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Lea diagrammes suivants iilustrant la m*thoda. rrata o lelure. 1 a J 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■winr Book Catalogue. .^ «: •afe of jRe Friuafe^ ^ibmr^ OF THE LATE MR.J.T.LESPERANCKAuTHOR, —ALSO- A Private Library from Toronto, To be sold by Auction at our rooms, Nos.1821 & 1823 NOTRE DAME STREET, Saturday Afternoon, Oeober 12tb, AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. M. HIOKS <& CO., AUCTIONEERS. ,:;»'■ «i W^ f. CATALOGUE. Private Library of the Late Mr. J. T. Lesperance. VI Canada niuler the Aaministration. Earl of Dufferiu. Geo. Stewart, Jr.. 1878. V 2 The Histoiy of the Administratiou. Earl of Dufferin. William Lego, 1878. V 3 Picturesque Quebec. J. M. Lonioine. Dawson Brothers, 1882. 4 Washin;,'ton Irving. R. H. Stoddard. Pollard and Moss, 1880. V5 Life and Times of the Right Honorable Sir J. A, Macdonald. J. E. Collins. Rose Publ. Co.. 1883. 6 Dix Ouvrages par W. M. Thaclvoray. S. E. Cassino. 1887. 7 Bacon versus Shakespeare. T. D. King. Li veil Prin.. and Pub. Co.. 1875. 8 The Life of Jefferson. H. S. Randall. Derby & Jackson. 18.")8. In 3 volumes. 9 Monstrelet's Chronirles. Trans. T. .Tohnes. G. Routledge, 18(57. In two volumes. VI. 1 The Cliroujcles of the St. Lawrence Lemoine. Dawson 1878. n The Stoiy of his Life. John Todd. HariKn-. 1870. 12 The Works of William Shakespeare Ed. By H. Staunton. G. Routledge, 1809. In 8 volumes. >/l3 Memories of Canada and Scotland. R. H. the M. of Loi'ne. Dawson. 1884. ' 14 The works of Alfred Tennyson. C. Kegan Paul & Co. 1878. 15 Haps and Mishaps., Grace Greenwood. Tlcknor, Reed & Fields, 18.54. 10 The Prince of Wales in India. J. Drew Gay. Belford Bro- thers. 1877. ' 17 Among the Millet and other poems. Archibald Lampman. J. Durie. Brother. 1888. 18 Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Peter Mark Roget. Longman. Green, 1877. V19 Saul ; a drama in three parts. Charles Heavvsege. Fields Osgood, 1809. 20 Slips of Tongue and Pen. J. H. Long. The Copp. Claris Co., 1880. • 21 Elijah the Prophet. Rev. W^M. Taylor. Harper Bros. 1870. 22 Comparative New Testament. Porter ik Coates. 1882. 23 The rosUiuiiious Papers of the Pickwick Clul). Cliarles Dic- kons. Carey, Lea <^ Wancbard, IS^S. 24 S. Butler's Ancient (ieo^rapliy. I.onyniau, Green, ll(>l)erLs, 18(>2.' N 2". Jeplithali's I)au;;hter Cliarles lleavysej,'<', Dawson liro.. IsC).'. V2U Wails in Verse. (J. W. WicksU'ed. Lovell Priu. and Pul). i o,, ISTS. V27 Dreandand. Cliarles ^lair. Dawson Bro., l.SiiS. 28 I'oems and Sony's. lOvan MacColl. Drysdale Co.. 1S88. v2{) Ilalilturton's Xo\a Seolia. F. C. lIalil)urton. Josipli Howe, ISl'O. in vwo voiumes. 30 Tlie M'orks of Lord Byrou, in verse and prose. Alex. V. Blake, 18-1:^. 31 Tlie Works of Kdniimd Siiisnser. (^eorge Uoutledge. 