C^ A N A I) A . BUDGET SPEECH I'l'.l.l^ I Kl II \'.\ mix. (;i;oi!(;i; i;. iosti;!!, dj.l.. ]\.\\, M I MS I'l.i; ( U I IN A\( i:. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Tin i;si)AV, i;'" maimii. I SIX). - — '^<4,.C"i^ OTT VWA : riMNTKl. I'.V I'.KOWN ( H A M I'.KIil.l N. I'l! I NTKI! TO Till; (ilKKNs MOST FXCIT I r\T M \.IKS|V. 18"J0. C A X A 1 ) A . BUDGET SPEECH I'l l.i\ i;i;i;ii \:\ HON. (;i:oi!(;i; i: rosTi:it. d.c. l )i.r.. Ml NISI- 1:1; tv-JS: . UM^P^ O'l'T WVA : I'lMNTFl^ liV J'.i;()\VN CllA.MI'.KlM-lN. I'IMN-IKI! To Till; ' 'riiKN S Most KNCKI.LKNT .M \.li:sT\'. 1890. (AX A DA. \)v I) (J i:t sr e ecu i>i in I KKi> i'.\ HON. (;i:lati'liunt In thr ll.iiiv.- ic>|i( itiii;^ llie llliaiii'ial m|i(|',i| imi-, nf lli. ili tin >ati>ta'tiiiy ii.iiiiii- dI niif and all i)t tlic"^i' lliici'. 1 lliink I may al.-n (ciiiL:ia tulalr till' ll<>n>i' and tin- luimtry li|iiiii ilir ICNUlts ot till' past t\M'l\i- niolitlis. 'I iiry lii\<- imt di,-a|i|ii)intiii tlif In«|«.-. « liicli wi-rc cNpirsxcl riiiiiiTiiin^' tlnni when I niadr my aiiiinai stale nil lit a little mme ih.in .i year aiiu. 'I'lie Lfene- la! . -.tale ut liie l)n>ilie>s .if tile eiiunllV lias lieeli re isiin.ilily l''""!. and altli'Hiuli a detieii ney nl h ir\ est in .'I II lie pdlt ions.aiiil tlle Ullseasonalili' stii te- nt the wi'atlier and the somi'U iiat low |niees ^^hi■■h ran^'ed I(ir .some of thi' stajile aitiiies, have had tiieir de|iiessiiiL: etl'eets ; iiii tile whnle the Near has Keen, as I iiaxf stated, a tairly a\iraL;e nne. I'iie eelieial Iraije nt' tile eipinitl V lias kept lip. and ill taet siimewhat exeeeiled that nf the plieedili;.' yeir. and, as a ounsec|Ueiiee, the lelnin.s whii ii Were antieipated ha\e heeii fully, nr very nearly tiilly realised. 'I'lie railway Kiiildiin.' diirini.' tin- past ye.ir has lieeii vi:;cirmis, as will )k' slmw n later when 1 eoiiie to speak nt' the sums wliieli have 1" (11 taken trniii the pnlilie treasury in tin- way lit payni(-nt on eonstriii-tion of railwavs Nihieh have heeii sulisiili.sed, and ihu voliuiie of tiallie wlneh has Keen ino\»-d in oiir lonntlT has ln-eii larger than in any preeeclinj; year of its his- tory < )eean tieiudits have eontiiiiied high, and the lA \essel owners of the maritime portions of the ho- minion |ia\c reaper' a lieh anil well ini-riled reward from the \ e--el> w hell I hey ha \ e ow lied, w hill- upon lllei;ieal lakes and livels of ( '.uiada the |olinaL:e has lieeli Well employed and the siasi.n In- iieeli fiirly remiiiierativ e. I tind that tin- iiiiniiL;ra tion of this yi-i|- has lieeli superior in iiuuiIh i - and -npei ioi in elass to that of many pieie.linM; years, and there are illdieations that that i- now lakiliL' plaee, w liirll is to lie. 1 lielieXe. tile -llolii; est faetor in draw iiu: people into this eouiilry; ii.iinely, the fornialion of a niuleus of people in our eoniitry. espeeially in the North \\'e>i. who hasili'.^ pas.-ed the earliest and se\ t-rest .■.t.iL."s of settleliK-lit, and liavill.L; eoliie ilitii prosperous and set tied eoiiditions, are writiiij home to liuir friends and spi-i-adiii:.' inforniat ion, w hirh is ijie .striin;,;est and liest nn-alis of drawin-.^ immi;.'rant.s from those far oil' eoimtric-s to our own shores. Not only h.i\e llio>e iiiteiots of w hirh I iiave spoken lieeii pro>p( rolls, 'nil. i think I may say, from a -eiieral review, that the lumlier inteiests have had, oil the whole, a s.itisfae- toiy year. 'I'he farmers ami the hsliei-ni(-ii have prolialily had not inore, if iml sonietliinL.' less, than an ,iv<'i-a:,'t- year : liut. taken on the whole, their eoiiilition i.s line of reason ihh- prospei ity and with- out the want and hardship whieh aie found ill many countries outsidi- of Canada. W'liih- the internal trade and the eoinlitioii of the eoiintry has heeii thus fairly satisfaetory, there has Keen something done as well towards the i-eali.satioli of the hnpc-i whieh li ive heeii fiitel'lained for a niim- till i.| \. ;ir- .ih.l W lli.'l \M !•■ |il,l. I i| ill .1 |» I IM.llli III :ll.' lil.^-ili.'^ nt |.|M.|ii|il\ ,i||.| |irMri' in lli.il Miiy nf l.i in.' tiillilli-.j l,i>l siMi- liy iin in- '■! t Im Iminr- IlmI; tMi- 1 1|.. .i,|\ iiit nt' c.i in i mmi >. I iir >iii'. ):i liilu^ily ..| llii- l|..n-i- Hhirh -iniK.I .1 -iim .t. » ..t I In- |.,i.l . .■.|U,ill v |n .i«|h n.ii^ nml ciiiiiill v lit iii'ini y Im\\.uiI> llir 1 -i.ilili'iinniii ut ^\\\i\ li,i|i|i\. c I'luiniiiiii Mlinii- l.ciwcn (■,111,1.1., ..ipl iiiIk'i iiii ( 'i.niiiiL: iii.vi nmi.' |Mi;i. ulnily l.. !iii|ii>) |i;irt |i<>i|;iiit >.ctinn> m| III. \\.ii|,l. >iii.. j.i.i \...i i.f iii\ .JMls. ulii.li i-l.i lay Im|',,i.> tli.' Il.nixa il inlllr;..' |..|- lillij.lilij ill.- r.HI,|.li.ill I'.l. iti. -I ll. III. Ill ..t ill.' |.l I. 1 i.lill--. ..t ill.' \(;ir jsss Hri,i Mnil ('liin.i .111. 1 .l,i|i,iii li;i~ I1..11 1. 1 . ml \\ il h 1 In- 1 i'.'.'i|.t -. .i.. fi.ll'.u - within ,1 MMi « !■ »li,ill >(•(', -..nil- ..t ill.- I.I «i I .,11 III |M.| ;in.l »\\itli>l \i-»il> iiim^iiil: llitii iiLiiilii M.y.i ji - 1.1 u\ . .1 •...iintiy i.ii.l llii.x- tai m::i..Ii- E-'lim.ili'. ,,-^'''."''' IHtViTOiioc. c'lllii lvi~i . I" I \M-rn u lii. Il t In II- M il! ^iii iiij nil. I , ,. . , .-. M . ; ' "-'".M , ...-'•.';;..M!;;.!i:i .-=j:i.7L'i;.7'<:t "Vrj.svj !;■'""'• ^' "'^ '"-'■ ""' " "■'> I""'"''''"" "■""■ i-N.-i.... ., . :,„;..Ma . ,i.Ms.;.7;ts ,s|.,i.:, Iln- .\tl,,i,ti.t,iM ~.iM,.-l,,i.,i.i ,n,,i.n,,li>-.l. l.iii Mj,,.„^„ „, 7.:.-..:i.|,sn MHiui'.P • 17<'.I.;:t ill.' t.iilnic liii- ii.il liiiM iliK- ii. aii\ t.iiill •■! till t;.7vj.s7(i .s|,',|..-,7i; it wa- >ii|i|n.stil « .mill IniM' li.iil tlin n-.-f jil i.iiij M .snli>ta,t..i.\ li t >l,.,i,M^lii|.. .,1, till- ...r.ii, ''''''" '^ v.t i>t... t..r\ . 1...I .,iilv as r.-,-ii,|s ||„- l..t«.-.M..ni |i.Mt-.aii.| tln.>r ..t (ill, II r.iiMin ami '''-'■"■-' "»' 'l"' 'Miinat.- t.. tl- ai nl w lii, h KiMl .1.111 v,iii..ii- .all.s.-s «lii.li .III- »v\\ kli..«ii "•'■' "'li-'''- '•"> "I--" il- n-i.nis 111.- Mill, l.ital I.. In. II. iininlMT- lln- ::i.al M>.- in |ii i.rs ..f s|:i,, " I'i' I' " ■!> "Mli-'''! -i- t In- 1 .-s ,-ii,n- ..f t lir |.a.s| \ .-ar, l.uil.liii::. >tii,inl..t.,| a., tin-v NMT. Ii\ tiirrix 11, <'"i"l'"'"- In^sVI «iil, |ss7ss. ||n- 1, -Milts t'M-iuiil- .iii'Mis il |i.Tatii.ns i.t tile I'.l il isli I i. .iri' nnisl s,ii i-.tai li.r\ . Tin- ( ii^i nils -In.w an .-inin.iii .,-«.-ll I, M.l.-i.-.l tin- lullilnn-iK .-Ilii.n i'"'"''^- '■''< 'I" |.r.-.-.-,| in- y.-,,r iit .■<- W . M " '-^ ■'=-•'^7 I. I>IN. -t an in,-r.- .s,- „f s p.-r .-.•„| . „v,.,- In.li.i ii-,,.l.-. f..r wlm-haMin, ..f a u .,, .i.,ni.-.l ll'" '■'•^'■""-- n-'Iis-M in I ss7 ss. If w ,- lak,- 1 1,,. I.isl y.-.ii. li,,U„.,n iii.,n-_-iir,.t,.l. aii.l «,• l„iv,- i,.,u "-v ,-iiin-^ .|.-i iM-ii in Iss.t-sl ami ,-,,ni|.ai ,- 1 1„ n, willi tlin-.'- ilinM-i liin->. n illi im.iitlily .^..iliii-s. ImInv.-. n ''"'"'' "' '''^' > '•■"• "'■ "'" '''"' ''''" ''"■ ii" "a.M- in lln-|i,.|ts,,ftln- M iiiiini, l'r.,\ in.-.-s ami .illlrr. ni <'"-'"insaml Kv. is.- Ii.i.- 1... 11 '.S |«-,- ,-,-nl . ami tin- |,..i-ts..f tin- \V. -1 li,Ji,..,i,.l ^..nth .\i,,.-ri.-a. Tin- '"•■'"•■'^<' i" '-li.s.-.-llan.-.nis \:i\ jk-i- .-.-nt. : ,iml win-ii t«,, wlii.-l. pis l„lu.-,-ii llalit.iN. .lain.ai.a aii.l " '' '■ "'si''''' t lial t liis la.sl is imn!.- 1||. .,f in v.-M in.-lits Ciili.i. r.-|i..lix,K. .ir. ,-,,„>.■> uhi.-li li.iv.- I.,-. „ ■'"■I .Mriiiii-s. it iss.,tisfa.-t,..y f, liml t !,al t In- lai-.-r ln-r,-i..f..iv tiii-.l: tin- .ill.- ulii.-li |.li,-s l.,-iu,-,-i, t',.- in'T.-a.s.- i. in I hat pai ti.-ul,,r lim- .,t .nir iv\ ,-nii.-^. Iiiirts ,.f St. .I.ihn ami |).-im-i;.la in , .,1,11.-, 1 i.,n uitl, ''''"' ''-'"•'■" ■"'' "" '"""" -^ • tln-\\.-I In.li.i Islamls is a m-\\ \. ntiii.-. .iml I am Cn-miiis an.l ji|,,.,.i],,||,,„„^_ T.ilal. hapiiv t.i li.- ,ihl.- I., st.il.- I., tin- ll.in-.- that. 11..I , ^ „, .,,',,,,",, ...... WUhst.iinlniL: III.- ii.-\m;,--. ,.| in,- ,-iil.-rpi i,s, , iln- Iss^.S'.l.. ;;n.iil.S.,5i.' H.lii..i.:i47 ,>,7v'.s7l» liilln.'r.nis p..ils w hi. h li,-i\.- I.. 1..- .all. .1 al. aii.l th.- i-\pi-ii-i\.- ii.iinr.- .it ili.--i-,i- pi,ii,^..t .-ill. tin- Iiierfiis.' !?i'.''"l.-''>"t •■r'.'.-lTi;,lS!i .'j;!',M7..")7:! ]ii.iin-. i- .^ailiiiLs lia\,- I..-. 11 .niimnllv sn, .-.■s^tul. - !'■"'• 4-.. ii.o. 1.,-. n ,i\v .. k.-iii ■! in Tin- t..ll..\\ in-i .in- t hi' primip.il it. -ins tV.'in uhi.-li tin- \\ . -I In-li.'i Ul.iii.l-. ami im.i.- .--p.-.-iiiK- in- r. a~.-.| ( 'nsi.iins .|ii(i.-s w .-i-.- 1 .-.-i-i\ ,-.1 last vcar, in iiiir .>" 11 .liiint 1 \ . li-a.l,- n.^ t.. i,. li.-\ .- t hat lln--- :is c. .ii.jiai i-.l u itli the yniir I SS7 SS : liii.s will .li-\.l.>p a lii-'jc ami i.r.i\viiiL' tiail.- Aniiinils !? T'.i'U l.ftw.-i-i. .iiir r.iunny ami that si-.ti..|i , -f lln- .-\rn'Wr...'f . hi:-i'iiil-, A.' ]-'i.21S .s..iitli.-iii .■.'iiiiliA I., vdii.h w.- inuM I...1U lai-...-l\ 1 Irain ..f .ill kiM.l.< .')l)..-,lil , .. , . , . ' l-"|.illr .-lllil llH-lll llHi.Ill') as an .lull.i t.>r .mr pi-...lmis in th.- tiitiii-.-. ., ,,_ , ' ( ,-irn:ii.'.-> ... 5ii..Ui) 'I'iikcii all in all. w .• iia\ .- p;;s>.-.l a v.-ar in ( '.in.i.la ('ar|.cts. X.E..'s H,4"i) in whii-li w.inl has l„-,n pi ,i.tii-,,lly iinUn.iW n. in Cnal nn.l .-.iko M.9\2 whirh lali.ir has li,-,-n w.-ll .-nipli.v. .1. ami has Cottnii iniiinit'iicniriv ri...iiii> f..iiml - 1 ivnimn-iati.m. in wl.i.'h p. a,-,- ami Jjxio.v (-' 1-^ ii.Xv2 , , , I 1 • n 1 1 , Ihi.x. In-mn, Ae 3ii.'J-.1i ..l.K-i- liav.. alMiiiinl.-.l mall . .ui li.ml.-i s. ami .,nt F,-:,it.- ,.n.l iii>t~, Jrie.l .V21,S (if wliii'li llif ."i.iMMl.lHHl priiplc. w h.i ha\ i- .'11 j. iyi-. 1 ■ (nitta litTclni 21;i'il ir..i, „„.i-i.'.'i •■"•♦•"•_>'•; 1,1'iiilii r, iii'l m.iiiiilii 'turv- »( ■ • II.'.'''' Mirl.lf, .il|.| lli:i|llll:n-llir<- 'il' '•"'' Mii-ii'iil iii«lrmiu'iit- ••• ■ *•■"■'' I'rMNi.'i'n." . ■ l>i,:i2H .Silk '^••■''■'>» Sm|. '•'••''-'^ Sliiriiii iiii'l Willi'* l'.M,i"i:i SI..I..' ''■•♦» Smr.ir..fiillkltia^ ■jrj.:i'*' .Mi'i.i-iTs ••• i;;''^"' ■••iiii.ir iMinly- '•'*' TwIiiU'Cii !'".»■'> WmoiI •"•-'' W.ii.l, :iii.l liliilllirilcliiri'H III' liJ.Il" I,, ii„ t.'ll..«ii.u .uti.I.« tli.iv lia^ Im.ii.i t.illm. _.^^^ ^^^^. _ ^^^ i,„., ,,,,,. i'f sitH;.r,:;r, : li-hil .iH ill ill.' .lun«'- ii.ii'l : ISrii'k iiti'l till- Cillrc hrii'.'^ Kiiiliroiilcrii".. . 1m-Ii Kniit.- I'm- t;i.iM - li.i - .M.ii.l nil- I'aiiil?' . !»tii|'' ;ill'l r'l'it- . . ., ..•i.'i.O.Ki . ... . :!,ii''.'i V>:::-:: ... "■'.'.' I:; 1 Ml |(I>IIII. 'Ml Kir |H ii 1 lil.iu'' "-'•'I I'V tllf CiiHt < |i.-|i,M III!' Ill ill ill' 1 il'iil'ti • i'- .'^''i'- a'.'i- 1 'rilMllllJ ll'AV I" ill' '|ll''«ti t . \|l<.|l.lilUll'. I ii «.i~ iiiiiiiiiii'l li-t \. ir ili.ii II «"iil'l I' .I'll ^Ilti.lHHI.IHHI : ill. .Mill .■\|M.||.lillll. Ill* '"'II ..!ll7.v'!l. Ill iii.i.i I ."'.■I17.*i:il. I" ''i"« I Ik.w ilii> ill. i.-.i.M- .iiiii.' iil'i'iil. I iM.'N -i.ii' ill'' '!"■ ,11 Ill f\|i.'ii.lf.l t"i ml. I. -I "II 'li'' I'lil'li'- 'I'l'I ,-li..\v- .!ii ill. iii«.- iiMi l^^^"t .-^::_'''.'il^ : mi|i'I.iIi iiii..ti..ii, .III iiii' •-' "I "^'1 ■-'•'.'XX' : iiiiliii.i. ;iii iii.iiM>i' i.t ".\.i .".MMNH! ; 111. Ill >iili-i.li. > .iii'i -l.Miii ( -iiliMiiliiPii-. ;i >li'^lii ;!!' I'- :■><■ : "< ' .n" .ni'l ■i..ii«i' iiii.i .•■>ii»i s.i'i.r. Ill iii.KM-'' -.1 •-■•-'-.•"'-I : • \|"ii'ii llllr U|i..|l III. li. Ill-, al T-.i t .-^ll-J.tMMi; i,i|. "!• rcllail. ..il>. .111 111 .^,'"1 l:;.:;l'.' "l/JMI 1.-...1T:; ."..i;'i| '..■>. I illT .ii.,i-.' ..I .-'{•Js.iHNi. 'I'll. I. «.ri' {iUi> ..,ii>i.|.i..l.l.- ii.iii- "t .1. . I. .1-. , I'lii iiUm.' til.' I"" I.".'. tli> I . tli<> .-li"" •' .lill'i'ii" "1 .■\|i -li'ii.il.'. .■t .^IIT.S.'U. I 111' Hlll'.MIll lll.ll NN 1- '-'I iiiiit...! t." I' \.-iiii.'. 1- i -li'l l"-l"i<-- ".i> .<|v,r.iM.'J'.M : ill.' Ill t wlii.li \>.:- a.lii.illv , iM.il u..- .<:!^.7■^•_'.^Tl'. I . -liiii.il. .1 la>l >..ii- .tlial U. u.'lll.l li:i\..i |.|..l.al.|. — in|illl- .'t ■^1.'.'"'". iiMKi: ill. ii.'u.il -iir|>liis is .■'•. \>'' li"'l 'l'"'l'' li''- '"•' " •'" w lii.li ua- \.iV .l..»' ill'l.'.'l I" "ll" "lil'll "''^ ih.l.as. all l.'Uii.l. a- \v ill l.c Mcli l.\ I li. t. .11. .\Mli^ ,.>l illialcl. aii.l wlii.li wi- \''.V >at i-ta.l'.l > . as talilr: -li..«iliu an ili.l.a-.. ..vi ll..' |.l.-. •■'liliu' >'■.'!'. 'j.iUili- 111., -.inlillls "t 111'' |"-l ><'ii ■I'l'I ■"••''I'- '" lM.-r.M-.' it III.' siiikiii- tiiinl. Nsiii'li i- -" I'll" I' "11^'' Kx.i.... IssT-ss. Is— yi. Iiii'v. 'l,'|^';y;Vi' a^.iiii-.l III.' inil.li.' .I'l'I. tl"' I"" '-ii'ii- 'ii'ii'iiii' — ,,, sii.ciil .c.T'.i. TaUiii'j ill.' iiiiiiii- -111 |. Ill- "I I^^T -|.iii'- -J.!!..-,.:!''. 'jmI-. 'J.'.'T'J.'.'U .-:i.s7'!..i'i: i"\.->\'l ss .m.l ili.- -iiikiii'_' tun.l .-l iliai y.'.'i. ili'> '> mi" ■\i..i( ■ (-/.ii'ViiiT n.-. M.in.i.-.i ^ ■■'„•«. ••in-' I" •"'i.i'-!".''"' ; "• til'" in'- "i"'i''i'i"ii "' "'i'' I''-' i:..'l'l.|"t'J'-Ml-. l'''.".''''!.-l'.' ^ • . • yj,,,,. ,,, ,.,,||,|,.,|,..i wilh ill ll "I ill.' |ii"' 'liii- >'■■"• Vv.',; ) '"•''■■•"" •'--^'•^-" -"■'•'"- • ''"" i,,„„„i„^ M,i|.li.- .111.1 -iiikiii- ti.ii.l 1..^. lli.r. sli'-«« fi^'l''-'' -'.i;is.'i:j;; lbs. ;'.:i:i.:Ji;i i.mm.m;- \v.^ ., f,,v,,ial.l.' .litl.'i-.- ..f sj.cj.i;:!:!. '^•'""' j;(;,sijs.J.Vj' .'S'.'ll.vi^ 'll,, t,.li..^^illu i"l'l' -!i"«- 111.' '.ijii'.-l '■M"-ii''' t lU't'. .-I iinat.'.l aii'l a. tii.il ; ll i> >ali-la. l.>l\ I.. Uli'.w lll.ll ill'- ili.l..!-'' "t -iiii il - i- n.'i -ii|i|i.»<"i 1" i'.'|ir.'-( lit a .'..ir. -ji.'ii'i 1^.' ,i> ,, lirw'ia-.'. ll 1- . A Ilaihv:iy-:in.l Oiiiiil.'^.... .r'J."'-'-"''' .>"•.•'"'-'." I s I'l'.','."'; Cipital I'lxpoii'liuirf. .. .1,1 "N''i' t-lim:r.'.l. A.-nial. i.;^,,..,„l't; iii:^ ill. M-a.-i' III I iiiir II- |)laiii.'.l i'\ ill'' liil.iii'i \'>'-^' I i.'ii.ii till. Ill .1- I'lil.li,. \V..rl<- I>i.iiiiiii..ii l.iti.l- l" HI, "HI. I ?;7 ..•..■•.; ,.-.Si. .'ss.Tv,.!-.', sl,'j|a,'-)»ii (.. ill ,"-:,, (lis Is'.'.T'iS , ■ , , , , i i 1 I , I ;, l>Miiiiin..ii l,iti.|- i--.,.n... l.;ii,..sl :;ii,'.st |„l,i- lai;:"l\ .lu.'t'.tl,. 'Iilly I..1..I al,'.,li"l Mklii- ,^-,„.,|,.\v.'st U-I..'lli"li. l-'-'"' ■'•'■t''^ ■'•"'-'■ = li,,' |,ia. .' ..t' nu'lliNlaU'.l -|iiiit - ill 1 1 .' |ii'i |iiii',tli..ii i.,.,i,.,|,,.ii.,ii ,,t ll.'l.t :;. II'. 'I. .■'.-'•. .■;..".l'''.if.'l 4'J1.7'i.j ..;' till. till'.- .iii'l liiiiini'iii- .m.l i In' lik. . (''"ilii.- Uailw.iy.-'iil'-i.lii'^ I.l».;.l-'- s|''.T'Jl ■'-'•<• jli|-,,l,i,all..|l .'I ii"li. L'''llt'.''lii'll. -" 'li'i' 'li''> iiii> ,,,,, |,,|\, t'l K'ti'i ll. ill'' I.'|>"11. I iia\. a-lal.' „,..,l, .ll.iuili- 111.' 11-.' I"-:- li"a'l "f -I'il"--"""' 111 iailu,i>-alM.aii,.l-. ll."''v.''.-i- -VM'IU t" 111.' ,, ^-oiiiliaii'i- jsiiTuuli ISssVI: t.i. t tliil 1 li.'^. u "I U- « .'i «' mi'l''!' '"li"'i"'' aii.llli.-y «,.|'.' |.ii-li.'.l with -r.'.'l \i'..ir. .nnl .'..iis.'.ni.'iilly .' illi.'l ;iii.llar_'.'l jiaMii.'llt-l.i'l t"l"' ui.i'l.' t liali U .'|i' Avfrag-'MiioelS.'