IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 7 A W, V fA f/. 1.0 I.I .^MiiiM m ■ K 2.2 li36 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -< 6" ► v: W 'el e. signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtri? film^s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film^ A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Canadian ni$torical Exhibition ^Distonral TO BE HELD IN Victoria College Queen's 'Park, Toronto, June 14th to 28th, 1899 Ca ta log"* Price , 15 cts. m^mmm WILLIAM BRIGGS Publisher TORONTO. Under the Patronage of His Excellency THE GOVERNOR-G£N£RAL and LADY MIN'fO o* ^ j» ^ Canadian ^^^^^^^^^ Bistory. 1 .-.0 In the Days of the Canada Company. Tlio stmv of tho Settli'im-nt of the Huron Irnrt. 15.V Koliiiu iuiil Kail.lrrii M. Lizars. HliistriitLMl §2 00 Humours of '37. Grave. Gay and Grim. F^clicllion Thw^ in ilu^ Oina.his. Bv l.ohiim imd kallilci'ii .M. Liz, us "_ i o,^ Ten Years of Upper Canada in War and Peace 1805-15. Bv Ed-ar. Illusiraircl ' ■' ^ The Life and Times of Sir Isaac Brock. By 1>. B, R,.a.l, Q.C. llhisiraK'.i. . l m A Veteran of 1812. Tlie Life of Bt.-Col. .lamos FilzCilO.on. liv Maiv A.'ue-^ lit/(;ililhin. Ilkisiratwl. Sewdul c.lition, I'lilai'jieil ' .'...... 100 The Catholic Church in the Niagara Peninsula. l!v ^''iv Bi-v, |),.an Hanis. IIIUstl'.lll.Ml ■ ., ,,,. Pioneer Sketches of Long Point Settlement. 'I'lip stoiv of tl.o Foun.laiion- i.inliliTs i.t \,, Couiilx, r,y ]•;. A. duiii. lUiisI rati-.l 2 dO Centennial of St. Andrews, Niagara- HyJanci ('aniochan. rilii.. Illiistratid ' j ,||-) Revievy of Historical Publications Relating to Canada. Vol. l.-Bs(t.V(K \ol. J1.-1S!», : \„i lir. -is-is lO.i.ii.paiitT. .Sl.OO: doth, The Story of the Union Jack. How it givw and what it is, narti ••oniie.'tioii wilhlhi' hisiniy of (.'anada. By iiarlow (•umhcrland .■0 in c-oioi'. rticnhirly in its id. Illustrated 1 -lO A Popular History of Canada. r,\W. H. Wiihrow, D.D., F.U.s.c. Hlustrated 3 uo The History of C,^nada. Hy W. ii. 1'. CK'nimt, LL.I!. Ilhisuatcd 50 History of the County of Scarboro'. iMlitcd i,y D.ivid i:..yle 1 no History of the County of Annapolis, including Old Port Royal and A cadia. l.y the lat<' \\ . A. fahiek ; <()in|ilcted ami edited hv dud>:e A. W. .Savarv Illustrated ; '' 3 gr, History of the County of Lunenbar?. F.y .hidgoM. li. DesUHsay. Jlhistrated 2 50 History and Historieites of the U. E. Loyalists. By Kdward Harris 1,1 Upper Canada Sketches. I'a ThunuiH (.'onaiU. Wilh iliusirations litho'raiilied """'"■■^- ?. 3 (iO Canadian Savage Folk. By John Macleati, l>ii. D 2 m Legislation and Hi.story of Separate Schools in Upper Canada. iU ■'■*"-■"• ""''^^''"-' '''••'> I^per, .sj UH; doth, ISa WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, 29-33 Richmond Street West, TOROMO, ONT. CATALOGUE CANADIAN HISTORICAL EXHIBITION M%'Mci VICTORIA COLLEGE, QUEEN'S PARK TORONTO Under the patronage of his Excellency the GOVERNOR- GENERAL AND THE COUNTESS OF MINTO. JUNE 14th to 28th, 1899. (Toronto : WILLIAM BRIGGS, 1S99. PRHFATORV NOTE. QWING to the necessity of compiling the Catalogue largely from the entry forms, many of which were very incom- plete, It iias been impossible to make it satisfactory. In order to avoid, as much as possible, breaks in the c<,nsecutive arrangement of the numbers, the articles loaned are catalogued under separate headmgs of Portraits, Furnhure, Military, Dress and Fancy Work Educational. China and Silver, and Miscellaneous Beside these there a.e several smaller groups of exhibits, sub-headings under educa- tional and Indian, or historical names and events. This may not appear at first glance a satisfactory arrangement, but It the visitor will keep it in mind when locking up a number in the Catalogue it will be found less difficult to find than if the exhibits were numbered consecutively from beginning to end. The intention of giving short paragraphs of history in connec- tion with each exnibit has been found an impossible task. It will therefore be reserved for the catalogue of a permanent museum. The s.cretarians who have had the duty of preparing the Catalogue have discharged it to the best nf their abilit.'. They are sensH^le of the detects and incompleteness, but would ask the kind indul- gence of the public, the charitable consideration of those who. having never attempted the compilation of a catalogue of the kind, can have but an indifferent conception of the difficulties amateurs at the work- have to encounter. LIST OF COMMITTEES, ooco GENERAL COMMITTEE. Lad}' Kdgar. Mrs, Forsytli (irant. Mrs. Leigh. Mrs. Hodgins. Mrs. lirnnt Macdoniild. MisH Mickle. Mrs. W. A. ]}iildwin. Mr.'i. .Morrison. Mrs. 8. (i. Wood. Miss Fanner. Miss Hart. Mrs. Henry Thompson. Mrs. Artluir Spraggo. Mrs. Burwash. Mrs. Artinii's. Mrs. .Kinilius .Farvis. Miss Jennings. Mrs. Wilkie. Mi's. John Caldcr. Mrs. Dignam Mrs. LaniL Miss FitzOihhon. Miss Heard. Mrs. \Vtu. Ai'mstrong. Rev. l)r. ]5riggs. Mr. C. (J. James. Rev. Dr. Blackstock. The Hon. G. W. Allan. Mr. J. L. Hughes. I'rof. Rain. Chancellor Burwasli. Mr. E. S. Caswell. Rev. C. E. Thompson. Mr. Allen Cassels. Mr. Yeigh. Mr. J. O. Brant Sero. FINANCE COMMITTEE. Mr. J. L. Hughes. Rev. Dr. Briggs. Mr. Yeigh. Mr. Wni. McCal)e. Mr. ^rEmilins Jarvis. Mr. (). A. Howland. Mrs. Henry Thonijjson. Mrs. Dignain. Miss Jennings. Mrs. John Calder. Mrs. Forsyth Grant. Miss Farmer. Miss Fitztiibbon. PRESS COMMITTEE. Miss Hart. Miss Law.-on. Mrs. W. Cnmmings. Mrs. Morrison. Mr. AVood. Mr. .Sanford Evans. Mr. Rosa Robertson. Mr. Douglas. Mr. J. A. Cooper. Mr. McLean. Mrs. Mutch. Miss C. R. Boulton. Mrs. Hi'iiiy 'riioiiipNon. Mrs. W. C'liinniiiign. Mrs, (ito. Kerr. PRINTINO COMMITTEE. (Miss l)oiiiil{. FURNITURE COMMITTEE. Mrs. .IJinilius .farvis, Co«(r/ir/- i \,- ,. t- •1.1.- "'""■ VaiiKoiighiiet, •U IVinue Artliur Avenue. ,-.j r , .. 1 >.i ./oliii street. Miss Hngiil, od St. George Street. Miss .Sidney Tiiliy, 17() Hoxl)oroii. "< Avenue. Mrs, J„|ii, 1. Davidson, iJ3 8t. (ieorgo Street Mrs. J. ,1. .Mackenzie, 50 St. George Street Mrs. Artluir Spragge, Coiwemr. Mrs. J. H. riionipson. Mrs. Small. Mr,s. G. R. K. Cockl)urii. CHINA COMMITTEE. Miss Shaid}'. Miss Hector. Miss Florence Dickson. Miss Constance Boiiltoii, StrnUtry. Mrs. Edward Leigh, ConnuHNE (Loin. Seaton), Lieut.-Governor of Upper Canada, l.S2!)-I836. ' ' 4. CoioNM, Samfkl Smith. Actinc. Lieut.-Governor of Upper Canada, June, 1817-1818, March, 1820, to June, 1820. o. LiEi'-r.-OEN-Eiur, Sim Gohdox Duum-mond, K.B., Actinu- Lieut - Governor ot Tppcr Canada, 1818-1814. Lounucl by Govornnient House. «. PoRTKArr OK Sill Geoiuh.: Bakek, U.E.L, Surgeon in Kin-ston Penetentiary, Asst. Sur-eon in Artillery Barracks Taken / o year.s ati;o. Loaned l)y Mrn. Movyaii. 7. PoiiTHAiT OK Fi{OXTEN'ac (adapted for the Cabot Calendar) troni a recumbent ti-jure .supposed to be that of Frontenac. ' Loaiu'd by Mis.s Mickle. 8. POHTUAIT OK Hex. D'AUCV BOUETON. (Fo.uKlei; of the Bmilton fninily in ('anada.) JudK'o of tHo Kin-'s Jench, I ,,i,er Came to Canada in 17!>7. Appointed (Je, eral J80o. Once captured by the French and kept prisoner ,it Verdun for four years. Elevated to Honch 1818. Died Ib'u. i-'«un i«u 0. Portrait ok Mrs Boulton, wife of Hon. D'Arcy Boulton. 10. Portrait ok Sir Benjamin Rudvard, member of Parliament \\\ reign of Charles I. Loanetl l)y Henry Boulton. 11. Portrait in Oil ok Miss Andras. Loaned by J. W. Gay Andra,s. 12. ^'f^'^-rs^^iN Wax. krom life, by Miss Katharine Andras, («) George III (/.) \\., (,•) (,)„een Cliarlotte. (r/) William IV (.) Prnices.s Charlotte, (/) Nelson (i. Pitt, {i) Lord Moira. (A) Fox' 0) Lord George Rawdon. (/,) Lord Hawke. Also phuster ca.sts 8 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 13. J)iPL()MA from Society of Artists, London, Enfflaiul, to Mis« K. Andras. Loaned by J. \V. (jiiy Aiulnis. 14. POHTR.MT OF HON. R. A. HaIUUSON. 15. PoKTRAlT OF HuGH ScoiilE, Editor of British ColooUt, by Berthon. Loaned hy Mrs. R. A. Harrison. 16. Portrait (old water Color), Sir Godfrey F., Bait. 17. Two Old Silhouettes, Captain Wood, 56th Reirt., Mrs. Elizabeth Wood. 18. Portrait of Right Hon. Sir Geo. Grey, K.C.B. Loaned I)y Mrs. S. G. Wood. 19. Portrait ok Dr. Wnj.iAM.DrxLOi', " Tiger Dunlop," presented by liiiiiself to Capt. Thos. Dick. Loaned by Miss G(jrdon. 20. Portrait of Mrs. Isaac White {nee Jaxk .McIxtosh). Who as a child carried a message to her lu'otliers duriny the war of 1812, who were prisoners at York. Gen. Dearborn praised her as a "brave little girl." Loaned by Jfrs. Walton. 21. Henry Temple, late Captain H. M. 1.5tli Foot. Loaned by R. H. Temple. 22. Bronze Bust of H. M. Queen Victoria. Loaned by Mrs. Elmes Henderson. 23. Portrait Bust of Lord Metcalfe, Governor, 1843-45. First bust made in Can ida. Loaned by Mr. and ISIrs. Goldwin Smith. UPPER HALL. 24. RoLl'H COI.I.KCTION- 1. Dr. Thomas Rolph. 2. Frances Pett. .•5. Hon. Dr. Rolph, LL.D., M.D., M.R.C.S. 4. Grace, wife of Hon. Dr. Rolph. 5. Hon. Dr. John Rolph, 18(59. <>. George Roljih — took part in war of 1812. Mahogany chest, belonging to Hon. .John Rolph, 1851. Case containing collection of relics belonging to the Rolph family. PORTRAITS. 9 25. PoirruAiTs of the Celeuuateo Juuist.s of seventeenth cen- tury. Painted in Paris, 1703. Lunnod by W. D. Lightl.tll. 20. Portrait of JXiviEL Fo;vr.E«, R.C.A., Amherst Tsland. LoHiied l)y Mrs. H. A. Rcesor. 27. PORTHAIT OF CAi>r. CiiAULE.s RuBiDGE, Senior Lieutenant of ii.Al.a. hfiia. Cnnnfuuled l/r(rrf;/ and BUmdhomid until the nuace. In 1812 while m cunnnand of the ft/,W/,o»m/. was ..r.lered t.. take a King s n'.olen- yei to the I n.ted States witli the repeal .,f the Urders-in-c'.unciL Loaned l)y Cliarles M. Rubidge. 28. MiNiATLTHE OF Miis. Wells, wife of Colonel Joseph Wells JJavenport. Punted by Mrs. Ilenry Moseley, 1872 ; copied from one of her own pictures made ni 1828. Paniter was eighty-two years of age. Loaned by Mrs. de Pencier. 29. Portrait of H. C. Windeat Wethey. Painted by William Windeat. L„aned by Miss \\-indeat. 30. Portrait OF Miss Macdonell, 1810. (Si.ster of Lieut.-Col. Macdonell, A.D.C. to Brock.) 31. Portrait of Mrs. S.MALCabout 1820. 32. Sir Francis Bond Head. 33. ExuRAViXfi: Sir Charles Metcalfe. Loaned by Miss Ball. 34. Lord Durham -after portrait by Laurccc-Oovernor, May to JNoveinber, 183.S. •' Loaned by Mr. Mott, Assistant Librarian McGill College. 35. Portrait (oil), of chil.I. Loaned by Miss Dade, Georgetown. 30. Portrait of Hon. Wm. Cayley. Loaned by ]{ev. Canon Cayley. 37. Portrait OF Wm.Jarvjs, U.K. L„ Provincial Secretary, Upper Canada. 1792. ^' 38. Portrait of W.m. Powell, IJ. E. L., Chief Justice, Upix-r Canada. '' 30. Poutrait of Major-Gen. Jarvis, C.M.G. Loaned by Mrs. Small. 10 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY 40. Water-color Sketch of child, an adopted Indian, ITDI. Liiauod by ^-Emilius Jiirvis. 41. Portrait (.small) of Mrs. Strachan, mother of Bishop Strachan. 42. Portrait of brother of Strachan. 43. Miniatures (two) of Mr. and ^[rs. Merry. Loaned by Mr.s. Strachan. 44. Portrait of Princess Charlotte of Wales. 45. Portrait of the late S. B. Harrisox, Provincial Secretary, Provincial Treasurer, and Minister of Public Works. Loaned l)y Mrs. Harrison. 4n. Portrait (oil), of Rev. Johx Rothwki.l, Trinity College, Dublin. Came to Oxford, Canada, LS34. Loaned by Mrs. Ed. Leigh. 47. Portrait of James Bovell, M.D., Dublin, London and Edin- burg, M.R.C.P. (London), Professor at Trinity College, etc. 4s, Portrait of Howard Griffith, wife of James Bovell. Cil painting l)y Baxter, 1835. Loaned by Mrw. Barwick. 49. Portrait of Hiram Carrox. Known as King Capron, founder of town of Paris, 182!(. 50. PoRTliAiT OF Mrs. Cai'R(»x, wife of above, b}- Robert Whale. Loaned by Miss Jane Capi'on. 51. Portrait of Mr. Laurext Quettox St. George. Colonel in the army of Louis XVL, Chevalier of the Order of St. Louis, iied from France during the Reign of Tenur, arriving in Kngland on St. (reorge's day, (.Vpril 23ril), eomnieniDi-ated tlie kindly reception he I'.et l)y adding the name of St. George to his family name of (t)uetton. Came to Canada in ITi'H. 52. MiNiATt'RE OF Capt. Rkmiakd Russfli., father of Hun. Peter Russell. 53. MlxiATURE OF Mrs. Baldwix, wife of Admiral Balilwin, Ru.ssell Hill. 54. MixiATi'ifE of Mrs. Mills Jackson. Loaned by Mrs, W. A. IJahhvin. PORTRAITS. 11 55, PoKTiuiT f)F John- Solomon Cartiught. Kino-ston, Upper Canada. ^ ' ^ 5G. Portrait Sketch of Mrs. C.\tharike Parr Traill. The oldest .•uitlioress in Her Majesty'.s d..inininns ; puMishe,! Hrst work at 1(), her at 1)4 ; i.s in her !)8th year. Sketched and h.aned by Sydney Strickland Tully. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Loaned hy Miss Dickson. Portrait of Hox. Wm. Hamilton .AIerhitt, U. E. L. MlrriH-'nl'" '""' I"'"..i«^-^'>':"f tlie Welland Canal; in connnand of ftlerritt s Dragoons dur^l,^' War of 1812-14., etc. By ^^Hle.s, R.A. Loaned l.y IVfiss Merritt, St. Catharines. .AflXLATCRE OX IvoRY. Loaned l)y Charles R. Dade. Consecon. Portrait of Capt. Cook, celebrated navio-ator Loaned l.y Rev. Rrooknmn. Portrait ,.f Rev. S. S. Wood, Rector of Three Rivers Quebec. ' Painted in 1816 when at Cambridge Univer.sity. Loaned by INfiss Wood. PoRiiiAiT OF Sir Sam)fori) Flemino, C.M.S. Sir H. Lefroy. Sir Wm. Logax. " Loaned by Canadian Institute. Portrait of the late Hon. P.illa Fmxt, whe„ 17 years 01 age, 1 822. '' Loaned by J. J. R. Flint. Relleville Historical Society. PHOTOGRAPHS AND ENGRAVINGS. (56. Two Pi.TiKEs, 1780. Anti,iuo P.cture. " The Massacre of Lystrn " French lithograph by Julian, "The Massacre of the innocents,"' 18'J4. Loaned by Mrs. Arthur Tliessiger West. (57. ENnRAvis-.i, " Canadienne au Tom beau de leur Enfant." 12 70. 71. 72. CANAD/AX HISTORICAL SOCIETY. POKTK.VIT. Cllpt. Cook. 73. 74. 10. Loaned by Rev. Mr. Brooknmn. Photo.ika.-h. Capt. Peter Tc u.ple, ono of the advHnce pioneers of Long Point auttlenient. Served iit Lundy's Lino. Portrait done by run- away slave from United States. Loantid by W. M. Waterbury. Coi'i'EK Plate of Old Quebec. " Engraving, Hu. Loaned by David Boyle. Thk Oli. Merchant Venturers' Hall, Bristol. The Company of xMer- chant Adventurers fitted out the Matthew, the little vessel in which John Cabot made the famous voyage in 1497, who was the first to discover the Continent of America. This hall was destroyed by fire and the present building was erocted.on its ruins in 1702. Loaned by Miss Sara Mickle. Photoorai-h ok Temple ok thk Chiluren ok Peace, Sharon, Ont. Built by David Willson. Mi-eting-house of same sect. Loaned by Alfred Willson. Photoguai'h William Lyon Mackenzie, taken in Toronto. Loaned by .John King. Photograph ok the First Brick House Built in York Township for Bartholomew Bull, 1830. Loaned by T. H. Bull. B. Bill, krum Pai.ntino. Philip Peterson Schuyler, who, in 171(1. went to England with the Chiefs of the Six Nations, ,m a mission to the British (Jovernment to secure the allegiance of the Nations as against the French, whom he advocated should be driven from the Continent. He and his confederate "kings," as the Chiefs were called, were well received at the Court. 77. 7!». 80. 8L Photograph of Stained Glass Window, brought out from Holland by the ancestors of the Schuyler family in KiofJ. Loaned by Mrs. Murray Alexander. Photograph Cricket Match played before H. R. H. Prince Arthur, in Toronto, old cricket grounds. College Street. Toronto Ciub and Dur- ham and Northumberland. PuoroGRAP'i, group i)icture of first twelve England cricketers. General Frkd. Campbell, commanded Royal Artillery in Canada in 1838. Gen. Sir Colin Campbell, Brigade IVIajor to the Duke of Wellington, Governor Nova Scotia, J 834 to 18.38. Loaned by Mrs. Nordheimer. PORTRAITS. 13 8:i. Views in Wateks (5) of the Kinc's Royal Rh.iiMEST. Tlio first ciicamp- nioiit of Loyalists at \\ iiidsor town on tho hank of the St. Lawrence, taken fitii June, 1784. Loaned by Lanrenne Haydon. 83. Four Photookaphs. Loaned by Mrs. Rowe. 84. Photoorai'h of Oakhill (Tordarrock) taken in ISTo, residence of Hon. Major-General Aenas Shaw, great-grandfather of exhibitor. In the log cabin (erected 1794) Major-General Shaw had the honor of enter- r ining 11. R. H. the Duke of Kent. The frame house (erected 1797) was the first private house of that material at York (Toronto). Only original jihotograph. Loaned by Lieut. -Col. George A. Shaw. 85. PoRTUAiT Peke Cazot, the last of the Quebec Jesuits. Died March, 18(K». One of the earlie.=t examples of engravers' work in Canada. Loaned by Dr. Neilson, Ottawa. 86. pHOTOiiRAPH OF Samuei, RiiiouT, Provincial Surveyor and Registrar of York and Peel, 185(). Loaned by Charles Unwin. 87. Two Pictures, representing Front Street, from John to Peter Street about 1812. Mr. Baker's house, Mr. Cruikshank's, etc. Loaned by Mrs. Stephen Hcward. 88. Jacques Cautier's First Lnterview with the Indians at Ho(iiELA(iA, loLSf). Lithograph from cartoon by .Vndrew Morris. New York, ISoO. Cartier states that when he arrived at Hochelaga, Ootol)er '2nd, \h'^'^, the poi)ulation, men, women and children, came to the sir re to meet him. The following day he and his companion in full costume were con- ducted to the village, where they met the Chief. The Indians paid them the reverence. Cartier distributed hatchets, etc., amongst them ; he was also taken to the mountain, which he called Mount Royal. Loaned by J. Murphy. 8!>. Photoorai'H of First Locomotive used in the construction of first rail- way in Up])er Ca'iada. Photograjih of locomotive manufactured in Upper Canada and which hauled first train in this Province. Loaned })y .lohn Harvie. 1)0. Cricket Match, played on
■ ^"'•^' ^— "-- «'-^t (..vemor Loaned by Mrs. Alfred Plunnner. Oak Chest. Oi.i> FiitE Screen, ligures in cross-stitch Loaned by Mrs. De Peneier. Loaned by Mrs. S. A. Heath. 19. 20 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20. 27. 28. 2!». .SO. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Vase, given by Gov. Sinicoe to Cftpt. McGill. Loaned l)y Miss McCutcheon. Caiiinkt ok Qi'KKN Et.TZAiiKTH, iiilioritwl from the Countess of Shrewsbury, fi relative and lady-in-waiting to (^tueen Bes.s. Loaned l>y Mrs. Harrison. Chest, made of bnttonwood otf Cant. Cheyne's place. Prince William, on St. .(olm's River, N.l{. Clock, about 70 years old ; formerly belonged to the late William James, of York Townsliii). The chain hanging on the clock \v;is cut, or made, from one of the cedar l>alusters of the old jail by Josei)h Johnson, wliile imprisoned for political ofi'ences. Loaned by Wm. .lames. BRA.SS-1101TNI) Desk, 1817. Tea CAnnv. Work Taiit.e. Table with top of fossilled wood, given by one of the early Governors to Lady Robinson. Loaned l)y Mrs. Forsyth Grant. CiiAiK, formerly bcilouging to Bishop Strachan. Loaned liy Mrs. F. W. Jarvis. SiKEHOARn, brought from England, 1792. Chair, with ()riginal leather cushion. DiNfNfi-RooM Chair, made in York. Br.ass Fender, Irons, Etc. 6 pieces. GRAM)>roTHER's Chair, modem covering, date 1792. Metal Wine Coolers, bronze on iron. 2 pieces. Loaned by John Small, Esq. Laroe Standino Screen (worked), about 1834. Loaned by Mrs. Small. Carved Card Taesle, formerly belonging to Hon. .\Ie.x. Frazer, of Frazerlield. Loivned l)y Mrs. Arcli. Frazer. .'Vrm-chair, formerly bohmging to Gov. Simcoe. Small, with brass handles, which belonged to Dr. James Mc.Aidey. Loaned by Mrs. Matthew VanKoughnet. Tea Caddy, formerly the property of the Hon. .fohn Ross. Loaned by Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Smith. Screen, Berlin Wool Work on Stand, worke.l in 1844. Pair oi- Wooden Bellows, from Bishop Strachan 's L-brary, about 1850. Prie-Diei' Chair, belonged to Hon. W, B. Robinson about 1850. FURNITURE. 17 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Bronze Candlesticks, sphinx .supix.iting ciuullustHiul. Sani. Bo.v, showing the early method of drying ink, used ..n writing tnLle. Su.N Glas.s. Loimod l>y.)uhn Sinnll, Berkeley House. Bagatelle Boar... owned l.y the l.te Mrs. Daniel Sutherlan.l, Quebec, Loaned liy Mrs. S. (i. Wood. '""tai;^;;'",',,;;^;;^; S;r2 "'- ■" "'>■ '•' '^"'- "^- ' »» •»-"■ Loaned by Miss Read, Ottawa. 4(). Cradlk of 1840. I^"'*"^' I'y Mrs. J. Lurne MacDougall, Ottawa, 4<. hPiN.M.No ^^ HEEL, brought to Scotland 1817. LuMued by Mrs. T. Ahearn, Ottawa.. Chair, formerly the property of sir T,,iii- w ^ v ^ ■ belonged to Sir Oeo E Oivfi.... , ^- ^^''^""^'""i''. afterward* "xeo. i... Caitier, now ni possession of Justice Girouard, Loaned by Hon. Justice Girouard, Ottawa Violin, dated 1634, belongmg to the Spragge fan.ily in Den.,.re8tville, 18Wi. (^"•' '"^"l^'- Apply to Secretary.) Ewer am. Basin, been in use for (iO years. Loaned by Mrs. Howard Celleh ite, U.E.L., bn.ught out by Secretary Jarvis, 17!)2. Two Knife Cases, '< •< u ,, ,, Loaned by .Emilius Jarvis. LiHKARY Chaik, which belonged to Gov. Gore. Loaned by Mrs. Stephen Howard. Tortoise Shell ani. Silver Tea CAi.nv. Loaned by Miss Ellis. Desk, used by Wm. Lyon Mackenzie in Parliament. G » Old Woolen Man.le,'0ld Oaken BuJiET. ' ^"" -^'^•"■«">'^. Loaned by York Pioneers' Log Cabin. Ink Well, used for many years l)v Caot M n « •, r..i . Ussher, who was ki^ n. tl-^^dSi.!!!; .S'li^'^' """""" "' '■''•^• Loaned l,y M. Gonder Scherck Mahooany Table, once the property of Gov. Simcoe. Loaned by Miss Gertrude Eraser. Table, made from first tree cut in (iiicli.h ..n «f n„ > . 1827. '"Hlpti, on St. (reorge's day, April 23rd, 48 4!). 50. :^\. r>2. 53. 54. 55, 56. 57. 58. 5!). Loaned by Thomas Holliday, Guelph. 18 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. m. ((1. i,i> Haki'. Loaned by Rev. Mother Superior, Loretto .Vbljey. Wkitixi; Desk, purchased in Paris l)y the late Hon. Peter Robinson, from wiiom it [lassod into tlie possession of late Hon. .John Uevurley Hol)in- son and the late Hon. \V. 15 Kobin.son, respectively, anil thence to the exhibitor. Loaned liy AlfreLESTU'KH. Loaned by Mr.s. Mulholland. Hhass Caxki.estiik. Tea Kettle, owned by Laura Secord. In this kettle was placed acpiantity of doubloons to hide tlie money from the enemy. While the invaders were jiillaginji the liouse Laura Secord put it on the tire to lioil and by this means saved the money. Loaned by Laura S. Smith. Tea Kettle, brass, 17%, l)elonging to Neil McKinnon. Loaned by Mr.s. James Bain. Settle, made of ohl yallery of St. ,bames' Cathedral. Loaned l)y Mr. O. A. Howland. Florentine Sideboard or Bcffet. This originally belonged to tiie family of Americus ^'espucius, after whom the continent of America was named. It was bought from a direct descendant of liis bearing the same name, in Florence, Italy, in 1869. Loaned by Mrs. Murray Alexander. PiAxo AND Stool, at one time tJKj jfoperty of Sir James Macauley, Wyke- ham Hall, Toronto. Loaned by Gourlay, Winter v*c Leeming. FoLDixo Bedstead, btlonged to General Hunter, Administrator of the Giovernnient, N. C. Sold at his death, 18U5, to Hon. John Mcnno(l l.y Mrs. HhHuwuU. •^ '^'^'^- LoHne.l by Mrs. Parker, Ottawa SPINNING WHEELS. FL.VX Whekl, 7U m- 80 yenr.s ol.l, fn,n, fannly I„.,nestu,ul. Loiuiud l.y M. Uiuicler Sherck. Si-i.N.MN,; Wheki., reul ami .swiftn, 1812-14. Loaned l.y Mrs. .steplieii Hewanl. Loaned by Mrs. R. B. Linton less I lined Si-iNNix,, WHKKt- K.ado in T,.routo 60 years ago. L<.aned by Mr.s. Dignani. •'■ Loaned by W. StanJey liueliiii " SnUn" " ''''""'• '"'""^^^ "-'-^ '•>' ^li- Hale, (Quebec, in last Loaned by S. S. Tully. Ham. Lo<.>i, for making fringe. Loaned by M. Secord, LT.E.L. Spixmno WHKKr, wit), full set of connections. Loaned by Edgar A. James, Tlioridiill Loaned by Mi»<. Sheldrake. 20 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MILITARY. ROOM 4. 1. Colli:" in i\ ok ^Mkdals. Luaiiod liy ('apt. Wyiitt. 2. SwoHi), used by Major tlie Hon. Willium Allan, of the 3rd York Militia, in the War of 1812. 3. MusKKT, Bayonet and Cartouche Box u.sed by the Hon. (J. W. Allan, as one of the " Baidc (hiard" in the War oF 1N37. Sir 'I'honms Gait and Sir .Juhii Hji^arty iiro surviving niuiiiburs of this Guard. 4. QUEEx's C<)i,oi{.s of the 3rd York IMilitia. 5. Colors presenteil by the ladies (jf York t(j thi' rJrd York Militia. 6. SiMALL SwoKD, belonging to some Indian prince. Taivon l>y Sir David Haird in 171»- at the .siege of Suringaiiatam and hy Sir David Haird jiresentod to tho Hon. William Allan. L.ianud by Hon. (Jeorgc W. Allan. 7. RE(il.MEXTAL Sash, worn by Mr. John A. Donalds(«i, 1st Lieutenant Lst Division battalion stationiid at (J.sgoodeHall during Rebellion 1837. Loaned by Lieut. -(.'olonul J. A. Donaldson. 8. Naval Okficeu'.s Swoud, 17.S0. 9. A BL'GLE, u.sed in the Crimean campaign. 10. Lock ok Kcsciusck's Haiu, with Autograph. Loaned l)y J. W. Gay Andras. 11. Portraits of officers of 100th Regiment. 12. Bridle, Etc., used by Marijuis of Angle.sea at the battle of Waterloo. Loaned by Mayor F. E. Dixon. 13. Sword (without scabbard) Carried in the Rel)ellion, 1837, by Aaron Playter, Cant. York \ olunteers. Loaned by Dr. Playter. MILITARY 21 )f this Loiiiifd l)y U. K. Stiiynrt. 15. P..UTK.VIT (water-c.Ior) : Cupt. John Smith. U. E. L. Firat portmit kiiuwi. h, Imve I.eeii painted in V. \. Loaned by Montgomery Hrenton. 10. iJoLLAXI) Tklkscoi-i.;. f^rliLl^ii arr„::;;;;[„sj::'-» ■" ■'■-^"-- ( < •". Loivned l.y W'm. Arni.stroiig. 17. Watkiu.oo !\Fki)ai, avd Rinitox. Loaned by Manfred 15. Proctor, Saiiiia l.S. B(,OK: "Naval War, LS12-I4," Ruisevelt. Extra illustrated, very valnable. Loaned by IJ.v. W. MrooUnmn. 1!). Swou., of the htte Hon. Ale.x. Fra.ser, of FiuserHold, (ilon^any. 20. NiAciAHA Fort. ^'""""'^ ''^ -^' ^''"•"''• 21. NiAfJAitA Fort. 22. Niagara Fort. T.