St Edouard). ter Co. n ' '• . ,) , „ , ,. See West Frampton. FBANKLAND. Arthabaska Co. See Warwick. FRANKLIN CENTRE. Huntingdon Co. Stage fi-om Hemvitngford, 16 miles. Pop. 356. Money Order Office & Exp. Henwiingford . Tel. t& Bank at huntingdim, 14 miles. Cantwell F. A General Store 2^ 5 Coonrey Carlyle General Store 24 6 Cu-son Moine Liquors, &c. 3J 7i Cunningham George General Store 3] 7] Uaiina — Blacksmith 4 8 McMillan Alexander.. Bhioksmith 3 7 O'Neil W. J, & l*ro 3i Paddock Louis .... Tinware 4 8 Bow George Carriages & Saw Mill 3 6 Sbarpe William A General Store 3 7 Young Mrs Boarding ilouse 4 8 FBASEB'S MILLS. Richmond Co. . , .„ .„. See Fontenoy.,.^. .j.^. ; ,. ..m ^ FBASEBVILLE (Blvlere du Loup en has P, O.). Teiniscouata Co. On tlie south shore of the St. Lawrence and In- tercolonial Ji. II. Semi-weekly steamer from Quebec, 125 miles.. Pop. 4500. Tel., Exp. A Banking Town. Banque Jacques Cartier See Montreal. Begin Pierre Hotel 4 8 Bellay S. P. & Co Geneial Store 4 8 B^rub^Guillaume alias William. Saddler 3 7 Blnet G. A General Store 3 .'>"r Elancliet J. K Grocer 3i 7^ iilondeau, Lavoie & Co Pulp 4" lioucbard E Furniture Mf r. 4 8 Bouchard Jean Baker 4 8 Caron Nazaire Dry Gtods 4 8 Chamberlaud J. P. V. Gen. Store 4 8 Damien & Frere General Store Decliesne A..& Co Gen, Store 4 Desjardins Benjamin ITnderiHker 3i 7 Deslrturiers Joseph, jun Tavern 4 8 Dion Xapolcou ..Tinsmith 4 8 DubeF. C Lumber ."^ 5 Dngal Louis Tannery &c. 2 4 Dii puis Mr.s Paul Milliner 4 8 Fortin & Dube Flour A: Prov. 3 5 Eraser Manufacturing Co.(Incorp.) Pulp I'aid in cap. $5.000 3 Eraser William Flour Mill 2 ok Fre'iette E. H Baker 3i 7" Frenette J. Bte General Store 4 8 Frenetic J. E Bookseller 4 Gagne A., & Frfere ..Contractors 4 8 Gagne H . A General Store Garand Mrs Jacques Butcher * Gauviu N., & Co. .G. S. See C. Bertrand & Co. Isle Verto. Goulet Elzear Wheelwright 4 8 Grandbois Paul Etienne ..PhysicmnS C Hamel J. A Physician & Drugs 4 Hudon L. Horace Physician SJ^ 7^ Imbeau J. B Shoemaker 4 8" Jarvis Alfred W. & It. G rocer 2^ 4 ^ Journal de Fraserville See Mercier &Co. I^erouac Maxime Tinware 4 • H Lachanco Fnin9oi3.. Builder & Saw Mill 3 TrV l.acombe Arthur Baker 4 IjHvoie Thomas Sewing Machines 3^ 71 LeBelAchille Blacksmith 3 G^ Lebelle Miss Millinery 4 8 Lebrun .Alexis.. G. S. 3 GJ Lenneux Nazaire Hotel 3 7 Levasseur L. H General Store 3 7 levesque J«'reniie Wheelwright 4 8 Lucas Ferdinand H otel 3] 7k Marchaiid & Gagnc Gen. Store 3 g| Mai'chand Mrs, widow. Boarding House 4 8 Marquis Elz6ar Contractor 3 6 Mercier & Co., Publishers & Staty. See Levis. Methot L. P. ,i General Store M ioliaud Eugene, «& Co .. General Store 4 Michaud F. J General Store 4 Morin D. A General Store 4 8 Montreuil J. A Beer Bottler 4 8 Hiideau Alexis Blacksmith 4 8 Nadeau Maxime Painter ;NadehU Pierre Blacksmith 3J 7^ Nadean Polycarpe. .......... Gen. Store 3 i'^ Pelletier, Fils & Co. .Gen. Store & Mills 2^ 5 Pelletier & Koy Gen. Store 4 8 Piuze L. T Sewing Machines 3^ 7^ Plourde Mrs P Dry Goods 4 8 Plourde Pierre Saddler 3i 7i 35 Fre QUEBEC. Gat Polrior F. L General Store 2 4 Proiilx & Wattersoii Foundry 3 7 Itioux Tlu'opliile Slioeniaker 3 7 Jiobichaud Mrs Grocenea 4 Ittssignoll) Physician 3 6 Koy Alagloire Temi). Hoiel 4 St. Hilaire F. X tVatches 4 8 Saindon Joseph Feljx Gen. .Store 2^ 5 Sa\ ard Etienne Waggons SJ 7i SjvvardJ.A Watchmaker 4 8 Sircis H vpolite. . . .I'hyskian & Dni|iglt>t 4 8 sylvesire Uelle Millinery 4 8 Talliut A. Edniond Hotei 4 8 ThUiot Kdniond Baker Taltiot&tiirard General Store 3 6 Talbol OctUNe Hotel 2^ 5 Telt«'r I honias Sew. Mich. Agt. 4 8 Tt'tu Akxandre General Siore 4 8 Theiiault A General Store 3 7 Thoriault F. , & Fil" Gro. & Prov. 3 7 Vaillancourt Benoni Blacksmith 3 7 VaudryJ.U. .. Com. & Ins. Agt. 4 8 Venier Kichol Furs 4 8 Venner K. J General Store FREEPORT. Mlsslsquoi Co. Buzzell & Kobinsou Furniture Mfrs. 3 SJ FBELIttHSBURGH. Mlsslsquoi Co. County feat on Pike River and South Eastern from iouansvUle lli miles, from St. Armand, 10 miles, i op. 500. 'lei., Money Order Office & Exp. Bunk at Jiedford, lU miles. Barnes G. E General Store 4 Barney A Tanner 3i Benoit Olivier Carriagemaker 3 6^ Boyd Howard W Hotel 4 8 Ghadsay Hiraui E Waggonniaker 3, . i Ohapuiau Benjamin llo el Clement Henry Harnessmaker 4 Clement John C Marble 3), 7i Dandurand Antoirte 1 ainter 4 8 FrappierA. E Blacksmith 4 8 Grace W. B Sewing Machine Agent 3 C!' Hunter & Harvey Woolen Alill 2^ 4^ Ingals Homer Marble 3i 7i Landsberg Joseph General Store J^very William Tailor 3J 7i Letournaux P. H Blacksmith 3] ll Litno Peter H Blacksmith 4 8 Turtle Edouard General Store 3 6 Mercier Michel Blacksmith 4 Reynolds W. A Tinsmii h 4 llowell E., Sou & Co Patent IMed. 4 8 Howell Elijah Pliysician 4 8 Smith N. A Physician * Tetrault Lucien Blacksmith 4 8 • I FRONTIER. Huntingdon Co. * ' ; -, \Q miles J'r&ni Kockbum. NicbolasM GeneralStore ^ 7J FROST VILL..4GE. ghefford Co. On Magog branch Central Vtt'mont li.Jt Pop. 300. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Waterloo, 2!^ miles., Chatman G. W Butcher 4 8 Jones Ihomas ...Blacksmith 3 6 Parker Jones M Tanner & Currier 3J 7i Whitehead Stephen Conti actor S 5] at) rilLFORD. Brome Co. On Atlantic & Northwestern R.R. Four mih^ from Waterloo. Pop. 150. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Waterloo, Doxteadens H General Store 3 J 7 Eastnmu O Saw Mill 3 Hi Fessender L. E butter Tube 2i 5" George O Saw & Griat Mills 3j 7] Hubert J. B ....General Store 3 tt <;ARNEAU. L'lslet Co. Eighteen miles from St, Jean Port Jo/i, Pop. 4.00. 'Jet. St. Jean Port Joli. Exp. L'lslet, -^ii miles. Bank at Quebec, 1)0 miles. Pelletier J . Bte Postmaster * • GARTHBY. Wolfe Co. ' : 071 Quebec Central R.R. Pop. 200. Tel. & Exp. Bank, Sherbrooke, 49 miles. Bourqiie David Blacksmith 4 8 Founder & Carriere Steam Saw Mill Grenier David Hotel 3 5J Groleau Onesimo Gioccr & Baker 3 7 Hogue Hyacinthe Shoemaker 3i 1)^ Jacques tlcophas GeneralStore 2i 4' Jacque^ Thomas GeneralStore '^l 4| Leotiard & Morin . . Lumb»r & Saw Mill 3 Morin Isiael t arriagemaker 4 8 Picurd J General Store 3^ 7^ Koche John Saw Mill. See Quebec. Boy Airs. S., widow Grocer 3 7 GASPE BASIN. Gaspe Co. Port of entry on south side of Harbor formed by Gaspe hay, 450 mites (by tcater) from Oueoec. Pop. 850. Exp, Jjathousie, N,B. 'Tel., liatik at Puspebiac. Raker J >hn Hotel 4 Carter John General Store 4 Collas J. & E General Store See Point St. Peter. Davis John General Store 3\ 7 Fruing & Co .Shipping, &c. See Grande Grevc. Hyman Wm., & Sons . . .See Grande Greve. Laws Edward Butcher & Grocer 3^ 7^ LeBoulliillier Horatio... G. Store & Fish 2^ 4^ licBouthiilier & Co Fish, &c. Lei.resley Edwin H General Store Ijemesurier A Tinwaie 4 8 Loundes H. S General Store 3 7 Morin Isidore Baker, &c. 4 Mowat Ihomas Fiph SJ I'riault John General Store 4 7 Smilie N. C Physiciaji & Drugs SA 1h Veit 11. &S....Agts., Gen. Store & Fish 2\ b GATINEAU POINT (Teinpletou P. O.). Ot awa Co. On Canadian Pacific R. R. Daily Steamers from Kew Edinburgh. Pop. 400. Tel. & Exp. 'Bank at Ottawa, 3 miles. Aubin Jean Bte Baker 4 8 Belanger L Butcher 4 Brisette Ali honse Grocer 4 8 Chaiitte Ihomas GeneralStore 3i 7^ Chairon F61ix Baker 4 8 Consiantineau N Grocer 4 Cousineau Louis Grocer 4 8 Cullen Martin ... Blacksmith 4 8 DaoUst Joseph Hotel & Butcher 4 Davidson James M Oarriagemaker 3^ 7i Gay QUEBEC. GoL 3 4 8 4 4 8 3.| 7i ••4 7 .'} 6 4 8 3 t 3 5 4 « 4 8 2i 5 3 7 ])piner8 L. C Physician 3 7 Dcrouin Alfred . . . Sa.-»h & Door Factory Grist Mill Koniis N Blacksmith FoiiriiHlle Pierre ...Hotel (iiilipeau Joseph Shoemaker Harbour Joseph Shoemaker J.atmir Joseph Hotel & Grocer IVIcdrady & Co . . .Dry Goods ]\loreau S GeiiPral Store raiize Pierre, sen Butcher & Grocer Poirier & Co General Store St. Jean Pranv'ois Grocer Seguin Auguslin Prov. & (jrocer Smith William General Store Villeneuve Adolphe Grocer GAYHITBST. Beanoe Co. See St. Samuel de Gayhiirst. GEED'S CORNERS. Arge-iteull Co. Ki'iresf Hailwaii station, Tel., Exp. & Bank, Lachute, Smiles. Pop. 20). GENEVA. ArgeuteuU Co. Three miles from Lachiife. Pop. 125. Tel.t E.cp. t^ Bank at Lachute, 8 miles. Eraser George Traders 6i James William Buildi-r 3 7 JMcGregor Uichard < Carpenter 3 6^ Mvnott Edward , Blacksmith 3 7 Sliarman Walter Tailor, &c. 3 7 Todd Andrew Bla ksniith 3 7 ToJd David Shoemaker, &c. 3i 7 J GENOA. Argentenil Co. Three ami a-half miles from St. Ilermabe — Cheese Factor v 3 fi Lauzo Narcisse . . . Baker 3 7 Lesieur P. E Cord Wood 3 6^ Levasseur Joseph Baker 4 8 Malhlot Magloire General Store See St. Pierre les Becquets. Warier Joseph Cord Wood 3 Si Morin J. B Lumber, Gro. & Flour 2^ 4J Pepin Agnes B., widow. ... Dry Guod-: Perrault Jos. Hegesippe. General Store 3} 7 Petit Ludger Shoemaker 4 8 Poissou Alphonse , , , .Cord Wood 3 6 Poisson N6r<^ Hay & Wood 3 6 Poisson Th^ophile (ien. Store 2i 5 Kheault & Frfere General Store 3 7 c! Tourigny L. Arthur Gen. Store 3 7 VeuilFenx J. H., jur Phy.4cian 4 8 GEORGEVILLE. Stanstead Co. Sfaije from Afajoft, Id miles. Pop. 2n0. Tel. Kxp., Smith: s Mill, it miles. Bunk at Stan- stead, 13 miles. ' Beach N. A ...Contractor & Brickmkr '2\ 5 Blgelow Ezra Saw Mill ' DolloffA.G DrvG0'id«3; 74 Keyes William M Physician 2i 5 Mcpherson Cus. A. K Builder 4 8 Uedicker H Blacksmith 4 7t Taylor & Copp General Store 3 7 Wright&Co Tailoring 4 GERALDINE. Huntingdon Co. ' Fifteen miles from Hemmlnqford. T,l., Money Order Offic & Express, Hemming*'ord. Bank at Huntingdon, 4o miles. Newman Charles "....Postmaster "; ' GILBKBTVILLE. Reanoe Co. ' ;; V • • See River Gilbert. "' '■ ■] ' ; '"» GLEN BEAN Ottawa Co. Bean John M Gen. Store & Hotel 3 G^ GLENLIVET. Ottawa Co, Tw/ntii-seven miles from O'tawa Cily. TA., iVakefteld, 7 miles. Exp. t£ Bank at Ottawa, Ont. Robinson Henry Postmaster GLENLOYD. Megautic Co. Thirteen miles from. Luster Sta'ion. Tel. & Exn., Lysfer Station. Bank at Somerset, 23 miles. Pop. 100. Filgate Richiird Saw Mill 3 7 Pleasant Blutf Mfg. Co Rockingham fJosepTi General Store 3 6^ GLEN MURRAY. Megautic Co. N'ine miles from St. Julie, and 9 miles from Lyster Station. Pop. 2(m. Tel. d; Exp.,' Lys- ter Station. B ink at Somerset, 2) miles. Brown J. L General Store See Inverness. Cox John Blacksmith 4 8 Davis Fred General Store 3 5i GLEN SUTTOV. Itrome Co. On the Misfiisqnoi Riner, and South Eastern R. n. Exp., Tel. <& Bank at Cowansville, 2G miles. Pop. 150. Aiken S Hotel 3i 74 Brock George W Hotel & Grocer a\ 7 Brown Jacol) .. Carriage naker 3 7 Crowell F. H General Store 4 74 Laroc lue Simon Blacksmith » 7^ Leach Asa Blacksmith 4 8 GLIDDEN. Compton Co. , . f ' v Drake Perry Farmer & Iraplte 3 5 GODBOUT. Sa^ueiiay Co, On the north shore of the St. Lawrence Rioer, Si miles from Rimouski. Pop. about 200. , Comeau N. A Postmaster '' GOLD MINE P. O. Beauce Co. ,-' See River Gilbert. »• ! Gou QUEBEC. ' Gra OOUIiU. Coinptoii Co. Oil Snimnn Hirer, oil C P. li., S mil po from Scotlntown &>< mil eg from Weertmi mi Q. ('. IL I'op. 4(t(). Tel. d- Exp. Hank at Shcrbrooke, yC viilcs, iJiiclianiian 1> General Store 3 fi Laylleld George. (irist & Saw Mill 2^ 5 *• Layfleld Bros., Stoinowav. McCaHkill Donahl Carriagemaker 3 ^ McKay A. C Hotel 4 McKay Mrs Millinery, &c. 4 Murray K Bliicksniitli 4 8 I'ennoyfr James Gen. Store 4 8 Wilson \Vm Carpenter 3i 7i GKANDBOKO (or Neil's Cornei-B). Sheiford Co. Five miles from (rrauby. Tel., Exp. & Bank at (iranhij. Dimond Samuel Cheese Factory & P.3I 3^ GKANBY. Shefford Co. » j • Oil the Yamnska Ulcer. <& the Central Vermont Ji.n. yvv>. IBOO. Td,, Money ihtJer Office & /lank at Oranhij. Ball Rufus L Mowing Machines 3 6 Barr .J. C Agrl. Impts. 3 6i F.ernicr E .Shoemaker * Blain ,Joseph Grocer 4 lUpiif MoVse... Blacksmith * Benin J. S Grocer ^ 7i Jiourgard l»-ael Carriages 4 8 Bouvit-r U Tinsmith * Bowkcr Walker L Tanner 3 (> Bradford John Marble 3 7 Bradford Richard W Grocer 3 6i Bradford Walter Gen. store 3 Sj Bray Mrs Milliner, &c. 3 6 BrodeurZ Tailor 3 5^ Biitterworth Samuel Tinsmith * Chalmers James «... Tinsmith 4 8 Cowley Daniel K Physician 2i 5 Dozois J. E Druggist 3 7 Dubrule V. A Mer. Taih r 4 Eastern Townships Bank. . . .See Sheibrooke. (iatien Felix Phy>ician * Granby llubber Company (Incor). Paid up cap, .¥80, (KM) 2 Hi'bert Alexandre Baker 4 8 HiUiert Octave Shoemaker * Hoadley Chas. M Hotels 6^ .lohnson M.J Painter 3 7 1 iaforce & (Jo Saddlers 4 Mnsp6 Antoine Treffl6 Boots, &c. SJ 7i Massi^. Joseph Machinist 4 Miner Ctiarles T. . . . Harness, Boots, &c. * Miners. H.C Tanner, &c. 2 3J & Miner & McKechnie Miner & McKechnie Gentral Store See S. H. C. Miner. Miner W. H. Can M^ker 3 6 Mitchell A., & Son Cabinetmakers 3 i> Mitchell A Monty Gro., Hware, . g. & Shoes 3 B Smith & Ifopo Gen. Store .1 fij Smith & Mullin Dry Goods, &o. 2J 4 Smith R Jeweller 4 Topp r Blacksnnth 4 8 roT)r) Wm Shoemaker 4 Vitty George. Watchmaker 4 8 West PVed. W Books. &c. 4 8 West John C Livery 3i 7i GRAN1> BRirLE. Chlcouttml Co. See Laterri^re, GRANDK BAIK. (or Ha ! Ha ! Bay.) Cliioontlinl Co. See St. Alexis. ,. >• GRANP ENTRY, fon CoiHn's Island). BANDE . 318. Ti'l., F<>.c /{ii;er,:H) milen. Exp., Dalhousie , N. Ih Han k at Panpebiac. Fournier Louis General Store 3 7 Friiing William, & Co Fisli. See Grandn Grfeve. Hymaii Wm., & Sou Fish See Grande Grtsve. LeBreux Thomas General Store 3 GRAPHITE CITY. Ottawa Co. Nine miles from liurkingham. Tel, & Exp., Buckingham. Bank at Ottaioa, 29 mUis. GRASS POVD. Broine Co. See St. Etieniie de Bolton. GREECE'S POINT. Argeuteull Co. See Stonefteld. . " , GREEN ISLAND. Temlscouata Co. See Isle Verte. GRENVILLE. Argenteull Co. On the lUwr Ottawa and the Canadian Pacific Ji.n. From Ottawa, G(} miles. Pop. (HW. Tel., Afnney Order Office &• E cp. Bank at Lachute, 15 miles ; from Montreal, 6li miles. Allen Mrs Hotel 4 Barron James Hotel & Grocer 3 6i Burns .James, jun Butcher 3^ 7j Cayer Olivier General Store 4 Chautall p: . 1) General Store 4 Crooks John J Mill owner * Gauley Mi.SH E .Grocer 3J 7 Gill MissM .... ...Millinery & Grocer 4 8 HowardJolin General Store 3 6 Larose Ars^ne Hotel* LaughraTi John Fruits & Tobacco * MclntyreMrs Hotels 7 Miller James Butcher & Grocer 4 8 Moore William Boots & Shoes * Murray James. ..Wheelwii^ht, Saw Mi'l & Blacksmith 3 a^ Naigle Mrs. Jos Groceries & Tavern 3 7 Pickett Jeremiah Baker & Grocer 4 PrentipH G. W. Pliysician 4 8 Pridham Alex General Store 2^ 4 Proulx Charles Cavriagemaker 4 8 Beeves Daniel .General Store 2^ 4 Wade John.. ..Gen. Store& Blacksmili 3J| 'i Weldon F. C (ieneral Store Wliite William T .. General Store 3 7 Williamson I)., jun (General Store GRIFFIN'S COVE. G»«p«> Co. Eiqht miles from Fox River. Pop. 079. Tel djfice. Jalibert Louis Bi^mi General Store • LeBouthillier John, & Co Fish ' See Giispt! uasln. GRINDSTONE ISLAND. <;aspe Co. Oiip of the Maf/dalen Islands off the Coast of Ga.ipL See Mac'lalen Islands. GRONDINES. PortneufCo. On north shore of St. Lawrence, and (\r.n. Semi-weekhi steamer from Quebec, Pop. 400. Tel. S Exp. Bank at Three Rivers, u2 miles. Blais Joseph Gen'l Store 3 6 Cote A Baker 3 7 Cote J. G General Store 3 7 GidlbaiiU, .Samuel.. Carriages 4 8 Giiilbault Ulderic Blacksmith 3 7 Hardy Michtd Germain. ..Gpnoral Store 2^ 4^ Lanouette Thomivs Bl icksmith 4 8 Paradis Paul Flour.'! 7 rtauvageau Clovis Steam Saw Mi 1 3 6 Trottier Ephrem... Saw ^lill 3 GUISOT. Megautic Co. One and a hilf mile from. Coleraine Station on Quebec Central Ji. R. Tel. & txp. Bank at ifhtrbrooke, GO miles. Charest Alphonse Blacksmith 4 8 Lessard J General .-^tore 4 8 Itacine Mrs. Zoe General Store 4 7^ HA! HA! BAY. Chicuutlmi Co. , ,■ See St. Alexis. ••. ... < r •.ri,i( HALIFAX. Megantlc Co. Umilesfrom Somerset. Pop. 40 \ Tel. & Exp., Somerset. Bank at Arthabaska Station. Beland L Hotel 3 7 . Bilodeau Charles General Store 3 5 J Bilod au Damase Miller 3 7 Binelte France Blacksmith * Binnette & Frfere » . ,Carr. Makers 3^ 7i Binnette Frederic Cattle 4 8 Hoissonnault F Saw Mill 4 8 Brulotte Edouard Blacksnii h 3j "i Carey John Farmer, &■!. 3' ti| Cloutier J. A., jr Blacksmitli 4 Cloutier J. Augustin General Stove 'i 5 K nond Honore Blacksmith 3i 71 Fortier F Mill 3i 7j Fortier laale Cattle Dealer 3 6 Fortier Joseph Cattli> I> -aler 3V Frechette Louis I ..General Store 2^ Gardner Henry General Store 4 (xarneau Joseiih ... .Siiddler 4 7\ Gosseliu Andr6 Boots & Slioe.s 3 7 Heb >rt A Carriages 4 8 Jami"son John Saw Mill 3 7 Lambert Leon Geieral Store 3 G Lambert Louis Flour 3 G Marcoux Jean Shoemaker 3^ 7i Martlneau Telesphore Blacksmith 4 Morin Georgd Slioemaker 3 7 Noel L. M. A Physicians 7 39 Hal QUEBEC. Hen rnnitUft -loBopl' Tftllor 4 « Pcllctirr rinrn* Arthur. Oenoral Store .1 6i PidKeoii .loliu Flour, &c. a t>l Poirier 1>. M Tinware 4 8 IIALLKKTON. Iluiitiiigdon Co. Omih'xfrnin //iviminnforif. Pop. KM*. Tel. and K.ijh /fi'mmiiit/fonl. Itank at Montreal. Keniu'y T,,& Son Gt-neial Store 2J 4i Orr Uobert General Store 3 ti HALVKUSON rOHNERS. INintlac Co. On Wolfe /./r/.c. liO viilen frrnn Arnprior, BO mih-K from Hull. 'J'll, <& A/outi/ Onler Ojltct' Qiiio, ](i miles. K.ip. & Bunk at Ottawa, Ttii milen, HAKOKAVJK. Poiitiao Co. See IJryaon. HAKHTNGTON. Ar^enteall Co. On lilvc.r liowje, 10 miles from Grenrille. Pop. 35(t. 'Pel. and Exp., Grtuville. hank at L'tchnte. Bennett E. C Saw Mill * <;anipl)«ll D. B Mills & P. M. 3 6} Kert Lovl - G»'neral Store ♦ "^'ade .Fohn Lumber, &c. SeotJrenville HARTWELL,. Ottawa Co. See Chenoville. HARVEY HILL, MINES. Mesantic Co. Ttventij-nnc milex from Sniiit Joseph ani\ 21 miles from. AlethoVs Mills. Pop. 20. Tel. <£• Exp. , Method's Mills. Jiank at Quebec. Excelsior Copper Co, (The) Limited. . . . Norihy John General Store & P. M. * HASEVILLE. MIsslsquol Co. Ten miles from Sfanh'-idtje East, 5 miles fronn Farnhain. Jiank at Cowansinlle. llase Thomas Postmaster HATHAWAY. Pontlac Co. Ji^ive miles from Biijsmi. Tel. & Exp.., Camp- beWs Baxj. Itank at Pembroke, 'iimiles. Cosgrove Maggie A Goieral Store 4 8 Cosgi'ove William Geiipral Store 3i 7 Lafore;VILLE. Drmnmond Co. See Saint Germain de Grantham. HEBERTVILLE. (Labarre P. O.) Chl- coutinii Co. On south shore Saauenay J{iver,ib miles from. Chicoulimi. Tel., Chicoutimi. Pop. 300. Bank at Fraserville, Desbiens B General Store 3 6 Dumas & J jortie .General Store 3* 6 Hudon Remi (dit Beaulieu) ..Gen Store 2| 4 Larouohc Nap. (dit Gautiiier) General Store 2* 5 Rinfret Achille Blacksmith 3J 7J Saulniers Ferdinand Blacksmith 4 8 Simard Joseph ,. ... General Store 4 8 Tremblay Albert General Store 40 HEDLYVILLE. Qu«beo Co. Tel., Exp. ct Hank at Quebec, 1 mile, r>e BlolB Joachin General Store 3 7 Jnlien Edmond Currier 3 7 HELENA. HtinthiKdon Co. On Trout liitur, 9 miles from lhindee,\Qmihs Jrom La:ii'aster .Station. Pop. 350 Tel Exp. , Hem m innford, 37 miles. Jiank /u Jlnn- tiiiijdou, 11 iniles. Brady Peter Sewing Machines, &c. 2A 5 IJrotvn James Hlacksndth 4 8 Cameron d.K .. General Store 3 7 J^"!"'"! ^ •.:•: Grocer »i7i Dalzel Hugh A. Carrlagemakcr 4 « Dolan Kdward Hotel 2* 5 Doiilie Mist* Delia Millinery 4 Elliott Geo. s General .«tore 4 8 Kortin Alphonse Blacksmiths 7 Hastings James Qen. Stoie & iJrngs 3 5i MciCatTrey John General Store 2} 6 McNair & Tuggy Taiiners, Saslies & . . J)oor8 Martin A Saw Mill 3 7 jNIorrifAon James Grocer 3 5A Sinillie— Grist Mtll 4 8 Tuggy Charles Plowmaker, &c. 3 7 HEMISON. I>oiche8tor Co. Eifihteen miles from St. Avselme, 20 miles from J.aroclielle. Tel., St. Anselme. Exp. St. Henri, 22 miles. Jiank at Quebec, 37 mites. Smith Thomas, jun Postmaster HEMWINGFORD. Hnntin|;don Co. On Grand TninkJl.Ii. Pop. WO. Tel., Money Order Office & Exp. Bank at Huntingdon , 30 miles. Amirault J. A. <^ (ienernl Stores 7 Bedell A. N ..General Store & Tinsmith 3 5i Brankman W, D. .Fancy Goods « llivieren. Statje from Sfnnhriilfie Stafwii ,*i in ilcn. /'i>/». HOO.' tel. . Sitanbndye Station. Jtank III St. Jolnin, 14 mileg. lU'iiiard Leon 'I'rmler 3 6* IJirnliT Thonins Grocer, etc. H\ 7J lfi'luiij?er & Kri^i-e HlucksinllhH ^i 7] JtroHweau Mrs. I TftllorenH 4 8 CiinHavaiit Aiitoine Tanner ;U 7i DtMncrs Narolsne, jun Speculator 2j 4j JHiiiis Edounrd General Store !J 7 ])csroclierR Azarie CarriaKes 3 7 Dion'rhimotht! Baker 4 DuimiK Kdinond Carrlagemaker 3 6J l.!(tonid Mrs. 11 Trader Waller Miss Jessie A Trader HIIiL, HEAD. Argenteull Co Pollock Thomas Postmaster HILIiHURST. Compton Co. On G. T. R. Tel. and Exp. Bank at Coati- cook, 5 miles. Pop. 75. Banfleld E. L General Store 3 7 Reynolds Geo Grist mill 3 7 HOLTON. Chat«>auKua7 Co. ;' Tel., Exit., d Bank at HI. Hemi, 7 miles. I 'op 4(). Hope Wm General Store * I'. M, 3 7 Leganlt ClirlHtophe Saw Mill 3 BJ Legault Louis Shoemaker 4 HOP ETOWN. Bonaventme Co. In the Bate des Chaleurs. Tel, & Money Order Office, Pnspehiac, 6 »it/<'s. Ba(ipe ('o. One of the Magdalen Islands off the coast at Oaspe. I ArscneauAlex General Store Ballantyiie John General Store 3 CJ Cheverie Franyois General Store Delaney Bros .General Store 3 7 Delaney R. id Son General Store 3 5^ Gaudin Philippe General Store 3 Gj McKinnon Nell General Store 3 7 Richard Nazaire General Store Theriault & Arsencau — General Store 3 5^ HO WICK. Chateauguay Co. On Champlain Division (irand Tnink Ilail- way. /'op. (m. Tel. tf>nva,()iif. Fortln J N TobaccoH 3^ (Joynttt! Alexin (irncur 3 mtri'ii!. and Inturine- Tel., Money Order DO'ji S ''larH f'roti .1/ (liafr i>i>rt)i, /'()/>. K,0()0 Ojlfiu-, K.rp. and Hank, Alhinl AlfriiU Hhocniaker Auliry Kdtiioiid rhysiuian & Driijfs 3 7 Hiirittllo Kordinaiul ....' droi'er 3 »! Uoiiudiii .losoph Phyrtlcian 3 7 Hediird Henry F Dry CJ 'ods Bernicr Hiibeut H.tol 4 « herthiamne A. F Fancy Good.s 3i 7i Ucrtraiid l<:dnioiid Pluinber, itc. liesoeite .1. IJ Oroier 4 S ]{i8>oit Charles K., Vet. Surgeon & Hotel 3^ 'J Jioland William Kutclier 3 7 Booth J. 11 Ship Huiiaer& Lumber AlAl See Ottawa Bordeleau C Shoemaker 4 8 BoultThos Grocer 3i 7i BoydM.H Genoral Store 3 7 lirisebois i'iorre (irocer 3i 7} Caron Olivier Coal Oil 3i ,1 Carol! I'. E.. A Frt're.Fcy. Gds. &Millin. 3i 7^ Carricre Anthiine Grocer 3 tij Carricro Hasile Grocer 2 J 4 J Carrii're Kuslache. . Grocer 3 7 Charlebois II. & Co B. & S. 4 Charron Felix Grocer 3 7 Charrun P. IL.&Frcre Gr. e rs 3 7 Cheiiier Avila Grocer 3i 7^ Church F. VV. H Physician 3J G Clairou< M. Doslthe Dry Goods 3* (ii Clairoux Nelson Grocer 3 7 Coallier M Hotel 3^ 6 Cook& Helmer Drug.? See S. P. Cook Cook Sydney P Physician 3 5i & Cook & Helmer Corbeil 1) Saloon 3 7 Couture A., & Co Jewellers 3 7 CuznerW. J Publisher Daigneau Oliver Hotel & (^ roccr 3 7 Daoust & Beianger Butchers 3J 6 Daoust Joseph Butcher 3 6 Deschamps Francis Hotel 4 8 Desjardins Florlmand .. . .Undprtaker 4 7 "Dispatch" See W. J. Cuzner. Dompierre Basile, sen ..... Baker 4 8 DorionD. N. Photographer 4 8 Doriou Louis Napoleon Toys, &c 3J 7 D'Orsonnens E. U Furniture, &c. See L. M. Fiset. Dncharme Isidore Slioeraaker 4 8 Dumonlier Hoiior6 Blacksmith & Wajrg.'iunaker 2i 5 Dumontier Magloire Ice Dealer 3 5A Durocher Pierre H Gro. & Crockery 3i 6 Eddy E. B. , M f g. Co. (The) Lumber, Match & Pail Factory, &c. 1 1 Falardeau V. O ...Baker 3i 7i Feely William, &Co Bakers 3 5 Fiset L. M Furniture & Hardware 2i 4 Fortier Mrs. Narci88e,wid Grocer 8} 7i Forlin Elzt^ar Boots & fchoes 42 7 7 r.i 4 U 7 7 8 7 4 3 3 3i7l 3 7 5} H Ci 8 8 (ioyette Ja(!ques .... Saloon 3 (haluim CharleHE ....Ph\ Mi'ian 2^ Gratton Oi^tave Coal Oil 3 Gui'MiiiCamllle JtlackHniiih 3 Haimo I J hn D Canlinu .Mill 3 H»Miert Cliarles Carr. Maker 4 Ht l)i'rt J. Btu Carr. Maker 3 Hurdinan K.,&Co .Saw Mill AI A Jsaliolle .loseph Carrlngcmaker & BlackMiilth 3 7 Joly L. O Ci nicer l.alielle Adelmar (Jrocer 4 8 r.aberge Onesime Hotel & hill ards 3A 7i LacelleJ. B Hotel 3 7 Laliecho Isale .Grocer 3i 7} Latleur Aug. (dit Berauleau) Grocer 4 8 Jiafo auvagea'i T^lesphorc.Gro. «& Dry Gds. 3 Scott Wni. Francis Physician 3 Seguin E. D Hotel, Conf. & Fruit 4 Seguin Miss L Fey. Goods 4 Siinard Bernard Grocer Siniard Nap Grocer 4 Tellier Normand • Grocer 8i I'homaa George Grocer 'l\ Trudel Moise Butcher 3 Trudel Zenoa Grocer 4 IIUN QUEBEC. Ibe fii Villi .IdS. Arlhur Dry nivr Officii «l Hkprenn, A\(l & Co Foundry & Agr. ImpltH. 2i aj UrowM Donald Jlaniessmaker 4 8 Uniwu -lohii W Itiilcher • l{ri.iiet & Co Marble See Job. Biuiiet. Oiiiialowu ]?iino\va C. S CJro. Ai Baker .3i 7i raiti John General Sun'o ',i 7 Ciiiiifion Alexander rhyniiian '2k 4i Canadian (Jleaiier (The).... See Hobert Seller Clialiiier Alexander Confectioners 6 (li.inibers hobert Carriuye Maker 4 8 Clydi' Thoina!i Carpenter 4 8 ClVde William Carpenters 7 J);ilKlish William W General Store 2i 4\ ])iiit)en .John Contraetor 3 b] J irt'WH Wni Barber 4 Duiisiiioro W. A General Sture 3 G ]>iiriiiii Jos General Store 4 8 Foituiie MiBS Milliner 4 8 Fortune iVlrw, James Drugs 3 6^ Fortune William Grocer, B. & S. & Livery '2^ 5 Oamble Thomas. Blaekamitli 3 6i (ianlner John Tinware 2i 5 (j i I iMon William Harne.'-gmnker *, (iihnour J. H Photographers 7 Hall Wm. &Ed Cairiagea 2^ 5 llandley T. K Cigars & Barber 4 8 Henderson Alfred G Furnitures 5i Hendei>ou Mrs,, widow Archibald, Saw, Grist & Sash Mills 2J| 4 Henry James General Store Hunter George General Store 3 7 Hunter J. A Tinsmiths 7 Hunter John Livery 2J 5 Hunter Thomas Harnessmaker 4 8 liuntingdon Organ Co .Jauiea George Butcher 4 8 Ka vaiiiigh Patrick Baker 3i 7i Kelly Robert E Grocer 4 8 KellyThomasW Blacksmiths 6 LefebvreF Tailor 4 8 Le>lie Jas Tailor * McCullum Andrew Shoemaker Si 7 McCraken Henry R.. .Sewing Machines McMillan Allan Physician * McMillan J. C Hotels GJ McNaughton Alexander, & Bro..G, Sto. 2J 5 McNaugh ton Angus General Store 3 6 McNaughton Peter T Butcher «" Mel'lierson J. T Dentist 4 MaiBhal fc Pringle General Store 3 BJ Miller .James A Carilagciimker 3 «J Moir.Mr^, Maiy H Hotel 3 Rl KevllleJohn Tnllor :U Tj Oi.eary Mrs Mlllineij ••} 7 I hilllp Andrew. .. Grocer & Aucticmeer 4 8 I'inhay Richard B Harness 3 Rollaml Leon Boots & Shoe.i 3i 7i Robs David ...Blacksmith 4 8 Samideis W. B Jew.Uer Sellar Robert Printer & l'nl)li>her " CHiiadian Glianer " 3 6 ShanckH Dnniel .. Tailrir, etc 3 Sin aier John Blacksmith 4 8 Shin itf Francis W Physician 3 « Soinerville .Andrew Baiikor 2 SJ .Sonj^ster Will * Sparrow William Carpenter ;U 7^ Steward Miss Milliner iij "l Third William, & Co General St(no '4 4\ WellsC, If Snrjieon Dentist 3.^ 7.1 Will James Pianos «& Urxans 3 cj HUNTING VIIXIS. .Slierbrooke Co. On Salmon Riiur, Sfnr/e frnni LennonrUlf 2 miles, /'op. 21)0. 7'o7. & K.ep. LriDWxville, Hank at Sherbrooke , 5 mil en. Alderic T. A I'hotographer 4 Uundun David Blacksmiths 7 Gallagher Thomas Shoemaker 4 (4anisDy Jolm W (ieneral Store 3 8i Hunting E. C. Saw Mill, & Sash & D'or Factory 4 HuntirgWm Grist Mill 3 ,: 1 ves i; Carriageniaker 4 I Powers S J Silver & Gold Plater 4 , Seavey Peter C Carpenter 4 IBERVILLE (St. Athaimse P. O). Iber- ville Co, Covnty Seat. On East Hank of lUclieJieu Hirer, on Central Vermont K. H, Pop, 2.001). Montj Order Office. Tel. & Exp, linnk at St. Jidins, 1 mile. Baril M rs, Louis . General Store 3 fii Belivean Edouard Baker SJ 7 J Benoit Pierre .. Carriages .3 7 Bertrand & Lavoie Pottery Sj 7 Bertrand Napoleon Gen. Store 3 6i Bessi tte Alphonse General Store 3 5* Bessette J. & S. . . .Threshing Machines 2i 3j Camaraire Joseph, ,,. Saddler 4 Clievalier E,?iV Physician * Chevalier Isale Foundry 4 8 Choquette Isaie Blks 4 8 Dacier Josiaph General Store 2i "tj Dextraze Theodule Hotel 3 7 Durocher 13, & Z..,. Thresh. Mach, .Vlfrs. 3 7 FarrarE,L ....Pottery 3 6^ Frechette Charles D Gen, Store 4 Gervais Delpliis Grocer 3 ^ Gourd Jules. Hotel 4 GoyetteA Blacksmith 4 8 Govette Calixte lottery 3 6 Lafielle Joseph, sen Baker 3 7 Labelle L. E Grocer, &c, 4 Labelle Urgfele Baker 3i 7* Lavoie Joseph, jr Ins, Agent 3 6i Loiselle Josepli D, G,, &c, 3 5} Liissier F, A Ginger Ale, Soda. &c. 4 8 Mercler Jacques Hotels 6^ Normaiidin Adolphe Cabinetmaker 3 7 43 Ind QUEBEC. ISL Norinaiidiii N.... Mfr. Hosery 3 5i Ouimelte Charles Carriagenmker 3k 7i Quintal Mrs Temp. H<»t«l sj 7 liov Mrs, widow Isaie Grocer 3 7 Itoy Tlu^ophile . . .. General Store 2i 5 Savary Pierre Hotel 3 6 Seguin F, X Blacksmith & Hotel 3 G Surpreiiant Pierre, jun CarriaKeniakpr 3 7 Tanse George ... Plu siciaii 4 8 Thuot Pierre (dit Duval) Gen'. Store 8 7 Thuot & Thuot Lumber 2^ 5 Thuot Vincent Hotel 3 Ci Thurstc n G. (Estate of) Grist Mill Vaduais Amenda Blacksmith INDIAN LOKETTE. Quebec Co. County Seat. OnQuebtc and Lake St. John li. It. Pop. of Pariah 3,700. Tel. & E^p. Bank at Quebec, Smiles. . > ,. i i -' ■ Barbeau Aiitoiue Cartwright 4 8 Bastien M., jun Snow-Shoes 3 6^ Baal ien Maurice, sr Suow-Shoes 4 Belleau Gabriel . . Grocer 3 7 Bertram! & Co Snow-Shoos 4 8 Bloiideaii Joseph Blacksmitii 3 6^ Boissel Den s .Saw, Grist & Card. Mill 3i Boivln Joseph Butchnr 3 6^ Boivin Jo.xeph Saw Mill 3i 7i Boutel Charles Blacksmith 3^ 7^ Chantel Fraufois Butcher 4 8 Corriveaii — Tinsmith 4 8 DeMontigny Leon, sr. .Snow-Stioe Mfr. 3 7 Duchesneau Ch *rlcs . Grocer 4 8 Durand Charles Moccasins 3i Durand Edcuard .Butcher, &c. 3" 7 Dnrar d Jacques Butcher 3 7 Durand Jean .... Baker 2i 5 Durand Joseph Moccasins 3^ 5 Falardeau Laurent Cabinetmaker 4 Falardeau Ont'-sime Grocer 3h 1\ Gro^ffice. Tel. & Exp. Ste Julie Station. Bank at Somerset, Wmiltg. Bailev George O Baker 4 8 Broiiard E. J.,&Co General Store 3 (i^ Brown J, L General Store 3^ 7 S Devany Widow Tli^mas Hotel 3 ()| Fortier James Fy. Goods, & Tinware 3i 7 George J. E General Store 3 fi| Hcdcroff Joseph Physician & Drugs 3 7 Howard D. H Printer 3^ 7^^ Invernesfl Drug Hall. See Joseph Holcroff. Irwin flames ,... Tailor 3 7 Kimball H, T. O Tanner 3J 7', Kirnear John L Card'g & Saw j\Iill8 3 (>! Landry Pierre Baker 3 6 Laytield James — Dentist** 8 McCammon James Hotel 3 (i'f McCannnon John General Store 3i 7i McKenzieR. & J General Store '2j 4^ Mathers Henry Saddler 4 8 Moore Henry Saddler 3 7 Reed James Physician 2 2 Itousseau Theodore Blacksmith 4 8 Smyth Wm. J Hotel & Ins. Agent 3 6^ Stewart Robert. General Store 2i 4| IRON HILL, (or Brome Woods). Brome Co. Stage from West Shefford, 5 miles. Pop. 60. Tel. & Exp. Sweefslntrg, 6 mites. Bank at Cowansvitle, 8^ miles. Barnum Salomon. .Cheese Mfr, & G. S. 3i 7^ Beard William H.... Mill Owner * Jewell B Cheese Mfr 3 6^ Scott Perley H Mills 3 6 IRON.SIDE. OttawaCo. ,, . On the Gatinenu Itiiier. Stage from Hull, 3 miles. Pop, 300. Tel., Exp. Hull. Bank at Ottawa, 5i miles. Bolduc Edmond .', . . . .Blacksmith 4 8 Bonvier Jo.-eph General Store 4 8 Charette Louis — Hotel 4 8 Cole Henry J General Store 3 6 Coutant Elz^ar Hotel 4 8 Corrigan Mrs. Austin B., ividow. Tavern 3J 7^ l)e Cceli Treau Desire General Store 3 6 Desjardins Edouard , . .Blacksmith 3 7 Dpsmarais Thomas Hotel 4 8 Moodie David Blacksmitii 4 8 Nadon Mrs., widow Joseph Tavern 4 8 Pausi-y — General Store 4 Thorpe Thomas ; Baker 3^ 7i IRVINE (or DubUn'Range). MegantlcCo. On the River Thames. Tel. & Exp. Ste. Julie Station , 13 mileg. Bank at Artkabaska Station. Thurber S. D P. M. & Blacksmith 3} ISLAND BROOK. Tiventy-four miles from from Cookshire, Exp. Cookshire mites. Conipton Co;' ;' Sherbrooke. Sfage Smiles. Pop. 100. Tel. & Bank at Sherbrooke, 34 FrenchG. W, L SawMin,&c, 3 7 Weston & Parker Saw Mills 4 Wilfoi-dR.H.,&Br,Q..,.. .General Store 3i 6J ISL QUEBEC. JOL ISLJKS AUX COUDBES. Charlevoix Co. On an island in the St. Lawrence, 6 miles from Bale St. Paul. Pov. 800. Tel. Jiaie St. Paul. Exp. St. lioch des Aulnaia, 16 miles. Jiiiuk at Quebec. Bouchard Napoleon Blacksmith 3} 7 J Caineron Prisque General Store 4 Pesgagne Mrs. Etieiine Grist Mill 3 7 Diifour Eloi Grist Mill 3i 7i Dufour Ovide ,.. .....General Store 3: TJ I.apointe F Geneml Store 3 7 Pelnault & Gie General Store 3 7 ISLES AUX GRITES. Montmagrny Co. On nn island in the River St. Lawrence, o6 miles bilow Quebec, 6 miles fi oni Montmayny. Pop. 6.<9. 'I'el. & Exp. Cap St. lynace. Bank at Quebec. Langlo a Charles Shoemaker Langlois Elz«5ar Blackainith V6ziiiii. L6on . . Blacksniitn Veziiia Wilfred... P. M. & General Store ISLE BIZAR. Jacques Cartler Co. On an island in the Lake of Two- Mountains , 6 miles from St. Eustache. Tei. & Exp. j'oinfe Claire,! miles. Bank at Montreal, V.) miles. Pop. 800. Boileau Frferea Contractors 2J 4^ Coiisineau K General Store habelle Paul Trader * Lauzon Athanase Blacksmith * hegault Ars6r.e (dit I>eBlauriers).Blkth. 4 8 Paiement Dosithe General Store 4 8 I'aquin Eusebe Grocer 3^ 7i IsLESD'ALMA. Chicoutiml Co. See St. fJoseph d'Alma. ISLES DIJPAS. Berthier Co. On an island in the Either St. Lawrence. Pop. 110. Tel., Exp., & Bank at Bert hierv ill e, 2i miles, Conrclifene Wilfrid General Store 3i 7i ISLE PERRO T. Vaudreuil Co. An island in the liiver St. Lawrence, 5 miles from Ste Anne de Bellevue. Pop. l^i^). Tel., '& Exp,, Ste. Anne. Bank at Montreal, 9 mites. Leduc Joseph Hotel, Gro., &o. 3 6i I'eladeau Alphonse G-jneral Store ISLE PJ RROT NORD. TaudreuU Co. T«'o miles from Ste. Anne de Bellevue. Tel., d- Exp., Ste. Anne. Bank at Montreal, a miles. Davitl Magloire. . . .. .Builder. See Montreal. Groulx Jtitemie Traders 5i Montiietit Michel Farmer & Trader * KoblLfird Honors Trader 3 G^ ISLE VEBTE. Teinlscoiiata Co. County seat. On the south shore of St. Law- rence River & Intercolonial R. R, Pop. 300 \ in mil' s from FraserviUe. Tel. & Exp. Bank at FraserviUe. April Eugfene Blacksmith 4 8 Hcniicr Alphonse H GeueralStore 3i 7i Bertrand Chs., & Co. den. Store & Mills ij 2 Bertrand Louis Achille. . . .Mills & P.M. 3 3 6* 4 8 3 H 2i 6 2^ 5 S 6J 3 6 4 8 3), n 4 8 3i 7i Caron Charles Tinware ChabotMrs., widow Pierre. Temp Hotel Cote Charles Boarding House Cott^ Pierre General Store Gagn^ .Joseph.. Shoemaker Grenier Appolinaire E Physician Labrie Simon ...GeueralStore Marceau Mrs. E. D ».. General Store 'Mlchaud Calixte Trader & Farmer Michaud Evariste Blackt-mith Moreiioy Simon Blacksmith Pettigrcw Uavid General Store Prefontaine Frferes Butter Factory JANESVILLE (P. O. at Richmontl.) Rlohinond Co. One-fourth mile from Richmond. Tel., Exp., d- Bank at Richmond East. Taylor JabezH GeueralStore 3i 7J JERSEY MILLS. Beauce Co. Tel. & Exp,, St. Joseph de Beauce, IG miles. Bank at Quebec, G5 miles. J'op. 150. See St. George de la Beauce. JOHNSTON'S STATION. Huntingdon Co. On G, T. R. Tel, & Exp. Bank Montreal. Pop. 80. Brault. Joseph General Store 4 Johnson VV.B.Saw, Grist & Shingle Mill 3 f Lyttle Samuel B. . . . G. S. & Blacksmith 4 8 JOHNVILLE. Coinpton Co. On Trout River & C. J'. R. Pop. 150. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Sherbrooke, 10 miles. Alger William E Saw & Grist Mills 3 6 Hch W.L,Carriageniaker& Blacksmith 3^ 7^ Sniith Abner Carriagemaker 3 7 I'-mith E. P General Store 3 7 Smith Warren Carriagemaker 3 7 JOLIETTE. Joliette Co. County seat. On C. P. R. 19 miles from L'As- somption, 12 miles from Lanorale. Pop. 32G8. Tel,, Mmiey 'Order Office, Exp. & Bank. Arbour Jean Bte.,sen Blacksmith 4 Arbour, & Fils Trjideis 4 Asselin Eusirbe. ,. .Luni., Flour & Grain 2 Bacon Sianistlas Fuis 4 Baiique d'Hochelaga See Montreal IJeuuchnmp Auguite Grocer 3 Beau pre Odilon Boots & Sh les 3 Beauprt; PaulEmile Furniture 3 Bolduc E Dry Goods Boiiin l)oiI. St^raphin Physician 2 3^ Cassavant Miss-es ^liilineiy 3^ 7* Champoux Gaspard Grocer 3 6* Chainpoux & Pr^ville General ^tore 3J 7^ Champoux Prosper E ........ . Carpenter 3 6 Champoux S. P Liquors 3 6^ Chaput Landry. Mfr. Aiitts 2* 6 CharlandN. Israel.. Tailor ,J 7 Chariand S. Avila Butcher 3] 7 Chartier Jos. Octave . . ..Carrlagemaktn' 3} 7 Chevalier Oncsime Grocer 3 6^ Chevalier Pierre Grocer, Ac. 3 6 Chevigny Olivier (alias Durand). Baker A 7 Clements Sewell Tannery, &c. 2i 5 45 8 8 2 8 6J 7 8 JOL QUEBEC. Kam Compagnie k Bois rnarais Alexis Carpenter 3 Ci Desormiers Jules Hotel 3i 7 J J lesioches George Dry Goi.ds 3 Oj De.srocliea N. B., & Co Gen. Store 2| 5 DostJiler Dangeville.. Architect & (out. 3 6 Ducondu I.. N . .'. Hardware 2i 5 ])ui>uis J. K Brewer 3 (i Duraud Alphonse Architect, &c. 3i 7i Durand Isidore Plasterer 3 7 Ferland L. J Gro. & B. & S. 3 (ii Fiske Edward Lumber 2^ 4 & T. Cote & Co,. St. Jerome Flammand Pierre Carpenter * Foiiderie de Jolictte.See Joliette Fonndiy Co. Fontahv Adolphe Lum & Grist Mill !> orest & Co Auctioneers * Froiuoiit L. .1 Gncer 3 7 ' Gazette de Joliette See Alfred ?,icGonville Gervais Albert Books, Crockery, & Publisher 3 6i Gervais O Furniture 4 8 ' Gilmour Mrs. George Carding Mill 2 4 Gf'ulet Alfred Painter Goulet C. Auguste Saddler & Shoes 4 8 Guilhault Arthur Prod. 3 6 Guilbault Ed(mard Boot & Shoe Mfr. 2^ 3^ Guilbault Joseph Carriageniaker 4 8 Guill)ault N. A., & Co Grocers * Harris Max General Store 4 Joliette Canadian Tobacco Company — Auth. Cap. $20,000, paid up $0000 3 Joliette Foundry.. ...Incorporated) „i Cap. paid in |118 M. I '^^ Joliette Lumber Co See Comptv- gnie k Bois do Joliette. Joliette Paper Mills. . .See A. McArthur & Co., Montreal. Joly K Grocer 4 8 Kelly T., & Co Saw Mill & Lumber , Knox & Stafford Grocers 2i 5 Labrfeche Camilie General Store 2| 4A , Lachapello K . .Boots & Shoes 3J 7^ Lafleche J udes Carriageniaker 4 Lafortune G Gro. & I'rovisions 2J 5 •- l^ajoie Zotique Shoemaker 4 8 Laporte Aiithime Watchmaker 2^ 5 Laporte Chs — Watchmaker 4 Larochelle J. Alfred Dry Goods 3 6^ Lutour George Speculator 2^ 5 ■ Laurion J. lite Tinsmith 244^ l.,avalh^e Louis Alfred Liquors 4 Leblanc Charles Hardware 2 4 liCblanc Jos, N Hotel 3^ 7 J Lemire N. (dit Marsolais) Baker 3 b^ Leprohon 11. M Agent 4 8 1/Etoile d>i Nord See A. Gervais. Leveille Jos Saddler 4 . McArthur A., & Co Mfrs. Paper. See Montreal. McConville Alf .... Pub. Gaz. de Joliette McConville P. '" Agent 3 6i Magnan Louis Z . Biscuit Mfr, & Comn. 3 6i 46 ' . ■ . • ' MaloElz^ar.... — ...... .. Tinsmith 4 8 Miinufacture de Biscuit de Joliette. See L. Z. Magnan. Marcil & Henrichon Tanners ;i •; 7; Mass^ Magloire Tanner 3" 64 Migue Edouard Grocer 21 41 Moreau JiConard Tailor 3" 7 Ouimet Jos Confectionery & Gro. 3 7 Paradis & Lesage Bricks 4 I'erreault J. B Blacksmith 4 8 Perreault Omer Blacksmith 3V 7J Picard J. H Dry Goods 4' 8 Piquette Joseph... Blicksmith 3', 7j I'iqu'^tte .Joseph Simeon Gen. Store 3" 51 Prudhomine J. Bte Carpenter 3 ;ji Kenaud Joseph Henri.... Ha dwaie 3 (> Kenaud & Pich«^ General Agents 2 ', 5 Kichard J. B. A., & Co Dry Goods 3' Kiel U .Tailor 4 8 Kiopel Aiine Hotel 4 8 Kivarri Ant. M Physician 3 Oj Hivard tIos.eph .' Hotel 3 5! Hi vard Theodore Sadd:er * Kivet Kranc) ds ' Gr> 'cer 3 51 Kobitailk- Louis .... Drugs 2 1 5 Kondeaii Noci Cabinetmaker 3' ni Rondeau Tlioina-* & M. Furniture 3 5} Koy Miss E Faiity Goods 4 SavoieJ. I Grocer 4 8 Sen^oal Jactines Restaurant * St. George Ildege Baker 4 8 St. George W Grocer 4 8 St, Jean J. B Shoemaker 4 8 St. Jean Pierre Shoemaker 3 fi{ Sheppard John James I'hysician 4 8 Theriault Elie Tinsmith 2H1 Treniblay Benoit Cabinetmaker 4" 8' Turcotte & Desaulniers Grocers Turcotle Napoleon Grocer 4 8 Turner L. P. H Shoemaker 3 7 Vetsott S., & Co.. .Mfra. Grain Grinders 4 JONESVILLE. Iberville Co. See Sabrevois. JONQUIERES. Chicoutiml Co. Two hundred and twenty miles from Quchcc, and V2, miles from Chicoutimi. Exp. & Dunk at FraserciUe. Tel. Chicoutimi, 11 mili-s. Pop. 200. Brassai'd F. X Gen. Store & Lumber 2^ 5 Brassard Joseph General St'>re 3 / Brassard On6sinie General Store 4 Gauihier Ernest Grist Mill 4 T JOYNT. Ottawa Co. Thirty-one miles from Hull. Pop. 400. Tel North yVakefield, 9 miles. Exp. Hull. Bank at Ottawa, 31 miles. Joynt Robert Postmaster KAMOFRASKA. Kamouraska Co. County seat. On the south shore of lilver St. Lawrence, 4i miles from St. Paschal, on In- tercolonial Semi-ieeeklti Steameis from Quebec. Pop. 2,000. Tel. £ Money OrcUr Office. Exp. St. Paschal. Bank at Fratar- ville. Bard A Blacksmith 4 8 Blais Jose h Phidime Gen. Store 2^ 5 Caron Arsfiiie ..Shoemaker 4 « Cr^peau W. Rodolphe Gen. Store Desaaiitt & Fils. . . , Grocers 3^ Kat QUEBEC. Km LebelMrs. J. It Hotel • j.t'goiidre — General Store Messier Mra., widow Louis ..Gen. Store & Liquors 3i 7i Fiiradis — Physician 4 8 ISaymoiid Miss Anna General Store 4 8 St I'ierre D Tailor 4 8 Yaillancourt Fidele Baiter 3 6 KATK VALE. Stanstead Co. Four and a half miles from North Uathy. St. Jacques Ed . . Postmaster <& Trader Simard D Gen. Store 4 KAZABAZUA. Ottawa Co. On the Ontineau Hirer, 48 mlle.s from Ottawa. Pop. 75. Tel., Exp. & Jiank at Ottaioa. Grace Thomas Gen. Store 3^ 7 llogan .John Tavern & G. S. Sj 7 Irwin James Gen. Store 3 7 Mfivck Tliomas Hotel 4 8 Piitcliard Andrew Gen. Store Koss Andrew Gen. Store 3 7 Kothschila Max Gen . Store & River Desert St. Paul C Physician 4 8 KEITH. Compton Co. Eight mileH from Robinson. Tel. <& Money ih'der Office, liobiuson. Exp. Cookshire, 18 miles, hank at Shtrbrooke, 30 miles. KELSO (or Elgin.). Huntingdon Co. Eleven miles from Burke Station. Pop. of Towns/lip 1100. Tel., Exp. & Dank Uun- tivgdon, 7 miles. Brown D.H Saw Mill '>i 5 Crawford G. & Co Contractors 4 8 Hamilton M Blacksmith 3 7 Laiiktree .John Contractor 2' 5 McFarlane Don.ald Argl. imp. Agt. 2^ 5 KENNEBEC LINE. Beauce Co. On the Levis 6t Kennebec R.R., 85 miles from Quebec, 41 miles from St. Joseph, 'lei. & Exp., St. Joseph. Bank at (jueoec. Pop. 80. Cathcart David M Saw Mill 3^ 7 Bay James Hotel 3 ii KENSINGTON. Huntington Co. Tel., <& Exp. , White Station, 2 miles. Bank at Huntingdon. Pop. UO. GainH Saw Mill 2^ 4^ McPlierson D Carr. Maker 4 H Tuily G. B Blacksmith 3 7 KILDARE. JoUett*' Co. , . , See St. Anibroise de Kildare. KILKKNNY. Monti aim Co. See St. Calixte de Kilkenny. KIMBOLTON, Brome Co. See Bolton Centre. KINGSBURY. Richmond Co. On Salmon Creek, 6 miles from Melbouiiie. Stage route from Richmond , 7 miles. Tel., Money Order Office. Exp. <& Bank ttt Rich- mond. McJ.ean & Irwin Gen. Store 3i 7i OwQuaOwen .....Gen, Store 4 Valine & Aslimore Gen. Store 3 6^ Williamson & Crombio... Saw & Grist ? « o Mills, TubFaty, &c. J ^ "* KINGSCROFF. Stanstead Co. Tel. <& Exp., Ayer'a Flats, Pop. 150. Bank at L'oaticook. Alexander N. A Gen. Store 3 7 Benoit J. B Blacksndth 4 8 Corey Mrs S .^. .Clieese Mfr, 3 Gi Hunt G. M Sewg. Mach., P. M., &c 3 6 KINGSEY. Brummond Co. Stage from, Richmond , 9 miles. Pop. 3000. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Richmond. Coulomhe Thomas Cabinetmaker 4 8 Fredette Kdouard. . Grocer 4 8 Gagnc Joseph. Butcher 3 7 Hamilton Wiliiam Hotel 3 7 Mastine Jacob Wheelwright 3 6^ Mastme Sylvcstre CaitwriglitS 7 lit'ne M. Ij Blacksmith 4 WadleighA Gen. Store 3 6 Wadleigh Edward Money I^ender 2 3 Wuileigh &McManns. Gen. Store 2J 4 Wentworlli Harniotid Carria;4es 3 7 KINGSEY FALLS. Druminond Co ., 071 the Nicolet liirer, 7 miles from Danville. Pop. 1100. Tel. & Exp., Ei'ngncy Siding, 4 mites. Bank at Riclunond , 19 miles. Hennett Sparks .... Baker 4 8 Bilodeau A. O Gen. Store 3 6J & Cupel ton. Cameron Allen Blacksmith 3 6^ Desrochers Kenii Slioemaker 4 8 Dominion Paper Co. (Not Incorporated) See VV. & F. P. Currie & Co., Montreal. Duncan Andrew Black^mith 3 7 Farrell Michael Mason 3^ 7i Forsyth David Boardijig Hous" 4 Gagiion Horace Saw Mill 3 7 Gregoire G. S Pliysician 4 Judd Levi Saw Mill 3 6 Kennedy W. H... Lumber and Saw Mill. See Quebec. LandryE Grist & Shingle Mi'l 3 7 Leith & Kimpton Saw M ill See) St. I ranvois du Lac.^ Magoon IT. A Gen. Store 3 6* Morin Michel.... Bonrding Honsp 3i 7* Nadeau David Blacksmitti 3j l\ Noble Chas. 1» Gen. Store 3i 7i Jiaymond Joseph Slioemaker 4 8 J^ot^e James Carr. Maker 3^7 Tllibddeau Amt'd<^e Cabt. Maker 4 Town e William W ...Saw Mill 2^ 5 Treniblay Wm Tailor 4 KINGSEY SIDING (Lome P.O.). Richmond Co. On Grand Trunk R. R. Daily stage from King- sey Falls. Pop. 10i». Tel. and J^xp, Bank at Richmond, Iti miles. Cleveland Thomas P. ..Saw & Grist Mill 3 7 CrossSanmel W Gen. Store 3 6 Doying A. Patrick Grocer 3^ 7^ Roy Joseph Boarding House KINGSMERE. Ottawa Co. On Kingsmere Lake, 8 miles from Ottatca. Tel. & Money Order Opi'ce, Chelsea, 1 mile. Exp. .Hull. Jiank at Ottaua, 47 Kin QUEBEC. ,Lac KINNEARS MIL.l«. Megantlc Co. Ten miles from Jiobertson Station on Quebec Central' Ji. It. Pop. 60. Tel <& Exp. Jiob- ertson Station. Bank at Somiuerset, '20 mtles. Allen J Saw Mill 3i7i Bracken Edouard 4 8 Franklin Nathaniel Gen. Store 4 Khmear Albert ..Gen. Store 3 6J Kinnear James, jun Gen Sloro 2i 5 Kinnear James, sen Mills 2 2i Morrison William -i Uhompson \Vi lliam Physician 3 6i KIPPBWA. rontiac Co. On Kippeim Lake. Pop. 60. Tel. Mattawa, 5U mites. Kxp. & Bank at Pembroke, Ont. KIKKUALiE. Drummond Co. On River St, Francis, 4 miles from [hchmond. Tel. Ulverton, 3 miles. Jiank at Richmond. Burrill William Postmaster KIKK'!^ FERRY. Otiawa Co. On River Gatineau. Stage from Ottawa, 12 Pop. tiO. Tel. Chelsea, 4 nu/es. £xp. Hull, 11 miles. Jiank at Oltaica. Pichette — General Store 4 ; ; KNOWLTON. Brome Co. Count;/ seat, at the head of Jirome J.ake, and on J^'orth ru Branch South Eastern R. Ji. Pojt). WW. TqI., Money Order Office & Exp. Jiank at Cowansnlle. Bedee M. H Jeweller, &c. 2^ 5 Casionguay Peter Shoemaker 4 8 Davignoii & I'ratt General Store 3 7 IJuchesnf'uu J. A. & Frtsre. . . .Mer. Ths. 3 «i England Israel, & Sons.... G. S. & Taii'rs 2i 4 Gingras N. Paul .Blacksmith 4 8 Hammond & Mo tt'at Saw Mill 3i 7 Jones Andrew G Carriages 3^ 7i Keimedy J. Stewart General Store * Kimball Albert E Hotel 3 6 Knowltoii F. A Grocer «&c. 3 7 i,edoux L. L Tailor 3^7^ MilisE.,&Sons Mills 3 5^^ Moses Jamts Blacksmith 4 « Normandin Franyois Saddler 4 Pettes J. 0. & Son . . General Store 2 4 Prime T. M Physician & Drugs, &c. 3 7 Itobb Bros Carr. Makei-s 3 Kobb Geo .Hardware & Paints 3 6 Kobinson Bros Ho' el 3 7 St. Martin John Harness 4 8 Sweet H. K Gen. Store 4 8 Tarbell E. ll — . ■ .Tinware 3 7 Vaucor F. C Pumps & Agent 3 7 ■Williams F. P Gen Store 2^ 5 Wood Mrs. C. E Fancy Goods 4 8 KNOWLTON LANDING. Rrome Co. On Lake Memphremagog, 2 miles from George- Ville. Pop. 50. Tuck John F. . . Postmaster, Hotel, &c. 4 8 ;■; ,V. .;';.;.'.' XABAIE. YamaskaCo. "••',; On south shore of Lake St, J'eter. Stage from St. Gngoire, 17 miles. Pop. 800. Tel. & Exp. at St. Gregoire & Yanutska. Bank at >v Js'icolet, tf miles. Beauchemin J. B. A Brokers 6^ Beauchemiu Moiso BaHer 3 7 ' 48 Beaver Cheese Factory See Uemers & AUard. Beliale Francois . . .Grocer & Dry Goods 3 7 Belisle Olivier Saddler 3i 7^ Blue Star Cheese Company.. See J. N. Duguay Brosseau Joseph Blacksmith Hk Ji Bourassa George Tanner 3} "i Carriere J. B • Gen. Store 4 8 Cay a Edouard Blacksmith 4 8 Caya Ludger . » Grist, Card. & Shingle Mill 4 8 CAt6 Calixte Wag^onmaker 3i 7 Cote Narcisse iVIill owner 3 7 Demers & AUard Cheese B'actory 3 6 Derouiu Cliai'les ...Shoemaker & » , „ Cheese Factory I Duguay Jos. Nestor General Store 2^ 4 J & Great Eastern Cigar Co. (Limited; Duplessis Josepli Blacksnnth 4 » Elie Joseph Ag'l. Impr. Agent 3 5^ Grai V e Thomas Shoemaker 4 8 Great Eastern Cigar Co. (Limited) See J. N. Duguay. Houde L. N. D Gen. Store. See Nicolet. Houle Ludger Blacksmith 4 8 Lahaie Pierre B Physicians 6] Lake View Cheese Factory 3 Lemaire Xavier Saddler 4 8 Lemire Alexandre Waggonmaker 4 8 Lemire Calixte Cha.s Ag'l. Inipt. Agent 3 B^ Martin Louis ...Sewing Machine Ageiit 3J 7^ Patterson David Tinsmith 4 8 Parent William Che' se Factory See St. Thomas de Pierreville Poirier Arthur Waggonmaker 4 8 Sarrazin Medard .... Watches & Light- 1 o, ,.. ningliods) ^» '* Smith Wm. . Physician & Ag'l Imp. Agt. 3 5^^ Trudel Zephirin Blacksmith 3J 7i Vignault T Boarding House 3 6 L.ABARRE. Chtcoutiini Co. See Hebertville. LA BEAUCE (or Salute Marie). Beauce Co. ' See Saiiite Marie. .\ LABERGE. Chateauguay Co. Ten miles from Caughnawaga. Tel. & Exp. St. Alartint. Bank at BeaulMrnois,5miles. J'op. 30. Bergevin Eustaohe, Blacksmith 3 7 Primeau Cyprien. . . .P.M., & Gen. Store 4 8 LACADIE. St. Johns Co. Station 2^ miles from Village, on the Grand Trunk R.Ji. Tel. & Exp. Bank at St. Johns, 3 miles. J'op. 40u. Bechnrd MoVse General Store 3 7 Difreuces Pierre Hotel 4 8 Dnpuis Charles Shoemaker 3.^ 7^ Duranleau L^on Hotel 3 7 Mar.-an Josk'ph Blacksmiths 7 Marsan Jos. (Fllsde J. Bte.) Blacksmith 3 7 Pelad'au Napol6ou Gen. Store 4 8 Sill ard Alcide Peddler 4 Tiemblay Auguste, Groceries 4 8 LAC A LA TORTUE. Chainplain Co. On, C.r.R. Tel. & Exp. Bank T.Wee Rivers. J'op. 100. Beaudoln Joseph Gen. Store See St. Luc, Champlain Co. Lao . QUEBEC. Lac L'Heureux On^sime General Store 4 8 LACHENAIE (or St. Charles flu L,ac.) Li' Assumption Co. Stane/rom Mmitreal, 18 miles. Pop, 300. Tel. li' Exp. TtiTebonne, 4^ miles. Hank at Mon- treal. IMt're Joseph Hotel 3i 7i Yilleneuve Odiloii General Store 3] LACHEVKOTIERE. m C.P.n. Tel. & Exp. Portneuf Co. Bank at Qtiebec. I'op. 150. Chateauvert P General Store 4 8 Gariepy O. , & Frfere Flour Mill 3 Gervaia .losepli General Store 4 Michaud P., & Co Tanners Xault — Match Factory Portelance & Co General Store LA CHINE. Jacques Cartier Co. Oh Lake St. Louis & the Grand Trunk li.R., Province Line Division. Pop. 3,000. Tel., Money Order Office & Exp. Bank at Mon- treal, S) miles. Allard Ad<^lard Grocer ^ 1\ Alhird Joseph Grocer 3 7 Barbari Ovila Tinware BarreFt-Uix Hotel 4 8 Barrette J. W Furniture Bergeron Auguste Saddler 3i 7i Blondin Joseph C Hotel 4 8 Carrignan Benjamin. ... Hotol 3 6 Chapman Thomas Blacksmith ^ 7^ Champagne Aristide B Physician * Cliarbonneau E General Store CIthnent Camille Grocer Clement & Fri-re Forwarders Coron Jean Bte Grocer Cool Alplionse General Store Corbifere Louis P Shoemaker Com sol Joseph Baker Cousineau Mrs. Camille Grocer Crevier Benjamin Tinsmith 3 7 Dawes & Co Brewers. See Montreal. Decarie Octavo Butcher 3 7 Deslauriers Hormisdas. . .General Store 3 (j\ Dominion Bridge Co See Montreal. Donillet Placide Boat Builder 3 7 Ethier Mrs. J. Bte Grocer Filiau Emile Wheelwright 4 Forest L<^on Notary Fournier Joseph Dry Goods Gagne J. Antoine Grocer & Butcher 4 8 Gareau Louis Ship Carpenter 3| 7^ Gariepy Mrs. Alphonsine.. Milliner, &c Gariepy T. , & Co B utchers & Grocers 3 6 Guyot Kdmond Conf. 4 8 Hannah E. H Hotel Harris Isaac Clotbing & Dry Goods 4 8 Harvey William Hotel 3* Howard .lames H Physician 3| 7^ Howley James Speculator Larche Ald^ric Milkman 3 7 Larche Joseph Traders ej Leger Michel, Jr.... Agent * Leger Michel, 8r Hotels CJ Lepaiileur & Pr6re .Grocers 3 7 Lizotte Arthur Tinsmith 4 8 Major Ambroise Hotels 7 Martin A. & A Grocers & Hardware 3^ 6 & Martin & Gagn^. Martin & Gagn^ Coal r.:,,f> &A.& A. Martin Martin J. B Baker 4 McLaughlin Joseph Hotel 3 M^tras Ludger Blacksmith 3* Michaud Joseph E. .Dry Gds. & B. & S. 3" Moffatt Adrien Painter Contractor 4 Mounsey Michel Bdg House Ouellette & Brunet Grocers 4 Ouellette E. & Co .Coal & Wood 2^ Uuellette Guillaume Gro. & Liquors 3 Paie & Co Master Canal Drivers Pare & Robert General Store 2^ Parker .John Contractor 2j Pigeon Louis Butcher Pigeon Louis H Wood Dealer 2^ Poirier Jean Bte Carriagemaker 4 Klcher J. Bte Shofmuker 4 Robert Olier Waggomnaker 4 Robinson M rs. Francis G ro. St. Denis Napoleon Blacksmith 3 St. Denis Stephen Forwarder * St. Onge (dh Metayer) Gabriel. Boat Bldr 3} Smith & Duncan Grocers, &c. 4" Valois Pierre A Physician 3 Viau Jofeph (dit Janveau) Gro. & Joiner 4 Viau Onesime Grocer 3| Wynnes John Butcher 4 li ?l 7i L. A CHUTE. Argenteuil Co. County seat. On Canadian Pacific R. R, Money Order Office, Exp. & Bank. Banford W General Store 3 6 Banque Ville Marie See Montreal. Barrette Adelard Carr Mkr. 4 Bedard Joseph A B. & S, 3 6 Bradford John E Dry Goods 3 G Carrriere Isidore (dit Jammes) . .Baker 3 5 Chapman & Drysdale Sash & Door Mfrs 3 6 Cliarlebois ( harles Foundry 3 6 Christie David Shoemaker 3 6 Christie Thos. & G.. Physicians & Drugs 2i 4^ Cleland A Grocer &c. 3 7 Creswell R Flour 3 7 Davidson John G. . . .Clothing, B. & S. & Milly. 3 Davis Joseph Joiner Conti-actor 4 8 Delair T Grocer 4 Eraser Bros General Store 3 6 Fraser Hugh, jr General Store 3 5^ Gigutn-e Charles Undertaker 4 8 Giles H. J. , & Bros. . . . Saddlers & Gene- ral Store 2J 5 Greenshlelds Mrs Fancy Goods 4 8 Hope John Bakery, &c. 3 5^ Jousse Theophile Jeweller 3 7 Kerr Mrs. Dawson Stationery 3 7 Kinneburg & Boy ce.. Bakers, Conl'., &c. 3^ 7i l.,achute Aqueduct Co 3 liafieur A . B Contractor 3 7 Latieur C. Alfred Hotel 3 7 Laf ond .1. H General Store 4 8 Lamarche A,, & Frere. . , .General Store 3 6 Lane Phineas Speculator 2J 3^ Larose N Carpenter * Lavigne Joseph Livery 3 7 Lowe Misses Jane & Agnes. . . .Millinery 3i 7i McArthur A. G.,&Co Butchers 3 7 McCallura M Boots & Shoes 4 McGibbon John Livery McKinn Simon Carpenter 3 6 McOuat John R General Store 3 6. Melkle George L General Store 2J 4i Meikle & Walker Bankers 2 4" Menzies — Physician 4 Mitchell Arch Carriagemaker 3 ft 49 Lac QUEBEC. Lak ^Toir & McCoy Marble Works Paquette Molse Hotel Poriard A.J .Tailor Pollock William Boots & Shoes Kaltt .Tames W Tinware Rttitt John ^^'"'ware Kail I Thomas R Tinsmith Kobitaille Albert Blacksmith Roby J Tailor Rodrigue L. P Hotel Simon John Blacksmith Smith Wm - Physician Stackhouse B. S Dentist Stewart John • . • ■ Butcher Stewart Thomas Agent Implts. Vallee Joseph Contractor Walker Gavin J Insurance Agent 3 7 3i 7i 3 G 3 7 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 3^ 7\ 3 7 3 c.^ 3 7 3 7 01 41 3 3 4 3 21 3 3 4 3 3 3 5,^ 7 8 6 4 '2 4i LiACHIJTE MILIiS. Argenteull Co, One mile from Lachute. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Lachute. Pop. 800. Banf Old Robert General Store 3 6^^ Bannerman Bros Rope & Pipe Mf rs. See Montreal. Bradford Jacob General Store 4 8 Campbell J'eter G rist Mill Curry James ...Hotel Pallaire Telesphore Grocer &c. Earl Bros GristMill Fish James Postmaster Gronlx Misses Millinery Hamlin & Ayers Woolen Mfrs. Hope John Bobbin Fcty. See J^achute Kettylo R Confectioner 4 McArthur R Tinsmith McGibbon P. & A Lumber McOuat & McRae Foundry Manley R. F Furniture & Grocer Newton John Saw Mill Riddle Alexander Blacksmith Todd W.J General Store Wilson J. C, & Co Paper Mfrs., &c. See Montreal. L.AC JWASKINONGK. Bertliler Co. On Lake of same name, 66 miles north of Mon- treal. See St. Gabriel ds Brandon. LAC MASSON. Terrel>oune Co. See St. Marguerite du Lac Masson. L.AC NOIK. L'Islet Co. Eleven vdlesfrom St. Jean Port Jolt. Pop. 40. Tel. St. Jean Port Joli. Exp. L'Jslet, 21 miles. Bank at Quebec, 82 miles. Paradis Jean Postmaster liACOLIiE. St. Johns Co. On the River Richelieu di Grand Trunk R.R. {Champlain division), 30 miles south-east of Montreal. Pop. 750. Tel., Money Order Office. & Exp. Bank at St. Johns, 21 miles. Barker Miss Marie Milliner 3 7 Boucher Pierre Shoemaker 4 8 Carpenter L. T . . . .Hotel & Shoemaker 3 6 Daggett Lester Tinware 4 Dozois Alfred. 3i 7i iCnnis Stephen, jun Hotel 3 Sj Featherstone Tnomas — General Store 3 6 Featherstone Wm Tannery & Shoes 2i 4 Fillion & Surprenant. Blacksmiths 3 7 60 Fortin M Grocer & Baker 3 7 Girard Frs Furniture 4 s Girard .Jos General Store 21 41 Girard Napoleon.. .Grist Mill & Lumber 3" 7 Goudreau H Physician 3), 7 ', Harty William General Store 3" (ii Haynes T. S Physician & Drugs 3 (;] Landry L. N Blacksmith 3 7 Lareault David. Auctioneer & Carrmkr. 3 7 Lewis F. E • Marble 4 Monette Nelson L Hotel 4 8 O'Connor & Co Furn. & Carpenter 3| 7', O'Conner James Broker & Ins. Agt. 3" 6" Paquette Miss G 4 Pearson Wm. A Saw Mill, &c. 3^ 7', Vanvleit & Co Agrl. Implts. 3 5" Vanvleit & Force Dry Goods & Gro. 3 61 Vanvleit George Manning. .. Gen. Store 3 5l Vanvleit John T.. & Son Gro. & Butchers 2^ 5" Vanvleit W. B Saddlery & Shoes 3^ 71 LA CONCEPTION. Ottawa Co. On the Red River, 60 miles from St. Jerome Pop. of Parish, 500. Te/./ Exp. tfc Bank St. Jerome. Beliveau Michel Cen. Store & Hotel 4 8 (liagnon L General Store 3 7 Godin Zt^phirin Lumber 3 7 Leclerc Alphonse Gnl. Store «& Blacksmith 4 8 St. Germain Napoleon. .Hotel & Farmer 3 7 LACTEMISCOUATA. Temiscouata Co. See Notre Dame du Lac. LA FAYETTE, Bellecliasse Co. Fouinier Felix Postmaster LAGRANGE. Missisquoi Co. One mile from Frellghsburg, Pop. l.sO. 2\l. & Exp., Frelighsbtirg. Bank at Bedford. See Frelighsburg, LA GUERRE. Buutingdon Co. On Laguerre River, 3 uMles from St. Anicet. and 10 miles from Riviere Beaudette, on stage route. Pop. 100. Tel., Exp. White' i^. Station, 7 miles. Bank at Huntingdon, !i miles. MacDonald John D General Store 2 31 O'Hara Patrick Blacksmith 4 8 LAKE AYLMER (or Stratford). Wolfe Co. On MaskinongA Brook, 5 miles from Garthhy station. Pop. 150, Tel. & Exp., Lab. Weedon, 11 miles. Bank at Sherbrooke, 50 miles. Boisvert L. Adolphe General Store 3i 7J Boucher Edouard Money Lender 2| -i] Champoux George. Postmter iii. Tel., St. An- selme. Exp., St. Henri, 5i miles. Bank at Quebec, Gigufere Antolne Genetal Store 4 8 Godbout Louis Potash Mfr. 3 7 Royer Jean Bte General Store 4 8 \ L ANOIEVILLE. Richelieu, Cq. . , , . ; ) See also St. Marcel. , '*; .'■•,'?.'.'^!{ L moie L. , & Co. . , General Store Lan QUEBEC. Lap LANORAIE. Berthler Co. On nnrfh shore of River St. Lawrence, on C.P.R. Station, 6 miles from village. Daily steamer from Montreal, A\ miles. J'op.4m. Tel. a 'Exp. Hank at Bert hiertn lie, 9 miles. Arpin Edaar Grooories &c. 3i 7i & rri-re B. & S Mfrs. 4 B> isjoli Moise General htorc 3 7 Chausso Arthur Z Shoemaker 4 8 Desrosiers Bazile Geii. Store & Sew- iiig jMachnies 2^ 5 Dufharme Cyrillo Grocer 3 5^ Fleuiy A. F Physician ^ Heyueuian Edward Carnages 3 / Laplaiite Miss Josephhit- Gen. Store 3 7 Marion Louia lailor 4 8 Picard Joseph... Grocer 3 7 Picard Z^phirin Baker 3 7 Poitras Louis Notary .3 7 Robillard Charles Wood & Produce 3 6 Robillard Joseph Produce, &c. 2^ 4 L'ANSE A GILES. Montmagny Co. On the south shore of the St. Lawrenee,and on the Intercolonial R. R.,ih miles. from L' Islet. Pop. 250. Tel. & Exp. Bank' at Quebec, 59 mites^ Clou tier Edouard General Store 3 7 Fortin Franv'ois Produce GiasFon Franv'ois L . .Gen. Store & P M. 3 7 Jacques Edouard Produce Langelier On(5siine Apples & Fruits 4 Lavoie Louis. .Gen. Store & Cheese Fcty 3 5^ Theberge Miss Leocadie. General Store 4 8 L.'ANSE AU FOIN. Chlcoutimi Co. See St. Fulgence. L'ANSE AUX GASCONS. B-,naventure Co. On the Baie des Chaleurs. Tri-ireekly steamer from Campbell town, JV. B., 9.5 miles. Pop. 300. Tel. tt- Exp., Dalhousie, N. B., 88 miles. Bank at Paspebiac. Acteson Philip Fish. &c. 2^ 5 Acteson Thomas, & Co. . .Geneial Store 4 Acteson Wni. C Becu Emile Gen. Store & Fish 4 Chapados Paul General Store 3 7 Chouinard Samuel L'ANSE AUX GRIFFONS. Gaspe Co. See Grilfln's Cove. L'ANSE SAINT JEAN. Chlcoutimi Co. Forty-eight miles from Murray Bay. Exp. & Bank at Fraserville. 2'el., Tadousac, 25 miles. Pop. 100. Boudreau Ben jamiu General Store 3 CA Gagnon H6u6 General Store 3 6| LA PATRIE. Compton Co Stage from Scotstown, 10 miles. Tel. & Exp., Scotstown. Bank at Sherbrooke, 44 miles. Pop. 100. Belanger R^mi Blacksmith 3 7 Bernier Theodore Carr. Maker Bourret Alexis General Store 3 7 Bousquet Pierre Carding Mill Gendreau Alf. L.G.S.,Saw Mill & Hotel 3i 6 Girard Etienne Gen. Store & Liqs. Paquet Sif roid Saw & Grist Mill PrevoBtC. F. X Physician 3 7 LA PETITE RIVIERE. St. Francois. Cliai'levolx Co. See St. Franvois, Charlevoix. LA PIGEONNIERE. NapierviUe Co. See St. Michel Archange. LA PLAINE STATION. Terrebonne Co. On C. P. R. Pop. 200. Tel. & Exp. Bank at St. Jirome. Allaire Alfred Butter Factory 4 8 Gauthier Calixte. (General Store 3 6 Gauthier Francois.... ... Hotel. See St. Liu. Maisonneuve Franyois Grocer .'^i 7 Patrie Jean Bte Shoemaker, &c. 4" 8 lioy Philippe 4 8 TaiUon Charles Grocer 4 Therrien Frt^df^ric BlacksUiith 3 6i LAPRAIRIE. Laprairie Co. County seat. On south shore of River St. Law- rence, 7 miles from Montreal. Tri-daily steamers. Pop'. 1«00. Ttl., Money Order O^ffice & Exp. Bank at Montreal. Aubry Alexis Cord Wood 2] 5 AudetJ. B Waxtapers 3 G Barbeau Barnabe Butcher '6\1 Barrette Alphonse Hotel 3 tJ Barjette Bazile Trader * Beauvais Joseph Ploughmaker * Beauvais Ludger... Gro., Hardware, &c. 3 5^ Beauvais R., & Fri're.. .Carriagemakers 4 8 Beauvais* Simoon Boots & Shoes 4 8 Bisaillon & Fils t'arriagemakers Biscornet L. E Saddl(^r 4 8 Bonneterre Edmond Tinsmith 4 8 Bourdon Jacques Saddler 3 6| Bourassa Toussaint Hay 3 7 Bri.>i.>;on T. A Physician 4 8 Brossard Henri General Store 3 7 Brossard J. Bte. Joseph Physician 3 7 Bro.r 3 6 PatoiKVUde Mrs, Simoon Millinery 3 7 Poupart Alplionse Butclier 4 8 Kacine & Bolduc Carrlftgeinakers 3 7 Kobeige A. J. A.. ..Notary & Speculator 2J 4^ Robert Joseph, & Co Hotol 3 7 Robert Lt-andre Hotol 3J 7 Sii'octe Hermi^negilde . ... Bakor 3 7 Syivestre H., & Fils.PaintH & Hardware 3 5^ Thoniaa Paul 1 ce & B'ishemian * Varin J. Bte Notary & Speculator 2^ 4^ LA PRESENTATION. St. Hyaclnthe Co. StiK/e /mm Sf. Tfyncinflie,fi miles, f'np. 300. Tel., Kxj). & Bank at St. Hjiacinthe. Boupquet Louis Blnokaniith 4 8 DonaisA Bouvier Saw & Grist Mills 3 7 Germain Joseph ... BlackBniitli 3 Ciiiisson Gonzague. .Gen. Store fi Hotel 3 5i Menard Etienne Blacksmith 4 8 iMeunicr Jos Genera? Store 4 8 Jlillette Ludger General Store 3 7 Picher Ijouis Cheeso Factory 3 6 Pl;inte Jeremie Shoemaker 4 H Poirier Alphonse Ulacksmith 4 8 Provencal .los. A Glieese Factory (^uevillon Hormisdaa Blacksmith 4 8 LAROCHELI.E. Meg^aiiilc Co. On flu- Nicolvt /iiver, 6 miles from Stanfold. J'op.2i)0. Tel. <& Exp., Stanfokl. Jkinkat Somerset, 12 miles. Boulanger David .... Postmaster LASCELiLES, P.O. Pontlac Co. Hamilton A General Store L'ASSOMPTION. L-'Assomption Co. Count;/ seat. On C. P. It. Daily star/e and steamer from Montreal, .iT) tniles. Pop. 5,000. Tel. & Exp. at L'Assomptioii,. Bank at Jo- Itette, 16 mtles. Arbour E Gro. & Dry Goods 3 7 Arbour Olivier. Baker 2^ 5 Archambault Achille Gen. Store 3 5^ Archambault Auguste • Archauibult Eugene Hotels 6 Archambault Eugfene, jr Baker 3^ Areliambault Francois Contractor 2 2k Archambault Hon. Louis Notary 2 3i Arohatnbault J. Emile Gen. Stores Sj Archambault Mrs. A. Millinery 4 8 Autliier Misael Carriagemaker * Caseneuve J. Zebded Grocer 2^ 4 Cliaput Cyriac General Store 3 5^ Chaput Oswald Lumber 4 8 Cbarlebois Hyacinthe Butcher 3 6 Charlebois J. P General Store 3 6^ Chevalier Moise.... Threshing Machines 3 7 Christin Edouard Grocer 4 8 College L' Assiomption U 2 Desmarais C Physician 2| 5 Besmarais J. Alfred Dry Goods 3 5k Desmarais Louis Gro. & Dry Goods 3 7 Doriou Charles Physician 3 Drolet Benjamin Butcher 4 8 Faribault Chas. F Physician 2^ 4 Faribault J. E Advocate 2i 4 Foisy Louis Boarding House 3 7 Forest Ludger Phj'slcian 2^ 4 Forget Victor (dit Depatle) .Blacksmith 3 7 Guilbault L P. M. & Advocate 3 5^ 2J 5 * 3 6 4 8 3 ^ 4 8 3 « 3 6 3 2i4i 3 % '^\ 4 8 3 6J 3 ti Henri Joseph Saddler 3 6 Lafortuiie Jos Dry C'oods 4 8 LaforLune Vital Grocer, &c. 3 7 Lemiie Charles Oen. Store 3 7 Lendvc Elle (dit Marsolais) ..Gen. Store 2 4 LemireF. X Gro.,&c. 8 BJ Lemire Mrs. Nlcaisse (dit Marsolais). . . . General Store 4 8 Lesage Alclde Dry Goods & Notary Lesage Denis Grocer Malouin S ... Tinware Martol David Cattle 1 )ealer .Martcl Godf roi Silversmith Martel J. Z.. .Notary & Cheese J<"'actory I'ayette Tht'opliile Baker Peltier f'harles Blacksmith IMchf Edmond Contractor Piche ij^on Contractor Itocher Barth«^lemy IWater W'ks Royal Odilon Blacksmith Tarditf B. Z Tinsmith Tliouin A mt^dt^e Grocer, &c. Vigor Phineiis ... * Wright James Hotel LATEKRIERE (or Grand Brule), Cliicoutiini Co. Nine miles from Chicoutiml mi the liiver Saguenaij. Pop. 125. Tel. Cliicimtimi. Exp. & Dank at Fraseroille. Couture Paul Agent «& Butter Fcty. 3 6 Desjardins S ... G. S. & Blacksmith 4 Gauthier Jules Mills 2 4 Goudreau Benjamin General Store 3 7 L,A TORTUE. Lapralrie Co. Tougas & Barbeux Grocers LAUZON (or Saint Joseph). Levis Co. Pop. of Parish 4000. Tel. & Exp., Levis, 2 miles. Hank at Quebec. Bergeron Edouard Fey Goods 3 6 Bergeron -J. E. P Cabt. Mkr. 4 8 Bildoeau Clias Gro. & Butcher Boi.x Nap Grocor 3^ Bouchard David Baker 3 Bourassa Hubert Gen. Store 4 Bourget Mrs A. O..Gro., Boots & Shoes 3^ Hourget Mrs Andr6 Grocer 3 Bourget Mrs P. A .Gro., Hardware, &c. Bourget Pierre Baker Boutin Jean Bte Dry Goods Carrier Louis Butcher Caze J. Bte Tinware, &c. Char land Mrs W Dry Goods 2i Couillard Mrs Phelanise. Grocer 3 Couillard Nazaire Watches 3 Dorval Michel Grocer Guerin Claude Shoemaker La'iibert & Paquet Grocers Larivee Magloire Grocer Lemieux Philippe. ...Butcher & Grocer McFarlane Peter Hotel Marsau Antoine A Physician Mercier Mrs, widow Louis Baker Murphy J. S., & Co Lumber. See Quebec Paquette Calixte Boots & Slioes 3 6;^ Patry Albert Grocer 3 ~ Plourde P Blacksmith 4 Ruel Cyrille A Gro. & Hardware 2J Ruel Edouard Grocer 3 Thivierge J Drugs 4 53 3 7 2i 4i 4 8 C 5 t 6 7 8 6 6 6 7 6 6 Lav QUEBEC. Len IjAVAIi (or St lliiKltte «le Luval). IVlontinoi'wiicy Co. y'meteeH inilcs ftytm (^iiehtc. i' >p. 75. Tel,, Hrp. ct liauk at Qiit'beo, 18 inileH. Thainassln Mrs. (." Grocer 3i 7i L.AVAT^TKIK. Werthler Co. On north shore, of St. Lawrence lliiur, H tniles from Lamltrle. Station on ('. I'. It. Daily ste.anMrfroni Montreal, 35 miles. Pop. 1)08. Tel. (0 '/v>w. Lavaltrie Station. Bank at BerthitrvilU'. Bourdon Pierre Orocer 4 8 Cailloux E I ward cieneral .Store .3 7 Gailloux Louia Prov {\\ '\ Dejourdy Fniii90i8 Hotel 3 6 Delorme M Butcher, &c. 4 8 Giyuero Isaac '. Mitt M£r. a C Goyetto AugiiHte .Shoemaker 4 8 Hervieux .leddy Dry Goods, &c. 4 Lachaiice Louis Saw k (Jrist .Mills 3 7 Lapierre Andre General Store 2\ 4J Lavioletto laale BlackBuiith 4 8 Lepino Grt'jjolro IJuteher 4 H 3\[arsolai9 Daniase Pliysdcian 3 (i.| Martineau Simeon PlivHician 3_^ 7^ Peltier Damaso Tradi-r 3 5 Perrault Auguste Shoemaker 4 8 Poliquin lieon Tanner 3i 7i Poliquin Pierre Tanner 4 H Kobillard Louis Grocer & Joiner 4 8 Kobillard Norliert Saw ^; Grist Mills ^i Tt Kobitaille Elmer Blacksmith 3 7 Vaillaut Joseph Gro. & Trader * Venne daphet Baker 4 8 L'AVKNIK. Diuminoiul Co. Twelre miles from Melhoanie. From Danbij Station S niilex. Pop. ;5()0. Tel., E.cp. tt Jtatilc, lUchmond, lOJ miles. Atkiiitson J. J General Store .0 6i Beard Wni Joiner i 8 Bergeron — Blacksnuth Caille Olivier Gro. & Hotel 3^ 7i Cardin Franvois Saddler Z (3^ Cbarpentier Aitne Tanner 3 7 Cloutier Moise Carriagemaker 3 7 Connors John Gen. Store 3J 7^ Courchene Marguerite Milliner Couichesne David General Store 4 8 Crepeau — Tinsmith Cusson M. L Saddler & Bdg. House 4 8 Dioune Cleophas Trader 2^ 5 Dioune Esdras General Store 3 f>\ Dioiine Eugene B General .Store 2i 5 Dionno L. X^milien.... tieneral .Store 2\ 5 Dote Severe Butcher & Baker 3 7 Gagnon Casimir General Store, &c. 3 6 Gagnon Miss Jane. . ..Milly. & Dry Gds. 3i 7i Guertin Louis Blacksmith 6\ TJ Letourueau & Co Carr. Mkr.-». 4 Marcotte & Co Gro. & Baililt' 4 MazuretO. Physicians 7 St Amaut J. C — Notary 3 7 LAWRKNCEVILLE. Shefford Co. On the Black River, 21 miles souh of Melbourne, Stage from Waterloo, 12 miies. Pop. 300. Money Onler Office, Tel., Exp. <& Bank at Waterloo, 13 miles. Beauchemin Bros.. Sash & Door Factory 3^ 7i Bernard Antoine 4 8 Bisailloa Eugene Tailor u Boisvert Alphonse Blacksmith 4 h Cusavant Leon Carding Mill 3 7 Dalgnault F. H Physician 3 7 Fregeau J. B Haker 3^ 7i Gaouetto (Jhurles CarriagiMuaker * Gaucher LouIh Tinsmith 4 H (}(>ulet Eucllde Tailor 3i 71 Hamel Pierre Shoemaker 4 s" 1 1 uilon Napoleon Hotel & Saddler 3i 74 Kimballll.F General Store 3 GJ [..anctot Alphonso Merchant Tailor 4 Lavigne Louis Blacksmith 3 7 Lawrence A. T Saw M ill 3 7 Potvin Thomas Blacksmith 3^ 7^ Koy A. Barihelemy General Store 3 G LEARNED PLAIN. Coinptoii Co. Five miles from Conkshire. Pop. 100. Tel., Exp. & Money Onler Office, Cookahire. Bank at Slwrbrooke. Learned E Postmaster LECLEIICVILLE (or Ste. Einllie.) Lotbiniere Co. On south slit^re River St. Lawrence, 61 miles from Quebec. Senii-weekh/ sfeami'r f)\,m 'Quebec. Pop. G7(). Tel.', Kxp. Me'thot's Mills. Bank at Three Rivers, 4\ miles. Beaudet Damase General Store 2^ ,'5 Bernard Kdmond Cabinetmaker 4 8 Demers .Metbodie Saddler 4 8 b^ilteau David Lucien General Store 2^ ") Filteau »l. H General Store 3 (!( Gauron Michel Blacksmith 3J 7" Hamel Miv., wid, Aubert....Gen. Store 3 7 Joly lly. Gustave (Seigniori. Grist . | , ,, Saw Mills ( ^ ^i Leclerc P. Milotn Blacksmith 3 7 Lemay Leonard SawA'ill I'arrot .V Carriag(Mnak 3 7 Parrot Eugene . General Stoi 3 ti^ Socit'tt; d'Agruulture de Leclercvllle. ..3 7 LEEDS. Megantio Co. Twenfif-foar miles from Craiffs Jtoad, Staqe from Lijster, 1(> miles. Tel., & Exp. St. Julie .station. It) miles. Bank at Somerset, 2G miles. Church Andrew Ag'l Impt. Agent Hume W. L Physician 3 6 McCutcheon Hugh Bdg. .House & P. M. 4 McKenzle .Malcolm Tailor 3,i 7^ Marshal 1 R. S General Store 2| 4^ Parker Daniel Carpenfr 3^ 7^ Kedfern Joseph General Store 3j 7| Ross David Saw Mill 3" 7 Roy .\ntoiiie Boots & Shoes 8i 7i Whyte John .... General Store 2^ 4| LE.^ESUKIER (or Gulleu's Corners.) MegantLc Co. Twenty-four miles from St. Julie Station. Pop.- 50. Tel. d" Exp., Brouyhton, 13 miles. Bank at Arthabaska Station. Reed John & Henry. . . Saw & Grist Mills 3 7 Wilkie VVtn Peddler & G. S. 3^7^ Wilkin John Postmaster LENNOXVILLE. Sherbrooke Co. On Grand Trunk & Passumpsic liiver & Mas- sawippi Valley JLJi. Pop. 1000. Tel., Money Order Ottice & Exp. Bank at Sher- brooke, 3 miles. Abbott E. W P.M. & General Store 2^ 4i Leo QUEBEC. Les 4 8 4 8 3 7 2 3 3 (5 3i7i 1 7 3) 7 3 7 3 7 m 4 2,J 5 4 8 3 G 4 8 2.J 5 • 3 7 liJS 3 G 3 6 3 7 2i 4 3 7 Biirbier Antoine Llvory IJoirtvortJaciiuea Iilack>*inlth IJowuT. W ('arneiitcr (lough C. U.,&Co.. Whol. rro. C()ll>y Alonzu.... llotol Ciott'iiu F BlaoksinUh CutUs F. K., &Oo Gro. & IJiikers IMnidoii Thomas . ..UlaekHiiiitli Klll)tt Frednrick. ... Carriages Kiiivvoll \V. A Drugs & Fancy Goods Gii>l> Thoinau Shoemaker lliiwes Newel Livery Jli'iiry Charles S.,& Sou Watohmakera Hull James H ('arria^omakor .(ohiirton Bros Grocers & rinware Norcross Allen Wht'elwright Orr ,F. B. General Store I'ilts Mrs Jane General Store Povuy George Confecitloner Powers G. VV Physician liiuusay George F Hotel Uol)ort8on I). T Physician Smith K. L Clothing Strickland P Groceries Terrill Thomas B General Store White Charles S , General Store Winter Charles Saddler LEONARD'S HILL. Dramiuona Co. Ten milfs/rnm Actonvalf.. Pop. 75. See Wickham. L'EriPHANIE. L'AsHoinptlon Co. OnC /'. /f.,33 miles firm Montreal. Pop.HOO. Tel. & E.cp. Hank IENTS. Clmrlfvolx Co. Selqniorji and Itiiwr Port, on north nhore of St /jawrence, G9 mile.t from Oue.hee. ' vjeekly steamer. Tel. t£ Hank at Qiiehc ."Vudet Ambroise Blacksmith 3^ 7V lAudet Fortunat Blacksmith 3^ 7i AudPt Thiburce Blacksmith 4 8 I Bouchard Alfred Carpenter 3J 7i ] Bouchard Mrderic General Store Clement Ij. C ..... Notary. &c. 3 ICote Clt^ophas (ieneral Store 3 iUonturler — i'hysician 'Desgagner .los. K., & Son Gen. Store Dufour Gt^deon General Store 3 7 (iandreault Arsene General Store GuayJ..&Co General Store ;U 7 iMailloux File (Srist .Mill 3^ 7 Mattel Isaie Wheelwright 3 G jOuollette .Jereinie Grist Mill 3 6 Perron Achille Cartwri>{ht 3 J Thibault .Jo.seph General Store Hk T Tremblay Adolpho T'anni-r 4" 8 Tromblay Armel Bhusksmith 3j 7i Tr.-mblay Celse Fulling Mill,&c. 3A T Tremblay Kmilieii. Grocer & Blacksmith ',i] 7 Tremblay Franyois General Store 3j 7j Tremblay .r. A Notary 3J 7 Tremblay .Fosepli (■!artwri;iht 4 8 I'rembl.'iy.Fu-^tinien .-.Cartwriglit 4 8 : Tremblay Noi-bert Saw Mill I See St. Ircnee. iTremblay Phiiias Cartwriglit 3i 7\ jTremblay Treltie Blacksmitli 3] 7i LES ECUKEUILS. Portiieiif Co. Tel. & Erp. St. ,/eanue de Xeuvllle,6 miles. I nank at Qnebec. Pop. 200. IBarbeau — Peddlor 4 8 Dussoault Cclestin Blacksmith, &c. 3} 7^ Giuvreau Olivier General Store 4 8 Papillon .\ Shoemaker 4 8 iSewell Edward L Saw it Grist .Mills 3 ! LKS ESCOUiVIAINS. Sagnenay Co. Twenty-seven miles from Tadousac and 68 miles from Murray Bay. Hank at Fraser- rille. Kvp. Trois I'istoles. Tel. Tadon.uic. Pop. 300. Belanger Charles General Store 4 8 Gagnou Adolphe Gen. Store 4 8 Lamoutagne Theodore J Lunxber See Ste. Anne des Mouts. Larouche Alfred, & Co Gen. Store & Mill 4 7i LBS PJETITES BEKCiERONNES. Sagueaay Co. , p On north shore of St. Lawrence, 9 miles froth Tadousac. BouUiaue K Postmaster 55 ' Lev QUEBEC. Lib LEVIS. LevU Co. County neat. Oil south xhorv of Hirer St. Law- rence, 1 milefi-om South Qn-l»c Station. Firm jYom Quebi'c. (hi (i.TM., Qi't'l'/S' Ontrnl tt Intercolonial It-H. I'on. 75»7. 1,1., Atone y Order Ojffice & Kxi*. Unnk at Quehvc, ^la,.y s BlackHiiiith 3J 1\ A rHiuiiullV Thdophlle I ny <;oo.1b 3) 7 J JJal)in Wm '"'I'"" ■} » ]{ar..n < iodfrol .Urocer 4 JJeaudolii AdillleE Dry (ioodn 3 « Heaulieii.l.,&Co Hi"*'®'"* „, , Metlftril Kl/Ar Grocer 2i 5 BoKlii F)ftiimse Tanner Bei;in G. Nery Grocer 8 7i 5 3 5 2i 5i BcL'in LouiH, Jr BootH & Shoen 4 Bernior Adjutor Slatiouer 4 BlPKon II. & J Groceis Blouin .1. A (Jroccr 3 7 Blonlii ,1 . Cyrille Grocer Bolduc J Temp. Hotel 4 8 Boiirgf-t G Tinware 4 8 Brochu Kdouardjr .. Grocer 3i /i BrochuG. A Grocer 3 7 Brown Sainnel T Haker 4 Buchanan .lohn Grocer 2i Carrier Antoine, Sons & Co....Gro. & I „ Hardware ) Carrior Felix Soap Manufacturer 3 _ Carrier George Butcher 2i 4j Carrier Q Ibert Grocer 4 8 Carrier Hubert Grocer 2i Carrior, Laine & Co ..Foundry 2 Carrier Mra P Hoots & Shoes Cauclion Olivier Boarding House 3 Cot^ Edouard Tailor 4 Cote .Joseph General Store 4 Compa^nie de Chaussures de Levis 3 Coutu Marc Bcots& Shoes 3 Couture F Carriages 4 Couture George & Edouard. . .Gen. Store 1 Couture Ignace Grocer 2 Couture LouiH Blackaniith \ Crean John Grocer & Tavern 4 Davie George T Patent Slip & I g Ship Hepairer ) Demers C. A Books & Cigars 4 Dion Mrs O. J I>iug8 3i 7i Dorval & Co Hats, &c. Dorval Michel Tobacco, &c. Dumont Mrs Jean Grocer Duplessis K Tanner 3i 7i Durand Joseph Tailor 3 6 Foisy Tb6ophile. .Steamboat Proprietor 2 4 Fortln Joseph Grocer 2J 5 Fournier D. D Cartwright 4 8 Frechette Porphyre Shoemaker 4 Gagnon A.,«&Co Dry Goods 4 Oarneau Jos. Israel Tinware 4 8 Oastonguay Chas Grocer 4 7^ Gelly Thomas Saddler 4 Gibson Jos Gro.,&c. 3^ Girard Honor^ Shoemaker 4 Girard Louis G Flour 3 Goulet Frferes Grocers 3 Grenier & Blals Curriers 4 Guay MissC Millinery 4 Guenet George Jewellery 4 Guenette George Undertaker 3 Hamel Joseph Cyrille, & Co Grocers 3i (5 Harpe S Confectioner 4 7i Hunt Peter. Grocer 4 8 Kennedy W. H .Comm., &c. 3 King Bros. & Co Lumber Ses Rlvi»>ro Ouellc. Klnsella Miss Milliner 4 H Labadip .Joseph.... Grocer 4 8 Lahontt^ K Shoemaker 4 Labranche Eug^ne Beer Bottler 4 8 Labrie (.;barlt'B Prov. 4 Lacerte Narclsse — Physician & Drugs 2 J T) Lambert A lived General Store 4 8 Lambert George Grocer 3 (i Lamontagne Niipol«''on Groc»'r 4 8 I^anler .1. \\.,& Son Wax 1'apers 3 Lanointe F. X Gen. Store 4 LaUuo E ("omm. 4 S Latulippe Damase Shoemaker 'i\ IS Laverriero Mrs C D. Q. & Millinery 4 8 Lawlor .lames, jr Hotel 3 (J Lawlor John Grocer 3 7 Lawlor Wm General Store 3 7 Lefebvre Misses Gnxrei-s 2i 5 McNeal William Grocer 4 Marceau G. S Dry Goods Maritime Industrial Co 2 2\ Marmot S ....Drugs 3 7 Marquette Albert Restaurant 3 Marquette L Hotel, &c Martin & Co Fruits, &c. 4 .Martin G. A Barber 4 Martineau H. A Hardwiire 4 7t Mercier & Cio Booksellers «& Printers 3 6} Mercier Napoleon Furniture Midland J. B... Dry Goods 3 (\ Moiitreuil P. .T Beer Bottler 3 7 Ouellotte Phillbert Lumber 3 ti J'aradis T Saw Mill & Lumber 2i r> Pouliot Paul Undertaker 4 71 PrevoHt Chas. A Teas & Clocks 4 8" Khcaume Pierre Harness 4 8 Kitchie John. , Grocer 4 8 Kousseau Frs. X Shoemaker & Gro. 4 7^ Routhier A. J Ins. Agent 4 8 Roy A. R Photographer 3 7 Roy Napoleon Tailor 4 Roy Pierre. Blacksmith 3 6 Russell Alex Shipbuilder 2i 5 Seaton W. W Crockery 4 7^ Siippson William Coal, &c. 3 6 Sirois Elie Saddler 4 8 Sutclilf John Grocpr 2* 5 Thibaudeau Modeste Saddler 3i 7i Thomson Jo.^hua . ..Whol. Gro. & Flour 2 3l TofleldW.... Hotel 3 7 Trudel F., & Fils Carriagemakers 3i 7^ Turgeon H Boarding & Liquors 3j 7| Turgeon N Tanner Vallifere Augustin Shoemaker 4 Valli^re Odilon Watches 3i U Veirault .Jos Grocer 3j l\ Verrault Mrs, Henri Saddler 4 LIBBEYTOWN. Stanstead Co. On the River Niger, 10 miles from Coaticook. Pop. 200. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Coaticook, Libbey Bros General Store 3i 7i Libbey James Mills 3 6 Morin George Blacksmith 4 lilBBKY'S MILLS. Stanstead Co. 4i miles from Ayers Flat. On Passumpsic R. R. Tel. ^ Exp., Bank at Stan8teaA. CUnnpton To. Ji'lre miles J'rtim Cunkshire. See WeHtbury. L.lNKT»ORO. StaiiKtead Co. See North l>erby. LINIKUE. BeaiUH) €^o. Donovan Michnel I'ostniaBter LISt' the St. Lavrence & 1n- (crcolonial J{. li. ' Pop. 1000. Tel. & Exp. Hank at Qiiehec, (51 miles. Beaulieu & Caron Grist Mill Btilaiiyer Cleophas General Storo 3] TV Bernier Capt. Jos General Store 3 7" Carbonneau Unt-'slplior , . . . ( Jt-neral Store 3 5^ ■Caron Germain General Store See Tiois Sannions, •Caron Joseph Tanner 3^ 7 Caron Pierre Tanner 3 7 Cas-graiu Eugene Land Surveyor 3 5^ Casgraiu .fules Etienne Notary Pub. & Ins. Agent 3 5 Cloutier Arsene General Store 3 6 Cloutier Polycarpe General Store See Lamartine. Deschesne Calixte Flour 3 7 Dion Napoleon Phvsician 3 C>k Dussault Napoleon General Store 3 (j| Fournier Cleophas . ■ Cartwright 4 8 Franeoeur Mrs. E., Widow. ..Gen. Store 3 C^ ■Giason J. O. V General Store 4 8 Guilniette Fabien Shoemaker 3i 7i Lavoie Napohion Physician 3 6| Leclaire Edmond Machinist 3 G Leclaire Exodile Grist Mill 3J 7 Leclair Louis Builder 3 6 Lemieux A General Store 3 6 Lemieux Louis, & Co Bakers 3J 7 Morin Mrs. C Millinery 4 Pelletier Cl«^opha8 Blacksmith 4 8 Pelletier R6al Cartwright 3 6 Plourde A Temperance Hotel 3| 7k- Plourde William Blacksmith 4 8 Pouliot Jules Thomas — General Store 2^^ 5 St. Pierre Octave Cartwright 4 8 Thibault Calixte.'. .Shingle & Grist Mill 4 Tondreau Joseph. .Jeweller 3J 7^ Vachon Felix Trader Vaillancourt Luc Cartwright 3J 7 V^zina Charles Tinsmith 4 8 LTTTI.K BONAVKNTIIRK. Ifonaven- tiire Co. See Bonaventure. LITTLE MATANE. RlinoiiHkl Co. Se»^ Matane. LITTLE METIS. RiinoiiHkl Co. (hi south share of Hirer St. Lawrence, 4 miles /mm St. Ortnre Station. Weekly Steamer from (^iiehea. ]',>]>. 100, Tel. tt Exp. Little 'Metis Statitm. Hank at Fraserville. Astle Mi.sH Mary .Vnn General Storo 3 7 Aallo Wm. & Bros... Grist Mill & Motel 2i 5 liJindry Aljihonse Gro. & Dry Goods I 8 .Macnider John. ...P. M., Grocer "& Hotel 2^ 5 Miclijind Louis Blacksmith 4 7i Tiirrill l^>l)ert Hotel 21 4* Turriir Wm Hotel 2j 5 LITTLE METIS STATION. Rimonskl Co. On Intercolonial Jt. II. Tel. d Exp. Bank at Fraserville. Pop. 60. Bourgoin Mr.'».Gen. Store, Hotel & P. M. 4 (iendroTi Jules .General Storo 4 8 Boy Octave . . Temp. Hotel 3 7 LITTLE I»ABOS. Ganpe Co. Exp. Dalhousie, N. H. Tel, Aewporl. Bank at Paspehiac. Pop. 700. Boudreau II Blacksmith 4 8 Connors Patrick Gen. S. & Blksmith 4 7i King Bros . . Lumber See Quebec. Manger P. & G General Store ."Morris Dennis ,. Shoemaker 4 8 Tetu Xavier General Store 3^ 7i Windsor Joshua \V .Fish See New Mills, N. B. LITTLE KAriDS. Ottawa Co. Twelve miles from liuckinyhnm. Tel. . Money Order Office & Exp. Buckimjham. Bank at Ottaira. Brosseau Maurice Tavern 3 7 LITTLE RIVER. (Jaspe Co. Exp. Dalhousie, N. B. Tel. Cape Cove. Bank at Paspebiac, Pop, 150. Baker John General Store 2^ 5 Dugal F. X General Store 4 LOCHABER BAY. Ottawa Co. Five miles from 'Thurso. Tel., Money Order Office & Exp, at Thurso. Bank at Ottawa. Lamb J. D Postmaster LONGUE POINTE. Hochelaga Co. County seat. On north shore River St Law- rence and on Daily stage route from Mon treal,G miles. Fop. 450. Tel., Exp. <& Bank at Montreal. Bernard A If red General Store 3 6 Bernard Benjamin Hay dealer 3 6 Blutean Pierre ; Builder 3 7 Brodeur Honor6, jr Milk Dealer * Caty Louis Blacksmith 3i 7i ChevaHer .Toseph, jr Hotel 4 8 Duquette Evariste E Physician 3 7 57 LoN QUEBEC. Lou Hi 3 6i Beiioit Etieniie Grocer & Baker 3 Beiioit .rejiii Flour 2^ 8 8 (i 6L 8 8 8 7i Dutour Louis Grocer & I'.M, Guy Edmoiul & Octave.. .Milk Dealers, &c. Lachapelle Jean M Joiner Laurin Jos, N. . .'.Butcher & Cattle D'lr Laurin L Butcher Lon>5pre Louis, jr Blacksmith Pepin J. B,, sr Hotel Tepin Octave Carpenter Perrauit Francois X Physician Kenaud Joseph General Store LONGUEUIL. Chambly Co. \ County seat. On south shore of Ulcer St. Law- rence and on (lit'dy sta(ie route from Mont- real, 3 miles. On south. Eastern d: Montreal & Sorel R. ft. Pop. 3,000. Tel. & Exp. Jiank at Montreal. Beaudry Anguste Hotels C ' Bellerose Joseph Grocer & Painter 3^ "i I " ■ ' ' H Bertrand C Mer. Tailor 4 Bourdon Thcopliile J'otel 4 Bousquet Hubert Horse Dealer 3 Brais Pierre Notary 3 Breard Frederick, dit Laroche . ..Baker * Brisetle Daniase Stages. &c. 3 Brisettc Piiileas Grocer 3} 7 J Brisson Mrs. Louis Barber & Fancy Good's Bronsseau Isidore Carriageniaker Carriere Louis Nap Painter Carrietle Edmond Painter Charruaut A , & Fils . . .Pattern Makers * Deiiiger (jhas,, sen..floinor it Contvacior 4 Dubuc Phileas .Milk Dealer 3 \ )ubuc Toussaint Cord Wood 3 I>Hoharnie Joseph . . .Phvsician 3 Duval Jos. (dit Thuot) Cord Wood & Lumber Favreau Michel Contractor Favreau Narcisse , Butcher (iadoua flulien Saddler Garii'py Octave Blacksmith Girouard Joseph Piiysician 3 7 Ives H. K.. & Co — Foundry. See Montreal. Jolivet Auguste .'.. .Tinware 4 8 Laciiapelle Donat Joiner 3 \s Laluniitsro Etienne Shoemaker 3 7 . Lamane Pierre Shoemaker 4 Lavigne .\delard Butcher 3 Gi Lavoie Alphonse Carriagemaker 3 l' Leblanc Joseph ,, Grocer 3 7 Letouriieau Louis. Trader 4 Longpre Joseph Veterinary Surgeon 4 8 Maifle F. X. E lTot-1 Messier Wilfrid Shoemaker 4 Meunier Aniedee Blacksmith 3 7 Millette Thonnis .(irocer 3 7 Moquin Victor Phy.tvn.Hhip fiOO. Tel. <& Exp., St. Julie Station. Bank at Somerset, 28 miles. Brlggs Johnso.' Blacksmith 3} Mooney Henry R Gen. Store, Saw & Grist Mills & P. M, 3 7 Wight Francis W Gen. Store 3 7 LUCERNE. Ottawa Co. Thirty inilc.'i from Hull. Tel. & Exp., Hull. Hank at Ottawa, Ont,, 31 miles. Blackburn Robert Trader & P. M. 4 8 Orange William Blacksmith 3^ 7^ LYS.INDER. Megantic Co Seventeen miles from St. Julie Station. Tel. d- Exp. Li/,ite.r Station, 10 miles. Bank at So- merset, 20 miles, Wark Findlay Grist Mill & P. M. 3 oi LYSTEK (or Ste. Anastasle de Nelson.) Meffantic Co. Two miles from Lyster Station, on Grand Trunk li. It. Tel. & Exp., Lyster Station. Bank at Arthabaska Station. Pop. 175. ; Beaudette M Gen. Store 3 Bisson Fraiivois Gen. Store 3 7 Cote F. X ....*, Gen. Store 3 7 Gosseliu F. X Blacksmith 4 Houle J. B Gen. Store 3^ 7V King Bros Saw Mill 2\ 3^ also Riviere Ouelle. Laca-^se Charles Shoeiiiaker 4 8 Lacasse Damase Carriages 3J 7^ Lavertue Louis Gen. Store Moisan Adolphe Gen. Store 4 Stl'ierreP\X Gon. Store 4 8 Tremblay Jacques Millwright 4 8 LY.STEK STATION. Megaativ Co. 071 Grand Trunk It. R. Tel, & Exp, Rank at Somerset. Pop. 200. Marceau & Frcre Gen. Store 3 7 Rousseau J. Alfred Gen. Store 3 7 MACNIDEK. Riuiou.Hki Co. See Notre Dame de L'Assomption. MADDINGTON. Arthabanka Co. Thirteen miles from Stanfold, Tel., Money Order Ofiice jb Exp. Stanfold. Bank at liichriwnd. Daveluy Adolphe Gen. Store 2* 4 Demers Elisoe. 2} 5 59 Mag QUEBEC. Mal Dominion Paper Co See Quebec. Enouf fJiiles Postmaster Goodhue Bros Hark See Danville. Maddington Falls Pulp & Paper Go See W. & F. P. Currie & Co., Montreal. MAGDALEN ISLANDS. Gaspe Co. It comprises fom' islands near the centre of the Gulf nf St. Lawrence, op' the coast of Gaspi, in the tnwk of vessels Ixmnd up the Oulf for Quebec, namely, Allright, Amherst, Coffin's and (irindstone Islands. A port of entn/ , 54 miles N. W. of Cape Breton and 100 mites W, S. W. of tlie nearest point of Newfound- land. Pop.'6'im. Tel. Souris, P. E. 1., 75 miles. Kxp. Pictou, H. S., 13 miles. Bank at Charlottetown, P. E. I., 95 miles. Allrifjht Island. Arseneau Fred. , & Fils Gen. Store See Grindstone Island. Delaney Bros Gen. Store See Grindstone Island. Delaney R., & Son Gen. Store See House Harbour, P. Q. Gaudin P Gen. Store 3 7 Amlierst Island. Deveau D Gen. Store & Fish 4 Ogilvie James K Gen Store & Fish Savage John C Gen. Store See Grindstone Island. Webb J. B. , & Co Fish & Lobsters See Grindstone Island. Coffin's Island. McPhail Neil Gen. Store See Grand Entry P. O. Grindstone Island. Arseneau J. N Gen. Store 3 C^ Arseneau Fred.,& Fils Gen. Store 3 6 Delany Bros Gen. Storti 3 Ci Leslie William, & Co Gen. Store 3 H| McCallum Muir Gen. Store 3^ 7 Savage John C Gen. Store 3 6 Webb J. B. , & Sou Caiwied Fish 3 6^ MAGENTA. Bouville Co. Five miles from West Farnham. Tel. & Exp. West Farnham. Bank at St. Cesaire and West Farnham. Decelles Arthur Blacksmith 4 8 Fortin Joseph Blacksmith, etc. 4 8 Fournier Jacques Bailiff 3 5 ^ Legros Cesaire Butcher 3 Marger Cyprien Gon. Store 4 8 Menard Frt^derio Cheese, etc. 3i 7 Meunier Pierre.. ..Carriagemaker & G.S. 3 7 Rainville Misses Alp. «<o8alie. Milliners 2i 5 Robert Trefflti;..Lmbr, Cheese Boxes,&c. 2\ 5 MAGOG. Staustead Co. On Lake Memphremagog , Central Vermont It. R., 21 miles from Waterloo. Daily Stage from Sherbrooke,\Q miles. Pop. 550. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Sherbrooke. AllardZ Hotel 3 6 Ayer G., & Co. Flour, Prod. & Grist Mill 3i Barlow H. F Gen. Store 3 7 Boucher A. D. . .Gro. & Boarding House 3 5* BuUardMrsM A Gen. Store 4 8 60 Bullock John J Cabinetmaker Cepiion Joseph Gen. Store Chamberlain MissE — D. G. & Milliner Corriveau Josepli Hardware Dalpe F. X Gro. & Baker 4 Dillon D. M.,&Co Tailors 4 Drew Lavinus K Carriagemaker 3 6 Dnpuis Joseph Saddler 4 8 Dusseault Timothti Shoemaker 4 Ellis J. H Musical Instruments 3 7 Fisette F. X Jeweller 4 8 Gendreau L Butcher 4 8 Gleason A Gen . Store 4 8 Goyetle Benoni E Gen. Store 3 7 Guilbert A. H Tailor & B. & S. Si 7i Guilbert F G. S. 3 G Janiieson William Hotel 3 5 McKenna Wm Stoves, &c. 3^ 7^ Magog Hosiery Co (Not Incorp.) Magog Textile & Print Co. (Incorporati- ed) Auth. Cap. $1,000,000, Sub. Cap. $500,000, Paid-up #a0,0OO 2 Moore A. H.. & Co Gen. Store 2^ 4 Palardy Rtimi Blacksmith 3| 1\ Pratt L..&CO Gen. Store 3 7" Renaud Chas. Saddler & Waggon i'ainter 4 8 Rexford L. "E ... Sashes & Doors 3 7 Shedrick James & Son Gro. 3 7 Shedrick William Fancy Goods 4 7^ Somers G. O Phys. & Druv^s 3 6 WillardG. W ....Saw Mill 4 7i MAGOON'S POINT. Staustead Co. On Lake Memphremagog , 5^ milesfrom Gtorqe- ville, and (i milesfrom Smith's' Mills, 'tel, & Exp. Smith's Mills, Bank at Stanstead, 10 miles. Pop. 25. Magoon Aaron P. M. & Lime Kiln * MAGPIE. Saguenay Co. On the north shore of the St. Lawrer.ce, 125 milesfrom Gaspi Basin. Le Bouthiller Bros. . .Fish & Gen. Store See Paspebiac. MAISONNEUVEVILLE. Hochelaga Co. Tel. , Exp. & Bank at Montreal. Pop. 350. Bellerose & Fr^re Grocers, &c. 3 6^ Benoit Damase Hotel 2^ 5 Brunelle Pierre Hotel 4 8 Bumbray John Contractor 3 6 Cliartrand J. B Joiner Contractor * 3 4 * 3 3 * Christin Joseph Hotel 3 7 Couillard Pierre P Dry Goods, &c. 4 8 Dudevoir T., & Co. . .Liniment Pow' I .-•-i.ii.u. i;,. . ..;.iv 1'. MAPLE LEAF. Compton Co. See Ranboro and Sawyervillo. i . MARBLETON. Wolfe Co. Three miles from Marbleton Station , on Que- hee Central It. It. Pop. 200. Tel. at Village & Exp. at Station. Bank at Sherbrooke, 2& miles. Adams Charles H Saw Mill 2J 5 Barter A Carr. Maker 4 8 Beaudoin S Gen. Store 3 6A Bennett E. J Saddler 3^ 7| Berlrand Joseph Shoemaker 4' Bishop B. K Agr'l Implements 8 6 Bishop Curtis Mills & Farmer 2^ 6 Breadon J. H General Store 3 6^ Cole Jackson Carriapemaker 4 8 Cooke W. H Plivsician 4 8 Dawson Wm Saw & Grist Mill 3J 7J Dudswell Lime & Marble Co, See Sherbrooke. Glasscrook F. W. J General Store 3 6t Hill J Watclimaker Oughtred W. W. Agr'l Implements 3 6 & W. W, Oughtred & Co. Oughtred W. W., & Co Gen. Store 3 6 & W- W, Oughtred. Sherbrooke & Dudswell Lime Co. See Sherbrooke. Weston E. & A Dry Goods Weston & Son Carr. & Cabt. Mkrs. 3\ 7> WeylaiulC M Blks & Gen. Store 3 6^ Williard George Butcher 4 8 MARIA. Bonaventiire Co. On North side of Bale des Chaleurs. Tri- weekly steamers from JJalhousie, N.B., 24 miles. Pop. 2000. 7'ei., Exp. JJalhousie, N.B., 24 miles. Bank Campoellton, N.B., 42 miles. Campbell James General Store 3J 7i Clapperton Wm. H Genei-al Store 3 6| Degrace Alexandre General Store 4 8 Gagne Zacharie Miller 3 7 Giroux Francois General Store 3 7 Guite John F. (alias Green). .Gen. Store 3 6^ Miller Levi Hotel 3 7 MARIEVILLE. RouvlUe Co. County seat. On South Eastern R.R., 23 Jroni Montreal. Pop. 2500. Tel. & Bank at St. : 'isaire, D miles. Archambault Jcs. A General Store Bedard IsaVe 'J'ailor Bessette M Hotel Blain Joseph Painter Bombardier Grt^goire Notary Boucher Stanislas General Store Bouvier Elie Tinsmith Choqueito Louis Blacksmith Demers Louis General Store Deslauriers Joseph ..... Carriagemaker Desmarais Hegesippe General Store Dextraze Emmanuel Hotel Dor6 Louis Joiner Dubuc widow Rosanna Millinery Dussault Louis Butcher Fontaine Felix Notary Fournie • Augustin Speculator Fournier Joseph Grocer Franch^re Jac. . .Physician & Speculator Gingras Pierre Cheese Faciory Girard Miss Marie Millinery 61 miles Exp. Mar QUEBEC. Mas Goyette Micliel Blacksmith Guillet Edmond, & Co Mfrs. Straw Goods Halde Moise General Store Haniel Antoine Blacksmith fJett«'i Alexis Carriagemaker Laboiite Felix V Hotel Lamonreux Pierre Baker Lebeau .Jacques Agent Lepage Come Blacksmith Marier Jos Tins Marieville Watf r Works Co jVlarcoux — Cheese Factory Maritigny Eugfene Tanner Messier K. A Hay I>ealer Nadeau Fabien Hay Presser Ostigny Elie General Store Pineonnaiilt Cl^ophas Physician Ponton Louis.. Threshing Mach. Mant'r, Poulin Eugene Advocate <& Registrar Poulin Joseph Nap Physician Provost Franyois Blacksmith llainville IE Baker liivard Abraham Shoemaker liondeau Antoine Butcher Kondeau Eustaolie Carrlagemaker Ste. Marie Leon Liquors Ste. Marie Olivier Money Lender Tetranlt Pierre Blacksmith Theberge tler^mie. . Gen. Store & Cattle MAKITANA. Huutingilon Co. Twelve mil en from Hemmhir/ford. Te I. A Exp HemmhuiforO . Hank at JIuntlmjdun, I'd miles. J'op. 75. Graves Bros Foundry 4 8 Seguin Isai'e.... Blacksmith 4 MARSIJORO. Coinptoii Co. On Victoria. liaij. Four miles from Lake Me- (jantlc. J'op. 100. Tel. & Exp. Eclio ]'ale. Bank at Sherbrooke, 73 miles. Mclver John F. . .P. M. & General Store 3^ 7^ MARSDEN. Conipton Co. Chi International Ji. Tel. <& Exp. Bank at Sherbrooke. l\)p. 100. McLeod John J Gen. Store 4 8 Morrisson D. L Gen. Store 4 Morrisson .F. P Saw Mill 4 MARTINVIIXE. Compton Co. On Salmon Jiiver, 4i miles from Johnville. Pop. 100. Tel. & Exp. Johnville. Bank at Sherbrooke, 15 miles. AldricliAlden Cooper 4 3 Cass&Bro Grist & Saw Mill 3 Qk Leavitt Daniel Saw Mill * McNight A Blacksmith Parker E. W General Store Pierce Frederick P. M. & Grocer 4 Sherburn Mark Harness 4 3i7i 3 5 MARYLAND. Fontiac Co. Bell John George Gen. Store 3J 7^ MASCOUCHE. li'Assomption Co. On C.P.R. Pop. 500. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Montreal, 21 miles. Bourgouin A General Store 4 8 Brien Joseph General Store 3 5i CantinPierre Saddler 4 • Corbeil Theodore General Store 3* 7i 62 Deslongchamps Ens. (dit Huboux) ) General Store ) 3 (i Delorme Alphonse Shoemaker ',i\ 7i Dupras Damase Blacksmith 3} 1] Dugas J Blacksmith 3| 7l Gagnon Charles Saddler 4 Lamarche Emile Baker 4 8 LamarcheFrancois,Gen. Store &B'tcher 3 7 Lamarche L. (alias Bricault). ..G. Store 3i liarose Damase Hotel 3 j 7| Renaud Avila Blacksmith 3^ 7^ lienaud Joseph Physician 3 Gi Kollin J. Honors Tinsmith 3 7' Roy Wilfrid Hotel 4 7^ Soucisse Andre, jun Blacksmith 4 8 Therrien Edmond Blacksmith 31 7] Therien Magloire Shoemaker 3' 7 Villeneuve Felix General Store 2} 5 MASCOUCHE RAPIDS. L'Assomption Co. On the Hirer Mascouche and the C.P.R., 8 miles from Terrebonne. MASH AM MILLS. Ottawa Co. (Lasalle P.O.) Stafie from Ottawa, 28 miles. Pop. 150 Tel. Peche, G miles. Exp. Hull, 2Qmiles. Bankat Ottawa, Ont. Bertrand Paul — General Store & Mills 2^ 5 Hamilton A General Store 3 7 ]Martin Francis General Store 4 MASKINONOE. Maskinong© Co. On north shoi^e of Jiiver St Lawrence and C.P.Ii. JJaihj steamers from Montreal. I'op. 2000. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Louiseville. AyotteLudger Cheese Factory 2i 5 Bclanger Jos. O Grocer 2| 5 Bouchard Charles Blacksmith ii-^ 71 Boucher Hercule Joiner 4 8" Clou tier C. P Blacksmith 3i 7 i Damphousse Isaie Bntchpr 3^ 7,l DeCarufel Arthur,Carding&Fuirg. Mill 3 6' DeCarufel A. S Gen. Store DeCarufel Louis Blacksmith 3^ 71 Derouin Elzear General Store 4 ' Derouin Miss C General Store 4 8 Desrosier George Blacksmith 3* 7', ^>eziel Henry Carpenter 3* 7^ Deziel Joseph Shoemaker 4" 8" Deziel Louis Tanner 4 8 Dostaler L . J. ^ Physician 3 7 Dupuis Elie Blacksmith 4 Ferron Francois. .Saddler & Shoemaker 3 7 Fenon Joseph Wheelwright ? 7 Fleury Hormidas Hay Dealer 3 6 Galipault L. E Notary Public, «&c. 3 6 Gonneville Felix Tinsmith 3i 74 Gurnard Alexis Carrlagemaker 3 gI Lamar re T Carpenter 3^ 71 Lanthier Isaie , Tanner 4 8 Laurandeau A General Store 3i 7* Lebrun Charles Cattle J>ealer 3 6 Lemire Edouard Tinsmith & Photo. 4 8 Lemire Honors Cattle Dealer 3 6* Lemire N. G General Store 3 (it Lemire Joseph Cattle Dealer 3i 74 Lemire Theophile Blacksmith 4 8 Lessard Dosithe Joiner 3^7^ Lessard Pierre Joiner 4 8 Manseau Louis Shoemakers* 7i Marchand Isaie Grist Mill 8 5 Marchaud Jos. I. M Grocer, &c. 3 ^ Maskinong^ Lumber Co. (Not.Incorptd-) 3 5 31 AS QUEBEC. Met 4 3 H 8 7 3 5i 4 8 4 8 3^ n o O 3^.5A 2 3^ H 7^ 3 7 4 8 * 4 8 3A 7* 3| Ti Mayrand Napoleon Tailor raquin Ft^lix Hay Denier J'aquiu F. X Grocer & Hay Dealer ]\'iquin Moise Hay 1 )ealer Pan^ Antoiiie Hotel I'elletier Joseph Cabinetmaker Pageau Elz^ar (leiieral Store PlimtP DeniB General Store Peiiaud Urgele Grocer Saucier Aiitoine. . . .Gen. Store & Bakery Saucier Joseph General Store Svlvestre J. M. S I^hysician Sylvertre P. M I'hy sician Trempe Anselnie Trader 'J'rempe Joseph Cabinetmaker Trempe Louis ...Cattle Dealer Yertefeuille David Gro. & Liqs. MASKINONGE BRIDGE. Masklnonge Co. See Maskinongp. ]»f ASSAWIPPI. Stanstead Co. On Passumpsir liivcr and Afastsnwippi Valleii n. B. Pop. 300. Til. Money (hdcr Office & Exp. Bank at Coaficook. Burbank J. A Grist Mill 4 Clnlson L. P Blacksmith 4 Darling Stephen W Carder & I Cloth Dresser S 4 7i Frappier F Blacksmith 4 8 Hitchcock. Paul & Son General Store 2i 4^ LeBarron Klijah Herbert Blacksmith 3" 7 St. Dizier Kugtne General Store 4 7^ MATANIC. Kiinouskl Co. On south shore of liiver Sf. Lawrevce, 33 mih'» from Metis. Pop. &M. Tel.,8i Ecrp. at St. Octave. Bank at Quebec. Bergeron J. B. Y. General Store 4 8 Ohouinard Ji. H General Store 4 8 cote Eugfene Blacksmith 4 Desrosiers J. B Blacksmith 3 7 Dorvhii Aub6 Mills 3 61 Fortin Achille Tinsmith 3 7 Fraser Alex Hotel 3 Genereux J. Flie .Gen. Store & Lumber Grant Alexander .... Hotel 3J 7^ Joncas Aim*? Blacksmith«4 8 Langlois Pierre General Store 2\ 4 Levasseur L. Joseph General Store 21 5 Leniieux & Frere Tanners 3j Ih Marquis Abel Gen. Store ;4 7j Pelletier George L General Store 3| ll Pelletier J. Pierre Physician 4 7;^^ Price Bros & Co Lumber & Mills See Quebec . Eichardson James, & Co. Spool Factory 2i 4 Sauterre George Baker 4' 8 Stevenson Charles Hotel 3^ 7i Thibault Stanislas General Store 4 8 MATAPEDIA. Bouaventure Co. On Intercolonial li. R. Pop. 350. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Campbellford, N.B. Dorion E General Store 3Jt 7i Ferguson Adam General Store 4 MAWCOOK. ShelTord Co. Six miles from Oranhy. Pop. 250. Tel., Exp, & Bank at Oranby. Bien venu Cbaa Saw & Grist Mills 4 8 Bradford E Groceries 4 8 Ducharrae Jos Blacksmith 8^ 7i Morissette Narcisse Saw Mill 3A 74 Morissette Theodore Saw Mill 31 71 Prefontaine Michel. .Carr. & Hub Fcty. 4' 8' Robitaille Charles Saw Mill 3 7 MAYO. Ottawa Co. Eifiht miles from Thursn. Pop. 45. Tel. rf- Exp. Thurso, Bank at Ottawa, 38 miles, (VLeary I'atrick Saw & Grist Mill 2 3 Kowan Thomas M Grocer 4 8 MECHINS. Rimouski Co. See Dalibaire. MEIiBORO. Richmond Co. Seven miles from Bichmond. Pop. 75. Tel., Exp.& Bank at Bichmond. Patrick Samuel Carriagemaker 4 8 Waters A Bark Dealer 3 6 MELBOURNE. Richmond Co. Three Miles from Bichmond. J'op. 800. Tel. Money Older Office, Exp. d- Bank at Bichmond. ^ Alpha Knitting Factory 4 Atkiiipon Bros General Store 3 7 Brittle William General Store 21 3i Blake Leonard General Store 'd\ 71 Boisvert Alfred Blacksmith 3 et Brown Thomas L Phvsician 3 Burt H. L General Store 3^ 71 Cairnie Bruce Furniture 4 Campbell D Tailor 3 7 Cross F. J Mills Davi.'< John General Store 3J 72*^ Hamel George Undertaker * Law fJohn Sash & Door Factory 3i 01 iSIcDonald Alexander Blacksmith 3" Gi Maivs James Auctioneers 6" Pepler Alfred Shoemaker & Hotel 3i 7^ Sinnott J. T. Hotel * Steel Muir Feed,&c. 3 6 Vallee Pierre — • Tinsmith 3 6i Varrill L. Y Harness & Shoemaker 3 7' Wood Charles Watchmaker 3 6i Wood John Builder 4 Woodburn Wm. J General Store 3 6^ 3IEL,BOURNE RIDGE. Richmond Co. Ten miles from Bichmond. Pop. 25. Tel. Mel- bourne, y miles. Exp. & Bank at Bichmond. MELOCHEVILLE. BeauUarnois Co. On Beauharnois Canal. Daily Steamers fram Montreal, ZO miles. Pop. 400. Tel. Bank at Beauharnois, 6 miles. Exp. St. Marline, 10 miles. Brunet Noe Grocer 3A 7i Ewart John, sen. . . .Grocer & Innkeeper 2| 5 Gervais Amedee Shoemaker 4 Godin Napoleon Genei'al Store 4 Hubert T Grocer 3i 7i Lef ebvre .los Grocpr 4 8 Lolselle Alexandre Blacksmith .3| \\ Meloche Mrs General Store 3 6 METABETCHOUAN, Chicoutimi Co. Sixty-three miles from Chicoutimi. Bank at Fraserville. Pop. 100. B^langer Louis Jules General Store Boivin Samuel, & Pils. . . .General Store 4 8 BouchardH Blacksmith 4 8 Gauthier Jean Gen. Store & Blks- 3 6i 63 Met QUEBEC. MON Jalbert Damase General Storp 3 6^ Latontalne J. Bte Saw Mill 2i 5 Letourneau Laurent .... General Store 2J 5 Martel Pierre.. Gen. Store & Shoemaker 3 6 Morin Israel General Store 3 5i Ouellet fJos Cieneral Store 4 8 Panel E. A.,& Co (ieneral Store Potvin Ovide (Jeneral Store 3] 6} Singlet Joseph ..Blacksmith 4 8 METHOT'S MILLS. Lotblniere Co. See St. Flavien. METIS. Klmouskl Co. 071 snufh shore of liivcr St. Lawrence, don thr Intercolonial li.lL, Smiles from St. Octave. Pop. 275. Tel.,E.vp. St. Octave. Bank at Fraservllle. Blanchette J. C General Store 31 7^ Dub(i Paul Blacksmith 3 (> Gagne David General Store 3^ 7^ .loncas Pierre Hotel Landry Arthur C ^General Store Si 7 Leggatt Peter F General Store 3J 7 Lemieux Philias Baker 4 Martin & Lebel General Store 'Z^ 5 & St. Octave. Migner Tolesphore Shoeniaker 3 6 Page William E P. M. & Gen. Store 3 6 Price Bros., & Co 3Iills & Lumber See Quebec. MILE EXD STATION. Hochelaga Co. A station, on C.P.R.,from Montreal, 2\ miles. Bank at Montreal, Hogue Telesphore Hotel 3 5^ MILLES ISLES. Argenteuil Co. Sixteen miles from Lachufc, 40 miles from Mon- treal. Pop. 110. Tel., Exp. & Bank at St. Jerome, 12 miles. Beattie Robert General Store 3 7 Campbell Thomas Blacksmith 3^7;^ Hammond Henry Store 3 7 Westgate John Gen. Store & P. M. 3^ 7^ MILLES VACHES. Saguenay Co. Forty-Jive miles from Tadonsac and one hun- dred and forty miles from Quebec. Pop. 200. Exp. llimouski, 30 miles. Tel. Bank at Fra- serville. Argall Magnetic Paint & Color Co 2h Dominion of Canada Freehold Estate & Timber Co. (Incorporated). 2J Lamontagne T. J Lumber See Ste. Anne des Monts. Tremblay Paschal Gen. Store k Furs 3^ 7^ MILLFIELD. Megantlc Co. Tel. & Exp. Ste. Julie Station, 15^ miles. Bank at liichmond. Pop. 40. Arkley George General Store 3^ 7^ Moes L. G General Store 8 MILLINGTON. Brome Co. Tel. & Exp., Knowlton, 12 miles. Bank at Waterloo. Pop. 45. Place Aylmer General Store 3 6 Plummer J. P Saw Mill Si Bider T. B Saw Mill I 'i > ., . . See Fitch Bay ■M MILTON EAST. SheflVird Co. Staye from Crnnhy. Pop. 200. 'Tel. , E.cp. & Bank at Granby, 9 mtles. Boileau Desir6 Grist Mills 3 64 Brien Vital E General Store 3 Chaput Hormidas General Store 4 8 Dufresne .Joseph Carriagemaker 4 8 Fontaine Hf>rmas ' Baker 4 8 Fregeau Philias Blacksmith Hackett Thomas General Store 3 5^ Morin Pierre Frederic. .Dry Gds. & Gro, 3| 7 Perrault Charles Hotel 3 7 Tetreault Jos Cheese Manufacturer 4 8 MINGAN. Saguenay Co. On north shore of the St. Lawrence, opposite Minynn Islands, 398 miles below Quebec. Pop^ 6G0. Scott P Postmaster MIRABEL. Two Mountains Co. In the Parish of St. Scholastic. Desrosiers Mathia8(dit Laniel). . . .Blcks 3J 1\. J^acniix Louis General Store 3 (1^ Thibaudeau Paul Blacksmith 3 7 MIRANDA. Mlssisquol Co. Two and a half miles east of Rivtr Richelieu, and 4 iniles from St. Armand Station. Pop. 200. Tel. & Exp. St. Aiinand Station. Jiank at Bedford. Derick Stephen B Postmaster MISSION. Berthler Co. See St. Micliel des Saints de Mantawa. MOES RIVER. Compton Co. Three miles from Vompton. /'op. \50. Tel. & Exp. Compton. Jiank at S her brooke. Ayer D. C, & Co Gloveiiiakers 3 6i BrownAaron Grist Mill 3 5j Brown A. L Gen. Store & Farmer 3 6 BrowuD.*" Saw Mill 3 5i Carpenter K. W Shoddy Mill 3 %\ Carter F. C Blacksmith 4 8 Dutt'ey John.. Carriagemaker & Harness 3 5 Palllster Richard Mills 3 Parson A. W Saw Mill MOISIE. Saguenay Co. On the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 202 miles east of Tadousac. Pop. 366. Bank at (^lebec. CoUas J. & E Gen. Store & Fish, See Gaspe Basia. MONGENAIS. Vaudreuil Co. Staye from Coteaii Landing, 19^ miles. Tel, & Exp. Glen Robertson, Ont. , 6 miles. Bank at Alexandria, Ont. Duchesne Adrian Blacksmith 4 8 Duchesne Joseph Carriagemaker 4 8 Eraser Donald W General Store 3 7 Lapointe Alfred (dit Godard) — Griat & Saw Mills 3 6 Vachon J. D General Store 3 6J MONTALEMBERT. Rimouski Co. Tel. & Exp. Rimouski, 4 miles. Bank Fra- serville. Pop. 100. Begin D Notary, &c. MON QUEBEC. MON Beurrerio de Notre Dame du Sacr6 Coeur. Cap. fllOO 3 J Corbin J. Bte Gen. Store & P. M. 4 8 Cot6 Carmel Shopraaker Garon H Hotel & G. S. Lepage Pierre Wheelwright 4 8 Patrie Etienne Blacksmith 4 8 J' inoau Martial Blacksmith ^ Tj MONTCALM. Montcalm Co. JC'taht miles from Jolictte. Poj). 150. Tel., Exp. & Bank at JoHette. Beaudoin Medt'ric Blacksmith Ri 74 Picheron Joseph Butcher 3} 7 J MONTCAKMEL (or Valmont). Cliam- plalii Co. Stanefrovi Three Jiivers, Ifl miles. Tel., Exp. Money Order Office & Bank at Three Rivers. Pop. 260. Beaumier George Grocer Cossette Joseph.... Gen. Store & Blcks. 3i 7 Drolet Moise Grocer iJucharme Edouard Carpenter Ducharme Joseph Blacksmith Ducharme Luc General Store 3 7 Fontaine Misael Saw Mill 3 6 Grondin Antoine. . . .Saw & Shingle Mill Lamothe Olivier Blacksmith Lord & Lamothe Saw & Shingle Mill Lord Philippe G. S. & Saw Mill 2i 4i Veuillet & Boisclair Saw, Shingle & Grist Mill MONTEBEI.I.O. Ottawa Co. On the Canadian Pacific It. R. Daily steamer from Montreal, Ottawa & Intermediate ports. Pow. 600. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Hull, 44 miles. Bourgeois Cy rille Blacksmith 3 7 Chalifoux Louis Blacksmith 3 7 Gharlebois J^r^mie Boots & Shoes 3 7 Charrette Narcisse Hotel 3 7 Chenier A Baker 3^ 7i Corrigan Thomas General Store * Faucher F.X. (dit St. Maurice) Oarpt 4 Fortin Louis D. Blacksmith & Carriages 3 6i Gariepy Achille Saw Mill 3 7 Gariepy Joseph Trader & Aqueduct Proprietor 3 6i HurtubiseE Hotel ^ l] Joly J. V Carriages 4 8 Lacroix Alphonse General Store 3 7 Lemaire S6v6re Jeweller * MajorCharles General Store Marcotte Francis Grocer 3 7 Owens Bros. . .General Store. See Stonefield. PrevostG. F Physician 4 8 Racicot Chas. , sen J. P., Hotel, &c. 3 6i Sauriol Alexandre General Store 3^ 7j Taillefer A General Store 3 5| Taillet'er Miss Philom6ne... Gen. Store Tliomas Jos. ,fils(ditTraucheraoutagne) I o. 7, Butcher / "^^ ^i Meloche Joseph 4 MONT L.OUIS. Gaspe Co, On south shore of River St. Laivrence, 41 miles from Fox River, Tel., Exp. St. Octuve, 125 'miles. Bank at Erase ville. Pop. 200. Fruing William.&Co.Fish.&c.Soe Grand Greve Goilbout Joseph .Fish, &c. Latiamnie Louis .G rocer 4 LeBouthilller Horatio. Fish. See Gaspe Basin. MONTMAGNY. Montmagny Co. Gmnty seat. On south shore of River St. Latv- rence, and on Intercolonial R.R. Tri- Weekly steamer from Quebec. Pop. 2000. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Quebec. Belanger A Foundry 2^ 5 Belanger Jos General Store 3 7 Belanger Jos "Watches 4 8 Belanger Napolt^on Grocer 3J 1-. : Bernatchez Louis Eugene. . Gro. & Flour 3 6 Bernatchcz Miss Celina Drv Goods 3k l'-- Bernier F. X Bailiff & Bd'g House 4 Beurrerie de Montmagny No 2 2i 5 BlaisA Fruits, &c. 4 8 Blouin J. B Physician 3J 7i Bouchard Norbert Grocer 3 7 Bouff ard Joseph Photo. 3 7 Boulanger Achille Tailor 4 Boulanger G., Sisters & Co... .Confecfy 3J 7 Che vrette Miss J Grocer 4 Cot»5A Jeweller 4 7i Cote Cl^ophas. Shoemakers 7 Cot6 Mrs. James Boarding House 3 6J Coulombe Cyrille Trader 4 8 Coulombe & Fortier Grocers 3^ 7i Coulombe Louis Trader 4 7} Couture Xavier (dit Lamonde) . . . .Hotel 3 7 Dion Elz^ar General Store 4 8 I)ub6 Maxime Gen. Store & Tinware 3 7 Fiset Albeit Flour, &c 2^ 6 Fiset Mrs. Joseph General Store Fortin E Blacksmith 4 74 FournierC. B Blacksmith ^ 7J Foui-nier George... Baker 3 7 Fournier Joseph General Store 3 7 Fromaeerie de Montmagny No. 1 3 6J Gagn^ Franyois Blacksmith 4 8 Gendreau Telesphore Tinsmith 4 8 Godreau& Fournier Hotel 3J 7^ Joncas Mrs. Lazare General Store 2j 5 Ijaberge Alphonse — Hardware 3 7 Laberge Widow Joseph.. .General Store 3 J 6i Lemleax Edouard .Tanner 3i 7* Lemleux Magloire Grocer, &c. 3l 7| Lemieux Narcisse Tanner 2| 5 Lesp^ran<"i Edouard Boots & Shoes 4 8 Lesperance Jos. A Boots & Shoes 4 Lesperance Narcisse General Store 3 7 Letourneau Amable Flour 3 7 Ij«»*--arneau Louis Hotel 8 7 Lislois J. C. C. , . General 8 X)re 3 7 Lislois Mathias. Grocer 3 7 Lislois & Talbot Gro. & Shoes 3 7 Marmet Joseph Physician 2J 5 Mercler A General Store 3 64 Michon A. E Drugs & Bookseller 3 6| Nicole Eugene Shoemaker 4 8 Normand J. B. , & Frfere Furniture 8 64 Picard Mrs. Pierre., General Store 3^ 7i Poliquin Charles Grocer 3 7 Poliquln Mrs. Charles General Store 3 7 Price Bi'os. , & Co Saw Mills. See Quebec; Protean J. B Mills Protean Jos. Victor General Store 4 8 Rousseau A u^ure Blacksmith 4 8 liousscau Louis 4 8 St. Aubin George General Store 2i 5 Talbot Godf rol Paints & Hardware 3 6 Talbot H. & A Milliners 3i 74 TappeA Grocer 34 7J Tlieberge Joseph Physician 8l 7 J E 65 MON QUEBEC. MoN MONTMOKKNCV FALLS. Mciiitiimrency Co. Exp. ,& Hank Quebec, d miles. Tel. Pop. 300. Bureau T Hotel 2i 4i CaHtor Maiiufactuiiiig Co MONTRKAL. Hochelaija Co. City on St. Lawrence Jiivcr, tit the heail of the (tciau Niirigatlon^on Oravd Trmik. f'.l'.H. anil terminus Hoiith Juinlcrn A', /i'., 180 inilen S W. Quebec, (i20 mtles from the sea, 4i;0 m'iles X.qf ^':wYork. /'o;^. 1)40,000. Te!., ■ Money Order Office, United States and Cana- dian Exp. I 2 3 4 8 n Abbott \V,,& Co, Mlrs. Nails & Ky. Slip. Spec. cap. $4».0()0 to J>ec. ;!1,1891 Abel Levi Grocer Accident IiisurauceCo. of North Ame- ) rica....(lncorp.) Sub. Cap. J $260,001, puid up 8?ir)6,GOO. ) Acer C. M.,&Co Cattle Slrppeis Ackhurst Arthur ,] Mfrs. Ayeut 20 Adams Chauiicy K MufrH. Agent * AciauisF.. &Co Engravers 2i Adams Henry V Grocer 3 A«lamH James D., & Co. , W. & R. Groc<>r8 2i Adams dames It Stat'y 3 Adelin Adricn(dit Kicard). See Adrien } Kicard (dit Adelin) ^ Adelin Flavien (dlt Kicard) Saloon 3.^ 7 Adelsou Casper — Clothing Adler M. J Mer. Tailor, &c. /Etna Ins. Co., of Hartford Conn iEtna Life Ins. Co. of UartRnd. Conn... Agnew, McGillivray & Co.Whol. D. Gds. Agricultural Fire Ins. Co. of Watertown, N.Y. Ahelo Dominique Livery Stable AliernA.. Safe Mfr Aird James M Confect. & Baker Aird John Markland Conf. & Baker 3 Aird M., & Co Boot & Shoe Mnfrs Aitken John, & Co Haberdashers 2i 4 Akerman William Litliographer 3 Alain Th^ophile Card & Paper Mnfr. Alarie Jean Bte Furniture 3 T Albert Harris Second Hand Store 4 7 Aldridge Wid. George Chop Houie * Alexander Charles Confectioner 2^ 4 Alexander John 11 . . Physician & Truss ) „ Manufacturer S .Alicia Cigar Co See DeLaet & Co. AUn Lazare Hotel 4 8 Allaire Louis Contractor * Allaire Norbert Hotel 3^ 7 Allan A. M., & Co Mer, Tailors Allan Hugh & Andrew Ship Owners Al Al Allan John Builder 2* 4 ■ Allan John Gents' Furng's 3* 7^ \Allan Robt Mfr. Ginger Ales 'S\ ': Allan Thomas, & Co ,. . . Jewellers 2} 5 AUard Henri Cigars, «&c. 4 8 Allard J. A Mer. Tailor % 7^ .AUard J. B Grocer 4 Allen James Produce Broker 3^ AUoway Clement J Vet. Surgpon 3 AUuisi D,, & Fils. Plaster Ornm'tMfrs. 3 Almour A. B Agent * Alpha Rubber Co. (Limited) Autho. Cap. SSO.roO American Cigarette Co. SeeB. Goldstein & Co. American Cotton Waste Co See Fenwick & Sclater 66 5 3 3 7 24 l"- 2} 4- •n 3,L American Jersey & Jacket Co See Max . Herman American Surety Co. of New York, The. Ames.Holden & Co, Whol. Boota & Shoes Amcsso Pascal , sen Foundry Aniiot Antoine, jun Grocer Aniiot Joseph Joiner Contractor Aniiot & Lecours Hardware, «Sjc. Amos Kug«'ne. Com'n Agent Amvot & Fr6re Newspaper Agents 3 Anderson A lex Com'n ;; Anderson Joseph Grocer Ander^on J. I)., jr. Mfr. Shirts* Overalls Anderson J. D.. sen., Whol, Clothier Amlerson John & Son Bakers Anderson, .M<'Kenzie&Co., Ship Brokers Anderson William Hotel Andre Mrs. .lunk Dealer Andres Samuel J Surgeon Dentist Andrews Hugh Painter Contractor 2| Andrews W. M Freight Agi-nt *" Angus William, & Co Pulp Mauf rs. 2 2! & East Angus Ansell Asher Cigars & Tobae,\ Arehambault Hejni E PJiotographer * Arehambault J. Bte .Cigars, &c. 4 8 Arehambault Joseph.. .. Boots & Shoea 3^ Arehambault Joseph Grocer 3l Arehambault Joseph N . . . . Grocer 3J Arehambault Louis A. . .Gro. & Butcher 3 Arehambault L. G. H Pliotographer 3 Arehambault Mrs. UKb'ric Millinery 3^ Arehambault Olivier, jun Grocer Arehambault Olivier, sen Baker 3 Arehambault Olivier, sen Grocer 4 Arehambault Omer Grocer 4 Arehambault Oneeime Grocer 4 Archer Robert, & Co Produce, &c, 2J 7 6 3 6 3 3 3,L Of 8" 8 8 4 ti ■)1 Archibald Alexander Baker Archibald & Turner. Mfrs. Boots & Shoes Arless George C. , & Co. . .Photographers * Armand George A Saloon 4 8 Armstrong C. N R. R. Contractor Armst rong G. , & Co. ,UphoIs. & Undtkrs. 2i 5 Armstrong & Radford .Gents' Purng's 3* T^ Arnott J. R Warehouseman 2\ 4^ Arnton Bros ..., Coal 3 6 Arnton William H Auctioneer 3 Aronson Isaac Second-Hand Store 3i Aronson Lewis.. Second-Hand Clothing 3^ Arpin & Belair Boot & Shoe Mfrs. 3 AseherHyman G.,&Co. Imp. Jewellery Ashford C Bookseller & Stationer 3 Askew Edward Ottawa Hotel Bar 3 Aspinall Charles S Gasfitter, &c. 3i Asselin L. F Grocer 3| Association Hydro-Caloric Atkin 'John Brewer 2i 3| Atkins(m John Real Estate Agent 2 3 Atkinson T House & Land Agent 3 20 Atlas Ass. Co. of London, Eng 1 ', Atwater Henry W Pianos, &c 2} 3,^ Aubertin Napoleon , sen Grocer 3j ' Aubiu Frederic Grocer & Prov. 3 6 H •4 % T MON QUEBEC. MoN Aubin & Thlbault W. & R. liro. & Prov. 3 (1 Aiibry Ali)hoiiBO Tiiiwun! 3 h^ Aubry G Funiiluro 3 ti Aiibry K llotol 3 7 Anbiy & Fi-»!re TiuHiuiths 3 Aubry Jo8. Benjaiiiiu Bntclier 3i (IJ Aiurhiir iJo«. .1 Ofooer 3 7 Audet Aiitoine Contractor * AiKietto Henri Hotel i 8 Audette tloseph Grocer 3 7 Andy & Andy Joinf r Contractors Auerbach Z.,& Co Imps. Jewellery Auger Alexandre Saddler 2 J 5 Auger Louis Hotel 4 Auld Edward Mf r. Mucilage <& » oi • i Liquid c^luo | ^s '*^ Auld John, jun Cork Manufacturer 2 2i Aumond Benoit, Jr Grocer * Aumond .1. E Grocer 4 8 Auuiond Kapliael Dry Goods 2i 4] Ayer A, A., & Co. . . . .... Produce IJ 2 Aynioud Samuel Barber & Tobacco Babcock & Son Printers 3 7 Baccerini Ga;tano Conti'actor * Bacon Bros Ily. Sajiplios & Coni'n 2^ 4i Bacon James Blacksmith * Baignet Ainu*! T... Hotel 4 8 Baignet Stanislas lilacksmiih 4 3 Bail George Joiner Contractor 3i 7^ Bade Andrew CoalH, &c 2j 5 Baillie Andrew Boots & Shoes 3 6^ Baillie & Co Mnfr. Jewellers BaiDie Henry Plumber Bain SackvillQ S Florist Baird, Browning & Co Commission Baird Edw. P., & Co ..Mfrs. Clocks Baird James Tinsmith Baker B. , & Co Rubber Stamps Baker F Lime Kiln Baker J. D. Plasterer & Cem. Ornam'ts Bank of British North America, head olHce in London„Eng. K.U. Grindley, Gen. Manager ; Local Mngr, J. Penfold. Paid-in Cap, £1,000,000, Bank of Montreal Sir Donald A, Smith, Pres, ; W, J. Buciianan, Gen, Manager ; iVsst, Gen, Mngr,, E. S, Clouston ; Local Mngr,, H. V. Meredith, Chief Inspector, A. Mac- nider. Paid-in (Jap, $12,000,000 ; Surplus, $(),000,000, Bank of Toronto, head office in To- ronto, George Gooderham, Pres. ; Duncan Coulson, Cashier; Local ■ Mngr, J, Murray Smitli. Paid-in- ■ capital $2,000,000. Surp. $1,250 (»00, Bannermau Bros, Clay Pipe & Rope Mfr?, Bannister Joseph Painter Cont'r Banque d'Hochelaga, Pre8,,F, X, St. Charles ; M. J. A. Prendergast, Cashier. Paid-in Cap. $710,100 ; Sur- plus $100,000. Banque du Peuple, Jacques Grenier Pres. ; J. S. Bousquet, Cashier. Paid- in Capital $1,200 ,00 J j Surplus $350,- 000. Banque Jacques Cartier, Alp. Desjar- jardins, Pres. ; A. De Martigny, Mngr. Paid-in Cap. $500,000 ; Sur- , plus, $140,000. J Banque Nationale, Local Mngr.,Alf. Brunei. . , .Branch. See Quebec 4 3 *■ 4 8 3 6i 2Mi 4 8 I- Banque Ville Mario, \Vm. Weir, Pres.; ] Ubalde (iarand. Cashier. Authoi Cap. .'."WiOm. Paid-up $478,430 ; Sur- }■ p'us !ii'2''m. I Bank of Nova Scotia, head Office in ) Halifa.x. N.S., .John S. MacLean, I Pres. ; T, Fyshe,(Jajih ; Local Mngr, :l T. V. Macdonald. Paid-in Cap $l,114,:iO0 ; Surplus $360m. Barbean <.'hH., & Co Grocers * Barbeau & Fournler. Mason Contractors 3 oj Barbeau Napoleon V . . . .Painter Cont'r. 4 8 Barber N. W Engraver * Barbour Bros., «& Co. Imps Lin'»n Threa«l 1 14 & New York City Barbpau Flavien Grocer * Barber W. B Agent Baridon Louis Richard Druggist 3 Baril Jos. E Refrigerators Bark & Dick Toiner Contractors Barker I). C Metcal Agent Barlow John T Carpenter Barnard H. A Commission Barolet J. Armand Grocer Barr M. D., & Co Electric Supplies 1. 3 4 20 3 3 4 •4 ^ G ....Dry Goods 2i 5 }... Trunk Mfrs. 2^ 3} Trader * Spec.'Cap. $15,000 to Sept 17, '01. Barre SiCo Canadian Wine Mfrs. 2^ 3 Barrotte & Fri-re Mer. Tailors 3 Barrette Mrs. Marguerite, wid. Adolphe Tobacco, Fruits, &c. * Barrii^re Chas. M Dry Goods, &c. 3 7 Karriere Kelix. . .. Barriogton Geo., & Sons Barron Jean Bte. . , Barry C. A Hotel 4 8 Barry George Hides, &c. 3 Barry John Whol. Fruits 2^ 4 Barry & Johnston Milliners 4 8 Barry Mrs. C. A Hotel. See C. A. Barry Barry Thomas Saloon 4 8 Barsalou David '. Restaurant * Barsalou J . , «& Cie Soap Mnf rs. 1 i 2 Bartel John Plasterer Contractor 4 8 Barton & McDonald Auctioneers BastianW. L Glassware, &c. 3 6i Bastien Benoit Joiner Contractor 2^ 4t Bastien Odilon Dry Goods 3 3 J Bastien TretHe Joiner Contractor 2i 4^ Bateman Win., &Co Machinists 4 8j Battersby Douglas Accountant 3 6 Baxter James Broker, &c. 2 2i Bayard Amedee .Stone Contractor 3^ 7| Bayard Zephlrin . . Bricklayer Contractor Baylis James <& Son Carpets Bay lis John Grocer Baylis Manufacturing Co., The 1 Printing Ink, Varnishes, &c. J Bayne Jos. M Peddler Bazinet Charles Trader Bazinet Jean D T'rader Rpale & Higgins. .Buttonhole Stitchers Beaman H. J Spring Mattress Mf r. See Canada Wire ('oiling Co, Beamolt B Peddler Bean lliomas Joiner Contractor * Bpattie li enry Commission 3i Beattie James Boots & Shoes &c. 4 Beaucai re Francois H ay & Feed 3 Beaucaire Leandre Grocer 3;! Beaucliamp A. A Jewellery 2 Beauchamp A. , & Fr^re Grocers 3 Beaucliamp Alphonse .. Gro. & Joiner -^ Beauchamp E.. & Co Grocers '^ Beauchamp Felix Grocer Beauchamp Francois — . . ', Roofer ^ 67 2 2i 2 2^ 3i7 •^ MON QUEBEC. MON Beiiuchamp nustave. Bricklayer Cont'r. aj TJ lieiiuohanip Henri Burbcr 4 « Beaucham,; J. &Co Hotel '^ BoatU'liaiiU) Joh Grocer * Beauchainp L. E. & Oo Dry (Joods 2.1 :5J Beaucliamp Napoleon Butcher 3} (ii Beaufliaiiip Om'salme Hotel Sj 7] Beauchainp Oscar Dry (Joods 3 Beauchanip.rigeon & Co. Wliol. Grocers 2i 4i Beaucliamp P. 'P., & Co Hotel * Beauchaiup Raphael Grocer 3 7 Beauchainp William P.... Hair Dresser 3 7 Beauchemln C, F., & Co Mfrs, Agts. BeauchemlnC. 0.,& Flla. Whol. Staty. ) & TriuterH. S 2 2i Beamloln Antoine Oils, Paints, &c. 2i 5 Beaudoin Camille Grocer 4 8 Beaudoln Gustave Grocer 4 Beaudoin & Jette Dry Goods 3 Beaudoln -Toseph Contractor * Beaudoin Jos. E Mfr. Ginger Ales 2 Beaudoin J. P Grocer 3 Beaudoln -Toseph Butcher 2 Beaudoin Joseph Hotel 4 Beaudoln Pierre Butcher * Beaudoln Kaymond. ..Mason Contractor Beaudoln Toussalnt ..Hotel Beaudoln Wllbrod Phileas Grocer 2i 6 Beaudry A. F. X. . . .Leather & Findings '2i 44 Beaudrv Damase Cord Wood 3 6i Beaudry Henri Brace Mfr. 3 Beaudry J. E Grocer 2* 5 Beandry & Lachance Grocers i 8 Beaudry Louis Joiner Contractor 3 6i Beaudry M.,&Co Hotel 3i 7j Beaudry Mrs. Damase Dry Goods See Damase Beaudry. Beaudry Narcisse Jeweller 2i 5 Beaudry Rosaire Hotel 4 8 Beaudry Simon.. Whol. Canadian Wines 2J 5 Beaufoy Arthui- Grocer 4 8 Beauharnois Steam Nav. Co. . . . (Tlie) I Paid-in Cap. $40m. ) Beaulieu C Hotel 3i 7i Beaulieu Dolphis A. Painter Contractor. 3 Pj BeaulieuF. R Grocer 2i 5 Beaulieu J. Bte. D Grocer 8 6i Beaulieu Joseph Boots & Shoes 4 8 Beaulieu Joseph & Co Grocers 8 6 Beaulieu Joseph Grocer 4 Beaulieu J. T. Alfred Grocer 4 8 Beaupr^ AmMt^e Grocer 3 7 Beaupre Damien Hotel 3J 7i Beaupr6 Edmond Fruits ^ Beaupr^ George Shoemaker 3 7 Beauvais&Co Grocers 4 8 Beauvals Edmond.Custom House Agent 2^ 44 Beauvais Godf roid Grain 3 6| Beauvais J. C, & Co Mer. Tailors 3J 7i Beck Martin China, Glass, &c. * Beck W, F., & Co. . .Crockery & G'ware 34 7^ Beck Wm.,&Co Cigar Boxes 2i 4^ Becker Albert Wool Card Mnfr. 2} 4 Becket Bros Printers & Publishers 3i Becket R. A. , & Co Ice 3 Beckham Hugh Joiner Contractor 4 8 Beckham Robert Joiner Contractor 3 54 Beckham & Scott .... Joiner Contractors 3 5i Beemer H.J Contractor A 1 Beers Wni. George Surgeon Dentist 4 Bef eri P Soap Manufacturer 4 8 Beiser M Boots & Shoes 3 GJ Belair Aristide Joiner Contractor * Belair & Piuze. . . .Sewing Mach. Agents 2i 5 Beland Eugene Grocer 4 8 68 7 4t 8 2 ;? 2 a Al Behind H. D Grocer 3 BtHanger Adolphe Furniture 21 Bt'-langer Andr6 Grocer 4 Bt^langer Andri^ Mason Contractor 3 Bt'langer Bros. . .Electr'ns & Telephone 3 B«^langer Charles Tobacco & Barber Bf^langer Klzt^ar Paints H'ware BtJIanger F Oysters Bt^langer & Frf?ro (jrocers Belanger & liavigno Tobacco Mfrs. Bclanger Maxime Baker Bt'langer Moise Grocer 3^ Bt'langer Pierre Grocer ■*!■ B^lasco E. S Tobacco 4 Beldlng, Paul & Co .. Sewing Silk Mfrs Aal Belec J. O., &Co Hotel 4 Bj'lisle Joseph Grocer 4 >< Bellveau & Archambault. Whol.Dry Gds. 2i BtMiveau A., & Co Hotel 4 B«^liveau Joseph Boarding House 24 i\ Bell Duncan Manufacturers' Agent 21 41 Bell w. & J Whol. Fruits & Prov. 3 c' Bell J. & T Mfrs. Boots & Shoes » Spec, Cap. .fSO COO to Jan. Ist, 1«!)1.. ( Bell, Simpson & Co. Whol. Prod. & Prov. Bell Telephone Co. of Canada \ Paid-in cap. $1,375,000 f Bell Thomas^D Broker See Duncan Bell Bell Wallace.. Artesian Well Driller & Coal & Wood 34 71 Bellavance Edouard Plumber 3 7 Belleau & Massne Hardware I ,. , ,, Spec. cap. i^4jm f ^4 >* Belleau Honor«5 Fruits 4 8 Bellefleur Octave (dit Boussin) . . .Hotel 34 7; Bellemare H. F Carriagemaker 3 5\ Bellehumenr Cyriac... Bricklayer Cont'r 3 6 Bellemarre Marcel Contractor * Bellerose Louis Grocer 34 74 Bellhouse, Dillon & Co. . . Mfrs. Agents 2. 4] Belloti Adolphe Confectioner a 'f Beloeil, St Hilaire Nav. Co., Autho. Cap. #4000. Benard Francis Barber * Benham & Kennedy Livery, &o Benjamin Henry Quarry Owner Benjamin L. P Grocer Benn Alfred Agent Bennet John D Furniture Bennett Joseph Florist Benning& Barsalou. . ..Auct. & Com'n Mchts. Benny, Macpherson & Co. . . . W. H'ware Benoit A. S Grocer 3' b\ Benolt Charles . . Grocer 3 7 Benoit Elz^ar Contractor 3 6 Benoit Frs. X Flour & Grain 2^ 5 Benoit Lucien Sculptor 3 64 Benoit Philippe Dry Goods 3 6j Benson D. C, & Co Hotel ^ Benson John W Imp. Jewellery 3 7 Benson William T Prod. & Com. Benson W. T., & Co. . .Oils & Chemicals Bentley D., & Co Job Printers B«5rard Chrygostome Boots & Shoes B(5rard Joseph Grain &c. Berard & Major Carriagemakeis 3 lierardo Antonio , Hotel 4 Bercovitch H Second-Hand Store * Bercovitz F Tins, &c. 4 fi Bei^er Charles (dit Bayer) ..Hotel * Bergeron Alexandre Grocer 3^ 7i Bergeron & Flls Boots & Shoes 4 7 Bergeron Maxime Boots & Shoes 4 7i 3 4 8 20 61 3i 7i 2 2-1 2^ MON QUEBEC. MON r.fifjeron Michel Grocor Itenuird A Drugu Hi'iimrac. A Mfrn. Agent Bernard Calixte Tlnamith, &o. Rcrimrtl Honorti Urokor & Com. Rernanl Muxiine lirocor Buriiaia iMrs K., wld. R(^gls Hotel RoniRid Staninlas Dry GoodH Bcrnier F. X Grocer UtMiiior J Hotel Hcrnier O Boots & Shoes HeniHteni A BootH & Slioea RoniHtein .Joseph ClothlDg Bernstein & Wolsey Who). Tailors' Trinunhigs, &c, Berthiaiime D Grocer Bcrthiaunie F«^lix Hotel BtMthiaume Jos., & Co Hotel Berthiniune & Sahourln I'nl)li8liers Berth aunie Tretth^ riiblishor Berlholdi & Valentine Frnits Berlin A Mfr's A^;(•nt Bertrand IKairt' Grocer Bertrnn'l George. Grocer, H'ware,&c. Bertrand Miss Ursulo ilats & Furs Bertrand Mrs D., wid. O Saloon Bertrand O. J Painter Contractor Bertrand Pierre (irocer Berube Auguste Grocer Benib6 LazAre Tobacco Bessette F. X.,& Co Hides Best .Toseph Pattern Maker Bethnne John T Broker & Com. Betournay J. O . • I")ry < Joods Betowrniiy Misses A., & Co .. Millinery Beullac R Church Ornaments Beveridge H. R Mfrs. Agent Biekerdike Nelson Butcher Bickerdike Robert Pork Packer Bienjonetti Pi( rro Hotel & MaiJlft' Bienvpnu Tht^ophile Coal & Wood Bijiiiouette A., & Co Grocers Bi},'aouette & Frere Grocers Bi!j;ras Louis Bricklayer Contractor Biyjiar E, B Publisher Biiiette .Alfred Boots & Shoes Binks C. H., & Co Importers Birks H., & Co Jeweller «& Watches Birks Richard 1 )rugs Binuingham John Saloon Biron Joseph (irocer Birrell A.,&Co Fruits, &c. Bisailion Joseph Hair Dresser Bishop Kngravlng & Print. Co. (limited) Paid-in cap. $Sb m. Bishop William Beer Bottler Bissim Andre Grocer Bisson & ITils Joiner Contractors Bisson George Confectioner Bisson Louis & Co Mer. Tail rs Bi.ssonnette & Co Gout's Furn'gs Bissounette Come Cigars «& Fey Gooas Bissonnette Louis Tobacco Bissonnette Osias Carriagemaker Bissonnette Roeh Tobacco & Fruits Bithf'l Jolin Harness Mkr. Blache George Mer. Tailor Blaehc llenn Hotel Black Diamond Steamship Co. (Inoorp). Sub. Cap. $311 m. ; Paid-m $20!) m. Black Lewis S Mfrs. Agent Black Si Locke Leather &Com'n Black & White ...Teas, &c. Blackwell Kenneth W. — R. R. Springs Spec. cap. $5000 to Sept. 1, :< 6\ 4 8 3 n 3i 7; 4 7. ;u 7 , 4 8 3 7 2i 4i 3 5 3i 7i 3 7 3 7 4 « 3 5i 4 ,^ 4 8 20 3 5i 2i 5 3 7 3 7 * 2J4, '^ i 3 ■X- 3 4i 20 3 7 2' 5 3 6 3 7 3 G 3 6i 3 8 ()i 2i 6 3 3i 5: 2i 4 4 8 3 5i 2 3 6i 3 7 * 4 8 3 6 4 8 4 8 4 8 * 3 5i 3 P! 7 8 ii Blackwood R., & Co Ginger Ale See Chtuj. Gurd & Co. Blaiklock Bros Warehousemen 20 Blaiu IMorro Grocer 4 8 Blais.Vifred Plumber, »Vc. 3 G BlaisCyrillo Fruits 3 5i Blamires •lohn Furniture. &c. 4 8 Blanchard A Boots & Sli es 3 Blanchard .Albert Gro. & Buteher 3 Blanchard Frs Painter Contractor Blanchard J. B Hotel Blanchard Ohvler, & Frere Joiners * Blanchet L., & Co B. & S. Mfrs. 3 Blanchet Louis .Mer. Tailor 3 lilankt'ord Bros Watches, iVe. 4 Bleau Dominateur Blacksmiih 3 7 Bleau Kug^ne Butcher 2i 4^ Bleau Joseph Cattle 4 Bleau Joseph Mason 4 Bleau Tancrede Edouard Grocer 3.1 Bleau Treffle Butcher 2I Bicnert Paul Mfrs. Agent 3] Bloiidin Mrs. Chas Fey. Goods 3 Blondin Napoh^on Tanner 4 Blouin, Desforges & Latourelle. .Steam- titters, &c. 2i 5 Blouin Jeremie Hotel* Blouin Ij. H., & Co ..Joiner Contractors • Blumentlial A., & Co ^ler. Taik)rs 3 Gi lilumenthal J. H., & Sons.. Mer. Tailors & Clothing 2i 4i Blumentlial Myer Clothing 3 C Blumlield Bernard Pawn Broker * Boas B. A., «& Co General Importers 2 2^ Boas Feodor Manufacturers' Agent 2i 3i Bock O. E Butcher 3j 7^ Bockstael J Tobacco 3 6i Bodega Wine Co (Not Incorporated) 2^ 5 Boden Charles, & Co. . . .Produce Agents Bogie W Hotel 3i 6i lUipue James I. , & Co Com'n Attis Boire Alfred Joiner Contractor 4 8 Boismeiiu Henri Hotel 4 Boisnienu Hormisdas Hotel 4 8 i 4 4 I* 6 6 20 I 3 7 2i 44 '98 ■ Boismenu & Rheaume Conti actors 2} Boisseau Frf^res Dry Goods 2| Bois.seau H. L Dry Goods 2i lioissonneau Ernest Hotel * Boisvert Ambroise Grocer Boivin Guillaume. . .Mfr, Boots & Shoes Boker Gotlhlitf Boarding House Bolduc Louis Can iagemaker Bolt & Co Mfg. Jewellers See Louis Davis & Co. Bolt J. T Mfg. Jeweller 3 6i I?olton Richard E.xport Produce 1^ 2j Bolton William Hotel 4 8 Bonnenf ant Honore, jr Hotel 3 7 Bonin iSj Allaire Furniture Boniii Noel Hotel 4 8 Bonner John Fruits 3 7 Bonneville Albert Hotel 4 8 Boor. Samuel Bricklayer * Boon W. H Bricklayer Contractor 3 \ 7i Booth & Langan Boot & Shoe Mfrs. 2^ 4^ Borgz inner Bros Imps. Fey. Goods Borne H, J Bof>kbinder 4 8 Borthwiok D. H. T. . . , Contractor * Bossp & Lee Sand Contractors 3 Bos8i6re Frere & Co Ship Owjiers & Agents. 3 Bouchard Charles Provisions, &c. 3 6 Bouiher Adelard J Music 2^ 4 Boucher Damase Watchmaker 4 8 Boucher Ephrem Whol. Fruits 2k 4 69 MON QUE BEC. MON 6^ BoucIht H Carr. Maker • liouclKT Narriflne Cuipeiiior 4 H Ikjiichcr Theodore Hatter 3} 7'l P Mi'i. Tailor 4 Hoiiilrcaii Is lie LcckHinltli • Hoiidit^aii .loHpph M Drv (JocxIh 3 R Uomlrt'uu Ulric Mutolier [\ 1 Houdri-au Mrrt. U (Jroc-er. S«o Ulric Homlrfaii. Houpio Victor Hotel 4 8 Hoiilot Norbcrt Joinor CoiUrnctor 4 8 HoiiniHsa Alphoime (irocor 4 Uoiirnstta Cyrillo ... iloiiicr (loin raotor 3J IJouiaHsa KiigtMie Hotel 3} IJouraHsa H.. & Co Leather & Kiii(linj{H 3 BouiasHa .J. lUe., & N HutiherB '1\ A\ UoiiniHsa fJiilien Hotel 8 7 BourbonuaiH & St Amour. . .Roofer Con- tra(!tor8 4 Bourdcau .\iicu8to Dry Goods 4 8 Bourrtenu .». iT Hats & Furs 3 7 Bourdon Arthur Grooer 3^ 1\ J5iiuid()ii & Vri'xvi Hotel BdukIoii Mrs. Henri Grocer • Bour on -loKeph Grocer 3 6 Bourdon •loHojili A Lumber 3 7 Bourdon .Joseph H Dentist 4 8 Bourdon Michel Joiner Contractor Bourdon P. C Hotel & Toba. -co 3 7 Bourgeau & Heron. Colfee & Spice Mills 2\ 3} BourKe()i8J)avhl (iroccr 3 7 Bourgeois (4a-<))ard Grocer • Bou I geois N . , & Co Whol. Grocers Spec. Capital $4000 to 0(!t. i;6'92. Bourgouiii & Cadieux .Joiner ( „, ^ Contractors ) ^3 " Bourgouln, Duchesneau & Co. . .Whol. } - , „ Fancy & Dry Goods 5 ^* ^ Bourgouin George Contractor * Bourgouin Hyacintlie, jr Mason 1 . Contractor J Bourgouin Hyacinthe, sr. . ..Contractor 2\ A\ Bourgouin .Jose])b .Toiner * Bourgouin Napoleon Contractor Bouruouin & Thibault Lumber 2i 4 Bourgulgnon J. B Grocer 3i 7i Bourque Horniisdas Butcher «& Catsup Mfr. Bourque Pierre P Tailor Bourret, Leblunc&Co. .'W'bol. Teas, &c. Bousquet Gus., & Co Bricklayer Contractors Boiitliillette Louis G Grocer Bouthillier Antoine Butcher Bouthillier Arthur Hotel Bouthillier Robert Grocer Bowes & Eastman Confectioners 3 Bowes & McWilliams. .Whol. Fruits. &c. 3 6 Bowes Michael Cigars 3i Bowes Thomas — Roofers 7 Bowie George & Co Contractors Bowler Patrick Fruits, &c. 4 8 Boxer Bros. & Co Crockery Boxer R. .T. , & Co Mfrs. Agts. Boyd & Co Customs Brokers Boyd & Larose . Butchers 3 Boyd R. E. , & Co Brush Mfrs. 3i Boyd, Ryrie & CampbeU. . .Whol. Staty. 2 Boyd Thomas W., & Son Gunsmiths 2i Boyd William E Ship Broker 3} Boyer Domina Hotel 3 Boyer Freres Mer. Tailors Boyle Thomas Blacksmith 4 Boyle Thomas Saloon * Bracelln Mrs. Mary, wid. James. Grocer 4 TO 3 ^ 4 8 n 5 4 8 3i * 4 8 20 5i 7i 3 6 20 5i 8 7 7i 6i (> •4 n 7 S 7i 20 ■li Bracken 'Iofie))h Groopr 3 Bradford Kdwartl Hotel 3) Bradlt!y .1 Painter • BrailHhaw George, & Co Box Mlrs. 2^ Brady David Plumber, &e. • Itrahadl .Vbraham Furrier 3 Braliadi Samuel Tobacco 2i Itrahani .Joseph.. Fruiti^ 8 Brais liormisdaa Bay, &c. Brand Robert 1! Billiards, &c. * Brassiiril Thomas Grocer 3 Brauli (JefirKe Pat nt Medicines 3 Brault ( J uHtave Mer. 'I'ailor 3 Briiuit & MciJoldrick Mer. Tailors 3 Brault Pitirre Carriagemaker 3 Brayley .1. \V . Wlu, . Patent Medicines 2J Brazeau Alphonse Tobaccos 2j Brazeau Casimir. . . .Tobaccos & Notions 3 Britzeau Louis Grocer 4 Brazeau M Tobaccos 3i Bremner Alexander Drain Pipes, i „■ Cement, &c. ( "* Bremner David S. R Mnfrs. .\gent 3 Bronnan Arthur Saloon 2 J Brennan Thomas Tallow & (Srease iireton Franvois Joiner Contractor * Breton F'erdinand Sewer Contractor * Brice Alfred .1 Butter 2} Briault Louis Arthur Blacksmith 4 Bridgenui'i (Jeorge Butcher Brien Camille (dit Desrochers). Grocer Brien Hiliiire(dit Desrochers). ...Grocer 3 Brien Phileas (dit Desrochers). Grocer 3i Brieru & Co. ... Butchers Bnggs Charles A ... Hatter & Furrier 2i Briggs William M. .Tinsmith & Roofer 3 Bri^ebois Pierre Gro. , Hay & Grain .'t Brissette Milton H Whol. Pat. Medi. 2i Brissette Samuel .J Machinist * Brisson E Grocer 3i Bristol George Teas 4 Britain Bros Furniture 4 British America Assurance Co., (In- corp.) Paid-in cap. » 00,000. Surp. «.'),400 British America Starch Co. (Limited) British American Dyeing Co. (Not In- corp). Special cap. $6000 to March 1, 1«U6 British American Bank Note Company \ (Incorp.) Engravers & Printers S IJ Paid-in capital $1 ni. ) British Empire Mutual Life Ass. Co. of London, Eng. 1^ Britton \Vm Plumber 3^ 7^ Brock & Co General Com'n. Spec. $2000 to April 30, 1892 2i 5 Brodeur Chiistophe. . . .WMnes & Liquors 2| 4 Brodeur D«^8ir6 Grain 3 o^ Brodeur George Tiburco Baker 4 8 Brodeur «& Lessard Plumbers 4 8 Brodeur Nnpol*5on Grocer 4 8 Brodie &Harvie. .Whol. Prepared Flour 2*^ 4 Broggi Felix .Jeweller * Bron.sdon Joseph B Contractor * Brophy, Cains & Co. . .Whol. Dry Goods 2^ 4 Brophy Edward Saloon 4 Brophy Robert Fancy Goods 2» Brossard, Chaput & Co. Flour & Prov. 2 Brossard Mrs. H., wid. Remi Gro. 3 Broj'seau A Grocer 3 Brosseau Alex. H .Toiner Contractor 4 Brosseau & Co Vinegar Mfrs. 2^ Brosseau D. C Whol. Grocer 2 t G 6J 01 7 5 ^ 8 % 5 2i Mow QUEBRO. MoN Di'osaeau D. C, & Co Splcfl MHUtb Soo I). C. Krortseau Krosfksau & Frlpon AneutH 4 ]{io.sHniiu Frtnlvric! ....Jollier Contractor 4 H Unisheau i'hlllaa (Jroctr ;< 7 ]JioiiilletClmrK!»