.: n:-', L"i'w!.'; -It:; -SW aiili.'i|ial.''l. Ill i.iilili.' «"iU- 111'- iii'-i''''--'' "!» ,1.1 .1.. Iss'.i 'TT''. :;'l'i'.'i •ii'iT i;'l"i.i laiis.'.l l.y an .■s|i.'ii'liiinv "t .-^•_M:'..:t:t4 ill iiiipinvi'- si, i:irn\i:i> c \l; I'W i;|i.iri'. (m ul.n iii.iii ..t th.' >t. I..'"i' h" ■ in '1" i''''>'|"l"'"" "•'''■''^ ,,„,,„la,io,ii-llK'|..T.'.'Uta^. Lasi'.lV , ,1,.. in.'r.'.is.' in 1 1,.' .'x,»'ii'lii lU'.' "MT . ll" "-I iinalc is In'. I all. I liil'.n .'.' .-Jpilil.''. Jii'i'i. Will.'. ■]"! .' gulls. call-. Kail.-. II.-. Ct Muiiiu l..lli.f,..l il,.l urli,,v,-,..|..-,M.,|s;«Hi.tHH»,,t s.i^l,7^^.•.•.|^ |;„, | ,, , ,„ m.^-.I ,,li.,j.i li.i „,„.,. •■• |"l' r.Ml. .llinnry nt ( •.,tl.,.|.l . IJlili-l. C.luM, tll.lt HsMI.1,1.1 i. ..,. I lin.i l|,,t til,. ,,S,„W l.i,- '■'•' ' ' • '"■•■|''"'«"». 'Il'l -"Ml.. A .Ml. I l; >|...k. .u|,i,Mh,-,l .liiniiii.lM'.l si, tl,.. Im .1,1, 1, mi v. in iiiiikii,..'.i la,u',.r.A|M'ii.liiiir. tm i..lrii.|.ii..iM.| ,1,1.1 ,,„„,,, ,i is,,,, «,,|, .i,,. .,,,,„. ,.,.„,, |,, ,,t tlir |„.T,",Iin- * '' ^^.|^ ,iMti,i|Mt.M|. ),„l «l„.l, i-. ,,t ,■,,„,-,..„, y.ir aii.l ,, |ir,.|„..t i.,i,,,i,. mII,.« ,i„. ,• t.,i tli., .oii' """''"'"'"''•'■' ""•^'■'' '•'"■ "•'>■ l"I.L'.,l,l ti„M, „...,( ,|,,s ,|i,„i„,|,i,,„ ,|„,i„^, ,|„. ,.„,,,j,„|,., I., ciiluiiy M,l.si,li.s, it js a ,11(1,., lit iM.iM.i I,, ,s,i ,., ,|„. y.„ „||| ,,,„„„,, ,. ,,, >||;{.,HlO. I„ ,1,. l,,i,,.| lu.it.- uiti, Miiy.l,;:,.,..! ,,ilaii.lyv»l.al uill I., tl,. ,,.,it ,.t Isssyi ,1,..,.,. „,,> ,n..|ii.,l ,,, ||„. (■,„,. .A|»i„l,liii.-..,s,M-„.,i k,„,uii u,,l, v,|;,, Mj.„ il... ..,|„|,,,,,1 l;.,,. |.-,„„| ,,l, .,„|.,ll„t ..f M.T,„..,| u.i.k Mill 1m |iusL..I. ,,, !,.,« i,,,iiiy ,,Ml,. s, ,,.,ii|,;, mt.i.st ,.t ,il.,„it sKMi.iitm. ,,s w ,,s ;,|s,, ,,,, ; ,i,,it "''■""•'> '"■'' Ii'1:hIs ,ii,|., «i,li||„ii \,,„k. ,,t s;i7.-,.(MK» f|,,|M l»|„n l;:,l|«,,v .\,v,„|l,ts. Tl,,.,,. "'■''""'"-' "''""I"! I 'I' I", ilfi- «:.^ a ,■.,,,1..,! ,„,„- „i|I ,„., ,„,|„- , .^„.,„ ...,„„. i,„„ ,1,.. ,,.v,„„,. .•N|..tl.li.lMv las. y.ar.,f >\-(17.(.:i;,.a:;;,iiist ., ,-;,,,it.,| !,„ ,1,.. |,.,,..r ,,,it ,.f ti- ,„m.n. y.:„: iili.l ,„:,ki„.- .■\|..„,|,.,ii....x,.|i,si.,,.,,ti,.|,.,„,„, t,i,l,i,,,fi!„ ,|„.s.. ,|..,|,„,i..„., I .stiiiui,. t„,tl.,,.|i,T,nt v..Mr: |il<,.,|lli.' \,.n. ,.f .v.. ll,I..VJ|. Tl,.. |„ , .1.1,1 ,„, li, ,1, ,(„,,,„,:>. .«.-.'».(KI<(.(Hl,.: f,.,,„, |.\,.is.. .-v'tHHt- ili. Ist .IiiIn. Isss. „;,, s-.-;;i..-,:f|.;;:,s. -l.,.«i„, ,„„,. ,■,,„! „,„„ „,is,., n,,, ...„„.. ..^' m„,o 7.-|(i.;,v;. Til,.,,.. i,i„^ ,1... t,..a! ,..M.„„.. U,i,.l, I ,|,i„u M.l.i on ,!„ Is, July. isvi. u.is >-:7.^:in.uH. ... ,,iii ._,, y:!!i.-tNi..NM..* „^;,i„s, ,„v ,.sti„;,t. s|>..«..i..' i. „., a.l.liii , .-'.!i;iN,,;s;;, T.iki,,^' ,,| , ,, ,,.;,, ,„, .,, .w;;.,j7.-, ,„„, .,.|„. ,.,,„ ,„| ii...,.|...,,ii..„s .,, issss!. .,v.,. ISS7SS. .1,1.1,, „„ Mui,. ,„-.',.,|, .M,„,.h .,niiisv,.ai i,;,s I,,...,,.. .■••;!■,•; '"■'""^^"'•"' '^''''' ""■ "I'"'"' ' '^^'^'^ '■"■'■ ••'!'•■'. Tl„. -N Ii,i„... |„si v,.,,. f,,.„, tll. ti, l>M._v., I 1.11,1 tl,,.t ,1,,.,,. ^^„s „ ,,,i„ i„ ,,.v..,.„,. ..f M„,.|, ,„,|,.. .•t,„|..|,„,,. i,„|,|,ii,.,i ,„,|,.. ,..„„i,„l,.,. .--.s, I.J..S. ,.,. S ,.,.,. ,.,,„. i„ isss.v.l. as ,. ,,.,,...,1 „. ,|„ ,,„,,,.,„ ^„„ ^ ,1 ,,,^,,, ,,^ ,^_ ^ .^ ,_|^ , with a -.,,11 ..t >|.-,:;.:i7(l. ,.:• 1, ss ,|,ai, ,„„. |i,,il |M, ..M„ lalii,,,.,. ,,»■ ,(.,..l , III,. II .viit.i,, iss. w 11,..,... «a.saliiM,.r.'!,s.,|,.x|„.n.li ,|„ ,sa,„.. .,•. I,. .,,' . .,,.„.|i, ,„,. f,.,- , 1„. ,.,, „1, , „,■ ''■''' I" I -''I'. II, til,. t,.niii I. .is ,.,.,,,|,,i,..,| with ..,, , \, ,..,,. li, III,. ,,,■ v;,; !•>-. i" I i, ... i I I V |l> ll'IIUII « ' 11 .-.ill, l_,l. I , , . 1 llM\ ... i,ll\\.t.\(.|.. ,|st ..i..i..as. ,,, SI, ..iiLsi;.. ,.,.;; ,„.,...,.,„. i„ ,|„. |„„„, |,,„.,.,, ,,,^ ,,^_. , , ,^ ,,„. -u,,|,l,.,i,..„,a, v l-M ,.., >,,!.. llM.>.i.|,li,>„l|,vss-s|lsli„v,sa,ian ,„ ..I ,.,, ,,„.,,,, |ss!Mm.. TI„.v .ir.. a littl.. lar.., .*I.N(>.i.-i-'ii<'iv..>. ,.t>.7,-i7..)u.i. ,;;,..; , ,,1,,.,, „^,, ,|„. ^,^,,^ ^^, ^^,^.^.|_ , ^,^^._ Mil l.,|l,i\MIIU .st.it,.lii|.|il will sli,,u tilis : ,,,,t,.li. ,...,,. s: 1. 1 II , , ' in.,I...| It ,1 \i.ar .il;,.. .^^lijiiiiis,. , ,,> „, , s .'.mm . t „. I^s^-SiKiviT b>.-^s. IssT.ss ,,v,.,. ].S,'.s7 |. HI ... , '^ ti;.iiii„Ii,.v..|„i... s...,s7,,„.s,„,s,,.... • 'M'-ii'lltiii'' will l„. .S!1...,.I.M1U(I. a,i,| tli.. n.v.ii,,,. as,...iii|.,.|ti..l ivitli ,si,-,:;.;i7n,,,|.||,..,,.|v ,, ,._ Hi • ,,l|s, ,!|,|;,l,.,i |.'ii|i,j .\ i,,,,, .s:;;<(/_'(MI.(MHI ..iviii.. Ilii'i'..a-i..l |..\|M. II. till, ,■,.,>]. f.i...;;;..i. " - i .■ . i ~ " ,,r ■ |,.,.. :,.- , ,i.|...,|wiilisl.i.i;(..si.-, ,.r :;,.,. "' '' -"I'l'ln- ''"■ t'"' 'inn.iit \i:'v ,it .s.-J.7ni'.(MKi .is s;"!:i;;:.v';;!;i:n;;;Vin:i:;'"i^^^^^^^^^ '^■''^::' ""■ >"n'!'>--t,.aiiyi..,.,.i^..,i i.,, y..a,.„f , . , ,. ,. .-I- |.',iii|.,ii.,..| uith si.!.,".'.!!!,; •^i.Nli.>.ll.i.>. 1 .1111 sill',, tills slat. 111,. lit is ,.,„. w lii.l, \iTlu^^!:':^'"i::^S:^':^ -iH '- lMrn-.„la,ly pl..aMii. ,„ tl.. H.,„.,. a„.l tl,.. l'i^Mii..|.i.l„. v.ar Ivsil-Ml. i, willl.,.f,„„„lilia. '■'""">• •''•^ ^'"'^^ i"- ''"• '"l">.'i" .v of ,„„■ ,.,.s.„„....,,, al".,., a v,.ai .r^n j .sI iinal ,.,! that tl„. (,ist..i„s ^"^'' ' l'>' '•"■' '!'^" '^< 1m v ,■ • i„ p!„s ..f t lijs ,„,,^„i. w,,ul,l -M,.;,! >.'.! 11(111,11,1,1. ,1;.. Kx.is,. ,s.7.|.j;, , .'I"'' "llll"!"' llll|'osili-aliy iiiii.as,.,! ,.,,,. ,,f,|„,y^ ■ iinl ll- liiis... l!..|an,rs <>,. |. -,(,., inii. ,„■ ,,"t,',a| ..f ''"'^ ■'" '""''"i'''!' "f '".V ("i -'■■. .1 "t a l„,iii a v-.ar ..i::.,. .-•.■i!l.l7.",.tll!(l. Til,. |.rr,i|.|. ii|, l.,tl,..->(lti, \|a,.,.li '" ''"-■"''' '" ''"' '■''I'i'-'l ' A | ..li.lit m ,■. ili.lii.liiiu. of this w..,|. ha,,. i,....„: I Cus; .,. >|7,. -i'-"l'-"".'i!u,,vs. th,. ,i,,si,i,.„ isasf,,ll,,ws: -:i!».;;:^-: tr,.,,, KmIs,.. s:,.i7:..-o„. ,„., n.,,„, ,„i.. ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,.,,„.,,,,,,. ,„,,.,„„. ., „ i,.ll„ii,.oi,s. .-.•>. I jii.!i:!-J. ,11' .1 t,,i,il of s-_>7.s7!i,.-,(,4 't "'■ ">'i'' !o jiM,.,,.,! u|„,|i t!ir s'.!|,i.M>i,i,ai il,a ". uoi.i.l ,.., f,„ni i!a 1^.1,1, Ma,..!,',,, J,.. :!ni|, f:<,ima...,l ^'V:'^:;!u^ ^■.■l;'".::- T-.tal •'iiiK' "I tins y..a|.. ill,, saint. :i\..iiii,. ii, ]i|.,,|.,,|.- la.-i .v(...|i.. .Alan.li. iii..iiti,|,i- lion tint W(. i,., iiv,.,| .In,,, •' ■ ■ " "■ ■ ■■- "I y,.:,,.. llili;-; T, I i; Mi.\\ \\ s. l:i:i" tin. s,nii(. |i,...i,,i| Itvs iii.l Ciiiii!,- .v.'i.s..i;..",:21 .<'\'^'.i!i.J.l.';) '-' >'-■• i' —'1.1 .ni.i to fu. .io„„ts: „..,n, i::!!;;.^:,::: t-:Z' ^v;M.'i! ^'•'"'•'""' -••'-"" ( iisi.aiis. .s;(i.!i!;i.s|<) ; ||,,i,, |.A,.is,.. .-.I.DU 7;!7 l;''l;.iii|,ii„ii ..f .,,..,, , , l',.ii! L\.|l,,::i'.7 l.><,i';..".Mi; i,i(,.rr..-, "ii:"i;7 ,111, 1 trolll nils. ..||ail. .,lls. .N.i.HMI.o.N. ,,,. ,, ,,,,,,] ,,, liy. s|,|,..i,|i,.< ... ],l,ii,-,.:;||._> l,,-,l.l..J-s .|ii|i.,HK, T.IMO/J'S Sll.> iif till' iiiiiiiiiiit I iliiii' vi:ii- >ii|iliii« ■.ii.li wliill U.is ( -tilli;it<'cl l.l.»t Vciir, l>llt tlif IX'T!-" (Xii llclit ,tl|i| .'llilitviTlu' l>>llll». su f;i|- .IS llir is l,ii-ilv iliii' I" 'li«' i.'i'Ml<'i' <\|i(iicliturf nil I liiiiiiicis ,,t till' i.iiiiitiv iiii' lum 1 1 iiiil. 'I'liis IimiIh .-iil'.i(li«i.l iiiil\s:i\-. 'I'.iKiii'-' nil til'- ncliiii|iii"ii MS ii ii>i>tilil\ i.p lo.ik ti.irk in >« ifi n \ i.« ii\ rr the I'tililit fii'iTi ti M|pii.il c A|Miiilitiiii' fi'i' tlif <\ii- I lii>t'ir\ nt tlif l>i>iiiiiiji,ii tiom its imipi inn. I" lit \titr. tliiri' «ili iiiii.iiii s.'i.fi'Jti. I I.", tiinl I Kvi'kiil iis it \\:is liy tin «miiiiiiiii-. nt tlir in.i>li r ili.|iirliii_' limn tli.it till' Slit |ilii> nt <-J.7i"'.'HKi I'-t.ili-n it th.it |pi lin.l, finiii « liat I hiiirlit till' -lllkiti'J fllll'l « hit ll i.-> ntl-rt a:.'.iilisl liifililit li'i'll ailllnst il illiln.s iif M'attrli'il pl'i i\ iili'l'S. .lllij lit - 1 .TiMi.iNMt, :i lui.il iif •'"'4. K'lMHHt til 111' tiiki 11 I fi'iiin l.ii'-i', iini'\|ilii|'i'il, .nnl iiiini LMiiisiil iriii li,,.,, il,, .111,1 1m lull iiii'iiiiniii'il, \M' sli.ili liii\ I' ' tiiiir.'^. till' I )iiiiiiiiii>ii li.is ~\\itil\ ;iil\ .11111(1 ii|iiin ,if till' ili'l "f till' \ I'.'ii' :ill iiiliiilimi til mil' ili'l't iitillii' \ ii w nt llic xmhIiI. it lia-- -Ir.nlily ii>>iiiiii il .s| . |;i(i. I )"i, \\),|ili is iliiiiit mil' tliii'il t.iiiils Taki'ii in •ill. llii' ii|ii I I' iiiiis it' till' yi'iir l^^'.l !Ml - sclf-iniitiiiiiiil nnl rniiliiliiit . wiilniiiL' :i |ii.'i'ti ,1-i , niii|iitriil vsiih ilin^i' lit Isss s!l sliuw :i-. fnl I'iijly ,'ili.snlnti' >\\.iy n\ir till' nmiln III .mil ijii'iili'i' 1,.V(.. : . j lllllf lit' till' l''.IIL,'li>ll spI'MkillL' ((nrtinll lit' this Ivs.uiii. hss.vi. I'lir'T-'lii-. '..,„|,i,„.|,,. il ii:i«n\,.ivi.|il.' III.' ilitiii'lllli.'s «lii.'ll !;• M mil'. . . .si.".! M't II I.I III" >':'.'^.7."»L'..Nii •■^117. Mil u , rr iiniiliiii tn its lirst .ir:.Mni- ii jnii, ;iii.| \m' .ill (•i.n.l-'iiu.ll'.'M'. ;il'.'''"". • ;iii.'.ll7.'^:'.l "'■"-' klmu Imu -iv.it iIi.'m' .lilli.'iilli.s uit.'. illi.is Sni'iiliis.. -.7iii'.'Hi'. i.s.;;,..i;!:i . <'i.^>'-- \,,,„,„„,,,,.,uur .W^^oUnM.,,-. .,i u iiL' s..,i:.,.itin„. (•;.,.ii.,ll'A|. :..i;Jii.n:i :..:j.;7,o:;:i ^''--'iln | ^^,_^, ^^^, , ,,,,,„,,„... vwr. t'nnni.l.lili'. I. l,.is In. I'. :i.si.ni lii'lii l.l:iii.H.'- L'.'.i!is.ii.s.'i l.,>.',,1.. ,it' M'^l's .ll.'i., allil Will 11 Ui- 1 mill' 111 '1.1 >• .ir I'^'.IIIKI. "t .■nlll'si ill >(;illll.i| til.' tllllir.' i it llli^ .i.llllIlN tlimulit rui.'iniy I. Ills. ,ui.i I ..in sini|iiy miki'. iis I li.nl alin.isi iiisuiniiiiiiitiil.li'. it has rniniiii'i'iil tlnsi' tn ni.iki' la-i yiMi'.i j.i iili.ilili' rstiinatr '.I'wh.'it \M' , i!iiii,'nit i,'s ; n li.is s(,|\ ,.,1 i his jir .Mi-in nf ii.iiin .isii^ III. V iii('i\ 1'. I kin: .i\ .r til.' slate lit' till- ri'\ I II 111' raMi' liisiaii. n. .in.l h.i- sii. ,-i'i'i|..l in iii.iiiMii.'.' thi' Inr 1 ill- 1 1.1 s I \r.ir. tlir I nil. lit inn nt till' tiuili' i it 1 hi' .mil li ' ii ills nt iis « |,li.|y (litl'ii'cnt I'li'i'il.s, ami lai'i-s. .1.111, ;iy, il- ii'^nin.Ts, .inij ilir . ninlit imi nt i l:i' miil iniii'.sts. int.i.i _i'..uin:.' .niil ilninin.iiil sinti- .'.iiiiiliv il.-i'lt'. i ! hiiik I iii.i.v 111' wai lani.-'l in >.iyiii_' nunt nt nalinn.il unity, ami a I'niili.li'iiri' in !h,il till' till' \ rar l'^'.ll( !l| Wn siiall rri t'i\ i' : lialimi.il ]il l.l'niuhl .InWII In till' Unll-r st 1 1 1 1 1 1. H 1' \M H 11 i I'l til I j 11'. HI 1 i>l' nt it s I'hI U I < . It has am. .'lilt m .s.;ili.n:;.i. t i."i. .nnl if \\<- .nnsi.li'r tlir ' I'mii.' t his liy |.niirin'_' mi' il- in'isiiiv I r.' ■ .iii-i' |,i'.il..,l,l.' iii.'i'i as,- ,,; .viilil,.".."..'.. «,' sli.'ill ha\.' a |.i'.i. w hi.'li w as liai .1 i .11 in .1 l.y l.iiin ami l.y si-.t .unl li.il.li' . .;ii n.liiiui' nt .•:;ii.7i«t.iinn : ilciliiriiiiL: this iiniirin-- it .nil like wai. i'. It In.- (Iiim- i his l.y II ,1,1 li,.. istiin.t.'.l I'l-vinui . « 1 -hall Ii'm Inr an .'XiiiinliMiri' mil ..I ( '..ii-.lnlat. .1 l;.".iiim. hi- |s!in nl. if ;liis i.iii'.asl is rialisi'il. a .snr|.lii> nf -inning' vvnii ■■'i;f..'>i'i>.iHin m |sC.7. ami r. ^ iiim.' aliniit .s:u'..")Oi'.iHHi as far as .'..iisi.li.lati'il ii'M'iiii.' in this Mar m,nl\ >;;7.ni'n,'i pj •,!.;,■, I t'a.'t.ii> I'lihi' Ij.iiisi'. Afiii r,\iiii\ mil' yi'.n- ..1 it- 11-0111 , cs in thr .■\i.nl nl .'^■_'."7.niin.iHiii, .nl in nnr .'\isti-m'.' ..s ,1 I Iniiiii im,. m tim! tin' ilni'i' i'i|iii|i itsi'lf fnr a imlili' rni' am! I.avi i.i its vtais. issii. IMMi ami IMH , slmu iii^ 1 In' timnnial I'liilili'iii a unn.lly In rita-i'. I am In 1 .' in-il.iy In l.--lills uhi.ai ih.'V li.iM' sli.Avli. .nnl w iiirh I inailiMili I h.il i'\ .'i \ .hillar nf t his ,\|.i mlil 11 r, ami ha\.' tia.l li.i' hnlini' . if .lilailili.' tn th.' llmisr. tli.i! .ill >f t hi'si' oMnja I i. -lis u lii.ii tln'l> illinll is. I think, a .'aiis, fm' cnm.'i'at nl.it i. 11. .\ftir has t.ikiii npmi itself. Iia\. Liiii u is. iy assiiiiii'.l, this |i(i'in,| i' m .■.■ni.- int.. .'xisU-ini' as ami in |ini suali.'.' nt a |iiilii \ u lii.li has liii'ii tm- the a l>iiiniiiinii. aft. r .ill tin- .lillie'lllii's ami all tin' lust int. ri'st.s nf lln . ..uiit r\ . as t.ir as it- |.r. >i m ami ili-ail\iilltaL.'i'S illi'iili'llt ti)tlli'i'.i|'lv|ii'l'in.l nf L;rn\\ t li. tntllli' i- inini'ilii.l. 'i'li-ilay. .■>il'. atli r I w lilt S ..111' 1 s;.v il is a," in.'illtl' fill- t'liii-ratiilatinii that ihc scars nf i-xistiini'. ur ai.' f...i' In f n .' with an illiUllil.lljt iiil.l l.lli.v.iiil ic \, lillr, uliir ii.Miuoho,,, |,rin...l_v .oiiinl,,,,!,,,, ,,,, ... ,m.„,,1.. ,,t Mn ,■ ,iulli,.n "ii'I.v liv.. ai„l lhiv..,,„,,rt.r i„illi.,„,„ Ks- „, • ' ' ■■■M^,■„uuM.n- „|,i>.|, I I,, v.. n , 1 . "I„.|, u.. ,n:,N l,„.k,,„„, . h-,... 1 1, , vr v..,„>. In 1 1„ . , , ' ''"^"' """'••I- ■""I - ■"■■■ i-n vu,l, :, a .,nt ,.raK„u, S,.„-„«,,hk. ,„,,„.,.„ hM, will- • ' ' '''^' ■"■■"■• ^" ' "'" "'-■ •— '.,,,.,1 ,„„1 , .x,„.,„l„„n.s„,. ,„ay think i, '■>■ ' akr 1.11 ( a|iital arcinilil. Wr inM-l "'•■■asiiiii to ullii lh|\ \, ■iiiil il it 1m- allcuaMr 1 ••HUM. I >' .11-. a w 1.1,1 ,,i' ,■ liltloll. I,, '"-">""l,^. a «,„,!,,( ,.,.,,lh,., „hal wrhaN,..! Ill this iniiiiti \ ill thi ;;:":::;■ ;:;,"■, ;,; ';■■■ -" :•• — - «- ui,,:,,;;;;;. ;;:;.:■ :r::i :; : ;rr -r- -r'" 'f -r- ;t;;.- ;^,;::,r; :;::r;i,:;::;;;,:^,- N ai iss... ,„ „„„.a>.. th. iMil.h,- ,h.l,t. that sj,.;...:.-. : f,,,!,,,.., |,„.ial ..x„.„m.,„s a,„i „th.., "' ""■-'" '"" '" i'HIva.-r thr |.ul.|l,' ,a|«h, tot |iili.hliiiv I .oMTiiiiicnt railwi '"'•"" ^"'>"">- "■'> ••" -lH-.oi,,. ,„a s;:,,s,|,,;;,. ,„, , ,,„ ■ ,. ; .Ufllt lull.s lllalllHT. |.i Mill t i.\ lAlcii.- s, st.,'!S!».7(l(( : fill ( 'iiiiiincl, I Ml far. ■-'.sil.ii;;-." : tm- (anal u,,ikv iiu« iiii.hf ,-..ii- .1.. -aiiual „l,|,.a,i„u. , ra,, . s.. ns.7 „. ; a,i,l f,,,- , h. , u „ lar^.. ami ..,.,„- V. ., ;.",■'' ,:'^" ■•' ' ;"^""" "'•■ '-- ■'•■>'- -I'i-I' fa ,„■ .a.,..,,, ami .„„. hi ::,'''"' "■;""'•'"• -^''-'-M-n .at,.s. s^.s,:.m>: ti.akin. ,h. total ''-a.::-::;: r;;;;::; ;:;::: ::;,'i^^ --- " '"r -^^ '■•■ --" .,11, , , I M 1 »( .out t ma.lu ( \|M ii,|ii|.|v tof ih, ..-.,■ uv^■:\[ iiicaiis of in •ill\ .1. vivas,, ila. aiiioiiiii ,,f ,h,. ,1,.1„ „i,j,.i, .,,. , , , ' " '"' '" '"■ ' "lil'li\*'- li'iv inuhi.alioii an. I coiiiilUT.v Sj >7 7,S| -iiC !"'•' ass,.,„..,i an.l pla.v.l u,,,,,, . „„s,.U ... V ,„ ,■,• -Miuiu.nv. >,,,.,M..i.| Sir. I an, h-,.. .iiv • ""-'^'l"'" >^"t u.-haN,. ,,ai,loMtof,.a,Mtal f ,i of ki til, ' ; ""■ ':'"■'■ ""■ ' •'M-.nt of tlu. niuntiy in its,. a,v !..,.. .0, ' '■Hi.!;t :. :"i,r n:;,,r'r:' '"'.' '■':'•• ^-^" -'•'--'- "- ^-'^- '•'> '" ^'"'1 I" 'l.-iv uitii iiimii,.a!ioM u , ,.|, V, I i..,.i.. .. or Hi- ll- ••-|ual.ni|.liasisaii,| u i, h ,..|ual t . ,;t i,. .s'!.l.,-.,io. , I'll iiiiinirati..i, ulii,.h wvir al,solni,.l\ n...i.s>aiv to l"ii np I Ills \asi ..\i,.|it of ..oiintry. ami u lii..h ' Tl'""" 7'";"""""- "■"'" "•"■ <■— li- .1 iinu-y has uillin.lv ami ..|i..,.,.f„lK. ,,ai,, f„ uTZTrr "^' "' ","■ "'^' '"'•""■-' ^ '"'-"• -'--- '■^''-■'•'' ' |,„ ; , ""■■ '""' ""'"""' ''•■'"• -""-.