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Whenever possible, these have been oniitteo from nhneif/ 11 se ptet que ceftatMs pefM bl en c he s aiouties km d'ttne restauiation appareissent ilans la laiclB, mais, htrsque cele Atait possible, cei petes n'ont pes M fihnies. PafM detached/ Pefas dtochtes 0Showthrouth/ Transparence rT^KOuality of print varies/ Lz-l (Qualiti iniflale de I'imprsssion □ Continuous pegination/ Paginatioh continue n Includes index(esj/ Cbmprend un (des) index Title on hceder taken from:/ La titre de I'en-tlte provient: □ Title pega of issue/' Pegs de titre de la livraison □ Caption of issue/ Titre -■ - ■ ' "■' ; - 7^^*^. ..\ laa aMamplalraa orrginaux doht la eouvartura ^n paplar ast ImprimAa aom film«a an oommangant par la pramlar plat at w tarminam aolt par la darntara paga qui comporta una jampralnta d'imprassion ou d'lltuatration. ao|t par la saoond plat, salon la caa. Tout laa autras axamplairos origlnaux sont filmia an oommangant par la . pYamiara paga qui oomporta una ampralnta d'imprassion ou d'llluatratlon at an'tarmlnant par la darnl*ra paga qui oomporto uno talla ampralnta. Un d9» symbolas auiVanta apparaftra aur la darnidra imaga da ohaqua microfloha, salon la cat: la symbols -^ signlfia "A 8UIVRB", la aymbola ▼ aignlfia "FIN". ..,.^^^:::\.^,,.^...^^ T"' laa eartaa. planehaa. tablaaux. ato.. pauvant *tra fllm«sA das taux da raduction dlffAranta. Corsqua la documant ast trop grand pour itra raproduit tn un saul clioha, 11 aat film* i partir - da rangia supariaur gaucha. da gaucha * drolta. at da haut an bas. an pranant la nombra d'Imagas naoaasalra. Laa diagrammaq auivaf^ta , llluatrq nt la mAthoda. D 32% 1 7^ •» & ^ ■ - .. . , ■ or uttt (mm. tMUM I OOL.X*BOX3E3D BY JOHN LEEMING, Esq., To be sold Isj &»ucUqu$ ■ HENRY J. SHAW. Esq., \^- 726 Craig Street, Montreal, ^'<\' ON „ / "^^ AND FOLWWia DAYS* Oonmenoing at Balf-Past One n^d oontinoiits tUl '■*■-■ Five o'olook. -» i»> *- Ftoetry. '■'.■■-■ ' ■ ' »^ Hagaainee, Lexicons, I)iotkmarleB,&o» , «.«.*.. Atlail, Quide JBooks, Maps, so, •aottl'e NoTehL__ , IMcKens* works, Fennimore Ooopei^s Wovks, < Bohm's Iiifn^arsr. ♦ ^ "^fe^ , The BritiBh Poets, Preseotfc's Works, _^ , y , Hugh ttillar's Works, "^ . - J British BBsayistah^ ' ? HaUam'slUd^ Qongregvtional Leotures» . ^ ^,. ^/ •^ ^ ^BDiuisard Knolley^s Publications, ^ Parker Sode^s Publications^ Bsrne's Notes, Dr. i^anna's Wor>^, ^^^'"'^ Botany, Hortiouiture, Parmlftg, &o., ' /^ Soiencte, Art, Natural JBistory, HaUam's Kiddle Ages, mstoryi. , TiaTelB Ulnstrated Works, Theology, Fnnoh, Iiondon News, &o^ Misoellaneous, Valuablis Bound Fainqphlets ENQRAVINQ8, LITH0QRAPH8. PRINTS, do. [oDtraO, May, 1872. HENRY J. SHAW, j AwMon/etr, •\ 'WV uwy.- ■# r TERMS AND CO.