....Mfr. HrtshA Hlliids 'JJ 5 Uroiilllet Kiiille ... .(iroctir 4 K BiouilletF. X Boots & ShoeH 3^ Ti IJioiiillft 'loseph (Irocer 4 HrouilUit Maurice lujik Store ''.' UrouUltst Win., & Co (irocers 4 llroiisHUHii Dolphis (irouer liroiiHHoau i'liiliiiB ... Kaj^H .*{ 7 Ijiown HroH Hutohers 2} 4 IJrnwn & Carter Millinery 4 H Urown F. .1 J'aintor * Urowii OworRe, & Sons Mer. Tailors -'i 6 IJrowu.Janios, & Son, Dry (roods -lohburs Brown. John Grocer .T 6i Brown .Juuepli Fruits A' Bniwn I'eter Tea Broker '> Bruwn It. H Wliol. TeuH 3 C Brown Robert, jr Dining liooni 4 Brown VV. G»)ilbeo & Co BootH & SlioeH, Kid (Jloves & Corsets 2\ 5 Brown VV. (iodbee Patterns 2} 5 Brown W. Lt'stor Uutdier ♦ Bnico Clnulca Fani!.y Cioods 2J 6 Briudiesi .losepli Grocta* 2^5 Bnineau, Carrie «& Go ... .Wliol. Flour 2i 4^ Bruneaii Misn Louise (irocer .'ij 7 Bnuieaii .losepli. ... Buteher 4 8^ Branet Albert Taints '-f Briitiot Alfred. .-. Fey. Goods 2^ 5 Brunei Al'red Drugs 3^ 74 Brunot David Boots & Shoes 3 6j Brunei Francis.... Tinsniitli & Plumber 3 7 BruuetH.ii Gro. Ar Bricklayer Contractor ''•' Brunet Henri Joiner Contractor 4 8 Brunet .John Grocer 3 7 Bruuet .luseph, & Co Briok Yard 2i 3i & Jos. Brunet & Son Bruuet Jos. & Son Bricklayer Contractors 2^ 3^ & Jos. Brunet & Co. Brunet Mrs J. A Tobaccos 4 8 Brunet & Morin Bricklayer Contractors '> Brunet Olivier. Bricklayer Contractor 3 6i Brunet Placide .Bricklayer Contractor 3 5| & J. &. J*. Branet, Cote des Neiges. Brunet Treffle Baker 4 8 Brunini Egisto Confectionery 4 8 Brush Geo. S. .Foundry & Boiler Works 2i 4 Brysou itobert H Chemist 3^ 7 Brysou T. Maxwell, & Co., Custom H'se Agents Buchanan R. H., & Co. Machinery Agts. 2i 4i Buck Wm Stoves, «&c. l| 2 & lirantford. Out. BiKiUinghain Pulp Co. (Limited) 2^ 3^ Bucklaud Frank Cigars, &c. 4 8 Buckley Mrs. James Foy. Goods 4 8 Buckupr K. H. E Agent 20 Budgett T. M Mfrs. Agt. 20 Buispon J. B Mer. Tailor 4 8 Bulger Thomas Grocer 4 8 Bullick J. S., & Co Whol. Leather Bulling William B., sen .... Druggist .3^ 7 Bulmer Henry, jun., &Bro Lumber 2 Bulmer John Contractor Buntin Alexander & Son. . .Mfrs. Paper Bureau J. B Hotel Burgess E C . . . • Dining Room Burgess Thomas Grocer #.' Aa 1 3 Ci 3 Burke James nuteher Burland liithographic Co. (lnrugs. 2 3 Campeau F. G .Joiner Contractor 3 6 Canada Bank Note Engraving & Printing Co. (Limited), Paid-in cap., .$90 m ... Canada Corset Co See C. J. Grenier Canada Cotton Go See CornwriU, Out. Canada Fibre Co, (lucorpoi-ated). Paid- up cap. #25 m. Canada Galvanizing & Steel Roofing ] 21 ' Co., Auth. cap. $5D,0W) ; Canada Glass Silvering & Bevelling Co. 3 5 Canada Guarantee Co. Limited (Incorp.) Sub. cap. »500 m. Paid in $147 ,040 Canada Horse Nail Co. (Not incorpora- ted.) See W. M. Moouey & Co. Canada Investment & Agency Co. ,. ,. 71 MON QUEBEC. MON Canada Jute Co. T.iniited (Tncorp.) ? oi Sub cap. $m),000. paid-up $35.000. . S ^ Canada Latch Co. (The). See Alphonse Pallaaoio. li 4 2Hi 2i 3 5 !" ( Vt Canada Life Ass. Co Canada Paper Co. Limited (Incorpo-J rated.) Paid-in Cap. $500 m. S Canada Plating Co. (The) Canada Railway News Co. Limited (Incorp.) Auth. Cap. f50 m. Paid- in f35 m. Canada Shipping Co. (Incorp.) Sub. &\ x\ Paid-in cap. .*!;l.500,()00 S Canada Sugar Ketining Co. (Incorp.) I . . Paid-in « 1.000, 000 r Canada Thread Co. (Incorp.) Paid-in 1 cap. $25 m. ) Canada Wire Coiling Co. & Dick & Co, Canada Wire Co. (Incorp.) :Mfr8 Barb Wire. Auth. cap. i»25 m.. paid-in $12,500 Canadian Bank of Commerce. Headl Office in Toronto, Ont. H. W. Dar- I ling. Prea. ; B. E. Walker, Gen. [ Mngr. Local Alngr. A. M. Crombie, Paid-up Cap. .'jiG ,000,000. Suplus $1 000,000 Canadian Live Stock Ins.Co. , Aiitho. Cap. $1011,000 Canadian Pacific News Co. (Not In- corp.) News Agents Canadian Rubber Co. (Incorporated.) Paid-in cui). $1,000,000 Canadian Subscription & Pub. Co. Auth. cap. .':i!75,"00 ) Canadian Workman Printing Co. (Ltd.). CannifE Corset Co (>ors(it Factory 3 7 Cantara Pierre T. .Bricklayer Contractor 3^ 7 Cantin Angustin, Canada Marine Works IJ Li CantinF. X Junks 3 6 Cantli(3, Ewan & Co Mfrs. Agents 2 2i C^ntwell T (Jrocer 3^ 7| Carbray, Uouth &Co.. — Com. &Ship Brokers 3 & Quebec. Cardwell «fe Sheppard Sign & Show Card Painters 4 8 Cardinal & Co Mer. Tailors 3 6) Ctj-dinal Sianislas . . Grocer * Carignaii Joseph A. , sr Cord Wood 3 5 Carle P. X Grocer 4 8 Carle Jean Louis. ... Butcher 'i^ 7 Carli Thomas Stat nary 2i 4^ Carling & Mace Beer Bottlers, &c. 3 6 Carlisle John Furniture 3 6 Carmel Adjutor....Book & Job Printer 3 6 Carmichael Misses M. & I. . . .Fey. Goods 3i 7^ Caron Augustin, Bricklayer Contractor 4" Caron & Fr6re Joiner Contractor * Caron J. E .Mer. Tailor 3 6i Caron Zoel Coal , Wood & Grain 3 6| Carpenter John Grocer 4 Carpentier Louis. Hoofer Contractor '^ Carriere Joseph Bricklayer Contractor 4 8 Carrit^re Kodrigue I )rug8 3i Carroll Bros Plumbers 4 Carroll & Co Dry Goods 3 Carroll Joseph Grocer 2^ Carroll Thomas. . Grocer 4 Carscaden, Peck & Co Whol. Clothing 2 See Winnipeg Man. Carslake George Hotel 3 B Carson William Hotel 3 6 Carstens F Mfr. Jewelry cases 3 Ui 1% 8 5^ 5 8 '>L -i Carswell flohn . . Jewellery 4 Carter F Baker ^ 7| Carter T. Henry Elastic, &c. 3 7 Cartier Ont^sime, jun Grocer Cartier Onesime, sen Broonnnaker 3 7 Cartwright J. B., & Co ... Whol. Wines & Liquors 2^ 4^ Cass Mrs. Ellen, wid. P Saloon 4 8 Casselman & Co Gn-cers 2^ 4 Cassidy John L. , & Co Importers Chinaware, &c. 1^ 2 Spec. cap. $20,000 to Jan" y 5, '91. Cfissidy Mai-tin Grocer 4 8 Cassidy Michael Fruits 2\ ^ C.'istle & Co Furs Castle & Son Painter Contractors 2^ 6 Spec. Cap. $6,200 to Feb. 1st. 1905 Castonguay Theodore Restaurant 3 5 CatelliH. C . ...Maccaroni Mfr. 2^ 5 Catellier Ferdinand.. Joiner Contractor 3 6 Catlicart Thomas Grocer 3 6 Catudal Alfred (ditSt. Jean) Grocer 3 Cauchon Olivier. . Hardware. Paints, &c. 3 5 Caumartin Charles Baker * Caumartin Edmond Baker 4 8 Cavanagh Edw. . ..H.ardware, Paints, &c 2i A\ Caverhill,HughPS&Co..Whol. Grocers 2J 4| Caverliiil, Kissock & Binmore Whol. Millinery 2 3 Caverhill, Learmont & Co Whol. Shelf Hardware 1^ 1^ CedrasAm6d^e Joiner Contractor 4 Corat P. O Confectionery, &c. * Chabassol Henri Etienne Joiner Contr. 3^ 7|^ Chabot Adolphe, sen Shoe Findings & Sewing Machines 3 5^ Chabot Arthur Hotel 4 8 Chabot Joseph H G rocer 4 8 Chabot Louis Blacksmith 4 Chagnon F. Artlurr Grocer Chagnon HypoliteT Grocer * Chalifoux Edouard Grocer 4 * Chalifoux Edouard, sen Carpenter 4 8 Chalifoux Joseph . . Contractor * Chalut Pierre. . . Soc. Hand Furn.,&c. * Chamberland Napoleon Grocer 4 Champagne Antoine Shoemaker * Chamgagne Chas Whol. Prov. 2J 5 Cham[)agne Ephrem Hotel 4 8 Chinnpagne Joseph . .. .Saloon 4 Champagne Jos., & Co Furniture, &c. * Champagne Jules Hotel .3A 7i Champagne Leopold Grocer .3| it < ham pagne Miss Jessie Millinery 3 6| Champagne Noe Saloon 3 7 Champagne O., jun Grocer Champagne Onesime (i rocer Champagne O. , sen. . . .Grocer & Butcher 2^ 4| Champagne Pierre Mfr. & Dealer in Tinware 4 8 Champeau Louis, & Son Joiner Con- tractors 4 Champeau Louis, jun Contractor * Chanteloup Ernest Bniae Foundry 2 2| Cha{)deleine Arthur Grocer 4 Chapeleau Zcph Stationer 2* 4J Chapleau Arsene Undertaker 3| 7 Chapleau Charles Printer * Chapleau Ferdinand Butcher 3 6 Chapleau Godfroi. . .Safe Manufacturer 2\ 41 Chapleau Jos. . & Son.B'k & Job Printers 3 j Chapleau Thomas Saloon 3 7 Chaplin Edward. Broker & Commi.ssion 2^ 4J Chapman Alexander. . .. Plumber, 4&c. 4 8 Chapman Henry, & Co Gen'l Com'n 2^ 4 J MON QUEBEC. MON ♦ 3 3 4 4 3 3 * 8 6 3 8 7i Chapman fJ. H Surgiciil lupts. 3^ 7i Chapinmi W.B., & Co. . ..Wliol. Leather 3 6 (Chapman \V. H Drups 3 6 Chaput&Co Cigaraifrs. 3 6^ Cbaput L., Fil8& Co Whol, Grocers li 2 Chaput Ovila Undertaker 2i 6 Charbonneau Alfred. . Contractor Cluiibes 3 Charron Marcelin Trunkmaker Charters Edward Butcher Chartier Joseph - . . Boots & Shoes Chartrand Alphonse, «fe Co. .Contractors Chartrand Antcine, & Co Joiners Chartrand Joseph G roct^r Chartrand Joseph Toys, &c. Chartrand L. O., & Co...:\Iillinery& Dry Goods Chaitrand Louis Sewer Contrat;tor Charirund Miss Marie Loui.«e. Millinery Ciiartrand Mrs. Victoire, wid. Ls. .Gro. Chartraipd N Grocer Chartrand Napoleon .... Plasterer Contr. * Chartrand Narcisse Contractor 3 7 Chaitrand Pierre Builder 2^ 4^ ("harirand Uaymond Contractor 3 6 Chase & Sanborn. . .Imp. Teas & Coit'ees 1;^ 1 Alfo Bohton,Ma88. Cha8S(? Fre. X, Shoe Manufacturer Chaumetto Louis Livoiy * I haurest Adclard E. . . . ., Grocer 4 8 ChaussiiE.,& Co Lumber See A. Hurteim & Frere. Chausse L. George Joiner Contr. 3 5) Chauviu • ?rcque8 Blacksmith * Chaydltr^l'orbert Hotel 3 (U Chenette Cleophas .Wood 2} 4| Chenoval & Co Sash & Door Mfrs. Chenevert A., & Co Joiners 3^ * 4 « 3 6 4 8 3 7 4 8 3 61 3 •^ 4 * * * 4 8 4 * 4 8 4 4 8 6 5.^ 6i 6i 2 3 Chenevert J. Bte Boot & Shoe Mfr. 3 7 Chenier Wm Cigars, &c. 4 8 Cbesebrough Manufacturing Co IJ 2 Also New York City. Chester John Builder 3 5 Chester Wm. E Builder & Pat. Med. Chevalier Charles Grocer 3i 7 Chevalier Frs. X., jini Grocer 3 6 Chevalier G. A., & Co Dry Goods Chevalier .Joseph & Co Hotel * Chevalier Louis Whol. Leather, &c. 3 6i Chevalier Ovila Joiner Contractor 3j 7i Childs George, & Co Whol. Grocers 2 2i Chisholm Alex Contractor 2^ 5 Chisholm Alex Prod. & Com'n 3 (! Cbisholm C.J Hardware Agent 3 5^ Chive Theo Drugs & Imp. Trusses 3 Choquette Joseph Grocer 3 Chouillou C. Alfred Mfrs. Agent 20 Choules .James Cotifectiiiier 3 Chretien Jos^plx .Joiner (Jontractor * Christie, Brown & Co Biscuit ^Ifrs H 2 & Toronto, Ont Christie Henry Grocer 4 8 Christin E Grocer 3 Christin Joseph Clothing 3 Christin Joeenh , & Co.(Est. of) . Ginger Ale Mfrs. & Ice Christmas Norman H Hats & Furs Christmas W. Horace Hats & Furs Christy T Plumber & Stoves 3 Cinq Mars Ephrem Dry Goods 2^ Cintrat & McNeil Marble 3 Circe Narcisse Mer. Tailor 3 Citizens Insurance Co. . . .(Incorporated) Sub. cap. .•3>l,8s8,OO0 ; paid in .1*245 .308. City Ice Co See B. A. Becket & Co. City & Distiict Savings Hank. Edward Murphy, President; Henry Barbeau, Manager. Sub. cap. $2,()00,0()(t ; paid in $600,000 City ot London Fire Ins. Co U Citv Printing Co Spec. cap. fTOO to 2j 5 Cizol Pierre (Est. of). Hotel & Victualler Claggctt Chas. C,, & Co . . .Mfrs. Agents Clapin Sylva Books, &c. 3A Clark AlexC Stock Broker 2i 4^ Clark Alfred Saloon 3 7 Clark .lames T Dry Goods .Jobber 2^ 5 Clark T.Ii.Saddlery,H'ware & Mfr.Bells 3 6 Clark William Preserved Meats Clarke Geo. W. ..Fey. Gds. & Stationery I Clarke Micliael '. Grocer ' Clarke W\ J. , & Co Stationery Claude Pierre Tanner & Hides 2^ 4^ See also Cote des Neiges. Clavette Ch rles Koofer 3 7 Clef.'horn Henrv ...Grain Broker * Clelland .lamesBlacksmith & Die M'k'r 3 7 Clement Adolphe E (irocer 3 5 Chinent A . Isidore Grocer 3 5 ('lenient (.'harles Grocer Clement it Co ]Mfr._ Agents 20 ('lement Edouard C (jrocer Clendinneng Mii-s M Fancy Goods ('lendinneng William, Si Son.. .Foundry Clerk & Co Whol. Feathers Cleroux Freres Sewer Contractors Cleroux P. Elisee (Grocer Cloran Joseph, &Son Bakers Clough Jaint'S .John Mfr. Cigars .S^ 6jf CloutierA..& Co Boot8&Shoe8 4 Cloustou C. G Broker 2 5 Cloutier Horniidas Saloon 3 5^^ Coallier Louis N Grocer 4 8 73 2| 5 - 5i 3i7| 2 2] 2i 5 MON QUEBEC. MON Cobban Mfg. Co Wliol. Pictures, 2 2i MoiildingK. &c. & Toronto, Out. Oofbentliali-r Joseph Coiil'ectioner 3^ 7 Cof'hpiithaler Moses .Jeweller 3 5 Cofliraiie, Cassils & Co .Boot* & Shoe I Mamit'acturers ^ 1 A. Cocker Thomas Plunilier, &c. 3^ 7i Coghlin B. J., &Co .. .Whol. Hardware 2 2| Spec, Cup. §10,000 to May 1, 1S!»(). Cohen Fischel Clotliing SJ 7i Cohen Hiram — Second Hand (Nothing 3" 7 Cohen fl., & Co Wliol. Clothing 3 5 Colin & Co ... . Stock Brokers See New York City. Cole Fred. R . .Whol. & Bet. Coal Oil / 2^ 5 & Lamps ) Coleman I'atrick Saloon 'V Coleman Wm. .los Hotel ^^•- CoUerette K. 13 W. & K. Hardware 3 tij Collerette Honore. . . .Joiner Contractor "•^' Collet J. A Grocer 3 5^ CoUette Louis Grocer 3 0^ Collin Aniahle B Cord Wood 3 « Collin Napoleon Grocer 3 6^ Collin Phlleas Butcher 3 7 Collin W. C... Grocer 3^ 7^ Collins Dominatenr Scale Mnfr. 3 tt Collins J. W Lumbers 7 Collins -lohn Grocer Collins Mrs. C, widow Hugh. Dry Goods ^ Collins P. -J Scale Mnt'r. -.• Collins Thomas Joiner Contractor 2^ 4 Collins Thomas C .Mnfrs. Agent 2i 6 Collins Thomas K., & Co, Conl'ectioners * Colonial Building & Investment Asso- ciation. In liquidati'm. Sub. cap. .■ifoOO.OO ) ; paid in .•5!175.0UO , Colson Charles E Ageiit Commercial Union Ass. Co Commire Nazaire Metal Founder Compagiiie do liaume des !Montagnes I Vertes — See oeo. Tucker, j Compagnie de L' Hotel Beau) 3 Autho. Cap. ,§20,000 ( Sub. & paid-in ^iS.OOO ) Compagnie d'imprimerie de Publica- tion du Canada. Sub. cap. i;! 100 ,000 Paid-up $50,000. Compagnie de I'Etendard, L. A. Caron ) 2^ Mngr \ Compagnie de Publication de la " Pa- i trie " (limited.) Paid, in cap. jfSOm. I Com pain A. S. Mfrs. Agt. 2^ 3 Compain «& McGuire Itestaurani 3 6i Comte Phileas Mason Coniractor 3 6i Condon Joseph &Co.Fruit & Vegetables '^ Confederation Life Ass. of Canada 1^ Conn A Mfrs Agent 4 Connal Robert N. C Commission 4 Connaughton Bernard. Grocer 3 5J Counaughton James Builder 4 8 Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hart- I ford. Conn, j IJ Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co., of > ., Hartford, Conn. \ ^» Connolly John Grocer 3 6 Connolly Mrs. X., wid. James. .Clothing 3 7 Connors Michael Grocer ^ ConroyJ.M Clothing Conroy Thomas Stoves 2^ 5 Constantiiieau (Ted«5on. Hardware &Tin8 2i 4i Consumer.^' Varnish Co 2 2^ Contant Dominique Butcher 4 74 H Converse J. A. Mfg. Co Cordage & Plaster Works. See A. W. Morris & Bro. Coogan Uichard Saloon 3J 7^ Cook Mrs. A. widow Kichard. . . .Saloon 4 8 Cook William John Plasterer 8 5 Cooke George Sewing Silks 20 Cooke J. T Decorator 3i 7i Cuoke J. W. & Co UpholB. Supplies 3 Cooper A. Fruits >*.' Cooper Arthur Mnfr. Ginger A le 3 7 Cooper, Fairman & Co. . Heavy Hiird- 1 ware, in liquidation. 1 Copland i& Co Metal Brokers 20 Coquereau Fred Painter Contractor 8i ll Corbeil A Whol & Bet. Grocer 2| ^ Corbeil Arthur Grocer * Corbeil Barnab^ Barber & Tobacco * Corbeil Delphis , .Grocer, &c 4 8 Corbeil Edouard . . . Wood , &c 4 8 Corbeil & Fils Joiner Contractors ^ Corbeil & Frfere (irocers 3i 7| Corheil Hilaire Grocer 2j 5 Corbeil J. &A., & Co Butchers '> Corbeil N,, & Co Butchers ^•' Corbeil O. , & Co Hardware 3 6 Corbeille Basile Joiner Contractor '^' Corbin Charles Butcher 3 6i Coristine James, & Co., Whole«ale Furs 1^ l\ Cornell James Coal Oil 2\ 5 Cornwall Ira, & Co Commission 3 Corran Heni^ Jeweller 2i 4 Coniveau David, sen Butcher 2i 4 Corriveau Ferdinand.... Hotel 3| 7i Corriveau G Tins &g 4 Cosby Andrew H Spring Beds *>' Cossitt G. M., & Bro., Agr'l Implts. 1 ii « Branch. (Brockville. Ont ) I * '^ Coste V . . . . Dry Goods 3k 7i Costello Edward Restaurant * Ct>sten Thomas, & Co. . . .Fishing Tackle 2^ 4^ Cotitlgan fJohn, & Co Wood & Coal 2S 4 Costigaii Win. T., & Co. .Cominis'n Agts 2| 4 Cote Basile. Hotel 4 8 Cot6 & Co Grocers * Cote Gaspard Fruits 2i 5 Cote H.J , Grocer Cot^ Joseph Joiner Contractor Cote Joseph ... .Grocer 4 TJ Cote Joseph Confty. & Fey. (ioods 4 8 Cot6 & Loveille Provisions Cote Pierre Alex Sausagemaker 4 Cottingbam Walter H Mnfrs. Agent 3 5i Cotton John F Commission 20 Coughliii John Fruits 4 8 CouUlard Auguste Whol. Hardware 2 3 Coulon & Leveil Minors, &c. 2^ Coupal Gedeon Hotel 2^ 5 Coupland Wm. F. . . . .. Joiner Contractor 3 5 Coursol Joseph . . .Grocer 3^ 7^ Courteau Fran9ois. Boots & Shoes 3 6 Courtemanche Ab. , jr. . . .Fey Good^, &c. Courtemanche Babilas Hotel 3 7 Courtemanche Olivier H'ware & Furn. 2^ 4^ Courtois Henri Dry Goods & Mjichinist 3 7 Courtois Hormisdas Hotel 4 8 ('ourtois Louis Baker Courtois Mederic Grocer 3i 7 J Courval Joseph Tinsmith sj 7i Coiijiineau C Hoel 4 8 Cousineau Joseph Master Carter 3 5 Cousiiieau Joseph & Co. Suet Foundei-s Cousineau Louis Hotel 21 5 Cousineau Ludger»,, Joiner Contractor x} 4J Coutl6e & Co Sew. Machines Coutl^e Frferes Clothing 3 6 MON QUEBEC. MON CoiitWe.T. P., &Co Clotliiiig Coutn&Co Bankers 2 Couture Alfred Boots & Slices ♦ Oouturfi & DeganuG Hair Dressers Couture -losepii Joiner Contractor 4 Couture & Laniontagne Tinsmiths 4 8 Couvrette Adolphe & Son ...Carpenters * Covernton C. J., ' Crowii Carpet & Plush Renovating Co. .. Crown Moses Trader 4 8 Croze Mathias Grocer 4 8 Cuddy -lames Dry Goods 2i 5 Cuddy Michael Dry Goods 3" 5^ Cuinat F. X Boot & Shoe Mf r 4 8' Culley Sanuiel E Horse Shoer 4 8 Cumming & Brewis Photo. 3\ 7i Cumberland Railway & Coal Co l| Cundill Francis, & Co Brokers Cunnin;liam Bros Marble Workers 2^ 4^ Cunningham C. H Mnfrs. Agent 2j 4^ Cunningham Ed Grocer 3 6| Cunningham & Leiuesurier . . . .Cartage I r. ■ - & Comm. Ayts. f "^ ^ Cunningham Mrs. J., wid John. ..Hotel Cunningham Mrs. John Grocer 3^ 7} Cunningham & Robertson. Whol. INlld'gs 3 Cunningham William Confectioner 4 8 Curran -John Provisions 21 4 Curran Maurice Hats & Clothing 21 41 Currie Bros. Grocers 3} 7} Currie Jas Mer. Tailor 3 6 Currie James, sen Carpenter ''.- Currie James T Hotel Currie W. & F, P. & Co. . . Whol H'ware 2 2i <;urrie Wm Clothing, Hats. &c. 3 5J Curtis H. li Drugs Curvvood George Slioenmker 4 8 Cuseon A., & Fils Whol. Grocers 2i 3i Mi i7j Cusson Athanase Carriagemaker 3 5 Cu8.son K. N . . . . Cigar Mf r. 3 (!i Spec. cap. $3,000 to January 15, 1894. Cusson Guillaume Carriagemaker Cusson Joseph Grocer 2 (^uBHow h .Swallwares 3 Cuthbert & Son Brass Founders Cutlibertson John Contractor ^^ Cutler Peter Fruits 2i 5 Cutler I'eter A (irocer 4 Cyr Daniase Joiner Contractor 3 6i Cyr Napoleon Gro. & Hardware 3 7 Dagenais p:douard l>ry Goods 2| 5 1 >agenais H enri Photographer 4 8 Dagenais J. Alfred. Photographer Dagenais Joseph Dry Goods Dagenais Joseph ".Grocer i tU Dagenais 1., M Mer. Tailor 3 Gi Daigle J. &p Flour & Grain 2^ 4| ]>aignoault J< 8ei)h Victor Grocer -^i- Daigneault Philias Grain J>aU)ec Alfred Speculator \\ 2 Dalglish Robert. . ..Com'n., Wines, &c. 2^ 4^ 1 )alrymple .James Provi.sions 3 Damien Moise Pict. Framer 4 D'Aiiiour Charles Sew. Machines 2^ Dangertield William Boots & Shoes 2i Daniel Wm. F Book & Job Printer 3 1 )anneit F. J Laundry * Dansereau F Hotel 4 8 Dansercau L. A.. .Whol, &Ket. Confect 3\ 7} Dansereau Mrs. F. X Cor.set Mfr., i „ Teas and Crockery I Dansereau Pierre Carriagemaker 3 Dansereau Pierre Contractor 3 Dantony Jean 'J'runks 3 Danziger Henry Fancy (ioods 3 iJaoust A. S Grocer 3^ 'J Diioust A., & Co Butchers Daoust Dromaine Jlotel 3 J )aousl & Frere . . ( i rocers 2 J Daoust floseph Cord Wood 3* Daoust Pierre Grocer 3| 7^ Daoust Willi im,& Fils Hotel * J>arling & Brach . Soap Manufacturers 2 Darling William, & Co.Wliol. Hardware 1 DastOLis Wilfrid — Cigars, Tobacco, &c. 4 J>ate .John IMumber & Steamtttter 2i DauphinaisO., &Co J^ry (ioods 3 Spec. cap. §1000 to April 1st, 1892 Dauray Ernest Butcher 3 6^ David Charles Boots & Shoes 4 8 David David Provisions 3 7 David Francois Flour & Feed 2i 4^ David H., & Co Boots & Shoes ]Mvid Jean Bte urocer * David Jean L .loiner Contractor 4 Da viil Joseph Feathers 4 8 David Louis , Contractor 3 5 David Magloire Contractor 2} 4i David Maxime Dry Goods 2^ 5 David Michel ...... . .Painter Contractor * ] )avid U Idcric Grocer 3 7 David Wilfrid Flour, &c. 3 7 Davidson 1 )avid Contractor ^■^■ Davidson Thos., &Co. Whol.Tinware,«tc 2 3 Davitlson Wm Fancy Goods 3^ 7^ Davidson W. B., & Son Florists Davidson W. C, & Co.. .Lithographers 3^ 7 Davie Miss J. A Dry (ioods 2j 5 Davies & Co Stock Brokers 3 20 Davin Michael Grocer 3 7 75 5 4 6 n 7 7 7 5 4 7 MON QUEBEC. MON 3 7 2 3 3 6 It 5 8 C A 20 Davis I. , & Co Fur Miifre. Davis & Lawrence Co. (Tlie) Iiicorp. Mfrs. Pat. Medicines. Sub. Cap. $500,000, Paid-in .'if440,0OO. Davis Louis, & Co Wliol Jewellers & Bolt & Co. Davis Moses Forwarding Agent 2 J 4 J Davis Mrs. Hannah Berlin W»)ol8 Davis Samuel, & Sons Cigar Manfrs 2 Davis & Sliute Druggists' Sundries 2^ Davis Wm Painter Contractor 4 Davis Z., & Co Cigar Manufacturers Davison Duncan. .. .Linen Shoe Uppers 3 Dawes & ('o Brewers 1 Dawes Robert Broker Dawson C. P stationer 2^ 4^ Dawson G. D., & Co Wine Imp. See Bodega Wine Co. DawHon George W Engraver 3^ 7^ Dawson »!. A Druggist 3 (il Daw>on T. J. , & Co. . IVIilly, & Fey. Goods 3 5 Daw.son Wallace Drugs 3 Da V & Deblois Founders 2^ Day Thos. F. G .Jewellery 3 DeHourgeon GeorgeUmbrelliis & Trunks 4 Dfecarie Augustin Wire Worker 3 Decarie Toussaint Grocer 2;^ Decary Antoine Hotels Decary Francois X,, sen. . . .Contractor 2^ Decary Fr^res . Grocers 3^ Decary Gervais . . Plasterer Contractor * Decary Placide. Watches & .Jewellery 3 7 Dederick P. K., & Co Hay Presses See Albany, N.Y. Deery Michapl Grocer 4 Decry Thomas Poultry DefEerrari Mrs. Louis, wid. Jos... Grocer DeFontony G., & Co Dyers DeGruchy & Raphael Mfrs. Agents Deguire Franyois .Grocer '.- Deguire Francois. Bricklayer Contractor 3 DeLadurantaye Caniille C. .Shoemaker '^f Deladurantaye Elzear . . . . Fancy Goods I „ r. & .Shoemaker | ' DeLaet & Co Tobacco Leaf & Alicia Cigar Co Delage Theo. & Co. . Hardware & Paints Delahanty Michael Grocer 3 6 Deliamothe Charles Stationery Delaney Mrs. M., wid. Mat.. Dry Good's Delaunay Ernest. . . W. French T)ry Gds. 7 4 7 5i 5 6.1. 4* 2i 4 3 d 1 )ry ' DelaV^Hllee E. L Public Works 2\ DeLisle A. P Carriagemaker '> De Lisle >Iolan M Estate Agent DeLordfi J. Bte Agent DeLorimier S. A Gents' Furnishings 2\ Delorme A Hotel 3^ Dolorme Alf i'eeatlu>r, &c. See Simeon Delorme Deloury Mrs. Julia, wid. James. .Saloon «• Delvecchio Alphoiise P. Phys, & Drugs 3 DeMaisonneuveChas. Con<'ecti()iu;ry,&c. '-^ Demers Albert Gents' Furnishing 3 Demers Augnste Saloon Demers & Co Indian CuriocUies 3 Deniprs Denis. ... Bouts «& Shota 3^ 76 4 3 8 5i ?} J)emers Fred. J. . , . .Physician & Drugs Demers & Frfere Mer. Tailors 3 7 Demers George Arthur Hotel 3 7 Demers Leandre Carpenter • Demers Pierre W. & R. Hardware 2^ 3^ Demers Stanislfis Grocer 3 5^ Demers Toussaint Oysters, &c. 4 8 Demers Vincent Hotel 3 6^ DeMey Charles Louis Hotel 4 8 Demontigr.y O. P Boots & Shoes 3^ 7^ Demuy Avila, jr Hotel * Demuy Louis Grocer 3^ 7J Denard Camille Mfrs. Agent Deneau Ls W. & R. Crockery 3 5^ Denholm George .Coni'n & Ins, Agent 2^ 5 Denis A Grocer Denis Joseph Pork Butcher Denis Joseph A Hardware & Paints Denis L. N Hardware, &c. Denis Pierre Painter Denis Telesphore Carriagemaker Denman A Toys, «&c. Dei)atie Adolphe J.,uraber 3 Depatie Arcade W. «fe R. Cigars, &c. 3 Depatie Arthur Shoe Mfrs. 4 Depatie Augustin Tobacco & Pipes 3^ 1^ Depatie Charles... Hotel 4 8 Depatie «fc Frere.. Plasterer Contractors Depatie I., & Fils Plasterer Cont'r. I)6patie William Hotel Depatie Zotiquo Plasterer Cont'rs. Derome Leon, jr Butcher Derome Leon, sr Butclier Derome 01.,jr Butclier Desauiniers Freres & Co Church Ornts, Desautels Adolphe Blacksmith 3 Dei^autels .Joseph Grocer 3 24 5 2j 5 3 4 3 7 7 8 4 4 3 * 4 2i 4 - 6 7 8 8 4 Desautels IjUc Cooper 4 8 Desautels Napoleon Blacksmith 3| 7|- Deschamps.T. Bte Grocer 4 8 Deschamps .Joseph Pork Butclier 3J 7^ Deschamps Leonidas Shoemaker DeSerres G., & Co Gen'l Agts 2^ 4^ Desjardins Andre Grocer 3 5| Des.iardins Celina Dry Goods 2i 5 Desjardins Chs., & Co Hats & Furs 2^ 4 Desjardins & Co JSIer. i ailors Desjardins .J Gro'»er * Desjardins Jean Bte Blacksmith * Desjardins Mrs. ]\I., wid Jos, Restaurant * Desjardins Napoleon Paints, &c, Desjardins O,, & Co Tinsmiths &c. Desjardins Theodule Dry Goods Deslauriers Antoine Carpenter Deslauriers Fehx (dit Legault).. ..Mason Contractor Deslauriers J, E Hats & Furs Deslauriers ]Mrs, C,. wid, E . . . Grocer Deslauriers Toussaint Contractor Desloges Joseph .Joiner Contractor De.^maisons Napoleon.,' .J?. Hotel 3 ]>csnnuais F. X Boots <& Shoes 3 Desmarais .Joseph Plumber, &c, 3^ Desmarais L. K., & Co. . Photographers 3 Desmarais Louis Nap., Barber i*t Picl. I 3 Frames ( De.smarteau Chas Accountant Desnnirteau Freres J'ainter Cont'rs. Desmarteau Jos ,dit Marteau)Bricky.'ir(l ••' Desmond Tliomas Lumber 3 Desnoyers Antoine Grocer ■^i- I)e.snoyevs Ferdinand Joiner Ccnit'r. 3 Desnoyers Vincent ^ IJaker 3 I )eSola Clarence J Mfrs. Agent Desormeau Francois X Saloon 3 4 7 2i 20 4 8 MON QUEBEC. MoN It Di^sormeau J. Z., & Co. . . Glove «& Mitt / Manufacturers s 2 Desormiers Francois Boots & Shoes 3 Desormiers Phileas Grocer 3 Desormiers Philias.Graiu, Wood & Coal Desourdy J. B Hotel 4 8 ] )espres Jj'nhuie Sewer Cont'r. Despres Mrs. Marie, wid. Louis. .Grocer 4 Desrocliers Aiiatole B Hotel 4 8 Desrochers Ai'tnand Carriageiraker 3 (>i Desrocliers H. A. B Grocer 4 ] )esrooher8 Hormisdas Grocpr * Desroches Alexis Mason Contractor 3 7 Desroches Joseph Shoe Mnfr. 3^ 7 Dcsroches Philemon Livery 4 8 Desrosiers J. O Banlf Detlefs E. G Confectioner Detlef 8 Gustave H Conf . & Baker 3 6 I)e Tonnancour Louis C Mer. Tailor '2^ 4^ J)evault George C Restaurant * Devin Charles Mfrs. Agt. 20 Devins Kichard J. Whol. & Retail Drugs 2^ 3i Deziel Pierre Grocer 3 C Dezouche George C, & Sons Paper 1 Hangings ) 2J 4J Diamond Wrench Co, of Canada Dick & Co Patent Medicines ) See Canada Wire Coiling Co. S Dick James Carpenter Contractor Dick Samuel R. F Lapidary 4 8 Dickson & Coggins Grocers 3 7 Didiej- Pierre Contractor 3J 6 Diehl H. A Com. Agent 20 Dillon John Grocer Dinahan Robert T Grocer 3 6i Dinl Alberto Grocer 3J U Dion Honor«J Tobacco & Barber 3J 7^ Dion J^rt^mie Teas & Crockery 4 8 Dionne A. , & Co Gro. & Butchers See Auguste Dionne Dionne Adam Confectioner 4 Dionne Albert C. . . .Grocer & Hardware 3 5 J Dionn*) Auguste Grocer & Butcher 2^ 4 & A. Dionne & Co. Dionne Thomas Butcher 2i 4i Dixon W. H., & Co Tobacco Pipe I Manufacturers J 3 C Dobell, Beckett & Co Lumber See Quebec Dobell Henry, & Co. . . . .Gen. Merchants 2^ 4 Dockrill Wni. S Plumber, &c. 4 8 Dods P. I). , & Co Whol. Paints 2 2^ Dogherty W. F.. & Co.. . .Cabinetmakers * I )oheney James Hotel 2i 4^ Dolierty Thos., & Co Whol. Teas 21 4 Jloherty William Grocer 3J 7 Dolierty William Grocer ^.' Dolan Francis Dry Goods 2^ 4 J Dolle Tlieophile Hotel* Dominion Barb Wire Co Dominion Blanket Co., (The) — 4 8 Dominion Bridge Co. . .(Incorporated) t Paid-in cap. $350 000^ 1^ Dominion Cartridge Co. (Thos. Brainerd Pres ; H. B. Brainerd, Treas), 2 3 Dominion Coal & Shipping Co (Not ) Incorporated) S Dominion Feed, Water & Purifler Co. Ltd. IJ Autho. cap. $300,000 Dominion Glass Co ^ '^ Dominion Illustrated Publ'ng Co. (The) ^ Autho. cap. f 50,(X) ) '' ■ Sub. and paid-in cap. ^40,0o0 Dominion Leather Board Co.(In(!orpo- 1 rated). Paid-in cap. $20,000. \ 2} Dominion Oil Cloth Co. (Incorporated) I 2^ Paid-in cap. $130,000. ) Dominion Paper Co..(Not Incorp'ated) I See W. & F. P. Curile & Co. ( Dominion Phosphate & Mining Co. (The) Dominion Plate Glass Inn. Co 2 2} Dominion Preserving Co.Canned Fruits (Not Incorp'ated). See T. T. TurnbuU & Co. Dominion Safe Manufactory . See G. Chapleau. Domini(m Safety Boiler (The) 2 Autho. cap. $100,000 Dominion Steam Carpet Beating Co See H.N. Tabb&Co. Dominion Transport Co. Limited (Tlip) Dominion Tubular J^amp Co.f. . .,(Not ) Incorporated). S 2^ 4 Dominion Tweed & Wool Co (Not i Incorporated). See S., H. & J. Moss. S Dominion Type Founding Co.(Incorp- I orated). Paid-in $50,000. ) Dominion Umbrella & Parasol Facty. . . . See F. Gross. Dominion Wadding Co. (The) See St. Cun6gonde. Dominion Wire Rope Co 2i 4 Domphouse Jos Beer Agent 2j 5 Dompierre Louis. Hotels 7 Dompierre Miss Henriette Millinery 3* 7* DonaghyC. H.,&Co Fruits* Donahue William & Co.. Whol. Grocers 2^ 3i Donaldson Robert Iron Works 4 8 Donnelly Charles Joiner Cont'r. 4 Donelly James Grocer 4 7} Donelly John T., & Co. Whol. Dry Gds.. 2* 4} Donelly P Lumber & Pack'g Cases 2i 4i Donelly Thomas Grocer 4 8 Donovan M Boots & Shoes 3 Donovan Peter Lumber 2 2^ Dooley Michael Furs 4 8 Dorais L^andre Hotel 4 8 Dorais Mrs. Alphonse Millinery 3J 7^ Dorais Maurice Hotel 4 8 Dorais T. H .Mer. Tailor 3 Doray Etienne . . Hotel 3 Dore Moise Wood & Grain 3 Dorval J. E Painter* Doucet Pierre Fruits 3 7 Dougall & Co Wliol. Lamps, &c. 3 6i Dougall John, &. Son Daily Witness "" Douglas Alexander Boots & Shoes Douglas J. M., & Co Com'n & Gen'l Merchants. 1^ 2 Douglas & McNiece.... Importers China & Glass 2 3 Douglas William Boots & Shoes 2^ 5 Dow William, & Co Brewers A 1 Dowker Arthur II Mnfrs. Agent 4 Dowkpr, Mcintosh & Co. Whol. Leather Downing James Jewellery 4 Doyle & Anderson Whol. Teas Doyle J. E. , & Co Cork Mnfrs See P. Freysengife Co., Toronto Doyle Patrick Baker 3 6^ Doyle Peter Grocer 4 8 Dr.ipeau & Champagne. . Tins & Pluni'g 2^ 4 Drapeau, Savignac & Co Tinsmiths 6c Roofers 2^ 4^ Dreyfus H.J W. & R. Jewellery ' DriacoU Thomas Grocer 4 8 Drolet Joseph Painter Contr. * Droiiin Michel Hatter 4 8 Drouin Octave Joiner Contractor 4 n % 8k MON QUE B KG. MON Diummoud Bros., .& (Jo. .Fuiaiicinl Agts 2i 3i Dmunnoiul, McCall & Co Coin'ii & Maiiutacturer«' Ag«'iit8 2i 4 DrurvJohn ' Hotel 'M 7A Drysilale David Hardware 3 tii Drysditlo William, & Co Stationers 2k 4i Dube N. , A Co . . JiulclierB ■■' Dubeau Hemi Hotel 3^ 7A Duberjjer Alfred K Drugs 4 « Dubois Henri Hotel 3^ 7 Dubois -J. Bte. Fruits, (Bousecours Mkt.) * Dubois -F. Bte..., Fruits, &c. (393 Craig) ^^ Dubois & Hobert Hotel 3^7 Dubiiis W. , & Co Fish Dubois Zotique Fruits-^ Dubord A . , & Co Wliol. Tobaccox 2^ 4 liubord Xoel Tobaccos 3 7 Dubreuil Noi#ert (irocer 2i 5 Dubreuil Ulric. Mer. Tailor 2^ 4i Dubrulo Andre Grocer 4 7^ DubucAime Urocier 4 8 Dubuc Charles ' Grocer 3 7 Dubuc, Desautels & Co Furriers 3 6 Dubiic Louis P rauitor 3i 7i Dubuc IMerre Grocer 2.^ 5 Duclusne FJlie Picture Franier 3 7 Duchesne Leon Hotel A' Duchesneau & Barbeau Grticers 3 6 Duchesneau Edmond Coal & Wood 4 8 Duchesneau Hernicnegilde. Confectioner 3 6 Duckett Alfred ^l Dry Goods 3 6 Duckett Wn>. A. . Physician & Druggist 2i 4^ Duckett, Hodge & Co Produce 3 5] Duclos Frederic Tinsmith, &c. 3 7 Duclos Jos. C Crockery 3^ 7 Duclos Jos. , & Co Jobber. Dry (ids. 20 Duclos Ai ichel Blacksmith 3 6i Duclos Robert Dry Goods 2i 5 Duff & Fraser Auctioneers & Com'n. 2i 5 Duttv J. J. , & Co Spice Millers 2i 4 Dufort Hermenegilde Contractor 3 6 Duf'ort Hormidas Grocer & Butcher 3 5i Dufort & Rousseau Tins, &c. Dufort N Butcher 3^ 7^ J)ufour Pierre Grocer 3 5^ Dufour T ,. Mer. Tailor 3^ 7 Dufresne Adelard Sewer Contractor "* Dufresue Benonl Hotel 3 7 Dufresne J. B. R. ..Watches & Jewellery 3 6J DufroKUG L.G Grocer 3 7 Dufresne L.. P.... Watches & Jewellery 3^ 7i Dufresna M. A., & Co Grocers '^ Dufresne Medard . Grocer 3^ 7i Dufresne & Mongenais Who. & Ret. Grocers & Liqs. IJ 2 & ^longenais, Boivin & Co, Dufresne O. , & Co Beer Bottlers ^ Dufresne O., jun.. & Frere Lumber 2J 4 Dufresne Raphael Grocer 2j 4^ Dugal Louis Grocer 4 8 Dugal Joseph Grocer 4 8 Dugas F. X. ((lit Labrecquo). . . . Grocer 3 7 Duggan Miss Bridget Boots & Shoes 4 8 Duhamel Joseph Joiner Contr. '^ Dulong & Meunier Plumbers 4 Dulude Alphonse Grocer 3^ 7' Dumaine (Jharles A irndertaker Duraaresq & Morison Mfrs. Agts. 3 7 Dumont Acldlle Grocer 3 i'A Dumont Magl< ire Saloon 3 7* Dumont G. A.. & W Slaty. Dumouchel Cyprien Hotel 4 Duncan George B Saloon 3 7 Duncan John , & Co. . . . Wholesale Teas Al Al Dunham W. A Last Mfr. 4 8 78 Dunkerton Robert Fancv (ioods 3 G^ Dunn James T Kid Gloves & Toronto, Out. Dunne Henry Restaurant 3 (J Duperrault Miss ^larie Grocer 4 8 Dujierrouzel & (Jo Restaurant Diiplessis David . .Phistcrer Contractor ■'.' DupJessis K. L Bricklayer ConLr. 4 I )uple8sis .1. lite Plasterer *•• I )uples8is Grocer 4 8 Dupont Alphcfie Grain 3 7 Dupont Guillaunie. Boots & Sh- es 3 G Dupont Narcisse Wood 2t 5 Dujiont Napoleon Slioe Mfr. 3' Dupre Franvois Forwarding Ag nt ^.' I)ui)re Freres Lumber 2^ 5 Dupre Miss (Jhristhie Millinery Dupuis Freres Dry Goods 2 3 & Dupuis, Lanoix & Co, l)u|)ui8 & Labellp Dry Goods 3 5^ Dupuis, Lanoix & Co Dry Goods See Dupuis Freres. Dupuy Alexandre, & Co Lumber 2} 4 I )upuy & Co Seeds, &c. 3 4^ Duquette ]> Tins 4 8 Duquette F'ranyois Carriagemaker 2^ 5 Duquette Joseph. Grocer Diuiuette Napoleon Hotel 3^ 7J Durand J. Bte Mason Contr. -^ Durand Joseph Butcher -r Durand L. J.. .Manufacturing Jeweller 3^ 7^ Durocher 11 Teas & Crockery 4' 8 Durocher Lsaac Restaurant 3 7 Durocher Isidore B ..Hotel Durocher J. Bte Jeweller 3A 7^^ Durocher Joseph & Frere. ..Contractors ^ Durocher K. B Grocer 3^ 7J Dusablon Stanislas ...Sewer Contr., &c. 4 Dueseau Adelard Grocer 4 8 Dusseau Honors Grocer 4 8 J)u^seau O., & Co Butchers J )uval < Umrles Gro. & Baker 3 5i Duval Napoleon Boots & Shoes * Duval N..& Co Prhiters 2^ 5 Duvert Paul L .Painter -^ Dwane John Boots & Shoes 2^ 5 Dwane Thos Boots & Shoes 3 7 Dwyer John Carriagemaker 3^ 5k Dwyer Michael Grocers 54 DyerW. A.,&Co Drugs 3 6| Dyment Thon;a8. ... Saloon ^ E Eagle Life As8. Co., of London 2^ Karle Bros Whol, Paper Earle Edward, & Co Marble Works I Spec. cap. $3000 to Sov. 13, 1899. ) Eastern Assurance of Canada C. D. Cary, Manager. Eastern News Co Eaton W. H Printer Eaves Alfred W. & R. Jeweller Eaves Edmond W. & R. Jeweller Eaves Win W. & R. Jeweller Ecrement & Co Auctioneers Ecroyd Thomas Tanner & Leather Edson M. G. & Co Druggists & Chocolate Manufacturers PJdward David .... — Tea I m porter Edwards t has, D.,&Son... Sate Mfrs. PJdwards Robert E...*^ Builder Edwardsburg Starch Co. (Incorporated.) Paid-in Cap.$2]3, 650 EdyH. Mnfrs. Agt. "20 Egan C.,& Son. .Custom House Brokers 3 6 H 3J 7i 2m '4 ^ 2 3 4 8 ^ MON QUEBEC. MON EgaiiH. A Plumber 3 7 Kkwrs H. Alfred Brewer 2i 4 Klectric Service Co '2\ 4 Electro Mechanical Clock Co Elliott Edward Grocer 2i 5 Elliott .1. H Lithographer 3 7 Elliott Martin Grocer 3 6 Elliott P. A Hotel 4 8 Ellis Mi!-B Mary Fancy Goods 4 8 Eiuond Joseph & Co Hotel ■■•' Empire Button Co Spec. Cap. .«10,000 to Dec, 31, 188!) P'mpire Tobacco (^Jo 2 2^ Employers' Liability Ass. Corp. (Lid) End Gieorp) Lumber 3 "i English & Canadian Wire Fastening ( 'o. (Limited; 2 2| English 1)., & Go lob Printers 3 7 Ennis ,J. H Hairdresser -f EquitHbleLife Ass. Soc. of United Slates IJ Esdaile J. E Prod. Broker 3 Espie Arnohl Crockery 3 7 Esplin George & James. Planing Mill & Box Factory 2i 4 Ethier Benjamin, jr. .. Coal, Wood, &c. 3 7 Ethior Edmond L Agent ''.' Ethier Jos. (dit Lamaljce) ... Butcher 3 C Ethier Theophile Hotel & Plasterer Contractor 3i 7^ Euard & Macdonald.Stoves & Furnish'g Hardware 2^ 4^ Eureka Portrait Co Evans Brothers. . , Coal & W^ood 1> 2 Evans Jas. S., & Co Whol. Clothiers A 1 Evans, Sons & Mason (Limited) .Whol. Druggists. Auth. Cap. $250,000; paid-in #125,000 li Evanp Ulric Joiner 3 7 Evans Wm .Seed & Agr'l- Irapl'ta 2 3 Eveleigli J., & Co Trunk Mfrs. Export Lumber Co.(Incorporated)... See New York Ewan Bros Grocers 3^ 7i Ewan Wm,, & Son Whol. Ciothiers Ewart J. T . . . Coal & Wood 2i 5 FwingS. K. & A. S Spice Millers lA 1 Ewing Wm., & Co Seed Merchants 2j 4 Fabre D., & Co Coal & Wood Spec. Cap. $1000 to June L0'90 3 Fabre & Gravel Stationers 2 Fabre Gustave R Whol. Saddlery 2 Fafard F. X Paints, Oils, &c. 3 Fafard J.Bte... Hotel 4 Fafard Joseph ., Hotel 4 Fahey, Cormack &Co....' Hotel 3J 7^ Fairbanks & Co Scale Mnf rs. \ » i Paid in Cap. .1f2,.';00,(M)0, f & E. T. Fairbanks .V Co., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Fairbanks liufus ...Broker 3 Falardeau Leon Boots & Shoes 4 Farquharson Wm Mer. Tailor 3 Farrell Wm Whol. Liquors 2^ Faucher & Fils.. .Whol. & K. Hardware IJ Fauchille Charles Fancy Goods 3 Fau^se Adolphe Veterinary Surgeon 2i Fauteux & Co Grocers 4 Fauteux Mrs. H. , & Co Millinery Fauteux L^andre Coal 2 3 Fauteux Louis .... Hardware & Paints 2^ 4^ Favreau Ed Butcher 4 Favreu E. IVlesphore Painter, &c. 4 8 Favreau Louis E...... .Sec. Hand Store * Favreau Ubalde ^ Grocer 4 2 2i 8 7 3J 2 k 8 n 2H} 3 5i Feathorstone Arthur M Boots & Shoes 2i 4} Federal Telephune Co Fee & Martin Furniture .T Felix A.,& Co Machinist 3i Fellows Medical Mfg Co. (Incorp). > Paid-in cup ifflOO.OOOs ^i Feniou Mrs. H., Wid. E ,. Stiloon 4 Fenwick & Selater. Engineers' Suvplies Fenwick W. I Stock Broker 21 FergusHon, Alexander, & Co. Paint Mfrs. U Fergusson J.S. &J). Imps., Warehouse men, &c. Ferland Edouard Furniture Ferlanil F, F Joiner Contractor FerneyhougliS. A.,&Co. Stencil Platers Ferns James H Plumber. &c Feron M. & Son Undertakers Ferrero Eduardo Im porter Field liros. & (,'o 'Mfrs Agents Field M. E Chemical Mfr. 3 54 Filliatrault Ferdinand (iroeer 2^ 4l FiliatraultA I>esage Dry Goods 2| U Filiatrault Wilfrid Blacksmith Filion Alexandre Motel Filion & Fortin Grocers Filion & Krtre Grocers Filion Isaie Grocer Filion Pierre Contractor Finlay M. Robert Pork Packer Finlayson, Hirsch & Co., Whol. Liquors 2^ 41 Finn Andrew Horseshoer 4 8" Finn William Broonnnaker 4 7^ Finzel Andrew. Upholsterer ■^ Fischer George Butcher 3 Fisher A. Plumber, &c. 4 Fishfr C. A.Jj ... Hqplery Manufacturer 4 Fisher John & Co Whol. Cloths l^ Fisher Mark, Sons & Co. Whol. Woollens ' Fisher Marcus Peddler Fisher Mrs. J ohn. Periodicals Fisher Samuel pjUgineers' Supplies FiskH. J.,&Co Imps. Leather I & Findings I Fitzgerald Misses S. & A Statinery & Fancy Goods 3 Fitzsimmons Mrs. Cath., Wid. H.. Grocer 3 Flanagiin J Hotel 4 Flannery Patrick Boots & Shoes 3^ Fleishman & Co Yeast Mfi-s. 2k & New York City Fletcher Norman. Staty. Fey. Goods.&c. 3V 7J Fleury & Bouthillier Dry Goods 2J 5 Flood Mrs. M. A Grocer 5^ Fluet Joseph Boot & Shoe Mfr. 3* 7i Flynn John S. , . . Dry Goods 3J 7j Flynu Lawrence Hotel Flynn Mrs. Mary. Wid E Millinery 2^ 5 Flynn Mrs, Mary. wid. John Jas.F'ruits 3 6^ Fogarty & Bro..Whol. & Ketail Boots I ^ , A ■if 4 3 2i4 6 8 8 2 1 n 6 6 3i ^ & Shoes Foisy Aristide Job Printer Foisy Francois Joiner Contractor Foisy Freres Joiner Contractors Foisy Freres Piai os & Sewg. Mach. Foisy J. Hormisdas Printer & Stationer 3 Foisy T.F.G Piano Mfr. 1^2' Foisy Thomas F. G., & Co.. Saw March. See T. F. G. Foisy Foley James . . .Dry Goods & Millinery 24 5 F'oleyM. S. Pub. Journal of Commerce 2} Foley Mrs. M Underwear 4 Foley Thomas Fruit ^f Fontaine & Brodeur .Teas & Crockery Fontaine F. E Grocer 34 Fontaine Joseph (ditBienvenu),Tin8 &c. -^ . 79 4 8 n MON QUEBEC. MON 4 4 6 7i 2 5 7 6i 7 7 5i 8 Fontaine MiBB Louise Millinery 4 8 FootnerM.A.,&<;o Berlin t .. g Wools & Fancy Goods ) Force Antliony, & Co Coninii>.8ion Ford Egerton Stoclt Broker Ford(4eorpo Builder Fordo Thoinus Joiner Contractor 2 J 4 J Forest Cyrille Grocer * ForestF. H Grocer 4 8 Forest & Fr^re Grocers 4 8 Forest J. Z Grocer Forest Joseph Grocer 4 8 Forest!.. W Dry Goods 3i 7i Forest Simeon Cigar Manutucturer a 7 Forest Vital Cigar Manufacturer 3i 7i Forest Z., & Co Fancy Goods Forgetlsrael Grocer 3 7 Forget L. J. , & Co Stock Brokors IJ 2 Forget It Joiner Contractor * Forget rierre New & Second Hand Fur- niture 3 7 Forgotston Maurice Abie Confectio- nery, &c. * Forman John Hardware Agent 2i Forsyth Robert Marble & Granite 2i Forte Charles H Hardward 3 Fort,ier& Co ..Jewellers, Furniture, &c. 3 Fortier Charles Grocer Fortier H. H Hotel Fortier J. Alphonse Grocer SA Fortier J. M Cigar Manufacturer 1} Fortier Joseph Stationer 3 Fortier Mrs. A., Wid. P Lamps, &c. 3 Fortin Edouard Butcher 3 Fortin & Frtjre Hotel 3 Fortin Isidore ,.Mfr. Mocassins 3 Fortin Joseph Grocer 3 Fortin Omer Grocer 4 Fortin Osias Vet, Sui-geon 4 Foster Charles Grocer * Foster & Farrell Plumbers, &c. 4 8 Foster Tlionias W Hotel 4 8 Foucher Fils & Co. Jewellers & Furniture 3 4i Foucreau Napoleon Grocer &c. 3 6 Foulds John Leather imp. Fournier A. , & Co Grocers Fournier Cyprien Grocer 4 8 Fournier Eugene Hats & Furs 3 6i Fournier Francois Contractor * Fournier H Butter, &c 2i 4^ Fournier Hyacinthe Contractor Fournier Paul, & Co. Joiner Contractors 3^ 7 Fowler James Cutler 3 7 Fox Albert Glue & Oil Mnf r. Fox John Saloon 3 7 Fox Solomon Tailor 4 Fox Thomas M Glue & Oil Mnfr. Franch6re L. O Mer Tailor 3 6^ Francis W. & B Whol. Hardware 2 3 Francoeur & St. Marie Hats & Furs 3 6i Trappier A. , & Co W. & R. Paints 3 Frappier On^sime Contractor 3 6 Eraser John Mfrs. Agent 20 Fraser Lubricating Co. (The) Fraser Thomas Grocer 3 6^ Fraser, Viger & Co. Whol. & R. Grocers 2i 5 Frechette Edmond Cigar Mf r. 4 8 Frechon, Lefebvre &Co.ChurchUrnamts 2i 4^ Freaman (Allan .Restaurant 3 5 Freeman K,, &Co Grocers Fremeau J6r6mie P Watches 3 7 Frenette & Frfere Safe Mfrs. 3 6^ Friedman B W. & R. Grocer 3 J 7 Friedman Bros Whol. Clothing 3 6^ Friend A Restaurant 3^ 7^ «0 Frlgon Antoine Hotel 3 (ij Friffon Henri Sewer Contractor 2J 5 Froideveaux Francoi-* F Blacksmith 3 6i Frothingham it WorKman Whol. Hardware Al Aa Fugfire P. E Grocer 8i 7i Fuller Wm. M Produce & (3oni'n Fullum Wni. (alias Michael Werton) Fey. Gd8.,&o. 3 7 Fulton & Richards Accountants 2 J FurnissE. L.,&Co Whol. Wines 3 Fyfe Charles Joiner Contractor 8 5\ Fyfe James Scale Manufacturer 3 6 G Gaboury Alphonse Contractor 3 5 Gadbois A Physician & I )rug8 Gadbois Olivier ;. Gents' Furnishings 3 6 Gadbois Onesime...'. . .Sewer Contractor * Gadoua fToseph Hotel ^^• Gadoua & Roy Mnfg. Confects. G ague Alphonse M Dry Goods, &c. 4 8 Gagne L«^on Hotel 3\ 7i GagiJer Charles S Painter 3i 6J Gagnier Joseph. ...Sec. Hand Furniture 4 Gagnon & Allary Dry Goods 3 6 Gagnon A. E., & Co. Whol. Flour & Grain 2i 4 Gagnon C. E. , & Co Dry Goods 3 Gannon D., &Co Dry Goods 2A 5 Gagnon Ernest Saddler 3 J 7.J Gagnon Francois Xavier Baker 4 Gagnon Frferes Dry Goods 3 7 Gagnon John Sewer Contractor * Gagnon Joseph Hotel 3J 7i Gagnon Louis Saloon 3 6| Gagnon & Meunier Dry Goods 2i 3i Gagnon Mrs. Amed^e.Fcy. Gds. & Toys 3i 7* Gagnon Narcisse Boots & Shoes 3} 7i Gagnon O., & Fr6re Shoe Mfrs. 4 8 Gagnon P. H Photographer * Gagnon & Shipton Dry Goods 3 6 Gagnon Treffle Saloon 3 6 Gagnon 2i 2i 6i 8 5i a 4 3 * Ik 3 3 Gauthier Gilbert Dry Goods 3 », Gauthier Henri Lime Kiln 2^ :i] Gautbier Israel Horse Trader 3 5 Gauthier J., & Co Hotel 8^ Gauthier Jos. ..Gen. Agt. & Upholsterer Gauthier Leandre Boois & Shoes Gauthier Nazaire . . .Joiner Contractor Gaulhiei IS'azaire Hotel 4 8 Gauthier 1 ierre Carriagemakor 3 6i Gauthiir Stanislas Dry Goods 3 7 Gauthier Tiiomas Accountant 2 3 Gauthier Tliomas Grocer 3 6 Gauthier T. A Painter Contractor 4 8 Gauttier & Vervais Hotel 3i 6 & Bougie Corners Gauvr 2au Emory Hotel 2it 4 Gauvreau Mrs. C, wid. L. F.. .Toys, &c * Gauvreau & simard Dry Goods ^ 7i Gazette Prii.iieg& Publish'gCo. (The) t Incorpt. Paid up cap. $t nim. S Gebhardt Berthiaunie Lithograph 'g& Printing Vo. Auth. Cap Sub 1^20,500. Paid up Gelinas E^'ariste Boots & Shoes Gelinas Nazaire Boots & Shoe 4 7\ Geudrcau J. G. A Dentist 4 8 Gendron Mfg. Co Children's Carriages, &c. Auth. cap. $45,ii0'), paid-in ;ti22,500, br. See Toronto. Genereux Anibroise, & Co Grocers 4 7i Gttueral Delivery Co. (The) { 7 .3.J Oi 20 2 3 3 20 4 8 3 6i 4 8 4 8 Genest & Co Cabinetmakers A« Genest Ferdinand Grocer Gentesse Camille ilfr. Chairs, Hat I Blocks, &c. ) •' Geott're Louis Gold & Silver Plater 4 (teolTrion Aim^ idlt St Jian)..B't & Sh's 3 Geottrion F61ix Tobacco 4 Geoft'rion Theophile. ... Shoe Mtifr. 2k Gerhardt&Co Cigar Box Mlrs. Germain A Boots & Slioe.s 4 Germain Alexandre. .Physician 8i Dnif^'s 3 Germain F. X. Zotique Furniture 31 7+ Germain Jean Bte Clothing .» 6 Germain .Joseph Htitol 4 8 Germain .Joseph . . . .aiason Contractor i- Pierre Locksmith Gianelli & Co MJ'rs. Agents, &c, Gibb&Co Mer. Tailors Gitisone John Fraser Mfrs. Agent Giguere&Co Huichers Giguere Japliet H"tel it Livery Giguore J. H. Grocery Harilware Giuuere Joseph Shoemaker Gilbert Blasting & Dredging Co. The, (limiteu), Auth. cap. igoii ooo ; sub. & paid-in .«3i),n o. Gilbert Bros. Kngineeiing Co., The, ( (limited), .A.uth.«& paid-in c'lp. «!0o,(i, o ) GMbert Harris Jewellery, &c. Gilbert Octave Tinsmith, &c. Gilchen H Hoti 1 Gillespie .Jas. F Grocer Gillespie, Paierson & Co- Whol. Gio- I cers «& Insurance Agents J Gillespie, Roach & Co. Whol. Dry Goods 2i 4 Gilnnmr & Co Whol. Hardware ( Spec. cap. !»1(),()00, to Dec. 31. Mt3. (, GilmourJ. Y., &Co. Wind. Smallwans U Gingra8& Co Lumber, Saw Mill, iS;c. Gingras L. E Drv Goods Girard & Co Grocers Crirard Anguste, sen Com'n Grain Girard Charles Butcher Girard PMouard H ote 1 3.^ Gira'd Louis Blacksmitti 4" Girouairi A., & Co Gro. &Hay Girouard Isidore Cord V\ ood Girouard Victor Mer. Tailor Giroux C. 1 Biitelier Giroux Fabien Butcher Giroux Francis Com'n Agent Giroux J., & Fils Grocers 3} Giroux Joseph Paints & oils 4 Giroux .Joseph, & Co..Plu»ibin)r & Tins Giroux .Tnles Com'n Agt. Giroux ()n(i?ime Boots & Shoes 3 Giroux P. O Driiggi.-t 3 Giutt'ia JoT^eph Confectioner Gladu F Hotel Glasgow & London Ins. Co. (limited). Glass C.G Clothier Glassford Augusta W Mfrs. Agent p 81 4 7i 3i 7i 3 7 3 (ii H li 2M4 3 SI 3 3 4 7 4i 7i 21 51 8 8 7 20 3 MoN QUEBEC. MoN GlanHlord Brou. & rollock.. W'hol. Dry ) „ (4oo<|s ( ^ Glen Crawt'oril Pluinliflr 4 8 Glt'ii l>avi«l IMimibor & CJiislliUT a 7 GUiiiuy (.e'TKe, Hen I'liiiitH. *(% 4 8 GU'iniiv K()(lt!rick....Pftliitor Coiiirui'tor # Gli>l>i-".SpKM) .Mills (>i 8 6i Gl<>l>e v\ oulloii Mills . . ) ,, Auliio. & l'iu«l-in cixv. *20(t in. <, ^^ GlolieiiHkv Uiiviil F Flour 3 6A Gl<«l"'.iiHhv !•:.,& Co Priiitors Glovni^: Urals WJiol. Gents' Funics. 2i 4 Gimcdinyn' L, Son & (>o V\ liol. Hat- J .,9 Utb & FurrieiH S ^ " Gobiille Francis Grocer 3 is.\Vasliin^MaclilreMlr. ? .,, , & Toys (, ^i ^ Godin G Grocer 3J 7i Godin ,) Hotels 8 Godin r. ,].,6iVo Hotel ''# Goilniairtwloi-cpli Gn cer 3 7 Goliier & I )afjenai8.., Joiner Contractors 2^ 4J Gohier DoBithc Bntclier 3 (i) Golder K.. & Co Dry (4oods 2i 5 Gidder Sinii on Hiitcher 3 6 Goldberg Oersbam Hats, iSic. ^'■• Goldberg Isaac. 1 ow. & Sec. Hand Store ''•' G. f. ware, &c. | -2 » Gougexm Alplionse Gniin, &c. 3 6^ Gougei m 1" ranvois Carr. Mkr. * Goulico Joseph a Giocer 3 6^ Gougeon Stanislas Butcher 3^ 7^ Gouyeon & Sleviu .Joiner Contractors 4 Gouin P. E . Grocer 3 i'>h Gould Ira, & Sons JNiillers 2 2 J GouletA. H Hotel 3 7 Gouiet Frl'res Cigar Mtrs. 2J 4 Goulet Loui.-^ H .FloM'er Preserver, &c. 4 Gour Alexis btone Contractor * Gover A Grocer 4 8 Goycr & Fils Leather 2^ 3i & B. Goyer, Cote des Meiges'. 82 Goyette A. K..& Co Towellers Goyctte Israel Hestnuiant • (loyette Trefflj? Carriagenuiker 2J 5 (irace Joseph. Painter tUudractor 3' 7 (Srace P.,&0o Whol. (}ro<-erH 2 3 Graf Ion F. K., & Son Booki-ellers 3 (I Graham «Si Co ....(Joiits" Furng'ii Graliam & Co Publihliers " Star " 11 2 (iiaham (ieorge Grocer 2j 4J Graliam John B. See Victoria ColJei; & Shop House ('J"he). Graham Robert C« rd Wood 'ji, .}j Graham Thomas Crockery 2j !\ (iraliain William Coal & VVood 3* S^ Granby Rubber Company See Granby, Que. Granger Freres Statioiiers 2( r, (Jranger (To«lfroid & Co ] utchers Granger Napoleon. . . J^ainter Contractor 3 (I) Granger Ulric Paint*, ll'waio, &c. 3J 7^ GianolliMrs. Marie Fai'cy Goods See J' an Soprani. Grant Alexander Horseslmer 3^ 7i (JrantAlex ....Saloon* (iiant & Shea .. .. Joiner Contrin'tors 4 8 Giant Henry, & Son . Watclies & .lewel. 3 iH Grant J. 11., & Co Grocers See W. H. Scroygie. Gratfon Charh'S W. »V; li. 'J'ol)acco8 2i 5 (iiatton J. B Joiner Contractors' tJl (iratton fJoaclnm Joiner* Gratton Jos. Gedcon p'cy. Goods 3^ 7^ Gratton Laurent Blacksmitli 3 7 Gra ton Ludger Boots & Shoes 4 8 Gration Vincent Ferricr (irocer 'V Gratton Vital. Joiner Conti actor &Milly. 3 6 (iiaval Adclard Second-H and Store 4 8 Gravel Adolphe Hair Dresser ( „, ., & Perfumery f "^i 'i Gravel Alfred Joiner Contractor 3 5; Gravel Alexandre Sewer Contractor 4 Gravel Arthur Patternmaker 3 7 Gravel & Boiilard Hardware 2^ 4^ (Jravel & Co Dry (ioods 2k 5 Gravel Fibres Grocers & Grain '2^ 4 GravelGeorge Hotel 4 8 Gravel .loseph tirocer 4 « Gravel Joseph Ferdinand... . Agent 2J 5 Gravel .JoseFdi L . . Watchmaker, &c. SS 7 Gravel Philias Grocer 3 t)i Grrivel Stanislas Painter C ntra'tor4 8 Gi avel Wm Boots & Shoes & Mi. is 2} 5 Gray A. CLumber, Coal & Cord Wood 3 Gra> Henry K Drugs 2i 4\ Gray John Mnfrs. Agent '^ G' eat North Western Telegraph Co. .. M Greaves Christopher B Saloon 4 8 Greaves H. L Agent * Gri'aves Joseph J Fancy Goods 3 5i ilreenbi rg Moses c'lothing 3 7 Greene & Sons Co. (Incorporated). . . . Wliol. Hats & Furs. Paid-in cap. [ 1^ !S2.''.0,' 01 > ] Gieeiiglass David Umbrellas & Trunks 4 8 Greenleaf Calvin ( "onfectioner Grecnshields S ,Son & Co Whol. 1 . ^ ., Diy Goods I ^ " Grcgoire J. Bte Grocer 3^ 7^ Grenier C. J Corset Mnf r. 2^ ii (Jrenier .Jacques, & Co.. Whol. 1). Good^ 2 -4 Grenier Vital Tinsmith & Roofer 2i 4j Gribldn James Grocer 3^ ii GrierJ.&B Lumber 2 3 & Ste. Anne de Bellevue. Griffin James Confectioner 2i 4 MON QUEBEC. MoN OiigMon Adrlen Tliiftinitlj & Roofer 3J Griinanl Kilouiuil .. ..loliicr ('ontnictor 3 (U Ori*' .J<>». ('yprieu.(Jro. Il'ware & Unuii 3 flf (jrt)lt'au AfhfiintBe.Carr. Alkr.& Key. (1(1h. Giolt^au Kraiiv<>i»fBr (Irocer 2J 4J (.iioll Arthur VlctuulU^r 4 8 (inw Waller MnfiH. Auent 2i 6 (jioi^s F Mfr. Surgical liiHtruiiiuntH 2^ 4 OrotlK' Krt^ros Joiiier CinitractoiH » Gnitli*'! li. ().,&Co Cigar Mantis. 2i 6 Giotlu! T. A rewell'-r I'i Groiilx Benjainin Whol. Pork nj 6 Guarantee Co. of North America I ,■ I'fiia-ln rap. $-M') ni. | ^' (iiiardian Firt) & Life Ass. Co I Guiiy KUinond Hole] 4 8 Gujiy l'lii»lini« (Irocer 3 7 Giii'iiiiril J. (illhert (trocer 3 7 Ouciiette NarcisBe Brimiiiiiaktir 3 6 Gucriu C, & Co Cloliiinu, Ac. Giicriu K. X. , & Co Mer. TailorH Gii^rin Narcirtso CJroiior 3J 7i vJ'Mjrtiu FraiiyoiB Leon Furs, &c. Guertiu IWnii Joinov Contractur 3 6 Guost Janiea, & Co (.'oin'n & Wlnen See VVni. M. Kearney. (iufst James U Crocer 4 « Guibord (>uhL(Ivo (Irocpr 4 8 Giiilliault Kdoujird — Stone Contractor ■^<- Gnilbaut J., it Frere I^ry Goods .-'i 5 Guill)ault Mcdtiric Hotel 3 7 GuiinondCalixte .... Millinery 4 8 Gnimond J. (.!.,& Co Ins. AK»'iit8 20 Giiiinond J. A llabardiisher 4 Giiindon Clt^ophaa Mer. Tailor 3^ 7i Gurd Charles & Co (iinuer Ale & Soda Water Manufacturers 2J 4i Gurd Joseph L Mnfrs. Agent 3 Gurney E. «S C, & (Jo Stove Mfr.-*. I Paid-in cap. 3(M) m. Guthell R. Honry . . .Fur Tresser & Dyer 3.) 7i Guita Tercba & Rubber Mfg. Co. Ltd. ij ij br . , see Toronto, uut. H 20 3 3 4 4 6i 3 6 2i 5 Haarhaus Gustave Mfrg, Agent Hais Abraham Fancy Goo<1h ^ Haas & Lederc Lunch Room 3 Haas William ... M'rs. Agent H.igar Edward & Co China & Glass 2 Haig Roberto Produce Broker Haines & Co Mnfrs. Agents Haldimand W. L,, & S m. H'vvare Agts. Hall Hdwurd Painter Contractor Hall Fred. C Pedd'er Hall John H Real Est'^te Agent Hall & Scott Confeuiioners Hall W. V. B.,&Co Restaurant Halley John Stationer Halley Mrs. John Millinery Halpin William W Grocer 2i 4i Hameliu Jules Baker '^ Hamelin Ij Butchers 3 Ilanunoud John Mfr. Paper Bags ilainpson Ruliort Insiiranee Agent Hannah J. W., & Co. .. Upholsterers' ) Materials S Hiniian John J Gents' Furnishings Haiinan M., i Hoolahan James, sr Cord Wood 3 7' Hoolahnn Jrd)n Smallwares, &c. 3 ci Hope John & Co Whol. Wines i\ \ Hope W. H Chromos & P'ramer ,!" 7 Home George Stationery 4 Horsfail Joseph Whol. Clothing 24 44 Horsman John Fruits & Flowers 3 r> Hortan F Plumber 3 Hotel Balmoral Co. Paid-up cap. .1100,000 Hotto Elie Grocer 3^ 7S Ho.ide L. A., jr (irocer 4 »' lloude Mapoi('on Painter Contractor 4 8 Houghti>n Cliarles Hors.-shoer 4 8 Houghton Edwin T Painter Contractor 4 » Houghtoti John Painter Contractor 4 7 Hou.e Alf Stoves, Tins, &c., 3 5 Houle Antoine Shoemaker >'(■ Houle & Co — Mfrs. Window Bolts, Ao. -"^ Houle E., & Co Grocers 3 fil HouIh Eiiclide Joiner Contractor 4 s' Houle Gilbert Shoemaker * Houle L. , & Co Gents Fgs. Howard James Henry Grocer 3 64 Howard Pulp Ware Co Howard Thomas J Beer B Huglie8& Steplienson Plumbing, &c. 24 4! Hulek Aloys Furrier Humphrey & Co Itestaiirent IIuneauJo>eph Hotel 3 7 Hunsiicker Jacob E. ..Commis.sion Flour 24 4 Hunt, Barnes & Co. (owned by N. W. t „' Sndth), Oysters Fish, &c. f ^ "^^ Hunter Charles Mfg . Confect, Hunter W Grocer 4 8 Huot Jules Dry Goods 2} "> Huot iiUcien. . . Importer & Gen'I Mer. 2^ 4i Huot Mrs. Philomene, wid. Joseph . I «' ci Boots & Shoes ) ** *** Hupt^ Alfred Grocer Hurteau A. , & Frfere Lumber 2 2i & E. ChauBse & i'i>. Hurtubise A.L.,&Co Whol. Hay & Grain 2i ^ Hurtubise Damase R Plumber, &c. 4 7} Hurtubise & DesjardinB .. Painters & ) „. -, Hardware i "^^ '^ Hurtubise T Grocer 3^ 74 Hussereau Joseph . Plumber 3 tj" Hutchins J. B., & Co.. Ladies' Under- 1 . wear, Ac. J * ° Mon QUEBEC. Mo!ot(» & Shoes Joyce Alfred Confecti»mer Joyner .Johti Cord Wood 3} Jnbin (!vrille,& .Son Tinware 3 Jui)inviile Grdgoire Produce, &<•. 4 Judge Kdgar Flour 2i .Julien J. A re A., & Ouiniet. Painter Cotits. ■ Labreclte Jos. (dit Ihziel). .Joiner Cont. ; Labi'ecoue A. Arcadius .... Grocer : l^Abrecque Alfred Hotel Ijalirecque Charles Tinsniiih . Labrecque Edinond " . . .Builder : Labrecque & Huot Gro. & Mer. Tailors , Labrecque J. O., Cousiiieau & Co. Goal i , & Wood f ' Labrecque Louis Joiner ; Labrecque & Mercure .Joiner Cootrac. ' Lacaille Charles & Co. . .Whol. Grocers 8(> 4 71 4 K 3i '\ 4 8 3 .") tii Lacas Joseph Grocer 3 c Lacas Mrs. P Milliuf-ry LncassH Jos .... Painter C iutrnctor Lacasse Joseph Hotel La«'hance Ferdinand Prov., &c, Lncbance Henri Crockery l.achance Isidore Didace Grocer Lachance Isidore, sen. . . Builder Lachance >.'apo'(W)U .Mfg. Confectioner 3 Lachance S6raphin Drugs 2^ Lnchapelle A« dre Cord Wood 3 I.achapelle Andr<^ , Grocer ^' LacbapelleCyrille Grocer 3 7 Lachapelle Francis. ..Sewer Contractor 4 8 LachapeUe Ulric Hotel Laoo'.nbe AugMste Barber 4 S Lacoste Alphonse Boots & Slioes 3 fi} Lacoste&Co Foundry l^i 4i Lacoste Napoleon Hay & Grain 3" «r Lacroix Clodias. ...Barber & Fey. Goods 4 8 Lacroix J,, & Co Boot & Sh( e Mfrs. See Jas. McCready & Co, Lacroix Magloire Pat. Medicines 4 s Ladonceur Joseph Butter, &o. 3 Lafertiere George, . . Carpenter * Lafliunme Fdmond. ,1'ainter Contractor *= Laflaninie !• ugei e Photo 4 La tleche & Murphy .... Grocers 3| Laflf'ur Charles Hotd * Lafleur F^lix Butcher 4 Latteur 1. L W, & II. H'ware 3 Lafleur Severe Baker 3 Lafond Freres Dry Goods Lafond Odilon Carriageniaker 4 1/afontaine Joseph Tobacco 3^ Lat'ontaine Louis.. Hotel & Barber 4 Laforce Michel Butcher I>afortune A. r Grocer Lafortune Ambroise ^dit Tellier). Hotel Lflfortnne Map. (dit Tellier).Mer. Tailor La'ortune Urgel . , l„«niber Lafrandwise Narcisse Barber Laf ranee Jo epli Bnker & Grocer I.afrance Joseph Butcher Lafrance P. , & Co Dry Goods 7 0.1 r i 4 3 * 2i 5 Lufreniere J. O Whol. Flour & Grain 2' 2t I afrtni<'re& Ltifrenifere Grain, Ate. 2^ 4^ Lat'reniere Narcisse Saddler 4 8 Lafriciiin Mrs. Ulric Mlllmery 3i Laganiere T. H Hotel 3 ],^garde Alfred Hotel * LRgaide P., & Co — Grocers Lagrenade, Beauchamp & Co. B. & S. / Mfrs. \ Lahaie Octave urocer Laing Murdock, & Sons. Whol. Produce also Ogdensbnrp, N.Y. Lajoie F. G Jeweller, &c. Laj ie M., & Co Tinsmiths & Plumbers LHJHiiinesse rioseph Itotel Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Autho, I cap. »50 ,(KI0, Paid in, #450,00 • ( Lalande Andr^ Toya,&c. L'Allemand Amable, jun Hardware 2^ 4^ Lalonde Angus iu . Hotel 3 6 Lalonde Daniase .... Sash & Door Mfr. 2^ 5 Lalondo Hormlsdas Grocer 3| 7 J Lalonde J. B Grocer 4 8 Lalonde Noel Photograpler 3 7 Lalonge Guilbert , Grocer * Lalumifeve Eiigtee Fish, &c. 3 7 Lalumi^re J. Bte . Hotel 4 8 Laumlice Bros. Whol. Fey. Gds.&Milly. 2i 5 Lamalice & Roy Butchers 3 5i Lamarcbe Azarie Carriagemaker 2^4 3 f'i 4 8 2 01 -i 3 4 3i 8 H * MON QUEBEC. Mas Lfiinarche Camille. . . — CarriaReiiiaker 4 7J L;iiiiarclie .1. N Bookbinder 4 8 liimmrclie Napoleon Cabinetiiiaker 4 8 l.ainaichi', PrevoBt& Co.VVhol.I). Goods I.aiiib Beniainin Butcher i,aiiib .lames ButcluT 4 8 l.anih McDutf Hut Notrw Dame). \ n, .i Brtker & Grocer t ^s ^^ Lamb Thouiafl (2072 Notre Damp). ) .,. qi Whol. & Ket. Grocers "^^ '^^ Lambert Eugeue .. Grocer 3^ 7i Lambert & Kils Joiner Contractors 2J 5 Lambert Joseph Hotel 4 Lamblv G. It Photographer 3^ Lambly J. T Photograph r 3 5i I^amere F.X Saloon 4 Lamoiitagne Benjamin Aroliitect 2i •ij La'nontagne (Miarles O.. Mason Con t'r : J.amontanne Denis Painter 4 S Lamontagno G. A., & Co. .Mer. Tailors 3* 7i Lamontagiip H. A.. & 0>. .Elect. Plat rs 3| 7i liamontagne Hector.... Whol, Leather ^ 2 3 & Findings. S liamontagne J. W. . . .Joiner Contractor 3 Lamontagne J. \V Mer. 'la'lor Lamontagne Leandre .. .Builder 2i 5 liamothe Paul Ship Builder 3l 7 Laniouche Joseph Confect'oner a] 7i Lamoureux A. A — Butcher 4 8 Lamou eux & Erere Mer. Tall'«rs 2^ 5 Lamoureux Frerea. Joiner & Plasterer ( „, - CoTitractors I '^i ' Lamoureux Gilbert Kag Dealer 4 Lamoureux Isaie Hotel 4 7^ Lamoureux Janvier . Blacksmith 4 Jiam BlackingMfr.. Lve, &c. '/^ 4^ Lamoureux & Racicot. Whol. Fiirniturn. 3 7 Lamonre'TX Wilfrid Boots & Shoes 3 5^ Laniy P. & Erere Dry Goods 2^ 4 Lamy 'JVles bore Grocer 3 7 Lancashire Ii'S Co IJ Lancaster J. E., & Co., Mfrs. Agents ' & Tornnto, Ont. Lanctot Ch}v«, Benj. Church Ornaments. 2^ -i^ Lanciot Jean Bte. A Tie Mntr. 3 Lanctot Joseph .Barber, Billiards, &c. 4 8 Lanctot Thcotime Hotel 3 5^ Land & Loan Co. (The) Landes Jean L ...... Teas 3 7 Landon Dry Plate Co. (The) Pho. Goods. 3 LaMdre~ille Medurd Saloon 3 Landry Maxime Hotel 4 8 Lane Al'>ert Thos Sporting (tds. Lane William ...Saloon 3 Lang Mfg. Co. (The^ — Mfrs. Biscuits I ^i Paid-in cap. .'512.') m. « "^ Laiigevin Auguste S Dry Goods Langevin & Monday Clothiers 3 5^ Lingevin Neree Slioeinaker 4 8 i.angevin T. E Grocer 2^ 5 Langboff J., & Co Dyers 3) 7 LangloisCbas . &Co .. . .Whol, I'rov. 2i 4 LangU>i8 Joseph Hotel & Cord Wood 3 .)j 6 Lai)ierre Ji seph Trader* Lapierre Mrs. Mary A., wid, C. .Fancy ( , Good's I ■* Lapierre & PaquettcSash & Door Fcty. 2i Lapierre Pierre . . Fruits 2! La ierre Toussaint, sr Boots & Shoes 2] Lapierre Z Paints. &c. 4 liapierre Zephire Boot & Shoe Mnf r. 2 Laplante Edniond G'-ocer 4 l..aplanto J. Bte Job Printer 4 Lapcdnte Vn^d Furniiure 21 Lapointe Dam-se, jr Barber '■' Lapninte Damase, sr Brie i- layer '^• Lapointe George .... J.. iner Contractor 3^ Lap inte Hormisdas Butcher 3 Lapointe Louis Saloon 2V Lapointe Mrs. A., wid. E Hotel 2} Lapointe Narcisse Grocer 4 Lapointe & V'aux Hotel * Laporte Alfred Grocer 3 ^LiporteAnselme. Druggist & Phy-^ician * Laporte Francois Gro<'er -S ^ R 4 8 8 7 7 8 H li 3 8 7+ 5 5 8 6 6 5i 3 3 4 Oi 3'^ 3 H 6 7 7 7 H Laporte N... Mnfi. Ranges. &c. Laporte, Martin & Co Whol. (iro, & Prov. 2i 4\ Laporte Ulric Groci r 3 7' Laramee Damase Co.J & Wood 3 5lf Larainee N,. & Co.. .Whol. Grain & Hay 2i 4^ Laramee & Parent Coal -ZS 4^ I.,archer Pierre Grocer '^' L'Archeveque Stanislas. .D. G. & Grocer 2^ .5 Lareau Hector W Gio. & Butcher 3 6 Larin Adolphe Livery Stable Larln Charles Hotel Larin Henri Photographer Larin J. Bte Boots & Shoes Larin J. Bte Joiner Clontract.or La in Leon Undertaker Larin Louis Hotel Larin Pierre .. Furniture* Lari v«^e Ijouis, sr Fish 4 Lari vee Napoleon Dry Goods 2i Laiiviere Damage tJrocer 'z\ Larivifire David Hotel 4 Larivit-re & Dube Saw & Planing Mills 2 Ijirivit're& Lapointe.... Carriaifemak'rs 3 Lariviere N. & A. C. Carriage Mfrrt.,&c. 2 Lariviere P. A Mfr. Varnislns, &c. See Coteau St. Louis. Larnionth J., * Co Thre»hing Mach. Mfrs. 2i 3i La'-oche A Co Boots & S lioes L^rT)che Harry Mfrs. Agent LarochelleE. X Shoe .Mfr. 3 6 Larocque Alfred B.. Physician & Drugs 3.^ 7i Larocque Zephire Saloon 3J tj Larose H., & Co Contracioi-s * Larose Louis Joiner Contractor 4 8 Larose MathiaH Joiner Contractor 3 7 Larose & Paq uin Dry Goods 3^ 7 J Laro-e R. Hubert C Grocer 3 7 Larose Napol«k>n Be.3taurant . . l 87 5 5 8 3 6 3 MON QUKBEC. MOK Lariio E. , & Co Coal & Wood * Larue J. liie (1493Notrf Daiin-) Tailorijjg '2} B Larue J, Hie., (109 Inspector). Tailoring ''•« Larue Lt'oii , juii Tobaccos '2^ 4 Larui' Lfopnltl Mfr». Agent 20 Lanio MaKloirt> Tailoring 2^ 6 J-a8Hill« iMtrreO Mer. Tailor 4 8 LalitnerU. . J. Jeweller 4 8 Laurie John Mfr-. Agent 20 Laurie James Cabinetmaker 3^ Laurie John, & Bro .... Engine Mnfrs, 2^ 4i Laurier C. A Grocer 4 8 Laurler Chas. H Contractor 3 5i Laurier floseph L Grocer 3| 7 Laurier .Macaire Dry Goods Laurier Medi-ric Joiner Contractor 2i 4 Lauriu Antoine On^sime Juiner | ^, Contractor j Lauriu P2douard Grocer 3 6 Laiirin G. , & I'^ils. . . .Painter Contractors 3^ 7 La'irin J. B., & (Jo., lainter 'Contractors Lauriu J..ouis Master Carter Laurin Alius ZcplnrincGro. & Dry Gds. 4 Lauiin S., & Co Stoves, &c. 4 Lauz Ml Carolus Cord Wood 4 Lauz in Jrtseph Grocer 3 Lauzon . Joseph Hotel Lauzon Sophranie Millinery * Ijuvallee Atcher .. . .Joiner Contractor 4 Laval ^e Augustin Musical Insts. 4 Lavallee Leouce. Grocer 4 Lavall6e Maxinie Joiner, &c. 3 Lavers William.. Bricklayer Contractor Laverty Micha. 1 P Grocer 3 Laverty Mis- Sarah Ellen .... Grocer liSvi^ine Anthiuie Rustic Blinds 3 Lavigne Azarie Cabinetmaker 3 Lavigne Clcophas M Grocer 2^ 5 Lavigne Clovis Tailoring 3 6^ Lavigne E. K Mfrs. Agent 3 6^ Lavigne Enule Butcher 2^ 5 Lavigne Joepli T Grocer 2^ 4i Lavigne & Lajoie Pianos & Music 2| 4i l.,avigMe Louis ., ..Painter contractor 3 5 Laviolette Joseph . Butcher 4 8 Lavioleite Joseph, & Sou Butchers 2^ 4 l^a violette & Nelson Drugs 2 3 Lavoin Francois Boots & Shoes 3 SJ Lavoie Louis P Grocer 3i 7^ LAvoie O. M Painter Contractor 2] 6 Lavoie Pierr« Cigars, &c. * 88 8 8 Bi 8 8 7 6 6 2} .aw. Young k Co. General Mchts. 2 .a«es William, & Co Scrap Iron 4 .flwlcHB W. C. & C'». Printers' Mateiials 8 7 ..awrence Frederick D.Sewer Contractor 21 5 .awson John Blacksmith 3j 71 .azarus Lewis, . New & Second Hand ' (;lo'hliig J Geo. I'aAvnbrKr liliig nbrK Fruits 4 8 Grain Bags & | 2HJ 4 2i4i 3 6 * 2j4i iazarns Mrs. Dora, wid „eacli William eahy Mich., A Co .... Tnrpauiins .ebeau Adolphw Joiner Contractor 8 .rcb' au Auguste Hotel 4 ..eheau .Joseph. Cigars, Ac- 4 .ebeau Mrs. S., wid. Jos I'oys j . Confectionery, &c. I .ebeau & Sigouin Indian (juriofities 8 ^ebel Gedcon Hotels .ebel J. P., & Co Whol. Flour & Prov. 2\ H Spec. cap. |12,.')IH) to April 10, 1m04 ..ehlanc k, De&aulniers.. . .Whol. Flour } & Prov, I jcblano Benjamin H. Physlciati & Drgs. ..eblanc Edmoud.. . . hecoraior .eblanc H. M . , .Picture Frames, &c. .icblanc H., & Co Funnture ..eblanc J. K Dry Goods .eblanc Joseph Blacksmith eblanc L. J. B Dentist ^eblanc Mrs. J. H Feathers .eblanc Ovila Paints & Gils 3^ .eblanc & Para^lis. ...Merchant Tailors 3 .eboMtf Auguste Hotel 4 .ebipuf L . Hotel 4 .ebrun Louis Grocer 4 iCbrun Napoleon Butcher 2^ .ecavalier & Co Grocers 4 .eclairn A., &Co Grocers 2^ .eclaire Damase Joiner Cotit'r 4 .edaire Kuchariste Gioi-er 3 .eclaire F. A J. & Co. Whol. l>ry (ioorts U .eclaire Lambert Tinsndth 3$ .eclaire Theophile .. Plasterer Cont'r. 3 .eclerc &Co Wliol. Leather 2i jpclerc .Joseph Butcher 8 .eclerc M Hotel ^ l] .eclerc, Pelletier & Broeseau . .Tins 1 „ ^ & Plumbers f "^ ^ .eclerc Tancrfede H,, & Co H otel * jocompte Avila Boots & Shoes 3 econiptP Benjamin H. ...Joiner Cont'r. 4 jccompte Israel Kruits 3 Lecompte Mrs. B. H — Fey. Goods, &c. See Benjatnin H. Lecompte, ecompte .Joseph Boots & Shoes .ecoinpte Louis Boots & Shoes 3 6 Lecompte Loui< ... Dry Gotxls 3 7 .ecompte Phileas .Mason Cont'r. * .ecours & Frere .... Carriagomakers .edour Bruno (Instate of) Carri igemaker 2 .edoux David Carriagemaker 3 .edoiix Kmmanuel .Joiner* .edoux Francois Carriagemaker * .edoux Frederic Hotel 4 Leduc Edouard .J Butcher 4 .pduc Ephrem .Joiner Cont'r 3 .educ Joseph, & Co Dry (ioods '.i Leduc Dr. .Joseph, & Co Druggists 2i .educ Miss Geraldine Millinery 4 .educ Moniqne, & Co Dry (ic ds .ee & Co . .foundry Facgs., Coals, &c. 8 .ee Jas , & Co Groters' Sundries 8 .ee John Ship Liner 2i jee Sam Chinese Laundry * L«e W. L Coal, &o. 8 6i 7 7 8 R 6 n 4 6 2 7i 5J 5 H 7 ?' 8 8 6* 7 MON QUEBEC. Mow Ui !i| Leeniiiig Tlioina)*, & Co Coiiimipgion 2J 4 & New York, l,»faivre Artliur Alfred Grocer 4 Lflnivre L. .1., & Co Grooers 3 J^lebvru Aiitoliu* Confectioner 3- iyft'ebvro & Houclier Griiiu, Sip. J.efebvre Kdoimrd Dry (iOori« Lofebvre Kplirem Trader Si 7X ],efebvre,& Frrre. ..Bo. t & Shoe Miifr-. 2j 4} I.efebvre .Ft'-ivinie . . . .Pla^terer Coiit'r. 3 6 liftebvre f}. Horml-da* (irocer 2} 5 J-cfebve Miohel, & Co Vinegar AVorki 2 Lefebvre Najmb-on Jewpller 2^ Lelebvn' Ovila Cattle Draler Left'bvrt'Tbeophlluslt Painter (;oiit'r. 4 8 Letlls Micli'l. Broommaker 3^ 7i Jvefort K., & Co. Imps. French Goodi«. / Spec. Cap. »100« to Dec. 31, lHi)2. S 3 6 Lefort .ToBeph .... Hotel 3^ 7i Jiefort Mr-. L., wid. Henry.. .Fey. Gonds 4 8 Lelranc is P. H. I Hotel 4 8 hegHult Alexandre Grocer 4 8 Legault Arminius H Grocer 2^ 5 Lejraiilt lianiaso Joiner Conl'r. 3 5 Legan It Ferdinand Grocr 3 Leganlt Firniin Grocer 3 Legault Julien Trader * ]>"gault Luilger Grocer 3 7 Legault Marc A Grocer 3 7 Legault Pierre Grocer 3^ 7J Legau Its . & Co BlacksmitliB * l,eg< ndre L. O Boots & sshoes 3 ],eger & Co Whol. Dry (loods 2^ hcger & Co Furn. Mfrs. 3 J^e^igat flames Mnf. Boots & Shoes 2 J.egris & Co Hay & Feed Leniay Knstac'ie H Lumber 2J 4^ Leniay Frai v'ols Dry Goods 4 Lemay J. Ansclme Grocer 3^ i>cniay Paul (dit Delornie) .. Grain, &c. 3 Lemelin Mrs. liebecca, widow Leon, i Fancy Goods S 4 Lemesurier & Son Mfrs. Tobacco See Quebec Lendeux Arthur Baker 2i 5 Lemieu.x Krnest Mer. Tailor 3 Lenneiix Horndsdas O Hotel 4 8 Lcmieiix Israel Biker 8 6i Leniieux Marcel Grocer 3 7 Leniieux Pierre Saddler 3 7 Lenueux Haphel Boots & Shoes 2^ 4i Lpniire Ernest Coal & Wood SJ 7i Jieniire Narcisse Grocers 6 Leinonler Kugene ....Trunks ."5^ 7i Leniyre Eugene Saddler 8 7 Lennan Mrs. 1{., wid. Thomasi.... Hotel 3J 7^ Lenoir & Frcre .. .Mfrs. Boots & >hoeR 3 5 Leonard Arthur, jr Fiir Mfr. Leonard, Bros ...Whol. Fish & St. John, N.B. Leonard David Hotel 4 lieonard E., & Sons Mfr.**. Engine*--, &c. 1 & London, Ontario. Leonard PMmond 1 >rug8 3 Leonard Jean Bte Grocer 4 Leonard Alisses T. & A. .MHly. & Fey. | Goods 5 * Leonard P. S., & Co Hotel 3^ liCpage David Dry Goods 3j 6 Lesage ({erniain (Est. of;. ...Hardware Lepage .Josepli Grocer 4 8 Lepage l^oui? Joiner Cont'r. 3 6J Lepine A. T. , & Co Printers & Pubs. 3 7 Lupine & Frere Butdiers 4 8 li<'pine George Dry Goods 3 5^ 7 5 7 2i 8 6 7 1 )0<1b 3 Bi cer .'{ flj Lt'pino Joseph Hotel * i..6pine Pierre Grocer 3 t* Lj'ronx Alphonfe Hardware 3j| 7$ Leroux Charles Tobaccos 4 8 i.,eroux Kdwin Butchers 5^ Leronx Frederic... . . . . Boots & Shoes 3 6 I.ieronx L,, &Co Hotel Leroux Wilfred. ...Cigars, Tobacco. .%c. 3i 7i Leroux Zotque Butcher .3} 7 J Leroux Zoiique Contractor 3 6 Lesnge EH Dry (Joods 3 liesRge T. H ( . r Lescarbeau Fdmond Hotel * Lescarbean Jos. A , Hotel 3J 7i Lescarbeau Miss Anna Grocer * Leslie A, C, & (,'o Hardware Agents 2J 4J Leslie Jns., Cotton & Wool Mill Supplies 3 6 Lesperance Alphonse Butctier 3 6 Ivcsperance .A lph Bros., & Co »* liol. Hardware 2J 4A Lewis G.,& Co Mfrs.' Agents '4 4J Lewis John Drugs 3 5 Libercent I'Vlix Pork Butcher 8 6^ Libercent & Kosconi Produce 2i 6 Llchtenhein Edward Paper Stock Li0 to July 1st., 1893 Lifflton & Chandler. Whol. Jewellery .&c. Ligget Thos Carpets 2 8 Lightbound, Balston & Co. . . Whol. Gro. 2 2i L'ghtstone }.,& Co .Second Hand Store « Lightstone Jacob H Clothing 4 Lilly Louis He>(aurant 4 1 Limoges O Linte Kiln Limoges Zotique Produce 3 6 Linde George T Dry Goods Lindsay C. W Pianos & Organs 2J 4 M'iN QUEBEC. MoN G •i 2i 3 2i4i 3 1'» Al 8 5 3 Lind8ay,ailinour&Co. Who]. Dry (4«K 2\ 4k Linton .liinicw, & CoMfr». Ii't« & Slions ll IJ Linton .lohn Cooper yj Gj Lloiiam A. II. Charles Mln«8 Li|i|»t CHniillH (irocer Little A. H..& Co..Kn«ravi'rs & Printers Live Stotik Jns. Co., Liniite'i, iTlie) ... I'iiiil-in Can. ¥25 m. Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life inn. Co. li Locju* .•\Hs«^hne Onwer 3 I..oi"kerl)y Kr<»- Whol. Grocers 2 l.^ckhai-1, Millichamp & Co. .I>rv (iodd & Mf 8.' AK«nt8 2 L .\ngn8*uK Mfrs.' .\gent 3 Loft us Thomas FruitH, &c. LoKifi llobt.. & Co.Mfra. l'aint«,(>iN &o. I^iOiseHU & (X) — Bisouit Mfrs. Loii^eau Koii't i3arl>er, &c. Loiselle L. A., & Co Wat<'hm«ln»er, Rohr & Co. Ph ispbate & Shiping 3 Ix)ndon Ass. Corporation li London Guai-autee & Ace. Co. (liiuit»'«l) of London, Kng. Loudon &, L-aneasliire Fire Ass. Co. of Ijiverjiool, Kn><- Lon4 2^ 5 liOVHJoy G«o. W Dentist; 3 5J LovelUohn, & Hon I'riuters & ( „ Pub.ishers s Lowe M's. James Dry (.iouds 3 6i Lowpntlinl l>onis . . Mer. THilor Loynachan Bros Produces fi Luckwell Jofeph Carpenter * Luiin G. J., & Co Machinists 3 6^ Lupieu Thonuw. Barber, &c. 4 8 Lnssier Charles Hotel 3J 7 J Lusaier Felix ...Confectioner 4 8 Liissier Mrs. Louis Millinery 3 6} Luttrell J., & Co. . Biscuits & Conf. Mf re. See Ste. Cuni'g nde. Lyall Peter Contracior 2J 4 Ly don Mrs. Frederick Grocer 3 7 Lyman, Knox & Co Wliol. Drugs 2 3 Lyman, Sons & Co Whol. Druggists 1^ IJ Lymburner <& Mathews Bra^s Moukfers ) .,i e & Platers \ "4 * Lynch Michael Bricklayer Cont. 4 8 Lynch Thos. A Hotel 4 8 Lynch Wm. F Grocer 3i 7 liyons John T Drugs 3 7 LyonsMrs. S., Wid.A. C Millinery 4 8 Lyons Patrick T Plumber 4 8 Lyous Stephen, . . Grocer 3 6i 90 Mao Ma<"nnlay & Co Butchers * Muudouiiltl de B., & Co. Hoop .Skins ) &Bustles frs. S Macdonahl Duncan Contr.u'.or 2 I J Macdiiald Duncan J (ilrocer 1^ 2 MMctlonuld J. K Blac-kHmith 3 7 MiK-donald J:iines B Mfrs.' Acont Mac oiiaid Malcolm Teas 3J 7.} Macdonald M, «& M Dyers 4 8 Macdonell Clis. A Marble Works 3 6i Macdnneall Bros Stock Brokers 2^ Macilutf Joseph Saddler & Trniiks 3 C] Macfariaue & I'atereou .Whol. (ients* i ,, „ Furni8liini{s ( "^ '' Mnefarlane Bi>bert..Saw & Plnji. Mills 2i 4 .Macintosh <& Hyde. . .. Accountai ts 24 20 Mackay Bros Whol. J )ry GoudsAl A I Maekay&Co Hotel Mackedie J. \V., & Co .Whol. t;ioihing 2 2] .Mackenzie J. G., & Co. Whol. Dry Gds. AlAl Mackenzie Wni SUwk Urokcr 2^ 5 Mackinnon Charles Confecti'>in>r 4 8 Miiclean James . . Toivs, &c 2i 4) Maclean J hii, & Co ..Whol. Millinery 2 2,| Much-an, Shaw & Co . . . Whol. Mats .t ) ,,, ,, Straws (, ^i *i Macpherson Bobert D Whol Ttuis 24 5 Mactavish John Crockery & Glass 2i 5 McAdam Charles Book Agent 3j McAfee Geo., jun File Mfr. 4 McAllister Andrew. Book & Job Printer 4 8 McAndrew Michael J Upholsterer McAran James Stationer 3^ 7} McArthur Ale.x., Si Co. Whol. Paper & / „. ., Twines (, ^^ *i Mc Arthnr & Co Paints & Oils 21, 4i McArthur Colin, .^ Co. Wall Paper Mfrs. 2 2.J McArthur, Corneille «& Co ... Whol. > „ „ Paints & Oils \ ^ "^ McBean Alex. G Produce 2 3 McBean George, & Co l^roduce 2i 1 McFiride, Harris & Co Whol. Fraits 2i 5 McBiirney J. & 1) T*nulnce SJ G McBurnie John D., & Sou . Whol. Laces 2 2i McBeth Louis .Bincher4 8 McCahe Thomas Crockery & Oil 3 7 MeCall D., & Co Whol. Millinery 2 2i & T'>ronto, Out. MeCallura Daniel Confectioner 4 8 McCallum John, & Sons Pianos 3 i5i McCallum Kobert N Sta'ionery 3 6 .McCambridge Ale.\ Grocer 2^ 4i McC -nn Jas,, jr.... News Dep. & Fruits *' McCarry James Saloon 3 61 McCarthy Denis , , Fruits 2^ 4| McCarthy James Hotel 'i\ 7 McCarthy James. ., Grocer 4 8 McCarville J. A Mfrs, Ag"nt 2J 41 McCaskill D. A., & Co Varnish Mfrs 2i ;i| McClanagan Bernard Saloon 4 8 .McClantgan Daniel Hotel 3 5 McOlary Mfg. Co. (Limited). ...Mfrs. (. . Stoves & Tinware j <& London, Ont. McConachie George Carpenter *^ Mc(3ormick James Hotel 3i 7^ McCoy T. W Confectioner 3 C McCrae & Watson PI u mbers 3 6.^ McCreadv James, & Co. .Boot &, Shoe / . • „ Mfrs. i \}.^ McCrory James Grocer ,,. McCrory John, & Co Brewers McCrory Patrick Coal & Wood 2 J 4 McCruddeu James Boots St Shoes 3 G^ MON QUEBEC. Arow MoCiiKlden Willlnin.... Boots * Shnes 2i 4i McCul lock Win Oabiiictiiiaker 4 8 iVi<'ullock Will TliisiiiitJi 4 McDfiinott ... Cniitiiictor 3 .MoFioiiald A. H roiifec'U.nier 4 8 M()iiald A. l>iirose....Builil. & t'on». ''C iMvDdial.l Doimlti (lri>cer 3 6i MoDoiwiUl K. (; Furniture* Mcl)«J W. C Tol)ac* 2^ 4$ Mcttarran .lolin Dry Goods 4 McUarry, Bland & Co .Produce & ilnni 2,1 4 8 McGurvev,Owen& Son. .Furniture Mfrs. 1 McGavin'M .«& Co. Wall Paper, Paints &c McGill James P ..,,.. . .Contractor. &c. Mctiillis K. A Mnfrs. Agent Mc(Jinn James Dry Gooils MoCiiiity Mrs. J Millinery MoGlashan IVlrs. M. A,, wid G. Hoots j & Shoes S McGowan W B., & Son. Dentists Mciiowan William, & Son Grocers 2A 4i McGiail & Co Fruits McGrail Charles, jun Grocer INIctTrail M. T Whol. Provisions 2i 4 McGrail M. T., & Son..(M. J. Mct^rail i „. ., only) Whol. Provisions S * ^ McGregor Charles E Shirtuiaker '^^ McGregor I'aniel C Piano M ker ^f- McGiiican W. M Saloon 3 7 McGuiit) John Picture Frames 3i 7i McGuirk W. P Dry Goods Jobber 2} 4 J Mcllhenny Clias. E.,Conf'cty, &c. See Chas E. Honey Mcllwaine Jas — Conf'y, Cigars, &c. 4 8 Mclndoe & Vaughan..Com'ii & Leatlier 2J 4^ Mcintosh Andrew Shipsinith Mcintosh John. & Son — Iron Works Whol. Saddlery » e, j 7 3 5i 2J 4 2 3 Mcintosh William Hardware. Mclntyre Archibald Builder Mclntyre Son & Co.. Whol. Dry Goods Al Al McKay Angus Accountant 3 20 McKays. S... ...Hotel* McKce Wm Tobacco 4 8 McKcnna F. H Contractor 2i 4 M.iKenna P., & Son Florists 2J 4i McKenzie David PrtKliiee 3 7 McKenzieJas Hotel McKeowu James H. ...Baker See "Wylies Bakery" McKenzie M., & Co Ship Chandler 2i 3i McKeown Jas Hotel 3 7 McKeown Peter Grocer 8 6 McKieruan Mrs. M. wid. C Hotel 8 5 McKim A., & Co Advgis. Agent* 20 McKinley .lohn Hotel .^i 7* McKerlv .M. J Beer Bottler ■.'l 7 J McLachlan Bros. & Co .Whol. Dry (ids. ij 2 McLaren A ^'fr8. Agent McLaren G. A., & Co Mnfrs Agents McLaren H., & Co Com'ii Agents McLaren J. C., Belting Co (The). 2i 3A McLaren Mfg. Co Wooden Ware 2j 4} McLaren L'ubert J I'nttenmiaker 4 8 McLaren W. D . Miifr, Baking Powder 2 3 McLai'ghlin M. & M. F . ..rlothing Pk TJ McLea .1. & K Comn'n k Shiptiinsr 2j 6 McLean & Cain|d)ell Floni & Provit-ions « 6 McLean, Kennedy & Co. Shipping Atrenls 3* McLeish E. lI.&Co Motel .McLennan I- wan Coinmissi >n .3 6 McLein an Hujjh Forwarder IJ 2 McLtod .laiiies C Cooper * McLeod & Shotton Mnfrs. Trnnks 2i 4^ McMann F Real Estate Agent McManus Thomas Hotel 3 7 McMaitin J. A. & Co Pumj) Mi frs. 3 6J McMillan Em an I) Tobaccos 4 8 McMillan John Oil Refiner 2^ .3^ & Potroliii, ^)iitari(» McMillan WiilterM (irocer 3^ 74 McMurruy Hugh. .Joiner Contractor 4 M N:ibb R,, & Co.Mnfrs. Wh'te\ve»r,&c McNally Wm..& Co, Drain Pipes ACem't. 2 3 McNamitra 'aines Grocer 3 7 McNamaiaM, B., & Co Mer. Tailors McNamee F. IJ Contractor 2 2^ Mc*^ amee Geo. R — ' obacco & Fey (ids .Ji 7 McXaiighton Archlbiild Geii..Sore3 5 McNeil Henry John Grocer * McNiece John .. Cigars, &c. 4 8 McNieccL ...- (}r>cer 4 8 McNicholsR Drugs 3 6 Mc< )wat Mi?s Margaret Fey Gds 3i McPherson D. A Pnduce & Grain 2J 4 McQueen &Corn«il Printers 3 6* McKay Fiiidlay A 1 rader 3 6} McRea y Hugh, .ir Grocer 3 7.- McSliane Bros., & Co Butchers i^ McShane J.imes, Cattle Exporter ^ ,/ McShane »JaineB Fru ta, &o 3 , )» Mohane Michael Butcher * i . McShane Richard Grocer 2J 5 McVey James Livery Stables 3 6 McVey William Carpenters 6 McVey Wm. P Boots & Shoes 3 7, M ■ ^' Maag Erhard Hotel .34 7 Machabee Ferdinand ... .Black.sinith 3* 7A Macliiiu>r> Supply Asj-ociation (not in- aj 4} corporated) Matlgin William Grocer 4 8 M.'idigan Michael Grocer 3k 74 Madore Dsvid Whol. IP ware 2| 4} Mi'gnin Jules A J>. iner ("on tractor * Magor Bros. & Co Coiii'n Grain 21 SJ Magor F^-iink & Co Com'n Grocern 2j 4 Magog Textile & Print Co ...Printers! & Cotton Bleachers (Incorporated), > 1^ (in liquid.)) ;j;i/- Maguire William Horse Bazaar ,.(/ Maher Terrie G Plumber 4.,: jg Malum Edward J Mnfr. Conf'y * ,.|/r Mahoiiey Edward H Joiner Contractor * . , j/. Maheu Thos., & Co — ..Grain* Mailhiot & Fils . . Plasterer Contractors 3 7 Maillet J. Bte. E. , , , Physician & Drugs 3 6i Maillet Joseph Boots & Shoes 4 S 91 MoN QUKBEC. MON MallletRj^m! Mer. Tailor 3J Mallloiix I*. N Coniraotor 2 Ma.llnux P. P. Whol. (arrV'e & I oi Saddlery Hardware ) * Mainville Pierre . . . .Ma.',flrt(t. ) Major Pnul Orocer 4 MalbiBuf (\ A. L Grocer 2^ MalboMif ( >vila Grocer * Malliiot Pierre Grocer 3 Malloiible Iron Co.. .Paid-in cap. $10.fMto '.'i Mallet te Alplionse Butcher 3 Malleite Antbiine Butcher Mallofte & Gordon I'hoto. 4 Mallette J. 1 Grocer ai MallettP Joseph Cord Wiodj &c. 3i Mallette .Joseph, pen Hotel 4 MalletK' O'lvier H. . . . Fruits, Toy», &c. 4 Mallette I'lric Tobacco & Barber 4 Malo Eug»^ne Lumber 2} M'llo .1. M. , & Co (irocers '^ Malo Jean Joiner Contractor 2i Malone Moaes Glove Mnfr. 2j Maloney John & Son Grocers 3 Maloney Joseph Blackemith 3 Maloney Michael Grocer 3 Mann Albert!) Drugs 3 Mann Gnlllanme Grocer Mann William Contractor .T Maninng Jamea E Grocer 2J Mantha K. X Grocer 3 Mantha J. B . , & Co Doors, Sashes I „ & Planing Mill.M ^ Manton Joseph (lunsniith 3 Manufacturers Life & Accident Ins. Co. IJ Maiceau J. H.. & Co Jobbers, & ) q Com'n ) ** Marchnnd & Co Grocers 4 Marchand F. X Grocer & Dry Goods 3 Marchiind Josenh .' Grocer 4 Marchand J. C ,& Co Whol . Gro. 2i Marcil A olphe Dry Goods 3 Mercll Kdounrd Grocer 2J Marcotte & Co. . .Auctioneers & Jobbers 3 Marcotte Jos. , & Co Cigar Mfrs. 3 Marcotte N. V Hotel Marcotte Ont'sime. . . Sew«»r Contractor 4 Marcou Ferdinand Boots & Shoes 4 Marcou J. L.,&Co Hals & Kurs Marcoux D Wireworker 4 Marcuse B Whol. Fey. Goods 3 Margue J. C Bookseller Marien Joseph .... Barber & Fey. joods 3J Marien P. A.,& Fils Drngs 4 Marlotli Casiinir. Marble Worker 8 Markum John Plumber 3 Marleau J. Bte ... .Blacksmith 3i Marler G. R Exchange Broker 2J Marlow & Mendel Cap Mnfrs. 3 Marrotte Samuel. Whol. Coffees & Spices 3 Marsan Aim*^ . ..Tins & Bricklayer Con. 4 Marsan & Brosseau.Whol. Hay & Grain 2i Marsan & Gosselin Contractors M arsan , Gendr on & Co Dry Goods Mar-an liouis Hotel 4 Marsan Napoleon Plumber 4 Marsoiu F. X-. . . . Whol. Fars, Grain & I Provision I 3 Marsolais & Benjamin Dry Goods 2 J Martel Alex Butcher 8 92 8 6 8 5 8i 7 8 8 Q 6 Ti 5 6 6 6 4i 2i 4. 4 4 i 3 7 4 8 4 8 3 7 .'U Ti '2i 4 4 2 3 6 3 (i Martel Camllle Sewing Machines 2} S Martel & To. ..SlioW Canl I'ainterK, Ac. ;t .IJ Martel K. X (4iocer 3 «; Martel Jos. P Hotel 2J 4J Martel N. & Flln. . Boo' & Shoe Mfrs. 4 H Martel Oscar Vlolinih & llano Agt. ,'ij 7J Marte! S. H Show Card PHinter 4 H Martial Isratil Photograplier 4 7* Martin A Florist 3^ 7} Martin & Dnlude Drv<"ods3 7 Mar'in & Frf're PlnmberH ^ 7i Martin .F Hubert .. .Joiner Contractor 'V Martin flohn, A Co Wliolehale Furs Martin .Iohn.& Son Gas Fitters Martin * Labello Dry Goods Mariln Josej)!!. Hotel Martin Loulx ., Grocer .Martin Mi<-hel Hotel Martin Miss. Millinery Martin MoVse Contractor Martin P. i'.,* Co.... Whol. Hrv Goods Martin Patrick Feed& (Jrain Martin & Rivet Dry Goods Martin Walter Hotel 3j 7i Martin W. O Photographer 3 Martin Wm. J Restaurant 3J TJ Mmtineau E'louard A. .Whol. & Ret. ( Wall Paper & Fancy (loods S ^ U Martineau Fran^fiin Paints & Oils 2§ 4J Martineau Jos ph D . . . Grocer 4 M Martineau Pierre M . ...Joiner Contrac. 3) »5 Mason & Co Coal & Wood 3^ 7J Mason James Hotel 4 H Mason John,& Co Kurnitura *' Mason S. W ». . Bookbinder -.' Miis-e & Mathleu Dry Goods 3j 7 Massey Mfg. Co — Agrl. Implements, j paid in oapital ittSOO ni | Massicot e E., & Fr^re St. Leon Water Ma-i.>4icotte Eugene Hoots & Shoes iVassicotte J. 5 Grocer, Hardware, &c. Masson * AsSelln Coal .Ma-son D., & Co Whol. Grocers Masson D. , jr. , & Frere Butchers Masson Louis Mason Contractor Masterman A.S. &W. H. Pork Butchers Mathewson J. A., & Co. . Whol. Grocers Mathieu Edniond Dentist Mathieu F. A., & Oo . . .Dry Goods 3 Matlueu Prisrea Whol. Liquors 2i Mathieu Gaspard Kescanrant 3J Mathieu Joseph Barber 4 Mathieu Onosime Grocer Mathieu & Tremt)lay Hardware 3 Mathieu Urg^le . . Grocer 3i Mattins n James Metal W. rks Maudurat A. Jos Cutler Maurice Joachim . . Grocer Maurice Peter Grocer Maurice Pierre E Barber Maxwell E. J. , & Co Lumber May Samuel, & Co .Billiard Table Mfrs br. Toronto, May Thomas, & Co Whol. Fancy l G oils & Millinery i li IJ Mayer Mrs. P., tvidow N Saloon 3 7 Mayer Wilfrid Giocer 3* 7* Maynard A. B.,& Co Hotel 3f 6* Mayo J. S Whol. Oils May rand Charles Grocer * Mayrand Joseph H Grocer 2i 4J Mazurette & Fila Spring Bed Mfrs S 6 Meagher Bros. & Co..W. Wines & Liqrs. 2^ 4 MeakiuB & Co . . .Brush Mfrs. 2 3i - & Meakins St Sons, Hamilton, Out. U Ont. Hon QUEriEO. Mow Metilmn Mi'h. Catherine Orocer See Poter Maurice. Meek Jatnei Books, &c. 3 A^ Meeker J. K — Danker & Exoh. Broker 2^ 4 MelHiivou OBcar . A New York Hoime Mciianl Albert Hotel 3 CJ Menard David (rrocer 3 •ij Mtinard .F. Bte l?urnit.ure4 8 Menard .J, E iirocor 3i 71 Menard Mederic. ..,.., Keetanrant .'i M«'!nrtrd Pierre B Orocor 3 5 MendHlHohn M. , ft Co. . . . Socond-Hand Storw Mercliants Bank of Canada, Andrew Allan, President ; G. H gue, (lon'l Mana)?er; J,200 ; Snrp. *1 »20,(Ml(t. Merchants Bank of lialitax, Thos. E. Kenny, PrcH. ; D. H. Duncan, Cash. Lecal Mngr,, Edg(ui L. Peane. Cap. paid-in ?1,000,(M)0 ; purp. $lw»,0(tO. . . . Headquarters, Halifax, N.S. Merchants (The) Manufacturing Co. ) (Incorp.) Sub. and paid-up} IJ capital $450,(100 ) Mercier Felix Carriageinaker 2i 4i Mercior Horace Grocer 3 7 Merrier f Joseph Joiner Contractor '2i 8 M ercier Joseph Dry Goods Jobber 4 8 Mercier Joseuli . .Trunks Mercier Leanure, & Sons — Barbers Hi I Tobacco ( Mercier Bonario Painter Contractor Mercil F.douard, & Son Blaoksniiths Meredilli& Monk Stock Broker^* Merineau Amedee . Butcher Merineau Joseph Grocer 3 Merrill A. L. C Carpets 2k Merrill W. li. , & Co. Fancy liry Goods 2} 5 Me8.-ier AugUHlin Joiner Contractor '^J 5 Messier & Collette. . . W. & It. Grocers 2i 6 Metaver ff. A Tobaccos M«^tivier Jean Bte., sr. , . . Contractor ^ Metropolitan Club.. Jos. Hickson, Pros. 2^ Metropolitan Mfg. Co. (Tlie> .1 . , Cap, $l,iiO0, 00 ; Hest «767.non ( '^' br Middletield, Conn. Metropolitan Oil Co See McArtlmr, Corneille & Co. Meunier Chaa.,&Co Bntcbers -^ Mennier Cleophas Undei taker 3 Meunier David Saloon 3 Mennier George Butcher* Meunier Joseph, & Co. ..Qitebpo Hotel j & Livery ( Meunier Louis, jr Carriageinaker 2i 5 Meunier Miss M Dressmaker 4 8 Meunier IMene Hotels 8i Mewhort W. V.,St Co Mfrs. Agents Meyers, Hall & Co Hotel 4 Meyers Joseph Clothing Mfr. 3 Miohaels Morrii< Cigars & Toi aucos 3 Michaels Nathan Cigar.-*, &c. 3 Michaud Frederic Shoe Mfr. 2J Michaud Jean Bte Flour & Grain 3 Michou Louia Grocer H 4 4 4 5' 8 5i 6i 3 41 Middleton & Meredith Agents Sii „, . Connnlssion Merchants v * Mtsneron Gilbert, sr.... Mason Contrac. 4 74 Milburn li. ,1 ClgaiH, &c. 4 8 Millar Geo. M Financial Agent Millartl Henry R Jewellers' Supplies 3 MIlliirdMiss Georglana Grocer 4 MillardU.,&Co Mfrs. Hailwav I Chairs & Spikes ( Millen John Grocer & Hardware Miller A. M., & Co Mfrs. Agents Miller& Breinner Mfg. .Fewellers Bro8.,& Co Mfrs. Paper, i Collars & BoxeH I Miller Bros. & Tombs Machinists 2i 4^ MillerFivd.C ..Cigars. I'tc. 4 7J .Miller Fred. Chillis Livery Stables 3 7 Miller H. A Painter Co tractor 4 8 Miller Philias ..Hotel 3A 7* Miller H<>bt., .Son & Co.Whol. Stationers 2 3 Millette Si Co Printers it I'ubs. ^>ee B'ulton Sc Hicharda. Millette Joseph Bricklayer Cont-ac. .U 7 .VfilletteP. Z ... Hotel .{ 7 Mllloy J. J Mer. Tailor 2^ 4J Milloy Mrs Jain<'8 Stationery 4 8 Mills E. Lyni.'in Gen. Merchant MiotPhllippe Plumber 3 7 Mills & Hutchison. Whol. Can. Woolens 2 3 Mills Joseph Stevedore 3 6^ " Minerve"(La) See Treffl6 Berthiaume. Mlnto, Lavigne, & Co ....Whol. Linens 2^ 5 MireauErnest Laundry 3 7 Mireault Arsene — Confcty. & Tobacco 3i 7J .Vliron Denis Livery 4 Mitchell A.. & Co .Produce Merchants Mitchell James Ship Chandler 3^ Mitcliell James Steain Dye Works ♦ .Mitchell Louis Organ Builder Mitchell Robert, & Co.. ..Brass Founders Mitchell & Wilson Primers Moat li., & Co Stock Brokers Mock Charles (irocer Mocock T. 3 6} 2 3 3 6 lia 3 Gk J., & Co Mfrs. Axes & Tools 2i 5 Spec. cap. $7500 to Dec. 3l8t, l.s93. & Cole St. Paul. Moeckel Mrs., widow Chas Ho;ol MotTat James . Dry Goods 3 7 .Vloineau Damase, & Co Kestaurant -'^ Midr John A .Mfrs. Agent 3 MoisaiiA. L.,&Co Watch Makers ■'.' Moisan F. X Dry Goods 2i 4 Moisan Zacharie ....Dry Goi.ds 3 GJ Moll Ihomas Tinsmith 4 8 Molson's Bank, John H. R. Molson, l Pies.; F. Wolferstan Thonnis, Gen. ! Manager; James Elliott, Mngr. Paid- [ in cap. *i,OUO,')Ut>. Surp. $1,000,000. | Molson Jh8. A Hotel 4 8 Molwn John H. R., & Bros Brewers Al Al Molt Bennett Peddler 3i Monarque Andr6 Confectioner 4 8 Monarqiifc J Furniture Monarque Louis Saddler 4 8 Monast Rosario Grocer 4 " Monde Illustre" (Le) S«e Berthiauine & Sabouriii. "Moude."(Le) See Compagnie d'Imprinierie et de Publication du Canada. Monette & Co . . .Bricklayer Contractors • Monette F. X Grocer 3i Monette Joseph Hotel 2| Monette Louis, »t Butcher 21 Moneite Maxiiue . . .Tobaccos & Cigars 21 93 MON QUEBEC. MON Monctto Napol^^on Mftson Contmctor 4 7J Moiu'tH! IMiiHii'* Hotel 4 8 Moiu'tU) 'niioplillo (Jrocer 2^ 5 Moiim'nu Adofphe ^lfg. Jeweller 3 Moiijieiialb, Boi via & Co J mps. I f 1* 2 Mongeon Mrs. V., wid. Chiis H'wiire.&e. 34 7 Moiner & Holbroiiner PuhliHliers Hee HoeirU' lie I'nbliCatlon ( '<)vniiiert.'lale (La) Monite r dn Coinuieive (Le) See V. I). Shallow* Co. Moiitelth M'ni Gro. & l)r\ (lomls 3 6i M<>iitg.iinor> -lanips Agt & Broker ■>* Moiit|>liil>ir Alphonae Bukor Montroul Biscuit Co,, limited (The) . . I l'ai(). I'ai.l-in .*ii;j'2,000 ) Montreal Kxhibitlon Association.. Montreal Express C". (Not Incorp.) See Benliani & Ivennedy. Montreal Fringe & Tassel Works See Monlton & Co. Montreal Gas Co. (Incorporated.) Sub. i cap. .«<'J,(i!Ht,(K)0 ; paid-in ••? 1 ,87 1 ,ST2 < Montreal Investment & Building Co. (Incorporated. y Sub. cap. paid-up cap. — 2i 3 1 n Al Montreal Loan&MortgngeCo.(lncorp.) I ( Montreal News Montreal 2i li 2i 2i Sub. cap..'Sl.t«H),(i(M» I Co. (Incorp.) Sub, & ^ paid-in cap. *l(),. (The). See Fenwick & Slater. Montreal Transportation Co. (Incorp.) i Paid-in caii..^250 m, ' Montreal Terra CotUi Co I Paid-in cap.§4,500 I Montreal Union Abalt'.ir Montreal Warehousing Co. . . . Geo. H. Hanna Mngr. Paid in cap. f 600 m. Montreal Watch Case Cc. (The) I „, >■■- Auth. cap. $30,000; paid-in f 16,000 I ^* 94 n 1 Montreal Woolen Mills Co. (Incorp ) | „ Paid-in cap. $l()0 ni. f " Montrenil .Alfred. ... Butcher 4 8 Monty huHtache (jrocer Mooille, Graham & Co (Hiin il Hotel 4 Mullarky iS; ('o MfrH. Hoots & Shoes MuUiii & Co Macliiiifry.&c. Mulliii nuiilol J HorH^BliotT 3 Mullin .IniiM'n K., Si ("o . Wlu>l. Orocers IJ Munderloh & ('o .IiiiiKtrterH & ("ori/n I „■ MLToliants { ^^ Munn Stowart, & Co riodjice, &c. 3 Muntz (J A MfiH. At/Hiit Miiniey .lames Leatlier FiniHher * Mmpliy haiiiol lliiriier'Hiiifikir 3 Murphy KdwiirJ lloU'l Murpliy .!atii08 Saloon 4 Murphy fJohi PalntH, &c. 3i Murjiliv .lolni Tean, &<•. 4 Murphy .I'hii, & Co Dry Uoods 2 3 Murphy Matthew Ropw Maker *' Murphy Matthew Trad<'r * Murphy IV W Hotel & Fruits *« Murphy Philip H.-tel *' Murphy Timothy Grower 3 7 Murray & Co Hotel Murriiy .lames Fmlts '"•' Murray .John Miison Contractor 2i 3i Murray \Vm Hais&Fiirn3 tt Murray Willmm, & Co .lewelhrs '•• Mussen Tlinmas .Dry (ioods & Carpets IJ 2 Muth Henry Confectioner 4 Mutual hire Ins. Co. of ^Montreal. 2i Mutual Fire Ins. Co. of New York. . . . Al Mutual HeMTVc Fund Life Aswociation.. U MyerH Samuel .. Jeweller :.'J 4i 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 7 6i 6i n 4 n Nadeau Louis Hotel 3 NaacooB & Cigars 3 Naiional Ass. Co. of Ireland IJ Naud Mrs. A Haby Linen 3 Naul; ,1. H Drugs 3 Navert .loseph Cahinetniaker 3 Neher Martin Map Colorer ;U Neil George Croe r 3j Nelles fJ. Widnter, & Bro. Mfru. Agents 2] Neltion Alex., & t'o Furrieru 4 Nelson H. A., & Sons Whol. Wooden / n n & Fancy Goods S ^4 ^« Nelson W. J. & Co Hardware, ftc. Spec. Cap. $500 to April 21, '91 Nes" Thomns W Agent 3 6 Nettleton Thomas Pliotographer 3j 7i Neveu lirnest Grocer 3 7 Neville J., <& Co Joiner Contractors Newberger Krnest Cigar Jobber 3 7 New Kn^lar.d Paper Co 2 Paiu-ii. Cap. f 100 m. & Portneuf. Newman Frank W,, & Co..Com'n W'l'ns 2i 3i New liocklaud Slate • o (Incor- I ^i porated.) Paid-in Cap. $16«) m. ) * New York IJfe Ins. Co Al New York Piiino Co .(Not Incorporated) 2i 3^ Nichol John C Dentist 4 8 N'choll Wm Joiner Contractor 4 8 Nichols & Marler . . Stock & Exchange t Brokei s < Nicholson D Mason Contractor Nicholson D., & Co Gravel Roofers Nich<>l-:on Peter Contractor 2J 4i Nicholson K. C, & Sons. Butchers 2^ S^ 2i4i 4 8 K 20 '4 A I Nicolle John A Drugi* 3 T Meld Kdwnrd Mfrs. Agent 2j 4 Meld George M Mfrs. Agent Nightingale D Mfr. Milliards 3 Nightingale Henry. (Ufice Furniture, Ac. 3 Nightingale Suniuel 'ft as 4 Nlox Victor Mfrs. Agent Nivln William CommlHsion 3 Noad James S ....Broker Noel & Co . . Cablnetniakers * Noel Ont^slme (Jrneer 3 J Noisenx N. Louis. Il'ware & Wall Paper 3', Nolan James Grocer 2J No dlielmer A. &S Pianos & Organs, &c. A I \ Top onto, «>nt. Norman W. (' Auctioneer & Mfr. < ., Woven Win- Mattresso., ^ "' ° Norinaiideau J( 8epli...lolnerContrac|ur 4 Normaiidtiiu Pierre K Grocer 3J 7 j Normandln Cordi Ha .See Joseph i hoqneiie. Normandiii .1. & .\ Dry ({o. ds L'j 4 Normandln & Prtinee. .... Bnislimnkeis ;h U Normaiidlti Thei.phile Butcher;! 6 Normandln Thomas Second-Hand^ .,i _. Furniliire (, ' i 'i Norris & Carruthers Flour, tJrain / „, ,., & Com. S "' •** & 'J'orontf). Gnt. Norris&Co Dry Goods 4 k North American Chemical Co L'i 4 J North American Glass Co » Paid-in cap. ,'!!;(8,(I00 J North America Life Ass. Co North Brltirtli Si ^Mercantile Fire & I JJfe Ins. Co. J Northern Ass. Co. ^Fire). ... Nortli-West Navig Co 2 '2^ & Winnipeg, Man. Northtie d & Co Spectacles, &c. Northy IX U.,&Co Whol. Leather IJ 1^ Norton P. H Mfrs. Agt. Norwleli Union FMre Ass. Society IJ Notnum Wm., & Son l>hotograi)hers 2J 3^ Nourie Mrs. C Ha r Goods 4 » iVowell B. L., & Co Honis & Hoofs Nuge t John P Mer. Tailors 3 6J Nurse & Co Carriiigemakers Nutter J. D.,&Co. . . .Packing Case Mfr*. 2J 3i O O'Brien Cornelius Painter Contrac. O'Brien Dennis*, sr Contractor O'Brien James, & Co Whol. Clotli ng O'Brien Joseph, & Co Coal & Wood O'Brien Patrick Grocer O'Brien Patrick J .... Boots & Shoes O'rtrien Philip, & Co Mer. Tailors O'Brien Tlmothv Chas .. Boots & Slices O' Byrne Edward Grocer O'Connell Mrs. E., wid. Thomas. .Saloon O'Connell Wni Second-Hiind Store O'Connor Francis Hotel ( >'('oniior James Pork Packer O'Connor JiJin Hotel 0'(;om or John D Fish O'Connor Miss Eliza Grocer O'Connor Tiinotliy Fish O'Dea James H tel O'Donoghuo Patrick Saddlery O'Flaherty John Agent Writing & i Harness Machines I O'Gorman James Butcher O'Gradv Mrs. J., wd. Michael.. Grocer O'Hara William G Floiist O'Hare T., & Co Grocers 05 4 8 3f 1 A :;i 7: ■ 5 3 '^ 5 2i 6 3 7 2i 4^ 4 8 3 7 2.1 4 * * 3i7i >'.« * 3 7 3 6 * 4 8 4 7i MON QUEBEC. MON O'Leary John Contractor 3 6^ Q'Leiuy Mrs. Oath., wld. J Grocer * O'Louglilin Martin, & Co Saloon * O'Loughlin Martin J Grocer 3^ O'Mealev Bios Fruits # O'Neil Hugh. Grocer 4 8 O'Neill Thomas J Hotel 3 7 O'Heilly Michael Grocer 3 5i O'Shaughncssy James Grocer 3 6i O'SlianglinesHy M. &D Mer. Tailors 3 fij O'Sullivau Michael Fruits 2i 5 Ogdeii Mrs. O., wid. Jas. . Confectionery 4 8 Ogdensburg Coal & Tow ng Co See Ogdensburg, N.Y. Ggilvie A. VV . , & Co Fiour Mills Al Al Ugilvy Jas. A., & Sous. ..Whol. & Ket. I ,,, », Dry Goods I '^ ^ Ohreu Mrs. Henry Fancy Goods 4 8 Oliver James, & Co Coiu'n I'roduce 3 8 Oliver K. S., «& Co Flour Olivon Victor, & Co llestaurant * Oman William Contractors 7 Ontario Bank W. VV. L. Chipnuin, ) Local Mngr. Tuid-ni cap. , . Surp. iii;5r,o,0(m> Headquarters, Toronto, Ont. Ontario Mutual Life Ass. Co. (The) li Ornstein Ozias l>ry (iocds 4 Osborn Jolni, Son & Co. .Wliol. VViues ) ,, ,, & Liquors ^^5^2 Spec. cap. $100,000 to Jan. Ist. I8!«. Headquarters, New York City. Osborn Samuel Livery 4 8 Osgood C. N. J> Mfr. Agent 3 6 Oatell .lohu Lumber, &c 2^3^.^ Ostrout Napoleon Ice 3i 7 j Oswald Bros Stock Brokers 2^ 3 Ottawa Kiver Navig. Co. (Incorp.) i ,,, Paid-in 1)220,000 i ^^ Ouimet Alex ... Carriagemaker * Ouimet Cleophus Hotel & Plumber Ouimet & Co Cigars, &c, 3i 7J Ouimet Damase Hotel 4 Ouim t J)avid Tins & iioofing 2i 5 Ouimet \). Joseph Grocer 3j 7i Ouimet Leandre, jr. .. Koofer Coutrac. 3 6i Ouimet Leandre, sr.... Koofer Coutrac. 2i 5 Ouimet Magloire Mason Contractor 4 7^ Ouimet Napoleon Hotel 4 Ouimet Omer Plumber 2i 5 Ouimet Thiophile, jr Sewer Con' rac. 4 8 Owens J. B Painter Contractor 3 7 P Packard L. H..& Co. .W. Shoe Fhidings 2i 4i Pacy Thomas B Hardware 2i 5 Paddoii & N icholson Plumbers 4 8 Page Cbas Machinists 6i Page Mrs. Olivine, wid. Anselnie. (a 1< aucy Goods J Pagels W. Fred Tobacco Mfr. Paiement Misses M. & A Mill! ery ( „ 7 & Ury Goods \ «* ' Paieti.ent Venance Grocer 3 5;S Paincbaud K. A Grocer 3 5i Paintbaud O Joiner Contract or ♦ Paincbaud L H. & Co.. . W. Gents' Fgs. 3 7 Paincbaud It. E Furniture 3 n^ Palardy F. L Physician & Drugs 3 6 Jt'allJiscio Alpbonse. VV. & K. Hardware 2i 4i & Canada Latch Co. Pallascio Guillaunie, sr. (Est. ot) i.uuiber 2 3 Falmer J.. & Son.. .imps. Hair Goods, ) „, ■ Perfumery, &c. S * I mneton Joseph Books & Shoes 4 li 96 Panneton Louis Boots & Shoes 4 8 Papillon Ferdinand Hotel 3i 7J Papin & Corbeil Boot & Shoe Mfrs. 2} 4 Papineau Athanase Carriagemakor * Papineau Vincent Tins, etc. 4 8 Pa(|uette Adolphe I> Grocer 3 6 Paquette Eusebe. Bricklayer Contractor 3* 7} Paquette F. X.,jr Grocer 3} 7i Paqi.ette & Gravel. Pictures, &c. 3 7 Paqu»!tt»^ Jean Hardware 2^ 5 Paquette J. B Grocer See St. Roch, liicbelieu Co. Paquette Joseph Bashes, Blinds&^n „. Planing Mills S ^* Paquette M.,& Co Hotfl Paquette Melassipe Joiner Contratior * ^ Paquette Norbert Grocer * Paquette Petrus Cigars, «&c. 4 Paquette Pierre Grocer 2^ 6 Pa luctte Prosper Blacksmith 4 8 Paquette P. E. & Frere I>ry Goods 2i 4 Paquin Andre .... Carriage aker * Paquin Norhert Saloon Pare J). Ferdinand . Joiner Contractor 3 6i Pare George & Co Keal Instate, &c. 2i Par«5 elean Bte Carriageniaker Pare Joseph Grocer 2^ 5 Pare L. N., & Co Watchmakers Parent Bros Real Estatru Agents Parent Calixte liotel 3 7 Parent Cleopbas Grocer 4 8 Parent I). & Co .. ..Whol Hay &Grain 3 P^ Parent Edmond Mfr. Boots & Shoos 2i 4 Parent Elzear Hotel 3i 7i Parent i'bonuis .Bricklayer Contracttir 3% l\ Pariseau Damase Lumber 2* 3i Pariseau Thomas , . . .Fumilui e 2i 4 Paik Bro., & Co. (limited) Black » Diamond Steel Works J Al Paid-in Cap. f 2.0(tO,OOU ) See Pittsburg, Pa. Park VV.G Cord Wood Parker Daniel . . ..Morocco Leather, &c. 3 7 Parker & Evans Boiler Fluid Parker James Cof>per 3 6 Parker Jolm C, Boots & Shoes 3 6i Parker Moses.. Foumlry 2i 4| Parker & Popban* Whol. Clothing 2i 4 Parker Robert. . . Contractor 4 Parkes T. .J, Mfrs. Agent 20 Parks J . G Photh. .^'raplier 2i 5 Parslow John Statiiner '2* 4^ Paivons Samuel R Furniture 2J 4X Partbenais Medard Grocer 3^ 7 J Patenaude & Co Coal 3 7 Patenaude Cbas , Bai ber -* Patenaude Luuger Barber 4 8 Patenaude Miss Valerie Millinery 3^ 7j Pateisou J. W., &Co. Rooting Materials 2j 4i & Toronto, Ontario. Paterson John A., Co...V\ hoi Millinery 2i 3^ Paterson Wn» Mer. 'Jailor 3 5^ laton Laiid, & Son Builders 3 Si Patterson Bros Jeweileis 3i 7i Patterisou Jas .Boots & Slioes 3 7 Patterson Miss Sarah A . .Children's ( . -, Clothing I * '* Pattt^rson Wm., jun., Veterinary Sur^icon 4 8 Patterson Wm., sen Livery Stables 24 4i Paul Walter tiroi-er 2J 4i PauzeAlfijed .Cabinetmaker Ji' Pauze A ., & Co Cabin* tuiiiUers * Pauze & Lamouche . Painter Con iraciois 4 8 Pauze V^italien — , Fruit s 3 6i Pax ton John, & Co Whol. Coal Oil MON QUEBEC. MOH Paxton Ricliard Barrel Mf r. Paxton William Cooper Pay^ & Fontaine.. ..Painter Contractors Pay^ & Meanard Painter Contractors Payette Ad. , & File. . Mason Contractors 9J Payette Antoine E Tobaccos 8 6i Payette Joseph ... Agent Payette Lc^on Hotel 3 6 Payette Louis, sr. .Contractor * Payette Louis, ir Contractor * Payette M-^dard Grocer 3 ei Payette Oiler Grocer 4 8 Payeur Gi'orge Fur Dresser Payment Jos. F Tailor 4 8 Payne Qeorne.. .Guns & Fishing Tackle 3 7 Peacock John Watchmaker 4 • Pt'acock William Cabinetmaker 4 8 Peard John A. . . .Plumber & Gas Fitter 3i 6 Peardon William Chop House 3 6i Pearson G. H.,&Co Mer. Tailors 3 7 Pearson James, sr B ut cher 3 4i Peai'son Thomas Watchmaker 4 8 PeaveyJohnP Hotel 3 6i Peek, Benny & Co Nail Mnfrs. li 1 Peel Robert Contractor 2* 4 PeelT. W Builder 2J 4i Pelchat Louis Hotels 5} Pell Augustus J Picture Frames 3i 7 Pellerin J.)8.I..& Fils. Boot* Shoe Mlrs. 2J 4* Pelletier Alphonse Saloon 3 6^ Pelletier CI tophas Hotel 4 8 Pelletier Francois Sewer Contractor * Pelletier Henri A Boots & S^'oes 3 7 Pelletier J. A Grocer 4 8 Pelletier J. Bte Trader 4 * Pellptier J. B Contractor 4 8 Pelletier Jean Bte Fruits 3i7 Pelletier J. N. , & Co Beer Bottlers 4 Pelletier Josejih Oyst«rs & Fruits 4 Pelletier Joseph & Co..Whol.Dry Goods 3 5J Pelletier L,L Gro., Crockery, &c. * Pelletier & Mallette. . . . Gro. & Butchers 3i 7i Peloquin Mrs. U Fancy Goods 3 tij Peltier Arthur, & Co Mer. Tailors 4 Peltier H. B., & Co Hotel * Peltier Jean Louis. . Whol. Boots & Shoes 2 2i Peltier J. E Grocer 4 8 Peltier & Kochon Plasterer Contractors Pennington & Co Cigar Mfrs. 2J (J Pepal William Cbairnmker 4 8 Pepin Barthelemy k ruitJs 4 i Pepin Ceo Billiard Hall 3^ Pepin Henri . . .Joiner Contractor 3 5i- Pepin Joseph Bricklayer Contractor * Pepin Louis Joiner Contractor 3 Pepin P. Grocer 3 7 Poriard A Law Books 2Hi Perras Joseph A . Baker 3 fl} Perras J, O Baker Perrault Adolphe, sr Bookbinder 4 Perrault Anaclet Grocer 3 7 Perrault A Vila ....Motel 4 8 Perrault Charles Hotel 3 6 Perrault Uamaae Boots & Shoes 3 7 Perrault Denis Boots & Shoes 3 6 Perrault & Fr^re Mason Contractors Perrault Jos. B Toys, &c. 3 7 Perrault Mrs. P.. wid. J Grocer * Perrault Narcisse Fancy Goods 4 8 Perrault Printing Co » „. Paid-in'c«p.»50^f ''» Perrault Samuel Ho1s«l 4 8 Perreault Arthur. Grocer 4 Perreault Ernest iiftowt S T Perr&ault J«ir6mle, & Co Dry Goods 2^ 8i Perreault Louis Hotel .3J 7J Perriere Joseph Sewer Contractor 4 PerrinE., & Co Hardware, &c. 3 Perrin Leonidas, & Co Hardware 3J 7i Perry Edward Kosetts Mfr. 4 8 Perry James Bools & Shoes 3 3 4 8 2J4i 2U 8 ^ 6 5i 9 5i Perry Joh« Boots & Shoes Personne J. Bte.(dit Lafond>.Br)cklr Ctr. Personne Juste (ditLafond). Brick I rCtr. Peters F. E KnittingFacty. Pettener Bingley J. . . .Shoe Moby. Mn/r. Peverley Clavering Whol. oils, &c. Pewny, Elliott & Co Mnfrn. Agts. PhanoeufAmbroiso. Leather & Findings 2^ 5 Pharon Alphonse ButcliHi- 3 51 Phelaii Daniel.. ..Soap & Candle Fcty. 2^ 4^ Phalan Eugfene Fey. Goods 3 Phc'itn Martin Mer. Tailor 2^ 4i Phelau Miss A. B Millinery-' Phelan Thomas ....Baktr Pbelan William Hotel 4 Phelps Geoi-ge P Oysters, &c. 24 Phenix Ins. Co., of Brooklyn, N.Y ]J Philbln M House Furn'g Hardware 3 Phillip Fishel Peddler 3i Phillips Piiannaoeutioal Co. (Incorpt'd). 3 ' Autho. cap. ?i!5,0i)(l Phillips Seth I'uriiiture 3 Phillips Thomas Plasterer 2* PhcBnlx Fire Ins. Co., of London 1 1 Phoenix Mutual Lite Ins. Co., of? ,. Hartford. Conn, i '* Picard Francois. Butchf r 3 Picard Joseph Grocer 3J 7 Pi(!ard Louis Butchery 6i PicardN,,&Co HoU-1 * Picault & Contant DrugKists 3 Piche A.. & Co Boots & Shoes 4 Pich^ Adelard Cigars, &c. Piche L. Alphonse Grocer 1 'iche M rs. A. , widow Dry Goods Pich^ Narcisso Job Printer Picht^ Pierre Boo s & .Shoes Piche, Tittdale & Painchaud ...Whol. 1 Hardware ( Pick J. C Com'u Agent Pickard Wm. Jos Joiner Contractor Plckwi Ebe ezer Bo ksiller Pickeu J. B. , & Co . Exchange Brokers Pierson Harris. New ite Sec'd Haml Store Piaeon Laurent Butcher -i^ Pillar Lindsay Com'n Agent ''.* Pillow & Hersey Mfg. Co. (Limited) } Helling Mills, Nails Spik«'S & Bolt. ^ 1 Paid-in cap. $600,000. Pilon Alphonse Hotel PilonJ. B. O Blacksmith Pilon J. Bte Undertaker Pilon Philippe.... Grocer Pilon Zotique Boots & Shoes Pinder .John, fc Co Com'n Teas Plngel J.C, &eo..Watche8 & Jewellery Pinsonnault Alex Grocer Hnsonnault D Confectionery, &c. Pltre J. A Mer. Tailor Plamondon A. J Mer. Tailor Plantation Cigar Factory. See Potvin & Pelletier Plante Alphonse Teas 2* 5 Plante & Dubuo Mason Contractors 2J 8i Plante Mrs. M , Fruits, &c. * Plouffe Kormisdas Grocer 3 7 PloutTe Mrsi Adeline Hotel * Poirier & Aroand Sign Painters 3i 7i Poirier, Bessette & Neville. . .Publishers 2i 8 P 2Hi 4 di 3 6i if 3 7 -i n 4 8 2Mi 3 7 4 3 7 3 MON * 1 / t ' r MoN Poirier Cyrille Saddler 8 7 Poirier H. F Dry Goods 3 Poirier Hector .Mer. Tailor 4 8 Poirier Hyaciutlie Grocer 4 8 Poirier Joseph Joiner Contractor 4 Poirier MrB. France Books, &c. * Poitras Ainedt'e Grocer 3 7 Poitras Alplionse Saloon Poitras IVlr.-i. Ilermaa... Millinery 3J 7^ I'oland Edward Grocer * Pole Vj Teas, &c. Poll to Tlieodore Paiut«'r Cont, 3J 7 J Pomiiiville & DesIaurierB.. Horse i qi 71 Traders ( ^^ '* Pont Joseph.... ,- Hotel Ponton Joseph Human Hair, &c. 3 7 Pope H., &Go .. .....Joiner Contractors 4 Pophani I'bcnczer. ..Ship & Ins. Broker Pophani Jas., & Co..\Vhol. Bts. & Shoes li li Porcheron A. D Tobacco Mf r. 25 4i Porteous Thomas , .Metal Agent ''.' Porter Henry Tanner 2 2J Porter H., & Co. , . .Mfrs. Boots & Shoes See Henry Porter. Portugais E., & Co Hotel ••' PortBgais & Poirier Undertakers 3^ 7i Potter Thomas J Auctioneer 3 Potter Wm. K Paints & Oils 3i 6 Potvin & i^elletier Cigar Mfrs. 3i 7i Poudrier Mrs. Auguste.. Millinery 3 7 Pouleti H N Grocer 3 7 Poulin Pierre Lumber 2i 3i Poulin merre, & Co Poulti-j- 2i 6 Pouliot VV Mfre.Agent 20 Poupart A., & Co Hotel 4 8 Poupart Alplionse Coal & Wood 3 5i Poupart T Whol. Wines 3 7 Poutre JoPeph Gro, & Milk JJealer 3 7 Power Mrs. John. . .Sec. Hand Clothing * PraitA.T Mer. Tailor 4 8 Pratt & i)uga8 h urniture * Pratte Ij. E. N . Pianos & Organs 2i 4^ Profo- taine Napoleon ....Lumber 2\ 4t\ Prefontaine T .. . . Saw Mill & Lumber See Ste. Cunegonde. Prenoveau C. M. K Lumber Soo Coteau St. Louis Prescott JohnH Grocer 4 7i "Prt'sse" (La) See Tretiie Berthiaume Prevost Camille Contractor 2i 4^ Prevost Ciia-i. A Joinor Contractor 2^ 5 PrtSvoBt Etienne A Agent Prevost & Fils Jobbing Expn ss '^ Provost H ., & Co. . .Custom Hse Brokers Prevost H., & Co .... Dry Goods 3 7 Provost Louis Arthur Dry Go»)ds 3 7 Pr6vo«t, Prevost & Co.Whul. Hardware Prevost Telesphore Hardware 3 6 Prevo.«t Vital Confectioner '•>• Price James. Hides & Skins 2i Price John , Hides & Skins 2 Price W. P Groc r 3; Prieur Fabien Mer. Tailor 3 Prieur F. & J Gents' Fgs See Fabien Prieur. Prieur Miss E.,& Co. ....Millinery &o. 4 8 Primeau Charles Saddler 3^ 7i Prince Jno. .s. Silverware, Furniture, &c. t\ 4i Pri gle George W Provisions '•!■ Pringle John Fruits Pringle Thomas Millwright 2i 3i Priniile W., & Co Gonts Furni^lllngs ."Prix Oourant" (IjO;. Sen Societe de Pub. Commerciale ,La) '98 Proctor Chae. D.. .Hops, Barley & Malt Proulx E Fancy GoodB Proulx Michel Brass Founder Provan John L Hay & Feed Provost & Co Grocers Provost Louis barber Prowse George R Stoves & House I Furnishing Hardware. ( Prowse Leonard Tinsmith Prud'hoiume A., & Frfere W. & K. I Hardware ( Prud'homme G^d^on Hardware Pruneau Jean Bte. ..Plaster Ornaments Purcell John Grocer Q Quain Edward Grocer 3 6 Quebec Bank. Local Mngr., Thomas McDougall, br. See Quebec. Quebec Fire A8>ura]ioe Co. Paid-in 1 ... Cap. 10i',OnO. Br. Quebec) ^* Queen Ins. Co. of Liverpool & London I ij (Fire & Life) J „ 7 Query Fr^res Photographers Que\illon Jos., sr . ..Butcher & Packer 3 Quinlan & Turner Contr.ictors 4 8 Quintal Cyrille Butcher 4 Quintal Ferdinand Butcher 4 8 Quintal & Lemay Whol. Prod., &c. 3 7 Quintal Isaie A ., .Notary & Broker 2j 3} Quintal & Morin ., Joiner Contractors 3 6 Quintal N., & Fils Whol. Grocers 2 2} Quintal Paul Etienne.... Cabinetmaker 4 Quintal Thomas Hotel 3i 7i Quintin J. (dit Dubois) & Co. .Undertk's 3 5 R Kabeau Jos Grocer 3i 7J Haby J. B., & Co Grocers 4 "8 Raby Vital Grocer 4 8 Kacette Aug Brickhiyer Contractor Kacette Ciias Hotel 4 8 Kacette <.has Joiner Contractor Kacette Jos., sr Pork Butcher 3 6i Kacette Leger Barber * Kacette Narcisse Bricklayer Cont. '^ Kacette Oscar Tat lur -# KacttteP., &Co Bricklayer Coni.'s ^ Kacette & Kochon Grocers * Kacicot A Patent Medicines * Kacicot Albert Grocer 2i 6 Kacicot Elie Patent Medicines 4 8 l{acicot & Giroux Butchers Kacicot J. E baker 2i 5 Kacicot J. E. P Patent Medicines 4 8 Kacicot Komuald. . . Crockery &. Grocer Si 6 Kacine Alphonse, & Co,. Whol. Dry Gds. i| 2 Kacine Louis Hotel 3 7 Kaoaker John Blacksndih 4 7 Kadford Bros. , & Co. W. Gents Furuishgs 2i 3i Kadway & Co. (Ltd ) Mfrs. Patent Meil. Cap. paid-in $n100,i & New York Kae & Donnelly.. .Auctioneers & Coiii'n 3 6 Kaf ter James H Clothing 3J 7} Kafter John A., & Sons. Whol. Clothing . Kalferty Bernard Grocer Kiillerty Wm. J Grocer 3 61 Kaith Henry Joiner Contractor 3 7 Kalston M. W., & Co Founders 3 6J Kalstou Peter, & Sons. Tanners & Berthier>ille. Ramsay A., & Son. . M frs. Paints & Oils 2 2i Kanger(;. E.,&Co boots & Shoes 3 5J KangerO.B Grocer 4 8 Meil. ) l),00(),[ li City ) MON QtJEBE ..; Blacksmith 'i^' Ricketts Frederick Saloon 3 Ricketts Tlronias Saloon .'^i Kickner Louis Fruits ^'• Rickner Wm :..'. Baskets 4 _ Rlddell & Common General Agi.ut- 2i 6 Ridgedale Mrs., wid. S ...Boots & .Sl»OfS 4 Kido. t Horace 11 Com'n Afreut Hiel -widow Joseph Milliner.v «& iTuir Repairing 3} 7 Riendean Honore, jun..., Grocer 4 8 Rieiideau Job'., & Co Hotel Riepert & Co Hatters & Furriers Kiepert Chas. W Joiner Contractor iiiugland Geo ..... Com'n Dry Goods 3 Riopel Horniisdas A (irocer 3i 7 J Riopei Jos. A Joiner Contractor * Riopel (J Grocer 4 8 Riopelle F. X ..Grocer 3 7 Riopidle Rodolnhe . .Joiner Conti actor 4 8 Ritchie D., & (:o. Mfr. Snuff & Cigarettes 2 2 J Ritch"t FraMV'isX. • ...Carriag -inalcer 3 5 Ritchot L. N. A., & Co Tailors Ritchot Math'as Butcher 2} 5 l{itchotOdrloa Hotel 4 8 Rivard L. E Stationery 3 7 Kivard Louis Hotel 3 7 Rivet F. X . .. — eToiner (^ontracior 3 5J Rivet Isaie Dry Goods 3;^ C Itivet Joseph ....Second Hand Cliithing 4 8 Rivet Jules Gro. & Butcher 2i .5 itivet L uis ... , Grocer 3 GJ Robei-ge P. B Grocer 3i tJ Roberge & Shepherd 4 8 Robert .Alexia Drugs 3 li\ R')bert<' Hats & Fa s Robert Edmonii.,... Uotel 4 8 Robert Ernest :.. GrOcer 3 5^ Robert Joseph,* i< ils.Saw Mill. Snsh & ) „ '.. Blind Mfrs. & ( ^ .** Robert Louis Barber, Toys. &c. 4 8 Robert Louis, sr . Bricklayer Con tractor * Robert Olivier. Real Estate Speculator 2 3 Robert R 3^ tj Roberts Georg'... Biiil((i'r 2j 4^ Roberts J. W ...' Sadd er 3 .7 Roberts James ' .....Restaurants ^ Roborrsoii & Co . . .Hatters & Fur.iei-s 3 BV Roberts. n David, & Co.. W. Fir. & Prov. 2\ it Rob.^rtson Far]niiar Coal & Wood 21 4] Robertson Janus. Saw Mfr. & Mdals.&c. Ai Al ; & Baltimore, \t,d. Grocer 2i .W. Dry Goods Ijlj also I'oronto, Robef-son John IWberlson, Li^iton & Co Robertson Samuel . , Contractor Robertson Thomas, & Co.. Whol. ) . Hardware & Met ils ) Robertson William W '.Saddlery 3 Robertsrm Wih.,* Co. Uatter6& Furriers 3 Ro lidard C, & Co .Soda Water & I ,. Gnger Ale xMfrs. f "* Spec. cap. ^i>50 to March 15, It^O RoblUard Edmond ; Grocer Jj 5 Robillard Joseph -fcroma GrocT 3 Robin & .Sadter .Mntrs. Leather Belting 2i Robinson Alfred ...Confectioner 3 j Uubinaon G. G.,'& Co ..'Jewellers 3 At I .',6 6 4 MON QUEBEC. MoN 8 3 4 4 5 4i 7i 6 7 8 4 4 3 4 4 4 8 7 2i 64 7 8 Robinson J. Theodore Printer 2 Kobitaille A., & Co Wliol. Grouers 2: KobitalUe J. E Mfrs. Agent 3 Kobitallle Stanislas . . . W. & K. Twine ) & Statiojtei-y > Kobitaille T Grocer Koby J. Alph Painter Contractor lloby J. M Fancy Goods Koch Louis Hay D»;aler 2J 4i Koclie Edward Grocer 3 6 Bochette Gaspard Leather See Quebec. Kocbette O., (Estate of) Leather See Quebec. Rochon Edmond Carriagemaker 3i 6 Rochon & Fils. ..Briclclayer Contractors 4 7i Rochon Joseph Grocer Roclion Li uib Joiner Rochon N. O Artist Painter Rochon P Barber h ochon Zephirin Butcher R< dger Jameti Dyer Rodier Chs. S.,sr.. .Threshing Mach. / ^j ^j Rodier EliseP Grocer 3 Rodier Paul A Lumber 2 Rodrigue Alfred Saloon 3. Rodrigue MaxiUie Boots & Shoes 3 Rodrigue Maxime Cigars, &c. 4 Rodrigue M., & Co. Grocers 3i 7i Roe'j'noinasP Manfrs. Agent 20 Rohland Mrs. D., & Co Hotel Rohr&Co., Whol. V/uies 2i 4 Rolin Louis.... Mer. Tailor 3 6 RoUand A., & Co Boots & Shoes * Roliaiid & Frfere Cabinet Makers' ( Supplies j Holland J. B., & Fils....Whol. Stat'ers. Rolland J. B. L., & Co.. Boots & Shoes KoUand Paper Company . . . (Incojpor^) I „ Sub. and paid-in cap. $100 m. J ^ ' ' & St. Jerome Rolland T. L. . . .,Prov. & Horse Traders 3 6 Roliiu O., & Co Hardware See Belleau & Massue Roman Henry Mfg. Jeweller 2i 4i Roman Samuel Cigar Manfr. 3 6 Roi>ayne Bros Boots & Shoes 2i Roncari A Confectioner 4 Rose John B., & Co. . . ^ Metals 2, Ross B ros. . & Co Ship Chand J ers 2 RoHS, Forster & Co ...Whol. Dry Goods 2 Ross Georgp D. , & Co Mfrs. Agents 2i _ Ross, Half & Co Who!. Grocers 2i 4^ Rons Henry Watches & Jewellery 3 6 Robs Hugji Mer. T^lor 3 6 Ro«8 Jas., Son Si Co.lusulated Eleotric ) 2i4i 1*2 20 6 6i 8 8 Wire Mfrs Rofs Robert B MJip. Ageiit Ross & Smith Mirs Agts. Rof D Willldin L .Tobacconist Rosser GUftlth Plu^lber Ro8>i Joseph Confectionery Rost Maurice Button Hole ]\lfrs. Eourke Wm .Grocer Rousseau Charles, & Go Brokers Rousseau & Mather.. Bridge Builder^i, I Rou'seau Samuel Grocer Rousseau Sanmel Tinsmith Rousseau T. , & iTils Boots & Shoes 3^ 71 Roussln Calixte Pluqaber & Roofer 2j 4i RouBsin JOl^Qpbas Carriagemaker 4 8 Rousson Tlnoothe Cont'r. * Routh R. T., & Co. ......... .Comn Flour 2i 4* iOO 3 6 3i 7i Row John .Black Goods Store 3 Rowan Patrick Grocer 3 6 Rowan Peter, & Co Wbol. Grocers 24 4 Rowell & DuggHn Whoi . Flour 2 3 Rowell Georgtt H. ... Dry Goods Jobber 3 7 Roy A., & Co Furniture 4 8 Roy Alfred, jun Real Instate Agent 2i SJ Roy & Beaudoin Dry Goods 3 el Roy & Co. . . Upholstorei a ♦ Roy Cleopba*.. Boots & Shoe« 3 7 RoyDamase ....Hotel 3 7 Roy DolphiB Butcher 4 Roy Edmond Plumber, Ac. 4 8 KoyF. X Saddler 4 8 Roy F. X Carriagemaker 2i 4 Roy F. X. H .. Furnitures 7 Roy Ferdinand A Sewer Cont'r. 4 , Roy H.,&Co Hotel* - Roy Hormisdae Cigars, &c. * Roy J. B.... Can-. Pabter 3 6 Roy Joseph ,.. .Butclier 4 8 Roy Joseph Dry Goods Roy Josepli Henri H^teller * Roy&Lepine Livery, &c. 4 7i Roy Louis Grocer 4 8 Roy Louis Joiner Cont'r 3i 7i Roy M. Ulrlc CarrlagemakeB 4 ti Hoy Mrs. Marie C.,wid. Hilaire. Grocer 3 6* Koy Wilbrod Hotel 3 C Roy Zoiique Saloon 3^ 7^ Hoyal Canadian Insurance Co. (Incor- / ., porated.) Paid-in cap. $4UUitf0US ^ Royal Electric Co. (The) • , , Paid in Cap. $243,0U0 | ^^ Royal Ins. Co. of England ti Royal Sewing Machine Co See Turner, St. Pierre & Co. Rubenstein Bros. Silver & Brass Platers 2^ t^ RupI David Grocer 3 6 Russell Charles Butcher 3 7 Russell &Co Fey. Gds. Ruhsell Henry Butcher 3 7 Russell Hugh Furniture 3 6 RuBssIl Jamea Mfrs. Agent 3 Rutherford D.,& Co BuilUers 3 5 Rutherford W.& Sous.Manfrs. Sashes, ( t ...nil ,■.!/. . Blinds, &c. ) See St. Cuuegpnde. Ruttenberg W., & Co Ciothing * Ryan Ccrnolim. . . . ..Furnaces & Stoves 4 Ryan. John Cord Wood 3 6J RyanM., & Co Mer. 1'ailois 3 Ryan Wiliiam Butcher S SabiPton Litho. & fub. Co Litihp. 2J 4i Sabouriu AdolpheC... Hotel 3 7 Sadler Geo. B Mer. Tailor 3 C Sadler James A tlumb^r 4 8 Sadlier ]J.&J„SfijO... .booksellers » „! 4 ■ ■ f... ,!.• y, ;.;... ji iji/- & Stationers ) * ,;, . & Toronto, Ont. Sagazan J. B., &Co Trunks, &c. Seie J. Eveleich ^ Go. SagerJamee Trunk Mf r 3 7 Salt H. T Staftiouery, etc. 3 7 Salliot Stanislas Joiner Cont'r. 4 8 Salomon Alexander Clothing 3 6| Sal vas Olivier llotel 2i 5 Satngon jouis Mfrs. Agt. Suniuel Thomas, & Son....Mfj[^s. Agents 2h 5 Samuel William (Est. of) ..Hats ^ Fwrs 2i 4^ Samue is Thomas Pictur*> Fvamer * Sanche Ferdinand .«...Bak^ 3i 7^ SaucUe Joseph Groo^ 3 6 Mt>?^' QUEBEC. Moti' SandMS Henry Optleian 3 6 Sandiland A Gtrtcer 4 8 Sausfljirtler Darld Butcber 3 <>J Sarafiin Jo0^ph Hotel 4 8 Sarranin Joseph .8«wer Cont'r. * Ranlniers & Gaudreau. . . .Joiner Cdnt'r. 4 Saundera H. ati Louis Sewer Cont'r. * Sauvagcan T., & Co Brokors Sauv* Frank & Oo Restaurant * Sauv6 Hormisdas Fit«h* Savage Alfred & Son Com'ii. & Oils 2 3 Savage Robert D Agent * Savard Joepph Grocer 3^ 7 Savanl & McDuff ProvlBions Savaria John G^^on Coal & Wood 8 7 ScanlanD.,&J Hotel* Scanlan John Grocer 3 5 Scanlan Michael Grocer 3^ 7i Scheak F. J., & Go ..Lad^ee' Underwear Scheyer Hermann S Manfrt*. Agent 2i 4 Schn'ider Peter, Sons & Co..Uphol9te'r9' Good's ; br. New York City Scboltield C, & Co Boots & Shoes 8 6 Schulize Edward, & Go. ...Mfrs. Agents 3 ©i ScbMvartz A Mer. Tailot 4 Schwartz Charles Tinsmith * Schwersensfci D Hats & Furs Sohwob Bros W hoi. Watches ( ^i „ & Jewcfllerv I ** Schynman J. G Peddler* Scott Alvarez, & Co Jewellers 4 Scott Henry C Stock Broker 2i 4 Scott James Cooper 2j 5 ScottJaraea Grain & Hay 3 6 Scott John Produce * Scott S. J Confectioner 4 8 Scott W.P .. .Fresco Painter 3 6* Scott Wilkineonft Co. .. . Bakers 3A 7* Scott William, & Son.. Pictures, Frames 2j 4i Scott Wm .Confectioner 3 Scottish Atnprican Investment Co. (llm.) li Scottish A mical)le Life Ass, Society ... 1* Scottish Provincial Asp. Co 1 J Scottish Union & National Ins of £di>ibargh, Scotland U Scroggie W. H Dry Gootls 2j 5 & J. K. Grant & Co, Scullion James TrAder ^ 5 Seale K, , & Son Undertakers 3 6 j Seath Robert, & Sons . Mer, Tailors 3 6 Seers Amable,. Butter, &c. 3 6 Seer* F, X t)entl«t 8 Seguin L,,& Co.. Sewing Machine Agts. Sellar W. B Mfrs, Agent 3 Semmelhaack Wm., & Co Fancy Goods 4 nt, 4 4 8 Semmena, Ward & Evel.Uiid'tkra Sup'ea 2* br. Hamilton, O Sample Ji Seneoal Henri O Confetsttoner 4 Senecai J. E,, & Prtoe }rot«l 4 Senecai S. , & Co Jewellers 3^^ 7^ Seueclial Joseph Joiner Contractor * Sennat A. E Grocer 3," Sexton Daniel..... Plumber Seybold, Son & Co Whol, Hardware 2 Seymour* Co ., .Mfrs. Agents 3 Shallow F. D., & Oo, . .Puba. " Moniteur da ComuMroe " 2^ H 4 8 2 2i li li 3 f * 4 1J2 li 6 Shapera Louis Dry Goods * Shureliolder (The) See Samuel B. Foote Slairkey Mrs, M wld. P. Stationery. &c, * Sharpe Jarnes H . . . . Warehouseman Sharpe'8 City Express Sharpley Rice, & Sons Jewellery, ) Watdies & Fancy Goods } Shaw Bros. ftCas-ila ... Tanners Shaw David Ship Broker Shaw ThrTma? Produce Shaw Winiam, & Co. Mfrs. Agent* , &c. Shawl Henri Fi.earer John S., & Co Mfra. Agents 2i 4^ Sheddeh Co (Incorporated), Cart- ( - , age. Paid-in cap. $.17^ m. ) '» Sheppard Charles Mfr. Bricks 2 8 Sheppard Geo. J Pianos & .Music 2i Sli' ridan James Contractor 2 Sliiiidler Louis Clothing 3i Ship Fischel Clothii-r 3 o Ship Lonis Mer. Tailor 3i 6| Shippel Henry Butcher 2j 5 Shoe Wire Grip Co. (Limited)..,. » ,, Paid-in cap, .'?50.00() f ' "" ShorqyH.,&Oo Vniol. Clothing IJ 1 Sibley George Saloon 4 h Sicotte A., & FITS. ..Plumbers & Roofers 4 7* Sicotte Oyrille ...... Joiner Contractor .3^ 7} Sidey John G Ship Broker 3 Siegars Gilbert E Hat Bleacher 3 Sigouln Alexandre Tinsmith 3 SigouinAmM^ Tinsmith Sigonin Elz^r. Boots & Shdes & Saddler SiJcock F. C. Mfrs. Agent Silverman, Bonlter & Co Whol. 1 Hats & Furs f Silverman Lyon. Mfr. Flavoring Extract 2i ^ Silverstone Isaac Hats & Furs Silverstone S., ft Co. , , ,Mfr8. Shirts > -> & Overalls | ^ Slmmonfl Miss Mary L Millinery 4 Simnis Robert, ft Co. Ins, & Comn. Agts. 2 3 Simonds Rolling Machine Go. (I he) Simpson George W Broker 2J| Simpson, Hall ,Millfr & Co. Electro Plate IJ Paid-in cap. #8ft2,.'5G0. See Wallingford.Conn. Simpson J, Cradock, & Go Real / Estate Agents ^ Simpson & Peel Builders Sims A. H,, ft Co.,.. Shirt & Collar Mfrs. Sims Paper Box Co. (The) — Paper Box Mfrs. See A, H, Sims & Co. Sincennes-McNaughton Forwardin;; & Tug Line (Incorp.) Paid-in cap. H o.otw Singer Mfg. Co Sewing Machines A I See New York. Sinnett Mrs. Dan. wtd Gunsmith, &e. 3 7 Sititon Jamea C Potash Broker 3 5 Skeith John, Jr Drugs, &c. 3 7 Skeltoii Bros. A Oo..W. Gents' Furni«h. 2 Slater Geo. F., & Sons. Boot & Shoe Mfrs. 2J 4' Slattery John Grocer 3 5 Sleeth David, jr Cord Wood 3J 6 Sllcer Wm Hotel * Sloan John, ft Son Boots & Shoes 3 7 Slouemsky Simon Clothing, &c. 4 Sly John Butcher 3 7 Smaill Wm Mfrs, Agertt 3J 7i Small £. A., & Go Whol. Clothing 2 2i 3 6i ^ Moif/ QUEBm.i MON 8 4 6 SituUlwood Henry Livery Stabl^s 4 Smartlon .Fobii & Co. Sifrs. See J E. Mullin & Co. Smith Francis. . . .Furnit. & Upholstfrer 3 7 Smith Frank B ,...,L»ry Goods 3 5 Smith George Baker ^J 4 Smith J. H ..Saloon 3 5 Smith J. H., «feSou8. . . Live S ock A^jts. 3 Smith J. L., & Sun Coui'n Flour Vi, 4i Smith Jdhn F Butcher 4 Smith John T Fancy Goods 3 6 Smith John \V.. Threaliing Mach. Mfr. 2i 5 Smith Ji 8. W Brick Mir. Smith, Mcloigau & Co. Prod. Exporters 2i br. Nhw York City. Smitli M. B Provisions Smith Mrs. Ellen, wid. James. Books i . & Fancy Goods ( Smith &Patter!.ou.,,,.,,Whol. J»wellery 2 2i .,,',,1, br. Boston , Mass. Smith Stephen .'. Paper Bags * Smith W. H.iwe Produce & Com'n iJi 5 Smitli Whiteford. Butcher * Smyth George Provitious Smyih lleniy L. & Co.... Mfrs. Agents 20 Smvili Mi*s jMaiy Ann Dry G9olay. . .Sewer Con«'rs * (lernmin A . ... .. Grocer b Geriuain Adolphe.Barberj Tobacjo / (•erroain Cyrille.;,. & Jewellery Grocer 6i 8 8 I* 6 5i 5 ,T.x, n St. St. St. St. St. St. St, St. St St. St. St. St, St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St, St, St, St. St St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Louis Louis A., & Fils. . . . .Boots & ) Shoes S St. Marie Ovide, & Co.. ..Mnfrs. Agents Si St. Martin Joseph.... .... Furniture 3 St. Martin Joseph.. ....... ..(.^...Grocer 3^ St.Martin Louis ..«,i,'^^.j4.<,i,,. Grocer * St. Michel Joseph..,, ^,.., Butcher St. Pierre Eusiibe ...k.^.^^^... Butcher St. Pierre George. . . ..... i.. Grocer 4 8 St. Pierre Joseph Alfred.. "Watchmaker * St. Pierre (mesinie Hotel 4 8 St. "Vincent Ferdinand ...Butcher 4 Stacy Charles ... I«iail M^tnufacliurer 2i 4^ Stattord Thomas P....... Grocer 3 6 " Siatfoidshire Ha 1" . , , .Crockery See Boxer Bros., k Co. Stair Coal Mine & Mfg. Co 2J Autho. cftp, $50,000 ;• - Standard Card & Paper Co 2J • • Autbo. cap. «10,000 j- - Standard Life As».Co li Stanley Dry Plat^ Co i ....... . Star Collar & Box Co .... 2i 5 "Star" (The) See GrahaiA ii Co. Starr & Kinsellti. .. Liv. & Bde. Stables 2 8 State & Bannau. ... Plumbers State John J., & Son Plumb. & Tins SieereEspy Hotel 4 8 Steiner Jo. epb & Bros. . . . Whol. Furs I « oi & Skins J ^ ^^ & New York City. Stephen F., & Co .iMan'frs Agents 2i 4J Stephens Gecn-ge. Toys, &c. 8 61 Stephenson George .Mex.. Tailor 2k 5 Stevens G. Hv . . . . . . .Hope Coffee House 2i 6 Germain Franv»)iB.Baiber& Tobapco 3} 7J HilairoC. A. (dit Vidricaire)Barber,&o. * . .lacques & Co Grocers -Ji 4* Jacques uswald. . .Barber & Tobacco 3^ 7 J Jacques Ovide. Broom Mfr. 4 8 James Th<>odore Grocer 3 7 Jean Alejc. Z Grocer 3J 7 J Jean Ai-fuste — Grocer 3 7 fJean C. t. .. & Co. Joiner Contractors * Jean Chas . (dit Geotfrion). . . .Grocer 4 Jean Cleoi has ., Baker 3 Jean & Co — . .. . Hotel 4 Jean & Co Livery 3 Jeau Edouard. ...'. .Slaughter House 4 JeauF. X Jeweller 3J 7i Jean Frer s — Hardware i J Jean & Frfre...... Jewellers 3 7 Jean J . Bte Carriagemaker Jean Joseph Saddler 3 Jean Leger . . . . Je»:ellei7 2^ Jean Maglolre , . . . Baker * John Patrick.... !..... Boots & Shoi-s 3 Lawrence Sugnr Refining Co » , Paid-in cap. $400,000 ( Leon "Water Co .. . See , , . Gi»Siaf > Langlois & Co., Quebec Louis Jean' Bte., & Frere. . .Mason f oi ±l Contractors. J ^2 ** Ix)ui8 Joseph Barber 4 3 8 ' 6 n MoN. QUEBEC. MoN Stevenson, Blackader & Co Com'u ) Dry UuodS' ) Stevenson J. Alex Ilidea & Leather Stevenson P. S Cominiafliou Stewart Alex. BUhop. Carver & Glider Stewart O Grocer Stewart George li urniture Stewart Mrs. P X'ianos Stewart Sliaw R ProvlBioiiB Stewart fhtjinas Confectioner Stinisop Chas,, & Co.Whol. Leather, &o, Stirling John & Co. . . .Whol. Dry Goods Stock Oil & Greaae Co Stone ThotnaH K.T Grocer Stone & Wellington Nurserymen br. Toronto, Stonebara T. F., & Co Wind. Shades Stott Mrs. , wid John S^l«>on Stotta John W Teas Strachan James Haker Strachan W.,&Co., Oils,Soaps& Candles Strathy Bros Stock Brokers Stremenski Geo Cigars, &c. Street Joseph A Jeweller Street Walter Stationer Strong S tmuel Private Hospital Strong & Strinig Grocers Strond Bros Teas Stroud C. S Phys. & Drugs Stroud Daniel Tens Stroud George Teas Stroud John . Teas Stroud William D., & Sons . .Imp. Teas Stryde John Saloon Stuart Kd ward Hats & Furs Stuart James Glue & Oil Man'fr Stuart Ja—es F Mnfrn. Agent Stu:vrt Walter E Butcher Styles Thomits Hotel Sullivan John Grocer Summerhayes Mii^s Caroline . . Berlin I Wools & Fancy Goods ( Summerhayes & Walford.Photographerg Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada (In- ".orporated.) Sub. cap. .'!?r)()0,000 Paid-in $62,500. Surprenant Moise Contractor Suiveyer L. J. A. . .House Furnishing t Hardware Sutherland J. W Coiifectioner Sutherland James Tobacco Sutton J homas . Hair Dresser & Gents, | Furnishings I Swain Henry Mf r. Cigars Tobacco S wenson Carl Watc^.maker Swift William Grocer Swinburne George Vet. Surg. ) & Farrier i Sylvestre I^ouis Moise Fruits, &c. Sylvestre IVlrs. P Hotel Sylvestre Mrs. Pierre Grocer Tabb H. N.. & Co Brassfounders Tait John S Joiner Contractor Tailleffer Arthur Hotel Tansev Owen Saloon Tansey T. P Flour & Grain Tapp John Slipfwrs jNlfr. Tarrante Samuel Hairdresser Taschereau Thos . . I'lasterer Contractor Tass^, Wood & Co Citfar Mfrs. Tate W. & J. H. Dry Dock & Ship Yard Taylor Albert.... Broker Taylor Bros Brokers & Ins. Agents • '■ •■-'■■- - ■ ' •••■ •• ■.■—."-- (i. 2i4i 2i4i 2M' 4 8 ^.i* a 7 4 4 8 3 nn Hn ill 2 Ont. 4 mk 4 H 2i4 2 3 2* 4 8 3 5 2i5 4 3 6i '2i 4 3 5i 2M. 2 5i 3 64 a 2i 4 t. 3 7 2i 5 4 7* 3 7 4 n 3i7i 2J5 3i7i 2i 5 4 8 3 7 2i5 3 5 3 fi* 3i 7i 2i 4 8 3 7 * 3*7* 3 6 3 7 4 8 3 7 * 2*4 2 3 8 5 2 3 Taylor James A Commissions 6^. Taylor J. & H. . Whol. Iron & Hardware Taylor J.& J Mfrs. Safes 1* 2 • br. Torinito, C)nt. Taylor Mfg. Co Mfrs. Felt, &c. 2* Paid-in cap. *2n,(» Taylor William ... Plasterer 4 «• Tees & Co.Un«lertkr8. & Offl. Furniture 2* 4* Tees, Wilson & Co .. Whol. Grocers 2 3 • ellier, Kothwell & Co. Whol. Dyes, &c. 2J 4. Templetou & Blaiiche River Phosphate » & Mining Co, Limited (The) ) Terrlault Z,, & Co Bricklr. Conl'rs. 4 i- Terroux Aim^, sr Hotel Terry John B Saloon 3* 7* Jessier & Co Gents.' Fgs. 3 7 Spec. cap. $2,000 to April 30th. '9*. Tessier F. X.,&Co Boots & Slioes '¥ Tessier J.. & Co Grocers 3 7 ' Tesser Joseph Cooperage 2* 4> Tessier Michel Boot & ahoe Mir. Te-sier Mrs. Cellna, wid Jos Hotel 4 8 Tester James W. , & Co Whol. ( „. „, Confectioners S ' ' Tetrault Napoleon Boots & Shoes 3 7 ■ Tetrault & St, Amour .... Tobacco M trs. 3 G* & Damase St. Amour Tetreault A., & Co Joiner Cont'rs. 4 Tetreault Augustin Joi iier Cont'r. 3 6* Thackrav Charles. . . . Bricklayer Cont'r. 4 8 Thayer Lina>' Orton Surgeon '■,• Theriault Victor Undertaker 3 6J Thdrien & Fr^re Jewellers '* Tiierien J. Horniisdas — Gro. & Cig irs 3* 7* Therien Miss Josephine Dry Goods Therien Ovide Boots & Shoes 4 Therien Stanislas Co&l & Wood Thibaudeau Bros., & Co. Whol. Dry I » , * , Goods. (^^-^^ Thibaudeau C, & Co . . .Mfrs. Boots & I „. Shoes! ^' . Thibaudeau Isidore, & Co.. .Whol. D. I „■ 4. Goods I ^* ** Thibaudeau Jean Bte Grocer 3i 7* Thibaudeau Jos. Ulric Working ) o 7 Jeweller 5 Thibault Alexis Grocer 3 7. Thibanlt Charles E Fancy Goods 3 5* Thibault Jean C.mi'r. Thibrtult Joseph Tins & Plumbing 3* 7* Thibanlt Severe Grocer 3 7 Thibodeau & Bourdon Lumber 2^ 4 Thivierge Bazile Carpenter 3 7 Thivierge Michel Boots <& Shoes 3 6* Thomas D^sir^ Butcher 4 Thomas Henri. Butcher 3 6* Thomas . I Tin.'-niith 4 8 Thomas James Painter Cont'r. 2* 4 Thomas John M f rs. Agent. 20 ThomsiH Philip. Painter Cont'r. 3 Thomas K. K Real Kstate Agt. 20 Thomas v\ m., & Co Whol. Furs 2* 5. Thompson B. & S. H. & Co Whol. I H'ware ( 1* 2 Thompson C. S • Grocer 4 8 Thomp-on & Co Mfrs. Boots & Shoes 2 2* Thompson Edgar.See Crown Car.& Plush lionovating Co. Thompson J. L., Sons & Co Mfrs. ? * 1 it . .^.,. Patent Medicines ^ ^^ ^-^ ;.,.,„, a Br. Troy,N.Y. Thompson James Saloon Thompson W. R Boots & Shoes 3 6* Thomson A. D., & Co. . .Grain & Com'n 2* 4j Thomsou J. S., & Co Auct. & Com'n. 2* M> r MON QUEBEC. £ ON 2iH 8 7 ITionson Jnnies .... Cabinetmaker H Thornton John SadiHer Si 7j Tlu)uin & Debien Grocers 3 7 Tliouin ejoseph , .Grocer »i 7i Thouin L. G Groc-r 2i 5 Tbouret, Fltzglbbon & Co... Importers ) Dry Goods, &c. S Thurston E. H Boot & Shoe Mfr. niurston 1. I)., & Co. Boot & ShoeMft-s. Tiffin Bros Whol. Grocers Tigh J. A., & Co Anction^'ers Tiunnons M., & Son . . .Glng«r beer Mfrs. See Queibeo Tlndal Thomas Paint<'r Cont'r. 4 8 TIscm C, C. L.,&Co Grocers Tohin Id Hardware Tolmio Murdoch Joiner Cont'r. Tomhyll Tlios. , & Co Cigar Mfrs, Toml>yll R.N.., Upholsterer Toohey J< hn Grocer TooJte Bros SMrt & Collar Mfrs. Tooke R. J Gents' Furnishings 2i Torranco Davi'i , & Co Gen. Mers. 2 " Torrance Forbes. Woolens Torrance W. F . .Forwarding & Coni'n Tougas Edmond Grocer Tonjias Isidore Grocer TougHS Joseph Grocer & Dry Gds. Ton pin & Frere Gro. & Prov. Toupin Ovila Hotel & Barber Tourangeau Nap. & Co.Hat Block Mfrs. Tourvillo L,, & Co Lumber & Grain Towle & Michaud . . .Mfrs. Fire Proof I Paints I 8 4 3 8 3 3 2 2i4i Town end J . E Spring Bed Muf r . 3i 6i 6 H 3 3i Tracy Dennis Green Grocer Tracy William . . Joiner & Undertaker Travellers Life & Ace. Ins. Co. of Hart- j ford, Conn. | Tremblny A . Grocer Trerablay & Brissette.Barbers, Cigars, » &c. ( Tremblay Ferdinand.. Sash & Door Mi'r. Tremblay P'rs. Nil Blaoksmith Tremblay (iilbert. Flour & Grain 3 Tremblay H.M Hardware 3i 7 Tremblay N Hotel 4 8 Trepanier Jos. Esdras Barber 4 Tr^panier Onesime Coal & Wood 3i 'i Tressider & Co. Cabinetmakei's Trester Henry Whol. Fey. Gds. Tre^tler & Globensky Dentists Trotter Bros Warehousemen Trott-er & Fils Butchers Troude Peter H Leather Trouillard Armand Coppersmith Troy S*eam Laundry Co. (The) 3 Tru'deau F. X Clothing TrudelE.,&Co Tobacco 4 Trudel J. B. A., & Co Staty & Fey Gds. Trudel Joseph Joiner Cont'r. 3J 6J Trudel Jules Conf ect.. Tobacco, ftc. * Trudel Louis Joiner Cont'r. 3 6i Trudel Prudent ... Grocer 4 Trust & Loan Co. of Canada 1 J Truteau Alfred Saloon Trudeau Alfred C Baker 2i 3J Turcot AuguHte...Confecty., Cigars, &c. 4 8 Turcot Napoleon Tinsniitli 4 Turcotte Jules Grocer 4 Turcotte Marc Grocer 4 Turgeon Miss Delphine Millinery 4 " True Witness " (The) Tucker George Pat. Medicines Tucker H. E., & Son. . . .Mnfg. Jewellers 104 8 8 8 8 7 S fi 5 6 7 ?! Turcot IfMore, »r - Blacksmith 4 Turcot Joi. U Vinegar Mfr. 2J Turcotte A. ft Co Clothing 8 Tfirgeon Tne()phile . Dry Goods Jobber I „. & Corset Manfr. ( ^' Turgeon Zotlqu* Mer. Tailor 2} Turnbnll Hjos. T., &Co.Hardware Agts. 3 Turner Jolin Grocer 8 Turner Richard Grocer 8 Turner Rose &Co W. Gro. & Imps, ) Teas Spec. cap. f 30, 00 } 2} 8J to May I. 1891 J Tun>er,'St. Pierre & Co. Sew. Macljs., \ Pianos, & Furniture f aj 4 Turpln OMvler Hairdresser 4 Turpin W. J., & Co.Iin porters tk Com'n. 8 Turpin Z<4j)hirin .Barl)er, Tobacco, &o. 3 6 Tweedle Wm Butcher 3 5 Tyler R., Sons & Co. Whol. Woolens, &c. 2^ 4^ Tyler WiUiam Confectioner 4 8 U Ulley Jabes J. .Brushes & Wire Worker 8 64 Ulley William H Brushmaker 3 6 Union Bank of Canada, Local Mngr. . . . Branch See Quebec. Union Mutual Life Ins. Co li Union Pacific Tea Co See W. D. Gallagher United States Life Ins. Co. of New 1 York} 1* 4 7J " 6 Upton Frank Restaurant Usherwood Joseph Painter Cont'r. 8 Vacuum Oil Co IJ IJ Br. Rochester, N. Y. Vadoboncceur L. D Mer. Tailor 4 8 Vaillancourt Benjamin. . .Grain & Flour 2i 6 Vaillancourt Janvier A Produce 2* 5 Valade Joseph Wheelwright * Valade Moise, & Flls Hotel 8 6 Valade Toussaint. . Fey Goods & Cooper 4 8 Valin Abel Mason Contractor Valiquette Alfred Livery * Valiquette Alfred A Dry Goods 24 4 Valiqut'tte Alplionse Dry Goods Valiquette Alphonse Joiner Cont. '2l Valiquette Arl tide Coal & Wood 3 Valiquette Felix S Grocer 3 7' Valiquette L. R .... Furniture 8 7 Valiquette Lenfrol Blacksmith 4 8 Valiquette Zotique Butcher 3i 7J ValWeC. &N Hotel Valine Conrad Dry Goods 3 5i VallfeeL. &T Hotel See Louis Vallee, Cote St. Michel. Vallee Treffle .... Joiner Contractor Valliferes Olivier Hotel Vallieres Boch Lime Kiln Valliferes S. D Grocer Valliferes Victor Grocer Valoi'i Alphonse Grocer Vandamme Joseph Fruits, &c. 4 8 Van Bogaert J. Aloise Joiner Cont, 4 7J VandelHC George Produce, &c. 8 7 Vandevllet Thos., & Co. , . .Contractors * Vanier Frferes Grocers 8 6* Vanipr Joseph Boots & Shoes 3i 7j Vanier & Lessge Dry Goods 24 ^ Vanier Phil^as Grocer 2} 4 Vary Arthur Grocer 3 7 VaiTT & Jourdanet Boots & Shoes Vas-y Thos. B Chemical Mfr. 3 « Vaudry Charles Painter Cont. 8i 7 i*^ ON Mow 4 S 2Hi Vaughftn C. A Mfni. Agent 4 VanghBii Tho8. J. Staty,, Foy. Gds.. &c. 4 8 Vautier Philippe SbipwrigUt 4 Vhux Win Grocer 8 7 Ven«bleB Jo?,, * Co Paper Bulers 4 » Vendette floBpph WatchniHker 3 SJ Voiidettp Xavier WatcheB & Jewellery 3 7 Verdon Cyrille Joiner 3 6 Verdun Paul, & Co Hotel * Vermette Kabien Hotel 3 7 Vermette Geo., sr Prnlts 3 5^ Vemiette T.4on . . .Physician & Drugs 4 8 Vpnuette & Masse Grocers 4 8 Verret. Stewart & Co Com'n, 2i 3i & Queoeo. Verrownean Dosith*^, jr Grocer 4 8 Verry Geo. & Co Paints, &o. 3 7 Vertefeulle R"cli ...Joiner Contractor 4 Vpraallles Nazaire — Butoher Versailles Prosper Butch»T 2J 4 J Vezina Frt^d«5ric Grooer 3 7 V^zina Jos Barber 4 Vezina Jos, C Mer. Tailor 4 8 Vezina Maxinie Saloon 3 Viau & Frfere. Hiscuit Mfrs. & Confpcty. 