-■• i-'t : It lias a,.s,inu.l in this |.rs|„.i.t, la.|i,.v,. slu' his ill,! ^"iP--li.'^.in.,:n.,v,.,i;i.i: , :r: ^^-i:;-'---^-^-- To,.a..,.yh..|.,„.,..,n,,.,„..K.ns ■"-■•'"■'— ■'«. ■- - i^:':':--:!::.;.;:::;;.:;;: •:,..: -..st s..|.v„.e ; ,t j„v..sSUHH...H,„ ,„, ,lis„.il „„ i,.,, ,.1. an.l I ,....,...„. 71 . ' 'V. '"'■""'' ""'"'I '■'!• 'I'l'l 1^ 1 ivasoiis must 1,,. ;;iv,.n W,. liav,. a 'i"ii"ii : priiir.ly ,.,|ni|Mn..nt, a royal ..mloNwm.iit in tlics,. .•nnoii- thclilKi-ont l'i.,viii.vs of this |t,„ ::. -'""1" '''"'' • "'■':•'"" "' ""■■ '•'■— i' --' woii::'!';;:;; n,..n>io,u.,l: ami if ..nvat in.s(,e,.tsoni-i;:is, ,,iiista|il,. f,M„ls, ,mr wciuhts iiicii.suivs : it pfovi.hs niotiv,. |„,w,.,. i,, tj,,. extent for -luriailu ays an.U.aimls: an.l, ,v,.r ami ahov,. ilms^. ,„, ao,,, "I'i^ .iitiriHis,. ,.,„iti„iu.s I,, tak,. hol.l ami «,,rk in y. ' '' til'" c'liiil'iiK'nt aii.l th,. faiilitii.s "' ^-""' '■■' ■ - I — <■■■ :r" j:;";,„:r";„r ,:,„: rirz-Z ■"",""" '•'""""■>■"•■""■'•«■".-.>.■" i I..lm„.|, J,,.|, il„T,l,v. i-,,,,,,1,1- „i,| ,„, , , " - ■ - ' ^'^ " »- ^ ^■a:T:::":'r'r. „.,... ,„ ,„, 9 duiN iliis iifi.TiiiHin. ,iM.i 1 iuu>t I"- till' iii'lul ^r,.||, ,. ,,| |||i> llltll.l Weill i'll'l llll-'l IlollM-. AIN'T ill'- I'lllL' li_llt "t ill'' iiiiilit. I '*ill '!> lliil 111 tH'>|M>- I'll il- |i.iliiii'i .iii\ Imiuri ili.in i.-< riiilly iircc»,ii \ I'' »t tmlli, in .1 \- illtlir >li:i|M' III .l,.!!!;.'!'^ iillii iliii'll'l.il lull- ill tl.r till ill'. I .-.|||i|Misr il will lie 1,1k. h t'T Lll.llllcl tli.il ill I'liii.iliu .low II lilt. till IcM. lilt inns !•> .I:i\ . 1 iilll lint -iiiML: I" |il"|"'>'' ;lll\lllillj: lll.ll will illllllill' \ Willi till' .-\stl'lll nt rt M-Mii.ililr |ii.>li' I ii>n ulii.li was ,i-siiri '1 I'l llii~ ClillliII'S III IsT-^ ^'ItI I>7'.I. all'l whl.-ll 111.- I.c'rli rrtaiiH'l -Ml' c II. '11. -fill Iriinii wli.i |i:i--i.i tl,i..ujli iIh l.'ir^- .ii.d ,iKli ill- ii--i.iii- .,t l">7s an. I till -ii.-.i I .iiii.: \ 11- aii\ i|ii.-li.in r..iilil 111- .-illlril. li> inliili-i-nl «li-rli->i..|i an.! r.iii-iil.i ali.iii'.l iv TV iIiIIil: iiiMilx i'I. Sic. 11 wa- -tall .1 in 1^7^. ami in In71I iHi'l I tiiiiik 11 1\ limi. tVirii.l li-.ini Ni.i I h \..i fi'lk i Mi . t 'iiarllmi 1 V ,1- .1111 w liii iiiilnlu:i'.l in -unr. a^ liir\ lia\ .■ |irii\ nl. fanrllul inia.jiiiiliu- al ikat tiliir tlia* tlir-\-tiiii Ot |lliitr.liiin W llii II Wa-lllrll iliAi-i.l \\.ill|.| Im- slimt Ii\ 111. an.l w iiiiM liii- 1 liiillx ln.aii-i t In -\ -li-ln (il'|ir. itii I i'lii inl lii'nicat rmini ly Imiilri iimnii niii - tn tllr -until was il.llinil'.l, w ini r ti im- 1 1 .i.lr jii ilii i|ilc- VilrrVill llirll riilllinu i|llirkly illln ill.' . -rrllilalll, 1111. 1 liial ill .a liilli tiini' till- |ir..tf.l i\ 1' -\-t.-in ul tliat loiiiiiry w niiM II'- a t liiii- lit' tlu' ji.i-i , aii.j w iih it wniil.l ]ia-- a w .1 \ any -y-tiiii III |iii)ti-i I i. .11 wliirii Ul- w 111- I Ulii.li nu np in I 'ana. la. Thai |ii n I i.'tii.n ha- unt lii'ili I'lillillr.i. .ili.i i'\ 1 I > sl|.'...i-i|iiii. yi',11 ill t hr li'ji-latiM- hi-t.i|\ .'I I III- rniti'.l Sl.ilcs. •.;.ii-> 111 |iri,\ !■ ! hat till- |i|in. i|ili- .il |initi i-t ii.ii has n-.-i i\ 1 il 111. -it liark in that riiunn y ; liiil In .lay, attir an ell-. til. 11 run, imt lni w i-i-ii lii-i- 1 lailr iiinl |ir.iti i-t imi. Ill It ii|i. Ill t In- iiuc-ti.iii III a iii'jhi-f ni- II h.w 1 r iIi-lji .i- (il |initi-il am, till- l!i-|iiililii.-;iii |i.iity \vhi.-ii wiiii 1.1 tin- i-.iuntiy nil '.ill- ::riiitnil ill an in.-ii-a-ri jiin- tri-t inll 1-1 nil- liai k tliilil t hr |ii>ll- st li-IILit III 111 .1, 1 11. 1 to il i\ li.i|il-il- inai.iiil\ inl.iith ll.in-r-i.t' t'..ii ^li-s : an.' il what wa .< 1 c-|)iii t i-il ill tin' IMpi 1- is a lii|i--ha.lii\\ ilii; .il wiial iiiav In- i\|n-.-|i'.i In lia|i|irii, wi- nia\ I'li.i tliat h i^i-l.ii imi w lii.-li i- iniiniiu-nt tlirn- will imt ilistiuli ihi- pi ntt .1 1. .ii which has lii-i-n i;i\('ii in ihi- l:I'i.'.iI ma iitila.-t iiiin- iiiilnst lie- I if I ha I rnimi ry, lail in.i> pr. nrcl ,1 lil 1 ii- furl In 1 in s.iini' ilii'fcl inn- t Inn i-\ 1-11 tin- li-Lii-lai i..n \\ lll.ll h.i-lx 1-11 ill. -xistiiii'it in-i (-till t 111 la-t ti-ii_\ lai'-. .\s 11. .thin- ha- takiii pl,ii-i' in lln hi-lni\ .iinl I'l 1)11 lil inn .i|' tin- I'lilti .i >lalr- In liiaki' 11- lii'lii'M' I Inir plntri t i\ I' pnlii \ will l.l' aliallilnlliil, sn III! thinu h.i- niTiiili'il ill tin- w hhihistni'V nf |-',iirnpi-,iii I'lllllUI il-s til sllnW that till' prill, iph's nf pi ntl rtinll ii.ivc lakrli li.-lil l-.int ami an- 11. -t In-M a- -t 1 . .nuls a-tln-\ Will. i-Mli limu- s|i.iii-l\ tlialithi-\ lia\i- l.ii-iifni .1 iiniiilii-r 111 yi-.ii- pa-t. Nm Imm any vir. niii-t,in- I-- .ni-iii in tin- I ininininii nl ( iiia.l.i whii-h iii.iki- it in-.-i-s-.ir\ , nr ii-,isi.ii,ilili-. m prii ijiiil. llial. nini- ha\iii- sit mil hainl In tin' plniiuh. ami ill 111 nniii-.l 1111. iir cMstin.' ■ iii niii- -lain.s In fairly ami n-a-i .ii.ilily pml. .'t niii -mw iiiLi imln-t I iis. wi- -h.iiiM imw imik liark .iml illsliiili. in ,.li\ iiuili rial w i\ , till' li'aMilialili' s\ stilii nl plntirllnll wlli. Il this rnlllltiy ha-ihi l.lli'il Inf. innli r \Nhi.li it ha- pi n-pirnl ,iiiil iimirr whnli it i- r\pr. Ii-.l In pi 11- 1 1, r l.'l' niall\ .1 M'.ir In i .•llH'. I kiinw I will 111' -.ml In 111 tiliki'iiliu willi lin- t.iiill'. ,1111 1 t hi-ii-liy ..111 -ml in- a-.:,iiiisl -niin- sp. rial ctirii.i! priiiripli- whirh niiili-ilii- tailll- w In ii I ml i mlilri- 111 \ 1 1 -nliii imi- till .-.iiiiii' i-li,iiiu'i's in this I a rill, lint il si I'll IS tn nir th.it t a rills .iii', in t In- iii.iin, a lii-v irr fnl' t hr I aisinu' nf ri'\ 1-1 .ir ami I In- pi ntr. t in- nl I lie illti-ri--ls lit t 111' riiillitl'N , ami that 1 iii'\ an- I ml like mnfrs-iniis nf f.iitli, whi.-li, \i Inn mni- si-tth-il, III 1 1-1 i-mliin- fur ii'iit iiiii's : I ml, luiiiu -nrh a ilr\ n-i-, tlmy will i-|i.iii'_'c ai-.'.inliti.' tn tin' . ii iiiliistaiiris nt tin- I'lHiiitry .iml a- rnr.liii'i 1.' tin' in-i'iis nt tln- |n-i-nli,ii' ti ill whii'h :hi'\ air npiiatiM-. .\ml just a- .'iimlit inns iliaii.,:r, tin- mmlil i.ms in t hr I'liiintry ami .mt nf tin- nmiilry, sn it lii-.imn-s lH'ii--sar\ tiiat alli i .it i..li- fr..iii t inn In I inn- -hall lie 111. nil- in tin- t.irill' In kci-p up its nii.;.'inal iih-.i nt I't-asniialih fair |)rnti'i'I imi tn imliisl rifs w lijih it i- |iiii|.i-i ami li-jht t'l prn|.-,i in tin- r.miilr>. It values I'han-i-. tln-n the ivIatiM' prntirlimi that WHS ^i\(-ll li\ spi-illi.- nr l.y '"/ inh.f III illltii's rii'taiiiK i-liainji' with tlnni. If inw pin.lm-ls rnllH- illtn i-xistcm r t lli-\ 11111-1 ilaM'a i.iti'-nry 111 w hii'h tnlic pkn 'I'll, ami in ni.iir m pirM nt ,iiii-taiit ilispnti's ill pia.'tn'all\ rariMii- mit t hf ( n-tniiis laws, pin\ isinii has In In- niailr l..r tin 'in in -i-ilimi- ..f tin- tarill'law-. 'I In- -anii' i- tin.' w Inn m-w iinliisl 1 its nprii lip .iml 111 w imiiist rii-< am miit in iially npi-niii- np, ;iiiil ii r- tin- pi i.h' .i mi t In- -ji at iii catinll nf till- p.irt.V nil till- -i'li nl tin- ll-m-i- I ha' w it iii II t ill' last I I'll \ I', 11- .iml iimh-r the iiillii- iM.i'snftlir laritf w hi.li 1ms l.i'i-ii thi'l.iw in this rniiiitrx , ni'V^ iii.Iiist 1 iis li.iM -pi 11 11'^ np.i- l.y iiia'.;li' ill ihi- llninininli ; ami il wr l....k !.■ .l.iy .H tin- i|nality, .11 I hi' \ .iriilN . .it ihr i|ii,iiit it \ nl iiiaiiit- f.i.'t iirt'.l .11 I i.'li -, .1- I'linp.'riil Willi ti'ii yiar- .r.'n, it i- astniii-hiii- tn -i-i '111- pr..'_ii'-- wliirli has lici'ii iii.nli' ill till- xarinii- iii.lii-t lirs t liri)n'.iliiiill this .'mint ry. .'sn tli.it mil mil\ is it tint iii\ im II lltinll In illtil til r, ill '. Ilr-r li'snllll ii ills, witll till' plimiplr ami till' pnli. > whirh has lii-i-ii ai Inpli-il l.\ till- ( ;.i\i-iiiiiii-iil ami li> tlii- p.iilN', liiit il i- ii.it my inli-iitimi tn In- frii:lil<-iii'ii I'V llu' 'ly that w I' arc rniitiiiii.ilK tiiiki-riii._' w itii the t.ifill' iiinl w) 10 -!-v..n...,lf,..,,,MM,n,,l,,,M,_,.l,,,,,.,., uhi,.l, .,,. ,.f ,„.. n..,l,ni„„s l...„a,llv i. ,l,i> : ,o n.„.x ZT-'- ■! ■ •"""••'""''"" ■'"■■'■■ ■'■>'■ • '- -M'...li..s.„ r„, i 1 '-.'-T-M. , l,a„.,.s ,„ .1,,. .,n,r. 1,..,.,,.. ,1,.. ,..„. i,„ ,|„.i,- n,..;.„i„. . k.Mv ,„ ,1,.. |..,,a,.„:„„ [. , 'Mmiy ,lr„mi„l ,l,,,l it.s,„(i..,.,s. aiv.v.-t >.,i,M.ul,,,r in.l.li.ut.. lull,,,,. „i ••IMl tr.lili- Mi.illslrirs of ill,. i;;:,;:!';;:";;,':; '■■ "'"":"' ^""''r •- -■•■^u.,ii„. ,,„,,,i,, „„, „.,,,,,,,„„,„, ,„ .. >n .„M ,,.,„. ,..,„,„.., ,,,,,„,„„„. (,.,„„.lK.V..,,,,„.,i,„„H.,,l„...,li,„....,„l,..,li„ tC ' " ""•.^'";'^-' '"<;'>' ^ -'1 .nys..|, ul,..,l,,.,..l,.,v.,,,,,,l,|l,,.i,K.|,,,I..,li„ l..,,.I„s.„n, . :'7"'":''^'"^'"',""^^-^ W.|l„.l..f,,„n.,.„„ ...i.in. ,|,„„., ul,i,.|, ,. .,.,, ,.,,n,li,i s .^ ;;'; r ", ""■'■>'-: , •'■';i^ >•«-•-,. .•.,.,.,. :..,„,.„..„, i „„„; ,,,„„,„„„„„.', , """"^ "I-— n.„ ,.„l,l,..,.l,..n,.vs win-,.), l,av. .., ,„■ „, ,,„•,,,„ ,,,,,,,_ ,.„.|i,„, „, ,,;, :: : ^r, "'";: r-,""- ""■'■'• ■• '"■• -> '■-.-..,1 i,, ,1,1. „.. ,1,, ,;„. . ,; : JM..S MW,.uln..|,, MUM .,v. an..,- ..,,,.:,,.... ,an.U a„.l a :■,....„„.. n.in „„lv in ,1 , „ rill ...n-.pl,. rati,,,,, the Mill -.t.T..tC,IMn„:s;, ,1,1, ,,v i,|., , , . ,. , (•,,.,,, , , ,., . ' < 'M, ,Ki„, T,, II., - !'\,.as r,.\v i,,,,l, ,i,,N t,„.|,i,,,iiita.-tiiivf.s ,„. wlii, D ;l'-<''i"'l II " !-'• 1- ,i.i.,|,t .IS .■illciati.iiis ill ii„. taiiil !llt till. I ,;,ll .v,,y t'n,. ,,iy ,-, ,1 1, .a -li, ■ .III.) ,|,v law. >i'lt. that cNf I' n.-..'.,i|v,.< .,t' lii,. ..,„i|,!|-y ; ,1,1, 1 !,, th.' f.„l|-l|. plai. O !>■ |'iop,,.,iii.,n ui,i,.|i |,;is I,,., Ill IV ,i,||ii>, i-,r,aiii 'illtll'^. W llii'l, f,,|. \-,.i|.i,,|. p ,, I , . ,, I'll |,l,, r.iiM,,,. a,-., iini ,|,.u ,..,||..;,!,.,.,.,1 .,^ ,.|i;.,,.j . I 1 l"'t'i|.,. ,|s |,;,s li,., II iMlrliil V -,-, |,,i,|i<,.,I 1,.,^ 1,,.,.,, I ,,, I , 1 < .1 1,1 >i :2::r ;: rv ''■''''■:'■ ■"" '-'■'-'-■■"' "-'i!'^ '- i--ui;i,.,l ;,..'; u.il.-liil, (III l|ici>|. 1,1 >'-t ,. .i,s u,, I -I ,,.,, ,,.,1,, 1 I- , • I , . i-.i..- ,„ i,„ ;, , „ ":"•;," •'"■ ■■:•' ^ ' ';"•' I ;•:.:;" ;-rr ■■ -■■■-'•'-::".-';::;:::•::';:;:::;■,;:, :^:^ ; " ;:';::;,:;;M:,":t:;;.- ' '^ -' 7":- --i. :...„.....:, , „ , : ;...:::,:,;;::■ ;::!:;:,:.::,::::r:;;;::::;:^;z:,;^:;;:'^:;;;:;'^;.:rn v-; ,;,,., I ■ I ... , , .1, I.--. ,1 Is ni.il a. •(.lie an, has 1mm.|1 lliMinii,., f -■> -I- I -,....in.„„ „ ,,;:,: ;','':,'';::;:'"";:,;■'; "'""V" ' ■ ' ::--:■;::; ;:::::;:;:v;:::;; ::;'..'•-. 't--- ■ ni.su'a.m,.^. „i llLMust,,,,,.. lau a,„l l„ I li- nu ill' a . k,i,,uii , it is a, la, ,-.■•! ,11,, I ilisliil„it,.,l. |.',,|. Uf iia\, m.ii.Ti'f. Iiiis iiiii.iC,. ,.,.,! x\ii; liisl.ii,,.,.. ,|„. ,,,,,, I, ,(■.,, .,„,,. ,.( vi,„...ja,' ai„l l..,| I, '-'->'■ .1.-. i.:^:^^:,^;:™^,,/::l:''::",:';H " " '" ;"■■" ■ "■":■'"■ ' ' '- "">■ "■-' M"iM.Klii,sa,„| |ai„sl,,,v.. ,,,,1,, will, ni,.|„,:,,ij„. _,,,,|,,„,, • ' "^'1" "tul.il,-" ul,i,.li .siaii.ls l„ii a linl,, „.,v )„.,•,„,, •II a >li(.|,..:!li ,,t' r> il..,jr,...s. ami i„i v\r\\ .•-i.i- (,t' sir,.,ii..t|| alM.vc tliat III a.1,11 win ii.iil ••1 : "" i:.::';:;;':,: "'■'■••'v^^'.''! "i''Hai„..,y. T„.„.in ,.„.,. viii...,i.a,„i:',;::,;: III,,,!,,., i, Ui,„„ ,.;, I f ,, • "I" "Itl, ,a„. tl,.'s,,„,..,l,ilywl,„l, ,su,„,i, i, t,,-,lav.a„,l vvillcM,, Zu!:::ir- r^^^^^^^^^ -■..,.,. Ii.a.„.s,.si„av....,.,a l.ll.,...v..,..asa.Ki,. !:!r ,!i":,!;,,...,''i!;; ,;'''m ' •:' rr"- •"""' "• -■''• '^ '-■-■>• -i i-. van,,,. „,a„„fa..i,i,vsa.„. ^^'■^"^^^^^^^^^^ .i;.^^.i,lva|.i„„s„l„..„s.,l, pi ||>M Ml. aK,,. ,,, -a,,,,, ■,.-.. ,1 ,., |„.,,|„,,....| , Itilillc III,, (.rivil,.;. ,.aii,,| ,1! (),■,!. .,.^ i„ <■ „ I ■• , , , ■ |M..|..i.-.M, I ,n„|„. III.. |,|.,v O.J, .'--■> :^"i '. ',1;.: a i„ • : :;;:■„;:;,: 'r: ^ "'"-' 'r ''- ' "'••■"■'- •' -'•'- ^'-^' .lH....n,l..l,a ^:a,,,| ,,,,,,, ,:''::'''' -.''-- -'^ '''-^^'•i- >.p-" i.Ml....v...,rs„...||„l,. i .-u.i.,.,iul,i,.l,a,, ,.,,,' ','::•;;:;: "•;■";-'- •■ff-:,..,„..s a,,,, ..as..sa,„.a,l.,„. i-i •'■'■'.-'li.it ,-i,.^^,iaI.ta„,.y„,a„„ta,i,„v.l,avi.|,....|i rai.s..,] tV.,l„ -- a ;.r;,V''lV'' '■'■'''' '-'^ .',.T„isisaiii.„li,si,.y .„;,.,,;.„ ''" ■^"- ""■ l""i"- n,. ni i|,is .„u„„y, aii.l wl,i,,h has pn.vo.l to I,.- 11 pa „i.,iirr-. wlii.ii aiv t.mn.l in liii-r v.'iy fmvil.ly nia.!.-. l.y tlir >Ua\vv> tliioii-lH.ul tl c-niiiilrv. ;iihl .c'luitiM- II |ii-cs<'iitatiiiiis \\i\\<- I't'ii ,X..H.nt an.l \Mn.Ml in its kii>.l. I.ai -•• .Imi.- ,11 li.l.s m, a.vuunt of ii„luM 1 i.- luiviii- .l.v,.l,.|».l irr |..ii(l uii.m tli.>.lilf''i'iit „ilirl.> tliat .Ml.T iiit^. in • hi> .•.,imt 1 y u liirh niak.' ilicii. li.'i r : aiLlalt..- h, ,HahUla.tni t tins., l.uv.s. an.l altu::..! 1,. r il .^.llM-ril was t l,..u,>.'lit l.rtt.r to rai,.. tl.-sr T. ].. r df.lt that an in.i.-a.s,. .,f T. i..r , .lit. is .liu' totliai ,-.nt..an.l I . . -ivf m tliat in-liistiv. wlii.li is lar-ilv in.lu-.li>. ill xi'W nf ill. sll-.aiu .■M„,|Mtiti..li it has i.n.s.rut..! li.iv. til.' lima. liaii inalk.l. s,, tar as to m.-.'l ti'.i-i C.iinaii iiiaiima.tur.i-. laLor luMiip nasniial.l.' |ii .itcit i.m ..ml.! il> it. so . li-M!- in li.T iv. aii.l Ih.s.. ar(i,.l,.s l,..in. ,,ut Wall palnr ali.l han-iiL's -f various kin.Is liav Cop.lartlHT.- at siu li L.u raf^. l".n r.V,u.'.-,l. 'rin- |.ivs.in ,lnty \^ .:- |iiar..,l u],nn A . hail-. 'is Ilia. !.• ill paints, t hi,' till. Is til. 'ii t ih.iii ..ii til.' l.:!sis ,,t fr..in :!n I.. :!.■' |>.'r .■.lit. inis s.atl. K-.l h.-iv ami tli.-iv all tl.P.nL'ii Ih. |.r..t.Mti..n, hul ih.' pri. .- tr..iii thai liiii.' !■• r.ariir. an.l. it .s.-iiis. \vith..iu ii.u.'h sVst..„i. h i- this liav.- tall.'li N.ry .■..nsi,l..ral.ly. aii.l ns hat was pr.,|,.,>..i t.. .-las.ilv all paints un.j.'r lis.' .lilV.iviit a |.nil.'.'ti..n at that rat.' in l^^7. ...in.- I" I"' :' ,.ln,.,.. On s ,.,.f th.s.' ih.' .Iiily is in.'ira.M'.l. lar-.'ly in.-r.'as.'.l |,r..l.'.'li..n niuhr th.' i.ivs.'iit an.l th.'in.i-.'as,. tak.'si.la..'n|i..ntii..s,'nia,l.'lr..ni |ii'i.':'s. l!.'i.i'.'s,'iit,.ti',i,s hav.' h.-.n nia.h-. am' nriiit. 'rials an.l -ul fiuantiii.'s in iiur i.vvii ."untiy. Ti„' n.'M il.'iii is that ,.I -lass, an.l a r.'.li- ina.l.. l.y ili.' iiianula.-t u .rs. an.l lli.' .'lU ui tli.' tril.ini..n has h.'.'n ma.h' ..i th.' .Inti.s. .\l .liity is n.'t s,, -ivat ;,s it waihl h,.v.' h. • n it it pi'.MUt in th. Mritr. .■..iniiion an.l .-..l.Thss uiii- ^^,■v,■ n..t t..i' ih.' |M'.'uliar stal.' ..I that iirliistiy ,l„u .1 iss ,,!,,ii,. . ..h.i.'.l. staiii.'l ..r tint. '.I Jass. „..w in ih.' riiit..l Mat.'s. an.l th.' |,.-,uliiii' .lilii.'ul- onMiu.nt ,1. tlmir..!. .■uani.lU'.l. .'..ha'.'-l J,'lass. ti.'s whi.'li. ..uinu' t.. iIh' ■-..al ,liv.,r::anisati..u ..» pnint.'.i an.l viirhi. 1 'Jas.. an.l ^.tainL'.l -lass xuii- tiiat l.usin.'ss in , h,- Ciiii..! >tal. s. an.l th.' .'..n- ,lo„>. ;,li siaii.l al .„,.' rat.'. :;n ,M'r .'.'lit. This s.'.|U.'nt sla iniht-rin:. . .t ,u i.-.s, ...ir n.aniita.. 