\. Niagara Fort. Loaned by Wni. Arm.strong. 24. Likctexaxts Coatee, Quebec Mih'tiu, 1777. 2.). Sword SiJX(i, Sword, Sword-Knot axd Gorget. 2() Grexadier's C^)ATEE, Canadian .^[ilitia, 1804-1.-,. 27. Photo of officer wearing uniform of Quebec Militia, 1775. Loaned by Dr. NeiLson, Ottawa. 28. Small Horx, with sixteen shot of unusual siz, in it. Found when renovating h„use on Secord Farm near Port Dalhousie. Loaned l,y Wm. C. Muir. 29. Cannon Ball, taken out of the Clios„,,rakr, 1812-14 Loaned by Rev. Mr. IJrookman. 31. Bayonet, carried by David Norton at Lundy's Lane. Loaned l)y G. D. Norton. •>•> CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. :«. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 4(i. 47. C.AXTEEN (Garde de Vin), over 100 years old. Brouglit to Upper CViiiadH, 182(), hy Robt. Begley. Loaned l)y Jueenstown. Portrait : Capt. James Hamilton of the 5th Ret,dnient of Foot. Served in Canada thn-ing War of 1812. Loaned bj Mr. Rowe. Mll.lT.VHY Coat, worn by officer in Quebec .Militia, 1775, at invasion of Monto;omery. Loaned by Mrs. S. G. Wood. Officer's Epailet, worn by Capt. Jacob Gonder in the Cana- dian .Militia during- War 1812-14. Lellows. Loaned by Miss Sydney Smith. FoCK Silver Medals, Sebastopol, Inkerman, Alma, Crimea, 1835, belonged to John Campbell. Loaned by Mr. Scales. Silk Flao, color.s 2nd, 3rd and 4th Lincoln Militia, 1812. Loaned by Lundy's Lane Historical Society. Box OF Locks of Hair, including Brock's, Macdonell'.s,. D'Arcy Boulton'.s, Chief Ju.stice Robin.son's and Chief Justice Powell's. Loaned by ^Emilius .larvis.. MILITARY. 2.3 48. 4!). :.0. .'.I. .52. .5.3. .54. ,5.5. 5G, 57. oS. 59. 00. (J I. 02. G:}. (Ik ii.5. GO. (i7. S.4SH OF Lieut. Thos. Lundv. Sash of Major Aixvms. SWOHD (.F LIEIT.-COLOXEL MaCDONELL. owoiu) (.h Cai't. Yokum. Offu;eh's Sword, fonn:hibai.d, " .Macxam of Macxab" ]Srto'is;;;;""'"' ''"•^' "' ^'^ ^'''"> ^f'--''- '---i *•• ^--^ f-.n DoniLE M<..vo-mxE Portka.t of H..v. Coe. .Johx ScurvEER :ve\v York Council. C.unnander of Hrst British land e..,,e.litio„ against ; brother ilual: '7v ^'7.. -, ''''^;'r' f ''""'^'^ther of (leneral T'hili . S .y ^ and father of Mrs. l»h,l,,, Schuyler, the American lady Loyalist. Loaned by W. D. Lighthall. ^"Pri4'r'"" '"^' ^"^'^' "'"'■^' '''"^'•' ^^'" '^'2 (inscribed -Manis.kipt ,r .secon.l attempt ..f \V„,. L Mackenzie in i8.3«. Maxuscript re work levied on troops to reconstruct Brock's monument. CoM.Missiox, Lieut, of 3Iiiitia. to Pingle. Letteus re inedfd. Loaned by T. R. Kennedy, L.vis, gue. (ib. SwoiiJ), supposed to be of Champlain's time. ()9. Pa IK OF BuAss Horse Pistols, used tlirough tlio Revolution by Captain Richard Lippencott. 70. AiToGKAi'H Note iVoni iMajov-General Inglis, of Luckno\\\ 71. PnoToGKAPH OK Ma.iok-Gexeual I.nolis, of Lucknow. Loiined by Miss Siini Mickle. Sir John Inglis, ji distinguished Novd Scotian, find descendant of Charles ln<,dis, who was the first Colonial Hishoj) of the Church of England (con.secrated 171^7). Sir John was horn in IS14. and entered the 3lJnd Regiment as ensign in 18;i.S. Served in Lower Canada during the rel)ellion of 18.S7-.'{8. In India he distinguished himself during the war in the Punjal) in 184!', and connnanded his regiment at the action of Sarlielioud, for which he received a medal and promotiiui. He was stationed at Lucknow during tlie Mutiny, and on the e< tiox ok Reciutis by General De Rottenburg, February 2nd, IS—. 70. Caxdeestick. Found at the bottom of L-ike Erie; formerly belonged to the 2."h'd itegiment. Loaned l)y Mrs. Shortiss. 77. JkllXIATIHE PaIXTIXG OX IvoKV (gold frame) OK CaI'T. SaMLEL Wood, 5Cth Regiment, hair at the back. Painted in 18(tO. Loaned by Miss Wood. 78. Portrait of \Vm. Dcrie, M.D, K.H., Toronto. By Yerner ; came to Canada 1834. 79. Portrait ok Mrs. Dcrie, Toronto, wife of above. By Verner. 80. Portrait ok \Vm. 8. Dirie, late D.A.G., Toronto. Loaned liy Arthur 1*. Duiie. MILITARY. 25 «1. Portrait of RouEirr Chas. Wilkins, about I80o. L,.anea by Tl,on,.-i.s Wragg, Belleville Hist..ri«il Society. 82. Portrait (in Oil.s) of Sir Ai.lex McNah. Lofined by Mrs. Raey. Loaned by Ridler. 84. Portrait of Sir Frederick Philipse Roiunson, G.C.B. Loaned l)y Mr.s. Chiistopher Rolnnsou. 8."). Portrait of Ma.ior Small, 1792. 8(5. Portrait of Mrs. Joh.v S.mall, 1792. 87. ^if^ATFREox Ivorv OF ^Frs. James Bot'ltox, U. E. Loyalist, 1828 daughter ol Dr. Tliorn, Staff-Surgeon under Brock at C^ueenston Heights. Loaned by John Small 88. .SiLHorETTE PORTRAITS OF (^>L. Bv, wife, two daughters. and (ni cap). "^ Loaned l)y Miss Read, Ottawa. .sa Poin-RAIT OF SIR Frederick Haldimaxd, fourth Governor- General of Canada, 177«-17S8. Loaned l)y Reiijaniin Suite, Ottawa. 00. Silver Snuff-Box. Belonged to Colonel Janie.s Hunij.hrey W..,,,', R.A, 91. Silver Cork-screw. Bel.mged to Major-General R.A., 17tiO. Loaned by Mr.s. S. G. Wood. 92. Portrait (Po.sthumocs): CUrtaix Urquhart. Water-color, by brother ofticer, 1810. Loaned by Mis.s Annie McGregor. 9.'i. Officers axd Staff of 100th Regimext, 1858. 94. Colonel E. W. Thom.sox, born 1 794, .lied I8C.x Served thronghout War of 1812 ; medals. Loaned by Tlios. E. Champion. 95. Portrait ix Oil of Ma.ior-Gexeral .Iames Wolfe. After an engraving by Houst.,n ; said to be the envelope nicturo taken by a brother ..tticer on the day of the battle ..f thn P 1, J f aT . By Haiiiel "-ilui, oi tiie 1 lams of Abraham. 2f) CANADIAN HISTORICAL S0C/E7V. !)G. PoUTKAIT OK MoXTCAI.M. Copied from picture presented to M. Fareboult by Mde. La Marquise de Montcalm. !»7. PoiMKAiT OF Amehicus Vespuch's. Ciipiuil l)y Fabirdiiui from the original in the Pitti (i;dlery, at Florence, hrouyht to Canada in lH(i2. Falardian was a French-Canadian by birth. He was considered the cleverest copyist in lUily. He began life as a coachman at Judge O'Kill Stewart, <,i)uebec. 9 he was appointed Captain-General and (iovernor-in-Chief of the Province of Virginia, and on the '20th of March the same year he was constituted Connnanartinent of Crown Lands, Toronto. 104. Portrait ok Colonel Ja.mes FitzGihhon, born November IGth, 17S0. Served in the 4!lth, under Brock ; at C'openhagen, 1801, medal ; in Canada, 1802, with distinction in warcif 1812-14 ; A.ssistant .\djutant- (ieneral, 182(> ; ,\djntant-(Teneral, 1H'A7 ; Clerk, Legislative Assend)]v ; Clerk, Legislative Council, 1841 ; Military Knight of Windsor, 1851 ; r])]ier Ward, 1853. Died December 10th, 18(>3. .\rlist unknown. Date 1842. MILITARY. 27 105. lOG. 107. 108. 100. 110. 111. 112. 113. lU. 1 1 5. 116. It7. 118. llil 120. SwoKD .WD Belt. Presented to Oul„„el FitzGibb.,n l.y Sir .\ugu.stus D'E.ste, 18;». S.A.SH AND Se.^L, Belonging to Colonel FitzGihlxm. SwoKD OK Military Kxiuht ok Wind.soil Belonging to Colonel FitzGibbon. Copenhagen Medal, April 2ii.l, 1801. Autograph Letter. Sir Augustus D'E.ste to Fitz(}ibbon. Autograph Letter, Colonel (Sir Isaac) Brock, 1,S12. Origlval E.xtracts kro.m Re.'ords ok 4f)TH Regiment. E.xploit at the Beaver Dams, June L'.'Jnl, 1813. Autograi'h Letter, Lor.l Seaton to FitzGibbon. AuroGiiAPH Lettei! Sir John Harvey to FitzGibbon ^ An A.merioan Cartridge Bac;, taken at Beaver Dams. Loaned by FitzGibbon. Sword Liout.-Colonel Chauiberlin, C.:\F.G., Is70. onlTmH^ '''""'T' !''"• '';r''/'" 1'"«'"«l»r«- i" connnan.l of the Mississ- ^»<'i R Hes and ettectually cliecke.l the advance .,f the Fenian raiders Presented by the citizens of ( )ttawa. •■""eiH. Illuminated Addre.s.s. Loaned by Mrs. Badgley, Ottawa. C.M.G. Decoration, Lieut.-Colonel Cliamberlin. One of the Hrst four decorated with the .,rder in Canada, 1870. Regimen lAL worn by Lieut. John Donaldson, First Provisi.mal Battalion, stationed at Osgoo.le Hall 18:}7 un.ler connnand ..f (Jeneral A.Luuson, a veteran of 1«1l>. Loaned by Lieut. -Colonel John A. Donaldson. Portrait ok J. A. J)onald.s<)N. Loaned by Emily Donaldson. CJR.APE Shot, brou^rht from Louisbourj;, Cape Breton, N.S. Loaned by Rev. G. F. Davidson. 28 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 121. PoUTHAIT: LlEUT.-Col.OXEL StEI'HEN JaUVIS, U. E. L. Born in D;inl)ury, Conn., November 6th, 175(5. Se/ved in the Queen's R!iiii;er.s under Lieut. -Colonel Sinicoe, and took jvirt in engfigenients with the enemy at the lirandywine Iliver, <^>uinton, Handcock'.s Bridge, Crosswich.s, Evesham, Monmouth, Che.ster's Bridge, Kingsl)ridge, Dol)l)'.s Ferry, Croton Bridge, West Che.ster, New Roehelle (horse sliot under him), Van Vactor's Bridge, South Andxig ; and served in the Soutli Carolina Dragoons at Goose Creek, Piirker's Ferry, Entan Si)rings, Collington ; was on active service during the Revo- lutionary War for seven years. Settled in Fredericton, N.B., and successively held oounuissions as Captain, Major of Brigade, Deputy Adjntant-dloneral, and Lieut. -Colonel. llemoved to York, ri>i)er C.mada, and during the War of LS12 was rea])pointed De])uty Adju- tant-(ieneral, and at its capture by the Americans, was taken [irisoner. Died in Toronto, April 12th, 1840. Loaned by Mrs. B. B. Clarkson. 122. HoH.SE PiSTOI,. 123. Duelling Plstols. 124. SvvoRi) Blades (tliree). 125. Marine Plstols. Formerly l)eh)nging to Admiral Baldwin. Loaned l)y Mrs. McAnnany, Belleville Historical Society. 126. Grx, u.sed in War of LS12. Carried by Jolui Diamond. Loaned by J. B. Flint, Belleville Historical Sncifty. 127. Fl.\o from one of H. M. sliips in War of LSI 2. 128. R. C. R. Sii.VEK Whistle, Holder, Chaix, and Fastener. 129. Commissions in R. C. R. Regiment Loaned by Mrs. C. C Cameron. 130. Revolver Carried rv Louis Ru-l in first ^'orth-West Rel)ellion. Secured by Donald Macdonald and given to the late George Duck, Crown Lands Agent. Loaned by Henry Duck. 131. Snuff Box (horn). The gift of Major Stark to his sister, Mrs. Durie, al)out the y»-'! 1771. Brought to Canada by his son, William Durie, M.D., B.H., in 18:j4. Loaned by Arthur P. Durie. lo2. Cannon Ball, fomul on battlefield of Chry.slers Farm. J:i3. Ledger Roll of Men. l-)4. Ink.stand, made of bullets. Loaned by Lt.-Col. Pcuiton, Belleville Historical Society. MILITARY. 29 185. i;JG. 1:37. 138. 139. UO. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. Old Gun (nearly six feet long). .Supixisud to hiivo l,el.mgu.l to Anthony Terrill, \\ pj. L. LoantMl l.y Mrs. J. G. Terrin, BelleM-llo Historical Society. PiCTUui: (,K R,;ixs ,,K Oi.i) WiXDMiLr., F..rt Erie. By Emma Windeat. t i 1 nr. ,.,. Loaned l.y Windeat. was (governor of ^ova Scotia from iKiri t-,, iBi- u ^ '^''"', '''""Hy , Loaned by Miss Sara Micklo. SU-..KI, S,hh,:x,)e,u.:d t<,,, by an American officer, And by Imn presented to the late Colonel M. Elliott. Re(|IM^XTA,., worn by Colonel Elliott -hiring War of Loaned l.y F. E. Elliott, Andierstl.ur-. OeD S\V( ),{,). Ji^™'.ssrS!|;iat O'Haha. 150. FlELl)-(i[>Ass, found on Imttletield of Vittoria by ('olonel O'Hara. l.')l. MlXlATUHE OK Wai/iei! O'Haha, uoed twonty-two. Loaned liy the ( t'Hara. 152. ]\IiLiTAHY Coat and Sash. Uniform worn by Colonel Burwell in 1812-14, at Lundy's Lane, etc. Loaned hy Miss l?iu'well, London. 158. Lock ok Haii{ ok Nakoi.eox. Given to Colonel O'Hara l)y Major Poppleton, otird [{egiment, stationed at St. Helena at time of Napoleon's death. Loaned by the Misses O'Hara. 154. CAUlcATruE OK NAl'ObEox, from a (jornian print (very curious). The hat is represented by a crouched eagle ; the features, women's figures ; the neck, the Red Sea ; epaulet, a hand to designate the Rhenisli Confederation ; the heart, a spider's web ; the tunic, a maj). Below is jirinted a hurles(|ue of the Emperor's titles. Print |)i-otmbly about 18i;J-14. Loaned by NN'illiam Armstrong. 155. Walkix(j-stick Gun, found by a farmer in IMuskoka. Loaned by C. F. Currelley. 156. Pexixsulak War Medal of Sir F. P. Robinson. With clasps for Nive, St. Sebastian. 157. OuDEH OF K.C.B. of Sir F. P. Robinson, afterward G.C.B. 158. Water-coloh Sketch of American flags captured at Queens- ton and Fort Detroit, War of 181214. Loaned by Mrs. C. Robinson. 159. Pair ok Plstols, date about 1800. Owned by Hun. James Crooks, an officer in the militia. Loaned by A. D. Crooks. 160. Pair ok Pistols, used by Major Merritt in the Revolutionary War. Loaned by T. R. Merritt, St. Catharines. 161. Sword. Supposed to have belonged to Major-(ieneral Sir Isaac Brock, from the fact that the officer who had left it with the gunsmith, Christopher Columbus, to be repaired, afterwards claimed it as having belonged to Brock. M/LITARV. 31 102. 163. 1G4. Ki.V IGG, 107. 10ov.d. « )„. spocin.en is Col. Wriohi's Military Coat. He wn« in command of I'nn.o K.hvard District militia. Ki'AULETTEs AXD Cai> f.o.n Hessian Regiment. TiiREE AxciKNT Plstol.s, U. E. L. Weapons. 'I'm REE Militia Appoint.mext.s, IT. e. L. SEVEX Cros.SEI) JMr.SKET.S, With "48" between, from Queenston battlefield. Loaned by H. A. Dean. Sn-oRi), l.elonoing to the late Col. Thompson, U. E. L. Loaned by Mix. Boiichette Thoinpsun. Sword of Lieut. James Secord, of Butler'n Rancrera. I'.sed in the American War ..f Independence and in the War oi 1812. Loaned by Warren Secord. Sm.RD, used by Donald Campbell of Layan Darraeh, Ar..yle- slnre, Scotland, at the battle of Culloden, 1 740. ""^ Loaned by Mis.s Sadie Monroe. Sword, found near Albany, New York. Used by the Hessians in 1778. Loaned by Mrs. Murray Alexamler. Caxnox Ball, found embedded in the rock on the bank of tne Hutlson River. From its peculiar size and make this ball has been pronounced l,v un MlNiATl-liE Pa.stixo: Cpt Cook's vessel lai.l up tor repairs. 82 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 177. PlcTUUE (IF Hoi'SE, said to be Capt. Cook's. Loiineil hy Mrs. SmaH. ('apt. CiMik WHS I'tri'seiit and sovvod with ilistiiictiini at tlu! captiiro of <^>iiel>t'c uiidur W'dlfu. LafiT hi' siirvi-yi'd thu St. Lawrcnco fruiii (^)iiulii;c In tlio si!a. In 17<»2 lu' was upiiointi'd Marine .Siwvi'yor fur Laln'adiir and Newfound- land. His wdi'k in tliis position secured hiin tliu command of an oxpodition ti> tliu South Seas, wlien his record as an Australasian explorer began. 178. Swoui) of tlie Hon. Alex. Fraser, of Frasertiekl. Loaned by Mrs. Frazer. 179. SwoKD, prosoiittMl by William Pitt to (Jeneral Count de I'u.saye, 1 11\. Inscribed with motto tmd crest. (-ount do Pnsayo, a French refu<;ee, obtained jjraiit of land in l'|)pi'i- Canad.'i at end of last oent\n\v. with the intention of settlinj{ a largo colony of his countrymen whu wished to leave France for the New World. Loaned i)y Leander D. Kent. 180. Swoiti), used by Capt. Salmon of the Norfolk militia in the War of l«12. 181. Coi.. T.\M5(.T's Reki.kctino Tin Oven. Loaned l)y ('has. D. Oakes, Elgin Historical Society. 182. I'oKTlt.MT: the late Col. Richard Denison. Sash, worn by Col. Denison in 1887. Loaned by Arthur Rich. Denison. 183. CoLOKS, Fourth Wentworth Militia. Carried during tliu rebellion, 1837. Loaned by Lieut. -Col. T. IL McKen/.ie to 77th Wentworth I'attalion.' Carried l)y them for over 70 years. Re])laced by new colors, presented Ity the citizens of Uundas, on June 18th, 1898. Loaned by Miss Amelia B. Harper, Dundas. 184. Sabhe, S.vhre-tache and PorcH. Formerly belonged to Capt. Eniiatinger, of the St. Thomas Cavalry, in the Rei)ellion of 18;{7. 18.'). Letter of Col Askin, Announcing the cutting out of the steamboat Cuniliiw. Dated 1st of January, 18S8. I8(j. Letter, dated January 10th, 1838, of Col. Radclift'e. (Jiving account of the capture of tlie schooner, Ann, of Andier.stburg, with a large (piantity of arms and ammunition ; containing also a list of the killed, wounded and prisoners, included among the latter being Gen. Thollor. Loaned by Judge Ermatinger, Elgin Historical Society. 187. Co.MMi.ssioN, appointinj^ Robert Beard to the City Guards. Signed by Sir George Arthur. Loaned by Miss Louise Beard. ■^III.ITARV 8.*J 188. Fl.uj, Union Jack. 'I'his Hhi/ was miido in JH't7 "fx l>„ ti, tlu, officers of tie 1st LI ?^ t' ''^'^.^'^^^^ au.l .iHUyhters of buck co,„„,H„.ling. ''''^*"'""'' J^-'-'t Mc.t.-fol. (Joorgo 189. C.vhium:. cupture.l by Private .la.nos Morrfso,,, in 1800 ;)n the (inehec frontier ...nn, o„., ,, u.e n ,., Fenians -iver tl.e 190. SwoHD, captured by Bonjainin Bell, ,„, „ '«> lo-ifl. r^'«ine.l l)y Henry Duck. 191. Rifle. One .hopped by the Feniuns in their (l.ght fro.n lli.Igeway. I-«<"»«injy Lieut. -Col. Dunn. I.i-. Lhtla.s, formerly belon^ring to Capt Henry UoNvell. Served in tlie militiii, 1837. 193. House ok Capt. Howef.l. A rendezvous of militi.-i during the troubles. .„ L'wiiodbyO. II. Staintuii. I.H. lAHi.E,repre.Hentinf. scenes in Rebellion in, 1885. 195. Gt:v, used in Rebellion in 1837. 196. Gux, u.sed by the Indians in North- West Rebellion, 188.5. 107 /^,, u ,. ^^™"^'^^*' I'y Mrs. Houchette Thouip.son. 197. On. Painting of old Fort Garry. Bought in London, England, in 18.'57. 198. SwouD, worn by Hon. W. (Jay ley in 1837. ,„,, ^ ^^"■•""-''1 I'y Ufv. Canon Cayley. 199. Pistol .Stock. From Schooner .-l;ut, takon by owner's f'lth..,. ul> i- w , been the first nmnt., board tlicapturedvxtel. '''"'""' '"' '"'^"'^ 200. Sword. Taken at Lundy's Lane. 201. Su'ouD, owned by the late Gordon Buchanan. Said to have been taken at capture of Detroit. 202. Paik of Hinges ( Taken from Fort magazine. 20.3. Regimental Nc.mhehs "34" (brass), surmounted by Crown. 34 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 204'. TovvKR oi' London (iun. Hiud to hiive boon U8ei), January 21st, 1814. 211. Discharge ok Private George West, etc., May 12th, 1815. 212. Letter krom Adjutant-General's Office to Major Cole- man. Signed "N. CtHn, York, U.C." August I'.tth, 1825. 213. Commendation ok Cai'T. Coleman's Trooi' ok Light Dragoons, by James FitzGihbon, York, August, 182.S. Loaned by Miss I. M. Walker, Belleville. 2U. Pair ok .i'orse Pistols. 215. Three Sword Blades. Loaned by Mrs. McAnnany. 216. Coi'Y OF Reti'RN of Refugees (men, women and children) In Capt. Robert Wilkin's Company of Loyalists, on board the ship Apolld, June 8th, 1783. 217. Copy of Statement of Moneys advanced to Capt. Robert Wilkins For enlisting mi.a for liis Company of the American Legion (£300 lOs. Gd.), June, 1781, in New York City. Loaned by Mr. Thos. Wragg, 218. Cannon Ball, Two grape shot and c.-inister shot ; two fragments of shell ; musket balls ; two officers' j)istol bullets ; one American bayonet. Loaned Ijy C. V. Conelley. MILITARY, 219. Passi'okt to Joseph Allen, F-;; serving ,. Ki„«.to,, .iunng ... ..f 18,,, , ,,, ,,,.,,,., u , '■.KICK WELLS, iHt or Rovn Reo- ment Served witl. di.sti,.cti..n i„ the Criinen. "e.""i3nt. 221. Pohtrait: Allan Macnab. (.^.een's Ran^ca-s, (Tppor dimlh! ^'^■'Xenut-Ht-Anns t.. the H-Mme .,f ^^J. MiNIATUHE ()\ IVOItV- rAI.TA,vr A Battalion, 30tl! uiLe^r "^ Alexaxdeh Macvab, 2nd s:;^Si&!::'t:£^;:s;- 7 v- r - ^^- ^^ ^- - 99., ^„ ^, '" "''*""' ** Waterlo.., June 18th, 1815. ^/o. SMALL Sword. Boh.„.i.,g to CptHin A. MHcnah, ..<, worn nt VVaterl J24. Waterloo Medal. Presented hv H H H ♦! r* 1 <■ ^. Rev. Dr. w/cnHh in 18«7 as heir //t i?"''fV-'*^'-'' 1 *''*' '^^''"- <^f«'^«. t<' (ler Macnah. ^' "" "«"-" of his uncle, Captain Alexan- 225. Watch. Belonging to Captain A. Macnab, and worn b, hin. at VVaterl NoTP A * ^"'"'"'^ '*>' l^*^^'- ^'''»"» Macnab. Cathedral: l^.Z^IS^JZ lli^^f v r ^'^'f '" ^''-"'•> '" ^t. Paul'. Rev. Canon A. M;cnal, Tl.jT i^^^'V J 'i': r'!'''""'*' ^''- Dr. Macnab and ^.lo.ual allowed w.thin ^he^^lli'llf ^C^S^^^l ^^S^^ - « 226. BRON.E Gilt Eagle.s. off French standanl. Taken at Salanmnca, by Hon. Colonel Jo.seph Wells. 227. Pexinsclau Medal:^' Gold. ^- «''^''J- -d Peniasular general n.edal, Hon. .loseph VVells. ^^8. Crimeax Medals, English. With cla,spM for Ahna,, and Sebastopol 229. The Allied Medal, French Legion of Honor Belonging to Colonel Frederick VVell.s. 900 p,,„.„„ „. ^"''"'^J ''y Mr.s A. N. DePencier. B ir L T"' "'"■ '^"™"'' '-""'=^-^' C"-'-" M"i«- By Liyie, London. , Loaned by K. A. Heath. «■!■ 36 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 231. Flag, silk T^nion Jack, Of the British ensign that was tJown fniiii tlie tirst iiionuinuut of Hi'ock at the "Indignation Meeting" hehl on Queenston Heights, 30tli Jniie, 1840, after the l)lowing up of the old monument in April. Owned at the time by John Franuis Ho])er Comer, of H. M. Connnis- sariat Department at Niagara, C. W. Loaned by Geo. Wm. Henry Comer, Kingston. 232. MiLiT.mY Coat. Worn by Colonel the Hon. Samuel Smitli, commanding Queen's Ran- gers, about 1800. Loaned by Miss Ball. 233. Proof ENciHAViNG, "Death of Wolfe." By West, engraved by W. Woollet. 234. Watch. Loaned by S. B. Gundy. 235. 236. This belonged to Sir Williuui Hamilton (granduncle of the late William Hamilton Bvirns, I'arrister-at-Law, Toronto), who commanded the marines up the Heights of Abraham on September 13th, 175!). Loaned by Mrs. William Hamilton Burns. SwoRl). Cai)tured by Tecumseli from an American otticor, and l)y him pre- sented to the late Colonel M. Elliott. Regimextal Coat. Worn by the late Colonel Elliott, 1812. Loaned l)y Fred. E. Elliott. 237. Canteen, used at Battle" of Waterloo — shown as used. Formerly belonged to Angus Cameron, 70th Highlanders. Loaned by Mrs. Artlnu' G. M. Spragge. 238. I'oHTHAlT: Colonel James Huniphiey Wood, R.A. Served in Canada, 1800-11 ; in Peninsular War, 18i;i-14 ; and again in Canada, 1814-1(1. 239. Military Coat an'd Sash. Worn by Colonel Burwell at Battle of Lundy's Lane. Loaned l)y Miss Burwell, London, Ont. 240. Military Coat. Worn by officer in <,)uebec militia. 177-">. Loanetl by Mrs. S. (i. Wood. 241. War .Medals, (fiven to a Canadian while .servino' as an otficei' in the Imperial service foi- the followinjf campaii^ns. The medals are in a box of Padowk wood foinid in the .\ndenien Islands and carved l)y Hurmese convicts. a<'iiin m .11, Out. !is an |])iiii;'ns. kiiileiiieii MILITARY. 37 LuoHhai CJiinpaign of 1871-72, iiiulor (icneml Bouivhier. India medal anil Loosliai clas]). Duitia Expedition of 1H74-75, under General Stati'ord. Despatches. Jowai\i Campaign , Khybur force under Sir Samuel Brown. Caj)ture of AH MuKJi6-1802. 245. PoKTRAiT, water-color, of General Sir Isaac Macdonell, G.C.B., son of Colonel Hugh Macdonell, a V . E. Loyalist otHcer. 246. Mkdai- RniBONs, of Sir James Macdonell. 247. Portrait of Colonel George Macdonell, C.B., formerly of the Glengarry Light Infantry Regiment, who connnanded at the taking of Ogdens- l)urg, and second in command at Chateauguay. 248. Portrait of Lieut. -General John Ignatius Macd(jnell, son of Colonel George Macdonell, formerly of the Fifth Highland Light Infantry. Water-color. 24!>. Portrait of the Honorable and Right Reverend Alexander Macdonell, first Catholic Bishop of Tjiper Canada. Water-color. 260. Portrait of Colonel John Macdonell, A.D.C. to Sir Lsaac Brock. 251. Portrait of Colonel Chichester Macdonell, 82nd Regiment. A i . E. Loyalist, Lieutenant in King's Royal Regiment of New York. 262. Letter, Duke of York, 16th May, 1820, forwarding gold medal for Detroit to family (.f Colonel John Macdonell. 26;<. Letter, Duke of York, 14th May, 1812, foi'warding gold medal for Corruna to family of Colonel Chichester Macdonell (No. \X). 254. Militia Commission, Donald Macdonell in the Second (Mengarry Regi- ment. Signed by Major- (Jeneral Isaac Brock, April 15th, 1812. ^if^rnmmmm 38 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 255, 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 2G8. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. MILITARY DOCUMENTS. Communications. Lt.-Col. Shokt, Jan. 7th, 1813. Lt.-Col. Battersby, July 10th, 1814. Lt.-Col. Foster, Sept. 15th, 1814. A. L. Capt. Cone to J. Button, July 28th, 1812. Bill of Saw Wood, etc., delivered to Capt. Button in 1812-13. Militia General Order, April 12th, 1822. AnncLEs of Enrolment, June 24th, 1812. CoMMls.sioN, making Francis Button a cornet, July 2n(l, 1818. Communication to Lt.-Col. Battersby, Rf collection of arms, July lOMi, 1814. Commission Appointing Francis Button Captain, Nov. 20th, 1831, signed Sir John Colborne. Commission, John Button, Major, Sept. 29th, 1831. Col. Cruikshank, dated Markham, Nov. 27th, 1838. Cai't. Glegg to Capt. Button, July 29th, 1812. Capt. Button to Capt. Glecuj, July 29th, 1812. Loaned by P. G. Button, Stouffville. W. Allan to J. Mustard, Collector, dated 9th Dec, 1807. Extract from Military General Orders, Nov. 26th, 1813. Col. Chewett to Cait. ]\Iustard, Nov. 18, 1817. (Copy). Ad.j.-Gen. N. Coffin to Col. Chewett, And forwarded to Capt. Mustard, May 13th, 18K'). Col. W. Chewett to Capt. Mustard, July 30th, 1817. Col. Chewett to Capt. Mu.stard, December 27th, 1817. Col. Chewett to Capt. Mustard, Oct. 25th, 1817. Jas. Fulton to Capt. Mustard, 13th of March, 1813. Ja.s. Fulton to Capt. Mustard, April 8th, 1815. Circular of J. Beverley Robin.son, On the eve of the first election by representation in Canada. MILITARY. 39 279. Marching Orders to Capt. Mustard From Quarter-Master-General to convey prisoners of war toKin^'ston 280. LiEUT.-Gov. T„ Inhabitants ok part op Gore, of Toronto. 281. A Copy of the Statutes 'SJtii:^^'''^'^^ "' ^-'^^'^' -d P-* «'' the statutes of Loaned by Mrs. R. B. Duncan. ARTICLES FROM MILITARY MUSEUM, OTTAWA. 282. Medal presented by H. R. H. the Prince of Wales to Colonel ^ct^tiS Mjutant-General at the inauguration of 283. FiTLL Dress Coat, of 2nd battalion St. John C unty Militia. 284. Pair of Epaulets, for same. Presented by Capt. Perley. 285. Jacket, worn by Arthur Hopper while serving with British yeomanry m Ireland, in 1798. ^ ^uusn Presented by hi.s grandson, W. Hopper. 28G. Breast-plate AND Military Buttons, picked up on the common military ground near the town of Niagam. Presented by Maj.jr Dhws.mi, lOtli Royal Grenadiers. 