32 'riu> Works of Kobert Burns. Jobn Lockbart. Leavitt & Allen, 18;'m.: 33 Tlie I'ofius and Plays of Oliver Goldsniitli. William Tlrebuck. Walter Scott. ISSU. 34 Ballads and lioiideaus. Cleeson White. Walter Scott, 1887. 3". l»oenis. Robert llerrick. Walter Scott. 1887. 3t) Early English Poetry. H. Macaiday Fitz;gil)l)OU. Walter Scott, 1887. ' 37 Groat Musical (Composers, (Camelot Series). Geor};e T. FeiTis. Walter Scott. 1887. 38 Essays by Leigh Hunt, (Camelot Classics). Edited by Arthur Synions. AValter Scott. 1887. 39 My Study Windows, (Camelot Classics). .Tames Russell LowelL Walter Scott. 1S87. 40 Walden. (Camelot Classics). lleni-y D. Thoreau. Walter Scott. 188(). V41 The liife of Edward, Duke of Kent. William .1. Anderson. Hunter. Rose Co.. 1870. 42 Ancit'ut History. I'eter Fredet. .Tohn Murphy. 1874. 43 A Mad World and its lnhai)itants. .Mdius Chaud)ers. Belford Bro., 187G. 44 The Life of the Right Rev. John :\lilner. F. C. IIusenbi>th. .Tames Duffy, 1802. V'-") Flours do Lys. Arthur AVeiv. E. M. Uenouf. 1887. 40 The Character and I-ogical Method of I'olitical Economy. J. E. Clairnoss. Harper. 187r». 1 47 MoiHitain and I'rairie. Rev. Dan. (iovdon. Dawson. 1880. 48 Twok. Watson (Jrillin. Gritliu iV Kldiior. 1887. 49 Pausaniiis. tlie Spartan. Lord Lytton. Belford Bros.. 187(!. 50 The Prairii' I'rovince. J. C. Hamilton. Belford Bro. 187(i. 51 Canad.T, ; Physical, Economic and Soci;'.l. A Lillie. D.D. Ma- clear & Co.. 18."). 52 IIoiU's with Men and Books. William Mathews. Belford Bro., 1877. 53 Canolles. .Tolin Esten Cooki>. Belford Bro.. 1877. 54 Hiilf-hours with the Best Authors. Charles Knight. Frede- rick Warne. 1800. In fou:* volumes. V"5r> Count Filippo. The author of " Saul." 1S('0. 50 ^Mummies and Moslems. Chas. Dudley Warner. Bedford B. i87t;. ' 57 Debrett's Illustrated Peerage. Dean & Sou, 1870. i) oi) (iU 63 G4 05 GO 07 OS 00 7(1 -- 71 72 ^ 7a — 74 70 70 7S 79 80 81 83 W«4 80 87 — 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 90 97 The iVarl Fountain. .1. Muyr Sniilh. 111. by 14. and .hilia Kjiva- u:VAh. lU'llord B.. 1877. (JottiuK (Ml In llu' Wodd. William Mathews. Belfonl B., 1S70. The Kiircsl. ,1. V. lluntin.^dou. Ucdlield, I8r)2. Thos, A Sunple Cunadian Story. (Jco. (Jrahani. LovoU Prin. Co.. ISrS. The riclures(iuo Tourist. II. 11. llanulton. Adams Co., 1877. Do Koherval. a drama. .John II. Duvar. .1. tV; A. McMillan, 1SS8.I The (Jidd Thread. Norman MacLeod. Belford B., 187(5. The Chost ol' a Dofe-. A Kational Materialistic Dctinition of Insanity and Imbecility. Henry Howard. Dawson I'.. 188'J. The Epicure's Year Boolv. lU-adimry, Evans. \HV,H. The Mas(iue of Minstrels. Two l)r(vtliers. lien A. Burr, 1887 rrince I'edro. a 'I'raycdy. .1. H. (larnier. Bt-lford B., 1877. Die Sap'n d< s Rlu inlandes. T. ,1. Kieler. Berlas. 