1,1 ..|■s hns 1 li. ,'11.'. i . .1 pla-'iiu,' th.' hi-hly linisli.'.l ami p.-r- Nv.uil.i hav,' I..,',,nt.ii.l uilh nhih'lhal slat,. ..| fe.'! ai'li.'h' 11 .'xarils Ih.' sam.'rat.'..f.liity asil:.' tliin'.-'xists. i|,,u.v,r. it i- .l.'t.rmiu.'.l 1.. r.'.lii.-.' pHl'ls..t■^^hl,ll it is 'in.'uii': ami uilli r.f- 1 . ii.'.' L. th. rai.' ..t .liili.'s s..ni.'uhat as f..ll..u-: l;r..un COl,iir..ii an.l ,'..l.'i!.s- will. i..u -lass. 111.' .hit\ ..t;in l,lankan-l wiiil.' pap.'lsha.l r.'sp.'.t iv.ly a .luty per. '.lit. is as hiji as tli.' .luiy up..ii tl»- siain-.i n< ■_' an.l :! .'.iils nn.l.'r t hi tariir. Th.' t«.. Wimh.w -lass ,,r Ih.' ..ih.'t hi'-h. 1 :-ia.l,s ,,f -las-, liav, h.'.'li -■r..up.'.l t..-.'lia r. a- th.' pri.a'- al'.' n..vv N.,u. .'.,nini..ii ami .'..h.i'l.'ss win. h.w -lass li,,s m,,i v. rx n.'.u ly tli.' s„n..'. an.l a .luty ..1 -J ..'Uts has bcii i.M.h' in till- .'..uiilry. au.l un.l.T pi'.'s.'iil .-..n- L.'.'ii j.la.'.'.l up..n th.ui. V: in- hr..ii/.'s ami ...h-r.'.! ,lili ,nsw.' ,1., '1..1 think il .anl..'sa.'.'.'-stii;iynia.l,' l,r..ii/.'s lia.l a ,lutyup..n lli.'in ..t 7 ami '.t.'.'nis lu'i. It is ii,s,.,l ilii'.,ii-h.ninli.','..uiiii'y iiM'M'r> p.r i'..ll r.'sii.'.'tiv.lv. Tu.- pri.'.'s..t 1 li.s.' t u .. .lill.'r h...m'.,.ii.l!liml.iul.-l ..11 l,..,.ii i'...lu.-...l L. s ,'.'iM s. (■.,l,,r. .1 hor.l.'is. n .rr..\v cnniii,..n .,r .-ohaU'ss u iii.h.vv 'J.iss tV..ni :;•' h. --M p.'i ami wi.l... lia.l a .luty of s an.l |n,'..|its r..sp.'.'tiv.'ly : ceiil.. wlii.'h NMll luv.lv.. a 1..-S to 111.. i'..v,'iiii....f th.s.. ai..ur..r,p.'.l t. .'^.-t la r ..11 a.-.'..iinl . ,f th.' lit tl.' a).,.ul .'^oll.nuUou tla- l.asis ..f last \ ..ai 's li-ui .- : .lilhr.n.'. in pi i.''. an.l a unit. ,1111 .liily . .t ll .'. iH s aml.sofarasihal is.'.,ii.'.iii.'.l. I supp..-.' that ii..n. is pla.-.'.l up.aith.ni. I'.r..n/.' I ...nl.'is. ii;,i'r..w a lal i^entl.'in.n ..pi".sit.'aii.l luvsi'lf uill h'.^k ihr.aij, wi.l.', lia.l a .luty ..r I.-lmlI I s ,-. at - i . m- .'in .'1> : dl.'-a,m..Jassan.ls.... th.' sain,. .■.,n.'lu-i..ii. Tia t li.'y ar.' -r..iip.'.l l."-vt li.r f..r tli.'sa.ii.- r.'a-on a,s oniain.'i.lal. ti-ur.-.l an.l ...ha-.l win.h.w -lass, th.' t h,' ..tlu'i's u .r.. .jnaip...!. ..n.l a iiiiif..rni .luty ..t 14 panil.-i an.l vilrili.'.i -las-, uhi.-li 11..W l,.'ars;;n .'.iits p.r r..ll i- iuM...s.'.l. l';inl...ss...l li.,l'.l.'rs. p,., ,,„t.. i- ma. I., t.. I...a.' •_'.-. p.. r. •.lit : an.l l!i.' m lii.'li n..u h.-ar -Jn .'. ills a r..ll. ha \ .• l".!! |.l.i. .'.I Staili.'.l -lass wiml.AV-. til.' tiiiish...! pi"..lii.'t. h.'a,- at l.', .'.'ills. .ML.lh.r w .ill pap.r haii-in-s ar.' :<.-. its |ii.,.-.'iu -liitv of •■'•"» pi'f .'.111. SiK.r plat.- -la- p.-r .'.'lit. ■"/ .■"''-"■• '". ,.,.iuainsai:inp;.r.,.|it..asatpr,-.iit: l...v,.|h.l-h,-s 1 My plat.s hav.. l..,.'n. a .luty ..f lo , -nts h. n- 1k.;,,.s;!.-, ii.r.'.iit. Th.. ..th..rsr,ii,aiii „< ih.'V .re t..f..r... an.l li.iv.. I...11 a siih|....t ..r 11,11. li .-.^n- in th.. pn's..iit tariir. .'x.'.'fit that w ii.'i. th.'S ai ■' t.'n.i.ai l...t«.'.ii th.' 'irv plif maiiut .. t.ir.'i's b.'V.'ll.''.I lli.'vpavaii a.l.liti.aial .luty of ..lu' .-.'Ut an.l tli.' pli..to,rapl,.rs. an.l r, pr.'s, iital i. .lis ami per s.pi,,i'.' f.i.a. ' .'..uiil.r r..pi. -.niat h.i.s hav.. h.'.n ma. I.. t..r (:l,.N..saii.l mitts, whi.h n..\\ h.':'.r .. 'luty "i ■>'> '""'.v .^ <'" "^ ^^i'l' i' t.'r.ii.'.' f tin? .In-y. Afl.'r p..| .■,.|,t..ai','rais.',l t..:;.-. p.r.'.'iit. W.. imp. .ri.'.l .. .'ar. fill .'.msi.l..i',.ti..ii ot th- xv iioh- m..t t.r. I lust x.'ai .s'.'iHi.d,-.!! ..f -1..X..S .11,1 milts. W.' hav.. Iiax.' .1. .'hh'.! !,, r.'.lu.'.' th.' .luty fr..ni I.", .'.'ills to rai-.,'.l th.. .iutx ..n on.. ..r txw ..f tho .a.nstilui.nl ',( .jcnt.s, %vllU'li will givf a --mmI r.,uml pi'..tc...ll..n, 12 I'Ut ill 111.. ,-.;.|,„. lilil.. «ill .lilriiui>h the inonliii.if t liis. u lii, 1, r,in l«.tt.M- l,r lm,ii.. int.. \v|i,.|i til,, itoi, . rat.. .,f .luty \vl,i,.|. tli..y at iM-..s..|it \.,:n: It i> i.- l.-.f.-iv tli.. ( •..iniiiiti,.,.. I'M-kT all tluM'iivttiiist.u, \ l'-li..v...| that tlfriry |.lat.. iiiak.fs uill ,iot lii„| ii ,.,.s, , .>i,!,.,-iim th.. .!....|.,.,.,s.. in \v..i!.'lit aii.l tli. , .lilli.iilt t.. lioM th.. M,Mil<,i uiij, til., rat,. ,.t .liit\ stiniiL' ,..,M,|,,-iiii,,ii inaiiMfart.in i-s liav tu im...l wlii.li it is |„„|..,-, ,1 to ^iv,. ,1„.,„. ,ui.l til.. l,,f,^'.. ..N,,,.„s.. they :,n. at fur .nadiiii.Ty. .■>ir i:i('H.\i:i) (AirrW KlcllT. Wli^t .in '' •i^''^ '"'i' 'I'-'i'l-'l i" lmv.. wdullinsan iii..i...asf.l thcsi' N|M-rili,- ,||itii.> I. Jili.Miit ,,ii all ml nil,,,: III '''">• '■"^iH- •'"' l'r<'»lit i llltyiif 7 ' .■flits a |i..iiih1 all. i staiulinl '.- \ -" '■'■lits i,il ml,,,; III tu III .•(■iits a piiiiiiil and I'll |iii . , I CCIIt. (/./ /■'(,',„■. „(. Mr. losl |.,|;. I think it uiii ^JM. I„.iu,.,|i :;,-, . , , , ,. , , . I ,,, -^ ri.-ariaiiL:(.|iiini has I..., n mail.' iit th.' .liitic- uinl III |i..|. ...III. at ini-s.nt jaj...-. ... i . , , , , . , ' ' "11 s|,ints an.l al.-uhul. an. t if |imii(. |i . A .1 iai|.^(. has Im.i'ii iiiaih- in ^t..ri'..t \ ii. s an. , , I , .,., ,, , whi.h has !i,...ii ailuiit...! is that th.. .Intv shall .stn-....ty|M..| plat.-.-. 11 1,1 .Intv uas tiani...i i ,, , , , , , , , I . , . • I" ■iiraii.^iil uji.iii ih.. iiiiiut .-.ircn'.t I an. thai on Ih.. w.i.^ht. It Has s,, inii.li iMi- iM.un.l l.iit ,• ,. , . .nMinai n II I 1 I un.i. i.ii .,,i,.,tii.,iis li,|ii,„.s \vhi,-h aif iin|...rti...l with a.l.li- •1 i.i.ll.al .haii.^.. has laUfii i.la... in th.. iii..th.Ml ,■, , , ,, , , ,',, ,. . , , . . , „., M. .lis .it sti-..|iL:tli all.. \.. iir.Mil .shall iiav Ml iiriii)..)- "' iManiila.tiirin- th,.ni. 'I h.'V .iiv n..u iif.t up ,• „, ,, , ,, ,, , .,., ■, . ' ' , , ,.,. i; 1,1 ,1 . , , , t|..n t.i th.. -tr.if^lh ih.-v have. I he , ill n.s at t h. \<-ry li-htly, an.l th,. ^..^ht has li,..ii |....liir...l ,• . ' , , ,,,,,;i .... , , , . , )ru..t ratf rfinaili at almiit the sain,, rat.. s a.s at '"I'll a .iiily t i.i,..l iinuii th,. \\,.i-lit Ik in..s . .,., , , ,. ... ,„ I , .1 • 1-, . , iii'.siiit. 111., uiilv iliaii..'.. .il aii\- iiiuiniiit IS in t 1. II.) luii-.-r anylhin.;- Ilk.' an f,|iii\ ahiii .,t th,. • , ,■ , i , , ", , I ,. I, „ , , ,' , . lirin.ipl,. ulii,l. has l,....n ailujitcl. that the .iit\ 'liit.\ whl.h \(is ,1a, .,..1 iipun thfin at th,. inn,. i, n i . • i ., , , , , ' „i„,, ,1 > I ,. , . , . -''''" '"' '■'"' "" ''"■ I"""' ••^tifimth. an. that v\ hfii lli(.\ U.ISS..SS,., this i,.a\\ «•,... hi li lis ..... • I "" 'i^'V^ "-1-I". It IMS „,.,,„.i ,,,,,„i,,,i ,,,i,jf, „.|,i,.i, ar,. hn-iiuht int,, l...fn lliuii-ht l„.st tu .haiii:,. th,. .Iiitv fr,.|n a ,i , i n , i , . . , •,,..■ Ih,. . ,iiinti\ -.h.ill n,i| hav,. t h,. a.lvant.i-.' ..t the \M'l,;_'ht t.. a siiiiai.. in.li liasi.-. It is iir.tiv ,■ , ,.,,.„. , 1 ■ , . , ' ■ payiiifiit .it a lfs> lat.. .,t .liitv uv.'i. tlifspirit- .mil, -nil t.i say uhat is th,. ,.,|ni\ ii hnt . th.. i , , ' ..,,. . . , ' \\ hnh alf at ur ahmi (llll<.r..n,-,. Ill w. lights Is S.I .'I, .at ll.i\\(.\ cr th,. • , . ,-M,u. ri.,\N,Mi, 111, ^^1,1, ,.,.|,.|.,.,u.,. ,,,,|,is I .hall nut truiiM,. th,' ILmsf nil pr.iut'. 'riif ..vpl.Miati.in .In.v h,„","l""!""l "V^" "V-'V """"■"■''""■ with iflfr..n.... luthis I .hall nutti.,.iil,l,.tli,. Il.,u. 'liit\ h.is nut l„.,.n pla,.,.,l v..iy hi:;!,, Init th....li,.,iim. „i,i, „„- i , , i i ii i , I,., I, ,1, ,, 1 , , I . uith ii.iu, liiit 1 shall 1... pripar,.,! tu niakc thfiii n.is l„.,.n lliuiiL:lit lu l„. a wis,. ,111,.. i,,|.tu,, r,.as,,iis • , . . ...,., , , u lif.ii \\.. arc 111 ,..)iiiliilttf,.. iii'st. Ill .ii'.hr tu -IV,. ih.. a,l,.,|iiat,. pi^.n-.-t iun uhi.h it was prupuM.l t,, .iM. w1k.„ ||„. ,,,|.j,i- .j,;,s "^'' I' I' "-M! I > < -MilW I! K I IIT. Ijasthf liuii. airaiiL',..! : ami. .s,., My. t,, , lumir i.^c th,. lal.ur ,.r -' n'l'inan .iil.iptf.l ih,. Kii.jlish .syst,.iii ? s.'ttin^ typ,. ,i,„| iiKikiim this,. p|at,.s in ,,,11 M ,.. KnsTKI!. I think th,. svsi,.,,! w.. havf own ,..ini,tiy. aii,l .s,, a.Miii^ lu il„. ,.ii,ph,y„i..iit in a.h,pt,.,l 1. 1 v n,.ailv lik.. thf Ana-rhan than tlif "'■" '""•• KnJish .svst,.iii. <>iMniil,ivUas,li,.,hityi^,.han.uv,ltVuii,:iOpfi.,,..ii,, w,. havf ha.l ,h.p,itatiuns an.l r..pr,..sf ntati-.ns f;-f.-. Ihfiv a,v„„|i,.ath,nstliat th..i,iaiinfa..tn.f tV.ini li.ith si.i,..s ,,f thusv fi|..a.r,.,l in th,. hat <'t'"nhr,.|la>uilM„.uii.l,.i.,akfi,i,ithis,.„iintiyan.! l,„sin...s. Smm^ p,.,..snrf has l,f,.ii l,i„n.H,t M •'"''"■'""'■ "■^'.-•"■""■^l.Vtlian itliasl,..,.n. La.M l„.;,,iii .ml,.,. lu havf tl„. .Intv un tlif .liilorfnt Nvarw..|,npur,..,ls;!,i:!.777uui.,huhiinl,r..llas. Thf kin,ls „1 hats an.l .aps lai^f.l. l.uth „n thf .Mlk ut whuh ilu.y aiv nia.l,. I,..,ii.s a ,li„y uf ;!(l „u,.|. il„, ,„,. ,hf f..lt an.l thf .straw hat.s 1 !;;■'■ >""••• ■""! '!"• "ilKi >l-ihs in prupuniun. ..„niit...|. if p,.,..M.ntatiuns hav,. 1,,.,.,, nia.lf fn.ni Ih,. margin „l pi,,,, .,.11,1,1 whhh ,hf ni,,iiufa,.tur,.,. alm.i.si all tin- i.np.,rl,.rs aii.l ,|,.alfis in tui..i..-,i lM,l was s„ small ihat it was iiiMilh.i.ni „, ^iv,. u Is. Aftv r luukin^r uvf r I hf w liulf nialtfrfaiv- thi.s,i„nist,.ya.startan,l,„aintai,ii, p,„p,.i.ly.aii.l. tully. wv havf .h.,.i,h.,| „, ,.f,.,.n,nif n.l a fhaiL^e liifivhir,.. II ,spi.,,p„s,.,lt,, iii,.r,.a.s,. ili,.,|„ty t, ,;:.-, Th,,,. wfif a nunihfr uf ai.ti,-l..s w lii,.h w.'.nt '"" " " ■ intu th,. iiialint.M.tiiif ,,f hats, stirli as sw....its an.l In i-f^anl ,u win. ,.t ..upp,.i. an.l liias.s. wlii.l, linii,:,.. an.l that kin.l uf tllin^^ wlih^li w.-rf ha.s li..r,.|„tui... 1,..,.,, (IV,., iiianiifartnifis aif nuw an,,w,.,l in fr..,.. ,,n.l whi,.li it was f.nin.l lia.l taken making, an.l are pn.pa.,.,! ..: mak,. „, a sulli- a hii-vr ran^f than was i,i„.i„l,.,l. an.l w..,.f fifi.t ..Mfiil tu 1,11 th,. Cana.lian .l,.„ian,l. an.l it u.s...l fur thf n,aii,ifa..tnif .,f ulhf,. aiti,.U..s, thu.s was tliun,.lit wi.s,. tu put. nut a h.axy. hut a ii,„- ,.s,.apin,- tli..,lntv. Fur in.stanff, .silks .supp.,,s,..l -Ifi-atf pn.tfft.un ii| that ailhlf „f I.", p,.i. ,.,.nt. tu 1... tur thf p,iipu.s,„f linin- ah„i.., Wfi,- ,ts,.,l ( oVfi...,I w.,.,. IS tu l,f .r, p.., ,.,.nr. inst.a.l uf •_',-, p, r i„ makf n.vktif.s, aii,l ,su thfsf artivhs Wfnt int.. a font, as ,,t prc.M.nt. .Ml .„h,.i kin.l uf u i,.- is at L'.", la,.,u'fr ....nsinnptiun than it was int..,,.!,.,! t,. alh.w. purvfiit. 1j |,.j.^ |,^,,,|| ,i,.,.i,i,,,| ,,, ,.^,^ |||^,||^[ jj^.^l^ jl^^^^^^ llif W.M.II..11 iiulustiy ,,i th.. ..unntiy has, f.„ arth.h.s shall l.f tak,.,. fruni th.. f|.ff list that thf past tfw y.ais. tiut 1,..,.,, partift.larly pi.is. thfs,. sweats ami linings .shall pav thf ir If .ntiniatf pffuus. >fvf..al i.,.as„ns havf hf^n assi^m.,1 fur ,l„,y. ami fsp,.,.iallv lifvaiisf thfv avf n.,w. in 18 gi-.,it iKHt. I'.iii:.' ma.lc ill tlii.s I'oiiutry. It !■< in our cwn I'Muiitry. It .lues nut follow at all tliai pi., 1 1. ,■.•>! ,1- a iuiiip«ii>ation tor thai to imiva-.' tin' .on- ir L'tts liis nuat our sin,i.'l«' tcntli |iiirt tlir .liiiy on siraw h.ils an.l «o,,ll,Mi iial> l>y ."> |m r ..f a .■.•nt l.-s, lait the int lo.lu.t ion of tins ini- cent. l,ailit> liat- r.niain at tlif >aiiif rat.' ■•I |.oiticl ni. at niakis it |,o»il,|, for i lif joMici and ,1,1, y as at i.r.Miit. .111.1 fiii'tVlt hats ha\.' ,l.ai. r t.. l.iiii'.' ilown th.- |ii i. .■ to ihf nativr pro- jSl ;,,, |„,, ,l,,/,.n a.l.litional. with a riilurtiMU .iiir.-rs : aii.l so tli.^ |iriMlnr,r js met in thi> count ry of tlu' '/r/ 'v,/,,,-,,,! limy from •-'.-. to -Jll IKTi'fiit. ,"ith a ,oni|Htilion whi.h makes it ,litii,ull for A- lion. L'-ntl.ni.n iiiv aware, for i year of two' him to imrsne his in.lnstiy with piolit to himself. there h,,~ 1m en e, ai-i' jeia 1 ile .lisrn.sHoii with ief,i- . Now. th-ie i~ iio ivas,.n in the will.' woi-l.l.lo my eiiec tothell.,ur.lutie-. The lui H.Ts a le ill t his p. ,si - min.l. why Canaila sliouM not only iai>e all the tion ; that th.y h.ivea proteetionof .-. ( loveriim.nt hav... fell that this (lispaiity of iliity hotweeii Hour an. 1 - "in.' t.. iUr e.m.lusi.m to pr..t..t th.- farmers Mii.-at sh..ul.l he i-..me.|i.-.l. an.i it lias heeii .i.vi.l.'.l hy raisin- th.' rates .,n these meats in this way : t.. ..'ive an a.lvanee ..f •-'.'. .-eiits per hanvl upon Me>s p.,ik. ..r heavy pork, which u..w h.virs a .liity Ih.nr. an.l thus e.|ualis.. it with the wheat .luty. of ..ue .■.lit per p..uml. shall h.'ar a .liity in th.' |.-,„ a e.amlrv wlii, h pi."lu. .'s a surplus ,,f wli.at. . future of one an.l alialf .eiits : all salt.'.l an.l fivsh an.l haseapa.itytoniillallthetl..urwhiehisn,.,es- meats, whi. ii n..w hear a duty of I au-l •_' sarvf..r the e.msunil.ti..n of this .■.nmtry. an.l l.. ' .-'-'its per pouu.l. sl,all hear a .luty ..f :{ .-eiits siii'iplvoutsi.le markets as well, it i- not reas.,nal.l.' PH' p.H.n.l. IVepare.l meats whi.h iw-w hear a t., \.^u■^v that this will .1.. ni..i-e than keep tlie .iuty ..f -' .•.uls, shall 1... rais,.! to :i .eiits. „„„U,., t..r Cana.lialis. 1. is not r.sis.mahl.' t.. Tri,-.l lanl. whi, I, la.w hears a .huy ..t -.'.■.■nts, SUpp..s,.lliat it will niateriallv rais.. th.- pri. .■ ..f : shall he laise.l f. :ieelils: an.l Ulitn..! lal-.l. Hour. The millin- eapa.itv is s,, larue. an.l th.- whi.h now hears a .luty ..f I! .■.•nt>. shall .■,,mpetiti..n issoke.-n. that the ll..iir will _■.- int.. h,- rais.-.l to •_' .■ei.ts. Live .attl.-. Im-s ami ,1„. 1,;„„1., ,,f the ...nsumers at ah..iil tli.- same , slu'ep shall have t in- .luty rais,,l Uj them pni- pi i, . as it .l..,-s now nn.h-r like .•..n.liti..iis. p..lti..nately fr.,ni .'0 t.. :!e,i t.. intr...luee a.l.h'.l pn.t.-.ti.mt.. in hri. f. is tlie s.-l,..lul.- wlii.-h is prop.,>,.,l in t h.- L.ther Mries ..f the -ivat farn,ini.'|ir...in.'ts ..I th.' ivs..lut i.,ns whi.-li will !..■ >iihmilt.Ml t,, th.- Il.uis... ,is. Ir is felt that in a .-.luntry lik.- ..uis. \.,w. it is pr.,p..s. ,1 as w.-U t.. mak.- s.,iiie .lian.L'.'s with its laruv ^Ta/.iii- ^r.-as. ..luai -.. any in with re-ar.l t.. t In- e.a ii .hit i.>. The p.M.pl.' ..f t la- th.. w.,il.l, with lis rapi.lly iii.-r^asin- -lairy ami Maritime |'r,.\ inees espe.-ially, use a lar-.- .jUaiitity . h.-.-e in.li.stries. with its'iinrivall..! faeiliti,-. f..r ..f .-.mii meal. It is nse.l hytlie ti.sher folk, an.l hy the pi... lueii,,i,.,f ni,-als.,f various kiii.ls. the tin,.- p.-..pl.-..f tli.- rural parts, ,t ih.- I'l ,.vin,-.' ^ an.l is ha> .-..111.- when ih.-se L;ieat imlustri.s -li.,ul.l 1..- iiioii- lal._'.-ly .-..nsume.i hy th.- |..-..pl.- ..f N..va.S,'ot ia, pi.,t--.t.-.lhvaiia,l.-.|iiat. .luty tr. until. •.-..mpetit i. Ill an.l less lar.L'ely hy the jieople ..f .\.-w llruiiswiek whi.h ihex ar.- at |.i, Miit r, ivim.; I,ii-.1\ fr..ni an.l th.- ..t li.-i I'l ..\ in.-.s. It i- pr.,p.,s,.l t.. .•.,npl.• ^ he . .aiiitry t.. 1 1,.- s.,ut h ..Ills. K.,r install,-.-, in with tlu- .luti,-s wlii.h hav.- h.-.-n .