287. Sword given to the grandfather of Dr. Rol)in,son by H R H the Duke of Kent, while in command of His Majesty's forces in British North America. ^»'ajtsty s Presented by Dr. R(jbinson, Annapolis, N.8. 288. Epaulets worn by the late Colonel Miuchin while in com- mand of 1st battalion, York Militia, N. B. Presented by Lieut. -Colonel Maunsoll. 289. Epaulets, worn by Royal Montreal Cavalry. 290. ^^^^^^^^^^'^;ne|^ dug up on burying-ground, Point Louisbourg, Presented by Gerald Clayton of Douiinioi, Fisheries' Cruiser Curlew. 291. Bayonet AND Part of Trk^ger Guard, found by J. B Dark, lighthouse keeper, Fox Island, Simcoe. 292. Sheath-knife, found on the fiel.l of Batoche by Dr. Cod,l Surgeon Winnipeg Field Battery. ' 40 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 298. Fhexch Officeu's Swoud, found hy Hi.s Excellency the Governor-Generul, Marc|uis ol" Lome, in the ruins of Louis- hourg, C. B. 294. Brick, found in the ruin.s of Louisbourg by J. White, Ottawa. 295. Holdfast, found in the ruins of Loui.sbourg by J. White, Ottawa. 206. CAULKiN(i Chisel. 297. Fragment of Shell. 298. Piece of Rifle Barrel, returned into the Quebec militia stores after battle of Ridgewaj-, June, 1860. 299. Piece of Trail of Gun, taken to Fort (iarry by Lord Wolseley, 1870, and u.sed by Royal Canadian Artillery at Cut Knife Hill, May 2nd, 188,"). Presented by Sergeiiiit-Maj(»r Davis, G. G. F. Guards. 300. Bullet, from the battlefield of Kerbecan. Presented l)y Voyageur Hay, fonnoi' member of 48th battalion. 301. Water-filters, used by the troop.s on Gordon relief expe- dition. Presented by Voyageur Hay. 302. Pistol, ploughed up in a field at Back River, Island of Montreal. Presented by Reginald Crawford. 303. Indian Lm Clements, used for curing skins. Presented by Mr. Lemieux. 304. Death Warrant of Nils Sytheoctv von Schultz. 305. Letter and Leaves, found on the dead body of one of the victims of the affair of the Windmill, Prescott, November 13th, 1838. Presented by J. K. Sal)ine, of Gait, who was present at the engagement. 306. Quebec Volunteeiw of 1838-30. Presented by Lieut. -Colonel Wily, Brigade -Major of Volunteer Force in Quebec, 18;{8-.S!». 307. Six Views of the battlefield of Fish Creek and Batoche. 308. Copy of Appointment of Walter Pat- rson as Capt.-General- in-Chiof of the Island of St. John, August 4th, 1769. Presented by Jas. D. Irving. MILITARY. 41 309. Commission of William Jarvis as cornet in the first American reguuent of Queen's Rangers, dated December 25th, 1782. .•no. DiAiiV of Cornet Jarvis from December 11th, 1780, to May 2bth, 1/81. "^ 311. Lettek, written from Niagara, 15th October, 1812. •'i^^^^ir^'-M V.^,^^'';'l"« ^'"t^n™" '•egin.cnt, Chariest., wn, Sc-i.teinlHT .ird. 1780, with list of killed, wounded .ind prisoners. 312. Two Flags of Royal Emigrants. 313. Ql'EEn's AND Reoiment Colors of the 4th Regiment Cana- dian Mihtia, 1812. 314. QuEEN'.s AM) Reoiment Colohs of the 5th Regiment Cana- dian Mihtia, 1812. 315. Queen's and Regiment Colors of the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada. 316. Camp Colors of A Company, 100th Regiment Royal Cana- dians. '' 317. Royal Coat-of-Arms, saved from steamer Siv Robert Peel, burned by American .sympathizers with rebels in 1837-38.' Presented l,y Lieut. -Colonel tlie Hon. Sir G. A. Kirkpatrick. DR. G. STERLING RYERSON'S COLLECTIONS. 318. Collection of Swords. 319. Collection of Pistols. 320. Collection of Pistols. 321. Cuirass and Helmet, Cuirassiers d, la Garde, 1st Empire of the French. ^ 322. Cl'iHASS and Helmet, Grenadiers a Cheval, 2nd Emigre. Relic of Sedan. 323. Lkjht Infantry Officer's Shako, 1812. Canadian Militia. 324. Commission i.ssued by Colonel Samuel Ryerse, Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk, 1798. 325. Commission i.ssued by Sir Isaac Brock to Lieut. GeorL'e Ryerson, 1st Norfolk Militia, 1812. 526. Sepia Drawing of the Battle of Batoche, by the late Staft- Sergt. \. Curzon, R.(i. N 42 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. Emp.iioideued Saddle, taken from a horse .shot at Batoche. WiNCHESTEii Rifle, picked up on the field of Batoche. Sash, taken from an Indian chief shot at Fish Creek. FlRE-BA(i, which belonged to Big Sun, a Cree chief. Said to be made of a l)oot-leg of a North- West Mounted Policeman, who was killed l)y Indians at Fort Pitt, in 1885. Red Choss Flac!, used by the Ambulance Corps of the Royal Grenadiers at Batoche and Creek. Loaned by Lady 338. 339. Gexekal Middleton's Helmet and Plume.s, Water Color, Sir Chas. Metcalfe. Engraving, Sir Chas. Bogot. Loaned by Lady Gzowski. Button, from uniform worn on the Plains of Abraham, sup- posed to have been Wolfe's. Loaned by Mrs. Parker, Ottiiwa. Gun, used in Ireland at time of Union of Irish and Britisli Parliaments. Loaned l)y Thos. Dudgeon, Earnscliffe, (^nt. Butter Bowl, owned by Mrs. Secord, widow of Stephen Secord. During the war of 1812, when the Americans were in possession of St. David's, an American soldier attempted to carry off the Ixnvl full of butter ; Mrs. Secord objected, seizing one side of it, telling him he could have the butter, but not the bowl ; finding she would not let go, he struck the howl with his sword, cutting a notch in it. Loaned by C. D. Emmett, U. E. L. Major Allan's Sword. Loaned by Hon. G. W. Allan. The Seringapatam Small Sword. Loaned by Hon. G. W. Allan. Loaned by Hon, G, W. Allan. 340. The Musket Bayonet Belt, 341 342 The Queen's Colors of 3rd York Volunteers. Loaned l)y Hon. G. W. Allan. The Colors of the 3rd York Volunteers. Loaned by Hon. G. W. Allan. MILITARY. 43 343. 344. 845. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 362. 353. 354. Canteen, used at the Battle of Waterloo. Loaned by Mr.s. Arthur Spragye. •Cup and Sauce from Canteen. rp ^ ^. Loaned by Mrs. Arthur Si)ruL'go. Loaned by Mr.s. Arthur Spraggu. Pair of Pi.stols. u,sed in 1776, 1812, and 1837. Loaned by W. Hamilton Merritt Loaned by A. Cassels. 365. 366. 367. 358. Loaned by A. Cassuls. Loaned by A. Cas-sels. ^' mIS!"'''' '^ '"'" '""^'^ "' ^"'•'^' ■" l«l^' t" *•-> 3rd Regi„.ent of York The Queen's Colors of 3rd York Militia. Extract KK,.M A York Newspm-kr, giving an account of the presentation ot the tlag by the ladies of York. '^r s^i^SuiSrii; JSi/^'^^' ^'^^■•'•' -^ '^^^— ^« C'^'-^ "f East Lvman Cutlass, given to Colonel Allan by Col. Baird. Musket Cartouche Boxes and Cross Belt, accoutrements of the " Bank Guard " in which G. VV. Allan served in 1837. Loaned by Hon. G. VV. Allan. Wall, at the executor's sjile of Mrs. Wolfe's ettects. «^ey(ion ""rde'^^'aSitr' """ '""^= '""^ ''''■''• ^l-- -'^ '^ comparatively Loaned by Miss FitzGil)bon. 359. AuTooRAPH Letter op Wolfe. Loaned by Lawrence Heydon. ^ssm 44 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BROCK COLLECTION. ■'Kid. Okicinal Mimatikk of Ma.iok-Gknkkai. Sik Lsaa( IJkock, liy F. Iliidscin, 180(i. Lfft l>y J.-iiiiL's Brock to his wife, Lucy Siiort, .■iiul liy her will fell into the ])os,se.ssioii of her great-niece, Mrs. Heher Tiiylor.j from whom it was piirclia.sed. Loaned hy Miss Sara Mickle. .'iy Miss Sara Mickle. .'Ui;i. PoKTKAiT, fac-nimile copy of the original in the possession of Miss Tujtjier, (iiiernsey, Channel Islands. Done by Alyn Williams, President of Miniature Painters' Society, liondon, Eng., 18i»7. Fr(»m the water- marks of the pa]ier, the original was painted on the same as that on wliich Brock wrote his last general order.s. Loaned by Miss FitzGiblwn. .S()4. AuTooKAPH Leitek of General Brock. ;W)5. Book Plate, showing coat-of-arms of Brock family. .'!()(). Book Plate, showing ooat-of-arms granted to Brock for the ca|)ture of Detroit. After his death the privilege of bearing it was granted to his inniiediate relatives. .■f()7. Colored Coat-of-Arms, with supporters, designed for the moiniment erected to Brock in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Eng. BOOKS, MAPS, ETC. 4.-) EXHIBITED BY THE TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. G. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Facto Rklativk to thk Cami-adn „n thk Nia-jara, in 1814. Boston, 1815. With M;ij()r-Vith a Key l.y M. H. IJartlett, T..n,iU<,, 18;W. ;!". Bp.vm ToHKPH, Short Hcc..unt,.f Life and Dying Speech uf. Kingst..,,. 1815 ; 1111(1 otlier trinlH. .m Articles of Association „f the Montreal Bank, Montreal, 1810- an.l other pamphlets. ' ;«.. Toronto Poll Book, exhibiting a List of Voters, Toronto, 1841 : an.l other papers. 40. Upfkr Canai.a Gazette; or, An.erican Oracle. November 24th, 17!.8 Miscellaneous papers. 41. Antii'honaimi M Komanim Ji xta Bkeviaricm Parisiis, 1660. (Tseil in the Cathedral of Qtiebou, 1720.) 42. Li'BiN AuousTiNo. Martyrolojriun. Ronianuin Lutetiie Purisioruui l(i61 (From the Quebec College, 1743.) 43. M'Cartiiv, JrsTiN. Dictio.uiaire de I'ancien droit du Canada. Quebec, 44. Treaty HELi. WITH the In,„ans of the Six Nations, at Philadelphia in July, 1742. London. 45. Creuxh's, Francisco. Histori.e Canadensis, seu Nov.e Franci.e. Paris, 4(i. Ten Hoorn, Nicolaas. Historie der Boccaniers of Vreybuyters van America. Amsterdam, 1700. 47. Qi'EBEc Gazette, 1768. 48. Merccre Francois ; ou la suite de rHlstoire de la Paix. 25 vols Paris 1611-1048. -" VOJ.S. laris, ConUins letters from Canada. 4!>. Mercure Jesuite. 2 vols. Geneva, 1631. 50. CoLOEN CAr.WALLA„EH. History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. 2nd edition. London, 1750. 51. Short Story of the Risk, Re.on an.. Rcin of the Antinomians FAMILI.ST.S AM. LiHERTiNEs that infected the Churches of New Enir- land. London, 1644. ^ 62. Whitbocrne, Capt. Richahi. Discurse and Discovery ,.f New-Found- Land. London, 1622. 5S. Fox>^ Capt. Luke. North- West Fox, or Fox from the N..rth-VVest passajre London, 16;J5. ' ® 54. yiK>,EDENYsMARQrrsi.EVn'RE,CAPiTAiNEnEVAi8SEAU. (In MS ) 1757 ( laken prisoner and brought out on the fleet which besieged Quebec.) 65. Christian Recorder, 1820-21. 2 vols. Y(.rk, 1810.21. 4>H CANADIAN niSTOKlCAL SOCiETV. r»(i. lltKLioTHKyUB Canadiennk. !» vuIs. 18'ir>-2i>. MolltlUllI. All oiiily iiiontlily mayii/.inu uiliteil liy Bitmiid. 57. Mai- of Tn-KU Canada. ('oiii|iile(l l)y Jiuiios (i. ('liowiit.r, slidwiiij^ IiukIm |imoliHso(l liy tlio C'rowii for tlio Cmfulii (.\)iii|iiiiiy. .")«. Mai- KiV THE Unitku Statkm ok Amkkk.a. By H. S. Timucr. lH3ti. 59. Map ok Locathk Di.strktm in the Provinc-k ok Upper Canada. By Will. Ffuli'ii. Loudon, 1813. (H. Map ok thk Dihtrici's ok (^ikiikc, Three Rivekh, St. Francis and Gaspk, Lower (Janada. Hy .losuph Bouchotte. Lomlun, 18;31. Oi. Map OK North .America. PreiMUudliy Gov. Powiuil. 1777. «2. NouvELLB Carte db i,\ Puovinck de Quebec, \y\v In Capibiin.! Carvor et 111. PiiriH, 1777. (i:{. SruvEY OK Lake Champi.ain, including Lake (iooigo, Crown P(»int, and St. .John. By Wm. Brassier. X'iVl. .Mso, a particular ])lan >>f Lake (ii'orge, surveyed in 175(1 liy Capt. Jackson. ()4. Canadian Scrap Books. Election Broadsides. Rebelliini of 1837-.'3, and lu-uught to Canada by the Duke of Richmond. 66. Map to aocoaipany Report on Water Supply korthe City ok Hamilton. Toronto, 18.')(). ()7. Plan ok Quebec and Ad.ia(."bnt Country, showing encampment, etc., of the Britisli and French armies during the siege by (]ten. Wolfe in 1759. (J8. Tracini! ok 5th District, Upper Canada. By J. Stoughton Denni.s, Lt.-Col. Brigade Major. 1«()3. HOOK'S, MAI'S, ETC. 4D By 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 7'J 80. 81. 82. 8;j. 84. 86. Ma,. OK PK,„.,HKi, Cvx.r. throc.h D.htu.ct ..p N.a.u.u .xMJoub, t,. ..... a junchnu ..f Lnkos Eri. ,uh1 .„.t.n-. I.y the (Jnuul R ver. (- ompilod by Jhiiiuh L'huwett. "nui. Ma. ok n.K Ckssiun .....U- i.y th. In.ii.n. ..a ll.o St. Clair River, with .igimturuH..f the lii.lidii.s. RoVAL Pk.,..lamat.on, H.xiuy Mu. h„nn.lHric.H nfter the Troatv ..f I-Hris lrf)i. A i'(.iitt'iii]ic.rary InoiulMidi). " ' MS. Oaths ok .Au.koian.k, T.-wnshi,, of Darlington. 1801-1812 CWsTmr.ox OK t,.k. Cav.,..., ,,.,.,,.1 17.1. Hallowoil, Tpper Canada. 18.{.{. (R.Mn.d m orignial wondon l..,ards.) ""^"kl^rS '^'''^^""" ^'■'"'""""" '•'"' '■'• ^^•"" '^^••" ^^- Stutt-H nnd threat Britain. Concord, N.H., 1815. Ancient Fuench Ahchive,s . . relatintr to n„. u , c c. , „,, ., , ^, ... itiarnig to tlio KeoordH of Canada whilf under the governn.ent of France. QneLec, 17!ll. ()'Ca,..a.„an Dk. E. R. Relations des Jesu-^es surles decouvertes, etc en Canada (1011-1(172). Montreal, 1850. ' Book ok Co>n,ON Pkav.k. Translated into Mohawk language. By Joseph Brant. L(,ndon, J7H7. *' ^ Uieat Britnni and the I'nited States. Halifax, X.S., 1810. of the Society for Encouragen.ent of the troops in Ger- many and North .America. London, 1700. Co.v of the letter of the Bishop of Capsa. Coadjutor of Quebec, to the _resulen o the Counnittee on Education, etc. Pointe ..x Tr.nhl l.. Es.,uisse du Cmnnerce .le Pelleteries. Montreal, Selkirk, Eahi. ok, an,l North-West Con.pany. Report of proceedings connected with disputes at the A.ssizes held at York, Upper Canndt October, 1818. London, 1819. M>l'tr Canada, 50 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. S(h Ski.kikk, Eaki. of, and Huilsdu's Bay C'om])%ny. Coiiiinuniciitions of Mureatin- upon the Contest. Montreal, 1S17. 87. Notice on the Claims of the Hudson's Bay Company and the Conduct of its Advei'sai'ies. Montreal, 1817. 88. Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement. London, 1817- 89. St.\tement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement. Enlarged edition. London, 1817. 90. Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement. New York. 1818. 91. Narrative ok Occurrences in the Indian countries of North America since the cijnnection of the Earl of Selkirk with tlio Hudson's ISay Company. London, 1817. 92. Narratives ok John Pritchahu (and others) respecting aggressions of North-West Comp'ny against the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement. London, 1819. 9.S. Mav OK District ok Montreal. By Josej)!) Bouchette. London, IH.'^l. BOOK'S, MAPS, ETC. 51 A SELECTION OF BOOKS, MAPS ENGRAVINGS AND AUTOGRAPHS, ' FROM THE LIBRARIES OF JAMES BAIN, Jr., AND ROBERT JENKINS. .separately catalogrd ' "'' '"^'^'*^'»"«»>' -eutionod, but are not BOOKS. 1. MO.VTC..M.S,, W...KK. By Francis Parkn^au. Bo.ston, 1885 autograph.s, etc., illushvctive^ the text ' "" P""'-'"^«' '"■•^l-- v.c'.vs, Major Robert Koger. Lo.L'r;";.;- ^'"^•'^^"^■- AHributed to Printed by Sanu.el Nielnon 9." Mll'.'i^'ls"''^, J^'^.^^^'^- ^^'"ebec : Presentation copy to Jol.n Bricl , '"' P™'""ti''K >-eli,.'ion Beatty. A.M.. IT.w! '"""'"'""'^ °^ Penn.sylvania. etc. By Charle.s ''^^'t:^S^Z;;i::!:^::i^l^^^^^ -f the n.anners and cu.on. of Montreal: ph:;:;:;;;^;!;..^::::-;^-™-^ Bmhop .Stradmn's earliest publication. 52 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 8. HocHELA(iA Depicta, or the History ivud Present State of the Ishiiul and City of ]Montreal. 3Ioiitreal : Prblished by Win. (iroit;, 18;!!». i). The Emigrant. By Sir Francis B. Head, London : John iMurray, 184(i. Contains Sir Francis' account of the Rebellion in Upper Canada up to the time of his de])arture from the Province. This copy is in the original boards, with Cruikshank's sskotches on the covers, and was a present to the author's sister. See autograph inscription. 10. VoYA(iE TO NoKTii Amekica, performed by George Taylor, of Shettield, in the years 1708 and 175. 14. CoiiKKcr .Toi'RNAL ami account of the proceedings of the New England land forces during the late expedition against the French settlement on Cape Breton, to the time of the surrender of Louisbourg, etc. All sent over by ( Pepperell himself to his friend Captain Henry Stafford, Exmouth, Devon. Exon : Printed by and for A. it S. Brice, 174(i. 15. The Trials OF Jamks McDeumott and ({race Marks at Toronto, Cpper Canada, November 3rd and 4tli, 184.'^, for the murder of Thomas Kiniii'ar, Esipiire. and his housekeejier, Nancy Mnnlgomory, with their confessions since their trials, and their purtniits. Toronto : 1843. Por- traits of the culprits at the end. lit. Narrative OF the (iRAt^ious Dealinos of (Jod in the conversion of \V, Mooney Fitzgerald and .lolm Clark, two malefactors, who were executed on Friday, Ueremlier IHih, 178!), at St. Jttim's. New Bruns- wick, N.S., for burglary, in a letter trom the Rev. Mr. Milton to tho Right Honorable the Countess Dowager of Huntingdon. London : 17'.tO. 17. The .Vcadian Preceitok. Containing short and easy lessons in prose and verse for the use of schools. Printed at the Royal Acadian School, Halifax, 18-.>:i. BOOKS, MAPS, ETC. 53 184(). 18. 19. 20. "^""bvTho/'r "■'?;" ^^^'»g * P-'^-^resque guide. Quebec : Printed by llionws Gary it Co., 18;il. Trial ok Alexander McLeoi, for the Murukr ok Amo. Dikkee, and as an acco.npbce in the burning of the Steamer C with respect to the Indian War. By a merchant of Boston. Reprint. Boston, 183."i. 31. Ens. Indi.k Oocidentalis Histori.k. Vellum. Coloniaj, 1612. 32. Horn. De Originibus Americanis. Hague, 1052. 33. AccorNT of the Custom.s anu Manners of the Micmakis and Mari- CHEETS Savage Nations. By a French Abbot. London, 1758. 34. Account of Conferences Hkli> and Treaties Mai>e between iMa.jor- General Sir William .Johnson, Bart., and the chief sachems and war riours of the Indian nations at Fort J(jhnson in 1755 and 1756. London, 1750. 35. Selkirk, Earl ok. Sketch of the British Fur Trade in North America. London, 1816. 30. Minutes of the General Council df Indian chiefs and principal men held at Orillia, 1840. Montreal, 1840. 37. Maclaurie's Narrative or Journal of voyages and travels through the North-West Continent of America in the years 1789 and 1793. London, 1802. 38. Joutel. Journal of the last voyage perform'd by Monsr. de la Sale to the (Julph of Mexico. London, 1714. 39. JoiRNAL i)B l' affaire ih' C AN ADA passue le 8 Juillet, 1758, entre les Troupes du Roi, commande'es par M le Manpiis de Montcahn et celles d'Angleterre. Rouen, 1758. Mandemant de Messieurs les Yicaires generaux do Monseigneur I'Arche- vesipie de Paris, qui ordonne (|ue le To Deuni .sera chante danstoutes les Eglises de ce diocese, en action de graces dea victoires remporte'es sur les .Xnglois en Amerique. Paris, 1758. In reference to the English defeat at Ticonderoga. 40. Memoir sir la vie ]M. he Laval, premier eveijue do Quebec. Cologne, 1701. Bound by Zaehndorf. 41. Remarks on the French Memorials concerning the limits of Acadia. London, 175(i. 42. Conduct of the French with regard to Nova Scotia. London, 1754. 43. French Policy Defeated, being an account of all the hostile proceeding.'* of the French. London, 1756. 44. Montcalm (Marquis of), Letters from, to Messieurs de Berryer et de la Mole in 1757-1758-1759. London, 1777. 45. London CJazette of August 15 and 18, 1758. Containing i)articulars of the fall of Louisboui'g. 4*i. VovA<.Ks DU I{. P. Emanuel Crespel dans le Canada par le Sr Louis Crespel. Fraiicfort sur le Meyn, 1752. BOOKS, MAPS, ETC. 55 47 48, 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 00. 5(i. 57. 58. 59. (JO. l!l. «2. 03. Not'VKAUx VovAOEH DE LA Baro.v de la Hontan dans L'Americiue Septen- tnonale. 2 vols. La Hayc, 1709. ^ -tRANcoLs BidOT. Paris, 1703. The defence of Vaudreuil and Bigot for their action.s in Canada. Letter on thk Late Expedition to Canai.a. London. 1712. ^'''ml'r\f '"Vr"^"*^"""' "' "" ''''' "^ '^ portion of the Fleet under Adi.nral Hovenden Walker, October 11th, 1711. Wolfe's In.strictions to Yoink Officer.s. London, 1780. Memoirs of xhe an,, ru,,,^,. Exploits of the old Highlander, Nergean D.niald Macleod, who, having returned wounded with the corpse of (General Wolfe from Quebec, was adn.itted an out-pensioner Lo!.do!ri79r''' " '''•*' "' " "°" '" "" '"'"' ''"^^ ''' ""'' ^Se. A(Xi-RATE AN., AiTHENTic JoiRNAL of the siege of Quebec. 1759. By a gentleman in an eminent station on the spot. London, 17(50. Relahon „E LA LEVEE ,.r SiEOE .,E QUEBEC. Paris, February 7th, 1691 Frencli ..fhcial account of Phips' repulse. Trial^of Davii. McLane for Hio„ Treason, July 7th, 1797. Quebec, '"Z^':^:ri;n"l''r" " '?""^"' ^^^^'"^^ ^^ L„wer Canada, in Bourne's Pkt.-re of Qieuec. Quebec. 1829. '''";^h''l^r?'\r r ^«'^^""-'- ^'h™ of Montreal, April ^«th, 1n,uinai, Montreal Almanac, or Lower Canada Register, 1820. Montreal, 1828. Visit to the Falls of N.a.saha ix 1800. By John Maude. London, 1826. 58 CAXADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. i»4. 95. IIakjion (Danikl Williams) .Iucr.val of Voyaoks and Tkavels, in the interior of North Amerieii. Andover, 1820. Barham (William) De.scrii'TIO\ of Niaoara, aolected from various travellers. Graveaend, 1847. Cattekmole (William) Advantages of Emigration to Canada. London, 1831. !)7. Hinter's Ottawa Scenery. Ottiuva, 1855. 98. The Present State of North America. London, 1755. Reply to the French claims. 99. History of the late War between the United States and (Jreat Britain. By .J. C. Gllliland. Baltimore, 1817. KX). AccotxT of Liiut. -Col. Bradstreet's Exi'kdition to Fort Frontenac. LoiKlon, 1759. A contemporary account ot the capture of this fort. 101. Some Considerations on this Questio.n — whether the British Govern- ment acted wisely in granting to Canada her present constitution. Montreal, 1810. 102. J I STUB AND Policy OF the Late Act of Parliament for making more ert'ectual provision for the government of the Province of Quebec. Londp,., ,v ... t- SEK.MONS liY Rkv. Thomas Prin,k. On taking of C'ai)e Breton, 174(>. Battle of Culloden, 1747. Thanksgivinj/, 174(i. ""^^l^lirSins;;.^"^'^ ^^"•"^- ^^'"-^'-'- Hoy^I Acadian Sthachan (B.snop) Lkttku to t„k J{t. Hox. t„k Eah,. ok on his settlement at the Red River. London, 181(i. ^ISn^:" ^"^^^"-~^ "^ ^-a8cotia. By Dr. Tapper. Cana„a, a descriptive poe.n. Written at Quebec, 1805. Quebec, 1806 ''x::;^!;: m^: '"^ "^^ '"'^^" -^ ''--- '- ^^-^ ^'^-- "^^Z.^;^ ''''-''' '' ''- ''-' ■' ^ '-"'• '^y - ^"«"«H officer. EN.^r^^xn VicTOK.oi-,s ; a poen. upon the capture of the American frigate Uusapenk,. By Lieutenant Frazer. London, 1814. MoErRs .,K.s Sa.vaoks AMKHi.rA.vs. Par P. Lafitau. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, ""ve'!rT-'i'f""i''\.'' "" "'^""'"" ""^"^ ^'"^ '^'"" I»di«nsinthe yeat h.,4, under the command of Henry Bou.,uet. London, 1766. CoBNUTi-s. Canadensium plantarum. Paris, 1G35. Thk Caciq. e ok ( )xTAKio, an Lulian tale. London, 1789. ^™Srd'nV?'" '^"!'"-" ^r'"?" ^'''''^''^ ""' ^'''^^ UPI>"' ^^'"^'^da, on the m CA NA niA r^ ■ HIS TO RICA /. 5( )CIE TV. 130. Strac'Han (Dr. John). Sermon preached at York before tlie Legislative Council and House of A.ssembly, Aui{ust 2nd, 1812. York. 131. First Rki-ort of the Bible Society ok Upper Canada. York, 1818. 132. No. 11 OK PooK RiniARii; or, tlio Yorkshire Almanac for 1831. 15y Patrick Swift. York. 133. .\iivi(E TO SETTLER.S IS Ca.napa, pointing out their proper line of conduct. Glasgow, 1815. 134. Smith. Short to[)oi,'ra])hioal description of His INIajosty's Province of I'ppor Canada, interleaved and annotated by the author. London, 1709. 135. CoLLKcTioN OK Orioinai, Papers, showing the manner in which the land- granting department was cmduoted on the first settlement of Upper Canada. Arranged l>y D. \V. Smith. 136. Journal ok tub Hoise ok .\.ssemi)LY I'i-pkk Canaha, IHOl. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, 17!»8, 17iM), 1800. Journal of the House of .Asseuilily of Lower Canada, 17!'S. Copy formerly belonging to D. W. Smith, Speaker of the House of Assembly, U. C, 1801. 137. Broausikk, with Maps, issued by Canada Company for circulation in Great Britain. 138. York Almanac and Royal Calendar of Upper Canada for the years 1823, 1824, 182r., 1820. 4 vols. Y..rk, Charles Fothergill. 130. Two Discoi'KsKs delivered October 2.")th, 175!*, being a day of imblic thanksgiving for the success of His IVLijesty's .\rms, more particularly in the reduction of . 174. Plan de la Baie D'Nekichac. Paris, 1779- 176. Plan of CniiurcTO Haruou, with a plan of thu town of Halifax. Roo(jue, J 750. 176. Chart ok the Harbor ok Halifa.x in Nova Scotia. JofluryB, 1750. 177. Plan of Quebec and Ad.)ACEXT Country, showing the principal encamp- moiits and the works of the British and French arnianuuits durin-,' the 8ief,'o by General Wolfe in 17r>!t. Melish. 178. Four Plans Illustratino THE Enoaoements by General Burooyne. Faden, 1780. 170. Le Petit Atlas Maritime, recueil de cartes et plans des quartres [larties dii monde. (i vols., 4to. Bellin. Paris, 17(>4. 180. Orioinal Mai- ok Upper Canada, divided into districts, prepared for the Surveyor-General about 1708. 181. Mitchell's Map ok North America. London, 1755. ENGRAVINGS, VIEWS, ETC. 182. Sketch by Ben.iamin West, for his painting, "The Death of General Wolfe." Original drawing by the painter as a study for his celebrated picture. (See next number.) 18.'i. Death ok General Wolfe. By Benjamin West. Engraved by NVoollett. 184. The Vanity of Human Glory. Designed for the Monument of General Wolfe, 17C0. 185. Death of Montcalm. French print. 186. Death of General Wolfe. German print. 187. East View of Montreal. Patten it Canot, 1763. 188. East View ok the City of Montreal. Dillon, 1803. 180. North-West View op the City of Montreal. Dillon, 1803. 100. View of the City of Montreal. Ackermaun, 1811. /WOKS, MAI'S, ETC. 63 191. 192. i»;}. li>4. 195, 19(5. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 200). 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 2ia 214. 215. 