2 Viau Horniisdas. Hotel Victoria Bottling Co. (The).Not Incorp ) Wine & Beer Bottlers S Victoria Coffpe & Chop House (The) , . . Victoria Mutual Fire Ins. Co li VidricaireC Saloon 4 Vien8lx)uiB, jr Hotel Viv-er & Gr Uiidler Mer. Tailors Viger J, E.. & Co Lumber Yinemure Ald«5rlc Joiner Cont. 3 7 Villeneuve J. Bte ....... Butcher 4 Villeneuve J.O., &Co ...Whol, Grocers li 2 Villeneuve L,, & Co Lumber, &c. See St. Louis of Mile End Vincelette J. Bte Hot^l 3 ^ Vincent Kusfebe Grocer 3 I Vincent Geo. T Agr'l Implts. Agt. 2i Vincent ,J. Bte Boilermaker 3i 6 Vincent Tretfl*^ Saddler 4 Vineberg & Co Pawnbrokers 3 7 Vlneberg Isaac Sec. Hand Clothing * Vineberg Jos W. & R. Clothing 3J 6i Vineberg M., & Co. Whol. Ha s & Purs 2 2 Vinette Onesime. . . . Mfr. Boots & Shoes 3 Vipond Benjamin L Coal & Wood 3 Vipor.d J. J., & Co Whol. Fruits 2 Vipond, Mc Bride & Co Whol Fruits 2J Vipond T. S., & Son Whol, Produce 2 Virolle Peter Picture Framer 3 Virtue James Ales & Porter 2 Voisard Edouard . , .Hay & Grain 4 Volkert & Shnauffer.Fur PrePS. & Dyers 3 7 Voyer Simon Stair Builder -if W Waddell Thos. H Saloon 3 WadeE. J. & Co Commission 3 WaltC4«orge & Co Produce 2 3 Wait James Contractor Walker Bros Whol. Dry Goods 2^ 5 Walker Cha-. M ..Hotel 4 8 Walker Daniel Confectionery 3 Br, Ottawa, Out. Walker J, R Paper Stock 2i 5 Walker James Confectioner 4 Walker .lames, & Co Hardware 2^ 5 Walker James, & Co Hotel Walker John H Wood Engraver 4 Walker Wm Tinsmith A Pl^mber 3 6J Walker Wm.S Jeweller 2i 3i Wall .Ta« Mason Con tractor 2J U Walsh & BnHsl^re Mer. Talh)rs sj 7J Walnh Matthew Furniture 2i 6 WalHh Richard Grocer 3 M Walsh W.N Mer, Tailor 4 8 Walters C. H Banker 20 Wand Alex, A Contractor 2i 4 Wand Peter Contractor 3 6 Ward. Carter k Co,.Whol. Oro. & Prod. 2 3 Ward Henry, & Co Mfrs. Agent. 20 Ward J. K Saw Mills & Lumber 1* 2 Wards. H Mfrs. Agent 3 7 Wardlow Jan. H,, & Co. Leather & Find's 2J H Warmington Jos. H Hotel See E. L, Gordon. Warmijiton B. & W. Tin Stampers, &e, 2} 4 Warren Scale Co Scale Mfrs, 3 T Warren W. P. . Cigars & Tobacco 4 8 Warrington J, T.& F. H..rrod. Shippers 2i Wa.sbroad David ....Working Jeweller 4 3 Washbrook ImmIh Grocer 8 6 Waters Bros. .& Co Printers 3 6 Waters David Furniture 34 7i Watkins J Hairdresser * Watkins Robert L Grocer 4 WataoM John C Mfr. Wall Paper i A 2 Watson J. T Grocer 3| 7^ Watson, Jamieson & Co.Varnihh Mnfro. See Wm. Watson Watson & Pelton Electroplated Ware ) „, ,. Agents (, ^* ** Watson William Broker 2} 4^ & Watson , Jamieson & Co. Watt Alexander Baker 3 Watt David A. P Warehouseman Watte James Oliver... Hardw. & Paints 3 /. Wattt) William Boots & Shoes Weaver Geo. W Wool & Pelts 3 Webb Francis Grocer 3J 6 Webster Mrs. , wid. J. H Hotel 4 8 Webster Ozro C Hotel 3 7 Webster Thos., & Co Plumbers * Webster W. J.,&Co...Boot&SlioeM'rs. 2i Si Weir J., & R Machinists & ) Engineers f 2J 6 Weir Robert, & Son Bnilders 2} 4 Weir & Son8..Bk'rs & Exchange Brokrs 2 8 Weldon George Carver & Gilder 3 6- Wells George Machinist 3 6 Weljs & Ricliardson Co Pat. Medicines Paid-in Cap. $100,000 ; surp. »250,0 Br. Burlington, Vt. Welsh D H Confectioner 4 8 Welsh & Rough Confectioners 3i Werton Michael Drv Goods, &c. See Wm. FuUum. WescottWm Coal Oil 4 Westbrook Fred. & Co. Leather Bag Mfrs 3 6 West End Dry Goodp (The)See Peier Harkness Western Ass. Co. (Thei IJ Wethey Edgar — Hairdresser * Wheeler Frank Mer. Tailor * , 'r Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co Sew. Mach. 1} Whelan Dennis Coal & Cartage 3 J 6^ Whelan John P Contractor, &c. 2 Whelan Wm Coal ^ 4i Spec. Cap. 54,000 to June 30, 1894 ) Wliite A. J., & Co. (Limited). Pat. Med, 1 ,y Br. Loudon, Eng. White J. D., &Co Grocers 3 White B.C.. Boiler Maker White R., & Co Shoe Stock Mfrs. 2i 4| White Stephen Plasterer Contractor 3 6 105 B|<»N qV|:bec. m^ White The..Whol. [.eath. I ... . Spec. cap. Stl4,(W0 to AUR. 1, l>.... Spring Bed Mfrfl. 2j Wiley A. T., & Co. . . .Crtnikery & Glass jj 4i Wdl atn Alphoiise T Dry Goods 3 Cj Williams Ed. A Tobacco & Cigars 4 WilUanis, Flint & Co. . . . Mfrs. Agents 20 Williams .Tohii Saloon 3j u Williams Mufg. Co. (Incorporated) I j. Sewing Machines. ( * Sub. cap. !$50(>,<)(Mt ; paid-in ^43i» (HXt Williamson J. B Whoi. Jeweller 2i SJ Williamson James Warnhouseman 3 Willie O. A Hal8& Furs 3 5i Willis & Co Pianos 2J 3j Willicon Bros Grocers 3 (5* Wills Alex Mfrs. Agent 20 Wilson A., & Cov Fire Proof Paints 3 Wil9(m Charles..'. B ot8&Shoe><3 GJ Wilson Frnk Conind8:*ion Wilson Frere* Coal, Woml & Grain 3 FJ Wilson \- Frost lieal Estate Agts., 3 6 Wilson George Boots & Shoes Wilson & Green Commi^8ion 2* 3J Wilson J. C.. & Co Papermaken*, &c. ij 2 Wilson Janiea.jun. Engineer & Steam- \ „. qi boat Stipplies f ^f •** Wilson John Book & Job Printer 2* 5 Wilson John 11 W. & R. Hardware 2 2i Wilson Juiieph Coal & Wood 2i 5 Wilson L. A., & Co Com n Wln.'s 20 Wilson Miss Elizabeth. . . .Millinery, &c. 4 8 Wilson, Paterson & Co. . . Nazal Store* li 1 also Pat>'rs(m, Downing & Co. N. Y. City Wilson Robert C Mer. Tailor 3 « Wilson Thomas, & Co .Whoh H'dware 2^ 4 Wilson Walter, & Co. .Mfrs' Agents & ( „. . . Conj'ri ) ^* ** Windsor Hotel Company (Incorp'ted.) ) ,1 p^id-in cap. $373,500. ( '* Windsor J. W Canned Goods 3 6 Wingate Chemical Co. .(Not Incorp'ted) See B. E. McGa'e Winn & Holland .. Gen'lCom'n H'ware 2i 4 Winship T. J., & Co Cigar Mfrs. 2i 4 J Wi.'or8& HotPl 3 5 Wiseman & Miron feutchers Wiseman James L Wood Engraver 3 7 Wianer J. O. Son,&Co.Mfr8.Agrl. Impts. 2 2J Br. Brantford, Ont. Withell James W Builder & Joiner 2i U Withell John Old Curiosity Shop 2j 5 Withers J. P., & Co Agents Woer.-hdpir8ki J Clothing 4 Wood & Evans Insurance Agents IJ IJ Wood George Samaritan Balm * Wood J. H Contractor * Wood John Saw Mfr. 3 7 Wood Peter W.... Watches & Jewellery 4 106 Woods Robert fJontractor • " Woods , Mam del Mnfr's Agent ' W(M>lley George &Co Upholsterers Workman Charles A Cbithlng ^ 7J Workman Isaac Clothing 2* 4 Workman Ma^k ('lothing 3} 7 Wray Joseph Charles Undertaker 3 5i Wright James f!ontraols, *c. 3i 7J Wright Patrick Dry Glx Co. On Xivth Shore Jiioer St. Lawrence, DO mile* Eaitt from Quibee, Si'mi^w^ik'hf ntenmer, J'op. ' ft«0. Tel. & Monty (h-fier OJflce. Ecn. St. Philippe da Nery. Dank at Fraaein- ville. Angers Elio Notary PnhHo ft P.M. • nimrer .Tohn B . .,. .Gen. Store, Mllln, &c. 3 6| Mlierpr TlifMims '. General Htoro 3j ('aron Kenlliiaud BlackoniitU 4 8 (!auch(lv,v.'i..«.. .Contractor 3J Fortin JoHcph General Store (iagnon Naroisae Shoemaker 4 8 (iirard Amivble.... .. Blacksmiths 7 Ifarvey Kilo Grocer 3 7 Harvey Mrs Boarding House 3J 'i J.abrecqne L, Honore Pbyslcian 3 6} l.apoirite A. P General Store 2i 5 Lapr)inte & Bouchard. Mill 3 Lame W. H General Store 3i I.aterrifere F. X. dit De Salles Physician 4 8 liefranvols Philippe , Tinsmith 4 8 Maltais Francois .General Store 2J 5 Keverin William, Jr Blacksmith 4 8 'J'rcmblay Dominique General Store 4 8 Trenihlay Louis Blacksmith 3i 7 J Trudel AnibrotJ'fl Cart\vTight 4 8 Tnidel WilHam Cntpenter * Turcotte .foseph . : Shoemaker 4 8 VlUeneuve Oodfroid Blacksmith 3 T lilYSTIC. Misslsqnol Co. On Lake Champlnin and St^(\wrence Junction n. H. Pop. 150. Tel. &^xp. Bank at Bed- fi)7'd, 2mileii. (ioudreaulsale General Store 3 6^ Hall J, M General Store 4 8 Walbridge A. S...Agrl, Implts.&F'ndry 2i 4 NAMUB. (or New Belgium). Ottawa Co. On tri-weekly star ? route from PapinenuviUe, 2.') miles. Tel. & Exp, Papintauville. JSnaik at Ottawa, 70 miles, Pop. 50. BindaJean Grocer & P.M. 4 8 Brazeau Elie Grocer- 3 7 Davissa Jules . Grocer 3J 7i MoUeur Martin Qroc-v 3 7 Quenneville Capiille Blacksmith 4 8 NAPIERVILLE. NaplervlUe Co. County seat, Staqe from Stotfsville, 7 miles, 27 miles S. E. of Montreal. Tel, a; Money Order Office. Exp, Stottsvitle, Bei olt Leonard ,^- Physician 3 fii Blais H ,•••.',". Tinsmith 4 8 Blais Joseph Agent & Blacksmith 3 Br()spa.rd Alphe , . . . . .Butcher * Brosseau C Hotel 3^ li Catudal N. & T Carriagemakers 2 2l CourviUeNarciase.k..... Bajcer 8 m Dachesiie Kpiplmue Cabinutniaker 4 8 Filion .loaeph , .loiner 4 8 Fo^ln Ceaa ,, Cattle 3 7 Foitin Thr i Fredett* Augunte. Cattle 4 8 (iareeuu NnrcLsie... .....„.,. Blftckmnlth 4 8 (Jauthior F. X BlH.kHiiiith 3 7 Gervwis Udmond. . . .V. . . . ."Bfools * Slioe^ 8 ' 6 Gigon Alexis .......,»b Watclies GlrouxClmrirs TliiKmith 4 8 Gregoh-e Nareiwe Hnry & Grain 8 7 Guay ft Fr^re General Store 8 B^ IlMbert& Murlii <}. S. Hebert Mrs. Elle MilllnHry I.andry A Carp. * Flux Mill 3 7 , Leblanc — General Store 3 6} l.oblancZ Saddler 4 Lenioinc & Roy .Stan.r: '. Postmaster Hobii) Charles, & Co. .Fish & Gen. Store i , See Pasipeblac* NEir.ETTE. RlmouRklCo. ^^ ', 'See Sainte Angele De Merlci. ■* :';*;|I,7i NBIL'i^ CORNERS. Shettord Cow "ol See Granboto. >.',!/ NEI^ONVILLE. Mlssisqaoi Co. *'>I^ ^ I- :^';;;;"' see CowansTille. '^ . /' '■.] : ^: If NEW AR]IIA<;H. L«tblnlere Co. ' Twenty-jive miles from Craii/s Road, 12 miles from Methot's Alifh. Tel. Jb Exp. MetAot's Mills. Bk. at Quebec, 42 miles. Pop. 100. Neill Mrs. K. J., wid General Store 2\ 5 Neill Kobert Saw & Grist Mill z\ \i NEWBOIS. L.otbinl«re Co. , »^ See Saint Narcisse de Beaurivage. . , NEW CARLISLE. Bonaventnre Co. CouTtty seat and Port of Entry on the Baie des Choileurs. Weekly Steamers from Quebec. Pop. 1000. Tel., Exp. at Dallunisie, N.B., 57 miles. Bank Paspebiac. Assels Wm. J General Store 3 6J BeaulienC. H. Grocer Caldwell Thos. J.. . Gen. Storo & P.M. 2i 4^ Day James, jr., & Co General Store > a See Cox West < ^* De St. Croix Charles Shoemaker 4 j GosselinT. D Geui>ral Store 4 8 , m Nkw QUEBEC/ Kic LeBoutilller & Co. (in liquiilntion) (i Jacnimoii Nainiin] Phnto. 9c WAtohiw 4 7} Laforrl^re Aiiial>le A riiyRiolnti ft i Hpt^rulntor I 9^ fi H. * FiBli! I 8«e Le H(>utllli«r Bros., PMpeblte. NKW DURHAM. l>rumm«»a Oo. ' 8eti South DiirhMin. • < .i ^ .c ■ NEW r.L,A8()OW. Terrebonne Co. Six tniU-H ft-nm Sf. F/ut. Pop. 2fl«. Tel. A Exp. Hank at St. Jerome, 10 tnilfs. Allnii John Blacksmith 3 BtflangerJ. B Hotel 3 Benett George Oen. Store 2A Bertrand Mrs., wid. Nap. Temp. Hotel 3^ Callahan .Tohu Snoes & Saddlery 3) ChiirlKtuneau — I^ker 4 Davis John Saw H Grist Mills 2 Griflin Jamen UlackHmlih 4 Groulx Daniel Builder* Hale & Co Taimerx 2^ Hamilton John Oen, Storo 4 Harcourt James C^ardlng Mill 4 Lambert L. J. A P. M. ftUen. Store « Landry F. X Shoemaker 3 MorriHSon William, jr Saw Mill 3 Murray John, son . . .Gen. Store & Tailor 2^ New Glasgow Milling Co ... Pauz(^ Francis Turning Shop 3 Poitras Frs. X Butcher 4 Sculley Patrick Saw Mill 2i 7 7 6 7 ? ?j 3i J! NKW IRELAND. Megantic Co. See Maple Grove. ifKW LIVERPOOL (or St. Romuald). Levis Co. On Simfh ghore of St, r^wrenee * the Grand Exp. Levis, 10 8 Trunk li.R, i'op. lOi). Tel miles. Bank at Quebec. Bougie Pranyois Grocer 4 Demurs Louis Butcher 4 Forcade Albert .P.M. & Grocer 8 5i Gingras Edoiiard Gf n. Store 3 5* McCready l<>louard Grocer 3^7} McCrpady Nap Gri>cer McCready Mrs. liobert, wld .Gen. Store 2i 6 Parartis Augufltin Ship Chandler 4 8 Smith, Wade & Co Lumber See Quebec. .. NEW PAISLEY. Terrebonne Co. See Sainte Sophie. NKW PORT. Gftspe Co. OH Bale ties Chaleurs, 37 miles from Perce. Pop. 300. Tel., Exp. Dalhoasie, N.B. Bank Paspebiac. Ahem J. & Co Gen. Store 4 Grenler G., & Co Gcu. Store 4 Hatnon llobt. Phillip.Gen. Store & P.M. * Jdssops J Gen. Store 4 lae Marquand Eliaa J Gen. Store 3 6 Bobin Ghs., & Co Fish, &c. See Paspebiac. NEW RICHMOND. Boiittventure Co. Oa Bale d^s Chaleurs, 34 mile$ Jhrni Dal- lu.usie, N.B. Pop. 850. 2W., Eayt. Dal- ficuaie , N. B. Ba/nk Paspebiac. Brash Richard Gen. Store, &c. Campbell Angus D Bdg. House: &c. 4 7^ lOS (•ami»b«»Il Johti A Grain, Ac. S ' 0«>peau Louis. . .Physician & Gen. Store Dimock AU-xander .. . ... Gun. Store 4 7i Fair Kobett Sbifiglffl & Gmi. Store GarantG Saw Mill » 7 Hendfraim J. B HiiffheH Patriok. Qen. Store 4 ^ Hutotilson Wm tJameiHon James Saw Mill 8 T Johnson NAtlianlel Sew Mach. Aet. 4 7^ Kerr David Pr«»v.. &<•,. 3 « McNalr A , Geu. Store McRae J Moir Wni Agent Agrl. Imp! ts. 3i 7J Montgomerv II- Hudson Gen. Store ii 4 Roltertson James. . , .Gen. Stor« & Hotel Steele KdwarU Trader 3 7 TuylorGeerge G Gen. Store 3 6 Taylor John Prod. 3 7 Watson John Blacksmith 4 NEW ROCKLAND. Ittehmond Cq. . ;: .;' (See Kingsbury) '.','•. 7,';'. • NICOLET. Nloolet Co. Six miles/rom St. Ortgoire, & 81 miles V.ff.E. of Montreal. Steamer from Three Hirers daily. Pop. 3, WO. Tel., Money Order Office cfc Exp. A "banking town. Ball George Saw Mill Ranque VTlle Marie See Montreal Baxter James Jeweller Beauchemin Etienne Grocer Beanchemin & Prfere Dry Goods Beauchemin Octave .. Baker Bi'auchemin Tht^oithlle Dry Goods BeHuuiier MifS fi^lise ...Grocer 8^ Beliveau Denis Carrlagemaker 3 Beliveau Hllaire Undertaker Boisclair L. Na,pol^on ....... Gen. Store Boudreau Philippe Baker Bourque Callxte. Qro. & Hardware Caron Napol»5im Blacksmith Chaurette Tli»*ophile Grocer Courchesn^ W.,& Qo, .. . Grocers, &c. Cn^peau Maxime ...Carpenter DeoanlnWs D. B. C» Physician DesiletH Emmanuel .Shoemaker 3j 74 DesiletsP A Phyxidan 4 8 Fontaine C^ssire Qro. & Dry Goods Fr(>^senet Louis. Marbler 3j Lesperanco O n Grocer 4 Lewis Albert Butciier Lewis J.E ..Tinsmith 3 McGatf i-ey Charles ^ ........ . Lumber 2i McCaffrey F. John. ; . . . .Physician 3} McCaffrey Prancis. .Saw Mill & Lumber 2i4 3 6 3 c: 3 7 3 7 3 3J I 3 3 * 4 4 7i 7 7 7 8 4i 6 S' 7J Nw QUEBEC. Nob 8 8 8 McCairroy FraiMiiiT.,Jr ...Gen. Stoi« 8i 7^ Martlu Adolpbti B. &8. &.)oiiiur 4 8 Martin J. A General Store 4 Mercuni Dlmuloun^ Blacknnilth ^^ Murln Louis A Ulacksnillh 4 MoelCuthlMrt « Peddlvr # Noel & Co Printers 4 O'Sluiiighntixsy Michael Saw Mill 3 Pafl«0 Ludgor Groo«r 3^7^ PapilloM I'lerre Alfred.. . .PhoU^grapher 3 Pinard J. Bto .baker 3 7 Proulx ()c*ave General Store * proulx Tht'odore Liquors 31 It^n*^ EuH(!be Saddler 3 H(;n& Gi5d<^on Saddler .'J K6n6 Joi«e|)b Francois Saddler 3 Um^ Josfiih Henri Shoenmker Roohette .1. A Gojieral Store 3 Uovhetie Onosline Hotel Rocbette TlK'opblle Baker 3 J RdUBxenn KmmHnuel..Gro. & Hardware 3 Ko'iHBoau T6lortphor«. . . . Uenoral Store 2J Smlih WinceslaB. ... Physician & Drugs 3 Sweeney A Blscksniiui 4 St. ijaun-nt Th(*ophile ,.Ge«. Store 8 Toupin Ovide Baker 3 TonsBlgiiant M Liquors & Butcher 3 Traliau Narclsse Geuvral .Slore Treiiiblay Kvariste.. Grocer 3 Trudel J. I» Butcher 3 Trudel Nuzaire, & Co. Blaoksnttths Vfht'ent Mrs. liorbort Millinery 4 Weed Mvi » . • Grocer 4 5' 7 6 6 h 7 8 6 7 6 7 7 8 8 NirOL-ET FAliLS. BlohDnond Co. Three 7nU en from Danville. Tel. Jt Exp. Dan- vtlle. Bank liichmond, 18 tnitea, HallWllardB Blacksmiths 6 Morrill A. James GrlHt Mill, Sash I „, - , ,,, & Door Factory J ^^ » NOMININGlJlfi. Ottawa Co. Dalewyn Jos Gen. Store 4 NOBCLIFFE. Footiac Co. miles from Renfnm, Out. Tel., Mattawa, Ont., 45 milea, Ejop. EBBV. gtanetead Co. lyi, A Exp., Maasawippi. Bank Coaticook. Pop. 50. Cartwright 0. J General Store SiioonerN Gweer 3 BJ WQQdJudBon Gen. Store 2^ 6 :'i;;NORTH GE0ilGE«OW]>I.irtir-h.a ChateangHaj; Co. Twenty miles from Caughnavoagta, Tel, Orms- t»ni>n,l0mjle8. Ejcp. La Pifi)um*iire,13m%les. Sank at Baauhamoia,. MoGarth Alexander .Blacksmith 3 6 NORTH HAM. Wolfe Co. Fifteen mile$ from Garthhu, 21 miUit /rrwn ArthalKuka Station. Tel., Exp. A Ikink, Arthabanka Station. From Snerbivok^ 6U miles. J 'op. 1400. Dials Patrice P. M. & Hotel 8 6i < Houtier David . . . Cheese Futy & Farntur .'i 7 l)U4Uctto Loiilg Joiner 34 TJ Oaudi't Octave Geu'l Store, Saw & I „, „ CirlHt MUIh ( ^* ° Or^golre Ad<'lard Hlioomakcr 4 t Junuau Jean Bbe Carriugonmkt>r 4 8 LaJ. See Plaisance. , mi. \ NORTH ONSL.OW. Fontlac Co. Stone from Amprior, Ont. , 17 milea. Pop. 110. Tel., Exp, Bank at Ainpriur, Ont. Gibbons E General Store 3J 7 O'Oonnell John. ..Geiieral StoroA P.M. 3 6 Rutledge Joseph General Store 3 6 Shuppard Mrs. I General Store 3 1 NORTH PrNACLE. MlsKigquol Co. Pop. 125. Tm. & Exp. Frelighabarg, 4 miles. Bank at Bedford, lo milea. Spencer £. S Carriagemaker 3^ 7^ NORTH STANBRIDGE. Miasisquol Co. 6ir milea from Stanbridge Station, mi South Eaatarn R,R. Pop. 150, Tel. d; Exp., Mffatic, 24 milea. Bank at Bedford, 6 mipta. Allaire Dominique General Store RetnlUard Joel General Store 4 8 StoDu Adam M Insurance Agent 3 6 NORTH STOKE. Richmond Cor(^— Hotel 3J 7 Stacey Mrs. Jane, widow Hotel 3 7 ;> NORTON Mil LS. Stanstead Co. See Stanhope. NOTRE DAME DK GRACE. Hoclielaga C«*. .?'::«'■■ Tel., Exp. & Bank at Montreal, 2 rtiiles. Pop. 400. DCcarie L6on...... P. M.&M.rocer 2\ 5 D^carie Koch Blacksniif h 3 6 Levesqiii' Louis Felix Joiner Cont'r 4 8 St. Maurice Kapbael .. . . .. Jilacksuiith 4 8 Sauvage Alphonse Wheel wfight 3^ NOTRE DAME DE L'ASSi^AlPTJ^ON, • " ' Rimouski 1 o. Fourteen mile a from, MetiK, 11 miles from St. Octave, 'lei.' & Exp. St, Octave. Ji(ink ai Fraserville. J'op.250.'"* '' ' Aubut & Dechene ;V. ; . . ;Buttery 4 8 Caron J. P. & hi Fishery 4 8 Caroii Mi-8. Amb . Hotel 4 8 Deschene 13enoit Biacksniith 4 8 Deschene Louis Black-mith 3^ 7i Desrobiers Alexis ....... Tanner 3 6j Desrosifr.s Louis Napoieon. . Gen. Store 3 Fournier Franvois .Blacksmith 3 7 Fournier Theopliile Tanner 3 6i Gagnon A Grist & Saw Mill 4 8 LariveeJ. E General Store 2i 4^ Larue S. A Physician 3^ 7^ Leve-^que Pierre .Cardii g jyiiU 4 . Masse Israel . . Gfeiierrft StoW 3J 7i Perrault Frs. X Saw & Grist Mill 3 6 , Plourde Michel Gr.istMlll 3 6 Bouisseau Laurent Tinsmith 3 7 Verrault Chrysostome Shoemaker 4 8 <^ NOTRE DAME DE LA SALETTE. Ottawa Co. NOTRE DAME DE LA TERRIERE, •*^ ■' Chlcoutiinl Co. ': "'^'';^ See Later ritre. NOTRE DAJVIE DEX'^SL^ VpRTE. Temiscouata Co. Nine miles from Isle Verte, and J8 miles from Eraseri'i/te Tel. d; Exp. Isle \erte. Bank at Fr&serville. Fraser Pierre, ,.. ... Postmaster NOTRE DAME DlE RICHELIKU.'"- BpuviUe Co. f' iti,..iv>!- See Richelleui""*"' ":''•'■'" NOTRE DAME DE STANBRIDGE. '. '■'■'i/'t;,., Mlsslsquoi Co. :.,f.,H^.,(>:', Pop. 200. Tel. & Exp. Malmaison, '6 miles. Bank Bedford, 10 tniles, Bedard Hercule Tinsmith 4 Bouchard Joseph General Store 3 7 Cartier Moi-e Agi'llniplt. Agent 3A 7J Clement Benjamin. CarriagemaKer 3 7 Dal. ^Theodore. Saddler 3 7 Desforges Charles Butcher 4 8 iJesniarais A Tai.nor 3 Despelbeau J. Bte Grist Mill Oingras Alfred Blacksmith 4 Glrard Pati ice Shoiniaker 4 8 Gosselln & Fiere . . .General Store 2 3i Laf ranee Joseph Butchtr Mesnard Th6oi)hiIe Blacltsmith 3i 71 Pike itiver Mills Knitted Goods See Granite Mills, St. llyacinthe. Surnreniint Ji4le8...... Huiel 3 7 Thlbanlt A. T CarriagemaKer 4 Thibault Israel , , Brickmaker Trahan Jos. G^d^on . (Jeneral Store 3 6i NOTRE DAME DE ANGES. Fortneuf Co. Tel. &,Exp. <}rowHnes,^.n4le8. Banje Three Rivers, Pop. 100. Belanger Frijrea. Mills 3i (ii Chateau vert def'.n General Store 4 8 Touzln L.O, O.J, .^..j,..,.... General Store 3 7 NOTRE DAME JDESBOIS. Compton Co. At head of Salmon River, 1^ miles from Scotts- town. Pop, 400.. Tel. & Exp. Saottstown. Bank at Coaticook, 15 miles., Demers Oharles General Store 4 Go- let Isidore ,.. Grist JVi ill 3i 7i Lambert L ...: Gene rtU Store 3 7 Larochelle Jacques Saw Mill 34 7i Lavigne M^daid Blacksmith 4 8 Koberge E .General Store 4 NOTRE DAME LU LAC ST. JEAN. Chicoutiml Co. See lloberval. NOTRE DAM:E DU lac. fX^mlMonta Co. On Lalct Temisoouata, 47i miles from Fraser- ville & Temiscouata Pop. 400. Td. ot Exp. hank at Fraserville . Anderson John General Store 4 8 Anderson L. S General Store See St. Rose du Degele Beaulieu A. Philippe General Store 3 6 Bertrand (J. G' . . ■,'.,... . Mill See P, Rer^r^nd S^ Co., Isle Verte. Cloutier Pierre A., jun. . . .Hotel * G. S. 3 6 Dub6 Philia* . General Store Gagn6 Jos. Denis G.S. & Flour Mill 3 6 Satre Joseph .....General Store 4 8 Tardif Ckophas General store 4 § Not QUEBEO: Orm NOTRJK DAME DU tAUS. Ottiawa Co. Tel. <& Exp. Duck'mghnm, 60 miles. Bank at Ottawa, Ont. Pop. 50. Bhiette Alphonae 4 McCabe James . . ,,. QeueraJ Store 2i 6 NOTKE DAME DU PORTAGE. Temiscouatii Co. On the Houth shore of the St. Jjnioriiice, SA viiles from Lake Itoad and Inlercolonial R.ii. Tel. & Exp. Bank at FrastreilU',^ miles. Pop. 180. Boucher Pascal . Cabinetraaker 3i 7 (■rondiu G General Stx>ro & Hotel 3 6 Micliaud Edouard. BlacksiiiUh 3 7 Mlchaud Miss A Hotel 3i 7i NOUVKLiI^E. Bonaveiiture Co. Twelve viiles from Carleton, and 20 miles from CainpbeUfon, X./i. Tel. &• Exp. Dalhousie,, JianJc at Paspibiac. Pop.HiO, A Hard Charles Gen. Store 3 7 Allard Eniest General Store 3 G Biijal Lazarre (icueral Store 3i 7i Cullen John Trader & Tanner See Carleton Cyr Pierre Gauthier F. A General Store Gauthier Joseph General Store 4 7i Gautliier Michel General Store 3i . Goff John General Store 4 8 Landry John General Store 3 7 LeGallais Edmoud GeneralStore 3^ 7i Lynch Francois General Store 3 6 McKae John Grocer 3^ 7i Marcotte Z General Stox-e 3 7 NOYAN. Mlsslsquol Co. ■ ■ ' Stngefrom Lacolle, 2 miles. Pop. 400. Tel. & Exp. , Lacolle, Jiank at St, Johns, 23 jnt^es. Dean Jos. W General Store 2i 5 Derrick Lyman H .Generrfl Store Sj 6i Derrick \\m. J General Store 3 .5 Naylor B. V . .Lumber & (Joal 3i 7^ St, Jean Alexandre * laoKsmith 4 8 Spears John D Bluckumiih 3i 7i NUTT'S CORNEltS. Missisqnoi Co. Two and a-half miles from Clarenceville, 6i miles from Lacolle. Tel. & Exp. , Lacolle. Bank at tit. Johns, '21 miles. Creller George A . . Stationery OAK POINT. Bonaveutare Co. Your.g Mrs, E Postmistress OAKVII^LiE. tSoulaiiff«» Co. See Saint TelespLore. ODELLTOVVN. St. Johns Co. Three aiul one half miles from Lacolle. lei., Money Order Ojlice <& hxp., Lacolle, Bank at St! Johns, 24 miles. McCallum Duncan Grocer 3 7 OKA. Two MuuiitainH Co. Exp. Vaudrenil, 7 miles. Td. Como, 1 mile. Bank Montreal. Pop. 14(tO. Brisebois Felix Baker & Grocer 3 6 tharrette Gyprien. G, S. & Baker 3 6 Clermont Lt^on Gen. Store 3i 7i Fauieux Noel Hotel 3 6i Hamelln T^lesphore Blacksmith 3i ik Harbour O. A General Store 3 5i Laloude J sidore Cord Wood 3 6J LalondeWm.. .Grain, Ag'l. Jmpts. & ? „■ - Lumber^ ^i " Lefebvro R(?gl8 Joiner Contractor Ouelletie Eugdne General Stoie 4 8 TeasierttyacTiithe; Hotel 3 T Trepanler Joseph. Tinsmith * Trepanier Louis Builder & Grocer 3^ 7 Viau Mrs. Leonard General Store 4 8 OL,IVER. Stanstead Co. On Lake Memphremagoq , 20 miles from Sher- brooke. Embury W. H. . .Farmer & Agrl. Impts. 3 T Oliver George Postmaster ON.SLbW. Pontlac Co, See Quio. '^ *^ ORM8TOWN. Cliateauguay Co. On the Chateaugnay Jiiver, 25 miles from Caughnatoaga. /'op. XOO. Tel., Money Or- der OJficc & Exp. Bank at Hnntingdofn, 9 miles. 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 6 n 8 4 4 3 4 3 ■if 3 H 7 5 8 8 7 Anderson James Books 3J Baird Thomas — j General Store 2 Bergevin U General Store 4 Boudreau Narcisse J Gen. Store 4 Brotheras Daniel .Carriigemaker Brunet Jo8©i>h Marble Campbell Gilbert C Tinware, &c. Carroll I) Blacksmith Caveis Jaiuea...... Livery, &c. Chambers Daniel Carriagemaker Clayland Allison.... Painter Curry William H,. Saw Mill Darby John Bricklayer, &c. Fontaine Mrs. Eugene. .Ge..eral Store 4 G.ile & Bryson General Store 2^ Gale Charles , Jeweller 4 Gibson Alex Saddler SJ Gibson Wm Saddler 3 Kee Matthew General Store 2J Kee Thos. , & Bro Builders Lang M. & D Machinists Ligget John, Mer, Tailor Ijockerby John C BlHcksmith Lockerby William Brickmaker Long William Furs, &c. McCartney James Saw Mill McCoig Neil, Cattle Dealer . . McCorumck A, .,.,.. Veterinary 8 t McGerrigle James General Store 2J 4 Mcintosh Uobert , . . Cattle Trader ^ McLaren J. H ... Tinsmith 3 McNaughton William. . . Furuiture 2J McNee c;oUn Alex Blacksmiths McNeil Daniel Blacksmith 3 McNeil John — Cariienter '.i^ Ti Maw William & Son . . Shoemakers 4 8 Morrison Mvs. Win Baker 3i 7i MuUin — Grocer MunroA Butcner Ormstown Brick & Terra Co. (limited) I (The) \ Paling Thomas H Hotel Pregent Louis.. Hotel Reid Peter Plastt rer Robertson A Carpenter St. Onge Moi'se ...... General Store Saddler John... Agrl. Implements 3J| 7i Scott Mrs. Mary Confectionery 4 8 111 ^ili 5 7 6 T 7 4 4 4 3 4 8 7 Ott QUEBEC. VvR Simpson James Carpenter 3i 7A Smith James P Furniture 3} 1i Tate Tliomaa Genera i Store 3 6 Taylor E. G Jeweller 4 8 Traverse William Hotel 3* 6i Walsli James General Store 2j 4* Walsh Kobert N..Gen. Store & Saw Mill 2 2} Whelan John Shoemaker 4 8 WhithamH Saddler 4 Windall John Carr. Maker 4 Winter Bros Saw Mill 3 6i OTTAWA COVE. Quebec Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank Quebec, 6 miles. Pop. 400. Hawkins Abel Hotel 3 6 Bocha John Lumber. See Quebec. OTTER LAKE (or Pickanook). Fontiac Co. Thirty-five miles from Sand Point Station. Pop. 500. Tel. Itnjson, 24 miles. Exp. Ha- ley's Station, Out. Bank at lienfrew, Ont., 44 miles. . ., Moore Wm........i Gen. Store Roy Jo.seph General Store 3 6i Stephens Thomas General Stoie 4 OUTREMONT. Hoohelaga Co. From Montreal 2 miles. POp. 100. Tel., Exp. & Rank at Moutrtal. OWL'S HEAD. Brome Co. Five miles from Smith's Mills. Pop. 60, See Herbert. PABOS. Gaspe Co. '' ': .'"'','. See Grand Pabos. ,;, i' PAINCOURT. Terrebonne Co. PAPINEAUVILliE. Ottawa Co. On the North shore of the Ottawa River, mi Canadian Pacific R. R- Daily steamers from Ottawa, Ont. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Ottawa, 41 mile&. B^lisle Em^ry (dit Goyer) . Blacksmith 3 6 BonhommeTheodule. ..Cabinetmaker I . g & Carriagemaker ) Chabot Joseph Wd d 3 ^ Charlebois Ba.-ile Hotel 4 Cote Edouard A. General Store 3S 7i Cote Hjacinthe, jun Mills ?i 7) Cot^ Hyacinthe, sen Hotel 3 6 Dolisle E .... Blacksmith* 3 6i Desjardins L.. N General Store, &n. 2i 5 Duquette P Tanner 3 6 KdwardsC. F.,&Co .... GeneralStore 3i 7^ Gauthier Jean Bte Shoemaker 4 8 Urondiu Jofceph Hotel 3 ^ Hotte L GeneralStore 3i 7i Kavanagh M Tinsmith 3} 7i J^uzon Authime ..Flour & Card'g Mills 3 6 Lombard Louis General Store 4 8 Longpr6 Antoine Physician 2i 5 Mackay Freres . . General Store 8 6i Marineau F^lix Carriagemaker 3* 7 O'Brien Wm Hay, Bark , &c. 3^ ^ Papineau J. G Notary PicjirdP Saddler 4 8 b . . Denis Olivier Hotel & Butcher 4 8 S„. .,u ien Pit»rre, & Fr6re Gejt. Store 2i 4 Smj;u u Joseph A Shoemaker 34 7i iltP Ale & Porter Agent 4 ♦iWj^ cJohn SftwMiUa 7 PAQU£TTB. Compton Co.. , ^ , , See Hereford. PARI8VILLE. Lotbiniere Co. Paris Mrs. Isaie, wid G.S. 3^ 7i PABKHURST. Lotbiniere Co. • ' See Beaurivage. PASPEBIAC. Bonaventure Co. On the Bait des Chaleurs. Semi Weekly SttA- mers from JMlhousie Station, N'.B.,9i miles from Perce. Tel. & Money Order Office Bank & Exp. Dalhousie, N.B., 60 mtles. Pop. 80U. Bis-on Daniel , Jr . . . General Store 3* 7 Bisson widow Daniel Gen. Store 2j 4 Blais James. ... ...Shoemaker 4 8 Caron Mnrce), s«u Tinsmith 3^ 7^ Cl6ment John Grocer & Hotel 3 tt LeBouthilllwr Bros. Co. The (limited) I Fishf LeGallals & Miller General Store 3 GJ LeGrand John P. Shingles & Gen. Store 2^ 5 LevesqueJ. E Gen. Store 4 8 Loisel Siraou. Tavern * Michel Francois. Blacksmith * Uuellf'tte Alfred Shoemaker * Kvbiu Charles, & Co. (Ltd) .Sliipbuil- 1 ders, Merchants, &c. / PAULINE. BouvlUeCo. Roeheleau J. P Gen. Store 8J 74 PEABCETOX. Mlssisquol Co. Tel. & Exp. Iticeburgh, 2 miles. Bank Bed- ford. Pep. 96. Badger W. B General Storti 4 8 Gage Allans Hay liakes 3 6 PEASLEY'S CORNERS. Brome Co. See Vale Perkins. • "■'. PECHE. Ottawa Co. ,',;,(', W' See Waketleld. ■ .! m • PELISSIER. Ottawa Co. Ttoenty-two mAles from Hull. Pop. 250. Tei. Wakefield, 10 miles. Exp. & Bank Hall. Barbeau Samuel 2^ Deziel Honors Trader Pelissier P. N. E Postmaster PENINSULA. Gaspe Co. On the River St. Lawrence, 6 inilesfrom Gaspe BaiM. Tel. Oaspe. Bank at Qiu-bec. Miller Miss M. T Postmistrew • ' ' PERCE. Oaspe Co. County seat on south shore St. Lawrence River. IVeekl)/ steamers from Quebec & (hdf Ports. Pop. ISOO. Tel. & Money Order Office. Exp. LkiUmuie,N.B. Flynn Edmond Fish, &c. 3 6 Flynn Thomas E General Store 4 Greuier Simtkm Physician SJ 7^ Lamb Ghas Hotel 4 LublAiio Prudent Shoemaker 4 8 Mann C. H Lobster Fcty 4 Paradis Henri Trader 3 6 Robin Charles, & Co Fish &c. See Paspebiac. Valpey&Lebas Fish 3 (i I Per QUEBEC. Poi Ottawa Co. Pop. 100. Tel. & PERKINS MILL.. Sixteen miles from Ottawa, Exp. East Templeton. Bank at Ottawa. Pni-t— General Store 4 8 Freeney John General Store 4 8 PETITE COTE. Hochelaga Co. See Cote Visitation. PETIT MATANE. Bimouski Co. A short distance from Mafane, and 30 miles from St. Octave! Exp. St. Octave. Bank at FraservUle. Ttl. Matane. Pop. 100. Gagn*^ Paul General Store 3* 'i Marquis Pierre Blacksmith 3} 7 Kivard Jos Saw & Grist Mill 3 6i I'ETIT MECHINS. Bimouski Co. 0)1 south shore of River St. Lawrence. Pop. !>5. Bank at Quebec. Ven eau Wm Postmaster PETIT METIS. Bimouski Co. See Little Metis. SasTuenay Co. Ba7ik at Fraser- PETIT VILLAGE TUBCOT Co. PETIT SA(JUENAY. JVme miles from Tadousac. vUle. ' . See Les Petltea BerReronnes. Hochelaga Daoust Francois X Joiner Cont. 3 6i PEVEBIL. Vaudreull Co. Staae from Glen Robertson, Ont., 5 miles. Pop. Sa. Ttl. & Exp. St. Justine Station. Bank at Alexandria, Ont., 12 miles. McLeod Alexander Blacksmith 4 Morrissou Alex Gen. Store & t Stackhouse C. F. .Cai-d, Fulling, Grist I gi 41 & Saw Mills I ^ ^ Stackhouse Henry Chairs 4 8 PHILLIPSBUBG. Mlsalsquoi Co. Two miles from St. Armand St4ition. Pop. 300. Tel. & Kxp. St. Armand Station. Bank at Bedford,^ miles. Brigham Jo^lah S Phys!clan 24 5 Crothers Thomas C Tailor .ij 7i Fortiii & Gu^rin General Store 3 6i Hogle L. A. N., & Son. . . . Gener <1 Store * .4 See Pike River. McLeod James Painter 3i 7i PICKANOCK. Pontiac Co. See Otter Lake. PIEDMONT P.O. Terrebonne Co. On the North River. Tel., Exp. <& Bank St. Jirdme, 12 mile^. Pop. 250. Beaulieu Elio General Store 3 7 Cloutler Toussaint O. S. & Saw Mill 3i 7i Oharbouueau Philias Hotel 3 4 PIEBBEVILLE. Yamaska Co. See Saint Thomas de Pierrevllle. PIGEON HILL. MisBlsquoi Co. Fotir miles from St. Armand Station. Pop. 150. Tel. & Exp. St. Armand Station. Bank at Bedford, 8 miles. Merritt N "Waggons 3 7 Sager Carman Hotel 3 7 Titemore Philip Carriagemaker 4 8 PIKE BIVEB. Mlsslsquoi Co. Stage from Stnnbridge ^ miles. Pop. 160. Tel, & Exp. StanbrUlge. Bank at liedford, 4 miles. Agr. Audette Joseph.. Bisaillon J.... Hogle L. A. N.,&Soa, ImpltP. & Hotel 3 '. .... BlackBDiith 4 . . enoral sioro .H 6 & Phillipshur^. McLeod E. V.I ) ..rainter-i Alinckler B Hotel » liheaume Alfred J Carr. Maker 4 8 PIOPOHS (or St. Zenon) Comptim Co. Eight milen from Lake Megantic Pop. 4ii0. J el. and Exp. Lake Megantic, Bank at Shcr- brooke, 66 mUes. Beaulne Franfols Saw & Grist Mill 3 7 Beaulne Pierre Blacksiiiiih 1 Bolduc B. Blacksmith 4 Cousineau R. Romain . . Hlack-iiiith 3 Grenier Arthur. General Store & P. M. 3 Truaeau Urgdle General Store 4 8, s I 8 PLAISANCE. Ottawa Co. Six miles from Thnrso. Tel. & Exp. Thur- so. Bunk at Ottawa, Ont., 35 miles. Charlehois Basile Hotel 3 7 Foucault Felix Grocer, &c, 4 »>. Gravel Vincent Hotel 3i 7J Leduc Pierre Shoemaker a^ V j Landriau David — Gen. Store & P. M. McKenzie Julien, & Co -Agri. Implts 3} Manseau & Freie Gen. Store 3^ 7^ Mendelsohn Max Store rLb:8SISVILLE. Megantic Co. .' See Somerbet. POINTE A FLEUBANT. Co. See Fleurant. Bonaventure POINTE A LA GABDE. Bonaventure Co. See Escuminac. POINTE A PIC. Charlevoix Co. Exp. St. Philippe de Nery. Tel & Bank Fra- strville. Pop. 100. Chamard W , & Co Hotel Duberger George Hotel GervalB J. B. Gro. & Hotel 3} 7} Warren Jean ; . . . .Gen. Store 3 (> Warren Joseph Gen. St«re 3 7 Warren Xavier Hotel POINTE AU BOULEAU (or Duck Rlvei ) Saguenay Co. Opposite Tadousac, 27 miles from Murray Bay, Pop. 150. Bank at Quebec. Imbeault Joseph Postmaster 113 Poi Q.UKBF.C. Poi POINTE AU CHENE. Argenteuil Co. (hi Canadian Pacific R. 11. Pop. of Parish 450. Tel. & Exp. hank at Ottaioa, Ont., 55 milts. See Avoca. POINTE AUX OKKilN AIJX Kamourag- ka Co. Two and a half miles from Riviere Ouelle. Tel. & Exp. Rivlh'e Ouelle- Bank at Quebec, 92i m.ilex. Hutloii J. Bte Postmaster POINTE AUX TREMBLES. Chicouthnl Vo. See Miitabetohoiian. POINTE AUX TJtEMBLES. Hochelaga Co. Chi North shore River St. Lawrence, 12 miles from Alontrtal. Daily Stage. Pop. biM. Tel., Exp. & lidiik at Montreal. Beaiidry Cainille Butcher 8 7 Bciiudry & !< reie Hotel, iVc. 3 6 Brit 11 .Jean B Blaliksmlih 3i 7 Chevalier Jos Ph>siciau 3 6 CoUtrette Adolphe Builder 3 6 Dubreuil J. B. , jr General Store 3 Guay Pierre Baker 3 6 Lapiaute Widow J. B Hotel, &c. 3 7 Leiiiay Joseph Blackamith 3i 7^ Mari 111 Luoii Blacksmiths 7 Moneue Narcis e Carr. Maker. 4 Beeves George <& Co. . . Geueral Store Beeves & CoiieretteGrlst Mill & Water / Works I Toui-saiut .Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 POkNTE AUX TllEMKl.ES. Portneuf Co. Oniiorth shoi'c of St. Lawrence River, 8 miles from Pont Roaije. Semi-weekly steamer from Quebec. Pop. 600. Tel. & Exp. Pont J,'ouge,H miles. Hank at Quebec, '2,1 miles. Anger Fortiiiiat Butcher 4 8 Biii s Widow Xarcisse . General St<.tre 3 7 Chauauvert Alfred Blacksmith 3^ 7^ Clairmoiit Magloire Cai^nage maker 3 7 l)ar veau Sitroid Flour, &c. 3 7 Davis John Gen. Store 4 B Dnliuc Jos. B General Store Diibuc Theophile Peddler 4 Dusault Saiimel Tinsmith 4 Gendron Daiuase Waggonmaker 4 Germain Uiivier .. liaker 4 8 Giiigras Pierre Flour Mill 4 8 Groider Aur61e Boarding House 4 8 Hardy »/oseph Blacksmiili 4 8 Mercure Kmelie General Store 'Ah 7^ Treiiibiay J B Flour Mill 3 7 lurgeon Aiiaclet. . .Carding Mill & G. S. 3^ 7i POINTE riLEUE. Cliicoutiml Co. See Itoberval. POINTE CLAIBE. .lacques Cartier Co. County Seat. On Island of Montreal «£• Grand Trunk R. R. Pop. (m. Teu&Exp. iiantc at Montreal^ 14 »»*<<«. BolairL.P Hotel 4 Brisebois Eus(;be Blacksmith 3i '\ BraaetTrettle Joiner Contractor 3 C Coiisiueau K , Contractor 4 7i Duchesiu'au H -Gan Store 3 « & JJuchesueau & Barbeuu.... Montreal 114 Duchesneau Thomas Lumber 3 7 Lauact^ Theophile.. Baker 3 7 Lebeau Maurice Hotel 4 7J Leclaire Louie B. & S. & Grocer 4 s Letang Joseph Bhicksmith 4 7^ Letaiig Venant Farmer & Broker 2\ 4 Mallette Napoleon Hotel Merinos C Shoemaker 4 Milchell Gabriel .•. .Cab. & Wag. Mkr. 3^ 7J Mitcliell J. Zephire Boalbuilder 3 V Valois J. D. L Grocer 4 8 POINTE DU LAC. St. Maurice Co. On C. P. R. Pop. 500. Tel. & Exp. Bank Three Rivers, 8 miles. Alarie F^lix Shoemaker 3i 7) Biron A., & Frere Gen. Store 3 7 Descoteau Theodule G. S- 4 * Dufresne A^olpUe Grocer 4 H Uuplessis . .Grist Mill & Trader 3 q CiarceauF. X Saw& Grist Mills 3 a Garceau Thos. Fulling . . . .Saw & Grist i „ , Mills! ^ ^ Lapointe Moras Isaker 3i 7^ Millette Andre Carding Mill, «!fec. 3 6 Bouette Joseph Gen. Store 3 7 Winner Louis Tanner 3J '\ POINTE FOKTUNE. Yaudreuil Oj. Eight miles from Lachtife. Daily steamers from Ottawa, Ont., Montreal & inter-mediate ports. Pop. 500. Tel., Exp. St. Philippe, % miles. Bank at Montreal, 48 miles. Brown William & Son Gen. Store 3 6 Chaniaillard Jos Gen. Stored CroSble John W. . . . Agr'l. Implis. Agent 3 6 Desautels Prudent Hotel 4 8 Hodgson David Blacksmiih 4 Hunsley Wni. It Butelu^r 8 7 Lamb Alexander BlacksmitU 3 ivj Larocque Jean Ferry 3^ 7" Si'guin Kdiuond Hotel 4 Seguin Louis Agr'l Implis' Agent 3 7 St. Denis Krnest A Gen. htore 3 6 1 heoret Eustache Baker 3jJ 7 Williainsou Wm .... Gen. store 3 7 POINTE SECllE. Kainouraska Co. Pelletier Thomas Postmiister POINTE LEVIS. Levis Co. See Leyis. .; POINT PLATON. Lotblniere. On South shore qf' St. Lawrence Riv^r, 40 miles abore Quebec. Bank at Levis. Ange Joseph .-. Postmaster POINT SAINT PETER. Gaspe Co. Stage from Gaspe Basin , 21 miles. Pop. 200. 'JeL, Exp. at Dathousie, N'.B., 102 miles. Bank at Puspebiac. Alexander Mrs. James . ..Fish, Oils, &c. 2i 4^ Bower Wm. F.... G. S. 3 Brazeau H Hotel 4 Colas John & Ellas l<*i-h 2J_4 Desautels P ... Hotel 4 • Duhca'; oapt. Alex Trader 3 7 Fauvel jQlui, & Qo i^'ifh| 3 6 Vardbu Tlios, S Hoi^l 4 Pol QUEBEC. POR POLTIMORE. Ottawa Co. Fifteen miles from nuckmgham. Tel., Money Omar Office & Exp. lixtdkingham. Bank at Ottawa, Ont.,31 miles. Boiisall William F ..Gen. Stor« 3 PONSONBY (Boilieau P.O.) Ottawa Co. Mc(iowan George Mills SJiea James PONT CHATEAU. Soulanges Co. Stage from Cotaau Station, 3 miles. Pop 120. tel. Ss Exp. Coteau Station. Bank at Valleyjittlil . . ■ Besner J. Hte :'. Gon. Store 2^ Bourboimais* Louie Gen. Store 3 Brabant Z<^phire Blackunith 3i Choqnette Appolinaire Carpi'nter «i Clioquette Honnisda* Carpenter 3 Cboquutte Wilfrid .Waggon Maker 3' Cuillenier J. B Blacksmith 3; Forest J. Catilae ... lanner 3 Martin Denis Waggons, Sea. 3 Menard Aiitoine Hotel, &c. 3 Poirier Thadd^e Builder, &c. 3* 74 7 7,i 6 7i PONT UE MASKUSONGE. IVIaHkinonKe Co. On North Shore of St. Liupreuee Itiver U FORT. Pontiac Co. Oti North Slwre of lliver Ottau-a^tSQ miles N. of Ottawa City', Tel., Mouetj Order Office dr kxp. Haley's Statum, G miles. Bank aJ. Beiifrew, (Mtt., 14 miles. Pop 400. Beckett Wm.... Wag Mkr.&BlH<^ksmith 3 6 Cameron Alexander Butcher 4 8 Cote James P Stationer 3J 7 Coughlin K. A Boots %b ^\\om 4 8 Coyne John B GMieral Store^ * Coyne Patrick B. Gen. Store 3^ 7J Dagg W. H Blacksmith 4 Fraser & Ixyjkart'. Furniture 3 7 FroHer & McNab Gen. Store 3 7 Galwury F ....Physicians 6J- Gegan Ed^vard CarriagemaAer 4 Grant Alex. D . . . . . ..I^hiter, Baker &c. 4 8 King Duncan. .. ... Motel Lough W. J ; Tinsmith McDonald Alexander Blacksmith 4 8 McDottgallS; 3 6 McKay Dr. W. A., & Co I>»ug« * Miooney John Auo»loj>ver 4 8 Morrow B Livery & Temp, Hotel 4 8 Murphy Georgo B Sad iler 3i 7* 0?BrienG Hotel 24 5 Payne Samuel Blacksmith 4 8 Purvis Dr. (ieorge A. . Saw & Grist Mill 2 3 Rattray David M, Forwarder, Livery ,&c. 3 7 Heed Bros Genera Store 2 3 Keid Kphraim Woolen Mill Sauve Joachim S Watchmaker 3 7 Stark W. J Agent Implts. 3 7 Tangiiay Joseph Tinsmitli 4 8 Tliacker Thomas Blacksmith 3 7 TremblayJ Shoemaker 4 8 Whelan Peter ....Butcher 4 8 PORT AU PERCIL (or St, Simon). Charlevoix Co. On North shore of St. Laivrence River 1^ miles from Murray Bay. Pop. 500. Tel, Bank at Eraserville. Connolly S Saw Mill & Lumber 3i 7 Godin Dainase General Store 3 « Gu»5rin E, L General Store 3 7 Harvey Cyrille General Store 3i 7J Mcliaren David HIacksmith Tremblay & Trernblay.Saw Mill & Lum. PORT DANIEL. Bonaventure Co. On Bait des Chateurs, 60 miles from Perce. Pou. 8 0. Tel,, Exp-, Dalhouslf, N.B., 74 miles. Beebe Joseph .....,..:. Fish & Oil 3 « Conway & NicoUe Gen. Store ^ 7J Enright lames Fish &Gttn. Store 2j 4| Gagnon F. X 4 Lawrence Jeffrey Agent, & . 3^ 7^ Leblauc J. M .. Gen. Store 3 7 Mclnuis John Fish & Gen. Store 3 6 Sweetman J. H.... Blacksmiths 7' Walsh John. .Saw Mill 3. 6 Whately KiverLimeCo PORT LEWIS. Huntingdon Co. On Lake St. Francois, 3 miles from liiviifre Beaudetfe Station. Semi-*laily attamcr. I'op. 1»5. Tel. St. Anicet, 5 miles. Exp. & Bank at Huntingdon, 9 miles. Grenier Joseph Hotel 3^ 7J POKTNEUF. Portneiif Co. On C.P.Il. Semi-weekly steamer from Quebec. Pop. 1,000. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Quebec, 34j milt'S. Ableson Robert Bdg House 3 6^ ATcaiid CIo^'i8 ... Wheelwriglit Ball Abraham Grocer 3 6f Bigue Ovide .. Tailnr ;^J 7J Blagiloii James Produce & Grocer 3^ 7* Dcllsle Jos. Wilbrod (ien. Store .s| 7} Delisle Lt^on Groce . &c. 3 7 Delislti M. Slm«^on Gen. Stoie 4 « Demers Joseph Flour & Saw \1 ill 3 6* Ford J., & Co. Gen. Storfr& Paper Mfrs. 3 4* Forret & Co Pulp. Mill Fournier Alfred TiJismitb 3 fi* Frenette Fninyois P Gen. Store 3J 7* Freuette Isidore — Grfiocr 3 J 7 J Germain Mrs. J Gen. Store 4 s Gttrrte J Pulp. Mi.l 3 «' ■ < .roleau Elz4ar — Wheelwriglit 4 8^ Hard^L ..... Gen. Store 3 7' Labrauche J. B. E Ferry & 0.'»lter Lambert Mrs. , wid Gnx^-er ^ 7| Lemay Alphouse- Saw Mill SJ Pow QUEBEC. QUB Leveill^ Arafene Butcher 3 6i Leveille Ulderic Shoemaker 3 7 MuJSuughtou John & Go Pulp. Mill See Quebec Marcotte Arthur Tanner 3 Maruoite Elzeur Flour & Bakery 3 6 Marcotte Isidore A Flour 'Zj 4i Marcotte Jo»eph Gen. Siore 2j 6 Montreal I'aper Co. (The) Mfrs. Felt I „> r Paper } ^^ ^ Morrissette Rosaire Carriagt maker 3 7 Morrisseile wiU. Mathius Ueii. Store 3 6i New ±;ngland Paper o. See Stanl'old. -^ '" " QUEBKv. Quooec Co. County seat and port of entry on north shore, liwer St. Lawrence, ISO nines east of Aivnt- real. Heat ()j\frovincial uovernmeni. east- ern termtnusC.J'.Ji. and HouiJiem terminus vj l.ake at.Joiin li.It. Has Ocean, Lake and nail way communication to all purls. I'op. Ailaire Frs. .Xavier Grocer 4 » Allaire Ur bain Tanner 3 ti^ Allans, Kae & Co Steanuhip Agents Ste H. & A, Aiiau, Montreal. AUard Edouurd Trader oj I Allard J. B., ^ i)il8 Confectioners X.^ 4 Allard T., & Co Ijry Goous 3 bi Aliiieias liouis Carver tii. Gilder 3 b Auiiot Louis S. . . .Builder & Conirautor 2^ 4 Aiuyot Jos., & Frere. VV'hol. Smaliwaies z 2i Ainyob Mrs. i>avid, wid Fancy ods. Auuerson & Forrest Piuiubers 3 6^ Andrews Bros h ardware Andrews F. H.,& Son..Com'n & Uysterb 3 6 Angers ii^douard J. .>lotary &l Speculator 3 6 Angers ii.uiilieu Grocer 3 6^ Arcaiid Dusiihe Broker 2^ b Archer & Co. ... Lumber Archer Joseph, sen Builder 8 6 Arel S. & 1> Butchero 3 lit) ArsenaultN., &0o Furniture 4 8 Asbestos Mining & Manufacturing Co. 1 (Incorporated.) Auih. cap. f loo.OOO | 2^ paid-in $50,U0(< ) Asselin Jos. £ Grocer Auclair & Co ....Painters Audy Maxime Tinsmith 4 8 Auger A. J.,& Co Lumber Babin Arsfene S Restaurant 3 7 Baile John Coal & Fire Brick 2 a^ BaiUargeou Jules Imp. Wines, &c. 3 7 Bailiargeon Pierre Dentist 2^ 4^ Baldwin Win. A. C Gen'l Com'n 3 o Bailer Iw^wis Ham Curer 6 5 Bank of British North America.. See Montreal Bank of Montr«al See Montreal. Banque du Peuple. . . Local Manager ) Edmund C. Barrow. J br. See Montreal. Banque Nationale A. Gaboury i President; P. Laf ranee .Cashier. Paiu- [ in cap. ^^l,2U0,U0t>, surp. !JiiluO,ooo ) Barbeau Jean, jr Roofer 3 6^ Barbeau W Jeweller 4 6 BarUen Kichard. , Whol. Fruits 3 Bai ras Alfred U pholsterer 4 Barrow LdmundC Broker 2\ 5 Bar row John W Broker 2^ 5 Burry Andrew Grocer 2j 6 Barry Thomas Grocer Beau Ce estiii P Dyer 4 Beaubien & FUs Lumber 3 5 Beaudet, Leleb?re & Garneau Whol. I „, Jl ardware) * Beaudoin Antoine Joiner Contractor 3 C Beaulieu Charles Mer. Tailor 3 B«aui'cuF. X Hotel Beaulieu J., & Co Ship Chandlers iieaupre Joseph & Co Grocers Beauty lieniy Whol. Wines, &c. 2i 5 B. uard & Belleau. . . .Joiner Contractors Bedard Charles U C^abinetniaker 3 ^ BeUard Elie Watches & Jewellery 3 Oj Bedard i<'erdinand Blacksmitn 3 7 Bedard Henri A Accountant 20 Bedaiu J. B.,«&Fri!re8..Mfi8. Agents I , „ & Smallwares I "* ** Bedard Jean Bte Blacksmith * Bedard Samuel Jeweller 4 8 Bedard Simon, sen Tinsmith 2^ 4^ Beemer iJ . J See Montreal Begm Benjamin, & Co.. . .broominakers 3 ti Begin u., Ai Co Boot & Shoe Mfrs. Beliau Bios Dry Goods 2i 4 Belaud Ferdinand Tobacco 3 Oi Belaud & Martineau. . Lumber & Wood 3 ti Belaud Theo hiie Dry Goods 3 5i Beianger Anaclet Gilder 2^ 6 Belanj^er Cleophas Grocer 4 8 Beianger Fdiuoud A Dry Goods 3 Gi Beianger Francois Pork Dealer 3 6 Beianger J. Aiubruise . . .Marble Cutter 3 6^ Beianger Pierre Cai riagemaker 2i o Bell VVm. &David .Pipes, Pottery, ac. z^ 4i Belleau & Co Publishers 2^ Belierive Charles.. Glove Manufacturer 2^ 5 Bennett & Co Commission Lumber 3 Bennett Samuel J Luniber & Com'n 20 Bergeron L. N., & Co Grocers 3^ 7 Beigevin Edgar . . Gents Furu'gs Bergevin L. A Dry Goods Bernard & Allaire. . . .Pianos & Sewing i „. ^, Machines ] ^ ** QUB QUEBEC. Que 3 6^ 2i 4 2^ B 3 f'i 3 6 3i6i 4 8 3 6* 2 3 ^ 5 3 7 H 2 3 7 2^ A 3 7 3 7 3 < 3 6i 2Mi 3 7 8 7 Bernard Narcisse Baker Uerouard Frsncois, &, Son Whol. > Shoes & Moccasins ( Bertraiid & Co Lumber Ber'rand Honor* Alexandre.. .Restaurant 2J 4J Boiteau Joseph Grocer 4 8 Boiviu Alfred Mfr. Boots & Shoes 3 Boiyin LouiSj sr Joiner Cont, 3 Boivin P. Isaie Boot & Shoe Vlf r. BolducG. A.,&Co Watchmakers * Bolduc Joseph, sr Hotel 4 Bond Mrs. Charlotte, wid. .Millinery * Boiihomme Autoii^e. .Leather & Saddler 3 Borland Robert, & Co — Coals 3 Boswell & Bro ....Brewers 2J 4 J Botterell J. H., & Co.Boot & Shoe Mfrs. U 2 Bouchard Guillaume Pork 2j 5 Bouchard & Breton Dry Goods 3 Boucher Mioses J. & O. ... Millinery, &c. 3* 7J Boulet Edouard OdMou Hardware 2j 6 Boulet Elise G. , & Co Hotel * Boulet Michel Grocer 3 6i Bouret Barthelemy Machinist 4 8 Bouret Ferdinand Hotels ^ Bowen Bros, & Co Jewellers 4 8 Boyce M. , & Son Grocers 2^ Boyce Sarah Fancyuis Leather & Saddler Burke John E Drugs Burns, Edward, jr Flour Burns flames Restaurant Burstali J., & Co Shippers Lunibor Bussitjre Jos Grocer Bussii^re Paul G W. & H. Flour, I Grain, &c. I Bussifire S. ,& Fils (irocers BuHsi^ire Samuel. ... Grain & Feed Butler James S Broker C Caisse d'Economie de Notre Dame de) Queb c. [Incorporated.] Sub. Cap. *1, 000,000 ; paid-in $250,(X)0 ; L. C Marcoux, Sec. Treas Calvin The, Co., (limited) liumber » .,, Paid-in cap. $167 ,ping ( ' See Montreal Caron A. J.. & Co Boots & Shoes Caron J. B Hot«'l Caron J. K . . , . Dry (ioods Carpentier Guillaume (alias William^ ( Prov.. &c. S Carr Thomas Keataurant Carrel James Publi:*her Carrier Wm Flour & Provisions Cary Geo. T .Pub. " Quebec Mercury " Cassils John M., & Co. . . Whol, Leather Ci'.verhill, Kissock & Binmore, Whol Millinery, See Montreal Chalifour Louis F Plumber Chalifour On«^fiime Last Mfr, Chamber'and Cyrille , . Saloon Chamberland Theophile ^. .Hotel Champion Charles P. .Insurance Agent Chaperon Sam tel Stationer ("barest Jos Saddler Charlehois A., & Co Contract ts Chartrain Eugene . . Hotel Chartre J, Adolphe Plumber Chartre Mi's. Pierre Millinery Chateau St, Louis Hot"! Co 2J j Paid-in cap. »*50 000. i Chateau vert & Dussault Jewelleis 3 7 Chinic Hai'dware Co 2 i .Paid-in cap. f 100,000 Chouinard Elzear Restaurant Chouinard N., & Co Grocers i "<:hronicle"(The) See J. J. Foote. , Clark Edouard Grocer 3 7 j Clint JoiinH Luitiber 2J 4J Clouet & .St. Pierre Curriers Cloutier Gbas Undfrtaker 2^5; Cloatier E. , & Co Leather, &c, i Cloutier J os, A .... .Boot & Shoe Mfr. 3 7 Cloutier Narcisse Grocer 4 8, Cloutier Weuoes^as Grocer 4 8 i 117 4 3i 6i n 3i7i ^ .<) 3 5 2i 4 3 2 3! 3 t! 24 5' 4 8 3 20 3 64 3 « 2 2i 4 8 4 8' 4 8- Qua QUE BBC. Qm Colprnan Mft«rlc« W Grocer 8 7 Colvln flRintw.... Fknir 'H 5 ' Connelly E Boots & Shoes 4 8 CoiiBigiiy Nicholfw BlaolcBinltL Sj 7J Coote & I )e(»«Hl>it Uixicers Copeii an flHineB, jr TaiJiter Oont. 4 8 <;or(1ollaz CBiiiillo ...HiGlmJ 3| Tj CorrlveHU Eugene Jewoller 4 8 Cote Klzt'ar Saioon 4 Cott>E.,&Co GriKwrs Cot*! & Fagiiy DryGood«3 7 Cotd J. liw Grocer 3 6 Cot^ Joseph Beer Uoti ler 3J ♦ i Cofcj* lVllflK»l SHlf)On 3 7 Cote Mrs. Ji«eph Boots & 8bo 837 Cote J'ieiie Grocer 3 6) Cot^ Pierre Joseph Dry Goods 3 bj Cot^. lioe &C() Coopors 4 8 ** Courrler du Canada " rti A., jr . .Mfr, Soda Water, &e. 4 8 Criiwfird Andrew, sen Beer Bottler 3 € Crawford Win. H, & Co Coiil 2i & Cream Daniel I^ntber 2^ 6 Crotean & Frfere W. & R. Grocers 3 5] " Cultivatetir " (Tlie). See L.J. Deiners & Fr^re. Curodeau Widow Frauyois Crockwy 3^ 6^ ' . '.'P. ''>'''. ■•A .VI,; • Daiele Alfred Saloon 4 "Daily Telegraph," The. See James Carrel iHillairp Elz'ftr ... Saloon 4 8 l)allHire Louis Watches, &o. 2i 4^ Darlington John Mer. Tailor 2? 4^ I>arveau Francois Picture Frames 3^ 7| I)arveau Geo Dry Goods 3 7 Darveau JoH Prhiter & Fob. 3 7 Dnrvcan Tli6ophilP, juii Grocer ♦ J)a'rv Goods 2^ 4 Dnvit'8 Chs. Q., & Co Com'n Lnmber 2* 4J Davis Win Confectioner 24 5 Dawe & .f «rvi» Sailniiikers ii^ 5 DaAvaon & Co. Bookbir.ders & Stationers 2^ 4^ Dawson Saninel J Ship«n)lih Dayet M. J., & Co Importers (See Sooiet*^ Francaise d'Jniportalion.) Dechene Irancols M Dry Gooks &c. Diu*t Alfred Saloon Dion E., & Co. " Mountain Hill " Ho«8« D*ou & Fr*re Orocer* 3 Dioii Jean Bte. M . Grocer 3 I>ionL. A. &Fri!r©..." Albion" Hotel 3 Dion Miss Zelia Millinery 4 Diobbin John P Jeweller 8^ Dob'^ 11 Be<'.kett & Co Timber l| Diomiuion Corset Mfg. Co , 3 I>ominion 8tM>eCo 3 ixonaldson Mrs. Alfred Millinery 4 Dii>naii rloeeph Jeweller Iloniieily Joseph T Restaurant 3 7 Don plme Tlioimas I> ;Dry Goods ^ 4i Dorion Mi 0r»Let Alfred Blackwnith ' Drolet & Co Shoemakers Di'oletDelphis Dry Goods Drolet Franyois X Foundry Drolet George Grocer Drolet George Plumber Drolet Joseph Germain. Ba'ker & Oro. Drolet PhifTime Flonr Drolet & PoitTOS.. .Whol. Flowr & Prov. Drolet Raymond Saloon Drolet /('phirin Blflcksinith I>ronin Elzear Confectioner i>ronin Evariste Grocer Drouin Prjuivois Blockmaker Drouin Freres & Co Grocers Drouin L., & tYfere.. ..Books & Printers Drouin Olivier Grower Drum S. Wilson . Broker & Ins. Agent Dube A. A., & c o Stationery SeeN. S. Hardy. Dub^ Jacques ....Saloon 4 Dube Joseph Restaurant 3 5 Dubeau E ouard J ...^ Broker Dubuc & Traversy Tins 4 8 Ducliaiue Thomas Boots & Shoes See Ancieune Lorette. Dntfett Samiidi Lumber 4 Dugal Alpxis Blacksmith 3^ 7J Dugal Alfred li. G Hars & Furs Dugal Joseph V., & Co Tanners Du^"il Pierre Tanner & Currier 2J 5 Dugas Uerenle Tins 4 8 Dumas Louis G Mer. Tailor 3 6i Duntas Mrs. Franfois, wid — Hardware 3 5* Dunn & Co Lumber 2 2\ Dup^re & Dagueau. . . . W. & R, Sadd ery 3 Dupuis Al^'>. B Whol. Confect.. &c. 2i 4J Duquet Cyiille. .. Watches & fleAellery 2| 4 Duquet J. N Boc^ Agent 4 Duquet Louis Blacksmith 3 7 Duraud Edonard Oysters, &c . Durand Pierre 1 Silverplater 3 6^ Dussault Josei h Job Printer 3 7 Duval Edmond H Broker Duval Honors Grocer 4 8 Dynes Joseph ....Sewing Machines, &c. 3 6| Dyounet Mrs. L6on Mfr. Corsets 4 4 8 2Mi 3 a 3 7 4 8 4 8 4 8 2i5 4 H :i 7 ;u 71 'J' * 3 5 3 (5 :i 7 3 5 -3B- .»>.\.»l III nil! ■ ■- 1 r.; "Electenr" The SeeBelleau &Co. Edmond V. A., &C».... Steam Planes ( ^ ' /.. ^i!,iiK I & Plane Irons ) * Hi QUEBEC. Ql'« Ftilardeau David ...OfHjer See Slllery Cove. Falardeau E., & Fr^re TaiuiHrri FalanltMU Ferdliuind Boots & Shoes 2J 5 Falardeau .Iary Goods 4 8 French H. W., & Co Com»n Lumber ..4 Freuett<» -lean C Grocer aj 7i Freuette Olivier Wax Works, &c. 4 8 Fro6t&Wood Agr'llmplts U IJ br. Smitji's Falls, Out. Fry Henry, & Co Gou. Mers. 2 Fuchs&Co Tailors * G Gagnon Kmilp Grocer 4 8 Gagnon Frs. Xavier G-^ocer 4 8 G^gTlon & Frtire .....* .Lumber & Junk 3 4| Gagnon Fr^rej., & Co Mfrs. Agts. GagDOu ry Good^ See Gaspard Rochette. Gagnon Jean E Jnweller 4 8 Gagnon Olivier, sen Lumber 3 Gagnon & Turgeon Tailors aj 7i Calarneau George. Tanner 3 6j Gale Joseph Second-Hatid Store 3 7 Garaut F X., & Co Stallohery * Gari^py Charles Freight Agt. 8J Gagnon N Tobacco Garnean N. , & Co , .Dry Goods 2i 4i Garneatt P., Fils& Co. .Whol. Drjr Good-. IJ l| Gault Bros., & Co. ... Whol.* Dry Goods See Montreal. Gautbler Jos., & Fr6re.... PaititerB&/ „ - Wall Paper 5 ** ° Q>auvin Benoni ... .Cartvf right * Gau vln Eiienne . . . .Toys & Fancy Goods 3 6i GkiavlB J. Olivier. i.Gir*e©ir d 7 Ganvin Michel Beer Bottler 4 8 (lauvin Patrice j.roeer • Gauvr- au K. E. , & Frfere l)nig<* 2,J 5 Gauvreau.Pelletler&Co W. I)ry (Joods 2i 4^ (Jauvrea.uT. A., & Co Cements * Gervais & Uudoji.Sew Mach., Pianos, &e. I'A 4i GlgnacO.,& Flls Saw Mill -J 4$ (Jlguere Ci^lestin Tinwant 4 Giguf're & Co Dry (Joods 4 Gigiif-re Edouard Dry Goods Giguere Loui.H Charles Hardware 3i 7J Gigiiere Pierre P Tinware 3 7 (iilliert Joseph Boots & Shoes 2J 5 Gilmour, Shearman & Co Dry (oods 2 (ilngras Alfred Barber & iobacco 4 GJngras Fra X Grocer 3i 7J Gingras Jules Boots k Shoes 3 7 Gingras, I..angloi8 ft Co . ..Si. Leon ^ » ,, , . Mineral Water \ "' ' & St. Leon Water Co., Montr-al Gingras Narciase Scale Miifr. 3^ 7 J (Jingras P., & Co Coal Girard Elz^ar Barber, &o. * Giroiix Knnnul, & Frfere.. W. & R. Drugs 2 3 Giroiix J. B., jf Fruits 3 Oj (iironx .Miss Henrietta Drnus 3 5 Glass John Bi cult Baker 2i 4i Glover, Fry & Co.. Dry Goods & Ciirpets L'^ 4 Goiiboiit & Bergeron Mer. Tailors 3 7 Godbouc Pierre Boots & Shoes 2i 5 Gore George H Bidlder 3i 7 (lormerly Miss Catlierine.. .Dressmaker 4 8 (lOrfselin Ferdinand . Black.smith 4 8 Goulet Charles, & Fils ... Wheel wrghts 3i 7 Gour«leau F^lix Tanner & Leather 2) 4^ Gourdeau Francois Cabinetmaker 4 « courdeau Nap., & Co Leather 31 7i Grant Alexander Grocer 'A 5 Green James rt Fruits 2] .5 Grenier Hector W. & R. Hard vare 3' 9 G' enier Honors Boots & Shoes 3 ^ Grenier J. B A ... Grocer 3 5 Griffith Henry Mfr. Boots & Shoes 2i 4 Groiidin Eugene ■ 'J'obacco a^ TJ Grondin Joseph Insurance Agent 3 2u Guav D6-ir6 Tanner 2', 4^ Guay L. E. B., & Co. Jewellers * Guerard Louis, sr Cabinetmaker 3i 7^ Guilfoyle Patrick Huckster 3} 7i Guillei Jean Tavern * Guillot Fi^llx Saloon * Gui'lot George Siloon* Gunn Francis Ship Chandler 3 5 Hagens Hans «fe Son .Ship Brokers Hale Kdward J Com'n H all & Price w hoi. Lumber Hallep J. E ... . Whol. Flour Hamel Jo.seph, & Co . . Wliol. Dry Gds. Hamel Theofrfsde Asbestos, «&c. Hamilton Bros (estate of ) . ... Lumber & Ilawkfcsburj Hansen & Schwartz lirs. Aifenig. &e Hardy Charles , Wheelwright Hardy & l>roie1i .....Grocers Hardy & Lapointe . . .Com'n Hardy Narcisse S. . . .W. & R. Stationery Harris & Siraonson. ..... Cigars Hatch Joliu, sr Joiner Cont ractor Hawkins Frederick Marble Hearn John Speculator Hubert Etidnne Joiner Contractor Hebert L. T^lesphore Com'n H^nchej^ Patrick Hotel 119 4 •> 9.- n l{ n U 3 20 1 A ■t. 3 6 .{ 6i 2\ 4^ ai n 2 3 3 7 3 7 2i ^ 3 4 2H Que QUEBEC. Que l\ 3i 3 7 3 6i 2A B '4 4 2 3 3 4i ^i 5 7i * 3i 2i 3 Ci 3 6i 3 U 3 6 2 « 2i Hetherlngton Thoe..Mfr. BiHt'8& Baker Hifkry Knward Cattle Dealer Hogan M Green (irocer Holiwoll (MmrlesE Stationery Hookew lMaa»! Saw Mill HoMHiick (4. * C . . . i Grocers Houdo B.,&Co W, &R. Tobncoo, i Snuff, &c. ( Hougli ClmrleM & Sons Uvery , &c. Houghton Thomas Farrier Hudon Harth^lenil Tobneconist lludoii Maxinii' Joiner Contractor Hudson Uiihanl, sr .. Sallniakor Hunt, WoBion & Son. Whol. Wine- & ( Com'n. ) Hunter .Fohn Coppersmith Huot A., & Co Tinware Huot Louis J Drugs Huol O. & I> ....Grocers H uot Phiilime (Jro., Flour & I'rov. Huot rinlippe. Notary & Money J^ender Hurley M. & Co Painters levers Henry Deiitist Jackson Edwin, sr. ... Lumber Arent 3J dacot Eniile Watches & Jewellery 3 6i Jac<)ues&Co Aucts. & Com'n 4 Jacques ().,& Co Prov. 2i 4i Jacqiies Phili a-< Hotel 3 7 Jacqu(!8 William Boots & Shoi s 2i Jalbert & Fr^ve Shipsniilhs 3 Jeandron .iean E Baker 3 Jell rt-y, JVlontreuil & Co Whol. Fisli 2 Joiiin ('has Blacksmith 3 Jol)ii> Chas Shoemaker Jobin Frs Undertaker Jobin John L Photographer L'i 5 Jobin Louis ...Statuiry4 8 Jobin & Hochette. . .Boot & Shoe Mnfrs. 3 Jobin & Hoy Com'n 3 7 Jones -John L Photographer 2^ 5 Joseph A., & Sons Whol, Grocerr, 2 3 Joti vin A zarie Saloon 3J 7i Jouvm Zcphirin Shoemaker 4 8 Julicn & Guay Tan ers 2i 4j Julien Paul Grocer 4 8 Juneau Au^ustin Bookbinder 4 8 Juneau Victor .. Grocer 3 7 "Justice" La SeeBelleau & Co. K Kane James R House Furnishing 1 ^i ai Hardware S "^^ *J Kelly James Tavern 3 6^ Kennedy Miss Catherine Grocery 3 5 Kt-nnedy Oliver Shipsmith 3 6 Kerr David Painter Kerwin L., & Co Tobaccos 3 7 King Bros Lumber See Kiviere Uuelle. King Mrs. J. C Hair Works, &c. 3i 7* Kirouac F.. iV Fils Whol. Flour 2 2i KuhringCarl Mer. Tailor 3 6| Labbe Joseph Teas 3J 7i Jiaherge Joseph Tins 4 LabergeKarci-se. .... Grocer 2i 4J Labrecque Francois Tanner 2J 4* Labreeque Joseph E Undertaker 3l 7i Labrecque Mrs. Jerome Millinery sj 6 Labrecque Theodore Currier Si 7i 1-0 Lachanco Frs. X Blackstnith 3 7 Lachance tloseph Boots & Shoea lU ~ Lachance Pidliaa Tina 3 7 I^aflanime Andr4 Baker 3 ni LiiflammeF. X, jr Croaf ranee Vicli r Bookbinc er 4 8 Lagace Francois 'i'lnKniih 4 8 LaineI>ion Cordwootl 2* 5 I.rfiiid John . ( om'n & Shipr'ing Agent 2i 5 I.,aird Joseph U Ship Broker, &c. !..aienne88e & Co '1 insmitha LHllberte J. Bte.. .W. & R. Hats & Furs IJ 2 Lambert & Co.. Jobbers Cigars liaiiibert Louis Hotel 4 7i lianibert Miss Henriette Fcv. Goodn 4 Lamontagne Cleophas Plumber 4 8 Lamontague George leweller Lantontagne Mrs. Onier Millinery 3i 7 J-amoth« F. Xavier Tailoring 2j 5 Lamothe & Hervieux Curriers Lane »Si BoiB8onneault..Boot &hoe Mfrs. 3 Langevin & Huot J)ry Goods 3 Langlairt J. Alfred Stationery 2i J5 Langlais & Savary Boots & Shoes {..aiiglois Edouaid J.uinber ig^S Langlois J. S Boots & Shoes 3 5 Langlois Jtian Grocer Langl.iis & Langlois. Mfrs. B. & Shoes 3 SJ Langlois I^aurent ....Grocer 4 8 Langlois & Pai adis Whol. Grocers 2J 4i I apferre A., & Co Tins 4 Lapierre Pierre Saloon 4 8 Lapointe C«'lrstin Tinware 4 8 Lapointe fldouind Barber & Saloon 4 8 Lapolnte L. Marc Broker Imrktn, Connolly & Co Contractors 2J Laroche A mbrofso. Whol. Flour & Prov. 2^ 3j Laroche & Co Drugs Larochelle Edouard Bookbinder 8J 7i Larose Louis, sr Mason Contractor 3 7 Larue J. B . A Drugs Larue Mrs, Octave, wid Grocer Laveau Charles Hardware Lavigne Artliur Music & Pianos Lavoie Bonaventure Boots & Shoes Lavoie Georgp .Boots & Shoes Lavoie R., & Co HardWHre Lawrence George J^umber 2i 4 Le rmonth A., & Co . Founders 2^ 5^ Ltboulillier Bros. Co. (limited) Fish Sub. cap, $40,000 Leelaire A., & Co Drugs 3^ 7^ Leclerc Ambroise Grocer 3 6 Leclerc,Lavochelle&Co.Mfr8.B.& Shoes 2^ 5 Leclero L6>n A ....Saloon 3 7 Leclerc & Le ellier W. & R. Grocers 2i 3J Ledroit Theophile Whol. Grocer jj 2 Lee Richard Fouiider 3 6i Lee T. Conrad Broker 20 William Tailor Lefebvre Leonard Tinware 3 6 Lefran9oi8 Drs., & Co Drug:<,&c. 3 7 Lefranfois F. C Grocer 3i 7i LefranvoiB J. G Agrl. Implts. 3 7 ljefran9oi8 Mrs, J. B Milliner 4 Ijegare Alexandre Fruits, &c. 3 7 Legar^ Antoine Tanner 3 7 Legar6 J^r^mie Saddler ^ 7 Que QUEBEC. Que 4 8 & Co. 3 6 3 6 3i7i 3 2J4, 3 6 3 5 3i 7 2i4 55i4i 3 5 3 7 3 2i4i 3 n 2i 5 4 8 4 8 3k 2i 4 4 8 3i liClaciieur JanieH Saddler " i;Kl«Mlfiir" See Bell eau I.fiiK'Hii (leorge Grocer, &c. I,tMiit!lin •lean. Qrover L«!iiieliii Jowepli TiiiB l,nKltt>n GandiiiH Baker Lcnghen & I'aquet PI umbers, &c. I>>nn<.n K, M. ,&Co.Whol. Hour & Prov. Leonard Bernard Paints, I'aper I HunginKS, &o. ( Lepage F. X., & Co Dry Goods Lfpin*^ Ge main, jr Un«lertaker Li-pine (ierniain, sr Undertaker L'eHsard Frs. X Blaok>'raith L.'tellier d. B. K . . . . Whol. & Ret. Grocer Li.'tourneau Frs. X., & Co., Marine 1 Stores & Hardware ( Levalli^e J. Thom«iB Restaurant " L'Evenenjent " See L. J. Demers & Lnvesque Mrs. Joseph Millinery L'Hereux .losepli Carriageniaker " L'Hotel Wolfe & Montcalm " \ Sub. cap. »175.0n0. ( Livernois J. Ernest Photographer Liziitte Mrs. Prudent Millinery Longtin J. B Dyer Lowe James Plumber L\ nott Patrick .Vinegar & Pickle Mfr. Lyons & Cotter Plumbers Lyons VVm Baker M Mackay John M Physician * Macnider .!..& Co Brokers 2 Macpherson W. M Shipping Agent 2 McArthur Bros. Co. (The) Timber \ . Paia up cap. .1500,000. ) . ^ Br. Toronto.Ont. McCall,Shehyn &C0..WI10I. Dry Goods li li McCftl um Archibald Watchmaker Mc('lu8key John.... Grocer McCone .James Grocer McConnell John A Huckster McCord T. . & Co Dry Goods McCorkell James (Est. of) Baker McDonald Miss Sarah .Tobaccos & Cigars McGie Daniel. & 8on Agents i 20 McGreevy l{. H Contractor 3 McKav Alex , sr Boilermaker 3 6 McKnl ht Patrick W . Carriageniaker 4 McLaren James, & Co Lumber. See Buckingham. McLaughlin & Co Grucers McJ.aughiin J. F., & Bro.Flour & Grain Br. See Toronto, Ont. McLean Mrs., wid James. . . ... .Grocer McLimont William & Son. Whol. D.G. McMnllin John A Confectioner McWilliam William Confectitmer Mailden & Ellis Coal 3 Magnan Joseph Boots & Shoes 4 Maguire & Co. Ship Owners & Lumber 2i 4i Maguire James Plumber & Gastitter 3 6; Mnguirp Jolin Boots & Slioes 3^ 7; Maheux Joseph Candle Mfr. 3 6- Mahon Miss Mary Millinery 4 8' Mahoney Thos. H Insurance Broker 3 20 Mailloux Joseph A Broker 2^ 4 Maloney James. Dry Goods 4 8 4i 3 2i 3 3 3 « 3i 4 3 ;{j 4 4 3 3 2i * 4 3 I' ?} 8 6 5 5 8 8 n Cai7 Maloney Tbomaa Booti & 8ho«» Mann Thomas .1 Stationery Marceau E. , & Son Carrlagemakers MarceauCSeorge Saddler Marchand Honor^ More, Local Mngr.,br. See Montreal J Merci'-r F. X Grocer Mercler Louis G rocer Mercure Elie Soap & Candles " Mercury " (The) Quebec See G. T. Mlchand Avelin Baker 2J 5 Miehaud J. B Baker 2i 5 Mlgner Octave Mnfr. Boots & Shot^s 1 j 2 Migner Thomas Shoemaker 4 8 Miller James Grocer 3 6J Miller L, N.. & Co Mfr.-. Acts. Miller Matthew, & Son .Stationers, 4c. 2J 4tJ Mitchel Robert Comn. Voisan & Fils Grocers 3J 7^ Moisan Hul)ert Carriagcnaker 4 8 Molsan Jean A Grocer 3 7 Moisan Joseph Grocer 3J 7j Moisan Napoleon Grocer 4 8 Moisan Philippe Jeweller 4 Montambhult Ovide Saloon 3 Montizambert Frederick Physician Miml)er 4 MoiencyL., & Frfere..Pict. Frames, &c. 8 Morency Leonisdas B Mer. Taiior 4 Morency Mrs. Cyrille Grocer 3 Morency P., & Co Hardware Morgan & Co Pianos & Music Morgan David Mer. Tailor Morgan J Marble Works Morin Dr. J. Alf red Drugs MorinEd.,&Co W. & K. Drugs 24 4' Morin Jean Bte Tinware 3J T Morin Joseph Shoemaker 3^ 7 Morin Mathias Saloon 3 7 Morrison Joseph E ....Drugs 3i 7i Moussette Z, Toys 4 8 121 2 4 n 8 T 8 6 T 8 7 8 7 5 4i 7 Q0. Qre UnrphT .tfttTi«i Or«>cer • Murphy .f. S, fc (o Lniiiber 2 5» Mnrphy Owen, k Nefibflw. ..Inn. Ag«nt« 2|i 3) Mvlftt"&ry Goods 8 7 N Nuilfiiu Ft'nl Lumbers 7 Siidoaii LoulH Orocer .1 7 ]ih flnnkft .^ 7 Norris Tliomas II W. & U. Crockery 2 J 4i O V, ... O'Connoll Mr». Timothy — Grorcr • C'Doiniell .Ihmk^s Deer Bottler 2 J 6 O'lJoiuioll .Inhii «r-«cer .^ 7 O'lVtiiohun .?oh» ... VVatchmiikor 3 6 O'HalloTin Mr:*. TlioB Hiil'H>n 4 8 O'lAiary Ch-. A Builder 4 8 O' He.naii Patrick Beer ItottbT 3^ 7J O'Sullivaii .fcieinlah Black-iiiith y 7 0«en«t l>;vvia Architect & (JllHer 3 7 Ouelh't t)ctare ... .(Imeer 4 OiK'llet IMnrre Shoemaker 4 8 Ouiiuet Callxte Cooper 4 PflRPiUi Pierre Oabinetmaker Paiiipaloii Thomas. . ..Mason ('ontra«rtor 2J .3i Fapillon .Fncqiies Blackfluilth 3 dl Paquet .lean (Jr.icer 3J 7J ^iq net Joseph Boota & Sliorts 3 7 Patititii PltiliMi* 'llimmith 4 S Pai|Uet& Plamondon Mfr«. Bis. & Shoes 2i 6 Paquet * Potvin W. * R. (jrooers Paquet Zt^phirin . F)rv (ioodn. Hats I ,. ,, & Furs & Boot* & Slioes ( *« '» Paradifl A.,&Co Mti«. Agts. 20 PariuUs Alexis *. Grocer M^ 7i Pjiradls Ijon s Trader 3 Paia.li4 William Brokers 6 P re Georjrt' I*: . . Box Maker & Hpllnfft 2J «i Par* H. Adot^he Cir^ cer 8 7 I'arent Alex Grocer Parent Chs. A W. & R. Hardware Parent .lean Bte Gr cer 3 Parent Pauljr Plumbers Parent Th6i idiil6 Grocer 3 Parent Thomas Cooi>er 3J Prii erson (ieor^e Broker 4 Paterson John A.,&Co...W. Millinery See Montreal Paterson Richard Peddler 4 Patoine J. , & Co TAilorS 4 ?atry Joseph. Commlnaion Grocer 3 attersoii & Co. ...Divers & Contractor!* 3 Patcon \Vm Br'-ker 8 Peldiat Andr»5 Dry Goods SJ 7i PBlchat Joseph O Baker 4 h pelletierG, W Grocer 3 7 Pallet er Honor^ . Saloon 4 8 Pelletier Mrs. , wid. H&p Hotel 3 7 Pfclletier P., & Co- Dry GoodM 3 Pennee, Peer & Plewes. . . Whol. FlOUr t &Graini PerKins Richard Baker rerry James Furniture .^J etprs Simon, sr Saw Mills 2J Peverley Clavering Wholesale Oils See Montreal. PfeifEer A. S.,&Co Dyers S fl Pf eiffer M'rs. Edward A Dyer 3 122 8 II 4 :t 2i 4 4 7 •i « S ••) 4 FhiUlfm 0«nrge T Pinitber « 4* Phillips fc O'SiiTllvan Plumbers ( ,, & Steam I'lttfrn I "* Plcard Kuseiie Blacksmsih I*lcard Knst'he Taiior Picard Joseph I-\nnher IMcard .loKujih Mfr. Paper B xcs Plrugs 4 Potvin Olivier Hotel ;j Polvin Thomas Hotel 3] Poulin Celestlu Black-nuth 4 Poulin Jean Bte Baker '".' Poulin Louis Groc( Poulin P. E.,&Co Mfg. Jewellers '4 H r ^ 4 4 5 8 7 8 ? 4 8 7 Poulicit A.,iCo (Jurriers 2] Pouliot Antoine Blacksmith 4 Pouliot & Va) Gnxiers Pouliot Klzear leweller 4 8 Pouliot & Fidnrdeau 'I'anners Pouliot J. S., & Frere Curriers 3 BJ Pouliot MoVse Grocer 3 7 Pouliot MerreO (Jrocer 3 7 Presho David. Upholsterer Price Bros. & 06 Lumber I 1 Pronlx Louis Second-Hand Score 4 Pruneau A. R., &Co Coal, &c. 3 Pruneau & Kirouac Stationery & i „ Bakers ( ** Quebec Bank, . — President ; James Stevenson, Casliier. PHid-in cap. *2,.500,rugH I „ -, & Sfliallwari'8 I •* " Uioux NarciBHe, & Co . . Whol. (irocors 2 2j| HitchieJohn Mfra. Boots & Shoes 2 3 Kiverin CLas. S Grocer 3 lUihinet Francois T«n«er 3 6i Kohitaillo, Beruior & Bernier.Dry Gds. Hobitaille F. X. . . . ; Blacksmith 4 8 Uobitaille & Gulmond. ..Sew. Mach. & I ,,, . Pianos ( ^4 ° Hobitaille Jaoqu(>8 Grocer Kobitalll»» J< seph Grocer 8 7 Ifobitaille Jos. A .Saloon 4 lloliitalUe & Laperriere..Shjp Chandlers 3 Kobiti.llle & I icher. .W. &II. Hardware 2i ."5 RohHaille Thomas f^aloon 4 8 Bo' he John Lumber & Com'n 3 Kochet Gaspard Tanner 24 J<) & Gagnon Si Rochet. Hnchct Olivier (Estate of) Tanner 2 24 Kogers Wni. B 1>tu«s 3i 7} Kolland J. B., & Fils. Wnol. Stafy.. &c. See Montreal. Hoinerlll George Confectioner 3i 7 J Rondeau dosepli Cr< ckery 3 7 Rooney Joseph, jun Salooji & Com'n 3 Rosa Narciese ...Shipbuilder Ro8»& Go. (Est. of). ..Whol. Gen. Mer. Al Al Ross John, & Co Whol. Grocers Al Al Rose Mrs. John, widow Tavern 4 8 Hi luillard Nicholas, ...Dry Goods 3 7 Roideau Kdmond Stationery Roiunilhao Kdouard Wines & Fruits 3 6J Rousseau Gl^ophaa Saloon 4 Roussuau J. B I'eas & Crockery 3 6 Rousseau J< b. E Beer Bottler 3i 7^ itoutbier Widow Charles ...Jeweller 3 6 Roy Alphonae Restaurant 3 6; Roy Charles, sen Boots & Shoes 2 J 4; Roy Charles E. . W. & R. Shoe Find'ngs ii 4^ Roy David ...»..., ....,» Hotel Roy Elisoe B Dry Goods 2i 5 Roy George Currier 2} 5 Roy Honor«5 Fbotogruplier 4 8 Roy Jean Tailor 4 8 Russell Hotel Co. (The). (Inoorpomted) 2^ liu'hmaii Henry G Sausage Maker 4 8 Ruthmau Robert, H«n Sausage J^kr 3 6 ByonMiolial .Saloon 4 4 8 T 8 J} SaimTiMm Bdwrt . . .Plumbpr & Steam ) Fitter} Sams >Ti ft (!o Tanners & Curriers .HaniHon & FtHon Hardwares Samson Ollvfer Cabinet maker 4 Handersnu Kdw«r(1 Broker Saii.-favon Alfred A Boots & Shoes ^ Sansfavfrti Fran9ol» Grocer 3 Sansfncon Louis Grfcer 8 Snsseville Je«n B. .. . Div(too«1h Scott H H.,SiVo ,...W, AR. Hardware 2J 4 Sears Joht), jti'i I'a.iter ♦ Heeberfr I'auritz Ship ('handler 3 7 Signin Pierre HIaclo rated) St. Pierre J. N Boot & Shoe Mfr. Stanley William. Bookseller & Stationer Starkey Miss Isabella Drossmkr Stevenson M., & Co Lumber Studham Thomas M Crockery Swindell Richard Shipsmith 3 ? n 8 8 2)5 Sylvaln Etienne. 4 3 2i 8 rocer 3^ n J 6i 3 7 2i4i 4 Talbot Edouard "V Confectioner Tanguay George . . Whol. Fish & Prov. Tanguay & l^aneur Saddlers ■ Tanguay & Lepinay Dry Goods TauBUHy Louis — Saddler Tardiff Jean M,, sen Sparmaker Tardivel J. Ivi., & Son Painters Tardivel Jules P... Publisher Taylor E. & H . .Gro. & Ship Chandlers 2i 4J Taylor Tlionuis Dry Goods 4 Terreau Mrs. Charles Foundry 2^34 Q'essier Ernest Groce r 4' ; lliibaudeau Daiuase Provisions 4 ThibaudeauFriires&Co.Whol. Dry) *! . Goods S ^ A & Montreal* 12a i- ■i-'VirT V Que QUEBEC. Qui Thibaudeau J. B Fruits 3 6 Thibaudeau Misael W. & R. Grocer 2i 4i Tbom Al^-xander Plumber 3 6J Thorn Johu S Boats 2A 5 Thomas Francia T Whol. Crockery 24 4 Thomsou 1). C&Co Lumber 2 3 Timmons Martin, & Son.Mfrs. Ginger 1 ~ ^i Ale, &c. ( ^ •** & Montreal, Toupin L .Saloon 3J 7i Toussaii t A., & Co.Com. Wines & Cigars Tou!*8aint F. X. , & Co Grocers See Gagnon & Frfere Tozer & Co Butchers 2^ 4i Tracy Wm Confectioner i 8 Tremblay Cyprien L Rciftaurant 3J 7 J Tremblay Elie — Boots & Shoes 4 8 Tremblay M rs. Louis Grocer Triulel li General (store 2^ 5 Jones A. B l*osUiiasLer i>j 7 Kiiud Austin S ". JiuiiUer Kaiid G. S. D Saw Aiili * Stune l>avid Garpeuler RAPIDES DES JOACHIMS (or Aber- deen). Foiitiau Co. On north aliore Ottawa River, 46 miles above rtinbroke. Daily Hitanivr i/t, summtr, Utaye in iyi7Uer. ro^i. 80. Tel., Exp, <& Hank at J'embioke. ' Boisvert Ghas , Hott^l 3i 7i Bouchard Denis Blacksmith 4 b Blouse Jos Biackttuiith tos.fcllo 1* Hotel Downey H. K Hotel 3 7 Downey i'atrick , J>ry Goods 'i\ 7i Murray T. & W Gen. Store & Furs Sue ii'embroke, Out. BAWDON. Montcalm Co. Stage from St. Lin, 14 miles. I'op. 660. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Jolittte, 18 miles. Barretle JVl General Store 3 5 Beauregard J. 0, jr — baker 3 7 Keauregard Th^ophile . . Flour & Baker 3 6 (Jlevclaud Jfatrick Grocer 3 6i Gagiiou Ulric Shoemaker 4 8 Hoiliday Wm Gen. Store 2i 3i Koeller Hiram Baker 3^ 7 j Laporte J . Alphonse Tinsmith 4 Lasalle Widow J General Store SJ 7^ Lnidsay John — Grocer 3j 7 j Aiorin i:.dmond Blacksmith '6 bl Skelly Michael General Store 3 6jl BEEDSDALE. Megautic Co. On the River Thames, 14 mUes from Ste. Julie Station. Pop. 20D. J el. & Exp. Ste. Julte. Bank at Riciunond. Camiing Richard. Farmer & Agrl. Impl. 3 7 BEPENTKiNY. L-'Assomptlon Co. On north shore of St. Lawrence River, 9 miles from L'Epiphauie. J)aHy Steamer & Stage. Bop. 100. Tel., Exp. Ma»couche. Bank at Montreal, 18 miles. CunyF ....Hotel 3i 6^ Johnson J. T Luiuber 2^ 4^ Marchaud Homer Pa nter • Mercier Unesime Carriageuiaker 3 J 7 J Kl vet Benjamin Butcher 4 7^ lit vet Loon Blackemith 4 Thouui Absolon Gro. ft Dry Goods 3 3^ BICEBUBG. Missisquoi Co. On Smith Eastern R. R. Bop. 170. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Bedford, 3 miles, Lambkin P. & L Builders & Mfrs. 3 6 Palmer B. A.,&Co Gen. Store 4 KiceB.T Founder, &c. 3 7 Kice Martin Grist Mill 3 G BICHABDVIL.L.E. Megaiitlv Co. nine miles from Thetford. Tel. & Exp. Somer- set, 26 miles. Bank at Arthabaska Station, Bop. 50. Carignau Napoleon General Store 4 i (Jhrelien Theophile Blacksmith 4 8. Fluet Thos Gen. Store 4 Goulet Anihiine Blacksmith 4 8 Itoy Jas. O Gen. Store -i BICHBY (or Brockville). Cumptou Co. On Grand Trunk R . R. Pop. 50 . Tel. d; Exp. Bank at iJvaticook, 6 miles. See Hillhurst. i . .1 BICHELIEV. BouviUe Co, On the River Richelieu & South Eastern R. R., 13 miles from At. Johns. Pop. 3U0. Tel. de Exp. Bank at St. Johns. Ar pill , Boi vin & Co Paj-er Mill ' ' Bessette Amedee Sew. Mach. Agent 3 6 Bessette Zotlque Hotel 3 6 Giroux Arthur Shoemaker 3i 7^ Lamarche J . L Gen . Store 3 7 Lussier Louis Baker 3 (> LusHier 'I'lieo .... Blacksmith 3 7 Ostlgn^ . tlphonse Gen. Store 3 7 liicheiieu Paper Mill — t See Arpin, Boivin & Co. Riendeau Antoine Flour Mill 3 7 Swail dobn Trader 2) 5 Tetreauit Alp Hotel 3 6 Tetreault Alp. & Ambroise.Cheese Fcty. 2^ 6 Trudeau Jos Contractor oj 7 WardJaa Butcher 3 tii BICHMOND. Bichiuond Co. County Seat. On Grand Trunk R. R. Pop. 2,300. Tel.., Money Order Office, Exp.,wic/i a local hank. Alexander James General Store 3 (> Barret Thomas F Hotel 3 tf BairieJ. \\ Photographer 4 8 Bedard Charles Undertaker 3 (i Bedaru J>av.d F Geiieral store 4 Bedard J. C Bark 2^ 4J Bedard Joseph, jr Gen. Store, Saw ^ .,, .. Mill,&c. S ^ * Bedard Joseph, Hr Baker 3 tt Bernier Miss G. K Grocer 4 8 BrisboiB Mrs, P Millinery * Biisbois P Grocer 4 Broaie John Coutectiouery 4 8 Brown — .Ihysiciau 4 Cambron Jules Xot)acco 4 8 Campbell Charles General Store 3 G, Chan on J. A Gen. Store 3i Cboyer O. O.....* Barber •* 8 Corner Mrs. Frank Gro., &c. 4 8 Cross A. J Sash & Door Factory 3 7 Davis W lu Gen. Storu 4 7^ Deurdon Mrs. Daniel Millinery 3 ti Desauluiers Henri Blacksniitu 4 7^ Dubrule J. ^ D. G. &. Shoes 3 0^ Duntou George baker 4 1:25 Ria QUEBEC, Rim Dunton Miss A . M Millinery 3i 7i Uluiiton iMias V Fruits, &c, 4 8 Dupuis Barber 4 . l>upuis N Tailor 4 Eastern Townships Bank See Slierbrooke Farquluir flames JBlk. &. Carriages 3i 5i Forcf't Gedeon Kestauraut 4 8 Foriier F Tailor 'V Foster W. H Grocer , &o. 4 8 briHiili lulward Hotel 3i 7i Hall George J Hotel 3 Hamilton John ...Painter 4 8 Hayes VV Butcher 8 5i Hill (}eorge T.. & Son Marble 8 6 Hudon& Caion Gen. Stores 6 Hiitton George Carr. Maker 4 8 Janelle U Harness & Boots & Slioes 3^ 7^ Jeffrey W. H Asbestos Mine 3 Jones Kobert Music, &c. 3 7 Jones William E Editor & Printer 4 Jutras L«5op()kl Gen. Store 3 7 Keej^an Janies Dry Goods & Gro. 4 8 Kinch George Marble 4 Lance A. 1j Printer --f Lane John H Hot«l 3 7 Laplante Octave IMason Contractor ^ Lebaron G. A Agr'l. Impts. See Slverbrooke. Leclorc C Horse Trader 4 McDonald W.B Tinsmith 4 8 McKee K. F. . Gen . Store 3 6i Millette C. S., & Co Gen. Store 4 NoelN Billiards 3 5 Parks John J Gpnerul Store 3 6 x'earson E. J General Store 4 8 PlloLte Joseph Mer. Tailor Powe.'l Mrs. E Confectionery 4 8 liattray Robert Tinsmith 4 8 *' l{ichmoiid o iiardlan " (The) See W.E. Jones " Kichmond Times " (The) Rocheite E Physician 3^ 7i Scott Brd Samuel F. Gen. Store 3 6 Beau ' ieu H Carriages 3i 7^ Bedard Charlee-. CabinetmaKcr 4 Berube C Baker 3i 7i Caron Abraham < Grocer 4 Corriveau E Gen. Store CoteSS'muel . . . . » Gen. .Store 2^ 6 Couillard Filg & Co cen. Store 3 Couture F. J Gtu. Store 4 . Dionne Eusiache Blacksnnth 3^ 7^ Fiset J. B. Komuald Physicians Ci Fournier Louis Gen. Store & Slioeniaker 3^ Tj Fournier Vallere Shoemaker 3i U Gagnier Jacob Grocer 3>\ 7| Gagjion Charles Boots & Shoes 4 8 Gauvreau Pierre Physician ^ Hodge Edward Butcher 4 Label le 1" , X Photo & Blectroplater 4 Langlois F. D Gen. Store 3 LangiOis Jos oen Store 4 Lauzier Francois Grocer 3 Lauzier Miss Appoline Gen. Store 3^ 7| Lavoie J. B Blacksmith 3j 7i Lavdie Louis Sewing Madi. Aient 4 7i Lebel Miss Angelina Gr cer 4 Lf p ge Herm^n«'gJJde G. . . . ..Gen. Store 3 Lepage Jos . . Carriages 4 l^epage L. H Physician & Drugs 4 Martin Fils, & Co (ien. Store ^ Ouellette J>idier Ge*i. Store 3 Ouellette Jo^eph Naroisse Grocer 3 Kinguet Conrad (»rocer 4 Hobii aiUe A, . . , Cabinetmaker 4 Rostan Firmin Watches 4 Pilest J>aniel ,..,.. Gen Store St. Laurent A., & Co Hotel 4 8 St. Laurent JYancois Hotel, &e. St. Lament eToseph Gen. Store 3 St. Laurent Louis H Gro. Hotel 3 Simard Zepbirin Cabinetmaker 4 Talbot J. A Beer Bottler 4 Talbot * Parent Flour A G»ain 3 6^ Tlieriault Octave .... .,. Grocer, &c. 4 8 TberriaultP Tns 3 7 Tremblay Jules Miller 3 6i Voyer Ferdinand Liquors & Grocer 4 Welsh George Baker. & Confectioner 4 . 8 8 8 6J 8 n 8 3i7i 'An ' 4 Biv QUEBEC. RiV RIPON. Ottawa Co. TeJ- & Exp. PaplneauvUle, 16 milea. Bank at Hull, 65 mitts. Pop. 4u0. Belisle Alfred Carr. Maker Buiircier L.N Gen. Store 3 6 Bniiiit Francois R ...Hotel Derouin Taul Grocer 3 7 DeHJardius Dorcius Blacksmith 3 7 Fortier & Frei e Saw Mill Galipeau I'aul Hot^l 4 8 Guay Artliur Gen, Store IJughcft .Jolui.. Shingle, Grist & Saw Mill 3i 7 Joubert Jos., & File. . Saw & Grist Mill 3 6 Lt'iluc Flavien Biuckeni.tii 4 b jMontpellier L Gen. Store 4 8 >eveu Jaiqiies Gen. Store Facjuette Nap Cajriagemaker 4 8 Seguin Josepli iilacksniilh Seguin Polidoi'e Slu.eniaker St. Fierre J . B Notary & P. M . 3 7 St, Pierre Mathiad Gen. Store 3i 7i UIVEK 1>AVID. Yaina»ka Co. On Jlirer David <& on Northern Division Soufh^Easteru Seinl-Wftkly uteainer from Soiel & Montreal, Pop. 50(i. Tal., Monty Order office & Exp. Bank at Horel, 15 miles. Antole Joseph Saddler 4 8 BeauUreau Victor Gen. Store 3 7 Beaulac Victor Gen. Store Chamberlaud Henry C Stove & Plow i o 7 Foundry j Fortier L. A Physician 3 7 (iauniond Alphonse BlacAsmith 3^ 7;^ Houde Olivier Hotel 4 8 JoyalA Baker 4' 8 Martin J. & E Waggon niitkers 4 8 Melaiicoii Isaac Tanner 3 7 Pepin J. D N. P. & Speculator 3 G Salvus Al Blacksmith 4 8 Tlieroiix Narcisse Grocer, &c. 3i 7i Toiichettc Elio oen. Store 3 7 Tiudeau i'.douard (;arriag»« 3^ 7^ Valuis & J.,etendre Gen. Store 3 Oj Wurtule Chfi. J. O.. Carding & Grist Mills 2^ 6 lUV KK UKSKKT. Ottawa Co. Stage from Hull, 90 mihs. Tel., Exp. & bank ot Ottawa, 91 miles. Pop. 900. Beaudin C. L. Candies, &c. & Notary * Blanchette Uouis Hotel 4 8 Branchaud Antoine Hotel 4 8 Conjeau fJosepn Physician 3^ 7i Corriglrt J Blacitsiuith 4 8 Dainour Ancoiue.... .Blackan)ith 3^ ii Dor6 Aide Tlnvv are 4 8 Dvr^ Kvariste Baker 4 8 Fitzgeruld lUomas Gen. Store * Gannon — Hot«l 4 8 GoUlberg & Harris Geu. Store 4 Hamel jt — Carriageinaner 4 8 Kavanagh P .... Gjocer& lilacksnilth 3i 7i Lenuevaiie Mrs., wid. X.Ury Goods, &c. 3 7 Luguc Cuarl-js . . ..Lmnber «& Gen. Store 2^ 4 McGoey Thomas Hotel 4 H Martineau A Shoemaker 4 8 M eunior Arislide Hotel 4 8 MilMnove l>wou t Saloon 4 8 ^ow Aggio Millineiy 4 Moreau Joseph E Grocer 4 8 Nault Andre .Tavern 4 Nattit Ge^i'tl^ • • • • ":*?V- StV''^ * 8 Botchilds Max Gen. Store See Kazabazua. Koy&Koy Gen. Store 4 8 Thomas Charles Tavern 4 8 RIVKR GILBERT (or GilbertviUe) Beaiioe Co. On a branch of the River Chvndiire. Pop. 300. Tel. <& Exp. St, Joseph, 9 wi/t'.s. Bank at Quebec. Boivin Francois Black.smith 4 Fortier Jean Boarding House 4 8 Latlanune Michel Saddler 4 8 Leclaire Jean Shoem<>koniiW JpUn P Hotel 3 8 McNown ArcUd., & Co. . ... .Gen. Store 3 5 Martin Mrs. Seraphin, wi 1 — Aiillincry 3^ 7J Montpetit J. Bt«, Baker .VAjorgau— Physician Perry J. ....Tinsmiih 4 7i Sauye.^Joseph..., Satkiler 4 8 Elv QUEBEC. Rob BIVIKBE BLANCHE. Bimouskl Co. On tlie River St. Lawrence, 23 miles from St. Octave, Pop. 75. Tel., Exp. St. Octave. Bank at Fruaeroille. B61anyer I'ierre Saw Mill 4 8 Boucher Acliille Saw & Grist Mills 3 6 Desrosiers Norbert Shoemaker d 8 Lepage Bernard Blacksmith 3^ 7i Paquet & St. Laurent Gen. StOF'^ 4 l\ Paquette Alexis Gen. Store Pelletier Louis Blacksmith 4 8 Quimpevt Alfred Gen. Store 4 7i Roy Joseph Saw & Grist Mills 3 6 Slroi- Edouard Shoemaker 4 Talbot Alcide Ed Gen. Store 3 BJ BIVIEBE BOIS CLAIBE. Lotbiniere Co. See St. Edouard. BIVIEBE I)ES PBAIBIES (or Bor- deaux). Uochelaga Co. On C. P. R. Pop. 250. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Montreal, 8 miles. Asselln Samuel Tinsmith 4 8 Beauchauip Naroisse Joiner 4 8 B61anger Louis Groct-r & P. M. 3^ 7i Desjarilins Aiuedee Joiner 4 Durocher J. Bte Gen. Store 3 7 Gravel Joseph Joiner 3^ Lachapclle Theopbile Joiner 4 8 Lavigne Amedee Shoemaker 4 LeveilW Toussaint Joiner 4 8 Par6 Oasiniir Joiner 4 8 Pare Joseph Joiner ^ 7^ Par6 Louis Carpenter Par6 Maxime fjoiner 4 Pepin Paul ..Blacksniiih 3i 7i St Jean Arthur Blacksmith 4 8 St. Jean Zotique. Carriageinaker 3^ Ti BIVIEBE DU LOUP EN BAS. Temlsijouata Co. See Fraserville. BIVIEBE DU LOUP EN HAUT. Maskiiionge Co. ii* i- See Louiseville. BIVIEBE GAGNON. Terrebonne Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. Jerome, 6 miles. Pop. 60. Racine Pierre Hotel 4 BIVIEBE LA MAD tLEINE. Gaspe Co. Exp., St. Octave, H3 miles. Tel., Mont Louis, is miles. Hank, Paspebiac. Pop. 75. BIVIEBE OUELLB. Kamouraska Co. On the south shore of the St. Lawrence River & the Jnfercolonkil R. R. Pop. 300. lei. & Exp. Bank at Fraserville. Beaulieu J. B. (dit Hudon). . .Gen. Store 3 7 Chamberlain Andrti Gen. Store Daiijou I'ranvois Blacksmith 3A 7J Daujou George . Blacksmith sj 7 J Dionne Charles Gen. Store 3 7 DubeN Blacksmiths 7 Fraser AchlUe Ins. Agent 4 8 Gagnon AniM^e Grocer 4 Gagnon Antoiue Gen. Store 4 8 12S Gafirnon Joseph Tanner 4 8 Hudon Philippe Grist Mill See St. Paschal. King Bros Lumber & Saw Mill 2 3 Lebr un Alexis Shoemaker 3' ' (J J Lebrun Joseph Grocer 3 7 Letellier Alpnonse Physicians 7 Letellier Charles, jr Grocer 2^ 5 Letellier Charles, sr Mill Owner 2 3 L6vesque George Fish & Hotel 3 7 Martin Pierre Gen. Store 4 8 Pelletier Jos Cheese Factory See St. Louise des Aulnais. BIVIEBE B01TGE. Ottawa Co. See Chute aux Iroquois. BIVIEBE ST. JEAN. Sagaei>ay Co. One hundred & twenty miles from Gaspe. /'q/>. 200. Bank at Quebec. Chambers Benjamin Postmaster BIVIEBE TBOIS PISTOLES. Teiniscouata Co. Three miles from Trois Pistoles. Tel. & Exp. Trois Pistoles. See Trois Pistoles. BIVINGTON. Argeuteuil Co. Twelve miles from Calumet Station. Tel. <& Exp., Calumet. Bank at Montreal, 72 miles. Bouet Anatole Gen. Storw ••' Mcintosh D Postmaster BOBERTSON STATION. Beauce Co. On Quebec Central R. R. Tel. <& Exp. Bank at ArtlMbaska. Pop. 100. Dion Eugfene Blacksmith 4 8 Dion Joseph Eugfene Gen. Store 4 8 Goulet Ed (jen. Store 4 8 Lehoux Louis 4 Patterson A. W Saw Mill 4 Perron Tretfl^ Blacksmith 4 8 Talbot & Co Flour, Prov., &c. 3 6 Trepauier Mrs. Paul Hotel 3 6i BOBEBVAL. Chicoutimi Co. Exp. & Bank, Fraserville. Tel., Chicoutimi, 75 miles. Pop. 1000. Beemer H. J., & Co... Saw Mill & G. S. Bilodeau L. P. , & Co Gen. Store 3^ 7.^ Danielson G Gen. Store 4 8 Lindsay Charles — Hardware «fe Grocer 3 7 Marcoux Alphonse < otel 3 (i^ Matte A. George Physician Menard E., & Fils Gen. Store 2^ 4^ Otis Eucher Gen. Store 3 6) Paradis G. L. , & Co Gen. Store * Pilot A. T61e phore Gen. Store * Rouleau J. B Drugs Trerablay Thos Grist Mill 3 3i Trembluy W. J ..GonStoreS Veiiuette&Potvin Ueu. Store 4 BOBINSON. ComptonCo. "' Ore C. P. R. Pop. 300. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Sherbrodke, 22 miles. Barter James Qro. & Dry Goods 4 8 Bown Wm Saw Mill 3 6 Gallagher F Watches, &c. 4 Hunt F. B Hotel 4 Hunt James Gen. Store a 6i Hob QUEBEC. Rox [iefebvre Archibald Blacksmith 3 7 Lofebvie JameB . . .Saw Mill, Sashes, &c. 3 7 Lowry Henry. Harness 4 H Mclver A. Lewie. Gen. Store 2J 4J Morrow -James Gen. Store 4 7^ Miinro .lolui 11 Tinsmith 4 8 MunroT. H Gen. store 3 Piuiuette Eunice iVlillinery 4 8 p(ipe F. M Saw Mill 2j 3} Smith Peter, & Co Marble 4 8 Stokes Thomas Ojirriaeeniaker 4 7 Wales Benjanun Pliysiciau 4 8 ROBITAILiIiK. lloiiaventure Co. E.rp. , JMlhotisie, N. li. Tel, , Nouvelle. Bank i'ampbttltou, N.Ii. Po;>. 50. Allard Ernest Fish 4 8 Cyr Peter Gen. Store 4 llOCHKLLK (or Ste. Anne de Stukely). Shefford Co. /V/. , Erp. & Hank, Waterloo, IQ miles. Pop, m). I mignault David Hotel 4 8 ( iaouette Louis Gen. Store 4 7;^ Petit Moisp Black-smith 3 7 i'oirier J. N Carding Mill 'i\ 7i Salomon W. H Sewing Macli. Agt. 3j 'I'herien J. Aime Gen. Store & Mills 4 8 ROCKBITBN. Huntingdon Co. st'ii/e from Hemmiufiford , 22 miles. Pop. 100. fel'., Jixp. & Bank, Iluntivijilon, 11 miles. Cniik Wtn. . Carding & Dyeing Mill 3 7 FHr(iuhar& Oliver Tinsmiths 3 6i (iiliHon VVidi w Agnes Gen. Store 31 7j H u^hes JamotJ Hotel & Tailor 3} 7^ Jiiniieson Wm. S Sewing Ma<.'h. .Agt. 4 8 D'Neill — G 11. Store 3 Oliver Andrew Gen. Store 2^^ 5 litiiives James W Blacksmith 3 7 Stoelp & Henderson Founders 3 7 Stuart Join* Grist Mill 3 6 KOCK FOREST. Sherbrooke Co. Siv v)il€sf'rom Sherbrooke. Tel., Exp. & Bank tit Sherbrooke. ROCK ISLANI). Stanstead Co. <>/(f (iiul a-half miles from Stanstead. Pop. 800. Canada and U.S. . Hrp. & Money Order office. Tel. A Bank Stanstead. AujterJ. N Butcher 3^ 7* I'.uttertield & Co Machinists, &c. 2] 4 <'aldwell Moses Grocer 3 5 Coopei Albert E Hotel 3^^ 7i ( ordeux O Blacksmith * Cram L. D Furniiure 4 8 1 )ionue Auj^uste Shoemaker 4 8 Kvjin.s & Gignac Hotel 3i 7 Flint ,1. T Drugs 3 « Foster A. T. , & Co. . . .Mnfrs. Shoes, &c. 2 3 l"r ntier Axle Co 2^ 7 4 7A 7| 4 8 4 8 3 G 4 9 Rox QUEBEC. St. A ;i liCdoux Joseph Hotel * LcL'aiHi Edouard, jr Blackamitb 4 8 McKvila William «eii. Store 2i 5 McdrailCliarles... Hotels « McGiuil Thos., & Co Gen. Store 3 ( Nadeaii A Pumpniaker 4 7 Petit, Shoeinalier 4 8 Poirier Herment^glide Gen. Store 3 5i Pn'-fontaine Fabion Baiter 4 7 I'routy& Miller.... Lumber 2i 4 (Set^ Newport, Vt.) RonsHin (Juillaume Gen. Store '2J 4i Sasseville.l. L Tinsmitli * Tarte Cliarles ... Grocer 4. 8 TarteJ. Bte Gro.&Prov. 4 7^ Wood Wilfred W Stationer, &c. 4 8 Tel. 3 5 4 7 4 8 3 6 I 2A 5 '^h -\ 4 8 4 8 ^ n 3 6 3 7 4 8 3 C 3 7 3.i 7-i 3 6A IIOXTON PONl>. SheftVncl Co. Stnnit from Grunhij, 6 mihs. Pop. 275. & Kxp. South Ro.vton. Hank iiranbij. Bachand Jeremie Saw Mill Bachand Louii^, sr Mills Bernior Louis Contractor Bernier Misael Gen. Store Bienvenn Bruno. Gen. Store* Butcher Brault Kemi Gen. Store Dalpe S Tool Mnf r. Goyette Delphis Contractor Gravel p'rancois X ... .Cabinei maker Kerouack Cyprien Tii smith Lebrun J, B Saddler LeducJ. P Physician Nadeau L Hotel Noel Philippe Tool Mnfr, Normandin N apoloon Gen. Store Picard Alph Gen. Store & Butcher Sen6cal &, Uacicot Waggonniakers Willard S. E Tool Mnfr. BITISSEAU A SEM. Blmoiiski Co. Exj). St. Octave, 51 mites, Tel. Matane. Bank Fraserville. Pop. 100. Kichardson James & Co Lum'er & I Spool Factory ( See Matane. lUINNYMEDE. IJoiiaventiire Co. ,S;.i" miles from Melapediac. Tel. t& fHap. .\letnpe(liac. Wheeler Mrs. B Postmistress . RIIPEKT. Ottawa Co. c s Pop. 50. Tel. North WakejieUl, 8 miies. Exp. & Bank at Ottawa, 2b miles. Harris J Gen . Store 4 8 KUSSELTOWN FLATS. Cliateauguay Co. Ten miles from Hemminyjbrd , Pop. .50. Tel. & Exp. Hemminyford. Bank at St. Jiemi, 18 miles. Beaudin Narcisse Butter Factory 2J 5 Gagne J Blacksmith 4 8 llusseltown Flats Cheese Factory 3 Struthers F C Gen. Store Williamson — Shoemaker 4 8 ST. AT>ELAIDE 1>E PABOS. Gaspe Co. Nearest Station & Exp., Dalhonsie, N.B, Tel., Nf'irport. Banklnu Town, Paspehiac. Pop. 150. Duguay David Gen. Store 4 Manger Robert (Jen. Store, &c. 130 ST. ADELE (or Alieroromble). Terre- bonne Co. El(fhteen miles from St, Jerome. Pop. 115. Tel., Exp. c& 'BankatSt.JerOme. Beauchamp Francois Blacksmith 3 7 Boliemier J. B Gen. Store 3 f>\ Cardinal Stanislas 3 f." iJumouchel Damasc. Joiner & Saw Mill 3J 7' (iodiner Onesime Hotel 3 (i'j Grignon Wilfri«l PUyeiciaii 3 n Lacasse Mrs. Josepli 4 8 Lachaiiie Camille Saw Mill, &c. .! 7 Lafieur Hormi.-das B Gen. Store 2^ .'i Lafleur Magloire Tanner .'i t'> Ouellette Charles Gen. Store 3J 7' Paienient Damasc Blacksmith.'?', 7' Vanier J. H Hotel 3"^ (>" ST. ADOT.PHE. Cbainplain V». Between St. Stanislas & St. Theclo. Trottier Eugene Gen. Store ST. ADBIEN. Wolfe Co. PJi^hteen nules from Danville,. Tel., d- E.rj). Danville. Bank at Jtichmond, 30 milfs. Pop. 100. Brocliu J. Godfroid Gon. Store 3^ 71 Charland Xavier Shoemaker & ) 3i Saw Mill i ""a ' Cormier David Gen. Store 4 8 Pariseau Horace Bhacksmith & I Cabinetmaker 1 4 « ST. AI>BIEN clMRLANDE. Co. See Richardville. Megaiitic ST. AGAPIT. Lotbiniere Co. See Black River Station. ST. AGATHE. Lotbiuiere Co. Staqefrom Methods Mills. Pop, 325. Tel. cC lixp.. Methods Mills, 8 miles. Bank at Quebec, 28 miles. Bardon Thomas Flour 3^ 7^ B^langer >afcig8e Carpenter 4 8" Bertou Pierre Blacksmith 4 8 Boulanger Liizare. .Gen. Store & Potash 2^ 4 Brochu Mrs. Godfroi G. S. & Potash 3 i\\ Bolsvert Napoleon Carriagemaker 4 8 Boivin Damase Blacksmith 4 Chamberland Phllias (len. Store 4 8 Chamberlaiid Pierre Shoemaker & ( j. Saddler ( * Chretien Hilaire Blacksmith 4 8 Demeis Nazaire Wheelwright 3 7 Gagne Alphonse Shoemaker 4 8 Gregoire Damase Waggonmaker 3^7^ Laflamme O. . . .-. .Flour & Cattle Trader ^ 7 Lamontagne Ephrem. ...Carriagemaker 4 8 Simard— Tanner 3i 7i ST. AGATHE DES MONTS. (Beresford P. O.) Terrebonne Co. On the North Jiiver, 70 miles from Montreal. Pop. of Parish, 1,800. Tel., Exp. ct Bank St. Jerome, 40 miles. Amiot Lambert Joiner 3i 7| Aubiii Louis Carpenter 4 8 Beauchamp Andr*^ Blacksmith 3* 7 Beauchamp Honore F'lour Mill 3] "J BelJsleH. A Gen. Store St. A QUEBEC. St. A 2Mi 3i 7 3 r,i 3 (ii 4 H 4 8 3i7i ;{} 7i -'Mi 3 « 4 8 31 7i 3| 7§ 3 7 4 4 8 3j7J -'1 4 3 7 4 8 4 Belisle Joseph Saw Mill Boheiiiier Pierre Flour Campeau F^lix Butcher Chalif oux F61ix F'lour ('harbonneau Kodrigiie Gen. Store Chartraiul Fraufois Hotel Coursol Isaac Tanner David Fr6deric Blackaiuith Deschene Louis Blucksniith Desornieau Francois (^'arpenler Ethier Charles (iri»t & Saw Mill Etu Daniien Tinsmith Forget Ferrier Gen. Store Godon Amable Tavern Godon Bruno Baker (iodou E. D Gen. Store (irignon E Physician (houlx Andrt^ Carpenter F>abelle J — Notary Loiseau Louis F Baililf & Sewing I M-Mh. Agt. { Marchand Charles J. ..Crown Land Ayt. Marier Adolphe Flour Mill Meuiiier Paul (Jrocer & Bdg. House Olivier L. A Physieian Kenauld Charles Butcher ST. AGNES. Charlevoix Co. Nine miles from Murray Bay. Tel. Murray Bay. Exp. fit. Philippe de Ncry. Bank at Fraserville. Desgague Boniface Blacksmith 3^ 7 Gagnon Zoel Gen. Store 3 7 Gaudreau Onesime Hotel 3^ 7^ Laberge Joseph (4fni. Store Lapointe Alfred Blacksmith 4 8 Lapointe Thomas Blacksniiih 4 8 Pilotte Justinien Wheelwriaht 3 0^ ST. AGNES DE DUNDEE. D Huntlngtlon Co. Tel. & Exp^ Fort Covington ^if. Y., 5 miles. Bank at Huntindon. Pop. 30. Kowley Thomas Gen. Store 4 8 Tolmie Mrs. J Gen. Store ST. AIME. Bichelieii Co. On River Yainaska, 1 miles from Yamanka, Semi-weekly steamer from Montreal. Pop. 5U0. Tel. & Exp. River David, 4 miks. Dank at Sorel, 19 miles, Archambault Louis Blacksmith 3 Auclair Gonzague Cordwood 4 Baize Geo. Tailor 4 Belisle J. Bte Gen. Store 2^ 5 Bergeron Pierre Physician 2 V 5 Berthiaume & Chartier Contractors '^ 5 Berthii.ume Moise.Contractor & Builder 3j 7^ Bibaud Hercule. Shoemak ^r 3 7 Bourt>eoi3 Aim^ Saddler 4 Bourgeois P "Wheelwright 4 Bousquet Isidore Blacksmith 3\ Brousseau Francois Cordwood 3 J Caron Ignace, jr Cordwood 3 Cordwood 4 Cartier & Co Geu. Store ("hampigny A Baker 4 Chartier Damien Wheelwright 2i Chartier Miss Augustine Millinery 4 8 Chenette Pierre Tailor & Grocer 3 7 Delisle George Painter 3 7 Delorme Raphael Tanner 3 7 DorviUiers Pierre Geu. Store 2J 5 Brolet Hilaire Flour 3 6 4 8 8 8 8 7i 71 G 8 8 5 Ferron Augustin Butcher 3k 7i Glrard J. B Patents, Ac. 3 7 GodboutFrs., jr.. Threshing Mach. Mfr. 2i 44 Grenier Mrs. Jos Gen. , Store 31 T* QuilbertN Gro. &c. 3 Lacroix Mrs. B. (Caroline C.).. Bakery / „ ,. Grocer & Hotel S ' Lambert Louis Cordwood 4 8 Lamoureux Andrt'i Blacksmith 3 6 J.,anoie P. C Gen. Store Lapolice Joseph H Builder 3 4i Lapolice Mrs. J. H Millinery See J. H, Lapolice. Lavallee Miss Eugenie I). G. 4 8 l^etendre Jos Cheese Fcty. 3j Levasseur (dit Belisle) Hugues . . . Grocer 3 6^ MassueJ. A Mills 2 2i Poirier Paul Wheelwright 3 6 Kiendeau Frederic Blacksndth 3 6i ItoyJ.B Mills 3 6* Roy J. B Tinsmith 3 7 Sylvestre F. X (irocer 4 8 Therrien J. Bte Cordwood 3^ 7 Therrien Joseph Cordwood 3" 7 Vigeant Mederic Blacksmith 4 8 ST. AL.BAN Portiieuf Co. Four miles from Lackevrotiere. Semi-weekly steamer from Qxiibec. Pop. 400. Tel. & Exp. La<;hevroH^re. Bank at Quebec. iH miles. Beaucage George Stone Quarry 3 7 Chalitbux Samuel Saw Mill 3 7 Falardeau Louis Chairmaker 4 7^ Germain Fi?lix Saw Mill 3^ 7^ Gignac Onesime Blacksmith 3 7 Lahaie Hercule Carriages 3 7 Martel — Blacksmfth 4 8 NaultOctave Saw Mill, &c. 3 6J Perron Hubert Gen. Store 4 Perron Joseph SaAV & Grist Mills 4 7i Perusse L Builder 3J TJ Sauvageau Ludger Gen. Store 4 8 Savard Jean Gen. Store 3 T Voisard Elzear Physician 4 & ST. ALBERT DE WARWICK. Arthabaska Co. Six and a-half miles from Warioick Station, and 18 miles from Arthabaska Station. Pop. 450. Tel. Brillant Jo-'eph Blacksmith 3i 7i Desbien Chai-Ies Wheelwright Sj 7 J Duinaia Ludger Saddler 3i 7i Fortin Kegent General Store 4 Garneau Achille Blacksmith 3 7 Garneau Kemi General Store 3 G Gervais Joseph Wheelwright 3i 7^ Michaud Elie Blacksmith 3i 7^ Michaud Joseph General Store 3 7 Pelchat Franyis General Store 2i 4i Pelle tier Horace General Store 3 6 ST, AliEXIS. Bonaventure Co. Three miles from Matapedia. Tel. tfc Exp. Matapedia. Bank at Campbellton, N. B. Pop. 900. Blaquierre Jean Blacksmith 4 8 Blaquierre Mathias Gen. Store 3 b\ Bosee Cyprien Blacksmith 4 8 BourgeaultEloi Joiner 4 8 ST. ALEXIS. (Grande Bale P. O.) Chicuutiml Co. Tel. Chicmiiimi, 12 miles. Pop, 300. Exp, & Bank at Fraserville. Dufour Juste Gen. Store 4 8 Gagnon Philibert Gen. Store 3 54 Gauthier Jules Gen. Store Si 7' Lavoie Gilbert Gen. Store Sj 7i Price Bros. & Co Lumber See Quebec. ST. ALEXIS DES MONTS. Mkskinonge Co. Tiventy-two miles from Louiseville, Tel., Exp, & Bank at Louiseville. Pop. 300. Bellerose Patrice R Gen. Store Boulanger D Hotel Caron Geo Gen'l Store & Saw Mill 2 3 Deschenes Henri Blacksmith 4 Laurie Spool Co I Autho. Cap. $15,000 I Lemay John Blacksmith 4 8 Marineau Omer Blacksmith 4 St. OngeN Hotel 3i Ik VincentFrs Sa.wMill 3 7 132 ST. ALfc-XIS. Montcalm Co. Tri-^oeekhi stat/c. from St. Lin, 12 miles. Pap. 150. 'J'eL, E'cp, L'lJpipfianie, 12 miles. Bank at Jolie.tte, 12 miles. Archambanlt L Gen. Store 3 G Archambault Odilon Saddler 4 8 Beaudoin Ensfebo Blacksmith 3 7 Bertrand Barthelemy Blacksmith 3 7 Cliarland J. A Dry Goods & Gro. 4 Dnpuis J, Ernest Gen. Store 4 7 Duval Odilon Gen. Store 2J 5 Gnimond Edouard .... G. S. & Peddler 4 8 Lamarche Denis Shoemaker 4 8 Laporte B. A Notary 3 ^ Lemay Thomas Blacksmith Liard Ernest Baker 3J 1\ Magnan Rlederic Tinsmith 4 8' Miifinan Octave Butter Factoi'y 2^ 5 Omon Egilde Gen. Store 3 « I'oirier George Grist Mill 3^ 7i ST. ALPHONSE (Bagotvllle). Chieoutlmi Co. On lliver St. Lawrence, 13 miles from Ckicou- fimi. Semi-vjeekly steamer. Pop, 300. Tel., Exp. & Jiank Fraserville, Boivin & Clanley Gen. Store 3 6^ Cot«5 On6sinie.. Money Lender Furs, &c. 2i 5 Lepage F. X. , & Co Dry Goods See Quebec. Levesque W Gen. Store 3^ 7J McLean Peter Ha ! Ha I Bay Hotel 4 8" Perron H Blacksmith SJ 7;! Potvin Alfred Gen. Store 3 6 Simard Arthur Sewing Mach. Agt '"s' Simard Job Gen. Store 3 7 Tremblay Pierre Blacksmith 4 ST. ALPHONSE. Jollette Co. •' Twelve miles from Eaiodon. Pop. 80. Tel,, Exp, & Bank at Joliette, 20 miles. Gamier Leon Saw & Grist Mills 3 6^ Lepage L^on Gen. Store 3 7 llichard Albert Carriagemaker 4 8 Trudeau Francis Misael Gen. Store 3J 7 ST. ALPHONSE. Shefford Co. A short distance from Angeline or Granby, Bank at Grmiby. See Clarina. , ST. AMBBOISE DE KILDABlS. JoUette Co. Stage firm, Joliette, 8 miles. Pop, iOO. Tel., Exp, & Bank at Joliette. Archambault Anatole Gen. Store 3 6^ ArpinCharles Saw Mill 3i 7 Arpin Luc Grist MiU 3 6,' Beaudry On(5sime Butcher 3^ 7 Bourgeois Azarie Tinsmith 4 8 ChalutJ. Bte Butcher 4 8 Dalphond Fraufois Joiner 3J 7 Dessert Anthime Trader 4 8 DupuisO Blacksmith 3i 7^ Fitzpatrick Jos. . . Millwright & Builder 3 6i Fleury Arthur Tinsmith 4 8" Garault Nazaire Joiner 3J 7 Garceau Joseph Gro. & Butcher 4 7 J Gen6reux Jos Baker 3 &i H^tu Paschal Tauner 4 8" Laf renifere D. M Gen. Store 3 7 Lafricain J. N. T.,&Co Gen. Store Laporte Alexandre. . . ,, Qen. Store 3i 7i St. A QUEBEC. St. A. Laurin Jos CarrlaRoniiiker 4 8 Liiurin Narcl88c, jr Blacksinitli 4 8 Laurln Naroifwo, Hr CarriageiDHker 4 8 Lavoie Maxiiue Notary 3 61 Lefebvre Joseph Orocer & Baker 3i "J I.eprohon -lames Physician [iippe JoRenh Phyaiolan ;5 C Magnan & Lahiue l$utt«r Factory Malo Joseph Blacksmith 4 K >rarchaiid Ulrlc Shoemaker 4 8 Pcrreault Sevcriii .... loiner ,T 7 ltol)itallle Antoine Tradpr 3 fi ijohltaillp Thpophile Trader 3^ Ti Simard Azarle Joiner 4 7| Triidel Charles SlioomHker 4 8 Vigneault Alphonse Butcher 4 Vigncault Joseph Carriagemaker 3 J 7i Wadon Edmoiid Trader 4" 7 J 8T. AMKUKE. Ottawa Co. ■ •■' " See Plaisance. ' • i ' ' ■ ( ST. ANACLKT. Kiinonski Co, From lUmouski, miles. Pop. 800. T,:l. & Exp. liimouskl, lianlc at FrasemMe. .Julien Louis Wheelwright 4 8 Lavoie Adelard Blacksmith 4 8 Marcelin H Blacksmith 3i 71 Michaml Alfred Blacksinith ^ TJ l{ioux George Tinsnuth 4 8 St. Laurent Valmore . . Gen. Store 3^ 7i ST. ANASTASIK 1>K NELSON. Megantie Co. See Lyster. ' . ST. ANDRE. KamouraskalCo. On Intercolonial It. Ji. Pop. 300. Tel. & Exp. St. Alexaiulre, 5 miles. Bank at Fra- serville. Dosjardiiis AKred (dit Roy) Agrl ) „ ^^ Implts., Sewg. Machine Agt, &c. 1 '^ '*' Dumont Paul Boarding House''.'- Marchand Hcrmeii^gildu.. .(4en. Store ; o ^l &SawAlilH ' Marquis Alfred C Gen. Store 2^ 4i Michaud Jules Bhicksmith 3 7 i'elletier Pierre Gen. Store 4 8 ST. ANDRE AVEI.IN. Ottawa Co. >itage from Fapineanville, 8 miles. Pop. 600. Tel. '<& Motley Order Office. Exp. Papineau- rille. Bank at Hull, 43 miles. Bclanger Damien Blacksmith 4 8 Bolisle Am*^d«5e, jr Waggonmaker 3 (^ Bcrub«^ Magloire ! Saddlpr 3 7 Blais J. Bte Hotel 3i 7i Blondin J Physician 2| 5 Bourgeois Alfred Blacksmith 3 7 Boyer Paul Hotel 3 6 Brisebois Pierre, sen Shoemaker 3^ 7 Cere Gabriel Blacksmith 3 7 Chene Avila Hotel 3 7 Chene Nicholas Gen. Store 2^ 4i I )e8jardin8 Louis Blacksmith 3 7 I'^ortier Adolphe Hotel 3 6^ i'^ournel Leon Peddler 4 8 Lacasse Heriren^gilde Shoemaker 4 8 Lalonde & Freres Saw & Grist Mill 3 Lalonde Victor . . . Gen. Store & Peddler 3^ 7i Levis Isidore (yarpenter 3i 7| Quesnel P. A,, jr Gen. Store 3j Quesnel P. A. , sr . . Saw & Carding Mills 3 5^ Itaby Hyacinthe N..G. S.. P. M. & N. P. 2i 5 Richer Hormisdas Tinware 4 8 Richer Jos Bakery, &<•. nj 7i Richer Mfdard Tanner 3 7 St. Germain .Vmedee Blacksmith 4 ST. ANDRE D' ACTON, ttagot Co» / See Actonvale. ' ' ST. :ANI>RE W'S EAST. Ari^cntenll Co. Stnue. from Lnchufe,^ mils. I 'np. 1,200, Tel. d- Money Order Office, Exp. d Bank at La- clmtc. ('autlon Wm. & Son Cabinotware 3 7 Crevier AmC>d('e Wood 3 fi Dewar Alex Gen, Store 3 « Dewar Duncan, ar Druggist 4 Dorion Ferdinaiul ... Tinsmith 3 6 Juvpt Widow L\ A Millinery 4 Ladouccur Chas G rocer & Butdier 3 5] Ladouceur Ilercule Baker ^\ 7 T^alande Henri Blacksmith 4 Lamb Thomas Gen, S'ore 3 6 Lproy Alexandre Blaclismith 3 7 Marin VV, J Cheese Fcty. 3 7 Mayrand Wm. M I'hysician 2j 5 Morrow Robert Carriagemaker 4 8 Pai|uin Felix Painter 3 6 Riddell Mrs. E Fey, Goods 4 8 Robertson Patrick , Physician 3 6 Rol)ertson Wm. H Miller Sauve Israel Hotel 3 5 Simpson George Tanner, &c. 2^ 5 Stackhouse A. Gilbert.... Photographer 3 7 Sutherland Daniel Tailor 2i 4i Wales Chas. T., & Co Gen. Store 2i 4^ Walsh Hugh Grist Mill 2} 4^ Webster John Merchant Tailor 3 7 Weighthman Thomas Wheelwright 4 Williams Geo. A Jeweller 4 ST. ANGELE. Rlinou.^ki Co. Eight inilis.t'rom Sainte Flavie. Pop. 4(^0. Te.L & Exp. Sainte Flavie Station. Bank at Fraserville. Corriveau Nazaire Implt. Agent 4 7^ Gagne Napoleon ISlacksmith 4 8 Lavoie Andre Gen, Store 4 8 Levesque Chas Saw Mill 4 7i ]\larquis Fran(,ois Gen Store 3^ 7 J Nadeau Francois Gen . Store 4 8 Ouellette Ferdinand Saw ^Mill 4 7*. t)uelletle Timothe Grist Mill 3 7 Rohichaud Elzear Shoemaker 4 8 Rioux Narcisse Gen. Store 4 7i St. Pierre Clement Blacksmith 4 7| ST. AN< <}iiillet Amt^dee. , (icu. Store ;t Lambert .Joseph Hotel 3 5} Ledoux Franoois Hotel 3 7 Loiselle Benoni Speculator 2i 4^ Nadeau J. lite Blaekpniith ,'5 7 Kenautl .lo.seph Carr. Maker ;} 7 Tetruiilt Abden (Jroeer 3} 7i ST. ANGKS 1)E LA ItKAUCK. Ilcauce Bisson Georse Blarksmith 4 8 Giguere Chas Ulaeksniith 4 8 Lanolre AdeJard Grooer 1 7^ ST. ANICET. Huntingdon Co. Oti South shore of St. Lairnnce Hirer, 5(5 miles frov\ Afoii treat. Steamlnuit stmi-weekh/. Pop. '550. Tel., Jur/>., I]' h if e't< Station, li) miles. Bank at Jfnntingdoti, 13 miles. Bethune Norman Shoemaker 4 Bourgeau Fabien Sebastien.. ..Grocer 3', 7i Caza A . H Grocer 3} 7i €aza Antoine Shoemaker 4 8 Chagnon Widow I)r Grocer 4 8 €ho(iuette Louis Blacksmith * Crevier Israel Isaie Notary 3 G.i ^Dugas George Baker* *Dugas Ludger Baker '"'■ Dupuis Augustin N Gen. Store 3^* 6] Dupuis Wiuceslas Gen. Store 4" 8 Fortin Napoleon Carriageniaker 3^ 7J Hu^8ey Edward 3 6 Latour .Tosepli Tinsmith 4 Leahy Patrick W Gen. Store 3 7 Leblanc Charles Hotel 4 8 Martin Tiniothe Blacksmith 4 8 Masaon Louis N Gen. Store 2^ 8^ Tanguay .los. Sulpice Painter & > ... ^7 Carriageniaker j '^ ' * ST.ANNE DE TJEAUPRE. Montmorency Co. On North shore lUver St. Latvrence, 21 miles below Quebec. Pop. 1000. Tel., Exp. & Bank Quebec. Bouchard Ca«imir Blacksmith 4 7i Barret .Tohn Tinsmith 4 l\ Barret Joseph Baker 3 7 Bolduc Boulanger, & Colter. ..Saw Mill 3 6^ Caron Joseph Wagons 3 7 Cauchon Telcsphore Wagons 4 7A Gauthier Xavier Saw Mill 3 6j Lavoie Thomas Blacksmith 3^ l\ PareAdolphe Gen. Store 3 6 Par6 Mrs. Frs Gen. Store 4 7^ Par«^ Theodore. Cord Wood & Gen. Store 3 6 Racine Ont^sime Gen. Store 3 7 Raymond Eugene Gen. Store See Beaupre P. O. 134 Simard F. X Tanner 3i 'S Simard Nazaire Grocer 3 ft' Simard Xavier Gen. Store 3 7 Sylvain Mrs. Jean Gen. Store 3 « Tremblay G«^ 31 7i 3 7 2i3i 3 «', 3 7' 4 8 7 7 8^^ 5' 6'. 6i 6l ST. ANNE DE tA PEBADE. Champlain Co. On the River St. Anne, and C, P. li. Pop 3,200, Tel. & Exp., Bank at Three lUvera, 2b miles. Angers Eus^be Carriages Arcand Trefflt^ Blacksmith Baribeau Edouard Blacksmith Baribf»au George Carpenter Baribeau Nazaire Parmer Baribeault Marc Blacksmith Beaudry P. G Notary Bigue George Boarding House Bureau Adolphe Tinware Canada Match Co ... . (Not Incorporated) Cot»^ Louis Blacksmith Dalbec T Baker Dauth Alexis Carriages DeLachevrotl<)re Eric Gen. Store DeLachevroti6re Octave — Black!oiro Trador Filteau (* Oeii. Stnre Frtitiette .f. 11 (icMi. Store •Oarccau Jos. K..Fannor & Agrl. ImjiltH Uiun«au ,f. lUe rhyniciaii viiiutliior Alphoiige Saddler (Jt-rmain Nanoh^oii Shoenuikt'r (icrnifiin I'. Ileuri (ifii. Store (iormuiii Prudent Shoi'iuakcr (iodiii Hermcnt^glldo Builder Ciodlii .losHpU Butclu'r & Trader ( Jodin M018U (Carpenter (iixlin Nj;einaker (iraiidl)ois .J. Klaear Ui^i. Store • loliii Ludger . ...Archited. & CHipeiiter Latleclie Kelix Gro, & fiiqiiors Liuiouette Krw. Eusebe . ...(Jen. Store Laiiouotto Jeremie Store & Peddler Lanouette .1. Klzear (ieii. Store Lanouetto Mrs., widow C. E.Gen. Store liOraiiger Enoch Grist Mill Marceau I'liileinon Build«'r .Marcotte Joseph (Jen. Store Marcotte Jo«. Ulrlc. .Gen. Store & P. M. Methot Alphorise Physician Morency Israel .. Currier Naiilt TretHe & Ert?re Gen. Store I'erranlt J. P tJen. Store & Peddler I't'titclttir Joseph Gen. Store I>icli6 N., & Frere Flour & Saw Mill I'lean Elzt-Av Grocer I'roteau ITereule Gen. Store Kodrigue I.ouis Tinware Kondpr*^ Theod Builder lion. .I.J Physician Kousseau J. Alex Gen. Store I Match. Mfr. & Lumber ( St. Laurent Franvois. ...... Bhicksniith J'ou rangeau Roger Painter Vallee 1) Hotel Vallee Philosor Shoemaker ST. ANNK 1>E L,A I'OCATIKKE. Kaiuouraska Co. Oil south shore River St. Lawrence A- the In- tercolonial J{, R. Pop. of Parish 3,0lnnne Gen. Store 2\ t)uollette Nicholas Tinware 4 Ouellette Oneitime Hotel 3 J Paouetlo L. A Gen. Store '4 Pelletler George Tanner 4 Plcard J^uc Tln.smlih 3i Potvin Mrs Grocer Proulx F. II Printer, Publisher & ( ., . Liquors s ' ' Richard Misses ..I>ry Goods & tJrocers 3i 7 Roy .losoph (dlt Desjardins). .iien. Store 3 5> SImardF. X Gen. Store 3 7 St. Jean Louis, Fils leweller 4 « ST. ANNK l>K LA POINTK All PKRK. Kiinoiiski Co. See Father Point, ST. ANNK DKS MONTS. C;Httpo Co. On the South hank 01' the Hirer St. Lawrence Pop. of Pariah I.'JIO. Tel., Exp. St. Octave. Jkiiik at Fraseroille. Bouchard Didace (ien. Store 8] 7^ Goudreau Lonls Fish 3 7 ijamontagne Theo. J Q -n Store 2] 4 LeBouthlllier Horatio Merchant See Gaspe I^asin. ST. ANNK I>KS IM-AINKS. Terrel»t>nu« Co. On the Cftnadiaii J'acijic /,'. R. Pop. aO(>. Tel. tt" E.cp. Bank at St'. Jerome. Blain Narcisse Carriagemaker 8J 7i Corbeil Theodore A Gen. Store 3" 6 Diiunais Edouard. Boarding House .! G Delorme Felix Saw Mill 2] 5 Forget Benjamin Saw .Mill 3" G Gagnon H Blacksmith 4 8 Gaudet Dunois.. Physician, (ien. Store I '& Clieese Factory | Labellc J. Bte Gen. Store Lamarche J. W Gen. Store Latour Joseph, jun Blackfcunth Lauzon Antoine . . .Grocer Lauzon Euclide Blacksmith Maille Charles. Shoemaker Mercier Edouard Boarding House 3 G| Patry Horace Shoemaker & Saddler 4 8 St. Jacques F Physician 3i 7^ Therrien Bazile Blacksmiths' 7 Therrien Isidore Gen. Store & 1 Butter Factory ) Therrien Moise Tanner 3 7 Vaillaucourt Ant Gen. Store 3 7 8 3i 5i ST. ANNE DE SOREL. On the Sovth shore of tlie St. Biclielieu Co. Lawrence River, 2J miles from Soret. Tel., Exp. & /tank Sore I. Latraverse Edouard Postmaster ST. ANNE DE STUKEL.Y. Shetfonl Co. See Rochelle. , ST. ANNE DU SAGUENAY. Chiconttmi Co. On 'River Sagucnay, opposite Chicoutimi. Semi-weekly 'steamers from Quebec. Tel. & Exp. Isle Verte. Bank at Fraservitle. Brossard Cl^ophas Gen. Store 3 7 Cote Marcel Gen. Store 3 7 Tremblav Alexis. .Gen. Store & Lumber 3 6 135 St. A QUEBEC. St. a :j 5 3i 7 2 3 4 T| n 7 :j.1 7) ;i .'{ (ij :« (1 3| 7} a 6 4 4 H 3 (;j li () :i .ii 3 7 4 8 3 7 3i H 3 til 3i 7i 3) 'J 4 4 8 31 7i 4 8 4 8 3 t!i ST. ANSKI.MK. DorohMter Co. On Ltvia .£• Kcumbvc It. It. rK l.A BAIE., ' ' YuiiiUHka Co. ' ' • • See La Bale du Febvre. i \ ST. ANTOINE TILLY. Lotbiiilere Co. On south shore of St. Lawrence Jtii'er, !) miUs from Black Hirer Station. Pop. 400. Tel. <{- Exj)., Black Itiver Station. Bank at Quthec. Bergeron Arth;ir Boarding House 4 8 Bergeron Klise Baker 4 7i Bertrand Francois Blacksmith 4 7| Breton Romuald Gen. Store Cot6J. B Grocer & Blacksmith 4 8 Daigle .1. B Grain&l'rov3 I>esrochers Simeon Blacksmith 4 8 DionneFreres Grist Mill 2i 5 Frechette George Physician 4 8 lloude Isidore Gen. Store 3 6 Jacques J. B Blacksmith 4 8 Larteur ^Vinceslas Gen. Store 4 Lauriault P. J. Utiilon Physician 3 7 Le«lerc Ovide ... Waggonniaker 4 8 Lefebvre .Fos Tinsmith & Blacksnjith 3 6 MethotA.&J Saw Mill 3 7 Methot Arthur. . . Carding & Fulling Mill 4 7^ Noel Arthur Gen. Store Normand Pierre Gen. Store 3 G Tessier Abraham Shoemaker 4 ST. ANTONIN. Temiscouata Co. Three miles from Green River. Pop. 150. Bank, Exp. Si Tel. at Fraserville, 1) miles. Bourgouin Mrs. D Gen. Store 4 8 Marier 1) Gen. Stores 6^ Kosslgnol F:iie Blacksmith 4 8 Thibault Edouard, jr Blacksmith 4 8 ST. APPOLINAIKE. L^tbiniere Co. On south shore of River St. Lavrrence, 7 mile.\ o l-ivvall6« Gilbert Gen, Store \i\ 7} \ lu'eboneiMur V Tinware 4 8 \'alllanoourt Lazare BlHcksniitli ;?i 7 ST. ATHANASK. Ibervllln Co. Soe Iberville. ST. AIJBKKT. L'l8let Co. On /iirtr Troii* Saumonx, \ S mile from St. Jean Port Joli. Pop. of Pariuli, I'jOO. Ti;l. & F-vp.j St. Jean Port Joli. Bank at (Jiubec, 71 miles. ISt'lanyer Prauyoia Flour Mill 3 fiA Belleau Elzt^ar Tinsmith 4 8 lieUeau J. A Tinsmith 4 8 lUais Alexia Gen. Storo 2i 4^ |{ourgault Francois. G. Store & Tinware 4 8 Ciiron Francois Uvu. Store 4 8 <'aron Gregoirc Gen. Store SA 7i • houinard (JalixtP Gen. Store st 7 HeHchene Daniase Fhmr 3^ 7i I'rancieur Tlinddee M il Is 3" 5i Leblanc Cyprien Blaoksxnith 4 8 Morneau Antoine Blacksmith S 7 Kobichaud Desire Tanner ST. Alir.USTIN. rortneuf Co. On C.P.n. Pop. 500. Exp. & Tel., Ancienne Lorette, 5 mites. Bank at Quebec, 13 miles. Urunet Zenophile Temp. Hotel 4 7^ < iintln Athanase Blaeksuiith Constantin Mrs. Edouard Gen. Store 2) 4A Cote Odlnas Buildflr S] 7} Dcnechaud O. F Gen. Store ;?i Kast Felix Baker & Builder 3 G (•arneau Ferdinand Waggonniaker 4 8 (JilbertLuc Gen. Store 2i 5 ! (jingras Chrysante Blacksmith 4 8 Larue Praxide Physician 2| 4i -Marois Lazare J'eddler -^ ^larois Louis 4 7i -Martel Eloi Grist Mill 3i 7ii liiibault Jos. Traiiquille Builder 3" 7 Waters George D. B Pliysician 3^ 7^ ST. AUOUSTIN. Two Mountain.s Co. On Canadian Pacific li.R.,1 mile from Station, Pop. 200. Tel. d- Kx'p. Bank at St. Jerome, 26 miles from Montreal. Beaulue Cyprien Tanner 3 7 ( barest Adelard Saddler 4 « Filiatrault Alfred Hotel 3i 6 =^ St. B 8 7 II 8 7 FlUon Pierre Joiner 4 (Jagnon Joseph O Joint-r 8 Grlgnon MuImi Flour* Feed 3 GuibauU Seraphin (irist Mill 3 Jac(|uc« Magloire Girriagenwiker .JJ Lal>elle Octavo ("arriaKcniakor 3 Mayer Jean Bto 'i'anner ;W Mignault P. Z Physician 3 Ouellette Mis.s Graphirc (ion. Storo 4 Savage F. X Saw <& Carding Mdl 3 St. Jacques Alatbiiu) Blackhmilh .\\ 7i St. Louis Josfuh Tiiismitli 4 8 St. Louis Zeiiblre Biacksndlh 3i 7i Sr. BAKIIK. 1luii(liiK«loii Co. Nine miles from ValUiijichl. Tel., E.rp. A Bank, Valleyjielil. Dion Alme (Jen. Store 4 8 ST. BAKNAllK. St. Ilyarintho Co. On the Jiiver yama.' mites. I'op. Bank at St. JJi/acintne, Bouvier .Mexis.Gen. Store & Postmaster 3 G^ Clout ier Kust'-be Grocer 3 6 Cloutier llilaire Baker 4 8 Conipagnio de Fromagerie de la Ba^'se ) „ Double ( la) V Courtemancbe Jos (Jen. Store 3 7 Girard Samuel Carriitgemaker 3i 7i GouJicau Charles Sboenuiker 3t ij Jacques Wilfred Black'^mith 4 8 Lariviere Kd Blacksmith 3^ 7^ Hegnicre — Carding Mill 3 6 St. Jean F Gro. & Harnes-tmaker 4 8 ST. BARNAllK. Staqe from Yamachichc, & E.rp., Yamachiche. 18 miles. St. Maurice Co. '.> miles. Pop,hm. Tel. Bank at Three Jlivers, Bald William Physician 21 5 Bellefeuille A. & P . Saw & Grist Mill 2| 5 Bellemare F. X Notary, &c. 4 Bellemai'e Pierre Gen. Store 4 7i Boucher Odilon . r ... .Grocer. &c. 3 7 Boucher Tht^odore <}rocer, &c. 3^ 7i Bouridval Antoiiie Gen. Store 3 6 Boiiriiival Oncsime Gen. Store 3 Gelinas Alexis Gen. Store Griffin Gerol Tailor 4 Heroux L. Dolard Gen. Store Lacerte Hyacintlie Blacksmith Mateau Maxime Gen. Store Hicard Carol us G Gen. Stttre Bivard Euchariste (ieu. Store Samson Napoleon Gon. Store '}h 4 4 H n ST. BAKTHELEMY. Berthler Co. , On C.P.n. station, l.\ mile from Village. Pop. 800. Tel. A Exp. 'Bank at Berthierville, 10 miles. Barrette Charles Tailor 3 Barrette Dolphis Shoemaker 3J Barrette Edouard Shoemaker 3 Barrette J. B Gen. Store 3 Bibaud E Saddler 3 Brissette Pierre Grist Mill 2^ Brizard Anselme (dit St. Germain) ) Blacksmith S Brul^ Hilaire Gen. Store & Tinware Comtois Severe Baker 3^ "i Desjardins Leon Carriagemaker 4 Drainville Isaie S. Norbert .. .Physician aj 4 137 6 7i 6i 3i7i St. B I QUEBEC. St. B Dugas MMard Butclier 4 g Fauteux Homce P.M. & Gen. Stor»> 2^ 4i Hameliii Edouard Mill Owner v^ 4J Laf erriftre Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 Laferrifei'P .Fos. A. .Gro. & Boots & Shoes '.i fi Lafontaine H. D -leweller 3 Ci Laurendeau Zoel Pliy.sician 2i 4 J Leboau Norbert Hbicksniith 3l 7 J Maiois Octave Baker nj 7 Maver F. X Clieese Mfr. a .5} Mayer Kaymond Tainier 2^ 5 Mercure Prosper (i. S. & Waggons 'i ttj Morand Louis (4en. Store 2^ 5 Ringuette Jjouis Gen, Store 3 6 Rouleau K Cheese Mfr, 2l i\ Savoie Isaie Grist Mill 2! 4] Savoie Napoleon P)laeksnnlh 3' 7' Sylvestre G^'deon Blacksmith 4 8 Sylvestre Mi.-s Clara I )ry Goods 4 8 Yilleneuve L Cabmetinaker 3} 7 ST. BASILE. PortneufCo. OnC.P.Ii. Station, -2^ miles. Pop. rm. Tel. d- Kvp., Bank at Qncl'cc, 30 miles. Blondeau Theophile Blacksmith 3V 7i Collette Ulric Gen. Store 2j 4^ Derome.los, idit Descarreauj.Gen. Store 3 7 Dore .Facques Gen. Store 4 Ford J.. & Co Pulp Mill. See Portneuf 3 3 4 3i Hardy Isaie ( Jrain, &c, Latulippe Andre Blacksmith Leelerc Cyrille Saw Mill Leclerc Ludger Wheelwright Marcotte F. X Trader 3" 6 Marc -tie Norbert Flour, &c. 4 8 Massicotte H Sewing Machines 4 8 Matte Damage Cardi)ig Mill. &c, 3^ 7i Matte Ijudger Grocer, &c. 4" 8" Morneau (teorge Blacksnnth 3] 71 Patient George Liquors 4" 8' Piche Daniel Carding Mill, &c.' 3} 71 Picbt' & P'reres. . .Carding & Dyeing Mill Piclu' Xavier Flour Mill :j 7 Richard ]{ .,Slioemakei 4 8 Shanahan Wm Saw Mill 3^ 7i St. Basile Paper Co 3 ST. BASII.E I.K <;KAN1). Clmmbly Co. Stage from St. lir\ino,'imil<'K. Pop. 120, Tel. & Exp, St. liruno. Jiank at Montreal, 22 miles. Bernard Cresus ({en. Store 3 C^ Beurrerie et Fromagerie de St. Basile. 2^ 31 Blanchard Marc. .Blacksmith & Farmer 3 (5] Cadieux Hormisdas Blacksmith 3 l' Dumont Jean Shoemaker 4 8 Gaulhier Alarie. Joiner & builder 4 Lalumiere Euwebe Butcher, &c. 3 7 Lambert Aime (Jen. Store 2^ 4^ Laporte Mederic Baker 4 8 Lariviin-e Amedee Hotel & Lumber 3.i 7^ Perron Edmond Contractor 4 Trudt au Avila, sr Cheese Fcty. ST. BEATRIX, Jollette Co. Stage from Joliettc, 23 miles, Tel., Krp. d Bank at Jolietie. Boucher — Gen Store 4 8 Dalpe Hector Gen. Store 3 Oi Rlopelle Gilbert Gen. Store 3^ 7J 138 ST BENOIT. Two Mountains Co. Stat/efrnm St. Scholastique, 8 miles. Pop. of Parish l,50i) Tel. <& Exp. St. Srholasii- ) 2i 4 3 51 3 6i 3i 7i 4 8 4 « 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 2i 4,^ 3 7 ^ 71 4. 8' 3^ 7,^ 4 4 3 4 4 4 C 8 8 8 2d 5 4 8 3 7 Station on Levis <& Kennebec P. Pop. Qf Parish, 1,500. Tel. S at Quetiec, 2\) miles. Audet F. P Gen. Store Bety Henri Gen. Store Bil('ideau Etienne Cabinetmaker Cliayer fFules Tinsmith Couture Joseph Saw Mill Genest (dit Labord) Ls, C Geu. Store Lacasse .los Tanner Moore Ed Gen, Store Octeau Oncsime Gen. Store P., 4 miles, Exp. Bank 4 8 4 8 4 8 3 3 4 4 3i 01 5^- 8' 8 VI- ST. BERNARll DE I.A VILLE. St. Johns Co. Samoisette T Postmaster ST. BONAVENTURE. Yuinaska Co. TItirti/ miles J'rom St. JJyacintlw. Tel.. Mimey Order Office, Exp. St. Guillaume, 9^ miles. Bank at'Sorel. Pop. 'W. Desmarais Darias !;.aw & Grist Mills 3 Dionne Elie Gen. Store 3J Durantl Gf'dt'on Shoemaker 4 Fontaine Theophile Shoemaker 4 Forcier Jos, (dit Gaucher). . Blacksmith 4 St. B QUEBEC. St. C Laferte Alfred Gen. Store 3i 7-k LivfonclG. A Saddler 4 8 Plante Napoleon Gen. Store 3i 7i J'lante T^lesphore Carriagemaker 4 8' Salois Olivier Flour & Saw Mill 2i 5 Tessier Charles riiysician 4 S Villard Narcisse Blacksmitli 4 8 ST. BONIFACE. St. MaurioP Co. See Shawenegan. ST. BKIGIDE. ll)erville Co. On South Eastern It. li. & (i. T. It. Pop. of Parish, 1,7G0. From St. Johns, 12 rnile's. Exp. & Tel. Bank at St. Johns. Alix Samuel flen. Store 3 7 Arpin I'aul Blacksmith 4 8 Heauregard flospph lilacksmith 4 8 Helluimeur Ciiarles Physician 3 7i HIanchette Pierre llotil 3 7 Boulet A Klacksmith Boulet .Joseph M Gen. Store 4 8 Canada Peat Fuel Co C'arreau Evariste Carriages 4 8 Delorme — lilacksmith Demers Luc Carriagemaker 3 7 Donnelly Wm Gen. Store 3 7 Frechette LtJopold 4 8 (ieorge Cyprien Gen. Stoi'e •lourdain Octave Saw Mill 3 7 Lafond David .Gen. Store .'. 7 Lariviere Philippe (len. Store 4 8 i-obeau Charles Farmer * Ledonx Olivier Hotel 4 8 Lemaire Eusfebe Grocer & Butcher 3 7 Nadeau Jos Carriagemaker 4 8 >;eveu Honore Grocer 3J 7} Ostigny — Cheese Factory 4 S" Tesaief Godfroi Cheese Factory 3 6 ST. BllIGIDE 1)E LAVAL. 1 ' ■ Moutuiorency Co. ■' '''■ ' See Laval. ST. BRIGITTE DES SAULTS. NIcolet Co. On lilver Nicolet, 26 miles below Nicolet. Pop. 548, Tel. La Bale du Febvre, 18 miles. //',tJ>, Aston. Bank at yicolet. Gelinas L. Edmond Gen. Store 4 R Iloude Jos. Henri > .Gen. Store 3^ 7^ Losier E Shoemaker 4 8 Jtivet Narcisse Baker 3J 6^ St. Pierr« Honore., Carriagemaker 4 8 Yon Anthime. Blacksmith 3^ 7i ST. BRUNO. Cliambly Co. On Grand Trunk R. 11. Pop. 300. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Montreal, li miles. Benoit Adolphe Bailirt" & Hotel 3^ 6} Berthiaumo F. X Notary Bordua Azarie G. S. & tiUniber 4 Brodeur .Tanvier Tanner .'J 7 Brunelle A Tailor :n 7i Brunelle Joseph Baker 3| 7^ Bruno 01. Theophile (Estate^Woollen ( ,, , Mills, &c. S Cot6 J. M Gen. Store 3 Bulude Josepti Blacksmith 8 6* HuetJeremie (alias Dulude). Blacksmith 3 G} Legault Antoiue Shoemaker 4 Lizotte & Fr6re Gen. Store 3J 7i PrimeauH.C Physician 3 6* Provost Michel Blacksmith 3 «l Kobert Alex.Carriagemkr. & (^en. Store 3 6S Senecal Bt^noni Trader 4 8' Shedl6r Benj Joiner 3i 7 ST. CAJETAN. Bellechasse Co. Mmilesfrom St. I'alier Station. Tel. & Exp. St. Valier. Bank ot Quebev,. Bt'langer .Jacob Gen. Store 4 8 Labrecque Raymond Gen. Store 4 Lenielin Nazaire Saw & Grist Mills 3. Morin .Fcseph Saw & Grist Mills 3[ Poiiliot .Joseph Blacksmith 4" 8 Theberge Frs. X (irist & Saw Mills 3 6 Theberge Frs. X Gen. Store 3^ 7^ ST. CALIXTE DE KILKENNY. Montcalm Co. Ten miles from St. Lin. Pop. 125. Tel. & Exp, New G las f)ow,Q miles. Bank at St. Jerome. Cadeau Delphis Carriagemaker 4 Dulresiie J. Bte Blacksmith 4 8 Duval .loseph Gen. Si ore 3 7 Jiacroix J Saw & Grist Mills 3 7 Perrault Ambroise Gen Store 3 oi 'J'herien F Saw JNlill 4 Thouin Damase Gen. Store 3 6^ Villemaire C Saw Mill 3 7 ST. CALIXTE BE SOMERSET. Megantlc Co. , See Somerset. , . ST. CAMILLE. Wolfe Co. Stayefrom Danville,' 11 miles. Pop. of Parish 800. Tel. & Exp. Danville. Bank at Sher- hrooke,2G miles. ._. i; ;. ,, ., Breton Thomas Shoemaker 4 8 Cote Joseph Saw Mill 3 7 Couture Joseph Doors, Sashes., &o. 4 8 Crepeau G.J.H. (Alias Cote). .P. M. & » o, . Gen. Store f "^^ " Desilets E Butcher & Baker 4 8 Dussault Ovide. Saw & Grist Mill 3 7 Fortin Achille Saw Mill 3 7 Gingras F. C Gen. Store 4 8 Godbout Victor Saddler 4 Lecompte Alfred Carriagemaker 3^ 7^ I^emay N Sash & Doors 3^7^ Manseau Z Butcher. &e, 4 8 Naud U Shoemaker 4 8 JMcard F. X Tinsmith 4 Savage Leon lilacksmith 4 8 Tetu Joseph Blacksmith 3i 7,> ST. CANUTE. Two 3Ioinitain» Co. Stai/efrom St. Scholasti miles. I'op.oJ Parish. 800. Tel. & Exp. St. Seholastique, Bank at St. Jerome, 7 miles. Bouvrette No«^ Blacksmith 4 8 Coron Miss Sophie Tavern 4 8 JXageiais Eugene. .. Blacksmith Kenna James Blacksmith & (Jrocer 3^ 7^ J^efebvre Alcidas Hotel I>ongpre.J. M Gen. Store 8 7 liioux .Justinien Shoemaker 4 8 Kochon Felix Hotel St.Ohge David Blacksmith 4 8 Viau Edmoml Hotel 4 8 139 St. C QUEBEC. St. O ST. CASIMIB. PortiieufCo. On River St. Anne, 4\ miles from Gronillnes Station. Semi-weekhj steamer from Quehec. Pop. of' Parish 2,662. Money Order Office, Tel. ti- Exp. Grondines. Hank nt Three Rivers, 14 miles. Beaudet Octave (dit Diicap). Blacksmith 4 8 DolbecA Baker 4 8 Douville Firmin Gen. Store, &c. 3 6 Doiiville Geo Carr. Maker 3A 7i Dmnivs J . Ute Gen . Store 3| 7| Dussault Jean Bte Tinsmiths 7 Dussault Tobie lilacksinitli 3 7 Fournier Alexandre Wheel wri^lit 3 6 Foiirnier Androiiie Blacksmith 3 6^ Fournier Mr8.E.,wid. Hegeaippe. Gen. ( ol k Store I ^^ ^ (^ingras Frs. X P. M. & Gen. Store 3 6^ (.Uroux Alfred Builder & Architect 2^ 5 Grandbois M Adolphe Gen. Store 2| 4^ Grandbois P. Hubert & Frere SaAV Mills 2 3^ Grandbois P. Hubert Gen. Store & l ,, „i Lumber ( ^ "^3 Hardy Benoni . Blacksmith 3 C Lacoursi^re Joseph — Sew. Mach. Agt. 4 8 Lacoursiere Napoleon K Notary 2-k 5 Laguerre Jjiboire. . .Boarding House & J „" ^ Shoemaker s "^ ' Langlois Joseph Farmer & Baililt' 3 6i LebrKufTheo Saddler 3 7' Massicotte rToseph Jeweler 4 Naud F. X Dry Goods & Gro. 3^ 7] Kousseau Louis T. E Pliysician ?.^ 5 Sirois Zophirin Saddler 4 8 Tessier Amedee Gen. Store 3 5] Tessior Hubert .. ...Joiner Contractor 3 6^ Tessier Jonce Gen. Store 3i 7| Thibaudeau Adolphe Gen. Store 3| 71 Trottier Felix Match Mfr. 3 (i^ Trottier Joseph . .Agrl. Implts. & Saw f oi r.' Mill. > ^^ "^ ST. CASSIEN DES CAPS. Clmrlevoix Co. Fifteen miles from Bale St. Paul. Tel.,E.vj>. and Bank at Quebec, 51 miles. Bouchard Louis Saw Mill 31 7} Dufour Bonaventure Saw Mill 3| 7^ Renaud Ananlus Lumber, Cord I q E I.EVBARI>. Nicolet, Co. In Parish of St , Pierre les Pecquet s,\\ miles from Dtnicet's Landing. Pop. 500. Tel. St. Pierre les Be.c miles from Arthahaska. Pop. 600. Ti^l, & Exp. Bank at JNicolet, 15 miles Arseneau Elzear Boarding House 4 Beliveau Adorias Boarding Hcmse, I „, _. Dry Goods & (irocer f "*5 *♦ B('livea\i Clovis Gen. Stove 3| 7', Bergeron & Poirier. .Flour & Saw Mills 3 (if Bourgeois Moise Baker & Grocer 3i (U Pyr Pierre Farmer & Agrl. Implts. 4" Fournier Cyrille 3^ 7i Girard J Shoemakers" 7 (rirard Moise Gen. Store 4 H(''l)ert Gedeon Blacksmith 4 8 Hebert Judo .... Grocer 4 Houde Cbarles Kdouard .Gan. Store, &c. 2i 5 Leblanc Mrs. J, A Gen. Store 4 8 Ouellettp Patrick Gen. Store Piche Ludger . Saw & Grist Mills 2^ 5 Poirier Ludger Saw & Grist Mill 3 61 Poirier J'antaleon Saw & Grist Mill 3 7" ST, CKSAIKE. BouvlIleCo. On South Eastern R. R. Tel., Money Order Office & Exp. A banking totcn. Anger George Miller 3 7 Arcand Eugene . . Gen. Store 3 7 Archanibault Alex ..Gen, Store 4 BachandL E Books, &c. 4 8 Banque Vills Marie. .M. L. .1. Laca.sse / I Local Mnger. \ ' br. See Montreal Beauregard Jacques Gen. Store 2^ 5 Bous'ARTHABASKA. Arthabaska Co. ■■ - " See Arthabaskaville. " '■ ' "' ST. CHRYSOSTOME. Chateauguay Co. At the confluence of the English and Black Rivers, 13 miles from St. licmi. Pop. 1,000 Tel. & Exp., Howick, 9 miles. Bank at St. Remi. Beaudoin C ( 'arriagemaker 4 Blais Miss Millinery 4 8 Blais V Tailor 4 8 Boyer J. B Trader Brosssard Moise Boots & Shoes 4 8 Brown James P Gen. store 2i 4i & M. Johnston & Co. Cr^te J. B Furniture 4 Daigneault Francois Blacksmith 4 8 De La Martellier Henri Physician 4 8 Delisle F. X ".Hotel '2\ 6 Delisle F. Z Grocer & Hotel 4 6 Derome L. J. 1 Notary & Postmaster 3 Dorais & Frere Gen. Store »i 7 Dube— Baker 4 8 Dumouchel Jean Bte Baker 4 8 Foisy Hubert Cabinetmaker 3^ 7^ Foisy Israel Blacksmith 3 7 Gibeau llieodore Blacksmith 4 8 Gover O Physician 3^ 7^ Hebert E Grist Mill 3 6 Hubert Trettie Saddler 3i 7i Jodoin C. L Saddler 5=.' Johnston M.,&Co Gen. Store 2k U & J, P. Br.>wn. Lalonde Hyacinthe Gen. Store 3i 7i Lamarre P. Narcisse Hotel 3 6| Lefebvre Ant Shoemaker 4 8 Longtin J Shoemaker 4 8 McFarlane W Peddler 3^ 7 i Maht'U Alexandre , Gen. Store Mes-ier Ephrem Hotel 4 8 Morris James Marble 3^ 7^ Pommier E Watches. Ac. Santoire A. T. Z Gen. Store 3 7 Santoire Sergius Tinsmith 3 7 Smith J. S ....Drugs & Vet. burgeon 3^ 7^^ Stewart Robert ...Gen. Siore 3 6" Toupin Arcade Physician 4 8 Viau F Carriagemaker 3J 7^ Wilson Wm Blacksmith 4 141 8t. C QUEBEC. St. C ST. CL.AIRE. Dorchester Co. Six miles from St. Jnselme. Pop. of Parish, 2,000. Tel. & Exp., St. Anselme. Hank at Quebec. Audette A Gen. Store 3 7 BaillargHon Joseph Blacksmith 4 H Beamloin Louis Grist M ill 3 « Boulet .1. Bte Tinsmith 4 8 Brown Joseph Gen. Store 3^ 7 i €habot Judo Blacksmith 4 8 Fortier J. Bte Gen. Store 3 7 Fournier -Foseph Gen. Store 4 8 Gagn*^ Joseph Gen. Store 4 8 Giguere Joypph Tinsmith 4 8 Lacroix NichoUis Shoes 4 8 Lanplois Alex Tanner & Gpn. Store 4 H Lapointe Antoine Gen. Store 3 7 Lesage Charles A l^hynician & I qi ,ii Money Lender I '^ ^ llarceau George Grist Mill 3 7 Mathieu Joseph Grist Mill 4 8 Patry Joseph (ien. Store 3 6i Plante Joseph Cartwright 4 8 Itoy William Blacksmith 4 8 Kuel Damase Blacksmith 4 ST. CL.AUDK. St. Johns Co. lei. & Exp., Lacolle. Bank at St. .Johns. Pop. 50. Giroux Achille . • Gro. & Liquors 3^ 7^ ST. CL.KRIENT. Temiscouata Co. On River Trois Pistoles. Tel., St. Eloi, 12 miles. Exp., Isle Vertc. Bank at Fraser- ville. Pop. 80. April George Gen. Store 3^ 7 Auhut George Joiner 4 8 Bertrand Louis A Saw & Grist Mills See Isle Verie. Desjardins Adolphe Gen. Store 3J 7 Fournier Th^ophile Tinsmith 4 8 Levasseur Joseph Joiner 4 8 Ouellette Theophile Gen. Store & ) ,, ^ . ., Blacksmith) "* ' ST. CLET. Soulanges Co. Stage from Coteau Station, 5 miles. Pop, 360. Tel.' i& Exp., Coteau Station. Bank at Valleyfield. Campeau Benjamin Gen. Store 2J 5 Oampt^au Evangeliste Hotel 4 Besner Michel Gen, Store 3 7 Dubois L Gen. Store 4 7A Farmer B Hotel 4 7j Lalonde Adolphe .Sewing Mach. Agent 3 7 Lafambroise A Hotel 3 7 M6nard S Blacksmith 3A 7i Ravery Leon (dit Francoeur).. .Saw Mill 3| 6| Hoy Jean Bte Gen. Store 4 7i Roy Joseph , Blacksmith 4 8 St. Denis A Hotel 3 6 St. Denis George Gen . Store 2 J 5 ST. CLOTHILiDE DE HOBTON. Arthabaska Co. Twelve miles from Walker's Cutting. Pop. 375. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Arthabaska Station, 18 miles. Bergeron Luc Saw & Grist Mills 3 7 Champagne Severe Shoemaker 31 7j Daneau Oscar Blacksmith 4 8 Frigon Josepli , sr Shingle Mill 3 7 142 GelinasCamille....G. S.,Bark & P. M. 2^44 Poirier Joseph Shoemaker 4 8" Rousseau John Blackfiinith 3^ 7i St. (.;yrEdouard....Gen. Store & Baker 3 Tessier M. C, , & Co Gen. Store 4 TesBier Alfred Gen. Store 3i 7i ST. CLOTHILDE. Chateaugiiay Co. Giroux Elie Gen. Store ST. COtriVlBAN. Two Mountains Co. Sf(t(/efrom St. Scholastigue, 9 miles. Pop. of Parish 800. Tel. & Exp. St. Scholastiquc. Bank at St, Jerome. Fortier L. A Miller See St Scholastique. ST. COME, Joliette Co. 0)1 the Jlirer U Assumption, :;3 miles from Joli^tte. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Jolieffe. Pop. 50. Dalfond Pierre Trader Dubeau Maxime Gen. Store Labine Alphonse Gen. Store 3 ti^ ST. COME r»E KENNETJEC. Beauco Co. Tel. & Exp. St. Joseph de la Beauce, 45 miles. Bank at Quebec. Pop. 300. Carter Etienne Mill 3| 7 ', Clich Pierre Blacksmith 4 7| Donovan Michael Hotel 3 7 Fortin Thomas Blacksmith 4 7', Gagnon G Gen. Store 4 l\ Morin Abraham Mills 4 7 ', Paquet T^lesphore Gen. Store 3 7' Poulln John Mills 3i 71 Kay Wm .Blacksmith 3J 7i Rh^aume N Gen. Store 3 7 ST. CONSTANT. L,a Prairie Co. On Montreal, St. Johns and Rouses Point Branch Grand Trunk R. R. &• C. P. R. Tel. & Exp. Pop. 150. Bank at Montreal. Boyer Mederic Gen. Store & Baker 4 8 Cusson Philiza Hotel 4 1^. Demers Charles Agent Agr'l Iiuplts 3 7 Fife Joseph Lumber 2| 5 GervaiB Constant Israel.. Gen. Store 3 Lanctot Alphonse Gen. Store 2k 5 Letourneau D Shoemaker ,3| 7^ Longtin Julien Gen. Store 3 7 Raymond Edmond Shoemaker 4 « Rodier Louis Blacksmith 3 (il ST. CROIX. liOtblnlere Co. On south shore of River St Laun'ence, 15 inilea from MetJioVs Mills. Semi-weeklyi Steamers from Quebec. Pop. 700. TeL, Money Ordti Office Exp, MethoVs Mills. Bank at Quebec, 32 miles. Audet Mrs. Adfele Gen. Store 2i 4i Barbin A Blacksmith 4 8" Bergeron S SaAv & Flour Mills 4 S Boisvert Louis Blacksmith 4 Boisvert Sim»^on Saddler 4 Bourque Wilfred Saddler 4 8 Eraser Ernest Blacksmith -^ Hamel Jean Bte Oatmeal & Flour 2i 4} Hamel Mrs. Josephat Gen. Store 2| of. Hi-rael Pierre Baker 4 8 Laliberte Joseph Carr. Maker 4 8 St. C QUEBEC. St. C ^ 6 7i Lallberte Pierre Blacksmith ;»i 7 Lambert F«^lix.. Tinware & Cheese Futy. 4 7i l^egeiidre Joseph Grocer liOinayGprniHiti Wheelwripbt 2i 5 Laroohe Bernard Flour 3i 7 Laroche Xavier Carr. Maker sl 7\ Mailloux Urbaiii . . . .Sewing Machines 3| 7' Kinf ret Come Isa'i'e Physician 3 5^ KousseHU Mathia.s Blacksmith 4 8 Thivierge Adolphe .Shoemaker 4 ST. CUNKr J. B Grocer 3^ Bourdon Theophile Jos Jobber Brouillette J. Bte Joiner Contractor 3 Brunei .Foseph Urgel Grocer 3i BrnnetOvide Butcher 2i 4^ Cadieux Charles A Dry Goods 3Jr Campbell James Plumber, &c. '".'" Carey Michael Hotel 3^ 7^ (Jharbonneau J. L ... .Mer. Tailor 4 8 Chartraiid -Joseph Grocer 4 Couillard Louis Tins & Hardware 3 Couturp Dolphis Peddler 3 J Cyr Pierre Hotel 4 Davidson Thos., & Co. . .Mnfrs. Tinware See Montreal. Delvaux Armand Peddler A' Deschamps N. , & Co Boots & Shoes 4 Desjardins Louis ...Dry Goods 3 Desjardins Paul Dry Goods 2J Desjardins Paul & Louis Wine Mf rs Deslauriera Onf^sime. . Joiner Contractor Desmond Thomas Lumber Desroehes Joseph , Hotel Dominion Wadding Co I George E. Stearnes, Svipt. | DonaiB P. A Mer. Tailor Dore Euufene Butcher ^!- Dor6 Joseph H Dry Goods i.'^ Dubord G6deon Grocer 4 Dufort Joseph Grocer 4 Elie Fran9o!8 Grocer 4 Elliott Henry Confectioner 3 EHiier Adolphe Joiner Contractor '*.« Ethier Olivier Butcher 4 EthierT Butcher 4 Fabien C. P Furniture 3 Fauteux H H ardware 2^ Findlay John Founder 3 F'ournier Bros Bricklayer Contract' -rs 4 (lareau Joseph Mer. Tailor 3 Gibeau Cyrille Shoemaker ''.' Gougeon Philemon Grocer 3 Guy Joseph .foinpr Contractor 3 Henanlt Louis H.... Ice, Coal, &c. 2^ Mogue Pierre B Tailoring 4 Juneau Joseph Oarriagemaker 3 7 Labr^che Ismael .Butcher "'# Laforce M., & Co Hotel LalandeA. P Grocer 4 8 Lalonde Chas. F Tack Mnfr. 2^ 4 Lamontagne L., & Co Coal, Wood ( j, & Grain ) Laniel Hermenegilde Grocer 3^ 7i 2l 6 8 7 5 4^ 1} 8 41 7" 8 6.^ 6 3i 8 Laniel Michel Grocer 2i 4^ LarJviere &St. Aubin Carr. Makers 3| 7^ Laurin Frferes Grocers 4 8 Laurin Leandre Mer, Tailor i.,ebriin Eu.* Grandchamps Isaie Trader 4 8 143 St. C QUEBEC. St. D Grandpr^ Flavion Hay Trader 3 5^ Gre-goire Hvacinthe Blackainith 4 8 Hervlenx Ulvic Tinsmith 3 6} Lafoutaine Hercule. . . .Watchmaker, » Ginger Ale, &c. ) Lafreni^re J. O. B. ..Grist & Card. Mills 2} 4i Lamoureux floseph Jilacksmith 4 8 Lauzon Nazaire Carriages ^ 7^ Lauzon PrisinNre Saw Mill, &c. .S (i Leciiyer Alfre«i Joiner 4 8 Marcliand (Jlivier Tanner .'< 6 Mayer William Tanner 3 Gi Mohttils Thomas Shoemaker 3^ 7| Morel Alexis Gen. Store 3 7 Paquet Anselme H Physician 2 J 4^ Paquin C. N Gen. Store Paquin Jos Blacksmith & G Store 4 8 Payette Joseph Joiner & Waggons 3;^ 7i Plante Joseph P'lour Mill 3^ fij Robergp Mrs. Dieiulonne Gen. Store 3 5^ Robillard Franv'ois Butcher 3 O' St. Germain fF. Bie.Gro. K'ware & Grain 3 6J St. Germain O . lilacksmith 4 Sevigny Alfred Carriages Sylvestre Narcisse Hlacksmltli 3 G Thibault Raymond Tanner 4 8 Vadenais Henri. .Trader & Cheese Mfr. 3 6J S'adenais Ls. .Gen. Store, Grain & Flour 2i 5 ST. CVPKIEN. Napierville Co. See Napierville. ST. CYBIAC. Chlcoutlmi Co. Deschaines Jean Boarding House '■'• ST, CllilLLK DK L'ISL,ET. L'Islet Co. From U Islet SfafioH,S miles. Pop. 150. Tel. d; Exp. L'J.-ilel, Jidiih' (lUi^iebec, AUard Ireiiee (ien. Store 4 8 Altend C , Saw & Grist Mills 4 8 Belanger MifS (ien. Store 4 8 Lam-endeauN Saw & Shingle Mill 4 Marier 1) Saw & Grist Mills 4 7^ lloy Arthur Gen. Store St, Pierre Zephire Blacksmith 4 7^ ., ST. CYBIL.LE 1>E WENl>OVER. .•'<>! Urumiuond Co. ' ' ' Fo^ir miles from Drnminondville. Tel. & Exp. Di'ummon'lville. Bank at liiclimond, 24 miles, or Sorel. Pop. 150. Boisvert Eplirem Carriagemaker 4 8 BrossardL. F. D Gro. .& B. & S. 3 7 Caron & Frfere Gen. Store 3 7 Dionne J. Bte Lumber Fee Walter Gen. Store 3 7 Grittlth John (4en. Store 3^^ 7^ Guivermont S Prov. 4 Hebert Alplionse Carriagemaker 4 Jutras El Blk. & Temp. Hotel 4 Ijatontaine Joseph (4en. Store 3 7 Ijavall^e Mrs. Jos (4roier, &c. Lavoie Caiixte Gen. Store & Cont. Patrick & Co Lumber, &c. 1 } 2 ST. I>AMASE. KiinoiLski Co. On Intercolonial II. /.'. 'Id. & Exp. Jiank at FraserviUc. Pop. oO. Lamontagne Andre Gen. Store 4 8 Langlois Alphonse Gen. Store 4 Th 144 ST. DAMASE. St. Hyaclnthe Co. On the Yamaska rirer, 7J miles from St. Hya- cinthe. Pop. of Parish 2,000. Tel., Exp. & Jiank at St. Hyacinthe. A iiclaire Z Physician 3 6 lieaudry ]>amase Gen. ^tore 3 « Boticlier Jjouis Blacksmith 4 8 Chartier lr6nee Shof maker 3i Ik I 'ihoinitire Marcel Gen, Store & Hotel 3 6" I Choijuette Cyrille Tanner 3 6 Durocher Trettle Cheese Mfr. 3 6 Foisy Candide Baker 3J 7^ I Forrand Olivier Cheese Mfr. 3 7 j Gaucher Treftiti Shoemaker 4 8 ; (lermain F Blacksmith 3 7 I (iladu flosepji — Baker 3J 7^ j Jodoiu fl Cheese j Jodoin J. B Baker 3 6 I Lusa er Pierre Blacksmitli 4 8 j Bavenel Nectaire Blacksmith 3 6 ! Robert Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 Tessier Honor6 Tanner 4 8 I ST. DAMIEN. B«llechasse Co. ! See St. Charles. ST. DAMIEN UE BRANDON. Berthier Co. Sfar/e from Iiert}iien^ille,'27^ miles. Pop.iMO. 