IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) !? ^' ^ ^ &J ^ 1.0 1.1 11.25 1^ 12.2 us US 14.0 2.0 M. 11.6 V] >^^ <^r '>> ^4/ up. Hiotographic Sciences Corooration \ .^ ^v :\ \ ■^ ' V 23 WEST ViAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 ^ . equal Our y' compel iiors, D. Our aim is ^ood, durable only, thereby id. d wide repu- lers in Great uth America, ipete against rierits of our Probably no farm implements ever placed in the hands of the farmer, have made for them- selves the high reputation that is now enjoyed by our Giant Sectional Cultivator and Sectional Seeder. We are the pioneers in this class of machines, and for years have been successful in maintain- ing a line of implements which has kept our machines far in advance of all competitors, and established them as the standard. The record of our Giant machines is truly remarkable and their sale, both at home and abroad, phenomenal. The Famous Giant Sectional Cultivator. Solid Steel Frame and Harrow Sections. Best Oil Tempered Spring Teeth Best Tooth Helper. One Lever. One Rock Shaft. Elastic Pressure with Link Lock Down. Oil Tempered Steel Shoes. Patented 1892 and and 1894. This Cultivator has yet no equal in the market. It will thoroughly cultivate the soil to any required depth. For hard soil all that is required is to apply the pressure and the teeth are forced into the hardest soils. For light soils the pressure can be regulated to suit, or left off altogether, and the machine worked wiih the weight of harrow sections only. l^^^'^l ^^^^ ^^^- CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. Sectional Steel Cultivator ^°"*'"^ *"" ^"*^*" ""** stony Land. FLEXIBLE TOOTH SECTION s! y HE Steel Sections which carry the teeth are hinged to the front this admirof'.? 7?V'"^^P^"d^"V«^ the others. As will be seen ets anv nf .h '^^^.^''^T'''''' ^^"^^•-"^•"g ^o uneven ground, and le s any of the sections drop into any fi.rrows or holes. ?he pressure ItmZ? 'l^u'T ^'I'^^^P'- T^he pressure is SUfficien Jy fime?t^-s flev?^^^^ T^ ''''' l!"^ ^^'"^^"^^ ^^"^' ^^''^^ -^ the same Ind knnll ^' ^u^""'"^. '^^ '"^'^""^ ^° "-^'^^ ^^'^'^ the ridges denfh Ji °''.^^"y,?b'^tructions, and thus maintain a uniform depth of cultivation. Some of the teeth will at times™ workmg over a ridge while others are working down into a deep form deotr^' "' '" '""^ ^^"' "^^^ and^ultivating a uni' r, , °"^ PATENT SECTION SHOE. Each section on the Giant is provided with our patent Adjustable bhoe. This shoe is made of the best Oil Tempered Steel and IS easily and quickly adjusted to admit of the teeth cutting deep or shallow into the soil. By these shoes the depth of culttatin^ IS controlled. The shoes are set to admit the teeth to work any required depth, and prevent their working any deeper, while the pressure at all times holds them to this depth, thus giving a uni- form-tv of thorough cultivation in all the var) ing conditions of THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. 8 front In wet seasons this cultivator will do good work, when other styles of cultivators cannot be worked at all. Lightest Draft. Perfect Balance. ONE UeVER. onb rock shaft ooma it All. SIMPLEST, STRONQBST. B£ST Best Tooth Helper, no complicated CONNECTIONS. i.uoHEs.:oRo»no // // ,7 // / f f t / / / / / / /y This sectional cut ,''' or diafjrani shows ,',' an exact outline oi ''i'' pressure, hoist and draft. OIR PATENT TOOTH HELPER. It is apparent at sight that this is the best helper ever applied to a spring tooth. It follows the tooth in all positions, helps it w^hen under heavy strain, and pre- vents breikaT:e when the tooth rebounds or flies forward after being relieved from heavy strain. SIMPLICITY. The least number of parts used in any machine to obtain anv desired result is highly important. PRESSURE. By examining the diagfram it will be clearly seen that the pressure is obtained without a single extra piece added to the cultivator excepting the pressure springs, 3 in number. The hoist lever and lift chains with one rock shaft do it all. Thus we have the strongest and most flexible pressure. No extra rock shaft ; no short or crank levers worked by intricate cpn- nections to keep getting out of order and cause trouble. Com- pare this with any other cultivator. OBSERVE THE LINE OF DRAFT. The front row of teeth are forward of axle. The points of all the teeth in the Giant are brought as close to the whiffletrees as it is possible to have them in a high-wheeled cultivator, reduc- ing the draft to a mmimum, THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. The hoist and pressure bar is in rear of axle. Consider what this means — the balance of machine maintained and no extra weight on horses* necks when pressure is used. Compare this with any other cultivator, Whiffletrees are firmly attached below the frame in line with section draft bars and connected with axle by a hammer-strap. The Lift Chains are attached to Rear Tooth Bar, thus making a much easier hoist thin if attached to front tooth bar as on other machines. A Distinct Feature in tyie " GIANT " from any other Cultivator. In cultivating, the various conditions of land at times are such that it is of great advantage to use the pres- sure on only one or two of The driver Removing