21f). SoirTH-WKHT ViKw OF NoTRK Dame Stkbkt. Moiitrml, 1840. ViKw t)K Lower Town, Quebkc. Haberniann. ViKw OK THK Mvv. Dks Recolets, gi'KDEC. HiiboriiiaiHi. ViKW of the Upper Town, QrEBEc Hal)oriimnn. ViKW IS TiiK LowEH Town of giEUEC. Hal)eriiiann. Quaint seiieH of Uorinan views taken prior to the Con<|Ufst. CoLOHKi. View of Qiehec. By Froderic. German onsrravin- about 17<>0. View of the Takino of Qi-ehec, September Wth, J 759. I'ublisliud by Laurie iV Whittle, 1797. A'lEW OF THE City ov Qiehec. Hervey Smyth. 17(iO. View of the Nokth-West Part of thk City of (,). khec. Richard Short, 1701. View of the City of QrEiiEc. Wm. Peachy, 178(i. View of the P^ai.i, of Montmoren('y, and the attacit mude l,y (ienoral Wolfe, .July :Uat, 1759. Hervey Smyth. View of Cai-e Roicje. Hervey Smyth, 1759. , Church of St. Pail and parade of Halifax. Short, 1777. Governor'.s and St. Mather'.s meeting house, Halifax. Short. Harbor of Halifax. Short. Harbor of Halifax. Another view. Short. Harbor of Halifax. Another view. Short. Harbor of Halifax. Another view. Short. "The Manner in which the American colonies declared themselves independent of the King of England." (,>uaint contemporary English print. " The Unfortunate Death of Ma.ior Anure." Quaint contemporary English print. The BruNiNo of the l'r,idmt cajjUn-e of the Bivn Finmnt in Lauis- burg Harbor, 2()th .Fuly, 17(;8. Patoii. 1771. ^'IEw OF LoiisBouKG. Ince, 1758. View of Gaspe Bay. Hervey Smyth, 1700. View of the Pierceo Island. Hervey Smyth, 17(i(». View of Bethlem, the great Moravian settlement in Pennsylvania. Pownal. The East Prospect of the City of PiiiLADELPHrA. 175,s. ■■VJ w m 6G CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 258. Autograph of Pierre Boucher, first Governor of Three Rivers, 3rd September, 16(>5. 259. AuTooR.Ai'H of G. G. C'atalougxe, Eni^inuer-in-Chief of New France, about 1708. 200. AVTOORAI'HM OF LoUIS AVDET l>E PlERREC'OT AND MADELINE ChRESTIEN, his wife, 1708. 2y Sir (Jeorge Prevost. 268. Autograi'II letter of Jacob Orndt, addressed to Governor Denny and dated Easton, July 10th, 1757. 269. Order on John Powell, Deputy Paymaster-General, for payment to John Butler of one thousand ])oiinds Halifax currency, signed by Guy Carleton, and receij)! endorsed John Butler, 10th May, 1777. Butler was, of course, the famous partiza'. officer who commanded " Butlers Rangers" throughout the American War. 270. Letter, dated Fort Pitt, March 7th, 1707, from John Irwin, the Indian trader, to his employers. Long and interesting. 271. Quaint Newfoundland Bill of Exchange. "Newfoundland, Ferry- laud, September 29th, 1738." 272. Receii't Signed by John Camimsell, who commanded the garrison at Detroit, dated Detroit, 24th August, 1700. 273. Copy of Grant by James Hamilton. Colonial Governor of Pennsyl- vania, 5th March, 1750. Fine impression of the State Seal in use in 1802. 274. Letter by George CiiociiiAN to B. Gratz. George Croghan was the friend and contidential agent of Sir William Johnson in many transactions with the Indians. BOOR'S, MAPS, ETC. (i7 275. 276. 278 271». 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 28(). A™.«rap„ or Charles Lkmo.^k, one of the tirst settlev.s in Canada Autognvpl, said to date back to 1601. ^anaaa. Act.k;ka,.„ ok L.. VKRExnavE, discoverer of Rocky Mountains, etc., AuxormAPH Letter OK Ar.E..A:v..K HE^Rv, the celebrated trader and author, to John Henry, Albany. Dated Montreal, 12th Marciri7')T Five SPEri.MEN.sof paper currency issued by the Province of Pennsylvania "z^-^z^z z Se^^ ^"- ^' -^ ^- -- — d^ed.;: Autograph of Le Chevalier de St. Our.s, 1740. Paymaster's Order o.n Lord Orkord, signed by Pelham, Aruvle .„d Grenville, 13th December, 1748. ^^ MS. ()R,.ERLv Book ok Armv General Wolfe before Loris- e-anip before Louisburg, July ;jO, 1758." ''""" ™"' ''"!•■"'; ""™»»». t,o,n Prototogo i„ M,„,U„d. .r„„e -na, i(l(, to his father. '"'r^'vredlW "T ""^'"•^'^^"^^ OCCURRENCE IN QuEHEc, since Arnold A Jc' ° *''"'" "" ^'''^ ^•^t'^ xVoveniber, 1775 A MS. diary of the attack on Quebec, by an unknown British officer. ' MS^ Review ofthk Duke i.e Lian.ourt's tour throuoh Upper .rt flT^" /""' '"''' "'"'■'''" ^'y '^" Anglo-Canadian, to which are added some observations by the late General Simcoe Connuns also _a^ colored view of Niagara Fall, and tlie book-plate of A Manu,script Copv, apparently Official, of Report of Sir (Jeorok S .SON, Governor of the Honorable Hudson'.s Bay Company, dated wL "?!; '^^''"""••' '''^"^' '''"•^•■' ^«^''' '»25, on the pits and of the Company generally. 66 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 258. AuTOoRAi'H (IF Pierre Boucher, first Governor of Three Rivers, 3rd September, 1(1()5. 259. AuTooRAi'H of G. G. Catalougne, Engineer-in-Chief of New France, about 1708. 2()0. AiTorjRAPHs OF Loris Aidet de I'iekrecot ami Madeline Ciirestien, his wife, 1708. 2()1. Order sikxed by Sir John Coluorxe, as Colonel conunanding the 52nd Regiment, 2K2. Draft of Exchanoe sioned by General James Mirray, Quebec, 24th August, 17<>4. 263. Draft of Exchanoe, signed by General James Murray, 170(5. 204. Al'tooraph of Jean Bochart Chami'Mny, the Royal Intendant of New France, KiOS. 2(55. Commission of the Comte de la ^aliasonniere from Louis XV'., counter- signed by Barrin. Extract from the Registers of Du Conseil Superieur De Quebec. 27th February, 1747. 26(i. MemoraniiI'm showint; numbers of Indians present at conference witli Colonial authorities, at Easton, Penn.sylvania, August 1st, 1757, signed by Christian Busse. 267. Draft, dated Halifax, 2(>th August, 1808, drawn by Sir (Jeorge Prevost, 268. Ai'TOGKAi'H letter of Jacob Orndt, addre.ssed to Governor Denny and dated Easton, July lOch, 1757. 269. Order on John Powell, Deputy Paymaster-General, for payment to John Butler of one thousand pounds Halifax currency, signed by Guy Carleton, and receipt endorsed John Butler, Kith May, 1777- Butler was, . AiTo,a:A,.,. OF Charles LKHov^K, one of the first settlers in Canada Autograph said to date back to 1(5(J1. ^"naaa. ^™73"'" " ^" V-^-"v., discoverer of Rocky Mountains, etc., ^'rrrt'"r7'«"' •"-"''''"" "'^^••'^' ^^^^ -'^^-^^^ trader and author, to John Honry, Albany. Dated Montreal, 12th March 17()'> ^Z !!r"T! °' ^''" "'""'^^ •""'^'^ '^ ^'^^ P^--'"- °f Pennsylvania. f M t r' "'; ^ '''' '^"^- '• P'-'^^ i' -*- illustrated edition ot "Montcalm and Wolfe." Ai'TO(MiAi'H OF Le Chkvalier oe St. Ouus, 1740. Pavma8teh'.s Okdeh o.v Lord Orfor,,, signed by Pemam, Argyle and Grenville, 13th December, 1748. ^^ MS. Ordeklv Book of Akmv um.ek Gexkhal Wolfe before Lolls- LErrKR n.o.M,. Macphehsox. fron, Protobago in M.^ryland, June -iia, i oh Upper .rt?n r ^'"^' /"'*' ""''' "'''''^'''" ^'y ••"> -^''«l'>Canadian, to which are added s.nne observations by the late General Si.nce "a W.' Smitl, '"^"'"^ "'''' "^ ■'''''^'"■" *^""' '*"'' ^'"^ book-plate of ^ 's'uPs.!v'r """"' --KE.TLV Official, of Report of Sir Oeorok S PM X, Govenior o the Honorable Hudson'.s Bay Company, dated ^ll'"?!l n " '" '''^"'■' ''""'' ^'^"' ^«25, on thL posts and business of the Company generally. 68 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LIBRARY. Loaned by Mr. J. Robeutsox, M.P., Toronto. WATER-COLORS. 1. Kingston, U.C, 1819, Showing the first Fort Henry, the old Dockyard and "The Princess Charlotte," 102 guns, from a pencil sketch of Cadet (Admiral) Baytield, R.N., owned by Major-General Cameron, R.M.C. 2. CATAHAQri (Kingston), 17815, a south-east view, From tile original drawhig by James Peachey, Ensign (iOth Regiment. 3. Fort GEOuaE, U.C, from old Fort Niagara, N.Y., 18U0, From Ackerman's a(]uatint of the period. 4. The Battleoround of Lrxnv's Lane (1814), Townshij) of Stiimford, Co. Lincoln, V.Q., as in 1897. By E. Wyly Grier. 6. Encampment ob" the V . E. Loyalists, at Johnstown on the River St. ' Lawrence, V.Q., June (!th, 1784, From the original. 0. Niacara ano Fort Geor), and .\ckerm:in's acpiatint. 7. QuEBKf, 1784, Taken from the rock on Point Levis. 8. Three River.s, Quebec, Taken from the road leading to Point du Lac, by J. Peachey, Ensign HOth Regiment. 9. St. John's, P.Q., a south-west view, Showing the fort and the detached redoul)t with the bloeklhiuse o|ijMisite. 10. The BATTi,E(!RorNi) ok Qi'EENsToN HEUiirr.s 'J.'itli Oct., 1811!), as in 18')7. By K. Wyly Grier. 11. Lai»v Ki.iiiN CuTTi\(i THE FiHsT Soi) of the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railway, Within 100 ft. of the S. W. cor of Simcoe and Front Sts., June, 1851. 12. RiiJOL'T House ano Grounhh, Fronting on north side of Duke Street, opposite Princess Street, between Caroline (SherboiU'ne) and Ontario Streets, running back to Duchess Street, 1H04-.5H. :. f' LIBRARY. 69 14. 15. 10. The RiDot t Hor«E, 05ri«t;::)t^t:''^"'^''^^^''^'^^^' between Ontario and Caroline TOROXTO FROM THE BaV, 1820, Showing the Garrison ..n the west, to Pnrhauient Buihling.s on the east. 17, Key of Same (jien ami inkj. ToKOXTO, Front Street (north side) from Peter to Jolni Streets, Toronto, 1810 show,,,, the residence of Hon. George Cruickshank. from 1800-21, in a cottage hud.hng, and from 1821-81, a new house in front of the ..Id ; Fv'.n, Hv 7'" '''^', "i^'"^,,^''"'"^' dwelling of Heikie, clerk of the E.\ecutive Conned of U.C, erected in 1805; ahso the Halfway tnvern, erecte.l ,n 1805, near John Street, with the Connnis"aiiat storehouse as It was from ISOO-.'JO o,i the l.ay sh,.re. A faithful copy nf the original picture owned by Mrs. Stephen He ward. TORO.NTO, The Parlianuint Buildings, Front Street West, 1866-rear view from i> einngton htreet. 18. Toronto. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. The Parliament Buildings, Front Street, ISOfi, view from Wellington t^treet. ° Toronto, C.W., 1819, Stn''!.n"r' )l?"n'/i"F' l'":,'''n ""'^ "^ '■'" "^y- '""• ''f P''''*<=° (Front Stieet) to the Old Fort, the then we.stern limit of Tor.mto, made on the sp„t in July, 1849, by J. H. Grainger, scenic artist of the Lyceum llieatre. •* Toronto, ha85r-r,f "* ^^"^^""^ '"'"^ ^^'"^' ^^xsi^t^, over the Don River, erected Toronto, four views of York (Toronto) : (1) Siiowing Palnce (Front Street) in 1803, from the Market to Don Kiver, from a sketch by an army otticer of H. M. forces, stationed in 1 oiK at tile time. (2)The Harbor. 1793, from a picture by Mrs. John Graves Simcoe, the wife nto), r.(.'., 1812, An east end view sli..wing bl., at the entrance to the D.m Kiver, now site of Gooderham's Distillery, destr<.yed in 1812. Toronto, C.W., 1851, Fn.m the lighthouse .m the peninsula (now .an island^ opposite the west I'll. I oi the city. ■'lii j^ 70 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 24. Toronto, sleighing scene, Toronto Bay, C. \V., 1841-42, An exact reproduction of a lithograph of tlie same size rejjresentiiig a sleigliing scene on Toronto Bay, liotween Yonge Street and the Garri- son in the year 1841-42, when the 83rd Regiment, to whom it is dedi- cated, was stationed at the Old F(n't at the west end of the city. 25. Toronto, York (Toronto), from Gibraltar Point, 1828, "Respectfully dedicated to his patron. Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieut. " Governor, and the gentlemen of Upjier Canada, by their obedient servant, James Gray " : arjuatinted by J. Gleadal. 26. Toronto, C.VV., 1854, From the original taken from the top of the iail. Published by E. Whytetield. 27. Toronto, the old and first Union Station in Toronto, 1859. 28. Toronto, 1842. Colored view, showing the south side of King Street from Toronto to York Streets. 29. Toronto, a view of York (Toronto), U.C, 1820, From the original oil, owned by Mrs. Stephen Heward, painted by Mr- Irvine, a Scotch artist living in York at the time. Tlie view shows the peninsula (now an island) with lightliouse, Toronto Bay and Front Street, from the gfrrison on the west to the market itnd Palace Street, east to the Parlianent buildings, near the foot of Berkeley Street, destroyed by fire in 1824. LITHOGRAPHS. 30. Detroit, 1820, From the Canatiian side of the river. 31. Toronto, Sword's Hotel, between York and Bay Streets on Front Street, now the C,)ueen's Hotel. ENGRAVINGS. 32. "The City of Toronto in the Province of Canada," 1842, "Most respectfully dedicated to the Right Hon. Lord Stanley, Her Majesty's Provincial Secretary of State for the Colonies, etc., etc., by His Lordshi])'s most obedient and humble servant, the publisher, F. C. Capreol ; " drawn by John (Jik's])ie, Toronto ; engraved by Day and Haghe, lithographers to the (,^)ueen. This picture shows the south side of King Street from Toronto Street to York Street. 33. Halifax, N.S., 1764, Showing the Church of St. Paul and the Parade ; " To the Rt. Hon. George Dunk, Earl of Halifax, His Majesty's Princijial Secretary of State, etc.. etc., most humbly inscril)ed by His Lordship's most devoted servant, R. Short." LIBRARY. 71 PEN AND INK 34. Toronto, C.W., 1842, by James Cane, C.E. an.l Draughtsman. This view of the city fmnt was taken in December, 1841, from a point on the bay at that time covered with ice. The view, which accom- panied a mail or plan of the city, was issued under the patronage of tlie Lorporatum, and in January, 1842, the original drawing of the map, which accompanied the engraving, and the engraving of which this is a copy, were exhibited for public inspection in the City Hall, Front Street. The jwints given in the key are only tliose which could be identihed in the drawing, which is less than one-half of the size of this sketch. / i- J 72 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. DRESS AND FANCY WORK. 1. Butterfly Needi^e-hook, embroidered 60 years ago. Loaned by Mrs. Orlando Dunn, 2. Spool Box, over 60 years old. Loaned by Mrs. Emniett. 8. Tortoise Shell 1>ack Comh, 1830. 4. Muslin Dress (embroidered). 5. White Satin Slippers. 6. Lace Veil. 7. Crepe Shawl. 8. Lace Scarp. Worn l)y Mrs. Beard in 1830. Loaned by Miss Louise Beard. 9. Blue Satix Dress, Empire style (with berth(5). 10. Light Blue Silk Dress, of later date. 11. Silk Shawl (dark flower design). 12. Silk Shawl (white flower design). 13. Blonde Net Scarf (embroidered). 14. Black Lace Scarf. Loaned by Mrs. Ro. nthwaite, ColHngwood. 15. Patch Box, of silver, mother-of-pearl and paste. Originally belonged t(j Major Po])han» of the British army, 1741, given by him to Stephen Schuyler, uncle to General Schuyler, 1750. Loanerior to 1834. Loaned by Mrs. Leigh. KxiTTKi) griLT, made by Lady Ainsley, wife of General Sir Richard Ainsley, a niece of Colonel Talbot. Given tcp Mrs. l?urwell al)out 1815. Loaned by Mrs. F. C. Martin, Woodstock. Dkess, rich brocade, worn by Mi's. Walter Dickson. Loaned by Miss Dickson, Gait. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. ;!0. 32. 3:5. 34. 35. 74 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 36. Cabvku Wood Corhet Front, Loaned by Mrs. SiiiulerHon, Smninorville. 37. Flax-and-Wool Qrit.T, lined with an Indian blanket. Loaned by Miss M. Cary McConnell. 38. Quilt, tambour work, brought from England, very old. Loaned by a Lady. 39. Two Satin Dkesses, worn l)y Miss Reynolds (great aunt of loaner) about the time the Hritish left Detroit, 17'.(0). Her father was Connuissary, and died in 181L The family left Detroit with the soldiers, taking up their residence in Andierstburg. Loaned by Miss Reynolds. 40. Samvler, Ma]) of England, 1775. Small Piece of Embroidery (framed), 1770 and 1800. Loaned by Mrs. Small. 41. Old Lace Tm-pet, worn in 18,37. 42. Table Napkin, Damask, in which the name and arms of James I. are woven. Loaned by Miss Windeat. 43. Muslin Dress, tambour work, about 1827, belonged to Mrs. James Boul- ton. eldest daughter of Dr. Thord, Statf-Surgeon under General Brock at Queenston Heights. Loaned by Miss H. E. Boulton. 44. BooT-HooKS, steel, with ivory handles, the property of Major John Small ; abf)ut 100 years old. Loaned by John Small. 45. Worked Tabouret. 46. Album, worked by Lady Sarah Maitland and presented by her to Lady Robinson. Loaned by Mrs. Christopher Robinson, Beverley House. 47. Uaibrella, brought to New York when a British Province, then to Canada by a U. E. L. Loaned by Thos. Wragg, Bell«ville, Ont. 48. Pieces of Old Lace 49 Loaned by William Brock. Quilt of White Cashmere Embroidered in Silk, made by Cookstown Auxiliary. Loaned by Wm. Brock. 50. Handkerchief, trinnned with lace, formerly on cap worn by John Wesley's mother. 51. Sampler. Loaned by Mrs. Rose. 52. Pair Ridin(( Stays, 120 years old, worn by Mrs. Dianthe Knajjp, LT.E.L. Loaned by Mrs. C. W. Badgley. D/f£SS AND FANCY WORK. 75 53. 64. 65. 5(5. 67. 58. 50. FLA.v-ANi.-\Voor, Qn,.r, linuil with Iiulian Blanket over 100 yenrs old made by Sarah Nortdii Huntley. ^ ' Loaned hy MIhm M. Cary McConnell. ^"Skenham!"'"'"'' '*^ ^""'"■"" "^ ^^''^"i^'ton for Lady Elizabeth Loaned by Mrs. W. H. Peplar. Sami-leu^ Sample of darning and hemstitching; san.j.le fancy darning- 8.u«,.le of gusset and button-hole stitch ; san.ple of patching ; whipp ng stitch ; hennnnig, all ihnie by Eliza Beatty, 182!). ^ Loaned by the Beatty. COHTI'ME WORN IX 1837. Loaned by Alfred Sandhani, Escj. Sami-ler, worked by Anna M. H. Tottie, 182.^. Loaned by E. G. Morton. CA.SHMERE Shawi,, dark. Ca.shmeke Shawl, light. •60. Quilt, worked on fine linen in gold silk. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. Loaned by Miss Ellerby. Loaned by Miss Stark. Loaned by Mrs. Long. Fichu and Cuffs, Honiton. Lace Veil, family heirlooms. QtiLT Centke, 120 years old. Sampler, 1812. One Pair Sandals, white kid. One Pair White Satin Slippers. Loaned by Mrs. J. W. A. Scales. Pair of Spectacles, belonging to Wm. Jarvis, Secretary of Upper Canada, 171*2. ' ^ Loaned by Alfred Willson. Lace Mittens, two hundred years old. Loaned by Mrs. R. A. Harrison. Applique Cushion, worked by Lady Charlotte Run, "Ramsfoot," Ireland, 1774. ' Lace Bonnet Veil, worn by Lady Thomas of Wenvf.e on her wedding day, lOtli March, 1817. Loaned by Mrs. S. G. Wood. Two Cases Art Needlework. Sampler, worked in 1742. Silk Purse, 1744, by Sophia Taylor, Essex, England, and others. Loaned by Miss Barrett, Ottawa. p^ 70 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 74. Infant's Shikt, nmdo in 1780. Loimod by MrH. F. E. Howitt, Urtiiiillon. 75. Silk Dres.s, foimorly holongiiig to MisH Kliziiheth UuhhcU, 17!t8. 70. Silk Dkkh.s, formerly belonging to Mis.s Klizfilwth Uii.shiII, 17!tH. Ijudiiud by Mrs. W. A. Hiililwin, 77. Nkkdi.ework, old. Loivnoil by Miss Young, Georgetown. 78. Crewel-wouk, 1810. 7!>. Bkkli.v VVool Work, Boy imd S(|iiirrel, 1842. Loimod liy Mr.s. Siiiiill. Loaned by Michael Jo.sejih Conway. 80. Sampler, dated 1837. 81. IJaby Cap, embroidered net. 82. Shawl (small one for slionlder.s). Loaned b\ Miss M. Secord. 83. BAREdE Dress, Hcliu of lace. 84. Blue Silk Dress, with collar, made in York, 1833. 85. EMBRoinEREi) Haniikerchief. 86. TORTOISE-SHKLL CoMB. Loaned by Mrs. M. Keiley. Loaned by Mrs. Forsyth Giant. Loaned by Mrs. John Haldanc. 87. Sampler, 1808. 88. Gown. 89. Lace Mittexs, 1817. !)0. EMBRontKRY (two j)ieees). 91. Black Satin Breehies. 92. Embroidered Vkst. Loaned by Mrs. F. W. Jarvis. 93. Sampler, time of Charles IT., in original frame. 94. Piece of Bed Ccrtain (embroidered), time of William TIL, point work. Loaned by Mr.s. Small. 95. Lace Vei-s (three), 1837. 96. One Net Fichu, 1840. 97. Lace Sleeves and Collar, 1840. Loaned by Mrs. Samuel Thompson. 98. Sleeve Puffs, worn 1829. Loaned by Mrs. J. J. Bell. /)N/;SS AND FANCY WORK. 77 !Mt. KM). 101. 102. 103. 104. lOi"). lot). 107. 108. lOi). 110. 111. 111'. ii;}. 114. iir). 116. 117 118. 119. 123. 121. 122. .V.STI^CK SaTI.N ClIRISTEXI.Mi UoilE. <)L1> ToKTdlHK-MHKM, CoMB. LiMUied hy Mih. S. \. Hrntli. Family liK.niu., worked by the Into Mrs. Egertui, RyorHuii, when ten yt'iirn I lid. Inkant'm Cap, workeil hy the Into Mrs. E. HycrNini in 1H37. Luiined hy Mrs. C. Egcrton Ryerson. Sa.mi'i.kk, 1.18 years ..Id. Limned hy Miss Worknmn. Hkccai.k Dkkss, w-.rn l)y tlio wife ..f .StHtl-Surgenn Si.h.ey Smith, IHOO. Wat.h, alx.iit 200ywirsc.ld. Vkhy Olo Bku.o\vs, sniidl and nuicli ..rnaniontud. S.MFF HoxKs (two), one used in battle of WateHoo. Indentirk of km. Loaned hy .Sidney Smith. Fkameo ^EMMUon.ERV. date unknown. Suhject, "Christ entering Jerusa- lem. I Tought to Canada early in century. Loaned hy Mrs. T. Doel. Loaneil l)y Dr. Dee Stanf(jrd. SaMI'LEK. Sami'Leks (two), of Sedate Footo. Loaned hy Mrs. .f. ,J. Bell. Li.NEX HED-si-RKAn, spun and woven hy a V . Y,. L. Loaned hy Mrs. V. F. Chamherlain. LAniEs^Coi-RT Cane, inlaid with floral design, silver filagree, u.sed in time ot Mane Antoniette, 1774. Loaned hy Allan Cas.sels. Don Quixote. Picture done in needlework by Louisa West, 1841. Two Samplers, made by sister of exhibiter in 1832. One Sa.mi', made hy Eliza Thesiger, of Cornwall, Eng. Old English Tapestry. Piece of Old English Silk Brocade. Antiqie Roman Wxv,, 1800. Steel Bao. Loaned by Mr.<. Arthur T. West. Silk Scarf, sixty years old. Loaned by IMrs. J. S. Playfair. One Piece Silk Patchwork, made i)y Mrs. Garnet. Loaned hy Mrs. C. C. Cameron, 478 Euclid Ave. 78 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 12!). i.'iO. Vi\. 132. S.\MPLKR, al)i)ut \(V years old. Loaned bj' Mrs. C. C. Cameron. Framki) Landscape, in hair- work embroidery, 18.S0, worked by Mrs. J. ''^^^'*'"8' Loaned by Mrs. J. Adams. Hat. Cloak. Dkes.s. Needi.kwokk Dress, worn by Toronto lady eighty year.s ago. WoRK-Box AND Fan. Tattim; Shvttle. Scissors. Loaned by Mrs. D. (). Brooke. Stockings, two knitted together, all property of Mrs. Tortyd, grandmother of the exhibitor. Loaned by Mrs. Nordheimer. COLLECTION NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 79 COLLECTION NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIE"Y. Case 2 Uppf r Hall. 1. Cocked Hat of General Sir Isaac Brock. 1824 iiiul ISnM, witli stjituiiiont .■ittHchod. Lduiiod l)y Cecil Bull, (inlt. 2. Tea Cadi.v. Used l)y Liiiiivi Suoord. Loaned hy her giMiiddriughter, Mrs. Cockburii, Winnipeg. 3. PewTEI! PlA'1 TEH. Part of camp equipage of Col. j .Im.son, siege of Fort Niagara. Loaned by Wni. Kirby, F.R.S.C. 4. PorKET-BooK of Capt. Martin McLelland. Killed at the taking of the town of Newark, May 27th, IRl.*]. Loaned by M.'Mc(,'lel!aMd, Fonthill. o. Fki't Plate. Formerly u,sed hy Sir Peregrine Maitland. Loaned by Mr.s. D. Servo.s. 0. Key ok Tcwer Magazfxe, Fori, Missi.^s.saoiia. Loaned by William Monroe. 7. Swoui), surrendered to Col. Murray At captiu'e of Fort Niagara, Dec. linh, lHl;i. Loiiiied by Ca;.t. A. D. K. Servos. «. Mn.iTAiiV Coat worn by Col. Slunv, 1813. Loaned by ,If>.sc)i]i Shaw. *J. 31IL1TAUV WaTIU- MOTTLE, 181:^. Lnjuieil b\ <'. F. I'.Jlll. 10. W\MFUM Chain. Given to Waiiier Nolies at (iraiid Uivcr. Lniiiied l)y IMrs. !>ercy Mall, T..r.,iit,.. 11. PoWDElt lIuHN. Given by Chief IJrant to Joan Hapti.ste l{o.>i,iin, f>t. Catharines. PARCH.MENT RECOMMENDATION of Cluistopher Serves i;|JJnua., .ith translation attached, f..... Prederic, the Count of Loaiie,ibyCa,,t. A. D. K. Servos lARCHMEXT PETITION TO Qieen, 1842 From St. Andrew's Church, relating to Clei^y Reserves. Autographs COMMLSS.ON.S OP RoRERT NeLLES, (irinisby As^Wonant, Captain, C.doi.el. etc, sigi.ed *.,. ditferent Governors Loane.1 by Mrs. Alfred Ball! iHOTOfiRAPH OF STEAM.SHII' Uraver.^st.a.ner which sailed i , , • ., ^ ^ ,^, .,^ LoanedbyA. Kohohl, R,tPo,taLe bA.MPLEij, worked in 1819. ^^ Loaned by Mrs. Ciniis ^>'^'^"oF,,200A..REs.„..L,,M,toPet.rBal,,i799 Loaned by H.,n,.Ui.c„rrie, St. Catharines. Collection of Bcttons Framed (over 230). u,.„„„. , ,. L.wned by Richard Taylor. iiA 1 1 LE Axe, Iron, an Ayrshire Bo^^ Fli.nt— Arho\v-heai).s. fl ^"•■"'«^' '•J' l>'-- Milroy, Kihou.iig. ■ 82 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 42. Egg-cup. Used l)y the Rev. R. Addison, first rector of St. Marli's, Newark (Niagara). Very old. Loaned by James Servos. 48. Lanthorxe. 44. Eve Glasses (very old). 45. Waffle Irons, used by T^. E. Loj'alists. Loaned by P. Whitmore. Loaned by Alfred Ball. Loaned by Miss Clement. Loaned l)y Alex. Servos. 46. Sugar Bowl. Brought from Germany, 17*)'). 47. Belt Buckle of "OBrd" Hkjhlan'ueks. Found near Niagara. Luanod l)y Miss Carnochan. 48. LXXXI, Niagara Lihrary, 180L Matthew Henry's "Communicants' Companion." 17!>!>. Tioaned by Mrs. F. Menielly. 49. Medal Struck ix Commemohatiox ok Queex's Visit to London, 9th November, 1837. Found at Fort Mississauga. Loaned by Hamill 'i Garrett. .")0. I.MPRKssiox OF Seal of Niagara Ulstrict Grammar School, established 1808. 5L Correspondence, in 18.S2, with Goverxoh CoLPOnXE, Relating to sclinnl building, cliange of teacher, etc. 52. Picture ok Rev. Thos. Creex, Headmaster in 182(), Afterwards rector of St. Mark's. 53. Record Book ok Niagara Library, LSOO-1820, Witli naiiii's (if [(rojjrietors. .iniiual meetings, catalogue, prices, etc. Loaned by Miss Cirnochan. 54. Water-color ok Commandant's House. By Lieut. Taylor, 1854. 55. Water- COLOR of Builer's Barracks. liy Lieut. Tayloi '• Loaned l)y t 'lint, (ieale. 56. Woodcut ok House, at Li( N .HTHOI'SE, iagara. 1 805, AND Li(;htiiouse Keepkh's * Loan' ■d l)y .1 iioss Robortso n, Toronto. 57. 58. 59. 60. COLLECTION NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 83 Water-color Copy of Pexcil Drawing, .na.le in 1854 S:s^p,S&Cij;iSitr ^-^^ '-''-' ^'--" «--. Lojineil by Mrs. Kurr S>vord. used ill 1837 by Warner Nelles. Bayonet of 1812. ;uiu(l by CaiiLiuhan. bWORD CaJTE, whicli bel„nge.l to Kev. W. Sampson, wli., ean.e to Canada in 1817. Loaned by Alfred Ball. Daguerreotype of Mrs. Prickett. For nearly forty years a nnrse at Niagara. Loaned by Mrs. Crouch. Mayor's Spelling Book. Reprinted 1824. by A. Heron. j,.,„,, „^, ,,,.^ j^„. ^^^ "Tpmi Caxada (Jazette,- July 30th, Au. 14th, I).