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Les disgrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- Made theB the a Temi the£ Montr« there b work, be hct rirer, \ the Cnnt STATEMENT Made to a Special Court of the Directors of the British American Land Company, held on the 3rd of February, 1836, by Mr. Frederick Iempleton, who passed the previous Summer in the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada. I left Port St. Francis (about lialfway betweeq Quebec and Montreal) the beginning of last November. The wharf erected tl?ere by the British American Land Company is a very efficient work, constructed of strong frame-work, well bolted, and to t>e faced with three inch planking; it runs 600 feet into the river, with twenty-two feet depth of water at Mie outer end. The inn is very comfo|rtable and reasonable. Captain Colclough. agent to ^he Company, is an intelligent and agreeable man, always most willing to aflFord assistance and information, to those destined to the Eastern Townships. The road from Port St. Francis to Sherbrooke is very good throughout, the distance 87 miles, and can be easily accom- plisM itt one dsfy. A ligh^ wpggpp with two horses, or a cafechfl mth one, travelling at the rate of seven or eight miles ?» hour;— the wprst part of the road is through the Seigniories t» Xicolet about five miles. On the completion of the intended new road from Nicolet to l^opr: Point, the distance to Sher- prpoke will be reduced to 70 miles. Shiptpn, aJuQut 68 miles from Pprt St. Francis, is very Mretlily aituated in « fine country, and contains several well- hAUt brick houses J that of Mrs. Wales, who keeps a boarding house and tavern, is as good as ^py of the kind in England ; the Charge being for one person two dollars (say 8s. 4d. sterling) per jyeek ; which includes four meals a day of the best descrip- The country through which this road passes, after leaving lirummondviUe, asKumes a varied and picturesque appearance, and 18 well adapted for all purposes of husbandry; it is thickly settled, and amongst the inhabitants are to be found many highly respectable families. 6 Tho land about Melbourne is tabular, soil a light loam easily ploughed, and will produce, in ordinary seasons, on an average 26 bushels of wheat per acrfc. Improved farms in this district, with a dwelling house and barn erected, and about one>third cleared, are worth from nine to ten dollars per acre. Shcrbrooke is well situated on the river Magog, near its junction with the St. Francis; it contains a Protestant and a Catholic church, and several well-built brick houses. A large and commodious hotel and boarding house is now erecting. The road from Sherbrooke to Burlington, on the lake Champlain, in the United States, distance about 110 miles, is very good throughout, and passes through a rich country ; the scenery romantic, picturesque, and in many places beautiful, particularly about Lsnnoxville, Compton, and Stausteud; in which district are many improved and excellent farms, occupied by highly respectable proprietors. The soil in this district is remarkably fertile, well adapted for grazing as well as agricultural purposes ; it is capable of fattening five sheep per acre, and in some instances last season produced forty bushels of wheat per acre. Improved farms along this line of road, with a dwelling house and barn erected, and one third cleareun(l in any I that it has have been t have been >iire remu- nount, and US of shet-p 1 become a ew Hamp- Towuships 8 are before e from the nuect with ntreal; the rippi to the ' as far as Wendover, the whole importance wth; being tea there as lid save the be indoced into opera- turn for bia tssessed of Hon coarse 'om 68. to f emigrants only to be cated here will induce leir expec- ad vantage the steam in thirteen ' ; whereas :ost of six e dollan In a steerage passenger without provisions, the land carriage from either port to the plaee of settlement, being within three or four miles the same. Extract /rem the Montreal Herald, &3J Dec. 1836. We would draw the particular attention of oor agticultnral readers to the following valuable article from the Farmer's Advocate. It is matter of congratulation to the inhabitants of this dis- trict, to behold the improvements now going forwari under the auspices of the British American Land Company, and whatever differences of opinion might have heretofore existed, in reference to the operations of this Company and its effecU upon the general interests there would seem to beat present no room to