Pressure from *nv Section as maybe Required the* sections, and maintain it on the others. This is a distinct feature in the Giant and will commend itself at once to the farmer The driver can instantly remove the pressure from any section, without stoppmg the machine or losing a moment's time. V\ hile sitting on the seat he can reach and remove the chain from any one of the pressure springs, thus removin^r pressure from the ection. When pressure is sgdin wanted he simply drops ihe chain back in pressure spring claw. THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE. ONt. Almost any degree of pressure cm be obtained by adjusting the chains in the pressure springs. i:ach ch in^^e of link gives a different weight of pressure. The shorter the chain, or less number of links between chain arm on rock shaft and pressure spring claw, the greater the pressure exerted when lever is put down, and the longer the chain is made between these two points the less the pressure. Thus the pressure can be adjusted to suit any kind of land by shifting the chains as well as by the move- ment of the lever. j^ ^JBjfe ^"® movement of hoist lever removes the J ^^^^m P«^essure from the teeth and also hoists the sections from the ground. A single move- ment of lever will also lower the sections and put on the pressure. I Driver Operates the Pressure and Hoist Lever a|s Easily while Walking Be- hind the Giant as when Riding on the Seat. This is another feature of importance which is not found in any other similar machine. Oft-times the driver prefers to walk instead of riding on the machine. It will be seen that the lever IS so placed that it can be operated by the driver while walkmg without the least inconvenience or exertion, or stoppino- the team as is the case with other machines. ** BEST OIL TEMPERED TEETH. Th e vital part of a cultivator IS good teeth. ^ good spring tooth, although a simpl e th ^^S ^^ 9 THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BR OCKVILLE, ONT. BEST OIL TEMPERED TEETH. The vital part of a cultivator is good teeth. A tjood sprini,^ tooth, although a simple thing in appearance when made, must embody many important features that would not present themselves to the inex[jerienced. It must have the proper length of steel ; it must not be too long, neither too short. It must have the proper shape to do good work^ and have a strong, rigid connection to the steel bull. It must have the best shaped point to cut into hard land, and must also be prop- erly sha[)ed to clean in all kinds of soil. The teeth must be made to keep their shape and at the same time stand the great Strain to which they are necessarily put. We manufacture our own teeth, using the best process known for this work. We use the best steel that can be procured. The steel is manufactured specially for us by the largest steel works in Sheffield, Eng. Every tooth on the Giant is thoroughly tested beiore leaving our factory, and is guaranteed. The teeth are bolted to place at factory, and are held to place with strong malleable sockets. Each tooth has a steel spring helper. MOVEABLE TOOTH ATTACHMENT. By our patent tooth attach ment the teeth can readily be moved on the sections to any desired space apart and the machine thus transformed into a scuffler for root crops. WHEELS. The Giant is mounted on two high, broad-tired wheels. An examination will show that the wheels on the Giant are higher than on any competing cultivators, also that they are much heavier.and consequently much stronger. All wheels are made of selected timber, thoroughly dry. We have always taken pride in the excellent wheels which we have always furnished. The driver can ride on the Giant without increasing the work on the horses. WHIEELETREES. Each Giant Cultivator is furnished with a set of whiffletrees complete, which have a strong connection to the pole and frame. NECK YOKE. Each Giant Cultivator is also furnished with a good neck yoke, plug style of attachment. SEEDER ATTACHMENTS. The Giant is also furnished with or without seeder attachments.. Purchasers of a Giant Cultivator can at any time afterwards get seeding attachments when desired. Any cultivator takes the seeding attachments. These attach- ments are made to fit all machines, and it is only a few minutes' work to put them on. JTHE^J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. Giant Corn Drill Attachment. The Giant Seeder can be furnished with a Corn Drill Attachment at a small additional cost. Many farmers have been purchasing drill seeders which are very expensive machines besides being cumbersome and heavy of draft, because they wished to drill in their corn crop. The Giant, with Corn Drill Attachment, makes by far a much better and more serviceable machine. The Giant equipped with Corn Drill Attachment gives a first-class outfit. The machine sows the corn in two drills, three feet distance between each row, the wheel tracks being the guide for each succeeding stroke of machine. By removing some of the teeth the machihe can be used to cultivate the corn after it is up. DIRECTIONS TO CHANGE FROM SEEDER TO CORN DRILL. Take off the Cultivator Sections. Attach the two Draft Brackets for corn drills to front of Frame on under side to come in line with the second feed run from each end of box. These Brackets are attached by clip bolts. Remove the Grain Tubes and attach the two Rubber Tubes in Tube Holder to conduct the corn into the Drill Hoes. The Hoes can be set to work deep or shallow by adjusting them on Draft Arm ; the more they are set under the deeper they will drill- Attach chains of Drill Hoes to lifting brackets on rock shaft. Close the entrance to Feed Cups in bottom of Grain Box, excepting the two which feed to the Drill Hoes. This is done by placing the iron stoppers into the hoppers. When using Corn Drills attach whiffletrees on top of pole with a hammer strap instead of the regular way. 8 THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. Giant Sectional Seeder. ,,WiiifW'V.