'fel.' & Exp. St. Felix de Valois, Bank at BerthitrviUe. Bourret Cuthbert Gen. Store 4 8 Boucher Jos Cheese Factory 4 8 Gouin Jos G. S. & Shoemaker 4 8 Gravel Gaspard Mills 3 (i Hamelin Gt^deon Mills 3^ 7^ Herard Oscar Gen. Store 4 8 ST. DAVID. Levitt Co. Tel. & Exp. Levis. Bank Quebec. J'op. 100, Lambert Alfred Gen. Store 4 S ST. DAVID. Vamaska Co. See River David. . ■ .' ST. DENIS. Kamoutaska Co. On south shore of liiver St. Lawrence. Tel. A Exp. St. Philippe, 4 miles. Bank at Fra- serville. Pop. 150. Bouchard F Blacksmith 4 8 Dignard Telesphore Blacksmith 4 8 Dionne A Gen. Store 3 G Dionne Augustin Gen. Store 3 5;! Dionne Stanislas Gen. Store 3 6 Dumont Tlieodore Grocer 4 8 Levesque Geo Hotel See Riviere Quelle. Martin Bernard ....Blacksmith 3,J 7^ Paradis, St. Jean & Levasseur. Clieese I Factory | ST. DENIS. St. Hyacinthe Co. On liiver Riehelieu. 13A miles from St. Uilaire Station. Semi-weekli/ Steamer from Cham- biy. Pop. of Parish 4,000. Tel. tfr Exp. St. Antoine Junction, i miles. Bank at St. Hyacinthe, 10 miles. Angers Francois ... Farmer & Trader 3 Ci Archambault Andr(^ A Saw Mill 3 7 Archambault Joseph Wheelwright 3 6}i AugerN t en. Store 3 Gi Beauregard Flavien Blacksmith 4 8 St.D que;3ec. St. E BonnlnC Tinware 3 . bourque Pamien Carrlagemaker 4 8 Bousiiuet Wilfrid Gen. Store 3 7 Brodeur & Frere Furniture 3i 7i Charron & Co Saw Mill 4 Chevalt ChVjphaa Gen. Store 2i 5 Dragon CWophas .Saw Mill 2i 5 Diuocher Alplionse Blacksniitli 4 Fredette Hercule Butcher 4 Gareau Victor Cheese Factory 3 6 Gaudet J. Bte.Jr », .Baker 3 7 Geiidron — Gen. Store GuertiuF Physician 3 6 Lafiamme Tous!*alnt ,i Saddler 3 7 Lai-aniere Paul <^ en. Store 3 7 Mmlry JLouis Joiner 3} 7J Leblanc Narciase • Tailor 3 7 Lussler J. B Baker 3 6J Lussier Napoleon G«n. Store 3 7 Majeur Louis Shoemaker 4 8 Mounier Koamald Gf-n. Store 4 Mignault H. A Physician '4 4i ParadisF. X Gen. Store 3 7 Petrin Charles ..Baker 3 7 Kichard Frs. Xavier Blacksmith 4 8 Richard Micliel G«n. Store 3 6 Kicher & Dragon Gen. Store 3 St. Denis — Cheese Factory 3 6 St. Germain Henri ....Butcher & Hotel 3 7 Veziua Magloire Gen, Store 2i 4i ST. DIDACE. Masklnongfe Co. On River Maskimnge, 12 miles from St. Bar- thelemy. Pop, 300. Tel. & Exp. St. liar- thelemy. Bank at Louigeville, 21 miles. Aubin Joseph Piov. 4 8 Gravel Gaspard Saw & Grist Mill 3 7 Maillot Homer Tinsmith 4 8 Puquin Ad61ard Gen. Store 3 6 Prevost J. Adolphe Gen. Store 3i 7i ST. DOMINIQUE. Bagot Co. Station {Britannia Mills) on Grand Trunk R. R. Pop. of Parish 1,500 Tel. A Exp. Bank St. Hyaeinthe, 6 miles. Archambault Michel Speculator Audet F. 'tlit Lapoiute) Mfr. Shoes Beaudry Calixte Gen. Store Bernard Cesaire Gen. Store Bcrtrand Louis Joiner & Saw Mill Brabant Isiiie Joiner & Grocer Brodeur Alfred • -Grocer Brodeur Daraase, jr Blacksmith CUagHon Antoine Cheese Fcty Clement Miss • .Millinery rx)uture Joseph Blacksmith Dcspatle G Blacksmith Dufresne Adolphe CarriaKemaker Gevry J. Bte Baker Guenette& Co Geii. Store Laloude Joseph Grocer Lapalme J. B Ch esemalte^; LauzouL Blacksmith Lavall»ie Ephrem Blacksmith Malhiot Hubert Bhickt^mlth IMartin Mrs. Louis Geu. Store Menard P Cheese Factory NadeauAlex Physician Vachou Victor Qeii. Store 2Mi ST. DOMINIQUE DES CEDBES. Sunlanges Co. On Grand Trunk R. R. Pop. 250. Tel. Exp. Bank at Valleyfield. Constant Godfrey Gen. Store 3 Lalonde Joseph Gen. Store ^ Leroux A Hotel 4 'frottier Saul Hotel 3 ST. DON AT. Rimouski Co. Ou south shore of the River St. Lawrence. Tel. & Exp. St. Luce Station, 9 miles. Bank at FraservMe. , Roy Louis ....Flour Mill ^ 7i ST. DONAT, Montcalm Co. Coutu C. H Postmaster ' » ST. DOllOTHE. Laval Co, Stage from Montreal, 15 miles. Pop. of Parish 'Md.'Tel. & Exp. St. Martin Junction. Bank at Montreal. Cousineau Zephirin Blacksmith & ) „ - i Gen. Store S ^ ' ' ' Dion Benjamin, jr Blacksmith 4 s Dion henjamiii, sen Blacksmith 4 Ti , Dion Hoiiore Black-iniith Laurin Philiaa Gen. Store 4 8 , Roger Benjamin Gen. Store ST. EDOUABD. Lotbiniore Co. . M Eighteen mttesfrom Methot's Mills. Bl-xpeekliJ' " '. steamers from Quebec. Pop . 3(X). Tel. Lntbl- niere, 6^ mites. Express Methot's Mills. Bank . at Quebec, 48 miles. ; ', Beaudet Xavier Tanner 3i 7^ Blanchet Thomas B Boots & Shoes I oi - l & Saddler » ^i ' > CoulorabeF Gen. Store & Mills 3 5i DaigleTheophile.G^n.Store&CheeseFciy 3 0, Dery Pamphile Tinware 4 > DeVillers J. B. Gen. Store 3 C Hamel Elizee Cheose Fautoi-y 3 oi Jacques Charles ACasimir — Tinsmiths 4 , St. Ouge Constant Blacksmith 3 7 . ST. EDOUABD. Napierville Co. ' , . : [ '|{ > On hiver La Tortus. Stage from St. Reml, 6 ' 7nlles. Pop. 600. Tel,, Exp. Laplgeoimih'e , 4 miles. Bank at St. Remi. " i BMard— . . . Carriageninker 4 8 Bessette S<5vfere ............ Blacksmith 3i 7 A Cartier Ambroise Blacksmith 3 J 7J Delime O ...... Joiner 3i "i Dupuis Simon Joiner 4 8 , Gagnfl Paul ...Money Lender 2J 4 Guerin Joseph Carriages 3 7 Henault Hector Baker 3i 7i Lnfoutaine Laurent D Physician 2^ 4} Ijefebvre & Bessette Saw & (irist Mills Moore John Saw & Grist Mills 2^ 4 ^ Ouelletie Albert Hubert Gen. Store 3 5^ Palnchaiid Edmoud Gen. Store 4 b > Provost Moise Joiner 3 ^ Serre Lucibn (dlt St. Jean) Shoemaker 4 8 i Serre Philias (ditSt. Jean).. .Gen. Store 3 7 Surprenant William Gen. Store 3 6 ST. EDOUABD Dil FBAMPTON. „;: i) f, -J Dorchester Co. ' -. n: u »i ••-«. -il '{■' ^ il 'See West Frainpton. ' ';;'''!h'l St. B QUEBEC. St. E ST. EDWIDiii:. Compton Co. Staaefrom Compton, miles. Pop. 60. Tvl. & Exp. ( ompton. Dank at Coatlcook, 10 miles Boulay CS Gen. Store & P, M. 3 7 GoH»elin I'lenre Saw & Grist Mllla 3 Paquiii r. J. , & Co Carr. Makers 4 St. Hiluire Alphonse Blacksmith 3i 7i ST. KLKUTHERE. Kamouraska Co. Ttcenfij-Jour mlle^from St. Alexandre. Tel. & Exp. St. Alexandre. Bank at Fraterville. Pop. 350. Ganieau Ferd Postmaster Nadeau iKirnce. , . Gen. Store & Faruier 8 7 ST. KlilE. St. Maurioe Co. On the Yamachiche Jiirtr, 'M miles from Three liivers. Pop. «f Parish 550. Ti-l. & Exp. i'aDiachickt , 'M miles. Bank at Three Hirers. Dpziel Louis Saw Mill 4 8 Garteau Beiioui Gen. Store 3i 7^ oeliuas Caiolus Gen, Store 31 7i Lacerte Evariste G. S. & Blacksmith S] l] Lachance j-ouis..... Gil8tMlll4 8 ST. ELIZABETH. Joliette Co. On the liiver Bayonve, 10 miles from Berthier- vitle. Pop. 400. Te/. & Exp. St. Ftiix de f'alois, G miles. Bank at Berthicrvilte, Asseiin .losepli Tanner 3 7 Biaulieu Kayn)ond(dit Hudon).G. Store 2i 5 Beaupre Aitiablo Physician 2k 6 Beaui«n') Wilfrid Physician 2* 5 Casabon I^-on Blacksnitih aj 7 Champagne Moise Contractor 4 8 Charette Isidore Joiner Contractor 3 6 Durand Moise.Suw. Mach. Agt. & Gro. 3 6 Fontaine Benoni Joiner Contractor 3 7 Fontaine Clement — Joiner Contractor 3 7 Forget Alexis (dit Latour) — Carr. Mkr. 2^ 6 Forget Francois (dit Latour) Shoemaker 3 7 Gartoiiry Korbert Blackcndth 3 7 Gervais Desir*^. .Gen. Store. See Berlhiervllle. Guilbault Charles Carriagemaker 4 8 Guilbauit Laz & Aug Founders L'i 4 Lacasse & Fils ...Notaries 3 6 Morel Telcsphore J'hysician 3 6^ Olivier Alfred Baker 3 7 Olivier Maxinie Tanner 3 7 Paguet Joseph Octave. .......Physician 3 6 Poulette Jo epli Tailor 3 7 Kobillard Pro>pere (dit Brault). G. Store 3 6 St. George Dieudonn6 Shoemaker 4 8 Thibodeau Nelson Agr'l. Impt. Agt. 3 7 ST. ELOI. Teiniscouata Co. "' •' On Inrercolonial, R. H., 2 inilcs from station. Pop. of Parish 1,300. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Fraserville. April J. Bte ..Gen. Store 3 7 l)umont F Gen. Store 3i 7^ Hudon Ludger , . . .Tinsmith 4 8 Labrie Francois .... Blackeiuith & Flour 3 7 Laf ranee J . C. & Co Gen. Store Lauzier Wildam Blacksmith 4 8 Lizotte Joseph TinsniitU ST. ELPHEGE. Yaiuaska Co. Tel. & Exp, YamqifSka Bank at Nicolet. Pop. 300. • ' Beauchpniin & Co. Liunber 3 6 Beliveau E ..Blacksinjth 4 Boisvert J. A Gen. Store 146 DupontE Blacksmith 4 ' Hamel M. A. A. D Gen. Store HartT. N Grocer 2J 5 Lacerte Henri Gen Store 4 8 Paquette Daniei...Carr. Maker &BJk8. 3 7 ParentA Mills 3 6 also St. Zdphirln. Parent Wm Cheese Factory See St. Tliumas de Pierreyllle. Precourt Evarlsfe Gen. Store 4 Kobillard Gaspard Gen. Store ' ST. EL,ZEAB. Beauce Co. Three miles from St. Marie. Tel. & Exp. St. Marie. Pop. 300. Bank at Quebec, 36 unites. Bilodoau Jean Flour Mill 3 7 BllcHleauJean G.S.&Clieese Fcty. 2i 4 Boivin Jean Blacksmith sj 7 Breton Henri Carr. Maker 3* 1. Dechesiie Louis Miville Gen. Store 2j 6' Lacro X Jean B Gen. Store 3 7 Leblond Damase Tinsmith 3^ 7J Lessard Louis Tinsmiths 51 Nadeau J, Bte Saw & Flour Mill 3 C^ Pelchat Ferdinand Blacksmith 4 8 Kouthier Francois Blaohsmith 3i 7i ST. EMELIE DE L'ENERGIE. Joliette Co. On the Black Jiiver, 70 miles from. Montreal Pop. fiO. Tel. d; Exp. St. 'Felix de Valois, 18 mites. Bank at Joliette, M miles. Bnzin Edm(>nd Gen. Storfl 3 7 Bazinais Antliime Gen. Store 3 7 Belleville Thadd^e ..Grist Mill 2^ 6 Coutu Lactauce Saw Mill, &c. 4 8 Dubeau Geo Blacksmith 3 7 Dufresne Israel Gen. Store 3 ^ Jubinville Israel Saw Mill 2^ 5 Morel Alfred Blacksmith 4 8 Parent Edouard ...Saw Mill 3 6i Parent Toussaint Saw Mill 8 6 St. George Mrs. Olivier Gen. Store 3 7 ST. EMKLIE. Lotbiiiiere Co. . i •! See Leclercville. ST. EPHUEM DE TKING. Beauce Co. Sixteen miles from Tring Station, on Quebec Central It. li .Tel. & Emp. Triiu/. Bank at Quebec, 63 miles. Begin Evariste Blacksmith 3 7 Begin Olivier Gen. Store 3J 7J Bolduc Ephrem Gon. Store ' ' Choulnard Isaac.. Gen. Store & Tinsndth Cloutier Joseph Gen. Store DupuisEUe Saw & Gri-^t Mills Gagne Augustin Blacksmith Gagne Jos — Gen. Store Garant Polycarpe Gen. Store Hamel Come Carding M ill 3 Hanu'l & Lemleux. . ,' Saw Mill 3* Planie Pierre. Butcher 3i Boy Hdouard Physician 3 Roy Vital..... Wheelwright 3 Tardift' Job .-. ; .;..•.".■. . . Hotel 3 lurcotte N.H.... '...,........ Gen. Store 3 Vaclion Charles .Carriagemaker 3i ST. EPHIMCDI D'lTPTON. Bagot Cq. On Grand Trunk Ji. R. Tel. & Exp. Bank at St. Hyaointhe, 13 miles. Pop. 800. Angers F. X Blacksmith 3 7 Angers J. Bte .........Baker 3 ©i 4 8 4 8 3 6, 3 6 3 6' 3* 7 3|7i I f T % St. E QUEBEC. St. E Btr^reron N. O., & Co.. .Carriage makers Biurill &Co Lumber Caiinbn Antolne, jr Gen. Store riinliiial Napolt'on Taiuier (.'liainiiigiiy J. Bte Caiuly Store ])iii(K'her Joseph BlacKcmllli Km George Hotels FitzL'ibbons Michael Gen. Store 3 Fort In Laiulry Blacksmith 3 Furl in N. O Gen. Store & Saw Mill 3 (JaL'iion Euclide Grist, Carding I , &Saw]VlilU "^ Gautbipv Anibroise .. .Baker 3 Uiuithier Mrs. E Dry (ioodrt 4 (iiiuthier S Physician 3 Grise Godfroid. .Saw, Flour & Curding i ., Mill,&c. ( "^ (luertin .Joseph , . .Blacksmith 3i Hotte Alphonse Hotel 3 Joiitras & Frfere , ..Furniture 8 6i Kfiouac L.J Tinsmith 3 6j I.iitarge Pierre Elie Physician 3 Lafontaine & Frfcre Cheese Factory 3 5i I.nniKtlie F. X Gen. Store Laiocque Kaphael Gen. Store 3 fvj Leblaiic J. Bte Blacksmith 3 7 Lelid'iif & Gagnou Butchers 3 7 hcdiiiix Albert Carriagemakpr 3i 71 Lcnifty D Tanner & Shoemaker 3 Hi Ldiselle .Jacques Gen Store 3 6J MiihiT Frt^deric Saddler 3 7 l'a(iuette George Oarriagemaker 3 6^ riiquette Misses Gen .Store 3 6 rilon .losepli Saw Mill 3 Robert & AUard Hay 3 6 Robilhird Napoleon Gen. Store 3 6J St. (ieorge Mrs. P. X Grocer 3 6 St. Ouge Louis Lumbers 6 St^mcal— Grocer Totianlt Alfred 3 6J Tt'ti ault & Auger Saw Mill 3 6 ST. EPIPHANE. Temlscouata Co. Ten miles from Cacouna. Pop. 150. Tel. & Exp. St. Arsene, 6 miles- Bank at Fraser- vilU: Boaulieu Bruno Gen. Store 4 8 Boilrand A.,&Co Saw Mill See Isle V^erte. Bertrand Louis A Saw & Grist Mills See Isle Verte. Dubf Pierre Blacksmith 4 8 Hiukm Joseph Dry Goods, &c. 4 Lifnmce Edouard Grist Mill 3 7 Laviiic .r , G<'n. Store 3 5^ Miihaud Pierre Gro. & Shoes 4 7^ Tiemblay UldtJric Blacksmith 3J 7| ST. ESPRIT. Montcalm Co On the River St. Esprit, 8 iniles from St. Lin. Pop. 300. Tel. & Exp. L' Epiphanie, VZ mVea. Rank at Joliette, 17 mites. Ar< liainbault Narcisse Car'maker 3 Beiuand Ovila Mills 3 Desioclies J. B Shoemaker 3 Desroches Mrs., Wid. Jos G. Store 3 Diuand Widow Dosith6. .Gro. & Bakery 3 Ethier Maxime Baker 3i 7J Foiiniier Jos Grocer, &c. 3 7 Giroux P Tinsmith 4 8 GosspUu Tancrede Shoemaker 3J 7i Gourd No6 Saddler &. Shoemaker Livigue Urgftle .Tinsmith 3J 7i Leblauc Israel Hotel 3 Marsolais Narcisse Blackoinith 3 7 3Iastlia Antoine Gro. & Millinery 8 fi Pflletier Kniilo Blacksmiths Pelletler Joseph Tatnior 4 Perrault Ovide Grist Mill 3 ^ Kiopel Aimc Butter Factory 2 3 Tellier Simt^on (dit Lafortune).Car.mkr. 3i 71 Tf'llier UrgMe dit Lafortuno) (J. Store ;{ V^zina .Stanislas Blacksmith 3^ TJ ST. ETIENNE I)E BEAITHAIINOIS. Beauharnois Co. 1 c. . On the Hirer St. Louis, r> miles from, Bcnuhnr- nois. /'op. lOi). Tid. (mith 4 8 • Crcpeau Mrs., wid. Henri Jos. .(4. Stcire 3i 7 Dfloust — Groc»'r 4 8 Dtmn Kobert Joiner LH 4k I Lefebvie Alfred Tinsmith ;? 7 Montpetit Emilien Hotel 4 I Holland Xavier .. Blacksmith 4 ' Savin H Shoemaker 4 • essier Moiso Satldler 4 Thibert J. B Saddler 3 ST. ETIENNE DE BEAU3IONT. ' Co. See Beaumont. ST. ETIENNE DE BOLTON. Broine Co. Staije from Waterloo, \\ miles. I'op. 150. Tel. KnowUon, 9 miles. Exp. & Bank at Water- loo. Bergeron S. E. ..Gen. Store & Physician Lachambre Antoine General Store 4 7 ST. ETIENNE DE tAUZON. I.evls Co. At the Junction of the Grand Trunk and Inter- colonial U It., 3 miles from Craiy's lioad Station. Tel. & Exp., Bank at Quebec. Pop. 150. Bilodeau V. Xavier General Store 3 6 Dnperre Uemi, sr Baker 3^ 1^ Gotselin Jos Saw, Shingle & > „ .. Grist Mills \ *^ ' Lambert Pierre Gen. Store 4 7^ Lapointe Louis Gen. Store 3 7" Paquot Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 Plante Victor > Gen. Store 3 6 to 7 7 6 7 ST. ETIENNE DES ORES. St. Maurice Co. On the River St. Maurice. Stage from Three Itiners, 15 miles. Pop. 300; of Parish 2, bJi. Tel. Exp. & Bank at Three Rirers. Beauchemin Dr. J. Bte Saw Mill Blais Olivier Shoemaker Bruiielle Bourbeau B Gen. Store B unelle Uldcric ....Gen. Store & N. P. De>cht'ne Pierre . . Carriagemaker Diichene Ferdinand Grocer, &c. Pellerin .Joseph Tanner Plourde J. Ferdinand. Gen. Store Plourde Methot Blacksmith St. Onge Felix Blacksmith 3^ ST. EUGENE. L,'Islet Co. See Lamartine. 2i U H 7} 3 7 2M* 4 8 4 ■jili 4 8 3A 7:' .; .i!.i 147 St. E QUEBEC. St. E ST. EUOKXK 1>K CIRANTHAM. l>riiiniii(>nd Co. Nine miles from Sf. Germain de Oranthanif 7J iniltH from St. UuilLiiume. Tel. d' Axp, Jioulv'yne, 2^ miles. Bank at Sorel. I'op. 700. Auclair Fn'd6ric Gen. Store 3i 7i I'eBlaiKles .Icseph L Goii. Store 4 8 Hebert Augustiii Bakor 3i "i .Jette .JoBfpli (isn. Store 4 8 Lnflt'urF. X UlackBrnilh 3i 7i Lapierre Hoiior*^'. SliounmUcr 3^ 7i j.a|iierie .Joseph Butcher '6\ 7] Mar<;oux Maglolre Saw & Grist Mill 3 oi Pureiine I)ol|)hi8 Blacksmith 4 8 St, Sauveur Joseph Jfeddler 4 8 ST- EUL.ALIK. Nlcolet Co. ()n Grank Trunk 11. It,, Three liieers branch. Pop. 50. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Nicotet. Bineau Pierre Baker 4 8 HcbertAlex Blacksmith 3i 7i Heon Severe Carpenter 3i 7i Houde J. L. Hercule den. Store 3 7 ,. egris Narcisso 1'. M. & Gen. Store 2i 5 Prince Octave Gen. Store 'a\ 7i Tal bot .J ude Mills 3 tii 'J hiboduau Hormisdas Blacksmith 4 8 ST. lilTSTACHK. Two Mmiiitains Co. On Hirer du Chene, 7 miles from St. Therese. and lil miles from Montreai on C.l'.U, Pop. lOUO. Tel., ExiK & Money Order Ojfive. Bank at St. Therese. Aube Cleophas — Saw, Grist, Shingle ) & Planing .Mills J Aube E])hreni Grocer Iiarbeau Altl-ed Baker Belair A. P Grain & Coal Belisie David Baker Bclisle Octave Cabinetmaker Bt^lisle Scraphin Carriagemaker Binette Theodore Carriagenuiker Binnette .J. K Butter Fcty. Bi)uvretteCl»?opha8 Blacksmith Biunelle Felix ...Blks. & Cairiagemkr Champagne C H Notary Public Cliampagne E. H Gen Stoie Champagne Evariste Speculator Clt^roux cluque;teEuclide luocer Duquette J. B Saddler Duroch^r Maxime Tinware, &c. Dutrisac Venauce Blacksmith Elhier JJavid Gen. Store Fauteux G. N Notary Gadbois Louis V Painter Gauthier & Brissette Gen. Store Giroux Isidore Carriagemaker Globensky C. A. M Mills Goulet Joseph M Hotel (iravel L6on Tanner Griguoii F. X Tinsmith Uaniilton J Cheese Factory Labelle Joseph Vet. Surgeon Lagac6 Horace Butcher Lahaie E Gen. Store Lahaie Olympe.Carpentor & Cabinetmkr Landry Zephir Carriagemaker l-i8 . n 5 3i n 4 a 3 H 4 8 3i7i 4 fe 3i 7i 3i Vi 3i '•i 3J l(>reiu!y AuguHtiu C'artwrluht 4 8 J'oulin Alexaiulro Orl8lM1113 G ST. FAITSTIN. Terrebonne C«>. Fortii-two mil en from St. Jeromi'. I'oi). 260. tA., Exp. & Bank a< St. Jinme. Cot6 Hector Gen. Store 3 6} DiiHiiblon GoHzague Hotel 3 7 (iiueuu Joseph Blacksmith 4 H Vivnler P Miller 34 7i Villeneuvo Won G <*«"• Store ST. FELICIKN. Chlcoutlml Co. FAijhtii miles from Chicoutimi mid two hundred and ni ety miles from Qiiefjec- Hank at FraserrUle. Tel. Chicoutimi. Pop. 76. Bouchard Fr-* Gen. Store 3i 7i jHlbeitriaclde Gen.Sti.rel ,. ^, & Cheese Factory f ** °a Langevin F. Xavler Gen. Store 4 Preno vost & lioy . Gen. Store 2 J 5 Koy L. F.,&Co Gen. Store Ictu D Gen. Store 3 6 ST. FELICITE. Rlmouitki Co. On the River St. Lawrence, 9 miles from Matane. Tel, & Exp. at St. Octave. Bank at Fraserville. Oiv Alfred Gen. Store 4 pattnJohnH Mill & Mfr. Spool 4 7i ST. FELIX DE VAIiOIS. Jollettc Cc). On the River Dayonne, On Joliette Branch C. P.R, Pop. 600. Tel. milen. Bank at Fraserville. Dcsbiens David Shoemaker 4 7+ Dufour L'lgpr Grist .Mill .'Si 7) -Joan \i^aU Gen. Store & Tin.s o\ 7J Perron God'on Blacksmith 8 Tremblay A Gen. St 're 4 7^ Tremblay Henri.,.. Blacksmitli 4 74 Tremblay J. A Grist Mill 3^ 7] ST. FL,AV1E. Co. On the Intercnhmial R.U.,'2\ miles from statUm. Tel. & Exp, at Station. Bank at Fraserville. Caron Francois Shoemaker 3^ 7 (."oulombe Albert Blacksmith 4 .'^ Dastous Jos . . Gro. <& Tin.smith 3j 7 l Founder Napoleon Blacksmith 4 7J Gagnon Pierre Gen Store 4 7i Goulet Theodore Grist Mill S« e St Luce. Lamontagne Napoleon Gen. Store ij .'> Langlois Leon Gen. Store 3 7 Lebel David Tailor 4 8 Koy Marcel. ...Grist, Shingle Mills, &c. 3 7 ST. FLA VIE STATION. RiinouHki Co. On the Intercolonial R. R. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Frasert!ille, Pop. 500. Asselin Kuol Tanner 3 7 Aubin Napol^)n (Srocer 3^ 7* Beaulieu Aimd Saloon 4 8* Beaulieu George Hotel &, Teamster 4 Beaulieu Misses Gro, & Millinery 4 8 Bourgouin E. , & Co Gen Store 3i 'k Cimon Edmond Butcher 4 8' (Jot^&Co Gen. Store 34 7 Dupr6 liOiiis Baker 4 8 Duval Edouard Shoemaker 4 x Fournier Cyprien Blacksmith 4 8 Fournier Nazaiie Blacksmith Sj 7 V (i agnon .Joseph — Gro. & Temp. Hotel 4 8" Gagiion Pierre Gen. Siore 4 7 j "7 8 8 'i s 8 8 S 8 ■il Joubert Samuel; Grist Mills ,34 Landry D.E Dry Goods & Gro. 4 Lafrance A Hotel 4 Lebel F.,& Co Gen. Store 4 Levesque Edmond Waggon Maker 34 Levesque Etieune Grocer 4 Lortie Alexandre Baker 4 Martin J. B .. Tinware 4 Ross Augustin Gen. Store 34 Ross Francois Hotel 4 Ross Joseph A Physician 4 Smith Mrs Hotel 34 74 St. Laurent Octave Cabinetmaker 4 8 St. Pierre Mrs. Norbert Hotel 3 »! Voyer Autolne Gen. Store 34 74 149 St. F QUEBEC. St.F ST. FI.AVIFN. T.othlnierA Co. 4 mill's fryvn .Ufthof'/i Milh. fop W). Tel Jb K.vit.SlvtIwI's Millt. /innknt QuflHr,:U) mili'H. R«'mi(l(.ln A Tllnckpinltli 4 8 Jij^ilnrd Lii/nrti.Ocn. Store &Ch»'<'Bj' F<'ty '-'} 4i JdiiitMH Cyillliv Saw Mill ;< 7 J)»'.Hr«>clicrH .1. lUe DliK'ksniith 3 7 FcrlrtiMl 11(111010 (irlHl MIIIh 3 7 ^.M'lP. (»... Opii Store 4 8 KiUit! Ji DoHroclu'iB Saw Mill 3 7 Seviyiiy Slimoii (tilt Latleiir) Gen. Store 4 8 ST. FLOKK. <'tiaiii|»l»ln Co. SfVen mitci* fnnn (irnii'lf files Stufioii on (',/*. Ji. I'np. 'jon. Tel «P Krj)., (ira)i(h' I'ttts. Itiiiik Three Jlivtra, 'M milea Praiipn^— Saw & Flour Mills 3 B IW'aiipn'' Liiznre deii Stoic ?i 4J ll.lHiiui'i'.l. \i Blft(!ksiiHth 3 7 Blais I'ione (Jen Store Coiuiiaanie dc Piili)o dcH LiiiireiitideH, ? liiiiit«soii Heiijaniiu Gen. Store 4 8 Sevijiny Henry Gen. Stores (> Vincent F. X' Slices 4 8 ST. FORTUNAT. Wolfe Co. Tirevfy-four milex/ioni StatifoUh Tel. & Exp. (U StdnfoUJ. Hank at IticUmovd, G.5 m'les. BfMuicltaiiu' Israel AVlieel*rlKlit 4 8 Goto .loseph . . Grist & Saw Mills 3 7 Dubois I.saie Blacksmith 4 8 (4osselin Luc Gen. Store & Mills 4 7 Noel C. M Carpenter Hi 7^ St. Pierre Daniase P. M., & Gen. Store sj 7i Verinette Mrs., widow Paul. Gen. Store 4 8 ST. FOYK. Quebec Co. Staf/efrom Quebec, 4 miles. Pop. 500. Tef. & Exp. Aiicieniie Lorette. Bank at Quebec. Bedard L. & N Joiner Contractors 3 7 Blondeau Joseiih Blacksmith 4 8 Boldnc Phdippe Marble 4 8 Bro|)hy M. H Physician 3 .5i Inebriate Asylum 3 6 flulien Moise I'^otel 2* 5 Laroche J. Bte Gro. & Provisions 3* 7 Legale J. Bte.. .Gro. & Carfiajfeniaker 2\ 5 L'lleureux Ulric Joiner Contractor 3 7 Mackay — Pliysician ^i- McLelsh Alexander Blacksmith 3 7 Mainguy Joseph Blacksmith 8J 7 IMoiitreiiil I'^doiiard. Cartwriglit 4 Montreuil Joneph Blacksmith 3 7 Montreuil Louis Wheelwright 4 8 Nolin Francois Wheelwright 4 7 ST. FRANCOIS. Charlevoix Co. From Bale St. Paul, 10 miles. Tel. Baie St. Paul. Exp. St. Jean Port Jo/i, 18 miles. Bank at Quebec, 50 miles. Pop. 150. Bouchard Charles Gen. Store 3 7, Lavoie Cleophas Gen. Store 3i 75 150 w I- 1 8T. FBANCOTS DF T.A BEAUCE. Reauoe Co. Cmtntif Seat, !) mUeajYoth St. Jnaeith. Pop. iim Tel. A E.i-p. St. Franvvts. Bank at e Notary 3 7 .Arint^tronst .Mrs ....Mnilnery I Burbeiiu Majorique Temp. Hotfl ;i ft Bergeron Jos Gen Store 3 7 Fortier 'I'aiichereau Beg'^^trar 3 d Fortln B*>noni Hotel 3 (i Fortin C\ urlen Gen Store 3! 7 GagnoM F rancols Contractor 'J ;. M Godbout Joseph Physician 3 i; Grondin Nap Carr. Maker 3 7 Jutras&Co Saw Mill if cl Lachance Godt'roid Saddler 4 8 l.,achance Joseph ..Jeweller Langlois Severe Tinsmith 3] 7 Ltuochelle J»liilia8..Carr. Maker & Blks. 3 7 lemiuuxF. X., & Co Dry Goods 3 1, 7 1 Lemieux Odiloii Tanner 3 7 Mercier Joseph Saw & Carding Mill 3 7 Morency Frederic Gen. Store See St. Marie. Nad'-au A Sho<^maker 3^, 7 , Onpllet Magloire Gen. Store 2] ■' Poulin Jot^e h Gen. Store 3* 7 Poulin Th6odure Blacksmith 3 t Poulin riionias BhicksinUh 4 '^ Renault P. F • . .. Gen. Store 3 t;\ Thivierge&Frt're.TinBmithB,Gro.,nwre. 3 <■ Veilleux Charles .... Baker 3^ 7; Vei leux Fortunat Tanner 4 !^ ST, FRANCOIS DE SALLES. Laval Co. (hi C. P. R., one mile from Terrebonne. Tel. ule Lt'on (iiltt Mill 3 Ciirtl»)r, (Jill Laminae & Co Hankers 24 4J Ciirtlor.Joflttpli.ltuiirdlng Hi^uae & (Jai'i>t. 4 Carrier Molao HB(hller i 8 (Urtler Slt'roid Lumber & Uraln Olmi)delalin» t'luirles Gen. Store (>l*'-()n , SatiiUer 3 7 DesinaraiH FraiicoiB Taiiiifr 'M 7k iJeHiiianiis Oil vier Geit, Store .'jj 7} Dugiiay Dorilaa Hboeinaker a] "i Duraml K'louarU Gn>oer 3 7 Fabriqno do FruiuitAe de la Bale du i „ « Febvrel "^ " Porcler Adelard ..., ....Uaker 4 Oladu V Notary & 8p«'oulator 3 5^ (irt^Kolrfi A Tailor 8 7 ,](.yal U ...Dlac'klinith 4 7A Laferte Fcrdiiuind Shoeniakor 3^ 74 Lord .JoHepli P Ueii, Store IMatte Xavitir Tanner 3 7 Kadeaii Daniane I)ut(dier 4 8 Uobillard ,1. V Gon, Store 3 (tj Vervllle Marie — Groeor 3 7 ST. FRANCOIS HIVIERE DU 8UD. IVTnntinagay Co. ". If-"" On the Interrnlonlal II. li. P(>p. qf Parish l,eO(). Tel & Exp. Bank at Quebec. Boiilay C^lre Wm Mills 4 Faucher Philias Trader Plante JNIru. Maxime ... Gon. Store Sep St. Henri, Hochelaga Co. Provencher Emmanuel Blackshiith 4 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER DE VIGER. Teiniscouata Co. Caron Guillaume Postmaster ST. FRANCOISE. Temisoouata Co. Six miles from Trots Pistoles. Pop. 90. Tel. & Exp., Trois Pistoles. Bank at Fraser- ville, 25 miles. Bieaulieu Napolt^on Postmaster 4 8 ST. FREDERIC. Beauce Co. One mile from Station on Quebec Central li. R. PoiK 300. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Quebec. Cloutier Joseph.... Wheelwright 3 7 Doyon E Gen. Store 34 74 Doyon Isidore Gen. Store 3 54 Gagni^ Thomas Carrlagfmakor 3 7 Nadean .Vgiinite (Uii. Storo 3 « Nadeau Louin Tinsinlth 3 7 IMante Ansclmo Orlst Mill. &c. 8 T Plante Francois X Gen. Stom & > - - CheeHe Factory ( ' Turcotte WonceBlas Gon. Store 84 74 ST. FULfiENCE. Chlooutlml Co. On north shore of Saanenny Pinr, 10 milea /mm Chicoutimi. Pop tii. Bank at Eraser- rilte. •IrasBard Henry BlackHinlth M, 74 Fraser A,, & Co Saw Mill. Son Qncb c. Trend)lay (Jeorgo .Shoemaker 3J 74 Villeneuve Thomas Gen. Store 3 oj ST. GABRIEL I)E BRANDON. Bcrtliier Co. Staae from Berfhicrril/e.'JiX miles. Pop. 900. 'lei. & Exp. Hank at Utrthiervitle. Arcliambault Kloi Notary ;J 7 AvMisti-ong George Maker 34 74 HeauBolellK Mill.&c. 3 5 Bell veau Pierre Gen. Store .<: J .. „ Agr'l Iniplt. <, '^ " Bellemnre.Tohn, fnlias Joseph) Hotel 3 64 Itellemare .Joseph, jr Grocer 4 Bolsjoli Albert Blacksmith 4 8 Boucher & Tellier (irocers 3 Kruneau Isidore Shoemaker 34 74 Champagne Hector Notary 3 54 Desohene Arcade Flour, &c. 4 K Dubeau Ge<.rge Fanner & I'rader 24 .5 linbeau J.N... Physician lit 7 Ecrement Mrs., widow J. A ...G. Store 3| 74 Farley Paul Saddler 31 7} Gr.tndchamp.To8eph Cattle Dealer 34 ej Granger Ulric Grocer. Sic. 'V Hainelin Gtidcon Saw .Mill 3 64 Hcnault Kdmond Blacksmlih 34 74 HtMiault Honort^ Blacksmith 4 8 Joly .Joseph Tanner 3 6 Lambert. .Jos. Adelard Gen. Store 24 ^ Laurandeau Albert Physician 2j 54 Laurandeau .Joseph O Physician 24' 34 Lttvallt'e Damase ... Tinsmith 4 8 Lavallee Thaddee Tinsmith 34 7 Marion Severin Hotel 34 7 Michimd Adolphe Gen. Store 3 54 Miohaud Euclide. Gen. Store 4 Michaud r«^le»i)hore Flour, &c. 24 5 Monday P. A Speculator 24 5 Piche Candlle, & Go Hardware 4 8 Poitras Alfred Blacksmith 3 .'^4 Preville Norbert. Threshing Mach. ^ 74 PrevoBt J. Norbert 1). G. . See Lake Aylmer. 151 Pt. G •QUEBEC. St. G ST. GEHKON. Chlcoutimi Co. Sixty miles from Chicnutlmi. Tel., Bale St. ; Paul. Bank at FrastrvULe- Audet Joseph Gen. Store ^ Ti ' Barrette Ba»ile Agrl. ImplementB 1 8 Founiier Geniiain Gen. Store 3 6^ Girard .J osupli A vrl. Jniplenieiits 4 8 St. Pierre Jean Gen. Store 3 7 ST. GENEVIEVE. Clminplaiu Co. Count ij seat. On north shore River St. Law- rence. J'crj). 2,800. Tel. & Exp., Jiatiscan, ^ miles. Jiank at Three Jiiver 8, 24^ miles. Baribault Frauyois Grocer 3^ 7i BaribeauI>oiiat,& Co Gen. Store 3 7 Baribeau Francois X Blackstnith Baril F.X Physician 4 8 Bel anger Jos Gen. Store 3 7 DeRuiso Cloviy (dit Flamand),.Tau]\ery 3 Pi Dufresne Geo. II Physician 2J 5 Fouderie St. Genevieve de Batiscan See F. Leblanc. Germain Pierre Ferdinand.. Gen, Store 3^ 7i B oude Dieudonne Blacksmith 4 8 Lacoursiere IJosithe Gen. Store 2J 4 Leblano F Foundry 4 8 Marchand I.ouis Saw & Grist Mills 3 7 MatiHicotte George.. Sewing Macii. Agt. 4 8 • Massicotte Hilaire Carding Mill 4 7 St. Arnaud George Gen. Store Tonpin J ,eon .Blacksmith 3 7 ST. GENEVIEVE. Jacques Cartier Co. On Rivltre des Prairies, 5 viites from Pointe Claire, Pop. CM. TtL & Exp. Pointe Claire. Bank at Montreal, 18 miles. . Barbeau Oodf roid Gen. Store 4 7 ■ Blais & Meillenr Shoemakers 4 8 Boiloau Godt'roid Notary 2J 5 Brisebuis Ktienue Saddler 4 8 Brunette f dit Lctang) Hyacinthe. ..Gro. 3 7 Cardinal Damase ...Butcher 3^ Ti Claude Achille. GroctT 4 8' Clement Francois Saw & Grist iVlHl Demers Godfioid Wood 3 6 LabroBse (dit Kaymo; d) EUhtache..Gro. 3 7 Lalonde Francois Grocer 4 8 Lalonde M Hotel 3 6 Lalonde Toiissaint Gen. Store 3 6^ Laniel Emery ..Grocer 3 7 Leblanc G< daoid Tanner 3 7 ■ Legauli Kemi Blacksmith 3 J 7^ ; Libercent Ferrier Blacksmith 3^ ll Meloche J. B.. jr Gen. Store 3 6| Melocho Pbileas Slioes 3 6 . Normandeau S Blacksmith 3 6 Payment Emery Gen. Store 3 6 • Pilette Anioine Physician 4 Pilon Ambroisc, jr Grocer, &c. 4 8 Proulx Francois (dit Clement). Gen. i « hi Store, Saw & Grist Mill f ^ °^ Bivard Joseph Grocer 3i 7^ Koy Joseph H Physician 2| 5 Theoret Leon Blacksmith 3 7 Theoret Veuant, sr Gen. Store Trepannior Jo8ei)h Tinsndth 3 7 ST. GEORGE DE LA BEAUCE. Beauce Co, On River Chaudih-e, if^ miles from St. Joseph Station. Pop. iOQ, Tel. & Map., St. Joseph. Bank at Qtiebec, 63 miles. BeaulieU E Commission Bolduc .loseph Geu Store 3 7 15-^ Brochn Maxime. ..Saw & Carding Mills 3 7 Cabin Michael Gen. Store & Hotel 2J ;u FortierAiigustin. .Grift & Carding Mills 3i tJ Fortin Zotiqiie Wheelwright 4 K Gilbert Thomas Tinsmith Z\ 7^ Gold Mining Assoc, of Canada (Limited) Langlois George Tanner 4 S Lemeiin George Gen. Store 4 8 Letourneau Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 Maguire P Gen. Store 3 5^ Marcotte Ulric Gen. Store 4 8 Martinet Alfred Tinsmith ^ l\ M6thot Arthur Saddler 3| 7} Morel J Baker 4 h .Moroncy G GE RIMOUSKI . Jfiinouskl Co. See Kimouski. , ST. GERMAINEC or I.ake Etchemln P.O.) Dorchester Co. TeL& Exp. St. Jnsaphde la Beauce,i5 miles. Bank Quebec, Pop. liOO. Benudoin Antoine ...Saw & Grist Mill Begin Joseph Gen. Store 3 7 Belaiiger Clovis ....TinHinith Belanger D Gen. St^re Bisson Cyrille Saw Mill Bizier Vital Gen. Store Brochu Kdouard Blacksmith Brochu L Gen. Store Carrier Napoleon Shoemaker Couture Godfroi Lumber, &c. 3 7 Fortiii J. Bte.taw, Grist & Carding Mill Giguere It Gen. Store Gilbert Thomas Gen. Store Goupil Ferdinand. Saw Mill Jacq jes George Saw Mill Rousseau Simon Saw Mill Savole Charles .... Blacksmith Savoie Ephroni Wheelwright ST. GERTRUDE. Nicolet Co. Nine viilei< from St, Celesfin, Pop. .350. Tel. & Exp. St. Celestiii. Bank at Nicolet. Beauchene Joseph, Blacksmith 3 7 Charette Joseph Trader 4 Cliarland Napoleon .... Gen. Store 4 7^ Haniel Leandie Bakery, Store. &c. 2^ 4 Lafond Win Blackfotbiniere Co. ' Ttromile.'ifrovi Craig's Road. Pop. 150. Tc/. <& Exp, Blaok Jiiver Station, i) miles. Bank at Quebec. Lefebvre James G. S. & Bdg. House Lemieux Jean Gen . Store Montniiny Alexis.Gen. Store & Tinsmith Tefu Alfred Tinsmith Tetu Eustbe Gen. Store TfituTh-'s Saw & Carding Mills 3 Vallieres Majorique Blacksmith 4 ST. GO BERT. Rimonskl Co. Tel. <& Exp. St. Luce, 15 miles. BankFraser- ville. Pop. 50. B^rub^ Joseph Gen. Store 4 8 CaronAugustln&Alfred.Geu.Store&PM. 3 7 Caron Francois Saw Mill 4 8 Cote Xavier ..Blackemith 4 8 Guimond Francois Gen Store 3 7 St. Pierre Valentin Blacksmith 4 8 ST. GBEGOIRE. Nicolet Co. On Three Rivers Branch of (irand Trunk R.R. Pop. 600. Tel. & Exp. Jiank at Three Rivers, 6 miles, or Nicolot, 6 miles. Beliveau Albert CaiTiagemaker 4 8 Bergeron Edouard Miller 3^ 7i Boudreau Honore Butclier 4 lioudreau Jean Bte Physician 4 Bourque Mrs. Achille Gen Store 4 Charron Stanislas Butcher 4 Deneau Napoleon Blacksmith 4 GrenierMrs. Narcisse 4 Hcb rt Antoine Gen. Store 3 Hcbert Nnpolton Provisions 3j 7i H6bert Oililon Blacksmith 4 8 Houle Cyrille .Blacksmith 4 Landry Gedt^on Blacksmith 3i LevesqueAlphonse.BdgHouse&CarrMkr 4" Mcllonald Honore .ioiner 3 Montplaisir Stanislas Shoemaker ,3J Plourde Aug., jr Baker 3 Poirier C. J. Alexandre Notary .3 Poirier Luc Shoemaker 4 Pratt Pierre Blacksmith 3i Prince Daniase Cabinetmaker 4 liouleati Frs., jr Butcher 2^ 4i^ St. Germain Charles Gro., &c. 3^ 7 J Therrlen J. Ferdinand Gen. Store 3 7 Thibeaudeau Pierre Qen. Store 3 6 153 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 7'r 8' 6J Ti 7 (> 8 >i 8 St. G QUEBEC. St. n Trudel Henri Aline Physician 4 8 Turcot G Shoemaker 4 8 S*r. GREGOIBE LK GRAND (Mount Johnston P. O.) Iberville Co. Stage from St. Johns, *i miles, Si Z mlivs from Versailles. I'op. 450. Tet. dk Exp. Versailles. Bank St. Jolms. Benjamin Pierre VVaggonmaker 4 8 Bessette Philippe Carpentpr 3i 7i Soui'her Cy rille Blacksmith 4 oule (./nf'sime Butcher 4 8 Bvosseau Jt)Heph Joiner Si 7^ Frechette Kniilieu Carriagemaker 3* 7^ Hill» Joseph Tal or 3* 7 Jt'tteJ. B Blacksmith 3j 7i Moiiat Napoleon . . Baker 3^ 7^ Noiiuandin Gotlfroid . . CarrLagen>aker 3 7 Papiiieau Autoine .. Gen. Store 3 6i Plante Philippe Blacksmith '•' Prevost Alpluuise Black>mi'li S^ 7i Sanr'ouci Ludger. Gen. Store 4 Savaria Timothe. Hotel 3 6 TarteHouore Hotel 3 7 ST. GUILLAUME D'TJPTON. Dium- inonil Co. On South Eastern It. It. Pop. 600. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Sorei, 26 miles. Barolet F. X Physician 4 8 Beaudette Cleophait. Cabinetmaker 4 8 Beauicgard Zacharie Gen. Store 3 J 7 Belauger Hilaire Joiner 3 (ii Belhiinieur Dolphie Gen. Store Btinird Napol»k)a Blacksmith 3 7 Bonnin Arcadius Tinware 3^ 7^ Boucher A. , & Co Gen. Store 4 Bourret& Braiilt Mills 3 6 & Henri Bourret & Remi Branlt. Bourret Henri Gen Store 3 7 & Bourret & Brault. Brault Remi Sash Fctv. ) q ^ & Bourret & Brault ( ^ ' Bourret Pierre Mills 3 6 Dt'pot I.ud^'er Blackmith 3^ 7j D'-srosiera George Blacksmith 3 7 Dessert Victor Hotel 3^ 7i Dugaa P Blacksmith 4 8 Dupre .los Blacksmith 4 7J Falardeau Joseph Gen. Store 3 6^ Francoeur Narcisse. .Gen. Store & Baker 3 6 Frigau 1) . Watchmakers 7 Giiliuas Joseph Carriagemaker 3 7 Gcnereux Francois ... Flour 3 6 Gi^nereiix J. Bte Grocer, &c. 3i Gervais Oscar Blacksmith 4 8 Girouard Nazaire Gen. Store 3J 7 Houde Cyprien Cabinetmaker 4 8 Laferty Antoiiie, jr Blacksmith 4 8 Laferty Antoine, sr Gen. Store 3 Ci Laferty John (dit Pkssia) Car. maker 3i 7* Lamothe I) Planing Mill SJ 7| Lamoureux Stanislas ...Physician 3 C^ Lauiy & Co Boer Bottlers Laperle Arthur Boots & Shoes 3 7 Letourneux Theo. Euatache. Shoemaker 3i 7i Maher Adelard Gen. Store 3 oj Maher Francois Gen. Store 2^ 4J Melancon Emmanuel Tanner 3 7 Millette Alexis Joiners 6^ Morin Camille, & Co Gen. Store Paradis Wld Cyrlac Gen. Store 3 J Faulhus Paul Foundry 3 6 ; Pelletler Pierre ,. Agrl. Impllis 3 7 154 PoUier Albert Baker 4 8 Pontbriand Augustin.... Carriagemaker 4 8 Proulx Olivier ... Carriagemaker Kainville PaulAdolphe SIdddler 4 8 ReneAim6 Hotels () Klcard Hilaire .... Gen. Store Kouleau Pierre ,. Saw Mill 3 o St. .laurent Octave Baker 3| 7 .St. Laurent Paul Baker 4 7^ Sylvestre Ephrem Gen. S;ore 3i 7' Vadcboncffiur L Shoemaker SJ ; j Vanasse P. Celestin Produce 3 7 ST. HELKNE. Kamouraska Co. 0}V south shore liicer St. Lawrence and the Inltrcolomal It. It, Pop. 1,350. tet. & E.rp. Bank at Ffaserville. Chenard Martial Sliof maker 3 7 Ennis Napol»^on . . ,. . .Saw & GrLs, Mills 3 "4 Freve Frg. (dit L'Allemand). Shoemaker 4 S" Lajoie A Blacksmith I 8 Lagace Francois Grocer 4 Ouellette Anselme Tins & Grocer 3i ~,\ Kivard F^lix Blacksmith 4 St. Pierre Edouard Gen. Store Thlboutot Arthur Gen. Store 3i "J ST. HELEIVE DE BAGOT. Bagot Co. Stage from St. Eplirem rf' Upton,! miles. Pop. 100. Tel. & Exp. St. Ephrem d' Upton. Bank at St. Hyacinthe, 17 miles, Benolt & B^rard Gen. Store 4 8 Bourgeois Philias Carriagemaker 4 s BouvTer Napoli^Oili . . .Carpenter 4 8 Chlcolne J. Bte Sash & Door Fcty. 4 8 Dufiiult Eus6be. . . .Grist & Saw Rlill & » „ ., Cheese Factory \ ^ °i Lanols — Blacksmith 4 8 Ijedoux Jo-eph Shoemaker 3J Ih Loiselle Napoleon Blacksmith 3 ti| Lusslor Louis. . , . .Gin. Store 2i 5 Slcard Antoine Cheese Factory il 5 ST. HELENE DE CHESTER. Arthabas- ka CO. Fifteen miles from Stanfo/d Station. Tel. & Exp. Stanfoul Statltn. ' Bank at Arthabaska Station, 16 miles, DeslletsO Gen. Store 4 8 Dubois Janvier Gen. Store 4 8 Fortier Francois . , B'acksmith 3 6^ Landry Alphonse Gen. Store 4 Luneau Pierre blacksmith 4 7i Pailleur Hector Gen. Store 4 8 Itoiix Pierre Gen. Store 3 6 Savole Olivier Saddler & Gen Store 3 5 Tessier Nap Carriagemaker 4 8 ST. HENEDINE. Dorchester Co. Coimty Seat, on Quebec Central B. R. Pop. lOOit. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Quebec, 32^ miles. Andet 'dit Lapointe) C^lesthi. Carriages 3i 7t Bcaudoin Cyulle Grist Mill 3 7 Beautloln Felicien Builder 3 6i Bouffard Celestin Gen. Store 3 6 Cadrin J. B Gen. Store See St. Mfuguerite. Corrlveau Jos Blacksmitli 3^ 7^ Dion Joseph Builder 3 6 Dubreuil F. X Blacksmith 3j 7^ Fortier Maropl Grist Mill 3 7 FournlerPhlllas Blacksmith ^ 7i Garou Napoltiou Tinsnuth 3 7 St. II QUEBEC. St. H Laflamme PhiUbert Shoemaker 4 8 Laiioie Adelard Oen. Store 3 7 J>apoiiite .lo8 Shoemaker SJ Ti Lecburo Felix Saw Mill, &c. 3 cj Marsolais (Jilbert . . Batter Fcty. See Marsolais & Benjamin, Montreal. Martineau Octave. . . .Agrl. Impt. Agent 3 6 Moriu J. B (.rist Mill 2J 3i Morrissette Alfred Physician 3 7 8T. HKNRI. Hoclielaga Co. Jn incorporated town adjoining city limits of Montreal. On Grand Trunk II. It. Street earn from Montreal. Poj). alnrnt 12,000. Tel. & Exp. Bank at ISt. tunegonde, one half mile. Allan Robert Forwarder & Wood 2 3 Amyot Charles Grocer 4 Aquin Toussaint Joiner Contractor 3 5J Armstrong Walter Saloon 4 8 Auhin Francois .... Wine Manufactiuvr 4 Barolette Louis (dit Pepin), jr. Grocer f „i „, & Butcher <, "^^ '1 Barritre Chas. M Dry Goods 3 6^ Beausoloil Octave Painter Cont. 4 8 Benoit Moise Cattle Dealer 3 6 Benoit Mrs. Marie, wid Olivier... Grocer 4 7 Bickerdike Hobt.Pork Packer See Montreal. BineiteJ. Bte Hotel 4 8 Bihsoiniette Narcisse Barber * Hordua F. X Mer. Tailor 3^ 7i Bouchard L. H Grocer 4 8 Bouique J. Bte Grocer 4 8 Bra.nchiiud Athanase Hotel 3^ 7i Briere M Grocer * Cadotte Ldon Baker Cantin Joseph. Grocer 4 8 Carignan David Coal & Wood 3 5i Caroii & Frere Grocers & Butchers 3J 7 J Cartier Norbert Broommaker 3 6 Cazelais Miss Alphonsine. . . . Boots & \ Shoes I Charlpbois A., & Co Livery & Grain 4 8 Cliicoiiie & Fr^re Boots & Shoos 4 8 Chicoine Octave .... Grocer & Butcher 2i 5 Chicoine I'ierre, sr .shoe Mfr. 3 6 Chouinard Calixte..H'ware, Paints, &c. 2^ 5 Collette S. A . , , Grocer 4 David «,dilou Dry Goods 3 6 D^carifc Joseph Brickmaker 2i 3^ D^carie Olivier Grocer 2i 3^ Depocas Louis Blacksmith 3 (ij Desauiels J. Bte Grocer 3 7 Desautels Moise Grocer & Butcher 2i 5 De^'champs Joseph H .Hotel ^ Desormier Joseph, sr. . . Boots & Shoes 3i 7i Ducharnid Louis Boots & Shoes s] 6J DufortBenii Grocer & Butcher 4 8 Dugas Mrs. J., wid F. (dit Labrtjche) \ a o GrocirJ * " DumasF.X Hotel 4 8 Dupont Joseph Baker 4 8 Dupuls J. E Dry Goods 3^ likjroyd Thos Leather & Tanner See Montreal. Ethier Antoine Butcher 3 7 Fauteux Emery, & Son Butchers Fichaud Adolphe Butcher 3 7 Gagne Maximilien Grocer 4 8 Gascon Jos. Horace. Teas, Crockery, &c. 3 h^ Gecpffrion Lduis , Grocer 4 H Gervais Mrs. C, wid I. . TObacco & Toys 4 8 Gingras Mrs., & Co Millinery * Giroux Hubert P Hotel 4 Gohier Beu jamin Carriagemaker 3 5^ 5i 7 7 4 4 2i 2 5i (jougeon F. X Hardware 3 Gougeon Moise Cartwriulit -* Goyer .sllvinir .. Baker 3 Gravel Hypolite Butcher 3 Gregoire A., & Co . Boot & Shoe Mt'rs. Hardlsty Geo. AV. , sr Trader Harnois Fr.". X Suet Mfr. Henrichon. Moise Coal & Feed Hodgson J &C. Mfrs. Wrought Iron { Pipes, &c. I Hortis Adelard Furniture 4 P Houle Leon Organ Pipe Builder 3 6^ Huard PhiliaH Grocier 4 Hurtubise Eustache, Pliysician 2j 4V Jacob Joseph Coniractor 3 5J Labelie A., & Co Dry Goods 2 J 5 Labreche Wilbrod Grocer 3 7 Lachapelle Anguste Butcher 4 8 I^achapelle S«^verin Physician Lacoste Etieinie Grocer 3 7 Lafleur Chas Mfr. Boots & Shoes 3 Lafleur C., & Frere.Mfrs. Boots & Slioes 2-. Lafortnne Uodolphe Grocer 3. Lamoureux Ulric Joiner Contractor 2; Lanctot Husmer Grocer 3 Lanctot Jo!*eph Physician 3 o| Landreville Stanislas Grocer 2j 45 Larante Pierre H otel 2* 5 Lebrun Charles Grocer 2j 4i L^ger Antoine Trader 3j 7j L6ger Jules Grocer 4 Leuioine Treffl6 Grocer 3 Lenoir Alphouse Painter Cont. * Leno. r Joseph Physician 2^ 4^ LeMeiir Ovide Grocer, &c. 4 8 Loiselle Jos. , & Co Grocers 4 McDutf Eustache Traders 7 McMillan John. .Oil Refinery. See MontreaL Major A m^dee , C; ocer 34 7i Mai-san H .Joiner Cont. 3j 7^ Martin Moise Grocer 3| 7i M» rchants Mahufiicturing Co. See Montreal. Moffatt Henri Painter Cont. * Neveu Osias Beer Bottler * Normandin Alfred Grocer Normandin Gideon Hotel 3 7 Ouimet J. Bte, '['andies, Sec *' Outliet John it Bntcher Papineau L. A.... Grocer 3 Paquette Jos Contractor 3 Paquin D«^lt^a. Boots & Shoes 4 Picard Louis. Tobacco, &c. 3 Pickering Arsfene Butcher 3 Pres8«auTt Nicholas Hotel 4 Prevost & Co Mason Contmctors Poirier Daninse Grocer 3 7 Porcheron Francis E . , . .Boots & Shoes I'rudhoimne Regis Drugs 4 8 Quillihm Thomas Coal & Wood 3 V 7 Riel Ad )lphe Butcher 3^ 7 Ritchot & Fils Undertakers 2] 5 Robert Ludger Carr. Maker, C<)al 1 , k &Vood{ ** •" Robidoiix Wilfred Grocer 3 7 Rolland G. Lenoir Hotel 4 8 St. Denis FrKii9(M8.. Grocer 2i 4 St. Henry Carriage Leatlier Co See Montr<3al. Sauriol J. Bte Joiner Contractor 3 7i Sauv6 Alfred Dry Goods Sauve Moise Butcher Scullion John Boilermaker S^n^cal Fabien Wheelwright Strutliers Mrs, M,, wid. Thos.... Grocer Surpreuant Alphouse Grocer 155 7 6J 8 7 6 3 St. H QITEBEC. St. ir Taillefer Nap., jr Cattlp 4 Taillefer Nap. , sr Cattle * Therrien H Saddler 4 8 Trevithick Alf., & Co Mfrs. Cutlery 2 Trudel Narcisse .Joiner Contractor 2J 4i Vincent E • Blacksmith 4 8 Vincent Philippe.... Hotel 4 8 Williams Mfg. Co .... . Sewing Machines See Montreal. Wiseman & Co Hotel '^ "' ST. HENBI. Levis Co. ' ' On the River Etchemiu, Smiles from St. Henri Station. Pop, 600. Tel. & Rxp. at St, Henri Station. Hank at Quebec, 11 miles, Beaiidoin Andr^ Flour Mill 3 6 Bt^laiiger Alfred Blacksmith 4 8 Bllodeau George Blacksmith 3 7 Bolduc V Carriapeniaker 4 8 Brochu Come Cattle Dealer 3 7 Couet Theophile Hotel 3^ 7 Cullen James Blacksnnth sj 7i Dube Joseph Watclimaker 4 8 Dusnaiilt Leon Tinsmith 3i 7* Ferland P . . Wheelwright ;jj 7 1 Fortier Adolphe — Cheese Fcty. 3 54 Fortier Edmond Floir 3i Fortin Louis Blacksmith 3l Fournier Jean Blacksmith 3| Genest L. T Gen. Store 2, Godbout Joseph Waggonmaker 4 Gosselin Louis Cartwright 4 8 Guay Pierre Cattle Trader 2^ 4 Jobin Ad6lard Grocer 4 8 Laboute Jos . . Painter 4 Lachance Stanislas Blacksmith 3 Laflanime & Gaudreau. Gen, Store 3j Lailamme Justinien Blackumith 3S Lammtagne Arthur Blacksmith 4 Lapierre N Shoemaker 34 74 8 7 7i Laplalne J Shoemaker 4 Larochelle lieon . .Gen. Store & Tanner 3 Lemieux Jean Cattle Dealer 3i Lemieux Mrs. Benjamin Millinery 4 Louehamps Honore Flour Mill 3 6 Marceau Tli<»mas Tanner & Gro, 4 Moreau Fr(kl(^ric Blacksmith 3 7 Moreau Luc Blackcmith 4 8 Morissette Francois Hotel 2^ 4i Paradie William M Tinsmith Boy J. B Blacksmith 4 8 Royer Jean Blacksmith 3 6 Sinclair Jos Physician 3 6 Sinclair Thomas .Jules Physician 3 7 Turcotte Benjamin Shoemaker 4 8 Vaillaucourt Jean C Baker 3 6^ ST. HENRI DE IMASCOUCHE. • t- li'Assoinptitin Co. .'■"'. See Mascouche. '-'i ., i ST. HENRI STATION. Levis Co. Junction Intercolonial and Quebec Central /?. Ji. Pop. GO. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Quebec, 8 miles. Demers George Whol. & Retail > « oi Flour & Provisions f ^ ^^ DupnisNap Hotel 4 8 Fournier L«k>n Blacksmith 4 8 Gagn^ W. (dit Bella vance). Wagon Mkr. 3 7 Guay Pierre Cattle Dealer 2i 4^ Ouellette George Shoemaker 3J 7| Tremblay Joseph Wheelwright 4 8 156 ST. HERMAS. Two Mountains Co. On (\ma(lian Pac'ijic R. R., 3J milexfroin St.i- tion. Sta Daigneault L^on BlackBiiiith 3 6i CitlineHU Pierre Peddler 4 8 rateuande E. A Butcher 3\ 7J Kobert Francois. .. .Gen. Store & Hotel ij 5 ST. HUGUKS. Bagut Co. County seat. On South Eastern R. R. Pop. 600. Tel. & Exp. Bank at. Uyacinthe, 13 miles. Aiclianibault Joseph Tinsmith basinet Dolphis.Carding & Shiugle Mill Iklanger Mrs. Andx"e, widow. . . .Gen. I Store & baker | B(''langer Ont^eiphor . , Baker BlaiKliard J Tanner l!io(ler Blumenthal & Rosenthal Clothing, &c, BoisseauF. X. A Ins. Agent 3 G Bonnoyer J. Warren Painter Boucher Pierre de LaBrui!re..Prhiter | ,. & Pub. ) ** Bourgeois Elie Barber & Cigars 4 Bourgeois Samuel Gen. Store 3 Bourassa S Photographer 3 6i Bousquet & Benoit Gro. & Grain 3 7 Bousquet M Flour, Coal, &c. 3 6 Brodeur Eusebe Organ Builder 2i 4J Brod( ur & Frfere Plumbers 4 8 Brodeur Joseph Gen. Store li* 5 Brodeur O Grocer 2i 4\ Brou-seau Bergeron Dry Goods 2* 4J Burque Ja Cote Mer. Tailors Cabana Joseph Tailor 3* 7i Casavant & Fr^re Organ Manfrs. 2* 5 Chaliloux O., & Fils Agr'l Implts 2i 4J Champigny O. , & Co Lumber Charland Francois. . ..Tobacco & Barber 3 7 t hartier Jos Gen. Store 3i 7i Choquet & Co Furniture & Builder 4 Choquet H Carr. Maker 3 6 Choquet L. A. & Frere liooks, &c. 2i 5 t hoquette Arthur Carriage Maker 4 7A Clopin Louis Blacksmith 3 7 Coderre Elzear F Painter Compagnie d'Aqueduc de St. Hyacinthe 1 the (Incorporated;. Sub. cap. !l«50,iH)0. ) Cormier Charles Carr. Maker 3 6 Cote Louis & Frfires . Boot & Shoe Mf rs 2 2 "Courrier de St, Hyacinthe" (The) See Pierre Boucher de LaHrufere. DaigneaultG,, Co Dry Goods 3 6^ Dalpti Tretll«5 (dit Pariseau) Hotel 4 David M. O., & Co Mer. Tailors Denis A., & Co Printers DespartP. F Physician Dion Alexis Boots & Shoes Dion J. O Ins Agent, &c, Dolbec Jos Saddler Duclos & Payan Tanners Duhamel J. C Mer. Tailor Duponi J Grocer 4 Dupr6 A.. & Co Carr. Makers DussaultH Founder 3 6 Flibotte Mrs. J Hotel 3 7 Fortier »& Co Mf rs. Agents 4 3 Frechette Isaie, & Co Machini^its Gagnon Mrs. Louis Dry Goods 3 7 Gaudet Calixte Hotel 3i 7i Ger vais Uemi Livery Stable * Gladu & Frt^re Bakers 3 7 3^ GJ 3 ■ 3 3 3 2i Gosselin Ignace. Joiner Contractor 4 Granite Mills (limited) 2 Guetin L.^A Boots & Shoes Gudlet Joseph Lumber Hebert, Corriveau & Co Plumbers Hogue John Gen. Store Jacques Clj|inent Boots & Shoes Jacques & Guay Sculi tors Jacques Olivier Butcher & Ice Jarret Frederic Photo. Jcurdain & Cayer Tanners 157 ?l 7 8 St.H QUE BEC. St. I Lacasse Jos Shoemaker Lacliapelle Jos., er Gro. & Hotel Lacroix C Blacksmith Laferriire Mrs. J. A., wid.. Fancy Goods Laf<)iitaii\e Miss A Fancy Goods Lajoie Ednumd .Tinsmith Lalinie Georgo •. . . . Grocer Lamarclie Engine Watches Lambert & I )aigneaiilt Lu-". ber Lamoiireux Henri Tailor Lamoureux Oscar Builder Langelier Mrs. L. N Fancy Goods Langevin & Frere Biikers Lapalme A .Furs & Gents' Furnishings Lapierre Mrs Fancy Goods Lapiorre Pr< )8pfere Hardware Lapierre Theophile Keslanr nt Larivicre Jos., & FIls.. .Carriageniakers Larivi(;re & Latiamme Tob. & Oysters Lariviere Misses Milllinery Ledoux Calixte Hotel Leduc Josepli Tinsmith LeducK. G l>iy Goods Levi Harris ClotV-iiig, &c. LusBier L. N . , & Co Boots & Shoes Miirier Louis J>ry (ioods Marin F. X Millinery, &c. Mar>eranlt V Grocer Martel Firinin Hi t el Martel Napoleon Hats, &c. Masse Hasile Cabinetmaker Mathieu & Frf?re Clothing, &c. Mercier F. X.C Lumber Messier Widow R^mi Groceries Moineau Miss D Dry Goods MoisanMrs. M ...Dr. Goods Molson's Bank. Geo, Cr^bas^a, Local ( Mngr. Br, See Montreal. ) Morin Eus^be Speculator Morin J. A., & Co Jewellers Morin Jos H Hardwarp Morin L. P Sash & Door Factory Moscley E. Frank, ACcSheepskinn, &c. See Mon Noel Theodule Carriagemaker Noreau & Sicotte Painters Ouellette Mrs. J D. G. & Grocer Pagneulo & Frere W, & U. Grocers Palardy & Fils Blacksmiths Palardy L Blacksmith Paquette & Godbout.. .Mfrs. Sashes & i Blinds ( Parizenu Mrs. T Hotel Peatman & Co Dry ( . oods Porrault Jos. E Hotel Plamondon & T6trault Lumber I & Coi-d Wood ' Poitras F Grocer Portable ScHle Co (The) Kaymond & Co Wines, &c. See Raymoiul & K Raymond & Frfere Gen, Store, Car- 1 riagPB, Furn. & Stoves | Beeves Emery Hotel, &c. Renaud F. D Cout'ectloner Renaud Francois Builder Riclier E. H Books, &c. Richer J. B .Sew, Mach, Agt, Roberge Alphonse Planing Mill Robitaille Taiicrede. Mer. Tailor Rouleau Cl*^ment .... Grain & Coal Oil Rousseau Jos. T Painter Salmon Miss K Fancy Goods Sarazin & Menard Flour & Grain Seguin, La''me & Co. Boot & Shoe Mfrs. 158 • 4 8 4 8 T 4 3 7 3 7 8 6i 4 8 2i6 3 7 3i 3 6 4 3 ''.« 3 1 3 7 *,« 3 6 3 6 4 8 3 4 3 51 3 7 3 5i 3 G 4 7i 4 8 3 Ci 3 7 4 2i3i 4 3} 3 5^^ treal. 3 6 3i 7i 2i 3i 3 6 3 5* 3 5i 3 6 3 7 rere. 2^5 3 5 3 7 3 7 3 Gi 3J 7| 3 7 3 7 3 6 3 7 4 5 3i II 2* 3i 2v 6 3 7 2i4 4 8 .3 6 3 6 3 S^vigny Victor Shoemaker 3i 7i St. Germain Jos. H. L....Phy8, & Drug.-* 3 6 St. Hyacinthe Mineral Water Co. (Thei. St. liyacintlie Oil & Paint Co St. Jacques Charles Specu lator St. Jacques Eugfiue.. Physician & Drugs St. Jacques Fremont Flour & Grain Swan & James Egg Packers Tremblay George (iroeer Tr udeau L. T 1 )entist Turcot Eugfene Physician Turcot (iaspard Phj sician Union Printing Co " ,..| Autho. cap. $B.(M\ f Viens N. P (Grocer 3 6 Wingender & Co Jlarble '.' ST. HYPOL.ITE DE KILKET^NY. Terr*- bonne C«>. Fortii-e'ujht mihsfrom Montreal, and ]2 mi/es from Sf. Jh-omt. J'op, 1>0(». Tel., }foiici/ Or- der Office, Exp. d' Hank at Sf. Jirouu-. Coursol Francois Saw Mill 4 8 Li rnogt'S Joseph. Saw Mill & Blacksmith 3 7 Kegimbal F. X.Hotel.Gen.Store & P.M. 3 6 Riopcl S Gen. Store 4 8 Thibault Louis Blacksimith 4 8 ST. IGXACE DU LAC. Soulaiiges Co. See Coteau du Lac, ST. IBENEB. Charlevoix Co. On north shore liiver St. Lawrence. Exp. Jiivi^re (Hulle, 15 miles. Tel. Li'h El/nule- ment.s, !• miles. Bank at Fraservillc. Audet Franv^ois Blacksmiih 4 8 BouchardMars Grist.\iill3 7 Bouchard Tlmdd^e Gen. Store (Jaroti Francois 3 Desmeules George 3 Fortin Hugh Blacksnu h .'^ Gauthier Marc Grocer 4 Gaulliier Paschal Gen. Store Gauthier Solatiel Gri^t .i.ill 3 tiuay [iUc Trembliy Charles Gen. Store 4 Tremblay George Tanner Tremblay Norbert Grist Mill & Le? Kbou;ein uts. Tremblay Patrice Blacksunih 4 8 TremblHy Thomas Carriaj>eniaker 8 7 Trudol Paul Carrtagemakcr 4 7^ ST. ISIDORE. DorcMster To. Thirteen miles from St. Henri Siu'ion, Pop. of parish 2,600. ; Tet. & Exp. Srott's Junc- tlon, 6 miles. Bank at Quebec, 2:t mUe-t. Beaudoin F. X Millwright 3 6 liourtard Mrs. Barthelemy 4 Campagna Stanislas Blackimth 4 8 Coulombe — Chec^e B'aciory 4 Founder Alphonse Black,'«mitli 4 8 Ga.: lie Hubert Shoemaker .3^ 7 J Genest Mi.-is A Dry Good^ & cJiocer 3 7 Gosselin Ludger Blaoksmiih 3i 7^ (Joulet Pierre Shoema) er 4 8 (Jrej^oire Godfroid ( icn . .*^toi e 2^ 4J Giiilniette Nazaire BlickSmitb 3 « Ph re Victor Brushinakei 3i 7i Pelchat Damaae BlaeUSndih 3i Ti Turgeon J. B,, jr., Post Mar^l r 3i n 8 6 8 Turgeon J. B.,sr Grist .Mill 3 Turgeon Joseph. 4 .Saw .Mill 3 St. I QUEBEC. St. J ST. ISIDORE. I^apralrle Co, 0)1 the Grand Trunk li. It. {Montreal and Champlain Division) 3 miles from St. Isidore Junclton. Pop. 250. Tel. d' Ei^p. St. Isidore Junction. Bank at St. lienii, SJ miles. BaiUargeon P .Gon. Store, &c. 3 6i Beaudin J. IJ.. Sew. Mach. Agent 3 7 Ikmrdeaii. Raphael Gen. Store 4 BroHseau Daniase .Gen. Store 3 6 CiUUe David SUoemaker 4 8 Clievrolette C Grocer, &c. 4 8 Diibuc Napoleon Gen. Store 2i 5 Dnlmc Prudent IJlacksiniUi 3i 7J Gilieau U Blacksmith 4 8 Guard Stanislas Tuisiuith 4 8 Kingsley Nazaire BlaoKsmith 3^ 7i Lanctot J. A Gen. Store 3 gJ Laiiouette Felix Saddler 4 Lenileux K Shoemaker 4 8 MiKay M ..Grocer 4 Pane J. S. Kidiard Gen. SU>ve 3 &i Piiire O Blacksmllh 4 8 Poissant M Grocer 4 7i Ktinillard A L,umber 3 (j lliendeau r1. B Hotel 3 6i ST. JACQUES L,'ACHIGAN. Montcalm Co. On the Lac Ourean, 9 miles from VEpiphanip. Pop. 650. Tel. & Exp. L^ Eplphanie. Hank at Joiietfe, 9 miles. Beaudoin Nap .Grocerj &c Beaiidry G. (.) Physician Beliveau L&on Hotel Bleau Stanislas Butcher BoUiuc M«^d^ric Carriagemaker 4 Canadian Tobacco Mfg. Co .. .(Inoorp 7 6i Auth. cap. itf20,000 j sub. and paid in \ 2^ *lo,on Hoi el 8 Durivage Narclsse Peddler ^ Falcon Abraliani Cnrriagemaktr 2\ 6 Filion Antoine Carriagemaker 3 ^ Filion Narclsse Carriagemaker 3 h\ Guerln Eafontaine Bt'noni... I'hysician 2J 5 Martin A. M Grain, &c. 2^ 5 Martin E. M Gen . Store 3 6 Mogs Andrei Shoemaker 4 8 Robert Domina Gen. Store 4 Surpienant Alfred Baker 4 8 ST. JANVIER. Terrebonne Co. On liiver Ste. Marie & the Camulian Pacifio n. li. Pop. 200. Tel. <& Exp. Bank at St. Jerome, 7 miles. Desroches Pavid Notary Public, ph Brickmaker 3i Siix)is L. M Carpenter 4 Si. Uiiue & Plaisance. Carriagemakers 4 Toussignant il Carpenter & Painter 3^ Vervilie J Notary 4 3 3 3i 3i 4 3i 4 4 4 3 4 4 8 7i 8 8 8 n 7i ?i 8 8 7j 7j 6 8^ 7 ^ 8 8 6 8 8 7i 8 8 7i 8 ST. JEAN D'ORLEANS. Co. Montinoren cy Ttoenty-two miles below Quebec on Island of Orleans. Daily steamers from Quebec. I'vp. of Parish, 1,600. Tel. d- Exp., Ht. k'alier, 4 miles. Rank at Quebec, Bernard Hubert Gen. Store 3 6 Blouin Francois Grocer, &c. 4 8 Blouin Mrs. Nestor. Grocer, &c. 4 8 Delisle Felix Saw & Grist Mills 3 6 J>upuis Joseph Gen. Store Dupuis Xavirr Blacksmith 4 8 Lachance Celestin Fisheries 3 G\ Lachance Gabriel Physician 4 8 Lachance J. E Gen. Store *^ Langlois Pierre Sewing Machines ''* - . Lapointe Odilon . . . Gen. Store & Baker 4 Tremblay EJouArd Blacksmith * Turcotte Francois X ... . .Gen. Store 2^ 5 ST. JEAN L'EVANGELISTE. , Bonaventure Co. Allard Chas Gen. Store 4 Ouellette Widow L Dry Goods 3 6 J ST. JEAN POKT JOLl. L'Islet Co. County seat. On south shore River St. Late- reiuie & the Intercolonial R. It. Pop, 800. Tel. & Exp. Rank at Quebec. . ' Audet Louis (dit Lapointe). . .Gen. Store B^laiiger Felix Blacksiyith 34 7^ St. J QUEBEp, St. J BllodeaU A ugustln Oen. Store 8 6i IJourgault Aloxandre Gen. Store 2J 5 BourgAiilt N BlaokHmitli 4 8 Caron Alexis Hotel & Gen. Store 3 Caron Philias liiiRtnitli 3 ChouinartlD Flour Mill 8 Dub»^ Noel IHnware 4 Fortin Eugene , Gen. Store 8 Gagnon J ouveiice Baker 4 LavalWe Francois Gon. Store 3 Lavallee Narcissa Floiir^ &c. 2i Morln Albert Gen. Store 3 Oiiellet Louig Butcher 4 Pelletler Joseph Gen. Store 3 Hobichaud Lazare Gen. Store 4 Tou&saint Joseph Blacksmith 4 ST. JEANNE .DE NEUVILLE. Foii-tiivuf Co, Statkm Pont Rouge, on C.P.R. Pon. of Parish, 1,800. Tel. mitli 3 7 Bussiere Charles Gen. Store 3i TJ BuHsitjre George Gen. Store 4 8 Delisle C^lestiii Blackamith Delisle Simeon 'J'anner Denis Jean. Carriageniaker 7 6 7 8 7 5 7 6 3ii bi 4 8 DupoQt Louis A Wood IVilp & J Straw Board Garneau Antoine & Frfere ...Tinsmiths 3 Julieu Charles A ..Threshing Machines 3 Julian Jos. . . ,Gen. S. & Bearding Hou-e 4 Labrecque Louis Baker 8 Lamothe Ferd Joiner Contractor 4 Latullppe Fr*5derio Canadian Wine .Mfr. 3 7 8 Leclaire Joseph Gen. Store 3)1; 7j Leclerc Oswald '. Blacksmith LesageOdile Gen.Store Lesage Victor Gen. Store Marcoux — Flour & Saw Mills Matte Louis . Joiner Contractor Paquet J. Bte Baker Terrebonne Co. '<. J^ruine Branch, ST. JEROME County seat. Terminus C. P. R. Pop. 3,500, Tel., Money Order Office & Exp. A banking town. Allaire George Tanner 3} Bauque du i'euple Local Mngr. , ) " ■ Tht^bergei n •jI"^ J. A, ' ■ . br. See Montreal, Barsalou Mrs. Antol ne Hotel ''i^ Bastien I). D Grocer 3 7 Beauchamp Damage Grocer 3 6^ Beaulieu Bruuo Grocer 4 8 Bea ilieu Louis Hotel 4 7^ Belisle Narcisse Tinware 3 7 Berthiaume Jean Bte Blacksmith 3 6^ Bisson L Butcher 4 8 Boivin J. T., & Co Jewellers 3* 7i Bouvrette Napoleon Blacksmii h 3l 7) Boyer Joseph Blacksmith 3| l\ Brifere Louis Saw & Grist Mills B riseboia Joseph Fruits, &c. 4 Broo) « IXjlphis Grooerr «i 7J Campeau Joseph Hotel 3 Castonguay Louis N Oen. S ore 3 Charboimeau Anthime Grocer 3 Clavel Stanislas ...Blacksmith 3^ Compagnie d'lmprimerle de St. Jerome Coulaut £iniua Millinery 4 8 . . /. .t;>'JO''i-'. . . ■ • . . ...■•: i"-'«'l '.iwt'i.i JJI Corbell Louis Hotel 3 6i Cot^ Charles (dit Morandvllle) Hotel 4 8 Cot6 L. Kdesse (.'ardor 4 Cot^ Trem6, & Oo Hardware See Edward Fisk, Jollette. Dagonals Eugfene . . Gro. & Bla(!kpmlrh 4 8 IWcary .reanBte Jeweller 4 8 lielisle&Co Pulp Mill 2J ■W DeMurtlgny Chfl. L.Physiclan & Ins.Agt. 3 SJ Deronln Antoine Tanner 3^ 7 j Dt schambault Stanislas Tinwiire 3 7 Desjardins Joseph Tinsmith 4 8 Desormeau Stnnislaa.. Butcher 4 8 Desrochers Frank A Mer. Tailor Dorion J. B, T Grist Mill ' See St, Eustache. Ethior Venant. . .'. '. Grocer 4 8 Fillon J Tinsmith 4 8 FournelleJ. D Leather & Boots & | „ _, Shoes} ^ ^* Fournier Alexandre Money Lender 2 3^ Founder E. N. ,,. Druggist & Physician 3 7 Galipeau Alexis Shoemaker 4 (Jauthier Ck^m.^nt Blacksmiths 6J Gauihier Aloise Tanner 4 8 Gauthier Mra, Wm, wid..Monov Louder 1^ 2 Gibeau Eus^be Grocer & Hardware 3 Ci Giroux Israel Carr iagemaker ai 7Jf GodmerC Gen. Store 2J 5 Gougcon Benjamin Boots & Shoes 4 « Gougeon J. B Grocer 3^ 7i Grignoi Isidore Carpenter * Guenette Melasippe Baker 3 7 Oiienette Wilderic Saddler -'^ Guilbault J. Bte Temp. Hotel 3 7 Ham 'dn Abraham Blacksmith 4 7 Ht-rvieux J. B Cabinetmaker 4 Jeanuette Joseph Hotel 4 8 Jolien Joseph, jr Grocer 4 8 Jollen Joseph , sr Hotel 2i 5 Lahelle Ailolphe Saddler 3 7 Labelle CleopUas Tinware 4 8 Labelle Elie Blacksmiths 7 Lubelle Hector Baker 3J 7i Labelle Louis A. . ..Grocer & Hardware 3 6 Labelle Phileas Saddler * liabelle Stanislas Sash «& Door Factory 3 Lachaine Louis de Gonzigue Registrar 3 Lachapelle Joseph, jr,,(. dit Joanuetle), i Contractor Lachapelle Jwles Blacksmith 3 Lull mime C. Elie Grocer 3 Laforce Charles Mfr, Iron Shovels 3 7 6 3 7 Lapierre Andr^ M. , .Baker 2i 4i Lapointe Joseph C Gen. Store .j i Latour Jean Bte Photographers 6i Latour Jer^mie Speculator 3 6| Latour Pierre Blackamith 4 8 Lauzon Leandre.Gen.Slore&Blacksmith 3 6 Laviolette AllredA Foundry 2^ 4i^ Laviolette S. G Haidware 3 Lebeau Ignaa* Grocer 3J Leclaire Joseph Carriagemaker 3 L^veillt^ Jean". , . ... Trader Malhiot Kemi. . .Confectioner, &c. 3 Marctiand Edouard Organist, &c, 3 Marchand Eugfene J'lweller 4 Matte Honors Millwright 3 Maurice Cyrille Turner * Maurice Dolphis Plasterer * M igue Chas Boots <& Shoes 4 Mullin B Blacksmith 4 Nantel G. A Printer & Staty. 3 ParadisD ,, ,,. Grocer 4 8 5i St. J QUEBEC. St. J 6i 5 Pepin & Vnieneuve Saw Mill See L. Vlllpneuve & Co., St. Louis of Mile End. Ploufte Joseph Grocer 3 7 Puiritr Oct , Qroo^r aj 7J Prevosi & Co Stationery 3 7 PrevoBt .Jules Edouard riivsioiiin ai 6 PrevoHt Mtilchior - Notary 3 6i Prmllioniuie Adolnhe Sad«ller 4 H prudhoinnie Uudrlque Shoeiuuker 4 iheaunic II Trader 3 Kioliard.JudeM Gen. Stoie 3 Kicher F. X .. Hotel Koclion Moise Hotel 2J 6 ItoiUuul Paper Co.Incorporatod. See Montreal Scott Wni. H Gen. Store 2i 6 Siniaid Pierre «ro. & LlqH. 3 7 Smith N Cabinetmaker 2^ 4i Sylvebtro J. H ..; Tailor 3. 'J liemens Joh. , jr Shoemaker 4 Therrien Josepii ...Shoemaker 3 Timmons Joseph Shoemaker 4 Trudel .Joseph Undertaker 3i 7i Valiiiuet G Gro. & Crockery 3 6i Valiqiieite Isidore Contractor* Vt-ziiia P. L. Y Furnitures 6 Villeneuve F Grocer 3 7 ST. JEBOMK DU T.AC ST, JKAN. Chlcoutinii Co. See Metabetchouan. ••'"*'• ' ST. JOACHIM. Montmoreucy Co. River St. Lawrence, 27 miles Pop, 923. Tel. Bank al 3 4 3 3i 3 3 3 4 3 3 7 8 6i 4i 6i 7} 6i 7 6i 7' On North Shore from Quebec. Quebec. Fill on Edouard Flour Mill 3i 7i Labbe Augustin Gen. Store 4 8 Xachance Ch'^ophas Cartwriuht 4 8 Lessard Eusfebe Baker 3i 7i Marquis Pierre Cartwright 3 7 Morel Francois Gen. Store 3i 7* Pare Louis Gen. Store 2i 4 J Billiard F Blacksmith 3 6 jSimardlsaie Gen. Store 2i 4J Simard .Joseph Grocer 3j 7i Simard Louis Gen. Store 3 7 Tremblay Ambroise Blacksmith 3^ 7i ST, JOACHIM DE SHEFFOBD. Shef- fui'd Co. Stage from Watei'loo, 9 viiles. Exp. Warden, 5^ milts. Tel. & Hank at Waterloo, BachandJos P. M.& Hotel 3i 7 Boycr E Gen. Store Langevin Wilfred. . .Gen. Store & Hotel 3J 7^ ST. JOHNS. St. Johns Co. Couvty seat on tcest bank River Richelieu. Southern terminus of Vhambly canal. On Grand Irunk, V.P.Ii. & Central Vermont R. Ws., and connection. i, fop. 6,000. Tel., Mmiey Order Office & Exp. A banking town. Arpin Edouard .Stationery 2i 5 Banque de St. Jean. Sub. cap. $(540,000; i paid-in $226,ii90, Louis Molleur, Jr., \ Pres. ; .1. B. Boissonneau, Ca^h er. ) Banque du Peuple Local Ai anager i P. Beaudoin S br. S«i« Mjojit' eal. Barsalou Joseph Black smith 3 "< Barsalou Toiissalnt BlaukHinltih Beauvaiu JJavld Dry (JooUb 2J 5 Belle Joseph BltuikKuiith 4 8 Bertrand A., & Co.Graln. See Louis Molleur ,jr Bettsette Cyprieu >Jats&FMr8 3^ 7A BisHilloD Aniable, Jr. . . Agrl. lmpltH.,&c. 2} 4) Biseett & J)onighy Coal & Wood B (ij Black .L &11 Bankers ai 4 Bolvin Pierre Butclier .3 7 Boucliard J., & Go Lumber, &u. 2^ 5 Boucher Felix, & Co Shoemakers * Bourguignon Isaac Pub. & Stationer * BouiqueJ. Klise Dry (ioods 3J 7 BousquetNarcisse..Saw & Planing Mills 3 5 Bowler Elijah Pottery Boyer Jules, & Co Boots & Shoes 3J 7^ Brady Jolin Confectioner 4 H Brault A .., , Li()UeorgeTlieophJle,jr... Jeweller 4 8 Dorion Mrs. George Theopiiile, sr ( a , ■ . Fcy.Gds. S * Douglas D. W Canning Factory 3 Douglas Itobert Grocer. X-c. 3i Dubois J. B Butcher 3 Dubois J. B ....Hor,«e Trader 3 Dubois Louis Mer. Tailor 3 J>unu S.,.; Hotel 3 Dupuis Napoleon Carriagemaker 3 Dupuy J, F. X Mer, Tailor Duval Leon Crockery 8 6 Duval Mrs. M. J. £ » * I- oisy Hilaira Grocer 3i 7i Foi'gues Louis Hotels 6J Foujnier J. A Notai-y 3 7 " Franco-Canaiian"Le. Seel. Bourguignon, Fredetie, G«5deon ,....•.. .Lumber 2^31 Gadboid Pierre Grocer, &c. 4 8 ■.7 Ti 7 >7 6i 7 St. J QUEBEC. St. J Garand Israel Uudertaker 4 8 Ouuvruau «)08., jr., & Co .. BootH & Shoes tJiiiithier Victor Oro«!er 4 (lenortt & Many Mer. 'I'tiilora 3k li (i«rvaia C. O., & Frfcro Gen 8iore '4 4i (iodiii Alejandro TiiiHinith 4 8 (iuuld It., & Co Gro. & FruitH 3i 7i GieKoirt) J. li., & FIIb. Furnitino 3 7 Giii-rinO. Grocer 4 8 Uiilllet Modeste Hatter 3 6 }Iardy Edtnoiid Mu8ic JIi'bert& Boivin Mer. Tailors 3 iltbert Olivier Hotel 3 Hevy leaie Mer. 'J'iiilor 3i IlislopM.L Grocer, &c, 3 Jlowic John, &Co. .......Tins & Stoves 4 HiiotG. I>.., I'rod. 2J 5 J.aliBlle Jos.. & Co. Groeers 3 7 J.abello Paul, jr linker 3 7 liHlibert*^ Klzcar , Grocer 4 8 liaiigelier & Decelles .Wliol. Liqr», &c. 3 6 J.Hugiols Oliva Furidtui-e 3i 7i l.aiiglois Pierre Grocer 4 8 Langston Frederick Brewer 'V Lanier F. X Auctioneer 4 8 Laplante Eus^be Gen. Store See E. Courville dlt Ijaplantp. Larocqne Baade Physician 2i 5 Lalour Cyprien .BlacKHmltu 3 6i l..efebvre Jules Carding Mill 8 7 Levi Bros Dry Goods 3 6 Loniine Jos. A Gen. S ore 2i 4 I..ord 'Joseph Grocer Lord Narcis-e Hotel 3 RJ Lynch Anthony Tanner 3 7 McConkey Ezekiel Mer. Tailor McNulty Jas. E.,& Co Gro. & I „, ,. Dry Goo. 18 \ ^* ^i McNulty VV^m .Boots & Shoes 3 5i MacDonald Duncan., . ..Chinaware Mfr. 2 2i Merchants Bank of Canada br. See Montreal. Meunier & Qregoire. Gen. Store 3 5i Molleur J. E Wax Tapers 2* 4i JloUeur Ijoui:', jun Aqueduct Prop. 2} 4 Monarque Louis Tins 4 8 Monbleau GM6on,jun ...Machinist 3^ 7 JVIonbleau Ged^on, sen Jobber 4 8 Monette Francois, sen Hotel 2^ 6 Montgomery i McGiunla Victoria | ni ., Hosiery Works I * * Moore D. A Hotel 3i tj Moreau Hypolite Physician 2^ 41 Moreau Laurent Gro. & Provi.>*ion8 3 oj Morel Ednioud Tinware 3 « Kadeau A Gro. & Blacksmith 3i 7J " News " The See E. K, Smith & Son. Normandin O Hats, <&c, 4 8 U'Cain James.. .Ins. Agt., Coal & wood 3 5i Pallle Miss M. H Smallwares, &c. 3i 7i Papineau Luc B iitcher 3 6 I'aqulii Olivier Boots & Shoes 3 tij Patrick Adolphe Foundry 3 7 Payette Francois Tailor 3i 7^ Pear.'>oii W. J Livery Pinsoiinautt J. L Photographer Plautier Pierre Grocer. &c. Poirier Miss M Millineiy Polrier N . ; Grocer Poulin A. , & Co ;.......;. . .Llqs. & Gro. Poutr6 E., &Co ..... ..Saddlers Poutr^ R., & Co Hotel llacicot J. H. .Jeweller KaiMsay Solomon ; .Confectioner liamsay William Couf ectiouer 3 4 4 * 4 3 4 3 7 S* 7i 2i 4| 3i 7i 7 8 8 5i . . . .171 J \ftjimn .jj I J .Boots & Shoos '6k 1 .Money Lender 2f 3^ . .Coal & Wood I'l & 3 3 2i 3 2 2i ^ 3 <; 3 i; 3 7 Blchelieu Telephone Co Robert Peter Contractor 3 7 RosensteinT Peddler 4 8 UoiiMHeau L«'ou 'J'anner 4 Uoy Eniillen ..Specidator 2i 4i Hoy Thomas, Jr Hay, &c. 4 Sai ouiin Antoine Grocer 3 (ii St. J(diUB Elect i(j Ught Co 2J 4 St. Johns Stone China Ware I'o 2 i^ Sauv >ge Bernard l>ry <}ood« .'{J 7j Set ess & Co Boots & Shoos " " Sli ridan T Simard & (iodiu Slaven .Mrs. Patrick Hotel Snilih Heiijaniin Hotel 3 SHjith E. \i,, & Sou. ..Editors & Printers Smith A Dubois Horse & Cattle Dealers 3" Societe Pcrmanente de Construction . . . Standard Drain Pipe Co. (IJniii -d). . I »'aid-in < ap. .•!ii42,(MMt. | Stephani Christino G. S. iV I'eddler Tisdale Bi Beer Bottler & Sona i Water Mfr., ^S:c. I Tixier L Grocer 'J'rahaii J. D Carriages Trotiier J.,. M . . Watciies V Ictoria Hosiery Co See 3iontgomery & McGinnis. Vigeant Leopold' N .. .Gro. & Millinery White Job Biscuit M £r. 3 !■ Wight & Co Drugs 3 5J Wilson Widow Thomas Dry Goods 3 7 Wood Henry W Physician 4 ST. JOSEPH D'ALIHA. Chicuutimi Co. liuihvay Station, Exprvis & lianl:hii/ Toirn, Fraserville. Tel. CfticouiimL J'op. 50. Boulanger Arthur Govt. Agent 3 G Gague Francois Gen. Store 3 7 ST. JOSEPH DE I.A BEAUCE. Beauce Co. On Quebec Central R. It. Pop. 4,00 \ Tel. d- Exp. J Sank at Quebec, 46 miles. Belanger Ovide ; Baker 3k 7i , Cliche Magloire Trader 3| t| Cloutier Adolphe IVader * 1 'orval Amable .Tinsmith 4 8 Dosti.H Philias Carriagemaker 3^ 7i Drouin NarciKse, Jun . .Carriagemaker 3 6| Fortier Honore Carding Mill 3 7 GagneEvai^gelist. ..Carr. Maker «& Store 3i 7i Gagne Hilalre Blacksmith 4 <^ Gagiie Kodolphe Tanner 4 8 Gagne Samuel Blacksmith 4 i^ (.arneau George Saddler 3 7 Giguere Cyrille Grist Mill 2k 5 Gigu6re Jean Carriagemaker 3} 7^ Jacob Denis Wheelwright 2^ 5 Jacques Athanase Butcher 3i J Jacques .Joseph Gen. Store 3 5 Jacques Louis, jun Ho el 3^ 7 I^agueux George (dit Charpentier) ( ., f. i oen. Stores ^ Lagueux Pierre Shoemaker 4 8 Lambert Nazaire, & Co Gen. Store 2^ 4^ Lessard David Gen. Store 4 8 Lessard Ephrein Physician 3^ 7 j LeBSird uonore Hotel 3 7 Les^ard Luciite Gro. & Hardware 3 7 L'Heureux Alphonse Saddler 3k 7i L^tourneau Joseph Gen. Store 3} 7 Mori^8ette Diogfene P. M. & Gen. Store 3 7 Pomerleau George Leather 3 U^ lti3 St J QUEBEC. St. J PonHn Oeorge CarrtngemRker 8 6* Hoy V iliil Oro. & Vhvvae M f r. SJ 7i Tascheru ,u Jules .1 1'LjBidan 3 1 Vujliou .leim Boots & Shoes 4 8 ST. JOSEPH 11'EL.Y. Sheflford Co. See South Ely. ST. JOSEPH DE LEPAGE. Rlinoiiskl Co. Tel. & Exp. St. Flavie Station. Bank at Fra- ncrriUe. J'op. fiO. Landry Uelphin E Oen. Store KuuBHel Cleo Gea. Store ST. JOSEPH DE L.EVIS. Levis Co. See liHuzoii . 1 'I I'. I,, ST JOSEPH DE MASKINONOE. Muskliioiiife Co. See Maskinonge. ST, JOSEPH DE SOULANGES. S(»iihuigeH Co. . I See Cedars. HT, JOSEPH DU LAC. Two Mountains Co. Sixtern miles from St. ThMne. Pop. '2rA d Exp. St. Eustache, 9 miles. Hank at , rval, 30 rnUes. AuW (Jabriel Blacksmith Borgeron (Jamllle Grocer Bergeron J. M Hotel Buucliard Lcandre (dit Lavall^e). Grain L>'Amour Etienne (dit Totvui)... Grocer Dtniera Heroiile Shoemaker Desjarains Artliur Gen. Store Diotte Xavier Blacksmith (UiitardCyrille Gen. Store Ladouceur Etienne Gen. Store LiuinJ. Bte Hotel Marcelin Plucido vdit Lemire) Blka. ST. JOVITE DE SALABERRY. Terre- T>oniie Co. On Devil's River, 50 miles/rom Lachute. Pop. of Parish, QUO. Td. & Exp. Lackute. Bank at St. Jirome. Bisalllon Cyrille Carpenter 3 6i Bisson Celestin Grist Mill 3 (harbonneau Joseph Gen. Siore 3 6 CbarestNap Grocer 4 Christin Telesphore Adolphe.Gen Store 3i 7^ Coupal Adolphe Saw Mill 2i 6 Gatien Felix Blacksmith 4 8 Laoas Alexis Shoenu'.ker ^ Latleur H Tanner 4 LadeurJ. Bte Carpenters 7 Leonard Ei-s Saw Mill 3 Lougpre Joseph Gen. Store 3i <'i MeuiUeurJos Blacksmith 4 8 Meuilleur Jules Carding Mill Plouf Xavier., Hotel B 6i Sarrazin Miixinio Baker 4 Seers Joseph Butcher 3i 7i Taupier K. A Jeweller 4 8 164 ■ ■■) i Tel. Mont- 4 8 3i 7i 4 8 3 3 4 8 3 7 4 8 3 7 2i5 31 7i a 6i ST. J1JDE. St. Hyaolnthe Co. Stage from St. Hyacinthe, 13J mtlea. Pop. 6(10. Tel. St. Denis {St. Iluaclntlie), » miles. Exp, <& Bank St. Jlyacntlie. BoRuIac P Furniture & Carr. Maker 4 1\ Chicoino Pierre. ...... Carr. Maker & ( ,. _ Temp. Hotel f "^ ' Deejardins Joseph I'hysiiclnn 4 8 Deerochea J. M i: Phy.slcian 3 (JJ Fontaine Charles Baker 4 8 Fromagerle de Fleury (La) 3 Lamoureux O Joiner ^ Larivi^re Joseph Blacksmith 3 7 Lemay J. H. Vertume Gen. Store 3 BJ Mignault Victor Saw& Mills 3i 71 I'otvin Elzi^ar Shoemaker bj T) BichardA Baker 4 8 Boy Joseph Saw Mill 3 7 \Vil.«on William Gen. Store 2\ 5 Y von Victor Blacksmith 4 8 ST. JULIE. Megantlo Co. On Grand Trunk H. It., 1 mile from Sfathw. Pop of Parish 200. Tel d- Exp. Bank at Somerset, 10 miles. Comtois & Frtjre. -Blacksmiths 3i 1\ iJemersEdinond Carr. Maker 3 7" Demers Kdouard Waggons 3 7 Dealers J. Bte Tanner 3 (ij Demers Joseph Gen. Store 3 6 Demers Lazure Saw Mill 3^ 7 Dion Benjamin Shoemaker 4 7 Doyon J. Bte .Carding Mill 3^ Gagne Homer Saw Mill & Contractor 3 6 Godbout J. Alfred — Sow. Mach. Agent 4 « Houde Desire Carr. Maker 3i 7 \ Houde Hapol^ou Blacksmith 4 «' Jacques >J Shoemaker 3 7 JohnstonDavld Hotel 3 ()} LaroseL. D Physicians 7 Lehoux George Tinsniitli 3^ 7} Lemieux Jobeph L. F Gen. Store 3 b' McCraw James Saddler 4 8 Normaad Eiisebe Gro. .^ Baker 3 7 ParHdis L., & Fils Flour '^ 5 Koburge Louis P. M. & Gen. Store 2\ 4 KouKseau Joseph Cabinetmaker 3' 7 Kousseau Nazaire Shoemaker 4 8 Turcot George Gen. Store 3 6^ ST. JULIE STATION. Megantlc Co. On Grand Trunk R. Ji., 1 mile from Villa(ji'. Tel. <& Exp, Bank at Somerset, 10 miiea, Pyp. 100 Couture George Hotel 3J 7^ Gosselin Sifroid Gro, &c. 4 Johnston David (Estate of) Hotel Leclerc J, A Gen. Store 4 8 Marquis MifS Leontlne Millinery 4 Palmer E. J Flour & Grain 3 7 Turgeon Joseph Edmond. ...Gen. Store i ... & Bark / "' ST. JULIE. Vercherese Co. Stage from St. Bmno, 6 milen. Poj) of Parish 1,'JOU. Tel. & Exp. St. Bruno. Bank ut Montreal, 15 miles. Bordua Elie. Gen. Store 3 C} Brunet .loseph Gen Store 4 Gauihier Antoine Blacksmiths 7 Gauthier Louis Blacksmith Girard Azarie...., Blacksmith 4 8 Hebert Adolphe — Grocer 4 8 Lamoureux J . Bte Blacksmith 4 8 St. J QUEBKC. St. L MiOutf Octave Baker >lalo Aziirle Crib Miifr. * MiiloLOoii Gen. Store :i ft NiirlKinne (n^ophas Grocer 3i 7J Uotklmx F. X. Qrowr 4 8 liMideau Narclsse Ciroccr aj 7i Verroniieau Kile Hlacktinlth 4 8 ST. JULIKNNK. Montcalm Co. Onintii seat ,\i inileK from St. Lin, Tel., Kxp. J,' Kphiphanie. Dank at JoUette, 18 milei. I'np. 250. .Mchainbftult Gaspard Notnry 4 8 Hoauclump n Gen. Store .1 6i licauohanij) Mrs., wid Lebon.. Books, &c 8 tt IJcrtrand .loseph, jun Grist Mill 3 7 ( 'our lemancbe Koch (Jarriugeiuaker aj 7i 1 mpulH Kuclldo Bl icksniltli 4 8 hililer 1) Hotel a 7 KihlerTrt'ffle.Carr. Mkr.-Saw Mill, &c. 3 7 Fiiippier -loseph. . (Jrist & Carding Mills 3 «i (ifinnon John. .. Insurance Agent, & c. ai 7] Ouilbiiult Stanislas Shoemaker 3 6 (iirard & Uiopel -.. Il.tu Roch ...Joiner Lachapelle K Carding Mill 3 Lamarehe Krnest Blacksmith 4 8 Lambert Gilbert Gen. Store 2i 5 Miingan Arthur Photo & Tailor 4 8 Mandeville Joseph Joiner INIcCarthy John Saw Mill 3i 7i Perraiilt Alfred Tinsmith aj 7i Kacette Joseph Gen. Store a 6j Kivet (Jharles Grist Mill 2i 6 llobillard Adelard Baker 3 7 Saulnier Joseph (dit BeausoleiD-.Blks. 3 7 Thouin Krancois Saw Mills 3 6 Tliouin Itcml Saw Mill 4 8 ThouinRoch Grocer 4 8 ST. JIJSTIN. Masklnonge Co. Six milen from. Masklnonge. Tel,, Bxp. Mas- kinonge. Bank at Louisville. Pop. 200. Bernior Miss Julie Grocer 4 8 Cl.'ment J. A Chee-e & Butter 8 7 (oulombe C. Jer^mie Physician 3i 7i Fernandeaii P Carriages 4 8 Francauir Davil Blacksmith 3i ,i bagneJ. O ..Gen. Store 3i 7i I^adouceur F. X SawMlll4 8 Ladouceur Joseph jun Saddler 3 7 Ladouceur Narcisse, jr Gen. Sto' e 4 8 Lafreniere J. O. B Mill See St. Cuthbert. Lajoie Hercule Saw Mill 4 8 Laurent Joseph Carriagemaker 3 7 Laurent Toussaint .Carriagemaker 3 7 St. Cyr Honors Carriages 4 8 St. Cyr Louis.. Blacksmith & Gen. Store 3 7 Vermette Edouard Gen. Store 4 8 Vtirmette Jo.seph Blacksmith 4 8 Vermette On6sime Blacksmith 4 "Wilson William Gen. Store 2^5 ST. JUSTINE. Dorchester Co. See Langevin. ST. JUSTINE DE NEWTON. Vaudreuil Co. Sirfeen mifesfrnm G)teau Lamlinq. Pop. 180, 7'e/. & Exp. Bank at Alexandria, Ont. Btdard Napolt'on Hotel & Baker 3 6 Bvosseau Maxlme Blacksmith 3^ 7 Carriere J. E. Hay, &c. 4 8 3 ••i a 31 :* a a " 4 s ai7i 3 t 4 8 3 7 4 3 t;^ 3 G 3 4 8 2 'A 5 5 4 a\ 7 'A ^J 3i n Cedelotte Job Blacksntlth Chartrand J. Bte IJlackxinitli Clioiette Hilairo I'livsician (3h(dctt4« •)()Hi>phu8 BluckHinith Conrville Zotiijue Hotel |)6giiire (iedc^on Oen, Store Dc^gnlre Raphael Gen. Store I)< lage Pierre Hotel Defcos.' Ct^lestiu Hotel Fontaine Paul Tinsmith Gnutlder Arthur Gen. Store Lacombe Eustibe Hotel Lafernt're Antoino Bla<-kHinlth Laterrlere Miciiol lilacksniilh Laloiide K Hotel Lapointe Alfred Saw & Grist Mills Lavoie Chfi-.ies Shoemoker MeCuaig ,i Saw Mill Melntosh Donald J Gen. Store Menard Uolord (ien. Store Menard Moise (ion. Store Vachon D Gen. Store Vincent Xavler Car. Maker ST. LAMKEIir. iiliaiubly Co, On south shore River St. Lmorcnce oitpn.iitn Afontreal, on Grand Trunk It. It. & South Kasti'rn It. R. Pop. 600, Td. tt Kxp. Bank at Montreal, 7 milts. Davis Daniel O Gen. Store & P. M. 3 Irving Andrew Grocer 3 Oi .McNiece James Physiciin -V Racicot Moise Butcher -^ Tarte A Blacksmith 4 8 Trudeau Joseph Plumber, &c. 3 7 Trudeau Victor Joiner Contractor * ST. I. AM BERT. Levis Co. Staf/e from St.. lean Chri/sosfome (Levis) miles. Tel. & Exp. St. Henri, U mil Bunk at Quebec. Pop. 360. Dion Ouesime, &Co Gen. Store 3 Lemienx Louis Gen. Store 3 Morin Napoleon Blacksmith 4 Paquet Joseph (ieu. Store 3 Roy Etienne Blicksmith 3i Roy HypoUte Gen. Store 4 Vallit're Romuald Gen. Store 4 ST. LAURENT. Jacques Cavtler Co. On Ulviire des Prairies ami Canadian PaciAo R. R.. 2i miles from village. Semi-dailg staoe to and from' Montreal. Pop. M). Ttl. tC- E.cp. Rank at Montreal, 7 mites. Berthelet Eugfeno Painter-^ Hoyer Benjamin Shoemaker a 6 Clement Norbert Shoemaker 3^ 7 12 es. 8 I S 8 Cleiu - Crevier Eusebe Tavern & Gro. 3 Dt^carrie Joseph Hotel & Grocer 3 Deguire Hormisdas Baker 3 Deslaurleri' Saddler 3 Gagnon Godias Baker ? GoFiier E., & Co ....Tailor & Dry Goods 3 Gossel in Narcisse Hotel, Coal, &c. 3 Gougeon J. B., jr Butcher Goyer Arthur Grocer Goyer Laurent Grocer HudonFirmin Shoemaker Imlteau J. Bte. (dit Mantha) Cont. Lagas86J. Bte. (dit Meunier)... Butcher Lamerre Zotique Butcher 3, Lapointe Cleophas Blacksmith 3, Laurin Avila... Barber 4 Lecavalier Emmanuel Joiner Cont. 3 165 3i 3 3 21 3' 6i 6i v: St. L QUDBEC. St. L Leeavalier F. X.Jr Joiner 3 6 Leoavulier ,J. If-rael Physician & I .,1 k Saw Mill I -* ^ Leeavalier N. M KegBtrar 2 J 6 Leconrs Aiitoine IJlacksmith ."4 "^ lA'franvois Ad-ien Tinsmiths ol I^ejiault Achille lilaclcsnilth '.^ ;j Lefiaiilt fldH. (dit Detilaurier8)..(i;ar.Mlr. Maker ^ 7i Kuliitaille .losepli WaLgonniaker 3 7 l{(.l>itaille Laurent Blftcksiiiilh 4 8 hol)itai]lo I'icrre BlackHUiitli 3^ 7 liochon J'Monard Blacksmith 4 K Trudeau Hurmisdas ..Butchers 6J ST. I.AUKKNT D'ORLKANS. Montinoveiicy Co. Oil file lulnnif of Orleans, 10 miles nnrlh-east fritm (Jiiiliec- DuUi/ steamboat. Pop. 450. Tel.,Kxp. Hank iJ Quebec. Bouffard Pierre Gen. Store 4 8 Delisle Baiuisie Black.sniith 3^ 7i Filion P \Vag}^ 3 7 GoHselin Amabie Baker 4 8 (JosHtlin Kug*'n<» ,. . Saw Mill 3^ 7^ (iossclin Francois Grist3Iill3 7 Ladiance <'«^lestin. Gen. Stores 6 Lapointe Pierre Black^iniitli & Fish 3^ 7^ ST. LiAZAKK. Bellechasse Co. Twenty-KWen miles from Quebec. Pop. KOO. TeLA E.ip. St. (hnrles Station, H) miles. Bank at Quebec, 25 miles. Auhin Bt'-noit Gen. Store 4 8 Audet Fphrcni Gen, Store 3 .fij Belanger J. I, E., & Frcre. ..Gen. Store 3 7 Bilodtau Alphonse .Joiner 3J 7i Bilodcau fioseph Gen. Store 4 8 Bikxleau Pierre Saw Mill 3 7 Blonin Anselnie Blacksmith 4 8 Cott'^S'oel Blacksmith 4 8 I)ecourcy Xajwlcon Baker 4 8 Fradette Leon Gen. Store 3| 7 J (iagnon Ijiiuis Tinsmiths c| I^abrie Gervais Gon. Store 3^ 7| Lallamme Pierre Joiner 3| 7i lioy Ferdinand Gen. Store 3 Ci ST. L.AZAKE. VaudreuJl Co. Fivevules on <\P.1i., from St. JJominii/iie des CMres. Pop. 250. Tel. & E.cp. VniuheuU, It miles. Blink at Montreal , 3(J miles. Blondin Mrs. A Millinery 3 7 BroHseurA Gen. Store 3A 'i Casstonguay C Gen. Store s| 7 J Denislionore Gen. Stores 6 Denis < 'scar Mills 3 7 (iareaii Cyprien Blacksmith 4 8 (iirard Jnse|)li i . .Carriagemaker 3 7 Gravel Pierre Hotel, &c. 3 J 7 Lamouch" J. Bte Boots & Shoes 3| 7* Lavigne Nap Saw & Flour ^NFills S (jj Mercure Altred Car.Maker & Blk. 4 8 Richard Wm Hotel 4 Thauvette Honore Gen. Store 3 6 1(J6 ST. LEON. MaHklnonge Co. Fire inilen from Louiseville. Pop. 400. Tel., IJ.rp. & /tank at Louiseville. (y'arbonneaTt Claude Blacksmith 4 8 Caroii Hectrtr Gen. Store 3 .54 Chevalier Ulderic Gen. Store 3 7" Fleiiry Georgf Physician 2J 4 J.,emyre Thcoiihile Baker 31 li, Lesagp E .. Phyaician 3i 7J LesHiiS Edonard P. M. &Gen. Store 3" 7 Martin Henri. ... Blacksmith 4 8 M ilot H Cheese 2i 4 Paille Ferdinand Blacksmith 4 8 Bichette A rstin** . ...Shoemaker 4 8 St. Leon Mineral Water Tessier Hormisdas Saddler 4 8 ST. LEON DE STAN DON. Voichester Co Tel. & Exp. St. Anselme, 25 miles. Barik at Quebec. Pop. 250, Blanchet Victor Giist Mill & ) * Pumpniaker J Charland Xavier ; . '* 8 Chouinanl Pierre 4 8 Fortin & Moreiicy Gen. Store (iagmm On6sime .... Gen. Store 2^ 4^ Henderson Gilbert Grist Mill 3 7 Soucy Elise Gen. Store 4 7 ST. LEONARD. Nicolet Co. Stnf/e from Alston, 7 miles. Pop. 1'600, Te'. <& lixp. Aston Station. Bank at Nicolet. Beaudette P Blacksmith 4 S Bcliveau Jos. E ....... . General Store 3 7 Brunelle Omer Boarding House 4 8 Cassil.- J. M., & Co Tanners See Qnebec, Chartier Etienue Grist Mill 3 6 Comean T Joiner 4 8 Courtois Evariste Blacksmith 4 8 Desilets Elzt^ar Tailor 4 8 Desilets W Shoemaker 4 K Foucault Adelmar Shoemaker 4 7} Gaillardet Philippe Physician 4 8' Hebert Napoleon General Store 3 7 Lausicr Cyprien Waggonniaker 3| 7i Lu iisier N Wheelwright 4 Lel>lanc & Frfsre Saw Mill 2i 5 Leduc Jos. Hector General Store 2^ 5 Ijcvasseur Misses Eloise & Delia..Mil'ry 4 8 St. Claire Jean Car^ieuter 4 8 St. C\ r Telesphore Baker 4 8 Vincelette Altred Geu. Store 3 C^ Wood F Gen. J^tore ST. L.IBOIRE. Bagot Co. On Grand Trunk It. li. Pop. 235. Tel. d- Exp. hank at St. Hyacintno, 9 miles. Bachand t\ Gen. Store Uertrand Nazaire Gen. Stoi-e 2J 4^ Bonrgeflult A Physician 4 8 13r Lemoine Noctere BlaOksitiith 3 (> L'Heureux Eduuard Gon. Store 2i 4^ Parent Andre. Blacksmith 3 5i St. L QUEBEC. St. li 7 8 7i ST. IjIiJUORI. Montcalm Co. DngRH Stviiro Gen. Store & Baker 3 6i Fisk Edward ...Saw Mill See JoHettp. (Juibord P Grocer 3 6 .lolmson VVm Carriageiiuiker 3 7 Uicliard Simuu .Saw Mill 3 6 ST. LIN. L'Assomptlon Co. On Canadian Pacific It. R. from Montreal 33i miles. Pop. 1,058. Ttl. & Exp. Bank at Montreal. Banque Jacques Cartier. Alex Boyer, Local Mgr,, br. See Montreal. Beandoin Alex Hotel 3 5^ B'ricanltKujitMiP (dit Lnmarche) Painter 3| 7i Brien H. (dit Desroehert*).. ., .Carpenter 3 .^J Brossard Geo ....... Saddler 4 8 CorbeilBHsile Gen. Store 3 6i Cyr Louis Barber &c. 4 Davis Tht'ophile Hotel 2i 5 DesmarHis Kdmond Butter Factory 3 6 Dufrcsne Antoine .Mill. &c. 3i 7* Ethier Horace Speculator 2 3i Ethier J. Bte Farmer & Speculator 2 '2\ Forest George.. . .Gen. Store 3 7 Fournier L^on Louis Grocer 3^ 7J Founiier M»'dard Saw Mill 3 6 Gagnon Motleste Baker 4 Gascon Pierre Tinware 4 8 Gauthier Charles Hotel Gauthier Horniisilas Gen. Store Gauthier Josepli Hotel Gauthier Uotjh Blacksmith 3 7' Gosseliu Atnedt^e. ... Shoetnaker * Grandmaison .\. B (len. Store 3 6^ Lamarclio Mis. M, I) I>ry Goods 3 7* Lambert Jos. Armand Gen. Store Ji 4i Landry Moi**e Tanner * Laurier R. Charlemagne. P.M. & G. Store 3^ Leclaire Jules Physiciau 4 Malsonneuve Frs Gen. Store Martel George Gen. Store 4 Merciei- Pitirro Shoemaker 4 Monahan Kearn Gen. Store 3 7 Moody M., & Sons. ...Saw & Grist Mills See Terrebonne Morin France Blacksmith 3 7 Pauze Edouard .....Hotel 3 6 Peltier Olivier Builder 3 C Perrier Nicholas ...., Grocer 3^ 7i Pichrtte Emile butcher 3 fi Pilou F. X ...G.ocer 3^ 7i lienaud Joseph Batcher 3 7 Uenaud Nehomias 4 8 Renaud P Notary 55^ Robert J. Bte BliickBmiih 3i 7i Roch l>amase (dit Tliouin).. .Blaek«mitU 4 8 RoblUard Joseph ...Baker 3J 7i Therien Basile, jr Grocer 4 8 Tliiirieu Ba-iile, sr Carriag •« 3i 7* TlK^rlen Edmond Blacksmith S\ l\ Th6rien Fred NVheelwright 3 7 Thi'rien Napoleon Shoemaker 3^ 7^ V^illancourt Rou\eo Pli^'siciau 4 8 ST. LOUIS DB BLANDFORD. Ai'tliabaskA Co. See Blandford. ST. LOUIS DE nONSECOUBS. Klch- elieu Co. In the Parish of .St. Ainii. Tfl. & Exp. Yamaska. Bank at Sorel. I'op. loO. Goudreanlt Jos Gen. Store 4 8 l.aramee Alf.j >n8e Peddler 4 8 Messier Tln^oilule Gen. Store 3 6 PHrent L CarriagemaUer 3i 7^ Plamondon J. B Peddler 4 St. Martin Ant.Gen. Store& Cheese ^'fr. 4 8 ST. LOUIS DE GONZAiiUK. Beauhar- nols Co. On the Pirer St. Louis <& Conatla Atlantic P. li. Pop. 700. SJ^ai/e from lieiuthaninin. Tel, (& Exp. Bank at BcauhaV' 10 miles, vols. Bedard J. U Hotel Bougie Jean Bte .. Saw Mill 3 5J Bougie Joseph . . .<4en- Store 3 6% Clairoux Ame!itue Medard Tanner 3 6 Fortler T Tinsmith 4 8 Gagnier Joseph Hay, Gi'ain. &c. 2^5 Laberge Homer ...Hotel 3 5^ Leduc J. V Carriagi-maker 3 5j Lefebvre Gabriel Hotel 3^ 7 Legault Arthur Barber, &c. 4 8 Leger Narclsse Joiner Contractor 3j 7J Picard Napolwm Blacksmith Pregeiit JoacUim .Cabinetmaker 4 8 Roy Andre Hoti-l 3 Roy Inaie ....Carriagemaker 4 8 lioy Joseph ... Blacksmith 4 S' Seguiu Joseph Blacksmith 3 7i Tranquille & Co Gen. Sture Vachon Leandre ....P. M. & Gen. Store 3 6J ST. LOUIS BE KAMOUKASKA. Kamouraska Co. See Knmouraska. ST. LOUIS BE HA. HA. TemlsoouataCo. Bank at Fraserville, thirt)/-fine miles. Goods Expressed to Fraserville by Turner^s Mail. Deachene J- an Gen. Store 4 8 Dumont Piefr«>. . Farnier & Blacksmith 4 8 Moriii Pierre Gen. Store. See St. Hpurl TLibault Alphonse. . .Gen. Store & P.M. 3^ 7i ST. LOUIS DE LOTBINIERE. Lotblnlere Co. .-■'[•' Se« Lotbini^re. ST. LOUIS DE METABETCHOUAN. Chleoutiinl Co. -.' See Metabetchpuan. ST. J4OUIS OF MILE END. ftochelaga. Co. FormTly a part of Coteau St. Lou's and a Sfafioii of the C. P. It. Pop. '>.rm. Tel. & Evp. Rank at Montreal,'! miles. Allard Charles Carriagemaker 4 8 Barcelo H. M . . Physician * Bastien Leonard Joiner Contractor 3i 7J Bi'langer Homer Grocer 4 H Belanger J. Bte Grocer 4 7J B6langer Jos.,1r Gro., Dry Goods, I n, - Butciier, & Cord Wood • ^* '^ Boucher Dieudouuti. , , .Quai'ry & Carter 3J 7i 167 St. L QUEBEC. St. M Brnzeau T-ouis Butcher 4 8 C« Hebert&Co..... Grist & Saw Mills 2} 4j Hebert Mrs. A ...Hotel 4 8 Laberge Israel Grain, &o. 3 Laberge Louis Shoemaker 3 7 Lapense Pierre . . Hotf 1 & Horse Trader 3 6i Livernois Pierre. . . * I akei McGowan James, & Scu Geu. ^itore 2i 3i 170 Marchand William Hotel 3 Poirier D Butcher 3 Primeau Hoch Black.sniith Prlmeau Theodore Blacksmith 3. Boy Fraiifo'S' X Saddler 3 Baclcot (irt^goire Gro. & Crockery 4 TailleferJ. ii Contractor 3 Trudeau Aniable Blacksmith Vanier Baaile. Watchmaker 3 7 ST. MATH I AS. KoiiviUe Co. On the Richelieu Rirer. Stage from St. Hilaire Station, Stni/M. Pop. 12.5. Tel .<£• Ejp. Richi- lieu, 3 miles. J{ank at Mtmtreal. Lemonde F. X Carriagemnker 3^ 7 Masse Norman Gen. Store 3| ST. MATHIEU. Blmouski Co. Four miles from Sf. Simon. Pop. 75, T^l & Exp. St. .S'imoft.' Jhtnk at Fraservitle. Chamberland F Blacksnuth 4 8 Danjou Auguste Gen. Store 4 ST. MAURICE. Cliainplain Co. On the River St. Maurice and Piles Branch, C. P. R. Tel. & Exp. Hank at Three Rivers, 10 miles. Pop. 250. Biron rloseph Carpenter 4 8 Bistodeau lieorge E -Gen. Store 2^ 4J Blondin F. X ... Cheese Factory 3 7 BlondmJ. Alphonse. Gen. Store 3 H Boisvert Jean Store 3^ 7| , Caron nioo hile Blacksmith ' liiirnnrnt Moise Blacksmiih 4 Delisle Elzear Wood 3 5* Desilets Hercule Blacksmith 3J 7j Desilets P. Kapoleon Grist Mill 3 5| Doucet H'-nore Blacksmith 4 Gauihier Jean Grocer 4 8 Gautbier John. Wheewrlgbt 4 S' Gendron Edmond Grocer 3^ 7^ Grenier Pierre. Physician 2i 5 Hebert Arth-r Carr. Maker 4 8 Lebrun Amable, jun Carriages 3i 7^ Lenueville Joseph Saddler 4 8 Levasseur Majoriqua Blacksmith 4 Moiitour T Gen. Store 4 8 Paquette& Dufresne Grist Mill 4 8 Racine Laurent Shoemaker 3i 7| Racine T Gen. Store 4 8 Rocheleau George . . Blacksmith -^ Rochette Mrs. Widiw Isidore — Baker 4 8 Sawyer Pierre Shoemaker 4 8 Thibault V»ih;re Blacksmith & Store 3i 7J Thibodeau Fran9oia Gen. Store 3 f> ST. MAURICE FORGES. St. Maurice Co. ST. MELANIK. Joliette Co. Eleven miles from Joliette. Pop. 120. Tel. <£• Exp. St. Felix de Valois, 5 miles. Bank at Joliette- Asselin Mrs. Gon. Store 3 Gi Clermont Louis Tanner 3 G\ Lajole E Shoemaker 3^ 7i Perrault D Gro. & Hotel 3 7 Perreault Francois Tanner 3 Gj Uiberdi Arthui- Grocer 3i 7^^ Syniper Neree Agent 3 Gj Tellier Etienne Grocer 3 Oi St. M, QUEBEC. St. N" ST. MICHEL,. BellechaHHe Co. Count}! seat. On aniith shore River fit. Law- rt'nce, 1 mile from Station, on Intercolonial n. It. Pop. 1,300. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Que- bec , 16 miles. > > . liolducSiiiK'on Physician .SJ ]{oiiiK'!vu Ednionci Blacksini'h 4 74 Cliainberlaud Honorius Fi-h 4 7 j Coniveau Andre Blackaniith 4 8 Corrivean Gilbeft Wheelwright 3^ 7 Dion Miss Eupht^mie.Gro. & I>ry Goods 4 8 ] (lolet Chs Gen. Store 3 7 F'uitaine Elzt'ar Blacksniilh 3i 7i Fiirgiies AniedCe. Uiitcher 3J 7 Foigues Guillaume(alia8Win. Bdg.Hse. 3 7 Cagnon .Joseph F Gen. Store 3* 7* GagiKid Mrs. J. Achille. .. Temp. Hotel 3i 7} l.aiiguedoe Kfouard, jr Gen. Store l.angiK doc Miss Angele Gen. Store La[»()inte Medard Tinware 4 8 l.fciaire Napoleon Fish 4 7 I.t'ssard Elzear Grocer 4 8 ],etrinPrudent.S('Wg.Machs.& Bdg.Hse. 3 7 Ponliot Miss Endlie Grocer 3^ 7i Kinguette E Cheese Factory 4 l\ Koberge Joseph Tiii>*mith 4 8 lUielland Franv"is Fish 3 6 Kiielland Homer Lumber 3j 7 Sylvain Antoine : Shoemaker 3^ 7 Turgeon Laurent Peddler 3^ 7i ST. MICHEL ARCHANGE. (Laplgeon- ni«r« P. O.) Napierville Co. On the Grand Trunk R. R. (Champlaln divi- sion), Pop. 600. Tel. & Exp. liank at St. Ren>i,i miles. Biistltn (dit Kocan) Moise.. .Grocer, Ac- JJourd* au Hormisdas Tinsmith 3 7 Coupnl S. & S .*. Agents 3 5^ Demera & McGee Gen. Store 3 6 Deltepentigny H Hotel 3 7 Lonist^yp .Grain, &c. 2^ 5 Hameliii Alberic Butcher 4 8 Hamelin Ldouai-d leddlor 4 8 Laberge I* Gen. Store 3 6 & St Kemi Lamarre Tht^odule Saddler 4 Leclaire B Gen. Store 3 7 jMonette Napoleon. . .Sew. Mach. Agent 3 5 I'aradis F. X Grain. &c. 3J Pigeon Michel Grocer 4 8 Toissant Vital Agent 3 5i Robert Telesphore Gen. Store 3 6^ Koy Modeste Bl.^cksmith 3 7 Sem-oal O. (Widow Michel). . .Gen. Store 3^ Ij Timpin Joseph Physician 3 7 Triuleau Constant. BlkP. & Carr. Maker 3 6 'J'rudeau Louis . Carr. Maker & Wood 3 6i Vadeboncoiur Amable . Shoemaker 3J 7* Vanchesiing Medai'd Carpenter 3* 7i Terner Sinieon Baker 3J 7 ST. MICHKL. DES SAINTS DE MAN- TAW A. Berthier Co. On the River Man tawa, StaJ Lf'wnard Damase Gen. Store & N. P. 2i 6 Kochon M Hotel 3^ 7J Vaillancourt Wilfred -..Tinemith * Vermette Alfred Blacksmith 3^ 7^ Vermette Hubert Blacksmith 3 7 ST. NAFCISSE. Champlaln Co. Ten miles from Batiscan. Pop. 225. Tel. & Erp., Latiscan. Bank at Three Rivers, 22 miles. Clermont Ernest Gen. Store 3.J 6J Cloutier Desire Gen. Store 4 8 CosSfctte F. X Blacksmith Dessureau H., & Co. Gen. Store 4 DrouiuF. X Grocer, &c. 4 8 171 ■ - 1 St. N QUEBEC. St. Gervais Edouard Gen. Store. 3 7 Giiigras I>on Blacksmilb Haiuelin Diiuulonn6 Gen. Store 4 8 I'aquet HormiedaB Physician 3J 7 J Plante Henri Gen. Store 1 8 Simon Hercule Blacksmith 3i 7i TesHier Thiburce Blaekamitli 4 8 Trudel Franvois, & Fils . . . . Agrl. Implts. 3 GJ ST. NARCISSE DE BEAUBIVAGE. Lotbiiiiere Co. Tel. & Exp, Black River Station, 18 miles. Bank at Quebec, Pop. 650. BerHiiaume Gliarles Shoemaker ^' iioissonneau Kugfene Gen. Store 3 6 Fredette Octave Gen. Store 3^ 7i ST. NEBEE. Bellechasse Co. 7el. & Exp., St, Charles, Bank at Quehec. Pop. 25. Breton — Steiim Mill 4 7* IMonK (JristMilM 8 Fortier A Gen. Store 4 8 Goulet Jos Gen. Store & P. M. 4 TJ Guilinette Michel Gen. Store 4 8 Labiie Gprvais Gen. Store 4 8 Larochelle Ed Gen. Store 3J 7i Koy Octave Gen. store 4 8 ST. NICHOLAS. Levis Co. Six miles from Craig's Road Station. Daily Steamer from Quebec. Pop. 700. Tel., Chau- dih'e Station. Bank at Quebec, 5 miles. Baker Bros Ferry 3 6\ Bedard George Shoemaker 3.) 7| Croteau S6vcrin Blacksmith 4 7^ J)esrochers Modeste Blacksmiths 7 Desroches Gabriel, jr.. .Mill & Butter^ q, „. Factory J ^^ '^ De Villere Benj Sewing Mach. & | „ p Butter Factory { "* " Douville Alcide .Blacksmith 3^ 7-i Duval Ulric R Gen. Store 3 6^ Gingras Nazaire Physician 4 8 Bebert Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 Lagueux Misses . Groceries, &c. 3 7 Lagueux Pierre Boarding House 3 7 Laliberte Nazaire Gen. Store 3 6 Lemay Mathins Mills 3 7 Morin Charles Physician 8i 6i Paquet Benjamin Gen. Store 3 7 Rousseau Elzear BaktT 3i 7i Rousseau Louis Cartwright 3i i\ Sexton Alexander Gen. Store 3 6 ST. NORBERT. Berthier Coi Nine miles from Deri liter ville. Pop. 1,000. Tel. & Exp., St. Cuthbert, 6 miles. Ban ?? at Ber- thierville. Brouili^t— Blacksmith 3^ 7i Carpentior Simon Ciirrlagns 3 7 Champagno Pierre Shoemaker 4 Dubeau J Gro. & Snv Mill 3i 7i Dubeau Miss Louise Millinery 3J 7i Dubois Hector Shoemaker 4 Gaboury Jos. Remi Physician 3^ 7i liavall*^ T Paul Engineer 3 7 Pelland Roderigue Baker 4 Koch Ulric Gen. Store 3 5i Roy Vincent Blacksmith 3 6* 172 ST. NORBERT. Arthaliaska Co. Five atid a- half miles from Staufold Statirm, and 7 miles from ArthabaHkaviite. Pop, 45ii. Tel. & Ecp., Staufold. Bank at Arthabaska Station. Alie Alpxandre Carriagemaker 3 7 Beaumier Gustave Blacksmith 3 Bernard AmAlee (Jrist Mill Bilodcau Augustin Shoemaker 4 8 DeHsle DesirtJ Blacksmith I)emern Wilbrod Gen. Store 3J 7 Drouin J. A ...Gen. Store 3 7 Durand A Tinsmith 4 P'romajreiie de St. Norbert 3i "i Lalontaiiie (iodfroid N. R ...Gen. Store 4 8 Poisson Hector P.M. & Gen. Store 3 t)i Koy Alarie Gen. Store 3^ l\ Roy J. Bte Siiddlcr 4 Skelling Edmond. Gen. Store 3i 7i St. NORBERT DE CAP CHAT. Gaspe Co. See Cap Chat. ST. OCTAVE. Rimouski Co. On Intercolonial R. R., 3 mites. Pop. 1,5 0. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Fraserville. Brochu Nao Carding Mill 3 7 Caroii Auguste Cheese Factory Caron D Agrl. Implenipnts 3 fi Cloutier S^vferin Agrl. Implt. Agent 4 7i Desrosiers Ernest Carriagemaker 4 8 Hudon Kd. , & Co G»-n. Store 4 8 Landry Miss Leda Gen. Store 4 Laiiglois p]liB Threshing Machines 3^ 7A Langlois Louis M Gen. Stores fi| Levasseur liosario Gen. Store See St. FtMicit4. Martin & Lebel Gen. Store 2J 5 & Metis. Morpau Ferdinand.. Blacksmith 3 5 Pelletier Louis ,. , ..Blacksmith 4 TJ Quimpert Alphonse Blacksmith 4 8 Richard Octave Tinsmith 3J 7J Sirois J. B ...Tanner 4 Tardif Hilario Gen. Store 4 8 ST. OLIVIER DE GARTHBY. Wolfe Co. ' ■■ See Garthby. ST. ONEiiillVIE. Kainouraska Co. Five miles from St. Anne de la Pocatih'e. Pop. 2."). Tel! & Exp., St. Anne de la Pooatiire. Bank at Fraservilh. Beaiilicu (dit Hudon) Joseph Grocer 4 8 Castonguay T ..(Jen. S ore 4 7^ Ouellette Saw & Grist Mills 3 7 Plourde Jos Gen. Store 4 7} ST. OURS. Rlchellett Co. On the River Richelieu, 21 miles from Sf. Hllairc Station, and from Chambhj Basin, 32 miles. Pop. 810. i'el., Exp., St. Roch, 1^ mile. Bank at Sorel, 12 miles. Allaire Moise .Gen. Store 36 Angers Ulric Tinware 3J 7J Arpin Hilaire Gen. Store 3 6 Bonier Edouard - Grocer 4 7j Bourque Edouard . Carriages 3 6^ Canique Charles iJlacksmith 3i 7 Caron Damase Gen. Score Coderre & Lamothe Foundry 3 6 St. P QUEBEC. St. P Conieau Pierre. . . .Carding, Fulling & > „ , Uriat Mills ( "* ' Pesmarais Antoiue Blacksinitb 3 6i Dut'ault Pierre Hotel 4 Laclianibre Mrs. Jos., wld.. .Grocer &c. 4 8 Lacouture Ephrem Saddler 3i 7i Lusignan HormisdaH . Baker 3^ !)> Martlussault Henri, & b'r6re Gen. Store 3 6j Marchessault TlMH)tiine Lumber 3 6 Alatbieu Joseph Blacksmitli 3 7 Metivier Clement Grocer &c. 4 8 Kichard 'J heodule Boots & Shoes 3 ST. PACOIVIE. Kamouraska Co. Stage from liivlkre Quelle, 5 mile it. Pop. 500. Tel. & Exp., Riviere Ouvlle, Bank at Fraatr- ville. Beaulieu Alphouse Gen. Store 3 7 Dechene l.ouis Gen. Store l>ionne Mrs. ISorbert Gen, Store 2i 4 Dube Joseph Grocer d\ 7i King Bros Saw Mills See Hiviere Ouelle. Lebrun Elzt^ar Gen. Store 3 5i Letellier Charles, jr Gen. Store See Kiviere Ouelle. Levpsque Eusfebe Gen . Store 3i 7 liC vesque Eranv'ois. Tinaniith 4 8 Levesque J. Bte Gen. Store 2i 6 Lizotte hue Gen. Store 3 6J Miclmud Francois Tiuf*nnth 3i l\ Micliaud Miss Marie Gen. Store 3 7 ST. PAMPHILE (or Yaillancourt) L'lslet Co. Thirty-three miles from St. Jean Port Joli. Pop. 70. 'J'el., St. Jean Port Joli. Exp., L Islet, 4 * miles. Bank at Fraserville. Caron Alfred Gen. Store 4 8 Cloutier Jos Gen. Store 3 6 Dechtoe A.M... Lumber, &c. 3 (5 Gagiion & Frtiie Saw & Grist Mills 4 8 Gagiion Louis Gen. Store 3 6 Lapointe Norbert Blacksmith 3i 7^ Moineau On»?sime Blacksmith 4 8 St. Amand Cleophas Gen. Store 3 7 ST. PASCHAL. Kamouraska Co. On the Intercolonial R. R. Pop. 700. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Fraserville. Chapleau & Begin Gen. Store 2J 4i Cott; P. J!i Gen. Store 2J 6 Dancose Joseph Blacksmith 4 J>eche8ne B Blacksmith 3 7 Dion E Blacksmith 4 8 Duval Calixte Grist Mill 3 7 Francoeur K. , juu Blacksn\ith 3 7 Francreur It., sen Blacksmith 3^ 7i Hebert A Gen. Store 3 7 Hudon Philippe Mill 3 6 & Riviere Ouelle Hudon F.,& Co Steam Saw Mill 4 Hudon Joseph H Carding Mill, &c. 3 7 LajoieJoseph Grist Mill 3 6 Landry A Blacksmith 3^ 7i Levesque Denis . Blacksmith McNeil Neil Qro. & Liquors 4 Michaud Firmin Blacksmith 3 7 Ouellclite Joseph, Jr Blacksmith 4 8 Ouellette Philippe Saddler * Pelletier Antoiue Builder 3i 7i Pelletier F. Xavier Waggons 3 7 hichard Alfred 1 hysician 3;^ 7i Kivard N., & Co Gen. S-ore 4 Roy L(5on Gen. Store 3 6 Souci Donat Blacksndth 4 8 Theriault lloniain G rlst M il 1 3 6 ST. PATBICE DE RAWDON. Mont- calm Co. See Kawdon. , \ ST. PATRICK. Temlsconata Co. On St. Lawrence River, 4 milt-t from Riviere du Loup {en has). iSee Kivifere du Loup. ST. PATRICK DE BEAURIVAGE. Lotbinlere Co. Railroad Station, Tel. & Exp. Craig Station, 16 miles. Bank Quebec. Pop. 250. Bisson i^lfred Gen. Store Bourgault bamase Gen. Store & Potash 3 6 Bourgault Laurent Gen. Store 3 ^ Brochu Nap. ..Gen. Store & Shoemaker 4 8 Deniers Louis Gen. Store 3i 7i Heney Arthur Mill 3 6i Heney James Gen Store 4 Lipsey J Gen. Store 4 8 Kemillard R Blacksmitli -^ Smith Robert Gen. Store 3 ST. PATRICK DE SHERRINCiTON. NapierviUe Co, See Sherrington. ST. PATRICK'S HILL. Artliaba.ska Co. See Tii.gwick. ST. PAUL D'ABBOTTSFORD. Rou- vlUe Co. See Abbottsford. ST. PAUL DE CHESTER. Arthabaska Co. See Chester West. ST. PAUL DE LA CROIX. Temlsconata Co. Ten miles from Isle Verte. Tel. & Exp. Isle Verte. Bank at F'raserviUe. ST. PAUL D'INDUSTRIE. JoUette Co. Stage from Jotiette, 3 miles. Tel. db Exp. Bank at JoUette, Duhamel Camille . . Blacksmith & Car- j o i - 1 riagemaker ( ^a ' » Du verger S^raphin Shoemaker 3i 7^ Guertin GMeon Trader Guilbault Louia Trader LafortuneO Blacksmith 3i 7^ Morin Gilbert Gen. Store aj 7^ Rivet Z Carriagemaker 3i 7i Venue Joseph Tanner 3| 7^ Venne Louis Gen. Store 3i yJ ST. PAUL. Montui -iny Co. Tel., Exp. St. Pierre, 17 rnilea. Bank at Que- bec. Pop. 200. Boulet Misa Gen. Store 3 7 Carbiuineau Eugfene Chas. , sen G.S. Cote Phidime Gen. Store 4 8 CoulombeF Saw Mill 4 8 Coulombe G Saw Mill 4 8 Couture Prudent Saw & Grist Mill 4 7i 173 St. P QUEBEC. St. P DiitU TMopbile Gen. Store 4 8 Fortin Pierre Saw Mill 3 7 Kerouac. L Saw Mill 4 8 Mercier Elzt'iir , Saw Mill 3i TJ Picard I'riKlt'iit Blacksmith 4 8 Provost Augusto Blacksmith 4 7i ST. I'AIJL L'UBMITE. li'A^aomptlon Co. On It'uJer L' Assomption. Stagefroin Montmal, lHini/<:s. /'(>j).'200. Ttl. Hepantiyim,'! milts. Jix/>. L' KpiphimieflO mike. Hank at .Wwm/- rcdl, Archanibault Treffl6 Blacksmith 4 8 Chagiion Namuel tieii. Store Comtui3.)uel P. 1'liysiciaii 3 7 Larose .Jos. 1) Gen. Store *ij 4J M archand (iaspard Plow Mnf r. 3 G Marchand Oiner Painter, &o. * >larinn Jj. S Hotel 3 G^ Perrault .Joseph Shoemaker 3 7 Seguiii lionore ..Blacksmith 3 6 Sfguin Omor Gro. & U. G. 3 7 ST. PAULIX. Masklnoiige Co. Fourtetn mUesfrom LoiUseville. /'op. 200, of Parish 1,080. TcL, Exp. tt Bank at Louine- viUe. Blais Gilbert Gen. Store 3 6 1< erron Wilbrod Phy.siciau 2^ 5 llogue & Geliuas 4 Juneau M ., Jobber 4 8 Juneau Thom.cS Gen. Store 3 7 Plourdo Georgt^ Garr. Maker & Blks. 4 8 Thibaudcau itegi^ J Jobber 2^ 5 ST. PAUL'S BAY. Chailevolx Co. See Bale St. Paul. ST. PKBPETUE. llslet Co. Lagace A Blacksmith 4 Kobicliaud Michel Gen. Store 4 ST PEBPETUE. Nicolet Co. Tel. & Exp. Aston Station, 9 mites. Bank at Nicolet. Pop. 75. Descoteau T G. S. & Blacksmith 4 8 Houle Prime Geu. Store 4 8 Lemirc Wm ... Carpenter 4 8 litfusaeau Unesime Geu. Store 2^ 5 ST PETBONHfLE D'OBLEANS. Montmorency Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Quet/ec, 4i miles. Pop. 25... Blais Prudent Baker & Grocer 2k 5 Cote Joseph Cabinet Mkr. 3i 7^ Cot6Xavier ....Butcher 3 7 Ferland L Cabinetmaker See (Quebec Lizotte T. H Hotel 3 6i plaute Felix Cabinetmaker 3i 7 ST. PHILIPPE. Argenteuil Co. On Canadian Pacific R. R., b milee from La- chute. y'qp. 150. Tel. & Exp. Bank at La- chute. Cholette J. B .Blacksniitli 3i 7i Lat'ramboise Francois Blacksmith 3^ l\ Laframboise T61e8phore..Waggonmaker 3 7 J.arin Isaie Shoemaker 4 8 l.,eblanc Fustache i . Gen. Store 4 7^ Mayer Adelard Tanner 4 8 Kobert Hugh .Gen. Store 3i 7i Wilsou W Hotel 4 174 fii s 61 8 ST. PHILIPPE. Lapralrie Co. Sta(/e from Laprairie, 5 miles. J'op.t)5. Tel i& Exp., Laprairie. Bank at Montreal, 12 miles. Barbeau Mt'-dard Carriagemaker 3i 1\ Bastlen Moiee Painter, &c. 4 7) Bonneau Alexandre Hotel 3 (U Bourassa J.J Tanner yj 7'j Girouard J. B Blacksmith 4 (iuerin Maxime Gen. Store Jollvet J. Be Carpenter 3 Leeuyj^r E Shoemaker 4 Lecuyer hudger G.S.,Hoteli „ & Cheese F<-tv. ( '^ Lecuyer Ludger, jr Carr. Ma'ker 4 Lefebvre F Blacksmith, &c. 4 Longtin L,, & Co Gen. Store 3 Kacicot Charles Blacksmith 4 Sa^ard Jules Physician 4 Tougas Pierre Grocer 3i 7} ST. PHILIPPE I)E NEKY. Kamouruska Co. Four miles from St. Denis. Tel. & Exp. Bank I at Fraseroille. J'op. 140. ! Blagdon H Physician 4 8 1 Caron Joseph Blacksmith 3^ 7^ I iJionne Henri Blackhmith I J )ionne Joseph Gen. Store 4 8 j Lamarre Jeri^tnie Gen. Store 3^ 7i I Lebrun Mrs. T Gen. Store 4 M j Lemelin Joseph Gen. Store 4 « Meunier P.... Blacksmith 4 s Pelleiier Louis Blacksmith 4 8 Ko.-isignol Antoine Gen. Store 3 7 Ko .lean Nap Tinsinith 4 s Koy F. X. (dit Desjardins) . . Gen. Store 4 8 Soucy Joseph Gen. Store 3 G ThibaultD Grist Mill 3 7 ST. PHILOMENE. Cliateauguay Co, Stage from Caughnaivaya, 20 mileti. pop. 250. Til. & Exp. St. Mart me, b miles. Bank (it St. Remi, 8 miles. Bourrier Joseph , Grocer, &c. 4 8 j Cote Tancrede , , .Blacksmith 3 7 ! D'Amour J. B ».en. Store 2^ 5 : Decarie Joseph Shoemaker 3| 7 i I Dorais Jean Ijouis Grocer 3 5} I Dorais Narcisse F Gen. Store j Dorais Pierre. ... • Grocer JDuraiiceau Guillaume Tinsmith ; Harol Artliur ,...,. .Hotel 3] 7} I Laberge J. E Physician Lecavalier Constantin Gen. Store 3^ 7^ I Leroux Karcisse JilHcksmith 4 « I Loiselle J . B Shoenuiker 3 (i^' Normandeau DolpJiis Blacksmith 3| 7i Prud'hoinme Cleophas Butcher 3 if Prud'honime Houore .Butcher 3 7 liheaume Benoul. . . . .... Waggon maker 'A^ 7\ Teste vide Franv'ois Gen. Store & I „ i r- 1 Peddler} "^^ '-* ST. PHILOMENE DES CHAILLONS. Lotbiiiiere Co* See Fortierville, :ST. PIE. Bagot Co. On the South, Eastern R..R. Pop. 8ft0. Tel & Exp. Bank at St. Hyacinthe, 11 milas. I Aiiclair Pierre .Hotel 4 7 ' Beauregard Fran9oi8 Cattle Dealer 3j T '4 St. P QUEBEC. St. P Beaureffiinl Michel Cartwright 3J 7i HorgeroM Uonuiuld Mfr. ClKJirs 4 8 ISoniler Pierre H Pliya dan 3 6 liieuveiiu Mra. Isaac Mllliniry BolHaHHU Arthur Saddler 4 liourque F. M., &Co i Baliers Ciirigi'Hii Tiios .... ... CbceBe Factory 3J 7i t'lisavant Napoliiou BlackBinlth 4 Choiiii^re i^ouis (tlit Sabourin) . Geii. ) qi t Stor- I *** ^ Ciioini«'re Pierre Tailor 4 8 ClioliiitJre Victor Blacksmith 4 8 Daudelin Fraii9oia Wlioolwright 4 7i Th'BautolH A. E Geu. Store 3^ 7i Dt'syre Adolphe . . .Tailor DeBgre Mr.-. Adolphe Millinery See Adolplie Desgre. Desmarais Aiithlnie Tanner 2j 5 Desparts Arthur Blackaiiiilh 4 I)e8iiartaEini e Blaclianiitii 4 8 l)rolet I'ierre Boota & Shoes 4 8 l>uclo8 E. A Physician 4 8 J)U{tont Klpb6ge Tanner 3 G DuvalJ. B Carr. Malier 4 8 Uiiudet Alfred . . , . Bp.ker 3^ 7 (.lautliier I^oui.-* Tinsmith 4 t* Gendreau rJo.seph , Hotel 3^ 7 Girouai d Andre Waggonmaker 3j 7 Uobeilie Adoniaa Baker 3 CJ Gri.«e L Shoeiiiakt'r 3i Jarry & Fovgues Gen. Store 3 6 & Jarry & Frtires, St. Germain de Grantham Langevin Joseph . . Butcher 4 7i J.aperle Joseph Shoemaker 4 8 Jle-aier Miss Alphegiua., Milliner 3 ^loTiU O., & Fils Grist, Saw & Card'g ( Mills \ Normandin T.)ii88aint Chee&e Mfr. I'arent Ludger Blacksmith 4 7^ I'lante Isarcibse Cabinetmaker 3* 7 1 oiritr Isiiiore Hay, &c. 2j 4J Racine Charles* Cheese Factory 3 6i Kceves Louis Hotel Hoy iVlra. Ann^dee Gen Store '2i 3^ Hoy P. Etuile .Gen. Store 'A •* St. Jac(iue.s Robert Phy.'»ician 4 8 St, Pierre Joseph Carr. Maker 4 8 St. Pierre Magloire Caiiinetmaker 4 8 Tt'trault Elztiar Joiner 3 7 Vigeant. Allied (dit Lapierre) Tailor 3 6i Yigeant Mrs. LuUger Millinery 3i 7i fe>T. PIE DE GUI RE. Yatnaska Co. Oh liiver La Vaoh?, 7 miles from River David. Td.,i\'lm"ii Order. Ojfice & Exp. St. Gail- launu' iV Upton. Jiank at Sorel, 19 miles. Pop. 2IJ0. Cote Edouard , Boots & Shoes 4 8 Forcier David (dit Gaucher i.Biackjiinith 4 8 Lavallee Josepii Geu. Store & P. M. Si 7 A Perusse Tclcsphoro Gen, Store 3j 7| St. Germain P .Geji. Store 4 8 ST, PIERRE BAPTISTE. Megaiitic Co. Stage from St. Julie Station, 9 miles, from In- veri'ies.t, 7 m les. Tel. i& Lxp. St. Julie Sta- tion. Hank at Somerset, 2{) miles. Pop. 75. Berperon J. H Gen. Store 4 8 Forticr Joseph Blacksmith 4 8 •Ives Kdw Gen. Store 4 8 Morissette Louis Gen. Store 3 7 ST. PIERRE I>E BROU ChailkzMiss i:. Gen. Store 3i 7J Chnndoniiet L. & N Gen, Store Chanuonnel Octave Gen, Store 4 Hemcrs 1'. J Geu. Store 3i 7J Dion Alphonso Gen. Store 3 7 Dussauit Joseph Blacksmith 4 Elie Alfred Blacksndth 4 Klie Elie Grist Mid 3 Langy Dolphia Gen. Store 3i Lediic Th<;ophile Cheese Factory 4 iicmay Louis Blacksuiith 4 8 8 8 <5 Marchildon chs. Jos. Flour & Gen. Store '2\ 4 Miclml Hector , Blacksmith 3i 7^ Montpas Tclesphore Gen. Store Perraidt Gt'orge Uen. Store 2i Perrault Zcphiria Blacksndth 3^ i Poisson Hector ... Carriagemaker 4 ] Poisson Joseph Gen. Store 4 Hicliard P Gen, Store 4 jUouxElie .Blacksmith 4 St. MarsEd,ouard. ... Saw Mill 3 Vezina Moiae Baker 3 ST. PIERKE RIVIERE HU SU1>. Muiitmasfiiy Co. On Intercolonial li. Ji. Pop. S50. Hank at Quebec, Be'anger Cleophaa Gen. Store Blaia George Joiner Collin Jacques Cheese Factory Dionne Mrs. C Gen. Store i;J ^ Foiirnior Nazaire ...Carpenter 4 Gagne George Wheelwright 4 Gagne .Joaeph ■, Cooper 4 Guenette Geo Shoea Guenette Gilbert Jeweller Guenette Thomiis .Joiner Lachance Ulric Blacksmith Lallamme Xavier Tlnamith Laverdifere El2ear Grocer Lemond Frs. Saw Mill Lesp6rauce Enoch Geu. Store Letourueau Adolphe Shoemaker 3^ 7^ Morin Maoaire .Gen. Store 4 « Picard Wilbrod Gen. Store 3i 7 J 5 7i 8 8 8 7 6i Tel. & Exp. 3 4 3 3i7i 3i 7j 4 8 3 7 175 St. P QUEBEC. St. R Proulx Th<^ophlle Gen. Store 2i 6 liov Mat bias. C'uruentur 4 8 TalbolSulyme Ueii' Store 3 6i ST. PLACinK. Two Mountains Co. On the North Shore of Ottawa River, 9 miles from SI, Andrews. J'op. 300. Tel. & Exi>. St. Scholastique, 10 milts. Hank at Montreal. Bertram! Alpliouse Hotel & Driver '■!■ Bertraiul KvariHte 3 Bertrund Mrs. B J., widow 3i 7J CharloboiH 11 Hotel 4 8 l)aou8t Lt'uudre Blacksiuilh 3} 7^ JDul)rouil A Sasli & Door Factory 4 8 Gaboury & Co Foundry 3 6 Girouard Miss H Goii. Store 3 6 Labelle P. A Sewing Machines I . & Ins. Agent « "* LalondeN.P Uen Store 3 7 Lavigne G Tanner 4 8 Lavigne J. Bte 3^ 7i JMiller T Shoemaker 4 8 Bayniond Z Geu. Store 'Z\ 4i Sauve J, A Gtn. Store 4 Sauve Placide Saddler 3i 7i Wilson A. T. O. G Physician 3 G ST. POLYCARPK. SoiilaiiBcs. Co. On Canada Atlantic liy. Pop. 50 >. TvL, Mo- ney Order Office <& Exp. hank at Valleyjield. B^riau Francois D Blacksmith 3 7 BiSf^oiniette Arsfsne 4 Boiirbonnais Olivier Ptnldler 3 6 Brabant Xavier I'eddler 4 8 Campeau Jules Blacksmith 4 8 Claude J ules Gen. Store 3 7 Daoust Antoine Hotel 4 8 Daoutit Donald Blacksmith 3 7 Daoust Leon Hoiel,&c. 3 6 Giroux Tht'otime Hotel & Grain 3j 7i Hamelin Mrs. F. X Milliner, &q. 4 8 Lamarre Edouard Tinware 34 7i Lanthier & Bain Gen. Store 2j 4 Latoiir B. F Carriageuiaker 3 ti Latreille F. X Timber & Grain 2i 5 Lavergne Francis Hotel 3 7 Lebcpuf xN Sad.iler 4 8 Leroux Joseph Blacksmith 4 S Lavac Charles Shoes 4 8 Lucas J. B. Blacksmith 3^ 7i Wonette Moise Carriages 3 6 Morrisson IJros Carding Mill 2 J 5 Pharaud Ant jine GjU. Store 3 G^ Poirier J. Arjfene Peddler 4 8 Theoret Arstiiie Builder '^ Vaillaucourt Jeau.Carr. Mkr. & Painter 4 7i ST PRiaiE. Chlcoutlml Co. In the Township of Ashntpmonchowm. Tel. Chicoutimi, 70 miles. Bank at Fraseroille. Pop. 100. Auclair J. C E Trader 3i For tin D. , & Co Gen. Store -# Fredette Jean . O en. Store 3i Juneau Joseph Gen. Store •>' Morln P. M Gen. Store 4 ' ST. PROSPER. Chainplain Co. Six miles from St. Anne de la Parade. Pop. of Parish 1,382. Tel. & Exp. St. Anne de la Parade. Hank at Three lUi)ers,3i miles. Cloutier Pierre. Eug.Gen. Store & Wood 3 6 Desaulnlers Norbert Blacksmith 4 8 Desauhiiers Oneoime.Gro. Dry Gds., &c. 4 8 i7G DesAulniers TtJlesphore Car.Maker • Dupuls Leon Joiner 4 Frigon Joseph A Gen. Store 2) 8 Gravel Joseph lUacksmith 3 7 Gravel Prosper Cattle Dealer 3 G Gravel Victor Blacksndth 3 G Levoille C Cattle Dealer 4 7 ', Massicotte Clair Cattle Dealer 2) iV St. Arnaud Eugene Joiner 3^ 71 Trudel Alfred Cheese Foty . 2i i's ST. RAPHAEL. BeHechas^e Co. On Jiiver dit Siid. Stage from St. Valier, t; mile8. Pop. of Parish 3,000. Tel. & E.vp. St. ralier. Jiank at Quebec. Beaudry Eus6be Physician BeaudeuF6llx Tinsmith 4 8 Bernard Michel Saw & Grist Mills 4 1\ Uloulti Arsene Mlll» 3 CJ HretonPlerre Saw & Grist Mills 3 G Buteau Joseph ..Gen. Stores G l>allaire Maxime Tins. & Baker 3 Gi J)esr()Siers P Shoemakers 7" Gagnon F. Xavier Gen. Store 3 6 Gonlhier P. 8Hi ...Blka. & Car.Makers 3 7 Gonthler Pierre (dlt Bernard) .Grocer 4 71 Labbe Andre Saw & Giist MllU 3} 7i Labrecque Antoine Gen. Store 3 g" Labrecque NaiK)U^< in Baker 4 8 Lacroix Michel, jr Gen. Store 3 G Langlois Louis Mills & launer 3 7 Monn Napoleon Blacksmith 4 8 Uoy Ferdinand Gen. Store 3 j] Tanguay George Blacksniith 4 8 Tousslgnant J.O.... — Mills (See St. Sophie de L'Evrard). ST. KAPHAEL. Jacquos-C artier Co. See Isle Bizard. ST. RAYMOND. Portneuf Co. On Quebec <& Lake St. John R. R. Pop. 1,600. Tel. & Edp. Rank at Quebec, 42 miles. Alain Joseph Gen. Store 3i 7 AUiin Patrick Saw Mills 7 Bnaupre Corae Hotels 6i Bi-aupre Cyprieii Slioeinakt:>r 4 8 Bedard . harl3S Blacksmith 4 8 BerM-and A. D. M Gen. Stere 4 Cliayer Jos Boarding House 3^ 7i Demors Ferdinand. . Saw & Grist Mills 3 7" Uery LUe Saw & Grist Mills 3 7 Dery Homeu^ Saw Mill 3 G Dery Jod Blacksmith 4 h Dery Michel Saw Mill 3 7 Douals Mrs. wid Win. (ali-ks Gui.laume) Gen. Store 4 Garvlng James Saw & Grist .»lllls 3 7 Gendron Thomas Physician 31 7 Glngra-t Hubert IFour Si 1\ Goulet Joseph Gen. Store 3} 7' Guimond Cleophas, & Co ...Gen. Store Hebert Arthur E Physician 3 7 Labrecque Sophie.,.. Bakery 4 8 Lafrance Napoleon Shoemaker 3^ 74 Leb(e f Philemou.Saddlei & Gen. store 4 s' Lepage F. X Dry Goods See yuebe:. Letarte Ferdinand Buildi-r 3 7 Mariel J. B .Geu. Store Malte Simeon Shoes 4 S Page Elisiio Wheelwright 4 Paquet Joseph Blacksmiih 3^ 7i Peiieiier H., &Frf;re Gen. Store 2^ o St. R QUKBKO.' St. R I'.'piii FranfolB Blaoksmlth 31 7 I'fplii rierre Butcher Sj 7 riiimondon Omer (Irocer &c. .'ij 7 ri.iinondon Pierre •Hotel 4 8 I'liunoiulon Rosalre Wheelwright 4 8 H<-Hdmaii .John RlackHmtth 3^ 7 J Rochoii .Toseph .BlnekHtnlth 3 7 Hi lulffin Kinfle. DriigH 4 8 Kussell I'atrick ...,,, ^ .. Xlroaev 3i 71 Suvard Theophlle ." Ojir.Maker 4 Savard Vilbou Dry (londs 4 Siinartl ElZ(^ar Wheelwright 4 8 SiKsoim Thomas MachlMist .'? 6 Smith (lohii Grocer 4 8 Verret Mfg. .I08 Orocer 4 8 ST. REDEMPfKUR, Vaudreuil Co. Twenty-four TtiUes from fiiiufreuiL Pop. 100, Tel. Kiqand, mUen, Kxp, ymiareuil. Hank at Montreal , 62 miles. Liuithier Elie '. Hotel 4 8 Laloiide Beniabi' .(len.Store 3 nj Quesnel Th<5ophlln. ; . Blacksmitli * Itny Aiitoine .G-eii. Store & Hotel 4 7i Sal)Ourin .To8 Gen. Store Notary 2i 4 Givgoire Anthime Hotel 3 6 Hi'bert Andre Physician 2^ 5 Hi'bert Joseph Gro. ^ Peddler 4 8 Hubert Laurent .."...; Carrifegos 3k 1 Laforce Solitne . . . . ...v.jBoots &8hoe8 3j 7i iiainarre, Gaatne & Co.Door & Sash Fcty 21 4J liUinarre J. B., jr Grain & Hay 2i 4i Lamourenx Uottiina. ', Berber, &o. 4 8 i.aroche Henri .................... Baker 4 8 Latent Charles H...' .Phyaidan Lazurc L. Phllortini .... . . . . Gen. Store Letebvre LouIb Dominateur Hotel Lefebvre P. A. S. Grain * Hay Lemieux P'rs. X ('ar. .Maker Lepage Annible. ., Wheelwright Letonrneau Molse Blacksmith L«''lourneau T'hlTippe...' iUacksniith Longtin Narclsse : . .. H*)tel Monbleau Adrlon : . . . • Blacksmith Morin i.iOui8 ^. . .Contractor Narboniw Louis .•..Blacksmith Oligny Saniuol Saw Mill Paquet Isidore Gen. Store Patenaude Pierre HaruesHmaker Patenande T Hotel IMcotte Narclsse Horse 'i'rader Poirler .L Adolphe G«n. Store Poirier .lean Bte Tanner (Juinial R . . ..Suddlor Itenaud Alph Ihreshing Mach. Mfr. Robert Jos Blacksmith Roy No«^ Watchmaki.>r Sabourin Wilfred Planing Mill St. Marie Louis. Grain HT. REM I 1>E TING WICK. Arthaliaska Co, ' •''• SeoChPnier P.O. ''' . i 3 6 21 ."> :j « !) 3 :i ej 4 8 ?! .3 7 4 8 4 8 •J! ( 4 t ' • 3 f) 3i 7 3 f) -'4 5 .3 5 ;{ 6. ••«i 7, 3 5 4 H 3 7 ;t «i -'i 4 Richelieu Co. /'op. 1.50. Exp., 7 ST. ROBERT. On South Eantern II. R. Bank at Sorel, 6 miles Auger Dominique.. Blacksmith 4 liouvier Adt^Iaid Baker 4 Giguere .J. Bte Gen. Store 3 Lamothe & Hubert Gen. Store 3 IVloqulu Pierre Car. Maker 4 Proulx 1 jonis Waggonmaker liousseau Ovide Physician 4 .St, Jactiues Jos Blacksmith 3^ ST, ROCH, Richelieu Co. ' On the Purer /ii<:helieu c£* Montreal & Sorel Ji. Pop. 950, Tel. & Exp. Bank at Sorel, unites. ;, ;,„ Bourcier Widow C , . . Grooer 4^ Cbarpentier Louis Blacksmith 3 Coutu Pierre Shoemaker 4 David Mrs. P Millinery 4 Duhamel A Blacksmith 4 Gervais Louis. Grocer 4 Giard A dolphe Grocer 3] Gospelln Adolphe .Saw Mill 3 Laflt'che Joseph , . Baker Lahaiee Joseph ..Grist Mill Mathieu Jacques. .Grocer, &c. PaquettP J. B ...Gen. Store P«^loquinTh6ophile. .Hay Presses & I Mfr. Cheese Boxes J ST. KOCH L'ACHIGAN.- Li'Assomptioii Co. ' 'el. (i 7 7i « 7i It. 8 8 8 8 Ih 7 •'J 7 n H 6i On the Jiiver Ach tion, 1 1 mites, phanie, 6 miles. Benoit N Charbonneau A Cr^peaiiE. ...... Dagena s Jos,.., Desroclips Israel Dufort Jqs. Z. ...i Gautliier Octave Gautliler Wm..'.; L iyan. ^tcKjej'rom U An.wmp- ^<3». 300. Tel.,Exp. L'Epi- , Bank at Joliette, zTt iniles. Joiner & Car.Maker * &B;. .....Gli6e.«e :>\ .j ...,;. Blaoksiniih 4 8 ,i.....,,s. \- Blackfmith 3i 7i Blacksmith 3 7 ,.:;...;.. Geu. Stcre 3 7" ...-.■.■..Grb. A.Shbes 3 7 •.;:;: "...Gen. Store 3 T 17^ St. E QUEBEC. St. S I^afortuiieH Gen. Store 3 5^ Latour Adrien Blacksmith 4 8 Lauder Joeepli L Gen. Store 3 5 Leclerc Eiuest Hotel 3 6J Lc^velll^ J Blackamith 4 8 Majeau Azarie TinBuiitli 3J 7i Mercler Joseph Grc, Hardware, &c. 3 6* Rivet Alfred .. Gen. Store 3 6} St. Andr«5 Aldt^ric Steam Saw Mill 3 6 St. Andre Mtderic. Saw Mill 3i 7J ST. ROCH DES AULNAIES. L'lslet Co. On the south shore liiver St. Lawrence and Jntercolonial H'li., 78 miles below Quebec. Pop. 1,500. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Quebec, 76 miles. Boivin Jean Bte Blacksmith 3^ 7i Caron Alphonse Waggoniuaker Caron E Tinsmith 3 7 Dallaire Stanislas Blacksmitlj 4 8 Dumas William Gen. Store Dupuis Charlf a Gen. Store 3 5i Dupuis & Co.. .Gen. Store & Fruit Trees 2 3 FranccBur Joseph Gen. Store Francu'nr Michel Grist Mill 3 G Gagnon .Toseph Blacksmith 4 8 Gagnon Lonis Blacksmith 4 8 Gagnon L. Philippe. Gen. Store & Baker Gosselin F. X Physician 3^ 7i Leclerc William Adolphe x. Tanner 3 (5J Levesque Aniable Planing^ q ,. Mill & Cabinetmaker S Methot Adolphe Gen. Store 4 8 Oueilet George Shoemaker 3* 7 Pelletier Karcisse Harness 3J 7i ST. KOMAIN. ComptonCo. Tel. & Exp. Spring Hill Station, 15 miles, 18 miles from iV Israeli Station on Quebec Central Ji. Ji. Bank at Sherbrooke , 54 miles. Allan James Saddler 3i Arguin William Blacksmith 4 8 Bouffard Benoit Farmer & Butcher 4 8 Cameron Ct^lestin 3^ 71 Coulombe Augustin Gen. Store 3 6j Fortin Am6dee . . . .Threshing Mach. & / ^ o Cabinet Mf r. J * ° Gagn^ Octave (ditBellavance) Grist Mill 34 7i Gagr.oiA Anaclet Saw Mill 3j 7} Gagnon Qaudias Joiner 4 8 Marceau Flavien Gen. Store 3 5 Moore Joseph Shoemaker 4 8 Pelchat Pier re.... Grist & Carding Mills 3* 7 Richard Pierre Blacksmith 3i 7i Richard R Gen. Store 3 6 Roy Major ique Blks. & Gen. Stoie 8 7 Ruel Damase-.Saw, Shingle & Grist Mill 3i 74 Therrien Jean Saw & Grist Mill 3* 74 Vallee Fran9oi8 Contractor 3i 7J ST. BOMUALD. Levis Co. See New Liverpool. ST- KOM AULB DE F ARNHAM. P^issisquoi Co. See West Farnham. ST. ROSALIE. BagotCo. Stage from St. Hyacinthe, 4 miles. Pop. 200. Tel, & Bank at St. Hyacinthe, BraultDatnase.. Mills 34 7 Corbeil Pierre Blacksmith 3} 7i Daigoault L Grocer 4 178 Davignon Hormisdas Blacksmith Guilbert Xavier Joiner Laplante Louis Blacksmith 4 > Ledoux Prudent Grift Mill Lemonde FrancoiB Cheese Factory 2\ h Ijpveille Joseph .Gen. .Store 4 h Paille Joseph .Shoemaker 4 h Peltier Oscar Gen. Store ;{ 7 ST. ROSE. Laval Co. On Canadian Pacific B.Ji. ]'. ct Eap, Bank at Montreal, -J 4 3 3 3 3 ;i County seat. JKK). Tel, miles. Bastien Magloire (dit Rocand) . . . Saddler Belair Pierre IMcseis Hotelkeeper Cadieux Paul Hotel 3 c Cloutier Arsene Gen. Store 3 c Cloutier Ft^lix Gen. Store 3 fi" Dagenais Joseph .... Blackamith Dagenais Maxime Shoemaker De^jardins Ephreni — Grain & Butcher Forget Bruno Tinsmith Gagnon Louis Grocer Gaumond Jos Grocer Hotte Miss Constance Dry Goods Hotte Tlmoth^ Gen. Store & Lum. Labelle G^d*^on Contractor Labeile Roch Mason Contractor Major AdoJphe Carriagemaker Mantha Hyacinthe .Butcher Nantel G6d6on Blacksmith Ouimet Edniond Pliysician Ouimet Isaie Butter J'aotory Ouimet J. B Baker Ouimet Octave Gen. Store ,\ ST. ROSE DIT I>EGELE. , ' Teiniscouata Co. 071 the liiver Madaioaska, 57 miles from Frn- .serville. Pop. 200. Tel. <& Exp. Bank (n Fraserville. Anderson L. S Gen. Store 4 b Dionne .1. Bte Blacksmith 3i 7 Gagn6 Arthur Gen. Store 3^ 7 Lapointe Alex. Saw, Grist Mill & Agrl. ) ,,, ." Implt. Agent ( ^'^ ' Lapointe Octave .... Gen. Store 4 L'ltalien Octave Gen. Store 8 7 ST. SABINE. Bedard Frauyois 3 7 ST. SAMUEL DE GATHURST. Beauce Co. Pop. qf Parish 800. Tel. & Exp. d* Israeli. Uanl at Sherbrooke, 81 miles. Bedard Francois Gen. Store 3 7 Beaudoin Ephrem Blacksmith Dallaire Joseph Saw, Carding & ) Planhig Mill, f Dallaire Romain G. S. & P. M. 3 15^ Gagnon Joseph Carpenter Garand Onesime Gen. Store Gendron Jacques Shoemaker 3i 7i Larue Alphonse Surveyor Robert J. B Blacksmith 3 7 Robert Joseph Gen. Store Tanguay Louis, jr Grist Mill 3 6i ST. SAUVEUR. Quebec Co. li mile from (Quebec City. Pop. 18,000, Tel. d Exp. A Banking Town. Alain Joseph Hardwares 6 Alary Olivier Blacksmith 3 7 St. S QUEBEC. St.S Anctil Fran9oi8 Grocer 3i 7i Artiiaiul T. . . Jeweller 3j 7i Audibert F. X Grocer 3 7 Anger Francois Grocer 2i 4 Bacon Olivier, jr Grocer 4 iiauque Jacquen Cartier, N. Diou, jr., i . .- •. Local Manager i ' ' Brancb, see Montreal Barry T Grocer 8 6i ISeaumout Elz6ar Carriage Painter 8 T Ueaupre & Pinault Grocers 3i 7i Bt'danl Fianyois Grocer, &c 2^ 5 Bt'dard Thomas Grocer 3 7 lii-langer Olivier Grocer 3 7 liiTtrand & Guillot Dry Goods Bcrtrand Nap Grocer 3 6 ISigaouetie Jos Blacksmiths 6i J^isson Lonis Grocer 4 8 Bloudeau Eusebe Blacksmith 4 8 Blouiu Fidtile Gro. & Cordwood 3 6 Bldiiin Franv'ois Grocer 3 6 Bourget Victor Grocer 3 7 Boutin Pierre M£r. Ginger Beer 3 6^ Movte Wm Tinsmith 4 Brunet Wilfrid E., & Co Drugs Cantin Louis Grocer 3 7 Caron F. E., & Co Dry Goods 3 7 Chretien George Grocer 4 8 Chretien Pierre, Grocer 3 7 Cloutier Nap.,8r Shoemaker 4 8 Chisiau Jules Furniture 3 7 Cote F. X Grocer 3 7 Cote Narcisse Furniture 3 6i l>eblois Ambroise Grocer Denis Moise Grocer 4 8 Depatie Narcisse Potash 3 7 Derouin Joseph Grocer 4 Dion Gaspard Tinsmith 4 8 i )ion Joseph, jr Hardware Dion Martin Flour 4 Dion Narcisse, sr Grocer 3 6J Drolet Arthur Grocer 3 6 Dubois & Frfere Carr. Makers SJ 7i Dupuis & Co Brickmakers Filion Raphael Grocer 3^ 7i Fiset Elzear N Shoemaker Fiset Jos. Alfred. . . .Mfr. Soap & Caudles 3 7 Fiset Michel Physician 3 6i I^'ournier J. Bte Grocer 3 7 (laboury Desire Carr. Maker 3A 7i (Jagnon Franvois Grocer 2j 4 J Gagnou L. P Grocer 3 6 (iHgnon Stanislas Grocer 3 7 Gagnon Thciodore Grocer 8^ 7^ (Jagnon Thomas Furniture 3 6 Ganmche Ludger Grocer 3 Gamache Philippe Grocer 3^ 7i Gastonguav & Valllancourt. . . Stationers 3 7 Gilbert Etienne Undertaker 3i 7J Gingras Chas Physician 3 6 Giroux Prosper Wheelwright 3 7 GoBselin J.,& Flls.Bakers& Biscuit Mfrs 2^ 6 Gossplin Z^phirln Grocer 3 7 Gravel Miss Ltocadie Tobacco 4 8 Gravel Prosper Grocer 3 7 (irenonFranfoia Bricks 3 6J (iriftin Thomas Hotel 3 7 Guignard Louis Shoemaker 3^ 7J llamelElle Blacksmith 3 7 Hamel J. Andr6 Oil & Glue Factory 3i 7i H6bert Franvois Grocer 4 8 Hebert IjOuIs Grocer 4 8 Hobson Walter Pottery 3 7 Jobln Nap Blacksmith 4 JulienEl»6ar Grocer 3^ 7^ Julien Joseph Grocer 4 8 Juneaa J. Bte Grocer 3 7 LabbeMrs. A. D MlUlnery 4 8 Laberge Franjois Blacksmith 3 7 Laberge Jean Grocer 3 6 Laberge Octave, sr Grocer 3 7 Laberge I'hilias Grocer 4 8 Lebrecque Pierre. . .Dyer & Fur Dresser 4 8 Laohance F. X Grocer 3i 7i Lachance Gabriel, jr Gro. & Baker 4 8 Lachance Gabriel , sr Grocer 3 6i Lachance Nazaire Grocer 2^ 5 Lacroix Felix Tobacco 4 8 Lalibert6 Alexis, sr. Joiner Contractor 3 6 Lalibert<^ Joseph Grocer 3J 7i Lalibert6 Pierre Oil & Glue Mfr. 3 7 Lamonde Eugene F Grocer 3 7 Langlals Mrs. Antoine Grocer 4 8 Lapierre & Co Grocers 4 8 Laroche & Co Drugs 3 Larochelle Abraham Physicians 7 Leclaire Edmond Baker 3 7 Leclerc Rosaire Jeweller 4 8 Legaro Pierre T Agent Ag'l Impts 3 7 Lcpine Elzear Undertaker L'Herault Joseph Grocer 3] 7 1 Loranger & Liret Carrlagemakers 4 8' Loupret Cha.s Junk 3 7 i Maranda Augustln Grocer 4 8 Maranda Ze^wiirln Marble 4 8 Martel Joseph Grocer 3 7 Minguy Mrs. Narcisse — Confectionery 3J 7i Moore Wra Grocer 4 Morency Napoleon Grocer 3^ 7i Morrissette Mrs. Alfred Milliner 4 8 Noel J. Bte Grocer 3i 7i Ouellet Chas Grocer 4 8 Pageau Franvois X Baker 4 8 Paquet (^has Mnf. Boots & Shoes 3 7 Paquet Honor6 Grocer 3 6 Parent Victor Wheelwright 4 8 Patry J. H Hardware Pelletier Jos Grocer 4 8 Piche J. Bte Grain 3i 7i Plamondon Honors Grocer 4 8 Plamondon Joseph Dry Goods 3 5 Plamondon Olivier Baker 3^7^ Plante Pierre Grocer 3 7 Poitras Mrs, Zephirln Grocer 3^ 7 Potvln Honor6, sr. . . . Grocer 3 7 Pouliot Elzear Grocer 3J 7^ Racine Telesphore Grocer 4 8 Renaud Joseph Grocer 3J 7^ Roberge liaurent Grocer 4 8 Rochett« CWophas Mfr. Soles & ( StitTeners f Rochette Marcel. . . .Mfr. Boots & Shoes Roch on George Grocer 4 8 RondeuuL«ion Grocer 3 6i Rousstau David Tins 3 7 Routie.' '^has Grocer 4 8 Savard Elzear Hotel Savard Joseph . . .Baker 2^ 5 Therlen Joseph Tobacco & Barber 4 8 Therlen Nap Photographer 3 7 Thlbaudeau lAJuia Grocer 3 7 Tlilvierge Joseph Grocer 4 Tremblay Theodore Grain 3J 7i Tr^panier Jos. Elzear Dry Goods 8 " Valfieres Francois Grocer 4 8 Venner J. B. E Gro. & Baker Venner P. E Dry Goods 3 6^ Venner Wm., jr Grocer 3 7 Vermet Jos., jr Dyer & Fur Dr0S8er 2^ 4 Verraet Joi , sr Dyer & For DrMser 3 5 179 2i 4 St. S QUEBEC. St.S Veziiia Datnase Grocer 2^ 5 Vejsina Octave Grocer, Ac. 3 7 Villeneuve & Fr^re Dry Goods 3^ 7i ST. 8AUVKUR DES MONTAGNES. TerrelHmiie Co. On Riviire du Nord, 13 miles frnni St Jerome. Pop. 300. Tel. , Exp. & Bank at St. Jei-omc. Beauchamp Jules Blacksmith 4 8 BeauUeu Caniille ....Hotel 3 6i Brosseau Edmoiid Gen. Store 4 8 Cloutier Basile Speculator 2J U Cloutier F. X Gen. Store 3 5j Sloaue A. William Gen. Store 3 5j ST. SCHOL.ASTIQUE. Two Mountains Co. County seat. On Canadian Pacific P. It. Pop. 1,500. Tel., Money Order Office and Exp. Bank at St. Jerome, 12 miles. Belvin A Baker 3 6i Campeau Damien Shoes 4 8 Chevrier L .Hotel 3 6 Clement J. Bte Gen. Store 2^ 5 Corbeil Francois "Wood & Provisions 3 (U Corbeil Joseph Hotel 3i tJ Cousineau I^udger Gro. & Peddler 3| 7^ Cyr Joseph Builder 3 7 Cyr Simon Carr. Maker 3 7 Dagenais Nap. Carr. Maker & Carpenter 3 6 Dagenais Pierre Saddler 4 Dumoulin Felix Grain 2vS 5 Duprat Dosithe Registrar Filiatrault Adelard.Gro. & Confectioner 3^ 7J Filion F, X Fruits & Fish 4 Fortier A Notary & P. M. 3 6i Fortier Leonard Physician. Saw & ^ „■ _ Grist Mill s ^'^ ^ Foucault Charles Carpenter 3 6^ Gascon Pierre Butcher 4 8 Gratton Joseph Blacksmitls 3^ 7^ Gravel J. B Gen. Store 2i 5 Groulx Joseph Shoemaker 4 8 Joly Antoine , Blacksmith 3i 7i Liiframboi.'ie Evariste.Saw & Grist Mills 3 6} Laframboise MoYse Tanner 3 6J Lalonde Jean Bte Blacksmith 3i 7^ Landry & Frere. Butchers & Traders 3j 7i Langlois Joseph jr Gen. Store 2i 5 I^apor te Joseph , jr Tanner 4 8 Legault Evanste Saddler 3i 1^ LegaultJ CattleTrader 4 8 Limoges «Ioseph Blacksmith ••' Ouelletie, J. B Gen. Store 3 5} Payment Hennas Carriagemaker 3i l\ PoirierCharles Hotel 3 6" Poirier Jean Bte Sewing Machines 4 8 Pressault Benjamin Carpenter 4 8 Raymond F^lix Gen. Store 2A 5 Kochon Hormisdas Hotel 3^ 7^ Sauvage S6v6re. .Vet Surgeon & Bailiif 4 Sauve M . Gen. Store 3 6^ St. Amour Marcel. . . . Tinsmith 4 Tass^ Daniase Blacksmith .3 7 Tass*?! Jean Bte Foundry Vennette Octave Baker 3i 7i ST. SEBASTIEN. IbervUle Co. Stage from Stanbridtfe Statimi,G7niles. Pop. 3>. I'el .' &' Exp. Yamacliiclu, Bank at jMuiseiHlle. Gelinas Isaac Shoemaker 3i 7', Gelinas Ovide Shoemaker 4 8| Grenier Adolphe Grocer, &c. 3i 7' Guillemette Alfied Blacksmith 4 8 Heroux Pierre, sr Gen Store 2i 4^ Lampron Napoleon Carriagemaker 4 8 Leniire F«^lix Mills 3 7 Pelleiin Paul Grocer 3 (i Samson Evariste Carriagemaker 3i 7] ST. SEVERIN I>E BEAURIVA miles. Champagne J. B Trader & P.M . ^ 71 Vachon George Gen. Store 3 7" ST. SIMEON. Charlevoix Co. See Port au Percil. ST. SIMON. Bag:ot Co. On South Eastern R. R. Pop. 2,000. Tel. a;- Exp. Bank at St. HyacintJie, 9 miles, Allard Jos. M Gen. Store 3 7 Beauregiird Paschal Tanner 3 6 Belland A Tailor 3 7 Berthiaume Odilou Physician 3 7 Bninelle Upton Gen. Store 3 6 Caseanlt Vincent. Shoes & Temp. Hotel 4 8 Delorme J . . . . Furniture 3^ 7} Demers Olivier. Tinsmith DeuiB. Dieudonne Gen. Store & I ., ., Cheeye Factory ( "^ ^ See Claiveau die Bagot. Detijardins I) Butcher 4 8 DionCyrille Blacksmith 3i 71 Durocher U Blacksmith 4 8' Fournier Lohis Aima Gen. Store 3 tJ} Gaudette N Shoemfiker 4 7j Giard & Fils Contractors 2i 4^ Labarre Wilfrid Carr. Niaker 3i iX Langelier I^ouis Carpenter 8| 7| Led )ux Misael. ...Boots & Shoes 4 h Marcotte Hereule Hay 2^ 5 Marin J Htiy 2^ 5 Moreau L. B Physician 2^ 4 Rt uleau P ....Tailor 3 7 St. Laurent Adolphe Gen. Stare 3 7} Sylveetre Louis , Saw Hdill 2i 4 St.S QUEBEC. St.S 8T.8IMON. KimouHkt Cn. On South S/iore of liiver St. Lairrmce, nn the, Intrrcolonial It, li. P(ji), of I'arigh, 850. Tel. & Exp. Bank at FraservilU'. Behuiger Antoine. .(irocer & Provisions 3 7 Belfliigor Itevoca. ... Steam Mills 3 7 Beriiii!r&Co Gen. Store 3 Ci Benii<'r, Rousseau & Co. (Jhet'Se Factory 3 Ciiroii Ir«?n6e Geii. Store 3 5^ Caroii L. .J Tins, &o. 4 8 Daiifou Mrs*,, Wid. Magloire.tJfii. Store 2J 4] Fimriiier F'erdiiiand. Tanner 3 7 Lebel Arthur Blacksmith Marceau Tht'^opbile Wheelwright 3J 7 ST. (^OPHIK 1>K LA CORNE. Terrebonne Co. ,Sla(/e from St. Anne den I'lahies or St, Jirome, (J miles. I'op. 150. Tel., E.vp. & Dank at St. Jh-dme, Alarie Fran(,!oi9 Blaclisniith 4 8 Alarie Isaie Slioeiiiaker 4 Carey flolin Jo-eph (irocer ."ti 7i (liiuthier Isidore ,. ..Tinsmith 4 (Oration Maxime. . . .Carriageiuakcr. &c. ^ 7^ Laloiide Gtedt'ou Hotel 3' 7 Lthesqne Ulric. Gen. Store & P.M. Jfonette Treffle Blacksmith 4 8 ST. SOl'HIK 1>E I.'KVKAKD. Nlcolet Co. Twi nty-seven tnlles ,from Stan/old Station . Tel., St. Plerri' lex fierqiu'ta,^ m'llcK. Exp, JIatiscan, 12 miles. Hank at Three I'irer.s. Cliandonnet Augustiu Blacksmith 4 8 Deniers T^le.^phore Geii. Store 3 7 Fortier Wilbrod Saw Mill See Fortierville. Fournier A Carriagemaker 3A vi Fouriiier Dositht?i .Gen. Store 3| 7* Lacerte Zeph.rin Gen. Store 3i 7 J liagiU'rre Alfred Cal)lnetniaker 3| 7| Malhiot Ludger Saw Mill ,>l l} Perraiilt Telesphore «^en. Store 4 7 Toussignant J. Ovide Saw Mill. &o. 2^ 3 ST. SOPHIE D'HALIFAX. Megantic Co. Stn(if from, Somerset, G nilU's. Pop. of Parish l,5(i(l. Tel., Exp. and Hank, Somerset. Berjjeron J, B Carriagemaker 3i 7^ Cloutliier Sauveur Blacksmith, ) „ - Flour, &c. M ' Doucet M Saw Mill 3 C, Gosselin Calixte Mill 3 t! Oregoire Jean ... .Gen. Store 3} 7* Mailhot Alfred Carriagemaker 3i 7j Normand Honor*^ Gen. Stoie 3i 7| Poirier — Mills 3 7 Prince Georgp.. Carriagemaker 4 8 Rli^ault Luc Shoemaker 4 8 Simoneau David Gen. Store 3 7 Sr. STANISLAS. Chainplaln Co. 0)1 the River Batiscan, 14 miles from Batlscan. Pop.ZW, Tel. & Exp. at Batiscan. Bank at Three Rivers, 27 miles. Boisvert NarcUse Blacksmith 3i 7i Bordeleau Felix Gen. Store * Chaillez Pierre Nolaaque... .Gen. Store 2^ 4 Fraser Telesphore Blacksmith 4 GagnonTrettle Gen, Store 3 6 Gauthier Pierre Tanner 3J Ti Germain & Co — Gen. Store 4 Germain Joseph Blacksmith 4 Godin Itogor , Tinsmith 3i 7^ l.afontaine Tiburce.. .Gen. Store & Mill 3J Lamy .losepli Carding .Mill 3j 7i Lamy Raphael Saw & (4ri8t Mill 3 7 Lamy Severe Carpenter 3 (i Lavoie George Carrlasjemaker 4 Loiigpre I Carriages 3i 7i Marehand & Co G«»- Store Piche Uegitt Tanner 4 Price Bros. & Co Saw Mill See Quebec. Rinfret F.rnfst Gen. Store, &c. 2i 4i Hinfret Itaoul Civil Engineer 3 6^ Rom pre 1 4 Rousseau E Carriages 3i 7i St. A rneault Dosith6 'IM ns 4 Tessier George Butcher 3 Oi Trt'piinier Louis Blacksmith 3^ ',\ Trottier .L F... Gen. Store -V" Trottier Val^re Blacksmith 3J 7^ 'lYudel F. X. A Gen. Store s] 7 'I'rudel Ferdinand Physician 3 7 Velllet Trertle (ien. Store 3 (5i ST. STANISLAS DE KOSTKA. ^ • ' "I * Iteanliariiois Co. , . ^ ())t the liiver St. Louis. Staff e from Valleif field,! miles. Tel. , Exp. d; Bank at Vallvy- [field. Aubin Franyois X. Blacksmith 3 fi Brault Vital Gen. Store ''i 7V Cardinal Felix, jr Gen. Store 3 ^ Cousineau A Iphonse Butcher 4 >< Daoust Sylvain Blacksmith 3J 7^ DuludeA Shoemaker 4 8 DiiludeJ. Bte Baker 4 8 Iliiot Antoine Blacksmith 4 8 Lalonde Hormisdas ... Hotel 2J 5 Laplante fl. Bte Notary 3 Let' ebvre Michel Phy.'^ician 4 K Normandeau Jos BlacL^mith 4 8 Raymond Ad61ard Gen. Store 3 5J Raymond (iedeon Contractor 4 8 Roy Charles Blacksmith 3 (i^ ST. SITLPICE. L'A.ssomptlon Co. Oh the tiorth shore of the St, Lawrence. Staf/e from L^Assomption, .'5 miles. Pop. tJ50. Til. d- Exp. L'Epiphanie, 10 miles. Bank at ,/oliette, 21 mites. Champagne Rt^gls Blacksmith 3i 7i Chevalier A Gen. Store 3* 7* Glavd Charles Carr. Maker 3| 7i Pare floseph Carpenter 3^ 7j Peltier Lt^on .loiner 3i 7i Robitaille Camille Blacksmith 3j T| Rolutaille Chas.Cien. Store & Sew. Mach. 3 7' Robitaille Chas Joiner & Tratier 4 7i ST. SYLVEBE. Nlcolet Co. Seven miles from St. Gertrude and Smiles from Aston Station. Boisvert Mederic Blacksmith 4 8 Champoux Zephirin..Gen. Store & P.M. 4 8 Doucet Edmond Carpenter, &c, .34 7i Doucet Joseph ..... Mason Z\ 7} Gellnas J. B Saw & Grl^t ^^lll 3 5J Hamel.Trudel & Plourde Steam Saw ( « «i MllU ^ ** Jannelle Joaeph Gen. Store Z\ 7i m St. S QUEBEC. St. T Morrissette F^lix Grocer, &c. 3 7 Bivard Alphonse Grocer 3 7 8T. ST1.Y£STRE. liOtbiniere Co. Stage from Craig's Road Station, 18 miles; from St. Marie, 12 miles. Money Order Office, Tel. & Exp. La Beauce, 13 miles. Pop. 200. Bank at Quebec, i6 miles. Bourgeault Jean Gen. Store 3 6 Faliey Thomas Gen. Store 2J 5 Gregoire O Blacksmith 4 8 Landry Israel Saw & Grist Mill 3 7 Landry Narcisse (Jar r. Maker 3 7 Letourneau On^sirae Gen. Store 3 7 Paceot Damase Gen. Store 3J 7 VaVllancourt Laurent Gen. Store 4 8 Vaillancourt Severe Gen. Store 4 8 ST. TEL.ESPHOBE. SouIangeH Co. Eight miles from Riviere Beaudette. Pop. 200. Tel. & Exp. St. Polycarpe, 6 miles. Bank at Valleyjield. Biron G. Arthur Gen. Store 4 7 Castonguay Alex Shoemaker 4 8 Chenier J. L Gen. Store 4 8 Chenier TSlesphore Carr. Maker 4 8 Coallier Stanislas Grocer 3^ 7^ Garand Francois Saddler 4 8 Jasmin Napoleon Stone Sculptor ♦ Hamelin Alex Blacksmith 4 8 Lalondo Adolphe. ... Sew. Mach, 4 8 Lalonde Camille Gen. Store 3 6 Lalonde Hemiilde Marble Sculptor 3 7 Lanthler K Hotel 3 7 Marleau Fabieu X Gen. Store 4 8 Marleau Louis Blacksmith 3 7 Methot Joseph Pilon H Carriagemaker 3 7 liozon Michel Carriagemaker 4 8 ST. THECLE. Champlain Co. Thirty-six miles from>Batiscan Bridge. Tel. & Exp. Batiscan. Bank at Three Rivers, 46 mites. Pop. 100. r»outet Frs Farmer & Builder 3 6^ Brunelle Siuai Shoemaker 3^ "t (Jloutier P. Ulric Gen. Store 4 8 Cloutier Phi lias Trader 3i 7^ Dupuis & Co ■ Gen. Store * Dupuis Th«?0(le Blacksmith 4 8 Guilmetto Cyprien Blacksmith 3 7 Jobin Pierre Farmer & Builder 3 7 Lafoiid Al phonse Carr. Maker 4 8 Magnan Tht'ophile... Saw «& Grist Mills 2i 5 Perrault Zephirin Contractor 3 7 St. Arnauld Narcisse Tinware 3 7 Trudel S6bastien Saw Mill 3t 6 ST. THEODORE D' ACTON. Bagot Co. Stage from Acton I'ale, 4 miles. Pop. 200. Tel. & Exp. Acton Vale. Bank at St. llya- cinthe, 20 miles. Chicoine Andr»^. & Fils. Steam Saw Mill 3 6i Decelles Napoleon Grocer, &c. 3 6 Desautels Remi Blackcmith 3^ 7i Gauthicr K^mi Gen. Store 3 6^ Moulin Dontail Shoemaker 4 8 Picard Octave Carr. Makt-r 4 8 Picard T^lesphore Blacksmiths 6i Rainville George {' en. Store 3 6i Robert Adolphe Blacksmith 3i lij, 182 * ST. THEODORE DE CHERTSEY. Montcalm Co. Twenty-twomilesfromSt.Lin. Pop. m. Td Rawdon, \0 miles. Exp. & Bank at Joliette 24 miles. * Foucher M^d^ric Saw & Grist Mills 3 7 I.