-ilreaily m. ti- the artiele'..t heet. w .- liu.l th.-.t lasi y.-ai- th.-i.- was ti.,n.-.l. 1 lii.s provishm : that in t h.- ,-as,- of ,-.,i n kilii- inti.,.lii.-.-.lIr..mth.-ri,it.-.lSi,,t,s:!.7:t.-,.|n.-,p,„;n,ls .Irie.l. ..r t., h,- kiln .lri.-.l, an.l ,-r.,iiii.| int.. m.-al ,,f h(-,-f. ,-it a sahu- ..f Sit;tM;-Jf. W,- liii.l t lia.l ha--.m tor linmaii to.,.!, a r.hate h,- ,;i\,ii i., th.,.-.- w!„. an,l h.imsw.-l-e int r.i.lu. .-.I t.. i in- value ..t s:;:!.",. l.",!!. mill il, ..f !"• \nv .-.1,1. ..n l ia- ..riuinal .luty pai.l. ll„- lai--.- ain.mnt ..f .-^tl.Vl.T.-.s p..nn.ls : ITI.ilfl aii.l that Cust.ans le-ulat i..iis .h,,ll h-,- pr,.par.-.l pouii.ls of mutt, ,11 w.-le i;nlM,rt.-.l. at a e.,st .,f an.l put into f.,r.- f-.. tin- .-arryinu' .ail .,t this .■.!lTl.' pouii.ls of p.iik w,-re imporu-.l res.iUit i.'U. at a v,.ln.- .-f ^'.I'.l'J.f.':! : ],repar.-.i m,-alsl,, th.- It is als,, pi-.,p..M-.l that m..las.s.-s. whi.h t..- amount ..f !K{..s;{4 |.oiui.ls. value S'.M).:;n.-, ; aiel ..f .lay h.-;irs a ,lutv ..I I". ]nf ,-.-nt. wli.-ii im- tri.-.llar.l tli.-r.-weieinip.,rte.l S.-Jilll.tMliI p.,uii.ls. p.,rte.| .lin-.t fr..mth.- pla-.- ..f pr.Miu. ti.,n, ami Viilu.- .-^li.'ill.oTs;. T...la>. 1.,-.-! is sell! t., th.- w lii.li is piael i.-all> .. .nli ! l., th.- t.-ts h,-l w .-en markets,,! Ilalihix an.l si. . I., hn. an.lall lai-^e an.l 411 ami .m ills pl-op..^.•.l that th.- .luty .m small t,,wnsw.-st of that, an.l iss,,l.lt..the.iealei-s m-.las.-.-s sliall 1,.- h.wer.-.l ah.nit -m.-half. ami iiini.-al.atjUstsnlli.-i.-nteult,,.-nahletli,-mto.!ielate that a .luty of \[ .'.nts per ,L.'all..ii, when iin- h.wer prices to the raisers an.l pr<.iliieeis of cattle piirtcl .linct fi.un the place ot pHKluetion. sliall ai .-ouii 14 lie cliiir;,'*'.! ii|i.>ii it. It is iiiso ])i(i|iM^iil tint till' l"Mli.' ill iiiiinl. lliit tlic r.iiiu\ li nf t lir diit v fioi *• test fur iiiujiissrs shall )»■ luwcicij. uml that it tlmx- articles ,liil not )ila(f uiir pcuplf in a pusiti..; i shall iiiii lictwciii ."{U aii^l ."!.">. 'I'lic duty .cilkcliii of fair ami f(|iial ciiiiiiictitiuii with the |>l'(»|iIl' r * 11)11)11 iiiola.sxs last yiai, \va> in thi' iifii.'hlM)|-li(>i)(r t lir soul h nf us. ami tlitit- arc various cunsiilcri ' of S I 'J."!.! H H I, and liy lowcriiii; the iliity l)y alioiit ; tions which u ill easily .sii_'i,'c«t tliciiiselvt's to tin ' one halt, it w ill he seen that We |irii|t<)se to meet a minds of lion. i.'entlciiieii conversant with tlii- ' loss of revenue in this, of .-ome S(M»,(HMI. ' siil.jct \v hen I make that statement. For instance. Molasses is an art icic whi( h is used very widely ; t here was State le;,'islatioii in most of the liorderin. in tln> Maritime Provinces. In the Province ot ' States, makiii;.' it |iraiticallv iiniiossihie for men Ne'W IJrunswick from which I come, molasses of u ho raised nursery stock rm this side of the line, iigood L^rade, not the vilestull called " Mack strap." to iinderiake any piotitalile contries in this country. It is. therefore, pro Coiineil of Utli .\piil, ISSS. certain fruits and posed to |.ut tliehl seeils. for the Use of fanners of thi.s peculiar circiinistaiiccs which at that t imc pi c ^ .nintry. arc also pl,,ced on the free list, vailcl. It was conteiid.d )>y ,-cntlcmen of the The House will recoiled the di.scussion which took Opposition rlia.t it was n,,t treat in- l he fnitc.! plac heiv a short time a.^o on mining' machinery, States fairly.wheli they iiail any oueoflhcsfartichs when I iii-cd that the House sliouM defer the dis'- at a h.wer duty, if wcdid not place that arlicl,.,,M ■ iissioi, um il th.M Joveinmeiit had hrou-ht -lown its thesanic tarilf footin- as it was ii, the riiit.d taritrmcasmv. All over our couutrv the indicathms States. It was contended on this .si.le of the H.iu-.e of interest in tin development of our mining lesouf- that this chiuse of the Art was simply iicrmissive cs areplainand unmisiakal.le : our resources are lie- aiidnoi mandatory on the Oovcinineiit. and iliat in-, every y,ar, m,,re and more exph.ivd ; we are it rested with the ( Joverimieiit of ( '..nada to say coinins,' mu selves to hav, a Let terand moreadeipiate whetherthlssh.mhl hedonein indiNidual instanc.s kuowlcdce of ih,. inmieiise wealth We have in or not, and that what was confmplatcd in that this line: and thi> information is filteri mt article in thetaiill law was tliat when tho>.. into other countries, ami is prodm-im' an interest products as a whole, or as many of them as in the minds of capitalists in other countrie.s, whid, (auada should consider it to he in her interest is continually growiii-, and wliidi we l.dieve will to reciprocate in, were pkucd on the f r, e li^t or lie productive of hu-e invcsinunts in this cmntry ha.l a hiwer rate of duty imposed upon them, the On the whole, it appi-ars to me that we are on the (iovernnienl wouhl reduce it> duties upon them to eve of lai-e developments of the iniuiii- industries t le same level. However, under the circumsta,ic..s of this country, and in the future we may look for that prevailed at that time, it was decided to put lar-e a.vretions of int,r,.st and incrtasin'.r ,n,ph,v. the.se articles on the free li.st, and a very consider- luent of lahor in the .leveloptnenl of "the vast ul.le amount ot duty was h.st in con.se.,ueiice, and mineral and nietallie stocks whidi we have a very eonsiderahleda.nage was dotie to a large and, scattered tliiondiout this countrv from Cai.e .mportant interest 111 this country. For it must he ' Hretoii to liritish Columhia. Tlieie ha« thus 15 ari.-i II 11 iliiii.iifl ti>i till' iiiiiiiiiu iiiailiiini V. Ii is si, lie. 1 thill till- licst Mini iiiii.-t iiii|irii\iii iiiMcliin ery iinu-t lie ii-iil liv i'\|iri iiuiini'i ^ who |iiit thi'ii iniiiny iiitn cull I |ii i>r> the (piitr.iini' uf w hirh ihi-y cjiiiiiiit iiriaiiilv -IT. It is felt l>y thim tli.u tli.- Vt'IV litst |MissiliI<' lliiK hiliiTV shollhl lif i;c>l. ll is fflt liy ^oiiif th'.l t'nr ,1 |i(iiii.l at least thrn- shoul'l bu lln Ifstriitloii \\ liatiMl- nil I lie I Miy in;.' of it . ,iii>i l)y iithiMs, that tiiiTo shmiM lie im ntii'T icstiir tiiiii than that iin|iu>til liy llic iiPii-iihT.it imi wlii'thiT III lint the iiiaihiiK'iy is maih' in tliis i-(iiintiy. I^iii'isiiig over the wlmh' i|Mi'sti'in, the ( ii iN i-niiiii'iit lia\c riiiiif III tlic rum lusiiiii that it U ill nut 111' wise nr |il'llih'nt In Irsist ihi- dt'inaml at tiif |ii(sint tiiur, in thr iiilirist ut tin- (l(.'M'h>)iiiii lit ot thit lariri- |iart ut' the riainti\'s resipiii lis, aii'l it is |)ni|iiisril tu alliiu iiiinin,' niachiiHTy iif a rlass ami kiiiil u liirh i- imt iiiailc in Can Ilia at thr tiiiir nt the inipiirtatinli. tu In iiii- ]n It I'll intii this i-iiiintiy t'nc fur t lie pn iu.l uf t hit !• years ainl im luiijer. Thai will ha\e a iluuMi- eiVirt. It will L:i\e tu ihu-i- ]kisiiiis w hu are in\ I'-tiiiu tiii'ir niuiii'V ill the ile\'elii]iiiieiit uf uiir ItiiniiiL,' ihlere>ts the tVee>t inaiki't tiir the |iniehase fif the hest ])u-.-ili|e iiiaehim rv they eali >;et a niai kei, the tVeeiluni uf whieh is unly liinileil hy the faet that the inaehilieiy they may iei|Uile i> niaile in { 'aimila ; ami iiu jieisun, 1 a|)|irilienil. is su Uli|iat liutie as tu wish a |iruvisiiiii tu lie iliseiteil uliieh uunhl a'lnw him tu Imy maehiiiery mitsiile (if ( aliaila w !u n it euuhl he inaiU; ill Caiiaila liy iliiillstlies w hiell have lieell fiisteleil ami liiul'.u'hl illlu their iPleselil stall.', liy t!ie upeiatiuii uf the taritl' whieli we lia\e eiiae'teil ami inaintailieil. It Mill have this utlier elfeet. Uy the free illt I'uilue- tiiin of minium: niaehinery sueh as is nut ina'le in Caiiaila. ami liy the ini|K.'tus wliieh will lieuiveii to milling; after the pei'iiiil uf eNperiineiitiiiL'' is over, anil after the rieliDess ami paying' ipialities i.f these I'esuiirees are ileinuiistrateil, there will lie u euntiiiiieil ainl prui.'ressive ile\ eliijiinent of that imhistry : ainl after the periuil uf three yars that ih'veliipmeiil uill natmally aihl tu the ileinaml fur the ]iruilin'tiun of tlii-; niaehineiy in ( 'aii.nla, w hirli will, eunseipienlly, jiruniute ami elieuuraue its inaiiufai'tnre after that periuil. 'riiere has lieeii aiiuthi'l' sulijeiT liruiiL'lit tu the attinliun uf the ( upvi'mineiit. that is. the 'iiiihl- iiiL; uf iruii ships in this eumitry. ll may lie tin ojH'ii i|nc'stiiiu w liether ur nut llio wooileii ship lias seen its day. I ilu nui lielievt; iny.self thai the Wdoik'ii ii\\\\>, so far as tlii' smaller kimls of eoastiiig vessels are eiiiiocrneil, has at all seen its liest ilays. 1 ilu nut think any ))ers(m wlm sits at these Imarils will see the time when the Lrnml. trim, stauiH h euastiiii; vessels uf uiir .M iritinie I'luxiiK-es \v ill lie -llpel-eihil Ky iluii ur st< 1 1 ur any uthel niateii.il. Hut till' w hule tleml uf ile\il(ipineiit tu il.iy '_'iies llpull the line uf lilliMilli.' steel allil il'un M'ssels fill ipiiik transit ami fur lar^e i.irryini.' eap.ieity het wt'eii fiili'i;.'!! aliililistaiit eiilliit lies. We have this anuinaly in this emintry. that an irun ur steel Vessi'l eall lie lillilt ill lireit lilitaili nil the (ly.le. ami ean he liriiii^ht into this euiiiitry ainl put mi uiir lake, river ui sea niiites free uf iliity entirely, if she is ii'iristereil in Kiiglainl, while peuple inter- esti'il in the liiiihliii;,' uf similar vessels iiil'anail.i wliii imiiui't the steel ami irun inai'liiiu'iy ami parts whieh.iie meess.irs fur IpiiiMiii:.' them heie, ami ' wliiili laiiiiut lie ni.ule in this euimtry, are met hy heavy iltities : .iihI -.u the imlustry is hamlieappeil. It ha<, therefuli', heen iletelinim ll. fur the elii'uii raueineiil uf this imlustry wliieh has alnaily ' ]il.inteil itself in uiir luiiiitiy ami which is pruinis- iiiu' tu ilcNi'Iup with \ cry irieat \iL'ui. tu assist it in the fulIuwiiiL' w.iy : Ky ,illuuin_' all steel ami irun jiiirts, wliieh ate n~cil in the niaiiii i faeflire of ilun ur steel vessels, tu eiiliie in ivfi'. su liilijr a.s they are nut ma'le in('.inaila ; ainl that j (lL'.si;.'iiatiuii at tic |preseni time will take in a \ery lai'L'e pripurtiuii uf ihe heavy irun ami steel wurk \\liii ll enters illlu the eunstrui't inn uf these vessels. 'I'lie .Ministei lit (iistuins has askeil me iiui tu f-i(iii nr oiiilrae! i'ni " ml ruL" ri'preseiit.^ I mill lias tlie ineanilitf nt' 1 In.' Wnrils " irl rn/nf m." \ ('.) Till' initial.-; N'.K..'^. ri'iirrsenl aiiil have tl.c incaiiiiii.' j iifllic wnrili? " lint elscwlieri.' s|poi'itk'i|." (' ) The iniliiils X.O.l*. ri'iiresent ami li.ivi' the iiicanin!? of tin.' wnril.s ■■ not dihcrwi.-i' prnviikil Inr." j (p/) The initials F.'l.l!. ruiirt'-^ent aial have the nieanint; nt'the wiirils " Irt'o nil Imaril." ' (p ) Tilt; e.X|iri.'.''siuii " (.mU'iii " unans an IiuixTi.il (ral- l.in. (.') The e.\llre.■^;ilPll " ton" mtaiis two tliuu.-aml iinuiiils avnirdupoi^. 1»J frM Till' fxriri'-'iMM- "pi I" 111- " pi""! -pirii-,"' whrii iipplifl til wiiiis nr .ipiril- "I iiiiy kiii'l. till-Ill -pii'i''"t tlir j-iri'in-'tli III' ppii't ii." II rtuiiicil liy .■^vkiv*' llyilrn- liirtcr. '/«) 'I'lir fxprrs-idh " i.Miifr," hIh'Ii .ippliril I'l ti|i'l;il >^\ t- nr pl:il('- or til wh'i'. iiiiMii- till' I liii'kiii-- ;l^ 'Irl' r- iiiini'il liv Stiilili.-' SMiiil.ir'l ii:iiiui', (i( 'Hk; CXprrSfiiill "ill ili.llllrtrr," wIhM Jpplil'l in tiiliihi:, mean- iliu ai-liial ill^i■ll• iliiiiin'tir iiiriiMii'i'iiu'iit. '/) TIk' I'xpri'-siiiii-^ " .-lii't^i " 111' " ■^li - " hIhu appliril fii imtiil" iiic.iii -lii'i'ls nr pliitrs uf mil I'Xi iliiiK tlirci- .-ivtci'iitli- 111 :iii im li in tliirkin'-i^. (/.) 'I'Im' rxpn-Muiis •' iiliilr ■■ nr " pl;iti'- " wlinli appli.'l In iiH'liil* iiu'iiii pliiti''' nr -hi'i'i- iii"rr ihiii ilirui'-.-ix- trt'iillis nl'aii iiioli ill tliii'klii'.'-'. 'J. liy cliiicliiil.' Ili;it tlic iiitcrpli'lalinii (•l.ilisr- cnin- pri-i-il i rlinll 2 n| the " Cll-ilnlll- .\<-l ," I'l Vi.'lnri.l, riiaptiT nJ— (lii'vi^cil Sl.ilutcs) — ii- aiiuii'li-il . -hall, iliilil ilii- cniiicxt mlirrwi.-c rri|iiiri'-, apply tn. ami Inrm a part lil'tliis Ai't : ami ilia: any pnwcr iViri'il upnii ilic (iii\criinr ill Cniiiii'il liy tin' -aiil " Ciistnm.s Act " tn traiis- I'or iliitial'lr ;: Is tn llm li'l nl'^r I- wliirli may lie ini- pnrtcil Iri'i' 111 'Inly -liall iml lie liy lliis \ri alii'nLMtrl m- impaircij. :. |;y ri'pl'alillL' >lll>--ni"iiill 1 nt' >(flinll .'i nf >aiil Act, ami -iili.-liiiiliiiL' till.' I'nllnwiiii.' ill Mm tlii'ii'i.t' : Till' iiiipnrtiilinii nl any vrnnils riiiniicratoil in .Sclicliili' " It " is InTiliy iirnliil.jtiil, ami any such ^.'nn.l-, it' im- |inrH'il. sliall llirri'liy liccnnii' I'nrlVili-il tn ihc Cinwii. ami >liall 111! t'nrtlnviili ijo-trnyi il,— ami any pi'r>iiii iiii)inri in^' any ■^iii'li ^'nn.ls shall in each case im-ur a pmaliy nl' nv.i Immliv.l.lnlhirs. 4. Uy I'liiK lint; that all iimilirinal nr tnili'! preparatinu' iinpiirii'il I'nr cnuipli'iiiiB tlic maniitai'tiiri' thi'ri'nt', nr Inr llio maiiiil'aotnri' n| any ntiirr arlii'li! liy the adilition n!' liny iii;:ri'ili(iil nr intrivirnMits, nr liy mixing sm'li prcpar- aiiniiii, nr liy pailin;; up nr lalicllins; the iianin alonu, nr with (ilhor ariiclos nr cniiipniiii'is, unilcranv pinprietary nr trailo nanin, shall bo, irn'spcciivc nlcnst, valucl t'nr limy ami iluly paiil thciToii at llm nrilinar.\- maiUi t , valnc. in thi' cniiiitry tVniii \vlm'i''c inipnrti'.l. .,1' tin' rniiipliMoil proparatinii, win n pui up aii'l hi'iilUil iimlrr >m.'h pi'nprii'tary nr irailn naiiu', less ihc at'tiial cnsi nl' lahm' ami inalorial usml nr ixpi-mli'il in l.'anaila in cnni- pl.'iiiiL' the inaniit'ar! lire lliri'i'i.t', nr nl' iiutlim; up nr nl', lali('lliii»; llic saim'. "i. l;y I'liai-tinirlliat rnL'iilatinng rcspoctiiij.' ihn nianmn in whii'h molasses ami syrups shall ho sampleil ami t<-.-;eil tnr the piirpnse ol'ilctcrminiim' the ehisse- t'l which lliey -hall l»iloii>r with reference tu ihe .liny cliarL'cahle thei'ei.n >liall he uiaile hy the MinisternfCustnms, ami the insirn- nieiils ami aiipliaiico- neccs.-ary Inr such ilitcrminatinn .-hall he ile-if-'iiatcil |,y him ami supplicil to such nlliccrs as shall he hy him charf-'eil with the duty nl'saniplinu ami testiiifrsuch innla-ses and syrups: and the decisinii nl'any nllicer (In tt'honi is soas.-ifined I he test inir nl'snch articles) as tn the duties tn which they arc siih.iecl under the I a rill' shall he final and cnnclii.-iyc. unless upnii appeal In the (nmnii^sioncr of Ciislnmsi within Ihirtyday- finin the rendering of .such decision, -lu-li deci>inn is. with the approval nf the Minister, ehaiced. and the deci-inii i.f thoCnminis.