184.'). ("hart of Time, Ceuto^'rapli and Slate. N. Lovcrin. John L(.vell, 1882.' Bide a Wee. Mary .1. MacColl. Peter Paul B.. 1880. Selections from Canadian l'o(>rs. Edward 11. Dewart. .Tolin Loveil. 1S04.' Waifs in Vers(>. fJ. W. Wicksteed. Loveil Print. Co., 1878. Farm Legends. Will Carieton. ReUord Bros.. 187.J. Ovid. (ieo. Fei-^'uson. Simi>linson. 1887. The New Pot>ms of .lean li;-cln\\, .1. U. Wlnttier. Il.W. Lon^;'- fellow. Belford. 1870. The Canadian Parliamentary Companion and Annual lleKister. Ed. l)y C. II. Macintosh. Cil. Prin iK: Pul) Co., 1879. Kins .loini.'a Tra.iu'dy. l)y Siiakesiteare. John Bell. 177"). Canada From the Atlantic to the Pacitic. Cap. *\Mac." 1882. Tlie Younj; Seigneur W. Cliateauclair. W. Di-ysdale, 1888. Tlie History of Clnidleiuii. Mary .lones. Drayton. 187.1 Their Wedtlin;;' Journey. W. D. Howells. Belford. 1870. Lacrosse. W. (i. Beers. Dawson, ISOi). F. Grant I'v- Co.. or Partnersliips. (ieo. L. Chancy. Roberts Bros.. 1ST."). The Life of William TIL, Prince of Orauiie. Ilistoru'us. Bel- ford. 1870. ' Tlie I-euend of the Holy Ston<>. Ed. by Mrs. A. Ross. A. A. Steveu.son I The Ai't of Teaching. ' The l'o(Mical Works :M;'S. Lcprohon. .John Loyidl, 1881. Other People's Children. Author of "Helen's Babies." Bel- ford. 18()7.' " Omhpor Fivlae." T. Shaw Braiidn th. GuilieUnus Pickering, 1841.' Readinji's. Recitations and DialoLrues. 1S70. The Black Hawk. J. J. Procter. News Prin. & P. II.,1883. 6 98 Zenobia Qucon of ralniyra, At'iusis McD. Diiwsoii. C.W. MitcJioll. 1SS3. ^ 4 ., ,11 T 91) The Cauadlaii l'urliam(>iitury Coinitanloii. J. A. (,cmmiu.. J. Durio & Sou, 1SS7.' , r. i. , iuvi / 100 Edimbm-K-Houen-Voi-k. J. M. l.*'Mo!m'. P. (.. Dullsl.-. 18bl, ^01 Jugfincnts ot Dfilllu'i'iilions du (•<»i>sc>ll Souvcraiu dc la .Norn Frauoc. A Cot6 ot Cle. issc. Vols. I ct II. V^102 Collt>c'ti(Ui do ManuscTlts. Contouant I.cttrcs. M6inolivs. et antros. 1884. \/103 DocMinicnts, Hist. R.'latlfs d la Xoiivello France. ISS*. Vol. K104 Report on Canadian Archives, issc. -ST. '80 '00. Don^las Brymner. ViOr. The Canadian rarllamentjiiy Companion and Annual Ke^'isur, ISSO. C. II. .Macintosh. Cir. I'rint. A: I'uh. Co., l^'^O. HOO Compendium of Dominion Laws .1. Fremonl. A I'enard. 1SS4. L-107 Code de Procedure Civile. Leon Lorrain. A. Peruud, ISH). k108 Code Municipol de la I'rov. de Cjuebec. L'llon. .M. Mathleu. A. Periard. 1887. \/m) Municipal Code of the Prov. of Quebec. L'llon. M. MatUieu. A. Periard. . V 110 The Reference Book. J. F. Dubreuil. A. Pcnard. 18S8. V 111 Appeal Cases. T. K. Ramsay. A. Periard, 1887. llli Narrative and CHtical History of America. Ed. by J. \N uisor. Ilouyhton, Co. Vol. IV. 113 Life of Andrew Jackson. James Parton. Mason Bros, 18<)U. Vol I. i^ll4 Lovell's (Gazetteer of British X. America. V 115 The Intercolonial. Sanford Fleming. Dawson, 1870. 