>IDITIOiNS OP 8ALK. H ^ All purchases to be for Oush, with the abotioa duty of one .percent . The books are presamed & be perfect, but niiast be taken bj the purchaser as they are. No deductions whatever will be allowed for imperfections. '*' Except in the ease of Magazines and Pamphlets unbound, the books will be sold at so much per volume, The books must be settled for and removed from the Store the day after the sale, and, upon fiulure to do so, they will be refold «t the cost and charges of the purchaser. HENRY J. SHAW, Auctioneer. i%f ff*. CATALOGUE. ▼ol. <* , 11 M ) M seopiM 1 TOl. » tt ti M II II II ii II H II II poetry: Milton's PandiM Loat, handioinely bound, . Gray'i Poetical Woriu, royal 8to ; Qrajr'i Blegj, iUoitratod, Cowper'a Poetical Works, Sir Walter Scott's diUo, •* ^' .Old English Ballads, handsomely bound, Sftnl, a Poem, HeaTysege, . • •• Jephtha's Daughter, Pollock's Course of Time, \ • --Cowper's Poems,], \. Bayard Taylor's J^ome and Trarel, Hudibras, OHd's Metamorphosis :^ Leigh Hunt's Poeiiis J. Q. Saxe's Poemi Tennyson's Gomple^e Works, , iSennett's Poetical Works, Waugh's Lancashire Songs, Ballad's and Songs of Lancashire, | Longfellow's Dante's Inferno, firsti^ol.' Kathrina, by J. G. Hijlland, 14 Bd., New York, 18eT MAaAZINBS. BriUsh American Magazine, European Magazine for 1792,1803,1812 Political Magazine for 1783 London Magazine for 1756 Leisure Hour 27, Loose Numbers, 8 8 " Sunday at Home 36 Loose Numbers, 9 Tols. bound Quiver in Nos., 23 Loose Numbers tJoodHTords, 1861 to 1868, 1865 bound different . ■ British Quarterly, 1666 1868, 12 Nos. Literary World, 26 in Numbers Canadian Independent^ 1861, 1866, 5 Tols bound in calf. 65 Nob. of ditt« BOUND UNIFORW. Carey's Works, imperfect, : Pascal's Thoughts, ' * .ttt' Pascal's Letters, ^^ Lafontaine's Fables, Oorinne, by " Destael^" Fenelon's Telemachus, ■ :-aj Lss Oasas, Napoleon, _ _, / - ' ' Montaigne's Works, % TOlf. * 6 TOlS. 1 « 1 « 1 « 1 « i * 4 « 4 » iWW^rfi,- r-. DICTIONARIES, LEXICON Ac. Lemperie'i OlMtieal DietioiiAfy Ohambsod'i Frano|i And English Dictionarj, ■ '4 volt. & Ohamband's English and French Dictionary ' Pi«und'8 Latin Lexicon, Levcrett, Boston, 1850, 1 toI. Lnndell and Scott's Greek and Bngliih Lezlco.i - Brand's Encycloptedia Science and Art, ' 1 roL . Barciaj's Dictionary, 1 toI., quarto ' Webster's Dictionary, unabridged ,. Folip Dictionary, French And Eni(lisb, find English and French '■" ■ HOMOBOPATHIC. Hull's lahr, Honriqi4'a Medical Dictlonaryi Humphrey RnoBrs Rt^ pertory, Hiind Book Homcsopatbio Practice, Kelly, Spit's HomcBO- pathy Domestic, Practical Chemist's Pooke^t Oulde, Hempelly , y ''flomaeopathio Domestic Physician, one lot, 8 vols. Original Gn,taIogue of the Celebrated Fleming Library, 1 Tol. ^ - MS. Copy of the Fleming Library, names of purchasers and prices, 1 " Old Folio Copy, Surgical and Medical Book, folio , MBS. Old Sermons, bound 4Pk Small Copy of Bible, 1661 " "'. " 1672 ■ •, , ■ / GUIDE BOOKS, MAPS, &o. ' Oftllghanrs Pari* Guide /: Bradsfanw's Hand Book to Paris : Sxcnrsion to Windsor ^ Murray's Hand Book, with Maps, Northern Italy, Central and South- ern Italy, 3 vols. ; South Germany, 1 vol. ; Spain, 1 vol. One lot Map of Europe, by A. Reith Johnson, I.R.S.A., fine quarto bound^ Bla^ck wood & Sons. Map of Paris. Map of London ATLAS. - PHILIPS GENERAL AFLAS, by Prof. Hughes, London, 1864, bound in morocco, gilt edgea, fii^e toned paper, valuable index. Latitude, Longtitude, References, probably t^e best atlas ever published. LARGE ATLAS. Edinburgh, 1849; by A)ex. Keith Johnson, F.R.0.8 .-■■/■ ■ '" ' » . ■ ■ . . ■ .--•.