-innerwilhsuch apprnval shall he linal. I'l. Uy enacting that any frnnds or packa^'cs heiuf? the frrnwth, produce nr inaniilacliirc nf (,'anada. and haviiif.' hecn cxpnrled therefrom and intended to he returned, may he admit led free of duly on heintr re-imported tn Canada, pi'nvided such ^'onds or package- were enlered fnr expnrtatinii. and hrandeil nr marked I'y a Cnllectnr nr prn|ier nllicer nf Cn-tnnis, and fully identilied hy the Cnlleeinr nr prnprr nllicer, .'It the pnrf nr place where ■ • « arc ^i> re-impnried : and further, prnvlded thai the pi nc eriy ill Miidi L'ond- nr package, ha^ cniitinued in the .-.r jj pi'r-nii or per-nn-' hy whnm they were expnrted, and I i- such re-iiiipnr'alinii takci place wiihiii nne year nf expnrta'inli therenf. ■;. I!y eiiactimr that utiy per-nn wlm -ends nr hriiiirH ii,' Ciiimda.nr whn.liiiiiK in Canada, has in his pn..se--i o . any hill-headimr or nther paper appca riiitf In be a he:, 6 inir nr hlank capable nf lieini; tilled up ami ii-ed as " invnice, and hi'iiriiitf any eertiticaie pnrp'irtiiiif to flnm fl nr which may be used to show' that the invoice wli; " may he made frniii smdi bill-headin); or hlank in corri ' or authentic, -hall Ik- dceineil L'uilly nf a Illi- Ictueai, ' and liable tn a penalty of live hiimlred dnilar)' nr to in * prisnnment tn a term nnt exceeijini; twelve mnnlhs. ' bnlh. in the discretinn of the cnurf, and the irnn |? w'liii I ' may In- entered under any invnice made frnin any sue!. bill-headim.'nr blank shall he fnrfcited. H. liy .trikiiii: nut fmm the Schedule "A" to .«ai ! Act the foHnwiii!.' headiin-'s, vi/, :— The wnids " Au'riciiltiir.il Iinpleinent". viz. ;— " whic'i ininiedialely precede item 7 in -aid schedule. I'lio wnrds " Honks, etc.," whii.di immediately prece.h item ;i't in said sidiedille, 'Che word.s " lireadstutTs, viz. : — " which immediateh precede item .'jS ill said sidiediile. The word " Carriit-'es ■' which immedialely precede- item tnne, viz. : — " which immediately preceih item 411 in -aid schedule. The Wnrds "?iiL'ars, syru|is and mnlasses," which immediately precede item 41'.' in ."aid schedule. The word "Tobacco," which immediately precede- item i'c^ in said schedule. The words " Trees— fruit trees, viz.: — " which iinme diaiely precede item Ml in said pchcdiile. The words " VcL'elahles, viz.:—'' which immediately precede item 4.'m in said schedule. The Word.- " Wool- and wnoih'us. viz. : — " which imme- iliatcly precede item 17;] in s.'iid -clicdulc. '-4. //. v.,/i-' ./. T'h.it it is expedient to rc|ieal the follow- ing items in .'Schedules '• A," "1!" and "C" to the Act I'l Vicloria.chapter'l:;— Revised Statutes— intituled: " An Act rcs|iectin!-' the Unties of Customs," viz. : — Schedule '• A," items mimhcnd 2. i"), d, 15, 17. 21, 22.2."., 4ii,4-".. I7..l'.i.."i><,(',7.sl.s7,'.w,'j:i, 1(10, iii'.Miii, 11"). 117, lis. ll'.i, 12.-;, l:;{, 1 r.i, ln.'.M.J7, Itjii, 177. 1^2, is;. 1.'. 2il2, 2nt, 2i'k'i.2i'.''i. 2i'i'.'. 271. '271. 277. 2^;:. 2S('., 2'^s, 2',i|, 2',io, 2',i7, 2. is, »il,;;(i.'i.;;ll, ;;12, .':'.':i, .';2i, :;2"i. :;-S\ :;-:, ;K.j, a:y>, ;-im, .'Ul,.'U2, 3;-iS,;it)i,;jij3, 17 370, .■:7'.', .';7'i. 3T'.», :9<'. .■;-..". •vm, :M , .'Rt'j. -h:;, ;f i|, ;p«, ,w, ?07, 2*, liij. UN, iiL'.li:;. H"., tJl, 4.', Lt'., IlT, 4'>, Lfi, » '.ii.w.', 43S. r;:, iw, »h, t-.i, iv.', i."", i.v.', ii>i, uii. iii', hit, i>\>. i:;;, 47ti, 1-1, I*-'. Si'hnluli' " H," ilriii- iiuiiilicr' i| Iv. !'•', gchr.liilc "I',-' iinii- nniiiljeri'il, .Wi. ,W), aC.TiW, »•!•, 512. ".l.'i, .il,-., ;"i|s, .-,.'J, nj.;, .Vjl, .V.'C, ,Vj:, Ml, ,');ts, r,:!-!, f,Cj, 544, ">l.'>, ",11, .v.;, ,V.|, ,'i.Vs "rfil, .'x;'), .'iiW, ."(), 571, ,57ii, .177, 580. .W|,.Wi, ,'S7, .V.tl, r-'.'l, .VC, tjltl, ''ili::, t'.()4, (*!'>. I'lfW, f.lL'. 613, till), lyii, i;-j(, fiiH, C.KI, i;:;-.', i;.;7, ni:;, iv.s, Cii'i, 1174. ii77, 681,i"iS'J, INI, I'iSli, (-.HS, liiC, li^w, ii'iii. 7iNP, 7ii;t, 71111, 71ii, 711, 712. 714, 7:^.",, 7:V., 7l'><, 7;!|, 7.!7, 7;W, 712, 74:;, 711, 7ir.. 7|.., 751.7r.r),7iUi, 7t''J, 7';::, 7i;i, 7ii."., 7r.'.i. 771, 77'*, 7s-.>, 7'.i.i, 7:ii'i, | HOI, HiC, >*iit, smi, ><10, nml til iiiaki' other iiruvi-iuns in liou llicrtdf, liv .iil'lmtt t.i -iiili rc^initive ^ilniliilr.-, ,i-i follow- :— SrilDDlLi: "A." 1. Aci'l. Mcctic iiinl pyrol'.tfntMiii.u, \,K.,'-., iiinl vineifiir, a .^pi-iilii' iliity ot'lit'tieii (•t«nt^' lor eiu'li (;:illori iifimy stri'iiK'tli not cxri'idiiii; 11 stri'ii«lli of proof, unit fur I'iicli ■((■►rri'i- i.l .-Ircnirili in cxcc-s i>f tlif I ^trl'n|fth ol pro'if, im inliliiinniil duty of one cent. { The .-trcnutli of iir^of shiill he lichl to lie oiiinil 1.. I'p pi'r I't'lit. of ,ili>u|iiti' ;ioh1, :iiiil in :ill oii.-i'S the .-trcnt'tli .-hull ho ilrtcrinimMl in jiiirli iniiiun'r iis ni:iy lie cyt.ilili-hrl liy tlir (iovi'rnor in Conni'il. 2. Aciil. iiii'tio iiiHt pyroliifiicon.-' of iiny stri n^th, wlirii ' iniporti'il liy (lyiTs. c.'iliro printirs or iniiniil'iu'- tnrcrsof a«.'t'liU<'- or color;^, for (•xclu>ivt' ii-c in ^ live i UK or print ill),', or for tlii'nianiifiiutiircol'.such accliitfs or colore in tlicir own fiiftorii'i<. umii-r I Mich regulations as may lie fstiilili.-liHrl hy thu (iovrrnor in Council, a iluty '.E.??., twenty pur cent. <((/ valiiri;m. -}, 14. Newspapers ur su|i|demenlal editions nr parts thereiif, partly printed .ind intendeil In he cmii- pleted and pilMished in Canada, twenty-tlve pt r cent, 1/1/ rnl'ir- in. ]'i. Hank note-, I m un 1.1,1, it Is of cxidianirc, chec|Ues, promis- sory iioid, drafts and :ill similar work nnsik'tied, liiiil hill-heads, envelope.', riceipis, cards and other ciiinmercial Idank form.^ printed or litho- Braphed, nr printed frmii steel nr cupper or other platen, and other printed mailer, NM;.,S., tbirty- Hve per eint. nil rnlm; in. lii, liiiokliiiiders' toolsaud implements, ineliiilinir ruliiit; machines, and honkliimier's cloth, ten per cent. !(./ nilnn III. 17, I'.incy work Imxes, wrilintr de.-ks, ulove hnxes, hand- kerchief linxes, manicure cases, perfume cases, toilet ea>es and fancy <'ases fur -iiiokers' sets, ami all similar fancy articles m.ide of Imne, shell, lini-ii, ivnry. wood, leather, plush, satin, silk, satiiiette or paper; diill- and tn.v.s of all kinds in- clmliim -ewiiii.' niaidiine^ when of not more than two dnllars in value, and toy whips ; orn.iments of alaliaster, spar, terra-cotia or coMiliosition : and statuettes, heads and head ornament.s, \. K, S., thirty-five jier cent, ml rnlun m. 1'*, Bras.* ill strips for printer.*"' rules, not finislipil, hihI hrass in strips or sheets of less than four inches in width, tifteeii per cent, m/ rnlurim. 19, Unices or suspenders and imris thereof, tliirty-fivo per cent, 1(1/ niliin in. '^'). nice, iineleaned, unhulled or paddy, seventeen and a-lialf per cent, if I rnlmi m. 21. Wheat flour, seventy-five cent- per harrel. ■J'J. liiitfoiis of vejfefalile ivory, horn, hoof, ruhlicr, vul- canite or coinpcisition, fen cents per >,'ro-s and twenty-five percent. 1/1/ rn/un m. 2^. Carpettinir, mattinjraml mats of hemp ; carpet lininjis and stair pads, twenty-five per cent, ml rnhirini , 24, Tobacco pipes of all kinds, pipe mount.i, cifiar and cigarette holders and cases for the same, thirty, five per cent, ml rnlnrrm. 2.5. Clocks and clock cases of all kinds, thirty-five per cent. '('/ rnhiniii. 2i'). Clock ?primrs ami dock niovenients other than for tower clocks, complete or ill parts, ten percent. nrl vnl'iri III. 27. llorse clothinfT, shaped, X.O. P.. thirty per cent. aste and chocolate, not sweetened, one cent per pound. 30. Cocoa paste and other iireiiarations of cocoa coiitain- iiiK sugar, live cents per jiouiid. 31. Kxtraot of cnfi'ee or substitutes therefor of all kinds, five cents per pound. .'i2. Collars of cotton, linen or celluloid, twenty-four cent? per doz, and thirty per cent, (nl rnlori m. .T."!. Con lis for dress and toilet of all kinds, thirty-five jier cent, ml rutin-) in, ,j4. Colored fabrics, woven in whole or in part of dyed or colored cotton yarn, nr iiite yarn, or of part jute and part cotton yarn, or other material except silk, N.IO.."-., twenty-five iier cent, ml rnlun in. .'». Non-elastic webliing, twenty-live per cent, ad rnl'iri in. .'111. Elastic webbiii!.', thirty per ecril. ml vnluniii. '■',7. Old and scrap copper. eoppt;r '11 pigs, bars, rods, bolts, ingots and sheathing not planished or coated, and copper >eiiuileff dvawu tubing, ten per cent, a viil'iri III, 18 3h. C'ii|i|"r. nil iniiiiiil.i.hirii' nt, .\.i;.S., thirty i.cr I'l-nl. ml nilni': III, .'fj. Cci|i|icr ill .-I l!" tii|i'< iiT l(-s iliiii, |(,iii- iiulic^ in wiiltli, liriciii |HT iciil. 11,1 /•.t(iiii ■liiKf mill i;i)ltoii lirii'l'il ,\<, tliir'y piT I'i'tlt. ml niliir, hi. ■Jl. ('iinliim; ol nil kiiii|!i, X.K.>., .iiit iiimI .iiii'-.|UiirtiT IT III!' |iur |Hiiiiitri|Mi| -hii t- nn.%,r(ittii|iiii|cs, Kcliliicky ii :iii>,|iniit:iliMiM -tiiH''', mill irmiil- 111' likr ilf-ciiiiiinii, two fiMji- per M|Unn' ynr'l mii'I iiilii'i; jki nt. ml rulni; ,«. 43. Oittuli -iwiiii.' lliiiMil ill lintiks, likick, Meiielirl or iiiiliU'iR-liC'l. tlirct- nii'l .«ix cnil, Iwclve iiliil ii-liiilf ptT cent, il'l rnhn-i III 44. Jciiiis nml e<>iiiiUi'.< wIu'm Imiinricfl \,\, r.-it tin.l (lri'.«a ^tiiyiii;iki IS l^r ii^«- in tlnir ihm, Im •urir-, HVrtlty-livi- |,cr c i-lil. ((./ i;ih,i • „/. i5. Cuff- (il •■cilliiii, liurii HI- i-cllnluiil, I'uiir ci iits |.i'i |i;iir iiliii tliil-ty |n-i- fi-iit. ml ni/nn m, 4C. t'lirliiiiis wln-ii ininli- iij), triiiiinul ni- iini liniiiu .1, tliirty |it-i- ci-lit. ml rnliiii III. 47, Ilatuiiiocks iiiiil l.iwii tennis iii-ts, iiini niln-r like iirlieles liiiiiinr.-ielnred ol twine, X.l-,.,-*., lljirl)- live pel- cent, ml rn/m; /„. 4'<. Itriiin pipes, .-ewer pipes, eliiiiinc-y lininL's i\. .\pples, in cents per hanel. j OJ. JJiaekherrics, Kiiciselierries, raspherries and ftraw- lierries, .\.K.,->., three cents per pcinnd— the wci;.'||i ultlie paekajjc til lie iin-lndi-d in tlie weitrht li.r duly. i .5.3. (.'Iierrie- and enrraiils, mie cent porfiuart. ! 54. Cranberries, plimis and iniinces, thirty cents |>cr linshcl. 00. Peaclies, (nie cent per |Miiind— the wcifiht ef the packano tu he included in the weight lor duty. I'ifi. Gas meters, tliirt.\ -live per cent, ml ni/un m. 57. Crystal and deenrated kIiiss tahle-ware made e.\- ' presslvtiiriiicMintini.Mvitlisilver-|ilated trimiiiint'S, when impiirted liy niaiuifacturers ul' plated ware, twenty per cent, ml rnlm; m. 58. Glass (Nirhi.y- ami deniijdlins, empty or filled, l.nti jes and decanters, llask- and phials of le-s capacity tlimi eii.'1'.l iMinces, tliirty iier cent, ml culm; m. \ • 50. Lamp, gas liulit and electric liuht shades, lamp- and lampeliinineys, side-lights. -iiid head-lights, fc'hihes for l.-interiis. lamps, electric lii-'hts and ;.Mslichts, X-E.."-^.. thirty per ci'iit. ml nil'fi-i m. '■ t'lO. Common and colorless window ulass ; and |ilaiii, colored, stained or tinted trla-s in sheets, twenty; per cent, ml nilun in. \ 1)1. Ornanu'iital, iisriire.l and enamelled colored class ' painted and vit rilieil class : nfriu'ed.eiiamelleil and olisi-ured while class ; roiich and rolled colorless plate class, twenty-live |,er cent, i,,/ i;il,,iiiii. 02. .Stained cla-s windows, thirty per cent, ml riilm; m. li.>. .^ilvered pl.ite class, thirty percent, ml nilmim. i 01. t>ilvered plate Kla.ss, levelled, thirty-live per cent. • (('/ vii/oniii. •15. I'hite iflass. not colored, ill panes of not „vcr tjnr M|iiare leet enidi, ."ijt eeiif.s per siimire foot, ai when hevelli-d, one pent per SfHliirc fool al'i , tional. ' •i'l. I'late ula-.s in p.-ines of over thirty and not ,.\ seventy -i|it,i re feet each, (-ii{lit cents per .sipiii fo.it ; and wln-n hevelled, one cent per siinare i.. I lidditional. t'>7. Plate cla-s in panes i,f i,ver seventy siiiiari- feet e.e ; id' (-Ills per s(|iiare foot ; and when lievell. one cent |ier -ipiaro fool additional. I t>8. Imitation porcel.iin shades and colored k'lass shadi I not lit'iirid, painteil, enaiiielleil or eiiKraw ' twenty percent, ml mhiri m. ti. . '.! other i:la-s and iiiaiiiifiietures of ala.i.n, X.d.I iiicliidiii(r heiit plate (flass, twenty per cent..' I fiiluri III. 7tl. tiloves and mitts of all kinds, thirty-five per cei ml mil, 11 III. 71. tJold and silver leaf, and lliiteli or sclilac metal lc;r thirty per cent. .«/ ml,,,-, m. 7J. (!iin, rllle and pistol eartridces : and cart ride e.i- ol all kind- .ind materials; peri-iission i-aps,ai ifuii wads ..f ,ill kind-, tliirly-tivi' per cent,. . mini; III. I 7". Fur lelt hat-', one dollar and fifty cent." perdozci and twenty per eent. irl mlm; m, 71. Hats and Clips, X.K..<., thirty percent. 'i,li;il„i;,- 7.'). Lolies' hats and bonnets, twenty-live per eent. » I 'llni; III, 7(). Honey and imitations thereof, in comb or otiierwi- , three cents per pound. 77. Indi.i rubber boots and shoes with tops or ii|iper- ■ cloth or of m.-ilerial other than rubber, tliirty-ll( per cent. .(,/ ml, ,11 m. 7S. India rill. ber boots and shoesand other m,-iiiiifactii|. , of India rubber, X, E. .S., twenty-livo per ccl , It, I ml,ii; III. 7fi. Corset elasps,spoon elasp.s or busks, blanks, busks,. oil steels and other eor.set .steels, whether phiii japantied, laeiiuerei., tinned or covered with |ii . pi-r or cloih ; also buck, bone or corset win- eovered with paper oroloth, cut to lenctlis iii . tipped with brass or tin, or unti|i|ied, or iti coil- live cents per piuind and thirty jier cent. « • fill, III III. : 80. Ferro-mansanese, ferri)-siIi<-oii, spiesel, uteel blonL ends and crop ends of steel rails, for the man-:- tactiire of iron or steel, two dollars per ton. ■'I, Builders'. i-abinct-miikers', harness-makers' andsai dlers' hardware, incliidinRcurry-combs, earriai- liardwari', locks, butts and hiiiKcs, X. E. .S., ai., tools ofallkind.s, X.E.S., thirty-five per eent,.i, Viil'il-llil. ■<-l. Fire-arms, twenty percent, ml ml,, run. •<.3. .Siircical ami dental instruments of all kinds, twei;t.v Jier cent, ml ml,,i; m. S4. Lap-welded iron tuliiiifr, tlireailed and coupled ■: not, one and one-half to two inches inclusive i;. diameter, for use exclusively in artesian weIN |ieti-oleiiin pipe lines mid petroleum rclinerii-, twenty percent, ml mlm; w, 80. Other wroiiclit iron tabes or pipes, one and tlirio. quarter cents per iioiind. 51). Wrought iron or steel nuts and washers, iron or sli-i- rivets, liolls with or without threads, nut iiii. bolt blanks, T and strap hiiife'es and liiiifc'e blank- X.E.,-*.,one cent per pound and twemy-tive pc: eent. ml valorem. 19 l)u Ill- piT iMiiMiihmil twrntylivi' !>'•>■'■'■"'• '"' i;,l..,:„i.lhr Wiirllt mill'' plik.'lUi- I" I"- ilh'lll.lr.l I ilif wiu'lit I'.r iliilv. uri'iiitM- Idn-'ili- "I 111'' r^ll'iniiii.' .li-criplii'ii.-i, viz.: — (.,) Itpiwii l.liiiik', wliif |.:i|'''i-. i.'."iiii.|."l iMpir- i\wl <;llilH, IWii Ci'Ilt.-. (',) >iii«l>' print l.iun/«'> iiml c-(,l..n.'ii l.r..ii/.i\-'. >I.X iTlll.-'. I') Kiiiliii-jTil l.ri'iizis. riiriii I'iMil-. (./) ('"liii''il liurli'i-. ii;iiri'W. mill c.lcircil ln.iil" r.», Wl'l''. -ix '-I'lil-. (, ) lli"ii/.i' lmnl. wi'lf, t'lPlirlrCll rrlll-i. ';•) Kiiil.M--i''i l'"ril'r.