-,. lOth. Loaned by C. F. Hall. C0MMI-NIGANT.S' ToKEV. Inscription. "St. Andrew's, Niaga,a, R. McGiil, 1H;U." C0MMUN10ANT.S' Token. Found near Vir<'il '>i» .1 ■ cup. I "^^ 1 ' ' '"' "'" '" '•-"'->'""vmce of i„e." ' Loaned by F. Clement. 84 CANADIAA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RELICS OF ARCTIC EXPEDITION IN SEARCH OF FRANKLIN. Case 3 Upper Hall. 1. Pii'E Case, used by H. B. Co.'s voyiijfeurs. 2. Indian Speau-head, used in the Arctic. •S. Indian Snow Si'E.jtacles, used in the Arctic re<;ions. 4. Indian Deeu-hide Schator, used in dressing skins. 5. ToBACfo Box, iiseil by H. B. Co.'s voyageurs. Biiniiny glass on top. (J. TouAcco Box, used by H. B. Co.'s voyageurs. 7. Indian Si'Eah-heaj), used in the Arctic. Diti'eient shape from No. 2. 8. Mai's (2), used by the hite James Anderson, Es<[., Chief Factor, On expedition sent out by the H. B. Co. in search of Sir John Franklin, 1863. 9. Documents (4). Siuiniiary of a Metent. 16. 17. 18. 10. 20. '22.. 23. 2.-5. 2(). 2M. Joi-RXAf, ,>,.■ CiKK Factor Axdehsov, At Rupert'.s Laiul, 18th Nuveml)er. 1854. Letteh khom Lahv Fkaxkl.x'.s X.ece. Sophia Cracroft to Iho Coiuu.ander of the Party going dowi the Back River." PHE.S.S Copv OK a Letter to Mr. Anderson. From Sir a. Simpson, 18th Novemlwr, 1854. FoiR Letter,s krom S.r Johx RICHARD.SOX to Mr. Anderson D:c:;:£;^S5^f:;;;;r;;;:^:,j«?l,S;v|.?-^ i^-: ^"e^Hu. Piuxtej) Coites oe Letters to the London Times. By Capt. Slier.ird Os]>orn and Cjint T U <' ii;. i..- /. .,• nnd W. G. Smith- ami .f \V I'.i J ^ '" "•^"»- •'^"' <'• Snnpson Mail. ' ^ "• ^ ■"•''"■ '^""^^'^ l'^'"'-'!' t" tl'^^ W«,:m, List ok ARTrfi.Es kocxd hy Mr Avmrijv,,,v ..f m i.i .. H-iek Rive-r. ANDER.soN at the mouth oi Supposed t., 1,0 rehcs of the Franklin expedition. Two Letter Book.s. ^" piui^-!"'''''"' '^'""^'"^ *''" '■''"^' ^^'"'^^ '^^' ^^••- Anderson n,A being cirefnily prepare.! maps of the journey. PnoT<,(;RA.-ns.,KCmEK Factor Axdersox. . Letter kro.m W. (i. s.MrT,,, Secretary, to Mr. Anderson. Bated May 23rd, 185(i. Phinted Notice krom the Commaxdeh H.M.S. Plover. Printed on hoard ship on Octoher 28tii, 1862. Loaned by dame.s Ander,,on,"Ks.|., Sutton, Ont. 80 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. THE GIVINS' COLLECTION. Loaned by Miss Maude Givins. Case 3 Upper Hall. 1. Telescope. Once the property of General Brock, aiul givuii hy liiiii to Colonel Jjvmcs Givins in 1H12. Since Brock's death in possession of fiiniily. 2. FiELn Knife, Fokk and Si'oon, given by (iovernor (iore to Colonel Givins. 3. Commission's: Fmu- to Colonel (iivins : One signed by Sir Roger SJieall'e, 1812. Tw- signed by Sir Peregrine Maitland, 1820 and 1821. On« signed l)y Sir John Colljorne, 1831. One signed by Governor Peter Russell, 17!tH. 4. COKKESPONDENCE : Letter dated July, 1812, from Major Halton, w'-oni Halton Street is named after. Printed extract r« death of Brock, 1812. Letter, signed by Edward, Duke of Kent, tlu; property of Colonel James (Jivins, dated August, 180;5. General order of Brock, after capture of Detroit. Letter from Indian chief, dated 1785. 6. Correspondence : Accounts, 181.'{. Letter from Sir Roger Sliealle, 1827. Letter from Lieut. Mudge, 1820. Letter, dated "Navy Hall, Niagara, I77!»."' (). ClKClLARS : Two re union of Upper and Lower Can.ula, dated 1822. One re Saltern Givins, sealed by Bishop of Toronto, and signed 185fi. One ?•<' Charter of Trinity Univeisity. < »ne original prospectus of I'pper Canada College. 7. Miscellaneous : Coniinission as Surgeon-Major, of George Givins, dated ]8(((!,. signed by the Duke of Camliridge and Sir .Folni Pakington. Medical License to G. (Jivins, 1842, signed by liord Sydenham. Sundry notes, etc. Private letter, dated 1848, from Hon. F. Gore. One ()f the ! he ever wrote. THE GlVhW COLLECT/OX. V 8. Books, Phints, Etc. : French archives, 17!)1. Uiiito.1 Service Clul), 1823. First .un„l.ers (,'y Lady Sarah Maitland. Bonnet worn by Mrs. Givins, 1800. Chair from Givin.s' homestead, 1798. 10. PlCTUKE.S : (Jivins' h miestead, built 1795. Silli.motte of Lieut. -Col. Givins, Queen's Rangers. Miniature of Mrs. Hellier, .,',. Givins, Col. Hellier was secretary to Sir Peregrine Maitland. Portrait of Lady Emily Lenm).x, grand.laughter of Duke of Rich- mond, sometime Governor-General of Canada. Portrait of Hnrge.m-Major (iivins, tirst secretjwy Medical Board of I I>per Canada. Portrait of Rev. Saltern (iivins (photograpli). Daguei eotype of Lieut. James (Jivins (rhinl) 2tfth Cameronians. i . r \ im 88 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RIDOUT COLLECTION. Upper Hall. 1. PoKTKAiT <.F Sirvevok-Gkneuai. Ridoit, fit tlio a^^e of 70 years. Piiiiiteil by L. Stevens, 17th Miirch, 11S24. 2. Old Coxtixextal Moxev, once l)elonj,nn-- ing to Hon. Tlionm.s Ridout. " These iirtide.s wore all ca|itiiro(l hy the Iniliaiis, 1 788. aii^^JA.. Ue to Gexeual Wilkixsox, New York, October 25. MAHQr.s deLafavette to Thos. R.oorT, Paris, May 12th 26. Letters from Johx Stra.m.vx, dated 20th January, 1«07. Bishop 8trachaii, Kith May, 184!». %^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /, /■/ V ^ fe O t-p- y.( fA 1.0 I.I 1.25 tiiillli 112.5 IIIIIM i^ "* 12.0 1.4 1.8 1.6 -► ^ ^ V] ^ ^' /A o 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation /^ f? ,\ #N W^ \ \ ^^ V ;^^ rv o^ % ''iiven to Chi.if Isaue Hill, by Joseph Forsyth, 1798. 3. Receipt. By Henry Hill to Capt. Isaac Hill, datetl (irand River, 1701. ThiH is the year Chief Isaao hail the troui)le with ('hief Brant, and left there for the Tyendinaga Reserve. 4. Tyeni)IN.\o.\ RESEint:'RER's Account (Indian). From 1852 to ISoO. '). Mohawk Prayer- mook, with .signature of Oapt. John Deser- ot^on, dated 1771. (3. Mohawk Prayer-book, second issue. 7. Silver Medal. Given to Capt. Isaac Hill, a Mohawk Chief, l.iy George III. This Chief was an ancestor of Mrs. Oronhyatekha. 8. Sword, Silver Spoon, 'K^ww (decorated). Formerly belonged to Capt. Isaac liill. 9. Two Carved Stone Pipes. 10. Crown Deed to Capt. Isaac Hill, dated 1802. 11. Two Pieces of Brass, from lock of Ijidian musket. Loaned by H. A. Dean, Picton. 12. PorcH. Found by Dr. Thorn, Surgeon-Cieneral on Brock's staff at the siege of Detroit. Loaned by Mrs. Manson. 18. Water Color. A Cree Camp in the Qu'Appelle Valley, IHfiO, l>y .lames Settee, a Creo native of St. Andrew's Reserve, Man. Loaned by J. Cleland, Hamilton. 14. War Cl'jb. Formerly belonging to Sitting Bull and was through the Custer xflassacrti. Loaned by Miss Marjorie Sewall. INDIAN. 91 15. Pottawattamie Basket. Of elm bark, substitute for bircli bark. Loaned by A. C. Osborne. 16. Tomahawk, Stone Dagger. Loaned by Mrs. Rounithwaite, CollinLnvood 17. War Drum. Used in North-West Rebellion, 1885. 18. Buffalo Skull (painte 1). Worshipped in free Sun Dance, in Territories. if^ TT Tir ^ Leaned by P>ank Veigh. 19. Upper Mill Stone. From grave nea ■ Brantford. * 20. Hunting Knife. From about two feet below the surface, f.nnid near Stratford. 21. Steel Scrapi-h, imitation oF flint. Found near Stratford. 22. ;ltei) Leap. Foi.'d at the nor.n-east of H(.i)u TownsJiip. Loaned by Hugh Nichol, Stratford. 23. Je.suit Axe-head. Taken from Fort St. Marie, built and abandoned, l(J49-50. Loaned l)y Wm. Conn( ;i. 24. Blanket. Made by Tobkisa, ;i Chippewa full-blood, in her wigwam. Loaned by Mrs. A. MacDougall. 25. C'RTIERS ArMIVAL. 26. Cartier's Arrival in Hochelaga, 27. PL()UGII-Ii(tY. 28. Indians Ni iNUMHERINc; 29. Indians Close. •SO. Indian.s, LsSG. 31. Two Axe-heads. One found in notch of phnn-tree at Fort Ni lugara. 32. Indian IVIedal. G leorire in. 33. Orange Medal, 1797. 92 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 34. 8). 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 4(i. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. h'l. 53. 54. •O.). Ala.ska Paddi,es, cypress wood. Model ok Totem Poles. Communion Cup, pewter, 1640. Indian Pipe. Found after the Custer mfvs.sacre. Stone Wah Club. Esquimaux ])o(i Whip. Wrist-band, trimmed with reindeer teeth. Cbee Pipe, of jasper. Loaned Ijy Wni. Arnistring. Wampum. Made of bonu (/) and strung together on wah-tap (deer's sinew), an.l use(l hy tlio Indian.s for sending messages between the tribes. Given to I aptain Anderson by an Indian warrior, Bhick Hawk, in 1814, as a token of his adherence to the British Crown. Housewife, made by squaw in 181b. Inventory of Indian Stores. Old Pictured Buffalo Robe. Three Indian Coats, of different period,s. Tomahawk. Three varieties of War Clubs. Very old Necklace. Containing dirterent kinds of wampum, inchiding what is usually regarded as the true shell wampum. Specimen of Iroquois Bead Work. Si'EciMEN OF Grand River Bead Work. Specimen of Cree Bead Work. Specimen of Bl.ickfoot Bead Work. Loaned by E. M. Chad wick. Indian "Pipe of Peace." Sent by Big Bear to (Jeneral Middleton at Fort Pitt, 1885. Loaned by Otto J. Klotz, Ottawa. Glove of Sitting Bull. Loaned l)y Mr. Kowe. 5(J. 07. 58. 59. mi IXDIAN. MAUKiAfiE Belt of chiefs daughter. Mfule l)y British Columbia Indian.s. 93 01 02 03. 64. ().). 66. 07. Lo'inecl by Mrs. Reilly, D„-H„N.,v„v „P "Ch,>,.„ok." ou Ixbun Trade Lax«u,oe L sed on North Pacific CoHHt. Loaned by Mrs. J. i?, Simpson. Ottawa. Carved Cane. ""-' Dei-tn.ent took 6,S. 69. Cree Fire-iuo and Lo( )Ki\ Case. SiKA.M LegGING.S AND CUX Ca.SE. 70. Strixc; of Brass B Loaned by Mrs. Moodie, Maple C 11 'le Creek, N.W.T Taken from Ind EADs AND Pipe. ian momiilat old Fort EUice. Loaned by Mrs. G. B. Patijn. 94 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY 71. 72. 7.3. 74. 76. 77. 7cS. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91 92. 93. Portrait ok Joseph Brant. Portrait op' Jo.sei'h Brant, in later life. Case containing Relics of Brant. A war club, scalping knife, toniahiiwk, silver-niDunted pistols pre- sented to liini by King George, amulet worn by Brant. Loaned by Mrs. Christo])lier Ilobnison. Indian Belt and Knife Sheaf. Said to have belonged to Sitting Bull. Stone Totem. Loaned by E. B. Alport. Four Stone Pipes. Ancient Stake from an ancient fish fence. Found at the Narrows, Orillia. Loaned by .Joseph Wallace. Ivory Tusks and other articles. Loaned by Mary Lloyd. Scarlet Dress, beaded and trimmed with elk teeth (from Blood Reserve). Blue Sercje Dress (Blackfoot). Collars and Guffs (said to be Cree [?]). Four pairs of Women's Leggings (Blood Indian). Four pairs of Moccasins (Blood Indian). Two Cowl Bags, one trimmed with scalp-locks (Blood), Three Medicine Charms — one rattle, one snake charm, one lizard charm, attached to head-dress. Head-dress (Blood). Brass Necklace (Blood). Necklace of Colored Beads (Blood). Man's Necklace (Blood). Necklace of Small C(HU)s of White Beads (Blood). Indian Fan (Blood). Pair of Eajgle's Wings (Blood). Two pairs of Blanket Ties, one pair on coat (Blood). INDIAN. !Jo 94 05. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Paik of Fringed Blanket Ties. Pair ok Tweezers. Sm.vll Money Bao. Looking-Glass Case. Pair of Ear-rings. Bm,gl,t direct, an.l taken fi„,n the ears of a I.eautiful Indian w„„,an, Three Paint Bags (Blood). Pair OF Man's Le(;gings, beaded and trimmed with ermine skins and feathers (Blood). ^unint 101 102 101. Two Beaded Belts (Blood). loa 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. lU. 115. UG. 117. 118. Pair OF Mans, buckskin, dyed red and fringed (ijlOOCl). = Beaded Jacket (Blackfoot). Pair of Ridinc; Le(;ging.s, from Blackfoot Reserve. Three Fire Ba(;.s, in which were carried pipe.s Hints to- bacco, etc. (Blackfoot). ^ ^ ' ' Beaded Shoilder B.vt; (Blood).'ore Bag (Blood). Two Cariboo Feet, worked in porcupine quill (Cree). Cai.i-.met Fife Ste.m, decorated with brass. Beaded Pife Stem. Two PiPK Head.s. Medicine Bowl. Double-edged Scalping Knife (Blood). Beaded Tomahawk, with soap-stone edge. Said to bo nearly 300 yeai-.s old. Indian Ponv Wh if (Six Nation Reserve, Grand River). Three Knife Sheaths (Six Nation). Cow Bell (Six Nation). Blood Indian Ponv Saddle (Blood Reserve). Belonged to Chief White Calf. 96 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Foi'HTEEx Steel Arrows (Blood). Two Rattlesnake-covered Bows (Blood). TwENTY-sEVEx Brass Amilets (Blood). 8eve\tee\ Elk Teeth, on woman's dress, each cost Si. 25. CiRcuj.AR Bead- WORK Decoration, on back of coat (Blood). Sleeve Strips, round coat (Blood). Portrait ok Captain Joseph Brant. Tiiken from iin engraving from the original jiainting by G. Romney in the collection of the Right Hon. the Earl of Warwick, by J. R. Smith. The engraving i.s a full-length tiguie. 12(). Oil Portrait of J. O. Brant-Sero. A direct descendant of tlie great Mohawk chief on his mother's side, who was a great-great-grand(hiiighter of Cajitrtin Brant ; lier mother is alive, and a widow, after having been married four times. This iior- trait was painted at J. O. Brant-Sero's home, Pinde Lodge, Went- worth Street S., Hamilton, in 18!)7, by Miss Carrie Hillyard. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 127. 128. 12!», 130. i:u. i;!ii. i;w. 1.54. i.'i.-.. 1:56. vxi. CosTr.ME Portrait, by C. S. Cochran, 3 James Street N. Hamilton. The subject of the picture is a daughter of the Grand River Reserve Chief Davis. Loaned by Mr. J. D. Brant-Sero. IxniA.N Bowl, a relic of the Mutiny, taken at Cawnporo by one of the 03rd, just after the Mas.sjicre. Loaned by S. F. Waker. PAiNTEn Dker Skin, brought by the late Mrs. Curzon from N.W.T. Bkahkii, I. 1. N. , on the reverse .sule, "St. Alo^sius C.mzaKa." Three Stone Skixnin(; Knives. 151. Two Stone Scali-i.nm; Knives. 152. Stone Tomahawk. 15."{. Stone Adze. 1^4. Leather MEDAr, n.odern. . ,„,y „ne of its kind in existence, lyo. W ui Cluh, wooden bundle. A rebc of tli.. W, ,i t r l^nited States. '^'"'"" ^"''""' ^^■'^'- "' t''^' ^" 'ir'Sii'""'" "" '•""' '" '''' "•■^'""■*' ^'"•"^' Lake Si.ncoe, 98 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. THE TALBOT COLLECTION. 1. Water-color Pictures, make by Capt. Caddy about 1840 : {(() The Honorable Colonel Talbot, full-length portrait, standing. (/*) Colonel Talbot's Sittincs-koom at Port Talbot, showing log ; walls, funiituru, tire, etc., with the Colonel himself sitting at the table in dressing-gown. (f) View of St. Thomas from the west, (rf) View of Port Talkot from the north. 2. Letters to Colonel Talbot (selected from the Talbot MSS.): From Lieutenant-Governor Gore, dated May .'5rd, 1811. From p. Selby, April 4th, 1812, duel between Macdonnell and Dr. Baldwin. From General Bkock, dated April 12th, 1812, as to the beginning of the war. From Chief Ji-.stice Scott, dated April 12th, 1812, as to the beginning of the war. From John Macdonnell, Brock's aide-de-camp, dated October 12th, 1812. From Joh.v Eakins, Talbot's business manager, dated Novfeniber 17th, 1812. From Colonel Niohol, Q.M.G., dated April 29tli, 181.S, as to his and Barclay's oi)erations. From Bishop Mountain, dated April 16th, 1825. From Rev. A. McIntosh, first incumbent of the parish of St. Thomas, dated August 11th, 1825. Okioinal Order of Ma.ior-General Sheaffe, Brock's successor. From Dr. John Rolph, undated letter containing a scheme for the establishment of a medical college at St. Thomas, to be called "The Talbot," with Colonel Talbot as founder. This college would have been the first medical college in Ujjper Canada had it met with Talbot's approval. Commission, General Brock to Colonel Talbot as Colonel of Middlesex militia, dated 12th February, 1812. Loaned by Talbot Macbeth. TALBOT COLLECTION. 99 3. Old Letteus. Dated ButKfilo, 2Htli OctoluT 1S-X! s!;.. ,i * ,. ,• L'xmed by Jaiiios II. Coyne Pkintki. Letter to C<.l„nol Nichul from H. Bostwick IHI'> i the allegation that "no American cvudd htrSo;'^..!']^''^''^'''^ signed, " Tlu,n.Hs Tnlhot, T^L^ti^^i:^^:"^^^^^^^^ 1".'/' %-sheet containing notes upon the p4..tln;ee;;nj^ " FIR..T Epistlk ok Bii.r. Cauoheli, to ins Hkfthkfv " . f onslaught on the Liberals of St. Th "uhs Tss" sV t/""''''' Jonrnai, extra, April 19th. IS.o .,th rSnJet tj;:- n!^!;;:;;^ St. Thomas J..,rnal, April, 1832, giving a report of the n.eeting. A Copy of the Yokk Co^n-kr, May, 1832. 4. M.v\[-,s(i{n>T. hfteenthyearofthe reign ..f KinJ'W Inl /y '''ri i 'V' '" ^'''^ """ pS;;iI;l';S.|tX';;ii ^JT%r ^'^ ^^«"--^ '>^ '-" - '^ 1832, beginning^ " ^^el'^^"' H,,a .''^t;S.r"'*^''r'^'^r ^''^' ^ed. denouncing Reforn.ers, tenM^r^^ietie^.t^:';:^:^: CoMM^ox TO Co.. TAU.OT, sent by General Brock, February 12th, -O. CoLON-EL TaLBOT'.S AcCOUXT-iJO )K. Showing dealing.s with his carpenter, servants, etc., fron. 1804 Loaned by Mrs. George Macbeth and Talbot Macbeth, London, Ont. 100 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. EDUCATIONAL. TRINITY UNIVERSITY, TORONTO. 1. R(>i> OF OkfK'K— Often iiick-namud "tliu l'i)kei.'' 2. Tkowei. -UhocI ivt thelayint,' of the foiiiulatidii-.stdiie of Trinity .iiid of uiich of the new luhlitions. It whh also used l)y Lady Minto to liiy the fouiidrttion-Htone of Ste. Hihhi's College. 3. Shields— Co(vt-of-Anns of Trinity Cniversity, Trinity College and Ste. Hilda's C.llege. 4. ArTO(iKAfii OF <.^)iKi;x Victouia, .Ioiix Kkisi-k and Auaim I'amia, in. (ila.s.s Case. 5. LiTERATiRE— Melvillj's History of Trinity College. Vear Rooks. Calendars. Specimen of 7'finitii Itiiimr. Photographs (some of them framed). Trinity in 1K.">2. Trinity now. Ground Plan, showing growth of hnilding. Convocation Hall. Chapel. Pisliop's EIouso. General .Synod, hekl at Trinity in 18!Ki C(d)ourg Divinity School, founded by Bisho[i Stiauhan, IMI. Three Pro vo.sts. Small Painting of Bishojj Strachan liefore his consecration. 6. PHOTOtiKAi'Hs OF Stb. Hilda's Coi.t.KuK, from 1888 to 188!). 7. Architect's Elevation ok PriunNi!. 8. Group.s of Stcpents (photograph). !). Stckent's Room (photogi'aph). 10. Meoal— Presented by Lord Aberdeen. UPPER CANADA COLLEGE. 11. PoKTR.Mi' : Lord Seaton (Sir John Colborne). Painted by G. T. Rertlnm. Upper Canada College founded in 182!) by Lord Seaton, then Lieuten- ant-Governor of I'pjjer Can ula. F.DL'CATIOXAI.. 101 12. i;]. 14. 10. 17. IS. l''):tTKA.r: R.v. Jost'pl, 11. HaiTiH. 1).|)., I>n,, |,s2!>-38 l-csonttMl with tl.o !'/ f V, m'' ''''•''■■^'','!' '" ^•'"' '""' "••■'■^ Tnn|u;vy in 1881. ' l"i-Mnlnn.. ,u Duvoimhiro ; died at I'outuait: Rev. .j„hn McCauI. L.L.I)., I'.i,,. 1839-43. I'nMin! Ki^"" IJiL. S::!::r:;liH '" '"f ':,'"":;- " ''■■'•->■ ^'•'"^^- »-.ivs of H.uvict. mi Tl..- r .'•'!■ "^ ^''^ "''•^•^'>'«- including the T...unt,. VnhSt;-. ""'^^''"'^'•^- Attc.,w,ud.s iHvvtn.o President of Poutiuit: F. M. Karron, M.A., i'ri,,. KS43-o6, Painted by O. T. Berth..n, 185(). I'o'i'HAir: Rev. Walter Stennett, M.A.. IVin. IS.-.T-CI, Painted Ijy T. (i. Burthon. G. R. R. Cockburn, M.A., Prit,. I.S61-81. S;-n;^^v;:i-;:!d.f^t::;::V;in^:^^^ P.vinted by A. Dickson Patterson, 1891. I'"irn!AiT: J. Buclian, M.A., Prin. ],S8]-,S.-,. 1885 ^ ..f Toronto. In.spector of High Schools LsrU-ai. D.ed Pninted hy G. A. Reid. l'il"roo„A,.H , s,„„„el Artlmr Marling, M.A . at tourtee,,. "'■ T' :itj;lsl.l' TS,is'" i5:^»8;r'"'^ ' "- ^■"'■» -^ "■ 1!). The Phi/ce P,)em. 20 Loaned l)y Mrs. F. N. r!r,,«„. I'onTHAiT IX Ckavox : Rev. Charles Dade, I\[.A., If^ 'f *;?•""'" .''"'^ f'''i"« College, Canihridgo. 18l>5 Mathem-vti cal Master L ])iier Canada Colle.'e 18-><) '57 H^.l J n • . ^'^'^^"^ '"'"'- fully at Oakville, Ste.varton andVi^lJ^et-^wn. ""^l^^"^' Loaned by C. P. Da.le, Es.j., Con.secon. 102 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 21. PoRPUViT : ])r. Tliomas Phillips 1st Vice-Principal Upper Canada College. Painted by iierthon. 22. PoR'l'UAiT: Rev. Henry Scadding, D.l)., Cl;issic;il Mastur in l'|>[>ur Cuiiaila College for twenty-live yeais (1838- 18t);j). First head boy of the College. PiiUTUAlT: J. G. Howard, Geometrical Drawing Master at Upiiei' Canada College, 18.':53-185C. M. A. Hood, Cains C(;lleire, Cambridge. Ownod by Kev. Dr. Phillips. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Loaned by Mis.s Dude. Portrait: G. R. Parkin, C.M.G. By Sydney Strickland Tuly. Two Janitors of Upper Canada College. Upper Canada College in 1820. "A plain, substantial red-brick buildin ;. without any architectural pretensions." — lh\ iSiiiddiiKj. Drawn by J. G. Howard. Early Prospectus of Uitep^ Canada College. Ijoanetl liy H. A. Dean, Picton, Ont. Residence ok Liect.-Col. O'Hara, iniilt in 18134, now the Convent of the Good SIie])herd, I'arkdale. Sketched l)v his eldest son, Uol)ert, while a pupil of Mr. J. G. Howard, at L'liper Canada College. I.oaued by Robert O'Hara, Master-in-Chaucery, Cliathaui, Ont. Snuff Hon. Foi'iiierly bel'-.iging to Rev. Dr. Charle.s Dado. Prize, Upper Canada College, 1871. Loaned by ]\Irs. H. Tln)Uii)son. Framed Score, Fii-st Cricket Team of Upper Canada College. First match [ilayed at the College, .July Ifith, 183(5, Toronto r.s. r])per Canada College. Prize, Upper Canada College, 1832; To George Givins. CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RYERSON MEMORIAL COLLECTION. Documents relating to Col. Joseph Ryerson. Dated at Long Island, August ist. 1783, from Royal and Mason to Joseph Ryerson, Past Master. Commission, dated ut head,,uarters, New York, April ITtI, ns. , .• Guy Carleton, Co,„„.ander-i„.C-hief of al rlil tv f ' "" f" Uje colonies ,yin, on the Atlantic Ocean, ^:::^^lZ'Jtl Commission, dated at York, February 11th 1812 fr.. «• t Commission, dated at WoodhousB isrx: f. q or the cun^ of .J:^:\:zj;:z:z:t s^r ''-'-' "^'^"Td,t^lISlr:?^.;;::/?l-: - -e.i„e Mait- Colonel 1st Regiment Norfolk Sil. '* '"^ ''""'^'^ ^^*'^«""' "« Commission dated at York, January Lst, 1800, from Peter Hunter Lieut Lkttkh. fron, Sir I.saae Krock to Joseph Ryerson, dated April «tl, 1812. Lu.'KNsK, dated at Fredericton, Septe.nher, 17»1 f,,,,,, i,;, v n S.r Guy Carleeon, Lieutenant-Governo; ^f U, P .. LJ^' ^ n"*^^ Scotia to Sarah Ryerson, to in.port .settlers' effects i t NW h!^'"" wick, from the State of New York. "'"*•■ Commlssion, dated at Montreal I2Hi I.,.. iu.<. , Charles Murray, Z ( athcirt to R 1 ' 'T '^' ^^'^'''^ """• tendent of Scho;.f;' U^pr^adl ' '"^"" '''''""'"' "' '"''"''■ Co,,M,ssi.. dat 1 at Toronto July 2«th, 1850. fron. the Right Hon. J,.„,,. F-rl of Kl.,n and Kincardine, to R«v Egerton Ryerson, a, «u,.erintondent of Schools ..f Tp^er (.'anad,i lief •/? VERSON MEMORIAL COLLECTION. Commission, dated at Toronto, 18th July, IKf)!, from the Right Hon. Jiimes, Karl of Elgin and Kincardine, to Rev. Egerton Ryerson, as Senator of the riiiversities of Toronto. Du'i.oMAs, of Doctor of Divinity, dated .\ugust .'{rd, 1842, from the Senate of Wealeyan L'niveisity, of Middleton, Conn., to Rev. Egerton Ryerson. ''''ort, to Rev. Egerton Ryerson, dated London, August Ist, 185."). from Earl Clarendon. ColonelJo8e|)h Ryerson, father of Revs. George, William, John, Egerton and Edwy Ryerson, was bora near Paterson, New Jersey, Feb. 28th, 1761. His father and grandfather had held apjwintments under George II. and III. He entered the British Army in 177<), was attached to the "37th," "71st," and "84th" Regiments ; successfully volunteered with the 550 to besiege Charleston, of whom only 86 returned on its evacuation. His first Commission was given to him as the innnediate reward of the coura^^e and skill he displayed as the bearer of special dispatches from Charleston — llMi uiiles—into the interior. Subse- (luentiy,for other distinguished service, he received his Commission as Lieutenant to the Prince of Wales' American Volunteers, from Sir Guy Carleton. He emigrated to New Brunswick with his brother Samuel, near Fredericton. In 17SH) removed to the County of Norfolk in l^ppcr Canada. In 18f«) he was appointed Sheriff of the District of London ; in 1812 he received his Couunission as Lieut.-Col. of the 1st Regiment of Norfolk; in the war of 1812 he, with his three eldest sons, took an active part in the defence of his country. Col. Ryerson died in 1854, on the 5th of Auszust. His surviving sons were, William, George, John, Egerton and, Edwy Uyer.^on. i EDUCATIONAL. 103 3*. 35. 36. 37. 38. 3!). 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. THE BISHOP STRACHAN MEMORIAL COLLECTION. Diploma, Aberdeen University, 1799. Letter of Oudeks, Deacons, Quebec Cathedral, May 22, 1803. 8i Quis, May 25, 180.3. Appoixtmen't as Clergyman at Cornwall, Auo-. 2, 1803. Lkttei{ of Orders, Priest, 1804. Doctor's Deorke, Aberdeen, 1810. Appointment a.s Clergyman at York, 1812. Degree, St. Andrew.s, Aberdeen, 1819. Summons ok the Hon. and Rev. John Strachan to the Legislative Council, 1821. PoRTUAlT: Strachan, 1839. By Pickoivsgill, 11. A., taken tlio year of his einisucratiun. Ebony and Silver Mace, carried before the Bishop, by the verier. Mace. Spectacles, Pen, Knife, Scissors, u.sed by the Bishop. Addresses : 1. King's Collei-e. 2. Convocation of Kind's Colleire. 3. Church-wardens of St. James Cathedral. Trowel with which the Foundation Stone of Trinity was laid (N.B.—TIii.s was iirusonted to Dr. Strachiin, hy .Stiulunts of Cornwall Schwol.) Silver Epergue. Phot(JGRAph : St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, as it was when Dr. Strachan was its rector. Prayer- Book (tlate 1770) presented to Cornwall Church, 1785 Loaiud hy Ruv. \\. L. M. Hou.ston, Cornwall Church Register from l.SO."). Loaned l)y Rev. R. Ij. M. Houston. Poikilographia. Loaned l)y ituv. R. L. M. Houston. Picture: Bishop Strachan's Church and School at Cornwall. Loaned liy Rev. R. L. .M. Hou.ston. 104 I CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 66 67. 58. m. 60. 