116 Greek-Enslish Vocabulary. 18.".0. 117 Royal Colonial Institute. Sampson, Low ct Co.. 1S8.{. vou ix, X. xi. xiv, xix. 118 Johnson's Graphic Statistics. _^ , i i tt t V 119 The Donunion Animal R(>pster &- Review, 1878. Fd. 1)y H. J. Morgan. Dawson Bros.. 1871). 120 Adler's German and English Dictionary. Appleton & Co.. 18(),-). 121 Democracy in America. Alexis de Tordueville. C. C. Little & J." Brown. 1841. Two volumes. V 122 The Dominion Annual Register and Review, 1884. Ed. by H. J. ISIorgan. Hunter, Rose Co., 18S,">. 123 Eutropii Histoire Romano Libri Septem. C. Bradlez, 1820. k' 124 The Dominion Annual Reg. and Review, 187!». H. J. Morgaa INIacLean & Co.. 1880. V 125 Sixth Report of the JMoiitnal Tloi-ticultural Society for 1880. "Witness" Print. House, 1881. V<- 126 Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society for 1884. W. INIacnab, 1885. V 127 Report Canadian Raihvay, 1877. Sanford Fleming. MacLean, Roger, 1877. 128 Junius. John Wade. II. G. Bohn, 1800. Vol. i. viii, xi. 129 The Legend of St Olaf's Kirk. George Houghton. Estes & Lauriat. 1880. V 130 Librarv of McGill College, catalogue of authors. Lovell Prin. Co., 1S7G. 131 Nui-seiT Noonings. Gail Hamilton. Harper Bros., 187o. 132 Caimdii StatlHllcal llcforcl ft.r the .vi'ar IssT. .MacLcan. Kok«m', 1888. V 133 Cannda ; Its History, rroducllons and Natural KcsourccH. II. .Toliii Carliiij;. IssCi. 134 A Copios and Critical l.aliii Kii«lish Lt'xicou. E. A. Andi'ewH. Harihi- iV: IMos., 1S."1. 13.'. The (Juidc, A Manual for the i'anadiaii .Militia. I.k'Ut.-C<)l. W. D. Ol.tcr. Willing iV- Williamson. 1S,S(». ik^l3('. MCnnoiros ct ('oniplfs riMidus dc la Soci6t6 Uoyale du. Dawson lU-os.. 18S3. •^^137 Canada, ixuir Ics Annes issii h 1887. 138 Tlio Autol»ioj,'rai)hy of Itonjaniln Franlln. 130 Lyrical TranslatiiMis. Cli. .1. rarliiuu. V 140 Liiura Sccord, the Heroine of the War of 1812. 141 Tho Vision ; or Hell, l'nr;4:aiory and Paradise of Dante. Tnuir^. by II. Cary. .1. W. LovoU. 141a Tho Art .Tournal, 18.-.(), 18(J(!. 18(57. 1871. 1872. 1411) Family IMhle liy Rev. Tlios. R-Mddla. Kt vols. 141e Our Native Land. Illustrated. (>4 parts. PRIVATE LIBRARY FROM TORONTO. 142 Key to Holy Bible. J. H. Blunt. M.A. 143 Two-move Chess Problem. B. G. Laws, 144 Psychology of Salem Witchcraft. Bi-ard. 145 Life of Jas. O'Mally. .T. O'Mally. 14G Elements of Rhetoric. R. What ley, D.D. 147 NiKhts at the Play. Dutton Cook. 148 History of England. David Hume. 7 vols. .Tubus Caesar to Revolution 1(588. 149 Life and Times of Francis I. Jas Bacon, l.'iO Short History Can. People. Geo. Brj'ce. M.A., LL.D. 151 Joanna of Sicily. 2 vols. 152 Jews and Israelites. Rev. C. Freshman.D.D. 153 American Revolution. 154 Antiquities of London. Tiios. Pennant. 155 Nap. Bonaparte. Scott "Waverely." 