«jeune88e Alcide Gen. Store 3 tU Ijipierre Olivier Gen. Store 3 7 Morin Andr6 Gen. Store 3 tl Varin J Grist Mill 3 t! ST. THEODOSIE. Vercheren Co. Twenty-six miles from Longueuil. Pop. .Ii) Tel. h Charbonneau I^aie Gen. Store 3 5^ Charron George Contractor -V Cloutier Alexis Blacksmith 3J 71 Cloutier Dan ase Gen. Store 3 7" Cloutier J Bte SawMill3 (i Constant Alphonse Grocer, &c. 3 6( Cousineau Joseph Boots & Shoes 4 Cy r Leon Wheelwright ••' Debifn Omer Harness Maker --^ Deschambault Louis Blacksmith 3 7 Desjardins A Grocer 4 Desjardiiis Joseph Grocer 4 H Desjardins Napoleon — Carriagemaker 4 I^esjardins Pierre Gen. Store 3 G Desjardins Samuel Physician 4 8 Deslauriers A. L., & Fils Gen. Store ^ Deslauriers Benj Builder 3 7 Dion, Waddell & Labont<^. . .Butter F<-ty 2\ Dufour J. Bte., jr FruUo •'.- Duquette .T. A Mer. Tailor, Soda Water & Ginger Ale Mfr. 4 Filion Joseph Blacksmith 3 7 Foisy T. F. G Piano Mtr. See Montreal. Forget John Hotel 3 7 Gratton Camille Tanner 4 8 Gratton Franyois Blacksmith -i^ Gravel Philippe Carriagemaker 3^ 7} Gravel Vital rpeddler ^' Jasmin Arthur Mfr. Cider, A'c. 3 (i Jerome C ....Paints 3 7 Jerome C16ophas Gen, Store 3 <5 Jt'tome Jos. (dit Kegimbal) Hotel .3i 7 J«^rome Philt^as..;.. . Sew. Mach, Agent A' Jubinville Paul Painter 3 ^ i iM Edmond Carriagemaker 4 B St. T QUEBEC. St/£ Labon Wi & Frere Gen. Store Labont6 Octave Blacksmith Leguerrier J. A Trader F.imoges Arthur Gen. Store Miirtineau ti. E Grocer .Mathleu Israel Paints Matte Adrien Hotel Nation C Shoemaker Ouimel Eugene (dit Bastien).(;ar.Maker Pa^eau Joseph Shoemaker Pa(iuet F^llx Tinware Paquet Joseph Painter Tare Th^opliile Contractor Payette Louis (dit St. Amour) — Cont. Kochon L Blacksmith Koux John ^Hieelwright St. I.,ouis Audr^ Shoemaker St. Louis Dolphis Grocer riiibault Job Gen. Store Vincent Alex., & Co ShoeMtrs. Waddell J. Bte Butcher ST. THOMAS. Missis quo! Co. See Noyan. ST. THOMAS DE MONTMAGNY. Montinagny Co. 3i 7, 3 * ti 7 if 3 7 |i7i 3 6 3i7i ■!!■ ^ 3 5i 3 «i ,ll.,(<-.l- See Montmagny. 8 8 8 '4 Sr. THOMAS DE PIERBEVII.L,E. Yamaska Co. (hi the River St. Francis, 8 miles from Yamas- ka. Pop. .300, Ttl., E.cp. Yamaska. Bank (i.t Sore I, IV miles. Aly Joseph Contractor 3 7 H^lisle Jacob 3i 7^ Bibaud Alfred Carr. xMaker 4 8 Blondln Edouard. . .. Blacksmith 4 Boucher W. C Notary 4 Bourdelais Jos .... Carr. Maker 4 Brisebois J. M Physician 4 Oapistrain U Grocer (yomtois Sifroid. Baker 4 < jomtois U rbain Dry Goods 3i Dfscheaneau Frs Gen. Store 3i Desmarais Fr^re, & Co Gen. Store 4 Ft'ignant On»^siphore — G. S. & Peddler 4 Gauthier Mrs., wid Grocer, &c. 4 8 Genest Gedeon. ... G) 4i 3 7 4 8 3f7i 4 4 8 4 :{ 7 3 7 3i7i 4 8 3i7i 4 8 2Mi 2\5 3 6 4 8 4 3i7i ?M* 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 'iSx, U QUJEfiBC. 9t. V IvieJean Blacksmith 4 8 Leblanc Phih'as Saw & Grist Mills 3 « Meroier Aiigu*«te Grocer 4 7i Simiu-d Moise Cnrtwrialit 4 8 Treniblay .To8e|>h. Blacksmith 4 Treinblay LouiB Gtai. tituro 3 7 8T. Portii««f <:o. Fifteen miiesjfrom Grondives. Pov. 90. Tel. A- Exp. GroritHuea. Hank at Qiteoic Auger Henri Saw Mill 3 GA Denis Eaouard Blucksniith 8i 7i iK'veau I'hiloinon Contractor 4 Filteau G. Alfred Gen. Store 3 5J Gagnon Athanase Gen. Store 4 8 Germain Josepli. . , .Store & Shoemaker ''•' Gravel Pierre C Gen. Store 4 8 Liivoie Auguste '. .Baker 4 8 2s and Zotique Blacksmith 4 ST. ULRIC. (TesHlerviUe P. O.) Uimouskl Co. See Riviere Blanche. ST. ilBBAlN. Charlevoix Co. Ante miles from lidie St. Paul. Tel. Bale St. Paid. KJp. St. Jean PortJoli,'29 miles. Bank at Fraserville. Pop. 200. Boiviu Alfred Gen. Store 3 6 Boivin Arcade Gen. Store 4 8 Boivin Paniphile Blks. & Grist Mill 3i 7i Bourassa Pierre Gen. Store 3 7 Fortin Onesimo Gen. Store 3 7 Gagnti Alfred .Blacksmith 4 8 Labb6 Al jihonse (Jen. Store 4 7^ Siniard Thomas Geii, Store 4 8 Jj."* ST. UKBAIIsr. CliateaiiKuaj' Co. ' J-'dvr miles from St. Martin Station, /'op. 600. Tel. Exp. St. Martine. Bank at St. titml 10 miles. •■■ ■■' Barrette Narcisse Gen. Store 3 5^ Bonnier Augustin .. .Pumu8 4. 8 Bo:irdeau E Blacksmith 4 8 Byette Narciese. BlaokMiiith 4 8 Colpron Molse. .Hoti^l.Gro. & Dry Goods 3 7 Goto J. Bte Blacksmith 3 7 Dailaire Charles Hotel 3 7 Dame Clovis ....;...'. iShoemaker 4 ^ DeFayette 1. A Money Lender 2i 3i Kmard Gilbert Gen. Store 4 8 H«^bert Octave Grocer 3 Gi Jodoin Joseph, jr Carpenter 3i 7} Marcil Pierre Shoemaker lii 5 Primeau Alphonse Shoemaker 4 8 Bicndeau M,, jr.. Joiner 3 Oi Sdbourin Israel Gen. Store 4 Sabouriu M Pumps, &c. 2i 5 Sabouriu Narcisse Saddler 3j 7^ St. Marie Joseph .. G<'n. Store 3 7 Yelle Ovide Carrlagemaker 3 T ui ST. IJKSlTIiE. Maskinonge Co. On the Little Jiiver du Loup, 5 milts from Louise cille. Pop. of Parish '2,200. Tel., Exp. A Bank at Louiseville. Baril Joseph Joiner 4 8 B -land Charles Blacksmith 3 7 Bellemnre Louis Butcher & Trader 3^ 7* Bergeron Francis Butcher 3 CJ Bowlan George Cheese Factory Carle Louis Flour Mill 2§ 5 Fusy George H. F Notary, &o. 3 7 Grenier Laurent Physician 3 7 184 Lambert & Lebean Shoes Lambert Pierre Gen. Store & Mill '1 : Lebeau Antolne Carriages 4 s Lebeau On«'sime Mill 3 : Leblanc Joseph — Carr. Maker 4 h Lesjiard — .Cheese Factory 3 : Lessard Louis Wbeelwrlgjit i s Lessard Mrs.Hilaire,Wld.Gro.& H.ware 4 -> Lessard Pierre (4en. Store 3 ,". Lupien Lt'on Gen. Store 3 ',' Magnan Pierre Mill Owner 3 t. Moutard J Gen. Store 4 .>>" Soclete Industrielle du ComK? de Mas- ) kinong«5, Mfrs. Pulp. Incorporated./ 2i Auth Cap. ^no.OOO. ) St. Louis On^sime Blacksmith 3i 7 ST. VALENTIN. St. Johii» Co. On the llioer Uichdii ii,'d miles from, Stottsvilh Pop. ofParuih L*,200. Tet. & Exp. Stottsvilh . Bank at St. Johns, 12 miles. Bedard Chrysologue Shoemaker 4 s Corbldre & Fils Blacksmiths 3 7 ( repean C. K Gro & Baker 31 7- Dorais V. T G«n, Store 4" Gagnon Joseph Grocer, &c. 4 Gagnon Narcisse, jr Blacksmith 4 s Gagno 1 Narcisse, sr Blacksmith 3 c Girard David D <.i«u. Store 3 li Hebert Cyrille H Pressed Hay 3 :• Hebert N.A ..;.... Phywclan 3 ."> Mougeau Louis Hotel 3 (. , ST. VALEKIEN. Sheflford Co. Stage from Upton, 7 miles. Pop. 150. Tel. A Exp. St. Ephrem d' Upton. Bank at Granhi/ Ayotte Arthur Gen Store 3 t. Beaudry Paul Grocer 3 Beauregard Alphege ...Baker & Tailor 3| 7 Bessette & Frtre Contractors 3 7" Boucher Louis Geo. E Physician 3A 7 , Duhamel Alphonse Baker Sj 7" Gervais Joseph Gen. Store 3 iV" Lamothe Antolne Shoemaker 3i 7^, Pr«^vo8t Charles Bailiflf & Farmer 3 o" St. Onge Jean Bte. (dit Payan) . Gen.) „ „, Store & Farmer } ^ ^^ ST. VALERE. Arthabaska Co. See Bulstrode. ST. A'ALLIER. BellecliasHe Co. On the St. Lawrence River & Intercolonial B.I!. Pop. of Parish 1,400. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Quebec. B^langer Arthur Carpenter 4 8 BlaLs Arthur Gen. Store 4 7^ Bolduc Pklooard Blacksmith 3 5} Catellier Pierre Builder 4 S Cote Joseph Physician Dngal Alphonse Shoemaker 4 Fontaine J. B Grocer & Shoes 4 8 Leclaire George Wheelwright 3} 7 J McNeil Louis .Trader 4 7J McNeil Pierre Grist Mill 4 7j M6nard Eileune Gen. Store 3 6 Pelchat L Gen. Store 4 Uoy A. Hubert Gen. Store 2i 5 VallifereT.G 3 5^ ST, TENANT. Compton Co. i . { il.iiii!*;^ See Hereford. . .\ .;r.ui, vvj,i' i St. V QUEBEC. St. Z. 8T. VICTOIKK. Richelieu to. Stmic from Snrel , 7 miles. Pop. 80. TvL, Exp. <£ liankat Sorel. liourgeola L Carr. Mailer 3 7 Daoust & Dufault Shw & (JiiHt Mill 3 (5 DaoiiHt Jo8ep)i Blacksmiths 7 Hniilf Magloire «ri-t Mill .Ji 7i .Moiitinorenci Hon(>r6..#. .. Shoemaker 4 8 Alvette Louis Butcher 3 7 I'aulhus Hercule...Chee«e Fcty, & (•. S. ;5i J'ulletler Pierre Drover 3 7 IVIoquin David Trader 4 8 St. Martin Paul (Jen. Store 34 7] ST. VICTOR 1>K TKINfi. Beatioe Co. >N jji.' mUcajYftm Trinq Statioii on Quebec Cen- fnil 11. li. /'«>/>. 0/ /'arisA 2,000. Ttl. & Exp. Triiig Station, Hank at Quebec, 63 miles. Bls.>«<)n fIo9e|>li Bla«!kamllh 3^ 7i Bold uc Michel Blaeksmith .'U 7l Boucher J oHeph Blacksmith 3} 7i Doyun Louis Saw Mill 3^ l] Doyoir Plilliatt Saw Mill 3 7 Fontaine Ja'ou Waggoiimaker 3^ 7i Fortin Ferdinand. . , UlacksuiUh 3^ 7i Fort in Joseph .Gen. Store 3] 7i Fortin Stanlsla'j Tinsmith 4 8 Uagne Franyois '. . . . Tanner 3i 7i (losbellnFra U.S. & Hotel -2,\ A\ Gosseljn Pierre Griat Mill a\ 7i GouhSe llonore Saddler 4 « Grtvndin Joseph Carpenter 4 « tiacques F. X Gen. Store & Potash 3 7 Joliiceur Olivier Contractor 4 h Laroursiere Henri Physician 3) 7i Laflunnne B., & Co Mills 3 7 Lescard Napoltion Carr. Maker 4 8 Lessard Urbain Blacksmith 4 8 Nadeau David Tinamith 3 7 Pepin HulK'rt Mills 3 7 J'oulin George Gen. Store 3^ 7i Kancour Jean Gen. Store 3^ 7i^ Koy liambert Gen. Store 4 8 Tardif David Grist Mill 3i 7i Vachon Joseph Gen. Store 3 7 VeilliHix ('harles Potash 3^ 7i Veilleux F Gen. Store 4 8 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL. Laval Co. Oh r. P. n. Pop. of Parish 3,.'.00. Tel. & Eap. Bank at Montreal, 11 miles, .iXucluir E Butcher & Grocer 4 Auclair Louis Grocer 4 8 Bastien Benoit Contractor See Montreal. Beausoleil Octave Butcher 3^ 7i Bertrand George Hotel 3 6| Bisson Cyrille Gen. Store 2^ 5 Bran Telesphore Trader * Oharbonneau Alfred Hotel 3 6J Clement E Gen. Store 8^ 7^ David Mrs. F Gen. Store 4 D61orme Joseph Tinsmith & Grocer 4 Dequuis Mrs Gen. Store 4 8 Germain J. A Physician 3 7 Guimond Jean Shoemaker 4 8 Guimond Louis Wood & Bailiff 3 7 HallC Lime Kiln & Station Agt. 3i 7i- Hamelin George Grocer &c. 4 H Joubert Zephirin Gen. Store 2J 5 Label 1 e Eusfebe Carriagemaker 3 6J Lacas A Blacksmith 3 gJ Lafleur Pierre Butcher 3i 7i Lafranchise Wilfred Grain 4 8 Leblnnc Kdmond BlacJcsmith 4 8 Lortle Vinuent Shocmakt-r 4 8 Monoiau (dlt Desormeau) Jsaie . . . .Shoea 4 H I'aplntMiu Not^ — Gen, Store 3^ 7f Pare Didler Klaoksniith 4 Pare JoH., & C. E...(}. S. & Butter Fcty. 3 6^ Fominviile Jean T J'hysician 2^ 4| I'rinieau A Gen. Store Oiievillt>n Joseph Blacksiuith 3 7 ST. VITAL 1>E LAMBTON. Reauce Co. See Lambton. ST. WENCESLAS. Nlcolet Co. SfiKje from Aston Station , 3 miles. Pop. 150. 'Jet., Kxp. Aston Station, Hank at Nicolet. Arsenault Anselme, & Frl-re Flour ( ,,, - & Saw MUM * Bt'langer G<'d^n . . .Baker 4 Brault FMerre Lumber & Mill 3 7 Chapilelaine J. U.... .Gen. Store 3J 7i Cot6.L Alfred Gen. Store Forest, Hubert & Co Saw & Orist I ,, ,. Mills ( '^ '■ Gauthier Celestin Carriajjeniakfr .'H 7J Gelinas J. Bte .Saw & (irist Mill 3 (j 1 1 eon David Shoeni:ik»>r 2)5 Lalh'ohe F. L I'hyficiau 4 8 Landry Alfred Tinsmith 4 Lebrun N .Threshing Machines 3 6 I'aquiii Xavier Shoemaker 3i 7^ Pepin Isidore, jr Blacksndth 4 8 Khault. Cyrille Liquors 3) 71 Tessier Onesime Gen. Store 3 li J ST. ZACHARIE DE M;KTavid, 1') miles. Bank at yicolet,\H n.i'es. Beauchemin & Co Lumber 3 6i Blue Star Cheese Co See La Baia. ( aya Emile Gen. Store 4 8 DaVgy Guillaume Bhu"ksn>lth 4 8 DuguayJ, N Cheese Factory See La Bale. Graive Wm Shoemaker 4 s Grenier Azarie Architect «& I'oiil. 4 8 Lambert Joseph Physician 4 8 Lefebvre Moise Carriages 4 8 Lemaire Olivier Carriages 3i 7i Lemaire Xarcisse — Gen . Store Marcotte Gr^goire, jr Gen. Store 3) 7J Morin Dominique Blacksmith 4 8 Parent D Blacksmith 4 8 J'recourt Edouard Shoem«ker 4 8 Therien Napoleon Grocer 3 7 Trudel Pierre Physician ST. ZOTIQUE, Soulanges Co. , , Staf/e from Landiny,'!^ miles. Pop. 50'0. Tel., Exp, Coteau Landtnii, Bank at Valleyfield. B<^noit Mrs., Wid. Gaspard.... Millinery 4 8 B^riau Ludger Hotel 4 8 185 Sab QUEBEC. Sco Blondin(dit A von)Mr8. .Joseph, widow ) » ^ Oen. Store & Bakery S Bray JcmepliuB Biitcuer 4 8 Foumlor Guiilauine Hotel 4 8 Fouriiier Joseph H Gen. Store 3* 7J Lalonde FrancoJs Broker 2 J 6 Laloude Joachim. .Provisions & Builder 2^ 6 Leger Antoine Butcher 4 8 Mitchell William, jun Buildet * Mitchell William, sen Builder 4 8 PilonMrs. Camille Mllliiiery 4 8 PrieurO. D Gen. Store 2i 4i SABKEVOI8 (or Jonesville). Iberville Cu Fiveanda-half miles fi'om St. Alexaiulre. Pop. 2^0. Tel. d Exp. Bank at St. Johns, 8i mites. Chenette P Contractor 3i 7* Cloutier Philippe BlackHmith 3 61 Jettu Ephrem Gen. Store 3 6} Jones Stephen H Grain 2h 4 Kiel J. B Blacksmith 3l 7J Roy Samuel J Sash & Door Fcty., «&c. Sj 7 TougBB Ferdinand — Gen. Store 4 8 Trepanier Ed Hotels 6i White Albert M Horse Trader 3 6 SACBE CCEUR (or Ouisot P. O.) Megantio Co. See Guisot. SACRE C(KUIt. Bimouski Co. See Montalembert P. O. SANBORN. Wolfe Co. yine miles from Garthbi/, Tel. Giirthby, Exp. Stanford, 26 mites. Jiank at Richmond. See Wolfeatown. SANDY BAY. Rimouskl Co. See Macnider. SANDY BEACH. Gaspe Co. Fonr milts f mm Gaspi Basin. Pop. 500. 7V/., Money Order Office Gaspe Basin. Exp. Dat- housie, N.D., 123 miles, liank Quebec. Bailey Nicholas P. M. & Store 3 6 Miller John B Blacksmith 4 SAULT AU CAUCHON. Saguenay Co. On Gulf of St. Lawrence, ',>i miles from Bic. Pan. 800, Tel. & Exp. Bank at Quebec, 157 mill's. Price BroK. & Co Saw Mill. See Quebec. SAULT AU RKCOLLET. Hoohelaga Co. On liiviire des Prairies. Sfat/efrom Montreal, 7 miles. Pop. SOU. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Montreal. Baylis Mrs Geu. Store 4 8 Brien Andrt^ C Physician 3 7 Brunet Philiae. Butcher 3 7 Chopin J. Nestor ... ...... ..Physician 2^ 3i Corbeil Fo-iuin. jr Grocer 4 8 Corbeil Laurent Ovide Painter 4 8 Corbeil Ovide Blacksmith 3 6i Corbeil Paul Blacksmith 4 8 Dagenais Robert Painter 3 5J Delorme Joseph (dit Ijemay). Blacksmith 3 7 Desautels Noe Carriae maker 3J 7i Deschamps Joseph Butcher 4 8 Dubois Joseph Blacksmith 3 7 Dubord Joseph Cooper 4 8 186 Oagnon R^gis OriBt M ill Gagnon Bt'^raphin Grocer Gervais Maxime Cofllnmaker liUbelle Kdouard Grocer Lapierro Jean Bte Wood Dealer Latendresse I. 3 7 3 )i 3 t) 3i7J 4 8 3 «i 3 7 7 Annable Lyman H Physician Cairns Robert. Gen. Store Cookshire Mill Co. See Cookshire Coomlis Peter Carriagt'maker Cooper John Shoemaker (Junningham J. R Gen. Store Drew Chas. W Furniture Hibbard Freeman Blacksmith Hunt Gen. Store Lockhart Willard .Hotel Montgomery James G n. Store Riddle Thomas B acksmith Robertson R Saddler Sawyer William ... Mills Stubbs Tinsmith SCOTTSTOWN. Compton Co. Oh Intercolonial R. R. Pop. 600. Tel & Exp. Bank at Sherbrooke, .34 miles. . Beauchesne G Gen. Store BraGE. Terrebonne Co. Td.,Exp. & Hank St. Jerome, 7 mites. Pop. 150 Bell Wilbert Gen. Store 3^ "i Oleary Jos Carr. Maker 3 7 Latour Elie BlackHinith 3 6 Kenaud rJoseph Hotel 3 7 SHAWENEGAN. Ht. Maurice Co. On the River .St. Maurice, 23 mi/esfrom Three Rivers. Pop. 250. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Three Rivers, Carle Luc Grocer & Bdg. House 4 8 I )e8aulnier8 Joseph.... P, M. & Q. Store 3 6i Gelinas Philippe Gen, Store Gerbeau Charles Baker 3 7 Gerbeau Bdouard Gen. Store 3 6 Heroux Pierre, jr Gen, Store 2^ 5 Lafond Nazaire Blacksmith 4 8 Laperrifere Antoine Blacksmith 4 8 Laperrifere J. Bte Shoemaker 4 8 Lai)errifere Philippe Carr. :Maker 3* 7^ l^esage Majoric Carriages 3i 7i liousseau Gedeon Gen. Store SHAWVIIitE. Pontiac Co. Ten miles fYoni Sand Point, Onf. Tel. & Money Order djfice. Exp. Sand Point. Bank Ant- prior, Ont,, 18 mite.1. Pop. 300, Armitage William. Shoemaker 4 8 Armstrong.T, .^ F Gen. Store 3 6 Beckett John Carriagemaker 4 8 Boyle Thomas \V Harnessmaker 4 Caldwell C Hotel 3 7 HobbsHugh Gen, Store 3 7 Hodglns Andrew Carding Mill .J 6^ Hodgins Edward Gen. Store 2i 5 Hodgins Geo. P .• Gen, Store 3 Hodgins James & Sou Gen. Store 2J 5 Hodgins R Brickrnaker 3 KJ Hynes George Carpenter 3 6 KnoxH. H Physicians 7 Knox James Gen. Store Lang Humphrey (ien. Store 2^ 5 Lestor John Blacksmitli 4 8 Lyons Arthur Physician 2i 5 McGuire John A Hotel 4 McRaeD... Blacksmith 4 "i Morrison Calvin R Carriagemaker 3J 7 Ralph J Gen. Store 3i 7i Shaw John H Gen, Store 2j 4i Smart A, S Agent 2) 4} Turner Joseph J . . . : Saddler 4 8 Wainman C. H Carriagemaker 4 74 Wilson Bros Mills 2i 5 Wilwonniomas.iun Agrl. Implfs 8 « Wi iRon Thomas A Shoemaker 4 8 Wilson William. Gen Store 3 7 8HKKNBORO, PontiiM Co. Fire miles frmi Chalk Rirer. Pop. 200. Tel. Fort IVllliam, 3 mites. Erp. & Bank at Pembroke, Ont., 18 miles. Hayes Michael (ien Store & P. M. 3 8HEFFINOTON. SheflfordCo. One and a half mile from West Sfiejfm I. Tvl. Jt Kxp. West Shefford. Bank at Waterloo, 7 miles. Pop. 150. Kill>orn Ashley — .Saw & Carding Mills 3 6i Neil John Cattle l)ealer 3i Neil Rol)ert Gen, Store SHEFFORD MOUNTAIN. Sheflbrd Co. Four and a half miles from (irnnby. /'op. 2.50. Tel-, Exp. d- Bank at (w ran by. Pepin O Tanner & Currier 3 6 WhitcombH. N Gen. Store 4 7i SHEFFRAND. Shefford C«». See Wi'St Shefford. SHELDRAKE. Sagruenay Vo. On the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 113 miles from Oaspe Basin Pop. 90. Alexandre Mrs. Jac Store 3 G Collas J. & E Gen, Store & Fisli See Gaspe Basin, Touzel Philip J'ostmaster & Fish 3 5j SHENLEY. Beauce (^o. Tel. & Exp. Tring,2\ miles. Bank Qneber,'o miles. Pop, 225. Gregoire Jean Gen. Store 3 7 Jobin flean .Gen. Store 4 8 Dube & Tanguay Saw Mill 4 8 & Barnabe Tanguay Paquet Joseph Gen. Store 4 Tanguay Barnab6. , . .Gen. Store & P.M. 4 8 Dulwi & Tanguay, SHERBROOKE. Slierbrooke Co. County neat and Port of entry on Grand Trunk & Passumpsic River & Massawippi \', - Tinware \ --' '^ Begin & Lemieux . .Tanners & Curriers 3 7 Belanger Geo Cabinetmaker Bfilanger LoulsA Printer * Biron Pierre Carriagemaker & Painter 3 6i Blais T. T Clothing 3i 6 187 She QUEBEC. 811R 3i74 :j 7 l\ ■'* 2J 5 3 3 3 3 -'i 4 7 5 5 Blais Xavier Tobacco, &o. Blanchard H.T .....Photographer Blue Walter riothlng BoiHther Ktienne Tluwart' Boulautfer V. F., & Co Jlrtta & Furs Buiile Jc>a«ph niackntnlth HuurqueG. N Hardware & BIKh. Bradtonl (Jeo. H ...rubllsht^r Bradford A Tomlti son . . . .Book BiiidurH Brmlley W. It Uiidertakor BroHHeau Vincent Shoe & Clothing •'< Brown .lames. ... Tinware 4 Brule A 8)»oeniaker 4 Brunelle liOuiB .Slioenmker 4 Bryant Ueorgo O Contractor l, Sash & Door Manufacturer. J Burton Brewing Co. (Limited) Camirand & Dupont Hotel See I)upont & (Camirand Camirand .J. Frederick Hotel 3 7 Camirand J . O Physician !ij (.'liampigny .1. I) .... (}ro. & Dry Goods 3 Champoux I'ierro . . .Grocer & U17 Gds. Cliapman J. H.,&Co File Mnfrg. Charest Louis Painter Ch'vtdand K. C Hotel Cochrane Mrs. Andre Millinery C«)d('rro Abraham Butcher * Codi'rre Fran\'oi&.. Whol. & Retail I ,,, Hardware & l^eathur j "* Co lerre J. H VValchniiiker 4 Codcrre M Pork But(;her * 3 5 2i4i CompagnieTypograpliique dee Can tons ( de I'Est La) J. A. Clucoinej Mgr. S 21 5 2i 4i Cftnnors Mrs. Hugh Millinpry 2J Cormier Z P Hats & Purs 3 Cote JoBt^ph ...Hotel 2/. Cow in Thomas M.. Grocer, B. & S., &c. 4 Cnibti-eeT. H Matihinist 3^ Crotcau Fnuifols blacksmith 3 Dan-hoA.Ij Agent Patent Goods Darche F X. , & Son Ger-. Store Davis & Morris Builders Deniers Alexis Grocer 3 Dt'sauluiers Philippe Saddler 4 Desruiseau G. F Hotel 3^ Desruiseau Olivier Hotel 3 Dillon Peter .Machinist Dominion Cattle Co. (Incorporated). . . . Dominion Snath Co ... See Springfield, Vt. Donais O Gen. .store 3 7 Dowlin L. W Dentist 3 6i Draper Misses M. A. & E .Gro. & D'y I q, -.i Goods/ •** '* Dubuc J. A., & Co (Trocer.-< 4 8 Dudswell Lime & Marble Co 2i 4 Dufort J Butcher 4 8 Duffy - Hotel Dupont & Camirand Hotel 3 5] & Camirand & Dupont. Dupuy Louis .fleweller ># Dussault & St. Jean Clothing 3 J Eadie (ieorge, sr .Gen. store 4 6J 8 8 Eadie Mi!«sG Milliner Eaiittrn Townships Bank, R. W. Hene- 1 ker, President ; Wm. Farwell, Gen. i Mngr. Sub. Cap. $1,479,600 ; paid in f cap $1,463,589, surplus $425,00OJ Eastern Township Corset Mfg. Co. Not » Incorporated \ Eastern Townships Land & Improve- ment Co. (Incorporated). Paid In- cap ^80 m Edgar C. J Physician 3J 7i 188 2i 3i 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 I' S Edwards iFolin Second Hand Furniture 2J EHe.l. A. M Physician 3 Fisettf floHcjdk Gunsmith .1 FletclierC. H ...BaVer & Confectioner 1^ F'ortier H Cigars, &c. 3 Fortier Hermenegllde Grocer 3 Fortin & Therrlen . . .Grocers 3 F0S8 A H If •.•d«are Fraser .Tidin D — Grocer, Ac. * Fr(.,&Son,W. &U. Dry GoodH Moore J OyslerH, &c. 4 8 Moore & McClafTray (liocers 4 8 Muiiro & Carbtree PhinibeiB 3A 71 ^I array Bernard Gen. Store & lirooms 3* 7} Murray William Whol. Gro. & ( Llquorti | Neil II. B Steam Lauudrv (^dell A Watchmaker 4 (MellC. J. &F. W Brewery Odell H. A... Auctioneer & Gents* Furn. ♦ Olivier Bros Dry Goods 2J 4J Olivier Prufper Grocer 3 7 J'aradin .1, B Smallwares & Photo. 4 8 Parker & Bourijue Fish, Fruits, &c. 3 «J I'aton Manufacturing Co Tweeds l (Incorporated). Sub. and paid in > 1^ Cap. $r>no ni. ; rest |11'2 ni. ) Pellelier F. P. , & Co Gen. Store 4 8 Pelletler Pantaleon Physician 3i 7i Pelletier Thi-odore Baker * "Pionnier de Sherbrooke " (The) See Coni- pa>{nie Typoj^raphlque des CtuitonH de ^►ht. rre«ouit& (Jauthier Grocers 3* 7i Prefontaine H., & Co Dry Goods 3$ 7 J Presby G. H Photographers Oj Price K. & J Butciiers 3i 7i Proulx Leandre Grocer 3i 7J Konaud ililaire Hotel 3 Richer A. M BookHeller 3i Kobieheau Pierre G rocer 4 Kosenvinge tJohn, & Co....Mer. Tailors 4 Koss Hector H ides 4 Rousseau Dolor Baker 3^ Kousscau H Butcher 3 KouHseau H. U Butcher 4 Uoy Alphonse Grocer 4 St. Aubin J. C, & Co. . . .Dry Goods, &c. 3J Sampson K. & U Plumbers 4 8 Samuels Harris Dry Goods 2i 5 Sherbrooke & Dudwell Marble & Lime i .,, Trading Co. | ^^ Sherbrooke File Co See fl. H. Chapman & Co. " Sherbrooke Gazette " The... See George H. Bradford. Sherbrooke Iron Works 3 7 Sherbrooke Water & (las Co { (Incorp;; Paid-in Cap. $200,000 f Shoreffs John .; Grocer 3 7 Simoneau Frs. X. . Millwright & Sash i & Door Factory S Simoneau Pierre Grocer Skhuier C Watches, &c. Smith Elkins Mfg. Co Foundry I (Incorporated. > J Smith Lewis Jeweller Spearing K. J Watches, Ac 3^ 7i Steufon & Blanchard. . . Bakers & Gro. 4 8 I herriault Pierre Builder 4 Therrien P. Tailor 4 Thompson & Co., Mfrs. Spools & Bobbins Thompson C. J., & Co. . Mfrs. Spindles 3 Thompson James Shoemaker 3i Thompson Mrs. Fletcher Fruits * Tomiinson H. M Bookbinder 4 8 Tracey, Jiwues .,..,.. .....Tailor 2i 5 Tuck T. J Drugs, Stationery. Xc. Tur((«on J. K ( )rort?r Turgeon ^ . T Hotel Turgeon Napoh'on Gen. store Turcolte Victor Tailor Two-e Sanmel Funiirure Vall«'e L. ilson H. C.,&Son Pianos Winter Alexander Saddl(>r Wombswell Win Blaoksmiih 2|4 :!!?! 3 S I 4 K 4 8 !!?J .» 7 4 2i 5 ouse. 4 8 3 ^ 'M 6 5 5 4' 8 M9 I 3i7i 3 6^ 3 3 4 8 8 8 fi 71 SHERKlN., Dalhomle, Bank, Paspe- binc, 10 miles, /'op. 225. Allan John S Carriagemaker & I . Blackcmitb ( "' Almond John, jr Gen. Store Almond Jos Gen. Store 3 LeGallais Edmond Gen. Store 3 LeGallais John A Grocer 3 Kobinson T. A Blacksmith 4 8 Travei-8 J. B.. ..Gen. tttore & Blksmitli. 3] 7i SHIPTON. Richmond Co. ' " See Denison's Mills. ' ■ ' SHOOLBRED. Bonaventure Co. See Nouvelle. SHREWSBURY. Argeuteuil Co. Fourteen miles from Lnchute,. Tel., Exp. & Bank, tachxtte. Pop. 650. Good John ...Gen. Store 4 8 SILLERY. Quebec Co. See Sillery Cove. SIL.L,ERY COVE. Quebec Co. Exp. A Bank, Quebec, 6 miles. Tel. Pop. 1000. Dobell, Beckett & Co... Lumber. .See Quebec. Falardeau A. H Gro. & Timber 2i 4i Falardeau D...^ ^ Grocer 2* 4J . 189 Sim QUEBEC. SOR Falardeau Ferdinand Gen. Store 3 7 Falardeau Nap Gen. Store 3 6 Gauthier Jean de Varennes. .Gen. Store 2^ 5 (iignac Olivier Builder 2i 5 JoTein Mrs. Chas . . -Blacksmitli 4 8 Sharpies J. , & Co Lumber. See Quebec. SIMPSON. Drummond.Co. See Drummondville. ,,.;V SIX MIL,£ CROSS. Huntingdon Co. See Anderson's Corners. SIX PORTAGES. Ottawa Co. On the River Gatineau, T2 miles AT. of Ottawa. Pop. 130. Tel. , Exp. & Bank at Ottawa. Edwards W, C, & Co. . . .Gen. Store & ) , , . , Lumber ) ^5 ^3 & Blanche, Que., <ockland,Ont. Mahoney Charles Hotel & Grocer ^ 7i Thibault Pierre Gen. Store 4 8 SMITH'S MII.LS. Stanstead Co. On the Passumpsic River & Massawippi Valley R. R. Pop. 100. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Stanstead, 4 miles, i . Jenkins C. A. . ., Speculators Gj Knight W. T Gen. Store 3 6 Keed John M Blacksmith 4 Wood & Bailey Carding Mills 3 7 SOIXANTE. St. Hyacinthe Co. See St. Madeleine. SOMERSET. MeganticCo. On Grand Trunk R. R. Pop. 1000. Tel., Exp. & Money Order Office. A banking town. Auger George Blacksmith 3 7 Banque Jacques Cartior.. Local Mngrs. ) \)v. E. C. P. Chevretlls & J. 1). Lacerte ( br. See Montreal. Belanger Fran9oi8 Watchmaker 3i 7^ Belieau George Gen. Agent 3 6 Bertrand & Frere Mills & Farmers 2i 5 Bettez Joseph Physician 2* 5 Boisv ert & Frfere Biscuit Mf rs. 3j 7i Bourget F Tailor 4 Bourque Elis^e Tinsmith 3i 7i BourqueT. C Baker 4 8 BruneileA.E Gen. Store 3 5 Carrier Edouard Gen. Store 3 6J Caouet — Hotel Chevreflls E. C. P Physician 3 7 Cormier N. Charles , ,Gen. Store 2i Cot^ Vital Hotel 4 Delisle Jos. Octave Waggonmaker 4 8 Doucet Stanislas Machinist 3 6^ FouQuet F. X Tanner 4 8 Fortfer Marcisse Flour 3 7 Gagne Dolphis .Store 4 8 Gagn^ Jos., &"Co Cai'riagemakers 4 Galarneau Evangeliste Shoemaker 3 7 Gosselin Jos Butcher 3^ 7^ Grenler F. X. Babilas Gen. Store 4 8 Huard O Baker 3 7 Hudon Jos . Octave Butcher 4 Kelly Thomas Saw Mill, &c. 2i 4J Lacerte Esdras Baker 3 ^ Lacerte J. D Gen. Store 3 h\ Lehoux — Saddler 4 8 Malhiot George Tinsmith 3^ 7^ Michaud Pierre Blacksmith 8 7 Nader a Vinceslas ? w Mill 3 6 Painchaud & Fr6re t oundry 2\ 4i 190 Paquet Magloire Cabinetmaker 3* Paradis Antoine Carriages 3 Parent Olivier . . Blacksmith 4 i! Plessisvllle Cheese Factory 3^ 71 Plessisville Foundry Co Sub. cap. : " ' $39,700. Paid-up $39,800. Surplus $12,000' Plessisville Mfg. Co ..,.'. Poirier — ; . . Tailor Rousseau Fran90is Saw Mill 3 7 Koy George Tanner. See Quebec. Boy Mrs. A. A., wid Gen. Store 3 51 St. Pierre R.,&Co Hotel 2\ A] Savoie George Traders 6' Savoie J. A Gen. Store 3 C^ Savoie Joseph Blacksmith 4 8' Simoneau A Blacksmith 4 8 Tardif Jean ITireshing Mach. Mnfr '6\ 71 Therriault — Tanner Thibaudeau Louis Ed Gen. Store 3 5 Triganne Joseph Z Physician 4 S Vall6e Ovide Millinery, &c. 3 6 Vigneau Pierre Tailor 3 CI / SOREI.. RicheUeuCo. County seat and Port of entry, at the mouth of River Richelieu. On Montreal and Sorel J;. R. and South Eastern R. R. Daily steamer from Montreal. Pop. 7,500, Tel., Money Ordir Office and Exji. A Banking Town. Abel Constant Grocer 4 Archambault John B Hotel 3 7 Arsenault & FvkvQ Dry Goods 3* 7^ Aubuchon E Butcher 2i .5' Banque d'Hochelaga.... Local Mngr. > A. A. Larocque. \ br. See Montre;il Bastien Alphonse Crockery &c. Bazinet J Carding Mill Beauchemin & Fils Mfrs. Enghies, < , 1 „ Threshing Machines, &c. J ^ " Beaulieu Charles H Contractor & 5 „ „ Money Lender ] ^ '^ Belaud Louis Grocer Belief euille Pierre A . . , .Wood Dealer ) , ,. &Coalf "* ^ Bellefeuille Louis Pierre Hotel & i o ,. Fancy Goods f •* '' Bellerose E. R Grocer 4 >s Bellerose J. O Foundry Benoit Mrs. Joseph Toys 4 8 Bernier G Plumber 3^ 7 Berthiaume Romuald Cord Wood 3^7 Boivin Joseph Baker i 5 Boivin William Builder Bonin Louis Shoemaker 4 f< Bourdelais Gilbert Saddler & I . Blacksmith I * Bourret David Grocer 4 ^'^ Bourque Mrs. F. B. E Hotel * Boutins Cord Wood 3 « Braraley Edward Coal 3 (i BruneauA. A Foundry Si 7 Bureau H. L., & Co. .Sewing Machines * Buron Ephrem Shoemaker 4 >^ Bussi^re Mrs., widow Jos. Provisions > q, ^; & Butcher J *** ' Buteau Pierre Tanner 4 Chagnon Elle Grocer 3 7 Chapdelaine & Frfere. . . .W. &R. H'ware & Gro. 3 Chapdelaine Mrs. U Millinery Charland H. C, & Co. . .Coal, Wood. & l 3 n »SOR QUEBEC. Sob Charlaud Moiee Qrocer 4 8 C'bateauvert Simeon Blacksmith 4 8 Chenevert J. A Printer & Publisher Cl«5ment Charles Butcher * Cloutier J Contractor "Compagnied'Imprimeriede Richelieu" 3 6 Coinpagnie de Publication " Le Sud" ... 2i Cormier J. E ...Grocer 4 8 Cote W Tinsmith 3i 7i Cotnoir Alex Carriage Maker 3^ 7i Courchesne Edouard Tinsmith 3 7 Cournoyer J. Bte Grocer 3 7 Dagenais C Tinsmith 4 8 I>enloi8 Moise .Auctioneer, &c. 4 8 IJesjardine C. T Photographer 3 7 Dubois Pierre . . .Poultry & Fish 4 8 Duhamel Philippe Tanner 3 7 Duhamel V.E Grocer 4 8 DurocherS Saddler 3 6i Falardeau J. B. A Dry Goods 3 5i Fin lay David Mer. Tailor 2J 4 J Fish Jarres Hotel 2J 5 Fosbroke L.G.J Contractor Franc«3ur Alfred Grocer 3 7 Frechette Mrs. M Grocer 4 8 Frechette Olivier Shipbuilder 4 8 Gagne E Photographer 4 Gagnon J., &Co. Grocers & Dry Goods '^ Garceau A Tinware 4 Gauthier Alfred Contractor 4 8 Gauthier Louis Carriagemaker 4 Gauthier Ls. Z.. Architect & Contractor 3 C Germain fJean A . . Dry Goods 3^ GobeilMrs. E Millinery 3 7 GovetteP Grocer 3i 7 (4ravel jVirs. B Shoes 3^ 7i Gregoire J. B Tinware 4 8 Gregoire Mrs Tins 4 8 Gurnard Magloire . . .Butcher & Grocer 3 7 Guevremont Didace, sen Hay. &c. Gueviemont J. B Hotel 2i 5 Gundlack Mrs. S. F Crockery 3 Hardy G us tave Stationers 7 Hayden John , Watches 4 Hubert Michel Hotel 3 5i Hunter James H Dry Goods 2^ 6 Jett^O Tins 4 8 Johnston J. Edward Physician 3 6k Jiabelle Cyrille.W. & K. Qro. & H^dware 2i 4i ijabelle Frs Speculator 2 3 Labi ie Widow Grocer See Ann McArdle. • Laflamme George Blacksmith 4 8 Lamoureux Roch Foundry 2* 5 Lapointe Ft^lix Hotel 2i 5 Lassiseraye P Restaurant 4 Latraverse Felix. , Hotel 3 7 Latraverse J. R Physicians 6 LatraverseNap Hotel 3i 7i liavallee Joseph Millinery, &c. Leclair Bruno Grocer 3 7 Leclair Philippe Livery 3 7 Leclaire J. B Hotel 3 6 Leduo Leon Tanner 2i 4i Lef ebvre Joseph Contractor * Lemoine E Hotel 2} 4; Lemoine Mrs Millinery 3 6 liemoineP. C Grocer 3 6; Ijetendre Nazaire Cord Wood 4 Ijcveille Joseph Hotel 3i "i lieresque Clement Blacksmith 3 7 Llzotte P. E Dry Goods 3 7 Lnnan William, &Sons..Cont'. & Bakers 2^ 5 LuBsier Amable Dry Goods 3 Lufisier £. Shoemaker 4 LuBsier Eusfebe, sen Shipbuilder 4 Lussier R. , & Co Milliners 3i 7i McArdle Ann, Widow Labrie Grocer 4 8 MagnanA ...Produce 3i Ti Magnan M Produce 3 6J Manufacturedechaupsures de Sorel (La) 2i Sub. & Paid-in Cap. «20,00() Martin Pierre Sewing Machines 4 8 Matton J. T Contractor & Grocer 3 6 Menard George Watchmkr. & Jwlr. 4 8 Moisan Arthur Shoemaker 4 Molsons Bank br. .See Montreal. Mongeon Joseph Butcher Morasse Louis Speculator 2J 4i Morency Joseph, jr Bookbinu^r 4 Morency Joseph Grocer 3 6i Morgan James Ins. Agent 2^ 3| Nadeau Joseph Steamboats Nelson R Mills i 5 Nolin FrMeric Gunsmith 4 Hi Page David Painter & Grocer 3i 7" Page J. B Painter 4 8 PaquinT Baker 3A 7i Paradls CO Dry GoodB 'lli 5" Parent Joseph Hotel 4" 8 Patenaude N , F Foundry 2 J 5 Paul Pierre Hotel 3 7 Paul Pierre Undertaker 3 6i I'aul Wm Steamboats 3i 7 Paulet Norman, sen Grocer, &c. 4 8 Piclie Alphonse Hotel 4 Piette A. E Watchmaker 3 7 Ploutt'e Felix Boots & Shoes 3 6 Pontbriand Geo.A.Saw W'ks& Foundry 2i 4\ Portelance Edouard Blacksmith 3 6| Prevojt N Mf r. Sash & Blinds Prevost Mrs.B Pharmacy 3 7 Prevost — Physician 3 7 Proulx Marcel Butcher 3 G Racicot T Trader & Butcher 3i Ti Rajotte Pierre Painter Kichard Alcide Cabinetmaker 2i 5 Richelieu District Bank. See A. A. I Taillon. | Roberge David Grocer 3 7 Robidoux Mrs. Narcisse Millinery 3 6] Robidoux X Livery 3i 7 j Robitaille Joseph Baker 4 8 Robitaille L. S Hats & Furs 3 7 Robitaille MM(^ric Tailor 4 8 Rondeau E. O., & Co Foundry 3 6 Saxton Henry Coal & Wood 24 3i Seui^^cttl & Co Boots & Shoes 2 J 4 J Sheppard James, & Son, ...,.Saw Mill < „, , & Lumber ) ^^ ^ Sheppard James Bricks & Tiles 2i 5 Sigman A , sj 7i Sincennes & McNaughton Fwdg Co . . . \ Tug Line j See Montreal Sorel Boot & Shoe Co See Manufacture de Chaussures de Sorel (La) •' Sorel News ".See Compagnie d'lmprimerie de Richelieu '* SoreloJs " See Conipagule d'lmprimerie de Richelieu St. Lawrence Pulp & Paper Co. (Incor.) Sylvestre I Pharmacy 3 7 Taillon A. A Banker 2^ Thibaaideau & Co.... Grocera 4 8 Tobln Thomas Boots k Shoes 3 5i Trempe A. C Grocer 3 7 Trempe Cyrille Boots & Shoes ^ Trempe Louis Shoemaker 4 8 191 Sou QUEBEC. Sta Trempe L. T^. . ; Giocer 2i 4 TrndelA Gro. & Prov. 3 7 Vermette Adolphe Grocer 4 8 Veuillet George Tailor 3i 7i Vilandre Mrs., Widow Joseph .Grocer 4 8 Villemaire Casimir Carriages 3 7 Weilbrenner .1.0 Auctioneer 4 Wright James H Fancy Go«)d8 2^ 6. Wurfele C. J. C ... .Mills. See River Daivid. Wurtele E. €... Mfr. Canadian Tobacco 3 7 SOUTH BARNSTON. StanHteatI Co. Eleven miles from Conticool-. Pop. \W). Tel., Exp. & Bank at Stanstead, 6^ 7nileit. BurbanJtF. C Postmaster SOUTH BOI.TON. Brome Co, On the Missisquoinnd Black River Valley H. R. , 9h miles from Knowlton. Pop. 75. Tel., Exp. Knowlton. Bank at Waterloo. Lane W. G Grocer 3i 7! Wedge Bros Saw iMill 3 Cj SOUTH DU1JSWEL.L. Wolfe Co. Orr Enoch P Postmaster SOUTH DURHAM. Uruiumond Co. On Grand Trunk li. R. Pop. 50i». Tel. & Exp. Bank at Richmond, 10 miles. Blain Zepliirin Tinsmith 4 8 Cardinal Uvide Gen. Store 3 6 J>avid8on '" See Montreal. Fee Simon. Grocer 4 8 Fee & Watt Carriagenmkers 3^ 7 (irondin L. H . . Physician 3 7 Larocque IJ Blacksmith 4 8 McCrae Frank N. Bark & Wood 2* 4 McGee Samuel (dit Mayer) Saw Mill 3| 7i Noel TreHl(^ Shoemaker 3 6j Pr6fontaine Fulgence Speculator 2h 4 Pr(§fontaine J. B. I., & Co. . .Gen. Store 2f 4 Roy Pierre Hotel 3 7 Vernier Pierre Boarding Huuae 3J 7i Waketteld Edwin Gen. Store 3 6 White William Saw Mill 3^ 7^ SOUTH KLY. Sheflford Co. Twelve miles from Durham. Pop. 125. Tel. & Exp. Durham.. Bank at Waterloo, IG m^iles. Belisle Louis Gen. Store 4 8 DeGrenier Charles . Gen. Store 4 1\ DeGrenier & Gagnon. Saw Mill, &c. 4 Fleurant Magloire Gen . Store .3i Jaraieson Samuel — Gen. Store 3| 6 Jjirry Napoleon Gen. Store 4 8 Pelletier Pierre Saw Mill 3 7 Robin Edmund.... Blacksmith 3 7 St. Onge Clement .Gen. Store 2i 4i St. Ong''Th«^0dule.. Hotel & Speculator 3 6 Vincelette Pien-e .-. . Blackmnith 3 6 SOUTH GRAN llY. Shofford Co. Seven milet from Granby. Tel., Eapi «fe Bank at Granhy. ■ i • ■ .; D ancan John ; .•.;...;. Postmaste*' ' " 192 ' SOUTH HAM. Wolfe Co. :» Eifjht miles from Weedon. Pop. of Township 500. Tel. & Exp. Mrtrbleton. Bank at Slier- brooke, 33 miles. Cliampoux Urbaiu. Grist Mill 4 I )archo E. S P. M. & Bajiker 2^ 4 I>arche L. P. A Gen Store 3J 7 Lachance B Contractor 3^ 71 Trudel P. O Gen. Store 4 7* SOUTH HINCHINBROOKE. Hunting- . .. See Helena. ' i . SOUTH POTTON. Brome Co. „. I ." i. 'J, Hi.. See Mansonville. ,l^' i.,i!fM '^ StttrtH ROXTON. Sheflbrd Co. On- Nortlieni Division South Eastern, U. R., 7 miles from Ro.Hon Fulls. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Granby, 8 miles. Pop. h 0. Leclaire Charles Hen. Store 3 7 Monty P Blacksmith 3 7 Pare Adelanl Gert. Store 4 8 Trudean HyAcinthe Blacksmith 4 8 SOUTH STUKL.EY. SheflTord Co. On Waterloo and .'ifagoy Branch of Vermont Central R. /?. Pop. 300. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Waterloo. Charland James Blacksmith 4 8 God'lard Charles A I.,ime Burner 4 Johnston W. R Gen. Store 3 5i Knowlton W^ K Gen. Store McDougall Frederick ..Hotel 3^ "i SOUTH WKST POINT. Gaspe Co. Pope Edward Postmaster . SPENCER'S COVE, ijuebec Co. On the River St. Lawrence, 5 miles from Que- bec. Tel., Exp. <& Bank at Quebec. Pop. 350, Burstall J., & Co Lumber. See Quebec. Knight Bros. & Co Lumber. See Quebec. McCabe Ross Grocer 3^ 7i M(5iV':ahou John Grocer 3* 7} Murphy Wm .Hotel & Gro, 3} 7i SsPRING HILJ>. CoinptonCo. On St. Francis and Meya ntic International R.R. 60 miles from Sherbrooke. Pop. 90. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Sherbrooke. McAuley W. D. . . . Hotel & Store 4 McLeodF ..; Hotel 4 Vi STANBBIDGE CENTRE. Missisquoi Co. See Mystic. STANBRIDGE EAST. Mlssisquol Co. On, Pike River and Montreal, Portland and Boston R. R. Pop. 500. T.l. and Exp. Stanbridge Statiou, miles. Bank at Bed- ford, 4 miles. Briggs & Jackson ; Gen. Store 3 7 Chandler C.J ..Gen. Store 3 6i Cornell Eli win.... Advocate & Gfifet Mill 2^ 4i DuuD Bros .- .Tanners 3 7 Gilmbur A. H. ...;..;.......... . Banker U 2 Gilmour Alfred C. .... Dry Gootls & Gro. 2} 5 Jackson & Hotl^e.-. Gfo. & Hardware 3 6 McElroyR.;;,..; J .•,».*....... Tinsmith 4 8 MftrtinPet«^'.......w..i.... Blacksmith 4 8 Sta QUEBEC. 5TA 3 7 3 6i 4 8 4 8 3 6 4 8 3i n O'Dell John A Hotel 4 8 O'Uell \V. A Gen, Store 3J 7J I'anner L. K Carriageniaker ~ riiilpH H.ii Flour & Feed K(>l)ert Clitirles Boots & Shoes Siinard — Tailor J'lirnbull WiUiam Stage Proprietor Van Antwerp J Blacksmith ) i Agr'l InipUs (, Welsh & Hall Tanners STANBIilDGE STATION. MissisquolCo. 0>i Vermouf Central Ji. li. Fop. 250. Tel. & Kxp. Bdiilc at licdford, 3 mites. Alexandre Napoleon Hotel 4 B^Ml()it K Carriageniaker 3 6 Uniult J. Bte Baker 3 7 Cliarland Nap Oysters, &c. 4 Hauver Philip.. Hotel 3 6J H ungerfoi-d Homer H Wheelwriglit 3 SJ Lague Noel Hotel 3 6 Lanioureiix Luc Produce 4 7i Landry Isaie Gen. Store 3j 7| Pease W Hotel 4 Ivln^aume Joseph Hotel 3 6 Kobinson C. H Marble Worker 4 7i KobinsoM & McKinney Marble 3 7 Senesae Bros Gen. Store 3i Seiiesac Jacques Gen. Store 2$ Senesnc Levi Flour & Grain Sk 7 Therrien N Flour & Prov. 2] 5 Trudean & Fr^re Prov. & B"'lour 3 5i STANBUXIY. MIssisqaoi Co. Four miles from Farndoii, and 6 miles from Jkdford. Tel., Exp. & Jkinkat lUnlford. Short Charles Postmaster STANFOr,!). Artliabaska Co. 0)1 Grand Trunk Ji. R. Pop. 3,500. Tet., Money th-der Office, & Exp, Bank at liich- mond, 41 miles. Allard J. Bte Timber Barll .losepli Gen. Store 2J 4] Bernard & licssard Shingle Mill 4 8 Blanchet Athanase Saw .Mill 3 Blancbet & Leeompte ShingUs 3 Boisclair & Frere Saw & Grist Mill 3 Bordeleau Alohonse J. B Grocer Brisaelte floseph Founder Caroii Augustln Tailor Cloutier Prudent.. ..Sewing Mach. Agt. Daigle Bruno Hotel Dery Pierre G*>n. Store 3t Deshais David Wheelwright 3| Garneau - Physician 3 Gt'rmain L Grocer 4 Grenier George Carpenter 3^ C 8 a 7 Giiay Franvois X Grocer Guilniette l»olphi.s Hotel Huston James P.M. & Gen, Store Kenne W Carriageniaker Laohance Elzear Gen. Store Lacouraiere eloseph Saw Mill IMiircoux Mrs. Isidore, wid...Gen. Store Martineau Joseph Prov. , &c, Jilorel Octave ..Hotel Morin Francois Shoemaker Nadeai: G. B. . Shingle Mill & Station ) Agent j Pac ad George J Flour Pc! lerin Francois X Wheelwright Pcpln F. & J. O.Blacksniitha, Shingle & Planing Mills 3i 7i % 1' 3i ?| 7. 7 5i 2 8 7 & Francois Pepin Pepin Francois Grocer, &c, 3i 7* A; F. & J. O. Pepin. Pepin Mrs. L^on Millinery 3 7 Proiilx :Mrs. F. X Gen. Store 3J 7J Rou-seau Isidore Contractor 3j 7j Uoupseau Joseph Saddler 4 H Koux John Gen. Store 3 7 Koux P. A Gen. Store 3i 7* St . Cy r Hercule Gen. Store 3 1 7i Stanford Cheese Factory :i. " Thibodeau Alphonse Gen. Store 3 « Voyer Henri Money Lender 2^ S TANHOPE. Htanstesd Co. . V Xear the Quebec and Vermont Imundari/ line & on the Grand Trunk II, It., 1 mi/e from Norton Mill. Pop. 200. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Coaticook, 9 miles. Bailey »L A Wheelwright 4 BaldvvinJ.S Gen. Store 4 8 Cameron I). H Lumber X: >aw .Mill DupuisMff.. B Gen. Store Morin >. P Gen. .Storii Stitson A. M Gen. Store 2J . Turgeon Jean Gc". Stoie 3} 7} Wilson Archibald Grocer & Hotel 's\ G STANSTEAD JUNCTION. Stan stead Co. Gordon & Howie Gen . Store 3 5J STANSTEAD PLAIN. Stan stead Co. County seat and port of entry on Passumpaic Hirer & Massuwipjn J'ullei/ P.Ji. Pop. 660. Tel., Money Order Office & Exp. with a Local Hank. AnnettW. H Gen. Store Bailey John Shoemaker 2J 5 Bi>8oiuiette P. Alfred Gen. Store 3 (i^^ See also Derby, Vt Channel H. A Grain, Flour & Oils 3 (U Clark G. W Carding Mill '4 5 ('owles Che^'Jter W Physicians 7 Daly John B., & Co Gen". Store 3 6^ See also Derby, Vt. DemickT.E Saw Mill 3 7 I )nbuc J. & N Builders 3 Eiustern Townships Bank See .Shorbrooke. Frost A. B liaker 3 7 Girard Robert Tinauiith 4 8 Hall Bros Tinsmiths Hool than Timothy Shoemaker 4 8 Hunter Henry S Und'ker & Harness 4 7* Lanctot E. L Carr. Mak ar 3^ 7} IMcDougall John M. .Ins. & Com'n. Agt. 4 8 Moore— Hotel iMoullon Jacob T Dentist 3 6^ Murdoch Samuel Blacksmith 3 7 Nelson Frank Marbbi 4 Noyee "VTrs. S. S Millinery 3 7 Papineau Louis Blacksmith 3 7 St. Pierre Jean Carriageniaker 2^ .5 See also Derby, Vt. Snow Shipley W Harnessmnker 3 7 WaldesJ. M Tailor 4 Williamson James H Butcher 3 6'< Young L. A Stoves, &c. 4 STARNSBORO. Hnntingdon Co, See St. Aiitoing Abbe. M 193 Sta QUEBEC. SWB 8TAYNEBVIL.L.E P.O. , , Argeiiteull Co. Dorion John M Hotel, Hay, Ac. 3 6) STO0KWKL.L. Chateaag:uay Co. Staff efmm Hemmiiuifoni VI miles. Pop. 100. Tel. & Exp. Hi'vimiiKjford. Bank at Hun- tinr/dnn, 20 mites. Pat-enaude MHxime Foundiy 3 6 Sauuders William Butter Factory 3i 6^ STOK15 CENTRE. Blctimotid Co. Twelce and a-half mites from Sherbrool:e. Tel., Exp. & Hank at Shcrbrooke. Byron Anthony...., Lumber, &c. 2i 4 J Leuiire Joseph Trader 4 8 Tieinblay D Iradtr 4 8 STOKETON. Bicliiuond Co. Two miles from Ascot Station and Quebec Central P. It. Tel., Exp. & Bank at A/ter- broolce, 12^ miles. Hall Asa. PoBtmaster STONEFIELD. Argenteull Co. On North Shoe of Ottatca IHver, on the Cana- dian J'ncijtc It.' It. I op. 300. Tel. & Exp. Grenville, 5 miles. Bank at Lac/iute. Dinsniore James. Blacksmith & H'waro. 4 8 Duchesne Joseph Grocer & Hotel 4 8 Hughes C \V ....Gen. Store 4 8 Uwens George Builder 3 6J Owens T , & Sons . . . Mills & Gen. S' ore 2 2i Hunger 'Wlesphore Gro. & uotel 4 8 STONEHAM. Quebec Co. Twenty-two miles north of Qiiehee Tel., Exp. & Bank at Quebec. Pop. 450. STORNOWAY. Compton Co. Nine miles from Spi-ing Hill. Pop. 300. Tel. & Exp. Spring Hill, Hank at Sherbrooke, 60i miles. . . Beliveau Alcide Shoemaker 4 8 Cauinbell (Jatherine Store 4 LayfleldBros Grist & Saw Mill 3 See Geo. Laytield, Gould 3 6 3 Ci 2i 5 Layfleld Mrs Mills Legendre Bros. .Grist, Carding & Saw ) ^ Mills \ Leonard Hugh & Janus . Lum. & Hotel Leonard Thumtis Gen. Store Noble Colin P.M. & Gen. Store 2i STOTTSVIL.L.E. St. Johns Co. On the (irand Trunk R. R. Pop. 200. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Napieri'ille, 7 miles. Arteau Casimir Gen. Store lino VVm Macliiuisc Fortin Koniuald Levi Hotel Guny Elph Hay &Grain Hebert Charles, & Fils Hay Dealers Laraoureux Jules H ly liealer Langevin Joseph Shoes miles. Allard Ludger Saddler 4 Arclianii)ault J. S Physician 3^ 7i Bastien K Boots & Shoes 4 8 Beausejoiir Louis Puinter 4 Beausoleil A iigustin Grocer 3^ 1\ Beausoicil Jo.seph Cal)inetinaKer 3i 7] Ueausoleil Lcandre, jr Butclier 3 V>\ Bt^Ianger lAaiidre Car. JMaker 4 8 Bernardin .1. lite Hotel 3 7 Bertrand Narcisse Grocer 3^ 7^ Bouchard I'\, Widow Grocer, &c. 3^ 7^ Brassard Henri Tinsmitli 3" 7 Briere Chaa Hay & (irain Brifcre Narcisso Grocer, &c. 3 7 Briere Ulynipe Builder & Carpenter '>i- Chapleau Alphonse iiotel3 6 Chapleau Jiiachini Baker 4 7] Chartrand Mis. 1 Millinery 4 8 Clarke Adoli>he Shoemaker 'if Clt^roux Adrleu Saddler 4 8 Daunais Theodore Tainier 3^ 7| Desjardins Henri Mer. Tailor, &c. 3 7 iX'sjardins Honor6 VVatchniiiker Dubois Damase ... .Grocer & Carpenter 3 7 Duchesneau J. A.. Physician 4 7 Dugaa Godfroi Gen. Store 3^ 7i Duguay d. Olyiupe Tanner 2^ 5 Dupras Th^ophile . .Sew. Machine Agt. 'if Forget Uctave Notary 2J 5 Gauthier D Baker 4 8 Gauvreau Calixte .... Hotel 3 5 Jacques S Shoenuiker & Painter 3^ 7^ Joubert A. W. (Kstate of) Gen. Store 2^ 5 doubert Wim eslas Gen. Store 3 C} Lapointe Thomas Gen. Store 2 J 4 Latour L'lric illacksndth 4 Lessard TWodule Quarry 3 C^ Limoges Maglolre Shoemaker 4 8 Maille Louis Blacksmith ^ 7i Maisonneuve Felix Builder 3 c| Marcotte Edujond Contractor 3^ l\ Moody Matthew, & Sons ...Thre>hing( „ „ Machine Mfrs i ^ "* Navert Augustin Butcher 3 6i Paquet — Butcher 4 Poirier Emery Baker 4 8 Priv<^. Polyiibe William Carriages 4 8 Dufresne Isaie Dnchaine A., & Co Shoes 4 8 Dufres-ne Joseph, sr Hotel 2i 4^ Dufresne Louis Grocer 3 (i Dufresne Mapoliion Grocer 3 7 Dugre uharles Contractor * Dugre Isidore Grocer & Baker Dupont Mrs. E., wid Hotel DiHont J. A W &R. Liqs Dusablon J. P Saddler Dusf ault Hubert Cor.tractor Duval On»?8in\e Grocer Fortin Miss Adele Gncer Gaguon Mrs. Adfele (Mrs. Suite ditj jj VadeboncQiur, Millinery ^ Gailloux J. L. L Tailor Garneau J. E Dry Goods 3i Gauthier Adelard. Saloon 3 Gauthier Arthur. ..' Restaurant 4 Gauthier Isidore Dry Goods 3 6 Gauthier Michel Boots & Shoes 3 7 Gauthier Zephirin . • Grocer 3 6 GellnasC P.,& Frfere .. Furniture I & Pat. Shovel Mfrs. f Gelinas Moise Grocer 3^ 7i Gelinas Narcicse.Dry Goods & Clothing 3 5 GervHis M. Emery Physician 4 8 196 6i Gingras Edmond Horse Trader -i^ Girard Joseph ...Carriagemaker 3 7 Girard Leopold Undertakers (! Girard Mrs. Joseph iMillinery 3i "i Giroux J. Bte., & Co Sewing Machines 4 Godin Joan Bte Tins, &c. 3 7 Godin Joseph, & Fils Hardware 3 6J Godin J. E.. & Co Boots & Shoes Godin Jos. N., jr... Biscuit Mfr. & Conf. 3 OJ Godin J. P Dry Gtiods 3 7 Godin Louis Urhain Carriages •' Godin Miss D Milliner 3^ 7] Gouiii & Gouin. ..Mfrs. Cofiin Materials Gouin P. A Hardware & Gouin & Gouin, Grande Carl Furrier & Glovemaker 4 8 Grenier Louis Photographer Grenier Ulric Tobacco 6i. Fruits 3 V Guilbr rt Alexiindre Boots & Shoes 2^ fi Guilbert Grocer 3 (ii Guilbert Joseph Baker 4 8 Guillei M Dry Goods 3 6 Guilmette Zoel Tailor 4 8 Hall, Neilson »& Co Lumber See Hall & Price, Quebec. HartM. A.T Tin & Toys 4 8 Htbert — Uestaurant Hetu J. E Fhysician 2] 4 Hill John Tinware & Juriks 3i 7i Hoerner L. A Drugs 3 ej Hovilistou George B Hanker 2^ 4 Hudon & Orsali Whol. Grocers See Montreal. Jourdaiu Philippe. ...Grocer & Leather 2^ 5 " Journal oes 'I rois-Kivieres " See G. Desilets. Labarre Chas. G Com'n Labranclie Moise Builder '> l.,acas9e Avi.a Barber 3 7 Lacombe Narcisse Grocer 4 Lacroix E. A Marble 3 J^acroix Pierre Baker 4 7 8 .Dry Goods 2i 4i ■^ • 5\ 8 G 8 8 Lajoie & Frtre.. Lh joie Lucien Dry Goods 3 Lambert Adolphe Grocer 4 Lamothe Joseph Grocer 3 Laniothe O 'lailor 4 Langlois Louis P Tobacco 4 Lari \ iere Fran vols Undertaker 3 Larivi^ Miss Millinery 4 Lemay Telesphore Ice 3 LeNouvel Louis Grocer 4 8 Lessieur Mrs., widow liouis Hatter 4 Lessard J . Bte Grocer 4 8 Lessard Louis Grocer 4 8 Levasseur Joseph Hotel 3^ 7^ Levasseur Napoleon Grocer Lord Alexis Grocer 4 8 Lord Henri Zephirin Mer. Tailor 4 8 Luckerhoft' James R Tinsmith * Lymburner Telesphore.. CarriHgemaker 3 McDougall George Foundry 3^ MalhiotEd Cigar Mtr. 3 7 Maloi.e James C.,& Co — Hay & Grain ]Marchand Ztiphirin Coal Man el Ulo eric, jr Gro. & Pro v. Masse Eucher Tinsmith, &c. Masse Narcisse, Fils & Co.Tinsmiths,&c. iNlathieu H — Watchmaker Mercier Eugfene Grocer M ercier Thomas H uckster Millette Andre Grist Mill See Pointedu Lac. Morrissctte Eugfene Painter 4 » Morrlssette Eusebe Dry Goods 3 7 6} 3 Gi 3i e. ...: Baker 4' 8 TaylorE. J Saw\lill3 7 Thompson William Gen. Store 2^ 4^ TIKONABE. Chlcoutlini Co. Tel. Exp. & Rank Fraserville. Pop. 50. Perranlt Albert Postmaster Tremblay — Gen. Store 4 8 TINGAVICK. ArthabaskaCo. Stnqp from Warwicl:,f> miles. Pop. 2:)(). Tel. & Exp. Warwick. Bank at Riclimond , 23 miles. Biron Edonard Shoemaker 4 8 Bosse Joseph , ...Blacksmitli \ 8 B lurbeau Joseph E Gen. Slorc; 3i 7J DeLachevrotit;re A. C Physi< ijin '.'-I 7^ Desrochers RtMul .Shoemaker 4" Dicknor Joi^eph.... Tinsudth 4 8 Hamel Alfred Gen. Store 4 « Hebert Philippe ....Gen. Store 2J 3^^ Houle William Blaeksmith 'A TJ fjolicoeur Louis . SaddUn- 4' 8 LaLier P Blacks rdth 4 K Lariviere P. D.Gen. Store &Cheese .Mkr. 4 8 liCblanc Franyois. ...Blacksmith & Carr. 4 8 Is adeau Francois Grist & Saw .Al ill 3 G TREMBLAY. Chicoutiini Co. See Saint Anne de Saguenay. TKENHOLME. Drummoncl Co. 0/1 the River St. Francois. Staije from Itich- moiid, 5 miles. Pop. 150. Tel., Exp. & Bank at Richmond. Boast James .. Blacksmith R Gilt HallJohn Saw & Woolen Mill 3 g| Nunns .John M ......Agt. Musiciil Inls. 3 G Stevens Simon Cooper & P. M. * Stevens Wm I'eddler 4 8 Trenholme R Grist Mill 3i 7i TRINITY BAY. Sagiienay Co. See Bale de laTrinitd. TROIS PISTOLES. Temlscouata Co. O71 Intercolonial R.R., an south shore of St. Laiorence /liver. Pop. of Parish i, 00. ' Tel. & Exp. Bank at Fraserville. Bertrand David Gen. Store Bilodeau Louis, jr Blacksmith 3 7 D'Amour David Gen. Store 3 6 D' Aniour George Gro. & Li(is. 3 7 Dechene Clement Blacksmitli 4 8 Dech^ne Pierre Blacksmith '\ 7 Dery Mrs. David Gen. Store DubeL. TancrMeT Gen, Store 4 8 Garon George t'hysic an 3} 7 V Hardy J. H. Grist, Carding & Fullinur 1 Mill f Labrie Felix Blacksmith 4 8 Langlais Francois Jo<., sen. . . Pliysician 3 GJ Lavigne Mrs. J. A. Restaurant & Bakery 3 7 Lebioiid Joseph Black.smlrh 3J '\ Leclerc Widow Geo-ge Gen. Store 3 6 Miisse Wilfred Flour Mill 8 7 Morency Maxime Blackamiih 4 8 Nadeau T. Clement Baker ^ 7 Pelletier Thomas P Gen. Store 2i 3^ Plourde Antoine Tinsmith 4 8 197 Tro QUEBKC. Tal Reiionf L, GoiiKiicne Carrla^eB Koiiouf Mrs. Heli-no John*iOn.Sl»iiii{le , oi t .Mill i ^i ^ Rioiix Aljilioiiso Cifii. Store .'J (U Hioux Ferrtiuniul (.iiistMlUa «J Kioux (ioiizngue (Jen. Sturo .'J 7 iJioiix -Joseph Gen. Store 2 8 Kioux T . . Raker 3 Koiisseiui fteaii, jmi Wlieelwriglit 3 7 Turcotio Louis Blacksmith 4 8 TKOIS SA ITMONS. L.' Islet Co. Oi\ Tro\% SanmmiH lUver & Inter col mi in I '.'. A'. Pop. 3(i0. /-Jxp. & Ttil. Jiank at Qnibi'c, Bfrnier Nazaire Blacksmith 4 8 f iiroii (Scrniain C — P. M. & (ieii. Store 2J 5 Mevcier Sjininel Wheelwright 4 IMicliand Tlionias Lumber '^ 7 l-iosa Louis Gen . Store 3 7 Kousseji n A Saw Mill 4 7i Hoy .1. B : Watchmaker * St." IMerre Octave Win elwright ;> 7 Toussaint .Jacob Blacksmith 4 TROTTIKK P.O. Artlmbaska Co. 12 mUcsfrniii Stdiifohf Stntioii. See St. Helene de Chester. TIIOUT BROOK. Artlmbaska Co. Jiif/hf miles from Arthahnska Station. Tel., E.rp. & Hank at Artkabaska Sfafio^i. Lariviere 1*. D Postnjaster. TROUT RIVER. Huntingdon Co. See Heler.a. TROUT RIVER LINES. Huntingdon Co. .,. •, See Helena. ULVERTON, Druinmoiid Co. O)) the Black Hirer. Stage from Hic/imond, (5 ntile.i. Pop. 3D0. Teh, 'Exp. & Jiank at liichmond. Bernard Om^sime Saw & Grist Mil's 3 7 B()i8\ ert Pierre Grist M ill 3 7 Caii.i.bell \Yilliam Mills* Goddard George H., jr. & Bro I Carding Mills ) Miller James P.M. & Gen. Store 2* ir L'l 3 6 4 5 Mooney James S Tanner ..^ Moonev John .Gen. Store 3 Mountain Henry T Blacksmith 4 Patrick Stimuel Blacksmith 4 Porter John Carriitgemaker 3* 7i Wudleigh John M Gen. Store 2i 4| UNION COVE. br. See Montreal. Beaulne Emmanuel. Grocer 4 8 Yal QUEBEC. Var lleaureuard lienor^ Bnker Heauregaid L Restaurant Hertiaiid Misses Milllnerv, &c. Hlctte Olivier Butcljer Itoileau A Tinsmith Boin V..J TiiiHiiiith BolducT. &W Grist Mills Hougie L. M Grocer IJoiUMPsa J. N. A Grocer Hourdoii Si Frfere Pftiiiters IJiuirke T. J Gen. Store HoyerH. O Tailor Boyer Zepliirin Notary Brunet J. A Mer. Tailor Buntin Alex., &S011 Paper M 11« See IVTo Cardinal Joseph Hotel < 'aron J. B Purniturn Carri^re Kustache Carrlageii»al 3 e» 4 2i5 3 a 3 4 3 7 n 2i 5 3^ 7i '2| 5 3 (> '4 5 3 5i 3i t 3 7 n 5 4 3 7 4 4 7 2i 4 3 7 4 4 8 ;',t 3 7 3 7 4 8 4 4 ■^ 7i 3 7 4 8 4 4 3 7 3i n 4 8 3 (5 3 7 4 8 3 6 3 7 3 6 34 7i 3 6 3 6 4 8 4 8 3i 7^ 3 ^ 3 n 3i 3 6i 2hli 3i7i 3 6 McGill James Sew. Mach. Ajjent * Mcintosh Alex Buti-her 3i 7i Madden -John Gen. Store 3 cl Miidden W. H., & Co Boots* Shoes • Martin J... Photographer* Martin'au L.,1r Kestaiirant 4 MelocheMrs.S Millinery 4 8 Monette Victor .Ginger Ale, Soda, &c. 3 7 Montreal Cotton Co. ilncorponitedi. . . See Montreal. Morand Au^ustin Carrlagemaker 4 Morand A.,jr Blacksmith 3\ 71 Morand Alex Ciimiiy L^'oii, jr Blacksmith 8 7 Durnnd P'rniicols Sa
    n .loH. P Plivsiciaii 3 at( Hte Shooinnker 4 Kaviiiingh Thoiuae.Oen. Store Arethllor 4 8 l^aiiKliis Kile Baker 4 8 hii88i«'r Fflix Mill OwiKT li 2 Jais«fer .Toflepli, jr Baker 4 8 LiiHHler .losejjh, nr Peddler 4 8 Malepart Kustache Black.-nti'h 3 7 MaHSiie Louis H Mill li 2 Paiiichaud Charles Frs Physieiaii 2] 4 Painch.iud Kdoiiard Physician 21 6 Payette Azarle Cnrriajieiiiaker 3] 7i PeileKilni — TluBinith 4 8 Prevost Emery Carriageniaker 4 8 liit'hanl fToseph BuiUler 4 8 niinias Louis Blaokmiith 3j 7i Touraiigeau Mrs., wld Hypollte (dit t „ n Mnl<-part) Gen. Store & Bakery | VAIJDKEUIL. Vaudreiill Co. County Kent. On (iran:1 Trunk Jt.H. Pop. 500. Tel. t& Exp. Bank at Montrtal, 'J.A miles. Bouhonnais Neslpliore Contractor Brabant (i. N (jen. Store Briibseur Mrs., wid. Jos Bnker 4 8 Bray & Brule Gen. Store 3 6 Brule Dieudonn^ Speculator, &c, 2 8 Constant laboire Gen., Store 2i 4i DenisAug Physicinn 4 8 DesUosieis Henry A Physician 4 8 (lautliicr Emery Hotel 3i 7i Harwood H. S Measurer 2] 5 l^aioude Mrs. Victor Gen. Store Lalonde Valerie Sew. Mai'h. A gt. 3 7 Larivt'e Adolph" Wood 3^ 7^ Lavigne Napoleon Mills 4 Let'ebvre C. Ovide Gen. Store 4 8 Leroux Dumase Grain Dealer 4 8 Leroux Odilon Hotel 3^ 7J Lucas Francois Blacksmith 4 8 LucHs Louis Blacksmith 4 8 Meloche Louis Gen. Store 4 8 Meloche Simon Gen. Store * PerillardE Saddler 4 8 Boohon Dosillu^ Hotel HA 7^ Serre Antoine .Hotel 3| 7 Talllefer fIor«iirie Blacksmith 3i 6* Valois J. Azilda Grocer 3 6j VKNICE. MisHisquoi Co. Five miles from Stavbridge Station. Tel. & Exp., Stanbridge Station . Bank at Bedford, 8 miles. VENOSTA. Ottawa Co. Forty-five miles from Ottawa. Tel. Kazabazua, 5 miles. Exp. & Bank at Ottawa. McCatf rey James Postmaster VEKCHEBES. Vercheres Co. County seat. On Montreal & Sorel Jl.R., 24 miles itelow Montreal. Daily stearfter. Pop. 900. Tel. <& Exp. Bank at Montreal. Amiot & Chicolue Gen. Store 2^ 4^ Boisseau Solomon. .., Baker 3 7 BuBsifere Horace Blacksmith 3 6 Dansereau Hercule.., Saw Mill 3 6 Deslau tiers Alfred Grocer 4 8 Fontaine George H Physician 2^ 5 Guyon F., & Co Gen. Store 3 6i 20i). Guyon Frederic.... Blacksndth. See F. Guyon & Co. Jacques Jdromo Gou. Store 3 i>\ Lnnglois Simt^on Baker 3i Tj Lap«)rte J. B Phy>lclan 4 7) Laro-o Fcl'x C Gen". Store 3 51 Lurose <& Prive Agrl. Implt. Mfrs. 3 (ij MaloJos Tinsniith 3i tJ Marchaiu! & Co Gen. Store Marchand Wilfred ( arriag(!maker 4 8 Mongeau Hector Tannery, &o. 4 Perron Francois Shoemaker Racine Isaie Grocer 2i 4J Tt'trault Louis Hay 3 (ij T^trault Oswald Hotel Si TJ VCzina Peidinand N....Furn. Mt'r., &c. 2i 4 VERSAILLES. TborvHlo Co. 071 Central Vermont, ff'aterloo it- Mayny branch, 8 miles from St, Johns. J'op. 200. Tel. & Exp. Bank at St. Johns. Benjamin Paul Carriageniaker 3A 7} Boucher Alfred il otel 3] 7* ( hoqiiette Norbert Gen. Store 3 f j Lacombe Ludger Gen. Store 3 7 St. Germain Hubert 4 8 VICARS. Huntingdon Co. Sta(/e from ffemminoford, S miles. Pop. 100. '1^< I,' & Exp. Hemming ford. Bank at Mont- real. Brisbin Charles ....Saw Mill 3 G Wilson James Gen. Store 3 C^ VICTORIAVILLE (Artliabaska Station P. O.) Artlmsbaka Co. See Arthabaska Station. i VIGER. Temiscouata Co. i See St. Epiphane. VILLAGE DES AULNAIES. L'lsletCo. See St. Koch des Auinaies. VILLAGE RICHELIEU. RouviUe Co. .1 , See Richelieu. :, i i ; . i., VILLETTE. Coniptoii Co. Nine miles from Coatieook. Weekly stage. Pop' 160. Tel., Exp. & Bank Coatieook. VINCENNES. Champlain Co. See St. Luc. , , . VFNOY. Ottawa Co. Twenty-three miles from rapineauville. Tel. & Exp. PapiueauL-ille. Bank at Ottawa, 64 miles. Lcduc Joseph . , . .Postmaster & Saw Mill 3 6i VINTON, (or Upper Litchfield). J j Pontiao Co. Sixteen miles from Portage du Fort. Tel. Fort Coulonqe, 7 miles. Exp. Haley's Station, Ont. Bank at Renfrew, Out. Pop. 50. (iagnou — Hotel Gilchrist A Gen. Store & P. M. 4 Grace P Gen. Store i Kelly James Gen. Store 4 Wak QUEBEC. Wat WAKKKIKLI). Ottawa Co. On the liiriT (^!athu'an,'2l mlleH from ()/(n 3 SJ Conitois Edgar Baker Frawley Wni Cattle Dealer Fronette E Blacksmith Gautliier liouis . .Cord Wood & Farmer Genest Napok'on A Gen. Store (Hngras F Carr. Maker Hamel Raphael Grist Mill Houle W. C Jeweller & Photo. 'lohnson C. E .. ... — Gen. Store 3i 7J Kirouac Xavier, & Co Gen. Store 4 8 & Etienne ('antin. Lemay L. L Gen. Store * Lemieux Joseph Geu. totore 4 8 3 7 Ling Joini & William .... Shlnuh^ Mill 3 fl Moiinier Charles. Temp Ho I'l 4 8 I'arHulude J. B Boot & Shoes Ri 7J Fontaine Sim6on Cheese Fcty 3J 7j Rfiircoux Joseph 4 8 Picard Joseph A Tinsr: ith 8 7 Tanguay Charles, & Son Gen. Store 2i 4 J Tauguay N. P Prov., Grain, &c. 3 6 20^ Trahan Antoine (ien Storc.l'MlU Tralnin Pierre Xarclcse.... Mill & I,;im. 3 6J AVELLH TOWNNIIII'. OtlaviaCo. McCabe James. .Fura, Oen. S. it Trader 8 OJ WEST miLTON. nromeCo. Three miUifrom Kuotclli/n. Tvl. , Money Order Otflre. Dubois M PoHtmast t WKHT IIIIOME. nroiiie Co. Oti a Prnnrh nf'thn Yanitmkn lii-rrr and Smith EnMferv It. It. I'op.W). Til. A E.rp. Bank at Cou'tinHville, T) viilvH. Bcanlsley E. W Cfur. Maker 34 7\ Benjamin J. W.. Saw & Grist Mill «: ( CheiHc Fcty. ) 3 7 ("owie John, Jun Blacksmith 24 5 (ialer .1. N Gen. Store 24 44 Glea-on Dr. E. E .G. S. .V Inn. Agt. 8i 7 McFarlamc Win. Gro. & Cheese Fcty. 3 7 PettCB James C Cheese Mfr. 2i 4^ PurkiKS .lohnC Oen Store WEST 11ROU(.HTON. tleauce Co. Bcandiiiii ,T, Lndger Gen. Store Bilodeau Gabriel Blacksmith .3J 7J (Jagn'> .Joseph (irist Mill 3 7 (ia^ner Alfred Tinsmith 4 H Giiigras Elcii8lppe....G.S. & Blacksmith 3^ 7i Marcotte Leopold Shoemaker 4 (s Mercier (luillaume Gen. Store 4 8 Rouleau Louis Tinsmith 4 8 Turcotte Hubert Mills 3 6 WESmilBY. Coinpton Co. On the St. Francis Klrer and Qnel>ec Cevfrnl ]}. It. Pop. CM). Tel.d- Exi). from ((mkshire, 8 miles, hank at Sherbroolce, 11 milts. Arkl 'y George Gen. Store 4 8 Barli'W F Blacksmith 4 WillardF. F.... Blacksmith 4 8 WEST DITTON. Comptoh Co. Twelre miles from Scotstown. Pop. .300. Tel. & Exp. Scotstown. Bank at Sherbrooke, 40 mites, Beaudry Isaie Postmaster WEST FARNHAM Misslsquol Co. On South Eastern, Montreal , Portland & Boston, St. Lawrence & Cham plain & Central Veiinont It. Tt. Pop. 3,(00. Tel., Money Order Office & Exp. A banking toion, Archambault J. Bte Butcher 2i ^ Andette Cyrille. Lnmber 34 74 Barriere& Leduc Carr. Makers 3| 74 Bt^angerJos Gen. Store 3 ^ 74 Bt^riau Pierre, jr Stnly.& Frames 3i 7^^ Beriau Pierre, sr Notary 3 6 Bessei te J. B Tailor 34 71 Boisvert On(^8i me Boots & Shoes 2J 4 Boulanger Gustave Drnagist 3 6^ Bourque Antoine Saw «& virislTsiill 3 5 Bowker M. E.. & Co Gen. Store 3 6^ Brodeur Frederick..,. ..Ijvery 34 7^ Brodeur Pierre Hotel 3J 7^ Burwick — Gen. Store 3 C Choquette J. Edward Butcher 3J 74 ChoquetteL. E. S. Bookseller & P. M. 3 f>\ Collier Mrs., wld. L. N Hotel 3 6 Dartois P. A ..Physician 3 6 Decelles Jos. Amablo. . ; ; ; . . .Gen. Store 3 if We8 QUEBEC. vni T)eMaiitelH AlphoiiHO BontH & SIioch 3 fi Dimi SiiiiiiK'l Gen. Store 3i7J Iiiiiialiiic K., & Co ....Geii. More .'tj «i Imiiii Sylvi(*tr«( Cont'ect. 4 8 i:;usl«rii TowiiBhlps Uiuik br. S»'(' Sherbrooke. Klim'? * Hrn Lunil)er & Sh»1u-b 'A 7 Kc (Jcorge (jiocer 4 Fcpiticr .lom'ph ■Waggoiiinaker # (iHiny ,Jo8 Grocer &c S\ 7^ (iaiidt'itf & Co iliirdwnre & Stoves 3J 6i (JtMitlroii »IoH. A Dry (ioiuU. .'{ fl (;ifiH«oii Ij ISIaililiilst 3 6 (ilroux Francois X.. (}eii. Store (iobeille IMt-rre, Jr loincr Contractor 3 Bi (inert ill J. U Carr. M .ker 3i 7i Ilciirichon Antoiiie. IMLianl Koon) 3 Ct] .lett ■ Molse Baker 3 6J .lodoiii .Joseph Hotel 3 C .Fiiiilre Ainhrolso Motels 6 Kiiu'liani Walter A. Jeweller & Photo. * I.;il>oiit«' K Furniture 3i 7 i.ajialine .lean Gro. & IJaker 3 G 1-areau & Fri-re. Hotel 3 6 J-avitine & Co TitiBnilths 4 Lfclaire Charles Hotel 2i 6 Lelii'vre Henri (Jrocer J-J 7 J! l,t(inin .lo8., jr Flour, &c. 3 M C.Cork i II K. Carthy Physician 4 8 Mattel & Co Gro. & Crockery 3 7 MaM8ieotte& Fr»jr<* Tinsmiths .'Ij 7i Meius 1 ). » Lumber 2 UJ Meigs Hosiery Co See 1>. B. Meigs. Menard Benjamin Gen. Store .'U 7* Mei izzi Valentin Mills See Farndon, Miillin George (iroeer Miiliin Mrs. George Dry Goods See George Mullin Nadeau .T. B Gro. & Liqs. 3 6 Oniniet Alex. N Gro. & Liquors 8 5 I'arndis Hubert Saw Mill Patch A. C Gen. Store PloIilFe F Hotel 3i 7i Poilender Napoleon Hotel Hichard 'J'elesphore Baker Slack (i. F Physician, &o. Smith Exupere. Blacksmith Smith Jos. Romuaki Cabinetmaker Starke Ahs. Alex Carding Mill Surpretiant Moise Gen. Store Tarte Ferdinand Hotel Tiernay .Tames B I'hysiciau Tremblav Philippe Gen. Store Truax Gi A Foundry Trudel Victor Hotel 2i Valiquette& Co. .. Drugs & Gen. Store 2^ AViisou John Tanner & Shoemaker 3 6J 8 3k 7 4 n WEST FRAMPTON. Dorchester Co. Tiiirtetn miles from St. Henedine. Pop. of 7'aW.s/t 2,000. Tel. Sf. Marie, i) miles. JCjcp. Scotrs Junction, 17 miles. Bank at Qiu-bec, Audet & Lacroix Gen. Store Deblois Bartel Builder 3 ])oyle John K Potash & Gen. Store 2 Dwyer John Blacksmith 8 Falls .Vargaret, wid. Daniel. Gen. Store 3 Fournier Francis Blacksmith 4 Leclaire Joseph Shoemaker ■^ W£ST H ATLiEY. Stanstead Co. See MasBawippi. WKST POTTON. nroineCo. Oh thi' MhntHiptoi liivir, 4 miltfs from Man- sovviltr. l>op.-J,. K.ip, A'tanHuHiille. Jiank at ('oirajtnvilte. WKMTMHKrFORD. Shefford Co. On thr Ynvinnkn fiinrnntl StnvMteiifl, Shrfford

    7 n 5 8 2i3i 3 ej 4 8 Lacerte Arthur P.M., Hay & Grain 3 6 Yam QUEBEC. Yar J.acerte Ernest Gen. Store 3 5 l.amotho Paul. ... Grocer Ltidoux Edouard Blacksniitli 3 6J ].emire Ainable Saw & Woolen Mills 3 7 ];esieur Odilon Hotel 3 6 Loraiiger Mrs. B Gro. & Baker 3 6 Marchand Fran9oi8 Wheel wriiaht 3 7 ISlelanfon E Geii. Store 3i 7 ISlolanyon Fr 'J'rahan Charles Cabinetmaker 8 6J Villomure Edmond Gen. Store 4 8 YAMASKA. Yamaska Co. On (he River Yamaska and South Eastern R, R Pop. 800. Tel. & Exp. Bank at Sorel, 12 miles. Auclaire Adolphe Joiner 3i 7 Auto tie Laclance Blackaiulth 4 8 Belland B. Houor^ Gen. Store 3 6 C'amire Autoine Saddler & Grocer 3 Charland A., & Co Barge Owners * Charland Arthur Gen. Store 4 Lambert Joseph Carr. Maker 4 Lambert Henri Butcher 3i 7J Landry J. Joseph .... .... Gen. Store 4 8 Laplante Pierre ... Sho»»niaker 4 8 Larivit're & iJesjardlnB. . .Gro. & Bakers 4 8 Lassalle Aime Gro. & Confectioner 3 7 Letendre Pierre Gen. Store 2^ 4J Leveill<> Louis (dit Fourquin) . . . G. Store 4 7 MignauU It. M. S Physician 2| 5 Parenteau Narcisse Temp. Hotel 4 8 Pelletier J. B Carr. Maker 3^ 7 PeliHsier Victor Black.^^mith 3 7 Kobidoux Eue6be....Gro, & Blacksmith 3 6 Salvas Mr.s. Pierre Grocer 3i 7i TheiTiault Louis Tinware Sj 7 J YARlVr. Fontlao Co. ' Seventeen miles from Sa7ul Point. Tel. Shaio- ville, 6 miles. Exp, Sand Point. Rank Amprior, Ont., 23 miles. Pop. 20, Mc Janet Robert Insurance Agent 1 !'.'«• ■I : '..I/, .-.v. I. M . ■ I. ; I ■ • ■nil..!.. /■■ ,! ./J'- ;i. • Ji I ..,• (,,1 _-^ , v,ii.,.. U 'liil I . - ...H,i ■ .- • 'I * ■,:■>, } r . u i> , • // / 1 ' ; ■'■' . ' ■' » ■\ . I >; ' I ■ t n.l ( ■A I, if. ! . < ^ . ' 1 , *• i f .f'.i ." < I' ' ;; S'- -A i ' , V ^ V ■ f \ V '.. ,* ( ' 1 i-.>ii / ./(■)'/ * . \ \ •*'■.' '■' ' I i r 1 -.111 i.'.'"' ;!.', ./, •, 11,. .,; »■,..(■/. . ■ , , • r-, ill... > 1. • t ,\ 1 - II ■ ' > . ,u:-,:,\ .■ •;; it 1 , i -. .') • ..i;i , •:-;i. fii rr^K. _'■ (!,i' I-.,f. ^'•\ ...... . .:^ ii::-:. Jii- '■u'.ifJjrf. 205 :r . . ( . ' v'l • ' PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK, ABOIISHAGAN. Westmoreland Co. Tel., Exp. & Rank Sackv ill e, a miles. Pop. 100. Boudreau T. F Gen. Store & Tins 4 8 Kobiclieau ij. ...LobHlers 4i Gen. Store ' See Shediac. ACADIA SIDING, Keut Co. McDonald John Grocer 4 6 ACADIEVILLE. Kent Co. On I. C. R. Tel., W. U. Exp,, WeUlford. Bank Newcastle. Dwycr Henry Gen. Store 4 8 Murray Henry Gen. Store 4 8 ADAMSVILI.E. Kent Co. On Flmi Station I. C. It. Tel. Si Exp. JVelford Station. Hank Moncton. Kennedy James M Gen. Store 4 ALBERT. Albert.Co. On Albert R. It. T,-l., W. U. Exp. & Bank milsboro. Pop. 300. Anderson & McClane Gen. Store 3J 7i Atkinson J. S' (Exlr.) Gen. Store 3 Atkinson K. Gen. Store* I'. M. 3i 7i Baldwin Daniel N Tannery 3 7 Barber George W Gen. Store 3 7 Brewster & McLeod Ca'r. Makers 3i 7^ Boyle James E Blacksmith 4 8 Daly William Shoemaker 4 8 Derry C. W Contractor 3i 7^ Fullerton ALBERT MINES. Albert Co. On Albert R. R. Tel. & Exp., Ilillsboro', 5 miles. Bank Moncton. Pop. 300. AL>IA. Albert Co. Tel., Harvey. Exp. , Hillsboro' . Bank Monc- ton. Pop. 500. Alma Lumber & Shipbuilding Co I „ ., Lumber} ^ ^ McDonald H. S. *. Gen. Store 3^ 7i Mitchell W. J Gen. Store 3j 7^ Rommell VV Gen. Store 3 7 Stewart Jas Blacksmith 3i 7i Stewart Sutherland,. ... ....Blacksmith 3^ l\ ANAGANCE. Kings Co. On I C. R. Tel , W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank Sussex, 6 miles. Pop. 100. Fairwealhei Thomas Gen. Store 3^ 1\ McLauchian & Wilson Lumber See Carleton. ANDOVER. Victoria Co. On Neio BrunsuHck R. Tel., IF. U. Exp., Am. Hank \Voodstock, 50 miles. Pop. 350. Beveridge & Co Geir Store 2] 4| Brannei: II. P Gen. Store 4 Everett Wm Mil s 3 (\\ Howard Mrs. E. R Grocer 4 Hoyt & liurnhanj ...Gen. Si ore 4 8 . Kelly G. Leonard' Shoes 3| 7^ Kupkey Abram E ...Blacksmith 3 7 McVeeters Mis. William Millinerv 3^ 7^ Perley J. Allen Hotel, &c. 3 Scott R Shoennikcr 4 Straton Bros Gci . Store 3 7 Waite S.P.,&Co (ien. Store 3 C APOHAQUI. Kings Co. On I. a n. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank Snsse.v, o miles. Pop. 225. Adamson Uobert . . .Tanner By roll I). S Uqs. «& Grocer 4 s Downey W. G Boots & Shoes .'{ 7 Ellison Geo. , jr Blacksinitli 3 7 Erb VV. A Saw & Grist M ills -^ 7 Fenwick Matthew Gen. Store 2i 4} Hamilton D. J Gen. Store 3j 7^ Keirstead A. J Gen. Store 2| 5 Jones G. IJ Gen. Store 3j 7^ Long Edward Gen. Store 3 G Sinnott.l. A., & Co Gen. Store 2^ A\ Williams Kobert Carriages 3 7 ARMSTRONG'S BROOK. Restlgiiuclie Co. On I. C. R. Tel., Exp, & Bank Campbellton. Pop. 2 10. Barclay John C Hotel Doyle Jas V Gen. Store & Mill .3 6 AROOSTOOK JUNCTION. Victoria Co. On New Brnnswick R. Tel., W. L\ Exp., Am. Bank [Foodatock, GO miles. Pop. 4uii, Giberson F. W Lumberman Also Masardis, Me. Hopkins W. & E Gen. Store 2} ."> Scott Mrs. Alox Gen. Store 4" Stevens & liohinson Lumber 2i \\ Also Hiram Stevens »Sc h 'J] 5 Bishop Sanuiel Gen, Stnro 1*^ 5 BislK.p VV. P Physician 4 8 lilais Anloine Liquors 3^ 7^ Boss & McKenzie Stoves, Tins, Ac 'i^ Burns K. K. & Co Gen. Store & Mill I'J 4 Buttimer .Jami'8.... ...Gen. Store :i\ 5 Carter John T Hotel 3 7 Cartsr Mrs. Albert Millinery 3 7 ( 'ourier Des Provinces Maritime Donn lly John — Liquor.e 3 7 Doucette L. a., & Co Gen. Store 4 Ellis John Barber & Restaurant 3 7 KUis Robert Gen. .Store 4 Gallant A Saloon 4 8 Gaiin F. J Fish 3 6 Hache P. J Sew. Mach. Agent 'r Hachey Hilarion Gen. Store & Mill 3 6J Hickson Robert \Vatch»is & > „ „ Jewtilry. \ "* ' Hodnett E. E Harness 4 8 Johnson Mrs. W. K Milliner 3 6 Ivearey T. F Hotel A Livery 2i 5 Kearney Thomas Gen. Store 3 7 Kent Wm. d„ & Co ..Gen. Store 2| 5 & Samuel Bishop. Kerr John Tan' t-r 3 6 Leahy Tliomas, jr Gen. Store & Liq. 3 6 Lewis Geoi ge Smal 1 wares, &c 3^ 7 J Mager Wm Blacksmith 4 8 McCullough Mrs. Mary E ..Gen. Stoie 4 McrJhatton Pet<'r Carriages 3 7 JNlcKe zie E. J. W Agr'l. Implts. 4 McKennaBro.) Tailors 3J 7^ McLean Angus Gen. Store 3 7 Meahan H. , & Co Gen. Store 3 Me dian Miss M. A ContVctioncry 4 8 Meahan Mrs. James Gen. Store 3 7 Melancon .Joseph J. L Tra(i, Atkinson Bowden Uarriagemaker 3 J 7i Black Charles A riiy>ician 3 6 Casey I)., & Sons Tanners 3^ 7^ Oooden Albert Blaoksniith 3 6 GoodeuK. C.,& Co Traders 3 5 Gooden Edmund Gen. Store 4 Goodwin \V. W Phy's & Drugs 4 8 Harper C. & Co Gen. Store 4 Lamb John G Gen. Store 3 7 McGlashing Mrs. J. Smith Mil- linery. 4 McLeod James Gen. Store 3i 7^ Magee Thomas Trader 2-^ 4 Mahonty \Vm, J Gen. Store 3 G Prescott Joseph Gen Store 3 7 Prescotl Kobert Geu. Store 3 6 Pre8et)tt Wm Gen. Store 3 7 Williams U., & Co Gen. Store BEAR ISLAND. York Co. Tel., Ex. & Bank Fredericton,'24: miles. Burden Welbert A Gen. Store 4 8 Guion Chas. S Geu. Store 3i 7i BISAVEBHABBOR. Charlotte Co. Tel. St. Oeorge, 10 miles. Ex. <& Bank St. John, 45 miles. Fop. 150. Ash & Cross Gen. Store 3 6 Best George S Gen. Store Hanson Jacob L ..Gen. Store 3 6 BEAVER POINT. Restigouche Co. Dutch George Miller 2^ 5 BECKAGUIMEC. Carleton Co. (See Hartland.) BELIiEDOUNE. (iloucester Co. On I. C. H. Tel., W. U. Ex., Intercolonial Bank Bathurst, 20 miles. Pop. 160. Chalmers James Store Store ClanceyS. Hotel 3i 7J CuUigan John Gen. Store 3 7 Curry John GrociT 3 7 Poirier &Cosselin. Lumber & Gen. Store BELliEISLE. Kings Co. Tel. Ex. Norton, 8 miles. Bank Sussex Pop. 400. CaseGoorgeF Carriages 4 8 Crandall Gilbert Gen. Store Fairweather Abrara Bla^iksndth 3 7 Fowler W. A ;.... Gen. Store Keirstead Isaiali Grist Mill 3 7 Keirstead -J. A. S Gen. Store 2^ 6 McAllister Waiter Gen.Store & B'smith 3 7 Perkins W. A Gen. Store 4 8 Scovil G. G. G Gen. Store 3 6 Sherwood Abner Mill 3 6 White S. H Gen.Store 3 6i BELIiEXSLE CREEK. Kings Co. Scovil Geo. G Gen. Store 3 7 208 « BELLEISLE POINT. Kings Co. Case Isaac Blacksmith 3 7 Gillies E.M Grist Mil] & Tavern 3i 7i BELLIVEAU VILLAGE. Westmoreland Co. ' ' ' (See Dorchester.) ■ '■ ' BELLVILLE. Carleton Co. Tel. Ex. , & Bank Woodstock, 8 miles, Dalling J. W Gen. Store 3 7 See also Woodstock, BENTON, Carleton Co, (See Benton, York Co.) ■ BENTON. York Co. On Neio Bi-unsii'ick It. Tel. & Bank Wood- stock. Ex. , Am. Pop. 100. Gibson Wm Gen. Store 2^ 4 J Murray George jr Gen. Store 3 7 Parsons & Gibson Tanners 2^ 4 Spear William Gen. store 3 7 BEBESFORD, Gloucester Co. Barbour John Gen. Store 4 8 BERRY'S.MILLS, Westmorelead Co. On 1. a 11. Tel., W. U. Ex., Intercolonial. Bank Moncton, 8 miles. Pop. 100. Johnson J. A.,.. Mill 4 BERWICK. Kingss Jo. (See Millstream.) ' ' BLACK BROOK. Nortliumbei-laud Co. (See also Chatham.) Tel., Exp. & Dank, Chatham, 5 miles. Pop. 300. Loggie A. &R Gen. Store 3^ Murray James Liquors 4 8 Kussell F. W Gen. Store 3 7 Sinclair John Gen. Store 4 8 BLACK POINT, Restlgimche Co. On I. C. It. Tel., Exp. ,& Bank Campbellton. Pop. 150. Dickie Alexander. Hotel, &c. 3 6 D ckie David Gen. Store 3 G^ Lauglilan Samuel Mill 3 7 McMurray James Geu. Store 4 8 McNair David Gen. Store 3^ Kussell Angus F Fish, &c. 4 8 BLACK RIVER. Kent Co. Tel. , Exp. & Bank, Chatham, 12 miles. Flannagan Patrick Hotel 3 6 BLACK RIVER. Northumberland Co. Tel., Exp. <& Bank, Chatham, 10 miles. Fowlie G.... Mills 3 6 BLACKVILLE. Northumberland Co. On N. & W. It. Tel., Exu. <& Bank, New- castle, 24 miles. Pop. 460. Donald Mrs. Martha Gon. Store 4 8 Gibson Alexander Mill Owner Griiidley W. H.. Gen. Store 8i 7^ Kehoe Patrick Gen. Store 3 6 Lay tien Jacob Lumber & Store Bli NEW BRUNSWICK. Buc McConnell John Hotel McDonald Finlay.. Lumber 3J 7i Sullivan Daniel Lumber, <&c. 3 Uiulerhill H. N. Q Lumber Untlerhill vVm. T Gen. Store 3 6 BLISSFIELD. NoHhamberland Co, McDonald J. A Gen, Store 3 BLOOMPIEL,D. Carleton Co. Tel , Exj). & Bank, Woodstock, 16 mUe». Pop. 201). inmn B. P Gen, Store 4 8 Dunn Kegina Gen. Store (See B. P. Dunn,) Landry J. A Saw Mill 3 7 London Edward Gen. Storp 3 7 McLellan Robert Organs 3 7 Stokes George II Gen, Store 4 8 Wolliaupter H Gen. Store 3i 7^ IIL.OOMFIEI.D, Kliig'rtCo. Oh the I. C. R. Tel., W. U., Ex. Intercolonial. Bank, St. Jokn, 2,1 miles. I'op. 100. Folkins S, B Gen. Store 3J 7i Houston James Blacksmith 3 J l\ White H.V' Gen. Store 4 8 BOC ABEC, Charlotte Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. Andrews. Hanson Richard B Saw Mill 3 6 BOISTOWN. NorlhHinberland Co. Tel., E.vp. & Bank, Fredei'icton or Newcastle. J'op. 250. Campbell John Gen. Store 3i 7^ Fairly Justus Lumber 4 H Fairly J. W Gen. Store 4 8 McChiskey Mrs Liquors 3^ 7^ McMillan W. H Gen. Store 4 8 Richard Wni Lumber also Nashwaak Village. Saunders P, . Gen. Store 3 7 Thibaudeau Benjamin Gen, Store 3 6 Whelan O. B Gen, Store & Hotel BON ACCORD. Victoria Co. Kilburn.-i Landing. Tel., Exp., Perth. Bank, Woodstock. Adams B Gen. Store 3 7 BOTSFOBD. Westmoreland Co. Tel., Exp., Aulac, 22 miles. Bank Saokville. Pop. 200. Amos J ames, & Co Lobsters 3 7 Avt^rdC, F.,&Son 3 6i Burke Amoa 3^ l] Copp Bros — Gen. Store See Port Elgin. Friel John 3i 7i Hallihan :Michael Flour 3k 7i Lehlanc PaciHque P 3J 7} Mtthoncy Patrick G Saw Mill 3 7 Noonan James Tanner 4 8 Portland Packuig Co Canned Goods 1 1 See Portland, Me. Walton Burns Shoemaker 4 8 BOUDBEAU VIIiLAGE. Westmoreland Co. Boudreau Thoe. K Geiu Store 4 8 BOUNDARY CREEK. Westmoreland Co. Station I. C. Ji. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Moncton, 5 miles. Killam Joseph. Blacksmith 4 S BOUNDARY LINE. Carleton Co. Te.l., Exp. & Bank. Woodstock, 7 miles. Pop, 160. ^ Freeman Chas Liquors 9 8 Freeman George Gen. Store 3 J 7 Thibodeau Bros Liquors 4 8 Thonips,.n Daniel Liquors 2J 5 White A. H.,& Co Gen. store 3 6 BRADAL.BANE. Bestigouche Co. McMillan James Gen. Store 3 7 BiiID(iETOWN, Northumberland Co. On Dirhij Sidinff, I. C. P. Tel., W. U. Exp. 6 bank, Neiocastle,3 miles. Sinclair Edward Mill & Gen. Store 2J 4^ BRKiHTON, CarlaUm Co. (See Hartland.) BRISTOL,. Carleton Co. (See Shlktehawk.) BRISTOL. Westmoreland Co. Tel., Exp., Shediac. Bank Moncton. Pop, 300. ■* Avard Chas. F Gen. Store 3 7 Avard Wm O en. Store 3 7 Blacklock T, O, & J. S Gen Store 4 8 Cadman James Gen. Store 3 7 Copp Adam B Mill 3 6 BRISTOL, York Co. Smith Thomas Blacksmith 4 8 BROOKLYN, Westmoreland Co. Copp Harvey S Saw Mill 4 8 BRYANTON P. O. Northumberland Co. Tel., Exp., Derby. Bank, Neiccastle. Bryauton Albert Gen Store 3 7 BUCTOUCHE. Kent Co Tvl„ Exp. & Bank, Kingston, 18 miles. Pop 800, Bourque CoTimons Gen. Store Bourque Venant Gen, Store See also Commons Bou Bourque Vital Boots* & Shoe.s Burke Rose Millinery, &c. Coates John Saw Mill Conley Mrs. Jessie Gen, Store Cormier A, D . . Gen. Store Cormier F. D Qro. & Oyt4tei s (Jornuer F. J Geu. Store Cormier S. D. M ,, . ,,.Gen. Store Dominion Packing Co Lobsters Foley B. H Gen, Store GeditisMiss lien. Store Gogain P. S Gen, Store Graham Hugh , Boots & shoes Grattou Anthony Gen. Store Irvine J. D Gen. Store Irvinsr Herbert Mill Johnson Anthony Saw Mill Johnson Wm, & James Qiist Mill N 209 3 6> 3 6i rque. 4 8 3i, n 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 « 4 8 2Hi 4 .X 3;i '\ 4 8 3 7 4 2, 4i ^ 3 7 Bum . . NEW BRUNSWICK. Can Johiistoi. & Ross Gen. Store 2^ 5 King W. G Phys'ii & Drugs 3i 7i Landry 1). IJ Hotel 4 8 Landry & Leblaiic Gen. Store 4 8 Leblanc E . J. L Gen . Store 3 7 McM annus Chas Hotel McMannus S. H Gen. Store 4 8 Muri ay H. C. & J. D Lobsters See Dominion Packing Co. O'Leary Mrs Liquors 3 7 PoirierMrs. Ruiina Hotel 4 8 PowfllJames H Harness 4 8 Kicbard A. S Lobster & Hotel 4 8 IdcbardG. S Trader 4 Kobichaud Henry D Gen. Store 4 8 "Walker John.... Blacksmith 3^ 7i BUMFRAU. Carleton Co. McNally Frank E .Gen. Store 3 6 Moore Saiuuel F 4 BURDEN. York Co. Moore Mrs. John Gen. Store 3J 7i BURNT CHUK<;H. Northumberland Co. Tel.. Exp. & Bank, Chatham, 21 milts. Pop. 2U0. Andirson J. W. & J . .Gen. Store & Mill 3 6 Davidson A O en. Store 4 8 Loggie Alex., & Donald Gen. Store 3 Morrison Peter Fish 2^ 5 BURNT LAND BROOK. Victoria Co. Tel. & Exp. Perth. Bank Woodsftock. Everett William Mill 3 6 BUTTERNUT RIDGE. King's Co. On Branch I. C. R. Tel., Exp. & Bank Petit- > codiac, 12 miles. Pop. 160. Keith C. I , «& Co Gen. Store, Mfrs. Matches, &c. 2^ 4i Price Chas. G Gen. Store 4 8 Kegan John H Waggons, &c. 3i 7i Schoti Id Isaac Gen. Store 3 6 Seely J. D Blacksmith 3^ 7i CALHOUN'S MILLS. Westmoreland Co. See Memramcook. CAMBRIDGE. Queen's Co. Tel. , Exp. & Bank, St. John, 25 miles. Pop. 150. Belyea Charles Gen. Store 8 6i Black Asa L Gen. Store Toddl, M Gen. Store 3J 7i Whites, v., & Son.... Tanning & Gen I . „ , Store ( ^ " White W.H Gen. Store 3 6 CAMPBELLTON. Restigouche Co. On I. C. 11. lel,,W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank. Pop. 1,000. Adams A. G., & Co Gen. Store 2J 5 Alexander A. E Gen. Store 3 6 Andrews & Eoudreau.. Saw & Planing ( „ r- Mills ^ "* • AskerG. E Tinsmith 3 7 Bruce M. M Talor 3i 7i Carter F Confectiojier 4 8 Champion C. B Saw M ill 4 8 Connach'-r Henry Gen. Store 3 6 Cool Alexander Liquors 3i 7i Crawford Isaac Gen. Siore4 8 Crowley Miss A Milliner 4 8 210 Cummings Geo Shoei^ .'li '] Desmond Daniel Hotel;* tj DickieN Harness 31 7i DiotAlex Gen. Store ;}] Ti Doheriy W. W Saw Mill 3 u Flett G. A. & H. S Brick Works See Nelson. Flett John A Gen. Store 4 Glover Wra Grocer 3 5} Graham David Carriages 4 8 Henderson John Oen. Store 3 (i Laoasse Alphonse Gen. Store 3 7 Lacasse J. S Hotel 4 8 Leblanc B Bootx & Shoes 3 7 Levique Edward Watchmaker 3J 7 J McDonald A. McG Drugs 3i 7^ McJntyre Henry Hotel 3 c| McKendiick Allan, & Son. Gen. Store I ., ,, &PoBtOtlice) "^ *'■* McKenzie James B.... Gen. Store 2i C McKenzie Johnston... Hotel & Liquors 3 GJ McLean Peter Gen. Store 3 'i McMillan John Blacksmith 4 8 McKairn John Saw Mill 4 McltaeWm . Shoemakers 7 Mahar Miss E Millinery MaharMissF Milliner 4 8 Marquis Hugh Tnismith 4 8 Meniiies James Gen. store 3 7 Miller J. E Butcher 3^ 7| Miller James Butcher 4 8 Mott John Gen. Store 3i 7} Mowatt Jolm P Frozen & Smoked / „, ,, Fish \ ^i -^^ Murray Ch.AS Auctioneer & Gen. I „ „, Store) ^ ^^ O'Keefe Daniel Tavern 8 (5^ O'Keefe Hugh Tavern 3 7 O Leary Henry Saw Mill, &c. 2^ 4 See Kichibucto. Patterson Malcolm Gen. store 2^ 4 Pioneer Publisliiiig Co Kobiuson F. W . . . Watches, &c. KuBsell Mrs. Francis. . .Dressmaker, &c. 4 8 ShawO. S.,& Co Shingle Mill 2i 5 Shives Kilgour ....Saw Mill 3 G| Sowerby J. D Mill 2^ 5 Sproul James EoyalHoiel3 ()| Stewart Wm.T Livery 3 7 Vennor Alfred J... Gen. Store 4 8 Vermette George Baker 4 8 V\estVVm .. Hotel 3 G Williams Wra. J Kestaurant 4 8 CAMPO BELLO. Charlotte Co. Tel., W. U. J-xp. & Bank, St. Andrews, oi' Calais, Me. Pop. 1,200. Batson George R., & Co Gen. Store 2^ 5 Jackson H Gro,er 3 7 Jttabee G. W Gen. Stoie 4 8 Sharlaud John Gen. Store 2^ 5 Small John D Trader 3 6 CANAAN STATION. Kent Co. Onl.C.n. Tel.,W. U. Exp. Intel colmiul. Bank, Moncton, ID miles. Pop. 50. Cormier D. C... Gen. Store 4 8 CANTERBURY STATION. York Co. On New Brunswick It. Tel., W. U. Exp. Am, Bank, Woodstock, 12 miles. Pop. 400. Beimett Alex Hotel & Gen. Store 4 Carr James H Saw Mill 3 6 Cummings E. M Gen. Store Cap NEW BRUNSWICK. Cha Donovan .Tohn Gen. Store Donovan Patrick ]''alfoner Thomas Gen. Store Fleming Jaa. K Gen. Store Grant H. N Trader llattield VV. T Gen. Store LawJ.S • ].aw8on Luke Gen. Store Linidon Miss Maggie. ..•. . ...Gen. Store Price John I'rice William & Sons Blacksmiths Kaltigan Thomas Suiiili — Saw Mill 6 7i 4 8 7 n 7 n 3 6 3 4 3i 3i •dl 3 3i CAPE BALI*. "Westmoreland Co. T(l.,Exp.,She(imc. Bank, Moncton. Pop.'M). Hoiirque P. E., & Co Gen. Store 4 8 PiirkeAmy Gen. Store 3 7 J>auret L ... Hotel Le Blanc N. S Gen. Store 3i 7J Le Blanc P. P Gen. Store 3 7 CAPE JOURMAIX. We»tmt>relan«l Co. Portland Packing Co Canned Gofnla 1 1 See Portland, Me. CAPE TOBMENTINE. Westmoreland Co. Crane Mrs. F., & Co 3^7^ Harper C. . & Co Gen. Store 3^ 7| IVIcIjcod Jame.s ...4 Portland Packing Co Canned Goods 1 1 See Portland, Me. CARAQUKTTE. Gloucester Co. Cardqmtte R. R. TcL, G. .V. W. Exp. & Bank, Dathnrst. Pop. 1,500. Alexander, Hive & Co ...Fish 2 Blackall Richard Hotel 4 8 Caron M Tins 4 8 Cherrard Dominiqne Gen. Store 3 7 Cormier A Gen. Stoie 3 6 Cormier Maxime Gen. Store 4 8 Foley W. P Gen. Store 3^ "J Gallien Dominique Gen. Store 4 8 8 I' 5 8 5 8 7i 6 2.V 5 4" Godin Chas. J. I. Gen. Store 4 Goodwin Charles Gen. Store 4 Hachev Peter P Gen. Store 4 Landry JohnL Grist Mill 3 Landry Viliis Carriages 4 Le BouthilUer Jos. N Gen. Stort* 3 Nixon James W Gen. Store Kyan Patrick G Tanner Sivert Thck,'lT>milts. Pop. 600. Alexander J. E Carriages 4 Baker Dr. J. W. N Drugs 3V Balloch J. G Produce!.'} Balloch It. W Gen. Store 2| Balloch \Vm. D Hoti-l 4 Burt F. G. & H. S Mfrs. Leatht-r I .,, Si Harness | "* Carlialp Theo. IT (ien. Store 4 (Mark Lurllow Boots & Shoes 3^ Fitzgerald 1)., & Sons Tanners & I ., Mfrs. B. & S } -^ Gil)-on A . C Tins, X-c. 3 7 Lee A. J Mer. Tailor .'! 7 Merritt Mrs. Evelyn Confec. 4 8 Perkins Mrs. A. A Millinnr 4 8 Sherwood Chas. M Gen. Store 3 7 West Chas. A Black>niith 3 (;i \Vhite(4 W.,&Son Gen. Store 2HJ White Howard B Gen. Store 3 cj CENTREVILLE. Westmoreland Co. See Dorchester. CHARLO STATION. Kestigouclie Co. See River Charlo. CHATHAM. Nortluimberland Co. On I. C. It. Tel., W. U. Eup., Intrvcoloulal. Bank. Pop. 3,000. Allan Robert Gen. Store Archibald E. M Coal Barry Edward Stonecutter 4 8 Bell .Tolm Painter 3 7 Beiniett Charles Tins Bowser Mrs. (Estate of) Hotel Brown Bros Gro ers Buckley Tlioimis Butcher Cassidy Frank Dry Goods Chatham Gas Co Chessman Daniel Gen. Store Chessman Henry Grocer Christie Wm Boots & Shoes I Cloury Janie » .... Grocer 1 Coleman John Gen. Store ! Connors Moses Gen. Store Cuiniingham N Junk, &c. Cutler George A Agent Doyle Michael Saddler lawyer N'ua . . Dry Goods & Gro er 3 Klkiu Daniel Prod. & Meat 4 Eikin Mrs. Thomas Gen. Store Fenton Wm (jen. .Store Ferguson James Boots k Shoes Ferguson John Gen. Store Flanagan Roger Gen Store Flanagan Thos Gen. Store Flett G. A. & H. S Brick W- rks " See Nelson. Fountain T. H Restaurant Fraser John Hotel Gillespie & Sadler Gen. Store Goggin J. R Hardware Gould W. R Jeweller. &c Gunn Chas Blacksmith Harper W. N Wat hes HavilandJohn Saddler Hickey M. & J Gen. Store 211 4 4 ;! 4 '1 o 3 3 4 3 4 4 ■u ~i 3 OL -i 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 Vi 3V 3" 4 4 3 4 3 2^ 6 5 CJ 7 6J ?! 8 7 5i Cm NEW BRUNSWICK. Col 6 7i Hockeii Kioliard . Gen. Store 2 Howard W. B (j«ji. Store 4 .lohnsoii Edward Stationery 3 »Iolm8oii Will Hotfl 8 .Johiist.'ii JuineH Boote & fchoe" 3 fJolinstoii .lohii Gen. Store 2) 4] Kenny .John Bakt-rtSj Conf. 4 8 Loggie A. J., & . „ & Carriages^ * ** Vanstone Thomas Butcher 4 "Watt Geo Gen. Store 3 7 WellsMrs Gen. Store 3 6 Willision & Sinclair Pish Wilson W'm., & Co Gen. Store 3 6i Wyse William.. Gen. Store 3 6^ CHIPMAN PARISH. Queens Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Sussex, 35 miles. Pop. 200. Baird Lumbers 7 Chipman Woodworking Co 2^4^ Oullion James Trader 3j 7i 212 Dun Robert Supplies .! « Fowler John Gen. Store 4 8 Hunt Elijiih ben. Store li ; KingG. G. & W. C Gen. Store, ^ „, ,. J.,umber, &c. S '- * McLean Hugh Gen. Store & I.,umber 3 Richardson Airs Gen. CHOCKFISH. Kent Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Kingston, 8 miles. White L. P Saw Mill 4 CLIFTON. Gloucester Co. On Caraqnette li. Tel., G.N. W. Exp. & Bank /iathurst, 17 miles. Pop. 200. Read Joseph, & Co Grindstones See f;toi el aven, Scott Francis Grindstones 4 8 CLIFTON. Kings Co. Tel. & Exp., ll'thesay ,bmiles. Bank, St. John, 12 mile.s. I'op. 2i)0. Flewelling G. Hudson Shipbuilders 7 Merriit Gabriel Shipbuilder 3 CLINCH'S MILLS. St. John C«). See Musquash. CLOVER H ILL. Kings Co. Jamieson J. & W Gen. Store 3 flj COAL BRANCH STATION. Kent Co. On/, an. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank Moncfon,20 miles. J'op. 150. McWilliams ITioinas Saw Mill 3 i\ SwiltJ. F Gen. Store 4 8 COAL MINES. Queens Co. McAllister J. P Gen. Store 4 COCAIGNE. Kent Co. Tel. & Exp., Shediac, Qmiles. Bank King- ston, 25 mites. J'op. 900. Bourgeois D. A Gen, Store 4 8 Bourgeois Olivier Gen. Store 4 8 Bourgeois Simon Gen. Store 4 8 Breau Aniie Lobsters 4 8 Cornder M. D Gen. Store 3i 7} Cormier Placide H Gen. Store 4 8' DysartHugh Hotel 3 « Faulkner Alex Saw Mill 4 8 Gogain A. A Gen. Store 4 8 Gogain D. L Gen. Store 4 8 Gogain P. R Gen. Store 4 8 Johnston A. W Gen. Store 4 8 Lucas James Blacksmith 3 G McBrlarty Wm Gen. Store Smith & Bowen Saw Mill COLI> BROOK. St. John Co. On I. G. R, Tel^, W. U. Exp. & Bank St. John, 3 miles. McEvoy Daniel — '. Liquors 3 7 Moore E. R. (Estate of)..Mnfrs. Kails ( & Tacks I See St. John. COLD STREAM. Carleton Co. Marsh George L Gen. Store 4 8 COLE»S ISLAND. Queen's Co. 11 • IP.4. .^1 See Johnstou. «..-*.> Col NEW BRUNSWICK. D(»R COLLEOK BRID(>K. W«8tinor«laii«l Co. Bisliop Geo. H Carriages 4 Hiulcii Philip Gen. Store 4 ])uilier Anthony Gen. Store 4 Otiiiilet E. T I'iiy^ician :U 7 J Gaudet Kreil. J Gen. Store a] 7J l{i(lianl 1). F ...Gen. Store 4 Sonier P. I). & E Gen. Store 3) 7 COLLINA COKNKB. Klngn Co. (See Apoliaqul.) CORK STATION. York Co. On S. B. n. Tel, Exp,, Harvey. Bank, Fre- ih'rirtcm. Sullivan John Gen. Store 3 7 CORN HILL. KlnRS Co. Tf}., Exp., Anagance^Q miles. Bank, Sussex. /'op. 3(» '. liiiird & McAfee Gen. Store 3 7 COVKRDALE. Albert Co. Tel., Exp., Salisbury, 10 miles. Bank, Petit- aidiac. Smith J. Nelson Shipping 2i 4i CROSS CREEK. York Co. Coughlan 'J'homas Gen. Store 4 8 Uoltbins Cluis. Saw Mill 3 7 CROUCHVILLE. St. John. (See St. John.) CUMBERLAND BAY. Queens Co. (See Grand Lake.) DALHOUSIE. Restigouclie Co. Oh /. (\ n. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank, Catnpbellton, 13 miles. Pop. GOO. Allen P. A Carriages 3 6 Ciiisliolm A Gen. Siore 3 6 Di'laney JJanieV Hotel 3 7 Dclaney Mi.-s U, E Grocer & Conf. 3i 7i Disbrow Dr. W. G Drugs 3i 74 Gordon Belle Gen. Store 3 Oj Had'low G Geii. Store & Ei-h 3 Johnson Henry A Watches 3^ 7 Loggle A. &il Gen. Store &Fi-h (See Black Brook.) McDonald Donald Blacksmith 3 7 McDonald John A ....% Drugs 4 8 McGregor Simon.Gen. Store & Lobsters. 3 6 Mclntyre Wiu Hotel 3i 7i McKay Alex Tanner & Saddler 3 6 ilcXeish John Carriages 3 C Mercer Mrs. G.E Millinery 4 Miller Hugh FJour & Carriages 3 6 Miller Jolin Flour 2J 4i :\loiratt Geo. & Robert Saw Mills, &c. 2 2i Murphy Thomas Hotel 2i 5 Nudeau P Shingle Mill 4 Kitchie pavld Gen. Store 3 7 Troy Patrick B Hotel 3^ 7 Wallace Andrew G. B'smith& Gen.Store 3 6 ■\VillettG. A (irocer 3 7 Windsor Joseph — Lobsters 4 DEBEC STATION. Carleton Co. On A'eif Brunswick It. Exp., Am. Tel. & Bank, Woodstock, U miles. Pop. 150. Dickinson C. Wellington . Boots & Shoes 4 8 llarron Alexander Trader 3 6i Henderson T. E Gen. Stortt 3 M Lenihen I'atrick Gen Ston^ .'ij "J Meagher Mrs. J Dry «ioods 4 8 Meagher M 'I'rmler 4 8 DEER ISLAND. Charlotte Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. Andrews, or Enstport^ Me. /'op. 1,(10(1. Conlay < has. H Gen Store 3J 7i Connolly & Richardson (ien. Storo 3i 7* Lambert CharlfS. Gen. Ntorii 3 7 Lambert* Frank Gen. St re 3 (li Lord Janu's M Gen. Store 2i 5 Sndth (.. H. & Co Gen. Store 3 7 Welsh John G. S. & Lobsters 3 7 DERBY. Northuinberlaiul Co. On Indhintoirn Branch I. (\ A', '/'el., W. C Exp. , /ntercoloninl. Bank, Neioraslle.d miles. Pop, 400. Amos J., & Co Gen. Store & Hogervil'o. HettsJohn FiMi 3 tj CUtTWm Gen. Store 3 (! Connor Andrew Hotel 3i 7J Jar;Mne F. H HoU'l :? « Miller T. C. & Co Gen. Store 3i Miller's Tanning Extract Co. (Limited) I Bark Extract ( O'Brien Wm Motel 3 « Robertson Jus Gen.Store 2} 4 Russell Samuel Gen. Store & Lii). '.C (5 Vand'*rbrook tieo Gen. Sore 3i 7i Wilson Richard D Carding Mill o] 7J DICKIE'S SIDING. Restlgouche Co. Beattie James DISBROWVILLE. St, John Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. Jo/m, 2 miles. Poole& Foley Pottery. 3 6 DOAKTOWN. Northmnberland Co. On X. & W. II. It. Tel., JF. U. Ex., Bank Newcastle. Pop. 250. P'reize Samuel Shingle Mill 3 7 Russell Samuel Swim Henry Gen. Store 2i .5 Swim Robert Lumber 'l\ 4J DORCHESTER. WeHtinoreland Co. On I. C. R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial . Bank. Pop. 8 0. Ai'derson Thomas Carriagt^maker 4 8 Belliveau John Gen Store 4 B'ack G. M Carriages ;!i 7i Bourque L. 11 Gen. Store 4 Buck Gideon ... S.iw Mills 3 6, Chapman S. Leslie Gen.Store Cr wsiMi Thomas Carriagemaker 3 7 Dickey H Scott Ta ner SA 7i Dixon William. Gen. Store & Carr. .Mkr. .3j 7 Dobson Wm Gen. Store 3 U Fairweather G. M Drugs 3J 7 J Godfrey Mrs. E. V (len. Store 3 (5 Hayes James Boots & Shoes 3^ 7* Hickman J. H., & Co Gen. Store 2^ 5 McDonald Daniel Hotel 4 McDowell Samuel Boots & Shoes 3 7 Mitton G. W Saw Mill 4 Palmer Edward C Tailor 3i 7i Palmer F. C. & Co Gen. Store 2J 4 Patterson Samuel Tins 3| 7* Kamsay E. L Pictures &Sta!'y 3J 7j 213 Don NEW BRUNSWICK. Esc hlclianlK Louis (len. Ktore 4 8 Holil) Alex (jflii. Stiiie .'{ 7 Solnove Mrs Milliner .'{^ 7j Slieirni TlioinaH Saloon 4 Tce.l 4. V Contractor 3 7 1H»II(HESTKR KOAD CIiOH81N(i. \V<'Ntin«»i'elHi)(l Co. Boiulrcaii NarciBwe (len. .Store 4 8 Corniior T. C Gt-u Store & Peddler 4 8 DOUGLAS. York Co. Tel,,Erp. & Bank, Fredtrxcfmi, MaohuM) ffanies Gen. Store .3 6 Yerxa »)auie8 Lumber 4 DOITGLASTOWN. Nnrtlminberland Co. Til., Exp. & Bank, Nvwcagtle,<)U( LAS VALLEY. Queens Co. Tel. <)VKB. Westmoreland Co. Burke V. B , Mill 4 miTCH VALLKY. Kings Co. Tel. , Exp. & Bank, Sussex, 2 mites. Pop. 300. Armstrong ffolin Lumber Biaiineii tlobn Blaeksmitli 3 6 Cliii|)man S tiarness Cuiiiiingliam Tlionias Gen. Store 4 8 IVIac'Afee Andiew Gen. Store 2i 5 McMoiiagle .), P Harness 4 8 ]M(i(>ie fJames A Grist Mill 3 6 Moore Wm. S. J) < arriage 3 6 Sbarp M Millowner 3 6 DYER'S STATION. Charlotte Co. See Elmville. EAST FLORENCEVILLE. Carleton Co. See Florenceville. EDGETT-S LANDING. Albert Co. Barnett .lolin Drugs 4 EDMUNDSTON. Madawaska Co. (Also Little Falls.) Tel. & Exp. Grand Falls. Bank Woodstock Pop. 400. Adams Peter Hotel 4 8 Anderson Jobn F.Gen. Store & LMml)er Beniier A Furniture & Painter 4 8 Bender J. Augiire Gen. Store 3 5i Bertran Alphonse Gen. Store 3 6 Dayton Milton Gen. Store 3 5A Gagnon Henry 3J l\ Guerette George Tavern 4 8 Giierette Gilbert Gen. Store 3 7 Hebert Felix — Liquois 4 8 Hebert Magloire Hotel 2i 5 Hebert Remi Liquors 3 7 Hebert Thaddee Saloon 3i 7i Hodgings John T Gen. Store 2\ 4$ Laf orest Fred.... Preaervt 8 & Advocate 4 8 214 liHens Arilnir Tins 4 H Maliu Harry Hotel 4 m Man|ui» Naroiss-e Onxjer & Liq. 3 i; Midland I'hllippe Tiiisndtli Morin flames Bliieki'mith 3^ ~\ Murchie James & Sons. .Gen. Store, ^°c. See Milltown. Oiilette Thomas Gen. Store 3 7 Peletier A Store* Hiehardu T. Medley Gen. Store 2} 5 Koldtaille W.E. M Gen. Store 4 Tighe F. S. H Gen. Store ^• Wright S. F Hotel, &c. '*■' E1-:L ItlVER(CANTERniJKY). York Co. Kd wards Elijah M (ien. Store 4 Marsten I.saac W G n. Store 3 6 oore Elislui . ..Gen. Store & Carriages 3 6 Moore Fred Lumber -Z^ ^ Also V\ ootlstock. EEL RIVEIl STATION. Restlgonclie Co. 0)i I. C li. Tel. Jt Exp., Dalltoniste Junction. Bank, Campbellton. y Comeau L F Gen. Store JfeNair Nathan. Gen. Store .Miller Hobert Lnnd>er 3 6 Mills Alfred Shingle Mills Keed Thomas, & Son Wooden ware &l „! ti Shingles I "" ^^ Sharp eJas., & Co. . Gen. Store & Ijumber 4 EEL RIVER STATION. Yoik Co. Ow N. B.n. Tel. & Exp., Benton. Bank, Wooil- stock. J'op. IdO. Murchie James, &Sodb Mills See Milltown. Sawyer A. H Saw Mill See St. Stephen; also Calais, Me. ELGIN. AUiert Co. On Elf/in Branch li. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Petiicodiac, 12 mites. Pop. 2.5J. Blakeney E. A G(n. Store Church Thomas W Grocer 4 8 Downing Michael Blacksmith 4 8 Gildart John Blacksmith 4 Goggin C. & S .. Gen. Store 2^ 5 Jonah Gen. Store Smith & McKenzie Mill 4 8 Steeves liros. & Goddard Gen. Store 3 6 ELMSVILLE. Charlotte Co. On G. S. R. Tel., Exp., & Bank, St. Stephen, Dyer James Henry Gen. Store 3 6 ENGLISH SETTLEMENT. Queens Co. Ti-l. & Exp.,Apoluxqui. Bank, So.ssex. Hamilton D. J Gen. Store 3 7 ENNISKILLEN. Queens Co. On N. B. R. Tel. & Exp., Fredericton Junction. Bank, St. John. Mooney Chas Gen. Store 4 8 Timmihs John Gen. Store 3 , ESCUMINAC. Northumberland Co. Exp. & Bank, Chatham. Tel., Government. Wilson Alexander Lobsters 3i 7i Wyse Wm Fish See Chatham. ESD NEW BRUNSWICK. Fas KSDIIAKLON. Carl»toii Co. TrI. it F.xj}., Harthmd. /laik, fVontlittnrk. Grant A. n ...Gen. Store 4 8 FAIKFIKLI). St. John Co. H. 11 Carriages Crockett Jas. H Pub'r C^ropley H. A Printer 4 Cujnming J. It BulldtT 4 Davis G.H Drugs 4 Davis, Staples & Co Drugs 2 Dover Bros Drv (joods 2 Donnelly Miss M. E... '.Grocer 3 DuHie Peter Sewing Macli. Edgecomb F. B Dry (4oods 2i 4J Edgecouib tJohn, & Son.Carriagemakcrs Edwards John A Hotel 3 Estabrook Klijah Gen. Store 4 E.-tahrooks D. W Grorer 3/ Estey K A Saw Mill 3 Estey Wm. T Grocer 3i Everett Z. R Hardwares Fenety (ieorge E .... .Queen's Printer FonetyW. H. T Stationery Fleming John H Gents' Furn'g Fowler James D.... Watches & Jewelry Fox J«mes J Grocer Fredericton Boom <'o 2i 4 Frederlcton Electric Light Co 2i 4. Fredericton Gas Light Co 2^4 George D. F Lumber 3 Gibson Alexander. . . . Lumber & Mfr. ( Cotton i SeeMarysville. Gilman Geo Grocer 3 6i Glasier D. !).,& Son Steamers See Lincoln, Goldlng Israel R Livery 2^ 5 Grieves John B Grocer & Hotel 3 7 Guiou Mi.s"* .M. E .Fancy Good&<;oal 3 tu 'llppel W. H ToHB 3 7 Toifd G.,&SonB Founder,-* 4 Van Wart A . L. 11 Und-rtaker 4 8 Van V/art Asa U Feed, lee, Sic. 3 7 Van Wurt W. H Grocer 3 (ij VN alker .Fosepli Tailor 3 7 Wed 'all John J Dry ({oods 2i 4\ Whulpley George T Grocer 3 6| \V bite & Co Conf ei'tloner« See Thomas White, S . John. White James, & Son Watch-s 3 6 Whl I taker Charles H Tan er 4 6 Whittier & Co Grocers & (Mgars 4 Wiley John M hrugs 3 6 Williams Annie Milluiery 4 Wllliitms John D Agr'l Iinplts. 4 Yerxa Ludlow.... (Jrocor 4 Yerxa& Yerxa Grocers Young Misses. ... Millinery 3 6J FUFi»KRICTON JUNCTION. Sunbury Co. On New Rrunnvuck li. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Dank', Fiedericton, 22 miles. Pop. lii^>. DuplisaA. L Carr. Maker 4 8 Hart I). W Gen. Store 3 6 Hay ward G (iien. Store 3 7 McKay George Phy.->ician 8^ J J ()heenun John Hotel 3 7 FRENCH LAKE. Suubury Co. Armstrong G. E Gen. Store 3* 6 CiAOETOWN. QueeuH Co. Tel. <& Exp., JVelsfhrd, 28 miles. liank, SL John , >iH mUe.t. i\>p. 401). Allingham Thoa Blacksmith 3^ 7^ Burns John S Carriages 4 8 Coy I. E. (Estate of j Gen. Store 3 Crothers Thomas. . . . Saw & ( Mills 3 7 Curry A. S . . .Gen. Store & Undertalter DiekieJ. M Gen. Store 3 7 Dlngee W. B Qrlst Mill 4 8 Foi^uson Bros , Gen. Store 4 8 Hanulton Wm Blaoksmith 3J 7^ MoDermott Wm Gen. Store 3 7 MciMlcken Thos..... Gen. Store 3 7 Scott C. L !... Carriages 4 8 Simpson E. (Estate of) Gen. Store 4 Si nipson George Hotel 3i TJ GARDNER'S CREEK. St. John Co. Population 160. Bank at St. John. McLeodJ. &R Shipbuilders Wallace W. & K Shipbuilders OASPEREAUX. Kent Co. See Weldford. « OASPEREAUX. Queens Co. See Shipraan. OASPEREAUX STATION. Qneens Oo. N. B. R. Tel. & Exp., Hoy t. Bank, St. John. Joue« James .. , Gen. Store 9i 7J Gib NEW BRUNSWICK. Ghb GinmON. York Co. On A%»r nruiiKwif-k //. 7'./.. »'. If. K.t/i., Am. /tauk'f Jntttt-icttm, I mile. /'op. yiX), f;;il.l.itt T. K.. & Son« Saw Mill ;{ l\ li.ilify (ifoigt' W (imi. Siuio ,'{ 7 HrailU'y W. A BlafkHiiiith .7J 7^ Miitlcr \V. H (iriKwr 4 (Jfii (It'll .lHinr'8 R (Jriicwr 4 K> It' Joint BoutH & SlioeH :<^ 7^ l.ngnii S, il Urucer 4 (JLAUSTONK. Siliibury To. Mc.rgmi K.C ini.J/'v..itU 4 <;L.A1>ST0NK. Victoria Co. T' I. A' Krp. Amlover. Bank, yVouilxtock, WatSDii Uobtirt G«ii. Storo 3i 7} <;LA88VILLK. Carletoii Co. 0// Stw JinmnwirJc U. Tel. & K.rp., Kftit^H miles, /iaiik, Woutlatock, It milen, /'op, 2(M). l.y null Timothy liUinber 2) 4 «& Fietlericton. Milntosh John Geii. Htoro 3 7 MilltM'.Jainos (Jen. Stoiw 4 riiili|<8 C. A., i& Son J)rug8 GULDKN GROVE. St Joliii Co. Deatty Joseph Planing Mill 4 GONDOLA POINT. Klng'M Co. Tel. t& Exp., Rothemy. /Sank, St. John. Flewelling J, Leo Gen. Store 3 CJ GRAFTON. Carleton Co. TcJ., Exp. & Dank, Woodstock,! mile. Pop. 150. KBtey Chesley Carriageniaker 4 8 iiltAND Dir.UE. Ke'it Co. Tel. & Exp., Shedlac. Bank , Moncton. Do Legere H., & Hon ({en. Store 3i 7^ GRANDE ANSE. Glouceater Co. Oil Canif/uette /{. Tel., G. i\. IF. Exp. & /iank, /tatlmrst, 29 miles. Pop. 500. IJlaiichard On^Bime Grocer 4 Jiunias .J, W Gen. Store 3 7 J.antlry U Trader 3 7 IMiller Samuel T Fish See Shippigan. rinet Antoine M Carr. Maker 4 « I'oirier .Joseph Gen. Store 4 8 TWriault Wni Hotel 4 8 GRAND FALiLS. Victoria Co. On New /ininsimrk U. Tel., W. U. Erp., Am. Bank, Woodstock, 75 miles. Pop. 700. Arpeneau Fred Gen. Store 3 6 Blair Mrn, It. W. , wid . Hotel 4 Kstey L. A Gen. Store 3i 7} FrastT P. G. .& Sons. . . Grist & Saw Mill 4 Graham John K Liquors 4 8 Gudro Frank Gen. Store 3 6 Kelly John Hotel & BlackBiuith Si 7J Kerrigan Margaret Gen. Store 2} 5 Leclaire .loeepli Grocer 4 8 Leslie Fdward .. .. Liquors 4 Levesque Andrew Gen. Store 4 8 Leveeque Th6ophile. Gien. Store Levestjue Xavier... Gen. Store 4 MCCluskey Charles Liquors 4 8 Mr(Jlntangstroth William Bnilder 3 7 McPherson F. W Physician 4 Mabee J. D., it Co Undertakers 3 7 March Wm Blacksmith 4 8 Smith W. S Baker 4 Sprague S. W Gen. Store 3 Vailt). W Blacksmith 4 HARCOURT. Kent Co. ;^ See Weldford Station. HARDSCRABBtE. Carleton Co. See Woodstock. .u'tin 218 HARTFORD. Carleton Co. Tel., E.vp. & Bank, iroorlstock. Lockhart A. F .Saw, Grist & Carding ) „ „ Mills ( "* * HARTLAND. Carleton Co. On Xew Brunswick If. Tel., W. U. Erp., Am. Bank, Woodstock, 12 miles. Pop. 400. Bradley Allan Carriages 3 fi Bui t Geo. R Gen. Store 2i 5 Carr J. T. G Gen. St< -re 2 J 5 Chase Clis., & Son Sa"- Mill 4 8 Jewf'tt Benja-nin Grist & Saw ^\\U 2* 5 Mattliews.,n Murdoch Bla<;ksn)ith 3 6 Mc I saac K. B — . Blacksmith 4 8 Richar<1son M. H Lumber 3 Shaw & Boyer Tanners 3 7 Shaw M. (Estate of) Gen. Store 3 7 Shaw & Tompkins B. & S. & Tanners 4 8 Stevens J)r. E. W Drugs, &c. 4 8 Thornton W. F ... Gen. Store 3 7 HARVEY. Albert Co. On Albert R. Tel., W. U. Exp. & Bank,irdk- boro'. Pop. 250. Ca8"y W. H. A Tanner 3 6 (-raves & Fost,er Gen. Store 3 6 Lawrence L. W Hotel McLeod William H Carriasres 3^ 7i Morris C Blacksnnth 3 7 Reid (4eorge M Saw Mill Stevens J. M Gen. Store 3 Turner Gaius S Gen. Store & ) Shipbnilder \ ^^ '' Turner J. B (Jen. Store 3 6 West L. F Gen. Store 4 8 HARVEY. York Co. On iVew nrunswick B. Tel., IV. U. Eirp. Am. Bank, Fredericlon. Pop. 200. Beck Mrs J. A Gen. Store 3 7i Cobuni Thos. (ien. Store 3 7 GlendenningD Ge". Store 3 6 Gow Stuart Trader 4 Holliind Daniel Gen. Store 3 Holland Frank Trader 4 Hunter Wm Peddler Little J J Saw Mill 3 LittleJohnD Traders 7 Saunders Miss S. E Millinery, &c. 4 8 Smith Mrs Gen. Store & Hotel Taylor John Mfr. Woolens 3 6 HARVEY LAKE. Albert Co. Fillmore Hiram Saw Mill 3 7 HATFIELD'S POINT. Kings Co. See Springfield. HAVELOCK. Kings Co. PrIceO.N Saw Mill 4 8 HAYNESVIIiLE (Upper). York Co. Van Buskirk Clarence Gen. Store 3 6 HEAD OF MILLSTREAM. Kings Co. Byron D. S Grocer & Liqs. 3i 7i HEAD OF TIDE. Kestlgouche Co, See Campbelltou. HERON ISLAND. Restlgouohe Co. MoLeau John Gen. Store 3 7 JT[B NEW BRUNSWICK. Ken HCllEBNIA. Queenh Co. Choyne Win. J Qeii. Stor« 4 8 IViuler Bros . ...Gen. Store 4 8 HILLSBORO'. Albert Co. 0)1 Albert II. iiUtt. Bank. Exp., Intercola- Tel., W. U. Pop. 900. Albert Manufacturing Co Plaster ) & Lumber ) BarnettGPO Gen. Store 3i 7J JU'Rlty John A Drugs 2J 5 ]{ray Tbomas E Gen. Store 3 7 Duffy Peter Gen. Store 3 6 Duffy W.H Gen. Store 3 6 Gross K. T., & Co Gen. Store 3 6 (iross \V. H Saw Mill 3 6 Lawder John C Undertaking & / ,, „ Carriages jj " Lewis John, & Co Gen, Store 2h 4 Lewis Win. J Physician «& Drugs 2j 4i Livingstone D. B Butcher & Trader 4 8 Milton John H., & Son Saw Mill 4 Observer Publishing Co Publishers SJ 7+ O'NmII John J Boots & Shoes 3* 7| Uennisoii John Carriages 'a\ 7 j Steeves G. D Gen. Store Steeves J. M. &Co Gen, Store 2i 5 Steeves Jordan Hardware, &c. 3 6 Stveves Miss Nettie Millinery 3 7 Ward James T I ! olel 4 Wood Harris S Gen. Store 3 7 HILLSDAIiE. Kings Co. See Hammond Vale. HOLDENVILIiE. King's Co. See Kingston. HOPEWELL CAPE. Albert Co. On Albert R. Tel. & Exp., HUlsboro'. Bank, Moiicton. Pop. 400. Brav A. & G Saw Mill 3 7 i3ray Benj Hotel 3i 7i Dickson J E Gen. Store 4 8 Dicks n Warren Shipbuilder 3 6 Jonah Judson E Carriages 4 8 Peck K. Chester Gen. Store 3 J 7i Stewart Samuel Boots & Shoes 3 7 Tiiwley John C Marble 2i 5 Tingley Jusiah Marble 3i 7i HOPEWELL HILL. Albert Co. On Albert R. Tel. & Exp., HiUtibord'. Bank, Moncton. Pop. 400. Archibald Luther Blacksmith 3 7 CilhounS. J Hay 2i 5 Lockliart & Elmo Carrit^gemakers 3 7 l-ynds E. W Gen. Store 3 5J Rogers Alex Gen. Store 2^ 5 Stuart Houston Blacksmith 3 7 Woodworth Ezra Tanner & / . Boots & Shoes 5 * HO YT STATION. Sunbury Co. On New Brunsivick R. Tel., fV. U. Exp., Am. Bank, St. John. Anderson Charles Gen Store 3 7, Hoyt W. E Gen. Store 4 8 HoytW. Y Blacksmith 4 8 Murphy John Gen. Store 3 6 Robert T. B Gen. Store 3 5* Smith John E Saw Mill 4 8 Taylor Ford. C Gen. Store 4 8 INDIANTOWN. Northnmberland Co. Schofleld James Gen. Store 3i 7i IBISHTOWN. Westmorelanfl Co. Troop John A Carriages 4 8 JACKSONVILLE. Carleton Co. „. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Woodstock, 6 miles. Pop. 300. i Broderick & Co Blacksmiths 4 8 Littlp George B Blackcinith 4 8 Simonson James Gen. Store 3J 7i JACQUET RIVER. Bestlgouohe Co. On I. C.R. Tel., iV. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Dank, Campbellton. Haddow George Gen. Store 2J 5 See Dalhou^io. McMillan W. R Gen. Store 'ih 7i Melanson A. J Gen. Store 3 j 7^ JANEVILLE. Glouce.ster Co. On Cnraqueffe R. Tel , Clifton. Exp. & Bank, Hathurst, 12 miles. Caie Robert C Gen. Store 3 7 Ellis Alexander . Hotel Ellis Mark Hotel JEFFRIES P. O. Kings Co. . See Sussex. JEMSE ». Queens Co. Tel. & E.rp,, Welsford. Bank, Fredericton or St. John. Pop. 150. Dykeman C. D Gen. S- >j.e 3 6 Nevers Geo. F Porter W Gen. Store 4 8 Vauwart S Gen. Store 4 JERUSALEM. Queens Co. Andorson Robert Gen. Store 3 7 Burge-^sR Carriages 4 8 Hewlett Misses .Groct-rs 3 7 McKeeJchnA . .Grist & Carding Mills Pender Thomas Grist Mill 3 6 Short AlbertM Grocer 3J 7i JOHNSTON. Queens Co. Tel. & Exp. , Wehfard. Bank, St. John. Pop. 250. Cody Chas. F ...Gen. Store 3 5i DonyW.H Gen. Store 3 6 Hamilton David Hetherington James G Tanner 3 7 H'theringtonThos Gen. Store Leonard John Gen. Store & Mill 3* 7i Parker C. B Gen. Store ;J4 7^ Todd Thomas 3 7 West J. Alfred Gen. Store 3i 7i JOHNVILLE. Carleton Co. , ,'. Tel, & Exp., Bath. Bank, Woodstock. Boyd John Gen. Store 3 7 Gallagher E. E Gen. Suore 3 6 KENT. Carleton Co. On New Bninswick R. Tei., W. U. Exp., Am Bank, Woodstock. Pop. 500. Brittain George 2i 5 Lock hart Charles 3j 7 J PhillipsC. A Gen. Store Phillips Edwin Gen. Store 2^ 4J 219 Kes NEW BRUNSWICK. Lin Sherwood W. A. & J. W. . . .Gen. Store Smith W.S Geu. Store 4 8 K£SWICK. York Co. On.NeiD Brun»wickR. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. flank, Fredericton, P<>2>. 150. Burt Elwood ...Gen. Store 3i 7i Colter James Lumber Inch Leonard Gen. Store 3 6 Gen. Store 3 7 Lawrence W, H Lumber 2i 4^ Yerxa James Lumber KILBURN'S LANDlKft. Victoria Co. On N: n. R. Tel. & Exp., Perth, Bank, Wood- stock. Griffiths John Peddler 4 Kilburn Benj Gen. Store 3 6 KINGSCIiEAR. York Co. Teh, Exp. <§ Bank, Fredtricton, Hammond George A Gen. Store 3 6 Long Wm. B Gen. Store 3 6 Lovell Bros Lumber 4 7 McKeen John Gen. Store 4 KINGSTON. Kent Co. Exp. 2 3 3 7 3 7 ;^i7i 4 5 I' 7 On Kent Northern R. Tel., W. V. Rich'ibucto,'6 miles. Bank. Pop. G{}0. Bowser Wm Ge i. Store 2^ Bra^.tJ. &W Gen. Store 2^ Burke P Gen. Store 3 Dickinson T. G Eggs, &c. 4 Doherty I. W Phys'n & I)rug.x 3 C H r ran & Walker Gen. SI ore 3 F«^rgti6on H. M Tailor Fraser Alex Gen. Store & Stevedore Fraser William Harnessmaker Girvan W. T Sewing Ma^jhine Agt. Glendinning James Gen. Storn Graham Simon (ien. Store Hannay Chas Watchmaker 8J 7i Irving John" Gen. Store 4 Jardine J. &T Gen. Store Livingston Mrs. M Gen. Store McArthiirWm. H Gro. & Liq McCaie Peter Gen. Store Mcluerney Frank Geu .Store Mclnerney John Lobsters Mclnerny Owen Gen. Store Maillet.J. J Gen. Store Marsh Mrs Gen. Store Mitchell W Blacksmith 3i 7i Palmer David Hotel & Liq. 3 7 Porteous James Gen. Store 3J 7^ Ilobertson Geo. & John Hotel 3 6^ Smith Mrs. Annie Millinery 4 8 Smith Oswald Trailer 2i 6 Satton M . . Gen. Store 3i 7i Taylor John Geu. Store 3 7 Thibaudeau Placlde Shoes 4 Wright J. )hn B..,. Lumbers 6 Wry James Carriages 3 7 KINGSTON. Kings Co. '' '• Tel. & Exp., Rothesay. Bank, St. John. Pop. 200. Campbell Jas. W., & Co Saw Mill 3 Falrweather C. D Mill 4 8 Ferguson Alex Qen. Store 4 8 Northup Daniel Blacksmith 84 7i Wftddell -Tames, jr Saw Mill 2} 6 2:i0 KINTORK. Victoria Co. Tel. & Exp. Perth. Bank, Woodstock. Watt ThoB.,& Son Drugs 3 7 KIRKLAND. Carleton Co. Tel. & Exp., Benton. Bank, Woodntock. Dykeman David H Blacksmith 4 8 Kennedy John Gen. Store 2^ 5 Letson Thomas Saddler 4 KNOWLESVILLE. Carletoi Co. M orehouse Wm. H Gen. Store 3i 7J KOUCHIUOUGUAC. Kent Co. Exp. & Bank, Richlbncto. Tel., W. U. Pop. 251 ». Betts Edward Mill 4 CaieJ. P Peddler 4 Loggie W. S Gen. Store See ChUham McLeod Goo. K Lumber . Thibodeau Peter Geu. Store , , ', KOUCHIBOU(iUASIS. Kent Co. Tel., Exp. & Hank, Richibucto. l^^t 200. Cameron Jt>hn A Mill. 2} 5 Cameron S. R Saw Mill 3 I-andry Honore Gen. Store 3 6J LAKE GEORGE. York Co. Tel. & Exp., Harv:'.y Station, 8 milts. Bank, Fredericton, 25 miles. Pop. 100. McMurray John . . . .Saw Mill & Lumber 3 6 LAKEVILLE. Carleton Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Woodstock. Pop. 200. CarvellA. B Saw .Mill 3 7 Carvell 1. S Grist & Carding Mill 3 7 Fowler J. K Bhioksmith ^ 7i Hume Alex Shoemaker 3i 7 J King Colin • • • Blacksmith 3 7 Wilson Henry Gen, Store 3 5i LAKEVILLE CORNER. Sunbury Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Fredericton. Pop. 200. Chase Geo. A Harnessmaker 4 8 Tapley Miss Frances L ... Gen Store 4 8 LEONARDVILLE. Charlotte Co. Walsh John Gen. Store 3 7 LEPIIEAUX. Charlotte Co. On (hand Sonfhem R. Tel-, St. George. Exp. & Bank, St. John. Pop. 150. Hansen Gideon K Gen. Stors 4 Statfurd Samuel Gen. Store 3 L'ETETE. Charlotte Co. Tel & Exp., St. George. B^ik, St. Andrews. ChubbG Gen. Store 3 7 Coak Jacob Fish ^ 1^ Dick Hugh Gen Store. Mageo Andrew Trader 3 6J McLean A. & J Gen. Store & PMsh 3 AlcLeauH. H Grocer 4 LEWISVILLE. Westmorelan'l Co. (See Moncton.) ^ , LINCOLN. Sunhury Cn(. Glasier D. D. , & Sou Tug Boats 3 5 Lit NRW BRUNSWICK. Mem lilTTLE FAL.LS. Madawaska Co. (See Edmuntlstou.) Oh New liruiinwick fi. Tel. & Exp., Grand Falls. Bank, Woodstock. Pop. 400. LITTLE LAMAGILLIK. Gloucester Co. Gaiivin L Gen. Store 4 8 LITTLE RIVER. Albert Co. Wright Abraham Blacksmith 3J 7i LITTLE RIVER. Victoria Co. Barker C. W. S Gen. Store 4 Cheney G. E Gen. Store 4 8 Soott Mrs. Alex Gen. Store ^ 7i LITTLE RUSSIA. Gloucester Co. (See Madisco.) ITTLE SALMON RIVER. St. John Co. Tel. & Exp., St. Martins. Bank, St. John. LONG CREEK. Queens Co. Tel. & Exp., Apohaqui. Dank, Sussex. McLean&Sons Grist Mill. 3 7 LORD'S COVE. Charlotte Co. (See Deer Island ) LOWER BRKJHTON. Carleton Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Woodstock, Sweeney -John Gen. Store 4 LOWER CANTERBURY. York Co. (See Canterbury Station.) LOWER CARAQUETTE. Gloucester ; ^ , Co. (See Caraquette.) LOWER CAVERHILL. York Co. Wiggins Edward Gefn. Store 3i 7i LOWER NEWCASTLE. Northumberland Co. •^ '■' "; (See Newcastle.) LOWER PRINCE WILLIAM. York Co Tel., Exp. & Bank, Frederieton. HoytC.A Geu. Store 4 LOWER SOUTHAMPTON. York Co. (See Southampton.) LOWER WOODSTOCK. Carleton Co. See WoodstDck.) ' ..,.'..';,',] "MADISCO. Gloucester Co. On I. C. It. Exp., Intercolonial. Tel. & Bahk, Bathitrst. Pop 300. Comeau Bernard Carriages 4 Conieau Fred Fieh & Gen. Store 3 G Comeau .Tei ome H Gen. Store 3i 7i Comeau Joseph F Gen. Store 4 8 I)e>Brisay A. W. Y Gen. Store 'ji 4 Hutchinson K. E . Geu. Store 4 8 Lec.urte P B'smith & Garrmges 4 8 Loano A Hotel 4 8 Melancun R. H Geu. Store 4 IU)y N. H Gen. Store aj 7i Wiud. /f « • Beach Geo. F ; ..Gen. Store 3 6 MECHANIC'S SETTLEMENT. Kings Co. Tel. Jk Exp., Penohsquis. Bank, Sussex. Connolly Robert Lumber 4 8 Harmer Elias Gen. Store 8 7 McManus Hamilton Gen. Store & i . Lumber J Moore Alex Miller 3 Moore John A .Grist Mill 3 MEMRAMCOOK. Westmoreland Co. On I. C. It. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank, Dorchester. Pop. 1,000. BreauJ.P Gen. Store 4 Doherty Ed. P Physician 3i 7i Dndier Samuel Liquors 4 FawcettS Tinsmiths 7 Gaudet.VLl) Gen. Store 3i 7i (iaudet S. R Contractor 3i 7 J i lluberi, Pascal Liquors 4 221 Mid NEW BRUNSWICK. MON LeBlanc Anuelme D Gen. Store 3 J 7i LeBlanc Jude J Candies, &c. 4 Legere C. M ....Tins 4 8 McGowan Daniel Blacksinitli 4 McKelvey John Carppnter 4 8 McManu8T.,& Sons Traders 2i 4 McSweeney Patrick Blacksmith 4 8 McVey Doherty. ..Gen. Store & Hotel 3 7 Melanson Timothe Tailor 3J 7i Sherry J. P Gen. Store 3 5i MIDDLE ST. FRANCIS. Madawaska Co, Tel. & Exp., Edmunston. Bank, Wookstock. Bishop Joseph Gen. Store 4 & Jos. Lt'VPSiiue Clair I'eter Liquors Clair Tliomas Gen. Store & Liquors Connors Robert Lumber, &c. ].ievesque Joseph (ien. Store 4 Nadeau Hector. . ..Gen. Store & Lumber 4 Nowlan Wm Liquors 3 7 St. Pierre Napoleon Gen. Store 4 MIDDLE SIMONDS. Carleton Co. Tel. & Exp., Hartland, Bank, Woodstock. Jngraham Sanford Tanner 3 T Mills William iioiel 3 6 MILLEBTOWN. NorthumberlHnd Co. See Derby MILLFOBD. St. John Co. Tel. & Exp., FairvUle. Bank, St. John. Dwyer Daniel.... Gen. Store & Liquors 4 Irvine John Gen. Store 3 7 McNeil Daniel Gen. Store 3i 7i MILLIDGEVILLE. St. John Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. John, 3 miles. Tobin John G Gen. Store 3 6J MILLSTREAM. Kin«9 Co. Tel. & Exp., Apohaqui, 5 milev. Bank, Sus ' sex. Pop. 400. Folkins C. R Gen. Store 4 Keirstead George R Gen. Store 4 7 MILLTOWN. Charlotte Co. Pop. 4 4 2i 1 j 3 6i Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. Stephen, 1 mile. 2,000 Andrews John S Edge Tools Blake Wm Trader Boardman C. E Gen. Store Butler T. W Grocer Clelland J. W., & Co B. &S., Hats &c ConghlanP Groier 4 Crossitt James... Carriages 4 Eaton Henry F., & Sons Lumber al Haley John H Drugs 3 Hennigar Henry Mfr. Saws 3 Laughlan W. H Drugs 3i McDonald Mrs. Annie M. . Grocer 3 McDonald Wm. & Son Machinists 2* 6 & Milltown Me. Monaghan John Blacksmith 3i 7i Murchie James & Sons Lumber. &c 2 2| See mIso Calais, M«. Murphy J. O Grocer & Pro. 3| 7i Perkins E . . Grocer Sj 7i St. Croix Cotton Co Mnfrs. Cotton .22 ToddC. F.. &Son Lumber 2 2 See also Calais, Me. Whitlock R. Watson Grocer ^ 7^ Wilder John Grocer 4 MILLVILLE. York Co. On N. B. li. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Fredericton. p]stey E. Herbert Gen. Store 3 7 Jones S. A Gen. Store 3i 7i MISPEC. St. John Co. Tel,, Exp. & Bank, St. John, 8 miles. Brown James Cabinetmaker 8\ 7 Malone John Cooper 3J 7 Thomas George Woolens 3^ 7^ MOLU8 KIVEK. Kent Co. Miller Joseph V Gen. Store 3^ "i MONCTON. Westmoreland Co. On I. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank. Pop. 6,000. Allan & Chapman Grocers, &c 3 6| Angus Clifford, & Co Grocers Ayer Ernest E., & Co Gen. Store 2* 5 AyerM. G Saddlery 3| k Bal)ang A. J. & Co. .Grocers & Saw Mill 2i 5" Babin Thos. E Groct-r 3 6 Bass Harvey L Boots & Shoes 3 7 Btaton John M Orocer 4 Beaton N Gen. Store 2^ 5 Beatty Mrs. J. C Millinery 4 Bell W. G Grocer 3i 7^ Bezanson Kossuth Jewellery, &c. 3 7 Black W, W.. Picture Frames 3^ 7i Boudreau H. A Grocer 3;^ 7i Bourgeois J. J Boots & Shoes 3 Bourgeois Melle & Co Milliners 4 Brewster James W Grocer, &c. 3 7 Bustiii & Johnson Furnitures 7 Carlyle C. C Agr'l Implts. 4 Cliapn\an A. C Grocer Charters H . C Dry Goods 3^ 7 Christie Wm.'. Baker 3 Clark A. Y Tailor 4 Clark & Son Flour, &c. 2i 4 See Bothwell, Out. Cole E, C Tailor & Gents Furn g. 3 G Coleman Miss Minnie .. Books & Music 4 8 Colpitis Herbert Boots & Shoes 3^ 7i ' Crawford James Sewing Machine I . Agent I * Darling Bessie Grocer ^ 1^ Davis George R .Trader Day W. E Builder Delahant J. Pierce Liquor 4 Devere R., & Sous Tinsmiths 3 6| Doyle J ames Grocer 2i *> DunlapG. H Tobacco, &c. 2^ 5 Dunlap J. H Grocer & Prod. 2i 4 Ehrhardt Robert, & Son. .Electroplaters 4 8 Elliott C.,& Co Gunsmitlis 4 8i ' j:UiottJohnB Jeweller 3 6 ' Enman P. S Drugs 4 Estano Louis Tins 4 Estey E. M Drugs 4 Fair Geo. F., & Co Gen. Store 2i 4i Fairweatlier Bros Drugs 3 7 Faulkner W. H Clothing & Furn'g. 3 6j FawcettChas Flour Mill U 2 & Sackvllle. Ferguson Wm.F Dry Goods 2j 4^ Flanagan J Gen. Store 2k 5 ForbesE D y Goods 2j 4^ 51 MON NEW BRUNSWICK. Mou 6 5 7 6i 8 •4 ,S. 4 3 H 4 2 3 7i 3 6 3i7i 4 8 ^Mi 4 8 3 7 3i 7 4 8 Forbes Greiio V D. G . & Funi. 2i Furlong Tboniua (Jonfec. 4 Gallaghur Mdine. P Hotel 4 GirviuAlex Gen. Store 24 Givan Win Mnfr. Soda W ater 2 J Glendeiiiiing Walter Undertaker 3 Gross H. t. Knitting Factory 3 Harris, Cowling & Co Dry Goods 2 Harris J. &C Gen. Mers. 2 Hicks & Uiggins CarrlagemaKers 3i 7i HiggiiiB L. , & Co iioots & SlioeS 'z] 5 See also New Glasgow, M, Higman Richard, jv Drugs 4 liogan D Hotel Hogan G. P . . . . Grocer HoiSiead A . E Drugs Howard John Gen. Store Humphrey J. A. & Son.. Saw, Grist & ) Woolen Mills S Huntley F. S Grave Marks 3i 7i Johnston & Co Agr'l Iniplts. 2^ 4i & Fredericton. Jones A. C Hotel 3^7^ Joudry L. T Wliol. Jeweller 3 7 Iveohau T. H Fancy Goods 3^ 7i Kiuuear W., S.&Son Painters 3 7 Khinie John l.ivery Kii■ i McKini Andrew Restaurant Mclvinnon J. D Grocer McLean Alex Mer. Tailor McLean & Forbes Grocers McLeod Murdock Tailor 3A McManus D. S Grocer 3J . McQuarrie John Teas 3^ MoSweeney Bros D. G. Furn., &c McSweeney George Hotel 2i 6 McSweeney feter Dry Goods 2^ 4i MageeJ. S Grocer <* '^ Marks John H Carriages Mamie J. S., & Co Gents' Furn'g. Marr li. G. & F. A Fancy Goods Marsters J, f. Coal & Ice Melancon Simon G rocer Meizler W. A iaints, &c, Miller Bros Sew. Machines, &c Mills Stei)hen Blacksmith 3 6 Mitclioll Walter Boots & Shoes 3 i Moiictoxi Cotton Manufacturing Co Moucton Furniture Co Furniture See George McSweeney. Moncton Gas & Water Co 2 -z^ Monctou Ivuitting Works • See H. E. Gross. Moncton Soap & Chemical Co Moncton Sugar Rehnery Moss & Son Jewellers 3 6J Murray W. H Books & Staty. 4 8 n 7i 7i 3J 4 4 3 3 3 4 2i4i Nevins Charles T Drngs 8i 7i Nickerson J. H Whol Jewellery 4 Norihrup C. E Phoiographi-r 3 6 Nugent J. W. & Co Marble Works 4 8 Olive Ebeii E Druj^s O'Neil&Crue Tanners, &c. 3 6i Oulton Jatnes W, Grocer 2i 5 Parker W. O. N Gents' Furn'g.' See Parker & Popham. Montreal. Petei-8, Jones & Louml^bury .. Lumbers Rand A. H., & Co Mill 4 Record Foundry & Machine Co Mfr.s. I „, , Stoves 1 -1 ■* Robertson & Clvan — Gro. & Hardware 3 7 liogers Oliver K Pamter 3^ 7i Ross J. M Tailor 2i 5 l{owe C. Oscar Tinsndih 4 HyanH.W Livery 3 6 Kyan T. T Grocer » 7 Sanuster G Lewis Fancy Goods 4 Sangster John B Restaurant 3 6 Schwartz W. O Grocer 3 7 Scott 1). G . Grocer 3^ 7J Seaman IL&G Grocers 3 (ij Seaman S. A Fruits & Confety. 4 Sewell Artliur Trader 4 Skillen J. V Tailor 4 Snow Mr.x. Charlotte Grocer 3 7 Sleeves Enoch W Harness 4 8 Stevens H. T Pubr 3 5 Stevens J. L Confectioner Sumner Co Hardware 2i 4J Tayior Ezekiel G i ocer 3 Taylor T. & E Grocers Tennant Fred C nfec. 3i 7i Toombs &Co Prod. & Com'n. 3i 7^ Tuttie A A Undertaker 3^ l] Wade J. M Painter Walker Warren D Hemlock Bark 3 7 Watson J "hn Hats & ('aps 4 Watson Samuel A Jewellery 4 Watson Wni Gastitier 4 8 Webb & McHaffee Grocers 3 7 Weir Jonaihan Machinist 3 6i Weyuian Mrs. J. P Grocer 4 Whitehead James W Tailor 3 7 Wilbur Susan. Hotel 4 7 Winter J. & S ...Stoves 2i 4 Wright Miss E Milliner 3i 7i MOOKE'S MILILS. Charlotte Co. On N. D. R. Exp., Am. TeL & Bank, St. Steplten, 7 miles. Pop. 350. Burbanlc Henry General Store 2\ 5 Douglass Wm . . Trader 2 J 4i Mooro Bertram L , Grist Mill 3 7 MOSQUITO COVE. St. John Co. Tel. & Exp., Fairvllle. Bank, St. John. Cowan, Gaskin & Co Shingle Mill 3 6J MOUNTAIN DALE. KiiigH Co. Patterson J. A Gen. Store 4 MOUNT WHATIiEY. Westmoreland Co. TeL, Exp. !& Bank, Sackville. Lowerson Mar in Gen. Store 2i 5 Moir JamesG Tanner 2} 5 MOUTH OF TAY. York Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Frolericion. '"'■ Bell E. A Gen. Store 4 8 223 Mow NEW EEUNSWICK. Kew MOWATT'S HARBOR ORISL.AND, Olwi'lutte Co. MoVioker Peter Gen. Store 8 MUNI AC. VlcUirla Co. . Tei. & Eep., KUburn. Bank, Woodstocl-. Hurley Richard Gen. Store 3 7 MIINQUAKT. Carl«toii Co. (See Kent.) MURRAY ROAD. Westmoreland Co. Stevens W. T Gen. Store 3i 7i MUSQUASH. St. John Co. On Grand Southern li. Tel., W. U. Exp. & Dank, St. John, 15 miles- Pop. 2i)(». Balcolm J. A Lumber 4 Chittick Wm Boots & Slices 4 8 ClinchF.S Gen. Store 4 Knight J. &L. B Grist Mill 2J 5 MoUoy Wm — Blacksmith 4 8 Moss Litter Co Peat Moss Works Slierwood Israel Saw Mill 3 NACKAWICK. York Co. Tel. & Exp., Canterbury Station. Bank, Wood- stock. McAdam John, jr Saw Mill 3 6 NAPPAN. Northumberland Co. Sweezev Reuben A Fishing 3 6 J Sweeze'y & Russell Saw Mill 3 (!i Todd Thomas M Gen. Store 3i 7i NARROW.^. Queens Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. John. Robinson C. & J. I.' ....Saw Mill 4 N.\SHWAAK. York Co. On N'<"W Brunswick It. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Fredericton. Pop. 250. McGiveuey Richard Gen. Store 3 7 Younj^Bros Gen. Store & Lumber 4 NA8HWAAK BRIDGE. York Co. McBean J. T Gen. Store NASHWAAK VULLAGE. York Co. Bradley W. H Blacksmith 3 7 Richards Wm Lumber & Boistown Sloat John Gen. Store 3 6i NASHWAAKSIS. York Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Fredericton. Pop. 200. Clayton Mrs. James P Gen. Store 4 Johnson W. E Gen. Store ^ 7^ Kingliorn Wm Tanner Macfarlane Geo Carriages 4 McGoehan Thomiis Gen. Store 4 Sanson W. I) Gen. Store 3 7 Smith Mrs. J. E Gen. Store 4 NAUWIOBWAUK. Kings Co. On I. C. It. Tel., Exp. <& Bank, St. John. TruemaiiT. P Gen. Store 4 - NEGUAC. Noi-thumberland Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Chatham, 30 miles. Adams A. & J Gen. Store & Fish 3 6J Cassidy Andrew Gen. Score & Hotel 4 NELSON. Northumberland Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Newcastle. Pop. GOO. Baldwin Daniel Gen. Store 4 8 Burchill George & Sons. . . .Gen. Store | „, „. & Mill i "* '^^ Carroll Matthew Gen. Store 3^ 7} Daley Mrs. Timothy Liquors 4 8 Flett Enoch Tanner 3 FleitG. A. &H. T Brickwori.s 4 8 & Campbellton & Chatham. Flett Thomas W Saw Mill 4 H Getchell H Gen. Store 3i 7} Hayes Ephraim Gen. Sti>re See Mrs Joseph Haye-s. Have* Mrs. Joseph (Jen. S ore 3 G McLaohlan Helen •••.. Gen. Store 3i 7J MoMiihan Miss L Gen. Store 'i\ "> ^ O'Brien John Gen. Stor« 2i Sargent Chas Saw Mill 2| V'ereker Michael Shoemaker sj NEW BANDON. Gloucester Co. Read Joseph, & Co Grindstones NEWCASTLE, Northinuberland Co. On, r. a. It. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank. Pop. 35 . Anderson H. S., & Son Furniture 4 8 Anslow W. & J I'rinters 4 7 Bannon \l Gen. Store 3 7 Brander John Gen. Store 2i 5 Brown James Gnu. Store 2^ -1} 1 iry an ton & Clark Gen. Store 3 7" Call R. li Ship Brokor, 1 , p, Tugbojits, &c. ( ^ ^2 Clarke John ...Harness 4 8 Crocker T. W FLsh 4 Dalton John Gen. Store 3 7 Davidson James W.. Grocer & Crockery 3 6 Demers Mr.s « Millinery 4 8 Desmond Mrs. P Hotel 3 6 Elliott J. W Boots & Shoes 3 7 Fairey Benjamin . . . .Gen. Store & Furii. 4 Fairnmn Richard Foundry 4 8 Ftn-guson John Gen. Store 2i 4i Fish Charle.sE Gen. Store Fi.- .....Speculators 6.^ Fisher & Co Drugs 4 Gamble Bros.,, Carriages 4 Gordon I'homaB L Gen. Store 4 8 Grimley Richard H Livery S'able 3 C^ Harley Miss Lulu Gen. Store 4 8 Hennessey P Gen Store 3 6} Hickey Edward Gen. Store 3 7 Holohan Edward Bii rcher 4 8 Jardine J. F Hotel 4 Johnston & Co.... Agr'l. Iinplts. 2i- 4J & Fredericton Johnston W.C Stationer 4 Lay Chaa .... Gen. Store 3i 1\ iVIcEvoy P. J , Grocer 3 Ol McKean John B, & S. & Jewellery McIjHggan John Prov. 2i 4 McLean ^ngun Cnrriages 4 Maltt y Thomas & R Undertakers 3 7 Masson Wm. . . Gen. Store 4 Miller W. J.,&Co Butcht-rs 3i 71 Mirainichi Spool & Bobbin Co . . . See John Ferguson. Morrison Donald Gen. Store, &c. 4 Moss & Son Jewellers See Moncton. Murray James Foundry 2* 5 Neviu* John Tanner 'i\ 4^ New NEW BRUNSWICK. Pen New Brunswick Trading Co. (Lim-I ited Lumber ) See Chatham Park Wm Merchant 2^ SJ rhinnev J. H... 'Jiueniith 3 6 Kanisay T. H Gen. Store ii (JJ Kichard8& Hickson Saw Mill 21 4 Kitchie j). & J. & Co Lumber, &c. 1 J 1 Kobinson Wm Carriages .'5 7 Kussell James Gen . Store & Mill Simpson Geo . Gen. Store Stables Geo Grocer Stewart Alex Lotel Street E. Lee Drugs 3 Sutherland & Creaghan Gen. - lore 2^ Wheeler Mrs. Jas Grocer 3 WilliBton & Co Jewellers 3 Wyse Henry Baker 4 2J l! 3 3i7i 4 8 3 Gi ^ 7 NEWCASTLE. QueenH Co. Bailey Mrs. A. L Gen. Store 3 McFarlano E. P Gen. Store (See Grand Lake.) Miller James, & Bro Gen. Store & ( . Lumber ( Thurrott A. McM Gen. Store 4 8 NEW HORTON. Albert Co. See Harvey. NEW MlliliS. Bestigouclie Co. . On I. C. R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank,Cam.pbeltfon, Pnp.2W. Curran John Lumber & Saw Mill Dutch George Saw Mill 2^ 5 Hoegg D. W., & Co Canned Goods 2^ 4 & Fredericton. MurchieA Blacksmith, &c. 4 Windsor Jos T Gen. Store & Fish 2i 4i NEWTOWN. Kings Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Sussex,! miles. Pop. 100. Campbell Joseph lAimber McAfee James Gen. Store 3 7 Quirk James Tavern 4 NORTH ESK. Northumberland Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Newcastle, 16 miles. Adams & Menzies Fish 3 6i Johnson Thomas Lumber 3 Somers James Gen. Store & Lumber 4 Sutherland M Gen. Store 3i 7^ NORTH HEAD. Charlotte Co. See Grand Manan. NORTH LAKE. York Co. Tel. & Exp., Canterbury, 17 miles. Bank, Woodstock. BlanchRrd George W Gen. Store 3 7 Clark George H. . .Gen. Store & Lumber 3 6^ Cropley David Gen. Store 3 G\ Kennedy John Gen. Store 3 5 Mclntyre Daniel Geli. Store 4 MoMinn Hugh Gen. Store 3 6^ VeseyH. H Mill 3 6 NORTON. KiiigH Co. On I. C. 11. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank, Sussex. Pop. 300. BagleyT Hotel 4 Campbell & Burgoyne Gen. Store 3 7 Campbell J. W Hotel 4 Campbell Wesley Hotel 4 Folklns James Gen. Store 4 Huggard Beverly Painter 4 Jamleson J. & w Gen. Store See Clover Hill. Jones & Akerley Gen. Store 4 8 Langell George Gen. Store 4 Langhey John C, & Sons Hotel 4 Logan & Burns Saw Mill 4 8 McKiimon Alex. CarriageH 4 McKinnon .John Blacksmith 4 McLeod Milton Gen, Store 2i 4^ Patriquen Wesley Blacksmith 4 Perkins & Patriquen Gen. Store 3 6 Pickle Frank H Carriages 3k 7* Kobertson George Gen Store 3| 7$ OAK BAY. Charlotte Co. Tel. & Exp., St. George. Bank, St. Andrews. OAK POINT. Kings Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. John, Inch Gecnge Gen. Store 3J 7i OROMOCTO. Sunbury Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank , Fredericton, 11 miles. Pop. 400. Armstrong Wm Blacksmith 3 7 Brennaii Robert Gen. Store 3 7 Bryson Wm Liquors 4 Kane Mrs Gen. Store 3 7 McCafferty T. J Gen. Store 3 7 PAINSIC. Westmoreland Co. See Moncton. PASSKKEAG. Kings Co. Ou I. C Jt. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial Bank, Sussex. Poj). 150. Earle Thomas Gen. Store 3^ 7J PATTERSON SETTLEMENT. Sunbury Co. Roberts T. B. , sr Gen. Store 2^5 PEEL. Carleton Co. On Xeiv Brunswick R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am Bank, Woodstock. Pop. 2. On Grand Southern R. Tel., St. Georqe. Exp, & Rank, St. John. Pop. 600. Boyd Robert Gen. Store 3 6i Boyd Simon W Gen. Store 3 6 Drayton M Gen. Store 4 g Gillespie James Saw Mill 2i 5 Hicks John Gen Store 4 McDowell W. H Mill 3 6i McKay Samuel Trader 4 8 P( ole Enos Gen. Store 3 7 SkeneJames Woolen Mill 3 6 Spinney James Gen. Store 3 7 PENOBSQUIS. Kings Co. On I. C, R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial, Bank, Sussex. Pop. 400. Freeze Bros Gen. Store & Lumber 3 McManus M. P ... Tavern 3 7 Murray Alfred D Blacksmith 3i 7i 225 Per NEW BRUNSWICK. Qua PKKKY'S POINT. KliigH Co. Murpliy .James H Lumber & Mill 4 PERTH. Victoria Co. ' On New liruiistvick li. TcL, W- U. Exp., Am. Bank, Woodstock. Pop. 500. Adams Alex SawMill 3i 7i Appleby W. D Gen. Store 4 Armstrong Wm. B., jr Confec. 4 8 liairdG. T Gen. Store 3 Bishop Samuel Gen. Store 3 7 Brewer Tbomaa Boots & Shoes 3 7 Craig Manly H Gen. Store 4 Crawford J. U Tins 4 8 Larlee Amos B . ... Saw & Carding Mill 4 LarleeJohnB (j en. Store 4 Mallory Wm, L.... Gen. Store 3i 7i Wade Geo. A Harness 4 PETEBSVILLE. QueeiiH Co. Tel.& Exp., Welsford. Bank, St John. Pop. 200. Anderson Robert Gen. Store 3 7 Leonard Thomas Gen. Store 3i 7i McKenzie M., & Son Saw Mill 3 7 Woods Francis Lumber & Supplies 2i 5 PETITCODIAC. Westmoreland Co. Onl.C.R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank. Pop. 700. Cochrane Bros Gen. Store 2* 5 ColpittsT. W Grist Mill 3J 7i Fowler & Lowery Tanners 3 6 Humphreys & Trites G. S. & Mills 2i 4 Johnston & Co Agr'l. luiplts. 2i 4_ & Fredericton. Jonah ]3avid Furniture 3 7 Keith M. B Gen. Store 3 7 Lewis John Shoes 4 McCallum Elliot Liquors 4 8 McDonald D. I) Phys'n & Drugs 2i 5 McLaughlin D. J Saw Mill McNaughton Jas., & Sons Harness 3 7 & Salisbury. Main James Grist Mills 3 7 Mann & Moore Blacksmitlis ? „ 7 & Carriages J Nicholson Matthew. Carriages 4 Saunders William Shoemaker 4 Smith Aitken Tailor 3i 7i Smith Mrs. Aitken Millinery 4 SteevesN Stoves 3 7 Webster Percy Jewellery 4 PETIT KOCHEB. Gloucester Co. See Madisco. POCKMOUCHE. Gloucester Co. Tel., 0. N- W. Exp. & Bank, Bathurst. Babin John A Gen. Store 4 8 Blanchard Dosith^ Blacksmith 4 8 Ferguson J. A Gen. Store 3i 7i POINTE DU BUTE. Westmoreland Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Sackville, 5 miles. Pop. 250. Black Cyrus E Shoemaker 4 8 Dixon QeorgeR Flour, &o. 3 7 Goodwin J. H Tanner & Gen. Store 3 6^ Jones Isaac Lumber 4 8 McQueen Joseph A Gen. Store 3 5J Oulton Thomas E Gen. Store 3 7 Snowdon Arthur L.. .Blks. & Carriages 3i 7i Townshend A Harness 4 226 POINTE 1)U CHENE. Westmoreland Co. On I.e. It. Tel.,]y.U. Exp.,lntercolou\al. Bank, Moncton. Pop. 150. Connelly William Peddler 4 S Gratton Jas Hotel 4 Hanington George L Hotel 4 n Harper Chas Coal&Com'n. 3 : Keith Mrs., widow Uz Store McDonald Edward Baker 3', 7' McDonald & Mcljaughlin. ...Gen. Store 3* i'<'[. McDonald Mrs. .las Boarding House McLauchlan .Tohn . Store McLellan Mrs Grocer 4 8 POLLETT KIVEK. Westmoreland to. On I. C. n. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Pnitcodlne. Colpitts & Bleakney. Grist & Carding I Mills, i .Tones Trueman 4 McLaughlin D. J Saw Mill See PetitcodiiK . Townes John Saw Mill 2^ T) POQIJIOCK. York Co. Tel. & Exp., Canterbury , l&miles. Bank, Fn- derictou. Miller .John S Mfr. Bark Extracts Moores John S Gen. Store 3 7 PORTAGE RIVER. Northumberland Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Chatham, AQ miles. McDermaid John Gen. Store 3 7 Monzerole Lazare Gen. Store 3 G PORT ELGIN. Westmoreland Co. Anderson R. B Tins & Stoves 4 8 Chapman Harris Carriages 3 G Copp Brothers Gen. Store & Mill 2^ i\ & Botsford". Copp J. H Gen, Store 3 Hk Fields Anthony Blacksmith 4 8' Fleming M. J Gen. Store 4 Goodwin Charles H Tanner 3J 74 Jones Miss Jessie Millinery 4 8" Lamb John G Gen. Store 3 McLeod & Spencer' Gen. Store 3 C Matterson Colin Tailor 4 8 Murray Mary Gen. Store 4 Polley Alfred Liquors 4 Port Elgin Furniture & Mfg Co. (The). . Port Elgin Woolen Mill Woolen Gds. 2i 4^ Sornier Cail Hotel 4 PORTLAND. St John Co. See St. John. PRINCE WIL-LIAM. York Co. Tel. , Exp. & Bank, Fredericton, 26 miles. Pop. 200. PRINCE WILIilAM STATION. York Co. Eraser Thomas L Gen. Store & P.M 3 7 Hatch W. G Gen. Store & Lumber 4 PROSSER'S BROOK. Albert Co. Prosser & Geldert Gen. Store 4 QUACO. St John Co. St. Martin's. " '■ ••■' Red NEW BRUNSWICK. EOT KE1> HANK. Northuml>«rlaii • Baker Wm • • * • ^ . .Musical Insts Calderwood William .Liq. & Shoes. 3 7 Firlotte Miss Sarah Milliner 4 8 Hamilton Peter, jr .Gen Store 2* 5 Hayes James, & Co Shingle Mill 2J 5 Poirier Thomas Gen. Store 3 7 McLean Donald Gen. St6re 3 7 ReedJa8.,3r.... Gen. Store 2i 4i IklVER DE CHUTE. Carleloii Co. Tel. & Kxp,,Baih. Bank, Woodstock. Pop, 100. Fraser Donald Saw Mill 2i 5 Porter Joseph B Gen. Store Watson Bros Mill 4 8 RIVER L.01TIS0N. Restigouclie Co. Tel. tfc Exp., Dalhousie Junction. Bank, Camp. , bellton. Pop. 160. j Barker & Hall Lumber &Mill 3 6i I Harvie Andrew Qen, Store 3 7 . McNair Nathaniel Saw Mill Stewart Donald Gen. Store 3 C RIVERSIDE. Albert Co. Tel. & Exp., Albert. Bank, Moncton. Pop. 2bO, CarnAvath W. J Gen. Store 3 6 Hunter Jame» Shoemaker 3* 7i McClelan A. R Hay & Shinping 2 3 McClellanJos O Traders 6 Moore J. A Blacksmith 4 8 Newcomb .Tames Gen. Store 3 7 Robertson Wm Harness 4 8 Stevens J. R Saw Mill 3 7 ROBICHAUD. Westmoi eland Co. Legore E . A Gen. Store 4 ROCKLAND. Caileton Co. Tel. & Exp., Hartland. Bank, Woodstook, Estabrooks A. W Gen. Store 4 8 Snow C. B Gen. Store 3 7 ROCKLAND. Westmoreland Co. On r. a. n. lel., W. U. Exp., I. a Bank, Dorcliester. Anderson James Saw Mill 2i 5 Dobson T. C Gen Store 3 7 ROCKPORT. Westmoreland Co. Tel., Exp. <& Bank, Dorchester. , Road Joseph & Co Grindstones. (See New Bandon.) ROGERVJLLE. Northumberland Co. On I. C. R. Tel.. W. U. Eoep, Intercolonial. Bank, Newcastle. Amos Joseph, & Co Gen. Store & Derby. Arsenault Sosime Gen. Store Buckley John I) Butcher 3 7 Fontaine D Gen, Store 4 8 GaudetDavid Gen, Store 4 8 Johnson Isidore Gen. Store 4 8 Leblanc A. V • • • • Gen, Store 4 Murphy James J Saw Mill 3 Murray Henry Hotel 4 ROLLING DAM. Charlotte Co. OnN. B. R. Tel., Estp. & Bank, St. Andrews, 7 miles from Elmville. McKinney Robert Gen. Store 8 6 ROTHESAY. Kings Co. / ,, On I. a R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank, St. John. Pop. 300. Kierstead Jam,e8 S Blacksmith 3i 7* Slawson J. W.,.. Peddler 4 Thompson Robert. Grocer i 8 227 Row NEW BRUNSWICK. St. J BOWKNA. Victoria Co. TV/. <& Exp., Andoi'er. Bank, Wookatock, SimmuiiB Si Burpee Shingle Mill (See Fretlerictoii). RUSAGOKNISH. Sunbury Co. Nason Parker A Gen. Storp 3 7 ST. ANDREWS. Clmrlotte Co. On Ntw Jirunawick Jt. Tel., IV. U. Exp., Am. Bank. Pop, 1,800. Armstrong H. E. Publisher 4 Black Thomas (irrocer 3 Burton John Grocer 3 Burt«>n & Murphy Livery 4 Clark Donald Baker, &c. 3 Cockburn Bros Drugs 3J DeWolf B. F Grocer 3 Fearby Martin Tinsmith 3^ 7i Fields S. E Blacksmith 4 8 Glass James Gen. Store 3 Glenn Robert Gen. Store Grinrtnier George D Grocpr Hanson Bros Mnfrs. Boots & i 8 Shoes, I Hart & Greenlaw Grocers 3i Herbert W. H Hotel 4 Irwin Edward .Boots & Shoes 4 Jones John J Boots & Shoes 4 Kennedy Angus Hotel 3 Lamb & Billings Grocer 3i Lord W. W Grocer 4 Lorimer Wm. 1) Boots & Shoes 4 Magee John S I>. G. 4 Magill James Stat'y 4 Mallory W.E Livery Stable 3 Maloney John S Grocer 3i McMonagle M Foundry 3 Mowatt Frank .Grocer Ode.ll Thomas T D. G. O'Neil H., & Sons Butchers Randall Mrs Hotel Ross Robert, & Son Ship i Brokers, i Saunders Ed ward. Confec. & Gen. Store Snodgra s Wm Boots & Shoes. St. Andrews Camnng Co Stickuey George F Fey. Goods, 2J Stintion M Grocer 3 Stoop flames , . .Gent Fgs. 4 Street & (Jo , . .Liquors 2i 4^ Stuart R. A., & Co Tailors 4 Williamson T Grocer 3^ 7^ Wren T. Rudolphe Drugs. 