01, THE HOME DISTRICT GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NOW 'I'HK COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, JARVIS STREET, TORONTO. Founded 1807. PIIOTOGRA l-IIS OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Room 5. Thk Or,i. Bi.vE ScHoor,, 18](!. Lojinctl by Jolin Ros.s Kohortson, E.sij., M.P. Thk (Jli) Gkam.mar Scikjoi, on Nelson and Stanley Streehs, 1829. " on Dalhousie Street, 1864. Old Kixii',s CoLiEciE, Queen's Pmk. Rented to the IJoaid of Tnistoes in 1870 for one- dollnr. Tub Toronto Hi 03. 64. 65. 0(). J'oiithaits of rectors. The Very Rev. Cv.unv.v. Oakim. Sti art. LL.D., 1,S(>7-1812. Artist- W. Sawyer, Kingston. Loaned by the Ch.uehwardens of St. .bunes' Cathedral, Toronto Also Personal RsLrcs : Loaned by Mrs.W. Maeplierson, TheCajK., (,)nebec. The Hon. and Rt. Rev. .John Strachan, D.D., 1^12-182;j. Loaned by Mrs. James McGil] Strachan, Toront... The Rev. Thoma.s, D.D., 1823-18.^0. (See Exhibit of rpjRT Canada College.) Marcus C. Cromihe, Ks,,.., 18;;8-J8.-)4. (Pliotograpli.) Loaned by Mrs. Millard, with .\utograph Letter Michael C. Howe, M.A.. LL.D., 1854-180.'5. (Engraving, with .Autograph Letter.) 67. MS. Book op Sermons, bol.i of the sfhool, 182.'?-182ri nging to Rev. Samuel Ar mour, M.A., rectt Loaned by Chief Justice A rmour. EDUCATIONAL. 106 68. Silver Sm-ff-hox, belonging to Kov. Samuel Arn.our. Loaned l,y K. A. Peck, Poterln ro'. 0'.). Photooka..„ ok Mh. A,»ro, h's GRA^■.. .ul of Sr. .Jon.Vs Ch.rch Cvv.v ..f winch he ...s ..ector, 1836-1853. (With an Autograph t^ ' 70. Also a D.D. Ho,..,. ^"'""^ ''^' ^^'''' -^'■""""■' «"»n,anvillc. Loaned by Arthur Grasett, Toronto PORTRAIT, OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 71. Thk Vehv JU:v. Henkv J. Gk.vhett. M.A. (Cantab ) and D D f ,• f . y-sChainnan.of the Board, 1842-1882. A it M^ s' Jr^' Kingston, u-ith a MS. Sermon and Autograph Lettlu ' ' ' ' I-">-l ''.V »••■ F. Leai. Grasett, Toronto /-. ijikKrv. J(>7i\ BAKoaUMENT.->. in. 7fi. 77. 78. 70. 80. 81. COMMLSSIUX OF THE lioARh OK TrCST-F^* 1 SiT Wfl o . r , , C-as, and Autograph o. His ^-„r,:--^ . As above. 184». Wi„, Autograph of His Excellency Lord Elgin AxAcTToKsTA,>us„ (iKA.n,AR S<:„oor.s at the villages of Streetsville ar.. Newmarket, under the care of the HoL V.^^t^ ^|;.^^^^^^.th of .John Sandtield Macdonald, Solid^^ School Beport, with Xa.nes of Pupils, 1849. School Ti>rE-TAiiLE. C. R. Brooke, Assistant Master, fecit 1855. TELE.iRA>r TO TREA.SIRER OF THE BOARD, 184!). Bavk Bo,.k ok THE School, with che.jues, 1843-1850 J5ANK OK I I'l'EK t'ANAnA Year Hook of the Old Bo,s' Association, School Crest and 106 CAXADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. EARLY TEXT-BOOKS, SIMILAR TO THOSE USED IN THE SCHOOL. 82. Johnson's Dictionary, 1757. 8:5. " " 180(). 84. Two Geodraphical Note Books, with Maps and Text, 182!». Loaned by Miss Helen Williams, Toronto. 85. A School Reader, 182!), Loaned by Miss Mabel Barton, Toi'onto. 80. General Geoorai'Hy, 1744. Loaned by G. B. ThomiJ.son, Toronto. KING'S COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO AND UNIVERSIl Y COLLEGE. CHARTER, ACTS AND BILLS. 87. Charter of Kincj's Colleoe, 1827. 88. Acts of 1837, 1840, 1850, 1853. 89. Bills of 184:?, 1844, 1847, 1851. PORTRAITS—CHANCELLORS OF KING'S COLLEGE. !I0. Sir Pereorixb Maitla.nd, Bart., K.C.B., Lieutenant-Goveiiior of Upjior Canada. 1827. 91. Sir John Colborne, Bart., K.C.B. (afterwards Lord, G.C.B.), Lieutenant-Governor of Uijper Canada. 1829. 92. Sill Francis Bond Head, Bart., K.C. B., Lieutenant-Governor of Cjiper Canada. 183G. 93. Sir Georoe Artiur, Bart., K.C.B., Lieutenant-(jiovernor of U|)[)er Canada. 18:58. 94. The Uioht IIonoraisle Charles Poclktt Thompson (afterwards Lord iSydenli.ini, G.C.B.), Governor-General of Canada. 1840. 95. The Rioht Honorable Sir Charles Bahot, Bart., G.C.B., M.A. (O.vou.), Governor-General of Canada. 1842. 96. The IIioht Honorable Sir Charles Theophilis Metcalfk, Bart., G.C.B. (afterwards Lord Metealfe), Governor-General of Canada. 1843. 97. The Rkjht Honorable the Earl of Cathcart, K.C.B., Governor- General of Canada. 1845. 98. The RuiHT IIoNoiiAisLE the Earl of Elois and Kixcakdine, K.T., M.A. (Oxon.), (Jovernor-General of Canada. 1847. F-DUCATIONAL. 107 CHANCELLORS OF THE UNIVEimiY OF TORONTO. 101. The HoN„KA.n.K E.,w.v,ti. Blake, M.A. (Tor.) LL.D., g.C. I87. Hexky Holafks Ckoit D (" L V T « n * . „ T'. ■ ■. .;, iJ-^-U, i^.L.S., Pnpfcs.sor of nio.nistry in tlio I mvcrsity of Toronto, 1850. '^ 110. The REVEUEsn John McCaul, LLD T C D IV...;,i ,„f fi- College, 1853. ■' ^'"^"'^'"f "^ ^I'-vcrs.ty 111. JoHv Lan-oton, M.A. (Ciintal).). 1850. 112. Thk Hoxokaule Adam Crooks, LL.D., (,).(_'.. 18(;4. 113. Lakrait William Smith, D.C.L., q.C, 1873. 114. The Honoraml-. Tidmas Moss, M.A., 187(). 115. The Honorarle Wii.lum Milo.k, M.A., LL.D., 1881. 116. KlN(i',sCoLLE(;E BriLI.IN.i. Photo. 117. Phy.sical Lnstri-.ments used in King's College. 108 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY 118. Chapel and Commiwiox Re(iistek of King's College. 110. Class List of King's College, 1845. 120. DocuMKNTs ANt) PuitLicATiuNs relating t-) Kind's College. 121. Tablh; Sii.vKi!. used in King's College. 122. The University Lihuahy ani> MrsKi'M before the lire of ISDO, Photos. ]2.'{. Meiials oi' THK Universitv ok Tohonto. i VICTORIA UNIVERSITY. Foniidwl by msolntion of Mefcliodist Conference. 1S30, Corner Stone of finst linililin;,^ June 7tli, 1«.S2. Opened for Students, June LStli, 1.S3G. Royal Charter, October 12tli, LS8(). University Powers, August 27tli, 1S41. Gra(hiate, 1845. Total Graduates, about 2,700. Total Students enrolled, about G,000. 12i. FouxDKK.s, 18:}0-H(), Members of Connnittee and of JJoard appointed by Royal Charter : The l{evs. William Casi>, .John Ryerson, William Ryerson, Rev. Thos. Whitehead,|>li Stin.son, D.D., John lieatty, James Ricli- ar(ls(m. D.D. ; the Hon. Uilla Flint, Senator: .lohn'Md'arty, Es(|. ; Charles Riggar, Escj.; John Counter, Ks(j., INI. P. : H,,n. Kl.enezer Perry, Senator I Col. Geo. H. Si)encer. 125. PoRTH.MT: Rev. E Ryer,son, D.])., with Hood, First President of Vietoria Cniversity. Ry l'>iTthon (18r)4). 12(i. Portrait: Rev. S. S. Nelles, D.U., LL.l)., with Hoods, T»resident, ]8,-)l-87. Ry fi. Forster. 127. Portrait: Rev. William Ornii.ston, D.IX, LL.D. Professor of Metaphysics, 1848-r)(). 128. i'noTOGRAi'Hs Group of former Members of Faculty, by Hicks, of New York (now deceased) : Rev. M. Rieliie, D.D., Prineijjal, IH.Sd ; Rev. J. R. Hurlburt, M.A LL.D., 18;i(i, 18.'i!t; Rev. D. C. VanNormau, M.A., LL.D., 18:{t); William Kingston, M.A., 1842; Rev. James Speueer. M.A , 1842- John Heatty, M.D.. 184."); .John Wilson. A.R (T.C.R), LL.D.. 1847; Rev. (Jeorge C. Whitloek. M.A, LL.D., LS.')!) : Rev. Wesley Wri^dit' M.A., 1848: the Hon. John |{<.lfe, g.C, M.D., LL.D., Dean of Medical Faculty, 1854.; Hon. Lewis Wallhridge. Q.C., C.J., Deau of Law Faculty, 1854: Miss Boulter (Mrs. Hurlburt), Lady Princi[)al. EDUCATIOXAL. luy 120. Group of Wome.v STri)ENT.s, l8;J6-42 : Miss xXuncy McCarty (Mrs. Crawfunl), mr-lkMl .lunc I8th IH.'ifi Hrst Mss J,„, ci,, .„t (Mrs. Nathan .),.„.«). Isa dla , S il^; Fl r Vl' '""a?; ^'r ''""^^ ^'- ^^■'■'^''f (''^''-- Macao, al,S iviaij lvA-u-:::;:(^.K..;;^;X; ^-^^t:^ T V' HI •^'^■"' "t"V; '':'"'"• '""' ''■''"«l"torof the l5il,]e into ('ve •' J. b. Hodgn.s LL.I). Deputy-iMinister .,f K.h.cation • Hev \Vm' W.\r W^^"'- /"n ^'^:;^""^"^H' t'i'ee Scholar and Mis /.na y Z „, ' O V r"'n^«V« "^"r^"'- : 'i'^v. Wn.. C)nni.sto„, D.D.,^ LI : <). n. Powell. 18:{8, and son, 8(i4 ; Prof ^ , i>,,'.,j| ^ iV ,' Groui' oi' Indian Stuuems: Steinhauer (father an 132. 133. 13+. 13.-). 136. 137. n), and Pushagezik Salt. Group of Graduates (Japaxese): Kono and Takaji. The first Class (18.-)4), a.vo the C Graduating under Dr. NelJcs. First Student From Hidsox B ■lohn Maedougall. First Womax Gradu. lass (1887) \V: ATE IX CaXADA Miss If. Stewart, 188-2, M The Roval Cuarte 183(J. Act enlarj,'in>; tli MS. ount Alli.son University. R, oTiuito.l 1.3- His Majesty William \\ le same, August 27th, 1841 copy of Royal Charter, with notes l.yLaw Officers of tl 138. Class List of 1843, 139. Class List of 1845. 140. Semi- le Uruwn. cextexxial C.vlexdar, 1841-42—1891-02. .110 CAIVADfAN IIl$TOR[CAL SOCIETY. ■s 141. FiiisT Diploma, 1H45. 142. PuKVCE OF Wales Medals, witli portraits of first Medallists, IhOl: Rev. Alexander BuriLs, M.A., LLD. ; W. H. McClive, M.A., LL.B., Q.C. 143. Dked of ForxDATioN ok Ryerson, Hodgins, and Weusfer Phizes by Dr. J. G. Hoilgins, presenting ^800 as pornianent endowment. 144. EXGRAVI.VGS: The flint College at Cobourg, foundation .stone laid Juno 7th, 18.'i2, coiiijiluted 18;{(). Albert College, IJelleville, 18.">(). Fnrraday Hall, Cobourg, 1874. Victoria College, Toronto, 18i)l-l)2. 145. Books from ])r. Ho(l<,fiiis : "Tlie Opening of Cpper Canada Academy, 18;]G," by Rev. Dr. Green. " Opening of Victoria College, 1H41," Dr. Kyer.son. " [naiiginal .Address," Di'. {{yer.son, 1842. "Opening of King'.s College," 184;{. "Memorial Volumes of Dr. Nelles," compiled by Dr. Hodgins, LL.D. 146. Two Volcme.s given by the Queen, with Autooraph. 147. The Nellks' Plvte. 148. Heck Collectjom : Barbara Heck'.s Bible. Paul Heck'.s Bible. Paul Heck's di.scharge from militia, signed by his connnanding ofHcer, • Col. Leake, in 1778. A copy of Paul Heck's will. An account of the Ruckel family, to wliich Barbara Heck belonged. The Hecks came from Holland to Ireland, where they resided some years; emigrated to New York ; were the first to hold Methodist services in New York, and later in Canada. They were, therefore, the pioneers of Methodism in botli United States and Canada. 149. Case containing letters of the celebrated inissionar3', J^inies Evans. With samples of tyjje made and used by him in ])rinting the Cree language. The entire Bible is ])rinted by the British and Foreign Bible Society in this Cree .syllabary, and was translated by H. B. Steinhauer, a Victoria .student, and another Wesleyan nussionary. 150. Autograph Letter and Early Portrait of John Wesley. Presented to Rev. Peter Jones, Indian missionary, by James Everett of Manchester, England, 1831. EDUCATIONAL. Ill lol. A Large Mrteouite. In.l -1. I "'";"" •''"•'^ V'""«'' '•^■«««"''l'"'^t. to the iMnnai. face, m. IS sn..l to have I.een un ol.jeot of vonemtion to the Indians of tlu region m winch it fell as the fnco of thf (Jreat Spirit. 152. Portrait of Rev. Peter Jones. Iiulian missionary and author of a history of the Ojibway Indians. 153. Two Mancscript Volume.s. 1834-J857 "^ *'"" ^''"''' ^''"■'' ''^"''''"' ^^''■"''-'y'"' '"i«8i»n'»ry to Canada, l')4.. VoLCME OK THE Instructor. A weekly newspaper publisher in London in 1814. and containing Inteat news from the seat of war. ^ First Volume Christian Guardian, 1829. First Volume Canadian Methodist Magazine. First Volume Canadian Methodist Reviexo. 15,5. 1 5(i. 157. :'i 112 CANADIAN HfSTORICAl. SOCIEIV CHINA. 1. LAUciK ])klft I'latk, Enylisli nmmifacturo. 2. Old Deij-t Sauceh, VM'gXx^Xx willow pntterii. Jiroiiglit from Glasgow, ycotliind, 1820, l)y Miss Hiiir, wli.i luiuTiu.l WiiiTon, tho kiiiir's iiu'Hsungui, wlio iwried tla- ik'spiitchos liutwueii PuiKstJiiigiiiHluMU' ,111(1 Voik. Wiiiivii Imilt tlif still Htiuuling on Miigivziiiu Islaii.l in Penftdnguislioiio Huihur. Loaneil hy A. C. Oslmrue, IVnctiuiguiHlionu. 3. Plate that helonged to ('ai'tain Cook. 4. One .Iro (.subject, Naomi and (lau<,ditc'r,s). Described in Mrs. S. C. Hull's journal in the early tifties. 5. Jug (Davenport). Belonged to Alex. J. Heriot, Berwickshire, 1820. Loaned by Mrs. Small. 6. Dinxeu-pl.vte and Sweet-me.vt Dish. Owned by Mrs. .Stephen Secord in 18;55. Loaned l)y Mrs. Orlando Dunn. 7. China Fruit Dlshes (two), over 100 years' old. 8. Five Specimens of a Set Made for Hon. Col. Joseph Wells, and inougiit to Canada in IHKI. Tioaned by Mrs. A. de Peiieier. 9. Teai'ot, Sioak Bowl, Cueam Jro, Cri' and Sacceu (Davenjiort). Hpecimen of a set brought to Canada in 1822 l)y W. Wakefiehl. The teapot is over 150 years' okV Loaned by IMrs. Shortiss. 10. FuuiT Bowl. With other specimens from dessert and tea .set, belonging to the Hon. James Morris, Brockvillo, 183'J. Loaned by ]Mrs. E. Morris. 11. Plate and (iuAvv Disii. Of dinner set belonging to the late Hon. Alex. Frazer, of Frazertield. 12. Blle Beer Mug. Belonging to Wm. Scott, of Prescott, 70 years old Loaned by Mrs. Arch. Fra/.er. ) years old. Loaned by Mrs. Arch. Frazer. CHINA. \X Cjiina, ownotl by U. E. Loyalist. 14. Tea Pot. 113 LiMiiiud t.y Mis. Unici! (.'(iroy. Pitrt of a Hefc which wiim l.uiiLd (liinhi.' the Wur ..f l«l» f > falhng int.. the hmuls „f the enen.y n't, Nhv^H.'" "" '" ^'""' " ^'■"•" Lijuncd l.y MiHH J. M. (,'io„kH. IT). Bowr,. 16. Tea Pot. Brought iM 18-1, l,y M..S. Scuhling. .....thor ..f thu Rov. Dr. ScH.hli,., 17. Plate. ' '^"""^'"•y Mrs. Uohoit Suiiiv.m. I^oanotl l)y Mi-m. J/iuius A. Proctor 1«. JCG AM) Cl'l', 181G. 19. \VlLI.OW-|.ATTEKX CuP. r.ouuodhy Mrs. llo.ny Thompson. Ji^'lS in ^:.^';S ol^t":^:;;.:?;;:,'"^"' ''•;;-, ^^^ y-r ''«- '''-^^ MALL lEAi'OT (Oriental). Cheam Jug (Oriental). . Crp and Saucer, with crest. Belonged to Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment. Blpe Daveni'okt Stands. Red and Bh-e Davenport Plates. Ghp:en and Gold Davenport Dessert Dlsh and Plate Fonuerly I.elonged to Rev. John Strachan, Bishop of Toronto Dresden China Jar. Owned by Jenny Li„d and brought by her to Canada in 185.i Spode De,ssert Service (three pieces). '''""' '' ''"■ '"'"""'• Spode Dinner Set. Wedgewood I'ankard, silver-topped. Blue Vase (Sevre). M;.?f..::tiS'S:Sri.,^^^^"' ^"^•' -^^ •^-".•^ -t by t,. 51 52 53, 54. 55. 50. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Fax, Chinese decoration. £oS:to;.;S;-nh::^,^i; --* ^^" inDublinl«0 years ago. ,. „, ^"''"^•i '^y Mis. Forsyth Grant. ONE Jeacupand Two Sauceiw. Brought out by r. E. Loyalist ITm t i , ., J y. yaiist, 1^5. Loaned by Mrs. E. Morris. Ieapot and Plate. Part of a wedding pre.sent to the late Mrs. G. Ryerson, in 1830. Beer Mug (Spode). Dessert Dlsh (Davenport). Belonged to Peter Russell. S.MALL Chelsea Figures. Cups and Saucers (Davenport). 116 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. lii 70. Orie.v i"AL Bowl, with top, 1798. Belonged to Wm. Baldwin, who came to Canada in 1798. Loaned by Mrs. Wilcocks Baldwin. 71. Jars of Clohbered China (two). That in, old Oriental ; enamelled and gilded in Europe, — two probably at Bow or Chelsea, 17C5. 72. Vases (two). Decorated in gold, with cartouches showing ])heasants in coloring; bell-shai)ed, Spode, 1830. Loaned by Mrs. Allen. 73. China Plate. Made at Canton in 1784, having in it.s centre France supporting badge of the "Society of the Cincinuiiti." The set is said to have been presented V)y that Society to Washington. 74. Bi'.A.viPTON Vase. spiral in design ; body in shai)e of Lord Brougham ; made in \K\\. when he was advocating his Reform Bill. Has im])res.sed " The true spirit of Reform," and " Lord Brougham's Reform Cordial." 75. Three Old Worcester China Plates. Of the Coventry pattern ; made at the Royal Worcester works, 1780, and designed for the seventh PJarl of Coventry. Lijaned by Allan Cassels. 76. Teapot, used at Waterloo. 77. Punch Bowl (brown). 78. George Washington Sugar Bowl, with view oF Mount Vernon. 79. Old Blue Utica Plate, 1824, with < kscription. 80. Cup and .Saucer, l)el(»nge(l to Madame de Pompadour. 81. Cup and Saucer, belonjjed to Sir Walter Scott. 82. Old Chrysler Sauce-uoat and Stand, from Niatrara. Marked with Chry.sler's name. 88. Copy ok Martha Washington's Teacui' and Saucer, 177(). Loaned by Miss ({ordon. 84. Cup and Saucer (Coalport), about GO years old. Loaned liy Miss Workman. 85. Two Delkt Tories, formerly belonging to Surveyor-General, the Hon. Thomas Ridout. Mentii-n^ O^iENTA. China Plate and belonged to Mrs. Campbell of Melfort, 151. Ol„ Black an,. GoLn Fan, belonged to Mrs. Nordheimer's grand.nother, Mrs. Nortyd. i^^^.^^^ ,^y ^^ Nordheimer. 152. Cup and Saucer, early Crown Derby. Loaned liy Mrs. J. S. Playfair 153. SuoAR Chopper (Spode). Loaned by Mrs. Forsyth Grant. 154. Sauce Boat, Chelsea Davenport, over 80 years old. 155. Old Spode Gravv Boat. Loaned by Mrs. Arthur T. West. 156. Saucer, amateur work from New Brunswick, more than 100 years old. Loaned by Mrs. S. G. Wood. ,^i I 122 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. % SILVER. Room 8. 1. Silver Seal, Silver Soup Spoon. The only pieces of plate saved by Esther Quincy, wife of the Hon. Jonathan Sewall, last Attorney-General of MassachusettH under the British Crown, when he Hei; for his life, in 1776, to England. After educating his sons there, he settled in Canada. His son, Jonathan Sewell, afterwards became Chief- Justice of Lower Canada. The seal WHS awarded to an ancestor of the Sewell family in recognition of iv deed of valor during the Wars of the Roses. Loaned by Miss Marjory Sewell. 2. Silver Tea Pot and Stand. Quaint, with rude inscription on bottom ; presented to Miss Mary Pritchard, niece of Sir John Darnley, at her marriage, and brought by her to Canada in 1814; to Penetanguishene milit^uy post in 1815, where it was used at the canteen to serve many men of note— among others, the Duke of Northumberland. Rirl of Carlisle, Duke of llich- m"ttons belong- ing to Robert Mcintosh, of Strome, Scotland ; <,ne, three hundred years old ; and one, two hundred years old. . lee nundiea Loaned by Mr. Blackwood, Winnipeg 26. Silver Dish. Over one hundred years old, owned by Hon. Peter Russell. „- o o Loaned by Mrs. St. George Baldwin. 27. Silver Spoons. Presented by C.,1. By to Mr. Tormey, of R<^^yal Engineers, on the oTffVSSownsfr."' ^""^ ^'''''''' «-ernes.stt the daughters Loaned by Miss Tormey, Ottawa. 124 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 28. Silver Tkowei, and Spiiiit Level. Usod lit tho lityiiij^ i)f tlu' first Htoiie of the F'lirliimioiit Hiiil(liii<^H, ( )ttawii. Loaned by Mrs. Hutcock, Ottiiwa. 29. SiLVEH Sl'ooN, Dii(; up ill gnrdeii of old house ut Richmond, formerly oceuiiied l>y Col. Ilurke. Loaned by Mrs. H. Roilly. 30. Silver Snuffeks and TitAV. Formerly property of Nicholiis Spui-k.s, one of pioneers of (»tt/iwii. Loaned i)y Mr.s. A. P. Sherwooil, Ottawa. 31. Silver Meiul, 1804. Dug up at Fort Maiden, Ainiierstbuig, Out.. 1800. Loaned l)y Mrs. Mary Evelyn Remon, Ottawa. 32. Cruet Staxd, with six cut }i;la.s8 cruets. Loaned liy John Siiiall, Berkeley House. ;i3. Tablespoon and Dehsertsfoon, in use at a dinner given Win. Lyon Mackenzie by Mrs. Alphaeus St. Jolin, of Dunnville, wlien making his escape from Canada. Loaned by Mrs. Oliver Phelps, St. John. 34. Snuff-box with miniature of Napoleon ;J5. Loaned by Mrs. Charles Fuller. Shoe buckles (2 pair) a, steel ; b, gold. Knee Bucklks, 1 pair, used the latter part of last century. Loaned by Mr. John Small, Herbuley House. 36. Shoe Buckles, brought to Canada, 1833, by the late Col. St. George Ducie, of Morpeth. Loaned by Henry N. Ducie. 37. Miniature Portrait of Jacque Poscenquet — the last of the family. 38. Dutch Tankard, formerly owned by Angelica Skuyler, direct descendant of Philip Pectersen Skuyler, who took the chiefs of the Six Nations to the court of Queen Anne. Loaned by Mrs. Murray Alexander. 30. Tea Service, ninety years old, teapot, cream jug and sugar basin. Loaned by Artliur P. Ducie. 40. Snuff-box, given by a British oflicer to Win. Biggar while (juartered in his house, 1812. Loaned by Mrs. MulhoUand. 41. Silver Snuffles and tray, spoils of the Peninsular War. 42. Pair of Spectacles nearly two hundred years old. 43. Necklace — mother of pearl with steel cut and set in stones. Loaned by Dr. Dee Stamford. SILVER. 125 44. 45. 46. 48. 4!». 50. 51. 52. 5;j. 54. 55. 5(i. 57 HHuotH (Highkud). Snuff mull (silver). .Silver tivmn jug. Loaned by Mrs. W. A. Biildwin. Sir.vEK Trx known to l.e over two hundred year« old-fonnerly belonged to Lit.-Lol, () H.ira. " Loaned by the MiswH O'Hara. Candelabka and Sugar Chopper from York Houho. Loaned by Mrs. Forsyth Grant. Silver Eye-.u.a«ke.s. Putd, box. Shoe buckles. Bracelet with clasp Pearl card counters, (iold ear-rings. ^ Loaned by Mrs. M. Keely. Loaned by Mrs. For.syth (Jrant. Loaned l)y Mrs. .James Bain. Loaned by Mrs. Samuel Thompson. Snukfehs and tray. Sni KK-iiox. Ivory tobacco stopper, 1830. AsPARAOlS CUTTEK, IBJi". Canih.ksticks. Snurt'-box, about 1835 .58. 59. (50. (d. Loaned i)y Mrs. Vx. .Morris. MisTAiu. I'.rr formerly the property of Sir Peregrine Maitland, (Jovernor of I pper Canada. »cinui Silver CANi.ELAi.RA-a pair given by the Duke of Kichn.on.l to Col Foster, Asst. Adjutant-General of the Britisli trooi)s in Canada. Loaneil by Mrs. Harrison. Belt Pix, formerly owned l)y Laura Secord. Loaned by Miss Clarke. Olo Doible-case Watch. Loaned Ity Mrs. .James Bain. A Laroe Amethyst, Lake Superior. Loaned by Mrs. Savigny. ^''"'^T.i^pLigroR STAxn {^^M) Soup Ladle, T.H.VV. Tablespoons, l.K.U Dessertspoon (Eagle). 1 Saucer Lndle (Eagle). 1 Siura ■ Spoon (ship). Teapot with cherry han.lle and crest. ( Jreen flask with .silver stopper (L>). Wine coaster. Fish knife and' fork. Loaned by .lolin Haldane. Wine Stand. Brooch bearing date 1783- buckle is owne.l bv C F Loyalist ancestor. ^ ^ ■ r^. Loaned by Miss Young '^''' Jolnf Rothwdr"''^ ''"'""°'"^' *" ^^''- '^""'"■""' ""'''>^-'' "f ^'"^ ««v. Silver Nitmeo Grater in.scribed "E. C." (Elizabeth Cope), handed down through four generations to Canada, 18:i4. ^ ' '""""■*' ''""" BRoorH given l,y Major Holcroft, who was at Queenston Hei.rhts Oct n^e in m-uth.'^'-^- ^''"^^•^" = "''^^^-'^ ^^'^^'^ "^'^ — ''^ ^^ Loaned l)y Mrs. Leigh. 126 CANADIAN HISTOIUCAI. SOCIETY. h ti2. Gold Eye-olashih, worn by Hun. Win. DiclcHon. Lonnud by Miss DickNun, (iiilt. 03. HiLVEK Hnckk-box, formerly boloiigiiig to Itev. T. S. Kllurby, lute Rector of Sitriiiiv. (Ji. Tea Caddy, tortowe shell iiud pearl. Loiiiief>. 07. !t8. 99. 100. 101, 102. io;3. 104. 105. Silver Mi-u, inontionod in Dr. Dunlnp's will. , „ . ^"""i"' '>yMi8.s.J. S. (}an.„w. (J.MlorieJi v(.RV ANi. S.I.VKK H.«,o..H, over 100y„,us ,.1,1, hleast-.l l.v the P,„,.. I voKV TwiNiN,. RosK. ,il.„ut 1«K) yenrs old. ^ ' Sn,VKR .S..OO., fH.nily heirloo.u, lonnod by HixX^nonTti'!;" ''■ "^ ***""""- Watch. Mr. .T,.hn (Juy t i f' "","-'{ J'y Mrs. Long. T».v.u„»„ ,;„.,.„.L.s.Hv,..K, „„, „, «.lr,.:;rl'i';,;:s„r"''- Old Siivkr anh Pim.u„u i i i i . Loaned hy Loretto Alihoy. ok larok Cornelian Kk' '""*'""' '''^ ''^'■''- ^'^y''"' i^^K';?"r'lSS" '^•"'•^"- ''^•^ '"•>• ^--f ''^ ^rs. .,. W. 8o.les. Silver Watch, belonging to R.Kleriok McKen^ie'SM'^t.-Jr iT^' Ol..^lver^....rox. belonged to ^^Vl't^'k:^. r'i'Mpn fi"''''-f "7' belonged to Major-(Jon. Kersten.un. R.A . 17«iO ToI!S! ' " '""''""'^ "^ *'"' '"'" ^'•''- •^- J'- H..w;».,l, of High P,uk, Filigree Gold Ornaments, set of 7 articles. L.jHned by Mrs. S. G. Wood. JEWELLERY. A Battersea Enamelled E.., 1764. said to have belonged to Queen t harlotte, and given to h lady-in-waiting. Loaned l,y A. Cassels ^s^ '"""■•''^ ^''"''"^ '" ^''« '^g'*^'*"-'" ^-"'y - -bject fin'::;:!: Loaned by A. Cassels. A Small Ivory Sni'pf-box with Tortoise shell in. and inlaid ■.•mel of ...... haps a city's arms. Beh.nged to Daniel O'CWnJu ' ' '' u _, Loaned by A. Cassels. SU.MR ToNOs, fonnerly owned by L^u.ra Secord, an.l given by her gra.ul- daughter to the late Mrs. Cnrx.n. Loaned by Miss ctrl, . ""SiS^otS^ ^rs.::;a.i::rts\^^^ ^'--^ - CiMPn TT.n „ ■ , , Loaned by Miss FitzGibbon. Cameo Ear-rinos, with pendants. Enamelled Brac^elets. Bracelet, presented to the late I^idy Rowland by citizens of Toronto. 1.' ,. Loaned by O. A. UowLmd Emer.u,d Brooch, heirloom in Farmer family, Brockton Court. Engliu.d: Loaned by Wm. Farmer. 128 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MISCELLANEOUS. 1. Glass Frame, containinjr: fJJif ■.^""'\r'"'"'^'"' '" <-''"i'"'''- Autogivipli of Louis .Josepli Pat.ineau, ^ 1 ^"^^^ ^f J'";^'" '^""*^'"^ct, 160 years old, very curious. Hank Note ot l»o6. Old tommunion Tokohs, Knox Church, Hy-Town. Coins made from copper of S.S. Benm\ 18;{5. Spectacles and Tohacc. B.,x, :1*/T' ','•,• ,I^f «M't« fi'"'" Louis XVI. to La Ferricre family, Uui). I npul.lished ()arody an.l autograph of Blain de St. Aubiii. iwo editions Llzevir, 1(541, KioH, very rare. Loaned by Mr. La Ferriere. 2. Bronze Casket, containing Nine Weights or Measures. It was thrown out l,y laborers from " Medicine Man's " grave, on an island ot Lake lemiscarniiigue : supptised to have been given to Indians hy (hamplam on his voyage up the Ottawa, 1()13. 3. Groui' (»k Flowers. Painted by late Susanna Moody, authoress. 4. Curious Wooden Pipe. 188^18!)! *" ^''" '''^'' ^''>«^''^'''^i- Mercier, Premier of Quebec fr.mi Loaned by Matthew P. Meyer. 5. Two Pieces ok Atlantic Carle. (hie piece tarred, with descrijition, on cases. Loaned by Canadian Institute. 6. Model ok Locomotive, " Panther." Built by Vincent Parks, 184!». 7. First Plan (Model) ok Toronto Harbor. By Sir Sandford Fleming, in case. 8. Original Surveyor's Plan. By Gother Mann, Comnii.ssioiier, li.E., 17!»8. n, Relii>f ..f v ins,' of the <'overniiient milk fm- fi. 1 ''""%"'"' '/«•>, tie liiiild- cl.Hn,efn,nr--Appj::i";^?l£,t.e''ilfl?S''"' ""' ^''""■^ ''"^ Loaned by C. C., Toronto IlioS!;:^:!:^': •;'t,;\,j^''t'ts fr"^ tt '---- >-- - that the barefooted boy f,h„ a '' r;"/ ","'>"'"«,'" this picture l> a law .student M/K;;;'. ' '" "" ''"''"' ■^^''""' '-^^'-^ Loaned by C. C. James, Toronto. PHiMmvE Envk.,0,.., n.ade ,.f ,,,.,.„ ,,,er, Rednersville. Eakly CoMMi'NioN Tokens. Early Railway Ticket. P«mketBo(,k i-sEo ..OK :(;Vkaks nv W,,. .Jansen. Loaned by H. A. Dean. 5) Loaned by .Mrs. Lony. 130 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. li). 20. 21. >)•> 2;$. 24. 25. 2(i. 27. 