3 vols. 15G Poetical Works of Erasmus Dorion. 2 vols. 157 Secret Memoir of Nap. Bonaparte. By one who never quitted him for 1." years. 158 Natural Ilistoiy. (ioldsmith. 4 vols. 159 Pictoral History of England. Geo. L. Craik & C. Macfariane. 4 vols. 160 Elegant Extracts of Poetry. Various authors. 1S24. 3 vols.: Prose, Epistles, Pictures. 161 Book-keeping. Bryant & Srratton. 162 Shakespeare Phrase Book. Jno. Bartlett. s \^^>^^ lluiiiur. Wit niitl -!iuln', 17 Ci'niur.v. .Iim Asliton. ir.4 Mm of llii> riiiu'. Hi.') W'riiiii.L's mill Spt t'clics. .Mnciiiilny. H!t> Mlciili Cliii'kf. A Ciiiioii I>(i\U'. ^ir,7 \.\U' and 'rimes W. L. .M;ukfii:'.it«, iiml U.-hcllloii of :',7 Mild :!s. (' l.imlsiiy. li vols, KIN Ml"*' Mild WriliiiKs 111' CluiM. IHikiiis. I hiiiuiKHid. l»i!l IHcly. SciciitilU- Tfi-nis. Ki Hsiu-r. 170 Lift' nl' (!»•<». IN-aboily. I'linbe A. Ilaiuifonl. 171 Aiucric.iii IMoiic in and i'liiruls, J. S. C. Abltott. I7i: i;iidyiiiinn. lOail of nc:ii(iii.s|i(.|u. i7."» l'i'i)\ (Mliial i'liilus<>|,liy. M. !•'. Tuppcr. 171 Amirut liisliipy. Clias. linlliii. it vols. 17."> llaiiMT'H rnlvfi'snl Oazi'ttM'i- ul' ih" World. .1. Caivlii Siirili. 17<> I>icl. Ill' i'lirasc and iahlc. Key. ('. <"<>l»l.aiii r.icwtT. 177 Spf«'cli('s and Ad(lr('>s('s on Hrii. Am. I.'nioii. T. I). Mi*(io.'. ^7^S Xalural I'hilosnphy. 17!> Manual lMiysiolo;,'ical Laluiraioiy. Harris iV; Powoi'. lS(i 'i'alo of a. l.on.-iy Parisli. F. M. ('niwl'ord. V 151 Maz'os Cnisilix. V. .M. Craw lord. Sir.liKi. laihtinck'M (iMc linadit'd hooks. 152 Ilirodouis 'rranslatioii. IS.". Karwiii. Voya;,'f of u X.-itaralisi. ('has. Darwin. 1H4 Meditations ,^larcus Aiirelius. Cci-.uin Collier. 'rraiishilio.i. ( !reek, '■) vols, is.". Teaeliin;,' i:pieietus. V. W UnlPstoii. 'rraiisladoii. (Jreek. ISCi Itacon's Kssays. V. Uneoii. 1S7 IM-inciples Political Iv onomy. .luo. S. .Mill. 1SS Self-keep. S. Sniiles 1S!I White's Xatl. l!istorv of Seilione,'. Kev. (Jilhi-rt White. A.M. ItKt I'iekwiek Pajiers. IIH CliiiKse .^lii I\iim. Wm. .leiimi^s. M.A. 102 Ilolnie.'^'s Iliad and ()d\ssev. Alex I'oDe. lf»3 Viryii's Aeneid 'I'rydon. 104 Essays of Micliaei I.ons. cf MoiilavLvne. Juo. Pjoiis. lOo A System of Lo,uie .lao. Stewart Mill. IOC. Bioftrnphical Ilistorv of Philovopliv on. 100 Cap). Cook's Voya.ues. 2(10 Vieai' of Wukeheld. «) (iold^^.nltli. 201 AVm. Tell. .1. c. S. W-in-Seiiiller. 202 The K(»ran. Ceo. (Jale. 2(»H Sliak'spear(>'s Works. Clias. Knijiht. 204 lioswelTs ],ifo of Dr. .Tolnisoii. .!os. Hoswel!. 20rt Ivanhoe. AV. Seoti. 200 History of Peiidc-iinis. AA'm. Thackeray. 207 Tlnieydidos. Wm. Smith. 205 David Copperheld. Dickens. 200 Cliild llaroUVs Pili:riniai;e. Lord P.yron. 210 Tlu> Plays of Aeseliylns. Kobt. Potter. 211 Wealth of Nations. Adam Smvtli. 212 Chaneer's Canterimry Tales. Codfrey Chancier. 