3 7 ST. ANN'S. Madawaskft Co. Dionne J. P Gen. Store 4 8 Perron Abraham Gen. store 3i 7i Tarrant P Gen. S'ore Theriault Prime Gen. Store 3 7 ST. BASIL. Madawaska Co. Chi JV. B. It. Tel. & Exp. , Edmundston. Bank, Woodstock. Beaulieu Simon .yGeii . Store Bernier Jean Tanner Qagnon Narcisse A Gen. Storn Hudon — Gen. Store Marcure Pitre Liquors Martin Cyprien. Gen. Store Martin Oneeime Gen. Store 208 4 2 3 4 2i 4 4 3 8 7 6 8 6 7 I 6 5 6i 7i 8 ?l 8 8 8 ^ 7 7 I* 6 8 7 . 8 4 3 2i 5 3i T 3 4 4 ST. CROIX. York Co. 0»i A. B. li. Tel.d- Exp., Vanciboi-o. Hank St. Sh'phtn. ' Casey J. E Gen. Store & Drugs 4 8 Casty P. H Liquors 4 Gallagher Daniel Gen. Store 4 Tague James Liquors 3 7 ST. 0£OR(iE. Charlotte Co. On (irand Southern li. Tel. W. U. Exp. Si Bank, St. John or St. Stephen. J'op.eoo. Adams Geo. E Grocer 3 7 Baldwin A S Millinery 3 >j Barry Thomas Gen . Store 3 Brawley Patrick Grocer 3 7 Clark J. Sutton Drugs 3 7 Colmer Wallace, & Co Granite 3 7 Dewar John & Son Gen. Store 3 6J Dick Dr. 1'homas Drugs . 4 Doyle John Grocer 3 7 Dykenian ,1. W Tailor. 4 8 Epps, Dodd & Co Granite > 2^ 5 Quarry ( Frauley John Gen. Store 3 6J Gallag'er Mrs. Wm Gen. Store 4 Johnson Chas Coal, &c. 2i 5 McCread James Liquors 4 Mc(Tratton Henry. Grocer & Meat. 3 7 McVicker Peter — ... .Gen. .Store 2i 5 Magee Gartey Hotel 3 7 Milne, Coutte & Co Stonecutters & I 2 2J Granite Works. | O'Brien & Gilmor Gen. Store 2^ 5 O'Brien James Blacksmith 3 64 O'Brien Timothy Dry Goods 3 7 O'Neil James Geii. Store3 6J Parks Moses Hotel, «&c. 3 7 Robinson Wellington ... Grocer 3i 7i Taylor Bros Granite 3 7 Tayte, Meating & Co Granite 3 6 Thickens George Gen. Store 3i 7J Westmore Robert T Stoves & Tins 4 ST. HILAIRE. Madawaska Co. Tel. & Exp., Edmundston. Bank, Woodstock, Albert B ; Liquors 4 Albert V Hotel 4 AudibPrt Vital Gon. Store 3 7 Clair John Gen . Store 4 Comeau Wm. J Liquors 4 Cvi' Regis ; .Llquoi s 3i 7i M'ichaud J. P Gen . Store 3 Ouelletto Paul Gen. Store 4 ST. IGNACE. Kent Co. (See St. Louis. ) i •' ' ■•' ST. JACQUES. Madawaska Co. Bosse £ laquors 4 ,, ■ A, ,./■;: ST. JOHN. ;,•■-,;: ,; On t. C. R., Npw Brunswick R. & Grand Sou- thern S, Exp., Am. tt Intercolonial Tel., W. C\ Pop. 50,000. A banking town. Adams & Gregory Saw Mill 3^ 7i Adams Robert L Jeweller 4 Adams Thos. S Ship Chandler 2J 5 Allan Iron Foundry & Machine Works . ,. ,^ , . See W. C. R. Allan, St. J NEW BRUNSWICK. St. J Allan W. C Dry GckmU li 7 Alliiu W. C. R Drugs .1 6 Alliin Will. K Teas 4 8 Allinghaiu •lohn Saddler 3 6 Ainencun Dye Works ( *o . . See McBeath iSc Btirton. Amlersoii & Oo Miif rs. Hope 4 7 Andrews Andrew F Hrunhinaker 4 8 Appleby Uenj. II Gro. & Shipping Armstrong hros Founders .'J 7 Armstrong Kd'vard . I Printer 4 Armstrong George E ...Grocer 4 Armstrong,!. S., & Bros (Jrocers ^i 5 Austin M. D Grocer 3 7 ng Ta<;kle .'< Shipping 'i 7 k 4 2Hi n BaillieChas ...Fishln Baird George F Baird & I'eters Whol. (Jrocers Bank of Brltisli North America br., See Montreal, Que. Bank of Montreal. br., See Montreal, Que. Bank of Nova Sisotia. br.. See Halifax, N. S. Bank of Now Brunswick Banking Halifax Co .. Barbour Gho L Com'n 4 Barker & Co Drugs, Extracts, &c. Barker Henry W Drugs See T. B. Barker & Sons. Barker S. M Grocer 4 8 Barker T. B.. & Sons Whol. Drugs 2i 4 Barker Walter E Confec. 4 8 Barnes & Co Stationers, &c. 2i 3^ Barnes & Murray | . . .Dry Goods 3 6 Barry & .VlHclauchlan Whol. Hardware 2i 5 Barton C. F Grocer 4 8 Baskln Bros Grocers 3 7 Baxter H. W., & Co Teas Beatteay Isaac O Undertaker Beatteay John B Saw Mill Belyea Beverly Grocer Belyea Chas. fc. ...Boots & Shoes Bell Bros Painlers Bell & Higgins Mnf rs. Cigars Bell T. Wm Gen'l Mer. & Com'n Bell W. H Sewing Machines 3 Bent Gilbert, & Sons Wliol. Grocers 2^ Berton George K Com'n 4 Berton Wm. J Com'n Teas 4 Beve,"ly Pulton. H'waro & Fancy Goods 2i 4^ Biddington George. ... Liquors 3 7 Birmingham Michael Liquorn 4 Black Wm Ship Chandler 4 Blackader Fred Crockery 3^ 7i Blackall Michael Coaches Blackslee & Son Painters 3 7 Blair& Co Bankers Blake G.&E ...Plumbers 2^ 5 Bond Henry Livery 3 7 Bond John Harness 3^ 7i Bonnell & Cowan Grocers, &o. 2* 6 BostwickC M.,&Co ...Whol. Grocers 2 J 3 Bourke R. C, & Co Hats, &c. 3 7 Bourke T. L Whol. & Ret. Liqrs. 2i Bowes A. Q. & Co Stoves, Tins, &c. 3 Bowman I. C Com n Flour 3i Boyd James Painter 3| BoydThos. H Baker 4 Boyle James Baker 4 Boyle James Tinsmith 3^ Bradley Bros Block & Pump Mkrs. 3 Bradley Chas Blacksmith Breeze Dudne Gro. & Liqs. Brenuen N. W Undertaker 3 Bridges H. T Biots&Shoes 4 Brock & Paterson. .Whol. Millinery J .,, ., & Fancy Goocfs ( ^* "** Brogan .laines A Liquors 3i 74 Bn)wn Chas. F Crockery 4 8J Brown AtCodner Tins, &c. 3* 7 Browm David Harness 2i 5 Brown J. Harvey Whol. Teas 3 GJ Brown & Ltetch. . . Mnfrs. Paier Bags '2k 5 Brown Miss M. A Millinery 4 Brown R. A. C Boots & Shoes 3i 7i Brown W. G . . Grocer 3 7 Browning George. ... Dry Goods 4 Brownley & Co Brass Foundern & ( Mnfrs. Patent Bush ( Brownley Electric Mfg. Co. (The) » ' Sub. cap. #10 000. ( Bruckhof Wm. J Mouldings 2i 3 Brunda>fe & Jacks^ ood Working Co I Planing Mill ) Christie Jas. J.,&0o .Shoe Endings 3 Christie Wm Phys. & Drugs 3 Chubb H., & Co.. .Ins. &Com'n Brokers Clark Daniel W Builder 4 Clark, Kerr & Thome Whol. & » Ret. Hardware ) Clark R. C, & Co Hotel Clarke Cha-. A Grocer, &c. Clarke Chas. A.,&Co Agr'l Implta. Clarke Clement I" Drugs Clarke Hardre'js Grocer Clarke W. J., &Co Grocers Cleraentson F., & Co Whol. & Ret. » Crockery f Gierke James, & Son Mnfrs. Lasts 229 6J 7 2i4i 3J7i 4 8 3 6 2i 3 3 7 2Hi li2 4 St. J NEW BRUNSWICK. St. J Cllmo J, S Photo. & Frames 3 Clinch D. C Banker 3 Cochrane Humlltoii G . Boots & Shoes 3 ( 'oles & Piirsons Tins, Stafy, Ac. 3 Coll Bros Candle & Soap 2 Coll Michael Dry (loods 2i (JollinH& Dillon Coni'n 3 Collins John Gro. &. Liquors 3i Colwell Chufl. H Urocer 4 Colwell Enoch B ....Fish 2 Colwell Frederick C Grocer 8 Conlon J. E Mer. Tailor 4 Connolly J. B Grocer 4 Connors Thos., & Sons Mnfrs. Hope OorhittJohn Pump & Block Mkr. 3 Cork«'ry Mra. Michael. ...Shoe Findings 4 Condleld W. J Baker 3i Cosman II. S Tins 4 Cotter W., &Son8 Victualers ^ CottlH & Colwell (Jrocers 3 CouKhlan Daniel Clothing 4 Coughlan P Boots & .shoes 3 Coughlan Thos. L Jeweller, &c. 2J Coupe Uobert E Drujjs 3 Court Bros Meats & Vegetable 2i Cowan & Fleming Dressmakers 4 Cowan Joshua E G rocer 3 Cowan Moses E Lumber 4 Cox Joseph Stoiu'cutter 4 Craig Roberts Painter 3i Craig & VVilHon Painters 4 Craigie Mrs. George 11 Milliner Crawford E. & T Sewing Machines 4 Crawlord Hugh .. Sewing Mach. Agent 2i Crawford Jnmes Stationery 3 Crawford Wni Sewing Machines 2* Crockett Thomas A Drugs 3i Cronln T. J Liquors 2j Crothers, Henderson & Wilson \ „ , Carriage Ml'rs. | ^ Culbert Bobert Harness 3i Cullinan J., & Son Tailors 3 Currie Mr.'^. John Grocer 4 Gushing Andre, & Co Lumber 2 D Daley Timothy Dry Goods 3^ Dalton M. (Esiateof) 3 Danaher W. F liestaurant 3 Daniel & Boyd Whol. Dry Goods Daniel & Kobertson Dry Goods Davidson Wm., (Estate of) W. J. David- scm, Admr Lumber 2 Davis Daniel G Grocer 4 Day Daniel C, Liquors 3i Day George E Printer 4 Day George W Printer 4 Dearborn & Co Spices, Whol. ( o Grocers, &c. I "* De Forest A. F., & Co Mer, Tailors 3 De Forest Geo. S. . Whol, Prov. & Flour De Forest Louis E. Grocer 3^ DeWittW. N Builder Dick Hai^en J Drug-* 3 Doherty David .... .Sec. Hand. Clothing 3i^ Doherty Wm., & Co Mer. Tailors 3 Dpnohue & Co Coal 4 Donohue James Grocer 4 Donovan Thomas Butcher 3 Doody James H Plumber 3 DowhngBros , Dry Goods 2i Downey George Boots & Shoes 4 Downing Francis Confeo. 4 DriscollBroB Lumber 3 Driscoll James D Boots & Shoes 4 230 I 3 3i I 7i 5 n 8 8 6 7i li 7 < 7 5 6 f 4 8 3 4 4 4 3 7 4 2i4i 3 7 3 6A 3i7J 3 7 4 3 4^ 2i 3 'jU 4 8 2J4i 2 2* 3 e: Driscoll M. J Tailor Drury John Builder Dullull Henry Lumber Dully Isaac Hotel DulTy Janios Li«|Uors Duffy Mrs. Patrick Lbiuors Duke James Grocer Duke Wni (iroeer Dunl)raok Henry — Plumber I )un lop Thonuis .\ ( Jrocer Dunlop Wm Grocer, P'eed, &c. p]agles James H Grocer Eagles & Porter Dry Goods Kdgecombe .lolin Mer. Tailor p:idcr Wm\., (Estate of) Publisher Elkin & HatHeld Ship Chandlers Ellis Richard Shoemaker Kills, Robertson & Co " Globe" Emeinon Chas Stoves, Ranges, &c Emery Oliver, & Co. Flour & Shipowners Erb Isaac ... Photograjdier Estabrooks J. F., & Son JVod., &c. Kstey , Allwiod & Co Rubber 1 Goods, Mill Supplies, &c. ) Everett C, & E. . .Whol. & Ret. Hatters Kverett Edward A Panerhangings Everitt Arthur Whol". Dry Goods I'M! .:., '■' , IP ■ ,,.^ / n .",■ P'airall & Smith Dry Goods 3 5J Farmer Richiird Lumber 4 Farrell ftlichael Clothing Feldman Louis National Supply Co. Fenwick Wilfred Com'n Prod. Ferguson & I'age Tewellers Ferrie T. J Tincniith Finlay & Co Harness Finlay Jot^eph Whol. Gro. & \ Staple D.(ji. \ Finlay R. <& F. S Grocer & Feed Finn M. A wines, &c. Finiiigan Henry Liquors Fislier Edwin .' Lumber I^isluir George S., & Co Mfrs. & i Roofers f Fisher John W Roofer 4 Fisher Samuel Shoemaker Fitzgerald J. E Plumber 3 7 P'leming Jas. Iron Foundry & Machinist 2^^ 3 Fletcher Geo. W Carriage Builder 4 Flewelling Frank Prov. 3^ 7* Flewelling G. & G Matches 2^ 4^ (See Hampton.) Flood C, & Sons Musical lusts. & I r,, . , Stat'y. ( ^^ ** Flood M., t& Sons Builders Foster John. . . Grocer Foster S. R., & Son. . . . Mfrs. Tacks & i Nails I Foster & Stephenson liarness Fowler Joalah Mfr. Car Springs 9i i Edge Tools | Fowler Judson M Hotel Fowler W, H Grist Mill Fox Alex Tailor Francis «& Vaughan Whol. & ) Bet. Boots & Shoes { Fraser Wm. J .....Clothing 3 6i Friol E., & Co Clothing ^ Fuller Charles B Grocer 4 Furlong Thomas Whol. & Ret. ? Wines & Liq. \ 2Hi 4 2i5 4 8 2i4 4 2i5 3 6i f 2i4i 4 8 iii 5 3 4 I' St. J NEW BRUNSWICK. St. J a fldllaKhor Bprnard Hiitchor 4 QallaKher M. & If., & Co.Gro. & Liquors 2^ tiaiidy Barton Salt & ('oin'n. U Onril W. TnMniilne leweller (ierow George W Auctloii«er 4 OibbB John Confec. 3 (iit)Hon W. C lowellor 4 (tllbert & C!o Merchants 2 Gilbert Harold Carpets 3 (iilniour Andrew Mer. Tailor 2J 3} (lilmoiir It. B., & Co . .Lamps, Oils. &c. 3 6j (ilasgow Hugh Grocer 3^ Olasier n. I).,&Son Towboats (iodard Fred (Jrocer 4 Godard d. W (4rooer GodHoti W. C, & Co Victualers 2 3 (ioldan M Grocer 3J 7i 8 T 4 3 4 4 4 8 8 6 U 6i GoldlnK S. T Livery (ioodwln A. L Com'n Fruit, &c. (ioi)ley Th()8 Confectionery " Gorbell Art Store" I'ictnres, & j Fancy (Joods ) Gordon .fnhn .f Grocer Gorham George M«r. Tailor 3i Gorman Thos Whol. (irocer 2 J Gould & Penny Mf ns. Straw Hats 3 Gowland dolin Boots & Shoes 3J Graham .las ...Grocer 3 Grannan Philip Tinsmith 4 Granville Thomas F <4rocpr 4 Gray & Scott Grocers 8 6 (Ireat Lcmdou & China Tea Co See F. C. Smitli. Green Louis Cigars, &c. 2i 5 Green Robert II Engraver Gregory H. S Stevedore 4 Gregory Robert A Lumber 4 Grindeii, Welch & Co Liquors (iunter&Co ... Grocers & Shingle Mill 3 H Haley Bros., & Co Planing Mill Hall & Falrweather Geu'l Mers. Hall Samuel Painter Hall Thomas H Books, &c. Hamilton C. , & Son Millowners Hamilton & 'lo xMer. Tailors Hamilton Jas Sparkmalaniel Grocer Hayes Kdward Baker Hayes & Layden Butchers May ward S., & Co Whol H'dware Hay ward VV. H Whol. & Uet I Crockery ) Hazel wood John Drugs Ha/.elhurst Wm Foundry Heans It Bookbinder Henderson & Co Stoves, &c. Hevenor (Jld<'H)n Brass Founder llickley Kdward Li<|uors Iliggins W. J.,&Co Tailors HilyardBros Saw Mills Hoben Georg»! W Drugs Hopan Michael Liquors Hogan Mrs. Margaret.... (Jrocer Holder George E Sailmaker Holman Frank E Paperhangings Hopkins .fohn Sausages, Meats, &c. Horn -John, & Co Liquors Horncastle J. , & Co Hardware Horton H., & Sou. .Saddlery & H'dware Howe .T. & J. D F"urnilure Hoyt E. M Confectioner Hum{)hrev -Tames M.. ..Boots & Shoes Hunter. Flamilton & McKay Dry Gds. Hunter .Tames Locksmith Hunter Roger Printer Hunter Thomas, & Co Dry Goods Hurley J. T Mfr, Boots & Shoes Hutchings & Co Spring Beds, I Bedding, <&c. ( ■ > '4 5 2 n 4 3 5i 3 4 n 4 3.1 7* ■4 7i 4 3.^7i 4 8 4 3 6 '4 4 3 «i 4 2 ^\ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 7 2> 4i 3,1 n 3 6 3 7 4 2 3 2 3 4 4 5 4 3\7i 3 t 2 n 2: 5 3 7 4 3 7 3 6 ?J 5 4i '-') 6 3 6 4 8 2,^ 5 .3 3 SI 4 8 3 6i '4 5 3 G 1 Imperial Oil Co. ^Limited) 1 (See also Petrolia, Out.) Isaacs Abraham. . Whol. & Ket. Cigars 2i 5 Jackson H. B., & Co Brokers (See also New York Jardine & Co Whol. & Ret. Grocers JarvisC.E.L . ...Ins. & Broker Jennings Daniel J Stationer -Tewett E.J).,&Co Lumber Johnson James .1 Tiiilor Johnson .John M Sheepskins .Tohnston John Painter .Tones F. A — Eastern Supply Co. Jones F. A Hotel .Tones Robert Grocer Jones Simeon Brewer .Tones William H Florist .Tordan James G Ship Broker 2i 4 City.) 2 2| -'I 5 4 '> 2i 4 8 3 6; 3 2^ 5 3 1 I 1 3 7 TCane & Co Stonecutters ICane John A Builder Kane Mrs MUlinery Keane Bro.s Dry Goods Kearns Alex Grocer & Liquors Kedey & Co Dry (4oods Kee Jas Baker Keenan Miss Emma Millinery Keenan & Itatchford Stoves & Tins Kein .Jas Shoemaker Kelly Jas Mer. Tailor Kelly & Harley Saloon Kelly & Murphy Carr. Makers Kemp.Tacob Tobacco, &c. Kennedy & Farren 'l'i»s Kennedy Ja-! Prov.&Shippnig Kennedy Wm . . Grocer •i8l 4 3^ - 4 4 8 4 4 3V 7i 4' 3i 5 3 7 r* 44 St. J NEW BRUNSWICK. St. J Kerr Hugh P Whol. & Itet. Confec. 3 6i Keystone Assurance Co Kierstead & White Grocers 3 6i KiinballJohii, & Son Tanners & I oi c Wool Dealers 1 "^^ ^ Kings. T.,& Sons Lumber 2 2* Kinnear Bros Coni'n Mers. 2 2] Kinsella Augustus Marble 3 7 Kirkpatrick Bros .Clothing 4 Knight Richard N Drugs 3* Knndell George A Printer 2J 5 KnoxJas Ship Chandler 3 6 Knox & Thompson Furniture 2i 5 Knowles W. H Trunks 3 7 I. Lake John S Grocer 3 7 Landry & Co Musical Insis., I 9141 Pianos & Organs f ^^ ** Lantaluni E., & Co Juiik, &c. 2i 4i Laskey Robert, & Son Block & ( .,, -, Pump Makers S * * Lauckner Stephen J Baker 3 6 Law A. L Dye Works 3 6 , Law Edward F Watches, &c. 4 Law F. E., & Co Com'n 3 6^ Law G. A. . & Co — Grocers Lawrence William II Furniture 4 8 Lawson Andrew Ship Chandler 4 Lawson Bros Sausages, &c. 3 7 Leahy Jas Tallow Chandler 3i 7* Ledingham Robert Dry Goods 3 6j Lee James W Tins 4 Lee & Logan. . . .Whol. & Ret. Grocers I ,,, .1 & Wines ( '^^ *^ Leonard Bros Fish 2^ 4^ (See also Montreal.) Leonard E., & Sons Engines 1^ Ij Br. See London Ont. Leonard Robert Sailmakor 4 Lester Edward H Sec. Hand Store 4 Lewis Mrs Richard D Dry Goods 4 8 Lewis William, & Son Shipsmiths Lipsett James P Tinsmith Lockhart W. A Auctioneer 2i 5 Logan R. D Grocer 3 •Logan Wm Soai> Mf r. 2^ 5 Longley Miss Amanda Fey. Goods 4 8 Lord James A Grocer 3i 7i Lordly x^., & Co Spices 3 6} Lordly A. J. , & Son Furniture 3 6i LorimerJohuB Grocer 3 7 Lunny Thomas — Clothier Lynch David Shipbuilder 24 4 Lynch John P Com'n. 3j 7^ M Macaulay Bros., & Co Dry Goods 2* 4 Macfarlane James Coal,&c. 3j TJ Mackay John TVas 2^ 5 McAflfee Joseph Foundry McArthur Albert Stationer 4 8 Mc Arthur Douglas Stationer 3 6 McArthur Robert D Apothecary 2^ 4^ McAvinn & Kickham names'^ 4 McAvitv T., & Sons H'ware &) . . „ Brass Foundere S * McBeath & Burton Dyers McBride Samuel Grocer McCann John Gro. & Liquors 4 McCann Patrick Grocer McCarthy Richard W Drugfc 4 McClelland Samuel Tailor 4 8 McColgan Thomas Liquors 3 7 232 3 3 3 ^ 7 6i 5 2M 2i 5 2i 5 3 7 McCon}iell Mrs. Ann, wid flames ( Boots & Shoes | McCormack D, W Hotel McCorniick Bernard Baker McCoskery J. L Hotel McCready T., & Son Mfrs. Vinegar McCrossiu Bernard Grocer McCullough Frank, & Co . . Tailors & » Clothing ( McCullough M.J Dry (joods 3^ McDade flames Tinsmith 3 McDiarmaid Silas Drugs 3 McDonald Allan R Contractor McDonald Edward Butcher & ) Victualer ) McDonald John Butcher McDonald Patrick Butcher McDonough Wm Liquors McDuttee - J W fjeweller McElroy Thomas Grocer McEvoy & Rees Butchers McFate John Victualer McGatiigan flames J Whol. Teas McGirr Felix Butcher McGirr Samuel Grocer McGivern R. P Coal McGoldrick John Junks McGonagle John ' Victualer MctGourry John Contractor McGovern Bros, ^ Grocers 3i 7^ McGowan Henry N Painter 4 McGrath Bros Grocers 4 McGrath Bros Tidlors McGregor Chas Drugs McGrory John P Grocer Mclnnis James A Tailor McKay J. N 1 ailor McKay W. Malcolm Lumber McKean George Agent McKinney James Grocer 4 McKinney flames, jr Drugs 3J 7i McLaclilan D., & Sons, . . .Boilermakers 4 McLachlan & Wilson Lumber .VIcLauchlan C, & Son. . . .Ship Brokers McLean Dr. Hugh Drugs McLean G. Fred Dry Goods McLean James Builder 3 7 McLean Shepperd J Milk Dealer 4 McLellan & Holly Lumber 2i 4^ McLeod Geo. K Lumber See Richibucto. McLeod M Syrups, &c. 4 Mc eod Michael Grocer McLeod W. T Whol. B. & S. McMann Lawrence, & Sons Com'n ) & Shipping ) McManus Felix Grocer McManus fJohn Boots & Shoes McMillan J. & A Whol. & Ret. I Booksellers | McMuUin Alex Pork Butcher McMurray Terence Grocer McNamee J. T. & R. Pi. . Marbleworkers McNeil W.T Jeweller 3J 7i McNichol James, & Son Tailors 3 6 McNutt P. S., & Co. Agents Ag'l Implts. McPherson John . . - Builder McPherson Thos J Grocer McKobbie John H Whol. Boots , & Shoci & Findings McSherry fJohn Grocer McVey W. B Drugs Mabee A., & Co Mnfrs. Doors, I Sashes, &c. ) Magee Alex Rooting, &o. 4 3 4 4 4 2i 3i5 4 3 4 3 6i 2Mi 3 7 2 3 3 7 4 2i 5 3 7 2i 5 4 4 3i7i St. J NEW BRUNSWICK. St. J Magee Bros Shipping & CokI 3 6i Magee'H D., Sons Hatters, &c, 2i 5 Magee Kobt- rt Tiiiginith 3 6 Magee Win. A (iroeer '2k 5 Magilton J. A.,& Co..Whol. Dry Goods 2i 5 ManerJ. Henry Grocfr 4 Mahoney E. J Drugs 3 6^ Maliony Frank Grocer 4 Malcolm Andrew Grocer 3 6 Mallory George T Drugs 3^ 7i Manchester, Robertson & Allison .... <> i . 1 1 Whol.&Ket. J). G. ) ^J ^i Manks & Co Hatti'rs Manson Mrs. M Millinery, &c. Marcli J. Edgar Drug>« Maritime Importing Co ... I^iquors Maritime Steam Lithographing Co Maritime Warehousing & Dock Co Marry Patrick Grocer Marsn Samuel Store Martin H. C. , & Co Portrait Artists Martin Wm.. & Son Clothing Mason G. Bayard Grocer Masters Chas Whol. & Ret Crockery Matthews Samuel F Confec. Maxwell Henry & Sons J^umber May James S., & Son Tailors Mayes G. S Contractor Maynes Hugh Grocer Mifdon W.A Tinsmith Miller J. Oliver Confec, Miller R Teas also Amherst, Miller & Woodman Mill Mitchell Bros Boots & Shoes Mitchell David Bakt-r Monahan Daniel Boots & Shot-s Montgomery Jas. W Dry Goods Mooney B. , & Sons Contractors Moore Andrew BHker Moore E. R. (Estate of) Mnfrs. Nails Moore G. A Drugs Moraiv & McKelvie Blacksmiths Morgan James, & Co Dry Goods Monarty Giles Tailor Morrisey Alfred Books & Stat'y Morrison Geo. , jr Whol. Grocer Morrison Hugh Grocer Morrison John F Coal Morrisoil Wm Grocer Moulson James Grocer Moynihan Mrs. B — Tavern Mulholland Edmund L Grocer Mullin Daniel Grocer Munroe J. J., & Son Mnfrs. Trunks Murray W. H Lumber & Mill Myers W. F. & J. W^ Machinist* Myles Samuel T Grocer N Nase P.,& Son Grocers Nash Thomas . . Soda Water Mnfr. Nealis Hi'\,n Dry Goods Nelson Chas. L Mnfr. Paper, &c. Nelson E. G., & Co Stationery, &c. New Brunswick Red Granite Co l New Dominiou Paper Bag Co i See Brown & Leetch. I Nixon George Paperhangings 2^ 3i ' Nixon Robert Liquors 1 Noble Q. A.... Boots & Shoes 2i 5 j Noble Joseph I Shoemakers 7 Normanseli H. S Victualer 4 : Northup Hugh W Prov., &c Nugent John Grocer 2i 4i i O O'Brien John Cigars, &c. 3 O'Brien T„ & Co... Books & Periodicals 3 O'Connnll David Livery 2 O'Gorman John Gro. & Liq. 2 O'Keefe Thomas Mnfr. Shoe Uppers 4 O'Regan John Liquors 3 O'Shaughnessey Edward Trunks 3 O'Shaiighnessey R., &Co Trunks, &c. 4 Osgood Samuel P Marble Works 2^ Outram & Fielders Whol. Liquors 3 6 3 6i 4 4 3 6^ 4 3 6i 2i 5 '2 4i 2 5 3 6 3 7 4 3 7 3 7 N. s. 2 2i 2i 6 4 5 4 8 2i 4 2| 5 3] 7i 3 7 8 7 3 7 4 3i7i 3i 7i 3 6} 3 6i 3i 7i 4 8 3 7 3 6 2*3 3 6 4 8 2i 5 4 3 7 3 7 6 7 5 5 8 f 6i Paddock Morris V Drugs 3 Parker Bros Drugs 4 Parks Wni.,& Son (Limited).. .Mnfrs. | Cotton ) Patchell Robert R G rocer 3 7 Paterson A. Y Jeweller 4 Patt-rson Alex Dry Goods 2^ 5 Patterson James Fish Dealer 3 6i Patterson William H Watchmaker ) . & Jeweller S Pattison Geo., jr Tin.'*mlth 4 8 Patton Bros Liquors 3 7 Patton D Who]. Wines & Com'n 2 3 Patton T.,& Co Dry Goods 4 Pender James, & Co. Horse Nail Factory 2^ 4* Pendleton C. H Patent Med. 4 Also Rockland, Me. Penry J. Warren Shipping Perry Ralph Com'n 3i 7* Perry Zenophon Com'n 3 J l\ Peters Albert Livery 4 Peters Charles H Tanner & Feed 2.^ 4i Peters F. A., jr Mnfr. Organs 4 Peters Wm Tanner 3 6J I'henix Coal Co. (Limited p See also Joggins, N. S. Phillips Bros Mnfrs. Boots & Shoec 3 6i Philps Geoi-ge Banker Pidgeon C. Burpee Clothing 3 6 Pittteld v> . c. & Co . .Whol. Dry Goods 2 3 Pitts Mrs. E. J.... Dry Goods Poole & Foley Pottery 8 6 Porter W. Alex Grocer 2A 5 Portland Lime Co Mnfrs. " . Portland Rolling Mills Co See James Harris & Co. Potter & Co Com'n 3 6i Potts J, W., & Co Com'n Prod. Power James J Liquors 4 8 Powers E. Allison Printer 3) 7i Powers Mark N Undertaker 4 Pratt Henry J Tinsmith 4 8 Price & Shaw Carriagemakers 3 6i Price James Tailor 3 7 Prince Wm. L Builder 24 4i Puddington & Merritt Grocers 2J 5 Pulleu James H Painter Purchase Wm Watchmaker 3 7 Purdy Daniel J (irocer '2^ 4* PurdyWm. H Grocer 3i 7j Quinn George Liquors 3* 5 Quinn Wm. H , Lumber 2\ 5 B RamsdellJohn W Hair Goods 3 7 Randolph & Baker Mill 2 2i Rankine Thos., & Sons Bakers 2 3 RHukine Wm Grocer 3 6i Raymond T. F Royal Hotel 2i 5 233 St. J NEW BEUNSWICK. St. J Ready James Soda Water, kc. 2i 4i & Fairville. Itedmond Peter C Milliner 3 6i Keynolds Charles E Furniture 4 8 King Doutlas M Painter Rippy John J Grocer 4 8 Robb Wni Harness 3i 7i Roberts John Grocer 4 8 Roberts Robert Shingle & Saw Mills 3 6J Itobertson E. M,, & Co Fish 3 7 Robertson Geo., & Co Whol. k, i oi ^i ::ot. Grocers \ ^^ ** Robertson Jas Mnf r. Lead Pipe See Montreal. Robt^rtson Le Baron Rubber Stamps 4 Robinson J. M Banker 2J 4 Rogers Frank S Mnf r. Jeweller 4 Rogers J. H Painter 3 6 Roop J. Wm Hotel Rootesl., & Son Bakers 2J 5 Ross Jonn Grocer 3 7 Rowan A. M. , & Co Hardware 4 Rubins Henry Shipsmith 3^ 7i Rubins R. H ... Tailor 4 Rubins S Clothier 2* 5 Ruddock John A.... Ship Repairer, &c. 2j 4i Russell Wm, R Clothings 6 Ryan John Grocer 3 6^ Ryan flohn Livery 3 7 Ryan Michael Butcher 3 6 S Salmon Wni. G Mer. Tailor 3^ 7i Saunders Mrs. Jane Confec. 4 Saunders Lewis B , Grocer 4 8 Scammell bi'os. .Ship Owners & Brokers 2 3 See a'so New York City. Scammell C. E.,& Co Ship ^ o ,. Chandlers & Coah "^ ^ Schmidt Carl C Teweller 3 7 Schotiokl & Beer Prod. <& Com' n 3 G Scholield & Co. (Limited) Shipping Agents Scott Bros Grocers 3 GJ Scott, Lawton & Love Sash Factory 3 G Scott Nathaniel C Grocer 3 w Wallace Wm. M Boots & Shoes Wallis J.A.,& Son. Mnfrs. Aerated Water Walsh Bros Gro. & Liqs. Ward Joshua Liquors Waring Geo. H Machinist Warner J. K. , & Co Saw Mill Warlock Daniel O. L Watchniaker Warwick O. H. . .Whol. & Ret. Crockery Waterbury & llising Boots & Shoes Watson & Co Stationei's Watson James Grocer Walters George Tinsmith Watters Samuel Drugs Weeks Thomas S Dry Goods Weir Samuel Grocer Wetraore A. B D. G. & Mntr. i Wheeler Wm. , & Co Iron & Metals White James Grocer White John Furniture Wliite Thomas Confec. White & Titus Com'n Grocers See V. S >> White Vincent S.Whol. Flour, Gro., &c. Whitebone & Co Cigars, &c. Whitetome & Co Liquors Willcins Itobert J Saloon Wilkins Samuel W Dry Goods Williams Mrs. S Liquors Willis, Mott & Co Golden Grove \ Woolen Mills (, Wills Itobert Shipsmiih Wilson John A Mer. Tailor Wilson John E Tinaniith Wilson LeBarron Mer. Tailor Wilson Walter Mnfr. Saws Wilson Wm . Hotel Wisdom Freeman W Machinery I Goods, &c. I Wood W. R Boots & Shoes Woodburn J. R,, & Co. . . .Mnfr. Confec. Woods Samuel Boots & Shoes Wright Mrs. James Grocer Wright W. J , & Co Cabinetmakers 4 4 4 3 6 2i 4 2 k 3^ ^ 4i 2i 5 2i 4i '4 7j H 7 3 3 « 4 3 7 2M 3 7 2Mi 3 hite. <■> 21 3 6^ 4 8 3 7 4 3 6^ 3i Tk 4 8 3 7 3 7 4 3 G 4 2i 5 4 4 4 Yeats Alex., & Sous Young Frederick A , Young Wm Youngclaus Thos . . . Iron, &c. 2 2^ Hardware 3 7 ...Boots &Sh'ie8 3 G Clothier -.^i 5 ST. I,EOX.4.RD'.S. IVIadawaska Co. OnX. B. li. Td., IF. U. Exj). & Bank, Wood stock. Bejeau Isaac Gen. Store 4 tlarvls C Liquors 4 8 Ivertaon Robert Gen. Store & Tins 4 Maley James Liquors 3 Martin & Violette Gen. Store 2^ 6 ST. LOUIS. Kent Co. ^••;"•■ On Kent Northern. R. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Richlhucto. Pop. 600. Allair Joseph Gen. Store 3 7 Babineau D Qeh. Store 4 8 Daigle C Gen. Store 4 Gallant P Gen. Store 3;! 7i Landry A. E Gen. Store & Watch I .,, -, Repairer ( -^i '5 Legere A.,&Co Mill 3 7 Mezerall Nicholas Gen. Store 4 ST. MARTIN'S. St. John Co. 071 St. Martin & Upliam ,R. Tel. & Exp., Hamp- ton, 25 miles. Bank, St. John, 30 miles. Pop. 1,000. Brown Robt. H. i Grocer 4 'lalhoun Wm Gen. Store 3 7 otimpbell W. A Gen. Store 3^ 7 Carson Capt. Robert Shipping 2J 5 Carson Thos. B Carpenter 4 SJ Crandall Joseph Gen. Stoi-e 4 Floyd James A Grocer 3i 7^ Foster Arthur Gen. Store 3' 7 Fowley Jamog S Grocer 4 Hodsmyth Janus B Tailor 3^ 7 1 1 graham Wm Liquors 3 6 Kelly Michael Grocer 4 8 .Marr Capt. John Shipbuilder 2^ 4^ Miller Cudlip Butcher 3 7 Morrow W. J Grocer 4 Mosher Israel Saw Mill & Grocer 3 7 Mosher Mrs. J. E Gen. St(u-e 4 8 Nugent Patrick H Saw Mill 3 7 Patterson Samuel Saw Mill 3 7 Portneur Philip Tinsmith 4 Powers Mrs. Sarah Gen, Store & Liq. 3 6i Rourke W. H. & J.. Lumber & G. Store 3 Skillen Mathilda L Millinery 2i 5 Smith W Gen. Store 3| 7^ Taylor Wm. J Boots & Shoes 4 Titus J. & J. S Gen. Store 2i 5 Van glitin David Gen. Store 2| 4 Vaughan Mrs. E. J Gen. Store 4 Whitney Capt. Henry Gen. Store 3^ 7| ST. MARY'S. Kent Co. Cormier J. L Gen. Store 3i 7^ Cormier Louis H Gen. Store 4 Cormier P. M Gen. Store 3 7 Cormier TD Gen. Store 4 Gogain John S Hemlock Bark 4 .lohnson Luke Saw Mill 4 Landry Annie D Gen . Store 4 8 Legere S. S Gen. Store 4 Melancon Philip J Gen. Store 4 8 ST. MARY'S. York Co. (See also Gibson's.) Chi Neic Brunswick R. Tel., Gibson. Exp. & Bmk, Fredericton, Pop. 250. Biden Thos. M Baker 4 Dayton Samuel Gen. Store 3 6 Edgan & Hayes . . .Gen. Store 4 Estabrooks C . L Grocer 2* 5 Hayes James P Gen. Store 3j 7i Jeftrey W., & Co Planing Mill 4 8 McCoy John Gro., &c. 2i 5 McFarlane Walter ... . .Mnfr. Hames 2J 5 McMillan James Gro., &c. 4 Manaer W. D Gen. Store 3 7 Ralston W. R Peddler Jewellery 4 Reid James D Harness 3 7 235 St. N I^JEW BEUNSWICK. Sac Smith J. E Staples Uainsford. Tilley Witislow. ... Van Wart Elisha. . ...Harness 3 6 .Gen. Store 3i 7i Drugs Sl 7i . Store 3i l] .Gen ST. NORBERT. Kent Co. Leblanc Damieii B Gon. tore 4 8 Kichard Ambroise Gen. Store 3 7 ST. PAUL. Bourgeois M. P Kent Cu. Gen. Store 4 ST. PETER'.S VILLAGE. Gloucester Co. ST. (See Bathurst.; STEPHEN. Charlotte Co. Tel. 3 7 3 7 3 3 On Xi'tc Brunswick & Grand Souther 't It. W. U. Exp., Am. Pop. 3,800. Almond Samuel Marble worker (See also Calais, Me.) Barter E.H Mufr. Beer Bixby — Gro. & Prov. Boyd John A Blacksmith Brooks H. A Tinsmith (See also Calais, Me.) Cameron & McTuvish Dry Good.s 2^ 4i Carroll Jeremiah Grocer 3 7 Carter Nicholas ... Provisions 3 Chase, Barker & Co Harowaro 2 (See also Calais, Me.) Clark James N Crockery 2 J Clark Wm. H . . . . , Druggist 3 Cleland Atcheson Grocer 4 Clerke C. H W. 1. Goods 2 Cox Geo Harness 4 CuUinenH. &P Dry Goods Cullinen Jas Grocer 3jr 7i De Wolfe B. R Carriages 4 De Wolt'e & Densmore Gen. Store 2i 5 Eaton C.B Tanner 2i 4^ Edwards W. tl Photographer 3 7 6i 6 3 4 6i 3 8 Flannagan P Grocer 3 Ganong Bros Confec, Cigars, I ~ • • 5. I 7 2i4 Com'u, &c (See also Calais, Me.) Gilmore C. E. , & Co Purnimre & ( . Undertaker ) Grimmer Misses, The Millineiy 3 Grant C. C Gents' Furn'g Goods 4 Haley & Son Planing Mill 3 Hanmi Fred. L Mer. Tailor 3 Hannah Geo. L Grocer Hardy & Bridges Livery & staoles Hartford Luther Mnfr. Bricks HillC. D., &Co Grocers Hill Henry E Gen. Store 2i 5 Horan Martin Liquors 2i 5 Hyi?lop Samuel N Harness Inches & G rimmer Grocers Irwin Fred . A Grocer Johnson Robert Grocer Keys Bros Livery "4 4 3 3 3 4 3i 6i 7 7 6 6 8 6i 6 3i7i 3 7 4 2Mi 4 3 6^ 3i7i 3 6 3 6 Latflin Joseph K., & Son Painters i:i 5 Leonard C. Clayton . . Tailor 4 8 McComb Samuel Blacksmith 4 McConkyS Tailor McCoruiack James Victualler McDonald Hugh Grocer 4 McElroy Isaac Grocer 2i 4^ McGarrigle Chas. E Saloon 4 McKay Hugh Diy Goods 2* 4J McKenna H. & F. P Grocers 2j 4^ McKeown Peter G Tailor 4 McLeod A Grist Mill 4 8 McWhaU. R.,&Co Grocers 3 6 236 McWhorty J Blacksmith 3 7 Malier .Jas, A Saloon 4 Maxwell W. H Hotel 4 8 MudgeJohn Carriages 3 7 Murchie Bros G rocers 3 6 Murchie Frederick M Grocer 2 3 Murchie flames, & Sons Lumber 'i 2 (See Milltown.^ Murray J. C Grocer 4 8 Murphy Barnard Tailor 4 Nicholson M., & Co Butchers 4 8 O'Donnell M. J . Grocer Patton M. H Mf r. Beer 2i 5 Pinder Geo. F . Jeweler 4 i'rice Ertward Boots & Shoes Regan Daniel Tins 3 6; Robinson John B Gen. Store 2^ 4' Rose F. E Grocer 8 6 Ross Bros Watchmkrs, 2J 4i (See also Calais. Me.) Ryder John Harnessmaker 3 7 St. Croix Soap Mnfg. Co Soap 2i 5 Sawyer A. H Lumber 4 (See Eel River, York Co., and Calais, Me.) Shaughnpssy Patrick Livery Stable 3 Smith C. H., & Co Stat'y & B. & S. 3 Smith Frank Drugs 4 Smith James Tea & Coffee 4 Smith John Stoves & Tinware 3 (See also Calais. Mo.) Stevenson T. C Millinery Stewart & Co Confectioners Taylor A. D Grocer Toal U. W Grocer Toomy John . .Saloon Todd Bros. Hardware (See Calais, Me.) Todd Freeman H., & Sons .Gen. Store I & Lumber ) (See also Calais. Me.) Varney Mrs. A. J Millinery 4 Veazy John Edge Tools 3 Vroom Bros Furniture, &c. 3 Vroom C. N,. & Co Mfrs. Carbonized I „, Drain Pipes ) ^* Vroom C.N J.,arrigan8 3 Wall Gilbert S Stationer 2i Waterson Fred Drugs 3 Wescott W. P Butcher 3i 7i Whitlock J. T., & Co Livery Stable 3 6 SACKVILLE. Westmoreland Co. On I. C. R. Tel., W. U. Exp,, Intercolonial, Bank. Pop. 3,000. Ayer James R Tanner, &c. Ayer Stephen Harness, Shoes, &c. Barker H. B Jeweller Bell Robert Blacksmith Black Hibbard Carriages Black Joseph L .. ..Gen. Store Bowser Ansley Blacksmith BulmerGeo. H., & Son.... Kulliug Mill Campbell George Carriagemaker Chappell Clifford ...Hotel Chase Elijah Gen. Store Dickson Henry ... Gen. Store Dixon A Drugs Dobson Joseph W Harness Douil Charles A Cabinetware Doull J. W Cabinetmaker Enterprise Foundry Co. (Limited).... . Estabrooks Geo. B., & Sons Hotel Fawcett Chas . .Foundry & Stove A 1 7 6i 4 6i 5 6i 4 8 4 2J 5 4 2i4 Z\ 7 3 6 2i 6 4 7 8 6i ai4j 3 6i Sal NEW BRUNSWICK. She FawcettGeo. C OrgHiie,^ „ g Sewing Machines, &c. \ Gen, Store 3 7 Ford Qeorce E Gen. Store 3 Hickey John E Gen. Store 4 Hicks John M Saw Mill 3 7 Hosier Thos. J Tailors 7 Kiiapp G W Gen. Store 4 Lund George Carpenter 3 7 Moorp Capt. Chas Stationery, &c . 3 G Moore Paul R Physician 3 (i Ogden A. & W Shipping, &c. 2i 4 rickard Charles Gen. Store 3 6i Purdy Reuben Gen. Store 3 fij Read Edward Butcher & Prov. 3i 7i Richardson Charles W Grocer 3 7 Robinson James Blacksmith 3 7 Smith Abiier Mnfr. Shoes 2* 5 Smith Albert G Boots & Shoes .'?| 7^ Smith Alex Harness 8 C Taylor Blair. Carriages 3J 7^ Tingley Elislia Gen, Store 3 7 TowseG. W Saw Mill 3 Truenian (Jeorge J drocer 3 7 Trueman H Physician 3 6 "Whtaton Klisha Carriages 4 Wood Mariner, ASons... Gen. Store, I ..^ ,, Bankers, &c. ( ^^ ^2 SALISBURY. Westinoielanti Co. On I. C. /{. Tel., iV. U. Exp., iHti-rcnlonial. Bank, Moncton or Petitcoduic. Pop. 3(I0. Barnes H. C.,&Co Gen. Storp 2^ 3i Chapman Geo Carriages 3 6J Clark E. P Lumber 3 CoUinn Wm Tailor 3i 7* Crandall .v Mitton Gen, Store 3 ^ Eagler David 4 8 Edgett Gilbert E Harnessmaker 4 Gray Patrick J Conti at-tor 3 5^ Horseman ¥.. M Blacksmith Lester Alfred Blacksmith 3^7^ McNaughton James, & Sons — Tun- J „ „ ners & Harness \ Parker John A Grist Mill 4 8 Steeves H. E Carriages 4 8 Taylor Bros Bla- ksmith 4 8 Taylor Warren Contractor & Mill 3 5| Wheater Freeze Contractor Wheaton John A Contractor 3i Pi Wriglit Alexander L.. & Co Ship- 1 „■ , owners & Lumber ) ^ SALMON BEACH. Cloucester Co. On Varaquette J!. Tel., Rxp. & Bank, Baffiurst, Kllis W. W Carriagemaker 4 8 Miller Robert Fish 3 (1^ .. SALMON CKEEK. .Siiiibiiiy Co. Wasson John A Gen. Store 4 8 SALMON RIVER. Queens Co. (See Grand Lake and Chipmnn Parish.) SALMON RIVER. St. John Co. Tel. & Exp., St. Martin's. Bank, St. John. Davidson Wni. Estate of Lumber 2 3 (Also St. John.) SALT SPRINGS. KingH Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Sussex, Campbell Peter Miller 4 Smith Wm ...G n. Store 4 bj 8 6 8 8 8 6 3i 6 3|7i ;$£COND FALLS. Charlotte Co. TuL & Exp., St. George. Bank, St Andrew's, Williamson Geo. M (ien. Store 3 7 SHANKLIN. St. John Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. John. ShanklinS. J Agent 3 7 SHEDIAC. Westmoreland Co. On 1. (\ Ji. Tel., W. V. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank, Moncton. Pop. 700. Abercromby A. R Stationer 3 Ayer Lewis B Harness 4 Bateman W. G Mill 3 BoudreauMrs, J, J Milliner 4 Brown D. W Photographer 4 Burke SilvangR. . Hotel 4 Calde.r John Gen, Store Connors M Blacksmith Connier A, .( Grocer, &c. 3 Crowe James A Mill 4 Deacon W. B ....Drugs 3i 7 Dickie Bros Gen. Store L'i 5 Dickie Gordon Gen, Store 2 J 4^ Dickie .John Miller, &e. 3 7 Dorion Mrs. D. J,, & Co :\lillinery 4 Fisher Eliaklm Mills 3 6 Frier Jas Gen. Store lU 5 Galland Mrs, C, H Millinery 3 7 Gallong Joseph S Hotel 4 Gratton James Fish. Ac * Hamilton C. C Gen, Store :.'i 4* Harper & Webster .. .Mfrs. B. & S. 'l\ 4 Herbert Jacob H Gen. Store & ( „ - Auctioneer I * Kellv James E Blacksmith 4 8 Kimball F. F Lobsters 4 liandry Charles Hotel 4 I/awton Alfred J Drugs 4 Leblanc N. D Gen Store .'U 7i Legere A. M Jewelry 3| i\ Lcgere Dr. J Di ugs 4 8 Macdougall D Photographer 4 Melanson O. M Gen. Store 3 ^ Mills Geo. K Gen. Store 3i li OuillettF Tins 3 7 Poirier A. S Gen. Store .'i^ 7^ Po rier Chas Gen. Store Poirier F Gen. Store 2i 5 Robidcau F. . . . Publisher 3 7 Simpson Thomas Carriages 4 Smith E.J Gen. Store, Flour, &c. 2 2A Tait Adam Flour & Gro. 2^ 5 TaltR. C ... .Trader 2| 5 Weldoi James D Hotel 4 8 Wilbur A Tannery, &c. 3 7 Wilbur W. J B. & S. & Gro. 4 ■ White Mrs. Mary L Gen. Store , SHEFFIELD. Sunbnry Co. Tel., Exp. <& Bank, Fredericton ,VT miles. Pop, 500. Burpee Chas. J Gen. Store 2*5 Jpwe-t J.S.,&Co Fish 4 , Mc(TOwan Fred Gen . Store 4 > Stickney Jeremiah B Gen. Store 4 8 Taylor Mrs. J. M Gen. Store 2^ 6 Venior Jai*vi« S Gen. Store 4 r SHEMOGUE. Westmoreland Co. (See Bristol.) 237 Shi :nEW BRUNSWICK. Sus SHIKTEHAWK. Carleton Co. Tel. & Exp., Kent. Bank, Woodstock: Pop. 150. Brittain Chalmers W Gen. Store 4 8 Brittain G. A Mill owner 8 6 (Jhurcliill Dr. E Drugs 3 7 (Jolwell Mattliew Hotel & Liq. 3i 7 Kelly J. E Saddler 4 8 Mcintosh Wm (4en. Store 3 7 Phillips James A., & Son Gen. Store SHIPPliJGAN. Gloucester Co. On Carcujueltf River. Tel., G.N.W. Exp. & Bank, Bathurst. DeGrasseE Hotel & Liq. 4 Fruing & Co Fish (See Grande Greve, Que ) Kennedy Frederick.. .Gen. Stove «fc Fish McNally Philip J Trader 4 Miller It. J Fish 4 Miller Samuel T Lobsters 4 Paulin Auguste Trader 3i 7i Robicheau Tiberce Trader 3 7 '" SHOGMOC. York Co. ' ; , . Watson W. C Lum. & Gen. Store 4 SILVER FAL,L.S. St. John Co. (See St. John.) SMITH'S COBNEB. York Co. ; (See Keswick.) SMITH'S CBEEK. Kings Co. (See also Newtown.) Tel., Exp. & Bank, Sussex. Pop. 200. Harrington Michael Blacksmith 34 7 Mace Alberts Gen. Store 3i 7 Oldfield Kobert Mills 3 7 SMITH TOWN. Kings Co. On St. Martin's (& Upham R. Tel. & Exp., Hampton. Bank, St. John. Smith Moses Shoes 4 Titus J. & J. H Grist & Saw Mills 4 SNIDEB MOUNTAIN. Kings Co. ., , (See Apohaqui.) SOUTHAMPTON. York Co. Tel. & Exp., Canterbury. Bank, Woodstock. Pop. BOO. I . Briggs Wm Blacksmith 4 Grant Henry C Gen. Store 3 7 Grant Ezra Gen. Store 3 7 Gros venor George Gen , Store 3 7 Hull Thomas Tanner 3^ 7 ScottKobert Gen. Store 3 7 SOUTH BAY. St. John Co. On New Brunswick R. Tel. & Exp.,Fairville. Bank, St. John. Bonnell A. L Lime Collins & Dugan Gen. Store 3* 7i Collins Terence Gen. Store 2i 5 Sutton E.,&Co Mills 2 2i SOUTH BRANCH OF ST. NICHOIiAS BIVEB. , K^nt Co. Doherty Robert N . . . Grist Mill & Lum. 3 ej 238 SOUTH BICHMOND. Carleton Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Woodstock. White Willard Tins SOUTH BOCKLAND. Westmoreland Co. (See Dorchester). •• ; .> SPBINGDALE. Kings Co. Tel- & Exp,, Penobsquis, Bank, Sussex. Nelson Chas. L Mnfr. Paper See St. John SPBINGFIELD. King's Co. (See also Belleisle and Belleisle Creek.) Crandall Gilbert Gen. Store 4 Fowler W. A Gen. Store 3 7 Ganong John F Gen. Store 3i 7i Hatfleld W Mill & Blacksmith 4 8 Whites. H., &Co Gen. Store 3 SPUBR'S COVE, St. John Co. Tel. & Exp., Fairville. Bank, St. John. Sullivan Michael Gen. Store 4 8 STANLEY. York Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Fredericton. Pop. 150. Douglass Andrew Gen. Store 3 Ci Logan Mrs. Wm Gen. Store 4 McMenniman Bernard Gen. Store RoUey J. W Gen. store 4 Sanson James Saw iVl ill 3 6^ Stanley Grange 130 Gen. Store 3 7 Sullivan P. M Grocer 4 STILESVILLE. Westmoreland Co. \ Tel. , Exp. & Bank, Moncton, 8 miles. Wilson Robert Carr. Maker A 8 STONEHAVEN. Gloucester Co. ' Commeau Rufus H Lobsters 4 Read Joseph, & Co Grind Stones 2^ 4 STUDKOLM. Kings Coi (See Millstream.) : SSUMMEBFIELD. Carleton Co. Tel. & Exp., Hartland. Bank, Woodstock. Smith M. A Gen. Store 3 7 SUSSEX. Kings Co. Onl.C.R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank. Pop. 1,000. Chapman Samuel Harness 4 8 Coggen George Shoes 3 7 Cougle Geo. H Livery & Agent 4 8 Culbert & Theal Nursery 3 6i Davis T. P., &Son Gen. Store 4 Deboo Isaac Gen. Store 2i 5 Doherty Patrick Liquors 2l 5 Dry den Herbert U Tinsmith 3 7 Eagaii John Gen. Store 4 Fairweather Chas. H Drugs 3 6 Feeney James P Harness 3i 7i Ferguson M. A., & Co Gen. Store 3 GamblinD. C Carriages 3i 7i Golding Henry Blacksmith 3 7 Halev Oliver.... Carriages 4 Hallett Q Photographer 4 8 Hallitt E, Undertaker, &c. 3i 7i HeUer Thoi.. Brickmkr. 4 8 ; ■■■-'•'■', 111 .•/ ,■ Ml",'-, SWE NEW BRUNSWICK. Upp Higgiiis & McLean Tailors 4 Howard T. C! Blacksmith 8 llowes Win Foundry 3 Humphrey & Teaklee Gen. Store 2J Johnson G. F Physician & Drugs 3 Lynch J. H Gen. Store & Mills 3 McKay Peter Hotel 3 McKay W. B.,&Co Gen. Store 3 McLean Arthur Hotel & Livery 2^ McMonagle Hugh Hotel 2i Millw Bros. & Huestis Gen. Store Mitchel Chas. R... Baker & Saloon 4 Pittield W. T,, & Co Gen. ^tore Kobinson R, A Furniture Ross & McPherson Furniture & i Grist Mill ( Scott M Restaurant Smith John G Grocer Spooner Printer 4 Sufterin George Watchmaker 4 8 TeaklosM Blacksmith 3 6 Thompson John Tailor 3 7 Trenliolm J. E Mnfr. Hay Presses 2i 5 Trites J. S Gen. Store 2j 4i Upham Charles W Tannery, &c. 3 Whalen John D Liquors 2i 4^ White S. H.,&Co Gen. Store 3 6 Wilson & Co Drugs 3 6 SVVEENYVILLE. Kent Co. Godet Dosithe F Gen. Store 4 8 TABUSINTAC. Noi-tlmmberland Co. Tel., Exji. & Bank, Chatham, 80 miles. Fayle W. R., & Co 3i 7i McLean Andrew Lumber 4 Murphy John Blacksmith 3^ 7^ Robertson James W Gen. Store 4 8 Robertson John Lumberman 3 6 TAYLOR'S VILLAGE. Westmoreland Co. 'Tel., Exj). & Bank, Dorchester. Bishop Samuel Carriages 4 Taylor S. W. G. S. & Shipowner 2i 5 TEDI8H. Westmoreland Co. Burke A Gen. Store 4 Herbert Arthibald D Gen. Store 4 8 Lauritte Lazor Hotel 4 Pye John L Gen. Store 3J 7J TEMPERANCE VALE. York Co. Clark S. H Gen. Store 4 Lucy Daniel Gen. Stor6 & Lumber Pender Jae. K Gen. Store & Mill 4 THORNTON. Queen* Co. See Johnston. THREE RIVERS. Victoria Co. Tel. & Exp., Perth. Bank, Woodstock. Edgar John & Thomas Mill 3 7 TIDNISH. Westmoreland Co. ChappellBros Mill & Gen. Store 2i 5 Also Cape Travers, P. E. L Daudson Arthur Gen. Store 3 7 Hamilton James Gen. Store Pye J. L. & Son Gen. Store 3 7 Strang Calvin G Gen. Store 3 7 TILLEY'S LANDING. Sunbury Co. See Sheffield. TITU8VILLE. Kings Co. On St. Martins & Upham li. Tel. & Exp., Hampton. Bank, St. John. Pop. XOO. McCurdock Itobert Boots* Shoes ^ 7i Morrison -lohn Gen. Store 4 8 Simpson Alexander Blacksmitli 4 Titus Chas. H Blacksmith 3i 7i Titus John F Gen. Store 3 7 Wier Jas. M Gen. Store 3 7 TOBigUE. Victoria Co. , See Andover. -> j i TORRYBURN. St. John Co. Pop., 50. Banking toton, St. John. Hombrook Joseph Lime 3 GJ TRACADIE. Gloucester Co. Caruf/iiette. Tel., O. N. fV. Exp. & Bank, Chatlum. Pop. 1,200. Coughlan J. C Grocer & Liquor 4 8 Davoy . Prosper Trader 3 7 Davidson James Gen. Store, &c 3i 7i Ferguson William Gen. Store 3 5 Russell Bernard Gen. More 3^ 7i Turner C. C Gen. Store 3 6 Young John & Richard.. Gen. Store & I oi ^i Fishing f ^* ^' TRACY STATION. Sunbury Co. On New Brunswick R. Exp., Am. Tel., Fredericton Junction. Bank, Frederictoti. Pop. 150. Duplesia David S Gen. Store 3 7 Tracy Jeremiah Gen. Store ^ 7^ TROUT BROOK. Kent Co. See Weldford. TURTLE CREEK. Albert Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Moncton. Berry Solomon Gen. Store 3 6^ BlissH. Benj 4 8 Fillmore Rufus H. . . .Saw & Grist Mills 3 7 RilkerWm ......' 3 ^ TYNEMOUTH CREEK. St. John Co. Lovet Robert E Shipbuilder 4 Parker J. S Shipbuilder 2^ 4 Parker Robert L Gen. Store &c. 3 7 UNION CORNER. Carleton Co. UPHAM. Kings Co. On St. Martins & Upham R. Tel. & Exp., Hampton, Bank, St. John. Clancy Hugh Tavern & Carriages 4 8 Gay Chas. N Blacksmith 4 8 Kilpatrick John Saw & Grist Mills 8 6i Reid Jas. A Mill Ruddock Andrew Gen. Store 3* 7i Titus Chas Grocer & Mill 2| 4j Titus J. & J Gen. Store 3 7 UPPER BLACKVILLE. , ,,, , land Co. See Blackville. Northumber- UPPEB BRIGHTON. Carleton Co. ,^ ■■■'■'■■ >■ SeeHartiand. Mr .n j. -xI-.R UPPER CABAQUETTE. Gloucester Co. See Caraquette. , , 239 Upp NEW BRUNSWICK. Woo VPFISH CHABL.O. Bestlgoache Co. See Eel River. UPPER GAGETOWN. Queens Co. j See Gagetown. UPPER GREENWICH. Kings Co. See Greenwich. UPPER MA«iAGUADAVIC. York Co. McCutclieon John E Gen. Store 3i Ti UPPER St. FRANCIS. Madawaska Co See 8t. Francis. UPPER WICKL.OW. Carleton Co. ' Somer8 W. E Trader '4 UPPER WOODSTOCK. Carleton Co. See Woodstock. VICTORI \ CORNER. Carleton Co. Tel., Exp. & hank, Woodstock. Pop. 300. Boyer George W. . Gen. Store & Tanner 4 Boyer James W Tanner & Shoes 2^ 4i WATERFORl). Kings Co. McAfee Andrew Gen. Store 24 4J McAlee James J Gen. Store i\ l\ Moore James A Grist Mill 3 tU SliarpM Mill 3 6j WATERSIDE. Albert Co. Tel. & Exp., Harvey. Bank, MoncUm. Oliver David Trader 2i 4i Stariatt Wm, S Gen. Store & Mill 3 6 WATERVILLE Carleton Co. Tel., Exp. &}iank, Woodstock. Davis W. J Blacksmith 3 7 Ferguson John N Gen. Store 3 7 Sherwood W. A Ag'l Implts 4 8 Tiley Charles L Gen. Store* I o ,n Cheese Factory ) ** "^ WEBSTER'S CREEK. Victoria Co. See St. Francis. ' WELCH POOL. Charlotte Co. See Campo Bello. WELDFORD. Kent Co. On 1. C. R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank, Moncton, Pop. 400. McKendrick Mrs. Daniel Gen. Store 3 7 Walker Edward Saw Mill 2i 4i WELDFORD STATION. Kent Co. On I.e. R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Intercolonial. Bank, Moncton. Atkinson Robert Gen. Store 4 AtkinsonT Mill 4 8 Brown Jas Gen. Store 3 7 Dunn Andrew Gen. Store 4 Dunn S. M Gen. Store ^ Ij Pearn John Gen. St».re 3 T Geddis Mrs. M. L Gen. Store 4 j Glenn M. T.. Gen. Store 4 Graham Wm Hotel 4 McDermott James Liquors 4 McLeod Benj Gen. Store 4 8 Pride W.W Gen. Store 3 6 SauliiierR Gen. Store 3i 7i Wathen L. J «. Gen. Store 4 8 240 WEL.LING10N. Kent Co. M oNaren Wm Gen. Store 'A 6 WEL.SFORD. Queens Co. , ,, See Petersville. On New Brunswick It. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am, Bank, St. John. WEST BRANCH, Kent Co. See also Weldford. Curran Alex Grist & Saw Mill 4 8 Curren Terrence ...,Mill2J4j Graham Miss Maggie Gen. Store 4 8 WESTFIELD. Kings Co. OnN.B.R. Tel.,W.U. Exp., Am. Bank, St. John, 15 mites. WEST ISLE. Charlotte Co. Parker T. K Gen. Store 4 WESTMORELAND POINT. Westmore- land Co. I See Point De Bute. WHITE'S COVE. Queens Co. See Grand Lake. WHITEHEAD. Charlotte Co. See Grand Manan WICKH AM. Queens Co. Tel., Exp. <£• Bank, St. John. Somerville Wm. E. Trader See .Johnston. Van Wart L. S Gen. Store 3 6i WILLOW GROVE. St. Jolm Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, St. John. McLellan William Mill 3 6i WILSON'S BEACH. Charlotte Co. See Campo Bello. WINDING LEDGES. Madawaskw Co. Pelletier Bros Gen. Store 4 8 Pflletier Louis Gen. Store 3 7 WINDSOR. Carleton Co. t Tel. dt Exp. , Hartland. Bank, Woodstock. Henderson W. S Gen. Store 3 6i WOLF BROOK. Kings Co. Walton George Saw Mill. 4 WOODPOINT. Westmoreland Co. Tel. , Exp. & Bank, Sackvillc Clark Stephen Gen. Store 2i 5 WOODSTOCK. Carleton Co. On Xew Brunswick R. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Bank. Pop. 3,tj00. AtherJonG.F Grocer 3 6 Bailey Bros Boots & Shors 3 7 Bailey Robert Boots & Shoes 3 J 7i Baird H. Paxton Apothecary 3 6 Baird Henry R Drugs. 3i 7i Baker Mrs. S. J Restaurant 4 8 BelyeaR. B.,&Co Dry Goods 2i 4i Belvea W. B Grocer 2i 4* BundJames Com'n. 3 6J Boyer F. W Gen, Store 4 Woo NEW BRUNSWICK. Zea Boyer T. J Hotel 3 CJ Bradley P.J Dry Gootis 4 Brewer M Agent Sewing Machines. 4 Brundagp M Ag'l Iniplts. BiuiiB Bios BakerH 4 Camber Mrs. W. D Millinery 3 Campbell E. M Photographer 3 Chalmers Mrs. M Millinery 4 (Jhurchill S. L Harness. 3 Churchill & Scott Tinsmiths. 3 Clark Aaron Grist & Cardnig Mills 4 Clark K. J Gen. Store ClarkG. N Ag'l Implts. 3 Cluff Nelson Hotel 3 ClutT Hicliard Harness 4 Cole John C , & Son Grocers 3 Collins -lereiiiiah T (Jrocer 3 Connell liros Foundry 2 Conner John (4rocer 3 Craig U. C.&Co Variety 3 Craig W. P Saw Mill l)alling Horace V Jewelers 7 Dalling J. W Grocer 3 7 See also Belleville. J)awson Miss Carrie Mllinery 4 Davis Hugh, jr Saw Mill 2i .5 Dibblee W. G.,&Son Hardware 2* 4i Dickin^onJ D Ta ner&B. &S. 2i 5 Donoho T . . . Carriages. 3 7 Drysdale & Co Sash Factory. 2i 4k Estey T. L Harness. 3 (ij Everitt W . A Stat'y & Fc'y Goods Ferguson Wm. C Harness 3 7 Fletcher I.,. N Jeweler 3J 7i Gallagher llose Fancy Good-*. 4 8 Gal'aglier & .Son Stone Works. 3 7 Ganong Miss S. J Millinery 4 8 Garden Bros Drugs. 3 (ij Gillin Patrick Grocer 2i 4 Gilman A Livery 3l 7i Glew W Gen. Store 3} 7i Gliddena Wni. F Livery 3 >'] Graham John Grocer &Prov. 2^4 Grant D. A., & Co Carriages 3 6i Hale Frederick H .. JjUinber 2i 4i Hanson W. R Com'n. 3| 7i Hay A. Wilmot Gen. Store 2) 5 Hay Hugh .. Gen. Store 2i 4i Hayden James Saw Mill 2i 4i Henderson A ... . Furniture 3 (ij Holder I). J .Gen. Store 3 7 HolyokeG. L Publisher 4 Ingraliam Henry B ..Peddler Jewelery 3 7 Jamison Clias Sewing Machines * Jewett E B Nursery 3 dewett W . B Jeweler 3 Johnston & Co Agl. J mplt 2^ See also Fredericton. JoneeR. B Tailor Jones R. K. Woodstock Woodworking I , Co. ( ** Kerrigan ilohn Blacksmith 3 7 ICitchum G . R Gen. Store & Hay Lee Daniel Livery 3i 7i 6k 4 Letts Alfred Pianos. &c. Lindsay Wm Hardware Loane .John . . (Carriages Loane Mrs. J., & Co Fancy (loods Lynch Bartholomew....D. G. & Grocer McAfee Jolin Tinsmith McCatTerty Miss Mary Millinery McCormack ,Iohn Tanner McCormack & Steeres .... Boots & Shoes McDonagh George Grocer McDoiiagh J. W (4rocer McDonald Wm Saloon McKeen Chas. A Drugs McLurdy U. R Groterer Mavsten Abraham ...(irocer Millmore J. C Trader Moore Frederick Mill M urray C . E Grocer Pa.xson H, N Grocer & l«utcher Payson Miss N. E .Millinery Porter R li., & Co.. .Fancy D u.,&c. Begun Jdhn Grocer Savinders Bros Dry Goods Segee Chas . C (irocer Sharp Franklin ... .Nursery Slipp Geo. W ...Grocer .Small & Fisher ... .Machineshop Smith Benjamin H. , & Son... Gen. Store Smith Geo. F Gen. Store, &c; Smith Dr. Stephen Apothecary Siick-ey W. H Saw Mill Thompson Daniel Liquors See Boundary Tupper Jas. R , jr Undertaker & i Livery. | Union Foundry Co Stoves, &c. Van Wart Chas Grocer Van Wart Gilbert Wm ... ,D. G. & i Express Agent- ( Van wart Jacob Cabinetmaker Watson Chas. R Sewing Machines & Organs. WattsS. & J Publishers Welsh Robert B Gen. Store Whenman John Butcher, &c. Vanceboro Me. Wilbur J. H H. tel Williamson J . M Saloon , &e WolhaupterG. B Grocer Woodstock Woodworking Co YOUNGS COVE. Queens Co. (See Grand Lake.) ZEALAND. York Co. On JSr. R. It. Tel. & Exp. , Keswick. Bank, Fredericton. Brewer Abraham. ... ...Mill 4 Jewett Burpee .Gen. Store 3 7 1 2) 4 3 6J 4 3 6^ 4 8 4 4 8 4 3 7 3 6J 3 7 3 6i ^ 4 H 3 7 .{ 6} 4 8 ]>; 5 3 7* ') 4 3i ^ 3 i 4 8 3 7 4 ^ 5 3 1 1 3 64 2Mv '^ 5 3 6 3 6i 4 2)5 Line. 3 7 2*4^ 3 6i 2i4 4 8 3 7 3 6 3 7 2f 6 4 8 3 7 (1 I'M', r, ,w'■ ■ ■ : I ' : '■ ' ■ ) /. , ';i l-i' •1.1- t'lllii- -'..ItM, • ) I i! i. .1 'III II. i .1 )■ f - I'lTi II-' > . ■ 1 . . ; 241 /j: /; ■// PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. ACA1>IA MINES. Colchester Co. Exp., Londondnry, 2 miles. Ttt., W. U., Bank. Pop. 1,800. Belts Jaiiu'8 Gen. Store 3i 7 J Blaikio Bros Gen. Store i 3 Ciirey James Gen. Store & Tecdler 4 8 Chi»«lu)lni John LiquorB 3 7 Co-operative Society Londonderv {iA- ( „ 7 niiied.) » '' ' CoxG. \V &Co .Gen. Store See Wni. Cummings, Sons & Co., Truro. Crowe Alex Gen. Store 4 Falconer & Durning Gen, Store Ferguson Bros Gen. Store See D. & .1. Ferguson. Ferguson D.& J Gen. Store & I „ p. Victuallers. | "* ^^ Fraser Mrs. J.W Milliner, «&c. 3 6 Gill 18 J. B.,&Co Stationery, &c. 1 Johnson Frank H Carriages 3 7 Londonderry Iron Co. (Limited) Aa Al Londonderry Times. See J.W. Morrihon McGilliviay U Liquors 7 7 7 MiGillivray J. A Liquors SA Mcl^ean Mrs. James llotrl 3j Morris TlioB Gen. Store 3 M<'rrison J. W Publisher Murphy W. H Grocer, &c. 3J Nichol Mrs Aiillinery 3 I'atriquin Kobert Clothing 4 Kobinson Mifs E. Confec, &c. 3 7 Smith Be veridge E Blacksmith 3 7 Smith G. 11 Gen. Store 2^ 4i Smith Sidney H., & Son Stoves, I 2\ 5 H'ware, &c; ) SteeleA. J Saloon 3 7 SturksM. L Buoks 4 Sutherland H. S Bliicktimith Trueman T. J I'hysician 3 7 Turner & Wilson Millinery, &c. 3 7 AVilliams Thos Gen. Store 4 ADVOCATE HARBOR. Cumberland Co. Jixp. & Bank, Parr sboro' ,30 miles. Pop. 1,1(0. Atkii>8on A. W.,&Co Gen. Store 2i 4^ Elliott Henry ... Gen. Store 3 7 Knowlton MissS. E Millinery 4 8 Morris E., & Son Gen. Store 3 6i Munroe H. W . S<.w Mill Myers W. H Blacksmith 3i 'i Spencer Mis^s Liidnda Gen. Siore 4 Spencer's Island Co, , ...Gen. Store & ^ „, , Shipbuildhig. I ^3 4 Spieer Eui'ias Lumber. 3 6^ Spicer Josiah Lumber, &c. Turpel J. W Gen. Store 3i 7 AINSL.EY GLEN. IiiTerness Co, See Lake Ainslie. 242 ALBERT BRIDGE. Cape Breton Co. See Mira liiver. ALBION MINES. Pictou Co. See Steliarton. ALLANDALE. Shelburne Co. Bank, Lorkeport, HardySilas Carriages 3 7 ALMA. Pictou Co. Fxp. & Bank, SU'lhtrton,b'mUes. Tel., West- ville, 3 mili-8. Pop. 100. Fraser A. H... Gen. Store .3 6 H orup Geo Bootx & Shoes 2i 5 Bobs Thos., & Son Blacksmiths 3 (,\ AMHERST. Cumberland Co. On I. C. It. Tel., W. U. Exp. & Bank. Pop. 4,400. Amberst Boot & Shoe Mnfg, Co 2 3 Amherst Drug Store See R. Chns. Fuller. " Amherst Gazette " (See J. A. Black & Co.) Andres Mrs. S. B, Millinery 3 7 Andres S. B Stonecutter 4 Atkinson Benj Saloon 3 7 AyerEdwin J Dry Goods Baker B. W Primer, &c. 3 7 Beattie K. W Hay, Produce, &c. BentMrs. C. H Millinery &c. 2^0 Bent&Mosher Gro. & Crockery 3 (i| Betts Daniel D Tobacco, I „ ,., Cigars, &c. \ 3 ^i Bird Geo. G Stationery, &c. 4 Black Dr. C. A Drugs, &c, 3 7 Black J. A,, & Co — Printers & Pub'rs. 3 7 Bliss G. C. W I'hy sician 3i Boudreau B. 7 Gen. Store 3 Bourque J. V Gen. Store 3 Brightman & Co Gro., &c. Brown James Dry Goods 3 Gi Brownell Clarence Fancy Goods, &c. Hrownell Harvey BuicUer 3J 7* Calhoun N. C Hotel 2| 4i Cnrter H. Clitt'ord Blacksmi h, &c. 4 « Casey C. K., & Son Tanners 2^ 5 Cates F. A Ke-taiirant 3 6\ Chapman Bros. . . .D. G. & Men's Furn'g 3 5 Chapman C. S.,& Co B.&S., &c. 2 J 4^ Chipman A. Smith Grocer 4 S Chrisiie Bros. & Co Mnfrs. I „■ ., Caskets "s 3 Fuller H. Chas Drugs 3 Fullertoii Wni. M Lumber 24 Gass J. B.,&Co Gen, Store lij (also Springbill.) GrifflnT. H jewelery, &c. 2i Hamilton Wni. J Uiiilway lit s't. 3 Harding U. T Grocer, &c. 3i Harper VV. (3 (irocer 3 Hewrton Charles Physions Engineers I „ Founders & Machini-ts ( Robb Walter R Staves & Tinware 6 Rodger G. P Painter & Papei-hanger 3i Sharp Robert Sad.ller 4 Treuiaine R. H Drugs 3 Warmunde Clias. P Watchmaker 3i Weeks Joseph Furniture 3 Wilmut -James Fish 4 Wilson Frank A Dry Goods 2i Wood Rufus Picture Frames 4 CJ (it 5 5 C 2 n 5 tj ANNAPOLIS. AnimpoilH Co. On W. A A. It. Ttl., »'. U. Exp. & Bank. Pop. 2, out). Anderson Eben M Confec, Ac. 4 " Annapolis Spectator " (See R. C. Hamilton &Co.(Llmitcd) Bishop Albert N Builder 3^ 7} Hlsbopti. Sanford Contoc. &c. 3 7 Blackle Alex Boots & Shoes 4 Hoishiier .Mrs. A. A <'ont'ec., &o. 3 7 lUn-kler Brick Co Mnlrs. Bri(dniit}i 4 McJ>c)imlU l-hriHtoplier. .,... (Jt-ii. Suiio (Si'o llt'atherluii.) M<-I>onal(l H ugh HlaikBinilh 3 6 !RI»I»<)iiahl iJi)lin.. .CoutiiiL'tor & HnJidcr 2i 5 Mini * McDonald Roderick Bhukcniilli 4 McDonald VV. Jl liiy»lciun 2i 3 Mcin>unal«l A. 1> Grocer, &c. 4 McDouuall lliiijliJ BootH&Mioe»3 7 Alcdiliivray AnjiUH iilackhniiih 3 McGillivray Doujialtl Boo u &, lslioe8,&c. 4 8 Mel ntoBli Alex I'liyisuian 2i 3] MeiBauc AnguB Tailor 3 MelHaae J) BlackHnnth 3 7 Melvinnon .Jolin K riijhiciiin 3 McMillan & Cliiflioini Tailoiing & I ,. .i Men's I' uiu g | ** °^ McMillan John, & Co (ieu. More 2J 3^ McPherBon doiin ij Billiiird». &c. 4 b Marcoii l.oiii is Jeweler 3 O'BrieJi dolin Tanner 3 ti U'i)on<){4liiie Sylvester Builder 3 7 Bonan I'.dward Hotel 3 Sehadeline Louis Confectioner 3J Smith fJanies 1- ggs, iVic. 3 7 Soniers, Cliisholni & O'Brien. Gen. Store 3 (i\ Soniers Martin JJlaeksniith 3 7 S<.>nier8 I'eter & Moses Gen. Store 3i 7i Stt arns & Mott Publishers 1 W aldeii Ciiae. W Drugs 3^ 7i Walker J. A ]Marblocuiter 3 7 "VNliiddenC. B., & Sons. .. .Flour & Gr>. 2i 3 \N llkie & Cunningliani Uen. Store 3 G] "Woolen & Dexler Tinware 3i APPLK RIVICK. Cumbeilaad Co. Tel., E.rp. <& Bank, Parrsboro\ Pop. 100. Elderkii'. A. C, & C. W. . . Lumber, &c. (See Athol.) Elderkin W. U Lunilnr 3.1 Gi Spicer Isaac Steam Saw Mill 4 8 \N ard Albina G. Lumber, &c. ;j ■White (JhHH. T Lumber, &c. 3 ARCADIA. Yarmouth Co. ' Ttl. & Hank, Yarmouth. Pop. 500. Allen Stejdien N Gen Store 3^ 6^ Halfleld S. J & A. M.Mnfrs. Sa.she8,(&c, 2i 3^ ■\Vyman Israel .. Gen. Store 4 » Yarmouth Lobi^ter Co. (Limited^ . 3 Gi 'I ■' I i ARDNESS. Plctou Co.*: > McDonald Jolin C Peddler 4 8 - -J \RGYLE. Yarmouth Co. (Also Lower Argyle.) Bank, Yarmouth, 19 miles. Ttl., Pubnico. J'op. 1,300. Bent Win. H Phys'n & Drugs 4 Frost James Hotels 6 Hlnes Benj Gen, Store, &c 2J 4i McLarreii John F. (Lower A.)... G. Store ijj 6 244 ARTCHAT. Rivhmoiid Co. (Also Petit de Grat & West or Llttlo Arlchat.) Til., W. U. Bank, J'lyrt Jlawkesbury. I'o,,. 4,300. Andrew Geo J Gen. Store 3 r,J Barrett Donald J Mnfr. Coniec. 3 ; Barrett John Grocer & Liquoin 3 c^i Hosdet Mrc. M. A Hotel 4 8 Bosdet Peter C. (W.AricliatJ.UMi, Ac. .IJ 7 CfUipbell Hugh lilacksndih 4 Campbell P» ter . . . Gen. Store, Fish, &c. Donovan H. S. (Petit de Grat). .G.S.,&c. 4 >ixott Henry J. Physician 3i ForcHt Maxmian Gen. Store, Ace. 3 CJ 1< orest 'llioniuB (ien. Store 3A 7^ Frizzle David Blacksmith 3j Fuller (J. J., Br Diy Uoods 2^ 4] tiagnon Mrs. Joseph.... Dry tioods, (Sic. 3] 7^ Oruchy D. , & Son (Petit de Grati Fish, &c. (See D'Fscoiist-e.) Hej ward Peter Grocer, &o 3^ 7} Jean J. L Gen. store 3 ti Lai. dry Dominique (Petit de Grat) I'ish 3 7 LeBlanc Aliraliani (W. Ariihat;,(>,Store 3 ti ..eblanc Ainie lhy»ician o{ ',] LeBianc Jtllrey M .Dry Goods 3^ I.ieBlanc Simon P. (W. Aricliatj. . . G.S. b »;} LiBrundohn Gen. Store 2i a^ i..ev«8coiite W G. Store & Mshing ^^ee D Lf^eousse) Lewis W. K., & Bros .Lobster Packers 1 1' (See alno Boston Mass.) Malzard F. L G.S., Fish, &c. Marmaud Iraneis Gen, Store ^ 71 Martell Capt. Felix Liquors, &c. 3^ l'\ MeAskill John (W. Aric at). . . G. Store 2^ 5" McDonald Hector (W. Aricliat) Blacksmith 3 7 McDonald Neil F Blacksnnth 3i 71 Mouehette Fm le (W. Arichat) G.Siore 2^ .j" hbindress HowardD Gen. Store 3^ Kii'hard Henry . .. Gen. Store 3^ 7.< liobin Cbas., A; Co G.S. & Fishing (Also t.has. Bobin & Co., Caraquette, >i B.; and Paspebiac and I'erce.t^ue.) • Thomson ,Jose|ih H G.S., l ,, ^ Barrel Factory &c. i "^ ^ Jacques Goo. O. (Mordeu R'd) (ien. I „ - Store ( •* ' Kirkpatrick W.(Millville). ...Gen .Stores 7 Lee Andrew I'anner 3 6 McNeill Aaron, & Son (Factorydale), \ ., - Lumber | ' Morse A. G Blacksmith 3 7 Nichols A. D. (Millville). Undertaker, I ..> _, &c. (•**'* Nichols Sylvester .... .Blacksmith it ) oi -i Carriages f -^i ' 2 Smith Henry, (Auburn) Flour 3 7 Spurr Nathaniel P Traders 6 Taylor Stephen, (Auburn) .Blacksmitli 3 7 WestO. J Gen. Store 3i 7i Williamson 0. A Harness 3 7 BAD DECK. Victoria Co. Tel., IF. U. Exp., New Glasgow. Bank, North Sydney. Pop. 1,700 Anderson Alex Hotel Archibald James W Tanner 3 6^ Atwiiter Stcnhen BhickHmllh 4 Camiiliell J. K Gen. Store 3 7 Cahiplx'll L. G Gen. Store. \c. Fninlop Mrs Hotel ;» 7 Ferguson .\ rarrlngeM 3^ 7i Fni/.er John .A Sewing Mmiiines Fi'^'enuii) Frank It Drugs 4 Hart (liaH. U., & Co Gen St'>re 2J 4 Ma.'Kli'J. C Confec. X.' 4 Mi\\nlev Norman Mills 3 7 McDonald A lifMi It Blaeksmith 4 « McDoiald <;ii;»rlea (irisl .Mill 2i .5 McDonalii John (Ien Store See L. G. <'ainpbell. AIcKayA. .1 Sh es 4 Mclvny * Co • Gen. Store 3 a McKtiizIe Murdoch H Gen. Store :M Ti McLean Michael Hotel 3 6i Mcl^ean Thos. S Gen. Store McLean William Blneksniith 3 »! McLeod John !• (icn. Store; 3 (i McLeod Mrs. Margaret Hotel ik liiquor 3 7 MclJael*. F Gen Sloie 3 « .Mcltae Donald J Liijuors 3 ilj IMcc Wm. A Mill 3 7 Holiertson W. A . Harness .1 J 7i Uoss .Vlex.M Grocer, Liquors, ito. 4 X Sparling W. I) (Jen. Store 3 (> Watson Wm Feweler & Photo 4 8 B.\ILKY'S BROOK. IMetou Co. Ttl,,Avonihile,'A\miles. Evp,,S'eio (iliisi/oir, 2.'"> inilc.f. Ihiiik, Aati(jonishor Xiw (ll(is(/(tw. I'op. 251 >. Macdonald D. P., & Co Gen. Store 2J 4J BAKER'S SETTLE >IENT. Liiueiiburj; Co. Tel. & Hank, Lnnenbunj , 9 mile I'op. 1.50. .Awa't Cornelius Gen. Store 4 Norwood J. J Gen. Store 4 B.IRNEY'S RIVER. Pictou Co. On I an. (J?. Ex.fn). Tel., Aiuts & Shoes Borden Frank. ... Blacksmith <'hipman A. F .. Gen. Store <'hute F. B Gen. Store Cluite J. Burton Flour & Grocer Ch"te .Tosei)h F Tanne • ChnteSilasP Mill Clarke F. A.,&Son Mill Coldwell Rupert. , Butch«r & Trader Eaton Ge>. W.. ..Blacksmith & Hotel Ells Joseph < arriages Forest L. R. , & Co Gen. Store llsleyStephen Gen. Store Kirlvpatrick Gpo. E Middlemas Frank Physician Middlomas Peter Carriages, &c. Murphy Thomas .... Hotel, &c. Nichols Sponagle H Tanner, & ) Mnfr. lioois & Shoes S Nichols S. James Gen. Store Parker D. O Furniture Pai-ker J M Stoves & Tinware Parker T. H Trader Pinec & Clark . . . .Gen. Store & Foundry E«ed Wra. F — Gen. Store ^ n ^ 3 7 3 ^ 3 7 n R 3A n 3i 3 6i 3 B 2* 5 3i7i 3 7 '4 5 3 7 ^^ 3 6 3 R 3 6\ 3 6i n 5 3 6i BIBLE HlfX. Colche.ster Co. See Truro. BIG BRAS D'OR. Victoria Co. See Boularderie Island. BIO BROOK. Pictou Co. See Hopewell. BIG COVE. Richmond Co. See St. Peters. BIG INTEKVALE. Victoria Co. See James ville. BIG LORRAINE. Cape Breton Co. See Little Lorraine. BIG NARROWS. Victoria Co. See Grand Narrows. BIG POND. Cape Breton Co, Tel., W.U. Pop. 150. McTs'iac M. A .' Gen. St->re,&e. 4 McNeil M chaol Gen. Store 4 Morrison Allen Gen Store 3 BILLTOWN. Kings Co. Tel. & Rank, Aentville, 9 miles. Pop. 100. Sweet W. S Geu. Store 3 BIRCHTOWIV. Shelburne Co. Bank, Shelburne. Harris John S . . .Gen. Store & Lumoer 3 7 BLACK BROOK. Victoria Co. See Boularderie Island. BLACK POINT. Halifax Co. See St. Miirgaret'fi Ray. BL VCK POINT. Queens Co. Shand George A I o'lxter Packer See also Port Med way. BLOCKHOUSE. Lunenljurg Co. Kisenhaur Casper. . . .Gen. Store & — • ,,, Blacksmith I "^* Mossman I?aac Gen. Store 4 BLUE BERRY. Queens Co. See Western Berlin BLUE MOUNTAIN. Pictou Co. McDousrall Roderick Gen. Store 3 fii Mcintosh Alex (ien. Store 3i 7^ BLUE ROCKS. Lunenburg Co. Tel., Lunenhurg. Knickle Joshua Gen. Store 4 Portland Packing ('o. . . Tanned Goods 1 1 See also Davis, Baxter & Co., Portland, Me. BOISBALE. Cape Breton Co, Port Mutqrave, S2 miles. Pop. 300. Archibald I S Mills 4 MacNeil Stephen Gen. Store 2^ 5 McDonald Donald Miller 3 6 Mclntyre Daniel N Gen. Store 3J 7^ McKinnon Jos. H Gen. Store BOULARDERIE ISLAND. Victoria Co Teh, New Camphellfon, 10 miles. Bank, Bad deck . Pop. 1.50. McDonald Roderick Gen. Store ^\ McKenzie Donald Blacksmiths 7 McKeiizie John(IMack Brook).... Miller 3^ 7^ BOYLSTON. GE END. Inverness Co. McAuley Neil Gen. Store 4 8 BRIDGEPORT. (Cape Breton Co. Ikmk, Sydney, 13 miles. Pop. .500. Burchell James T Gen. Store 2} 5 Caled(mia Coal & Railway Co.(l.imif P.O., &c. \ -^2 ^* Denison J. H Physicians 6 Fi!-h Wm Blacksmith 3 6 Gibson James ....Hotel 3 0^ Gibson & Keep Gen. Store 2i 5 Smith Henry B Tanner 3 6 Smith Joseph Tanner 3 6 Weeks S. M . . Physician 2i 5 BKOOKLYN. Queens Co. Td. & naiik,\Liverpool, 2i miles. Pop. 600. Coops J. & J Lumber (See Milton) Dexter J. V. & J. H • Traders (See Liverpool) Gardner Nathan Blockmaker (Gardner Rupert H G. S.,Fi8h,&c. Godfrey Knoch Gen. Store 3| 7 J Hall J."lt Gen. Store & P. M. 3 Ci McLeoil Alex Blacksmith 3^ 7 J McLeod C.,& Co Gen. Store, &c. 3* 7 Marshall Isaac W Blacksmith 3 7 BROOK V1LLA(JE. InveineNS Co. Tel., Af'ihou, G miles. Pop. 200. Fiizzel Robert Cen. Store 2i ^ McDonald Alexander (Tulloch).G. Store 3 C^ McDonald Alex. D Saw Mill 3 «i McMaster Konald Blacksmith 3 7 BRUI.K. C.ilcliester Co. (See Point Brule.) BURLINGTON. Hants Co. Tel., Newport Station, 12 miles. Bank, IVind- gor. Pop. 500. Payzant J. A Physician Robinson J. B Gen. Store 3^ 7i Young Edward tien. Store 3^ I BURLINGTON. Kings Co. (See Harborville.) BURNSIUK. Colcliester Co. (See Upper Stewiacke.) BURNSIDK. Piotou Co, (See Middle River.) CALEDONIA. Queens Co. Tel. Jb Bank, Lirerpool, 30 miles. Pop. iOO. Aitken Cheyne F Phvpician ColeW.H Ph\>ician Cu>hiiig J. E Gen. Store, &o. Douglas Nelson F Gen. Store, &o. Freeman Bros. (J. E. & T. (Milln & ) Furniture ^ Harlow Chas ( ar riages Harlow Jos. B Gen. Store. &c. Hunt J. B . Blacksmith Loveless Jitmes Black.-'niith McClelland J. Howard Hotel 3i 7i Middlemas George Gen, Store More J. Edward Grocer, &c. 3i 7i Rathburn J. H Gen. Store 3| 7i Smith Edgar Lumber 3 6 Smith L. C Jeweler. &c. Smith Susan Milliiier 4 8 CALEDONIA MINES. Cape Breton Co. Tel. & Bank, Sydney, 3 miles. Pop. 500. Caledonia Coal & Railway Co CAMBRIDGE. KluRS Co. On W. & A. R. Tel., Waferrille, 2 miles. Bank, Kentville, 7 miles. Pop. 200. Cojwell John Trader 3 7 Webster A. A Mill,&c. 3 6 Webster C. W . F Carpenter, &c. 3 6, Webster John H Blacksmith 2\ 5 CAMPBELL P.O. Inverness Co. Campbell D. W , Gen. Store 4 8 CANADA CREEK. Kings Co. Tel., Waterville, 9 miles. Bank, Kentville, 7 miles. Pop. 200. Morris Eldon Gen. Store 3^ 7i CANARD. Kings Co. Tel. & Bank, Canning, 2 miles. Pap. 300. Borden Alonzo Blacksmith, &c 3i 7J Borden C. H Carriages 3 7 DickeyC. B. & R. C Flour 2 2i Dickey James B Speculators 6 Dickie E. E Trader 2^ 5 Farnham W. H. & S. W Carriages &c. 3* Hardwick W. H Trader 2i 5 Rand R. M Shipping 2i 4 Walton Jacob Prod. CANNING. Kings Co. . Tel., IF. U. Bank. Pop. 1, GOO. Baines G. P Tailor,&c. Baxter Amos B Gen Store & Hotel 3 7 Blenkhorn & i^oua B'smiths & i • Mnfrs. Axes. ' (See Jas. S. Miller & Son.) Borden Chas. E Drugs & Flour 2A 4 Borden F. W .Physician 2i 6 Dickie C. It., & Co Hardware, &c. 3 6J Dickie D. M Shipping Eaton Edgar B Blacksmith 3 7 24y Can NOVA SCOTIA. Che Eaton Geo. E Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 Eaton StiUT Grocer, &c. Harris Rupert Dry Goods. &«. 2i 4i Heimigar James E Watches 4 Jost L. E.,&Co I). G..&0,. 3 6 Kei\ne(ly J. K Gen. Store 3 6 Kerr S. G., & Sou Prepared Vegetables, &c. Kinsman & Newcomb Gen. Store 3 6^ Loclre, &c. 3 7J Picrcy David A Gen. Store 3 6 Hooney J. C Tailor 4 8 Sheffield & Wickwire Shippi. g, &c 2i 3 CANNONVILLE. Cumberland Co. (See Diligent River.) CAPE CANSO. Ouyslioro' Co. (Also Hazel Hill.) Tel., W. U. Bank, Giiysboro'. Pnp. 1,100. Cameron A Gen. Store 3 7 Cof»k TliDmas C Gen. Store Cullen Miss Annie Millinerv, &c. 4 8 CuHeu P. C . Ki-h,&c. 4 Hart Alfred W. . . .Gen. Store, Fish, &c. Hartling Mrs. Catherine Gen. Store .S^ 7J Kavanagh Thos. Confec, &c 4 Kelly p]dward Trader 3^ 7i McKenzie Seth (Hazel Hill) Gen. Store Portland Packing Co. Canned Goods.* (See also Uavis, Baxter & Co. ,> 1 1 Portland, Me.)) Tate Henry L Blacksmith, &c. 3i ■Whitman A. N.,& Son — Gen. Store, J „, ., Fish,&c. N '^i *^ Whitman Isaac J Gen. Store 3 6i CAPE COVE. Digby Co. Tel., Mefeghon, Bank, Tai mouth, 18 miles. Pop. 15(). EllisG. Whitfield. Gen. Store CAPE GEOBGK. Antigonish Co. Tel., Bank. Jntigonish, 20 miles. Graham John K Gen. Store, &c. 3i 7^ McEachem L. J Gen. S ore 3| 7| CAPE ISLAND. Slielburne Co. Hank, Barrinyton, lOiniles. Pop. 2,'HtO. Atkins Almon Trader 4 8 Colqnhoun H Gen. Store, «&c. 3 6 Cunningham J. F., & Co. Gen. Store «&c. 3 7 ]McGray Arthur Gen. Store 3 7 McGray James G Gen. Store 3 7 Newell Z. H Gen. Store KossD. L Traders 6J Ross Warren (Stoney Island). Gen. Store, &c 4 Smith Judah N Trader 3i 7i Smith Reuben Tradt-r 3 7 Smith W. B Fishing 2i 5 South Union Co-operative Co Gen. i ., - Store.Fish, &c. i "^ ' CAPE NEGRO. Shelburne Co. Tel. & Bank, Barrington, 7 miles. Pop, 350. Smith James W Gen. Storo 3 6 250 CAPE NORTH. Victoria Co. See Aspy Bay. CARIBOU. Pictou Co. ' Tel., Exp. & Bank, Pictou, 4 milex. Pop. 300. Burnham & Morrill Canned Fish ' See Portland, Me. CARIBOU COVE. Richmond Co. • See Port Malcolm. CARLETON. Yarmouth Co. Bank, Yarmouth. Annis Bros Lnmbpr, &c. 3 7 Crosby Edwin Mnfr. Saslies, &c. 3 7 Crosby VVm .. Gen. Store See Ohio. Miller VVm. H ...Gen, Store, &c. 3 7 CATALONE. Cape Breton Co. Dickson deorge Gen. Store 3 6J CENTRAL ECONOMY. Colcliester Co. See P'couomy. CENTREVILLE. Digby Co. See Trout Cove. CENTREVILLE. Kings Co. Tel. & Hank, Kentville, 4 miles. Pop. 250. Thorpe Reuben S Gen. Store 3 T CHE(iOGGIN. Yarmouth Co. Bank, Yarmouth. Strickland Norman C. . .Boots & Shoes. 3^ 7 CHELSEA. Lunenburg Co. Butler Wni Lumber^ 6 Keddy Jamt s Lumber 3 7 Turner C. K.,&Co Gen. Store 4 CHESTER. Limenbuvg Co. Also Chester Basin and Marriett s Cove. E;vp., Halifax, 45 miles. Tel., IF. U. Ban k Lunenburg, th miles. Pop. 900. Anderson W. M (Basin) Gen. Store 4 Boylan Martin S. (Basm). .. .Lumber, I &c. f But'er Edward Gen. Store 3 6i Church Miss 11. A Gen. Store 3i l\ Cen. Store, &c. 3i 7j I'ratt IJoduian Gen Store, &c. 3 0| Kofce Koderick Shipbuilder 2| 5 CHEZZETCOOK. Halifax Co. Teh, J)artmoHth, 22 miles. Exp. & Bank, Hali- fax, 23 miles. J'op. 800. Bonneble Geo Peddler 4 8 By Id Phil. G Gen. Store Colforrt George Gen Store ^ 7i Guild Geo. McL , jr Gen. Store 3i 7i Kei'/jer James Geii. Store 3j •I.apierr<- Daniel Trader Smith Wm Gen. Store 3i 7i CHIGANOISE. Colchester Co. (See Belmont.) CHRISTMAS ISLAND. Cape Breton Co. McDougall Malcolm Gen. S'ore, &c. 2i 4i CHURCH POINT. DIgby Co. On W. C. n. Tel. & Hank, Wty mouth. Exp., IH()by. Pop. 250. Belliveau J. B Gen. Store, &c. 3 6i Burrill W., & Co. . . .Shipbuilders & G.S. (See Y arm OH 111) Lovjtt & Co Shipbuilders (See Yarmouth) Melancon Louis A Gen. Store, &c. CHURCHVILLE. Pictou Co. Tel., Exp- <& Bank, Stellarton, 2 miles. Pop. 150. Robertson John, & Son Tanners 3 7 CHUTE COVE Annapolis Co. ■ : .,' ;■'' (See Hampton.) ^ ]'^ CLAM HARBOR. Halifax Co. Homans Ebenezer Trader 3J 7i CLARENCE. Annapolis Co. Tel., Lawrencetovm, 2J miles. Exp,, Anna- polis. Bank, Bridgetown,W miles. Pop. 200. Jackson Samuel N Gen. Store 3 6 Marshall M. C Gen. Siore 3 6 Morse John L Gen. Store 3 6 CLARK'S FERRY. Annapolis Co. ■ ':" i^''^' (See Tupperville.) ' ■' . ' ^• CLARKE'S HARBOR. Slielburne Co. Brannan Jere H Lumber, Coal. &c. 3 6J (. larke's Harbor Union Uutlitting Co. (Limited) Gen. Store 3 6J Hopkins 11. D.ivis Gen. Store 4 Leblanc M. E Gen. Store 4 Portland Packing Co. ..Canned Goods 1 (See also Davis, Huxter & Co., > 1 1 Portland, Me.)) Symons Frank .. Grocer 4 CLEMENTSPORT. Annai>olis Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Annapolis, 8 miles. Pop. 2"0. GilliattW. A.,&Co Gen. Store 2i 5 Potter S..& Co Gen. Store 2J 5 Uitcliie Thomas Carriages '.'A 7i Poop Bros.... Gen. Store &W, I. Trade 24 5 Shaw W. C Carr. ages, Mill, &c. sj 7i Vrtiom Wm. V Blacksniiih 4 8 York John H Carriages 4 CLEMENTSVALE. Annapolis Co. Exp. & Bank, Annapolis, 12J miles. Tel., Bear Uiver. Poj). 500. Sanford Mr.<». Jerusha Gen. Siore 3 6J W esley Samuel A — . Gen. Store 3 7 CLIFTON. Colchester Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Truro, 10 miles. Pop. 130. Burgess Nelson C Gen. Store 4 Crowe James Shipbuilder 2\ 5 CLYDE RIVER. Shelburne Co. Tel. & Rank, Harrington, 8 miles. Pop. 300. Dinsmore James D Pliysioian 3 7 Gouuh W. H Hotel & Gen. Store 4 McKay J. Lewis Lumber McKay Joseph H Lumber McLarren Chas. E Gen. Store 3i 7i Perry Geo. ¥. . Gen. Store 3i 7i Sutherland Kobert Lumber Thompson Geo Gen. Store 3i 7^ CODDLE HARBOR. Guysboro Co. McLeod Norman Gen. Store 3 7 COLD BROOK. Kings Co. On W. <&A. R. Tel., IV. U. Bank,KentvilLe, 6 miles. Pop. 250. Jackson Isaac B Saw Mills 3 6 PorterHenryH Gen. Stare, &c. 3 7 COMEANVILLE. DIgby Co. Doucett Bros Gen. SI ore 3 6J CONCESSIONS. DIgby Co. LeBlanc Sers'phiu Gen. Store CONN'S MILL. Cumberland Co. McPherson Angus Saw Mill 3 6 CONQUERALL BANK. Lunenberg Co. (Also La Have Ferry and Middle La Have.) Tel. & Bank, Bridgewater, 4 miles. Pop. 150. Corkum Jacob, jr Gen. Store 3i 7j Hocksworth Easton Blacksmitii 4 Kaizer Jamea .Geu. Stfu-e 2\ 51 McICean Albert Gen. Store 3 6i McKean C. & A Gen. Store (See Albert McKean.) McKean Mrs, Caroline. . ..... .Gen. Store 251 Ooo ) NOVA SCOTIA. Dar McKean Jaa Q«n. Store 4 8 • Miller liros. (La Have Ferry) . G. Store 3 7 Rafiipe J. N Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 Rafuse R. A. Middle La Have)..G.Store 4 Sauiidors I), O Physician, &c. 3i 7i Shankle Jolin & Son (La Have F^rry) Gen. Store 3 6i Weagle Jacob Shipbuilder COOK'S COVE, Guysboro' Co. Myers John C Gen. Store 4 8 COUNTRY HARBOR. Guysboro' Co limik, Giu;xhoro\ SO miles. Pop. 300. Hudson Samuel Saw Mill 3^ 7i Sweets. ,&Co Gen. Store (See Isaac's Harbor) CO W «AY MINES. Cape Breton Co, Tel.,W. U. Bank, Sydney. P073.I90. Anderson A. L Hotel SJ 7i Archibald & Co G. S., Coal. &c. (See North Sydney) Berdardine Louise Liquors 3J Bown Alfred E Gen Store 3 7^ Callahan Thos Bakery 3^ 7 Co-operative Store Gen. StART.>IOUTH. Halifax Co. On T. C. It Tel., W. U. Exp. & Bank, Hali- fax, \ mile. J'op.4,5W. Allen John Boots & Shoes 4 Allen Jos. W Grocer 4 Barry & Kvans Boilermakers 2} 6 Heck A. M Tailor 3 Gi Bell Isfiao Dry Goods Bettinson John Grocer 3 7 Bissau Geo Grcx-er 4 lioutilier Arthur T Confec., &c. 4 Hi aden Samuel .... Grocer 2^ 5 Brown H Gro<'er Burchell E Boots & Shoes ^ "^ Campbell John Coal 3^ Carter Job Ice 3 7 Casey James A — Grocer 3i 7^ Cheliucto Marine Railway Co .(Luuited) See Halifax, Chittick S,, & Sous Ice 3 6 Coburrt Francis Boots & Shoes 3^ 7J Craia: (ieo. H . ..Barber & Fey Goods Crathorne G. A ... Corn Mill Crook & McQuarrie ... Blacksmiths 3 7 Dares B^ank Grocer & Fet-d 3 7 Dartmouth Itfjpework Co . .See Wm. } Stairs, t^on & Morrow, Halifax, s De Blois «& Co Boots & Shoes See Halifax. De Young Lewis Livery Stable 4 S Dominion Paint Co See Robert Mos<>ley. Donovan Mrs. Dennis. Grocer & Lii|Uors 3i 7^ Elliott F. M Grocer 3j 7i- Farrell Paul Grocer 3 7 Forsyth Alex Grocer 3 7 Gentles H.B Baktr 3i 7i Gentles James .....Fruit & Confec. 3i 7j Gentles Thomas, jr Grocer 3 6 Glendenning J. R — Soda Water & Ice 3 7 Graham John R Victualler 2^ 4J Green John Watches & Clocks 3 6 Green Willifim H. . Coal, Llq. & Livery 2a 5 Halifax Sugar Retlning .0 See Halifax. Hairison Joseph A Furniture, &c. 4 Hlltz .Mrs. Henry. Dry Gds. & Millinery 3^ 7^ Himmelnian James Grocer 4 Hutchinson Albert Ice 3 6 Hutt Alex Carriages 3k 74 Inness G. J Groiser 3* 7* Inness Peter Grocer 3j 7} Lawb.r Isabella, & Son Gen. Store 3 GJ Lawlor John Baker 4 LloyAlex Grocer, &c. 3 6 .Mach'an J. B Gi'ocer & Provisions 3 6 McAdam Angus liiquora 3 7 McCarthv Owen Dry Goods Si 7J McDonald Allan.. .Fishing Tackle, &c. 3J 7X McDonald Wm Blacksmith 31 7i McElmon John M Lumber Sj 7j McNab Colin Grocer 3 7 Mlsener G. A Undertaker Moseley Ebenezer Shipbuilder 3A Moseley Henry .Boatbullder 3$ 7 J Deb NOVA SCOTIA. DUR '/ Moseley Robort Mfr. Paint Mott John P., & Co. . .Spices & Cocoa ) I Preparations S See Halifax. Mumford Francis & Sons Mfrs. | „i. 71 Sliips' Knees, &c. f "^i '» Miupiiy Francis Macliinist, &c. 3J 7i M inpliy -lolm D Ulachsmitli 3^7^ Myers Jolm Livery Stable 4 Glands., Sons & Co Brewers See ilalifax. Ormaii Jainea E .....Grocer & Liquors 3 0^ Posver John Carriages 1 8 Kitchie John, & Co Tinsmiths, &c. 3 Oi Russell Nathaniel, & Co Stoves, (fee. 3 (ij Scat f F., & Co Sashes, Doors, &c. 3 CJ Settle James T 3 7 Siuimonds Jiis Stoves & H'ware 2i 3^ Smith Win. McV Harness 3 G Starr Manufacturing Co Machini>t / ., „ &Mfrs. Ska-esS ^ Sterns Lutlier , & Son i)ry Goods 2i 3^ Stevens William H l^rngs 3 7 Tuf Is James W. Dry Uuods 3 7 Turner James \V Capitalist '.'i 3 Tutlle W. ij Boots & Shoes 3 7 Waildell Duncan Contractor 2i 3 Walki-r Kh Painter 4 Daley John Hotel & B. & S. 2J 5 Dunham C. F Painis&Gil8 4 8 Farniiam C. E Printer & Pub'r Fitzrandolph Robert S Gen. Store 3 6J Fritz Enidoii I'hysician 3 7 GillilaiidS. C, & Co Gen. Store 3 7 Guptill & Young Grocers, &c. 3 6J tiulchinson Wildam S Carriages 4 8 Jones J. Edgar Phy,«ieian Keen James M Watchmakers 7 Landry Valentine A Publislier 3 6^ Letteuey G. 1. , & Bro .... Gen. Store 2^ 4^ Letteiiey Manufacturing Co Mfrs./ „ „. Stove Polish, &c. ^ ** "* Lynch Bros Grocers 4 8 MeMuliin Mrs Millinery 3 6^ Rice John G Carriagemaker 1 ., „, & UnderiakerJ ^ "a Russell John A Saddler Saunders J. F Willi lery 3 6J Saunders R. P Kes't & Bakery 3 7 Sproule Bros Fish, iS:c. 3 7 Staiiinj4 George, & Son Livery 1 .,, ^ Stables & Stages. ( 'a •* Stark R. F.,& Co Drugs 3 7 Stone George F Gen. Store 3 6 J Sy da & Cousins Fisli, &c. 2J 5 Titus & Son Butchers 3 6i TiirnbuU W. F Gen. Store 2i 5 TurnbuU & Welch Gen. Store Van tassel 1 J. A Barber & Tobacco 3^ "J Vantassell M. Hayes Liquors White George M Watchmaker < .,, _■ & Photo. J "^Mi Whiteman John Gen. Store 3i 7^ Wood Sydney Lumber, &c. 3 7 Wright Miss Jane E Dry Goods 3^ 7i DILIGENT RIVER. Cumberland Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, PaiTsboro'' , 6 vules. Pop. 300. Armstrong T. H Gen. Store 3 7 McCabe Charles E Gen. Store 3^ 7^ DOVER. Guysboro' Co. Portland Packing Co. ..Canned Goods ) . ^ See also Davis, Baxter & Co., ) Portland, Me. ,.n 1 I DOVER. Halifax Co. Tel. & Bank, Halifax. Fader Jas Trader DURHAM. PIctou Co. See also West Jtiver. Cameron Murgaret Grocer 3i 7J Creigbton Daniel Tinware 3i 7i MoCullum D. H. Gen. Store 4 McDonald John B Tanner 3 7 U088 Kenneth Boots & Shoes 4 Z53 Ear N()VA SCOTIA. Far KARLTON. Colchester Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Truro, 20 miles. Pop. 70. Baillie Alex Gen. Store 3 6J Crow Almon Gen. Store Si Tj MclntoHh Uobert (The Falls). Gen. Store 3> 7 McKenzie Wm Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 Ko88 Wni Gen. Store 3 7 Sutherland & Bailie Saw Mill 3 6i Sutherland John Gen. Store EAST BAY. Cape Breton Co. Tel., Big Pond or Sidiiei/, each 12 miles. Bank, Sidney. Pop, 100. ,,. !' Curry Angns Gon. Store 3 7 Mel )onald A lien < > en. Store 3 7 McDonald R. It Gen. Store 3i Wclsaac 1). J Gen. Store 4 8 Moeil Bros Gen. Store. &c. See Iri-jh Cove. EAST DUBLIN. Lunenburg Co. See New Dublin. EAST MINES STATION. Colcliester Co. Taylor Mrs. Geo Gen. Store 3i 'i EAST NOEL. Hants Co. ' ' See Noel. EAST PORT MEDVVAY. Queens Co. See Port Medway. EAST RAWDON. Hants Co. See Raw don. EAST RIVER. Flctou Co. See Sunny Brae. EAST WALTON. Hants Co. See Walton. ECONOMY. Colchester Co. Also Upper and Lower Economy. Exp., Londmuh'i'ry. Tel., Great Village, Bank, Acadia Mines. Pop. 400. Bato»A. G Hotel 3i 7i Beattie Robert Hotel Fulnier Mrs. Isabella G. . .Gen. Store 3^ 7i Lewis & Starratt (Upper E), ..Saw Mill Mclieuzie Daniel, & Son. Gen. Store i & Shipping J McLaughlin D. S Gen. Store 4 McLaughlin \V. A Gen. Siore 3i 7i McLellan John A. P ...Gen. S:ore, &c. Miller Jas., & Co. Gen. Store & LuiMb'r w, See also Miller & Woodman, lndian- ' town, N. B. Moore A. K Shipping BobertHon — Physifian 4 8 Soley 1>, P.. & Co. (Lower E.) Shipping 2i 4* Soley Josiah.... Shipping 3 6i Soley Koyal P. (Lower E.). . . .Gen. Store ^ 7i Somerville A. McL Physician 3j 7i ECUM SECIIM. Guysboro Co. See Marie Joseph. EEL COVE. Victoria Co. McLeod Wm ..Gen. Store 4 EIGHT MILE BKOOK. Pictou Co. Stillnian Woolen Co. (Limited) 2i 5 254 ELLKR8HOUSB. Hants Co, On W. & A. R. Tel, W. U, Kxp., Windsor Junction, Bank, Irindsor, 11 nillvs, J'nii. 300. Beokman F. W .. Lumber, &«. Stevens Francis Gen. Store 3 G ELM BANK. AntiKonish Co. See South River. ELM 'iU ALU. Hants Co. On T. C. n. Tel. W. U. B ink, Halifax, .'iO miles. Exp. Pop. 200. ifish r Janie^ — Carriages 3 7 McDonald John W Grocer, &c. Reld G. P (ien. Store 3^ Scoit Joseph D .. Gon. Store 4 Thonip.son Evan, & Co...Geu. Store, &c. 3i 5 Wilbur N.B Tanner 3 7 ELMSFIELD. Pictou Vo. Gruham J. & J Tanners 2^ :> ELMS VALE. HalifaY Co. See Middle Musquodoboit. , , ENFIELD. Hants Co. ! On I. C. li. Tel., W. U. Eap. & Bank, Hall- fax, 28 villei. Pop. 150. Annand John Saw. Mill McGregor John Gen. Store 3i 7', Prescott B Pottery Pre^cott James, & Sons Pottery 4 8 ENGLISHTOWN. Victoria Co. See St. Ann's. ESKASONI. Cape Breton Co. Bown Henry V Gen. Store ESTMERE. Victoria Co. Macdonald fJolin H Gen. Store 3 7 McNaughton Isaac Mnt'r. Harness 3 7 EUREKA. Pictou Co. On I. C. B. Tel., Hopewell. Exp. & Bank, St'Uarton, or New (Jla.sgow. Eureka Woolen Mill Co. (Limited) 2^ 4^ FACIORYDALE. Kings Co. See Aylesford. FAIRVIEW. Halifax Co. ' On I. C. R. Tel. & Exp. Rockingham, 1 mile. Bank, Hal^/'ax, 3 miles. Farquahar, Forrest & Co Tannery See Halifax. FALL RIVER. Halifax Co. Stephen Jolin Mill FALMOUTH. Hants Co. On W. A. R. Tel. & Bank, Windsor, 2 miles. Pop. 400. Martin T. M Gen. Store &c. 4 8 Wilson W.T Trader 3i 7i Young C.E Lumber 2 L'i FARMINUTON. Annapolis Co. See Wilraot. . ,. , , Fis NOVA SCOTIA. Gle FISHERMAN'S Guysboro HAKBOB. Co. Qunn Wni Gen. Store 3i TJ FIVK I!m.AMDS. Colchester Co. Tel. & Bank, Parrshoro' , iti miles. Pop. GOO. Brodvlck .Fohn W.Gen.Store, Hotel, &c. 3 7 Elliott Hobert A Blfickfinith 4 Fields VVm Lumber Fulmer .James R Gen. Store 3} 7i Graham S. J) Gen. Store 3 7 Harrington J. M Blacksmith 3i Ih McLelltm W. W Carriages Hj 7i MeigB & Corbett Gen. Store 3 4i Morrison .1. B Gen. Stxn-e Patterson Andrew Blacksmith 4 8 FIVE MILF RIVER. HaiitH Co. See South Mai tland. FOLLY LAKE. Colchester Co. McElmon Bros Saw Mill 4 FOLLY VILLA(;E. Colchester Co. Tel. & Exp., East Mines, 3 miles. Bank, Truro. Pop. 400. Campbell Capt. Geo Shipping 2\ 3 Corbett Leander 1) Tanner 3 7 Cummings Chas. N Speculator 3 Eraser John A Hotels 6 McLean Henry Carriagemaker 3 7 Morrison Jonathan Blacksmith 3 7 Morrison S. F Gen. Store FORKS MARGAREE. Inverness Co. See Margaree. FOITRCHU. Richmond Co. Tel., Louisburg, 20 milts. Bank, Sydney, 30 miles. Pop. 300. Baker Harry E Lobster Packer 3 6 See also Baker & Greener. Gabarus. Ferguson D. A Gen. Store SJ 'i Hooper Albert B Ship'g & Supplies 2^ 5 McAskill M. rnian Gen. Store 3 fii McLean Neil . . . Fishing Supplies, &c. 3i 7j Severance Wm. D Supplies 3 GJ FOX RIVER. Cumberland Co. See Port Grevilk FRAMBOISE. Richmond Co. See Fourchu. FREE PORT. Digby Co. Tel., Exp. <& Bnnk, Diyby, 40 miles. Pop. 700. Eaton James H Grocer 3i 7i Haines Bros Gen Store, &c. 3 Gj Havey Bernard Gen. Store, &c. 3 Gj See also Yarmouth. Teed Capt. Samuel Trader 3 Gj FRENCH RIVER. Plctou Co. On 1. V. li. iE. ExVn) Tel., Aoondale, 10 miU'S. Exp. & Bank, New Glasgoio. Pop. 200. Copeland Mitchell .Gen. Store 3i 7* Miller Andrew P Gen. Store 3j Tj Smith James, jr B. & S. , &c. 4 FRENCH RIVER. Victoria Co. McDonald Alex Gen. Store 3i GABARVS. Cape Breton Co. Bank, Sydiuy. Pop.\,'ti)0. BagnaliriioB Trader 3J Baker <& Gieeuer Lobster Packers 2k 5 & Harry K. Baker. Fourcliu. Brown & Grant Lobster Packers 3j Grant John Gen. Store 4 Grant Wni., & Son 'I'raders Hardy flames Gen. Store 4 8 Mel )onald Angus D Gen. Store, &c. 4 .Mcl>onal{l Ilunh Gen. Store 3i 7^ McDonald John A Gen. Store, Ac. 4 McDonald .Joseph Gen. Store 4 Mclntyre Al«x Gen. Store 4 Mann Jacob Gen. .•'tore 4 Morrison l{oderick li G"n. Store 2^ 5 Nichidson Si uon Grocer & Liijiior 4 Sliittery Mrs. Susanna.. (ien. Store GAROKN OF EliEN. Picton Co. McDougall Roderi..k Gen. Store See Blue Mountain. GASPEREAUX. Kings Co, Tel. & Bank, Wolj'vdh:, 2 ihdes. Pop. 300. Davidson Edward A . . . .Gen. Store 3 fij Davidson Hobert VV Gen. .Store 3 7 Gertridge J. 1j Victualler 3 GJ Hunter Geo Grist .Hill 3 G Martin J. J> Mill 3 7 GAY'S RIVER. Colcliester, Halifax and Hants Cos. Tel. & Exp., Shnbenacadie, 6 miles. Bank, Truro. Pop. 350. AnnandWni Saw Mill 3 6 t'oiik .John,& Son. .Carding & Saw Mills 3 tS Frame Matthew Gen. Store 3 6 Killen Wm — Blacksmith 4 IjUidfiay Robert Gen. Store, &c 3 7 Me(^\tel, & Livery* James Tho« Ge;i. Store 3i 7i WilllaniB Francis Z Gen. Store GOLrU lllVKK. Lunenburg Co. Tel., Chester. Adams Isaac Gen. Store 3J 7i John ...Gen. Store & Teddler 4 GOOSE RIVKK. Cumberland Co. See Linden. . , GORE. Hants Co. Tel <& Exp., Shubenacailie, 16 miles. Bank, Windsor. I'op. 300. Harvie Miss E. A Millinery. &c. 3i 'M1RA. Cape Bieion Co. (See r»Iira Kiver.) GRAND NARROWS. Victoria Co. Tel.<& Bank, Ba(ldeck,l2 miles. Pop. 350. McDougall & McNeil Gen. Store 3^ 6 McNeil K. A. (lona) Gen. Store 4 7^ GRAND PRE. Kings Co. (See Lower Horton.) 25(J GRAN1> RIVER. Richmond Co. Tel., St. Peter's, 16 miles. Bank, Port Ilawkea- Imry. Pop. 1,000. Flnlayson Archibald Trader 3 7 McAuley Angus Gen. Store 4 Mc.Vuley Archibald Gen. Store 4 8 McKay Jolmjr Gen. Store 4 McKay Miss Kate Millinery, itc. 4 8 Murchison John Blacksmith, &c. 3 7 GRANVILLE. Annapolis Co. (Also Lower Granville.) Tel, Exp. & linnk, ferry). Pop. 4.')0. Amberman Albert E Iio<;art Mrs. John H. Carribean Co. Annapolis, J mile (by Gen. Store, &c. (Lower G )....O.S. 3 ...W. I. Goods, &c. 2 Colcnuni Jas. A I'hysic an 3 7 I >elai) Lawrence Gen, Store 4 Delap Kobert Shipping 2J 4^ (■raves -James H Miller (Jroves S Specnlalor 2 Letteney Israel Ship|iing 2r McCorniack Edgar Gen. Store 2J Messenger A. I) Blacksniiih 3 Mills John, & Son Gen. Store, &.(;. 2/ Mills Kobert Shipping 2) Piggott \Vm. A Gen. Store 3* I'orter capt Asa (Lower G.). . . Trader 3 Shal'ner J. E Gen. Store 2i 4^ Thome F. W., & Co (Lower G.) ti S. Tro(>p & Irvine Gen. Store 3 1'urpel .Alex., & Co Tnulers ^ VVeatherspoon Wm. M Shipping 2j VVillett Walter Gen. Store 3 6 Wincliester Geo. E., & Bros. ...Fish, &c. 3 7 GREAT VILLAGE. h 5 5 5 7 5 3 (i| 6 a Colche.ster Co. E.vp., Londonderri/. 5 miles. Tel., W. U. Bank, Acadia Mines, 5 miles. Pop. 600, Blaikie John M G. S. & Shipping 2^ 3 (See also McLean & Blaikie ; and Blaikie Bros,, Acadia Mines.) Boomer Wm Tanner 3 7 Carter R. S Jeweler 3i 7i Davidson B Saiuller ."j T} O raham VV m Boots & Slmes 4 8 Hill & Co Gen. Ston^ 3^ 5 Hill James A Gen. Stoie 3 7 l.,i,yton & .McDorman Gen. Store 2k 4^ Londonderry Stove Works Co 2 J .5 McDorman Isaac F Blacksmiih 3J 1\ McLelan & blaikie Shipping 1^2 Morash Henry G Ja'lor3 7 Peppard J. Leander I'hysician 3* 7i Smith J. Hoss Physician '2\ 5 Smith Ralph Tins, &c. 3 7 Spencer L has. B Harness 4 Spencer Mrs. Beletta Y Hotel 3 6 Spencer Wm. G. Tinware, &c. 3i 7 J Wood A. L Blacksmith 3j '\ GREEN COVE. Yarmouth Co. " (See Port Maitland.) GREENFIELD. Colcliester Co. Johnson C. W Trader 3 7 GREENFIELD. Queens Co. Tel. & Dank, Liverpool, 20 miles. Po] . 100. Miles Mrs. Barnabas. . ..Dry Goods, &c. 3i 7j Gas NOVA SCOTIA. Hal ORKKNYILLK. Cuinborland Co. (Also Greenville OoBSliig.) On I. C. It. Tel., W. U. Bank, Acadia Mines, 20 miles. Pop. 300. BottB Win Hotel & Gen. Store 4 Urown John H Uen. Store ^ "J Doyle John (len. Store Giles Edward. ..Agt. Agrl. InipltH., &e. 3J 7i Hendernon Win. li ,G. S. & J^umber 3 Oj Kusliton It. M U«'n. Store 3 7 GREENVILLK CBOHimNG. Cumbei- laiul Co. '/ (See (iroeuvillo.) i i.. GIlKKNWIfH. Kings Co. On W. d- A. n. Tel., W. U. Bank, Wolf- ville, 2 miles. Pop. 30J. Bishop J. Lovitt Flour, &c. iij .5 bishop W. H Gen. St .re, &c. 3j 7i (iKKYWOOD. AiiimiM)lls Co. Tel.f Exp. & Hank, Annapolis, Smiles. Harnish Alex Mill 3 7 <;H<>!iSES COCQUES, Dlgby Co. Dugae F Gen. Store SJ T^ GUNNlNfi COVE. Shelbume Co. Doalle Honry A ...Gen. Store 4 8 GUYSBOBO'. GuyMboro Co. (See also Intervale.) Tel., W. U. Exp., ^tw Glasgow, ^(i miles. Bank. /'«i>. 1,800. Aikens John M Victualler JJuckley oeo. E Phy.sician 3 6 Buukley James il Gen. Slore Cadegan.J. O Physician 4 Cameron Wm Gen. Store, <&o. 3 6 (Joniion Thomas Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 Cunningnani Herbert K., & Sons.. . i>.G. 3i 5 Gallihar Mrs. Clnis . Gen. Store Gratit Goorge Y Carpenter 3^ '\ Grant John W. Hotel 3 6;^ Hadley Alfred Barber 4 Hadley Jairus Liquors, &c. 4 Hadley James E Trader 2^ 5 Hart L. & E Gen. Store 3 7 HuUJosiah Blacksmith 3^ 7 J Jo8t B. * G Gen. Store 2) 3^ Joat Henry M Timber, &c. 2\ 3 McDonald John S Gen. Store 3 7 McGregor Mrs. Donald. ., Gen. Store 3 6^ McKean & Whitman.Oardlng & G. Mills 3 MahoueyJohn G'-n, Store 3 6 O'Connor Thomas Gen. Siore 3^ "i Sangster J. J Shipbuilder 3 ^ Tory .Alex Carriages 3 7 Welch Jairus Tailor Welsh James Boots & Shoes 4 HAINESVIL.LE. Digby Co. Exp. & Bank, Diyby. Haines W.H Gen. Store 3 6 Walker Archibald Mill 3^ HALFWAY BIVEK, Cuiubeiiaad Co. On Cumberland li. <& Coal Co, Tel. , Exp. & Bank, Parrsbovo' . Pop. 150. Young B;, & Son Mill & Lumber (See Bdnj. Young, Parrsboro*). HALIFAX. Tel,, W. U. Exp. A banking On T. C. R. town. Pop. 37,1)00. .\bbott Thomas Acont, &c. 3 Abraham & Morton Builders 3 Acadia Drug Store Bet. Driigs See Hattle & Myllus. Acadln Powder ('o (Limited) 2 2i " Acadian Recorder" See Blackalar Bro9. Aokhnrst George Hroker 4 Adams E. D H'waro Mnfrs.' Agent 'i\ 4J Adams Wm. A (Jro, & Cont'ec. ,'1 7 See also O'BriiM-, Adams & Co. Aliearn Margaret D. (4., &«•. 3 7 Albro Edward Hardware 3 5 Allen Fred. S Beer, \'c. Allen John, & Sons Ci>operB iSc i - Fish DcHlers 1 Allen T.C.,& Co Books & Stat'y 2i 3^ American Steam Compressed Co. (Li- niite«l) 2 3 A\idcr8on Arthur, & Son. . . Gro. & Lii). Anderson C. & W Gro. & Wines ^ AndrewK Henry Grocer ^ 7^- Ann!ind<'hafl Publisher 2\ 4 Archbold E. P Coal , Ac. See Little (ilaee Archibiild Matthew Patent Meds. Atkinson Wm . Whol. & llet. Frniis Atlantic Mnfg. Co. (Limited) (Jod ( Liver Oil, &«. l Ancoin Chas Hotel & Ites't Austen Bros. ...Mill, R. II. & Colliery I Snppile.s (f Austin Mrs Coufec. B Baker Win Hotel, &c. Baldwin & Co Crockery, | Glassware, &c. ( Banks H. H... Com'n Prod. Baniuster Wm Jewelery Baptist Book I{oom liarnstead J. H Leather & Shoe ( Findinjrs S Barnstead& Sutherlmd. ...Dry Goods Barry C. U Ticket Agent & Exi)ress Bateinan Thos. W I.,ockfiniith Bauld, Gib.son & Co Whol. Gro,, &c. Baxter Wm. J Grocer Bayne Thomas. Capitalist lieales Manley Dry Goods Btli A. M Hardware Bell Geo Gro. \ JJq. Bent John K Druggist & .M nt'r. i Soda Water ) Beutley 1 Flemming. ...Spars & lilocks Hentley & Layton Victuallers Bertram Frederick • — Pork Bertram John H. Pork, &c. Bessenett & Wilson Wliol. I Carriage & Saddlery Hardware | Betcher II Aucliou 'cr Bigney Bros. Fancy Goods &c. Bird Daniel Clothing & Hotel Bishop Wm Marble Black Bros. & Co . ..H'ware, Shipping i & Ship Chandlery ( Blackadar Bros Printers & Pnb'rs. Blagdon John Wharf Builder BoaTi& Bennett Fi«h & Supp les Boak Geo. E.. & Co Fish, Coal, &c. Boak W. McU. . ... ..... .Gro., Feed, &c. 257 3 6 2i5 3 3 5 3 6i 4 3 5 3 6( 2i4i 4 1 1 tw 3 7 8 G^ 2iSi 3i7i 3 7 2 2^ 2 3 3 3 2Hi 3 6| Hal NOVA SCOTIA. Hal Booth Tlioii Variety 3 7 Boieham Mrs. A. M BooU & S1uh-» 13ow«!M ,Jhii>.,& SoiiH rrtnteiB 3 6^ Bowt^H ,l()jin rrlntur 8i Brackett & Diitty FMi Braiidei Robert Cabinetmaker 2\ 3A Bteiiiner UroH Coin'n I'rod. BJ 7* Breimuii Abiier W ('iKHrs 3 Oj BrlHiitl I-coii T LlqiiorH 3i Brttihli American Book & Tract Socif ty 2 Bro<'klfy & Co IManofortei* 4 Brokennliire W K tJewellur 4 Brook^H L. K., &Co ....(.irocers 8i 7i Brookl.eld Bros Lumber &> ., « BuildinK Materials^ ^ ^ Brook field Samuel M... Contractor &i » oi Builder} - ^^ Brooks •Inmt'B Liquors 3 Brown Bros. & Co Whol. & l>et. » I)rug» I See Brown & Webb. Brown Henry W Cro. & lA(\ti. lij 5 Brown M. S.,&Co Who). & I .., ^i Ket. .Jewellers | '^^ '^' Bri.wn & Kent Gro., Tea, &c. Brown & Webb Whol. Druggists 2 Blown Wni. N Wheelwright 3j 7i Brunniiiff A. U l>ry Goods Buckley Bros Uruas 3 6i Bucklev Miss E. M Dry Goods 3 7 Burfonl.logeph... Clothing 4 Buiko Alex Crocker> , &o. 4 Burke Wni.E Nursery 4 8 Burns fJanies Gro. & Liq. 3 7 Burn> & Murrav...-i Whol. 1>. G. li 2 Burns JMibb B. T Dry « loods I ,. ... o , -..,.,• & Millinery J ** ''* • AlsoSt. -lohn, N.B. Butler James, & Co Fish,) , . W. I. Goods, &c. ( ^ Butler John E Sparmaker 2i 5 C Cabot Richard, & Son Dry Goods 2i 4 J Cabot Wm. H Dry Goods 3 d} Cadwell Samuel Victualler 4 Cahalane r Gro. & Liq. 2J 4i Cahill John P Liquors ;'.... DontlHt Vi 5 Delia Tone W. B. .Ttnbbor Stain (.h, &c. 3J 7J DtMni)«t«'r Junu't*,, &Co .. Snsli & I ,., .. I'lmiinKMlllHl ^^ ^^ Dense John (N. W. Ann)....(.it). & IA,\. I)evan«'y RoWort IJlai»K ( &OenM (J.'m'ni De Wolfe. I. M Cnniinjta Dillon Uro8 (JntcerH See Patrick Dillon. Dillon Patrick Li(|iioiH 2i 4] Diniock H. H ("arriiiKef< Hi Doley Jas. VV Stat'r & I'rinter 4 Dompierro Mrs, Celpiia t;ro.,&c!. 3i 71 ]>oitohoe Ell ward Gro. & Lli|. 2] 6 Donovan W. H Mineral Water 4 Dorinan John TinHniith, &c. '^i DoUKlasH & (Jo Foniulors 3 7 Doull&Gibson Whol. D. (J. & ^ .,> ., 01othiii« ] ^^ *i Downey Albert Men's l^irn'B 3 6 Downio & Lar^en Boots & ShocB Doyle Patrick [>ry (iootls '-'i 5 Doyle Patrick. , ..Shipstorcs «& Shipiiin-,' .« 5 Doyle Tboma'i Cooper & Gro. 3 7 Uo'yle ThomaH ... Grocer 2i 4 Drystlale Arthur W I>rugs 4 Dumel.iAlex OIin &«. '4 4i Duffy Edward (hooper Duggan James, & Sons Auction «& ( oi 5 Coni'n ) ' Dunne Mrs. Catherine, & Son.. . Liq. ( ^ (■ &D. G. I -^ '^ Durant Archibald Groci-r E End John (Estate of) ... . Gro., Prov. , &c. Ead JohnT Grocer Ea^arM. F Whol. Druggist Eivster Assurance Co. (The) \ Cap. $l,00ii,ooo S Eden Frank Boots & Shoes Egan T. J Gunsmith & Taxidermist Egan W. J.,&Co Painters &^ Paperhangers S Elliott F, C Men's Furn'g Elliott Freeman Men's Furn'g Etter Mrs. Sai ah J ewelry 3 3i7i 3 1)^ 3 6i 3 6 3i 2i4, 2j 4i 3j7i Farquhar, Forrest & Co Bankers, Exchange, Ins., R. E. Brokers [ 2 Tanners & Imps. Teas ) Faulkner 'Daniel Boots & Shoes 3 Fenton Edward, jr Grocer 3 Ferguson & Co Photographers 4 Fidler H. B Sad iler 3^ Finlay James Grocer & Liq. Fiahwiok's Express Line Fwdg. Fiske Cyrus K Dentist 3i Fitzgerald Catherine Dry Gooils 3i Fitzgerald Wm., & Co. . . .Boots & Shoes Flavin Mrs. J. F Boots & Shoes 4 Flawn G. L Itestaurant Flinn Martin W Grocer 3 7 Flower'fi Geo. , & Son Sailniakers 3i 7i Fluck Geo. H Dentist 3i 7i Flynn Anilrew J Grocer 3 7 Forbes Mfg. Co. (The) Fordhain Arthur Leather & Findings 8 Forhain Thomas, & Co Sallmakern ForrcBt & Co Lobster Packers Forre^tall K. T., & Co. ...Grocers & Ll(i. Forrester Lin«le Dye Works Forsyth Geo. E., &Co Whol. <;ro. / & ('om'n S Forsyth, SutclilTe & Co. Whol. DrugKisls Fortune James Cooper Fortune James, & (;o DryviomlH Ko!*lcr Miner T — Broker .t Whol. Teas Fniscr James Com'n U'dware, i"tc. Eraser .Irmies A PiunoH. &c. FrastM' John Saddler Fra>er Wm. J ('om'n Eraser Wm., <& Son Furniture Fry .J Bakt'r Fuller Benjamin (Jen. St le Eulltr 11. II.. & Co Hardware Fulton Harlan illdes, &c. Fulton, Foster & Co ...... Com'n Pro. (See Harlan Fulioii) Fultz (Jeo !^i()Uors Eultz Mrs. Sarah Gasttttor G Gabriel John W Chronometers & Watches Gamble D. A Saloon (Jass .lames A Gro. & Crockery Ga- ;U Ir ^ 4 3 7 3 '^ 4J 3 3 Ci 2 2i 2i4i 3i 3 5 3 7 2i H 3 7 -»i 5 3 6 H 7i 4 4 4 4 3 6 3 7 3 6 4 2 3 Hal KOVA SCOTIA. Hal 2i3i 3 G\ 3i 7i 3 7 3 3i7i Halifax Hooting Co See Auhiln Bros. Halilax Shovel Co. (Limited) Miifrs. .Sliovf'ls, «&c. Hiilifax Street Railway Co. (JJinited). Hal.iax .•«ugar RuHiiuig Co. (Limited). . See also Dartmouth Halifax Wood Fibre Co. (Limited) See .sheet Harbor Halliday James Tailoring «& Men's I 1< um'g. I Hames \V. James I'ork, &c. Hamilion James T Tailor Hiimilton 1. Frank Furniture Haiicick J A Soap, Oil, &c. Hare William Com'n Harrington K. U D. O. Agmt Harri^ Ficd. W ^lu^ical Goods Harris Geo. J Plumber lliinis Herbert ^ur^e^y Harrison Henry E Clothing 3^ Harnson das., & Co Painters it / I'aperhangerp S SeeH. H. Harrison, Dartmouth Hart Harrison L Boots & Shoes 3^ 7^ Hart l^evi, & Son Fish, &c. 2^ 8^ Hart & JMuriay Lumber 3 a Hart H. 1, & Co Fish & W. 1. Alers. li 2 Hart W. H Com'n, &e. Hart leu Hcber Victualler Harvey Chas. H Whol. Gro. <& Fruit Hatlie" & Mylius Drugs Al.o New Glasgow Hawkins C. A Blacksn.ilh 3 7 Haydeii .Mrs. C Dry Goods 4 Hays Norman.. Cooper 3 Hay wtinl & Keiniy Brewers 3 6 Hecbler Henry Tobacco, &c. L'i 5 Hecknian .1. \V Boots & Shoes i] 4^ Hemswurlh Patrick J. Oil, Crockery, &c. 3 7 Henissvorth I'homas Gro. & Liq. 2^ s .c, 3 <)', • II *-i •>/ •) 1 :i) ~2 3i "j 4 2i 4A Henderson & Potts Kova Scotia ( ,m Paint Works S "* -2 5 H Hennessy Misses Dry Goods 3 Henry G. P Victualler 3 Herald Printing & Publishing Co 3 Hermes Henry, jr Mer. Tailor 3 7 Hessian & Devine. Fruit & Confec. 2^ 4;^ Hesslein Heiry, «& Sons Hotel 2 Hes!.)U William A Tailor 2^ H 'ggins John Peddler, &c. Hiiehie Chas. A Builder Hillis James Foundry 3 H irschfeld Geo Pork, .&c. 2^ 4^ Hiseler Geo. J., & Co Hats & Caps 3 H^ Hobrecker A Cigars, &in. Ho^an ,l(>lin Gro. & Liq. Hogan John, & Sons ].,umber, itc. ill Hand flohn 11 .^ailmaker Holland -loh I H., jr.. Pictures, &c. Hoiloway Bros Printers ±1 olio way Tlios. , & Si n Mnfrs. ) .> Blocks & Pumps S Holstetid John S Junk, &c. 3} Hni)good Wm. J GrociT a Horiiaman Fiederick J Dry Goods 3'^ Horton Win., & Son Painters 3) 7i Howell W. W.,& Co aiachinists Hibley B. J., & Sons Feed 3 Hubley Cyrus, sr Grocer 3 Hubley Cyrus, & Co Gen. Store 3 Hubley .tolin K Dyer 3 H ub e.v Jos. S Grocer, Fp d, (&c. 3 Hubby Mrs. Margaret E Gio.,&c. 3 Hubley Silas Grocer, &c. 3 2^ 3 2h 4 4 3 7 6 6 7 7 7 Hubley W. I Gro. &Victunller Hunter El zabeth.. Clothing & Fey. Gtls. 3J 7} Hurley Wm.... . Undertaker 4 Hutcheson & Power Butter, &c. 2 J 4i Hy de W . E Com'n Prod. 3 7 iBglis J. F Liquors 3^ 7J Diglis fJ. M Grocer, &c. 2i 5 Ingiis Will. P. C Livery Stable, &c. Jrwiii (ieo. , & Sons I >rugs S 6 Isnor flames Builuer 3^ 7J Isnor W. H.'. Livery Stable 3 7 Ives John Hotel & Liquor 4 Jack &Bell Mnfrs. Fertilizers 2^ 3^ See also W. J.,. Lowell & Co. Johns David L Builder Johnson & Caldwell Builders Jolinsoii 'J'hos. C Jeweh'r Johnson W. H Pianos & Organs J< linston Daniel Gro. & JJq. Johnston Robert Saloon 3] 7^ Jones A. G., & Co W. I. Mers. 2 z,^ Jones George W. Printers' Supplies,&c. 4 8 Judge Wm Painter 4 K Kaizer Alfred G Purs, &c. Kaizer C, & S^n Hats & Furs Kavanagh Maurice Cooper Keating Miss M. A Mnfr. Paper i Bags «& Boxes ( Keefe J.J Grocer Keefe M. E Builder Kelt Alex, «& Son Biewers lv« Hey & Ghissey .... . Whoi. & Ket. Liq. Kelly J. F Harness & Trunkmki . Keniietly Cornelius Grocer Keiiiiedy Mrs. P. J Dry Goods 'Sl Kennedy Wm. Y Clothing dt Gen'l i Mdse. ) Kenny T. & E..Whol. D. G. & Shipping 1 Also London, Eng. Kent Wm Grocer 3 tl^ Kew John Kaker 3 7" King Andrew, Estate of.. Livery Stable 2| King David. & Co Plumbers Kline George J Stationery, &c. Knight <& Co Stationery, &c. Knigiit & Munro Sai.dlers Knowhis Book Store, Estate of C. W Knowles, props Laidlaw Mrs. Fannie .Dry Goods, &c. Lamphior A Carriages Lane Chas. S Hats, Trunks, Arc. Lardei Alfred S Jeweler LawBoii, Harrington & Co... Flour & j t om'n J Lawson Henry Fish & Com'n Leahy D. ,1., & Co . . .Flour, Gro. & Liq. Leiin.iin .1. .\., & Co Victuallers Lear tianies Mnlrs.' Agent Le Page Manufacturing Co. (Liiniied).. Liquid Glue, &c. Le Pine -lohn Men's Fnrn'g. Lethbridge Henry .... .... Taika- Levennan P W., 2 3 3 (! 31 7^ 3i '>i 2^ 4] 1 1 t^ 7 3 C 4 2i 5 3i 5 3 lii 2 3 Ol -J 3 4 41 2i 3 4 5i 3i "J 3i 31 4 ' 2 •^i .) Hal NOVA SCOTIA. Hal Lock li art Jos. W Grocer ^ Ik I.ockhart 11. C Grocwr 3i 7h Logtiii Alfred E .. Jewelry ;U 7^ Logan Melville D Druns 8\ 7i London Kubber Srjinip Co See \V. B. D°lla IVrre Longard Bros.. Plumbers & Steiimlitters '.'^ 4^ Longard E. J , jr Broker 3 Lordly K. J Grocer 3 Lowell W.L.. &Co Bankers) Exchange & Ins. Brokers | 2^ 3J See also flack & Bell ) Lownds ThomJia 8 Grocer 3 6i Lownds Wm Builder Lynch Tliomas.Feed, Gro. & Whul. Liq. 3 6 M Macdonald & Co. 2 3 Dentist 3^ 7h B. 8 n (Limited) Steam- fltters, Brass Founders, &c. Macdonald Kobert vV MackinlayA.& \V ., .Stat'y, Books. &c. 2 3 Mackintosh Jas. C ...Banker & Broker 2^ 3i Mackintosh & Mclniies Builders 2^ A McAlpiiie D.avid, & Co. .Dir(H!tories, &e 3 fij See also St. dohn, N McAlpine Mrs. INI Millinery 4 McCleave Joseph (N. W Arm) I „ Mnfr. Bone Meal ( "^ McCoU R<^derick F D, G. & Clo. 3^ McDonald Dai'iel Com'n & Coal McDonald Da/id. Grocer & Milk Dealer 3Jf 7J ]McDon>4ld M.'lcolin Liquors 3^ McDonald Iloaerick N. Grocer & Liquor 3 7 McDougall A., ,% Son Whol. Li(iuors 2i 3^ McDougall C. B Distiller See A. McDougall & Son. McDougall Duncan Soda Water McEwan & Co Furiiitire 2| 5 McFatridge Archibald Blacksmith 3 5 McFatridge John... ..Blacksmith 2.} 4,] McFatridge K . Phys'n & Orugs 2i 5 JlcFatridge W. Stoves, Junk. &c 2 TNIcGrath John Liquors 3^ Mclnt re John Second-hand Goods 3^ McKuy & Co . . Feed 3 JIcKay Robert Boots & Shoes 4 McKenzie Huah D.Coal & Coni'n Agent 2^ McKerron VVm Fwdr. , Ship I ,. & Custom House Bn^ker ( McLearn J., & Sn.. Express, Feed, &c. 3i ]\IcLellan Geo Victualler 3 McLeod D. C ...Grocer 3 McLeod James... Confection ry 3 McLeod .lames ...iruit&Confectioiierv 3 McLeod v. R. G Grocer 4 McMiiiion Micbael Tobacco, &c. 3^ McMauus Andrew E ...Tailor 2^ ^NfcNab Wm Printer 3 McNutt & Graves Carriages, \c. 3 McPhersou Jas Drv Goods Mabee W, D Venetian Blind Maker 3J Magnus & Lownds Tinsmitlis 2i MaliouBros Dry Goods 2 "x\Iail,"The (See Herald Printing & Pub'tt Co.) Major Thos Grocer 3 Malcolm & Johnstone Contractors Maliug Goo. B Prod,&c. 3J INlaling Wui. A Victualler " Mauley Mrs. Catherine M. B.. Gen. Store JMaige-son -Tames M Pliolograi)her 4 Marges )n R. H. ....Carriagemaker, &c. 3 Marr 11. G. & F. A Millinery & » Fancy Dry Goods ( S«e Moncton, N. B. (i G 3 -i 6i 8 5 3i7i Marr Joseph P Restaurant 3 .Ma.shall Miss Be>sie Dry (ioods 3] Martin G. I) House Furn'g & Fancy) ,. Dry Gooils ) "* Martin Ricliard, & Co .Harnes.smakers 3 7 ]Martin Thos G tirocer 4 Mathers Isaac H. Com'n, Lumber. &(•. a Ma-(wellE ,& S(m Tailors 3i 7; Mayflower Tobacco Co See A. & W Smith & Co Meadows & Co Clulhiiig, i\;c. 4 Vlegeney Richard II ule.' 3 (i Melvin Isaac Cooper J 7 Merlin J.C Planing .Mill 3J Meyer Fred Graen Grocer & l^)ultrv 3 Mitchell Albert L J wele'r 3i Mitchell Clias. H ...: Fish, &c 2i r,~ Mitchell George P., & Son8..W. I. .Mers 2l 4^ Alitchill Stephen Li luois 3i ll MitchellThos Fruit & Confec, 3 :Mirchell Walter W. 1 Goods 2i 5 Moir, Son & Co., E.state of . . . . Miller.s I Bakers vS: Cunfec. I See also Bedford. Moir W. & A Engineers & Machinists 3 Moiitgonie ie H Baker Moody Alexander. Printer Moran Edward (Jrocer Moreash T'homas E Blacksmith Morley Mrs. Mary -T (Jrocer " Morning Chronicle " SeeChas Annand "Morning Herald," The See Herald Printing & Pub'gCo. Morrison E., & Co. Flour, Feed & Com'n. Morrison & Musgrave . . . Whol. Tea, ifec. Mors" ,J. E., & Co Whol. Tea, &c. Morton C. C., & Co Stationers, &c. Morton George E Periodi' als Mosher Saul Wharf Bull er Mosher Thomas A Pork . &c. Mott Charles F Mnfr. Soaps 2 JMott .John P., & Co Soaps, Spic< s, j Cocoa Preparations, &c. | ]Muir & Blackadar Silkmkrs, i^'^ „. Ship Chandlers (, ^^ Mulrhead&Co Plumbers 2^ -Muirhead & Gray Grocers 4 Mulcahy Thomas Cooper & D. G. Mullaly Miss Mary [)ry Goo Is 3 7 Mul lane John. . ..'. Grocer, &c. 3 7 Mullins .John ... Grocer & Liquor.s Mumford Bros Country Market.", Mumford W. B.,&So!i8Gro(er-'& Litpior 3 Mmniis .las. K ...... Tailor & (loihier 3 Murdoch's Nephews Wliol. Dry Gooiis al al Al-o London, England and New VorkCity. Murphy .leremiali Boots & Shoes Murphy .J. .f Coufec. 4 Murphy J. & M Whol. 1 )ry (ioods 2i 3i Murphy Michael Grocer & Drv Goods o\ Mtirrjiy Wm. H Restaurant 3.^ 7J Myers Wm. 1*1 umber Myett Charles Builder 3i N NauiiLS W. , & A Grocers, Fish, &c. Naylor John B.,&Son.. ..Plumbers, &\ 3 6 Navlor .1. W Tinware, &c. 4 8 Neal, White & Co. .Whol. Dry Goods I &t;iothing) Neily J. B., & Co Com'ti Prod, &c. Neville Michael Fish, &c. 2} 5 See also Port Mouton. Newcombe George C Furniture 3 t> Newcombe J. Frank Photographer 3i 7i 2(J1 4 3 2. 1^ 3 i 3 oi 3 2i r. 3 6i ¥ 3i 7 2 3 1 1 8 Hal NOVA SCOTIA. Hal Newman W. H Jeweler 2^ 3^ Nisbet & Drake Grocers Ni-bet Iiichard A Drugs 3 7 Nisliet M'ni Guilder Norton Mrs. Priwcilla Confectionery, <%c. 4 Notman Wm rhotographt'r Sep Win. Notman <& Son, Montreal. Nott Wtn. T Liquors, &c. 3i 7* Nova Scot ia Cork Co Nova Scotia Cotton Manufacturing Co. / ^Limited) S Nova Scotia Nursery 2* 31 Nova Scotia Printing Co 2J 4J Nova Scotia Sugar Hetinery (Limited). .. 1 1 Nova Scot a Telephone Co (Limited). . ^i 2 Nye Henry ...Jewelry & Band Inst s. 3 7 O O'Brien, Adams & Co. Mnfrs. Confec. ) & Bisciits ( O'Brien Join Dry Goods & Grocer 3 5 O'Connell John, & Co Blacksmiths 3 6i O'Connor Mrs. A Millinery, it '. 3^ 7| O'Donnell Wm. D. . , Photographer 4 O'M alley Thos Crocer & Liquor 2J 5 O'MuUin P.,& Co Whol. Liquors 2 3 O'Mulkn P. & J Brewers 2 3 O'Neill hichard ... Grocer, &c. 3J O'Toole Wm Boots & Shoes 4 8 OftVn Thos. W Blocknikr., &c. 3 C Oland S., Sons & Co Army & Navy / „ ai Brewery \ "^ '*2 Outbit Chas. W Grocer & Prod. 3 6 Pacp Robert T Grocer 3J Pallister W. H Grocer & Liquor 2 Palm Carl Pork, &c. 2^ Patterson John Boilermaker i.'i Patton John Boots & Shoes 3i Payzant & King Whol. Grocers 2| Pearuian Wrn. M. D — Mnfr. ( „ Baking Powder ) Peart Rupert C, & Co Toys & I „ Fancy Goods ( "* Penney Alex.J.Leather& Shoe Findings 3J Penny Johi: Trader, &c. 2i Peters Henry Real Estate ij Peters John & Co Coni'n 3 Phelan Jas. F., & Son. . .Com'n & Fwdg. 3 Philip Sarah. Hats A Kurs 3J Phillips G. & T Bookbi. ders & > „, Mnfrs. Paper Bags ) ^ Pickering Wm. F., & Co Tailors 2i Pickford & Black. ...Steamship Apts. I „ & Com'n ( "^ Piers Geo Feed 3| Pitts Daniel H Ship Chandlery Pond & Sutlu'vland .Laundry .3J Povoas JaiT-^s.Second-handFurniture, | &'•. f Power it Co Plumbers, &o. power Daved F Whol. Grocer Power Kdward Grocer Pi>wer Ellon Dry Goods, &c. Power M. J Grocer, Ac. Power Michael Liquors, &o,. I'o wer Thos. M Drugs Priest J H otel Proudfoot E Millinery Pugh fJolin, it Son . . . . Whol. Gro. , & Li(j. Purcell John I^iquors PykeGeo. A . Whol. Grocer & Com'n Pyke Miss M Millinery 2G2 2i 5 3 Q Quiglpy John Furniture 3J Quii.n F. J Hotel, Liquors, ^ „ „. & M.ifr. Soda Water \ "^ "* Quinn Miss Dry Goods 3^ 7^ Quinn Miss M. A Stationery, &c. 4 8 Quirk Edward J Liquors 3 6^ R Read Win Victualler 4 8 Iteardon Thos Pwinter, &c. 3 5 Itedden Arthur W Boots & Shoes Reddy Martin A Grocer Reilly & Davidson Stoves & House ( Furnishings S Itenner Chas Fish RennerThos. H Grocer & Liquor 2i 5 Hent Geo. Stoves & House Furnishings 2| 3J lieynolds Fred. H Men's Furnishings 2i 5 Reynolds W. B., & Co Hardware 2| 3J Rhmd Andrew Cigars, &c. 3^ 7^ Richardson Win.M Fi^ll, &c. 3 Roberts, Simpson & Co Exporters, ; „ „, Canned Goods, &c. S * Also Siinp.«oii, Roberts & Co Liverpool, Eng. Robertson C. U., & Co Crockery & I „! i- Glassware I ^^ ° Robertson Wm Hardware 2 3 Hobinson Chas Liquors 3^ 7i Robinson Thos Livery Stable 3 7 Itobson Charles, A; Co ... Dry Goods Roche D ,.. Painter & Paperhanger 3 7 Roche Wm Coal & Com'n I 1 ^ Rockett Mrs. Thos Dry Goods 3i 7J Rodgers Chas. E Hotel 3 7 Rogers Mrs Wm Fisliing Q'ackle, J „ Cigars, &c. | "* Romans Misses Hotel 3 [ Rooney Michael Tea, &c. 4 Rose liros (N. W. Ann). .Brusliniakers SJ I Ross James Photograplier 3 6 Ross Peter Capitalist 2 3 ! Ross Wm Com'n 3 i lioss Wm Hats & Furs 3 S Roue James Mnfr. Mineral Watsrs, &c. Koy J. E , & Co Sewing .Machines, &c. 2^ 4 I See Also Halitax Piano it Organ Co. : Rozee Charles — f oiifec. Si I Ruggles M. H., & Co. Gro., Crockery, &c. 3 6^ I Rnggles St. Clair ; Tailor 3i 6 RuhlandJ. W Builder, &c. 3 6J S Salterio J. W Clothing, &c. Sanders Henry Mason & Plasterer Sanford Geo. A.,& Sons Marble Works Sarre N.,& Son — Tobacco & Sporting i G oods 1 Saunders & McLearn Seeds Scanlon Matthew Di-y Goods 2^ 4i SchaettVr H., & Son Jf e welera 3 Schultz C. Gustave Jeweller 4 Schwartz Wm. H.,& Sons. . . .Coffee & I Spices I Scott Francis J Baker 3 7 Scott James, ife Co Grocers & Wines 2^ 3i Scriven J. J.. & Sons Bakers, &c. 3 Seeton & Mitchell.. Whol. Gro. & Com'n 2 2\ Seetoii R. B., & Co. Whol. Gio., & Com'n 2 2J Shand Jas Auction, Ac. Shatford Bro>»... Oil & Com'n 2J 5 Shepeaid Hichard Billiards A Liquor 2^ 5 Slieraton A. B Hotel Shotf Mrs Fancy Dry Goods 6 4 3 3 2J 5 3 7 2i 5 Hal NOVA SCOTIA. Hal 2i5 2i5 1*2 2i 5 2i 5 3 7 4 2i 5 li '-^ li 2 3 Oi 2 3 2 3 3 6i 2i5 3 7 3i7i 4 4 3i 7i ir' 3 6 2i4i 1 1 3 7 3 Sievert.T. G.Ciirars, Fishiner Tackle, &c Silver John, & Co VVhol. & Ket. I Dry Goods I Silver W. &, C.... Dry Good-, < arpets, & Clothing SimBonF. C&Co Wliol. ( Druggiats, Specialties s Siteinan Joseph R Grocer & Liq. Skerry Jas. J Grocer Maney Matthew J Undertaker Sinedley Samuel Gen. Store Smith A. & W.,& Cc.Whol. Groc rs & ) Mnfrs. Tobacco. S Smith Bros. Whol. D.G. &.... Millinery Smith (has. E Baker Smith G. \I. , & Co Dry Goods Smith Geo. E., & Co Hardware Smith J. Godfrey ' Drujis SmithN. & M Coopers Sinitli & Power Dry Goods Smith W. C Tailor Smith Wm. H Baker Snow John Undertaker Spain Mrs Gen. Store Spencer VV. Burton Grocer, &c. Spike Thoa, D » Jeweler Spry ThoR Prov., &c. Stairs John, & Co H'ware & I Shipping. ) Stairs Wm., Son & Morrow . . H'ware See also Dartmouth Ropework Co., Dartmouth, Stanford Robert Tailor Starr John Com'n H'ware & ( Electrical Supplies. | Starr Mnfg. Co Maoliini.ry 4 S Tobiu John, & Co. Whol. Groceis, & Liq. 1 1 Torrens Alex. P Tea, 1 01 ,1 Glassware, &c. I ^* "** Townsend Silas . Junk. 3^ Tucker E D Broker & Com'n 3 Tulley W. A.,&Co Coal 3 6 Tally W. H Grocer 3i 7i U Ungar & Cohn Clothing, &c. 4 UrquhartR., «& Son Grojcrs 2j 4J Usher Thomas Grocer 4 V \ eale Mrs. Michael Boots & Shoes 3J 7i Viuecove J. L Painter & 1 „ g Paperhanger | Von Malder John Painter, &c. 3i W Wallace John W Dry Goods 3 6i Wallace Lawrence. ..Dry Goods & Clo. 4 Wallace Robert Sewing Machines [ „ 7 & Jewelry I ** ' Wallace & Wheatley Poi k, &c, Walsh Edward Painter & I Paperhiuger ( WalshP ...Hardware2 2J Walsh T.,& Co Painters &? 3 g, Papeihangers S ' Walsh Thomas W Drugs 4 Wambolt J, P Grocer 2^ 5 Ward Charles Contractor Wai-dMrs.'. Liquors 4 8 Warner Mrs. G. C Millinery, &c 3 6^ Watson John Brass Founder & i .,, f. Gaslltter S '^^ Way Henrv B Grocer 3^ 7^ Webster John E Grocer 4 8 WentzellH. W., & Co Grocers, &c. 2^ 4^ West 6i Harris Boot & Shoes 3 6i West J. T. & A. W W. I. Mers. 2 2^ Wesleyan Book Room 2 Whiston D , H . , & Co lewelers 3i 'i Whiston Wm Victualler White John, & Co . . .Stoves & Tiiware 2i 3^ Whitnmn .\rthur N Fish, &c. 3 WierH. V (Grocer 3 7 Williams & Leaveruian Wood ) Turners, &c. I Williams & Manuel Victuall rs ,31 7J Willis Wm. M Carri go- 3$ Wiisdon Francis Liquo'S Wilson Alex ...Fish 3 6 Wilson & I Hmock Carriages ^ Wilson J. E Stoves, &c. 3 Wilson Lewis A Blacksmit'i 3 6^ W ilson Robert B Drugs 4 Wilson Thos G. A Boots & Shoes Winsor L. Dow Hotel. &c. 3 6i WiswellW. G Builders 6J Wood Bros. & Co Dry Goods Woodbury Bros Dentists 3 6 Woodiil Alfred A Drugs 4 Woodill James, & Son Victuallers 3 263 Hal NOVA SCOTIA. Hec Woods S. K Fancy Goods 2A 4i Wooiiiougli Chs Kcp auraiit 2^ 4* Wrifrht K-hvard W Teas, &c. 3 6} Wright Kdwiii K ,. . . Grocer, &o 3 Wrijflitll. & A Fancy Goods 3 &i Wurzburg Liid Expor i er^* ( Caiiutid Gouds^ 3 6 YntesGeo S Boots & Shoes 3 HALL'S HABBOlt. Kings Co. Tel. <£■ Hank, KentvUle, 10 iniles. Pop. '-^W. Neville .lohn Gen. Store 3 7 Thorpe M. li Gen . Store 4 8 Whitney Geo. W Gen. Store 3 Whitney J. Fred Gen. Store 3i 7i HAMMOND'S PLAINS. Halifax Co. TeJ. & Exp., Bedford. Smiles. Bank, Halifax, UmUes. Po]>.' 1,000. Haverstock Henry Saw Mill, &c 3 6i Thomas John Mills, &c 3 Gj HAMPTON. Annapolis Co. Foster Harris M Gen. Store 3 6 HANLEY MOUNTAIN. Annapolis Co. Tel., Latn-enceio-cn, ~t\ miles. Bank, Bridge- tomi . Pop. 300. Miller Caleb Gen. Store 3 6 Miller James H Gen. Store 3 7 HANTSPORT. Hants Co. On jr. & J. /?. Tel. , W. U. Bank, Windsor, 7 miles. Pop. 100. Balc'^m W.C • Jewellery 3 7 Bent D. A Grocer 4 Horden Mrs. John Undertaking, &c 3 Carter Bros Dry Goods 3i 7^ Churchill E. & Sons Shipping 1 1 See also Walton. ChnrehillJ. R. E -Wry Goods 3 (i\ Conistock Geo. D . Grocer .3^ 7i Conistock Rnfns Blacksmith 2^ 5 Dalton Edward W Hotel 3 6 Davison Harry. Books & Stat'y 4 8 Davison Mrs, Walter S.tationery, &c. 4 8 Dickie T. B. . . : Tinware 3i 7^ Fish Jos;- Flour & Grocer 3 H Fritz Mrs Variety 3i Hantsport Foundry & 3Iachine Co. ) oi k Limited \ ^^ ^ McNeil J. A.... Tailor 3^ 7i Margeson C. J Pbyt'ician 3 6,i Martin Joseph... Gen. Store cSi lligger 3i 7] Mitchn»»r Mrs. Alonzo.Cunt'ectioney, &c. 4 8 Mite' .r S. H Gen. Store, &c. 3i 7i Mouiice F.. &Co Mntrs. Fertilizers 2} 5 Newconib A Blacksmith 3 7 Newcomb J. E .Gen. Store & Shipping North J. B... . Gen. Store & Ship[iiiig 2i 4 Porter Wm. A. .j. • • Gen. Store 3 6i Pullen Jas. H Pi. tent Meds 4 Rathbun &Co Blockmakers 2^ 4 (See also J. B. North.) Riley Albert Grocer 4 8 Shaw Edward B Boots & Sh. >e8 3 7 Stevens James, & Co Tanners 2i 4 (See also J. B. North.) Wall James - Hotel 3i 264 HARllOR-AU-BOUCHE. Antlgonlsh Co. On I. a R. E. (Kx'tn.) Tel., W. U. Bank, Antif/nnish. Pop. 700. Anderson Daniel Gen. Store 3 6 Corhett .Miss M , .Gen. Store 4 8 Crispo Michael Supplies 2i 4i (See also Cheticiiuip.) Decoste Joseph Gen. Store, &c. McDonald Bros ... Gen. Store 3i McDougall Angus Gen. Store 2i 5 Portland Packing Co.... Cf.niied Goo0. Beardsley Joshua. .(Ogilvie's Wharf ) . Gen. Store | Chute David P Trader 3i 7^ Cook Chas. O Gen. Store & Flour 3 6 McDonald Daniel Gc. Store 4 Northrup Jas B. & S. & Tanner 3 6 Ugilvie Caleb L (Ogilvie's Wharf) » „, „. Gen. Store ) *»* ^i Parker D. J Gen. Store 2J 5 HARMONY. Queens Co. Smith N Grist Mill 3 7 HARRIGAN COVE. Halifax Co. Burnham & Morrill Canned Fish See Portland, Me. HAYS RIVER. Inverness Co. See Lake Ainslie. HEAD OF ST. MARGARET'S BAY. Halifax Co. See St. Margaret's Bay. i. ■, HEATHERTON. Antigonish Co. On I.e. R. {E. Exfn.yrel. & Bank, Jntigoniah, 12 miles. Exp., .S'ew Glasyow, 66 miles. Pop. 400. Chisholm Wm. C, & Co Gen. Store 3 6 Landry Simon Linuors, &c 3J McDonald Angus Gen. Store 3| Mcl>onald Christopher. .Gen. Store, &c. 2| 4 (See also Antigonish.) McDonald John, & Co Gen. Store 4 8 McOonald John It., & Co. , , .Gen. Store 3J 7i McDonald Lewis Grocer, &c 3 7 HEBRON. Y'arniouth Co. Tel. & Bank, Yarmo^ith, 4 Jtti/e.s. Pop. 500. ' Cahan Cha8.,jr Ta'lor 3 7* Crosby H. H.. & Co Mnfrs. Shoes 24 4J Crosby Richard T Shipping 2J 4 Doty E. A CarriagCfi S} 7i PhillipsJacob I ..Mnfr. Confec. SJ 7f Porter James P Mnfr. Trunks Redding Wm. H., & Co. . . 'i;^nners & 1 Mnfrs, li. ^ S. ( ' R jeTl. K Mnfr. Boots & Shoes HECTANOOGA. Digby Co. OiW.C.R. 1 ink, Yarmouth. B lackadara & Co Lumber ■ . , , ,, See Meteghan Hem NOVA SCOTIA. Jam Cann Win. A Gen. Store, &c. Mack Andrew Lumber 3 6 HEMFOllD. Lunenburg Co. Await Eiios Gen. Store 4 HENDEKSON'S S13TTLKMENT. Cum- b(M-land Co. (See Greenville.) HERRING COVE. Queens Co. (See Bnioklyn.) HIGHFIELD. Hants Co. (See Belmont,) HIIiLiSBORO'. Inverness Co. (See Mabou.) HIIitSTJlIRGH. nigby Co. (See Bear River.) HOLLAND HARBOUR. Guysboro' Co. Flick Gideon CJen. Store, &c. 3i 7i HOPEWELL. PIctouCo. On T, C. ft. Tel., W. U. Ex)}. & Bank, New Glasgow, 11 miles. Pop. 400. Cameron Angus Blacksmitb CrockettI). W Gen. Store Cunningham K. W Carriages Dunbar .John M Gfu. Store Eraser Allen Gen. Store Kraser John Hotel & Gen. Store (Trant Tlios., & Sons Tanners Gray Hugh Trader Maclean John J., & Sons Tanners McArthur John Mnfr. Sashes. &c. :Mcl)onaitl & Falconer..- Builders 3 6 McDonald J. F Phv.^ician McDonald Jas. \V Gen. Store 3IcDonald Jas., & Son Carding vlil 1 McLean Henry Gen. Store & Hotel McLean John ])., & Co. . Boots & Shoes (See also John M. Dunbar) McLeod R Gen. Store Munroe Thomas Blacksmith Robinson Daniel Gen. Store HORTON LANDING. Kings Co. (See Lower Horton.) HTJBRARD'S COVE. Halifax Co. Exp. & Bank, Halifax, 32 miles. Tel., W. U. Pop. 350. J)iiuphinee Annie Gen. Store 3J TJ Hublev Mrs. Annie Gen. Store 4 INlc Lean Neil C Hotel, &c. ^ 7i 3 7 3 6i 3 7 3 6 4 3 6 3 6 3 3 6i 3 7 ^ 3 6 3 6i 4 3i7i c. 3A 7i 3r Vj 5 Siiankel Jos.. «& Sons Ijumber Sh,itford A. W Hotel 3 6 Shalford Henry A Gen. Store 8 7 Shatford John E Gen. Store, &c. 2i 3i HUNT8POINT. Queens Co. Inness Wm Gen. Store 3 7 INDIAN HARBOR. Ex)). & Bank, Hillfax, 30 Halifax Co. miles. Tel., St. Margarets Bay, 20 mues. Pop. 500. Covey E. J Trader ^ 7i Hubley Judson J Blacksmith 4 Portland Packinar Co Canned (loods 1 1 See also Davis, Baxter & Co., Portland, Me. Shatford James E Gen. Store 2^ 4J INGONICHE. Victoria Co. (Also Ingoiuche Islaiul.) Tel., W. U. Bank, Baddeckor North Sydney. Pop. 1,100. Conrod Theodore .Gen. St-^re, Fish, &c. 3 6J McDougall L.aughlin (Ingoniche Isl'd) } . Gen . Store \ * McLeod John E Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 Morrison & Poirier Traders See D'Esconsso Nunn Nathaniel Gen. Store, &c. 3i Smith Donald Gen. Store 3i 7J INGRAM RIVER. HaHfax Co. Webber F. & J Lumber 2i 5 INTERNATIONAL PIER. Cape Bre- t«ni Co. Carlln John Gen. Store 3 6i Gallivan John Saloon 3 7 INTERVALE. Guysboro' Co. Tel. & Bank, Guysboro', 10 miles. Pop. 800. Cameron George Woolen Mill 3 7 INVERNESS. Inverness Co. (See Whycocomah.) lONA. Victoria Co. (See Grand Narrows.) IRISH COVE. Riclimond Co. Teh, Big Pond, 10 miles. Bank, Sydney. Pop. 120. Cash John & Colin Carriages 3 7 McNeil Bros.Carriagenikrs, Blksmitlis 1 &Gen. Store ) See also East Bay and Sydney ISAAC'S HARBOR. Gu.ysboro' Co. Bank, Antigoniah,Ao miles. Tel., W. U. Pop, 500. Burnham & Morrill. . . .Lobster Packers See Portland, Me. Gallihar Charles Gen. Store Githn Samuel U Gen. Store 3 6^ Gitiin Simon M Gen. Store 4 8 GiHin T. H Trader 3 7 McMillan Allan Gen. Store 3i 7^ McMillan & Gitiin Gen. Store 3 7 McMillan R.H Gen. Store 3 6 McMillan Stephen Gen. Store 2^ 5 McPherson David Blacksmith 3i 7J >«^inclair Peter Gen. Store, &c. 4 8 Sweet, iVlcMillan & Co P'ish, &c. See S. Sweet & Co. Sweet S.,& Co.... Gen. Store, Fish, &c. 2i 4 ISHGONISH. Colchester Co. (See Belmont.) JACKSONVILLE. Cape Bret'.n Co. Tel. & Bank North, Sydney. Clark Alfred D Carriages. &c. 4 8 Jackson J. B Gen. Store 3J 7 JAMES RIVER. Antigonisb Cc). McDonald J. J Blacksmith 3 J 7J McDonald Jos Mill 4 265 Jam NOVA SCOTIA. Kin JAMKSVILLE. Victoria Co. Tel, & /Iiinh-, Sydnvy. McDonald .las, C Gen. Sore 3 7 McNeil A'eil Gen. Store 4 JEDVOKE. Halifax €o. Tel., LnkpiHUe,i miles. Exp. 6b Bank, Hali- fax, 36 miles. Pop. 600. Arnold John Trader Baker James Trader 3J 7 J Blakenev John A Gen, Store Crockett G. II Gen. Store 3i I>eller Sanincl Gen. Store 3j 7i Books Nathaniel Gen. Store, Ac. 3^ 7^ Books Ttobert, & S na Traders 3^ 7^ Gould H. S., & Co Lobster Packers 3 Hartlan Gt'orge A Trader .U 7 Mackell Peter W Gen. Store 3J Mitchell A. & .J Saw Mill 3 7 Mi chell Henry Tras W.J Fancy Goods Ryan J. W Dry Goods Slack David N Harness Smith W. A Grrocer & Butcher Stead Richard Bakery Stewart Jas . Printer, &c. Str(mg Isaac Clothing & B. & S. fetriuig S. mnel S, Gen. Store Walker & Hanson Marble Works (See Walker & Page. Truro.) Webster H. B Physician Webster W . E Watchmaker " Western Chronicle," (The) Wheatou Warren Gen. Store Wood worth George W.. .Publisher, &c. KINGSPORT. Kings Co. Tel. & Bank, Canning, i miles. Pop. 200, Cox Robert Gen. Store 3 7 2i4i 4 8 3 6i 2i 5 3 6i 3 4 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 3 3 6 6 6 8 8 6 7 6i Kin NOYA SCOTIA. Lis KINGSTON. Kings Co. (hi W. & A. li. Tel., W. U. Exp., Annapo- lis, 35 mites. Jkmk, Jiriflqetown 21 miles or Kenti'Ule, 24j«i/e8. y'o;;.'500. Annstronjj Geo Gen. Store .1J 7^ Bodwell N. P Lnniber 3 (' rtiveB Wallace J Gen. Stores fi I'aliner F. E Flour 3i 7i Kandall flob Carriapies 4 Keagli& Burns Ge". Store 3 6 Stonaoh Major Blacksmith SJ 7 J Woodbury Mrs. H. D Gen. Store 3 7 LA HAVE BRANCH. Lunenburg Co. See Britlgewater. LA HAVK FERRY. Lunenburg Co. See Conquerall Bank. LAKE AINSLIE. Inverness Co. Also Hay's River and Scottsville. Tel., Mahou, 20 miles. Pop. 400. Campbell A. D Liquors, &c. 3J Fraser Chas Gen. Store 3 7 Mc(;ormick Angus Gen. Siore 4 McDonald Arch . Saw Mill .3^ 7i McDonald Chas Gen. Store McDougall Roderick Gen. Store 3 6^ McKay Duncan H Gen. Store, &c. 3^ McKay James Allen Gen. Store 4 IVlcKay Neil Liquors 4 McMillan Neil Gen. Store 4 LAKE ANNIS. Yarmouth Co. On W. C. li. Bank, Yarmouth. Whitman Asa . . . .Mfr. Doors, Sashe-i, I « 7 &c. M ' LAKE VALE. Antlgonisli Co. McDonald Donald. Gen. Store 3 6 LAKEVILLE. Kings Co. I'el. <& Bank, Keiitvitle, 7 miles. Pop. 20 BoydJohnR Gen. Stort 4 8 Burgess W. J Trader 3 fii Chase Wm Tanner ^ 7J Lawrence W. R Trader 3 6j Margeson Mrs. H .Gen. Store 4 8 Sweet George B Gen. Store 3J 7i Wood Andrew — •••• Saw Mill 3 cj LANSDOWNE. Pictou Co. On I. C. R. Tel., W. U. Bank, Neio Glasgoto. Matheson Fiiilay H Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 McKay John R Saw Mill 3 6 McLean David W Saw Mill 4 LAPLAND. Lune'jiberg Co. llirtlG Aden Grist & Shingle Mill 3^ L'ARCHEVEQUE. Ridimond Co. Baker & Greener Lobster Packers 2i 5 (See also GaboruS.) Ferguson D Gen. Store 4 8 L'ARDOISE. Ricliniond Co. Tel., St. Peters. Bank, Port Hawkcsbury. Pop. 200. Currie Ronald J Lobster Packer 3^ 7^ Finlayson Donald Gen. Store, &c.»3 7 Fiulayson Duncan Gen. Store 3 6 B'ergusou Roderick Gen. Store 3 61 6i T 7 G 5 Matheson Hector Gen. Store ^ Matheson .Joseph (ieii. Store 2\ 3* Pregent Wallace Gen. Store 4 Shaw D. Neil Gen. Store, &c. 3 6 LARRY'S RIVER. Guysboro' Co. Tel. & Bank, Ouysboro'. Avery Paul Gen. Store, &c. Mahoney F. A Gen. Store 3i 7J LAWRENCETOWN. Annapolis Co. On W. & A R. Tel., W. U. E.rp., Annapo- lis, 21 miles. Bank, Bridgetown, 7 miles. Pop. GOO. Charlton P Carriages, &c. 3i 7i Hall John Blacksmith 3| lUsley Thomas R Gen. Store 3" 6 James H . T Grocer, &c. 4 James John W Flour, &c. 3 Lawroncetown Milling & Manufaccur- 1 ., ingCo J ^ Lawrenceto wn Pump Co (See N. H. Pliinjiey) Mclntyre John Carding .Mill 3 Marget^on Silas Tanner 3 Morgan John Millwright, &c. 3 Morse Dr. Ij. R Drugs 3i Phinney Avard P Harness & Hotel 3^ 1\ Phinncy G. S Gen. Store 3 7 Phinney Norman H Grocer » Pumps, &c. t Primrose Dr. S. C Drugs 34 7 Saunders Phinlay H Carriages 3i Stevens Edmund Grocer 2} 5 Warwick Robert Blacksmith 3 7 Wheelock Mrs. L. C (ien. Store 3 6 Whitman James H H'ware, &c. 3 Whitman J. W Gen. Store 2^ 5 LE ITCHES CREEK. Cape Breton Co. McCormack J, D Gen. Store LEQUILLE. Annapolis Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Annapolis, 2 miles. Pop. 100. Hardwick William H Blacksmith 3 6 Snow & Carr Woolen Mill LINDEN Cumberland. Hunter Wm.... Gen. Store 3 T LIN15 GLACE BAY. Cape Breton Co. Tel., IF. U. Bank, Si/duei/^ 14 miles. Pop. 400. ArchboldE. P.... G. S.&Coal2 2i (See also Halifax.) Cadegan James (ien. Store SJ 5 Campbell 0' lin Gen. Store 4 Campbell John J Grocer 3 6 Co-operative Store Co Gen. Store 3J 7 Farrell Michael Gen. Store 3 6 Gannon .A.nt,hoiiy Gen. Store 3 J 7J Glace Bay Mining Co. (Limited) . Coal 2 McArel Henry Gen. Store 3 7 McAuley J'eter Gen. Store 3 6 McDonald John A Grocer, &c. 3i 7i McDonald Wm Flour, &c. 2| 3^ McKay Chas G. S., &c. 3} 7i McKay Wm Physician 3 McKenzie Murdoch Foundry 4 8 McPherson Alex Gen. Store Murray Mrs. Clara Stat'y & > o Fancy Goods S PetrieMrs. E Gro. & Hotel 3J 7 Phelan William I'rader 3 6 Phelan Mrs. Wm Gen. Store (See Wm. Phelan.) Sullivan Michael Gro. & Liq. 4 Townsend Mrs G. S. & Liq. 3 7 Turner Capt. Michael. Gro. & Liq. 3i 7i I.ITTI.E HARBOR. PIctou Co. Teh, Ext). (& Bank, New Glasyoio, 8 viiles. Pop. 2[)0. McNeilltobert Grindstones 2i 3i lilTTLE LORRAINE. Cape Breton Co. Kelly Miss Cassie Gen, Store 4 McDonald Joseph Gen. Store 3i McDoxiald Mrs. Lucy Gen. Store (See Jos. McDonald.) LITTLE NARROWS. Victoria Co. McDonald John Trader 3 6 LITTLE RIVER. Antigonish Co. Also Bayfield. Randall &Gass (Bayfield). . .Gen. Store 3^ 7^ Randall James Grist Mill 3 7 Randall James . . Tanner 3 Strople Chas. S (Bayfield). . . .Ger.. Store 3i LITTLE RIVER. Dlgby Co. See Westport 268 LITTLE BIVKR. Haltfax Co. Tel, Jt Kxp., Slinhtnacndie, 15 milts. Bunk, Truro, 28 miles. Pop. 420. Burris Samuel G. S. & Blacksmitli 2k 5 McMullin Tlios Whwlwiight 3^ Ik Ogilvie Alfred G G. S. & Tannery 3 (ij LITTLE RIVER. Yarmouth Co. Portland Packing Co Canned Goods 1 1 See also Davis, Baxter «fc Co. Portland, Me. LITTLE TRACADIE. Antigonish Co. See Tracadie. LIVERPOOL. Queens Co. Also Bristol. ; ; . ; Tel., IF. U. Bank. Pop. 2,700. Anderson Mrs. Wm Gen. Store 3 Balcom J. Willis Livery Stables 3 7 Bar«8 fF. E (Ven. Store 3i ,"> Bars- Joseph W Ge\i. Store 3i 71 Bartling i*t Co Shipping, &c. 3', 5" BiirtliMg W. W.... Ki«h, &c. '1\ A\ Bill Silas T. R .. Gen, Store. &c. 2\ \] Bird Thomas Teweler 3j Boole l^abella .. Mibiner 3^ 7i lUitler Patrick Liquors Campbell Colin H'ware & (iro. 3 GJ Campbell Thos. F Gen. Store 3^ 7i Clements Herbert Grocer '.\k Cobb J. VV Hotel 3j Cole J. M Tinsmith 3V Cole Joseph Tailor 3J 7^ Cowie P'dward A Tanner 4 Crowell .lonatham Tailor 4 Dexter Isaac V Flour. Oil, &c. 3 6J Dexter J. V. & J. H Shipping, \ o. r Lumber, &c. \ "^^ '* Drew M.J Dry Goods 3 Fari.xhG. W. T Phisieian ^ 7^ Parish Henry G Physician 2\ 5 Farrell Mark Watches, &c. 4 Firth ChMS. M Gen. Store, &c. 3 (\\ Eraser .John H Carriages 3i 7| Freeman Joshua N Gro. ,&e, 3j 7^ Garhatt Joseph H Gen. Store 3 7 Goreham Chas. F Dry Goods 3^ Hallett H. B Tailor 3) 7^ HammattN.D Photographer 3i Harlow Reuben Gen. Store 3 Gi Hemeon AM Gen. Store 4 Hemeon J. L Druagist 4 Hendry & McMillan G. S., Fish, &c. 3 6i Hicks Miss M. M Grocer Hill .lames C Hotel 2^ 5 Inness James C, & Co Gen. Store 2\ 5 Inness Mrs Gen. Store 4 8 .Tackson Wm Carriages 3| Kempton G Painter 3^ '\ Kenny Wm. A Flour. «&c. 3 7 Kinney N Boots & Shoes 3i LetsonW. A Printer 3i 7i McClearn John D Shipping McGuir« Edward Liquors 3^ 7V McNutt Andrew G. S.. &c. 3 6j Mack I. N. , & Co Hardware (See I. N. Mack, Mills Village.) Manthorne Henry Tinsmith 3 6 Millard .John Shipbuilder & Trader 2^ 4^ Millard William Wheelwright 3 Morsa Miss Jane S Gen. Store 4 8 MulhMl Avery Gsn. Store., &c. 3J Ik MulhallE. R Grocer 3 Cj Loo NOVA SCOTIA. Lou Priile Mary Dry QoodH 4 yuiulttii Frederick I'ictiue ^ Frames, &c. J Scott W. McG .... Bouts & Shoes Sfldoii Frank L., & Sou Weu. Store SiiaUdeii Geo. E (Jrocer Sproul A ... Blacksmith Thoinpaon T. T Blockmaker West VV. Frank Gro., &c. Weliuore H. 11 Dry Go(.U8 (See also Mahone duy.) Wetmore N. S Dry. Goods., &c. Wliilmaii C. H Tannery, &c. W lie Isiiiali Boots & Slioes WiiCfJas. K Bhicki-milh ■Winters Daniel Butelur L.()CHABKR. Aiitigonish Co. Tel,, '^li' I rose, II miles. Bank, AtUiyonish, 18 miles. J'op. 2UU. Cameron Bros Gen. Store 3^ 7i (Jaiueron J. D Gea Si ore 4 Co-iy Altixander Tanner 3 Gordon llugli Black.-miih 4 HullM'rt .Joun G Mi'ler 3 Maiison Alexander Carruigos 3 Seers T. J Gen. StoiO, tVc. 3 Sinclair George Blacksnuih 3 Stewart John A Carriages 3 7 3 7 3i7i 3 '»■ 3i 7i 3i 7i 3i 5 3i 3 V 3 6i 3i 7i LOCH LOMOND. TeL, Sf. Peters. Bank, J'op. 30U. Chi^holm Wm. Richinuikd Co. J'ort Hawkesbury. .G. 6i 3i 7i A^ 4 8 4 4 3i 8 8 5 7 2i 6 2i 4i 2i 5 7i - \ 3 Shingle iViiil.s ) McDonald Pliilip I.iacksmiin 3^ JMolntyre E. 1'., & Bro Carriages 4 LOCKKFOKT. Slielburne Co. See also AUandaie. Tel., W. U. Blink. Pop. l,'.m. Benhani Le« is O Blockmaker, &c. Bill Joseph F„ (Kstate of) llwuie & ) Blacksmith i Chipman Wm. W Grocer, Aic. Ciiipman X. A Jeweler Churchill &oook Tinware Clancy Daniel Butcher & Miller Cook Thus Grocer Hammond Ross Gen. Store & i'.O. Harlow Stephen Shipbuiluer liupman Joseph P.... Livery Johnson & Churchill G. S., 1 ish & i VV. 1. Mers. | Johnston Wynne Boots & Slioes Kt hoe Michael Tailor Kenney & Johnston.. .Fishing Supplies 3i 5 Lloyd Joseph ti,. (.LJiigliton). Gen. Siiore 3^ G Locke Albert Grocer 3^ 7 Locke C.&Co Gen. Store, Fish i & W. 1. Goods J Locke Churchill. , Gen. store, &o Locke Eiiwin Dry Gouils, &c. Locke Frank Men's Furn'gs. 3 Locke J. &K W. 1. TraUe, Gen. ( ^ Store, Fisli, &c. i Locke Jacob G Cooper & Hotel 3 Locke S., & Sons... Fish & vV. 1. Goods 2\ Lockeport iron Works Foundry 3^ Lockwood & Irwin Physicians 3^ McDonald Wui. A Trader, &c. 3 Mercer A. C . ....billiards & Grocer 3i Mills Auslia Shoes 3i 7i Misanhaur Geo Barber, &c. 4 7 2i 7 3 5 7i i Payzant Freeman Lobster ) ,, , _ Packer & Tinsmith \ "^1 ** Peterson David Sailmaker 3^ 7^ Kawlings Thos Barber. &c. 3i 7i Bedding Geo Gen. Store 3 bj Skerry F. J Photo., Conl'ec., &c. 3 GJ Sniitli Alex. I) Watclnnaker, &c. 4 Sutherland John Cooiier 3 7 Wall George Blacksmilii, etc. 3^ Wall John T Livery Siables 3^ Wall Winslow Livery Stable 4 r.O(iANSVILT.E. ri«^tou Co. Tel., Kxp. & Bank, JHctou, 18 miles. Pop. 200, Mcljood D. C Liquors 4 McLeodJolin Gen. Store 3 7 L.ONl>ONl)KKKY. Colchester Co. See Great Vill.. |o, Folly Village, Londonderry Station kS£ Acadia Mines. L.ONDONDKKKY STATION. Colvhesier Co. On I. an. Tel., W. U. Bank, Acadia Mines 'i miles, Exp. Dill Alonzo Gen. Store 4 8 Giudeiis Daniel Gen. Store 3 7 Lindsay Samuel. ... Agent Agr'l Inipts. 3^ 7 L,ONauphl ee .lohn Flour, Oil, &c. Daiipiiinee Joseph P... . .Blacksmith DimockJ. VV Boots & Slioes Eisenhauer James, & Co.. Gen. Store, / Fisli & W^ 1. Goods S Eisenhaur John E Tinwar**, &c. Fiiick & Co : Dry Goods Fritz Chas Tailur Gates Mrs. Ann Z Gen. Store Geldert George D Dry Goods, &c. Gormerley J. M Tailor Hall J. F Saddler Hammelt Mrs. E Hotel Heisler Alfred G Grocer, Flour. &c. Hewitt & Adams Sailmaket s Hirtle Isaac J Livery Hirile, J. A Gen. Store & Tailor (See also Hirtle, King & Co.) Hirtle, King & Co . . ..D. G. & Millinery Hirtle Lewis A Photo., &c. Hunter John Sew. Machines & Organs Jelt'erson William A Blacksmith Kaiilbach C Edwin Capitalist King James W Hotel r^See also Hirtle, King & Co.) Knickle Solomon Livery Stable Liiid.-ay John Gen, Store Love Ci . H . Hotel Lunenburg Progress Publishing Co. McKinnon Malcolm A Builder Mcl^achlan James J Gen. Store McKeil Furniture Co . . . .F. L. McNeil, I prop'i ) Maxner Jas Boat builder Morash Stannage Builder, &c. Morash Wm Boatbuilder M yra George Tinware Myra Thomas Butcher Naas George W Giocer Naas Jas Butcher XV ash E. L Druggist P«.wei-s Frank Tinsmith Kaf use James E Carriages R fus & Mark Painters liituland Mrs. E Gen. Sto e KisseFrank Tanner Kisse Joseph Tanner i;isse Philip i'anner Ross Jeptha G Physician Ross I'eter H Grocer Rounsf ell S. A Drugs Riido.'pu J. J., &Co Gen. Store Rudolph Joseph, jr Dry Goods Silver Andrew C Shoemaker 3 7 3 (> i^Hi 2 2i 4 3 7 3i 7i 3 7 2i6 4 U 3) 3 7 3 0) 3 (tj 3 7 3i 7 3 3 7 li 2 4 8 2i 4i 4 8 4 3i 5 3i 3 ^ 3 «y 2i 6 iii 5 2i4i 2i4J 'I T 'A ^ ^ 1,} 2 3 3 Oi 3 «i 3i 3 ^^ 3 H 3i7i 3 (j 4 3 6 4 3i7i 3 bi 3 n 3 bi 3 «i 4 8 4 8 4 8 3 6 3 6 3 G 3^ 3 6 3 7 2J5 ^Mi 3 7 Lto NOVA SCOTIA. Mai J} 24 silver Goorgt! W Millinery 3 6i HiiielUer Kiioch Furniture 3 7 SmilliC. Albert Cont'r & HulltltT .'J fii Snillli Ciipl. fhiia (Jrocer, &c. '2* 6 SinlUi IM\ id Shli)i)ulltler ^j 4i Snilth JanioH W Builder 3 7 Solomon Wllliiim M Grocer 3 6 Htruin AngtihitUH Mill 4 Whitney (J. & VV Dry (Jo. mIs 3 " Whitney NVilliani Boalbullder 3J Wilson ,f. 11 Shoes 3 Wright Charles F Oroc.r 3i Young .Fo» i)li C Sliiiibuihhir 3 Young Leouiud Slnjibuilder t-'J iSee also Hlrtle, Kiig & (Jo.) Zwlcker& Co W. 1, Goods (see William N. Zwickor.) Zwicker William N Geu. Store 2 I^YON'S BROOK, rictou Co. Tel., Kxp. dt Ihink, Pictou, 3 miles. McKean William U Blacksmith 3i 7i MABOU. Inverness Co. Tel., W. U. Bank, Ilawkesbury, 40 miles. Pop. GOO. Basker Daniel Gen. Store, «&c. Beaton Ant;us Tailor, &c. 3^ 7i Beaton Angus Carriages 3i 7j Beaton John Blueksmith 4 8 Black D. F. & J. K. (HiUsboro;.. Black- / , smiths, &c. S BoyleAngus Tailor 3 7 ^See also Boyle & McQuarrle.) Boyle & Mcguarrie Gen. Store, &c. 3 7i Cameron Arcliibald Gen. Store 3i 7i Cameron Fin«llay Carriages 8 7 Cameron J. 1» Gen. Store & Ho. el Canjpbfll Daniel Blacksmith 3J 7J h raser Thomas Mills 3 7 Hunt ,Iosei)h Gan. Store -Ji 5 McDonald Alex. ..Gen. Store, Fish, &c. McDonald A n},nis Mills 3 7 McDonald Bros.. Dyeing & Fulling Mill %. 