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Maps, platas. charts. Otc, may ba fHmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thoso tOo lOrgo to ba antlraly included in Ona axposuro ara fiimad baglnning In tha uppar laft hai^ comor, loft to right and top to bottom, as mony frames as required. The following diograms illustrate the method: ' * ' , , 1 2 3 ,»> L'exemplaira f Mm* f ut roproduit Of Aoe A to gAnOrositO do: ^ ,, ThoniH FIdMr Rms Book Librsry, * ;^ Unlvarsity of Toronto Library ■:V \- ^'' Los Images suKrentea ont OtO reproduites eveo Iq plus grand soinj^compto tenu do la condition at da le nattotA do rexemplaire fllmO^ en conformftO avac las conditions du contrat do filmego.-. .y' .,:." * '. Los oxempiairas originami'dont la couvert^ro en paiiier Oat imprimOa sent fllmto en cOmmen9ant par la premier plat ot enlerminant soit per la demiOro page qui confporte une emprelnte d'imprOsslon ou d'illustration. soit par lo second plet. selon le eas, Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sent filniOs en commonpent par la pyamiOre page qui compOrte une empfeliite d'impreeslon ou d'illustretion ot en terminant per la darniOro page qui comporto unO telle empreinte.. ,. ':n' ■"■'-, .'> ; ;" ■; '.; ;■ ■■ - ' "'>^' '' / ^- ^'^ . r' Vndtm symboles suivanta ppparaftrO sur la darniOre image do cheque microfiche, SWon le cas: le symbole ^■^ signifle "A 8UIVRE", le' ' symboloT •iOhifiO "FIN"> Los cartes, planches, taMaaux. etc., pouvont Atre filmOs A ^es taux da rOduction diff Arents. ^orsquo lo document est trop grand pour Atre ropfOduit en un soul olichA, H oot fH'mA A partir ^^^ Tangle supArieur geuche. d^ gauche A droito, ot do haut en baa, an prenant la nombr# il'images nAcessalre. Los diagrammes suivants lllustrent la m^hode. 1 P m- I (»i 6 * : .. , '' i t6 Of Vary Important Collection of Rare ^ ^ * * TO BE SOLD - BY HUCTION AT THE UNDERSIGNED'S SALESBOOMS. MONTREAL, ^ , ■ -— ON— — ■ V"' 2^th, 28th and 29th HAY. t897, R AT 7.30 O'CLOCK, AND 7 Saturday Afternoon, • AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. • WALTER MkEARNS, ■,_>.'. „_ Auctioneer, m ^^^^^^^^^^ .f' Citalogue I / '■: -mi^sw'im-f'^ .*^' 1^ '\"T',,-.' A V--f. \' ,-.<*■ l ■N' ^ > •i If-- ■V, r ' r i ^^^— •-'?.*•'*;* <■ W. •f."'1- \ SUPPLEMENT. ,-J- 800 Oi»ll«ry of Brliiah Art, full iiutrocco binding, 2 voln, gilt edge HOI Halon, cloth binding, :{ volH 1889, 18U0 il- ISUI 802 Figaro ijalon, cloth binding, 2 voIh 1«1K) «b 1891 80:{ ' Figaro Kx|K)gition, cloth binding, 1 vol 188U 804 Bird's Eye View of the World, cloth binding, 1 vol tt05 Knglund Under Victoria, > full morocco binding, 1 vol, gilt 806 The Jubilee History of England, full niorocoo binding, 1 Vol, 3vo, gilt edge , ' 807 Picturesque Ireland, cloth binding, 1 vol, gilt edge 808 HhukeB pe^re's orks Illustrated, (ilaBsford Bell'i edition, 1 vol, half mor . 809 Pilgrim's Progress, ^ with designs by Harvey, engraved by ^ Bros. Dalziel ' ' 810 The Deer Slayer and The Pilot, by Cooper. 2 books 811 Flat Iron for a F«rthing, or 'Passages in the Life of an only ■Son ' ->/ 812 David Coj)i>erfield, r^ickens ^ SVi A Brave Woman, by E. Marlitt; 50 photogravure jflntrd- tions, gilt top ^W ;i814 Shakespeare . '' 815 Irelana and American Methodism, 3 copies 816 Les Miserables and Wandering Jew, by Victor Hugo, 2 books 817 The Deer Slayer, Codper.l vol, half mor, gilt top 818 Wing and Wing, half mor . f 8li) Esther, a book lor good girls 820 Bl^k House, by Pickens 821 Knickerbocker History of New York', Irving 822 Sketch Book, Irving V 823 Ivan hoe, by Scott, half mor, gilt top 824 Mysteries of Paris, by Eugene Sue, 2 vols in a box, 32 illustra- . ^ tions /^25 Wandering Jew, by Sue, 2 vols in box, illustrated 85^0 Studies for Stories, 1 vol, gilt edges 827^ Bacon's Essays, 1* vol, half calf V MACMtLLAN'S CLASSICS. 828 Lktin and Prose Composition and Key, Horn blin Smith, 2 books • 829 Hor^e Epistles, Attic Orations, &c., 3 books; Herodotus, 2 yol|; Euripides, 3 vols 830 Hints 1^0 Latin Prope Composition, 4 books.^ Exercise in Latins verse, Preston, 4 books 831 Cicero Letters: Tyrrell, 2 books. 