-l The Giant Sectional Seeder is perfection in every particular. As a cultivator it embraces all the features of our Giant Cul - tivator. Not a single feature embodied in the Cultivator is left out in the Giant Seeder. PERFECT CULTIVATING. PERFECT SEEDING. STRENGTH. DURABILITY. SIMPLICITY THROUGHOUT. er. THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. d \ i icular. It Cul- ls left HOUT. In the Giant Seeder we offer to the farmer the best equipped seeder ever devised. The Giant will sow all kinds of grain, in any desired quantity to the acre. The Seeder is very simple throu,£jhout, is easily operated, and has no complicated parts about it to get out of order, as will be found on other seedeis. In addition to the grain box, the Giant has a grass seed sower box, equipped with spouts and scatterers which can be set to sow the grass seed either in front or behind the leeth. The Grain Box has holding capac- ity of over 2>^ bush- els oats. The Grain Box has Hopper shaped bottom. This is ati important feature, as it causes the grain to sow out clean, leaving none in the box as is the case with a straight or level bottom box. SECTIONAL CUT OF GRAIN BOX. The grain box is equipped with six of our improved feed runs or distributors and six grain tubes and scatterers. The tubes are attached to the steel frame, not to the grain box, thus obviat- ing any damage to the box should tubes come in contact with any obstacle. This is of importance as the grain box and feed runs are the most delicate parts of any seeder and easily broken or put out of order. On this account the grain spouts should not be attached to any grain box. THE GRAIN BOX is placed on frame near the axle thus bring- ing the weight of the box and the grair. on the wheels. This is an iniportant feature, for on other machines the grain box has to be placed near front of frame, thus throwing additional weight on the pole which causes weight on the horses' necks. Feed Hof,, or grain distributor. 1 THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. FEED RIN OR DIS- TRIBUTOR. Nothing could be more simple in construction than the Giant Feed Run. While other makers are oblig- ed to use as many as i6 springs in connection with the sowing device, there is not a single spring on the Giant Seeder Box. For perfect and scien- tific seeding an even flow of grain from the box is absolutely neces- sary. The Giant is a positive and force feed, will sow from 2 bushels Flax Seed to 6 bushels Oats to the acre ; we know of no other Feed made having this range of capacity. THE IMDEX is simple and plain and is placed at right hand end of box as shown in diagram. By setting the pointer on index plate at whatever number of pecks per acre the operator desires to sow of oats, barley, wheat, peas, etc., this quantity will be correctly sown. This is the only feed made that will not break corn, peas or other large grain. All grain, whether or not it is uniform in size, is turned out without breaking or grinding any of the kernels. GEARING. The driving gear on the Giant is very simple and strong, and is encased in a sand or mud shield to protect it. It is so constri cted that when the cultivator sections are raised from the ground the gears are automatically disengaged, thus stop- ping the feed runs, and when cultivator sections are lowered the gears are again put in motion and seeding r-sumed. The gear shifter is so made that when required it can be adjusted to keep the seeder out of gear and the cultivator sections still be raised or lowered at will without affecting the gearing, thus enabling the operator to use the machine as a cultivator while the seeder box is attached. One clip boh at each end are all the extra parts required for attaching the grain box. THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILL£, ONT. 11 GRASS Sr^^D SOWER. The Grass Seed Sower is equipped with force fe> uns and has also a spout or conductor from each discharge to / the seed near the ground and scatter it. These spouts can be ,t on to hang to the rear and sow the seed behind all the teeth or they can be put on to point forward and scatter the seed front of last row of teeth. The feed discharges are run by a sprocket wheel and chain from the grain box. ' When the gram box is put out of gear the grass box also stops sowing. WHIFFLETREES AND NECK YOKE. The Giant Seeder is furnished with a set of whiffletrees and plug neck-yoke. A wrench is also furnished with each machine. The Giant Cultivator can be