■■ NOVELS. '■ the Newcombes, Thackeray, ■ '' :, Tiw Gayworthys, \ Loth^lr, D'Israeli, Ghri^n's Mistake. Miss Mulock, ImogMie, Flowers and Fruits of Rome, a metrical tale Sears^e Mvdern Society, Miss Sinclair, \ ~ Maioriton%Woiisekeeper V . 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 \ [- %\ ■'■at /sr^!'" ^r^t'-vnis-^'^ \ 1 vol. I « JHOV ELB. — Continued. Qo«ecby,:Ed. Wetherell , Wh*t will he do with H T Lytton Neighbour J»ckwood, Trowbridge, My Wife ^ ^ General Epistles, - . HALLAM'S MIDDLE AGES, &c., 10 yola. ^ > Middle Ages, ' Constltational History of BnglAnd, | Literature Europe, The Odyssey of Homer, translated by Worsley ---■■'. TheHiad " " by Cowper The niad " " ^7 **»• ***® *"* **' °**'' / 1 TOl I ". I< tl ". (I u 1 1 2 1 1 1 iTOl 2 " 2 2 vols. 2 " i « 3 TOlS. 4 « 3 « BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, Ac., &o., / ReT. John Angel James, RcT, Dr. Morrison, Rev. Dr. Andrew Reed, „ . Rey. John Ely, Life and Posthumous Works, ^' Rbt. Eustace Carey, Life of John Btts, LL.D., P.S,A. 1 Tdl; 2 « - 1 " 1 « 1 « ''<*-.-. =: .'*■'* *■■".. ' ■' ' .■.■*■ •' ■.,■**■ ■■- ' ■»■.:'■'.■ " ■■ ■ - , ■ ■ .J- '.:'... ■ - - ■*'!^'^' " ■ " ; ', ■ ; • ' ,-■■..■•■'■. .■>.■ ■"' ' , :^, :r,_..J 8 «5 BIOGRAPHY.— CWar9, ^ RoUin's Ancient History, Fox's Book of Martyrs, largely illustrated, folio, - Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, Oxfprd, 1816, and Oiril Warn in Kngla .; }^ ,^ ^ Life of Clarendon (bound niilfbrm lirlth above) • ^ Julius Caesar, by Bx Etaperor Nap. in. ' . ; The Jesuits In North AAwica, Parkman, ' - :) ' :* v^ Pioneers of Prance in the New Worl4, Parkman, ■ ,j._ ;, History 6f the United Netherlands, J. liathrpp Mottey, ♦ • Rise of the Dutch Republic, J. Lathrop Mbtley, Caricature History of the Qe^rgeS (kingipf EngUad), History Of Signboards ^ , r ~ "^ a 1 1 4 3 TRAVELS, &c. 1. ^: f I -■"^ Agasfiz journey in Brazil, lfi69, .1 i. Lord login's Mission to China, Olipl^t, Dr. Livingston's traveb in Africa,- '■' Sptpke's Travels and Journal, Source of the Nile, Travis* la Central Asia, Vambery,i i Vanderbilte Cruise in the « North Star," Sir George Simpson Round the' World, . Anecdotes and Narratives of Travel Palestine, Past and Prcsent^^Osbprne, Bannister's Holy Land \ 1 vol 1 « 1 « 1 « 1 '« 1 « «,^ • 1^ V-. BNWTCLOP^DIABRITTANIOA, and Index, bound in morocco. Bii Edition, recently imported, 32 vols,, (TajkRUS Kmiqht & Co. Publications, Londbn PlctSrial Bible, edited by. l It II li II V ti II Shakespeare's— Tragedies, ««■..• . Comedies, « Doubtful Plays, . ■ • «* :' Histories, " « Biography (Bonnd uniform, 8 vols.) History and Reign of George Third, f«;-„ History of England, Cabsbl'b Illustrated Pilgrim^ Progress, << << Robinspta Crusoe, . II « GulliviBr's TraveU, w. " Natural History, U..- ■.;.:; '.,»■■• ■ :., ^VOlB. II II II H ■■■'-(tl:\ *s. . ' 4 '« . , > \ 6 11 .1 (1 \ II I (1 4 u ^ •• . s-'.- ■ ■I ■ ri-n^'^^t*^-^? ■ It Handsomely bound illustrated wo^s. KKViRO.«o,P.R.«.-oblong,-yiew. in and around PaU , NoTMAN'BPHOTOoRAPmoS.L«OTio»«, edited by. T. a King , S,rT8andPABTi««»ofOA«ADA,iUa9tratedbyNotman m . Bond AND Frbk, illustrations of Slavery C»M Old ..a New T»t»..»l, old ..d lll«M,.