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A c«>ll«otlou «»l" Ihe'iH'i j»lctureii at Clevelniul Huunoj lion«l«Mi, Willi liiKtori«'Hl un«l liioKinidiirftl i»«»UrM of «v«'ry pioturt', in Kreiuth iiiui KiikIIhIi Uy Joliii Ytiiiug, 'i voIm, 4tn, half mor ; xciirce, t'ont t4 4t I'Hrrotfl ill Clttptlvitv. Kiuh vuriwly ., F./.S., with Noten mi Heverul H|ioiieii. IlltiHtrnteil iwith SI hcuiiliful lull piiKO i>lat«H, luiiurtttoly l tho Temperance Holorn), illuHlrated, do IVojde'H (iallery of Kngravingn, edited hy Rev (i. N. VVright^ M.A.; ohout 2()() Hiet'l engravingH,2 voIh, 4to, half nioi- Scotland: Mountain, Loch, and (JlOn, illurttnUing "Our Life in the JlighlandH," from pni'ntiiigH hy JoH«ph Admii. with an Ksnay hy Norman McLeod, with ir> l.pautifiil platen, Indian proof, folio^ cloth. I.()nd(^n, ISTO. Cont £2 2fl Sniith'H Dictionary of the Hihie ; coJnprlHing iiH Anti(iuili«'8, Jtiography, Geography, Natural History, with «pp«'ndix. NumerouH engraviugH, 3 vtfln, thick royal 8vo, half calf. • I'uldishcdat CC. pII"' 1 . CasHcirn TUustrated wl^ol, DlHq,)VoryV(«eography and Adven- ture, 4 voIh. 4to, 3 in half morrl V|Ol cloth. Several hun- dred illuHtrationa y-" Hogarth (The works of); lijO proof pJates engraved hy Cooke and Daven, portrait and deHcriptions hy Iruslor; Htaniped • proof impressioufl of the plaa-H. Large paper Copy, 2 voIh, royal folio, full mor, extra gjlt edgeH. IiOnd*n, 1821 ; a very fine and Hcarce edition of this v"luahle work Hulwer (Lord Lytt()n),cou»priHing Night and Nf^»rning, Ust of tho HaronH, CJodolphin, Pilgrim^ of the Rhine, iVlham, Kugeno Arnm, Ricnzi, G v(»l?, half calf. Chapmnn tV Hall Pinkerton'H Atlas, from the latest and best authorities, ex- hihiting the various divisionn of tfio worhl. with its Em- pires, Kingdoms and States, in si^ty maps engraved in copper and coloured by hand, 22x16, by John I'lnkerton. London, 1815 T Audsley's CJ. A., (author of " Keram^c Art of Japail,- &e.) The Art of ('hromo-lithography ; a l*o|>ular Treatise, illus- trated by 44 beautiful plates printed m goV.I and colors, folio cloth, extra gilt. Published at £'S 3s. London. Hanipson Low. Portrays the processes employed in this branch of colour-printing, and illuelrates by a very c«>m- piete series of plates the progressive stages of the printing required in the production of an extremely beautiful ~A chromo-lithograph 87a Bcott (Hir WttUcir.) llor.l«r AiillauUltf of KiikIhiuI himI HcoI* Unci, ooiiiprbiiig ii|)«K!im«t« of ArchUiHiture mu\ Hcul|it»r« ttiul othpr vMll^fli of formor ttnei. lUu^truUd with ii nn*» H8'2 HH4 88.-> tm 887 888 88tf 8iK) 8»1 802 8»a 8»4 mi mi 898 8U» 900 902 9(»;i «.H)4 9(»;"> 90<» 907 908 J»09 910 911 W2 913 914 915 910 W7 nerifl* of ongriiviiigK of «;iintl«H, nhhuy*. churcUw, |»««U aiwl AiiUuimrliui l.uil.lingB. f^nrgfl pm^r <^0|.y. 2 ■ ill the nn«*t Imlf 874 87ft 8ro 877 M78 879 8!M) 881 3 «lo iiit«rflMtiiig void, roynrfollo; httitdfumely buuiiil ffre KiigNHh niid Kronch Diclioniiry, nitd othem The Fftinily Krleiul, iihd othcru ^,,.'i ('liaiul)Or'H .hturiiul, nnd othcrH Wtiverley Novele, and t»thorH The KnKii«hwoinftn'H f)omo«tic Magnzlno- - (iolden IIoufH, Vice Kundny Mugiir.inoH Iho LeiHure Hour The Hunday at Home Frank I.«hIio'h Now Y<»rk Journal, &0 1 do Dr. Kuno and other Kxplorern ^ . r do Moore's IriRh Melodiefl and MumIo ;{2 Nunilicrfl I'utture^quo C'aHada (uriliound) • 7 Volunu'H The Quiver, 188.^-H .y J 10 9 9 9 9 7 7 5 6 a » 1 1 1 I 1 4 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 4 « 7 8 » do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do T London Hocioty, illuntrated Good Words "AyerV Family Medical Adviserv ^ Hunter's Lifo, hy Cununing lIcL'inan's Poems Milton's do - .|fc IJuughterH of Genius ■ Works of SImkeHpeare Fleetwood's Life of Christ, illustrated Canaries and Cage Itirds, illustrated Prayers ; large ill UHtrn ted volume American Scenery ; handsome hook Joseph us, Li|)pirH:ott's Family Edition Plutarch's Lives Treasures in Needlework Macauluy's History of F^igland Encyclojui'dia Jiritaftnica (incomplete) Lot unbound numbers World's Fair and Photos of Famous Cities ^ Lady's Maga^.ine, arid others , The Artist^^ and others ^ Lalla Rookh, and others fl| The"^ield-Book of Sports and Pastimes, • and ^z others v ~" » 4"«* •vr^-sw rv'^' ^^ 018 10 OIU IH IKK) 921 U24 o < 027 V I o*ir*i 920-10 9.'H) 10 931 10 932 7 98.'{ 10 934 an OSTi 89 94A 947 948 949 950 951 952 o o o <) () (> do 93« 8 \ ^ oil) II 937 U) do 93S 11 loriiti6tiii Mofil(Aini'ii Church HlMtory I'o«mH of Win. 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