furnished rigged for three horses when required. For this the pole is placed to left aide, bringing the three horses in front of machine. For placing the pole to side an extra pole support bracket and pole socket are furnished. The support bracket is attached to frame by taking the same bolt that attaches left hand pole brace, the bracket sets on the frame and pole brace on top of bracket. A short or stub pole is placed in centre of machine, a flat iron brace passes from the short to the long pole. r^;CC*$::X$*CCC*SPXC$9CCC**XCC*'^:CC^$CCC$$^CC**^^ $CC^ Our Warranty. We warrant all Machines to be made of Good Material, and capable of doing good work, when properly operated. Any breaks that may occur during the first year from defect of material or workmanship, will be replaced free of charge. If on* starting the Machine it should in any way prove defective, and not work well, the purchaser shall give prompt notice to the Agent of whom he purchased, who will set it to work properly, or take the machine away and refund any payments of money or notes, if such have been made. Failure to immediately give notice as above, or continued possession cf the Machine, whether it is kept in use or not, shall be deeme'd conclu sive evi.icnce that the Machine fills the warranty. No agent has any authority to add to, abridge, or change this warranty in any manner. i2 THE J. W. MANN MP6. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. Giant Rotary Disc Pulverizer. Greatly Improved for Season of 1897. Our new Giant Rotary Disc Pulverizer is without exception the simplest and most perfect working Disc Harrow ever put on the market. It is equipped with all the latest improved features to be found in this class of implement. STEEL BEAM. Best Ball Bearings in all the Boxes. Bearings well cased to protect them from sand. Best Rolled Edge Tempered Steel Discs, Adjustable Scrapers and Clogger. The Giant Disc has the simplest device for angling the gangs. Pole solid throughout withort mortise for lever as in other Harrows. Whiffletrees placed well back on frame, thus obtaining the lightest possible draft. Lever stands close to driver's right hand, making it handy and easy to operate. The Harrow is flexible and conforms fo uneven ground, the gang's are made to throw in. \Vc invite intending purchasers to examine this Harrow thoroughly before purchasing any other. THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. the ket. this ngs teel ws. ble to ngs hly 13 r g|mt%ii- Mw^^^^iimm Vv lllajuifarfinrii, ^ -, 6jntfniitmr. *"*¥{» ''"^'y- -jC^^r/^^ ./'„.„./,, .^ ( f' v. ^.. (■,;?<<,..■? //»»! DIPLOMA AWARDED GIANT DISC HARROW AT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, ST. JOHN. N.B.TSEPT. 1898 ONE HORSE SEEDER. For Flax, Grain, Grass and Clover Seed. These machines are well made and finished, having high strong wheels, steel axle, and steel frame, same as our Giant machine. They are made to sow all kinds of Grain, Grass Seed and Flax. We furnish this machine having cither our force feed or agitator brush feed. The force feed machine has grass sower attachment. The brush or agitator feed is without question the best machine for sowing flax that has ever been made ; in fact it is the only machine made that will give satisfaction in sowing flax. It will also sow all kinds of grain as actai .tely as can be done with any seeder. No matter how dirty the grain may be the machine will not choke. The index is simple and reliable, and can be set to sow any desired quantity of grass or clover seed to the acre. This machine does not require an extra box for sowing grass seed. This machine sows about 9 fec-t in w idth and is easily handled by pne horse. 14 THE J. W. MANN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. GIANT DIAMOND TOOTH HARROW. ALL SOLID STEEL BARS. Three Sections. 45 Diamond Steel Teeth. STEEL DRAW CHAINS. All Frame and Tooth Clamps Malleable Iron, FIRMLY SECURED WITH STEEL CLIPS No Holes in Frame Bars to Weaken Them. Frame is made of 5/8 Square Steel Bars, strongly connected at all inter- sections by Malleable Iron Angle lilocks. Any bar can be quickly removed without disturbing any of the other bars, which is a great advantage over other harrows. Teeth are made of 5/8 Square Steel With Hammered Points. Teeth are attached by Malleable Blocks that grip the tooth and bar firmly, making a very solid and strong connection. Any or. all teeth can be quickly reversed, or removed for sharpening and this is done without disturbing the frame bars ; this is another great advantage over other harrows. Sections have a loose or link connection at rear end, and are connected to draw bar by steel links, these links drop into hooks on bulls. The hooks have a gravitating lock which prevents links from working out. Weight of Harrow, 185 lbs. Cuts 9 Feet. Do not purchase a poor Iron Frame Harrow when you can get a Solid Steel one for about the same price. This is the Best Diamond or Smoothing Harrow yet put on the market. See it before purchasing any other. For sale by our agents MA z::is:i:n^^^ The J. W. Mann Mfg. Co., (Ltd.), Brockville, Ont. THE J. W. MA NN MFG. CO., Limited, BROCKVILLE, ONT. 16 Our Giant Cultivator is Now Being Purchased by Corporations for Tearing Up and Re=mal