5i McDonald 1 >onald Gen. Store 2i 5 McLionaidA McFarlane Victuallers 3i 7 McFadyen & Co Lobster Tackers McKay Daniel... Blacksmith SJ McKeen Lewis Grocer 3 7 McKinnon .veil Gen. Store 3 < McMillan Allan Gen. Store 3 7 Mci^eil Bros. ^Hillsboro) Gen. Store 2i 5 McKeil John Gen. Store, &c. McNeil Konald Gen. Store 3 7 Mcriierson Murdoch Gen. Stoie 1 & Liquors ) Murray Catherine Hotel 3^ 7i Murray Henekiah Gen. Store ^ 3 MACCAN. Cumberland Co. Also Southampton. On I. a R. Tel., W. U. Bank, Amherst, 9 miles. Exp. J'op. 250. Babineau J ude T Gen. Store Baird & Schurman (Soutliampton^ ... I Woolen Mill ) Blenkhorn Gilbert Butcher Fillmore A. S. ^Southampton). Carnages Freeman S. E JJiysujian Creeluiaii i*\ S i'liisiciau 3 6 Currie Wni lanner 3 (J Douylas Jaaac ., Grocer, &c. 2i 4^ iJougias Kobert Gen. Siore, i&c. 2i 5 JJouglaB William McD (ivn. Store 3 bi Driiiio .Jolni Sailmakcr 3i 7^ talon HcUley llarn»B!> 4 6 Eaton Si Murphy Gen. Store, Ac. 2i 5 Eaton It. 13 Gen. More 2j & Frame Archibald, & Son (Selniab) Gen. I ... - Store \ '^^ ° Frieze Frederick Shipping 3 6 Frieze & Uoy .... Shipping «& Gen. slore 2i 3^ King Itoberi K Tins, Ac. 3i \ ^ Mcv^allum Archibald Shipping 2 'J,^ McDonald Finulay . . .Shoes & Harntstt ( oi Makers * McDou^all Alex. A Shipbuilder <& ( oi 4 Ueu. Store ) ^ McDougall C. Putnian Uen. Store 3 6 McinionU Andrew Tailor 3 U Monieith Johoph Shipbuilder 2^ 4i Puiman AltreU Shipbuilder 2^ 3 I'uiiiian bros Gen. Store & shipping 2i 5 Putnian Oha« Shippiu»< i,\ '6^ K08S Alex iailur 4 Koy Alex Shipbuilder 4 3i Siuari G. S Hotel Jii 7$ 'Ihompson Fred. \V Foundry 3 bjj White G. J Uotei, Slu. 4 31AITL.AND. Yarmouth Co. See I'ort Maitland. MAL.AGASH. Cuiuberlaiid Co. See Wallace. MAIiAGA WATCH. Inverness Co. Tel.. & Hank, Port llawkesbury , 28 miles. Pop. 260. Crowdis George H Gen. Store, &c. Kuster John Gen. Store 3i 7i MALIiiMANT COVE. Antig^onisli Co. Tel. & Bank, Antiijonish, 12 miles. Exp., JStw Glanyow, o2 inilts. J'op. 400. McDonald D. A Gen. Store 3^ 7i lioss i'eier Oen. Store 2j 5 MANCHESTER. Ciuysboro' Co. , See ISoylston. MAlKirAUEf;. Inverness Co. Also Margaree Forks, Margareo Island, N. E. Margaree and S. W. Margaree. Tel. , Mabou, 86 milvs. Pop. 2,000. Abbott Bros SaUnou Freezing 3 6i (See AlBO Dexter, Me.> Burton J. T Harness 3i 7i Garniichael Alex. E. Physician & Drugs 3i 74 Ghisholm A. VV- Gen. Store 4 » Collins Bros. (S.W.MargareeJ.Gen Store 3 7 Cranton & Fraser (N. E. Margaree). I , Gen. Store, Carriages, &c' ( Cranton John A lilack^milh, <&c. 4 (See also Cranton »& Fraf er.) Crowdis Meiville C Gen. Store 4 8 Deveau Patrick Trader 4 8 Frizzle James (N. £. Margaree) Gtn. | „ _ Store J ^ ' Gillis James Liquors, &c. 3i 7^ Ingraham Albert (X. E. M argaree; .... I .,,,., Gen. store, &c. J **' 'i Leblanc M i-eddler 4 8 Mcimniel James (M. Forks).. Gen. Store 3 Oi McDonald Angus (S. \V. Aiargaree^. . } Gen. Store J McDonald James G. (N. E. Maigareej. 1 . „ BiacKsmiih J '' McDonahl John A. (M. Forks). Lienor.-* 4 8 Mel )(>ugall uros G. S. , hute Chas. C Boots & shoes 3 7 Cleveland Jos. ti Uen. Store 4 8 Dosvney 1^'raiic.s Bhicksinith 3^ Harris Howard M G. S.. &c. (See S. Harris & Son.) Harris Simeon, & son G. S., <.Vc. 2i 6 Kay elames Gen. Store 3^ Itay >iOrman Traders 6 Smith Aliisou Boots &, shoes 3^7^ Stronacli A. B I'iour 3 ti Stionach Chas. S. (East M.) saw Mill 3 7 MARIE JOSEPH. Guysboro' Co. - Bank, Antigonish. Tel., Liscomb, tii miles. J'op. 200. Aston Mrs. Mary Gen. Store Baker Henry Gen. Store 3 7 Barnard (.Ecum Secum) Gen. Store 4 HawboJt t. Trader 3^ 7i Hawbolt Samuel Gen. Stoie 4 Puoiicover oeo. E. (Ecum Secum). ... 1 - ■ _, Gen. Store f °t •« Gen. ( o rei 3 Stor Mar NOVA SCOTIA. Mid I'yle Qeo (Ecum Seeura) Gen. Storu 4 Snuw Wiu Gen. atoro 4 8 MARION JBKII)Cl|;by Co. See St. Mary's Bay. ■ McNUTT'S ISLAND, Shelburne Co. Muir Wni Kishin(j; Supv'lies ;! G 3IEADOWVALK. Colchester Co. See Upper Stewiacke. MEAGHER'S GRANT. Halifax Co, Greenough Joseph , ... .Gen. Store McBean Bros ...{Jen Stoie 4 8 MELFORD. Guysboro* Co. Gillis A. C Gen. Store 3^ 1\ MELFORH. Inverness Co. See River Dennis. MELROSE, C;uysl»<)ro' Co. Bank. Anfiyoni.t/i. Tel., iV. U. Jix/>., Xeio Glasgow. ' Poji. 120. Archibald Alex. VV Gen. Store .S 7 MELVERN SQUARE, Annapolis Co. See Wilmot, MERIGOMISH. PIctou Co. On I. a p., {E. K.cVn). Tel., Exp. & Bank, New Glasijoiv, 13tnlles. Pop. 350. Brown Robert B'mitli & Miller 3 f> Forbes John Mill 3^ 7^ JMitchell James Gen. Store 3 6 MERLAND. Antlgonlsli Co. See Tracadie, • METEGHAN. Dlgby Co. Also Little Brook and Metegiian Kiver. On W. v. It. Tel., W. V. Exp., Digby. Bank, Weymouth. I'op.m^. Aymar C, R G, S. & Liq. 3 fi Blackadars & Co Saw Mill 2\ 3^ Conieau A. H Gen. Store 3 i mites. Pop. I,ii00. Archibald Edgar Blacksmith 3i 7\ Bent ley \Vm Carriages 3| 7i Ifiggins John Gen. Store . J Kaulback Robert Hotel -J^ 5 Layiou .M. H (Jen. Sloie 3* 6 IJnihay Svdney (Jen Store -^i 7^ McCurdy Walter ... Wheel wriglit 3 t;^ Morris (J. II Pliycician, &e 3 «> Murpliy James .Saw .Mill i'^ 6 Phelan (ieurge Blacksmith 4" KeidAlex. J Gen, Store 4 8 Reid Daiuel (Jen. Stor ■ 3 7 Reid Daniel W. B Blaek.sMutb 3 6' Shaw A. n (ien. St.. re 3i 6V MIDDLE PKREAIJX. Kings Co, See (Janning. MIDDLE KIVER. Pictou C^o. Tel. & Exp., Glcniiari/, 10 miles. Hank, New Glasgow. Pop. 120. KerrF. & W Saw Mill Mattbeson Wni B'smith & (J, S. 3 Gk Stellarton brick Mnfg. <;o 2 2J MIDDLE RIVER. Victoria <;o. Tel. d- Hank, Baildeck, 13 miles. Pop. \m. McDonald Norman Trader 3 7 McRae Murdoch Gen, Store 4 MIDDLE STEWIACKE. <;olcliester Co. See Upper Stewiacke. MIDDLETON. Annapolis ( ... Also Victoria Vale. On W.d- A. P. Tel., W. U. E.rp , Aiiwipnlin, '.ii^ miles. Bank, Jiri(lvetown,\i mill s. J'op. 200. Andrews George VV Gen, Store 3J li Chute Capt. Jtweph H Gen. -tore 3 6t 27.J Mid NOVA SCOTIA. MOR FaleflDa^id Carriages 3i Felndall l>siiiel Hotel 3 Feindall W. C Carriages 3i 7i Foster Bartlett Builder 4 Gates C, Son & Co Mnf rs. » „, 4, Patent Meds. f ^* ** Gullivan John Hardware, &c. 8 6 Gunter Mrs. K. L (Jen. Store 3 J 7i MillerBroB Sewinji MachlncB, > „ „ Organs &e.i ^ "^ (See also Moncton, N. B. and Charlottetown, P. E. I.) MillerG. C....: Fertilizers, &c. 3 6 Miller J. L ' Builder 3 7 M ller Samuel N Physician 3', Miller W. H Gen. Store bJ 7^ Morrison A. J Tailor, &c. 3 6 Parker W. H Gen. Store 3 6 Philips C. N Harnesfi 4 Roop & Shaw Carriages 3 6 KoBS John Hotel 3i (J^ Shatfner L. P. & I.. S Tanners, &c. 3| Sponagle John A I*liy«ician 3 7 ThoniasE. V Barber, Conf., &c. 4 Weaver Harding (A'^ictoria Vale).. Gen. ) . a Store! * ° Young Isaac Blacksmith 3^ MIDVILLE BRANCH. Lunenburg: Co. See Bridge water. MILFOKD. Hants Co. On the I. C. It. Tel., Shubefiacadie, 4 miles. Bank, Truro, 26 miles. Exp. Pop, 175. Annand David Gen. Store 3 Gi Lantz & Co Lumber 2 J 4 J McKenzie Alex Blacksmith 3i Scott James A Gen. Store 3 6i Walker G. W Gen. Store Woodworth Amos Butcher, &c, 3 7 MILFOKD. Inverness Co. See River Dennis. MILLSTllKAM. PIctou Co. Bank, Stellarton. Grant John G Mill 3 MIL.LS VILI.A Gen. Store j Delong I. B Gen. Store 3 Delong R. B Carriages 3 Delong Simon Gen. Store 3i F.iudal Caleb Saw Mill 3 Feindal James Saw Mill 3* Fiendal Ozais Gen. Store Sj 74 Morgan Edward Gen. Sore Morton Bennett Gen. Store 3+ 7} Morton Feeman W Tanner 3t 64 Palmer Hennigar • Carriages 3} 7^ NEW GLAStiOW. Pictou Co. Also Trenton. 3 3 l?l 'A On I. C. li. 3,500. Tcl.,}r. U. Exp. i& Bank. Pop. 'U Anderson John R .leweller 3} Arthur Jas. , & Son Wheelwrights .i Bell Adam C Drugs Gro., &c. Bent & Cohoon liardware, &c. Blanchard Chas. M Dry Goods (See J. F. Blanchard & Co., Truro.) Brennan W Carriage Painter (See JMctou ) Cameron Alex Gro. & Whol. Liq. Cameron D. R Painter Cameron John Auction & Com'n Campbell Peter, & Son Blacksmiths Cantley James Grocer Carew Geo Drugs Carmichael J. W., & Co. Ship Owners, | Tanners, &e. / Chipman Miss C Milliner Chisliolm Angus Grocer Cliisiiolm & McVicar I^aundry Chisliolm & Meikle Gen. Slore Chisliolm Wm llariie.'«8 Church John VV Livfry Collisbaw l^Ulieon Grocer Connell James Bakery Cumiuing Bro.s Furniture Cuinniiiigs Duncan R Boots & Shoes Dennis Bros Publishers 3^ 74 Dixon G. A., & Co Com'n, &c. 3i 7j Douglas & Co Gen. Store 3 6 Doull J.F Gro. & (.'onfec. 3 7 Drake Bros. (Trenton) Mnfrs. I . Mineral Waters J Drysdale Bros Dry Goods 3 Eastwood -las Whol. Jewelry, &c. 2} 3^ Eastwood Samuel Jeweler 4 8 "Enterprise" (The>. (See Dennis Bros.) Evans John (Trenton) Liquors 3J Farkasch Moritz Mnfrs. Soap, &c. 4 Ferguson Kenneth Gen. Store 3 6 275 New NOVA SCOTIA. Nor 2i 3 4 3i ■4 7 7i 5 fii 5 2' (> Fraser A. & J.W Saddlers 3 6i F raw r Bros IMachiiiists 3 Cj FriiBcr David S Oeii, Ston; 2i 5 Fratter ,Ia8. iDownie) & Sons Flovir I & Feed I Fraser TIiob., & Sons Gm. Store 2J Fraser Wni., * Son Blacksmiths 3 Fraser Wni J'liysician Garrett F Furniture (Gordon Wrn Wateliinakcr Graham flohn T l)ry(Jood8 3 Graham .Jos C .Grocer 2 Grant Alex., & Sons Gen. Store Grant Donald IManinj,' Mill, &c. ■Grant,!. Fisher i). G. & Tailoring 3 Grant Mrs D. (}.& .Millinery 3 Grant K., & Co .Mer. Tailors Henderson H. H., & Co Books & Siat'y 3J CJ Higgins L., & Co Boots & Shoes (See Moneton.N. B.) JIuniphrey B., & Sons (Trenton) . . .. } -.i o. Gen. Store S ^ ^ Jackson J. \V., & Co Drugs 3 7 .Jenkins P. M., & Co Grocers 3 Jjayton Geo. B.,&Co J)ry(ioods 2^ Logan Dougall C Furniture 4 Logan S. C Tinware, &c. 4 McArthur tlas Grocer 3 WcCoU Jettrey Shipping & Lumber McCormack S. D . . . . , Tailor ]Vlc('uidy Hobert S Gen. Store, &v. McDiarmid D. .Hotel, Ticket Agent, &c. Me I >()nal(l Angus K .(irocer 3^ C^ McDonald K. , & Co ... Steamfitters, &c. 4 McDougall d. W Shoes 3i 7^ McGregor Co Hardware, &c. 2] 4^ McGregor Roderick, & Sons — Whol. t <, n Gro. & Shipping i ^* ^ Mcintosh Wm.,&Co ...Millinery 2i i^ McKay Alex Carriages 4 McKay, Graham & Fraser Mnfrs. I r, ,, Agr'llmpltsf •' " McKenzie Chas 1 totel & Liq. 3 fii McKenzit Ja-. F Black.Mnith 3i 7i McKen/ie Mrs. Jas Confec. 3"i 7^ McKenzie Mr.s. K Gro. & Coiifec. 3 7 McKenzie W. T ( )y8ters, &c 4 McKenzie Wm. F Books, &c. 3i McKinnon \ NICTAIIX. Annapolis Co. T('l.,Middleton, 3^ miles. Hank, liridtjetoimi, la miles. Exp., Annapolig, 3J miles. Pop. 400. AnnisH Harness 4 Bhlccm & Nixon Gen. Store 3i 1\ Balcon & Parker Flour, &c. 3' Beals R. D : Gen. Store 3i 7i Nictaux Falls Milling Co. (Limited)... I „■ ,., Lumber | '^^ ^^ Nixon S. &R Saw Mill, &c. Ward B. F Mill NOEL. HAnts r,o. Alss East Noe'.. Tel. <& Bank, Maitland, 12 miles. Exp., Shu- benacadie,'A2 miles. J'op. 300, Bernard Mrs Gen. Store 3 7 O'Brien Osmond, & Co. . . Gen. Store & » oi qi Shipbuilders ( ^i **» Sterling Richard M G. S. & Hotel 3i White James Trader 4 NORTH EAST HARBOR. Shelburne Co. Tel, & Bank, Barrington, 15 miles. Pop. 275. Greenwood Edward Gen. Store, &c. 8 T Gregor Thos Gen. Store 2* t Perry ElishaW Trader 8} 6^ Nor NOVA SCOTIA. Our NORTH EAST MAR(iAREK. InveriieM ' Co. j See Margaree. | NORTHFIKLI>. Taiiieiihtire Co. j Tel. JbBitnk, lirldyeioater, 12 miles. I'op. 275. i Keener Caspar (Sen. Store A GV Lobnes J. E Gen. .Store 4 NORTH FORT, tumberlaiul C». Tel.,>. & bank, Amheml. I$raiider <;»•(>.,& Co (Jen. Store .'? (> Mrowii John C IMiicksniith :\) 7} <'ani|)bellJnlni Gen. Store .'i^ (>^ ; Cankphull John G i'liyMiuian .'{" 7 ; Chapnuin llirant Gen. Store | NORTH RIVER. ColchesKiV Co. j Tel., Exp. & Bank, Truro, \ miles. J'op.:ii)0.\ b'ulton .\lex. F Gen. Store 4 8 j NORTH RIVER. Victoria Co. See St. Ann's i NORTH SHORE. Ciiinherland Co. Smyth & Lanli! I^obster Packers (See Wn». Smyth.) j Smyth Wni Gen. Store NORTH SYONEY. Cape llretoii Co. ' Nearest It . It . Station, Port Afulr/rave. W, U. hank. Fop.5, iiOO. Allen D. W Tanner Allen John Tanner Archibald & Co Coal, Shipping & 1 CSen'l MerH. J See also Cow Bay Mines, Bertram A. C " North Sydney Herald." Brothie Mrs. John Grocer Buchauau & McLean Gen. Store Burke Jas Licjuors, &c. Clark Alfred CarriageH, &c. Collins Miss BriIillin('ry MoDre Win. II., \' (,'o (Jen. Store IVIusgrave Bartholomew., .Livt-ry Stable .M uisff lave & I >ooley (Srocer, IHv. .Miisgiave 11 IJhurksniith Nisbft Andrew Gro.. Fionr, &e, Nishet John, <& Co .Shipbuildtsrs '■ ^t'ortli Sydney Herald " See A. C. Bertram Nowlan John < }en. Store Ormond Mrs (Jrocer & Lbi. Partridge Bros Foundry, iS;e, P(;ppett J. W Victualler Phoran Theresa E Grocer &c. Proctor Wm Mnfr. Btiots & shoes (juinnan Chas. J Drugs Kudderham D Towboats, &c. Salter Joseph,, .Lumber & Ship Broker Shean Martin Boarding & Li(|. .Smith Allen ', Li(|Uors Smith D. A Ship Broker Smith John S Hotel & Liq. Stuart Mrs. Mary Hotel & Liq. Stubbert .lames A Photographer Tadina Anthony I'ictures, «&c. Thompson A, C., & Co Stoves, &c. See Thompson & Sutherland, New Glasgow Travis C. B Sewing Machines Vooght Bros Gen. Store See also Sydney Mines Wilson & Co Stationery NYANZA. VIcttiria Co. McDonald Alex Gen. Store, &c. OAKLAND. Lunenburg Co. See Mahone Bay. OAK POINT. Kings Co. See Kings port. OGILVIE'S WHARF. Kings Co, See HarborvUle. OHIO. Antigonish Co. Rank, Antigi>nis/i. I'op. 200. McDonald John Gen. Store MeDougald Hugh A. Cross Roads. .G.S. OHIO. liureuburg Co. ,' , ,' See Hemford. ( 277 3 6i 2i 5 31 7i ;> 7 .Tl T'- 3 fi 3i 7i- 3 5 3* s 4 ••<* Ti 4 3} 1 ■ 3 U Si 7i • * c; 3 tj 2} 6 3 H ;tj 3' 64 -'i n ;> 4 4 -'^ 5 3 H 3 7 3i 3 « 3 4 4 3 6 2i 5 2 i!i 3 ^ 3 6 3i 7^ Ohi NOVA SCOTIA. Par C^HIO. Shelburiie Co. Tel. & Bank , Shellmnn' , Mimilen. Pop. 200. Bower l)avl C<»vert Charles Tanner & Shoes 3 7 DurlandChas. E Blacksmith 4 Marshall Melbourne Gen. Store 3 G Starratt Benjamin Gen. Store 3 ti PARKER'S COVE. Annaimlis Co. Tel.. Exp. & Bank, Annapolis, 8 miles. Pan, 80. Margarvey Thomas Trader Mosher U riah Trader PARKS CREEK. Lunenburg Co. J'arks Lewis Gen. Store 3 7 Parks Lorenzo Grocer 4 PARRSBORO. Cumberland Co. Also Two Islands and Partridge Island. On Cumberland It. & Coal Co. Tel., W. U. Exp. & Bank. Pop. 1,200. Atkinson Martin G Phys'n & Drugs 3 7 Babbitt W Physician 3 BeattyE. W Gen. Store 3J 'Berryman Mrs Stationery, &c. 3 Bigelow Mrs, M. A Millinery, &c. 8 BoggsGeo. W Physician 3 Clark A. T Physician 2i Coates L Gen. Store 2J Corbett George F Blacksmith 8 (,'utten John Shoemaker & Gro. 3 Davidson Miss H. U Stationery 3 Day Chas Hotel 3 DeWolf S. R Gen. Store & Liq. 3 Dods worth ^4eo Boots & Shoes 3 Dodsworth Mark V. .Block & Pumpmkr 3 Eaton H. E Dentist 4 Fox James Sailmaker Gavin Martin Hotel 2J (Tibson Isabella.Gen. Store, Milln'ry,&c. 4 (iibson Robert Harness 3 (iibson W. J Tinware, &c. ^ Gillespie Daniel Victualler 3 ({illespie John Gen. Store 3 Gow A, W Gen. Store 3J Hartnett Cornelius J . . • Harness 3 Hartnell & Sullivan Carrh-ges 3 Hattield J. W., & Son Builders 3 HaiHeld W. C Lumber 3 Henderson Bros Boots & Shoes, &c. 3 Holmes D. Y ., & Son Gen. Store 3 Holmes S. K .... Gen. Store, &c. Holmes W, E Gen, Store Howard David S . . . Tug Boats, &c. Jackson .» Co Tins Jenks F. L Carriagemaker & / Undertaker j Kelly Chas. A Tailor Kelso Ja'< (Partridge Island) Hotel liirkpatrick Mrs. Jos Millinery G 6 3V 5" G 7 7i SI 8 5 7 6V 6' 6) 6i 7 k T 6+ h ^1 Par NOVA SCOTIA. Pio Lavera Geo. R Kooilng, &c. 3i 7i McCabw A. F (frocer 4 8 !Vf cGilvray A Gen. Store 3 6 McLeod Alex. E Tailor IJ OJ MoNamara David Hotel ;t 7 AIcNamara Jas. K Grocer, &c. 3J 7J Moi se Fred. A Saloon 3] 7 1 Pettis Henry Boots & Shoes 3} l] Pbinnev Wm Hotel Pierce Henry Fruit & Confec. 4 8 Price Bros Gen. Store 3 H Pugsley & Cameron .% (Jarriaifes 4 8 Rand F. A Physician 3 7 Itector Ghas. E Liquors 4 lieed G. G Gen. Store 3 7 Ryan WilUani Prov. & Victualler 3 7 Seaman Thort. >) Blacksmith, &c. 3 7 Smith R. Thompson Gen. Siore 3J 7* Smith Miss Sarah June .Dry Goods, &c. 3* gJ Si>ence Reuben watchmaker 3* 7 J Spencer Elijah, & Co Planing Mill 3^ 7^^ Sulis Frank E Clothing 4 8 Tnwnshend & Co Coal & Ins. 2i 4i Tuf^ker Henry Blacksmith 3 7 UphamN. H G. S. & Lumber White A. B Jeweller & Hotel 4 Wi Ison Cha« Con fectloner 4 8 Yorke Fred G. S. & Lumlier 3 G\ Young Benj . . Lumber 2 See also B. VToung & Son, Halfway Kiver aud B. Voung & Co., River Hebert PARTRIDCiE ISI.AND. See Parrsboro'. PEGGY'S COVE. Halifax Co. Exp. & Bank, Halifax, 20 milea. Tel., St. Margaret's Bay, Pop. 150. Crooks Wesley G. S. & Fishing 3i 7i Garrison Sidney Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 PEIVIBKOKE. Colchester Co. See Upper Stewiacke. PETITE DE GRAT. Richmond Co. See Arichat. PETITE RIVIERE. Lunenbui^ Co. Tel. & Bank, Bridyeioater, 20 miles. Pop. 6oa DrewW. S Gen. Store 3i 5 Fait Uriah W Gen. Store 4 8 Fait Wm Trader, Ac. 3^ 7i HoldenWm Hotel 3 6* Sperry John D Gen. Store 2i 4i Wentzell Angus L Lobster Packer PETPASWICK. Halifax Co. See Musquodoboit Harbor. PICTOU. PlctouCo. Also Pictou Island and Picbou Landing. ■On I. C. R. (by ferry from Pictou Landiny.) Tel., W. U. JiankJt Exp. Pop. 4,000. AUardWm Fish, &c. Baillie Alex. Dr> Goods 2^6 Beattle John McK S'ationery Brennan W Carr. Painters, &c. 3i 7 J Brown E, M Furniture, &c. 3} Brown Henry Victualler 3 7 Brown Peter, & Son. ...Gro., Flour, &c. 3 6^ Bryanton dorace Carriages 3^ 7* •Cameron Edwin Tins, Sic. 3} 7i "Carroll Peter Auctioneer 4 Carson J. & A Lumber 3 Carson Wm Tins, &c. 3 2i 3i I 2J 8 7i Crorar David Shipping CrerarW G Shipping CurryThomiis CJrocer Davies W. H., & Sons Foundry Dawson (Sordon. & Co Hardware 1 )aw8on John A Hardware 3 S Dawson R., & Son See John A. Dawson Dennis Albert Printer A iMib'r 3k 7* Douglas D Tailor & Men's Furn'g 1 )ouglas Wm BlnckKmith 4 Dwyer t'., & Co Auction & Com'n 2J 3 Dwyer Cornelius .Auction & Com'n. 3 Everett Wm . . Liquors, &c. 3i FishorJ. A., &Co Grocers 2* SA Eraser 1). B .Tailors Eraser F. W yatt Com'n., Ins., &c. 4 Eraser Jaa. A Gen. Store 3 Frasor James D. B. , & Son Drugs 2i Eraser Neil ...Mnfr. Wire, Fencing, &c. 3 Fullerton Davi(l, "Watt Edmund Saddler .'{ 7 ^orston J. & J. .Marine Slip & Shipping 2J 4i PICTOU ISLAND. Plctoa Co. See Pictou. PICTOU L,AN1>IN<;. Piotuu Co. See Pictou. • PINK TUEE. Pictou Co. Nearest R. li. Sfntioii, Gltnfalloch Station, 1 mile. Tel., Exp. <& Hani:, New Glanf/ow.G mile.'<. Pop, 140. Weir Jolm Mill«r 3i 6i PINKIE TOWN. Antlgonibli Co. See Ohio. PLASTER COVE. Iiiveriiega Co. See Port Hastings. PLEASANT BAY. Halifax Co. Robs John C Gen Store 3^ 7i PLEASANT VALLEY. Antlgonlsh Co. HcDonald Ronald Gen. Store 3i 7i PLEASANT VALLEY. Yarmouth Co. Crosby Allen, & Co Lumber 2i 5 PLEASANTVILLE. Lunenburg Co. ^' '_'" See Conquerall Bank. PLYMOUTH. Yarmouth Co. See Yarmouth. '\ PLYMPTON. Digby Co. ' '■'.'.'; See St. Mary's Bay. ' "' POINT BRULE. Colchester Co. Xxp. & Batik, Pictou. Tel., River John. Pop. 400. BnrnLam & Morrill Canned Fish See Portland, Me. >f vLanders Geo .Blacksmith 4 8 POMQUETTE FORKS. Antigonish Co. See Heatherton. PORTAUPIQUE. Colchester Co. JSxp., Londotiden-y , ]2i miles. Tel., Great Village. Bank, Acadia Mines. Pop- 130. Baird H. A.... Carriages, &o. 3^ 7i Crowe Thomas D Gen. Store 3 6 DaTison C. Ttipper Saw Mill 3 7 280 PORT BKCKKRTON. 'holni John B Gen. Store, &c. 3$ Chisholin Mrs . . Hotel 3^ 7 (Jhisho'm Neil Liq. & Grocer 3 6 Clongh Wm.,M Gen. Store 3 7 H eughen Thos Blaoksoiith 4 Johnson A. M Gen. Store 3i 7i McDonald Ronald J Gen, Store 3 6 Mclniosh Donald Liquors McKinnon Hector Blacksmiths 7 McKay & Campbell Agents Agl, Implts. 3 MoLenNtin H ugh — Gen. Store 3 7 McQuarrie Hec or Tailor & Hotel 3 7 Martin Chandler Shoes 4 Sutherland A . H Grocer, Flour, &c 3 PORT HA WKESBURY. Inverness Co. Nearest R. R. Station, Port AM grave, 1 mile, Tel., W. U. Bank. Pop. 900. Bain Alex Hotel, Steamship) 1""mi Agent, &c. f 3 *'»' Buck W. -J Saloon 4 8 Cameron Mrs. John Hotels 7 p:mbree H; W., & Son Boat I , « Builders} "* * Hennessey Bros. Gen. Store 3J 7J Lamy John Sallmaker 3 7 McDonald A. D Liquors 3J 7i^ McDonald D. A Gen. Store & Liquors 3 T McDonald Hugh Grocer 4 8- McDonald Patrick A Pbysioian 2i 6 ' Mclnnis F .Hotel & Livery 3j 7^ Mcintosh Alex Gen. Store 3 6 Mclntyre John Gen. Store 3 T Mclntyrp John, &Bro Blacksmiths 3 6 Pal nt Peter, jr ...... . Gen. Store 2j 44 Paint Peter, & Sons. Gen, Store, Fi8h,&c 2^ 4f Siapleton J. B,,& Co.. Gen. Store Stapleton John Hotel 4 > p^» NOVA SCOTIA. POR 8 4 l>OUT HlJLFOllD. (UiyNtwru' Co. Hewitt W. I> Uroter 4 Hood A . H CarriiigoB 4 rOKTHOOI). InveriieHH Cm. AIho Sniith'H iHliiiul aiul OutHidn Inlnnd. ^Vt'(«reit/ R li. Station, I'ort .Miiltjrare, M mileit, Tel., W. U. Hank I'ort ffnwkeabury, 32 mi fill. Pop. i,r>w. (/liiueruu Joliu rhysir.ian Finn & Smyth (Son Store ilart JoHt'pli L (JiMi. Store ■ luiiiiuBuu Alox G' n. ^tore McOoiiaUl Ak)X...Gon. Storo & I.inuora .\lcI)onal>1 \. s J (Jen. Store, &r. McDonald Alex CairinnoH McDoiiuld Daniel A Cjen. Store McKaclKii Neil Gen. Store & Liq, Mulnnis Koi aUI Itluc^kHmith Mclmiac AnijUB Liquors, <&(>. McLe>in D. K Gen . Store, &e. Mcl.ellan Andrew G Gen. Store .McLelltui EupLeuiia A — (Port Hood J Island) Gen. Store | See H. (J. McT.ellan. \rcLellan Itonald.. Geu. Store Fwli, i"te. .i .McMillan Roderick Hlacksmlth 3 Mcl'lierson Wni Gen. Store, &e. a Smith J. & H. (Smith's IbIhiuI) ...» ... Gen. Store ' ^* Smith Mrs. J. W Hotel 3i Smith W. D.,& Sons (Outside Islan.l). l ^ 3 4 4 I 4 a 4 8 3i Gnmby I). C Gen Store 3 «# F«)xC. .1 (ien. Store I'arry H. H (ien. Store 3 ^* Porter \V. S Gen. Store, &e. Sinclair iluliii Hltilmiiker 4 WadeFr.d. S 1 hjnitian ;4 7i P<»11T MALCOJ.!^. Itlchiuoutl Co. Xean'.st It. It., I'ort Mulyrare. Ttl. Jb Hank, I'iirl llawkmttury. I'op.MW- .Malcolm Wni... .(Jen. Store, Flch, &c. 2^ 4 I'OKT lVII-:i>\VAY. 4 Fullerton John W Gen. Store 2*5 Fullerton W . Y I'hy sician 2i 4* Orr M. A Hotel & Liq. Smith Thos. E Nursery. &c. 3^ 74. Stevens W:n Gen. Store 4 8 POR NOVA SCOTIA. RiT FORT WILT Bros Lumber 3 5 McDonald Angus Gen. Store 3 6 McDonald Laughlan Gen. Store 3 7i Mcl..aughlin A. J Gen. Store 3i Porter Bros . Lumber Pugsley Trader & Flour 3i 7i Young B., &Co See B. Young, I'arsboro'. RIVER INHAHITANTS. Richmond Co. Also Basiii Kiver Inhabitants, Princeville and Queensville. Ifearest It. It. Station, Port Mulgrave, !) miles. Tel. & Rank, Port Ilawkesbwy, » miles. Pop. 150. JMcIntosh Jas. (Princeville) Gen, Store 3i 7^ McKillop iMniel Blacksmith ai 7 J McLennan J. B Gen. Store 2^ 5 McLeod John, & Son Gen. Store, i Fish, &c. I 3 5 McMaster James Gen. Store 4 McMaster John (Princeville) G. S. { o, „, &Liq. i ^i 'i Morrison W. R G. S..&C. ^ 7} Steel Frank Gen. Store 4 Walker Jamea (Basin) Gen. Store 2.J 5 RIVER JOHN. Flct McNeil John S., & Co. (Barton).. .Gen. I at a. Store I ^^ '^ McNeill Joseph G. (Barton) Trader 34 Messentrer Daniel J'lour, &c. 8| 7^ Miner Wm. H Physician 4 8 Moorehouse Jones, & Son (Brighton). 1 „ „ Gen. Store} "^ ** Seeley Nathan (Brighton) .Gen. Store 3 Smith J hn M. (Itarton). Shoes & Tan. 3 7 VanBlarcomBros. (Brighton).. Siiingle I q r, ^^ill } -^ ' Warner Charles T Gen. Store, &c. 3 6i Warner R. 11. (.Plympton) ...Gen. Store 3^ ST. PETER'S. Richmond Co. . . Also Big Cove and St. Peter's Island, Tel,, W. U. Bank, Port Hawkesbury. Pop. 350. Cameron Duncan D. G., Grocer, &c. 3 6 Campbell John (Big Cove).. Gen. Store, 3i 7i (Catherine Mrs. Mary Liquors 3i Currie Donald Tanner 3 7 Deveaux John. . Gen. Store & Lobstfr ( , „ . Packer J "^ ' Kemp John M Gen. Store 3 6 Liscomb E. G Harness 4 McAskill Angus Gen. Store 3 6 McCuish AlexHnder Gen. Store 3i McCuish .\rchibald D. Gen. Store 4 8 McCuspic Angus Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 McDonald J. A Gen. Store & Liq. 2i 5 McDonald John A Physician 3 7 McKenzie Roderick. Tailor & Gen. Store 4 8 McNeil Peter Gen. Store 4 8 Morrison Alex. A Gen. Store 3i 7J Morrison John Hotel, Stages, Sic. 3 6 Morrison John Wheelwright 3J 7^ Morrison Roderick G.Gen. Store & P.O. 3J 6| Stewart D.Y Tinware, &c. 3 7 Urquhart John H Gen. Store 3^ 7$ ST. PETER'S ISLAND. Richmond Co. See St. Peter's. SABLE RIVER. Shelburne Co. Tel. & Bank, Lockeport, 12 milts. Pop. 250. Dunlop Wm Hotel & Saw Mill 3 7 Freeman Bros Saw Mill 3 7 Freeman John G Gen. Store 3^ Harlow Alfred Carding Mill 3 7 HarlowHugb ShingleMill4 8 McAdamW, M Gen, Store, &o. 3J 7^ SACKVILLE. HallfexCo. See Bedford. ' SALEM. Cumberland Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Amherst, 9 miles. Pop, 160. Spicer Omar Saw Mill, &c. 3 7 SALMON RIVER. Dlgby Co. Foley & Deveau Gen. Store, &c. McHenryC.B Gen. Store 4 8 Perry H. C Gen. Store .,, SALMON RIVER. Hall fox Co. Nearest R- R. Station, Dartmouth, 80 mil^s.- Tel., IF. U. Exp. & Bank, Mali/ax, 81 mites. Pop. 200. Balcom Samuel Gen. Store Cameron D. H....: Gen. Store 4 Sal NOVA SCOTIA. Shi Whitman James H Gren. Store See Beaver Harbor SALT SPRINGS Flctou Co. Tel, & Exp,, West River, 7 miles. Dank, New (Jiasyow. I'op. 165. Bell Bros Gen. Store 3 MeLe(.d J. & J G. S. & Saw Mill 3 6 SAMBRO. Halifax Co. Gray Bros. & Go . , . .Lobster Packers, ? o /.. G. S..&C. 5 -^ "i See also Ship Harbor Smith Mrs G. S. & Hotel 3 7 SAND FO RD. Yarmouth Co. Thurston Abraham Fish, &c. 3 6J Thurston Howard* Fish, &c. 3i 7j SAND POINT. Guysboro Co. Miller Josiah A Gen. Store, &c. 4 8 SAND RIVKR. Cumberland Co. White Everett J Lumber 2i 4 SANDY COATE. Digby Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Dighy, 18 miles. Pop. 300. Eldridge Mrs. Harvard Gen. Store ,S 7 Eklridge Squires Gon. Store Eldridjie W. H Gen. Store 3\ TA Larey .lohn Shipping & G. S. 3^ l\ Lent Wm Gen. Store 4 SANDY POINT. Slielbunie Co. See Shelburne. SAULNIERVILLE. Digby Co. OnW.C.R. Tel., M^eteijhan, ij miles, Exp., Dlyhy, 25 miles. Bank, Weymouth. Pop. 300. Crosby A. J Gen . Store Donham B. Eugene Pnysiciau 4 SCHOONER POND. Cape Breton Co. Nearest /{, 11. Station, Fort Mulyravc. Tel-, Cow Bay. Bank, Sydney. McDonald Angus Gen. Store 2| 4^ SCOTCH VILLAGE. Hants Co. Tel., Newport Station, 9 miles. Bank, Wind- sor. Pop. 200. Northup Jeremiah C Gen. Store 3J 7^ SCOTS BAY^. Kings Co. Nearest R. R. Station, Port Williams Station, 17 miles. Tel, & Bank, Canning, 10 miles. Pop, 250. Corkuni Marshall H Lumber 3 J 7 J Jess I3avid, & Co Mill, &c. 3 Shetheld & Wickwire Sliipbuilders See Canning Steele Jonathan Shipbuilder 3 6 SCOTSBURN. PlctouCo. Tel., Exp. & Bankf Pictou, 11 miles. Pop. 300. Sutherland Angus Gen. Store, &c. 3 6J SCOTSVILLE. Inverness Co. See Lake Ainjilie. SEBASTOFOL. Lunenburg Co. See Bridgewater. ' • SELiMAH. See Maitland, Hants Co •f '• ■ .Hi h. 'M rriages ;U TJ . Store 3l /sicjlan 3j SHAG HARBOR. Shelburne Co. Tel. <& Bank, Barrinyton, 12 miles. Pop. 350. Crowell Warren Gen. Store 2i f SHEET HARBOR. Halifax Co. Nearest R. R. Station, Dartymuth, 60 milet. Tel., W. U. Exp. & Bank, Halifax, 61 miles. Pop. 1,200. Chisholm Wra Mills & Lumber See Halifax Crulf shank Wm Tailor 4 Fraser John A Carriages (ieddes Wm (ien Gourlie.r, M . I'hvsi Halifax Wood Fibre Co. (Limited) 2 3 Hall Henry Gen. Store 3i 7i Hall & Tupper Lumber HartC. C Gen. Store HartHavelock McC ... MILLS. Kings Co. Nearest R, R. Station, Kintville, «> miles. Tel. t& Bank, Canning, 3 miles. Pop. 250. Beck with J. H Blacksmitli 4 Beck with W. E Blacksmith 4 Wood Fenwick W., & Co.... Gen. Store 3i 7^ SHELBURNE. Slielburne Co. Also Churchover and Sand Point. Tel, W. U. Bank, Pop. 2,000. Anker Huf us Fish Allen U. E Builder Bolmaii it. H (Sand Point) Gen. Store Bower Adam D Lumber, &c. Bower Edward A Taimer Bower John Gen. Store, &c. Bower Winthrop Saw Mill Burns Samuel W i'by.^^ician Cohoon S — Barber, «&c. Cox Geo. A (tou. Store Crowell Isaac C Boatbuilder Durfee G. W Pump & iilock Maker Etherington Walter Boatbuilder Gillife Adolphus Grocer Goodick Henry (Sand Point) Fishing Harlow -J. C. . . . 'I'runkmaker Hart W. J. (Sand Point). ...Gen. Store Hines Geo. li Painter Holden Chas. A Gen. Store Hood Arthur Jeweller & Trader Irwin K. G Gen, Store Jackson Mrs. Uobt. S. Gro. & Millinery Kelly Thos. E Grocer King Mrs. B. P Gen. Store King C, C Shipbuilder Long W, B. (Sand Point) Gen. Store,&c. McGill Bros Gen. Store McGill Jos B'smith & Shipbuilder McGill Mrs. W. J Stationery, &c. Ml Gowan John A., jr. .Gen. Store* Fish McGowan Mrs Margaret Shoes McKenzie Miss Jane Millinery 4 ft 285 3 7 4 H n 3 6 3 6* 3 7 3 g 4 8 2.^ 44 3 (i 3 C 3 7 4 8 4 3 T 2, 5 2i4i 4 7 m 3 7 3 7 3 6!^ 4 8 4 » She NOVA SCOTIA. SOM McKenzieMrs Milliner 3 6 McLean G. W Shipping, &c. 2^5 Miller M. A Hotel, &c. 3 6 Moore James Blacksmith 3i Ti Morrison John Boatbuilder 3i 7| Morton Joseph S Phys'n & Drugs 3 6 Muir Mrs. J Millinery, &c, 3 7 Muir Samuel, sr Shipbuilder 2i 5 Murphy E.J Shipowner 2| 4i Gates J. l>. (Sand Point) Gen. Store 3 6 Portland Packing Co .... Canned Goods 1 1 See also Davis, Baxter & Co., Portland, Me. Purney John (Sand Point) — Fishing t ., , . i Supplies < ^^ *'' »yer John T Saw Mill 3 6i Jiyer Thomas £ Hotel Taylor E. D Tinware 3* Taylor Wm. S Liquors 3i 7i Thorburne Bradford (Sand Point) ) o « Fish,&c.^ •* *• Thorburne Geo. (Sand Point). . Fish, &c. 3 ti miey Kufus Tailor 3^ Vernon ]\Iark (Sand Point) .Gen, Store 3 7 Walters Joseph (Churchover) — Gen. ) ,.i .^ Store, & Fishing j ^^ *2 Williams John Boatbuilder 3 7 Williams Nathaniel Gen. Store 3J Ij SHKBBKOOKE. Guysboro' Co. Also Sonora. Bank, An tig onish,\Q miles. Tel,, W. U.Exp. Pop. 1,00U, Cameron Alex Shoemaker 3^ 7i Cameron Angus, & Son. .Hotel & Gen. I „ ^i Store) ** "2 Cameron John Tailor 3^ 7| Campbell Thos Stationery, &c. 3 6 Chisholm J. W., &Co Carriages 3i 7^ Cumminger Bros Gen. Store, &c. 2} 5 Deckman Adam, & Son Tannery 3 6 Falconer A. F Physician 3i Hattie Daniel Speculator 2^ 4i Lewis W. K. , & Bros Lobsters 1 1 J See also Boston, Mass. Macdonald J.ns. R. Jeweler Macdonald Joun A Blacksmith 3 7 Macdonald Sarah Katie Millinery 4 8 McCutcheon James (Sonora). Gen. Store 3 6 McDaniel Jas .Hotel 3 7 McDanielW. H Gen, Store 3 7 McDonald Alexander, jr Tailor 4 McDonald Bros. . Gen. Store & Lumber 3 McDonald Donald Tailor 3 6 McDonald Jas. W. . . Saddler 3 7 McGrath Matthew Grocer, &c. 3^ Mcintosh Chas. S Shipbuilder 3 7 McLane Adam Blacksmith 3 7 McLane Wm, B Blacksmith 3 7 McLean D Gen, Store 3 7 McMillan Daniel Boots & Shoes 3^ 7^^ Mansou George, sr Carriages 31 7 J Murdoch Capt, Wm Flour 2i 5 Ross Mrs. Grace B Gen. Store 3j 7} Sears Geo, F Carriagemaker & » „ 7 Undertaker I "^ ' Sinclair Robert R Flour, &c. 3 6 Tate Wm. F Blacksmiths 7 SHINIMICAS. Cumberland Co. Exp. & Dank, Amherst, 16 miles. Tel., Oxford, 12 miles. Pop. 250. Black Wm. W Blacksmith 3J 7i Brander John — Hotel 3 7 Brownell Timothy J Carding Mill 3 7i Somers Daniel Grist Mill 3 286 SHIP ABBOB. Inverness Co. See Port Hawkesbury. SHIP HABBOB. Halifax Co. Nearest R. It. Station, Dartmouth, 48 miles. Tel., W. U. Exp. & Bank, Halifax, 49 miles. Pap. 300. Cowan J. A Gen. Store 3i 7J bray Bros Lobster Packers See Sambro. Hill J.W., &Co Lumber, &c. 2i 3^ Jamieson George A Physician 3 7 Keating Benjamin Trader 3* 7 J Mai-ks Lawrence J Gen. Store sj 7^ SHUBENACADIE. Hants Co. On 1. a. R. Tel., W. U. Bank, Truro, 22 miles. Exp. Pop. 350. AndrewThos Gen. Store 3 6 Hois Ivf iss Libbie Millinery, &c. 4 8 Fish Robt Builder & Carriagemaker 3 T Fisher W. W Carriages 3i Fraser Clias Blacksmiths 6 Gass Henry C Saddler 4 Gass James, & Sons Grocers, &c. 3 61 GillisAlex / Confec. 3 7" Guild W.H Gen. Store, &c. 3 ^ See also Lower Stewiacke. Higgin8& Ramsay — Saw & Grist Mills 4 King Jas. W Lumber Kirkpatrick J. A Gen. Store 3i 7* Laidlaw John Y Tinsmith 3^ 7I Lynch John Flour, &c. 2i 5 McHefley F. P Tanner 3 6* Miller Jas Brickyard 2J 5' Parker W. Allan Tanner 3 7 Sutherland Donald Contractor Wallace Thos. Y, Blacksmith 3 7 Wickwire David Blacksmith 4 a Cumberland Co. Grant Aaron Gen. Store & Spars 2;^ 4 Prescott, Gillespie & Co.Gen. Store &/ •>' 01 Lumber J ^ ^^ SHUNACADIE. Cape Breton Co. McMillan & Johnston Gen. Store 3 J 7^^ SIXPMII.E BBOOK. Pictou Co. Barry Jas Saw & Grist Mills 3 SMITH'S COVE. Digby Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Digby, 7 miles. Pop. 300. Sulis Geo. S Gou. Store 3 7 Thomas Geo. B Grocer 3* 1\ WierA. H Gen. Store 3| 7| Winchester Capt. Chas., jr. Gen. Store ? « c & Shippings *^ ^ SMITH'S COVE. Halifax Co. Berrigan Mrs. M. A Gen. Store See Port Felix. Guilf oil Mrs. Ellen Gen. Store 3^ 7^ S»IITH'S ISLAND. Inverness Co. Se(3 Port Hood SOMEBSET. Kings Co. Tel. , Berwick, 2^ miles. Bank, Kentville, U miles. Pop. 260. Bennett W. K Carriages 3 7 Best Fred'k Physician 3 6 Nichols F. B. I Gen Store 4 8 ParishM.K Blacksmith 4 8 Strong Wilbert A. Gen, Store Son NOYA SCOTIA. Sp& 60N0BA. Guysboro' Co. See Sherbrooke. SOUTHAMPTON. Cnmberland Co. See Maccan. SOUTH BBOOKFIEL.D CORNER. Queens Co. See Brookfleld. SOUTHEAST MABOU. Inveruess Co. See Mivbou. SOUTH MAITI,AND. Hants Co. Exp. , Shiihenacadie, \5 miles. Tel. Jb Ha^ik, tiaitland, 5 miles. Pop. 460. Cameron William P Shipbuilder McDougall & Gllmore Shipping 3 6 SOUTH MOUNTAIN. Richmond Co. See West Bay, Head. SOUTH POINT MABOU. Inverness Co. See Southeast Mabou. SOUTH RIVER. Antigonlsh Co. See South River Lake. SOUTH RIVER L.AKE. Antlgonish Co. Also South River aud Upper South River. Nearest R. R. Station, South liivf-r Station, IG miles. Tel.^ Melrose. Bank, Antigonish. Pop. i50. Kennedy Hugh Blacksmiths 7 McDonald Dougald Saw Mill 3^ 7^ McGregor John Trader 3 7 Mcintosh Alex Grocer, &c. 3 6 McKinnon Duncan Miller 3 7 McNeil Hugh, & Son Flour, &c. 2i 5 McPhee Dougald Grist & Saw Mills 3| 7J SOUTH SYDNEY. Cape Breton Co. See Sydney. SOUTHWEST MARGAREE. See Margaree. SPENCER'S ISLAND. Cumberland Co. See Advocate Harbor. SPRINGFIELD. Annapolis Co. Nearest R. R. Station Tel., Laivrencetown^ 29 miles. Exp., Annapolis. Bank,Bridgctoton. Pop. 500. Grimm James C Gen. Store 3^ 7i Grimm Simon P Gen. Store, &c. 3| l\ Merry John Grocer, &c. 3| 71 Alorrison John G Gen. Store 3 7 Roon Major C Lumber, &c. 3^ 1\ SPRING HILL,. Cumberland Co. Also Spring Hill Junction, On. Cumberland R. E, Colebester Co. See Upper Stewiako, SPRIN Leslie, Leslie & Co. Gen. Store, Fish, &c. See ("ow Bav. 287 ? Ste NOVA SCOTIA. Std STKEP CBEKK. Guysboro' Co. Tel,, Port Mufgrave, 7 miles. Bank, Port Hawkesbury , Smiles. Pop. 180. . , Forhan Henry L liObster Packer 3 6i Hunt James Gen. Store 3 7 McGulre John W. .Gen. Store, Fish, &c. 3i 7 J STEL.IiA«TON. Pictou Co. On I. C. It. TcL, ^r. U. Exp. d Bank. Pop. 1,900. Acadia Goal Co. (Limited) ;.. See also New York City. Bell John Machine ?hop 2k 4i Blalteney Amos H Stationery )ames B. & S. & Hats McKenzie John A Stationery, &c. 3 McKinnon Colin Cairiagee, &c. 8i 7i McKinnon D. L Gen. Store 3 7 McKinuon J Tailor 3 6 McKinnon Miss M. A Hoalery, &c. 4 8 McLennan Duncan Tailor & <^:lothit'r 3 6 McLennan J Tinsmith 3J McLeod Alex liutelier 4 8 McLeod Angus Painter 3 7 McLfod Mrs Grc, Millinery, &c. 3 7 McMillan Jos Gen. Store McNeil Bros Geji. Store See Irish Cove. McNeil & Morrison Carding Mill 4 8 McUnarrio A Grc, &c. 3i 7i Madore Louis Conftct. HJ 1] Matlieson Bros Gen Store 3 5 Menzits R Jeweler 3i 7i O'Neil Su>au Liquors .3} Paso Charles ...Tobacco, Billiards, &c. 4 Peters W. E Harness, Hardware, &c. 3 7 Publicover J. W., & Co.... Dry Gooil- I „ «! & Men's Furn'g I ** "* See also Tho8. VV. Publicover Publicover Thos. W Hairdrps.^er, &c. 3 6i Itichardson J. A. Lumber 3i 7i Kobertsou Wm ... .Sewing Machines, j Organs, &c. ( Stephens G.H Lujuors 4 Styles Wm Blacksmith 4 Sullivan Chas Tins, &c. 3i Sydnev Lumber Co 3 6^ Umlah M. B Painter 3 7 Woodill IJ Liquors 4 WoodiU Wm Tanner 3 6 Young John Tailor 4 8 SYDNEY BAR. Cape Breton Co. See North Sydney. SYDNEY MINES. Cape Breton Co. Nearest R. R. Station, Port Afularave, 1^0 OTi/M. Tel., IF. U. Bank, North Sydney, 4 miles. Pop. 2,500. Co-operative Society Gen. Store 3 General JVLining Association Coal I a ^ a i & Gen. Store j ^a Ai Johnston Lewis Physician 3 6 Kirkpatrick Mrs. Daiiiel Gen. Store 3i 7i McCormack Daniel Liquors 3 64 ISIcCormack John Gen. Store 3i 7i Vickers John Liquore 3 7 Vooght Bros Geu. Store See North Sydney. TANGIER. Halifax Co. I^earest R. R. Sfa'ton, Dartmouth, 60 miles. Tel., IV. U. Exj}. <& Rank, Halifax, 61 miles. Pop. 500. Corbin John W G. S. k Hotel 4 S Ferguson Joseph Gen. Store 4 Ungues Patrick Gen. Store 3^ KneelandS K Lumber, &c. 4 Miller James P ..Gen. Store Towueeud Jos. U G. S., &o. 3 '" TARBOT. i SeeSt- Aau's. i TATAMAiiOUCHE. CoIclieHter Co. Ntarest R. R. Station d- Kx]>., H're 3^ 7i Chambers David Gen. Store 3 G Clarke George . .•. Hardware, &c. 2i 4J Clark ilohn Gen. Store 2 J 4i <;nrrie Mrs. Mary J Milliner/, Ac. 3 7 Dobson.VlissC Millinery .'1^ 7} Douglas (ieorge Black.Hnilih 3 G Fraser Donald A., & Co Tailors 3^ Ga s Henderson Saddler 3 7 Johnson I). M Phys'n & Drugs 4 H McDonald A. W Tinsmiih 3 G} McLellan C. K.,&Co Hardware 3 7 McLellan Timothy Hotel, I „. . Grist Mill, &c. f ^4 " McLeod Alex Carria<,'cs 3 7 Malcolm David Gen. Store 3 7 Millar John Gen. Store 3 G Nelson D ...Gen. Store 3 G Koadie Elisha 1) Physician 4 Urquhart Andrew Blacksmith 3 7 TENECAPE. Hants Co. Nearest R. R. Station, Newport Sta'ion. Bank Windsor. Stephens J. W G. S.,&c. Stephens William Mills, «&c. 3 G TERENCE BAY. Halifax Co. Catfero John Gen. Store 3 THE FALLS Colchester Co. See Earlton. THOMPSON STATION. Cumberland Co. On I. C. R. Tel., W. U. Exp. & Bank, Am- herst, 35 miles. Pop. 250. Hrowupll Robert Lumber Mattison E • • ' G. S. «& Lumber 4 8 Mattison vVm — Saw Mill THORBIIRN. Pictou Co. Nearest R. U, Station, Tel., Exp. & Bank New Glasffow, G miles. Poj). 400. Brown & Co .. Gen. Store 3 p-raser Roberts Livery Sl.ible 4 8 McKay Hugh Shoei 4 8 McKay J. W Physician 3i 7i McKinnon Henry Gen. .Stf)re 3 7 Ortnond W. L Druggi.-t 3^ 7^ Vale Co-operative Store 3 THREE MILES HOUSE. Halifax Co. See Fairview. TIVERTON. DIgby Co. See Westport. TORBAY. (iuysboro* Co. Tel., W. U. Bank. Gui/sboro'. Pop. 100. Morrisson R. H Gen. Store 3 6 TORBKOOK. Annapolis Co. SpurrG. £ Gen. Store 4 8 8 289 Tra NOVA SCOTIA. Tru 3 6i i 8 2i5 •ii 5 8 8 TBACADIE. Antlgonisli Co. 0)i I. C. It. (E. Extension). Exp., New Glas- fiow, 60 miles. Bank, Antiqonink, 20 miles. Pop. 1,500. Chisliolin Donald Blacksmith < 'hisliolm William Gen. Stoi e Gerrior William Gen. Stort- Hall J. M Gen. Store LeCias Mrs. Caroline ;.Gen. Store McLellan Fred Gen. Store McMillan Angus Gen. Store 4 Petitpas M. H Gen. Store 3i TKENTON. See New Glasgow. TROUT COVE. Digby Co. Nearest li. It. Station, Tel.. Exp. d JianJc, Diflby, \^ miles. J'op. 20{U Boulilier & Graliam Fish 3i I>akin Jacob W ; Oen. Store 3J Morion D. D G. S., Flshhiji, &c. 3i 7i TRLliO. Colchester Co. On I. C. U. Tel., ir. U. Exp. & Bank. Pop. 3, f)00. Alley W. B Printer & Pub'r 3 6^ Archibald Arthur A. Carriages 4 8 Archibald C. B Shipping, &c. L'i 3^ Archibald J. P., & Co Ji. A: S. & ^ ni ., Hats & Caps S ^^ ** Archibald James Blacksmith 3^7^ Archibald Uoss Gro. .&c. 3 OJ Archibald Samuel Tanner ( oi &:Mnfr. Fertilizeis | "^^ Aroliibald W. T Oen. Store 3 Atkins H. L Drugs 3i Bates Mrs. M. E Fruits & Confec. 3^ Beck Wm. H Tailor 6 Bebe Bros Musical Goods 3 Bt 11 & Co Dry Godds 3 Bent Charles ... Physician 2J Bigtlow J. B., & Co Mineral Waters 3 Birrell & liettie Hardware, } ni o. Lumber, &c. \ ^^ '^J Birrell W. M Tailor 3 Black & Co Flour & Gro. 2 Blaiichard J. F.. & Co Dry Goods 2 BHgii & Prince Carr. & Ag 1 Jmplts 2^ Boggs Thos. M Tea, &c. 3 Brown W Liquors 3 Bruce Hector Baker 3 <.'arter Alex Hotel 4 CaSM)n & Learmont .Hot»d 3 Chambers Electric Light & Power Co. (Limited) 3 < hambers Woodworking Co. (Limited)? Mt'rs. Furn., &c. ^ "Colchester Sun," ' The See W. B. Alley. Conner John Hats, Caps & B. & S. 3 6 Cox C. F., & Co Stoves & Tins Cox W. S Tanner ( raig & Ivent Mnfrs Hats, &o. 2J 3i ( 'raig llicbard, & Son Grocers 2^ 4^ Croscup Jamc!* H., & Co D. G., &c. 3' f) Crowe JohnF Block & Pump Mkr. 2^ 4i ('rowe John S I.uilder 4 Crowe \j. G., & Co Photographers 3 (ij Crowe Lucius B Prott.,&c.*3 Crowe S. S Builder 2J 5 Ciimndngs Wm., Sons & Co. ..Gen. Store 2 3 Cunningham & Curren Grist iVIill See Halifax . 290 7i 6 3 '-'i 7 6i 6i 2i4i Currie Mrs. H Confec , &c. 4 8 Currie John Baker 4 8 CuttfW J. Lewis Victualler Dover James Seeds A Ag'l Implts 2* B DownieGeo. T Confec. ,&c. 3 6 DupeG. K Liquors 3* Faulkner Wm Lumber & C S 4 Fitch, Pattillo, & Co Whol. Stat'y , ni oi & Fey. Goods \ ^^ "^i Forbes A., & Co Stoves di Tinware 3i 'i Eraser Simon Hotel 3 7 Fulton & Mills Agents Ag'l implts, I ,, . Feed, &c. M ' Fulton Geo. O Stat'y & Fcv Goods 2i Z FumagalliD Painter 3 7 Oourley W. B., & Co Clothing, &. Lasts » & Pegs ) HydeGeo Dentist 3 7 Jamiesou John Stoves, Tinware, &c. 2i 4i Johnson 1. S D. G., &c. 4 8 Juliiision Ralph T Grocer 3i 7^ Kent J. Harvey Coal, &c. 3 King W. D., & Co Patent Meds., &o. 3 6^ Lawrie & Mino Tailors 3i 7i Lewis John, & !jon — J^astA Peg Fcty. 2i 5 1-intou David Carriages 3 6i Linion W. F Crockery, <&c. 3 ti LiltieDavidW Woolen Mill 3 (i^ Lognn VVil iaiu E Carriages 2^ '"'■ Met lure Alex... ,. Lumber 3 7 McCully Caleb Jeweler 4 McDonald Mrs. Anna Grocer 3 6 McKlhinny L. B Painter 3^ 7^ Mcintosh Duncan. . . Tidlor 2$ 4^ McKay & Crowe Boots & shoes 3 7 ]McKay John H Physician 2i 5 McKay & Ross Grocer 3 7 M cK ay Thomas Flour & Feed 2i 4^ McKian C, E Whol. Boots & Shoes '2,\ 4i McKenzio ^K. L Hotel 3 McKeizie <& Graham Vic! nailer.- 3 C McLennan Charles A Photogvapher 3^ McLeod George (.Bible Hill) . Grocer I „ - & Blacksmith ) •* ' IMcLeod George J Grocer 3 7 McMullen Arcliibald JiUmber 3i :Slc:MulUn r. G . . .Geu. Store & Lumber 2 2h McN utt Edward E Grocer 3 tii M.'Kobert W. E.,&Co Furniture I & Undertaker ] Mahon & Adams Liverv Stable I oi r '(Sc^eedf'^* ^ Mahon J. C Liquors, &c. 2J| 4^ Millar A Marble 3 7 Miller Isaac G •.,. Livery stables 3 7 iSiills A. C Printer & Publisher 3J Mills W. N Jeweler 3i 7^ Mofue N. T , Mfr. Soap 3i Moran James H Harness 3^ 7^ :Morgan C. P Watchmaker 3i 7J Morrirtoa E Confectioner, &c. 4 Muir D. H....f., Pliysician 2i 3i Muir William S Physician 3 ti Murphy A. Stanley Hotel 3 0^ •Mutray JohnR ..Blacksmith 3^ 7j 2s eh on D,, & Son Gen. Store 3i Tup NOVA SCOTIA. Vic 3 7 2HJ 4 « Hi 3j I ^i 3i n 2i4i 3j7i 4 8 2i4i 2i4i 3 6 2i3J 3 tii 2k 3i 4 3i ^i '2 k 5 •4 ^i 2.', 5 3 4i ii.-on. 3i 4 8 3 Ci Nolon .Tereiniali Tins Odell William F Dnig» Page A. C Phyrician Kyan Hollis W CJrootr Schiirmun Alex. G Trader Smallwood Robert.. .Mfr. Mill ^Ia^!h'y Smith A, H Jeweler Smith Aubrey E — Drugs Smith David H. , & Co .... Stationery i & Fancv Goods I Smith James S. ..Carpenter, ^Iiller, &c. Smith Jes.sie C Siatiimery Snook Joseph J TrunkK, ( Saddlery, H'ware, &<•. ( Snoolt Will am H (Jiocer Spencer Bros. , & Turner Mf rs. I Sashes, Doors &c. | StanfieldC. E Mfr. Knitted Goods Stuart Charles Harufss Truro Condensed Milk & Canning (;o. (l.,imited) Truro Foundry & Macliine Co Tapper H Harness Turner Kiehard J. .H'ware, Grocer, &c Wallter & Ha son H'ware, &c. Wallcer L. J.,&Co H'ware Wallier & Page Marble Ste Walker & Ha Wlnans I. T Hotel Young Miss S. C Confectioner Yuill W. G Auctioneer & Jeweler TUPPERVILLE. Annapolis Co. Tel. & Bank. lirnJy('fi)U'ii,5mile8. Exp., Annri- polis, 'J mileg. I'op. 160. Calder William 11 Lumber SJ 7i Willett r> m. F Gen. Store 3 TUSKET. Yarinoutli Co. Also Tusket Wedge. Tel. & Bank, Yarmouth, 10 miles. Pop. 500. Babine Cyrille Gon. Store Bingay John M Physician Gardner Simeon Gen. Store Gilman W. 11 Hotel Harding Sniiili Grocer HattieliJ K., & Co .Gen. Stor*' & Ship'g Hattield Job L Gen. Stofe Hattield l.loyd Sewing Macliines Hattield Mrs. S. L Gen. Siore Hilton Philip Gen. Store Kirby Thos Pbys'ii & Drugs Lent W.J ti«i». «tore Porter J. H., & Co. (T. Wedjje) Gen. I Store, Fish & W. 1. Goods 5 Bobbins Asa Trader Simouson E. Blks. & Shipping TWO ISLANDS. See Parrsboro'. TWO RIVERS. Cumberland Co. BarnhlllB. B Lumbers UPPER ECONOMY. Colchester Co. See Economy. ■ ■'"' UPPER KINGSTON. Kings Co. See Aylesford. UPPER LA HAVE. Lnnenberg Co. See Biidgewater. 3 6 3 G ^ 5 4 8 3 (J '^ 4i 2i 5 3.) 3i Ti 3 « 2i 5 3i 2i 4 4 3 6 : l.\'' t il'tl UPPER MIDDLEBORO. Cumberland Co. Sep Middleboro. UPPER MUSQUOnOBOIT. Halifax Co. Tel. <& Exp., Drookjithl, 23 milts. Hank, Truro, 31 miles . Pop. 1 ,100. Archibald Neil Saw Mill 3 6 Arcbil)ald P. O Harneys 3i 7i Archibald Wm Gen. Store 3i 7 Butler .Jas Blacksmith 8 7 Dominiou Liniment Co 2i 5 Fulton Geo Gen. fetore See .Stewiacke. Pearson Dr. Wm Drugs 3 C Boss Daniel Blacksndih 4 Stewart J. Spro't Gen. Store 3 6^ UPPER RAWDON. Hants Co. Sim Charles Gen. Store 3 7 UPPER SOUTH Kl VER. Antlgonish Co. See South lliver Lake. UPPER STEWIACKE. Colchester Co. Also Burnside, Middle Stewiacke, also Pem- broke and Springtide. Exp., /itvokfteld , 10 viileis. Hank, Truro, 24: mil en. I op. 300. Bates Geo Gen, Store 3 7 Blaikie D.M. (Burnside) Saw Mill Cliule George R Watchmaker 4 8 Cox IHmcan (Southvale) Blacksmith 4 8 Cox James A .Movviiig( , „ Machines, &( . ) "* * Cox Milton S Harness 3^ 7^ (ox Kobisoii Pli\sician 3 7 Creelman damps, & Co Woolen Mill Dickie J. K Gen. Store 2 3 Dun lap Samuel T Trader 3 7^- Fisher Albert (Springside) — B'smith 4 Fislier Jolin (Mid.ile .S.j. ...IJlacksmith ^ 7* Flake MarshalUMiddle S.).. Blacksmith 3| 7| Friiser William Mill & Gen. Store \i\ Fulton Geo Gen. Store 3 6i Johnson David B Gen. Store 4 fiohnston Geo. S. (Newton .Mills .B'Si'iih 4 8 Lays Wm Mills 3 7 Logan I*'. J Gen. Store 4 Log.m H.H. (Pembroke) Carriages 4 8 McDonald John C Shoemaker 4 McKenzie Donald Gen. Store & ( „, Grist Mill | '^i Nickersou J. E Tinware, (irocer. &c. 4 SniithMarlin Blacksmith 4 8 Smith Robert B Phybician 3i VALE COLLIERY. Pictou Co. See Thorburn. VALLEY. Colchester Co. Higgir.s Thos , ' . Mill 4 8 VICTORIA BRID:JE. Annapolis Co. See Bear River. VICTORIA MINES. Cape Breton Co. See Low Point. VICTORIA VALE. Annapolis Co. See Middleton. VICTORIA AVHARF. Kings Co. Morris Henry Gen. Store 3 6i Vjr NOVA SCOTIA. Wes VIRGINIA. Annapolis Co. See (JleineutBvale. VOGLiER'S COVK. Lunfenburg Co. Tel., Mills Village, G vnlta. Bank, Bridge- water, 20 miles. Pop. 500. Rafuse W. A Gen. Store 3i 7i 8i)lnney Obadiah Gen. Store Vogler James P Gen. Store, &c. 3 6 Vogler Tlioniaa Eldred. .Gen. Store, &c. 3 6 WALLACE. Cumljerland Co. AIbo Wallace Bri. 1 ,-lUO. Bailey L. C. C Sailmaker 4 Blngav (Jeo. T I'hysioian 4 Bowers E. C Gen. Store, Fish, &c. (Joggiiis Andrew ?'ish & (irocer Coggin'^ Livingston (ien. Store, &(!. Collins John E Flour, Fish, &c. Denton Wm. M Gen. Store Ford Si Peter Gen. Store FordKobieVV Gen. Store Frost Peter W. (L. Kiver) .... Fi-h. &c. GlavinO. H Gen. Store Haycock Maurice . . . .Fish & Gen, Store Hicks Charles Hf)tel Lent F. B Gen. Store Outhouse A. H. (Tiverton) .Gen. Store Outhouse Milton (Tiverton) .Intel Outhouse Wesley (Tiverton). Trader Peters Maurice D Gen. Store & Fish Powell Nelson Trader llnggles II. W Gen. Store Huggles St. Clair (Tiverton). Gen. Store Titus H. B Lobsters WEST IIIVEB. PIctou Co. Also West Kiver Stati-^n and Wattrvale. On I. C, n. Tel., n\ U. Bank, Truro, 21 miles, Exp. Pop. 120. Anderson Itobert(W, K. Station). G.S. ^ 7i Archibald Samuel ( Watervale) (irlst & Saw Mill .S 7 Eraser Colin (W. It. Station). Gen. Store 24 5 Munro C. H PhyMician 2^ 5 Smith A. W Saw & Grist Mill WESTVIIiLE. PIctou Co. Exp. & Bavk, Stellarton, 3 miles. Tel. U. Pop. 2,200. Acadia Coal Co See St<«llai-ton AcaiUan Co-operative Society (Limi- ) ted) ften. Store ( Ralfour Duncan Dry Goodn & P.O. Cameron Fred Gen. Store Douglas James Tailor Fraaer Daniel Boots & Shoes FraserRod'k .Drugs Fraser Wm. , & Co Gen. Store Graham Alex Gen. Store Gray Thomas J Gen. Store Gunn Norman Gen. Store Hood J. Andrew Stoves Intercolonial Coal Mining Co Johnson Wm . /Tailor & Hotel McDonald Geo Gen. Store McDonald John A Gen. Store McDonald Kobert A Gen. Store 3 6i 3 7 3 6,i ••'i 4 :!i 3 «* i 7 4 8 3i 3 7 3i 3 3^ n 3i 4 3i fV. 3 4^ 2t 5 4 3 H 6| 6J 3 3 24 5 3 6 3 7 3 fi 3i 7i 1 1 McDonald William Hotel & Liquors McKay Mrs. Geo Gen. Store McKav Mnnloch SIum'S McKeen Ml^s Millinery .McKeuKie Duncnn Boots & Shors McKenzie Fletcher A . . Slioes Mclven/.ie Hugh Grocer McKenzie Norman. Kestaiirant McLaren Geo.." Furniture See Pi clou McLeofI James Gen. Store Madden Thos Saloon Maxwell John Grocer Miinro(4eo. E D. G., Tailoring. &c. Munro R. (J Gro. & H ' ware Mnnroe .las. D Tinware & Stoves Heed James Gen. Store Kobert«ion Alex Tailor Robertson Daniel Livery Stable Koy Mrs James Dry Goi «19, &c. Sewall .lonathan (Grocer Sutherlan* Dry Goods, &c Sutherland Mrs, Robert Gen, Store 'I'reen E, J . ...Gen. Store Wh te J Liquors Williamson Jumes Liquors 2i ."> 3i7i 3 4 3i 3 3 3i 3 3 3i 3 3i 3i 4 4 3 7i ^ WEYMOUTH. Dlgby Co. Also Weymouth Bridge and Weymouth Mills. On W. C. R. Tel., W. U Exp., Diyhy, 20 miles. Bank. J'op.SOO. Annis Chas, C Harness 4 Balcom C. E Jeweler 3J liarnabv OJidcon Physician 2^ 5 Bellveau J. B Slioes 4 Brooks II. W. (W. Bridge) B'snnth 3 6 Brown .las. ( W. Bridge) Liquors 3 Burke Tliomjis F Painter, &c Burill Charles &Co. (W. Bridge ),Q.S. ) & Shipping <, See'also Wm. Burrill «&Co.. Yarmouth Butler N. E Publisher, &c. 3 Campbell G. Douglas. G.S. , LumlM>r, &c. 2^ Comeau E. P Tailor 4 Ellison H. E Physician 3 Ethier Joseph Tins Gates A, C, & Son (W, Millf)- . • Mill I & Lumber ( Goodwin John Hotel Hankinson Chas H Gen. Store Hogan Edward (W. Bridge) Gen. Store 3 Hoyt Geo. J. (W. Bridge). . G S. & P.O. John Edward ( W. Bridge) . . .Flour, &c. Jones C. Dwight Gen, Store & I'.O. Jones Forbes W. Bridge) Hotel Jones St. Clnir Shipping Journeay Lindley (W. Bridge) Shues ) & Tannnr S LovettMrs. F8ther(W. Brldgi) .. G.S. Moore William H., sr. (W Bridge) Blacksmitli Muise Joseph (W. Bridge) Tailor 3 6 Nichol Freeman. . Carr. & Furniture SJ 7i Oakes B L. (W. Bridge) Dry (Joods 2i 5 Rice T..C.(W. Bridge) G.S.} 2*5 Shipping, &c, i ^' " Rugglea Dr. Henry D Drugs 3 « Taylor Geo, (W. Bridge) Gen. Store 3 6 WHITE H AVEN. Guysboro Co. Feltmatc James H Gen. Sotore 3^ 7i Harris W.S tJeu. Store 4 8 2D3 3i2 7 4 8 7 2Mi .3i7i 3J 7 3 3 7 6 6i 3 6 2i3J 3J 6i 6 Win NOVA SCOTIA. Win McDonald Valentine Gen. Store 3i 7j Portland Paokiiijr Co. .. Canned (ioo's 1 1 See alBo Davis, BHxtiT & Co. ) rortlaiul, Me. j Wills .lolin S lien. Store Jj 7i WHITE HKAD. Guy8bi>ro' Co. See Wliite Haven. WHYCOCOMAH. InvcirnesB Co. Nearest 11. li. station, J'ort Mulyrare. Tel. Pop. 400. Austin Thomas Saddler 3A Carniiclnu'l .lohn Blacksmith Hj 7^ Cannichael Duncan ticn. Store \i (JJ (Jillis .Angus Dye WorkB 4 h HMrt.FacohS.,* Co (4.mi. Store 2i 4 McDonald Mrs. Catherino Gen. Store 8 6 McDougall Win. 1) Gen. Store 3 Mclveeii LowisS., &Co.Q.S. & Tannery McIiJ^an Peter A Carriages 3 7 ^lel.eod Daniel Gen. Store 4 8 Mcl.eod Malcolm Carriages 4 8 McLeod Norman Tailor 4 8 McMillan Kdward (ie!i. Store M cl'liail James Gpu. Store 3i Matheson Norman Blacksmith .tj Mit.hell homas Kotel 3 6 Watters John C Carriages WIL.I.IAMSTOWN. Annapolis Co. Nearest li. R, Station & Tel., Lawrencetown. Bank, ftruhjetoiuii. Bishop Thos. G Gen. Store ^ 7^ Marshall James O Butcher 4 WILiMOT. Annapolis Co. Also Farmington and Melvern Square. On W. & A. It. Tel., MUMIeton, 3 miles. £.cp. , AnnnpoJiif ,31 milen. Bank, Brklyetoron , 17 miles. Pop. 2()0. Cumminger Ebenezer. .....Gen. Store 3 6 Gouclier Inglis P. (M. Square) Peddler 3 7 McNeil E. F. M. Square; Trader 3i Messenger Edward V Gen. Store 3^ Pearson T. A Flour, &e. 3 7 Phinney Timothy (M. Square) \ „ n Randall W, eT., & Co Grist Mill, &c. 3 fii Shaftner C. H. (Farniinglou).Gen. Store 4 8 Spurr Shippy. (M. Square) Mill 3 6 Wliite Cha«. W Tins 3i 7i Wilmot Corset — Factory (Farmington) 3} WINDSOR. Hants Co. On W. & A .R. Tel., W. U. Bank. Pop. 3,000. AkerJohn Boots & Shoes 3^ 7i Allen -lohn Gen. Store 3 G Anslow J. J Printer & Pub'r. 8 Archibald Eli Saddler 3^ 7i Bennett James A Plaster 3 7 BirdT. H.... Jeweler 4 BlackJ. B Physician 3 6i Burgess & Wood Grocers 2J 5 Burke Mrs. M D. G. & Millinery 4 Carver I. Fred D. G. 2i 4^ Chittick John Tins 4 Cochrane. H .Blacksmiths 6 Cox John,jr Hotel 3 6^ Cox Jolin, sr. (near) Grocer 3 6^ 294 Oftndall Noble Tailor 4 Curry .M ark Shipping 2 Curry Thomas Blacksmith v* Curry W. H.,&Co Hot. Furniture 2 See also Windsor Furniture Co. Curry Win Planing Mills A 3 Undertaker Dakin Beglnald B Drug^ 3 DeWnlfe Will. A ... Carriages 4 Dimock C, Henry Bo its <& Slutes 2i Dimock l':ro' Co. Trwlii Gpo. B (Joii. Sloro 3 Jiiicas Mm. Vra Gen. Store, Sic. WlTTKNtJUli;;. Colchester Co. See Lower Htowiacke. WOLFVILLK. Kings Co. On W. & A. li. Tel., W. U. Bank. Pop. 800. IJaines O. P Taiior, &c. See Canidng. 15arH8 John W (\ipitaliHt Jienjainlu S. 1' Urist & Saw Mills Higelow James W Speculator Miahop C. C Grocer I'.ishopE, I) Ht)tol 1 iishop Johnson Flour, &c. JJordeu Chas. H Carriuy;e8, &c. Borden Clarence H B. & S, &(!. Brown J. IngHrsoU Blacksmith Brown Walter H ware .tc. Burgess C. llufus Shipping Caldwell, Chambers & Co I). (}. See Burns & Murray, Halifax. Davidson Bros I'jinters 3^ 7J Farrell H. D Hotel 3] Franklyn J. L Blacksmith 3 6 ilamilioii Miss S Millinery 3i llarrisO. 1) D. G. 3 6i lli-,'jius VV. J Coal 3i Ideal Manufacturing Co. Mfrs. Washing ) ,,, .. Machines \ ^^ ^* INIorse James S Grocer & Fl ur, Munro Daniel A Blaiuug Mill. &c. PatriquinC. A Saddler Bratt Rupert Grocer Band Geo. V. Drugs «& Fancy (loods Rice Lewis Photographer Rockwell & Co Musical Gooils, &c. Shaw D. B Shoen>aker&? Tannery j Shaw John M Barber, Tobacco, &c. See Windsor Sleep Simeon II . . ..Tinware & Stoves Wallace George H (irocer «& Shipping Wallace Wm Tailor Wc^ston Mrs. Joseph Confec. Wilson James Harness Witter Burpee I). G. Woodman A. J Carriaires &^ Undertaker . . .Panip St IllcM^kniVr 2J jlortoii .lonntliitn (Iruror 4 Itiu-hti^ •loshua Furniture, &c. 2^ IIiiNniaii Henry A ' HrrlH(|rH 4 lIiirlluTt .1, H UfNtRiirttnt 4 K«lley MluB A. L ArtlMn' MhIMs 4 Kellt'y K. K I'liynlclRii » K iMiifi's. Sa»lu'u S Lnw \Vm„ & Co Uro., Auction & ., shlpplnKl *■ I.awHon Alex Printer & IMil>. 2J I.eut .l)une>' IJlacksinlth .'ij I.foniinl W. H . . 'Huwani 3 J.iwls H. & \. B Fi8l\&Sut.pUe8 2 LewiH, S!it'l»l()U St Co {4ri)cer 2* l.incoln & VMlliams TlnsniiHis 2J l.ovlttt* Co Shipping 1 I.ovitt (ieo. H Shippinjf I i-ovitt IsraeUM rhyfloian 4 Lovitt \V. I> Sliipplnj? I MoCHlhnn Angus J Druj^s 4 M(.(till Oliver Marblecutter 4 Mol.aughlin Bros Dry (Joods. &c. SeeaI^o Annnpolia Millen \Vm Boots & Slioes jniler Frod Baker Milton Manufacturing Co. (The) Clip. $20.00 > Moody J. W IUS.& Shipping 2A jloitondt'O J plumber, &e. 2j Mosol. y Alfred Patent iVieds. 4 MoHeH iv Koss Dry (ioods 3 Murphy John Suipping li McholsK. :M Hotel u'C'onuell Timothy Variety 4 Parke- , Eakins & Co Whoi., Gro. , ( Fish & Coin'n ( Parker Geo. F Photogriiptoer 3J Pendngh & Crawford.. .Brass Founder 3 Porter & Peudrigh Dry Goods 3 Poller A. W Blacksmith & Grocer U Powell Mrs. M. A MUlUiery 3j ■ 2^6 8 H B 7 2i 2i 2i4* 3 6 7 .3 5 T) I H 8 I 2 3 3i H 2 Bandall W. A. Phy vloinn Huy llroti CarrlagemnkcrB Itedding Am«m It HlaukHniilh A | Carriages ( ItlehardH C . C. , & Co I »r ngn & » Patent Meils. I IJltchie .lohn K. fMllton) ... Tinsmith Hlteldc Thomas K Painter hol>l>ins A. C Shipping See also Parker, Kaklns & Co. Uobhlurt Benj. D .. PhmI, &c. Uolibins Go ■ ••.\.1- ;...';i,r: r . .. 4 3 7 3J 7i 2i 6 4 4 2 8 3i7J 3 6i 3 Ci 3 6i 2 3 2J3i 2i 5 4 3 6 3 5 ?<| P 2| 5 3 T 3 7 4 8 2A5 2i 5 2 2* li 2 2 3 .-, •, )• I , ,,. • 1, ( 1.- _.f •» ■^\ -,..;.,;•! .! '.'A .. • fi'l! I. - ..„■•"() '■ I ' ■! '! • «■. ■ h- • , ... n •■■ ■' ~,-,.-..',ft ■,-.,> , > . . , '! 'I ) ' M . ■ > :■■■ } V I I'l \.* Il'ri .-I' li ^it'. .}j'i.'*;* I %\ .-> '!• I ' n •'V . .)■'.»' • ' "... Mil :','.■ ,.,.;! ■■v..-' ■ , ■ ' ,i'.-i :, .1 1 'ivi ■ • ' ...(! rf- . t ' A.n !//.;'!/'ji'-i ,Vv i*> .;«• : I »■'/■/' I I i t ,-,t # ) I . < . 1 1 NEWFOUNDLAND. A1>MIRAL'B COVK. Condon & Kliij,' Supplies 3 6J BAKltKD IHLANDH. Or Fogo. Pop. 270. Kolls James, Jr. . . Oon. Store & FlBliliig BAY OF ISLANDS. Bra>;g .Tohn C. fBenolt's Cove).. .Trader '.i^ Carter TLoniMS rish a 6i BAY KOBKRTS. Pop. 1 ,000. Bnrsell Wm. H Gen Stores 6i DawC, & A Gen. Store 2i 4 Jardiue flnnies Gen. Store 3 7 Merc<'rKli (Jen. Store 3 6i Slnii)Soii Robert (len. Store .'5J Taylor R. H Gen. Store 3 6 BAY ST. CJEOIKiE. Butt Nathaniel Trader 3 LeKoux Edward Fibbing, &o. BETTS COVE. . /• Pop. 300. New foundland Consolidated Copper | . , Mining Co Copper Mines) " , BLANC SABLON. Job Bros. &Co ...Supplies See St. John's BONAVISTA. Also Gambo, Poole's Inland. Pop. 2,600. ■ . . Baine, Johnston & Co Supplios Sec St. Jolin'8 KtanA. (Poole's Island) Supplies 3 Knee Wni. (Toole's Jslnnd). ...Supplies 2^ 4J Muriliy flobn J. (Ganibo) Lumber Kyan James Supplies 2 2J Slielton & Forbes Pliysicians 2i 6 BON ESFEBANCE. Whiteley Wm. H Supplies BONNE BAY. .' . ' . •-■ '( ■/..• . ■■ Population 300. CoxF., & Co Traders 4 Koberis John 11. . . Gen. Store 3 6^ BRiors. Also Southern Gut. Population 2,000. Green W. A Gen. Store I Hunt Wm 'liiisniith ; JerrittGeo. C.Gen. Store, Builder. Ae. KavanaKh Thomas F Drii^H Makinson George 'J rader Nowlan I'atriek Oen. Store ; Smith Alfred, Kstate of (Cuplds).TradorH Smith (itorge (Cupids) Ti'adttr Smith George Trader Smith Joliu G Gen. Store : I'arehan •lames G«-n. Store Winter Mrs. L Gen. Store BIIKGES. Dicks Edward Gen. Store, Fish, &c. 4 BITRIN. Also Spoon Covp, Population 1,850. Bishop Bros Supplies, &e. Collins John K Supplies Goddard George M. (Spoon (Vve).(ien. \ Store, Fish. &e. ( Gorman & Koach Traders Inkpeii John Trader Morris Mrs. E Gi n. Store, &c. OBrien James Gen, Store Paul John Trader Payn Ernest A Gen. Store, &c. Payn "W. B Gen. Store, Fish, &c. CARBONEAR. Population 2,000. Brocklehurst George J. Drugs & Grocer Brown Thomas Grocer Donnelly John Dry Goods Dutf & Balmer I>ry Goods Goff Tliomas Tailor (iould B. T. n Com'n & Supplies Joyce Bros Gen. Store. & Supplies Kenealey John Fishing Supplies 3J Maddock.T. &J Gen'l Dealers Peach G. & A Grocers & Prov. 3 Pearoe John Dry Goods ^ Penny Bros Gen". Store 2 J 4^ Porke John Gen. Store, &c. 2 3 Simi>son & Black Gen. Store 4 8 Tucker & Cameron Supplies Udell Joseph Gen. Store 3i 3 3 7 3 3i7i 3 7 2H} 3 (J 2 4 3 7. 3 7 3* I 4 ^ 6 8 CATALINA. Population 1,300. McCormack & Walsh Gen. Store Suellgrove Benj., & Sons. . . Gen. Store ) & Supplies f Stone Josiah Trader 297 2i3i 4 '• Cha NEWFOUNDLAND. Pla CHANNEL,. Population 600. Bowring B ros Supplies See St. John Carter Wm Supplies 3^ Dicks Tliomas Supplies 3 Gillian Captain Michael Supplies 3 Gillian Solomon Supplies 3 Keating James W Supplies 3 McCourt Philip Gen. Store Sep St. John Poole J Trader 3 6 CONCEPTION DAY. Hayden Richard Supplies, &c. 3 6 CUPIDS. See Brigus. DILDO COVP. Portland Packing Co. ... Canned Goods 1 1 See also Davis, Baxter & Co., Portland, Me. EXPLOll'S KIVEK. Population 680. Manuel Josiah Gen. Store Phillips Joseph W Lumber 3 FEKRY LAND. Population 680. White John Supplies 3 6^ / ; , TOGO. . , Population 740. Duder Edwin Supclies See St, John's. Hodge John W Gen. Store, &c. 3 Owen & Esirle Gen. Store See Twillingate. Scott Robert Supplies 3 Waterman & Co Supplies See Twillingate. FORTUNE BAY. Al8o St. Jacques. Population 800. Burke Bros. (St. Jacques;. . . .Supplies ? „ _ & Fishing I ^ ^ Burke Dmiius Gen. Store, &c. 3 5 Evans Edward Supplies 2* 41 Lake J. E. G Fish, Lobstws, &o. 2| 5 Lake John Gen. Store & Fish 2| 4i GAMBO. See Bonavista. GRAND BANK. i Buifett George A Gon. Store 2J 6 Foote Bros Gen. Store, & Lobsters 3 Forsey Geo Gen. St ^re 3i Forsey John Fisli 4 Harris E. I Gen. Store &c, 3i 7i Harris Samuel Gen. Store 3 7 GREEN'S POND. Hutchins Phillips H Supplies 2i 4J White Fred'k ...Gen, Store & Supplies 298 HANTS HARBOR. Watson James H . Supplies 4 HARBOR BRITON. .••■-v -■■■^■^ Population 360. Newman & Co Supplies A 1 HARBOR GRACE. Pop. 6,700. liankiny town, St. Jnlui's. ButtWm Gen. Store, &p. 8 7 Cairns T. M Provi-ions, &c. 2^^ 5 Davis & Co Dry Goods. &c. 3 Dwyer Peter Supplies L'^ 4 Karrell Patrick Grocer & laijuors 3 7 Godden .Joseph Gen. Store, &r, 3i Green Daniel J Supplies Gu.«liie G«'orge W. (Harbor Grace Junc- tion) Grocer Harbor Grace Water Co.. Henessey John Grocer Henessey William ._. . ... Gr. cer HiggiiiR J, F 3 Gi 3 A r>i 3 64 4t 'M 4V :U7l n 2i 5 2| Blockmaker 3i Jone.s .Michael .Gen. Store, Blocks, &c. Kennedy C L Tinsmith Maddock Jo'ni Gen'l Mcr. McKinnon Murdock Tiiilor Munn John, & Co Gen. Merchants Murphy John Dry Goods Parsons Mark Supplies Paterson & Foster Merchants Ross C W. . & Co Dry (ioods Rutherford Andrew . .. .Flour & Coal Rutherford Richard (4rocer Sliea Dennis Liquors 2J 4^ StewHrt Neil Grocer & Provisions 3 Strapp John Supplies 3 Strattie John Tins <& Stoves 3^ Syrle Jeweller 4 Tliompson Wm. H Druggist 2i Township Timber & Land Co. (Limited). Trapnelle Henry, & Co. . . Crockery, &c. Ward Wm Prov. & (irocer Warren James Carriages, &c. Watts H. .J Grocer, &c. Webber G Drugs HARBOR LE COU. Horwood H Trader 2J 5 RidoutBros ' Gen. Store 3 HEART'S CONTENT. See Trinity Bay. L.A POILE. Population 100. . ,\ Renouf . Clement & Co , Fish 3 Small Joseph Supplies 4 Strong Jos Fishing Supplies L'j 4J LITTLE BA . Reddiu 0. O'B Gen. Store, &c, 3 ODERIN. • Population 400. • i Power Philip , Supplies 3 7 PLACENTIA. BradshawW. & A Fish, &c. 2i 5 Portland Packing Co.. . .Canned Goods 1 1 See also Davi.>*, Baxter & Co., Portland, Me. Simiott Edward.... Gen. Store, Fish, &c. 2i 6 Poo NEWFOUNDLAND. St. J POOLE'S ISLAND. ■ See JSonavista. PORT DE GRAVE. Buttler Peter. ....Gen. Store & Fishing 2i 4 ' ROSE BLANCHE. Population 460. Rldout Bros Gen. Store See Harbor le Cou. KoUs James, & Co ... Supplies ROUND HARBOR. Population 70. Job Bros. & Co Gen. Store, &c. See St. John's ST. ANTHONY, Moore J.&F Fish, &c. 3i ST. JACQUES. See Fortune Bay. /' i. ,,' ST. JOHN'S , , ' A hanking toion. Po^). 31,000. Adrain Jolin Tailor 3 6^ Albert Soap & Candle Works See J. & W. Pitts Allen T J Grocer 4 Allen W. J Jeweller 3i 7^ Anderson .Fohn Dry Goods 3 cj Anderson Robert Grocer 4 8 Angell Jas., & Co — Victoria Engine I .,, - & Boiler Works ( ^^ ^ Archibald's Newfoundland Tobacco) Works (Limited) .... Mnf rs. Tobacco [ 2i 3i & Cigars » Army & Navy Depot. . . .Wines, Liq., &c. See John J. Kearney Atlantic Hotel Co. (Limited) 2^ 4 Avalon Wood Manufacturing Co 3 ^ Axford F. H . . Crockery & Glassware 3 7 Avre J. B. & G Bakers & Conf ec 2i 4^ Ayre J. B. & G., & Co Crockery. &c. See J. B. & G. .♦.yre Ayre % Sons Dry Goods 1^ 2 Baine, Johnston & Co Merchiints A 1 Also Baine & Joh'iBv>n, Greenock, G. B. Baird Bros Dry (Joods 3 Buird Jas Grocer & D. (J. 2 2^ Barnes & Co Grocer 2i 6 Beams Mrs. Alice Grocer, Ac. Beams George E Grocer & Prov. 2^ 4i Beams Thos Furniture 4 Bennett C. F., & Co. Coni'n. Supplies, / ., ., &c. i "^ •* Bennett E. W., & Co Brewery 2i 5 See also J. B. & G. Ayre & Co. Berrigan Patrick Tailor 3* Black Jam s ..Gen. Store 3J 7 Blackwood «& Blair Dry Goods 3 Blatch Henry Livery Stable 4 Bowden & Suns Pub'r & Sewing M. 3i 7i Bowring Bros ..... .(ien. Merchants Also C. T. Bowring & Co., Liverpool and London, G. B. Boyd& McDougall Gen. Merchants Brien Pierce J Printers 7 Bruwuing G., & Sou Bakers 2 3 Bryson Jas Dry Goods Byrne (iarrett. Stationery & Fey. Goods 3 7 Cairns Mrs. Amelia Dry Goods 2i 5 Callahan, Glass & Co Furniture 4 Callahan K. B. &c. Stoves & Tinware Calhnian J.J Prov. '2\ 4J Campbell Wm Cont'r. & Bidlder 2i 4* 6j 7 7 G Campbell Wm Victualler 3 CantwellJ Gro. & Liti- 2^ Carlnrry Miss E. C Millinery, &c. 3 Cjirew .John Undrrtaker 3 Carnell .John T . . Wheelwright & Carr. 3 Carnell Thomas Wheelwright 3^ 7^ Carter Edward F Liquors, C;a.shin John Grocer. 7 ^ 5 3 lSjc. 3 ocer. dtc. 3 Chate David M Wheelwright 31 Chai)lin M 'J'ailor '.\ Cbisholm J. F Books ?i Cliff. Wood & Co Auction & Com'ii, 2' Cole Thos. H Furniture 3^ Coleman -John .J Contr. & Builder 3| 7^ Collier John W Painter 3 7 Clouston W. J Tinware 3 6 Collins Misses Gen. Store Si 7i Colonial Cordage Co. (Limited) 2" 2^ Colonist Piiiitijig Co. . . 3 Connors Michael Drugs lA ^ Connors ^Michael Butcher 2j 4j Cook Wm Butcher 3 5 Cox Jas Tailor & Hotel 3 (jj Craig John Hardware 3 6 CroHbie Geo. G Hotel 3^ 7i Cruikshank A.,& Co Dyers, &c. 3| CurrauJohn Clothier 3 6 Currnn John B.,&Co Auction, &c. 4 Davidson & Fletcher. Grocer, l*rov.,»!tc 3 5 Daymond Joseph Cabinetmaker 3 6^ Dearin J. J., sen Drugs 2^4^ Delgada A . A Grocer, «.tc. 4 Devereux li. J Grocer 3J Dickinson H. K Com'n. & Broker 3 Dicks Mrs. Robert Stationer, &c. 4 DohertyHugh Machinist, &c. 3 Down Robert Boots & Shoes 3i Down Roger Boots & Shoes 3 6 Dryer & (ireen Auction & Conrn. 3 Ducheitdn Jas. L Blockmkr., \'c. Duder Edwin Dry Goods, &c. 2 2J See also Fogo and Twillingate Dundee Seal «& Whale Fishing Co. 2 Earle R. H Jewelry, &c. Ellis <>harles Plumber & Ga.slitter English Capt. Edward Grocer,;&c. English Wm Gen. Store English Wm Watchmaker " Evening Mercury " See J. E. A. Furneaux "Evening Telegram" See Wm. J. Herder Farrell Michael Grohe8, ( . Doors. &c. S Herder Wm. J Publisher i Hickey P — (^rocer 4 Hogan Patrick Gro. & Liq. Horwood J. & T Bakers & Confec. 3 6 Hutchings Chas. D... Sailmaker 2i 5 HuntJames Broker 8 6 Hynes James Auction, &c. 3 J 7) Job Bi OS. & Co Gen. Mers. 1 1 Also Liverpool, G. B. Johnson «& West. Gen. Store, Coal, &c. 2^ 5 Jordan Andrew P Grocer 'dl 7i Jordan P., & Sou Tailors Si D. G. 3^ 7 J Kearney John J Wines, Liq., &c. 2^ 5 Keating Thos Liquors, &c. 3* 7i Kelly Patrick Tailor 3* 7| Kennedy & Co Grocers, &c. 2J 5 King James Grocer 4 8 Knight James R Com'n. 3 . .3^ 74 McCarthy John Liq. & Prov. 3 fij McCoubray John W.B'kseller & Printer 3 7 McCoubrey Mrs Crockery 3i McCourt Philip Grocer & Com'n. 2} 4* McDougall & Templeton.Dry Goods, &c. 24 4i Mc(irath William Saddler 3} McGrath & White. Carriages & Under- 1 q, 71 takers! "^i '* Mclntyre James Marble 3^ 7 J McKay Geo., & Co Grocors & Prov, See Jns. McKay McKay Jas Liquors, &c. 2J 4 300 McKenzie Alex D. G. & Grocer 3i McKenzie John Saddler 3 6 McMnrdo Thomas, & Co Drugs 24 34 McNeil W. Watson, & (Jo ... Drugs See Thos. Mc.Murdo & Co. Malcolm William Tins 3 7 ManningMrs Oilcloths, &c. 3 7 March S , & Sons Coal & Supplies 2^ 4 Mare Wm. H., Son & Co Com'n., &c. 2 2i .\l80 Mare, Hnlmwood &Co., London, G. B. Marshall & Roger.s Drv Goods 14 2 Martin J. & T..D. G., Lea her & H. & S. Martin James H Crockery 2 3 S^e also Jas. H. Martin & Co. Martin Jas. H., & Co Hardware 2 3 Maunder John lailor 34 7i Mews & Pittman Grocers, &c. 2*5 Milliiian Geo. S., jr Books, Stat'y., «&c. 2J 5 Mitchell Mrs Agnes Dry Goods & ) „, Millinery s ^^ Mitchell Thomas Baker 3 MoUoy Thos. N., & Co Com'n SJ Monroe Jloses Gen'l. Merchant 2 Moore .Solomon .Grocer & Liquors 3 Morey M & Co Grocers & Prov. 2 Morison W. D. & Co.. Gro. & Furniture 3 Mott H. F Musical Goods 3i Murray James Whol. Flour & Prov. 2 Myler Bros . . . lilocks & Pumps 3i l] Newfoundland Boot & Shoe ISIfng. Co. 1 „ „' (Limited)! '^ '^ Newfoundland Consolidated Foundry ( Co. (Limited) I Newfoundland Furniture «& Mouldim; I Co. (Limited) ( Neyle Richard Hardware O'Dwyer R Gen. Store, i&c. O'Flaherty & McGregor. . . .Men's Furn'g 3 Ohman Nils Jeweler 3 & Oke Wm., &Son Carriages 3^ 7J O'MaraJohnT Drugs 3 6 O'Reilly John & Jas Grocers & Liquors 3 Parker Lawrence.. .Hardware & Grocer 24 6 Parker & Monroe Boots & Shoes 'j-i 3J Parker Wm., & Co. Hardware, Grocers ( „ & Prov. \ •* Parnell Frederick Grocer Parsons S. H Photographer 34 Peace Robert, & Co. . .Stoves & Tinware 24 3^ Peach J. R Tinware 3J Pearce Aiibyn Com'n & Ins. 3 7 Pennock Jamea Tins 3 7 Phelan .lames.... Grocer & Liquor 2^ 4^ Phel'-ni T Grocer 2^ 4J Pippy W. G. . . .Tinsmith & Mfr. Stove ) ... -. Polish \ "^i ^* Pitts J. &W Prod. & Com'n 2 3J Prowse Robert, & Sons Com'n Mers. 2 3 " Public Ledger See F. W. Bowden Queen's Street Warehouse Co..SuiplieB See J. J. & L. Furlong Rankin Alex, D Grocer, &c. 3 6 Rendell W. & G Building I ^, ^t Materials, Com'n. & Ins. Brokers f ^^ "*» Robertson John Tailor 3i Rogerson P., & Sou.... Gen'l Merchants Roper Henry Builder Roth well & Bowring Com'n 2i 3J Rowse Mre Books 3 7 Ryan Jas. D Grocer & Prov. 24 4i Ryan John Grocer 3} St. John's Gaslight Co 2 3 St. John's Nail Mnfg. Co. (Limited) 2* 4 St. John's Screw Tug Co 2} 5 5 « l\ 3 G4 'A 2 3 ^^ 2J 5 St. J NEWFOUNDLAND. Twi 3 4 3 St. John's Tannery Co 1 li Sclater David Dry Goods 3 bj Sclater Jas. B Mnfrs.' Agt.,&c. 3J 7i Score John Builder Shea & Co. . .Steamship Agts., & Coin'n. 2J 3^ Shea John P . . . Hardware & Grocer 3 7 Shirran PIppy&Co .Dry Goods 2 J 4i SiiuunsJobn S Corn'n 3 Sinnott E. &P Grocers 3 6J Sinnott William Grocer & Prov. Skinner John Marble Sleater Robert L Watchmaker ,&c. Smith A. G.,& Co.Ship Brokers «& Coni'n Smith Alexander Marble Works Smyth M. F Sewing Machines Smyth Robert Boots & Shoes SpryT. W.. & Co Brokers, &c. Stabb Henry J Shipping, &c. Steele S. O Dry Goods Steer John Supplies, &c. Stephen W. & Co Merchants Sterling J. M Coal, &c. Stewart Jas. & Wm Gen. Merchants Stitsoii Thos Painter Stoit James. Grocer, Wines, &c. Studdy John Prod , &c. Taralian John Grocer & Prod Terra Nova Bakery (liimited) 2i 4^ Terra Nova Engine & Boiler Works . I q John ijedinghan, Prop. I Terra Nova Tug & Salvage Co, (Limited) 2i 44 Tessier P. & L ii en. Merchants 2 2J Thomas Nathaniel ... .Toys & Jewelry 4 8 " Times," The. See John W. McCoubray Thornburn James Liquor-t, &c 3i 6 Thorburn Michael Broker 2J 4i Thorburn & Tessier Gen'l Merchants 2 2j Thorburn Wm,, &Son.Grocers & Liquor 3 «i TobinM. & J Grocers, &c. See Micha'il Fobin. Tobin Michael Flour & Liiiuor 2 3 Trellegan Richard Grocer & Liquor 2i 4i Udle John,& Sou Painters Wadden John Shoes 3.i 7^ Wadden N. , sr B. S. & Leather 2^ 3 j W^a sh Mrs Cont'ec. & Fruits 3 Walah Thos Grocer 3 3 3 2. 2\ 3" 2 2 1 1 4 7i 2i 4i 4 4 8 Walsh W. P Grocer & Prov. 2\ 3J We8l& Rendell Com'n &c. 2i 4* White Hugli.... Grocer 4 7i White Lawrence Grocer Whiteford J. & A Watches, &c 2i 4^ Whiteway K, H. & J. ...Grocers & Prov. 4 Winter T.&M Com'n 2i 41 Woods Cliesley Fancy Goods, &c. 4 7J Woods John. & Son Coal I'i 4* Worsley Nicholas. Fruits, Hardware, &c. 3i 1\ SANDY POINT. Or St. George's Bay. Population 400. Bishop Charles R Supplies 3 Garnier Constant.. Supplies 3 Nardlue Antonio Supplies 3 6j SOUTHERN GUT. J See Brigus. ' SPANIAKD BAY. Cleary Wm. F Supplies 3 ' TRINITY BAY. Also Heart's Content. Population 1,400. Bremner Robert S Supplies 2J 4 March S., & Co Supplies See S. March & Son, St. John's. Moore George (Heart's Content) I q «. Supplies! ^ *i TWlLIilNCiATE. Population 2,800, Duder Edwin Supplies See St, John's. Owen & Earle Gen. Store & Fish 2i SJ Tobin Joseph B Supplies 2i 4 Wateriuau Jt Co Supplies 2 3 ....,., See also Fogo. 301 i I , ' S M , .1 . . \ ■ -I ^ I, I ••..•,<•,, . \ > -J.., .< . ! {,r^f^\ jom ■ \r'if- .ll'»i ' . i!jf l-^:\'.\l. H > .'* > .'i' . J./ , i .ii ■' i ■ ■■'. I ,7 J,i jif ■'■ oi; Vii ,n/A !*;/ii()'i7/j/: :v6 , I I. 1 ■..■.-. > 1, II' ) . :i ■. rl I I" iV. .1 I- PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. ':< U I'.. :| J.. ALBERTON. Prince Co. On P. E. 1. R. Ex]}. & Bank, Summerside, 40 miles. Tel. J'op. 700. Agnew John Lobster Packer 2^ 5 liell Mrs Herbert Hotel, &c. 2i 5 liirch & Dyer Geii. Store 4 » CarruthersC. H Woolen Mill Clark K. A Lobster I'acker Cunningham Jas. P Blacksmith, i „i -, Gt-n. Store, &c. | "'^ '5 DyerW. B Drugs, &o, 3 (i Gordan Jas. S Fi4i, &c. 3 6^ Hunter David Ciirriages 4 Ireland .1 Books & ( untcc. 4 McLean Charles Painter, &c. 4 7i McLean John J Physician 3 ti McLeod Alex Flour, &c. 3 C MuttartGeo. S Trader 4 7i MuttartL. & E., Misses Mdlinery Myrick J. H., & Co Fish, &c-. See 'I'ignish O'Brien Daniel Carriages 4 7i Pridliam Kobert S Gen. Store, &c. 4 8 KeidJohnA lailor 3 7 Rogers Benjamin.Gen. Store «& Shipping 3 4i Scott Wm. E Gen. S ore Skerry James Grocer & IJqiiors 4 8 Tuplin liobert Carriages 3} 7i Weeks John T Gen. Store 2^ 6 Wilkinson John Musical Insts. 4 7i Wilkinson T., & Co Traders bi b ANNANDALE. Kings Co. Tel., Georgetown, 10 miles. Exp. & Dank, Charlottttown. Poii. 150. Macdonald A. A. , & Bros Gen. Store See Georgetown. McAuley Mrs. Daniel Hotel 3 (i Mcb'arlane Edwin Gen. Store 3 7 Nichols John Mills 2i 4i ARGYL.E SHORE. Queens Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Charlottetown, 16 miles. McDougall Andrew Gen. Store 3 BAY FORTUNE. Kings Co. See Rollo Bay. BEAR RIVER. Kings Co. Sank, Souris. Costello D Liquors, «&c. 3i 302 BEDEQUE. Prince Co. |';;;'^ Tel. , Freetown, 6 miles. Exp. & Bank, Sum mersiclt'y lU miles. J'op. 200- Wright Colin Gen. Store 8 6 Wright Jeste & Son . .Gen. Store, Mill I „, ^ &c. ( ^i * Wright Major Gen. Store 2^ 3J BEIiFAST. Queens Co. Also Flat River & Eldon , Nearest R. It. Station, I'eake Station, 15 miles. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Charlottetown, 20 miles. Pop 50U. Dixon Alex Saw Mill 3J Lantz Joseph (Eldon) Gen. Store 4 McKenzie K. K. (Flat River). Gen. Store 3 6 McI.,eod 1). A. (EJdon; Gen. Store 2i 5 Jiartin Mariln Blacksmith 3i 7^ Moore James St. C ....... Gen. store & I Mnfr Starch \ Morrison Kenneth R (Eldon)Gen. Store 3J Muich Wellington Gen. store 3 6 Smith A. G Ag'Umplts. 4 BIDDEFORD. Prince Co. Exp. & Hank, Summerside, 20 miles. Tel. P.p. 200. liichards Jas. W ...'. Sliipping 2i 3^ liichards Wm . . .Gen. Store & Sliipping ij 2 BIG CAPE. Kings Co. See Lot 45. BLOOMFIELD. Prince Co. On P. E. I. R. Exp. & Bank, Summerside. Tel. McAusland Arch. .Grist & Carding Mills 'Sk 7^ Pratt John Trader 3} Rennie Louis Traaer 4 BONSHAW. Queens Co. 7'e/., Exp. & Bank, Charlottetoion, 14 miles. Pop. 160. Beaton Samuel Gen. Store 4 BOTH WELL. Kings Co. Tel. & Bank, Souris, 9 miles. Exp., Charlotte- toion. Pop. 14. McLeod John G Gen. Store Bra PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Cha BRADALBANE. Queens Co. On P. E. I. It. Exp. & Bank, Charloftctou-n. Tel. Dixon Kobert Saw & Grist Mills. 3J 7i Doyle Wu) Saw Mill 3 7 Kennedy Samuel Gen. Store, &c. 'Zjt 5 TnperClias.,& Co Gen. Store 3 5 BBAE STATION. Prince Co. ^See Coleman Station. BROOKL.\X, Lot 61. Kings Co. McKinnonD.,&Co Mnfrs. Furn 3i BKIIDENELL, RIVER. Kings Co. On P. E. I. R. Exp. & Bank,Charlottetown. Tel. McLaren Nathaniel Cloth Mill 3 6 McLaren Teier Thysician 6 G BURLINGTON. Prince Co. Tel., Freetown, 9 miles. Exp. & Bank, Summer- side. Pop. 175. ForreslallJohn Gen. Store 3 7 CALEDONIA. Kings Co. Teh, Pisqutd, 14 miles. Exp. & Bank, Char- lotte Ion v. J op. 2{){). McDonald John Gen. Store 3^ 7^ Stewait M. M... Gen. Store 3i CAMPBELLTOWN. Prince Co. Tel., BloomJield,3mile3. Exp. & Bank, Sum- merside. ' Pop. 2uO. Mathesoii John A..Gen. Store, Fish,&c. "Wrigi.t Theodore Mills 2i 5 CANOE COVE. Queens Co. Portland Packing Co .Lobster! ., , Packers. ] ^ ^ See also Davis, Baxter «& Co., Portland, Me. CAPE TRAVERSE. Prince Co. On P. E, I. It. Exp. & Bank, Siimmerside, 19 miles. Tel. Pop. ^'50. Buxton Chas Gen. Store Chappelle Bros Gen. Store, &c 2i 5 See also Tidnish, N. a. Strang Alex. E Hoiel, Ac. 3 6i CAPE WOLFE. Prince Co. Portland Packing Co Lobster I ^ ., Packers) ^ ^ See also Davis, Baxter & Co., ,. ,. 11 Portland, Me. CARDIGAN BRIDGE. Kings Co. On P. E. I. It. Exp. & Bank, Charlottetown. Tel. Pop.5u0. Alley Geo Blacksmith 3i 7i Campbell John J Hotel 4 Grant Peter T Gen. Story 3i Lewis W. P Marbles 6 McDonald Hugh L Coni'n . 3i McDonald Jas. E. MintoWm , Morson & Morgan. Norton J. F Plunmier K. U . . . . Sigsworth Donald. Smith James .Shipbuilder & ) Gen. Store ) .Gen. .Gen .Gen Store . Store , Store 3} Hotel 3J Hotel .Blacksmith 3 6 4 3 CARDIGAN WHARF. Kings Co. Tel., Cardigan Bridge . Exp. <& Bank, Charm loltetnti^n, Daltou James Gen. Store 4 8 CASCITMPEC. Prince Co. See Alberton. CENTREVILLE. Prince Co. • See Bedeque. CHARLOTTETOWN. Queens Co. On P. E. I. It. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Pop. 15,000. Alchoru T. B -.. ..Crockery, &c. 3 6 Apothecaries' Hall Co urugs 3 (J Auld Bros Exporters Kggs & Prod. Balderston Ben Groctr»& Com'n. 3i 7J Harreit James Coal, &c. 3 (>♦ BellJ.H.,& Co Boots & Sines 4 » Beer Bros Jjry Goods 2i 4i Beer Frank 1) I'ljyaician ^j 4j Beer & Uolt Grocers, Fruit, &c. 2^ 4^ Bier & Sons Mulrs. Soap 'i 3 Benoit Clement Grocer, & Jiiq. 3 5 Bevan Freiierick W Liquors 4 Blake Bros Victuulers 2i 3J Bolger Simon Hotel 4 Boniiell K. ft Jeweler 4 8 Bourke & Edmonds Painters ai 7^ Boyle VVm Tannery 'Z^ 4j Brace It. K Grocer 4 Bridges Robert Prov., <&«. Brown Ambrosse L Dry Goods 3 5 Bruce Donald A Tailor Byrne James Grocer & Liq. 3 6^ Cairns & McLean Marble 3 7 Callaghan P.,& Co ...Grocers 3^ 7^ Cameron Bros Grocers, t&c. 3j 1\ Cameron Joliu A Jeweler iij 7j Campbell Thus Kailway House 2^ 6 < larrull John Albion House A Gj Carroll «& McAleer Carrhiges 3i Carter Geo., »& Co Grocers iV i „ „ Seedsmen j "^ ° Carter W. F cont'ec. 3 7 Carveil Bros.... Whol. Grocers & Com'n 'Z\ 3^ Cuapp';lle David . . .Grocer 3 b Chappelle T. L Books & i „ „, Fancy Goods \ ^ ^^ Charlottetown Gaslight Co 2i 4 Charlotteiown Milling Co....'. ]J 2 Charlottetown Wooieu Co Woolens 2 3 Churchill U. M l^ish 3 OJ C'larkin Bros ... Coal 3 7 Clements K Boots & Shoes 3^ Coady Mr.-*. B Liquors Cottlu W. M Grocer 2^ 5 Colwill VV. P Crockery, &c. 3 6J Connolly & Co orocers a^ Connolly Harry C J.,iquor8 Connolly John Liquors 3^ Connolly Mrs. B Grocer . 3U3 Cha PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Cha Cook Geo. H., & Co Photographers 3 7 Cook Thos .,..> Photographer 3i 7i Cojiiibs Geo Grocer, Coal, &e. 3 t Coombs fJohu... Printer 3 6 Crahbe S. \V Hardwares 6i Currie J. D Qfin. Store 3i Davey Chas Grocer & Boots & Shoes 4 Uavies B. S. , & Co TaUoriug & I oi oi Men's Furn'g. Goods ( ^3 "** See also C. E. Uobei tson. Davies J. J Hotel 3 Davison & Co Grocers 3 6 Dawson Win. K H'ware & Grocer 2i ik Dodd & Uogers H'ware & Stoves 1 ij Dodd Dr. S. \V Druggist 2), 4i Doull & Heartz Upholstery, &c. 3j 7i Down Augustus Coal 3i 7i Ducheniin Albert Blockmaker 3^ Dudler Lawrence Grocer & l^i j. 4 Dutty M Grocer 3 6 Etieu Jas Liquors, &c. 3 4^ Examiner Publi-hing Co 2J 4 Earuuharson Donald &Son. Gen. Store 1 ,., ., &c . ) -^4 *4 See also Farquhar.Hon & Stewart, West Uiver. Farquharson J. W Grocer 4 Ferguson J. T Organs 3i 7^ Fletcher C. P Musical Goods 2] 5 Foran Bros Tailors, &o. 3j Erasers. D Hotel 4 Full Geo. E Dry Goods, &c 2i 4i Gallant Angus Grocer, &c. 4 Gardiner Geo. \V Printer Gill John H Agent Ag'l Implts Gillis Capt. John Trailer 3 6 GillisPoier P. hi very Stable, Liquors, J 3 6i &c. { Goff Bros Boots & Shoes 2i 4^ Grant Jas. E Com'n Green Thomas Furniture Griffin Itobert Saddler 3^ Griffith Daniel Soap & Candles 3^ 7^ HallJ. B Boots & Shoes 3^ 7i Halloran Peter, & Sons B 'smiths <& | oi 5 Carriagemakers I ^ Harris G. M. . . .Second-hand Furn , &c. 4 Harris L. NV Tinsmith 3i 7J Harris & Stewart Dry Goods 3 nk Harvie & Co Books, &c. 3i Hasxard G. H Stat'r, Printer Ac J Bookbinder ) Hasaard Horace Com'n. Canned I , „ Goods, &«. M Hearti Benjamin Note Broker, &c. 2 21 Heartz Charles Grocer 2i ii HearU Kichard Note Broker, &c. 2 2^ Heunessy M Cabi.-etmaker & I . Undertaker J Henry Chas.C Grocer 3^ Ti Henry John Lime 3 bj Herald Printing Co 3 •Hermans A., & Sou Stovos&l « . • GasHttersi •* ° Hlckey & Stewart Mnfrs. Tobacco ^J 5 Higgins Charles Wool, Furs, &o. 2} 4^ Hobbs John Hats, Grocer, &c. 3 6 Hooper D, Lemuel ... Grocer 3 6 Hooper D K. M Prod. 2i 4i Hooper Ge<*.H Gro. & Prod- 3 6 Home A„& Co Prod. & Prov. 8i 7i Honwby & Alurpky Miif re. / qi Pottery i *** HogkeflCapt, John Coal 3 5 Hutchison W. A . . . , Glassw»i-e 4 « Ings John Capitalist li 2 Island Guardian Publishing Co. ...1 (IJmlted) ( *' *^* Johnson K. Richard Physician 2i 6 Jo-*tU. J Boots* ShOfS 3 6i Joy John Liquors, &c Jury George G Jeweler 3i 7i Kelly John Prod. 3 tij Kelly Patrick Boots & Stioes 4 8 Kennedy A., & Co. .Ship Chandlers* I .., ,, Blockmakors ( ' '*' Kent Jos 'iavern 3i 7* Large A. N Grocer & Billiards 2] T) Large & Son Carrixgeinaker'i 2i 4i Lawson C Grocer, &c, 3i 7i Lawsou George Grocer 3 7 Lepage H nry T Ag'l. Implts., &c. 4 Lewis Cyrus Photographer 3 6 Long James lanner 3 6 Long \Vm. H Harness 3 7 Longworth & Co Shlpiiing & { Lobsters. \ Love Edward B.,& Son Tanners 2\ 5 Lyons Charles Coal 3 7 MoCarron Francis Liquors 3^ 7i McCoubray & Co Harne.-s 4 McCoubray Isaac P Carriages 4 8 McDonald J. B D. G. & B. & S. 2i 3i McDonald John Caiifec. 3i McEacheu Alfred E Boots & Snoes 3i 7^ McGregor C. V^ Osborne House 2] 5 Mclnnis Bros Carriages 3i McKenna Francis Grocer, &c 2^ 4J McKenna Mrs. C Grocer 2i 5 McKenzie A. B.,& Co. Dry Goods 2i 5 McKenzie Alexander •• Confec. 4 MeKenzie Donald Agent ^ 01 -l Ag'l Implts. \ "^i -i McKenzie Mrs. Thos Grocer 4 McKie & McDougall Carriages 3i 7J McKinnon & McLean Foundry 2^ 4 McLean C. H TeJis & Crockery 3i 7^ McLean John Trader 3 6 McLeodJ Physicians 6 McLcod J. D.,&Co Grocers 2} 4^ McLeod John, & Co Tailors 2i 6 McLeod & McKenzie Tailors 2i 5 McLeod & Siewait Grocers 3 (>i McMillan it Coal 2i 4^ McNeil A Auctioneer, &c. 3 McNutt Francis L ,Gi"ocer 3 6^ McQuaid James Grocer 3i 7 McQuaidM Boots & Shoes 3 6^ McQuillan John Grocer 2^ 5 Mcllae Samuel Grocer 2i 4^ Madigan It. F . . . Grocer, &c. 4 8 Matheson, I'oombs & Co. .Pork & Prod. 2^ 4i Matheson Walter Prod. «& I „ k Mntr. Ciiiisi ** ** See also Matheson, Toombs «& Co. Miller Bros Sewing Machines, 1 Organs, &c. f See Middletoii, N.S. Millner Mrs. Amanda K Tinware 3 6i Mitchell Wm Produce 2i 5 Monaghan Patrick Grocer 3 (tj Morris & Hynduian Brewery 2| 3^ Morris J. & T Com'n. 2^ 3i Morris T. J Grocer, &c. 3 b Morris Wm. F Suoes 3 ^ Murley Kichard, sr Grocer 3 7 Murphy Angus J Tailor 3i 7i Murray Adam Swldler 3 Gi Murray W. Baker 2^ 4 Oha PRINCE EDWAKD ISLAND. CaA. 2i4i 2 2i 2i Myrick J. H., ACo G. S., Fl»h, Ac. See Titjnish Nelson Bros Gr»)cers 3i 7i Newbery F. T Com'ii & Ins. 3 New'son John Furniture 2^ 4^ See also John Newson & Co., Kustico NorU)n & b'ennell Hardware 2i 4 Offer Mary Ann Liquors 4 Owen Lemuel (J Shipping Palmer llobert, & Co Saw Mill 2i 5 Pa' on James, & Co Dry Ootids 2i 3i See also Sunnueraide Patriot Publishing Co . , . Peake Bros. & Co. ..G. S., Shipping & I Coni'n ) Poardoii J. T Gen. Store Peardon & Turner Grocers Perkins & Sterns Dry Goods 2i Pickard Jasper Saddler .Sj Pic'kaid Mr.-. B Ikaker 3 pollard James B ^. . .Crockery Poole & Lewis Lumber 2i 5 Prince tdward Island Electric Light Co ([..imited) I'riuce Edward Island Steam Navigation Co 2 2i Prouse Lemuel E — Clothing& Men's i „, .^ Furn'g. i ^ *' Purdy E, F ... .Stonecutter 3 6 Quirk A. & C Bakers & Grocers 3i Kackam Edward u roceJ- 4 8 Kankiu CD Drugs 2i 5 Kalteubury Wm Pork & Produce 2^ 3} Keddiu Bros Drugs 3 Ui Kcid John D.. Men's Fu'g, & Mfrs. Agt. 2^ 6 liilty T, B., & o Tobacco Kitchie Bros. & Co.. . . Coni'n Prod., &c. Kobortfsou C. E Tailor & Men's Furn'g. Koberisuu W. B.,&Co.Agl. lmplts.,iS:c, Kobins \V. F Livery Stable St. Pttter's Starch Factory See St, Peters Sanderson & Co Grocers 3 Saunders & Newsoni . Butchers 3 acantlebury Geo.,jr....Black8nmh &i 3, -i Carriages | * ^ Scantlebury George, sr Trunks 3i 7i Scliurman C. H ... .Produce, &c. 3i li Scott & ualloran Carrniges -» Seaman J.J Carnages 3 SheaM. O orocer 3 Simmons George Mnfr .Soda Water, «S:c. 3 Small David. ..Saihnkr & Ship Chandler 3 Smith H. B Hoiel 3i Sprague J. C, & Co Boots & Shoes Stanley Bros Dry (ioods 2i Stevenson M Tuismiih 3 3 6i 2i 3i 3 5 3 7 a Stewart Daniel Grocer & Baker 4 Stewart & Gates Grocers 3 7- Stewart Nor aau A Coal 4 Strong Bros Agents Ag'l InipltiJ. 3\ ^ Stuiubie.s John Saddler, &c. 3i ~* Young Mrs. R Millinery 3i 7^ CHEllllY VAX.LKY. Queen.s Co. Brown Isaac Gen. Store 4 CLIFTON. Quentis Co. Campbell A Tailor 3^ 7i McKay Wm Gen. Store 3 f.J Sutherland D, A. Gen. Store 3^ 7 J CLYDE KIVEll. tjueens Co. On P. E. /. R. lianL' tfe Exp.. ChariottetowK. Dixon Geo .....Saw «& Grist Mills 3 7 COLKMAN STATION. Queens Co. On P. E. I. It. Bank & Exp., Suminerside, 37 niUes. Craig & Beer Mill 3^ Ti Hart Strang Gen. Store 3 (ij Marquis & McKenzie Mill McKiiiuon Bros G. Store & Lumber 3 OJ COMMERCIAL CKOSS. Kings Co. Tel., Georgefnf n, Charlottetnwn. 8i miles, Exp. & Bank Compton James E Saw Mill, &c. 3i Heckbert Chas Gen. Store 3| 7^ CONWAY. Prince Co. On P. E. I. R- Exp. & Bank, Snmmer side. McArthur AT Saddler 4 8 Trow sdale Barnabas Gen. Store 3^ CORN WELL. Queens Co. Tel.,Kxp. & Bank, CkarloUttoion, 7 miles. Pop. 400. Henderson Kenneth.... Physician 3 7 COUNTY LINE. Prince aud Queeus Cos. ., ', See Emerald. : . CRAP AUD. Queens Co. County Line. Exp. & Bank, Charlottetowv. Tel. Pop. 300. Brine Angus Gen. Store 3 6 Collatt Anthony Mills. &c. .3i 7,^ ■ iddler 3J 7} Francis Geo. (, Victoria) SaE BLOIS STATION. Prince Co. On 1'. E. I. li. Exj).,& Bank, Summerville. Tel. Perry S. F Gen. Store 3i i UIINUAS. Kings Co. -/ ,.: See also Lot 55. Tel., Cardigan station, 8 miles. Exp., Char- lotteiown. Banic, Hour is, l^ miles. l'i)p.2\)^. Anderson Lestock Gen. Store gee St. Peter's Burdett lUchard, & Son Gen. Store Burge Michael Gen. Store ^ CurrioA. \V Peddier 4 Mutihew , McLean & Co Gen. Store JSweSouris McKay Lachlan Carriages 3 6J McLelian Hugh. , Gen. store 3^ Miller Andnvv Cen. Store 3 7 Nicholson John M Gen. Store, &c. 4 8 EGMONT BAY. Prince Cu. Tel., WellingUm, 6 miles. Exp., & Bank, Summt isidt. I'ap. 160, Arsenault Joseph O, , ....Gen. Store 3 7 See also Wellington Arsenatilt Lawrence A..cen. Siore, i&c. 4 Gallant G.i) Gen. S lore 4 Gallant Pacitic Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 KI^DpX. Cjueens C^<^, SeeBelfat. ., ., , . ,.,; EIXERSLIE. Pilnc© Co. »., / .,(/ On P. E. J. R. Tel. , Alberton , 4^ miles. Exp' & Bunk, ^ummerstde. Pop. 5oO. McCall Bros Mill 3 7 McNeil John Saw & Grist Mills 4 ELMSDALE. Prince Co. . Tel., Albertou. Exp. & Bank, Srimmerside. Hayden L. C Liquors, &c. 3i Sinclair James Gen. Store 3i EMEBAL.D. Queens & Prince Co.. On P. E. I. R. Exp., Tel. & Bank, Sumvier- side. Pop. 100, Craig Albert Gen. Store See Freetown Haslara Wm. H Geu. Store 30G FLAT BIVEK. Qneeus Co. See Belfast. FOllT AUCiUSTlJS. Queena Co. '-.>(; See Hickey'8 Wharf. iii!»>,.^ FREDEBICTON STATION. Queens Co. Ferris George Gen. Store . FBEETOAVN. Prince Co. On P. E. T. R. Exp. & Bank Summerside. 'lei. Pop. 251'. Craig Albert Gen. Store 3 G GEORGETOWN. Kings Co. On the P. E. I. R. Exp. & Bank, t'liarlottc- toxon,'iM milts. Tel. i'o^. 1,1U0. Barnes C. L Physician 3i 7i Burke James ..« Gen. Store 3 t> Cogswell , James Tanner 2i 5 Conipton iianiel Boots «& Shoes 4 8 Easton James, & Son. Gen. Store, Fur- 1 niture, &o. J 3 6i Fairchild Joseph Shipping 2J 4i Gordon Daniel.. G. S. & Shipping 2 2^ Hession Miciiael Gen. Stoie 2i 4i HobbsArthurB Butclier, &c. 4 8 Jenkins Richard K Baker & Confec. 3 tli Jenkins W. Wallace Gen. Store 3^ 7i Kennedy 1>. F Tins, iic. 3i Knight John Druggist 4 8 Ledwell ThoH Hotels tJi Macdonald A. A., & Bros Gen. Store 2i 4' See also Annandale McConnell Mrs Millinery 3 7 JNIcLoniild h. K Hotel&Grocer 3 (i McDonald & Westaway. Gen. Store, &c. 2J 'i\ McKiinu>n John Hotels G McLarenCapt. Wm ...Trader 2^5 McLean Angus Grocer & Hoi el 3 G McLean i>aniel Grocer, &c. 4 Moar Georgf Ag'l Inipits. 3 G Sencabaugh Wm Shipping Smith John Blacksniiih 3 6 Walker Alex Saddler 3i Westaway Kichard Shipping See Sturgeou GRAND KIVER. Kings Co. See Dundas. HARMONY. Kings Co. > ' Haley John J Gen. Store. 4 HEA1> ST. PETER'S BAY. Kings Co. See Si. Piter's. HEMPTON. Queens Co. ' Marchbank David Saw & Grist Mills 4 MICKEY'S WHARF. Queens Co. Cummiskey Jas. H. .Gen. Store & P. M. 3 6 Laverty Aljchael Oen. Store 3 7 McDonald P. & S Ptddlers 4 8 HOPE RIVER. Queens Co. Exp.& Bank, Charlottetown, 21 miles. Pop. Stewart John;.l'. .•.'.;'.".'.?. !(. .'...Trader 2i 5 Hum PIIINCE EDWATID ISLANDS MoN HlTNTEIl UIVER. Queens Co. On P. E. I. li. Erp. * nnnk, Char lot fetown, 15 mVex. Tel. Pop. 200. Bagimll Uichaid Hotel 3 7 Gallant Joseith Gen. Store S^-e Rustlco Honeywell Win PlijHiciaii 3 « McCxrath Peter .Ueu. Store 3 C McLeod Bros Gen. Ston! 3 (! MeLQO■ See Charlottetown. ,. . .,.i ,,, liONG CREEK. Queens Co. See West River. ^ I.OT 11. Prince Co. Vin, -^.Vv . ,,,,;; See Tyne yalley. •..,:,;•■,•./.' liOTl*. Prince Co. y O'Connor John Prod. LOT 40. Kings Co. McEwenH.D Gen. Store 3J 7i LOWER MONTA(ilJE. Kings Co. Aitken B Gen. Store .1 6 Annear Thomas Prod., &c. 2J 5 Poole W. A,, & Co. Gen. Store, Prod., / ,. - &c. i "* ° MADHOCK. Prince Co. ' See O'Leary's Station. ,.' M VLPEQUE. Prince Co. Tel., Kensington, 7 miles. Exp. & Bank, Sunimernidt:, 15 tniles, J'op. 1,100. H(Mlg8'>n Wni Gen. Store 3 fii Mc utt D. & P Gen. Store 2i 4J McNutt Harry .Lolmter Packer 3i MARGATE. Prince Co. Ti'l , Freetown. E.rp. <& Bank, Summerside, 12 miles. Pop. 16(», Fourd Wm.... Carriages 3 6 MARSHFIELD. Que^^ns Co. Stewart Allen (Jen. Store 3i 7i MILLTOWN. Prince Co. Compton Wm Gen. Store, &c. 3i 7^ MILL VALLEY. Prince Co. " See Ivpusington. '• M MILL VIEW. Queens Co. See also Lot 49. Tel., Exp. A Bank, Charlottefotcn, 12 miles. Pop. 150. Bourke John R., jr., & Co. Gen. Store, ) &c. ( Bonrke P. M Gen. Store & Mill-* McDonald A. A... ..Gen. Store 3 4^ M alone David..... Carriages 3J MISCOUCH J:. Prince Co. On P. E. I. R. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Summer- side, 5 miles. Pop. 200. Des Roche Gilbert Gen. Store 3 7 Des Roch*" Ilonore V. Kggs. &c. 4 Des Roche & Gaudet Gon. StKjre 4 Gaudet John S Gen. Store 3^ MONTAGUE BRIDGE. Kings Co. Also Valleyfield & Victoria Cross. Tel., O-eorgetown. Exp. & Bank, Charlotte- fnion, 2Q hdles. Pop. 400. Aitken Jas. M Saddler & Auctioneer 3 7 Beer&Sprague Gen Store 3 , 307 MoN ?J{INCE EDWARD ISLAND. Nor BelKF. I) TiiiBiiiith 3 Hiuce Alf'xamler F. ^ Flour, Jftc. 2|5 ( aiiicron I). U \ Gen. Store 3 <;ain|)bell Edwartl U GrjCf r, Ac. 4 < UMpb^'ll flames Hotel 3} FoiIhss Donald Gen- Store 2j Fraser Chas. B Can-iaKe.-< 3 FnisiT F. O DruRH 4 .lohiiBoii Mrs. D Grocer, &c. 3* Keith I'ettr H (irncer 3} Kelly Patrick Gen. Store 3 Ma('DY CREEK. FrlnceCo. / „, MiKcauche. Tel., Exp. d Bank, Summeraide. Pop. 160. Dickie Charles R Gen. Store 3 7 MURRAY HARIIOR. Kings Co. TV/., Georgetown. Exp. & Bank, Charlotte- town, 39 mileH. Pop. WW. Clow Jas.Gen. Store, Lobster Packer ,&c. 2^ 4J Henry E. M Gen. Store 4 Hugh John T Gen. Store Prouse Isaac R . . ... Saddler 3J 7J Prouae & Son.. ..Gen, Store, Lobster ( oi qi Packers, &c. ' ^^ "** Roberts -T. J Gen. Store. &c. 3i 'A Sharen Win Shoes 3} 7^ NEW GLASGOW. Queens Co. Exp. d Bank, Charlottetown, 17 mileB. Pop. 150. Arthur H Gen. Store 3J 7i Binns John Gen, Store 4 BradshawDr. H Drugs 4 Laird James Gen, Store 2j 4i McCoubray Wm. D Gen. Store 4 McLeod Jolin V Tailor 3 7 Stevenson James G Camiagea 3i NEW HAVEN. Queens Co. ' '' Tel., Exp.d Bank, Charlottetoicn, 10 miles. McMillan Hugh Gen. Store 3 6 SEW LONDON. Qneens Co, Also Park Corner, Tel., Freetown. Exp. d Bank, Summerside. Pop. 150. Anderson Geo Auctionper, &c, 2^ 5 Garrett George R Trader 3 (5 Johnson David Miller 3 6 Jobnson William Trader 2i 4^ NEW PERTH. Kingrs Co. McNeil Caleb H Gen, Store 3i 7^ NORTH LAKE. Kings Co, Tel., St, Peters. Exp., Charlottetown. Bank, Souris, 16 miles. Pop. 180. Morrow J. F Gen. Store 4 NORTH RIVER. Queens Co. Tel., Exp. d Bank, Charlottetoicn, 6 miles. Pop. 160. • , Warren Chas ..... !•'. .......... Grist Mill 3 6 NORTH RUSTICO. Queens Co. See Rustico. NORTH TRYON. Prince Co. See Tryon. Nor PRINCI^: EDWARD ISLAND. StP NORTH \V1I.TSH111K. Que«nH Co. On /'. K. I. li. K.rp. & Hank, Vharlottttown. lOmllfs. Tel. J'op. IW). LawBon Chas Grocer, &c. See Cbarlottetown McLean Bros Ueii. Store 2} 5 0'LEABY'SR0AI>. Prince Co. See O'Leary'B Station. '»'»-■• 111 O'LEARY STATION. PrlnceCo. (hi P. K. I. li. Exp. & Ikwk, Stunmei-aide, 40 MUes. Barclay James Gen. Store 3^ Dennis W. H Carrijiges 4 Ellis Robert, jr Carriages 3 7 Ellis Uohert, sr Gen. Store, &c. 3 Oj Hooper Robert P Gen. Store 3 7 Mc( all Henry Gen. Store 4 PatePlN Gen. Store 4 Smallnian Klchard ^a\v Mill 3 Turner H. W Gen. Store 3i 7i ORWELL. Queens Co. Nearest R. It. Stnfi(m,Pl8quid. Exp. Jb Rank, Charlottetown, ISmiles. Pop. 100. Clark Dennis E., & Co Gen. Store 3 6i Stephens M.,& Co Gen Store 3 (ij OYSTER BED BRIDtiE. Queens Co. , See Kustico. PARK CORNER. Queens Co. See New London. PEAKE'S STATION. Kings Co. On P. E. I. R. Exp. & Dank, CliaHottetown. Pop. 160. Currie H '. Oen. Store 3i 7i PINETTE BRIDGE. Queens Co. Lantz J. T Gen. Store, &c. SJ MoLeod Malcolm Gen. Store 4 POINT PRIM. Queens Co. Murcliison John S Lobster Packer 3i 7J PORT HILL. Prince Co. Exp. & Bank, Summcrside, 20 milea. Tel. Pop. 400. Yeo James. Shipping 2i 4i YeoJolm Shipping 1 li POWNAL. Queens Co. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Charlottetown, 8 miles. Pop. i5'J. McCallum Duncan Gen. Store 3i Moore J. R Gen. Store 3J Smith llichard Gen. Store 4 PRINCETOWN. PrlnceCo. I''- .t'-i .<■ See Malpeque. '•'•' >.■ h KKD POINT. Queens Co. Tfl. d Bank, .Sonris, 7 miles. Exp., Charlotte- town. J'ot). 100. Bruce A. W Gen. Store, &c. 3 6^ UobertHon John UobiuHon A. H . Store, &c. 3 6 J .Gen. Store M 7* .Geu. Store JjJ 7l RICE POINT. Queens Co. Po'tland Packing Co. . . . Lob ter Packers 1 1 See also Lavl-*, Baxter & Co., i'urtland, Me. RICHMOND. Prince Co. Cameron "Valpntlne.Gen. Store & Liquor 4 7 Gallant Stephen E Gen. St'Te, &<•. .{J Larkin John 11 Lumber, &c. 4 7 ROCKY POINT. Queens Co. See Charlottetown. ROLLO BAY. Kings Co. On P. E. I- II. Exp., Chttrluttetown. Bank, Souria, 13 miles. Pop. 150. McDougall A Hotel, &c. ' ' RCSTICO. Queens Co. Exp. , Charlottetcfimi. Bank. Pop 250. Buottp Stanislaus Gen. Store 4 Gwllant Isidore Physician 3 7 (jallant Job Gen. Store 3 6 See also Hunter Uiver. LePage Christopher Gen. Store 3A 7i McKay Donald Gen Store 3} 7i Myrick J. H., <& Co Fish, &c. ' S«e Ticnish. Newson John, & Co Seaside Hotel See John Newson, Charlottetown. Portland Packing Co.. .LobsU'r Packers 1 1 See also Davis, Baxter & Co., Portland, Me. Rattenbnry Benj Lumber, Coal, &c. 2i 6 Smith Jas. L Gen. Store 3 7 ST. ANDREWS. Kings Co. Forrest & Co -Lobster Packers See Halifax, N. S. ST. ELEANOR'S. Prince Co. On. P. E.I.R. Tel., Exp. & Bank, Summer- side', 2i miles. Pop. 400. McDonald Pobt. H.Gen, Store & Tanner 3 6^ McGongan Bros Carriages 3i r« .1 7 McIimW M Tailor lij McLnlnu .lohi) A Jlutel McLiirfni Nathiiiii»'l (Forest Hill) t ^i Geu. Stored '* Pratt ChflK. K Goii. Store ^ 7J St. Pett^r'H Starch Factory 2 2] Sullivan .Jolin P Gen. Store 2J 5 ST. PETER'S HAY. Kings Co. , i ' ''•"■ ' See St. Peters. ' ' "" .■•J«. , '•■■ ■ '■•.,;,■■ ST. PETEll'S ISLAND. Tel., Sf, P('tn''it,7 miles. E.vp., Cliarlottetown, Hank, SoiiriH. Pop. 80. Portland Packing Co. Lobster Packers I 1 See also Davis, Baxter & Co., Portlaiul, Me. ST. PETER'S ROAD. Queens Co. See Cliarlottetown. SEARLTOAVN. Prince Co. Wright Robert A Mills 3 CJ SHAMROCK. Queens Co. Kelly John T Gen. Store 4 SOilRIS. Kings Co. , .. On P. E. I. It. Er.p.,Charlottefown. Tel. & Bank. Pop. 500. Anderson Chas Gen. Store 3 7 ApothecariuB Hall Co Drus-s See Charlottetown. Bolsner Allen Linuors .3i Carleton C. C, & Sons Gen. Store 3 6 Cox A. C Hotel CurrieArch Gen, Store .Si 7i Doyle & Co Gen. Store .3} Ford E. P Phys'n & Druggist 3 7 K'ckham John Blks. & Car. viaker Kickhain Thos Gen, Store, &c. 2i 4i See al^o Bear Kiver. Knight & Morrow Gen. Store McCorniack James . . , .Hotel & Liquors 4 8 McDonald Alex. Blacksmiths ^ McDonald Capt. A, R. Gen. Store 3 7 JVIcEachern & Co Gimi. .Store Mclntyre Peter A . . . .... Physician 3 McLean, Heartz & Co Gen. Store See Matthew McLean & Co, McLanghlin P. W Gen. Store 4 McKeddin Peter Liquors 4 Matthew, McLean & Co.. .Gon. Store, ( ,, oi Lobi»ter Packers, &c. ( " ^ Mellett Wm . . . , 'J'insmith 3 6i MitchellJ M Harness 4 8 Morrow Henry. Victualler 3 7 •Mnrphy Dennis Gen. Store Murphy Peter S Tinware 4 8 Muttart E. B Physician 2^ R Pierce Norbert.,. Tailor 3i 7i Sterns Bros Cloth & Men's Furu' g 3 « Sterna J. G Geu. Store 2J 2.| Stone Mrs, Eliza Hotel 3 C SOUTHPOBT. Queens Co. Tel., Exp. & Bani:, Cliarlottetown, 1 mile. . Pop. 160, Aylward Capt. John Gen. Store & ) o r ' Shipping I ^ ** 310 KeniiwJy JaM. W Sadillcr 3i Kennedy .John Grocer & Saddler 4 7 Stewart.!. H.. Tanner 3 7 STANLEY DKTDGE. Queens Co. Tiil., HreiKlalb/mc, 9 mVen. Kx/), <& Jiank, ,'1'\ miles. I'op. '_•<»(). Brown S- IL, <& (;o ..Qou, Store Si Prod. MiiLeod A. J., & Co Gen. Store 3 McMillan Kwen H Geu. Store. iV:e. 3 7 McNeil K Physician 8 6 STURGEON. KlngH Co. Tel., Georqetoion, 5 miles. Exp. Jb Bank, ( 'Imrlottefown. Pop. 300. Coilinai" John Gen. Store 2J 5 Poole \V. Leith Grist enti8t 3 McKav John A Saddler 3 3i 3 3 3 3 2J 3 3i 6J 6 7 6 4 6J 6i 7 6i 5 4i 7 6 2 2i 7 6 H McKinnon Daniel Grocer 3 McKinuon Neil Gon. Store 3i McLeod Robert C Carriages 2J McMillan Angus Shipping 2* McNeil Daniel Carnages ^ Mawley E Jlotel 3 'Mills Holden C Flour, Lumber &c, 2$ Morris Leonard ....B. &S., Books, 1 Stat'y & P ancy Goods I Muirhead John , Drugs 3 Murphy Bernard Grocer, &c. 3J 4i 5 n 7 6 Muttart Geo... Liquors, &c. 3i 7 Till PJUNCE EDWARD ISLAND. Woo Nooiiaii Jeruiniiih M Lltjuora 4 ration tliiiiioH, Jc Co Dry (ioods See CliHilotuitown. Tontz BroH Finn it mo a^ riniiuer I'uliliwhiiig Co 3 6i Kainmiy >loliii A ....Bookft, &u. Kt^ud .loscpli, it Co l.UmlKT '_'J 4 J Keid (Jiliimii .M Coiii'ii 3 7 Itoid Will (len.Stoio lii 4} See also St. Kli'unor'a. Kobblee U., & Co....... Gen. Store, &«. Itogers I)., ^t Sona (Jen. Sloio 2 8 Kii.-rt I. 1'. Hotfl SiiuiidorB (;. B Hiinu'rtu 4 7 ScllUllllIlM .Iiicol). . . . Colli, &l!. .U "i SUurp .Jiiiiies A . . . .(jen. Store & Oysters 'z] 3] Slmrp John A Flour, O^utera, &c. 2i f> Shari.) Uobort W Oyster,i,&e. .3 (i Miiiw (iei) Ciirriajie.s, &c. 3 7 Sinclair & Stewart Dry (iooda 2i 3i Stewart Daniel TallorluK & Men's / ... - Fnnr« \ ^^ ^' Strong C. K Stoves & Tinware ,i 7 Stronti Fred'k W.,&C() (Jen. Store d •' Sumnieraldo Jourual" See W. A. Brennan. Walsh Milton Tiuaiuith 3 Warren, Hicks & McMurdo Bros.(i«ii. I ,, gi Store ) ' "Webber George L Furniuire, &c. 3 7 Wood-^ide B. L Confectioner 3j| 7 Wrighi Bros (ien. Store lij 3i See also Crapau.l. Wright & Strong Clotaing, &c. 3 7 t^ THIHTLK. ijueeiis Co. ' ' ' See Shamrock, ' .. THiNISH. Prince Co. On P K. I. II. Exp. & Hank, Suinmerside, 60 mlU'S. Tel. Pop. 150. Carrnthers Wni Woolen :M ill 3i 7i Carter & Oonroy Gen. Store 4 Chaison -John rl Gen. Store 4 Chalason I. S Gen. Store 4 Gallant Ca|)t.Fr.incis ... Gen. Store Havward Uenj ....Grist & (JloUiV .vlills 3 Lai^kui Alox. F Lobster Packer 4 Mclntosatr'<'k »'<'l'" ^^ <^^«"- ^^ore * McDonald John W ...(ien. Store 3i Tirrell Henry . Gen, Store 3i TKVOX. Prince Co. Nearest R. li- Station, Oipe Traverse, Tmll^s. Exp. & lUak, 6iiniinersUlden Jas .Saw Mill & Gen. Store 2i 3i McDonald D. & W Gmi. Store ;i] 7$ .McDonald Ronald J Gen. Store 4 .McKenzie .1. (i l,l|ii irs 4 t>'Neill (ii'o Hcjtel & (i«'n. Store 4 Stewart Wallace .Saw Mill 3 7 Vamderstino It.iac Gen. Slore 4 VICTOKIA, Gomlwin Jacob L Hotel & liiiiuora 3J WEST CAPE. Prince Co. Tel., Brae, 7 miles. Exp. <& Bank, Summer- nUle, fop. lUO Englaiul I. I Gen. Store 4 8 MvWilbania A. & A Gen. Store, Mills ( .,, ,., & Shipping I ^i^^ WEST DEVOlf. Pi'liiiJ.} c!,). Arthur Win Mill WEST RIVER. Kings Co. See Botbwell. \ WEST RIVER. S. Queens Co. Nearest It. li. Station Pisquid. Exp. tt Bank, Charlottetown . GairtiB John Loliater I'acker WILVIOT CREEK. , ,'; ''• •'••' See Margate. ■' ■•' ' AVISNER'S 3ICLLS. Queens Co. Wianer James Saw .Mill, &c. 4 7 WOOD ISLAND. Queens €0. Exp. & Bank, Charlottetown. Cornish John Gen. Store 3 7 Crawford Duncan Gen. Store, &c. 3 7 Otter Geo Gen, Store SJ 7J Young Geo Mills ;^l Young Win Gen. Store 'i\ 7i 311 I \ ^ I I 1 1 I !.'<., .1 ST. PIERRE et MIQUELON. . ( Reached hy Steamship from Halifax. N. S., and also by Steamship from St. John's. Sevf- loundlaud. - ' , Pop. 6,40). A Banking Town, Bechet & Yon Gen . Store 2J 4J Benatre Veuve Ido Gen. Store 4 Beniiing Joseph Gen. Store 3 5 Beust Pere & File Fish, &c. li 2 Bourtare Veuve G Gen. Store, I o. Baliery, &c. f -^^ BrindHJonc Desire — Gen. Store & Liq. 2A 4 Cecconi Jerome... Gen. Store & Butcher 2] 4 Chamhert J linware, Fish, &c. 4 7 Clement Jos., Flls Com'n, &c. 2^ 4^ Clement Theodore Vuli, &c. 2^ 4 Coinolet Freres et les Fils de I'Aiiie. . I * i a i Gen. Store & Fish f ^^ ^^ Cordon Veuve F Gen. Store & lAq. lA 2 Cormier J. U Fish, &c. 2i 4 Coste Leoni Gen. Store, Fish, &c. 2l 3i Dagort Thos. Gen. Store 3} Demalvilain i. .... Gen. Store, Fish, &c. 2 2i Buyout & Poirier. Gen. Store, Fish, &c. 2A 4 iJnquesnel J. Baptiste .. Hoiel, &c. Sj Dui ieux Joseph Gen. Store 3) 6i Eon & Etchevery Frferes Gen, Store 3 5 Folquet & Fils . . . .Gen. Store, Fish, &c. 2i 4 Fontaine Edmond. . . .Victualler, Liq., { oi qi Lumber, &c. f ^i •*» Frecker, Steer & Co Com'n, &c. 2i l^ Freehiil R. M Suppli. s Gauthier Veuve Gu8tav«.. .Gen. Store I „! n. Store, Lumber, &c 3 Le Charpentier Hypolite Fish, ; Gen. Store & Baktry \ ^ Le Conte F . Dry Goods, Clothing, &c 2 Ledret & Miller. . .Mv-iU/I il )^!1!/WrJ }V/''ArCrM v/r'-A i\ ;^i-^u ;:,. ^a ■ / ■ ( ;-;"'i:iv!'i TUM.' i('j >i//[ 'f! f, I '1 .:. i; ::i.'. i! t .i .. 1 ... PREFACE. Le livre que nous presentoas cette ann^e h nos clients et au com- merce en general est une angnientation sur nos publications pr(^C(5- dentes, et la sorarae d'informations qu'il fournit sont Tindication d'un travail ardu et conscientieux fait dans le but de demontrer que notre agence est aujourd'hui sur un pied d'organisation parfaite et est en mesure de rendre aux cercles* financiers et comnierciaux du pays les services qu'on attend de nous. Les augmentations k ce volume sont aussi une expression de notre reconnaissance en vers nos clients pour leur bienveiliant » patronage et pour leur encouraganient continuels qui nous ont permis d'esperer un succ^s ininterrompu. La partie qui a trait a I'historique des institutions de la metropole du Canada a ^t^ recueillie par fractions dans divers journaux et publications d'un grand m^rite, et dans le '* Star," une des feuilles les plus entreprenantes de Montreal. Nous avons I'espoirque notre volume de 1890 recevra un acceuil favorable de la part des homraes d'affaires auquel il est sp^cialement destin^. CHAPUT FRfiRES, MoNTRJ^AL. .;r'/.':;i;r: ' ' t •! I ). ;, !tf ■it .::,) • ■! .'h :. , , 11.: 1 ' 1 ■ 1 1 ■ . ! '.' , 1 i il ■i:; • ■;!' i, :;t{;s quatre de largeur, et qui est baign^e par le fleuve St. "Laurent. Tant que le Canada fat sous la domination frangaise, la ville et toute I'ile " de Montreal acquirent un developpement consid<}rable ; on aurait dit un vaste jardin " oil se trouvaient rC'unies toutes les commodit^s de la vie. Depuis que les Anglais en ont " pris posi^ession, It feu I'a ravag^ en diflF^rentes circonstances. A I'^poque oh leg^n^ral " Amherst I'occupa, la ville affectait une forme oblongue, :; •.,;,!,,. .:. •' i . i . i ...^^ ,. , De leur c6te les membres du eomite sur la construction des '^^maisons et sur I'etat sanitaire de notre ville ne sont pas rest^s oisifs. Mettant ^ profit les connaiseanoes et I'experience de plusieurs ingeuieurs distingues, lis ont suggereau conseil de ville toutun syst^me d'ameiiorations par lesquelles la sante publique y gagnerait oonsiderablement, et qui mettraient la population de Montreal k I'abri des maladies epidemiques. ,,>- ,,; - , Le Comite des expositions a mis h I'etude un projet qui, s'il reussit, assurera & Mon- treal la preseance sur toutes les autres villesdu Canada, comme site pour des expositions permanentes et periodiques qui attireront au milieu denous, non seulement des visiteurs de toutes parties de notre continent, maisdes pays etrangers qui sont separ^s de nous par I'ocean. lis viendront contribuer de leurs deniers et de leurs oonnaissances industrietles i la prosperite generale. / j ..... .j- r ., . »* -i.-- . ■ ■ Le comite de la legislation a prouvd lui aussi son ntilite en prenant part h la idvi- sion de la charte, de sorte que tous, bien qu'aveo des attributions differentes, s'acheminent vers le mfime but. L'association pour I'avancemont et le progrtJs de la ville compte'aujourd'hui au-del&, de cent membres, tous citoyens de fortune et de renom, qui ont k coeur le succSs de I'entreprise, pas tant parcequ'ils prevoient qu'il en resultera pour eux une source de profit, que parcequ'ils veulent la faire grande au-dessus de toute la ville qui les a vus naitre et pour laquelle ils eprouvent un legitime orgueil. lis sont aides dans leurs efforts par la presae, qu'on voittoujours disposee k faire Montreal encore plus interessante, plus prosp^re qu'elle ne I'est en realite. En face d'une entente aussi generale,d'un but aussi patriotique, on pent aflSrmer sans orainte, qu'avant longtemps, Montreal deviendra sous le rapport de la beaute, des avantages et de la salubrite, comme sous celui du site et du commerce, une viUe 8^i;i8 rivitl^, , , SON PEESENT ET SON AVENIR. 9 L'AQUEDUO I)E MONTREAL. Le (l<5velnppcment rapide de Montr<=al, en •<, ' St.Laurent H,410 16,547 2,137 ■..; -.• St. Louis 16,452 22,308 5,854 ' ^^^ • . St. Jacqueu 19,146 28,293 9,147 • ' - ' «te. Marie 14,983 29,329 12,.346 Hochelaga 6,343 6,313 u <; | St. Jean BaptUte 8,834 8,834 SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 11 D'apr^s oes ohiffros, il appcrt olnirement que pendant que lea qtmrtiera du centre do la ville ont demeur<^ il pcu pr^s i I'dtat stationnairo, une tninHformntion complete s'est op4r<5o dans les dintriots oxt^rieurs. De longnes rang^os de mnisons, de richex r<■ ■ . i L'edifice de la Banquo de Montreal est un des plus beaux de toute TAmerique. On remarque aussi, en voie de contruction : DEUX SPLENDIDES GARES de ohemin de for, la propriety du Grand Troncotdu Pacifique Canadien ; une eglise, style gothique pour les Methodistes j de riches blocs pour bureaux d'avocats et d'hommes 12 MONTRSAL — SON PAS8E, d'aflfiiires, y cotnpria los ddifloea imposanta des oompagniefl d'aMuranoe siir la vie de New York ct do I'linpCirialo. Enfln, oa vorra d'ici k quelquo teutps s'^levorune nouv«lle annexe qu'on ajoute au Palais do Justice, deveuu iutiufiiiiikat pour IssbeHuius de la prof«»- 8ion. . . ■... . •., ,,.'.. .... .,.;. .,, ; , , ,,.. Lea ruoa do Montr<^aI repr^Hentent aujonrd'hul un parooura d« 145 miilea. De 1878 k 1886, lea autorit<^8 ont fait conatruire 15 millos et 165 verges d'^goutn, oo qui ajoute k oeux qui oxiataiont d6']k, repr68entant une longueur de 00 miilea. La plus forte aoquiai- tion faite par la ville a 6t6 oelle du Mont-Royal, dans I'intervaile entro 1872 et 1875. I^a montagne ((ui ao dreaae au milieu de la plaine a une bauteur do 550 piod^. Elle a ^>t.^ oonvertie en pare public, et jusqu'aujourd'hui la corporation a d6pen8«5 $1,622,337 pour en faire un lieu d'aniuaementa. On parvient au aomiaet de troia maniiroa : d'abord par une route carrosaable, qui, partant de la baao, contourneen apirale Ics flanoa et conduit au point le plus 6\ov6 ; il y a auaai lea eaoaliera qui ao compoaont de 427 marcbea ; enfin on pout parcourir le in€rao ohemin au moyen d'un 6I^Tateur. Lea touriatea aont unanimoa k declarer que la route du pare offre une dea plus bellea promenadca do tout leoontinont. A un certain endroit elle offro k Tadmiration du 'speotateur deux pointa de vuea inoora- parables : un sur le St. Laurent aveo sea millo ilea verdoyantoa paraera6ea aur aon paroours et I'autre aur le lac dea Deux-Montagnos, pendant que dans le lointain on dia- tinguc, lorsquo ratmosph^re eat pure, lea montagnes du Vermont et une partio dea Adirondacka. LES CONSTRUCTIONS DE L'aNN^E DERNlifcRE. , ;. , ",' L'inspecteur doa ^dificoa declare dans aon rapport offleiel que lea operations de 1888 ont 6t6 considerables, et il fixe a millo le nombro dea raaiaona nouvelles qui ont 6t6 cons- truites pendant I'ann^e dans lea limites de la ville, ce qui est une augmentation de trois oenta aur I'annde pr6o6dente. Solon lui, aemblable r68ultat n« s'est pas encore pr^aente, depuia 1871, ^poque oil tout le mondo etait pria de la fidvre de construire. Maia quelle difference ontre 1871 et 1888. Dana le premier oas, la speculation seule etait le mobile d« la construction, et o'est tellement le cas qu'un grand nombre de maisons commenoees d«tneur^reD' ainsi plusieurs anneca arant d'6tre terminees. II en a ete bien autrement : I'annee derni^re on constate un beaoin reel de .nonvelles maisona, et n'y aurait-il que les loyer?, qui ont ete et demonrent k un ohiffre 61eve, quo oela auffirait pour prouver que la cons'.ruction etait neocssaire. Les opinions se divisent sur la valour reello dea maisona nouvoUea bd,tiea I'annee dernidre. Gomme il n'existe aucune loi exigeant un fapport exact et officiel, ou la produc- tion des plans dovant accompagner chaque permis de construire dans la ville, il est assea difiicile d'etablirle ohiffre certain des maisons noUvelles et du coftt de leur construction. L'inspecteur le fixe k trois millions de dollars, ce qui represente un excedant de pr(^s d'un million sur I'annee preoedente. Les calouls d'autres personnes sont encore plus eievea, tantponr le nombre que pour la valour ,de8 maisona. Ainsi, d'apr^a un arcbiteote, il ne s'est pas construit moins de trois mille maisons au cours do I'annee dernidre ;'un autre ei^ve oe chiffre k quatre mille, taut dans la ville que dans les municipalites environnantea. Fait certain, c'est quo la construction est tr^a active dans Saint Jean Baptiste ; dans oe soul quartier on compte dans une aeule annee 240 maisons nouvellea. >•' 'i >■' )i> > S6 74,786,581 1887 101,758,512 Ed sua do la propri6t6 immobilidre 6valude, il y a k Montr6al dee terrains ropr^aen- tant une valour do $17,117,340, et qui eoiit ex«^s>nts de taxes, oesont : — -''■ " Lea proprl^t^B appartenant ar. S'"V"'»''nemenv ^2,410,500 K' Les propriAt^ appartenant & la Corporation , /I . Lea propri^t^B appartenaut au H^inhiairo Egllaes iCathollques » Proteatantea Lea proprl^t^a ( Catholiquea . . . . curiales 1 Proteatantea. ... Inatitutiona ( Catholiquea . . de bienfaiaanc^ \ Proteatantea. Manufacturea 4,282,500 ■ ' 754,750 ■■ ',1 1,462,000 1,202,500 • ' 1 279,500 • >< 190,;}00 4,464.()00 • 1,289,100 '» 772,600 , [ Total 117,117,340 ' " On comprendra I'dloquence de ces ohiifres lorsque nous dirons qu'on 1880-87 le total du nkontant d'^valuation pour Quebec, qui est pourtant de date beaucoup plus ancienne, «t la deuxi(5me ville do la Province sur le rapport de rimportanco, a'eat 6lov6 h $15,- 386 700, aveo une autre sommede $3,372,000, repr<5sentant les terrains exempts de taxea. '■'■ . L' Evaluation des propri^t^s est faito cbaquo ann^e par des employes spEciaux qui viaitent toutes les parties de la ville. Bien que les Evaluateurs aient pour instruc- tion de donner la valeur rdelle et vendablo do chaque immeublo, il est entendu quo leur estimation doit 6tre consid^r^e comme ^tant en moyennovingt-cinq pour cent au-dessoua de ce chitfre, de sorte qu'on peut dire en toute sClret6 que la valeur rdolle de la propri6t6 immobilifere k Montreal ropr^sonto le joli chiffre de $125,000,000. Le taux de revaluation annuelle est de un cent aur la valeur rdolle. On ajoute un oinqci^me pour la taxe aoolaire, qui est pr<51ev6e et perdue par la ville ot remise aux commisaaires des 6colt8 nommi^s par le gouvernement et par la ville j elle sert k payer les frai's d'adrainistra'.ion. ^ Outre cette taxe de un et un oinqui&me qui affecte la propri<5t€, il en est une autre portant le nom de taxe de I'eau, et qui est d^termin^e d'aprSs le revenu annuel de la propriety fonci^re ; elle ropr^sente un montant d*i peu pr5s sept et demi par cent. II y a aussi la taxe d'affaire impos6e sur tous lea Etablissements de commerce d'apr^s leur revenu annutl, et qui, elle aussi, s'Eldve k sept et demi poor cent. Mentionnons aussi eu passant certaines 14 \j, MONTREAL— SON PASSE, »-■. TAXES SP^CIALES qu'on applique sur les obevaux, les roitures, lea ohiens, etc. ; ces derni^res portent le nom do taxes personnelles. Les marches et les amendes impos^es par le recorder repr^sentent aussi une source de revenus considerables pour la ville. Les frais pour construction d'^gouts ou ameliorations des rues sont support^s en tout ou en partie par les contribuaules qui b^neflcient ou de ces ^gouts ou de ces ameliorations. Les differentes branches du revenu ont rapporte en 1886 $1,908,859. Nous dbnnone ci-dessous un tableau oomparatif, qui demontrera lea developpements suooessifa de la ville par les montanta per^us chaque ann^e : — 1 1 lip i 1 1 ■ ' n" M . '• i- 1850 #150,000 18J6 225,000 1860 450,000 1865... 600,000 1870 $800,000 1875 1,325,000 1880 1,500,000 Une courte analyse dn revenu r^elperfu en 1886 servira k d<5raontrer qu'en tenant -compte de tons les details, le montant des taxes que les contribuables ont il payer chaque annee n'est en somme pas trop eieve. II ressortde ces chiffres que dans cette annee-li, sur un revenu de prds de deux millions de dollars, la propriete immobiliere ne s'est trouvee affectee que pour un montant de $665,034. La taxe scolaire represento (ou du moins devrait representor) une economic, si on compare les reoettes avec les depenses ; au sujet de I'eau, il s'agit d'un besoin, c'est une necessite pour I'entretien de la maison, et c'est tellement le cas, que si elle etait fOurnie par une institution comme la corapagnie du gaz, cette depense ne serait pas consideree comme une taxe ; les loyers des etaux et autres revenus des marches ne sont k bien dire que I'lnterdt sur les placements de la cite, et ainsi de suite. , i i .■. . ■■: .i, Revenus de— ■ • ■^•' ''■'•i • • ' L'evaluatlon de 1 par cent, sur la propriete , $665,034 Do. de la taxe scolaire un cinquierae par cent, sur la propriete 133,006 , Arrerages 142,874 Taxe d'affaires de 7^ par cent, sur les revenus aunuels des etablissements de commerce 166,070 ArreraeeH sur cette derniere taxe 19,132 Taxes do I'eau et arierages sur icellea 520,1*5 Revenu des marches, loyers d'etaux, etc »9,o86 Licences de police ... , 05,579 Cour du recorder l?-,004 JStaux prives de bouchera. ... ^ 24,-j75 Licences de re!>tau rant set buvettes 7,760 Permis accordes par le departeraent des chemins 3,481 Autres Licenses 11,749 Loyers de tei'iaiiis ".... 3,246 Divers, items additionnels 1,007 Journee de corvee 2 luterets peryus sur les arrerages, el arrerages provenant des muuicipalites anuexees. 36,197 Les credits annuels votes pour I'administration des affaires de la ville sont bases sur le chiffre des reoettes de I'exercice financier precedent, cinq pour cent sont reserves pour les depenses contingentes. La loi prevoit k ce qu'un montant aoit mis de cdte ohaque annee, pour le paiement de I'interet sur la dette geuerale et k I'acquit du fonds d'amor- tissement. Montreal jouit d'un credit si bien etabli que, pas plus tard que I'annee derni&re, les autorites municipales reussissaient k placer, kquatre pour cent, surle marche monetaire, un grand nom jre d'obligations en garantie, ce qui permettait le rachat de certaines obligations dues directement par la ville, et surlesquelles un interet de six pour cent etait paye. ' ' . SON PBESBNT ET SON AVENIR. 16 ,: VALEUE IMMOBILIlfeRE DE MONTB:^AL I 1 ... ( , PUBLIQUE ET PARTICULIERE, ^ I' La propri^t^ immobili^re dans Montreal repr^sente une valeur consid<5rable. IJn consultant le r61e d' Evaluation de 1887, on arrive an montant de $101,768,612, ce qui est ponrtant bien au-dessus de la valeur r^elle, attendu que les 6valuatcurs qui font cette estimation sont le plus souvent guides dans leurs calculs par des sentiments personnels qui compromettent beadcoup TimpartialitE qui devrait toujours se faire remarquer dans leur rapport. , ,1 ,,, , , On peut done garantir en toute assurance que la valeur ainsi donnde aux biens-fonds est trfes inf6rieure au prix du marchE. Cetto diflf6rence en moing peut certainement 6tre fixde k vingt-cinq pour cent, de sorte qu'en rectifiant les calculs nous arriverons h un chiffre de $127,198,140. La propri6t6 fonciSre se distribue entre 1317 propridtaires. II faut considdrer corame un gage de prosp4rit6 cette diffusion des immeubles entre un grand nombre depersonnes. En effet, elle ne peut queproduire I'ind^pendance d'actiou provoquer I'^ inspirer I'espritd'entreprise, trois conditions de sucCes qui font d^faut lorsque le monopole de la propriEt6 est entre les mains d'une ou deux personnes. On peut diviser la propri6t6 immobilidre comme suit, par quartiers : .'I'jtn/. Est . «4,315,200 '" Centre 5,791,700 ' Guest 9,023,300 '' SteAnne 10,119,070 St Antoiue 34,072,150 '" St Laurent 9,267,710 StLouis $7,340,520 St Jacques 8,950,510 Ste Marie 6,931,260 Hoclielaga 2,968,555 St Jean Baptiste ,.. 2,124,466 StGabriel 1,734,290 :/■. Bans les trois quartiers les plus anciens, on ne peut s'attendre h plus de developpe- ment, attendu que tout le terrain disponible est oocup^ ; la valeur n'en pourrait aug- menter que si on op^rait des changements dans les b^tisses, ou si on nm^liorait leur construction aotuelle. Le progr^s se fait surtout sen tir d'une manitire considerable dans es quartiers qui ont 6t6 derniSrement annexes ^ la ville, surtout dans St Jean Baptiste. Dans les quartiers Ste Anne et St Gabriel, la propriety a acquis une valeur nouvelle par la construction do la levEe, destin^e h opposer une barrifere aux invasions annuelles du St Laurent, et qui a si bien pr^servE, le printemps dernier, les parties en danger centre les consequences d^sastreuses de I'inondation. Comrae on peut le voir, le quartier St Antoine est de beaucoup le plus richede toute la ville. En effet, c'est Id, ob on admire les plus riches residences, et les rues les plus larges et les mieux entretenues ; nos capi- talistes les plus fortunos y ont 15, leur demeure. Ce quartier continue de jour en jour k s'agrandir, et les lots vacants se couvrent de constructions nouvelles ; dans la seule annee de 1886 k 1887, la valeur de la propriety fonci^re a augments de $1,968,250. .a En general, la demande est tr^s active pour la propriete immobiliiire, et les propri- ^taires se succ^dent chaque annee dans I'achat des terrains. Au mois de jiinvier dernier (ce mois est I'epoquo de I'annee oti il se fait le plus d'achats'de maisons et de terrains), on a constate qu'il s'etait vendu 162 immeubles representant un montant de $503,430 La population de Montreal augmento si rapidement, que d'ici tl quelques annees le nombre des maisons sera insuffisant pour la demande qui en sera faite. II fait toujours plaisir de voir les citoyens d'une ville lutter entre eux de z^le et d'emulation pour promouvoir seg interfits et aotiver son developpement, Tel est le fait qu'on peut voir k Montreal. Il s'est forme dans son sein une societe qui a pris nom : " L'association du progrds et de I'avancement de la cite de Montreal," et dont le but est de lui conquerir le sceptre sur toutes ses rivales pour la richesse, la beaute et la grandeur 16 Hi MONTREAL— SON PASSE, !«•••••••• Nous donnons oi-dessous uno liste des Montreal, ainsi que la valeox de leurs biens- d'^valuation do 1887 : — . i f62,000 00 73,000 00 49,000 00 162,600 00 15,700 00 46,000 00 48,400 00 20,000 00 12,000 00 307,200 00 36,600 0) 29,600 00 Abbott, Hon. J. J. 0. .. Adains, Jas. D Artisans Dwelling Ho. Co. , Allan, Andrew Asselin, £ue Allan, H. & A Allan, John Association des Arts Austin, Delle Allan, Succession Sir Hugh. Archarnbault, Dame L. H. . Archambault, Hon. Louis.. Archarnbault, Succession Hon. P. \V 48,000 00 Archarnbault, F. X . 45,700 00 Angus, Richard B 188,200 00 Armstrong, Geo 91,200 00 Arnton, Jno. J .. 46,000 00 Association St. Jean Baptiste. . . . 22,000 00 Atlantic & N W., Cie. Chemin de fer 173,000 00 Bagg, Succession S. C 536,300 00 Banque de Montreal 260,000 00 Banque I'Epargne de la Clt6 et du District 274,501 00 Baumgarten, A 43,000 00 Barsalou, Maurice 42,000 00 Banque Jacques Cartier 71,000 00 Beaudry, Succession Hon, J. L. 74,000 00 Beaudry,^. N. L 29,700 00 Beaudry, Joseph 36,900 00 Beaudry, Succession J. B. 171,000 00 Beaudry, F. X 196,300 00 Brennan, Wm , 73,100 00 Beaudry, Succession Victor .... 36,500 00 Bell, Samuel 47,000 00 Brush, Geo. S 17,600 00 Benny,Kobert 79,800 00 Benny, Macpherson & Oie 14,000 00 Berthelot, Hon. Juge A... . 61,000 00 Boyer, Dame Cbas 16,100 00 Brysou, Succession Daaae C 44,500 00 Barron, Thos. P 234,000 00 Buntin, Alex 80,200 00 Baxter, Dame Jae 12,000 00 Banque British North Amwica.. 77,000 00 Blron, Helen, & al J8,000 00 Borland, G. B 216,300 00 British Empire (Compag»le d'^- sociation Mutuelle) ,. . . 100,000 00 Bulmer & Shepperd. 62,900 00 princFit)&ttx pt-opri^taires d'immeublea do fbads, tels qu'lls apparaissont sur le rdles CaverhiU, SuccesBion John $128,000 00 Clay, J. B 46,400 00 Compagule d'Assuranoe " La Cltoyenne" 70,000 00 Carmelites Les 25,000 00 Cartier, Succession Sir Geo. E... 60,000 00 Carroll, Michael 19^000 oo Cantin, Augustin 92,700 00 Cherrler, P., & al 98,9 00 Canada Paper Co go.OOO 00 Compagnle Canadienne de Ca- outchouc 212.500 00 G'P-Ry 1,394,400 00 Olouston, Ed. S., & a! 90,0()0 0« Corapagnie de Placements et d'A- gence du Canada 101,100 00 Compagnie et Association de Placement du Canada 40,000 00 Cherripr & Senecal 105,000 00 Collins, Thos 41,800 00 Cuvillier & Cie 195,000 00 Couvent du Bon Pasteur 135,000 00 Congr(^gatlon, Soeurs de la 547,600 00 Campbell, Succession Robert. . . . 95,000 00 Campbell, G. W 75,000 00 Campbell, Succession Colin 20,500 00 Cooper, Wm 53,300 00 Cross, Hon. Alex 58,800 00 Compagnie d'Assurance sur la vie, " Canada " 66,000 00 Corporation de la Cit^ de Mont- real (exempte) 4,282,600 0© Conroy, Thos 17,700 00 Chanteloup.E 60,000 00 Carsley.Saml 46,000 00 Cordner, Rev. J 44,3' 00 Commissaires des Ecoles Catho- "ques 300,000 00 Carter, W.P 63,000 00 Caasils, Jno 53,000 00 Cross, Alex 68,000 00 Comte, Jos 122,100 00 Clendinneng, Wm 150,800 00 Crathern & Caverhlll 35,000 00 Crathern,Jas i8,000 00 Davis, Mrs. B F. ... 62,300 00 David, M. E.... 178,000 00 Delisle, MauriceN 73,900 00 Day,Jno.T 66,900 00 Dardny Geo 14,000 oO De St. Ours 59,20J flO SON PRESENT Denoon, Wm 551,500 Desrosiers, Jo8 51,700 De Beaujeu 95,0()t) Dow, Succession W 218,800 Drummoud, Geo. A 143,900 Desjardins, & al.. 10,000 Duliamel, Jos........... 39,000 Duncan, Jno 57,500 Evans Bros 180,500 Ecclesiastlques du S^minaire Quebec 90,000 Evans, J. S 219,200 Evans, W. S 24,100 Elliott, Jas 35,000 Evech6 de Montreal 98,500 Ewing, S. H. & A. S 55,000 Fairbairn, Jno 63,483 Ferrler, Hon. Jas. ... .. 17!>,0iKI Eraser, Succession Dr. Wm 34,500 Eraser, Hugh 60,000 Frferes des Ecoles Chr^tiennes.. 21,800 Frotliingliani, Succession Jno . . . 65,000 Fabrique 13,4')0 Fislxer, Dame A 70,000 Fortier, J. M 18,00C Gault, AKd.F 77,000 Gouvernenient (exempt) 4,961,600 Gibb, J. D ^ 84,900 Genereux,E.A 86,000 Godfrey, Dr. R. T ... 127,000 Gould, Succession Ira 80,000 Grand Trunk Ky 1,092,200 Graham, Hugh 106,000 Gravel, Jos. O 42,500 Grey Nuns • 1,004,000 Guy,M.P.,&aI 106,500 Holland, Jas 62,000 Kiivre Commissaires du 160,000 Hochelaga Cotton Spinning Mill 609,500 Hotel Dieu 532,000 Hall&Scott 45,000 Hall, Succession Benj 13,800 Hart, Theodore 72,500 Hamilton, Geo. W 53,000 Harrison, Dame , we. Thos 19,200 Halton.J.C 48,000 Hodgson, Jonathan 69,000 Henry, Succession Peter 11,400 Hutchison, Succession 33,000 Hogan.Hy 148,(00 Ives, H. R.,&Cie 66,400 Johnstone , Dame, we. Jas 45,')00 Joseph, Jacob H 360,000 Joseph, Jesse.... 480,500 Joyce,Aifred 63,000 ET I SON AVENIR. 00 00 00 GO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Jesuits, Rev Judah, Fretl. T . , Judah, Succession Henry King, Warden Kavanagh, Michael Ivay, Wm. F Freres de la Charit6 Les Sojurs du St. Norn de Jesus. I nd & Loan Company LaboUe, Pierre H Lachapelle, Dr. E. P Leclaire, J. V. A., & al Laurie, Wm .... Ijarocque, Armand Larocque, Alfred, sr Law, David Lefebvre, M., & Co Lunn, Succession Luim, Succession Wm., et al.... Liverpool & London & Globe . . . . Lamothe & al., Wm Linton, James Lionais, Succession DameH.., Lamoutagne, E. O Lamontagne, Dame, we. Jos . Lyman, Dame Hy Lyman, Dame we C , . . MacDonald, Duncan Maclcay, Hugh and liobert Mackay, Succession Hon. R . . , , Mailloux, P. N Maltby, Wm. L Masson, Dame we Jos Ma«son, Succession Jlaxwell, E. J Miller, Dame Hy Molsou, John , , , Molson, Capt. J. D Molson, Sam. E Molson, Succession J. E Molsou, Alex ., Molson, Dame J. H. K Molson, Succession Wm Montreal Loan & Mortgage Co Montreal Telegrapli Co Merchants Bank of Canada . . . . Montreal General Hospital .... Montreal Warehousing Co Montreal Street Railway Co . . , Montreal Gas Co Morris, J. L Morrison, Dame, we Juo McConkey, Thos. L McCord, David R McDonald Tobacco Factory, , , , 17 • I, I-.. . ! .' $55,800 00 141,100 00 302,200 00 105,000 00 64,000 00 168,000 00 200,000 00 40,000 00 118,300 00 21,000 00 50,000 00 43,300 00 130,900 00 61,000 00 170,000 00 60,000 00 20,500 0) 57,400 00 36,000 00 64,000 00 60,900 00 49,400 00 75,500 00 20,500 00 18,000 00 72,000 00 22,000 00 261,000 00 60, ,00 00 16,000 00 45,000 00 126,200 00 185,000 00 38,000 00 45,000 00 58,000 00 227,700 00 36,000 00 65,000 00 36,000 00 36,000 00 224,600 00 27,800 00 282,200 00 104,800 00 180,050 00 76,000 00 276,100 00 123,000 00 392,200 00 56,000 00 48,500 00 61,000 00 42,000 00 156,000 00 B 18 MONTREAL — SON PASSE, McDonald, Alex $70,000 00 McDonald, W.C 56,700 00 McDonald, Jno 102,500 00 McDougall, Don. L., & al 48,000 00 McGarvey, Owen 229,000 00 M088,S. H.& J 26,000 00 Molntyre Arch 105,00J 00 Mclntyre, Duncan . 232,000 00 Mclntyre, Wm. C 60,000 00 McKinnon, Geo. & Delle 50,000 00 Mussen, Thoa 22,000 00 McKeswin, W. J. R 75,000 00 McLennan, Hugh 45,000 00 Mullin, Jas. E 82,800 CO Mullin.Palk 42,300 00 New York Life Ins. Co 70,000 00 Nordhelmer, A. &S 85,000 00 N. British & Mercantile Ins. Co. 45.000 00 Nuns of Jesus and Mary 100,000 00 Nuns of Providence 475,800 00 Notman,Win 33,000 00 Ogilvie, A. W. , & Co 267,500 00 " Jno 66,000 00 " W. W 120,000 00 P^reB Ohlats, lies 32.000 00 Prot. House of Industry 25,000 00 Phillips, Dame, we Chas 165,000 00 Phillips, Allan Arth 67,000 00 '« Succession W. E 94,000 Oq Paquette, Jos 46,000 Prot. Orphan Asylum 18,000 00 Paquette, Succession W 61,000 00 Peck, Benny & Co 85,000 00 Piatt, Succession Jno 49,000 00 Pillow, H ersey & Co 82,000 00 Peck, Dame, we Thos 40,000 00 " Thos 48,500 00 Pratt, Succession Jno 289,000 00 Prendergast, Jno 87,700 00 Prot. Baptist (exemptions) 18,000 00 Prot. School Commissioners 367,200 00 Rafflnerie de Sucre du Canada. . . 187,500 00 Redpath, Succession Jno .. .... 311,503 00 Rcdpath, J. J 60,000 00 " Dame 86,500 00 Redpath, G. 1) 32,000 00 Redpath, Peter 20,000 00 Reed, Roht. G 110,000 00 Ramsay, Alex 36,200 00 Rolland, Succession J. B 36,000 00 Rolland, J. B 41,300 00 Bodier.C.S 453,700 00 Rubenstein, Jacob, Israel et Moses 37,000 00 Robert, Oliver 49,000 00 Robertson, Jon 8101,000 00 Rosaire, Succession Dom 42,000 00 Ross, Jas. G 65,000 fO Ra8toul,P. X 10,800 00 R. C. Corp. Epia. de Montreal. . 68,510 00 Royal Life & Fire Ins. Co 45,000 00 Rivard, Sevfere, & al 46,300 00 S^minalre.Montr^al (exemptions) 754,750 00 Seminalre, Montreal 1 ,530,460 00 Seymour, M. H 45,000 00 Shorey, H , & Cie 60,000 00 Scottish American Invest. Co ... . 49,900 (fi Scott, Gilbert, «& Cie 171,700 00 Shelton,E. E 143,800 00 Seminaire, Orph. St. Frs. Xavier, 14,000 00 Sisters of Mercy 200,000 00 Sheridan, Jon 60,200 00 Shearer, Jas 61,800 00 Skelly, Succession Jas 199,400 00 SheddenCo 62,000 00 Smith, Sir Donald A 127,600 00 S6minaire de St. Sulpice 39,600 00 Smardon, John 66,700 00 Sknefe, Hevis 45,000 00 Smith, Succession H. B 163,000 00 St. Louis, J. B 45,000 00 St. Lawrence Sugar Retiring Co. 87,000 00 Stephen, Sir Geo 121,000 00 Steph ens, R omeo H •. . . . 199,000 00 Stephens, Sheldon .... 146,000 00 Stephens, Succession Wm 47,000 00 Stephens, Geo. W 362,000 00 Standard Life Ins. Co 268,00') 00 Stewart, Edward 48,500 00 Sutherland, Louis 42,000 00 Tate, Geo., & al 54,Oro 00 Tayl'r,Hugh 94,100 00 Taylor, Succession Kobt 25,000 00 Taylor, Thos, M 75,000 00 Thomas, F. W 29,000 00 Tessier dit L^veque, Emery 41,900 00 Trihey,Tho8 60,600 00 Tracey, C. E 133,300 00 Tiflln, Succession Jno 50,000 00 Tiffin, Jno. A 98,500 00 Tiffin , Succession Jos 46,000 00 Tambareau, Rev. D 32,000 00 Trees Wesleyan Church 13,500 00 Trees Methodist Church , 60,000 00 Trust & Loan Co 133,600 00 Trudel, Dame F. X. A 14,000 00 Toupln, Rev. A 66,000 00 Tiy, Succession Jno 77,000 00 Viau,C.T ; 48,200 00 Waddell, Succession Samuel. . . . 142,403 00 SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 19 Wheeler, Dr. Thos. B $ 14,500 00 Watson, Dame Robert 11,000 00 Watson, John C 49,500 00 WIl8on,Succe8sloti Andrew 61,500 00 Wilson, Jno 42,000 00 WlUon, Succession Hon. C. & al 139,200 00 Wilson, Hon. Chas 20,500 00 Windsor Hotel 600,000 00 Workman, Thos 240,000 00 Ward, Dame we Robert 28,000 00 Wurtele, Jacob 81,000 00 RESUMli. En Plus de «1,000,000.00. «« 500,000.00.... " 400,000.00 6 12 14 i< €l • I II (I tl En plus de $300,000.00 21 200,000.00 37 100,000.00 84 75,000.00 108 60,000.00 .... 