-. lit'ici'ii 'Tilts. (,/) All (iilur iiii|»r liiiin-'iiiif.- or wall iiiiper. tliirty-five prr ci'lil. '"/ cull:!-' in, U'.i. Paper -aik- <>r l:iJ- 'A' all kiii'i-. |iriiit<'J "T lint, lliirly-liv'' piT (■.■111. 11,1 rill., I- III. 87. .frllic. imii-' airl pr.-i rvi'.^, N.K.-^.. live i-'iii- p'T w. L.,r::",;;ai,K ^^^..■< .,M.r.^ .i-. .;.--..i-. ,„i:i:.::':x^';.;;,r.;^;;;:,;. .nr.-, .,n,i.ii..r. „,„ll.i..,.v|..t.: l.iai.l-. .•l.aui- ..r .-..r.l. m| liair „„., .i..,„i„.. «r.„„i,l „r .....rp.Mii.l, wa-l.r.l nr i...- '■"•"•'•"Il...>"-"1^'" ^''"'l^T " '-• "••'V'";'l ,,,„„, ,,„,,.j„„., „r ,.,„, „„ny p.T roiii. .../ li.-itiinr-"li.-i>tl"ii.-ilk. Iliicii ,ir nth.r iiiitiTial-, . , /„ , il,irtyporri..it. .../,•../..,■.-». 117. paiu'iTai"!' .-.Icr-. irr-mi-l in -pirit*. i"<'l •'H M'irit S!». I,,r,|.:ri..l ..rrrMl.T-.l. tl.r-.. .vnl.' p.r p.m„.| .- ^^^^_ . ,^ „,l la-.u-r- ,l..ll,.r p.T Kall.-ii. «..i«l,t ■.!■ thv P.P.'kaKr to l.f .ih'1.i.1.'.| in Ihr ,,^_ p.,,,„^ ,,^,„^,i„^j, „r „,,„ ,,„,„,r i„ r.il^. m. ni.'l. n^II of «ri(rlil I'ord'ity. ■, ., " .iclit vavU nr nii.l- r, aii.l :-> in pri.porliun lor till go. I.avl. iiiitri"l.l».pf.>iit- per p'lini.l.lli'' »i i:lii "I ilif piu^kau'i" t.i 111- iiu'lii'li"! ill tin- Wfitrlil l"r .lipv. I 91. I,<'.icl. ml ran- ami axtalr nf. mil irroiiml, live per rtiit. .Ill riil,,i-i III. 92. 1 1 ,,j,,L' ami Icail ^ln'l, <•»'• ami iilialf c'lil-' p*'r puiiiiil, !0. 1.1 ai lMr-^"ar.l ai 1 l'' itli'P.i'l. lliri'i^ nut- per p-nnl. 04. Skill- (■•r imirc'ci. l.-ulliir. tiiiiiiril, Init ""t tiirlln r iiiaiiiiliKtiUfil. till p' I I'i'iif. '"' riil'iii III. 95. I!. Iiiiiir jiaihrr ami iippiT li'allior iiirlmlinir ki'l. laiiili, ^lii'ip ami lall. laiiiiril nr ■hui^^^'fil lull ii"t waxfti «r ifla-/r.l. titfi^ii per iMiit. /..,. m ; it (Irt'ss-i-tl ami waxnl nr '.'1 i/jil. iH pir ■••■in. .irMi.U- tlMv.,-..|it.p>M-pniiii.l. 1- • ,;„„,„„,,,„,,,„, ,„r ,.,,„.„,/ ,.„,„„■„,. 99. |-:Mia,.|,..imilt (m.ii-al.-.ilu.lm) nr ,nnl....ial pin- ^.^^. „,|^,^ ,.,,„|, ,,„,„, i„ ,„„. „r .,,„..,-, ,ln-.nl or ,,,,-,.-. tw.iity-livrpyr.'.iit .-./;•■'/,„,„- -• ,.,„.,, ,,,,,„ ,-,v- P'T . •cut n.l ralm- m. 100. Ma«i- laiit.n.s ami -'mK.s tliLrolor. ,,hilo.,pln.al. ,,„ . m„„ „ .v. -t.. rm a,.i.| ami ....arm- of all kiml-. ,,li,„„,iaplii.M..a.,„.ma.u.al ami optical ,ii...ri. 1- 1 ■" >'; ^^^' iimiits.N.K.S. twnty-tivop..rc,.|,l o,/,v,/,„,„,. ^^^^^^^ .^^ ^^, , ,,,. „„„,,,,i,„, 101. M.s.pork.as,klim..m-ll,MU.m..a ln-p..>.no,i.\il, '-'•'" '',1,.;,,^.,.,^,, „,,,,„,„.,„/ ,,„/„, '""-■"'"'""'-''•'" V'''M"','' '","""'■ , I i-l l...,t,„m'.,-v, imlmlii-.' loilw preparations (m.n-aleo- 102. M.ats. fresh or... tin-.. ,.^^. ,,_,, ,,,,;,..„,,„„,,.„. ,..!itii- .mart. .- la 1 o- ilul iiiolu .i.s i on- 109. OiU.l.ilh.naloileilsilk.in tli. pi-c-, -ul ..r sliap-.l, ii>"r'- "'■'^" I' ' • oil..,l. -nam-U-.l, stamp-,1, painteJ or prinl-.l, '^"i"'"-' ' ■"'^'■•'- . imlia-rul.h..r-(l, tlo-k-.l or -oat-d, N.O.I'., fiv- rjs. I'i-kl.s in .iiii-. hoitl-- or mh-r >iniilar v-ss.'ls, -nts p.T siiuar- vard nnl lift-ii p-r c-nt. .«/ IV.ny ....iits p-r i-Mllnii on ili- a-.arlaii,.-.l .luaiitily.. i.„l„,.,,„, I th-diity lo in-lu.h- th- .liity on ih.' jar, holll- or 110. Opium (-rml-) oil- .h.Ii.ir ii-r pouml, tli- woiKht to' oth-r vt.s-il. iiH'lu.l- th- w..i;-'ht <.f the hall or ...'V-riin.'. io,)_ pi,.kh>s in hulk, in vim^i-'ar or in vin-L-araml iiiuslar.l, 111. I'ainiiiit's. prints, -ii.ravinns,.lra\viii(?sai,.l huihiini.; thirty-liv.. ..-iits |i.r ^'alloii, ami in hriiio .T salt, pl■lll^. twi.ii'y p-r --lit. -Ill nil'in III. Iw-nly-liv- -..nts |i..r i-'ailon. 112. ]iry whii- ai-l rod l-a.l, orant?- mineral ami -/in-, j,,,^ i.ii,,,,!,;,^,, tw. nt\ -fi\.' p.^r .--lit. -„/ ro/.,,-. m, whit- or carhouat- of /in-, five p.r font, mi '^^^^ j,,„„,,,„,,„^ „1, ,„„„„,,,„ur-s of, .\.E.,<.. thirty per villi, f. III. I I . t ■ 113. <'ulors, (Irv, N.K.,'?., twenty p-r c-nt. o./ r,f/'o^, „i. e.'ii . o. i. ..„.//.. 114 l-anit-aml c..l..rs,pnlp-,l nr Kr..ui,.l in ..ilorother 1,",2. I'rinliiiK' press.'s ami pniilinn ina-hiii..s. sii-h .mly a.s li.miil-.\.K.S..lhinvp..r.^-nt.,o/i-o/w.»,. ; are u.-cl in new.pap-r, hook ami ,l..h printing; .,, •,, „;.,,,„„ olli— s ; fdUlinirniachin-saml i.ap.r .■iiit..rs iis-il 115, raints. .r.,uml ..r nnv-il ui or with, ;;;•'"• ,, „,i,„i,„ „„, ,.„„ui,imlii,K ostahlishiu-nts, ten varii;u,\Wu wWuitt Inr til.' liiiiiiK of l...ritliv(' |"r riTlt. ml I'll'iii III. ];>!. UpiI iiml yillinv [iniviiilr "f |miIii-Ii. nii pt-T ci'iil. n'i riihiri III. HIT. Iliililxr lifltiiiif. lm«o, piii-kiiii.'. imil^' mi. I liiiitlinir, j uikI c.itioii -T linen li'iH- lini'il witli riililnT. Iivi> i cunt!! rcr iMiinrl. iin.l titliifi |.ir <'Nt. |"T ''flit, ml i-nlui-- in : iilnl I'Hi'li In. I tin j hiililinii l''S.« ihiiTi iiiir-li:ilf jiiiit -luill In- ilii'iiilili iM c.,,i,iaiiii'ii/ .piii'-liiiH pint, iiml rarirallm UIkI twenty per ecnt. ml (•"/•>'■' m. HO, Soy, ten eeiit.* per giillMti. 111. .^fcili', viz. ;— (ianlen, tlelil iiinl otlitr .-etil li.r atfri- .•iiliiirali'rutlirr|iiirpi.^fS.N.".l'..wlie" in Imlkor in liiri:e pareiU. tirieeii per cent, ml rnl'in ii : wlien pill iipiii.«liiiill iiaiars nr piireel.s.twfiity-live piT rent, ml i-'ihiri in. \\1. sliawU ami Irav.'lliinf riitrs olall Uirnl.- ami niiitiTiaU exei'pl -ilk. iweiity-tlve |i.T eent. .<./ i-'ihiiiiii. 113. SewiiiK aii.l einliniidery Mlk anil ^ilk twist, twoiity- fivc per eenl. "•/ mlnri m. 141. Silver, (iurmaii .■'ilvcr, ami niukeUiUer. I'llle.l .ir in fboels: ami uniiipiiMtiiiii iiietiil fur llie niiinul le- liirii 111' tilleil Kiilil watch onsis, ten per eent. 'n/ flllnri III. \U'i. Slate pelieil.<, twent\-tive per ei'iit. irl niini-.in. 110. Ca-tilesiiap. in'illlnl or wliile, ami while Miaji, two ceiils per pimml. 147. .Soap piiwiler.-, pniiiiei-. >ilvef an. I mineral s.ia|.,--, aap.ilio ami ..llnr like arlH'le«. three .•cut.' p.r poiin.l, the weit-'ht ul' the package to l.c inclii.lcil in the weinht Inr iliily. 14S. Spirituous or alc..h..li.' liiiuor^ liistillcl t'r..in any inalcrinl ..r cntaiiiiiiK, or e.nnpi.iin.le.l lroii;,..rj with .li-tiUcI spirit!- Ill' any kimi ami any mixture j thcre.if with w.Tter— for every niill.Hi there. .f ..f any slri'iiirlh not cxoee.linK the .-trenj-'lh of iiri»"f' ' anil when of a i.-rcaH'r .-treii).'th than the r^treiiiJili H'.i of pr...if, at the same rate ..n the i|iiiiitily there woiiM Iju if rc.liiceil to the strength of |.roof, iis follows, viz. :— ((() Kthyl alcohol or the siil.siiiiiec cominoiily ! 150, known as alcohol, liy.lrate.l "Xiilo of ethyl, or s|>irilsof wine ; tlin of all kimls, N.K.S. ; rnin, whiskey, an.l all spiriinoiis or alci- h.. lie liquors, X.O.I'., one ilollar ami. -evcnfy- five I'cnts. (/.) Amyl alcohol ..r fusil oil. or any suhstai.c.' ' jgj_ kn..wii as jiolato spirit i.r p.itato oil. two dollars. (c) Jlcthyl alc.ih..l,w.)...lalc.ih.il,wo...l naphtha, pyn.xylic spirit. ..raiiy suhstaiice known as wooil spirit ..rnielhylate.l si.irit ; alisiiilhe, arrack or iialm spirit, hraiuly, iiiclii.lins;'^ artificial hramly ami imitations of hraii.ly : '^- cor.iials anil liqueurs of all kimls, X.l)..'^. : pimier wine, iiiese.il, piil.|i|.'. rum slirnh, 153. schieilaui and other schnapps ; talia,anKo.s- I . turn, an.l -imihir Hle..lioli.' Ijilter.' or licver- HHi-, !«.. il.'llar". (,/) .spirit* and i'lr..nu wiilers i.f any kiii.l mi.xe.l wiihanyinKre.lieul.iriiiurclientsiiml lieinn or km.'^n "f de-iitniileil an iiD'HlyneK, elixir.-, f^'eiices . xTaet^, L.tioni", lim'tiiro!'. or m.'- ilieiiies. X.i;.S.,lwo diillars ami thirty |ier n'tlt. ml nil'ili in. (.) Aleoh-.lle perfiiiiie- an.l p. rfnmeil spirits, hay rum. ••'ih'i'n. an.l lavaii.ler water-, hair, tooth an.l >kin wasln- and .Hhor toilet pre- parati..ii.-. e.intiiiiiin^' spirits of any kind, when ill Imltles "r lla-k- weiu'liiiiK not iii.iro than four ..unee- I'a.di, llfly per cent, ml in- l,.,;ni; when ill l.otlles,|la.ks..rotherpllck- aK(•s weiKhiiiK iiLTe than four oiiiiee.'' each, two'lolhir-aml l'..rty per eeiit. <(-/ nilnnni. (/■) Nilr..ii-' ether.sweet .«pirit»of nitreaml iiro- iiiatn' spirilc "f ammonia, two dollars and thirty Iier .'ellt. ml i-iiliin m. ((/) Venn.. nth itainint' m.t m"re than forty pir.'eiit. of prii. if spirits, seventy-live cents p.r >.'allon : if i lainintf im.re than fnrty per iMiit. of pr..'if -I'irits, two dollars |.er Kall..ii. (/,) In all eas.- wlore the •Ireiii.'th of any of the f..r<'l.'.iin« articles eat not lie correctly iiM'erl.iim'.l l.y ilie direct application of the liy.lr.'im'ler. H shall he uscerlained Ijy th.' dislillati..n '.f 1 sample, or in such other manner as Mie .Minister of Oiistoms imiy .lirect. (i) E.o'li re. I .'a.-e uf u'iii ol lifleeu bottles c.iii- taininy n..l nmru than fmir uallons, .shall he ilulialile as eontaiiiinir four gallons, an.l each irreeii case of L'in of twelve lioltles eiin- tainiiiK' not more than two gallons simll hi' iliiiiahl.' as containing' two (.'allons ; and rcl or t;reeTi cases hi'Lliiit? a greater or less nuiuher of liottles .shall he dutiahle in pr.i- portion to those above specified. As respc.ts all other spirituous or alcoholic li.|ii..rs. wli.'tlier in eases or bottles, each hotll.. hohliiiK more than a half i.int iind not more than a pint shall he dutiable as cntainin;; one pint, an. 1 ea.-h iM.tth' liohliiiK more than a iiiiil an.l not m..re than a quart shall I. dutiahle .'is lainiiitr a quart. Starcii. i'lclii. lint' farina, .•urn starch or Hour, aii'l all prei.aralioMs haviii).' the qualities of sincli, not sweelcncl or tlavorud, two cents per I'oiiimI: when sweetened or llavorcl, t'ourcents per ii.'Hii I. Stcrcoi>i.es, eh'ctroiypes and celluloids f.r al- maiiaci, ealeii.lars. illustrated pamphlets, m n.-- paper advert iseiueiits or entfru vine's, ami all ..1I..1 like work for commercial, triide or other i.'ir- l>oses,X.K.S,; and matrices or copper shel Is.. f il.. same, two cents per sqiiiiru inch. Stercolyii.s, eleclroty|.es, and ecdiuloids of n.'u ■- jiMiM-r columns, an.l bases tor the same, c..iii|"-e I wholly or i.artly of metal or celliiloi.l, tlini- fourths of one cent |ier square inch, an. I main.' orcoiiper shells of the same, two cents pci -.|iiir.' inch. AVater limestone or cement stone, one doll.ir i.er |i.i. .it tliirleiMi cubic feet. Curling' stones (so- eallcil) of whale vermateri.il laa.le, twenty-live per cent, ml valon m. 21 154. Mo|ii,,r«.|.Tivf.l fr..ii, r.iw.', lu- .r m, tl... i.r.,. . ri Pi,.... .■ , nrit.sm...,..lu..ti>r., .lir...., lr.,n. ,| ,„, ', ,„ „ " '''' "" '"' \"--^'•"lt. ,|,,„|... i:.,v,. ,u„l ..r.,uM.o„t,.l ll.H.,1 .,r nif.n.,1 .„■ M..,...|„.,| .,, ,.|,.,,,i. 'l ' !. -,i, ■ "-'•^iTul.. I ,.l,u,t,. X.K..^..,w..,.ty per o.nt. «v.?'nStr'!i:;!;''^'' "r"'" ^ '"■■' '•-• <--'»'rry Ci....,,, ,„. ..,,,, wi.i .n In, ■nnn.m.h;. ";:;;:;::;;;:;;:,: •"' •"';!:,,: "- ••" -m-u„iu..Mi,r... ...... mill pr.i.liii'iiiiii, II -ii. lilic iluiv III nil.. iii,,l ... i»i 1. I * hi.if .....IN ,„.,. .:,ii„: ,„. „!,..,, I, ,: , ";,r ; • ;;:;:';:?■ "";' '''"■'^'"■^^^ -• -"• • '■• ">-. .1 ny „i ., , : ;,;.,„. ;:■ .;::;;';:"•'• "';; r': """• ....t.oi.n ■.ci.iii ..iKh, iL.i, ',..;, "'"' ; r:':"^"";''^;:''';"^ '■"-"•''• 1.5.yy,„.. N.K.S „...,,.,i..., ri.tl I ..vr..,.. .„.:„.. IM. .^,i„i... ,r....s,„l„l| U -,t«„i..,il.,Mi.-|.,.|,'....„„.a,.h '"'"■'•'•:;'"''■;>•'• "*''• >y •■ '".il.i-..., M'. ».|lliii.-...ii.kti,r.r..t;i„u..vi/.. IMnm , J e eh <1..M.,,. ,..„:,..„.,■.■ Ill M.,u.,lM,uM,.....ri„.ln.n.,l,.. Mi... W ,vm.., .ml Mr ,.,.,|,.rv aniintlKr lik/, r i- ..K.I .-...i.r».or....l.,.,vl,n,„.„, m„h..,„,. .,h,. j d..-. Hn c ,„. ...,.|, , „ur.y „cr c.nt. " / ""' |i!-.M|..i't ol IM..lll-..rs Mlt'iirs mill illl ' •■„/.„■.„.. ^ .11. "« l.lo....|,..| ..l„nlU.i|. lii.in.il .„• n.|i„..,l n,i,|„.«., M. .LniiM ,„i„.., .,,„ ,„.,, , „,, „„, ,w,.M,v.U>e 11 •p.^'.-llic iliily nl 1,1,0 iiMit |M,- |ii.iiii.|mi.| lliiiiv riiiTlit. ..7 ,•,./.„. ,». PIT. •cnt ,„/,•„/,„■.„,. m.,1 tl.f M,luol,ir,luty.l.,,l! IS-'l 'Jw l„rlr,rv-M liiml.T... „| i,.,.., ,na„ill,i „r ^.,,1 '"■ "'^' '"^"'-' ""•••'■"' '•"•''• "' "" '"■*' I-' "I >ln,- a.iil lit .....Milla :.,i,| -,-al .uiM ,|. .«.,i.y.|ni.„..; liit'iit. I.V.. Pn.vi.lnl fliat niola-so.- wlini iiii|,i.rto,l I'nr or ii - '*'• ''"'i" '•' '.'I kiml-. .N.i;>.. lliiily |„r CMit. „.l ••fivi'il inlii liny .fiinar rcliiiny up -iii.'ar faiitury (n- '' "" ' '"■ ^vr..^ 111- (.'l.u'ii.M' lii.Miiiy, iJiMill.Ty i.r tirrwiiy. '""'• '-'"'"''"■'■• I'''!''-"'" "."' ".m-iiaili'i" nf all kin.l? ami .•'liall l)f .iiil.jrcl In, ami llnrf >1mII It |>aii| tlin.-' . "'■.'' 'i'.l-. tliirly-fn o pir.iMil. <(i/ nil,,,;,,,. oii.u.i aildilimial duty i,riivi' I'ciiis |„|-j.al|i.M. '""'• I''"'"' H'M'^.m-'il :il.'l siiii-sliiuli! Mifk> or li'ainlli's, Vo~. Sacfliari.iu iir any iirmliii'l rontainiiiK i.vi;r mii' liili N.K.S., uvmity prr ot'iii. ,(,/ i-'.'. N.i;.:;:., twuniy- twiiity piTfoiil. -o/ nil, ,,■•„■. live per c-c'iit. (/i/ (-((/on///. ''•'-• ^ ''.'•'T-' "t wood, not uvlt om--i.\ti'iiitli nl an imdi lid. .'^tampi'd linwa.i', jiipannud ware, L'ranito waru. , •" ''"^'l^.i''^-' I'" P^r 'Juiit. ./,/(„/„,, „,. ■•namidliMl iron waro and wKani-ud inui vvaiv ^"'''' ^^""^"'>-' -"i'di- and caiii^, i,f all kind-, X.K.S., Iliirly-livo prr cent. ,„/ rn/„,-> ,„. ' . '"''uly-l'^f pur uu.it. ././ i-.'/.,n ,„. liil.". 'I iiwaru and maiinlautiir- of tin, N.E..S., twenty- ^''!' ^\'"^''"''*' '^^''■'"> -'i^'' P^'i' uunt. ./in-'i/.,/-. ,». live pur uf.it. ifl nil,„-i ni. ' '•'•";• ^^'''^'-l' ''i.-'u..-, tliiriy-tivu pur cunl. o / rn(,„;m. I'M. (.'u' loliiiuuo, forty uuiits pur imuiid and twulvu and a- ^"''" ^^ '''I'.-^.i't' iill kinds, u.xuupt toy wlii|.s, tifty uuiil- pur tialf pur uiMit. i„l r.(l,n;m. __ ''"Zi'.i mid tliirly pur uunt. o./ ml.,,,,,,. liil. Maimlauturcd toliauuu, N.K..S., and .-•imll", tliirty '''"■ ^^'Z*'' "''"'■'■■'' "r '-"Ppur, lifleun puruunl. ,„/ co/.,,',,,/. uuntspLT pound ...id twulvu and a half )>ur uunt. ''"'• ^^ '•'''• ''"vurud with uoiton, liiiua, .-ilk ..r uthur (o/ riili,i; III. maturial. thirty-fivu i urounl. ,/,/ ,•,/(„,■, „,. Mo. I'ilu.s and rasps, tun cunts pur do/.un and thirty pur ^ *'■'■ ^'"''/^' "'''•'"' '^^'"""i'^' '"'""'i'^. 'iru.-lius and other manu- ueiit.