«..p.vlW Doefe, Teit high Dutch, < . j v n Don (2xoto, handsomely bound, illustrated by Q JXhe same complete in nnmhers.; . ART JonBKAL,KDiT.D by S. 0. Hall, complete to 1860. « . Pictorial History of Lancashire ^ viahpr'a Illustrations of Lancashire, u -i • Po'traull^^^^^^ »""«»» S^^'""^"' *^ • ^'^ '" ' •; somely bound, , *■ Medical Portrait Gallery, by Pettigww, quarto, ScaiUM's WoHKS, elegant portra.l3 of character. 3 void. 1 «^ 15 1 1 4 a THEOLOGY. '■%) Oommontary on St. Matthew, Dr. Lange, octavo, ^«V,Mll.Re.',.di«db,Dr.C.,rutont.T«, Dr. Tilloch on the Apo<^alypse, The Koran, with notes by Sale, McCheyne'fl Works, ^ Spurgeon's Sermons, Ist scries and Ecclesja Dei, Rev. Robert Hatt's Works, Brydges' Exposition of the Proverbs, . Stevehson « " « 103 Psalm, Annals of the English Bible, Porddeaux Connections, Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth, Shakesperian Parallels to Bible Truth, -Dr. Chalmer's Institutes of Theelogy, / Melville's Lectures, Dr: R. S. McAU's Sermons, ^ Expository Thoughts, Rev. J. C. Ryle on aauuc , ^ and John, Rev. P. Wolfe on Baptism, - The Book and its Missions 1864, v . Vinefs Outlines of Theology, ^ y-^ Burder's Religious Ceremonies and Customs, . pramp's Textbook of Popery, - / 'FoqtBepsDfSt.Paul vi^ongue of Fire, by Dr. Arthur - »f " I voL 1 .« 6 " 1 " 1 « I 2 1 I . 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2. ■" i , Bishop Hall's Work, London, 1624, folio, 1 Sermons, bjr Rev. P. W. Robertson, Brighton, t> i The Land and the Book, by Dr. Thomson', New York, "- 2 Apoealyptic History, by Harcourt Bland, Dfamatic Artist, 1 Congregation Year Book, 1849 to 1^1, neatl"^ bonud, 2 Dean Stanley's Sermana in the East, 1 « Dr. Gummings' Works, London edition, II Stephen's History of Methodism, , 3 Christian Hope and Church in Earnest, by Rev. J. A. James, 1 ToL each, in one lot Commonplace Book, by Dr. Dodd ; The Mission of El^ah, Dr. Meander on James, 1 vol, each, in one lot ^^f^ Hidden Springs, by Dr. Parker; Stephea Gf^hun's Faith, Sensibility of Separate Souls, Biblican Liturgy, by Rev. D. Thomas,! vol each, in one lot ":, "-"^—Bishop Home on the Psalms, _-,,---^ -j Bible in every Land, handsomely bound, j Qnarle's Emblems, London edition, 8vo, elegantly bound and Christian Keepsake, illustrated, Thestory of^Jonah, by Dr. Raleigh, ' Boots and Fruits of Christian Life, by Dr. Arnott, Bible Handb^k, by Dr. Angus Annals of the English Bible The Soldier^ of the Cross, by Laybum ; Memoirs of Bethany, Morning and Night Watches, 1 vol. each, in one lot Canadian Indepondent, ' 5 ' Jubilee Memorial Religious Tract Society Spurgeon's Sermons Punchc|on on Prophecy, .: 1 ", Cobbin's Bible with Notes, quarto :; ~ - -• — Horisdn'a Pamil^ Prayers, Gaxton Press MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Adventures of a Roving Diplomatist, Wycoff, Burks Encyclopsedik Heraldry, half bound. Works of Joanna Baillie, Works of Hannah Moore, Dr. Syntax, original illustrations, Akerma?, '"■ Dictionary Poetical Quotations \^,.,.>,8oHthey's Commonplace Book ... J* l/spier's Peninsular Wai:^^ , ProtestaOit Discnssion, French and Cummings, vol. Ivol « H 11 CI II 'i: II II ndon, IWS, etogmt illoatrfttod sdi- tkm . ■• . 