28. Olij Water Color Painting of Quebec. Loaned by Rjchuid Kellaly, PoKTK.UT. Thomas Champion, first Secretary Canadian Church Society, and of Trinity University, 1809-;i4. Loaned by T. W. E. Champion. First Team ok Cricketer.s that vi.sixed Canaua a.nd United State.s. They jtlayed a match on the old Toronto Clul> grounds againat 22 of all Canada, in September, 1859. Loaned by S. B. Jones. Cricket Bat, belonging to Tom. Hayward of the first all-England eleven. Pre,sented to H.iyward by the A. E. E., on the occa.sion of his making a great score in England. Loaned by Major Tassie. (}rey, Clark, and Pake, three celebrated cricketers playing in P^ngland in 1840. Loaned by S. B. Jones. Walkinc; Stick, cut by Capt. Alex. Montgomery, U. E. L., 1708, in clear- ing the ground, afterwards the site of St. Lawrence market. Loaned by Mrs. Montgomery Brenton. Water Color, Prince of Wales' visit to Canada, 1800. Lord Melgrave's cabin, H. M.S. Arindni: Shale pipe. Toronto U umber. Loaned liy William Armstrong. Photograph ok the liiiii.K Pierced by Bullet. Bullet for nearly fifty years carried in thigh of Sam. Proctor Loaned by Manfred B. Proctor, Sarnia, Ont. Old Leather Pouch. Scales for weighing so\ereigns, used in early part of century. Loaned by Wm. C. Muir. (I) Menu Stephex.son Dinner; (2) Instrument Bllzoni ; (^i) Old Union Station ; (4) Old portrait ; (5) Landing on ice ; ((») Copper plate ; (7) Old Mina Mitten ; (20) Dr, Ray. Loaned by Wm. Armstrong. 29. Portraits or Early Celehkitie-s. Loaned liy Alf. Sandham. 'M. Book "Conquest of Canada," by Warburton, extra illustrated from 2 vol. into 5 vol. • Loaned by Rev. Brook man. ;tl. A Civilian Gentleman's Rai-ik.k, 1750. Loaned by Dr. Neilson, Ottawa. MISCELLANEO US. 131 32. Book, L Historic 8uinte. PlEf^ OK Woo,. TAKEN KHOM WaU, OK M. D. GoNDER's HouSE ON NiAoARA River, Still standing, which was built nearly one hundred years ago. Wait s " Narrative Bo.,k," written by one of the rebels of Loaned by M. fu.rdon Sclierck. 40. An Old Mustaru Pot and Marrow Spoon. Loaned by Mrs. W. Chadwick Jones. 4L Pen am. Ink Sketch of Col. Bv's To.\iii. 42. VLsiTOR-.f Book, (Government House, York, 1828.;iO, Sir John Colborn«'« regime. Loaned by Henry J. Morgam, Ottawa. 132 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I \ 43. Family Bihi.k, BKLn.v(ii>f(i to Hon. Thos. Rinorr. Taken by the Indians, but restored ; has still the covering sewed on it by his mother, in 17«6. Loaned by Mrs. D. C. Uidout. 44. Sketch nv Tirser, brouglit to Canadii by Col. Johnston. Loaned by Ehnes Henderson, E.s<|. 45. " Practicks and Pkivileoes ok the Two Hoises ok Paruame.vt." The work of the late Alpheus Todd, Librarian of the Legislature Library, Ottawa. ^ Loaned by A. Handyn Todd. 46. CoMi'As.s UsEii Kv Samiel Ridout in the Fikties. Loaned i)y Charles Unwin. 4". A Wai.kino Stick, over «ne HUNKUKr) ykaus nr.D. Used by the late Col. (livens. Catechism by the late Bishop .Strachan, first printed in Canada. Loaned by William Clarke 48. PicTiRE OK the Old Quaker Meeting Hoise in Adolphu.^stown. The first <,)uaker meeting in Upper Canada was organized in Adolphustown in 17!W, and in the following year a Mooting House was built. This building was used as a barrack by the (ilengarry Regiment, in 181li. The old liuilding still stands, tlmugh uuu.sod for many years. Some of the early Adolphus own settlers were from <^>uaker sections of New York State. Souie of these pioneers are buried in the adjoining burial <,'round. Philip Dorlaiid was elected as reprt'.-;entative of Prince Edward and Ad'lplnistown to the first Legislature of Upper Canada, but was not allowed to take his seat because of being a (^Hiaker. Loaned by C. C. James, Toronto. 4!>. .\n Abstract from precedents of "Proceedings in the Ibitish House of Commons" (English and French), with a Preface by the Editoj-. Dedicated fo "Hon. the Members of the Houses of .Asseiulily of Ipjier and Lower Canada. " Printeil at <^>uebec, 17!)-. .^0. I{i i.i;s am> Recilations of the Hoise ok .VssKAir.i.v, Lower Canada. 17'JH. First work of the kind over printed in Canada. ol, Ij'Inoe a Paix, et ofticier de Parvoisse, pour la Province de (^)uebec. Loaned by Hon. 'S\\\ Justice Baby, Montreal. .-)"J. Piece Ceoah kkom t!nATEAC St. I.101 is, (Quebec. Loaned by \V. D. Liglithall. 5.'5. BiioNZE Clock, with baiouu'ter and thermometer combined, formerly belonging to Senator Kaulback. It is a good specimen of an nld French clock. Loaned by Miss IVhirray, Belleville. 04. \V'alkini!-stick, belonged to TiKunas Hamilton, Ma.ster of Masonic Lodge York, 1800. Loaned by .Mrs. .L .Vdanis. 55. Silver Mehai. given to Miss McCutcheon, 1847, for ))erfect knowledge i)f scales and modulation. Loaned by Miss JfcCutcheon. MISCF.LLANEO US. 51), .")7. 68. 5!t. fiO. (il. «2. 63. 64. 65. O.VK (^, ...„, ,,,ought to Ch„,uIh l.y Lieut. McGregor, fro.n Scotland, 1812. Loaned l)y Mi.s.s McGregor """'^U'Sr*" "" ^'" ''"""*•" '^•-'^ «-^ f"-"t Exhibition, Lon- '^'^>;:.f '^«^it.:;r^,s:;-;:^'' ^"^ p-i--'^"- w,. .it,, the .S>.ALr. Kmpk, ,vhich belonged to Tippoo Sahil., taken as loot. Loaned l)y Mr.s. Arthur T. West Di'TCH DuKsi.Kx lU-.sT, ItK) years old. Book of Akithjiktic, hy Dee, in 1^52. Loane.l l)y Mrs. J. ,S. Playfair. 4l(i. 67. 68. 69, 70 71. 72. 74, 75. Book : Sketches hy Hon. Isaac Buchanan. Book : York Almanac, 1826. Book : description of Upper C.mada. ^^ Loaned l.y J,,seph N. Shenstone. 'HiSTOKV OK StRUOOLES OK SociKTV OK Fwii'v... " ^ ^- r , origi,., l.y Jol, Scott and Geoi-geFo.x! ' '"' '""" "^ '''*^"- BoxKs, nia.le l.y prisoners during Rebellion, 1837. Al.ZK. made by Samuel Loinit, Loanetl l.y Mrs. N. I\.arson. PH'.M I'ci.i.iN,, Disif, over 200 years old. Loaned by Mrs. \V. 1). Kakins Pkizk Hook,,, 1814. I-oJined by J. J. Mell. "ChILI.E HakoM.'s Pii,,,,)lMA(iK," bv LordBvron IH1'> T, flv-l.'af "Tiii... ..- . ',)'-""*' iJJ ion, isi.:;. Inscription on K>.1^ Byr.:ti3."':^':^T<";:;'-.^'' "" "" *'^^ ^^'^^ -^ '""'" ''^-' '^ ii..;r1iyr,m'hinS"''x'::;:^i':;^ ?:• z:"^.^^. 1 ^t^^^r '■^• Hidout from Thomas (.ah, Sheri^oke, J! c!; ;;;h's!:;:t:, ;82;i. '"'""" Loaned by Thomas Ridout, C.E.. Ottawa. BtBi.K. used in curt by Chief-Justice Sewell. Loaned by Dr. Temple. BiBLi ..wned l)y John Sifton. pioneer of Loaned by Mrs. Digiiam. '''"'S tlifhi dSh""'^'- "^ ^^"^•^'•"^ ^''"^''-' '^-'"^ R-"lut.on and Loaned by Rolf A. Steinson. :U CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 70. Mahonk; Certikkate Of .luhii Liiiiyhliii, iKttcr known as tlu' " Soutev Johny " in T;un o' Shiiiitur, St. .liuue.s Lodi^e, Ayr, Scotland, (itli ()ctol)t;r, 1790. 77. Tkess of Hi(iHLANi> Maky's Hair. 78. An Orioinal Pai'al iNPruiE.vcE. Mo8t Blessed Father, Thomas F. O'Shaiighnessy of the Ward of St. Patrick iirostratinj; himself most humhly at the feet of Your Holiness, eai'nestly implores that you may condescend to grant the Apostolic ISenediction and Plenary Indulgence at the moment of death to .John Keane and his own family and his kindred, even to the third genera- tion inclusive. 15th day" of February, 18()2. In consideration of tliy faith. Signed, Pope Pius IX. 79. Fax. Used hy a sister of Robert B. Denison at a ball given by Sir .lohn Colboriie. Loaned by Miss Edith Denison. 80. IvoiJY Fax. Brought from Italy in 18;?4. Owned by the late Miss Durie. Loaned by Arthur P. Durie. 81. Fans (two). Ivory, carved ; wood, carved. Loaned by Mrs. Drayton. 82. IvoKY Fax. P.i-ought to Canada by Mrs. T. (i. Ridout, in 1835, decorated with medallicms ; classical subject, probably French. Loaned by Lady Edgar. 83. Fan, ivory cnrvfd, 1880. Loaned by Mrs. James Bain. 84. Fax, inotlior-of-pearl, with spangles. Belonged to Mary E. Dixon, early part of the century. Loaned by Mrs. Goldwin Smith. 8."). Fax. Decoration of tiguves. lace work and insects on front ; of landscapes on reverse. Signed, " B. Vincent, fiim rahiinn fm-if." Ivory mounts finely carved. Vincent was one of Louis XV. 's best fan painters. Made 1750. MEDALS. 86. (lOi.ii Medal, presented by the Dominion (Joverninent to the late D. Macdougall, Registrar of ^^'aterloo, Canadian Connnissioner at the Centennial Exhilntion, Pliiladelphia, 1S7<). 87. Bronze Mepal, presented by the Cnited States (Jovernment to Jlr. Macdougall as such Commissioner. Loaned by John King> MISCELLANEOUS. 135 ^-"'">etl by Michael Joseph Conway. «... M.-.Ar, to conunemorate the abolition of slavery i„ the British pcsessions. „„ .. -- Loaned l>y J. J. I'.ell. Vn;^;"84ir""'"^ ^° ^'•- ''-'l''^ ^^'-'--" by Toronto Board of ""■ ^"t^T^ZX:^:^^^ ^- ^^•"•■^-' by the Montreal Loaned by Miss Workman. '"• (ChinIse)^„tiS':rr''^" "^ '"^ -'•■-' "^ ^'^ «rst Jnnk i»;}. MKI.AI.S, 184.'}, Hon. J. B. Robinson. Loaned by Mrs. Forsyth Grant. Loaned by Wni. Brock. »5. Collection of Medals, i;jo. Lcjaned by Dan I{(jse. DOCUMENTS, NEWSPAPER , ETC Loaned by Canada Company !'8. FlKST BeoI.VMX. ok C„TKr„ SorlKTV DiO, KSK OK ToKOXTo, 184l>. !»!>. CiiuKCHME.x Almanac, 1844. 100. License to MEmcixF ft<- ikit ^ ^i ■ .. ^^. E. A Meredith. ^'"'"'"^'" "'- l^-*?. ant. Elgm .t Kincardine, Loaned by Rev. C. E. Thomson. 101. Ancient Chart of Ai:ll)orne, J. H. Boulton, D. Cameron. Licenses Methodist Minister, 1838. Church Newspaper, 1837. Upi'ER Canada College Register, 1840. Loaned by Rev. C. E Tiioiii.son. Complete File One Year Hallowell Fkee Press, tirst paper between King ton and York. Kingston Gazette, 1811. Hallowell Alman.\uk. York Almanack. Three Accounts op Steamer Queen Charlotte, signed Henry Gikler- shein, First Bay Steamer. Three Lots of Script to Baron de Rittenstein, signed Henry Haldimand. C.iTARAQUi, with accompanying documents. Schedule of Lots of the Town of Kingston, with number and location dated 1814. Order for Committal of Peter Van Al.stine, a lunatic, signed by Sir John Colborne. Call for Tenders for Repairing. Baptismal Register of A.T.W. Protestant Chapel, Commission of A.T.W., 1864. Loaned by Mrs. A. Thesiger West. Proclamation declaring conclusion of War. !i MISCELLANEO US. 137 133. 184. 135. 136. 137. 138. l.'ii). 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 14(i. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. AUDKESM TO GoVEHNOK-GkNEKAU Manuscrii't. ProclHiaaticu by Alex. .Smith, 15ri.-Gov. Loaned by Jos. N. Shenstone. ^''S NSil';"^;^H^^'"- -'"7^ Mf "tcheon had «o„e under the Falls Liven f™ WHS hrst done a small printed certiHcate was Kl^en to each one who was brave enough to accomplish the feat). Collection of vakiois othek Receipts. Loaned by Miss McCutcheon. File of Government Gazette, published at Ancaster, 1827. File of Weekly Reoistkr published at York, 1823-4. ''"iWaiidf' ''"'''"' ''''■ ''f'^ ''\\ P"''l'^''-1 '^^ «'• David's, ppei Canada. Loaned by J. (J. Ream, Elora. Out. Framed Copy "Chronicle," printed on silk, dated 1855. Loaned by Lieut-Col. Ponton, Belleville. Carrier Boy's Loaned by Lieut-Col. Ponton, Belleville, Historical Society. Letters, relating to political affairs. I,y (Je-.rge Brown and others. Loaned by J. J. Mvll. ^'"l-ISj^^'cmTenMH ^''T'' T*?''"'/'^ -cords of transactions and, current prices, etc., early in the century. Loaned by Dickson, Gait liZ wr n'V'' ^■ii'/;f "^^ »'^-^" '" t'''"U' «tedn,an in 17!.5, and t„ Surioll. ""• ^^^' •'''■^"'"' '-y J"««I'l' Bi'Hnt. an,l:il chiefs and Loaned by Dickson, (Jalt. ^'dI'u' nln-Sb,' ("'"'■"' r^ "'?"" ^'r"''""'" ^^"'"^(0, .Joshua (Jillau. i^oan, Cornehus Ciunungham, Amos Perley, in 1837. Loaned by Charles J. W. Shanley, London, Ont. ^'™h';!flJ:!k'I"" ^''""' "■'"' ^"11 '^'^^'-""t of battle of Trafalgar and death of iNelson. L,,,,,,.,, |,^, j,,.^ j,,,^,^ ^^ Patterson. York Almanac, 1822. She &"h '''"'. '"'''''''r' -^f^-'-l"'« f-" Montreal nearly to he c«v WriVt.'^ r''"^ ^^°"-^'-^' «*^'' 'Inscription of Suni-clplny! '" """'"' '^ '""""^ "'"•■"-"' ^-'ti'-NN-t Fur Map, illustrating the country mentioned in Harmon's Journal. Copper-plate, by Annan it Smith, Boston, 1820. Loaned by Miss A. M. Harmon. Oli> Xewspai'er, Spectator, St. David's. Loaned by J. G. Beam. 188 CANADIAX HISTORICAL SOCIETY. % m 152. ir»:{. ir)4. 155. 15(i. 157. 168. 15!t. 1(!0. . 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 160. 167. l(i«. Itiit. 170. 171. York Ai.MAN.vr and RnvAi. Calenoar of Upper Caimlu. JoiKNAi. OK OrKiiATK.Ns .,f giioi-ii's I{ui)j,aTs fr, ,i„ end uf 1777 to conclii- 8I011 of .Aim'i'icfin Kinolution, liy ('oloiicl Siincoo. Lofvncd hy .■fhniliuH JHrviH. LkTTKK.S ok SaMAH AM) KlTTV F.OCKMAN, 17.")6. » liOiiiied liy Miss Stnrk. Photo(;I!ai'ii ok CoMMrssioN t,. ivport on tlio dufcncu of Ciiniidn at the tnnu of the Trent iittiiir, IHC.l. Loaned Ijy Uicliard Killaly. Small Plan ok Fokt Dktuoit. IwriATioN TO DiNNKK, ( Jeneial Block t<, Chief .Justico I'owell. Loaned l>y .Kiniliiis .larvis. Kaklv Lkttkii Wakeiw. Loaned liy (i. 1). Norton. UlsTouiCAL M.S.S. "Praccas Thinical," 1671; Pere Syl.oie's " Dic- tionnairede la langues .Montagnaise, " l'«(»; I'pper Canada Almanac, York, 1802; yuel)ec Ahnanac, 1787. OiihiiNAL Proclajiatio.v of Sir Allied Clark doHning limits of Ipper Canada, J7!»l. Loaned liy Dr. Neilson, Ottawa. Proclamation, offering reward for Wni. Lyon IMackenzie, December, '^^7. Loaned by Major F. E. Di.\on. An Imkrkssion ok thk Great Seal ok Nova S(;otia, now defunct, Conunission as Postmaster of Grenville to Arch. McMillan, Esq., dated ITiih dune, 181!t, Loaned by Henry Morgan. Copy Book ok I'pper Canada ('(dlege, 1837. Letter, written by Indian boy from Ujiiier Canada College, 1842. First Report, Bible Society of Upjier Canada, with list of subscribers and benefactors, York, 1818. Loaned by yEniilius Jar vis. Sakhle BA(is, used by Canada (N.mpany's messengers before introduction of railways in Canada, when despatches were carried on hor.seback. Poutkolio, or roll used by the Canada Company's agents and inspectors for carrying maps and other papers. Loaned by the Canada Company. Old Canadian Xewsi'aper. Loaned by M. G(jrdon Scherck. OliKilNAL I.SSIE OK toe KIRST RaILWAY TiME TaKLK. FiiLSL Tarikk ok Passenoer Fares. First Way Bill of Frekjht. 172. AiTfKiRAi'H of Roville and others. Loaned by John Harvie. Loaned by Alfred Sandham. Mli>CELLANEOUS. I8l> 17H. Letter from N'jui Dicirum's Laud, written during four yeiii'H iin|insn<>K Districts, hy C. Rankin, BIs(|., March 1, 1841. 180. Mai' ok I'kovinck ok I i-i-kk Canada and adjoining Territories of North America. 181. Map of District ok .Montreal, eastern ])art of r]>per Canada, emhracing Kideaii Canal Drawn hy Joseph liouchette and dated May 2, 18H1. 182. Chart of Lake Hckon, from sm-vey hy ('apt. Bayfield, 18r)(). 183. Chinese Grammxk ani> Dictionary, from Jesuit ('oUege Libraryj Quebec, date about l(5(iO. 184. Altoorai'h Letter ok the Late CIilmany Shea, relating to the above.. Loaned hy Dr. Neilson. 185. ManL'scrii'T Took, containing dictionary of Shawanese words, written hy Thomas Ridour, when in -japtivity, made, as he relates in his diary, out of tea ])aper stretched with the hark of a tree, written with yellow ink of hickory ashes mixed with water and a pen made of a turkey i|uill. Loaned by Lady Edgar. 140 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LETTERS. 1811. FitoM Sill l'KiiK(iiiiNK Mmilamp li)(',i|it. NN'iii. HroNvnu. LoHiiud liy Mis. Ih'uce Ciiry. 1H7. HiK Fk.x .m HiNCKstoF. C. Doiit. I.iiiuiimI liy .1. (,'Hstell Hopkiii.s. IHH. (iltl.I.K.CTION OK AlTIMiUAl IIS, liK.TTFKS. AM> pAI'KKS, ill friUllU, IIS lIlldlT : AutiigrHph lottur fnnii FmuciH Parkiniui, reforriiiK to foiindiiiL; of Toronto. Aiitoc^nipli li'ttor of .lolm Giilt, of llic Ciiimda ("om|iiui\. Altidiivit of Jolm A. Miiciloniild iii'tiiiji as I'ull Clerk in I'iction in IH.'{4. Hi! was at tliis timo a law student in Kini^ston, a'^ed I'.l years. Autograph of Sir .Jolui A. Macdonald in VA'i^h, aged 70 years, referring to his lioyhood days (in .\(hilphusto\vn). Letters uontaininy autograpiis of Lmd Dutl'erin. Ijotiert Hahhvin, ('. Hai,'erinan, Tliouias Kirkpatrick, 15, Hidwell and Marshall Spring liidwull. Loiinod by W. K. Haight, Toronto. lH!t. Wakuan' "o CoNsTAiti.Ks in Addington County, Midland District, to suir ipplicants for licenses as non-holders. Every r McHnt had to produce a testimonial under tlii^ hands of the minister and eli., n or town wardens, or otherwise of tiriu, re])ntaiile, 'uid suh- stantial houseliolders, setting forth '' that he is of g 1 fame and soher life and conversation, and, as they lielieve, a good suhject of our lord the king.' I.,oaned hy C. C. James, 'i'oronto. I'.Mt. Lkttkk kko.m Point Fukukkick (Kingston), 0th, 1814, written liy .John C. Clark. IJecounts capture of two Aiin'iican schooners, one sloop, one gnn-lioat, one large hoat loaded with tlour, salt and lieef. "No man killed on either side." Loaned hy A. 10. jjang, Toronto. I'.M. Lktteu kkom Siikiuff Hamilton to D. Mewliurn, re Uehcllion, 1837. I!t2. TiKTTKR OK Miss Mi'HKAY, (ilen Farm, Stamford, /v the storming of Fort Niagara. I'nited States, in which her fatlier took jiart, lO'.lth Regiment. Loaned liy Harri.son C. Mewliurn, Stamford, Out. MISCELLANEOUS PICTURES, ETC. • 1!).'{. FiKsT Post ok Hvtowv. Stood on counter of a grocery or north side of Rideau Street. Matthew Connell, first postmaster of l?vtown, died 1832. Loaned by Mrs. \V. Stewart, Appin Place, Ottawa. 1!U. Threk Old Pictures of Quebec, 18'2!»-31. Loaned by Mrs. S. M. Dawson, Ottawa. lit."). Photograph of First House built in Bytown, and now standing, 351 Rideau Street, erected in the summer of 1827 by late Jos. Coombs. The timber used in its construction was cut on the spot. Loaned by Mrs. \V. H. Tracy, Ottawa. Af ISC ELLA A'EO US. 141 I'm;. l'iinT.M;uM.,i ... I'liiLKMoN Wkiumt. pioneer settler uf tho Ottawa VHlIey Loaned by Mrs. J. M. Currier, Ottaw/i 1'.7. PirntF -Cinadiaii Exiles of 1«;}7 when in HorniudH. Loaned liy Mr. Defeiles, Ottawa liW. I'lluTlnlKAl'H OK A[ki)\i,. Kuit Doti ;it. Loaned by L. M. Fortier, Ottiiwa. I'.>'... l^.o.••.. OK Mus. .1. n. Fkik.,, whito in IJytown. MayL>7th 1827, at present an active ineniher of the Ottawa Historical S.dety. Loaned by Mr. J. H. Friel. 2()U. I'lcTi iiK OK Oil. I'.AuroN CiiUKcii Used as hospit;,! i„ ih;[7. Loan..Ml l,y Win Fanner, Hrocktcin House '''• '"auU.inft.uS;^^"^'''^ "''"'•""""• ^'•'•- "'- -^ 1-^"- "^ the Loaned by W. R. Haiglit, City. 202. I'oKTKAiT OK (Jait. TH./riiAUT, painted by a brother ofHcer, 1810. Loam^d by Miss Mc(irtgor. 20:J. P...n;KA,ToK liAUTuoi.KMKw I!,,. I., S.„ an early settler and pioneer of \ork County, i'.y Ib.thou. Loaned by Thon.a.; H. Hull. 204. AM.ii^KW Dhk.son, first lnspect.,r of Prfsons in Sheriff of Lanark, 20.J. W'iKK OK Am>ki;\v Dk kso.n. 20(). Sii.HoL'KrrK OK Wm. I)i an;, .M.I). ' 207. SlLHOt'KTTK OK Wm. S. I)| UIK, Ilis soM. Loaned by .Mrs. Duric. 208. DAoiK.KitKoTvi.,: OK Jk.snv Li.M.. The proceeds of a concert -iven bv !,..,. was the foundation of the Protestant Orphans Home, ToiN.nto. Loaned by .Mrs. Forsyth (Jrant. 209. SlLHOUKITK OK Ho.\. .lollV SmaI.I, O.N HoKsKltA.K. 210. SiLuocKTTE OK Miis. Rn.o.T, wife of Hon. Thonms Ridont, V. K. L. Loaned by .Mrs. Small. 211. I'oKTHAiToK Tin: Rkv. K. Cuooki:. Chaplain in the Royal Navy. KiWI. Loaned by Mrs. Cliadwick .lones. 212. MiMAiTKK OK Mrs. Skwkm,, wife of Chief .Justice Sewell. Loaned by Dr. Temple. 2l;5.^,n. Cranduncleof owner, and relative of Admiral L..rd Nelson, h!>f). Device on back is in memory .,f his wife a i:Sh tie ir '^ '""' " '"'' "^ "^'' "-••' ^'- "-"•'^-" " '-' - '- •• 214. STATtKTTK, copy of a iiionuineiit of William of Oraiii,'e. Loaned by Mrs. .\. R. Lewis. 215. Rklic ok TiiK RoYAf, Georoe Book. 216. ^^^-^^ THE S„,P "L'Oku;nal," sunk opposite Quebec by the British, 142 CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 217. 21!». 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 22(5. 227. 228. 220. 280. 231. 232. 233. PROPERTY OF DR. HOOGINS. Proclamation of Governor Simcoe. Skkie.s of ()Lr) Newsi'.vi'kks. Weather Obssekvation.s, ]VfiscELLA:;ichor.s fannly for at least eight generations ; has not'l.een used for a hundred years. Loaned liy Hugh Nichols, Stratford. HoRSE-SHOErXG Tooi.s, l)ron, .\piil 6. Fac-simile of a Letter from Father Isaac Joyuea to his mother. \iM\\}. Chevalier tie Sillery's ilonation — 1, Oliicial duplicate; auto, graph signatures of the Notaries Bergeon and Cousinet ; 2, Copy in the handwriting of FnUuir Jean de Queii, the discoverer of Lake Ht. John ; 3, autograph copy by Gabrid Lalemant, martyred by the Iroquois, March 17, 1()49. I<»,*8t>, July 12. " 7V/.W de PosaeS'iion de I' hie auxliuaiu:." Original Act. Autograph signatures of Montmagny, tlie Governor, of Father ('Imrlen RaijmlKint, etc. l<»:tH l<»4t>. Contemporaneous copy of Father Charlen (farmer's Letters. . I<»40, Fel). 19. Prise do Possession de I'anse, etc., de 8. Joseph de Sillcry. Autograph and signature of Father Jiarthofonieio Viinont, S.J., the celebrant of tlie first Alass said in Montreal, in presence of rJe Maisonneuve and the founders of that city. H»44, Feb. )S. Original P>rief of Urbain VTIL in favor of the Huron Chapel of St. Joseph, near Old Fort, St. Mary's, Simcoe Co., Ontaiio. Ui4't, Feb. 20, Paris. Autograph Letter of Father J. Filleau, Pro- vincial of France, to the Sisters of the Hotel-Dieu, QueVjec. UiMi, Vt'h. 20, Home. Letter of Father Etienne Charlet, French .Assistant of the (General at Home, to the same connnunity. I04U, Aug. 3, Three Rivers. De.scription of New Netherlands, the present City of New York. Autograpli .MS. by Father ham- Joyiies, who was martyred by the Iroquois, Oct. 1(5, KMi;, near the presen*^ '^it*' of Aui'iesville, N.Y. AND WHAT THE ARTISTS SAY OF THE.VI jyiLLE. TORONTA, ((iiiipliinentiiiK tho Stanley Pianos, siijs of thoiii : ' I wish 111 uU ycm liiiw niiicli I niliiiire Ihc Stanley Piano 1 imve liecii UHintr. I parlicu- hirl.v liku llu- Mislaiiiiiiff (inalily of tDiic ; it blends i'lKtnninirl\" witli the v^iicc." .\i:i.lMiTli\ IlcilKI,. Ill m'lier I > iiili<. Come and sec them. The Stanley Piano Co. OF TORONTO, LIMMEU 93, 95, 97 Niagara Street f Canadian Historical Bool[s J \ i^itui- 1.. tlie Ili-I.irii ;il KxhiKition mr r.^nli- : > all\ iriviti-d tn IiMik n\rr tii\ niaininolli sinck nt ■ i inanv I Iioii^mikI- ot voliiiiirs i,f BOOKS in all ' i branches Of literature ■in-.i ^it piienii a sluni lisl oi luinks anil (iriees, anil ] ivimlil say, witlimil ilmilil, Uial alter lliisi'ieiiiain- ; (lerslia\e laeii -iilil it will lie haul te iliiplirate ; eiipiis (it the liiiiiks at trehle llie piiees 1 imw ask. ; Toroillo or (11)1. \'y Dr. -^eaililiiii.'. Tnnintii. ; ls7.-i. I'lililislii-.l al .SI. ."ill; mir |iiiri-, J.V. ' Toroillo .nt'iiiorlal toliiiiif, Is:t4-IKK4. | liy Dr. Seaililiiii;- ami .1. ('. lleiil. I'ulilisheil at ; Wi.iiii; iinr priie, tHI.ti.'i. Tlir I . K. l.»,vnll!>lK. The Centennial uf the ; Settlement iif I'ppei- ( 'ana'la, with Ciipy of List ] lit Initeil l.ii\al|s| Kainilies. ITM-ISM, I'lili- ; lishiil al SI, -J.-,'; iiiir prii-e, UN-. ; 4'oiiiilr.> l,U>> III 4'iiiiimIii .*>0 Iriir* Auo. 11-; hi-tr.itiil»illi iiriuinalpliiles. li\ ( ■annitt'llaii:hl. ; I'lililislicil at I'.iii', ; imr prii e, •».">«• I.HV' aiHl TliiK-x oi' .lo«<>|>li (>oii|«| (ex- ; .Meinher uf Parlianieiit) : Heinif tin Vears' Kern- : iniseeiiees uf (anailian lliitory. I'ulilisheil at I sii.iHi ; luir lu-iee, .%««•. 1 Tli<> lleilical l*rol'i'>i>>ioii In I |i|M'r4'niiiMln. : 11\ W in. Caiinitf. .\n llisiuiieal N:mal iu', I'nii- ', li^heil al .s:;.."iii: mir priee, )(»l,.">«. I It Will interest and pay you to call. 1 i Albert BHtnell iinariaii' 'lloi'ik'seller j L2 40 YONoK Street, Toronto, Can. ! Cutaluifut'fifref on npitth'ttfion. 10 See iMir latest ami eleiranl I'lltimii iir I'arif uliilr nf /•'nmtn niaile as liKlit a.s a feather. Pr.ves, Jt3.5u. ^6, «7 40, I>eath of a martyr, described by a martyr. Captivity and death of Rene Goupil, martyred by the Iroquois, Sept. 26, 1G42 — by Father Jogues (autograph). 1053, Aug. 10. De Lauzon, Governor, asks the Jesuit Fathers to fortify their Quebec residence. Autograph signature of De Lau/on and Peuvret. lO.'Sit (post). The Sillery Estate. Autograph of Father Druilletes. 14»*>5, Marcli y. Concession to Sieur Boucher, Governor of Three Rivers. Autograph and signature of Father Jarques de la Place, Procurator ; signatures of Father Frani'dis le J/ercier, Superior, and of Father Leonard Garreau, shot by the Irocjuois in 1656. Father Jerome Lalemant' s signature on the verso. 21. 1050, April 12. Contemporaneous copy of a concession of land in the Onondaga country t(j the Society of Jesus by De Lauzon, Go\eriioi-. 22. 1050. Remarks on a proposed exchange of property with Mons. de !a Citiere. Autograph of Father (iabriel Druilleten. 23. 1050, March 10; 105;, March; I05H, March S. Three auto- graph hitters of Father Paul le Jeum: to the Hotel-Dieu Nuns, at Quebec. 18. 19. 20. WILLIAM C. FOX J. HUGO noss FOX & ROSS MEMBCRa TOnONTO MINlNQ *NO INDUSTRIAL EXCH4NQE AND MiNINa SCCTION BOARD OF TRAOC Mining and Investment Brokers^ 19-21 Adelaide Street East Telephone 2765 consult us reqardrng minrnq stocks TORONTO ONTARIO =^=^^^ Dominion of Cdimiddi size: 8< X 50 INCHES. PRICE : $6.00. — O r . THE HOWARD VINCENT MAP OF THE . . . British Empire ^ ^ SIZE : 72 X 63 INCHES. PRICE, handbook, «6.00. i I i -o CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL and ALL KINDS OF GEOGRAPHICAL MAPS AND ATLASES i THE STEINBERGER HENDRY CO., Limited 37 Richmond Street West, TORONTO, ONT. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 148 MANUSCRIPTS OF JESUIT MISSIONARIES. 24. |4»/i, April 28. Autogiaph letter with signature of Father C'lnude Allonez, to Father Paul liagueneau. 27. 10U!{-1U75- Concession erf land to Guillaume Bonhonunc. .Sig- natures of Fathers JerCmie Lalemnnt and Guillaume Matthvm. 