    . Carpet- viz. :-l!rn-.-el-. tapestry. Uundi, Vun.lian uunt. .(./ (.«/'./.»<. , and damask; eurper mats and rugs .,f all kinds, 0.7 N.ivS. : an. I priiil>:il Iclts aiiil ilnit'L-ds aii'l all L'lil, iitli'-T rarprts anil si|iiarc-, X.n.l"., |\v(iit.v-li\ c IXT c'i'Iil. ml nihii-i III. 211.'!. Siiiynia cariii'l-, iiiais ami ni;.'.'', Iliiily piT ci'iit. "■/ 'I'l'i. Vitfiiri lit, i;'_'ti. "Ill, Yi'a.-t cakes, (;()iii|in'S''('(I yeasi ami liakiiii.' |"'W'lcis in pai-kaL'i'S (if one |i'>nni| ami ovrr. or in Imlk, .-i\ l."J7, i-cnts piT imnml. -ii">. ^'I'ast cakes, i-nnipri'v.-iil xiM.-t anil baking' Imwilrr-. •ii;>>, in packa;.'!'- ni' lc<- than imic piinixi in \vei;;lil, ■2'Z'i ei^'lil cents per lioinel. 1^ ;ii, L'i«). Wire 111 till kinds, N.li.S.. l\vent\ -live per cent, n'l '■ in/:,!', III. J,, I L'DT. Klei.'lrie aic linht carlmnsur ctiilmi, point.-, iwn dol- ::,■_', hir- timl lil'ty eenis per llniiisaiel. > •';,;;, -'.'8. Scrims ami wimlnw scrims ol' eni tun. plain it cnjurcil, I'iimliric cliitlis. niii.-lin iiprmi cliecks, lirilliiinlp, conls. pi.iues, diapers, lenns, miiS'iiiiln nt'llin^rs; • Swiss, jaconets and ctimliric muslins, anil plain, | striped or checked lawns, twent •, -live pereenl. ifl ■_',"(, riil'in III. j 2li:i. Miinnlaetiircs compu-ed wholly ur in pail of wii"l. ' wor.-leil, the Iniirof the alpacti ;riiiil. uricher like V,~>. nninnils, viz. : — I'.lankcis tind lltinnels of eveiy L'.';ii. (IcM-riplion ; clulhs, doeskins. e;is>imeres, tweed.-, IJ.'lT. Coalings, overciiiitinns, IV'it clnlh of every descrip- tion. .\. I'.. S. ; hor.-c-collar cloth: ytirti, knitting' L'.S. yarn, liinierin;: ytirn, wor-lcl yarn, kiii'lcd iroods, viz., shirts tind drtiwers tiiid hosiery, N.lvS., ten L'.'I'.t. cent- per pound and twenty per cent, ml yilun m. 21'). -In. I'lou^'h plates, mould hoard,- timl hind sides, when cm tu shape from rolled sheets of ,-iMeihlc ,-leil hut not inoulded, imnehed, poli-hcd or othcrui-i L'll. imiiiulaclm cd, and hciiiL'uf a L'lrtiler value than 'IV-. four cents a pound, twelve and a hall prr cent, n.l I'lihili III. _'ll. 211. AVriiu;:ht M-rap iron and scrap steel lieinj,' wa^le or i reliiM' wroiii-'ht iron or seeel and lit only In he re- I nianiifiictured. Ihestiinc haviir; liceii in iietnal 211. use. nut III include cuilin'_'< or cli|ipiny:s which can lie used as iron or steel willioiil re-maiiul'actnre, 215. two dollars per tun. 212. Illuminaliu!-' nils composed whiilly nf in part ol the 2liJ. products of petroleum, coal, shtile or lii-'nite, eo-t- 2IT. inn nnu'o than thirty cents per jrtillou, twenty-live 2h. per cent. lo/ fihin m. 2l',i. 21,'!. \Vront?lil iron or steel sheet or pi, tie cuttint'.- ..|- elippiiif-'s. as cut at the rollinj; mills, and lit oiil.'. 2-"ill. for rt'-riiUiiiK and to he used fur such inirpo-e only. thirty per cent. H'l i-nlun in. 2'd. 211. ."Sulphuric ether, the cents per iioiuid. ' SCllKIU'Li: "li.- ! I 21"i. ."^alinoii, iiiidiled or salteil. one ceiil per pound. ' 2111. .Ml other li>h, pickled or .-ailed in liarrcls, one cenl i per |iiiiind. .Aniline d,\i'< and CO, il tar d.M'S, in Imlk or packnsfc.^ of not less thiiii one pnuiid wcitriit. imdudiiiK alizarine ami ,'ii'titici il tilizarine. .\niline salts and arsciiiatc of tmilinc. .Antimony, not vrroiind, piilvcri-ed or otherwise im'inii- Itie'iired. .\she-. pot and pearl, in paidiai.'cs of not less th.-in twenty-live pound- wcirht. Asphalt or a>iihalluiii .and hone piti h, crndi ly. .\rL'al or iirs-'ol.-, crude onlv. Ilcan^. viz. : -Toll, |uiii, vanilla iind nil.v vomicii, crude onl\ . Ill I1-. vnIicu imporled hy and for the use of churches. I'li.-niiith metallic in its natural .-talc ]>iiok- printed hy ,iuy (love m men t or hy any scientific aSMiciaiion, lor the pronintion of learninn, and leiters and issued in ll ir,-c of its prneeediiiKS and supplied trraliiiloii,-|> lo iI^ meiiihers, and not for llic |iurpii-e- of stile or tr,idc, ISook- sj ccially iniporicd for '.o,o( .■('/. use of pnlilii! freo lihiviiic-, not more I hall two copies of any one 1 k. liora.x, (.'round "i uii'-'round. in hulk only. liolanical specimen-. old scrap hra,-s and hr,i-- in -heels or plates of not less than four inehc- in width. Fire hricks. for use c,\clusively in processes of iiianu- facliirc.-. (lold or silver iiiillion. in hars. hlorks, or iriKots. I'lUrr-tones, in lio.k-. roa:;h or unmaiiulactiireil, iioi hoiinil up or piiparcd foi- liiiuliui! into mill stones. f'lip.- or ot In-r prizes won in com petitions. Cihinets of coin>. colhctions of medals and of other anlii|uilies. (.'aiiv IS of hot lis- than forty-five inches in width, not jiressed or c-ili'ndcri.'d. for the mtinulaetiirc ,1' 217. 21,S. 21',t. 220. 22;i. 2.") I. 8CIIEI)IL1-; '•(.'.•' Admirtilty elnirts. Alkanol roots, crude, crushed or ground. I'reciuus stones, in tlieroii^h. | Aloes, (jrounil or nm-'roiiml. i .Alum, in hulk only. ;;rouiiil or uii^'riiuml. .Aliiininiiiu or aluminium and alumina ami chloride of aliiiiiiiiitim or clilonilnni, snlplnite of alumina 2-Vi. and alum cake. Anaiomicid preiiartitions tiiul .-keletons or parts L'.'iil, tliereiif. door iiilclolii. ('clliiloid or .\.\olitc III sheets, and in liiiups blocks or hall.- ill the roui;h. Chalk stone, china or I oinwall stone, tilid elill' stone, uniiianulactnred. ('it roll rind- in hriiic. (.'lays, uiD-'ioiiod .Anthracite coal and aiilhracilc coal dust. (.'oi-oa hetins, shells ami iiihs, mn roa.-ted, crushed or trroiinil. I'omiiiiinion phitc. when imported hy and for the ns*^ of idiiiiche-. I'oi'per in sheet- or plates of no| Ic-- than four inches in width. (.'otton ytirns not cotirser than No. 40, uiibletiched, hicached or dyed, for use in eoverinj,' electric wirc> ; also for tin' manufiictnre of eolton lonm htinicss; and for use in the manufaeliireof Italiuii cloths, cotton, worsted or silk fabrics. Cotton ytirns in cops only, made from siiifrlc cotton yarns liner than .No. 10, when used iiitheirowii lactoiic- liy the maiinfacturers of Itiiliiin cloths, ca,-hnieres ;ind eutton elollns for the selvages of said cloths, iind for these purposes only. Indian cnrii of the varieties known as ".Southern l»ent Corn" (.Mammoth Southern Sweet) and " We tern Itcnt Corn" ((lolden licaiity), when im- ported lobe sown for eiisil ti^'e. and for no other purpo-e. C'ohirs. niciallic. viz.;— O.xides of cobalt, zinc and tin, .V.K.S. Itiamond drills, for priispec'iiis for minerals, not to include motive pmyer. 23 2iil. 2C'J. mi.". J'l. 2()0. 2i;t. 2i'>s. 3i^t irlMirl .■iii'l M:ii'k liiminiiil.- i'iirl'"r,T<. Kmcr.v in lilocky, (•iu>ln'il ur •.'nHiml. Eiilctmoli'j-'ii'iil SI ICC hue I IS. Kxir.icts <>( hitfwixicl, Instil' iiiiil (■111; ImiU. .McxicilM lil/rc. ;iliil tiiliiiiini 111' i-llc. Fisli iidiiks, nets mill seines, ^nul li-liint; linos tinil twines, lint ndt In inclinlc siMiriini: ll-liinL' taciik- or Inieks witii llics nr Innvliim' .-ihmims, ..|- ilirci Is (ir Ivvincs coinnninly iisi'd |c>r si'win^' "i- inaniifn;- Inrinjr inii'iinrcs. I'lici j.'n'aso. Ipi'inn tiic rol'iisp (il'initon scc.l iil'tr ilic oil liiis liocn iii'i>scil Milt, lull mil wln-ii <:■ "itr.! witli !ilkiilii's. F' wis, clniiicslic iiiirc lii-cd, fur ihc ini|iriivi'ni'iit d' stcK'k. utnl iilicasanfs ami i|ii,iils. i.-is cnki! ('lie i>fiHluct 111' iras wnrk-!, when iise.l in Caiiailian inaniilaclnres only. (ircase, niii^rii, ll.'c rclnse nfanima 1 t'at, fur f lie tnii,- iil'actiire nf snap niily. (iiims, viz. : - Aiiilier, .Vr.iliio, .Aiisli'alian, cH|ial. (iaiinir, k.iiii'ie, iiiasf ii'.'^iiclarae. ^iiiclmI, sliellac : mill wliile sh llac. in i-'iiiii m- Hake, tur maiiiilar- turinir i.iirimscs : .•iml ;^iiiii inii-'aeaiiili. '-uni iie.l (la mid Kiim liarlicrry. Ihiir, tloiiiic 1 or unclcaneil. luit nut ciirlci nr utlii'r- wisf iiianiil'acliii't'il. Inilitfi) anxiliai-y nr zinc .In-'. Ii'iiii or steel, riillc'l rouml wire rml- imiler 1 ill' .ri inch in ilianictcr, when iinporteil liy wire niain- t'aetnrers for use in niikiiiL' wire in ihcir lie- tones. .Tiile yarn, iilain, ilycl or coloriil, when imiHirieil liy | inaniifaelnrers of cariietc. rii^'s and ina|s. anil I of jiito wililiins,'or .inie elilli. lor ii-e In iheir ow.i '. factories. Kryolile or eiyolile, mineral. | Jiiciuorice root, not trroiiinl. Lithar;;e, nol j:roiiiiil. Iji'iiioii rimls, in lirine. Lilinher anil limlier iilaiiks ami boards of Irnxwood, cherry, (diesliuit, walnut, (iiiniwood, Mialio<„' any, pitch iiine, rosewood, saiidalwo'id, sycamore iSiianish cedar, oak, hickory, wliitewood, African teak, lilack In'art ehony, liirniim vilie. red eeilar, redwood, satin wood and white a>li. wlioii nol otherwise maniifaeliired than roii.'h >awn or s|.lit; and hickory hillcts to he used in the m.iniifacfiire of axe, hatchet, hammer and oilier lool handles, when specially ini|iorled for such use ; and the wood of the ^.ersimmoii and dojiwood trees, when imported in liloeks for the manufacture ot -luit- tles: mid hickory luinhor sawn in -liape for spokes of wheels, hut not fnrllier niaiiiifactnred. Locomotive ilriviiiK-wheel lire> o| ~tei|, when in ihe roii^ih. Locust beans and |o.'ii-t bean meal fi.r ilo* manufac- turo of horse and cat lie loo. I. Mineriiloi-'iciil specimens. Miniiif-Miiaehiiicry imporled wiil.'ii three \ear- after \ the pa-sili^' of this Act wliieli i-, .il the lime of its i imp irltilion, of a I'liiss or kind not maniil'actnrcd in Canada. { Models of inventions and of ..iher ini|.r..venieii(s in I the arts; bill no .irli.'le or ariie|e< -hall be deemed a model which ran be lilted f.'r use. | Iceland moss .mill other in'Kses, and Mawi cd, crude or in their natural stale or only cleaned. Oil cake and oil cake im'al, cotton seed cake and cotton seed meal and I'alm nn! cake and meal. ■2H|. 2«5. 2Hil. 2S7. 2^H. 2*1. 2!M. 2'.i.:. 2' Hi. fiK). ;jid. 3n2. .■;ii;!. .■iii-l. ;!o,-). ;!ni!. 311',). ;iln. Oils, viz.:— Cocoanut and ii.alui in their natural state. flranwe rindi in brine. (Mtar or attar of roses and oil of roses. l>ell., raw. I'ipe clay, iinmaniifacinrcd. I'latiniim wire; and relorts. pans, condensers, tub- ii|i.' and pipe made of plaiinnm, when imimrted by maniilaclurers of -ul|iliuric acid lor use in tiieir works in the iiianiifaclure or concentration ot'sulliliuric acid. Hat:- of cotton, linen, jute, hemp and woollen, paper waste or clippimrs, an.i wa-le of any kind except mineral waste. Hattiins and reeds in their natiir.al sljile. Ilesin or rosin in paikiL!;cs of not les- than one hundred pound-. Roiit>, medicinal, viz. :— Aconite, calnmba. iiuea- cnanlia, sarsaiiarilla, si|uills, taraxicum, rhubarb and valerian. I'lllbbcr crude. .-^ el and breeding oysters, imported for the purpose I bcini; pl.anled In I'an.idian waters, .•^ee.l-. ari'inalic. which .-ire imt edible ami are in a crude -tale, and I.', advanced in value or condi- I loll by irriiidin!-' or retininr or by any oilier process of manufacture, viz. : Anise, anise-star, caraway. card.iinom, coriandc'r. ciiinmin, fennel and fenu- trreek. ."^oda. snlpbale ol'. crude, known .as .-.all cake, lor mtiiiulacluriu!-' pnrpo-es onlj. .''oda a.-h. caustic -oda in drum,-: -ilic;ile of -odti in crystals only : bichromate of smla. nitr.iie of soda or cubic nitre, sal -oda ; fulphide of sodium . arse- ni;ite. lMiiarseni:ile. chloride and staniiate ot sod.a fur maii'ilacliiriim purposes only, .'''teel of .\o. 'jn ..'autre aiel thinner, but iml thinner than No, "u ^Miitre. to be used in the mannl'aclure ol i-oi>ct sled,-, e'.ick sininirs and shoe -hanks; and Hal wire of ^leei of No. b. j;aui.'c ortliinner, to be used in the nianufiKMiire of crinoline and corset wire, when imiiorled by the manufacliirer.- of.-iidi articles fur use in their own factories. iSiilpbale of iron (copperas;: :inil sulphate ot copper (blue vitriol). 'J'erra .iaponica ortrambior. I'ltramarinc blue, dry or in |iiil|i. Whitinir or whiteniii).'. t:ilders' whilinpt and I'jiris white. Wool and Ihe hair of the .Mpaca froat :ind of other like aninnils not furiher prepared than washed, N.K.S. liooks prinled in any of the lan^'iia^'es or dialects of ,aiiy of the Indi:in I riln'S of the lioniinion of Can- ada. r.r;i-s :iiid cupjier wire twisted, when imported by ma 11 II lac Hirers .if bout- and 7-hues for u.-e in their own factories. NoiN, biiii^' the .-hurt wool which falls from Ihe combs in worsted factories, Sccils, vi/.:— licet. carrot, turnip and manful. I. \\'ire. when imporled by manufacturers ot toilet, pin,-, for use in the maiiulactnri\ of .-iieh articles in their own faelurics only. Crucible ca-t >teel wire when impurted bv nianu- liicliirers 111' wire rupe. iii;inos, i-anl clothing' and needles, tor ii-e in ilie maiiufaclun,' ol .-uch article:- in their own factories only. IJibs of br;i,-s. iron or steel, runners, rimis, cajis, nutclies. ferrules, mounts :ind .-ticks or canes in 21 ' Till' wcinls " 'I'liiiN .iii'l riiiplriiii'iil-^," wliii'li iiiimciliii- li'l.v pn 1" ili'iii 1 IJ i'l ihi' .-.li'l .S''ctiu!i cmi'. tlin riiiiuli <.S1I ; and the following additions to tlio Free List ns.ilso published in only. 315. Maiiultietured arti<7 On Vermouth bitters or Vermouth wine, O.C. August ioth.iss'*. On sapolio and silver soap, O.C. April 4th, 1889. On veneers of wood, 0. C. .May 14th, 1S8!I. And the following transfers to the Free List, viz. — the manufacture of sucharticlcsonlyintheirow" : wire, for the manufacture of wire cloth, etc., O.C. fuetories. | May Mth. ISS'.i. 320. Chlorate of potash in crystals, when imported for j Cotton yarn for covering wire, etc., O.C. May Mth, manufacturing purposes only. ]jjyi()_ 321. On imiiorted Indian corn, to bo kiln-dried and ,Jute yarn, O.C. .May 14th, 1889. ground into meal for human food, or ground into i wireof iron or steel for wire grip machines, Q.c. May meal and kiln-dried for such use, under such j.j,i, ]s8',i. regulations as may be made by the C.overnor in j ^,[.,.\ t'„r (he manufacture of buckle clasps, etc., O.C. Council, there may lie allowed a drawback of I ^L■^y 14ih, 1889. ninety percent, of the duty paid. j jjhinkeling, lapping, etc., O.C. M.ay 14th, 1889. To amend Schedule " D " by .striking out the following ; Yarns for the manufacture of braids, etc., O.C. May words which immediately precede item 813 :— ' 14lli. 18^9. White ash lumber, O.C. ,hine 10th, 1889. Camwood, O.C. .June 10th. ;8S9. ."^teel wire for the manulUctiirc o|' pins, O.C. .September l9tli, 18S9. Wire for crinolines, etc., O.C. Se|ifeniber 19th, 1889. :». /,',*, /rii/. That it is expedient to repeal the follow- | Sulphate ot soda, tt.C. Xoveiubi'r 22iid. I'**;!*. ing nunilicrcd items in the Act .'lO-.'il Victoria, chapler ;-.9. ' Cotton yarn for loom harne.-s. O.C. November 27lli, intituled "An Act to amend the Act respecting the 1>^'*9 ; and the Order in Council of May llth, 1*^89, delining The following articles are pi'oliiliitcd to be iniported ' under a penally of two hundred dollars, togcllier with ' the forfeiture of the parcel or jiackage of gimds in ' which the same are found, viz. :— '' Duties of Customs," viz. the rate of duty payal'lc upon plough plates, mould Nos. 1, 2, 4. li, 9, 1 1. Ill, 18. 19, 2(1, 23, 25, 20, 31 , 32, 34, .",7, boards, Ac. ,39. 40, 44, 4o, 72, 74, 79, 80. 8r., 112. 91, 9i, Io2,nn3, l(l5, 100, 108, 113, llo, 1115, 119, 120, 1'J:>. rtO, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, j •»■ ^i'' -"''"'• '''''■" i' i"^ ex|.edient to provide that the 159, lii3, 104, lii5. 107, 108, 109, 171, 179, and by striking foregoing resolutions and the alterations thereby made in oiit'froiu the said Act the following headings, viz. :— ^^"^ duties of Customs on the articles therein mentioned The word " carriages," which inimcdiiitely precedes sl"''l take elVcct on and after the twenty-eighth day of item 11 in Section one. March instant.