1 Bnglish Litenton mat Lwngiwgv, BkioM, on State Bdaeation, ^ / ▲ngelir Boo^ of Ohcu» Tb« World • Workshop^ BwlNUik Tho Rifle, end How To Uie It, Reereetioni ofnOonntiy PunOn^ SketehM ofLeiToediife&fife, a eopiee, Stnnge Teki^ 1^ John Aihwottb, (Lenceahit^),' ▲nbien Nighte, illoetnted copy, Lenoeshiie Witebet, bj Herrieon Aiu^rortli, l|flet Stuidiih'e Oomrtahip, Italy in I^NMiaition, Rer. Dr. Arthur, WestmotelMid end Oumberland DieleoU, The Shotgun end Rifle, Libertj of O^naoienee, JMessej, y Bertlett'a Dietionery of AmerieeniBDis Bowmena Blind Men'a Oflbrin|(,. I lira. £1118* Women of Bnglead^ , / ! A Women'a Thonghta ebont Women i ^ Netnral Hirtorj of Snthnaieam — :^: f^iritoel Heroea, Dr. Stonghton | Spiritual Wlvea, Hepworth Dixon, 1 <* TreditiOqa of Bnglend, by Roby, 3 « Hnnting'in AfUca, by (3ordon Onmmings, 2 ' •t'.v P' ■iW4^ l^AMPHLETa YoL 1. Minatet «nd DeUtM Britith American Leagq* »t Kingtton, 1849 8pM«hM and ProcMdioKS Speeial Meeting lieroantiU Libnuy AModa- tion on ezpoliion of the " ObrittUn Eoquinr," 1 850 Menoirv, Seminary of Montreal *^ SynopiU of Laws in Lower Canada, Leaws, Letting and Hiring Report, Meeting of Frienda ofliord Metcalfe, 1847 Lectorae, Jamaica, Ohriatian Patriotism '■<''- Report Asiatic Children, A. Savage of Montr^ BsrmoBS and Discoartes Vol. a. Original Catalogue of the " Fleming" Library, 1833 Reprint of the same, 1843 . ' -. Tel. 8. Reports, Montreal Societies Yol. 4. Reports on Railroads, Mining Companies, ftc, 1847 to 1860 Vol. ft. Memolre pouf la Seminaire de Montreal Journal pendant la OaptiritA Louis lY., ROi de Fran«a La Bastile Septentrionale, 1790 A Fair Account of the Unhappy Disturbances at Boston, kew Bng- ; land, London, 1790 Life of James Plnnkett, 6lasgow, 1792 Oorenmwnt of ^ir George Prerost in Canada, I82S r Commerce of American States and Essay on Canon and Feudal Law^ John Adams, Plenipotentiary ^ Vol. 6. T. C. Reefer's Report, Preliminary Water Supply for OHy of Montreal, 1862 ' _^ T. 0. Reefer's Lectures on" Montreal" and the "Ottawa," Jany., 1853, and 1854 ^ T. G. Reefer's PhUosophy of Railroads, published by order of Direetos* of the St. Lawrence andr OtUwa and Qrand Junction Railway Company, 1853 T.fC. Reefer's Report of Surrey for the RaUway Bridge across the St Lawrence at Montreal j 1853 v ^ Report of Directors and tlhief Engineer, (t. C. Reefer,*BBq.,) ot the . St. Lawrence and Ottawa Grand Junction Railway Company, 1869 The Hon. ^neis Hineis* Views of the Commercial Policy of Canada in 1846 and 1847, and in 1852 ^ize List ProTinoial Exhibition of Canada, 1853 Vol. TNjaeport Geological Surrey of Canada, 1845-1847 LoroSEMiam's Celebrated Report on Canada, 1839, and others Vol.8. Kationill Exhibitions Inland Sei^«f North America ~ ^ J * ManufactnringfiUid Mining Companies. ^"~~~^ , Repofi(tfQaTa»li^ots, Montreal, 1853, withlTngnutiiig v Canada Warned agi^o^ Jesuits and Jesuitism ^" ' V ' . French Tenore rf FranVi^Cn Roturier. Ac, Robert Abraham "" S^C^ YoL •. Important Insurance XOase, Morrison, Cameron 4 Bmpey v r Phoenix Insurance Co., 1^ Inaagoral Discourse,. Dr. DawponMIeGUl CoUepi, 1855 ^/- Bow I came to be OoTniOa of Ca^npa, 1832. Yol. 10. Illustrations of Liwcashira fuad To^kihiie Dialects, Ac T