27 i. 1 <»<»•{, Feb. 18. Concession of land on St. Michael's road to Pierre Maufay. Autograph signatures of Jerome Lalemant, S.J., Nicholas Gaudry, and, under date of May 16, 1676, of Father Guillaume Matthieu, S.J., Procurator of Quebec College and of the Mi*ion. 28. 104»4 (cir.). Representations to the " Fabri(iue," Quebec. Auto- griij)h and signature of Father Pierre Kaffei.e. 29. 1000 (ante.). Photo of a letter of Father Etienne de Carheil. 30. 1 001. Mohawk Verbs. Autograph of Father .hujues Fremin. 31. \i\'i\ (?). Passion of Our Lord in Huron. 31^. lO?*^ (about). Seneca Language. Autograph of Father Pierre Raffeix S.J. 32. 10?«t 1074- Father Jacques Marquette's Ori;/inal Autograph Map of the Mississijipi, drawn at the time of the discover}'. 33. I07!{- MS. Vol. Narrative of the Voyages and Discoveries of Father Jacques Mar(|uette. Autograph corrections by Father Claude Dablon. 1014, OctoVier 6 to April 6, I075. Autograph Journal of Father .Mdiqiiette's Second Expeditiou. 34. IO;*e lOTS. MS. Vol. Original MS. l{elation.s. 35. |0<:J I0;H. MS. Vol. Original MS. Relations. 36. (13 distinct papers). Detached duplicates of the same Relations, in the handwriting of Fathers Jean de Lamberville, Claude Dablon, Vaillant de Gueslis, etc. 37. 10'}4, Sept. 21. A trip around the Island of Montreal. Auto- graph and Signature of Father Antoine Dalinas, slain iit Hudson's Bay, March 3, 1693. 38. lOHIt. IJiography of Father Claude Pijart. Autograph of Father Martin Jiouvart. Also fac-siniile of a letter of Father Bouvart, JlTjT is, of course, important that tone and touc>h (^ should be the prime factors in the con- struction of a piano, but even these are useless unless the instrument will stand the enormous strain to which a piano is subjected. For 27 years Mason & Risch pianos have been the favorite instruments in Canadian Colleges and schools. What better testimony could be offered to their lasting qualities. The Mason & Risch Piano Co,, Limited 32 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. Private Bo ard "SEATON HALL," 294 and 296 Jarvis Street, TORONTO, CAN. Mrs. J. E. Bailey, Prophjetress TABLE BOARD A SPECIALTY RA TES : $ 1.50 to $2.00 per day , $6, $7 and $8 per week. (ALBERT WILLIAMS) UZ King Street West TORONTO Caterers to functions of all kinds. RECEPTIONS, TEAS, BANQUETS and WEDDINQS sorveil in tlie most nioH4, Oct. 6. Sillery. Relation by Faflier Jacques Biyot. Auto- graph and signature. 41. 1083, 30 Mai. Sillery. Relation by Father Jacques Bigot. Auto- graph without signature. 42. 1081- 1102 (inter.). Reply to Mons. de Vitrt5. Autograph and Signature of Father I'Van^ois Vaillant de Gueslis, first missionary of Detroit. 43. 1078, May 12. Act of " Amortissement " (privilege of mortmain) granted by Louis XIV. Photo of the original and copy (1690 cir.) of same, doubtfully ascribed to Father Sebastien Rale. 43i. 1080, May 29. Photo of (irst concession, 8ault St. Louis, to Jesuits by Louis XIV. 44. 10»?{, 101K5, I0U4. Transfer of land on the St. Charles River, near Quebec. Signatures . Toronto. Always up-to-!f*iit State of tho Abenakis. Autof^raph of Father Ji'dii-linpliHti' Loyard. 1724i, Oct. 12. Contemporaneous (MS.) Obituary Notice wf Fr. d>' Carheif, S.J. 1130, March l;{. Sayuenay Mission. Relation (autograpli) l>y Father Pierre Michel Ltiure. 114iS- Huron Grammar (Auto<;rapli), l>>/ Father Pierre Potier. 1140, 1141. Sermons in Huron. Autograph by the same. lliil. Huron Radicals. Autos of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, etc. Azmtimsjaruis & Co. \7oronto Stock Exchange) Dealers in /knids and Investment Securities Financial Agents Dominion and Provincial B onds City, County and other Municipal Securities specialty dealt in. 23 King St. West, Toronto. 100,000 Volumes of Old and Rare Books In HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY and BELLES-LETTRES AIw) Ainoricuii Hooks, w.tli frecincm and heiiNV ship- ments from our (IfjKit in London. CiitaloKu'es ;irf ssned conl in..oMsl.v diiriri); Hit' season whii-li is now on. JOHN BRITNELL The Eng ish Booh Emporium 280 Yonge Street . Toronto, Canada Wiirelioiise and ColIectinK- l>e|iol : .\|'HI sii s .S(j., l.osiio.N-, Kso. Seeds PLANTS and ^ t ,^^^^ BULBS THE BEST QUALITY ONLY AT J. A. Simmers 147, 149, I5J ^ King St. East ® .^ CoroKjo, Ont. NEAR THE MARKET. . ''Godes-berger'' \0. NATURAL MINERAL TABLE WATER ^v,<^ BtCOMMENDtD BV THE LIADINO PHVSICiANS ®®©® AUGUSTE BOLTE Agent 47 Colborne St., Toronto, Ont. Pember'S THE LARGEST. AND MOST UP-TO-DATE HAIR GOODS and HAIR-DRESSING ESTAB- LISHMENT on the Continent. 127-129, and ':r-r%'*l^,, 778 Yonge St., TORONTO — o- lo4 AfANL/SCh'/rrs OF JESUIT M/SS/ONA/i/KS. 68. 69. 70* 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 7!). PORTRAITS. Father Jean de BrtSbeuf. Fatlier Paul le Jeune. Father Paul Ua},'ueneau. Father Isaac .To;,'ueH. Father (Jabriel Laleinaiit. Father Pierre Frs.-Xav. de Charlevoix. F'ather Joseph FraiK^ois Fjjifitau. Father Fraui^rois Xavier Du Plessis. Father Jean Joseph Casot. Photo of a plate from Ducreux, the Martyrs of New France. 80. Original Cramoisy Edition of the Jesuit Relations, 1635-36 ; 1640-11 ; 1641-42; 1642-43; 1652-5.'?; 1657-58; 1664-65; 1671-72. Hi. 165;5 (Maceraia). Original Italian Edition of Father Bressani's Sliort Relation. When " Company " Stays for Dinner tlicre is one delicious food which every up-to-date liousckeeper will alway have at hand, and tliat ia Imperial Cheese GASFIXTUBISI IJ7 Y°«^^ h'- toroRto. The Dominion Bank ] Capital (paid-up) Reserve Fund $1,500,000 1,500,000 DIRECTORS. ' HON. HIK KIIANK SMITH, I'ukh. K. H. OHLEIt, M.P.. VtCK-1'KllB. W. I.NCR. W. K. IllKKK. Kdwari) I,kaiii,ay. Wir.MOT I>. Mattiikwh. A. W. AlHTIN. agencies: liilk'ville. (^olpourif. I.inilHav. (Irilliu. Brainptoii. (iiii'lpli. Nuimiiei!. ONlmwft. Heiiforth. l'xl)H(l)ft'. Whilhy. \Vimii|ii'|{. Hiiiil.tville. Montreul. " North Kiid. ToiioxTo— Dmiiliiti Street, cnnier tiuceii. " Miirkel, corner Kiiiif anil Jar\i«Street8. " Oiieeii Street, idrner Kstlier Street. " Sherlxmriie Street, Loriier Oueeii. .Spudinu Avenue, eonier C'ollejje. Head Office TORONTO DRAFTS on all partu of the Inited SlateH, (Jreat Itri- tain and Knrope liontflit anil sold. LETTERS OF CREDIT issued avalluhle at all points in Knrope, <'hina and .lapan. R. D. GAMBLE, Gen. Man JC8C8Mcec8»Mcc808C8oec8»»5cw»» xxsoxiixxofaiaixxa^ie^^ w. aito E. n. Insurance 15 and 17 Ceader Dne Coronto MISS WALKER 96 CHARLES ST. '\»iU^e-Open her School for Young Ladies and Junior 'Boys on ^Monday, Sept JJth, 1899 e®(ax5)®®®®®®®®®s I Telephone 2085 % ) ®®®®®®®®®®®(5)( I The "LEADER" Sample Room l)®®®®®®®®®®®®®(s^ 6j King St. East ^mm)m®®mm®(i)mm TORONTO E. SULLIVAN, Prop. <;Mi«i<><^^<»i««KX»<><^ ^he Ontario Bank Capital Paid-up, ■ $1,000,000. Hkai) (Ji'kice, Reserve Fund, 'njKONTO. $85,000. DIRECTORS : (>. K. II. Cockhi-kn, Esq., Pre-iident. 1)(inai.I) Mack.w, Esij., Vic< -I'tisuhnt- A. S. Irving, Esf). Hon. J. C. Aikins. I). Ullyot, Ivs(|. R. D. I'eiry, Esq. J. Huliani, Es.j. ('iiAKi.Ks McGii.L, General Afauaf/ei: K. Mdkkis, luspirfor. BRANCHES: Alliston. Fort William. Newmarket. .\urora. Kinj^ston. ()tta\N-!i. i?o\\rnanvill('. F^indsay. IVtorhoro". HucUiufiliani, (^hie. Montreal. Port Aitinir. Coiiiwull. .Mount Forest. Sudliurv. Tweed. 'I'oronto : Scott ct Wellington. 500 Queen .St. West. Yonge & Kiclimond. AGENTS: I.oxnos, K.Mi.— rxini's Hank. Li.mukh. I'iiamk ani> Kiikn'K— Chkiiit I.yo.vnais. N'kw Vhuk Pontrii Natiunai, Hank imd the .\(iknth Rank cik Mcinthkal. r.iwKiN — Kmot Natiiinai, Hank. Jos. E. Seagram WATERLOO, ONT. >iC8Ce»5 n^anufaciurer oh mbJSkJCS >oa»o Brands: Toronto off ke : '83 (1 30««« Old Times '" Wellington White Wheat St. East jMCKa2aosM»o<8»acecHMC»i»»»5cec8»c«eMoe^^ ^T^M^MM^SSM ^v ^-^ ^^iMi 1& ^^ Northey Gasoline Engine Is the iiiDst satisfactory iim! i'cd- mmiicMl piiwi'i- in use. It is stnootli- nimiing and t-asily conti'olk'd -its hanilincs-* and (■(invcnicncc nuiko it an idual piiwor for lunniii.n Kk'ctrii' Lijrln i'lants. \\'u all' nianufartiiriMs of I'iini|)s for all dntit's. Onr pi-odni'ts arc unsurpassed for design and good service (|Uiilities. Send for catalogues and infoima tion. H The Northey Manufacturing Co. :< ii. >iiii:i»), coi:o\ro, om. ^ Easy "^ BROWNIE X'::;!/ BICYCLES Ail- to t luiada uliai BEESTON HUMBERS .ire to lliu \vt)rl(l. Iiuilt t') yi'ur hii;lu:sl iiiual ami i!<>\vn tn y>»nrth ni;nl> it ifiiuirt--- haiilly any clVuri. Nothing short of a collision will put it one iota out of order. Think of ihe worry >ave(/ ;iimI till- pU;isnr<- •>( liciii-^ "dead surt-.'' Paieiil miltT he.iriiii;'.. tl.iii.mii sprockets, liardeni'd pin and th-iin HMiiiii^dily iUist-pn>of. The heariuys tliroiinliout are niadi- from the higlicsl >;rade Knjilish tool steel, ami art itnprovenients i.>n what is ordinarily calleil perfection. lust t-noui-h \\eii;ht more than enough -itrcngth .il'i.inidinv; with life there is satisfai.:tion in its every line. I'inished superlily, the Itrownie Is a ihini; of heaiity and a joy fnri-\er. PRICE, $35.00 AND UP ItllOMMi: ICIIIF.KS our tU>i (ll. .K^KNTH Mtiii ^tliert- W'lil" for C.'italogvie ant! T<:riii>. The W: E. Brownjohn Cycle Co., ;t(>Hiiiiil :t;o UiKiii SI, roito^ro. I'liitM'; iNiL'. w, By Royal Warrant By Appointment of of H.R.H Her Excellency THE PRINCE OF WALES THECOUmSSOFABERDEEM ^5 • king Street- V/^st • Voronto, I Draperies. Perhaps you know something of our home-furnishing and home-beautif\ing ition already. If you do not its \(>ur loss :1I as ours. We rake the markets for the materials, and sell them as low as they can biy be sold. e employ e.xperts to carr)- out your own decoratif)n schemes, nr help \-ou with new ideas. Their skilled advice will cost \-ou nothinir. I o o o Robert S I M PSO N Limited jj TORONTO 8 ?ggc©ogcec©©©g©©o©g©©cscas©sessg©oec©egscsssgeso©geoo -® OUR $50.00 Ring We arc offering a Lady's Ring at Fifty Dollars that is i)aiticularly good value. The Diamond is a perfect l>eiuUy— alfsohitcly |ioifcit in color and cutting, and iw also entirely free from flaws. (We pick the stones for these Rings very carefully. ) Do not expect to see a very showy King, for it is mounted spetnally for those of rich and (jniet taste, in IS-Karat TiHir y Invisih!(" Setting. Sent by mail on recc^ipl of price. Money refunded if not salisfaclory. Ryric Bros. Cor. Yonge and Adelaide Streets, TORONTO ^W^AA^^^^^WW Cyclone That is the name of the most popu- lar magazine Camera. Twelve pictures in twelve seconds. We shall be pleased to show you this. Catalogue on ap- plication. Sliarpe, Ealcins & Ferris 9i Bay Street, Toronto. Ont. ;:i;a^S2:^3^ Q^^S^^^^i^ H^RY SMILL TELL ATT NORMAN mACRAE "Pelktt & Tellatt Stoch Broilers an& financial UQCwts 36 King Street East, Toronto Tcfonto, cMontreal and Nel^ York Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold for Cash or on Margin ; also Execute Orders in Grain and 'Provisions on the Chicago Board of Trade. cAgents in Edinburgh and London. /IDcmbevs of tbe Uoromo Stoch Ejcbanoe Cable cAddress : ' ' TELL A TT." w^ CSa^2J:c*iifc;; THE EMPORIUM A liriiiK-li of ilie c'flfliialwl Niw VoiU Millinuiv Hovisc', 'iii\ (iiiecn Street Kiisl. Headquarters for Fashionable Millin= ery and Dressmaking. Tailor-Made Costumes a Specialty. 790 Queen Street East MISS BARRETT, Modiste. 2)oniinion Xivcr^ PER HOUR \ COUPES or VICTORIAS, 75 cfs. DOUBLE CARRIAGES, - $1.00 \ CHARLES BROWN telephone no. 123 61 Vork street JOHN DAWSON. JOHN T. SMITH. JAS. H. LENNOX. J. W. MASON & CO. TELEPHONE 2749 FRANKLIN jfurniture ESTABLISHED 1843 Chairs, Bedding, Upholstered and General Furnitureo'^ OrncE AND SALtvROOMs: 436 Pearl St. ^■"(';",:;;r.l";;s^'" new Vork 11- f8 % m M fw ^ FURRIERS^TOjaER MAJESTY THE QUEEN Q. & R. Renfrew Co. «jt ^ Always carry a choice stock of LADIES' FINE ^ FURS oe ^ Comprisincr Jackets, Shoulder '^ Capes, Caperines, Muffs, Boas, Clusters, Ruffs, Fur-lined Garments, etc. Men's Fur-lined Coats, Caps and Gauntlets. Sleigh Robes, Snow Shoes, Indian Curiosities, Moccasins, etc. Fur Showrooms open at aH seasons. I'"urs reiiaired and renuidelled durinjr the SUMMER MONTHS at close iiricL-s. : : : : : G. R. Renfrew & Co. ^ 5 King St. East, TORONTO 35 and 37 Buade St., QUEBEC (^ $> ^ ^ m -12- n i i ^ ^ ^ ^ URING the 20 years (J878- 1897) the receipts from in- terest and rents of the ^ ^ Canada Iiife ^ssarance (Lo . paid every dollar of expenses of man- agement^ every dollar of dividends to shareholders, and besides left over $4,000,000 to add to the premiums received from and credited to policy- holders* It pays to insure in the leading Canadian life insurance company* For iufther information apply to^ GEO. A. & E. W. COX 46 King: Street West, Toronto ^ t ^ ^ ^ i 7f\ Central Canada Loan and Savings Co. affords special facilities throiiu'h its DEBENTURE, SAVINGS and LOANING Departments to all intere8tcr Ltulillltleii to the I'liltlli' ••••■■• $2,893,991.92 8eii(l post-card for pamphlet giving full iiifD(iiiatioii. i:. K. WO(»M, Miinnsrr. Offices : Cor. King and Victoria Sts., Toronto. ®^^^^^^^^^^^^.¥^^^^'^^^^MM^^® ^^ // Glen Mawr Cor. Spadina Ave. and Morris St., Toronto. School for Young Ladies PUPILS PREPARED for the Universities. For PrDspectiiH ami information :il>l>l>' to MISS VEALS, Principal The Morris Piano a Specialty. J. C. McLEAN DEALER IN High-Grade Pianos and Organs Sheet Music and Musical Mdse. U54: Queen St. West, TORONTO DO YOU KNOW There wotild be a big saving in your expenses if you would onler your Kupplies direct from uw. We deliver goods twice daily through tiie city, and prepay freight on $10.n giueii to the collection of Commercial Paper and SecuritI, s. nvyrxy rnvhsns, ^rnrrnl .nauiigrr. .iOSKPH IIEKItKKMO^, liiNitrftor. ItiiKlnfSH 'l*lioii<\ I.VJU lloiisr 'riioiK'. .'><>74 G. H. WALLER & SON puvreyors of /llieat 13 AND 15 ST. LAWRENCE MARKET TORONTO, ONT. Wf irive ."Sin'cial I'riies lo llolils and Sniiimcr lii'sort.s. Our I'iriii lias Ihe Hi'|intatidii of t'nttiii); Ihc Hesl Meat I'roenralile. TeslinioniaLs from some of the Leadliiu' llolelH in Canada. PRICES ON APPLICATION MDE. DUBOIS &. FILS Parisian Ostrich feather Dealers and Dvers« « « « Specialty in Cleaning .^ Evening Dresses and Evenind (Uaists « « . . FRENCH CLEANERS . . Office : 59 Yonge St. 'elephone, 896 LOVE & HAMILTON AGENTS Dncasbire 1n$. €o. m) mannbeitti Tn$. Co. manne) Indemnity mutual marine Jl$$. £o., Ctd* OF LONDON, ENG. (Marine). 15- \^& '^'^^'^^<^<^<^<^<*^»<^'^^^^<^<^<^<^^^ JQ s Id « t) <^^<^<^le after the payment of three years' pri'iiiiuiiis. VI. Cash Values, Loan Values and Paid- up Values are specifically set forth (;uaranteed in tiie p„li,y, and increase luiiiually after the tliird year. 12 Tmportant Muntum GUARANTEE- IN THE IMPERIAL LIFE'S LATEST FORM OF POLICY Ibcao tSXflce: TORONTO, CANADA PRESIDENT: Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat P.C , G.C.M.G. F. G. COX Managing Director. One month's grace ullowe.l for the pay- ment of premiums. "^ VIII. Re-instatement alloxye.l \vithin thirteen montlis after the dutf date of the premi urn. IX. The policy cannot lapse so lou.r as the surrender value is sufficient to nay nre- X. Option of having amount payable in one sum, or in Hve. ten, fifteen or twenty amnial instalments. XI. Choice of six ojitions upcm completion a of Dividend I'eriod, under which policy | may be voiilmued or mrrendertd. ' XII. m u'^}^'^ ^^'^ Reserve guaranteed is the • highest (Juarantee of any Canadian Life Insurance Company. ■ •""1*1 «nt^c v>i)iii jian v. -l(i— Imperial Bank of Canada Capital Authorized, $2,000,000 Capital Paid-up, $2,000,000. Rest, - - $1,300000 Directors : H. S. HOWLAND, President. T. R. MERRITT, Vice President St. Catmahiskm. \VM. liKNDltlK WIMJAM ItAMSAY. KOHKltT .lAKKItAV. T. .HKTHKUI.AND STJ HEAD OFFICE, D. R. W VYNKIt. KU. \8 I T IOGKH8. - ORONTO /^ILKIE, General Manage} BRANCHES IN ONTARIO: ESSEX KERUUS OAI.T HAMILTON INOEK.SOI.I. LISTOWKI, NIACAUA I'ALI.S I'OKT (.'OLllOKNE RAT PORTAGE SAll-T STK. MAHIE TORONT'), .14 \Voiliii){toii SI. East do. Cor. Yon«c and (^uecn do. C'or. Yoii^e and Kloor ST. TATirARINRS ST. THOMAS WELLANU WOODSTOCK Branctaes In Manitoba, North-West Territories and British Columbia : WINNII'F CAUUKI l'()KTA(ih a, Man. ', Al.llTA. :LA I'KAIKIE, Man. I'KINCE ALBERT, Sank. BRANDON, Man. EDMONTON, At,iita. \ ANCOIVER, n.C. REVELSTOKE, B.C. NEL.SON, B.C. Agents in Great Britain t-LLOYD'S BANK (Limited). KrnftMonNKW VDlJK iind .sTKItlilNc; KXCIIANliK HoiikIu uml .Si.l.l. DKI'OSJTS received mill interest allowed. MrXK'U'AL imd other IK).\1)S and I)KHK.\Tri{p:.S purchased. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO COLLECTIONS. Acinls in Caniidft for iIr. CHEQUE BANK, Limited. 1 ««« 3mz ♦♦ 'Phone 8211 ♦ ♦ >■ H. M. LOUNT """s"b°w'indrum 81 Yongc St. iiiMij 1 1 11 1 ■i 1 1 1 1 i A RE youtliinking of a ^*- wedding, and wish to give a nice, Call and see my new store, tilled with DaintySILVER- PLATED WARE, Sterling Silver, Watches, Clocks, Etc., Etc The- JULIAN SALE LEATHER GOODS CO. I Limited 105 King St. West, Toronto. :« Largest . . . Fine Travelling and . . . Leather Goods Store in America. 17- I The Quebec Bank | * Incorporated by Royal Charter A.O. 1818. '* s /» St Capital Authorized Capital Subscribed Capital Paid Up Rest - - - $3,000,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 650,000 V V V HEAD OFFICE: QUEBEC. THOMAS SMcDOUGALL. Esq., Gen. M^n. % Brancbes : (iUKBEC \f MONTRKAL. ^ I'KMHHOKK. UI'PER TOWN, ^*^>-%r*'>«#*~«^ <«-■?>. '♦^(♦^(•^(•^^•^(•^(•^(•^.*-i^<#-V*>.*-a •'r H. & G. BLACHFORD Dralkkh in . fi ne Bo ots and $ l!oe$ 114 YONGE STREET Toronto 2nd door south of Adelaide St. M. p. Mallon 26 St. Lawrence Market, Toronto Butcbcrs nn^ . . . provision Dealers MESS BEEF, CHOICEST BRANDS Poultry and 6ame in Season Telephone 8306 KURMA TEA is universally appreciated because of its Purity, its Excellent Quality and its Initoniparable Value. Always selected l)y connoisHcurs because of its exceptional merits. Try it and satisfy" j'oursclf. Sold l)y grocers in Lead Packets only, pounds and half pounds, black or mixed, at gSc, 30e., 40l*., 50c. and OOc. [ler pound. THE DAVIDSON & HAY CO., Limited IMPORTERS AND PACKERS 36 Yonge Street, TORONTO —20— CHINA HALL il'sxJ'^^ IMPORTERS OF -^ D^ine China and Cut Slass WE CARRY THE FINEST GOODS IN TORONTO JOS. IRVING, Proprietor E. STRACHAN COX Member Toronto Mining and Industrial Exihange (Mining Section, Board of Trade). Jill Shares Bought ana Sold en (Commission 7 AND 9 TORONTO STREET ^ii*^1 oronto PORD'S DELICIOUS Tee €reatti Soda and Truit Pbospbates Fine Chocolates and Hon Hons, Turkish Kij; Taste and (iiMiuine Marsh Mallows. .\ssorted boxes jiut up for suninier resorts. 29 King Street East. TOROMO. Not " Iiow cheap," hut " how j{Ood. Manicuring and Cliiropofly CORNS, BUNIONS and INGROWINQ NAILS Treated hv an Expert Chirnpoillsl. 'Phone 1882 L. A. STACKHOUSE 124 King St West, TORONTO (Opp. Kof^i" House) A NOTABLE BOOK THE GREAT COMPANY 'Being a. Complete History of the Hudson 's 'Bay Company B> HKCKl.KS WII.ISO.N With Numerous Illustration.? and Maps. Price. Cloth, S3. 00 Kor sale at all liookstores, or on receipt of price sent postpaid hy THE COPP CLARK CO., Limited PUBLISHERS, TORONTO. HOFBRAU is the best Liquid Extract of Malt It '.< MOW Imiiig preHcribetl by our leading physicians in i)rL>ference to any othf- Malt Kxtract, hecuuse it is lowfir in alcoholic strongth and richer in nutritious inattcf, I' .sides being vei-y pleasant to take, and aids digestion. ror Hale hy ill llriiKfti' S*. * llolllrw for -J.V W. H. LEE, Chemist Canadian Agent — 'jj i II' THOU VALUESr GOOD COUNSEL, HIE THEE UNTO MULLIN & MUIR'''°.^ris in the Vonge Street of Toronto, for Wall Hangings and Interior Decorating, at ; rices suited to thy purse. SO.MK (IF IILK SlKCIAl.TIKS IN Wai.I. HaN<,1M;s : Chintzes, Satin Stripes, Leathers, (Joliciin Tapestries, Silks, Denims, liurlaps. Flocks, l.incrusia Walton. 436 Yonge Street, Toronto, On r- f »T WW * *»< '^Iht §i\'\n ^ooh ant) ^tntioncrii (!Io, 96 YoNGE Street TORONTO, ONT. Specialties . , . Kinbossini? ^ Copper Plate Trinting Copper Plate HtiKravinR . ., „,r..t,.,,„ Die Cutting ^- ^- ''' '^■•^' '-^ Artistic PnntiiiK Mnimiier. The Harry Webb Co^ LIMITED y ^(dkzrzrz^^ 44.7 YONGE STREET TORONTO, ONT. ' WHALERS UPHOLSTERING and CAR PET- CLEANIPJG WORKS Kiirnitiiie Kru,>hnlstiTe(L Hail ri'»"-» Rem)\ati(l. Cosey Corneri, Blouse tnd Dress Boxes a Specialty. ALBERT WHAL£ • Phonc 4568 830 Yonge St., TORONTO ^ — CHOICE FURNITURE -v-v. Largest Stocks Unequalled Values The Chas. Rogers & Sons Co. LIMITED 117 io\<;i: *«TKfr'>:T. Robms ^ Son EsUtltshed 1842 Artistic Pictures for Wedding Presents Latest Novelties in Picture Framinu Yi)frt Qealers 79 KING ST. WEST i^liT iT y'TORONTO —22- THE Canadian Bank Head Office : TORONTO OF Commerce PAID-UP CAPITAL, RESERVE $6,000,000 1,000,000 . T)IRECTORS: HON. GEO. A COX. President. ROBT. KILOOUR, Vlce-P; eaideat. W. H. Hamilton, M. Lkogat. J as. Ckathekn. John Hoskin, g.C. LL.D., j. \v. Ki.Avr.r.i.K. B. E. WALKER, Qenerai Manager. J. H. PL' MMER, Asst. General Manager. A. II. IKKI.AM). Inspector. M. M' ^he Standard Bank of Canada. CAPITAL PAID-UP RESERVE FUND $1,000,000 600,000 HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO directors : W. F. COWAN, Presioent. fOHN RtlRVQ v „, ^, . -^ "^ BURNS, Vice-Pkesident. W. 1-. Allan. KR^•n vv,, .. -p „ „ r. K. Wood. a. J. Somerv.lle. .lAMEs .Scott. Fred Wvi.d AILSA CRAIG. how.manville. brantford. bradford. HRI(;UTO\. i BRU.SSEL'^. agencies: CAMPBELLFORD. CAN\IN(;toN. cnATIlA^r. COLBORNE. DURIrA.^f. FONFST. bankers: NEW VORK: Fmi.-i, HARRFSTON. KINCSTON. ^^Al^KHA^F PARKDALE, TORONTO PICTON. ^TOUFIVILLE. IX)NDON, ENU: NAr.oNAL Bank o- Scotlan,.. All banking business promp-|y ,, to. Correspondence solicited. «E0. P. REID. Oen. Manager. | >>ia SUN FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE.... A.D. 1710. Head Office: Threadneedle St., London, Eng, Transacts Fire liusiness only, ami is thi- ■<: l,\'ON, TdUnMo .Ai.KNrs. Agents W.inled in all! 'nrepre^ented Oistricts. TRY . . . . W. HILL 461 Yonge St., Toronto, Cnt. FOR CHOICE PLANT5 CUT FLOWERS CHOICE FRUITS and FLORAL DESIGNS H. O'HARA H. R. O'HARA H. O'HARA & GO. Stock and Debenture Brokers Financial Agents Members Toronto Stock Exchange II. It. OMAUA AMI \\ . .1. (I'llAHA MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES 34 Toronto Street - TORONTO TKI.K.PIKIM'. !tl."> Cbe % %, m\\\m% $ $on$ 0o. LIMITED MANUKACXrUKltS iW Williams' Pianos €cbo and Jfrtist Quifars, Banjos, mandolins « « « Uiolins, Hutobarps, Etc. 143 Yonge St., Toponto Moulton College ^^ ^^ A ^sidentiat and Boarding ^1^ School for Girls and Yoana W^ Women ^^'^j^^'^^j^u^^i^Ji COLLCaC PRCPARATORV ANO MATRICULATION COURSES SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES IN MUSIC AND ART Terms Moderate I'm ( 'ali'tnhir, :nli!n>s — ADELMDE L. DICKLOW. Pli.M.. Principal 34 BLOOR ST. EAST. TORONTO (^Jrescent Bicycles The POPUL AR Wheel At the STANDARD Price S'^^-'Ck' (AM, ANI> .'^KK TflKM .\T <^-^^« HYSLOP BROTHERS. J 4 and J 6 King St. East, Toronto | FOUNOCO V.D. 1710. iJVer Capital and al| tpector. |)re>rrilf(1 Ilistricts $ Sons Co. or D' tanos « « « $, €tc. 1 Toronto J«d Boarding 'ind Young «o«ANT»aE» in ART .. Principal »ONTO 7heel J Price oronto >^!!!!?!n!f!!f?!Ef! g I; Wm. Stitt & Co. ;: - <> iMPORTcns or o ^ ;J jf inc Dress 0oo5s j> ^ n /ii>illiuerv aiiD i <•> sr 9 (3 loves- S^ 1 Paris Kid Glove Store Ladics' Tailors and costumiers ^ llUNOlSKlNGSTnceTEABT V TcLCPHONc ees TORONTO ■■ raiUiiiiUiiiiii>: labn $1 Son »»»» *»i»i»»»»i»a ^mr 600(1$ * cf cwcrv description » I nair ttoods I * cf cwcrv description '" r.anifs, \Va\ es, Wij^'s niul the Inr^tesl stork o( Natural Wiivy mid Straijrlit Switelies to olioose from. Hair Dressing and Shampooing Salons All diseases (if the scalp siH'Pt-nsfuUy treated. 73>ii King St. West •Phone 2283 TORONTO a mcagwooa" Initial ^^-^^^^ Writing Paper* 50c. A BOX. 15i)X foiitiiiiis oiiu (jiiiiu of tliis ox(juisit(' piipiT ill iH-etty Wedgwoiiil .shade, with iiiilial iiffttly emliosseil in ivory white — also •J5 eiivi'li>pi^« to match. Yon will appreciate the good tastr uliown ill this III w line of Htirlliiirl''< licst jiapcr. Wm. Tyrrell & Co., "The Bookshop," No. 8 Kins Street West '?»»»».9$i$i»»9»»»i9»»i^»»»»»a, t I t cgisldtiott and l>i$torv of vSf Separate Schools ln«« | Upper Canada « « « « 1841-1876 lU J. (iKOIttil-: llOIXilNS, .M.A., I.L.I). '■/■ OsiMiiiiV Jlnll, ISnrrist' riU-Lui' I.nte Depmv MiniHlerof KdiU'atioii, (liitarln ' Lihiarian mid Histiiiit)i;rai>her of tlie De' |iarlimiil, aiitl Kditor iif the IhicinneMtaiv Ifisliiix of Kdiiratioii ill I'luierlamwla, 17i»l Paitdr f«vt'r. ijl.OO. Ch»tli, Hoards, .sl.25 " Tlie Hiilijeol is lirofoiiiidl.v iiileri"-liiig, and il i^- ll'eaU'iliii an ,1'hiiii'iilile iiiaiiiii'i . . It U till' aiiiiracy and ifieatiiess of the au- thor's iiifonimtioii. vvlilcli is evident in every chapter . . . tliat j.'ivi>i it it« uiiiiiue ihar.ioier ami its very ureal value." — Ukv. Iiii. W. S. H1.A1KST01 K. Toronto. i ftf WILLIAM BRIGQS PUBLIBMr n Wesley Kulldint;s - TORONTO The woili iiiav lie oidereil throii;.'h am ■ liookselhr. Cbe Queen's, ^rs till" moHl cointortftble hotel in the Dominion, While poNst'ssiiiit every modern convcnienee, and the latest anil most scientifin improvement", The l,iueen'H has always been famous for the solid, COS}-, homelike comfort which is eharacteristic of the best hotcU. Coronto terms: $3X0 to $4.00 per day, accurdlnt to Location of Rooms. Bathroom, ete., attswhed, jil.UO per day additional. iCM'-'iANCE and <«mfort are eonibine