175 25,000.00 254 10,000.00 291 Les 326 propri^taires dont lea noma sont donnas ci haut se divisent comme suit : Institutions Publiques 6 Corporations Keligieuaes 28 Compagnies LimittJes 32 Successions 4L Citoyens Particuliers 218 CAPITAL ET PLACEMENTS DIVERS. La fortune investie de Montr<5al est tr^s considerable, d^passant de beaucoup celle d'un grand nombre de villes de m^me population sur ce continent. Les nombreuses corporations, les entreprises commeroiales, la concentration deslignes dechemins de fer, e grand surplus d'affaires, ainsi que les travaux collat■ PLAC:fiE LA FORTUNE DE MONTREAL et quelques-uils des possesseurs de stock financier en ont deb parts vraimentlarges parts dans diverges banques. Parmi les plus considerables on peiit citer Sir Donald A. Smith, ayant un stock dans la banque de Montreal seule, estim^ sur le march^ h quatre ou oioi|/,' cent mille dollars. • mkm',:.". r.iDv.i;.' .' i. .; i: .,>- ,(tO';i /' M. W. C. McDonald e«t un autre des plus gfn,ndB capitalistes de cette villej'dohtW^' stock dans la Banque de Montreal seule atteint un demi million de dollars, plus, dettk' cent mille dans la Banque des Marcbanda, et cent quatre-vingt mille dans ccUe du Com*.!, merce. , , • , • , , , , . . * i . > v M. R. Hamilton, frSre de I'honorablo John Hamilton, est aussi un des plus grands possesseurs de stock financier de nos institutions. On lui connait quatre cent cin- quante mille dollars dans la Banque de Montreal, cent trente-sept mille dans celle des Marchands, dix-sept mille deux cent quatre-vingt dans celle du Commerce, treize mille cinq cents dans la Banque Irap^riale, six mille dans celle de Quebec, onze mille sept cent soixante livres dans la Banque British North America, et neuf mille dollars au moins dans celle do Toronto. PLUSIEURS BIENS DE FAMILLES ^ ' ' ^ repr^sentent dans cette cit6 de tr^s gros montants. La famille Molson possMe un stock dans la Banque de Montreal, dans celle du Commerce, oelle des Marchands, d' Ontario et Imp^riale, d'une valeur approchant do bien pr6s un million de dollars, tandis que dans la Banque Molson est renferm^ un trois quart de million. La famille Allan possMe un fort stock de banques; les valeursdefeu Sir Hugh Allan se montaient dans la Banque des Marchands k trois cent mille piastres, et les autres membres de la famille atteignent le voisinage de deux cent quatre-vingt-dix mille dollars. Ui) des plus larges porteurs de parts est encore M. Robert Anderson, qui a $280,000 dans la Banque des Marchands, et pr(is de $250,000 dans celle de Montreal, d'aprSs la liste des coles. Nous remarquerons dans cette nomenclature des porteurs de parts de la , BANQUE DE MONTREAL. , , ,A Mr. W. C. McDonald, $260,000; Sir Donald A.Smith, $200,000; Mr! J. G. Mackenzie (succession), $150,000; M. W. Murray (succession), $120,000; M. R. Anderson, $100,- 000; M.J. Redpath (succession), $100,000; M. G. A. Druminond, $100,000; M. J. H. R. Molson, $100,000; M. W. Molson (d6p6t), $91,800; M. H. B. Clark, $90,000; Hon. .?. Ryan, $75,000; M. F. McCuUoch, $67,000; M, R. B. Angus, $60,000; Hon. John Hamilton (succession), $60,000; Mile Orkney, $60,000; M. J. O'Brien (d6p6t), $54,000; H. 0. Andrews (d^pfit), $52,000 ;_H. Mackenzie (d6p6t), $50,000; R. Mclntyre, $46,800; Ex6cuteurs de M. W. Dow, $40,000 ; H. D. Clark, $39,600 ; Mde. M. Masson, $35,000 ; Ex6cuteursde T. Molson, $34,000 ; C. Oilman, $34,000; R. W. Shepherd, $34,000; M'. W. E. Lyman, $33,400; Mde. M Peek, $33,000; M. C. S. Watson, $33,000; Mde. M. Cf Lyman, $34,000; Hon. J. Masson (succession), $82,000; Mde. A. Molson, $31,400; M." E.G. Benny, $31,500; Mde. S. E. Molson, $31,000; Mde. A. R. Hunt, $30,000; Mde. , L. G. Molson, $26,000 ; J. Cassils, $26,000 ; Mile Jessie Dow, $25,0O0 ; Mile Mary Dowi'' $25,000 ; Mde. Mary Dow, $25,000 ; Cochrane, Cassils & Co., $25,000 ; Mde. S. Fisher,'' $25,000; J. M. Douglas, $25,000; Refuge Ste. Brigitte, $24,600; M. John Crawford; $24,000 ; Dr. R. P. Howard, $23,200 ; M. H. W. Shepherd, $22,400 ; Mde. Esther Wilson, $21,800; Orphelinat St. Patrick, $21,000; Mde. J. Macfarlane, $20,600 ; Mdo. Reddy, ■ $20,400 ; A. R. McDonnell,$20,000 ; Mde. J. Redpath, $20,000 ; J. Caverhill (succession)','' $20,000; A. Clerk, $20,000; J. D. Gibb (succession), $20,000; Mde. M. Henderson; SON PRESENT ET SON aVeXIR. -'^l $20,000; M. Jasse Joseph, $20^000 5 M. W. Kerr (succesaion), $20,000; J. J. Arnton. $20,000; D. Miiomaster, $20,000; A. Mclntyre, $20,000; M. C. Gibb, $20,000; H. ' McLennan, $20,000 ; J. McLennan, $20,000 ; Dr. J. Roddy (succession), $20,000 ; Mde. J. Maofarlane (d*ip6t), $18,600; Mde. A. Mnsson, $18,400 ; Mde. A. Phillips, $17,200; iT. A, Dawes, $20,000; Mr. B. A. Boas, $17,200; Mde. Redpath, $15,000; J. Tempest, $15,000; E. T. Kins, $15,000; .J. W. Buchanan, $15,000; V. Beaudry, $15,000; Mde. Kane, $14,600; T. Workman (ex^cuteurs), $13,400. • •• Paruii les portours de parts de :., .• ../r i •• - i ni ( . ,; • LA BANQUE DES MARCHANDS, ' ='' voici quels sont les plus notables: — La succession de Sir Hugh est cr^ditde a.'eo 2432 parts 6valu6es k $243,200, et en outre une somme de $218,300 se trouve partagde cntre j les h^ritiers. Les plus larges porteura venant ensuite, sont : . • • M. R. Anderson, $210,000; M. W. C. Macdonald, $1.50,000; M. J. Duncan, $122,- 900 ; M. And. Allan, $92,600 ; M. H. Mackenzie, $65,000 ; M. J. H. R. Molson, $60,000 ; M. R. B. Angus, $50,000; Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, $55,000 ; W. Francis, $36,500 ; J. 0. .Connor, $30,000; J. Moore, $33,600; J. Fraser, $43,000; A. St. Denis, $32,500; Geo. Hague, $35,000; Eglise d'Ecosse, $32,200; W. H. Benyon, $29,000; H. Barbeau, $20,000 ; J. Curran, $27,800 ; Mde. L. G. F. Molson, $20,000 ; J. Pratt (succession de), .,$21,600; J. D. Gibb, $17,500 ; Jonathan Hodgson, $16,300; W. N. Anderson, $16,500; J. P. Dawes, $10,000; J. M. Kinghorn, $15,000; J. A. Dawes, $15,000; N. B. Corse . (guccession do), $15,400; J. (?rawford, $15,300; J. Crathern, $12,500; T. D. Hood, ;.$12,000. . . DANS LA BANQUE MOLSON les ex^cuteurs testamentaires de feu M. W. Molson ont sept mille parts do fondateurs 4valu^es k $350,000, et la faraillc se trouve credit(^e en plus de $280,150. Les autres plus grands porteurs de parts sont comn>e suit : Mde. A. R. Hunt, $20,000 ; Mr. J. Hutchison, $25,000;; Mde. M. A. Spragge, $25,000 ; Mr. T. Workman, $24,750; do, en d<5p<)t, $25,900 ; J. T. Carter, $17,500 ; J.Atkinson, $17,450 ; succession du Rev. J. Braithwaite, $15,600 ; succession de J. and B. Cox, $15,000; R. W. Shepherd, $11,300; John Crawford, $10,000; succession do Miles Wil- liams, $15,750; Mile Orkney, $13,750; Mde. H. Frothingham, $15,500; Mde. E. N. Frothingham, $15,500. ,, DANS LA BANQUE DE COMMERCE ' les plus grands porteurs sont : M. W. C. McDonald, $150,000 ; M. E. Mackay, $65,000 ; M. R. Anderson, $50,000 ; M. W. Murray, $40,000 ; M. J. Arnton, $35,000 ; M. J. H. R. Molson, $30,000; Father Dowd, $20,000 ; M. W. H. Withall, $21,000; M. A. B. Boas, $18,000; M. J. Crathern, $15,000; Hon. John Hamilton (succession), $15,000; M. H. Clark, $12,500; M.J. Robertson, $12, .500 ; M. J. Moore, $12,500 ; M. G. B. Burland, $10,000; Orphelinat St. Patrick, $12,600; Mr. E. Neild, $10,000; M. W. 0. Smith, $10,500; Duncan Mclntyre, $516,000; R. B. Angus, $60,000. ' "" ^ J " '" . ii.llti ',■;, .-. . i .--y •' '■'■>■■ '■'■ .'tniAL DANS LA BANQUE JACQUES CARTIER les plus importants propri^taires de parts sont : A. Dosjardins, $49,125 ; A. S. Hamelin, $36,000; J. 0. Gravel, $26,750 j successiop J. B.. Beaudry, $29,050; T. W. McAnulty, $23,500. ' ■" •••■''•■'■■■ '-- '■' ■■■! ■ ■ ; ■" ■ ■"■■"' 22 ,,, MONTREAL — SON PABSE, DANS LA BANQU3 DU PEOPLE '. i' •'< > . les plus forts sont : M. H. B. Smith, $26,000; John Pratt (succession), $21,200; Mde. A. Provost, $10,550 ; E. Soholoe, $10,000; succession do Miles Williams, $10,350; C. Glackmeyer, $10,000 ; E.Galt, $9,100 j C G. Hill, $8,195 ; T. S. Brown, $7,100; G. A. Drummond, $7,600. . . , DANS LA BANQUE VILLE MARIE .» " ,1 i : • ii- /I les plus forts porteurs sont : ..(..!■ ., ...i-m < .i . d.'j M. W. Weir, $37,400; L. G. Guimond, $15,200; J. G. Davie, $8,800. . • DANS LA BANQUE NATIONALE ; ,< , ., les propridtaires do parts les plus forts sont : '• v i. ^ ; . i 'i i " ' i- : G, N. iMoncel, $15,200; D. Lacroix, $11,650; Mde. Robertson, $8,450; E. Parent (succession de), $5,200; succession J. Pratt, $4,800; W. Withall, $3,000. ,,t La plus grande sommo a'argent investie .i ; DANS LA BANQDE DE QUEBEC ' ' ' se lit oomme suit : ■) - , ,\ .;. _U W. Withall, $100,000 ; Hon. J. Masson (succession de), $20,000 ; Mary Jane Fry $10,000 ; I'Hon. P. Chauveau, $20,000. Les capitalistes do Montreal ayant assez d'argent pour en placer dans diverse autrcs institutions financifires, sont : M. 6. B. Burland qui a dans la Banque F^d^rale de Toronto $33,000, et M. H. Barbeau, $57,000 ; M. W. R. Miller, $25,000, dans la Banqu d'Ontario ; Hon. D. A. Macdonald, $25,000 dans la mSme institution ; M. Joseph Hick- son a $11,500 de parts dans la Standard Bank. Mr. T. Williams possn! point do viie le canal do nuvigiition, la oonstructioii, r<51argisHciuont do co inagnifiquo systOino do canaux qui rollout rOcC'an avec lo coininerco fluvial inturiour, pout 6tro sans contradiction portoe au credit et k I'^nergie de la coinmunaut6 mercantile do Montreal. Los hoinmos d'un dcmi siOclo pass<5 qui out tir<5 partie des possibilitds otfortos par la noble riviere dont la Providoiico a dot<; cottecontr^-e, et qui ont au scruter I'avonir du brillant commcrco de Montroal. agglomeration r<5elle do celui du Canada, ont tons ^-t*^ imbus du m6mo esprit d'entrcprise et de c6nfiance en leur patrie. De m<3mo, ceux qui plus tard ont song^ au projot grandiose d'un chemin de fer transcontinental de I'Atlantiqueau Pacifique, augmentant jmr la force des cboses le commerce do MontrJial, le point de concentration du commerce canndien, ont jug^' sninement de IMmportancc de Montreal, oar cetto ville so trouve 6tre lo niaitro annoau do la chatne commerciale et industriello du Canada entier, de I'est ^ I'ouest. Depuis 1825, d'ann(?es on ann6es, les hommcs d'affaires de Montr<;aI n'ont cess<5 de demander ct d'agir afin d'obtenir que les navires oo^aniques fussent en mesuro d'arriver tout droit dans notre port, avec leur cargai.«on eutii^re sans dtre oblig<;s d'en d6barquer une partie h Quebec. lis out en outro demand*? que lo crousoment du chenal pour arriver h cette fin, qui aprds tout 6tait h Tavantage do tout, tombilt h la charge au tr<;sor f('d<^ral, ils y ont r<^ussi, et le 28 mars 1888 le premier ministro du Canada, annonjait tette bonne nouvelle au Junior Conservative Chih, Cette entreprise est une viotoire ^clatante pour leS MARCHANDS DE MONTREAL et leurs associations commerciales. qui, avec le chemin de fer du Pacifique Canadien passer i\ la postdritd comme un des plus grands exploits dans I'histoire du d^velop- pement du Canada. Le parcours do la navigation du St. Laurent montre qu'il s'etend a moiti6 ^ travers le continent do rAmcrique da Nord, avec un peu plus de soixante et dix milles do navigation artificielle sous forme de canaux. II y a, cependant plus qu'un simple int6r6t local au chenal des navires; co n'est pas seulement la grande route ocdanique du pays, mais c'est la route natureile vers I'Europe pour les trois quarts du continent de rAmcrique du Nord, comprenant les terres h, grain du Nord-Ouest, les for[) ou 1820. Duns cctto dcmi^rc annde, uno p<^tit.ion des marchands do Montr<''al fut luo dovant rAssembl^^o du Bns-Caniida, dans laqiiolle il ^'tait avanc<^, qiril cauco du pou do profondour do I'oau do la riviere ft, I'lle Platte et dans quelqncH partios du Lac St. Piorro, If a navires do mer <5tant sujets ft, doa inconv<al, ou capables d'y arriver qu'upriis avoir d<5oharg6 la plus grando parlie dolour cargaison. Que I'intordt et la ' ' . PROSpf rit£ de la province de qi::6beo ainsi que ooUedu Haut-Canadn, exigaient que tout obstacle ft la navigation de co grand chenal de communication soit onler^ aussitdt que possible, et, qu'en autant qu'il se pourrait, quo la riviere soit rendue navigable on tout temps pour les vaisscaux do mer. Qu'aveo do tellcs vues d'amdiiorations, les marchands clo la cit6 do MontrC-al, durant I'automne dernier ont nomm6 un comit(5 pour obtcnir des informations sur la possibility de CO projet, et en mdme temps pour fairo les demandcs n<'co>-'alre8 ft. la Legislature Provinciale, a qui appartient spdcialement Thonneur et le pouvoir d'exdcuter une oeuvre d'une importance aussi consid<5rabIe." Un corait6 do l'assembl(5e fit des investigations k ce sujet, examina des t<^moins, et ddcida qut I'Mnportaucc du sujet exigeait de plus amplcs informations. En 1831, un examon de rivitJre et du Lac St. Pierre fut fait par I'AmirautC'Britannique, et en 1836 le sujet fut do nouvoau discut(^, et do nouvelles preuvcs d^^posdes dovant Ic Bureau de commerce. Le premier succ^s attoint par les Montr■■ ■' - ■ ■■' ■'■'■■ ..■..■• ■ '■ 26 / MONTREAL — SON PASSE, ' V '' ' HAVRR RE MONTREAL. , , La radmeanndo, un acto fut pafl8<^ uutoritjunt lea oommisHairos d't-rapruntor £30,000, les draguours lour 6tant aiissi tran8f6r<')8. En Novembro 1851, le clional naturol Mur lo lac, d'environ 10 pieds 6 pouoes, fut creus(> do 2 pioda. Eii Aoflt 1852, un vaisaeau tirant 14 pieds 7 passuit; en 1856, un crouaa le chonal h uno profondour do 16 picda, et k 18 pieds en 1857. Los Cotniniasairos du Havre k cotto dpoque ropr<^8ontiirent au Qouverneinont que les travaux ox<5cut<$8 jusqu'alors assuraient la possibilit*^ d'obtenir un olienal do ia pro- fondour requiae sur toute la longueur do la rivit^ro jusqu'i Tentr^o du canal Lnchino, reliant la marine oc6anique avoc la navigation intdriouro du pays ; ot on 1860, il fut d6oid6 que les ameliorations sur le flouve soraiont considdr^es comrao travaux publics. Dos travaux ont dopuis 6t6 dirigds avec uno grando <5nergio par les Commissaires du Havre sous I'habilo direction de Ipur ingdnieur-on-Chef, M. John Kennedy, et de ses assistants. En* 1878, une profondour de 22 pieds fut attointe, en 1882 olle futaugment PORT DE MONTR:fiAL. I ' Le port de Montreal, formant ainsi qn'il le fait I'union entre l'oc6an ot la naviga- tion int6rieure, possMe des avantagcs qui le constituent lo point de distribution il I'intd- rieur et k I'extdrieur de I'iramense territoire qui borde les vastes mers int<5rieures du continent de rAra6rique du Nord. Lors de la Confederation, la dette du Havre de Montreal 6tait d'apeu pr^s $1,126,000. Depuis ce temps il a ete d^pense au delJl de $1,520,000, formant un total de $2,646,000. La dette actuelle est de $1,881,000, ce qui fait une difference do $765,000 payee par le revenu. Beaucoup plus oependant, a ete paye par le revenu, car le montant depense pour le havre, qui embrasse une distance d'environ cinq millos de longueur, s'etendant de la rivitire St. Pierre h la Longue Pointe, est d'k peu prSs $3,200,000. Tout ceci a ete paye avec les droits de tonnage et les taxes imposees aux vaisseaux venant k Montreal et k leur cargaison. O.uoique les ameliorations au havre soient encore insuffisantes k la manoeuvre do la quantite toujours croissanto de fret, que I'esprit d'entreprise de nos citoyens y attire, neanmoms il est encore beaucoup en avant de tous ses oompetiteurs oanadiens. G'est le troisidmo des '■ ''■'■' '''''"' "'''" '" ' "plus grands PORTS sur le continent d'Amdrique^; non seulement Montreal est de 250 milles plus pr6s de Liverpool qu'aucun de ses oompetiteurs Americains, mais c'est aussi le port le plus rap- proche du cdte de 1' Atlantique des ports sur lo Pacifique, et plus pr^s des ports Asiatiquea que New York, ainsi qu'il est demontrd dans les donnees suivantes : Hilles en faveur Milles. de Montnsiil, r>e Liverpool il Montreal 2,790 De Liverpool k New York 3,010 De Liverpool k Port Moody,vla Montreal et le Can. Pac. R.R 6,696 De Liverpool k San Francisco, via New York 6,830 De Liverpool k Yokohama, via Montreal et le Can. Pac. R R 11,019 De Liverpool k Yokohama, via New York et San Francisco 12,038 260 1,134 1,019 SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. S7 ' Puis quant aux importanteB qucntionB du temps ot dos frais do transport, la moyenuo des (juinzo derni^rcs ann<5eM oi«t beaucoup on faveur do la route k Montr6aI, Chicago /i Liverpool, via le Canal Welland et Montn'al 4,088 Chicago 6, Liverpool, via le Canal Erie et New York 4,4H0 Difference en favour de Montrcial aua Le creusement du chenal, ot les coinmodittait sur le bord du fleuve, et qui gardait toujours une quantity de boeufs pour remorquer les bateaux, lui demandant d'aider il remorquerle brick h travers le courant. Un cable fut cnvoy<5 au rivage, et dix boeufs y furcnt atta- ches, cependant la force r6unie du vapeur et des boeufs ne suffit pas. Le "Favorite" avait 6i6 construit par un M. Johnson, etabli h Hochelaga; et celui-ci voyant I'embarras dans lequel se trouvait le brick envoya quarante ou cinquante hommes pour pres h, Tapprentissage du commerce d'dpiceries, ct apres un voyage par eau et par terre h New York, &, Buffalo, et aux chutes Niagara, Hugh Allan retourna en Angleterre, oii il vit le premier chemiu de for du monde, la ligiie " Liver- pool-Manchester; " ct retourna tl Montreal en 1830, sur le " Canada," un nouveau brick, construit par son pore. C'^tait un splcudide navire et un des plus grands dans le ncgoco de Montreal. , ^ . ., i Durant cotte m(5me annde la construction du premier quai dans le port fut commen- c^e, les coinmissaires des travaux furent I'Hon. George Moffatt, Colonel Piper, des Ingd- nieurs Royaux, et I'Hon. Juge Quesnel. Mais pendant quelquo temps, le progres fut lent. A son retour Mr. Allan entra dans le bureau de Mr. James Miller qui faisait des affaires considerables, embrassant la construction, la possession, et la conduite des navires. II recevait d'imnienses consigrmtions do marchandises, de vins et liqueurs, et cxportait une quantity consid^^-rable de grains, alcalis et produits de toutes especes. Le Canada ne manufacturait alors que tres peu de whiskey. '" " LE SEUL STLAIULANT darmi la classe ouvricire ^tait le rhum. II etait imports en grande partie tant dirccte- ment des Indes Occidentales que par voie de la Grandc-Bretagne. Mr. Miller recevait souvert des consignations de 100 a 150 barils de rhum dans un seul ohargement. Ceci ^tait invariablement vendu par encan aussitdt ddbarqud. Comme il n'y avait que tr .\ Laprairie pour en prendre soin et le faire charger sur un petit bateau, le "Edmund Henry," pour Montreal. Au mois d'Avril de chaque annde, il visitttit S'c. Mathias, St. Hilaire, Belneil, St. Marc, St. Charles, St. Antoinc, St. Ours, et tons les villages situ6s sur le fleuve, ainsi que Contrccoeur, Verchdres et Varennes, un " territoire triis fertile en bio alors, pour rccucillir tout le grain apportd durant I'hiver. Les biltiments pesammeht charges naviguaient ave6 beaucoup de difficult<5s dans ce temps-l:\, I'cau descendant quelqucfois jusqu'tl 11 pieds dnns le Lac St. Pierre. Quand il en dtait ainsi, les plus petits bateaux seuls pouvaicnt trans])orter leur cargaison h, travers le lac ; lorsquc les gros vaisseaux tentaient d'y passer, il devennit souvent ndces- saire de les ddcharger sur un radeau plac6 le long du batiment. M(}me ies ancres, les chaines ot les vergues dont on pouvait se dispenser • ; ; .i u Ceci fut le commencement de i ' ' ' ' ' i . '• ■ LA CELEBRE LIGNE ALLAN. Le ''Canadian " fit son premier voyage le 20 Septembre 1853, et lorsqu'il arriva au port sa marche 6tait un myst^re pour les nombreux spectateurs qui encouibiaient le port pour voir arriver le plus grand vaisseau qui jus(iu'alors 6tait entr6 dans le port de Montreal. Lorsque le voyage du '' Canadian " en Angleterre fut accompli, et avant qu'il put faire une seconde travers6e, la navigation sur le St. Laurent 6tait ferm6e pour la saison, et pendant que la glace couvrait le fleuve, il fit un voyage k New York. A son retour k Liverpool dans le printemps de 1855, le besoin urgent de puissants navires de premiere classe s'6tant fait sentir pour transporter les troupes et I'artillerie en Crim6e, le "Canadian" fut retenu par le Gouvernement comme vaisseau de transport et conti- nua d'etre employ^ k ce service jusqu'^. la fin de la guerre. Peu apr^s I'engagement du "Canadian," "I'Indian" fut aussi pris pour le m^me but. Quandles flottes attaqu^rent et prirent les Forts Kinburn, " I'Indian," k cause de ses qualitds superieures, k part ae service perilleux fut employ^ comme navire de depSches de I'Amiral. Durant la guerre de Crimde, le commerce par navires k vapeur entre Liverpool et le Canada fut grandement empfiche et diminu6, ou plutdt totalement suspendu. A la fin de la guerre, cependant, le Gouvernement Canadien o6dant aux pressantos representation^ du peuple du Canada, demaada des soumiseioua pour 6tablir une ligne de navires h SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 31 vapours pour la malle dovant traverser une fois par quinze jours entre Montrdal et Liverpool, et entre Liverpool et Portland apr^s la ol6ture de la navigation sur le St. Laurent. L^ligne Allan rdussit h faire accepter sa aoumission, et comnienca lo ser- vice sous contrat en Avril 1856. Mais au d<5but, do grandes difflcultds devaient ^trereu- contrdes et quelques fois des d<5sastres durent 6tre supportds avec patience. II n'y avait alors que trSs peu de pharos sur le fleuvo et le golfe St. Laurent. Et comme la directioa des coarants n'dtait PAS SUFFISAMMENT CONNUE, et les capitaines n'ayant pas encore acquis d' experience dans la direction des navires & vapeur, les dangers de la traversde de I'ocdan peuvent 6tro aisdment imagines. Dans un de ses premiers voyages sous ce contrat avec le Gouvernement, le "Canadian" s'dchoua et fit naufrage dans le fleuve. D'autres d^sastres suivirent ; mais les Allans no manquaient pas de perseverance, et ils parvinrent h demontrer que lo St. Laurent pouvait etre rendu sQr et agreablo en mSme temps. Leurs capitaines h qui on reeom- mandait la prudence pardessus tout, acquirent bientfit de I'experience quant k la position des ecueils, et le oours des differents courants, et le Gouvernement augmenta lo nombre des pharos et des boudes. Sous les clauses du premier contrat la ligne Allan continua son service des malles jusqu'au mois d' Avril 1857, alors que de nouveaux arrangements furent pris. A cette epoque, le Gouvernement, hautement satisfait do la mani^re avec laquelle le con trat avait 6t6 execute, et les services rendus, passa un nouveau contrat avec la ligne Allan pour un service hebdomadaire. Ce contrat enta en operation en Avril 1859, et est encore en force. A mesure que le temps s'avangait, de nouveaux vaissoaux etaient construits, chacun desquels surpassait le dernier, et dont nous avons le complement dans le superbe navire " Parisian." Les vaisseaux suivants composent maintenant la flotte Allan. Vapours (en for et acier) : " Acadian," 931 tonneaux ; " Assyrian," 3970 tonnoaux ; ''Austrian," 2458 tonneaux ; "Buenos Ayrean," 4005 tonneaux ; ''Canadian," 2906 tonneaux ; "Carthaginian," 4214 tonneaux; '' Caspian ;" 2628 tonneaux ; "Circassian," 3724 tonneaux ; ''Corean," 3488 tonneaux; "Grecian," 3613 tonneaux ; "Hibernian," 2297 tonneaux; "Lucerne," 1925 tonneaux; '' Manitoban," 2975 tons ; "Monte Videan," 3500 tonneaux; " Nestorian,'' 2689 tonneaux ; " Newfoundland," 919 tonnoaux ; "Norwegian," 3523 tonneaux ; "Nova Scotian," 3305 tonneaux; ''Parisian," 5359 tonneaux ; "Peruvian," 3038 tonneaux; "Phoenician," 2425 tonneaux; "Polynesian," 3983 tonneaux; ''Pomeranian," 4364 tonneaux ; " Prussian," 3030 tonneaux ; " Rosarian," 3500 tonneaux ; " Sardinian," 4376 tonneaux '• Sarmatian," 3647 tonneaux; ''Scandinavian," 3068 tonneaux; "Siberian,' 3904 tonneaux ; " Waldensian," 2256 tonneaux. Un total do 30 vapours de 96,820 ton neaux. Outre ceux-15- la ligne Allan possfcdo une flotte de fins voiliers construits en fer, consistant en 12 vaisseaux de 17,432 tonneaux de pesanteur. Los plus gros navires do cette ligne sont equipes exclusiveracnt pour le trafic de pas- sagers, tandis que ceux d'un moindre tonnage sont destines au fret. Toujours s'ameiiorant, la ligne Allan s'est acquise un nom envie sur les deux conti- nents. LA LIGNE DOMINION. Aprfis plusieurs anneos d'experience comme armatours de bateaux sur le fleuve entre Montreal et Quebec, MM. David Torrance & Co , euront I'idee d'introduire dans le com- 32^' ''MONTREAL— SON PASSE, . < ' • meroe entre Montr03 s'Ccouiaient, navire aprfis navire 6tait ajout^ h la flotte, de sort que la Ligne Dominion compte aujourd'hui dix gros vapeurs en fer, le comble a 6t6 atteint par ieur dernidre entreprise, la construction du '' Vancouver," mcsunint 5,700 tonneaiix. "L'Oregon," mesurant 3850 tonneaux; le '' Mon'real," 3284 tonneaux ; '' rOregon," 3176 tonneaux ; le '' Texas," 2700 tonneaux ; le " Sarnia," 3850 tonneaux j le "Toronto," 3284 tonneaux; le "Dominion," 3176 tonneaux; lo " Qu<5bcc," 2700 tonneaux ; et le " Mississippi," 2680 tonneaux ; un total de 31,720 tonneaux. En premier lieu, la ligne ne s'occupait que du transport des marchandises. Gradu- ellement, elle entra dans le trafic des animaux et en fit bientdt une sp^cialit*?, raais sans suocds. Conime les vapeurs augmentaient en dimension et en commoditds, le trafic de passagers devint un trait particulier de la ligne "Dominion." L'immigration a ^;t^aussi soigneusement entretenue, et depuis la construction du '' Sarnia," de •' I'Dr^fgon," et specialement du '' Vancouver," elle est devenue, quant au trafic des passagers, la rivale des plus anciennes lignes. La Ligne Dominion a toujours agi en relation avec le gysteme du chemin de fer du Canada. La Ligne Allan a monopolist le contrat pour lo transport des malles entre lo Canada pendant plusieurs ann^es, mais il y a environ trois ans, vu la demande d'un service plus grand, le subside fut partag4 entre les lignes Allan et Dominion, qui transportont les malles chaque semaine alternativemont. II y a douze vapeurs engages dans ce service, savoir, neuf appartenaut a la Ligne Allan, et trois a la Dominion. La moyenne des tra- vers^es faites I'an dernier entre Liverpool et Halifax, du 5 Novembre au 8 Mai, a 6t4i couame suit pour 23 voyages : ■ I ■ ' Jours, hrs m, t - Moyenne des courses vers Touest, Ligne Allan 9 5 42 . ir " " " Ligne Doniinion 9 22 ■ " " " I'est, '• Allan. 8 23 18 " " " " Dominion 9 10 34 Le montant des subsides pay<'>s pour I'annde 1886, pour le transport des malles entre Halifax et Liverpool via, Moville en hiver, et Quebec et Liverpool viil Mpville en 6te, a ^t^de $126,533.33. " ' . . , ■• , , , Entre le 22 Avril et le 18 Novembre, la moyenne des courses furentcomme suit pour 28 voyages: . ., t . / ^ 1 ■ •. -' •:'i'---. • ' '••I '•'!•* •'■■ ■ '•' Jours, hrs. m. Moyenne des courses vers I'ouest, Ligne Allan 9 20 <« " " " Dominion 9 1 39 I *' ' " " ' • Test, " Allan • 8 15 50 • ,;• ♦' " " " Dominion 9 22 > ' Le hombre moyen des sacs h malic transport's par chaque vapeur, est d'^ pen pr^s quarante, mais cependant cela ne repr6sente pas plus d'un tiers de la malle europeenne venant au Canada et arrivant h New York. Les vapeurs apportent aussi une moyenne de deux boites des paquets de mati^re po^i^ talee qui sont remises aux oifioiers de Douane pour la perception de droits. SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 33 Z..,: . .1-" " '■' :"" '-■' MARINE. ' • ■'..^' ' '■ ■!'" M . ' " MARINE MARCHANDE DE MONTREAL EXTENSION DU COMMERCE AVEC L'ASIE ET L'AUSTRALIE. La Ligne Beaver est une ligne purement Canadienne. EUe fiit incorpordo pur un acte de la Province du Canada, en I'ann^e 1868, lesincorporateurs dtant MM. William Murray, A. Urquhart, J. Ogilvie, W. Dow, E. H. King, C. Sco,tt, G. W. Campbell, A. Gunn, T. Rimmer, G. II. Frothingham et T. Workman. En premier lieu, la ligne possddait des voiliers en fer, trafiquaut entre Montr<5al, Liverpool et Glasgow. En 1875, cepcndant, ila construisirent des bateaux k vapeur, et possMent lea bateaux suivants : '' Lake Supe- rior," de 5200 tonneaux; '' Lake Huron," 4100 tonneaux ; ''Lake Manitoba," 3300 ton- neaux ; " Lake Winnipeg," 3300 tonneaux; "Lake Nepigon," 2300 tonneaux; "Lake Ontario," 6300 tonneaux. Les voiliers de la Compagnie sont maintenant employsent sans interruption. En 1870, trouvant que les vaisseaux ^ voile Staient insuffisants pour le commerce transatlantique, Mr. Thompson comraen^a k contruire des navires k vapeur, et il a maintenant un service de 6 vapeurs en fer des mieux Squip^s. " L'Avlona" de 1963 tonneaux; le "Barcelona," de 1856 tonneaux; le ''Draoona" (acier), de 1903 tonneaux ; le " Et^calona," de 1904 tonneaux ; le " Cremona," de 4300 tonneaux, et le " Gerona," de 4600 tonneaux. Quatre vapeurs .ournissent annuellement le commerce do la M^diter- ran^e, tandis que les deux autres naviguent entre Montreal et Newcastle-sur-Tyne. Les marchandises apport(!'e8 a Montreal par cette ligne sont destin<5es en grande partie k des commergants de Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Cleveland, et autres villes am^ricaines et lesp orts canadiens. Le coramerco augmente si rapidement qu'jl la cloture de la naviga- tion I'an dernier, il a H6 trouvS que les cargaisons transport^es par ces naviies ^taient pr^s de cinq fois plus considerables que celles de toutes les ann^es prScSdentes. Les cargaisons apportSesici consistent spScialement en grains, bois et bestiaux. Lesregistres do cette ligne sent tr^s precis ccncernant la transport des animaux, ainsi que le tableau suivante le dSmontre : , > SON PRfiSENT ET SON AVENIR. 35 BficeH 4 Cornes, Mootoiu, 1883 3610 7515 ' ' 1884 8830 5183 1885 44S5 3538 1886 5518 9713 ' 1887 6512 3237 Ces vapours sont beaucoup patronisC's par les voyageurs venant d'Angleterro aussi bleu (j^ue de la M^diterrande. , LA LIGNE DONALDSON. ., En 1874, MM. Donaldson Fr^res, de Glasgow, ouvrirent un service transatlantiquo entre Glasgow et Montreal, lo premier vapeur <5tant "I'Astarte." Graduellcinent, ils construisirent une flotte de magnifiques vapeurs dont " I'Alcides " (acier) est le plus gro« , ayant une pesanteur do 3400 tonneaux ; le ''Concordia," 2000 tonneaux ; le "Cynthia," ayant 2220 tonneaux ; le ''Colina," 2000 tonneaux, et le "Circe," 2400 tonneaux compli^- tent la flotte. Leur service est hebdomadaire. Outre les passagers, leurs cargaifons sont de diverses espfeces de marchandises, tel que le fer, le charbon, les produits des manufac- tures d'Ecosse ; tandis que la ligno exporte d'ici le grain, le bois, la fleur, le bcurrc, le fromage, les bestiaux et diff^reutes cboses. lis ont aussi eu beaucoup de succes dans leur transport d'animaux. < La part qu'ils ont prise dans le commerce d'animaux du Canada est d^montree par les chiffres suivants : B€te8 4 Cornea. Moutons. 1883 5030 2805 1884 7929 5806 1885 6631 2887 1886 9316 5140 1887 9052 2288 En hiver cette ligne navigue entre Glasgow et Halifax. LA LIGNE TEMPERLEY fut 6tablie par MM. Temperley, Carter & Darke, de Londres, en 1877. La compagnie a maintenant trois vapeurs naviguant entre Montreal et Londres, les plus gros etant le «' Scotland " de 2700 tonneaux, le " Ocean King " de 1500 tonneaux, et le " Erl King " de 2200 tonneaux complete le nombre. Les cargaisons qu'ils importent sont principale- ment le ciment, le blanc d'Espagne, le fer et les produits de diverses parties du conti- nent. De Montr6al ils traneportent des cargaisons de grains, de bois, de "fleur, beurre, fromage et animaux. Le commerce d'animaux fait par cette ligno est d<5montr6 par le tableau suivant : ' Betes k Cornea. Moutons. 1883 4L.33 9970 1x84 3019 3824 1886 2720 3302 1888 * 3497 7422 1887... • 1982 1036 NAVIRE8 IRR^GULIERS. II y a plus de 60 de ces vapeurs qui visitent notre port annuellement, sans parler do ceux qu'on nomme vagabonds ii charbon. Ceux-ci sont des vaisseaux appartenant k dif- f^rentes compagnies ou individus cherchant du trafic n'importe oil. Ordinairement ils apportent le charbon de Provinces d'enbas et des cargaisons des IndesOrientales, surtout du Cuba et prennent d'ici dos cargaisons de bois et phosphates, ou d'enti^res cargaisons 36 } MONTREAL — SON PASS^, />'-■: do grains lorsqu'ils peuvent se les procurer. Loa vagabonds k charbon venant des Pro- vinces d'en Bas, et retournent sur leurs lest. II y en a une vingtaine naviguant entre Montreal et les Ports du Qolfe. Une partio do ces vaisseaux sont consign^s (I MM. Anderson, MoKcnzie <& Go. Outre ceux-lft. 11 y a les vapeurs naviguant entre Maryboro', dans le Nord de I'Angle- terre et Inverness, avec des cargaisons consign^'es Jt M. Robert Reford. Ceci ne comprend pas les vaisseaux ^ voile qui trnfiquent continuellemont dans ce port, et il y en ade 50 Jl ♦iO annuellement. Des particuliers et des petites compagnies en sont propri^taires. La plupart d'oux sont consign^s k MM. Anderson, McKonzie & Co., courtiers de navires. lis chargent pour I'Am^rique du Sud ; leurs cargaisons consistent prinoipalement en bois de construction, et bois de chauffage, et occasionnellement une cargaison do grains. lis visitent aussi des ports anglais. ,;,, ; ,,, „ '" •''-•■ LE SERVICE ASIATIQUE. ' " ■'" ' '" Un service Asiatique ri'gulier de vapeurs et voiliers a aussi ^t6 mis en operation. II y a ehaque saison de 3 k 5 navires dans le port, venant des Indes Occidentales, Akyab, Bassein, Rangoon et Calcutta, apportant le riz pr^par6 et le riz brut non nettoy^, pour la Mount Royal Milling Company de Montreal, qui le nettoie et le rend propre au service de la table. Deux vapeurs, le '•Victory" et le *'Bonnington," fournissent en partie le (•ommerce. D'ici ils transportent en Angleterre des cargaisons de grains, bois et animaux. II y a aussi une ligne de voiliers des ports de Siam fi, Montreal et de la Colombie Anglftiee. LA LIGNE BOSSIERE. ' .' Pendant plusieurs ann^es Montreal a eu des relations indirectes avec les marches fraitgais. Les lignes Anglaises, Allemnndes et Beiges, de mfime que les navaires irr^gu- liers fournissaient k Montreal des marchandisos de la oapitale de la France et des D^par- tements. En 1884, on fit des tentatives pour 6tablir un commerce directe, lorsque la ligne Franco-Canadienne fut etablie. Cette ligne oependant fut de courte durde, elle fus vendue ^ la Compagnie Postale qui se retira aussi des rangs aprSs 6 mois. Les autorit^t franfaises craignant de perdre un march^ aussi avantageux que celui de Montreal, conf6- rerent avec los autorit^s k Ottawa, et demanderent a MM. Bossieres, des armateurs bien connus au Hilvre, d'organiser une ligne de vapeurs Franco-Canadienne. En 1877, des arrangements furent conclus, et le 10 Mai, le premier navire de la Ligne Bossi^re, le " Comte d'Eu," laissait le H^vre en route pour Montreal. La Ligne Bossi^re consiste maintenant en cinq navires, le "Chateau Leoville," racsuTWit 4509 tonneaux ; le " Obock," de 3300 tonneaux (acier); le Panama," 3100 tanneaux ; le "Sully," 2100 tonneaux, et le " Henri Quatre," de 2200 tonneaux. Tons ceii navires sont ^quip^s pour le trafic de passagers, qtii cependant est rdservd eu partie au " Chateau Leoville" et au au " Obocock." La Ligne Bossi(>rc jouit de la confiance de presque tous les principaux exportateurs de la France et eat stabile sur une solide base finauciere. .; ,, ..,>(.,../ ^ n ic ; < ■'•' / ■ •■ii'j.v: ;J(lll' <' ■!■'>' It' *t • J 1 ■■ . ;■ ■ ■ . :. .'U^-' . IM) ■•■}•, ■ ! .1.: ■ ,•;;. .\">: M ,!u.| ' r---' <■ l' ' ■ 1- ,. , i ■■■.('.• i| : ,- •-».fi: ;l!l. i' . r.' '■ ' 1 ! 1 'I'V.l '•'"' : , '',>■■'■ •:*.; ri SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 37 LE COMMERCE DE MONTKEAL. TJn examen des statistiques suivantes fait voir claireraent Timportanoo do Moatrdal oomme centre commeroial. IMPORTATIONS DE 1887. "' ' Droit. Hamilton $4,345,000 »nn .619 Kingston 1,-,63,136 16<),'297 London 2,605,260 681 ,5;U • Ottawa 1,731,947 327,414 '• Toronto 21,050,434 4,257,548 Qu«^bec 3,068,129 686,302 Halifax 5,411,-J86 1,395.070 St. JeanN.B 3,604,662 824,571 Winniptg 1,929,120 407,197 Victoria 3,008,677 784,700 Montreal. 43,948,594 8,874,147 Toute la Puissance 112,892,236 22,409,705 Ccci fait voir que beauooup plus d'un tiers des miirciiandises import<;es en Canadsif enl887, est entr ' " "" EXPORTATIOXS DE 1887. . Hamilton $490,940 Kingston 615,113 London 428,250 Ottawa 2.759,054 Toronto 3,192,157 Quebec 5,318,533 Halifax ... 4,767,792 St JeanN.B 3,646,871 Winnipeg 816,260 Victoria 2,094,384 Montriial 29,032,613 Toute la Puissance 89,615,811 Ici encore Montreal maintient sa supr6matio commeroiale. D'apr^s les rapports de Douanes des diff^rents ports de la florissante Province d'Ontario eu 1888, Montreal les surpasse tous d'k pen priis trois millions par la valeur de ces importations. C'est plus de trois fois autant que la Nouvelle-Ecosse, et pr^s de cinq fois aussi considerables que le total de I'exportation du Nouvea.u-Brunswick. L'exportation de Montreal est d'environ $9,000,000 plus (Hev^e que I'exportation r^unie de la Nouvelle-Eeosse, du Nouveau- Brunswick, du Manitoba, de la Colombie Anglaise et de I'lle du Prince Edouard. Si nous soustrayons les exportations de Montreal du total d'exportations de la Province de Qu<}bec, qui ^tait de $40,464,720 ; il ne reste que $11,032,613 pour tousles autres ports de la Province. ■" '■' NA VIRES ET FRETS.'" '' '' C«tte immense Importation fut apport^e h Montreal par une magnifique flotto de vaisseaux marcbands, parmi lesquels se trouvent les plus splendides navires du monde. Ce qui suit est la liste du nombre des vaisseaux qui entr^rent dans le port de Mont- real durant la saisoo de 1887, leur nationality et leur tonnage : i : < 38 MONTREAL— BON FA6S£, T i'oauz. Tonnnfre. AnglniB 320 582,882 [/ ; Fraii^aiB 2 1^66 ,, j NorvegienB & Suedols. 11 6,8»S» Allfmands 13 22,640 ' '' '"" '" Espagiiols 1 1,427 Itussea. , ^ 1 1,148 Total 348 665,601 Lo noiubr« et la nationality des vaisseaux aynnt laiss^ le in^me port furont : ' Talannaz. Tonnage. Anglais 3T3 684,669 Franyais 3 3,199 Noiv^i|i(>n8& Suedoi8 14 9,641 Allcmands 17 21,060 EspagiiolB 1 1,427 Kuases 1 1^48 Total 409 681,144 , ' Ces vnisscaux apportaient 446,384 tonneaux do fret dans Montreal ot y prenaient de 111 524,851 tonneaux. La quantity de fret apport6 dans toute la Province do Quebec I'an 1887 fut 537,667 tonneaux, 91,283 tonneaux seulement de plus quo n'on fut apport6 h Montr6al seuleraent. La diflf6renoe entre la quantit6 d'exportation de Montreal d'aveo celle de la province entiftre est encore plus considerable que oela. La quantity de fret des vaisseaux Strangers pour les diff<;rents parts du Canada 6tait de 586,195 tonneaux. Lcs vaisseaux laiasant lo port de Montreal, ainsi qu'il I'a 6t6 d6inontrd portant 634,851 tonneaux de fret. 11 no reate q^ue 54,344 tonneaux pour le reste de la provinoe. I .'A EIVIEEES ET CANAUX. ' ^ AGEANDISSEMENT DES LIGNES CONTRIBUANT AU PROGRRS DU COMMERCE INTERIEUR. ^ Le fleuve aussi bien quo notre systt^me de canaux ont contribu^ chocun leur quote- part au commerce d'exportation de Montreal, non-seulement en exp^diant les marchan- dises refues des vapeurs oc^aniques, en les plagant entre les mains des marchands auxquels elles ^taient destinies dans les differentes villes du Canada et les principaux centres d'affaires du Nord des Etats-Unis, mais en transpor*ant de grandes cargaisons de grains et d'autres produits du sol, dos for^ts et des mines, directement k Montreal, oudes cargaisons destinies k §tre export^es par une des meilleures flottes transatl antiques qui existent. Bfes 1789, I'importance du aystfime des canaux, rivieres et lacs du Canada 6tait reconnue ; c'est alors qu'on fit les premiers efforts pour maltriser lea Rapides de Lachine en oreusant un canal pour les vapeurs et bateaux via la riviere St. Pierre h Montreal. Mais oe canal n'^tait pas aasez profond, ane moyenne de 2i pieds d'eau seulement pou- vait 6tre as^ur^e. En 1821 le canal de Lachine fut commence, et fut complM^ en 1825, au codt d'envirou $500,000. Sa longueur <^tait de 8^ milles; moQtant d'^l^vation d'eau SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 39 par los 4clu.«e8, 44J pieds ; largeur tin fond, 28 piods, ot 48 pieds sur la aurfiioo do I'eau ; 8opt dolusoH de 100 piodH de long, 20 do large, et uno profondour d'eau d« 4^ piodH. Ell 1843 lo oaiuil dos naviros fut coinineno^ et C(»inpl<^t^' on l8U)aiix fnuH do $2,149,- 128 ; longueur KJ milles 5 moutant d'^l6vatlon d'eau par los C^clusos 44^ piodw ; liir^our 8ur la surface de I'eau, 120 piudH. II ooutiout f> (iolunes, do 200 pied«de longueur ohacUDO ot 45 piedH do largeur, ot d'une profondour de 9 piods d'eau La dcrnit^ro umolioration fut faite en 1875, lornqu'une profondour do 14 pieds fut attointo. Les paroia des 6clu8oa sont on piorro de taillo pos(«os sur du hoton do cinicnt, ot sur tuuto sa longueur le canal est contenu par des parois de uia^onnerio solido, except^ h, I'outriJe du lac St. Louis, oil les parois do revfitomont sout on cbarpeute. ;'. I •• • . OETTE MAQNIPIQUE VOIE D'EAU ' ' • 6vite toutes los difficult<5s des Rapides de Laohino, et ouvre le oherain du Lac Sup6rieur & l'oo6an, penuettant aux riches oargaisons d'etre tran8bord<;es dos naviros, etc. , aux quais de Montr6al, et d'atteindre les ditf^rents points do distribution dans I'int^ricur du pays, tels quo Kingston, Oswego, Rochester, Toronto, Hamilton sur lo lac Ontario, Ruffalo, Eri^, Cleveland, Toledo et D<5troit sur le lac Eri■:,■■'■■ ' " 1 ■ '■ ■ '\ ■'■■''!!'•;."'. ' ■'■ OHABQEMKNTS PAR OANAUX ET KrVlAREa DUBANT LR3 10 DRRNlitltRS ANn6k3 A MONTH^AL. , Beurre ...,. 1,162,617 pqtfl. . Fromage. 460,875 pqts. '■ '" Urge 932,010 minots Farine 2,762,741 quarts ii" ' Alcalis 74,937qnarts Bl^.... 1,140,632 minots t .; Bled'Inde 251 ,81i9 minots i Pols 268,173 minots Avoine 820,284 minots ,. , Reju par canal et riviere durant les dix derni^res anndes de f ' ; ; ',.'.,. ;.i"* •■ ; ' • ■ ■" ' MONTRfiAL. ., , . . . ' ■ Beurre : '. 59,835pqts. ,' ,* .ij.-.y.viu\' Fromage 828,929 pqts. ""■' <\f Urge 1,365,911 minots '.i ■ • Farine 1,255,943 quarts , i Alcalis 65,617 quarts ■''' '''■"■ jji^i 49,576,244 minots ^ I •"'■••'■ Bl«5d'lnde 28,691,212 minots .•►•-,(.. ;■ poig 16,705,716 minots ' ' -I.., J !' Avoine 7,138,635 minots ' ■ 1 ■"•!!(' 40 MONTRiAL — SON PASSfi, LA COMPAGNIE BE NAVlCrATION KICHELIEU ET^ ..: , , ,„ , .- .,.,.. ,.., ONTAIUO. .. ,„,. ...,M,.,... i' ' Lo crcuFoment du ohenal cntro Motitr^'al et Qu<''boc trannffirn le terminal de la navi- gation do (2u<5l)oo h Montreal, N<'anmolnH les paflsagers tmnRatliintiqiics eontitiimiont h 6trc (lf''l»iiri|ii<''H it Qii^iboc ot devaiont oontifiuur lour voyage int^^rieur par v(»io forr<5o. Ceci donna j\ penser ooinbien Heruit utile uno Hgne de vapeurs naviguant cntro cos deux vilien, ( 'I'M .i' Lfl compagnio dn Richelieu, qui nvait 6t6 form<^o par M. Sinoennes enlR45, et qui po«8<''dait un vapour le '' Riohclieu," prit I'initiative otounRtruihiit un nouveau vapeur, lo "Jacques Cartior," ot on 1855 le " Victoria" et lo *' Napoleon," de 350 torineaux chacun. La Ligiio Torrance prit alors existence ot one vive oorap6tition s'engagoa cntro los deux compiignies, qui dura trois ana, apri^s quoi la Ligne Torrance vendit le " QiK^bec " ft la couipagnio du EicboHeu. N'ayant plus de rival© fiur lofiouve, oette derni^rc se mit alors ft, I'auivro ot uoliota I'uue aprtis I'autre la Ligno du Lac St. Pierre, et cello de Terrebonne et do rAssomption. En 1861, lo magniliquo vapeur "Montreal " tut \ano6 ot fut suivien 1864 du superbe " Qu<^bco," deux palais flottants qui rlvalisent en dimension et en oommodit^s avoc los meilleurs vaisseaux surl'Hudson. Mais la Compagnie du Richelieu n'<5tait pas satisfaited'avoir le oontrfllo do la partie Nord souloraent du St. Laurent, eton 1875 olio s'unissait ft la compagnio Ontario qui 6tait propriC;taire dcs vaissoaux de la ligno de Montreal ft Toronto ot ft Hamilton. Depuis cette date, la compagnio du Riche- lieu ^tenditses affaires sur tout le oours du St. Laurent et du Lao Ontario, et se nomma Compagnio de Navigation Riohelieu et Ontario. Le capital do la compagnie s'dlevait alors ft $1,500,000, ropr<''scnt6 par uno flotto do huit splondides vapours auxquols furent jyout^s succossivement le ''Athenian," lo "Abyssinian," le '' Cultivatour" et le "St. Francis." Sous la pr<5sidonco de Sir Hugh Allan, la compagnie so d6veloppa rapidemont. Aprils la mort do Sir Hugh Allan en 1882, M. L. A. S6n<;cal fat 6]a president. Depuis lors, IV'quipcment de cette ligne s'est toujoursperfoctionn^, tellement qu'aujourd'hui elle est l'6gale des meilloures flottes d'Europe ou d'Am > n ,- LA OOMPAGNIE DE TBAN8P0RT DE MONTREAL. Lo commoroo oc<^aniquo do Montr^^al augnientant d'un pas aussi rapidc cliaquo aiui(re tempdte • quand toutes les lignes directes entre Chicago et New York dtaient brisdos Ton commu- niqua par voie de Montreal ot Sydney, C. B., en envoyant des messages par un circuit de 1936 milles. Quelques minutes de retard, une petite rupturf des fils peuvent causer une confusion sans fin. Puis les messages Strangers dont des'Crntaines passont journellement par les bureaux de Montreal, disons de Hong Kong i\ San Francisco, ou de Paris h, Chicago, s'ils dtaient interceptds ou retenus cau^^eraient les plus graves consequences. Mais tout ce qui pout etre humainememt accompli, et que I'ingcnuitd de I'homme peutimaginer, a 6t6 fait pour prdvenir de tels accidents. En Avril 1845 la premitire ligne tdldgraphique du monde fut mise en op6ration entre Baltimore et Washington. Montreal, la premitiro ville du Canada, no pouvait pas longtemps roster oisivo en voyant CE pr:6cieux don que la science, par I'entremise d'un citoyen d'un de nos dtats voiains, avnit offert k I'uni- vers J et deux ans plus tard, en 1847, la Compagnie du Teldgraphe de Montreal futorga- nisde avec un capital de $60,000. M. Andrew Shuw fut diu prdsident ; et M. 0. S. AVood, premier dl^vo du professeur Morse, et beau-frf're de M.Ezra Cornell, le fondateur de rUniversitd Cornell, fut nomm6 surintendant. Etant un homme du plus haut caract^re, et possddant uno profonde connaissance do sa profession, il poussa la chose avec une grando dnergie, tout en dconomisant, et il en rdsulta qu'i la fin de sa premiere annde d'existenco en 1847, la Compagnie du Tdldgrnpho do Montrdal avait 540 milles de fils tdldgraphiques et neuf bureaux ; employait 35 personnes, et avait expddid 33,000 messages. Comme d'habitude, la premiere ligne en Canada fut regardde avec crainte et dtonnemcnt. Les gens so tenaient au dehors des bureaux guettant le depart des messages} et le mauvais plaisant qui disait avoir place une paiie de bottes sur le fil tdld^raphique fut cru, lorsqu'il racouta k lafoule dtonnee que si elles dtaient si poussicJreuses c'dtait k cause do la vitesse avec laquelle ellos avaiont ete emportdes p ir le tdldgraphe. Cette premiiire compagnie ne pouvait pas s'attendre k garder le champ libre pour elle seule, et elle ne le fit pas non plus. Nombre d'entroprises moins considdnibles tant dela part dos Canadiens que des Americains surgirent bientdt. Mais pour une raison ou uno autre ellos ne rdussirent pas. Elles furent absorbdes par la comjiagnio de Montreal, et cette absorption sombla oonvenir k sa constitution, car elle continua k s'agrandir et k dovenir plus puissante. En 1851 Sir Hugh Allan devint sou prdsident, et priice k son administration forte et dclairdo, les affaires devinrent do plus en plus considerables, et 46 MOMTR^AL — SON PASSfi, dans uae seule aiin6e lorsque 1321 milles de fils furentajout<5s, I'augmentation du nombre des d6p<3ches fut de 254,366. En 1868 une rivale formidable s'^leva dans la compagnie de T61<5graphe Dominion, administr<5e par M, C. R. Hosmer, dont la perspicacit<^, Tindus- trie et la popularity rendirent la compagnie digne de valeur, et plus tard les deux lignes s'anirent ensemble sous le nom de Great North Western Telegraph Company, qui contr(31o aussi les lignes sous le systSme du Grand Tronc et la Compagnie de Manitoba. Le tout est maintenant sous I'habile direction de M. Angus Grant. Son bureau principal est ^ Mont- real, ainsi que celui de sa rivale du t^l^griiphe du Pacifique Canadien. Lorsque le Pacifique Canadien entreprit d'^tablir une ligne t<5iegraphique commer- cialc, on prit soin de s'assurer les meilleurs mat^riaux tdl6graphiques possible, de sorte que la Compagnie de Tdl^graphe du Pacifique Canadien ayant, ainsi que le Great North Western, son bureau principal a Montreal, contrdle un des systtimes de t<51dgraphe le plus considerable ;'u monde, administr6 par M. Hosmer, si favorablement connu dans les cercles tdlegraphiques sur tout le continent. Ces deux comi^ngnios se servent de pas moins de dix cables, trois de Sydney, C. B., h Hearts' Content, Terre Neuve, et de Ih, h Valentia, Irlande ; un de North Sydney, C. B., h St. Pierre Miquolon, de 1^ a Brest ■ deux de St. Jean, N. B., h Canso, N. S., et de Ik k Penzance; un d'Halifax a Ballins- kallen, Irlande; un via New York k Canso, N. S., et de 1^ k Waterville, Irlande, d*oil elle se joint k Weston-Super-Mare, Angleterre. II semble ainsi qu'elles ne doivent jamais 6tre en peine de communiquer avec le continent, et au cas do n6cessit6 elles peuvent fairo usage des nouveaux instruments k double et quadruple force, par lesquelles la capacity des cables peut 6tre doublde et quadruplde k volonte. Tant qu'h, la sOret^ et I'utiiit^ du cablegramme on en a eu la preuve lorsque M. Stead k Londres, et M. Henry Norman, le correspondant du Star, k Vancouver, conversiirent ensemble il y a quelques mois. Le Canada est certainement k la t^te tant qu'aux affaires tei^graphiques ; il a plus de bureaux, plus de fils, et revolt et exp^die plus de messages comparativement parlant qu'aucun autre pays sur^la surface du globe ; et Montreal aveo ses deux magnifiques compagnies et leurs 49,892 milles de fils, support^spar 32,776 milles ppteaux apportant les nouvelles de partout, est le centre le plus convenable d'un pays de progres comme le ndtre. Le syst^me ainsi que le service de telephone k Montreal est des meilleurs ; presquo toutes les maisons d'affaires importantes et plusieursd'entre lesparticuliers sont pourvus de cet instrument. Les statistiques d6montrent que pourchaque 100 habitants il y a un telephone, ce qui surpasse aucune des autres villes sur le continent d'Am^rique. Durant I'hiver de 1878, I'anniie oh le Marquis de Lome et la Princesse Louise vinrent au Canada, le premier usage du telephone eut lieu dans la Province. La ligne s'6tendait du bureau de la Compagnie de T^l^graphe de Montrdal en cette ville, k Ridoau Hall, Ottawa, et avait 6t6 miso en operation par M. Angus Grant, aujourd'hui son surin- tendant k Montreal, qui en avait sugg4r6 I'dpreuvc k Sir Hugh Allan. L'instrument dont on se servit fut le telephone Edison, et ilfonctionna a la perfection, au grand plaisir de la Princesse Louise, qui fut des plus amus^e de pouvoir entretenir une conversation parfaitement distincte avec Sir Hugh Allan, k une distance de quelques 130 milles. Ceci se passait que tr^s peu de temps aprds que I'usage du telephone fut devenu g(in(?ral aux Etats-Unis, et ce n'est pas longtemps apr^s cette ^preuve satist'aisante que fut ^tablie la Bell Tdl6phone Company du Canada. Elle a 6t6 gf^riia'ement adoptde depuis et est devenue dans certaines places la rivale du t^l^graphe. La seulo ;'ifficult(? pour une longue distance c'est le nombre des bureaux sp.i- la ligne qui ne peuvent parler que I'un apr^g I'autre, et cons<5quemment ou ne peut obtenir un bon service exc^dant 225 milles. Tel SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 47 qu'il est, cepondant, les banques en font un usage considerable lorsqu'il s'agit do conimu- niquer avoc leurs ditfdrentes suocursales. Autrefois le g^rant de la suceursule envoyuit un t^l^graramo au bureau principal, mais aujourd'hui il s'assied, ot la bouche k I'instru- ment et lo receveur h Toreillo, il oommuuique aveo le directeur de la bauque ses opera- tions ot ses embarras. C'est \k im des meilleurs avantages de la Bourse do Montreal. Outre ses connections de ville qui se font par le moyen de oAbles de 50 il 100 fils distincts chaque, et dont il y a 600 milles, il y a en usage do 5000 rallies de fils. II y a huit flls se dirigeant il Toronto et Hamilton, trois k London, deux h Sarnia et Detroit, deux k Buffalo, deux ft. Niagara, et plusieurs autrcs. Les instruments et autres parties du telephone occasionnent des d^penses triis eievdes h la compagnie. Lo premier bureau d'op^ration ^tait sur la rue St. Jean, pr^s do la rue Notre Dame, et son appareil sVlevait h $10,000. Ce lieu etant devenu trop petit, le d^partoment d'op^ration fut transports au coin des rues Notre Damo et St. Fraiigois Xavier, oil on iit placer un nouvel appareil cofttant $40,000. Ici Ton trouve tout ce ((ui peut assurer la vitosse et la satisfaction: trente-cinq jeunes filies sent constiimmont employees pour repotidrc aux demandes des abonnSs, Beaucoup de personnes ne comprennent pas Taction du telephone du tout, il ne faut done pas s'Stoniier de voir des gens se placer devant un instrument lui montrant le poing dans leur rage inipui.«sante, parce qu'ilsnc rcgoivent pas une r6ponse immediate. Mais ils devraient se rapj)elorque le deiai est ordinaircmcnt cause par la personne k I'autre extrSmite de la lignc, ce dont il ne faut pas blTimer I'operateur. Ce qui rend le telephone si dispendieux ce sont les reparations frequentcs qu'il exige, car il n'y pas un instrument ni unc partie nienie d'instrument dont on pui.«se se servir apres quatre annees d'usage sans io renouvelcr, il I'exception du receveur en caoutchouc dur, qui ne s'use pas malgre eon contact aveo reiectricite. La compagnie a un departement pour les reparations prtis de son bureau principal, oil les reparations de pen d'importanee peuvent se faire immediatement, tandis que les instruments qui ont besoin de nouvelles parties sont transportes il la fuanufacture, sui la rue Craig pr6s de la rue St. George ; lil on manufacture tout ce qui appartient au telephone, depuis la soio qui coiivre les fils jusqu'^ la cloche d'appel. Le mecanisme des differentes parties de I'instrument fonctionne avrc tant de precision, que quel que soit I'instruuient surlequel cos pieces sont placees, ellcs sont toujours sftros de donner la communication. Dans cot etablissement 66 hommes sont employes, et dans la ville il y a 42 femmes engagees corame operatrices, outre 56 hommes environ pour divers autres travaux, tels qu'inspecteurs, reparateurs des lignes, et autres. Les plus grands ennemis q ue la compa- gnie ait ^ craindre c'est le mauvais temps, les froids de I'hiver et le gresil, qui caus'«nt souvent jiour plusieurs milles piastres de domraage. Un autre adversaire c'est la foiidre; cependant par le moyen d'un "arret de foudre," qui est maintenant en usage, I'effet en est beaucoup diminue. Le fluide eiectrique ne peut entrer dans la chambre d'operation que jusqu'i\ "I'arret de foudre," oil il rencontre une petite platine en acier aussi mince qu'un cheveu, qui se consume sous son influence et laisse un vide qui ne peut etre franchi. Ces petites platines so'it toutes numerotees, et I'inspecteur qui, par un usage continuel, sait par coeuvpresque tous les numeros, peut d'un coup d'ffiil dire quel fil a ete touche, et envoyer de suite, s'il lo juge necessaire, un homme pour s'a^^surer 'il est brise, ou si I'instrument, qui se trouve h Textremite dc ce til, a souffert auvun domniage. 11 vaut bien la peine do faire la revue do la chambre d'operation en commenyant par le toit, oti les cables ot les fils simples de toutes les parties de la ville se reunissent, supporte? par de fortes structures e" bois ; descendre avec euxjusqu'aux 48 ;!Montr:6al — son pass£, op^ratrices qui, lo receveur attache h I'oreille par le moyen d'un petit appareil fait de 16gSres bandoB d'acier que par courtoisie on appello bonnet, font los raccordements, r(5pondent aux question?, expliquant Tabsenoo de certaines personnes demanddes, ou r^sfutant de> accusations de n<5gligence que I'on est si sujet h, porter contre elles loraqu'ellos n» r6pondont pas do suite ^ I'appel. Au milieu de I'appartement derri^re les op6ratrices s© trouvo la table de la directrioe, qui oontient un petit instrument des plus traitres, par lo moyeu duquel elle peut entendre tout ce que disent les op(5ratrices, quelquo bas qu'elies puissent le murmurer, emp^chant ainsi toute conversation inutile, ooquetterie, ou autres petits caprices auxquels s'adounent si souvent les jeunes filles. Un des items le plus dispendieux du t^l^phono c'est le nombre de poteaux qui servent ii soutenir les lignea. Non pas que le prix du bois seul soit si dnormo, mais le travail et le fini cofttaut plus qu'on se I'imagine, et I'drection de chaque poteau coftte une moyenne de $20.00. Pour bureaux et reparations environ $5,000 sont depens<;es chaque ann^e, et les salairos prennent h pou prds $45,000. Les gens semblont commencer a se convaincre de plus en plus que le telephone, chose qu'on ignorait mome il y a une quinzaine d'anneos, est d'une U^cessite absolue au sucoes des affaires. CHEMIN DE FEK DU GRAND TRONC. i i LE PIONNIER DU COMMERCE CANADIEN. TROIS MILLE MILLES DE CHEMIN DE FER. COMMENT MONTREAL DEVINT LE CENTRE DU CANADA. Los operations du Grand Tronc sont si intimement lides avec le trafic et le com- merce de Montreal, que I'histoire de I'un embrasso certainement celle de I'autro. La construction de cette ligne a fortement d6velopp6 les ressources du Canada, et beaucoup fait pour I'augmentation et la prosp6rit6 de cette ville. Ce fut le Grand Tronc qui fit de cette cite le centre et le point de concentration des chemins de fer du jiays ; aussi bien que la puissance de son port qui I'a rendue capable de maiutenir cette superiority entre toutes les villes oanadiennes. Ce fut principalemeut gr^ce k I'encouragement que lui fournit la loi de I'ancienpar- lement pass^e en 1848, do laquelle 6manerent certaines attractions sur la creation des voies ferries. De Ih, vint la veritable conception du syst^mc du Grand Tronc et les pre- miers pas faits en ce sens pour poussor cotte vaste entreprise. Autrefois, les gens faisaient pour le mieux. Les rivieres s'offrirent done naturelle- ment comme la premiere frontiere h suivre, ainsi quo les vieux chemins d6jt exploit^s. Et ceci paraitra peut-(3tre dtrange qu'un notable ingenieur dc cette (jpoquo soit venu declarer quo le syst^me d'alors dtait ct serait largemenL suffisant pour qiuirante anndes &, venir, pendant lesquelles los lignos construites seraient pleinement satisfaisantos. Heuuusement qu'il y en eut d'autres plus entrcprenants et moius pe.sslmistes. La passation de I'acte de 1849, pendant lo gouvcrnement de Lord Elgin, no fut-elle pas le signal do la creation du chcniin do for du Great Western, davenu dcpuis partie int^granto du rcscau du Grand Tronc actuel, connu alors sous lo nom de St. Lavfrence ct Atlantic Kailway, allant de Lougueuil a Island Pond. SON PRESENT ET SON AVJGNTR. 4§ Blcntrtt apr^s, vers I'annde 1851, on passa un acte autorisant lo passage do la ligne- du Grand Tronc h travers los provinces. LVtendue dcs int<'"-6ts en joii dans la const truction dc cc chemin de fer, ainsi que les immenses b<5n6fices dont 6videmment il devais gratificr le pays, furcnt la raison qui la firent appuyer par lo pays tout entier. Ceci r<''cla- thait done le support de tout le public, ot plus le gouvernemcnt lui-m6tne lui nccordait d'assistance, plus il fallait que tons contribuassent il rondro cetto assistance substanticllo. Sous de tellca auspices, le Grand Tronc se trouva rdclleraent constitu6 au printenips de i'an 1853, Les lignes projet<5es devaient 16ter ce projet en poussant un chemin vers la mer, on chercha k acqui'-rir ct il dirigcr la ligne de 1' Atlantic et St. Laurent vers Portland, h travers le Maine, soit cent quarante- huit milles environ. Les sections de la route progrcssant sous cct Acte so diviscnt ainsi : Ic Grand Tronc du Canada, 142 milles ; Quebec ct Richmond, 9(5 miles; St. Liwrcnco et Atlantic, 14-i milles; Grande Jonction, 50 milles ; Toronto et Guolph, 51 milles. Un coup d'u'il sur LE VIEUX PROSPECTUS, dont il nc rcstc que peu dc copies, nous montre comme suit la liste dcs Dirccteurs : Prtablie aveo Chiciigo, nialgr<3 une opposition obstincc^ de la part do8 capitaliHtos les plus haut places dew EtatH-UiiiH. Le Cliicago et Grand Tronc connectant, le sy.stcinio avec (Jhieago est sous la direction de M. W. J. Spioer, depuis do bien longuea anndos anrintendant du G.T.R., et la main droite de M. Ilicksou il Mont- real. Depuis sa nomination h la charge de directeur du Grand Tronc, M. iSpicor a royu dos offres flatteuses do plusieurs conipagnios americaines, mais il sut restor lidelo aux grands intdrets pour lesquels il avait quitto I'Angleterro. En depit des combinaisons Vanderbilt et (iould, et d'uno opposition puissante, M Ilickson rcussit k faire eiitrer le Grand Tronc a Chicago, et sa conduite des negociations dans cette entreprise est consideree commo un chef-d'ccuvre de diplomatic dans I'histoire des chemins de for. II n'y a pas longtemps le '^i-m 1 Tronc a acquis le r< du chcmiiidc fc-r do 1872-HO no tut pas trOs rapidc. L'du navait alor.-i quo iM. Sanl'ord Ficiuing poussait I'arpontago on avant, inaiH los ditlieulu-.s que Ton di.sait rcniMuitrer .seniblaiont trt^a grandoH, c'ost ce qui fit diro h M. McKcnzie, dauH uno cortaino ocoanion, a la Clianihro dos Communoa, quo toutes le.s resaourcos du Oouverneinont Uritaimiquo nc iiomiMicnt reussir h, construiro la ligno on dix ann<^o.s. Un (U)uuue.iconient so tit noaniuoiun. Une ligiio fut construito do Winnipeg aux fronticsros do.s Etat.-<-Uiii.s, ot dcs .sections du chomin entro Fort William aur lo Lie Superieur ot Maailoba. En 1878 il y out un CIIANGEMENT DE GOUVER.VEMEXT, ot on 1880 un changeinont nouveau ot radical fut fait danw lo contrat du cheniin do for du Pacifiquo Canadion. Uno nouvoUo oumpagaio fut forniee, qui prit dos arrangenicnts avoo le Gouverneinont, par lo.squold lo syndicat, (|u'on i'appolait, dovait roeovoir gratuitouiont los lignes tormin6os, dont 711 inilleson tout otaient on voio doconHtruction h Tost doB Montagues Rocbeusos, ot 88 mi lies do Port Moody ot Yale. A part cola, lo Gouvoruoinont accorda a la coinpagnie $20,000,000 ot 25,000,000 d'aoroH do terrain. De son cdte la oompagnie s'eagagea &, terminer la ligne pour lo premier Mai IH9I, Los conventions no furont pas strictomont observ^cs, car la construction fut poussde d'nno mani^re si romarquablo, quo le 7 Novembro, oin(i ans moins trois mois apr(>s la signature du contrat, lo chemin do for du Pacifiquo Canadion otait un fait accompli, ot lo passage du trafic de Queboo h la c6te du Pacifiquo rendu pratiqua))le. Jja construction du chemin n^cessitait de grandes deponses, les difficulties que les ingdnieurs avaiont i\ surmontor 6taicnt enormo^!!. C'ctait lo cas par^iculi(>roment sur la section du Lac Sup(5riour, oil le taillage du roc et les passat-es souterniins oxigcalent un labour 6norme et de gros debours^s. Cetto partio fut la plus dispendiouse do la ligne, et comme route de trafic devait necessairemont pour quelque tomps du moins roster inu- tile. De $600,000 k $700,000 par mllle furent dcpens(^es sur cette section. Les sections dans les Montagnes Rocheuses furont aussi tr^s dispondiouses, cofitant uno moycnno de $370,000 par mille. La compagnie a aussi en relation avec son service un systemc de vapours naviguant ontro Vancouver, Yokohama et le Japon. Comme ledisait le Premier du Canada, Hong Kong pout fibre oonsid^re comrao le terminus du ohomin de fer du Paci- fiquo Canadion. II y a aussi communication par cette ligne avec Boston, lui donnant ainsi une issue sur I'Atlantique. Une charte fut obteuue durant une reocnto session du Parlement pour une ligne de chemin do fer devant otre construito entro Caughnawagn et I'Etat de New York, passant par Boauharnois, Valleyfiold, et traversant la ligne inter- Lationale pr^s de Dundee, et se reliant avec ce systdme si etendu et complique des che- mins de fer dont les nombreuses ramifications parcouront les Etats-Unis. Le premier train " direct " quitta Montreal lo 2 Novembro, et cette eirconstance fut rogard^e commo ^tant d'une importance g6ncrale. Durant le temps <>coule entre la signature du contrat avec lo Gouvernoment, la ligno avait continue k progresser de diverses mani^ros. Outre la ligne principale, plus de 1000 milles do branches avaient 6t6 aoquis ou construits, et los actions s'elevaient k $65,000,000. Une ligno de vapours fut aussi plaeoe sur le LaoSuperieur. En un mot, raccomplissement de cette grandoouuvre i»et le Canada en possession d'une ligne de chemin de for de Quebec k Vancouver, 3077 inilles de longueur, 366 milles plus court qu'aucun autre chemin joignant San Francisco 54 MONTREAL— SON PASSfi, et New York. Do Liverpool ^ Vancouver la distance est de 57fil millci' pnr Ic Pacifiquo 0;ina(lieii, et do ce premier port i\ San Franciifco, par New York G4(ll milles, donnant ainfi ii l;i route Ciiii;idionne un avantago de ^40 mille.s. Deux tiers du ehemin sont sous la direction d'une compagnie ; le tout est sur le tcrritoiro britannique, et la ligne cons- titue la soule VOIE FERK^E TRAN8C0NTINENTALE du raonde. Les " lignes " traversant les Etats-Unis sont sitnpleinent uno succession d'enchainements. Les officiers de la compagnie sont : Pr<'*sident, Sir Geo. Stephen, Bart. ; Vice-Pr^- sideut et Ailministrateur s y sent his grands <516vateurs ont ^t6 construits par lo Canadian Pacific Railway, ,\ la Station Dalhousie, et proportionnds aux vnstes cntreprisos de cette compagnie. lis ont une capacity de 1,250,- 000 boissoaux. Lo capital plac6 dans cos diflF(5rents <516vateurs est moddrement (5valu<> h 2 millions de dollars. Lo grain qui vient h Montreal n'est pas entiiremont mis en entrepots, car soiivent I'expf^diteur sauve une ddpense en passant son grain directement au navire qui lui fera traverser I'ocdan. II est ccpendant plus dconomique de conduire h, r616vateur le grain transports par le cherain de for. La totalit 1R87. 1888. Janvier.. . .S!148.0'2fi,97.') ,f 1.51, «80, 7.36 f 171,84«,114 F6vrier.... 147,'20.3,«i92 151,sa2,fi-<6 17().265,77» Mars 14.5 /)G1, 795 151,(531,693 171,399,015 Avril 144,518,404 154,942,544 172,701 .aw Mai 140,058,830 150,«42,.150 173,.'V)H,4;J8 Juin 149,412,632 166,344,852 175,062,257 ACTIF I)K9 BANQUES. 1887. 1888. 1889. Janvier. ..8228,6.')2,078 $231,314,704 .?251 ,015,121 Fevrier .. 229.239,211 231,449.080 250,436,60^ Mars 226,573,142 2.32,085,295 2.->2,140,10 Avril 226,.536,302 2;i-),389,608 2.53,859,912 isiai 222,413,600 235,674,146 2.->4,283.089 .Juin .. .. 229,211.464 244.975,223 2.55,765,631 Juillet .... 230,nrt8,669 246,177,887 254,611,285 Aoftt 230,333,217 247.871.200 253.011,902 Septembre 233,-352,748 251,3'ii,434 2.58,483,038 Octobre... 2.38,173,6.37 255,918,081 256,719,400 Novenibre. 2:52,636,404 2.54,823,186 252,979.689 D^cembre. 232,576,963 245,318,112 252,160,666 PASSIFS DES BANQUES. 1889. 1887.. 1888. 1889. Juillet. ....1149 ,9!>;{,298 fl67 ,211,458 .fl73.98J,107 AoAt 150,13^,644 Septoinbre 152,765,840 Octobre .. 157,210,774 Novembre 152,.'M2,.33ralcmont on Hopteuibro 1887 ('■taiont de $15,013,024, tl la m<}me ^poque on 1889 ellCH <5taicnt au chiifre do $22,421,052. Parlerons-nous doa ddprtt.s publics, ou si Ton aimo mieux dos fends quo I'indtiMtrio canadicnnc confio aux Hoins des banquos, pour sea bcfloins iniuK^diats ; en 1887 ccs d(''prtt8 6taiont au niois de sepfeinbrc de $107,85.'?. "40, au mois do .soptoinbro 1889 coh dejirtts so chiffraiont $>. $124,767,704. Cos chiffres sont 61oquonts. Mai.^ jtronons uno h uno lea principales banquoa qui fonctionncnt dans la m(ltrople du Canada, ol jugcons los par lea dernicrs 6tats. . . LA BANQUE DE MONTREAL. Cette banquo fut <5tabnc on 1817 par un nombro de niarchands <'>uiinent.reiit. M. King tint sa charge dans les ann^'es 180(1 ii 1870 en partie, ^'pocjue a laciucllu les Etats-Unis sortaient ii peine d'unc guerre qui aviiit profond*^- ment paraly.HO Ics atiiiires. Les IVtrtes primes sur I'argent nm(''rieain rendaicnt le niarcli6 fl<5vreux. i'a fut alors au dire de tous, que pardes ntaiKuuvresadroltos, quelqucfois l{>in6- rairos, M. King dcvint ma!tro de I'or sur lo mart'h6 de New Yorlt, co qu'aucun Canadien n'eut jamais i'ait. Ayant de fortes soinmes i\ sa disposition, il put influencer lus aeliats et les rentes sur lu maroli^', oe qu'il n'besita jamais i\ faire dans I'interCt de la banquo. L'histoiro dos traitos d'ur, dito "gold dray story," vivra longtemps. A cetto ^poquo, le capital de la banque dtait de $6,000,000, mais en 1871, sur une motion de M. Wm. Murray, h la r<''union iinnuelle, on autorisa les directeurs itaugmcnter h leur convonancc ce m(?me capital. An la Janvier 1872, il fut augment*'' do $2,000,000 et en novembrc de la m• / . '■ t ,M PASSIF. .'7. '! 'I ..,>'■■■• Capital actions $12,000,000 Reserve $6,000,000 Balance des Profits et Fortes 723,124 :{, • , -rr. -..;■. -.. •:, ...- $6,723,124 ;;'■ '::'"", X' 64 .!" llONTRfiAL— SON PASSfc, ^ PividoTK^pfl non r^cTfttn^f 11,159 IX-diictions 8ur valourH OHoompt<^e8 ct oomptes oourants 200,000 Dividoiido semoBtriol 600,000 7,531,284 $1U,5.H4,284 . -n ■ • i! Billots on ciroulation $5,578,259 D^'prtts sans intortUs 7,845,000 . , I) ('l lots avoc int^iriHs 15,580,514 Dti Hux autros bauquoa 01) Canada 88,rt49 29,098,422 $48,032,706 ACTIP. Or ot Argent $2,365,057 Hillcts du Oouvcrnoinent 1,030.453 Dfi par Ics autrca hanqucs on Canada 278,096 I)fi |)ar Ics agtMices il IVtranf^cr 6,208,843 Du par les agences on Angicterre 1,833,867 Billets ot ohuques d'autres banques 1,102,075 113,718.394 ..I Valours publiquos 1,328.000 ' " Edifices do la banque 600,000 -i Kscomptos $32,710,779 , t, llypotbtiques, etc 259,128 Cr^arcoa non sp<'*oialoinent garanties 16,405 32,986.312 $48,032,706 L'oxpos(< qui pr(5cMo pn dit plus quo des volumes sur la Banque do Montreal et sur les finances du Canada. OfTiciers :— Sir Donnld A. Smitb, President ; AV. J. Buchanan, ft^^rant G<''ndral ; E. S. Clouston, Asst. G6r. Q6n<5ral; A. Macnider, Inapectour; H. V. Meredith, (lerant Local. LA BANQUE I»U PfcUPLE. ' T Si nous exccptons la malheurouse •' Banque do la Cit6," qui fut fond<^o avoc un capi- tal de $1,200,000, nous pouvons dire qu'aucuno autre banque no fut fondC'c avant 1835. En cctto ann^'C, Vigor, Dewitt & Cie. organisi^rent La Banque du Peuplo avec un capi- tal pay(' dc $300,000, qui fut portd on 1844 h $800,000. Pour r<s avoir u I'Actif d'nne banque deviondraient insufijsants pour payer les dettes et engagements, I«9 actionnaires serout responsables du d6ficik. Cest cfe qu'on ap^elle la loi de double responsabilit^. La Banque «' British North Amer- ica " ot la Banqno dii Peuple, 6tant gouvern^ea par d«8 cbartos sp^oialea» ne tombcht pas 8t)»is I'cffet de cette loi.' •:""« '•'»»< x'b Jibiiitj'f ii<»-.^;»(uj jn; • / ,;.,•;,[,,,.': ■■ ••» <. 'La " Bank of 'Bt-itish North AWerica,'' ou si l*on veut la Banque de rAujd.iquo Bri- iHnfi^no do Nord, dont Ife si&ge pHntiipal est en Angleterre, est un© institBtion dc premier ordre, qui a beaucoup contrlbu^ an d^veloppement de notre ooumfevcepar sagrande lib<- £ 66 , MONTREAL — SON PASSE, ,,.. ralit, .. ■ .;i,c, < I PROFITS ET PERTES AU 31 DBCEMBRE 1887. £4,267,706 9 9 I ' f . .J J ; 1 ' 1 I I ; ' ! Dividende pay^ £ e. d. Octobre, 1887. . . 35,000 Reserve de Divi- . dende payable _ en Avril 40,000 75,000 I £ 8. d. g J ! Balance Profit Net non divis^' au 31 D^cembre, 1886 226,362 7 1 Profits Nets pour I'ann^e 1887, a prds deduction des charges ' " courantee et le revenu des ((.•.,,,,„,• Taxes, et pourvu aux dettea - > mauvai8>>8 et dotlteuses 89,986 12 8 Balance en mains, 4tant le Profit net non divis^ au 31 D^cembre, 1887 241,348 19 9 , i-i'.n i(!'i ' -,■ ..i •\lr(i ■ t.5t £316,348 19 9 £316,848 19 9 (■ R. R. Grindley, G^rant G^n^ral; . ' . '•. f^ ^ I J. Penfold, G6rant Local. ' ; . ,. . BANQUE MOLSON. ' ' Oette banque qui oommen^a les affaires en 1853, sous le Free Banking Act de Sir Francis Hindis, obtint une charte en 1855, et eut h oette ^poqupun capital pay^ de $320,- 000. Son capital aotuel est de $2,000,000, dont $500,000 furont versus en Ootobre 1871, et $500,000 au mdme mois en 1872. i.^, .*<, ,», :,-..,.,. . ,t _, , ,.,i.. ,.^ ^ , , Cette banque a eu uEie oarridre de grand sucods. Durant toute la pgriode de son existence elio a pay^ des dividendes qui atteignirent presque toujpurs 8 pour cent. Ed 1871-72, aprds une ^misxion du nouveau stock, cette banque acquit une forte influence. Elle a maintenant dix-neuf suvoursales et une r^senre de $1,075,000. Le '' Free Banking Act " fut pass^ en Canada dix ans avant la loi des banques natio- nales des Etats-Unis qui lui ressemble. Entre autres privileges, il permettait k toute association de faire le commeroe de banque lans une oharte ap^ciale, mdme remission de billets, mais oes billets devant dtre garaotis , pur de^ dfSpdts de bona du gouvemement SON PRESENT ET SON AYENIR. 67 faits dans les cfiisses du gouvernomont. Plusieurs institutions, outre la Banque Molson, proiit(irent de oet aoto; mais cependant, oomme oe n'^tait pas difficile d'obteuir une charte, le ''Free Banking" tomba bientdt en d^sudtude. , La Banque Molson porle le nom de I'un dos pionniers du haut commerce oanadien. Ce nom de Molson est familier depuis prds de trois quarts de si^oles au commerce du Canada. Tout ce qui porte ce nom s'ost si intimement l\6, non seulement au commerce de Montr<5a1, mais aussi au commerce de la Province de Quebec, que la publication du rapport annuel de la Banque Molson offre un int^rdt plus qu'ordinaire. Constatons de suite gdn^ralement que oette banque est dans une situation prospdre due k la prudence de son administration. Durant les derniers douze mois, les profits r^alisls ont atteint lechiflFrede$273,301.- 39, ce qui a permis la distribution aux actionnaires de deux dividendes de $80,000 chacun, soit en tout $160,000 ou 8 pour cent sur le capital. Ind^pendamment do ces dividendes I'administration de la banque a pu ajouter encore $75,000 au fonds de reserve qui so chiflFre maintenant h $1,075,000, soit plus decinquante pour cent du capital. Non seulement cela, mais encore on a pu distribuer un bonus special de $20,000 aux actionnaires, et donner $23,000 en gratifications aux offioiers de la banque. Tout ceci se passe de commentaires. L'6tat ci-dessous parle par lui-m6me j 11 donne le r^sultat des operations pour I'ann^e finissant le 30 septembre dernier. Profits nets $273,301 39 Auxquels on doit ajouter la balance au credit du compte des profits et pertes au 30 Septembre 1888 12,395 26 Laissant ^ d6partir $285,696 65 Ce montant a 4t6 approprie comme suit : ■ 67me Dividende k 4 pour cent payable le ler Avril 1889... $80,000 ' ' • - ^' " 68me Dividende h, 4 pour cent payable le ler Octobre 1889 80,000 ' ' " '' •"' ' $160,000 ■ ' Bonus de 1 pour cent aux actionnaires, ler Octobre $20,000 Bonus special aux officiers de la banque 23,000 . V ^' 43,000 ■ M^I^^'A r;r;'/ 203,00000 ' ' • ••.•^^- . .- ri. $82,696 66 Porte au compte de la Reserve 76,000 00 A i 'ii.'i^.'- .. t j... Laissant au credit du oompte des profits et pertes .\.'..>. .'.;.. ' $7,696 65 La Reserve se trouvant ainsi port^o ii....... ...... ...'.'.;.....'.. $1,076,000 00 '' ' ^Mi.'.. Btat GwBBAt AO 30 Skptsmbbe 1889,,. y,j5j,.,.f^^ ,,, ,' ^' ' '"■ Capital autowfi et pay^ .',...V......'..^ $2,000,000 00 Ks86rv9 •.•.••:••••.•,•••<•<»•• •••.•• •.••.••.••.i(«»M.».,«,»fi«« •«,.«•••••,...»«.•»••. •••. ...fM*. I,075tD00 00 T ' I* ■ ■ * ■•■I-i» .■.. i^..l J.-.l ,-.!', ...,..•- . .^1 .,4 68 MONTxtfiAL — SON PASSfi, '' PA8SIP. Capital pay^ $2,000,000 00 Billets en circulation 1,775,425 00 Ddpots du Gonverremont Canadien 29,632 69 Depots en garantie de contrats publics 139,100 00 Depots du Gouvernement Provincial, sur demands .. 17,496 97 " " " sur avis 1,616 26 Autres depots payables k demande 3,455,485 93 3,140,518 38 124,752 12 11,020 60 7,545 30 7,696 65 1,075,000 00 80,000 00 20,000 00 2,360 10 112,947 99 Autres depots payables aprSs avis Dft aux autres banques en Canada. .. Dft aux agents dans le Royaumc-Uni .. Dd aux agents h. I'^tranger Compte des profits et pertcs Reserve 68me Dividende Bonus de 1 pour cent aux actionnaires. Dividendes non r^clam^s Int^rSt, cbange, etc., etc., r.'/ LA BANQUE DE8 MARCHANDS. , ,- ,,,..,;,„. . r La Banque des Marchands du Canada fut incorpor6e en 1861 aveo un capital autoris^ de -',000,000 de dollars. Les promoteurs de Tentrepriseontdft trouver quelqne difficult^ k acqu^rir $200,000 du capital pay^ neoeasaires aux operations, car en 1863 ils petitionnftrent pour etre autoris<^s k conamencer les affaires aveo $1,000,000 seulement du capital pay4. Cette permission leur fut accord^e en 1864, et la banque comiuen^a sea operations. II y a quelque int^rfit h noterque cette demande, sous prdtexte de pauvretd ou d'inha- bllete h, obtenir ces $200,000, fut faite par Sir Hugh Allan (alors Hugh), Harrison Stephens, William Edmondstone, Andrew Allan, John Smith, Ira Gould et Robert Anderson. N'importe lequel aurait pu quelquos annees plus tard donner son cheque personnel pour ce qui leur avait manqu^ dans le temps, et oe, sans difficult^. Le capital de cette banque fut accril en 1867 de $1,000,000, en 1868 de $2,000,000, en 1869 de $2,000,000, ce qui faisait un total de 9,000,000 de dollars. En 1868 la banque avait acquis I'actif de la *' Commercial Bank of Kingston," dans lequel se trouvaient les actions du Detroit et Milwaukee Railway, au montant do pr^sde $2,000,000. Dans cette acqui- sition, la banque parait avoir fait une erreur ; 11 y eut perte sur ces actions, et aveo d'autres pertes il devint necessaire d'apreis une reduction du capital h $6,000,000. Cette reduction eut lieu en mai 1878, et le nombre des directeurs fftt h, la m^me epoque porte de 7 S. 9. C'est une institution prosp^re et qui faithonneurau Canada. Lasoramo des profits realises pour cette banque durant la periode de 12 mois finissant au 31 mai 1889 a 6te de $617,858 ; sur ce chiffre $i05,944 ont ete payes en dividendes, et $215,000 out ete portes k la reserve. Une somme de $5,484 a ete reportee k I'exorcice de 1889-90 au compte des profits et pertes. Le niveau des atfaires 5e la banque s'est fort bien maintenu durant I'annee 1888-89, annouQaut une proohaine periode prosp6re, oomme on peut le voir par les chiflfres ci-bas : >.,.,..,» ' "• " • - ■■ •■ ■ Mai 1889. Les profits nets de I'annee, apr^s avoir paye les charges et tous les interets ' ' ' ' ' d&s, et pourvu aux dettes mauvaises et douteuses, se sont eieves k $617,858 Vl Balance de I'an passe 8,570 19 • • • Total $626,428 30 Qui a ete reparti ainsi : Dividendes Nos. 40 et 41, au taux de 7pour£cent $405,944 00 Ajoute k la reserve 215,000 00 Reporte au compte des profits et pertes de I'an proohaln 5,484 30 TABLEAU DE L'aCTIF ET DU PASSIP AU 31 MAI 1889. $626,428 30 . ., •. .(Mil .'■'■< rT , PASSIP. 1.— Au PUBUO:— ■ V ' " ■" "" ■ ■■'■ '-».,I..).,.-,„,., Billets en circulation $2,565,645 00 Dep6ts k interet (y compris I'interet accru jusquk cette date) , $6,366,436 41 , . Pepdts neportant pasinterfit.. , 3,025,566 90 $9,391,993 31 Balances dues k des banques oanadiennes, ayant un compte de dtpdts k la banque des Marohands du Canada 550,748 18 YO ' MONTREAL — SON PASS^, "• Balances dues aux banques canadiennes dans les ^changes de chaquo jout. $595 54 Balances dues aux agents en Angleterre 383,411 01 Dividende No. 41 202,972 00 Dividendea non rdolam^s 6,428 87 $13,101,793 91 2. — Aux ACTIONNAIRES : — Capital pay6 5,799,200 00 Reserve 2,135,000 00 Compte du contingent 93,460 00 Balance au compte des profits et pertes report^ k I'an prochain 5,481 30 '- • • .' -"-M .... r ., , . ■.:. ., $21,134,938 21 AOTIF. $278,009 86 Billets du Dominion 647,211 00 Billets et cheques d'autres banques canadiennes 569,274 54 Balances dues par d'autres banques canadiennes dans les ^changes de chaque jour 58,917 38 Balances dues par des banques et des agents aux Etats-Unis 496,091 22 Bons du Gouvernement f^d^ral 668,967 33 Debentures de chemins de fer et de municipalit^s 104,650 00 Pr^ts k demande et ^courte 4ch6ance sur bons et stocks 1,174,049 00 Prfits Jl terme'sur bons et stocks $161,220 00 Autres pr^ts et escoraptes , 16,012,909 85 Pr6ts et escomptes dchus et non sp6cialement garantis (pourvu aux pertes dans le compte du contingent) 106,313 09 Pr^ts et escomptes echus et garantis 25,438 74 $3,997,170 33 16,305,881 68 Hypoth^ques, bons et autres garauties, la propriety* de la banque 187,652 35 Immeubles 167,130 72 Edifices de la banque et ameublement 446,773 28 Autre actif 30,329 85 $21,134,938 21 f Officiers : — Andrew Allan, President ; J. Hague, Gerant G^n^ral ; I John Gault, Asst. Surintendant ; J. S. Meredith, G<5rant Local. , , , , LA BANQUE JACQUES CARTIER. Cette banque obtint sa charte en 1861, et cowmen^a les afi'aires avoo $700,000, son capital ayant 6te autoris<5 pour un million. Elle prosp<5ra et accrut son capital k $2,000,000 5 puis des revers le firent tomber si $1,000,000 en 1877. La banque chercha mfime I'autorisation de s'amalgamer avec une autre qui voudrait y consentir. Deux ann^es sombres suivirent, et en 1879 le m6me capital f&t rMuit k 500,000 piastres, alors que dame Fortune ropar&t ; et la banque a prosp^r^ depuis. Dans un amenderaont h, la charte ^tait une clause donnant la mesure de la loyaut^ du sujet Franco- Anglais. Aucun Stranger no pouvait avoir le droit de vote dans cette banque, s'iln'^tait porteur de parts payees. Cette clause disparut lors de I'adoption de la loi des banques en 1880. • SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 71 I II y eut encore boaucoup de troubles vers 1876 dans les affaires de oetto banque. Les directeurs furent aocusds de negligence grosslfere dans leur administration, et k la suite d'uncompromis on ne reconnut point Taccusation, et I'on remit pour plus de 250,000 dollars de parts entre les mains de Jacques Grenier comme fid^i-commissairo pour lea autres actionnaires dont les parts devaient fitre vendues et divis^es ^ nouveau ; les directeurs n'ayant rien k recevoir dans les profits, mais seulement dans la promesse de I'immu^ite de toute poursuite k intervcnir pour mauvaise gestion ant^rieure k Juin 1875. Le dernier rapport de cette banque est des plus enoourageante. La confiance da public en cette institution s'est manifest^e par une augmentation de $261,482.37 dans les d^pdts et par la circulation de ses billets. Les profits de I'ann^e se sont ^levds i $42,276.82, et ello a pay6 $35,000.00 de dividende k sept pour cent. Puis elle a ajout^ une somme de $7,276.82 k son fonds contingent. La Banque Jacques Cartier est une ancienne institution canadienne qui est toujours en faveur auprtis du public. Les hommes d'affaires qui sont k sa t6te sont une garantie du suoo^s financier qui ne manque jamais de couronner ses operations. II n'y a qu'k consulter les chiffres suivants pour s'en oonvaincre : ■ ',\ j i- i,' ' ■ h- ' / I Balance au compte des profits et pertes le 31 Mai 1888 $11,122 19 Profits pour Tann^e expiree le 31 mai dernier, apr^s avoir d^duit les ddpen- ses d'administration et le montant necesaaire pour oouvrir lea pertea 42,276 82 ' $53,399 01 Dont il faut d^duire le montant du dividende de 3^ pour "■- ' "' cent payable le ler decembre 1888 $17,500 00 Dividende de 3J pour cent payable le 1 juillet 1889 17,500 00 35,000 00 Balance $18,399 01 " ' '■ ■ ,! . PASSIP. ' ' ■ ,,, •.,,. ■, . . • . " Capital •■ -I ;;, ,,.'. .,: ^^qq qqjj qq, Fonds de reserve $140,000 00 Compte des profits et pertes 18,399 01 158,399 01 It" ■•■UHil Dividende semestriel payable le 1 juin 1889 $17,500 00 Dividende semestriel non reclame 1,631 78 19,131 78 V !.,:[ Billets en circulation ... 378,428 00 $677,530 79 Depdt ne portant pas interet 795,943 80 Dep6t portant interet 593,329 47 Depdt du gouvornement federal 26,934 56 Depdt du gouvernement provincial 50,000 00 ■)'•!! Balances dues &, d'autres banques en Canada 1,814 58 ' Autres dettes 11,562 97 1,858,013 38 r.n Ml:,,: ■ ., , .,. ... . . •' ACTIP. . Numeraire ;.;l^.;;. !::...' ^' $36,721 13 Billets du Dominion 40 540 00 Billets et cheques sur d'autrea banques 95,308 84 Balances dues par d'autres banques en Canada 8,148 68 $2,535,544 17 7? ,,,MONTRi:AL — SON PASSfi, Balances dues par d«s banques ^trangferes $12,683 38 ,^ |. Balanocs dues par Ics agences de la banque et autres agents dans le royamne uni 22,429 31 $215,831 34 •^ •.'■;.'.' i-'i' '■■ ' •'• Billets escompt^s et courants ..■....:.......'...*•. .■. $1,599,559 33 ■; i'i'>iJ.IW)i Billets dfts, non sp6cmleinent garantis 66,183 64 ''-'<' 'nllii: Billets dfts et garantis 70,609 07 '• >..• •"■<''! :» Oaranties diverges 62,251 62 •■■ '>i ■' .iM-i'i Hypoth^ques sur immoubles vendue 38,203 95 .••cil ,,| Debentures de mines 200,000 00 ,, ,,., > ,i. Edifices de la banque 82,365 00 v,-ai . ., Autre actif 210,640 22 2,319,712 83 "■" ■^■:' ' ■■•■"■' ' ■"'■" ' • '• ^•"'" ""•' ••• $2,535,544 17 I Alph. Desjardins. M. r.. President; ' i " ' • • '• { A. DeMartigny, G6rant. ■ '* '• i' ', u "' . n . .;i i '< '■ - '"•' J ■ . |/. - ' 'i .". ■ I - '. i' . i,^ I , .Mil. I LA BANQUE VILLE MARIE. ' ' < " ; La Banque Ville Marie fut ^tablie en 1872 avec un capital de prSs d'un million de piastres, dont $202,000 ^taient enti^rement payds. En 1881, le capital fut r(;duit h 600, 000 piastres, dont $478,430 sont maintenant paydes. Pour I'exercice finissant le 31 mai 1889, les operations de la Banque Villa-Marie ont donne un profit net de $48,419.51. Durant I'annde cette banque a pay6 ^ ses action naires un dividende de sept pour cent, soit $33,490.00, et elle a portd $6,000 au compte du contingent. II s'est produit une augmentation considerable dans les affaires de la Banque Ville Marie durant I'exercice qui vient tie se terminer. Les profits de I'annde ont excdde de $10,000 oeux de I'an dernier. Cela demontre que les affaires de cette institution flnan- ci6re sont florissantes, gr^ce a la sage administration que lui a donnde le bureau dee directeurs. io •;•;;•,-! ; .-.:-! j i. .j.j.i.i ...!. !..f«M :j Cette institution marche vers un magnifique avenir comme le font voir les donndes suivantes : . . , . . • i Les profits nets de Tannic, apres avoir paye I'interfit et les ' charges, et deduit la somme affectee aux dettes mauvaises ou douteuses, se sont eiev^s ^ $48,419 51 Balance au compte des profits et pertes pour I'an passe 3,090 80 ' ' ' $51,510 86 Reparti comme suit : .. ■ Dividende 3i pour cent, le ler decembre 1888 $16,745 05 ''' ' ' ''''^^ Dividende 3i pour cent, le lerjuin 1889 16,745 05 ' ' '' *-•''"'' Pour faire face k la perte eprouvee k I'agence do Hull le 16 Janvier 1889 6,273 00 Porte au contingent 6,000 00 Balance au compte des profits et pertes..... 5,747 21 (»•» M.i'./ii , ,., .... $51,510 31 ;. ■ i I . ' . I i -', 111.' ' )i • - '11 |,,;i ■! ' • • 1 ;;/• ' 'I .11 .:)! i -.'r),. i. ii! i SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 73 ETAT (lENERAL '■^''' au 31 mai 1889. ^'^*'' ACTIP. Numi'niire $24,886 66 ...l, ■ , .V\ Billets du Dominion 57,626 00 , . ,,., Billets et chtiques d'autroa b'anqucs 45,803 27 • •, DCl jjard'autreg banques au Canada 47,924 49 • - .;,i Dtt par d'autrea banques en pays strangers 14,617 79 .<.'^ Dft par d'autres banques dans le Royauuio uni 4,056 41 , , •.. f..': Prdtsgarantis sur stocks 91,347 96 Pr6ts k des corporations , 13,269 15 $299,531 73 Escomptes courants 1,331,600 01 Billets dfta et non sp^cialeraont garantis , ; 37,022 38 ■■■ > ■ Autres dettes non specialement garanties 22,508 05 Detfes dues et ^chues garanties 14,307 42 » 1,405,437 86 Immeubles 75,580 33 Edifices de la banque ^ ses agences 25,837 06 Hypothtiques sur propri^t^s vendues par la banque 7,937 52 (, . , Autres hypoth^ques 13,579 66 Autre actif y compris le .stock detenu par la banque 296,983 90 419,918 47 $2,124,888 06 PASSIP. Capital souscrit, $500,000 payees $478,430 00 Reserve 20,000 00 Profits et pertes ..., 5,747 21 554,177 21 Circulation 410,200 00 Depots du gouvernement fM^ral tl demande 24,428 69 Autres d^pdts &, demande ' ' 252,525 90 Autres d6p6ts k intC'rSt , 914 836 91 Autre passif Dividende payable le ler juin 1889 , Wm. Weir, President : • •• Ubalde Garand, Caissier. ►;, juJi t. •,,.( -i'Im >' •■ (•<) Uf'v'. I- •e .' ' LA BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA. t't 1 1 ■.; ' 1'! 1,974 30 16,745 05 ^i>i| 1 [j $2, 124,888 06 •li'iiiiM. • [IKo-. / ii ' 1 ,■ < 1 / '' Depuis 1873 aucune banque n'a 6t6 6tablie ft. Montreal ; celle-ci fut inoorpor^e en oette annde aveo un capital de 203,000 piastres, qui a ^t^ port6 depuis ^ $710,100 j le capital autoris^ 6tant de $1,000,000. Cette banque est une de uos bonnes institutions financidres, et rend de tr^s grands services au commerce, et g(5ndralement k ce que Ton appelle le petit commerce ; aussi sa olientiSlo est tr^s nombreuse et lui rapporte de forts b6n6flces. C'est une institution iolide et transigeant sur des bases tr6s libdrales. L'6tat suivant fait voir une situation prospSre. 74 MONTREAL — SON *ASSt, Situation au 31 Dicembre 1889. PASSIF. iOii aitjj ^ctionnrttVc*. • ; ■,>;^ Fonds capital $710,100 00'' Fonds (le r<^serve 126,000 00 Dividende No. 27 payable 2 janvior 1890 21,303 00 Dividendes non reclames 1,401 16 Profits et pertes 5,709 61 .1 ■ .' ' .. 1', , 1 * $765,313 77 : r.i^ i ■ ■ iV.l Ddiinpuhlic. ' •>->..• i>. n Billets de la Banque en circulation $560,82100 D(5p6ts du gouvernement f^d^ral payable 5, demande 31,276 8-4 ,, .; ,,[., D^prtts tenus pour suret6 de I'ex^cution de contrats du ■• ( . gouvernement f6d,jr ■^.f 57,982 37 Hypoth^ques sur immeubles vendus par la Banque ' i . r •■ ■ 'i m; 59,773 82 Propri6t6s foncifires 5,250 00 Autres items non compris dans les itetns precedents 64,997 83 jt--* ■" •iii'f '-.M ■'•!/■ r i;.;;,t I v-j )} , .. If.; '. M!i)») ,! ■' $2,859,844 38 F. X. St. Charles, President ; i ■ -' ^. f F. X. 1 M.J. II'-' I'lt I'j A. Prendergast, Caissier. .U',Mj,yi;(i,.^, vi-. 4ri.v,iv t ..u..ii*. .,^ • .. ' ■•; ni" l^'"* -'I'j -ii- y ■. ,.<.i„.-, .;■-• - LA BANQUE D'EPARGNB. .i. / •■ ^'.r.-rt.oHio- :■,.. ■ >■■'.. Elle se distingue des autres banques par la charte elle-mfime et sa methode d'admU nistration. Cette institution fut fondle au 26 mai 1846, sous le patronage de I'^v^que catholique. Elle obtint une charte en 1871, et poss6de un capital autorise de $2,000,000, ♦ SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR, 75 dont $600,000 sont payees. EUe n'a point de billets en circulation, mais pcut poss^der dcs valours de banques, priviltige refuel aux autres ban ques. • '^ ;• < •( Quarante-quatre ans I o'est unjoli espaoe de tempi^ signal^ par une administration intelligente qui a marohd de succ^s en Buoods, jusqu'au point de faire do cette institution une des plus fortes et des plus recommandablea du Canada. Le rapport accuse un ^tat de prosp(^rit6 incontestable, ot est lo meilleur t^inoignage qu'il soit possible d'apporter comme justification de la conflance publique. En examinant la classification dea comptes, on arrive h la preuve que la Banqae d'Epargne n'a pas manqu^ k son objet principal, en ce qu'elle est encore la banque des petits d(5po3ants qui lui confient jour par jour le fruit de leurs Economies. On y trouvo que sur 42,466 comptes ouverts, il y a 25,320 ddpdts de $50.00 et au-dessous pour 837 d^pdts de $1600.00 et au-dessou?. ,, ,, , , /m' Etat dea affaires de la Banque d' Epargne de la Oit4 et du District de Montr ial. ' lo 31 D^oembre 1888. i PASSIP. Montant da aux d^posantp $7,644,657 79 " " au receveurg^n^ral 96,89126 *« " au fonds de Charite 180,000 00 '* " aux comptes ouverts 61,254 64 Profits et Pertes (Reserve) 351,317 94 Capitalpay6 600,000 00 $8,934,121 63 ACTIP. 1.1! Debentures de laCit(5 de Montreal, et autres municipalit^s de la Province de Quebec $1,632,345 16 Stock du Dominion du Canada et int^r^t acoru 1,530,000 00 Fonds de charity plac6 en debentures muuicipales approu- v<5es par le Gouverneraont 180,000 00 B3,ti3ses de la Banque Bureau Central et suocursales 387,107 25 Prdts garantis par des nantissements 3,981,243 46 Divers 123,101 U Argent en mains et en banque 1,100,324 66 $8,934,121 63 Nombre de comptes ouverts : — Bureau Central 20,692 Succursale de la rue Sainte Catherine 11,778 Succursale de la rue Notre Dame Quest 7,325 Succursale de la Pointe Saint Charles ' 1,595 Succursale de la rue Notre Dame Est ' '' 1,076 Classification des comptes : — ,. $50 et au-dessous, 25,320; 50 a, 100, 2,945; 100 i 200, 4,498; 200 ^ 400, 3,995; 400 k 800, 2,847 ; 800 h. 1200, 1,421 ; 1200 si 1600, 603 ; 1600 et au-dessus, 837; nationalit^s, Frangais, 26,893 ; Anglais, 15,573. Somme moyeune dile k chaque d6posant le 31 d^cembre 1888, $180.01. I Edward Murphy, President ; I Henry Barbeau, Gerant. $42,466 76 MONTREAL — SON PASSi, CANADIAN BANK OP COMMERCE. Le8 operations de cotte banquo, durant la p6riode flniitsant au lur Juin 1889, indiquent que cotte institution out dans la voio du progr6fl. Doh profltH nets do I'annde ti'^lovant h. $538,IL'>, loH dividendos ordinairos au taux de 7 par oent ont 6te pay^a ; la sommo de $1UU,0()0 a <^t^> portdo ^ la r^^erve, ot $33,912 ont H6 roport(5H il I'ann^o k vonir. Le doriiior rapport accuse les chiffres suivants pour I'exoroico 1888-89 : — : La balanuo au crC'dit do's profits et portos report BillotH uHcomptdf, on suiifTrunoe, non iipdoialeniont garan- .> m ' • tis (porto ampleinoiit pourvuo) 76,022 H GrdancoH on Hotiffraiico (garantios) 45,9UU 18 ImmoubloH, autros quo Ioh Edifices de la batique, ot hypo- tJuVjuos 244,886 49 ' I. . i ,i ■ ' Edifices do la Baiiquo ot ameubloment 483,152 06 $23,038,441 27 fH. W. iJarlirig, Pr<:'«ident ; i B. E. Walltor, U6raiit Gi'iidral ; (a. M. Crombic, (Idrant Local. .. "'■ ri-. • ! - . . .. ., , --,1 i>.ii[','. ... LA BANQUE NATION ALE. ... . .l/ .,■.■! m •.;• :•»! La Banqiio Nationalo, coramo prosquo toutos nos intititutions de finance oanailjennea et fraiiQaises, a eu sea hauts et ses bas attrlbuables k do8 causes qu'il n'est plus de saisoo de discuterj mu'snous constat ons aujourd'hui qu'oUo so trouve dans uue position j\ figu- rer ayantagoiiiJo.aent dans notro monde financier, et h, rondro au commerce do notre province d'exooUonts^sorvices. Durant le dernier exercioe, la Banque Nationalo a rdalied $124,000 de profits, r^^par- tis comme suit : ii Qu6bec $38,000, ^ Montreal $45,000, k Ottawa $19,000, k Sherbrooke $22,000. Apr^s une r<$duction considerable du capital, cette realisation do $124,000 doit dtre oon8id(;r6o comme absolument satisfaisante par lea experts en finance. Quant k la sucoursale do Montreal, le chifiFre do $45,000 de profits parlo par lui- m^me. Le compto de Profits et Pertes pour rannde 1888-89 so r6sumo comme suit, savoir : 1888. .•.•.,.■. . 1 Mai — Balance au creditjaprtis reduction du capital $36,110 96 1889. 3 Avril — Profits nets do rannde, deduction faito des frais d'administra- tion et des intdr(5tH accrus sur ddpdts 124 770 99 Formant un total do ....;..'.'.......'■.■.;.... $160,881 95 De CO montant, nous avons ddduit pour dividende en Novembre dernier, 3 pour cent $36,000 00 Dividende au lor mai, 3 pour cent 36,000 00 ;,.j , .^ , i.i^' Pour dettes mauvaisos ct douteuses 50,640 74 —7— .,$122,640 74 i,;tl ./ Laissant au credit de ce compte une balance de ^ , «3g 241 2I Pour commoncer une nouvelle annde. BILAN DM LA BANQUE NATIO^TALE, LE 30 AVRIL 1889, , <»tj ''wCiiS' , ....«....- ••• 'I v,li,ivi. ■'•■1 PASSIP. .,,.-,.. r Eonds capital $1,200,000 00 Billets en circulation 5Qg q^q «« DiSpots poTtant interet .,,,,,,. j -^ 1,406 (J32 08 Depots no portant.pas inter^t 3^g ^ge lg D<^ i^ d'autiffs ba,nq.ue8 Qn.C^nftdft ~»^ *....-i.. ' 22 .335 M 78 MONTRfcAL — SON PASS*, Dft h tlos iigciicofl do III UiiiKiuo (laiiH les pays <'trange« 1,623 34 Dd h UoH agences de la Banquo dans lo Iloyaumo^Uni 58,708 59 Divideiido payable lo lor Mai 1889 3fl,000 00 Rabais Hur oHcoiuptoa. : 27,000 00 FoiidP de reserve $100,000 00 Coinpto do Profits et Fortes 38,24121 , ', . 138,241 21 $3,776,376 44 ACTIF. Espiicos $136,245 20 Billot!* de 111 Piiissaiico 193,114 00 BillotH 8ur d'autroH banquts ot ch6quo« cur d'autrow baiiquos 122,944 66 BalancoH dnoH par d'autros banque8]|on (Canada 163,804 33 BalanoeH dues par dos ngencos de la Baiiquo dans los pays Strangers 20,125 06 Balances dues par des agoncos do la Baiiquc datiH le Royaume-Uni 66 73 Pr€t8 courants, eacomptes ot avancosau piiblic 2,723,380 13 Billots on etfotH do comniorco escompt<^s, on soufFrance (portcs pour\-ucs) 14,279 35 Billots et oflets de commerco e8conipt<^H, on souffrance, ot autres cr6ances garantis 271,223 69 Immeublos appartenant & la Banque (autres quo les6diflcesde laBanque) 44,243 40 Hypothi^iiueH sur des iinmoublos vendus par laBanque 9,662 00 Edifices de la Banque $66,000 00 Ameublement 9,132 00 74,132 00 Autres items de ractif non corapris dans les pr(?c€donts 3,176 00 $3,776,376 44 f A. Gaboury, Pr ' •'-■;'•; 80 ' MONTREAL — SON PASSfc, LES AFFAIRES DES BAnQUES. SOIXANTE ET DIX MILLIONS DE CAPITAL EN JEU. •;! Le capital des huit banques de Montreal, y compris oelui de la British North America dont le siege principal en Canada est en oette cit^, est do $27,654,396 aveo un fond de reserve de $10,30^,565, formant un total do $37,863,961. Le capital et la reserve des autres banques dans le Canada s'^ltive h $40,442,182. Benucoup du capital des banques de Montreal se trouve plnc^ en dehors de cetto province, les quatrc principales do cos institutions ayant soixanto-huit sucoursales dans Ontario, sept dann le Nouveau Brunswick, cinq dans le Manitoba, quatro dans la Colombie Anglaiso,deux dans la Nouvelle Eoosse. PIuh, des bureaux h New York, k Chicago, ^ San Francisco et h, Londres. ., i., : i Les banques ayant des suocursales au dehors de la Province sont : la Montreal, la Molson, la British North America, et celle des Marchands. Les pluspotites banques, telles que le Peuple, Hochelaga, Jacques Cartior, Ville Marie, ont k elles toutes vingt-quatr© succursales dans la Province de Quebec, mais rien au dehors. Les banques de la cit^, tout en 6tant des institutions locales <5tendent leurs relations et leur? influences par tout le Canada, depuis Halifax jusqu'i\ Vancouver. Elles ont en tout, cent-huit succursales, sans compter les agences ext^rieures. La construction des chemins de fer dans le Dominion a beaucoup contribu^ h I'^ta- blissemont d'agences de banques, et celles-ci de leur c6t^ ont contribu6 k la prosp^- rit6 des chemins de fer de la contrpots. Circulation. Escompte. Banques. Succursales 1858—13,457,904 6,123,958 6,205,866 1858— 26,803,031. ,>. hS.). >;.,;,. .../.^j^ . ,• 1868—18,781,283 20,388,171 2,452,317 1868—28,167,554 8 68 ' ' 1878—33,895,111 30,718,571 10,147,426 1878—58,746,750 11 112 1888—27,554,396 43,489,428 13,503,531, 1888—53,245,217 " ' '8'- " 118 ' Le ohitfrc de,s d^jjots ne comprend pas ceux du gouvernenient, except^ pour 1858 : k cette date la banque ne fesait pas do distinctions pour de tels d^pdts.; 1 1 ,', i On pent voir qu'en 1858 la circulation descendit .\ $2,462,317. (Jeci i^ut dil partiel- lement &, I'invasion de I'argent am^ricain qui prit unp grande extension, prit aussi I& place des billets, et ne fut rdellemont changd qu'en 1870. ',■..■ La plus grande avance oependant, se fait voir, dnjas l|ps d<5p<)ts qui oqt yari^ do $6,153,958 en. 1868 ^ $43,439,428 en 18^8. ,i, ..;.„,„^ rnJoU f, .• „ >„ ; -i . V .■ "' Plus de vingt millions de cos depots ne portent p^^ int^rfit^, ajoqtant S, ceci les fonds'ae reserve plus de dix millions, et la circulation plus de treize millions, on d<5couvre que les banques do cette ville ont en main k manoeuvrer au-del& de soixante-dix millons pour SON PRESENT ET SON AVENIR. 81 produire des dividendea h leur capital de $27,554,396 pour ne pas mSmcparlerdes profits eurles d^pdts portant int^rSt. La d^croissance apparente daus los prfits courants est plus que compens^e par les montants extra prfit^s aux corporations oil places sur d'autres garanties. En outre, les besoins des raarchands et des manufactures ont 6t6 amplement satisfaits. De tout cela on pent conclure que les banques n'eurent pas dans cette preraitire p^riode des moyens de b^n^fices coinparables k ceux qu'elles poss^dent aujourd'hui ; une bonne direction seule ^tant requise pour produire de bons r^sultats. On ne pent cependant pas d^tourner les yeux d'un point noir dans le tableau. Depuis 1878, quatro banques nominees la " Mechanic's," la "Metropolitan," la "Conso- lidated " et " r Exchange " sont {.ombres, entrainant une perte pour les porteurs de part de presque CINQ MILLIONS DE DOLLARS. La Consolidated et la Metropolitan ont payd des dividendes k leurs porteurs de parts, tandis quo dans le cas de la Mechanic's et de I'Exchange tout le capital a 6t6 jJerdu et la loi de double responsabilit^ appliqu^e. Les pertes de banques pourraient faire supposer que le commerce au Canada est des plus hasardoux, et que les deficits sont la consequence du manque de savoir et de la malhonnetet<'', tandis que la cause en est due pour beaucoup a une expansion d^mesur^e et k diverses entreprises dans lesquelles des ambitions les ont engag^es. Le succ6s dont a 6t4 marqu6 I'administration de la plus forte banque de cette ville h travers les dangers qu'elie a traverses pent etre le sujet d'une notice particulit^re.^ Depuis soixaute et dix ans, ses portes se sont ouvertes avec I'exatitude du soleil levant, et elle n'a jamais failli h payer son dividende de m^moiro du plus vieux citoyen. , Quelques porteurs de parts attaquent la direction violemment lorsque les dividendes ne r^pondent pas il leurs esp^rances, absolument commeces tribus Afrioaines qui finissent par briser leurs idoles quand elles ne leur ont point accord^ ce qu'elles demandaient. Une autre institution, la banque British North America, peut-6tre moinsambitieuse en apparenoe, n'en a pas moins eu une oarrl<>re de suco^s etdemeure on credit <^gale a sa grande voisine. Ayant le plus grand nombre de ses actionnaires en Angleterre, elle se trouve Isolde de I'ari^ne de la speculation locale, ot en consequence echappa ii I'orage d'Avril au travers duquel sa soeur ainee doit passer chaquo annde. II est notable que la British a fourni h la banque de Montreal plusieurs de ses plus habiles officiers, entre autres MM. D. Davidson, E. H. King, et C. P, Smithers. Avant de clore, nous allons comparer les ressources et les aifaires de nos banques avec celles dc la reine de I'Ouest, Toronto, le centre de la Province d'Ontario. La cite de Toronto a sept banques, dont les principales ressources et obligations se ohififrent comme suit : Capital $14,002,023 " *'' Depots 32,616,507 " " Circulation 8,177,192 • '' ' Escomptes 41,825,450 '■''•' ' ' Reserves 4,245,000 *'" i " "" ' Succursales 100 ' ' ' En passant en revue avec soin ce qui precede, il scmble que les banques de Toronto paraissent comparativement petites dans leurs affaires, elles n'en travaillent pas j^oins r 82 "^*' MONTREAL — SON PASSfe, '^' k mi»f trf>H Tiiuito jtr^HBion, ot rlans le cii8'(lo la'crlHO do 1857.1e pays avait les ytiix sur Ic confrt; rosp<^rit^; sous ccsllo do M. Bothunc, inais il y a cu dos jours sombree coinuie pour cellos de Montr^tal. La jtremi^ro banque qui suspenilit ses paiements futen ]8/)5 la " Bank of Upper Cannda," son capital do prfts de quatre millions es. Autres. Total. 1878 i;5,r)94 96<5 23,375 37,935 1887 45,798 ' " 2,618 52,625 ' 101,041 Pajiiers lUMivelios. Lettros ot journaux, total. Nombre des portcurs employes. 1878 1,2U) . , 50,051 _ 47 1887 ;i2,63(') 133,(577 66 Le nombro dos sacs quittant Montr(''al cbaquo jour so monte it environ 500, et ccux qui y arrivent i\ environ 450 ; :\ jteu pri's 98 sacs de malles et uno ou deux caisses de paquets arrivent chaque semaine d'Europo, j)ar laligneCanadienne, I'Inman, lesCunards et g6n(''ralouiont le service do malles transatlantiques. D'autres arrivent a intcrvalles moins rt^guliers des Indes Occidentales, dos Bermudes, et le service quotidion des malles outre Vanconver et Montrt'al devient do plus en plus croissant de m<3me que celui de la corrospondanco aveo le Japon, la Chine ot I'lnde. En connection aveo le service postal, se trouvo colui dos maudats de poste qui nous niontre le m^me accroissement rapide. * L'('>tat intgalement par I'accroissemcnt dos d(?p6ts du peuple, heureux de reconnaltre les avantages qui lui dtaient offerts. , DEPOTS DE BANQUES D'£PARGNES. . • . , ,. ■ , Accroissomont. 1887 $514,562.00 ., 1884 418,009.00 $96,533.00 ,_ ,^ , RETRAIT8. -. . , i. , 1887 $442,322.78 .; 1884 283,491.97 158,830.8 Ces statistiques du d^partement des postes prouvent ^ un point de vue fort int^res- sant I'aocroissement de la population et I'importance commoroiale do Montreal. Aveo oet aocrois sement, il 6tait indispensable d'accorder au public plus de faoilit^s, soit dans la transmission des malles, des petits paquots, etc., etc., promptement k destination, et oeoi se trouve k notre Bureau de Poste. 1 . • . .1, ,_ ,: j . •. - . . . ., ■ ; .j 84 MONTRIjAL— SON PASSt, LE COMMERCE DE DETAIL. C'est Rvec difficult^ quo la pr6sente g^n^ration de Montrdalais et les Strangers qui visitent notreville peuvent so faire une id6o de I'importance du commerce de detail et d» son accroissement. Les rues Notre Dame, St. Jacques, S^e. Catherine, St. Laurent et autres, n'ont-elles pas la plus franche apparonce de prosp^rit6, par la quantity de lours magasins, I'abondance et la richesse des stocks qu'ils contiennent ? Bien diflf^rent 6tait l'6tat des choses il y a un si^clo, quand la rue Craig ^taitun veritable marais crois6 de ponts en bois abordant la cit6, car il n'existait gu6re de faubourgs au-del&. Le com- merce alors 6tait entiSrement confin6 k la rue St. Paul sp^cialement aux alentours do la place Jacques Cartier et de I'endroit oh se trouve actucUement la douane. Dans la rue Notre Dame en 1820 il y avait environ trois ou quntre 6piceries, un magasin de marchan- dises stJches, tandis qu'on en rencontrait h you pros une douzaine d'autres* dans les rues adjacentes. II y avait aussi quelques petites 6chopes tenues par des Allemands sur la rue St. Laurent, contenant des petits stocks d'^piceries, de marchandisos sfiches, etc. On n'en rencontrait pen ailleurs dans la cit^. Le commerce devint plus systdmatique aprfis la guerre de 1815 et dans les ann<^es qui suivirent. Parmi les principales maisons de cette ^poque, nous signalons : Richard & Co» Girard, Parker & Ogilvy, pr6d6cesseurs de Gillispie, Moffatt»fe Cie., Maitland, Gardiner & Auldjo, et quelques autres moins importantos. Elles vendaieni aux clients les marchan- disos s6ches, les <>piceries, le fer et les liqueurs, mais leur organisation de detail 6tait incomplete. Les marchands de fer, d'epiceries et de marchandisos seches vendaient en gros et en detail, on ^' trouvait dgalement des ust^nsiles de cuisine et des liquides. A pen pr^s k la place du marchd Bousecours et de la place Jacques Cartier, il y avait quelques magasins de marchandises seches, de memo pr^s de la rue St. Pierre. Parmi les Canadiens Fran^ais la principale mnison etait cello de Robertson, Masson & Cie., qui n'importait d'abord rien que les marchandises si^ches. Ccs magasins furent petits d* I'origine, ayant beaucoup de portes et pea de fenetres, devant et pros de la porte le- patron et ses eommis se tenaient prfits a saisir "l'HABITANT" SANS DEFIANCE, qui s'^chappant des grifFes d'un employ^ ^ la premidre porte, tombait h la suivante dans celles du second ; vainement protestait-il que c'6tait-l&, le mOme magasin, on cherchait ^ lui faire croire a I'erreur de ses propres yeux, et ainsi invariablement, jusqu'^ ce qu'il eut fait une demi douzaine de ces magasins, il avait fait un ou plusieurs achats, souvent c'dtaitde bonnes plaisanteries jou6es sur le dos do I'habitant de bon caractdre. Malgr6 les inconv6nients de cette manifere de faire le commerce, c'6tait I'usage et il r.'y a gu6re que trente ans que les marchands I'aboUrent d'un commun accord. Plusieurs magasins de detail <5taient diss6min6s dans certaines places le long de la rue St. Paul, depuis la place Jacques Cartier actuelle jusqu'^ la rue McGill. On remarquait les magasins de marchandises seches de Richard Watkins, successeur de Miller Parlane & Cie., Hector Russell & Cie. k trois portes de la Douane. M. Miller de la maison mentionn^e plus haut retournaen Angleterre et Mr. Parlane entradans le' commerce de gros d'exp^dition et aida k la fondation dela maisonH. & A. Allan. Hector Russell & Cie., dont les magasins communiquaient avec ceux du detail, dtaient prt^s du marchd, et en face se trouvait le magasin de John Mackenzie, dont M. G. Mackay 6tait le comptable et M. McKormack le vendeur aimloign6es du Canada ; c'est une ohose du pass6. De nos jours les voyageurs de commerce ont pris la place de ces ventes par encan, sur lesquelles on rcte- nait une imposition ; ce qui n'existait pas il Toronto. A tous lea points de vue, les d6tinllants envisagent la perspective du commerce de Montreal comme meilleure et plus forte que jiimais ; les paiements so font plus rdguli^re- ment, le volume des affaires est plus rdmun^ratif et fiiit esp^rer un avonir prosp5ro. CONFECTIONS, COMMERCE DE GROS. r . L'esprit d'entreprise et d'initiative des hommes d'affaires de Montreal, joint aux prix modiques do la main-d'oeuvre ont eu pour r^sultat de donner, dans les vingt dorni^res ann^es, une impulsion tr^s forte h I'industrie des confections, et d'iissuror h notre ville, la m^tropolo commerciale, I'approvisionnoment pour toutes les parties de la Puissance. Nous comptons actuellement huit ^tablissements de ce genre on pleine operation dans Montreal. Sur ce nombre deux principaloment se distinguent par leur volume d'affaires SON.PRfcSENT ET SON AVENIR. 87 et rimportanoo do leurs transactions, ce qui n'empfiohe que les autres occupent un rang distingud parmi nos maisons de commerce. Le chiffre total des vontes par ann^o dans cette branche d'industrio atteignait h peine $400,000 il y a vingt ans, tandia qu'aujour- d'hui il s'dl^ve lY au dolii de $2,500,000 avec un cerole d'op^rations qui s'6tend de Halifax, sur les bords de I'Atlantique, jusqu'il Vancouver sur rOc6an Paoifique. Le capital place dans oo commerce repr6sente un montant do $1,500,000. Lil au;«si on remarque un progr^s notable depuis oes derni^res ann^'es. Le travail so distribue iH la pi^ce a|)rtis que los hardes ont H6 tailldes dans I'^tablissement mfime. La couture est faito par des fenimes des faubourg* ou des localit^s avoisinantes de la villo qui appor- tent a la maison des parties de vfitemonts ainsi assorties. On compto un grand nombre de personnes ainsi occupies dans Ste. Cundgonde, St. Henri, Ste. Rose, Terrebonne, Chambly, St. Hilaire, Belcjeil et St R^mi, h travailler pour les maisons de Montreal. Une preuve irrecusable du d^veloppement do cetto Industrie est le nombre considerable do machines si coudre qui se d4taillont dans presque toutes les maisons do la region que nous vonons d'indiquer. On pent dire quo 5000 ouvriciros se livrent reguliiirement k oette occupation, et si on calculo qu'uno famille se compose en moyenne de cinq raembres on arrive h un total de 20,000 personnes auxquelles le commerce de hardes faites fournit la subsistance de cbaque jour. Le personnel des huit dtablissements dont nous avons parl6 plus haut est de 2200 employes qui rejoivent annuellement comme gages et salaire une somme d'un demi million do dollars. Toronto ot Hamilton ont essay6 inutilement de faire la concurrence a Montreal dans co commerce corame le disait un homme d'affaires bien connu et bien competent, puisqu'il est engage dans cette industrie depuis au dola de trcnte ans. ''Toronto et Hamilton no peuvent lut tor avec Montreal pour la " bonne raison que cetto derniure est le centre manufacturier le plus avantageux pour '' ce genre d'operation." t Montreal est de toutes les villes du continent celle oil le prix de la main-d'oeuvre est le plus reduit, et c'est ce qui la fait preferer k tout autre centre manufacturier. La confection h Montreal se compose do vetements de toute esp^ce pour homraes, adolos- oeuts ou enfants. 'I INDUSTRIES SECONDAIRES. .1' L'indiistrie du carton cuir fut iutroduite i\ Montreal, en 1873. L'importation de cot article de commerce qui nous venait des Etats Unis s'etait continuee jusqu'ii, IMpo- que dcH changements apportes au tarif, en 1879. Malgre la conourrenee do la part des produits etrangers, on ne tarda point k roconnaitro notro superiorite, et des prix nous furent successivement decernes aux expositions du Centenaire Amerioain en 1876, h Sydney, a Berlin en 1877, k Paris en 1878, aussi bien qu'k Toronto, Jl Ottawa et k Mont- real. La manufacture produit k pou priis 450 tonnes par annee. y. ( ■. j ■ '.-iv :j.i' i :>!■ Ill "•..'■■'■■ Vjj- ■•■ - '.1 '-u ,m: ■ ; -■> 1 1 :• ■ , ■• .'i I i ■ i, ' ■ I. : -•»ii< ' •' '■ ' ' • ' '■■ ' '-'"'" VALISES ET SACS DE VOYAGE' '"' '' "^ ' ' """' '■■ •■'■-. i' ' •" !• ' ■ ; '■ '"■• ■ Cette branche de commerce va en augmentant d'annee en annee. Sur cinq manufactures en operation ^ Montreal, deux situees dans la partie Est do la ville se , font remarquer par leur importance. On calculo que $700,000 sont plaoees dans cette industrie et qu'il se fabrique 400,000 valises par annee. , , . .. Q8 MONTRfeAL — SON PA^Sfe, PAPIEK A TENTURES. L'industrie du papier h tenturo qui pourtant ne compte quo quelquos ann^oa d'exia- tance accuse d<5jJl un progris rapide et constant. D6}h, elle fuurnit de I'occupation k plus de cent ouvriors. De presses fabriquent actuellement des papiers de pr^s de 200 diff^rents dessins. Dans le commerce de gros, les prix varient de 3^ cents & $2.50 la pi6ce. FEU ET CHARBON. Montreal n'est pas seulement le foyer industriel du Canada, c'est aussi le centre manufacturier, le point de distribution du commerce du fer et de I'acier dans toutes lea parties de la Puissance. GrAce h la politique nationale dont la ville ressent les eflfeta bienfaisants, les manufactures d'acier se multiplient et sont toutes en pleine op. ' Til ■ I II ' ':'('.,■ ■ 'i< 111 I II' ■ I ■ 'I'l 1 , -Hill 'ii '' '' . • •( ' ' ' ' i I li I ■!■',' .1 111 . : I ., ' • . "il I "I ' • il . n ,1 I I " ' ' 1 II '"J -'- ■ '■' ■ ■^-'=' M' LE CHARBON". - mn,.. ^^ ;„. ■ ..ia I GrAoo h la politique nationalo qui met nos propridtairos do mines h I'abri do la con- curronce du combustible dtranger, lo commerce do charbon so fait h. Montreal sur uno grando echoUo ot a acquis une prosp^JriK; romarquablo qui va toujours en augmontant. Sa population qui s'accrott continuolloment et ses Jindustries nouvellos qui surgissont font que notre ville est devonue le marchd du charbon vonant des provinces maritimes, dont los diff^rentos mines appartiennont i\ des capitalistos do Montrdal. On oalculo ({ue trois millions de dollars, I'argont do notro m<;trople, sont ainsi ongag^is dans los mines du charbon canadion. Do cot argent une partie est si la Compagnio Mini^ro Intorcoloniale do charbon, une autre h la Compagnie Internationale do charbon, uno autre ^la Compagnie Vale de charbon, une autre k la compagnie de chemin de fer et charbon de Cumberland. Toutes cos soci6t(5sconimcrciales ont lours places d'aflfaires et d'opt'-rations dans lo comt<5 de Cumberland, h Pictou ot dans le Cap-Breton, province de la Nouvello Ecossc. Co charbon qui est de nature bitumineuse nous arrive on chargements de barges; cependant nous en recevons directement de Cumberland, par voie ferrde. II est surtout employ6 par los ch'.'mins de fer ot los manufactures. Pour donner une faible idde do la couoom- mation de ce combustible, nous nous contenterons do dire quo la compagnie du chemin do fer du Pacifique Canadion on fait une d<^pense annuelle do 80,000 tonnes. Ajoutons h. oes chiffres 50,000 tonnes pour la Compagnie du Gaz ot 35,000 tonnes pour le Grand Tronc, en tout 165,000 tonnes qui nous arrivent par la voie de la navigation, la balance qui repr^sente il pen pr^s 25 [)0iir cent sur la qunntitd totale est transportde par ohomin de fer. Laconsommation totale pour Montr(?al, a 6t6, I'annde dernitJre de 443,000 TONNES, et sur ce chiffre seulement que sept pour cent ontdtd import^s d'Angleterre ou d'Irlande. II n'y a pas encore six ans, Montreal ne d^pensait que 334,000,'^tonne8 ce qui <5t!iblitun surplus de 10,000 tonnes pour I'espace de trois ans. Au reste voici les ehiifrespour 1885: — Grande Bretagne et Irlande 48,000 Tonnes. I .i; ..r, Cap Breton 139,600 ■ <- Pictou 76,000 •"'■ '''' ',: ' Par voie ferr ,•••:/'■ lil I •,!;:' 'II!'; I • 1. ■ . ■ . ) i.>! ' I- I ,." ■flin'.r.'y • 'r ' ,.!"■ >''A . ', • ■■ lO . ■; 'i-i ■ lii 't.<.,lli ■' •'. 1 '!■'(,'>' ; •),.': 'ii'il;', . SON PHfiSENT ET SON AVENIR. 91 Voici I'augmontation pour Tann^o puivant* : — , » • . ] '/ i \ f Tonnes. ».•'■ Grande Brotagne ot Irlando 23,277" ' '• Cap Breton 200,000 h •>' ■ ' Pioton ' 66,000 . i • t;-.! i.i •■ Par voie I'orreo 76,000 i 'i ; - .1 ■. ,.1' •; ►■..' . ■ f : : '.v»in -n 1, ■ ■ 1 , . ,.. tr 364,277 . ,, ■ ■ M ■..' I,:l . ..- . ... M . •;' Voici le ohifFro de la oonaommation on 1887 :— ^ , . . , Tonnoa. Grande Brotagne ot Irlande 31,000 CapBroton 272,000 ' ' Piotou 65,000 Par chemin de for 75,000 443,000 ■' Les prix poiirle oharbon bitumituox no subissont pas beancoup de 'changemonts', ils n'ont copeniant jamais 6t6 aussi bas que l'ann<5o derni«>re. Lo tableau ci-dessous indique les prix pour le oharbon dea mines de Piotou pendant lea onze derni^ros anndes : — 1877 $4.00 t\ $4.50 1878 3.50 h 3.60 1879 3.75 d, 4.25 1880 3.75 h 4.26 1881 4.00 il 4.50 1882 4.00 si 4.75 1883 $4.60 h $5.00 1884 4.15 h 4.00 1885 3.50 i\ 4.00 1886 3.30 a, 3.50 1887 3.30 k 3.50 Afin d'avoir la valeur corre.spondanto pour le oharbon du Cap Breton, il sufRt d'njouter de 30 h 50 cents par tonne. Tant qu'auxt'rais do transport les marchands do charbon disont qu'ils no sent pas plus <51ev■.'• .'.n ' '•,■? ^ ::< t ■{>:_■• >\ : • ..m. ,'>'> '■; '■\' '' '•» ,';••!■ -••. ■ -i. ;.!•■, ; ■ , «..: . ■•'■ iiij.irrir )■; /Ihi!. '.',.■• '-'. rii '•'• '.!'. i. "^ ' ,-''^,<^irr,\:'- i. •••'■ ' •: ■iiiV - I •.•■■„'■ I'* .♦<•';)■■■ ":,l -II ': it I, ' )•■■;. ! 1 1-<.! '■ ^ ■ r..,i ■,'. -■,; i <;" t '; .HH ' V !",.''■ ' ■ . ' ! »rn M MONTR* AL — SO*l t»AS8*, MANUFACTURES DE PAPIERS- M<)rno (IsnB I'nrt de faire ie papier, Montreal oat beauooup en avant dos autron villea du Canada et fait une forte concurrence aux plus grandos villos des Ktate Univ dann oette ligne d'induHtrie. Au oommonooment do ce Hi6cl» lo papior d'euiballage de noAino (|ue le papier it, ^crire ^tait auBHi raron quo diapundioux k Montreal ot dans toutom lea parties du Canada, la manufuuture du papior 6tait chose entii^roment inconnuo. La p^emii^ro inanu- faoture du Canada fut <^tablic, avo(5 uii capital r6alis6 k Mi)ntr<^al, k St. Andr^ sur la rivi(>rc du Nord, prt>H de Montr6al, ii I'allait possddor un courngo h toutc s, qui no d(C'pon8aiont pas plus do .'iOO livros do inatdriol par seinaino. Comrao Ic, oapacit6 do la tnnnufacturo fournissait environ 100 livros par jour, toutO!4 taitos k la main, la quantity quoiquo petite on apparenco, ^tait boaucoup au-dol& do la duniande. Dopuis lors cette Industrie a mt de nombreux rovers tant dans Montr<5al que dans les environs ; d'une petite manufacture il en est surgi quinzo autros qui oon< tr^lont la moiti6 do la valour totalo do cotto industrie dans lo Canada, ot situ^os dans un territoirc, oil abonde le bois pour la pulpo, avoc des oontaincs do montagnos boisdes, des lacs innombrablos ot dos chutes ot autros pouvoirs d'oau. lis promottont do monopoliser dvant pen d'ann<5o8 lo oommorce de papoterie. Comroe prouvo do coci nous pouvons avancer quo des travaux soront commences sous pou pour la construction d'un des plus grand mai^asin do papoterie du Canada qui sera bftti k Montreal. II no cofttera pas moins de $100,000 sans parlor du mobilior, du fond de comraerco, ainsi du roste, ot com- prondra huit stages. II sera construit en brique terra cotta et en pierre sablouse do Perth dont on fera usage j)our la premiere fois k Montr6al, Cet dtablissemont sera destine non- seulemont k recevoir los marchandise^ main auasi k la manufacture do sacs, d'enveloppos, d'6tiquottcs, d'adressos, k laquoUo cent oinquanto personnos soront omploy<5os. Co n'est quo dornitiromont aussi que dans la paroisse do St. J<$r6me uno autre n-anufacture de papier considerable a 6t6 ^rigiSe avec un capital do $250,000 et d'une capacity propor- tionn<^e, et dont les propridtaires sont des capitalistes Canadions Fran^aia do Monti (5al. LES MANUFACTURES DES SOIES. La manufacture dos soies, qui depuis son d6but a toujours ccntinud k prospdrer, oat ainsi que la plupart des autres industries, contrfilde en grande partie par Montreal ; ii n'y a qu'uno seule manufacture hors do la ville, et son capital vient en partie ees capitalistes de Montreal. Les proportions de cotte industrie aujourd'hui montrent une grande augmen- tation, les rubans et mouchoirs qui sont ajoutds k sa ligne de production ont 4t6 re^us par le commerce avec la plus grande satisfaction. Les op6rations qui naturellement dtaient d'abord sur une petite dchelle, ont tellement augments qu'un i tuujours capable do tenir pied avoo r6poque; hoa NoicrioH trouvant toujourH uno vento facile par tout le Canada, ^t Ton ajoute m.■■• Coiupagnie de Coton Hochelaga Compagnie de Coton Ste. Croix Compagnie de Coton Windsor Compagnie Mauufacturiere de Coton NouvoUo Ecosse Compagnie de Coton Moncton Moulin h Coton St. Jean; ,j , > i! < .:■■. - ■: .' i , .ji Wm. Parks & Fils (Lt6.) Moulin h, Coton Coaticook . , . : .,, Compagnie de Coton Chambly Compagnie de Coton des Marchands ! ^ Compagnie de Coton Montr6al Compagnie de Coton Btormont . ( Compagnie de Coton Canada Compagnie de Coton Hamilton .j m • , Compagnie de Coton Kingston Compagnie de Coton Meritton Moulin a Coton Ontario Compagnie de Coton Brantford Moulin h Coton Lybster Magog Print and Textile Co\ Compagnie de Coton Dundas. Du nombre ci-haut mentionne, la Compagnie Hochelaga avcc 110,000 fuseaux etune production annuelle de 1,500,000 verges de coton, la Compagnie de Coton Clianibly, la Compagnie Coaticook, la Compagnie de Montreal, la Compagnie des Marchands, la Com- pagnie Catiadienne, la Compagnie Stormont, la Compagnie Kingston, la Compagnie Hamilton, les moulins a Coton Ontario, la Compagnie de Dundas, et la Magog Print and Textile Company sont en grande partie contrAK'S par le capital de Montreal h. Montreal La location geogra])hique des marches de coton canadiens en rapport avec les plan- teurs admet d'uue plus grande etendue de cette Industrie pour I'exportation, les capita- listes et hommes d'affaires de Montreal devraient par tous les moyens possibles s'en assurer lo contr61e. lis sont mieux en lieu d'ontretenir le trafic d'exportation avec tous les marches du mondo diroctement tributaires de leur port, et par la avec toute cette surface du globe dans I'Orient via la route du Pacifique Canadien vers la Chine, le Japon et rinde. , ; i . NOTRE IDNUSTRIE DU SUCRE. * ■ , APPEOVISIONNANT SON PROPEE MARCH^. .:. ,. Montreal fournit les trois-quarts du sucre consomme dans tout le Canada, et aes raffineries do sucre ont surmonte tous les dangers que la competition des importateurs de Sucre leur ont fait encourir, et qui ont ete cause que toutes les autres raflBneries du Canada ont succombe. Au commencement de co si^clc tout le sucre consomme en Canada etait import^ d'Angleterre et des Etats Uris. En 1854 cependant, M. Peter Eedpath, le pionnier de I'industrie du sucre en Canada, acheta un site sur la rue St. Patrick et partit une petite raflBnerie. Pendant plusieurs annees cette jeune entreprisedut faire de penibles efforts pour soutenir son existence, mais sa perseverance fut enfin couronnee de succ^s, C'est alors que la St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Company s'etablit ici en I'annee 1879. SON PRfeSENT ET SON AVENIR. tH La ''Canadian Sugar Refining Company" lors de aon <5tnblisseinent, ne produisait qu'en- viron 20,000,000 de livres par annexe et a maintcnant atteint une production de 150,000,- 000 de livres par ann<^c. Le total de la consommation du sucre en Canada est un peu au- dcla de 200,000,000 de livres par an. Comme tout le sucre qui se produit en Canada est Consomm(5 dans le pays il est clair que nos raffineries suppldent au besoin entier Le Sucre brut vient principalement des Indes Occiden tales, du Br6sil et des lies Philippines. Tous les dogr6s du Sucre se produisent ici depuis le cassonnade du jaune le plus foncd au Sucre blanc do meilleurc qualite. Le capital de la Canada Sugar Refining Company est de $1,000,000, tandisque celui de la St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Company est un compto rond de $850,000. ' '' V' Les produits des raffineries d'Halifax, Moncton et Berthier varient annuelleraeit cntre 50 a 100 millions de livres, tandi;s que lour capital n'excede pas $800,000. La St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co, a aussi plus que triple sa capacity et ellc pro- duisait environ 2000 barils chaque jour avant le feu dC^tastreux qui d6truisit son vaste dans une rigide <>conomic et une direction soignC>e. Ces deux qualitsuite qu'il dies seules les compagnies canadiennes ont r<5alis6 pendant les quatres ann^es de (1885-88) un cbifrre d'assurancos plus elev6 que celui des autres compagnies. Ce chiflFre so monte pour ces quatre ans ti $378,604,033, et celui des compagnies bri- (.iiaiiques et amdricainesu $345,791,919. Nous ne trouvons pas dans le livre bleu pour les compagnies d'assurance sur la Tie, le detail des primes re9ues et celui des primes payees ; nous ne pouvons done 6tii- blir 1*8 b4n6fices roalisC'S par ces compagnies j mais il est clairementd6montre I'aofif: $16,050,764.68 Etcomine passif 14,075,334.29 Ce qui fait ressortir rexcedent do I'actif sur le passif k 1 975,430.29 De oes bC-ncfices rC-alises par les compagnies d'assurance contre I'incendie et sur la vie, et de I'accroisseraent considerable de lours operations, on doit hautement so f^liciter > «ar c'est uuc des preuvcs les plus evidcntes du progress de notre patrie. ■*A is ' "^ ■1.1 1 U ,' , 43 T * k l U\ . . .,. \ ' ' '''■ f . ■ • '' ' ■■ .•: ^ r-r; '^ \ . ■ ■■ ■ ■■.-;•: V; ■• p ■: •■ •■ ■ /", ,) .\? ..!:\, — I..— .■ ^ j.ii^t^ .^-. i.^^. — - ..■■-..I.—.... -,,--■— .-.■■-- — ■ I. ■■■■ ■■ — "-* " , '" , T iL ' ""- - "~~T~~Tr "L ' ' ' " '■ ' • i'<''i wii J »i (« (111 '(Tf* I J ,'• t • I ■ << .-■■.■■■ ■ <••■ '■'■■( ■■)-■• ^ ^ 1 ,'/'' ^^^ ■ -' ■ ■ , EXPIiANATION OF CORRECTION SHEET AND NITMBERS;»jfe'''''>*^USED THROUGHOUT THE BOOK. 7'^'^^"''"'* ■„! uM <)fl?v(.«'Vii< 3-.»u';-v-'i'-'" ■ ■■ • • 'ii'^'t' 'J, (■ -■■>>•. 10 Bankruptcy (gone into). . • • . . .x i .^i 11 Bankruptcy (discharged in). m: •■: ! ■..ciflvsre -« - ^ , • ■ . m « -r,i, .tAd «#) iiJtt 12 Burned our. Mmftl> >'[ .«!vKff ^' »«<.'.'> ' j .!• •.. -•}••■ ttf»»o dwft'ife 13 ("all for information fit the office. • , * « « a .^ 14 Called meeting of creditors **> > ■ -•. .t.u. H'. - ' ' ' H***^ , t^; ..«| 1") Chattel mortgages or made bill of Hale. . ' i k »»»« Sttirilli ^ 16 Closed bv execution. ' ' . 'J , " . 17 Closing up. i;V*"* '/^+ 18 Compromise (offering to). _ '1 , •■ ■ ^iii[y«» iJ^ 19 Compromised. '•'« * '^ !\ 20 Considered worthy of confidence, without regard to capital , (■ » 'i " • f*ii(t 4»j> t'' 21 l>amagedbywater. ,..-.:.:>,. .„)•,;>.,>( liK> Mf 22 Deceased. ' • ■> ' ' . 23 Declines a statement. ,,f, jv';, ,j.i-.:'m ■>"'■ -"'ji • ..ifi .''! '■ • - f- "■:■ ■■■'•^•r'-.<'' ',U ?•.> .Wf- 24 Dissolveii. . . , ■. i • ► , . , . , ' •■ •. . • - 25 Distress of a rent suit. "'•?' •'''-•''-:■'•'.' ■ •! i •' •■ ■. ' ' • '• •■ ' '' ■ »• • 20 Each continues. • 27 Extension (asking an). ,^^^-i*^#'**' ■^' ' 28 Extension (meeting as it matures). i i 29 Extension (obtained an). \fi 30 Extension (partial). ;, , ; , y j 31 Failed. ' I ; «u '(i-v 32 (4iven trust deed. nj> |r j X^y.j- . 33 Heretofore unsuccessful in business ; credit biisod on character. t. ', *' S" 34 Insured. 35 Insured (not). ;>6 .Judgment r». him (or them). ' 37 Liquidaton (ni). , .r"' ^^'? «••; ;',i •? 38 Mortgage discharged. 39 Mortgage for^'clo-jiecl. ■ ( 40 Mortgage on Real Estate. I , ., . 41 Not long enougli in business to \\ arrant a rating. i '» 42 On going to pi ess had not sufficient details to rate intelligently, so , • 45 J'ropo-^es to pay in full. 40 rrotested. • ' !• 47 Hating suspended. \,. \ 48 Keceiver appointed. , 49 ResigJH'd. ' t* ^ 50 Resumed business. 51 Rf^tired. 52 Selling or sold out at auction. 53 Selling out with a view to retire from business 54 Same style. 55 Slow pay. 56 Sold out by Sheriff. . , ' '&t\. 67 Sold out to . .. ) 58 Suit t?.s. him (or them). 1 59 Supply account of • . ,,p 60 Suspended payment. 61 Buys for cash generally— claims to want no credit. Y' !>^ 62 Admitted. 6;^ Advertised to be sold out. 64 Advertising to close out. 65 Assigned in trust. 66 Attached. 67 Execution for. ,, , , -' ' ;: ■•r*' ■lint 9 5 €"2 9 C i- I EXPLANATORY KEY TO RATINGS. : ■ all CREDIT Ratings, the following are taken into consideration. Charucler and habits of each member, if a firm. Xiiture. of liuxiness — hazardous or otherwise. Business capacity and pisomi'TNess in payment. Capital or worth in proportion to business done. Negotiability of acceptances. ■'j'» .' I , KEY TO CREDIT. ? (Left Hand Column.) f A 1 IT igliest 1 ITndonbied ' I 1.] Very High j 2 Very Good 1 2\ Good , 3 Fair 3^ Moderate , ( ., 4 Very Limited * Credit not recommended without inquiry tiANKS are left where our information does not Justify a rating, or opinions widely \difer, either as to credit or capital. KEY TO CAPITAL. (Right Hand Column.) A 1 A iMillion and over- A a...* $750,000 to a Million A 500,000 " 750,000 1 300,000 " 500,000 lA 200,000 "300,000 2 • 100,000 " 200,000 2-] !,.. 75,000 '< 100,000 3 50,000 " 75,000 3^ i... 30,000 " 50,000 4 20,000." 30,000 4:1 ' 10,000 " 20,000 \ 5 G,000 " 10,000 I • 5^ 4.000 '< 0,000 I 6 3,000 « 4,000 Ql. 2,000 '•■ 3,000 f 1,000 «' 2,000 7i 500 " 1,000 8 500 and under. ■f-'