21v? (Tibbons' Hiuiaii Ivmpire. vol i. 214 (ribbons' Roman Kmi»ire, vol. ii. I 9 I LMT IMS I'liO •»•»•» L'-J4 L'J.". • IO() 2: 1(1 2;n 2:12 2.'?: 5 2:: 1 2;(r» 2:Ki 2:i7 2;!s 2.".U 240 241 242 24;^ 244 24.- 24(i 247 I)iiil(»K'iU'K of : luto. l!.v. riiry. M.A. AdvciiHiics o. ;,nii (Jnixuic. .liiivls. ('rniiH. SpMiilsli.) SlMTltliiii's I'tiiys. with luliinliii'lioii. li. Morlcy. Uoliinyoi) <'niM(M>. I). Ih'iof. Dr.vMin's riM'tical Works. riiitniclis liivt's. .(ii(». \' W 111. I-liiKli'irni', Trail. (In-pk. liiisl |)ii.v.'4 of l>i>iiii>(>ii. 1/ii'tl LyliiMi. Hnnyiiirs I'ilKriiii ''incrc! , . rust 1111(1 I'rt'sciit. 'I'lios. Ciiilyli'. Arlsldtlcs i:ililfs. .Iii(» (llUi. s, LL.D. W'likf's Aposlolicil FjiUhms. Ait'liiilsliop WaUt'. Hat oil's Novuiii (>r;;aiuiiii. I''. I.urtl N"riilaiii. DciiioslhciK'S ii|Kiii tli(> Crown. II. liord ltioii;.iiain. PaMcal's Tlioiijiliis on U(«liv:ioii. l?asil Ivciiiicl. D.I). I'.iM-klry I'riiiciiniU Iliiiiiaii l\iio\vlitlp'. Collysis Simon \Aj.V, .Malory's .Mori |»Artliiir. 'I'hns. Wriylil, M.\., T.S.A. lOiiUM-son's lOssays. K. \V. I0iiu'i>«'ii. Tlio Ij'id Nilxhinyi'ii. A. (J. ImimIci- Maiiiain. Selections from SimtcIich and VNriiinns of IMw. Murko. SpiMii'cr's I'\Mi'rii' (jni'ciii'. |]ilv,i;i Sn iic'r. ( iiiiliv'.'i's Travels. Jno. K. >^\\iri. .Tno. TjUliin's one limnlro;! liooks. Ai-istoti<-'s rolilics. Wni. i;iiis. .M.A. Scoit's IVM'tical ^^'orks. Araiua:! .\i;ilils i'lnlrriainmcnts. Uiiriis's roi'ticai Works. The liiiilation of Christ. TIios. A. Kcnipis. Dante's Divine Comeily, I.oiiul'ellow. riays fn. ill .Moli'M-e. J'arlyle's I''ieii7 258 2.-0 2f)0 2(n 2(>2 2(« Mereliant of Vr of ^Li.uieiaus. lOlizahetli S. Fun Doctor. G. W. Cole. Saraciiie.sea. F. ^I. Crawford. Saint llario. F. M. CraAvford. TL I'ower I'll 'Ip i\: H & (Jeo. P. Field , D. Ward. 10 liliT UtiS 2(')!> 270 1271 1272 27;', 274 2.". 27t; 277 27S 27!t 2^0 281 2s;', 2S4 285 28(i 287 288 28!) 2!»(> 2t»l 2',)2 V-2!t:5 25)4 295 V29G 207 208 209 300 301 302 303 304 305 300 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 310 317 Tilt' Liist Tliroo Bishops. l\'nniuf;8 Tayktr. The .Masonic- Harp. (J. W. Chas". Christie's Faith. Author ol' ,Mattio. Swoct Cic'i'ly. .fosiali Alk'ii's Wife. Frank I'l'.irly. F. F. Sniallcy. lshnia(4, or in tlu! Dt'pihs. IJmnia Don Soutbwoi'th. (Jay Jiivinu'slon. Lacy Croftoii. Sell" Kaiscd. or I'roni tiic Depths. E. r»on Soiitliworlh. Dr. Claudius. F. .M. Crawford. Zoroaster. F. M. Cr:",ioi vols. Hist- ry of Canada. Andrew Boll. Works of lOnu'rsori. ^lilton's I'aradise Lost. Quobee, Fast and I'resont, T. M. Lenioine. Diet, of Biojuraidiy. Halo tV: AVheelor Di t. of I 'oi Hilar Classical (Quotations. Theory of Business. ,Tno. Laing. Tlio Lit(>rato. i:d.i;ar A. Toe. Idler in France. Blossington. 2 vols. 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