:?E:sy^. SY-L.A.'VT-S OP THE NEW CITIGAS COMPANY I or MOlSTTRKi^LX^ "• •-•*>■ ■■.is*' "•■-' '•■ '■■■ f.' . ■ >"■■ *v^^. ^i^: i ';!%* MONTREAL: ■'... ' » HERALD STJBAM PRESS, 153 ST. JAMES STREET. 1873, I w \ V ^ s'sr-i-i^'w^s OF THE NEW CITY GAS COMPANY OF \ montrka.il. < • 1 ''••■' . 1 » I I • . •- f . 1 « • t ♦ ■ f » I . • • » <• {» • » f » * » • If MONTREAL : HERALD STKAM I'ilEBH, 153 8T. JAMEi STREET. 1873. Y • • • • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • * • 4 • • • • • • • • • < « ^ TUB NEW CITY GAS COMPANY OF MONTREAL The following By-Laws, prepared by the Directors, were sub- mitted to the Shareholders and adopted at the Annual Genera Meetin-, held at their office, Ottawa Street, on Tuesday the first day of April, 1873, and all former By-Laws repealed. 1 The stated meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the office of the Company, on the first Tuesday of each month in the year, at 3 o'clock P. M., or on such other day and hour as may be appointed. 2. Special meetings may also be called by the President, or by three members of the Board of Directors. 3 At least twelve hours notice of stated or special meetings shall be given by the Secretary to each Director, addressed to his place of residence or business. 4 A Finance Committee, to consist of not less than three members of the Board, shall be nominated at the first meeting after the annual election, to act and advise with the President and Vice-President, who shall be ex-o^cw members thereof, in relation to all matters concerning the interests of the Company. Three members shall constitute a quorum capable of transacting business. 5 The Finance Committee shall meet as often as may be ne- cessarv for the discharge of their duties, at the request ot the Ohairiman or of two members of the Committee. 6 The President, or in his absence the Vice-President or in the absence of both, a Chairman chosen pro tempore, hy the Di- rectors present, shall preside at all meetings of the Board, and the President shall exercise a general control and supervision over all the concerns of the Company, its affairs, officers and employees, and see that the By-Laws in all their particulars are strictly enforced. 59634 4 7. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall ^ exercise all the authority and perform all the duties of that officer. No officer or employed f*hall absent himself from his duty with- out leave from the President. And no officer or employee shall have Gas, coal, or coke free, or at reduced prices, without a special agreement. 8. The Books of the Company shall be balanced and made up each and every year to the last day of February ; the Cash Book balanced every day, and all the ordinary Books well kept in a business like manner. 9. The Secretary shall have the general charge of the Com- pany's Books, Accounts, Papers, Vouchers and Documents of every description, and exercise a proper supervision over the clerks of the office. He shall keep a Minute Book of all the pro- ceedings and business of the Board of Directors and of the Fi- nance and other Committees. He shall receive and deposit all moneys belonging to the Company, and make all disbursements previously ordered by the Finance Committee, and take and pre- serve the Vouchers for such disbursements. 10. All checks or drafts of the Company shall be signed by the President and Vice-President, or by the President or Vice- y President and one Director, or by any two Directors, and counter- signed by the Secretary. 11. All transfers of Stock shall be made either in person or by proxy (in writing) at the office of the Company only, in a book to be kept for that purpose, of the form as per schedule annexed, the parties transferring and accepting the same, signing their names themselves or by proxy in said book in presence of a wit- ness, but no transfer shall be allowed to be made until the claims of the Company against such stockholder transferring be first paid and satisfied. Every new proprietor of stock shall become a party to the existing laws and By-Laws of the Company. The Transfer Book shall be closed during the fifteen days previous to the date of payment, of each and every dividend. 12. Special meetings of the Stockholders may be called by the Directors, or in their default, on being thereunto requested by at least twenty of the Stockholders being proprietors together of not less than 500 shares of the stock of the Company, than by such >> 5 20, (or more, as the case may be) Stockholders, the Directors of, Stockholders giving, at least, two weeks notice thereof, in at least two of the public newspapers of the City, specifying in the said notice the time and place of such meeting, together with the objects thereof. 13. The Manager and Engineer shall be responsible for a sufhcient supply of Gas to the City, free from the impurities of sulphuretted hydrogen, ammonia and carbonic acid, and of such quality or illuminating power as the Board may from time to time direct, and he shall take or cause to be taken periodically accu- rate photometrical observations of such illuminating power, and have the same entered in a suitable book for that purpose. He shall be responsible for the stock of coals, coke, fire-clay goods, pipes and tubings and general stores on the Company's Works or Premises, and shall cause to be kept a suitable book to be called the Stock Book, in which all Stocks shall be correct- ly entered, and valued each year for the Secretary to make up the Company's Annual Accounts. Ho shall cause to be kept a book to be called the Retort Valuation Book, in which the par- ticulars of the benches of Retorts set shall be entered, together with an Annual A^aluation of the same, to be supplied to the Secretary with the aforesaid Stock Accounts. He shall cause the buildings, apparatus and machinery of the Works, and also the mains, service pipes and meters, to be kept in good repair ; and have accurate accounts kept of the manufacture and distribu- tion of Gas, the consumption of materials (both in the Works and outside), the workmen's time and all other things requisite and proper for a well conducted Gas Works Establishment, He shall prepare or cause to be prepared drawings, specifications and esti- mates of all additional buildings, gas-holders, apparatus, machi- nery, and mains, or of alterations of the same, and shall b« re- sponsible for such works being carried out. He shall keep a Report Book, in which all matters of import- ance pertaining to the Company's business, and also such advice and suggestions as he shall deem necessary shall be entered, such book to be produced at each Board Meeting, and the report of such occurrences since the last preceding meeting be read. Generally, he shall have under the Board, the entire and sole control of the oflBcers and workmen and of the Company's busi- 4 11088, Other than that of the Secretary's department. While he shall act under and be responsible to the Board, it is understood that he shall attend the nieetinpjs of the Works' Committee, and also of the Finance Committee when required, and advise with these Committees, and that especially he shall keep himself in communication with the President of the Company. 14. He shall have the assistance of one or more Superintend- ents of Works, whose duties shall be to overlook the Manufactur- ing Department, as also to superintend the laying of the main and service pipes ; and an Inspector whose duties shall comprise the inspection of the meters, &c., &c., have charge of the Order and Complaint Books and attend to all orders and complaints j to have charge of the Meter Index Books and the filling in of the respective registrations of the meters and consumption of Gas ; to have charge of the Lamplighters, and to generally discharge the duties usually understood as those of a Chief Inspector of a Gas Company. 15. The office of the Company shall be kept open from 9 o'clock A.M. to 6 o'clock P.M. every day, Sundays excepted. 16. The Directors shall, from time to time, make such Rules and Regulations for Gas Consumers as they shall see tit, which Rules and Regulations shall be printed and furnished to the cus- tomers of the Company, together with a notice that they are the conditions upon which Gas will be furnished. ^ Q W > u w D ►-^ G c 3 i-i c CS ;-• •♦-< -c c JD D >-< 0) xi o T3 en c a, o 0) (U C o c _bJO '35 to O W Pi ai o en +-> C o e C 3 O 0) o p 3 T3 C cj •T3 c 3 x: • • • ■•rt • • • O a: Z O ha (/J i ft • < I- H c o